
Flannelubottu: tell patrickya about register02:08
UdontKnowhi. might want to look at gollum in #ubuntu02:11
FlannelUdontKnow: already on it02:12
FlannelErm, since when do we not autoban mibbits?02:12
FlannelAh, there we go.02:12
LjLFlannel: uh? it banned it immediately02:28
FlannelLjL: It took a good few seconds02:29
FlannelI was looking for immediately.  Otherwise I'd have to do it manually, etc.02:29
Pricey3 seconds on my screen02:29
LjLFlannel: err, are you talking about this one?02:29
Flannelbut, It happened, so it's all good.02:29
LjL[03:12:42] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Flannel02:29
PriceyI think that is reasonable?02:29
LjL[03:12:43] <-- Gollum has left this channel (requested by Flannel: "you should know better").02:29
LjL[03:12:43] *** ChanServ sets mode: -o Flannel02:29
LjL[03:12:43] *** FloodBot3 sets mode: +b-e *!*@208-46-75-50.dia.static.qwest.net gollum!i=d02e4b32@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-e60a0413b1de36c302:30
LjLsame second on my screen...02:30
FlannelLjL: Must be lag then on floodbots side.02:30
PriceyFlannel: not if its the same on ljl's screen02:30
LjLthat's lag between freenode servers02:30
PriceyFlannel: will be between servers/you and server02:30
FlannelIt happened, that's all that mattered.02:30
FlannelBut, there was enough time for me to come here, type that, etc.02:30
LjLlag between freenode servers sometimes matters - a lot02:30
FlannelWhich also includes probably a second for me to not see an immediate one.02:31
FlannelLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144537/02:33
PriceyFlannel: we don't doubt that there may appear to have been several seconds between the kick and the floodbots taking action according to your screen.02:33
LjLFlannel: well that doesn't have seconds, but the "yes but" and following message happened after the ban on my server.02:33
LjLFlannel: what server are you on?02:34
FlannelPricey: LjL told me I was lying!! *whine*02:35
Flannelwolfe?  That's what it says on the MOTD02:36
LjLFlannel: then it's wolfe - although you can /whois flannel to check that more quickly02:36
PriceyFlannel: its not a matter of you lying, its just your interpretation of what you see isn't correct afaik.02:36
Seeker`who's afraid of the big bad LjL02:38
DRweaselIf your ready for wreslemania 25 than give me a shit yeah02:42
LjLDRweasel: how about you go to hell instead02:42
LjLand stop spamming channels like this02:42
DRweaseltheres no chance in hell i am going to hell02:42
DRweaseli thought thats trolling02:42
DRweaselethier way i dont troll nor spam02:43
DRweaselIf your ready for wreslemania 25 than give me a hell yeah02:43
bazhangnot smart to do this in freenode channel as well02:44
LjLPricey, fun fact by the way - a couple of days ago while we were probably all sleeping, we had an attempted attack with i-don't-know-how-many-but-many clones from the same IP. 40 of them managed their way into #ubuntu, the rest were +J'd out02:50
LjLPricey: they didn't say anything because that IP was known, and already muted in #ubuntu02:50
LjLPricey: still, +J with many servers linked => many bots can join02:50
LjLSeeker`: feel better now?02:52
PriceyLjL: I wonder how seven fares.02:56
Priceydoes seven has +J? i've forgotten.. *looks*02:56
LjLPricey: dunno, i have the floodbots running in there, but i've never done some real, uh, stress testing02:57
LjLyeah it does02:57
LjLPricey: you can join right now and you should find the floodbots in #ubuntu with +j set02:57
Priceyah it has +j02:57
LjLPricey: well, no, +j isn't set. still, it should be.02:58
LjLuhm actually it might be set but my client isn't showing it...02:59
Seeker`LjL: much02:59
LjLPricey: one thing that's annoying with seven wrt my bots is that +q is not +b03:00
Priceyseven has +j x:y and works more simply than +J here. might be something odd with the way that format has changed03:00
Priceyhehe right03:00
LjLPricey: well, i'm not sure it's really "more simply" honestly03:00
LjLbut i'll be content if it turns out to be "better"03:00
LjLnot that our +J is too bad... it wouldn't be if we only had one server.03:01
Pricey"x joins in y seconds"?03:01
