[00:52] Q: All of a sudden when I start my computer the background is gone, and no icons are shown on the desktop. I have to go Applications>Settings>Settings Manager>Desktop> and click "Allow Xfce to manage the desktop" after I click it another dialog pops up saying "To ensure that Xfce does not manager your desktop the next time you start Xfce, please be sure to save your session when logging out. If you are not using the Xfce Session M === Lectus_ is now known as Lectus [00:59] cjae, r u from moose jaw? [01:00] no but kind of close why meowImAKitty [01:00] I live in Moose Jaw [01:00] cool [01:00] Yeah lol [01:01] Cool to see someone else around here uses linux too ;P [01:05]  Q: All of a sudden when I start my computer the background is gone, and no icons are shown on the desktop. I have to go Applications>Settings>Settings Manager>Desktop> and click "Allow Xfce to manage the desktop" after I click it another dialog pops up saying "To ensure that Xfce does not manager your desktop the next time you start Xfce, please be sure to save your session when logging out. If you are not using the Xfce Sessi [01:10] i didn't get all of that meowlmAkitty [01:13] What got cut off? [01:30] how do you restart the xfce4-panel? [01:31] nevermind [04:28] hello cjae [05:21] XFCE is taking longer to login than GNOME, is that common ? [05:21] It still runs better , once logged in though. === Roonux_ is now known as Roonux [11:01] does anyone know how to uncheck the save session for future logins checkbox by default? [11:09] rootsnatch: adjust the file .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc [11:10] make it say SaveOnExit=false under [General] === tropiciel_wezy is now known as odio === odio is now known as oido === oido is now known as nasza_szkapa === nasza_szkapa is now known as rysiekzklanu === rysiekzklanu is now known as tropiciel_wezy === atari_ is now known as atari [15:43] is it true that xfce is b0rked with new icon packages? [15:44] Wh1te, i dont think so [15:44] k, thats good news [15:45] no, it is not true [15:45] kool, i just had to make sure before i even thought about trying to use new icons [15:46] i dont use the stock icons though [15:46] It might depend on the icon set. Not every set is complete and not every set works. They are written by separate people. [16:07] How do i see other ubuntu computers on my network? [16:10] Install pyneighborhood or samba, I think. [16:10] Are they windows computers? [16:10] "ubuntu computers" [16:10] I tried both, but nthey aren't working exactly right. [16:11] no :( [16:11] I don't know what "exactly right" means. Can you explain that? [16:12] Maby i'm just not using them right, but itthose 2 solutions can't connect to my ubuntu laptop [17:14] hola sala [18:09] Hi [18:09] can someone help me fix my system's clock? [18:09] I somehow messed it up and I don't know how to get it back to normal [18:10] right now the "date" keeps resetting itself one hour back every time i reboot, it's been like this since daylights saving time [18:13] is anyone else having problems with xfce4-panel loading correctly at sartup? [18:14] is it a problem when it loads correctly ? :P [18:14] (it does, here, just that sometimes it forgets my cpu governor plugin) [18:15] well, i have to restart it almost every time because the Applications button doesn't show up [18:16] What is the command to start the calculator? [18:19] hi [18:27] Can someone help me troubleshoot my system time?!?! [18:28] someone will respond if they know how to fix it Artelus. === hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo [19:21] xbuntu 9.04 is impressive [19:21] It's only beta right? [19:23] yes [19:24] for only a couple of wees [19:24] weeks [19:25] can't wait for final :P [19:25] Slonkie, update-manager -d [19:25] huh? [19:25] do it in a term [19:26] d/l and install 9.04 [19:26] well is it stable? [19:27] It feels stable for me. However, if you'd prefer to hold back until 23 Apr. do so [19:28] It also comes with OOo 3 [19:29] is the interface changed? [19:29] not much [19:30] looks a bit brighter and a little sharper [19:30] all right [19:30] hi [19:30] well i'll try it, hope it