
almark1Hello I am look for jackd version 0.116.x from Hardy repos, how can I upgrade to this version?00:01
glitsj16hello evryone00:02
tnuichi im trying to install ubuntu via wubi, but after i reboot i get a live session00:02
doleybtnuic: you have a cd in?00:02
tnuicdoleyb: no00:02
almark1The version I have is jackdmp 0.71, but I need jackd version 0.116 is this in repos somewhere built?00:02
rvnhow do you set up kernel level VM on ubuntu 8.1000:03
rvnwhat do you install to use it00:03
tnuicdoleyb: i had this same problem last time, but i dont remember how i solved00:03
KiRiLoStnuic, try booting without hitting any button when it says "Hit any key to boot from cd" or try booting with the harddrive as the first boot option00:03
tnuicKiRiLoS: im not booting from a cd00:04
tnuicKiRiLoS: i installed and then removed the cd from the drive00:04
KiRiLoStnuic, and then how it's a live session?00:05
KiRiLoStnuic, in the right upper corner does it says ur username or live session user?00:05
glitsj16almark1: jackd 0.116.x is in the jaunty repositories ... are you on ubuntu intrepid ?00:05
tnuicKiRiLoS: thats the big mistery =D  ... after i boot it shows me the option to choose the location and then tried to load the gparted00:06
tchoughdoes anyone know if there is any nfs uid mapping options that work under ubuntu that do not involve setting up NIS?00:06
coreycan I increase the size of / ?00:06
tnuicKiRiLoS: but gparted doesnt show anything so i cancel it00:06
Newbeegood beye00:06
tnuicKiRiLoS: live session user00:06
KiRiLoScorey, yes you can,boot with a live cd and then go to the Partition Editor(Gparted) from there you can00:06
almark1glitsj16: no Hardy00:06
glitsj16corey: sure, use a partition editor (like gparted)00:06
rvnhow do you set up kernel level VM on ubuntu 8.1000:06
rvnwhat do you install to use it00:07
DasEi corey: yes, if you got space in front or behind the current /00:07
coreycan it be done with out a live cd?00:07
KiRiLoStnuic, are you sure that the install was done?Does the GRUB(boot manager)shows you the distro when u boot up ur pc ?00:07
almark1glitsj16: would just compiling it be a lot easier than updating with 8.10 repo?00:07
DasEicorey: hardly, as the fs mussn't be mounted at partitioning00:08
coreyOk thanks any way00:08
burak575_hi i was remembering a program witch automaticly downloads and installs dependent packages while building software, is anybody know its name ?00:08
tnuicKiRiLoS: i choose ubuntu over vista at the windows boot loader and then ubuntu loads00:08
glitsj16almark1: looks like you're best bet yes00:08
DasEiburak575_: checkinstall ?00:09
KiRiLoStnuic, lol i gotta say that a weird issue you havin :P00:09
ajayi would like to know how to install the extra themes for getting the cube effect on ubuntu \00:09
burak575_maybe i will try it :)00:09
Stupendoussteveajay: That is done with compiz00:09
almark1glitsj16: nod and thanks00:09
KiRiLoStnuic, you installed through wubi or a regular install?00:09
glitsj16almark1: you're welcome00:10
ajayStupendoussteve, I have compiz installed but I remember there was the option that you could change in Extra to get the cube effect on00:10
ajayStupendoussteve, I just see Extra but not the option to change it00:10
tnuicKiRiLoS: Wubi, i downloaded the iso from ubuntu site and opened it in windows, then chose install in windows00:10
Stupendoussteveajay: The compiz-manager can configure it00:10
raylu!compiz | ajay00:10
ubottuajay: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion00:10
ajaythanks guys00:11
rayluwow, that wasn't very helpful. do what Stupendoussteve said.00:11
DasEiburak575_: dpkg-deb -I <file>   shows you the deps00:11
glitsj16burak575_: if you're going to use checkinstall, you might be interested in reading http://renatoram.wordpress.com/2007/05/03/checkinstall-for-gnome-packets/ to save you some hassle00:11
tnuicKiRiLoS: last time i installed i had the same problem, i just reinstalled and it somehow solved.... this time i tried installing twice and not working00:11
KiRiLoStnuic, would you mind reinstalling?or getting some1 else to help you out?I just dont know the answer to your problem,sorry :/00:11
tnuicKiRiLoS: thanks for your time =D ... i'll try reinstalling it again...00:12
oinsHi. Can anyone help me with the RaLink2860 WLAN chip? I compiled the module without any errors, but now iwconfig doesn't show any wlan device.00:12
burak575_it was a program like i will say make install like and it auto downloads and installs dependend packages like, while building tux racer it automaticly installs opengl libs with single command00:12
Stupendoussteveajay: er, that is ccsm that configures it00:12
KiRiLoStnuic, try install wubi program first,google it.Then move the iso to a folder named ubuntu-backup in your c:(So you dont have to donwnload it all over again)00:12
glitsj16burak575_: hmm, that doesn't sound like checkinstall00:12
demmonwhat was the command to install a deb file with terminal00:13
KiRiLoStnuic, proceed with the installation and i hope it get's fixed :/00:13
Stupendoussteveburak575_: Sounds like ports, in BSD00:13
tnuicKiRiLoS: i have a cd burned =D00:13
DasEidemmon: sudo dpkg -i file.deb00:13
rayluoins: modprobe the module00:13
oinsraylu: did this. and it's loaded (lsmod). But nothing happens.00:14
burak575_hmm i think i found it, it is auto-apt with checkinstall00:14
burak575_i will try it now00:14
demmonDasEi: thanks cuz i cant install deb files anymore with double cklick they are crushing on me dunno why00:15
rayluoins: lspci -v will show you the modules used by a device00:15
Dreamglider-ssh-can multiple users ssh to the same PC at once ?00:16
rayluDreamglider-ssh-: of course00:16
thaazallDreamglider-ssh- Yes.00:16
Dreamglider-ssh-Ok thanks00:16
Dreamglider-ssh-what's the default ssh port ?00:16
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brucealdridgeI've lost keyboard & mouse on my machine, is there an easy way to run X over ssh (of a currently running program) or to send keystrokes to it (screen is now locked)00:17
glitsj16burak575_: the above remark with the link to configure checkinstall still is worthwhile, otherwise it could mess up your gconf db (it's a small config change)00:17
burak575glitsj16: thanks i will use it ;)00:17
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oinsraylu: hmm... it's not used. and i can't find my wlan device at the lspci list !? What's wrong. (http://paste.ubuntu.com/145208/) I have a eeePC 1000H. This should have the rt2860 WLAN or not?00:18
raylubrucealdridge: you can run X over ssh, but that starts a new session00:18
raylubrucealdridge: you could try setting up a vnc server on that machine00:19
raylubrucealdridge: or just reboot it from ssh00:19
brucealdridgeraylu: my problem is I was running an upgrade at the time00:19
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rayluoins: wait, was the device listed in lspci before?00:19
raylubrucealdridge: oh, and you fear it might still be running?00:19
brucealdridgeraylu: yea00:19
raylubrucealdridge: pgrep -l apt00:20
oinsraylu: haven't checked this... should i reboot and do a lspci again?00:20
oinsor unload the module?00:20
rayluoins: no, it shouldn't make a difference00:20
brucealdridgeraylu: thanks00:21
oinsraylu: i unloaded the module but no change at lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/145210/ Where is my wireless device00:22
rayluoins: not sure. as i said, unloading the module shouldn't make a difference00:22
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rayluoins: generally, you install modules based on what lspci shows you. perhaps it's listed in lsusb. lshw may be a last resort00:23
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Arkenklowot, 10chan is totally kickass!00:23
leachim6I run synclient and I get the error "SHMConfig disabled?"00:23
leachim6how do I enable it00:23
WatchBotArkenklo: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.00:24
r33tfux0r_Good evening00:24
Arkenklogeez, your bots are slow00:24
r33tfux0r_How do I change the starting order of Daemons on my system?00:24
marceltem brasileiro ai?00:24
r33tfux0r_I want to start a network based daemon AFTER network manager00:24
r33tfux0r_otherwise it fails every time00:24
Arkenklowhat kind of word is that?00:25
oinsraylu: i identified the ra2860 device at windows and tried to install it under linux now. lsusb shows only an Alcor Micro Crop. Device.00:25
r33tfux0r_Arkenklo, its actually an old joke from some IRC friends =)00:25
Arkenklohuh, ok then00:25
raylu!pt | marcel00:25
ubottumarcel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:25
ArkenkloI figured you were a noob who had misinterpeted a meme00:25
jiffe20grr, all of a sudden quanta+ can't connect to ftp00:25
DezineHow can I adjust the scroll speed of my mouse? Seems to jump pretty quickly.00:26
raylui wasn't aware it was possible to misinterpret memes00:26
toomuchespressodoes anyone know how to get sound working in firefox?00:27
toomuchespressoI am trying to stream video but can't00:27
mogul218_has anyone had any success getting the Xbox 360 controller to function normally in Ubuntu?  I would like to run Xpadder in Wine and use it to map the keys00:27
xovantoomuchespresso have you installed gstreamer?00:27
mnWhen I try to mount a partition I get "mount: No buffer space available".  How can I fix this?00:28
Arkenklomn: increase the buffer00:28
mnarkenklo: How?00:28
xovandoes sound work the rest of the time?00:29
CoJaBo-AztecIs it possible to add more loop devices?00:29
toomuchespressowhat do you mean by adding loop devices (I'm realtively new to linux)00:30
mrsteveman1i don't think you can do it at runtime though00:30
mrsteveman1i think you have to modify a kernel source file00:30
CoJaBo-AztecI have several hard drive images mounted, but 7 isn;t enough00:30
StevenXI added the repos to a program that has been updated. But when I do "apt-cache show keepassx" there are two versions. Version 0.4 and version 0.300:30
StevenXHow do I make sure that "sudo apt-get install keepassx" will install version 0.4?00:31
CoJaBo-AztecSuposedly its possible to do at runtime, but I cant find instructions for ubuntu.00:31
almark1I would like to uninstall jackd but when I type apt-get remove jackd, it wants to uninstall a group a packages I need, how I just uninstall one package?00:31
GobbyWhere can I get packs of Icons that work for Ubuntu studio?00:31
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)00:31
IenorandGobby: http://gnome-look.org00:32
Gobbylenorand: thank you00:32
raylualmark1: why are those packages being removed? lack of dependency or installed only as a dependency?00:32
almark1raylu: I don't want them removed that is, I just want one pkg removed, how do I do that?00:33
glitsj16StevenX: i believe synaptic has a preferences setting (under the "distribution" tab) to prioritize the highest available version, not sure though00:33
raylualmark1: again, that depends on why they're being removed00:33
StevenXglitsj16, I am using the command line. Any way to do it through there? Both packages have the name "keepassx".00:33
raylualmark1: if you could pastebin the output of the remove command, that'd help00:33
almark1raylu: I will00:33
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion00:34
glitsj16StevenX: there should be one yes, but i don't know00:34
ugliefrogGobby:What u wanting to do00:34
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StevenXglitsj16, I did it through Synaptic. You were right. It did prioritize the newest version.00:34
almark1raylu: http://pastebin.com/d673c72fa00:35
StevenXglitsj16, ty.00:35
ChuZeinhey nesesito ayuda00:35
Gobbyugliefrog: FIrst of all change some icons. Second of all turn on some of the cool compiz stuff00:35
mrsteveman1coJaBo-Aztec: http://svn.rpmforge.net/svn/trunk/tools/mrepo/docs/loop-devices.txt00:35
ChuZeinexcuse me00:35
CoJaBo-Aztecmrsteveman1: Will that work properly on ubuntu tho?00:36
raylualmark1: those depend on jackd00:36
mrsteveman1it should00:36
epaphusHey guys, I have my machine unbootable.. with an error code 15 when it enters the bootloader....   what is the recommended procedure for this?00:36
mrsteveman1unless they specifically removed the ability to pass a higher number to the kernel when the module loads, or made it compiled in00:37
almark1raylu: Yeah, they do, but is there a way to just remove one package? And then I'll install or compile a newer jackd?00:37
glitsj16StevenX: you might be able to set that in /etc/apt/apt.conf00:37
filo1234epaphus: you have wron UUID or /dev root on menu.lst maybe00:38
epaphusfilo1234, is this related to a raid config?00:38
raylualmark1: hehehe.00:38
almark1raylu: hehehe hmm.?00:38
raylualmark1: the proper way to do this is to roll your own deb of jackd00:38
filo1234epaphus: is possible00:38
raylualmark1: the quick and dirty way is to leave jackd installed and install your own version yourself00:38
MHz128help! my windows keep starting with the titlebars behind the GnomePanel... how can I fix this ???00:38
Lenin_Cathow do I upgrade to ext400:38
epaphusfilo1234, would an easy fix for this be..  taking one of the hard disks out?00:39
almark1raylu: Its installed right now00:39
jiffe20hmm, if ftp in nautilus broken?00:39
raylualmark1: ok. leave it that way and compile and install another version over it00:39
Roastedhow can you resolve the error "Can't have a partition outside of the disk!" I'm trying to push an image to this drive and its g iving me this error and I'm not sure why.00:39
jiffe20is ftp broken rather00:39
filo1234epaphus: find right / directory00:39
almark1raylu: I can't get it to work because of the old one, I even go to its /usr/local/bin and type ./jackd and still won't work00:39
epaphusfilo1234, what do you mean? sorry00:39
noodlesgcLenin_Cat you shouldn't really change to ext4 until jaunty00:39
almark1raylu: no no I have jackd from apt-get and I just compiled a newer one in /usr/local/bin00:40
raylualmark1: another unrecommended way is to use dpkg to uninstall jackd and force it to ignore depencies00:40
raylualmark1: but really, you should build your own proper deb of the new jackd00:40
jiffe20no matter what I try I get the error that it can't display the location00:40
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filo1234epaphus: on grub you must to set right / device and must to be same on /etc/fstab00:40
epaphusfilo1234, ok so I boot with the live cd?00:41
filo1234epaphus: boot with live cd00:41
Lenin_Catnoodlesgc, I have jaunty00:41
noodlesgcLenin_Cat jaunty discussion is in #ubuntu+100:41
epaphusfilo1234, when you refer to the live cd.. its the same cd as the installation cd.. right?00:41
LiquidBSDi just installed ububtu on a laptop00:42
filo1234epaphus: sure00:42
graingertLiquidBSD-> hooray00:42
mnI get "mount: No buffer space available"  when I try to mount a partition from a liveCD.  What is the problem?00:42
almark1raylu: I will take the unrecommended way thanks. How do I do it?\00:42
zcat[1]finally figured out a way of recording video, xawtv, then record to mjpeg avi, 25fps, 16bit44100 sound, generates files that kino or ffmeg can deal with00:43
zcat[1]what a drama though! Took bloody ages to get there00:43
pasteeateris universe and multiverse enabled by default on a standard ubuntu installation?00:43
Flannelzcat[1]: Write it up on the wiki!00:43
Flannelpasteeater: For recent versions of Ubuntu, yes.00:43
zcat[1]have given up any notion of streaming00:43
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LiquidBSDinstalling and configuring ubuntu is surely a heck of a lot easier than installing slackware was in 199700:44
pasteeaterFlannel: thanks.  which version did this trend begin?00:44
zcat[1]I think most of the problem is that the bt878 card produces raw, uncomressed video. if I had a better card I could probably just read an mpeg stream direct from /dev/video00:45
Flannelpasteeater: Feisty? Gutsy? somewhere in there.00:45
somedude33is this a good channel for noob questions?00:45
pasteeatersomedude33: yes00:45
=== k is now known as Guest2014
epaphusfilo1234, how do I know which partition should be the 1st one.. the bootable one if i dont remeber what was in /etc/fstab?00:46
PCTeacher012Flannel: I have another question today. Not hardware, but software. aMSN will not work. I log on, and it freezes and i must force quit, started two days ago, do i need to reinstall?00:46
Tr0pW3NQuestion - What is the MAX RAM that I can have running Umbuntu 8.10 ?00:46
CoJaBo-Aztecmrsteveman1: thanks00:46
filo1234epaphus: are you with cd live?00:46
zcat[1]btw who is Flannel ?00:46
Guest2014my problem: all my windows open up such that their title bars are outside the visual interface of the screen (in other words i have to move the window down in order to see the top of any opened window that is NOT maximized) is there a simple fix for this thanks.00:46
PCTeacher012Flannel: Reinstall aMSN00:46
somedude33how can i launch the "Sound Preference" applet if I don't have it in the menu?00:46
FlannelPCTeacher012: No idea.  Have you checked launchpad for a bug report about it?00:47
almark1raylu: Haha Rumplestiltzskin, its called checkinstall isn't it?00:47
epaphusfilo1234, iam going to boot from the install cd.. not yet..00:47
PCTeacher012um.. no, ill check now00:47
FlannelTr0pW3N: 32 or 64 bits?00:47
temp01is it possible to add seperators  to grub menu?00:47
Flanneltemp01: Yes00:47
pasteeatersomedude33: open a terminal and type: gnome-sound-properties00:47
Tr0pW3N32 bit00:47
Tr0pW3NWhat's the command to find out if I am running 32 or 6400:47
filo1234epaphus: paste sudo fdisk -l00:47
somedude33tx !00:47
temp01Flannel: how? :)00:48
PCTeacher012Flannel: What is the link?00:48
Flannel!launchpad | PCTeacher01200:48
ubottuPCTeacher012: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/00:48
KiRiLoSTroll_Man, uname -a00:48
exodus_msI have 2 hard drives; /dev/sda1 (35.84 GiB) and /dev/sdb1 (113.06 GiB) /dev/sda1 has 8.10 installed and /dev/sdb1 has 8.04 installed. What would be the safest way to rid 8.04 and add the extra hdd to /dev/sda1?00:48
PCTeacher012Okay, i didnt know link, even though i hsould, im ON the bug team xD00:48
epaphusfilo1234, ok.. and the config where all the stuff i need would be the grub.conf.. right?00:48
marqueedby some pretty sheer idiocy, i clobbered python2.5, so /usr/bin/python2.5 doesn't exist00:48
raylualmark1: what?00:48
=== Guest2014 is now known as [ucb]kevin
[ucb]kevinmy problem: all my windows open up such that their title bars are outside the visual interface of the screen (in other words i have to move the window down in order to see the top of any opened window that is NOT maximized) is there a simple fix for this thanks.00:48
marqueedand reinstalling it somehow requires it in a way i don't fully understand00:48
FlannelTr0pW3N: 32bit OSes can address up to 4GB of memory at a time.  You'll get around 3.2GB of usable RAM for normal circumstances.  If you really, really want more, and can't move to 64bit, you can use PAE, which does a paging type thing to give you more than that total (but still only that much at a time)00:48
raylualmark1: and which unrecommended way?00:49
PCTeacher012how do i install Java for Ubuntu? Java.com: Linux: Self Extractor?00:49
joshjtlhey folks how do I use apt to search for installed packages that have "word" in it?00:49
Flannel!java | PCTeacher01200:49
ubottuPCTeacher012: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository00:49
Flanneljoshjtl: dpkg -l | grep word00:49
Tr0pW3NOkay same like XP..... Cool.... Thanks.00:49
temp01Flannel: ?00:49
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:49
PCTeacher012ubottu: Is that apt-gt?00:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Is that apt-gt?00:49
exodus_ms!GParted | exodus_ms00:50
ubottuexodus_ms, please see my private message00:50
joshjtlthanks Flannel00:50
[ucb]kevinPCTeacher012, ubottu is a bot :)00:50
almark1raylu: actually I like checkinstall, this is better don't you think?00:50
Flanneltemp01: Just have a title line with an empty 'root' line under it.00:50
filo1234epaphus: cannot come here with live cd?00:50
raylualmark1: no idea00:50
zcat[1]PCTeacher012, you can install a package via apt-get or aptitude or synaptic.. it's all different fronetends for the same system00:50
FlannelTr0pW3N: Thats not a windows or linux thing, but a property of the hardware.00:50
PCTeacher012kevin: Oh! XD Well, it should have boT:ubottu (I see bot now :p) well is the multiverse respitory apt-get then?00:51
epaphusfilo1234, iam sorry.. what are you asking me?00:51
Flannelmarqueed: How are you trying to reinstall it?00:51
riwasomething is odd with my sound. When i use headphones and the volume is up i get this peep (like tinnitus) from time to time. Almost like an old call modem but very vague. Any ideas?00:51
filo1234epaphus: if you can join here by cd live, for paste command00:51
FlannelPCTeacher012: yes, you can access the multiverse repository with apt-get00:51
PCTeacher012kk, thnx :)00:51
Tr0pW3NYup.... Thank You Flannel.....00:52
marqueedFlannel: aptitude reinstall, error in postinst00:52
zcat[1]PCTeacher012, I'd highly reccomend 'sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras' -- that installs flash, java, lots of codecs, ms core fonts.. and a few other things all in one go.00:52
temp01Flannel: not possible to get a blank line or '------' type of separator?00:52
marqueedtried building the source package and installing in /usr/local, but i'm still having issues00:52
Flanneltemp01: Just put ------ as the title.00:52
epaphusfilo1234, ohh no, i cannot... iam just oritentating myself of aprox what it would take to reinstall the grub boot loader rather then trying to find out where the error is and fixing it ..00:52
temp01Flannel: blank wont work?00:52
PCTeacher012sudo: update-java-alternatives: command not found. How do i know?00:52
epaphusfilo1234, this ia  remote machine so the guys are getting their stuff together00:52
zcat[1]PCTeacher012, sorry; 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'00:52
Flanneltemp01: It may.00:52
temp01Flannel: ok thanks :)00:53
almark1raylu: I googled install a compiled package with deb so it returned a program called checkinstall, from apt-get it was small00:53
marqueedFlannel: now my problem is http://paste.ubuntu.com/145215/00:53
PCTeacher012zcat: Thanks00:53
filo1234epaphus: i can't aid you without see output command ;)00:53
PCTeacher012zcat: That installs ALOT :p00:54
Manny2218Hey well i have a problem - I installed Ubuntu - But I forgot to install Grub, So now when I turn on my computer, Grub loads, Says "error 18" and then just sits there. I'm running off a Live CD at the moment, what can I do to fix Grub?00:54
zcat[1]ubuntu-restricted-extras is a convenient metapackage for people who don't really want to figure things out and just want everything to damn-well work!00:54
Flannelmarqueed: that's odd.  apt-get doesn't depend on python.00:54
epaphusfilo1234, lets just suppose for a minute I prefer reinstalling the grub bootloader from scratch with the CD.. i would have to give it the mount points..  how would I Know them?00:54
zcat[1]Yes, it does install a lot ;)00:55
PCTeacher012zcat: LOL, thats me (right now) later, when i get everything, im going to  get deeper into linux, i was frikin smart at windows, not i feel like a retard :P00:55
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marqueedFlannel: i may have inadvertently worsened the problem by attempting to fix it00:55
filo1234epaphus: so use supergrubdisk, it repair grub automatically00:56
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UbutnuStudentthere :P00:56
zcat[1]did you mean UbunutStudent perhaps?00:56
[ucb]kevinmy problem: all my windows open up such that their title bars are outside the visual interface of the screen (in other words i have to move the window down in order to see the top of any opened window that is NOT maximized) is there a simple fix for this thanks.00:56
filo1234!grub | epaphus  or you can find some solution following this00:56
ubottuepaphus  or you can find some solution following this: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:56
pumpkinseedhello everyone00:57
UbutnuStudentzcat: Woops! LOL00:57
=== UbutnuStudent is now known as UbuntuStudent
UbuntuStudentThere we go00:57
UbuntuStudentcorrct now?00:57
Flannelmarqueed: You might try downloading those debs (python2.5 and python2.5-minimal) and installing them with dpkg?00:57
andy___hello everyone00:57
marqueedFlannel: no go :(00:57
pumpkinseedhello andy___00:57
zcat[1]damn, I have run out of keyboards00:58
UbuntuStudentzcat: 9 minutes lol00:58
zcat[1]nope.. found one!00:58
andy___is there some rason why i could get the effects to work on my 8.10 install..im using ATI graphics card00:58
UbuntuStudentbrb: Gotta help sis with Myspace coding :P00:58
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=== FBI{email is now known as danopia
zcat[1]run out of working keyboards, I have several spare broken ones and one that's chinese00:59
pumpkinseedI am running Ubuntu 8.10 and Windows XP (dualbooting) on one 500gb hard drive (partitioned separated). I just got a WD Raptor 10000rpm drive and want to migrate windows onto the drive. Will Grub know where the new OS is located?00:59
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:00
zcat[1]pumpkinseed, nope.01:00
Jay555why when i try to edit a file in /etc i get that i dont have permissions, except i am the only account01:00
zcat[1]pumpkinseed, there's an example entry in grub.conf though, just uncomment it and adjust it as required01:00
pumpkinseedzcat[1]: Thanks01:00
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:01
zcat[1]Jay555, sudo nano /etc/foo01:01
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:01
epaphusfilo1234, nice.. that link is extremely helpful.. i appreciate it!!!  what is the difference between the live cd or the install cd?01:01
Jay555i need to run that every time i try to edit a /etc file01:01
zcat[1]Jay555, or alt-F2, gksu gedit /etc/foo if you prefer a gui editor01:01
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:01
pumpkinseedzcat[1]: Where is grub.conf located under Ubuntu? (better yet, how does one search for files under the command line in linux?)01:01
Manny2218Hey i asked this question before but no one answered : Well i have a problem - I installed Ubuntu - But I forgot to install Grub, So now when I turn on my computer, Grub loads, Says "error 18" and then just sits there. I'm running off a Live CD at the moment, what can I do to fix Grub?01:01
glitsj16Flannel: the python dependency in marqueed's situation stems from packagekit, python-packagekit is only in jaunty it seems .. don't know if that means anything relevant though01:01
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:01
zcat[1]pumpkinseed, 'locate grub.conf'01:02
UbuntuStudentHi Jay555, its PCTeacher01201:02
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:02
pumpkinseedzcat[1]: Super. Thanks01:02
rwwManny2218: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub01:02
marqueedglitsj16: i think i've fixed it (i'm on jaunty, yeah)01:02
Flannelzcat[1], pumpkinseed: in Ubuntu we use menu.lst not grub.conf (theyre the same thing)01:02
rww!repeat > brandon_01:02
brandon_does any know how to get Visualizations on Amarok01:02
ubottubrandon_, please see my private message01:02
filo1234epaphus: nothing difference.... there is only one difference between live cd and alternate cd01:02
Jay555hey pctacher1201:02
glitsj16marqueed: nice, one less thing01:02
Flannelmarqueed: ah.  You should ask in #ubuntu+1 then. they'll know more.01:02
zcat[1]pumpkinseed, except I just realised I mean menu.list!!01:02
UbuntuStudentJay555: Did it work?01:02
marqueedthe problem was pretty much version-agnostic, i think01:02
zcat[1]menu.lst, bugger it. Trying to do too many things at once01:03
Jay555ubuntustudent: o i just said screw it, now im 100% ubuntu.01:03
marqueedi had to install 2.5 from source, and then set those binaries and library prefixes in place of what apt expects, and then reinstall from there01:03
UbuntuStudentJay555: Hope it works out! Family fine with it?01:03
filo1234epaphus: live cd run on ram, and you can use it like a normal desktop install01:03
zcat[1]Jay555, I did that YEARS ago.. except it was 100% slackware back then01:03
Jay555ubuntustudent: yeah they better be. my mom just needed to use it occasionally because she doesn't have her own computer. but shell learn to live with it01:04
Manny2218But i already had windows Installed, i forgot to set up Grub during the Ubuntu installation. Now when i turn my computer on, Grub just says "error 18"01:04
UbuntuStudentLol, my bro has to :p01:04
Roastedwhos a genius with hard drive partitions? I dont understand something with linux here. I was trying to push an image to a 40gb drive and it errored out and said "Can't have partition outside the disk!" I booted to GParted and the disk was unallocated. So I thought, hmm, maybe if I create a new partition? So I went to create a new partition and I got a warning "Doing this will erase all of the data on the disk." I hit create. But afte01:04
Roastedr I hit create, the disk was still 100% unallocated. If I hit "new" again, THEN I could choose the type of partition. I chose not to and rebooted and now my image works fine.01:04
RoastedWhat is it about that message I got in gparted to create a new partition when it was still 100% unallocated that suddenly made the disk work??01:04
UbuntuStudentmy mom dont use it, my dad uses sisters laptop, and both sisters hav laptop, so bro will have to learn :p @Jay55501:04
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:04
Jay555ubuntustudent: haha, u got a big family! yeah but my wireless card isnt supported :( so i have to plug it in01:05
rwwRoasted: the "Doing this will erase all of the data on the disk" message comes up when you're making a new partition table / label, not a new partition.01:05
Jay555and all my jacks are phone01:05
Jay555so i have to plug into router......01:05
Roastedrww - Do you know how the hard drive erased the partition table?01:05
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:05
Roastedrww - I really don't understand how it got like that cause it was just a spare one sitting on my shelf.01:06
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:06
UbuntuStudentJay555: Ya, i do :p and that sucks, i have desktop computer, so it works (not with vista though :p) and when i but new laptop ($5000 <_<) i HIPOPE Ubuntu supportrs it01:06
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:06
rwwRoasted: I assume that when you tried to push an image onto it, you overwrote the old one.01:06
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:06
zcat[1]I got really lucky with wireless.. I have a pc card and a USB adapter that boot work right off the CD, and built in wireless in the laptop that only needed a checkbox to get working01:06
UbuntuStudentSomehting is wrong with ubuntu. All the screens + Panels flash away then back01:06
Ienorandbrandon_: Don't repeat, probably no one does know...01:06
rww!repeat | brandon_01:06
ubottubrandon_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:07
Jay555ubuntustudent: for 5 grand, id just buy a macbook pro. that should be good enough for gaming01:07
UbuntuStudentmaybe because im installing that large package?01:07
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:07
Roastedrww - when you install say, windows XP, does it create a partition table + partition when you install it? Is the same true with Ubuntu? Maybe that's why I never ran into it before.01:07
Jay555ubuntustudent: then again i know nothing of the pc gaming world01:07
rwwRoasted: yes, they do01:07
brandon_does any know how to put Visualizations on Amarok01:07
UbuntuStudentJay555: Mac sadly doesnt support windows games :( So that is why i am forced to get it01:07
zcat[1]Roasted, windows just hides a lot of the technical stuff; under the hood it's doing a lot of the same things01:07
Jay555ubuntustudent: o silly me. yes that sux. just buy a 360! what games do u play anyway? (and mac got cod!)01:08
Roastedhmm, that makes sense. I didn't realize there was a partition TABLE that was created before the partition. I thought maybe that was tacked in WITH the actual partition itself. But, ahh, I know what to look for now!01:09
blunderthe ubuntu server version has some sort of setting to keep it from upgrading the kernel, how do I get past this?01:09
UbuntuStudentzcat: I do not remember, must i restart Epiphany Web Browser to make java work in it?01:09
UbuntuStudentJay555: No, i own PS3 :p and i play games such as: CoD, Brother in arms, Resistance Fall of Man, Fallout 3, and Killzone2 (we should probably take his to private chat lol)01:09
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zcat[1]there's an MBR, partition table, partition boot records, filesystem.. windows (and the ubuntu installer, for the most part) hide all the messy details and just make it work for you01:09
Jay555ubuntustudent: o 360 pwns. but ps3 has killzone i guess, i gtg eat dinner now tho. but i might bbk later01:10
rwwRoasted: Glad I could help :)01:10
UbuntuStudentkk, Ps3 is better :p @Jay55501:10
Jay555hell no. and bye.01:10
zcat[1]UbuntuStudent, probably ..01:10
MHz128I am having issues with Choppy Scrolling in Firefox (3.08) running Nvidia 180.11..... any ideas?01:10
UbuntuStudentzcat: okay thnx, erstarting now01:10
lewenchI have installed fluxbox on ubuntu 8.10. But i cannot find the file startup in /home/user/.fluxbox/startup  its not there at all. Is there another place where this file might be/ Or do i have to create it?01:10
MHz128most choppy on sites with lots of images...01:10
bartskde2I just installed a wintv hvr-1600 which according to linuxtv.org works now but when I reboot the xserver can't find the nvidia driver 180.x.x even though it's installed. any ideas?01:11
rwwlewench: I vaguely remember having to create it when I was running fluxbox01:11
UbuntuStudentWee! Sound hasnt messed up :D01:11
zcat[1]bah I need to get off here and go install OOo3 on another machine01:11
rwwi haven't used it in a while, though01:11
lewenchrww, Thats what i thought. Im reading a guide, and its saying to edit this file, but the file is not there, i don't know if its located somewhere else in the system01:11
UbuntuStudentzcat: What is the error here? I cant play Java: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145218/01:13
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:16
ubottuAu revoir!01:17
Briandb12221got a question...I tried pasting a driver into the drivers file for my graphics card. However, it won't let me paste it. At the bottom it says that there is 0 free space...does this have to do with the reason why?01:20
n8tuserfibm withdrew offer to buy java01:21
Flanneln8tuserf: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks.01:21
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=== pubuntu is now known as ameshockey
ameshockeywhats going on01:23
mariiEscriba el texto aquí....hola01:24
mariicomo estan alguien que quiera hablar comigo01:24
scuniziBriandb12221: typically a driver is a collection of files.. what card do you have and where did you get your driver that you're trying to paste?01:24
Briandb12221No habla espanol, Marii01:25
matttttthello folks!01:25
mariiy tu01:26
Briandb12221I have a S3 Unichrome Pro integrated graphics card01:26
exodus_ms!es | marii01:26
ubottumarii: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:26
_mnemonic76I am about to destroy something! I have been working on compiling the latest version of libgphoto2 and gphoto2 for two days now. I have VERY little experience compiling from source, and this thing is a mess... all because I bought a new Canon digital.01:26
mattttttanybody knows a good suicide channel?01:26
Matsonis there a way to reduce or eliminate the pause that happens when passwords are entered incorrectly?01:26
Briandb12221matttttt: why what's going on?01:27
YixilTesiphonwhat are possible reasons that my headphone jack wouldn't work?01:27
Matsonit's only a few seconds, and I know it is a security feature - but it is extremely annoying01:27
scuniziBriandb12221: I'll be backing away from S3 gingerly.. and let someone else guide you with this one.. S3 is quirky and problematic01:27
scuniziBriandb12221: however if you have instructions and need to paste.. try moving the file to the right location using sudo01:27
Briandb12221scunizi: I got it from viaarena.com or something like that...I have an S3 Unichrome Pro01:27
_mnemonic76Has anyone else dealt with the newest version of gphoto2?01:29
Briandb12221yeah...I have a laptop. might as well buy a new lappy if I'm gonna get a new one. heh.01:29
Alondra¿Alguien puede decirme que version de ubuntu consume menos recursos? Tengo instalada la versión 8.04 y mi máquina se calienta mucho.01:29
Enigmais there any way to hide extensions?01:29
_mnemonic76I have followed the wikis on compiling from source, and I guess maybe there are some source code written easier to compile than others?01:30
carandraug!xubuntu | Alondra01:30
ubottuAlondra: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels01:30
Flannel!mx | Alondra01:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mx01:31
Flannel!es | Alondra01:31
ubottuAlondra: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:31
mariihola hola01:31
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_mnemonic76Flannel: Heh, mx is a country, es is a language ;)01:32
Enigmano one knows?01:32
=== Guest92181 is now known as kingbilly
Flannel_mnemonic76: yes.01:32
Briandb12221Enigma: I'd check under preferences in the edit menu01:32
Spence_hey guys, whats the code to make a new folder(directory) with terminal?01:32
FlannelSpence_: mkdir01:33
_mnemonic76Ok, any advice on a channel to go to for more help figuring out this problem compiling?01:33
EccentricSpence_: mkdir01:33
fclebiooi, alguem fala portugues?01:33
IenorandSpence_: mkdir01:33
Briandb12221Enigma: I've checked for my self, but I didn't find the option, but maybe I missed something.01:33
Flannel!pt | fclebio01:33
ubottufclebio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:33
Alondracarandraug and ubottu thank you01:33
Alondraasí lo haré01:33
Spence_and how do i direct it, like: mkdir (new folder name) (directory to make at)?01:33
Enigmayeah i was going to say i've already looked01:33
Briandb12221Does anyone know how I would install stuff that is written in python and such? I follow the instructions but nothing works.01:34
IenorandSpence_: mkdir location-of-new-directory01:34
carandraugSpence_: "mkdir /path_to_new_directory"  Run "man mkdir"01:34
FlannelSpence_: it accepts regular paths, so you can either do "mkdir name" and it'll make it in the current directory, or "mkdir /path/to/folder/name" to put it there.01:34
Enigmai just wanna hide most of the ".avi" and ".jpg" i already know what they are because they are in their corresponding folders01:34
Spence_alrighty, thanks guys01:34
scuniziSpence_: if you're doing it in your home directory then it's as the others have said.. if it's outside /home then preface it with sudo01:35
Briandb12221Enigma: I'm not sure exactly. I'm new to Ubuntu. I just know where stuff is, now how to do stuff.01:36
SkamlausHello, could someone please help me? I'm getting a Grub error 17 on a dual installation with Vista on my laptope01:36
scuniziI've got a Brother MFC-7440n networked and printing fine with their provided drivers, however I'm having problems getting their linux drivers working for the fax and the scanner.. Anyone done this?01:36
UbuntuStudentWhat is the error here? I cant play Java: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145218/01:37
SkamlausCrowdy in here :)01:37
Briandb122211348 people in here01:37
Briandb12221I'm surprised it isn't lagging.01:37
scuniziUbuntuStudent: did you install your own nvidia driver? one from the nvidia site?  if so reinstall.. that's what fixed me01:38
sebsebsebBriandb12221: sure, but it's questionable how many of them actsaully use Ubuntu01:38
lstarnesBriandb12221: with the way this network is set up, it can handle over 40000 users01:38
meoblast001firefox is acting weird.... when i start it up it's covering the whole screen but it's not in reall fullscreen mode..... how do i fix that?01:38
sebsebsebBriandb12221: and this channel can go really bad at times01:38
eseven731384 is actually low compared to what it used to be in here01:38
Briandb12221Does anyone know how I would install stuff that is written in python and such? I follow the instructions but nothing works.01:38
UbuntuStudentscunizi: My nVidia graphics card is no longer supported by nVidia :(01:38
eseven73err 1353 rather01:38
Briandb12221Seb: ah01:38
scuniziUbuntuStudent: what have you got?01:38
sebsebseb!netsplit > Briandb1222101:39
ubottuBriandb12221, please see my private message01:39
UbuntuStudentthe TNT2 Pro x86 version (somthing like that) can i check in ubuntu somehow @ scunizi01:39
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scuniziUbuntuStudent: sudo lshw will give you a list of your hardware..01:39
sebsebsebBriandb12221: seemsa  lot of people just leave there computers on in here, and we never even see them chatting here01:39
gmaculohow do i disable CPU frequency scaling in jaunty? -- always set it to max01:40
Enigmawhats MIME mean?01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mime01:40
DigitalKiwiwhen you don't talk but express your ideas with actions01:40
eseven73sebsebseb, thats why netsplits are good, it gets rid of the chronic idlers taking up bandwidth and whatnot01:40
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:41
adam7gmaculo: what are you trying to accomplish with that? if you're using gnome, you can add the cpu scaling applet to the panel and use that01:41
UbuntuStudentscunizi: My Graphics card is "NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]" Vendor: nVidia Corp.01:41
eseven73sebsebseb, although most of them have auto rejoin on their clients, heh01:41
gmaculoadam7: just want to be running at max speed all the time... some programs are really jumpy when it slows down.,,, the cpu scaling applet doesnt seem to be changing it..01:42
UbuntuStudentThe nVidia Auto serach never found it @ scunizi then when i looked for it manually, didnt see it01:42
usserUbuntuStudent, man, riva tnt2 havent seen one of those in years01:43
UbuntuStudentusser: I know, it is sad, my comp is 8 years old, top then, crap now :p01:43
scuniziUbuntuStudent: I'll look .. hang on.. I think I still have one of those in a box someplace.. I just got rid of a dx2/66 asus motherboard with processor and ram.. some old stuff.01:44
eseven73UbuntuStudent,  I bet it was over $2500 too01:45
PhotoJimUbuntuStudent: I had a good Intrepid Ibex installation on a PII-400 with 384 MB of RAM up until a few weeks ago when I sold it.  perfectly good office and web/email machine.  maximize your RAM and use your machine unapologetically.01:45
UbuntuStudentMy upcoming computer is top of line (it is laptop)01:45
UbuntuStudentphotojim: Yepp01:45
Matsonis there a way to reduce or eliminate the pause that happens when passwords are entered incorrectly?01:45
Matsonit's only a few seconds, and I know it is a security feature - but it is extremely annoying01:45
UbuntuStudenteseven73L IDK, my parents bought it.01:45
PhotoJimMatson: you don't want it disabled.  don't type your password wrong.  ;)01:45
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Okay01:45
DigitalKiwiare we comparing old computers running linux stats?01:46
MatsonPhotoJim: I understand - but I *Really do* want it disabled01:46
UbuntuStudentI hate having everything (video, sound) and all on the motherboard! and maybe :p01:46
eseven73UbuntuStudent, yeah most computers of that age, went for about $2000 or more back then01:46
UbuntuStudenteseven73: I wouldn't doubt, relatively new to ppl then :p01:46
* DigitalKiwi has a PII 266 with 90ish MB ram and a 4 gig hard drive running arch linux ;D01:46
noaeanyone here know how to open an old .jar file? im trying to open one that seems to keep 'expiring,' so to speak01:46
scuniziUbuntuStudent: found them on nvidia's site .. http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_71.86.09.html01:46
UbuntuStudentthe laptop i am getting is much mroe expensive :p01:46
yvan300hey everyone, could some one help me to speed up my internet, it's getting unusually slow, i've got a broadband connection :001:47
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Really? You gotta be kidding me! Thier auto cant find it, and i looked for half hour xD01:47
eseven73yvan300, isp's are starting to cap torrents like theres no tomorrow, are you downloading stuff from torrents?01:47
yvan300eseven73 nope01:48
TunnlRatI can hear sound through my headphones but not my speakers, and i know they work, someone said something about enabling jack sensing, anyone know how to do that or have any ideas ?01:48
crdlbUbuntuStudent: why not just install nvidia-glx-71 ?01:48
scuniziUbuntuStudent: I just typed into their searchbar riva tnt2 and got a list of links and choose the second or third that had nvidia in the name..01:48
UbuntuStudentscunizi: That surely is it. Thanks a ton01:48
noaeeseven73: even encrypted streams?01:48
PhotoJimMatson: I'm not aware of any way to do it.  but if you did do it, I strongly suggest either completely disabling sshd login via passwords, or disconnecting from the Internet.  with no password rejection delay, intruders can brute-force their way into your machine before long.01:48
yvan300eseven73, it just began suddenly, today01:48
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: never knew about that lol01:48
scuniziUbuntuStudent: np.. remember installing that is different.. uninstall all nvidia references from synaptic package manager and then go to a TTY and shutdown GDM.. THEN install the drivers.01:48
ugliefrogGobby:What u wanting to do01:49
eseven73noae, not sure about encrypted01:49
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Shutdown GDM?01:49
yvan300eseven73, isn't there like some kind of internet optimizer for ubuntu01:49
=== dustin is now known as apple_pie
UbuntuStudentTTY & GDM?01:49
ugliefrogGobby:shouldnt matter01:50
scuniziUbuntuStudent: GDM is the "Graphics Display Manager". these drivers have to be installed using the termial with no desktop running01:50
glitsj16_mnemonic76: still looking for gphoto2 version 2.4.4 ?01:50
pppoe_dudehello. is there a good program to make movies in ubuntu? something that can splice/add watermarks/effects, etc.01:50
apple_pieI have epson cx8400 all in one printer, i cant get the printer to scan images using xsane, even if i run in sudo... drivers are installed, printer works otherwise, please help somebody i need to scan on ubuntu01:50
sebsebsebpppoe_dude: try kino01:50
noaeim trying to open this java program but it wont open after so long01:50
scuniziUbuntuStudent: ctrl+alt+F2 will get you to a TTY.. a text termanal..01:50
eseven73yvan300, im sure theres some tweaks and stuff, but I don't know off the top of my head, try searching the forums maybe01:50
jribpppoe_dude: kino, pitivi, avidemux come to mind01:50
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Remove or Complete Removal? and i dont know how to shut down GDM01:50
sebsebsebpppoe_dude: also for 2d animation Synfig01:50
scuniziUbuntuStudent: remove01:50
noaeim trying to open this java program but it wont open after so long, what is the problem?01:50
UbuntuStudentscunizi: oh, thank01:50
jribnoae: how can you expect anyone to be able to answer that question with so little information?01:51
Eccentricwats the apt-get cmd to get openoffice????01:51
jrib!apt > Eccentric01:51
ubottuEccentric, please see my private message01:51
UbuntuStudentremove EVERY refernce to nVidia01:51
pppoe_dudesebastien, jrib , sebsebseb, thanks01:51
_mnemonic76glitsj16: I think I need 2.4.5 for the Canon SD1100, but 2.4.4 woulf be newer than what the ubuntu reps offer.01:51
noaejrib: what more information did you need?01:51
scuniziUbuntuStudent: so once things are removed.. ctrl+alt+F2 .. then.. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ... then if you saved the driver to the Desktop you would .. cd /home/<login name>/Desktop01:52
ibeekmananyone have any thoughts where I can get help debugging graphics card type stuff?01:52
scuniziUbuntuStudent: yes.. every reference that is installed.01:52
ugliefrogGobby:working now01:52
jribnoae: the program you are trying to run and a pastebin of your terminal session might make it more likely someone can spot the issue01:52
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Every refernce to nVidia? and what about: xserver-xorg-vido-nv, smartdimmer, and jokeygtk?01:52
H_M-Ubuntuscunizi, Or just ~/Desktop01:52
_mnemonic76glitsj16: Actually, I just checked the release notes and 2.4.4 is the one i need!01:52
H_M-Ubuntu~ FTW01:52
Eccentriceven for the tag to get openoffice??01:53
noaejrib: the program disappears01:53
scuniziUbuntuStudent: xserver-bla-nv .. ending in nv is not nvidia direct but a generic driver.. not that one.01:53
Eccentricapt-get install openoffice.org doesnt work <<01:53
UbuntuStudentniether of the other 2?01:53
scuniziUbuntuStudent: just stuff that says Nvidia..01:53
glitsj16_mnemonic76: http://philip.magicalforest.se/ is a ubuntu repo that has 2.4.4 (instructions on how to add the repo and gpg key are all on that page) ... might improve some, doesn't hurt to try i suppose01:53
UbuntuStudentokay, done then01:53
scuniziUbuntuStudent: jokeyjtk leave it01:53
noaejrib: I have to download it again before i use it01:53
_mnemonic76glitsj16: Wow, thanks! I will surely try that!01:53
scuniziUbuntuStudent: smartdimmer leave that too.01:53
UbuntuStudentscunizi: How do i run it? sh (file).run?01:54
scuniziUbuntuStudent: did you download the file to the desktop?01:54
glitsj16_mnemonic76: very welcome, hope you get things working01:54
UbuntuStudentscunizi: yes01:54
alaqsoryI want to ask about something which related to translating in ubuntu01:55
UbuntuStudentso i wrote this down:01:55
ibeekmanI am having some issues with my ati graphics card.  Using the ubuntu drives some types of video don't display at all.  Using the ati catalyst center I cannot get dual monitor displays working and the video files which previously did not show up are now garbled or log me out when I play them01:55
scuniziUbuntuStudent: you ready to copy?  here's the rundown.. ctrl+alt+F2 and login.. now .. sudo apt-get install build-essential .. cd ~/Desktop01:56
scuniziUbuntuStudent: wait!01:56
UbuntuStudentCTRL+ALT+F2 --> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop --> cd /home/<USER>/desktop --> sh Nvidia-linux-x86-781.86.09-pkg1.run01:56
UbuntuStudentscunizi: yes?01:56
[ucb]kevinmy problem: all my windows open up such that their title bars are outside the visual interface of the screen (in other words i have to move the window down in order to see the top of any opened window that is NOT maximized) is there a simple fix for this thanks.01:56
alex-weejUbuntuStudent: /Desktop. filenames are case sensitive01:56
scuniziUbuntuStudent.. that would be sudo sh Nvidia-yada..  if it won't run then chang it's permissions.01:56
alex-weej[ucb]kevin: no, please file a bug on www.launchpad.net01:57
UbuntuStudentalex-weej: thanks01:57
D3f0has anyone have been experiencing issues with vmware and compcache module?01:57
UbuntuStudentscunizi: change permissions how?01:57
scuniziUbuntuStudent: to change the permissions sudo chmod 777 <filename>01:57
glitsj16_mnemonic76: adding that repo might mark other packages as "upgradeable", if you only want gphoto related packages, you can always download those from the pool and install the .debs manually (forgot to mention that)01:57
eMaXhi all01:57
eMaXanyone: when I disable wireless networks in gnome and reenable them, the available wireless networks are not shown until I select any in "connet to hidden"01:57
scuniziUbuntuStudent: or sudo chmod +x <filename>01:57
UbuntuStudentkk, dnoe01:57
UbuntuStudentanything else?01:57
_mnemonic76glitsj16: Great, thanks!01:57
ryan_I need a hand, I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player 10, when I run it just as my user, it says to ask my admisitrator to delete xpti.dat, which I can't find. If I sudo it, it says to enter the installation path of the browser... I put /usr/lib/mozilla and it says "Please enter a valid installation path."01:57
scuniziUbuntuStudent: incase you get stuck do you want a way to talk here while at terminal?01:58
crdlbUbuntuStudent: gah, use the package01:58
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Yes plz01:58
noaecould anyone help me with the vanishing .jar program problem?01:58
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: How? Do i need to do all this? and is it safe? :)01:58
crdlbUbuntuStudent: not remotely :)01:58
scuniziUbuntuStudent: ok.. go to Applications/Accessories/terminal and when there then .. sudo apt-get install irssi screen01:58
crdlbUbuntuStudent: first of all, did you look in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?01:58
UbuntuStudentI need a computer, or ill die (a bit exreme :P)01:59
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: no01:59
UbuntuStudentill look01:59
scunizicrdlb: good thought for UbuntuStudent01:59
THornsbyanyone had any luck getting a realtek 8185 wireless pci card working on 8.0401:59
THornsbywithout using ndiswrapper01:59
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Error when installing the thing: Could not get lock /var/liv/dpkg/lock02:00
scuniziUbuntuStudent: you have synaptic open?02:00
UbuntuStudentOh, yers02:00
UbuntuStudenttes lol02:00
UbuntuStudenthavnt removed yet02:00
UbuntuStudentdont know if not, or a bit l8r02:00
scuniziUbuntuStudent: was there anything in System/Admin/Hardware drivers? or did we uninstall all that stuff.02:01
UbuntuStudentand in System --> Hardware Drivers it says: No propretart derive are in use on this system.02:01
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UbuntuStudentscunizi: Not uninstalled yet, waiting till u say to02:01
crdlbUbuntuStudent: and there are no available choices?02:01
Loganhouphello, my audio is lagging after about an hour runtime, it also always involves some level of video Dvd, macromedia flash. The video also lags heavily and sound also cuts in and out could someone please help?02:01
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: Nope02:01
scuniziUbuntuStudent: just in case.. open synaptic again and search for nvidia.. see if there is a driver listed that matches what  you downloaded or has the description naming the riva tnt02:02
noaedoes anyone know JonDo?02:02
crdlbUbuntuStudent: is nvidia-71-modaliases installed?02:02
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: Yes02:02
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crdlbUbuntuStudent: then I guess you can 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71' manually02:02
Loganhoupalso after it starts doing this with a video it will do with any other sound system login rhythmbox etc.02:03
UbuntuStudentscunnzi: No riva tnt02:03
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: Use Terminal? Or the way scunizi is saying?02:03
THornsbyAnyway to get acceleration working on an ati rage128 ultra on 8.04?02:03
crdlbUbuntuStudent: it doesn't matter, as long as you install the package02:03
crdlbTHornsby: probably not02:03
scuniziUbuntuStudent: it won't say it specifically unless you're looking in the description.. I'll look in mine02:03
THornsbyk. thx02:03
ryan_I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player 10, when I run it just as my user, it says to ask my administrator to delete xpti.dat, which I can't find. If I sudo it, it says to enter the installation path of the browser... I put /usr/lib/mozilla and it says "Please enter a valid installation path."02:04
UbuntuStudentcrdlb: i thnk ill do it the Terminal way, it is 100% safe correct?02:04
noaedoes anyone know the JonDo?02:04
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Okay, thnx02:04
YixilTesiphonany recommendations for a media player?02:04
_mnemonic76glitsj16: Well, maybe it is no good for me... I am running Hardy and the packages on that site are for intrepid... is there some way to make them work? When I try to install Package Installer says: ERROR dependency is not satisfyable.02:04
Loganhouphello, my audio is lagging after about an hour runtime, it also always involves some level of video Dvd, macromedia flash. The video also lags heavily and sound also cuts in and out could someone please help?02:04
Loganhoupalso after it starts doing this with a video it will do with any other sound system login rhythmbox etc.02:04
crdlbUbuntuStudent: it can always be undone, and even if it fails, the failsafe GUI will kick in02:04
scunizicrdlb: can UbuntuStudent install nvidia-glx-71 to work?02:04
crdlbscunizi: yes02:05
[ucb]kevini mistakenly reslized the font in a terminal (xterm) window -- how did i do that?? that was AWESOME!!!02:06
scuniziUbuntuStudent: crdlb has a good idea.. in synaptic pk mgr there is nvidia-glx-71.. install that.. it's for the tnt & tnt 2 among others.  Once installed you might have to activate it in System/Admin/Hardwar Deivers.02:06
QtpaxaIs there any way to deactivate the trackpad mouse while you are using an usb mouse?02:06
UbuntuStudentscunizi: okay thanks02:06
zash[ucb]kevin: ctrl-click02:06
zash[ucb]kevin: and hold02:06
UbuntuStudentcoding: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-71?02:06
scuniziUbuntuStudent: if that doesn't work then installing the ones from Nvidia is last resort.02:06
glitsj16Loganhoup: sounds like flash blocks pulseaudio, several people have experienced that ... you might want to go over instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890002:06
scuniziUbuntuStudent: yes..02:06
Loganhoupthank you02:07
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Okay to both02:07
UbuntuStudentclose everything?02:07
scuniziUbuntuStudent: yep02:07
[ucb]kevinzash: does nothing :(02:07
crdlbTHornsby: well, here on jaunty (and undoubtedly hardy too), there is a r128 kernel module -- I don't know how well it works though02:07
zash[ucb]kevin: hold control and mousebtn 102:07
crdlbI was thinking of mach6402:07
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Closing now02:07
scuniziUbuntuStudent: close when done.. check the hardware drivers location in the menu and see if the driver needs activation02:07
UbuntuStudentclose during installation?02:07
zash[ucb]kevin: oh, its mousebtn 3, aka right click02:08
scuniziUbuntuStudent: what are you thinking of closing after the install is done?02:08
UbuntuStudentscunizi: I dont know, close now? Or after?02:08
jasonI am having trouble with jaunty beta, pidgin will not minimize to indicator applet no matter what I do02:08
[ucb]kevinzash, i tried left, right nad "middle" click while holding control..no resize happens02:08
scuniziUbuntuStudent: close what?02:08
THornsbycrdlib: I'm using it, but can't get desktop effects or any other hardware acceleration related stuff working02:08
jasonIf i open it, it shows up in indicator applets list, but if I minimize it goes to taskbar and if I close it.. well closes02:09
jasonanyone know how to fix?02:09
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scuniziUbuntuStudent: no .. after install look in System/Admin/Hardware Drivers and see if the driver is listed there.. if so put a check mark next to it.. and it will probably ask you to restart the machine02:09
zash[ucb]kevin: rightclick and hold down the mousebtn02:09
UbuntuStudentokay, starting install02:09
FenyxI have a problem. I got a router but my two Ubuntu boxes aren't able to resolve any of my local machine's host names. But the windows machines have no problem. Any idea what I've messed up?02:10
zash[ucb]kevin: or what did you want to resize?02:10
UbuntuStudentwhat exactly will this update do?02:10
alloy_I have some ttf fonts I want to use, non-standard, where do I drop them?02:10
[ucb]kevinzash: the txt w/in the terminal window02:10
ibeekman! glibc02:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glibc02:10
wstrausIs there a Ubuntu security channel or would anyone here mind me bouncing some questions of them?02:11
ibeekmananyone know what the current version of glibc in intrepid is?02:11
scuniziUbuntuStudent: you're actually installing the nvidia driver that is appropriate for your card.. since it's an older card Ubuntu has the driver available without going to nvidia. :)02:11
alloy_wstraus: just ask here - ya takes ya chances though - it's very busy these days02:11
[ucb]kevinzash: oh well -- it woulda been cool to do thanks for trying02:11
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Thank you :D I've been looking to update forever lol, it is doing finishing stpes02:11
crdlbTHornsby: what does   glxinfo | grep renderer   say?02:11
zash[ucb]kevin: control + right-click sholud give a menu with font-sizes in xterm02:11
Ienorandalloy_: Into the appearance config window I think02:12
thecommutistalloy_: /usr/share/fonts02:12
UbuntuStudentscunizi: done02:12
UbuntuStudentchecking hardware drivers02:12
alloy_thecommutist: i thought so - do i need to let the system know?02:12
alloy_Ienorand: cheets02:12
[ucb]kevinzash: ah-hah! im using gnome terminal..theres my problem02:12
alloy_Ienorand: cheers i mean :-)02:12
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Nothing02:12
Confuzhow do I set up a LAN between two computers running Ubuntu?02:13
zash[ucb]kevin: oh, then try ctrl-plus/minus02:13
ibeekmanscunizi: are you and UbuntuStudent trouble shooting graphics card stuff?02:13
alloy_Confuz: check out the network howto02:13
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Should i make nVidia my main x Server?02:13
UbuntuStudentIbeekman: Yes02:13
scuniziUbuntuStudent: restart your machine and see if someting shows.. it will kick you off IRC but easy enough to get back on. .. ibeekman yes.. older -71 driver for Riva tnt02:13
UbuntuStudentscunizi: Rebooting brb02:13
scuniziUbuntuStudent: k02:13
ryan_I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player 10, when I run it just as my user, it says to ask my administrator to delete xpti.dat, which I can't find. If I sudo it, it says to enter the installation path of the browser... I put /usr/lib/mozilla and it says "Please enter a valid installation path."02:14
[ucb]kevinzash: ahh thats a neat feature -- tx02:14
sebsebsebKrine11: hi02:14
Krine11Everytime i start my computer i recive a error message with a black  box02:14
thecommutistalloy_: just drop them there, the system will pick up automatically02:15
ibeekmanscunizi: and UbuntuStudent if either of you know anything about fixing some issues with an ati mobility radeon x1400 and wouldn't mind giving me a hand when you're done I would greatly appreciate it02:15
sebsebsebKrine11: is that a wubi install?02:15
Krine11cannot display this video mode optimum reolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz02:15
wstrausI have my computers (all running Ubuntu) behind a linksys router right now tho, I have one of my machines setup for IP Masquerading.. What could I do to make sure I'm safe before I remove the Linksys router and put the IP masquerading machine right out front?02:16
glitsj16ryan_: are you installing that manually or via apt/synaptic ?02:16
sebsebsebKrine11: wubi install?  or?02:16
alloy_thecommutist: lol that crashed all instances of open office :-)02:16
Krine11when i load02:16
Krine11i dont use wubi02:16
alloy_i guess it picked them up then!02:17
sebsebsebKrine11: ok basically it can't load something up02:17
Krine11wait not exaxtllu02:17
thecommutistalloy_: oops!02:17
sebsebsebKrine11: did you ever have it working?02:17
ryan_glitsj16: Manually, the only one I could find in synaptic was version 9... which was giving me problems02:17
THornsbycrdlib: it says "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Rage 128 20051027 AGP 1x x86/MMX/SSE2"02:17
ibeekmansebsebseb: what is wubi?02:17
sebsebseb!wubi > ibeekman02:17
ubottuibeekman, please see my private message02:17
thecommutistalloy_: are u using oo 3.0?02:17
sebsebsebibeekman: and for various reasons I woudn't recommend using it normalley02:18
alloy_thecommutist: ah 2.402:18
crdlbTHornsby: it seems to be working to the best of its ability then :/02:18
ibeekmanah yes never have usually just burn the cd....02:18
alloy_thecommutist: it did add them ok though02:18
THornsbycrdlib: ok. thank you for your help02:18
alloy_thecommutist: and recover my unsave ssheet :-)02:18
ibeekman! ati02:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:18
thecommutistalloy_: should work fine with oo 2.4, i'm not sure about 3.0 though!02:19
PCTeacher012scunizi: Still nothing02:19
=== PCTeacher012 is now known as UbuntuStudent
UbuntuStudentkk, now, still nothing scunizi02:19
BugBombMy laptop won't let me remote-desktop into any other computers on my network. Can anyone help or offer ideas?02:19
UbuntuStudent"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."02:19
UbuntuStudentshould i do that scunizi?02:20
glitsj16ryan_: what version of ubuntu are you on ? there's version 10 in the regular repo's for a while, might not have been backported to your ubuntu version if that's an older one ...02:20
scuniziUbuntuStudent: sorry .. wife pulled me away02:20
west_andyhello everyone02:20
UbuntuStudentscunizi: It's alright02:20
krowHello, i'm new to linux and i was wondering if someone can answer me a simple question02:20
ryan_glitsj16: I'm in 8.10, I'll go chek again for it02:20
UbuntuStudentscuinizi: Did you see my posts?02:20
scuniziUbuntuStudent: no.. looking now02:21
UbuntuStudentscunizi: kk02:21
sebsebsebkrow: yeah just ask02:21
lewenchAnyone knows why I don't have a startup file in /home/user/.fluxbox? I can't seem to make anything start with fluxbox. I created the file, but its not starting anything up.02:21
rrr_wstraus: how did you set up masquerading? i am thinking of doing something like it. no clue jet.02:21
krowI just installed azureus with synaptic, trying to set it as my default torrent application, but i can't locate the executable file02:21
UTC4Nhttp://2ooc4n.mybrute.com - fight me EVERYONE OF YOU!!!02:21
ubottuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo02:21