LjLbut we have, uh03:01
PriceyI'd love for you to explain hyperion's way of doing it... :P03:01
LjLso multiply 31 by 503:01
LjLand you get how many clones can potentially join #ubuntu :)03:01
LjLPricey: we have 2,5. that means that every time someone joins, limit++03:03
LjLPricey: when limit==5, joining is not allowed03:03
LjLPricey: every 2 seconds, limit--03:03
LjLPricey: then on top of that, the floodbots detect mass join using a completely different (and kind of overzealous) algorithm03:04
PriceySo it is, I'm sure it didn't use to be that simple 8-)03:04
LjLPricey: which is intended to work so that even if a botnet joins slowly, a pattern of "too many users joined in the past minute or so" will ring alarm bells03:05
Seeker`I think it involved the phase of the moon at one point03:05
LjLSeeker`: that's still pending implementation03:05
LjLSeeker`: but, there *is* a fair bit of randomness involved - by design03:05
LjLbasically i tuned it to statistics i had of #ubuntu03:06
LjL"how often does it happen that more than N users join in a minute?"03:06
LjLif the answer is "almost never", then N is a good trigger03:06
LjLbut just *how often* the bots check is partly random03:06
LjLso it won't really always be one minute03:06
LjLi didn't want to make it possible to study the exact behavior of the floodbots and make a botnet that joins at exactly the rate needed to not trigger the alarm03:07
Seeker`fair enough03:08
LjLthat does mean we get some false positives once in a while, but oh well, it's 30 seconds of +rR, and it doesn't happen *so* often03:08
Seeker`you could always say that if  a user joins a channel and speaks within 20 seconds (for example) they are less likely to be part of a flood03:09
FlannelExcept if theyre flooding by joining and saying stuff immediately03:10
Seeker`Flannel: the floodbots also have spam detection afaik03:11
LjLFlannel: well in that case they wouldn't join slowly to begin with03:11
LjLSeeker`: i could do a lot of things03:11
FlannelLjL: Unless they were programmed to do it like ninjas...03:11
LjLSeeker`: a pretty solid criterion could be to give less weight to identified users03:11
Seeker`sounds reasonable03:12
LjLSeeker`: i could even check the nickname, and determine how likely it is to be a randomly generated nickname03:12
LjL(yes that can be done, just like we "can spot" [sometimes] a randomly generated clonebot nickname)03:12
LjLbut there's laziness in the way03:12
Seeker`you could also check the bantracker03:12
LjLpart of why i forked the watchbot was so i could make "slow" things happen03:13
LjLthey must not happen in the floodbots03:13
LjLat least unless i rewrote them from scratch to be multithreaded - no thanks03:13
Seeker`bedtime i think03:15
LjLyeah me too03:15
ubottup_quarles called the ops in #kubuntu ()04:37
ubottukady called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()04:51
=== Ursinha is now known as jorjao
=== jorjao is now known as Ursinha
bazhangthefeds, how may we help you09:47
thefedsI don't need help.09:50
thefedsJust whenever I join "Debian Servers" it sometimes joins this09:50
bazhangthefeds, okay, then please exit the channel.09:50
thefedsfor some strange reason09:51
thefedsmaybe it's a ubuntu bug09:51
thefedssorry Ubuntu Servers09:51
ikoniait's because I have forwarded you to this channel 09:51
bazhangtake #ubuntu off your auto-join list09:51
thefedswhy did it forward me here?09:51
thefedsand not #ubuntu09:51
bazhangyou are banned.09:51
ikoniathefeds: I've forwarded you to this channel because I'm concerned by your persistant offtopic behaviour in the ubuntu channels, and your troll like behaviour in other channels, 09:51
elkybecause you demonstrated refusal to play by the rules of the channel09:52
bazhangmore than troll like.09:52
ikoniathefeds: I'm also concerned as you do this questionable behaviour as the feds - then change nicks to "cyptoplams" which is a registered nick09:52
ikoniathefeds: 1.) why do you feel the need to persistantly question people over random things like relgion 2.) why do you behave like this then swap nicks 09:52
bazhangthefeds is a registered nick as well.09:52