works [19:30] u use Xubuntu 9.04 beta. [19:30] lol [19:30] and i have problem with volume control. [19:31] kas, we were just talking about it [19:31] i don't know why but keys for volume control don't work. [19:31] installing. [19:32] do you have any idea how i can fix this problem? [19:33] I haven't yet had a look at the volume [19:34] on Xubuntu and Ubuntu 8.10 evrything was ok. [19:35] I use HP Compaq 6730s. [19:37] kas have a look at -> multimedia -> mixer [19:37] lets say my wlan driver doesn't work in 9.04 Ruadh, do you know how i change back to 8.10? [19:37] I use a vired lan [19:37] wired [19:38] well is it possible to restore back to 8.10 if it doesn't work? [19:38] I can change volume by mixer. [19:38] Slonkie, if you think youd have probs don't install [19:39] but keys on keyboard don't work. [19:39] Well, i don't know if my madwifi driver will work or not [19:39] Fn + F11 & Fn + F12 [19:39] kas, then you should get sound [19:40] I have sound. [19:40] lol [19:40] but I can't change volume from keybord. [19:40] keyboard [19:41] I don't know why but I can't mute sound or change volume by using Fn + Fx keys. [19:42] kas, some of the guys in #ubuntu may help [19:43] ok, thanks. [19:44] hi [19:44] I using a laptop [19:44] anyone here have mousescroll in xfce4-terminal working when running console apps? [19:45] such as man vim htop? [19:45] on jaunty btw [19:48] somone please remind me - what's the command to get the UUID for a volume? [19:49] vol_id --uuid, afair [19:50] That's it - thanks! [19:50] np [19:51] so, noone has 9.04_installed&&mouse_with_wheel? [19:53] lukinfore, I have 9.04 installed and am able to use my mouse [19:54] what's the command to update the /dev/by-uuid entry? [19:54] with wheel [19:54] - /dev/disk/by-uuid, that is [19:55] or do I just make the link manually.. [19:55] Ruadh, and you use xfce4-terminal? [19:56] no. but I can use my wheel mouse in other apps [19:56] eg xchat [19:56] thats great [19:56] im able too [19:57] I have no need for vim [19:57] but won't you try to test is this a bug? [19:57] not necessary vim [19:57] man affected too for me [19:58] or you have no need of man? [19:58] i love GPU benches [19:58] they always say "no dx 10.1" as a downside for nvidia cards [19:58] i wonder when they'll write "no physx, cuda, opengl" for ati cards [20:01] lukinfore, I am able to use my wheel mouse in Term [20:02] when man running? [20:02] or htop? [20:02] dunno about that [20:02] its easily to find out [20:02] just run man man [20:06] * lukinfore can't belive it takes so much time [20:07] Mines doesn't work [20:07] try #ubuntu [20:07] even tho im upgrading to 9.04 it will keep my documents, settings etc right? [20:07] emails etc? [20:08] Slonkie, yes [20:08] good [20:08] Ruadh, k, thanks [20:09] Make sure you save you files first [20:09] lukinfore, ok, sorry [20:12] how can i get desktop icons AND minimized app icons to show up on the desktop [20:12] this is quite puzzling to me that they would separate the two options [20:41] wow 9.04 looks so good [20:44] :) [20:44] btw knome , i love the gtk theme :P [20:44] Do we have a new GTK theme? :) [20:44] firefox doesnt look fresh, but apart from that, the theme is quite beautiful, its a nice improvement [20:44] Yeh [20:44] \o/ [20:44] And the Usplash? Still the same? [20:46] I think it's still the same, yeh :( [20:46] but there's a new gdm too :D [20:46] Yeah I know, I'm already using that on 8.10 ;-) [20:48] http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/3541/newgtk.png [20:48] Ignore the bugs on the panel [20:48] its not been refreshed :P [20:48] Isen't that ubuntu? [20:48] Yeah I already have the GTK theme, I just didn't know it was already default :) [20:49] Oh, but I didn't see the new xfwm4 theme though [20:49] Which one is it? [20:49] where do i change theme, i can't find it? Lol [20:49] Appearance in the Settings Manager [20:51] vinnl, its my own xfwm :P [20:51] search for "Dusty 2" in xfce-look.org [20:52] Ah :) [20:52] its designed for Dust Burnt [20:52] Well it fits the theme nicely :) [20:52] Slonkie, There is GNOME ubuntu [20:52] yeh xD [20:53] i know Ruadh. [20:55] can i ask what theme