
SerialNohi all00:00
eazel7what happens is that after some time of using my laptop it starts shutting down, and that is much more likely to happen when I do CPU intensive tasks like running a VM00:00
SerialNoi heard that bsd is better than ubuntu00:00
MikeyPoohDoes Anyone Know of a Fix for the ata1 exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 Serr 0x90000 action 0xe frozen error?00:00
SerialNois it true?00:00
mrsteveman1anyone know if its possible for Nginx to support multiple domains backed by apache vhosts?00:00
jrib!ot | SerialNo00:00
ubottuSerialNo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:00
SiDiIngsoc, check the etqw wiki, too, there is a way to install from a windows install / local files, if i remember well.00:00
StupendoussteveI believe the linux kernel does have support for shutting down if it's getting too hot00:00
MikeyPoohseems to be the same with 8.04,8.10,9.0400:01
SerialNoi use ubuntu00:01
SerialNoand a want to know00:01
SerialNois ubuntu better then BSD00:01
SiDiIngsoc, i'm giving you two links on the community forums, you might want to read them once you installed : its about linux client tweaking, there are cool things there : http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?p=399431#post399431 and http://community.enemyterritory.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1414400:01
jribSerialNo: cool.  But discussing bsd vs linux is not an ubuntu support question.  Please move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic00:01
glitsj16glen_: the jaunty repo's have sqlite3 3.6.10 packages, download those from packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ and you'll be fine (you'll need libsqlite3-0, libsqlite3-dev and sqlite3)00:01
NikolaSerialNo: You allready know our answer...00:01
SiDiSerialNo, ubuntu and bsd are different OSes with different objectives00:01
StupendoussteveSerialNo: No. But BSD is not better either. Use what works for you00:02
StupendoussteveIf you like graphical tools you wouldn't like a BSD much anyway00:02
NikolaSerialNo:  Ask in BSD channel which is better, and they will say BSD is better, ask here and we will say Ubuntu is better...00:02
SliderManSidi, eclips only has tar.gz files =\00:02
SiDieazel7, your CPU gets too hot. if you're under warranty, get your laptop replaced, either dont buy from the same manufacturer again :)00:02
SiDiSliderMan, hf compiling then :p00:02
SliderMani really hope it wont fail00:03
SiDiSliderMan, if it fails it means you'll have to install one or two -dev packages, nothing to worry about00:03
eazel7SiDi: it does, but I don't care, and it's outside the warranty term. the only thing I want is ubuntu to stop shutting itself down when I use it, without even asking me00:03
SliderMani just had 2 folders disapier on my desktop LOL00:04
HariharakadanWere they named Copperfield and Houdini? :)00:04
SiDieazel7, its not ubuntu, it's your motherboard, to prevent your laptop from  burning.00:05
Joikuswhat is the BEST thing about ubuntu00:05
Joikusif you had to say00:05
Joikusin 1 sentence00:05
SliderMansidi what do i need to do to compile it?00:05
SiDiJoikus, the SABDFL of course00:05
eazel7SiDi: sure it is not ubuntu, it doesn't happen in 8.04, neither on windows00:05
JoikusSABDFL ?00:05
SliderManit says i need jdk00:06
Joikussome kind of filesystem I guess00:06
SiDiSliderMan, extract the .tar.gz, there is a README and an INSTALL file there ;) usually just type ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install00:06
StupendoussteveJoikus: SiDi, SliderMan you do not need to be root to run make00:06
SliderMansidi, its the binary00:06
MikeyPoohDoes Anyone Know of a Fix for the ata1 exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x90000 action 0xe frozen error?, I Get the same From Ubuntu Server 8.04,8.10,9.0400:06
StupendoussteveJoikus ignore that ;)00:06
SliderMansidi, just need jdk =)00:06
SiDieazel7, then the cpu heat problem comes from ubuntu + your vm stuff causing the machine to overheat, i guess :P00:06
StupendoussteveJoikus: I was going to say, I like that it runs quick on my netbook and works out of the box. Gentoo is my most used distro otherwise00:07
andyskyfor weeks now, I haven't been able to access blogspot.com pages, is this happening f other people here, too?00:07
CyberAngelQustion: my system seems to have lost the Eth0.  I know the card is there (shows in lspci -v).  JHow do I get Ubuntu to reconize it again?00:07
SiDiStupendoussteve, usually when you install an app that will put files in /usr/lib, /usr/bin and so on, you need to can write there00:07
andyskyi'm trying this one now: http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com/2009/03/doug-crockford-javascript-good-parts.html00:07
JoikusI need the best answer00:07
eazel7what I want is not to cool my cpu down, is to prevent the shut down when it does00:07
Joikusim just too curious :]00:07
Joikusthe BEST thing about ubuntu00:07
Joikusthat you can say00:07
StupendoussteveSiDi: Yes, you should be root to run make install, building as root is not required and thus discouraged00:07
NikolaMy laptop is always overheating when on Vista... when on Ubuntu, it runs cool :D00:07
SliderMani really like the font of ubuntu :P00:07
Joikusscrew windows and the rest00:07
eazel7when it overheats00:07
jribJoikus: #ubuntu-offtopic please00:08
glitsj16andysky: that link shows up just fine here ...00:08
CyberAngelno one has any ideas?00:08
SliderManbtw can anyone help me install hebrew, the setup script failed00:08
jrib!helpme | CyberAngel00:08
ubottuCyberAngel: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:08
SiDieazel7, i cant help you on that, i don't know any software-related thing that does that, sorry.00:08
SliderManand now i have russian isntead00:08
meoblast001there's an error00:08
SliderManand i cant type in hebrew :(00:08
StupendoussteveCyberAngel: lspci shows hardware even if the card doesn't have a driver00:09
andyskyglitsj16: man, could it be that so dns cache poisoning ?00:09
SiDiSliderMan, system -> administration -> language support :P00:09
andyskythat so -> some00:09
SliderManSidi, tried that.  it just made my desktop look "hebrew" like00:09
SliderManbut its not00:09
SliderManand i can still only type in english/russian00:09
CyberAngelStupendoussteve: I know.  The driver WAS installed and working.00:09
glitsj16andysky: i can't judge that i'm afraid00:09
SliderManit says hebrew but its not :(00:10
StupendoussteveCyberAngel: What is the card?00:10
andyskyi'm using pdnsd, does anyone know of a way to clear its dns cache?00:10
SiDiSliderMan, check scim, you might need a file that adds hebrew support to scim (dont ask me how, i don't know ;p)00:10
CyberAngelStupendoussteve: Realtek RTL-813900:10
andyskyglitsj16: sure, no prob. at least i know it's on my side00:10
SiDiGood night everyone.00:10
SliderManSidi, whats scim?00:10
ubottuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM00:10
SiDi!scim | SliderMan00:11
ubottuSliderMan: please see above00:11
archmanAnyone successfully installed xfce 4.6.0 in intrepid?00:11
SliderManill check that00:11
HariharakadanAndy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15657700:11
HariharakadanI hope this helps you.00:11
glitsj16andysky: "sudo pdnsd-ctl empty-cache" .. i also run pdnsd00:11
michal_My microphone recording sound volume is too low, Ubuntu 8.10 laptop DELL XPS 1530, looked all around the internet but didn't find solution. Any ideas?00:11
andyskyglitsj16: ah, cool! ty00:11
the10nitroI need a shell script to loop through all the files in a directory, oldest change to newest change00:11
SiDiarchman, there is a PPA : https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa00:11
jribthe10nitro: ok?00:12
the10nitroAny ideas on how this can be done?00:12
Em3raldMcSquizzyHow do I put a group of icons into an installable package?00:12
meoblast001i'm getting desperate and installing Windows bluetooth drivers00:12
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports00:12
jribthe10nitro: tried looking at the options in ls?00:12
SiDiEm3raldMcSquizzy, check the packaging guide, or download a package such as human-icon-theme and look at how its built00:12
glitsj16andysky: there's a more selective way to clear pdnsd cache in the manpages i believe, you might want to keep everything that works besides blogspot00:13
Em3raldMcSquizzySiDi: thanx, I will check that out  Thanks.00:13
the10nitroEm3raldMcSquizzy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91071700:13
archmanSiDi, yeah, tried it, and when I booted, all I got was a black screen. Any thoughts?00:13
Em3raldMcSquizzythe10nitro: thanx to you too :d00:13
Raylzhi, i have to execute an autostart script with root rights, where to put it?00:13
Raylzis there some init script like local where i can put my own code?00:13
jrib!startup | Raylz00:13
ubottuRaylz: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:13
SiDiarchman, its experimental, hehe :) You can also wait 19 days and have 4.6 shipped in jaunty00:13
andyskyglitsj16: it works now! :)   ty very much!00:13
Raylzjrib: root rights00:13
glitsj16andysky: you're welcome00:13
jribRaylz: see ubottu's last sentence00:13
SliderManhebrew dosent listed there00:14
wizaredwhy does certain games like krisk go into sleep mode in the middle of playing then makes you force quit00:14
michal_Hi, my microphone recording sound volume is too low, I have Ubuntu 8.10 laptop DELL XPS 1530, looked all around the internet but didn't find solution. Any ideas how to fix this?00:15
SiDiSliderMan, "ubuntu+hebrew" gives me 1,2 million results on google ;) i'm going to bed, i wish you good luck with it00:15
archmanSiDi, yeah, but I would like to avoid upgrading ubuntu just for xfce 4.6 :D maybe this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1079643&page=4   (Naiki's post)00:15
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:15
SliderManSidi good night brother.00:15
woltermichal_, i have the same problem, and as well as you did, i researched. I found that there is a really big bug which remains unsolved.00:15
Iceman_B|SSHis it normal that I need to install "make" on a server system ? I thought it came with it00:15
SiDiarchman, you might want to ask in #xubuntu-devel then, there you'll find the xfce hackers. Jérôme (owner of the PPA) is under Debian, afaik, so he might not be able to help you with your Intrepid issues00:15
MikeyPoohDoes Anyone Know of a Fix for the ata1 exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x90000 action 0xe frozen error?, I Get the same From Ubuntu Server 8.04,8.10,9.0400:16
xsgI need a good fps shooter for unbuntu can you recommend ??/00:16
dlihow do I add ubuntu installer to my usb-hdd ubuntu?00:16
archmanSiDi, thanks! ;)00:16
JoikusWhat should be my Partition type? ext3/2/fat32 etc00:16
Frijoliehow do you check to see if the service is running (e.g. vsftpd)?00:16
woltermichal_, however two days ago i managed to record somewhat better while recording my screen with recordmydesktop application00:16
Raylzjrib: ty00:17
FrijolieSystem > Administration > Services has it checked00:17
Em3raldMcSquizzymichal_: Just to make sure you cover your bases, make sure you have looked for a microphone volume boosing checkbox ... hang on I will check mine ...00:17
rayluJoikus: ext3. are you installing and manually partitioning?00:17
xsgI use screen toaster to record screen in an online app works awesome hd to00:17
FrijolieI've done 'sudo /etc/init.d/restart'  ... it says "stopping [ok], starting [ok]'00:17
Joikusyea manually00:17
Frijoliebut it's not allowing connections00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about installer00:17
rayluFrijolie: /etc/init.d/vsftpd status00:17
dli!installer | dli00:17
rayluFrijolie: also, instead of /etc/init.d, use invoke-rc.d00:17
xsgwhat is the best fps game for ubuntu00:17
rayluFrijolie: is it accepting connections locally?00:17
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate00:18
Em3raldMcSquizzymichal_: hmm, I cant find it off hand, but I am pretty sure if you double-click your volume settings, you can go into your preferences and add the appropriate entries to boost the volume of your microphone.00:18
HemebondCan someone please point me to _the_ instructions on how to create "daemons" or "services" on Ubuntu from any program?00:18
graingertubottu-> lot's of ways!!!!00:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:18
rayluJoikus: why isn't the guided mode cutting it for you?00:18
Em3raldMcSquizzymichal_: in particular, there should be something about a preamp or something like that.00:18
graingertHemebond-> I don't think you can.........00:18
Frijolie/etc/init.d/vsftpd status00:18
Frijolie * Usage: /etc/init.d/vsftpd {start|stop|restart|reload}00:18
graingertHemebond-> yes you can00:18
rayluFrijolie: heh. you can try "pgrep -l vsftpd"00:18
graingertHemebond-> it's similar to bash scripting00:18
michal_xsg: look up Nexquiz00:18
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg: also check tremulous, alien arena, open arena ...00:19
Frijolieraylu, no it's not even accepting connections locally00:19
michal_xsg: sorry misspelled, it's Nexuiz00:19
Frijolieraylu, "connection refused"00:19
rayluFrijolie: what did pgrep say?00:19
xsgthnx can i find on google or package manager00:19
rayluFrijolie: also, why do you need an ftpd?00:19
Frijolieraylu, pgrep was empty00:20
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg: both, although sudo aptitude install nexuiz works too00:20
xsgany like world war or any war type fps shooters for ubuntu ??00:20
Frijolieraylu, mostly just trying to tinker a little...00:20
archmanSiDi, is it secure to upgrade to Jaunty as soon as it is out? You think that some "important" bugs will be sorted out till then?00:20
Kalistois there an app that will show me the total sent/received bytes with an option for adding a cost multiplier?00:20
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg: you might have to enable the universe and/or multiverse repositories00:20
rayluFrijolie: heh. is there an /etc/vsftpd?00:20
archmanSiDi, ...geez, I hate those release cycles... :-/00:21
xsgthe universe ???00:21
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg: hmm, i believe there is, but I cant think of em right now.00:21
Frijolieraylu, is there a better way to send/recieve?00:21
rayluFrijolie: sftp/scp, of course00:21
xsgi need some war games00:21
rayluFrijolie: when you install openssh-server, you have a working sftp/scp server00:21
Frijolieraylu, yes it's installed00:22
Raylzwhich package do i need for iwl3945 firmware?00:22
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg: yup, erm, I can't remember the help page about that stuff; I am sure others here know the help page.  enabling the other repositories is rediculously easy though.  you can choose Software Sources from your system/administration panel00:22
woltermichal_, if you want to, you can give me your email and ill tell you whenever i find a fix, but do so in pm if you desire me to notice you00:22
Frijolieraylu, ah I liked ftp because of the anonymous/guess login00:22
NikolaHey , wait, is Solaris free?00:22
Nikolaoops wrong part00:22
xsgwhat about porn on ubuntu ?/00:23
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:23
graingertRaylz-> automatic00:23
StupendoussteveNikola: Wrong channel, but yes00:23
graingertxsg-> it's great00:23
Frijolieraylu, er guest logon.00:23
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg erm, probably off-topic for here though,00:23
rayluFrijolie: so, is there an /etc/vsftpd?00:23
Raylzgraingert: automatic?00:23
graingertxsg-> there is no problem at all00:23
xsgHad to make a lil joke00:23
graingert!torrent | xsg00:23
ubottuxsg: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P00:23
xsgand ubuntu supports HD right ?/00:23
graingertxsg-> HD is just marketspeel00:24
Em3raldMcSquizzyxsg yup.  ktorrent ftw00:24
xsgi use ktorrent00:24
graingertxsg-> computers have done "HD" since 1800s00:24
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xsgwhat about virus can i get um00:24
Frijolieraylu, no there's not an /etc/vsftpd but there's a /usr/sbin/vsftb00:24
borgistaxsg: I've been using Ubuntu since '04 and not a single virus yet.00:25
dlican I use apt-get to install the ubuntu installer?00:25
marcelo_hello,,,    I just installed opengeeeu-8.04.1 and when i try to update the system for the first time it tells me that Can't guess meta-package because I dont have a Ubuntu, edbuntu, kubuntu desktop and  that it was not able to detect what version of Ubuntu I am running,00:25
Guest94583yorai des fr pr m'aider?00:25
rayluFrijolie: dpkg -L vsftpd00:25
marcelo_can anyone help00:25
xsgI love the beta 9.0400:25
rayluFrijolie: that will list files owned by vsftpd. look for stuff in /etc00:25
marcelo_I am new to Linux00:25
MikeyPoohDoes Anyone Know of a Fix for the ata1 exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x90000 action 0xe frozen error?, I Get the same From Ubuntu Server 8.04,8.10,9.0400:25
borgistaxsg: Yeah, 9.04 seems pretty slick00:25
raylu!fr | n00:25
xsgI'm thinking of creating a ubuntu forum user type thing00:25
ubottun: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr00:25
archman!ask | marcelo_00:25
ubottumarcelo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:25
borgistaxsg: one already exists, ubuntuforums.org00:25
michal_Em3raldMcSquizzy: I tried to find a sound booster like in 8.04 but I think it's missing in 8.10. if you know about it in 8.10, would be appreciated00:26
Frijolieraylu, http://pastebin.com/md5fa1e000:26
borgistaxsg: I highly recommended you get registered and get on it. Great community.00:26
cez_does anyone know why my video looks like this? http://yfrog.com/bcvideoprobsp00:26
xsgi will can you share pictures of penises ?? lol j/k00:26
borgistaxsg: uh-oh....watch the language.00:27
xsgI will00:27
xsgand penis is not a bad word its just a word for wiener lol00:27
borgistaxsg: we try to play nice in our ubuntu IRC chat room00:27
rayluFrijolie: ok, then there is a /etc/vsftpd.conf. pastebin that.00:27
borgistaxsg: It isn't...but we have folks of all ages here and it'd be nice to keep it clean. ;-)00:27
Frijolieraylu, I've had successful connections before both locally and remotely00:28
LoganhoupCould anyone tell me how to enable Tv-out with an s-video cable. I have an ATI graphics card. Any help is appreciated00:28
Frijolieraylu, just for some reason it just stopped00:28
xsgOK i understand my 15 year old self should learn to controle himself lol00:28
cez_does anyone know why my video looks like this? http://yfrog.com/bcvideoprobsp00:28
archmanxsg, yes, sure00:28
xsgso i'm guessing no use of f word,s word,  b word, etc ??00:28
archmanxsg, yes00:28
Frijolieraylu, http://pastebin.com/m667686b00:29
LoganhoupCould anyone tell me how to enable Tv-out with an s-video cable. I have an ATI graphics card. Any help is appreciated...00:29
KplusIs there a command for vncviewer that allows me to access my wireless desktop from my ubuntu laptop outside my home wireless network. The router is connected to a desktop running vista.00:29
xsgOK i love this irc cause there is someone always on to tta;l00:29
Flannelxsg: Keep it clean.  If you actually have to ask what that means, you should perhaps not talk outside of support.00:29
ksovierowhat is room for programming?00:29
Flannelksoviero: What type of programming?00:29
archmanxsg, there are great people here, are you can always get great help here ;)00:29
xsgcan you discuss torrents / invited on here caus ei have some to giveaway etc or00:29
Loganhoupxsg please go to ubuntu-offtopic if your going to bable on like an idiot.00:29
Kplusand the wireless desktop im referring to accessing is ubuntu, the computer with the router is the one on vista (to avoid any confusion)00:30
ksovierowell, i want to learn to program, so i am looking for a mentor00:30
glitsj16Loganhoup: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/SVideo has a few options you could try00:30
Loganhoupthank you00:30
Flannelxsg: This room is only for support.  Non-support topics don't belong here.  We have #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting, but I'm not sure discussion of torrents would be on topic there either.00:30
Frijolieksoviero, "how to program for dummies" can be found at the library00:30
glitsj16Loganhoup: you're welcome00:30
Flannelksoviero: Try #ubuntu-programming00:30
xsgthncx for offtopic00:30
ksovieroFlannel: thank you00:30
Priteshhi can anybody help me with sound issue00:30
Imahiluswhat a coincedence, sound issue here aswell00:31
cez_my video is screwed -_-00:31
clearscreenmichal_: alsamixer, turn up mic, alternatively enable mic boost00:31
Imahilusheadphone not working perchance?00:31
Priteshcan hear sound from both headphone and computer00:31
rayluFrijolie: why is listen_address commented?00:32
Imahilusdell 15## laptop?00:32
Priteshits very annoying for peers..lol00:32
cez_does anyone know how to fix my video playback? it looks like this http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2782/videoprobs.png00:32
Frijolieraylu, dunno, always has been00:32
marcelo_I cant update my system opengeeeu-8.04.1!!!  I am getting a "Can't guess meta-package",,,,   can anyone help?  I am new to linux00:32
Frijolieraylu, I guess I can try putting my IP in there?00:32
Raylzgraingert: since when is wlan automically detected? plus firmware?00:32
graingertRaylz-> since forever00:33
rayluFrijolie: netstat -lt00:33
Imahilusyou can do a websearch for your issue, pritesh, most posts will just say 'turn off the speaker sound', while annoying, should work00:33
graingertRaylz-> I have that card00:33
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Burntresistori just started using unbuntu whats better editing with lives or kino i heard cinerrla can only edit move files00:33
Raylzgraingert: last time i used ubuntu (7.10) i had to install it through the hardware interface00:33
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
graingertRaylz-> ah!00:33
graingertRaylz-> that was when they used the closed driver00:34
Loganhoupglitsj16: trying options 1 and 3 get me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/144474/00:34
graingertRaylz-> IWL is open sourse now00:34
Raylzgraingert: nice!00:34
Frijolieraylu, http://pastebin.com/m3002afeb00:34
Imahilusis it a generic problem with ubuntu v8.10 intrepid that headphones don't work?00:34
michal_clearscreen:mic is turned all the way up and I can't find mic boost. it's not in volume control00:34
rayluFrijolie: it doesn't look like it's running00:34
rayluFrijolie: try: sudo invoke-rc.d vsftpd start00:34
jacko_bellohi I would moving grub from an hd to second hd because first one don't ever run. anybody knows how to?00:34
borgistaImahilus: No, shouldn't be.00:34
rayluFrijolie: and also try poking around in /var/log/vsftp...00:34
clearscreenmichal_: alsamixer00:35
raylu!it | jacko_bello00:35
ubottujacko_bello: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:35
jacko_belloah thanks00:35
glitsj16Loganhoup: i'm afraid i don't know anything about ATI cards and their support for S-Video ...00:35
archmanImahilus, lol?00:35
xsgwhere can i get a web java installer for ubuntu firefox ????00:35
jacko_belloxcuse fo bad english00:35
Imahilusborgista: shouldn't is a big word right now =P I've been searching for posts.. found dozens upon dozens regarding the issue.. just no resolution in any of em00:35
graingertxsg-> it downloads automatically00:35
Raylzxsg: ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:35
clearscreenxsg just install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:35
Loganhoupglitsj16: k00:35
xsghow do i install v00:36
xsgubuntu-restricted-extras how i install that00:36
borgistaxsg: PM me00:36
clearscreenxsg: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extas'00:36
partira53482xsg: .. in a terminal00:36
clearscreen'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' *00:36
michal_clearscreen:in alsamixer everything is turned up but sound booster is missing00:36
graingertxsg-> like just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extas00:36
Frijolieraylu, http://pastebin.com/m20a70f7100:36
boscois there a good torrent channel out there ?????00:36
KplusIs anyone familiar with vncviewer? Specifically how to access a computer on a wireless connection from a computer on a separate wireless connection?00:36
xsgill try this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extas00:37
Frijolieraylu, and I did 'sudo invoke-rc.d vsftpd start' and it said "starting vsftpd ... [ok]"00:37
Loganhoupwhen trying to enable tv-out from options 1 and 3 from instructions in this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/SVideo gets me this http://paste.ubuntu.com/144474/00:37
Loganhoupcould someone help00:37
rayluFrijolie: ok, so does pgrep/netstat confirm that its started now?00:37
Frijolieraylu, then did "netstat -lt" and it doesn't look like it's running again00:37
Frijolieraylu, ftp
Frijolieftp: connect: Connection refused00:38
cez_can anyone help with my video problem?00:38
rayluFrijolie: and pgrep?00:38
xsgi put sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extas and it says somthing bout cannot find package ??00:38
zslashzany driver available for cd/dvd drive?00:38
clearscreen(01:36:26 AM) clearscreen: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' *00:38
clearscreenits not extas, it's extras00:38
partira53482!question | cez_00:38
ubottucez_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:38
archmanxsg, you have reps enabled?00:38
xsgwtf reps ??00:38
clearscreenarchman: don't bother, he made a typo :P00:38
Frijolieraylu, pgrep doesn't show anything (e.g. pgrep vsftpd)00:38
cez_yeah i asked the question, no replys00:38
clearscreenxsg: read00:38
clearscreen(01:36:26 AM) clearscreen: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras' *00:38
clearscreenyou typed extas00:39
xsgi noticed thatlol00:39
graingertcez_ ask again lol00:39
cez_does anyone know how to fix my video playback? it looks like this http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2782/videoprobs.png00:39
archmanclearscreen, roflman00:39
xsgits working now00:39
glitsj16Loganhoup: untill someone knowledgeable chimes in you might go over your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any xrandr/S-video related warnings/errors00:39
clearscreenarchman: ^^00:39
zslashzany ideas about fixing cd/dvd drive please?00:39
rayluFrijolie: i'm not sure then. i'd consider trying proftpd00:40
graingertcez_-> with all video?00:40
Frijolieraylu, i also have /home/<user>/vsftpd.conf and /etc/vsftpd.conf00:40
rayluFrijolie: also, who is accessing your server? are you setting it up just for yourself?00:40
cez_yeah with all video that ive tryed, it looks like that00:40
graingertcez_-> show a screenshot of the ogg movie, in examples directory00:40
Frijolieraylu, no, I have a buddy that were trying to do this with00:40
cez_1 sec ill find it00:40
Iceman_B|SSHhow can I speed up Samba ?00:41
rayluFrijolie: what is he running? is he the only user?00:41
graingertIceman_B|SSH-> use sftp00:41
zslashzcan i install proprietary software on ubuntu?00:41
rayluFrijolie: and are you transferring entire directories or just single files?00:41
Frijolieraylu, he's just running "filezilla" client00:41
mlissnerHi! I'm working on setting up a USB drive with either dm-crypt or truecrypt. I think I'm going to use dm-crypt, but I need the drive to automount at boot, and I can't figure out how. Does anybody know?00:41
rayluzslashz: yes. ubuntu-restricted00:41
rayluFrijolie: heh. filezilla has support for sftp :D00:41
Frijolieraylu, both directories and files00:41
zslashzi need to install driver for cd/dvd00:41
kewl1zslashz just update your system!!!00:41
zslashzis that possible00:41
Frijolieraylu, I don't want to have to create him a local account just for login purposes00:42
rayluzslashz: oh, nevermind then. ubuntu-restrictedi s not what you're after00:42
zslashzmy dvd drive stopped working after i updated00:42
cez_graingert, ogg movie in examples? theres no video in home -> examples00:42
michal_clearscreen:do you know where to find sound booster in ubuntu 8.10 ?00:42
graingertcez_-> hmm00:42
graingertcez_-> should be on the liveCD then00:42
rayluFrijolie: then i'd try proftpd, i guess00:42
fluitheey guys00:42
cez_sorry, youll have to excuse that im new lol livecd?00:43
archmanmichal_ what for do you need a soundboost?00:43
KplusIs anyone familiar with vncviewer? Specifically how to access a computer on a wireless connection from a computer on a separate wireless connection?00:43
clearscreenmichal_: I have a micboost in alsamixer, you might have to specifically specify your device id (pulseaudio might be bugging you), recommend you read up on alsamixer params :P00:43
borgistaKplus: PM me00:43
Frijolieraylu, I wasn't able to get that to work at all, that was the first I tried. vsftpd actually worked locally and remotely on first attempt.00:43
borgistaKplus: Maybe I can be of help.00:43
graingertcez_-> locate StopMotionUbuntu.ogv00:43
Frijolieraylu, hmm, but now has stopped working00:43
Frijolieraylu, well thanks for trying to help. I really appreciate your attempt00:43
mlissnerDoes anybody know how to script dm-crypt mounting?00:44
meoblast001i can't get bluetooth to let me send or receive files from my phone.. i get errors00:44
meoblast001can someone help?00:44
cez_graingert, that video looks fine -- but are their hands supposed to be blue and green?00:44
graingertcez_-> have you got kaffiene?00:45
michal_archman: my microphone recording sound volume is too low, I have laptop DELL XPS 1530, looked all around the internet but didn't find solution. I was suggested to check soundbooster option in alsamixer00:45
graingertcez_-> I think you have00:45
graingertcez_-> that is a known bug if you have00:45
archmanmichal_ oh :-/, good luck ;)00:45
graingertcez_-> open up totem00:45
graingertcez_-> and edit you hue00:45
archmanmichal_ using ALSA?00:45
xsghow do i install the java applet for firefox ???? or hwo can i get00:46
archmanmichal_ yes you are, I didn't see it :D00:46
cez_graingert, if i edit the hue, it works in that stop motion video, but movies are still not working right00:46
archmanmichal_ hmm, I have a mic boost in my alsa mixer, you checked it?00:47
graingertgraingert-> ah ok, well your rip is pwned00:47
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xsghow do i isntall the java applet00:47
cez_graingert, thats on every video i have, not just one00:47
archmanxsg, read the readme00:47
michal_archman: what version of ubuntu are you using?00:47
archmanmichal_ intrepid00:47
xsgno where can i get it00:47
cez_and i know the videos are good -- i brought them over from windows00:47
archmanmichal_ you?00:47
graingertcez_-> hmm, the hue is probably the bug, if you have kaffiene00:47
graingertcez_-> use mplayer00:47
Raylzcez_: or vlc00:48
cez_it looks the same in Mplayer00:48
michal_archman: the same. that's strange I can't find it in alsamixer itself or volume control options00:48
archmanmichal_ Volume Applet 2.24.100:48
andronicohi my first time here00:48
archmanmichal_ you went to preferencies and checked the box for the Boost?00:49
zslashz dmesg | tail ....... Attached scsi CD-ROM sr100:49
zslashzdoesnt detect dvd00:49
cez_graingert, ive tryed 3 different players and it looks the same through all of them00:49
graingertcez_-> probably hue bug00:49
cez_even adjusting the hue its not synced properly00:50
cez_ill show another pic00:50
michal_archman: what do you mean by Volume Applet 2.24.1? and there is no boost box in preferencies00:50
archmanmichal_ I have that version...hmm...strange you don't have it...then it's maybe soundcard dependent...00:50
Joikuswhat is the BEST irc client for unbuntu00:50
borgistaJoikus: I usually JUST use pidgin. ;-)00:51
archmanJoikus: irssi is cool; BTW, there is no "the best" application00:51
StupendoussteveJoikus: telnet00:51
archmanJoikus: yes, Pidgin RULES!00:51
michal_archman: I know more people with the same problem and different laptop, the same on ASUS laptop00:51
cez_graingert, http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/5905/problems.png00:51
cez_even if i fix the hue it still looks like that00:52
dmethhello, im trying to setup a network configuration, where i recieve the internet via wifi (wlan0), and i want to share (bridge connection) over hard wire lan (eth1), any suggestions?00:52
Stupendousstevecez_: Does every video have that?00:52
archmanmichal_, yes, it's soundcard dependent, I switch it to other, and I don't have a boost anymore... :-/00:52
cez_Stupendoussteve, yes00:52
Stupendousstevedmeth: bridge utils can set up a bridge. The two independent interfaces will not have an IP address, but the bridge may00:53
michal_archman: I had a boost option in ubuntu 8.04, but not in 8.10, any ideas how to solve it?00:53
archmanmichal_ oh! crap...i dunno...00:54
happy-dudehiya, I have an issue: Swiftweasel will not execute on my computer: http://ompolicy.altervista.org/ubuntu/index.php?dir=intrepid/&file=swiftweasel-3.0.8-intel-pgo_x86_ubuntu.deb00:54
dmethbut can i share it with a win pc that way00:54
cez_ive tryed all i can think to fix the video, it just seems like one color layer is off from the rest00:54
Stupendousstevedmeth: Yes, the windows PC should receive an ip address from the router dhcp server00:54
dmethdo i need to serve the dhcp or use my router?00:55
Frijoliethe documentation for proftpd SUCKS!00:55
StupendoussteveJust the router. The laptop (I'm assuming) is transparent00:55
pwnedulongtimeanyone remember the command that lists deb packages with missing files?00:55
raylupwnedulongtime: "missing files?"00:56
archmanmichal_ hmm...I'm just guessing, but maybe compiling the driver with boost support if it's possible..00:56
cez_Stupendoussteve, got any ideas?00:56
happy-dudecan anyone help diagnose my -swiftweasel-not-starting-even-though-installed issue?00:56
archmanmichal_ but that'd be the last resort...00:56
dmethactually, im pulling a ip from the first router(not my network) and i wanna share the net to my daughters xp box00:56
rayluhappy-dude: run it in a terminal00:56
Stupendousstevecez_: Not if it's every video. I was trying to rule out it just being encoded badly00:57
dmethover my internal wired network00:57
glitsj16happy-dude: if you start swiftweasel from terminal, does it throw up any errors ?00:57
happy-duderaylu: here is what happens (I installed the deb, so swiftweasel3 command is recognized)00:57
happy-dudeswiftweasel3  /usr/local/swiftweasel3/swiftweasel-bin: Symbol `SSL_ImplementedCiphers' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking Illegal instruction00:57
pwnedulongtimeraylu: say /usr/bin/firefox is deleted...a command that lists the package that file belongs to00:57
cez_ohh wait, is divx included with most codec packs?00:57
raylupwnedulongtime: dpkg -S00:58
meoblast001i can't get bluetooth to let me send or receive files from my phone.. i get errors00:58
meoblast001can someone help?00:58
raylumeoblast001: not until you tell us what errors you're receiving00:58
meoblast001raylu: one se00:58
emoXodushey can someone help me im new to ubuntu00:59
meoblast001There was an error copying the file into obex://[XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX]/.00:59
pwnedulongtimeraylu: umm, search? not quit what i'm after, but thx00:59
nassoemoXodus, what do you need help with?00:59
meoblast001Operation not supported by backend00:59
Iceman_B|SSHgraingert: using SFTP(filezilla) is even slower :/00:59
emoXodususing my wireless card00:59
raylupwnedulongtime: what are you after?00:59
rayluIceman_B|SSH: to your earlier question, build-essential is not installed by default on any system01:00
charles__oops, ignore that :)01:00
nassoemoXodus, what wireless card do you have?01:00
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emoXodusubuntu wont detect the card01:00
raylumeoblast001: hrm. sounds like your phone doesn't support file transfer, but i'm really not sure01:01
emoXodusits a trendnet tew-623pi01:01
meoblast001raylu: why would it not support file transfer if it has FTP on it?01:01
raylumeoblast001: your phone doesn't have ftp...01:01
Iceman_B|SSHraylu: okay. thanks. I'll isntall the needed components as I go then01:01
meoblast001fayyes it does01:01
nassoemoXodus, please type my name first when you write to me. its alot easier for me to see your messages that way01:01
Shadow121oh my word01:01
meoblast001raylu: yes it does01:02
emoXodusnasso, okay sry01:02
glitsj16pwnedulongtime: command-not-found and command-not-found-data packages is what you are looking for perhaps ?01:02
nassoemoXodus, no problem :)01:02
Iceman_B|SSHbut yeah, using SFTP to transfer files is really slow. I'm going from an external hdd hooked up to this XP laptop, over samba, to my linux server, all LAN. 1.9 MB/s tops :(01:02
meoblast001raylu: says it supports HSP/HFP/DUN/OPP/FTP/BPP01:02
dmeth im pulling a ip from the first router(not my network) and i wanna share the net to my daughters xp box over my internal wired network, anyone ??01:02
davishi, can anyone help me with a raid question?  i just installed 8.10, and i tried to reassemble my raid 5 (3 400GB disks), and 1 of them is in a failed state...01:02
pwnedulongtimeglitsj16: no, there is a script that generates a list of every file installed from all installed packages, using apt-file i believe, then checks you system to make sure that file is still there01:03
rayluIceman_B|SSH: and with sftp?01:03
pwnedulongtimebut i forget what it was called01:03
pwnedulongtimeand google isn't helping me01:04
dmethim dyin here-- lil onesd pissed lol01:04
emoXodusnasso, so does ubuntu support that card?01:04
Detrixhow do I install the ubuntu install CD to a MiniDVD???01:04
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ogelamiif i want to install the newest apache, PHP, SSL, Curl01:04
glitsj16pwnedulongtime: doesn't ring any bells sorry01:04
ogelamihow do i do? im pretty new to linux01:05
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dmethogelami: apt-get update; apt-get install apache, php, ssl, curl01:05
Iceman_B|SSHraylu: I AM using sftp(filezilla)01:05
nassoemoXodus, i found this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96701101:05
Detrixcan just write the CD iso to a miniDVD01:05
dmethogelami: apt-get update; apt-get install apache php ssl curl01:05
ogelamity dmeth01:06
meoblast001is microsoft still offering windows 7?01:06
emoXodusnasso, okay ty il check it out01:06
DetrixCan I just write the CD iso to a mini DVD01:06
nassoemoXodus, the user SonicSteve posts a link to a guide that tells you how to install it01:06
rayluIceman_B|SSH: and you said you get 1.9MB/s with samba. did you mean sftp in that one?01:06
Iceman_B|SSHah, yes01:06
nassoemoXodus, found it on google under "trendnet tew-623pi ubuntu"01:06
dmethDetrix: yes01:06
rayluIceman_B|SSH: oh, ok. try moving a large file from disk rather than a usb hd01:07
dmethso long as its still bootable which im sure iti is01:07
emoXodusnasso ok thx ur a big help01:07
nassoemoXodus, google is a safe bet and www.ubuntuforums.org is a good place to look too01:07
emoXodusNasso, il check it out and check back01:07
Iceman_B|SSHhm, its going with around 3 MB/s now, the usbhdd transfer, but still01:07
davisroot@kafka:~# ls -al /dev/sdc*01:07
davisbrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 32 2009-04-04 18:56 /dev/sdc01:07
davisbrw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 33 2009-04-04 19:55 /dev/sdc101:07
davisroot@kafka:~# mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sdc1 -r /dev/sdc1 -a /dev/sc101:07
davismdadm: set device faulty failed for /dev/sdc1:  No such device01:07
FloodBot3davis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
SVBthats what im doing Iceman01:07
nassoemoXodus, sure thing.. ill be here for a while more01:07
Iceman_B|SSHI'll try a file from hdd in a minute01:08
graingertDetrix-> decompress the iso into a filesytem, then burn that01:08
SVBtransferring files01:08
davisanyone know why mdadm is complaining no such device?01:08
raylu~11MB/s here ;D01:08
SVBwas going 14MB/s at first01:08
SVBthen it slowed down01:08
Iceman_B|SSHyou guys are mean :p01:08
Detrixgraingert: thanx01:08
Iceman_B|SSHIm using the default -server config btw, I only added a share of mine01:08
raylu100Mbit / 8 = 12.5MB/s. 14 is probably a miscalculation01:08
Iceman_B|SSHno fancy options01:08
Detrixgraingert: but will the miniDVD be bootable01:09
graingertDetrix-> dunno, most definatly not01:09
SVBim moving 160+/- GB01:09
meoblast001i hate Ubunt01:09
SVBthen i can clean install01:09
happy-dudecan anyone help me with my swiftweasel issue?01:09
graingert!question | happy-dude01:09
ubottuhappy-dude: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:09
dmethDetrix: if the burner burns it as bootable, and your bios is set to boot to it01:09
nassoemoXodus, that guide doesnt look all that "new user"-friendly. dont hesitate to ask :)01:09
dmethnowadays with modern pcs, its worth a shot just try it01:09
happy-dudegraingert: swiftweasel isn't starting even though installed, hiya, I have an issue: Swiftweasel will not execute on my computer: http://ompolicy.altervista.org/ubuntu/index.php?dir=intrepid/&file=swiftweasel-3.0.8-intel-pgo_x86_ubuntu.deb01:10
dmethi mean like what do u only have 1 dvd left, just try it01:10
Flannelhappy-dude: What's wrong with the firefox that was already installed?01:10
graingerthappy-dude-> don't use pgo one01:10
rayluhappy-dude: i'd consider compiling from source. it sounds like a 64/32-bit incompatibility issue... maybe01:10
happy-dudeflannel: responsiveness was a bit slow01:11
emoXodusnasso, whats the build essentials package?01:11
Lucifer1anyone knows an windows server channel ?01:11
rayluhappy-dude: and compiling from source is always faster :D01:11
happy-duderaylu: I'm sure I picked the right one (32-bit)01:11
rww!info build-essential | emoXodus01:11
ubottuemoXodus: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB01:11
Flannelraylu: Please don't recommend that here.01:11
bitwiserdoes  anyone know a ".pdb" reader for linux/ubuntu ? "palm database" ?01:11
rayluFlannel: why not?01:11
nassoemoXodus, it has compilers and stuff that you will need to install the driver01:11
rayluhappy-dude: uname -a?01:11
emoXodusnasso ,where do i get it01:11
happy-duderaylu: can you try it out yourself? I can't even start the issue [-_-]01:12
Flannelhappy-dude: You realise that swift* being faster is silliness, right?01:12
happy-duderaylu: huh?01:12
Lucifer1anyone ??????????01:12
Lucifer1 Windows channel ?01:12
FlannelLucifer1: ##windows01:12
happy-dudeFlannel: on windows, PGO made a huge difference01:12
nassoemoXodus, you open up a terminal and write what is in the "Code:" section in the guide01:12
nassoemoXodus, the terminal can be found under applications -> accessories -> terminal01:13
ogelamisudo apt-get install ssl doesn't work :/01:13
happy-dudeI believe on a P3 machine, I can get better responsiveness (not necessarily benchmarks, just reponsiveness)01:13
rayluhappy-dude: what does running "uname -a" give you?01:13
emoXodusnasso, okay sry i didnt read enough01:13
Iceman_B|SSHraylu: SVB : I'm getting the same speeds when I transfer a file from the hdd to my server. around 1.5 MB/s01:14
Iceman_B|SSHwant me to pastebin the output of testparm ?01:15
nassoemoXodus, its okay. its unfortunate. compiling drivers and loading modules is nothing new users should have to do and a first step.01:15
happy-duderaylu: Linux Ubuntu 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux01:16
Briareos|Mini_hey all, can anyone toss me a url for hwo to override the xgd autostart sett9ings on a per user basis?01:16
rayluhappy-dude: then i'm not sure and the only thing i can think of is compiling from source01:16
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emoXodusnasso, at the build essentials code all the terminas said is abort did i do it right?01:17
happy-duderaylu: perhaps you can try out the tar files and see if it works -- it certainly isn't for me: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=19547301:18
batcoder-7anyone here ever use anything like expose for linux ?01:18
raylubatcoder-7: zooming out over all workspaces?01:18
batcoder-7yea where it shows all a mini picture of every application raylu01:18
raylubatcoder-7: compiz fusion has that01:19
nassoemoXodus, i didnt quite understand that. what does the terminal output when you write those commands?01:19
batcoder-7raylu, that is pretty heavy and i only would like this one feature01:20
davishi, anyone know raid here that can help me out?01:20
emoXodusnasso, at the code $ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r, all it said efter i hit enter was abort01:20
meoblast001i've wasted my whole day on this01:20
meoblast001i'm done01:20
meoblast001i'm sick and tired of this01:20
meoblast001where's my windows CD01:20
FloodBot3meoblast001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
raylubatcoder-7: actually, it's really not that heavy. but it doesn't really make sense to do it any other way01:20
SquarkHi there! I'm trying to install Jaunty with ext4 but I can't find where to chose ext4 partition type? There seems to be only ext3 and other FS to chose from.01:20
joseph_does anyone know how to mount a windows network drive as a folder in intrepid01:20
SquarkI've downloaded the latest daily build iso.01:21
emoXodusmeoblast, dont give up01:21
davisraid question...anyone...bueller?01:21
emoXodusyou will feel better once you get it right\01:21
nassoemoXodus, select the terminal and press Ctrl + C01:22
nassoand add a ` to the end of the command, you missed that01:22
rayluhappy-dude: by the way, i'm on 64-bit01:22
SquarkAnyone with some suggestions? :)01:22
PleXuShi all01:22
PleXuSanyone known what can be a reason when lockout screen won't accept my password?01:22
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that squark01:22
SVBplexus nexus sexus01:22
emoXodusnasso, is there a space between the hyphen and the a?01:22
icerootPleXuS: wrong password01:23
PleXuSwhen i change user and login with same user and passwd it works01:23
nassoemoXodus, sorry, my bad. you should only add a hyphen01:24
PleXuSiceroot, no, it works when using change user but login as the same user with same passwd that the lockout screen won't accept01:24
icerootPleXuS: caps or numlook activ?01:24
caimlasanyone know about the fashion in which badblocks outputs bad blocks? IE, for badblocks -o logfile, does it append or overwrite an existing file?01:24
rayluhappy-dude: runs fine for me01:25
PleXuSiceroot, i did messed it up with "sudo chown david /*/*" but did change it now back to root except /home/david01:25
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PleXuSiceroot, nope thats not the problem ;)01:25
emoXodusnasso, i did it and hit enter and the next line reads >, what should i do01:25
Lucifer1anyone know an alternitive 4 active directory in Linux ?01:25
rayluhappy-dude: also, they have repos01:26
rww!ad | Lucifer101:26
ubottuLucifer1: You can learn more about ActiveDirectory intergration at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto01:26
PleXuSiceroot, is the lockout screen a part of the gnome-screensaver package?01:26
PleXuSand from where do it get the user data?01:26
Lucifer1rww well thank you01:26
nassoemoXodus, hit ctrl + c. you should type exactyly the the string between there quoatation marks: "sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`"01:26
nassoonly that and nothing else01:27
Iceman_B|SSHI'm getting LOW speeds when I transfer a file from the hdd(winXP) to my server. around 1.5 MB/s anyone know how to boost this? can I compare samba configs? I have a 100Mbit lan here01:27
mralexandrohi. how do you set up the advanced desktop effect settings in ubuntu hardy heron 8.04. i forgot:D01:27
rwwmralexandro: system > preferences > appearance > visual effects01:27
mralexandrobut to get it in menu you have to write a sudo apt get comma nd01:28
PrimedeathWhat is the default mount point in Ubuntu?01:28
nassoemoXodus, that guide looks a bit to much for you. it removes the network manager so you have to connect to networks manually01:28
emoXodusemoxodus@emoxodus-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`01:28
emoXodusReading package lists... Done01:28
emoXodusBuilding dependency tree01:28
emoXodusReading state information... Done01:28
emoXodusbuild-essential is already the newest version.01:28
FloodBot3emoXodus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
emoXodusbuild-essential set to manually installed.01:28
nassoemoXodus, i think we should look for another guide. sorry :(01:28
mralexandroit does not show in your menu before you write a certain sudo apt get command. i remember that01:28
=== Jay is now known as Guest28187
rww!ccsm | mralexandro01:29
ubottumralexandro: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:29
Guest28187i just have a question bout installing01:29
emoXodusnasso, im going to try to do this and if i have another problem il look for another01:30
mralexandrothanks! :;D01:30
nassoemoXodus, i think we should look for another guide. sorry :(01:30
Briareos|Mini_anyone have a reference for doing per user overrides of the xgd autostarts?01:30
nassoemoXodus, you should install network manager again: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome01:30
emoXodusnasso, okay can do01:31
Guest28187i was originally running vista, i shrunk volume and got a 30gb partition. so when installing i should select "guided - largest free space" ???01:31
raylunasso: why would that make a difference?01:31
raylunasso: if the card is installed, ifconfig will show it01:31
Guest28187because when i select that it says the after is 100% ubuntu01:31
rayluGuest28187: can you pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" and "df -hx tmpfs"?01:33
nassoraylu, he is a beginner. he just removed his network manager. i think it is alot easier to configure wireless networks if you have gnomes network manager01:33
emoXodusnasso, il be ready when you find another guide01:33
raylunasso: the card is detected?01:33
mralexandroone more thing01:33
mralexandrowhere can i find the grub config file?01:33
SquarkHi there again...01:33
emoXodusunless i have to find my own01:33
raylumralexandro: /boot/grub/menu.lst01:33
nassoraylu, ask emoXodus :)01:33
Guest28187wait raylu: what are you tlking about, shouldnt i just pick one frmo the list01:33
SquarkI can't find the ext4 fs when installing Ubuntu Jaunty.01:33
SVB!seen sebsebseb01:33
ubottuI have no seen command01:33
rayluGuest28187: yes, but i'd like to know how your drives are set up01:34
SquarkI've downloada the latest daily build.01:34
rwwSquark: Jaunty questions and support in #ubuntu+1, not here, thanks :)01:34
emoXodusraylu, mine isnt yet01:34
Guest28187well ok, but what should i pick right now, then i can learn about how theyre set up01:34
raylunasso, emoXodus: well, there you go. no need to be messing with networmanageryet01:34
Squarkrww: Ok, thanks for info...going there. :)01:34
rayluGuest28187: ...pick the wrong one and you'll lose your data01:34
MrKeunerhi all, crontab cannot read my ssh info therefore fails to do a keyless login to a remote server. How can I correct this?01:34
Guest28187i know...01:34
emoXodusraylu, how?01:34
Guest28187so can you tell me which is right??01:35
rayluGuest28187: so learn how they're set up first...01:35
Guest28187ok fine01:35
rayluGuest28187: not until you show me how your drives are set up. run those two commands01:35
Guest28187so where should i enter that in01:35
rayluGuest28187: a terminal. alt+f2, gnome-terminal01:35
Guest28187thts wat i figured01:35
nassoraylu, he has no network manager. he just removed. he should install it again, for later use01:35
raylunasso: you can't use networkmanager until you have devices to manage...01:35
raylunasso: get the drivers first, then mess with networkmanager01:36
emoXodusraylu, i just reinstalled it i think01:36
Guest28187ok wait i click alt f2 nothing gappens01:36
nilloHow do I remove duplicate copies of packages in Add/Remove programs?01:36
rayluGuest28187: applications > accessories > terminal01:36
Guest28187yeah i was trying that, but now my bar at the top doesnt work01:36
Guest28187let me restart01:36
emoXodusnasso, does ubuntu have remote assistance?01:36
nassoraylu, we followed a guide that turned out to be no good. he removed the network manager in that guide. i think he should undo everything he did before he goes on to the next guide01:37
emoXodusCan someone plz explain how im flooding ?01:37
Briareos|Minithe answer btw, is to write a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart01:37
Guest28187ok raylu im bottin01:39
raveni tryed to enable H.264 CODECS in ffmpeg but it still tells me "unknown codec"... - it's installed as recommended in ubuntuwiki - what can i do??01:39
Guest28187ok terminal is up01:41
MrKeuneris it ssh-agent that I need?01:41
Frijoliewhy is setting up an ftp server so difficult?01:41
Guest28187raylu: what will those commands do?01:41
Frijolieraylu, couldn't get proftpd to work either01:42
vetus6ooboa noite01:43
Rosutois there enough software support for 64 bit to make it feasible to use now/01:44
CoJaBo-DellAnyone know what "Text file busy" means when trying to run a script?01:44
ravenwhat can i do to enable mp4/x264 encoding with ffmpeg? tnx...01:44
RaylzRosuto: yep01:44
RaylzRosuto: works perfect with x64_86, multilib01:44
Rosutoso flash is 64 bit now and such?01:44
Rosutoits been a few years since I tried linux out01:44
rayluGuest28187: fdisk -l lists partitions by cylinder01:45
HemebondRosuto: Yes, and still crap.01:45
rayluGuest28187: df -hx tmpfs lists non temporary filesystems' remaining space in human-readable form01:45
rayluFrijolie: what happened?01:45
RosutoHemebond, huh?01:45
RaylzRosuto: yep, but alpha i guess01:45
HemebondRosuto: The Adobe Flash plugin crashes A LOT.01:45
Guest28187ok did those, now what01:45
Raylzyou have to manually look it up on the adobe homepage01:45
rayluHemebond: i've had no trouble with it... on 64-bit01:45
rayluGuest28187: pastebin them01:45
Frijolieraylu, couldn't get the process started again. tried logging in locally and "connection refused"01:46
Raylzno trouble too01:46
Guest28187i typed em in terminal01:46
Frijolieraylu, I was following a tutorial on the forums01:46
Raylzexcept for some mem leaks01:46
Guest28187watd u mean by pastebin?01:46
rayluFrijolie: same as before? started with invoke-rc.d, pgrep/netstate show nothing? how about logs?01:46
raylu!pastebin | Guest2818701:46
ubottuGuest28187: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:46
nilloHow do I remove duplicate copies of packages in Add/Remove programs?01:46
Guest28187o ok01:46
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest25787
raylunillo: what do you mean by duplicate copies?01:46
Guest28187well im on a different computer01:46
Guest28187i have to set up my internet01:46
Frijolieraylu, what is invoke-rc.d? I'm not familiar with that command01:47
Guest28187and get an irc client01:47
rayluFrijolie: as far as i can tell, it just does /etc/init.d for you01:47
rayluGuest28187: er, you just need to paste it and get the url01:47
nilloraylu: I have two entries for Xabacus, and some others.01:47
Guest28187ok ill do it01:47
Guest28187hold on01:47
raylunillo: strange. i have no idea as i have never used it. i'd recommend just using aptitude/apt-get01:48
patricki need help running a dvdrom with ubuntou8.1001:48
=== patrick is now known as Guest46884
Frijolieraylu, at least vsftpd's config files were/are human readable01:48
Smanettonelink italian chat please?01:48
PCTeacher012what is the package? and versions of each package -- @nillo01:49
rayluFrijolie: i had no problems with proftpd the one time i used it01:49
rww!it | Smanettone01:49
ubottuSmanettone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)01:49
Frijolieraylu, is there an easier way to achieve what I'm looking to do?01:49
Guest46884can i get help running a dvd rom?its not coming up01:49
Frijolieraylu, share occasional files with friends across the Internet?01:49
rayluFrijolie: i do that with a webserver :D01:49
nilloPCTeacher012: Xabacus is one; have seen it on others.  Let me see if I can figure out the versions...01:50
rayluFrijolie: i have http://foor.res.cmu.edu/f/ set up for that purpose01:50
PCTeacher012Guest46884: What DVD in particular? and do you own a DVD rom drive that is plugged in?01:50
rayluFrijolie: if it's a collection of files, i tar/zip it first01:50
PCTeacher012nillo: okay, waiting on response01:50
ravenwhat can i do to enable mp4/x264 encoding with ffmpeg? tnx...01:51
Frijolieraylu, that way they can be retrieved via http?01:51
rayluFrijolie: yep01:51
xcvback with sony dcr-trv260 camcorder connected via usb issue. would like to use as webcam. request help01:51
PCTeacher012raven: What program?01:51
meoblast001i just installed and uninstalled XP..... to prevent me from going crazy again... i have a question..... does Jaunty have a better bluetooth stack than Intrepid?01:51
glitsj16raven: have you seen the x264 and libx264-59 packages yet ? i have the latter and winFF apparently uses that to convert to mp4 h.26401:51
nilloPCTeacher012: I see what the deal is with Xabacus; one for Motif, one for plain X.  Not sure that's the issue on others.  Thought the description was identical.01:51
raylumeoblast001: try #ubuntu+101:51
PCTeacher012nillo: ah, is it duplicated in the main menu? or somewhere else?01:52
Iceman_B|SSHonce more, I'm trying to build irssi, but its now asking for GLIB, which in turn is asking for gettext. how do I solve this? I also heard someone mention a build-essential package, can I use that?01:52
PCTeacher012iceman_b|SSH: you might need to install extra packages, and yes, most likely that peson is correct01:52
=== Guest46884 is now known as patrixck
nilloPCTeacher012: I have "All" packages, selected.  Not sure what you mean by "main menu".01:53
Guest28187raylu: ok i pasted it now i01:53
ravenglitsj16 yes i have and i configured and loaded everything as recommended...01:53
patrixckhey can i get help..ubunut 8.10 wont let me runa  dvdrom01:53
rayluGuest28187: now, give me the link?01:53
Iceman_B|SSHwhat exactly is that build-essential package named? I can look it up in aptitude then01:53
Guest28187i wrote it by hand thts why it took so long sry01:53
partira53482Iceman_B|SSH: Umm.. build-essential01:54
platypus73left windows01:54
PCTeacher012nillo: The menu that has all your programs, and where you go into to look for programs, is it duplicted in there? or do you want to remove the package itself?01:54
rayluGuest28187: um, how large is your windows partition?01:54
elros_azothilol - completely? i mean really, i use ubuntu and windows because after all we live in a windows world01:54
rayluGuest28187: o.0... you could have told me. i would have tried to come up with other ways to get the data to me01:54
Guest28187well at first i had a 160GB, then i "shrink volume" and it was about 30GB or so01:54
elros_azothiubuntu is an extension of my computing life01:55
Guest28187i got the second partition at 30gb01:55
rayluelros_azothi: i know of a few other people who are completely windows-free01:55
platypus73can i start a company wit it based in ubuntu?01:55
safruhanii don't use windoz01:55
PCTeacher012elros_azothi: I removed windows completly, and went to Ubuntu Intrepid, i jst use wine to run windows programs01:55
glitsj16raven: still no go ? i use winFF frontend to ffmpeg, there it shows in the prefs and works .. can't remember what/if i had to install anything else .. if my memory returns i'll let you know01:55
platypus73what are my backdrafts?01:55
elros_azothimmm all im saying is that someone people cant stand living without windows01:55
FabParmaPlease, how to copy files from a ms-wimdows share by shell?01:55
nilloPCTeacher012: I think the Xabacus listing is just confusing in the Add/Remove programs app; seems to be two distinct packages.  MountManager, OTOH, I think has two identical entries...checking.01:56
PCTeacher012elros_azothi: Yes, i know some people like that01:56
Hemebondraylu: Where did you get your Flash plugin?01:56
rayluGuest28187: oh. actually, that 30gb at the end is unpartitioned space01:56
ravenglitsj16 yes i tried also winff but it does not works ...01:56
rayluHemebond: from the adobe website01:56
PCTeacher012nillo: Xabacus has multiple types, from what i understand, and ill check too01:56
Guest28187raylu: ok...01:56
HemebondAh, I might try that then. I'm currently using the one from the repository.01:56
patrixckcan anyone see my chat?01:56
Guest28187so i should pick the "guided - largest continuous space" ??01:56
Enigmawhats a good mame emulator01:57
PCTeacher012patrick: Yes01:57
glitsj16raven: i do remember i installed ffmpeg from medibuntu repo, seems that one has a different feature-set01:57
PCTeacher012Enigma: Wien is the best, may i ask, did you make Enigma Web Browser?01:57
nilloPCTeacher012: Agreed on Xabacus.  It's just confusing to someone less familiar, like me.  Not sure what the deal is with MountManager.01:57
PCTeacher012Enigma: Wine*01:57
=== patrixck is now known as patrickya
patrickyahey can i get help registering01:58
Enigmano, i did not01:58
ravenglitsj16 hm do not know... i'll keep trying ;)01:58
Enigmabut Wine?01:58
Enigmai thought it was just a windows emulator01:58
Frijoliewhy, whenever you launch gedit--for example--from a terminal it "hangs" the terminal. Meaning it's in use until you close the program?01:58
rayluGuest28187: so selecting use largest contiguous free space replaces the entire thing with ubuntu? that's kind of strange01:58
PCTeacher012nillo: Some people like different versions, and sometimes it is an addon01:58
Guest28187yes. when i click that option01:58
Guest28187it has the before picture01:58
Guest28187and then the after picture01:58
Guest28187and the after is 100% ubuntu01:58
PCTeacher012Enigma: Oh, oen of my friends made a browser called that, Wine can run under any, and emulates other OS's programs01:59
PCTeacher012Enigma: http://www.winehq.com01:59
nilloPCTeacher012: So it is normal to have separate packages in a default install?  That's confusing to me.01:59
=== partira53482 is now known as Roi_des_Philosop
rayluGuest28187: that's strange02:00
Enigmai have wine02:00
=== Roi_des_Philosop is now known as RoidesPhilosophe
rayluGuest28187: you could do manual partitioning02:00
PCTeacher012nillo: Sometimes, depending on the install, Xabacus "Motif Version" is just an addon to have extra functionality, while the plain X version is the orignal, both are stand alone, but one can add to the other02:00
Guest28187so wat should i do??02:00
PCTeacher012Enigma: I use wine everyday, what are you tyring to emulate?02:00
rayluGuest28187: all you need is a swap partition the size of your ram and an ext3 partition in the rest of the space02:00
=== RoidesPhilosophe is now known as Roi_du_Philosoph
slickerfreaky, suddenly there was this new icon in my taskbar and it was "IMVU" a messaging client... SOmehow it was downloaded and running in a Wine process ?02:00
Enigmai have a rom thats for mame02:00
PCTeacher012Slicker: IMVU is a 3d messenger for windows, Wine emulates it, did you ever install IMVU??02:01
nilloPCTeacher012: I'm past Xabacus; I understand the difference there.  MountManager is what is confusing me now.02:01
Guest28187raylu: ... explain??02:01
PCTeacher012Enigma: Oh lol02:01
FabParmaPlease, how to copy files from a ms-wimdows share by shell?02:01
PCTeacher012nillo: Different Package?02:01
slickerPCTeacher012, Most definitely not02:01
Enigmaim tryin to find a snes or just nes rom for pacman and all i could find was for mame02:01
nilloPCTeacher012: Yes.02:01
slickerI could tell it was running via Wine because of the ugly dialogs02:02
PCTeacher012Enigma: oh... For pacman?02:02
Enigmasi senor02:02
xcvHi. sony dcr-trv260 camcorder connected via usb. Trying to use as webcam. Requesting help.02:02
PCTeacher012Nillo: checking it out02:02
FlannelEnigma: That's offtopic for this channel.  Likely offtopic for Freenode as well.02:02
nilloPCTeacher012: MountManager appears to have two identical entries.02:02
emoXodusCan someone help me with this guide?"http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=40016"02:02
Enigmait's kind of support, if you think of it like that02:02
rayluGuest28187: choose manual partitioning02:02
slickerPCTeacher012, I don't see the IMVU stuff installed in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files...02:03
PCTeacher012nillo: The entries are exactly the same, which is odd. Maybe two different members put it in without checking for another one. Either one will work fine02:03
slickerI wonder where it hid itself?02:03
Guest28187one second raylu lemme get it started up02:03
PCTeacher012slicker: Can you do a search on your computer? It is possible that it was installed in a different location by accident and wine runs it from there.02:04
nilloPCTeacher012: Should I file a bug of some sort?  Either to avoid the confusion, or to resolve the duplication?02:04
Flannel!bugs | nillo02:04
ubottunillo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:04
glitsj16raven: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 has more info on ffmpeg and h264 if you haven't seen that page yet02:04
Flannelnillo: Yes please.02:04
PCTeacher012nillo: Yes please02:04
PCTeacher012Flannel: Beat me to it :[p02:04
slickerPCTeacher012, find ~ -iname "*imvu*"02:04
slickerrunning now...02:04
slickerspooky stuff though02:04
nilloPCTeacher012: Thanks; enough for one night.02:05
PCTeacher012Slicker: You could just click the search button and type IMVU but that will work02:05
PCTeacher012nillo: Your welcome02:05
Guest28187raylu: ok so i select manual and it says 100% manual, proceed?02:05
Guest28187well i click forward02:06
zykes-howto set locale in intrepid ?02:06
ravenglitsj16 no i havent - tnx i'll try02:06
DocMAX1anyone got a wlan-N connection? what speeds you get?02:08
rayluGuest28187: yes02:08
Guest28187ok so manual i have, sda1 0%, sda2 77% freespace 21%02:09
zykes-anyone ?02:09
Guest28187and then below i have the three options.02:09
raVen1is musikgoat and huu here?02:09
=== patrickya is now known as _d0c_F-TC
rayluGuest28187: sorry, i gotta go. make a swap and ext3 partition.02:10
Guest28187how do i do that?02:10
GollumAre there many Negro ubuntu developers?02:10
Guest28187ok well i guess ill need someone else to help me with this...02:11
Guest28187any goers?02:11
GollumAny black linux developers?02:11
GollumJust curious02:11
FlannelGollum: Apart from being off topic, I don't think its relevant.02:11
PCTeacher012ill try, what is the problem?02:11
Gollumok, but are there many flannel?02:11
Guest28187im just trying to install ubuntu! lol.02:11
Gollumthis is about Negro Ubuntu developers02:11
PCTeacher012Guest28187: What step are you on?02:11
Gollumon topic of Ubuntu development02:12
FlannelGollum: This channel is for support.  Please don't ask non-support questions here.02:12
Guest28187ok well im on 3, and so far i have been told to go to manual partitioning02:12
Guest28187because of this:02:12
GollumI need support on this topic02:12
PCTeacher012Guest28187: Have you tried automatic?02:12
GollumI am doing a survey on how many niggers are capable of developing linux02:12
Guest28187yes but. the problem is02:12
PerryArmstrongjrib; there?02:12
Guest28187kick gollum somone02:13
Guest28187idk how.02:13
xcvhe's gone, 28187\02:13
Guest28187anyway pcteacher012:02:13
PCTeacher012Guest28187: When finishing Automatic partitioning, at install system, does it jst crash?02:13
Guest28187no no.02:14
xcvand i'm waiting patiently :)02:14
PCTeacher012Guest28187: Okay02:14
Guest28187ok well.02:14
PCTeacher012xcv: What do you nede?02:14
Guest28187one second, let me back it up to step 302:14
PCTeacher012Guest28187: Kay02:14
xcvPCTeacher12: sony dcr-trv260 camcorder connected via usb, trying to get it going as webcam02:15
Guest28187pcteacher12: well i was told to "make a swap and ext3 partition."02:15
PCTeacher012xcv: Did it come with install CD?02:15
xcvwas in here earlier chatting with gartral about it02:15
PerryArmstrongikonia; there??02:15
wimbletoon ;)02:15
Guest28187by automatic do you mean the first option?02:15
xcvPCT...012: it did, in 2005, for winxp02:15
lewenchAnyone know where the skins in metacity are stored?02:15
PCTeacher012Guest28187: It should automatically, if installing with windows, it has trouble, if removing windows, it works 100% fine02:15
Guest28187well im doing a dual boot02:16
Guest28187im on the live cd mode.02:16
Guest28187and installing02:16
rvnmy favorite metacity theme "Gnome for Workgroups" is missing the bottom, left, and right borders when compiz runs - PLEASE help, I'll do anything!!!!! (Alternative solution is to find me another windows 3.x theme, but I can't seem to locate one) :O02:16
_d0c_F-TChey i need help with runnin a dvd rom on ubunto 8.1002:16
Guest28187well ive gotten that far _d0c_F-TC02:17
Guest28187whatd u need help with?02:17
PCTeacher012xcv: Okay, well, lets see... have you tried plugging in, then searching for drivers?02:17
PCTeacher012Guest...: With this partitioning, For dual boots (in my experience), Ubuntu has a hard time patitioning it, so here is what you should do02:18
Guest28187bring it. *does finger movement*02:18
PCTeacher012Guest...: Let me open my partition manager to see how it is set up02:18
xcvPTCteacher012 -- didn't you say you were signing off??? lol --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/144527/02:19
dookdooksorry for the general question, but i was considering buying a 64 bit machine and installing ubuntu on it.  are there any issues i should be aware of in terms of software availability and usability?  in particular, if running 32 bit windows executables under wine, are there any pitfalls that i should be aware of?02:19
Iceman_B|SSHum, halp. I extracted a tar and now I have a dir called "近藤浩治 - Majora's Mask Orchestrations (2000)" ...how do I cd into it ._. ?02:19
rwwdookdook: Nope. 32-bit WINE stuff works fine on 64-bit Ubuntu for me.02:19
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:19
FlannelIceman_B|SSH: Try tab completion.02:20
rvnmy favorite metacity theme "Gnome for Workgroups" is missing the bottom, left, and right borders when compiz runs - PLEASE help, I'll do anything!!!!! (Alternative solution is to find me another windows 3.x theme, but I can't seem to locate one) :O02:20
dookdookrww, are you running 64 bit wine?  or 32 bit wine under emulation?  or does it matter?02:20
=== decko__ is now known as decko
rwwdookdook: There is no 64-bit WINE. 64-bit Ubuntu uses 32-bit WINE in a chroot jail.02:20
jdurvn, windows 3.x themes and compiz seem to be from different eras02:20
PCTeacher012xvc: I did? When? lol, well, let me take a look at the log after i help Guest..., k?02:21
lewenchAnyone know where the skin directory is for metacity in ubuntu02:21
dookdookrww, thanks02:21
alex-weejlewench: systemwide in /usr/share/themes/*/metacity-102:22
Spence_i need help please02:22
alex-weejlewench: or in ~/.themes/*/metacity-1 for user02:23
alex-weejSpence_: ask, don't ask to ask :02:23
Iceman_B|SSHFlannel: I have no way to type 近藤浩治...02:23
lewenchalex-weej, Great thanka  bunc02:23
FlannelIceman_B|SSH: copy/paste?02:23
Iceman_B|SSHoh, I could select and paste it of02:23
PCTeacher012Guest: Have to install a partition manager, cant seem to find the one preinstalled lol02:24
Guest28187o ok. well i got time02:24
PCTeacher012scv: Which bus are you plugging it into?02:24
PCTeacher012guest: kk, my comp is fast at downloading, it wont be too long02:24
Spence_lol, sorry. I just installed Ubuntu, i guess one could say i'm a noob.  I Have ran Windows up until now, i figured i'd try linux. however, when i goto "Computer" under places, my C drive is not listed. How can i access it?02:24
_d0c_F-TCi need help using a dvd rom  with ubuntu 8.10..nothings coming up02:25
FlannelSpence_: Ubuntu (and Linux) does things differently.  everything is under '/', drives don't have letters, etc.  What are you looking for in your computer?02:25
Guest28187ok doc02:25
xcvPCTeacher012: i've got 2 usb ports on this rig. i'm plugging it into !=the other one02:25
PCTeacher012_d0c: this is a DVD Rom Drive right02:25
Guest28187so you sure it burned right?02:25
Spence_Nothing in specific, just music files and pictures i have with windows02:26
_d0c_F-TCno WoW game dvd02:26
Guest28187well _doc does it show up when you look in explorer?02:26
PCTeacher012xcv: fingerprint reader... nice lol, gonna look into it at detail02:26
Guest28187that is if your on windows at fist02:26
Guest28187well id get a new disc02:26
FlannelSpence_: ah.  Did you dual boot?02:26
DreamgliderSpence_, you should install neft-3g drivers to access your "c:/" Drive tho Ubuntu/linux does not use letters for the drive02:26
Guest28187fresh, then burn it.02:26
^Einsteinhey, quick question, how might I be able to CP across a filesystem that Linux can't execute stat on?02:26
Spence_Yeah, i dual booted02:27
PCTeacher012_d0c: I mean this: Is your CD Reader (Visable part on on computer.. Hardware) Is that a DVD/RW drive?02:27
_d0c_F-TCi kinda wanna go back to windows xp or vista...but idn were to anyone no how?02:27
Dreamgliderntfs-3g **02:27
Spence_Where can I install neft-3g drivers, and what exactly is it?02:27
Guest28187wernt u already on windows?02:27
_d0c_F-TCno im on ubuntu02:27
DreamgliderSpence_, it's a driver that allows linux to access NTFS filesystems02:28
RaylzSpence_: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g02:28
_d0c_F-TCi f'ed up and deleted windows wen i dl'ed ubuntu..02:28
Flannel!ntfs-3g | Spence_02:28
ubottuSpence_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:28
Iceman_B|SSHFlannel: oh, that worked better than I thought.02:28
PCTeacher012_d0c: Okay, do you have install CD?02:28
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, is it really that big of a problem ;)02:28
Raylz_d0c_F-TC: mounted partition?02:28
PCTeacher012_d0c: Just put that in, then isntall02:28
DreamgliderSpence_,  you can install it by typing in terminal: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g02:28
_d0c_F-TCit wont pop up..02:28
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, you can try data recovery02:29
PCTeacher012_d0c: Is this a new CD Drive?02:29
_d0c_F-TCno space..were would i do that?02:29
Spence_alright, thank you. I will try it dreamglider.02:29
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, well if i read correctly and yo accidentally deleted your windows partition?02:29
_d0c_F-TCyes..only ubuntu on my hardrive02:30
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, you can get something akin to @active undelete (don't use that, it sucks)02:30
_d0c_F-TCi deleted my windows xp i guess02:30
space_cadetif you totally erased your HDD and wrote ubuntu OVER your windows partition02:30
DreamgliderSpence_, np :)02:30
^EinsteinI need to cp files from ntfs to ext3, and of course I get the "cannot stat" error... how does nautilus do it (out of curiosity), and how might I do it in a script, even if not with cp (out of necessity), given that I can't stat files on said fs?02:31
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, good luck getting it back because 10 to 1 you probably wrote over everything that used to be in the windows partition.02:31
_d0c_F-TCya i did space02:31
fusa_anyone know what causes a windows "Launching http cache" to appear occasionally in my taskbar?  and how to stop it?02:31
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, do you still have a windows disk?02:31
=== fusa_ is now known as fusa
PCTeacher012_d0c: AGain, is this a NEW CD/DVD Drive?02:31
LjL_d0c_F-TC: what, your computer likes other computers of its same gender?02:32
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"02:32
_d0c_F-TCnop =/ i was wondering if maybe i gcould use a torrent windows?02:32
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel02:32
Spence_Dreamglider, i did what you said and i was reported, "ntfs-3g is already the newest version.02:32
Spence_" however, i still do not see my windows partition under computer..?02:32
vavoyshquesttion: how can i find out the name of a hard drive?02:32
RaylzSpence_: maybe you didnt shutdown cleanly02:32
vavoyshand is there a trigger list for ubottu?02:32
Spence_sorry if i'm being a pain in the ass, haha, i'm 200% windows orintated02:32
RaylzSpence_: did you "crash" windows?02:32
LjL!bot > vavoysh    (vavoysh, see the private message from ubottu)02:32
vavoyshthank you02:33
RaylzSpence_: boot windows up and restart02:33
Spence_i do not think so? i shutdown cleanly everythime02:33
Guest28187hey pcteach012, hows it coming?02:33
Spence_every time*02:33
_d0c_F-TChow do i mount an "mdf" file?02:33
PCTeacher012_d0c: Yes you can, but you cant update02:33
Spence_Raylz, is there a way to boot up windows without restarting my computer, no?02:33
PCTeacher012Guest: 5 minute download left02:33
RaylzSpence_: no^^02:34
PCTeacher012Spence: Unless you have Mac LOL02:34
Raylz_d0c_F-TC: try mdf2iso02:34
Spence_ah, alright. i will try that now, i'll be back xD02:34
=== Guest28187 is now known as Jay
Jayok pcteacher012, now im: Jay02:34
PCTeacher012Spence: kk02:34
vavoyshLjL: how can i find out the name of an unmounted hard drive?02:34
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, well... this may get you started...  if you wish to regain any important data, you may want to stop using the HDD until you can put it in another system as a slave, using windows, and then try one of many utilities.. . http://www.google.com/search?q=undelete+a+ntfs+partition02:34
DreamgliderSpence_,  sudo ntfs-3g /dev/ice /mount/point -o force  should mount the windows partition after an unclean shutdown02:34
=== Jay is now known as Guest83795
mattcenRaylz: mdf2iso doesn't "mount" does it? I thought it only converted02:34
LjLvavoysh: "fdisk -l" might give you a clue02:35
PCTeacher012Jay: Thank you for shorter name :P still waiting on download02:35
Raylzmattcen: yep, then you mount the iso02:35
^EinsteinI need to cp files from ntfs to ext3, and of course I get the "cannot stat" error... how does nautilus do it (out of curiosity), and how might I do it in a script, even if not with cp (out of necessity), given that I can't stat files on said fs?02:35
mattcenRaylz: right02:35
vavoyshLjL: just type in sudo fdisk-l ?02:35
peepsalotwhat do i use to make a data dvd?02:35
mattcen^Einstein: can you describe the full error? I Don't think I've ever seen it02:35
LjLvavoysh: "fdisk -l", not "fdisk-l". you might need sudo in front, depending on the ubuntu version02:36
peepsalotjust copying files from my filesystem over?02:36
LjLvavoysh: try without first02:36
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, this may also be of some help.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCapEFNZAJ0&feature=PlayList&p=E470E7505DE52C2002:36
vavoyshLjL: ok02:36
space_cadetanything along those lines would be a god send  _d0c_F-TC02:36
^Einsteinmattcen: $ cp /path/to/mounted/ntfs/partition/whatever.file /path/to/another/partition's/directory will return cp: cannot stat: bla bla bla no such file or directory.02:37
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC,   if you want to maximize the data you can recover... stop using the drive immediately.02:37
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, remember, you can run ubuntu from the cd... in live mode.02:37
meoblast001can someone help me set up bluetooth with my cell phone on Ubuntu 8.10... i've been trying since 5 o clock to get this to work02:38
^Einsteinmattcen: really quite simple, but a critical fault that I can't cp across filesystems, or at least from ntfs even when it's mounted rw. Wanna see that line in fstab?02:38
meoblast001it denies retriving or sending files to or from it02:38
mattcen^Einstein: if you like. Perhaps PM it to me02:38
Dreamglider_d0c_F-TC, you might want to have a look at testdisk and photorec to recover your data.02:39
PCTeacher012Jay: 2 minutes, but the ext3 format takes up 99% of it, (im finding exact percent) but the swap format i am not 100% sure how much it uses (till i check, 1 min)02:39
Guest83795i dont get what your saying but ok02:40
Spence_I booted up Windows and successifully shut down, now what?02:40
meoblast001am i the only person who expects ubuntu to work?02:40
Raylzmeoblast001: it works ye :)02:41
_d0c_F-TCim just gonna throw my comp out the dam window..lol02:41
space_cadetit works02:41
PCTeacher012meoblast: What do you mean? Yes, Ubuntu works like a charm02:41
PCTeacher012Spence: What is your questiong exactly?02:41
meoblast001Raylz: am i the only person who actually does stuff in ubuntu?02:41
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, pls don't you could get a ticket02:41
Spence_Ralyz, now what?02:41
space_cadet_d0c_F-TC, i have..02:41
Raylzmeoblast001: no02:41
xcvmeoblast001: not all bluetooth devices support file transfer02:41
PCTeacher012meoblast: I do a ton in Ubuntu xD02:41
meoblast001xcv: but mine does02:41
RPSHello Guys, I have a question that maybe someone will know. I'd like to capture the audio off an Adobe Flash Player audio clip. I'm hoping someone might have tackled this one or might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm 8.10 Ubuntu user02:41
_d0c_F-TCim hating ubuntu..lol02:41
DreamgliderSpence_,  sudo fdisk -l will list your disks/partitions02:41
Spence_Oh, i was wondering how to access my Windows drive/partition, it doesnt even show up under computer02:42
meoblast001xcv: because last i checked, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol02:42
RaylzRPS: what about audacity :)02:42
DreamgliderSpence_, pm me02:42
RaylzRPS: and link the outgoing sound to incoming02:42
meoblast001brb have to restart02:43
meoblast001bluetooth won't work02:43
space_cadetmeoblast001, ftp = Failure to Pay02:43
RPSI'll check it out Raylz  ....the outgoing/incoming sound sounds promising!02:43
xcvmeoblast001: thought i saw you were trying to transfer using bluetooth to cell, not ftp. sorry if i misunderstood02:43
RaylzRPS: i guess you can set that in your mixer02:43
xcvoops, guess he didn't see that02:43
mtn_welfareHey gang, I have a question for you all.  I'm having a problem running apt-get update.. etc. I keep getting failed to fetch errors.  The box was running 6.10 but was upgraded to 7.04. The upgrade appeared to go smoothly.  Except now apt-get fails..02:43
space_cadetmtn_welfare, you have to update sources.list02:44
space_cadetor lst02:44
space_cadeti keep getting that mixed up02:44
PCTeacher012RPS: I use Ardour, it is equivalent of Adobe's thing lol02:44
space_cadetmtn_welfare, basically change your sources from the old to the new02:44
PCTeacher012Jay: Finished downloading, installing now02:44
Guest83795okie dokie.02:44
teethdoodhow do I display firefox's File Edit View menus when sites hide it from me?02:44
mtn_welfarespace_cadet do mean changing instances of edgy to fiesty?02:44
mtn_welfareOK... brb02:45
cirob_join #hmpf02:45
space_cadetteethdood, press alt+down??02:45
PCTeacher012teethdood: What sires is that?02:45
space_cadetor alt+f02:45
bazhangmtn_welfare, feisty is also end of life02:45
BigMoopiesHello, when I just booted I got a "routine check of drives /dev/sda5" , is this like a chkdsk ? /dev/sda5 I believe is my NTFS partition for WindowsXP02:45
RPSPCTeacher012, I found a small audio clip about 30 seconds long that I want to grab and it's running in Flash Player02:46
teethdoodPCTeacher012: MSNBC, showing space pics. They hide everything02:46
xcvmeoblast001: thought i saw you were trying to transfer using bluetooth to cell, not ftp. sorry if i misunderstood02:46
space_cadetPCTeacher012, bad sites :p02:46
meoblast001xcv: idk... bluetooth ftp02:46
Guest83795by bad sites...02:46
jduBigMoopies, it can't be ntfs if is checking it, I don't think02:46
mtn_welfarebazhang - the urls for the sources should still work though? correct?02:46
blackmistdarn my firefox is not working i have to reinstall it now02:46
PCTeacher012RPS: Audacity is best in that :P02:46
teethdoodAlt+down doesn't do anything02:46
mooseman447does anybody know if there is any way to login to a shell to a computer connected via usb?02:47
bazhangmtn_welfare, you need to read the upgrade guide; let me give you a link02:47
BigMoopiesjdu, yeah sorry about that.  it's not02:47
PCTeacher012teethdood: Okay, send a link so i can try some stuff02:47
bazhang!upgrade | mtn_welfare02:47
ubottumtn_welfare: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:47
PCTeacher012space: xD02:47
meoblast001xcv: how do i add a new bluetooth device.... i accidently updated my bluetooth utilities and it wont let me02:47
teethdoodPCTeacher012: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23254110/displaymode/1107/s/202:47
xcvmeoblast001: i'm really noob with bluetooth -- but think you have to put devices into discover mode to make the initial connection02:48
BigMoopiesjdu, was this check actually needed? I skipped it02:48
mtn_welfarebazhang ~ thx02:48
PCTeacher012are you using firefox @teethdood02:48
teethdoodPCTeacher012: yes I am (well technically Shiretoko 3.5pre4)02:48
space_cadetmeoblast001, your prolly looking for something obex commander related02:48
PCTeacher012but basically firefox correct? @teethdood02:49
teethdoodPCTeacher012: yes02:49
sebsebseb 02:49
space_cadetmeoblast001, if it's a bt phone, it prolly uses obex push02:49
PCTeacher012teethdood: Gotaa open firefox then :p02:49
meoblast001space_cadet: obex fails02:49
space_cadetwhat kinda phone?02:49
teethdoodPCTeacher012: it is firefox. Firefox for ubuntu is n ow called Shiretoko (like Debian's Iceweasel)02:49
space_cadeti don't have shiretoko02:50
sebsebsebsounds like that guy02:50
space_cadeti have firefox02:50
sebsebsebsounds like that guy is on about a developmention version of Firefox 3.102:50
space_cadetMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;02:50
PCTeacher012teethdood: Really? I have latest (8.1 is latest right?) and it is called firefox02:50
teethdoodFirefox 3.5 is Shiretoko under ubuntu (well jaunty anyway)02:50
space_cadetPCTeacher012, yep02:50
sebsebsebteethdood: Shiretoko is the Firefox development version02:51
xcvfrom wiki: shiretoko = The code name for Mozilla Firefox 3.5.02:51
mtn_welfarespace_cadet: we changed all instances of edgy to feisty, still getting same errors. bazhang, thanks for the link, but we are working remotely and we dont have access to the gui02:51
PCTeacher012xcv: Oh! I have firefox 3.0.3 :p can u send link for upgrade? I want latest :)02:51
space_cadetPCTeacher012, you don't want the latest02:52
* sebsebseb the Ubuntu version of Firefox is fine for all usage really02:52
jduBigMoopies, sorry I was gone.02:52
PCTeacher012space_cadet: why?02:52
teethdoodPCTeacher012: sudo "upgrade-manager -d" :P02:52
space_cadetPCTeacher012, Nothing here is finalized.02:52
xcvPCTeacher012: i just wiki'd the name. this is the first i've heard of it...02:52
sebsebsebteethdood: trying to get him to upgrade to jaunty again bad idea02:52
PCTeacher012space_cadet: I like to beta test02:52
jduBigMoopies,  which check?02:52
xcvi'm running ff 3.0.802:52
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: many reasons not to get 9.04 beta02:52
JakeOneWhat can I use to transfer notes I've written on my blackberry onto my ubuntu linux box?02:53
teethdoodsebsebseb: yeah sorry. I was just asking an innocent firefox question so I can open up the Fire Edit View menus :(02:53
meoblast001space_cadet: Error occurred while sending file filetofish.mp302:53
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: can you tell me some of themain?02:53
LjLJakeOne: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/Blackberry02:53
space_cadetmeoblast001, what kinda phone...02:53
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: you have to clean install for the main feature anyway :d02:53
PCTeacher012seb: The mainfeature is?02:54
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: this isn't the channel talk about 9.04, but #ubuntu+1 is02:54
space_cadetmeoblast001, if it's sprint i can tell you right now that aint gonna work02:54
meoblast001space_cadet: sprint02:54
space_cadetthat wont work02:54
space_cadetmeoblast001, sprint rumor?02:55
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: Ext4 though,  well or do something not very good for limited suppuort in Ext302:55
techqbertAnybody able to get past ncaa.com's check for "compatible systems"?  I wanna stream the game on my ubuntu netbook02:55
meoblast001space_cadet: Samsung Blade02:55
space_cadetmeoblast001, same thing02:55
JakeOnethanks Ljl, looks like I should be lucky that it at least mounts the microsd card out-of-the-box02:55
meoblast001they are 2 different phones02:55
Guest83795pcteacher012: is it installed yet?02:55
=== Guest83795 is now known as Jay
Jaysorry my name went back02:55
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: and your better off staying with Ubuntu's version of FIrefox, you don't need on directly from Mozilla02:55
space_cadetmeoblast001, if you want to make a ringtone try making a 3gp2 file and cutting the extension to 3gp02:55
meoblast001space_cadet: what does connectign as a data modem do?02:55
PCTeacher012seb: HaHa! That is hilarious Jaunty will most certainly break your computer"02:56
PCTeacher012Jay: Yes, but i still cant find it02:56
Jaycan't find what?02:56
space_cadetmeoblast001, let your computer use the phone as a modem02:56
Hemebondraylu: You using 64-bit Flash plugin from Adobe? Where'd you get it?02:56
PCTeacher012Jay: Just found it02:56
Jayok, but what02:56
=== Jay is now known as Guest59418
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: maybe not now, but  yes  beta and so bugs still02:56
meoblast001space_cadet: would that help? and it would almost let me send a jpg but failed at the end02:56
Guest59418urg, it keeps switching me back to guest XXX02:56
sevenhm, what's the best flash plugin to install for firefox equivalents? i have no idea what's now installed but it seems like a system hog + has some freezing issues.02:56
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: April 23rd for final release of 9.0402:56
space_cadetmeoblast001, i have many video tones on my sprint phone02:56
space_cadetmeoblast001, but they are all 3g202:56
meoblast001space_cadet: how do you make a 3g2?02:56
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: and yes  upgrading 8.10 to alpha6 did brake certain things in my install, and upgrading to the beta did not fix them02:56
PCTeacher012Jay: Possibly because someone owns name Jay, try Jay55502:56
meoblast001space_cadet: and did you sue bluetooth?02:57
=== Guest59418 is now known as Jay555
PCTeacher012seb: okay, lol02:57
jduseven, whatever is at abobe's site  for that browser02:57
space_cadetmeoblast001, http://forums.wirelessadvisor.com/samsung/13655-samsung-a900-ringtones.html02:57
Jay555ok im jay555 now.02:57
PCTeacher012Jay: do you happen to have a calculator?02:57
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: yep if it's not  a final  stable release, then except problems02:57
sevenjdu, I was looking at a simple answer, like a packagename to apt-get :) using firefox atm02:57