ikoniathat is the first time I have seen it identified 09:53
bazhanghaving ubuntu auto login as root, saying ubuntu is promoting religion, suggesting ubuntu cd's be bundled with cigarettes, and on and on.09:54
ikoniayes, that type of behaviour09:54
ikoniathefeds: if you could explain your behaviour that would be an excellent start please. 09:54
bazhangignoring numerous warnings to stop with same nonsense.09:55
ikoniaok, lets give him a chance to explain09:55
bazhangthefeds, any explanation for this?09:55
elkythefeds, you're not going to get many chances to explain before we lose any trust of what you say09:59
thefedsok whatever I'll make a new nick and you won't know who I am anymore10:00
thefedsI'll stop trolling10:00
ikoniaI'll take that threat to freenode10:00
ikoniaand thats where the conversations ends for me10:00
bazhangthefeds, ban evasion?10:00
ikoniabazhang: just leave it - thats the stance that wants to be taken, thats fine10:00
ikoniathefeds: please leave the channel 10:01
bazhangikonia, his statement seems to have borne out the threat of future ban evasion10:01
ikoniaI'll speak to freenode about his two cloaked accounts10:01
jussi01Lads, just one thing, IMHO, if the the op who banned the the person is around, perhaps its best for the sake of clarity that they deal with it unless they ask for help. IMHO, it must be confusing to come in here and have a lot of ops jump on you. 10:03
bazhangjussi01, as I did.10:04
elkyjussi01, they dont come in with 'i was banned by $op' shirts or anything though10:09
bazhangI mentioned him throughout the day yesterday, and was the one who finally banned him.10:10
bazhang* [thefeds] (n=user@c122-106-176-2.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au10:23
bazhangbefore he was cloaked10:23
ikoniajust checked that to make sure he wasn't in the channel, which he doesn't appear to be10:23
ktebitwHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???11:08
LjLuh oh14:25
LjL"haha"'s ident reminds me of something14:25
LjL... and i guess from the exchange, that he gave sudo passwd root in pm14:26
Seeker`ktebit: how can we help you?14:28
Seeker`!idle | ktebit 14:43
ubottuktebit: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.14:43
ubottus3r3n1t7 called the ops in #ubuntu (Krine11)15:29
MyrttiLjL: has he stopped flooding already?15:34
LjLi've tried to make him calm down15:35
LjLlet's see15:35
mneptokHere she comes. Silent in her sound. Here she comes. Fresh upon the ground. Come gentle spring, come at winter's end. Gone is the pallor from a promise that's nature's gift. Waiting for the colour of spring.16:21
mneptokhappy April 5th!!16:21
Myrttioooooh, poems16:28
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)16:28
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.16:28
LjL!no offtopic4offtopic is <reply> Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Please discuss these rules themselves only in #ubuntu-ops. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)16:29
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:29
LjL!no o4o is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:29
Myrtti"this channeö"16:30
LjLyeah, it's always been treated as implicit by virtually every op i've seen that debating the guidelines and rules themselves is to be made in PM with an op or in #ubuntu-ops16:30
LjLshould be made explicit methinks16:30
LjLthe first one you mean16:31
LjL!no offtopic4offtopic is <reply> Some things are inappropriate for $chan. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.16:31
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:31
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-ops. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.16:31
LjLugh, and now i used the old version, meh i'm an idiot16:32
LjL!no offtopic4offtopic is <reply> Some things are inappropriate for $chan. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Please discuss these rules themselves only in #ubuntu-ops. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)16:32
ubottuI'll remember that LjL16:32