your using, SiDi ? [20:55] Slonkie, its the new Xubuntu theme ;P [20:56] i'm usually using miu/human reprise/dust/elegant brit/machiatto [20:56] sounds advanced lol [20:56] i made flexible xfwm versions for EB, dust and Miu [20:57] they're ubuntu community themes for the 3 first, and the 2 latter are famous themes in gnome-look.org [21:03] Openoffice.org 3 looks good too [21:04] What's xfwm? :/ [21:04] !xfwm [21:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about xfwm [21:04] !xfwm4 [21:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about xfwm4 [21:04] Hmm... Anyway, it's Xfce's window manager [21:04] Slonkie, A small window manager [21:04] Or: the thing that positions the windows on screen and draws the window borders and such [21:04] All right [21:04] light weight [21:04] And which can also provide desktop effects :) [21:04] and feature-full :) [21:05] xfwm is one of the main reasons why i use xfce instead of gnome [21:09] hi [21:09] would anybody be able to help me with an xubuntu problem? [21:09] !ask [21:09] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:09] :) [21:10] I'm stuck on step 4 of 7 of installation, I'm not sure where to go from there [21:10] Step 4 = partitions ? [21:10] it's for prepare partitions, and it just shows a blank box and the buttons aren't able to be clicked [21:11] It *sounds* like a bug :D [21:11] What hard drive disk do you have ? [21:11] Yeah it does. Which version of Xubuntu are you using> [21:11] *? [21:11] hmm anyone able of helping me install "dust" theme from xfce-look.org ? [21:11] It's 8.10 version [21:11] and I'm trying to use c:/ [21:11] I don't know how to load the theme. [21:12] Slonkie, take the folder in the .tar.gz and put it it .themes [21:12] First extract it [21:12] Ragor, what do you mean when it says "it shows a blank box" ? [21:12] in ~/ ? [21:12] and, are you using a very exotic disk ? [21:12] Slonkie, yes [21:12] I can upload a picture of it to imageshack, hold on a second... [21:12] there is no .themes in home [21:13] Slonkie, yeh, put the folder that contains gtk-2.0 (it shall be named Dust) in ~/.themes/ [21:13] Create it, Slonkie [21:13] Slonkie, you can create it [21:13] Slonkie, I wrote a guide on this: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/02/10/design-your-own-desktop-with-xfce-44/ [21:13] and if you ever want to add icons, its ~/.icons :P [21:13] Scroll down to GTK theme [21:13] btw, does anyone know if xfce4.6 has features for installing themes such as GNOME's ? [21:13] Thanks, vinnl. :) [21:13] and SiDi! [21:14] You're welcome Slonkie :p and test my xfwm with Dust Burnt <3 [21:14] SiDi, you mean Metacity themes? [21:14] where do i get your xfwm, sidi? [21:14] vinnl, i mean having an "install" button :P [21:14] SiDi, ah :P [21:14] Slonkie, sec, gonna get you the link [21:14] http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Dusty+mod?content=97752 [21:14] Cool [21:14] thanks [21:14] It might be, I believe the Appearance dialog was renewed (besides being renamed :P) [21:15] nite all [21:15] my wallpaper really rockks with this theme [21:15] Night [21:15] night, Ruadh [21:15] This is what it shows http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2977/img3727y.jpg [21:16] Ragor, your hard drive disk is not recognised [21:16] i'm REALLY curious about knowing what it is [21:16] What is in the HDD, right now ? A windows fresh install ? [21:16] It's just an old desktop computer with just a c:\ drive [21:16] Do you mean you need to know hardware? [21:16] yeh [21:17] any modern hdd, including exotic ones such as SSD cards, etc, are recognised by ubuntu [21:17] There is no "Interface settings", vinnl ? [21:17] only old exotic disks use to cause trouble [21:17] Would I be able to find that out from the computer info or do I have to take my computer apart to find out? [21:17] Slonkie, you're using 8.10, right? [21:17] Ragor, could you please open a console and type "sudo fdisk -l", and also "sudo lshw" ? [21:17] 9.04 [21:17] Slonkie, ah, then it's Appearance [21:18] Tell us if the first command returns anything at all, and about the second one, search for something that looks like an HDD