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: expect02:57
xcvand, perhaps *expect*, seb? lol02:58
Jay555whatd u need me to calculate02:58
sebsebsebxcv: yes I just corrected that02:58
PCTeacher012okay, 1.43/55.8602:58
meoblast001space_cadet: how do you send them over?02:58
xcvseb: yeah, i didn't type fast enough ;)02:58
PCTeacher012(My Hard Drive is a 56 GB hard drive02:58
Jay555your serious?02:59
jduseven,  in general the linux versions of flash aren't quite as high of performance.02:59
PCTeacher012Okay, well, it says it is 60 GB, but obviouslt, it is lying haha02:59
meoblast001space_cadet: that's not telling me of any Linux programs that will convert02:59
Jay555o ok, thats better. anyway02:59
sebsebsebjdu: in general all versions of Flash suck, because Flash sucks :D02:59
space_cadetmeoblast001, i suppose you could use the datacable...  i grabbed my sd card out and did it that way..02:59
space_cadetmeoblast001, but you CAN use bt to do it...02:59
meoblast001space_cadet: i don't have a data cable03:00
jduseven, wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb03:00
PCTeacher012Jay: Now, 2.55(etc.) of your partition-to-be-ubuntu should be the swap03:00
space_cadetmeoblast001, try another jpg... with a smaller resolution03:00
space_cadetmeoblast001, like really small03:00
space_cadetmeoblast001, like 10x1003:00
PCTeacher012Jay: The rest is ext303:00
Jay555ok so...03:00
jdusebsebseb, perhaps   it is certainly restrictive03:00
PCTeacher012with flags: Boot, mountpoint /03:00
space_cadetmeoblast001, and if you have an sd card, make your exchange folder on the sd card03:00
sebsebsebjdu: yep03:00
eichenwalderis there a setup tool for notify-osd in 9.04 beta03:00
PCTeacher012that is what you should manually partition it to be, since the auto isnt03:00
meoblast001space_cadet: nope.. no SD03:00
Jay555wherd u get the 2.55 from? i mean, how does tht apply to me03:01
space_cadetmeoblast001, you will need to get one to put the ringtones on..03:01
blue112Hello everyone, how can I force ubuntu to check my fs at next boot ?03:01
sevenkay jdu ; how to install that deb package most efficiently ?03:01
space_cadetmeoblast001, otherwise your phone won't see em03:01
meoblast001space_cadet: won't let me copy fiels off either03:01
sebsebsebeichenwalder: wrong channel you want #ubuntu+103:01
meoblast001space_cadet: Error while copying "SSPX0001.jpg".03:01
space_cadetmeoblast001, you have a windows partition?03:01
jduseven, sudo dpkg -i <deb package>03:01
meoblast001space_cadet: no03:01
PCTeacher0121.43 GB us my linux swap, so i suppose that that number (2.55etc..) is how much the linux swap should be in ur HD03:01
PCTeacher012of the partition-to-be-linux03:01
seventy very much jdu03:01
space_cadetmeoblast001, try running obex commander in wine..03:01
Jay555ok but wait03:02
techqbertAnybody able to get past ncaa.com's check for "compatible systems"?  I wanna stream the game on my ubuntu netbook03:02
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: la de la, and then it all has to be re done again for full Ext4 suppourt03:02
meoblast001space_cadet: k03:02
PCTeacher012Jay: Yes?03:02
Jay555see i didn't make a seperate partition for linux03:02
Jay555wat i did was, shrink volume03:02
Jay555and then the guide i was follwoing03:02
space_cadethttp://intradarma.com/OBEXCommander.html meoblast00103:02
meoblast001space_cadet: oh lovely... firefox starts up fullscreen now03:02
watyes Jay555?03:02
Jay555said to use the "largest free space" option03:02
blue112How can I force ubuntu to check my fs at next boot ?03:02
Jay555so when i select it03:02
sebsebsebJay555: if you put 8.10 on now, well  if you want Ext4 the new file system in 9.04 next Ubuntu released on  April 23rd, for full suppourt you will have to do re do your partitions as Ext403:02
jduseven, np   if that doesn't work, you can have more fine-tuned control with http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz03:02
PCTeacher012Jay: Largest free space is using the 1 optino (One that odesnt completly remove windowS)03:02
Jay555im duel booting03:03
stealth-is there a way to stop certain input devices?03:03
xcvblue112: this might help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45159203:03
PCTeacher012ya, first option(one that doesnt remove Windows) will allow dual booting03:03
AxanNeed help to reinstall grub plz, >grub find /boot/grub/stage1   doesnt work..03:03
PCTeacher012you can boot into windows03:03
PCTeacher012put the CD in03:03
sebsebseb!grub |  Axan03:04
ubottuAxan: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:04
Jay555ok so i was on windows, and then i put the cd in03:04
PCTeacher012it will bring up menu with "Dual boot", "Fulll take", "cancel" Choose dual boot (it is along those lines, you will know when you see it) and it will allow dual boot03:04
Jay555it said install03:04
Jay555then i rebooted03:04
PCTeacher012ya, it should give 2 options for install03:04
Jay555and it said windows vista or ubuntu03:05
johnitechqbert, I think they use windows media player drm03:05
Jay555so i clicked ubuntu03:05
Axansebsebseb: this is exactly what im trying to do but it does not work...03:05
Jay555then i said esc, to go to menu03:05
blue112xcv: Argh, that doesn't help me03:05
Striker_Anybody around familiar with portable ubuntu?03:05
Jay555and ran off the live cd03:05
ryanakcaHow would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?03:05
Jay555now im installing it03:05
FloodBot3Jay555: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:05
sebsebseb!enter | Jay55503:05
ubottuJay555: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:05
PCTeacher012so you did do that?03:05
meoblast001space_cadet: wont work03:05
xcvblue112, sorry03:05
blue112How can I force ubuntu to check my fs at next boot ?03:05
johnitechqbert, you might try to download and install moonlight and give it a shot03:05
Jay555ok sorry. ill put it on one line,03:05
PCTeacher012Jay: So you did do the windows install way?03:05
johnitechqbert, I was able to pass the initial screen with unsupported screen by using Agent Switcher extension for Firefox; visited the site as ie7 on vista03:06
glitsj16blue112: sudo touch /forcefsck03:06
space_cadetmeoblast001, trying to remember if i ever got it to work with obex-data-server and libopemobex103:06
PCTeacher012Okay, take the CD out, then reboot into ubutnu03:06
blue112glitsj16: Thanks.03:06
Axansebsebseb: cant find /boot/grub/stage1 nor /grub/stage1, even if when i mount my fs i can see the file in /media/disk/boot/grub/stage1, i tried chrooted to /media/disk but it doesnt work neither.03:06
techqbertjohni: thanks for the heads up.  no luck there either.  moonlight, at least the one firefox thinks I want, is 1.0.  mono devs were talking about having 2.0 working on the site before the tournament is over03:06
sebsebsebAxan: is Grub there when you boot up?03:07
meoblast001space_cadet: why am i not authorized to copy images off03:07
PCTeacher012you must choose by: F8 between manufacturers logo and windows boot screen, return to OS choosing screen, choose ubuntu03:07
glitsj16blue112: no problem, sometimes this can be quite handy from a script as well03:07
Striker_What's the best way to get ubuntu to mount a drive03:07
PCTeacher012REMEMBEr to have no CD in03:07
happy-duderaylu: I'm sorry, I was afk -- my name was called, what was the issue?03:07
Axansebsebseb: no, i lost it because i reinstalled winxp03:07
neptunepinkI've run out of space on /. So I want to copy everything over to a different partition. Other fstab and menu.lst, are there any other config files I should worry about?03:07
PCTeacher012Jay: Come on here after and tell if it worked03:08
sebsebsebAxan: yeah so  re install Grub03:08
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sebsebsebAxan: or not the best way, but you can make a Grub partition03:08
Jay555last time i tried to just boot but it said, loading please wait for a loooong time so i just force shutdown and started over03:08
psykushey, using wine to run a program from my windows partition, I attempted to create a link to it so I could use it straight from my desktop, but nothing happens when I use the link. program works fine if I browse to it and run it directly. any ideas?03:08
PCTeacher012i never exactly tried that method03:08
PCTeacher012lets see... The insatll allowed little to none of your interaction correct?03:09
Axansebsebseb: that is what im trying to do and I said it doesnt work.. I already have my /boot/grub original directory, i just want to rewrite MBR so grub can boot03:09
Jay555ok. um yeah i just popped in the cd, clicked install and it did its thing, then i rebooted03:09
vocxpsykus, how did you create the link? How do you expect to run it?03:09
PCTeacher012Okay, then, it asked you to boot into ubutnu? but took forever?03:10
Jay555now i have no cd in, and am booting, then i clicked ubuntu and now im waiting, for a looong time03:10
vocx!who | Jay55503:10
ubottuJay555: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:10
sebsebsebAxan: you can install Ubuntu onto a small partition,  and make it even smaller  by getting rid of everything, but /boot where Grub is.  I have done that before, but then  the kernel  updates update the grub that is part of the install and such03:10
psykusdragged it from the folder and held down shift/ctrl/whatever. but just now I used the "create a launcher" thing from the desktop menu and it seems to work now03:10
FlannelAxan: Why not just move /home to a separate drive?03:10
psykusand it got rid of that ugly link icon overlay too :P03:10
sebsebsebFlannel: no he wants to re install Grub03:11
LavaHotDoes anyone have any eperience adding windows 7 to an existing ubuntu/vista dual boot?03:11
sebsebsebFlannel: ,but the how to is not working out for him03:11
Jay555Pcteacher012, private chat?03:11
PCTeacher012Jay: Sure03:11
vocxpsykus, creating a link won't do much as you've noticed. Creating "launchers" is the proper way to go.03:11
space_cadetmeoblast001, check to see if you have obex-data-server installed03:11
acalbazaanyone have an ATI radeon x850xt card?  i want to find out if its just ALWAYS loud or if its my rig...03:11
space_cadetmeoblast001, mine works taking files but not putting03:11
meoblast001space_cadet: on what?03:11
psykusvocx, thanks then03:11
space_cadetmeoblast001, sudo apt-get install obex-data-server03:12
xcvPCTeacher012: i'll continue with the webcam issue tomorrow03:12
xcvgn all03:12
meoblast001space_cadet: yeah i have that03:12
drTr0utI'm on ubuntu 8.10. I downloaded firefox 3.1b3..in terminal I navigated to the folder where I unzipped it, when I try to run it(./firefox) it launches the default firefox 3.0.803:13
Axansebsebseb: so what ?? are you realy trying to help me ? did you red my problem ?? Im just trying to follow exactly this steps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub  But i got error I need help for this,03:13
space_cadetmeoblast001, hmm..03:13
* PCTeacher012 is not here03:13
AxanFlannel: What the point of moving /home !!?03:13
space_cadetPCTeacher012, yes you are03:13
FlannelAxan: Sorry, thought you were someone else.03:14
* PCTeacher012 says no im not03:14
space_cadetmeoblast001, funny, mine just sits there acting like it's sending the file..03:14
ammagenduthelp me.. my hp lasetjet p1006 wont print03:14
vocxdrTr0ut, that version of firefox is currently unsupported, so you are on your own while trying to make it work.03:14
meoblast001space_cadet: oh.... it used to do that here03:15
meoblast001space_cadet: i use blueman now.... and although it still doesnt work... at least my bluetooth headset does now03:16
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sebsebsebAxan: check out my pm03:16
space_cadetmeoblast001, well get yourself a windows vbox.. and send your bt interface to the vbox, then try obex commander03:16
meoblast001space_cadet: i dont like windows03:17
space_cadetmeoblast001, neither do I, however, I still keep it around..03:17
LavaHotDoes anyone have any experience adding windows 7 to an existing ubuntu/vista dual boot?03:17
meoblast001space_cadet: i installed it today... then got angry at myself and deleted it03:17
Iceman_B^LtopI have one boot partition of 140 GB and a swap of 768 MB, thats my whole drive. I have a lot of free space left. How can I create a dir/partition of exactly 100 GB which I can manage with quotas?03:18
glitsj16drTr0ut: if you want to test the latest firefox 3 beta without it interfering with your existing firefox, add the https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa repo03:18
Iceman_B^LtopI want to set it up as a Samba share03:18
bdenningiceman_B: apt-get install samba. Then edit one of the example shares under /etc/samba/smb.conf03:20
xsgHI i need a good screen recorder can yall reccomend one ??03:20
bdenningiceman_B: the /etc/samba/smb.conf file has a lot of examples already in it, most should be self explanatory but if you get stuck use "man smb.conf" for more info03:20
LaikeSFdoes anyone have any experience installing an ubuntu guest on vmware workstation 6.5?03:21
Joikuswhy does my ubuntu crash03:21
DreamgliderHow do i access another pc's therminal only over LAN ?03:21
HemebondLaikeSF: Yes. What's the problem?03:22
Joikusit crashed during installation 2 times03:22
doleybDreamglider: ssh03:22
LaikeSFI'm in the midst of the install, everythings going fine, then it hits the auto install of vmtools, then the whole thing hangs03:22
Joikusand now while it was asking me to activate my vid drivers03:22
LaikeSFand I can't seem to figure out how to disable the auto install of vmtools through the easy isntall so I can just install the thing manually like I used to do it03:23
HemebondLaikeSF: The auto-install? I don't remember the tools ever installing automatically.03:23
space_cadetLavaHot, i do03:23
space_cadetLavaHot, lemmie give you a link03:23
space_cadetLavaHot, what is your bootloader?03:23
LavaHotright now it's grub03:24
space_cadetLavaHot, well.. this is what I did...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99198703:24
LavaHotI <3 you space_cadet03:24
space_cadetLavaHot, i wrote that :)03:24
LaikeSFseems like it booted to console and gave me this lovely message reading "Please wait! VM Ware Tools are currently being Installed to your system. When it is done, Ubuntu graphical enviroment will be launched" then asks for my username and password, which I provide, then does absolutely nothing03:24
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Spence_hey guys, i'm new to lynux and i was just wondering if there is a way to run windows programs/games?03:24
oscurochuSpence_, you can do that with a program called wine.03:25
vocx!wine | Spence_03:25
ubottuSpence_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:25
LaikeSFI'm reading it as an automatic install, but I may be just misreading that whole message03:25
oscurochuHowever, Spence_, not all programs will work the same, its the closest thing to running windows programs03:25
johniSpence_, I recommend trying to use only linux apps and only when you do not have any other alternatives try wine03:26
oscurochuI am trying to get the sphere to work for desktop cube.03:26
oscurochuAny help on this?03:26
space_cadetLavaHot, basically the only difference, windows 7 will destroy your grub...03:26
JoikusI just installed ubuntu03:26
Joikuswhere do i go to update everything03:26
LavaHotspace_cadet: I already read through that. this is on a single drive laptop. I'll need to repartition then install 7, but i don't quite know how to do that.03:27
johniJoikus, Update Manager03:27
space_cadetLavaHot, so is mine...03:27
ammagendutam i invisible here?03:27
Joikusthank you03:27
space_cadetLavaHot, that's all on one drive...03:27
PCTeacher012amma: No03:27
PCTeacher012amma: What do you need?03:28
LavaHot... okay, I'll re-read that then03:28
meoblast001i just killed skype03:28
meoblast001but it wont stop rining03:28
space_cadetLavaHot, the way I am thinking should happen...   install windows 7   (your grub will be destroyed..)03:28
space_cadetLavaHot, restore grub, but you have no way to boot to windows 703:28
glitsj16oscurochu: you'll need to activate/configure the "enable cube reflection and deformation" plugin in ccsm (compizconfig-settings-manager)03:28
oscurochuIs anybody familar with compiz that can help me?03:29
ariqshow much memory am I allowed per process?03:29
space_cadetLavaHot, boot to vista, and follow the guide..03:29
vocxariqs, all of it? How much do you need?03:29
johniJoikus, if you are new to ubuntu I recommend reading forums and documentation; give google a try; not only that you find the information that you want but you will also find additional useful things03:29
space_cadetLavaHot, it *should* be enough to get you going..03:29
lstarnesariqs: usually as much free ram as you have03:30
ariqsvocx: well, I'm getting "bad alloc" at around 2.5 gigs03:30
space_cadetLavaHot, from what I figured out, when i did all that, i had vista installed then win7 then ubuntu..   windows' boot loader was on the win7 partition..03:30
FlannelJoikus: https://help.ubuntu.com/ walks you through all of the common tasks03:30
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can update my intel drivers..before i get login screen i get a message that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i have to update my drivers03:30
LaikeSFHemebond: Ugh, apparently English is my first language and I still speak it like it's my second. Thanks for clearing it up for me03:30
ariqslsatarnes: is there anyway yo increase it?03:30
tonsofpcsV4L2 analog tuner device here, I have gotten some tools to tune it but I can't seem to get audio out of it (i'm listening to its on-board audio-out connector, not sure if it sends it down the USB line), is there a command that can be sent to the device to set the device's audio levels?03:31
PCTeacher012weird. GParted live folder wont delete03:31
JJSmith260Hey I'm new to Ubuntu and think I deleted all of my Windows XP stuff during installation. Is there any way I can find out if it's really deleted?03:32
johniariqs, holly cow ... 2.5 gigs in one single alloc? monster app?03:32
PCTeacher012See if C:\ is ther03:32
FlannelJJSmith260: sudo fdisk -l (that's a lowercase L)03:32
LavaHotspace_cadet: so when I install win7, will it just automatically partition space for itself or do I have to do it manually?03:32
JJSmith260k hang on03:32
JJSmith260Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes03:32
JJSmith260255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4864 cylinders03:32
JJSmith260Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:32
JJSmith260Disk identifier: 0xb623f25b03:32
JJSmith260   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:32
FloodBot3JJSmith260: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:32
JJSmith260/dev/sda1   *           1        3654    29350723+  82  Linux swap / Solaris03:32
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me how i can update my intel drivers..before i get login screen i get a message that ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i have to update my drivers03:32
Flannel!paste | JJSmith26003:33
ubottuJJSmith260: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:33
rvnin the gnome session thing, i set xfdesktop to start - it doesn't.03:33
glitsj16ariqs: /etc/security/limits.conf might have a way of setting it to unlimited, not sure03:33
rvnif i run it manually it works03:33
ariqsglitsj16, thanks. I'll look into what I can do with that. It does look promising03:34
oscurochuglitsj16: I have enabled cube reflection and deformation and i still see a cube.03:34
FlannelJJSmith260: You'll need to paste that to pastebin, and then give us the link.03:34
JJSmith260I think that's the link03:34
glitsj16oscurochu: set the prefs of that plugin to sphere (deformation, last tab i believe)03:35
FlannelJJSmith260: it is.  And yes, it appears that you've deleted your windows03:35
JJSmith260Do you know if there's any way I can recover the lost files?03:35
oscurochuglitsj16: I have. Why is your text showing up in a different tab and it doesn't allow me to type into it without a command? I don't understand what is going on./03:35
FlannelJJSmith260: Unfortunately no, there really isn't.03:36
JJSmith260Oh. Well I figured as much. Just wanted to make sure though.03:36
Iceman_B^Ltopbdenning: Im using the server edition and I installed samba when I installed the system, I manage to create a working share though its slow. THing is, I want to create a "seperate" part of my drive and use(mount?) that as a Samba share03:36
glitsj16oscurochu: me neither, besides highlighting when i put your name into a reply line i don't do voodoo :)03:37
Iceman_B^Ltopand then within that share, define more users and set quotas03:37
PerryArmstrongwhen i run sudo apt-get update i get this error E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:37
FlannelPerryArmstrong: pastebin the output of that command.03:37
vocxJJSmith260, yes you can recover lost files, but it is not for everyone, you need to use software that reads the disk for pieces and put them together.03:37
JJSmith260What software?03:38
glitsj16oscurochu: you might have "only deform on mouse rotate" box checked in the deformation tab perhaps ?03:38
PerryArmstrongFlannel; http://paste.ubuntu.com/144561/03:38
oscurochuglitsj16: Im using chatzilla, and its a tab labeled "freenode" (without the quotes). Anyway, I have  "desktop cube", "rotate cube " and "cube reflection and deformation" turned on and it isnt working when i press control+alt+left-click. i see a cube, not a sphere.03:39
PerryArmstrongFlannel; alternately just check this video problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7015500#post701550003:39
FlannelPerryArmstrong: That's likely a temporary error due ot network issues or whatnot.  It'll only affect -backports03:39
Pyles17My wireless doesn't work. lshw -C network says the card is "unclaimed". But the driver comes with Ubuntu. I don't know what to do03:39
oscurochuglitsj16: I've tried changing that with no luck.03:40
Pyles17p.s. it's an intel 3945 card03:40
PerryArmstrongFlannel; but then i am not able to do the update03:40
vocxJJSmith260, I really don't know more. You'll have to search for yourself. When you delete a file it is not actually erased, only made unaccessible for the operating system, so the magnetized sectors remain and it is possible to recover that information unless the formating of the disk completely overwrites everything.03:40
JJSmith260vocx; what software can I use to recover the pieces of data?03:40
Level15hi. I am trying to set up a private encrypted dir using ecryptfs-setup-private from ecryptfs-utils. however, when it prompts for my password and I enter it, it says it is incorrect, though I am pretty sure I am typing it correctly. Any clues?03:40
JJSmith260thanks for the info03:40
PerryArmstrongFlannel; alternately just check this video problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7015500#post701550003:40
eseven73Level15, have you tried truecrypt?03:40
big_chillcan someone help me with uneetbootin- my cd doesnt work. i run unetbootin and asks me where to install the files- it has 2 opetions usb and HD, i want HD ,where in HD should i install?03:40
FlannelPerryArmstrong: The update problems wouldn't affect/cause those errors.03:41
oscurochuglitsj16: Any other ideas?03:41
PerryArmstrongFlannel; no but ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and it asks me to update drivers03:42
Level15eseven73: no, I am using luks for full HD encryption, but I need an extra layer of security for certain files so that they are encrypted even if the computer is on.03:42
glitsj16oscurochu: i see, not familiar with chatzilla ... as for the sphere topic: try websearching for exact settings, compiz has so many i can't get my head around it (or ask in #compiz-fusion)03:42
oscurochuglitsj16: I'03:42
Pyles17My intel 3945 wireless card doesn't work. lshw -C network says the card is "unclaimed". But the driver comes with Ubuntu, and the card works in windows I don't know what to do.03:42
lewenchI installed fluxbox (sudo apt-get install fluxbox) but when I log onto ubuntu choosing "session" "fluxbox" its not activating that window manager. Im I doing something wrong?03:42
oscurochuglitsj16: I've tried searching with no luck. Didn't mean to send the last message. I'll try the other channel.03:42
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watlewench reinstall it03:43
jdulewench, interesting,  what happens when you choose fluxbox?03:43
eseven73Level15, ok, well truecrypt is very nice even has a GUI, it encrypts just about everything really easily03:43
jdulewench, goes to gnome still?03:43
watim in windows so i dont know :)03:43
lewenchjdu, yes03:43
jdulewench, you can add a file .xsession in your home directory03:43
jdulewench, in it you can put fluxbox03:44
glitsj16oscurochu: probably some interfering setting in compiz, goodluck03:44
jdulewench, and then select xclient script instead03:44
GobbyWhat exactly is compiz?03:44
Level15so, noone here using ecryptfs?03:44
PerryArmstrongFlannel; hit upon something??03:44
Burntresistori need some help installing lives video editor the error im getting in the make pocess is WARNING:  po/Makefile.in.in seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting03:44
Burntresistor     can i ignore it03:44
glitsj16!compiz Gobby03:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz Gobby03:44
space_cadetLavaHot, make space..03:44
vocxLevel15, being honest I don't think many people have the need to encrypt their files03:44
eseven73!wm | Gobby03:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm03:45
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion03:45
lewenchjdu, So I create a file named .xsession, and in there I put fluxbox. But im lost with the xclient script.03:45
Level15vocx: i think many people have that need... they just don't ;-)03:46
big_chillanyone familiar with unetbotin?03:46
Level15i mean, don't encrypt them03:46
jdulewench, in the login screen, you can select xclient script03:46
jdulewench, it will run .xsession03:46
lewenchoh ok03:46
jdu.xsession does not have to be executable though03:47
vocxLevel15, what do you need to encrypt then? Military blueprints? Stock tips? Math homework?03:47
eseven73lmao 'math homework'03:47
Level15vocx: scientific papers...03:48
neptunepinkvocx: Your personal financial data03:48
Level15vocx: which I happen to be writing as part of my PhD03:48
vocxLevel15, I see, you don't want nobodie stealing your research... I should probably try stealing someone else's PhD dissertation...03:49
louisthey guys. I'm on 9.04 ... does anybody know where thunderbird stores its mail?03:49
meoblast001i try to send files from my phone over bluetooth and get "Invalid FTP requested"03:49
GobbyIs it possible for me to change my login screen window picture? So it is a different theme, I do not want a standard one i want one of a picture I choose.03:50
johniLevel15, search should be conducted in an open source manner ... closed source research is like closed source software03:50
Level15vocx: going a little off topic here, but yeah, it is better to publish first03:50
Level15johni: it should, but it does not...03:51
ljsoftnethey guys how do u update virtualbox graphics adapter to run roseonline?03:51
Pyles17My intel 3945 wireless card doesn't work. lshw -C network says the card is "unclaimed". But the driver comes with Ubuntu, and wireless works in Windows. I don't know what to do.03:51
vocxGobby, arg, there is a bunch of complications trying to create your own theme, but you can read about it on the gnome page. There are plenty of user created themes too.03:52
usr13louist: thunderbird/xxxxx.default/Mail/03:52
johniLevel15, I am doing my thesis right now and I licensed it under Creative Commons, so it is doable03:52
usr13louist: .thunderbird/xxxxx.default/Mail/03:52
Gobbyvocx: Thank you very much.03:52
Frijoliehow do you tell which groups a user is a member of?03:52
usr13Pyles17: wiconfig03:52
Level15johni: I'm pretty sure my supervisor would love I do that :-D03:52
louistusr13:  thanks!  I was looking in /  ... which is dumb, in retrospect03:52
FrijolieSystem > Administration > Users & Groups doesn't say anything only the "main group"03:53
louistusr13:  i mean /home... lol03:53
usr13louist: Well, yes it IS in /home/user/.thunderbird/....03:53
vocxLevel15, johni yeah, some people are more open when dealing with research. I wouldn't mind divulging all my knowledge around my students.03:53
vocxGobby, there is this page called "gnome-looks" I believe.03:54
louistusr13... oh. wait.  aack I got myself confused... i was looking in /03:54
vocx!themes | Gobby03:54
ubottuGobby: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:54
johniLevel15, I had the same problem with the supervisor but I did overcome it; a good argument is that you will not waste time encrypting what you do ...03:54
Pyles17usr13: care to elaborate?03:54
louistwhich was wrong lol03:54
louistusr13:  but i got it! thanks!03:54
jdulewench, did it work?03:54
Level15vocx johni: yrah, he is pretty... paranoid about it03:54
usr13Pyles17: in a terminal window type:  /sbin/iwconfig03:54
Gobbyvocx: Thank you once again, hopefully I can successfully make my own theme, with out screwing up my system.03:55
SmegzorI just tried installing the beta of 9.04 and it failed to create the grub folder.  How do I fix it?  I'm running grub from the live cd to attempt to fix it, but it keeps saying it can't mount any partitions.03:55
Joikuswhy do I get the Unlock Keyring popup everytime I boot, whats it for and how do I get rid of it?03:55
mike12hey at school they just hired a guy that blocks all of the gaming sites. is their anyway i can mess with him and or unblock the gaming sites03:56
Pyles17usr13: that outputs lo, eth0, and pan0, all with "no wireless extensions". I know from the few times it did work that it should be wlan003:56
johnivocx, knowledge is so transient ... why not overcome this problem by constantly bettering yourself; hiding stuff is not a good strategy for the long run03:56
dmanmike12: wrong place. try somewhere else.03:56
vocxGobby, best bet is to download one theme, and try to get the feeling of it. Then make small changes. Reading the specs helps in this case. Elemental changes like picking a different picture my be more than enough.03:56
cE_sExXihai all....?//03:56
usr13Pyles17: It must  have quit working..  What card is it/03:56
Jay555so im installing ubuntu and im on windows right now, i put the cd in, and then there are umenu.exe and wubi.exe03:56
mike12dman o ok03:57
vocxjohni, that's a good argument.03:57
FlannelJay555: How do you want to install Ubuntu?03:57
Jay555i want to make a seperate partition03:57
Jay555to dual boot windows and ubuntu03:57
FlannelJay555: Alright.  Then what you need to do is reboot (and boot to the CD)03:57
Pyles17usr13: intel 3945 abg. it worked sporadically for a few days and then quit. it still works in windows though03:57
Flannel!dualboot | Jay55503:57
ubottuJay555: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:57
usr13Pyles17: What does  lspci   say about it?03:57
Gobbyvocx; Alright, I'll try that. I am actually trying to re-create a computer theme from the fictional show ¨24¨.03:57
Huufartedgooooood evening all.03:58
Jay555flannel: ok but should i use wubi.exe beacuse that seems to be a good choice03:58
ariqsmy program is terminating because of bad_alloc. It's going heavily into swap before it does it, but it runs out of memory way before it runs out of swap so I think it's a limitation set by the OS. I was told that limits.conf might have sometihng to do with it, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to edit it without some guidance. I see a max resident set size of 1 gig, but I don't see how that would be the limiting factor since that doesn't keep it from expand03:58
ariqsing in virtual memory, right?03:58
FlannelJay555: wubi won't put Ubuntu on a separate partition03:58
johniLevel15, paranoid about what? what is the worst thing that could happen?03:58
usr13Pyles17: lspci |grep etwork03:58
Jay555flannel: but it says installation size XX GB03:58
vocxGobby, you mean, all the windows decorators, icons, and login screen and stuff. That should be interesting.03:58
Jay555i mean i don't care if its on a seperate partition or not, just as long as it is not like a vm through windows03:59
space_cadetguys.. i have an IMA and an img.. both of which are floppy images.03:59
space_cadethow do i write an IMG to a usb disk?03:59
Gobbyvocx: Well , perhaps. If i don´t screw up. It is probably going to be a daunting task.03:59
space_cadet^^ extract a floppy image to a usb disk??03:59
tim_hi guys can anybody help me setup the vpn client?03:59
jduspace_cadet, you can use the livecd03:59
Level15$$$... he gets moneys for research grants... he has to show results... results in research mean you publichs before anyone else... so you don't want anyone snooping on your files. And since par of the job is done on lab shared machines, well, you see where I am going03:59
Pyles1703:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)04:00
usr13Pyles17: lsmod |grep ipw04:00
Gobbyvocx: I cannot seem to even open the site www.gnome-look.org. Maybe, It's down?04:00
vocxGobby, I think that if you screw up it defaults to another working theme, or at least parts (icon for example) that didn't work.04:00
tim_hi guys can anybody help me setup the vpn client?04:00
HuufartedGobby: I think it is04:00
space_cadetjdu, that's not what I am asking.04:00
Pyles17usr13: that didn't do anything. the driver should be iwlwifi though04:01
Gobbyvocx; Sweet! and I will just look at the other sites :)04:01
jduspace_cadet, what type of image do you have/04:01
space_cadetjdu, how can I extract an image of a floppy... IMG    onto a usb disk04:01
vocxariqs, do you have a test case? Post the sourcecode on the programming Talk subforum of ubuntuforums.org, or discuss it with somebody in ##c for instance.04:01
usr13Pyles17: lsmod |grep iwl04:01
space_cadetjdu, and make it bootable04:01
jduspace_cadet, hmm04:01
space_cadetjdu, it's a win98 boot disk04:01
Pyles17usr13: nothing again04:01
usr13Pyles17: lsmod |grep wif04:01
jduspace_cadet, with dd?04:01
Huufartedspace_cadet: if you ask me, that's pointless because a Win98 boot disk is 100% worthless.  Use a DSL image or something.  DSL = Damn Small Linux04:02
Pyles17usr13: negative04:02
ariqsvocx: are you suggesting that the OS doesn't have a hard limit i"m hitting?04:02
usr13Pyles17: lsmod04:02
space_cadetHuufarted, no it's not.04:02
space_cadetand again, that's not what I am asking04:02
usr13Pyles17: Is it a pci card?04:02
ljsoftnethey guys how do u update virtualbox graphics adapter to run roseonline?04:02
jduspace_cadet, i'm not sure about that, what do you need it for?04:02
usr13Pyles17: A desktop PC?04:02
Pyles17usr13: laptop04:02
space_cadetto make a usb flash disk a 98 boot disk.04:02
jdujdu, obviously04:03
usr13Pyles17: A pcmcia card?04:03
Gobbyvocx: If i download a theme. Can i simply change the background picture?04:03
vocxariqs, I think I remember something along the lines, but I'm not sure. If you post the code to other programmers they may tell you in a minute what's wrong.04:03
usr13Pyles17: or built in?04:03
Huufartedspace_cadet: what purpose would a 98 boot disk serve?  No NTFS support, no Ext2/3 support, etc.04:03
Pyles17usr13: built in04:03
space_cadetHuufarted, not needed.04:03
usr13Pyles17: Is there a keyboard sequence to toggle it on and off?04:03
vocxGobby, probably yes, as long as it is the same resolution and has the same name.04:03
Huufartedspace_cadet: then you're asking in the wrong channel as this is the support channel for Ubuntu04:03
space_cadetHuufarted, no04:04
Huufartedspace_cadet: yes04:04
space_cadetHuufarted, if you were to read my question.04:04
ariqsvocx: it's not an issue of a memory leak or anything. I'm dealing with a lot of data. The data simply isn't "fitting"04:04
space_cadetHuufarted, you would understand the problem04:04
_mnemonic76There is nothing listed in the Applications menu on my 8.04 desktop, however the Places and System menus are ok... how can I fix this?04:04
usr13Pyles17: Or just some button you push to turn it on?04:04
Gobbyvocx: Awesome, thanks for all your help. It will be sweet if i get the right setup i want :)04:04
Pyles17usr13: yes, and it's on. i just turned it off to see if it would work04:04
ariqswhich is why, if anything, it's an OS question :)04:04
space_cadetHuufarted, so please stop flaming me04:04
Pyles17usr13: it's a keyboard sequence04:04
Huufartedspace_cadet: I understand the question.  You want to take a .ima/img floppy image and make it bootable on a USB device and that is off topic in relation to Ubuntu.04:04
ariqsif I can't fix it by changing a limit, I'll have to get messy and write to files04:04
space_cadetHuufarted, really.04:05
Jay555Is there any reason that i should actually install Ubuntu? Or just run it off the cd???04:05
usr13Pyles17: So  you just toggeled it off and back on again just now?04:05
space_cadetHuufarted, because I thought i wanted to do this from within linux04:05
space_cadetHuufarted, now that changes everything.04:05
dmanJay555: It is a lot faster installed? Easy persistent data?04:05
space_cadetHuufarted, so please, stop flaming04:05
durtJay555, It'll be faster off an HD04:05
Huufartedspace_cadet: changes nothing.  That is off topic.  Please ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic04:05
space_cadetHuufarted, no it's not.04:05
usr13Pyles17: Try the keyboard sequence, wait a few seconds and do iwconfig again.04:06
Jay555well im having a world of problems with installing so... the other option looks good,04:06
omniterhello. does anyone know why my monitor's refresh rate is limited to 50?04:06
omniterin windows i had up to 8504:06
HuufartedJay555: what problems are you having?04:06
space_cadetHuufarted, the point is, it does not matter what I want to do with the disk... the point is I want to extract an IMA to a usb drive from within linux04:06
durtJay555, Try the alternate install Cd.04:06
vocxariqs, you may think that your code is right but then you may be forgetting something. Seriously, post the code.04:06
usr13Pyles17: May even need to do   sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:06
Pyles17usr13: toggled it off in case it was backwards :-) just turned it on again04:06
space_cadetHuufarted, so please again, stop flaming04:06
jduspace_cadet, created channel called #bootdisk04:06
Huufartedspace_cadet: That is not an #ubuntu question, just ask asking questions about Compiz and usage for it are off topic04:06
smacfarl_so if I have an intel Q9550 which iso build do i use?04:06
Jay555well when i get to step 3 of installation and i choose "guided - use largest continuous free space" after shrinking my vista volume04:07
space_cadetHuufarted, so asking how to extract an IMG file to a usb disk in ubuntu is not ubuntu related?04:07
Jay555it says in the preview that after ubuntu will be 100%04:07
ariqsvocx: I know it's not the code, persay, as it works fine when I use less data. The fact is, the data isn't fitting due to some limitation. Either OS or something inherent in the compiler04:07
dreamycan anyone help me with this error : "no monitor supporting ddc/ci available "  ( This was when i wanted to run gddccontrol)04:07
usr13Pyles17: Ok, well have someone else pick up on this, sleep time is here (for me).04:07
HuufartedJay555: are you sure it's not just saying 100% of the free space instead of 100% of ALL of the space?04:07
smacfarl_in other words why os there only an amd64 build and not an intel 64 build. Probaly a stupid question but i'm asking anyway04:07
dreamyi just want to inscrease brigthnesss04:08
Jay555Huufarted: idk, but i don't want to take the chance!04:08
Huufartedsmacfarl_: There is no Intel64.  AMD owns the 64 bit architecture, even on Intel chips04:08
johnismacfarl_, google will definitely answer that question for you04:08
mattgyver83When i view a folder on my network (which I have co-owner privelages for) I cannot add new folders through nautilus however I may copy/move files over.  Anybody know why?04:08
delfickhi, does anyone know how to cap the memory usage of a program ? so if it reaches a certain limit it is automatically killed before the computer has to be hard reset (again :p) ?? :)04:08
HuufartedJay555: I see what you mean.  Jay555 you may want to burn a gparted live CD to adjust the partitions if you don't want to take that chance.04:08
rfsalderHello all! I'm looking for some help setting up ubuntu repositories using apt-move and apt-mirror. Is this the right forum to ask?04:08
smacfarl_Huufarted: so I want to download the amd64 build then for my new quad core machine?04:09
Pyles17usr13: thanks04:09
Huufartedsmacfarl_: if you want to run 64 bit, that is correct04:09
Huufartedsmacfarl_: Just ask Intel owns the x86 architecture, AMD owns the 64 bit half of that.04:09
vocxariqs, from experience, I've seen memory leaks, where one process takes absolutely all my free space and swap. So that's all I can say. But my memory is 2.5 GB total. Perhaps, as you say, the limit is larger than that.04:10
Huufartedsmacfarl_: and if you want to use more than 3.75 GB of RAM, then I'd recommend 64-bit.04:10
btw0rmrfsalder: it's a community not a forum lol04:10
meoblast0016 hours down the drain04:10
meoblast001has anyone here ever sent files to or from a phone with Ubuntu using bluetooth?04:10
rfsalderI'm new to this - be gentle :)04:10
meoblast001i'm desperate04:10
Huufartedrfsalder: good question if it is or not.  It won't hurt to ask, but you can also try http://ubuntuforums.org for potential help as well.04:11
smacfarl_huufarted: What do you recommend for updating firm of devices that use "windows only" firm ware updaters.04:11
mattgyver83meoblast001, i have04:11
meoblast001mattgyver83: how do you do it?04:11
meoblast001mattgyver83: i get OBEX errors04:11
mattgyver83meo, what program are you using?04:11
Huufartedsmacfarl_: that's going to be dependant on the individual hardware.04:11
mattgyver83(im firing up my laptop i do it with)04:11
tim_is there anyway that I could get some help on setting up a vpn client please04:11
hazardAnyone happen to have any suggestions for installing to a PS3 without a CD? I thought I saw a link yesterday about doing it from USB, but I can't find it now.04:11
Jay555huufarted: "you may want to burn a gparted live CD" whatd u mean by that?04:11
meoblast001mattgyver83: obex04:11
meoblast001mattgyver83: using blueman04:12
mattgyver83Jay555, google Gparted Live CD' you can just burn the ISO to disc and run it at boot04:12
HuufartedJay555: gparted is a program similar to Partition Magic in Windows.  It allows you to resize and move partitions and does an incredible job of it.04:12
smacfarl_huufarted: case in point OCZ SSD drives. Need to update the firmware before I align the partition.04:12
tim_is there anyway that I could get some help on setting up a vpn client please04:12
vocxsmacfarl_, the names intel x86 or amd64 are just a convention. Basically AMD extended the intel architecture to 64 bit first, so they got the name first.04:12
Jay555how do i edit my BIOS, like when do i get to the step to change it04:13
mattgyver83meo, i think i still have a link for the guide i used, let me check that for you04:13
Pyles17does anyone know why an intel 3945 wireless card, which works in windows and the driver comes with Ubuntu install, wouldn't work? lshw -C network says "network UNCLAIMED"04:13
ariqsvocx: I only have 1 gig of real physical memory, however, I increased my swap to 3 gigs, and I get bad_alloc at around 2.5gigs total04:13
HuufartedJay555: it runs on a live CD, just like the Ubuntu installation CDs.  It gives you a very good graphical representation of what it's going to do BEFORE it actually does it so you will know for sure what will be moved, resized, or removed before it's written to disk.04:13
Huufartedsmacfarl_: I'm sorry but I'm not going to obe much help with updating the firmware.  :(  I apologize.04:13
onatshas anyone here used opengeu/geubuntu?04:13
Jay555huufarted: o ok sounds good.04:13
tim_i guess there is no help in this chat room04:13
durttim_,  try ##networking04:14
tim_tried that no help04:14
mattgyver83meo, bear with me i got a bunch of things going on @ once04:14
smacfarl_New question for the group. I've got an OCZ SSD SATA device. I need to burn the new firmware. They only provide a windows app to do it. What kind of environment can I run that from so that i can do it before my Ubuntu install onto the device?04:14
d_1nev1tab1etim_: you will need to be more specific with your request04:14
btw0rmtim_: what do you want the vpn for?04:14
JoesephI've just installed Ubuntu on a another machine of mine...   It boots up, and I login, and then it just sits.... any ideas?04:15
smacfarl_huufarted: no problem. Just glad you are here.04:15
tim_well im looking to login to my server 2003 with vpn04:15
axscodehi.. how to install php pear db on ubuntu using apt?04:15
tim_how hard is it to help somebody setup vpn client for openvpn?04:15
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vocxariqs, how are you storing the data?04:16
btw0rmtim_: what's your 03 server running?04:16
tim_windows application04:16
JoesephSo I just installed Ubuntu onto a second machine of mine.   I boot up, I log in, and then it stays on a brown screen.... I can move my mouse....  but nothing else happens.04:16
ariqsvocx: varies. arrays, vectors, maps04:16
Huufartedtim_: You need to specify the type of VPN, etc.  SSL?  Watchguard Mobile VPN?  Cisco VPN?  What?04:16
tim_I just said vpn client for openvpn04:16
lstarnesaxscode: sudo apt-get install php-pear04:16
axscodelstarnes: still im having error with pear DB04:17
lstarnesaxscode: pastebin the error04:17
vocxJoeseph, what Ubuntu version, what video card?04:17
axscodegot it wait04:18
Joesephvocx:  Intrepid Ibex, and I'm not sure what video card.... but from my knowledge that doesn't seem like the problem.04:18
axscodelstarnes: http://pastebin.com/mbbcd71004:18
ariqsI've already rewritten the program to dump chunks of the data to files/reload it, but it'd be a ton more efficient if i could just fit it all without bad_alloc )04:19
vocxJoeseph, as a matter of fact "a brown screen but nothing happens" is exactly a bug, that may be caused by video drivers04:19
Joesephvocx: Oh, okay...   I'll search for the solution....  It would be nice if you could point me to one also.04:20
axscodelstarnes: http://pastebin.com/m2ed2a08d04:20
Sagaciis ubuntu 9.04 looking good on the whole?04:20
vocxJoeseph, can you enter into "single user" mode? That is from the grub menu?04:20
axscodethe second paste is for# pear list04:21
axscodeseams DB is not installed04:21
rfsalderI'd like to set up a local ubuntu box with 2 repositories: "primary" and "production". "Primary" would be a mirror of the main ubuntu repositories and I'm comfortable setting that up. I'd like to be able to 'move' approved packages to the "production" repository after I've tested them out. Then, the other ubuntu boxes on my network would update from the "production" repository.04:21
eseven73Sagaci, yes but talk about it in #ubuntu+1 :D04:21
axscodelstarnes:  should be apt-get install php-db04:21
eseven73sudo apt-get install php-db04:21
eseven73everyone forgets sudo04:21
big_chillanyone knows unetbootin - can i use it to boot an alternate cd?04:22
vocxJoeseph, the solution depends of course on the drivers, if that is the case. I could suggest you use "vesa". For that you'need to modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf, etcetera... there could be different things.04:22
Joesephvocx: I'm in the grub menu.   How do you get to the "single user" mode?04:22
rfsalderThis would give me a way to test updates before I deploy them.04:22
mattgyver83meo, are able to make a connection at all?04:22
vocxJoeseph, the single user mode is the recovery option, dunno how it's called04:22
gaurdrodoes anyone know if there is a way to manually set the fanspeed on a gateway laptop with ubuntu 8.10?04:22
axscodelstarnes: DB Error: extension not found <== this is the new error04:22
meoblast001mattgyver83: oh sorry... my irc client didn't highlight...... yes i can make connections04:23
mattgyver83Okay, what device is it?04:23
will_does anyone want 2 join my alien arena clan its called the lords of exeon04:23
meoblast001mattgyver83: Samsung A90004:23
rfsalderIs what I've described doable? Could someone help?04:23
=== qwdqwd is now known as Dreamglider
btw0rmrfsalder: use man04:24
oscurochuglitsj16: are you still here?04:24
Joesephvocx: I'm booting into single user mode now.  From there, hopefully I'll be able to tell what card I am using with lsmod.04:24
tea_ovedosehi, what codecs required to play .asf ?04:24
mattgyver83meo, what error do you receive?04:25
leonardoalthow can i watch dvd ubuntu 8.10?04:25
raghavendrandont ask me pleade04:25
gartralhello all, i have 2 video cards, and two monitors, now, of course, the complication is: one card is an nvidia, the other is some intergrated cheap card, but, i still want duel head, is this possible?04:25
meoblast001mattgyver83: can't find out now.... now obex won't even work04:25
vocxJoeseph, use "lspci" or "lshw" they show more information. Is this an old PC?04:25
meoblast001mattgyver83: i get different errors based on how i try to send the file04:25
rfsalderbtw0rm, You mean 'man apt-move, apt-mirror, etc.' - unfortunately, I'm past that stage. It's why I'm here.04:25
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raghavendranu should install codecs/04:25
raghavendraninstall themes in ubuntu04:25
Joesephvocx: No.  It's a fairly recent pc.  It has a pentium 4 proccessor in it.04:26
meoblast001mattgyver83: Operation not supported by backend04:26
Jay555wait so why is it when i select "Guided - use the largest continuous free space" in the partioner during installation that the bar at the top says: after, 100% ubuntu?04:26
space_cadetp4 fairly recent?04:26
lstarnesaxscode: try sudo pear install DB04:26
tea_ovedosehi, can some one plz tell me what codec needed to inorder to play .asf format ?04:26
vocxtea_ovedose, try to open it with the "Movie Player" and hopefully a window will popup telling you to install appropriate codecs.04:26
mattgyver83meoblast001, Are you positive that the phone can send files, or does it only use Bluetooth to make connections to other devices like headsets and such.04:26
raghavendranno for playing dvd04:26
[domon]hi guys, does the 'minimal' cd come in a server version?04:27
meoblast001mattgyver83: 100% possitive04:27
tea_ovedosevocx: nope there's isn't any prompt...04:27
meoblast001mattgyver83: that's what FTP stands for04:27
mattgyver83meoblast001, im using a G1, i can make a connection, however android doesnt currently support file transfers over bluetooth but my Palm Lifedrive did (its a treo -the phone)04:27
axscoderoot@axscode:/etc/init.d# pear install DB04:27
axscodeIgnoring installed package pear/DB04:27
axscodeNothing to install04:27
vocxJoeseph, mmm... the Pentium brand isn't used anymore... so it isn't exactly recent...04:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:27
meoblast001mattgyver83: i googled online... Windows users seem to have no problem sending and receiving files04:27
Sagaciin kubuntu, is there any way to see what automatically starts up on startup (via a gui)04:28
gartralvocx: im on a celeron "p4" clss proc :P04:28
Joesephvocx: It's a lot more recent than some of the computers I have.04:28
Joesephvocx: anyway.... How can I get to the terminal during a boot-up process?   the single user mode didn't help.04:29
dmanvocx: Actually, I believe they are making Pentium Dual Cores now04:29
Jay555huufarted: so if i download gparted then burn it to the cd, then boot with it, whatll happen??04:29
vocxgartral, well the Celeron brand will always be used for low-end products, so yeah, there are dual core Celerons that are recent04:29
big_chillanyone knows how i can install ubuntu from HD ?04:29
YixilTesiphonI have a 64bit 8.10 install which is stuck in bash04:29
JoesephI'm trying failsafe gnome now.04:29
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vocxdman, yes, they are called "Core 2 duo"... what I mean is the name Pentium will no longer be used.04:29
YixilTesiphonanybody have any idea why that would be happening?04:30
tea_ovedosevocx: mm.. there's only sound but no video displayed .04:30
vocxJoeseph, mmm... that should give you the terminal... I'm confused.04:30
mattgyver83meoblast001, I dont really have a good answer for you.  If it makes a connection then it should transfer files.  My lifedrive worked as soon as a  I setup obex.04:30
btw0rmtim_: do you have openvpn installed already?04:30
dmanvocx: no, actually called pentium dual core. between core and core2 in performance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_Dual-Core04:30
meoblast001mattgyver83: Ubuntu hatse me04:30
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: try vlc media player04:30
Joesephvocx: failsafe gnome didn't work.... I'll do 'failsafe terminal' this time.04:30
mattgyver83meoblast, this might be stupid but Im using gnome-obex-server.  Is that what your using?04:31
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: tried both ...no luck04:31
SR71-Blackbirdhow do I allow only selected IP addresses in apache?04:31
ariqsvocx: "The 2GB memory limit is imposed by the kernel-- 2.4 kernels on 32-bit systems used a 2G/2G virtual memory boundry between kernel memory and process memory. I believe that Windows uses a similar split, but I may be mistaken."04:31
SR71-BlackbirdOrder deny,allow \n Deny from all \n Allow from <IP> doesn't seem to work04:31
mattgyver83Ubuntu hates me too, it wont let my wifi-card tether my phone internet connection ';\04:31
Joesephha! okay.  Now I have a terminal.04:31
lstarnesSR71-Blackbird: try making order, deny, and allow lowercase04:31
vocxariqs, aaah, yes, I believe I read something like that too. That's what I'm talking about.04:32
YixilTesiphonI can't get out of a terminal04:32
SR71-Blackbirdlstarnes, all of them?04:32
YixilTesiphondoing an install and it just gives me "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$"04:32
lstarnesSR71-Blackbird: yes04:32
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: that must be some very tough codec then. So far vlc played everything ive thrown at it for me. The extension .asf usually only defines the multiplexing, not the codec04:33
Xeroncan anyone tell me hwy when i load supertux its animation is super slow motion? also with my zsnes games :(04:33
SR71-Blackbirdlstarnes, still denied04:33
Xeronmy firstperson shooter game works fine tho04:33
vocxXeron, you don't have hardware acceleration?04:33
jduXeron, I found the newest version of supertux to be slow04:33
Xeroni dunno lol i play fps fine tho04:33
Xeronok how do i fix it ?04:33
mattgyver83meoblast001, is gnome-obex-server what your using? (dont know if you caught my earlier post)04:34
SR71-Blackbirdlstarnes,  here's the thing, if I try it's name xx.example.com i get access, but if I use www I don't04:34
meoblast001mattgyver83: i think so04:34
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: probably it's because I am watching it via stream04:34
jduXeron, perhaps try the supertux wiki04:34
shutterbcQuestion about apt-get... does the following message mean that I should try to *downgrade* my installed java version?04:34
Xeronthanks anyway guys04:34
Joesephvocx: I have a 82845g/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device.04:34
shutterbc"sun-java6-jdk: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-06-0ubuntu1) but 6-07-3ubuntu2 is to be installed"04:34
lstarnesSR71-Blackbird: I'm not sure what would be causing that.  Try asking in #apache04:34
mattgyver83meoblast001, do you have an icon in the top-right of the task bar with a triangle with signals coming out of it?04:34
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: what kind of stream?04:35
meoblast001mattgyver83: now i do.... and it still doesnt work04:35
mattgyver83meoblast, okay so were using the same thing (not sure if theres any other version).  Technically if thats up, you can pair the device.  Then your good for a transfer.04:35
mattgyver83If you dont have the icon up you cant.04:35
mattgyver83Is the error on your phone, or on your computer?04:36
vocxJoeseph, is that intel?  Mmm. Check ubuntuforums.org for similar reports on your problem.04:36
Joesephvocx: It is intel.04:36
stevr1ithello anyone can help me to repristinate grub after having reinstaleld ubuntu 8.10 root?04:36
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: discovery channel lol04:36
SR71-Blackbirdlstarnes, thanks04:36
YixilTesiphonanybody have experience with 64bit installs?04:37
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: so it comes over http?04:37
johniYixilTesiphon, what seems to be the problem?04:37
YixilTesiphonjohni: during install I get stuck ina terminal04:37
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: actually, nvm, it shouldnt matter04:37
n8tuserstevr1it-> what do you mean by reinstalled 8.10 root?04:38
YixilTesiphonno gui loads beyond the ubunto logo and the orange progress bar04:38
YixilTesiphonthen it tells me that there is no guarantee and leaves me with "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$"04:38
=== Moo is now known as Guest18635
jduYixilTesiphon, "no guarantee" ?04:38
stevr1itn8tuser , i have reinstaleld the root of ubuntu 8.10 and of course grub now does not work,. i have only ubuntu on this pc04:38
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: what other codec I might be missing ... I have medibuntu, win32 ... installed04:38
ArtelusWhat server am i in?04:38
YixilTesiphonjdu: yeah, just legal language about how ubuntu doesn't come with any guarantee04:38
Guest18635hello all, i need help. I have ubuntu 8.10 and i have no sound. Not even system sounds. I would like to know what to do to fix this.04:39
=== Guest18635 is now known as Mr
n8tuserstevr1it-> what do you mean by reinstalled 8.10 root? how did you go about just reinstalling root?04:39
jduYixilTesiphon, what if you run:    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start04:39
=== Mr is now known as Guest86104
stevr1itbecause with the update it was not working properly04:39
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: i supposed u have ffmpeg?04:39
Guest86104hello all, i need help. I have ubuntu 8.10 and i have no sound. Not even system sounds. I would like to know what to do to fix this.04:39
YixilTesiphonjdu: will try that, thanks04:39
btw0rmArtelus: freenode #ubuntu04:39
jduYixilTesiphon,  or:          xinit -- :104:39
stevr1itSo i have instaleld form cd only the root partition04:40
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: I might not let check04:40
stevr1itn8tuser, can you help me with grub?04:40
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: check for gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg04:40
Guest86104im running "sudo apt-get install alsa-oss" willtthat do it?04:41
Artelusis irc.ubuntu.com the same as chat.freenode?04:41
jduYixilTesiphon, if the first command works,   it means gdm isn't started on startup04:41
FlannelArtelus: Yes, this is freenode.04:41
Soup_Can_Danholy ballsack there's a lot of people here04:41
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:41
trichobezoarwhat package has the c man pages?04:41
n8tuserstevr1it-> if this was a new install, you may as well re-install04:41
Soup_Can_Danholy ballsack this is scary04:42
=== ubuntu is now known as m0u5e
vocxtrichobezoar, manpages-dev I think04:42
=== Guest86104 is now known as PCTeacher012
stevr1itn8tuser, i try to be clear, i have updated ubuntu and afeter that everything was working but cups,  so I have installed ubuntu 8.10 but only the root partition leaving the home as it was. i have resiatelled already twice but when grub starts it says: error 204:42
lighttitanwhat is the command to kill all pulse audio?04:42
PCTeacher012I need help04:42
space_cadetlighttitan, killall pulseaudio04:43
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: heh your back, hello again04:43
PCTeacher012this time04:43
Hemebond*grumble*gconf-editor*grumble*windows registry*grumble*04:43
lighttitanspace_cadet: thanks04:43
PCTeacher012i need help xD04:43
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: with?04:43
stevr1itn8tuser, i think grub is looking for a different partition now04:43
space_cadetlighttitan, you might want to throw a sudo at the beginning of that04:43
Mr_OrangeWhere can I get vlc 0.9.9? I think it is supposed to be in the repos, but it's not there for me04:43
stevr1iti need to reconfigure it04:43
PCTeacher012My computer has NO sound now, it is not playing System sounds, Music, or youtube video sounds04:43
PCTeacher012what do i need to do?04:43
space_cadetlighttitan, and you may need to run it a couple of times04:43
PCTeacher012i have tterminal opened as Root04:43
trichobezoarthanks vocx that was it04:44
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: which Ubuntu?04:44
Mr_OrangePCTeacher012: if you are using alsa, try "sudo alsa force-reload"04:44
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: did you ever have sound or did it just crash?04:44
n8tuserstevr1it-> when you re-installed did you try to tell ubuntu to reformat the partition where /  resides? if not, you must, so re-install correctly04:44
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: ok good you didn't get  the other one04:44
vocxstevr1it, you can "update-grub" or optionally reinstall it with "grub-install"04:44
PCTeacher012I had sound when i first installed it04:44
sebsebseb!sound |  PCTeacher01204:44
ubottuPCTeacher012: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:44
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: did u try reboot?04:44
stevr1itvocs i try now04:44
PCTeacher012ubottu: I do not see any "File"04:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:45
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: maybe you should call your self  PC Student, or UbuntuStudent :d04:45
PCTeacher012no, i havnt tried reboot, but it ended before one, after reboot, it still was not working04:45
PCTeacher012i can try again soon04:45
PCTeacher012I am UbuntuStudent xD But PC(Windows)Teacher xD04:45
d_1nev1tab1ewell u can try restarting alsa04:45
vocxstevr1it, those commands take parameters, so you need to read the manual. To reinstall it is something like "sudo grub-install (hd0) --root-directory=/"04:45
jduPCTeacher012, is also running?04:45
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: so your going to learn Ubuntu, and then teach people Ubuntu?04:45
stevr1ityes vocx the problem is that is looking for sda1 and the root now is sdb104:46
jduPCTeacher012, i mean alsa04:46
jduPCTeacher012, I assume obviously that volume is up etc.04:46
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: yep I do have it installed04:46
stevr1iti try to restart it now. see later , thank you04:47
n8tuserstevr1it-> have you been messing around with your bios?04:47
stevr1itnota t all04:47
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: how about gstreamer0.10-schroedinger04:47
space_cadetjdu, how about trying to kill pulseaudio, or is that unnecessary in 8.1004:47
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=== dc0m is now known as chetnick
jduspace_cadet, i'm not sure.  let me look04:48
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: I afraid not co'z I haven't heard of it lol04:48
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: how to install that /04:48
shabgardHi ubuntu team04:48
d_1nev1tab1esudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-schroedinger04:48
space_cadet!hi | shabgard04:49
ubottushabgard: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:49
shabgardthanks dear..04:49
HemebondHow do I import a bunch of xml files under .gconf/apps/ back into gconf?04:49
jduPCTeacher012, space_cadet is right.   You might try:  sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart04:49
sebsebsebshabgard: not quite the team, but the user community yes04:49
sebsebsebshabgard: except for some people in here I expect04:49
shabgardwho can help for me abuat squid and ldap?04:50
* space_cadet always thought he was a team player04:50
sebsebsebshabgard: who are using another distro or whatever.  anyway do you want help with something?04:50
shabgardwho can help for me abuat squid and ldap?04:50
PCTeacher0121A reboot fixed it lol04:51
jduPCTeacher012, good04:51
YixilTesiphonjdu: it's not playing nice with my graphics card I think04:51
jduPCTeacher012, probably pulseaudio died04:51
space_cadetPCTeacher012, now on to figure out what caused it??04:51
shabgardwho can help for me abuat squid and ldap?04:51
sebsebsebPCTeacher0121: maybe you only needed to log out and back in again, not a whole system re boot04:51
YixilTesiphonthe command to start gdm resulted in a bunch of pixels at the top of the screen04:51
jduYixilTesiphon, so X is starting and dying04:51
jduYixilTesiphon, reboot?04:52
YixilTesiphonjdu: it goes back to setup04:52
YixilTesiphonon reboot04:52
shabgardI have a problem at bind "squid " and "ldap"04:52
jduYixilTesiphon, by setup you mean04:52
gartralhello all, i have 2 video cards, and two monitors, now, of course, the complication is: one card is an nvidia, the other is some intergrated cheap card, but, i still want duel head, is this possible?04:52
YixilTesiphonI mean the grub menu04:52
stevr1ithello, grub always gives the same error 204:52
shabgardwho can help for me abuat squid and ldap?04:53
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: did you do sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-schroedinger ?04:53
jduYixilTesiphon, and then you it boots ubuntu, graphics fail and you get a command prompt, correct?04:53
Joesephvocx: alright.  there's a launchpad bug about it..... but for now, I'm going to see if Hardy Heron will fix it.04:53
YixilTesiphonjdu: yes04:53
shabgardwho can help for me about squid and ldap?04:53
SwedeHello, I'm going to install a new OS on my netbook. The problem is that my usb flash drive doesn't seem to boot. On the other way I have a desktop computer. And I'm wondering if there is a way in Ubuntu to install an OS on another computer from the dekstop computer (that has Ubuntu as OS)?04:53
jduYixilTesiphon, are you familiar with xorg.conf04:53
sebsebseb!patience |  shabgard04:53
ubottushabgard: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:53
vocxJoeseph, Nice!04:54
YixilTesiphonjdu: beyond knowing it exists, now04:54
stevr1itvocx, ho can i install grub looking for sdb1 partition instaed the sda1?04:54
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: nvm, I already have it installed04:54
sebsebseb!grub | stevr1it:04:54
ubottustevr1it:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:54
shabgardI see04:54
YixilTesiphoner *no04:54
SwedeWell, I think it's called LAN boot or network boot.04:54
jduYixilTesiphon, there are lots of things in there you can define including graphics drivers, resolutions, etc04:54
jduYixilTesiphon, has X worked before?04:54
YixilTesiphonno jdu04:54
stevr1iti don't have windows and i have already tried some solution04:54
jduYixilTesiphon, and it didn't when you were installing?04:54
YixilTesiphonjdu: nope04:55
YixilTesiphonI'm trying installing again in safe graphics04:55
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: sorry, i run out of ideas then04:55
jduYixilTesiphon, and that works?04:55
YixilTesiphonjdu: not sure yet, just started04:55
space_cadetYixilTesiphon, nvidia?04:56
tea_ovedosed_1nev1tab1e: np thanks for helping.. btw, I found that the stream is in the following format ASF video (video/x-ms-asf04:56
jduYixilTesiphon, probably it is a simple matter of changing graphics card drivers04:56
Kanja1Hey, I'm having a problem with getting a variable expanded during a shell script - can someone help me understand what's going wrong?04:56
space_cadetMistress, yes you are on irc.freenode.net04:56
jduYixilTesiphon, what graphics card is it?04:56
YixilTesiphonjdu: looking up04:56
ariqsooh, mistress04:56
* ariqs puts his bottom up for a spanking 04:56
YixilTesiphonjust got the thing today, it's an hp pavilion04:57
space_cadet!ohmy | ariqs04:57
ubottuariqs: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:57
MistressI am trying to join opensim chat04:57
shabgardnow...I need help...I have a problem at bind squid and ldap04:57
YixilTesiphonthe graphics card is ATI jdu04:58
HemebondPolitical correctness overload...04:58
jduYixilTesiphon, ok.   try fglrx  as your driver04:58
SwedeAnyone having a manual for network booting a computer without CD?04:58
space_cadetswede hold on.04:58
jduYixilTesiphon, and use  aiglx  as a kernel module rather than glx04:58
Frijoliehow do you add an existing user account to an exsisting group04:58
shabgardactualy..I need help...I have a problem at bind squid and ldap04:58
Swedespace_cadet: Ok, ok.04:58
stevr1itIf i write sudo grub-update form cd it says that i don't have grub04:59
jduYixilTesiphon, probably best to make one change at a time though04:59
rgarciaHi could anybody help me?04:59
space_cadetSwede, what do you want to install?04:59
space_cadetSwede, http://www.lockstockmods.net/2008/04/26/easy-way-to-pxe-boot-windows/04:59
sebsebsebrgarcia: maybe and just ask04:59
Kanja1anyone have any ideas why I'm getting an ambiguous redirect for http://paste.ubuntu.com/144592/04:59
sebsebseb!ask > rgarcia04:59
ubotturgarcia, please see my private message04:59
YixilTesiphonjdu: will try that once I see the results from safe graphics startup...is a long hang on "Starting Ubiquity..." normal?04:59
vocxstevr1it, you need to mount the partition and then run something like "sudo grub-install (hd0) --root-directory=/media/sdb1"04:59
rgarciaright..I'm new on Ubuntu04:59
Swedespace_cadet: Well I want to install either Linpus (original OS) or maybe Sidux on a Acer Aspire One netbook.04:59
space_cadetKanja1, conficker?04:59
Kanja1space_cadet: conficker? The virus? what about it?05:00
jduYixilTesiphon, it might be.   Perhaps there was a release note about that?05:00
sebsebseb!helpme >  rgarcia05:00
ubotturgarcia, please see my private message05:00
space_cadetambiguous redirects.05:00
space_cadetKanja1, ^^05:00
meoblast001space_cadet: good news05:00
shabgardanybody can't help for bind squid and ldap?05:00
sebsebsebrgarcia: ok new to Ubuntu,  and you want help with?05:00
meoblast001space_cadet: i've gotten it to work some of the time05:00
space_cadetmeoblast001, it worked?05:01
Frijoliejust need a simple answer..^^05:01
vocxstevr1it, the (hd0) tells that it will install the first stage in the Master Boot Record of the first disk. Then the next part points to the files in the /boot/grub subdirectory, that is stage 205:01
meoblast001space_cadet: pulled an image off of it and put the ubuntu logo on it05:01
Kanja1space_cadet: I'm not up to date with the news on that one - last I heard it was supposed to go off a day or two ago05:01
rgarciaand i want to connect to a server...05:01
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: .asf is just a container for several multiplexed streams. It is codec independent, and u are facing a codec problem05:01
Sir_Brizzcan anyone tell me how to add resolutions? My monitor won't do EDID and so Ubuntu is maxing me out at 1024x768 which is unbearable.05:01
stevr1itvocx how to mount the sdb1 partition sudo mount  and?05:01
YixilTesiphonand stupid question, where is xorg.conf?05:01
space_cadetKanja1, you running linux?05:01
rgarciaenter in a chat05:01
meoblast001space_cadet: now i'm sending filetofish.mp305:01
sebsebsebrgarcia: what kind of server?05:01
rgarciatorrent leech05:01
rgarcia./server irc.torrentleech.org:701105:01
meoblast001space_cadet: give me back that filet o fish05:01
space_cadetmeoblast001, wtf is filetofish.mp3 ?05:01
Swedespace_cadet: Well, I have a desktop computer with Ubuntu 8.10 on it and I want to install Linpus or Sidux to a Acer Aspire One netbook by network boot.05:01
AussieGuy0.38kb/second, sustained consistently over 1 month, is 1gb, right?05:01
sebsebseb!ot |  rgarcia05:02
ubotturgarcia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:02
Kanja1space_cadet: yeah, of course05:02
Swedespace_cadet: The manual use Windows XP.05:02
space_cadetKanja1, then nvm05:02
meoblast001space_cadet: snap... doesn't support mp3.... you were the one telling me about samsungs right?05:02
vocxstevr1it, "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/DiskB" for instance, provided that /media/DiskB exists05:02
meoblast001space_cadet: need to know what formats the ysupport05:02
d_1nev1tab1etea_ovedose: i dont know how to find out which codec you are trying to play05:02
space_cadetSwede, linux has a tftpd32 daemon just don't know what it's called05:02
Kanja1space_cadet: I'm having a problem with a bash stream redirect, not an http request :)05:02
jduYixilTesiphon, well it just became Sunday, so I ought to go to bed.  fglrx is partially closed source, so it won't be available by default.   Hope it starts working.05:02
meoblast001firefox sucks05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tftpd05:03
sebsebsebmeoblast001: Internet Explorer sucks, but Firefox no05:03
shabgardcan anybody help to me about squd and ldap?05:03
Swedespace_cadet: Ok, hm, tftpd32, that doesn't say me nothing.05:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tftp05:03
gartralhello all, i have 2 video cards, and two monitors, now, of course, the complication is: one card is an nvidia, the other is some intergrated cheap card, but, i still want duel head, is this possible?05:03
Kanja1meoblash001: you're stuck on it till chrome comes out05:03
Joelitohi all, is there a distro of ubuntu like debian's netinstall?05:03
meoblast001sebsebseb: well.... firefox is typing backwards right now05:03
Joesephgartal:  I have the exact same question.05:03
kFj_hi. im trying to install lvm2. but when i try to modprobe dm-mod i get this error:  FATAL: Module dm_mod not found.05:03
gartralmeoblast001: try the insert key05:03
space_cadetSwede, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86373505:04
stealth-!install | Jeolito05:04
ubottuJeolito: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate05:04
shabgardcan anybody help to me about squid and ldap?05:04
ultratekis anyone famialr with --iscurrentdistro?05:04
meoblast001gartral: didnt work.. i'll have to restart it05:04
sebsebsebshabgard:  you will have to wait05:04
stealth-opps, sorry, Joelito, that above post about !install was for you05:04
meoblast001gartral: i'm copying and pasting out of gedit right now05:04
Swedespace_cadet: Many sites talk about PXE, is that the software that I probably will have to use in some way?05:04
Joelitostealth- yep notice :p05:04
space_cadetSwede, yes.. you have to use pxe to network boot05:05
shabgardyes I 'm waiting...05:05
sebsebsebshabgard: untill someone can help you, or  try something such as http://www.ubuntuforums.org or google  for a solution05:05
gartralmeoblast001: try pidgin's irc..05:05
vocxgartral, hmm, you can have dual head, provided the nvidia card has two VGA out, or one VGA out and one DVI out. I don't really know.05:05
space_cadetSwede, if your hardware supports it.05:05
gartralvocx: its a geforce 2 mx 40005:05
JoesephSo I checked my install cd cause I thought it looked scratched..... It says it's fine, so I go ahead and boot.   but...  IT can't read the disk!      So it was an even longer waste of time in something that was supposed to save time. anger.05:05
stevr1itvocx it says error in syntax (05:05
space_cadetJoeseph, does it have IO errors?05:05
meoblast001space_cadet: this thing should support MP3 right?05:05
Joesephspace_cadet: yes05:06
space_cadetmeoblast001, not for ring tones05:06
vocxstevr1it, try without the parentheses. hd0 not (hd0)05:06
meoblast001space_cadet: oh05:06
space_cadetJoeseph, try burning at 4x or slower05:06
space_cadetmeoblast001, it's sprint05:06
meoblast001space_cadet: i cant get mine to play from the file browser05:06
YixilTesiphonso when I type "sudo ed xorg.conf" in terminal it just says "1053", any idea why that would be?05:06
meoblast001space_cadet: what about QCELP?05:06
space_cadetmeoblast001  hmm... mine plays fine from the file browser, but wont do ringtones05:06
Sir_Brizzcan anyone tell me how to add resolutions? My monitor won't do EDID and so Ubuntu is maxing me out at 1024x768 which is unbearable.05:07
Kanja1ah - figured it out, the variable needed to be quoted05:07
space_cadetmeoblast001, remember what I was telling about 3gpp ?05:07
vocxYixilTesiphon, if you want and editor use "nano" or "vim"05:07
space_cadetmeoblast001, that's what mine uses for ring tones.05:07
=== error404notfoun3 is now known as error404notfound
Joesephspace_cadet: My point was that I ran the "check cd for defects" so It wouldn't crash in the middle of booting......  which it did.05:07
YixilTesiphonah thanks vocx05:07
space_cadetJoeseph, did you burn faster than 4x?05:07
Joesephspace_cadet: This cd was made a while ago... I don't know.05:08
vocxSir_Brizz, what Monitor and what card?05:08
Swedespace_cadet: Well, I don't know if it does. How do I know if the computer can use network boot?05:08
Swedespace_cadet: Or PXE, I mean.05:08
Sir_Brizzit's a 17" generic brand CRT on an nVidia 8800GTs05:08
space_cadetSwede, same deal, enter your bios05:08
space_cadetJoeseph, do you have another blank?05:09
Swedespace_cadet: Ok, I will, thanks.05:09
YixilTesiphonso if xorg.conf contains nothing but things like "Generic Monitor", that means that it hasn't recognized any of my hardware?05:09
meoblast001space_cadet: should i put it in the folder Music/05:10
Joesephspace_cadet: Yeah.... I'm downloading a copy of the iso right now......      I suppose It'll be done 24 minutes.... If firefox is to be believed.05:10
Frijolieok, I need some help with permissions strategies for a ftp user account05:10
stevr1itvocx in medai i have only a directory now called : disk can i mount grub on it?05:10
space_cadetmeoblast001, for music, sure...05:10
vocxSir_Brizz, you can add another resolution in some entry of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and maybe it is detected correctly, that's what I did with my setup.05:10
space_cadetmeoblast001, for ringtones, you need to have your phone create a dcim folder.05:10
Frijolieor a shared directory where my user account can drop files for a remote user account to be able to access05:10
meoblast001my phone locked up05:11
stevr1itvocx sorry, in /media/ i have only a direcotry called disk, can i mount grub on it?05:11
Sir_Brizzvocx: I'll give it a try, thanks05:11
space_cadetJoeseph, just make sure to burn at =<4x05:11
stevr1iti am on a live cd05:11
meoblast001space_cadet: where in DCIM do i put it?05:11
meoblast001space_cadet: 100SSMED?05:11
gartralhello all, i have 2 video cards, and two monitors, now, of course, the complication is: one card is an nvidia, the other is some intergrated cheap card, but, i still want duel head, is this possible?05:11
Joesephspace_cadet: Will do05:11
meoblast001space_cadet: and the music player can't find the filetofish.mp305:11
vocxstevr1it, you don't "mount grub"  you mount the root directory05:11
JoesephOut of curiosity.... has anyone else been using compiz fuzion and while moving a window around randomly have it disappear?    I did that today and noticed I could still see it if I zoomed out to the desktop cube... but I couldn't grab the window.05:11
space_cadetmeoblast001, meoblast001 yes in that folder, and to be a ringtone, it must follow a specific naming convention.05:12
space_cadetmeoblast001, mine is something like v_000007.3g205:12
meoblast001space_cadet: oh yay... whats that?05:12
vocxJoeseph, found the solution to the video problem?05:12
stevr1itthe cd have mounted the root on /media/ disk and now?05:12
meoblast001space_cadet: what formats are acceptable05:12
space_cadetmeoblast001, take a vid, and see what the filename turns out to be.05:12
d_1nev1tab1eJoeseph: do u have wobbly windows on? I used to get things like that with wobbly windows. compix --replace should get ur window back05:13
Frijolieanyone, anyone?05:13
stevr1itvocx i have folloed your previous instructions sudo grub-install (hd0) --root-directory=/media/sdb1"05:13
stevr1itvocx i have folloed your previous instructions sudo grub-install (hd0) --root-directory=/media/disk05:13
stevr1itand now?05:13
sebsebseb!ask | Frijolie05:13
ubottuFrijolie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:13
Joesephvocx: not really.   I'm trying to see if it's a problem in Ibex by using Heron.   Of course, however, my install cd was broken so I have to spend time downloading another one.....05:13
amikropIs there an /etc/apt/apt.conf?05:13
Joesephd_1nev1tab1e: Thanks for the advice.05:13
amikropI mean, it isn't there.05:13
vocxstevr1it, then run something like "sudo grub-install hd0 --root-directory=/media/disk"05:13
amikropIs it somewhere, though?05:13
Frijoliesebsebseb, I did05:13
meoblast001space_cadet: ok... got it... how do i make a 3g2 now?05:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt.conf05:14
sebsebsebFrijolie: ok I missed it, nevermind tehn05:14
stevr1itvocx done and now?05:14
Frijoliesebsebseb, you seem to be a guru, can you help me with permissions problems?05:14
space_cadethttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=874817  meoblast00105:14
Frijoliesebsebseb, problems/strategies05:14
vocxstevr1it, it didn't show any errors? then okay restart05:14
space_cadetmeoblast001, you also should make it a video file with at least a picture in it.05:14
sebsebseb!permissions | Frijolie05:14
Joesephd_1nev1tab1e: That command didn't work for me though....05:14
ubottuFrijolie: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:14
space_cadetmeoblast001, that's what a 3g2 is.05:14
stevr1itonly one: it is not a XFS filesystem05:15
meoblast001space_cadet: so how is a 3g2 a rngtone?05:15
vocxJoeseph, do you have the bug report you mentioned05:15
Frijoliesebsebseb, I know what they are and how they can be manipulated but I need some help from a sys admin point-of-view05:15
space_cadetmeoblast001, it's soo much easier in windows, just open with quicktime, add a picture, then export as mp4, bring it to my converter, and bam 3g205:15
stevr1itand tells me to check the /grub/device/map05:15
sebsebsebFrijolie: what are you trying to do?05:15
Frijoliesebsebseb, per se05:15
space_cadetmeoblast001, it's a video ringtone05:15
meoblast001space_cadet: how do i make a non video rington?05:15
stevr1iti try to restart05:15
space_cadetmeoblast001, take a video, and see if you can assign it as a ringtone05:15
meoblast001space_cadet: can i just pop a MID in there?05:15
d_1nev1tab1eJoeseph: its supposed to restart compiz, so if the window still is gone it might not be a compiz problem.05:16
Frijoliesebsebseb, ok, I've recently set up an ftp server which is allowing connections via a user account 'userftp'05:16
space_cadetmeoblast001, maybe, that I haven't tried05:16
space_cadetmeoblast001, but you gotta remember, it'05:16
Frijoliesebsebseb, userftp's primary group is userftp05:16
meoblast001doesnt come up as ringtone05:16
space_cadets sprint   meoblast00105:16
sebsebsebFrijolie: ok  I haven't done my own ftpserver before,  anyway  I guess your issue isn't really distro specific and so you can try this general  channel #linux05:16
Joesephvocx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/27843105:16
d_1nev1tab1eJoeseph: see if metacity --replace works, it switches compiz off05:16
Joesephd_1nev1tab1e: Alright.... thanks.05:16
Frijoliesebsebseb, uh, ok I guess that's right...05:16
sebsebsebFrijolie: plus people there will probably know what to do with Ubuntu anyway05:17
stevr1itvocx . it tells error 2 again05:17
space_cadetmeoblast001, http://forums.wirelessadvisor.com/samsung/57130-how-upload-ringtones-your-a900-without.html05:17
Frijoliesebsebseb, :( alright05:17
Swedespace_cadet: The Acer boot menu says Network Boot: LEGACY PCI DEVICE, does this mean that it can boot from network or have I misunderstood?05:17
sebsebsebFrijolie: or wait here,  or look at say http://www.ubuntuforums.org and you can Google05:18
Frijoliesebsebseb, all of the above already done05:18
Spence__hey guys, can someone help out with dual monitors; extended desktop?05:18
Spence__how to set it up05:18
space_cadetSwede, yep05:18
space_cadetSwede, if you can choose it, and it attempts something. yes.05:18
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__:  do u have an nvidia graphics card?05:18
Spence__yess i do05:18
space_cadetSwede, mind you, my experience with PXE was from windows, to windows.05:19
vocxstevr1it, maybe it cannot boot from the second disk, you need to install it in sda1. I'm still unsure of your setup. You should explain how many disks you have, are they IDE or SATA, what OSes they have, etc.05:19
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__:  enable the propietary drivers and use the nvidia config tool05:19
Nephilusaren't kde and gnome, xubuntu etc. called window managers?05:19
sebsebsebNephilus: KDE and Gnome are desktop environments and XFCE is a window manager05:19
Spence__oh  yeah, i forgot to mention, i'm new to Ubuntu, so idk how to do much05:19
stevr1itvocx i ahve 4 hardisks, and only one sata with controller,  it occupied sda1 and the root is on sdb105:20
space_cadetxubuntu isn't a window manager05:20
Nephilusthanks for the help05:20
lstarnesNephilus: kde, xfce, and gnome are desktop environments05:20
space_cadetxubuntu is a flavour of ubuntu05:20
stevr1itsdb2 is home05:20
Swedespace_cadet: I was somewhat confused about the LEGACY DEVICE text, but I think it will work. I have to try it out.05:20
stevr1itsdb3 is swap05:20
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__:  sorry, i am bit tired and lazy to be more specific. One sec...05:20
sebsebsebNephilus: if it's just a GUI it's a WM, if it's a GUI and apps it's a DE05:20
space_cadetSwede, legacy device means really old hardware.05:20
stevr1itthe 3 partions are on one hardisk,05:20
stevr1itvocx, sdb is hosting sdb1 root, sdb2 home sdb3 swap05:21
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__: go to system->administration ->hardware drivers05:21
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__: make sure your recommended nvidia drivers are enabled05:22
stevr1itvocx, sda1 is a sata with controller, sda5 is another hardisk05:22
showersI downloaded kate and maybe kde and konqueror to ubuntu 810 but the application fonts (menus and stuff) are really small. Is there a way to fix that.05:22
vocxstevr1it, and sda, sdc, sdd, are for files? Try unplugging them and installing with only sdb plugged in.05:22
Spence__my old computer has nvidia05:22
kFj_what does this mean: FATAL: Module dm_mod not found.05:23
kFj_i get it when trying to modprobe dm-mod05:23
Spence__this one has ATI/AMD proprietary FGKRX graohics driver05:23
kFj_i have installed the lvm2 package05:23
space_cadetsaw that coming05:23
meoblast001space_cadet: got it to play05:23
aadityaI upgraded my RAM from 3GB to 4GB and BIOS confirmed the same, but Ubuntu didn't notice the 4th Gigabyte. Why would that happen?05:23
gartralif at some point, i upgrade my gfx card, would i first disable the drivers installed to before swapping the card?05:23
space_cadetmeoblast001, how.05:23
stevr1itvocx, really difficult to find wich one is which, any other solution?05:23
[MindVirus]Hey. Can anyone suggest some good ID3 tagging software?05:23
Swedespace_cadet: Ok, I will try booting from my desktop computer onto my netbook. I think it will work.05:23
space_cadetSwede, k05:24
aaditya[MindVirus]: Picard from MusicBrainz...05:24
space_cadetcaptain ?05:24
mattgyver83Can you create a symlink to a network folder?05:24
stevr1itvocx the os is only on sbd1 and is ubutnu 8.10 all are in ext 305:24
[MindVirus]aaditya, I'll check it out.05:24
meoblast001space_cadet: stuck it in the MEDIA folder..... wont be a ringtone though05:24
psykusanyone know why the window list in gnome always shows windows from every workspace even though I told it not to?05:25
space_cadetmy teacher's name is william reichert05:25
vocxstevr1it, well, go into the BIOS and disable all of them except the second one, where ubuntu is in. Then install grub but with hd1 instead of hd005:25
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__:  sorry i am not familiar with ati, but u could try using the gnome tool which is in system->preferences -> Screen Resolution05:25
psykusnevermind. i turned it off and back on and it worked :<05:25
gartralif at some point, i upgrade my gfx card, would i first disable the drivers installed to before swapping the card?05:25
psykusi'm so awesome05:25
[MindVirus]aaditya, is it Qt?05:25
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
shabgardHi dear05:26
space_cadetgartral, it would be advised, with any system to do that...05:26
aaditya[MindVirus]:  it's written in python, so possibly yes05:26
stevr1iti try05:26
vocxstevr1it, why do you find it difficult? Are they in a rack or something? Are the cables all messed up?05:26
Spence__yeah, i tried that, it does clone and the second screen is all whack=/05:26
aaditya[MindVirus]: it's more than a tagger - it can fetch tag info from internet automagically05:26
shabgardi am check ldap port with nmap but port 389 closed...why?05:27
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__: are trying to create a twinview (desktop span) or clone?05:27
stevr1itvocx no, but i dont' remeber which is the sbd and there is little room to work05:27
aadityaThe 4th GB isn't showing up in Ubuntu.. help!!05:27
aadityaaaditya@u01:~$ cat /proc/meminfo05:27
aadityaMemTotal:      3102832 kB05:27
logosAre there any advantages or disadvantages to running ubuntu server instead of just debian?05:27
Spence__desktop span05:28
stevr1itvocx the bios does not allow me to disable them05:28
stevr1iti try unplugging them.05:28
Spence__i just changed my resolution and now its all whack and it wont let me change it back :'(05:28
Spence__what do i do?05:28
* error404notfound upgrades his lappy to jaunty jackalope, planning to spam #ubuntu with jaunty questions.05:28
gartralhow do i unzip something from terminal?05:28
[domon]gartral: unzip05:28
vocxerror404notfound, if you spam here with jaunty questions == ban for you05:29
d_1nev1tab1eSpence__:  ehm ur best bet is to restart x server, log out press ctrl alt backspace and log back in05:29
error404notfoundvocx: who was serious? chill out.05:29
* error404notfound raises white flag... that was a joke..05:29
gartrald_1nev1tab1e: ctrl+alt+BS does that all automaitically05:30
d_1nev1tab1egartral: yes but just trying to make sure he doenst have anything open that might be lost05:30
TheFunkbombI have a lazy question.  I have a windows computer downstairs.  I run Ubuntu upstairs.  I would like to be able to remotely view the Windows Desktop to troubleshoot dumb users05:31
Spence_ty, that workd05:31
TheFunkbombCan anyone help me in my quest to be lazy?05:31