ubottuofftopic4offtopic aliases: offtopic-#kubuntu-offtopic, offtopic-#xubuntu-offtopic, o4o, offtopic-#ubuntu-offtopic - added by ompaul on 2006-07-21 21:39:00 - last edited by LjL on 2009-04-05 15:32:3216:35
ubottuo4o is <alias> offtopic4offtopic - added by LjL on 2006-12-21 03:36:09 - last edited by LjL on 2009-04-05 15:29:3016:35
LjL!no ot4ot is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:36
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm16:36
ubottuot4ot is <alias> o4o - added by Mez on 2008-07-26 18:20:19 - last edited by LjL on 2009-04-05 15:36:1816:36
LjLmeh, what a mess16:36
LjL!no ot4ot is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:36
LjL!no ot4ot is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:36
ubottureligion is <alias> o4o - added by Pici on 2007-11-07 17:30:1016:36
LjL!no religion is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:36
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm16:36
LjL!no religion is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:36
LjL!no sex is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:37
LjL!no sex is <alias> offtopic4offtopic16:37
LjLwhen you change factoids - check whether you're changing the factoid, or just (what used to be) an alias to it... :P16:37
christelno sex is offtopic?16:43
jussi01christel: *g*16:43
LjLit is. "i haven't had any sex this week" would be o4o :P16:44
jussi01christel: you are a superstar :D16:44
mneptokLjL: in -ot, s/week/lifetime/16:44
LjLaside from the fact that i have serious doubts about the whole o4o thing to begin with16:44
LjLmneptok: true that16:44
christeljussi01: why thank you, what did i do to deserve that? :)16:44
LjLmneptok: not that in -ops it would be any better really.16:45
mneptokLjL: speak for yourself ;)16:45
jussi01christel: just made me smile, again :)16:45
* mneptok has had plenty of sex in this lifetime. whether his partners have had *good* sex in this lifetime is very much debatable.16:45
Myrttimmmm sex16:46
* jussi01 was waiting for that comment from mneptok16:46
* LjL shows mneptok a photo of mneptok16:47
* mneptok loses all faith in humanity16:47
LjLwhy don't i stop smoking. i keep getting aches in worrying places, i'm getting hypochondriac about it, and i don't stop16:52
Seeker`LjL: surely an ache anywhere is a worrying place to have an ache?17:04
LjLSeeker`: meh, not everything is "worrying" in the sense that it may be some deadly disease related to smoking, though17:11
Seeker`LjL: go see a dr then17:13
Seeker`LjL: I ignored various symptons of diabetes for a long time; may well have lined myself up for screwed eyes, kidneys and feet/hands17:15
LjLSeeker`: i will one of these days, still anyway if i don't have a cancer now, i'll get it sooner or later if i don't stop smoking and a doctor doesn't help much with that - or if i don't get one, i'll just keep living with the fear of getting one.17:15
Seeker`I have signs of damage to my eyes already17:17
Seeker`which could probably have been prevented if i went to the drs about 18 months earlier17:19
Myrttijussi01: Happy Birthday (sorry I'm late)17:19
jussi01Myrtti: :D17:19
Seeker`!myrtti is great17:49
ubottuI'll remember that, Seeker`17:49
ubottumyrtti is great17:49
MyrttiSeeker`: it used to be alias to !prayer :-P17:50
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.17:50
Seeker`!myrtti is <alias> prayer17:51
ubottuBut myrtti already means something else!17:51
Seeker`ubottu: no, !myrtti is <alias> prayer17:52
ubottuI know nothing about !myrtti yet, Seeker`17:52
Seeker`ubottu: no, myrtti is <alias> prayer17:52
ubottuI'll remember that Seeker`17:52
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language, or leisurely op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.17:54
Myrttiif you *insist* that I need a factoid17:54
Seeker`Myrtti: yes, yes I do.17:55
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (Explozy, diavol0)21:25
=== Ursinha is now known as jorjao
Seeker`how can we help you?21:43
BUGabundo1can some one strip the tail of #ubuntu+1 ?21:43
BUGabundo1it no longer applies, but no OP removed it yet21:43
Seeker`why does it no longer apply?21:44
BUGabundo1its fixed21:44
BUGabundo1update-manager works again21:44