name [21:18] so i add the folder called gtk-2.0 to .themes and rename it to dust [21:18] um...how would I do that? Sorry I'm a noob [21:18] is that right? or the whole dust folder? [21:18] Ragor, lshw stands for "list hardware" [21:18] Slonkie, the whole Dust folder [21:18] Ragor, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal [21:18] Ragor, we cant say you're having a lucky start :) [21:19] cool [21:19] Slonkie, you add the folder containing gtk-2.0, actually [21:19] Slonkie, i recommand you also download Dust Burnt, its much sexier with thunar [21:19] for sdo 1shw it says command not found [21:19] "sudo lshw", its L S H W [21:20] And sUdo :) [21:20] sudo fdisk -l is also a L [21:20] ok it says...a lot umm what part should I rewrite here? [21:20] Dust burnt.. is that at xfce-look.org too? [21:20] Anything that looks like "seagate, maxtor", or whatever is the name of your hard drive disk's constructor [21:21] for fdisk -l it says cannot open /dev/sda [21:21] if you don't know what hardware you have, give me the exact name of your pc (for instance acer v29483xfeE3) and i'll google it [21:21] ok, then this confirms your hard drive disk is not recognised [21:21] so xubuntu is unable to work on my computer completely? [21:22] SiDi can you link me to dust burnt? i can't find it :( [21:22] Slonkie, sec [21:23] Ragor, there may be ways to make your hardware be recognised [21:23] eMachines T1220 desktop is the computer I'm using [21:23] https://code.launchpad.net/dusttheme/0.3/0.3.3 Slonkie take extras [21:24] Ok Ragor , let me browse a little and see if someone found a way to make it work :) [21:24] ok thanks [21:25] (and i *personnaly* recommand you to avoid acer/packard bell/hp/toshiba/asus in the future, samsung and dell pcs have much less exotic hardware) [21:25] ok, this is an old desktop, I'm just hoping the new os will make it faster [21:25] does anyone else here run ltsp on Xubuntu? [21:26] Memfis, not me ;) [21:26] :) [21:26] Ragor, my Pentium 2 and my old Athlon XP 1500+ run linux quite well :D [21:27] how do i know if i loaded your xwfm (i hope thats the right word) SiDi ? i really diden't see any change when i loaded it [21:27] Ragor, there are people running linux on your hardware, so its possible [21:28] Slonkie, add it to Dust/ folder in .themes, and you can change it via the appearence menu ;) [21:28] how? =s [21:28] Ragor, you should try older liveCDs, such as 8.04 (or lets be crazy, 6.06 :D), they may have drivers for older hardware that have now been given up [21:29] ok [21:29] i'm gonna keep googling a little [21:30] your disk is an IDE, right ? [21:30] allright. is it possible to change the colours in a theme? I don't like the brown colour in burnt [21:31] (btw, it seems to have a lot of hardware trouble with windows, too, according to google :p) [21:31] Slonkie, in GNOME it's uber easy, in XFCE it isnt :D [21:31] Slonkie, open the gtkrc file in gtk-2.0, usually the colors are on the top of the file [21:31] all right :( [21:31] I dont know if its IDE [21:32] (In GNOME, you have a color picker that enables modifying the colors on the fly ;p) [21:32] where can I find old versions of xubuntu? [21:32] Sec, Ragor :) [21:32] nvm SiDi, i think i'll get used to this theme [21:33] Which country, Ragor ? [21:33] US [21:33] http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/8.04.1/release/ here for Xubuntu 8.04 [21:33] its a long term support version, so you'll have security updates for a few years, and major software updates every 6 months [21:34] ok that's good [21:34] http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/6.06.1/release/ and this one, which is running out of support soon, though [21:35] You could also try KNOPPIX, its a linux distro with awesome hardware compatibility. i've often heard people recommanding it to check if hardware was recognised. [21:39] ok, thanks [21:39] I'll have to wait a few hours to get blank cds, then I'll try it out [21:43] ew [21:44] i'll sleep in a few hours, btw ^^ === danopia` is now known as danopia [21:46] Anyone know how i add icons/shortcuts to where the firefox and "help" are in the tray? [21:47] Slonkie, right click, Add