sebsebseb!vnc |  TheFunkbomb05:31
ubottuTheFunkbomb: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:31
d_1nev1tab1eSpence_:  do u have dualscreen now?05:31
TheFunkbombthanks sebsebseb and ubottu!05:32
Spence_yes i do, but resolution is messed up on the second screen and it's clone05:32
sebsebseb!bot |  Thefunkbomb05:32
ubottuThefunkbomb: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:32
vocx!thanks | TheFunkbomb05:32
ubottuTheFunkbomb: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:32
d_1nev1tab1eSpence_:  make sure u have unticked mirror screens on the Screen resolution settings05:32
TheFunkbombI know ubottu is a bot.  It still deserves a thank you05:32
sebsebsebvocx: yeah that's what I wanted to do05:32
Spence_yeah, it's unticked05:32
vocxsebsebseb, heheh05:33
inasmuI'm having trouble adding a podcast in Rhythmbox.  The site only provides a URL which redirects me to a download page for itunes, I've parsed out the itms:// URL but that is also not working when I try to add it.05:33
sebsebseb!love |  TheFunkbomb05:33
ubottuTheFunkbomb: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.05:33
TheFunkbombhow true05:33
sebsebsebTheFunkbomb: ok not what I wanted, some bots can give a heart or whatever,  and he would give you one :d for saying what you said ha ha.  ok  off topic now05:34
Frijoliewhen I "lock screen" and try to log back in, my user account password is "invalid"05:34
d_1nev1tab1eSpence_:  its best u talk to an ati user then.05:34
logosAre there any advantages or disadvantages to running ubuntu server instead of just debian?05:34
Spence_i'm sorry, who?05:34
sebsebsebmeshuggah: there you go you got a guy, you Debian user you :d05:34
Garenlogos: ubuntu server vs ubuntu desktop you mean?05:34
sebsebseblogos: ask  meshuggah05:35
meshuggahdebian is faster05:35
d_1nev1tab1eSpence_: someone whos i familiar with ati cards and dual screen. Im sure there are ppl like that in this channel.05:35
vocxlogos, maybe is a matter of preference. If you are already experienced...05:35
meshuggahand every other advantages is for ubuntu05:35
* meshuggah kisses sebsebseb 05:36
TheFunkbombI think this VNC stuff is over my head :(05:36
logosok, thanks05:36
sebsebseb!ot |  meshuggah05:36
ubottumeshuggah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:36
Frijoliesebsebseb, any idea on that one?05:36
Spence_oh, okay. thanks anyhow for the help05:36
meshuggah!offtopic | sebsebseb05:36
ubottusebsebseb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:36
sebsebseb!botabuse |  meshuggah05:36
ubottumeshuggah: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:36
* meshuggah slaps sebsebseb 05:36
sebsebseb!lol | meshuggah05:37
ubottumeshuggah: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.05:37
d_1nev1tab1eSpence_: when the new version jaunty comes out in 18 days there will be better support for dual screen. at least so they say.05:37
digitalexpl0itanyone know how to get middle click to work on a logitech mx5500 bluetooth mouse on ubuntu 9.04?05:37
bthorntonWhat happened to the graphical Network Settings (System -> Administration -> Network) in Hardy?05:37
digitalexpl0itdo I need to add anything to xorg.conf?05:37
bthorntonthere's a Network Tools but that's no help05:38
Frijoliestumped 'em all05:38
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d_1nev1tab1ebthornton: what do u need?05:38
gartralhello all, i have 2 video cards, and two monitors, now, of course, the complication is: one card is an nvidia, the other is some intergrated cheap card, but, i still want duel head, is this possible?05:38
vocxbthornton, network preferences maybe in Preferences not Administration05:38
=== VSA_is_the_way is now known as ubuntuNOOB
stevr1itvocx i have disable all the other hardisk and resatrted the live  i have written in the terminal sudo grub-install hd1 --root-directory=media/disk   but is says error that it cannot create directory medai/disk/boot no such fiel or directory05:39
bthorntond_1nev1table: Just need to configure an ethernet interface graphically.05:39
bthorntonis this all handled by Network Manager now?05:39
vocxstevr1it, /media/disk/   <--------- not media/disk/    look at the first backslash05:40
stevr1itvocx, and the hdb1 is mounted as disk under media05:40
d_1nev1tab1ebthornton: System -> preferences -> network configuration05:40
vocxstevr1it, I mean forward slash...05:40
bthorntonokay thanks05:40
shabgardplease help me05:40
FloodBot3shabgard: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
digitalexpl0itanyone know how to configure middle button on a mouse - ubuntu 9.0405:41
Flannel!helpme | shabgard05:41
ubottushabgard: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience05:41
lazukars_How do you get to "network settings" in the latest version of Ubuntu05:41
Kimihttp://andhravilas.com/moviedetail.asp?fid=|54|68|128|95 i wanted to play songs from this site.. but it says real player needed..... what is the solution ?? plz dont tell me any links.. tell me a direct solutions..... thanks in advance05:41
stevr1itvocx it says: /boot/grub/stage2 p /boot/grub/menu.lst " .... failed05:41
ubuntuNOOBhi i come from debian, i'm try to install Kubuntu 8.10 i386 on Pentium D, I try to burn 1 CD and 3 DVD with low speed burn, when try to install Kubuntu it get my much errore, "pnpbios=off", bad I/O read and so on, do I take bad iso of Kubuntu and should I try AMD64?05:41
stevr1itselect disk does not exist05:41
stealth-while running the command: sudo mount /dev/cdrom/ /media/cdrom0/ it tells me "no medium found" when im sure there is a disk in05:42
digitalexpl0itis there a channel for the beta version of ubuntu or is this it? thanks05:42
shabgardI am a question...05:42
Flanneldigitalexpl0it: #ubuntu+105:42
digitalexpl0itthank you05:42
d_1nev1tab1elazukars_:  system->preferences -> network configuration for ubuntu 8.1005:42
Briandb1222I have a resolution problem...did a lot of research on the forums and still can't find a solution.05:42
stealth-Briandb1222: is it stuck in a low resolution?05:42
shabgardI am a question...05:43
stevr1itVocx, also says: running embed /boot/grub/e2fs stage 1_5 (hd1) failed (this is not fatal)05:43
Kimishabgard ?05:43
Flannelshabgard: Go ahead and ask it.  Would you feel better in your native language?05:43
stealth-shabgard: are you a bot?05:43
stevr1itVocx, also says: running embed /boot/grub/e2fs stage 1_5 (hd0,0) failed (this is not fatal) too05:43
Kimi!ask | shabgard05:43
ubottushabgard: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:43
Enigmaquick question05:43
Briandb1222no, on a high. 1600x1200. I lower it to 1024x768 where it should be and I get vertical lines or horizontal lines05:44
Kimi http://andhravilas.com/moviedetail.asp?fid=|54|68|128|95 i wanted to play songs from this site.. but it says real player needed..... what is the solution ?? plz dont tell me any links.. tell me a direct solutions..... thanks in advance05:44
vocxstevr1it, since you have unplugged the other disks it's possible that hd1 is now hd0, you need to check that too. You can use "/dev/sda" or "/dev/sdb" whatever, instead of hd0, hd1, hd2, ...05:44
stealth-Briandb1222: try changing your refresh rate around, see if that makes any difference05:44
Enigmasince i'm using the restricted drivers for my atheros, if i upgrade gnome to the new 2.26, would i have to redo all the stuff i've installed, etc05:44
stevr1itvocx how can i check? i can use /dev/sda/ how? Idon't understadn05:44
shabgardyou only speak05:44
smacfarl_anyplace that is good to download an ubuntu iso? Getting several that don't md5sum05:45
Briandb1222how? it isn't reading my driver. I've tried that and it didn't work...info in xorg.conf is missing...I just get stuff about default monitor and such and such.05:45
TheFunkbombI guess I'll have to set up a VNC server on the Windows computer and dial in with Remote Desktop Viewer on Ubuntu?05:45
Enigmasmacfarl_, check mininova05:45
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Enigmai got mine there05:45
Flannel!ir | shabgard05:45
ubottushabgard: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.05:45
stevr1itvocx ok gonfd hdo works05:45
PCTeacher012Sound died... again05:45
stevr1itnow i try to restart it05:45
Kimidoes anyone have real player in synpantic ?05:46
Kimiwhen  i search for "real" it shows "stellarium"05:46
PCTeacher012you can download it from their site05:46
KimiPCTeacher012, ok thanks i didnt knew05:46
PCTeacher012its kay05:46
Flannel!real | Kimi05:46
ubottuKimi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:46
PCTeacher012search for linux versions05:46
stealth-Briandb1222: I cant really help you past there, i was just checking to see if you were someone who was in here earlier with a resolution problem. Maybe someone else can help you05:46
PCTeacher012I need help real quick, my sound died AGAIN...05:46
Enigmasince i'm using the restricted drivers for my atheros, if i upgrade gnome to the new 2.26, would i have to redo all the stuff i've installed, etc05:46
_jonesy_Ubuntu 8.10 networking. Does anyone know why on a gigabit network, copying files from my linux server to my macbook pro I can only get 4 to 6MB/sec transfer speeds? I've tried netatalk (AFP), SMB and SSH. Every once in a while it will start out at 60MB/sec then drop back down to the normal slow ass speeds.05:46
KimiFlannel https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods which method from this page should i chooose ?05:47
Briandb1222repost just in case it was not seen. it isn't reading my driver. I've tried that and it didn't work...info in xorg.conf is missing...I just get stuff about default monitor and such and such.05:47
digitalexpl0itKimi - sudo apt-get install realplayer05:47
stevr1itvocx now it works, but when i will plug in the other harddisk can i have any problem?05:47
vocxEnigma, depends on how you installed it.05:47
PCTeacher012Sound not working again05:47
Enigmavocx, i used the restricted drivers and blacklisted the ath_pci and ath5k or something05:47
Kimidigitalexpl0it, is this free to download and use ? :P05:47
vocxstevr1it, try plugging only one of the other disks, one by one-05:47
PCTeacher012i dont want to keep rebooting05:47
PCTeacher012but ill brb05:47
stealth-Briandb1222: also, for further notice: when your sending someone a message in a channel as crowded as this, put their name before your text05:48
vocxEnigma, How do you plan to upgrade to gnome 2.26?05:48
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: u dont have to reboot05:48
stevr1itthe problem will be with the sata, it wil cahnge everything i am sure05:48
digitalexpl0itkimi its apt-get from the ubuntu respo, if this doesnt work you can get the player from there website I beleive05:48
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: there is a way to restart alsa, lemme look it up05:48
Briandb1222Stealth-: Roger that. I was just thinking the same thing.05:48
Enigmavocx, i dont know, i saw on the gnome website that it's out05:48
Kimidigitalexpl0it, ok. i asked whether its free to use or must i pay them ?05:48
ykphuahin synaptics, how do I search which package (which I have not installed yet) contains env.h?05:48
stealth-Briandb1222: im assuming you read my message about me being unable to help you further?05:48
FlannelEnigma: It'll be in 9.04 once it's released.  We suggest you wait until then to upgrade.05:48
digitalexpl0itkimi, you will need to go into the terminal and make sure you type sudo first05:48
digitalexpl0itkimi its free05:48
Kimidigitalexpl0it, i asked whther its free or not05:49
Kimidigitalexpl0it,  ok thanks05:49
Briandb1222Stealth-: No I didn't see it.05:49
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: do sudo alsa force-reload      and wait for it be done before reloading the volume control05:49
vocxEnigma, don't worry about it. If it is included in the next Ubuntu version, then it will be updated with the rest of the system, and hopefully it will work. But just in case keep the guides close that you used.05:49
stealth-Briandb1222: I cant really help you past there, i was just checking to see if you were someone who was in here earlier with a resolution problem. Maybe someone else can help you05:49
stealth-Briandb1222: sorry, but im generally in here to get help, not help people :)05:50
Enigmaneeds to be like a system restore like xp did, thats one thing i liked about windows05:50
Kimiwhenever i start Xchat, ubuntu servers and many are not showing in the list..... only 4 are showing.... from them icant join this........ my frnd told me this methd "/server irc.ubuntu.com" it works but i want to add ubuntu servers to that list..... any way to do that ? because i am tired of doing /server agan and again..... thanks for your help in advance05:50
Briandb1222Would anyone else have a solution to my resolution/graphic driver solution? FYI, I did the update...and being that I have reinstalled ubuntu several times...I know it won't help.05:50
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012:  also make sure uve installed all available updates, i used to have similar problems but it didnt happen for long time, so i guess it got fixed by and update05:50
=== Jay is now known as Guest69414
Guest69414hey just got it ubuntu installed, can someone help me configure my internet network?05:50
aadityaJay: details please05:51
error404notfoundDuring upgrade from intrepid to jaunty, if you are running totem/firefox it crashes, is it typical?05:51
Picierror404notfound: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.05:51
aadityaerror404notfound: didn't happen to me05:51
Guest69414what details do you need aaditya05:51
Briandb1222Guest: Ubuntu should do that for you...at least it did for me.05:51
FlannelKimi: Freenode should be on that list, which is the same thing.05:51
TugleBriandb1222: what video card do you have?05:51
=== Guest69414 is now known as Jay555
Briandb1222Tugle: let me double check.05:52
Jay555brian: well it didnt05:52
KimiFlannel,  i got only these 4 : whiffle , wprldnet , xentonix , xworld05:52
KimiFlannel, the rest are gone :(05:52
vocxEnigma, modules, that is drivers like atheros, work independently of Gnome, so I don't think it should have any effect. System restore?   I am speechless, what?05:52
Briandb1222Tugle: S3 UniChrome™ Pro integrated graphics processor05:52
PCTeacher012im trying it05:52
Jay555so i go to the top, then say vpn connections, then i go oto wireless05:52
FlannelKimi: that's interesting.  Yeah, you can add it to that list.  I'm not big on xchat though, so I don't know how.  It should be fairly intuitive though, I would think.05:53
KimiFlannel,  i just join one of them.... then do /join #ubuntu wont work ... :( only i need to do is /server ircubuntucom  .. help me to add ubuntu to add05:53
PCTeacher012d_1nev1tab1e: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144621/    That doesnt look good05:53
vocxBriandb1222, that video card is buggy with 3D. You should stay away from fancy effects.05:54
Tuglebriandb1222: so its an integrated card, right?05:54
KimiFlannel, then no way to solve ? :(05:54
FlannelKimi: There is.  I just don't know how.  I'm not familiar with xchat.  Someone will though.05:54
Enigmasystem restore, the thing that saved my ass numerous times trying to modify windows explorer05:54
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yeah that oks, does ur sound work now?05:54
PCTeacher012Testing on my fav song xD05:54
Kimisomeone: help me plz05:54
Briandb1222vocx: my computer isn't very fast to begin with...1MB cache, 521 MB mem, 60 GB 1.5 Ghz CPU...I wouldn't try that.05:55
PCTeacher012d_...: why did it have so much errors though?05:55
btw0rmKimi: go ahead05:55
Briandb1222Tugle: from what my specs say, aye.05:55
Jay555wait how do i get ubuntu to find networks?05:55
Kimibtw0rm, i was asking that to flannel.. read that05:55
RoastedCan somebody fill me in on how linux handles hard drive identification? I'm using FOG and Gparted in this instance. When I write a file system on a blank drive using GParted, which the hard drive is an IDE drive, GParted reads the drive as /dev/hda, yet when I try to clone it using FOG (linux based) it finds it as /dev/sdb... so when I try to run FOG on a drive that has the GParted file systems on it, it errors out. I dont understand05:55
Roasted why FOG, being linux based, sees it as sdb when GParted finds it as hda05:55
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: just warnings, i guess they are meaningless. also they happen before alsa got terminated. And since alsa crashed anyways its not a surprise if it had errors05:55
PCTeacher012lol okay05:55
vocxBriandb1222, I figured. Most S3 integrated graphics card are in low-end laptops.05:56
PCTeacher012Rythmbox wont open05:56
Kimii need something alternate MULTISIM .. i tried from !quivalents and didnt satisfy me like Multisim.... does anyone know any excat and equal alternate ?05:56
FlannelRoasted: Any recent Ubuntu version shouldn't give you a hd* but should give you a sd* name.05:56
PCTeacher012im using Exaile right now05:56
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: try killall rhythmbox05:56
Briandb1222vocx: yeah. I'm trying to get a new one. But as we all know, that takes some time. :P.05:57
RoastedFlannel - so you're saying FOG is correct while GParted is naming the drives via an old standard? Cause I thought IDE = HDA and SATA = SDB.05:57
btw0rmFlannel: jante does that but it's not well developed yet05:57
Briandb1222It's a Gateway05:57
FlannelKimi: What part of Multisim do you use?05:57
Flannelbtw0rm: What?05:57
PCTeacher012d_...: "No process killed"05:57
_jonesy_no one? Is Ubuntu just completely retarded when it comes to Gigabit networking05:57
vocxKimi, I don't think you'll find it. Specialist software mostly only exist on windows.05:57
TugleBriandb1222: try what is listed in this forum post, the xorg.conf on the second page might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7603705:58
PCTeacher012Are you transfering from windows Josey?05:58
d_1nev1tab1e_jonesy_: is ur mac fast when communicating with other computers?05:58
FlannelRoasted: No.  They could/are both correct.  hd* are PATA drives, sd* are SATA.  Recent Linux versions have merged everything into sd*, and on some hardware IDE comes first, others IDE comes second.05:58
KimiFlannel, i use and or not nor nand xor and all basics ..... and i need to convert boolen expression to truth table , truth table to circuit , circuit to expression , circuit to truth table and all such05:58
PCTeacher012d_1n...: "rythmbox: no process killed"05:58
PCTeacher012ill try opening again05:58
PCTeacher012still not opening05:58
_jonesy_d_1nev1tab1e: yes. I can copy files from my other macbook across the same wired network at 50+MB/sec05:59
Pici!enter | PCTeacher01205:59
ubottuPCTeacher012: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:59
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: try opening it in terminal, check for errors05:59
FlannelRoasted: So, under the old style, you have sda and hda, and then under the new one, one of those is sda and the other is sdb.  Obviously in this case, sda -> sda and hda -> sdb05:59
PCTeacher012okay, thnx, trying now05:59
hanasakianyone have a link to a cable used for connecting the dvd player to the motherboard for audio05:59
Jay555so anyone wnat to tell me how to get my computer to find networks?05:59
d_1nev1tab1e_jonesy_: did u enable all restricted drivers?05:59
Kimi!hi > Kimi05:59
ubottuKimi, please see my private message05:59
RoastedFlannel - How would hda and sdb be the same thing in new versions? I'm running 4 sata drives and one is sdb...05:59
=== psy is now known as psywiped
_jonesy_d_1nev1tab1e: I believe so, let me double chck06:00
PCTeacher012d_1n...: It opens a terminal, then exits it without me having time to read anything06:00
flacoanyone with expirence with 3G modems?06:00
FlannelRoasted: One SATA drive is sdb?  Your first, or second SATA drive?06:00
RoastedSDA, SDB, SDC, SDD... my 4 SATA drives06:00
stealth-using the command: sudo mount /dev/scd0/ /media/cdrom0/ returns that there is no medium found. How can i fix this?06:00
FlannelRoasted: ok.  And whats the question then?06:00
RoastedSDA has Vista/Intrepid, the other 3 are network backup drives.06:00
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: open an terminal, type rhythmbox and see what happens06:01
Briandb1222Tugle: Checking it out now, thanks.06:01
PCTeacher012as root?06:01
KimiFlannel, is that possible software in ubuntu for multisim ?06:01
RoastedFlannel - I thought you were insinuating that in the "new age" naming scheme with Linux that SDB was the "new age" name for HDA drives... aka PATA drives...06:01
_jonesy_d_1nev1tab1e: the only restricted drivers it seems to find are for the Nvidia card that is in the box.06:01
Roastedwhcih is why I got confused considering I have an SDB drive which is certainly not PATA06:01
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: no just as ur standard user06:01
PCTeacher012ill send a pastebin06:01
d_1nev1tab1e_jonesy_: well u either are having driver issues or maybe its a return of ipv6 problems. I suggest googling it06:02
PCTeacher012that is all it does06:02
Kimidoes anyone know about alternate to multisim ???06:02
FlannelRoasted: Yes.  hd* won't appear on newer kernels, they've got a sata emulation layer in there.06:02
KimiI tried !equivalents too06:02
FlannelRoasted: Now everything is sd*06:02
RoastedFlannel - can it be assumed that if I get a newer version of GParted that it too would recognize the hda as sd*?06:03
PCTeacher012d_1n: running as root game me some output! LOL06:03
FlannelRoasted: Newer kernel, yeah.06:03
Kimibye :(06:03
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: killall python06:03
_jonesy_d_1nev1tab1e: I've been googling this issue for 2 days. If I swap my server back over to windows, which I don't want to do, I don't have this issue at all06:03
PCTeacher012d_1n: okay, second pastebin on it as root http://paste.ubuntu.com/144626/06:03
RoastedFlannel - thank you for your help06:04
steelyI am trying to file share between 2 computers running ubuntu 8.10 on a LAN. We can share a folder and see it but have full access to the hard drive on the other computer can someone help?06:04
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: dont run stuff as root. unless u really need to06:04
PCTeacher012okay, but it definately game me output lol, killall python just did same as first pastebin i sent u06:04
Sagaciin kubuntu, i'm having trouble adding icons to the desktop, it says, This object could not be created for the following reason: Could not find requested component: icon06:05
d_1nev1tab1e_jonesy_: it could be anything to be honest, u can try blacklisting ipv6, but i would be surprised if that worked06:05
PCTeacher012should i run "killall python" as root?06:05
raVencan some1 help me how to install gtk2::TrayIcon and Crypt::SSLeay06:05
vocxSagaci, have you installed an icons theme? Maybe it's broken?06:05
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: no06:05
PCTeacher012since it did nothing as user (im not in admin account)06:05
PCTeacher012because rhythmbox is still not coming up06:06
raVencan some1 help me how to install gtk2::TrayIcon and Crypt::SSLeay06:06
PCTeacher012I see in the Menu app (shows all apps open) something open for a split second06:07
lighttitanhow do I disable the proprietary hardware tool?06:07
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: its very unusual for rhythmbox to behave this way, try logging out and in again. I think this error wont be easily reproducible06:07
PCTeacher012okay d_1n... trying logging out now06:07
meoblast001space_cadet: you still here?06:08
vavoyshquestion: how can i create a space on a hard drive, using an ubuntu live cd, to put files from an external hard drive onto?06:08
PCTeacher012Okay, Thank you d_1n..., it fixed it :) I wonder what caused it...06:10
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:10
Briandb1222Tugle: I've tried what the poster did. However, When I tried wget ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/kudos/hoary/via_drv.o.bz2, it timed out on me. Tried it twice to no avail. Any other way I can retrieve the download?06:10
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: you had it running while restarting the sound driver, it must have crashed something06:10
TugleBriandb1222: let me check06:11
PCTeacher012Yea, i did, lol, well, what is the code again so i can save as file? (Is there something like .bat for ubuntu 8.1)06:11
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: i suggestu create a launcher, right click desktop and follow the gui, its sudo alsa force-reload06:12
Briandb1222Tugle: Roger06:12
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:12
vocxPCTeacher012, you can save any commands as shell scripts, which you can execute. Typically they end with .sh06:12
=== meshuggah_ is now known as [-I8U-]
vavoyshquestion: how can i create a space on a hard drive, using an ubuntu live cd, to put files from an external hard drive onto?06:13
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:13
PCTeacher012okay, when/if it messes up again, ill run it. One more question. My bro's account (one i am on for troubleshooting) is not administrator. So when i did sudo *** the first time, it said "Member *** is not a member of the sudo family" or something along the lines of that06:13
vocxvavoysh, trying to understand your question. What you need is to partition your current free space. Use the program called gparted.06:13
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: actually it should be gksudo for the launcher and not sudo, sorry06:14
raVenvocx: hey...are u familiar with ssleay and trayicon06:14
vavoyshvocx, i want to load it into an already existing partition06:14
vocxraVen, nope06:14
PCTeacher012okay, i did this.06:15
PCTeacher012New Document --> Text File --> sudo alsa force-reload --> Restart Sound.sh06:15
PCTeacher012will that work?06:15
raVenvocx: ok thanks06:15
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: you can open a shell in ur account by using su username (atleast that how i remember it)06:15
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:15
PCTeacher012okay, so do this?06:15
PCTeacher012Su (Enter Password) also force-reload?06:15
TugleBriandb1222: have  you tried installing the openChrome drivers? listed here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome06:16
vocxvavoysh, then what do you mean, by creating a space? The space is already there06:16
PCTeacher012d_1n: What would the exact code be?06:16
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: ehm lets keep one thing after the other, if you are happy with a launcher, similar to shortcut in windows right click desktop, click create launcher06:16
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:16
PCTeacher012o, i ddint see that xD06:16
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012:  and then fill in command and type in gksudo alsa force-reload06:17
Briandb1222raVen: If I'm understanding your correctly, right click on the bar and click on "+Add to panel..."06:17
artscience_I'm trying to edit the GRUB menu.lst so that I can boot another linux distro. Can anyone tell me where I can find the information needed to do this?06:17
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: gksudo will open a window prompt for ur password06:17
vavoyshvocx, right now, if i try to load the data into the partition, it says that i do not have the proper access. so how can i gain the access so that i can write into that partition?06:17
artscience_I need to know what to put for "root" and "kernel"06:17
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: it wont work for your brother tho if he doesnt have the priviledges06:18
PCTeacher012he is regular user, not admin, so how could i make it work for him d_1n?06:18
vocxPCTeacher012, the shell script is to be run from the terminal, like "sh MyScript.sh"  but a launcher does that in a graphical way. So it's your choice.06:18
raVenBriandb1222: then what sir06:18
PCTeacher012rather the gui  way06:19
vocxvavoysh, what kind of partition is that? Is it NTFS? Who is the owner, what is the group?06:19
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: the only possibility is see is that eitehr u leave him the password in clear text, or you give him priviledges to control alsa, which will also be a security issue06:19
Briandb1222raVen: It depends. Do you already have it installed?06:19
Briandb1222Tugle: I tried once, though I don't think I did it correctly...trying again.06:19
raVenBriandb1222: my problem is, i dont know how to install both of them..coz im planning to install check gmail06:20
Briandb1222hold on then, let me look them up and I will get you an answer.06:20
TugleBriandb1222: k, trying to help the best i can.  could you restate the whole issue again?06:20
mattgyver83Is a link the same size as its linked file, or does it give the file size of the linked file?06:20
PCTeacher012okay, well i did this as a test. gksudo apt-get update, enter his password, then ittold me "The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Cotact the system admin." I am the admin, so how can i run it as me from his accoutn?06:21
vavoyshvocx, nevermind, thanks for the help06:21
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yes, i know06:21
=== jedimindtricks is now known as maha
raVenguys..can you help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon06:21
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: its because ur bros account is not allowed to use sudo06:21
PCTeacher012okay, d_1n so how can i run it as me from his account? is it even possible?06:21
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: it is possible but ur brother could easily retrieve ur password as you would need to store it as clear text06:22
vocxmattgyver83, the link is a file itself. But some applications treat is as a regular file, and others always redirect to the "real" file. So having the size of the link depends on what program, are you using nautilus, or the terminal?06:22
PCTeacher012or he could call me in? but can it run from his account without logging off?06:22
flacoI got a 3G modem running in linux, I got internet connection but the IP Address is wich is not an internet IP, so... how can I connect other computer (with "normal" internet connection) to the 3G connected computer?06:22
mattgyver83vocx, nautilus.06:22
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yes you can06:23
PCTeacher012d_1nev1table: Okay, thanks, so how can i do that? I bet he will need to reset sound alot06:23
psywipedartscience_ ask the people in the #gentoo forum they for sure have done that06:23
mattgyver83vocx, i have a directory i wanted to break down by alphabet and then have a folder with them all in a list so i used links.  I just want to make sure i didnt eat up the same amount of space.06:23
Briandb1222Tugle: thanks. My resolution is default set at 1600x1200. I lower it where it should be and I get lines. Also, info in xorg.conf is not there. I think that it isn't reading my driver, was my issue06:23
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: for that u need to open a terminal and type su PCTeacher012 and then do the usual step06:23
artscience_thanks psywiped06:23
Briandb1222Raven: so you are wanting to install gmail checker?06:23
PCTeacher012okay, but i cant run from launcher that way?06:24
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: not that i know off, but there is one other option06:24
PCTeacher012and that is?06:24
vocxmattgyver83, oh no. I believe links are only really small files, like 4 bytes or so.06:24
psywipedflaco that is a normal ip06:24
mattgyver83vocx thanks, now if i could just figure out a way to quickly remove all the 'Link to' in the file name... ;)06:24
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: you can give your brother full access to audio devices. That is potentially a security issue as your brother would effectively have full admin rights to handle audio06:25
flacopsywiped, normal?? the 10.x.x.x are for locals networks not for internet06:25
doubleleecocodoes anyone interesting in lacoste polo shirt?06:25
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: he will only be limited to audio tho06:25
vavoyshvocx, sorry, another question: whats the terminal command for copy paste?06:25
PCTeacher012okay, can i chmod the file? or no? and i think that is good enough :) He is not smart with computers06:25
psywipedflaco get verizon then06:25
vocxmattgyver83, how did you create them?  You can mass-rename using "rename" and basic knowledge of regular expressions.06:25
vocxvavoysh, "cp something somewhere"06:26
PCTeacher012so how do i change that from his account? in terminal do " su cody (password)" then go to users while having it open?06:26
mattgyver83vocx, ive just created them in nautilus.  Just a few though, i didnt do all of them yet.06:26
vavoyshvocx, thanks06:26
misteralexanderI'm having a small problem.  Whenever I view a "Web-Video", or sound comes shooting out of a "Web-Ad", my sound for anything will die.  After watching a YouTube video, I have no audio in VLC or Amarok.  The only way to restore sound, is by restarting X (CTRL+ALT+BKSP) . . . PLEASE HELP!06:26
psywipedPCTeacher012 he has to be part of wheel or somthing like that to use sudo06:26
Briandb1222Tugle: which driver should I install? there is a big list.06:26
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: well using ur account go to System->administration-> users and groups and then go to properties on ur brothers account06:26
MrPocketsmy CD tray won't eject :(06:27
PCTeacher012d_1: I did su into my account, can i sudo now?06:27
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yes u should be able to06:27
PCTeacher012mister: Open terminal --> sudo also force-reload06:27
psywipedMrPockets poke a paperclip into it06:27
MrPockets...and don't the elders suggust against using su- ?06:27
Briandb1222Tugle: Restate: I clicked on integrated graphics and there is a big list...06:27
MrPocketspsywiped, right06:27
PCTeacher012okay, d_1n: Now that i did su, what can i do to change the user options in terminal? or must i log into my acconut?06:27
MrPocketsany other ideas?06:28
misteralexanderPCTeacher012: "ALSO" or "ALSA"06:28
vocxmattgyver83, something like rename -n 's/Link to//' *    the -n is used to test before doing the real thing06:28
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: one sec i need to look that one up06:28
Roastedwhat is the ipconfig /all of ubuntu?06:28
PCTeacher012mister: ALSA06:28
MrPocketsRoasted, ifconfig06:28
psywipedMrPockets poke it into the hole and manuly open it06:28
mattgyver83vocx, thanks a lot.  Ill give it a shot.06:28
TugleBriandb1222: let me look again06:28
MrPocketspsywiped, no uoke06:28
Roastedthere isnt ifconfig that is more detailed?06:28
MrPocketsbut theres gotta be an OS level reason why it won't eject06:28
RoastedI want to see DNS servers and other stuff06:28
psywipedMrPockets im not kidding06:28
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: sudo user-admin06:28
Briandb1222Ok this is getting annoying...I think my keyboard is whacked.06:28
MrPocketsme neither06:28
psywipedthe hole is there for a reason06:29
MrPocketsi just don't have a paper clip06:29
chetnickRoasted: man ifconfig06:29
TugleBriandb1222: are you running intrepid or jaunty?06:29
PCTeacher012d_1n:n "sudo: user-admin: command not found"06:29
psywipedMrPockets ok try to get it open during bios06:29
vocxMrPockets, check the kernel messages, the logs in System > Administration, etc. or "dmesg"06:29
MrPocketsI actually keep a paper clip in my tool kit for that reason06:29
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: oops its sudo users-admin06:29
PCTeacher012lol kk06:29
MrPocketspsywiped, I'm sure if i bounce the box it'll be fine. I'm just trying to avoid that06:29
RoastedI've checked man ifconfig, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for.06:30
RoastedI mean, it's a simple question...06:30
Briandb1222MrPockets: have you tried restarting, and hitting the eject button while it is restarting? I had a similar problem.06:30
PCTeacher012d_1n: after running that, it says "Not allowed to access system config"06:30
MrPocketsBriandb1222, like i said, i'm sure if i bounced the box it'd be fine. But i'm trying to avoid that06:30
Spence_hey guys. if someone has patience for a noob(my first day on Ubuntu), i need help with installing unetbootin.06:31
Briandb1222Tugle: let me check06:31
psywipedMrPockets ok pry it open with a knife06:31
Briandb1222MrPockets: not what I meant...I meant push.06:31
MrPocketsSpence_, what version?06:31
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: did u do su PCTeacher012 before? if yes, try leaving sudo out06:31
Briandb1222I don't suggest prying it06:31
Spence_Ubuntu 8.1006:31
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: jsut do users-admin06:31
MrPocketsBriandb1222, me neather06:31
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: and then press the unlock button06:32
MrPocketsSpec, I'm assuming you've downloaded it?06:32
Briandb1222MrPockets: I had a CD stuck in a stereo. I tried forcing it out with a pair of tweezers...now the CD player on it don't work anymore heh.06:32
SoS11I have a QoS script...how do I make it auto-run as root after I connect to the internet (I'm using NetworkManager) ?06:32
PCTeacher012d_1n: Error, im pastebinning it06:32
chetnickRoasted: cat /etc/resolv.conf06:32
eternal_Howdy people.06:33
MrPocketsBriandb1222, yeah i had a CD Player with a 3 disk changer that got all messed up when i moved the cdplayer.  had to take the entire thing appart :(06:33
Briandb1222Tugle: Intrepid06:33
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: i guess im going to ahve to ask you to log in to ur account normally06:33
Spence_i'm not sure, me and Dreamglider been at it for an hour. error after error. this is the last one when i ran, "sudo apt-get install unetbootin06:33
Spence_"... E: Couldn't find package unetbootin06:33
PCTeacher012d_1n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144639/06:33
MrPocketsyeah, its not in the repos anymore06:33
MrPocketsgo to the website and download it for Ubuntu06:33
mikereBriandb1222: with PC's all you have to do is unfold a paper clip and push an end into the hole under the tray to emergency eject06:33
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:33
Briandb1222MrPockets: that's odd. I never would think something like that would happen hehe.06:33
Roastedthere isnt any way to see that in the same listing as ip, gateway, etc? Suddenly I'm missing a windows feature... never thought I'd say that06:33
Spence_what website exactly?06:33
mattgyver83vocx, your the best.  Thanks for your help.06:34
PCTeacher012d_1 doing that now, imma probably have you walk me through allowing only audio administering lol, logging off unless u can tell me how to fix that problem?06:34
psywipedRoasted ifconfig -a06:34
Briandb1222Mikere: I'm aware of that, but emergency holes are for emergencies only heh. Last resort ya know?06:34
Spence_mr pockets, may i PM you?06:34
vocxmattgyver83, it is true.06:34
Roastedifconfig -a isn't seeming like what I want..06:34
MrPocketsSpec, go ahead06:34
psywipedRoasted it is06:34
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: well this a one time configuration to allow ur brother to restart alsa himself without using sudo06:34
psywipedRoasted cant break anything so give it a shot06:35
RoastedI'm definitely looking at ifconfig -a right now, and I do not see the DNS servers listed that resolv.conf gave me. It most definitely is not what I was hoping for.06:35
Briandb1222Tugle: Intrepid ibex, to be exact.06:35
Roastedwe have a windows network at work with an e merging amount of linux machines, and ipconfig /all is a command I use all the time, and If ound I didnt know how to do the same simple command in ubuntu06:35
PCTeacher012d_1 yes, and i got it to work, i know i am not supposed to, but i ran users-admin as root, and am now in it as root, how to change bros thing to only allow audio administering?06:35
psywipedRoasted your gona make me google for the command arnt you06:35
chetnickRoasted: i can give you a custom script that will give you what you need, hit me on priv so i can paste the script06:35
mikereRoasted: can you ping by ip but not by domain name?06:35
RoastedI have been googling for the command06:35
Roastedthe only answer I'm finding is ifconfig06:36
ZeroByteis there a place where I can get the monitor configurations used in displayconfig? autodetection can't find my monitor so I'm really limited in my screen res06:36
Roastednot anything for ifconfig "all"06:36
btw0rmhow can i get a cloak without askine a staff for one?06:36
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: just go the properties of your brothers username06:37
mikereRoasted: man ifconfig tells us ifconfig -a is what you want06:37
PCTeacher012i did, which checkbox do i click?06:37
PCTeacher012@ d_106:37
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: then click user priviledges and check audio devices06:37
Roastedwell, by typing ifconfig -a into terminal its not showing everything I want06:37
btw0rmany ideas?06:37
PCTeacher012d_1: use audio devices?06:37
RoastedI just found a post on ubuntu forums that kind of confirms something... that the true ipconfig /all doenst exist in ubuntu06:37
Roastedbut more like it exists in two locations06:37
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yes, that one06:37
Roastedifconfig + cat /etc/resolv.conf06:37
PCTeacher012already checked06:37
Roastedkinda lame :/06:37
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: and he still cant restart alsa without using sudo?06:38
psywipedRoasted http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83763106:38
PCTeacher012im not sure, i never tried that, and idk how to crash the audio to test it LOL06:38
misteralexanderPCTeacher012: Watched a bunch of YouTube videos & then tried to view an .AVI, no audio . . . did your little thing & it works GREAT!  Thanks!06:39
Roastedwhich confirms what I just said, basically06:39
JakeTwoZeroMy ubuntu says my restricted drivers are in use, but they aren't.06:39
Briandb1222Tugle: going out for a smoke...if you find an answer you can PM me...thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!06:39
PCTeacher012mister: Your welcome, i learned it from d_1n, so thank him too :p06:39
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: you dont have to crash it to be able to reastart it06:39
Briandb1222all these issues is stressing me out :P06:39
PCTeacher012i dont? lol, okay, then ill test it, and ill exit rhythmbox this time :p06:39
JakeTwoZeroI have followed all the instructions06:40
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PCTeacher012d_1n: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144643/06:40
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: ok i guess i was wrong06:40
PCTeacher012repeatable error lol, any other way?06:41
JakeTwoZeroCan I get some help please?06:41
mikereRoasted: you could just make a script that does it all.06:41
coolzcan i do wireless bridge with ubuntu 8.1006:41
psywipedroasted has left the building06:41
mikereRoasted: or create an alias06:41
Out_Coldwhat is the difference between the server wifi and the desktop wifi installation? I have installed a vanilla DE and am having troubles with the wireless.. it's noted as wlan0 but i can't seem to get it to connect to the router06:41
d_1nev1tab1edoes anyone know which group one has to be member of to be able to force restart alsa?06:41
mikerethanks, psywiped, I never read that stuff =)06:41
PCTeacher012i think root. Me (as admin) can not run it, but when i did su and logged in, it allowed me to06:42
chetnick <Roasted> most of the time I'm sitting back looking at windows wondering "what06:42
chetnick                  were they thinking" but this is the first time I'm kinda surprised in06:42
chetnick                  a negative manner towards linux06:42
psywipedmikere i dont eather but i cant tab his name06:42
chetnickdont see the big deal there?06:42
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: yes root can do everything but there are several lower priviledged groups that can do some specific things without being able to do everything06:43
mikerepsywiped: too bad - taking 10 seconds to create an alias for it and he'd be home free.06:43
PCTeacher012d_1n: I will test around with one06:43
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: there are hundreds of groups to test06:43
PCTeacher012was the command users-admins06:44
PCTeacher012d_1n: Really?06:44
steve29730anyone there?06:44
steve29730I am running ubuntu 5.0406:44
Out_Coldany ideas on how to get my server wifi going without installine the gnome-desktop??06:44
psywipedOut_Cold please just locate the server next to the router and use cat606:44
vocxsteve29730, extremely old, please install a new version. 8.04 at least06:45
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: users-admin does not let one add a user to group, i need to look up how to do it06:45
FlannelHi steve29730, how can we help you?06:45
Out_Coldpsywiped i wanted an unbloated laptop.. for desktop use..06:45
PCTeacher012i have 30 types :(06:45
steve29730Is there away to put a notification icon on the desktop somewhere that shows I am connected to a network?06:45
psywipedOut_Cold install gentoo?06:45
=== dragon` is now known as vocket
dlisteve29730, networkmanager06:46
Flannelsteve29730: If you install a newer version (I recommend 8.04) you'll easily have that capability, yes.06:46
Out_Coldpsywiped let me rephrase.. i wanted an unbloated ubuntu laptop...06:46
btw0rmare there any staff members here that can cloak me?06:46
safruhanihi, in terminal i can't look in a folder, becouse  its name has spaces trying to use same keywords like \/ , what can u recommend?06:46
Flannelbtw0rm: This isn't the channel for that.06:46
thecommutistsafruhani: enclose the folder name in " "06:47
Out_Coldsafruhani use the tab key as you type and it will show you how to use the \'s06:47
Flannelsafruhani: Use tab completion, it'll escape things for you.06:47
psywipedbtw0rm a/s/l06:47
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: try sudo usermod -a audio <username>06:47
coolzwondering if i can do wireless bridging with my ubuntu 8.1006:47
psywipedo come on it was a joke06:48
PCTeacher012d_1n: No changes06:48
PCTeacher012d_1n: I think i'll just edit it where he can sudo, is that dangerous?06:48
steve29730Is there a way to download 8.10 and upgrade?06:49
btw0rmare there any staff members here that can cloak me?06:49
d_1nev1tab1ewell y dont u just let him be admin?06:49
Out_Coldso what am i missing that makes my server wifi not wantt to work?? without installing gnome-desktop and it's bloated paackages/06:49
Flannelsteve29730: Not from 5.04.  From 5.04, you can (technically) upgrade to 5.10, and then you can upgrade from that to 6.06, and then from 6.06 you can upgrade to 8.0406:49
psywipedbtw0rm no06:49
Flannelbtw0rm: Again, this isn't the proper channel for that.  Please stop.06:49
PCTeacher012well, i dont want him installing applications without me knowning, he knows nothing of apt-get06:50
frimpleanyone alive?06:50
FlannelPCTeacher012: What are you trying to give the user access to?06:50
psywipedPCTeacher012 have you tried runing on the older kernel?06:50
d_1nev1tab1eFlannel: alsa force-reload06:51
PCTeacher012Flannel: I am trying to allow brother who has a normal account to run also without sudo06:51
Flannelpsywiped: That question doesn't even make sense.06:51
psywipedPCTeacher012 the newest kernel broke the sound on my x30506:51
PCTeacher012\psywiped: No and i dont know how lol06:51
frimpleya!  I have a question/problem regarding auto detection of SATA drive... ubuntu 8.10 server06:51
FlannelPCTeacher012: just modify your sudoers to allow him (or all users) to run that command06:51
PCTeacher012psywiped it still works but i need to alsa force-reload every so often, and bro will need to06:51
psywipedPCTeacher012 audio is overated06:52
PCTeacher012Flannel: "gedit /etc/sudoers" then what?06:52
Spence_when does ubuntu 9.04 come out?06:52
FlannelPCTeacher012: No.  sudo visudo06:52
PCTeacher012psywiped: I ened music xD06:52
psywipedSpence_ 22nd06:52
FlannelSpence_: End of april.  Further questions can be asked in #ubuntu+1, thanks06:52
FlannelPCTeacher012: Yes.  Always edit sudoers with visudo.06:52
PCTeacher012ah... i see lol, okay, now what do i do?06:52
frimpleI have a problem regarding auto detection of a SATA hard drive... ubuntu 8.10 server, can someone help?06:53
d_1nev1tab1eFlannel: i think PCTeacher012 doesnt want his brotehrs account to have access to sudo06:53
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:53
Flanneld_1nev1tab1e: "having access to sudo" doesn't mean full admin access.  Sudo allows granulated access.  We won't be adding him to the admin group.06:53
Spence_now i have ubuntu 8.10, how will i have to upgrade. will i have to completely reinstall?06:53
Spence_sorry, im a nub06:53
Flanneld_1nev1tab1e: that's one of the biggest strengths of sudo.06:53
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:53
FlannelSpence_: Nope.  Upgrades are fully supported.06:53
d_1nev1tab1eFlannel: oh, good to know that :)06:53
PCTeacher012Flannel: I am in visudo, now what tdo i do?06:53
new2ubuntuhey can someone help me finding the drivers i need for my laptop, because i don't think ubuntu is working has them yet06:54
mrsteveman1upgrades work surprisingly well actually06:54
psywipedSpence_ your on 5.? right?06:54
PCTeacher012it is pretty confusing... lol :p06:54
frimpleI have a problem regarding auto detection of a SATA hard drive... ubuntu 8.10 server, can someone help?06:54
mrsteveman1i expect things to break being in IT, but ubuntu upgrade worked very well twice for me this week06:54
Spence_i'm sorry, what?06:54
FlannelPCTeacher012: the sudoers man page gives a whole lot of details (and more importantly, examples).  Why don't you peruse that while I look for a good one online.06:54
psywipedfrimple sorry not at the moment06:54
psywipedSpence_ what verson of ubuntu are you on?06:54
frimplehappy to wait06:55
Spence_Ubuntu 8.1006:55
psywipedSpence_ yea the upgrade will be truble free06:55
Spence_alright cool.   :P06:55
psywipedSpence_ still back up your data cause you never know06:56
psywipedBriandb1222 please try to control your cat06:56
Spence_yes, i always backup. thx fir the tip.06:56
whenwilljesusbriubuntu != fully POSIX compliant06:56
Spence_i just switched over to linux today, i'm a total noob06:56
* Out_Cold was repartitioning LVMs at 6am and erased all his backups... after erasing his /06:57
Briandb1222psywiped: I don't have a cat. I got frustrated :P06:57
PCTeacher012so far, i have %users... idk what next and i cnt find exanples06:57
FlannelPCTeacher012: alright.  http://debaan.blogspot.com/2007/02/sudo-sudoers-examples.html  almost all the way at the bottom, jake,jim LOCAL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/service crond restart  (I haven't looked through the rest of that sudoers, but that line is exactly what you need)  You can change LOCAL to ALL, since you likely don't care about localhost vs not.06:57
new2ubuntuwhen i click on the internet icon in the bar at the top, it doesnt have any networks there, so im guessing that means that it doesnt have the drivers for my computer. so can someone help me finding the linux drivers i need to get the wireless working?06:57
frimpleI would hope my question would be quick.  8.10 install won't detect attached SATA hdd, is there a default driver I should choose from the install menu?06:57
PCTeacher012thnx a ton Flannel06:57
FlannelPCTeacher012: and, of course, you can change the list of usernames to a group.  (and you want to modify the command to be the command he'll do, full path to the command)06:58
bernzfrimple, quick answer (not necessarily "good"): kubuntu seems to be better at detecting SATA drives, in my experience -- no idea of a "trick" for regular ubuntu for SATA06:58
psywipedfrimple did it see them when using the live cd?06:58
bernzfrimple, you could use kubuntu to get up and running, then overlay the regular ubuntu UI and stuff06:59
frimplenot using the live CD (at least I think I am not) downloaded 8.10 iso and burned to disc.06:59
psywipedfrimple and that would be the live ck06:59
psywipedfrimple and that would be the live cd*06:59
PCTeacher012is this correct code for what i want to do flannel?"<USER> LOCAL = NOPASSWD /sbin/service also force-reload06:59
frimpleI wonder if it's because it's an AMD motherboard?07:00
PCTeacher012i mean alsa07:00
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: u got a typo, its ala07:00
d_1nev1tab1eyea alsa07:00
FloodBot3d_1nev1tab1e: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
FlannelPCTeacher012: alsa not also.  You're missing a colon after NOPASSWD, and make LOCAL ALL instead.07:00
frimpledid some firt level googling but didn't find any results related to my mobo07:00
PCTeacher012ya, i noticed that xD But will that be the correct code?07:00
zcat[1]trying to record video from bt878 card to file. Any suggestions?07:00
PCTeacher012Flannel: "<USER> ALL = NOPASSWD;  /sbin/service alsa force-reload" correct now?07:01
frimple>psywiped strange, I can't "boot" from the CD, only install options07:01
psywipedfrimple so your trying to install ubuntu right now from the cd and your inside the gui right and its no seeing your dirves?07:01
FlannelPCTeacher012: colon, not semicolon.07:01
PCTeacher012Oh LOL!07:01
Spence_i'm using UNetbootin and putting Ubuntu Live on my flash drive, will it work with a laptop?07:01
frimplecorrect, though it's not the pretty x gui07:01
frimpleit's the standard blue background server isntall stuff07:01
PCTeacher012Flannel: "<USER> ALL = NOPASSWD:  /sbin/service alsa force-reload" now?07:02
psywipedSpence_ yes if you boot from usb07:02
Spence_alright, cool07:02
FlannelPCTeacher012: looks right, yes.07:02
PCTeacher012okay, saving then testing07:02
FlannelPCTeacher012: instead of user, you can use a group too.  If you want to give yourself that ability as well.07:02
new2ubuntureally its 2am here, i cant do any more searching, i have a wireless WAP2 network, is this link helpful to me at all?? http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking  if not can someone find a better one?07:02
FezzlerYouTube videos causing FireFox to crash???07:03
Aval0nhas anyone in here used dante-client?07:03
bernzfrimple, you probably already know this, but your SATA driver would show up as a "SCSI" device, most likely, e.g. "/dev/sda"07:03
PCTeacher012this is probably a retarted question but: how do i save it? And ill just do <USER>,<USER> since me and him are different groups07:03
frimpleI'm sure I've burned another copy of the CD... though I think it was a intel install not AMD (which is the system I'm trying to install to now.)07:03
FezzlerIt closed down07:03
FlannelPCTeacher012: um.  Try escape, then :wq07:03
frimple>bernz can't even get to that point.  installer won't recognize any attached drives.  it prompts me for a specific driver \07:03
FlannelPCTeacher012: (then enter)... or, if there's amenu type thing across the bottom.  ctrl-o ctrl-x07:03
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: you are admin so u wont need to add urself07:04
PCTeacher012Flannel: "<USER>,<USER> ALL = NOPASSWD:  /sbin/service alsa force-reload" good now?07:04
Flanneld_1nev1tab1e: when he adds himself, he'll be able to do it without a password.07:04
PCTeacher012it wouldnt let me run it without sudo d_1n07:04
FlannelPCTeacher012: It won't let you run it without sudo now either.  It just won't require a password.07:04
bernzfrimple, on a gateway laptop with SATA drive, i couldn't get ubuntu to recognized any attached drives either, but kubuntu (7) worked (weird)07:04
d_1nev1tab1eoh i get it now07:04
FlannelPCTeacher012: (and your brother will also have to use sudo.  But again, no password, and no additional privledges)07:04
PCTeacher012so i still have to do "sudo alsa force-reload" not "alsa force-reload"?07:05
FlannelPCTeacher012: correct.07:05
c420sdoes anyone know how to prevent X-Server from automatically starting when I do CTRL+ALT+ESC?07:05
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: gksudo if its in a launcher07:05
PCTeacher012d_1n: Lol, i forgot, kk07:05
PCTeacher012Flannel: "/etc/sudoers.tmp" Correct?07:05
zcat[1]anybody? Is there a nice simple application that will let me record the video I can see in tvtime?07:05
PCTeacher012on write out it did that07:06
FlannelPCTeacher012: yeah.   and then ctrl-x to close.07:06
zcat[1]everything else is working, just nothing seems to be able to record07:06
frimplehmmm... it's a Asus M2N-E board... I wouldn't think you would need a special driver to see a HDD attached to the SATA ports right on the mobo07:06
bernzare the screensavers bundled with intrepid "configurable"? IOW, can i adjust settings on the various screensavers? (even if it means editing a text file)07:06
frimplemaybe i'll download and burn the standard instead of server.... is the upgrade easy?07:06
PCTeacher012Flannel and d_1n: Testing now07:06
psywipednew2ubuntu give this a look http://blog.timc3.com/2009/02/08/linksys-wireless-with-ubuntu-server/07:07
Flannelfrimple: If you plan on upgrading from the CD, you'll need to get the alternate, or server CD.07:07
PCTeacher012"<USER> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."07:07
PCTeacher012didnt save?07:07
psywipedPCTeacher012 run the cops are coming07:07
bernzfrimple, if you mean server vs desktop, then the differences are insignificant -- once installed, you can "switch" from desktop to server or vv just by installing/uninstalling various packages07:07
PCTeacher012psywiped: LOL07:07
Empathyim getting Squashfs errors during the partitioning phase of running the livecd07:08
bernz(but you'll need working net at that point, if you don't have the source CDs)07:08
fk_007did that korean rocket get shot down?07:08
psywipedfrimple is the bios seing the dirves?07:08
frimple>bernz hmmm makes me worry that the desktop installer won't recognize the HDD either07:08
Spence_i'm using the scroll wheel on my mouse and it's switching between desktops, is that a shortcut of some sort?07:08
frimple>psywiped yes07:08
psywipedSpec yes07:08
psywipedSpence_ yes07:09
PCTeacher012"<USER>,<USER> ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload" still good? or something wrong @ Flannel07:09
Spence_it's doing it randomly though, how can i take advantage of it?07:09
psywipedSpence_ its not ramdom07:09
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: u did replace<USER> with the correct username, right?07:09
PCTeacher012d_1n: Yes07:09
bernzfrimple, yeah; i'm still a bootloader novice, but you might be able to install an "advanced" bootloader (e.g. GRUB2), and perhaps it will have enough "smarts" to get the live CD started... i dunno07:09
zcat[1]!info dvr07:09
ubottudvr (source: dvr): Digital Video Recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2-9.1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)07:09
PCTeacher012"calebandmom,cody ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload" Is real thing07:09
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: sorry, just checking :P07:09
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zcat[1]seems to do what I want. thanks for the help07:10
PCTeacher012d_1n: No prob, but i posted with Usernames because it might be wrong when adding usernames xD07:10
frimpleit's a newer SSD drive but that shouldn't matter... right?07:10
FlannelPCTeacher012: try adding (ALL) infront of NOPASSWD: (in between = and NOPASSWD, with a space)07:10
Spence_well, i'm just minding my own buisness scrolling and it will change desktops. what am i doing to make it do that?07:10
psywipedfrimple nope same controler07:10
FlannelPCTeacher012: Also, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers explains what we're doing.  Its a pretty good read.07:10
frimpleyeah, that's what I thought07:10
psywipedfrimple but use ext4 it makes better use of those07:11
bernzfrimple, what's behind the interface (IDE, SATA, etc) is totally irrelevant, and shouldn't affect anything (except physically, like heat generation, etc ;-)07:11
PCTeacher012Flannel: lol thanks :) and this is final make "calebandmom,cody ALL = ALL  NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload"07:11
frimplethank you, will do07:11
FlannelPCTeacher012: Oh, put a space in front of cody, after the comma.  And () around that second ALL07:11
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frimple>bernz yeah, I was pretty sure, but you just never know! :)07:11
PCTeacher012Flannel: Doing now07:11
Flannelcalebandmom, cody ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload07:11
bernzfrimple, gone are the days of "simple" computing technology ;-)07:11
PCTeacher012Flannel: Final Final product lol "calebandmom, cody ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload07:12
psywipednow are the days of simple installs07:12
error404notfoundthe networking icon in my gnome-panel always shows a cross as if its not connected to internet even when I am connected.07:12
Out_Coldmine wasn't simple..07:12
frimple>psywiped I believe I'm evidence of the contrary07:12
psywipedfrimple install from a usb drive07:13
frimpleif only I had the 16 gig usb drive i just ordered from the egg07:13
frimpleno usb, but I have a server 2008 disk07:13
psywipedfrimple you only need a 1gig07:13
frimplei can try that install07:14
Out_Coldif i can ifup wlan0 does that mean the device is configured?07:14
bernzerror404notfound, it possible that it's showing that status for another network card which isn't connected; try double-clicking the icon for more, or right-clicking it, etc07:14
psywipedOut_Cold no u still have to configur it but at least the computer sees it07:14
frimplealso, i did a CD check on the install dvd and no errors popped up.  I can't imagine that using the usb stick vs a dvd would change the problem07:14
error404notfoundbernz: when I click "Connection information" it says no valid connections found..07:14
PCTeacher012%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL (Kindof funny how many all's lol)07:15
Out_Coldconfigure it in /etc/network/interface?07:15
error404notfoundOut_Cold: did...07:15
Briandb1222erm, how do I know if I have the AMD64 platform?07:15
bernzfrimple, i agree, starting via USB stick shouldn't "help" any program "see" the SATA drive if it's already "invisible"07:15
error404notfoundOut_Cold: /etc/network/interfaces07:15
PCTeacher012It saved but new error Flannel07:15
PCTeacher012"Sorry, user calebandmom is not allowed to execute '/sbin/alsa force-reload' as root on cody-desktop." @ flannel07:15
bernzBriandb1222, you did *purchase* your hardware, right?  ;-) the user manual usually describes your equipment specs07:15
bernzBriandb1222, you can also often run software to tell you about your system (e.g. 'devicemanager')07:16
frimplebrb, going to use the 2k8 install dvd and see if it spot's the hdd07:16
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: ur entry is still wrong07:16
Enigmawtf... you have to hold down alt to move windows around in the new gnome07:16
Briandb1222bernz:  bought it used from my stepdad. I don't think he gave me the manual and don't know if he has it.07:16
PCTeacher012"calebandmom, cody aLL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/service alsa force-reload"07:16
bernzerror404notfound, YMMV, but i had to erase the existing (default) profile in networkmanager, then create one (i use static IP) for my LAN connection.07:16
FlannelPCTeacher012: what command did you run?07:17
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: calebandmom, cody ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/alsa force-reload07:17
PCTeacher012sudo alsa force-reload07:17
FlannelPCTeacher012: you missed a service in there.07:17
Flannelsudo service alsa force-reload07:17
bernzBriandb1222, doh! well, you *could* open the case and take note of the model/serial number on the mainboard, and then look it up by manufacturer's website or whatever07:17
bazookaquestion .....is it possible to get the processes running on the system using a java application and then sending the details to the server ?.. i am thinking of my final yr projects on these lines07:17
coolzhow can i create wireless bridge ubuntu 8.1007:17
bernzBriandb1222, i know it's kind of a hassle, but at least you'll be sure07:17
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PCTeacher012ahh d_1n LOL, thanks, testing again07:18
Enigmai hope there is a way to turn that off07:18
FlannelPCTeacher012: No.  That's wrong.  Your sudoers was right.  Your command wasn't.07:18
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: Flannel is right, ur missing service aswell07:18
PCTeacher012Yea, Sudo it done now, it works :D Thanks a ton!07:18
bernzbazooka, well, it's sort of "risky", but you could shell out to run 'ps aux | grep something' where 'something' is probably "java" or whatever clue you'll find in the 'ps aux' output that identifies apps running in a JVM07:19
error404notfoundanother issues is that I unmute mic to use skype but as soon as I close volume manager, mic is again muted, I have to keep it minimized..07:19
PCTeacher012tell me if my launcher is correct "gksudo alsa force-reload"07:19
psywipedfrimple what does fdisk -l tell you?07:19
FlannelPCTeacher012: no.  service07:19
bernzbazooka, i say "risky" because shelling out to have a script do something has various security implications (but this is assuming you're not already in the shell, like a bash script or something)07:19
frimple>psywiped hang on, server 2k8 dvd is just starting up07:19
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: follow what flannel says, i might be wrong07:20
SiDiDoes anyone know how to disassemble a binary with nasm ?07:20
zcat[1]nope. surely there is something I can use07:20
frimpleit's a fresh drive, completely clean btw07:20
PCTeacher012thanks d_1nev1table, and Flannel, Service is now alsa, so command is "<USER>, <USER> ALL = (ALL) /etc/alsa alsa force-reload" and launcher is "gksudo alsa force-reload" all correct flannel?07:20
Flanneld_1nev1tab1e: `service alsa force-reload` is the command you're running.  You're running it with .... no.07:20
FlannelPCTeacher012: ^^07:21
psywipedSiDi no but youtube may07:21
psywipedfrimple doesnt matter07:21
n8tuserfSiDi -> arent you supposed to use debug first?07:21
SiDin8tuserf, psywiped it's for a win32 virus :D07:21
PCTeacher012Flannel: ^^ Finally, was that a hassle (But easier then it would be on windows! *Chuckles*) Thanks, that is enough in one day :) night07:21
frimplefound another ubuntu 8.10 x64 disk btw.... is there a different version for intel vs AMD?07:21
SoS11do I need to use pulseaudio if I have a HWMIX sblive soundcard?07:21
FlannelPCTeacher012: The command for sudoers is /sbin/service alsa force-reload.  The command you run at the terminal is "sudo service alsa force-reload" or gksu instead of sudo (or gksudo)07:21
bazookai intend to do this only on the college LAN ..as my project ..07:22
psywipedfrimple no07:22
PCTeacher012so my command was wrong? But it worked how it does when i run it as root?07:22
psywipedfrimple amd owns the x64 instrunction set so its called that07:22
n8tuserfSiDi -> umm you cant run that on a debugger?07:22
frimplesweet, i'm sure the other disk I found is just the regular workstation 8.1007:22
sn00p-does anybody know that packet injection works for bcm43xx in ubuntu?07:22
bernzfrimple, you can get processor-specific kernel builds (or do them yourself), but the widely-distributed copies of ubuntu usually come with "vanilla" builds that are likely to run on the widest array of x86 processors without problems07:23
d_1nev1tab1ePCTeacher012: there are many ways to get it right....07:23
SiDin8tuserf, i don't think a win virus will be compiled to be run as an ELF binary with debugging symbols :/07:23
psywipedSiDi so it has nothing to do with ubuntu?07:23
SiDipsywiped, well, it has to do with nasm, which is packaged in ubuntu :d (ok, i'm back in #asm)07:23
PCTeacher012d_1nev1table: Lol, well, as far as i can think, it is :) It works like a charm :D No password asking, and does it 100%, thanks Flannel, thank d_1nev1table07:23
psywipedbet therse a #nasm here07:23
PCTeacher012time to let my bro know xD ttyat07:24
jootsnoop, I just saw it work out of the box on a new "mint" distro yesterday...07:24
sn00p-joot, packet injection isn't working on mine07:24
SiDipsywiped, thanks, joined it07:24
psywipedi put e17 on one of my laptops today i like it07:25
HorizonXP1can someone help me to get multicasting working on my LAN? i have an ubuntu box as a router, but it doesn't seem to be allowing multicasting07:25
SiDiHorizonXP1, you should check your iptables rules07:25
jootsnoop, I was just watching some one else so I cannot help you sorry  :-(07:25
HorizonXP1sidi: ok, that's a start. what should I be looking for?07:25
nozavroniIsn't there some way to get a bunch of information about a user?07:26
nozavroniI can't remember how to do it07:26
nozavronilike... their home dir07:26
nozavronithings like that07:26
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: your switch should support multicasting too?07:26
o0Chris0o!enter | nozavroni07:26
ubottunozavroni: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:26
frimplenon server install dvd appears to be going well, will update once i've gone past the HDD recognition part07:26
Out_Coldnozavroni usually the user's home directory is /home/user/07:27
safruhani hi i'm on ubuntu 8.10 evolution & 2.24.3, i haven't remembered one of my e-mail account's password.I've chosen "remember my password" , could i see what it is?07:27
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: it's a linksys router that i have setup just as a passthrough. DHCP & DNS are handled by the ubuntu box07:27
SiDiHorizonXP1, i don't know exactly, i'm not good with iptables config ;p07:27
SiDinozavroni, System -> Administration -> Users and groups07:28
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: the thing is in order ot have true multicasting, ur switch needs to support it. Most cheap switches will simply turn it into broadcast and other may even block it altogether07:28
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: how would I even know?07:29
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: check the specs of your switch07:29
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: does localhost receive your multicast?07:30
kholerabbiYou guys want a challenge?07:30
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i don't even know how to check that. i tried pinging, but got no response07:31
nozavronisorry for using enter as punctuation, but how do I find out a user's home directory?07:31
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: which service are you trying to multicast?07:31
nozavroniI'm using the server addition, I don't have a GUI07:31
kholerabbiWell, here it is. My built-in, onboard, webcam hasn't ever worked under ubuntu - ever. Never ever.07:31
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: I want to use VLC07:31
mosiacim having some slow internet issues and i already followed the guides to disable ipv6 is there any other issues there might be?07:32
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d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: open two instances of vlc on the same server and see if it works07:32
kholerabbiIt just isn't detected.07:32
aadityaHello, how can i flash a bootable ISO image to a USB drive?07:32
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: to localhost, or to ?07:33
nozavroniSIDI: I don't have a GUI so that will not work for me07:33
frimplesorry it took so long07:33
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1:, or any other mcast address07:33
frimpleregular 8.10 x64 installer didn't recognize the hdd either07:33
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d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: also make sure ur using a datagram protocol, like rtp for example07:34
jootnozavroni. type  ls   in a terminal07:34
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: yeah, i've been trying with rtp the whole time. stream doesn't open07:35
nozavronils shows my my current directory, doesnt it?07:35
nozavroniI need to know what a certain user's home directory07:35
SiDinozavroni, pwd shows the current dir07:35
nyaapwd shows the current user's home directory07:36
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: even when trying to access form the server itself?07:36
SiDinozavroni, if you can log as this user, then do so and use cd ~ and then pwd07:36
nozavronilet me ask again. How do I find out a different user's home directory07:36
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: yup. i have 2 instances of VLC open right now07:36
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i'm not using my ubuntu router for this, i'm using my desktop machine for VLC. my router's command line only.07:37
SiDinozavroni, "cat /etcpasswd  | grep username"07:37
jootnozavroni. ls will show you everthing07:37
SiDinozavroni, sorry i forgot to go for the obvious things ;)07:37
nozavroniI give up07:37
Wortman in Windows I have a program called switchblade that takes keyboard keys and maps them to gaming controllers is there an app like this for Ubuntu07:37
wolterhi, anybody with a 1530 around?07:37
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: ur desktop is running ubuntu too?07:37
jootnozavroni. why give up??07:38
SiDinozavroni, "cat /etc/passwd | grep username" *07:38
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: Gentoo actually.... :S07:38
Wortmanarch here... dont feel bad :-P07:38
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: well its  a problem of ur gentoo machine, but im trying to see if i am getting the same problem on my ubuntu machine07:39
SiDiWortman, if your game controller is recognised, you could make your custom X11 layout, i suppose07:39
WortmanSiDi yes it is an XBOX 360 controller07:40
albechwow i must say 9.04 looks great. awesome improvements07:40
mosiacAnyone have any experience with slow connection in ubuntu but no problem in windows, and it not be ipv6 related?07:40
timcarghhh. chinese internet. can someone please pastebin this for me07:40
kevin009is there an easy way to pipe the contents of those little notifications into the festival synthesizer?07:40
Briandb1222What program can I get to open EXE files with?07:40
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i'm not sure it's just cuz it's Gentoo... there's something messed with the way my LAN is configured i think. I'm trying it on my laptop right now, and it's not working either07:40
Wortmanworks fine in emulators, I just want to use it in world of warcraft and such07:40
timci cannot get that page to load.07:40
albechBriandb1222, wine?07:40
albechBriandb1222, !wine07:40
o0Chris0oalbech→ indeed, please join #ubuntu+1 for 9.04 support and chat07:40
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: and i was using my laptop on another network to multicast using vlc just fine07:40
LimeBurstdoes wine support languages other than english?07:41
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: ur gentoo machine is ur laptop?07:41
Briandb1222albech: hmmmm Wine? wierd. When I downloaded it it said it was for linux as well...hmmm07:41
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i have a desktop and a laptop. both are gentoo07:41
LimeBursttry doing that through package manager07:41
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: my router is ubuntu, which is why i'm here :)07:41
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: ur laptop cant stream to itself on ur network?07:41
LimeBurstthat way is much easier07:41
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: yeah, apparently07:42
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: multicast normall shouldnt even go to the router07:42
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: but i could be wrong, however the way i understood it it shouldnt go there07:42
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: that's my understanding too07:42
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: i mean only packets designated to leave subnet should go to the router07:43
WortmanLimeBurst Wine supports whatever language is installed in Ubuntu07:43
Briandb1222LimeBurst: even if it is an EXE?07:43
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i'm watching my network traffic in system monitor, and i'm sending out data at a constant 25 kb/s, but not receiving anything07:43
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: it probably is ur switch, but then i also believe it shouldnt even go to ur switch07:43
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: try unplugging ur computer from the network altogether and then streaming it07:44
SiDiBriandb1222, Wine is a linux API that allows running Windows programs under Linux07:44
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: ok, i'll just turn off the wifi :)07:44
zorobyteI just compiled the new kernel with make. Now, how do i install it?07:44
Briandb1222SiDi: I'm aware07:44
LimeBurstwhat do mean it's an EXE Vfile07:45
LimeBurstmaybe a problem with ies4linux...07:45
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: it is not surprise that u get outgoing traffic. The multicast will spread to all nodes of the subnet07:46
mattgyver83I have multiple symlinks, if i change the folder name that they point to, how may i update these links so that they aren't broken?07:46
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: on my laptop, it didn't like that. it said that host port 1234 is unreachable07:46
Briandb1222LimeBurst: It has the .exe extension.07:46
Wortmanzorobyte you dont "install a kernel" if it is compiled, you need to edit your boot configuration file to point to it07:46
Briandb1222ok I thought I said LimeWire at first.07:46
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: this is VLC throwing the error as I try to stream07:46
LimeBurstwine was made to execute exe files on linux07:46
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: i could be wrong but i believe that ur switch doesnt support multicast and gentoo insists on sending it out to its next node.07:47
wolterplease pm me if you are having issues with your dell xps m153007:47
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: maybe u can enable multicast on ur switch?07:47
labadmini want to create my own ubuntu live cd07:47
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: yeah maybe. how i do that in a linksys router, no clue07:47
Briandb1222oh, nevermind...seems I have what I was looking for on the package manager07:48
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: access the routers settings with a web-browser by typing its ip after http:// and browse the settings, see if u find something related07:48
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: SOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:48
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: Linksys Settings: Filter Multicast is CHECKED07:49
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: :)07:49
Shinuthat was odd.07:49
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: you know why? cuz the linksys router does basically nothing anymore. all it does is act as wireless bridge, so the ubuntu router can provide dns, dhcp, and wan access wirelessly. it connects to the linksys router via rj4507:50
HorizonXP1for the last year, i haven't touched ANYTHING.... so if anything goes wrong, i figure it's some setting on the box07:50
HorizonXP1i never even considered the linksys router07:50
gene2I'm trying to get the source for linux-image-2.6.24-23-rt, so I do apt-get source linux-image-2.6.24-23-rt  and I get the kernel source, however when I run make menuconfig I notice that the full preempt components are missing and the choices it tries to load from /boot/config-2.6.24-23-rt are missing07:50
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: so its fixed now?07:51
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i'm trying now, but it doesn't seem like it07:51
gene2how and when does the patch get applied when the original package was made, because when I downloaded the patch and tried to apply manually it wouldn't go in, some files were alredy modified while others were not07:52
d_1nev1tab1edont forget to renable ur wlan :P07:52
frimpweak sauce07:52
frimpserver 2k8 x64 install sees the hdd.  8.10 server and 8.10 workstation does not07:52
snoopy1alphahi there. Is there a way to tell which kernel module is responsible for the wireless card?07:52
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i did. no dice.07:52
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1:  make sure u applied the settings and restart the router07:53
snoopy1alphayes, but the list is too long and I don't know which module is the right one07:53
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: if it still doesnt work u should contact linksys about its. it clearly is not an ubuntu issue :P07:53
Raphi974Hi everyone07:53
Raphi974Here's my problem : I can't right click on the HP Go Home applet and I want to remove it from my panel :(07:54
zorobyteI'm trying to backport lis3lv02d.c to 8.10. I cannot get the file to compile. I get (when running make) make: *** No targets.  Stop.07:54
hareldvdUsing samba network printing to print to a remote Xerox WorkCenter PE 116 (using driver of PE 120) , in system-config-printer->printer properties when trying to print test page on the Printer status I get: "Idle - Can't loat /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparam to debug it". Any idea?07:54
palmjehaeldvd: have you installed the samba server, since that file is the configuration for it07:55
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: this is very annoying07:56
Raphi974Any ideas ?07:56
hareldvdpalmje, Yep. Samba server smbd and nmbd are running.07:56
kdemarhola alguin habla español07:56
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ubottukdemar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:57
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: did u restart ur router?07:57
kdemarde donde eres07:57
Briandb1222Ok I installed a package. I can't use the package....why?07:57
palmjehareldvd: are you able to access the samba shares at all?07:58
HorizonXP1d_1nev1tab1e: i'm looking for the button to do that. otherwise i'm gonna have to get up and do it, lol07:58
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hareldvdpudes ir a system07:58
troopperiRaphi974: how did u install that?07:58
hareldvdkdemar prinerso a system07:59
hareldvdplamje yes07:59
HorizonXP1ok brb07:59
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP1: its def. worth a try if u want mcast to work07:59
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd07:59
hareldvdkdemar entonses a administration07:59
Raphi974troopperi, With some package that gave me the HP Mini Interfac07:59
hareldvdkdemar y finalmente a languge07:59
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd07:59
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd08:00
hareldvdkdemar busca espanol aqui08:00
Raphi974troopperi, but now i can't remove the HP Go Home applet08:00
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd08:00
=== root is now known as Guest53308
troopperiRaphi974:  and you using ubuntu08:00
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before string constant ?08:00
Raphi974troopperi, yea08:00
Raphi974troopperi, Jaunty Beta08:00
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd08:00
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd08:00
labadminsomeone with idea on live cd08:00
FloodBot3labadmin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
troopperiRaphi974:  to console write sudo apt-get remove (package name)?08:00
Shinusince wehen did we get floodbots08:00
joothad them for ages08:01
Shinuhm. never noticed them08:01
Raphi974troopperi, can't remember the name of that package, but i'll search08:01
Sagacihow long after the release of ubuntu 9.04 will people be able to request CD's or is there preorder?08:01
Raphi974Sagaci, there is preorder08:02
Briandb1222need help. I installed packages and I can't use the programs included. How do I do that?08:02
troopperiRaphi974:  ok08:02
Raphi974Sagaci, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/08:03
jootBriandb1222, what did you install and how did you do it??08:04
Briandb1222joot: when to the package manager. Installed the PennMUSH package08:04
hareldvdhi axsd08:04
labadminhi shinu08:05
labadminhi shinu08:05
HorizonXPd_1nev1tab1e: back. restarting router didn't do squat08:05
jootBriandb1222, what does penmush do?08:05
hareldvdhorizon, which router do you have?08:05
HorizonXPhareldvd: linksys wrt54g08:05
hareldvdwhat is the host i.p adress?08:06
troopperiRaphi974:  did you install that package what u have download internet?08:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:06
gene2Anyone have any idea how to rebuild the original linux-image-2.6.24-23-rt package? the source for this is not complete is missing the real time patch08:07
jootBriandb1222, try to open it from the terminal by typing the program name <enter>08:07
HorizonXPhareldvd: which host? i'm trying to get multicasting working on my LAN. i can't even get it to work locally on the same machine. we think my router is filtering the packets08:07
Raphi974troopperi, yea, it was on an extra repo for HP MIE08:07
Raphi974troopperi, but i can't find that package name08:08
Briandb1222joot, thanks. PennMUSH is an app used for text-based gaming...like an MMO but not a video game08:08
troopperiRaphi974:  try synaptic package manager to find it08:08
d_1nev1tab1eHorizonXP: it surely is a problem with the linksys router which ur using solely as a switch. You would need to consult linksys as I dont know what could be wrong with it.08:09
Briandb1222joot, didn't work.08:09
FlannelBriandb1222: read /usr/share/doc/pennmush/README.Debian08:09
axsd9dhi all, Is there any application to bypass a firewall download limit of 2mb in ubuntu??08:10
FlannelBriandb1222: that likely explains what you need to do to get it up and running.08:10
jootBriandb1222, maybe this will help    http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=pennmush&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a08:10
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before string constant ?08:10
jootFlanel, sorry I did not see your post08:11
coolmadmaxi have crossover LAN laptop-fedora 10 and system ubuntu with kde 3.5 network set up ip address laptop ubuntu. How to establish connetion (route) that this two see each other.What i have to put for route and gatway?08:15
kaytortugaI have two graphics cards in my computer. An integrated card, and a pci card. I have a monitor hooked up to each. How do I get them both to work together?08:15
Briandb1222Kay: smash them together08:16
kaytortugathe lspci output of the two cards are: 00:02.0 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)08:16
Slartaxsd9d: not unless that firewall is broken broken08:16
kaytortugaand: 01:04.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]08:17
coolmadmaxi have crossover LAN laptop-fedora 10 and system ubuntu with kde 3.5 network set up ip address laptop ubuntu. How to establish connetion (route) that this two see each other.What i have to put for route and gatway?08:18
kaytortugano help?08:18
=== phantomcircuit_ is now known as phantomcircuit
axsd9dSlart: if i could encyrpt the incoming data through a ssh tunnel or something like that would that be useful??08:18
Slartkaytortuga: afaik there's no way to make them work together.. you might be able to make them work at the same time though.. try !twinview or !dualhead08:19
mark[oz]can anyone suggest something like vmware for ubuntu?08:19
mark[oz]that is better or similar?08:19
WERDER|icerootmark[oz]: virtualbox08:19
mark[oz]sick of patching vmware.08:19
mark[oz]k, will check it out08:20
mark[oz]does it run vmware vms?08:20
WERDER|icerootmark[oz]: dont know08:20
Slartaxsd9d: 2mb is 2mb... unless some traffic is free or unlimited there's not much you can do about it08:20
mark[oz]k, will try it out08:21
axsd9di can browse unlimited only problem is files greater than 2mb cannot be downloaded08:21
jam3s0nI'm having trouble installing my Nvidia driver. I got it working so I could change my resolution, but I tried to enable desktop effects and it told me the driver wasn't enabled. So I enabled it and restarted. Then I get an error "nvidia kernel could not load..." So then I installed Envy and tried to install the driver that way... still didn't work; any suggestions?08:22
axsd9dbtw i am using my mobile wap connection and the firewall is network operated08:22
d_1nev1tab1eaxsd9d:  i can think of one ugly workaround, not quite sure how to implement it tho08:23
Slartaxsd9d: I would talk to whoever setup that firewall, if you have legitimate reasons for downloading larger files I'm sure it won't be a problem08:23
troopperijam3s0n: what card u have at nvidia?08:23
d_1nev1tab1eaxsd9d: basically u could make a script that reconnects u automatically and run everything in a screen on ur remote server08:23
d_1nev1tab1eaxsd9d: u can also do key exchange to avoid entering ur password all the time08:24
jam3s0ngeforce go 760008:24
jam3s0ni need to double check08:24
jam3s0nyeh, that's it08:25
axsd9dIs there any applications one of the  apps i came across is firedrill. but thats not working08:26
greyyow, big channel.08:26
kk1how can I install grub from a Live CD?08:27
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Flannel!grub | kk108:27
ubottukk1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:27
Flannelkk1: First link08:27
jam3s0ndriver 180.44 is supported and recommended. I basically need a way to back-track so I can reconfigure and install the driver again08:28
greyI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on a system with an asus m3n78-vm motherboard, (nvidia 8200 chipset including forcedeth LAN), and LAN is not being detected at all, not even a link light08:28
greythe nic worked well with slackware 1/2 hour ago, and works fine under windows xp when I dual boot to it08:29
troopperijam3s0n:  you have to first remove all what u have install and then only those Restricted Drivers08:29
greyany suggestions?08:29
FlynsarmyDoes empathy in jaunty support video chat for MSN?08:29
jootgrey, enable networking??08:29
error404notfoundhow can I force a reinstall of add/remove? I got it corrupt after installing adobe air08:30
Seven-7I'm trying to get GRUB to recognize my Windows parition and I'm having trouble.08:30
kk1Flannel: I have no /boot/grub08:30