BUGabundo1since yesterday21:44
BUGabundo1ok, someone did it! thanks!21:45
BUGabundo1FYI it was dtchen21:45
Seeker`I saw :)21:45
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, BUGabundo said:  !intel845 is bug 30487122:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, BUGabundo said:  !intel855 is bug 32264622:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, BUGabundo said:  !intel865 is bug 31745722:04
Seeker`do we want stuff like that as factoids?22:05
Myrttidid someone understand that?22:27
jussi01Myrtti: what?22:28
jussi01Myrtti: there is a bug in jaunty currently with intel cards. 22:30
ubottuSeeker` called the ops in #ubuntu (xsg)22:30
=== jorjao is now known as Ursinha
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Myrttipopey: a) you need to give it to ubottu I think23:22
Myrttib) you need to @login first23:22
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:22
popeyand do that here?23:23
popeyubottu: iplayer is http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer - one brand name for multiple online TV, Radio and podcast streaming and download services from the BBC.23:23
ubottuI'll remember that, popey23:23
Myrttior in pm or where ever it is23:23
popeyubottu: get_iplayer is http://linuxcentre.net/get_iplayer/ a small perl script which can download content from BBC iPlayer and ITV catch up services.23:23
Myrttiit'll be propagated to ubot4 in the near future23:23
Myrttinot instantaneously, though23:23
popeyit didnt say it would remember that :S23:23
ubottuiplayer is http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer - one brand name for multiple online TV, Radio and podcast streaming and download services from the BBC.23:24
popeythe second one23:24
ubottuget_iplayer is http://linuxcentre.net/get_iplayer/ a small perl script which can download content from BBC iPlayer and ITV catch up services.23:24
popeysilly bot23:24
popeythanks Myrtti 23:24
popeydo i need to @logout?23:24
Myrttiit'll timeout itself23:24
Myrttiubot4: !myrtti23:25
Myrttiubot4: myrtti23:25
Myrttiit's prolly muted23:25
popeyhaha, yours is funny23:26
Myrttiyeah, Seeker` wanted to add it again23:26
MyrttiI don't think I'm person important enough to have a factoid, but meh23:26
Myrttiit's really an alias to !prayer23:26
ubottuSomething stupid this way comes23:30
ubottuPIE PIE PIE http://www.kaarsemaker.net/downloads/taart.jpg or PI PI PI http://ikanobori.jp/storage/pi_e.jpg or http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3663/3358637054_9f756a3615.jpg or http://www.statcan.gc.ca/edu/power-pouvoir/ch9/images/pie5.gif23:31
Myrttihttp://ikanobori.jp/storage/pi_e.jpg just cracked me up23:31
tangerine_Hi, it says I am banned on #ubuntu but I am not sure why that would be!  Now I have a problem with gnome and I wanted some advice23:47
Myrtti@bansearch tangerine_ 23:47
ubottuMatch: *!*@74-47-12-109.dr01.cnfl.mn.frontiernet.net by tritium in #ubuntu on Mar 18 2009 04:59:37 (ID: 11226)23:47
tangerine_Why would that be ??23:48
tangerine_I am so confused haha23:48
tangerine_It did not do anything23:49
Myrttido you remember being on IRC on that day at that time UTC?23:50
tangerine_Hmm, I'm not sure, I rarely use IRC23:50
tangerine_I might have been but I could not think of a reason that they would ban me23:51
Seeker`do you ever use any other nicknames?23:51
tangerine_Usually tangerine or fauxcivility or something23:52
tangerine_But really I have only used tangerine on irc23:52
* Myrtti prods tritium, goes to bed23:52
Myrttigood night23:52
Seeker`night Myrtti 23:53
tangerine_Or maybe you can just help me23:53
tangerine_When firefox opens my menu bar won't show up23:54
tangerine_Auto-hide or not, I also get no title bar at the top23:54
Seeker`this isn't a support channel23:56
tangerine_Ok, well I was trying to get unbanned23:57
Seeker`tritium needs to deal with it as he is the one that banned you23:57
tangerine_Sooooo I'd like the ban lifted (which was placed there for only god knows why) so that I *can* get help23:57
* tangerine_ sighs23:58
Seeker`does the phrase "23:58
Seeker`"mesohorney" ring any bells?23:58

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