jeezmosI'm trying to enable "Visual Effects".  I had it enabled initially, it worked, then I disabled it to see how things were without it.  I'd like to enable it again, but when I try, I get the screen flickering a few times, then "Desktop effects could not be enabled".  Is there a log somewhere that I can find more info on why it failed?02:21
sebsebsebkrow: see above02:21
sebsebsebkrow: also you can open from terminal02:22
sebsebsebkrow: try  azureus  and then just hit enter02:22
istvanhow do I re-assign the alt-RMB keysequence so it doesn't bring up that window?02:22
krowi want to set it up as default, when i click on a torrent link02:22
wstrausrrr_: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall-configuration.html02:22
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.02:22
gek_onthehi everybody i need a  p2p diferent a amule.Any ideas?02:22
krowinstead of DLing and opening throu client, to open str802:22
thecommutistkrow: right click on the torrent file and select azureus from the applications tab02:23
scuniziUbuntuStudent: arg.. the only thing I can think of to try is to add "nvidia" to your xorg.conf file.. I've got honeydo's to do.. crdlb can you guide UbuntuStudent in augmenting his xorg.conf ?02:23
Qtpaxagek_onthe: deluge, nicotine,02:23
UbuntuStudentdid you se my second one asking to run nvidia-xconfig02:23
UbuntuStudentshould i do that scunizi?02:23
scuniziUbuntuStudent: you can .. wouldn't hurt02:23
wstrausrrr_: and there is another, better guide, led me see if I can find it02:23
UbuntuStudentkk, running now scunizi02:24
gek_onthebut not  bitorrent clent02:24
gek_ontheany ideas?02:24
DoitleReal quick, is there any way to disable the GUI in ubuntu so I always just boot right to the shell prompt?02:24
thecommutistkrow: sorry, it's actually right click > properties > open with02:24
rrr_wstraus: thank you.02:24
glitsj16ryan_: intrepid has flashplugin-nonfree 10.x for a while now ...02:24
UbuntuStudent"The program 'nvidia-xconfig' can be found in the following packages: nvidia-xconfig,nvidia-glx-177, nvidia-glx-96,nvidia-glx-173" i suppose i should run the first?02:25
fosco__Doitle, in system - admin - services dissable gdm02:25
scuniziUbuntuStudent: no.. those are drivers for more recent cards..02:25
=== rashire2 is now known as rashire
FenyxI have a problem. I got a router but my two Ubuntu boxes aren't able to resolve any of my local machine's host names. But the windows machines have no problem. Any idea what I've messed up? I've got the router as the nameserver in resolv.conf02:25
thecommutistget_onthe: if u r running kde then u can search for a kde client in add/remove software02:25
UbuntuStudentokay, well, it cant run nvidia-xconfig then02:25
glitsj16!network > glitsj1602:26
ubottuglitsj16, please see my private message02:26
istvanhow do i re-configure the alt+right mouse button sequence?02:26
scuniziUbuntuStudent: I've gotta help my wife out .. but here's the essense of it.. there's a file called xorg.conf that helps your system use video.. you might need to list a new line in there adding "nvidia" as the driver..02:27
thecommutistget_onthe: or u can try gtk-gnutella02:27
UbuntuStudentscunizi: I did this "apt-get install nvidia-xconfig" (ok)02:27
GobbyDoes Ubuntu studio already come with a torrent program?02:27
UbuntuStudentit will remove nvidi-glx-7102:27
UbuntuStudentshould i?02:27
scuniziUbuntuStudent: k.. probably won't do anything02:27
UbuntuStudentso yes?02:27
scuniziUbuntuStudent: no.. don't cause it will remove the driver you need and install one you don't02:27
UbuntuStudentk, aborted02:28
UbuntuStudenti dont want to edit the xconf without supervision lol02:28
scunizigotta run02:28
thecommutistGobby: u can look in the Internet menu under Applications02:28
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/source/Sources.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
UbuntuStudentwhere is xorg.conf located?02:29
FloodBot1duhongbo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:29
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:29
Gobbythecommutist: Nope its not under there. Shall i go through the repository, or add and remove programs?02:29
UbuntuStudentwhere is xorg.conf located??02:29
=== dave__ is now known as AK_Dave
jklockubuntuStudent: /etc/X1102:29
Krine11i recive this error message when i shut down my computer and load it02:29
Krine11"Cannon Display This Video Mode" "Optimum Resolution 1280x1024 60Hz"02:29
duhongbowhat should i do02:30
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:30
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/source/Sources.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:30
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:30
Krine11can someone ask me to fix this?02:30
FloodBot1duhongbo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:30
duhongboW: 无法下载 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  301 Moved Permanently02:30
alex_i have a quesion02:30
UbuntuStudentany idea how i will edit it to make nVidia work??02:30
Flannelduhongbo: You should stop pasting here.02:30
Flannelduhongbo: Also, switch to a different mirror.02:30
Flannel!mirrors | duhongbo02:30
ubottuduhongbo: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!02:30
Krine11can someone help me?02:30
Bigm2793can anyone help me? my top and bottom toolbars seem to have disapeared as seen here http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3621/3415881999_f8d38228d6.jpg?v=002:30
gek_onthesome p2p seemed to kazza for ubuntu?02:30
alex_I just instaled Xubuntu and am wondering what software i can/should get? do i need an antivrus/firewall?02:31
UbuntuStudentalex_: No firewall02:31
UbuntuStudentor antivirus ebneded02:31
jeezmosI'm trying to enable "Visual Effects".  I had it enabled initially, it worked, then I disabled it.  I'd like to enable it again, but when I try, I get "Desktop effects could not be enabled".  how do I debug this?02:31
RopechoborraUbuntuStudent, why not to use a firewall?02:31
UbuntuStudentI got one though cause i have many windows friends and LinuxCAN carry viruses, but camt get infected02:31
alex_*really? i thought there were viruses for Linux-base OS as well02:31
Krine11Alex, there are not much big viruses02:32
UbuntuStudentropechoborra: Not likely anyone could/would hack an ubuntu, and Firewall (I have one) for linux really isnt amazing, lots of ports still open02:32
duhongboFlannel:thank you02:32
RopechoborraUbuntuStudent, iptables :)02:32
gabrielHi everyone02:32
UbuntuStudentalex_: There are only like 2, none that do major damage, so no need to worry (yet)02:32
wstrausrrr_: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Masquerading-Simple-HOWTO/02:32
alex_ok, What about keyloggers and such?02:32
thecommutistGobby: in that case u can install from add/remove02:32
Krine11"Cannon Display This Video Mode"02:32
Bigm2793can anyone help me? my top and bottom toolbars seem to have disapeared as seen here http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3621/3415881999_f8d38228d6.jpg?v=002:33
Krine11"Optimum Resolution 1280x1024 60Hz"  -- how to fix this?02:33
UbuntuStudentalex: Still none, (maybe 1) But linux has NO reliable anti spyware there for no need02:33
ramiro_hi everybody02:33
Gobbythecommutist:Thank you , let me check there and I will get back to you.02:33
thecommutistGobby: ok02:33
ramiro_i was wondering how can I get this interface to work02:33
RopechoborraUbuntuStudent, and is not hacking 'ubuntu' but the services it provides. All servers have their bugs and hackers or mal intentioned people could abuse of those bugs. Firewalls are easy to install and make your pc secure.02:33
kingbillyalex_ Great article about security since you are just getting started with (x)ubuntu >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51081202:33
gabrielI have a problem: when I bookmark a webpage in ubuntu it saves, but after I restart the page is gone from the bookmarks, how can I fix this?02:33
gabrielThis happens in firefox02:34
Krine11I have a problem02:34
Krine11can someone help me?02:34
Gobbythecommutist: Would you say that bittorrent is the best?02:34
Krine11i have been waiting for 2 hours in the past and no replys02:34
showersBig Question. Is it possible to search the archives of these groups for information.02:34
UbuntuStudentRopechoborra: I know, from many years of windows expiernce ( I studied malware basically) and thing is, Linux just has lest security holes then windows, Yah, a firewall helps (why i use one) but not 100% required02:34
ibeekman! ask02:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:34
ibeekmanKrine11: I'll give it a shot02:34
Ropechoborraalex_, You have nothing to worry about viruses or keyloggers but i do recommend you to install a good firewall. Look for " Iptables "02:35
ibeekmanno promises though02:35
thecommutistGobby: I used to like deluge earlier, now i prefer transmission, bittorrent is the plain vanilla client with no extra features and a very basic interface02:35
ConfuzI'm trying to connect one computer running ubuntu to another running ubuntu using a wired network and a LAN card02:35
gabrielI have a problem: when I bookmark a webpage in ubuntu it saves, but after I restart the page is gone from the bookmarks, how can I fix this? this happens in Firefox02:35
thecommutistGobby: i won't recomment bittorrent, transmission is better02:35
UbuntuStudentRopechoborra: I use Firestarter as my fireall02:35
gek_onthebest bitorrent client?02:35
thecommutistGobby: *recommend02:35
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:36
gek_onthefor ubuntu ,true02:36
alex_ok thanks for all the advice everyone :) I'll look into it :)02:36
UbuntuStudentalex_: Your welcome02:36
Gobbythecommutist: Alright, thanks got it. Another user in my household suggested bittorrent because of its simple interface, thank you for your help!02:36
thecommutistgek_onthe: i think it's a tie between deluge & transmission!02:36
ibeekmanalex_: I tried using firestarter but didn't like it, I just edit /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny02:36
ibeekmanfor my firewall needs02:36
gek_onthe<thecommutist> thanks02:37
UbuntuStudentibeekman: Ya, firestaret aint best, but i still use it :p02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw02:37
thecommutistGobby: resuming interrupted download with bittorrent is a pain!02:37
=== UbuntuStudent is now known as PCTeacher012
bruce89!info ufw02:37
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.23.3 (intrepid), package size 42 kB, installed size 332 kB02:37
ibeekmanYeah it breaks my VPN setup and I can't figure out how to fix it.  The packet filter rules are confusing, can't specify udp vs tcp etc02:37
ConfuzI'm trying to get my other computer to connect to the internet through this one02:38
gabrielI have a problem: when I bookmark a webpage in ubuntu it saves, but after I restart the page is gone from the bookmarks, how can I fix this? this happens in Firefox02:38
Confuzboth are running ubuntu02:38
showersor you could go emule. takes forever, but there is tons of stuff...02:38
Gobbythecommutist: What was the other one you recommended?02:38
gek_onthetransmission or deluge?that your think?02:38
Krine11"Cannon Display This Video Mode"02:38
ibeekmanConfuz: do you have a cross-over ethernet cable?  You will need that to connect one ethernet card to another directly02:38
Krine11"Optimum Resolution 1280x1024 60Hz" -- how to fix this?02:39
alevinei upgraded to jaunty and on boot after the loading screen, the screen just goes blank (I guess Xorg is crashing). I'm using an onboard video chip intel gma 4500, anyone know what to do?02:39
showersI just had some hot peppers but i don't think it has sharpened me appreciably...02:39
thecommutistGobby: transmission - simple interface, low memory requirement, easy-to-use!02:39
Spence_if someone could be of help to me with VirtualBox, please PM me.02:39
bruce89alevine: intel + Jaunty = fail02:39
bruce89alevine: in other words, it's broken for some reason02:39
thecommutistgek_onthe: personally, i prefer transmission!02:39
alex_I have a newbie question, would MSN actually work on Xubuntu? or is there another equivalent02:39
Confuzibeekman: yes. The second one was previously connected to a seperate network that it worked fine on, but I am having difficulties setting up the network between the two PCs02:39
PCTeacher012alex: No02:40
tuxFanI like transmission02:40
PCTeacher012alex_: But, i use aMSN02:40
gek_onthemore votes02:40
PCTeacher012alex_: Pretty dang close02:40
Spence_can anyone help me with VirtualBox?02:40
alevinebruce89, anything I can do?02:40
thecommutistalex_: there's an equivalent called aMSN and also emesene02:40
bruce89alevine: try xfix in the recovery mode menu thing02:40
ibeekmanConfuz: So first off you will need a cross-over cable02:40
alex_Thankyou :)02:40
alevinebruce89, heh, that doesnt work02:40
ibeekmanwhich is different than a standard ethernet cable02:40
ConfuzI have a CAT5 connecting the two02:40
PCTeacher012alex_: YW02:40
bruce89alex_: why do you want advert laden nonsense?02:41
thecommutisttuxFan: yeah, transmission rocks! i believe it's got one of the coolest icons ever!02:41
gek_ontheI will install transmission .i test02:41
YixilTesiphonis there a way to play wmal mp3s in linux?02:41
PCTeacher012bruce89: Only WLM is llike that, aMSN has none :D02:41
thecommutistbruce89: lol!02:41
bruce89alevine: try and find out exactly what's wrong, and also #ubuntu+1 is allegedly the place for this02:41
alex_I just switched from Windows and used MSN very often02:41
rippedchickenalex_,  there is aMSN02:41
PCTeacher012same here lol, switched from windows a while ago htough02:41
YixilTesiphonracecar56: what is it?02:41
alex_Understood, thankyou :)02:42
racecar56YixilTesiphon you have to get the codecs02:42
bruce89PCTeacher012: I don't understand why people want MSN only programs though02:42
thecommutistYixilTesiphon: u mean .wma files?02:42
rippedchickeni guess to view cams?02:42
=== ASrock is now known as haxila
YixilTesiphonthecommutist: no, they are mp3 files, but VLC gives a WMAL error02:42
racecar56tuxFan, amsn pwns pidgin with msn02:42
Jennifer22Can anyone give me some suggestions on why my remote desktop isn't working? I can ping other machines, but RD just gives a black window and never asks for a password...?02:42
Confuzwhats the difference between the CAT5 and a crossover cable?02:42
rippedchickenThat is the only reason why i would  use msn only02:42
PCTeacher012bruce89: I use it because Pidgin can not transfer files (my contacts cant send to me) and i cant see WLM custom smileys from friends02:42
the_engineerHello anyone out there willing to help me troubleshoot an issue I'm having?  I migrated from Ubuntu to Xubuntu for the faster speeds and Now an application that was previously set to autostart, is still automatically starting and I want it to stop. Any ideas?02:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about option02:43
racecar56YixilTesiphon, w32codecs in medibuntu02:43
bruce89PCTeacher012: just as well02:43
YixilTesiphonracecar56: thanks02:43
racecar56YixilTesiphon, yw02:43
the_engineerI Started out with Ubuntu hardy Heron if that helps anyone02:43
Krine11"Cannon Display This Video Mode"02:43
Krine11"Optimum Resolution 1280x1024 60Hz" -- how to fix this?02:43
racecar56the_engineer, same here02:43
PCTeacher012bruce89: Maybe, but i trasfer files to/from friends everyday, but aMSN is damaged as of now lol02:43
PCTeacher012(on my computer(02:43
alevinebruce89, i'll ask again in ubuntu+102:43
bruce89PCTeacher012: I meant the second part02:44
ibeekmanConfuz: It's the way it is spliced.  A normal cat5 preserves 1:1 mapping if you will, whereas with a crossover cable at least 1 wire enters in one position and is connected to a different position on the other side02:44
racecar56any open source emulators that can boot off SATA hard drives?02:44
bruce89racecar56: emulators of what?02:44
the_engineerracecar56: It is causing some adverse effects for me as the application is starting before I can mount the drives that it needs to use as resources so it is causing major problems02:44
PCTeacher012bruce89: oh, well, i use them all the time (theirs, i steal em haha) and since Pidgin cant see them, i cant use them02:44
gek_onthexubuntu  it is better than ubuntu02:44
Krine11Hi, does ubuntu need a firewall, antivirus, antispyware if i use stuff like frostwire02:44
Confuzibeekman: but do they connect in the same port?02:45
tuxFanjust reinstall amsn if you are in jaunty02:45
ibeekmanConfuz: I have no idea how to splice one but if you google for it you should get instructions or just buy one (for far too much money) at a store like best buy02:45
PCTeacher012gek_onthe: I use ubuntu and love it, it is more of a chouce02:45
PCTeacher012tuxFan: Im using Intrepid lol02:45
bruce89PCTeacher012: I'd rather have just good old plain text, but this is for -offtopic02:45
thecommutistthe_engineer: go to System>Preferences>Sessions>Startup Programs02:45
racecar56bruce89, you know like vbox just it can boot off of real SATA drives02:45
racecar56bruce89, virtual machine02:45
gek_onthei am using both,but xubuntu is better02:46
bruce89AFAIK, that doesn't make sense02:46
racecar56i don't like xubuntu02:46
racecar56it dosent like wine :(02:46
gek_onthei like it02:46
alex_what is :  Tcl/Tk 8.4 ? it says  need it to instal aMSN02:46
TheFunkbombQuick question.  How is PCMCIA support in Ubuntu?  I have one that I've never used.  Looking for a new wireless card but don't want to make the plunge until I find out02:46
PCTeacher012gek_onthe: That is a choice, Xubuntu would not install for me lol02:46
bruce89racecar56: that also makes no sense02:46
YixilTesiphonTheFunkbomb: what's your wireless card?02:46
racecar56bruce89, it always seemed what wine had weird problems with the menus in XFCE02:46
thecommutistalex_: it's a scripting language02:46
YixilTesiphonthere seem to be at least workarounds for most anything online02:46
the_engineerThe Comunist I have been able to find "Settings>SettingsManager>Autostarted Apps" But not "System>Preferences"  As I don't use the Ubuntu GUI anymore i'm using XFCE from Xubuntu02:46
gek_ontheit is you opion ...02:46
TheFunkbombYixilTesiphon, I don't have one yet.  I'm looking for an Atheros chipset.02:46
ibeekmanConfuz: so if you make your own ethernet cables you have some spool of cat5 wire and then you cut it and crimp on the plastic parts that connect to the jack.  The only difference between a crossover cable and a normal cable is the way the wire is spliced into the plastic end pieces: both types of wire will plug into ethernet jacks and look essentially the same.02:47
gek_onthexubuntu is better02:47
bruce89racecar56: I see02:47
YixilTesiphonTheFunkbomb: just completed an install today with an Atheros 242x02:47
YixilTesiphonwith jaunty02:47
the_engineerUnfortunatley, it is not in the "Autostarted apps" List02:47
bruce89!opinion | gek_onthe02:47
ubottugek_onthe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:47
TheFunkbombYixilTesiphon, was that PCMCIA?02:47
alex_ok so how do i know if i have Tcl/Tk 8.4  or Tcl/Tk 8.5 final version?02:47
fferTheFunkbomb: it works on my laptop, wireless card02:47
gek_onthei not need a visual effects02:47
fferTheFunkbomb: boot from the cd and check02:47
bruce89alex_: sudo aptitude install amsn02:48
MHz128Will 9.04 come with the latest version of NTFS-3G?02:48
thecommutistalex_: try this command in terminal - "apt-cache search tcl"02:48
TheFunkbombOkay, I only have a broadcom internal card as of right now but I can't put it into monitor mode to use cool programs like kismet and wireshark02:48
racecar56MHz128, don't expect it :\02:48
YixilTesiphonTheFunkbomb: honestly not sure02:48
racecar56MHz128, i sure hope so02:48
bruce89!info ntfs-3g jaunty02:48
tgrhow do i make it so that my external hard drive auto mounts to a specific directory every time i start my computer?  sometimes it is /media/Iomega HDD sometimes /media/Iomega HDD_02:48
gek_onthemy deskop have just 2 colours02:48
MHz128racecar56, me too, current one is slowwwww02:48
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2009.2.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 144 kB02:48
SiaCan anyone help me with restoring grub?02:49
gek_onthei not need more...02:49
racecar56any open source virtual machine emulators that can boot off SATA hard drives?02:49
ibeekmanConfuz: If you want to connect two machines, be they windows boxes, ubuntu boxes, xboxes, directly without a switch/hub/router you need a crossover cable.  If you have two normal cables and a switch you should be able to just plug both into the switch and be fine, but to directly connect two computers you need a crossover02:49
SiaI installed Win 7 and lost the boot screen02:49
bruce89!grub | Si02:49
ubottuSi: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:49
thearthurin hardy whats a good program for filling in PDF forms?02:49
Confuzibeekman I connected my xbox to my PC via a CAT502:49
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bruce89evince can do those now thearthur02:49
Confuzis this any different?02:49
jjangcom1됩니당 ㅎㅎㅎ02:50
FloodBot1jjangcom1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
thearthurevince fills them in with invisible text02:50
thearthurunless the field is currently selected02:50
tommi_anyone else having python errors when updating?02:50
ibeekmanI *highly doubt* you did this and got it to work without a crossover cable02:50
bruce89tommi_: to?02:50
thearthurso you can only see the field you are eding now02:50
racecar56any open source virtual machine emulators that can boot off SATA hard drives? vbox can't do it, qemu dosen't seem to work right02:50
tommi_bruce89: i don't understand your question02:50
thecommutisttheengineer: is there something called the session manager in xfce?02:51
ibeekmanso if it worked then that cable is probably a crossover.  they look just like normal cables.02:51
kingbillyibeekman i wasn't paying too much attention, but if confuz had a new enough nic card02:51
tommi_i'm using jaunty beta02:51
bruce89tommi_: that explains it02:51
thearthuribeekman,  many NICs have auto crosover detection02:51
tommi_bruce89: ah02:51
kingbillysome have auto switching that can figure the crossover02:51
PCTeacher012i use intrepid, and will NEVER go to Jaunty (until out of beta LOL)02:51
racecar56is it possible to update 9.04a6 to 9.04 beta?02:51
bruce89tommi_: anything failing in particular02:51
tommi_bruce89: dist-upgrade02:51
ConfuzI just know my XBOX connects fine, but the other PC doesn't02:51
Flannel#ubuntu+1 for Jaunty questions, tommi_, racecar56.  Thanks02:51
bruce89racecar56: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade02:52
ConfuzPS3 works too02:52
ibeekmanoh really... hmmm well that's news to me, don't do a whole lot of networking02:52
tommi_bruce89: but i read on the forum that others had python problems as well02:52
thearthurare their any programs other than evince that can fill in PDF forms?02:52
bruce89tommi_: there's a transition on, but I've not had any trouble02:52
tommi_will probably be fixed upon release i hope02:52
gek_onthejoin  xubuntu02:52
the_engineerthecommutist: in the XFCE Settings manager there is an entry for "Sessions and Startup" But it does not give any application-specific listings just some check boxes for login/logoff prefs mainly02:52
ConfuzI did discover the cable I use in my garage though, and my brother does alot of work with computers and windows, so it's possible he spliced it02:53
thearthurwhat is the term for a PDF file you can fill in form boxes on?02:53
thearthurto google for02:53
bruce89thearthur: there isn't one really02:53
the_engineerthecommutist: there are "General and Advanced" tabs in that dialog box02:53
gek_onthexfe is better it gives me speed to the machine and maximum yield02:53
=== Mr_Orange is now known as Mr_Orange|AWAY
Condoulook, whats the support channel for the current beta?02:54
bruce89!away | Mr_Orange|AWAY02:55
ubottuMr_Orange|AWAY: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»02:55
racecar56Condoulo, #ubuntu+102:55
Condoulook, thanks. :) just didn't want to ask any of the beta-related questions in here02:55
exodus_msanyone here using rox desktop?02:56
thecommutistthe_engineer: look in ~/.config/autostart there must be an entry for that application, try deleting that and see02:56
gek_ontheif you find visual effects ubuntu..and vista02:56
mattycozehey fellas, I was wondering whether anyone could point me in the way of an ideas development forum if one exists for opensource development?02:57
the_engineerthecommutist: it appears to be empty02:57
gek_ontheit is a question of working perfectly not it nice02:58
gek_ontheyou election is xubuntu02:58
the_engineeran ls -a in there doesn't show any file called autostart02:58
gek_onthepc nice is for girls02:58
bruce89!ot | gek_onthe02:59
ubottugek_onthe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:59
unitedpotsmokersguys... simple question, how to remove usb drive in ubuntu?02:59
jribunitedpotsmokers: right click -> eject03:00
pyles17how do i install testdisk in the live cd?03:00
unitedpotsmokersjrib, : but what happen if the lamp of my hard drive still on?03:01
glitsj16mattycoze: http://www.ideatorrent.org/ might be of interest (brainstorm.ubuntu.com uses it)03:01
jribunitedpotsmokers: it's fine to remove if it's not mounted03:01
ibeekmanConfuz: take a look here.  I geuss it depends on your hardware whether or not you need a crossover cable, you should be able to google around for that.  here is a tutorial on the forms for ICS:http://preview.tinyurl.com/akxfo03:01
TheFunkbombhey YixilTesiphon, what wireless card did you buy?03:01
YixilTesiphonTheFunkbomb: Atheros 242x03:01
thecommutistthe_engineer: ok, how about /etc/xdg/autostart?03:01
unitedpotsmokersjrib, ok thanks03:01
TheFunkbombYixilTesiphon, is Atheros the card manufacturer or is that just the chipset?03:02
YixilTesiphonTheFunkbomb: I believe Atheros is a brandname of Broadcom's03:02
YixilTesiphonit's in an HP dv7 1245dx03:02
mneptokYixilTesiphon: incorrect03:02
TheFunkbombBroadcom makes their own chips03:02
YixilTesiphonmneptok: k03:03
mneptokTheFunkbomb: Atheros does not make nything for consumers, only third parties03:03
Martyr2k6so it's been a while since I dual booted anything03:03
thecommutistBroadcom sucks!03:03
racecar56i have a dv9k cto that is from sep 16 2k603:03
Martyr2k6so I need some help03:03
TheFunkbombmneptok, that's what I thought03:03
YixilTesiphoneither way, TheFunkbomb, use this if you go with the Atheros 242x: http://madberry.org/2008/08/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-wireless-to-work-2/03:03
Martyr2k6I have two hdd's in my puter, one 500gb and one 120 gb03:03
the_engineerThis time the location is there, it is a directory with several files with .desktop apptended to the end of them but none of them are the application i'm having troubles with -.-03:03
YixilTesiphonit worked perfectly for me with minor fiddling03:03
Martyr2k6would it be dual booting if I installed vista on one and ubuntu on the other?03:03
mneptok!lol > racecar5603:04
ubotturacecar56, please see my private message03:04
mneptokMartyr2k6: yes03:04
mneptokMartyr2k6: install Windows first03:04
Martyr2k6Figured I should do it like that03:04
thecommutistthe_engineer: any luck with /etc/xdg/autostart03:04
the_engineerthecommutist: This time the location is there, it is a directory with several files with .desktop apptended to the end of them but none of them are the application i'm having troubles with -.-03:05
mneptokMartyr2k6: the Win installer trashes *anything* it finds in the MBR without prompting the user. because, you know, why would you *ever* want to use anything but Winders?03:05
alex_I wonder if someone can help me with a lvm issue03:05
trinidadfloreshow can i limit the amount of time spent on specific websites or program03:05
mneptok!anyone > alex_03:06
ubottualex_, please see my private message03:06
the_engineerI could attempt to disable them all and restart but unlike windows i'm not 100% confident that my system would still work03:06
Martyr2k6k, I was going through a tutorial, earlier, but it was telling be to use the live cd and partition editor and all that junk, when Ithink it would just be easier to install one, then the other03:06
thecommutistthe_engineer: no, no don't do that! might mess up ur system!03:06
thearthurhow can I print all the files installed by oklar-kde4 package?03:06
alex_I created a pv, vg, and lv yesterday and now after a restart I cannot mount it. I had it mounted yesterday and put many files on there. Now when I mount i get 'no filesystem' error, if i try mounting with -t ext3 i get "can't find ext3 filesystem on /dev/data/videos" ...03:06
the_engineerthecommutist: lol03:07
the_engineerthe commutist: is that first directory you told me about where ubuntu usually stores its autostart information?03:07
thecommutistthe_engineer: u could try the xubuntu forums or irc channel, i seem to have struck a dead end unfortunately!03:07
mattycozeglitsj16 ahh i'm sort of more interested in developing a program for research purposes really, despite my lack of ability to program i still want to make it a project of mine (with some expert advice)03:07
trinidadfloresis there a way to limit how much time is spent on a specific website?03:08
the_engineerthecommutist:  thanks for your help!03:08
Martyr2k6allrighty then, I'll be on later after I have both os's installed and updated03:08
thecommutistthe_engineer: can u tell me what exactly that application does?03:08
exodus_mstrinidadflores, stop surfing the web so much :P03:08
trinidadfloresits not be but kids03:08
glitsj16mattycoze: i see, misread your question completely in that case :)03:08
=== cmdshftn_ is now known as cmdshftn
Martyr2k6if only there was a tried and true way of getting leopard to run on anything03:09
the_engineerthecommutist: the application is transmission v1.4203:09
trinidadfloresand wife03:09
YixilTesiphonstupid question: how do I open a .bin file?03:09
alex_So. like I say, I can see the volume with lvdisplay03:09
alex_just can't mount it03:09
UbubeginDoes ubuntu need a primary partition... Can it boot from an extended partition....03:09
the_engineerthecommutist: i need to have it start after I assemble my raid array which is not automatcially assembling itself.  I use MDADM to manage it03:09
[noobie]those types of websites want you to stay on a long time, more money for them.03:10
zombie-robo1what command can I use to join several .ts files into one?03:10
alex_someone please? help troubleshooting lvm?03:10
thecommutistthe_engineer: now this might sound extreme, but is it possible for u to uninstall transmission, reboot the machine and then install it again, might work03:10
alex_Surely if I could mount it last night, it should be fine after a restart?03:10
bruce89mattycoze: what sort of thing03:11
mneptokthe_engineer: what's the issue with Transmission?03:11
alex_i like deluge better than transmission!03:11
the_engineerthe commutist: its not out of the question, and something i'd thought about but the folks over in #transmission tell me that it has no autostart function in and of itself so I wanted to track down whatever call was making it autostart03:11
the_engineermneptok: it is autostarting and I need it to wait to startup until i tell it to03:12
Krine11does ubuntu have a phone number for support?03:12
glitsj16the_engineer: it is probably autostarting from your session in that case ?03:12
sirusHow do I automatically add ipv6 default gateway + ipv6 ips?03:12
zombie-robo1what command can I use to join several .ts files into one?03:12
mneptokthe_engineer: ls -Rla /etc/init.d | grep ansmiss03:12
alex_Krine11: you prolly have to ay for that kind of thing03:13
* mneptok used to answer that phone :)03:13
thecommutistthe_engineer: check this (pasted from xfce wiki faq) - http://paste.ubuntu.com/145242/03:13
alex_I am seemingly unable to mount a lvm logical volume, which I can plainly see using "sudo lvdisplay" I partitioned it as ext3 but now cannot mount it... what may have happened?03:13
the_engineermneptok: okay, if I understand that command it will search in /etc/init.d for any entry containing 'ansmiss'  correct?03:14
GnurduxI'm having a problem using tightvnc on ubuntu.  The screen keeps flickering between a "blocky" appearence and a normal one03:14
mneptokalex_: are all disks that are volume members present in the machine?03:14
alex_just one disk atm03:14
mneptokthe_engineer: quite right. is init starting Transmission?03:14
the_engineersomething is, i'm not sure what -.-03:14
sirusany one know?03:15
mneptokthe_engineer: that command should help answer that question03:15
racecar56any open source virtual machine emulators that can boot off SATA hard drives? vbox can't do it, qemu dosen't seem to work right03:15
malib1how do I do the equivilant of 'rpm -qa' on ubuntu?  ie. a simple command to list all installed packages03:15
the_engineerglitsj16: can you elaborate on the 'session' autostart idea at all, I think it might be related to this03:15
bruce89!repeat | racecar5603:15
ubotturacecar56: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:15
the_engineermneptok: I'll run that now03:15
mneptokracecar spelled backwards is racecar03:16
elninjaprove it03:16
mneptokelninja: pay me03:16
zombie-robo1what command can I use to join several .ts files into one?03:16
mneptokzombie-robo1: cat ts1 ts2 ts3 ts4 > tsall03:17
Lenin_Cathow do I merge a bunch of folders03:17
Spence_what is the difference betweek Kububtu and Ubuntu03:17
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde403:17
mneptokSpence_: a K03:17
PCTeacher012how the heck do i unsubscribe from the ubuntu Bug mailing list?03:17
Spence_-.- hardy har har03:17
TheFunkbombDoes Airlink make a good wireless card?03:17
mneptokPCTeacher012: un-join the associated LP group03:18
alex_click the link in the email, go to the website and choose "unsubscribe"03:18
pyrakhow do i rename a directory from the command line?03:18
alex_pyrak "mv"03:18
mneptokpyrak: mv dir newdir03:18
bruce89PCTeacher012: how on earth did you subscribe in the first place?03:18
PCTeacher012mneptok: I cant find it anywhere, i want to stay in the bug group, but not get the emails03:18
mneptokPCTeacher012: set those prefs on LP03:18
PCTeacher012bruce89: I subscribed <_< I didnt know it would send me 1000 emails again03:18
the_engineermneptok:  the command line looked like this "****@*****Duck:/etc$ ls -Rla /etc/init.d | grep ansmiss" and it just retuned to the next line with no errors or details when I entered it03:18
PCTeacher0126more. quick, mneptok: I dont see settings03:19
alex_last time... any reason I can't mount a LVM volume? I get a "ext3 fs not found" or similar error...03:19
mneptokthe_engineer: then there is nothing obviously named "transmission" in init.d but that does not mean init is not starting Transmission03:19
timClicks3Spence_ did that answer your question?03:19
mneptokthe_engineer: try "sudo dpkg -R transmission"03:19
mneptokthe_engineer: that should get you the sane defaults03:20
Spence_they arent two different operating systems?03:20
mneptokor "sudo dpkg --reconfigure transmission"03:20
timClicks3they just have different faceplates03:20
timClicks3well, it's a little deeper than that03:20
bruce89Spence_: same thing, different packages installed by defaul03:20
timClicks3but it's similiar03:20
timClicks3google GNOME and KDE03:20
mneptoktimClicks3: ++ for the all-caps GNOME ;)03:21
PCTeacher012still dont have an answer where the unsubscribe button is03:21
timClicks3they are known as window managers03:21
the_engineermneptok: dpkg will not reinstall a newer version if avaialable will it?  I cannot upgrade to the newest yet.  I assume apt-get is the only command that can do that but i'm not sure03:21
bruce89mneptok: hmm?03:21
XcellWhats the command to re-do x server?..i think it starts with (sudo dpkg --reconfigure) but i forgot the rest.03:22
mneptokthe_engineer: "dpkg --reconfigure" installs nothing03:22
mneptokbruce89: hmm hmm?03:22
timClicks3(it's GNOME, not Gnome)03:22
mneptoktimClicks3: quite right03:22
the_engineerthecommutist: your link has some good info in it too.  I am looking into this as a possible fix as well.03:22
bruce89mneptok: there's some debate about that03:22
mneptokGNU Network Object Model Environment03:22
the_engineermneptok:  Thanks, burce89: can you elaborate?03:23
bruce89some advocate changing it to just Gnome as the acronym's idea didn't happen03:23
mneptokbruce89: i see no such arguments from regular GNOME contributors and members03:24
bruce89mneptok: I suppose it's just stuck, but the acronym doesn't really mean anything now03:25
Xcellanyone know?03:26
bruce89Xcell: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:26
jduXcell, ctrl-alt-backspace03:26
Iceman_B^Ltopwhen I run "htop" I have like 67 lines that loook like " 6904 root      20   0 17352  1980  1540 S  0.0  0.8  0:00.98 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon" <-- what is that ?03:27
jduXcell, sorry missread question03:27
bruce89[noobie]: yes?03:28
the_engineermneptok: the CLI is telling me that --reconfigure or -R are not valid options.  dpkg --help isn't showing me anything about reconfiguring either03:28
ibeekmanXcell: will this reconfigure xserver-xorg automatically?  I am having some graphics issues, might this help03:28
XcellDepends on the problem03:29
ibeekmanerrr well basically I can't see certain types of video using the open source driver03:29
TheFunkbombI wish I could find a good PCMCIA card.  Atheros chipset03:29
ibeekmanand when resuming from hibernation the window borders/decorations are all messged up03:29
ibeekmanand I have tried the ati binary driver but this seems to make things worse (ati mobility radeon x1400)03:30
glitsj16Iceman_B^Ltop: consolekit is a system daemon for tracking what users are logged03:30
glitsj16into the system and how they interact with the computer (e.g. which keyboard and mouse they use)03:30
Xcellibeekman--  usually, turn off all graphics eye candy (visual effects)..re-install drivers..make sure they are up and running then resume eye candy.03:31
ibeekmanXcell: so using mplayer to play avi, mp4, mpeg, etc. won't work even though I have the codecs.  Also skype video craps out, but not ekiga03:32
GnurduxCan anyone here explain this funny behavior in VNC?  The appearance alternates between  that inthese 2 screenshots: http://gnurdux.homelinux.net/fail1.png and http://gnurdux.homelinux.net/fail2.png03:32
ibeekmanhmmm I'll give that a shot, I haven't installed any packages for fancy eye candy just wobly windows etc. that comes straight out of the box....03:32
Xcellgive it a shot03:33
ibeekmank thanks03:33
ibeekman(I'll probably be back though)03:33
Xcellibeekman--  usually, you install all extras and get them up and stable...then do the fancy graphics thing03:33
Cpudan80Gnurdux: I dont see anything wrong with the first one03:33
GnurduxCpudan80, the problem is that it alternates between the two03:34
Cpudan80Gnurdux: second one - the theme didnt get applied, not a huge deal, it happens - restart the session03:34
Gnurduxduring the same login03:34
Gnurduxscreen suddenly changes03:34
Xcellfolks do it backwards and run into many unexpected problems03:34
ryan_Hi, someone has been helping me... and he's wanted me to download a few things but... they're missing from my synaptic pachage manager. Does anyone have any ideas why? What I need is compiz-switch03:34
=== ecrespo is now known as seraph1
Gnurduxthen changes back03:34
Cpudan80Gnurdux: oh...03:34
Gnurduxi wouldnt care if it was one or the other03:34
Cpudan80Gnurdux: what viewer are you using?03:34
Gnurduxthose 2 are from the same login session03:34
Cpudan80oh tightvnc03:34
mdgHello What's a good consule RSS newsreader?03:34
Cpudan80maybe tweak it a little ?03:34
Cpudan80make sure its got the settings high enough?03:35
Dicei want to learn how to fly on ubuntu03:36
GnurduxCpudan80, howd you know its tightvnc?03:36
renderohello, i get an error with amarok when i try to see the shoutcast list, " cannot connect to shoutcast server ", what is the problem03:36
Gnurduxis it a known bug?03:36
Cpudan80Gnurdux: the pic says tightvnc at the top03:36
Gnurduxoh, lol03:36
mdgWhat's a good console RSS news reader?03:36
Cpudan80Gnurdux: you could try a different viewer03:36
tommi69mdg: snownews03:37
Gnurduxits presumably the X server part though03:37
Cpudan80Gnurdux: best one on windows is UltraVNC, on linux ... tight vnc is prob the best bet03:37
mdgtommi69: Is it easy to use?03:37
Gnurduxor whatever03:37
Gnurduxthat is failing03:37
Cpudan80Gnurdux: not necessarily, the viewer could be dropping out something03:37
Gnurduxthe vnc part should be irrelevant03:37
Gnurduxbut theme settings arent computed on client03:37
tommi69mdg: like other terminal apps it is 'easy' in some nerd way but yes03:37
=== bluTaz is now known as testname
Cpudan80for that matter you could use a different VNC server03:37
Cpudan80I dont like the tight vnc server03:38
tommi69if you spend some minutes to configure it you'll love it03:38
=== testname is now known as bluTaz
mdgtommi69: Thanks for your help!  Off to download it now  :)03:38
Gnurduxthat is somewhat sensible03:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vino03:38
Gnurduxi was hoping for a "quick fix" though03:38
Cpudan80vino sucks03:38
Cpudan80!info vino03:38
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 199 kB, installed size 2680 kB03:38
ryan_Hi, someone has been helping me... and he's wanted me to download a few things but... they're missing from my synaptic pachage manager. Does anyone have any ideas why? What I need is compiz-switch03:38
the_engineerhere is a TOTAL n00b question to anyone who knows the answer:  If I'm in the CLI and I type a command that just sits there and is busy and I want to force it to stop what its doing, is there anything I can do besides pressing pause/break on my keyboard?03:39
RipzerskinsHi guys.03:39
tommi69the_engineer: ctrl+d03:39
bruce89the_engineer: control+z03:39
tommi69the_engineer: or ctrl+c03:39
the_engineerthank yas ^^03:39
tommi69depends on how the developer woke up03:39
bruce89the_engineer: z for interrupt, c for close03:39
Dicei need a flight semulater for ubuntu03:40
the_engineer* puts sticky note on his monitor03:40
tommi69ryan_: avoid downloading software from untrusted sources and modifying your sources.list03:40
bruce89the_engineer: you can then resume stuff with fg03:40
tommi69Dice: there is a pretty good one let me se03:40
the_engineerisn't x-plane mutliplatform?03:40
bruce89Dice: flightgear03:40
Dicety bro man03:40
ryan_tommi69: I haven't...03:40
bruce89or indeed X-Plane03:40
tommi69yea flight gear03:40
rvnubuntu x86_64 + xen = nvidia driver no go : i tried a few fixes, no good so far, what do i do?03:40
Dicei wan to learn it all03:41
Dicei want to learn it all03:41
bruce89the_engineer: yes, it is03:41
the_engineerx-plane is supposed to be a great simulator, I'm not certain it works with linux but I think it does03:41
tommi69never tried it03:41
bruce89you have to buy it however03:42
the_engineersadly me either, but I put it on my to-do list :-D03:42
Dicefirst how to fly i played top gun baby back in the day03:42
Gnurduxalso, vino is unsuitable for this setup03:42
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem with virtualbox. It's 2.14, and I'm trying to install windows xp professional to it. It seems to work, but unfortunately it keeps shutting off. I turn it on with an xp disc in the tray, and it goes through the usual windows installer activities, then when it asks me to partition, I tell it to go, and everything on my computer freezes. Music, video, mouse, everything. About 30-40 seconds later it says 'aborted' ne03:42
Ripzerskinsxt to the status in the virtualbox main menu. Anyone know what's going on / if I can fix it?03:42
Gnurduxi am using inetd; when you connect you get a GDM login03:42
tommi69looks cool, but the screenshot on x-plane.com is weird03:42
Iceman_B^Ltopglitsj16: thanks</late>03:42
rvhihi, i have a server with no cd/dvd, can i install ubuntu from a flash assuming that it is bootable?03:42
Ripzerskinsrvhi: Yes, I did it not too long ago to a laptop with a broken cd drive03:42
Dicethats my guy03:43
glitsj16Iceman_B^Ltop: no worries03:43
tommi69rvhi: google ubuntu install flash03:43
Ripzerskinsrvhi: unfortunately I have no idea if it will work on a server.03:43
bruce89tommi69: not the same thing03:43
=== winston is now known as Guest5489
tommi69rvhi: it's the 1-3 link03:43
rvhiRipzerskins: i c. the first link shows it03:44
tommi69bruce89: why not?03:44
RipzerskinsCould anyone help me with virtualbox?03:44
bruce89tommi69: oops, I misunderstood the wording03:44
bruce89rvhi: usb-creator03:45
Dicewelp i,m here to help03:45
rvhii am going to buy a dell server, they charge $99 for a cd/dvd drive. try to save some money here...03:45
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: what about it03:45
Diceanyone need help03:45
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem with virtualbox. It's 2.14, and I'm trying to install windows xp professional to it. It seems to work, but unfortunately it keeps shutting off. I turn it on with an xp disc in the tray, and it goes through the usual windows installer activities, then when it asks me to partition, I tell it to go, and everything on my computer freezes. Music, video, mouse, everything. About 30-40 seconds later it says 'aborted' ne03:46
Ripzerskinsxt to the status in the virtualbox main menu. Anyone know what's going on / if I can fix it?03:46
tommi69rvhi: i quit using dvd drivers 8 months ago and i don't miss them at all, don't waste your money :)03:46
Diceoh shizzal03:46
stiev3what's the best way to partition my hard drive in a way that allows for a fresh install w/o losing home folder stuff... Is it to store /home on its own partition?03:46
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: how much ram did you give it?03:46
RipzerskinsCpudan80: How much should I give it?03:47
Cpudan80stiev3: /home and /usr on their own things03:47
Dicebuilt a oa that does that03:47
sicksixi need some assistance with dual booting XP on one drive and Unbuntu (latest desktop edition) on another drive..  I have XP running great and EasyBCD is setup for boot record management but it put the boot record on my C drive instead of where Unbuntu is at which is E..  How do I fix this?03:47
bruce89stiev3: yes03:47
TheFunkbomboh a broadcom card WILL work with Kismet03:47
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: for XP .... 256 or more03:47
bruce89stiev3: don't bother with /usr03:47
tEkyHi :D03:47
RipzerskinsCpudan80: I gave the base memory 430 mb, I think, and the video memory 21 mb03:47
Cpudan80 /usr isnt as critical as /home03:47
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: 430 ? what a weird amount03:48
stiev3thanks, always get to this point and end up just wiping everything, gonna try to play it smart next time.03:48
bruce89Cpudan80: not critical at all03:48
RipzerskinsCpudan80: I'm not exactly the most tech savviest guy.03:48
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: always use powers of 203:48
Cpudan80so 64 128 or 25603:48
Cpudan80or 512 or a gig03:48
RipzerskinsCpudan80: What do you recommend?03:48
Cpudan80how much ram does the main box have?03:48
tommi69i wonder if /home could be put on a dropbox like partition so that files would be risk free (as long as you're connected)03:48
nikitisquestion, how do i upgrade to 8.10?  I03:49
RipzerskinsCpudan80: I'm running on 1 gig, so I'll go with half03:49
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: good idea03:49
nikitisim running 8.04 from a dell mini 9 version of ubuntu03:49
Cpudan80!upgrade | nikitis03:49
ubottunikitis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:49
sicksixi have a question as well if you guys can help me03:49
Cpudan80from 8.04 should be easy03:49
RipzerskinsCpudan80: Do you think it would work now?03:49
Cpudan80Ripzerskins: maybe ... did you give it enough HDD space?03:50
FloodBot1Cpudan80: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
tEkyQuestion about Emerald Themer... it keeps freezing up and tends to not work from time to time unless, I use "emerald --replace".  Any suggestions?03:50
Cpudan80XP needs about 4 GBs03:50
RipzerskinsCpudan80: I gave it 7 gigs03:50
nikitisCpudan80, does that work for a dell branded ubuntu?03:50
Dice-মচৃনড দডুু03:50
Cpudan80nikitis: should ... don't really know03:50
=== kiosk is now known as Awang
vinyaaHi chat: I'm running intrepid on an inspiron 1420 with an intel corp 82801H ICH8 Family sound card, I get sound with sites and players, but it won't let me run any programs with sound like Skype or MuseScore... any help?03:51
Diceবহপড হট জড়03:51
RipzerskinsCpudan80: I'm going to give it another go here in a second.03:51
tommi69Dice: ?03:51
Shinu!hebrew | Dice03:51
ubottuDice: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:03:51
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il03:51
ShinuI took a guess03:52
Diceমচ নৃি হ,ম ড়দৃচহস্ যহটা ুগমডটহস্03:52
bruce89wrong I'm afraid03:52
ShinuWhat is it?03:52
nikitisCpudan80, that doesnt work03:52
sicksixto post a question to you guys, you use the pastebin?03:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bn03:52
tEkyHey "vinyaa" try the sound settings, or the skype settings.03:52
sirusHow do I automatically add ipv6 default gateway + ipv6 ips?03:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Bengali03:52
tEkyIt really sounds* like a sound setting issue.03:53
vinyaatEky: I have... my biggest issue is that I need MuseScore's playback to work on a project, and it won't let me open the play panel03:53
nikitisCpudan80, that method doesnt work i selected normal releases but when i run update-manager i do not get an option to upgrade to 8.1003:53
tommi69I'm currently using Jaunty beta, when it becomes stable i just need to upgrade and everything will be fine right? no need to reinstall03:53
nikitisCpudan80, so how do i do it?03:53
noaedoes anyone know the JonDo program?03:54
Gnurduxso i switched to realvnc, and there is a new issue: it crashes before displaying the login screen03:54
sicksixdid anyone see my question?03:54
LeviTheSmithhey guys03:54
LeviTheSmithlong time so see :)03:54
LeviTheSmithJust installed Ubuntu back on my system03:54
tommi69sicksix: use the pastebin but briefly introduce the problem03:55
RipzerskinsCpudan80: Success! I guess the ram I gave it was a little messed up. It's installing just fine now03:55
LeviTheSmithand I haven't used it in about 1 year and it is yelling at me about my unclean NTFS HDD03:55
RipzerskinsCpudan80: Thank you very much.03:55
tommi69sicksix: so that people can see what the problem is and if they know the answer can look in the pastebin03:55
LeviTheSmithHow do I 'clean' it or make it mount?03:55
sicksixtommi69: cool... i did use the paste bin... let me post it in here as well03:55
LeviTheSmithit's an external USB03:55
tEkyvinyaa, are you using pulse audio03:56
sicksixtommi69: i need some assistance with dual booting XP on one drive and Unbuntu (latest desktop edition) on another drive..  I have XP running great and EasyBCD is setup for boot record management but it put the boot record on my C drive instead of where Unbuntu is at which is E..  How do I fix this?03:56
vinyaatEky: I think so03:56
tommi69sicksix: sorry i can't help i never dualbooted03:56
ubuntu_is_dabestdo i have to restart clamav-daemon for every new updates from freshclam?03:56
sicksixtommi69: no problem!  thanks for your help!03:57
tommi69anyone else has broken update-manager on jaunty beta?03:57
vinyaatEky: I've also tried just about everything on the "Comprehensive Sound..." on the forums03:57
beilabshey guys, logging into a remote vnc session works great, but only when someone is logged into the machine. The machine recently rebooted and no-one is logged in locally via the gdm, anything I can do?03:57
tommi69can't find a jaunty channel03:57
bruce89tommi69: broken?03:58
Markus27Any way to get searches in nautalis to show file location?03:58
tommi69bruce89: trying to run update-manager from terminal results in a plethora of python errors03:58
tEkyvinyaa, what sound card are you using?03:58
tommi69i know it's normal since it's beta but i can't install any deb03:59
vinyaatEky: Intel Corp. 82801H ICH8 Family03:59
vinyaatEky: It also says something about STAC92xx03:59
tommi69so i wonder if somebody has jaunty and the same problem as mine03:59
bruce89tommi69: ouch, see what aptitude has to say03:59
noaecould anyone help me with a vanishing .jar program problem?04:00
vinyaatEky: I have no idea which you need XD I'm a complete n00b. Forgive the excess entering I have a trigger finger. x.x04:00
tEkylol it's okie04:00
ryan_Anyone have any idea why my Synaptic Package Manager is missing compiz-switch?04:00
tEkyno worries :P04:00
tommi69bruce89: didn't think about that, trying now (thanks!)04:00
the_engineerIs anyone familiar with the application "Tracker" It is listed as a "Search and indexing service"  and also autostarts with the "Tracker applet"04:00
tEkyI'm doing some digging, sorry for the waits04:01
KoolDhow do i remove permissions from music files???They'll play in ubuntu but fails to run on windows...04:01
the_engineerI would like to know if it is safe to remove it from my startup list, or what it does04:01
AaghHas anyone run into any issues with a Atheros AR5008X Wireless Network Adapter and can possibly lend me a bit of a hand?04:01
vinyaano worries here either, I'll catch up on the other homeworks I'm trying to get done.04:01
eseven73ryan you mean fusion-icon?04:02
nikitishow much harddrive space does 9.04 need for a basic install?04:02
tommi69bruce89: "internal error: couldn't generate list of packages to download" - UGH.04:03
ryan_No, Someone helped me trouble shoot a problem with flash player... and it was with compiz running it was screwing up, he told me to download compiz-switch. I said it's not in my synaptic package manager, and he sent a screeny with it in his04:03
bruce89tommi69: wow, that's nice04:03
ryan_And he has no idea why it wouldn't be04:03
nikitisanyone know?04:03
ryan_It's supposed to just be an applet to quickly turn compiz on or off04:03
eseven73yes ryan that is fusion-icon04:03
tommi69bruce89: i *hope* i won't have to reinstall, but it seriously looks PFU04:04
eseven73!info fusion-icon04:04
ubottufusion-icon (source: fusion-icon): tray icon to launch and manage Compiz Fusion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.0-1 (intrepid), package size 29 kB, installed size 264 kB04:04
tommi69ryan_: i think compiz-switch is an outdated program to switch on/off compiz effects04:04
bruce89tommi69: I'm afraid it looks likely04:04
tommi69ryan_: you can achieve the same by going to system -> preferencies -> appearance04:04
the_engineerlol@ tommi69: not to make light of your plight but if PFU stands for what I think it stands for, thats a great acronym.  And the first time i've seen it used as such.04:05
tommi69ryan_: in the appearance window there shuld be a 'special effects' tab from where you can switch off effects04:05
tEkyvinyaa, have you tried using just musescore and nothing else?04:05
tommi69the_engineer: the_engineer: it obviously means Pretty Funny Update, because python errors on update managers are F U N04:06
Markus27Anyone know how to get Nautilus to show file locations in search results?04:06
vinyaateeks: If you mean to turn off other apps, tell me what to turn off and I will. I don't know my way around too well yet... I think it might be a midi issue, but that's just what I got from scanning sites for two hours :/04:07
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nikitisNeed to know how much harddrive space 9.04 takes up on install?04:07
tEkyOkie, try just running the application that's having the problem.04:08
thrillERboyI've mistakenly disabled the top panel04:08
tEkyI would suggest restarting if you haven't done that recently too.04:08
thrillERboyI just have access to terminal through dock... help me enabling it.... I disabled it when I tried to uninstall evolution mail client04:09
vinyaaRestarted, double checked that sound card is still working on windows (it's partitioned too small to dl musescore there), and tried adding any related apps... musescore still doesn't let me open the play panle04:09
tonsxchatjust rebooted an amd64 intrepid machine, X is not loading...04:10
tonsxchatI keep seeing error messages [from IPtables?] appear on the local console04:10
tonsxchat[5550727.036092] Unknown OutputIN= OUT=vmnet8 SRC= DST= LEN=187 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=631 DPT=631 LEN=16704:10
tonsxchat^^ example04:10
tEkyvinyaa, brb I'm going to check something04:11
vinyaaok. if it makes any difference, my friend just sent a midi file that I was able to play04:11
hhp2kHey everyone! =) I have a question - I have Istanbul installed, the desktop video recording program.  Earlier this afternoon, I set it to record a quick 30-second clip of my desktop, and the 3D capabilities of Compiz-Fusion.  Once the recording stopped, the icon changed into a disk, and hovering my mouse over the icon displays 'In process of saving to disk.'  I cannot elicit a single response from the icon now - right 04:11
unimaginativeI'm trying to watch a blu-ray rip of Planet Earth on my ubuntu box. The player plays the audio but the video is blank. I think it may be an issue with codecs.. ist theresome sort of codec pack I need to install ?04:12
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tommi69for a second i thought you wrote istanbul instead of intrepid :D04:12
tonsxchatunimaginative: does it work with the actual disc?04:12
unimaginativetonsxchat, It works on my windows system. The ubuntu box doesnt have a blueray drive04:13
Ububeginunimaginative: doesn videolan play everything...04:13
tommi69hhp2k: where are istanbul videos saved?04:13
edogzillahi is anyone here?04:13
unimaginativeUbubegin, apparently not. I don't even know what codec this file is saved in. It was the digital copy.04:13
tommi69hhp2k: check if the video has been created04:13
tommi69edogzilla: no, unfortunately04:13
tommi69edogzilla: the virus has spread04:14
edogzillaexcuse me, but I'm a total newb to ubuntu linux and i need some serious help, anyone available to help?04:14
edogzillaits a startup issue04:14
tEkyvinyaa, I'm back04:14
thrillERboyhello guys..... I've mistakenly disabled desktop panel on the top......... I just have access to terminal through dock... help me enabling it.... I disabled it when I tried to uninstall evolution mail client04:14
vinyaaokay, any ideas?04:14
unimaginativeask in the room and someone will try to help if they can04:14
tommi69edogzilla: just explain the problem if someone can help you they will answer04:14
nikitiswhat is the .img format?  i04:15
hhp2ktommi69: I'm not sure where the Istanbul videos are saved - let me check that out and get back to you in a second.04:15
Ububeginedogzilla:  the qn pls...04:15
nikitisim downloading jaunty04:15
tEkynext to the transport there is a box, is that checked04:15
tommi69hhp2k: i don't know that software but probably from the preferencies you can get the directory04:15
sloinhey, how can I copy a lot of directories from a directory where is a lot of other files04:15
vinyaanext to the huh? x.x04:15
sloinI mean, only the directories04:15
edogzillamy problem is that when i startup my comp, i dont get the gui desktop...instead i get just a command line. all i wanna do is get to my desktop at startup. any ideas?04:15
edogzillai am using 8.10 btw04:16
linchi have two ips bound to eth0 and eth0:0; is there a way for my server to be configured on each interface separately?04:16
thrillERboyedogzilla, did you tried startx04:16
nikitisHow do you use a .img file?04:16
linchany help, guys?04:16
edogzillano. is startx the entire command?04:16
tEkyThere's a Display Transport menu and next to that should be a box you can check04:16
tommi69nikitis: you have to burn it on a disk i believe04:16
nikitistommi69, its for a usb disk04:17
nikitistommi69, but how do i put it on the usb?04:17
tommi69nikitis: ah! you need something special to burn the img on the usb i think04:17
vinyaatEky: that's also shaded, it won't let me select it04:17
thrillERboyedogzilla,  yes.... after login in through command line interface just type startx and enter04:17
nikitistommi69, right, but what?04:17
tEkyhmm.. that's odd04:17
edogzillaok...then what?04:17
tommi69nikitis: searching for 'ubuntu img usb' BAM! first link04:17
vinyaatEky: yeah. welcome to my world.04:17
space_cadetedogzilla, startx should start your gui04:18
tommi69nikitis: use google the answer is at the first link04:18
edogzillathrillerboy, will i have to type that every time? can i set it so that it starts automatically?04:18
admin_masu3701is there a channel for protocol?04:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about protocol04:18
thrillERboyI guess you can make that automatically start from services screen....04:19
space_cadetnope no #protocol04:19
space_cadetadmin_masu3701, what kinda protocol?04:19
tommi69edogzilla: you have to check your /etc/inittab04:20
edogzillathrillerboy, whats services screen? not sure where to find that04:20
tEkyvinyaa, I might try a different program.04:20
thrillERboyedogzilla, I just started using ubuntu for a week, so some other experienced peeps can help well04:20
tommi69edogzilla: you are in a console?04:20
edogzillawhen i start up my comp i get no gui just a command line04:20
vinyaatEky: alright, I might go mess around a bit with Jack and see if maybe something is wrong there, but thanks for your help04:20
edogzillawell, theres a bunch of other text and stuff too but you know what i mean04:21
admin_masu3701space_cadet: for a class, i have to design a protocol that can be used to send anonymous mail04:21
admin_masu3701not sure where to start04:21
space_cadetadmin_masu3701, sounds like your teacher is one of those spammers04:21
usseradmin_masu3701, aint nothing hard about that :)04:21
tEkyyea, no problem04:21
space_cadetadmin_masu3701, i would scrap the project and report your teacher to the fcc04:21
* usser hehe04:21
admin_masu3701we're not writing the code..just designing it04:22
edogzillaso will i have to type startx every time?04:22
tommi69edogzilla: not really :)04:22
space_cadetadmin_masu3701, http://www.theanonymousemail.com/anonymous-email-server.php04:22
usseradmin_masu3701, so just put in the protocol specs that a sender is not required to provide an callback address, thats it04:23
thrillERboyhello guys..... I've mistakenly disabled desktop panel on the top......... I just have access to terminal through dock... help me enabling it.... I disabled it when I tried to uninstall evolution mail client04:23
tommi69edogzilla: let me check one thing i'll be right back to you04:23
tEkyVinyaa, have you tried Ubuntu Studio version04:23
vinyaatEk: No04:23
edogzillatommie 69, ok great thx04:23
usseradmin_masu3701, not sure whats there to design, just take smtp as a base and remove the clause about authentication from there04:23
AerodynamicI'm having a problem with desktop effects. When enabled, the titlebar [icons / close/minimize/maximize buttons] seems to mess up.04:23
AerodynamicIs there a fix to this?04:23
space_cadetthrillERboy, try gnome-panel04:23
thrillERboywhere to get it :/ I don't see the top panel.... not anything...... applications, system nothing04:24
admin_masu3701usser: he want the message to be split into 2 parts that will be sent to 2 differents peers04:24
space_cadetthrillERboy, are you sure you want to uninstall evolution as well?04:24
admin_masu3701then reassemble before delivery04:24
tEkyvinyaa, http://ubuntustudio.org/04:24
thrillERboyI've uninstallled evolution....04:24
space_cadetthrillERboy, open a terminal then run gnome-panel04:24
vinyaatEk: there already. I might give that a go, thanks04:24
wnstnHello, On my main desktop I have two users, my wife and I. I use Awesome as my window manager and my wife uses Gnome. Back when we both ran Gnome switching users while leaving the other logged in was not a issue thanks to the user switcher panel applet. Is there a way for my wife to log into her gnome session while leaving my Awesome session active? I run a lot of applications and hate coming back to my computer only to find out she04:24
wnstn has Ctrl+Alt+Backspace me out so she can check her email. Thanks!04:24
space_cadetthrillERboy, but beware, when you close the terminal, bybye gnome-panel04:24
gek_ontheey the  deluge is better what transmission04:24
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tEkyI'm using it on my DT with an M-Audio 1010LT audio card, works very well.04:25
Xcelllol bye bye panel04:25
thrillERboythis program in not installed, so I've to do that sudo apt-get thing?04:26
AerodynamicAnyone know why I get that issue?04:26
space_cadettry this..04:26
tEkyIt's not too flashy though, but it gets the job done.04:26
space_cadetthrillERboy, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/317904:26
scuniziwnstn: there's a way to run one sesson on one X and another on a different X session.. at the same time.. like :0 & :1 but I don't know how to set it up..04:26
vinyaadumb question, will it just update what I have now, or does it completely replace the OS?04:26
usseradmin_masu3701, hm. well thats still technically traceable. still, it seems doable, look at how smtp does stuff, take some commands from there, add a couple of your own that specify the peer addresses and reassemble the mail upon delivery04:26
tommi69edogzilla: if you do this command 'cat /etc/inittab' what do you get? i hope your ubuntu has inittab04:26
scuniziwnstn: you'd switch with ctrl+alt+F7-904:26
edogzillaone sec ill tell ya04:26
usseradmin_masu3701, http://james.apache.org/server/rfclist/smtp/rfc0821.txt04:26
wnstnscunizi: Tried that but it wont let me startx04:27
haxilahow do i mount a drive if it was not properly ejected from windows?04:27
tEkyvinyaa, you will need to reformat.04:27
gek_onthedeluge is more stable04:27
admin_masu3701usser: the link didnt open correctly04:27
edogzillatommi 69: i get no such file or directory04:27