grokeni want to mount a tmpfs into a folder that currently has contents. when i mount into this folder, i want to make a copy of the contents of that folder on the tmpfs so that i can change as needed without altering the originals. how do i do this?08:31
troopperijam3s0n:  anyway what says when write ti console glxinfo|grep direct08:31
greyjoot: it is enabled08:31
jam3s0none sec08:31
jootgrey, so is it showing a connection?08:31
oculus_Have you guys used ubuntu in netbooks like eeepc? Works without problems?08:31
palmjegroken: if you mount something into a folder that has contents you can't access those contents at all08:31
phantomcircuitwhich package has the headers for opengl?08:32
crdlbphantomcircuit: depends on your video driver08:32
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".08:32
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".08:32
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".08:32
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".08:32
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".08:32
FloodBot3jam3s0n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:32
jootgrey, pull the ethernet cable out and replace it08:32
greyjoot: already tried that08:32
kk1!grub | Seven-708:32
ubottuSeven-7: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:32
grokenpalmje: right, so is there a way to copy the contents to the filesystem that i'm about to mount without having to do it all manually?08:32
Seven-7kk1: Yeah, that's not my problem.08:33
greyjoot: and two different switches even, it's definately not a physical connection issue08:33
troopperijam3s0n:  there is no working drivers now,08:33
FlynsarmyDoes empathy in jaunty support video chat for MSN?08:33
jootgrey, do you still have ppp on your router/modem08:33
jam3s0ncan you say that in different terms?08:34
=== MadMax is now known as Guest49530
troopperijam3s0n:  now uninstall every nvidia packages and retricted drivers, then reboot and install only restricted drivers....08:34
palmjegroken: the only way I know of how to do it would be to mount the new filesystem in a different location, copy the contents across and then remount it to that location08:34
jootgrey, other than a reboot I am out of ideas.. maybe one of the network gurus can jump in here...08:34
kk1how do I get a /boot/grub ?08:34
greyjoot: the system is connected to an openbsd router, this isn't my first time to the networking rodeo ;)08:34
jam3s0nwhat is the nvidia x server?08:34
greyjoot: thanks for trying08:35
ziehi there08:35
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before string constant ?08:35
grokenpalmje: in the case of tmpfs, the contents are removed on unmount i do believe. but i was looking at the same thing if there was no direct option to do this08:36
kkathmanjam3s0n, the x server is one thing...nvidia is another08:36
palmjejam3s0n: the nvidia x server is basically the settings for the nvidia driver for the x-server08:36
kkathmanjam3s0n, google is your friend :)08:36
ktebitthe last ubuntu wont have all driver before a year?08:36
Seven-7I'm having problems with step 8 on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing%20Windows%20After%20Ubuntu08:36
zie i was successfuly install mysql on ubuntu , but i can't setup new passwd08:37
jam3s0ngoogle, is the endless world of nothing08:37
kkathmanpalmje, technically that's not exactly right, the xserver is the display mechanism, the xorg.conf is the settings for it08:37
zieanybody can tell me ?08:37
jootgrey, Wait for twenty minutes and re ask you question08:37
greyjoot: ok08:37
kkathmanjam3s0n,  if you want to run linux, you'd better learn to use it :)08:37
jam3s0njust got it last night ;)08:37
ktebitthe last ubuntu wont have all driver before a year?08:38
* jwh335 hi08:39
jam3s0nmy screen refreshes 6 times then stops the gdm, then i restart it and it does it again... eventually it works though08:39
d_1nev1tab1ekkathman: ubuntu shouldnt be so hard that you would need to depend on google. That atleast is the goal08:39
palmjekkathman: true, but I was just trying to keep it fairly simple08:39
kkathmand_1nev1tab1e, lol, but we know thats not true right :)08:39
d_1nev1tab1ekkathman: thats y we are here :P08:39
kkathmaneventually people will need to fix things :)08:40
d_1nev1tab1ebut i always have faith in the next version. jaunty for now08:40
kkathmand_1nev1tab1e, I've run ubuntu since Warty, so I think its getting better, but when things break (and they will) google is a great resource, if not just the ubuntu wiki :)08:41
kkathmanor the forums :)08:41
Flannelkkathman: Please direct them to the wiki and the forums before google though.08:41
jam3s0nthere is tons of solutions for this, but none that have worked as they should08:41
Seven-7How do I find out a partitions number?08:41
palmjegroken: true, or you could simply mount the new location over the top of the old one...08:41
d_1nev1tab1ekkathman: i know it does and it makes me forget how to use command line tools. :P08:42
ZencydeI'm sure someone in here uses WoW. Has anyone had any issues getting it to boot under Wine? I just updated my nVidia graphics driver and I'm too lazy and stoned to go tinkering.08:43
JessicaParkerhi can anyone assist with getting postfix configures with email on ubuntu ?08:43
kkathmand_1nev1tab1e,  lol - I was a bit lucky, I had a guru that taught me that 1st!08:43
troopperi!nvidia | jam3s0n08:44
ubottujam3s0n: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:44
jvmhey guys. i installed apache2 and the php5 module, but when restarting apache, it says "/usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". locate shows no such file on the whole system. how to fix it?08:44
palmjejvm: have you installed the libapache2-mod-php5 package?08:47
cody_I have installed ubuntu currently08:47
cody_but unable to boot it08:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ircd08:48
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:48
cody_I have started using wubi08:48
jvmpalmje, yeah.08:48
eternal_!find ircd08:48
ubottuFound: dancer-ircd, dancer-ircd-doc, inspircd, inspircd-dbg, ircd-hybrid (and 7 others)08:48
lstarneseternal_: try aptitude search ircd08:49
ziejvm, check on module conf08:49
jvmzie, what do you mean?08:49
palmjejvm: have you changed any of the settings (for apache)?08:49
eternal_lstarnes:  thanx i installed dancer but couldn't get it to show out to the real world08:49
lstarneseternal_: consider a different ircd.  dancer is very old and hard to configure08:50
jvmpalmje, i reconfigured the port settings and adapted the default virtual host, as well having changed the AllowOverride setting in the default host.08:50
lstarneseternal_: inspircd may be available08:50
eternal_oki ty08:50
ziecat /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load08:51
eternal_lstarnes:  thanx it was only listing dancer in the synaptic before :)08:52
jvmzie, LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so08:52
ziecheck that's file exist ?08:52
jvmit does not.08:52
zieyou must installed first08:52
palmjejvm: that shouldn't affect the php module at all... Try doing a reinstall of the php and see if that replaces the file08:53
Martyr2k6well, ubuntu loves my quad core now08:53
Martyr2k6now I just have to determine which vm software is best for running multiple operating systems08:53
Martyr2k6any help?08:54
rww!vm | Martyr2k6: I recommend Virtualbox. There are a bunch08:54
ubottuMartyr2k6: I recommend Virtualbox. There are a bunch: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:54
jvmzie, palmje, thanks for your help.08:55
Martyr2k6well here is my thing, I want to run vista and xp under ubuntu at will, and to use them as though they were the sole os08:55
Martyr2k6basically I want the vm to use all the hardware I have in this machine08:56
Martyr2k6not sure if vbox can do that08:56
ziejvm yep08:56
Martyr2k6like, I want to be able to have vista or xp on some sort of vm and say, run any game I have08:57
WERDER|icerootMartyr2k6: not your 3d-card and soundcard08:57
WERDER|icerootMartyr2k6: use dual-boot08:57
Martyr2k6no other solutions?08:57
palmjeMartyr2k6: No virtual machine can use the hardware as well as if it is directly installed and graphics is one of the biggest weak points of them08:57
WERDER|icerootMartyr2k6: no08:57
Seven-7How do I find out a partitions number?08:58
palmjeSeven-7: you could use a tool like parted08:58
j416i believe VMWare has 3D acceleration08:58
Martyr2k6hmmm, is there a way that I can get ubuntu to recognize either my zune or my external hard drive ?08:58
j416try and see.08:58
Zeit|awy_palmje: let's say, no x86 hardware can do that.. ;)08:58
Seven-7palmje: Yeah, but what is the number located at?08:59
Seven-7Is it the number next to sda?09:01
palmjeSeven-7: parted is a partitioning tool and as such it can show you the attached hdds and partitions in each of those drives so you should be able to get all the information from that and if you want a GUI you can use gparted or qtparted09:01
palmjeSeven-7: sda1 means 1st device partition 109:01
icqn!info btnx09:02
ubottuPackage btnx does not exist in intrepid09:02
Seven-7Awesome. That's what I needed to know.09:02
zieanyone has install mysql on jaunty dev ?09:02
Martyr2k6ok, so I have ubuntu as the primary os right now, how do I go about dual booting vista and ubuntu09:04
rwwMartyr2k6: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_linux_is_already_installed.htm09:06
zieadd list option on your menu.lst09:06
zie!google lol09:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google lol09:06
coolmadmaxi have crossover LAN laptop-fedora 10 and system ubuntu with kde 3.5 network set up ip address laptop ubuntu. How to establish connetion (route) that this two see each other.What i have to put for route and gatway?09:08
marie_blubb_hey guys, I've got a problem with my cronjob. I'd like to run the programme rsnapshot and I entered in the cron these lines. SHELL=/bin/bash  PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/X11 */50 * * * * /usr/bin/rsnapshotp   ther must be something wrong as the cron is not running09:08
mpoz2How long will the upgrade to Jaunty still be disabled (due to blacklisted python pkg)?09:08
rwwmpoz2: Jaunty questions and support in #ubuntu+1, not here, thanks :)09:09
seradinI have set up my home-directories to not allow other users to view their content, is there a clever and good way to still let the webserver access the public_html folder ?09:09
empathyyay i finally was able to get Jaunty to install :D turns out the problem was AHCI being enabled in my bios09:09
empathyis there any way to get it so I can re-enable AHCI?09:09
rwwempathy: Jaunty questions and support in #ubuntu+1, not here, thanks :)09:09
raVen1help guys..can some1 help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon!09:10
rwwbigdragon: try /quit09:10
palmjeseradin: make the public_html folder of a particular group and add the user that runs the apache webserver into that group09:10
seradinpalmje: okay, is it good/advisable to use the group of www-data or should i create another one? what would you do?09:10
raVen1help guys..can some1 help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon!09:11
jam3s0nError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig09:11
jam3s0nXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1.0".09:11
ziethanks rww09:11
ktebitthe last ubuntu wont have all driver before a year?09:12
raVen1help guys..can some1 help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon!09:12
rww!repeat > raVen109:12
ubotturaVen1, please see my private message09:12
RandomCakeHi, I just insalled 9.04 on a P4 system, and after logging in I've just got a blank scree and a mouse cursor, how can I go about figuring out what's wrong? :S09:12
=== marie_blubb_ is now known as marie_blubb
rwwRandomCake: Jaunty questions and support in #ubuntu+1, not here, thanks :)09:12
rwwI really need to macro that.09:12
RandomCakeah, okay, thans rww :)09:12
palmjeseradin: as far as I know www-data is only used by apache so it should be fine, also make sure that www-data also has execute permission on the folders leading to public_html09:13
jam3s0nktebit, who are you talking to?09:13
raVen1how would i even know if i dont have any background on linux09:13
raVen1!repeat | rww09:14
ubotturww: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:14
seradinpalmje: okay, thanks. My home folder has drwxr-x--x, so It should be fine. Does the execute permission for 'others' give other users any access to the home directory here?09:14
rwwraVen1: Hmm?09:15
seradinI have set up my home-directories to not allow other users to view their content, is there a clever and good way to still let the webserver access the public_html folder ?09:15
seradin(sry, just the wrong paste, ignore it)09:15
woodefechey, what to do if gnome doesn't keep my appearance settings after restart / re-login?09:16
woodefeci just get some basic grey,fonts aren't kept either09:16
raVen1help guys..can some1 help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon!09:16
crdlbwoodefec: for some reason, gnome-settings-daemon isn't starting09:17
palmjeseradin: all execute permission does on a folder is enable you to go into that directory, but it wont allow people to see the contents of that directory so they will need to know filenames/foldernames to be able to do anything and they will need the right permissions on those as well09:17
seradinpalmje: okay, thats what I wanted to know :-), thanks09:17
palmjeseradin: you can also set the umask of each user to set the default permissions of the files/folders they create09:18
woodefeccrdlb, ok, i started here with xubuntu, but than installed the gnome meta-packages09:18
crdlbwoodefec: you installed ubuntu-desktop?09:19
sunset46I need help getting my HP LaserJet printer working09:19
woodefeccrdlb, no :)09:20
raVen1help guys..can some1 help me install crypt::ssleay and gtk2::trayicon!09:20
BePhantomhi all, does anybody knows about hard disks?09:20
crdlbwoodefec: might be a good idea; I'm not sure I'd trust those gnome packages in universe to install everything09:20
solaardoes anybody here run ubuntu on a powerpc?09:20
sunset46what do you need to know about hard disks?09:20
raVen1this channel is only interesting and helpful when Huufarted and musikgoat are here09:21
crdlbwoodefec: if nothing else works, you can probably add a 'gnome-settings-daemon' startup apps entry in System > Preferences > Sessions09:21
solaari just installed it on a g5 imac and i'm having a lot of issues with flash and vlc09:21
woodefeccrdlb, oh no, that package isgoing to give me too much unnecessary stuff09:21
solaarnot to mention i can't set my resolution higher than 1024x76809:21
sunset46ok I have no experience working with those two apps09:21
crdlbwoodefec: --no-install-recommends should cut it down a lot09:21
rwwsolaar: Try #ubuntu-powerpc if you don't get an answer here.09:22
BePhantomhi all, i have a doubt about hard disks. I have a 5400 rpm hard disk in my lappy, i want to know if hard disks speed is variable or constant (5400 at all times)09:22
crdlbwoodefec: eg no mono stuff09:22
woodefeccrdlb, i'llsee whathappens withthat deamon09:22
palmjeBePhantom: just ask what you want to know and if someone knows the answer they will most likely respond09:22
solaaroh cool, didn't know about that channl, thanks rww09:22
woodefecthank you!09:22
woodefecsee you09:22
rwwsolaar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ may also be helpful.09:22
palmjeBePhantom: the speed varies and also data access speed is affected by where on the disk platter it is stored09:22
solaarrww: thanks, but the internet is seriously not helpful--i always try google before irc09:23
solaari've spent a few hours researching and have come up empty09:23
susaninПривет! Тут кто-нибудь на русском шпрехает?09:23
solaarapparently there just isn't a flash player for powerpc ubuntu :(09:23
mark[oz]hey guys, i tried to load ubuntu-server-8.10-i386 into virtualbox. it installed fine but when i go to start it throws an error RE "the kernel is incorrect for this processer" any ideas?09:24
basileussusanin: привет09:24
BePhantompalmje I just disabled hard disk power off in hdparm by adding 255, will this also disable my HD variable speed?09:24
raVen1hey rww.the internet doesnt give all the answers to questions.still, experience and knowledge from other people are those that really helps...that is why this channel was made.not just redirect people to the net again09:24
rww!ru | susanin09:24
ubottususanin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:24
raVen1rww: hey rww.the internet doesnt give all the answers to questions.still, experience and knowledge from other people are those that really helps...that is why this channel was made.not just redirect people to the net again09:25
raVen1oops..thats "help" typo09:25
palmjeBePhantom: I dont know that, but I don't know why you would want to since it would considerably reduce the life of the disk09:25
susaninbasileus, подскажи, пожалуйста, как сделать откат обновлений, если это вообще возможно??09:25
basileussusanin: я хз, спроси на #ubuntu-ru )09:26
BePhantompalmje because of this bug https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielHahler/Bug5969509:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about diff09:27
strAlandoes anyone know how to apply a .diff file09:27
BePhantompalmje i dont know if my laptop is affected by that bug, it's just in case09:27
Alex_21What can I strip out of the minimal install of Ubuntu?09:27
Alex_21BTW: Hi,09:27
lstarnesstrAlan: patch -p1 < file.diff09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crypt::ssleay09:27
lstarnesstrAlan: see also man patch09:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk2::trayicon09:27
strAlanlstarnes, thank you - what does p1 mean or is that in the man page09:27
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:27
Alex_21I want to make it 256 MB09:27
Myxbhi, i have to switch to console (ctrl+alt+f*) 2 times to get there, how to fix it? the 1st time i am brought back to x's, 2nd time works as intended.09:28
strAlanlstarnes, i'm trying to install the viewer for Second Life09:28
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:28
lstarnesstrAlan: it's in the man page09:28
rww!msgthebot > raVen109:28
ubotturaVen1, please see my private message09:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inspircd09:28
omidwho can i used at squid_ldap_auth?09:28
omidhow can i used at squid_ldap_auth?09:28
dust_does anyone have md5sum of ubuntu-8.04.1-server-i386.iso ?09:28
raVen1!msgthebot | rww09:28
ubotturww: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:28
omidhow can i used at squid_ldap_auth?09:29
eternal_dust_: 7232c6004ba438890cd09aded162dc8e09:29
lstarnesomid: use what?09:29
dust_eternal_, thanks09:30
strAlanlstarnes, thanks for your help but I'm not sure which file to patch09:30
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)09:30
strAlanlstarnes, is there any way you could look at this page and tell me if you can figure it out09:30
lstarnesstrAlan: the .diff will know which file to patch09:30
eternal_anyone running inspircd? i can't even find what to do ther e is no instructions09:30
omidway use as squid_ldap_auth09:31
strAlanlstarnes, it says "File to patch:" and the blinking cursor09:31
lstarnesomid: your question isn't making any sense to me09:31
=== nielsslot_ is now known as nielsslot
eternal_omid: You trying to ask on how to setup Squid in ldap_Auth?09:32
omidhow should i use squid_ldap_auth?09:32
kristian_hey! this is a real newbie question. when you browse some dodgy sites on inet with internet explorer/windows you get a lot of crap on your computer, when you use ubuntu/firefox are you immune against this even if you visit dodgy sites? :-P09:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rww09:33
strAlanlstarnes, can I send u link09:33
eternal_i am new to all this linux but i think squid is a mail server of such so i should suggest installing the server09:33
lstarnesstrAlan: a link to what?09:33
strAlanlstarnes, the site that has the patch for the Second Life viewer - i'm not sure how to apply this patch09:33
lstarneseternal_: squid is actually an http cache and http proxy09:33
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org09:34
lstarnesstrAlan: are you absolutely sure that the patch is necessary?09:34
eternal_ha tru lstarnes oops09:34
rwwkristian_: Pretty much all of that "crap" only works on Windows, so yes, you'll be fine.09:34
omidi setup squid in server proxy and setup and config ldap server but i can 't bind squid to ldap...09:34
strAlanlstarnes, according to the documentation it should fix a build error09:34
strAlanlstarnes, you know second life right ?09:34
strAlan!second life09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about second life09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about octopus09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about secondlife09:34
lstarnesstrAlan: I've heard of it but don't use it09:34
Slartkristian_: generally speaking, no.. a linux computer is vulnerable to bad things too.. but for a couple of reasons it's less likely to get infected.. the biggest one imho is that malware writers target windows, second because you don't run as root09:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about octomom09:34
eternal_!find secondlife09:34
ubottuPackage/file secondlife does not exist in intrepid09:35
strAlanlstarnes, just check this out and if you don't have time for it no problem - I understand09:35
lstarnesstrAlan: whoever you got the patch from might know which file to applu it to09:35
Alex_21I need help with stripping Ubuntu down09:35
omid/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth -b "dc=unileveriran,dc=com" -f "uid=%s" -h
strAlanlstarnes, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-888509:35
omidi used this command for test09:35
strAlanlstarnes, I don't see anything that says "use this file to apply the patch"09:35
Alex_21I need to get it on a 512 MB card, preferably 256 MB without SWAP09:35
strAlanlstarnes, or something similar09:35
DigitalKiwiAlex_21: good luck >.>09:35
lstarnesstrAlan: cd to the directory where the source code is installed09:36
omidbut givenot response09:36
strAlanlstarnes, i'm in one of the many source directories09:36
peeeqhello.. is there anyone who can help me with gnome panel??09:36
rwwpeeeq: what about it?09:36
lstarnesstrAlan: go to the top and move the patch there as well09:36
omidcan you help me for this action?09:36
Alex_21Why do you say Good luck? how is a custome distro supossed to be 8 MB?09:36
kristian_rww : but what about the crap that targets ubuntu?09:36
peeeqi would like if i could define maximum width for my windows list09:36
omidhow should i use squid_ldap_auth?09:37
peeeqwhen panel is not expanded09:37
raVen1!find crypt::ssleay09:37
ubottuPackage/file crypt::ssleay does not exist in intrepid09:37
lstarnesomid: in unix/linux, if something is run and returns to the shell prompt without doing anything, that usually means that it worked09:37
lstarnesraVen1: try libcrypt-ssleay-perl09:37
eternal_Alex_21: have you tried other distros there is small ones for your purpose09:37
DigitalKiwiAlex_21: well ubuntu isn't generally known for fitting on that small of space09:37
Alex_21Well, I haen't tried others09:37
DigitalKiwis/generally/ever/ ?09:37
rwwkristian_: I have yet to find any. If you're concerned about it, the NoScript and AdBlock extensions for Firefox should do a pretty good job of stopping it.09:37
kristian_Slart : so if malware writers targeted linux, then we would have the same amount of crap on linux as on windows?09:37
Alex_21The problem is that I know Ubuntu administration09:38
SiDiAlex_21, what is the hdd size you have ? extremely little distros still are about 100MB (inc. 20 for kernel)09:38
DigitalKiwiwell learn some linux administration then ;D09:38
strAlanlstarnes, i'm in the first directory of the source09:38
rww!virus | kristian_: rationale on this link applies to both viruses and malware09:38
ubottukristian_: rationale on this link applies to both viruses and malware: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:38
DigitalKiwior get a bigger card :)09:38
omidbut at this command should request user and password09:38
Slartkristian_: perhaps not the same amount.. but we would have some, at least09:38
omid/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth -b "dc=unileveriran,dc=com" -f "uid=%s" -h
lstarnesstrAlan: now try it09:38
strAlanlstarnes, i'll pastebin it09:38
kristian_rww : yeah, it's kind of a paranoia, once i've visited a dodgy site, i don't logon to my mail, bank, etc, etc. :-P09:38
jatthow can I activate tmpfs on hardy?09:38
doseryderdoes anyone know which package contains the glibc documentations (man 3 pages) which I could  apt-get ?09:39
kristian_rww : yeah, i've read that one. :-)09:39
doseryderthe name of the package09:39
rwwpeeeq: Nope, I don't think that's possible.09:39
lstarnesdoseryder: try glibc-doc09:39
Alex_21Yep, I got it to 360 MB09:39
Slartkristian_: especially if everyone was using the same distro with roughly the same components09:39
strAlanlstarnes, http://pastebin.com/m185c7109:39
Alex_21Now for a new Kernel09:39
Guest53308hi all, what header should I include to use mkstemp()09:40
omidwhy user and password not request as me?09:40
omid/usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth -b "dc=unileveriran,dc=com" -f "uid=%s" -h
SwArcherI can't wait for Ubuntu 9.04... I loved 8.1009:40
strAlan8.04 is enough for me09:40
woodbjSwArcher: same09:40
Alex_21Oh, and a GUI09:40
rwwpeeeq: there's a /apps/panel/applets/window_list_IDHERE/prefs/maximum_size, but it's deprecated.09:40
strAlanSwArcher, if you loved 8.10 why go to 9.04 ?09:40
doseryder8.10 failed to load X for me09:40
doseryderthe 8.10 liveCD failed to load X I mean. (Its a black screen) while 8.04 hardy worked fine09:41
strAlanlstarnes, do you see what I mean about the "File to patch:" prompt ?09:41
Alex_21I stick with 8.04 because I do the backend stuff on servers and the desktops get monthly tune-ups by a small tech department that often has only one indevidual on staff09:41
Alex_21Whi is part time09:42
Alex_21Who, ... Sorry09:42
lstarnesstrAlan: try -p2 instead of -p109:42
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strAlanlstarnes, ok09:42
strAlanlstarnes, same output09:43
peeeqrww: it was possible before version 2.20. and gconf-editor still has the key named "maximum size", but its not in use after version 2.20.. So is there any way to take it back in use.09:43
WintervenomOn an HP Pavillion dv6000, how do I get the Live CD to boot without having to hold down some key the whole time?09:43
diffredhi! I'm in Ubuntu 8.10, how can I run a .php file?09:43
=== Azure is now known as Guest92492
rwwpeeeq: Not that I can see, no.09:43
coolmadmaxi have crossover LAN laptop-fedora 10 and system ubuntu with kde 3.5 network set up ip address laptop ubuntu. How to establish connetion (route) that this two see each other.What i have to put for route and gatway?09:43
Wintervenomdiffred:  $(apt-get install php; php my_file.php)09:43
diffredWintervenom: thanks!09:44
lstarnesdiffred: or just php filename.php09:44
diffredWintervenom: E: Couldn't find package php09:44
Wintervenomdiffred:  * php5, sorry.09:44
lstarnesstrAlan: try -p009:44
diffredoh thanks09:44
strAlanlstarnes, ok - did you view the webpage that is giving me these directions09:45
peeeqrww: damn... its very annoying when i have many windows open and the panel pops top of two other panels i have both sides of windowlist-panel...09:45
strAlanlstarnes, do you agree that it doesn't specify which file to patch09:45
strAlanlstarnes, it just says "here's a patch" but doesn't say which file to patch09:45
SwArcherstrAlan, Newer packages are my motivation. Besides, when support for 8.10 is discontinued, I don't want to be there09:45
doseryderlstarnes do i have to restart the system for it to take effect?  I tried to man 3 malloc to test to see if it works, but it didn't find the manual entry09:45
seradinMy public_html-folder is now drwxr-x---, but when i create a file in it, it is set to -rw-r--r--, how can i control the permissions of newly created files in it?09:45
lstarnesstrAlan: the filename needing the patch is in the patch, but the options needed for the patch command may vary09:46
ranookhi everyone, im having a problem connecting my mp3 player, ive checked the forums but found nothing. could anyone give me a hand please?09:46
strAlanlstarnes, ok it did something but i'm still getting cmake errors09:46
Alex_21Is there a way to lock the Kernel so that it is never updated?09:47
SwArcherranook: What kind of player is it?09:47
Alex_21When I run Sudo apt-get upgrade?09:47
ranookits a chinese varient, its manufacturer is AMG Technologies09:47
rwwAlex_21: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages09:47
ranookconnects via USB09:47
CrueltyChinese Variant?09:47
CrueltyYou mean a Plagiat? :P09:48
Alex_21I mean it isn't the Kernel package09:48
sancho21What makes my ubuntu heavy. It gets heavy as I see the 1 GB swap is full (0 left). I used top, but there was no strange applications running. I ended it up using physical restart button09:48
Alex_21But a Custome Kernel09:48
peeeqrww: or anybody.. can you recommend (or is there) any other panel application with windowslist to replace gnome panel??09:49
Guest92492hello. how can you connect to this server with tor? paranoia eats me09:49
strAlanlstarnes, thanks for your help - it didn't help my situation but I know for next time how to use patch and the different patch #'s09:50
lstarnesGuest92492: http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor09:50
lstarnesstrAlan: for most patches, -p1 or -p0 will work09:50
strAlanlstarnes, I don't suppose you'd be willing to help me get the second life viewer installed...using cmake09:50
lstarnesGuest92492: tor tends to lag on this network and many channels ban it, including this one09:50
rwwGuest92492: Note that you'll need to do the gpg-key identify thing to get into #ubuntu if you're using TOR.09:51
SwArcherAlex_21: That sometimes makes my VirtualBox stop working...09:51
lstarnesGuest92492: unless you have an gpg-tor account09:51
Guest92492nope dont have one09:51
lstarnesGuest92492: then get one09:52
Guest92492ok. thanks a lot. cu09:52
axsd9d502  09:52
axsd9dThis is Privoxy 3.0.8 on localhost (, port 8118, enabled09:52
axsd9dNo such domain09:52
axsd9dYour request for http://www.google.com/firefox could not be fulfilled, because the domain name www.google.com could not be resolved.09:52
axsd9dThis is often a temporary failure, so you might just try again.09:52
FloodBot3axsd9d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:52
axsd9dcan u help me with this??09:52
ranookIm  having trouble mounting my USB MP3 player, it shows on linux in the 'Computer' directory but when I try to mount them I get a error09:53
axsd9dcan i specify my own servers in resolv.conf???09:55
`brandon`!irriss | brandon09:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about irriss09:55
`brandon`did i miss spell it?09:56
=== Azure is now known as Guest89363
Manwithaplanaxsd9d I just setup privoxy, you need to check your config files09:56
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages09:56
rww!irssi > `brandon`09:56
ubottu`brandon`, please see my private message09:56
axsd9di'm using inside a firewall with only http-proxy 8080 open09:57
Alex_21How do you use Tor?09:57
Manwithaplani set up localhost09:57
Alex_21I have had clients who can't get it running09:57
axsd9di h'v configured it as forward 905009:57
Manwithaplanits easy ... squid privoxy tor09:58
Alex_21I haven't compiled my own on Mac OSX yet because I don't understand it09:58
shamssometimes i want to download a file with static address. but i cant use -c switch for that. can you help me?09:58
axsd9dis that enough or do i need to put the proxy:8080 also09:58
Manwithaplanit should be    forward    .           you need the dot09:58
axsd9dlet me check...09:59
Manwithaplanwith 905009:59
`brandon`configure: error: GLIB is required to build irssi.09:59
ManwithaplanI could post my config file as an example09:59
`brandon`how do i intall glib?10:00
anooptpi am in trouble, pls help10:00
crdlb`brandon`: the version of irssi in the repos isn't good enough? :)10:00
Manwithaplanalso /etc/init.d/privoxy restart10:00
Alex_21If I use a Kernel that was compiled on Opensue 10.3, will it work with Ubuntu 8.04?10:00
Alex_21I really don' want to recompile it10:00
shamsi have a direct access to a file with http:// but i can't continue downloading of it with -c switch in wget command. can you tell me why?10:01
Alex_21For my box10:01
zvacetanooptp : why don´t you say what your problem is10:01
ManwithaplanI have it setup with squid and tor10:01
LinuxrevolutionI have a very weired problem with internet connection10:01
Alex_21Please. Opensuse, ... Sorry10:01
peeeqranook: what kind of error message you et with your MP3-player10:01
seradinhow can I change the umask in ubuntu? I didn't find online information in the wiki on this :<10:01
Linuxrevolutionwhen I want to download anything it just stop!10:01
anooptpwen i export mp3 file in audacity, its ack 2 locate" /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0" , i cant10:01
=== Manwithaplan is now known as Ya_its_REAL
Linuxrevolutionfrom synaptic or firefox is this ubuntu problem?10:02
assemcan someone point to docs/help on how to run multiple X sessions with different window managers (as the same user) ? when i try to do a 'new login' as the same user it logs me back into my 1st session...10:02
Alex_21Install LAME10:02
Alex_21Lol, ... :)10:02
Linuxrevolutionany idea?10:02
zvacetLinuxrevolution : do you now using Ubuntu (can you surf net )10:03
`brandon`!glib | brandon10:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glib10:03
Linuxrevolutionzvacet: it just happen when I wanna download a package from synaptic10:03
`brandon`crdlb: what do you mean?10:03
crdlb`brandon`: is that a no? if so 'sudo apt-get build-dep irssi' will install everything you need to build it10:03
`brandon`crdlb: i downloaded it from the irssi website10:04
crdlb`brandon`: irssi 0.8.12 is available as a binary package in the ubuntu repositories10:04
debiaanooptp, you need to install the package libmp3lame010:04
debiatry: sudo aptitude install libmp3lame010:04
debiaanooptp, try: sudo aptitude install libmp3lame010:04
FrugalTestWhat is needed to get 9.04 stable ? I mean : What part of Ubuntu 9.04 is still under development ?10:04
crdlb`brandon`: you can install it with any package manager, eg: sudo apt-get install irssi10:04
crdlbFrugalTest: a few more weeks :)10:05
debiaanooptp, it maybe you are missing more than just this... because the library is normally pulled in as dependency.10:05
zvacetFrugalTest : take updates and in few weeks you will get final version10:05
rwwFrugalTest: For Jaunty (9.04) questions and support, please ask in in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)10:05
Alex_21If I use a Kernel that was compiled on Opensuse 10.3, will it work with Ubuntu 8.04?10:05
FrugalTestcrdlb: I want to install it now and use it for everyday ( I know it's not recommended :p )10:05
rwwAlex_21: maybe. Either way, custom kernels aren't supported in this channel.10:06
zvacetAlex_21 : I´m not sure but I don´t think so10:06
debiaanooptp, to fix if any install / update was broken halfway, try : sudo apt-get install -f10:06
debiaanooptp, and try: sudo dpkg --configure -a10:06
Linuxrevolutionmocca: hi how r u?10:06
Alex_21HMM, I can't boot Ubuntu without a custome Kernel10:07
zvacetFrugalTest : do it then10:07
Alex_21There isn't a Kernel for my machine10:07
codyhulkcan any1 help me with Ubuntu Installation10:07
debiaanooptp, in general to get a decent multimedia suite, I use the howto thread in the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668310:07
Alex_21I will10:07
SliderMananyone knows a good msn like chat with webcam support?10:07
codyhulkok Alex10:07
codyhulkI am using Wubi as installer10:08
Alex_21PM me please10:08
`brandon`crdlb: okay it's done but where can i find the irssi at?10:08
Alex_21I have a hard time is this noisy channel10:08
SliderManhans-rudolf, thanks =)10:08
codyhulkcheck your pm10:08
crdlb`brandon`: just type irssi in a terminal10:08
k0ppi'm trying to get my second monitor to work.. my main card is an onboard card using the intel driver, the second is a Matrox Millennium PCI.  when i boot my machine, my box freezes up right when GDM is about to start up, it completely freezes.10:10
k0ppany ideas? :/10:10
`brandon`it did not work it told me to use sudo apt-get install irssi10:11
crdlb`brandon`: right, I already told you to do that10:11
Raulink0pp, tried vesa drivers for you ATI card?10:12
k0ppRaulin: are you suggesting the onboard card is ATI?10:13
k0ppeither way, yes i've tried using vesa drivers for both the cards10:13
Raulink0pp, I just read it wrong, thaught for a second that matrox = radeon.10:13
RaulinHave you tried using just the matrox card?10:14
k0ppyeah /k?ubuntu/ is the only distro that screws me over on that10:14
francesco_does some one can help me10:14
k0ppRaulin: yeah, fails.10:14
k0ppit wont boot whenever the matrox card is plugged in10:14
zvacetfrancesco_ :ask10:14
quibbler!ask | francesco_10:14
ubottufrancesco_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:14
francesco_my  ethernet stop to go after update from 8.04 to 8.1010:14
k0ppit ahs to be out of my box for my machine to boot10:14
francesco_it is a "b44" ethernet board10:15
anooptpwen i export mp3 file in audacity, its ack 2 locate" /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0" , i cant,there is no such file10:15
Raulink0pp, are you installing the matrox card when the computer is booted?10:15
bazhangSTUPIDDDDDD, stop that10:15
k0ppRaulin: 'installing'?  im not sure what exactly you mean by that10:15
francesco_any idea ?10:16
Raulink0pp, inserting the card into the PCI slot while the computer is running...10:16
Briandb1222Got a problem with Wine...everytime I put my mouse into the window it dissappears but i can still interact with the program by making an educated guess at where the mouse should be...although I can't see the pointer. Any ideas?10:16
k0ppRaulin: uhh.. are you sure hot-plugging a video card like that wont screw me over hard?10:16
TheFunkbombI'm using Thunderbird and Alltray together on start up.  I was wondering if you folks know of any add ons that will make the icon do a mail count10:17
Raulink0pp, you said that the computer wouldn't boot if the card was in so I was wondering how you got into GDM then.10:17
francesco_i hoped ubuntu had solve that issue it is old one10:17
k0ppRaulin: i power down, unplug the card, and boot back up only using the onboard card10:17
Briandb1222what problem?10:17
k0ppthats the only way i can get to gdm, or even a shell10:17
Briandb1222help anyone?10:18
francesco_does anyone can help me with that 010:18
codyhulkdoes anybody know about Wubi?10:18
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bercikXIO:  fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"10:18
bercik      after 57 requests (56 known processed) with 0 events remaining.10:18
bercikHow to fix it please?10:18
anooptpTheFunkbomb;wen i export mp3 file in audacity, its ack 2 locate" /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0" , i cant,there is no such file10:18
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error /usr/include/c++/4.3/ctime:73: error: ‘::mktime’ has not been declared ?10:19
`brandon`how do i switch channels with irssi/10:19
TheFunkbombanooptp, I think you got the wrong guy.  I'm stupid10:19
Alex_21There isn't a Kernel for my machine10:19
Alex_21If I use a Kernel that was compiled on Opensuse 10.3, will it work with Ubuntu 8.04?10:19
tonyyarusso`brandon`: There are multiple ways.  /win <number>, alt+<number>, or additional commands from add-on scripts.10:20
tonyyarussoAlex_21: what kind of machine is it?10:20
rww`brandon`: /join #channelname to join a new channel, Ctrl-n to switch to the next window, Alt-NUMBER to switch to Window #NUMBER.10:20
francesco_why nobody answer me ?10:20
Alex_21Netvista 220010:20
Alex_21A neat little box, but a frustrating one10:20
zvacetAlex_21 : are you saying that you can not run ubuntu at all10:20
tonyyarussoAlex_21: Isn't that just a normal x86?10:20
Alex_21Nope, unless I try this kernel10:21
dehyde01hmmmm... can anybody help me..?10:21
Alex_21That was meant for Opensuse 10.310:21
anooptptonyyarusso;wen i export mp3 file in audacity, its ack 2 locate" /usr/lib/libmp3lame.so.0" , i cant,there is no such file10:21
tonyyarussoAlex_21: well, you could try that, although I'm not sure what you mean about how that kernel would be any different.  What's not working with the Ubuntu one?10:21
zcat[1]is there ANY software in ubuntu that can take video from /dev/video and audio from /dev/dsp and compress the two into an avi or mpg? vlc fails. ffmpeg fails.10:21
quellochetiparehi all10:22
quellochetipareis there anyone who's following the development of ATI drivers for ubuntu 9.04? I'm beta-testing it and they has been great for a day, a couple of days ago, and then it returned not so well, having problems with the video buffer and 3d applications...10:22
zvacetfrancesco_ : did you tried with pon dsl-provider10:22
dehyde01My Transmission keeps saying the port is closed, although i did open it in my router...10:22
ultrasonichi, my sound stopped working after i forced closed my media player, as it got stuck playing at one spot.10:22
tonyyarussoquellochetipare: All Jaunty questions are in #ubuntu+110:22
codyhulkultrasonic, update your drivers10:22
Alex_21The kernel that I am trying to use is compiled for the Netvista 2200 specifically becaus the machine in question's firmware does not allow for a boot loader and is really odd10:23
icqnumber!info revoco10:23
ubottuPackage revoco does not exist in intrepid10:23
tonyyarussoAlex_21: oh that is weird.  How old is this thing?10:23
Alex_212001 was the last Firmware release10:23
`brandon`can i use /server -m on irssi?10:23
rww`brandon`: what's that supposed to do?10:24
lstarnes`brandon`: try /connect instead of /server -m10:24
Alex_21It reaquires an uncompressed kernel called a Kernel.2x00 file or Kernel.2200 file, depending on how it feels10:24
ikoniazcat[1]: anybody what ?10:24
zcat[1]is there ANY software in ubuntu that can take video from /dev/video and audio from /dev/dsp and compress the two into an avi or mpg? vlc fails. ffmpeg fails.10:24
codyhulkdamn this room has around 1300 people10:25
codyhulkand not ever 1 percent people talking10:25
zcat[1]video is from a plain PAL signal through a bt878 card..10:25
dehyde01would you rather everybody talked at the same time? =]10:25
zcat[1]it seems nothing can record it10:25
`brandon`thank you.10:25
hetthey guys, what driver would you suggest for D-Link DWA-120 wireless adapter? sure under ubuntu?10:25
kristian_codyhulk : this channel is not for talking, it's for asking questions/answering. #ubuntu-offtopic is for random talk. :-P10:26
zcat[1]I can watch it in tvtime or xawtv or vlc easily enough; but sending it to a file seems to be an impossible task10:26
Raulincodyhulk, not everyone here has a problem with ubuntu you know ;-)10:26
dehyde01Is there anybody here who can help me with a couple of questions?10:26
ikoniazcat[1]: don't know much about that cdard10:26
ikoniadehyde01: if you ask, we can try10:26
zcat[1]about the best answer so far seems to be to watch it in tvtime and then use istanbul to screencap the output. which is just nuts.10:27
Alex_21I have a kernel that was meant for Opensuse 10.310:27
zvacetRaulin : but we are here to help ones who does10:27
ikoniaAlex_21: what's the question ?10:27
Alex_21Can I use it with Ubuntu8.0410:27
dehyde01well... first, by transmission keeps saying that port 51413 is closed...10:27
dehyde01but its not, according to my router10:27
ikoniaAlex_21: I would advise against it due to patching, but you can dry it10:27
tovellazcat[1]: when it fails, what error message do you find?10:27
rwwAlex_21, we already told you: it might work, it might not. Either way, *custom kernels are not supported here*10:27
SliderMananyone knows good games i can download free?10:27
rww!games > SliderMan10:27
ubottuSliderMan, please see my private message10:27
SliderManthanks <310:27
hettanyone? how can I configure my wireless adapter?10:28
ikonia!wireless > hett10:28
ubottuhett, please see my private message10:28
Raulinzvacet, sure, that and idleing :P10:28
zcat[1]tovella: can't recall off the top of my head. all different kinds.10:28
francesco_need help please10:28
Alex_21I'll try it. Second, is there a way to shrink the size of Ubuntu past the 300 MB mark10:28
ikoniaAlex_21: remove packages,10:28
ikoniaAlex_21: drop anything you don't need/want10:28
dehyde01second.. I have a KVM, and each time i switch back to Ubuntu my mouse goes insane...10:29
Alex_21Like what. I already have just the command-line Minimal install10:29
zcat[1]I've tried lots of different things.. usually something about the input format not being supported, or similar10:29
tovellazcat[1]: if ffmpeg and vlc are failing, i would check for what errors are being reported.10:29
ikoniaAlex_21: dpkg -l check what you don't want10:29
francesco_my card is bcm4401-bo and stop work after upgrade from 8.04 to 8.1010:29
francesco_what can i do  ?10:29
zcat[1]xawtv managed to record it but the files are HUGE10:29
mrwesfrancesco_, did you check for your drive in System | Admin | Hardware drivers ?10:30
zcat[1]and when I try to use ffmpeg or mencoder to compress them I get various things being not supported (framerate, encoding, colourspace, I can't recall)10:31
dehyde01anybody?! :'(10:31
zcat[1]ok will get back on that machine and tell you what the errors are10:32
francesco_mrwes: i checked there and there are only video driver there10:32
SliderMananyone knows any cheat engine like program for cheating in games? :P10:33
mrwesfrancesco_, you ran update since the upgrade?10:33
auraxhello, is there a content/web filtering application that's not working as a proxy?10:33
krishnani have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:33
Malaciusi have problem with sound. player play the music but i don't hear the sound10:35
mrweskrishnan, are the networked together, the two servers?10:35
bkkMalacius double click the sound icon on the top right, is the volume up?10:36
krishnanmrwes: yes they are in the same network10:36
zcat[1][00000468] stream_out_transcode stream out error: cannot create chain10:36
zcat[1][00000467] main stream output error: stream chain failed for `transcode{vcodec=mp1v,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=128,channels=2}'10:36
=== whoever is now known as Guest70492
zcat[1]That's what vlc says10:36
francesco_mrwes: yes i did10:37
francesco_my sistem was update10:37
Dusteh2Hi there! I'm on Jaunty, and I need to replace Metacity with Xfwm4, but --replace is temporary and changing other variables doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? :D10:37
Malaciuswhat I can do?10:37
snakedoghi, how can i create an account that can only be used for ssh tunneling?10:38
physically_fit!alsa | Malacius10:38
ubottuMalacius: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:38
francesco_it is a problem of ubuntu 8.10 i had it once and i reinstall 8.04 for that reason10:38
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bachhey all, having problems with armok anyone able to help10:38
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bachamarok even10:39
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zcat[1]wanting to put lug meetings up on the net.. but at this rate it looks like we'll have to use Windows Movie Maker to do the job because Ubuntu isn't up to it :-{10:39
Dusteh2Hi there! I'm on Jaunty, and I need to replace Metacity with Xfwm4, but --replace is temporary and changing other variables doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? :D10:40
Malaciusit's don't work10:40
Malaciusnotebook ASUS F5Z10:41
bachdoes anyone know how to ensure a each of software is removed as when I uninstall and re-install the software remembers all the settings ?10:41
zcat[1]bach, apt-get remove --purge10:42
rwwDusteh2: For Jaunty (9.04) questions and support, please ask in in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)10:42
bachzcat[1]: do you un-install then run that command10:42
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:42
zcat[1]bach, and probably delete any ~/.progname config directory.. depends what the program is10:43
bachzcat[1]: program is amarok10:43
zcat[1]bach, if you're using synaptic, 'remove completely' i think instead of just uninstall10:43
bachzcat[1]: i am using add/remove applicatons10:43
axsd9dcan i add my own dns servers in resolv.conf????10:44
codyhulkany1 around to help on WUBI?10:44
tadekcześć ! pierwszy raz tu wszedłem10:44
Alex_21Thanks for all your help10:44
Alex_21Good night10:44
zcat[1]bach, I think there's a .amarok directory in your ~ that contains the config, just rm -r that10:45
rww!ask | codyhulk10:45
ubottucodyhulk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:45
zcat[1](or in nautilus, show hidden files and drag it to trash)10:46
Malacius who help me10:46
kravlinknow this is off topic, where can i find help for #svn? I'm trying to import a directory and it's not working.10:47
bachzcat[1]: can't find the .amarok folder10:47
codyhulkI am missing step 1010:48
SliderManehh how come folders keep disapiering from my desktop?!10:48
bkkwell, I like ubuntu10:48
zcat[1]bach, .kde/share/config/amarokrc, .kde/share/apps/amarok10:49
bkkwhich folders sliderman?10:49
zcat[1]find . -name "*amarok*"10:49
SliderManhmm games and stuff10:49
SliderMani cant find them anymore :(10:49
JvAEven though Ubuntu 9.04 is in beta, will it only use 2.6.28 or in time upgrade to 2.6.29?10:49
bkkcheck "places" tab top left10:49
sal_hi all10:50
rwwJvA: It'll use
JvArww: ok10:50
krishnanmrwes: ???????????????10:50
sal_I've a problem, jaunty doesn't start no more, it says "running in low graphic mode"10:51
JvArww: How about the benchmark that shows speed improvements in 2.6.29 compared to .26-28 that was Slashdotted?10:51
SliderManbkk, /home/moshe/desktop shows them but they arent on my desktop :(10:51
bkksal_ you need to restore your xorg.conf file10:51
pplhello, i have a problem with my atheros ar5007eg, i dont know how to install the madwifi driver, i already tryed a lot , but it never worked, can someboddy help?10:51
rwwsal_: For Jaunty (9.04) questions and support, please ask in in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)10:51
sal_already done10:51
bkkSliderman who are you logged in as?10:51
JvArww: ok, np :)10:51
w00wI have a big problem on local network, i want to close port somebody open. How do i manage that?10:51
SliderManbkk, moshe =)10:51
bachzcat[1]: Thanks all don will try re-installing and see what happens.10:51
bachcheers for yr help10:51
bkksal_ paste contents to dpaste and let us see10:52
troopperiw00w: try firestarter (sudo apt-get install firestarter)10:52
bkkSliderman, what windows management are you using?10:52
w00wi did10:52
w00wit is bloked10:52
SliderManbkk, huh?10:52
krishnani have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:52
pplhello, i have a problem with my atheros ar5007eg, i dont know how to install the madwifi driver, i already tryed a lot , but it never worked, can someboddy help?10:52
bkkmetacity, compliz, ?10:52
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:53
w00wsaid wifi is not ready (vnc open pop 3 open port80 hhtpp...) is on autoscan10:53
bkkSliderman, at command prompt try "metacity --replace"10:54
krishnani have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:54
krishnani have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:54
krishnani have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:54
FloodBot3krishnan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
vakhi all10:55
arulmozhiHello everyone10:55
krishnanvak: hi, i have a server running hardy server edition. its a webserver. now i want to transfer all the contents to a different server. please tell me how can i do it. i do not want to replace the HDD. i want to transfer the content alone to a different server10:55
ktebitwHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???10:55
vakkrishnan: connect via ftp and copy10:56
arulmozhihello I have a internal pci modem but ubuntu can't detect it pl help10:56
bencrisfordarulmozhi:  you might need to install the drivers manually10:56
bencrisfordill have a google around for you10:56
krishnanvak: iam nt talking about copying. i have blogs and websites in one server and i want the entire thing to move on to the other server. its like migrating10:57
SliderManbkk, it didnt do anything10:57
ktebitwHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???10:57
arulmozhibencrisford: how can i install drivers I am new to ubuntu10:57
krishnanktebit: wat prob r u facing?10:57
bencrisfordwwhat is the modem?10:57
vakkrishnan: why not to attach the old HDD to new server?10:57
bkkWhen do the folders vanish, reboot, immediately, when you try to open them.. ? @ sliderman10:57
krishnanarulmozhi: u download the .deb drivers and double click10:57
arulmozhibencrisford:agere soft modem10:57
SliderManbkk, i didnt try to reboot10:58
bencrisfordill have a google around 4 you10:58
SliderManbkk they just disapierd now10:58
SliderManbkk i tried to move them around and then BAM no more :(10:58
krishnanvak: my want to replace the existing HDD (with 120GB) with a HDD (with 40GB). hence i cant do tht10:58
vak@all: I have ubuntu9 (gnome desktop) and sometimes the active desktop screen is changed after certain mouse passover. does Ubuntu's windows manager has builtin mouse gestures?...10:58
bachi am having problems mounting my drive, it states that it is mark as in us anything i can do ?10:58
arulmozhikrishnan: tell me how can i find the .deb files10:58
bkkSliderman: have you tried viewing them through a file explorer? With "show hidden folders" enabled10:59
zcat[1]krishnan, boot new server from live cd, make filesystem, mount and cd to filesystem, then; scp user@oldserver "sudo tar cf - /" | tar xf -10:59
krishnanarulmozhi: tell me what driver r u looking for?10:59
zcat[1]then fix up UUID's in grub and fstab10:59
SliderManbkk, they arent hidden  they are in /home/moshe/desktop but not on my desktop window10:59
arulmozhikrishnan:Agere soft pci modem10:59
bencrisfordarulmozhi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/835710:59
bencrisfordsomeone has encountered the same problem10:59
bencrisfordcheck it out10:59
ktebitwHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???11:00
SliderManbkk, i mean, when i try to go to /home/moshe/desktop i can see them just fine but why arent they on my dekstop window?11:00
vakkrishnan: I don't think it is a good idea to make a block copy to clone the disk. but if it is OK for you -- go for it.11:00
bencrisfordarulmozhi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/835711:00
krishnanzcat[1] : will this exactly work as u have sent or i need to change the command?11:00
bkksliderman, is the correct path to the folders /home/moshe/Desktop ? (note the capitalisation)11:00
zcat[1]krishnan, do your own homework; I've given you the basic idea11:00
bencrisfordarulmozhi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/835711:01
krishnanarulmozhi: go tht company's website. look for whether they have any file with .deb extension. if yes then it is linux driver. doenload it and double click it.11:01
debiavak, does active desktop change when you roll the mouse wheel or move it quickly towards a corner of the screen ?11:01
zcat[1]krishnan, also you'll need to reinstall !grub11:01
bencrisfordarulmozhi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/8357  -- if that doesnt help then drop another message back here11:02
ktebitzcat[1] any ideas?11:02
zcat[1]other than that, yes it works. Did it on a server last week.11:02
krishnanzcat[1]: i asked u a question. if u wish to answer pls answer else, keep quite. do not ask me to do my own homework or classwork. thank you.11:02
ktebitzcat: wHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???11:02
arulmozhibenscrisford: thank you i will try11:02
bencrisfordno problem, let me know how it goes11:03
zcat[1]krishnan, exactly what you need to do depends somewhat on how your current server is configured11:03
w00wcause hp activity...11:03
bkkSliderman: what do you see if you type 'ls ~/Desktop' into a terminal11:04
bercikhttp://rafb.net/p/ZMw94j20.html Please help me to fix it11:05
zcat[1]krishnan, but it does work well, I cloned our proxy/web filter to a new machine, tested it _and_ switched to the new server while also helping a roomful of students who were using the server at the time to access the internet. They didn't even notice when I swapped from one to the other.11:05
=== SPFhome is now known as SPF
ktebitcan anyone help plz?11:06
zcat[1]this is not something you could do if you had to take the server down and use 'ghost' to copy it11:06
ktebitzcat: wHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???11:06
ktebitwHY can't i configure a HP netbook online with ubuntu???11:06
orly_owl_I need to run "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" as a script in /etc/acpi/resume.d/, how can i make it so that sudo doesnt ask for my password?11:06
zcat[1]ktebit, no idea at all. what's it doing or not doing?11:06
krishnanzcat[1]: thanks for ur help. this is a irc chat to help others, and ubuntu is all about helping each other. ur words hurted me in the begning. hence i told tht way.11:06
cooldduuuddecan anyone explain the dissapearance of sound from my computer's speakers? its realtek hd audio. worked fine before an intrepid-backports partial upgrade.11:07
physically_fitkrishnan, stop the drama11:07
kravlinI'd just like to say thank you to everyone in this channel, without people like you so many newbies at linux like me would be totally stuck. You guys make it worth it.11:08
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krishnanphysically_fit: just shut up and mind your job11:08
rww!attitude | krishnan11:08
ubottukrishnan: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:08
rwwSmanettone: /join #ubuntu-it11:09
zcat[1]krishnan, ok, explanation then.. 'ssh user@oldserver' makes a remote shell on the old server, "sudo tar cf - /" runs the tar command as root in that remote shell, creating a 'tar archive and sending it to 'stdout' -- the terminal, then '| tar xf -' takes the output of the remote command and extracts it to the local filesystem11:09
bercik http://rafb.net/p/ZMw94j20.html Please help me to fix it11:09
bkksorry bercik I cant help you fix that.11:10
bercikbkk: ah, ok11:10
bimzeehow to format the unpartetioned space in ubuntu?11:10
bkkmaybe someone else knows.11:10
berciki hope so11:10
zcat[1]bimzee, easiest way, use gparted11:10
bencrisfordbimze: you mean edit your partitions?11:10
bercikI uess it is after kernel update11:10
cooldduuudde!gparted | bimzee11:11
ubottubimzee: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:11
bencrisfordbimze: I use partition editor which i got from the repos11:11
=== ajamison|sleep is now known as ajamison|away
ktebit i want to buy a netbook11:12
bimzeewill gpart erase entire data in my drive?11:12
ktebityet HP does not offer ubuntu, only a proprietary linux flavor called "Mi"11:12
debia!gparted | bimzee11:12
ubottubimzee: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:12
zcat[1]zcat@mandela:~$ zapping11:12
zcat[1]Segmentation fault (core dumped)11:12
zcat[1].. crap11:12
cooldduuuddebimzee: it will do what you want it to11:12
temp01is puppylinux's website http://www.puppylinux.org/ or http://www.puppylinux.com ?11:12
kravlinktebit: netbooks are good in ways.11:12
ktebitwhat can I do?11:12
bachanyone able to help with amarok, i'm getting could not read auido cd11:12
ktebitHP does not offer ubuntu, only a proprietary linux flavor called "Mi"11:12
bimzeeok thanks11:12
kravlinktebit: install it yourself?11:13
=== mafsi is now known as phl1811
bkkbach: does it read any other audio CD specifically one you purchased from a shop?11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpart11:13
zcat[1]!info gpart11:13
ubottugpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (intrepid), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB11:13
zcat[1]note: gpart and gparted are two completely different programs11:13
rwwktebit: Options 1) Buy a netbook from a different company that comes with Ubuntu, 2) Remove whatever's on the netbook and install Ubuntu yourself, 3) Call HP and ask them because HP's netbook offerings have nothing to do with is =/11:13
bachi only have music from the shop at the mo on cd11:13
bkkbach: does it read any of your CDs?11:14
bachbkk: ubuntu does.11:14
bkkbach: amarok?11:14
bachbkk: as soon as I click play audio cd i get that message i said.11:15
bkkbach: check your cd device is assigned correctly11:15
ktebitrww and?11:15
kravlinktebit: it's pretty easy to install linux off a usb and such, and a fair number of drivers are already included. I installed on my x61 and it was absolutely painless.11:15
rwwktebit: and what.11:15
bkkbach: ls /dev/cdrom*11:16
bachbkk: do you mean the audio cd setting11:16
zcat[1][00000723] main stream output error: stream chain failed for `transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=800,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2}'11:17
zcat[1]Still no answers?11:17
bkkBach: what does it show?11:17
bachbkk:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/14479211:17
bkkgo to amarok settings and check amarok is looking for the right engine default device /dev/cdrom111:18
zcat[1]Hmmmmm ok, working now11:18
bachbkk: it plays if i use rythbox11:18
bkkbach: for you it is /dev/cdrom1 but amarok is trying /dev/cdrom11:18
bkkyes the issue is where amarok is looking for your cd.11:18
kravlinktebit: may i ask what you're talking about? I'd love to discuss getting ubuntu onto a netbook but i don't understand what your question is.11:19
bachoh right11:19
ubuntistasdoes anybody know any software that i can connect my usb with my sony ericsson mobile phone?11:19
duhongbohow to play the file 0f the amr11:19
duhongbofor help11:19
bencrisfordubuntistas:  ill have a google around for you if you want11:19
bachbkk: thanks that seems to be working. very annoying that was11:20
bachbkk: thanks.11:20
* bencrisford is laughing out loud11:20
bkkbach: youre welcome.11:20
lonejackHi, Upgraded 8.04 to 8.10. Problem: it has changed nautilus link that should point to /home/user and /home/user/Desktop (top bar)... the dialog box is see impossible to open "file:///home/claudio" . Where can I substitute the '///' with '/'11:20
bencrisfordubuntistas: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=any+software+that+i+can+connect+my+usb+with+my+sony+ericsson+mobile+phone%3F11:21
duhongbowho can help me11:21
bencrisfordduhongbo: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=amr+files11:22
duhongboI can't play the file .amr11:22
duhongbothank you11:22
diffredPlease Help. How can I open a .sldprt image11:22
ubuntistasu think u are smart huh?11:22
bencrisfordhaha me?11:23
rwwbencrisford: Telling people to google their problems, or linking them to lmgtfy is rude and unhelpful. You might want to stop doing it now.11:24
bencrisfordsorry, i just found the site, i did have the intention of helping him, i was just having a bit of fun11:24
bkkubuntistas: you could try: sudo apt-get install wammu or sudo apt-get install gammu11:24
bachbkk: does amarok burn CD's11:25
bkkbach: ubuntu rolls with a good disc burner already11:25
ubuntistasbkk thx11:25
bkkbach: brasero I think its called, I removed it.11:25
bachbkk: sorry import into collection i need11:25
okey666brasero is a great burner11:26
bkkhe wants to rip11:26
bachbkk: it is playing the CD but i want to rip it yeah11:26
coolmadmaxI have crossover LAN laptop-fedora 10 and system ubuntu with kde 3.5 network set up ip address laptop ubuntu. How to establish connetion (routethat this two see each other.What i have to put for route and gatway?)11:26
bolt_my digitel camra is not conecting11:26
bencrisfordbolt_: you may need a driver installed11:26
bencrisfordbolt_: did your camera come with a CD?  it might run with WINE11:27
bkki dont think amarok offers ripping (?) so I would just use a standard ripper, save the files in your hdd, then open with amarok, and use import to collection11:27
bolt_i can't find a linux driver for it11:27
bolt_yeah it did11:27
TABASCO1I'm trying to test Ubuntu 9.04 Beta Netbook Remix. I did everything as described on the wiki page, I tried ImageWriter and I tried dd but all I get is "Boot error" when I plug the stick in any computer.11:27
bencrisfordbolt_: he installation might work with wine11:27
TABASCO1(And boot from it)11:27
bachbkk: kwl, anything you recomend ?11:27
bkkbach: are you using gnome?11:28
bencrisfordbolt_: have you tried the installation through wine?  you might wanna try it11:29
rwwTABASCO1: For Jaunty (9.04) questions and support, please ask in in #ubuntu+1, thanks :)11:29
bkkbach, I think grip is usable. but I wouldnt recommend anything personally as I dont use any11:29
TABASCO1rww: Okay :)11:29
GaduI use my panel on the right of my screen in Ubuntu 8.04 but when I get more than 6 windows open my panel freezes. Is this fixed in 8.10?11:29
bolt_no how do i install with wine11:29
bachbkk: oh, download all yr music do ya11:29
bkkbach: I live in Thailand, they cant catch me ;)11:29
ubuntistaswhat does that mean ? you have paired bluetooth with your computer?11:29
bencrisfordbolt_: just put in the CD imagine it was windows11:30
bencrisfordbolt_: wine does all the work11:30
ubuntistaswhat's irda?11:30
bkkif I could hug and kiss the developers of WINE, I would.11:31
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bolt_error loading archive11:31
bimzeegparted not detecting my current drives11:32
bencrisfordbolt_: did you say you couldnt find a linux driver?11:32
adi__hello all11:32
bkkbimzee: tell us about your drives11:32
adi__can help me someone?11:32
bencrisfordbolt_: its digital yeah?11:32
bencrisfordadi: ?11:32
bencrisfordbolt_: got an SD reader?11:33
adi__i just install freezy linux11:33
bolt_yeah but it's a freebee one11:33
adi__how is your opinion obout this?11:33
bolt_the camra is a free onew11:33
bimzeeits a ATA WDC WD1600BEVS-2 160gb hard disk11:33
bkkbimzee: you have 2, one is ubuntu and you want the other recognised?11:33
bimzeeno one drive only11:34
bencrisfordadi_: what do you mean freezy linux?11:34
archmanHow can I remove all these help files that I don't need? (located in /usr/share/gnome/help)11:34
bimzeei had windows installed11:34
adi__its about linux based on ubuntu11:34
bimzeelater that drive was deleted11:34
gylan1979hello there, do anyone know how to use awn manager....?11:35
bimzeenow that space is not usable11:35
bencrisfordadi_: oh, ok11:35
lucabecchettihi, i have a pc with address, pulic on the internet and connected on a dlink, i want redirect the port 80 to internal web server address, i have used this sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 80 -j DNAT --to but not work, some ideas?11:35
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bencrisfordgylan: yes11:35
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adi__can i put you some questions?11:35
kravlinI'd just like to say thank you to everyone in this channel, without people like you so many newbies at linux like me would be totally stuck. You guys make it worth it.11:35
Gadujust a moment ago, there are 1337 people here11:35
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bencrisfordgylan1979: what do you need from it?11:35
bkkbimzee: can you paste the error11:35
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bimzeei want to regain that space11:36
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bencrisfordkravlin: cheers :D11:36
bimzeegparted is detecting only the entire hard didk11:36
w-heatI second kravlin - desktop linux is becoming a possibility through people's willingness to overcome the "learning curve"11:36
w-heatso thanks11:36
bimzeewhen i selected warning says it will format the entire data in the drive11:36
bkkit is detecting your disk or it isnt? Im not sure I understand the problem (sorry)11:37
bencrisfordadi_: what are your questions?11:37
bimzeeits detecting11:37
bimzeebut not the partitions11:37
adi__bencrisford: can I run application  on other computers (windows XP platform for example)?11:37
bencrisfordadi_: which app?11:38
gylan1979helo, do anyone please tell me how to use Awn manager...11:38
bencrisfordgylan: yes11:38
bencrisfordgylan: what is it you need11:38
bencrisfordadi_: if there is a windows alternative then yes11:38
adi__bencrisford: i just install wine11:39
bimzeebkk: how to detect my drive partitions?11:39
bencrisfordgylan1979: what do you need from AWN?11:39
bkkbimzee: gparted has a live CD, can you try using that instead.11:39
bencrisfordadi_: with wine you can use windows programs on ubuntu, but i dont think it works the other way around11:39
adi__bencrisford:but i can not configure becaus ei dont see fonts on buttons11:39
bimzeebkk: should i down load it?11:39
gylan1979bencrisford: my Awn do not work, I did not see the dock bar...11:39
bkk!info !gparted11:39
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 342 kB, installed size 2212 kB11:39
bencrisfordgylan1979: press alt+F2 and type in avant-window-navigator11:40
bkkgparted.sourceforge.net I think11:40
nate[oz]gparted is fantastic11:40
CAiROis there a plugin for pidgin that allows me to be invisible to selected users for the ICQ protocol?11:40
Dreamglidergparted is our friend :)11:40
nate[oz]wish I knew about it in the past11:40
bencrisfordgylan1979: press alt+F2 and type in avant-window-navigator11:40
adi__bencrisford: other thigs11:41
gylan1979bencrisford: but nothing happen in my desktop...11:41
bencrisfordadi_: im confused :S,  what do you need help with11:41
bencrisfordgylan1979: goto applications> accessories> avant-window-navigator11:41
adi__bencrisford:  can I run application  on other computers (windows XP platform for example) on some user without his agreements?11:41
adi__bencrisford: wits x2vnc? for ex?/11:42
bencrisfordgylan1979: if that doesnt work, goto system> preferences> awn manager and I will help you from there11:42
bencrisfordadi_: I don't know, sorry, I don't fully understand what you are trying to do, ...  are you trying to run ubuntu programs on windows?11:43
adi__bencrisford: no, viceversa11:43
bencrisfordgylan1979: press alt+F2 and type in avant-window-navigator11:43
gylan1979bencrisford: it seems like a window open and then close away....11:43
bimzeebkk: gparted is detecting the hard drive as unallocated11:43
bkkit sounds like adi_ wants to execute windows software on another ubuntu user without his knowledge? :/11:43
gylan1979bencrisford: same result too...11:44
adi__bencrisford: I want to run windows program on ubuntu11:44
bencrisfordgylan1979: ok, can you add my msn: tronex4@yahoo.co.uk ill give u a hand in private11:44
bencrisfordadi_: only some windows programs work under wine, you have wine installed yes?11:44
kravlinadi__: have you looked at wine?11:45
gylan1979bencrisford: sure, thanks11:45
Dreamglideradi__, wine can run some Windows software in Ubuntu11:45
bencrisfordgylan1979: no problem11:45
bkkbimzee: what file system is the drive11:45
bimzeebkk: ntfs11:45
kravlinbencrisford,Dreamglider: great minds think alike. or wine's just that popular.11:45
adi__bencrisford:yes but i can not configure....buttons appear without fonts....11:45
bkkbimzee: what does fdisk -l return?11:46
bencrisfordadi_: some programs will workbetter than others under wine11:46
bimzeebkk: no actually the partitions are deleted11:46
bencrisfordadi_: you will have to try and work around it11:46
Dreamglidernot that i use it much more, but it was good to me when i made the switch :)11:46
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bkkI use WINE for theBat! email client11:47
kravlinadi__: adding missing fonts may help, look up your particular application in the database on the website.11:47
bkksaves my work time alot11:47
bimzeethe result of fdisk -l is http://pastebin.com/d320f8a4511:47
bencrisfordadi_: im off now, hope you get your problem fixed11:47
SliderManwhere can i get updated drivers for my graphics card? its s3 on board.11:48
bimzeebkk: fdisk detects onlt the current partitions11:48
SliderManbtw bkk when i restarted my comp all the files came back on the desktop11:48
SliderManbkk thanks for your help ;)11:49
bkksliderman: great. let us know if they vanish again11:49
bkksliderman: maybe you had two instances of file browser open, which can cause that11:49
SliderManbkk consider it done :P11:49
SliderManthanks for all the help guys, meal time.11:49
bkkbimzee: can you try the gparted support forum? unless anyone else has more ideas here.11:50
Dreamgliderbimzee, what's the problem ?11:50
bachbkk: not sure if you can help again i seem to have enable the mini version of amarok but can't get back again.11:51
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bkkbach: do you see the amarok on the top right icon?11:52
bkkdreamglider: bimzee has a partition conflict perhaps as gparted doesnt detect his on his ntfs drive &11:53
bachbkk: if i click that icon it brings the mini version to the front of the screen no other options on there.11:54
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bkkbach: did you try right click icon, quit, then reopen amarok?11:55
ian_how can I show network manger icon on my desktop I'm on Xubuntu 8.10?11:55
bachbkk: tried that also stuck in mini version.11:55
Dreamgliderweheey! :) in managed to ssh to my other laptop ! :P11:56
JessicaParkerhi can anyone assist with open ssl confi am getting an error and i think it is down to the location of my /demoCA/private/cakey.pem11:56
sevenhrm, it seems when I put the volume down to 0, my boxes start crackling; like when you have a bad connection between wires11:56
bkkbach: how did you enable mini version?11:57
bkkseven: pulseaudio issue or a bad wire?11:57
sevenbkk, just noticed that it only happens when music is still playing; but volume is set outside the music program to 011:58
sevenso it won't be a bad wire :)11:58
Dreamgliderseven, that's if you only put down the PCM slider right ?11:58
bachbkk: forget there was an right click option or a button on the interface.11:59
bimzeeDreamglider: sorry i lost my connection11:59
Dreamglideri had the same problem until right now !! i tried to turn it down but dont hear the "crackle"11:59
sevenhehe okay :)11:59
sevenwell; i can just put the volume to like 4 percent11:59
Dreamglideri have no idea why it's on there anymore, and frankly i dont care :P11:59
seventhen it's basically muted too11:59
bkkseven: did you ever remove pulseaudio?12:00
sevennot that I'm aware off12:00
sevenubuntu 9.04 install12:00
sevenwith all packages updated to last versions12:00
seveneurr okay, now it's cracking sometimes too not only when volume set to 0 :p12:00
oCean_seven: since jaunty (9.04) is still beta, all issues/discussions go in channel #ubuntu+1 please12:01
sevenoCean_, so you assume it's a beta issue ?12:01
sevenbut okay :)12:01
bimzeeDreamglider: can you help me?12:01
bkkit doesnt matter if it is or isnt, youre using beta12:01
sevenokay, didn't know that was the policy12:02
Dreamgliderbimzee,  i can give it a try. mp me.12:02
Dreamgliderill have to refill my coffe cup first tho..12:02
sevensome damn fine coffee !12:02
bimzeeDreamglider: how to format the deleted partitions ?12:03
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ian_Anyone out there help me make network manager icon on my desktop.12:03
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Dreamgliderbimzee,  mp me.12:06
bimzeeDreamglider: how to format a deleted partition of the hard disk?12:07
DreamgliderUmm a deleted partion = Unallocated space, so you need to make a partition and in the making of the partition you formate it to the FS you Need12:08
SliderManwhere can i get updated drivers for my graphics card?12:09
bimzeeDreamglider: how can i do it?12:09
Dreamgliderbimzee, in gparted, right klick on the unallocated space and select "New"12:09
grokeni'm trying to bootstrap a xen domu using debootstrap on a vpn. i notice that fdisk -l thinks that all of the partitions contain invalid tables. if i mkfs.ext3 a partition, i'm unable to mount it as i get an error stating that an inode was deleted. i have no real xen experience to speak of so any advice is appreciated12:10
fcdzhow to use vpn connexion based on ubuntu ?12:10
SliderManhow can i make ubuntu remember that it should open .exe files with wine?12:10
bimzeeDreamglider: warning this will erase entire all data on the entire disk12:10
Dreamgliderbimzee, Yup that it will12:11
bkksliderman, open them from within the "c drive" i.e. the folders wine controls12:11
bkkor "call" them from there with shortcuts12:11
SliderManbkk, where do i find the "c drive" ?12:11
bimzeeDreamglider: i downt want to lose my data12:11
ssdhi anyone can tell me how i can install icon themes ?12:11
bimzeeDreamglider: is there any alternate way?12:11
kravlinSliderMan: it's in your home directory as a hidden file.12:12
Dreamgliderbimzee, pm me.12:12
kravlinSliderMan: I think it's under .wine12:12
SliderMankravlin, how can i setup ubuntu to show me hidden  files?12:12
lonejackhi, does somebody know if it is known that, during upgrade 8.04 to 8.10, there are compatibility problem on gnome version configuration? I've some problem.12:12
bimzeeDreamglider: i did not get it(pm)12:12
bencrisfordssd: are you running gnome?12:12
Dreamgliderbimzee, YOU pm ME :P12:13
SliderManalso whats the defualt firefox download folder?12:13
bimzeeDreamglider: what do you mean by pm?12:13
majorscumhi, anyone can tell me how i can recovery my panel? when i minimize my windows i dosent can find it in my panel12:13
Dreamglidermessage me12:13
palmjeSliderman: if you are using nautilus press ctrl+h, if you are in the terminal use ls -a12:13
bkksliderman - desktop I think12:13
kravlinSliderMan: it's an option under view in the gui or if you use the command line ls -A12:13
palmjeSliderman: firefox by defaults downloads to the Desktop12:13
Lint01how can I associate file extensions with applications?12:14
ssdanyone can tell me how i can install icon themes ?12:14
SliderMani cant see files i downloaded in my desktop12:14
SliderMando they disapierd again?12:14
SliderMandid they*12:14
sidd1hi, I'm having trouble getting the 8.10 live cd (from a usb drive) to work12:14
kravlinssd: when you download them open appearances and drag them onto the window.12:14
sidd1the install process drops to busybox and says it can't find the image12:14
ssdkravlin: but thats only for gtk / gdm themes only no ?12:15
kravlinSliderMan: are you saving them or opening them?12:15
sidd1sorry. the /casper.log says it couldn't find an image12:15
SliderMankravlin i think i saved, because i wanted to download that nice race game12:15
SliderManbut now i cant find the installtion file.12:15
kravlinssd: could be. I've only used gnome unfortunately.12:16
ssdi use gnome too12:16
SliderMankravlin also there is some files i saved and they arent here.12:16
OkropNickLint01: Right click on file, properties, open by12:16
SliderMankravlin where can i setup the download folder for firefox?12:17
ssdkravlin: its working12:17
kravlinSliderMan: looking at it.12:17
SliderMankravlin it says it saves in desktop but they arent here12:17
SliderMankravlin i think i did something wrong while installing ubuntu the whole system is "fucked up" kinda.12:18
kravlinSliderMan: check your home directory then /Desktop12:18
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:18
aarHi, what would be the best way of making the "rm" command emulate a "recycle bin" (i.e. sending deleted elements to a predefined folder). I've tried alias rm='mv foo bar', but that won't account for options like "rm -r".12:18
SliderMankravlin , i did they arent there.12:19
SliderMankravlin i think i know why =\12:19
kravlinSliderMan: why?12:19
SliderMankravlin i changed my system to hebrew after installing so now i have 2 folders Desktop12:19
sevensuggestions on how to get a random selection of mp3's on an usb stick ?12:19
palmje!language > SliderMan12:19
ubottuSliderMan, please see my private message12:19
SliderMankravlin one of them is in hebrew the other one is in english12:19
kravlinSliderMan: so it's saving to the wrong one?12:20
SliderManpalmje what did i say wrong?12:20
ssdanyone know where i can find some good dark themes ? (not gnome look please )12:20
SliderManKravlin they are arent there, in both.12:20
bkkssd - tried compiz?12:20
ssdbkk: compiz as theme manager ?12:21
SliderManpalmje can you please tell me what i said wrong?12:21
aarssd: or try the kdelook website12:21
kravlinSliderMan: i figured out where you can change where it saves to. It's in Edit>Prefrences and it's on the front tab 3/4 of the way down.12:21
SliderMankravlin, thanks. ill try that now,12:21
ssdaar, bkk can i have compiz like GTK theme ?12:21
kravlinSliderMan: let me know.12:22
bkkssd - read up on compiz, it will definitely let you have dark themes and lots more12:22
majorscumhi, anyone can tell my how i can recovery my panel?The problem is, when i minimize my firefox -or other aplication- i dont find it in my panel12:22
bkkssd - it used to be called beryl12:22
aarssd, compiz is a window manager (which can also install themes), if you only want the look i'd go for a theme from the kdelook website (it's less hassle)12:22
SliderMan!games > sliderman12:23
ubottuSliderMan, please see my private message12:23
kravlinssd: gnome-look has some interesting stuff but most of it is for emerald which is avalible in the repos.12:23
ssdaar but when i install compiz then i must look for compiz themes ?12:23
ssdkravlin: and emerald cant be used without compiz yes ?12:23
aarssd, it comes with some pre-installed themes, but you can download more12:23
kravlinssd: yeah, but compiz is generally installed with ubuntu.12:24
AuslegungIs there a way to get the benefits of lpia and the functionality off UNR, rolled into one?  And, is it possible to have UNR but with a normal Ubuntu interface?12:24
bkkWHY do customers sign up and then not complete the order??12:24
bkkoops, wrong window.12:24
Auslegungin Jaunty, I mean12:24
bkkgotta love mouse focus :p12:24
ssdso what i need now ?12:25
SliderMankravlin i think making another folder in "Desktop - hebrew" solves this.12:25
ssdinstalling Compiz and Compiz config manager ?12:25
SliderMankravlin i mean another folder for the downloads.12:25
palmjemajorscum:  its an applet called "Window List" that does that - if you dont have it rclick on the panel and go to add and then add it back in12:25
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kravlinSliderMan: glad to hear that.12:25
aarssd, if you're running ubuntu compiz is already installed, but it needs to be activated. You also need to make sure first that your system has a graphics card is capable of 3d acceleration12:26
ssdaar it is ;)12:26
kravlinssd: i only have Compiz not Compiz config manager.12:26
bkkguys, does anyone know who is at fault for webcams not working under flash 10 - is it ubuntu or adobe?12:27
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aarssd, in that case i think you'll find compiz under the "system" tab in the start menu. it's called desktop effects12:27
Guest57341Does anyone happen to know the syntax for obtaining the file name (sans extension) in make?  I.e. I have a file named "file.dvi" and I want just "file".12:27
ssdkravlin, aar : i want only have nice desktop look...i dont need stuff like compiz cube, fire writing etc12:27
aarssd, that's what i thought, which is why i reccommended a theme from the kdelook website12:27
kravlinaar: my integrated intel pos card on my computer has it. I'm sure ssd does.12:27
CAiROis there a plugin for pidgin that allows me to be invisible to selected users for the ICQ protocol?12:28
kravlinaar: i agree. all i use compiz for is a spiffy title bar.12:28
Guest57341CAiRO: Can you not just block individual users?12:28
Guest57341CAiRO: If not, then it's probably not supported by the protocol.12:29
CAiROGuest35315: yes, i can, but then i cannot talk to them anymore?12:29
ssdkravlin: cant find desktop effects x(12:29
Guest57341CAiRO: Why would you want to appear offline AND talk to the person you are appearing offline to?12:29
CAiROthere are other linux icq clients that can do that, but those don't support other protocols12:29
lonejackI've some problem on deskbar from the last upgrade 8.04 -> 8.10. Can somebody help me?12:30
ljsoftnethow do i reinstall grub?12:30
CAiROGuest35315: i only want to appear offline to selected people.. since they are always invisible and as revenge, i want to appear always offline to them :)12:30
Guest57341CAiRO: So, just block them!12:30
cofffIn what folder is apps by default installed?12:30
kravlinCAiRO: http://developer.pidgin.im/ticket/1009 does this help?12:30
CAiROGuest35315: no, i still want to talk to them12:30
palmjessd: go System->Preferences->Appearance then go to the Visual Effects Tab12:31
CAiROkravlin: aha, ok, thanks a lot12:31
CAiROthat solves my problem.. i just didn't know "block" means "invisible"12:31
kravlinssd: System>Prefrences>Appearance>Visual Effects12:31
ssdkravlin: but there are only window effects12:32
AuslegungIs it possible to have the Jaunty Netbook Remix but with a normal Ubuntu interface?12:32
kravlinCAiRO: no problem.12:32
fcdzis there anyone here ?12:32
fcdzhow to use vpn connexion based on ubuntu ?12:32
cofffkravlin , where in the filesystem is apps default installed?12:32
cofffthanks? :P12:32
tea_ovedoseHello, fellas, I am wondering if there's any application under ubuntu that checks or& repair HD bad sectors?12:32
Guest57341Auslegung: It should be, although if you have a small screen you probably don't want the full gnome desktop interface.12:32
kravlincofff: apps default? sorry, i'm a bit of a newbie, all i know is that most applications are stored in /etc/12:33
Auslegungguest57341 I'm using vanilla 8.10 and I'm fine.  I have a 10" screen, so it's not bad12:33
palmjefcdz: my suggestion would be to use kvpnc and add in the various tools that it uses (depending on what you need)12:33
cofffmm , ok thanks mate12:33
aarljsoftnet: sudo grub This will get you a "grub>" prompt (i.e. the grub shell). At grub>. enter these commands:12:34
kravlinssd: what effects are you looking for to change?12:34
ssdkravlin: we talking about Compiz and desktop look...like gtk ...som iam looking for this12:35
ssdkravlin: you said that this can be done by compiz too...so...and i am asked where i can configure/ browse which compiz themes are preinstalled12:36
kravlintea_overdose: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31512612:36
datacrusherhi everyone, is there a good hardware detection / diagnosti for ubuntu, like everest?12:37
alzearHello. How does I install proftpd with nls support?12:38
kravlinssd: by default there aren't any themes for your desktop installed. you'll have to find them off websites such as gnome-look etc.12:38
scaporDoes someone know a way to know from the commandline how much space is free on FAT ot NTFS filesystems *without mounting"them ?12:39
alzearThe reasone why I ask is because of the following issue.... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd/+bug/31115112:39
jattseahorse show a "Secure Shell Key" but gpg --list-keys shows no keys, why? are gpg keys different than "Secure Shell Keys"?12:39
kravlinssd: and unfortunately i can't help you with that.12:40
ssd1kravlin: i restarted X12:40
dhalsimhi, I try to change quality of compiz, and resolution but it didn't affect12:41
kravlinssd1: i can tell. you have a 1 behind your name now.12:41
palmjescapor: don't think that its possible since to find out that information you need to read from the disk (which I believe requires it to be mounted)12:41
ssd1kravlin: but definitely i dont want use Compiz12:42
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
ljsoftnethow do i reinstall grub?12:43
ssd1kravlin: some times i play WoW....and  Wine+Compiz = fail12:43
ssd1ljsoftnet: !Grub12:43
SliderManhmm does anyone knows where can i download libgpm?12:43
SliderManand libgtk?12:44
scaporpalmje: gparted shows this info without mounting12:44
scaporpalmje: and for ext* fs's it's possible to know with tune2fs or dumpe2fs12:44
ljsoftnetssdl what do u mean?12:44
kravlinssd1: then i can't help you. I don't know anything else about it. I'm pretty much a newbie.12:44
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
ljsoftnetssd1 what do u mean?12:45
kravlinSliderMan:  Repositories?12:45
palmjescapor: then can't you simply use gparted to get that information?12:45
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:45
ssd1ljsoftnet: check the ubottu message12:45
scaporpalmje: I need to know it in a bash script12:45
palmjeSliderMan: both those libraries are in the repository12:45
SliderManwhat does it mean?12:46
scaporpalmje: that is executed from a webbased frontend12:46
ljsoftnetssd1 how do i that?12:46
SliderMankravlin ?  repositories??12:46
ssd1ljsoftnet: whad do you want to fix ? you have 2 OSs (windows and linux and you boot only one of them ?)12:46
palmjeSliderMan: go System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager and then search for them.  Then you can right click on them and say install and once you are finished click on apply12:47
ljsoftneti just want to reinstall grub the first hard disk to boot is windows12:47
SliderManpalmje, thanks ;)12:47
ssd1SliderMan: you can search via console -> apt-cache search (program)12:47
kravlinSliderMan: system>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager12:47
ssd1ljsoftnet: open console12:48
ljsoftnetssd1 whats next12:49
ssd1ljsoftnet: sudo grub12:49
ljsoftnetand then12:49
ssd1ljsoftnet: find /boot/grub/stage112:49
ljsoftnetit says (hd1,0)12:49
ssd1root (hd1,0)12:50
ssd1setup (hd1)12:50
ljsoftnetit says /boot/grub/menu.lst"... succeeded Done.12:51
SliderManhmm kravlin, it says i already have them. but when trying to install that racing game it fails saying cant load that lib12:51
ssd1ljsoftnet: should fixed12:51
ljsoftnetssd1 ok thanks, i'l restart12:51
kravlinssd1: did that overwrite the MBR?12:52
kravlinSliderMan: what's the error it gives?12:52
kravlinSliderMan: what racing game are you trying to insteall?12:52
SliderMankravlin , its kinda long should i paste here?12:52
ssd1kravlin: jsut fixing the grub .X12:52
ssd1SliderMan: no12:53
ssd1SliderMan: use pastebin.com12:53
kravlinssd1: yeah, just wondering because if it overwrote the MBR windows won't boot properly.12:53
kravlinSliderMan: use paste.ubuntu.com12:53
SliderMankravlin  the game named torcs12:53
kravlin!paste | SliderMan12:54
ubottuSliderMan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:54
kravlinwhat is the trigger for pastebin?12:54
SliderManthats why i ask :P12:54