to Panel, Launcher [21:47] You can then drag applications from Applications->Accessories->Appfinder to the white area on the left [21:49] This doesn't add them where firefox is [21:49] Where does it? All the way to the right? You can right click it and select Move [21:49] (And no, it's not ideal, the code to use drag 'n drop instead of this tiresome method already exists, I believe, for Xfce 4.8) [21:50] i think theres a bug, when i press it it removes both the upper and lower tray for like 1 sec and then it turns them back on without giving me possibilty of moving [21:51] Tray? [21:51] What would you call it? [21:51] Oh, perhaps the "Add to panel" thingy is still open [21:51] Well, I don't know what you're referring to, I'm guessing the panel :P [21:52] yep the panel [21:52] well panels that would be [21:52] Well, you might want to close the Add to Panel dialog :) [21:52] it was closed. [21:54] Hmm [21:54] So when you minimise every window you see nothing? [21:54] seems that it's only with the launcher it's a problem [21:54] hmm let me just try agian [21:54] (Sorry Slonkie but it looks like you had an epic failure ;p no offense) [21:55] well there is nothing when i minimize everything. [21:56] Then I'm puzzled, probably a bug I suppose [21:56] Are the panels greyed out ? [21:56] i think so since i'm able to move all my other objects [21:56] What if you reopen and close the "Add to panel" window ? [21:57] anyone using Jaunty? [21:57] yep plenty [21:57] * vinnl wishes he were [21:58] any bad bugs or is it usable? [21:58] that did it SiDi ! [21:58] that's great, thanks :P [21:58] Ragamufin, still under going lots of updates. [21:58] Ragamufin, but sure, it's usable. [21:59] durt, i can deal with some breakage [21:59] then knock yourself out, and speak up on #ubuntu+1 if you find anything amiss. [22:00] lol now the panels closed for real [22:00] how do i "restart" them? :P [22:00] Slonkie, Alt+F2, run "xfce4-panel" [22:02] Ragamufin, jaunty with GNOME is, but for me with XFCE it isnt [22:02] but i suspect my install is broken [22:03] (i installed during the alpha 3, not during the beta :p) [22:03] ok SiDi i will see what happens when i do the upgrade [22:03] Slonkie, "xfce4-panel --restart &" (but i'm too late :o) [22:03] Ragamufin, wait for the stable before you upgrade :P [22:03] but you can try the beta apart from there [22:03] i restarted my PC :P [22:04] now i were able to move them without any trouble [22:04] Waiting for stable in order to move your actual install is a good idea because it wont break your current config. There are intrepid -> jaunty migration scripts that will be launched on dist-upgrade, apparently, and there might still be a few package conflicts, since we're on beta [22:05] SiDi, noted, thankfully if my system gets hosed i can reinstall intrepid pretty fast [22:06] or Debian for that matter [22:06] meeeh :( [22:06] just dont break your system (and stick with xubuntu ;P) [22:08] SiDi, i like debian as well as xubuntu, prolly even more at times [22:08] but xubuntu atm is running well [22:10] I don't really mind, actually :p Debian folks are some kind of cousins :P [22:11] hah [22:13] Well, I'm off again, 'night [22:13] goodnight vinnl and thanks [22:13] bah too slow :P [22:14] Anyone using wine here and having the problem that wine doesn't shut down the apps when you close them? and maybe got a solution? [22:16] It does shut them down [22:16] but some apps crash when you wanna stop them ^^ [22:16] if you run them in a virtual desktop, then closing the virtual desktop will always close the apps inside it [22:18] no it doesn't shut them down, when i check top in terminal i see wineserver + the exe name and in there i kill them [22:18] i have a minor issue to whoever might know the fix, i always get a window open on boot that says my battery is charged to 49% and is probably broken, however the battery is fine under the evil OS [22:24] Slonkie, what about notepad ? [22:25] Ragamufin, cant help, never had that [22:26] notepad does get shut down [22:26] It's the app that crashes when you close it then ;P [22:26] seems like it's a problem with the application i'm using [22:27] That sucks. [22:27] Wish there were made Danish->English and English->Danish dictionaries for linux. would make it all alot easier :P [22:33] right... [22:33] i suppose there is some [22:35] i don't think so, knome. atleast i chouldn't find anything on google. [22:36] Want me to be a dictionnary ? [22:36] I know at least 5 danish words \o/ [22:37] lol [22:37] There's online alternatives i know. but the internet at my school sucks so i need one on my computer :( [22:42] ping knome [22:43] knome, i've got a problem with the new gtk and transmission. see : http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/3729/transmission.png [22:44] SiDi, i actually didn't know we changed the gtk theme [22:44] can i ask how i made xchat invinsible, SiDi ? [22:44] knome, isnt it you who packaged it ? :P [22:45] SiDi, nope. [22:45] damn, something's gone wrong on my brain [22:45] SiDi, mr_pouit has done the artwork packaging [22:45] its MurrinaXubuntu0.2 for jaunty [22:45] oh, i'm gonna mail xubuntu-devel then [22:45] is it really? it shouldn't be the default... [22:45] sorry knome , i thought you were the author [22:45] ah [22:46] well, its the one i use xD [22:46] i'm the author, but i haven't packaged it [22:46] it's not in my lol [22:46] Slonkie, its transparency [22:46] i know it has problems [22:46] SiDi, that's why we decided to stay with murrinastormcloud [22:46] knome, i see, i thought it would have been shipped (i'd like it, because its sexier than intrepid's one) [22:46] i see [22:46] well, at least you know there's an issue with transmission now ^^ [22:47] well, it *is* shipped :) [22:47] but not as default [22:47] i try to push some fixes into it before jaunty, but do not rely on that [22:47] Okey :) [22:48] when i make it transparent it's only the chat windows [22:48] it isn't shipped... [22:48] Slonkie, its the xfce composite transparency ;) [22:48] oh lol [22:49] mr_pouit, why isnt it ? it'd be good to have alternatives. The default themes shipped with xubuntu are almost all legacy themes [22:50] mr_pouit, isn't it shipped with xubuntu-artwork? [22:50] does xubuntu use udev to detect removable devices ? [22:50] knome: no, there's no MurrinaXubuntu in it iirc [22:50] right... [22:51] mr_pouit, is there still time to get it shipped ? [22:51] Memfis, no idea (again :D) [22:51] SiDi: ask cody... I didn't put it in xubuntu-artwork because there was no clear consensus/decision on that :] [22:51] SiDi, thank you. I'll assume so. [22:52] Well, knome, do you want it shipped or not ? [22:52] i suppose that'd mean you need to find and fix the remaining problems :P [22:53] yeah. [22:53] i'm not sure if it should be shipped. [22:55] well, if it's shipped we can fix it little by little, but if its not shipped it probably will be much less used because noone will know about it [22:56] we can ship a totally new gtk theme in karmic. [23:09] Is it possible to get visual "bar" (like when i turn the light up and down on the screen) when i turn the volume up/down? It's 9.04 [23:12] in gnome yeh [23:12] dunno if we have it too [23:13] all right [23:13] guess i'll just use the mixer then [23:15] how to make xubuntu to connect to network neighborhood computers and the same computer is dual boot so to its own other partition? [23:15] i have xubuntu 9.04 [23:16] im trying to find anything and found nothing about this issue [23:19] heh that was funny. just tried to upload a bug report, and the uploading of the bug report bugged :D [23:24] yeah, looks like launchpad is bugging [23:25] Kangarooo, check /etc/fstab on google for partitions [23:25] and for neighboorhood, you can try pyneighboorhood, but i think another solution is coming in jaunty [23:25] but i dont have the name in mind [23:26] gigolo [23:26] how does that work? [23:26] no idea. [23:33] if i remember well, gigolo is a kind word for prostitute, in french [23:33] gigolo is english for "male prostitute" :P [23:34] i was told [23:36] and dictionary confirmed it [23:40] Ok, time to go bed [23:40] see you people [23:42] good night [23:42] thanks [23:49] how to connect from windows to xubuntu remotly desktop? [23:50] i put tight vnc but no success