scuniziwnstn: there's a special way of doing it. kinda like running x over ssh..04:27
edogzillaits a fresh install of 8.10 straight from the live cd04:28
vinyaaok, it'll have to wait until I get my hands on my friend's external, then. thanks a lot though, I'll just try and find a program to do what I need to for tonight, and I'll switch over this week. thanks though! :) I'm headed off, but I might check back in if I can figure something out04:28
AerodynamicI tried installing Compiz because I've heard that it had to do with the command under "window decorations" but that didn't do any good.04:28
usseradmin_masu3701, here http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc821.html04:28
tommi69edogzilla: please type this command: 'runlevel'04:28
tommi69edogzilla: and tell me the response04:28
usseradmin_masu3701, or just google for smtp rfc04:28
bartekHi there, I can't seem to find Apache benchmark (ab) available for download in Ubuntu's repos. Is it only available from source?04:28
Gnurduxso, switching to RealVNC didnt fix the crashes; it seems ot be gnome-settings-daemon that is crashing04:29
edogzillatommi 69, i get N  204:29
Gnurduxit did, however imrpove performance04:29
wnstnscunizi: That sounds a bit complicated, especially for my wife :)04:29
tEkyVinyaa, Okie, sorry I couldn't help out more... have a good day :}04:29
usseradmin_masu3701, since you dont have to actually implement the commands you can say that they do this and that without bothering if its actually possible in real life, hell half of HTML standard is done this way04:29
tommi69edogzilla: ok wait one more minute04:30
edogzillatommi 69, but keep in mind that i'm actually using the cd right now, not my install, cuz its the only way I can get a desktop to get onto chat cuz i dont know how to do anything from just the command line04:30
tommi69edogzilla: ah.04:30
edogzillaso i'm really not sure how that affects things04:30
scuniziwnstn: If she had the primary load on F7 (standard location) and your's was on F8 then everything would look normal to her and you would have the control to switch to your desktop when needed and switch back when you walked away..04:30
ubuntu21Now that Nexuiz 2.5 has been released, is there an expected date for it to appear in the repos?04:31
thrillERboythanks guys.... lemme check this worked....04:31
tommi69edogzilla: ithought you were trying these commands on the affected system04:31
edogzillatommi 69, no sorry. forgive me i'm a total newb04:31
wnstnscunizi: sounds do-able, how would I set that up?04:31
AerodynamicChanging the command didn't seem to work..04:31
tommi69edogzilla: no problem but i can't help if you don't tell me how the system replies to those commands04:32
AerodynamicOi, I just have no idea what the problem is. :[04:32
edogzillai would have to restart every time04:32
JosephDWhen someone's free to help, I'd like some. =D04:32
admin_masu3701usser: yea..saying they do this and that will be much easier..since we dont have to write the code04:32
AerodynamicSame here.04:32
tommi69edogzilla: i know04:33
ubuntu21Now that Nexuiz 2.5 has been released, is there an expected date for it to appear in the repos?04:33
edogzillatommi 69, if you will be around a while we could do it that way04:33
tommi69edogzilla: unfortunately it's 5.30am and i seriously need to sleep :)04:33
scuniziwnstn: I would search some of the technical how to educational sites.. many schools are using one machine with 4 sets of monitors, keyboards, mice etc for individual unique logins.. including session choice.. can't be that hard to find.. I actually had someone on here tell me how a couple years ago.04:33
usserubuntu21, its not gonna make it into the repos. it probably wont even be in jaunty its too late for that04:33
edogzillatommi 69, any ideas?04:33
tommi69edogzilla: login in the faulty system, do that 'runlevel' command and see if it still responds '2'04:33
ubuntu21usser: why would it be too late for repos? Repos actually freeze? Why?04:34
edogzillatommi 69: and if it does...or doesnt?04:34
ubuntu21What's the point of that?04:34
tommi69edogzilla: runlevel 2 usually means 'login graphically' (not exact but for clarity sake..)04:34
tommi69edogzilla: if you log in in the console, no graphics, it usually means you are in runlevel 104:34
JosephDWhenever I start up my laptop, it goes to the login screen fine, but when I login it just stays that basic offwhite color and I can't do anything.04:35
usserubuntu21, yea, the freeze usually happens around beta release after that point only security updates are allowed into repositories, 2.5 is a major upgrade theres no way it'll make it04:35
admin_masu3701usser: when the message get splitted in 2 parts and send to 2 different peers, should the 2 parts of the message include headers?04:35
tommi69edogzilla: so, if you get a runlevel 1 response you just have to switch back to runlevel 2 to get graphical login04:35
zombie-robo1whats a good source for learning python?04:35
ubuntu21usser: So it won't make it for another 6 months... lame04:35
thrillERboyhi got the gnome-panel now... It closes when I close the terminal.... is there a way to make it stay04:35
edogzillatommi 69: so if I type runlevel 2 in the command line it will work from then on?04:35
scuniziubuntu21: you can probably get it at www.getdeb.net04:35
tommi69zombie-robo1: swarooch.com,e04:35
admin_masu3701and how is it going to be reassembled before delivery04:36
tommi69zombie-robo1: swarooch.com, ebook titled 'byte of python' - learned basis in a weekend, it's great04:36
thrillERboyalso It seems I've uninstalled user switcher. hot to enable it? whats the command?04:36
usseradmin_masu3701, its up to you. its probably easier to have them both have headers, since it'll be easy to reassemble04:36
tommi69edogzilla: you type 'runlevel' and hope it's 1 then come back here and ask around how to change it to runlevel 204:36
ubuntu21usser: Nope. not there.04:36
zombie-robo1thank you04:36
Aerodynamicdoes anyone else get the same issue with visual effects turned on?04:36
Flanneledogzilla: 'init 2'04:36
tommi69edogzilla: if you type 'runlevel' and you get 2 there is something else wrong04:36
edogzillatommi 69: ok i will thx04:36
edogzillatommi 69: would you happen to know what that is?04:37
tommi69edogzilla: listen to Flannel i used to modify a file to solve this but it doesn't work anymore in ubuntu (/etc/inittab), maybe Flannel knows more04:37
edogzillatommi 69: whats init 2?04:37
usseradmin_masu3701, make sure you do some sort of integrity check, hash the message or something, and then check if the hash is correct after reassembly, a good protocol should do that04:37
TecROchow do you connect to a access point by the terminal?04:37
tommi69edogzilla: init is that runlevel thing i told you about - if 1 start at console, if 2 start with gui04:38
edogzillatommi 69: so in other words...If I type init 2 in the command line if i am on runlevel 2, then it will switch me to runlevel 2?04:39
tommi69edogzilla: really need to go, try to get as much information as possible and come back here somebody will help04:39
dxdemetriouhow can I empty trash if permission is denied and the ~/.local/Share/Trash is empty?04:39
edogzillatommi: sorry i meant if i am on runlevel 104:39
usserubuntu21, well thats how it is, you can always get it from getdeb.net im sure those guys will create a package for it pretty fast04:39
edogzillatommi 69: ok thanks04:39
tommi69edogzilla: i don't know that init command Flannel talked about it, try to ask him04:39
TecROchow do you connect to a access point by the terminal?04:39
Flanneltommi69, edogzilla: init 2 will get you to runlevel 204:39
tommi69Flannel: permanently?04:40
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tommi69Flannel: like it used to be when editing runlevel on /etc/inittab i mean04:40
edogzillaflannel: aha. thanks. and after i get to runlevel 2 is the change permanent or will i have to do that every time i start my comp?04:40
Flanneltommi69: No, just this one time.  Is he booting to runlevel1 constantly?04:40
Flanneledogzilla: What menu entry are you selecting at GRUB?04:40
tommi69Flannel: that's what i was trying to understand04:40
epaphushi guys..  grub does not boot into ubuntu because its giving a error code 15...   when I boot with the live cd..  I do find /boot/grub/stage1 .. it returns the same error.. if i do: find /grub/stage1 ... that also returns the same error.. what are my options? why would this be like this on a good working install?04:41
tommi69Flannel: if you can see if you can point edogzilla to a solution i must leave04:41
edogzillaFlannel: um, wow sorry. i'm a first timer and I dont know what you mean. i dont selct or type or press anything it just takes me there when i turn my computer on...sorry about being ignorant here04:41
JosephDEvery time I login, the screen just stays white and I can't do anything except shut it down normally with the power button, and diagnostics didn't show anything. What's wrong?04:42
edogzillaflannel: this is a completely fresh install of 8.10 from the cd. first time bootup04:42
Flanneledogzilla: Being new is nothing to apologise about, we're all new at some point.  Alright, you just installed and its doing this?04:42
edogzillaflannel: yes04:43
FirefisheWhat is the CLI command for the listing of device hardware?04:43
Flanneledogzilla: Alright.  Is this a separate computer you're on? So we can play with things while you're still here talking to me?04:43
josh890hey guys my computer hung when i was installing a package so i had to do a hard reset now when i try to use a package manager it says there is one  already running, any ideas/04:43
FlannelFirefishe: lspci and lsusb04:43
Firefishethanks, Flannel04:43
Firefishethat helps04:43
Flanneljosh890: Be sure update-manager isn't running (or anything else) with ps aux, and then, if you're absolutely sure, you'll have to manually delete the lock file.04:43
edogzillaflannel: unfortunately not. i am running from the cd right now cuz its the only way i could use the comp, cuz i dont know what to do with that command line04:44
edogzillaflannel: if i tried anything i would have to reboot, try it, then reboot again from the cd to get back here04:44
=== Vantrax is now known as Vantrax|away
jimisrvroxhey guys Ive got a wmp54g that shows like half a signal in ubuntu but when you try to connect to the router it does not want to connect. If it does connect it doesnt stay connected for very long how could I solve this issue? Im using the native linux drivers btw04:44
josh890well theres no notification in the gui or the system log so where is the lock file located?04:44
JosephDEvery time I login, the screen just stays white and I can't do anything except shut it down normally with the power button, and diagnostics didn't show anything. What's wrong?04:44
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smacfarlso i bit torrented an ubuntu 8.10 iso and md5sumed it and it was good. then I copied the file from my ntfs partition to my ext3 primary and the md5sum changed, what happened?04:45
adam7smacfarl: the data got corrupted during the transfer?04:45
Flanneledogzilla: alright.  That's fine, I've got a while.  What I want you to do is reboot, hit escape a few times after the POST screen (you should see something that says 'press ESC to view the GRUB menu' or something like that) once you get there, jot down what menu choices you have.  Try to choose one that doesn't say "recovery mode" (and also, not memtest) and then also keep track of whatever errors it gives you.04:45
smacfarlhow is that possible?04:46
Flanneljosh890: use apt-get and it'll tell you.  sudo apt-get update04:46
smacfarlI'm just copying from one drive to another on the same machine04:46
edogzillaflannel: ok i'll try it. be back in a while04:46
scunizi Flannel might almost be easier to tell him how to install and load irssi after booting to a command line04:46
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adam7smacfarl: I don't know... http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/05/04/2230252 might help you04:47
Firefisheirssi is what I'm using...niiice :)04:47
edogzillawhats irssi?04:47
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* scunizi feels like he's stired the pot04:48
=== Dr_Disk_ is now known as Dr_Disk
ttl how can i backup my system files so if my hdd died, i can reinstall on a new hdd and have the same configuration and settings but not my personal files(ie music pictures)?04:48
edogzillaanyway i'll be back04:48
scunizittl: partimage04:48
TyphIs anyone familiar with a way to have dual monitors, each wit hits own window list? (Like ultramon on windows)04:48
JosephDEvery time I login, the screen just stays white and I can't do anything except shut it down normally with the power button, and diagnostics didn't show anything. What's wrong?04:48
ttlscunizi: will it work if i copied my /home/username directory on a backup drive and past it on the new one?04:49
chrisdalldoes anyone here have experience compiling kvm userspace against full kernel source?04:50
chrisdallI have a problem with a warning, that <linux/compiler.h> is missing.04:50
usserchrisdall, probably needs gcc sources or something04:50
chetnickwhich music player would you recommend?04:51
chrisdallit doesn't complain about <linux/ioctl.h>, so I am kind of confused. Can you elaborate?04:51
TecROchow do you connect to a access point by the terminal?04:51
epaphushi guys..  grub does not boot into ubuntu because its giving a error code 15...   when I boot with the live cd..  I do find /boot/grub/stage1 .. it returns the same error.. if i do: find /grub/stage1 ... that also returns the same error.. what are my options? why would this be like this on a good working install?04:51
usserchetnick, exaile04:51
lewenchif I have ubuntu installed and using fluxbox, how would I connect to a windows server? Ex. I want to connect to another windows PC on my network.04:51
chetnickusser: do you know by any chance is there equalizer on it?04:52
FirefisheI just installed ubuntu 8.10, and when the x server login comes up, I have no keyboard or mouse recognition (usb).  I've tried using two usb-to-ps2 adapters for the 2 free ps2 ports, but that didn't work.04:52
scunizittl: partimage mirrors entire partitions.. if you only have two .. one /swap and the rest including /home on / then just imaging that will take care of everything..04:52
admin_masu3701usser: am getting somewhere. but whouldnt the messages have the sender address in them?04:52
FirefisheThe keyboard works on virtual terminal (hence this session), but not in x.  I"m stumped.04:53
chrisdallusser: Do you know why it complains about compiler.h and not ioctl.h?04:53
chrisdall(they are both included in kvm.h). Help would be fantastically greatly appreciated from anyone...04:54
usserchetnick, hang on04:54
usserchetnick, yep04:54
FirefisheWhat's the command to list process id's?04:54
jplurcan I upgrade from 7.04 to 8.04 directly?04:55
usseradmin_masu3701, if you dont want it, you can just say that sender doesnt have to specify his address, and splitting the message and sending throgh different peers will efectively masquarade the ip04:55
Flanneljplur: Nope.  7.04 to 7.10 to 8.0404:56
usserchrisdall, i've never compiled kvm, i wouldnt know it just sounded like it needed gcc sources04:56
jplurFlannel, thanks04:56
chrisdallok, thanks for input though!04:56
friedtofujplur: just clean install04:56
edogzillahi flannel im back u there?04:56
Flanneledogzilla: Yep04:57
ruben23anyone tried to installed ubuntu with Acer e machine EL170004:57
admin_masu3701usser: so the header could just contain like a packet name or # or such.04:57
jplurfriedtofu, i did the autoclean and clean, I guess I should disable all non main repositories before upgrading?04:57
JosephDEvery time I login, the screen just stays white and I can't do anything except shut it down normally with the power button, and diagnostics didn't show anything. What's wrong?04:57
usseradmin_masu3701, yea, and recipient address04:57
ruben23i have errors upon booting form installation04:57
edogzillaflannel k: I got 3 choices. one was ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-2 generic...the other was the same only with (system recovery) at the end....and the last was ubuntu 8.10 memtest86+04:58
admin_masu3701usser: who reasembling the messages?04:58
Flanneledogzilla: Alright, good so far.  And choosing the non-recovery one ended up with what?04:58
edogzillaflannel: the same thing04:59
edogzillaas before04:59
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pHreaksYcle1man, i've been trying to solve this problem for like 12 hours now04:59
edogzillaflannel: the only thing that looked like an error was a message that said: knit:no resume image, doing normal boot04:59
pHreaksYcle1my nautilus is crapping the bed everytime i boot 9.0404:59
Xcellttl transistor transistor logic?04:59
Flanneledogzilla: So, you got a root prompt? one that ended with #?05:00
pHreaksYcle1as in, the desktop doesn't have any icons, nautilus won't start from command line05:00
FlannelpHreaksYcle1: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks.05:00
usseradmin_masu3701, well the recipient05:00
ruben23anyone have ideas..?05:00
cappicardis anyone using imap in evolution? damn thing seg faults as soon as I try using imap05:00
edogzillaflannel: no. I got the command line as usual, the one that ends with $05:00
pHreaksYcle1Flannel: ah, that would explain the lack of responses around here. thanks man.05:00
admin_masu3701usser: ok05:00
Flanneledogzilla: oh... that's not single user mode then.  You installed with a liveCD?05:00
admin_masu3701usser: writing all that out will be good?05:00
admin_masu3701usser: and thinking about doing a diagram05:01
usseradmin_masu3701, arent you already? i mean yea05:01
edogzillaflannel: what happened was I upgraded from hardy heron to 8.10...and i got this problem. in order to fix it i did a fresh install from the cd...same problem05:01
Flanneledogzilla: Odd indeed. Installed from the liveCD?05:02
edogzillaflannel: yes05:02
edogzillaflannel: the one i downloaded from the ubuntu website05:02
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edogzillaflannel: i already tested the cd's integrity and it was fine05:02
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duffcAnyone have trouble getting compiz animations to work?05:03
CapaHI have a Logitech mouse and I am trying to assign one of its buttons to a certain task - I use xev to get the technical details of pressing a particular mouse button, but I am not sure what to do with that information.05:03
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AntisocheI have a hardware problem -- I have a board with an integrated video device.  I want to dual head, so I added a PCI Express type video card.  That card works fine, but the integrated device is gone - the display has no output and the device doesn't show in an lspci.  Does that seem normal?05:04
Flanneledogzilla: Odd.  If I didn't know any better, I'd say you installed a server system  or whatnot.05:04
FirefisheIf HAL didn't start during bootup, what might the cause be?05:04
Xcellme thinks Flannel  nailed it05:04
epaphushi guys..  grub does not boot into ubuntu because its giving a error code 15...   when I boot with the live cd..  I do find /boot/grub/stage1 .. it returns the same error.. if i do: find /grub/stage1 ... that also returns the same error.. what are my options? why would this be like this on a good working install?05:04
Antisoche(Hellos, btw)05:04
edogzillaflannel: i doubt it cuz its the same cd i used on my last computer and it was perfectly fine...this is a new comp i bought today05:04
scuniziAntisoche: could be a bios setting that disables the onboard when it detects the pci05:04
Antisochescunizi, Thanks - I did poke around in the BIOS and there were no video options.05:05
AntisocheThe BIOS is very spartan.05:05
scuniziAntisoche: that's not normal..05:05
al14sepaphus: get one of those cd's that do a bootloader rescue05:05
JosephDHey guys, I login with Gnome and it takes me to the normal starting screen with my background and the menu bar at the top, but it won't let me move my mouse or anything05:05
AerodynamicBack again. I get this error with desktop effects enabled: http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3677/screweduptitlebar.jpg05:06
AerodynamicIs there a fix to this?05:06
danbhfiveJosephD: is this a fresh install?05:06
Flanneledogzilla: well, you're obviously not in single user mode.  Since you get a $ prompt.  All... I can suggest is going back to it, try ctrl-alt-f7, try 'startx', try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:06
danbhfiveAerodynamic: did you use the hardware manager to enable your drivers?05:06
JosephDdanbhfive, no I've had this laptop for a while, it just started doing this recently05:07
Aerodynamicdrivers are enabled05:07
al14sepaphus: how fast is your internet?05:07
danbhfiveJosephD: do you know how to get to a virtual terminal?  or tty?05:07
epaphusal14s, its fast enough. However... is there anything i can do with the live cd?05:07
mattgyver83Aerodynamic, do you have compiz as well installed?05:08
danbhfiveAerodynamic: ok, but did you use that dialog to install them?  how did you install the drivers?05:08
edogzillaflannel: ok ill try that05:08
Antisochescunizi, Hmm - the integrated and addon cards are both NVidia.  You think the addon has the ability to disable the integrated controller?  This mobo is very heavy on the NVIdia parts (PCI Bridge, USB, Audio, etc.)05:08
edogzillaflannel: i'll be back if it doesnt work05:08
mattgyver83Aero, i had a similar issue and the end result is its just due to a bug somewhere between Emerald and compiz05:08
Aerodynamicdanbhfive, I did use that dialog to install the driver.05:08
Aerodynamictried this05:09
JosephDdanbhfive, think so, is that the one I can access in sessions in the login screen?05:09
scuniziAntisoche: is it a gforce 8200 board?05:09
TyphHow do I add a panel to another monitor? (twinview)05:09
astro403i'm trying to encode a matroska file to mp4 to watch it using my psp. i'm using mencode to convert it, but i'm getting this error: Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec aac. I tried to install faac, but got the same error yet, anyone? thank you :)05:09
Aerodynamicit searched and loaded the driver or something when I tried to enable the effects05:09
Aerodynamicmattgyver83,  emerald?05:09
Antisochescunizi, 8300 GS05:09
al14sepaphus: my mandriva 07 DVD comes with a bootloader rescue that works fine with me. Try to download a minimal one i guess.05:09
pHreaksYcle1Flannel: anyone in particular i can contact in this channel? it's quiet as can be in here05:09
FlannelpHreaksYcle1: People from this channel who know Jaunty are also presumably in that channel.05:09
epaphusal14s, thanks05:09
FlannelpHreaksYcle1: check launchpad though, file a bug, etc.05:10
danbhfive!tty | JosephD05:10
ubottuJosephD: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.05:10
epaphusAnybody know if I can recreate a bootloader with the live cd.. without having to download a recue cd?05:10
scuniziAntisoche: not the video card but the chipset of the mother board05:10
Flannel!grub | epaphus05:10
ubottuepaphus: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:10
AerodynamicI tried looking it up and it said something about putting emerald in the commandline.05:10
pHreaksYcle1Flannel: yeah, i have been pouring over the various sources of bug-fixing databases, the forums etc. IRC is my last hope apparently haha.05:10
AerodynamicI dunno what emerald even is.05:10
mattgyver83Aero, i might have it wrong, but I think its due to Emerald Theme manager confusing Compiz.  If you have Emerald installed still. (its been a while)05:10
ruben23anyone tried to installed ubuntu with Acer e machine EL170005:10
danbhfiveJosephD: try running this command, just as a sanity check: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^               it should check for the evdev driver05:10
Aerodynamicis emerald the default theme manager05:11
mattgyver83Well, no not default, its an additional package05:11
mattgyver83but it was necessary back when it was beryl05:11
pHreaksYcle1Aerodynamic: metacity is the default.05:11
Aerodynamichm.. is there a way to fix?05:11
mattgyver83I just went back to metacity and it was fine ever since.05:11
Antisochescunizi, oh, sorry.  It's an MCP61 according to lspci ... I'll get a flashlight and see what I can find printed05:12
AerodynamicI tried it with the default and had the problem05:12
Aerodynamicand then downloaded Compiz to see if that helped05:12
Aerodynamicstill same problem05:12
pHreaksYcle1Aerodynamic: personally i would recommend staying away from emerald unless there is a particular emerald theme you HAVE to have. most of the effects can be reproduced in metacity fairly easily. all it does is suck RAM for me anyway.05:12
AntisocheAlso, if someone could tell me how to take Google out of stupid mode when I log into my gmail account I'd be very appreciative.05:12
scuniziAntisoche: no worries.. do you have any weird issues booting?05:12
NEPTUNOhola a todos05:12
pHreaksYcle1Antisoche: stupid mode as in05:12
pHreaksYcle1NEPTUNO: que tal05:13
JosephDdanbhfive, it asks for my login details, but when it prompts for my password, it won't let me type it05:13
NEPTUNOcomo estas05:13
NEPTUNOoye me puedes ayudar???05:13
AerodynamicIdk if I have emerald even installed x_X05:13
mattgyver83Aerodynamic, Emerald is now 'Compiz Fusion Icon' which might be in your System tools folder of the Applications menu05:13
NEPTUNOestoy entrando al chat de terra pero no puedo atraves de este programa05:13
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Antisochescunizi, No issues booting.  The machine behaves well.  The only weird thing that's happened is I plugged in a video card and lost my primary display :-\05:13
danbhfiveJosephD: when you type, it will show nothing.  Just try typing your password, and hit enter05:13
lstarnesJosephD: just type it.  nothing will be shown even if works05:13
Zeroyezhow can i read a range of bytes from /dev/sda05:13
mattgyver83Aero, it opens a small systray icon that you can right click into, go to 'Select Window Manager' and see whats selected05:14
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danbhfiveJosephD: and don't forget the ^...05:14
AerodynamicNah, I don't have it.05:14
pHreaksYcle1NEPTUNO: no comprendo "Terra"05:14
mattgyver83sudo apt-get compiz-fusion-icon05:14
FirefisheWhat's the command to list process id's?05:14
AntisochepHreaksYcle1, When I do a google search after logging into gmail is takes away the links to search for my keyword in "images" or "news".  All I get is "start search" or "web search" radio buttons.05:14
lstarnesFirefishe: ps aux05:14
RopechoborraFirefishe, ps ax05:14
AwesomePineappleSo I have a Samsung Q1 Ultra and it's not in use right now. I want to turn it into a remote control for my computer at home. Think this is possible if I install ubuntu onto it? (Can I install ubuntu on it? I heard the mobile version works well on it)05:15
mattgyver83Look to make sure Compiz is the selected Window Manager, and that Emerald is the select Window Decorator05:15
scuniziAntisoche: just looking for a manual on it now.05:15
AntisocheMost of the time I just use yahoo, but all my browsers default to google05:15
pHreaksYcle1Antisoche: I think that's just how it is man. sorry to be the bearer of bad news.05:15
JosephDdanbhfive, says dpkg was interupted and i must manually run it05:15
mattgyver83Aero, might want to make sure you have emerald installed as well, that should appear in the drop down menu when you right click it.05:15
AerodynamicE: Invalid operation compiz-fusion-icon05:16
mattycozehey does anyone know whether gnome-zeitgeist works on the Ubuntu 8.10 distro?05:16
pHreaksYcle1NEPTUNO: que es este "Terra" hombre?05:16
scuniziAntisoche: who makes the board?05:16
Antisochescunizi, The mobo is a HP M2N68-LA (rev 3.02)05:16
danbhfiveJosephD: go ahead, and manually run "it"    I assume its something like dpkg-configure -a05:16
mattgyver83sudo apt-get install fusion-icon05:17
JosephDdanbhfive, says that it requires superuser privelege05:17
danbhfiveJosephD: preface the command with sudo05:17
Antisochescunizi, I'm going to have to say that the controller chip is under a heatsink.  :(05:19
mattycozewhat the heck is 'bzr'?05:19
CapaHDoes anyone here have a 10+ button mouse, such as my Logitech mouse - I am trying to get all the buttons to work/map them as I wish. Does anyone know how to go about doing this?05:19
Joker_-_mattycoze: brazil?05:19
Antisochemattycoze, Bazaar is a SCM like CVS, Subversion, or GIT05:19
thrillERboyI can't see the username in the right corner of the gnomepanel05:19
thrillERboyI think I had uninstalled it.... how to enable it?05:20
Aerodynamicmattgy, I have it installed.05:20
AerodynamicWhat do I do now?05:20
Joker_-_I loose :(05:20
mattycozeAntisoche ahh nope too many acronyms mate :p05:20
pHreaksYcle1thrillERboy: right click and hit add to panel. find it in the list.05:20
AntisocheSCM, VCS, however you want to call it.05:20
mattycozelike a package management software?05:20
mattgyver83Aero, open it from the applications-system tools menu.  In your systray near your clock you will see a blue icon.  right click, tell me if you see an icon for emerald theme manager05:20
thrillERboypHreaksYcle1, Nope I think I had uninstalled it.... I checked the add panel list.... Its not there :/05:20
XcellCapaH--  imwheel?...google it ..go to site and see if your mouse will work.05:20
AerodynamicI see it05:21
Antisochemattycoze, context?05:21
JosephDdanbhfive, it showed some lines saying it was setting up various things that sound important, now it's just the blinking text input at the bottom but the prompt with my username is gone and it's not doing anything05:21
mattgyver83Aero, Okay, thats good.  Now go to 'Select Window Manager' Make sure 'Compiz' is selected.05:21
scuniziAntisoche: is this a laptop?05:21
likuid_silence_I have a APC Back-UPS XS 1000 and I would like to know if there's anything for ubuntu to alert me when UPS is running on battery??05:21
danbhfiveJosephD: sudo apt-get update05:22
likuid_silence_sort of email alerts or smth05:22
mattycozeAntisoche i don't understand what you mean by the acronyms SCM, CVS, GIT etc... I'm just assuming from the documentation that bzr is simply a package management software like Synaptic05:22
mattgyver83Aero, then go to 'Select Window Decorator' and make sure that 'Emerald' is selected05:22
Antisochescunizi, No - it's a HP Pavillion.  64bit dual core Athlon something.  6400+ I think05:22
Aerodynamicthere is no emerald05:22
Aerodynamiconly gtk05:22
mattgyver83Okay, i think thats part of the issue.05:22
likuid_silenceI have a APC Back-UPS XS 1000 and I would like to know if there's anything for ubuntu to alert me when UPS is running on battery??05:22
Antisochemattycoze, Ah, sorry.  Is a program for maintaining software source code, primarily.  A "Source Code Management" or "Version Control System".05:23
JosephDdanbhfive, it put my command up there on the terminal, but it won't do anything05:23
mattgyver83Aero, what happens if you click on Emerald Theme Manager icon in the menu?05:23
mattgyver83Im wondering if its installed.05:23
pHreaksYcle1thrillERboy: get the name of that applet and sudo apt-get install "NAME OF IT"05:24
JosephDdanbhfive, oh, my mistake, must've been quite busy just without telling me05:24
mattycozethanks Antisoche; i'm using Bzr to install zeitgeist "bzr branch lp:gnome-zeitgeist"05:24
mattycozeso yeah05:24
Aerodynamicclicking on it in the tray nothing happens, clicking on it under System Tools nothing happens05:24
JosephDhaha I need to be a little more patient05:24
danbhfiveJosephD: so what happened?05:24
scuniziAntisoche: found it.. on the link it specifically mentions that you can either use onboard or add on video cards but not both concurrently.  http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00906129&cc=de&lc=en&dlc=de05:24
mattgyver83Aero, you tryed clicking Emerald Theme Manager right?  Do you have it in your systems tools menu (i dont, im just curious)05:25
JosephDdanbhfive, it's still setting up alot of stuff, along with saying something about a user 'messagebus' already existing05:25
Antisochemattycoze, "CVS" is an old standby, meaning "Concurrent Versioning System", SubVersion (svn) is it's "more modern" replacement.  GIT isn't an acronym at all - it's just the name of the version that Linus Torvalds wrote, continuing his tradition of naming his software after himself...05:25
stealth-anyone ever ran a ventrilo server? Im wondering how good the performance is on a home connection05:25
AerodynamicIt's Compiz Fusion Icon under System Tools05:25
Antisochescunizi, Thanks, I guess.  :(05:25
AerodynamicI have it there..05:25
Aerodynamicbut.. when I click it05:25
mattycozeoh ok05:25
AerodynamicIt does nothing.05:25
epaphushey guys, is it true ubuntu isnt good when multiple partitions are being done?05:25
FloodBot1Aerodynamic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:25
danbhfiveJosephD: yeah, so something clearly went wrong, with some sort of update or upgrade05:25
scuniziAntisoche: is the add in card dual head?05:25
stealth-epaphus: no05:25
AerodynamicOh, alright. Sorry05:26
Antisochescunizi, I guess I should have done more research first, but who would have thought?05:26
mattgyver83Aero, Okay.  Lets try reinstalling it, it might be a part of the menu by default but not included.05:26
Antisochescunizi, Nope.  it's probably the same d*mn card ...05:26
edogzillaflannel u still here?05:26
mattgyver83sudo apt-get install emerald05:26
stealth-epaphus: when you say "multiple partitions are being done" im assuming you mean spreading the installation over multiple partitions, right?05:26
scuniziAntisoche: sell it and get a card with dual output.. not that expensive05:26
epaphusstealth-, right05:26
JosephDdanbhfive, so this should fix it then?05:26
AerodynamicAlrighty, it should be installed.05:27
AerodynamicOh, emerald theme manager is there now.05:27
mattgyver83Thats good.05:27
AntisocheHey scunizi - ya wanna buy an Nvidia 8300 GS ???05:27
mattgyver83Select Emerald as your Window Decorator05:27
edogzillaflannel: are you still in here?05:27
stealth-epaphus: then there should be no difference. Some people split their installion into a partition for '/' and a partition for '/home/' so they can upgrade easier, though05:27
danbhfiveJosephD: well, stuff is being fixed  :P05:27
mattgyver83Aero, then click on 'Reload Window Decorator' in the menu05:27
thrillERboypHreaksYcle1, I want to know the name of the applent :/05:27
mattgyver83see if you still get the same problems.05:27
AerodynamicAh, seems to be fixed!05:27
epaphusstealth-, by default ubuntu intalls itself on a single partition.. and swap.. right?05:27
mattgyver83Awesome :D05:28
scuniziAntisoche: naw.. I got a motherboard with 3 outputs.. vga, DVI and hdmi05:28
* Antisoche sees it :(05:28
danbhfiveJosephD: when that is finished running, run this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^05:28
stealth-epaphus: to what i remember, yes05:28
AerodynamicThanks matt :P05:28
mattgyver83In hindsight, I think that GTK cant process themes for compiz as well as Emerald can05:28
mattgyver83not a problem, im amazed that i remembered that!!! its been a long time.05:28
pHreaksYcle1thrillERboy: google for the win dude. . .05:28
thrillERboythanks pHreaksYcle105:29
Aerodynamichehe, I just installed Ubuntu today. I'm loving it, just having a bit of a rough time getting used to it all.05:29
SuspectZeroi installed ubuntu with a /boot on /dev/sda10. then i installed windows 7 and i lost grub. when i booted into live ubuntu and tried grub-install /dev/sda i got an error saying /boot was not found. any ideas?05:29
pHreaksYcle1thrillERboy: haha, sure. if you want ill search it for you05:29
mattgyver83Aero, if you have any other problems dont hesitate to ask me.05:29
JosephDdanbhfive, alright, I'll let you know how that goes in jusssstt a second, it's still just zooming away on the screen =D05:29
epaphusdoes ubuntu make a partition for /boot .. or is it part of /..? by default that is05:29
AerodynamicAlrighty. Thanks again :)05:29
mattgyver83Im no wiz, but if your just getting started I can help you with a good amount05:29
danbhfiveJosephD: did you recently upgrade to 8.10 from 8.04 or something?05:30
thrillERboypHreaksYcle1, lemme try :)05:30
danbhfiveepaphus: part of /05:30
SuspectZeroi tried making /dev/sda10 bootable but that just gave me the no "operating system not found" error05:30
scuniziepaphus: by default it's part of /05:30
JosephDdanbhfive, no, 8.10 came with the laptop when I ordered it05:30
gek_onthehow to add ultra nodes in frostwire?05:30
edogzillai'm a noob with a problem at startup. I dont get the gui desktop instead i getjust a black screen with the $ command line. i ran startx and got a couple errors. first was xinit: no such process (erno3)...the other was xinit: connection refused (errno111) unable to connect to X server. does anybody know whats wrong here? this is a fresh install of 8.10 on a brand new comp05:30
SuspectZeroany ideas on what i can do?05:31
lagann_#linux yo05:31
edogzillait also said fatal server error: no screens found05:31
danbhfiveedogzilla: are you sure the media you installed from was good?05:31
stealth-anyone ever ran a ventrilo server? Im wondering how good the performance is on a home connection05:31
edogzilladanbhfive:i installed from the live cd05:32
edogzillachecked the integrity it was good05:32
danbhfiveedogzilla: did you check the cd for errors?05:32
edogzilladanhbfive: yes no problems05:32
scuniziedogzilla: did you try flannel's suggestion and when you get to the terminal prompt type .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  ... ?  it has to be all lower case t owork05:32
edogzilladanhbfive: yes, and it did some updates and stuff. it also said that ubuntu desktop was already installed and made no changes. other than that evertyhing stayed the same05:33
edogzillawould a fresh install work?05:34
JosephDdanbhfive, the screen just went all black and the text disappeared and I have no idea whats going on hahaha05:34
edogzillafrom the cd?05:34
danbhfiveedogzilla: what happens when you run: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart   ?05:34
edogzilladanhbfive: i dont know i havent tried it05:34
JosephDdanbhhfive, nevermind hahahaha05:34
Rave1SuspectZero, ;tyr this link:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub05:35
scunizidanbhfive: I'll bet the wrong video driver got loaded or the wrong driver referenced.. have him change the xorg reference to nv or vesa and see if gdm becomes visible05:35
edogzillai have an nvidia graphics card....could that be it?05:35
ohziedoes anyone know of a website that might list what programs use specific ports?05:36
ryan_Hi, I was trying to learn some things with the terminal... I ended up adding a directory with multiple files in it as the root, now I'm trying to remove them but sudo rm ./testing doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?05:36
edogzillascunizi:was that message for me?05:37
ohzieI have a lot of network traffic from a box using port 57055 and I'm not getting much in the way of hits on google.05:37
JosephDdanbhfive, okay well I typed in the update and install things, and it says unable to retrieve items so I assume I need to hook this up with an ethernet cable?05:37
danbhfiveJosephD: yeah, those commands need the internet05:37
doleybryan_: use rm -r to kill directory05:37
JosephDdanbhfive, be back in a bit, I'll have to run upstairs to the router lol05:37
ryan_doleyb: Thanks a lot05:38
SuspectZeroRave1 in my case, my root would be /dev/sda10 or /dev/sda05:38
danbhfiveJosephD: ok :)05:38
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jojufucaGuten Abend05:39
Rave1SuspectZero, I have no idea I don't know your setup05:39
SuspectZerowell when i installed ubuntu i had /dev/sda10 set up as my /boot05:39
SuspectZeroso would that make it my root?05:39
edogzilladanhbfive: how do i change the xorn reference to nv or vesa? like sunizi said?05:40
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to make an event script for clamd by parsing clamav log file whenever to delete a file if it is detected as a virus?05:40
danbhfiveMINNIE: what do you want?05:40
mattgyver83SuspectZero, do you need to find out the sda lablel?  Is that what you want?05:40
danbhfiveedogzilla: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:40
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to make an event script for clamd by parsing clamav log file? a script to delete a file if it is detected as a virus.05:40
SuspectZeromattycoze nah i need to recover my grub install05:40
SuspectZeroMINNIE turn off your caps05:41
danbhfiveedogzilla: is this 8.04 or 8.10?05:41
JosephDdanbhfive, I plugged it in with the ethernet cable and I'm still getting the same responses05:41
edogzilladanhbfive: 8.1005:41
dsmith_SuspectZero: another good tool is supergrub05:41
danbhfiveedogzilla: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:42
fganyone got problems with fglrx (ati driver)? mine revert to a 'default' res at every reboot....05:42
epaphushi guys.. iam trying to mount a ubuntu partition from a secondayr drive.. though its giving me this error.. mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member .. anybody know how to properly mount?05:42
danbhfiveJosephD: what exactly is the error message?05:43
edogzilladanhbfive: what happens after i type all that?05:43
* fg wonders if there's a 'fglrx' channel05:43
=== Dr_Disk_ is now known as Dr_Disk
danbhfiveedogzilla: it will give a link.  Please post the link so I can take a peek05:43
edogzilladanhbfive: ok i will but it will be a while so dont go anywhere k?05:44
sebsebseb!cap |  MINNIE05:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cap05:45
JosephDdanbhfive, it says it's failing to download stuff and it's unable to fetch it, no real straight error messages05:45
sebsebseb!caps |  MINNIE05:45
ubottuMINNIE: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:45
crystalfishhow to make my cpu lower?05:45
sebsebsebMINNIE: Ubuntu suppourt channel05:45
sebsebsebMINNIE: that's what this is05:46
sebsebseb!ubuntu |  MINNIE05:46
ubottuMINNIE: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:46
mattgyver83I have a machine that I want to install 8.10 on.  Not sure if the HD is good, would the Memory test option on the live CD report that?05:47
sebsebseb!troll |  MINNIE05:47
ubottuMINNIE: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel05:47
danbhfiveJosephD: hmmm, well, I dunno.  I guess internet is not working.  I dunno05:47
JosephDdanbhfive, is there a command I can use to make sure the internet is working correctly?05:47
mattgyver83ping www.yahoo.com05:48
nkei0JosephD: Are you connected?  Is it wireless or wired?05:48
asdf_n00bIs installing XBMC on 64-bit relatively easy?05:48
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to make an event script for clamd by parsing clamav log file? a script to delete a file if it is detected by clamd as a virus.05:48
mattgyver83bye bye minnie05:48
JosephDnkei0, wired, I just hooked it up to my router05:48
nkei0JosephD: I'm not real sure about wired, but I know iwconfig works for wireless it may show wired too.05:49
mattgyver83ifconfig for wired05:49
JosephDnkei0, so, sudo ifconfig?05:49
nkei0JosephD: No sudo required.05:50
JosephDmattgyver83, thanks      nkei0, alright05:50
jdb93I'm running a RAID 1 set up using intel ichr10 on an X58 motherboad w. windows, and am interested in dual booting ubuntu.  That's not going to work is it.. :-)05:50
landgreetings earthlings05:50
Martyr2k6ok issues here05:50
DoitleWhat does -Eperm mean? I am seeing nothing on google05:51
JosephDI got two IP address looking things, and a bunch of zeroes next to packets and errors05:51
Martyr2k6I was in here about 2 hours ago, and someone told me that if I wanted to dual boot vista and ubuntu, that I needed to install vista first on one hdd and ubuntu afterwards on the second05:51
Martyr2k6now ubuntu is all that boots05:51
GlasscanI just lost the game.05:52
ryan_Does ubuntu install with a directory "New" in your starting file system?05:52
mattgyver83JosephD, you just want to make sure your online?05:52
Flannelryan_: No05:52
nkei0I'm having a problem with networking...  However, I don't think it's related to Ubuntu, but I don't know.  I set up my D-link wireless router from within Ubuntu and am using WPA with a pre-shared key.  However, I am dualbooting winxp and when i restart into xp it doesn't even detect the network....05:53
JosephDmattgyver83, well I need to figure out why the update and install things can't retrive/fetch the items they need so I can fix that initial problem I had05:53
doleybnkei0: btw, nobody should use pre-shared keys05:53
nkei0doleyb: why is that?05:53
zenlunaticnkei0, that sounds like an xp proble05:53
Martyr2k6no, there is not a "new" folder in the first drive05:53
doleybnkei0: because it reduces security and is harder to configure05:53
mattgyver83Try this first, tell me what happens.  Sudo apt-get update05:53
nkei0zenlunatic: I figured, I just was wondering if it could be related somehow.05:53
Martyr2k6like, I am looking at my vista drive and everything is there05:54
zenlunaticnkei0, perhaps05:54
Martyr2k6any help here with dual booting?05:54
lstarnesmattgyver83: commands are case-sensitive05:54
mattgyver83Martyr, are you sure they are on seperate partitions05:54
mattgyver83thanks starnes05:54
JosephDsome index filed failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones have been used instead.You may want to run apt-get update to correct this05:54
edogzilladanhbfive: the link you asked for is http://us.archive.ubuntu.comintrepid/universe05:54
Martyr2k6well there are 2 physical drives in my compy, one is a 500 gig and the other (this one with ubuntu) is a 120 gig05:55
Martyr2k6I installed vista on the 500 gigger, and then ubuntu on the 120 gigger05:55
mattgyver83Okay, does grub launch when you boot.  Blue screen to select an OS.05:55
mattgyver83JoesphD, What does it say on the line that says 'Fetched'05:56
edogzilladanhbfive: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com05:56
mattgyver83should say something like, Fetched 308B in 1s (271B/s)05:56
Martyr2k6no... first theres the acer splash screen, then it starts booting the ubuntu drive first with a 5 second window to hit the esc key05:56
JosephDFailed to fetch 'http://.....'05:56
mattgyver83Okay, your not connected05:56
edogzillaare you still here danhbfive?05:56
Martyr2k6do I need to change the boot order in my bios?05:57
JosephDhow do I get it to connect?05:57
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, you gotta set grub05:57
mattgyver83Is it a wired connection, or wireless?05:57
Martyr2k6er, I am a newb05:57
Martyr2k6so speak slowly05:57
Martyr2k6and in easy to understand words05:57
edogzillajeez, danhbfive left. can anyone else help me05:57
danbhfiveedogzilla: that doesn't seem right05:57
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, post this /boot/grub/menu.lst05:57
mattgyver83Martyr, when you turn the compute ron, do you get a screen that is like a terminal window with a blue background05:57
edogzilladanhbfive:ah there u are05:58
Martyr2k6matt, no I do not05:58
edogzilladanhbfive: whats not right?05:58
Martyr2k6zen, what do you mean by post?05:58
Martyr2k6in terminal?05:58
mattgyver83Martyr, i think when you installed you chose not to install Grub or Lilo which i believe is an option.05:58
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, post the file /boot/grub/menu.lst onto a link so i can see it05:58
Martyr2k6not sure how to do that zen05:59
Martyr2k6matt, is this somehting I can fix without having to reinstall vista?05:59
danbhfiveedogzilla: well, it should post a pastebin like link.  Maybe the sudo apt-get install pastebinit failed.  Try running that alone05:59
mattgyver83Martyr, yeah i dont think its a big problem.05:59
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, is ubuntu the master?05:59
mattgyver83Martyr, as long as you did select the right partition.05:59
ryan_Speaking of grub...05:59
edogzilladanhbfive: it did fail i think. well, it said something like that anyway05:59
mattgyver83JoesphD, run ifconfig.  Tell me what your interface names (ie; eth0, eth0, something like that)06:00
Martyr2k6the ubuntu is on a pata drive and the vista is on a sata drive, which I thought the sata took precedence over pata06:00
edogzillahttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com isn't a pastebin link?06:00
ryan_Any idea why mine will stop the countdown to autoboot default at 2 seconds left?06:00
Martyr2k6yeah, when installing ubuntu I made sure to select the 120 gig drive06:00
zenlunaticwell you need to use grub as vista doesn't support booting linux... you gotta do chainloader06:00
Martyr2k6and zen how do I post whatever you wanted me to post06:01
JosephDmatt. link encap:Local Loopback           inet addr:     Mask225.0.0.006:01
Martyr2k6not sure I follow, again, total noob here06:01
mattgyver83JoesphD, is that all that shows?  That basically means you have no connection.06:01
hayes_i have a sound card with a cmi8738 chip and I cant get anything but a pulsing static sound from my speakers. does anyone know what I can do?06:01
mattgyver83anyone know if the live cd mem test is gonna tell me if my HD is fubar?06:02
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, just paste the file menu.lst to http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:02
JosephDmatt, yes that's all that shows, how can I get it to connect to the wired internet it's hooked up to at the moment?06:02
rgarciahi, does anybody know how do i instal jre6 for 64-b arch?06:02
danbhfiveedogzilla: no, its a  link to the ubuntu repository06:02
mattgyver83Joesph, i was wondering the same thing.... i started to think it was a different computer.06:02
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, boot to ubuntu and sudo gedit /boot/grub.menu.lst highlight all then paste06:02
zenlunatici mean /boot/grub/menu.lst06:03
edogzilladanhbfive: ok, u want me to run sudo apt-get install pastebinit by itself and then post the link?06:03
mattgyver83hayes_ does it happen with all apps?06:03
rgarciacould anybody help me?06:04
JosephDmatt, is there a command I can use to connect? or should it automatically happen when the cable is in?06:04
hayes_it happens all the time whether sound should be playing or not.06:04
mattgyver83JoesphD, i was gonna say try to up and down the interface but I have no idea if your on the internet why your not getting a connection.  I think im missing something.06:04
Martyr2k6there I hope that I did that right06:04
edogzilladanhbfive: what do i do if it fails again?06:04
ryan_Does anyone know, is there a free IRC client that supports scripts (Like mIRC for windows)06:04
JosephDmatt, up and down the interface?06:04
mattgyver83ryan_ xchat06:05
orontohello guy06:05
mattgyver83JoesphD, (ie: sudo ifdown eth1; sudo ifup eth1)06:05
JosephDmatt, interface eth1 not configured06:06
J_Litewskihow do i make an acpi event shell script?06:06
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, no wonder you can't boot vista... grub doesn't know about it :D06:06
mattgyver83JoesphD, yeah thats what i figured.06:06
mattgyver83hayes_ you might want to try to select a different driver, i have to remember how though ';\06:06
Martyr2k6<---- NOOBSAUCE06:06
JosephDmatt, how would I go about configuring it?06:06
zenlunaticrgarcia, help with what06:06
Martyr2k6ok so how to make it aware of it06:06
hayes_ok matt let me know, thanks06:06
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, one sec06:07
rgarciai habe kubuntu 8.04 64-B arch...and i have to install jre606:08
mattgyver83hayes_, try selecting different drivers @ System-Preferences-Sound06:08
rgarciabut i don't know06:08
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, firstly do this... sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst.bak06:08
mattgyver83hayes_ Try ALSA first.06:08
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, backup what works06:08
DexiHey anyone interested, just tossin it out: Facebook is hiring a linux ninja06:08
mattgyver83JoesphD, ...I dont understand how your online and not showing an interface.06:09
hayes_I use xubuntu is it the same?06:09
bonez46mattgyver83: got a question.. every time I shutdown. or reboot.. my system takes a minute, literally, closing some ALSA process.. how can I resolve it so it shuts down immediately?06:09
Martyr2k6ok done06:09
mattgyver83Um, More or less06:09
JosephDmatt, im on a working laptop in this chat, and the laptop with the problem is another one06:09
FlannelDexi: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here. thanks.06:09
mattgyver83bonez46, im not too sure.06:09
mattgyver83Oh, that makes sense.06:10
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, sorry i don't dual boot some i have to google06:10
bonez46anyone know? how to resolve an ALSA issue.. where it won't close correct?06:10
JosephDhaha sorry06:10
Martyr2k6its cool, ultimately I would have had to do that as well if no one had helped me06:10
mattgyver83JosephD, this might sound silly but... .check your eth cable.  Maybe its dead06:10
JosephDmatt, the cable's fine06:11
mattgyver83could the nic card be dead?06:11
J_Litewskicould the nic card be using eth0, not eth1?06:11
xunHi, I'm using "Separated X screen" for my Nvidia card, somehow when I click on an icon in screen 1, it always opens in screen 2(in fact everything opens in screen 2). how can I specify which screen to open it from?06:12
rageIs there a simple method for chown'ing all files owned by user-a only to user-b recursively?06:12
mattgyver83J_Litewski, according to him its only showing the lo connection06:12
rageBasically I want to chown -R userB dir/ #only if owned by userA06:12
mattgyver83JoesphD, whens the last time you got online with that machine?06:13
JosephDwirelessly a week or two ago06:13
JosephDwell 'ifconfig eth0'   showed me the ethernet details06:13
mattgyver83Is it a wifi adapter, or built in?06:13
zenlunaticanyone know how to tell grub about roots?  it's different from other distros06:13
JosephDbuilt in wireless06:13
Frijolieanybody familiar with comix--the package?06:13
mattgyver83JoesphD, try; sudo ifconfig eth0 down06:13
mattgyver83then try sudo ifconfig eth0 up06:14
Guest26350in need of some help06:14
JosephDPermission denied06:14
mattgyver83did you sudo?06:14
hayes_i have a sound card with a cmi8738 chip and I use xubuntu. I cant get anything but a pulsing static sound from my speakers all the time even when there should be no sound. does anyone know what I can do?06:14
JosephDoops lol06:14
Martyr2k6let me know when you are ready matt, or zen or whoever is helping me06:14
mattgyver83Martyr, where were we?06:15
J_Litewskihayes_ are you using the ALSA driver?06:15
Guest26350I am trying to install the driver for my audigy 2 ZS sound card, but dont know how to access my BIOS06:15
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, I'm stuck... i haven't been using ubuntu in weeks06:15
JosephDmatt, I typed it in with sudo and now its not doing anything just waiting for another command06:15
hayes_How do I check?06:15
thrillERboyhey guys how to install lamp on ubuntu 8.10 desktop version? I did some search, I get results for installing on ubuntu server? any good links are greatly appreciated. thanks06:15
mattgyver83JoesphD, thats all it will do06:15
Martyr2k6matt, I was posting my boot file for grub to you06:15
Guest26350I am trying to install the driver for my audigy 2 ZS sound card, but dont know how to access my BIOS06:15
JosephDoh so what exactly do i do now?06:16
J_LitewskiGuest26350, the BIOS van be accessed when your computer first boots up, it's usually F2 or something like that06:16
Martyr2k6you had me back up everything06:16
mattgyver83Martyr, that was Zen06:16
Martyr2k6and said that grub couldn't see loading vista as an option06:16
Martyr2k6noob again06:16
mattgyver83JoesphD, try sudo apt-get update again06:16
JosephDsame as last time06:17
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, but basically your menu.lst needs to be told where vista is, which is the root= part, but ubuntu's is different from CentOS so I ddon't know...06:17
Frijolie..guess that's a negative06:17
xunso can someone help? I'm using "Separated X screen" for my Nvidia card, somehow when I click on an icon in screen 1, it always opens in screen 2(in fact everything opens in screen 2). how can I specify which screen to open it from?06:17
mattgyver83Martyr, hold on i can give you an idea, let me check mine06:17
hayes_how do I check if I am using the ALSA drivers?06:18
rage_yo somebody know an application that could help me emulate an acces point?06:18
mattgyver83hayes_ when you go into your sound preferences its either set to autodetect or it will show ALSA, or ALSAmixer06:18
J_Litewskihanes_, Applications/Settings?mixer06:19
rage_or if you got  a recent distribution , it could be as a default06:19
mattgyver83martyr, pastebin your menu.lst @ pastebin.com, give me the link06:19
hayes_mattgyver83 I use xubuntu and I dont see those menu options.06:19
mattgyver83It will be in your preferences menu wherever you find your keyboard, mouse, apps06:20
J_Litewskihanes_, open a terminal and type xfce4-mixer06:20
ragerage_: hostap can emulate an access point however most wireless cards cannot be put in the correct mode to do so06:20
Stepan1Any way to have all the desktop icons same size?  And when a new item is saved to desktop, it automatically lines up beneath the previous icon, kinda like in MS?06:20
ragerage_: prism2 cards for example are on of the few06:20
rage*one of06:21
zenlunaticmattgyver83, why is the root= on ubuntu menu.lst all cryptic, compared to redhat06:21
mattgyver83Stepan, right click desktop, select Keep Aligned06:21
JosephDmatt, it just does the same thing it did last time, says it failed to download06:21
mattgyver83zen, not too sure i havent used redhat06:22
darkhelmetlivedoes anybody have a vista/ubuntu dual boot system working with ubuntu also available to run as a VM under vmware on vista?06:22
darkhelmetlive(or xp really)06:22
rage_thanks man06:22
Stepan1mattgyver83: that is already checked, doesnt help.  see, all the icons are a different size, images and pdfs are larger than folders.  i dont want to manually stretch /reduce the size of each either06:22
hayes_mattgyver83 it doesnt see the device at all06:22
mattgyver83martry, check this http://pastebin.com/m3008221206:22
ragenot a problem :-)06:22
rage_ill try playing with hostap, naybe i can make the thing work to an acceptable level06:23
mattgyver83martyr, dont edit anything yet06:23
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, there you go06:23
Martyr2k6not touching a thing06:23
ragerage_: What wireless chipset do you have?06:23
rage_i got a marvell06:23
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, you backed up menu.lst06:23
rage_i know is a piece of crap06:24
Martyr2k6yes, yes I did I guess06:24
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, hosing grub is not a critical situation06:24
rageI do not beleive there is any method of doing it with that chipset. But feel free to look around06:24
mattgyver83zen, i see what you mean, mine is nothing like that06:24
zenlunaticmattgyver83, yeah ;D06:24
Martyr2k6it is when you don't know jack about what you are doing06:24
hayes_mattgyver83 it doesnt see the device at all06:25
rage_its ok , im doing it just for fun, just to make something cool out my old ibm06:25
Martyr2k6I tell you I was going through synaptic the other night attempting to "uninstall" unwanted files, and slowly, I watched my os become a trainwreck06:25
rageFair enough :-)06:25
DoitleWhat header needs to be included to use uid in a sys_call?06:25
mattgyver83JoesphD, i really dont know what else could be wrong06:25
Martyr2k6I wanted to look away, but couldn't bring myself to do so06:25
Martyr2k6so I got popcorn06:25
mattgyver83Unless its a bad card06:25
JosephDI'm going to restart my computer and see if I can get past login now06:25
mattgyver83Martyr, i have no idea what the heck uuid is06:26
mattgyver83oh wait n/m06:26
Martyr2k6uuid sounds like something macaddress related06:27
Doitleno like a Uid for a user06:27
rage_see ya dudes,06:27
mattgyver83Martyr, i have no idea if what im about to tell you to do is going to help you, or just set you back further but.. you could try this..06:27
JosephDit just may have randomly been fixed somehow06:27
Martyr2k6oh dear06:27
Martyr2k6ok lets try it, worst that could happen is that I suck it up and follow the tutorials and reinstall and update vista06:28
Martyr2k6which thats only 2 hours of my life, nothing on a night like this06:28
mattgyver83martyr, go there ill explain06:29
Martyr2k6I'm there06:29
JosephDso now it doesnt give me a wireless option at all06:29
mattgyver83Add the the lines underneath the first higlight, 156-16006:29
hayes_i have a sound card with a cmi8738 chip and I use xubuntu. I cant get anything but a pulsing static sound from my speakers all the time even when there should be no sound. does anyone know what I can do?06:30
mattgyver83on line 157, we need to put the where its located.  I only know how to cheat to sorta find this out.  Open System - Administration - Partition Editor.... for gods sake dont press anything after that06:30
mattgyver83Okay, How many ntfs file systems are shown?06:31
zenlunaticsorry bathroom06:32
Martyr2k6matt, are you talking about on the ubuntu drive or the vista drive06:33
mattgyver83... or better yet, if you click the drop down menu @ top right does it show anything other that /dev/sda?  Im not sure how this will appear in your case.06:33
zenlunaticmattgyver83, he said he has two drives06:34
Martyr2k6dev/sda1 is my linux drive, and dev/sdb1 is my vista drive06:34
zenlunaticmattgyver83, earlier06:34
MiescoWhat kinds of apps is linux currently lacking in?06:34
zenlunaticremember grub doesn't use /dev first06:34
FlannelMiesco: that sort of question would be better asked in #ubuntu-offtopic06:34
zenlunaticthey use the bios scheme06:34
hayes_i have a sound card with a cmi8738 chip and I use xubuntu. I cant get anything but a pulsing static sound from my speakers all the time even when there should be no sound. does anyone know what I can do?06:34
Martyr2k6ok under my vista drive, alls I see is unallocated, then /dev/sdb1 ntfs06:34
mattgyver83Success, that got us nowhere.06:35
Martyr2k6so there is a 1mb is unallocated, and 465.76gb06:35
J_Litewskihayes_, the ASLA drivers don't work?06:35
Martyr2k6yeah, welcome to my life06:35
mattgyver83Martyr, Im thinking that your vista partition might be the same as mine, (hd0, 0), if its the first drive06:36
Martyr2k6yeah it is06:36
Martyr2k6one sec and I will verify06:36
hayes_i don't know xfce4-mixer doesn't see it06:36
admin_masu3701usser: wanna see what i came up with?06:36
mattgyver83I dont think really anything will go wrong by changing it, worst that will happen is it wont boot, you will have to reboot and get into ubuntu again.06:36
mattgyver83Might even just error out.06:36
mattgyver83But i dont know, its a gamble.06:37
FlannelMartyr2k6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145276/06:37
Martyr2k6flannel, whats this06:37
FlannelMartyr2k6: Try that menu.lst06:37
Martyr2k6so what do I do, copy and past it into my current one?06:38
FlannelMartyr2k6: alt-f2 then type "gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" then enter, password, copy/paste, yeah.06:38
J_Litewskihanes_, check synaptic and see if alsa-base is installed06:38
=== nicholas is now known as Guest17556
Guest17556In need of some assistance06:39
FlannelMartyr2k6: Oh, wait... one more change to that, before you save.  Up near the top, theres a line that says "hiddenmenu" put a # infront of that (# hiddenmenu)06:39
dumb_dumbguys i need help with ubuntu server 8.0406:39
dumb_dumbi want to update ubuntu from the main reporsitory how can i do that?06:40
Flanneldumb_dumb: What do you mean update?06:40
zenlunaticMartyr2k6, all you gotta do is boot with cd and do a grub-install06:40
ekohardihello every one06:40
dumb_dumbhow can i used ubuntu main reporsitory not from the local mirir06:41
ariqswhat's a good debugger/profiler for c++ programs for linux?06:41
CapaHDoes anyone here have a multi-button logitech mouse? I am having trouble configuring it to do certain things06:41
Guest17556I am trying to activate my sound card, and i do not know how to install the drivers. i have a audigy 2zs sound blaster06:41
zenlunaticmattgyver83, you know anything bout keyboard issues in Xorg?06:41
Flanneldumb_dumb: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:41
CapaHI should say - does anyone here have a 12 button (or similar) mouse?06:41
dumb_dumbcause i always get error message when do apt-get update06:41
DoitleI was told to add a syscall that had this in it to my kernel if(current->uid ^= current->uid) -EPERM. Any ideas what it does?06:41
Flanneldumb_dumb: pastebin the errors please.06:41
Martyr2k6flannel, what do you mean ?06:42
Martyr2k6i mean zen, what do you mean06:42
Martyr2k6ok well I will brb in a few moments to see if it worked, I need smokes anyways06:43
zenlunatic Martyr2k6 I'm saying grub is easy to get back if you screw up06:43
Martyr2k6oh ok06:43
FloodBot1Martyr2k6: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
Martyr2k6thanks guys for the help06:43
aadityahow can i find out whether a laptop is using ACPI or APM?06:43
ariqswhat's a good debugger/profiler for c++ programs for linux?06:44
stephenjudkinsI am trying to start apache2 and it keeps saying "port already in use".  other programs (running as root) also say that port 80 is in use.  however, there are no httpd processes and netstat and lsof report nothing is using port 8006:44
Guest17556i need help installing drivers for my audigy 2 zs audio card06:44
Flannelstephenjudkins: How are you trying to start it?06:44
CapaHIs anyone here able to tell me why xbindkeys doesn't seem to work right with Compiz fusion ?06:44