alzearHello. How does I install proftpd with nls support? The reason why I ask is because of the following issue....  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd/+bug/31115112:54
mrwesSliderMan, from the terminal type sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:54
SliderManmrwes whats that?12:54
ssd1mrwes: dont confuse him12:55
mrwesSliderMan, then if you want to paste something to it, you type say, pastebinit /etc/fstab12:55
mrwesI am?12:55
ssd1SliderMan:  if you need post too long error/ code open browser go to pastebin.com copy there error and give us URL12:55
SliderMankravlin moshe@ubuntu:~/שולחן עבודה/Downloads$ ./torcs-1.3.0-linux-glibc-2.3-pIII.bz2.run12:56
SliderManVerifying archive integrity... All good.12:56
SliderManUncompressing torcs-1.3.0...........................................................................................................................................................12:56
SliderMan/home/moshe/.setup6703: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:56
SliderMan/home/moshe/.setup6703: error while loading shared libraries: libgpm.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:56
FloodBot3SliderMan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:56
mrweswell..that's the easiest way from the terminal -- sorry if confusing things...12:56
kravlinSliderMan: i can't promise that i'll be able to help at all.12:56
kravlinSliderMan: nice try :P12:56
Draco_hmmm its not mIRC thats for sure xd12:57
ssd1SliderMan: next time pastebin ;)12:57
kravlinSliderMan: tried googling the problem?12:57
SliderMani did, i thought i had the url12:57
Draco_the black vertical line is gonna take some time getting used to...12:57
SliderManhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/144838/ - pastebin12:57
ssd1SliderMan: you are not available to post here too long texts...you will be automatically kicked by FloodBot ;)12:57
JosefAssadI just used gparted in the livecd to shrink the Vista partition. Now when I select Vista in the grub menu, the computer just reboots12:57
Drknezz!pastebin > ssd112:57
ubottussd1, please see my private message12:57
EdwardlyHi, I'm having a little trouble with disk write speeds - they're very slow, roughly 3mb/s on my Thinkpad X61t.. default ubuntu install.12:58
=== mk is now known as Guest79732
ssd1Drknezz: why you say me this when i know it ? xD12:58
DrknezzJosefAssad: i think you need to reinstall vista's and grub bootloaders ;)12:58
EdwardlyAny ideas what would be causing it to behave that way?12:58
Drknezzssd1:  XD12:58
ljsoftnetwhen you use grub, it automatically displays a list of OS's right, why does mine show Grub 1.5 loadiing, then the list?12:58
ssd1ljsoftnet: did you fixed this or not ?12:59
Draco_hey, I don't suppose Xchat lets you use scripts?12:59
lstarnesDraco_: it does12:59
jribDraco_: it does12:59
Drknezzljsoftnet: the only OS in the list must be linux12:59
kravlinSliderMan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59903212:59
JosefAssadDrknezz: I've already installed grub again. IS there a good reason why I would need to install vistas bootloader after simply shrinking the partition? It hasn't changed order in the partitions.12:59
ljsoftnetssd1 it didn't12:59
Draco_ok thanks12:59
SliderMankravlin , thanks alot12:59
=== Guest79732 is now known as mk-d
DrknezzJosefAssad: Trial and error, i dont know for sure12:59
ssd1ljsoftnet: and where is the problem ? what doesnt work ? booting Linux of Windows ?13:00
kravlinSliderMan : liberal use of google is amazing.13:00
JosefAssadDrknezz: Hmm, alright. Thank you, I appreciate your time. I'll see how Vistas bootloader gets reinstalled13:00
=== Draco_ is now known as DracoJesi
DrknezzJosefAssad: Vista and 7's bootloaders are messy when grub is installed13:00
SliderMankravlin i do use google sometimes :P13:00
DrknezzActually, no MS OS install if i plug the GRUB-equipped HD on13:00
JosefAssadDrknezz: Didn't act funny when I installed ubuntu on this first time around... but yeah, I see they are.13:01
DrknezzJosefAssad: ;) Install Vista's bootloader and then install grub's one13:01
ljsoftneti don't have problems in booting from windows or linux, its just that it takes too long to show the boot loader on booting grub13:01
Drknezzljsoftnet: try pressing ESC13:01
palmjeJosefAssad:  the windows bootloader is always intalled in the mbr or the drive it is installed on, but you should be able to install grub over that and then just have grub point to the windows install and use that to boot into windows13:02
kravlinljsoftnet: i'm interested in what happened too.13:02
ssd1i want nice desktop xD13:02
Drknezzssd1: Compiz! ???13:02
kravlinljsoftnet: the countdown's too long?13:02
ljsoftnetDrknezz i'l try that, i'l wait for ssd1 reply13:02
kravlinljsoftnet: or is it the period before that that takes too long?13:02
Drknezzljsoftnet: if you dont want to mess up config files, just press ESC at boot13:02
ljsoftnetkravlin yes, thats what i mean13:02
ssd1ljsoftnet: i am thinking -_-13:02
RassBariawVirtualBox fails to recognize a 64 bit CPU13:03
kravlinDrknezz: compiz and WOW apperently have problems. we've discussed that.13:03
ssd1Drknezz: compiz suc...k13:03
RassBariawcan anyone help?13:03
captaincLooking for recommendations for a video card. I'd like to have compiz running with max quality. Are ATI cards well supported now with AIGLX and default installs? or do they still need XGL?13:03
Drknezzljsoftnet: if you want a quick solution that messes up config files, PM meh xD13:03
kravlinljsoftnet: which of the two?13:03
RassBariawnoone responds in #vbox13:03
FloodBot3Drknezz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
DrknezznVidia pwns13:03
palmjeRassBariaw: virtualbox should run on a 64bit CPU, but it is unable to run a 64bit host13:03
ljsoftnetDrknezz ok13:03
JosefAssadpalmje: I'll just see if the discs I got with the PC fix anything. After that, I can probably manage grub from the livecd, or add linux and bsd from the windows bootloader13:04
captaincDrknezz: so go with nvidia?13:04
ljsoftneti'll restart now13:04
Mavrik-palmje, virtualbox can run 64bit host.13:04
ssd1JosefAssad: i cant point grub to load BSD x(13:04
Drknezzpalmje: nice coding, ho couldn't u make a 64bit module?13:04
Mavrik-RassBariaw, do you have a processor that supports virtualization extensions?13:04
kravlinDrknezz: what's lj's complaint?13:04
Drknezzcaptainc: i have a 9500GT 512 MB13:04
RassBariawMavrik-: does a quad core Xeon support virtualization?13:05
Drknezzkravlin: timeout seems to be really-long for GURB13:05
Mavrik-RassBariaw, yes.13:05
Mavrik-Enable VTx then.13:05
JosefAssadssd1: I'm just thinking defensive. Getting in to linux via the windows bootloader will allow me to stick grub back13:05
RassBariawMavrik-: how do I do that?13:05
kravlinDrknezz: so just a simple fix in the grub config?13:05
Drknezzkarvlin: maybe13:05
palmjeMavrik-: that must be a really new feature - I tried and looked into it about 2 months ago and it couldn't13:06
Mavrik-palmje, it certanly could do it two months ago13:06
Drknezzkravlin: unless there's something else that controls that13:06
JosefAssadssd1: oh, you said you can't get GRUB to load bsd.... sorry. I haven't gotten that far yet13:06
Mavrik-it could probably do it a year ago.13:06
Mavrik-It even got support to run 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts13:06
DrknezzJosefAssad: it should be easy, BSD has kernel files like Linux13:06
kravlinDrknezz: that's how i fixed it before i had a computer running two oses.13:06
ssd1JosefAssad: yea ant BSDs BTX loader is bugged x(13:06
Mavrik-RassBariaw, first you check if you have VTx enabled in BIOS.13:07
Drknezzkravlin: yeah, but, idk if he/she wants somthing else13:07
Mavrik-then you set the option in VM properties.13:07
RassBariawMavrik-: how do I do that?13:07
palmjeMavrik-: ok - well everything I found said it couldn't and it certainly made all 64bit OSes I installed crash13:07
kravlinljsoftnet: can you clearly outline your problem?13:07
RassBariawnewbie here13:07
DrknezzRassBariaw: Press DEL on boot13:08
illovaeyo o/13:08
DrknezzRassBariaw: and look for advanced options13:08
Mavrik-palmje, well you do need VTx/AMD-V capable processor for that13:08
Mavrik-RassBariaw, the option is right there on first option screen for VM13:08
DrknezzRassBariaw:  im not an intel fanboy, but it shoudl be around there13:08
ljsoftnetkravlin it takes a while to load the grub boot loader, thats all13:08
Mavrik-look around a little.13:08
kravlinljsoftnet: so the countdown is too long?13:09
ljsoftnetkravlin it use to just automatically display a list of OS's13:09
SliderMankravlin should i use the sources file he gave him in the forum thread?13:09
ljsoftnetkravlin yeah it tool ong13:09
RassBariawMavrik-: reboot, Del, advanced options, then look for VM13:09
ljsoftnetkravlin yeah its too long13:09
Drknezzljsoftnet: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst13:09
RassBariawDrknezz: thank you both13:10
RassBariawI will return and report in a few13:10
Drknezzljsoftnet: and look for a "timeout" line13:10
palmjeMavrik-: i assume thats for 64bit in 32bit, but I was trying 64bit in 64bit (Intel Core2 Duo T9300)...13:10
DrknezzRassBariaw: np13:10
ljsoftnetDrknezz wait13:10
Drknezzljsoftnet: OkZ!13:10
=== Unreal_ is now known as Guest96224
NasraI am a linuxnewbie.....how do I fix my desktop where I have my trashcan & my usericon all spread toolbar?13:10
=== Guest96224 is now known as Sqyber
Mavrik-palmje, hmm, I ran Vista 64 and 64-bit linux on T9300 without problems on VBox13:11
Mavrik-on Vista host though13:11
DrknezzNasra, right click them and select "move"13:11
kravlinljsoftnet: your answer may be in /boot/grub/menu.lst. it's only writeable through su so you'll have to use sudo but you it's fairly explanitory.13:11
Mavrik-palmje, I did experience heavy crashes with BSDs though13:11
NasraDrknezz: : let me try that.13:11
Drknezzkravlin: already point'd him there13:11
DrknezzNasra: np ;)13:11
KevsanAnyone here with experince about installing WoW on Ubuntu? Got a serious problem13:11
ssd1Kevsan: ask13:11
DrknezzKevsan: using compiz WHILE using WoW?13:11
ssd1Kevsan: explain your problem :P13:12
kravlinSliderMan: dunno. I've never tried to install that game. i'd have to play with it.13:12
kravlinDrknezz: well, reinforcement can't hurt. :P13:12
jimcooncatannaimkonki: so you're getting strange toot toot noises?13:12
NasraDrknezz: is greyed out can not be touched...any other suggestions?13:12
palmjeMavrik-: I tried Vista, 7Beta, and a couple of different distros of linux - all with the same results (both with the repository version and the latest version (at the time), which I compiled)13:12
Drknezzanyways, why is WoW's so succesful? monstrous creatures all around? appart from the EEWWW graphics13:12
KevsanWhen I start to run WoW I get like a black flickering screen with like blue vektors flicker too and It's totally unplayable13:12
DrknezzNasra: there's an optin "lock to toolbar"13:12
=== Unreal_ is now known as Guest74662
annaimkonkiyes jimcooncat13:12
ssd1Kevsan: its easy to fix it13:13
DrknezzNasra: andcheck and there you go13:13
Mavrik-palmje, hmm, interesting. I always used the Sun version, not the OSS one13:13
Kevsanssd1: How? Here is a printscreen13:13
jimcooncatannaimkonki: coming from your sound system or pc speaker?13:13
Mavrik-that's probably the reason13:13
DrknezzNasra:* uncheck13:13
sevenKevsan, are you running in a virtual window ?13:13
ssd1Kevsan: wine version ?13:13
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
ljsoftnetDrknezz my problem is not the timeout, i'm talking about before the timeout counts13:13
Kevsanseven: Not now, running fullscreen through wine13:13
ssd1Kevsan: i recommend you to upgrade to latest13:13
ljsoftnetDrknezz before grub is loaded13:14
Kevsanssd1: Uhm newest, 1.1.1813:14
Drknezzljsoftnet: just reduce timeout time13:14
palmjeMavrik-: doen't the sun one only add in things like full support for USB 2 and such?13:14
sevenKevsan, try the virtual windows thingie, and are you running wow with the -opengl switch ?13:14
ssd1Kevsan: Did you make a WoW tricks ?13:14
ssd1seven: yea wow tricks he must do first -_-13:14
Drknezzseven: woah! can WoW run on OpenGL?13:14
Kevsanseven: What do you mean exactly? Explain.13:14
Kevsanssd1: What is that?13:15
ljsoftnetDrknezz before grub is loaded its too long to load13:15
Drknezzljsoftnet: BEFORE grub is loaded?13:15
sevenKevsan, run wine "Wow.exe" -opengl13:15
Kevsanseven: And yes, using the -opengl switch. And have added it in config.WTF too13:15
ssd1aaah slow internet13:15
ljsoftnetDrknezz yes13:15
sevenKevsan, okay13:15
Drknezzljsoftnet: what's before it?13:15
ssd1Kevsan:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft13:15
sevenDrknezz, that's the thing I'm running it with :p13:15
ssd1Kevsan: start from Configuration section13:15
NasraDrknezz: you right I got'em  ....it moved no problem, but can it be drag'n drop where I want it to be?13:16
kravlinljsoftnet: before grub loads should be completely off your bios?13:16
perlmonkeyno sound on puter. ubuntu 8.04. any ideas?13:16
ljsoftnetDrknezz just blinking underline cursor13:16
ssd1perlmonkey: whats puter ?13:16
Kevsanssd1: Going to try the Configuration things, be right back13:16
DrknezzNasra: not really, but you can re-create them on the top bar if you want13:16
perlmonkeyssd1: HP Kayak XU800 workstation13:16
Drknezzljsoftnet: check out the Boot order in your BIOS13:16
kravlinssd1: he means computer.13:17
Drknezzljsoftnet: your BIOS is scanning for a CD to boot from every boot13:17
Hiubuntuxorg use memery about 60%13:17
Drknezzljsoft it's not GRUB's/Linux' fault13:17
palmjeperlmonkey: try checking you sound preferences and then use alsamixer (in a terminal) to check the levels...13:17
sevenssd1, I used to run debian 5 64 bit13:17
NasraDrknezz: it has been recreated they itself I beleaved that was what  happend from my point of view....13:17
DrknezzHiubuntu: O.o srsly?13:17
kravlinljsoftnet: everything before grub loading should be run through your bios. i13:17
perlmonkeypalmje: thanks! will give it a shot, some days it works and other days not :-/13:17
ljsoftnetDrknezz ok i'll check my bios13:17
DrknezzNasra: send an sshot13:17
sevenssd1, but due to issues with 64 bit libs and 32 bit libs conflicting, I switch to jaunty, everything works out of the box here on 32 bit :)13:17
Drknezzljsoftnet: ;)13:17
Hiubuntumy systerm is 9.0413:18
kravlinDrknezz: tonight #ubuntu turns into #hardware too.13:18
DrknezzJaunty's out?13:18
ssd1perlmonkey: Pulse Audio problem....i mean13:18
arvernesI need to give a link to an image to paste here the url. Do you know one ?13:18
sevenDrknezz, beta13:18
Drknezzkravlin: O.o o.O13:18
perlmonkeyssd1: yes that pulse is nasty, I removed it13:18
Drknezzkarvlin #ubuntu --> #hardware?13:18
Kevsanssd1: I love you :) Seriously.  I just added the:  SET ffxDeath "0" and  SET ffxGlow "0" commands. And everything works fine now :)13:18
Drknezzubuntu portable must use pulse, yuck!13:18
kravlinHiubuntu: just FYI anything that's still in beta is discussed in #ubuntu+113:18
ssd1Kevsan: you are welcome :)13:18
sevenenjoy the wow fun :)13:19
NasraDrknezz: like trashcan is not whhere supposed to be and and 2 little computers on top are in the wrong place as well....13:19
kravlinDrknezz: well, we keep solving problems we should probably ship over to other channels.13:19
sevenon a little sidenote Kevsan , how do you install your addons ?13:19
DrknezzNasra that happens sometimes13:19
Drknezzkravlin: lol13:19
konrad1207does anyone know what packages do I need to use ext4 filesystem in ubuntu jaunty?13:19
KevsanSeven: I just add them in the Addons folder, but got no addons at all now13:19
konrad1207is there any special package to install?13:19
Hiubuntukravlin: thx13:19
NasraDrknezz: I guess no bing deal...if it wrks....what a heck !!13:19
KevsanSeven: I just migrated from Windows eariler today13:19
sevenKevsan, let me know if they work :)13:20
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:20
erUSULkonrad1207: #ubuntu+1 please13:20
perlmonkeypalmje: alsamixer looks ok, I checked sound preferences looks ok too :-/13:20
ssd1Kevsan: windows suck13:20
kravlingotta love how long the bots take to respond.13:20
DrknezzNasra: that's the spirit! :D13:20
arvernesPlease: I need to give a link to an image to paste here the url. Do you know one ?13:20
NasraDrknezz:  thanks alot...been helpful13:20
ssd1arvernes: you mean image hosting ?13:20
sevenKevsan, hehe be happy :) it hasn't been for a long time that running apps like wow under linux work decently13:20
kravlin!jaunty | konrad120713:20
ubottukonrad1207: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:20
Drknezz!pastebin > avernes13:20
perlmonkeyhow to get my sound back?13:20
pmjdebruijnI have a laptop (HP 6730s), with a built-in SD card reader... The card reader itself works, but on my desktop I'm not getting a SD Card icon, but a generic mass storage icon... Can somebody help me fix this? Or point me the way...13:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:21
Drknezzarvernes: imageshack DOT us?13:21
ssd1seven: thats you can get better FPS on linux because OpenGL.. ...games running on OpenGL are really awsome13:21
arvernesthank you.13:21
Nasra!ext4 \ Nasra13:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext4 \ Nasra13:21
Drknezz!ext4 > Nasra13:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext413:21
ljsoftnetDrknezz it worked, i just disabled the 1st disk priority, which was floppy and replace it with the primary hard disk with grub on it and it worked13:21
sevenssd1, yeah, must say, wow runs VERY smooth on the linux box; versus my bloated vista installation13:21
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:21
palmjeperlmonkey: could be a problem with pulseaudio then...  I'll see if I can find you the link on how to fix it...13:21
kravlinDrknezz: bot = fun13:21
DrknezzNasra: ext4 is the new linux FS, it is on beta state AFAIK, but it's really fast13:21
Kevsanseven: I know, I have used Ubuntu for a few years already. But never on my so called Game-computer :)13:21
perlmonkeypalmje: I removed pulseaudio im using alsa13:22
Drknezzlol kravlin13:22
Drknezzljsoftnet: great13:22
Kevsanseven: Well going to adjust some video modes and so on. Cya later :) Thanks for all help13:22
ljsoftnetDrknezz thanks13:22
deeahi all. I'm using ubuntu8.10 with compiz enabled. Somehow alt-tab isn't working anymore. I went to gconf-editor->apps->metacity->global-keybindings and switch_windows look alright. Any idea why this combination doesn't work anymore?13:22
Drknezzdeea: metacity configs ARENT compiz configs13:22
annaimkonkiDrknezz: what is this wow.exe?13:22
Lintwhat does this mean (from apt-get): those packages were intalled automatically and no longer needed, You can remove them by apt-get autoremove13:22
Drknezzannaimkonki: welcome to #ubuntu13:22
perlmonkeypulseaudio doesn't seem to work with flash in Mozilla Firefox13:22
NasraDrknezz: think gonna way until the good news is implemnted...what you  think?13:23
sevenannaimkonki, is a windows executable for a game called world of warcraft13:23
perlmonkeyanyone else confirm that? in 8.04 at least13:23
Drknezzannaimkonki: anyways, wow.exe isn't a windows process13:23
deeaDrknezz, riiight!13:23
Drknezzdeea: Alt+F2 ccsm13:23
ssd1you speak really fast guys xDD13:23
Drknezzdeea: look for a plugin that allows for atl-tabbing13:23
kravlinLint: it means that you can remove the useless leftover packages using the command apt-get autoremove.13:23
dreamserferhi to oll a am new to linux a need help13:23
Drknezzssd1: playing MMORPG's help13:23
ssd1dreamserfer: jsut say your problem13:24
NasraDrknezz: do you know if there is a good tutorial for compizfusion?13:24
kravlinssd1: yeah we all do13:24
kravlindreamserfer: ask your question. don't ask to ask, makes it easier to us all, and welcome to ubuntu!13:24
DrknezzNasra; yes, there are lots of... but, what kind of tut you want?13:24
ssd1guys can you upload your desktop screenshots ? and PM me ? :) really thanks13:24
andy_hello everyone13:24
Miondreamserfer: and your problem is?13:24
Drknezzssd1: ill upload a windows 7 sshot13:24
dreamserferok a ned help for 9.04 ubuntu repositoris13:24
NasraDrknezz: how to all those effects and what not?13:25
Drknezz!jaunty > dreamserfer13:25
ubottudreamserfer, please see my private message13:25
ssd1Drknezz: xD13:25
andy_just did a fresh install of 8.10 and dual boot with xp..i forgot how to edit the grub..13:25
lstarnesdreamserfer: state your whole question13:25
kravlinDrknezz: i never figured that i'd be helping people. i have no idea wtf is going on.13:25
Mionssd1: http://arch.har-ikkje.net/gfx/ss/2009-03-13-181759_1680x1050_scrot.png13:25
andy_need help13:25
ssd1and_ !Grub13:25
palmjeperlmonkey: pulseaudio is the cause of many audio problems ever since it became part of ubuntu and i myself have had to deal with it on every install of it ive done13:25
lstarnesdreamserfer: and 9.04 questions should go to #ubuntu+113:25
Mionandy_: vim /boot/grub/menu.lst13:25
kravlinssd1: i'll upload mine but it's grub.13:25
NasraDrknezz: convinatios with keyboard keys....etc...13:25
Drknezzkravlin: lol13:25
deeaDrknezz, thanks for the tip. I've enabled app switcher and now works ok13:25
Drknezzdeea: np13:26
ssd1Mion: thats 1337 :)13:26
andy_yes i am already on the menu list..forgot which line i should edit13:26
DrknezzNasra: it works out more with experimentation, there are no tuts for that13:26
ssd1andy_: and what do you want repair ?13:26
perlmonkeypalmje: why dont you just remove it like I did13:26
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
Mionssd1: configs here -> http://github.com/MrElendig/dotfiles-alice/tree/master13:26
DrknezzNasra: Atl+F2 --> ccsm, and start changing configs ;)13:26
Lintwhy they were installed if they are useless, for a start?13:27
ssd1Mion: thank you :)13:27
perlmonkeypalmje: I think I found the cause of my sound prob, alsamixer is showing the wrong sound device (i have two soundcards)13:27
DrknezzMion: why VM?13:27
NasraDrknezz: okay...so time to experiment...and thanks alot again.....13:27
andy_no repairs,just want xp to load as default since im not the only one using my pc..13:27
perlmonkeyhow do you switch sound device in alsamixer?13:27
DrknezzNasra: np!13:27
Mionandy_: title Wintendo; rootnoverify (hdx,y); chainloader +113:27
palmjeperlmonkey: I always do, but I sometimes forget and then end up remembering when i get a problem...13:27
ssd1andy_: its easy to do via startupmanager13:27
Drknezzandy_: listing order is controlled in there13:27
palmjeperlmonkey: then try alsamixer -c 113:27
andy_ok..i see it..13:27
DrknezzMion: lol, you really are a juky13:28
Mionandy_: hdx,y being the partion XP is on, zero indexed13:28
him89Anyone here knows if ubuntu works with the Intel x4500MHD?13:29
perlmonkeyas soon as I quit alsamixer its back to the wrong sound device, seems system is using wrong device... how to change?13:29
Mionandy_: for loading xp as default, just change the 'default' field to the XP entry in the menu.lst13:29
Mionandy_: the numbering starts at 013:29
Drknezzhim89: it's really probable13:29
perlmonkeyhow to change sound card in system?13:29
ssd1perlmonkey: open case and change it13:29
Mionandy_: so if XP is the 5.th entry, then 'default 4'13:29
him89Drknezz, i see reports of people telling no13:29
Drknezzhim89: but i kind hate intel, so icant tell for sure13:29
him89i am a linux expert but just asked before i get a new laptop13:30
andy_ok thanks..got it..13:30
Drknezzperlmonkey: system -> config -> sounds13:30
ssd1him89: ah linux expert :D13:30
perlmonkeyssd1: not that simple, heres the thing..I installed a new soundcard and my mobo has onboard soundchip..system is using mobo and I want it to use PCI soundcard13:30
Drknezzhim89: LOL13:30
palmjeperlmonkey: using alsamixter -c 1 just looks at the second sound card - it doesn't configure it to be the default sound card13:30
Drknezzperlmonkey: i think that's controlled via BIOS13:30
him89Drknezz, can be frustrating to get something to work when it does not work right13:30
Drknezzhim98: write the device drivers :D13:31
him89Drknezz, and if its not supported that will be worse13:31
perlmonkeyDrknezz: I'm using xfce4, there is no sound->config-sounds.. is that same as Settings -> Settings Manager -> Sound?13:31
him89perlmonkey, yes thats it13:31
kravlinperlmonkey: disable the onboard sound in your BIOS.13:31
Drknezzperlmonkey: i think so13:31
perlmonkeythanks guys13:31
archmanbazhang, you here?13:32
WoloHiya.  Could someone please tell me how to change my default desktop back to Gnome from KDE please?  I'm on Intrepid.  Research online tells me to press F10 at the KDE login but that doesn't do anything, and when I choose to select a Gnome session instead there's no option to switch back.  Thanks loads for any help! :>13:32
him89Wolo log out first13:33
him89and then at the GNome login screen choose KDE13:33
archmanI'm looking at the Services screen, and I see some double entries. Anyone knows why?13:33
him89and next time you login just be sure to check it back13:33
ubuntu_is_dabestdoes anyone know how to install samba-vscan on ubuntu?13:33
ssd1whats the default Windows manager on Ubuntu ?13:33
RassBariawI enabled virtualization but VirtualBox still fails to recognize the cpu13:33
him89ssd1, Its GNome13:33
WoloHiya.  I've done that, but I get the KDE screen.  I want to change back to Gnome.13:33
WoloSo I've logged out now via System>Log Out User.  Now I see the KDE login screen.13:33
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error /usr/include/c++/4.3/ctime:73: error: ‘::mktime’ has not been declared ?13:33
ssd1him89: thats not window manager -_-13:33
RassBariawalso, in Vista, it's F2, then performance (rather than Del and advanced)13:34
archmanhim89, Gnome is DE13:34
him89ssd1, yes sorry my bad13:34
Lintssd1, metacity?13:34
him89ssd1, Its metacity13:34
ssd1yes i tought13:34
ssd1thank you guys13:34
him89Wolo, you should should see a sessions button13:34
him89at the bottom13:34
him89probably after you enter your user name13:34
him89change that to GNome13:34
annaimkonkimy youtube is not working now13:35
Woloyeah, I see that, that allows me to choose default, gnome, kde, secu remote or failsafe.  I can select gnome and log in.  But then it still defaults to KDE.  I want it to default to Gnome.13:35
kravlinoh good. the actual tech support's coming back. now i get to be a newbie again.13:35
annaimkonkisound that is13:35
him89Wolo, what does default log into?13:35
annaimkonkithats pretty cool13:36
WoloAh!  It takes me into Gnome.  :> Doh.  Spose I just need to change the login and bootup themes back to non KDE ones?13:36
him89Wolo, key in sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm13:37
RassBariawMavrik-: you there?13:37
m1dlghi guys, I have a permissons problems and a hdd problem I can't solve - old disconnected drives are showing in the computer as /mount/xxx  and I cant connect to drives that are connected (umount or mount) as I dont have permissons can anyone help me fix these please??13:37
packetcasewhich filesystem does ubuntu use?13:37
RassBariawI enabled virtualization13:37
Mavrik-packetcase, ext3 by default13:37
ssd1packetcase: linux filesystems13:37
Wolohim98> aha!  That's exactly what I need!  Thanks! :>13:37
RassBariawbut VirutalBox still unable to recognize13:37
lstarnespacketcase: it can use a few different types13:37
RassBariawthe 64 bit cpu13:37
him89Wolo no problems13:37
ssd1packetcase: ext*-reiserfs13:37
Mavrik-RassBariaw, hmm, did you enable VTx in VirtualBox as well?13:38
Mionpacketcase: it uses whatever you install it on13:38
wilhartwhre can i get jaunty i386 ext4 iso cd13:38
RassBariawoh, no13:38
RassBariawwhere do I do that?13:38
Mavrik-RassBariaw, VM properties13:38
Mavrik-general tab I think13:38
packetcasethen I probably have ext313:38
lstarneswilhart: ask in #ubuntu+113:38
Lintwilhart, why do you need ext4?13:38
Mionpacketcase: `mount` will tell you what filesystem is mounted where13:39
him89packetcase, key in cat /etc/fstab13:39
bonyi have a drupal doubt can any one help me?13:39
him89and paste the out here: paste.ubuntu.com and give a link13:39
him89bony, please ask13:39
krzdhi, i just installed lxde but now i can't start gnome anymore13:39
lstarnesbony: if you have a question about drupal, ask in #drupal13:39
krzdwhat can i do?13:39
dhalsimmhi, I need to run " nvidia-settings -l" this before compiz starts13:39
wilhartLint: of corse i need ext413:40
him89dhalsimm, how did you install the drivers13:40
Mionkrzd: you could start by giving us the errors you are getting when you try to start gnome13:40
wtvdhalsimm: do you want it to load on startup automatically?13:40
RassBariawMavrik-: it's under Settings, General, advanced tab13:40
him89wilhart, ext4 is not fully stable yet13:40
lstarneswilhart: but why do you need it?13:40
him89wait for a few weeks13:40
him89it has a problem with the delayed write algo13:40
RassBariawshould I also allow nested paging (whatever that means)?13:40
dhalsimmhim89:  I installed it from hardware drives13:40
Mavrik-RassBariaw, it won't hurt13:41
dhalsimmwtv: yes I am13:41
wilhartlstarnes: him89 why not?!13:41
wilhartit's probably faster13:41
lstarneswilhart: it13:41
lstarneswilhart: is unstable13:41
zilleplushave ubuntu 8.10 server and can't get intenet on it for week i tried the server doesn't find my router hwo's connected to it by a cable13:41
bonylstarnes, i already asked it in there13:41
krzdMion: no error,it just starts lxde, even if i select terminal or openbox/gnome or ...13:41
RassBariawwhat about PAE/nx ?13:41
zilleplushave ubuntu 8.10 server and can't get intenet on it for weeks i tried the server doesn't find my router hwo's connected to it by a cable13:41
bonyhow to add a relative select box in webforms? i mean i have 2 select boxes in the webform. 1st one is country 2nd one is states. what i want is when the user selects a country the states select box should show states of that country.13:41
him89wilhart its faster but the the delayed write algo(that makes it fast) has a bud13:41
ubuntu_is_dabestis there a step-by-step guide how to install clamav include clamuko on ubuntu?13:41
him89bug you might lose data13:41
zilleplushave ubuntu 8.10 server and can't get intenet on it for weeks i tried the server doesn't find my router hwo's connected to it by a cable13:41
wilharthim89: ah .13:41
him89wilhart if you still wanna give it a try get the Jaunty iso13:42
him89look on ubuntu.com for the download :)13:42
him89dhalsimm, what card do you have?13:43
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Mionbony: make a dict, when you select an item in the first box, it does a lockup in the dict, and presents that to the second box13:43
wilharthim89: i get a selection about to choose harddisk13:43
wilharti dont know what it is13:43
RassBariawMavrik-: it seems to be working13:43
dhalsimmhim89: 9650m gt13:43
Stanley_hello chan.. i habe dualboot.after windows-reinstall i get grub stage 1.5 error 22.  my linux-system is in an extended paritition. in part-table this partition is tagged with hex 15 (unknown). i cannot mount my linx partition listed by fdisk as /dev/sda3p1 (special device not exist). any idea ?13:43
MionStanley_: reinstall grub to mbr13:43
Mionoh, nm13:44
him89wilhart, you should have an option13:44
Stanley_Mion: also if i cannot mount the linux-parition i will boot into?13:44
bonyMion, ok i got it but how to code it?13:44
Stanley_Mion: actually i boot from a cd-rom13:44
dhalsimmhim89: I will disable compiz from Appearance, than add my command to Sessions13:44
him89dhalsimm, yes that will work13:45
MionStanley_: it's probably sda3, not sda3p1 ...13:45
KevsanIs is possible to get decent graphics in WoW on Ubuntu? Feels like I having bad performance13:45
LintKevsan, opengl works nice13:45
bonyKevsan, what is WoW13:45
wilharthim89: i dunno, cant get over that.13:45
him89Kevsan, It is possible with a good card13:45
Mionor more likely, it's sda5 or higher, since extended partions usually starts at 513:45
KevsanLint: I'm using opengl13:45
Kevsanbony: A game13:45
him89wilhart, give me a screnshot if possible?13:46
LintKevsan, but interface will be laggy13:46
bonyKevsan, ok13:46
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 --> ping to router gives network is unreachable    can someone help me with this13:46
Stanley_Mion: sda3 is not readable. if i call fdisk with parameter /dev/sda3 it shows me a partition-table where a linux partitioned /dev/sda3p1 is listed13:46
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 --> ping to router gives network is unreachable    can someone help me with this13:46
wilharthim89: it asks to define harddisk i dont know what it is13:46
Kevsanhim89: I've got ATI Readon 3850HD - That would do the job, and in Windows I had real good quality.13:46
MionStanley_: sounds like a messed up partion table13:46
buzzinhzilleplus u tried restarting network?13:46
him89Kevsan, wine cannot run games as good as Windows13:47
buzzinhsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ...?13:47
him89will. you will always get a lag13:47
MionStanley_: normaly, you should have one extended partion, containing the logical pariton with linux on it13:47
Kevsanhim89: Okey13:47
buzzinhwhat u get when u ifconfig?13:47
zilleplushaven't got internet .....13:47
Stanley_Mion: could not sda3 be the extendted partition ?13:47
him89wilhart, screenshot if possible?13:47
LintKevsan, you have low fps in a certain zone or just anywhere?13:47
wilharthim89: cant do it.13:47
nate[oz]Kevsan, take a look at crossover games13:48
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 --> ping to router gives network is unreachable    can someone help me with this13:48
KevsanAnother question. I dont have any sound ingame and everytime someone says something on Pidgin or something else need my attension. Wow lag up. So I cant tab at all13:48
nate[oz]not free, but can run some of the more popular games13:48
MionStanley_: if you only have 2 primary partions, yes, but it should contain the logical partion that linux is installed to13:48
him89Stanley_, key in sudo fdisk -l and paste the data here : paste.ubuntu.com and give a link13:48
KevsanLint: My FPS is decent, around 60-7013:48
MionStanley_: you don't actually put data on the extended partion itself13:48
Kevsannate[oz] Okey13:48
him89wilhart, can you tell what exactly it says and which step?13:48
buzzinhzilleplus what u get when you ifconfig?13:48
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 --> ping to router gives network is unreachable    can someone help me with this13:48
dhalsimmKevsan: try http://sourceforge.net/projects/winex/ or playonlinux13:48
zillepluslocal looback ...13:48
Stanley_him89: ok, one mom please13:48
zilleplusinet adrr
zilleplusmask is wrong but i can't get it changed13:49
Kevsandhalsimm: Okey, is WineX stable ?13:49
Krine11Hey, can you guys help me?13:49
Mionzilleplus: dhclient eth0 ?13:49
zilleplusbuzz you know annything??13:49
him89Krine11, justa sk13:49
m1dlghi guys, I have a permissons problems and a hdd problem I can't solve - old disconnected drives are showing in the computer as /mount/xxx  and I cant connect to drives that are connected (umount or mount) as I dont have permissons can anyone help me fix these please??13:50
Krine11you know gaim plug in13:50
Krine11for pidgen13:50
him89Krine11, gaim and pidgin are one13:50
zillepluscan't create var ....dhclient.leases13:50
him89pidgin was called gaim before13:50
Krine11how do i install it13:50
Mionm1dlg: you have to be root to mount13:50
wilharthim89: choose your disk drive13:50
eternalinspircd is extremly hard to setup13:50
lstarneseternal: all ircds are13:50
Krine11i ment to say gfire13:50
zilleplusbuzz i tried it root13:50
Krine11its a plugin for xfire13:50
Krine11how will i install it?13:50
zillepluscannot assign requested addresss13:51
kristian_for some reason when i go to some website with firefox, after loading is complete, i view the bottom of the page, as if someone hit the end button. any thoughts on how i can fix this?13:51
yacc_I wonder what could make Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) not recognize a second CPU core?13:51
buzzinhzilleplus try ifconfig eth013:51
eternallstarnes: lol i got it running just it took a computer restart to just refresh the conf file :/13:51
zilleplusno adrr13:51
mrweszilleplus, what does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?13:51
zilleplusno address13:51
lstarneseternal: try ./inspircd rehash or sudo invoke-rc.d inspircd reload13:51
buzzinhif only device listed is loopback i would imagine ur nic is unsupported / broken / ?13:51
m1dlghow do i change it so my user has mount added13:51
iktyacc_: is it intel ht or an actual dual core cpu?13:51
him89Krine11, read this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22645613:51
zilleplusnomal auto eth1  iface inet dhcp13:51
cedric_what is the process to change the canal13:52
buzzinhis eth0 listed?#13:52
yacc_ikt, AMD Turion x213:52
zilleplusauto eth1  iface inet dhcp13:52
yacc_ikt, so it has two cores, and some time ago it was detected fine, ...13:52
lstarnescedric_: in irc, /join #other-channel13:52
buzzinhim out of ideas... maybe your router is not giving it an ip address?13:52
Krine11ok, i tried that i dont really know how to work the termanal thing13:52
cedric_join #ubuntu-fr13:52
zilleplusbuzz i think the problem is that my server does not find the router but i can't get it fixed13:52
yacc_ikt, some weeks ago, I by mistake discovered that I had only one CPU recognized by the kernel, ...13:52
lstarnescedric_: remember the /13:52
eternallstarnes: Thats the problem lol i found those from forums to start stop rehash just it said ERROR: I couldn't bind any ports! Are you sure you didn't start InspIRCd twice? every time :(13:52
him89Krine11, where did u go wrong?13:52
yacc_ikt, so no idea what could cause it.13:52
kravlinKrinell: what are you trying to do?13:52
zilleplusif i ping network unreachable13:53
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Krine11i install the linux one13:53
Krine11than  it wont install13:53
buzzinhzilleplus have you tried re-installing or even booting an ubuntu desktop live cd to see if the network works then?13:53
Krine11when i use wine (installing windows onne) it comes up saying failed to detect pidgen13:53
zilleplusbuzz this comp is ubuntu 8.10 desktop and its on the same router13:53
yaccikt, it's not as if I'm usually running heavy duty calculations on the laptop, ...13:53
cedric_thinks very munch at all , bye13:53
lstarneszilleplus: does the router use or
him89Krine11, windows one wont work this way13:53
mrweszilleplus, should look something like this http://pastebin.com/f4b813e2d13:53
him89Krine11, you need to install linux one13:54
dhalsimmKevsan: I'm not sure, my friend had talked about it.13:54
him89Krine11, what steps did you follow?13:54
m1dlgmion: how do i change it so my user has mount added13:54
mrweszilleplus, that's from my Ubuntu server13:54
zilleplusi got dhcp13:54
eternallstarnes: lol and using you command i got Reloading Inspircd... Error: IRCD is not running. lol but it is right in front of me now13:54
zilleplusbut il change it to yours13:54
iktyacc, yeah just reading about other people's issues13:55
Krine11freenode channel wil not work13:55
mrweszilleplus, Well.. that should give your server a static IP, or you can set it from the router -- well on most routers13:55
Stanley_him89, Mion: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144874/13:55
RassBariawI initially installed 8.10 using Wubi and updated a lot of files; I now installed 8.4 in VirtualBox but only two files are updating; why the difference?13:56
Stanley_the partition-table seems to be messed up. how to repair it safely ?13:56
mrweszilleplus, I'm assuming your router is
him89Stanley_, how did you mark the partition?13:56
ubuntu_is_dabestwhy i can't reinstall nor remove my clamAV?13:56
him89from a BSD based install or something?13:56
Lintwhy apt-get tries to download something over and over?13:56
mrwesubuntu_is_dabest, did you kill the freshclam daemon first?13:56
yaccikt, the kernel uname suggests that it's a proper smp kernel, but somehow the second core gets lost.13:56
zilleplusi know i got same problem as with dhcp icannot asign address13:57
Stanley_him89: befor the mess i repaired the windows - partition with a ghost-image-based-reinstaller. this seems to mess it all up13:57
zilleplushe doesn't see my router13:57
zilleplusi don't know why13:57
ubuntu_is_dabesti dunno how to check if it is running or not13:57
him89Stanley_, i think you have crashed it or something13:57
him89a hex code of 15 is odd13:57
Stanley_all right13:57
Stanley_just gonna change the hex-code ?13:58
mrweszilleplus, the server is 'hard' wired to the router?13:58
him89give that a try13:58
Stanley_how can i ? fdisk, parted ?13:58
him89fdisk /dev/sda13:58
him89t , 3 , 0513:58
zillepluswith cable i used allready an other one but same problem and even replaced my network  card allready13:58
zilleplusits a sitecom router13:59
packetcasehow can I mount(or format and mount) another hard drive with a corrupted filesystem?13:59
yaccikt, http://rafb.net/p/TttN0X24.html13:59
mrweszilleplus, hrmm...the cable is OK?13:59
Stanley_him89: fdisk will not do this. "you cannot change a partition into an extended .. Delete it first."13:59
zilleplustry other one13:59
zilleplussame problem13:59
him89Stanley_, try GParted14:00
mrweszilleplus, from the server, does lspci show the ethernet controller card?14:00
Stanley_him89: i have to installed it first. maybe i should install the network driver for eee-1000h first.14:00
mrwes00:04.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller (rev a1)14:01
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
Stanley_him89: actually i am typing from another machine.14:01
him89you got a live ubuntu disk?14:01
him89it has it14:01
zilleplusyou have ommand for that?????????14:01
packetcasehow can I format a hard disk and create a new file system on it?14:01
Mionpacketcase: mkfs14:01
mrweszilleplus, yah from the server type    lspci14:01
ogelamiwhere is smb.conf located?14:02
erUSULpacketcase: use gparted.14:02
Mionpacketcase: if you want to partion it too, use cfdisk14:02
mrwesogelami, /etc/samba14:02
Stanley_him89: maybe it is too old ( some alpha kind. i will download an actual disk.14:02
ogelamiomg ty :)14:02
him89Stanley_, GParted would still work14:02
MionStanley_: you probably want .29 on the Eee14:02
zilleplusi can see him14:02
packetcaseMion: which command should I use?14:02
him89give it a try14:02
mrwesogelami, or locate smb.conf14:02
Mionpacketcase: cfdisk to partion, mkfs to create a filesystem14:02
zilleplusethernet controller: D-link systems Ic14:03
Stanley_him89: actually i have no gparted or GParted on the disk ...14:03
packetcaseMion: will cfdisk clean it?14:03
kristian_for some reason when i go to some website with firefox, after loading is complete, i view the bottom of the page, as if someone hit the end button. any thoughts on how i can fix this?14:03
mrweszilleplus, ok..did you configure your /etc/network/interfaces ?14:03
mrwesand reboot?14:03
Krine11Can someone help me to intsall gfire please!!!!14:03
him89Stanley_, get a ubuntu 8.1014:03
him89and try with that14:03
Stanley_yes, i do so. what was with cfdisk ? could it help ?14:04
Mionpacketcase: cfdisk is used to create/delete/modify partions, mkfs is used to create the actual filesystem on the partions14:04
Krine11i am asking please!!!!!!!!!!14:04
m1dlghow do I add mount and umount to my ID so I can do these tasks without adding a password14:04
MionKrine11: good for you14:04
him89Stanley_, no i dont think so14:04
packetcaseMion: Thanks. I will try14:04
him89give it a try though14:04
zilleplusthe problem is that i can't ping my router14:04
ubuntu_is_dabestis clamdscan = real time scanning when a file changed/accesed?14:04
zilleplusi think14:04
Lintmldlg, with the "user" option in fstab14:04
mrweszilleplus, your router is or ?14:04
Krine11Can someone help me installing gfire plugin?14:05
ogelamihow do i make my profile to have the same privileges as the root?14:05
Mionzilleplus: pastebin the output of `ifconfig`14:05
Drknezzgfire.info Krine1114:05
LymiesHow do you switch from pulseaudio back to alsa?14:05
Stanley_him89: , ok, i loook for actual distribution14:05
lstarnesogelami: if it's in the admin group, it can use sudo14:05
DrknezzLymies: system -> settings -> sound14:05
Mionogelami: visudo, and give your user full access to sudo14:05
thrillERboyhi guys... direct me to good free dvd writter and virtual drive software for ubuntu14:05
zilleplussec i got to type it over14:05
Krine11is that a website?14:05
ogelamii don't want to use the sudo all the time :/14:05
natrixnatrix89Hi Guys. I just installed intrepid on my old laptop, but it is using just a small part of my display. When I go to options>screen resolution, the max resolution is 800x600, so now I have smth like a huge black frame around the screen. Is there a way to use whole display?14:05
ogelamioh ok14:05
DrknezzthrillERboy: virtual drive?14:05
natrixnatrix89ogelami: use sudo -s14:06
DrknezzthrillERboy: you dont need it for Isos14:06
m1dlgLint - I dont know fstab or how to use it14:06
lstarnesogelami: sudo is more secure though14:06
lstarnesnatrixnatrix89: -i, not -s14:06
natrixnatrix89its the same14:06
thrillERboyDrknezz, like alcohol 120 and demontools14:06
Lintmldlg, what exactly you're trying to mount?14:06
DrknezzthrillERboy: you dont need software for isos14:06
Drknezz!iso > thrillERboy14:06
ubottuthrillERboy, please see my private message14:06
LintDrknezz, don't make me laugh14:06
lstarnesnatrixnatrix89: I think -i has better environment handling14:07
natrixnatrix89I just installed intrepid on my old laptop, but it is using just a small part of my display. When I go to options>screen resolution, the max resolution is 800x600, so now I have smth like a huge black frame around the screen. Is there a way to use whole display?14:07
DrknezzLint, why?14:07
admin0hey all .. will ubuntu automatically update to the new 9 version when its available ? with automatic updates turned ON in the laptop14:07
Stanley_him89: , download will take 3 hours, ...14:07
lstarnesnatrixnatrix89: -i uses root's environment settings instead of your own settings14:07
him89Stanley_, give it a spin14:07
him89and let me know14:07
him89i might be here14:07
him89of you can leave me an email14:07
Stanley_ok, thank you.14:07
lstarnesadmin0: automatic updates include packages only, not full upgrades to the next version of ubuntu14:07
thrillERboyyea... there are nrg and mds and many formats14:07
m1dlgI want my usb and physically added drives to be mountable without admin, so far I have 4 HDD's inside the box and several outside on USB and I am getting permisson issues I need to change owner on one of tehm too.14:07
Drknezzadmin0: yes14:07
LintDrknezz, because you need fuseiso to mount Alcohol .mdf's14:07
weatherkidHey how do I ICS my Windows and Ubuntu computers?14:08
weatherkidWindows Vista SP1>Ubuntu 8.04.2 (Hardy Harron)14:08
weatherkidInternet is on Vista computer14:08
lstarnesm1dlg: is your user in the disk group?14:08
admin0since vmware is not suppirting vista 64, but supports linux 64, i want to install ubuntu and then vmware on it .. but don't want to redo all when 9 comes out14:08
m1dlgI dont know, I'll try and check14:08
thrillERboyalso.... I don't want to type for doing these things :)14:09
admin0ok question .. if I install ubuntu 9.0 beta, will it automatically update to the stable when its out ?14:09
lstarnesadmin0: questions about 9.04 are for #ubuntu+114:10
m1dlgin my user settings I dont see any group called disk, if I add it what ID fo I give it?14:10
zilleplusmy ifconfig14:10
zilleplusMion ------------------------- http://pastebin.com/m1768508314:10
lstarnesm1dlg: try sudo gpasswd -a $USER disk14:10
smtxhi there14:11
popplerhi there14:11
lstarnesm1dlg: wait, I think it's a different group14:11
Mionzilleplus: you can't ping when you havn't even set up your card14:11
smtxi am just surfing through the www.ubuntu.com website but i cannot find the "regular" entry link to http://manpages.ubuntu.com14:11
Mionzilleplus: obviously14:11
natrixnatrix89so no one knows,how to tell my pc that my screen resolution is bigget than it thinks?14:11
smtxhow can i get there without knowing the direct url?14:11
=== abbas is now known as Bassu
zillepluswaths the problem then??14:12
Mionzilleplus: configure your network card14:12
Lintis there graphical man viewer?14:12
smtxeven searching the ubuntu.com for manpages does not show up manpages.ubuntu.com but google does14:12
smtxthats a bit confusing14:12
smtxLint: http://manpages.ubuntu.com14:12
smtxor use konqueror "man:putyourstuffinhere"14:13
Lintsmtx, offline, of course14:13
zilleplushaven't got that file14:13
lstarnesm1dlg: can you use sudo with mount or umount?14:13
thejamhey, how do I play a standalone flash video flv using adobe flash 10, not totem?14:14
m1dlgyes, (except with a couple of problem drives - another issue)14:14
Drknezzthejam: why would you want to do that?14:14
Mionzilleplus: do you have a dhcp server running on your network?14:14
smtxLint: konqueror can do that14:14
m1dlgyes, (except with a couple of problem drives - another more complicated issue)14:14
L3dPlatedLinuxcan someone be so kind as to pm as I need help with a offtopic issue with a freenas mount in ubuntu?14:14
zilleplusyes yes14:14
thejamit breaks near the end on totem (btw: hardy)14:14
ubuntu_is_dabestmy clamscan end with : -> LibClamAV Warning: RAR code not compiled-in; /mysamba/document/nation.rar: OK; Segmentation fault14:14
zilleplusmy router14:14
Mionzilleplus: use dhclient or dhcpcd then14:15
Drknezzthejam: then re-download it14:15
Mionifconfig -a to see what your card is named14:15
smtxLint: also "alt+f" then "xman"14:15
Mionthen dhclient whatever to connect14:15
smtxdoes the job14:15
Drknezzubuntu_is_dabest: you got recompile clam if you want to scan RAR files14:15
Drknezz!compile > ubuntu_is_dabest14:15
ubottuubuntu_is_dabest, please see my private message14:15
zilleplusthe problem is that my server does not fing my router so does not find a dhcp14:15
ubuntu_is_dabestow ic14:15
thejamdrknezz: i'll give it a try... but still I'm curious how to use flash video without it being web-embedded14:16
ubuntu_is_dabestis that hard for a newbie on linux?14:16
Mionzilleplus: pastebin the whole output of `ifconfig -a`14:16
popplerThere's something i don't get. Wiki says that Ubuntu 8.10 comes with kernel 2.6.27. Now does it mean it shall always be so or will it get updated as kernel development advances?14:16
Drknezzthejam: firefox extension: Video Downloadhelper14:16
MarsjaninHi all. Anyone can help me? My Ubuntu cannot play MPC files anymore. I got no idea, why. All the codecs and plugins seem to be installed, I even reinstalled them and rebooted machine, and still nothing. :(14:16
thejamdrknezz: thanks!14:16
Drknezznp thejam14:17
lstarnespoppler: it uses 2.6.27, although that will be updated to later versions of 2.6.2714:17
SVBso this channel requires registered nicks?14:17
lstarnesSVB: no14:17
SVBwell, this is my second nick i did not register that got stolen14:17
SVBin 2 days14:17
SVBoh well14:17
popplerlstarnes: why is it never updated to newer kernel versions? I mean as time passes, wouldn't that make sense?14:17
lstarnespoppler: for stability reasons14:18
popplerI see14:18
MionSVB: you should register your nick if you don't want other people to be able to use it14:18
rehpicis there anyway to get regular xchat instead of xchat gnome?14:18
lstarnespoppler: for example, it would go from to, but not 2.6.27 to 2.6.2814:18
SVBwhat is the command for reigstering?14:18
ogelamiif i am the only user on my computer and don't want to have any restrictions with permissions, and don't want to type sudo all the time, how do i do that, i want to have full permission with my user "ogelami"14:18
lstarnesSVB: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup14:18
lstarnesrehpic: sudo apt-get install xchat14:19
L3dPlatedLinuxif and when you umount a nfs share sould the folders still show in the mounted folder locally ?14:19
SVB /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email> **14:19
SVBthanks lstarnes14:19
MionSVB: /query nickserv help register14:19
zilleplushttp://pastebin.com/m2367203b             ifconfig -a14:19
Mionthat is not the whole output14:19
lstarnesSVB: also, don't forget to check your email after registering, and you may also want to look at /msg nickserv help set enforce14:19
=== SVB is now known as SvenVanBro
zilleplusi got that14:19
m1dlg<lstarnes> yes, (except with a couple of problem drives - another more complicated issue)14:20
rehpicweird, it didnt show in synaptic14:20
philippwie gebe ich meine treiber für die netzwerkkarte aus?14:20
Mionzilleplus: you fail at copy/paste then :p14:20
rehpicwell, good deal wither way14:20
rehpicthanks lstarnes14:20
Mionzilleplus: it should look like this: http://rafb.net/p/g4rxRO13.html14:20
zilleplusit is next to me i have to type it14:20
lstarneszilleplus: try ifconfig -a | most14:20
=== Yoda is now known as Yodas
ogelamiif i am the only user on my computer and don't want to have any restrictions with permissions, and don't want to type sudo all the time, how do i do that, i want to have full permission with my user "ogelami"14:20
lstarneszilleplus: scroll up and down using pgup/pgdown14:21
rehpicahhh, my beautiful userlist14:21
LjLogelami: that's potentially dangerous and not supported14:21
ogelamithat's what all say, why is that? can i damage my hardware?14:21
LjLogelami: you can get sudo to not ask you for a password, if you think that's a good idea14:21
zillepluscommand not found14:21
Mionogelami: yes, and one typo and you will whipe your whole system14:21
lstarneszilleplus: replace most with less14:21
ubuntu_is_dabestubottu: sorry, but i need a clarification, so my scan will not end gracefully until i did the compiling?14:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:21
YodasHi, i would like to have a little help if any got some time :) ... i got a 54701-Kore - Beryl Themes in my desktop but i dont know how to install it :(14:22
popplerlstarnes: is this policy also true for other packages. Like never updating to mayor versions while keeping minor stability updated available?14:22
LjLogelami: you could even damage your hardware in certain cases, though that's pretty unlikely - but you're likely to damage your system14:22
Mionpoppler: yes14:22
lstarnespoppler: yes14:22
ogelamiok i want to be able to share files, im using gui14:22
Mionpoppler: the downside of not being rolling release14:22
popplerthat's why people are always getting new ubuntus lol14:22
zillepluslook the problem is that my comp does not find my router thats why i haven't got IP address14:22
popplerah I see14:22
popplertoo bad14:22
ogelamiand i get 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /media/disk/Documents and Settings/Admin/My Documents/Downloads as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own.14:22
ogelamiAsk the administrator to add the line "usershare owner only = False"14:22
ogelamito the [global] section of the smb.conf to allow this.14:22
g_a_khow to set primary and secondary dns in ubuntu14:22
lstarnespoppler: there may be exceptions in the event of major bugs14:22
Mionpoppler: if you want up to date software, use something like arch14:22
popplerI see14:23
LjLogelami: tried with sudo? (i've never used "net" to be honest though, only ever edited smb.conf directly)14:23
ogelamii get these kind of problems all the time, you do not have permission to do this and that all the time14:23
ogelamii cannot edit smb.conf i have to be sudo... -.-14:23
Mionogelami: it depends on what you are doing14:23
rehpicanyone have any experience with a Logitech g15?14:23
SvenVanBrowould any of you all trust having someone connect to your machine by vnc, that you just met on here?14:24
Mionogelami:  of course, since it is a system whide configuration14:24
LjLogelami: eh, so use sudo. i don't see what the problem is with typing "sudo".14:24
ogelamiso i have to take it thru terminal?14:24
g_a_ksetting up primary and secondary dns in ubuntu14:24
SvenVanBrogranted, your machine was uber ufcked up14:24
LjLogelami: ever wondered why Windows has viruses that easily attack core system parts?14:24
=== Lincoln is now known as redbass
YodasHi,  i got a 54701-Kore - Beryl Themes in my desktop but i dont know how to install it :(14:24
LjLogelami: no. Alt+F2, then type "gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf", and you'll have a GUI editor.14:24
ogelamihaha, ty :)14:25
ubuntu_is_dabestwhy my clamdscan end with: -> /mysamba/document: Access denied. ERROR14:26
DrknezzAMD is on it's way to Open-Source FGLRX14:26
ubuntu_is_dabesti already did sudo clamdscan14:26
g_a_kanybody with dns setting in ubuntu14:26
lstarnesg_a_k: edit /etc/resolv.conf14:26
SvenVanBrohow do you safely disconnect a USB device on ubuntu?14:27
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: clam*d*scan?14:27
ubuntu_is_dabestclam daemon14:27
YodasHi,  i got a 54701-Kore - Beryl Themes.tar.gz at my desktop but i dont know how to install it :(14:27
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: i only have a "clamscan" command, no "clamdscan" one14:27
mrwesLjL; he can install clamdscan  -- just the daemon for clamscan14:28
g_a_kyes there i got a line with nameserver14:28
ubuntu_is_dabestu need to install clam-daemon package14:28
mrwesLjL; it's not part of the base install14:28
LjLmrwes: i see. but then you wouldn't run a daemon directly from the console, with or without sudo, no?14:28
MarsjaninAnyone can help me? My Ubuntu cannot play MPC files anymore. I got no idea, why. All the codecs and plugins seem to be installed, I even reinstalled them and rebooted machine, and still nothing. :(14:28
YodasHi, come on please, arent there anyone there would be just a little helpsome in here :/14:29
ubuntu_is_dabesti'm trying to setup an on-access scanning, i still not sure about this clamdscan, please correct me if i'm rong14:29
mrwesLjL yes /etc/init.d/clamdscan14:29
g_a_klstarnes: there i got a line with nameserver14:29
ubuntu_is_dabestplease correct me if i'm wrong14:29
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: ok just tell me how, exactly, you're starting clamdscan14:29
mrwesLjL, with sudo of course :)14:29
LjLmrwes: even better - invoke-rc.d clamdscan start/stop14:30
=== haha is now known as Matheus
arulmozhihow can i update clamtk antivirus scanner14:30
=== Matheus is now known as matheuuz
mrwesLjL, yah I always get lost on the rc.d stuff :) -- besides won't the daemon start on bootup?14:30
g_a_klstarnes: what lines do i add in resolve.conf14:31
mrwesarulmozhi, sudo freshclam from a terminal14:31
=== matheuuz is now known as mthz
lstarnesg_a_k: see that nameserver line?14:31
LjLmrwes: i'm not sure about that, there might be something in /etc/default that prevents it. i'm installing it now14:31
lstarnesg_a_k: add more nameserver lines like that14:31
mrwesLjL, well I could reboot my server too see :)14:31
mrweslemme know14:31
lstarnesg_a_k: the first one takes precedence over the one after it14:31
=== rehpic is now known as lostmonk
=== TwoD_ is now known as TwoD
LjLmrwes: several daemons in ubuntu are set up to not start by default unless you touch stuff in /etc/default, so that's just a guess but not a random one14:32
=== lostmonk is now known as rehpic
mrwesLjL, how do you add a daemon to rc.d ? sudo /etc/init.d/clamdscan > update rc.d ?14:32
Kevsancan somebody help me with a question about my audio. My sound is really low compared to how I had it on Windows. I have put PCM and Front-sliders to max and I need to MAX everything up to have normal sound when I'm watching movies for an example.14:32
ubuntu_is_dabesti thought the daemon is set to scan specified directory?14:32
YodasHi, come on please, arent there anyone there would be just a little helpsome in here :/14:32
IgramulHi, if I switch the visual effects from "none" to "normal" or "extra", then I loose some keyboard shortcuts, e.g. Alt+F2 for the application launcher. How do I keep the shortcuts?14:32
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: i don't know yet, hold on while i install the daemon please14:32
lstarnesYodas: just state your request14:32
clearscreenIgramul: that's probably because these hotkeys are configured in compiz.. you should install compizconfig-settings-manager, and manually disable the settings you think are too heavy14:33
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: ok i have it installed. i must have missed the answer where you said just how precisely you're starting clamdscan14:34
Igramulclearscreen, I'll try that, thanks.14:34
ubuntu_is_dabesti just enter clamdscan where i want to scan the directory automatically14:35
LjLmrsteveman1: no, sudo update-rc.d daemonname defaults14:35
LjLmrwes: no, sudo update-rc.d daemonname defaults14:35
LjL(sorry mrsteveman1)14:35
KevsanDoes anyone know if i'ts possible to get louder sound in Ubuntu. My sound is really low compared too windows. I have the PCM and Front-sliders on MAX.14:35
ubuntu_is_dabesti only follow: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ClamAV14:35
LjLmrwes: or something else if you don't want the default14:35
ubuntu_is_dabesti'm not sure if i do it right14:35
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: so you type "clamdscan /directory/name"?14:35
ubuntu_is_dabestyeah sort of14:35
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: when i ask you which verbatim command you type, i'd like the verbatim command as an answer, please :(14:36
ubuntu_is_dabesti get into the directory14:36
ubuntu_is_dabestand type: clamdscan14:36
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: ok, i see14:36
ubuntu_is_dabesti think it is the same as : clamdscan /somekindofdirectory14:36
IgramulKevsan, You might be missing an additional setting (e.g. "master volume" or some output gain settings). Have You checked all possible settings?14:36
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: is that directory local, or (i'm guessing since it's called /mysamba) is it on a remote computer?14:36
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: is clamd running? (ps aux | grep clamd)14:37
KevsanIgramul. No, or I dont know really. I'm kind of new to the whole Gnu/Linux enviroment14:37
eXgamewhy i can't turn on compiz effects?14:37
ubuntu_is_dabestclamav   10112  0.0  8.2  79456 41576 ?        Ss   21:03   0:00 /usr/sbin/clamd14:37
ubuntu_is_dabestis that running?14:37
MioneXgame: you tell us14:37
eXgameHow to see what error i get? :D14:38
MioneXgame: you are the one that is getting the error messages, not us14:38
Kevsanigramul: I just wrote "alsamixer" and the Master slider was on 100/100(MAX) there too14:38
MioneXgame: start it from a terminal14:38
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: yes. what are the permissions of the directory you're trying to scan? type "ls -ld /mysamba/document"14:38
eXgameokie :)14:38
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: (or without the "d" if it's a file)14:38
eXgame:Log level 8: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap: assertion `pixmap == NULL || gdk_drawable_get_depth (window) == gdk_drawable_get_depth (pixmap)' failed14:38
ubuntu_is_dabestdrwxr-xr-x 39 root nogroup 12288 2009-04-04 00:50 .14:38
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: uhm, there's read permissions for everyone there... it should be able to read it. what about "ls -ld /mysamba"?14:39
ubuntu_is_dabestdrwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2009-01-21 05:19 mysamba14:40
eXgameMion, http://pastebin.com/m53cfdafc14:41
Igramulclearscreen, compizconfig-settings-manager tells me that the settings I'm missing are configured.14:41
Cyclist2Hello, there! I run Intrepid and I wonder if anyone has the same difficulty in finding the Handbook/Help Files for Kaffeine and Amarok [to name a few]. Thanks in advance14:41
krishna!ubuntu > kimi14:42
weatherkidhey does anyone know how to setup a ICS between Vista and Ubuntu14:42
VarathHello everyone. Is there a dutch channel ?14:42
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: uhm, i don't get it. you see, the thing here is that clamd doesn't really run as root (even if you start "clamdscan" with sudo, it's only really talking to the daemon - and the daemon runs as "clamav", not as root). so it won't be able to scan certain files that aren't readable by the clamav user. but these directories you're trying to scan seem to be readable by everyone (r-x), so that "shouldn't" be causing it14:42
DrHalanhey, why do the packages from my ppa say that canoncial will supply security updates?14:42
eXgameAnyone know hot to fix compiz error wget http://pastebin.com/m53cfdafc ?14:43
clearscreenIgramul: set it to normal/extra to make sure you're actually using the compiz window manager, and then manually disable the stuff you dont want14:43
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: unless perhaps there actually *is* a virus in those files, and clam is trying to *write* to them to eradicate it - in that case, it can't, because it doesn't have *write* permissions14:43
weatherkidhey does anyone know how to setup a ICS between Vista and Ubuntu14:43
clearscreenIgramul: don't put it on 'none' and enable the stuff you do want14:43
LjL!inetsharing | weatherkid14:43
ubottuweatherkid: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:43
ubuntu_is_dabestno virus yet, because i used clamscan to scan it, and the result is ok.14:43
ubuntu_is_dabestit as it is the mysamba/document14:44
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: i really don't know then. i'd try doing "sudo chmod -R a+w /mysamba" to give everyone *write* permissions on it (but revert it ASAP, only use it for testing!) and running clam again14:44
mrwesLjL, clamd started on reboot of my server14:44
LjLmrwes: it starts by default, yes, you didn't really have to reboot to ensure :)14:45
ubuntu_is_dabestthat's ok, i'm really grateful of your effort to help :)14:45
mrwesLjL, yah I just wanted to make sure :)14:45
ubuntu_is_dabestbtw, is this daemon what i'm looking for(on access scanning) ?14:45
kkrustycan anyone tell me if its possible to get two monitors to work in ubuntu with an intel integrated graphics chip?14:46
LjLi don't know - let me see if it uses inotify (in which case, probably yes)14:46
eXgameHow to fix compiz error http://pastebin.com/m53cfdafc ?14:46
mrwesLjL, I really just want clamd to monitor my samba share, but I don't see where in the clamd.conf file to set that14:46
clearscreeneXgame: what graphics drivers are you using14:46
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: no, i think it only really sits there waiting for clients (like clamdscan) to give it instructions14:47
eXgameclearscreen, radeon x1650xt :)14:47
clearscreeneXgame: thats not what I asked :P14:47
ubuntu_is_dabestso, clamuko or samba-vscan is the solution, i read on https://wiki.clamav.net/Main/ClamAndRealTimeScanning14:47
ubuntu_is_dabestbut, as i read deeper inside, it requires us to recompile the kernel14:48
ubuntu_is_dabesti don't even know how to compile a package source14:48
eXgameclearscreen, explain me what are you talking about :)14:48
LjLmrwes: i get the feeling that clamd never really does anything unless instructed... so if that's true, then you tell it which directory to scan simply by running clamdscan on it14:49
him89eXgame, he wants to know the drivers that you are using14:49
him89it should be ATI probably14:49
eXgameYes ATI14:49
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: uhm, i'm pretty convinced it should be doable with inotify as well14:49
* Mion can't understand why people use clam, when there are better anti-virus softwares out there, that actually adds some protection, unlike clam14:49
him89did you install the drivers right?14:49
clearscreeneXgame: pastebin the output of 'fglrxinfo'14:49
SlangeHi, how can i turn off automount of ntfs partition? ( i mount it in ntfs-config)14:49
mrwesLjL, Ok..I get it, so it's really not realtime monitoring14:49
MarsjaninAnyone can help me? My Ubuntu cannot play MPC files anymore. I got no idea, why. All the codecs and plugins seem to be installed, I even reinstalled them and rebooted machine, and still nothing. :( Amarok screams, there's no codecs in system.14:50
clearscreenSlange: make sure it isn't present in /etc/fstab14:50
eXgameclearscreen, http://pastebin.com/m1013540114:50
mrwesLjL, it's really setup for user level scanning via clamdscan14:50
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: ah, i see what that page says. basically, if you want on-access scan AND preventing access if a virus is found, then you need to do very weird stuff. but if you're contect with DETECTING viruses on access, then there should be some inotify-based solution14:50
LjLmrwes: it looks that way to me14:50
mrwesLjL, same here14:50
clearscreeneXgame: interesting, try 'sudo apt-get install xgl-server'14:51
eXgamecannot found packet :)14:51
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: still, while i believe it should be possible, i don't see any inotify-based solution in the repos14:51
ubuntu_is_dabesti'm sorry, but i don't understand about inotify, is there a page where i can read about it?14:52
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: you could install something like "incron" (or another inotify handler), and configure it to run clamdscan on each file that gets accessed (same for mrwes). again, though, that wouldn't *prevent* access to an infected file, but it'd only *tell* you it's infected14:52
Slangeclearscreen: i tried delete line (in fstab) about this partition, but it didnt help14:53
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: inotify is just a mechanism in the linux kernel for programs to "subscribe" to an information service telling them whether some files are ever touched14:53
ubuntu_is_dabesti see14:53
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: a program that uses inotify can be informed in real time of changes on the filesystem14:53
eXgameclearscreen, ok i installed it and whats now?14:53
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: there are several packages in the repositories that use inotify, one of them is "incron", but if you do "apt-cache search inotify" (also "apt-cache search dnotify") you'll find many more14:54
clearscreeneXgame: 'wget http://blogage.de/files/9124/download -O compiz-check && chmod +x compiz-check && ./compiz-check14:54
ljsoftnethow do i uninstall packages dependencies of a .deb file?14:54
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: i don't see a package that's *specifically* intended to make inotify work with clam for real-time scanning, but it should be doable with any generic inotify daemon (like "incron") if configured appropriately14:54
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: mind... it'll probably be very slow, too :(14:54
eXgameclearscreen, i got error Error: Another compositing manager in use.14:55
=== serenity is now known as s3r3n1t7
ubuntu_is_dabestso inotify works like:  i need access -> access the file -> granted -> inotify -> clamdscan14:55
eXgamebut i don't user another one ._.14:55
Mionljsoftnet: `man apt-get`14:55
landgreetings earthlings14:55
mshHow can I check the log of actions a user perfomed?14:55
ubuntu_is_dabestwhile the other one i guess somehting like : i need access -> access the file -> clamscan -> clean, so granted, if not, denied.14:56
clearscreeneXgame: how are you starting compiz?14:56
linxЗдесь тоже одни америкосы ёбаные????14:57
eXgameclearscreen, from console typing compiz14:57
HariharakadanHm, there isn't any bittorrent clients for ubuntu that provide a scheduler is there? I have a 700mb download limit in a 12 hour period before it is reset.14:57
mshWhere is the user log of actions performed in Ubuntu?14:57
mshany ideas?14:57
Hariharakadaner 72 hour window rather.14:57
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: yes, like that14:57
ospHi how can I tell firefox to use as gateway and not to take the default gateway?14:57
SvenVanBrohow do you marry robotics/electronic engineering with spiritual plants, ayahuasca, and dimethyltripatime?14:58
grawitymsh: you mean commands typed in terminal? There is .bash_history in user's homedir, but it's really unreliable to be used as evidence or anything like that.14:58
KevsanAnyone know why my sound is so low when I'm watching movies in Totem?14:58
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: at least, i don't *think* inotify has any way to defer the "access granted" part until a client tells it so. then you never know... but i guess not, or they wouldn't have invented all that "clamfs" and other weird stuff that page you gave mentions14:58
grawitymsh: and if you mean 'sudo' usage, it's in /var/log/syslog, I think.14:58
clearscreeneXgame: use gnome 'appearance' settings instead14:58
linxFUCK OFF!!!!14:58
saxinWhat bitorrent client should I use if I want to put my torrents under diffrent groups that I make?14:58
mshgrawity: yes commands executed14:59
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: "clamfs" is in the ubuntu repositories so it's probably not too hard to set up - i don't think it'll need a kernel recompile or anything14:59
mshgrawity: actually a script installing things on my behalf on my VPS14:59
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: but honestly i suspect it's a contrivance that's going to be slow and limited14:59
ssd1how i can change backgrund of terminal to black ?14:59
grawitymsh: ah, for "scripts doing things on your behalf" there isn't any log, I think.14:59
clearscreeneXgame: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects, set to Normal / High14:59
mib_lllszcHello. I just ran the live cd of ubuntu 8.10 desktop edition. The problem is, I am unable to change the resolution from the default 800x600. I have dell monitor.14:59
grawitymsh: is it a text-only script? if yes, you could try looking inside it...15:00
LjL!fixres | mib_lllszc15:00
ubottumib_lllszc: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:00
clearscreenssd1: rightclick console -> profiles -> profile preferences -> colors, untick "use colors from system theme" and then modify the color15:00
mshits a ruby script and I cannot look at source code. at least easily. its quit large15:00
clearscreenmib_lllszc: what drivers are you using15:00
istvani was just booting off a live cd doing some data migration, and when i booted back from my hard drive it boots fine, does the loading bar, but then asks me to log in via a text interface, no gui... what did I do, and more importantly how do I fix it?15:00
popplerIs an lpia version of Ubuntu 8.10 available?15:01
eXgameclearscreen, trayed but it's saying cannot turn it on..15:01
mshis there any audit of the actions being performed?15:01
SvenVanBrolinx: lol15:01
grawitymsh: no, there isn't any. (Only 'sudo' actions are logged.)15:01
ssd1clearscreen: where ? O_o15:01
clearscreeneXgame: can you pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace'15:01
clearscreenssd1: where what?15:01
JampiterI'm having an issue playing DVDs. I have libdvdcss installed and I have run "ln -sf /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd". In Xine, I can get to the language select menu (first menu) of this DVD then it says it cannot be read. How can I remedy this?15:01
mib_lllszc@clearscreen: I didnt install any drivers as of yet, i dont knwo which one to get.15:01
ssd1clearscreen: oepn terminal and then what ?15:01
JampiterI've had a message in the terminal that says this: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable"15:02
clearscreenmib_lllszc: what graphics card do you have? try using ubuntu's 'hardware drivers' dialog to install proprietary drivers15:02
eXgameclearscreen, http://pastebin.com/m985bcad15:02
clearscreenssd1: rightclick the console window, as i've explained before :)15:02
mshgrawity: these are sudo actions15:02
istvanit appears i am booting into a bash, what happened to the gui?!15:02
ssd1clearscreen: there s no profiles :-P15:03
Krine11hey guys15:03
grawitymsh: check /var/log/syslog, but I don't think it will have what you want. ( grep sudo /var/log/syslog | less )15:03
Krine11can you help me installing my ati driver?15:03
mib_lllszcok i will check those things, am pretty overwhelmed with this chat box, first time on an irc. thanks i wud be back soon.15:03
ssd1clearscreen: i have it now :)15:03
clearscreenssd1: there's always a default profile :P15:03
mshgrawity: Thansk15:03
ubuntu_is_dabesthm, nice information, i try to install clamfs now15:04
Krine11Can someone help me15:04
clearscreeneXgame: im out of ideas :P15:04
clearscreen!ask | Krine1115:04
ubottuKrine11: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:04
istvanplease? i assume this is a simpler problem, as to why i am booting into a bash...15:04
mercutio22Any clues why my pulseaudio sound server is unable get access to my audio device http://paste.ubuntu.com/144918/?15:04
eXgameclearscreen, cool :D15:04
JampiterI'm having an issue playing DVDs. I have libdvdcss installed and I have run "ln -sf /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd". In Xine, I can get to the language select menu (first menu) of this DVD then it says it cannot be read. I've had a message in the terminal that says this: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable". How can I remedy this?15:04
mercutio22I suddenly get no audio playback15:04
ssd1clearscreen: thanks bye15:04
SliderManany yahoo messenger like that support webcams?15:05
eXgameclearscreen, can i try to reinstall compiz?15:05
istvanSliderMan skype?15:05
poing__Question: How can I grep through all list of all available commands (like the one that shows when you tab-tab in shell)?15:05
=== chinmay is now known as Guest71889
SliderManskype has yahoo support?15:05
grawityIt doesn't.15:05
DrHalanSliderMan: empathy?15:05
clearscreenosp: you can use routes to direct traffic destined to some location over a different gateway, but I dont think you can control it for just an application (except for some proxying solution)15:05
SliderMandrhalan empathy?15:06
Krine11Can someone help me install my driver for my graphics card?15:06
istvanSliderMan do't think it does, but there might be a plugin... i think i saw something somewhere... maybe a hack is a better word15:06
DrHalanhttp://live.gnome.org/Empathy SliderMan15:06
kevin009istvan: you might try typing "startx" to see if x still works15:06
SliderManthanks guys15:06
istvankevin009: ah, ok. fatal error: no screens found15:07
clearscreenosp: im assuming you want to direct your firefox traffic over a wireless interface or something?15:07
Krine11Guys how do i install a driver for my ati graphics card which is : ati raiden xpress 20015:07
SliderMandrhalan : ulti-protocol: Jabber, Gtalk, MSN, IRC, Salut, and all supported by pidgin no yahoo support.15:07
ospclearscreen do you know about proxy tools that can route according to the useragent header15:07
new2ubuntuhey how do i install wireless drivers if my internet is not connected?15:07
clearscreenosp: nope, sorry :(15:08
istvanso I have the abit ip35pro, and have a graphics card in as a slave. how do I configure this? it works with the live cd, i tried to reconfigure x by booting into recovery mode15:08
osp what about specific domain (which its ip might change overtime)15:08
[pablo]new2ubuntu: get a wired access or have the drivers on a cd15:08
ospclearscreen I have two isp I want firefox to15:08
ospuse one and knoqueror to use other15:08
new2ubuntu[pablo]:ok i dont think i can get wired access, so how would i get them on a cd15:09
istvannew2ubuntu: you can get them now since you are online, and burn them to a cd and use that15:09
xcvhello all -- back with the sony webcam (or lack thereof) issue15:09
kevin009it's probably a driver issue then15:09
Krine11Guys how do i install a driver for my ati graphics card which is : ati raiden xpress 20015:09
clearscreenosp: aha, well I'm not aware of any proxy solutions that direct traffic over a specific interface, it should be possible in theory though15:09
new2ubuntuistvan: ok but first i have to actually find them, and then how do i install them15:09
Iceman_B|SSHI'm looking for anyone that has positive experience with Samba, setting the "socket options = TCP_NODELAY"  option15:09
ospOK thanks :)15:10
kevin009istvan: it's probably a driver issue then... what kind of video card do you have and what driver do you use?15:10
Iceman_B|SSHwill it speed up my transfers?15:10
JampiterKrine11: Have you tried the hardware driver menu?15:10
[pablo]new2ubuntu: dpkge -i driver_name.deb15:10
[pablo]new2ubuntu: dpkg -i driver_name.deb15:10
JampiterKrine11: In System15:10
AperculumHow do I change the visual effects that are used in intrepid?15:10
digiforOn the acer aspire one  a lot of the readme's talk about using ext2.15:10
new2ubuntu[pablo]so i put the cd in, open up terminal, and then put in that command?15:10
clearscreenAperculum: 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'15:10
DexterFI tried and remove enyng's nv173 driver and install 180.44 manually. that was 3 hours ago and now at least I am back to 173 in envyng after a rollercoaster ride thru the depths of my filesystem and black magic, voodoo and virgin blood. why on earth is there not siply a fastmover repository where people update fast changing stuff liek video drivers?15:10
eXgameclearscreen, and what to do now? ._.15:11
istvankevin009: i am using two graphic cards, i have the abit ip35 pro, in the master slot I have the geforce 9800GX2 and in the slave the e-geforce 9600 with the drivers that ubuntu installed... i foget the number. maybe the 107?15:11
DexterFand: can someone please point me at a proper procedure for going from envy to "official NV installer" on 8.04?15:11
digiforWhat if I use an encrypted file system. How long would the drive last? (Ball park figures)15:11
Aperculumthanks clearscreen15:11
JampiterI'm having an issue playing DVDs. I have libdvdcss installed and I have run "ln -sf /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd". In Xine, I can get to the language select menu (first menu) of this DVD then it says it cannot be read. I've had a message in the terminal that says this: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable". How can I remedy this?15:11
clearscreenDexterF: the easiest way is to just run jockey-gtk and let it do the work for you... if you want to do it manually, just install one of the nvidia-glx-(ver) drivers, and run nvidia-xconfig (it will configure your xorg.conf file)15:12
new2ubuntuim not sure what wireless card i have in my laptop, how can i find out, and then would i just google for the drivers?15:13
DexterFclearscreen: all the nvidia-glx drivers are pretty much outdated. what is jockey?15:13
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new2ubuntumy compuer is a toshiba satellite u305-s507715:14
clearscreenDexterF: jockey is a ubuntu utility that makes it easier to install proprietary drivers for your system through a GUI utility15:14
kevin009istvan: ok. i am no expert, but i know the command to manually reconfigure X. i would ask someone more experienced though15:14
clearscreenthrough a GUI*15:14
xcvnew2ubuntu: try: dmesg |grep iwlagn15:14
Krine11can someone tell me why gfire wont install?15:14
mercutio22I lost all audio in my pc. When I try to kill and restart pulseaudio here is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/144924/. Can someone give me a hint?15:14
H_M-UbuntuWhat is the off topic channel for ubuntu here?15:14
H_M-UbuntuHeh I tried the obvious name, failed.15:15
JampiterANYONE AT ALL!?15:15
istvanoh, here might be the problem  -- are the geforce 9800gx2 and the egeforce 9600 of the same family? manual says they must be15:15
lstarnesH_M-Ubuntu: #ubuntu-offtopic?15:15
new2ubuntuxcv: nothing happens?15:15
H_M-UbuntuOh I tried it with a dot... heh15:15
DexterFclearscreen: is jockey the thing ubuntu calls when it detects hardware that req's 3rd party? because: jockey is installed here15:15
clearscreenDexterF: if you want the very latest drivers, you should install 'build-essential', headers for your kernel, and then download the drivers from nvidia.com (you'll need to kill your X server to install them)15:15
clearscreenDexterF: yes it is15:15
xcvnew2ubuntu: run it in terminal (applications / accessories / terminal)15:16
new2ubuntuxcv: yes, that's what i did, is the |grep a pipe then grep or an Lgrep15:16
eXgameclearscreen, what other programs are like a compiz?15:16
kane77hi, I need to run a program that expects mp3 file as argument, how can I run it for all mp315:16
xcvnew2ubuntu: --> dmesg |grep iwlagn15:16
ljsoftnethow do i delete a package installed from a .deb file?15:16
xcvnew2ubuntu: yes, it's a pipe15:16
kane77hi, I need to run a program that expects mp3 file as argument, how can I run it for all mp3's in certain folder structure?15:16
LjLljsoftnet: sudo apt-get remove packagename15:16
new2ubuntuxcv: ok, yes nothing happened.15:17
ljsoftnetLjL i mean a dependent package from a .deb file15:17
LjLljsoftnet: same15:17
clearscreeneXgame: i dont think there's an alternative15:17
LjLljsoftnet: sudo apt-get remove packagename removes any package.15:18
xcvnew2ubuntu: is the device connected? are you using wireless currently?15:18
edugonchHello, I'm trying the new ubuntu 9.04 but I have problems installing a new wecam logitech E2500, can somebody help me please15:18
new2ubuntuxcv: no im on my macbook, but i was entering the commands on my ubuntu laptop15:18
eternalLjL: You know anything about libIRCDchannels.so for inspircd ircd installation on 8.04 ?15:18
eXgameclearscreen,what to do then?15:18
DexterFclearscreen: that's precisely what I did: alt-ctrl-f1, stop X, run installer from NVidia. now here is where things got messy. I ran the installer, it compiled the module fine, said "module is ok", I had it rewrite the conf, rebooted, and then X crashed. said "API mismatch, module is 180.44, but driver is 76.xy". I never deliberately installed any legacy driver. no idea where it found that. the funny thing: once I was there if I15:19
DexterFrmmod'ed the nvidia module and re-probed it kdm came up fine when restarting it. so it must have chosen a wrong driver/module at boot time. yes, I recreated initramdisk.15:19
new2ubuntuxcv: i'm not sure if i do have them or not (the drivers), but all i know is that when i click the internet button at the top, there are no networks, so i either need to set it up, or get the drivers and set it up, both of which i need assistance in15:19
Stanley_with which tool can i edit the partition-table (e.g. just manipulating an entry, without manipulation according partitions) ?15:19
virtxwhat is the name of "nopaste" tool?15:19
xcvnew2ubuntu: try --> dmesg | grep Wireless15:19
kane77I tried something like mp3gain -r `find . | grep mp3` this has a problem for directories containing space it thinks they are 2 arguments)..15:19
clearscreeneXgame: im clueless :P15:19
clearscreenDexterF: mmmpf15:19
new2ubuntuxcc: still nothing, remember im not connected to the internet on my laptop15:20
xcvnew2ubuntu: or look at the entire output of dmesg. there should be something in there about it. past that you'll have to seek help from someone else here15:20
new2ubuntuxvc: still nothing, remember im not connected to the internet on my laptop **15:20
eXgameHow to fix this compiz error http://pastebin.com/mf59e221 ??15:20
DexterFclearscreen: oh, wrong: dmesg said: the *client* has v180.44, but the *kernel module* has the version 71.86.0415:20
Kheavenhello. I was wondering if anyone might be able to point me to a C## irc channel or server15:21
ljsoftnetLjL when i do a sudo apt-get remove packagename it lacks 2 packages it installed for 415:21
JampiterI'm having an issue playing DVDs. I have libdvdcss installed and I have run "ln -sf /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd". In Xine, I can get to the language select menu (first menu) of this DVD then it says it cannot be read. I've had a message in the terminal that says this: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable". How can I remedy this?15:21
DexterFclearscreen: so it picked the wrong kernel module at boot time (which to me sounds like: the wrong module was put into the initramdisk for reasons beyong me)15:21
new2ubuntuxcv: well i can't really paste it, because im not on internet and cannot paste it to pastebin15:21
new2ubuntuxcv: is there a way to check which drivers are installed?15:22
xcvnew2ubuntu: also, not to overlook the basics -- if the machine has a switch to turn on/off the wireless radio, you need to make sure it's switched on15:22
clearscreenDexterF: I'd recommend removing the module and re-running the nvidia utility, it might have been interfering15:22
unopkancerman,  while read -d '' file; do mp3gain -r "$file"; done < <(find . -iname "*.mp3" -print0)15:22
Krine11how do i kill process useing terminal?15:22
new2ubuntuxcv: yes its switched on, over course ive checked that!15:22
unopKrine11, kill $PID15:22
DexterFclearscreen: what's the proper way to rebuild the initramdisk?15:22
xcvnew2ubuntu: or look at the entire output of dmesg. there should be something in there about it. past that you'll have to seek help from someone else here. **that's past, not paste**15:23
clearscreenDexterF: beats me :P15:23
unop!pm > Krine1115:23
ubottuKrine11, please see my private message15:23
linuxguymarshallHow can I use my Nokia E70 (Nokia Symbian smartphone) for an internet connection on ubuntu?15:23
new2ubuntuxcv: o ok, well ill try, but theres tons of stuff that comes from that. ok, well ill try.......15:23
new2ubuntuxcv: wait exactly am i looking for?15:24
DexterFclearscreen: been down the whole road. uninstalled, checked grub, checked /lib/modules, rm'ed old nv modules manually, did whatnot.. all no good.15:24
KevsanDoes anyone know if i'ts possible to get louder sound in Ubuntu. My sound is really low compared too windows. I have the PCM and Front-sliders on MAX.15:24
kane77unop, thanks this seems to work!15:24
DexterFguess ill install a tinkerinstallation somewhere and knock myself out15:24
xcvnew2ubuntu: i just meant someone else in this room might be more help. i'm just hanging out trying to get help myself15:24
linuxguymarshallKevsan:Did you try boost?15:24
ljsoftnetwhen i do a sudo apt-get remove packagename it lacks 2 packages to be remove when in fact it installed for 4 packages, how do i remove the 415:25
Krine11hi guys15:25
new2ubuntuxcv: ok well hope someone comes along15:25
Krine11how do i stop reciveing this error message15:25
Krine11>saying : please close the other application e.g. 'update' manager', 'aptitude' or 'synamptic' first.15:25
s3r3n1t7Krine11, by closing the apps mentioned in the error.15:26
L3dPlatedLinuxis there a nfs gui client app?15:26
s3r3n1t7!pm | Krine1115:27
ubottuKrine11: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:27
Krine11>saying : please close the other application e.g. 'update' manager', 'aptitude' or 'synamptic' first.15:27