stephenjudkinsFlannel: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start06:44
aadityastephenjudkins: # netstat -nltp |grep 8006:45
stephenjudkinsFlannel: however, other programs (notable python web server) also can't serve from port 80 when run as root06:45
Flanneldumb_dumb: Alright, so you're using a mirror that has been taken down it seems.06:45
JosephDHow do I hide the launcher?06:46
stephenjudkinsaaditya: awesome, i found it06:46
ekohardiwhy my xampp can't change to php406:46
J_Litewskiwhen do programs in cron.daily usually run?06:46
dumb_dumbthat`s way i`m asking how if i want to used main reporsitory?06:46
stealth-how can I tell ALL the open ports on my machine?06:46
stephenjudkinsaaditya: it's a UUID daemon that's causing it.06:46
aadityastephenjudkins: interesting06:46
Flannelekohardi: xampp isn't supported in this channel.  We recommend you use a proper LAMP stack.  And php4 is ancient.06:46
=== Proof is now known as maged
Flanneldumb_dumb: "main" appears to be a third party repository.  I'm not sure what it is.06:47
stephenjudkinsaaditya: i am using python 2.6's built-in UUID module06:47
dumb_dumbso any suggestion06:47
|ikeNoOtherhow can I have the graficall ubuntu loading bar back? (I mean when my computer boots to ubuntu)06:47
|ikeNoOthergraphical* ;)06:47
ekohardiin moregroupware its need a php4 but can it run php506:47
Flanneldumb_dumb: Just use the official repos.  You really don't need third party repos.06:48
maged!seen maged06:48
ubottuI have no seen command06:48
ariqswhat's a good debugger/profiler for c++ programs for linux?06:48
Flannel!repeat | ariqs06:48
ubottuariqs: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:48
dumb_dumbyeah i want to do that. but how? :D06:48
ronin_anyone here up on PPC?06:48
Guest17556Can anyone help with installing my audio card drivers06:49
Flanneldumb_dumb: Pastebin your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) and I'll take a look.06:49
FirefisheI just isntalled 8.10.  I'm getting the following startup errors:  hal won't start properly and gives me a warning asking me if dbus is running/has been started.  dbus error gives me a warning about a file: /var/lib/machine-id needing a 32 char hex string instead of 0.06:49
=== tien is now known as jove
Firefishex also doesn't recognize my mouse and keyboard06:50
ruben23anyone tried to installed ubuntu with Acer e machine EL170006:50
Guest17556can anyone help me installing audio drivers for a audigy 2 zs audio card06:50
Guest17556can anyone help me installing audio drivers for a audigy 2 zs audio card06:50
ruben23during instalation bootup we got errors.06:50
=== Guest17556 is now known as nicholas
nicholascan anyone help me installing audio drivers for a audigy 2 zs audio card06:52
=== nicholas is now known as Guest39461
dumb_dumbflannel : i hope you can help me06:54
dumb_dumbi used the local reporsitory06:54
dumb_dumbnow i want to used ubuntu main reporsitory06:55
Flanneldumb_dumb: Alright.  I see what your issue is.  And we'll get it all sorted out.  Also, you should upgrade (within the next week) to Hardy, since Gutsy will soon be out of support.06:55
asdfqwerwhere is at in gconf-editor that I edit keybindings?06:56
dumb_dumbbut is it the hardy not stable version06:56
Flanneldumb_dumb: no, Hardy is stable.06:56
dumb_dumbwhen i see the ubuntu for the server is not stable yet06:56
ndshackerhow can I speed up my internet on ubuntu? Im on broadband so it sould NOT take 15 seconds to load google06:56
Flanneldumb_dumb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145280/06:56
Flanneldumb_dumb: Thats your new sources.list06:57
Flanneldumb_dumb: Hardy has been out for almost a year now.  Its definately stable.06:57
Martyr2k6ok no dice06:57
Martyr2k6it said that it couldn't load bootmgr06:57
Martyr2k6press ctrl-alt-del to restart06:57
Flanneldumb_dumb: also, 8.04 has the benefit of being supported for three years (its an LTS) on the desktop, and five on the server.06:57
tuna love wireless internet06:57
ndshackerthis thing takes nearly 15 seconds to change pages in gmail06:58
ndshackernow ere up to 30 for a page06:58
JosephDsomehow that fixing process deleted my wireless driver I think06:58
FlannelMartyr2k6: After you chose the windows option?06:58
mikerendshacker: not sure I can solve your problem, but are you using a static ip or dns?06:58
shantanuhi folks :)06:58
girevikmotoi just installed the proprietary nvidia driver, and upon reboot i have no video ouput at all once the OS loads06:59
ndshackermikere: dhcp so dns i geuss06:59
girevikmotohelp please?06:59
FlannelMartyr2k6: sounds like your windows bootloader is messed up some how.06:59
dumb_dumbI see06:59
mikerendshacker: yeah, my bad on that typo06:59
Kesmangirevikmoto: sorry, no help in support channels... why are you asking to ask for help?06:59
mikerendshacker: was hoping perhaps there was an ip conflict that could easily be solved, but that's obviously not it06:59
cellofellowfirefox refuses to start. I type 'firefox' at the terminal and it does absolutely nothing. What can I do?06:59
ndshackermikere: but it does not change, its just not static since that takes 10$ extra a month06:59
TheMusicGuyIs it possible to use my laptop's internal wi-fi card as an access point AND as a network adapter to another access point at the same time?06:59
cellofellowfirefox-3.5 works though07:00
girevikmotohow do i regain video output07:00
dumb_dumbi used the 8.0407:00
tsrki want to ssh into a machine, run a command, and put that output in a local file, how would i do that?07:00
ndshackerI have about: config tweaks and ipv6 turned off07:00
girevikmotothis is in ubuntu studio 8.04.107:00
Flanneldumb_dumb: What does "lsb_release -a" give you?07:00
TheMusicGuyI'm on 8.04, I have an interl pro wireless internal wi-fi card07:00
lstarnestsrk: try ssh user@host command > local-file07:00
tsrklstarnes, that'll go to local and not remote?07:00
mikerendshacker: have you tried to ping or traceroute on google?07:00
ndshackerhow can I throttle my parents connection >.<07:01
cellofellowtsrk: ssh thehost thecommand > localfile07:01
ndshackerno not yet07:01
lstarnestsrk: local.  bash parses > as redirection from a local command07:01
dumb_dumbrelease 8.0407:01
ryan_Does anyone know like a download site for Compiz-switch for some reason it's not in my Synaptic package manager... it would make it a lot less of a pain in the ass07:01
tsrklstarnes, ah, ok07:01
Flanneldumb_dumb: Alright.  Then those sources are wrong.  Let me give you correct ones.07:01
ndshackermikere: about a secondand a half07:01
Kesmanryan_: google for it, I looked for it sometime ago and it was easily accessed via google07:01
dumb_dumbok sory for my mistake07:02
dumb_dumbi`m new on linux07:02
girevikmotohow do i repeal the non functional nvidia driver07:02
Martyr2k6allright brb, need smokes07:02
cellofellowanybody else having a completely non-responsive firefox? I like midori, opera, shiretoko, but I use firefox 3.0 all the time and need it.07:02
mikerendshacker: ouch.  That's brutal latency.  I take it you aren't on a router, just a cable or dsl modem?07:02
dumb_dumbso for the interpid that not stable yet, am i right?07:02
Flanneldumb_dumb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145281/07:02
ndshackermikere: a second is brutal?07:02
Flanneldumb_dumb: Intrepid is stable.  Jaunty is not.  But you might want to consider sticking with Hardy anyway, due to the LTS.07:03
ndshackerand im on a router i think?07:03
Kesmandumb_dumb: intrepid is stable, but not long-term-supported07:03
ndshackerit s a 2wire07:03
mikerendshacker: yep, I'm getting 38ms and I live out in the boondocks07:03
tsrknewbie question: if I use > to put the output in a file that already exists, does it get overwritten?07:03
ndshackerum... maybe im reading it wrong?07:03
Flanneltsrk: yes.  >> will append07:03
stealth-tsrk: yes07:03
dumb_dumbi see07:03
lstarnestsrk: yes.  you could use >> instead to add to the file rather than overwriting07:03
ndshackermikere: 1400 ms to be exact07:03
RopechoborraIs there a command to configure downloaded packages from an apt update without downloading them again?07:03
ulterior_modemHi! I am running ubuntu 8.10, and I'm having an issue with my floppy drive. Namely, that it doesnt show up in /dev . The machine's bios will boot from it fine. I'm kind of stumped. Did the default ubuntu kernel have this left out of it07:03
tsrkWow, thanks everyone!07:04
mikerendshacker: 1.4 seconds - brutal.07:04
ndshackeryeah :(07:04
tsrkyou guys are really helpful07:04
asdfqewranyone which tree in gconf-editor shows my gnome keybindings?07:04
tsrka lot more than certain other groups07:04
asdfqewranyone know*07:04
cellofellowexcept when firefox takes a vacation07:04
stealth-tsrk: youll find that here :) ubuntu has a good rep for its great community07:04
anooptpany typing tutor?????07:04
Guest39461i need help07:04
asdfqewrtyping tutor?07:05
ndshackerim directly in my router, but i only have a 1.5 mb line07:05
=== Guest39461 is now known as nicholas
mikerendshacker: so back to the other question, are you on a router and are you on a local (non-routable) network like 192.xxx.xxx.xxx or just getting an ip directly from your isp07:05
girevikmotohow do i rollback to the opensource nv driver from the proprietary nvidia driver?07:05
asdfqewrlike touch-typing?07:05
* cellofellow likes typespeed but it's not a tutor.07:05
ndshackercould it be that my rents are torrenting?07:05
Flannelasdfqewr: there are.  gtypist is one (terminal only), I'm sure there's a GUI as well.07:05
girevikmotowhen i installed the nvidia driver and rebooted, i have no video output at all07:05
ndshackermikere: im on a router, but I can network07:05
=== nicholas is now known as Guest28491
mikerendshacker: I got better pings than that on a 2400 baud modem back in the dark ages07:05
Guest28491I am in need of help07:05
anooptppls help.....any typing tutor?????07:05
ndshackergir: ctrl+alt+f107:05
stealth-!ask | Guest2849107:05
ubottuGuest28491: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:05
lstarnesanooptp: what kind of typing tutor?07:05
cellofellowanooptp: tuxtype maybe, or ktouch.07:05
ndshackermikere: what can cause this?07:06
Flannelanooptp: gtypist is a terminal one too.07:06
* cellofellow tries gtypist07:06
mikerendshacker: is it only on this linux box you have problems?07:06
asdfqewrFlannel, anooptp learning touch-typing gets me nostalgic, brings me back to this mario game i used to play to learn how to touch type07:06
ndshackerum.. i only have one box lol07:06
=== greg_ is now known as foo_
asdfqewrFlannel, that was for windows tho07:06
ndshackermy parents have one but cant check right now07:06
girevikmotohow do i rollback from the proprietary nvidia driver to the original nv open source driver? when the i rebooted after installing the proprietary driver i now have no video output whatsoever07:06
mikerendshacker: sorry, I gotta run, son needs to print out some bursary application stuff and needs my help07:06
stealth-whats the program called that emulates terminals so i can keep programs running after ive logged out of ssh?07:07
ndshackermikere: ok07:07
jtajistealth-: screen07:07
stealth-jtaji: thanks07:07
asdfqewrgirevikmoto, can you boot to vga?07:07
ndshackeranyone else can explain why I am getting 1.4 s pings on google?07:07
asdfqewror do you get any prompt?07:07
anooptpcellofellow text typing07:07
dumb_dumbflannel : thanks for the help. let me try it first07:07
Guest28491I am having trouble installing my audio drivers to havesound for my audigy 2zs audio card.07:07
iceninendshacker: who knows, from my place I can't even ping google07:07
girevikmotoonce i get past the ubuntu splash screen with the loading bar, the scren goes black07:08
iceninendshacker: isp filters ICMP07:08
ndshackericenine: my internet sucks too, but only just now07:08
stealth-ndshacker: id doubt it would be due to ubutnu, check to see if your running any torrents or any other download programs, maybe try again tomorrow to see if its a constant issue07:08
ndshackerits not just ping07:08
cellofellowanooptp: just trying gtypist and I like it, and typespeed is fun especially when you get a network Head2Head game going.07:08
ndshackerstealth-: my parents culd be?07:08
ndshackermy dad likes to set them at night07:08
dumb_dumbone more thing any one here got a nice step-by-step tutorial to install xen on ubuntu hardy that works?07:09
stealth-ndshacker: that could be the issue, like i said, try it again tomorrow, and if its a constant issue, then you have a problem07:09
rbo_hi! something wrong with apt - it show me neither Apache2 nor MySQL when apt-cashe search ... How to fix it?07:09
iceninecheck ethernet cabling, your router and such07:09
ndshackericenine: ok07:09
anooptpcellofellow iwant a text typing tutor 07:09
cellofellowok, I need to learn typing on the numbers row a bit better.07:09
ndshackerstealth-: ok thanks07:09
stealth-rbo_: sudo apt-get update before doing anything07:09
asdfqewrgirevikmoto, first i'd boot into single-user mode; sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx-new [or whatever glx driver you installed] then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:09
TheMusicGuydoes anyone know what ##networking is for?07:09
asdfqewrto reconfigure your xserver07:09
cellofellowanooptp: I said try tuxtyping, ktouch, and I was just trying gtypist and I like it too.07:09
lstarnesTheMusicGuy: networking support07:09
rbo_stealth-: i did it07:10
stealth-TheMusicGuy: networking issues...?07:10
rbo_stealth-: no result07:10
madsjwhat should I install in order to be able to write appointments in the clock-applet for each date ?07:10
TheMusicGuyit looks like its some kind of testing ground to me.07:10
anooptpcellofellow i dont understanto07:10
rbo_stealth-: seams like it broken07:10
stealth-rbo_: well you type cache wrong in your question, not sure if your doing that in the terminal aswell....07:10
ekohardiflannel: finally i got to fix that problem07:10
asdfqewranooptp, how well do you know english?07:10
ekohardiflannel this is the script07:10
stealth-rbo_: did you quit apt in the middle of a installation, update, upgrade, etc?07:11
dumb_dumbflannel : i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/145283/07:11
cellofellowanooptp: tux typing is a game program that will teach typing. ktouch is a kde program that will teach typing. gtypist is a terminal/ncurses program that will teach typing.07:11
madsjand how do I get Monday as the first day of the week in the clock applet ?07:11
dumb_dumbit say GPG error07:11
ndshackerwow this isbad, I get an"internal server error" when i try to acces my router07:11
ekohardiflannel : edit lampp script.07:11
ekohardiat line 480 and 484 - Change to the right php versions. (4.4.7. and 5.2.3 used in xampp 1.6.3)07:11
ekohardilets you try it flannel!07:11
* cellofellow is learning he really sucks typing numbers.07:11
ndshackerbah goonight guys07:11
dumb_dumbsignature were invalid. any idea to fix this?07:11
asdfqewrcellofellow, ya i member i learned how to touch type with this mario game07:12
edogzilladoes anyone know how to uninstall my nvidia graphics driver in 8.10 from the command line?07:12
cellofellowI get 93wpm with letters, 27wpm with numbers.07:12
geraHello, I had some trobles with the update manager07:12
rbo_stealth-: maybe07:12
girevikmotodoes anyone know how i can rollback to the original open source nv driver? i have no video output with the proprietary driver07:12
Kesmangera: what kind of problems?07:12
girevikmotojsut a blank screen07:12
asdfqewrgirevikmoto, i just told you07:12
asdfqewrgirevikmoto, first i'd boot into single-user mode; sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx-new [or whatever glx driver you installed] then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:12
cellofellowI learned with Mavis Beacon when in 2nd grade. Only thing useful I ever learned that year.07:12
edogzillagirevikmoto: me too07:12
aLegendaryPenguimavis beacon?07:12
aLegendaryPenguithat fool07:12
ekohardithanks for your help!07:13
geraI got stuck at the acpi-support installation, can someone help me?07:13
girevikmotosorry i missed that post, thank you asdfqewr07:13
asdfqewrsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg will reconfigure you xserver and rollback your configuration07:13
dumb_dumbguys i got error http://paste.ubuntu.com/145283/ when try to used apt-get update on my ubuntu 8,04 server07:13
anooptpcellofellow thank u vru much07:13
Kesmangera: you could try to run this in terminal "sudo apt-get update" without quotes and see if there's any errors07:13
dumb_dumbany one could help me guys?07:13
asdfqewrgirevikmoto, sudo aptitude search nvidia | less07:13
stealth-rbo_: that can cause issues, there is a way to reset it, but i cant remember it at the moment and i have to logout pretty soon. Maybe somone else knows or you can google it, sorry, but i have to leave sooner than i expected. Good luck07:13
asdfqewrand see what drivers you're currently using07:13
Kesmangera: then run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to update all the packages07:13
cellofellowaLegendaryPengui: like I had a choice on what typing tutor my school used when I was 7 years old.07:13
rbo_stealth-: damnation07:14
aLegendaryPenguithink i learned how to type07:14
aLegendaryPenguithe trick to typing good is to use a computer a lot07:14
Kesmanirc and forums are great07:14
asdfqewri didn't learn how to touch type numbers till my 20s07:14
asdfqewrlinux helped resolve that though07:14
Kesmanwhat's touch typing?07:14
cellofellowI need to break the habit of putting a space after every comma.07:14
edogzillahow do i do a complete uniinstall of my nvidia graphics driver? when i installed the recommended thrid party driver is messed up my whole system and now i cant get to the gui desktop.07:14
aLegendaryPenguii can type anything with my eyes closed07:14
asdfqewrjust mean not looking at your fingers07:14
aLegendaryPenguiits a level of typing not seen in 500 years07:15
aLegendaryPenguiknow how skilled I am?07:15
girevikmotoalright time to boot back into the non functional distro07:15
aLegendaryPenguii can take one finger and put it down randomly07:15
aLegendaryPenguiill know what key im on07:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:15
rbo_stealth-: it's weak07:15
ariqswhat's a good debugger/profiler for c++ programs for linux?07:15
aLegendaryPenguiFlannel, fight my character http://legendarypenguin.mybrute.com07:15
stealth-rbo_: what is?07:15
dumb_dumbFlannel : i`m still got error when try to update07:15
rbo_stealth-: apt is weak then07:16
stealth-rbo_: heh07:16
edogzillaflannel: i figured out the problem from before...its my graphics driver. any idea how to remove it?07:16
remuHey folks, I have a small home network, 4 computers and 1 server. I installed squid and dansguardian on my server and have it configured and it works if I set the proxy manually in firefox. I am using the tomato firmware on my router, and was wondering what is the best way to make sure that all http requests on my lan go through the squid proxy?07:16
Flanneledogzilla: Someone here will.  I'm not really a big graphics guy.07:16
Jinglyno u Flannel07:16
_stochastic_What's the easiest way to share files between a normal install and a VM install of Ubuntu?  Is it possible to scp between them?  if so, what IP do you use?07:17
edogzillaflannel: ok. can anyone here help me07:17
cellofellowWell, finally broke 30wpm and <3% error rate typing numbers.07:17
edogzillaall i wanna do is uninstall my third party nvidia graphics driver from the command line07:17
Flanneldumb_dumb: do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then see if you still get that error.07:18
JinglyThat's what she said.07:18
Xcelledogzilla--  i have to go..but here is a hint... in console  type envyng  it will ask you to install...then go from there..good nite and good luck07:19
Jinglyno u Xcell07:19
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest7223
edogzillacan someone tell me how to uninstall my nvidia graphics driver from the command line? I'm a noob and would really appreciate it plz?07:19
FlannelJingly: Please stop that.07:19
dumb_dumbis that mean i have to upgrade the distro version?07:19
JinglyNOOOOO!! :(07:19
JinglyI dunno.07:19
Flanneldumb_dumb: Nope07:19
JinglyThat's what she said.07:19
polo177<_stochastic_>: I set up a samba share folder to transfer files b/w VM machines & host Ubuntu.  Is that what you're asking?07:19
edogzillaxcell: i tried that. it in stalled but i dont have the slightest idea how to run it07:19
Shinuerm wtf07:20
ShinuFlannel: Did you kick him?07:20
FlannelShinu: I did.07:20
ShinuWhat kind of IRC server shows a kick as a part O_o07:20
_stochastic_polo177, well both of my OS (the virtual and the host) are versions of Ubuntu - I don't think Samba is the best way to go about that is it?07:20
lstarnesShinu: that was a /remove, not a /kick07:20
Shinuit stops kick on rejoiners right?07:21
kravlinFlannel: is it just me or have we been getting a lot more hecklers lately?07:21
lstarnesShinu: it's a rare feature used only on freenode and some other networks for forcing parts07:21
Xcelledogzilla--  then @ boot  go to recovery and re-do xserver with..  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:21
ShinuAh cool07:21
polo177_stochastic_, yeah, you're right my VMs are windows. I guess I don't know the best solution, but samba would work.07:21
lstarnesShinu: mainly to combat autorejoin or confuse the target07:21
Flannelkravlin: It ebbs and flows.  Spring break and all.07:21
dumb_dumbflannel i still got the same problems07:21
Shinuhaha nice ^^07:22
_stochastic_polo177, what's the IP address that you give Samba to latch onto?
edogzillaxcell: cool thx. that will remove the pesky driver?07:22
dumb_dumberror GPG07:23
lstarnesdumb_dumb: for medibuntu?07:23
Xcelledogzilla--  it will give you a choice of card allocation.. pick nvidia07:23
edogzillaxcell: ok, is there another step?07:23
dumb_dumbno i used ubuntu server 8.0407:23
Flanneldumb_dumb: That happens sometimes when theres some network issues.  It should go away on its own sometime soon (try again tomorrow)07:23
Flanneldumb_dumb: not network issues on your end.07:23
Xcelledogzilla--  just re-do the card.. keep the rest the same..07:24
edogzillaxcell: ok i will try that07:24
Xcelledogzilla--  should work07:24
dumb_dumbflannel : but my network it seems ok07:24
revalI just tried gentoo, lol. so thanks to all the people that have good attitudes and try to help others in this sort of channel07:24
dumb_dumbcould it be the firewall rules?07:25
Flanneldumb_dumb: Right, it has nothing to do with your network.  It has to do with some of the archive servers having issues and lagging a little.07:25
dumb_dumbso there`s nothing wrong with my ubuntu installation .07:25
Flanneldumb_dumb: correct.07:25
dumb_dumbsince i have try to re-install my server several times for these week07:27
dumb_dumband it seems that thing still occur07:27
ariqswhat's a good debugger/profiler for c++ programs for linux?07:27
Kartagisgood morning07:31
polo177_stochastic_: sorry I'm trying to remember (I think most of this was automatic when setting up the vmware), but the vm client sees my samba share through its public address, the one the rest of the computers see on my network07:31
Kartagiswhy does my xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot/restart X?07:32
_stochastic_polo177, okay thanks anyways I'll play around - it's good to know that it's at least feasible07:32
polo177_stochastic_: thats
polo177my question to the group is: how to resize a vmware image?  XP client on ubuntu 8.04 server.  I can't seem to find instructions online anywhere.07:34
Kartagispolo177, #vmware07:38
almark1Hello, I am using Ubuntu Hardy, I hear pop or click sounds in my audio, even since I installed a bunch of sound dev packages, I compiled ardour2.8, anyone know how to fix this? There was no pop until I compiled it.07:39
polo177<Kartagis> thanks, I'm logged on there too, but nobody's responding. figured I'd put my line out here too.  :)07:39
almark1I hear a pop sound every time I stop or start a sound.07:40
shahanhi, i was wondering if sed supports backreferences in ranges using patterns?07:40
chyeahi all. is there a command, or utility that scans the file system and removes broken sym links?07:40
_stochastic_almark1, is the poping happening while you're running ardour or throughout your ubuntu system (when jack is shutdown?)07:40
almark1the entire system07:40
almark1and when jack is shutdown07:40
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_stochastic_is it happening when jack is running?07:41
almark1It messes with my music creation, who knows what it would do to recording.07:41
almark1it happens when Jack is running and when jack isn't07:41
_stochastic_do you have the realtime kernel installed?  is that running?07:41
almark1I'm not using pulse, I don't have it installed, Yes realtime kernel is running fine.07:42
asdfqewrWill Safari run on Ubuntu?07:42
_stochastic_almark1, do the pops happen when you're not running the realtime kernel?07:42
almark1I don't know, how do I check that?07:42
almark1The pops didn't happen at all, till this, I thought all was fine, my system is like 1 month old, at least 64studio Hardy07:43
_stochastic_almark1, you need to reboot and at the time of boot press esc to get your grub menu, then select a non-RT kernel07:43
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prontohow do i mount a dvd via a network07:43
almark1Hope I have it, let me check my grub menu.1st07:43
west_andyis there a channel for ATI support with regards with dual monitors07:44
almark1would this be it ? title64 Studio, kernel 2.6.29-1-multimedia-686 (recovery mode)07:44
_stochastic_almark1, nope that's a 64studio install, not an Ubuntu install07:44
almark1Its ubuntu, Im using ubuntu hardy with 64studio07:45
_stochastic_furthermore that's a beta 64studio instal07:45
almark1yeah I know :)07:45
almark1works great, till this07:45
almark1I should have just left it alone, it was happy07:45
_stochastic_you should be asking around elsewhere07:45
almark1Ok, i'm off then thanks :)07:46
_stochastic_almark1, it may also be useful to know which packages you installed07:46
almark1I keep forgetting that I have a forum to go to.07:46
_stochastic_try pressing the up key in a terminal until you find that listing07:46
almark1Many, and they are in my bash_history too07:46
_stochastic_it'll help whoever ends up troubleshooting the issue07:47
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almark1maybe they have an issue with this in the forums, well thanks again. C-ya07:47
_stochastic_almark1, you could also find some help on the ubuntuforums.org's multimedia production section, I know that some people there use 64studio, but betas are always dangerous07:48
almark1Yeah they are, but thats the fun in em, you know what your getting, and I have read many times that 64studio even the beta 3 Im using is very stable.07:49
_stochastic_almark1, just so you know too (and I know you want to leave now) the 64studio kernel naming scheme lists the RT kernels with 'multimedia' as the identifier07:49
almark1Ah, I thought so07:49
almark1I don't have to leave, I'll stay07:49
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almark1I'm still here ya know ;)07:53
Guest53308hi all, any help with this error " error: missing terminating " character"; I'm using gcc-4.207:54
fakeerI have installed Jaunty Beta .. Suggest a nice and stable Download Manager with resume download support.. in vista I was using FDM ...07:55
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suma1what is the difference between ubuntu 8.04 and ubuntu 8.10?07:57
magnetronsuma1→ they are different versions of ubuntu. one is 6 months older07:58
suma1ubuntu 8.04 has any drawbacks compare to 8.1007:59
MjateznikHi all.07:59
magnetronsuma1→ it's older07:59
MjateznikI got a problem with my keyboard/flash. I can't press <left> and <up> at the same time, though I can press <right> & <up> at the same time.08:00
mrsteveman1suma1: 8.04 is stuck on kernel 2.6.24 and will be for quite a while08:00
mrsteveman1i don't think they backport hardware support08:00
mrsteveman1so whatever it supports right now out of the box is it, other than add-on drivers in the repos08:00
doleybsuma1: it's older and less stuff works, plus ubuntu 9.x is out this month, and its better08:00
mrsteveman1unless you have critical infrastructure or client machines running ubuntu theres little reason to stick with an LTS in most cases08:01
Titan8990doleyb, less stuff works?08:01
doleybTitan8990: yes, many things don't work in older versions.  even in 8.10 there are some pretty bad hardware incompats.08:03
doleybTitan8990: since its now been a Long time since 8.x release, it's getting bad.08:03
Titan8990doleyb, linux has always been best for older hardware08:04
Titan8990doleyb, and LTS releases follow ideas of other more stable distros such as debian such as patching instead of updating08:04
Titan8990doleyb, its because more stuff works08:04
Titan8990doleyb, "not bleeding edge" is what you are saying08:05
doleybTitan8990: No, I'm saying that standard baseline hardware won't minimally function.08:06
magnetrondoleyb→ there's 5 months since the last ubuntu release, 8.10. there will be a new version every six months, right on schedule.08:06
doleybmagnetron: Yeah, that's what I just said.08:06
Titan8990doleyb, standard baseline?08:06
doleybTitan8990: Do you know how often someone comes in here asking why his atheros isn't working?08:07
Titan8990doleyb, its not like the release of the 2.26.25 kernel magically made all hardware work08:07
Martyr2k6ugh, well I have my ubuntu customized the way I like it, but now I just want to get my vista working right08:07
jean-luchello, you know how i must do to try and an URL in shell ?08:08
Titan8990doleyb, because they are new to linux08:08
excess21i'm still pretty new to linux08:08
MocsGreetings all... having some problems getting DNS to work on new install of 8.4 server... tried the forums, anyone care to lend a hand?08:08
Martyr2k6as am I, hence why I wish to dual boot08:08
magnetronjean-luc→ you can use "wget" to download an URL in the shell08:08
takaohi, my new hardy install is using a restricted driver called "atheros hardware access layer(hAL)" but i dont have an atheros card, can i safely disable this?08:08
doleybjean-luc: wget or links (or lynx) or firefox or...08:09
magnetrontakao→ well, what card you have then?08:09
jean-lucthank but no, i want to know where is rmtp://
takaomagnetron, tp link08:09
MocsAnyone able to help with a DNS issue?08:10
jean-lucwhere is going rmtp://
magnetrontakao→ if ubuntu is *using* an atheros driver, only possibility is that there is an atheros hardware somewhere in the system. best is to let things be08:10
=== hASDhaQ_ is now known as Guest53568
magnetron!anyone | Mocs08:10
ubottuMocs: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:10
takaomagnetron, ok08:11
grawityMocs: Just tell us the actual problem and someone might answer.08:11
Mocsubottu: I did when I came in... no answer... I have no DNS, using DHCP... tried the forums... still no DNS08:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:11
Mocssheesh... I'm talking to a bot...08:11
=== carlos is now known as Guest96188
Martyr2k6allright peeps, so I have two hdd's in this box... I installed vista on one and ubuntu on the other, since I did this, I can no longer boot into vista, and I have no choice when I power on my comp to boot either into vista or ubuntu... HALP08:11
doleybMocs: You didn't ask a question.  All you said is "It doesn't work, can I ask?"08:12
doleybMocs: You'd want to explain in what manner it fails to work.08:12
crossbytesi thought this was user friendly .. u should not be so harsh on newbs..08:12
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Mocsdoleyb: oh, sorry... can anyone help me figure out why DNS isn't resolving?08:12
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Mocsdoleyb: I can access by IP, no resolution on names08:12
doleybMocs: What is the nature of your internet supplier?08:13
Guest96188hello can someone tell me about a guide for newbies please and when will be the 904 verssiom08:13
Mocsdoleyb: cable modem, comcast, but I tried to switch to opendns and it still isn't resolving08:13
sarmisakGuest96188: it's on the website, about 17 days later08:13
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doleybMocs: how did you switch?08:14
Martyr2k6no help?08:14
Guest96188sarmisak i have 810 how can i update to the 90408:14
doleybMartyr2k6: so it does ubuntu every time?08:14
Mocsdoleyb: followed the forums, changed /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf08:14
icenineMartyr2k6: http://www.google.com/search?q=dual%20boot%20linux08:14
Mocsprepend the DNS for opendns08:15
Martyr2k6dol, yep08:15
doleybMocs: after you get your internet running, check if /etc/resolv.conf looks good08:15
sarmisakGuest96188: pop a terminal window, type this; sudo update-manager -d08:15
Mocsdoleyb: net is running fine, can ping by ip08:16
Mocsone sec08:16
sarmisakGuest96188: you should see an option to upgrade08:16
Martyr2k6someone in here told me it would work fine if I formatted both hard drives, installed vista first on one, and then ubuntu afterwards on the other08:16
Kartagiswhy does my xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot/restart X?08:16
Guest96188sarmisak ill try thanks08:16
Guest96188sarmisak command not found08:16
doleybMartyr2k6: Maybe reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto will help you08:17
Mocsdoleyb: nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf was set to the router, so I tried changing that to the first ip of opendns... that didn't work either08:17
ariqswhat's the best debugger for linux?08:17
Guest96188ikonia hello how can i update to the 90408:18
DigitalKiwia skilled programmer08:18
Mocsdigital: beat me to it... though I would have said a big hammer08:18
Martyr2k6nope, no help there08:18
glitchddoes anyone happen to use arch linux?08:18
takaoglitchd, i'd imagine the peopel on #arch do08:19
glitchdmmk thx08:19
takao#archlinux maybe...08:19
doleybMocs: Normally the router supplied by comcast would perform dhcp server.08:19
doleybariqs: gdb is good.  also valgrind08:20
Mocsdoleyb: it is... for windows... for ubuntu I am getting no joy... dhcp is giving me a good ip, just no DNS08:21
roccity_Mocs, have you tried forcing in the opendns servers?08:21
doleybMocs: Ok, so you know your router ( is functional as a nameserver, so the problem is your ubuntu isn't using it properly.08:22
Mocsroccity: if I understand the forums, I modded /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to prepend them, no joy08:22
Mocsdoleyb: ayup... taht is about the size of it08:22
takaohi- i need to install wireless drivers with ndiswrapper but there are tons of files on the windwos cd -which ones am i supposed to instal?08:23
doleybMocs: if it can't get fixed here, maybe #networking will aid you.08:23
roccity_Mocs, have you tried dhclient?08:24
glitchdtakao, the were really no help08:24
roccity_Mocs, whats in your /etc/resolv.conf?08:24
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glitchdtakao, would this be a good place to try n find some help?08:25
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Mocs<Mocs> right now, /etc/resolv.conf looks like this08:25
Mocs<Mocs> search hsd1.fl.concast.net.08:25
Mocs<Mocs> #nameserver
Mocs<Mocs> nameserver
FloodBot1Mocs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:25
takaoglitchd, whats the  problem? lots of arch users on 4chan's /g/ but they are not so helpful...08:25
Mocshi mib08:26
roccity_Mocs, can you ping ip addresses and not host name?08:26
Mocsroc: exactly08:26
glitchdwell i had arch setup with gdm on my computer then i got a bunch of new computer stuff like no motherboard nd a whole host of other things08:26
mib_n0obmex8i wanna ask some thing08:26
glitchdtakao, now that i switched everything over i cant get it to start up08:27
roccity_moc what happens when you use your router gateway?08:27
takaoglitchd, what errors do you get?08:27
roccity_Mocs, for the nameserver08:27
Mocsroc: for the nameserver?  Nothing... no resolution, still ping by IP08:27
glitchdtakao, ill get the exactly wording in a sec08:28
glitchdtakao, failed to IDENTIFY (I/O error, err_mask=0x5)08:29
glitchdtakao,  then08:29
takaoglitchd, did you google it? does arch has some sort of recovery mode you can access?08:29
glitchdtakao,  its suppose to but it doesnt want to start up08:29
tv7497guys how do i check if my system has a built in blue tooth device  ?????08:29
takaoglitchd, is grub the bootloader?08:30
roccity_Mocs, in your resolv.conf file put in your router ip address then as root type "dhclient and what erver your interface"08:30
glitchdtakao, yes08:30
takaoglitchd, is there a recovery option in grub?08:30
glitchdtakao, ive even tried booting from a live cd nd nothing will work08:30
glitchdtakao,  yes there is08:30
glitchdtakao, should i try the recovery again?08:31
takaoglitchd, the recovery doesnt boot?08:31
takaoglitchd, what do you mean you tried livecd and it didnt work? the live cd doesnt boot?08:32
glitchdtakao, im goainnna restart it again nd try to login to the recovery ag08:32
glitchdtakao, it jus wouldnt boot08:32
takaoglitchd, 1st make sure your hardware is connected properly08:32
glitchdtakao, it jus went to a terminal type screen08:33
glitchdtakao, yes it all is08:33
takaoglitchd, you have knoppix ,what live cd you use?08:33
glitchdtakao, knoppix?08:33
takaoglitchd, knoppix = famous live cd...08:34
glitchdtakao, i have a new kubuntu cd08:34
Mocsok, modded dhclient back to the router, restarting network08:34
glitchdtakao, i dont have any other ones08:34
glickugh...not kubuntu08:34
takaoglitchd, what VGA card?08:34
glickkubuntu is aweful08:34
Mocser... modded resolv.conf, it is getting late... :(08:35
glitchdjus the standard one08:35
ikoniaGuest96188: can I help you ?08:36
glitchdtakao, its not a removable card08:36
takaoglitchd, standard?08:36
glitchdtakao, so i guess that would make it some sort of stabdard type one08:36
takaoglitchd, you said you got new hardware, if nothing boots on your system after the new hardware i would suspect its not set propely08:36
glitchdtakao, i do think ur right08:37
glitchdtakao, i dont know enough i think to properly explain this to u08:37
takaoglitchd, apart from arch,, you have anything else there? windows?08:38
glicki cant wait til jaunty08:38
glitchdtakao, no there is nothin else08:38
glickloooking forwad to jaunty08:38
glicki officially give up on kubuntu/kde for good08:38
glitchdtakao, like i said it a computer built from all new parts08:38
takaoglitchd, try another live cd- knoppix is good, you can also try bartPE (windows based), if nothing boots you have a hardware situation08:39
Mocsthanks all... roc got me going08:40
Mocsyeah roc!08:40
glitchdtakao, ok well ill do  what i can to get another cd08:40
mr_boois there a way i can see the name of the ethernet adapter driver in ubuntu?08:40
takaotakao, if there is no hardware problem then i try arch recovery mode, go into terminal and reconfigure X08:40
glitchdthx for the attempted help08:40
roccity_thats ok glad to help08:40
gerahello, I'm in need of some help with ubuntu updates08:40
mr_boogera: what's the issue?08:41
glitchdtakao, so if i go into terminal how would i go about reconfiguring X?08:41
geraI ran the updates from the balloon, then it got stuck at the acpi-support08:41
Mocsgera: THAT I can help with...08:41
glitchdtakao, is it simple?08:41
glitchdtakao, or is that what u needed the live cd for?08:41
geraso I restarted the system, and now I'm running from the desktop cd beacause I can;'t get in08:41
takaoglitchd, in ubuntu it is...i know nothing about arch, if you can boot into recovery mode you dont need alive CD08:42
mr_boogera: try disable apic in bios08:42
TheShahFactorI am running some installation script & I get some errors ..I dont think the script should contain them.Are some scripts OS specific? Like what runs for Red hat doesnt work for ubuntu08:42
glitchdok i guess ill jus try nd figure this out then08:42
gerathe new kernel gives me a panica error08:42
mr_boogera: i know08:42
mr_boogera: disable apic in bios08:43
glitchdtakao, thx again for all the help08:43
mr_boogera: is that can't be done you should add the string "-noapic" in the boot menu08:43
takaoglitched if #arch is not helpful, you might want to try /g/ on 4chan, they have many arch users there ,but the degree of helpfulness varies08:43
gerawell I'll try that, but if it doesn't work I'llbe bothering again in a copule hours08:43
unimatrix9where could i find the dell min 9 repo's with sightspeak video chat package? for ubuntu08:44
mr_boois there a way i can see the name of my ethernet adapter that is installed in my system?08:45
jamieleshawHello, how do i change hard disk permission?08:45
thecommutistmr_boo: use this command - lspci | grep ethernet08:45
mr_boothecommutist: it's an onboard ethernet adapter08:46
mr_boothecommutist: prolly pci though08:46
thecommutistjamieleshaw: right click > properties > permissions08:47
jamieleshawIt says i need to be oot.08:47
mr_boothecommutist: in fact, nothing was listed08:48
thecommutistjamieleshaw: run nautilus with root privileges - gksu nautilus08:49
mr_boothecommutist: but i got a IEEE 1394 firewire adapter listed08:49
thecommutistmr_boo: try - lspci | grep Ethernet (note the capital E)08:49
cosoalare you american?08:50
mr_boothecommutist: what a fool i am, many thanks08:50
thecommutistmr_boo: it's ok! i make the same mistake all the time! :-)08:50
emoXodushi can i get assistance using ndiswrapper plz!!!!!!08:51
linchanyone could explain to newbee in simple terms why there is no rules listed in iptables but my ssh is listenning to port 22 for a connection?08:51
thecommutistemoXodus: i'll try!08:52
emoXodusis anyone here?08:52
linchhere i ma08:52
thecommutistemoXodus: shoot! i'll try to help!08:53
emoXodusi guess not08:53
jamieleshawthecommutist: My Other question is how do i login as root?08:54
quibblerjamieleshaw-> you don't use sudo08:54
thecommutistjamieleshaw: r u running gnome or kde?08:54
lstarnesjamieleshaw: you shouldn't in most cases08:54
linchjamie, create a root account08:54
linchthat's the best way to log in as a root08:55
jamieleshawthecommutist: gnome08:55
linchno sudo after that08:55
quibblerlinch-> no that is extremely unsafe08:55
linchquibbler, no it's not08:55
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:55
jamieleshawI'm well awear it's unsafe.08:55
lstarneslinch: it is08:56
thecommutistthen u can go to Administration > Login Window > Remote tab > Allow local system administrator login, but i guess u'll have to create a root account before that08:56
linchare you taking about logging in from the net?08:56
lstarneslinch: from anywhere08:56
linchlstarnes, there is a difference08:56
lstarneslinch: a normally harmless command run as root can do a lot of damage08:56
linchif you are on your local machine doing some installation then go on and log in as a root08:57
linchno problem with that i guess08:57
lstarneslinch: it is still safer to use sudo08:57
quibblergaain i repeat making a root login is unsafe use sudo08:57
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:57
thecommutistjamieleshaw: just curious, what do u need a root login for?08:58
linchlstarnes, if you're paranoid, then yes08:58
jamieleshawNothing, I just wanted to know how for the knowledge of it.08:58
linchbut i wouldn't worry so much about 5 minutes being on the root account08:59
quibblerlinch->  do not give unsafe advice ...what you yourself wish to do is your business!08:59
linchqubbler, i stand corrected08:59
linchquibbler, back to my question though09:00
cloexhlwe stuck on a debatable point on ##linux so can somebody try to help us out here09:00
linchif you can explain to me teh question i've posed 4 minutes ago09:01
quibblerlinch-> repeat please09:01
ubuntu_nb_42ubuntu livecd in persistent mode with a 750 Mb casper-rw loopback file on a usb drive.  trying to install a 500 Mb app.  not sure i have enough room for it.  how to check?  how to get more space?  and why can't i access the usb drive directly anymore?09:01
cloexhlhave anybody tried using permisions on fat32 partitions?09:01
dalfzis there an easy way to upgrade a 32bit server install to 64bit?09:01
Titan8990ubuntu_nb_42, you can't install things on a livecd, you would essentially be installing it to your RAM09:02
thecommutistcloexhl: what's the issue?09:02
linchquibbler, it's about iptables rules; if there are no rules set --there all packets should be dropped-- right?09:02
Titan8990cloexhl, asking on different channels isn't going to make fat32 learn ACLs09:02
ubuntu_nb_42Titan8990: even with the "casper-rw" loopback file?  it doesn't give me "hd" space?09:02
linchi mean, the incoming packetes09:03
cloexhlTitan8990: if it worked with me, then there's something wrong09:03
Titan8990ubuntu_nb_42, don't know... check df -h09:03
cloexhlthecommutist: the question was about permissions on fat32 partitions09:03
cloexhlhave anybody besides me actually tried this?09:03
quibblerlinch-> i imagine it depends on how your firewall is set up09:03
Titan8990cloexhl, why not read some documentation on FAT32 instead of asking the same question over and over until you get the answer you want?09:04
thecommutistcloexhl: tried what? can u list the command?09:04
linchquibbler, let's just say it is like i said09:04
big_chillhi, whats the command to renew ip ?09:04
Titan8990big_chill, dhclient INTERFACE09:04
linchquibbler, so if that's the case why my sshd gets a connection from the outside?09:04
Titan8990big_chill, err with sudo:  sudo dhclient eth009:05
cloexhlthecommutist: chmod o-rwx /mnt/win_e/sensetivedata09:05
quibblerlinch-> port 22 is used to ssh login so I imagine it should be available09:05
linchquibbler, that i know09:05
ubuntu_nb_42is "rootfs" changed when using a "casper-rw" loopback file?  or is it using ram?09:06
cloexhlTitan8990: i already read and i see your point so iam trying to explain why it worked with me09:06
quibblerlinch-> so what is the problem09:06
linchquibbler, shouldn't it be a rule for that in iptables?09:06
linchquibbler, if i iptables -L -- there is nothing in there09:06
Firefishehow does one reset the kde desktop 4.x to defaults?09:07
thecommutistcloexhl: is that not supposed to work with fat32? why?09:07
big_chillTitan8990, thanks, i get no DHCPOFFERS - is that a router problem or ubuntu or either?09:07
gerahello, I cannot get into ubuntu, can someone help me?09:07
cloexhlthecommutist: so are you saying that it should work?09:07
doleybgera: What ubuntu do you want in?09:07
linchquibbler, i'm newbee, so forgive me for posing maybe a stupid question09:07
Titan8990thecommutist, fat32   A) has no concept of file permissions B) especially has no concept of unix permissions09:07
quibblerlinch-> i don't use ssh, so i 've never investigated ..itables  i configure with firestarter09:07
Titan8990cloexhl, hes saying he really knows nothing about it09:07
thecommutistTitan8990: how does it matters? as far linux is concerned, it's justt another device, isn't it? i could be wrong here!09:08
cloexhlTitan8990: you're talking about the general technical issue here, but i know that fat32 don't undergo unix permissions however my question is why did it work?09:08
cosoalCome from mobile hard disk copy of the things why I do not have permission prompt09:08
linchquibbler, got it09:09
cosoalwhile i make09:09
Unirgyis it me or youtube is down09:09
jamieleshawThanks For Your Help09:09
cloexhlTitan8990: and since linux deals with everything as files so why wouldn't it work?09:09
Titan8990cloexhl, I think you were mistaken09:09
grawitythecommutist: Permissions are stored in the disk's filesystem. If the filesystem is fat32, there is no place to store permissions.09:09
Heimdall@Unirgy i think its you =)09:09
linchquibbler, why do you use ubuntu, and not just debian lenny?09:09
dotchUnirgy, it's just you09:09
cosoalHow to resolve this problem09:10
UnirgyHeimdall: ok, it's not me, it's my computer :P09:10
linchcosoal, what problem?09:10
cloexhlok guys, let's get down to business, can anybody just grab a fat32 flash memory and try permissions with it?09:10
Titan8990thecommutist, linux could care less what the format is, and it will try to chmod it however, it won't work because it is not supported by the filesystem09:10
cosoal Come from mobile hard disk copy of the things why I do not have permission prompt09:10
quibblerlinch-> i have lenny in virtualbox and i look at it from time to time the last couple of weeks09:11
Unirgybut what would you think if you get this when you go http://www.youtube.com: Invalid URL | The requested URL "/", is invalid. | Reference #9.276b1160.1239005351.009:11
SpenceKidhey guys, i tried to open "Update Manager" to, well, update? and I got the following error:  E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:11
SpenceKidE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:11
Titan8990cloexhl, I have tried it, I have seen countless posts in ubuntu forums of people trying it.....a09:11
thecommutistgera: can u describe your problem in a bit more detail please?09:11
takaoSpenceKid, then run that command in terminal09:11
Unirgyon all browsers... but different computer shows fine09:11
Titan8990cloexhl, and in case your wandering, you also can not set unix permissions on a NTFS drive09:11
Titan8990cloexhl, even though it does have a concept of ACLs, it is not the same09:12
takaoSpenceKid, with sudo ...sudo dpkg  --configure -a09:12
geraanyone, I ran the upgrade from the balloon, it got stuck at acpi support (checking advanced power management level to 0xfe (254)) So irestarted the system, now I cannot get in [running from desktop cd]09:12
cosoal Come from mobile hard disk copy of the things. why I do not have permission prompt09:12
cosoalwho can help me09:12
takaogera, try to go to recovery mode09:12
SpenceKidalright, i did that.. "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place"09:12
geraalready tried that09:13
takaogera, and?09:13
linchdoes anyone of you guys have more than 3 monitors set up with ubuntu or debian, and if so, how it's done with debian?09:13
gerathe new kernel gives an error panic09:13
Titan8990gera, add acpi=off to your kernel line09:13
gerathe old one hangs with a black screen and a x09:13
thecommutistgera: do u get the grub screen at bootup?09:13
Titan8990gera, you can do it from the grub screen, just hit e to edit the section and add acpi=off to the end of the line that is begins with: kernel09:14
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cloexhlok everybody let me hey everybody let me switch to my mandriva box and i'll try it again maybe i was halucinating last time09:14
geraok, any kernel?09:14
geraor the old one?09:14
MikeHHow can I change the default editor for .php files for example under gnome/nautilus?09:14
thecommutistgera: try with the new one09:14
SpenceKidwhat does this mean? :W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278309:14
geraok thanks09:15
takaoSpence what version of ubuntu are you running?09:15
SpenceKidUbuntu 8.1009:16
cosoalme too09:16
takaoSpence look here :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu09:16
takaoSpenceKid, look at the add GPG key part09:16
quibblerMikeH-> right click on php file choose permissions-open with and set the editor you want09:17
emoXodusE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:17
emoXodusE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:17
emoXodus       help idk what to do this error popped up on my synaptics package manager09:17
grawityemoXodus: open Terminal, then run this command: sudo dpkg --configure -a09:17
emoXoduscan someone plz help09:17
cosoalwhich Download tools support ipv6?09:18
Heimdallopen up your terminal and type: sudo dpkg --configure -a09:18
emoXodusokay i will09:18
cosoalwhich Download tools support ipv6?09:18
grawity...why do I have a feeling that I am muted.09:18
emoXodusur not09:19
cosoalwhich Download tools support ipv6?09:19
emoXodusur not muted grawity09:19
thecommutistgrawity: lack of gravity, maybe! :-)09:19
yellabsany ekiga users willing to quick test?09:19
cosoalwhich Download tools support ipv6?09:19
cosoalwho can help me09:20
emoXoduscan i pm u grawity?09:20
SpenceKidtakao, thanks so much bro. i have only had Ubuntu for one day, and i accidentally formatted my HDD. today has been tough =/09:20
grawitycosoal: I think all of them should support IPv6 -- but only if the system itself has it enabled.09:20
grawityemoXodus: sure.09:20
cosoalit need a tracker...09:20
takaoSpenceKid, no worries, i accidentally formated many HDDs09:21
LimeBursti hate losses of memories09:21
LimeBurstin accidentally formatted hard disks09:21
LimeBurst: (09:21
SpenceKidhaha, aint it a bitch. many years of memories, lost. damn =/09:21
emoXodusgod this is killing me i havent slept since the install09:21
SpenceKidhaha, me either emoXodus09:22
yellabsLimeBurst, then install 9.04 ..:P09:22
SpenceKidabout 26 hours ago09:22
emoXodusthis is day 4 now09:22
takaoSpenceKid, there are tools that can rescue files from formatted discs09:22
nemoloLOAD [-e] /home/nemolo/Download/xdcc.client.pl09:22
grawity!pastebin > emoXodus09:22
ubottuemoXodus, please see my private message09:22
emoXodusis it any good?09:22
grokenwhen i use the arrow keys in jaunty, i get character codes like this: ^[[A09:22
LimeBurstwhats 9.0409:22
SpenceKidtakao, could you inform me more please?09:22
SpenceKidyes, lime?09:23
LimeBurstyou can recover almost all your data09:23
SpenceKidhow so?09:23
LimeBurstif you haven't written anything to it09:23
SpenceKidI only have 1 HDD and i formatted it installing Ubuntu, so idk? =/09:24
ariqshow do you accidentally format a hd?09:24
LimeBurstthe section of the HDD you installed ubuntu09:24
SpenceKidlol, not paying attention and trying to rush things09:24
LimeBurstcan not be recovered09:24
LimeBurstits like09:24
LimeBurstsay softwares like finaldata09:25
Titan8990ariqs, people select the "guided use full disk"09:25
toomaig'day to all09:25
Myrttimode -b Guest34677!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic09:25
SpenceKidalright, i'll look into that09:25
LimeBurstit can recover datas even if boot code and partition tables are destroyed09:25
toomaianyone experienced with alsa? I would like to find out what version is running (installed 1.0.18 with jaunty and used a script to install 1.0.19)09:25
SpenceKidthanks limeburst, i'll look into that, after some sleep09:26
LimeBurstyou're welcome09:26
SpenceKidalright, night all and thanks for the help!09:26
emoXodusokay ppl who wants to assist me in getting my wireless working?09:26
emoXodusnite spence kid09:26
takaoemoXodus, what card?09:27
toomaiemoXodus: tell us more09:27
doleybemoXodus: I bet you have atheros :(09:27
emoXodus_can i plz get assistance in getting my wireless card working?09:28
Tm_T!helpme | emoXodus_09:28
ubottuemoXodus_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience09:29
cloexhlok everybody i'm on my linux box now so let me do chmod u-wrx and see if i can access it09:29
takaoemoXodus, you will get no assistance until you tell us what card09:29
jootyou already got two people offer help09:29
cloexhli that fair enough?09:29
Nom-Hi all.  I'm having trouble with some 8.04 server hosts running under ESX Server - the network performance is sub 100Mbps, but some older Gutsy hosts are running at full speed.  Both have the latest VMware Tools installed, and as far as I can see it's not a VMware issue, since other guests are fine - it's only these Hardy VM's09:29
cloexhlchmod u-rwx sorry09:29
emoXodus_trendnet tew-623pi09:29
emoXodus_and ty09:29
dandreif I clic on a ftp:// link in thunderbird the link is not opened.09:31
dandreI have tried xdg-open ftp://... in a terminal and I have an error saying URL is not mounted09:31
dandreWhere is the error?09:32
emoXodus_okay i guess il start over.,.....09:32
emoXodus_hello all i am having trouble using my trendnet tew-623pi wireless adapter in ubuntu 8.1009:33
jootdandre, do you need to put http://???09:33
grawityjoot: it's ftp:// - not http://09:33
takaoemoXodus, read this : http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=967011&page=209:33
jootgrawity, ok I just asked09:33
dandreyes I must hendle ftp09:34
takaoemoXodus, read post number 1309:34
dandrefrom xdg-open man page it is said it can handle ftp links too09:34
emoXodus_okay i will ty09:34
cloexhlTitan8990: should i do chmod u-rwx /mnt/flash   or chmod u-rwx /dev/sda1    ?09:34
cloexhlwhich are the same09:35
cloexhli think09:35
SpenceKidhey, lime09:36
pwuertzhi, I'm having problems with my printer settings... for a single print job I once set transparent paper, duplex off and manual feed... and these settings are now frozen. No matter what Administration>Printers says, I can't modify the default printer settings. Even reinstalling the printer didn't purge the settings. Any ideas?09:36
cloexhlTitan8990:  believe me it works09:36
cloexhlTitan8990: my flash is called Gates so   [gates@dhcppc0 mnt]$ ls GATES/09:36
cloexhlls: GATES/: Permission denied09:36
Titan8990cloexhl, /mnt/flash is a directory on your unix filesytem09:37
jootdandre, Is this helpful??   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91143909:37
Titan8990cloexhl, now do a sub directory09:37
emoXodus_wow i was on that thread i guess i didnt read that far lol09:38
emoXodus_but thx09:38
emoXodus_takao if this works i will give you props on my thread09:38
LeviTheSmithI can't get my NTFS external HDD to mount09:39
LeviTheSmithany help?09:39
LeviTheSmithyes, NTFS09:39
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:40
on5sldoes anybody knows how you can watch a tty connection from somebody else on ubuntu server?09:40
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ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems09:41
jootLeviTheSmith, I installed ntfs 3g and it worked fine09:42
LeviTheSmithok then09:42
jootLeviTheSmith, But it is default on later distros I think...09:42
LeviTheSmithntfs-3g is already the newest version.09:42
LeviTheSmithyeah it still doesn't want to mount my HDD09:43
LeviTheSmithwhich is what I backed everything up to lol09:43
jootLeviTheSmith, Gah!!!09:43
TheShahFactorhow do I save the output of my ./install.sh script to a log file09:43
jootLeviTheSmith, Is it something simple like no power???09:44
Ubersoldat./install.sh >/tmp/log 2>&109:44
LeviTheSmithUmm no09:44
grawityTheShahFactor: ./install.sh >& install-log.txt09:44
LeviTheSmithit is plugged in and all. It just yells at me saying it is unclean09:44
grawityUbersoldat: I think the 2>&1 part should go before >/tmp/log :/09:44
LeviTheSmithi was going to plug it into my relatives pc and then ejecting it from windows but i had to go out09:45
jootLeviTheSmith, Unclean???09:45
LeviTheSmithnow i think i'll try it09:45
sandstromMy cron job wont run. It's placed in /etc/cron.d/, permissions -rw-r--r-- root root09:45
Ubersoldatyes, you are right09:45
dandreI'd prefer to set the ftp handle in gnome, not in thunderbird09:45
sandstromcontent: * * * * * apache2 /var/www/staging/scripts/jobs/MailQueue.php -e "staging"09:45
sandstromAnyone smart who know what might be wrong?09:45
sandstromWould appreciate any help.09:45
Rytmissandstrom: is MailQueue.php executable? Does it have a shebang line?09:46
TheShahFactorthanks a ton grawity & Ubersoldat09:46
sandstromRytmis: yes09:46
Ubersoldatsandstrom, try using apache2 full path09:46
sandstromI tried calling the script from the command line, and it works.09:46
grawityI thought cron jobs must be added using crontab -e ....09:46
Rytmissandstrom: wait, why are you invoking it via apache2?09:47
Rytmissandstrom: wouldn't php-cli do the trick too?09:47
htrejhhi, i know it is a security issue, but how can i launch sudo and give the password as option? (without sudoers)09:47
RytmisOr does the apache2 there stand for the user?09:48
* Rytmis doesn't remember crontab syntax to the letter09:48
RytmisAnyhoo, lunchtime -->09:48
sandstromRytmis: apache2 is the user09:48
sandstromroot is better?09:48
sandstromor perhaps I should use my own user?09:49
Ubersoldatsandstrom, can apache2 (user) read that script?09:49
Ubersoldatsandstrom, better yet, execute it09:50
carpii__is there a shell command to do rdns lookup?09:50
grawitycarpii__: 'host', 'dig', 'nslookup'09:50
grawitycarpii__: same as normal DNS lookups09:50
ijuzi can't find the bug in launchpad, does somebody else have a crashing apt-get in jaunty since last night?09:51
carpii__hm i tried dig but it didnt come back with any domain name09:51
carpii__ill try the others, thanks09:51
ijuz(the hardware is ok for sure)09:51
grawitycarpii__: try 'host', it's usually the simplest.09:51
carpii__got it, thanks :)09:51
ijuz(crashing as in segfault)09:51
sandstromUbersoldat: yes. It's owned by www-data and it can execute it. Changed the cron file to username www-data.09:52
Kartagiswhy does my xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot/restart X?09:55
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PepelargoHola a todos09:57
grokenwhen i type a long command into the jaunty server that i'm sshed into, i would expect the command to wrap to the next line but instead it ends up overwriting from the left edge of the same line so you have no way to read your command. similarly in vi, when i scroll the text, i get "artifacts" of characters from one line showing up on another line. how can i fix this?09:58
PepelargoCuando uso el Writer (Open Office), el cursor me va dejando estelas muy molestas cuando me muevo de caracter en caracter, o cuando voy escribiendo, Es muy molesto. Aluguien puede ayudarme por favor?09:58
htrejhhow can i use gksu but to login as sudo, not root?10:00
grawityhtrejh: gksudo ?10:01
htrejhno is root then10:01
ubuntu_nb_42Titan8990: thanks for the help... made progress.  gonna try a few more things.. will come back with more q's later, but OK for now.10:02
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:03
Titan8990!hi ActionParsnip10:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:04
Titan8990!hi | ActionParsnip10:04
ubottuActionParsnip: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:04
ActionParsnipnice one10:04
=== cloexhl is now known as ppp0
SpAcI've just installed the Jaunty beta but it doesn't seem to have installed a bootloader at all... the system wont boot10:07
matamouhi guys, does anyone know how to play .flv games on ubuntu 8) ?10:07
carpii__try booting into the livecd and apply grub ?10:08
checkersmatamou: .flv is a video extension10:08
matamouor .swf for that matter10:08
checkersload it in firefox10:08
SpAccarpii__: I've booted the live cd, can you point me in the right direction for the next steps?10:08
Ranakahflv = flash video10:08
matamouwell loading them in firefox doesnt work10:09
ActionParsnipmatamou: i think vlc plays it, mplayer can with codecs (afaik)10:09
checkershey all, I'm having problems with ubuntu. same issue with 8.10 and 9.04 where twinview + compiz shows only black on my primary screen. The secondary works fine, and I can see documents on the primary screen when I view expo view or anything, but it just stays blank normally10:09
=== eXz is now known as Riddick
checkersI've got a VGA and DVI monitor plugged into a nvidia board10:09
=== Riddick is now known as Mayo
matamouyep I know that they play .flv files, but I mean .flv and .swf Games10:10
Heimdall@metamou have you installed the adobe flashplugin for firefox ?10:10
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/10:10
carpii__i think he means downloadable binaries10:10
ActionParsnipyeah me too10:10
ActionParsniplet me see10:10
sandstromMy cron job wont run. It's placed in /etc/cron.d/, permissions -rw-r--r-- root root10:11
sandstromcontent: * * * * * apache2 /var/www/staging/scripts/jobs/MailQueue.php -e "staging"10:11
checkerswow... clicking on the primary monitor during this time really breaks it10:11
carpii__sandstrom, why wont it run?10:11
alazsandstrom: chmod +x ?10:11
checkersis it even possible to us apache like that sandstrom?10:11
ActionParsnipmatamou: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101389610:11
archmanIs there a google earth linux support channel?10:11
sandstromalaz: script permissions: -rwxrwx--- 1 www-data www-data 480 Apr  6 00:57 MailQueue.php10:12
carpii__apache2 is just the user account im guessing10:12
checkersisn't the user account www-data?10:12
sandstromreal content: * * * * * www-data /var/www/staging/scripts/jobs/MailQueue.php -e "staging"10:12
sandstromcheckers: yes. the real content is www-data. changed that an hour ago10:12
checkerssandstrom: is there a banghash line?10:12
carpii__whats in cron.log ?10:13
sandstromwhere is cron.log?10:13
* checkers suggests running it via php anyway10:13
=== serenity_ is now known as s3r3n1t7
ActionParsnip /var/log/cron10:13
SpAcI looked in /target/boot and there isn't even a grub directory10:13
=== Laruft|AFK is now known as Laruft
sandstrom-bash: /var/log/cron.log: No such file or directory10:14
grawitycheckers: it *is* being ran via php10:14
carpii__try looking in /var/log/messages10:14
ActionParsnipsandstrom: cd  /var/log/; sudo find -name cron*10:14
sandstromno cron in log10:14
Desenmates, i have a quite long issue after deleting Windows XP, formating all drives, recovering two of them and finally succesfully installing Ubuntu. Any volunteers ? Long text10:15
ActionParsnipit's in  /var/log/syslog10:16
Jimi_NeutralMorning all!10:16
sandstromActionParsnip: I have some entries, but nothing regarding this script.10:16
sandstromMust I do something to have the script placed in /etc/cron.d/ to run?10:16
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm10:17
ActionParsnipsandstrom: is what i used10:17
paul68Hi is there a specific channel for ruby on rails?10:18
alazsandstrom: did you give it a interpreter?10:18
sandstromalaz: like php /path/to/script?10:18
grawityalaz: the first line is #!/usr/bin/php - that should be enough.10:18
alazdoes cron support php scripts?10:19
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros10:19
sandstromActionParsnip: thanks! That first guide is what I read.10:19
grawityalaz: it should support anything that's executable.10:19
sandstromHow can I know that cron actually tries to read my script?10:21
simplexioalaz: maybe.. just run comman line interface  php ( i htink it was php_cli script.php)10:21
alazmake a bash script and see if that works10:22
alazecho it works > forsure.txt10:22
ChotaZBrasero keeps crashing when I try to make an audio CD, what to do=10:22
alazif a file gets created cron works ;)10:22
simplexiosandstrom: add debug stuff to scipt like touch /tmp/script.name.timestamp10:22
ariqsChotaz: no idea what it's crashing, but you could use growiso instead10:22
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros10:23
ActionParsnipNatanaiel: what program are you trying to initiate the download with?10:23
monostoneHello, I have a DVD+R I burnt from an iso image I generated via genisoimage with parameters -R and -dvd-video. It mounts and plays flawlessly on the computer I burnt it on, and on several other ubuntus as well as on windows and dvd players, but on my home ubuntu box it fails to mount giving the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145309/ .Any pointers as to the cause?10:23
alazNatanaiel: sounds like sketchy wireless drivers10:23
NatanaielActionParsnip: with firefox10:24
Natanaielalaz: no I have wire lan10:24
ActionParsnipmonostone: is it a SATA burner?10:25
eth01wired-LAN for your reference, not wire lan10:25
ActionParsnipNatanaiel: does it happen with other users on the same system?10:25
emoXodushey can i get some help with my synaptics package manager?10:25
alazNatanaiel: try turning off the networkmanager and configure the net in /etv/network/interfaces10:25
eth01wireless or wired?10:26
ActionParsnipmonostone: what is the output of uname -a  please10:26
monostoneActionParsnip: Linux iced-server 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Mon Jan 26 00:13:11 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux10:27
emoXodustesting what?10:27
threefca1airc in commandline10:27
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emoXodusah okay10:27
threefca1ai'm showing off this to my buddies10:27
emoXodusoh okay10:27
ActionParsnipmonostone: hardy I'm guessing?10:27
emoXodusyou good at ubuntu?10:27
enpirescan somebody help me with a booting problem?10:27
emoXodusdo you think u can help me?10:28
threefca1alet me try10:28
emoXodusor atleast try10:28
threefca1awhat's your problem10:28
emoXoduscan i pvp u10:28
emoXodustheres alott of txt10:28
monostoneActionParsnip: yes10:28
enpiresHello!!! can somebody help me with a booting problem?10:29
doleybenpires: Yes someone can, ask your problem.10:29
enpiresnono maybe i solved just now :P10:29
monostoneActionParsnip: and the dvd plays perfectly on dvd-rom drives, so i don't see the issue unless my home box's dvd has a problem or i need to mount the dvd in some special way, but that would be strange since I am using the same distro 8.04 on all boxes and I haven't changed default settings in fstab10:29
matamouActionParnsnip: thansk10:30
ActionParsnipmonostone: from what i've read a newer kernel sorts it out10:30
matamouthanks* :P10:30
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore10:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bin10:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:32
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash10:32
monostoneActionParsnip: i could try that, any other possibilities? Are there any issues you might know about with certain drives having problems reading dvd+r/-r discs?10:32
ActionParsnipmonostone: should be ok, have you tried telling something like vlc or mplayer to read the disk raw rather than attempt to mount it10:33
monostoneActionParsnip: good idea, ill give videolan a shot right now10:33
TheShahFactorcan i run a red hat specific script on Ubuntu10:36
TheShahFactorby any means10:36
ppp0how can i save and exit vi and how can i exit without saving?10:37
grawityppp0: I think exit without saving is :q!  and save is :w10:38
magnetronppp0→ first of all, use vim instead of vi10:38
brutusppp0, save and exit is :wq10:38
TheShahFactorppp0 :wq - write and quit10:38
magnetronppp0→ "save and exit" = ":wq"10:38
error404notfoundI get "update-menus[23401]: Script /etc/menu-methods/translate_menus returned error status 1." on every installation/updation, any idea how can I fix this?10:38
ActionParsnipjust use nano, ctrl + x, y, enter10:38
grawityActionParsnip: but first, he needs to get out of vi :)10:39
ppp0so how can i exit without saving?10:39
TheShahFactorppp0 :q10:39
grawityppp0: :q! to exit without saving, :wq to save and exit.10:39
ActionParsnipgrawity: close the terminal, or tab10:39
ActionParsnipas long as the file has been saved10:40
grawityActionParsnip: ...and we already told him to use :q! and :wq for that.10:40
canuck1anyone here on the west coast?10:40
canuck1there is something strange in the sky over the pacific ocean10:41
may0Hey Guys10:41
canuck1it looks like a straight line of light10:41
may0Hey Guys, I'm new just wanted to say hi.10:41
vikrantwhat is the equivalent of whatprovides for apt-get10:41
oCean_canuck1: this is ubuntu support, don't start offtopci discussions.10:41
vikrantanyone? what is the equivalent of whatprovides for apt-get ?10:42
jamieleshawHello, Is there a way i can test for compatibilty for new latops before buyiing one?10:42
ikoniajamieleshaw: check out the HCL against the hardware in the laptop you want to buy10:43
vikranttry the live cd10:43
ikoniajamieleshaw: if possible go to your shop with a liveCD and try to boot it10:43
ActionParsnipvikrant: apt-file10:43
ActionParsnipvikrant: to see what files are in what packages10:44
jamieleshawWhat is HCL?10:44
DarnoQhello, I get following error when compiling, any suggestion how to deal with it would be appreciated  /usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to __open_missing_mode declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments10:44
vikranthardware compatibility list10:44
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:44
jamieleshawThanks For Your Help10:44
vikrantwhts the release date for  ubuntu 9.X10:45
oCean_vikrant: april 23rd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule10:46
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monostoneActionParsnip: no luck, my system reads it as a blank DVD+R disc. Im getting the feeling it has something to do with my device. Im looking into it10:46
vikrantis a fresh upgrade recomment over an apt-get upgrade10:47
doleybmonostone: What was the burning speed?  Consider reburning at 1x10:47
Titan8990vikrant, it depends10:47
Titan8990vikrant, and you upgrading to a new version or just upgrading packages?10:48
vikrantdo version upgrades using apt-get still break things10:48
vikrantnew version10:48
mnemovikrant: can you ask your question again? I just join the channel10:48
steffenhey guys, is it possible to play a first person shooter game if my GFX driver isent installed?10:48
Titan8990vikrant, fresh install is recommended10:48
vikrantdo version upgrades using apt-get still break things10:48
Titan8990vikrant, many people upgrade successfully though10:48
Titan8990vikrant, but this is why I push the idea of a /home partition10:49
mnemoSteffen: do you have ATI or NVIDIA?10:49
vikrantcan Ubuntu and Fedora share a common /home?10:49
aa_um, help :)10:49
steffenmnemo: i got a ATI radeon 9200Se10:49
mnemoaa_: ??10:49
aa_I have inherited a box with a firewall10:50
Titan8990vikrant, they can, I would highly advise against it10:50
aa_but I can't find any running iptables or anything, is it in the kernel?10:50
mnemosteffen: then I think you should try the out-of-the-box open source driver10:50
vikrantdoes the /boot partition have to be on a primary partition ?10:50
aa_I know there is an firewall on the box, but ps, shows nothing running that looks like a firewall10:50
steffenmnemo: how do i do that ?10:50
aa_mnemo: sorry, I was being silly10:50
s3r3n1t7aa_, iptables ?10:51
vertxaa_: type sudo /sbin/iptables -L10:51
Titan8990vikrant, no, it can be chainloaded to an extended partition10:51
Titan8990vikrant, it saves some hassle10:51
aa_vertx: yes, loads of stuff in there, so I am running iptables?10:51
vikrantcuz that wld restrict me to just 4 linux distros10:51
vikranteach primary for boot10:51
Titan8990aa_, its called netfilter, its not a process, its part of the kernel10:51
mnemosteffen: thats what you have when you install ubuntu by default... so just try to launch the game... if you get good FPS etc then dont install any other driver10:51
vertxaa_: yes you are10:51
chronographeris it not possible to make a fs with gparted on a lvm volume?10:51
Titan8990aa_, iptables is a front-end for netfilter10:52
koshariis there an app in ubuntu to backup a complete website with local links ect? possably a firefox addon?10:52
aa_ok, my next problem is that the iptables script is generated using fwbuilder? but there is no gui on the box, so should I modify the fwbuilder xml file and run *something* to compile it, then restart iptables?10:52
Titan8990vikrant, you only need 1 boot partition10:52
Titan8990vikrant, for as many linux distros as you want10:52
vertxaa_ : remove with sudo iptables -F; iptables -X ; iptables -Z10:52
vikranti read sharing /boot is not recommended10:52
Titan8990vikrant, that something that it is very recommended to share....10:52
ikoniaaa_: use fwbuilder on a box with a gui10:52
ikoniaaa_: fwbuilder can move rules onto machines remotley10:53
vikranta yum update /apt-get update wld break the kernels10:53
aa_ikonia: ok, so I can edit in the gui, compile to the real iptables script then push to the server then what?10:53
vikrantit wldnt knw which one to look for to upgrade10:53
ikoniaaa_: pretty much10:53
Titan8990vikrant, it wouldn't break the kernels10:53
aa_ikonia: yes, but what is the last step?10:53
Titan8990vikrant, it may incorrectly write your menu.lst though10:53
ikoniavikrant: a shared /boot is the only real way to manage a multiboot linux system10:53
steffenmnemo: allright cheers10:53
aa_ikonia: restart iptables?10:54
ikoniaaa_: then start the iptables daemon with the rules you've pushed10:54
aa_ok thanks10:54
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aa_wherabouts is netfilter/iptables configured to say where it reads its script from on startup?10:54
Titan8990aa_, its configured via the iptables command10:55
aa_so this is not a traditional /etc/init.d thing going on? and how would it know on startup?10:55
Titan8990aa_, it has really good documentation too... let me grab it10:55
aa_Titan8990: ok, great, thanks10:56
Titan8990aa_, its built in to the kernel, things in /etc/init.d are in userspace10:56
monostonedoleyb: i will try that and upgrading my kernel as suggested, but i feel the kernel is not really the problem and if burning at a lower speed DOES make it readable on my home box, i definitely have to upgrade my drive :P10:57
bullgard4[GNOME] System > Administration > Network Tools > 'Lookup' > Network address=www.belug.de > Information type=Default Information prints: "Adress Type=IN". What does mean 'IN'?10:57
vikrantsudo apt-file update - is taking awefully long........10:57
Titan8990aa_, http://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html10:57
Titan8990!ufw | aa_10:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw10:57
Desenissue no1: i have 3 partitions: C (10 GB), D (135 GB) and E (6 GB). I had Windows XP installed on C and needed to get rid of it. Since i couldn't get my hands on a XP installation CD so i can format C, i used a Windows 2000 SP 2 one. All went good, detected properly all 3 drives and after i selected the C partition followed by the format command, it started formatting the entire hard disk.10:57
cooldduuuddeeverytime someone talks so dirty i tend to think it's a fake profile10:57
DesenWith Hiren's Tools i managed to recover the partition tables + data from D, E drives and running Ubuntu Hardy Heron Live CD i have chopped C in two: ext2 and a "swap" of 1.6 GB.10:57
DesenInstallation went succesfull, but after i logged on Ubuntu, recognized only the E partition. How can i, using Ubuntu, recover the entire D drive ?10:57
Titan8990aa_, there is another less complicated (but also less powerful) frontend to netfilter/iptables called ufw, you may want to look in to that10:57
Titan8990Desen, that is not how devices are named in linux10:58
aa_Titan8990: ok thanks10:59
Titan8990Desen, and you should be aware that Hiren's is pirated software10:59
aa_for now, trying to work out how the dude hooked in the fwbuilder-generated script into iptables10:59
Deseni didnt know that, i am newbie regarding working with/in Ubuntu10:59
aa_something must happen at boot-time to tell it to readipt I think10:59
wtvhello!! my sound isn't working when i enable ALSA. OSS works, but i find it primitive as only one application can be used at a time. can i reset ALSA or something?11:00
mr_boocould someone send a memo to gera and tell him to try the "-noapic" option11:00
DesenTitan8990, how can i recover the big partition (D) and its data ?11:00
mr_boohe couldn't disable apic in his bois11:00
Titan8990Desen, restore from your most recent backup11:01
vikrantDesen: which fs was it11:01
Slart!info testdisk11:01
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB11:01
vikrantis it true it much harder to recover date frm ext*11:01
vikrantv/s vfat11:02
Titan8990vikrant, don't know, everyone should have backups anyways11:02
Slartvikrant: I think journaling file systems might be more complicated.. not sure about ext2 vs fat11:02
Titan8990Desen, you might have better luck with #windows since you are trying to recover a windows partition11:03
vikrantyes Titan899011:03
DesenTitan8990, don't want to turn back to windows11:03
Desenvikrant, the D partition was formatted using NTFS11:04
Titan8990Desen, then why the need to recover it?11:04
zealiodafter 4 days of hacking with iptables... i got i all working - then, i rebooted the linux box - i rerun my iptables sh script - and suddenly the forward.masquerading rules don't appear to be working... what could i have done? http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=254711:04
Natanaieldoes ubuntu have net.eth0 package or it only has Network manager?11:04
Titan8990Natanaiel, net.eth0... like the init script for gentoo?11:05
DesenTitan8990 on D i have 130 GB of documentaries, music, work documents, pictures and other priceless data11:05
Titan8990Desen, that really should have been backed up11:05
NatanaielTitan8990: yes11:06
Titan8990Desen, I would recommend refraining from using the computer and the drive until you have an effective strategy for recovery11:06
vikrantDesen: my experice recovering windows filesystems is that its much much more effective and easier to do it frm a windows machine11:06
spaceninjaI need javasupport for my browser, which package should I install?11:06
Titan8990Natanaiel, the equivalent in debian is /etc/init.d/networking11:06
Slart!java | spaceninja11:06
ubottuspaceninja: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:06
Titan8990Natanaiel, and it reads from /etc/network/interfaces11:06
Titan8990Natanaiel, it doesn't use seperate init scripts like gentoo it just uses the config file to specify the interfaces11:07
spaceninjatoo much hassle11:07
savvasdoes anyone know how to limit games to be available only for some accounts on Ubuntu?11:07
Natanaielok, tnx Titan899011:07
Titan8990spaceninja, too much hassle? you add a repo and install....11:08
emoXodushi i have an "unknown" wireless card which i found in "network tools" how can i make it a known device?11:08
zealiodNatanaiel: was that message for me?11:08
Natanaielzealiod: which message?11:09
zealiodNatanaiel: obviously not...11:09
emoXoduscan i plz pm someone that has experience with ubuntu and networking?11:11
wtvanyone knows how to reset ALSA? i reinstalled alsa-base and other packages but doesn't help.11:11
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emoXoduswtv, uninstall and reinstall ALSA11:14
emoXodusit should reset afterwards11:14
wtvemoXodus: i did a 'reinstall' in synaptic11:14
emoXodusidk than im quite a noob11:15
wtvemoXodus: i know lol11:15
emoXodusatleast i tried to help11:15
emoXoduswtv, think you can help me real quick and il try to help you back?11:17
wtvemoXodus: i don't know much about networkin11:17
emoXodusoh okay...11:17
Kartagiswhy does my xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot/restart X?11:18
emoXodusgoogle it Kartagis11:18
wtvemoXodus: you can try asking on ubuntuforums11:18
emoXodusi have11:18
wtvthen try linuxforums11:18
emoXodusi also found one for the exact problem and i didnt work11:19
wtvbut i think ubuntuforums is bigger, so linuxforum won't be of much use11:19
emoXodusi tried everything11:19
G-Bleezyby default..is Ubuntu installed with EXT2 filesystem or EXT3??11:19
wtvemoXodus: #networking11:20
emoXoduswtv, whats that?11:20
grawityemoXodus: an IRC channel11:20
wtvemoXodus: also #cisco-offtopic11:20
vido_hi how can i register my nick nam11:20
emoXodusoh how do i use it11:20
grawityemoXodus: type /join #networking11:20
wtvemoXodus: just the way you use #ubuntu11:21
emoXodusoh okay cool ty11:21
emoXodusil check it out11:21
pmjdebruijnhi, my laptop has an accelerometer for protecting the harddrive, it's detected as a HID device... However, does Ubuntu do anything with it, to actually protect my drive?11:21
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vido_hi how can i register my nick name11:22
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grawitypmjdebruijn: I guess the laptop's BIOS should do the protection...11:22
grawityvido_: ask in #freenode.11:22
mrpinkyhey, how can i play a WMV file on ubuntu? i tried using totem, but it never starts playing (stays at 0:00), and i tried using VLC - the sound works well but there is no picture :(11:22
pmjdebruijngrawity: I think userland software is required... hmm, maybe hdaps will work?11:22
axsd9dmrpinky: maybe the file is corrupted11:23
axsd9dvlc plays it fine11:24
mrpinkyaxsd9d, okay, i will check, thanks :D11:24
emoXodusyeah wmv works fine with me11:25
manguy_Is it possible to give certain set permissions to all files that are created in a certain folder?  I want to ensure that files uploaded by users are set with read permissions.11:25
magnetronQUESTION: I accidentaly hid the buddy icon for one of my contacts in Pidgin. how do i get it back?11:28
emoXodusmagnetron, try accidently unhiding it11:29
magnetronemoXodus→ ok, how?11:29
magnetron!lol > emoXodus11:29
ubottuemoXodus, please see my private message11:29
emoXodusim messin wit u11:30
magnetron!u > emoXodus11:30
ubottuemoXodus, please see my private message11:30
wtvmagnetron: try Buddies> show > check all11:30
emoXodusthe ubotto doesnt like me today11:31
magnetronwtv→ i see the buddy. it's the *icon* for that buddy that i hid11:31
magnetronwtv→ you know, those photos people set in their client11:31
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wtvmagnetron: if you don't find any solution, here's the ultimate onee: delete .purple from your home folder11:34
grawitywtv: that would be a little too much, I think.11:34
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wtvgrawity: i know11:35
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emoXodusgod i wish i could sleep11:35
wtvmagnetron: if you want to preserve logs, you can spare the 'logs' folder11:35
magnetronwtv→ i don't keep logs.11:35
wtvmagnetron: ok then if you delete it you just have to reconfigure your accounts etc. all the plugins will remain, but will be reset too.11:37
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros11:37
grawitywtv: just prefs.xml ?11:37
emoXodusanyone got insomnia tips?11:38
magnetronemoXodus→ 1. turn your computer off11:39
brutusemoXodus, sleeping pills?11:39
emoXodusi tried 3 times11:39
axsd9dmasturbate 2 times back 2 back11:39
wtvgrawity: may be that could work as well, but as I see it, it seems to contain the prefs of plugins11:39
emoXodusoh god11:39
brutusgr8, hey11:39
wtvplease don't pollute this channel and stick to the topic11:39
emoXodusto be honest i tried the masturbation already11:39
gr8how can i install windows software in linux11:39
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:39
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros11:40
brutusActionParsnip, yo^cube11:40
ActionParsnipgr8: wine is a good solution, not all apps run11:40
ActionParsnip!appdb | gr811:40
ubottugr8: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:40
emoXodusis there a wine substitute?11:40
ActionParsnipgr8: best  bet is to find a linux equivelant11:40
wtvemoXodus: if you looking for offtopic discussions, join ##club-ubuntu11:40
ActionParsnipemoXodus: crossoveroffice or cedega (both are not free like beer)11:40
emoXodusok cool ty11:41
hateballHmm, anyone familiar with fail2ban? I'm curious about it's syntax for ignoring stuff... Could I use 172.20.*, or does it want ?11:41
ActionParsnip1hi | bredoto11:42
ActionParsnip!hi | bredoto11:42
ubottubredoto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:42
magnetronhateball→ it bans based on failed attempts. i've never needed to list any IP adresses explicitly, fail2ban blocks offenders automatically11:42
bredotodoes anybody know how to extract only some files from tar.gz archive?11:42
hateballmagnetron╶ I need to disable certain internal adresses11:42
=== tuxforce is now known as Pungus
Kartagisbredoto, tar zxf file.tar.gz file11:42
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros11:43
magnetronhateball→ hold on, installing and reading man pages11:43
ActionParsnipbredoto: tar xvf *.jpg somefile.tar    will extract all jpg files from somefile.tar to the pwd11:43
hateballmagnetron╶ I think it's x.x.x.x/ or whatever11:44
Joyce_My client and remove servers are not running ubuntu. But still, can someone here help me with setting up ssh login without password?11:44
ActionParsnipbredoto: if its zipped use tar zxvf *.jpg somefile.tar.gz   (replace the filename with the name of your archive)11:44
KartagisActionParsnip, isn't it the other way? ie tar zxf somefile.tar .z *.jpg11:45
ActionParsnipJoyce_: you will need to install an ssh server first (ubuntu can use openssh-server which has X forwarding enabled by default)11:45
gr8what can i use the email client in linux for all email accounts11:45
ActionParsnipKartagis: i got it from this: http://lantech.geekvenue.net/chucktips/jason/chuck/994016279/index_html11:45
ActionParsnipgr8: kmail, mutt, alpine, thunderbird, evolution11:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about email11:46
NoTiTolow all!11:46
Joyce_ActionParsnip : I have done everything and can login with password. But public key authentication is not working11:46
ActionParsnip!hi | NoTiTo11:46
ubottuNoTiTo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:46
ActionParsnipJoyce_: what server are you using?11:46
Kartagisgr8, use thunderbird11:46
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros11:47
Joyce_my server is MacOSX and client is CentOS11:47
ActionParsnipJoyce_: then ask in a mac room on how to copy the key to your centos system11:47
magnetronhateball→ default config file states it uses "CIDR masks", that's or similar11:47
ActionParsnipJoyce_: you'll also need to ask in #centos for where to put the key in your filesystem11:47
Joyce_I tried macosx and linux rooms. But nobody could help me solve it :(11:48
wtvmy sound isn't working when i enable ALSA. OSS works, but i find it primitive as only one application can be used at a time. can i reset ALSA or something?11:48
Joyce_This is what I am getting when I try to connect11:48
ActionParsnipJoyce_: its offtopic for this channel11:48
ActionParsnipJoyce_: could try in #ubuntu-offtopic11:48
hateballmagnetron╶ hmm alright :)11:48
wtvmy right mouse button isn't working. any ideas?11:53
ActionParsnipwtv: are you running compiz?11:54
wtvok I'll try disabling it11:54
ActionParsnipwtv: i'd jump in #compiz, it breaks stuff like that11:54
ActionParsnipif it works after the disable, we know what it is :)11:54
Natanaielwhen I want to start download my network become disconnect, I only have this problem in ubuntu, not windows or other linux distros11:55
wtvActionParsnip: it doesn't :( i used metacity --replace as command11:55
ActionParsnipwtv: ok if you run xev in a terminal and right click in the little white box, does it create events?11:56
Xiaopi[work]Does anybody have newzbin account and can send invitation? :)11:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:56
Xiaopi[work]sorry ;)11:57
wtvActionParsnip: you mean i execute 'xev' in terminal? nothing appeared11:57
dark-lilbennyhi everybody11:57
dark-lilbennyi'm running ubuntu 8.10 on a toshiba M800 laptop and i can't use internal bluetooth so have someone experienced this issue?11:58
ActionParsnipwtv: try typing on the keyboard with terminal highlighted11:58
wtvActionParsnip: ok it did. nothing happens when i click right mouse button. left one works11:58
ActionParsnipwtv: sounds like mouse settings are wonky then, if xev isnt reacting to the click then no input is being registered11:59
ActionParsnip!mouse | wtv11:59
ubottuwtv: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:59
scusercan I compile gcc-3.2 sources using gcc-3.4 compiler ?11:59
SliderManhow do i set up screenserver?11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver11:59
wtvActionParsnip: it worked till a couple of days before11:59
SliderMan!screen saver12:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screen saver12:00
SliderManubottu dosent know anything about screen savers =\12:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:00
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:00
palmjeSliderMan: try looking at System->Preferences->Screensaver12:01
ActionParsnipSliderMan: here's some12:01
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ben34Hi is the a terminal command to switch to a specific program in ubuntu12:03
dark-lilbennydoes someone know how to turn internal bluetooth on on a toshiba M800 laptop?12:04
championboxeson my laptop i have to press the fn key andt then f9 it might be the same for you12:05
Jimi_Neutralyeah mine is fn and f1112:05
dark-lilbennychampionboxes: you have toshiba M800-10V laptop?12:06
championboxesno but i have a laptop with internal bluetooth12:06
merseylessyou might have misunderstood the question12:07
paleis there any way to speed up suspend, i takes about 1 minute to activate, is this normal or???12:08
merseylessdescribe suspend... hard drive suspend?12:08
dark-lilbennychampionboxes: theorically i've to press fn+f8 to activate bluetooth on vista, but on ubuntu nothing happens12:09
dark-lilbennyand the other FN fucntions work properly12:09
merseyless1 sec...12:09
bonhofferever since changing my xorg.conf i have noticed that my ubuntu 8.10 can slow _way_ down, where i have to wait a full minute to switch bet apps12:09
palei font thing it is noraml12:09
dkearnsMorning all12:09
merseylessfirst off, did you do some sifting around in the settings, pale?12:10
palemerseyless, no nothing12:10
merseylessas of it would probably be under power saving12:10
zilleplusi got this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/123773)  on my server ubuntu 8.10 i can't get it fixed trying for weeks allready12:10
dkearnswhen someone has a second, have a very basic problem with installing :)12:10
merseylessgive me a second to look myself12:10
palemerseyless, ok , waiting12:11
zilleplusi got this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/123773)  on my server ubuntu 8.10 i can't get it fixed trying for weeks allready12:11
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sipiordkearns: easiest if you just ask your question to the channel directly :-)12:11
palemerseyless, this happens on notebook12:12
merseylesswait, explain...12:12
merseylessthe hard drive suspends itself when you run notebook!?!12:13
dkearnsThanks :), trying to install server edition on a box here. - getting unable to mount cdrom, i installed fine onto a vm box using image, physical seems to fall over12:13
zilleplushey when i do ifconfig -a i can't see the top of it how do i (scroll) up    i ame in ubuntu server 8.1012:13
palemerseyless, no NO, , when i want suspend it takes lnger than usualy on windows12:13
zilleplus hey when i do ifconfig -a i can't see the top of it how do i (scroll) up    i ame in ubuntu server 8.1012:13
palemerseyless, do you understund me12:14
merseyless*dawning comprehension*12:14
grawityzilleplus: ifconfig -a | more12:14
sipiordkearns: probably a problem with the burn process. might be necessary to make another.12:14
sipiordkearns: you don't even get to the installer menu? there's an option to verify the disk itself.12:14
merseylessbtw im doing a bit of stalling cus my ubuno is booting12:15
dkearnsive tried 4 cds now, burnt on 3 drives. Im just re-downloading the image now incase something quirky happened12:15
zilleplus<grawity> zilleplus: ifconfig -a | more     how do i enter  " |  " on an azerty keybord12:15
sipiordkearns: interesting. how far do you get in the installation procedure? the system just fails to come up at all?12:15
palemerseyless, maybe killing process isnt fast enough12:16
dkearnslanguage appears, english, install server edition, detecting hardware, unable to mount cdrom, retry yes/no - yes gives same error, no gives red screen and back to the steps for install menu12:16
sipiordkearns: are you given an option to verify the install disk? also, does a regular "desktop" install work?12:17
wtvsipior: there's an option to do that when you boot from the disc12:17
dkearnsRegular desktop did install, im just rebooting box now to check for validate disc *hangs head in shame*12:18
zilleplusThanks grawity it work     using ASCI-code for |12:18
sipiorwtv: yes, i know. that's why i'm asking if they have got that far...12:18
grawityzilleplus: I think there should be a | symbol on the 6 key, above T and Y12:18
dkearnsCheck disc for defects, auto detects hardware, then pops up the unable tomount cd rom error again (in text mode)12:18
dkearnsiso just finished re-downloading, am burning now incase defect occoured there12:19
zilleplusi found it thanks12:19
sipiordkearns: very bizarre. might just be easiest to install the desktop edition and remove everything you don't want.12:19
SliderManpalmje thanks. it was a blank screen before, really annoying.12:20
merseylesskilling the process??? im thinking the problem is in the timing in the settings...12:20
dkearns:) Good plan, is there any easy way to add in the parts i want? or shall i just ap-get what i need as i need?12:21
dkearnsits intended to be a freenac box12:21
dkearnsBeing in this again makes me want to go find my old mud! - but thanks for the ideas :)12:22
sipiordkearns: the only real difference is in the default kernel that is used, and the default set of installed packages. you can indeed grab anything you like via apt-get.12:22
palemerseyless, where can i change timing12:22
SliderMananyone know a building game hmm setllers like?12:22
merseylessdont think you can12:22
SliderMan!games > sliderman12:22
ubottuSliderMan, please see my private message12:22
merseylessdamn did i wast your time12:22
palemerseyless, not at all, why are you thinking like that, i aprecciated your answer whatever it was12:23
dkearnsok thanks! my box at home runs mandrake 10, and im really liking what ive seen so far so if i can get running with my server apps i'll look forward to rolling over to this, much nicer/faster/stable12:23
palemerseyless, thx anyway12:24
palemerseyless, just one more qustion12:24
chronographerhi. I am setting up LVM for my media, but when I reboot I get an error, and end up having to run vgchange -a y after I have booted in order to mount the partition... any clues as to why?12:25
palecould yoou tray on you computer "suspend" and tell me how much time does it take12:25
* I`hate`BSD this place smells good12:26
merseyless... somehow i dont think i have a suspend button...12:26
dkclI'm just here to warn you that I`hate`BSD has been trolling in our channel for a few hours.12:27
dkclHave fun.12:27
palemerseyless, maybe invoking in terminal "suspend "12:27
xargonhey im wondering if there are any good stock monitoring softwares for ubuntu, or am i asking in teh wrong place12:28
Glaedrdoes via unichrome mesa driver have glx extension?12:28
dkearnswierd - new download - new burn. working fine !12:28
Jimi_Neutralis playonlinux any good?12:28
palemerseyless, or insatlling it through apt-get and test it12:28
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merseylessvery sorry, i have to go12:29
merseylessbut i can tell you that 30 seconds is my suspend no.12:29
chronographercan someone help me with LVM? I think I need to trouble shoot the init script?12:32
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/12:33
emoXodusha bsd got kicked12:33
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MikeHHow can I change the default editor (speifically .php) under gnome?12:35
dkearnsWant to thank you for your help people! and tips, i need to get on with finishing this :)12:35
error404notfoundI had 20 crons in crontab and by mistake typed crontab -r instead or -e :(12:36
chronographerIs this whole not mounting LVM on boot thing a known bug? I need to manually run vgchange after startup to access my new volume.... why?????12:36
chronographerbloody hell... I'm gonna have to ask debian...12:36
Jimi_Neutralshould i use Wine or PlayOnLinux?12:37
Jimi_NeutralIs Wine more stable then?12:38
gr8can any one help me with this small problem i ahving the prob with copying the files12:38
gr8i am not able to paste the copy contents12:39
gr8on my drives12:39
chronographerdo you have write permissions on the drive?12:40
ActionParsnipgr8: do you have write access to the destination12:40
xargonits probably read only12:40
xargonwhat fs is the drive you're copying to?12:40
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* ActionParsnip bets ntfs12:40
MrNaz``whats driver support like on the dell xps laptops? does anyone know if dell put any exotic stuff in there that linux doesn't support yet?12:40
chronographerwhere are the ubuntu startup logs at?12:40
ActionParsnipMrNaz``: you'll need lspci to identify the hardware, then you can read the !hcl and also webserach the hardware12:41
gr8it's says root now where to get to root user as i have not created any other user12:41
ActionParsnipgr8: you created a user when you first installed the system, you shouldNOT be logging on as root12:41
ActionParsnipchronographer: dmesg | less12:42
sipiorchronographer: check "dmesg", and also /var/log/messages and the like.12:42
MrNaz``ActionParsnip i was hopin someone had one and could give me an indication... i dont want to buy one and find out afterwards that i cant get it working12:42
ActionParsnipMrNaz``: dell usually put linux friendly stuff in their systems but its always good to check12:42
ActionParsnipMrNaz``: it can vary between countries sometimes12:42
ActionParsnipMrNaz``: but check the exact hardware in your proposed system then check compatibility12:43
gr8yes i have created a a/c now i am logged with the same but not able to copy or move folders from other partitions what to do12:43
chronographerwhat should I look for for LVM errors?12:44
chronographergrep lvm don't give anything12:44
ActionParsnipgr8: can you pastebin the output of    mount    please12:44
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grkbloodhey, how do i figure out my dns, im manually configuring my wireless so i can have a static ip but dns doesnt seem to be cooperating12:47
magnetronCO2→ hello12:48
chronographerActionParsnip: you any good at LVM?12:48
philipphow can i spot my wlan diver?12:48
chronographeryou know why it is not mounting at startup?12:48
gr8ActionParsnip http://pastebin.com/d10b90b7d12:48
chronographerphilipp: lsusb?12:48
chronographerfind the hardware...12:48
philippchronographer and how do i find out wich line is the right?12:49
ActionParsnipchronographer: ive not knowingly used it12:49
chronographerits hard to say.12:49
ActionParsnipgr8: ok what partition are you wanting to write to?12:49
chronographer Belkin Components F5D7050A Wireless Adapter  <- tahts mine12:49
ActionParsnipgrkblood: cat /etc/resolv.conf12:50
badboy_hi guys, can somebody tell me the command for installing firefox 32 bits. I have removed firefox with package manager, because i could use some plugins, as they are 32 bits12:50
chronographerbut it doesn't hep much with driver12:50
gr8in the sytem folder want to replace the documents and all emails but i am not able to paste on the system folder12:50
grkbloodActionParsnip: that displays my gateway12:50
grkbloodand in my gateway i have dns setup to automatically get work12:51
grkbloodand it does on my windows box, not on ubuntu12:51
ActionParsnipgrkblood: add some of those ips to /etc/resolv.conf12:51
grkblood404 error12:51
gr8ActionParsnip:in the sytem folder want to replace the documents and all emails but i am not able to paste on the system folder12:51
ActionParsnipgrkblood: you could always run: ipconfig /all   on your windows systems to see what DNS servers they are using and add those12:52
grkbloodya, i did12:52
grkbloodand it works12:52
ActionParsnipgr8: on which partition?12:52
FloodBot1grkblood: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
SliderMangnome icon is the nice foot?12:52
chronographergr8: whos system folder?12:52
ActionParsnipgrkblood: try adding    they need prepending with  nameserver on each line for each individual DNS12:53
SliderManwhere is ubuntu's host file?12:53
ActionParsnipSliderMan: /etc/hosts12:53
SliderMangedit /etc/hosts works?12:54
gr8i mean in the linux in etc folder i want to paste the files from my other partations12:54
badboy_hi action could please tell me the command to install 32 bits firefox from a terminal12:54
grkbloodActionParsnip: do you know why my windows box would be working but not my ubuntu box, if you go static IP can you no longer use the dynamic dns set up through your routers gatway?12:54
SliderManit works12:55
SliderManam trying to start a game i just installed through a package through the panel but it wont start.12:56
SliderMannothing happens?12:56
n8tuserfgrkblood -> compare their route table12:56
ActionParsnipgrkblood: no idea, I always set my full network setup manually for static IPs. maybe its a "feature" as yuo will get zero info from DHCP. If you set your system to dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces then set the IP address the remainder of the settings will most likely be gained via dhcp12:56
ActionParsnipSliderMan: gksudo gedit /etc/hosts if you wish to edit it12:56
philippif i paste you my lsusb can you tell me whats my wlan driver?12:56
Zynikerfunny :-)12:56
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ActionParsnipbadboy_: sudo apt-get install firefox3212:56
SliderMani didnt want to edit it , thanks tho12:57
ActionParsnipbadboy_: use tab to complete my name, then it will highlight as you spelled it correctly12:57
ZarOhello all12:57
PiciZyniker: And completely unrelated to support.12:57
Pici!guidelines > Zyniker12:57
ubottuZyniker, please see my private message12:57
philippif i paste you my lsusb can you tell me whats my wlan driver?12:57
grkbloodActionParsnip: im trying to do static IP, dynamic dns12:58
n8tuserfphilipp -> use   sudo lshw -C network instead, and paste in pastebin12:58
grkbloodanyways, those ips didnt help12:58
grkbloodshould i reboot?12:58
ZarOI would like ot use ubuntu as a user/firewall/cache/file server.  I think my learning curve will be much better if i can use a graphical interface ot manage those. is that available or are all server fucntions only available by command line?12:58
badboy_ActionParsnip: thanks a lot12:58
ActionParsnipgrkblood: if you edit the files you need to restart networking to appply them12:58
ActionParsnipbadboy_: better ;)12:58
ActionParsnipgrkblood: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:59
grkbloodifconfig wlan0 down12:59
=== tuna is now known as spicy_tuna
wtvActionParsnip: as it turns out, my mouse has gone bad. i tried running it in other OS's but doesnt work. thanks :)12:59
ActionParsnipwtv: np bro12:59
rjune_I have an interesting situation. My system crashed, upon reboot, firefox would not start, I removed the .parentlock file, and tried again, now firefox does start, but will not load my bookmarks, etc. Does anybody know what I can do short of wiping the profile to get it back?13:00
ActionParsnipgrkblood: a restart could help but usually a simple networking restart will cause all networking to stop then start and config files will be reread13:00
grkbloodno go, not working13:00
gr8can any one help me in copying the files to the system folder on linux as it says permission to root??? how can i change this13:01
n8tuserfgr8 use sudo prefix13:01
n8tuserfgr8 ie  sudo cmd1 x1 x213:02
grkbloodim doing a full restart13:02
SliderManhmm can anyone tell me why the game i just installed wont load?13:03
jribSliderMan: you need to provide more information...13:04
SliderManidk it dosent load13:04
SliderManit dosent give any error13:04
SliderMani click on the icon and nothing happens?13:04
jribSliderMan: well pretend you are me.  Can you think of anything you would like to know to help you?13:04
SliderMan(am such a noob) eh.13:04
grkbloodright click the icon and goto properties13:04
SliderManidk give me an advice =\13:04
jribSliderMan: what game for starters13:04
grkbloodwhats the icon directed to13:05
gr8i mean to say i am not a root user and i want to move the files from my windows folder to linux folder but i am not able to use the copy paste method so how can i enable it13:05
grkbloodwhat does it kick off13:05
jribSliderMan: how did you install netparzers?13:05
jribgrawity: where are you trying to copy it to?13:05
SliderManok starting it in terminal gives me that13:05
SliderManmoshe@ubuntu:~$ netpanzer13:05
SliderMannetpanzer: error while loading shared libraries: libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:05
e3cohi everyone. How do I copy a file from my localhost over ssh to a server. I can never seem to get this right13:05
jribgr8: where are you trying to copy it to?13:05
grkbloodtheres ur answer then13:05
gr8file system of my linux in etc folder13:06
grkbloodapt-get that13:06
grawitye3co: scp /path/to/file remoteserver.com:/path/to/file13:06
Picie3co: Use scp. i.e: scp /path/to/file user@remotehost:/path/to/dest13:06
jribgr8: why?  That's for config files.  You are copying config files from a windows disk?13:06
Picie3co: The order of parameters is the same as cp.13:06
e3coyeah I have tried that.. Maybe my remote path  info is bad. Thanks Pici & grawity13:06
grkbloodok guys, i restarted and it still isnt owkring13:07
grawitye3co: don't forget, you need to have permissions on the remote server.13:07
RobHuHow do I use Ext4 in the latest Ubuntu Remix (Jaunty Beta)? When I select manually partition the disk I don't have a 'use as: Ext4' option. Is there somewhere I may RTFM?13:07
gr8i mean to say i want to copy the my email client profiles (from  windows ) to the current linux but due to this permission error i am noy able to do so copy paste13:07
PiciRobHu: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.13:07
RobHuok, thanks13:07
e3cograwity:  thanks I do...13:07
e3coand a key13:07
SliderManjrib, through the package from the site.13:07
jribSliderMan: but now, after seeing the error,  you know the problem, right?13:08
DarnoQI get this error while make. Has anyone encountered sth like this ? /usr/include/bits/fcntl2.h:51: error: call to â__open_missing_modeâ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments13:08
SliderManjrib i do know the problem have no idea how to fix it.13:08
jribDarnoQ: what are you compiling?13:08
bazhang!info netpanzer | SliderMan13:08
ubottuSliderMan: netpanzer (source: netpanzer): online multiplayer tactical warfare game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-2 (intrepid), package size 400 kB, installed size 1100 kB13:08
SliderManjrib the whole idea of asking here was to be able to play it.13:09
bazhangSliderMan, install from repos.13:09
jribSliderMan: install netpanzer from the repositories13:09
sipiorDarnoQ: have a look at "man 2 open" for the full syntax of that function.13:10
SliderManjrib its alerady installed in my comp?13:10
grkbloodignoring unknownw interface wlans0=wlan013:10
zealiodhow can i use update-rc.d just to run a .py script on boot13:10
SliderManjrib does it matter?13:10
jribSliderMan: delete what you have installed13:11
SliderManjrib how?13:11
jribSliderMan: read the documentatian.  It depends on the program.  Worst case scenario, just delete the files manually13:11
jrib!boot > zealiod13:11
ubottuzealiod, please see my private message13:11
SliderManjrib would it matter if i dont?13:12
jribSliderMan: yes13:12
gr8can any one help me out13:12
jribzealiod: there's /etc/init.d/skeleton if you really want to go that route and avoid using /etc/rc.local13:12
DarnoQjrib: asterisk pbx 1.2.x13:12
=== jared is now known as Guest24438
grkbloodActionParsnip: u still around13:13
jribDarnoQ: isn't asterisk in the repositories?13:13
ActionParsnipaye, su13:13
grkbloodi rebooted, the only thing it did was erase resolv.conf which doesnt surprise me13:14
ActionParsnipi'm suprised as the static ip stuffs (i think) make that not happen13:14
grkbloodhow bout this13:15
grkbloodi need to find out googles FQDN13:15
SliderManjrib where can i find the folder of the game?13:15
grkbloodif that doesnt work then its something else13:15
jribSliderMan: I have no idea.  It depends on the game13:15
DarnoQjrib: haven't seen anny repositories sources only13:16
jribSliderMan: did you try to read the documentation?13:16
grkbloodi mean ip13:16
ActionParsnipgrkblood: www.l.google.com13:16
SliderManjrib, i have no idea of where to find it13:16
ActionParsnipip =
jrib!info asterisk | DarnoQ, is this different:13:16
ubottuDarnoQ,: asterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 2397 kB, installed size 6512 kB13:16
zealiodjrib: thank you for that - i have been using update-rc.d - but can't figure out how to just have the script execute on run level 313:16
jribzealiod: you know runlevel 2 is default and 2-5 are identical by default?13:16
milligan_How can I check what compileoptions a repoinstalled packaged had ?13:17
jribSliderMan: what did you download from the site?13:17
grkbloodok, its something else13:17
zealiodjrib: basically i just want to fire a script off when the server boots....13:17
jrib!source > milligan_13:17
ubottumilligan_, please see my private message13:17
SliderManjrib something package13:17
jribmilligan_: read debian/rules13:17
ActionParsnipgrkblood: both work13:17
grkbloodb/c im still not getting a connection even with the ip13:17
zealiodjrib:  not on all run levels13:17
gr8can anyone help me about the permission of root user to modify13:17
gr8system folders13:17
grkbloodyea, i know, but i dont need dns when using an ip13:17
jribzealiod: erm, ok.  Then create an init.d script for it first13:18
ActionParsnipgrkblood: = gw-in-f100.google.com13:18
okey6661gr8: what dod you want to know?13:18
grkbloodyes, i know13:18
grkbloodim saying it didnt work13:18
zealiodjrib: yeah i have my script ready13:18
grkbloodso its not my dns thats messed up13:18
grkbloodits something else13:18
e3coso trying scp /Directory/on/localhost/and/filename username@somewebsitewithsshsetup.com/tmp I get cp: cannot create regular file - I can see the directory tree and tmp does exist. I am missing something basic here. Any ideas13:18
ActionParsnipgrkblood: you could reboot your router (and modem if its external) then reboot linux13:18
gr8i am trying to copy and paste the few files on my linux file system  directory from some other partation folder but i am not able to do so13:18
sipiore3co: is the filesystem full? or read-only?13:19
grkbloodhmm, i know im on the network13:19
jribzealiod: then use update-rc.d, the man page is somewhat cryptic, but you should be able to figure it out13:19
grkbloodi just pinged my linux box from my windows box13:19
okey6661gr8: try running "sudo nautilus" in the terminal and then do wat you want to do13:19
sipiore3co: can you create a file when logged in directly to the machine? try running with the "-v" flag for more information.13:19
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milligan_jrgp, getting the source will tell me the compile options ?13:19
ActionParsnipgrkblood: internal comms may be fine, you just need to give linux the method for accessing behind your router to the www13:20
jribzealiod: (and it has many examples)13:20
okey6661gr8: but be careful, you could seriously break your system13:20
grkbloodso what r u saying13:20
=== _ is now known as Guest42922
SliderManjrib they have no docu and the faq dosent explain how to install/uninstall/.13:21
jribSliderMan: "something package" doesn't really let me download it so I can help you13:21
SliderManjrib let me check ;)13:21
badboy_okey6661: hello, I have just installed ubuntu, unfortunately grub is not giving vista partition, and secondly ubuntu loaded up but getting a shell13:21
badboy_how can start ubuntu in a prompt13:21
grkbloodActionParsnip: what r u proposing i do?13:21
SliderManjrib - netpanzer-0.8.x86.package13:21
okey6661badboy_: is the prompt you get when starting ubuntu giving an error?13:22
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gr8okey6661  any other easy going way13:22
ActionParsnipgrkblood: repopulate /etc/resolv.conf then run: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart; ping www.yahoo.com13:22
okey6661gr8: where are you trying to copy the files to from your other partition?13:23
milligan_jrib, I have the source .. but how does that help me determine what compileoptions the package I currently have installed had ?13:23
jribmilligan_: read debian/rules13:23
okey6661gr8: I take it its not your home...13:23
badboy_okey6661:  trying to resum from/dev/sdb5 : then kinit No resume image, doing normal boot then ubuntu 8.10 Centrix tty113:24
badboy_cnetrix login13:24
jribgr8: what exactly are you copying to /etc/...?13:24
okey6661badboy_: you did do the desktop install didn't you, not the server?13:24
gr8<okey6661>actually i am trying to copy my documents from windows drive to my linux documents and some mails files which i am not able to paste here13:24
grkbloodActionParsnip: /etc/resolv.conf is for nameservers correct, well by putting in google's IP address I know longer need a nameserver since im not using their FQDN13:25
grkbloodand i did that and google still didnt work13:25
ActionParsnipgrkblood: can you ping the nameserver by name and ip13:25
ActionParsnipgrkblood: can you use nslookup www.ask.com13:25
badboy_okey6661: the alternate disk. It would let me install from live cd, all going to prompt shell13:25
badboy_won't let me13:25
zealiodjrib: yeah the man page is cryptic...13:26
jribzealiod: scroll down to examples13:26
okey6661badboy_: do you want gnome?13:26
jribSliderMan: if you run it again, does it give you the option to remove it?13:26
badboy_okey6661:  yes gnome13:26
milligan_jrib, I don't understand.13:27
zealiodjrib: for some reason - i dont example on my man page13:27
grkbloodi got it fixed13:27
jribmilligan_: you have a directory with files in it after running « apt-get source PACKAGE » right?13:27
grkbloodlike i figured it wasnt DNS13:27
jribzealiod: did you find the examples section at the bottom?13:27
grkbloodthe gateway was screwed up13:28
zealiodjrib: yeah i did. good jobs. what run level is boot on ubuntu?13:28
milligan_jrgp, correct13:28
dandreHow can I find the replacement of libfilesys-diskfree-perl package?13:28
grkbloodActionParsnip: do you understand what i was saying though about using the IP and not the FQDN13:28
jribzealiod: 213:28
zealiodjrib: ta13:28
milligan_jrib, correct13:28
okey6661badboy_: do you have an internet connection that works? (to check if its working, first login and then type "ping www.google.com")13:28
SliderManjrib , no its says install13:28
gr8i even can't copy paste itself in my file system folder pleas guys help me out any way13:29
jribmilligan_: inside you have a directory called "debian".  Inside that you have a file called "rules".  If you read the contents of that file, you will know how it is compiled13:29
okey6661gr8: sorry, I can't help you there, maybe someone more experienced than me might be able to13:29
thecommutistgr8: why don't u copy it to your home folder under linux?13:29
* milligan_ hugs jrib 13:29
jribSliderMan: http://autopackage.org/faq.html#2_5 see if that helps.  I've never messed with autopackage (nor do I want to)13:29
=== jrgp is now known as JackWade
jribmilligan_: :)13:30
ActionParsnipgrkblood: yes. i'm trying to see what you can and cant do13:30
gabrielGood morning everyone13:30
milligan_jrib, so, basicly, I can add any compile option to that rules file, do a ./configure, make && make install, and I'll have an equal install, only with the extra setting enabled ?13:30
badboy_okey6661: the ping works .google.com (
gabrielI have a problem with FIrefox: When I bookmark a page it dissapears after a restart firefox13:31
okey6661badboy_: your internet connection is working, while logged in type: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", however, this will install the ubuntu desktop, if you don't want this there are alternatives13:31
jribmilligan_: nope, you want to build the package the debian way13:31
jrib!packaginig > milligan_13:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about packaginig13:32
jrib!packaging > milligan_13:32
ubottumilligan_, please see my private message13:32
jribmilligan_: but if you read the earlier link about grabbing the source, it tells you the command to run to rebuild the package13:32
carpii__gabriel, try creating a new profile13:32
badboy_okey6661:  reading state information donw, ubuntu-desktio is already the newest version13:33
Eledran1!packaging > Eledran13:33
gabrielcarpii_>how can I do that?13:33
okey6661badboy_: then type "startx" and see what happens13:33
jribmilligan_: erm, you also want to make sure you increment the version and append something like ~milligan to the end of the version string.  That way apt doesn't keep bugging you about upgrading the package13:33
SliderManjrib i think its removing it, thanks.13:33
milligan_jrib, thanks mate. Lots of nice info :)13:34
jribmilligan_: « dch -i » to increment version13:34
* jrib stops13:34
badboy_connection refused errono 111: unable to connect to x server, xinit no such process (errno3): server error13:34
badboy_okey6661: connection refused errono 111: unable to connect to x server, xinit no such process (errno3): server error13:35
milligan_jrib, I suppose I'm better of making some sort of workaround for my problem, since upgrading packages is going to be hell if I change them.13:35
milligan_jrib, or point a gun at a dev member to fix the package so it can support all options.13:35
gr8 returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. what does dis error means13:35
=== Mr_Orange|AWAY is now known as Mr_Orange
jribmilligan_: well once you do it one time, it shouldn't be too bad.  The package isn't going to get updated every week13:36
jribgr8: paste the output of « groups »13:36
Mr_OrangeIn my Update Manager, an update is listed that I can't click. What is the problem?13:36
okey6661badboy_: try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start "13:37
jribMr_Orange: no idea, but does apt work ok in a terminal?13:37
Mr_OrangeIt seems to work ok. The other updates that showed up could be selected, just not "dvd-slideshow"13:37
jribMr_Orange: try to install that update using apt-get13:37
badboy_okey6661:  it says starting Gnome display manager, then it reverts bad to prompt13:38
IenorandMr_Orange: Held back for some reason?13:38
=== Guest24438 is now known as Jaro
Mr_OrangeI figured I would try that, I just wanted to see if it was a known issue or had a reason behind it.13:38
ActionParsnipbadboy_: then read:   dmesg | tail13:39
badboy_okey6661:  I have 2 graphic cards at the moment could this be causing the problem. I have used the alternate disk several times13:39
jribMr_Orange: bugs.ubuntu.com is the place to look for know issues we deal in kludge and hammers here :) (not really (most of the time))13:39
okey6661badboy_: I have to go, I will leave you to ActionParsnip13:39
ActionParsnipbadboy_: also check your xorg.log.013:40
Lint01where my DE selection is stored?13:40
jribLint01: ~/.dmrc iirc, but you should just use gdm to change it13:41
zealiodjrib: not 3?13:41
jribzealiod: try « runlevel »13:41
zealiodjrib: interesting, yeah - good good.13:43
badboy_ActionParsnip: I cannot get that character | on my pc keyboard :(13:43
ActionParsnipbadboy_: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less13:43
ActionParsnipbadboy_: do you meann ~  (tilde)13:44
ActionParsnipshantanu: try /exit13:44
=== McKnight is now known as mk_mike
GarstingHi, I'm new to ubuntu. Is it possible to control the sound of every single aplication? Like in Vista (sorry to mention Win). Here is a screenshot from Win: http://www.windows-vista-update.com/image-files/windows-vista-sounds.png13:45
zashGarsting: yes13:45
badboy_ActionParsnip:  dmesg | tail,   the "|"   does not come up on my keyboard13:46
grawitybadboy_: what keyboard do you have? and what _does_ come up?13:46
zashGarsting: http://pix.zash.se/i/hN.png13:47
GarstingReally? How can I do this? Because I can't hear radio, while working on film editing.13:47
zashGarsting: start "pavucontrol"13:47
zashGarsting: or add padevchooser to startup13:47
zashGarsting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PulseAudio_GUI.png13:47
badboy_grawity: a ps/2. My bluetooth logitect keyboard ain't working , so i had to look for this ps/2, that character "| " is on the keyboard13:49
grawitybadboy_: and?13:49
GarstingZash: I'll give it a try. Thank you :)13:49
=== bernier is now known as Ownatik
grawitybadboy_: usually, you need to press Shift to get the | character... is it a Qwerty keyboard?13:49
sarmisakbadboy_: what's your keyboard language?13:50
badboy_grawity:   british13:50
badboy_grawity: shitf ain't working with it. Maybe I come back later when I can sort another keyboard13:50
ZarOi am currently downloading the server edition. while waiting where is the best palce to read something like "getting started" :) or "unbuntu server for dummies"13:51
crystalfishgood night13:51
sarmisakbadboy_: mine is Turkish and | is on <> keys with Alt Gr pressed13:51
crystalfish I am chinese13:52
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 got IP address but can't get ineternet (ping google.be --> unknown host) and (ping --> network unreachable)13:52
eddie1can any one help me13:53
zilleplusubuntu server 8.10 got IP address but can't get ineternet (ping google.be --> unknown host) and (ping --> network unreachable) can anny one help me13:53
badboy_grawity: cheers got it now with alt Gr13:53
badboy_ActionParsnip: dmesg | tail13:53
badboy_action no screens found13:54
grawity!cn > crystalfish13:55
ubottucrystalfish, please see my private message13:55
sarmisak!ch | crystalfish13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch13:56
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epaphusguys.. for some unexplicable reason /etc and /boot are empty.........  apparently nobody has touched this server ... is there any way I can explain this...????????13:56
crystalfish my english is poor13:56
sipiorzilleplus: do you have a default route set? can you pastebin your routing table? (via /sbin/route -n)13:56
Jimi_Neutralhi all im trying to install vegastrike and it says to run this command from a console "tar -jvxf vegastrike-linux-0.5.0.tar.bz2" Ihave done this but it comes back with directory not found...can anyone help, this is my first time installing a game on ubuntu13:57
scuserhi all, any help with this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/145392/ ?13:57
zilleplussipior hwo do i do this13:57
crystalfishi use adsl to connect e13:57
sipior!paste > zilleplus13:57
ubottuzilleplus, please see my private message13:57
zilleplusthis is ubuntu dektop 8.10 on the same router as my server13:57
tea_ovedosehi, can some teach me how to bash a new compiled mplayer ? "bash: /usr/bin/mplayer: No such file or directory13:57
sipiorzilleplus: you can access the internal network, or nothing at all?13:57
zillepluswell i got static IP address and if i ping i get unknown host13:58
crystalfishis a  good software13:58
zilleplusif i ping my  router "network unreachable"13:58
jribtea_ovedose: why did you compile mplayer?  It's in the repositories13:59
okey666Jimi_Neutral: go: applications>> Add/Remove programs and search for it. Then tick the box, click apply changes, type in your password, and wait, it should then be installed13:59
sipiorzilleplus: could you pastebin your routing table ("/sbin/route -n") and also the interface information from "/sbin/ifconfig -a"?13:59
zillepluswith dmesg | tail  ---> no IPv6 routers present13:59
tea_ovedosejrib: the version was in repositories was old.. and I was encountering some errors... therefore, I thought might trying updating it XD13:59
bonhoffercould changing my xorg.conf significantly slow my system down?13:59
jribtea_ovedose: ok... « hash -r » and try again14:00
Jimi_Neutralokey666, i have tried add remove and it doesnt come up14:00
Guest44366hello in desktop preferences i downloaded images but in obtain new wallpapers but where are they saved14:00
tea_ovedosejrib: sry i am a newbie can you teach me step by step please14:00
Jimi_Neutralokey666, sorry i have it now14:00
jribtea_ovedose: open a terminal, type « hash -r », press enter, type « mplayer », press enter14:01
Guest44366tea_overdose im newbie too, but i try to help14:01
Guest44366tea_overdose what do u want to learn14:01
okey666Jimi_Neutral: ok, i was just going to tell you to enable universe etc. in software sources, compiling a game is never that fun14:01
tea_ovedosejrib: cool thanks alot14:01
zmany people?14:01
Jimi_Neutralokey666,  so i downloaded the tar for nothing then lol14:02
GodfatherofEir1Any ideas as to Why Ubuntu might not recognize a video card?14:02
ActionParsnipzm: wassup?14:02
GodfatherofEir1Cause I really really need to get it working14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hash14:02
zilleplusthis is from this computer its on the same router as my server next to me14:02
Jimi_Neutralokey666, cause it seems ot be downloading again through synaptic14:02
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: run    lspci | grep -i vga14:02
okey666Jimi_neutral: yes, enabling multiverse and universe means you can get almosta ll the software you need!14:02
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: it will tell you your video card, you can then websearch how to set it up14:02
badboy_okey666:  I got it started. I have 3 montiors connected. I removed one graphic cards. for some reason if both graphic are on, dmesg says no screens found14:03
GodfatherofEir1Yeah, Ubuntu should be recognizing it14:03
Jimi_Neutralokey666, this is this download that i shappening thru synaptic is no where near as big as the download i got from thier website14:03
tea_ovedosejrib: thanks alot...14:03
okey666Jimi_Neutral: the one from the website probably had some other stuff that you already have on your system...14:03
Jimi_Neutralokey666, ah i see so synaptic is quite intelligent then14:04
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: it will recognise it, if it is configured or not is a different matter, whats the output of the command i gave?14:04
sipiorzilleplus: you say that when you attempt to ping from this machine, it fails. is in fact the correct address for your router?14:04
GodfatherofEir1Actionparsnip: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon XPRESS 200M 595514:04
sipiorzilleplus: might you be on a separate subnet?14:04
okey666Jimi_Neutral: yes, because everything is divided into packages it can mix and match so you don't have to get stuff twice14:04
badboy_okey666: can ubuntu support multiple graphic card? sure it can14:04
GodfatherofEir1Tried aticonfig, gives me a bad file descriptor error for the xorg.conf14:04
zilleplusyes there are 3 router after eatch other14:05
Jimi_Neutralokey666,  nice :) ty14:05
okey666badboy_: yes, I would think so, I can't tell you though, multi monitor definitely14:05
pronoyok i tried to install the gstreamer codecs and i get an error asking me to remove the conflicting software. how can i remove the software and continue with the installation14:05
zilleplusrouter1 ---router2--router 314:05
okey666Jimi_Neutral: NP14:05
tea_ovedosejrib: may I pm u ? I wanted to ask some quesiton based on the hash14:05
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic14:05
jribtea_ovedose: better to just ask here14:05
sipiorzilleplus: sorry, how are the three routers interconnected? and why so many?14:05
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: you may need to update your xorg.conf with these settings: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28652714:06
tea_ovedosejrib: what does this hash command mean ? I couldn't pull up anything on man14:06
GodfatherofEir1already newest version14:06
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: the drivers are on your system, just not referenced by your system14:06
jribtea_ovedose: try « help hash »14:06
ActionParsnip!ati | GodfatherofEir114:06
ubottuGodfatherofEir1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:06
tea_ovedosejrib: thanks14:06
zilleplusbecause one downstaires hwo split my TV and ADSL one upstaires for my fathers comp and my sisters and one for my chanber with server and me14:06
ActionParsnipGodfatherofEir1: failing that ^14:06
zilleplusis this a problem??14:06
jribtea_ovedose: it just remembers where in your PATH programs are located14:07
jrib"it" == "bash"14:07
sipiorzilleplus: do you mean router, or switch/hub?14:07
badboy_ActionParsnip: got it part working. I removed one graphic card. dmesgs | tail, said no screens found14:07
tea_ovedosejrib: lol cool, explored something new ..thanks14:07
zilleplusjust well hub and switch14:08
GodfatherofEir1Back in a minute14:08
zilleplusrouter2 switch14:08
zilleplusand 3 also14:08