xcvhello all -- back with the sony webcam (or lack thereof) issue15:27
lstarnesKrine11: don15:27
istvani don't know what i should be looking for, is it posible to run a e-geforce 9600 and a geforce 9800gx2 in an abit ip35pro, using dual display mode?15:27
Kevsaninuxguymarshall: What do you mean Exactly?15:28
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:28
lstarnesKrine11: don't use caps.  make sure that you do not have any other package managers running15:28
lstarnesKrine11: and do not PM without asking please15:28
new2ubuntucan someone help me with configuring my internet connection and installing the drivers?15:28
JampiterI'm having an issue playing DVDs. I have libdvdcss installed and I have run "ln -sf /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd". In Xine, I can get to the language select menu (first menu) of this DVD then it says it cannot be read. I've had a message in the terminal that says this: "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable". How can I remedy this?15:28
Krine11!pm| istarnes fjo15:28
ubottuistarnes fjo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:28
grawityKrine11: Please stop being annoying.15:29
lstarnesKrine11: it is considered rude and other users won't be able to see it and learn from or help out with it.  Just prefix the message with the other person's nick in the channel like in this one15:29
s3r3n1t7Krine11, stop pm'ing me. I will not help you if you keep PM'ing me.15:29
s3r3n1t7!ops | Krine1115:29
ubottuKrine11: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:29
FloodBot3Krine11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:29
lstarnesKrine11: I answered it15:29
jribKrine11: then just ask it (without the caps)15:29
grawityKrine11: YOU ARE GETTING OUT OF HERE15:29
grokenis there a way to get a file out of a dd image (mount, extract, anything) if there isn't a loop device on the system i'm working with?15:30
lstarnesKrine11: make sure that you do not have any other package managers running15:30
JessicaParkercan anyone help with the openssl error in ubuntu /demoCA/serial: No such file or directory15:30
palmje!caps | krinell15:30
ubottukrinell: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:30
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:30
LjL!attitude | Krine1115:30
ubottuKrine11: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:30
lstarnesgrawity: acting like that isn't appropriate either15:30
s3r3n1t7grawity, no need to go to his level.15:30
grawitylstarnes: I know, only this is like the 3rd idiot in a few hours already.15:30
FloodBot3Krine11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:30
new2ubuntuwell im not an idiot, an someone help me with configuring my internet connection and installing the drivers?15:30
LjLKrine11: pkill programname15:31
xcvQ. what to do next? sony camcorder on 64bit intrepid --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/144933/15:31
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:31
LjLKrine11: that is a command that will stop a process.15:32
LjL!pm | krine1115:32
ubottukrine11: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:32
Kevsan Does anyone know if i'ts possible to get louder sound in Ubuntu. My sound is really low compared too windows. I have the PCM and Front-sliders on MAX.15:32
LjLKrine11: please use the channel. you've been warned before not to use PM without permission, i think.15:32
mercutio22I am having a damned pulseaudio error all of a sudden and I can get no audio playback. Can someone please give me a hand? http://paste.ubuntu.com/144934/15:32
palmjeKevsan: try running alsamixer in a terminal and have a look at the settings there15:33
Platypus-ManI just formatted my htpc (old name ubuntu-htpc - new name htpc) and shared home/platypys/videos/ - but I can't find the PC with my normal desktop PC... I can browse my shareds on my normal PC on the HTPC just fine - any tips? I've tried refreshing /Network with F5, but it didn't help15:33
Kevsanpalmje: Allready tried that. I just get two sliders there for pulsaudio :S I get Master and Capture15:33
Platypus-Manit still gives me a folder called platypus-htpc though15:33
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:33
maxori have a problem with beryl somebody can help me15:34
LjLKrine11: if you prefix your messages with the nickname of the person you're talking to, they'll get highlighted, and it's pretty easy to follow even if there's traffic15:34
palmjemercutio22: there are known issues with pulseaudio - try removing it and just use alsa15:34
mercutio22Kevsan> you have to alter a pulseaudio config file. Let me see if I can find it for you15:34
new2ubuntucan someone help me with configuring my internet connection and installing the drivers?15:34
Stanley_@all: is there an hexeditor vor binarys ?15:35
LjLKrine11: please, ask the question again, in the most complete way possible on one line.15:35
maxorberyl on UBUNTU no title bar problem help please15:35
Krine11>saying : please close the other application e.g. 'update' manager', 'aptitude' or 'synamptic' first.15:35
Krine11how do i stop that15:35
Kevsanmercutio22: Okey Thanks :) What is pulseaudio exactly? Because the device I'm using is HDA Intel(Alsa mixer)15:35
mercutio22palmje> then I get no simultaneous access to the audio device from different apps like skype while youtubing... it used to work alright. I don't know what happened15:35
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:35
Linthow can I specify language in gocr?15:35
mercutio22Kevsan> same as me15:35
Krine11i get this error15:35
LjLKrine11: that's not a complete question in one line.15:35
Krine11>saying : please close the other application e.g. 'update' manager', 'aptitude' or 'synamptic' first.15:35
istvanI have just added another graphics card as a slave to my rig, how do I re-configure x as it is not finding a monitor at the momment15:35
palmjemercutio22: Ive had the same problem myself and the fix was getting rid of pulseaudio15:36
s3r3n1t7Krine11, We'll try this all again. Do you have any package managers open? These include updaters, synaptic, add/remove software and any others.15:36
SJrXIf I leave water for an extended period of time, i.e. a few months in the fridge is it still save to drink from the container after rinsing it with hot water15:36
Kevsanmercutio22: Okey, well is your sound good? For me I need to MAX up everything to get decent audio15:36
jribSJrX: offtopic...15:36
pulzerNauti, persiljan i blomlådan, såd från frön eller köpt plantor?15:36
new2ubuntucan someone help me with configuring my internet connection and installing the drivers?15:36
LjL!se | pulzer15:36
ubottupulzer: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se15:36
pulzeropps, wrong window15:36
SJrXjrib where can I ask15:36
doleybSJrX: yeah its quite safe, depending on if it was really just water in it!15:36
jribSJrX: #ubuntu-offtopic I guess, though I'm not sure asking health-related questions on irc is a smart idea15:37
ljsoftnetwhen i do a sudo apt-get remove packagename it lacks 2 packages to be remove when in fact it installed for 4 packages, how do i remove the 415:37
SJrXYeah only water is in there15:37
Krine11How do i stop reciveing this error message : >saying : please close the other application e.g. 'update' manager', 'aptitude' or 'synamptic' first.15:37
mercutio22Kevsan> no, I am having problems right now, but it used to work alright. I don't know what the crap happened15:37
SJrXjrib hmmmm my mommy isn't awake yet15:37
new2ubuntukrine11: close em?15:37
palmjekevsan: thats strange, it should show the soundcard and the various settings for it.  try running alsamixer -c 115:37
LjLs3r3n1t7: he's back now15:37
s3r3n1t7Krine11, We'll try this all again. Do you have any package managers open? These include updaters, synaptic, add/remove software and any others.15:37
Krine11I tried but how do i close them useing terminal?15:37
s3r3n1t7LjL, i'll give it another go.15:37
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:38
Kevsanmercutio22: Okey. If you get any update on the problem, don't forget to mention it15:38
LjLKrine11: what are you trying to do that causes the error message in the first place?15:38
new2ubuntuu guys keep complaining about helping krine11, can i get some help instead? ive been at this for many hours15:38
Krine11Install limewire and gfire15:38
Padhu1How can i uninstall the apllication installed in wine?15:38
Kevsanpalmje: When I do that I get to the HDA ATI HDMI card. But no sliders are avaiable15:39
xcvKrinell: sorry, the old windows tech in me speaking, but... did you try rebooting?15:39
s3r3n1t7new2ubuntu, those who know will answer. If you don't get an answer, nobody knows.15:39
LjLnew2ubuntu: elaborate on your question, i have no idea what sort of network connection you have, why you'd need any drivers, and my ability (or not) to help you will depend a huge lot on that.15:39
LjLKrine11: install them how - using Synaptic?15:39
Krine11no, I am trying to install limewire and Gfire they both are deb files15:39
Krine11i than recive that error message15:40
LjLKrine11: pastebin the output of "ps aux | grep apt"15:40
Krine11i want to isntall it15:40
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:40
new2ubuntuljl: ok well im trying to get on my wireless WPA2 network, and when i click on the internet icon at the top, there are no listed networks, this makes me think that i don't have the drivers installed that i need. So i need help first finding the right linux drivers, and then installing them, and ive heard WPA2 is harder to get working, so ill need help when it comes to that.15:40
Krine11ljl is this the command?15:40
axel_foleyi have a problem. i want to copy the part. table from sda on sdb,c,d http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394695/15:40
palmjeKevsan: strange... well all I can suggest for now is turn up your speakers :-/15:40
axel_foleyi am getting an error15:40
LjLKrine11: type "ps aux | grep apt" in a terminal, and pastebin the output of that.15:40
ljsoftnetwhen i do a sudo apt-get remove packagename it lacks 2 packages to be remove when in fact it installed for 4 packages, how do i remove the 415:40
=== Baran is now known as Baranda
LjLljsoftnet: don't you know their names?15:41
ljsoftnetLjL i didn't write them down15:41
Kevsanpalmje: Okey darn. I'm using the intergrated audio from my motherboard. http://www.gigabyte.com.tw/Products/Motherboard/Products_Spec.aspx?ProductID=2741 - Is it possbile to see if that's the audio card I'm using right now in Ubuntu?15:41
LjLnew2ubuntu: can't help you much with wireless here, i've mostly only had wired networks. but what does "sudo iwconfig" show?15:41
LjLljsoftnet: "cat /var/log/dpkg.log" will show you recently installed packages15:41
xcvLjL: had new2ubuntu grep dmesg for iwlagn and for Wireless -- no results15:42
ljsoftnetLjL ok wait15:42
=== Baranda is now known as Baran
Krine11!pm ljl root      5742 19.6  0.0   3868  1660 ?        R    09:37  12:30 /usr/lib/apt/methods/cdrom sharma    6274  0.0  0.0   3236   788 pts/0    R+   10:41   0:00 grep apt15:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:42
eXgameHow to fix this http://www.paste.lt/paste/808c78bc6cdab31892cd7f81da64eb79 compiz error? :))))15:42
new2ubuntuljl: no wireless extensions on all three15:42
LjL!aptfix | Krine11, try this then15:42
ubottuKrine11, try this then: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:42
LjLnew2ubuntu: i see. well i don't think i know how to help15:43
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to dismount a clamFS FileSystem?15:43
new2ubuntuljl: my question is, how does noone know how to do this, isnt it rather basic??15:43
Krine11that command given did not work15:43
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: probably "fusermount -u /mount/point"15:43
ubuntu_is_dabestdoesn't work15:44
LjLnew2ubuntu: no. "basic" is configuring wireless on a card that's *supported* in the first place. making a card that's *not* supported by ubuntu work is hardly basic15:44
xcvnew2ubuntu: it's actually uncommon for ubuntu to not autodetect a wireless adapter, in my experience15:44
Platypus-Mannevermind my question, just changed the adressline to the new one... still strange it didn't find the new PC on the network via browsing though15:44
palmjeKevsan: you are using pulseaudio so you will have to see what that is configured to use but I dont know how to do that15:44
LjLnew2ubuntu: which card is that anyway?15:44
ubuntu_is_dabestfusermount: entry for /var/clamfs not found in /etc/mtab15:44
nikitisi have a difficult challenge and need someone with expert skills to help me set up my garman gps on my new dell mini 9.15:44
new2ubuntuljl: don't know, i can tell you my computer model and you could prolly find out, but i dont know how to check15:44
nikitisinternet documentation doesn15:44
ubuntu_is_dabesti have on "mount" -> clamfs on /var/clamfs type fuse.clamfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,default_permissions)15:44
doleybxcv: sadly it doesn't work with atheros, which is mega-popular now15:45
Kevsanpalmje: Oeky15:45
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: uh, try with sudo15:45
new2ubuntuljl: really im wondering is my card unsupported, or am i just doing something wrong...15:45
ubuntu_is_dabestit was a testing mount, so i think i had to dismount it first15:45
LjLnew2ubuntu: is it a PCI card?15:45
nikitisLjL, i still haven15:45
ubuntu_is_dabestah great, it works15:45
nikitisfigured out my gps problem15:45
new2ubuntuljl: how to check?15:45
doleybnew2ubuntu: What is your card name?15:45
Te_GekHi everyone ; finally a room with some people in...15:45
doleybnew2ubuntu: run lspci if that'll help15:46
LjLnew2ubuntu: err... is yours a laptop?15:46
LjLnew2ubuntu: is the card internal or external?15:46
KevsanAnyone here that know how I can check what Pulseaudio is configured to use?15:46
ubuntu_is_dabestso, do i have to mount it again if the system get rebooted?15:46
new2ubuntuljl: its internal, and its a laptop15:46
Te_Geklooking for an answer to a probably simple question, but new to linux15:46
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: think so - but you could always add it to fstab15:46
=== Baran is now known as Midday
doleybnew2ubuntu: so run lspci and look for something like it15:46
LjLnew2ubuntu: then "lspci" should tell you what it's called15:46
new2ubuntuok i ran it15:46
LjLTe_Gek, ask15:46
new2ubuntureading through the stuff now15:46
LjLnew2ubuntu: should be easy to figure out which line corresponds to the wifi card15:47
xcvQ. what to do next? sony camcorder on 64bit intrepid --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/144933/15:47
Te_Gekbuttons in the gnome panel, how do you specify to which program they shortcut? Since updating firefox the button doesn't work anymore?15:47
nikitisCan someone who knows the kernel well help me get my garman usb 18 gps to work with ubuntu?15:47
new2ubuntuljl: yes it appears to be PCI i see a lot of PCI brdige: intel blah blah blah15:47
ubuntu_is_dabestfstab is some kind of autoexec.bat for linux?15:47
LjLnew2ubuntu: ok, just pastebin the whole thing15:47
s3r3n1t7!fstab | ubuntu_is_dabest15:47
ubottuubuntu_is_dabest: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:47
LjLubuntu_is_dabest: no, fstab is just a list of filesystems to be mounted on boot15:48
new2ubuntuljl: i cant really paste bin, remember i dont have internet15:48
new2ubuntuim using two computer right now15:48
Te_GekYou know there s one for firefox one for the mail program and one question mark for the help documentation15:48
ubuntu_is_dabesti see, how do i start to set the fstab?15:48
doleybnew2ubuntu: Look for Atheros, i bet you have atheros15:48
LjLnew2ubuntu: ah, right... well the bridges aren't the important ones, look for Broadcom, Atheros, or something15:49
istvanfrom the shell how do I re-install or disable video drivers?15:49
doleybnew2ubuntu: The reason I think he has Atheros is because ubuntu doesn't work it :(15:49
nikitisSo anyone?15:49
new2ubuntuok i see it, Wireless PCI express Adapter (rev 01)15:49
new2ubuntusnf i drr syhrtod snf trslyrk sd ryhrtnry vonytollrtd15:49
s3r3n1t7doleyb, i got Atheros as well. Mine works out of the box.15:50
new2ubuntu*o sorry i had by fingers on the wrong row15:50
doleybs3r3n1t7: Is your laptop fairly old?  It's only the newest version of atheros chip that doesn't work15:50
new2ubuntuyes i have atheros15:50
Mike94287I want to install this theme: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Woodenlooks-Download-41747.html but I'm not sure how to do it. I downloaded the .zip file and tried dragging it into Appearance Preferences but I got an error, what am I supposed to do to install it?15:50
istvanI am still having the booting into shell/bash (not sure which) problem. i want to disable the graphics drivers. how do i do that from the shell/bash?15:50
KevsanAnyone here with good knowledge about sound/soundcard. Because got some trouble and need help.15:50
new2ubuntudoleyb: my computer is a little less than a year old15:50
nikitisneed help getting a gps usb 18 garman to work in a modern kernel15:51
mrwesLjL, does this looks correct for a incrontab:  /media/external IN_CREATE IN_MODIFY clamscan -av $@/$# $%15:51
s3r3n1t7doleyb, about 6 months15:51
new2ubuntudoeyb & ljl: 06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242X 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)15:52
doleybs3r3n1t7: You don't have jaunty right?15:52
LjLmrwes: wait, i've never actually *used* incron to begin with :)15:52
s3r3n1t7doleyb, i do15:52
bo7amnyhow can i show line numbers in vim ?15:52
mrwesLjL, Ok...I modified a file in that directory, and monitored htop and I didn't see clamscan run15:52
Kevsanbo7amny: Just write :set number15:53
ssd1hi iam looking for realm time protection antivirus (free)....anyone have idea ?15:53
LjLmrwes: perhaps it ran very quickly - doesn't it have logs?15:53
LjLmrwes: (also, i suspect it would be better to use clamdscan there)15:53
mrwesLjL, lemme check15:53
new2ubuntuok so ljl and doleyb, is the card i have unsupported, and if so how do i get it to support it15:54
LjLnew2ubuntu: i'm googling it15:54
ljsoftnetLjL thanks, i finally found the other 2 packages15:54
doleybnew2ubuntu: You can read the description https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/18248915:55
s3r3n1t7doleyb, lspci ==>  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) <=== works out of the box, no drivers needed15:55
doleybnew2ubuntu: (But following the directions from that bug page is Not easy!)15:55
LjLnew2ubuntu: on the one hand, i see a bug report about that card not working after a suspend - which would hint to it being supported... but on the other hand, it's never mentioned in the wiki15:55
Mike94287I want to install this theme: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Woodenlooks-Download-41747.html but I'm not sure how to do it. I downloaded the .zip file and tried dragging it into Appearance Preferences but I got an error, what am I supposed to do to install it?15:55
istvanok, i'm thinking i need to re-install ;(15:55
istvanunless someone can help me with my booting into shell issue15:55
nikitisneed help getting a gps usb 18 garman to work in a modern kernel.  google hasn't helped.15:56
new2ubuntus3r3n1t7: well then.. why it no worky???15:56
s3r3n1t7new2ubuntu, have you tried to install the drivers in hardware drivers?15:56
s3r3n1t7new2ubuntu, and which version do you have?15:56
istvanagain, the problem is that when i boot i see the loading bar, then after that i get asked for password and usernamer in a shell/command prompt/bash15:56
doleybs3r3n1t7: You are using jaunty.  This channel is not jaunty.  It misleads people to say things work, without first telling them you use other version.15:56
rafaweboramahi people15:56
LjLnew2ubuntu, doleyb: there's also this forum thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1112464 but i clearly cannot guarantee anything about it15:56
new2ubuntus3r3n1t7: no that's what i need to do, i need to find the drivers and install em and hope.15:57
g0tchahey guys, when i use the desktop interface and try to configure the network to make it static, it has it listed as em0, when i try to edit /etc/network/interfaces i only see "auto lo" not em0, why is that?15:57
new2ubuntuyou guys think this will be fixed with the new update??15:57
s3r3n1t7doleyb, the latest madwifi drivers are what make them work. Give him the HAL from that and it should work just fine.15:57
doleybLjL: Yeah I had the same problem, and I made it work by installing from madwifi tgz.  But I'm not good to teach people how to do that15:57
jacob_95how do you let the programs you are installing to install in the folders they want to be in? when i'm trying to install apache, ubuntu is blocking it from installing in /usr/local/apache215:57
mercutio22hey Kevsan I got it15:57
Kevsanmercutio22: Okey what?15:58
jribjacob_95: why are you not using APT to install apache?15:58
LjLjacob_95: why *on earth* would be apt-get installing apache2 into /usr/local?15:58
mrwesLjL, I don't think the wildcards are correct15:58
mrwesLjL, does this looks correct for a incrontab:  /media/external IN_CREATE IN_MODIFY clamscan -av $@/$# $%15:58
new2ubuntus3r3n1t7: ""give him the HAL from that and it should work just fine.""  whats the HAL?15:59
jacob_95jrib: so you can, can you give me the command-line?15:59
_dark_ 15:59
Te_GekAnyone who knows how to configure these buttons in gnome; very new to linux but I have a cyberroom with edubuntu and on all the desktops now the firefox button is gone, very annoying.; Just updated firefox...15:59
rafaweboramahave u used the visualboyadvance emulator?15:59
mercutio22Kevsan> I think I followed this guide I found in my favorites http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578&highlight=pulseaudio+system+wide15:59
jribjacob_95: APT should be the way you install 99% of all the software you want to install.  It should be the first thing you try16:00
mercutio22Kevsan> I recall I just modified a config file16:00
jrib!software | jacob_9516:00
ubottujacob_95: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:00
xcvi posted my question at 10:09, 10:27, 10:31, and 10:47... no response to it yet. wondering if overlooked, or if nobody here has any suggestions.16:00
LjLmrwes: why are you putting $% at the end?16:00
Kevsanmercutio22: Okey I will check it out16:00
lostbuthappyg0tcha, i cant tell you why this is, only that it seems to be normal. maybe ubuntu simply uses another system like it uses startup instead of /etc/rc*16:00
Phil_Ewerthi together, is it possible to rename linux users?16:01
g0tchalostbuthappy, how can i find out?16:01
Lintwhat is $% ?16:01
osotogarican anyone help with a serious laggy remote desktop connection between two ubuntu boxes? When I remote onto a windows box I am getting pretty good drawing sped16:01
LjLLint: http://inotify.aiken.cz/?section=incron&page=doc&lang=en16:01
mrwesLjL, hrmm...maybe I don't need that event flag16:01
nikitisneed help getting a gps usb 18 garman to work in a modern kernel.  google hasn't helped.16:02
LjLmrwes: i don't think so, clamscan only wants a filename...16:02
thechefWhere can I ask jaunty related questions?16:02
lstarnesnikitis: garman or garmin?16:02
lstarnesthechef: #ubuntu+116:02
mrwesLjL, ok..I took that off and changed it to run clamdscan16:02
thecheflstarnes: thanks16:02
lstarnesnikitis: I have no idea, sorry16:02
LjLmrwes: also, the doc seems to say you should use commas (not a space) between IN_CREATE and IN_MODIFY16:02
new2ubuntuljl: ok i went to that thread, downloaded the script, so what command should i enter in /location/location/install.sh  ??16:02
g0tchalostbuthappy, when you edit the network interface from the desktop environment, where do those settings get saved?16:03
mrwesLjL, ahh...I was wonder about too :)16:03
LjLnew2ubuntu: i don't know what you're saying there - i haven't run the script, and i have no intention to (i prefer not to break my own system, sorry...)16:03
mrwesLjL, I also added NO-IN_LOOP to turn off monitoring until the scan is done16:04
mrweser NO_IN_LOOP16:04
nikitisneed help getting a gps usb 18 garmin to work in a modern kernel.  google hasn't helped.16:04
new2ubuntuljl: well it says just put in the location and then ssay install.sh      but this should work right???16:04
LjLmrwes: i don't think that'd be necessary16:04
osotogarii am trying to launch rdesktop using rdesktop -z -P xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx but it just sits at the command line doing nothing. Any ideas?16:04
jacob_95jrib: It's alive!!!16:04
Iceman_B^Ltopokay so I just set the TCP_NODELAY option on my server's Samba config. Tranferring files from the server to my laptop goes fast(5-6 MB), but the other way around starts at 1 MB/s and tops out at 3 MB/s.16:04
LjLmrwes: if you're using clamdscan, then it ought to be queuing scan requests...16:04
new2ubuntuljl: and by break you system... is that gonna happen to me! o.o16:04
Iceman_B^Ltophow to increase this?16:04
lostbuthappyg0tcha, I don't know. You could try to search for a specific interface (assuming that it is saved as plain text) or search the web for an answer.16:04
Phil_Ewertanybody ? is it possible to rename linux users?16:04
unitedpotsmokershello guys, i got trouble to open mp3 files which they are located at network. i used many application like amarok, banshee, rhymbox16:05
LjLnew2ubuntu: it's quite possible. that's why i said i couldn't give any guarantees. that's an .sh script, an entirely non-standard way to install stuff16:05
new2ubuntuljl: whats so not standard16:05
Bynwi have an external usb harddrive ... but apparently root owns it. how do i make it so i own it (permanently of course too)16:05
LjLnew2ubuntu: using an .sh script to install stuff.16:05
mrwesLjL, I don't know what that means -- oh, you mean that will show up as a process?16:05
Mike94287I want to install this theme: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Woodenlooks-Download-41747.html but I'm not sure how to do it. I downloaded the .zip file and tried dragging it into Appearance Preferences but I got an error, what am I supposed to do to install it?16:05
new2ubuntuljl: ok well ill try that, i got to go now, but thanks for all your help!16:06
LjLmrwes: you said that NO-IN_LOOP will avoid calling clamscan if clamscan is already being run for another file, is that correct?16:06
xcvnew2ubuntu: have you tried livecd and/or jaunty? i'd be tempted to try those as t-shoot steps16:06
new2ubuntuxcv: no, idk what jaunty is16:06
mrwesLjL, yah -- according to the docs16:06
doleybnew2ubuntu: jaunty is the next version of ubuntu, coming out this month16:06
mrwesLjL; then it would que them...OK I  get it16:06
xcvnew2ubuntu: jaunty is the next ver of ubuntu, beta currently, to be released later this month16:07
new2ubuntudoleyb: o ok, well ill update it when it comes to that... i dont fell like going through the process again16:07
doleybnew2ubuntu: maybe getting jaunty would fix your trouble, you can get it now... but maybe it cause you other trouble.16:07
new2ubuntuxcv: how will i update though, with no internet??16:07
LjLmrwes: yeah, your idea would mean that you'd end up risking to NOT SCAN some files16:08
ubuntu_is_dabesthi, i guess, i have my clamdscan worx with clamfs now16:08
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LjLmrwes: so just ditch it, use clamdscan so you're sure every file will be scanned16:08
nmpribeirohi there. any video editing software for linux from any vendor? i've searched all free projects... some are nice, but I want an avid like. is there anything? (it's time for vendors start produce for linux)16:08
xcvnew2ubuntu: best to download and burn the iso from another machine, like the mac you're on now16:08
moller_Hello guys. Are there any applications like WPE Pro on Ubuntu? I've got Wireshark, but I would like the app to focus one another app instead of whole computer16:08
ubuntu_is_dabesti put a virus file into the directory, the file became un-accessable, but can be deleted16:08
new2ubuntuxcv: yeah thats what i figured, oh god, just got ubuntu installed and now gonna have to do it all again16:08
mrwesLjL: I see your point16:08
new2ubuntuok well cya and thx for ur help everyone16:08
ubuntu_is_dabesthow do i set fstab, like you said?16:08
Extendcan i ran memory test while using my system16:08
xcvnew2ubuntu: you can run livecd to just test it, without touching the existing install16:09
doleybExtend: usually you reboot for memtest16:09
g0thwhat is the latest ubuntu version?16:09
moller_g0th: 9.04 is beta or alpha16:09
moller_g0th: So it would be 8.1016:10
Extendno i want to run it inside16:10
g0thI get a lot of pgp key warnings16:10
g0thhow do I find the corresponding pgp keys?16:10
mrwesLjL, I don't see anything in the /var/log/clamav.log that it ran16:11
popplerwhile installing ubuntu 8.10 from CD, does it update repositories and gets updates too or do I have to do that after first reboot?16:11
xcvi posted my question at 10:09, 10:27, 10:31, and 10:47... no response to it yet. wondering if queued, overlooked, or if nobody here has any suggestions.16:11
istvanMy rig has an abit ip35 pro, and in the master graphics card slot I have a geforce 9800gx2. I tried to put the slave card in, being a e-geforce 9600 GT but upon doing so ubuntu boots, I can see the loading bar, but then asks me for my username/password in a shell.16:12
jacob_95i've installed apache but how do you use it?16:12
doleybxcv: Well it has little or nothing to do with ubuntu.  Do you have a reason to expect your sony to work16:12
istvanstartx - tells me that the server has had a fatal error, being there is no display. I would love to run both of these at the same time, and infact the live cd and windows run fine.16:12
LjLmrwes: well for that matter i don't see anything in that log file even when i run it manually16:12
xcvdoleyb: no, just looking for guidance, suggestions, for example, any utils that might help with testing?16:13
Bynwi have an external usb harddrive ... but apparently root owns it. how do i make it so i own it (permanently of course too)16:13
mrwesLjL, where the heck does clamd or clamdscan output too?16:13
moller_Does anybody know a program like WPE Pro for Ubuntu?16:13
istvanwhat does WPE pro do?16:14
solexiousHow do I set a custom resolution size in jaunty?16:14
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moller_istvan: WPE Pro is a packet sniffer for Windows.16:14
doleybxcv: Have you searched a lot for if other people use linux and that camera?16:14
LjLmrwes: i don't know. look, how about you just put a >> redirect to some file in /tmp or something, right into the clamdscan command line in incron16:15
istvanwireshark is a really good packet sniffer16:15
LjLmrwes: (and use -v for verbose)16:15
moller_istvan: Can it focus on 1 app, like firefox? So it would only record packets from firefox?16:15
mrwesLjL, yah...16:15
istvanmoller_ i have not used it in quite some time, so I don't know. but give it a shot, i think it is in the repos16:15
osotogarianyone used rdesktop before?16:15
doleybmoller_: You can do that, its not like you'll have anything else eating port 80 packets16:16
xcvdoleyb: it worked in XP, but not vista...  apps that may support cam, stumbled upon by googling: aMSN, Gyachi, kopete, skype16:16
xcvas i am not familiar with these apps, i am looking for one that is known to be functional,16:16
xcvand is still being patched if/when critical vulnerabilities are discovered16:16
xcv And no, haven't specifically googled for *working* linux systems with similar hardware16:16
FloodBot3xcv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:16
moller_istvan: Aye, it is. Already messed around with it, but it looked very advanced and confusing. I'll keep on messing with it16:16
istvanthe docs are good moller_16:16
ubuntu_is_dabesthm, i got confused on setting fstab16:17
voyagiHow do I wipe a whole partition the easiest way?16:17
moller_doleyb: Well for some reason, it keeps on recording various stuff even though I'm not doing anything in firefox, which is weird.16:17
xcvoops, floodbot3 shook waved its finger at me. sorry.16:17
istvanok, afk for a while, bibi16:17
ubuntu_is_dabesthow do i set my current clamfs on to fstab16:17
jon13doeI have been scouring the froums and cannot find an answer to my issue, I'm hoping someone here can help16:18
solexiousHow do I set a custom screen resolution size in jaunty?16:18
Lintcan I run *.bat files with Wine?16:18
jon13doeI just built a new system but stole some components out of the old one16:19
jon13doemy soundcard is not being found16:19
ajahlai need help!16:19
jon13doeany ideas?16:19
moller_Lint: Try wcmd or wineconsole. Dunno if it works16:19
mrwesLjL, no output...sigh...16:19
nmpribeirois there any professional video editing software for linux?16:19
jon13doeI've installed the ALSA drivers that are needed for it and I'm getting no sound otput16:19
moller_Lint: Found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68873116:20
nmpribeirogoogle is a bit disperse with this info16:20
Mike94287I have a theme that I want to install, but it's in a .zip file. How can I install it?16:20
ajahlamy name is ajahla16:20
KiraWhat's the command to check volume free space (from bash shell)?16:20
moller_Mike94287: There's alot tutorials on the web about that, it's fairly easy, but I can't remember it all atm. So just google "ubuntu theme install"16:21
ajahlacan someone help me with my mac acct16:21
eseven73Kira, I think either sudo df -hT or sudo fdisk -l16:21
doleybKira: df16:21
Mike94287moller_: I know how to install themes, but Ubuntu can't install .zip themes. That's what I'm having trouble with16:22
nmpribeirosee ya16:22
moller_Mike94287: Then just unzip it, right click it and choose unpack.16:22
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ajahlathis is my 1st time trying to talk w someone about it16:22
ajahlaeffiie can you help me, pls16:23
ryanakcaHow would I install Kubuntu (or Ubuntu, since this is #ubuntu) in a chroot? debootstrap and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?16:24
Mike94287moller_: There's no archive in the .zip folder, it's just a directory.16:24
joshjtlhey folks, how can i find fastest ubuntu iso download mirror?16:24
Lintkubuntu-desktop is just a KDE and related apps16:24
joshjtltorrents are being slow16:25
ryanakcaLint: Yes, I know, I'm currently running Kubuntu. But I also want to install kubuntu in a chroot16:25
Drizzlex1I don't like kubuntu if you have a slow system it will crash like crazy.16:25
ajahlaplease excuse my ignorance, but i really need help16:26
mneptokajahla: what is "my Mac account?"16:26
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JohnCanei got a folder on my desktop with icons, anybody knows how i install them ?16:28
mneptokajahla: errr ...16:28
ubuntu_is_dabesthm... i can't open .exe files on mysamba share if using clamFS16:29
mneptokubuntu_is_dabest: open .exe with what? Ubuntu?16:29
solexiousajahla, What is your problem?16:29
ubuntu_is_dabestno, with windows16:30
ubuntu_is_dabestthe samba is on ubuntu16:30
mneptoksolexious: that last /quit msg from ajahla makes me think we're wasting our time16:30
ubuntu_is_dabestbut the share is opened on win32 system16:30
solexiousmneptok, aah, yes16:30
ajahlalommelfilms @ mac. com16:31
jon13doedoes anyone know anything about soundcards? I have the proper drivers installed and am not getting any output16:31
mneptokajahla: contact .Mac support for assistance in configuring you mail client.16:31
ajahlait's not that easy16:32
mneptokajahla: yes it is, because i have done it.16:32
ajahlai know what you are saying but for me it' not16:33
pierre-etienneis it an alsa card?16:33
jon13doeits a creative soundblaster live16:33
mneptokajahla: dialing a phone and asking a talking human being that works for the actual service is more difficult than asking complete strangers on IRC?16:33
jon13doeI've installed the recommended ASLA drivers16:33
ajahlayou feel me!16:33
pierre-etiennesudo alsa -force reload16:34
mneptokajahla: excuse me?16:34
ajahlai cannot get it that way16:34
pierre-etiennesearch a command with alsa force reload in a forum16:34
pierre-etiennein a console16:34
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JohnCanei got a folder on my desktop with icons, anybody knows how i install them ?16:35
CastawayzHi, I installed a fresh install of jaunty beta as a third partition - I have a partition of windows and then the partition that was intrepid upgraded to jaunty (broken) -- how do I remove the intrepid partition safely hopefully not harming the other two? (I'm always prepared and backed up but reinstalling is a paaainn)16:35
d_rugs420anyone know how to fix awn so it shows on all workspaces?16:35
mtb_sHi everybody16:35
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mtb_sSomeone can help me for the nautilus spatial mode ?16:35
MerrntHi, I just updated to 9.04 beta, and my bluetooth mouse and keyboard stopped working, Anyone know how to get them to reconnect?16:36
pierre-etienneno, sorry16:36
ajahlais there anyone who can help me, pls16:36
LintCastawayz, rm -rf /jaunty-mount-point-here ?16:36
pierre-etiennedidi you do what i told u?16:36
CastawayzLint: how can I get the terminal to output the mount points16:36
JohnCanei got a folder on my desktop with icons, anybody knows how i install them ?16:36
LintCastawayz, try "mount"16:36
CastawayzJohnCane:  Are they .debs ?16:36
pierre-etiennewhat kind of folder?16:36
CastawayzLint: Thank you16:37
clearscreenajahla: this is #ubuntu, we provide ubuntu support, how is your question in any way related?16:37
ajahlamy cousin said this would be easy,BUT???16:37
pierre-etiennealsa force reload (for the last time ever)16:37
Lintbe sure it's proper patition!16:37
AN1o_Oif i install 9.04 beta..is it easy enough to upgrade to the stable version after release?16:37
MikeHDoes anyone else find firefox/flash buggy under intrepid?16:37
ajahlai dont know what that is16:37
jon13doethanks pierre-etienne16:37
nathan7AN1o_O: Will automatically happen16:37
nathan7AN1o_O: When you update16:38
ajahlaam I in the wrong chat room16:38
mtb_sNormaly when you click on the mouse middle button nautilus close the actual window and open an other one, is it possible to invert the middle button and the left button ?16:38
JohnCaneCastawayz:  im not sure, i got a lot of folders, one of them is named by this index.theme16:38
pierre-etiennein a console type alsa-force reload16:38
clearscreenAN1o_O: if you regularly update, 9.04 beta will be 9.04 stable whenver beta is stable :P16:38
JohnCaneCastawayz:  and 5 or 6 others of them have 8x8 16x16 and son on16:38
jon13doesound is working now16:38
mneptokajahla: you have been asked to conact the support you paid for with .Mac. please do so, and stop asking about .Mac services here.16:38
AN1o_Ook thanks! :)16:38
pierre-etiennecoul you did it jon?16:38
CastawayzLint: I'm pretty sure Mount is only outputting the partition I'm on.. http://pastebin.com/m45710e6016:39
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solexious[Q] Is that my clipboard clears if the program that it was added to from closes, is this a feature or can I stop this from happening?16:39
solexiouss/Is that my/My16:40
CastawayzLint: Ohhhh mount the partition then remove16:40
kkrustyhow can I add some XRandr commands to run on startup?16:41
Mionkkrusty: depends on how you start X and what wm/de you use16:42
lanoxxhmm, i just switched from kdm to gdm since i have been using gnome for quite a while already, everything feels so much faster suddenly16:43
yvan300i am looking for a great overall converter for ubuntu16:44
Te_GekOn the gnome panel (again) I know but google hasn't found me an answer. I see where I can configure all the menus, but these three buttons, firefox, evolution and help... Where do I configure these??? My firefox button stopped working after an update16:45
jribTe_Gek: those are just launchers16:45
xcvok, assuming that the sony cam is not supported, what's the recommended course of action to proceed with testing. after all, there are millions of similar sony camcorders out there.16:45
Te_Gekwhich are configured where jrib?16:46
jribTe_Gek: right click on them.  Or right click on the panel -> add to panel for more16:46
Te_Geksorry newbright clicking them only gives execute16:46
jribTe_Gek: are you sure you are right-clicking?  not left clicking?16:47
DieseL`onHi, I'm mounting windows shares using fstab. Problem i'm getting is i dont have write permissions even though it's all setup on the windows side16:48
alzearHello. How does I install proftpd with nls support? The reason why I ask is because of the following issue.... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd/+bug/31115116:48
Te_Gekno right clicking, maybe it makes a difference that I have a edubuntu setup here. Im on the server logged in with administrator rights16:48
jribTe_Gek: hold on, let me add one...16:48
jribTe_Gek: right clicking gives me a context menu :/16:49
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Te_Gekyes but here only item in that menu is 'execute'16:49
Te_Gekis there some config file where I could find these settings?16:49
Lint DieseL`on is it because of "read-only filesystem"?16:50
jribTe_Gek: can you add a new one?16:50
DieseL`onwhere is that set Lint ?16:50
Joikusmy ubuntu keeps crashing randomly16:50
Te_Gekright clicking somewhere else in the panel you mean? No only gives me panel info or help16:50
Joikuslike right now, I was just typing in some info for pidgin, everything froze, but the cursor would still move16:50
LintDieseL`on, do you have "rw" option in fstab?16:50
Joikusearlier I was just browsing, crashed16:51
Joikusi disabled system beep16:51
LintDieseL`on, and what login you use to Windows server?16:51
eseven73xcv are you trying to convert sony's HandyCam HD files to something like .avi? If so go here and follow the first 3 steps, and ignore the title of the blog, it can be used on Linux too not just Apple products: http://www.bitboysblog.com/?tag=m2ts16:51
DieseL`onLint sorry?16:51
jribTe_Gek: right click on a blank piece of the panel, you don't get "add to panel"?16:52
Te_GekNo, someone else installed this system maybe they removed these options? I should find a config file I think no?16:52
DieseL`onLint i'm using a different login for security reasons, but it has the same permissions as my login on the folders & shares16:52
jribTe_Gek: there's no config file, this stuff is in gconf16:52
xcveseven73: Q. what to do next? sony camcorder on 64bit intrepid --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/144933/16:52
DieseL`onhttp://pastebin.com/m6c1a6071 <-- my fstab16:52
DieseL`onwell the part in question anyway16:53
Te_Gekok... you have any idea then where I could change settings (or should i google gconf, since I don't really know how that works)?16:53
ryankrizanIs there a way to make the keyring go away on bootup?16:54
mgcohello room16:54
eseven73xcv not sure, I know next to nothing about 64 bit computing, all I seen was you talking about sony handycam and figured you wanted to know about how to access it's HD files, ONCE you do figure out how to mount it, use that link I gave you16:54
LintDieseL`on, paste the line from fstab you're using to mount share16:55
DieseL`ontwo of them16:55
xcveseven73: thanks for the try, but i'm more interested in getting live streaming (webcam)16:55
eseven73oh that requires firewire I think16:55
eseven73and if you're sony handycam is like mine, it does not have firewire16:56
mgcoin need of support: hardy heron (only OS installed) on a P4, 256MB RAM machine. just found out i can no longer power up since a boot virus was detected by my bios scanner. HELP please!?16:56
xcveseven73: wish i had a firewire cable. worked in XP via usb, but not in Vista (no drivers from ms or sony)16:56
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jribTe_Gek: this is GNOME right?16:57
Toaster_Hi i have a problem with my graphic drivers... I just installed ubuntu and it asked me to activate nVidia drivers ( i have a 8500), so i did but when i restarted my computer it just won't boot the graphical interface, could anyone help me?16:57
Te_GekYeah sure gnome 2.22.216:57
xcveseven73: it has an a/v out port -- i think sony calls it 'i-link', but i'm pretty sure it's firewire16:57
LintDieseL`on, if you browse the mounted share, what permissions file have in it?16:57
itshorty@ubuntistas: irda is the infrared short range connection16:57
eseven73xcv then it's firewire, what model number is your cam?16:58
DieseL`onLint 77716:58
DieseL`onowner & group is my user16:58
xcveseven73: sony dcr-trv26016:58
Toaster_Could anyone tell me at least how to reactivate generic graphic drivers?16:59
Te_GekOK jrib, maybe I'll be back later, have to go now. WIll try to find out a little more about this gconf. Should really fix it, users of the cyberrom now have difficulty finding their webbrower :)16:59
jribTe_Gek: create a new user and see if the same thing happens16:59
Te_Gekthanks for that tip16:59
mgcowho's in-charge of anti-virus for linux here please?16:59
jribTe_Gek: read library.gnome.org admin articles on locking down preferences to see if something like that is happening16:59
LintDieseL`on, then the problem is on windows size17:00
LintDieseL`on, open mounted share in nautilus17:00
Toaster_come on could anyone help me!?17:00
swearengenLint: Would GRUB be on my first ubuntu partition or my second?17:00
swearengensecond being the latest to be instaled?17:00
J-_mgco: Can't you just boot via a Linux LiveCD, delete/ reformat the bootloader(or partition, or whole disc), then reinstall Linux?17:01
LintDieseL`on, and check opened shares on windows machine17:01
Toaster_hello? anyone!?17:01
Lintswearengen, it shall be on active partition, whatever it is17:01
DieseL`onLint do you mean mount it using nautilus?17:01
codyhulkhow do you load ubuntu from grub command line17:01
codyhulkI have set root location17:02
codyhulkwhich kernel file is executable file17:02
LintDieseL`on, no, just mount it by "mount", and then open it17:02
codyhulkthat will allow me to run ubunutu as gui?17:02
DieseL`onLint yup done that17:02
LintDieseL`on, then check on windows machine whetgher files are opened in RW mode17:02
DieseL`onLint the user has got permissions on the windows side17:04
DieseL`onfull control17:04
LintDieseL`on, check both Share and NTFS permissions17:04
CerrdorI need some help with room bots using xchat17:04
eternalHelp checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables17:04
Toaster_Hi i have a problem with my graphic drivers... I just installed ubuntu and it asked me to activate nVidia drivers ( i have a 8500), so i did but when i restarted my computer it just won't boot the graphical interface, could anyone help me?17:04
DreamgliderHow do i tell Ubuntu to not use graphical login screen , login in from therminal17:05
xlqeternal: look at configure.log and see why not17:05
jribDreamglider: system -> administration -> services17:05
xlqDreamglider: edit /etc/inittab and set the default runlevel to the nongraphical one17:05
jribxlq: runlevels 2-5 are identical on ubuntu17:05
xlqjrib: oh17:05
jrib(and there's no /etc/inittab by default)17:06
eternalxlq: Um ye i got it open and there is a huge printout17:06
xlqeternal: well, the information should be somewhere in there - probably near the bottom17:06
caphjoin #mitsii17:07
eternalxlq:  like configure: exit 7717:07
YixilTesiphonstupid question: how do I find out what my wireless card is within ubuntu 9.04?17:07
emmaYixilTesiphon: try iwconfig ?17:07
YixilTesiphonI know it is some kind of atheros, which is a whole other problem, but obviously I need to find out waht it is before researching17:07
xlqeternal: alternatively, try compiling a simple 'hello world' program yourself.17:07
YixilTesiphonemma: give sme "no wireless extensions"17:07
YixilTesiphonit has already suggested using the madwifi driver, though, so I know it can find the wireless card17:08
DieseL`onLint indeed have done, all is good17:08
SnoFoxHey, where are the config files that control shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+L, media keys, etc?17:08
emmaYixilTesiphon: hm, sorry , I thought that might have that info. I don't know then.17:08
CerrdorYixilTesiphon, open the terminal and type ls pci17:08
temp01can anyone recommend a program for editing menu.lst on windows?17:09
Matty265Hi, does somebody know if the Plantronics GameCom 777 works under Ubuntu? Need Help!17:09
Toaster_Hi i have a problem with my graphic drivers... I just installed ubuntu and it asked me to activate nVidia drivers ( i have a 8500), so i did but when i restarted my computer it just won't boot the graphical interface, could anyone help me?17:09
Cerrdortemp01, notepad17:09
xcveseven73: many search results suggest using firewire (though i was able to use as video capture / webcam via usb in XP -- of course with sony software installed), but one page suggests workaround of using a cable that came with the cam for connecting to vcr (red, white audio, and yellow vid rca jacks) to a video capture device. i do have a usb video capture device, not sure if supported in ubuntu --> http://www.lumanate.com/aspx/sptwaveatsc17:09
xlqYixilTesiphon: Cerrador meant lspci - one word17:09
bjarkeftemp01: wordpad will show linebreaks correctly.17:09
FloodBot3xcv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:09
temp01err, not what i meant17:10
Toaster_Hi i have a problem with my graphic drivers... I just installed ubuntu and it asked me to activate nVidia drivers ( i have a 8500), so i did but when i restarted my computer it just boot on the command line, could anyone help me?17:10
temp01i want a program with menu, editing options etc.17:10
xlqlol, that wasn't flooding17:10
temp01so that i dont have to edit it manually17:10
Toaster_come on anyone can help me!?17:10
Toaster_i jsut want to reactivate generic graphic drivers17:10
Cerrdortemp01, sorry I have no clue what your needing17:10
xlqToaster_: uninstall the nvidia drivers17:11
aarHi, If I suspect I have some corrupt files in a large data dvd but I wasn't sure, what application could I use to check the disc's integrity?17:11
Toaster_yes and how?17:11
mgco@J-_ can't do that i have my files on this machine, knowing that linux doesn't get virus infections. now i'm truly disappointed since i've tried to convince others to go "Ubuntu" as well...17:11
Matty265Hi, does somebody know if the Plantronics GameCom 777 works under Ubuntu? Need Help!17:11
Avinashhow can i connect to irc.freenode.net17:11
xlqToaster_: run "sudo aptitude"17:11
eseven73xcv yeah but I don't think using regular a/v cords will allow you to stream from your handycam like firewire would. Although I'm not an audio/vidio guru so I could be wrong17:11
YixilTesiphonlspci worked, thanks xlq17:11
xlqToaster_: search for the nVidia driver that's installed, and remove it17:11
temp01Cerrdor: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/qgrubeditor-linux-unix-grub-gui-editor.png << but something that runs on windows17:11
xcveseven73: i'm inclined to agree with that assumption17:11
DreamgliderAvinash, /server irc.freenode.net17:11
xlq(press - to mark the package for removal and gg to actually remove it)17:12
Cerrdortemp01, why not run VMware?17:12
Toaster_okay thanks ill try that!17:12
Matty265Does somebody know if the Plantronics GameCom 777 works under Ubuntu? Need Help!17:12
RickZillaI've been using ubuntu on a partitioned drive on my laptop, and now I'm ready to completely erase windows and use ubuntu full time.  Is there a way I can back up all of the changes, files, etc...before I reinstall ubuntu?  I'd like to not have to do all of that by hand again.  Thanks in advance for your help.17:13
temp01cerrdor: running a full linux distro just for one simple menu editor is kinda too much17:13
eternalxlq: http://pastebin.com/d47773a28 I found the lines it excecutes and took that function17:13
emmaYixilTesiphon: Try this, sudo lshw | less17:13
aarRickZilla, use a livecd to access your unmounted partitions and use rsync to copy them to an external drive17:14
Cerrdortemp01, you do realize your in a Linux room not a windows room looking for linux programs on windows correct?17:14
emmaYixilTesiphon: oh looks like you go it already.17:14
archmanWill 9.04 come with a xfce4.6 available in reps?17:14
Matty265Does somebody know if the Plantronics GameCom 777 works under Ubuntu? Need Help!17:14
aarRickZilla, make sure the partitions are unmounted, so everything is copied correctly (and you can exclude the /dev directory from the copy)17:14
temp01Cerrdor: well, menu.lst is a grub file used on linux.. maybe there's a cross-platform menu editor?17:14
Frxstremhas 9.04 been released yet?17:14
Cerrdorask in the windows room17:14
archmanFrxstrem, just beta17:15
Cerrdorthis is for ubuntu specific questions17:15
eseven73I'm trying to add my external hdd to fstab, should I just use defaults for the "options" field? for read/write access or should I add more to that?17:15
Frxstremok, any ideas when the stable will come?17:15
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:15
aarHi, If I suspect I have some corrupt files in a large data dvd but I wasn't sure, what application could I use to check the disc's integrity?17:15
archman!jaunty | Frxstrem17:15
ubottuFrxstrem: please see above17:15
temp01Cerrdor: alright, thanks :)17:15
=== Traitor is now known as Trait0r
ubuntu_is_dabesthow do i restart clamd daemon after changing configuration file of clamd?17:15
Frxstremok, thanks :D17:16
bjarkefaar: do you have some kind of checksum of the dvd, or do you have the original image the dvd was created from?17:16
aarbjarkef, no, it's just a bunch of downloaded mp3 files17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clamd17:16
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.17:16
rkaiser_ufrjjust testing this17:16
aareseven73, this is what i've got for my external drive (fat32 format): /dev/sda5       /media/fat32   vfat   auto,users,umask=000,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850   1   017:17
enndyI need help.. I have audio problem with my laptop hp pavilion dv600017:17
ghanghi,i face a probelm, i install too much library then sudenly my debian cannot connect to internet, i guess i need to reconfigure my networkcard or reinstall network card , how can i do that ?17:17
Matty265Does somebody know if the Plantronics GameCom 777 works under Ubuntu? Need Help!17:17
jelly12genenndy: what problem17:17
DieseL`onhttp://pastebin.com/m6c1a6071 <<-- I can't write to these mounts, Windows user has read/write permissions, what is missing?17:17
bjarkefaar: Then you don't have anything to check the dvds integrity with. You could check every fild on the disk if you have the files somewhere else?17:17
oCean_!askthebot > rkaiser_ufrj17:17
ubotturkaiser_ufrj, please see my private message17:17
emmaghang: you should ask about that in #debian. This is #ubuntu for ubuntu support.17:17
eseven73aar ok ty17:18
aarbjarkef, nope I haven't got a copy of the original file. I was thinking more along the lines of something that would check eacg file and give an output if it was found to be corrupt.17:18
ghangemma , no answer in debian channel17:18
jelly12genenndy: what problem17:18
xlqeternal: let's check the simple things first: http://rafb.net/p/J4UtWH24.html17:19
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:19
xlqeternal: does that work?17:19
ghang:-(well emma i think a network install probelm ubuntu and debian was same ??   maybe i am wrong17:19
dcamp25totem crashes when I play a mp3 any ideas17:19
CerrdorMatty265, you still there?,17:19
n8tuserfwho has run an AP with plenty of users accessing the AP?  how many users max have you observed connecting to you? and at what speed they average at?17:20
xlqdcamp25: I'm not very familiar with totem, but you could try other media players such as xine, vlc, mplayer if you want17:20
bjarkefaar: So running each file trough an mp3 decoder and check if there is any errors. Could properly be done, I don't know of any application that does that though, sorry.17:20
dcamp25xlq  they do the same vlc crashes also17:20
aarbjarkef, ok np17:20
xlqdcamp25: Really? that's strange!17:20
popplermmh why does "uname -a" report 2.6.27-generic?? Did I get the wrong install CD? I meant to have i38617:21
Linti386 and i686 are not in Ubuntu17:21
leprkhni386 is about as generic as it gets17:21
eternal./foo.c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('17:21
eternal./foo.c: line 1: `int main(int argc, char **argv)'17:21
Matty265@ Cerrdor, sry i was AFK17:21
RickZillaaar:  Is that for backing up the Windows files?  I've already done that.  I'd like to just back up the changes, etc... from this current ubuntu install17:21
xcvn8userf: plenty of users is subjective... you talking tens, hundreds, thousands?17:22
CerrdorMatty265, np do you already have the headset?17:22
eternali am a noob though i just placed in file and ran it like ./foo.c17:22
Linteternal, pastebin all the text17:22
eternalthat is all the text17:22
xlqeternal: no, read my paste :)17:22
Matty265no, im about to buy it17:22
Cerrdorok might want to hold off17:22
maxagazwhy the stupid command "ls | printf" doesn't work ?17:23
amon__anything broken right now or is it safe to restart for me17:23
jribmaxagaz: what do you want to do exactly?17:23
xlqmaxagaz: because it's a stupid command17:23
Cerrdorunless you contact plantronics and get the drivers17:23
incorrecthas anyone here used openoffice base with mysql?17:23
xlqmaxagaz: printf doesn't read from its input17:23
xlqincorrect: yes17:23
guma_algem do brail ai17:23
aarRickZilla, rsync would be great for that as well. It is incremental, which means it doesn't waste time copying files that haven't changed, as long as you select the same destination when creating the backup-17:23
Matty265but it works with the drivers?17:23
eternalxlq it worked lol17:23
incorrectxlq, i did it work for you?17:23
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to restart a daemon such as clamd ?17:23
Cerrdorincorrect, yeah but its been a while17:24
bjarkefaar: I just found "mp3check", seems to do exactly what you want?17:24
eternalit was foo then it went to foo.c17:24
xlqubuntu_is_dabest: probably /etc/init.d/clamd restart17:24
RickZillaaar:  Thanks for the help, I'll google it to see where to go from there.17:24
aarbjarkef, great -- i'll check it out17:24
aarRickZilla, np17:24
xlqincorrect: yes17:24
SvenVanBrohas anyone seen sebsebseb lately?17:24
xlqincorrect: although I haven't used mysql for a while now17:24
incorrectstupid openoffice not telling me what the problem is17:24
Matty265Cerrdor, does it work with the drivers?17:24
xlqeternal: right, so I'm not sure what the problem is :(17:24
xlqeternal: what package are you trying to build?17:25
maxagazxlq, jrib : i need to do a grep of foo in a text file, set a counter, and color strings matching 'bar'17:25
incorrectxlq, what is your db of choice now?17:25
xlqincorrect: postgresql17:25
eternalxlq: eggdrop for ircbot17:25
incorrectxlq, is replication still slony?17:25
BCampbellprogram recommendations please - something to replace Pan for usenet and Amarok for music stuff17:25
CerrdorI dont see any write ups about it but if you wanna go for it and test drive it be my guest17:25
maxagazxlq, jrib : using bash17:25
xlqincorrect: I don't use large-scale databases, so I don't really know ;)17:25
xlqBCampbell: Why, what's wrong with pan and amarok?17:26
ubuntu_is_dabestit doesn't work, i ls on /etc/init.d i find clamav-daemon17:26
xcvn8tuserf: plenty of users is subjective... you talking tens, hundreds, thousands?17:26
mgcoi guess the !ubuntu community does not give importance to security issues17:26
ubuntu_is_dabestbut i can't /etc/init.d/clamav-daemon restart17:26
jribmgco: do you have an actual question?17:26
CanSum1HelpI've got an ethernet card with a chip on it labeled RLT8139D... will this work in Ubuntu 8.10?  I had trouble with it back in the dapper days17:26
xlqubuntu_is_dabest: stick sudo on the front of it17:26
jribmaxagaz: try #bash17:26
BCampbellxlq, amarok seems to choke on load, 35K+ mp3s in collection, Pan seems to time out on me all the time17:26
xlqBCampbell: I see.17:27
n8tuserfxcv am requesting info on who has run a single AP in community like a library or bistro? how many users connected maximum?17:27
xlqBCampbell: not sure about newsreaders; also not sure on your requirements for a media player either. Maybe xmss suits you?17:27
ubuntu_is_dabestxlq: i did17:28
xlqubuntu_is_dabest: what happened?17:28
Lintis there a channel for programming in Linux?17:28
BCampbellxlq, I'll look into the xmss thanks17:28
CanSum1HelpLint: there are lots17:28
CanSum1Helptry by the language17:28
CanSum1Helplike #python17:28
xlqBCampbell: xmms17:29
xcvn8tuserf: while there may be someone here who has experience with that, this probably isn't the proper forum as that's not an ubuntu related issue... i'd recommend deciding max users you want to support and then implement a solution rated for that kind of traffic...17:29
* Cerrdor looks into xmas17:29
jee-kangcan anyone help me17:29
ubuntu_is_dabestahhh by sudo service clamav-daemon restart worx17:29
archmanAnyone running xfce 4.6 on intrepid?17:29
BCampbellxlq, thanks for the correction...17:29
Cerrdorarchman, yupp17:30
xlqBCampbell: it was my typo :)17:30
n8tuserfxcv i didnt expect much really, am just taking a quick sampling of has and may shed some light on their experience running one17:30
archmanCerrdor, really? via ppa?17:30
xlqeternal: does your build directory have sufficient permissions?17:30
Cerrdorarchman, via xubuntu desktop17:31
xcvnttuserf: most consumer grade APs don't have a large enough buffer to handle dozens of users gracefully. you'd probably want to look at cisco air solution or similar for supporting dozens of users concurrently17:31
jee-kangANYONE CAN HELP?17:31
aarjee-kang, just ask your question (no need to ask whether you can ask)17:31
jee-kangcant make powertop changes permanent, somebody have an idea?17:31
archmanCerrdor, hmm...I've switched to xfce by installing xfce4 package (and deps). So I need to remove it and install xubuntu-desktop?17:31
jee-kangthanks aar17:31
urthmoverIs it possible to do a Jaunty upgrade entirely from the command line?17:32
Cerrdorarchman, let me investigate17:32
jee-kangam using ubuntu 8.10 on T4317:32
mgco@jrib i need to rid this boot virus that i found out just now. has anyone else experienced this?17:32
jriburthmover: yes, but use #ubuntu+1 for jaunty questions17:32
kc8pxyhey guys, I'm trying to use approx/squid for a transparent proxy for updates and netboot installs.  i have it working (FINALLY) for updates,   but it seems that some things are still not being caught and cached.    am i simply missing some URL's for approx to cache?17:32
urthmoverok jrib thanks17:32
xcvn8tuserf: most consumer grade APs don't have a large enough buffer to handle dozens of users gracefully. you'd probably want to look at cisco air solution or similar for supporting dozens of users concurrently17:32
aarjee-kang, hasve you tried the manual? man powertop ?17:32
archmanCerrdor, hmm...but I don't want all bunch of crap it gives as dependency :-/17:32
Cerrdorarchman, follow this link http://jeromeg.blog.free.fr/index.php?post/2009/03/04/Installing-Xfce-4.6-on-Ubuntu-8.04-and-Ubuntu-8.1017:33
n8tuserfxcv you yourself running or administering one of these AP? whats the max users you observed and what average speed?17:33
jribmgco: erm, reinstall grub on it?17:33
archmanCerrdor, this is what you followed? I already tried it, and all I got was a black screen..17:34
jribmgco: actually, just wipe the drive17:34
coolmadmaxi have crossover LAN connections ubuntu 8.04 system and Laptop fedora 10 set manual y ip address and with getaway and still  i could not connect to each other.A mean they find network but when i try to connect to server(one of ip addresses of them) i couldn't to connect?Anyone know how to establish connection between ...17:34
Cerrdordoes anyone in here have scripting abilities?17:34
mgcojrib: if you reinstall grub, does that preserve my files?17:34
jribCerrdor: just ask your question17:34
jee-kangaar yep tried but nothings that helps me there...17:34
aarjee-kang, what options are you trying to save?17:34
n8tuserfcoolmadmax -> make each other their default gw17:34
Cerrdorjrib I need help with my googlebot for my room you have any exp with it17:34
rehpicis there a tut anywhere to setup NTFS use?17:35
lighttitanWhen I try to install msxml3 with winetricks I get the following output http://pastebin.com/m71f61067 and then a window pops up that says "Incorrect command line parameters. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?17:35
jribCerrdor: no.  How is that related to ubuntu?17:35
n8tuserfcoolmadmax -> and not a
mgcojrib: actually i'm on a borrowed computer now just to ask the community for help. and i have important files on disk17:35
xlqrehpic: what sort of "NTFS use"?17:35
rehpicmy external drive is NTFS17:35
xlqrehpic: just mount it17:35
eternalxlq:  Sorry it had a version in synaptic and it is now running :) ty for help17:35
rehpicit has all my music and such on it17:35
jribmgco: so mount the disc using a live cd and grab your important files17:35
rehpicit failed =/17:35
xlqeternal: ok np17:35
xlqrehpic: what was the error message?17:35
Cerrdorjrib cause im running ubuntu I already did it in winblows and had no issues so its a linux specific issue i need help with17:35
coolmadmaxwhat to use?17:35
rehpic1 sec, ill replicate17:36
krishnanhow can i install ubuntu hardy over the network?17:36
xcvn8tuserf: ah, i've only dabbled and had some 2nd hand experience. i just know that if i wanted to do it, i'd have to look at commercial equipment, like the ones used at hotels that offer free wifi, starbucks, etc. -- got to be mindful to isolate the clients from each other to keep the users safe from the script kiddies17:36
jee-kangaar options like USB, CD ROm polling etc?17:36
jribCerrdor: then be more specific about what is wrong17:36
CanSum1HelpI've got an ethernet card with a chip on it labeled RLT8139D... will this work in Ubuntu 8.10?  I had trouble with it back in the dapper days17:36
archmanCerrdor, this is what you followed? I already tried it, and all I got was a black screen..17:36
jrib!install | krishnan17:36
ubottukrishnan: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate17:36
Cerrdorjrib the bot loads as a script but doesnt respond to commands17:36
=== spass_ is now known as spass
mgcojrib: i've tried that beforel, but no one has answered me (via chat 3mos ago) why Ubuntu wouldn't allow me to do that with my Lacie external drive17:36
jribCerrdor: not specific enough...17:36
krishnanjrib: did nt get u17:36
jribkrishnan: see ubottu's message17:37
Cerrdorarchman, I cant help you you want xfce without all the extra "junk" I installed xfce with my xubuntu desktop17:37
archmanCerrdor, ok, tnx17:37
jribmgco: well are you in a position now where you can try to mount the drive on ubuntu?17:37
krishnanjrib: ok thank u17:37
rehpicxlq, I cant get the same message, just now it mounts and says I dont have permissions to view its root folder17:37
aarjee-kang, apparently there is no straightforward way of saving the options. See comments on page http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/06/19/extend-your-battery-life-with-powertop/17:37
n8tuserfxcv okay, thanks for the feedback.17:37
mgcojrib: thanks for your time, will try this now.17:37
codyhulkhey can somebody help me to load gui from grub17:38
archmanjrib, who knows when will the xfce 4.6 be available for intrepid? Who is packaging it?17:38
Cerrdoris there a bot room on ubuntu servers or a scripting room?17:38
jribarchman: no idea17:39
mgcoanyhow, has anyone experienced viral infections (boot sector) with hardy heron? [i don't use dual boot, meaning i have Linux as my only OS]17:39
mrwesLooking for help in configuring my incrontab to run clamdscan when a file is modified and/or created17:39
Cerrdormcgo no cant say I have17:39
mrwes /media/external IN_CREATE IN_MODIFY clamscan -av $@/$# $%17:39
aarjee-kang, you might consider scripting your options and running the script instead of the executable? (i haven't used powertop, so i'm not sure whether this is in fact viable)17:39
jribCerrdor: these aren't ubuntu servers, you're on freenode.  There are plenty of scripting rooms.  Usually #name_of_language17:39
rehpicdamn ronaldo to hell17:40
rehpicoops, wrong channel, sorry17:40
xlqCerrdor: just make your own channel17:41
Cerrdorjrib, thanks17:41
krishnanis it possible to host a website on a desktop running hardy desktop edition and still doing other tasks in the front end?17:41
jee-kangaar thanks but that far to complicated for me.. actually i wannted to log in myself as absolutebeginner17:41
rehpicxlq, how can I set my external to get mounted as root?17:41
aarmgco, never heard of any cases with linux17:41
xlqkrishnan: of course17:41
krishnanxlq: thank you17:41
hkaisi have troubles with java/eclipse under ubuntu x6417:41
hkaisit reports, that i have to many files open?!!?17:42
krishnanxlq: can u suggest a way to install ubuntu hardy with out a CDROM. i read the docs but they are confusing17:42
hkaishow many files do you have open (sudo lsof|wc -l)17:42
aarjee-kang, another option is not to switch the PC off, but to hibernate (leaving powertop running), so each time you resume the system, the software will carry on running with the options you had before closong down.17:42
jadams_I'd like to read my mail from a POP server locally using alpine.  Can someone explain how I do this?  Basically, I want to pull the mail from my POP to my local machine, right?17:42
jadams_I've only really ever used GUI mail clients, but I hate them all17:43
nilloHow do I name a workspace?  Used to be able to do it, can't now.17:43
xlqkrishnan: well it's a bit difficult without an existing Linux installation. You'll have to boot off another medium, such as a floppy disk, usb stick or from a network (modern BIOSes only)17:43
sfalangafI have a support issue regarding sound.  Is this a good place to ask?17:43
xlqnillo: what window manager?17:43
nilloxlq: whatever the default is for Ubuntu 8.1017:44
jee-kangaar the hybernating stopped working awhile ago.. it says not enough memory..it did before.. anyways thanks man17:44
=== Lint is now known as Lint01
mgcoaar: same here. up until now. that's why i'm asking. and of course linux's reputation on the line -- i've tried convincing my friends to switch to ubuntu since i've left windoze last year, and now ubuntu itself is easily infected without a solution at hand??? not good, not good at all.17:44
krishnanxlq: wat do u think about the ubuntu 9.04?17:44
sfalangafI have an  HP HDX9000 running Ubuntu 8.10 and EVERYTHING works except sound.  The controls all show sound on but not a peep.  Can anyone assist?17:44
aarmgco, what is the infection? what did you use to detect it?17:45
xlqsfalangaf: does your mixer show the correct device name?17:45
incorrectwhat other sql design tools are there?  other than vi17:45
thiebaudesfalangaf: is the volumn turned up17:45
sfalangafthie: yes17:45
sfalangafxlq: the mixer shows several device names17:46
xlqsfalangaf: does sound work on another distro or operating system?17:46
sfalangafYes, Vista17:46
thiebaudesfalangaf: is your sound card seclected17:46
sfalangafxlq: yes vista17:46
aarjee-kang, that sounds like you're trying to hybernate to RAM without having a swap partition.17:46
xlqsfalangaf: make sure you're playing through the correct device17:46
sfalangafthie: yes17:46
mgcoaar: the infection was detected by bios (tvac something... trendmicro)17:46
sfalangafxlq, Thie: hang on I'll capture the lspci output17:47
jee-kangaar do you know how to make a swap partition?17:47
aarmgco, bios is a small bit of software used to boot your machine. it cannot detect an infection by itself.17:47
sfalangafThere are several "sound cards" on this thing apparently.17:47
jee-kangor not hybernate to ram?17:47
Briandb1222Help anyone. My mouse disappears when I hover it over the Wine app.17:47
thiebaudesfalangaf: which sound card do you use17:47
sfalangafWhat's the name of that site where you cut'npaste stuff so you don't DOS the channel?17:48
maxagazhow to color in red the string 'foo' in a text taken from a pipe ?17:48
aarjee-kang, http://lissot.net/partition/partition-08.html17:48
sfalangafthie: dunno17:48
jribmaxagaz: http://www.termsys.demon.co.uk/vtansi.htm#colors17:48
xlqsfalangaf: pastebins17:48
xlqsfalangaf: the topic suggests paste.ubuntu.com17:49
jee-kangaar are you using U 9.04?17:49
aarjee-kang, no17:49
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
jee-kangaar 8.10?17:49
sfalangafThanks xlq17:49
nikitisi have the dell modified ubuntu  for the dell mini 9.  8.04.  will it screw up things if I were to upgrade?17:49
sfalangafgoing there now.17:50
aarjee-kang, why do you ask? it shouldn't make a difference when creating a swap space17:50
jee-kangjust wondering if its worth updating... since you seem to know a lot..17:50
Briandb1222Help anyone. My mouse disappears when I hover it over the Wine app. Any ideas how I can fix it?17:50
jee-kangthanx anyway17:50
m1dlghow do i change the owner of all drives in /media/?? ?17:50
mgcoaar: bios or cmos, it's what runs before grub shows17:50
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:51
aarjee-kang, sorry, can't help you there. :)17:51
ktebitis there a way to check to see the date a partition was formatted or created?17:51
jee-kangaar do i need a swap? can't I just hybernate normally on hd?17:51
sfalangafxlq, thie: there are TWO audio devices17:51
thiebaudesfalangaf: #717:51
ktebithow to put it back?17:51
ktebiti always turn off hiding "special" files17:51
sfalangafThis b*(*h has 5.1, ugh17:51
aarmgco, correct, and it is impossible to detect an infection using your bios. what i was wondering is: what is the name of the virus you say you have? what antivirus software did you use to detect it? and when did you become aware you had it?17:52
sfalangafthie: check out #24 too though.17:52
b4ckb0nehi! is there a program that reads a logfile while it is changing?(server log)17:52
Briandb1222Help anyone.17:52
Briandb1222b0ne: use the terminal17:52
joao /join #ubuntu-es17:52
ktebit ntfs17:53
ktebitis there a way to check to see the date a partition was formatted or created?17:53
thiebaudesfalangaf: but which one is your main sound card17:53
sfalangafthiebaude: check out #24 too17:53
ktebithow can I turn off hidden files????17:53
sfalangafthiebaude: is there any way to tell?17:53
aarjee-kang, in order to hybernate to RAM you normally need a swap space, so the system has enough space to save an image file it can read when resuming. the error message "not enough space" when hybernating is usually a symptom that you don't have enough memory to save that image file (which can often be solved by creatin / increasing the swap space).17:53
m1dlghow do i change the owner of all drives in /media/?? ? or better still how do I make my user ID default admin of mount, umount, propertys etc17:53
b4ckb0neBriandb1222: what do i have to type?17:53
thiebaudesfalangaf: intel17:53
rookiehwmb4ckb0ne: tail -f /location/of/logfile17:54
jee-kangaar understand...thankx17:54
PerryArmstrongis it safe to upgrade to jaunty17:54
thiebaudesfalangaf: you have an intel onboard sound card17:54
sfalangafthiebaude: I'll paste my lsmod output if you think that'd help.17:54
aarjee-kang, np17:54
JarG0nMy titlebars in Intrepid don't always draw the brown color correctly, and end up half white most of the time.  Any suggestions to the cause?17:54
sfalangafthiebaude: it looks like all the modules I should need are loaded.17:54
sfalangafthiebaude: one sec17:54
ktebitYOU  you can toggle "hidden" files from being shown ????17:55
Heerois it save to use 9.04?17:55
eseven73PerryArmstrong, upgrades are generally bad, especially with betas, it's better to do a reinstall, but back up all your data first if you do17:55
m1dlghow do I make my user ID default admin of mount, umount, propertys etc read write etc17:55
aarktebit, in console, use the option -a to show all files (e.g. ls -a). that will show hidden files as well.17:55
sfalangafthiebaude: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145022/17:55
Abueleitorhi all17:56
Abueleitorcan someone help me?17:56
aarAbueleitor, dispara17:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:56
Abueleitortengo un usb wireless17:56
thiebaudesfalangaf: didn't see anything unusual17:56
aarAbueleitor, in english :) (perdón)17:56
sfalangaftheibaude: me neither!17:57
Abueleitory veo las redes  pero no puedo conectar17:57
PerryArmstrongeseven73; i have 8.10 and it didnt get my screen resolutions right...so someone suggested to get jaunty...and i dont have the jaunty cd...all i can do is upgrade from the internet and i have backed my data also...whats your point of view??17:57
sfalangaftheibaude: the sound just doesn't work!  It's not muted, it's up plenty loud.17:57
rehpicoh bah17:57
rehpicmy damn printer wont work17:57
aarAbueleitor, you need to specify the network name and password (if using encryption)17:57
thiebaudesfalangaf: go into sound properties and select intel17:57
sfalangafthiebaude: okay17:57
Krine11I have a error when i install gfire17:57
abchirkwhat was the command to show the UID's?17:57
Abueleitori have an usb wireless card. i can see the networks but i cannot connect17:57
Krine11it says Error: wrong artchitecture 'amd64'17:58
nilloxlq: did you figure out how I can change my workspace naming?17:58
aarAbueleitor, th syntax is: sudo iwconfig essid NOMBRE17:58
Abueleitori tried that way, but nothing happened17:58
aarAbueleitor, the syntax is for the password : sudo iwconfig key PASSWORD17:58
MionKrine11: get a 64bit version of gfire17:58
aarAbueleitor, have you tried sudo dhclient ?17:58
Krine11it will work than?17:58
sfalangafthiebaude: there are 9 choices17:58
sfalangafthiebaude: there are 4 intel choices17:59
Mionaar: that's only for wep17:59
thiebaudesfalangaf: sound preferences>devices>test17:59
aarMion, what is only for wep?17:59
Abueleitori mean,  its not a configuration problem, cos i have a open network and cannot connect. I have dchp enabled too.17:59
Krine11Mion, Thanks so much also does this mean i have a 64 bit verson of linux?17:59
Mionaar: iwconfig key s:whatever17:59
aarMion, yes18:00
Mionyou need wpa_supplicant for wpa18:00
mgcoaar: i'm getting a different message now: to boot from another floppy disk, replace the infected..... gibberish18:00
aarAbueleitor, what is the output of dhclient?18:00
LevandiaMy Java is ridiculously slow. Any suggestions?18:00
mgcoaar: trendmicro from the cmos startup18:00
thiebaudesfalangaf: system>preferences>sound18:00
Abueleitorhow i get that? command, please :D18:01
toomuchespressodoes anyone know how to restart the volume control?18:01
rehpiccan anyone tell me where I should be able to find the 2 packages talked about here? https://wiki.edubuntu.org/BrotherDriverPackaging18:01
sbasuitaAnybody know any tools for recovering a fat16 filesyste?18:01
toomuchespressoI had to close it with a killall pulseaudio and now I can't restart it18:01
coolzcan i create wireless bridge with my laptop ubuntu 8.1018:01
alexmhsohi i have a quick problem. I can not find where ubuntu will automatically mount my ipod. If needed to know, I'm trying to install rockbox but it needs my mount point.18:01
sfalangafthiebaude: I've tried all of them now including both the analog and digital Intel and the sound test plays nothing.18:01
LevandiaMy Java is ridiculously slow. Any suggestions?18:01
Krine11Hi i downloaded gfire the 64 bit deb file but still recive the error18:01
Krine11error : wrong architecture 'amd64'18:01
thiebaudesfalangaf: is there an autodetect feature18:02
sfalangafthiebaude:  the analog ones fail with an error but the digital options make the sound thingy with visual but NO SOUND18:02
backb0nerookiehwm: thx18:02
Manny2218Hey, another question.  On the installer if i choose "use largest continuous free space" will it install in unallocated space?18:02
sfalangafthiebaude: yes, I've tried the auto detect one too.  Nothing.18:02
thiebaudesfalangaf: im running out of ideas18:02
sfalangafthiebaude: I've scoured the net looking for solution(s) and others are having this problem with older HDX laptops.18:03
aarmgco, i've never come across anything of the sort (and I still can't quite understand how your PC can detect an infection even before botting into a system). anyway, if you're really concerned, wipe the hard drive and start from scratch. you might want to get someone to have a look at it first though (in case it can be saved).18:03
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thiebaudesfalangaf: did you have the sound issue before?18:03
MionKrine11: uname -m18:03
toomuchespressorehpic: you can find them in the synaptic package manager18:03
PerryArmstrongwhats everybodys opinion of upgrading to jaunty now??18:03
sfalangafNo, just installed Ubuntu for the first time.18:03
rockois there a disk space monitor for gnome panel?18:03
MionPerryArmstrong: do it18:03
LevandiaPerryArmstrong: don't do it with an Intel graphics card.18:03
xbisontHi! where can I get some help with the Jaunty beta?18:03
Krine11mion what ddi you say?18:03
WebcamWonderPerryArmstrong: Hold off, it is still in beta18:03
dorihi, I installed kubuntu-desktop through apt-get, and it pulled in all the dependencies, however now that I want remove it, apt-get remove doesn't uninstall the dependencies, is there another command to do that?18:03
rehpictoomuchespresso, I just tried to apt get them and it failed18:03
thiebaudePerryArmstrong: i did, but i have problems18:03
Krine11how do i unname m18:03
alexmhsohi i have a quick problem. I can not find where ubuntu will automatically mount my ipod. If needed to know, I'm trying to install rockbox but it needs my mount point.18:03
sfalangafthiebuade: just installed Ubuntu for the first time on this hardware.18:03
WebcamWonder!jaunty | xbisont18:03
ubottuxbisont: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:03
aarAbueleitor, the command is sudo dhclient (it asks the server to assign you an IP address, which you need to get connected).18:03
MionKrine11: open a termina, write `uname -m` press enter18:03
Manny2218does any one know the answer?18:04
Abueleitorok thx18:04
sfalangafthiebuade: is there an "official" support channel for this sort of thing?18:04
MionManny2218: yes18:04
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Manny2218it will? thanks18:04
sfalangafCan I /pay/ for support from Connonical?18:04
Krine11ok it says i68618:04
MionManny2218: that's what it says it will18:04
mgcoaar: i guess it's called "boot virus detection" on one's cmos18:04
MionKrine11: then you need the 32bit version18:04
PerryArmstrongMion, Levandia, WebcamWonder, thiebaude, i upgraded to intrepid the other day and i have intel graphics card and still now afterlots of effort i couldn't get my displays right18:04
coolzanyone has experience setting up wireless bridge with laptop Ubuntu 8.1018:05
Krine11can you give me a link for the 32 bit version?18:05
Manny2218alright, cause i have 40gb of unallocated space on one of the hard drives and i wanna install it there18:05
chian_xi_seoi'm using ubuntu 9.04 beta on a vaio laptop and i have problems with intel video card (its slow....) any idea  ?18:05
sfalangafthiebaude: you still there?18:05
JarG0nMy titlebars in Intrepid don't always draw the brown color correctly, and end up half white most of the time.  Any suggestions to the cause?18:05
MionKrine11: it's 'comming soon'18:05
aarmgco, bot virus detection is a misnomer. will just stop anything writing to the boot sector, virus or not. It's not a virus scanner in reality.18:05
thiebaudePerryArmstrong: yea, i can only use 2.6.24-24 generic kernel on 9.0418:05
Krine11ok, how about downloading a older version?18:05
LevandiaPerryArmstrong: DON'T go to Jaunty until it is released then.18:05
thiebaudeyup still here18:05
LevandiaYour Intel graphics will make you cry.18:05
MionKrine11: see if you can find a 3.rd party .deb of 0.818:05
PerryArmstrongLevandia; its come at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta18:06
thiebaudesfalangaf: im not sure how to fix your sound issue18:06
LevandiaPerryArmstrong: it's not released yet.18:06
bigo72hi guys, how to disable ipv6 in 9.04?18:06
rockois there a disk space monitor for gnome panel?18:06
MionKrine11: or build your own .deb from source18:06
LevandiaBeta does not mean released, PerryArmstrong.18:06
nilloDoes anyone know how to rename a workspace?  I used to be able to do it, but can't now.18:06
sfalangafthiebaude: thanks for the help.  Do you think the 32 bit version might be worth a try?18:06
Mionrocko: #gnome18:06
thiebaudePerryArmstrong: and i have the intel 81518:06
m1dlghow to I have my user permissons restored to default18:06
PerryArmstrongLevandia; so if i wait will it be sure that they'll fix for intel also??18:06
thiebaudesfalangaf: try and see18:06
sfalangafthiebaude:I hate running 32bit on a 64bit machine but......18:06
melkartis the automatic daily-live cd image generation turned off during weekend?18:06
LevandiaPerryArmstrong: you can't be sure but it'll be a higher probability.18:07
chian_xi_seoso any idea about intel gma slow performance on ubuntu 9.04 ?18:07
LevandiaI do.18:07
LevandiaJoin #ubuntu+1.18:07
LevandiaThe drivers for Intel are destroyed.18:07
thiebaudesfalangaf: you said you have 8.10?18:07
PerryArmstrongLevandia; this sounds really bad if they dont fix it atleast in jaunty....18:07
LevandiaThey're completely useless.18:07
LevandiaPerryArmstrong: they probably will, don't worry.18:07
bigo72I can't find /etc/modprobe.d/aliases in Jaunty, how can I disable IPV6?18:07
m1dlghow to I have my user permissions restored to default18:07
sfalangafthiebaude: yes18:07
usserLevandia, works great for me18:07
chian_xi_seois it possible to use old drivers ? was perfect in 8.10...18:07
PerryArmstrongLevandia; thats a good assuarance..18:07
usserLevandia, what card do you have?18:07
thiebaudesfalangaf: do you want to upgrade to 9.0418:07
Manny2218okay i got my answer, thanks for all of the help!18:07
Levandiausser: 945GME.18:07
troy_is there a channel for questions about DNS?18:08
sfalangafthiebaude: if it's stable enough18:08
PerryArmstrongLevandia; any idea how i can downgrade to hardy from intrepid??18:08
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WebcamWondertroy_: #network18:08
sfalangafthiebaude: is it out yet?18:08
usserLevandia, i got GM965, perfomance in openGL has increased dramatically for me18:08
Levandiausser: I'm going to tell you right now, the people at #ubuntu+1 and the driver guys said the driver is destroyed, usser.18:08
bigo72PerryArmstrong, reinstallation ;-)18:08
silmelSou iniciante,  como instalo programas no ubuntu como o Programa do IRRF18:08
LevandiaBut there are different cards and some work better than others.18:08
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troy_nobody over there WebCamWonder18:09
bigo72I can't find /etc/modprobe.d/aliases in Jaunty, how can I disable IPV6?18:09
PerryArmstrongbigo72; sounds bad18:09
WebcamWondertroy_: Oops, it is ##networking18:09
thiebaudesfalangaf: its out18:09
chian_xi_seoi'm damned, dual screen works fine in 9.04 but slow performance... and in 8.10 dual screen does not works properly but performance are good :)18:10
Manny2218wait, i forgot one more question. Will it auto detect the largest amount of unallocated space between 2 hard drives?18:10
thiebaudeits buggy for some intel users18:10
VarathHello all, I recently installed compiz but I don't know how I can get it running.. Does anyone know?18:11
Manny2218any one know the answer?18:11
WebcamWonderVarath: System -> Preferences -> Appearance  -> Visual Effects -> Medium/High18:12
xlqchian_xi_seo: iirc there is more than one way to do dual screens - mergedfb, xinerama etc. - maybe the different Ubuntu versions used different ones?18:12
Manny2218any one?18:12
PerryArmstrongthiebaude; and i am planning to buy a graphic card...18:12
LogicFanI need some help troubleshooting ALSA.  I'm using 8.10 64bit and a dell m1330 laptop with intel audio.  I have to restart ALSA every couple of hours, sometimes more or less depending on what i'm doing that makes it crash.  usually, the app producing the audio stops playing the audio and a repeated skipping sound will occur until I sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload followed by a /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart18:12
thiebaudePerryArmstrong: i need a new computer, eventually18:13
LogicFanall apps that can play audio are effective at crashing ALSA it seems.  VLC, Banshee, Flash plugin, Miro, Totem, et al18:13
chian_xi_seoi dont know, i always used gnome-display-properties utility18:14
sfalangafthiebaude: it's not fully released yet, right?  I can download18:14
Manny2218Well, if i choose "use largest continuous free space" for the installation, will it auto detect the largest amount of unallocated space between 2 hard drives?18:14
chian_xi_seoin 9.04 all my problem in dual screen mode are fixed18:14
thiebaudesfalangaf: i dont know if x is going to lock up on you18:14
Padhu1How can i remove packes inside wine18:14
aarPadhu, in the wine folder from the start menu there should be an 'uninstall applications' option18:15
VarathWebcamWonder, I did that and what now?18:15
WebcamWonderVarath: Compiz should be enabled18:15
VarathBut how can I get a 3D cube?18:16
Manny2218i asked twice already, can some one please help me?18:16
WebcamWonderVarath: You need the ccsm to configure compiz for fancy effects18:16
WebcamWonder!info simple-ccsm18:16
ubottusimple-ccsm (source: simple-ccsm): Simple Compizconfig settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.8-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 596 kB18:16
Padhu1arr: I only want to uninstall the dos program inside wine18:16
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WebcamWonderVarath: Open up a terminal, type in: sudo aptitude install simple-ccsm, after that is done, you should get a "custom" under your visual effects, where you can configure it18:17
Padhu1aar: not wine18:17
aarPadhu, yes, the 'uninstall wine software' option from the wine folder in the start menu should let you do that18:17
WebcamWonderVarath: If you want advanced control over Compiz, you need the compiz-config-settings-manager (iirc)18:17
magikidEverytime I start, I get "HAL failed to start".  If I jump to a command prompt and restart HAL, then restart X, it fixes everthing.  Any suggestions?18:17
J-_simple-ccsm's the interfaces to install now?18:17
WebcamWonder!find compiz18:17
ubottuFound: compiz-fusion-bcop, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compizconfig-backend-gconf, libcompizconfig0, libcompizconfig0-dev (and 13 others)18:17
WebcamWonderVarath: What J-_ said ^^18:18
PadhuI don't want to uninstall wine. I installed one game inside wine. I want to remove that18:18
J-_Rather, compizconfig-settings-manager is the ccsm I've always used.18:18
WebcamWonderPadhu: Applications -> Wine -> Uninstall18:18
DieseL`i'm mounting windows shares with fstab, but they keep mouting with only read permissions18:18
VarathUgh this is hard for a newb like me18:18
WebcamWonderJ-_: I know, but simple-ccsm is easier for newcomers :)18:18
J-_WebcamWonder: Nice :)18:19
DieseL`i.e. the folder actually shows 555 :S18:19
aarPadhu, I understood that the first time. The option I am giving you will not uninstall wine, it will uninstall an application of your choice within wine18:19
nilloDoes anyone know how to rename a workspace?  I used to be able to do it, but can't now.18:19
VarathI got simple ccsm installed and what now?18:19
magikidDieseL': Have you tried mounting with rw in fstab?18:19
WebcamWonderVarath: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects -> Custom, then you can configure it, to turn on the fancy effects, as much as you like18:19
aarPadhu, the option i am giving you will direct you to windows'  equivalent of add-remove programs18:19
boritekwhen i play with Nexuiz the sound goes away after a short while with pulseaudio, how can i make it work??18:20
vigonillo: Workspaces?18:21
PadhuI done it. But it is showing the files. restart is required?18:21
WebcamWondernillo: Right click on a workspace in the bottom swithcer, and you can rename it there18:21
vigonillo: Right click on the workspace, then preferences,18:21
nillovigo: Desktop workspaces, virtual desktops, I would call them.18:21
supercom32Anyone use Bell high speed DSL here to connect to the internet?18:21
DieseL`magikid yp18:22
vigonillo: From that panel you can name them whatever you wish18:22
VarathWebcamWonder, Ahhh! Got a new option:) but still looking how I can get that 3D cube i'm in the ccsm manager now18:22
aarPadhu, some files will probably require manual deletion (particularly links on the desktop and directory names)18:22
nillovigo: no option to do that there.18:22
magikidDieSel': Is the drive's filesystem NTFS?18:22
Lenin_Cathow do I compile my kernel to be custom for my computer18:22
gislanI'm having troubles using apt-cross. It says that it can't open /root/.apt-cross/unstable/lists/pl.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_unstable_main_source_Sources Any ideas?18:22
nillovigo: I only have rows and columns18:23
vigonillo: Right click an empty workspace, a Preferences window should pop up18:23
gislanor else: what's the easiest way to get arm cross-compiler on x86 ubuntu?18:23
deanynillo, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Rotate_the_Compiz_Cube18:23
nillovigo: ok, give me a sec, on the phone and doing some other things.18:24
vigogislan: did you run an apt-get update?18:24
magikidLenin_Cat: http://tinyurl.com/2z33vs18:24
vigonillo: okee dokee18:24
WebcamWonderVarath: You have to look around in all the tabs, and turn on the Desktop Cube option somehwere. I don't really deal with that manager to remember the entire steps. However, to active the cube you need >=4 workspaces, and CTRL + ALT + RIGHT is one of the default shortcut18:24
baijumHi, I just upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 beta, now my X display is not coming.  But when I use live CD in the same machine, it is working, any pointer how I can make my system display works ?18:24
mgcoi'm thinking this boot virus could be a growing to ubuntu18:24
vigoWebcamWonder: You are good! ^518:24
magikidVareth: The desktop cube is in the Desktop tab in CompizConfig Settings Manager18:25
gislanvigo: yes18:25
WebcamWondermagikid: simple-ccsm also has it18:25
vigogislan: Then did you exit terminal and restart terminal?18:25
DieseL`magikid yes the windows share is18:26
nillovigo: didn't work.  I'm going to try deany's suggestion when I get a sec.18:26
VarathOk thx all! ^^18:26
bigo72I can't find /etc/modprobe.d/aliases in Jaunty, how can I disable IPV6?18:26
boritekwhen i play with Nexuiz the sound goes away after a short while with pulseaudio, how can i make it work??18:26
WebcamWonderbigo72: Any specific reason you want to disable IPv^/18:26
gislanvigo: after what? I did it now, still nothing, it keeps looking for a file that doesn't exists18:26
vigonillo: ok, maybe a setting that is taken over by another package, but that normally works on most.18:27
bigo72WebcamWonder, to speed-up navigation and boot-time18:27
magikidDiesel': Can you paste your fstab at pastebin.ubuntu.com18:27
MeinEngelanyone have any luck installing ColdFusion 8.1 in ubuntu?18:27
xcvmgco: aar is correct, bios boot sector protection just warns if something is trying to mod the boot sector. trying to install lilo or grub would likely cause such warnings, imho18:27
gislanvigo: it looks like apt-cross wants debian repository (unstable_main)18:27
vigogislan: On the apt-get update?18:27
WebcamWonderbigo72: You can't. It seems to be built directly into the kernel, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1065469.html18:27
aarbaijum, i would try reconfiguring xserver18:28
aarbaijum, make sure you back-up the relevant files first18:28
gislanvigo: I want to do apt-cross -a arm -v -i libc618:28
DieseL`magikid: http://pastebin.com/m6c1a607118:28
sfalangafthiebaude: you there?18:28
gislanvigo: like emdebian page told me too (in order to get arm toolchain)18:28
mgcoxcv: i didn't change these applications. i'm not even familiar with them. anyhow, i'm stuck with my machine freezing because of this. i guess it's the end of ubuntu/linux being virus free18:28
baijumaar: I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still problem not solved18:28
vigogislan: Right, I am wondering if you did the update, sources.list18:28
aarbaijum, what do you get if you type startx in console?18:29
boca1I have a task, "Doing Python, I tried to do a query on MySQL on sqlalchemy and pass a string value as table name,  "connection.execute( 'SELECT * FROM database') <----this works , I did "('SELECT * FROM %", (database))"<--- this work too, but...18:29
WebcamWonder!offtopic | boca118:29
ubottuboca1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:29
gislanvigo: yes, I did, apt-get update works fine, I just did it, but there's no "unstable" entry for ubuntu, is there?18:29
bigo72WebcamWonder, unbelieveable...but...that's it....thanks18:30
gislanvigo: it's just intrepid, why apt-cross keeps looking for unstable then? :/18:30
baijumaar: One screen with some scratch in display and system also hangs (keyboard also stucks)18:30
vigogislan: Actually there is, sorta18:30
PadhuHow can i add radio station in rythembox music player18:30
aarbaijum, sounds like you've got the wrong driver18:30
DieseL`magikid what do you think?18:30
magikidDieseL': From what I know, this should work and be read/write18:31
baijumaar: How to change driver ?18:31
xcvmgco: assuming it is a virus, and assuming it wasn't there when ubuntu was installed, and assuming the system was never booted into another OS (usb stick, floppy, dual boot, etc.), then the question, it seems to me, is how did it get there? no protections in the world are going to work when the user has root/admin rights and doesn't use common sense when downloading, installing, etc.18:32
vigogislan: It is a dpkg thing. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026618&highlight=unstable+pkg18:32
baijumaar: Now I am running from live CD (9.04) it's alll ok18:32
Johnny^^try out the windows 7 beta18:32
aarbaijum, that's done editing your xorg.conf file, but I don't know what the correct driver for your system is. Do you have a xorg.conf file in a backup from before things went wrong?18:32
ultraj6can you use a linux ldap server as a backup active directory domain controller?18:32
vigogislan: Look at the post from marteljorge18:33
BartoN-can someone pls help ? I am trying to get warcraft frozen throne to work , but it keeps on saying "please verify that your frozen throne disc is in your cd rom"18:33
baijumCan I use this live CD xorg.conf file ?18:33
aarbaijum, i would be tempted to copy the xorg.conf file from your life cd into your HD installation (but i've never tried this before, you might want to ask someone with more experience that me in the channel whether this is viable)18:33
xlqBartoN-: is this with Wine or Cedega or something18:33
DieseL`magikid idd18:33
DieseL`i dont understand it myself18:34
baijumaar: ok18:34
ghostlineshow can i turn my wireless nic into an access point?18:34
xlqBartoN-: you have to set up Wine to map your CD/DVD drive to a wine drive letter18:34
vigobaijum: for the session , yes.18:34
BartoN-how ?18:34
baijumvigo: What are the files I need to copy?18:34
mgcoxcv: yes same here - NO CLUE whatsoever! and this is fast becoming a sad sad day for a lowly ubuntu user. for what it's worth, i have not booted from another media ever; and i haven't had the savvy of running the terminal (it's not like DOS y'know)18:34
vigobaijum: Did you see all those scripts that martlejorge posted? there are Unstable ones in there, that is where I would start my research.18:35
Briandb1222how do I get support for file extension .rpm?18:35
RickZillaSo theoretically, if I back up the entire file system, I can restore everything after re-installing ubuntu?  Including software packages, etc...18:35
alexmhsohi i have a quick problem. I can not find where ubuntu will automatically mount my ipod. If needed to know, I'm trying to install rockbox but it needs my mount point.18:35
gislanvigo: these are debian unstable repositories, right?18:35
LjLBriandb1222: .rpm files are packages for RedHat and derived distributions. you do *not* use them in Ubuntu18:36
clearscreenBriandb1222: I dont know for ubuntu, but In the old days when I was still running debian, I'd install 'alien' and convert it to a .deb file :P18:36
vigogislan: Yes18:36
alexmhsoBriandb1222: http://www.debianadmin.com/install-rpm-files-in-debian-and-ubuntu.html18:36
Briandb1222ah ok18:36
baijumvigo: I didn't noticed it18:36
* LjL wonders why he even bothers saying things18:36
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)18:36
magikiddiesel: what if you do this mount -t cifs //host_ip_address/share_name -o username=win_user_name,password=password_for_user /mount/point ?18:36
gislanvigo: so I'm supposed to add debian repositories to my ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.list in order to use apt-cross ?18:36
ultraj6can an ubuntu LDAP server be integrated into an existing windows domain and function as a backup domain controller?18:37
aarmgco, nobody seems to know what you've got, so it's hard to draw any conclusions. I would recommend you burn yourself a clamav livecd (https://launchpad.net/clamav-livecd), scan your system, and get back to us with the results for advice (i.e. give us the precise name of the infection and the location)18:37
Rovanion Good day gents, how do I get my ethernet card working in ubuntu... The interesting thing is that it works on the live cd but not when the system is actually installed18:37
vigogislan: Or use the alien package. I am not familiar with that package, so sounds like either alien ort unstable.18:38
xcvmgco: imho many of your posts suggest a desire to shift the responsibility from the computer operator(s) to the ubuntu community, which really isn't fair, no matter how emphatically you assert your position.18:38
xlqRovanion: have you run sudo dhclient?18:38
josh___Anyone here read about Time Warner's proposed move to cap bandwidth?18:38
Rovanionxlq: Nope I havent18:39
MeinEngelhas anyone got ColdFusion Dev 8.1 installed and working on ubuntu?18:39
Rovanionxlq: What does it do?18:39
xlqRovanion: try it18:39
xlqRovanion: it's a DHCP client - it will try to obtain an IP address.18:39
DieseL`magikid same problem18:39
Rovanionxlq: But I dont think it detect18:39
Rovanions the networking card18:39
aarRovanion, dhclient resquests an IP address from your server. You need an IP address to connect to any network.18:39
willmorehello, all!18:39
pHreaksYcleI have a problem with nautilus autostarting, it keeps saying that it's "Starting. . . " like 10 instances of it in the window list but it never starts18:40
willmoreI have a system that I just updated from 8.10 to 9.04 and it halts on reboot with a "BUG: Int 14"  Is this a known issue?18:40
vigogislan: here is the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145043/, here is the forum link. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1026618&highlight=unstable+pkg18:40
xlqRovanion: does "ip link show" show your device?18:40
Rovanionaar all there seems to be is the loopback unit18:40
magikidDieseL': You've got me stumped then.  Sorry.18:40
Briandb1222alexmhso: I tried the #apt-get install alien command but it did not work.18:40
RickZillaSo theoretically, if I back up the entire file system, I can restore everything after re-installing ubuntu? Including software packages, etc...18:40
DieseL`magikid lol no probs18:40
Briandb1222nevermind I found it in package manager18:41
BartoN-xlq ok i have found and added the mounted media ,  should i set it to auto detect label and serie nb after i chose cd-rom as type ?18:41
alexmhsoBriandb1222: it might be easier just to get it from synaptic, its probably there18:41
ultraj6Does anyone know if an Ubuntu LDAP server can be integrated into an existing Windows 2000 domain and function as a backup domain controller for the Windows workstations?18:41
alexmhsoBriandb1222: yeah hehe18:41
aarRovanion, is you type sudo lspci can you find your wireless card listed?18:41
aburridoMDRbuenas sala18:41
aarRovanion, if you type sudo lspci can you find your wireless card listed?18:41
xlqBartoN-: probably18:41
Rovanionxlq I will try in my installed one18:41
gentoothI am used to kde but am looking for a wlassistant equivilant for gnome. I am using gtkwifi now and am not impressed18:41
vigo!launchpad | willmore18:41
ubottuwillmore: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:41
aburridoMDRcomo estan18:41
aburridoMDRalguna mujer de madrid para charlar18:41
magikidgentooth: I like wicd18:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:42
LjLaburridoMDR: no es un canal de charla18:42
RovanionThe card is listed with ip link show. Here in the live cd. But not when installed.18:42
willmorevigo, searching there provided me with nothing.18:42
unopultraj6, i believe a BDC does more than just LDAP .. so probably not18:42
gentoothmagikid: ty ill look into that18:43
vigowillmore: That is the bug tracking system, it is still Beta, so join /#ubuntu+1 for Jaunty18:43
willmoreAhh, okay.18:43
aarRovanion, that is the problem. Your card is not being detected. Are the livecd and the installation exactly the same version running on the same PC?18:43
unopultraj6, depends on what your LDAP server is .. samba can integrate into AD and function as a BDC tho.18:43
BartoN-xlq You know that i am talking a mouted iso and not an actual cd ? becuase mine got lost , but have my own keys18:43
aburridoMDRalguien de madrid para charlar??18:44
xlqBartoN-: I see. But it should be OK.18:44
Rovanionaar: I suppose they should be the same version as of that I just installed it.18:44
mgcoxcv: i may not understand fully where you're going with your last entry, but allow me to thank you for your assistance sir/madam xcv. it's just that i was impressed by the ubuntu promise of community, ease of use, security, etc. The community comprises of people who have different skill levels (& resources) in tackling problems -- that's why i've called for help here since i don't have the...18:44
mgco...skill level (of which you fondly call 'responsibility' level) of those more skillful on ubuntu than i am. if i have posted any unfair entries, then please accept my apologies; i have just become desperate that my PC won't work and it's running hardy heron, that my files are trapped in there, and that i'm stuck18:44
aarmgco: did you read my advice about scanning your system with clamav livecd and telling us what your problem is precisely?18:45
aarmgco: if you want to recover files, a livecd is also the way forward18:45
vigomgco: Did you try the Restore thing at boot, last stable kernel ?18:45
xlqBartoN-: if wine wants a device, rather than a directory tree, bind the cd image to a loopback device18:45
RovanionSo how do I get my undetected ethernet card to work?18:46
xlqRovanion: doesn't it show up in 'ip link show'?18:46
mgcoaar: unfortunately i can't move forward with that. my cmos doesn't show an option to boot from USB-Optical18:46
aarRovanion, I don't understand how the livecd would detect a card but not the hd installation in exactly the same system.18:46
ultraj6unop, does samba support smb2.0 such as windows 2008 server supports as well as vista?18:47
RovanionDont know. I'll have to restart the computer xlq. And if it shows. What do I do?18:47
staar2i got problems with movies in firefox, most of them are slow or doesn't work at all, what to do ?18:47
Rovanionaar nor do I18:47
mgcoaar: oops sorry wrong reply ---  i don't have a liveCD for clamav, do they ship free CDs for those as well?18:47
unopultraj6, err, i'm not too sure .. but I know samba 3 is working on it18:47
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aarmgco, just download the image from the URL i gave you18:47
M4d3Lhi. any GUI tools exist to configure Apache2?18:48
vigostaar2: Did you install the GStreamer "ugly" set?18:48
staar2ugly ?18:48
mgcovigo: sorry, i don't think i see that option when i boot. i get stuck after the startup screen before GRUB18:48
xlqRovanion: 1. run 'ip link show' and look for the ethernet device.18:48
ultraj6i am wanting to use more linux for my work18:48
Rovanionrebooting then18:48
BartoN-xlq even though I have done this It still says the same :s , should I consider anything else ?18:48
staar2any link to that vigo ?18:48
xlqRovanion: 2. if it isn't there, run 'lspci | grep -i ethernet' and write the result down somewhere.18:48
vigostarr2: Yes, they are called "ugly" becuase of propietary stuff18:48
ultraj6in my networks at work18:48
ultraj6but they are all windows networks18:48
todd__Anyone know why lanmap gives me a empty diagram when I do sudo lanmap -i eth0 -r 30 -T png -o /tmp/18:48
xlqBartoN-: I don't know then, sorry18:49
starcannonI am looking for the lpia kernel package, does anyone know what repository to add to my sources list?18:49
aartodd__, probably because your network uses switches? switches prevent pepole from sniffing, which is essentially what lanmap does.18:49
todd__aar: OK how do I get past my switch???18:50
aartodd__, it's impossible i'm afraid. you can't sniff past a switch18:50
todd__aar: has a lynksys router I am trying to diagram18:50
Briandb1222how do I run as a root?18:50
subsumeWhen outputting to an HD plasma TV ubuntu doesn't take up the whole screen (black bars on side). What can I do?18:50
eth01it depends what kind of switch it is18:50
xlq!sudo | Briandb122218:50
ubottuBriandb1222: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:50
ultraj6you can sniff on a switch18:51
xlqYay, I used ubottu correctly :D18:51
ultraj6you must exploit a protocol though18:51
vigostaar2: looking now18:51
aarultraj6, we're listening, carry on18:51
=== defcon is now known as Guest1812
ultraj6arp poisoning18:51
todd__aar: OK... what should I have to allow this to work?18:51
eth01most basic unmanaged switches allow traffic to be switched.18:51
* eth01 sighs18:51
kantlivelonghey all.. im wondering how ubuntu skips metaccity and goes directly to compiz but still handles session loading?18:51
eth01sniffed, even18:51
ultraj6you modify their arp table18:52
ultraj6to redirect their traffic to your machine18:52
starcannonkantlivelong, "how it works" or an "easy way to achieve"?18:52
ultraj6where then you direct their traffic to the gateway18:52
ultraj6this is known as a man in the middle attack18:52
staar2vigo:  yes the gstream ugly set is installed18:52
kantlivelongstarcannon: im doing LFS and just curious..18:52
ultraj6address resolution protocol18:52
ultraj6it is a very common attack18:52
afd3deaUsing an Eee PC and the "Resolution" tool in the System - PRef menu I managed to screw up... How would I go about resetting X to the default resolution on the laptop screen rather than having this screwed up VGA setting?18:52
kantlivelongstarcannon: i tried to link the metacity bin to compiz-manager and it doesnt load certain things18:53
todd__aar: OK... what should I have to allow this to work?18:53
vigostaar2: Ok, do you have the Adobe Flash also installed?18:53
aarultraj6, OK, but that's not technically sniffing is it? more like packet injection?18:53
=== shirow[sleep] is now known as Shirow
ultraj6because you now have the traffic passing through your machine18:53
Dreamgliderhow can i ssh to my pc when it's ip is 192.168.1.x and it's behind a router with another ip ?18:53
ultraj6you can now sniff at will18:53
ultraj6you can also modify file streams on the fly18:53
eseven73!away > Shirow18:53
ubottuShirow, please see my private message18:53
afd3deaDreamglider, Check out port forwarding.18:53
ultraj6you have complete control over their communications at this point18:53
gaintsurais there a way to list all programs that I've installed via apt-get or synaptic in order of last used/how often its used?18:53
xcvmgco: just trying to confirm -- are you saying that your computer will not boot from cd/dvd (optical) drive? if so, just curious, how did you get ubuntu installed?18:53
staar2vigo: yeah like youtube shows the videos18:54
starcannonkantlivelong the command for compiz is i think is compiz --replace18:54
aartodd__, you can't use lanmap unmodified in a network with switches, you'd need to do what ultraj6 is describing (which is fairly complex).18:54
mgcoaar: i'm at the website "No download files exist for this project." :'-(18:54
starcannonkantlivelong, not sure that I'm following you though sorry :(18:54
ultraj6probably the most widely used windows application for poisoning someone's arp table is "Cain and Able"18:54
kantlivelongstarcannon: yes but metacity must load first.. i wanna skip it18:54
Dreamgliderafd3dea, and when i need to ssh to multiple pc's behind the same router ?18:54
ultraj6on linux it would be ettercap18:54
staar2vigo: ok i got it work, installed gstream mpge2 lib also, ty18:54
solaaris there a graphical way to display system stats? i know about sudo lshw but i was wondering if ubuntu had anything remotely similar to MY COMPUTER in windows18:54
ultraj6ettercap is also available for windows18:54
todd__aar: OK, so what are my options outher then a switch?18:54
vigostarr2: Uhm, ok, neato!18:54
ultraj6a hub is like a switch18:54
mgcoxcv: somebody else did on another external optical drive. i've raised this issue before in the chatroom: i have a lacie external dvd writer and no luck on getting to boot on it.18:55
ultraj6except all the packets going into the hub are sent out all the ports18:55
afd3deaDreamglider, Ah... Well then if you want to ssh to your external IP forward different ports to different machines? So yourip:1234 is ssh to machine 1, yourip:1235 is ssh to machine 2?18:55
kavityCan anyone help me with problems with recording from a built-in laptop mic?18:55
ultraj6a hub is like a port replicator18:55
todd__aar: OK... what should I have other then a switch to allow this to work?18:55
slinaber`Hey. I have a wacom tablet that wacdump recognizes, but I don't seem to be able to get X to recognize it. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious...any ideas?18:55
ultraj6what was your goal i forgot?18:55
AciDI installed 8.04 on my sasung NC10 and had no major problem. for 3 weeks now (approximatively), I can't suspend anymore. I checked the dmesg logs and spotted a possible error message regarding the "eviocgbit problem". I tried with another kernel, same pb. I tried deinstalling synaptics, still. Anyone got a solutino for this suspend pb on 8.04 ?18:55
LjLinfo lshw-gtk | solaar18:55
LjL!info lshw-gtk | solaar18:55
ubottusolaar: lshw-gtk (source: lshw): information about hardware configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 02.13-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 370 kB, installed size 1536 kB18:55
Dreamgliderafd3dea, alright thank you.18:55
aartodd__, a switch is a physical connection in a network, used to redirect traffic. it prevents users from sniffing past it (unless you do what ultraj6 has described, which is technically speaking not passive sniffing). i'd recommend you read more about sniffing and man in the middle attacks in wikipedia to learn about how the system works18:55
starcannonkanlivelong ah I see, hmm, never tried to change the order of things, is metacity not needed for the login manager?18:56
troy__troy_ sixkids18:56
starcannonI am looking for the lpia kernel package, does anyone know what repository to add to my sources list?18:56
ultraj6aar is correct, it is not passive sniffing, you have to exploit a protocol18:56
mgcoaar: i'm really sleepy now, i'll take your advice and see if i can have that clamav livecd run. i just don't know how yet.18:56
rayne_I am using a Hp Dv5 laptop and the built in Mic is not working, can someone help? I did not find solution on forums that works18:56
mgcothanks for the help aar xcv vigo bye for now18:56
Dreamglidercan i start a gnome session via ssh ? (like VNC)18:57
aarmgco, good luck18:57
RickZillaSo theoretically, if I back up the entire file system, I can restore everything after re-installing ubuntu? Including software packages, etc...18:57
mgcooh and jrib too. thanks all18:57
xcvmgco: yw, sorry couldn't help more18:57
xlqDreamglider: I'm not sure exactly what you mean.18:57
ultraj6if you back something up you can certainly restore it, unless you damage the backup18:57
usserDreamglider, yea sure, just connect with -X switch, ie ssh -X -C servername18:58
todd__aar: OK so this thing just dosent work, is there another tool I can use to get a network diagram of my network that does??? Or do I have to use windows for this?18:58
xlqDreamglider: if you want to run graphical apps remotely, you can use X11 forwarding (if your local machine is Linux or a BSD).18:58
rayne_The built in microphone on my laptop is not working, any help?18:58
usserDreamglider, once logged in, run gnome-session18:58
aarRickZilla, correct, as long as you're restoring to the same partition18:58
arnduckyHey folks, is there a way to force the gui (kde) Grub conf tool to scan for existing installs of Ubuntu (exact same kernel) on partitions other than where it is hosted and properly add them to the menu.1st list?18:58
xlqDreamglider: if your local machine is a Windows machine, you can use VNC, although it's not very fast over the Internet.18:59
aartodd__, as ultraj6 has described, you need to do a man in the middle attack for what you want (be it in linux or in windows). sniffing will not work in your case, because it will only take you to the nearest switch.18:59
W8TAHhow realistic is it to replace a windows 2003 domain (with authentication etc) and windows XP workstations with linux across the board?18:59
xlqDreamglider: Either way (ssh -X or VNC) you can run Gnome apps, including the Gnome panel, but you can't run a window manager remotely using ssh -X18:59
xlqDreamglider: sorry, I'm going on a bit19:00
arnducky....Or any other "safe"script to manage grub would be nice. It's in my MBR and I don't want to mess up the entries already pointing to other OSes19:00
usserW8TAH, depends on what you do with the domain, people have done that, there are solutions for centralized username database, logons etc, group policies are still lacking though19:00
vigoW8TAH: That is kinda off-topic, takes an opinion to answer that.19:00
starcannonrayne_ : System>Preferences>Sound set capture to ALSA, and set the Defalut Mixer to the correct device; restart the program you want to use, mess with switches in the Volume Applet (upper right corner) until you get the right combination (at least this is how I deal with Laptop Microphones)19:00
todd__aar: NOT TRUE... I have been dong network diagrams on windows for a while now, and thoes tools work out of the box... is there something in linux that will work out of the box as well???19:00
W8TAHusser thanks19:00
W8TAHvigo sorry -- where would be appropriate to ask that?19:00
vigoW8TAH: /ubuntu-offtopic19:01
magikidIs there a character map installed by default?  If not, anyone know the package?19:01
stuntedturtleQ: My audio had a hiccup and now it's repeating a small chunk of audio over and over. Is there a way to reset the drivers or find out what's putting this junk into the audio buffer?19:01
W8TAHvigo thank you19:01
vigoW8TAH wit the # doohicky19:01
aartodd__, i've tried to describe why it's not working. i can assure you it won't work in linux, windows or a mac. if you're comfortable with out-of -the-box products you might be better of using windows19:01
todd__aar: lol... no wonder everyone is using windows, I am really getting tired of having to fight to get things done :-(19:02
eseven73stuntedturtle, maybe sudo alsa force-reload19:03
rayne_starcannon, Sound capture is set to ALSA- Advanced Linux Sound Artchitecture, now I just change Default Mixer Tracks until it works?19:03
stevr1itqualcuno di voi ha esperienza con thunderbird e lithening calendar?19:03
todd__aar: is it BSOD or kill yourself to lift a finger? isnt there something better at this point??? really???19:03
starcannonrayne change it to the sound card/chipset that is in your machine, [code]sudo lshw[/code] in a terminal should tell you what you need to know for that bit19:04
stuntedturtleeseven73: that seems to have stopped the noise. thanks.19:04
[MindVirus]I have Ubuntu and Windows installed on a computer. Windows is malfunctioning so I am reinstalling it. I know it will override the MBR. What do I do?19:05
rayne_startcannon, lots of information with that command. What specifically am I looking for in it?19:05
starcannonI am looking for the lpia kernel package, does anyone know what repository to add to my sources list?19:05
aartodd__, have u understood the conversation between ultraj6 and me? we have made it very clear why you can't currently map your network (rgardless of the OS you use). we have also suggested a possible alternative (albeit a rather complex one). what hae you not understood?19:05
stuntedturtlewhat's the name of the Volume Control in the upper panel? that seems to have disappeared and needs a reset as well.19:05
eseven73!panels | stuntedturtle19:06
ubottustuntedturtle: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:06
vigo[Mindvirus]: Back up the home folder and whatever else on the Linux, then go for it.19:06
todd__Does anyone know how to create a network map? lanmap does not seem to find anything like the windows tools... is there something I sould be doing with lanmap, or should I be using a differant tool, or am I stuck with windows?19:06
[MindVirus]vigo, you don't get my question.19:06
[MindVirus]the MBR will be removed.19:07
[MindVirus]With Windows.19:07
lorenzosuHow can I "move" torrents I download with transmission to a folder while preserving thir seeding?19:07
[MindVirus]The Master Boot Record.19:07
[MindVirus]Grub will no longer show.19:07
[MindVirus]Unless I fix the MBR.19:07
=== trogdor is now known as Guest7910
aarlorenzosu, ktorrent has an extension that allows you to import half-downloaded torrents19:07
lorenzosuaar: They are already downloaded.19:08
Guest7910I just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc, and I have 3 internal hard drives. 1 is running ubuntu as the only OS, the other two are NTFS storage drives, I am having problems mounting them however. When i mount it says "Unable to mount location, no mount object for mounted volume", then i try mounting again and it works, i want it to mount without this error please help19:08
ultraj6you can use nmap's gui called zenmap to generate some topology maps19:08
stuntedturtlethanks again. worked like a charm.19:08
casinaroyaleI have freeglut3 libglui-dev and glutg3 installed. But my glui code doesnt display very well.Every time I refresh it displays for a second and then displays random stuff19:08
todd__ultraj6: ok how?19:08
eseven73stuntedturtle, np :D19:09
=== liteline is now known as Dreamglider-ssh
aarlorenzosu, that should also work19:09
xcvMindVirus: i've done that before, pretty sure i found the procedure by googling "ubuntu how to fix grub after reinstalling windows"19:09
vigo{MindVirus} Oh ok, Just install the windows, then update the grub. works on paper, but let me check the boards on that. I still think a good backup is all that is needed.19:09
aarlorenzosu, (although i can't quite understand why you'd want to import the torrent of a file that's already completely downloaded)19:09
casinaroyalehas anyone used glut or glui here?19:09
eseven73stuntedturtle, http://psychocats.net is really nice for stuff like that, might wanna check it out when you get time :)19:10
Jordan_U!grub | MindVirus19:10
ubottuMindVirus: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:10
[MindVirus]I know.19:10
lorenzosuaar: Well in theory, the spirit of torrent is not to only download but also share ;)19:10
[MindVirus]I know what Grub is.19:10
[MindVirus]Ahh, OK.19:10
[MindVirus]Sorry, my bad.19:10
xcvMindVirus: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows19:10
Manny2218help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111695619:10
aarlorenzosu, ah i see :)19:10
vigo{MindVirus} This looks like the solution: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1106580&highlight=preserve+GRUB+installing+windows19:10
xlq[MindVirus]: make a backup of the MBR. Install Windows. Boot from LiveCD. Restore MBR.19:11
kantlivelonganyone know why gnome isnt detecting my powerbutton events? net acpid does?19:11
[MindVirus]vigo, xlq: ^^19:11
rayne_starcannon, I have played with those settings with no effect. It looks like it is configured properly, but nothing records or is transmitted19:11
Manny2218http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1116956 please help me19:11
vigo[MindVirus]: key word there is preserve, I guess19:11
=== Guest7910 is now known as dinoman
ultraj6tod__ http://nmap.org/book/zenmap.html is nmap user guide, http://www.go2linux.org/nmap-command-graph-front-end-port-scan is a guide for installing nmap19:12
dinomanI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc, and I have 3 internal hard drives. 1 is running ubuntu as the only OS, the other two are NTFS storage drives, I am having problems mounting them however. When i mount it says "Unable to mount location, no mount object for mounted volume", then i try mounting again and it works, i want it to mount without this error please help19:12
ultraj6*zenmap user guide19:12
starcannontodd_ I did a little digging around and came up with a forum post that may help, indeed the last poster "Tasu" is using lanmap and nmap together to achieve his results, worth a look, its here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9627119:12
vigoxlq: You nailed that one good.19:12
xcvMindVirus: pretty sure i booted livecd and did the install grub stuff from terminal19:12
Manny2218http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1116956 seriously i am in need of help19:12
xlqvigo: huh?19:12
=== DukeD-umas is now known as DukeDumas
Guest92150hi guys is there a way to "automatically sinc" a folder when i insert a pen drive?????19:12
ubuntu_is_dabestwhy when i try to start clamd, i get -> ERROR: initgroups() failed.19:12
J-_Where do I manage Firefox's certification Authority(CA)19:13
starcannonrayne, did you turn on all the switches in Volume Control preferences ?19:13
MikeHIs there a known issue with flash under firefox being unstable?19:13
pHreaksYcle1can someone tell me where i can get support or submit a ticket for a printer??19:13
Manny2218http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1116956 pleas help19:13
xlqGuest92150: for syncing files around, try unison. You should be able to set it to run when you plug your usb stick in.19:13
ultraj6so how good is linux's software raid19:13
ultraj6does anyone have expereince with it? mdadm?19:13
wolf_IM using the screen saver GLslideshow and it skips for a second everytime it switches pictures anyone else have this problem?19:14
xlqMikeH: Yes. Flash is usually very unstable. Try different versions of it until one works :)19:14
Manny2218any one?19:14
dinomanI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc, and I have 3 internal hard drives. 1 is running ubuntu as the only OS, the other two are NTFS storage drives, I am having problems mounting them however. When i mount it says "Unable to mount location, no mount object for mounted volume", then i try mounting again and it works, i want it to mount without this error please help19:14
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:14
iAreBaboonjacky what ?19:14
MikeHxlq: Can you suggest one most likely to work well?19:14
starcannon am looking for the lpia kernel package, does anyone know what repository to add to my sources list?19:14
todd__ultraj6: Ough come on... You mean to tell me there is no give me a network diagram tool in ubuntu... there are 50+ in windows that work19:15
vigoxlq: You helped that one person out spot on, I was searching the boards, your solution was correct.19:15
Manny2218Guys please help me i've been looking for an answer for days now19:15
xlqvigo: oh I see, thanks ;)19:15
xlqManny2218: I know you're desperate, but please don't spam ;)19:15
ultraj6i don't know of any network diagram tools in ubuntu other than nmap19:15
xlqManny2218: I'm not sure what your setup is.19:15
ultraj6im use windows mainly19:15
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: when you are looking at the installer window, check how much harddrive space it says its going to use19:16
Manny2218well i have 40gb of unallocated space on one of my hard drives19:16
ultraj6why do you need a network diagram?19:16
Manny2218and i want it to install directly into there19:16
todd__ultraj6: Looked at the nmap pages you sent... maybe I am stupid, that does not look like a mapping tool19:16
xsgHey guys what are some good fps shooter games i would like some ww2 or war based for linux ????19:16
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: size it up, if it looks like more than one harddrives space, then both are going to be used. just look at the details, and see which devices are going to be used like sda 1 or 2 or w/e19:16
ultraj6it has a topology mapper in the front end19:16
ultraj6it is a port scanner19:16
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: ubuntu is about messing junk up and starting over, backup your files and try something man19:17
ultraj6helps you identify hosts on networks19:17
aarxsg: check out http://www.happypenguin.org/19:17
xlqManny2218: if you want to control where Ubuntu installs itself, you could partition manually.19:17
ultraj6scan for vulnerable open ports19:17
rayne_I require assistance in fixing the built in mic on my laptop, it is unmuted and appears like it would work, but does not19:17
ultraj6ive never used the front end in linux only on windows19:17
xsgthnx aar ill check it out19:17
Manny2218well i want it to install on an external hard drive where i only keeps stuff i don't really use, and it has space that i can use for ubuntu no problem19:18
J-_todd__: http://freshmeat.net/projects/nomad Googling around, that's all I found. Not sure if that's what you want. Also, not sure if it's in the repos.19:18
Manny2218but when i manually partition'ed, when i would install i just got an error19:18
chenhi did some one use the ubuntu server version here ?19:18
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: installing on an external is kind of a bad idea19:18
vigorayne_: which version?19:18
Manny2218how so?19:18
xlqpHreaksYcle1: why?19:18
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: they die a lot.19:18
rayne_vigo, 8.1019:19
dinomanI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc, and I have 3 internal hard drives. 1 is running ubuntu as the only OS, the other two are NTFS storage drives, I am having problems mounting them however. When i mount it says "Unable to mount location" "Internal error: No mount object for mounted volume"19:19
xsgi need a good war fps though for linux19:19
xlqManny2218: what error message?19:19
pHreaksYcle1Manny2218: and splitting up your install between two drives doesn't sound too good either. . .19:19
Manny2218no i want the install on one drive19:19
SliderManhmm i setup ubuntu through a usb stick and the script seem to install grub on that usb stick instead of my HD and now i have to have the usb stick so i can load my system19:19
SliderMancan anyone help me load grub into my hd?19:19
vigorayne_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1063175&highlight=laptop+microphone <<that is an answer19:19
Manny2218i was to know if it'll look at the two drives and if it'll fidn the bigger free space19:19
denndaHow risky is it to resize an ext3 partion with adjacent free space? (Making it bigger)19:19
pHreaksYcle1manny, here's a quote from you. . .19:19
pHreaksYcle1it can install into unallocated space right? If so, is it able to auto detect the largest amount of unallocated space between 2 hard drives?19:20
xlqdennda: as far as I know, it's perfectly safe19:20
pHreaksYcle1between 2 hard drives. . . ?19:20
Manny2218well what i mean is19:20
J-_todd__: Also check out: http://linux-ip.net/html/19:20
aardennda, any operation with partitions is risky. it is always advisable to backup19:20
xlqManny2218: if you're installing it on an external drive, it's probably best to partition manually.19:20
Manny2218i ahve 2 hard drives, i want to know if it will install into the bigger free pace out of those 2 hard drives19:20
rayne_vigo, you mean installing pulseaudio?19:20
xlqManny2218: once you've set up the partitions on the external drive, you can run the installer and tell it to install on it.19:21
pHreaksYcle1xlq: do you know where to submit a bug for printing in Ubuntu??19:21
Manny2218well, i'll try to manually partition again and tell you what happens19:21
vigorayne_: Not really, but if that is the fix, then yes, I glanced over all the posts, looks like there area few options.19:21
todd__this sucks... can someone give me a good reason not to just say fuck it, I'll just reboot my machine every 3 minutes, and go back to windows???19:21
Manny2218what format should i make the partition?19:21
todd__pardon my french19:21
xlqpHreaksYcle1: same place as all other Ubuntu bugs?19:21
xlqtodd__: you could run it in VirtualBox19:22
todd__xlq: that is worse19:22
Manny2218xlq - what format do you suggest making the partition?19:22
xlqManny2218: The root partition should be 0x83 (Linux)19:22
dinomanI just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my pc, and I have 3 internal hard drives. 1 is running ubuntu as the only OS, the other two are NTFS storage drives, I am having problems mounting them however. When i mount it says "Unable to mount location" "Internal error: No mount object for mounted volume"19:22
J-_todd__: You could stop swearing and go by the code of conduct here.19:22
xlqManny2218: I think the installer will run mkfs, but fyi the root fs is usually ext319:22
susbwoytodd__:  save money on power bill, with the economy these days linux helps19:22
rayne_vigo, I noticed the same thing. Seems kinda odd considering that is a big problem on a major laptop... I've tried most those guides and nothing has worked for me so far.19:22
AciDI installed 8.04 on my sasung NC10 and had no major problem. for 3 weeks now (approximatively), I can't suspend anymore. I checked the dmesg logs and spotted a possible error message regarding the "eviocgbit problem". I tried with another kernel, same pb. I tried deinstalling synaptics, still. Anyone got a solutino for this suspend pb on 8.04 ?19:23
H_M-UbuntuI'm setting up my /etc/fstab configuration to allow my drives to mount automatically on boot, I need to know what filesystem I should supply for my NTFS partitions. The partitions show up as "fuseblk" in system monitor, but i'm not sure if that is what I should say.19:23
xlqg2g now19:23
BrucevdkHi, I'm using an application that uses libunique to only start up one instance. When the second instance is started the window for the current instance gets the URGENT window manager hint set, however, it won't get focused (in the window list it'll just colorize). I'm using Metacity. Anybody know why?19:23
H_M-UbuntuCan anyone tell me what I should say for it?19:23
todd__J-_: sorry about that... it slipped out will not happen again19:23
Manny2218hmm so what one should i format it as?19:23
xlqH_M-Ubuntu: you could either use 'auto' (automatically detect), or iirc it's ntfs-3g19:23
Zopiacrunning 2 monitors on a GeForce video card, and the monitor positions are set up correctly in the Nvidia Settings window, but I can't move my mouse from my left to my right monitor, only off the far side of the left to get to the far side of the right. anyone have a solution (if you can follow this) ?19:23
todd__but really this sucks... can someone give me a good reason not to just say screw it, I'll just reboot my machine every 3 minutes, and go back to windows???19:23
xlqH_M-Ubuntu: I use ntfs-3g as the type, in my fstab, and it shows up as 'fuseblk'19:24
H_M-UbuntuYeah i'm using auto for my flash drives... I figure auto will work anyway. Is there any down side to using auto?19:24
tsopp_todd__, whats the problem?19:24
ktebitwould you choose Ubuntu server as a server os ?19:24
jribtsopp_: what is your actual question?19:24
xlqH_M-Ubuntu: it's probably slightly slower.19:24
vigorayne_: In this one is solved: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843012&highlight=microphone+error19:24
tsopp_jrib, ?19:24
H_M-Ubuntuxlq: Don't worry about that, I have raptor drives.19:24
tsopp_Tab-complete gotcha?19:24
Krine11i want to isntall java to my ubuntu19:24
Krine11but i dont know how to isntall it19:24
aartodd__, why don't you?19:25
ktebitwould you choose Ubuntu server as a server os ?19:25
todd__tsopp: Sorry everyone keeps sending me on wild goos chases, and its such a simple thing in windows, but like 80 steps here... a network map is all I want19:25
J-_todd__: Did you see my reponse about Nomad?19:25
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:25
denndaIs there anything like a BNC (bouncer) for XMPP (Jabber)?19:25
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todd__J-_: yep, dont have that much money19:25
vigoKrinell: Did you see that?19:25
ktebitwould you choose Ubuntu server as a server os ?19:26
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Krine11ok i will check it19:26
vigookee dokee19:26
todd__J-_: Is that the scam with linux... force you to buy add ons???19:26
ubuntu_is_dabest#User clamav; # Run as a selected user (clamd must be started by root). how to do so?19:26
H_M-UbuntuWish me luck19:26
kane77hi, no matter what parameters I give to ffmpeg it gives me this: ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: ffmpeg: undefined symbol: ffm_nopts ... what does that mean?19:26
SliderManany light music players out there?19:27
Manny2218wait so, what format should i make the partition?19:27
jribtsopp_: yeah19:27
hkaisi have big problems with my ubuntu 8.10 x6419:27
hkaisit reports under java, that i have to many files open19:28
okey666hkais: when exactly does this happen19:28
vigoubuntu_is_dabest: that is a configure thing, I use Freshclam and that nice GUI thing whith it.19:28
Krine11Hi i downloaded java19:28
Krine11but i do not know how to install it19:28
hkaisduring working with e.g. eclipse19:28
Krine11can you help me19:28
Krine11i looked at a article19:28
Krine11nothing worked19:29
FloodBot3Krine11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
okey666Krine11: yes19:29
rayne_vigo, good walkthrough.... but the problem isnt the drivers it seems, but rather that it is the built in microphone19:29
okey666Kirne: did you download it from the java website19:29
Krine11i downloaded the self extracting file19:29
ubuntu_is_dabestwhick gui?19:29
Manny2218For the partition, which format should i make it?19:29
todd__OK, no response... I am guessing "advanced" stuff like creating a diagram of your network, is just too much for ubuntu, unless someone has any other suggestions????19:29
okey666Krine: ok, can you open a terminal for me pls?19:29
hkaisKrine11: use synaptic to install it19:29
okey666hkais: hes gone19:29
SliderManany light music players out there??19:30
nikitishow much disk space does jaunty take up in root on a fresh default install?19:30
DreamgliderSliderMan, audacious19:30
hkaisokey666: how many open files do you have currently? (lsof |wc -l)19:30
SliderManthanks :P19:30
okey666hkais: just looking19:30
okey666hkais: why?19:30
unoptodd__, you want something to draw a network diagram with?19:31
okey666hkais: it gives 655219:31
Manny2218i made the format ext3 and made a linux swap partition, wil lthat work?19:31
hkaisI want to know if I use to many files. The reason will be anaylsed later19:31
tsopp_Manny2218, yes.19:31
hkaisokey666: okay I have currently ~1000019:32
tsopp_I presume this is an install?19:32
rayne_how do I restart pulseaudio?19:32
okey666hkais: and eclipse can't cope with this?19:32
J-_todd__: What about nmap?19:32
okey666hkais: sorry, I can't help with that19:32
hkaisno eclipse can cope with it, but here is an problem which I haven't before ubuntu 8.1019:32
hkaisany one else who knows how to figure out whats wrong with my config (too many open files)19:33
mal|lappyI'm trying to access my ubuntu box via vnc (from windows), what server is the best? I've tried tightvncserver and vnc4server, I can't connect to either after starting them from windows.19:33
gingerbHey all... a lot of my memory is used as cache. I've never had this issue with Ubuntu before. How can I check which processes are holeing up all of this memory?19:33
ktebitI'm using dd_rhelp to clone a 500gb drive but it's been going for two days straight, and it seems to be going over the same sections multiple times (the ipos and opos). should it be doing that?19:34
ktebitit's a raid 5 volume, but none of the other volumes are even hooked up right now19:34
ktebitdoing a recovery with mdadm keeps failing (because 3 of the drives are on the verge of failure) so i'm trying to clone the bad ones one at a time19:34
=== Laruft is now known as Laruft|AFK
bthomsonwhat does it mean: This kernel requires the folloing features not present on the CPU: 0:619:34
petskullcan I install ubuntu from a partition?19:35
gingerbHey all... a lot of my memory is used as cache. I've never had this issue with Ubuntu before. How can I check which processes are holeing up all of this memory?19:35
bthomsongingerb: it's supposed to be that way, not a problem19:35
basementQuestion (Newb):  I have installed Ubuntu 8.10, setup user ect.. when I try to copy a file to /usr or /ect the permissions are set to only allow root.  I know I can go to terminal and do sudo su (but i'm not so good with CLI), but other than log-off log-on as Root, is there a way in Ubuntu Gnome GUI to give a user temp root privilages so I can copy my files?.19:35
petskulllike- copy the liveCD files to a partition and boot from it?19:35
gingerbbthomson: OK, thanks19:36
okey666ktebit: run sudo nautilus19:36
Dreamgliderbasement, sudo nautilus19:36
okey666soz, worng person19:36
basementDreamglider thanks! i will try it19:36
petskullktebit: what was your q?19:36
aarbasement, for the record, sudo su is not recommended. it's better to duso sudo -i19:36
aarbasement, sorry: sudo -i19:37
Dreamgliderbasement, be careful tho. do what you have to do and close the window when done.19:37
ArGGu^^Is there released jaunty-lpia.iso base install. So it does not install DE only the base install?19:38
basementaar Thank you as well, will remember, no sudo su19:38
mal|lappyQuestion: Why is it, when I start a VNC server on my ubuntu box, can I not connect to it from a windows box? SSH works fine. I get a connection refused19:38
nillodeany: Still available to help with my workspace renaming question?19:39
occyanyone have easy for for microphone not working?  I can hear myself in my speakers but sound recorder won't capture what it's hearing.19:40
ktebitHow can one md device suddenly become 2?19:40
iktmal|lappy, is port open, is port forwarded for vnc server etc19:40
bonez46is there any applet that will discover the exact mobo model info, for picking the correct BIOS update image?19:41
kravlinhey, anyone know anything about emerald? i'm trying to get it to alter the inside of the theme, (it alters the boarder but nothing else.19:41
meoblast001why is firefox starting in psuedo fullscreen mode? it's not fullscreen mode but it covers the whole screen19:41
aarbonez46, is the info you're looking for not given by the command lspci ?19:42
Brucevdkbonez46: would the command `dmidecode --type baseboard` help you instead of an applet?19:43
zilleplusi got ubuntu server 8.1 on a& router and can't get internet on it my server does not find my router can some one help me19:43
* krow hellow19:43
zilleplus i got ubuntu server 8.1 on a& router and can't get internet on it my server does not find my router can some one help me19:43
boscopwow, I love live with linux19:44
acr0nymhello need a bit of help :)19:45
acr0nymsearched through the forums but can't really find a thread about it19:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:45
acr0nymI know ! ask... :)19:45
acr0nymdoesn't mean we can't have a conversation in here...19:45
bonez46Brucevdk: I'll try that19:45
zilleplus i got ubuntu server 8.1 on a& router and can't get internet on it my server does not find my router can some one help me19:46
Kattollikisdsomeone here know how to put a auto-hide menu on the Open Offices?19:46
tuxFanCan we talk about jaunty in this channel?19:46
acr0nymanyway just connected my standard logitech optical mouse...and it kinds works, but it's flyibg all over the place sometimes19:46
zilleplus i got ubuntu server 8.1 on a& router and can't get internet on it my server does not find my router can some one help meµ19:46
kravlin!jaunty | tuxFan19:46
eseven73tuxFan, nope, join #ubuntu+1 for that19:46
ubottutuxFan: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:46
DreamglidertuxFan, that's in #Ubuntu+119:46
nilloOkay, asking again: Does anyone know how to rename a workspace?  I used to be able to do it, but can't now.19:46
acr0nymthere's nothing physically wrong with it as it seems to work in windows... so how do I get to make my mouse work/behave normally19:47
shubbarWhen I go to Administration > Services then Unlock; how do i add a service?19:47
jeeaarhello, i just installed ubuntu and it is having problems recognizing my optical drive. Not even the bios sees it, any ideas?19:47
Dreamglidernillo, right klick on workspaces > pref's then 2x klick on the workspace names19:47
jimmy5410Does anybody know how to save your settings in Ubuntu if you are booting from a flash drive?19:47
popplerjeeaar: well it might be a hardware problem?19:48
acr0nymtry getting it work in the bios first, probably, I think, some connector is loose/not right19:48
jeeaari dont think so, it was working fine before i installed ubuntu19:48
aaracr0nym, is the mouse plugged in before you boot, or do you plug it in once the system has booted?19:48
nilloDreamglider: No UI for "workspace names"19:48
shubbarjeeaar, are you sure its connected?19:48
acr0nymaar ah plugged it in once the system was booted19:48
Dreamglidernillo, u mena gui ?19:48
sheepo39I just recently Dled Ubuntu 9.04 and I wanna install without installing it over anything19:48
acr0nymso perhaps a reboot is needed? :)19:48
aarjimmy51_home, you can't save the settings unless you have read-write capabilities on the drive19:48
popplerjeeaar: if the bios doesn't see it that is. check that it's well power from the MB is well plugged in the optical drive19:48
aaracr0nym, try having it plugged in before booting, so the device gets properly detected19:49
Brucevdknillo: double click the select field with Desk 1, Desk 2, Desk 3 and it switches to an editable version19:49
acr0nymthanks! I'll try it now :)19:49
jeeaarit's a laptop, and i can hear the drive getting power - it just isnt recognized19:49
jimmy5410How do I get read-write capabilities to the drive?19:49
GingerHey all. I was wondering if I should go with Ubuntu 9.04 or 8.10 for general use. I mean, I can live with it being fairly unstable for the time-being, but I am fairly unfamiliar with Linux. Regardless, I would upgrade to 9.04 as soon as it came out anyway. Is 18 days left of Beta really anything that significant? Whats your guys's thoughts?19:49
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:50
shubbarjeeaar, may be not connected well. pull it out and return it19:50
nilloDreamglider: I mean it only shows textboxes for number or rows and columns.19:50
jeeaarok, ill try it.19:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c++19:50
popplerjeeaar: and how do you suggest ubuntu installation tampered with the bios?19:50
shubbarGinger, i m still on 8.0419:50
nilloBrucevdk: That didn't work, or I'm doing it wrong.19:50
popplerI don't see that possible19:50
jeeaargood question :S19:50
OzwaldcaMorning folks19:51
popplerweird indeed19:51
jeeaarbe back, gotta power down.19:51
kravlinhey, anyone know anything about emerald? i'm trying to get it to alter the inside of the theme, (it alters the boarder but nothing else.19:51
bonez46Brucevdk: that helped,, but how about the socket info.. anything that will tell that?19:51
Brucevdknillo: are you running Compiz or Metacity?19:51
Brucevdkbonez46: like the CPU socket?19:51
Gingershubbar, alright. It seems fairly easy to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10 anyway when April 25th finally hits.19:51
Ozwaldcacan some give me hand to restore my sound?  i tried doing an upgrade to the latest alsa drivers19:51
popplerjeeaar: you said it can't be a hardware problem because it was working fine before. now remember that everything which gets broken must broke at some point in time.19:51
Dreamglidernillo,  sry cant help you then :/19:51
apoth3osisanyone know how to change categories in #ubuntu-trivia? is there a category for just ubuntu?19:51
nilloBrucevdk: I'm running whatever the default is for 8.1019:52
aarjimmy5410, have a look at this URL: http://www.linux-live.org/?howtos (persistent changes section)19:52
bonez46Brucevdk: yes.. the CPU socket.19:52
Brucevdknillo: might have to do with that then (Compiz is default), for metacity you can even do it through gconf-editor (the names are located at /apps/metacity/workspace_names19:52
shubbarGinger, when i upgraded to 8.10 i faced trouble with the video card ... so i did a fresh install to 8.04, after alot of thinking19:52
nikitisanyone know how to get street maps for RoadNav?19:53
acr0nymhmmz just rebooted, at first the mouse worked perfect...but now it's strange again19:53
Brucevdkbonez46: well, there is `cat /proc/cpuinfo` but you might just have to look it up by name19:53
acr0nymseems like something is interfering with it, maybe my network or some program that started19:53
Ozwaldcadoes anyone know how to restore the ALSA sound to work after an upgrade?19:53
nilloBrucevdk: Let me make sure I have this straight.  Compiz is the default WM for Ubuntu 8.10, so I should do what?19:53
shubbarGinger, even when 9.04 is out, if you're not ready to try some bugs, wait a few months19:54
nikitisOzwaldca, hda intel?19:54
Gingershubbar, alright. Sounds good. thanks19:54
Ozwaldcai tried updating to v1.0.1919:54
GingerHeh, its just finally time for another dual boot, Vista is driving me insane.19:54
Ozwaldcaafter a reboot it says there is no sound card installed19:54
nikitisOzwaldca, only way i know is to go to alsa web page download driver/lib/utils and compile those three packages.19:54
Ozwaldcahehe i am quite new...  i thought i tired it  but obviioulsy it did not work19:55
nikitisOzwaldca, linux has given up on those cards19:55
Brucevdknillo: I don't know, I use Metacity. :-) Best bet is to Google around with the terms: compiz workspace names19:55
jon23dcan anyone explain why a new install of 8.10 64 synaptic doesn't show all the packages that are available from apt-get?19:55
WoloHiya.  Is there a way to copy my shortcuts, panels, desktop etc to a new user account or to a different machine?  Cheers :>19:55
Ozwaldcai ran the ./configure files and then the make and make install19:55
Ozwaldcaas per the instructions19:55
jon23dwolo: copy your home folder19:55
nikitisOzwaldca, did you get any errors while ./configure?19:56
SliderManhow to setup grub?19:56
Ozwaldcaargh  the sounds works fin just the mic is buggered .. it is actually a SIgmatel HD 92XX card19:56
nilloBrucevdk: I will try that, but I'm really looking here for somebody that knows.  I used to be able to do this directly.  It doesn't make sense that I can't anymore.19:56
acr0nymjon23d, use sudo ap-get update      to update your packet manager19:56
nikitisSliderMan, with a live disc, grub-install19:56
acr0nymyou might have to add some sources depending on what you want19:56
Ozwaldcadont believe so19:56
Brucevdknillo: well, maybe you used to be using Metacity?19:56
popplerSliderMan: config file in /boot/grub/menu.lst19:56
nikitisOzwaldca, that19:57
Ozwaldcais there a way to revert back to v1.0.17?19:57
nikitisis not a hda intell19:57
SliderMannikitis i dont have a livecd, i am using ubuntu atm19:57
eth01please don't PVT me19:57
temp01possible to boot .iso from grub?19:57
achtung_Has Ubuntu implemented glitch-free-audio in pulse yet?19:57
achtung_I need to know to test something.19:57
nilloBrucevdk: That's possible, but I thought I was using 8.10 before as well.  Maybe it was a previous version.19:57
jon23dacr0nym: sweet!  ty19:57
Wolojon23d: thanks :>19:57
stealth-Wolo: copy the files you want into your new home directory, then run the command: sudo chown yournewname:yournewname -R /home/yournewname19:57
nikitisSliderMan, Do you only have one harddrive with no other partitions?19:57
shubbarhow do i add a service to startup?19:57
Ozwaldcai know that no the card but here are no drivers for the sigmatel card19:58
nilloBrucevdk: In any case, seems silly that Ubuntu would discontinue functionality like this, and not offer an obvious transition path.19:58
stealth-Wolo: and obviously replace yournewname with your new name. That will give yournewname ownership over all files in /home/yournewname19:58
SliderMannikitis, ubuntu installtion mistakly setup grub on my usb stick. now i have to boot ubuntu from my hd using the stick. it wont load if the stick isnt connected.19:58
Ozwaldcashould i just try running the /configure file and make, and then make installl again?19:58
timthelio1is there a way to make it so that when I'm dragging windows, they won't "fly" to other desktops?  This mechanism would be useful, except it's very clumsy right now...19:58
nikitisSliderMan, take the stick out, and send me the output of19:59
temp01anyone? :/ i want to boot .ISOs using grub menu19:59
mizipzoris there a command to list every physical drive in the box, all partitions on that drive and the (eventual) folder its mapped to?19:59
SliderMannikitis last time i tried to take it out ubuntu froze.19:59
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jimmy5410The Linux Live Scripts didn't help19:59
stealth-SliderMan: look up a tutorial on installing grub on the harddrive again, do that from a live cd19:59
nikitisSliderMan, send me the output of "sudo fdisk -l " via http://rafb.net/paste20:00
axsd9dtemp01 try unetbootin20:00
jimmy5410I need to save my settings on a flashdrive, while I am booting from that same flashdrive20:00
Brucevdknillo: well, Ubuntu is a community distro (by the people, for the people), it's not a hive mind controlled by a single entity or something :-) The Compiz team was probably too busy trying to get more fancy effects then duplicate behavior from Metacity.20:01
Ozwaldcathis is really the only thing holding me back from going full ubuntu...  and i really hate vista20:01
temp01axsd9d: thanks :) looks like it'll work20:01
SliderMannikitis, http://rafb.net/p/HeBcqR32.html20:01
SliderMannikitis i think one of them is the usb stick20:02
jimmy5410I  need some help20:02
nilloBrucevdk: I won't argue that point with you.  I understand.  I just thought that Ubuntu tried to be a convenient OS, like Windows, and from a newbie perspective (like me) this change is confusing.20:02
acr0nym*cough* use windows 7 *cough* :P20:03
nikitisSliderMan, So you have 20GB's for root and 20GB's for /home?20:03
SliderMannikits, yeah.20:03
SliderMannikits, 1gb is swap :P20:03
nilloBrucevdk: To be honest with you, I'm still not sure whether it's not a bug in my UI somehow.20:03
Ozwaldcaok well thanx for the help..i will check back later  maybe there will be more folks available to chat with20:04
Brucevdknillo: when I switch to compiz (compiz --replace) the behavior of the workspace switcher applet changes to not being able to name workspaces (or even display them). Switching back to Metacity does allow me to do so.  And then there's this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/94818 (not a bug perse, just one that shows the feature is not available when using Compiz)20:05
Brucevdknillo: here's a more relevant bug report it seems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libwnck/+bug/12915220:06
Tyyrhow do I make xchat not autojoin this network/channel?20:06
nilloBrucevdk: Thanks a lot, I was heading in the bug report direction.  I will look into those.20:06
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nikitisSliderMan, first off you will have to make your root partition bootable by typing sudo fdisk /dev/sda20:07
ExcellTyyr:  go into network settings/edit20:07
SliderMannikits, ok.20:07
axsd9dtry rightclick the channel & remove from favourites20:07
nikitisSliderMan, hit a then select 1 assuming the first 20 gb is root20:07
nikitisthen hit w to write out the contents20:08
erUSULTyyr: got to the networks settings ? Crtl + S20:08
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Tyyrfound it20:08
axsd9dTyyr: try rightclick the channel & remove from favourites20:08
Excelly/w Tyyr20:08
Brucevdknillo: the problem with that latter report though is that they're mixing two issues in one report (labels and number of workspaces). It's best to move the name/labels discussion to the other (closed/invalid) bug report and reopen that.20:08
SliderMannikitis, ok20:08
nikitisnow that drive is bootable.  You need to write grub to the MBR20:08
SliderMannikitis it asks for command gain20:08
bonhofferi am trying to find my Section "ServerLayout" in xorg.conf -- it isn't there -- has this been deleted?20:08
SliderMannikitis it asks for command again**20:08
nikitisyou hit w to write?20:09
marshallwhat file contains the list of blacklisted modules?20:09
nikitisSliderMan, when you hit w after you set it to bootable via a20:09
nilloBrucevdk: I will try to keep that in mind.  I have a lot of other competing issues, though, so I may forget.20:09
nikitisSliderMan, it should quit once done20:09
Brucevdkmarshall: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:09
Slartmarshall: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist I think20:09
bonhofferi need to insert the line: InputDevice     "stylus""SendCoreEvents"20:09
nilloBrucevdk: Thanks for your help!  Think we've bounded the problem.20:09
bonhofferand without knowing where that is, i don't know where to put it20:10
SliderMannikitis it says the kernel still uses the old tables and i should reboot20:10
nikitisSliderMan, don't yet20:10
nikitissorry i20:10
SliderMannikits ok. what next?20:10
nikitisI am typing on this shitty dell mini 9 keyboard, enter is where the ' is supposed to be20:10
Brucevdkbonhoffer: http://pastebin.com/d5e88476e -- here's my xorg.conf, looking at that might help you out20:10
bonhofferBrucevdk, thanks!20:11
nikitisSliderMan, one sec20:11
erUSULmarshall: the various /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*20:11
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SliderMannikitis take your time, thanks for helping out.20:11
bonhofferBrucevdk, so it looks like i should add the ServerLayout section20:11
Brucevdkbonhoffer: looks like it :-) Default xorg.conf nowadays is blanked out anyways.20:12
nikitisSliderMan, type sudo grub and under the new prompt type find /boot/grub/stage120:12
MHz128Any suggestions for a good-looking system font use? besides the default one...20:12
BrucevdkMHz128: Comic Sans is a reasonable choice20:13
bonhofferBrucevdk, so how do i know if mine is blanked out (comments across the board?)20:13
SliderMannikitis (hd0,0)20:13
nikitisSliderMan, wonderful20:13
Brucevdkbonhoffer: no I meant, literally blank, empty, nothing, nilcho :-)20:13
nikitisSliderMan, i need you to quit20:13
SliderMannikitis, done.20:14
bonhofferBrucevdk, got it20:14
nikitisSliderMan, and type cat /boot/grub/menu.lst and send me the output via http://rafb.net/paste20:14
Brucevdkbonhoffer: anyways, my config is specifically configured for an X61 tablet, but you should be able to remove the unneeded bits20:14
bonhofferBrucevdk, i just have a bamboo fun20:15
_mnemonic76I have just installed ubuntu 8.04 from the live cd. grub seems to be loading properly after the POST, but the entries in menu.lst were wrong. after I fix that file what do I have to do to make the changes permanent?20:15
Brucevdkbonhoffer: you might even be able to auto-generate it using: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg20:15
bonhofferinteresting . . .20:15
SliderMannikits, http://rafb.net/p/lW92vf73.html20:15
MHz128what is the Gnome config file editor called?20:16
Brucevdkbonhoffer: wait no, ignore that, turns out that doesn't work :-)20:16
MHz128clearscreen, oh :p20:16
clearscreenMHz128: unless you mean an actual texteditor (gedit)20:16
bonhofferBrucevdk, if you have a minute -- does this tutorial look up to date? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76591520:16
bonhofferthat is what i am following20:17
MHz128clearscreen, I'm looking for a setting to change the inactive title-bar transparency...20:17
clearscreenthats probably a compiz setting, although I could be wrong20:17
MHz128nope, its gnome20:17
Brucevdkbonhoffer: I'd say try copy pasting that entire Xorg.conf file first, before trying the compilation stuff20:17
LMJwhy the flash plugin works fine on my sea-monkey and not on Firefox on ubuntu 8.10 64bits20:18
nikitisSliderMan, one sec, analyzing your file20:18
bonhofferBrucevdk, thanks20:18
_mnemonic76My problem is that grub enumerates the disks differently after I have booted into ubuntu... so issuing the commands IN ubuntu to grub is wrong...20:18
SliderMannikitis, thanks for helping. take your time.20:18
nikitisSliderMan, ok, i think i have everything and should warn that in case this does not work then it may be wise to have a LIVE Disc handy as you may not be able to boot if it doesn20:20
nikitisSliderMan, but it should work20:20
SliderMannikitis, i dont have a cd-rom drive.20:20
SliderMannikitis but its fine i have my brothers laptop, i could go online from his lap20:21
nikitisSliderMan, download unetbootin20:21
nikitisSliderMan, then type sudo grub20:21
SliderMannikitis whats unetbooting?20:21
nikitisSliderMan, allows for a disc ubuntu of many types, live, install, net install disc to boot via usb stick20:21
SliderMannikitis, my usb has only 128MB the only disk i could setup  on it is the minimal20:22
bonhofferwhat is a good way to test out my wacom to see if it is working on ubuntu?20:22
SliderMannikitis, anyways i am on grub menu thingy20:22
SliderMannikitis, willing to take the risk ;)20:22
nikitisSliderMan, once at the grub prompt via "sudo grub", type "root hd(0,0)" then type "setup hd(0)"20:23
nikitisSliderMan, without quotes20:23
MHz128I would like to disable the inactive title-bar transparency effect, is there a setting somewhere in gconf-editor for this?20:23
SliderMangrub> root hd(0,0)20:23
SliderManError 11: Unrecognized device string20:23
bonhofferBrucevdk, now my pc, on reboot is going into low-graphics mode20:23
FlannelSliderMan: (hd0,0) not hd(0,0)20:23
Brucevdkbonhoffer: bad config probably20:24
SliderManok thanks ;)20:24
nikitisSliderMan, my fault20:24
bonhofferdata incomplete in file /etc/x11/xorg.conf20:24
Brucevdkbonhoffer: let me take a look and create a conf for you to try20:24
nikitisSliderMan, been awhile20:24
clearscreenMHz128: im almost certain it's a compiz setting :P20:24
bonhofferUndefined InputDevice "touch" referenced by ServerLayout "Default Layout"20:24
Vuenhey guys, i just installed mythtv to test it out before buying an htpc. now my computer is really slow, and top shows mysqld_safe taking up 96% cpu. anyone know what's wrong?20:24
bonhofferBrucevdk, i'll pastie -- hold on20:24
SliderMannikitis, it worked. should i reboot now?20:24
bonhofferBrucevdk, should i run in low-graphics mode?20:25
nikitisSliderMan, yup, take out your usb stick and make sure your harddrive is first on the boot list in your BIOS20:25
bonhofferor 'reconfigure graphics' i am getting some options i have to select from20:25
MHz128clearscreen, hmm, can you guess which plugin?20:25
nikitisSliderMan, take it out after you shut down20:25
clearscreenyeah just tested it, it's compiz20:25
SliderMannikitis, thanks alot.20:25
SlartIs there a secret place where you can set scroll speed for your mouse? I seem to remember seeing it before but now I can't find it20:25
nikitisSliderMan, and come back to tell us if it worked20:25
bonhofferbut it looks like my wacom is recognized20:26
MHz128clearscreen, interesting, in Fedora, its a gnome setting :p20:26
Brucevdkbonhoffer: I don't remember the dialog, pick what sounds best to you :-) I'd personally always just go to Ctrl-Alt-F1, login, delete the xorg.conf and restart X20:26
MHz128my bad!20:26
Brucevdkbonhoffer: that's good :-)20:26
emmaSlart: how about systems > preferences > mouse20:26
bonhofferwell, starting in low graphics mode20:26
Slartemma: yes, that seems like the logical place for it.. but they've thought of that.. nothing there for settings scroll speed20:27
clearscreenMHz128: CompizConfig Settings Manager, general settings->opacity settings->window opacities20:27
bonhofferbut it looks pretty good -- o.k. uploading20:27
nikitisanyone have a dell mini 9 and know what the recommended size for a root partition?20:27
Slartemma: at least not on my computer.. you've got something in there?20:27
nikitiswith only a 8 gb drive?20:27
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graingertnikitis-> why not just make it 8gb?20:28
bonhofferBrucevdk, http://gist.github.com/9050920:28
nikitisgraingert, i like to have /home separate in case i need to blow root away20:28
khuntmy other ubuntu install is booting into maintenance console and asking for root password. Only it won't accept my root password20:28
emmaSlart: is it a usb mouse?20:29
graingertnikitis-> on a netbook! why not just back up it's only 8gb20:29
axsd9dkhunt maybe try ubuntu;ubuntu20:29
Slartemma: yup.. a usb mighty mouse with cord20:29
Brucevdkbonhoffer: looks like you have an invalid reference to the inputdevice "touch", this config here should probably work: http://pastebin.com/d1d75a36b20:29
nikitisgraingert, lol.  Still.  I want one20:29
nikitisgraingert, i wish to upgrade to jaunty as well20:30
nikitisgraingert, and i have no idea a default install takes up20:30
graingertnikitis-> yeah, it will upgrade without worry20:30
bonhofferBrucevdk, great20:30
nikitisgraingert, Do you have one?20:30
graingertnikitis-> does the mini9 have an sd port?20:30
nikitisgraingert, yes20:30
graingertnikitis-> sdhc?20:30
MHz128clearscreen, hmm, so how do I make them all opaque?20:30
nikitisgraingert, says SD*MD PRO MMC20:31
Bram_Phello, I think I did kill my micro-sd card, my ubuntu computer can see it (it says usb drive) but it doesn't do anything anymore... what can be wrong?20:31
emmaSlart: you might be able to at least adjust the speed in firefox.20:31
j5098i just upgraded to jaunty and now all my desktop effects are really slow20:31
eseven73j5098, ask about that in #ubuntu+120:31
nikitisgraingert, 02:00.2 SD Host controller: JMicron Technologies, Inc. Unknown device 238120:32
clearscreenMHz128: actually, it could be metacity20:32
j5098eseven73: k, thanks20:32
emmaabout:config  and then change the mousewheel.withnokey.sysnumlines to false and then change mousewheel.withnokey.numlines to a number as to how fast you like. Perhaps 6 or so.20:32
Slartemma: so scroll wheel events aren't handled by the os but by the application itself? that's kind of annoying20:32
clearscreenMHz128: gconf-editor -> apps -> gwd ->   then set metacity_theme_opacity to 1 (instead of 0.75)20:32
AgainstTheFlowI am getting this error in the update manager. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  How can I fix this?20:32
graingertj5098-> some CS drivers (ie graphics) don't work with latest (ubuntu+1)20:32
emmaSlart: I'm trying to look into it but that idea for adjusting it in firefox is all I've found so far.20:32
MHz128clearscreen, whats gwd?20:32
siegieI want to automount a nfs share on my server. But the server is not always running. I used autofs with auto unmount after a specific specific time. This works fine, but when the server is not running, and a program tries to access a file on the nfs mount, the program freezes. I would be better to just have an error that the file is not there.20:32
graingertj5098-> go to ubuntu+1 for help with unstable20:33
clearscreenMHz128: gnome window decoration20:33
Bram_PI think I did kill my micro-sd card, my ubuntu computer can see it (it says usb drive) but it doesn't do anything anymore... what can be wrong?20:33
nikitisgraingert, did you get that?20:33
Slartemma: google only find other people asking the same thing.. no real solutions so far.. but thanks for the firefox setting20:33
bonhofferBrucevdk, o.k. i copied that xorg.conf into my /etc/x11 directory i am now in a shell (non-graphical reached via ctl+alt+f1)20:33
graingertnikitis-> not sure...20:33
clearscreenMHz128: it's listed as 'gwd' in 'apps'20:33
MHz128clearscreen, you are the man, thats exactly what I was looking for... :)20:33
nikitisgraingert, 02:00.2 SD Host controller: JMicron Technologies, Inc. Unknown device 238120:33
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bonhofferhow do i restart x and reload the xorg.conf20:33
BrucevdkSlart: it's not the events perse, X obviously registers those, but it's the application and eventually the application's responsibility to then do what is should be doing20:34
clearscreenbonhoffer: ctrl + alt + backspace20:34
graingertnikitis-> plug an sdhc card into it :-p20:34
emmaSlart: your problem seems to be on a lot of people's wishlists.20:34
HTPCCan somebody tell me how I can change the active viewing tty by a command20:34
nikitisgraingert, don20:34
emmaSlart: -- http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2473/20:34
clearscreenMHz128: np20:34
Slart21:34 < Brucevdk> Slart: it's not the events perse, X obviously registers those, but it's the application and eventually the application's responsibility to then do what is  should be doing20:34
nikitisgraingert, dont have one20:34
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SlartBrucevdk: mm.. I guess it makes sense..20:34
graingertnikitis-> ok, I'll try in store20:34
bonhofferclearscreen, Brucevdk, ctl+alt+backspace didn't workk20:34
denndaHaving installed a fresh copy of intrepid: I want to get jaunty. Should I upgrade all intrepid packages first or can I start upgrading to jaunty immediately?20:34
Slartsorry for the copy paste spam20:34
bonhofferclearscreen, Brucevdk, does nothing20:34
clearscreenbonhoffer: then CTRL+ALT+F2, log into the shell, and type: /etc/init.d/gdm restart20:35
nikitisgraingert, why?20:35
dennda(yes I do know it is still beta, thanks)20:35
emmathe scroll wheel is not really a wheel. It's just a button being clicked over and over. There should be away to adjust its behavior in xorg, but the problem with that is that no one knows how xorg works anymore.20:35
bonhofferBrucevdk, i am getting low-graphics mode errors again20:35
Slartemma: perhaps someone will come up with something clever for future versions of ubuntu..20:36
graingertnikitis-> becuase I fancy one20:36
graingertnikitis-> :-p20:36
nikitisgraingert, it20:36
BrucevdkSlart: I sorta wasn't following the discussion, what are you trying to do? :-)20:36
nikitisgraingert, its a multi card reader20:36
Bram_Phello, I think I did kill my micro-sd card, my ubuntu computer can see it (it says usb drive) but it doesn't do anything anymore... what can be wrong?20:37
emmaSlart: that would be good. I'll push the idea to my software development friends.20:37
SlartBrucevdk: just trying to modify how much the scroll wheel scrolls in nautilus windows, firefox windows, openoffice windows etc..20:37
emmaSlart: this doesn't look good as for finding a solution within Gnome -- http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=473839&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a20:37
Durandal4Hello, can someone please help me with FireStarter20:37
SlartBrucevdk: also my vertical scroll wheel scrolls faster than the horizontal one..20:37
AgainstTheFlowI am getting E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. in the update manager. How can I corrct this?20:37
clearscreen!ask | Durandal420:37
ubottuDurandal4: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:37
hateballAgainstTheFlow: You do as it tells you to, put sudo in front20:38
clearscreenAgainstTheFlow: do what it says? :P20:38
solexious|netbkPretty sure this will work but to idiot check, will an apt cache work with the upgrade to 9.04?20:38
Durandal4!ask Is there any way I may set FireStarter to automatically open upon startup?20:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:38
jimisrvroxhey guys Ive got a wmp54g that shows like half a signal in ubuntu but when you try to connect to the router it does not want to connect. If it does connect it doesnt stay connected for very long how could I solve this issue? Im using the native linux drivers btw20:38
SliderMankravlin, thanks alot. it worked!! :P20:38
bonhofferBrucevdk, looks like it is working20:38
AgainstTheFlowI tried couldnt get it to work. Hold on I will try again20:38
HTPCCan somebody tell me how I can change the active viewing tty by a command, want to change it remotely20:38
nikitisgraingert, get yourself the cheapest model as far as ram/harddisk goes.  Cause you can buy a runcore SSD that writes 2 times as fast and buy ram cheaper than dell sells20:38
clearscreenDurandal4: you can add it to your gnome session list20:38
Brucevdkbonhoffer: phew :-)20:38
matt_keysI don't have sound from Flash. I've tried all the tips I could find from searching Google and need some help troubleshooting what it is.20:38
nikitisSliderMan, did it work?20:39
emma!info iwheel20:39
ubottuPackage iwheel does not exist in intrepid20:39
bonhofferBrucevdk, except the wacom mouse20:39
Durandal4How do I add Firestarter to my gnome session list?20:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions20:39
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:39
SliderMannikitis,  thanks alot. it worked!! :P20:39
Guest92150how can i remove profile in unison????20:39
bonhofferBrucevdk, is there a lightweight drawing program to test this out in?20:39
nikitisSliderMan, grats, enjoy20:39
bonhoffergimp might require custom configration20:39
emmaSlart: this might be useful for you -- http://colas.nahaboo.net/mouse-wheel-scroll/20:39
SliderMannikitis, thanks. i was talking to someone else LOL20:39
Slart    *20:39
Slart    * Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 15:11:14 -050020:39
SlartThe press releases, I believe, are scheduled for 2007. There's been alot of talk, though, in Mac circles about it.20:39
SlartEssentially, the concept is simple, but revolutionary. The iWheel is a disc shaped object that can be affixed to the bottom of any heavy object/platform. What happens is as follows: as a force is applied to the object, either by pulling or pushing it, the attached iWheel, whose circumference is made of rubber, begins to rotate as a result of the torque applied to it due to the traction of the rubber with the ground, while at the same time propping up the objec20:39
FloodBot3Slart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
SliderMannikitis, i thoguth it was you.20:39
SlartThe result is that the object to which it's affixed becomes significantly more mobile, because all friction of the object with the ground is eliminated, all the while the object is MOVED by the spinning iWheel which by itself imparts minimal friction on the axle--the metal rod that forms its axis.20:39
Slartbah.. so sorry again20:40
Brucevdkbonhoffer: Gimp or Inkscape I'd guess (I'd consider those light) :-)20:40
SliderMansomeone unban him20:40
clearscreenBot is lagging hard today :P20:40
nikitisSliderMan, shouldnt need that usb stick for booting anymore20:40
matt_keysIf I click on System -> Preferences -> Sound, and hit the test buttons I hear the tone, but I don't hear anything when watching flash20:40
SlartI'll go sit in the "I can't use my mouse"-corner for a while20:40
bonhofferBrucevdk, what is inkscape?20:40
bonhoffer(installing it right now)20:40
SliderMannikitis its in my hand, not connected anymore. i wanted to have it for installtion in case something happen.20:40
AgainstTheFlowI get command not found when I run that command20:41
Brucevdkbonhoffer: vector graphics editor20:41
SliderMannikitis, also ubuntu runs faster now.20:41
bonhoffercool -- thanks20:41
clearscreenAgainstTheFlow: then you didnt type it in correctly20:41
emmaSlart: there appears to be no way to adjust the scroll wheel except on a per app basis. There may be an app called iwheel that can do it for you but it's not in the Ubuntu repos, apparently.20:41
bonhofferdoes your wacom mouse work?20:41
Slartemma: I'll take a look at it. Thanks for all the help20:41
Brucevdkbonhoffer: I'm not sure what a Wacom mouse is :-) I have a tablet20:41
nikitisSliderMan, in theory, you can use that stick again in case your MBR crashes and can no longer boot, but that is unlikely it will happen20:41
Brucevdkbonhoffer: like a touchscreen I mean20:41
bonhofferBrucevdk, the mouse works on top of the tablet20:41
emmaSlart: The link I posted above shows how to do it for a lot of different apps. It's a collection of various hacks.20:41
bonhofferwith the bamboo fun, but you answered my question20:42
SliderMannikitis, this HD fails alot. you wont believe this.20:42
nikitisSliderMan, how old is it20:42
matt_keysThe sound card is a 01:00.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 03)20:42
SliderMannikitis, its 10years old LMAO! :P20:42
nikitisSliderMan, it20:42
SliderMannikitis still wokring tho ;)20:42
nikitisSliderMan, it is failing20:42
SliderMannikitis, sometimes MBR crashes or partions "disapier"20:43
nikitisSliderMan, you will need to get a new one, parts of the drive are losing its ability to stay magnetized20:43
AgainstTheFlowI cut and paste it exactly as it shows in the error. I still et command not found20:43
IenorandThe manual page for "echo" speaks of --help as a valid argument, but when i try it it just echoes it... is there something I'm missing here or is this manual wrong?20:43
nikitisSliderMan, drives are supposed to be replaced on average after 5 years20:43
nikitisSliderMan, after that your data is threatened20:43
SliderMannikitis, yeah my plan is to get a new laptop, i want allienwere.20:43
nikitisSliderMan, don20:44
SliderMannikitis they have some really nice stuff.20:44
SliderMannikitis you dont like them?20:44
nikitisSliderMan, dont save anything important on that drive20:44
nikitisSliderMan, i like, just overpriced20:44
SliderMannikitis, true that.20:44
nikitisSliderMan, i just bought this new dell mini 9, i just hate the keyboard layout anytime there is a ' i hit the enter key instead and i never finish my sentance20:45
SliderMannikitis, they have some really nice stuff for laptops  no one else has.20:45
* PCTeacher012 is not here, ill be back soon20:45
SliderMannikitis, my bro has a reg dell laptop they are nice20:45
SliderMannikitis, but i dont like onboard graphic chips. its lame.20:46
\shamanHi. I've got a lot of complains about drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card*, open result is -1, (No such device) in Xorg.0.log on my xubuntu 8.10 and i815 integrated video. What can I do?20:46
SliderMannikitis, taking some of your system RAM20:46
nikitisSliderMan, well enjoy i have to run to the parents house for dinner.20:46
SliderMannikitis, never works as fast as a pci-ex cards.20:46
nikitisSliderMan,  good to hear your system boots now20:46
SliderMannikitis, have a great day, thanks alot for helping that was really annoying to boot from a usb stick.20:47
=== Guest92150 is now known as signorini1984
graingertnikitis -> how is the scratchability of the mini920:48
AgainstTheFlowThank you Clearscreen. It is operating aain now20:48
SliderMancan i use a usb stick as swap area?20:49
nashirakI am trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 8.10.  My sources list is out of date so it can upgrade.  What is the best way to go about upgrading if the sources have been removed?20:49
signorini1984i'm not able to sync a folder with unison......i have a folder in the desktop and another one in the usb pen drive.....i make "unison path1/folder1 path2/folder 2 but i recieve an error....what i have to do???20:50
SliderManamu app that takes pictures from a webcam and saves them into HD?20:50
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
SliderManamy app that takes pictures from a webcam and saves them into HD?20:51
ogelamiwhere is the cookies from curl being written?20:51
manzuri want to make a tooltip when hovering mouse on files project20:52
manzurcan anyone help me20:52
manzurfor gnome20:52
FloodBot3manzur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
Slartnashirak: there is a repository for the older versions20:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about endoflife20:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases20:52
ogelamiwhere is the cookies from curl being written?20:53
manzuris ther a tooltip for files project nowadays for gnome20:53
Creative1412guys what shall i buy GIGABYTE ATI HD 4670 or NIVIDIA 9600GS020:56
manzurCreative1412: it depends20:57
MHz128How do I install gnome-docky?20:57
graingertcan you reasign the keys on a mini9 netbook, the F11 and F12 keys are not included20:57
Supersaiyan_IVCreative1412, if nvidia, buy anything that has the G96 chip20:57
Creative1412hmmmm .. ok then the 9600 gso is fine?20:57
graingertMHz128-> you need to add the gnome-do ppa20:57
Creative1412and better for Ati?20:57
kravlinis there a command in linux that returns the current user?20:57
Supersaiyan_IVCreative1412, ati doesn't have good linux support imo, but they are getting better20:58
Creative1412i know iam suffering with the ATI 2600XT!20:58
Creative1412thanks guys :)20:58
kravlinalaz: thanks, i'm trying to write a program to return the current user20:59