n8tuserfzilleplus -> do you have a drawing of the layout and what devices are connected to which? ip addresses range?14:09
sipiorzilleplus: okay, so you want to have a default route to the cable modem proper, yes? what's the (internal) address of the machine?14:09
zilleplussec i check ohter router14:09
sipiorn8tuserf: you're an optimist ;-)14:09
tea_ovedosejrib: although I know what it does but I didn't get the concept how it automatically create the bash that was missing..persay mplayer in my case lol14:10
n8tuserfsipior -> i try to always request a clearer picture, a picture seems to be really worth a thousand words14:10
sipiorn8tuserf: i quite agree, i just meant i would be surprised if he had one to hand14:10
zillepluswel router2 has a special auto dhcp function it scans on dhcp and sets himself good on range ore something like that14:11
zilleplusi don't need to give a range14:11
n8tuserfzilleplus -> well only give you partial info, if you only give out partial info , is that okay?14:11
pronoyok i tried to install the gstreamer codecs and i get an error asking me to remove the conflicting software. how can i remove the software and continue with the installation14:11
tea_ovedosejrib: sry for being irratiting... once again thanks alot for the help14:12
zilleplusthe strange thing is that his server worked 2 mounths ago when i reinstalled him he doesn't worked anny mire14:12
zilleplusits like my server doesn't want to see my router14:13
pronoycan anyone help me with the gstreamer problem ?14:13
n8tuserfzilleplus -> thats a good possibility14:13
dschulzhi all14:13
zilleplusbut don't know how to fix it14:13
dschulzanyone with problems in hotkey-setup package after updating?14:14
zillepluswhen i ping my router i get "network unreachable"14:14
sarmisakzilleplus: is it possible that your ethernet interface is broken?14:14
sipiorzilleplus: is your entire house on the network? you have three switches (not routers) plugged into the cable modem, right?14:14
jonasfahello guys... i'm trying to use VIM to edit an text file in hex mode, but it's not working.. i'm using "vim -b my_file"14:14
carpii__check you havent got a bad dhcp ip14:14
carpii__im assuming youre not on that computer right now ;)14:14
n8tuserfzilleplus -> we can assist you resolve this, but you need to help out with better info, we are lousy guessers14:15
zilleplusand no my network interfaces is fine rtyed difrend cable and network card14:15
sipiorzilleplus: what is the internal interface address of the cable modem you're trying to reach?14:15
zillepluswath info do you need this comp is on the same router14:15
aljufryzilleplus: #ethtool eth014:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:16
sipiorzilleplus: no, i mean the cable modem interface. just pick one ip address ;-)14:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependency14:16
zillepluswell i chose for this comp and 101 for server i got static IP14:16
sipiorzilleplus: yes, but what is the address of the cable modem?14:17
zilleplus192.168.0.1 forr router14:17
zilleplussitecom router14:17
gyro54Hi can anyone tell me the syntax to add to my etc/fstab for "mount -t nfs /mnt/musicfiles14:18
sipiorzilleplus: could you describe the swtich you have this machine plugged into now? you say it's the same one used by the machine you're talking to us from?14:19
zilleplusyes sec i give you a link with all info from it14:19
sipiorzilleplus: also, you just have the two computers plugged into it atm?14:19
ActionParsnipgyro54: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-nfs-client-config.html14:20
sysdrum12where I need to go to get help with a Card reader on a laptop that sorta works?14:20
sysdrum12Okay can anyone help me with a card reader issue?14:21
zilleplusdon't find the model on the inetrnet aany more14:22
ActionParsnipsysdrum12: if yu insert a card into the device, wait 10 seconds or so then run: sudo fdisk -l   do you see the partition on the card?14:22
zilleplusil give you some info14:22
zilleplusits a siple router with 4 connections and wireless14:22
sipiorzilleplus: one last thing: you said the server that you're having problems with has the address, but the routing and interface information you've pastebinned is for could we get the routing table and interface information for
zilleplusthe wireless is ofline14:22
marinosithe next release of ubuntu is jaunty jackalope?9.04?14:22
ziroday`marinosi: yes14:23
sysdrum12No it loads up and shows a place holder for it on the desktop  but then it disapears14:23
=== bruno is now known as Guest53163
zilleplusits the information from tyhe computer hwo is on the same router14:23
e3coziroday: what is the release date?14:23
zilleplusthis oneµ14:23
ziroday`!jaunty | e3co14:23
sipiorzilleplus: yes, but the other machine may have a different routing table.14:23
=== jared is now known as Guest57355
ubottue3co: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:23
gyro54ActionParsnip: Thanks for that - perfect!!14:23
ziroday`e3co: that cover it?14:24
zillepluswell if i do ifconfig -a14:24
sysdrum12it is a TI multi card reader if the helps?14:24
zilleplusi get the inet but not the inet614:24
sipiorzilleplus: what about the routing table (/sbin/route -n)14:25
zilleplusuf i do dmesg | tail i get no IPv6 routers present14:25
zilleplusi get this14:26
aljufry192.168.1.6:shares/Volume1/MediaShare/ /mnt/musicfiles nfs defaults 0 014:26
Lint01how can I create a repository in my LAN?14:26
carpii__an apt-get repository ?14:26
zilleplusstrange on ifconfig i get
zilleplusstrange on ifconfig i get
carpii__you can download the repo's from ubuntu site i believe14:27
carpii__though im not sure why youd want to14:27
sipiorzilleplus: well that's definitely not right.14:27
sipiorzilleplus: well 101 is correct, yes?14:27
sipiorbut what is the route for doing in your table?14:27
otmi just found out that someone else is using my internet, what should I do?14:27
sipiorzilleplus: also, is that the only entry?14:27
sipiorzilleplus: it's missing a default route14:28
eternalUm anyone notice the bug with kopete and it signs out of your computer to login screen when clicking veiw on msg?14:28
zilleplusU  0   0  0  vnet014:28
zilleplusafter tats nothing more14:28
sipiorzilleplus: try this "sudo route add default gw"14:28
carpii__Lint, try this http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-repository-cache-with-apt-cacher14:28
Johnny2009good day all; my first visit, what goes??14:29
zilleplusno such process14:29
carpii__Johnny please dont spam here14:30
carpii__ah im just kidding ;D hello14:30
zilleplusare you sure it i good command??14:30
sipiorzilleplus: you might have to qualify the path and the device: "sudo /sbin/route add default gw eth0"14:30
=== erik__ is now known as jawud
zilleplusno such device14:31
zilleplussorry i got mistake i typing it14:31
sipiorzilleplus: what does ifconfig report for the devices on the system?14:31
zilleplusno such process14:31
Johnny2009not spamming123434565!!!!14:31
zilleplusifconfig -a ??14:32
sysdrumaction I put the card in it pops up the card on the desktop as a usb 1  then when I click on it disappears14:32
jkphey all: is there a recommended way to install python modules that are not packaged?14:32
zilleplussipior don't know wahth you mean??14:32
sipiorzilleplus: well, is eth0 a valid device on your system? ifconfig may report that the interface has a different name14:33
zilleplusis it that14:33
mpoz2jkp: globally, per user or per project? for the latter one I'd recommend virtualenv/virtualenvwrapper and easy_install or pip14:34
SmokeyD1hey people. I am installing ubuntu hardy server edition right now. Just got the base system installed and am running apt-get update to get the available packages from nl.archive.ubuntu.com14:34
jkpmpoz2: yeah, i could do it per-project in this case14:34
SmokeyD1somehow apt-get update is getting 1000ths of Release.pgp files14:34
zilleplusi got 2 ethernet devices one is broken and is intergrated14:35
jkpi suppose that might be the best way here actuall14:35
zillepluseth1 is valid14:35
=== Dompie is now known as Do-m-pie
zilleplusi even tryed new one from D-link same problem as now14:35
zilleplusfor like olmost a mounth14:35
SmokeyD1right now it is saying Get:1501 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com hardy Release.gpg [189B]14:35
zilleplusit sucks14:35
SmokeyD1and it is going on like that14:35
SmokeyD1while typing it already passed the Get:230014:35
SmokeyD1how many different release.gpg files should it be downloading?14:36
Newbeedoes anybody know how to save the return value of a function in a variable. I tried it as I would do in C++, but bash doesn't allow that.14:36
UbersoldatX=$(do something)14:37
SmokeyD1it looks like it is stuck in an endless loop or something. Like it is fetching the file over and over again/14:37
sipiorzilleplus: can you try "sudo ip route add default via"?14:37
SmokeyD1I have only the hardy main repository in my apt/sources.list, no nother repositories.14:38
zilleplusno such process , sorry14:38
grawityNewbee: to get output of a command, use $(somecommand) - and its return value is stored in $? variable14:38
sipiorzilleplus: you running network manager, by any chance?14:38
NewbeeUbersoldat: ok, that's what I tried and what one would do in C++ too.14:38
zilleplusdon't think so14:38
Jimi_NeutralHI all, new to ubuntu and I also want to start learning C. Is there anywhere that has a full tutorial to start me off, which includes where to get and how to install the compiler and what to write the code in and such14:39
epaphushey guys, using the command prompt.. what files can I cat to know the ubuntu version?14:39
zilleplusall settings are standaard14:39
sipiorzilleplus: then you're probably running network manager14:39
QaDeSepaphus: try "cat /etc/issue"14:39
Pici!compile > Jimi_Neutral14:39
UbersoldatNewbee, read a c++ book14:39
ubottuJimi_Neutral, please see my private message14:39
zillepluswath do i to check it14:39
NewbeeOh, I had a space between variable = function. sorry. I am not used to focus on spaces. (In C++ I liked having spaces around = . It was more readable)14:39
NewbeeUbersoldat: ? does that help with bash skripting?14:40
sipiorzilleplus: can you shut down all the interfaces on the machine with "sudo ifdown -a"14:40
UbersoldatNewbee, you're asking c++ questions14:40
=== morice-net is now known as morice-Training
erUSUL!version | epaphus14:40
ubottuepaphus: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:40
sipiorUbersoldat: no, he's not.14:41
NewbeeUbersoldat: I wanted to use a bash function in a bash script and I tried it the C++ way because I have a bit experience with C++ / C functions. That's all.14:41
QaDeSUbersoldat: i think it's more of a bash question14:41
QaDeSstrike :)14:41
PiciNewbee: If you need specific help with bash scripting please ask in #bash, they will be able to help you better.14:41
UbersoldatAnd I already answered he's question14:41
zillepluswath do i do now14:41
sipiorzilleplus: all right, you said eth1 was the device your server was using?14:42
Jimi_NeutralHmm ty pici but that doesnt look like a tutorial on programming in C14:42
NewbeePici: ok, I'll try that. Thanks14:42
sipiorzilleplus: first, verify that the routing table is empty (/sbin/route -n)14:42
PiciJimi_Neutral: Its not. Its just to help you get started compiling software.  The folks in ##C should be able to help you get started with programming.14:42
QaDeSNewbee: given a function foobar, you'd do "X=$(foobar(any args))"14:43
QaDeSat least that's how i understand Ubersoldat ;)14:43
sipiorzilleplus: all right, let's bring up eth1: "sudo ifconfig eth1 broadcast netmask"14:43
zillepluscannot assign requested address14:44
IHS_InternGoal: Remotely manage linux machines that are in use by others in GUI, for at least some things. I'm SSHing into a few just fine, but want to run some GUI apps, which I can't even think of what they are at the moment...14:44
zilleplussame error with dhcp an staic address14:45
sipiorzilleplus: bloody network manager. okay, does "ps aux | grep Manager" return anything?14:45
Jimi_NeutralPici, ok ty14:45
=== loffe_ is now known as loffe
zilleplusyes route 36227  0.0  0.1  2016   556  tty1  S+   15:45  0:00 grep manager14:45
sipiorzilleplus: that's the only one? then that's not the problem.14:46
sipiorzilleplus: you prepended the sudo, right?14:46
zilleplusi ame root login14:46
sipiorzilleplus: does ifconfig report any interfaces up?14:47
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:47
sipiorzilleplus: could we try eth0 instead? are you sure it was in fact eth1?14:47
zilleplusyes but i want to try14:48
jamalfanaianHi, is there a way to debug the install in Ubuntu. I'm using the ... I guess it's the command-line (blue background) install but it is not able to download anything from the Ubuntu archive. It says it got an IP from the DHCP server though, so I'm really confused.14:48
zilleplussipior i got to say if i do ifconfig -a i can see eth0_rename14:49
zilleplusand bit junk but no address14:49
zilleplusif i use th0 ots says no inerface14:49
sipiorzilleplus: well that's important. can you remove the interface with "sudo ifconfig eth0_rename down"?14:49
zilleplusso it is eth1 i need to use14:49
sipiorzilleplus: can you now bring up eth1, as before?14:50
eternalIs there any Text editors that don't fade out and not respond i am only opening a 1mg text file id hate to have to open my 50mb + databases in a hurry?14:50
zillepluscannot assign requested address14:50
zilleplusits like my server doesn't want to see my router anny more14:51
jribeternal: tried vim?14:51
sipiorzilleplus: try another address. pick (assuming that doesn't conflict with anything)14:51
zilleplusi reinstalled a wef time but still same  problem14:51
pawelhave you got any Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu or other GUI Linux video in 1024x768 and 24, 25 or 30 fps?14:51
eternal jrib: ima look at it now ty14:51
pawelhave you got any Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu or other GUI Linux video in 1024x768 and 24, 25 or 30 fps? I am making movie about Open Source and Free Software14:52
zillepluscammand not found    with ping i get  network unreachable14:52
jkpi think in this case im going to use virtualenv, it would be nice for me to have a script users of our code could use to get everything ready for a build so im thinking using virtualenv fits nicely with that/part14:52
sipiorzilleplus: command not found? you just used it a minute ago...14:52
zilleplusi found something intresting about a bug in ubuntu server 8.10 i sende link14:52
sipiorzilleplus: that's funny, i was just reading the same page14:53
goukiCan anyone recommend an IRC client that allows to have a server running so I can detach the client when I want? Not irssi+screen. Something with a GUI.14:53
zilleplusi tryed that14:53
zilleplusi works exactly as he say's but haven't got internet14:53
TADScan someone tell me how i can get rid of my repos list and put only ubuntu ones in its place.... i have a server from ovh and its not giving me the propper ubuntu kernel14:53
zilleplusstill same problem network unreachable14:53
grawitygouki: how about Xchat/KVirc/whatever + a bouncer (znc)?14:53
sipiorzilleplus: wait, but did it allow you to assign the address to eth1?14:54
zilleplusi saw today this command dmesg | tail14:54
goukigrawity, let me look into znc. Good idea :)14:54
UbersoldatTADS, edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list14:54
UbersoldatTADS, and comment the ones you don't want14:54
zilleplusallow ?? didn't do anny thing special14:54
lanoxxis there a qq for linux?14:54
marqueedzilleplus: looks at the last few lines of th kernel ring buffer14:54
zilleplusjust ifconfig eth1 192....14:55
TADSubersoldat: is there a list of ubuntu repos i cant find anything online14:55
sipiorzilleplus: the command "ifconfig eth1 broadcast netmask" did this return an error?14:55
xi_wow thats perfect brought me right to this room14:55
UbersoldatI can pastebin mine if you want, is a default install14:55
lanoxxmy friend wants to use the origianl qq (chinese like icq) becaues there seem to be some game in it14:55
benchewi have installed mplayer. but when i trying to install the codes for rmvb. it's comes out error "Package w32codecs has no installation candidate"14:55
zillepluscannot assign requested address14:56
jrib!medibuntu | benchew14:56
ubottubenchew: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:56
jamalfanaianHow can I restart the network inside the shell provided by the Ubuntu command-line installer?14:56
commander_9.04 works pretty fast14:56
jamalfanaianThere is no /etc/init.d/networking or ifdown ::\14:56
sipiorzilleplus: is that the *complete* text of the error message?14:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qq14:57
jamalfanaianAnd there is no ifconfig either14:57
UbersoldatTADS, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/145435/14:57
xi_got a minor problem14:57
zilleplusSIOCSIFFLAGS: cannot assign requested address14:57
UbersoldatTADS, that's a default repo list for intrepid14:57
zilleplusthats complete text14:57
oCean_xi_: share the details, and someone might know the answer!14:57
xi_i use nvidia geforce 9700 and its not reading my card14:57
xi_do i use nvidia x server + nvidia xconfig or do i use nvidia driver for new models?14:58
dschulzjamalfanaian: but there's dhclient, right?14:58
TADSubersoldat: ahh koool ok thanks i have all ftp.ovh.net ones14:59
jamalfanaiandschulz: I just found it14:59
sipiorzilleplus: do you have the package "wireless-tools" installed?14:59
oCean_xi_: here's some info might come helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia14:59
jamalfanaianI'm getting an IP address, and I can ping my gateway and other computers within the network... but I can't ping anything in the net... say google.com14:59
jamalfanaianOr even it's IP address14:59
zilleplusdon't know don't think so14:59
xi_oCean_: one more thing i'm trying to get virtualbox to work14:59
Barnicle_my wiki server is down for some reason, and i want to restart my webserver. i typed 'service httpd restart' and it says The program 'service' can be foudn in the following packages: * debian-helper-scripts * sysvconfig.14:59
UbersoldatTADS, that's right, mine are for Spain, but there shouldn't be any problem on changing the "es" for something else like "de"14:59
xi_i installed it via add/remove15:00
dschulzjamalfanaian:  maybe you don't have a gateway configured15:00
sipiorzilleplus: could you try "sudo apt-get remove wireless-tools" anyway?15:00
zilleplusbut like i sayed i tryed it tath thing  from the bug it gives same problem nothing is fixed15:00
TADSok thanks15:00
UbersoldatBarnicle_, don't use service .... etc15:00
jamalfanaiandschulz: I added it to /etc/network/interfaces but I couldn't figure out how to restart the interface so the changes take effect15:00
xi_its saying something about vboxdrv not working vboxusers group15:00
Ubersoldatbernux, #/etc/init.dhttpd restart15:00
Barnicle_what do i type then to restart it15:00
pumpkinseedgood morning everyone15:00
zillepluscoudn't find... so no i don't have it installed15:00
UbersoldatBarnicle_, , #/etc/init.dhttpd restart15:00
zilleplusi got it15:01
zilleplusremoving it now15:01
Barnicle_it says no such file or directory15:01
oCean_xi_: See vbox setup here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:01
=== LimeBurst is now known as Linux
zilleplussipior i removed it rebooting now15:01
UbersoldatBarnicle_, , #/etc/init.d/httpd restart15:01
JTR|IRPGhello anyone ever had their graphical interface stop working after installing a window manager choose and rebooting ?15:01
=== Linux is now known as LimeBurst
pumpkinseedDoes anyone know why some items in Synaptic are uncheckable?15:01
UbersoldatBarnicle_, cd into /etc/init.d and check for that script or apache2 script15:01
Barnicle_i typed /etc/init.d/httpd restart and it said no such file or dir15:02
dschulzjamalfanaian: are you running from livecd?  are you sure your networking isn't managed by networkmanager?15:02
oCean_xi_: on that link, there should also be some info on the vboxusers group. That group has to exist, and the /dev/vboxdrv file should be owned by that group15:02
Barnicle_i didn't find the other script15:02
Barnicle_i see apache215:02
oCean_Barnicle_: yes, it is /etc/init.d/apache2 start15:02
scuniziBarnicle_: you want to restart apache?  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart15:02
Barnicle_ok, it's restarting15:03
jamalfanaiandschulz: neither, i'm installing via tftp so i'm running the command-line installer... it's trying to get to us.archive.ubuntu.com to get packages but it can't connect to it... dhcp is working15:03
Ubersoldatthere you go15:03
Barnicle_shit, it's asking for a passphrase!15:03
Barnicle_is there a default if i don't remember setting one?15:03
pumpkinseedDoes anyone know why some items in Synaptic are uncheckable? (For example, I am running Cairo-dock and in Synaptic there is a cairo-dock under "Other Updates" but the box to install it is uncheckable... In addition to cair-dock, I have many other updates behaving the same way in Synaptic). I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64bit15:04
Ubersoldatit's you users password15:04
IHS_Interneven though it is kinda silly... Don't curse, Barnicle_15:04
zilleplussipior still got same problem15:04
badfish69what command can i use to see if a file exists?15:04
dschulzjamalfanaian: weird.. but dhcp lease should provide a gateway address anyway15:04
IHS_InternIt r family roomz, here.15:04
Ubersoldatbadfish69, tset -f file15:04
Ubersoldatbadfish69, test -f file15:04
oCean_badfish69: test -e file, actually15:04
dschulzjamalfanaian: maybe your dhcp server is not configured properly15:05
jamalfanaiandschulz: yeah i'll keep playing wiht it, it's providing the wrong address which is the issue15:05
UbersoldatoCean_, that's going to show directories too15:05
jamalfanaianthanks for the help so far :)15:05
deuondererhi people15:05
jamalfanaianthe dhcp server is fine,.. the laptop thinks my desktop is a gateway though15:05
oCean_Ubersoldat: yes, sure15:05
deuondereri need some help with gparted15:05
sipiorzilleplus: what interfaces were brought up at boot? what does ifconfig report?15:05
=== hASDhaQ_ is now known as hASDhaQ
zilleplusifconfig gives a local loopback15:06
NewbeeQaDeS: ah, interesting idea. So I can make the side effects of foo  by $() a "retrun value" .15:06
badfish69oCean_: that gives me 'bash: test: file: binary operator expected' whether the file exists or not15:06
sipiorzilleplus: and is the routing table empty?15:06
zilleplusrouteroute -nee is empty15:07
zilleplusroute -nee is empty15:07
jamalfanaiandschulz: Ahh I got it to work :) I guess it was caching my desktop's ip address because it originally got it's ip from there. I was running a DHCP server to get it to load a TFTP install... but it wasn't switching to my router's dhcp correctly. manually deleting the route and adding the right gateway worked. Thx for suggesting that! :)15:07
JTR|IRPGhow do i force my intrepid ibex to start metacity from command line ?15:08
deuondererdoes somebody know how to resize my ubuntu partition if i have some unallocated spaces that's not contiguous?15:08
Ubersoldatbadfish69, what are you trying to accomplish?15:08
oCean_badfish69: can you show some context?15:08
dschulzjamalfanaian: :)15:08
badfish69it's actually going to be done in python15:08
badfish69if the file exists already i don't want to overwrite it15:08
sipiorzilleplus: can you try using dhcp for the address? does dhclient eth1 work?15:08
badfish69if it isn't there, i want to create it15:08
oCean_badfish69: (if you need to paste, use pastebin please)15:08
oCean_badfish69: as in a script?15:08
zilleplussame problem cannot assgin address gecause my server does not find my router15:08
badfish69if i touch a file that's already there, will it overwrite?15:08
=== hASDhaQ is now known as hASDhaQ_
oCean_badfish69: if it's going to be python, why now in bash?15:09
Ubersoldat!google python check file exists15:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:09
badfish69because i need to create a text file15:09
sipiorzilleplus: it shouldn't need to find a router if there is a dhcp server on the same subnet.15:09
badfish69and the quickest way i know to do that is to touch in bash15:09
zilleplussipior you know the command dmesg | tail ??? it say's tath i don't have no IPv6 routers present15:09
pumpkinseedDoes anyone know why some items in Synaptic are uncheckable? For example, I am running cairo-dock and in Synaptic there is a cairo-dock under "Other Updates" but the box to install it is uncheckable... In addition to cairo-dock, I have many other updates behaving the same way in Synaptic. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64bit15:09
zilleplusthe dhcp is in ùmy router15:10
Picibadfish69: No. See the touch manpage.15:10
deuondererdoes anybody knows how to resize my ubuntu partition if i have some unallocated spaces that's not contiguous?15:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resize15:10
pumpkinseedAnyone know anything about Synaptic?15:11
oCean_badfish69: does this help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145443/15:11
zilleplusipior anny idea15:11
dschulzpumpkinseed:  i use synaptic regularly15:11
sipior_zilleplus: sorry about that. local network problems of my own, it seems.15:11
zilleplussipior you know the command dmesg | tail ??? it say's tath i don't have no IPv6 routers present15:12
zilleplusmaybee your something with that15:12
xi_also network manager does not read the ip when login to my computer if i'm plugged on when i login15:12
dschulzpumpkinseed: have you configured extra repositories?15:12
sipior_zilleplus: i get the same notice on my machine :-)15:12
xi_i've been told network manager has had problems lately15:12
pumpkinseeddschulz: i believe so15:12
zilleplusooh so its normal15:12
xi_my last os i was using wicd what is the alternate to network manager?15:13
zilleplusthe probleme is i worked on it for weeks now 20 guy's like you tryed and no one knows wath the problem is15:13
sipior_zilleplus: let's step back a bit. on the switch your machine is plugged into, are there link lights verifying the connection?15:13
zilleplusi tryed other cable an network card15:14
dschulzpumpkinseed:  have you updated since you last added a repo?15:14
linko49can anyone tell me the keyboard shortcut to move between the main window and the bottom pane in gedit?15:14
sipior_zilleplus: does it work if you boot the machine from a live cd?15:14
dschulzpumpkinseed:  by 'updating' i mean updating repository indexes15:15
pumpkinseeddschulz: yes. I have done apt-get update many times15:15
zilleplusi got out of range on my screen because its to samll15:15
zilleplusil try it15:15
pumpkinseeddschulz: Wait. Are you talking about apt-get update ?15:15
dschulzpumpkinseed: yes, it's the same thing15:15
=== MK_Mike_2 is now known as mk_mike
zilleplusanny other idea's because i got to go in 10 min you know someone hwo can also help me with this15:16
JTR|IRPGcan anyone please blacklist 'choosewm' as an awefull app that should never ever be allowed back with ubuntu ?15:16
dschulzpumpkinseed: aptitude update ,  apt-get update , synaptic -> Update  all the same15:16
linko49can anyone tell me the keyboard shortcut to move between the main window and the bottom pane in gedit?15:16
n8tuserfzilleplus -> have you had a chance to draw the layout yet? post the layout with ip addresses of the devices connected15:16
sipior_n8tuserf: i've been keeping him too busy :-)15:17
sipior_zilleplus: is this a new install, by the way?15:17
dschulzpumpkinseed: i think you disabled a repository, so, some packages couldn't be installed because needs unavailable dependencies15:17
n8tuserfsipior_ -> oh okay, keep him on his toes.. :P15:17
zilleplusbefore i had no problems15:17
JTR|IRPGzilleplus you have internet acces ?15:17
zilleplusi reinstalled it like 10 times15:17
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:17
sipior_zilleplus: what were you running before?15:17
pumpkinseeddschulz: fine.... now how do I remedy that15:17
zilleplusalways this problem15:17
zilleplusjust moodle15:17
sipior_zilleplus: moodle?15:18
zilleplusin combination with apache php5 mysql15:18
linko49can anyone tell me the keyboard shortcut to move between the main window and the bottom pane in gedit?15:18
sipior_zilleplus: which version of ubuntu were you running when it was working?15:18
dschulzpumpkinseed: you can check it lookin at "Repositories" (? i have it in spanish!)  in synaptic15:18
zilleplusalso 8.1015:19
sipior_zilleplus: so what did you differently between that install and this?15:19
zilleplus1 mount ago since then i have tgis problem when i reinstalled it15:19
dschulzpumpkinseed: it's  Configuration ->  Repositories15:19
IHS_InternEh, I want to view another xubuntu system's X session on this machine, I'm currently SSH'd into it, but not all that great with command line.15:19
sipior_zilleplus: well, there must be some difference.15:19
zilleplusbut i had also problems15:20
dschulzpumpkinseed: make sure you have the first 4 items checked15:20
sipior_zilleplus: try the live cd, that will at least narrow the problem down.15:20
zilleplusi remember that15:20
zilleplusdoing live cd now15:20
n8tuserfIHS_Intern -> the remote end must be running x11vnc to connect to an existing session15:20
pumpkinseeddschulz: I'm sorry, but there is no "Configuration --> Repositories" in Ubuntu 8.10 64 bit15:20
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dschulzpumpkinseed: something familiar15:21
dschulzpumpkinseed: ?15:21
RizRhow do I update my hostname through dhcp with network running through NetworkManager?15:21
pumpkinseeddschulz: no.... what OS are you in????15:21
dschulzpumpkinseed: hahah, im running ubuntu too15:21
zilleplusi hate this, i got litlle screen on my comp when i start up from  cd i get out of range stupid CD15:22
n8tuserfRizR -> not going to work using nm, you need to manually configure your dhclient15:22
dschulzpumpkinseed: but 9.04, but IIRC in 8.10 was the same thing15:22
pumpkinseedDoes anyone know why some items in Synaptic are uncheckable? For example, I am running cairo-dock and in Synaptic there is a cairo-dock under "Other Updates" but the box to install it is uncheckable... In addition to cairo-dock, I have many other updates behaving the same way in Synaptic. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 64bit15:22
IHS_InternOk, both systems have the x11vnc package installed.15:22
RizRn8tuserf, how do I do that?15:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drive15:23
n8tuserfIHS_Intern -> then make sure its the x11vnc thats running not the other vnc servers15:23
dschulzpumpkinseed: what menus you have in Synaptic ??15:23
RizRn8tuserf, my /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf already says host-name in request section.15:23
n8tuserfRizR -> you familiar enuff with how a client makes a request to the dhcp server?15:24
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok15:24
RizRn8tuserf, generally familiar with dhcp but haven't configured client before.15:24
IHS_InternA vanilla install, x11vnc is the only remote-viewing software on them15:24
dschulzpumpkinseed: what happens if you try to install one of those "uncheckable packages" with aptitude ?  ie.    sudo aptitude install cairo-dock15:25
n8tuserfRizR -> perhaps you can post your dhclient.conf  file and lets see if any configs we can change15:25
pumpkinseeddschulz: In Synaptic Update Manager there are no menus per se, but there is a "check" button which checks for updates, an Install updates button15:25
dschulzpumpkinseed: try to find Synaptic  --- not Synaptic Update Manager15:26
dschulzpumpkinseed: are NOT the same15:26
RizRn8tuserf, http://pastebin.com/mdc0180a15:26
n8tuserfIHS_Intern -> try this http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/X11vnc15:26
harshagallahas problem launching amarok, kindly somebody help me out. Error: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.15:26
alevineanybody know what would cause dri to not work with an xorg.log like this?: http://pastebin.com/m3e979aff15:26
IHS_Internthank you15:26
dschulzpumpkinseed: Synaptic Update Manager only helps you to update updatable packages, nothing more15:27
harshagallahas problem launching amarok, kindly somebody help me out. Error: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.15:28
Jimi_Neutralim trying to talk in #c but im getting this :Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel can someone explain ti to me please15:28
RizRn8tuserf, one question. how do I make sure the change goes live after i change dhclient.conf file when I'm running NetworkManager?15:28
AiutoimmediatoHi, I'm trying to install UBUNTU manually using a free partition to format (Vista is on the other). It says that I need a root file system, what do I have to do?15:29
n8tuserfRizR -> can you try something like  interface "eth0"  {  send host-name "andare.fugue.com"; more request here...}15:29
dthacker__sorry if this is a repeat, my client disconnected.   I 've just installed a program on Ubuntu 8.10, but it's not showing up on any menu.   How do I find it and add it?15:29
dschulzpumpkinseed: have you found Synaptic?15:30
n8tuserfRizR -> i dont think nm can help you on that, you have to manually configure your dhclient.conf15:30
pumpkinseeddschulz: yes. I ran it from a command line with root rights. I looked up cairo-dock and it only has the version I have available15:30
dschulzpumpkinseed: now you can check out the repositories configuration15:31
Lint01Jimi_Neutral: use /msg nickserv register <password> <your email> first15:33
zilleplussippior i tryed the live CD and got internet15:33
dschulzpumpkinseed: make sure you have all repos checked, then update the indexes15:34
Tom_1223Ive got weird graphics problems on my Ubuntu 8.04 install. Recently, in all movies + even desktop background/firefox, I'm getting certain shades depicted as green. There's severe colour distortion etc. In hardware drivers I enable ATI accelerated driver (I have onboard graphics) and it fixes the issue, but in VNCViewer the output is extremely lagged across the network (although on the...15:35
Tom_1223...computer itself it's fine).15:35
Jimi_NeutralLint01, thats odd that i have to reg in there to talk but not for here but the reg process is for the whole freenode network15:35
dschulzpumpkinseed: if you can't find the version you are looking for, maybe you want to add the backports repository15:35
Tom_1223How do I find out what graphics drivers I have installed so I can google the problem and tinker around a bit?15:35
Jimi_NeutralLint01, ty for ur help :)15:35
sevorhey everyone15:35
Lartza_What lightweight(more than gnome) windows managers ubuntu has? Xfce, fluxbox, openbox... ?15:36
pumpkinseeddschulz: thanks15:36
iulianpojaricewm is the fastest15:36
Pici!zh | zhangyongf15:36
ubottuzhangyongf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:36
sevorcool... never seen it.. ill have to check it out15:36
Lartza_But icewm, isn't it metacity replacement?15:37
iulianpojaricewm is a window manager15:37
palmjeLartza_: ubuntu only comes with gnome by default, but you can put in any window manager you want, most should be in the repositories15:37
Lartza_Lartza_: Yea I'm installing Ubuntu JeOS for VM so wanting some lightweigh15:37
poisonous`shrimpÀ ÍÀÌ ÏÎÕÓÉ15:38
palmjeLartza_: you could look at enlightenment - its very fast and also has some eyecandy15:38
sipior_zilleplus: sorry, had to be away. glad that it works with the live cd, that's a very good sign.15:40
Lartza_Thanks, I found even cvs nstall instructions :)15:40
Lartza_apt is just browsing install server which is taking ages...15:41
zilleplussipior you got skype??15:41
sipior_zilleplus: nope15:41
zilleplusanny thing else voipe ect??15:41
Lartza_Is it stuck? :S 42%15:42
sipior_zilleplus: no, and my officemates wouldn't appreciate it, either :-)15:42
zilleplusooh lol15:42
zillepluswell i g2g for 30 min of so15:42
zilleplusil stay oline15:42
zilleplusil give you a private ùessage if ame back15:43
guruffhi can i use networkmanager and ifconfig/iwconfig from command line to configure two separate wireless nic ??15:43
Lartza_guruff: Of course, that's what I think, can't help with network stuff tohugh15:43
Lartza_Just wait for a while15:43
Voltapleinhi can someone please tell me the gtk version included in Januty?15:45
maxbVoltaplein: Try http://packages.ubuntu.com/15:45
yakobmatrixhas anyone here ever send email using postfix?15:46
sipior_yakobmatrix: sure.15:46
Voltapleinmaxb I did, but it tells the ubuntu version of the gtk library, not the gtk version.  I think that Intrepid has 2.10, but I'd like to know what jaunty has15:47
bartv_i was doing an upgrade from Ubuntu 6.06 to Ubuntu 8.04, but during the installation the power cable somehow broke and now my system hangs during the booting process.  I do see the Ubuntu screen and i think the root device gets mounted, but then i only see a blinking cursor on the top left of the screen and it hangs.  How can i fix this?15:47
yakobmatrixsipior_: in postfix what connection does it use? is it http?15:47
maxb<Voltaplein> maxb I did, but it tells the ubuntu version of the gtk library, not the gtk version.   <--- I have no idea what distinction you're trying to draw between the two15:47
Lartza_Voltaplein: 2.16 propably?15:48
bartv_i do have an Ubuntu 8.10 CD.  Can I somehow use it to recover this broken upgrade?15:48
sipior_yakobmatrix: no, it's smtp, tcp port 25.15:48
yakobmatrixoh really15:48
yakobmatrixit's just that my campus use proxy15:49
Lartza_Voltaplein: Or not ;)15:49
xman_hi guys, I am looking for remote desktop help, i read many topic on the net for LAN but i m not getting any help for using desktop on WAN. I want to access a computer over internet. I read and followed the following help link: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-use-remote-desktop-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html15:49
yakobmatrixand it's only allow http and https15:49
sipior_bartv_: did you keep a separate partition for user data ("/home")15:49
Lartza_Voltaplein: 2.12 through 2.18?(Is that even possible? :P)15:49
sipior_bartv_: if so, you could simply reinstall, being careful to ensure that the data partition is not erased during then install.15:50
Lartza_I believe it is15:50
Lartza_Why is apt doing settings forever??15:51
Voltapleinmaxb, Lartza_ the confusion is that, on intrepid, aptitude show libgtk2.0-0 e.g. reports "Provides gtk2.0-binver-2.10.0"15:51
Lartza_So it's 2.10 on intrepid yes15:51
Voltapleinso the ubuntu version does not track the gtk version, I guess15:51
bartv_sipior: I'm not sure /home is on a separate partition... i hope so...15:51
Voltapleinyeah, so what's on Jaunty?  are you running it?15:51
bartv_it's actually on my collegues laptop we were doing the upgrade15:52
xman_can anybody help guys on my query????15:52
maxbVoltaplein: So, why are you looking at the Provides, instead of the rather more obvious Version field ?15:52
sipior_bartv_: this is where you boot from the live cd, and back up absolutely everything to another disk.15:52
bartv_the only thing is... the collegue also had matlab installed and doesn't have installation cd any more... can we tell the install of Ubuntu 8.10 not to format the partitions and keep the old matlab install?15:52
Lartza_Voltaplein: Are you sure it's not the same? GKT+ is latest stable 2.14 and GLib 2.1815:52
Voltapleinmaxb yes indeed, it seems to reflect the true gtk version rather than the ubuntu one, or am I confused?15:53
Lartza_Previous include 2.12 and 2.1015:53
sipior_bartv_: back up everything, reinstall, restore matlab from the backup.15:53
eseven73bardyr, if you type sudo df -hT you'll see if /home is on separate partition15:53
VoltapleinThe whole point is I want to get gtkbuilder but it needs gtk 2.12 at least15:53
thewrathhey all i have an SSH key how do i export the public key so i can move it from one computer ot another that i use15:53
Kesmanbartv_: only if the program is on a separate partition, other than the system files15:53
bartv_what do you mean 'restore matlab from the backup'?15:53
phnxxhttp://phnxr.mybrute.com , challenge me 8)15:53
Lartza_Voltaplein: So you need to install it15:53
thewraththat is my own personal one or onton my ubuntu machine since i did it i on windows15:53
bartv_simply copy the matlab directory back and forth you mean?15:53
GNU\colossusok, out with it. where the F*ck does ubuntu store its default keymap? I've been trying for two hours traight to get this working with "nodeadkeys" as my X keyboard variant, to no avail. neither xorg.conf, nor HAL FDI crap can pull it off. what is one supposed to do?15:54
yellabshello there15:54
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.15:54
VoltapleinLartza_: right.  Are you running Jaunty? If so, what does it report under Provides for libgtk2.0-015:54
maxbVoltaplein: I go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/libgtk2.0-0 and it quite clearly tells me that intrepid has 2.14.4 and jaunty 2.16.0 - what is confusing you?15:54
yellabswould i be able to view mplayer from one machine on the other remote?15:54
sipior_bartv_: yes, that's what i meant. you'll need to figure out where the matlab installer put everything, butn that shouldn't be too hard.15:55
DaveGGHi all. Is there a way to convert jaunty to unr without booting from usb? my old laptop simply can't boot from usb...15:55
Voltapleinmaxb: those are the unbuntu versions.  but do they track the gtk versions?15:55
piegodHello, how would I install the Thawte root certificate on my Ubuntu machine? I'd like to use esmtp with Google Mail but I get 'unzip -p thawte-roots.zip 'Invalid peer certificate'15:55
Lartza_Voltaplein: I am not, just install 2.18 and you'll be fine15:56
maxbVoltaplein: Yes, they do. It would be pretty insane not to, no?15:56
sipior_GNU\colossus: you can select the keymap from the Keyboard menu option, configuring nodeadkeys or whatever as you like.15:56
GNU\colossussipior_: I need it system-wide.15:56
Voltapleinmaxb yes it would.  That's why I got curious about the Provides15:56
GNU\colossusnot just per-user15:56
bartv_sipior_, ok we're copying /usr/local/matlab and hope that gives us everything we need for matlab...15:57
VoltapleinLartza_: thanks!15:57
phnxxhttp://phnxr.mybrute.com , challenge me 8)15:57
Voltapleinnext thing.  Is there a package that includes gtkbuilder?15:57
bartv_but one more question: if i now reinstall ubuntu 8.10 on the partition where the Ubuntu 6.06 was, and i tell it not to format the partition, will the /usr/local/matlab directory then be erased?15:57
zashVoltaplein: like glade?15:57
Voltapleinzash: yes,15:58
Voltapleinlike that15:58
piegodHow do I install the Thawte root certificate on my Ubuntu machine? I'd like to use esmtp with Google Mail but I get 'Invalid peer certificate'15:58
sipior_GNU\colossus: not /usr/share/X11/xkb, then?15:58
zash!info glade-315:58
ubottuglade-3 (source: glade-3): GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.5-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 340 kB, installed size 1056 kB15:58
Voltapleinzash thnks15:59
GNU\colossussipior_: that's where the compiled maps for X11 reside. I want to know where the installer SETS them, though.15:59
DaveGGis there a way to convert jaunty to unr without booting from usb? my old laptop simply can't boot from usb...15:59
rayne_What graphical partition program is there in ubuntu?16:01
thecommutistrayne: gparted16:01
rayne_thecommutist, thanks, was try gpart and got something totally different16:02
lion-ohey guys i have quite a few problems first i have a ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN and the pro driver isnt working16:02
Chowderany good DVD burning programs out there? A friend of mine uses nero to create DVDs with nice menus and all that. I don't want to run nero in Wine or anything but rather I'm looking for a free Linux alternative. Anyone know of a program like that?16:02
zashDaveGG: what do you mean by unr?16:02
thecommutistnetbook remix16:03
clearscreenChowder: k3b for kde, or brasero for gnome16:03
PiciDaveGG: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:03
|404|hello #ubuntu, i'm decided to workin linux. from to which linux should i start? for xp users? :)16:03
Chowderclearscreen, do they make menus and such for DVDs?16:03
sipior_GNU\colossus: as near as i can tell, it simply chooses the XkbLayout entry in xorg.conf. is that not the case on your system? there's also the "locale" boot parameter.16:03
clearscreenyou're in ubuntu, what about you start with that :)16:03
clearscreenChowder: No idea :)16:03
Myrtti|404|: you'll get partial answers from here ;-)16:03
DaveGGpici: thanks. however, i believe that my question is general and doesnt pertain necessarily to jaunty16:04
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Chowderclearscreen, I use brasero for mp3 cds and I'm pretty sure that it doesn't do anything like that with DVDs16:04
thecommutistChowder: for menus u can use mandvd or winff16:04
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GNU\colossussipior_: a change to /etc/default/console-setup actually made it work under X11, too.16:04
Chowderthecommutist, thanks, I'll google those16:04
thecommutistChowder: there's another package called devede that supports menu creation16:04
GNU\colossusI don't know how and why, but it works.16:04
|404|:) Myrtti, what do you recommend for easyiest ?16:05
DaveGGzash: ubuntu netbook remix16:05
|404|to old xp users16:05
wtv|404|: ubuntu is the most popular and user-friendly :)16:05
Myrtti|404|: as I said, you'll be recommended Ubuntu here16:05
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thecommutist|404|: have u downloaded ubuntu or do u have a install cd with u?16:05
sipior_GNU\colossus: it's a poorly-named file, to be sure...glad it works under X11, anyhow.16:05
Myrtti|404|: if you expect any other kind of answers, you've joined the wrong channel :-)16:05
lion-owhen i use  synaptic package manager i try to search for xchat its not found but when i do a apt-get install xchat its found how can i fix this16:05
eseven73!omg | tux_16:06
ubottutux_: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.16:06
|404|:) ok i am already decied to start from here :)16:06
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tux_!omg | ubottu16:06
commander_the new vErsion works pretty great16:06
eseven73|404|, I think you already had that figured out when you came in here, you just needed a push ;)16:06
commander_FASTER TOO16:06
DaveGGi'll ask my question more generally: is there a way to install netbook remix (unr) without booting from usb?16:07
thecommutist|404|: u can order ubuntu cd for free from http://shipit.ubuntu.com16:07
clearscreenlion-o: it's called xchat-gnome in the ubuntu repositories16:07
timcHello! Where does Okular store annotations? Can I store them in the .pdf file?16:07
|404|yes ofcourse :)16:07
|404|eseven73 :)16:07
thecommutist|404|: or u can also download the iso from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download16:07
|404|just i needed shining from god :)16:07
lion-oclearsscreen but when i typed that into synaptic xchat it doesnt show any results16:07
clearscreenlion-o: actually, xchat is in my repositories too... but that might not be the case with yours16:07
wtvtux_: ubottu is a bot16:07
|404|ok i am already download @ %10116:07
clearscreenlion-o: which ubuntu version do you use16:07
thrillERboyhow to save doc files from openoffice as pdf?16:08
|404|is ubuntu have turkish version ?16:08
tux_wtv: i think so16:08
eseven73timc, im not for certain, but I'm assuming /home/timc/.okular   perhaps (its a hidden directory no doubt)16:08
omgconori've seen xchat with a capitol X before which can throw off searches...16:08
lion-oclearscreen when i search for it in synaptic it wont find anything but when i type apt-get install xchat it finds it. i am using 8.1016:08
erUSULthrillERboy: there is a button to do exactly that in the main interface16:08
clearscreenthrillERboy: last time I checked I could export to PDF16:08
erUSULthrillERboy: or file>export as16:08
thecommutist|404|: i think so. u will get the languages option when u boot off the cd16:08
timceseven73, good idea! I should have thought of that. I can't find an .okular folder however16:09
thrillERboythanks clearscreen and erUSUL I checked it in save as. there is the option in the main menu :D16:10
|404|thank you for all16:10
clearscreenlion-o: not sure, when I search for xchat in synaptic it just shows it to me :)16:10
workPragmatist1I've accessed a samba share using smb:// in the file browser... how can I mount this so i can use it in a terminal?16:10
lion-oi dunno i guess i will have to download adept16:10
|404|thecommutist:last question can i use ubuntu in same partation ? is this dangeriusly for run in same ?16:10
testiI'm trying to install php, but I don't manage to get php sites displayed. Instead it gives me a download that contains php code.16:11
thecommutist|404|: u mean the same partition as windows?16:11
thecommutist|404|: or do u mean the same hard disk?16:11
clearscreenlion-o: perhaps you're filtering on a wrong category.. make sure 'All' is selected16:11
lion-oyes it is16:11
clearscreentesti: did you install libapache2-mod-php5 and restart apache?16:12
lion-ostill nothing16:12
thecommutist|404|: u mean the same partition as windows or the same hard disk? please be more specific16:12
clearscreenlion-o: don't know then16:12
sipior_|404|: answering an either-or question with "yes" is not terribly helpful :-)16:12
thecommutistsipior_: P-)16:13
lion-oclearscreen then what about E: Unable to lock the download directory16:13
timcHello! Where does Okular store annotations? There is no ~/.okular. :D Or where does okular exist? Where can i find it. I've never had to dig around in /usr/16:13
testiclearscreen: i did. All of a sudden it works. I guess firefox cache was accidently in my way.16:13
workPragmatist1guys does ubuntu automatically mount a samba share when you do smb:// ?16:14
thecommutistworkPragmatist1_: i think so16:14
workPragmatist1where does it put that mount?16:14
workPragmatist1so i can access it16:14
|404|thecommutist:samepartation (ntfs)16:14
|404|linux and windows can i use ?16:14
thecommutist|404|: u cannot use both on the same partition. u will have to create a seperate partition for ubuntu16:15
clearscreen|404|: you can't install linux on an ntfs partition.. you can however, resize your ntfs partition and install linux on the free space.. the ubuntu install can do it just fine for you16:15
badfish69is it not possible to take a screen while i have a menu open?16:15
zashwonderful, avahi won't start if one has broadband from swedish telia16:15
IHS_InternIs there a way to view my bandwidth usage via CLI?16:15
|404|hmm oky16:15
badfish69ie: the system menu16:16
clearscreenbadfish69: nope, unfortunately not.. however, you can use Gimp to take a screenshot after ~5 seconds and open a menu in the meanwhile16:16
workPragmatist1hrm it puts it in ~/.gvfs/share name16:16
|404|then can i get files from windows partation in started ubuntu ?16:16
clearscreen|404|: yes16:16
badfish69that's helpful clearscreen, ty16:16
Machtinhm.. how can i check how much RAM I have?16:17
Ienorandclearscreen: This would be a bug yes?16:17
sipior_Machtin: "free" will list that.16:17
clearscreenIenorand: I think it's something between a bug and trying to maintain operability (hotkeys in menu's?? I dont know)16:17
thecommutist|404|: check this link for more help - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#Dual-Booting_Windows_and_Ubuntu16:18
ChowderI think that the timestamp_timeout=0 parameter should be part of the default sudoers file16:18
tux_where can i get libc sources used in ubuntu?16:19
mgolischtux_: apt-get source libc ?16:19
SwiateckiHi there, can anyone help me with connecting to a vpn - when using the built in vpn client it gives me that it failed because the vpn service couldnt start16:22
mattgyver83When trying to install 8.10 it fails at the Detect Disks step, does that mean the HD is bad?16:22
todoipalguien me puede ayudar con mi pptpconfig16:23
thecommutistmattgyver83: do u have any other operating system installed on the disk?16:23
Joyce_Is it possible to suppress the following messge when using scp?16:24
Joyce_The authenticity of host blah...blah...blah... can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is blah...blah...blah...Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?16:24
clearscreen!es | todoip16:24
ubottutodoip: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:24
mattgyver83No, but when i run a live cd of gparted i see 1 ntfs partition.  Im wondering if its because the jumper is wrong on the drive.. let me check that.16:24
PiciJoyce_: type yes.16:24
Joyce_Pici : actually I want to write a program which automaticaly download a backup file. I have setup passworld less login usig public auth method. But since I am having a dynamic ip, this is causing problem for me16:25
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thecommutistmattgyver83: if u can boot into windows on the same drive, then the drive must be fine16:25
zashJoyce_: lookup dyndns or similar16:26
jngJoyce_: i believe there is an ssh option to tell it not to do the check16:26
Pie_676how do I install the mozilla CA certificate bundle?16:26
mattgyver83thecommutist, there is no OS on this, just a wiped partition16:26
jng.. but it is not really a good idea to do that..16:26
MionJoyce_: dyndns?16:27
MionJoyce_: or similar services?16:27
Joyce_Jng, without it my program does't work16:27
Joyce_Mion, I am using DynDns16:27
Mionthen the dynamic ip isn't a problem16:27
Joyce_but since the ip changes, it still gives problem16:27
Mionjust use the hostname isntead16:27
Joyce_ok thanks a lot.16:28
Mions/hostname/domain name/16:28
usserJoyce_, just get the dyndns client for linux, it'll keep your hostname up to date16:28
thecommutistmattgyver83: i was having the same problem sometime back, turned out that the power connector was bad. try changing the power connector and see what happens16:28
Mionfoobar.dyndns.org or whatever16:28
mattgyver83thanks for the tip16:28
Joyce_thanks a lot for the help. I will try with my dyndns hostname16:28
thecommutistmattgyver83: the one that connects the smps to the hard disk16:28
PiciJoyce_: You can use ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking no   to automatically add host keys and bypass the dialog.  see man ssh_options for more16:29
sirjoebobhey. anyone know how to certain windows to specific desktops using openbox16:29
Joyce_Thanks a lot Pici. That will give me much more control than using DynDns. Thanks a lot to all for the help :)16:29
Pie_676how do I install the mozilla CA certificate bundle so that it is usable system-wide?16:29
Joyce_btw, is it possible to know my client ip when logged in to my ssh server?16:30
Joyce_I tried to get it from whatismyip.org, but I am getting the ip of my server16:31
phisher1Joyce_: type who16:31
tux_Joyce_: SSH_CONNECTION16:31
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zilleplushow do i controle phpmyadmin on a comp in the network with a ubuntu server (8.10)16:32
Joyce_who doen't help much since it shows all the current logged in sessions.16:32
Pie_676how do i install system wide ssl certificates?16:33
phisher1yes, and you're one of them16:33
phisher1no ?16:33
Joyce_tux_, is SSH_CONNECTION a env variable?16:33
tux_Joyce_: it is16:33
Pie_676Joyce_: Yes16:33
Joyce_$SSH_CONNECTION is empty for me16:33
Pie_676try SSH_CLIENT16:33
Swiateckihi there, any idea why this occours?" ns@ns-ubuntu:~$ sudo route add -net netmask gw
SwiateckiSIOCADDRT: No such process16:33
Joyce_that is also emtpy :(16:34
usserJoyce_, tail /var/log/auth.log16:34
tux_Joyce_: it shouldn't16:34
Joyce_is is possible to get only the current session from who?16:34
tux_Joyce_: do you type echo $SSH_CONNECTION on the server?16:34
phisher1Swiatecki: do you have an interface on that network ?16:34
Joyce_tux_, yes16:34
tux_Joyce_: while you're connected at the shell opened by ssh16:34
phisher1oh jesus16:34
Joyce_tail: cannot open `/var/log/auth.log' for reading: No such file or directory16:35
Swiateckiphisher1, its a vpn connection16:35
Jimbois /tmp only cleared on boot?16:35
Joyce_tux_, i did that from a ssh shell16:35
usserJoyce_, thats weird16:35
phisher1Joyce_: type w, see what tty you are logged in on, then type who, and see what ip is connected to that tty16:35
omniterhello people. :) i just resized my partitions in preparation to move my wubi installation onto a dedicated partition, but now it won't boot saying that wubildr.mbr is missing or corrupt. what do i do? :(16:35
omniteri'm sure i didn't touch anything. i removed empty space from C, and i enlarged the extended partition after it16:36
hatter243Joyce_, ps -o tty= -u <Your username>16:36
Joyce_w also shows me 5 sessions16:36
phisher1only one of which should show you running w16:36
phisher1meh, ubuntu w acts a bit different16:36
Joyce_ps -o tty= -u  admin also gives me 5 sessions16:37
phisher1Joyce_: echo $SSH_TTY16:38
NET||abusegrrr, i find this infuriating, and it's happening quite a lot,, my screen is locking up frequently,,, just stops, the mouse moves around, but nothing is active on the screen, and if i click on random space on the screen, whatever is meant to be clicked actually is clicked as of when the screen re-initialises itself16:38
Mean_Adminwith right config, there is nothing stopping ssh-ing into a LiveCD is there ?16:38
NET||abusei'm running compiz with nvidia nvs 130 graphics card, nvidia 177 driver16:38
Joyce_phisher1: that is also emtpy16:39
rayne_I need to format the entire disk to either nothing or Fat32, how can I do this? Ubuntu wont let me while booted and the install forces me to have a root partition16:39
phisher1empty? uhh.. are you sshed into the machine?16:39
NET||abusesorry,, the card is an nvidia quadro NVS 135M16:39
ZarOhello all16:39
hatter243Joyce_, what are you ultimately trying to do?16:39
Joyce_yes, I am sure16:39
rommei have an intel integraded graphics card, but the driver rarely works: it boots into 640x480 9 of 10 times16:39
ZarOwhats the best place ot read abotu ocnfiguring Ubuntu as firewall?16:39
Mionrayne_: just boot a live cd, and mkfs.vfat /dev/whatever16:40
Joyce_hatter243. I want to try an alternative to using dyndns.16:40
NET||abuseanyone know why this is constantly doing this,, been like this for a long while.. just ignored it before, but it seems to be happening more often now, though i'm pushing my machine pretty hard these days.16:40
phisher1ZarO: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html is a good start16:40
MionZarO: tldp got a good guide on iptables16:40
rayne_Mion, more details please, is that a command for terminal?16:40
NET||abuserunning OOo, inkscape, flash videos, vlc, firefox etc etc.. lots at once,, also a vista instance in virtualbox vm16:40
ZarOty guys :)16:40
hatter243Joyce_, What's the problem with the alternative?16:40
Mionrayne_: yes, `man mkfs.vfat` for more info16:41
rayne_Mion, thanks16:41
Joyce_hatter243: i want to run a shell script that connects to my webserver when I start my system and run a shell script there. The shell script on the remote server will backup my database and scp it back to my local system16:41
timcwow. okular just destroyed my entire notations for that book16:41
Joyce_hatter243: Alternative? You mean dyndns?16:41
timci saved the file as to overwrite16:41
MionJoyce_: ssh keys + dyndns + rc.local16:42
timcand now the file is 0 bytes16:42
hatter243Joyce_, no, nevermind that. I was just trying to figure out what you were ultimately trying to do16:42
timci can't believe that. i have lost so much work because of linux.16:42
furenku_hi! i'm looking for a command that allows me to batch remove a string from a file name; e.g. "nameold1.txt" to "name1.txt"; i've tried looking at sed, but can't seem to figure it out... could anybody provide a pointer?16:42
rayne_Mion, do I need the /dev/blahblah part?16:42
ssdtimc: problem is always between keyboard and chair16:43
Mionrayne_: yes16:43
Joyce_Mion : i will try it with dyndns.16:43
rayne_Mion, thanks trying16:43
phisher1furenku_: for i in *; do new=`echo $file|sed ' s/old//g '`; mv $i $new; done16:43
MionJoyce_: ssh understand domain names, so you can do ssh user@foobar.dyndns.org:/some/where16:43
timcfile save as16:43
timcand it creates a 0 byte file16:43
simplexiofurenku_: try rename 's/string//g' * -n16:43
VoltapleinHi -- I'm trying to get started with Python and glade3.  I see a python-glade2 package in the repos, but not python-glade3.  Where can I get it?16:44
timci think you should be a bit more sympathetic ssd. thats a pretty annoying comment.16:44
Joyce_Mion: ok. thanks16:44
ssdtimc: sorry xD16:45
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Ax-Axcan someone explain why firefox appears as a empty frame when uploading images16:46
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pawelhave you got any Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu or other GUI Linux video in 1024x768 and 24, 25 or 30 fps?16:46
Ax-Axpawel, talkin to me? then yeah16:46
NET||abusearrrrg,,,, it's doing it AGAAAAAIN!!! f(*kin piece of s&£t16:46
Ax-Axor no16:46
teddy_join #twitter16:47
ZarOum silly question, to make a server a firewall needs 2 NICs? :)16:47
phisher1ZarO: not really16:47
phisher1you can use alias interfaces16:47
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timcok, i am able to reproduce this bug. any pdf i save in okular creates a 0 byte file.16:47
insanhi, i started under amsn my webcam. after i close the window, the webcam led is still lighting. can anybody help me?16:47
XcellI just installed emerald...everything works great..but i can not resize any windows...did i miss something?16:47
pawelAx-Ax: what video have you got?16:47
timcwhat a terrible bug16:47
Ax-Axpawel: x, nvidia, 60 hz or something16:48
ZarOphisher: cool and connect to the switch and assign diff IPs to each and the internal IP will be the gateway?16:48
jovehello all, does anyone know where the system defaults SOUND locate ? I want to set the custom sound for my application notification.16:48
pawelAx-Ax: could you send it to me?16:48
Ax-Axshut up16:49
Ax-Axoh sry wrong window16:49
insanhi, i started under amsn my webcam. after i close the window, the webcam led is still lighting. can anybody help me?16:49
jovedoes anyone know where the system defaults SOUND locate ? I want to set the custom sound for my application notification.16:49
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Ax-Axpawel; you want my xorg conf or what :S16:50
eternalis it possible to load files from a windows hd connected to the same computer i am using?16:50
ssdeternal yes16:50
WhatsinanameLooking for a good "login" script.  I work for school that has student shares on widows, but I would like a simple script to ask user name password and then connect to that share.16:50
eternalssd: What kinda application should i look at?16:50
WebuExcuse me, what is the correct syntax for "usermod" to move home directory?16:50
Webu"usermod -m -d /new/home user" doesn't seem to work.16:51
pawelAx-Ax: I meant a video file to include in my movie.16:51
Ax-Axlol no16:51
phisher1ZarO: if you are setting up a NAT, then correct16:51
n8tuserfWebu -> what is the reason you need to remove a home dir of a user/16:51
ssdeternal you mean HD with ntfs partition ?16:51
Webun8tuserf, I'm just moving it, not removing actually.16:51
furenku_phisher1, simplexio, thanks a lot; both options work great!16:52
eternalssd:  yes :)16:52
n8tuserfWebu -> try --home  option instead of -d ?16:52
ZarOphisher1: am trying to set it up as PDC and firewall dhcp etc16:52
n8tuserfWebu -> if not, manually modify /etc/passwd16:53
lenswipecan someone reccomend me a good C++ compiler for ubuntu?16:53
Joyce_phisher1: found the problem with SSH_CLIENT and SSH_TTY16:53
WebuHmm, it doesn't seen to accept that either :-S16:53
Joyce_they are available with i first login via ssh16:53
Joyce_but when I su -16:53
Joyce_they are no longer available16:53
phisher1Webu: usermod -m -d /new/home/dir username16:53
ssdeternal did you try connect it via USB (mounting automatically ? )16:53
WebuToo bad I can't remember the syntax I used once before, maybe I'll stick to manual editing.16:53
phisher1Joyce_: ahh, makes sense16:53
eternalssd: it is connected via sata16:53
lenswipecan someone reccomend me a good C++ compiler for ubuntu?16:54
SearlesIs a 15 GB HD enough space to fully enjoy everything Ubuntu has to offer?16:54
ssdeternal aaaga16:54
Webuphisher1, weird, that just doesn't any anything, returns the usage :-S16:54
rayne_Mion, I am trying to use mkfs.vfat /dev/wtfever can I don't have a directory in /dev, what is the command to create one. I just need some folder right?16:54
lenswipeSearles: ive run ubuntu on a 10GB HDD and it worked fine16:54
lenswipeSearles: ive run ubuntu on a 10GB HDD and it worked fine16:54
Mionrayne_: you do have a /dev16:54
SearlesI know that it'll run16:54
lenswipecan someone reccomend me a good C++ compiler for ubuntu?16:54
SearlesI just wanna' know if I'm gonna' be able to fully enjoy everything about it16:54
SearlesI wanna' install themes and such16:54
Joyce_Mion: it is working fine with DynDNS. Thanks16:54
Searlesand make it look dazzles16:54
Mionrayne_: unless you are on windows16:54
am88blenswipe: g++ ? GNU C++ compiler?16:55
phisher1Webu: ehh, worked pefectly for me16:55
FloodBot1Searles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about c++16:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpp16:55
lenswipeSearles: yeah well it worked fine for me im running an aweseom theme right now16:55
phisher1Webu: are you using sudo or are you root?16:55
lenswipeSearles: want a screenshot?16:55
Pici!compile | lenswipe16:55
ubottulenswipe: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:55
Mionlenswipe: gcc is the only one worth using16:55
IenorandSearles: For just the OS + apps it should be more than enough, then all saved files is another matter (download music etc...)16:55
SearlesSend me a secreenie16:55
Webuphisher1, I'm a root on this server box, hmm..16:55
ssdeternal can you run the disk ?16:55
furenku_simplexio, I actually used the 'rename' option; the console gives me the correct output; however, I can't find the renamed files... it seems they don't exist , any ideas what could be happening?16:55
phisher1Webu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145517/16:55
lenswipeSearles: ok ill be a minute cos this box has 128RAM which is what technitians call f*** all lol16:55
lenswipebut its a webserver so i dont ned much16:56
RedHell Hello! If you need help, contact me. If you don't need help then help others! :D16:56
eternalssd: i am new to linux So i virtually don't know what. I am not dumb or so but what i have looked for the hd hasn't showed up16:56
furenku_simplexio, in the console I get: "clip11.mov renamed as 11.mov" but the 11.mov file is not there...16:56
Webuphisher1, oh oh, many thanks for your reply though - I'll try to fight with this for a while.16:56
ssdeternal its HDD or partition ?16:56
Clintegerhow is ubuntu x86_64 these days?16:56
eternalssd:  HDD16:56
joveRedHell: does you know where the system defaults SOUND locate ? I want to set the custom sound for my application notification.16:57
jason____in jaunty, I can minimize pidgin to the indicator applet by selecting it from there when it's already open. But if I just click minimize in pidgin, it goes to the taskbar16:57
Picijason____: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:57
ssdeternal hmm dont know :(16:57
eternalssd:  it is my vista harddrive and i don't want to put things on cd's to merge over here16:57
RedHell[jove]  what kind of notification ?16:57
ssdeternal did you have 2 HDD on your PC ?16:57
eternalssd: yes16:57
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jamalfanaianHi, is there any way to tell if the command-line install of Ubuntu is still working? I am not sure if it crashed but it has had the message "Retrieving libcwidget3..." for over 20 minutes,... all the other packages finished within seconds.16:58
joveRedhell: thunderbird email16:58
phisher1jason____: click X to "close" pidgin, it'll minimize to tray16:58
simplexiofurenku_: man rename ... -n "do nothing aka dr run" added it there just as safe option16:58
insanhi, i started under amsn my webcam. after i close the window, the webcam led is still lighting. can anybody help me?16:59
furenku_simplexio, you're right, I just found that in the man... thanks a lot man!!16:59
furenku_just solved a day of troubles16:59
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
joveRedHell: do U know where Ubuntu stored the default SOUND system ?16:59
RedHell[jove]  you want simply change it ?16:59
joveRedHell: I just want to know where sound directory is ?17:00
meoblast001hi.. i set up a new user on my server for ssh but when i try to log in i get "Read from remote host Connection reset by peer"17:00
Mionjove: there is no 'sound directory'17:00
eternalssd: http://technical-itch.co.uk/2006/11/06/how-to-access-your-windows-hard-drive-from-ubuntu/ found it :)17:01
lenswipeSearles: http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd12/lenswipe/pimpmyserver.png?t=123903348617:01
joveHi ALL: does anyone know where all of the Unbuntu defaults SOUND location ?17:01
rayne_Mion, sorry, live session crashed. How do I make a directory so mkfs.vfat /dev/crap works?17:01
poddusis there a special channel for ubuntu on mac?17:01
lenswipeSearles; are u there?17:01
Mionrayne_: you do have a /dev17:02
jamalfanaianjove: try /usr/share/sound17:02
Webuphisher1, oh, it required "usermod -d /new/home -m user" syntax, maybe a bit old version or something :-S17:02
jamalfanaianjove: Sorry, /usr/share/sounds17:02
Mionthere is no way you don't have one17:02
rayne_Mion, yes17:02
SearlesLenswipe, that looks good too17:02
lenswipeSearles: the theme came from gnomelook.org17:02
lenswipeSearles: want me to check on the name for u?17:02
SearlesHow do you do that?17:02
lenswipeSearles: i downloaded the theme right?17:03
SearlesClick on my name like that17:03
lenswipei didnt17:03
lenswipeits because im using your name17:03
rayne_Mion, I tried just /dev and I got "unable to open /dev"17:03
FloodBot1lenswipe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
jovejamalfaian: thx!!!17:03
rayne_Mion, with or without sudo17:03
SearlesIt doesn't do it for me17:03
Mionrayne_: /dev is a folder containing special devices, like block device representation of your harddisks17:03
lenswipeSearles: it does, its just u dont see it :)17:03
lenswipeSearles; try typing "lenswipe" in17:03
Mionrayne_: you discs are most likely named /dev/sdx,y17:03
poddusis there a channel for ubuntu on mac?17:03
Mionwhere x is a letter [a-z]17:03
lenswipeSearles: without the quotes17:04
mashoany one can help me i trying to detele the wine file form my applications ?17:04
lenswipeyeah there we go17:04
Mionand y is a number [1-infinity]17:04
SearlesThanks lenswipe17:04
SearlesI'm downloading Ubuntu17:04
jemoralesubuntu en espanol17:04
SearlesI'm gonna' install it on a 15 GB HDD that I'm not using17:04
Mionthe first partion on the first disc is /dev/sda117:04
jason____masho:  what do you mean 'the wine file' ?17:04
SearlesI might as well use it for something17:04
lenswipeSearles: by the way, i got the wallpaper from planetrenders.net - might wana head over there and check the renders out good for wallpapers17:04
Mionthe third partion on the second disc is /dev/sdb317:04
SearlesMaybe I can build a small Ubuntu box17:04
rayne_Mion, This is what I have, http://pastebin.com/d6913204917:04
mashothe one to download window apps17:04
lenswipeSearles: you have to register before you can download the graphics but its free and quick17:05
SearlesI'll check it out17:05
mashoand is there a other way  i can use window apps on ubuntu 8.0417:05
RedHell anyone has info about ubuntu kernel hacks ?17:05
Picassotamus!vm | masho17:05
ubottumasho: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications17:05
lzefhi, i have an ubuntu box with a missing /etc/sudoers file. is there anything else i can do to solve this problem except yanking out the power cord?17:05
jason____masho: I'm confused what you mean. Wine doesn't directly place any files in your applications, it just tries to execute them as windows would17:06
jamalfanaianso apparently something went down with the network when installing from the command line17:06
jamalfanaianhow do i get it to continue / try again / restart the installation?17:06
mashoi see where can i download cedega and KQemu17:06
jamalfanaianit's just stuck at "retrieving libcwidget3..." and wont' do much17:06
rayne_Mion, I looked through that and didn't see anything that looked like a hard drive mount.... so I thought I might have to make one or mount something first.17:07
jason____masho: which program are you trying to run?17:07
Mionrayne_: sudo ls /dev/17:07
p0lar69can anyone help me with a Intel ICH8 Raid 0 install of Ubuntu on my laptop?17:07
mashojason i delete the WIne but all my yahho and messager will not detele17:07
lenswipebye everyone17:08
jason____rayne_: /dev doesn't contain mounts, but block devices. they're raw partitions, they usually end up mounted in /mnt or /media17:08
mashoi trying to user some window app like yahoo messager and imspace17:08
rayne_Mion, http://pastebin.com/d7885557a17:08
jason____masho: If you installed them to wine, wine should have created a folder called ".wine" in your home directory17:08
Mionmasho: why not pidgin?17:08
mashobut Wine not cuting it for me17:08
rayne_jason____, Thanks, not entirely sure what it is, only that I am unable to find what I am looking for.17:08
Mionrayne_: ok, ubuntu is stupid and isn't detecting your discs17:09
jason____masho: in there is a drive_c, that is where the virtual windows filesystem is. If you removed wine, you can just delete that17:09
mashocuz pidgin no good i more as a window user then ubuntu17:09
excowhat's the cheapest (a real cheap) draft n usb stick working out-of-the-box with Ubuntu?17:09
masholet me try that now jason17:09
rayne_Mion, Not only is Ubuntu stupid, but I have a section of the hard drive partitioned in Fat32 and winblow wont install because it says my hard drive is corrupted or has a virus17:09
rayne_Mion, Which is why I am trying to erase the entire disk and start with Winblows first then install Ubuntu17:10
Mionrayne_: windows can whipe the disc for you during the install, just delete every partion, and create a new one for windows17:10
NuuBuntuCan someone please walk me through installing Easycam? I tried reading the guide but they start out with a deb command that won't work.17:11
rayne_Mion, I can't get to that phase, it stops right after initialization to tell me there is a hard drive corruption17:11
ant1pathycan people see me?17:11
NuuBuntuYes ant1pathy17:11
rayne_ant1pathy, Yes17:11
=== Ken__ is now known as Aerodynamic
Mionrayne_: sounds like bad hardware17:11
ant1pathyexcellent, wanted to make sure my nickserv worked here as well17:11
Mionrayne_: do the disc shows correctly in the bios?17:11
rayne_Mion, yep, and I can install just fine in Linux17:12
poddusis the mac sleep bug fixed yet? can I use the apple bootloader instead of rEFI?17:12
Mionant1pathy: this channel isn't +R so you can talk even when not identified17:12
mashoi cant find the c diver jason17:12
ant1pathyso my current computer is dying.  i've had it for almost 4 years and is just painfully old17:12
Mionmasho: use pidgin instead of yahoo messanger in wine17:12
ant1pathyoverheating cpu with the case open and a oscillating fan blowing across it17:12
Mionmasho: you will be much happier17:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crc17:13
rayne_Mion, I changed my laptop over to Ubuntu and haven't been able to get winblows to reinstall on it. I am assuming the problem is winblows not able to understand what the heck XFS and Ext2 journaling is so its freaking out17:13
jason____masho: Try opening a terminal, and typing rm -R ~/.wine17:13
Piciant1pathy: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? If not, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.  #ubuntu is for support only.17:13
ant1pathythe version of xp that i've had for the past 4 years is the 32 bit17:13
ant1pathyyes, i'm getting to that ; )17:13
mashothing is i not happy with it mon17:13
jason____masho: But really have you tried pidgin? it's very nice17:13
mashook jason17:13
mashoi did i dont like it jason17:14
ant1pathythe processor i've ordered is a 64 bit.  i'm also not happy with the inability to get full use of the 4g of ram i've ordered, with 32bit xp only seeing 4g of total system memory17:14
rayne_Mion, Does it matter that I have multiple partitions to run Linux? I created different swap, /home and / partitions17:14
mashojason  rm -R ~/.wine  not working17:14
jason____masho: what does it say?17:14
rayne_Mion, When I open gparted, they are all listed as /dev/sda1  /sda2/ sda3    etc17:15
ant1pathyi'm currently downloading the ubuntu cd from the ubuntu website17:15
ant1pathythe 64 bit version17:15
mashois say name@name-desktop17:15
ant1pathyam i capable of performing a fresh install with a freshly built pc with that download?17:15
marko-_-masho, if there is no response then it worked17:15
jason____rayne_: that's bizarre :/ afaik gparted works directly on the block device doesn't it?17:16
Witch_Docanyone know of a guide for portable ubuntu?17:16
jason____no block device should = no listing in gparted17:16
ForgeAuswho does packages? if I give a source package can someone make a .deb out of it for me?17:16
mashobut where my applications it same wine as a folder17:16
sipior_ant1pathy: sure. why not?17:16
jason____masho: Did you uninstall wine as well?17:16
mashoi trying to detele that17:16
rayne_jason____, I am in live session as well, does that effect anything?17:16
Witch_Dochttp://witchdoc.mybrute.com pretty funny game17:16
dicksuckerHello Cocksuckers!17:17
ant1pathysipior: never used linux before (so be gentle).  the only experience i've had is hearing about having to do everything, and i mean EVERYTHING, manually through some fun text commancs17:17
ganesh2how do i install vlc?17:17
Piciganesh2: sudo apt-get install vlc17:18
jason____rayne_: I suppose if the live session ran in a chroot.. I'm afraid your problem is above my head :/17:18
jamalfanaianganesh2: you can use the synaptic package manager and search for vlc17:18
rayne_jason____, Any ideas? I just need to completely wipe the hard drive. Either as unformatted or Fat 3217:18
jamalfanaianganesh2: or the terminal and do what Pici said17:18
sipior_ant1pathy: no, the install is straightforward, especially if you don't have a windows install or the like to worry about. most things can be done outside of a terminal, if you really want to.17:18
mashoanyway where can i fine the window me iso for the vbox17:18
=== Whipper__ is now known as _Whipper
jason____rayne_: does gparted actually work? are you able to format from there?17:19
Picassotamusmasho: windows me? *shudders*17:19
rayne_Anyone able to help? I just need to completely wipe the hard disk, either as unformatted or as Fat32. Linux installer does not allow this without creating a root partition and the odd partitions are preventing winblows installer from getting to the partition phase.17:19
ant1pathysipior: anything in particular i should be aware about?  should the standard discs for mobo drivers and such install cleanly?17:19
excois there a place where I can find a whitelist for wifi hardware working flawless with Ubuntu?17:19
rayne_jason____, I can format... but not everything, I can't touch the root and swap partitions17:19
mashojust window me os so i can use it on v box17:19
arthurL_rayne_: 'gksudo gparted' on the liveCD. That should let you do anything you want to it17:20
jason____rayne_: if you're running from a livecd there shouldn't be a distinction between root/swap/whatever partitions :/17:20
rayne_arthurL_, What does the "gk" do?17:20
jason____rayne_:  graphical17:20
arthurL_^ that17:21
rayne_arthurL_, It is the exact same as just running sudo gparted, and I cannot delete or unmount the root partitions17:21
rayne_jason____, You would think that... hense why I am in the live session, but it does not let me17:21
sipior_ant1pathy: no, they probably won't, as the drivers on those discs would be for windows, most likely. linux will almost certainly support all of your hardware out of the box, with no driver discs. to verify this, boot your machine off of the live cd, and check that the machine is usable, keyboard and mouse work, network is reachable, &cet. at which point you can do a proper install of linux (running it off of the cd is terribly slow).17:22
eseven73rayne_, you might have to try Gparted LiveCD or SystemRescue CD then17:22
jason____rayne_: thats extremely bizarre! are you using an install cd? all I can imagine is that it's actually rooting your linux filesystem, not the livecd17:23
rayne_eseven73, going to try something17:23
jason____i agree with eseven, try another live/rescue cd17:23
ant1pathysipior: thank you for your help, it's very nice to have this kind of instant support.  can i installed off a live cd as well?17:23
rayne_jason____, thanks for the help, I removed 2 partitions in grparted and the other that wouldnt delete... disapeared, lol... should work now. Thanks for the help17:23
sipior_ant1pathy: yep. all-in-one!17:23
ant1pathyand i'm running a wireless usb adaptor, would it be better to take it down to the router and hardwire it?17:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:24
jason____ant1pathy: you can always do that if the wireless doesn't work on boot17:24
jason____ant1pathy: try your wireless first. recent kernels have great support for consumer wifi17:24
=== baz_ is now known as baz_work
_infidelhowcome local ip in /etc/hosts isnt the same as localip seen when ran ifconfig. Do you have to update /etc/hosts yourself?17:26
zero__ola, boa tarde17:27
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:27
LjL!br | zero__17:27
ubottuzero__: please see above17:27
zero__alguem poderia me dizer onde baixar o ubuntu server ?:?17:27
sipior__infidel: yes, you'll need to make sure that /etc/hosts is consistent with your network setup.17:28
=== sipior_ is now known as sipior
kamarulariffhi there17:28
_infidelsipior_: ty17:28
zero__download ubuntu server ?17:28
syntax\lo, i have no idea on how to write a shell script, but would it be possible to write a shell script that can delete all the other applications in ubuntu aside from Firefox and OpenOffice?17:28
eseven73syntax\, I think you'd want the Alternative CD17:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:29
adnchello, does anyone know if there is a open source project of simple finger tracking with a webcam, which could be used for presentations?17:29
syntax\eseven73: what do you mean17:29
eseven73syntax\, it will let you pick and choose what software gets installed17:29
eseven73meaning totally reinstall17:29
syntax\really? i thought ubuntu doesnt have something like that :)17:30
eseven73most distros have a alternative disk17:30
syntax\cause, rpm based like fedora and centos are like that17:30
AerodynamicHi, I'm new to Ubuntu (a total noob). If I've downloaded a .tar.bz file or what not, how do I install it?17:31
AerodynamicIf the install file tells me to do a "./install.sh", what does that mean? :X17:31
clearscreenAerodynamic: a tar.gz file is an archive, you will need to unpack it first17:31
jamalfanaianAerodynamic: .tar.bz is an archive, kind of like .zip17:31
IenorandAerodynamic: What kind of app is that?17:31
jamalfanaianAerodynamic: So unpack it first17:31
Picassotamus!tar | Aerodynamic17:31
ubottuAerodynamic: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression17:31
jamalfanaianAerodynamic: If you are in Ubuntu right now, it should open with Archive Manager by default. Then you can just click "Extract"17:32
zero__alguem pode me dar uma juda onde baixar o ubuntu servidor ?17:32
zero__alguem pode me dar uma juda onde baixar o ubuntu servidor ?17:32
LjL!br | zero__17:32
ubottuzero__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:32
IenorandAerodynamic: That means go to terminal an execute that script, which will hopefully will install the stuff...17:32
tiagofalcaozero__: www.ubuntu.com17:32
AerodynamicOh, x_X. Wow.17:32
syntax\another thing, we're planning to install ubuntu 8.10 (with gui on) on 40 work stations. some off them are slow pc's meaning running on p4 1.6 below with a low ram like 128mb - 256.I wanna try something like somehow hot swapping a hard disk instead.17:32
AerodynamicI'm an idiot, thank you everyone17:32
MionAerodynamic: try to find a .deb instead17:33
syntax\get a core 2 pc with a decent ram install ubuntu in 40x hdd using the core 2 machine.17:33
clearscreenor preferably: install through apt (if it's on the repositories)17:33
ant1pathyawesome.  you guys rock17:33
AerodynamicWell, I'm trying to download 7-Zip for Linux since the default archive manager doesn't seem to be able to open .rar files17:34
AerodynamicUnless I'm wrong.17:34
ant1pathyanywhere you can reccomend for hardware questions?17:34
clearscreenAerodynamic: it can17:34
cemcwhen my laptop comes out of sleep mode, the hdd is still on powersave mode (hdparm -I gives 128), and the head parks a lot. what can I do on 8.10 to end this?17:34
syntax\would i get any errors? if ever i installed and updated an ubuntu in a core 2 machine and moved the hdd to a slower computer let say a p4 1.817:34
magnetronAerodynamic→ it can, if you install the "rar" package with the synaptic package manager17:34
AerodynamicOh, I see.17:35
=== STill is now known as adebarbara
jacobthey guys17:36
jacobtanyone can tell me my IP address?17:36
sipiorjacobt:! Am I right?17:36
syntax\Jacobt: ifconfig.17:37
jacobti know how to do it on my local pc17:37
jacobti wonder if u can see it17:37
jacobtin any way17:37
clearscreenyes, :P17:37
Mionjacobt: internal or external?17:37
magnetronjacobt→ ppp079166196200.dsl.hol.gr17:37
syntax\ppp079166196200.dsl.hol.gr has address
jacobthow is it that u know?17:38
jacobtfrom IRC?17:38
=== chinmay is now known as Guest87135
syntax\anyone be able to help me with my dilemma :D17:38
jamalfanaianjacobt: yeah you can get an ip, just whois the user...17:38
clearscreensyntax\: which is?17:38
Mionjacobt: there is a lot of 'whatsmyip' style pages on the net :p17:38
Mionjacobt: that you can use to see your own ip17:39
jacobtfor example17:39
jacobthow can i see ur ip?17:39
clearscreenjacobt: I don't see how this is related to ubuntu support, but try /whois username17:40
magnetron!cloak | jacobt17:40
ubottujacobt: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks17:40
jacobtthank you :)17:40
syntax\clearscreen: were going to install ubuntu on 40x workstations (most of them are slow pc's). Im thinking if this is possible. I'd get a core2duo machine, install and update ubuntu there and move that said hdd to the slow computer. my question is, would i get or encounter any hardware incompatibility error?17:41
Mionsyntax\: just make sure the initrd contains the drivers needed to boot17:41
syntax\how can i check that Mion17:42
webterrorCould someone help me, please?17:42
Mion!ask | webterror17:42
ubottuwebterror: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:42
syntax\those slow pc's aren't the same. different mobo's different 64mb gfx cards17:42
weatherkiddoes any1 know how to ICS ubuntu from vista?17:42
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Mionsyntax\: don't remember if ubuntu provides an fallback image, but if it does, then you can simply boot that the first time, and then rebuild the main image17:43
webterrorI set up the wireless Device, and i try to load my kernel, so i perfectly finished the work;17:43
sipiorsyntax\: there are better ways to accomplish mass installs. have a look here, for example: http://wiki.systemimager.org/17:43
webterrorbut, No list of nm-applet is vlewed17:43
syntax\Mion: would it take some time rebuilding the main image? what exactly is this process "rebuild the main image"17:43
weatherkidMion: doesn't the alternate cd have a repair system option?17:44
Mionsyntax\: usually takes <60 seconds17:44
webterrori can't load the nm-applet for ra0 device of wireless;17:44
syntax\Mion: cool17:44
syntax\sipior: thanks, any other suggestions with regards to mass install?17:45
lnghi! how to fix:  mysql-server: Depends: mysql-server-5.0 but it is not going to be installed; E: Broken packages17:45
webterrori can't load the nm-applet loaded on ra0 wireless device;17:45
Mionlng: try another mirror17:45
Mionlng: and clear it from your cache17:45
lngMion: how to clear cache?17:46
webterrorMion, Do you understand my question?17:46
alevinewhat's the best way to rebuild a kernel module with a patch but not the whole kernel?17:46
Mionalevine: a module that comes with the kernel?17:46
sipiorsyntax\: not really. the installation is usually the easiest part of running a cluster. install on your "golden client", image, and distribute. the FAQ there is pretty helpful.17:46
alevineMion: yes, I want to recompile drm specifically17:47
Mionalevine: if so, just get the kernel source, patch the module, set it to 'm' in the .config and `make modules`17:47
Mionalevine: then copy it to /lib/modules/whatever and depmod -a17:47
maximohello all....I have this problem ....could you please take a look at ---->http://www.pastebin.ca/138385517:47
alevineMion: thanks, i'll try that17:48
lnghow to query applications i got installed via CLI?17:48
Mionalevine: or you could go to the spesfic module location and issue make from there17:48
webterrorWhat do it need to load my wireless device on nm-applet?17:48
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sirjoebobanyone know how to lock a window (ie firefox) to a specific desktop on openbox17:49
Mionsirjoebob: edit the xml config17:49
Mionsirjoebob: use the class name as a base for the filter rule17:49
sipiorsyntax\: actually, one piece of advice: grab systemimager from the systemimager.org web site. the ubuntu packages for it are terribly out of date. the most recent version is much nicer to use, frankly.17:49
webterrorIt seems that Anyone do not understand my question17:50
sirjoebobMion, May be a little over my head yet but you gave me a springboard to jump from. time for research17:50
sirjoebobMion, ty lol17:50
lnghow to query applications i got installed via CLI?17:50
syntax\sipior / Mion: which do you think would be faster? installing a minimal install ubuntu and update in a core2 machine one by one or use system imager.17:50
sipiorlng: dpkg -l17:50
Mionsirjoebob: if xml don't make your head explode, then it's rather easy17:50
marqueedwhat do you mean by query?17:50
alevineMion: thanks17:51
syntax\i'll move the hdds to the slow pc after every install..17:51
sirjoebobMion, Thanks, I think I will get it fine. I am enjoying openbox's easy-edit style17:51
sipiorsyntax\: depends on how many machines we're talking about.17:51
maximoI need some regarding this:   http://www.pastebin.ca/138385517:51
alevineMion: whats the best way to get the source? apt-get source linux-image-... ?17:51
syntax\around 40 computers.17:51
lngsipior: thank you!17:52
Ast001is there any secret service in Ubuntu which can be responsible for droping packages from internet except firewall or apparmour17:52
Mionsirjoebob: something like http://pastie.org/43856217:53
webterrornm-applet shows no list of available networks17:53
Preplexedhi playing dvd all volume up max can hear it on u tube etc using  totem on i bex, ny idea's?17:53
Mionalevine: I prefer kernel.org :/17:54
sipiorsyntax\: one of the advantages of systemimager, for example, is that it is easier to keep the computers updated. on the other hand, you could make a bunch of usb keys with the ubuntu installer, and do a big parallel install...17:54
alevineMion: heh, but I'd like to have an ubuntu kernel17:54
sirjoebobMion, Looks easy enough. thanks for the help. you rock17:54
maximois there a way to  update drivers fo my system?17:54
vetus6ooboa tarde pessoal17:54
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DesenCan anyone help me resolving a Mounting issue ? screenshot here: http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m275/bushwacker20/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png17:55
syntax\with regards to the update.. the workstations would be scattered to different area's.17:55
syntax\they won't run on a single network..17:55
syntax\and also. we don't have any usb sticks..17:55
Mionalevine: grab it with apt-get then17:56
maximocan any1 help me in resolving this problme  --->http://www.pastebin.ca/138385517:56
Desen3 partitions, using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I cannot access the D partition, 135 GB of movies and important documents17:56
clearscreen!repeat | maximo17:56
ubottumaximo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:56
Mionalevine: you can cd to the module in the source, patch it, and just do `make` and then copy it to the right place, and depmod -a17:56
lngis it better to remove app with purge or remove flag?17:57
Mionalevine: just make sure you get the same source as your running kernel :)17:57
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kc8pxyi have a working approx server.   I'm trying to use it for netboot installs. it seems I'm missing some URL's to forward to the approx from my squid. i THINK i know how write the regex for it,  but i'm not sure.17:57
maximoany1 wiling to help me out with this:   ---- >   http://www.pastebin.ca/138385517:57
clearscreen!repeat | maximo17:57
alevineMion: I got some weird permission denied errors when I did apt-get source...downloading from kernel.org17:57
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sipiorlng: generally remove is sufficient, especially if there's a chance that you may want to look at a modified configuration file at some point in the future, for example. most of the time purge will also be fine, but disk space is cheap, you know?17:58
arthurL_alevine: Did you use 'sudo'?17:58
Desenmounting a partition here: http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m275/bushwacker20/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png ... 3 partitions, using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I cannot access the D partition, 135 GB of movies and important documents. Ubuntu is the only OS i use.17:58
lngsipior: i see17:58
alevinearthurL_: yeah, the permission denied was from the web server when apt-get tried to download the file17:58
Ast001I have wired problem.My eth0 device can comunicate in LAN with no problem but has a lot of dropped packages for which I think are from WAN. And I've got connection refused error17:59
vineethis there is any software to watch tv online?17:59
Ast001I have no firewall17:59
Louishello!  Quick quetion about the LVM:  if I have 2 disks set up as a single logical volume, can the disks independently spin down?  I've been having problems with noise and increased seek time on a raid0 volume (not to mention the ever-lingering threat of data corruption), so I was wondering if a logical volume could help partially mitigate these problems17:59
conb123Can somebody please test out my ssh for me17:59
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Louishello!  Quick quetion about the LVM:  if I have 2 disks set up as a single logical volume, can the disks independently spin down?  I've been having problems with noise and increased seek time on a raid0 volume (not to mention the ever-lingering threat of data corruption), so I was wondering if a logical volume could help partially mitigate these problems17:59
Mionconb123: ip?17:59
kc8pxyfor caching apt packages, do i need to be more discriminatory than this? `regex ^http://(.*).canonical.com/(.*)` ????18:00
conb123mion: got someone but thanks anyway18:00
vineethis there any software for watching tv online?18:00
MionLouis: I would advice against lvm spanning severa discs, without being on top of raid 1/5/618:01
MionLouis: but then again, if you don't care about the extra risc of data loss18:01
paul68conb123: what do you have for problem with ssh?18:01
LouisMion:  oh LVM's are prone to data corruption as well?   What about the disks spinning down?18:02
doktoreas_hello everybody18:02
doktoreas_is it possibile when installing a new package avoid upgrading another one?18:02
jribdoktoreas_: sure, why not18:02
MionLouis: a pure lvm2, spanning 2 discs, is about as safe as raid 018:02
conb123paul68: yes i always get this error when trying to connect to it ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host18:03
MionLouis: if you loose one disc, you risk loosing all of the data on the array18:03
doktoreas_jrib, I wanna install a new package but the process fail cause another one is broken18:03
LouisMion:  I just learned something new... good to know.18:03
zero__join ubuntu-br18:03
jribdoktoreas_: oh, then yes you want to fix that18:03
paul68conb123: is the ssh server running?18:03
basajaunsynaptic offers an update which gives an error  : hotkey-setup_0.1-23ubuntu11_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error18:03
thewrathhow do i move my ssh private and public keys from windows to ubuntu since it is all in one file for ubuntu and windows has it kind of different18:03
basajaunany idea?18:03
e3cobasajaun:  are you using 9.04 beta?18:03
doktoreas_jrib, I am on 9.04 beta18:04
LouisMion:  still might be worth it, if only for the disks being able to spin down independently18:04
kc8pxynoone knows?  I'm new to ubuntu but i thought SOMEONE else would know.18:04
doktoreas_already reported the bug18:04
gerahello, can someone help me with this: Checking Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe (254)18:04
conb123paul68: yes definitely it works if i type ssh localhost18:04
MionLouis: there is a joke about raid 0. "what does the 0 in raid 0 stand for? The amount of data left after a single disc failure"18:04
basajaunyes e3co18:04
doktoreas_but now I don't wanna upgrade the apckage :D18:04
ktebitif you were to add more than one new drive to a raid 5 array, would it be better to add them one at a time (and let the resync finish before adding the next one), or is it ok to add 2 at once?18:04
teddy_probably iptables  ufw or something of the like....18:04
Desenmounting a partition here: http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m275/bushwacker20/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png ... 3 partitions, using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I cannot access the D partition, 135 GB of movies and important documents. Ubuntu is the only OS i use. when i use the FDISK command, i get this: http://pastebin.com/f487ed12 . it is clearly a simple problem, but i cannot sort it out since i'm newbie :P18:04
paul68conb123: does it also works on the other machine?18:04
ant1pathyis raiding an os or hardware thing?18:04
LouisMion: lol. that's not a bad one.  Thankfully this is just a mythtv server, so it's nothing my life depends on =)  And nothing bittorrent can't replace18:04
sipiorant1pathy: both are possible.18:05
ktebitif you were to add more than one new drive to a raid 5 array, would it be better to add them one at a time (and let the resync finish before adding the next one), or is it ok to add 2 at once?18:05
vineethheooo any body pls answer me18:05
conb123paul68: no thats the problem i always get this error ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host18:05
kc8pxyDesen:  the D partition?18:05
Mionlvm2 doesn't stripe over several physical medias, so lvm2 is a tiny bit safer than a raid 018:05
basajaunwhy e3co ?18:05
funtableconb123: u can log at localhost ?18:05
Desenkc8pxy: i have C splitted in two Linux(9.5 GB)+swap(1.6GB), D (135 GB NTFS) for data and E (6 GB NTFS) for temporary files18:06
e3cobasajaun:  I'm not sure about the problem. I imagine its a development issue. The automated script for the install is bad. File a bug report.18:07
basajaunk e3co  ty18:07
epaphusdoes ubuntu come with a console utility to easily make a firewall and ports not being used?18:07
Desenkc8pxy: i have worked little with a dual boot, XP and Ubuntu and now i decided to delete XP. only that this issue appeard, i cannot read D from Linux18:07
Desenkc8pxy: i am customed using the Windows language. i suppose you dont call partitions this way C, D, E, etc18:08
edogzillahi can someone plz help with my nvidia drivers in 8.10? i cant activate any of teh drivers listed in system--adiminstration--hardware drivers because they all screw up my system...I've had to reinstall ubuntu 5 times now to correct it.Help?18:08
gerahello, I need help18:09
alevineMion: when I try to run make in the directory it says no make targets18:09
e3cogera ask your question18:09
Desenkc8pxy ?18:09
gerawell, I'm stuck at Checking Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe (254)18:09
ElemonGWthe google-gadgets-gtk package has a typo in its description ("aso well") in jaunty, somebody having some time may want to file a bug for it...18:10
e3cogera:  your over my head.18:10
e3cowhat are you trying to do?18:10
edogzillaanyone know how I can fix this? the problem is that when i restart after activating teh driver i no longer have the gui desktop instead just a blank screen18:10
geraI want to get into ubuntu, cannot login18:10
badb0ywatsup people?18:10
e3cooh... ok.. what kind of hardware?18:10
e3coand which version of ubunt18:11
dquarter1did somebody had the chance to run ampache plugin in rhythmbox?18:11
basajaunbye all18:11
edogzilladoes anyone at least know what I'm talking about? I'm a total noob here18:11
lngsipior: what 'rc' mean in 'rc  libmysqlclient15off' when 'dpkg -l | grep mysql'?18:11
Desenissue mounting a partition here: http://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m275/bushwacker20/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png ... 3 partitions, using Ubuntu Hardy Heron. I cannot access the D partition, 135 GB of movies and important documents. Ubuntu is the only OS i use. when i use the FDISK -l command, i get this: http://pastebin.com/f487ed12 . it is clearly a simple problem, but i cannot sort it out since i'm newbie :P. i have C splitted in two Linux(9.518:12
DesenGB)+swap(1.6GB), D (135 GB NTFS) for data and E (6 GB NTFS) for temporary files. i have worked little with a dual boot, XP and Ubuntu and now i decided to delete XP. only that this issue appeard, i cannot read D from Linux.18:12
edogzillahas anyone else had this problem with nvidia graphics card drivers?18:13
edogzillai know that EnvyNG works fine fro my card but it's not available for some wierd reason in 8.1018:13
sebsebsebedogzilla: of course18:13
sebsebsebedogzilla: graphics card issues very common18:13
sebsebsebedogzilla: well 8.04 and 8.10 have completly different versions of Xorg for a start18:14
edogzillais there a way to get the driver to work so I can do some...you know...computing?18:14
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:14
sebsebsebedogzilla: old graphics card or???18:14
ubottuEnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia drivers, which can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" or "envyng-qt". It is NOT a supported method to install them; please only use it at your own risks if standard methods fail - See !nVidia18:15
edogzillasebsebseh: no brand new card, brand new computer...just had it custom built yesterday18:15
sebsebsebedogzilla: well what the bot said should be helpful I guess18:15
emanuelescusate c'è quacuno disponibile ad ascoltarmi?18:15
sebsebsebedogzilla: mae sure you  got universe enabled18:15
sebsebseb!english |  emanuele18:15
ubottuemanuele: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:15
edogzillasebsebseh: i'm sorry but i don't really understand what he said. what's universe?18:16
sipiorlng: it means that the package has been removed, but the configuration files remain.18:16
epaphusdoes ubuntu come with a console utility to easily make a firewall and ports not being used?18:16
sebsebsebedogzilla: download  servers for the repos/respoitories18:16
willluongoHello, I am running Ubuntu Server LTS 8.04 and I can't get Bind to search the domain correctly, namely that I cannot resolve local subdomains without the entire domain. Does anyone have any ideas?18:16
sebsebseb!iptables |  epaphus18:16
ubottuepaphus: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:16
vetus6ooalguem utiliza o snort??18:16
sebsebseb!english |  vetus6oo18:17
ubottuvetus6oo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:17
edogzillasebsebseh: oh. So is there something I have to do? forgive my noobness plz18:17
sebsebsebedogzilla: yep enable it,   system > administaration > software sources18:17
nomasteryodaedogzilla, you might need to edit one file to get the gui back so you can actually do some computing... sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... change the driver from nvidia to vesa ... Ctrl+x +Y and enter to save the file ... then restart the desktop with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:18
victor__anybody can help me?18:18
doktoreas_jrib,  tried to remove a packge but the other one is always blockin gme18:18
sebsebsebnamelessnotion: lol  at  putting nano in your command for a new user18:18
sebsebsebnamelessnotion: wrong person18:18
doktoreas_is it not possible to just remove without upgrading?18:18
victor__i wanna delate ares and wine in ubuntu and i tought i did but actually it's still here :S18:18
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: or not18:18
nomasteryodaedogzilla, Ctrl+Alt+F1 a couple times to get to a console to work from18:18
edogzillasebsebseh: i cant find universe anywhere18:18
willluongovictor__: did you sudo apt-get remove wine ?18:18
nomasteryodasebsebseb, has always worked for me... no matter the graphics card or system18:18
sebsebsebedogzilla: if people tell you to use nano or vim or whatever in their commands, put gedit instead,  because the other stuff is  command line text editors18:19
nomasteryodanano is at least friendly for new users18:19
sebsebsebedogzilla: gedit or kate if you got installed for editing config files, anything else is to painful for a new user18:19
TLFhello, may I ask18:19
nomasteryodaif you don't have a gui to work with  that is18:19
willluongosebsebseb: edogzilla unless you are gui-less which I think is the case right?18:19
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: GUI apps that don't run in the terminal in general are more user friendly, and so Gedit and kate :)18:19
TLFit's possible with ubuntu to do somewhat "update" from another distro?18:19
paul68conb123: what is happening when you type in this on both machines? /etc/init.d/ssh status18:20
willluongoTLF: keep your home partition seperate, and then you can install around it18:20
nomasteryodahe said he had a blank screen sebsebseb  ...aka no gui18:20
sebsebsebwillluongo: no I think he is new with Ubuntu 8.10 desktop18:20
TLFI mean, I have a Gentoo partition, can I overwrite everything except /home?18:20
TLFwillluongo: I think I can't do that ATM :(18:20
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: maybe he did before I joined,  I thought he was on a GUI just  bad nivida drivers18:20
sebsebsebedogzilla: have you got a graphical user interface or not?18:21
nomasteryodameh, i was just hoping to help18:21
willluongoTLF: You can use a livedisk like gparted to split up your partitions and copy the home to its new.. home :) and then install around the home partition. Otherwise, no way to install without losing any docs, etc18:21
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: indeed it's a pintless thing to debate, that's why I stopped18:21
nomasteryodawill crawl back to my swamp and work18:21
edogzillasebsebseh: i'm guiless after i activate the driver. but i havent yet since i reinstalled ubuntu. I dont want to activate anything until I know it wont screw everything up18:21
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: and yes help if you can :)18:21
edogzillasebsebseh: right now i have gui18:21
VeinorFor some reason, notification-daemon isn't automatically starting anymore.18:22
edogzillasebsebseh: but no driver18:22
sebsebsebedogzilla: ok you should have,  a top panel there.    then     system > administaration > hardware dirvers18:22
willluongoHello, I am running Ubuntu Server LTS 8.04 and I can't get Bind to search the domain correctly, namely that I cannot resolve local subdomains without the entire domain. Does anyone have any ideas?18:22
edogzillasebsebseh: yes18:22
sebsebsebedogzilla: and for ubuntu's sources enabled (multiverise)18:22
sebsebsebedogzilla: main multiverse and that make sure those are ticked18:22
nomasteryodaedogzilla, if you do, then click System, hardware drivers from the menu at the top of the screen18:23
conb123paul68: sorry to be gone for so long erm i just typed that in on my machine and it says sshd is running18:23
edogzillasebsebseh: i dont see anything that says multiverse or anything...just the list of drivers to enable18:23
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: by the sounds of it he can't get envng yet, because he does not have the multiverse repo enabled yet18:23
nomasteryodashould give you appropriate list of nvidia drivers and a recommended driver18:23
sebsebsebedogzilla: your in the wrong thing18:23
sebsebsebedogzilla: you don't want hardware drivers18:23
edogzillasebsebseh: oh. wheres the multiverse thing?18:23
conb123paul68: funtable was the one that tested and got the error i assume his ssh is set up properly18:23
sebsebsebedogzilla: you want to enable the multiverse repo in software sources, then  you can probably download envng18:23
doktoreas_anyone using beta 9.04 got troubles with hotkey-setup?18:24
paul68conb123: and what does it do on the other machine?18:24
edogzillasebsebseh: i cant find it in software sources either18:24
sebsebsebdoktoreas_: wrong channel ask in #ubuntu+118:24
paul68conb123: My ssh is set properly to however I get the same error18:24
conb123paul68: well the other machine is funtable's should i ask him to run it on his18:24
paul68conb123: can it be that port 22 is blocked by your ISP at least its blocked on my end18:25
sebsebsebedogzilla: you can enable that repo, by editing the confog file, but doing in GUI is probably easier18:25
edogzillasebsebseh: i dont see anything anywhere that says universe or multiverse...i looked in all the tabs in software sources18:25
=== defcon is now known as Guest12087
sebsebsebedogzilla: plus it's been a while since I edited the software sources, by actsaully editing the config file, and my mind has gone blank as how to do it, but it's pretty easy18:25
gerahello, can someone help me with this18:25
geraI installed 8.10 and ran the updates from the balloon, everything downloaded and was installing fine, until I got to the acpi,18:25
geraSo i restarted the system. Now the system just hangs at this error:18:25
gera*Checking battery state...18:25
geraseting Advanced Power Management level to 0xfe (254)18:25
conb123paul68: It could be i'm not sure i am with sky broadband18:25
FloodBot1gera: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
sebsebsebedogzilla: yes enable  multiverse  and universe18:25
sebsebsebedogzilla: make sure they are checked18:26
edogzillasebsebseh: no i'm serious it's nowhere to be found in software sources18:26
paul68conb123: otherwhise you have to adapt the port 22 to an higher port range for example 44321 and try again18:26
edogzillasebsebseh: i cant find it18:26
=== Unreal_ is now known as Guest97581
paul68conb123: can it be that its blocked on your router?18:26
edogzillasebsebseh: so i can't check it18:27
moralistHi all, I've got the same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=565549 - someone knows something about that?18:27
conb123paul68: well i have already forwarded this port and i have set it to allow all incoming ip addresses18:27
conb123paul68: so it shouldn't be18:27
edogzillasebsebseh: what tab is it under?18:27
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sebsebsebedogzilla: enable the stuff in ubuntu software tab,  everything, but source code18:27
Xcelledogzilla--  in sys /sdmin / software sources ..click ubuntu software and click check all tabs18:27
edogzillasebsebseh: already done18:27
sebsebsebedogzilla: and did it reload the repos?18:28
edogzillasebsebseh: it didnt do anything...they were all already checked when i went in there. all but source code18:28
nomasteryodaedogzilla, you can add the repos you need to the file manually ... sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list_backup   then sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:28
nomasteryodahang on18:28
sebsebsebedogzilla: well envyngcore should be in the repo some wehre18:28
paul68conb123: otherwhise you have to try ssh user@yourip -pyourportnumber18:28
sebsebsebedogzilla: you been looking synaptic or whatever for it?18:29
edogzillasebsebseh: whats a repo? whAT'S SYNAPTIC?18:29
nomasteryodaedogzilla, i use the proprietary drivers for all my nvidia cards... they work better18:29
edogzillaoops caps18:29
sebsebsebedogzilla: also I think these days people don't really need envng , because the nivida driver ubuntu provides will do the trick18:29
marqueededogzilla: repositories store software, synaptic installs it18:29
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:29
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geracan someone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/145583/18:29
sebsebsebnomasteryoda: heh you beat me to it18:29
edogzillasebsebseh: but the nvidia driver ubuntu provides crashes my gui18:30
conb123paul68: Oh what so you mean change the port number to something else doesn't it have to be 22 or can it be anything18:30
edogzillathats my main problem18:30
sebsebsebedogzilla: you can try a driver directy from Nivida, but it is usaully recommened to use the ones Ubuntu provide18:30
sebsebsebedogzilla: also installing drivers from Nivida is a bit of a pain18:30
marqueedgera: try booting without acpi18:31
sebsebsebedogzilla: you could even go and put 8.04 on, not much difference between 8.10 and 8.04 after all.18:31
Xcelledogzilla--  sys / admin / synaptic package manager....once your in...click search..type  (envyng..then click envyng and click install18:31
edogzillasebsebseh: right. wouldnt have a clue how to do it or any confidence it would work. but the ones ubuntu provides obviously dont work...so what do I do?18:31
marqueedgera: add acpi=off or noacpi to your kernel boot parameters18:31
sebsebsebedogzilla: do what  Xcell is suggesting18:31
sebsebsebedogzilla: nothing comes up in Synaptic?18:32
edogzillaxcell: i already installed using sudo apt-get install envyng...but i cant find it anywhere in my comp18:32
sebsebsebedogzilla: you need the GUI for it as well18:32
paul68conb123: if you have like me an ISP that blockes everything under port 1024 you have to do a portforward from your router to por22. example if I want to ssh onto my server I need to type in paul@myip -p55522 or type in paul@carreabeanpirates.homedns.org -p55522 to get connected to my server18:32
edogzillait's there somewhere...but i dont know where18:32
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sebsebsebedogzilla: look in synaptic and make sure you got a gui for it18:32
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sebsebsebedogzilla: maybe it just didn't add itself to your menu yet, but if you know the names of apps, you can open them from the terminal using their name18:33
conb123paul68: so why did you use that port 55522 is that significant or is it just a random port that wont be blocked18:33
Xcelledogzilla--  go to sys / prefs / main menu  look for it there..make sure it is checked18:33
edogzillai looked in synaptic and its in there18:33
ezerhodenedogzilla: which and the appname will search the usual places for the binary18:34
sebsebsebedogzilla: what is the gui for it called?18:34
Xcelledogzilla--  is it colored green?18:34
edogzillasebsebseh: i have envyng-gtk and envyng-core18:34
sebsebsebedogzilla: ok perfect18:34
edogzillayes its green18:34
sebsebsebedogzilla: open a terminal18:34
paul68conb123: its a random port I choose because I know my ISP isn't blocking that port and I do a forward from port 55522 to port 22 on ip
sebsebsebedogzilla: put  in that terminal     envyng-gtk and press enter18:34
sebsebsebedogzilla: can you open it like that?18:34
edogzillait says command not found18:35
sebsebsebedogzilla: sudo apt-get install  envyng-gtk  it should say you already got it installed18:35
sebsebsebedogzilla: can't do apt-get commands  when synaptic is open18:36
riegersnanyone know of a good list of true linux 64 bit apps out there ?18:36
Xcellriegersn--  google that statement18:36
edogzillasebsebseh: yeah its already installed18:36
sebsebsebedogzilla: and by using it's name in the terminal, you should be able to open it18:37
riegersnXcell, yea i did just wondering if anyone might save me some time18:37
riegersnguess not18:37
edogzillasebsebseh: but when i try to open it by typing envyng-gtk...it says command not found18:37
sebsebsebedogzilla: ok  the  actsaul program/proccess maybe is calling itself something else18:38
Slartedogzilla: try envyng -g18:38
Slartedogzilla: or just envyng for a list of options18:38
Xcellor just envyng18:38
edogzillaxcell: i type envyng -g and it said i need to install envyng-qt. so i just did18:39
sebsebsebedogzilla: yeah I was going to say,  there's the  qt  gui as well18:39
sebsebsebedogzilla: if you can open that one up :)18:39
edogzillaso i just type envyng-qt in the command line?18:40
sebsebsebedogzilla: sure18:40
sebsebsebedogzilla: try it18:40
edogzillak one sec18:40
edogzillaits still installing18:40
sebsebsebedogzilla: yep after install18:40
sebsebsebedogzilla: also that one may have added itself to your menu18:40
conb123paul68: sorry i think i found the problem i didn't have the port forwarded on my linux ip, sorry it was a stupid mistake. Sorry for wasting your time18:41
helpimtrappedinathis is where I go for ubuntu support, right?18:41
sebsebsebhelpimtrappedina: yep18:41
sebsebsebhelpimtrappedina: what do you want assitance with?18:41
helpimtrappedinamy comp won't boot18:41
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:41
helpimtrappedinagrub gives me a command line18:41
sebsebsebhelpimtrappedina: why not?18:41
edogzillasebsebseh: seriously...i love ubuntu linux... but if this doesnt work i'm gonna have go get windows, and i dont wanna do that18:41
sebsebsebhelpimtrappedina: oh grub issues18:41
helpimtrappedinaand wubi maybe?18:41
helpimtrappedinamy .disk seems to have dissapeared18:41
sebsebsebhelpimtrappedina: wubi I see, I woudn't normalely recommend it,  and someone else had a issue with wubi where they coudn't boot up Windows or Ubuntu18:42
helpimtrappedinawindows works18:42
sebsebsebedogzilla: don't give up so easilley :)  and even smarter  go  8.04 again18:42
paul68conb123: no worries glad its working now18:42
sebsebsebedogzilla: try logging out of your account back in again if stuff is not on the menu, it may add itself after a log back in again18:42
edogzillasebsebseb: yeah i probably should.. is there a major diff between hardy and intrepid?18:42
sebsebsebedogzilla: yeah the major issue is xorg, and that's where you also have problems18:42
sebsebsebedogzilla: the major difference18:43
edogzillasebsebseb: ha! it worked...its in my menu18:43
sebsebsebedogzilla: other than that only minor stuff between 8.10 and 8.0418:43
sebsebsebedogzilla: well and KDE3 is an option in the repo unlike in 8.10 and 9.0418:43
sebsebsebedogzilla: ok you got that program up and working?18:43
edogzillahmmm. it wont open18:43
edogzillasebsebseb: no it wont open for some reason18:44
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sebsebsebedogzilla: you need root?  sudo18:44
sebsebsebedogzilla:  gksudo envyng-qt  or whatever it's called18:45
edogzillasebsebseb: no i clicked on it in my applications-system tools and nothing18:45
Supersaiyan_IVenvy? I must say nvidia 185.13 beta is pretty good18:45
sebsebsebedogzilla: the standard graphics card driver from nivida should have worked18:46
sebsebsebedogzilla: I meant Ubuntu's version of it18:46
edogzillasebsebseb: i tried to open it from the terminal and its just spitting a bunch of stuff out18:47
edogzillabut its not running18:47
edogzillaI have to go to work18:47
edogzillathx for trying!18:47
Coded1_Im running ibex (latest upgrade) with 1.5gb ram, with Transmission, firefox (2 tabs), 1 terminal and xchat running the machine is swapping like mad.  Top shows all the ram is used and I've gone about 20mb in to swap is this right?18:47
sebsebsebSupersaiyan_IV: right well  not normalely a good idea to tell  people to use Betas's18:48
sebsebsebSupersaiyan_IV: unless it's  Firefox or something like that18:48
BiosElementAnyone know the name of the app that overlays your desktop with system info and such? I can't remember the name. And I know it's not screenlets.18:48
SlartBiosElement: conky?18:48
sebsebsebCoded1_: you forgot to tell us something important, how much RAM you have18:48
sebsebsebCoded1_: oh wait you did18:48
BiosElementSlart: That's it, Thanks. :)18:48
Supersaiyan_IVsebastien, beta helps with the vdpau support, its always with hw playback support18:48
ganeshhow can i put pictures as background in grub?18:49
sebsebsebCoded1_: first of all,  I would use Ktorrent instead of  Transmission, and  Konversation instead of Xchat :)18:49
IHS_Internnormally, I'd use IRSSI.. but trying not to put too much on this box that I'll have to remove later.18:50
vexicdoes anybody know a good channel for ubuntu LAMP support?18:50
Supersaiyan_IVganesh, hi-res grub is possible, except its called gfxboot18:50
sebsebsebvexic: I think there might be #lamp18:50
Xcellsebastien--  konv is better than xchat?..why and what is better...never used it18:50
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:50
Supersaiyan_IVganesh, it requires you to remove grub, and correctly configure gfxboot18:50
sebsebseb!best >  Xcell18:50
ubottuXcell, please see my private message18:50
vexicthanks, seb18:50
Xcellk brb18:50
Supersaiyan_IVganesh, it's not worth it imp18:50
Coded1_sebsebseb, the reason I started Xchat was because of the swapping so it was even before that, but it seems to be enough ram to cover that does'nt it ?18:50
sebsebsebXcell: Konversation is a pretty nice app yeah18:50
IHS_Internwait, I know... install IRSSI on the server..I already am sshing into it...hmm18:51
Xcellmaybe ill try it.18:51
* sebsebseb thinks it's nice to use a IRC client that is differnet from what most Linux noobs use :D18:51
conb123paul68: Could you please test it for me18:51
Xcelldoes it integrate with gnome well?18:51
sebsebsebXcell: Xchat is ok as well sure, but Konversation is pretty nice18:51
sebsebsebXcell: and yes it's a KDE app, but works nicely in Gnome18:51
Coded1_has anyone found issues with swapping like this?18:52
sebsebsebCoded1_: how big is your swap space?18:52
Coded1_same as ram 1.5GB18:52
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:52
sebsebsebCoded1_: go to the link above18:52
DoffHi ppl, I am a total newbie at ubuntu and have some problems... anyone got the time to help me? trying to install...18:52
sebsebsebCoded1_: maybe it can help18:52
LinuxRevolutionhi whats this: Apr  6 22:18:26 sonic-desktop dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.18:52
IHS_Internis there a way to monitor network usage in CLI?18:52
usserIHS_Intern, iftop18:53
sebsebsebDoff: ok partitining :)18:53
IHS_Internthanks, usser18:53
conb123Could someone please test my ssh server for me18:53
LinuxRevolutionApr  6 22:22:34 sonic-desktop avahi-autoipd(lo)[4760]: Interface not suitable.18:53
sebsebsebDoff: yep  I am up for helping you partition, helped about 10 or so people already :D18:53
grawityconb123: what's the IP/port?18:53
DoffI get the screens found, but none compatible18:53
sebsebsebDoff: what?18:53
Lauta_Armycan i download sound drivers18:53
Lauta_Armyfor talk with skype18:54
sebsebseb!sound >  Lauta_Army18:54
ubottuLauta_Army, please see my private message18:54
crdlbCoded1_: open the System Monitor and sort by Memory18:54
olejlI just installed Ubuntu 8.10, bot when I try to boot I just get "Grub loading. Please wait ... Error 17" Anyone know how I can solve it?18:54
mxboy15uanyone help with getting my internal mic to work18:54
sebsebsebLauta_Army: well not exactly, but their are differnet sound servers for Ubuntu,  ALSA, OSS,  Pulseaudio etc18:54
IHS_InternI get the error: pcap_open_live(eth0): socket: Operation not permitted18:54
marqueedhi all - gera interrupted updating, is now running from the livecd and needs to fix his installation18:54
IHS_InternOh, gtg.18:54
Doffi select install from the list and the loading screen displays perfect, but after a while it just loads the terminal and displays "screens found, but none compatible.."18:54
LinuxRevolutionany idea about my problem?18:54
sebsebseb!Grub | olejl18:54
ubottuolejl: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:54
marqueedi have him chrooted into his installation, but i don't really remember what to do from there as far as mounting and preparing the system, so if anyone could help him that'd be great :)18:55
sebsebsebLauta_Army: and you will need to change the sound settings in Skype, to get the sound working, probably18:55
sebsebsebDoff:   how are you trying to install???18:56
jess3is a wubi install much worse than a normal dual boot install ?18:56
Doffregular from cd...18:56
sebsebsebjess3: yes18:56
sebsebsebjess3: Wubi is not really recommened in the long run, can be good for trying Ubuntu though18:56
jess3ok sebsebseb, is the moving with LVPM hard ?18:57
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sebsebsebjess3: what's  LVPM?18:57
Doff"Screen(s) found but none have a usable configuration"18:57
Xcellgoing on konversation trial run...brb.18:57
nomasteryodasome windows systems like Media center can't handle anything but wubi ... i tried and had issues with standard install... grub was seen as a virus by the installed av... wubi fixed that problem18:57
vexicseb, #lamp is inactive.  any other ideas for support for this?18:58
sebsebseb!lamp |  vexic19:00
ubottuvexic: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:00
sebsebsebvexic: this is a more general  channel #linux and I guess #networking could be useful even19:01
=== Being is now known as thebeing
mierzejkaHi what news ??19:01
jribvexic: what exactly is your question about lamp?19:02
thebeingoops.. I've been toiling over trying to install lotro to work under ubuntu..19:02
ruben23hi anyone have tried installing ubuntu on acer e-machine...?19:02
sebsebseb!wubi |  jess319:03
ubottujess3: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:03
sebsebsebjess3: look here19:03
marqueedcan anyone help gera, i think he broke his kernel but he's having trouble fixing it from a livecd19:03
Leeyhey, is there anyone kind here that could help me with a question fast ?19:04
jrib!ask | Leey19:04
ubottuLeey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:04
oCean_vexic: what is your LAMP issue? Quite a few users here have Apache/Mysql experience19:04
Leeyok thank19:04
ruben23i cant install it..19:05
vexicjrib, i'm trying to set up a server, this is my first time, so i just had some general questions19:05
vexicand wanted a place i can go for questions along the way19:05
jribvexic: this is the place19:05
oCean_vexic: no problem there, ask away19:05
dthacker__does ubuntu have a firewall enabled by default?19:05
jribvexic: follow ubottu's link19:05
marqueedanyone - i don't think it's a complicated problem gera has, but i don't know enough19:05
Leeyi have installed ubuntu latest ver. and the interface is slow, when i drag windows around an so, its verry slow, how can i make it better ?19:05
sebsebsebLeey: how much RAM do you have? how old is your computer?19:06
marqueedhe rebooted during update, and now his kernel is hosed, and he's having some issues fixing it from a livecd, which may just be because i don't know how to19:06
Leey2,4ghz 512ram19:06
sebsebsebLeey: 512MB RAM and Ubuntu 8.10 hummm19:06
sebsebsebLeey: you would probably be better off with 8.0419:06
sebsebsebLeey: have you installed the graphics card driver?19:06
Leeyno, i checked the hardware thing and it was nothing on the list19:07
sebsebsebLeey: that issue hummmm19:07
BadHorsieI'm having an error when trying to modprobe fglrx.ko on 2.6.28 and I receive "Cannot allocate memory"19:07
Leeyso i assumed it have find graphic,.19:07
sebsebsebLeey: how old is your computer?19:07
Leey2 years or more i think19:07
sebsebsebLeey: well if it came with 512MB RAM, then it's probably pretty old19:08
sebsebsebLeey: 4 years or more?19:08
Leeyhmm, will it work better if i put in 512 more, so i have 1gb ?19:08
sebsebsebLeey: probably a bit better, but  it's not so much about the RAM, and 8.10 being like that, but slowness would explain it partly19:09
sebsebsebLeey: also not having a graphics card driver installed is probably to do with the slowness to some extent, but  RAM has nothing to do with it not providing you a driver to install19:09
sebsebsebLeey:   your graphics card driver issue will be to do with xorg19:10
wolterhey sebastien19:10
wolteri mean, sebsebseb19:10
sebsebsebwolter: hi19:10
Leeyhmm yeh, it says on homepage ubuntu At least 256 MB of RAM is required19:10
darkside_simmonsgood day everyone!!!19:10
sebsebsebLeey: yep, and there's a trick to get later versions running on 128MB RAM19:10
wolterLeevi, you have 256mb ram?19:10
mouse-_good day everyone as well.  Would anyone know why all of a sudden AUDACIOUS would be decorated with gnome window borders? Just happened the other day and won't go away.19:11
sebsebsebLeey: your graphics card is prably old as well,  hence this dirver not being offered issue19:11
Iceman_B^Ltophow can I force Samba to disallow changes in filenames, AND writes to files that are open in a linux process? Eg. rTorrent?19:11
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=== Neardark is now known as faeryan
woltermouse-_, maybe you can set in compiz to exclude that window, but that is now, if you use compiz19:11
sebsebsebLeey: 8.10 and 8.04 not that much different,  except 8.04 will be suppourted longer than 8.10,  and  it even has KDE3 in the repo :)  unlike 8.1019:11
mouse-_wolter: Sure do19:11
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Leeyso 8,4 works better?19:12
Leeybtw, but do i find drivers for graphic to ubuntu? i have hercules 3d prophet 9000 pci,,19:12
woltermouse-_, go to window decorations in compiz19:12
sebsebsebLeey: yes it may work better on your computer19:12
jrib!away > Krow^19:12
ubottuKrow^, please see my private message19:12
woltermouse-_, and add an inverter condition matching the audacious window19:12
sebsebsebLeey: system > administaration > hardware drivers19:12
sebsebsebLeey: anything available?19:12
mouse-_wolter: will try that. thanks!19:12
Leeynothing in the list19:13
mouse-_leey: How old is this machine?19:13
sebsebsebLeey: 8.04 is good19:13
sebsebsebLeey: long term suppourt :)19:13
Leeyits kind of old..19:13
mouse-_leey: are you well versed in linux/unix?19:13
Leeynot really xD19:13
sebsebsebLeey: I think putting 8.04 on would be a good idea in your case19:13
danbhfiveLeey: I think you need the fglrx driver19:14
Leeysystem > administaration > hardware drivers,, the list is empty19:14
dthacker__how do I specify a route as default in the "Editing IPv4 routes" dialog box?19:14
Xcellsebsebseb: konversation looks pretty good..thanks19:14
mouse-_i don't mean to be a negative nancy but it's hard to get today's distros (that work perfectly well on newer computers) are a PITA to get workin on old machines19:14
sebsebsebXcell: yep it is19:14
danbhfiveLeey: and you may want to file a bug report about it not being listed19:14
Lauta_Armyhow i can use some language to write with him19:14
zilleplushet got server ubuntu 8.10 and cant get on phpmyadmin with login and passw do i need to make a special acc for phpmyadmin??19:14
sebsebseb!8.04 |  Leey19:15
ubottuLeey: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.19:15
sebsebseb!lts |  Leey19:15
ubottuLeey: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.19:15