alazkravlin: whoami does that nicely... :)20:59
kravlinalaz: in perl to fit conky.20:59
Supersaiyan_IVCreative1412, another reason to choose nvidia is because they have developed a vdpau codec tha enables hardware h264 and VC1 decoding in linux20:59
jribkravlin: you know of « whoami » ?21:00
manzuranyone in here know about a plugin for nautlus which let me see tooltips for files21:00
manzurand folders???21:00
kravlinjrib: i do now.21:00
bruenigmanzur: what is a tooltip?21:00
Neko_i am just learning how use the linux terminal, and i have a question about the cd ../ command when you display a list of file and directorys and they have spaces in the file names how can you open them in the terminal as it wont allow spaces?21:00
kravlinjrib: now if i can just figure out perl enough to write the config.21:00
bruenigmanzur: one of those things that pops up?21:00
bruenigmanzur: and what is it supposed to show exactly?21:00
manzurfile properties21:01
manzuryeah like this21:01
manzurlet me show ya21:01
dmanNeko_: escape the spaces with backslashes File\ Name21:01
Neko_ok thanks dman21:01
Neko_ill give it a try21:01
dmananyone know of a viable way to open a folder with 4000 images in it? nautilus... dies.21:01
dmanNeko_: remember, tab completion is your friend21:02
=== william is now known as Guest50707
alazkravlin: in perl its getlogin() i think21:02
Neko_what is "tab completion" ?21:02
chaihi all, i just downloaded the insighttoolkit3-examples package, where do i actually find that source?21:02
BrucevdkNeko_: type something, like the beginning of a filename, hit tab, and it auto completes it with the matching item21:03
manzurhey people like this21:03
Neko_that sounds kool21:03
graingertdoes the dell mini9 suport SDHC?21:03
Neko_ill give it a go21:03
DRUMSÅñòü êòî èç Ðàøè ?21:03
manzuris there a plugion for that21:03
BrucevdkNeko_: next to escaping spaces, you can also use quotes (single ' and double ") so... cat "a filename with spaces"21:04
manzurin nautilus21:04
Slartdman: have you tried disabling the icon preview thingy temporarily?21:04
Guest50707Anyone have an idea how I could remount stuff from my fstab when my network connection established a new network connection21:04
kravlinalaz: so then #!/bin/bash21:04
kravlingetlogin(); would work right?21:04
Slart!ru | DRUMS21:04
ubottuDRUMS: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:04
Brucevdkmanzur: I don't believe Nautilus supports tooltips when hovering over items, Konqueror and Dolphin I believe do21:04
manzurBrucevdk: can u help me do a plugin for nautilus21:05
chaiwhen you download a source package, i.e. insighttoolkit3-examples, where do those examples actually go? silly question but i can't find em...21:05
alazkravlin: um no. /bin/bash is not perl interpreter. bash uses whoami. /usr/bin/perl uses getlogin() function21:05
Brucevdkmanzur: you can't specifically do this as a plugin either (you'd have to hack on Nautilus itself), see: http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/Development However, there might be some people working on someting like this for Google's Summer of Code.21:06
alazkravlin: explain what you are trying to do again please :)21:06
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:06
TuxGnomeHello :)21:06
kravlinalaz: i'm working on getting my conky program to print my current username.21:07
carl_What is a .fdf file?21:07
manzurBrucevdk: what is that google's ....???21:07
manzurhurry tell me i want to contribute21:07
clearscreenJust a question out of curiosity, where and how are the settings you can edit through gconf-editor stored?21:07
Slartcarl_: this might help you http://www.google.se/search?q=what+is+a+.fdf+file21:07
carl_It's to print a cirtificate from website.21:07
SvenVanBrodoes anyone know sebsebseb, or what happened to him?21:07
ActionParsnipcarl_: try:    file <file you are curious of>21:07
Brucevdkmanzur: Google sponsors an event where students are paid over the summer to work on Open Source projects (like an internship), http://code.google.com/soc/21:07
ActionParsnipcarl_: it may tell you21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf21:07
Slartcarl_: there might be several things called fdf21:08
clearscreen!gconf-editor > clearscreen21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf-editor21:08
alazkravlin: ok. for bash its like this #!/bin/bash && whoami21:08
kravlinalaz: the conky config line is ${tab 20}Username: ${alignr}${execi 20 ~/.scripts/conky_user.sh}21:08
IenorandThe manual page for "echo" speaks of --help as a valid argument, but when i try it it just echoes it... is there something I'm missing here or is this manual wrong?21:08
Brucevdkclearscreen: ~/.gconf in XML files21:08
dmanSlart: still took 4 mins. Finally worked though.21:08
manzurBrucevdk: is there a way to know what they are working on21:08
SlartIenorand: I tried that too.. I didn't find a way to use --help or --version switches..21:08
clearscreenBrucevdk: aha, alright..21:08
ActionParsnipcarl_: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/fdf21:09
manzurBrucevdk: so we do not do the same thing21:09
alazkrevlin: ah so its runing the .sh file. then edit it and put in #!/bin/bash -line break- whoami21:09
pinguHallo, how can i list all folders and files in it with ls?21:09
=== pingu is now known as Guest86741
Slartdman: mm.. nautilus isn't fast when it comes to such things.. it helped somewhat when I defragged the volume I tried looking at21:09
carl_ActionParsnip So, I need acrobat reader?  Or what?21:09
aadityaubottu: jaunty21:09
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:09
Guest86741with ls i get only the folders21:09
kravlinalaz: got it working. awesome.21:10
alazkrevlin: also make sure you ran chmod +x on that file21:10
jarnosHello! I installed jaunty command21:10
ActionParsnipcarl_: wekk, any PDF reader will do21:10
chaiwhen you type sudo apt-get install somelibrary-examples, where do those examples download to?21:10
ActionParsnip!jaunty | jarnos21:10
ubottujarnos: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:10
Brucevdkmanzur: the list archive http://mail.gnome.org/archives/nautilus-list/ and the SoC list http://live.gnome.org/SummerOfCode2009 (and possibly this discussion specifically: http://tinyurl.com/c28h6421:10
SliderManany app that takes pictures from a webcam and saves them into HD?21:10
kravlinalaz: already done.21:10
alazkrevlin: great!21:10
* Guest86741 join #ubuntu-de21:10
ActionParsnipchai: the debs go to /var/cache/apt   and then the debs are installed21:10
SlartSliderMan: if you've got the webcam working I think there are several that can do that21:10
chaiActionParsnip, thank you!21:11
SlartSliderMan: the problem is usually getting the webcam to work in the first place21:11
AthunyeHello. Is there a boot option to make the install a little more customisable ? Something that would make the installer ask a few more question ?21:11
ActionParsnipchai: you can clear the cache with: sudo apt-get clean21:11
Slart!info webcamd | SliderMan: this is one example21:11
ubottuSliderMan:: webcamd (source: webcamd): Capture images from video devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.6-5 (intrepid), package size 11 kB, installed size 104 kB21:11
dmanAthunye: try the alternate cd maybe? a lot more versatile21:11
BrucevdkSlart: ;-)21:11
SliderManthanks slart ;)21:12
Athunyedman: OK.21:12
joophow do I find out what version of ubuntu I currently have installed?21:12
Slartjoop: run lsb_release -a in a terminal21:12
PCTeacher012quick question, aMSN will not work, it logs on, then freezes, should i uninstall the package then reinstall it?21:12
jarnosActionParsnip:  ..line system, lxde, and update-notifier. Also in software sources it is set to check updates daily. However, I don't see any notification icon in tray.21:12
carl_ActionParsnip The link shows only Mac and MS Windows...  But I'm trying to open the link with xpdf and nothing's happening.21:12
adaptrjoop: go to system -> about Ubuntu21:12
adaptrdarn! that's just silly21:13
judget_Can someone help me with gspca in Ubuntu Intrepid21:13
adaptrmy bad21:13
chaiSliderMan, also uvccapture for command line21:13
ActionParsnipcarl_: well if you install adobes pdf viewer (not open source) on your system, you have as good as a windows user21:13
alazkrevlin: did you make it show how many processes this user is running too?21:13
SliderManchai thanks, i dont like command line apps tho.21:13
judget_Cant get the gspca to compile on my Ubuntu Intrepid21:14
carl_ActionParsnip: Ok, will do that21:14
joopi have version 8.04...how do i update to 8.10?21:14
MHz128How do I revert back to gnomedo from Docky?21:14
BrucevdkSliderMan: you'll want cheese21:14
MHz128I cant access the settings dialog21:14
ActionParsnipjarnos: have you installed adept notifier?21:14
SliderManBrucevdk, cheese as the food?21:15
Brucevdk!info cheese | Sliderman: cheese21:15
ubottuSliderman:: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.2-0ubuntu0+intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 2339 kB, installed size 7152 kB21:15
SliderManBrucevdk is it free?21:16
manzurBrucevdk: would u like to help me doing a project21:16
BrucevdkSliderMan: everything here is freedom21:16
SliderManthats what i like about ubuntu :P21:16
Brucevdkmanzur: I have too many projects of my own, sorry :-)21:16
manzurBrucevdk: like what21:16
ActionParsnipSliderMan: nearly ALL software is free and everything in the repositories is 100% free. You arent using windows now dude21:16
ubuntunewkidis anybody using ubuntu on virtual pc 2007 because i am21:16
Brucevdkmanzur: well besides work, like http://code.google.com/p/nautilussvn21:17
ActionParsnip!anybody | ubuntunewkid21:17
ubottuubuntunewkid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:17
alazalthough free doesnt mean free as in free beer ;)21:17
ubuntunewkidam i the only one who uses ubuntu on virtual pc21:17
judget_I tried the ezcam and my webcam works in cheese but not in Skype all green hash21:17
dmanActionParsnip: free as in beer, but not all free as in speech...21:17
ActionParsnipubuntunewkid: i doubt that greatly. lots of people use virtualisation21:17
ActionParsnipdman: true21:17
judget_Does anyone know about a workaround for the gspca module I can't get it to compile in Intrepid21:18
alazubuntunewk: i only run ubuntu servers, no desktop :). i like osx too much21:18
ActionParsnipdman: but i guessed what he meant and fielded it.21:18
judget_My same webcam is working in Hardy though21:18
manzuris that a project of your own, Brucevdk????21:18
ubuntunewkidno, i means is there anybody who is using ubunu on virtualization programs?21:18
tonberry_I was moving house and now my raid fails. I could really use some help to pin point the problem :\ http://pastebin.com/m5d58866721:18
Brucevdkmanzur: yes and some other people21:18
alazubuntunewk: i got it on my virtualbox21:18
SliderManSlart said its hard to get the webcam working, i just pluged it in and it worked ;)21:18
ActionParsnipubuntunewkid: i have, i even ran a virtual machine in a virtual machine for a chuckle21:18
dmanActionParsnip: of course.21:18
ubuntunewkidthere is only one problem...sound...works with win xp but no ubuntu on virtual pc...21:19
alazActionPars: that must be slow21:19
Platypus-Manhow can I add 'play in rhythmbox' for folder right-click context menus? I'm using a keyboard that has laptop-style touchpad instead of a mouse, so drag-and-drop is impossible, and adding folders via 'import folder' in rhythmbox is also very slow21:19
sproatyWas some KDE updates released a few days ago? Synaptic keeps complaining about partial upgrades or something21:19
judget_The newer webcams that support uvcvideo streams just work21:19
diavol0razumes ti nesto?:S21:19
SlartSliderMan: just wait for the next ubuntu version.. mine worked in hardy.. not in intrepid21:19
Explozydiavol0 Nep ti ? :)21:19
SlartSliderMan: =)21:19
diavol0hitne potrebe21:20
Slart!english | diavol021:20
ubottudiavol0: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:20
SliderManSlart it works, maybe because its old. but i used it today with amsn ;)21:20
jarnosActionParsnip: Do you mean adept package? No. But it is not installed in another box either and there icon appears in tray (in Xfce).21:20
diavol0ma ne razumem engleski21:20
judget_so has anyone had any success compiling gspca for Intrepid or is there a different channel I should be asking on please?21:20
ExplozyNe razumem ni ja pa cutim21:20
ThomasGHenryhey folks, my machine turn off without shutting down (call it "a power outage") and now some things are locked and unavailable. Is there a way to determine the extent of the locking and restore functionality to everything? Thanks21:20
ubuntunewkidso many people are coming and going...what is this? facebook or something?21:20
diavol0na srpski21:20
graingertPlatypus-Man-> store all music in ~/Music21:20
diavol0how i get free shell?21:21
graingertThomasGHenry-> how about fsck ing it21:21
Platypus-Mannot enough space in music, and not going to bother setting up RAID on this PC21:21
graingertdiavol0-> they are all free21:21
graingertdiavol0-> and open source21:21
ThomasGHenrythx graingert i'll look into that21:21
diavol0sve mu ja znam sta je source al ok21:21
diavol0ok,,,, and now what?21:21
AceroneHelp Please. I upgraded Alsa (audio drivers) and now the Gnome keyboard shortcuts for volume no longer work. What do I need to do to fix them?21:22
sproatyIs there an easy way for my Python program to associate a file type with it, so that .wtbd files, for example opens in my app?21:22
nilloBrucevdk: I added you as a subscriber to the bug I filed.  Sorry, I should have asked first, but forgot I still had you on IRC.21:22
coolmadmaxdiavol0 како си?21:22
Explozydiavol0 Ima neko ko zna srpski :)21:22
diavol0cool_nick12 shta je to?21:22
Slartsproaty: I think it's a gnome thing.. don't know how to add more filetypes though.. perhaps look in the help for gnome-open ?21:22
dmansproaty: look into /etc/mimetypes, if i recall correctly google is your friend21:22
diavol0what is this21:22
kravlinAcerone: have you tried system>prefrences>keyboard shortcuts21:23
Brucevdknillo: :-) Right, well when I get too many mails I'll just unsub myself21:23
diavol0Explozy jel pili ovi nesto?21:23
ActionParsnipjarnos: i'm unsure what generates that icon, i always manually check updates personally. I dont even have synaptic installed21:23
ActionParsnipjarnos: maybe someone else can help21:23
Explozydiavol0 Ne bih reko al ne razumem nista :)21:23
sproatydman: ah yeah, but to automate it when the user installs the program? since it's only a python script, there isn't any installation, per say21:23
diavol0ej koje droge koristite21:23
coolmadmaxdiavol0 одакле си ?21:23
Aceronekravlin: yes, the shortcuts are still teh same, but the command that gnome shortcuts uses is no longer correct ( i think)21:23
diavol0coolmadmax koji to jezik kineski :S ?21:23
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:23
Platypus-Manenglish, or gtfo?21:24
Slartit's not optional of just a preference..21:24
Explozycoolmadmax Iz Srbije je ...21:24
diavol0ovde sve botovi21:24
dmansproaty: no way, really. if you package it you can add it then.21:24
diavol0i am from serbian21:24
diavol0little place21:24
Explozydiavol0 Lepo te pita covek odakle si ...21:24
diavol0pa mislis da ga razumem?21:24
MHz128My windows keep opening with the Title-Bar hidden beneath the GnomePanel... how can I change this?21:24
ExplozyPa razumes valjda ?21:24
dmansproaty: what is the script? out of curiousity21:24
ExplozySrpska slova ? :D21:24
diavol0meni izlazi21:24
sproatydman: thanks. It's a drawing program21:24
diavol0neka slova21:24
MikeHIs it possible with gnome/compiz to delete a "panel" for just one desktop?21:24
kravlinAcerone: right click on the volume icon and prefrences? make sure it's pointing towards your device?21:24
diavol0naopako nesto21:24
Slart!ops | Explozy, diavol021:24
ubottuExplozy, diavol0: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:24
FloodBot3diavol0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:25
coolmadmaxдобри сте21:25
ExplozyPo pravilu trebao bi svaki Srpski komp da ima takva slova :)21:25
ActionParsnipMikeH: i dont think so personally21:25
Explozycoolmadmax Znamo :)21:25
dmansproaty: cool.21:25
Explozycoolmadmax Odakle si ?21:25
Aceronekravlin: the volume works just fine, its just the gnome keyboard shortcuts for my fn keys.21:25
coolmadmaxмелбурна Аустралија21:25
ma3xis there a ssh timeout option somewhere in ubuntu?21:25
sproatydman: well, not a python script I guess, but an application, heh.  You can see some screenshots http://code.google.com/p/whyteboard/wiki/Screenshots if you're interested21:25
graingertma3x-> yes21:26
Brucevdknillo: oh btw, you can just switch to metacity if you want right?21:26
Explozycoolmadmax Aha oket21:26
kravlinAcerone: yeah, but the keyboard shortcuts may be affecting a different media device.21:26
signorini1984i have a usb drive and i have to format it as a ntfs partition....how can i do that????? i'm in ubuntu21:26
scuniziI don't get it.. I've got a 14 meg pdf @ 600dpi that I've reprinted in cups-pdf at 150dpi w/no color and the resulting file is 44megs.. what gives?21:26
Brucevdknillo: you just have to go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance  -> Visual effects and set it to None. Then it will switch to metacity and you'll be able to set workspace names.21:27
LinuxRevolutionI have a weired problem with ADSL net!! when I wanna download something connection stop!21:27
Aceronekravlin: the keyboard shortcuts are still pointing to the old alsa vs, which is gone, so they arent doing anything, I still see a volume slider when I press them, but the actual volume doesnt change21:27
dmansproaty: cool!21:27
dmanLinuxRevolution: sounds like you are overloading a crappy router.21:27
coolmadmaxрођен сам у Банјалуци а одале сте ви?21:27
LinuxRevolutiondman: please explain more21:28
Explozycoolmadmax Iz Srbije21:28
graingert!english | coolmadmax21:28
ubottucoolmadmax: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:28
ExplozyI on i ja ...21:28
signorini1984sorry guys how can i format a pen drive with a ntfs filesystem from ubuntu?????21:28
Slart!ru | coolmadmax21:28
ubottucoolmadmax: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:28
kravlinAcerone: i had the same problem. i fixed it by going to prefrences and making sure that it was set to the right device.21:28
Slartsignorini1984: try using gnome partition editor21:29
yuphow can i limit title's length in gnome ?21:29
Slartsignorini1984: or gparted, as it is also called21:29
Slartyup: title of what?21:29
signorini1984gnome partition editor doesn't have ntfs filesystem21:29
coolmadmaxсто се буне кад се пише на другом језику!21:29
kravlinAcerone: don't actually go into the volume control, instead just right click the icon on the taskbar.21:29
yuptitle of an icon on gnome desktop21:29
Aceronekravlin: so what preferences did you go to then? Ill try yours21:29
dmanLinuxRevolution: downloading places strain on the network. maybe you are just overloading it.21:29
Slartsignorini1984: hmm.. it does for me.. perhaps you need to install some ntfs tools.. hang on.. let me see what that package is called21:29
Aceronekravlin: the tray icon works fine, the volume changes, I want to fix my fn keys tho21:30
Explozycoolmadmax Pa ne znaju Srpski pa zato ne razumeju nas ... :)21:30
ActionParsnip!ru | coolmadmax21:30
ubottucoolmadmax: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:30
Slartsignorini1984: try installing "ntfsprogs" .. "sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs"21:30
signorini1984thank you.....if a select format option in gparted i can only chose ext or fat filesystem21:30
signorini1984ok i'll come back early21:30
LinuxRevolutiondman: look I even cant update my ubuntu with synaptic21:31
coolmadmaxok ok i will start to write english21:31
Slartcoolmadmax: sounds good21:31
yupi have a few icons on my desktop with very long titles, so i want to limit length of visible text of such titles21:31
kravlinAcerone: or try this system>prefrences>sound and make sure the Default Mixer Tracks are set right.21:31
dmanLinuxRevolution: hmm. good luck, but i have no idea what to do.21:31
signorini1984ok Slart i have installed it,.....now????21:31
Slartsignorini1984: try restarting gnome partition editor21:31
Slartyup: I think there is a setting somewhere to make them use linebreaks a bit more aggressively.. not sure if there is an option to simply limit the length21:32
signorini1984it works!!!!! thank u a lot!!!!!!21:32
yupok, thanks21:32
Slartsignorini1984: good =) you're welcome21:33
Aceronekravlin: THANK YOU! that worked!!!21:33
kravlinAcerone: it took me a week to figure that out... :P21:34
Aceronekravlin: Ive been working on it for 3 days21:35
nilloAny easy way to convert an existing (possibly damaged) CD to a new ISO?  Would creating an image and doing an rsync work?21:35
coolmadmaxi have crossover connected ubuntu 8.04 system with laptop fedora 10 and set up ip manually to 192.168.01 and but i need getaway ip address to set right .What should i to write to gataway ip address.Everything i try coming21:36
Slartnillo: not sure.. but I think an iso is supposed to be a digital copy of a cd..why not give it a try?21:36
coolmadmaxinvalid ip address21:36
nilloSlart: thanks, think I will.21:36
Slartcoolmadmax: try leaving it blank, or using the same ip as the computer has21:37
nilloSlart: Just wanted to shoot it down if it was futile.21:37
Blackgibsonnillo: look into ddrescue21:37
w0rthShould I install rails through apt-get or through gem? What is the difference?21:37
Blackgibsonthat might do the trick21:37
Slartnillo: =)21:37
Slartw0rth: gem? what is that?21:37
alazcoolmadmax: you can set that in /etc/network/interfaces21:38
ActionParsnipnillo: you can create an iso using dd, if the cd gives issues use dd_rescue21:38
w0rthSlart: rubygems21:38
demontagerhow to switch off internal speakers on laptop while headphones connected?21:39
nilloThanks Blackgibson, ActionParsnip.  Will look into that, too.  Good to know, if nothing else.21:39
SliderMan!games > sliderman21:39
ubottuSliderMan, please see my private message21:39
Blackgibsonno worries nillo, good luck21:39
=== sloan is now known as Guest19097
Slartw0rth: oh.. installing from apt might get some customization made for ubuntu.. gem might have other advantages ie might be newer etc21:40
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:40
nilloSlart: Is that short for Slartibartfast?  Always loved that character!  :)21:40
Slartnillo: yup.. I'm guilty.. I nicked my nickname.. =)21:40
nilloBe careful, I may nick it from you if you don't guard it.  :P21:41
MauL^isnt there a 64bit version of ubuntu for Intel ?21:44
jribMauL^: amd6421:44
alazMauL^: its the same for Intel as AMD6421:44
MauL^that looks like it is for amd21:44
SlartMauL^: the amd64 version is for both intel and amd cpus21:44
MauL^hmm ok. the name is a little bit confusing21:44
ActionParsnipMauL^: the amd64 iso will also run on intel 64bit21:44
alazpoint is that its the same architecture21:44
SlartMauL^: it's some kind of homage to amd for coming up with the first 64 bit consumer cpu or something21:45
MauL^ok, thanks for help21:45
valjeani downloaded the cd beta for desktop 9.04, i currently have 8.10 installed21:45
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.21:45
valjeani selected to format no partitions, and to use the old root as root and the old home partition as /home21:46
valjeanthis will *not* wipe the home partition, right? everything there will stay the same?21:46
ma3xis there a ssh timeout option somewhere in ubuntu? where21:46
Manny2218Hey, when ever I go to install Ubuntu into the partition i made for it, i get an error saying "The installer needs to commit changes to partition tables, but cannot do so because partitions on the following mount points could not be unmounted: /media/My\ BookBook" What do I do?21:48
alazma3x: probably a openssl thing. configure in /etc/ssh something21:48
alazma3x: wouldnt hurt reading man ssh either21:48
ActionParsnipvaljean: i'd personally set / to be formatted, if you dont choose the home partition to be formatted it will be left but you can also set it to be mounted as /home at install time and fstab will be populated21:49
valjeanManny2218: are you trying to install ubuntu onto the Book?21:49
valjeanActionParsnip: if i'm going to format /, would you recommend switching to ext4?21:50
Manny2218My Book is the name of my hard drive21:50
ActionParsnipvaljean: i've not used it but ive heard stuff about data loss, but others say its ok21:50
Manny2218i made a partition in ext3 format and a swap partition for ubuntu21:50
alazma3x: specify ConnectTimeout= in /etc/ssh/ssh_config21:50
Manny2218so what should I do?21:51
eseven73valberg, the only bad thing I see with ext4, it seems a lot of system rescue cd's and other rescue type utilities can't deal with ext4 yet21:51
valjeanActionParsnip: so whether i choose to mount it as home at install or a ignore it there and edit fstab later will not make a difference on itùs being formatted?21:52
Nexoseseven73: well, you can always mount it as ext3 (provided you don't use extents) IIRC21:52
valjeanManny2218: i thought "My Book" was an external hard drive, but it sounds like youùre saying itùs external21:53
ActionParsnipvaljean: as long as you do not tick format. the data will be untouched but the partition will be mounted and setup in /etc/fstab21:53
Manny2218it is an external hard drive21:53
nibblynapt-get update -> Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Translation-en_US ?? Why this?21:53
valjeanActionParsnip: ok thank you21:53
Manny2218Valjean - It is an external HD21:54
valjeanManny2218: try selecting "safely remove hardware" for the My Book21:54
frankS2jeesus, pulseaudio really sucks21:54
frankS2ubuntu should never come with it21:54
frankS2atleast it should be finished21:54
wladston1jeesus, pulseaudio really sucks [2]21:54
ActionParsnipvaljean: just read everything21:55
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=== asdf1 is now known as wladston1
psy_1978join irc::/irc.darksin.net21:55
Manny2218The partition i made for Ubuntu is on the My Book21:56
wladston1guys, my wireless connection keeps dropping out ... it started last month, it was working fine before ... any ideas of what can I do ?21:56
RoastedDoes anybody know if it's possible to change the drive ID of a system? I have a computer here I'm testing with FOG (open source cloning software based on Ubuntu). I have the imaeg for it off of an 80gb SATA drive, which it reads as /dev/sdb. I threw in another 80gb SATA drive to reimage it to the same system and this drive comes up as /dev/sda and FOG errors out cause it wants /dev/sdb. What can I do?21:56
Manny2218Valjean - The partition i made for Ubuntu is on the My Book21:57
valjeanare there other opinions on ext4 in here (same or different)?21:57
kravlinso nobody in #svn will help me with svn can someone here help?21:57
gene2Roasted: udev21:58
valjeanManny2218: it can't change the partition tables while it's mounted, i think, so you need to unmount it first... am i right in thinking you're installing ubuntu from a cd from within windows?21:59
Roastedgene2 - How would I do that considering that the system in question has no OS. I'm trying to push an image to it but the system reads the SATA drive as /dev/sda...21:59
alazIs zfs getting implemented into the linux kernel soon?21:59
gene2Roasted: sorry mis-understood your question21:59
Ienorandvaljean: Have used it so far on a usb install, no problems, but then again no extensive proking done21:59
gene2Roasted: so you connect the drive to the same port and it detects it as /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda21:59
Manny2218Valjean - I already have windows installed, I am running the 8.04 Live CD at the moment21:59
Roastedgene2 - yes, the first 80gb drive reads as /dev/sdb and the imaging works. But I put in the other 80gb SATA drive, which is of a different make/model, but its still a SATA drive in the saem port, and it reads /dev/sda and my imaging process errors out as a result, something about an invalid partition table22:00
xxmayhemxx420are there any other chat servers on ubuntu22:00
xxmayhemxx420just to chat not for support22:01
elTigrehi! I am trying to print a data frame as latex22:01
RedMushroomam i in the room, or is this some sort of bizzare hallucination?22:01
elTigreso far without success...22:01
gene2Roasted: can you see what is detected as /dev/sda instead? I have no idea how this imager works, but if you have shell you should be able to see it22:01
thiebaudexxmayhemxx420: #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu-devel22:01
Amaethsomeone knows howto enable SHMconfig in 8.10?22:01
clearscreen!ot | xxmayhemxx42022:02
ubottuxxmayhemxx420: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:02
Roastedgene2 - Maybe I'm just stuck then. These hard drives are wiped, and the image is on my laptop. My laptop acts as the image server. I network boot the HP desktop in question to my laptop and my laptop sees it and will push the image down. But if I use the secondary drive I had laying around to push the image to it, it errors out and says something about /dev/sda, to where /dev/sdb is what the original drive said, and that drive works.22:02
Roasted That's why I'm confused.22:02
emoXoduscan i get some help with ndiswrapper?22:02
Manny2218okay Valjean - i unmounted it, i'm going to try installing again22:02
gene2Roasted: so you PXE boot? This imager is servered over network?22:03
IenorandManny2218: sudo umount /media/My\ BookBook22:03
Roastedgene2 - yes, I am PXE booting. This imager works over the network, but if I'm doing 1 computer I can just plug in a patch cable to each computer and image it without going over the full blown network.22:03
Manny2218i unmounted it in GParted22:04
valjeanManny2218: ok22:04
Manny2218i'm going to try to install again22:04
IenorandManny2218: And it's still giving errors?22:04
Manny2218I haven't tried installing after unmounting yet22:04
gene2Roasted: I understand, so your imager has everything, DHCP, PXE, tftp. got it, this imager is based on Ubuntu and it is booting a linux kernel?22:04
Roastedgene2 - yes, I've been using this image software at work for quite some time, so I'm very familiar with how it works and I've had no problems with it. This it the first time I've had a weird issue like this. I'm trying to work out every scenario possible so I know what can resolve each conflict because we are getting in several hundred computers this summer so I have to be on my game if any errors come about.22:05
=== stickboyy is now known as stickboy
gene2Roasted: when the imager boots on the client over PXE - is there a way to get shell?22:06
leachim6where do I get genksyms?22:06
leachim6I can't find it anywhere and I need it to compile alsa22:06
demmonhow can i install uvc??22:06
RedMushroomi'm trying to run ./configure on an xchat dl (i've extracted already) and it's saying that GLIB in installed incorrectly. i just installed ubuntu, so i don't know why i'm getting this error. anyone know what to do?22:06
Manny2218so far no errors22:07
Manny2218its working! thanks!22:07
Roastedgene2 - No, not that I know of. You see, on my laptop (server) I have a web based gui frontend to manage everything. Once I select deploy image to the computer, my laptop will "Wake On LAN" and boot the HP desktop computer. At that point, once I hit F12 to PXE boot the desktop, the situation is completely otu of my hands and the imager just takes over.22:07
emoXodusHey can someone give me some help i am new to ubuntu22:07
kantorAre the following functionalities useful for a network traffic generator program ? You can specify a port range like 50-100, or 4567-7899 . . .  and the program could send the packets to that ports in three ways: randomly in that range or increasingly (eg. if the range is 5-10 then 5, 6, 7 . . .) or decreasingly.  My question is it is useful the increasing and decreasing functionality ? it is not enough the random one ?22:07
Roadrunner_ne body know how the fu k to get to icq ?22:07
bencrisfordsmoXodus: sure22:07
rulk@find Midnight daughter22:07
bencrisfordemoXodus: sure22:08
bencrisfordwhat do you need?22:08
Roadrunner_ben u talkin to me?22:08
gene2Roasted: I now understand - can you explain how you figured out it is detecting as /dev/sdb?22:08
emoXodusben, i need help with my wireless card22:08
bencrisfordemoXodus: what make is it?22:08
TADShi all22:08
* Roadrunner_ waits patientally for bens help22:08
aleX-xxmr_frostee: satisfied? :)22:09
bencrisfordhave you got the exact information?22:09
FloodBot3steve_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:09
emoXodusbencrisford, yes 1 sec22:09
Roastedgene2 - When the client computer getting imaged is in the process of preparing for the imaging process to start, it'll display on a dos looking screen what it is doing. I cannot type or do anything, it's simply just telling me what it's doing. It gets to the point where it says something about an invalid partition table on /dev/sda and it reboots 60 seconds later. When I imaged the computer with the other SATA drive, I noticed when i22:09
Roastedt was "Looking for hard drives" it found /dev/sdb, which is why I thought there might be a name conflict but I had no idea how to resolve it.22:09
bencrisfordroadrunner: did you want my help :S?22:09
emoXodusbencrisford, trendnet tew-623pi22:09
Guest62958Anyone with experience using Wine to run windows programs on Ubuntu?22:09
TADSwonder if anyone can help me out im trying to install vbox-2.1 im getting a error with kernel error log is http://tadsnet.org/erorlog.txt22:09
Titan8990!wine | Guest6295822:10
ubottuGuest62958: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:10
bencrisfordemoXodus: ok, give me a sec22:10
Roadrunner_sorry nearly   missd that ben22:10
emoXodusbencrisford, okay ty22:10
bencrisfordroadrunner_: can you PM me, its confusing having two conversations22:10
Roadrunner_i wanna knopw how to get to 20 s something in in ICQ ? ben22:10
bencrisfordroadrunner_: im not familiar with ICQ im afraid22:10
Roadrunner_1 st time on x-chat22:10
Roadrunner_thats okay22:11
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why i'm getting an error saying GLIB is installed incorrectly when trying to do ./configure while trying to install xchat on ubuntu?22:11
ech0s7there is an issue for ctrl+alt+backspace for xorg 1.6 ?22:11
Roadrunner_no idea shroom22:11
gene2Roasted: I see, the way the kernel should be detecting these are in order they are plugged in. This is a SATA drive and it doesn't have any of that primary/second BS like PATA has, so it should not be detecting the drive as a different device if it's plugged into the same port.22:11
StupendoussteveRedMushroom: You're probably missing dev packages. Any reason you're not using the ubuntu package to install xchat?22:11
valjeanManny2218: np; yay22:11
bencrisfordemoXodus, what is the problem?  does ubuntu detect it?22:11
Ienorandech0s7: Disable by default...22:11
emoXodusbencrisford, no it doesnt22:11
paleanyone had an idea how to speedup suspend and hibernate22:12
ech0s7Ienorand: how it's possible to enable ?22:12
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »22:12
Roastedgene2 - Thats what I thought. I didn't change the port on the motherboard, Is imply just unplugged one SATA and plugged in another. I booted up to GParted and sure enough GParted was finding this drive as sda, which I would THINK is right, so I have no idea why the other drive was picked up as SDB in the process, but thats how I imaged it22:12
crdlbech0s7: you really should be asking this in #ubuntu+122:12
emoXodusbencrisford, someone told me to use ndiswrapper but idk how to use it22:12
infomomohey guys, is DIA the only replacement for VISIO on linux ??? it is good and everything, but is there another alternative?22:12
bencrisfordemoXodus: try downloading the drivers from the trendnet site, ill get you the a link22:12
bencrisfordemoXodus: http://www.trendnet.com/langen/asp/download_manager/list_subcategory.asp?subtype_id=97622:13
emoXodusbencrisford, i already have the drivers22:13
RedMushroomStupendoussteve: i wasn't aware there was a ubuntu install package. you mind telling me where i might find that?22:13
gene2Roasted: /dev/sda and /dev/sdb is wierd. I would check on the client how the BIOS is detecting the drive and if in fact this imager does not care about the condition of the drive. ex: if the drive has a previous partion or something like that, maybe it would be a good idea to dd /dev/zero for a few MBs onto this drive.22:13
bencrisfordemoXodus, ah...22:13
Ienorandech0s7: There is also the Alt+PrntScrn+K command which is supposed to be similar (they are not exactly the same though)22:13
TADSwonder if anyone can help me out im trying to install vbox-2.1 im getting a error with kernel error log is http://tadsnet.org/erorlog.txt22:13
bencrisfordwhat were you saying about the ndiswrapper?22:13
emoXodusbencrisford, theres some error when i try to configure it22:13
emoXodusbencrisford, how do you run ndiswrapper?22:13
StupendoussteveRedMushroom: In the Applications Menu, "Add/Remove Programs" search for Xchat. If you don't want Xchat-gnome, change the pulldown to "All available applications"22:14
Daniel10anybody tried installing ldcc text based direct connect client?22:14
StupendoussteveRedMushroom: Or open a terminal and run sudo apt-get install xchat22:14
RedMushroomcool! tyvm22:14
Roastedgene2 - I am stuck for a little bit. This software is really pretty incredible, and it has disk wiping and antivirus scan features on it. Right now I'm doing a full disk wipe where it continuously writes BS data overtop of each sector of the drive. I was hoping ot blast the drive entirely and see if that helped when I tried to image it, although, it sbeen wiping for the last 2 hours, so this wont be a viable fix come the day we get 622:14
Roasted00 new computers in and they do this, but i'm just trying it as a test.22:14
Daniel10irssi is the way to go22:14
bencrisfordemoXodus, go into terminal, and type ndiswrapper22:14
emoXodusbencrisford, ok22:14
KillGutzaHello all22:15
=== paul__ is now known as Ceptor
KillGutzaAnyone know why I can't copy things into my SE K750i?22:15
Roastedgene2 - you know something I just th ought of...22:15
gene2Roasted: all you really need to worry is about the first few MBs to whipe out the MBR. The remaining is not necessary unless you think the drive is damaged.22:15
emoXodusbencrisford, can i pm you so i can show you everything it says?22:15
whip1-2 things i have learnd.. if its not broken, dont fix it. so.. if your distro is working, dont do anything "stupid" :)22:15
bencrisfordemoXodus: sure22:15
KillGutzaI copy it when it shows as a drive, but when I search it up on the phone it isn't there22:16
Stupendousstevewhip: Breaking it is half the fun :)22:16
treyisradtrue that22:16
Roastedgene2 - I'm working with an HP dc5100. I have an image of an HP dc5000. I tried to image it and the image doesn't boot properly, it just blue screens. But I was messing around and wanted to see the image on a 2nd drive, which is when I ran into the sdb and sda issue. I wonder if the problem lies with the fact I pushed a dc5000 image to a dc5100.22:16
whipStupendoussteve: for a-while yes :)22:16
treyisradweekly backups are a life saver22:16
Daniel10gents i'm having deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' while attempting to install turbovision-essential to install ldcc22:17
Roastedgene2 - I mean, granted, if the dc5000 image successfully got imaged to the dc5000 computer I'm working with on one drive which was found as /dev/sdb, I would assume I could keep doing it to other SATA drives and it'd be fine, where I'm now seeing /dev/sda on the 2nd drive I tried, but still... that's the only curve ball I can imagine having effect on this situation.22:17
kirilladoxygen: best way to install it?22:17
Stupendousstevewhip: true if you want to do real work, having it not break is nice too22:17
gene2Roasted: this box has SATA CDROM?22:17
smokiehey guys, if i want to setup a local mailserver, what web mail client should i install so i can check my local email from the browser?22:17
Roastedgene2 - no, IDE CDROM, SATA HDD.22:17
treyisradwhats doxygen?22:17
TADSwonder if anyone can help me out im trying to install vbox-2.1 im getting a error with kernel error log is http://tadsnet.org/erorlog.txt22:18
whipStupendoussteve: thats why i have 3 machines, 1 for work, 2 for stupidity :)22:18
gene2Roasted: I'd give that a try too, disconnecting and see if it helps. but it's a long shot. the image you imaged to the drive has nothing to do with, it's not stored anywhere anyways22:18
Proseso I tried a weird resolution on my monitor and now it's simply out of range so I can't switch it back to normal resolution: any grpahical login attempt is impossible :(22:18
AshexHas anyone had success playing team fortress 2 in wine?22:19
SliderMandoes anyopne knows where can i get a free sip service to talk to my friends?22:19
Roastedgene2 - I think I may push a manual install of XP to this computer and re-image it to the 2nd drive then, that way I can at least work with an image that I MADE for this exact computer and reimage it to the same computer on a different HDD and see if that helps22:19
treyisradyes, but laggy22:19
StupendoussteveSliderMan: ekiga22:19
whipAshex: isnt that a rude word? wine ?-)22:19
Daniel10ubuntu 8.1, having trouble with deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' any advice gentlemen?22:19
Ashexwhip, are you not familiar with wine?22:20
SliderMan<Stupendoussteve> ekiga wont call ;(((22:20
whipAshex: i am22:20
dlutkeWould like to run Quicken under ubuntu ... has anyone found that it works under Wine?22:20
Ashexwell, I'm curious if anyone has had success playing it. I get it to run, but it is incredibly choppy for me22:20
SiDiSliderMan: some ISP offer SIP free phone :)22:20
AshexWhich is odd, since I'm able to play half-life 2 without any problems22:20
=== Si1 is now known as UK-Si
SiDiSliderMan: mine offers free SIP phone over all europe + usa + china + canada (and a few more countries)22:21
SliderManSidi, my isp is lame. they never offered me anything. i am an old customer over 5years.22:21
Ashexdlutke, looks like 2009 edition works fine. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=10722:21
SiDidlutke: check http://appdb.winehq.org22:21
gene2Roasted: I'm sorry my knoweldge of this imager is non existant, I wish I could help you but I'm out of ideas, have you tried googling the error to see if anything comes up?22:21
Ned__hello I need to add repositories to Ubuntu 8.10. I'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#What%20are%20Repositories? The problem is it tells how to add repositories for 7.04, 7.10, 8.04, but not for 8.10?22:21
AshexNed__, should be the same22:21
StupendoussteveNed__: It's the same, just change the name of the release22:22
Roastedgene2 - yeah, and I posted ont he soruceforge forums for this particular software. I just decided to poke my nose in here to see if its an Ubuntu thing.22:22
Krine11Hi there22:22
Ned__ok thanks22:22
Krine11Everytime i load my computer22:22
Krine11i recive a error message22:22
whipNed__: you can install allmost anything on UB if you like :)22:22
dlutkeThanks I will check it out... struggled to get it loaded and running a while back.22:22
Daniel10anybody know of a console based direct connect client?22:22
Roastedgene2 - I must say though, if you're in a situation where you have to image a lot of windows workstations, this software (FOG) is fantastic22:22
AshexDaniel10, direct connect?22:22
Krine11saying cannot display this video mode22:23
Daniel10Ashex, yes22:23
Krine11optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz22:23
Daniel10i'm having trouble install ldcc22:23
AshexDaniel10, can you elaborate? That's a pretty vague question22:23
Krine11can you guys help?22:23
Ned__whip right now I'm trying to do it with virtualbox...this is my first time22:23
Daniel10you know what dc__ is22:23
gene2Roasted: sorry does not seem like one to me, no shell, no way to control this - very hard to debug22:23
AshexDaniel10, dc++? Yes22:23
Daniel10dc++ *22:23
Roastedgene2 - they do have a debug feature, but I forget how to utilize it.22:23
unitedpotsmokershello guys. now I'm using Windows XP (Host) and run Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex (Guest) with VMWARE. I'm using NVIDIA graphic card but i can't  enable extra (visual effect). how to solve this problem?22:24
Daniel10Ashex: my hp mini 1000 has a window problem for linuxdcc-it's to big for the screen so i was trying to install ldcc to fix this with deprecated conversion errors22:24
Iceman_B^Ltophow do I list all users defined in Samba ?22:24
dmanunitedpotsmokers: vmware doesn't support 3d virtualization i believe22:25
Krine11Guys, Evertime i load my computer i recive a error message saying this : cannot diplay this video mode optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz22:25
AshexDaniel10, ah, I see22:25
bamabambamCan Outlook 2007 run in Ubuntu22:25
Krine11I also have all of the ati drivers insatlled22:25
TADSwonder if anyone can help me out im trying to install vbox-2.1 im getting a error with kernel error log is http://tadsnet.org/erorlog.txt22:25
AshexI'm not much help. Not familiar with any linux clients for it22:25
RickXcan anyone point me to docs on how to set up a DNS server for my internal network? Basically, I want my local machines' IPs to resolve using the internal DNS.22:25
AshexIceman_B^Ltop, check smb.conf?22:25
thiebaudebamabambam: maybe you can try it in wine22:26
Iceman_B^LtopAshex: hmm, I dont think I defined users there, only shares. I know I used the smbpasswd tool to add users, but I dont know which ones I added22:26
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.22:26
Krine11Guys, Evertime i load my computer i recive a error message saying this : cannot diplay this video mode optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz22:26
xsgHey guys whats up ??22:27
Daniel10Ahshex, it won't install turbovision which is essential for ldcc, problems with deprecated conversion from string to 'char*'22:27
thiebaudexsg: hi22:27
xsgGuys i heared of cedega and csgames are they any good ????22:27
Krine11can someone please help me???22:28
IenorandWhat are the "partner" repositories? How do they compare to multiverse?22:28
erUSULIenorand: they are closed source and pay for apps iirc22:28
dayolooking for a command that monitors when a file has changed22:29
Daniel10Krinell: i don't know how to help you, but if you google your problem, or how to change resolution in console it could help22:29
AshexIceman_B^Ltop, check /etc/samba/smbpasswd22:29
sdf2anybody, know if the upcoming ubuntu 9.04 release still has pulseaudio installed?22:29
kravlinKrinell: you set up a video resolution your monitor can't display would be my guess.22:29
IenoranderUSUL: ok, cheers22:29
jribKrine11: right after grub?  before usplash?22:29
Krine11so what reolution i can use?22:29
unitedpotsmokersdman, are you sure? or i must install Nvidia driver?22:30
Krine11this happens when i shut down22:30
Krine11and load22:30
whipsdf2: go #ub+122:30
AshexDaniel10, gotcha. I take it your building from source?22:30
Roastedgene2 - are you still here?22:30
Krine11and i have the ati drivers installed22:30
Daniel10Ashex: yes22:30
ActionParsnip!jaunty | sdf222:30
ubottusdf2: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:30
jribKrine11: great.  How about my question?22:30
xsgi wanna fuck some pussy out shit on debra22:30
xsgsucka dudes dck22:30
sdf2ty for info22:30
Krine11what is splash and grub?22:30
Seeker`!ops | xsg22:30
ubottuxsg: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:30
Daniel10Ashex: the ./configure works but not make-make produces errors22:30
bigo72yeah! it works!!! http://www.bigo72.com/05/04/2009/ubuntu-904-beta-jaunty-jackalope-su-eeepc-900/22:30
Krine11i am still new to ubuntu22:30
Roastedgene2 - I just realized something. I believe the dc5000 has IDE drives whereas the dc5100 has a SATA hard drive... maybe that's where the mixup is, trying to push images across computers that have different HDD interfaces.22:31
treyisradNICK treyisrad22:31
Krine11what is grub? what is usplash?22:31
Shivamcan anyone help me remove the home icon off my desktop?22:32
=== ash3 is now known as Sobriquet
bencrisfordshivam: remove the home icon?22:32
=== Sobriquet is now known as ashley3
bencrisfordi didnt know there was such a thing ?22:33
treyisrad@ Shivam nautilus prefs?22:33
Krine11Guys, Evertime i load my computer i recive a error message saying this : cannot diplay this video mode optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz22:33
Shivamthere is i'll screenie it22:33
AshexDaniel10, can you pastebin the chunk of make that fails?22:33
pkzadbI'm looking for xmodmap on xubuntu intrepid, but I can't find it in the repos.  Did it get combined with another package or something?22:33
Daniel10Ashex, just in www.pastebin.com ?22:33
Shivamlook right there22:34
ActionParsnipKrine11: what video card?22:34
Krine11i have the ati drivers installed22:35
bn43hi I'm looking to encrypt my email and having problems understanding how to do this via openssl - I can encrypt but can't decrypt22:35
Ashex!pastebin > Daniel1022:35
ubottuDaniel10, please see my private message22:35
Fire^foxhello i have a little problem to solve... samba ... i have a server connected to a router (vodafone station) via lan and the clients connected to the same router via wifi .. the clients cant see the condivision .. but if i disconnect the server from the lan and connect it on the wifi too everyone can see each other quit strange...the ip changes from the lan from to
Fire^foxall ubuntu 8.10 on every computer22:36
erUSULbn43: openssl ? why not use gnupg ?22:36
smurf_bn43: do you mean file encryption, or encrypting the connection?22:36
AshexBah, I came in with a quick question and now I've been sucked into helping people22:36
AshexThere's a reason I don't have #ubuntu as autojoin22:36
bn43erUSUL: read the openssl is preferred22:36
ActionParsnipAshex: i do that all the time...wassup?22:36
Daniel10Ashex: lol i'm familiar with it just didn't know of paste.ubuntu.com22:36
AshexDaniel10, gotcha22:37
AshexActionParsnip, not much. I was about to head out and enjoy the beach 20 minutes ago :p22:37
erUSULbn43: what are you trying to do exactly? send encripted and signe emails so others can read them or just encrypt your local saved mails?22:37
bn43erUSUL: 1st one22:38
Daniel10Ashex: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145158/22:38
erUSULbn43: i'm not aware that openssl can be used that way ? are you following any how to?22:38
W8TAHcan someone please point me to the docs on how to establish an apt repo for all my machines to use that updates from the official repos once a day?22:38
Iceman_B^Ltophow does the "unix password sync = yes" exactly work in Samba ?22:38
bn43erUSUL: but I'm actually fiddling with bash scripts to decrypt automatically on the other end22:39
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy22:39
W8TAHthank you22:39
kklimondaany ideas why ubuntu install (8.04, 9.04, 8.10) fails with error http://pastebin.com/d954c7f ?22:39
Iceman_B^Ltopwill it change my Linux password when I change my samba password? how can that work when Im the only root user on the system?22:39
LoganhoupCan anyone tell me if burning an .iso file with cd/dvd creator will extract it on the dvd?22:39
kklimondaarchlinux installs just fine22:39
kklimondai have no more info unfortunately :/22:39
Shivamcan anyone tell me how to remove my home icon on ubuntu? http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/3963/screenshotaac.png22:39
kklimondawell, it's a macbook pro without bootcamp22:40
Iceman_B^LtopLoganhoup: thats what it's suppose to do22:40
kklimondabut with normal partition table22:40
bn43trying to find the link22:40
Iceman_B^Ltopotherwise you just have one big iso file on the disc :)22:40
alazmbpro's works out of the box with ubuntu22:40
erUSULbn43: do not see the point of such complications when you can use the open standar rfc compliant etc opengpg "protocol" with gnupg one standar that all mail clients support natively and efortless...22:40
Loganhoupsome burners just throw it out there22:40
Shivamcan anyone tell me how to remove my home icon on ubuntu? http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/3963/screenshotaac.png22:40
LoganhoupI didn't feel like wasting a disk so I confirmed it. Thank you22:40
ActionParsnipShivam: sudo chmod 750 /path/to/file; sudo chown $USER /path/to/file22:40
AshexDaniel10, those are warnings. You can fix it by going into the code and replacing `char*` with `const char`22:41
Shivamthanks lets try that22:41
AshexBut, there's something else making the build break22:41
ActionParsnipShivam: if its a folder put -R after the word chmod and chown22:41
Shivamthe whole folder is my computer22:41
AshexMight be because of that, since it is unable to properly build codepage.o from codepage.cc22:41
Shivamhome folder22:41
bn43erUSUL: I just want the mail to be encrypted - ie not plain text when travelling the internet - if gnupg will do and easier, will change22:41
bn43erUSUL: is there a howto?22:41
erUSULbn43: it will22:41
ma3xwhy do i get this error when i use rsync @ERROR: Unknown module 'backup' rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1522) [sender=3.0.3]22:42
Daniel10Ashex: i'm pretty new to linux, what file do i go into. the .config file in the source?22:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnupg22:42
erUSULbn43: which mail client do you use ?22:42
AshexDaniel10, nah, the actual source. /classes/codepage.cc22:42
AshexThat file itself22:42
bn43command line22:42
Ashexno gurantee it will fix it though22:42
Proseanyway I can change the resolution of a session at the login prompt ?22:42
Daniel10Ashex: thanks it's worth a try22:42
erUSULbn43: mail ? mutt? pine?22:42
AshexI would suggest posting this on ubuntuforums.org22:42
AshexThey may have a better fix then what I can offer22:43
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
kklimondaProse: you could try ctrl+alt+<numeric +/->22:43
Ashexanyways, I'm running out of here22:43
kklimondaProse: it worked years ago..22:43
Daniel10Ashex: thanks22:43
AshexGoing to try and enjoy the sun, it never shows in Seattle :p22:43
AshexDaniel10, no problem22:43
Prosekklimonda: no I mean, change the resolution I am about to login into22:43
emoXodusbencrisford, pm?22:43
Titan8990Ashex, sun?22:44
Prosekklimonda: I changed the resolution in -session and  the screen decided it was "out of range"22:44
ma3xanybody knows/22:44
Titan8990Ashex, never heard of it :p22:44
Brakonilhi, im linux noob. i am using a ubuntu bootcd, and i cant see my hard drive mounted22:44
AshexTitan8990, it's shiny like a penny :p22:44
Brakonilhow can i mount it?22:44
kklimondaProse: have you tried login using failsafe (gnome or terminal) session and fixing it?22:44
Titan8990Brakonil, sudo fdisk -l22:44
Titan8990Brakonil, views partitions22:44
Prosekklimonda: yeah ... still out of sync...22:44
Prosekklimonda: CLI command would be damned welcome22:45
Titan8990Brakonil, sudo mkdir /media/disk22:45
temp01is it possible to boot an iso file directly from grub ?22:45
bn43I'm using mail cause I have scripted regular emails to be sent to another pc - now I want this mail to be encrypted austomatically and decrypted automatically on the other end22:45
Titan8990Brakonil, sudo mount /dev/sdx /media/disk22:45
ActionParsnipShivam: are you running winrar?22:45
kklimondaProse: what file did you edit?22:45
ActionParsnipShivam: just spotted it in your screenshow22:45
Brakonilwill try22:45
Shivami have it yes22:45
tortamani need support on nfs shares, someone who want to help me?22:45
ActionParsnipShivam: linux has a native rar handler22:46
Shivamit just the icon i want to remove22:46
slimjimflimhi, i've got 3 packages that apt doesn't seem to think are important enough to patch22:46
erUSULbn43: for example http://www.queen.clara.net/pgp/AU267.html22:46
Shivamwhat is the native .rar handler called?22:46
slimjimflimevery time i do an update, they stay in the dialog box...grayed out22:46
BrakonilTitan8990 it doesnt find that command22:46
tortamanfeel free to send private msg22:46
slimjimflimrunning hardy on amd6422:46
ActionParsnip!rar | Shivam22:46
ubottuShivam: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:46
slimjimflimthe apps are k3b, mencoder and mplayer22:47
leonardofHi there. I installed Wubi 8.10 on a Windows Vista, and since then I can't get an internet connection *on windows*. Any idea of why?22:47
slimjimflimcan anybody help?22:47
Shivam!indo unrar-free22:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about indo unrar-free22:47
Shivam!info unrar-free22:47
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB22:47
Prosekklimonda: I just changed the resolution via the GUI22:47
ActionParsnipslimjimflim: just install them as any other apps, the dependancys will be met for you (you will need Qt libs for K3B)22:47
ShivamActionParsnip: Okay so how would i go about removing the icon off my desktop?22:48
slimjimflimActionParsnip: they're installed already22:48
ActionParsnipShivam: which icon exactly?22:48
ikus060Hi all, I'm eperimenting something strange with xmodmap. I try to map the 'Print' key to somethin else but it doesn't work .. Help is appreciated22:48
ShivamActionParsnip: home folder22:48
bn43erUSUL: thank you for the tip - will read the howto22:48
ActionParsnipShivam: try this: sudo chmod -R 750 /home/$USER; sudo chown -R $USER /home/$USER22:50
sreenathI've been having problems with compiz window decorations since I upgraded to intrepid. Every time I point at22:50
ShivamActionParsnip: that command is to remove just the icon off my desktop?22:50
ActionParsnipslimjimflim: then you can launch them from terminal, you will need to ask in xubuntu for how to add it to the menu22:50
taromsnI just installed Ubuntu as a second OS on this harddrive, but now I can't boot into the Windows XP partition, it says "NTLDR Missing"22:51
ActionParsnipShivam: no it will make sure you have correct access to your own data22:51
ActionParsnipShivam: if you look in ~/Desktop you may see the icon, the fact that the permissions are bad isnt great22:51
whipActionParsnip: hmm.. i thought that you can do in terminal much more than in gui.. :)22:52
ActionParsnipwhip: you can do everything in terminal that you can do in gui, except flash in websites22:52
ShivamActionParsnip: chmod: cannot access `/home/shivam/.gvfs': Permission denied22:53
ActionParsnipwhip: terminal allows scripting too so gives a tonne more user power22:53
whipActionParsnip: wrong.22:53
ActionParsnipShivam: did you use sudo? you can copy / paste to the terminal which is why I gave the full command22:53
ActionParsnipwhip: ?22:53
x_linkShouldn't I be able to write "system-settings" in "run command"?22:53
ActionParsnipwhip: what part is wrong?22:53
ShivamActionParsnip: yes i used sudo22:53
tortamanhello i need help with nfs shares, with xubuntu 8.10, i try with the sharing folders wizard and allow all network to the shares22:54
Chiselhuk_Plus1I'm having trouble running a java program in Hardy, it's Scrabble, I can launch the program no problem from commandline but I'm getting an error - .: "Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0."  Any idea anyone?22:54
kklimondaProse: hmm.. you could try deleting $HOME/.gnome2/monitors.xml22:54
cooltaromsn why you didn't use easyBCD to make boot from windows to you ubuntu22:54
whipActionParsnip: you can do all in term, not talking about f**flash or so.. :)22:54
Ned__ Hello can you tell me how to add deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian intrepid non-free22:54
Ned__ to Ubuntu 8.10? I believe this is called repositories22:54
coolnow you lost boot for win22:54
ActionParsnipwhip: sure you can, you can web browse, burn cds, author dvds write documents, send email22:55
Prosekklimonda: really now, that barely sounds like a good idea22:55
Prosekklimonda: I'll give it a try I guess..22:55
ActionParsnipwhip: the X server is a gui for the terminal, like windows 98 isa gui for DOS22:55
taromsncool: Sorry, what?  I'm not sure what you mean22:55
kklimondaProse: why? this is local setting and without it gnome should just load defaults22:55
whipActionParsnip: is it? oh.. didnt know, thanks for the info :)22:56
groutanyone have a prefrence on which graphics card works better in ubuntu ati or nvidia?22:56
ActionParsnipShivam: your home folder permissions are all out of whack, probably because gui apps have been run with sudo22:56
Slartgrout: nvidia22:56
Stupendousstevegrout: nvidia is generally better supported under linux22:56
Slartgrout: perhaps ati in a year or two22:56
groutok thanks guys22:56
ShivamActionParsnip: what do you suggest?22:56
kklimondagrout: older ati (you will get open drivers) or new nvidia..22:57
cooltaromsn you insatll linux first time?22:57
Prosekklimonda: there is no file called monitor.xml is gnome222:57
kklimondaProse: check also $HOME/.config/22:57
ActionParsnipShivam: reboot to root recovery console and do the same command there but use the actual user name22:57
carbon13taromsn, try http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=31872822:57
x_linkWhere do I find "system-settings"?22:57
ActionParsnipx_link: are you running kde?22:57
sreenathI've been having problems with compiz window decorations. Whenever I point at certain parts of the window title bar this happens: http://i44.tinypic.com/dq50lz.png22:58
ShivamActionParsnip: will do, thanks22:58
groutkklimondo:  deciding on which to get, they would be new from both22:58
x_linkActionParsnip: GNOME.22:58
x_linkActionParsnip: This is my first time in GNOME, I'm a KDE-user.22:58
kklimondagrout: then go with nvidia.22:58
Slartsreenath: is that the whole screenshot? I don't see anything weird22:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about settings22:58
Joker_-_Is there an "easy" eay of configuring bluetooth headphones to work as normal headphones in ubuntu? I Have em paired and all but can't figure out how to get sound out of em... Any app that can "guide" me trough a setup / config process? I'd like to have em playing the sound just like the speakers, as an alternative to the speakers when I don't wanna wake up the block listening to movies on my MythBuntu box...22:58
ActionParsnipx_link: i use kde too,22:58
taromsncarbon13: If I use the recovery console method, will it still preserve my ability to boot into Ubuntu?22:59
Prosekklimonda: found it, removed it, rebooting22:59
sreenathslart: the titlebar is completely white22:59
x_linkActionParsnip: KDE4?22:59
ZykoticK9Having troubles disabling DPMS in Xorg on 8.10.  I've tried adding appropriate options (Option "DPMS" / Option "BlankTime" "0" / etc.)  to xorg.conf but that seems to break my X altogether, any suggestions/links?22:59
x_linkI didn't like KDE4 at all, almost "hated" it.22:59
carbon13taromsn, no, but you can reinstall grub from linux boot cd22:59
x_linkI really like KDE3 alot, but I don't want to get stucked with 8.04 for ever.22:59
whipkde4 isnt ready yet22:59
Slartsreenath: hmm.. not really sure what could be doing that...23:00
x_linkBut anyway, can somebody please tell me where I can find "system-settings"?23:00
zleapkde 4 comes with 8.10 doesn't it23:00
x_linkShouldn't it work to just write it in run command?23:00
x_linkzleap: Yes.23:00
ActionParsnipx_link: kde 4.2.123:00
f0rmatI have been trying to run vnc but the port is blocked and i am not sure what is blocking it... When i nmap the desktop from my laptop it shows only 3 open/closed ports i am only able to access my desktop via shell as my monitor broke :/23:00
ActionParsnipwhip: works fine here23:00
Stupendousstevex_link: By default there is not a centralized "settings" application visible. If you go to System>Preferences>Main Menu and click on the System menu, you can mark a checkmark for the Control Center23:00
Prosekklimonda: all right! it worked! thanks a bunch :) :)23:00
whipActionParsnip: doesnt mean it works for everybody23:00
sreenathSlart: it worked in hardy, but not in intrepid. does this help?23:01
x_linkHumm okej23:01
Stupendousstevex_link: The control center just has the same things that are in the system menu already23:01
taromsncarbon13: So is there anything I should keep in mind when I try to install GRUB?23:02
x_linkStupendoussteve: Okey.23:02
b23hi, I want to install KDE 4.2 over my Gnome standard 8.10 install what is the best way doing that?23:02
Slartsreenath: might be a compiz thing.. I'm not sure..23:02
x_linkI don't find the settings for the window etc.23:02
whiptaromsn: back-up first :)23:02
ActionParsnipwhip: indeed, doesnt mean its not ready though does it23:02
sreenathSlart: it's fine when I disable compiz23:02
Stupendousstevex_link: System>Preferences>Appearance23:03
x_linkAnd I can't open my .txt-files.23:03
ActionParsnipx_link: right click a txt file -> open with. Select your desired program then select "remember this setting" or similar23:04
coreyI cant get any youtube video to play longer that 6 seconds. There are some really cool vidoes out there! Plz and thx help23:04
f0rmati i forgot whether i installed a firewall and now i am having issues with ports not being accessible even over LAN23:04
leonardofHi there. I installed Wubi 8.10 on a Windows Vista, and since then I can't get an internet connection *on windows*. Any idea of why?23:04
x_linkActionParsnip: Doesn't work.23:04
wemdowemdHi, I want to do a disk-image backup (as in, including MBR and partitions, so I can just slap the image over my hard drive should I need). I've been using a livecd and the 'dd' command in the past; is there a better (eg. less space-wasting) way to do what I want? It's important that the backup can just be written straight to the disk to get it to work thoug23:04
KiRiLoSleonardof, i dont think ubuntu caused that,could u give us more info?23:04
x_linkI can't find the setting that makes all windows to open centered23:04
taromsnOk then, I guess I'll do that, thanks23:04
=== Flare183_ is now known as Flare183
razokicav tou lmonde23:05
drTr0utI'm on ubuntu 8.10..I installed libmp3lame from the synaptic package manager...I'm trying to locate it..where would it of installed under?23:05
Stupendousstevex_link: It is possible gnome does not have this setting, it is generally less in depth configurable but more simple23:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:05
razokiwe are you23:05
gartral!english | razoki23:05
ubotturazoki: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:05
ActionParsnipx_link: may help http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-594220.html23:06
whiprazoki: ??23:06
Brandon_X_FoxI have a question about camorama23:06
kklimondadrTr0ut: /usr/lib/23:06
Stupendoussteverazoki: French?23:06
Brandon_X_Foxwhen I try to start up camorama, it says that it cannot detect my webcam23:06
Brandon_X_Foxand my webcam is plugged in23:06
razokica av tou lmonde23:06
Stupendoussteverazoki: If that is French, you may want to join #ubuntu-fr23:06
whipmust be french, if cant read..23:07
coreyI cant get any youtube video to play longer that 6 seconds. There are some really cool vidoes out there! Plz and thx help23:07
EagleSnmy system hangs a lot, X server may cause the problem: Xorg log > http://pastebin.com/f44a8c851 do you see anything wrong?23:07
ActionParsniprazoki: oui ca va, /j #ubuntu-fr23:07
KiRiLoScorey, try re-installing flash player23:07
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:07
Brandon_X_Foxcan anyone please help me with this issue, when i try to use camorama it says my webcam is not plugged in, but it is. PLEASE HELP23:08
Stupendousstevecorey: Flash does that sometimes, quitting the browser or rebooting generally fixes it23:08
KiRiLoSBrandon_X_Fox, Does your camera work with other programs?Try using lsusb and look if it's listed there23:08
Brandon_X_FoxI use cheese and that works23:08
leonardofKiRiLoS: I don't think it was Ubuntu, but maybe Wubi23:09
Brandon_X_Foxbut what gets me, why wouldn't it work with camorama. it makes no sense23:09
leonardofKiRiLoS: the issue started after installing wubi23:09
coreystupendoussteve: Before I rebooted they wouldnt play at all!23:09
gartralim having the same issue as Brandon_X_Fox, actually23:09
KiRiLoSleonardof, well i dont,give us some more info about what's the problem you are having with your network23:09
tortamanIm mounting a GEEXBOX thin client server using  xubuntu, all other stuff is working great but nfs shares is the weak point on this23:09
leonardofKiRiLoS: I'm afraid of uninstalling wubi because then I might end with no internet at all23:09
KiRiLoSBrandon_X_Fox & gartral open a terminal and write lsusb , then check if the camera is recognized correctly23:10
Brandon_X_Foxwill do23:10
gartralKiRiLoS: i have, and it is listed23:11
DezineHow can I adjust the scroll speed of my mouse? Seems to jump pretty quickly.23:11
leonardofKiRiLoS: normally after booting windows a couple of applications connect to their servers: msn messenger, skype etc. Now they just can't connect. And I can't browse, there's an error page asking if I typed the email correctl. f I'm connecte etc.23:11
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KiRiLoSgartral, Brandon_X_Fox did u guys googled your cam's name ? U may find some info there.I dont have much expirience with cams :/ i am afraid i cant help ya guys out :/23:12
Brandon_X_FoxNo i have not, and I also ried the isusb, it came up as an unknown command23:13
wemdowemdIs there a way to make a backup disk image of a hard drive that doesn't take all the space of the 'dd' command?23:13
Brandon_X_Fox*is a linux noob*23:13
KiRiLoSleonardof, @ your taskbar,down right corner,does the icons shows that you are connected to your network ?23:13
leonardofKiRiLoS: no they don't23:14
gartralKiRiLoS: i hav, i tryed easy cam, but only managed to jumble-hack together a partial driver...23:14
KiRiLoSBrandon_X_Fox, the right command is lsusb (Lsusb) you wrote isusb23:14
ikus060Do anybody here have Apple Slim USB Keayboard sur Ubuntu ??23:14
zealiodcould i use a shell script to loop a sql recordset?23:14
BrakonilI want to mount a device: i get when typing fdisk -l23:14
Brakonil /dev/sda * 1 11675 93773824 7 hpfs/ntfs23:14
Brakonil/dev/sda * 1675 19458 62514176 f w95 ext'd (LBA)23:14
KiRiLoSleonardof, try unplugging your ethernet and then plug it back in,are you sure that cables are all set up ?23:14
Brakonil /dev/sda * 1675 19458 62514176 7 hpfs/ntfs23:15
Brakonil im using a livecd23:15
Brandon_X_Foxok Kirilos my webcam device was listed23:15
Brakonilhow to mount my hard drive?23:15
leonardofKiRiLoS: I tried that, and rebooting and shutting everything off, and trying the other day... no luck, but if I reboot into ubuntu I can use the web (like right now)23:15
Swaywhats goin on in here23:16
clearscreen!ask | Sway23:16
ubottuSway: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:16
coreythe add/remove applications program is not working. Is there an alternative?23:17
CFP87hola hablan español?23:17
raylu!es | CFP8723:17
ubottuCFP87: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:17
Necrogamemasterno hablan espanol.23:17
coreyCFP87: Si23:17
tony_facelessI'm having problems with my zen xtra and gnomad2.  I should note that I'm not using ALSA, but OSS (Open Sound System).  Would the sound lib be part of the problem?23:17
Necrogamemastero no hablo espanol23:17
CFP87graciaaaas ubottu!!23:17
KiRiLoScorey, try synpatic package manager, System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager23:17
clearscreencorey: synaptic as GUI tool, aptitude as console-based tool23:17
leonardofRaylu há canais em espanhol para o ubuntu. aqui ninguém fala espanhol.23:17
raylu...i don't speak spanish, leonardof23:18
Necrogamemasterraylu: say no hablo espanol23:18
smurf_Can anyone recommend me a good, free shell account?23:18
coreythanks very much23:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:18
leonardofCFP87: há canais em espanhol para o ubuntu. aqui ninguém fala espanhol.23:18
leonardofraylu: sorry, wrong nick23:18
Stupendoussteveleonardof: Ubottu told him that three minutes ago23:19
Stupendoussteveleonardof: Is that Portuguese?23:19
Necrogamemasterraylu tell him no hablo espanol23:19
elijahThis channel just keeps on growing everytime I enter!23:19
Mike^if I install Ubuntu using the Windows Add/Remove Programs applet, since it's "sitting" on top of XP, will Ubuntu be subject to Window's security risks? Or is Ubuntu in a stand-alone mode?23:19
smurf_Necrogamemaster: "Freeshells.ch is not accepting new registrations at this time."23:19
leonardofStupendoussteve: yes; i guess he reads portuguese better than i write spannish :D23:19
BamabambamHow do i get Java to work in Firefox? I have it enabled under properties but every site says i dont have it installed?23:20
coreyproblems! I cant even do "sudo apt-get install XXXXXXXX"23:20
smurf_To be honest, google gives me a lot of spam23:20
SwayUbuntu would operate seperately from Windows XP, but can be removed inside it23:20
noodlesgcMike^ it will not be vulnerable23:20
raylunoodlesgc: i don't think so23:20
clearscreencorey: why not? error message would help23:20
pyles17I messed up. I was trying to format my flash drive to boot ubuntu, and i erased my mbr. how do i reinstall grub? i only have a fedora live cd23:20
SwayBamabambam - you still have to install java manually.23:20
raylunoodlesgc: it should still be possible to tinker with the raw partition data23:20
BamabambamHow do i install it?23:20
Mike^ok thanks noodlesgc23:21
rayluSway: isn't ubuntu-restricted good enough?23:21
noodlesgcraylu possibly, but that is not a vulnerability, and highly unlikely23:21
clearscreenpyles17: grub-install /dev/primary/disk/here23:21
raylunoodlesgc: highly unlikely, but how is it not a vulnerability23:21
coreyclearscreen: could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:21
cypher1Bamabambam: also you can check about:plugins in firefox to check whether java plugin is seen by firefox23:21
greyHow can I upgrade alsa from 1.0.17 to 1.0.19 on ubuntu intrepid (8.10?) I'm pretty new to ubuntu23:21
raylucorey: are you sure you used sudo? if so, that means some other package manager is still open23:21
Brandon_X_Foxcan anyone else on here help out with me and Gartral's issue?23:22
BamabambamOk thanks23:22
zealiodcan some one pleasetell me the best way to execute some dynamic shell commands on start up... i need to do some iptables commands at boot from a mysql recordset... can i run a python script at boot that executes shell statements?23:22
raylugrey: 1.0.17 is the latest in the repositories. if you want something newer, you'll have to compile from source23:22
coreyhmm perhaps we should pertend i didnt say anything at least for now...23:22
raylu!startup | zealiod23:22
ubottuzealiod: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:22
SliderManhow come ubuntu dosent have a hex calculator?23:22
greyraylu: ok, thanks.23:22
clearscreencorey: haha23:23
rayluSliderMan: try qalculate. there are certainly others23:23
StupendoussteveSliderMan: gcalctool does hex23:23
cypher1Bamabambam: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin23:23
elijahSliderMan: Ubuntu has everything at the click of a button.23:23
noodlesgcraylu ok, it may be a vulnerability, but its not like a vulnerability in the sense of the vulnerabilities that Windows sees or are exploited23:23
leonardofKiRiLoS: I tried that, and rebooting and shutting everything off, and trying the other day... no luck, but if I reboot into ubuntu I can use the web (like right now)23:23
zealiodraylu: thank you - can this be done on boot, rather than on gnome startup?23:23
rayluzealiod: try !boot, like the message says23:23
SliderManelijah, agreed. if you know what you are looking for it has.23:23
thepunisher23Enter text hola alguna chica linda23:23
raylunoodlesgc: ok, point taken23:23
coreyclearscreen: It says I dont have enough free space! /va/cache/apt/archives/ is in the /home folder right?23:24
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto23:24
KiRiLoSleonardof, did u try restarting ur modem/router?Or trying to connect to it?23:24
* Nielsen does the jaunty23:24
SliderManelijah and also i just found out it had hex and i didnt see.23:24
pyles17clearscreen: "Unknown partition table signature" and then "/dev/primary/disk/here: Not found or not a block device."23:24
leonardofKiRiLoS: i tried restarting, no luck. and i don't know its IP23:24
elijahSliderMan: :)23:24
KiRiLoSleonardof, i dont think that wubi or ubuntu is what caused ur problem,maybe u should try getting some help for windows not ubuntu.23:25
clearscreenpyles17: you should obviously not use /dev/primary/disk/here, but replace it with the location of your primary disk :P23:25
clearscreenpyles17: in this case, the location of your USB drive23:25
leonardofKiRiLoS: thanks. I agree the issue would be very unlikely and sort of inedit. I'll see what I can do23:25
coreyclearscreen: It says I dont have enough free space! /va/cache/apt/archives/ is in the /home folder right?23:25
KiRiLoSleonardof, sorry for not being able to help ya23:26
Stupendousstevecorey: No, /var/ is in /var23:26
rayluclearscreen: pyles17 wants to install to his hd, not his usb drive. that's what he did accidentally23:26
leonardofKiRiLoS: btw, not my computer. I'll have a hard time trying to fix windows :D23:26
pyles17clearscreen: wow. should've known that. I erased the mbr on my hd23:26
clearscreenpyles17: ah, well you probably want to grub-install /dev/sda ... but it could be different if you're mixing IDE with SATA disks23:26
coreystupendoussteve: how do i make it bigger? I have ample free space in an unused partition23:27
leonardof!something | leonardof23:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about something23:27
rayluclearscreen, pyles17: also, you may need to pass --root-directory to grub-install23:27
Brandon_X_FoxCan anyone else in the community, help me and gartral with out webcam issue regarding camorama. Please23:27
corey!anything | corey23:27
ubottucorey, please see my private message23:27
tony_facelesswould gnomad be problematic if not using alsa?23:27
clearscreen!ask | Brandon_X_Fox23:27
ubottuBrandon_X_Fox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
tony_facelesscorrection:  gnomad223:27
Stupendoussteveclearscreen: He has already asked it. Camorama doesn't see his webcam, cheese does23:28
raylucorey: what says you're out of free space? can you show us "df -hx tmpfs"?23:28
leonardof!es | ubottu23:28
ubottuleonardof: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:28
clearscreenStupendoussteve: well sorry for not keeping track of the millions of conversations being held here :P23:28
Brandon_X_Foxi'm simply asking again to make sure others see the question. ty very much23:28
leonardof!pt | leonardof23:29
ubottuleonardof, please see my private message23:29
pyles17raylu, clearscreen: i'm not sure what some of that means23:29
noodlesgctony_faceless what problem are you having with Gnomad2?23:29
Stupendoussteveleonardof: If you want to play with ubottu can you please do it in PM?23:29
raylupyles17: show us sudo fdisk -l23:29
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: it doesn't detect my zen xtra23:29
coreyraylu: i have no space left on /23:29
raylucorey: again, show us "df -hx tmpfs" please23:30
noodlesgctony_faceless is it detected by USB? try running the 'lsusb' command and see if it shows up23:30
coreyraylu: i dont understand23:30
gartralme and Brandon_X_Fox having the same issue, or webcams are seen by cheese )and at least on my case aMSN, ekiga and skype as well) but camorama seems to ignore the camera23:30
raylucorey: run that command and pastebin the output23:31
coreyraylu: what is pastebin23:31
pyles17raylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145180/http://paste.ubuntu.com/145180/23:31
raylugartral: shot in the dark here: are you running cheese and camorama at the same time?23:31
raylu!pastebin | corey23:31
ubottucorey: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:31
pyles17oops. sorry23:31
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: doesn't seem that way23:31
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clearscreenraylu: just out of curiosity, do you only need to pass --root-directory when /boot is a seperate (mounted) partition, or whenever your grub images are stored in /boot?23:31
gartralraylu: no, though im not sure the same could be said for Brandon_X_Fox23:31
Brandon_X_FoxI am not running cheese and camorama at the same time.23:32
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: no mention of a creative device in output23:32
rayluclearscreen: you need to pass it when the "/boot" on your system doesn't map to the actual "/boot" you want23:32
noodlesgctony_faceless odd. could I have the model?23:33
clearscreenpyles17: are you using a live cd?23:33
rayluand methinks pyles17 has a rather screwed up system...23:33
clearscreenraylu: same.. no valid partition table.. wat23:33
pyles17clearscreen: Yes I am. a fedora one because I couldn't find my ubuntu disk23:33
pyles17uh oh23:33
raylupyles17: try running 'gksu gparted'23:34
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: nomad jukebox zen xtra 40gb23:34
Stupendousstevepyles17: How did you delete your mbr? If you really deleted the whole thing, not just loader, your partition table doesn't exist23:34
meoblast001firefox is acting weird.... when i start it up it's covering the whole screen but it's not in reall fullscreen mode..... how do i fix that?23:34
demmonis there a client for virtual mashines in witch i can play 3d games??23:34
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: sorry, DAP-HD001123:35
pyles17raylu: "gksu: command not found"23:35
tony_facelessnoodlesgc: can't tell if those are 'O's or '0's23:35
raylupyles17: hm...it's been a while since i used fedora. how about just "sudo gparted"23:35
demmonpyles17: you want to installa .deb??23:35
rayludemmon: no23:35
clearscreenpyles17: sudo gparted    should do for now, gksu probably doesnt/didnt exist on fedora23:35
draginxHey guys I just currently bought a TrackMan Wheel by Logitech23:35
draginxI plugged it into my laptop and th emouse or clicks arent working.23:36
pyles17raylu: gparted: command not found23:36
draginxIm using hardy 64 bit, any ideas?23:36
demmondraginx: try restart23:36
draginxdemmon, meh OK :P23:36
noodlesgctony_faceless I've been googling. try running gnomad2 as root23:36
raylupyles17: fun. sudo yum install gparted23:36
tony_facelessnoodlesgc:that did it23:37
Brandon_X_FoxDoes anyone else have any reccomendations for me and Gartral? since we both have tryed lsusb23:39
ndshackerhi all, I try to mount a flash drive but get an error saying it has an invalid character in its mount point, how do I fix it?23:39
|ns|nR8i duel boot 8.10 with 9.04 running ext4...grub info is stored on the ext4 partition...if 8.10 updates kernel will it be able to update the grub info on the 9.04 partition..i was just wondering since 8.10 cant normall access ext423:39
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: cam problems??23:39
MgamerzThe USB Startup disk option in Ubuntu 8.10 doesn't work, lol.23:39
Brandon_X_Foxdemmon: yes with our webcam issues23:39
raylu|ns|nR8: no plans in 8.10 to include ext4 support, though you could roll your own kernel23:39
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: lol hahahahahahahahaa23:39
clearscreenBrandon_X_Fox: since you got it to work in another application, I think it's reasonable to assume it's an app-specific problem.. I think you're better off contacting developers for that specific software :)23:40
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: i am trying since 8.10 nada rien23:40
|ns|nR8so the grub menu/lst wont be updated im guessing23:40
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: i will recomend 8.0423:40
|ns|nR8so ill have to manually edit ?23:40
Brandon_X_Foxdemmon: ubuntu 8.04?23:40
ndshackerhi all, I try to mount a flash drive but get an error saying it has an invalid character in its mount point, how do I fix it? it says it cannot have these characters: / and newline23:40
gartralyea, camorama is pretty buggy23:40
demmonyes Brandon_X_Fox i have tried EVERYTHING and doesnt work23:41
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: or try Vbox and use it just for the cam or lil things from it '23:41
ndshackerwill formating this help? I have nothing important on it (yet)23:41
raylundshacker: how are you mounting it?23:41
Brandon_X_Foxdemmon: ok I will consider the reccomendations. Thank you for your help23:41
StupendoussteveBrandon_X_Fox: Might be worth a bug report23:41
Brandon_X_Foxstupendoussteve: I will keep that also in mind, thank you23:42
raylu|ns|nR8: sorry, i don't see messages to me unless you put my name in them. no, they won't, yes, you will23:42
ndshackerraylu: by plugging it in and clicking on the icon23:42
demmonBrandon_X_Fox: why do you use the cam for msn and other IM right?23:42
Newbeecan anyone tell me how to make the --without-recommends option in aptitude the default? I don't want to install tons of packages all the time that I won't probably need.23:42
raylu|ns|nR8: unless there's a way to mount ext4 as ext3...23:42
|ns|nR8k thanks23:42
rayluNewbee: edit your .bashrc to include: alias aptitude='aptitude --without-recommends'23:42
Brandon_X_Foxdemmon: I use it for making videos, and IM purposes... as soon as pidgin begins to support webcams23:42
pyles17raylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145192/ and the only thing gparted has is 93.16 GiB unallocated...I don't know much, but that doesn't seem good23:43
Stupendoussteveraylu: There is not23:43
raylundshacker: ah. i guess it has a strange label. do you know the name of the device in /dev?23:43
demmonBrandon_X_Fox:  well try it then Vbox i use it its damn perfect and it doesnt take a lot of time :)23:43
ndshackerit would be /dev/sdd23:43
demmon!vbox > Brandon_X_Fox23:43
ubottuBrandon_X_Fox, please see my private message23:43
marqueedhow can i change the value of /usr/bin/env python for the running of one script? i'm trying "/usr/bin/env python=/usr/bin/python2.5 SCRIPTNAME"23:43
raylupyles17: yeah... did you have any important data? (read: how much time are you prepared to spend doing data recovery?)23:43
marqueedand then restoring /usr/bin/env by "/usr/bin/env python=/usr/bin/python2.6"23:44
Newbeeraylu: ok, I  can use an alias. But isn't there an aptitude configuration option?23:44
rayluStupendoussteve: sorry, what?23:44
Stupendoussteveraylu: You cannot mount ext4 as ext323:44
Brandon_X_Foxdemmon: ok me and gartral will try the reccomendations, thanks for your help.23:44
pyles17raylu: I'm not so worried about it. it sucks, but it'll be fine23:44
rayluNewbee: not that i know of. also, with the alias, i think removing things won't give you things that were installed as recommendations23:44
rayluStupendoussteve: oh23:45
Stupendousstevemarqueed: PYTHON="/usr/bin/python2.5" scriptname23:45
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pyles17raylu, clearscreen: thank you for your help23:45
ndshackerw00t I fixed it: I reformated as fat32 then got rid of all refernces in fstab and mtab then got rid of the stale lock file23:46
Newbeeraylu: sorry, I am not a native English speaker. What did you mean with: " also, with the alias, i think removing things won't give you things that were installed as recommendations" ?23:46
ndshackerthen unplugged, waited a while and plugged it back in23:46
raylupyles17: this was the software i used: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk23:46
jahbulonfrostwire was working fine until i installed eclipse23:46
jahbulonwhat do i have to type to make it work.23:47
marqueedStupendoussteve: still no dice, and quotes throwing a syntax error23:47
KiRiLoSNewbee, what's ur native lang?it's possible that there is a channel which uses ur lang23:47
clearscreenjahbulon: I suggest you just install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:47
rayluNewbee: when you use 'aptitude remove foo', it also removes packages installed only for foo's dependencies and foo's recommendations. if you use --without-recommends as an alias, you won't get the recommended packages removed23:47
pyles17raylu: thanks, i'll try it out23:47
Stupendousstevemarqueed: Try without the quotes then, I don't put variables in the cli often23:47
marqueedStupendoussteve: no go without the quotes either :(23:47
jahbulonclearscreen: i already have that23:47
jahbulonhow does that make frostwire work ?23:47
marqueedi've been relinking /usr/bin/python, but this is the only script that requires 2.5, so i'd rather not do that23:48
Newbeeraylu: oh, I see the problem. So it would be better to use an aptitude install  to aptitude --without-recommends install alias. But an aptitude option would be better.23:48
clearscreenjahbulon: it install java, your eclipse install might have removed some stuff that shouldnt have been removed23:48
rayluNewbee: try man apt.conf23:49
rayluNewbee: 'man aptitude' says at the bottom that you can have per-user and system-wide config files for apt23:49
Newbeeraylu: does aptitude use the same conig as apt?23:49
lstarnesNewbee: yes23:49
lanteauI use a 16GB SDHC in my laptop to expand storage, whenever I resume from suspend Ubuntu automatically opens the removable device in nautilius, how do I stop this?23:49
Newbeelstarnes: ok, thanks23:50
raylumarqueed: wait, if you want a different python to be used for one script, why not just not use env?23:50
marqueedraylu: i was trying, how?23:50
sebsebseb 23:50
marqueed/usr/bin/env python=python2.5 SCRIPT doesn't work23:51
=== nate[oz]- is now known as nate[oz]
marqueednor does /usr/bin/env python=/usr/bin/python2.5 SCRIPT23:51
raylumarqueed: replace the shebang with /usr/bin/python2.523:51
marqueedi could, but in general i'd like to know how to do this without modifying provided code23:51
raylumarqueed: do you have two versions of python intsalled or something?23:52
marqueed2.5 and 2.623:52
=== lanteau is now known as Hostile
HostileI use a 16GB SDHC in my laptop to expand storage, whenever I resume from suspend Ubuntu automatically opens the removable device in nautilius, how do I stop this?23:53
marqueedFocus the nautilus window and press C-w23:53
evantandersenmarqueed Hostile meant how do you make it so that it doesn't show up at all23:54
StevenXHello all. How do I check what version of a program is in the repositories. For example, if I want to check what version I would install if I use the command "sudo apt-get install vlc".23:54
Hostileyeah, I dont want it popping up that window everytime I resume23:55
RaeveStevenX, try apt-cache show vlc23:55
StevenXRaeve, that worked. thanks.23:56
sourcemakerI have a problem with AqBanking... there is one account missing receiving the account list23:58

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