dthacker__zilleplus: try the username and password you put in for MySQL if it's installed locally19:15
danbhfivezilleplus: you should be able to just use the password you set when installing mysql19:15
marqueedcan anyone help gera fix his kernel?19:15
sebsebsebLeey: where as releases such as 8.10 and the soon to be released 9.04 only  a year and a half of suppourt19:15
marqueedi think it's very manageable, but i don't know enough19:15
Leeyhmm, but will it work better on that machine`?19:16
sebsebsebLeey: 8.04 will probably19:16
sebsebsebLeey: 9.04 will probably be lke 8.10 on your machine19:16
danbhfivesebsebseb: that support is only for security updates19:16
sebsebsebdanbhfive: I know that19:16
sebsebsebdanbhfive: and can use ppa for later stuff19:16
Leeyok, so my version tells me the videocard is installed but its not?19:16
rporterdoes anyone know about setting up multiple monitors of different sizes?19:16
sebsebsebLeey: no it says it knows nothing about any  graphics card driver19:17
Leeyoh, thats bad xD19:17
dthacker__I'm trying to set my eth0 to a fixed address, but I haven't been able to get the dialog box to enable to ok button.   What am I missing?19:17
djm62I'm running Easy Peasy on my eee pc 901 - is it possible/a really bad idea to upgrade to normal ubuntu 9.04 beta?19:18
sebsebsebdjm62: no19:18
djm62the repositories seem to be identical19:18
sebsebsebdjm62: easypeasy is not Ubuntu19:18
danbhfivedjm62: the main difference is in the kernel19:18
djm62so it's impossible or just a bad idea?19:18
Leeyhmm, would ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run solve my problem? or does my version of ubuntu not recognise my video card?19:18
sebsebsebLeey:  oh you got ATI not Nivida19:19
danbhfivedjm62: I've done a test install on eee 1000 HE of 9.04, and it works fine19:19
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:19
dquarter1what's the best ui fot rtorrent, rtGui, wTorrent, any sugestion?19:19
djm62I guess I'd have to remount /var/cache/apt temporarily on a large disk, but changing the kernel has never been a problem between versions before19:19
dthacker__!wired network19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wired network19:19
Leeyis there problem ?19:19
sebsebsebLeey: ok sure go for it, try installing a driver directly from ATI19:19
grawitydquarter1: I like Transmission for bittorrent.19:19
mouse-_dquarter1: i use Transmission19:19
casper_can some 1 help me with getting something19:19
Leeyok i will try that,19:19
sebsebsebLeey: if that messees up xorg big time, well you can just recover it from the  boot loader.  in recovery mode19:20
danbhfivedquarter1: deluge is another option19:20
rporterso no one knows about multiple monitors of varying sizes?19:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about routing19:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about route19:20
oCean_!fishing > dthacker__19:20
ubottudthacker__, please see my private message19:20
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djm62danbhfive: I don't care if it doesn't work perfectly ootb - I wouldn't be interested in a beta release if I wasn't going to report any bugs19:20
casper_I need a new web browser and i do not know how to install it19:20
sebsebsebcasper_: why?19:20
ron2010quick question, how do i change the background color of workspace switcher?19:20
Leeyi hope it fix my problem, i cant work on the computer if it is that slow all time,, hmm19:20
sebsebsebcasper_:  what's wrong with Firefox?19:21
SealedWithAKissI have a problem with Mozilla Firefox. Whenever I open the application, my homepage doesn't load. The browsers buttons are greyed out, and when I attempted to manually enter an URL it wont even attempt to connect to the website. I have tried reinstalling Firefox, but that hasn't solved the problem. Any ideas, they'd be greatly appreicated!19:21
djm62it's more the question of whether I can upgrade with apt or not19:21
pierluxwhere can I get help regarding no audio with a brand new Intel motherboard ? (the bug reports seems to mention that latest alsa has only digital out) (with Jaunty)19:21
casper_firefox lags too hard nothing wrong with it19:21
casper_it just19:21
sebsebsebLeey: yeah installing graphics card driver,  could get rid of a lot of the slowness19:21
Picipierlux: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.19:21
casper_like the flash doesnt work wel with this pos computer19:21
sebsebsebcasper_: ok yeah I know what you mean19:21
sebsebsebcasper_: sudo apt-get install  galeon  epiphany-browser19:21
sebsebsebcasper_: that will get you two nice ones19:21
casper_i want opera19:21
dthacker__lots of policemen, no helpers.  Brilliant.19:21
danbhfivedjm62: well, I wouldn't install a beta release unless you can devote like a 6g partition to it.  Im dont know how much space the 901 has.  You gota be careful with betas/alphas.  Sometimes bad bugs pop up19:22
sebsebsebcasper_: Opera  is always a bit behind in the Ubuntu repo, but you should be able to download a deb for it from Opera's website19:22
BadHorsiecasper_: opera.com/download :P19:22
sebsebsebcasper_: also Opera is closed source and so hum19:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about closedsource19:22
Leeyok well i going to try install videocard, thank you for all help! i might come back with feedback later on,.19:22
BadHorsieopera rocks.19:22
casper_i dont know how to install it from a deb so yah19:22
marqueedcan someone help gera with his issue?19:22
sebsebsebcasper_: just download it and  open it up and install, or you can via the command line :)   sudo dpkg -i   namegoeshere.deb once the terminal is in that folder, by default it's in home19:23
andycashow to reset keyring passphrase?19:23
djm62OK I won't bother then19:23
sethm131Hey all19:23
BadHorsiecasper_: either use a terminal and sudo dpkg -i opera-9.blah.blah.blah.deb19:23
sethm131Anyone here know if they could help me out with Counter-Striek19:23
casper_thank you19:23
danbhfivedjm62: the release candidate might be for you then, if you want to help with testing19:23
* sebsebseb Opera humm it may be nice, but it's still closed source and so hum. guys check out http://www.gnu.org then go to philosphey section and read about free as in freedom software and such19:24
sebsebsebcasper_: see avobe :D19:25
sethm131Anybody know how i would fix the counter-strike problem I have19:25
sethm131It says ' Cannot Display this Video Mode'19:25
sebsebsebcasper_: Ubuntu is about freedom,   check that link out to find out more, if your interested19:25
grawitysebsebseb: ...but it's still nice. Do you know a web browser for Java Mobile, that is so compatible with standards like Opera Mini, AND is open-source? </offtopic>19:25
sebsebsebgrawity: nope19:26
BadHorsieyeah opera is a good standards follower19:26
sebsebsebyep Opera is a good standards follower, but still closed source and so hum19:26
BadHorsieand it's free as in beer19:26
casper_y does the source matter as long as you can get it?19:26
badfish69anyone wanna collab on a python quote script for xchat?19:27
sebsebsebcasper_: yeah you can't get at it, with Opera19:27
grawityInternet Explorer might be the only open-source browser in the world, yet I'm not going to use it until it works perfecty - "open-source" isn't everything.19:27
sebsebsebcasper_: that's the whole point19:27
BadHorsiejust because it's not open source doesn't mean it's bad, in fact it kicks other browsers asses19:27
sebsebsebcasper_: and even as just a user,  source code being open matters.19:27
sebsebsebBadHorsie: kicks IE's arse big time, that's for sure19:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:27
BadHorsielol grawity19:27
JaymacQuestion on the usb creator tool - if I have say an 8GB usb flash drive, if I create the ubuntu usb disk, will it wipe the rest of my data or can I specify just like 2GB of it for ubuntu?19:28
sysdocI have installed the nautilus-open-terminal plug-in for Nautilus, and yet it does not appear in the list after Rt.Clk. Anyone else seen this in 8.04??19:28
sebsebsebcasper_: find out why  here  http://www.gnu.org and go to the philosphey section then read most of the articles in about free software19:28
sebsebseb!freedom |  casper_19:28
ubottucasper_: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:28
ReliantIs there a way to reset my Gnome desktop to an initial default state without deleting my user account?19:28
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zashReliant: delete settings from gconf19:29
BadHorsiewow... extremism is always bad19:30
weatherkidHey does anyone know a way to get a game that runs on ActiveX to work. I was thinking about using the ActiveX DLL in Wine but I came here before I made my Ubuntu go to Heaven.19:30
BadHorsieopera owns firefox.19:30
sebsebseb:(  he left as I   give those last two links,  oh well  I guess it's over then.   plus it was going off topic19:30
maginotafter installing lpr on ubuntu 7.10 I can print no more on my HP printer using jetdirect connection ...19:30
danbhfiveweatherkid: check the appdb, see if there is an entry for the game19:30
sebsebsebmaginot: 7.10 is no longer suppourted as far as I know19:30
Reliantzash: That worked. Thanks19:30
weatherkidmaginot: why are you using 7.1019:30
maginotbecause Im finishing the instalation of 8.10 to go to production19:31
palmjeweatherkid: wine has support for directx 9, some games work and others dont - have a look at the games db at winehq.com to see if they have the game you want listed19:31
palmjesebsebseb: 7.10 should still be supported - I believe that normal releases are supported for 2 years19:32
weatherkiddanbhfive: doesn't say much about it.19:32
Trevski13how do I find/bind a signal sent from a (special) key that has no binding (thus nothing shows happens on xev)? 8.1019:32
sebsebsebpalmje: a year and a half19:33
palmjesebsebseb: in which case it should have a few weeks left...19:34
sebsebsebpalmje: ok19:34
gerahello, I have a hell of troubles with the upgrades in ubuntu 8.10 64 bit, and i think the easiest way is to reinstall, but I want to know which packets I need to install, so I can avoid the the acpi-support which hangs19:35
palmjesebsebseb: the .10 releases are typically release at the end of October...19:35
Trevski13How can I find/bind a signal sent from a (special) key that has no binding (thus nothing shows happens on xev)? 8.10 any help would be greatly appreciated19:36
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:36
asy_Is anyone who live in Heifei?19:37
mweichertis there any way to disable sudo to SSH users?19:38
DASPRiDHey, when trying to use my headset, the sound from the output is recorded as well, i disabled all capturers except mic capture and ADC capture (when disabling one of them, the mic isnt recorded anymore as well)19:39
Picimweichert: Remove them from the admin group.19:39
jamalfanaianmweichert: you can disable sudo to specific users, don't think you can specify it just through SSH19:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:39
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:39
mweichertjamalfanaian, right, so maybe I can configure SSH to add users to a particular group when logged in, and then deny that group access to sudo?19:39
grawitymweichert: won't work.19:40
victor__anybody can help me?19:40
Trevski13How can I find/bind a signal sent from a (special) key that has no binding (thus nothing shows happens on xev)? 8.10 any help would be greatly appreciated19:40
grawitymweichert: one question: what is the difference between local and SSH logins? They're both secure19:40
oz0rso my god,,19:40
oz0rsWIndows owns!!19:40
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:41
oz0rspowerrr to windowss!!!19:41
grawityoz0rs: Thanks for the information.19:41
oz0rsWIndows roxx xD19:41
mweichertgrawity, I have pam_mount setup so that when a user logs in, their home directory is automatically mounted... a user can then SSH on the machine and have access to the user's mounts19:41
oifzhozhDah shut up :p19:41
MoLooteek trolls19:41
oifzhozhI'm sure he's beeing paed by microsoft to do this xD19:41
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DASPRiDOzoNe, indeed, light comes through them, good that they are installed in every house.19:41
oz0rsPayy your ballss of to windowss :o19:42
grawitymweichert: hmm ... why allow sudo at all, then?19:42
zenergiDoes anyone know of any links that describe a typical theme/layout for designating IPs on a network? I thought there was a suggested method of reserving .2-29 for servers, 30-40 for printers, etc19:42
zenergi100-200 for DHCP clients, etc19:42
jamalfanaianmweichert: what i would do is create an account for ssh without sudo and sue my account on the machine with sudo19:42
mweichertgrawity, because I want the user that's logged on locally to administrate the system.19:42
grawitymweichert: and it's the same user that connects both locally and over SSH?19:43
gerahello  anyone that wants to help me in here?19:43
gabriel_I have a problem: On Firefox when I bookmark a webpage it disappears after I restart the computer, I have tried making a new profile, but the problem still happens19:44
palmje!ask | gera19:44
ubottugera: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:44
mweichertgrawity, no, it's a different user19:44
grawitymweichert: ... then simply don't add the user-who's-connecting-remotely to sudoers.19:45
geraok, my system hanged after upgrade, so i reseted it. Now I cannot get in19:45
grawitymweichert: To be able to use sudo, an user must be in the sudoers file (to edit: sudo visudo), or - in Ubuntu - in the 'admin' group. So, the simplest way is simply not to add other users there.19:46
SpenceKidhey guys, is there somewhere where i can get a more user friendly interface for Ubuntu?19:46
SpenceKidI'm a noobie to linux19:46
gabriel_gera> what appears on screen after u restart the PC?19:46
palmjeSpenceKid: what probelm do you have with Gnome?19:47
geraa black screen with the X cursor19:47
gerathat with the old kernel19:47
neo__Hi all19:47
SpenceKidi dont really have any problems, i just wanted to know if there was a more user friendly interface19:47
gerawith thw new one I got a panic error19:47
mweichertgrawity, I'm worried about jack logging in locally, having his sensitive directory mounted by pam_mount, and then have jill log in remotely and have access to his mounted directory. However, when jill logs in locally, I want jack prohibited from accessing jill's mounts19:47
gabriel_gera> have you tried using the recovery mode?19:47
geraI have19:47
geraalso turning off acpi19:47
neo__any help with jaunty bug here please ?19:48
mweichertbut both jill and jack will be members of the admin group as they need sudo when they are logged in locally19:48
Picineo__: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.19:48
grawitymweichert: ah, that. :/ hmm19:48
palmjeSpenceKid: I find that Gnome is much more user friendly than Windows is, but if you want something more windows like then KDE is probably you best bet19:48
neo__ok pici thank you19:48
gabriel_I have a problem: On Firefox when I bookmark a webpage it disappears after I restart the computer, I have tried making a new profile, but the problem still happens19:48
Trevski13How can I find/bind a signal sent from a (special) key that has no binding (thus nothing shows happens on xev)? 8.10 any help would be greatly appreciated19:49
gabriel_gera> what did u do on recovery mode?19:49
grawitymweichert: ...I don't yet know how to do that, but I already know of a way to get around that...19:49
SpenceKidalright, thanks xD19:49
SliderManwhats the command for that 3d test in terminal?19:49
geraI tried to reinstall the packages19:49
dykmn\server irc.krey.net19:49
ReliantWhat's a good MP3 player for Gnome? Amarok was worse in the latest version :/19:50
gabriel_gera> have u tried fixing X?19:50
gerabut it hangs with the same error19:50
geraI have no idea how to19:50
Creative1412guys why (root,toor) is not used in  ubuntu 9.04 i can't even use su!19:50
grawityCreative1412: use sudo.19:50
PiciCreative1412: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.19:50
mweichertgrawity, oh?19:50
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grawitymweichert: that may be offtopic, but ... if I were Jack, and I *really* wanted to access Jill's files, I would login locally and use one of the many ways to leave myself root access. For example, a sudo'ed shell inside 'screen', which can later be accessed over SSH.19:52
gabriel_gera> on the recovery menu  select "Try to fix X server"  and after that resume normal boot19:53
geraok, but what about acpi?19:53
Xcellsebsebseb:  are you there?19:53
grawitymweichert: There are other ways to get around that restriction, too. So I doubt your idea is going to work :/19:53
mweichertgrawity, well, I'm just looking for something that would generally work. My users are all novice linux users19:54
carlosaoreI have a little problem and I can't find the solution19:55
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carlosaoreso, can anyone help me?19:56
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gabriel_gera> what computer do u have?19:57
grawitymweichert: Hmm. In that case, I think it might be possible to replace sudo with some kind of a bash wrapper (which checks for traces of SSH, then runs original binary). If they're _really_ new, even a simple addition to ~/.bashrc could work. (I can write one.) ... But...there's always a chance of them finding out :] <goes to write something>19:57
oCean_carlosaore: share the details of your issue/problem in the channel. If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply19:57
BomBoranecarlosaore: ask your question. If someone know how to help you, you'll be helped19:57
gerai have an HP amd 64 x-2 2Gb ram 250 HD ati radeon 2600HD19:57
mweichertgrawity, oh, that sounds interesting19:57
grawitymweichert: Something like this:: function sudo { if [ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then echo "You are not allowed to use sudo over SSH."; else /usr/bin/sudo $*; fi; }19:59
carlosaoreI installed gnomenu but when i put it in the panel it doesnt look right, the background color is always blue, and you can see the the "buttons# for the diferent items on the menu, even a button called <separator>19:59
grawitymweichert: But that's only a _very_ basic one.....19:59
carlosaoreit happens with every theme19:59
mweichertis SSH_CONNECTION a real variable that gets set?19:59
zashmweichert: i have it20:00
grawitymweichert: yes - type 'env' while on a SSH connection.20:00
mweichertyes, I just did. :D20:01
mweichertyou are the greatest grawity, thanks20:01
zashSSH_CONNECTION=client_ip client_port server_ip server_port20:01
grawitymweichert: *bows* Add this to user's ~/.bashrc and it should work.20:01
grawitymweichert: btw, one more thing: it's disabled by typing "unset sudo" -- so you'd better disable 'unset' too.20:02
zashisn't that easy to go around?20:02
Mr_Jfrsnis there a good nzb program for nix?20:02
ron2010anybody know how to change background color on workspace desktop panel?20:02
thrillERboyhi guys... tell me a good text editor for ubuntu........ mostly used for html, xml, php and css20:02
grawityzash: Very easy - but mweichert said it's for "users very new to Linux".20:02
Bob_DoleGot the repo-mirror going at and for the highschool. 25GB downloading at 200-500KB/s how long should that take >.>20:02
grawitythrillERboy: gedit.20:02
sarmisakthrillERboy: gedit, geany, quanta plus20:02
mcmillenany suggestions for what i should use to get ubuntu on an eeepc? there seems to be a wide variety of options, from stock ubuntu + array.org kernel, or "easypeasy", or Ubuntu Netbook Remix (but does this support all the eeepc 901 hardware out of the box?)20:03
ron2010workspace swtichers20:03
zashgrawity: so why even give them sudo rights?20:03
jamalfanaianmcmillen: I'm actually installing ubuntu on an eeepc right now20:03
grawityzash: they need to be able to use sudo *locally*.20:03
jamalfanaianmcmillen: I've used USB before but using TFTP for a net install20:03
grawityzash: eh, just ask mweichert why he wants that.20:03
mcmillenjamalfanaian: i'm fine with using USB or netinstall, i'm mostly interested in *which* flavor i should choose, since stock doesn't seem to work with all the hardware and there are 3 or 4 ways of going about it20:03
thrillERboygrawity, its the default editor isn't it? I can't see syntax highlighting options and hiding matching tags. Or is there options to do that?20:04
mweichertcould I put this in /etc/profile ?20:04
sarmisakmcmillen: use easypeasy, works just fine20:04
thrillERboythanks sarmisak will check it20:04
carlosaoreanyone knows how to change gnomenu background color?20:04
olinuxxplease, someone can tell me how to install audacity 1.2.6 in my ubuntustudio ? (this is the 1.3.4 by default, and i need 1.2.6)20:04
sarmisakcarlosaore: did you try right click and 'change background'?20:05
danbhfivemcmillen: I would just use the array.org website for advice...20:05
vigoHow do I scale the CPU to one cycle for a more responsive boot. This would only be a boot script, but rather than using both cores, I would be using one to boot with.20:05
carlosaoreit does nothing, in fact the menu instead of having the normal color, always is blue, with every theme, and you can see the <separator> buttons20:06
b10h4z4rdanyone knows a good program for simulating digital circuits ?20:06
tmbigriggis it possible to install kde4.2 in Hardy?20:07
vigob10h44rd: There are a couple in the repositories. I have not really utilized any of them, but is worth a look.20:07
steveccchi all - since upgrading my sound has stopped working - i think its down to a new sound system being in the update - this has stopped my sound working - how can i revert back?20:08
phaterktos pomoze mi z glosem w ubuntu?20:09
tmbigriggso far I have had no luck in finding out how to get 4.2 in 8.04 Hardy20:09
Pici!pl | phater20:09
ubottuphater: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:09
Picassotamussteveccc: what did you upgrade to?20:09
e3cotmbigrigg: sudo apt-get install kde20:09
gabriel_After booting and logging in edit the grub entries20:09
gabriel_>     a) Open Terminal from Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal20:09
gabriel_>     b) Type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst20:09
gabriel_>     c) The password system asks for is your password (The Logged in user's)20:09
gabriel_>     d) Search for the kernel entry in the file and add the above acpi=off to it.20:09
gabriel_>     e)Save the file and reboot.20:09
FloodBot1gabriel_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
tmbigrigge3co will that install kde4.2 or 3.5?20:09
stevecccpicassotamus: i didnt specifically upgrade that - just the general update in ubuntu and it stopped working20:09
danbhfivetmbigrigg: I think the only supported option is to upgrade to jaunty...20:09
phaterbylem na forum ubuntu.pl20:10
phaterale ie znalzlem tam odpowiedzi20:10
phaternikt nie potrafil mi pomic z glosem /;.20:10
tmbigriggis Jaunty any improvement to Intrepid?20:10
YixilTesiphonwhere is a good place to go for help with WINE?20:10
YixilTesiphontmbigrigg: it certainly is for my graphics card20:10
gabriel_I have a problem: in firefox when I save a webpage to bookmarks it dissapears after I restart the PC, I have tried creating a new profile but the problem still happens, can somebody help me?20:10
tmbigriggI had some graphics issues with intrepid20:10
oCean_tmbigrigg: Jaunty issues & discussions in #ubuntu+1 channel please20:10
vigoYixilTesiphon: Try /#wine or looking for it in the main or start window. I guess.20:11
thrillERboyhi get this error dpkg was interrupted, when I try to install anything20:11
danbhfivethrillERboy: try: sudo dpkg-configure -a20:12
LinuxRevolutionis there anyway to limit synaptic download speed?20:12
vigothrillERboy: Have you ran the update on the repositories?20:12
thrillERboydanbhfive, I've tried that, It gives me a bunch of options I'm lost there20:12
thrillERboyvigo, nope how to do that?20:12
danbhfivewhat are the options?20:13
olinuxxNo one for me ??? :)20:13
olinuxx please, someone can tell me how to install audacity 1.2.6 in my ubuntustudio ? (this is the 1.3.4 by default, and i need 1.2.6)20:13
vigothrillERboy: looking now,20:13
danbhfiveolinuxx: try packages.ubuntu.com20:13
olinuxxthank danbhfive20:14
digpietrothere are girls in this chat ??20:14
mcmillensarmisak: if i use easypeasy for the eeepc, how do i upgrade when ubuntu updates to e.g. jaunty? do i need to wait for a new version of easypeasy to come out, or can i just update sources.list and dist-upgrade as usual?20:14
thrillERboyuse aptitude, dhelp, installing uninstalling packages20:14
steveccccan anyone help me with diagnosing a sound issue please20:14
gabriel_ I have a problem: in firefox when I save a webpage to bookmarks it dissapears after I restart the PC, I have tried creating a new profile but the problem still happens, can somebody help me?20:14
vigothrillERboy: Here is the code and stuff: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69784020:14
thrillERboythanks vigo lemme check20:15
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ActionParsnipolinuxx: what release of ubuntu?20:15
SookeI would like to know how to tell to Writer to ignore the first page of my document into the page numbering, thanks20:15
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olinuxxActionParsnip: ubuntustudio 8.10 i think20:16
steveccci think my problem is that the update switched me to pulse audio - is there a way to switch back20:17
sarmisakmcmillen: usually packages upgrade in every distribution, easypeasy is just kernel and other critical software made for eeepc, you won't have to worry about openoffice, compiz, etc.20:17
ActionParsnipolinuxx: http://linuxappfinder.com/package/audacity20:17
olinuxxActionParsnip: but with the link-page that danbhfive give me, there is no 1.26 version, only 1.24 on Dapper and 1.3.x with other20:17
ScottGDoes anyone know a good program for taking an image and being able to print it out across multiple pages?20:17
mcmillensarmisak: thanks20:18
danbhfiveolinuxx: I dunno then, you could try the debian repos, but you might be stuck compiling yourself.  not my area of experties20:18
lewenchIm looking for a lightweight RSS client, possibly integrate that onto my desktop. I am using fluxbox, if its relevant.20:19
olinuxxActionParsnip: thanks, for the links ! but, same result ...20:19
olinuxxActionParsnip: and danbhfive , i think, i must go to compil it ... :/ not my cup of tea ;o)20:19
olinuxxbye and thanks20:19
guyzmoI'm installing ubuntu with the alternate CD... and I had a crash when installing packages20:20
sarmisaklewench: have you checked screenlets?20:20
sebsebsebXcell:  now I am20:20
lewenchsarmisak, No I'll check it out now.20:20
kane77hi, is there any tool to rename files from FILE.EXT to file.ext (to lowercase them)?20:20
guyzmohow can I skip partitionning/base system install and get directly to install packages in installer ?20:21
guyzmo(I don't want to redo everything)20:21
stevecccwhats the best way to mount an ubunu filesystem from a remote box on the same network20:21
sarmisakkane77: try this; http://blog.spikesource.com/bashstringconversion.htm20:22
vigoguyzmo: Make a good backup disk after you have it configured.20:22
sebsebsebsteveccc: ssh or  to access the computer vnc20:22
sebsebseb!ssh |  steveccc20:22
ubottusteveccc: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/20:22
sarmisaksteveccc: I would recommend NFS20:22
sebsebseb!vnc | steveccc20:22
ubottusteveccc: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:22
kane77sarmisak, found this: perl -MFile::Copy -e 'move $_, lc($_) foreach glob "*"'20:22
ledzippelinhi, i've got a really annoying problem here. Wifi works, networmanager etc. too. But when I want to connect to a server with vpnc, i get an error message:  resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink20:22
ledzippelinhow do I solve that problem?20:22
sebsebsebsteveccc: or yeah NFS20:22
steveccci want to remote mount them rather than control the machine20:22
sebsebseb!nfs |  steveccc20:22
ubottusteveccc: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.20:22
sarmisakkane77: that's a choice ;)20:22
victor__p2p for ubuntu like ares or smt similar?20:22
ActionParsnipkane77: http://digg.com/d1WFfd20:23
ActionParsnipkane77: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Convert_Filenames_to_Lowercase20:23
ledzippelinany ideas? I didn't have this problem before my upgrade to this version of ubuntu20:23
guyzmovigo - what you mean ?20:23
sarmisakvictor__: what are you using? torrent, emule?20:24
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
guyzmowhat I'm saying is that the installer did not went until grub loader and I still miss a few packages to be installed20:24
sarmisakvictor__: they are almost the same, maybe except for configuration and names etc.20:24
ScottGDoes anyone know a good program for taking an image and being able to print it out across multiple pages?20:24
ActionParsnipledzippelin: rename /etc/resolv.conf then create a symlink to it called /etc/resolv.conf20:24
ledzippelinActionParsnip, hm rename it to what? and how do i create a symlink? could you tell me the commands?20:25
sarmisakScottG: you mean like a poster?20:25
vigoguyzmo: Install it, again, then grab all the packages that you use daily, then make a backup set, takes 2 CD-Rs. I am not certain , but maybe if you compile the kernel for a boot initiator, that install could be default setting. with those packages that you use or have used.20:26
ActionParsnipledzippelin: rename it anything you wish20:26
linduxed_"The linux kernel needs to be locally compiled in order to compile the microdia driver." - how do i do that?20:26
ScottGsarmisak: YYea20:26
danbhfiveScottG: raster something might be the keyword you are looking for20:26
rohanthere is a mistake on the shipit site.. it says ShipIt is currently closed20:26
rohanWe'll be back in a few days, shipping Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) CDs.20:26
rohanit should say 9.04 jaunty right?20:26
sarmisakScottG: have you tried picasa?20:26
ActionParsnipledzippelin: sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/old_resolv.conf; sudo ln -s /etc/old_resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf20:27
sebsebsebrohan: 9.04 is not released yet20:27
guyzmovigo - well, my point is to avoid going through the whole install process, I'm installing through qemu on a harddrive (the CD reader is dead) and it takes hours to do everything20:27
sarmisakrohan: no, 9.04 is due two weeks later20:27
rohansebsebseb: correct20:27
ScottGdanbhfive: I used rasterbator on windows before and it was pretty good. it kinda pixelated things a lot though. It would be a big save on ink though, so I might check it out again20:27
ScottGsarmisak: can picasa do that?20:27
rohansarmisak: right.20:27
ledzippelinActionParsnip, I'll try that. Thank you very much! :)20:27
SookePlease CAN ANYONE help me? I need to know how to tell to Writer to ignore the first page into the pages numbering, thanks20:28
rohansebsebseb, sarmisak : but if you had read correctly, you'd realize that they'd close shipit for juanty, not intrepid.20:28
vigoguyzmo: Exactly, that is what I was kinda pointing towards, is like a NetInstall, but with a USB/CD-r assisted.20:28
ActionParsnipledzippelin: i have no idea why it expects a symlink but we can humour it20:28
sebsebseb!ot |  rohan20:28
ubotturohan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:28
ledzippelinActionParsnip, heh :D20:28
danbhfiveScottG: yeah, thats the website I was thinking of20:28
sebsebsebrohan: and #ubuntu+1 for juanty chat20:29
linduxed_"The linux kernel needs to be locally compiled in order to compile the microdia driver." - how do i do that?20:29
rohansigh.. what is the irc of the ubuntu website team?20:29
|WolF|1I need some help. Something is scrued with dpkg. when ever i try to sudo dpkg --configure -a is is sanding at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145665/  and it is for ages and nothing happens. Please help20:29
Xcellsebastien--  konversation rox..I just wish i could have more space between chatters dialog and a line between nics and dialog...is this possible ?20:29
ActionParsniprohan: i'd imagine here20:29
Xcellsebsebseb-- ^20:30
guyzmowell I think I'm gonna ask on #debian :)20:30
sebsebsebXcell: not sure what you want20:30
ActionParsnipXcell: can you edit font prefs in konversation?20:30
sierinjspphowdie ;D has someone played counter-strike on ubuntu?20:30
Xcelli looked..20:30
sebsebsebXcell: the people in #kubuntu probably know Konversation quite well20:30
Xcelloh...good point..thanks20:30
DesenMounting a partition issue: when using the sudo fdisk -l command, i receive this message: "Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.". Ubuntu 8.04 is the only OS i use. the drive contains 135 GB of data (movies, documents, etc) and it's in NTFS, created some time ago under Windows. Any suggestions what i should do ?20:30
Xcellother than that.. i do like it very well..thanks for the invite sebsebseb20:31
sarmisakDesen: I would recommend an urgent backup ;)20:31
durtsierinjspp, halflife runs ok under wine20:31
Picirohan: You may want to file a bug here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website20:31
AizawaI'm trying to boot Jaunty powerpc (the ps3 version..thing) on my playstation 3. I get the text login, where I type "live video=ps3fb:mode:6", because I have a PAL SDTV. I have also tried with the 480i option, and just typing "live", but nothing works, it just gives me a black screen. Why does this happen and how do I solve this?20:31
sarmisakDesen: and format the partition with ext320:31
sebsebsebXcell: invite heh,  oh  I know what to install in Ubuntu,  but hey  I used since  the second release in 2005, so no wonder :D20:31
Desensarmisak how can i back-up if i cannot access the partition20:31
Xcelllol, ive been on it since 7.0420:31
DreamgliderHow can i lock my laptop but still keep the desktop/program's visible ?20:31
rohanPici: well i feel it's quite trivial, and someone will notice and solve it.. just wanted to bring it to attention20:32
ZeZuDesen, windows does that at times20:32
|WolF|1I need some help. Something is scrued with dpkg. when ever i try to sudo dpkg --configure -a is is sanding at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145665/  and it is for ages and nothing happens. Please help20:32
ZeZuDesen, it is NOT a big problem, there is no reason why you cannot mount it20:32
sarmisakDesen: sorry, I thought you could access it20:32
ZeZuDesen, fdisk -l does not mount20:32
Desensarmisak i am using ONLY Ubuntu, Windows got wiped some time ago20:32
ZeZubut there is still the NTFS partition ?20:32
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: what are you trying to achieve?20:32
sarmisakDesen: have you tried forcing to mount with -o force20:33
Desenyes, the NTFS partition is still there. i can see it but cannot access20:33
Desenno, i have not20:33
ZeZuDesen, what is the error with mounting it ?20:33
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: i need to fix somehow the dpkg because i cant install anything, what ever i try to install same story20:33
ZeZuDesen, you just told us there is a message in fdisk -l (list)20:33
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:33
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: try that20:33
Desenhttp://s106.photobucket.com/albums/m275/bushwacker20/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png --- normal accessing20:33
e3coBe careful forcing mounts.20:33
sierinjsppdurt: umm so i need 2 install steam, right (i already have wine)20:34
ledzippelinweird, cpufreq-set -d somenumber sets the first core of my dual core 2 duo processor to a certain frequency, but let's the other core work at another speed. how can i change the frequencies simultaneously? and how can I reset the settings done with cpufreq-set ?20:34
danbhfive|WolF|1: are you sure that its not working?  depmod might just take awhile...20:34
jojufucaGuten Abend xD20:34
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: it is 2 llines or all in one sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a20:34
ZeZudesti, ahh that is another story completely,  how is this disk attached ?20:34
sambagirlhow do you identify your audio system with ubuntu 9? vista cant give me audio but ofcourse linux does as usual.20:34
sarmisakDesen: I have never seen this error20:34
ZeZuerr Desen, rather sorry20:35
sarmisaksambagirl: tried lspci -v?20:35
Picisambagirl: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.20:35
ZeZuDesen, how is the disk attached, and please try mounting it in the console with mount command20:35
FluxDHi, I am looking for something similar to a software firewall on Ubuntu, so I can see the outgoing connections. is there a program that shows me outgoing connections?20:35
sambagirlahh lspci -v?20:35
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: all 120:35
|WolF|1danbhfive: i was waiting for 15 min and it wasn't moving at all20:35
sambagirlthanks will do that bbiab chao20:35
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: thanks :D20:35
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: you can put commands on 1 line if you wish20:35
jojufucaHey! I've got a problem: I connect my mp3 player (on Xubunt), but the system doesn't mount it automatically. I don't know how to mount it manually.20:36
ZeZuDesen,  also paste (into pastebin or similar) the output of fdisk -l  :  perhaps it was a managed volume when windows used it20:36
vigoFluxD: There are a number of GUI iptable frontends.20:36
DesenZeZu, sarmisak, i ran a partition table editor and the problem i saw trough my newbie eyes was looking like this: something about cylinders. all partitions ended in 225 or 255, only the issued partition ended in 125. weird. i havent made any modification, afraid20:36
FluxDvigo, I want to see live connections, and the ips they connect to etc20:37
DesenZeZu, sarmisak --> http://pastebin.com/f487ed1220:37
vigoFluxD: Firestarter or gufw can do that.20:37
PiciFluxD: As can etherape20:37
paul68Hi is there a program that allows me to use a camcorder as webcam?20:37
FluxDthanks Pici vigo I will take a look20:38
sebsebsebpaul68: yeah20:38
sebsebsebpaul68: try cheese20:38
DesenZeZu, sudo fdisk -l --> http://pastebin.com/f487ed1220:38
sebsebsebpaul68: and AMSN can do web cams for MSN instant messaging20:38
* t1ger having issues with Digital Out.20:38
ActionParsnippaul68: the hardware has to support it20:39
ZeZuDesen, in console see what happens if you do sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/ntfs20:39
paul68sebsebseb: ok thanks20:39
ActionParsnipZeZu: you may want to use   -t ntfs-3g20:39
trinidadfloresis there any way to limit the the amount of time spent on social networks?  have a problem with kids spending hours on top of hours in them20:39
DesenZeZu, why sda5 ? sda2 is the issued one20:39
DesenZezu: i have no problems with other partitions20:40
sebsebsebtrinidadflores: welcome to 2009!  that's what a lot of young people do these days20:40
ZeZuDesen, ah sorry sda2 it is20:40
victor__any p2p for ubuntu?20:40
paul68ActionParsnip: ok thanks20:40
Pici!p2p | victor__20:40
ubottuvictor__: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information20:40
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: it is same story, it is standing in depmod.20:40
DesenZezu: could you please write the command ? i saw that somebody made another suggestion20:40
sebsebsebtrinidadflores: probably with some advanced Linux config editing, you could do what you want20:40
ZeZuActionParsnip, that is detected pretty easily these days20:40
trinidadfloresthe problem is they dont get their homework done20:40
sarmisaktrinidadflores: you can install squid, and forward your port 80 to squid and limit its usage through squidguard or dansguardian ;)20:40
ZeZuDesen: ie: /mnt/ntfs && sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/ntfs20:41
ZeZubah shit20:41
sebsebsebvictor__: yeah   of course there are p2p and torrent programs20:41
ZeZuDesen, corrected: sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/ntfs20:41
trinidadfloresdoes dansguardian work on 64 bit20:41
sebsebsebvictor__: Ktorrent :)20:41
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get upgrade20:41
DesenZezu:  you sure ? sda2, not sda520:41
victor__sebastien: but which is the best?20:41
sebsebsebvictor__: what do you want to download?20:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:41
ZeZuDesen, you said sda2 was the one your were having trouble with did you not ?20:42
sebsebsebvictor__: I really like Ktorrent :)20:42
DesenZezu: yes20:42
ZeZuDesen, then yes, thats why i corrected it20:42
MacGregorHi, I'm using a vmware image called Grandma's Lamp, is based on xubuntu and I want to upgrade the php version from 5.1.2 to 5.2.420:42
mweichertgrawity, hey, can I ask you something quick? is there a way to disable sudo to a file, not necessarily a command ?20:42
MacGregorhow can I  do this20:42
DesenZezu: sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/ntfs20:42
MacGregorI tried running apt-get upgrade php20:42
trinidadfloressarmisak<> does both of those work on the 64-bit os?20:42
MacGregorbut didn't update the version20:42
DesenZezu:shouldn't it be sda2 ? :D20:42
grawitymweichert: ...I don't think so. And what do you mean "sudo to a file"?20:42
sarmisaktrinidadflores: of course20:42
stas`Hi, can somebody help me. There is user who spams the ubuntu wiki with links to a website. For example this diff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX?action=diff&rev1=99&rev2=9820:42
mweichertgrawity, for example, I added the function to /etc/profile - and I want to prohibit sudoers from editing that file20:43
DesenZezu: ok, i think i understand now20:43
stas`is there anything I can/should do?20:43
ZeZuDesen, pasting error i suppose and trying to do multiple things at once20:43
derrichI'm trying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system, but I keep getting a "permission denied" error (file has already been chmod a+rwx 'd) - anything i can do about this?20:43
trinidadfloresthe reason why i ask is i have tried to install both and it tells me that i have the wrong version for my os20:43
DesenZeZu, i am going to try your command20:43
ZeZuDesen, i just want to see what error "mount" gives you in this case  :  ok do try it20:43
sarmisaktrinidadflores: you can set it up easily, in our office I have not disabled usage of facebook, but I convert the images to black and white so no one can photo surf ;)20:43
sarmisaktrinidadflores: did you download it?20:44
grawitymweichert: first, the function can be removed simply by typing 'unset sudo'. Second, there is no way you can protect a file from editing. Remember, sudo essentially means root, and root is the all powerful user. There's one way though: chattr +i /etc/profile20:44
DesenZeZu, http://pastebin.com/f467ad8c620:44
sarmisaktrinidadflores: have you tried apt-get install squid squidguard?20:44
trinidadfloresi did last night and then tried to install them and when it did not work i deleted them20:44
grawitymweichert: If you set attribute +i, the OS will refuse to change the file, until you remove the attribute (by doing chattr -i /etc/profile) - and only root can do that.20:45
mweichertgrawity, ok, thanks20:45
ZeZuDesen, ok and this was never part of a raid volume?20:45
sarmisaktrinidadflores: try this; sudo apt-get install squid squidguard20:45
vigostas": Did you look at : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide?20:45
sarmisaktrinidadflores: it should install just fine20:45
grawitymweichert: now, a question to you: what if John types 'unset sudo' on his shell and removes my function?20:46
TrijntjeFirstarter shows an connection attempt every few minutes on port 1900. Does anyone know what program is causing this?20:46
DesenZeZu, i am sorry but i dont know what is a RAID volume. i have simply created partitions using Partition MAgic under Windows XP. i guess the answer is NO, i havent used it as a RAID20:46
grawityTrijntje: TCP and UDP ports 1900 are used by UPnP, I think.20:46
mweichertgrawity, I was going to create a function for unset as well20:46
trinidadfloresim running it now20:47
grawitymweichert: And if I type /usr/bin/sudo ? You will need a function for that too.20:47
MacGregorhoe can I update php?20:47
ZeZuDesen, ok at some point this partition was damanged,  I would recommend booting from a recent windows boot disk that has ntfs support and running chkdisk20:47
ZeZuDesen, i think bootdisk.com or the like has many of them20:48
vigoTrijntje: You can see them at Steve Gibsons site. I think they are what grawity said.20:48
distaticaIt appears that my iptables will not allow X11 forwarding using ssh -YtC user@server /path/to/program. I can connect via SSH client absolutely fine, but when I attempt to run a graphical program it just hangs there. I can assume it is iptables based on two findings: 1) Before I implemented this policy everything worked just fine, 2) if I flush and delete these rules, and change the default policy to ACCEPT, then everything works fine. That bein20:48
Trijntjegrawity: I found that on google, that the router could be using UPnP or something like that? But i checked, this is not the case20:48
grawitymweichert: But if you create function /usr/bin/sudo { with the same content you use for sudo }; then it should work fine against your users.20:48
distaticaAny help would be damn nice right now.20:48
DesenZeZu, is there nothing i can do from Ubuntu ? Would hate to use Windows again, even just for chdsk20:48
sebsebseb!vnc |  distatica20:48
ubottudistatica: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:48
trinidadfloresin terminal it says that squidguard finished but i dont see i it in my programs20:48
trinidadfloreswhere do i find it20:48
grawityTrijntje: A router might do that - mine does, for example (even though it doesn't have any related configuration).20:48
sebsebseb!iptables |  distatica20:48
ubottudistatica: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).20:48
ZeZuDesen, unfortunately i dont know that linux has any utilities to repair ntfs paritions,  unless fsck has been updated to support them at some point20:49
grawitydistatica: btw, your very long message got cut off at "That bein...."20:49
ZeZuDesen, also it would be a simple dos prompt, not windows20:49
ZeZuDesen, you can try "man fsck" and learn how to use it, and try running it on that parititon (sda2)20:49
distaticaDidn't realize it was so long, I just mentioned that msot of the information I can find on this suggests that port 22 is the ONLY port used.20:49
DesenZeZu, i will20:50
distaticaWhich is odd, since I can access SSH normally, but just not X11, and disabling the firewall fixes this issue.20:50
mweichertgrawity, thanks again for your help20:50
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
DesenZeZu: thanx, will try my best20:50
feveldo you guys think it would be ok if I used ubuntu instead of ubuntu-server for an all purpose server? I would like the gui...20:51
ubottumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com20:51
grawitydistatica: Does the firewall allow connections to localhost? Your ssh client makes several connections to the X server running at - if I remember correctly. (I'm not sure though - my X forwarding experience is limited to Windows :)20:51
distaticasebsebseb: I appreciate the information, but that is information on iptables and VNC, I definitely don't want VNC in this case, and I don't think the problem is necessarily truly an iptables one, just some weird mix between sshd / x11 / iptables.20:51
sebsebsebfevel: yes you can install server stuff into the desktop edition20:51
sebsebsebfevel: 8.04 is recommended for servers by the way20:51
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:51
distaticagrawity: on client or host?20:51
ZeZuDesen, try "ntfsfix"20:51
ZeZuDesen, if not available, try sudo apt-get ntfsfix20:52
sebsebsebdistatica: ok20:52
grawitydistatica: On the client - the one you're typing 'ssh user@host' at.20:52
ZeZuDesen, sorry:  if not available, try sudo apt-get install ntfsfix20:52
fevelsebsebseb: just out of curiosity... shouldnt I be using ubuntu-server?20:52
DesenZeZu: last thing before i kill myself if i fail to recover the partition: can you be more explicit on using the Windows XP Bootable CD ?20:52
macman_if i want to do a network boot do i have to have ubuntu server running ?20:52
DesenZeZu, i have tried ntfsfix. FAILED20:52
sebsebsebfevel: a GUI can also be installed into the server edition20:52
sebsebsebfevel: what kind of server do you want to run?20:52
grawitydistatica: So, try allowing all connections where both source and destination is localhost. It might help.20:52
fevelsebsebseb: for now its an all purpose installation... it would probably be a proxy or an apache server20:53
ZeZuDesen,  its just a dos bootdisk,  not even windows,  it will bring you to a dos command prompt .. normally meant to be on floppy disks20:53
fevelsebsebseb: or even both20:53
sebsebseb!server |  fevel20:53
ubottufevel: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support20:53
sebsebseb!lamp  |  fevel20:53
ubottufevel: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:53
DesenZezu, i think the Windows Bootable CD chkdsk might be the only answer. what commands should i use ?20:53
sebsebseb!proxy |  fevel20:53
ubottufevel: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks. If you're using mibbit, please try joining #ubuntu again. Mibbit takes a long time to connect, so you may have missed a message to do this.20:53
sebsebsebfevel: ok the last one not relivant20:53
ZeZuDesen, i dont know how much more specific i can be, there are ton of them,  I'd guess you would want to use XP+ level disk20:54
fal12currently i builded ubuntu from execute on iso.then reboot but there is some error i think what should i do just this is write in commandline : "Busybox built in shell"20:54
ZeZuDesen, command = chkdisk20:54
DesenZeZu, i forgot. i dont have a Floppy Disk20:54
distaticagrawity: aha! there we go20:54
ZeZuDesen, is your board capable of booting from a usb disk ?20:54
sarmisakgood night everyone, bye.20:54
fevelsebsebseb: So you say im better off installing ubuntu-desktop into a server install?20:54
DesenZeZu, yes, it can20:54
distaticagrawity: that was exactly the problem, very nice.20:55
sebsebsebfevel: I am saying you should do 8.04 for your server20:55
ZeZuDesen, then you should be able to make a bootable usb drive with the files20:55
__jeff_ohas anybody here installed mydns? I'm having a problem with it. I've set it up and can connect to it fine locally, but when I try to dig it over the internet it doesn't work.20:55
sebsebsebfevel: check out the links I just got the bot to give you20:55
DesenZeZu i have Rewritable CD's. and a CD-RW. why should i bother using the flash stick20:55
sylvarHi all.  I've got kubuntu intrepid 64bit and I'm having trouble with the ALC888 onboard audio. I've got my headphones plugged into the front jack, and I can hear the startup/shutdown sounds with no problem -- but YouTube, VLC, etc. aren't playing sound that I can hear.  I've added myself to the 'audio' group in /etc/group and I've even rebooted after that, and that didn't work.  What would my next step be?20:55
ZeZuDesen, feel free to use whatever method works best for you20:55
fevelsebsebseb: yes...because of the lts? but theres no support here in brazil anyway, so dont you think I should use the latest? Or 8.04 because of the stability?20:56
sebsebsebfevel: a GUI isn't needed for a server, as long as you know what your doing :)20:56
sebsebsebfevel: suppourt as in security updates20:56
DesenZezu thanx, will try and see whats up with that partition. will come back if i encounter any future problems20:56
Trijntjegrawity, vigo: i just found out Vuze/Azureus uses it, thanks for your help20:56
fal12Again: Currently i builded ubuntu from execute on iso.then reboot but there is some error i think what should i do just this is write in commandline : "Busybox built in shell"20:56
sebsebsebfevel: LTS releases get security updates for longer20:56
vigofevel: What sebsebseb is saying is spot on. also 8,04 is supported longer than others.20:56
fevelyeah ill be sticking with 8.0420:57
fevelfor sure20:57
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Gunslinger2anyone familiar with customizing the terminal?20:58
Mike999999I want to enable compiz on my computer, but I don't know if I have a working graphics card, how can I check for this?20:58
minivitalehi. trying to set up external SSH on my desktop. ssh works internally (on the local network). have bellsouth internet connection with port 22 forwarded. still comes up with port 22: connection refused. can anyone help?20:59
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145687/20:59
fevelI am used to doing servers with slackware so im pretty ok with the command line... But I saw a mac server the other day... first time, they even have gui for apache config and stuff. So pointy an clickety. Too good to be true. Makes you want to live in that world for the rest of your days... wonder if its secure20:59
jklockfevel: its nice :)20:59
pompahi everyone, why I can print PDF using a standard mozilla page and I cannot print on PDF by the process launched by flash?20:59
fal12Again: Currently i builded ubuntu from execute on iso.then reboot but there is some error i think what should i do just this is write in commandline : "Busybox built in shell"21:00
krakataoI am having a strange problem.  I can no longer apply desktop wallpaper on 8.10.  All that happens is that it applies solid colors.  Does anybody have any posible causes and solutions?21:00
feveljklock: thats why im thinking about using gui on my server21:00
minivitalehi. trying to set up external SSH on my desktop. ssh works internally (on the local network). have bellsouth internet connection with port 22 forwarded. still comes up with port 22: connection refused. can anyone help?21:00
Gunslinger2anyone know if there is a way to make the terminal text scroll up when its printing out instead of down?21:00
SvenZanyone familiar with configuring Soundblaster Audigy 2 soundcards with ubuntu?21:00
|WolF|1fevel: what distro has gui for apache?21:00
macman_anyone get my queston ?21:01
pompa+ is a problem of the flash dialog?21:01
jklock`fevel: just make sure it the tools are robust and it uses do what they are supposed to. I am not familiar with gui config tools within ubuntu though.21:01
jklockfevel: and it does what they are supposed to. that came out garbled*21:01
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145687/21:01
fevelnone that I know of... but gnome has some tools to configure some stuff... might make my life a little bit easier, I deploy a lot of servers21:01
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -21:01
minivitalehate to keep asking this, but i'mtrying to set up external SSH on my desktop. ssh works internally (on the local network). have bellsouth internet connection with port 22 forwarded. still comes up with port 22: connection refused. can anyone help?21:02
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: sorts the wine thing out21:02
Guest82481does any1 else have screen tear with proprietary fglrx driver21:02
Doonzhow can i see how fast my data is sending in termianl?21:02
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.24-24-generic21:02
Doonzso sort of bandwidth sispla?21:02
Guest82481does any1 else have screen tear with proprietary fglrx driver?21:03
Gunslinger2ehm, bell may be blocking port 22?21:03
Elaztichi all21:03
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ActionParsnipDoonz: hdparm -t /dev/<disk name>21:03
minivitalegunslinger2: well, i have forwarded port 22 to my desktop IP on the modem itself21:03
pompaehm, does anyone know of any incopatibility between flash and the PDF print? or am I missing something?21:03
Doonz/dev/md1: Timing buffered disk reads:  646 MB in  3.00 seconds = 215.23 MB/sec21:04
Doonzthat look right?21:04
DoonzActionParsnip: i used to have one that was just looking at the eth0 and eth1 ports21:05
ActionParsnipDoonz: sure21:05
obey_meDoonz:  That's a heck of a lot faster than your standard sata drive21:05
Doonzraid5 aarray21:05
sylvarAllow me to ask again once more for today.  I've got kubuntu intrepid 64bit and I'm having trouble with the ALC888 onboard audio. I've got my headphones plugged into the front jack, and I can hear the startup/shutdown sounds with no problem -- but YouTube, VLC, etc. aren't playing sound that I can hear.  I've added myself to the 'audio' group in /etc/group and I've even rebooted after that, and that didn't work.  What would my next step be?21:05
ActionParsnipDoonz: you can use hdparm to tweak speed to get more speed but it can damage the drive physically if you push to far21:05
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: it is still stucked at depmod:(21:06
ActionParsnip|WolF|1: you could remove that kernel after booting to an older kernel, then reinstall it21:06
Gunslinger2if you can hear your pc sounds but not anything from vlc or net wise, would think it would be a codec issue21:07
timoraso i'm having a problem which i'm sure i'm not the first21:08
timorabut i can't open any terminal >.>21:08
Iceman_B^Ltopthis may sound dumb, but how does a "rename" action in Windows XP get translated to Linux, via Samba? ie. what permissions would you need on the Linux user account?21:08
Burntresistorcan someone help me with cmake WARNING: po/Makefile.in.in21:08
BurntresistorWARNING: intl/Makefile.in please21:08
Lenin_Catwhy is my alsa driver sunnly not working21:08
timorai get the error, "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" after upgrading from 8.10 to 9.0421:08
ActionParsnipIceman_B^Ltop: you need write access21:08
poseidonAre there any good ubuntu blogs or sites about ways to help automate/get the most out of ubuntu?21:09
sylvarGunslinger2: OK, I'll run with that idea. Thanks! Gunslinger2++21:09
danbhfiveanyone know about connecting a cellphone to a computer over bluetooth?21:09
sourcemakerare there kmymoney users here?21:10
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:10
Burntresistoris there a better place to get help with automake or forum or a sticky21:10
SvenZanyone familiar with configuring Soundblaster Audigy 2 soundcards with ubuntu?21:11
danbhfiveActionParsnip: have you ever followed those directions?  I don't understand them21:11
Burntresistori am you have to get ghone alsa mixer for audigy and take of analog / digital setting21:12
ActionParsnipdanbhfive: the documentation is made for new users, just read it slowly21:12
Gunslinger2I have a question about customizing my terminal, is there a way I can make it scroll up instead of down when it printing out info?21:12
Burntresistorupdating with automatically put the setting back21:12
timoraso nobody with the terminal issue? i can't open any form of any terminal, whether its gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, etc.21:12
ElazticCan anyone point me to a fix for FF lacking navigation and refresh buttons after latest upgrade?21:12
oelewapperkehow can I get ubuntu to leave my usb devices alone ?21:12
WaldirHi, I'm trying to get my mic to work. is there any set of common problems and suggested resolutions I can look into?21:13
wim\server irc.krey.net21:13
piccawow debian will support the freebsd kernel21:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kmymoney21:15
mostedHello tout le monde !!!21:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about CinePaint21:17
onizuka_soul974it's french speak ? sa parle français ?21:18
vigoWaldir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312237&highlight=microphone look there?21:18
timorafail channel is fail =[21:18
poseidonAnyone know of an foss program for learning a second language (german in particular)21:18
onizuka_soul974ok english21:19
Waldirvigo: thanks, I was reading othetr threads, will look into that one :)21:19
ElazticWaldir: did you check alsa mixer and sound settings?21:19
vigoposeidon: http://directory.fsf.org/category/langlearning/ <<there, maybe21:19
WaldirElaztic: well, yes, but I am not sure how the test button is supposed to work21:20
Waldir(there's a test sound button)21:20
Burntresistoris there a place i get help with automake21:20
BurntresistorWARNING: po/Makefile.in.in21:21
BurntresistorWARNING: intl/Makefile.in  im not sure what these errors are21:21
vigoBurntresistor: Try http://directory.fsf.org/search/?query=automake that21:22
Burntresistorty ill check this out21:22
demontagerhow to check if SAMBA working? I share folder, but can't see it on other PC21:22
ActionParsnipdemontager: smb://<server name>     it can be localhost if you are on the same pc as the share21:23
ZtaI'm trying to use the System > Admin > Create a USB startup Disk to install Ubuntu on a CF card.  However, the CF card doesn't show up as a selectable target device.  While the CF card isn't exactly a USB stick, it is still perfectly recognized and even auto-mounted by Ubuntu.  I assume this create-procedure is a matter of modifying some device.21:24
ZtaIs there a way I can persuade Ubuntu into using this CF device as a USB disk?21:24
ElazticWaldir: you can definately see if it is off......there are some sliders and on/off tick-box somewhere. Try a program where you can use sound to see if it works there. I have tested with sound recorder from Apps menu21:24
ZtaDoes this nice GUI have a backend I can force to do what I want?21:26
ZtaIe. specify the target device .21:26
ActionParsnipZta: if the reader is attatched to the usb bus its as good as a usb stick21:26
ActionParsnip!usb | Zta21:27
ubottuZta: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:27
WaldirElaztic: I see no checkbox, am I at the right place? http://imagebin.org/4456921:27
ZtaActionParsnip, It's actually attached to the PCMCIA..21:27
Nyad hi, i need to restore grub to my MBR, so i booted liveCD and tried this: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sdb3 hd021:27
NyadThe file /media/sdb3/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.21:27
Nyadis the error I get21:27
vigoWaldir: You can also use the Mixer rather than the device tester, but device tester seems to be the correct route.21:27
NyadI've followd what the forums say21:27
ActionParsnipZta: if the device shows up in lsusb, the pcmci is attatched to teh usb bus21:27
Nyadbut I cant solve this21:27
dbrewer_rjri set up a 'perfect server' ubuntu hardy lamps. how do i know that spamassassin is updating the definitions? where are those files?21:28
ZtaActionParsnip, I think the PCMCIA bus is on PCI.21:28
Zta*PCMCIA slot21:28
erik987329847join #ubuntu-no21:28
ActionParsnipZta: then lspci will show it up21:28
Waldirvigo: not sure i got what you meant..21:28
ZtaActionParsnip, it does.21:28
ActionParsnipZta: ok then its a pci device :)21:29
craigubuntuHi all i wonder if someone can help a newbie ubuntu user- i am using the ubuntu 9.04 and am trying to set up a network - basically got wireless router - on dhcp for two computers - which work perfectly /networking etc (ip range 192.168.1.x). I also have another router which i am using wired ip range 192.168.2.x.  I can ping the other computer so the network is working but i want to be able to use the wired for shares etc. at moment it isnt allowing me t21:29
ZtaActionParsnip, jupp21:30
ikoniacraigubuntu: 9.04 is not aimed at new users, and is discussed in the channel #ubuntu+121:30
ikoniacraigubuntu: if you are new to ubuntu a stable release is the best way to go21:30
ElazticWaldir: Hmm...dunno....just in the middle of something.....try alsa-mixer (install it if you dont already have it), pulse-audio device chooser or sound in system - prefs21:30
craigubuntuthe release is fine21:30
ZtaAh, it's a Python script.. /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/usb-creator21:30
craigubuntui am newbie not totally though!21:30
ikoniacraigubuntu: no it's not fine - its a beta release21:30
craigubuntujust need help with networking config21:30
WaldirElaztic: I'll  try thanks for your time21:31
craigubuntuok lets assume i am happy with it all so far!21:31
craigubuntujust need assistance telling ubuntu - which ever version to use the wired connection!21:31
ikoniacraigubuntu: then you should discuss it in the correct channel, but be aware the release has been fatally broken 3 times in the last 2 weeks21:31
ikoniacraigubuntu: I strongly suggest using a stable release21:31
ElazticWaldir: sry I couldn't be of more help but i have to go now.....Can someone please help Waldir out with fixing his mic problem?21:31
Botuxhi all21:32
J0k3Rhey whats up room21:32
jklock!hi botux21:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi botux21:32
J0k3Ri was wondering how do you untar a file from the terminal21:32
ikoniajklock: tar xvf21:32
Gunslinger2anyone know how i could, if possible, make my terminal window scroll text up by defualt instead of down?21:32
ruben23anyone have tried installed ubuntu on acer e-machines..21:32
craigubuntuwhich room does the new release get discussed in>?21:32
ikoniacraigubuntu: #ubuntu+121:33
ActionParsnip!anyone | ruben2321:33
ubotturuben23: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:33
ikoniaJ0k3R: sorry - tar xvf $file21:33
vigoWaldir: At one point a different program than sound device tester was suggested, I think that a Mixer type program can also be used as a work-around. I would assume that Terminal is the best way to go, but I get all confused in that area.21:33
Botuxwas hoping i might be able to get some help installing ubuntu 8.1021:33
Bsims{fs}Ok this is annoying my desktop widgets move on their own to try to allign themselves, any idea how to get it to STFU and stay where I put them21:33
Waldirvigo: I am not familiar with all these names you're mentioning :)21:33
J0k3RThanx ikonia you RoK21:34
tim_oraso, how about that fail gnome-terminal failing on dist-upgrade21:34
ruben23i cant install ubuntu intrepid on my acer machine e machine...got errors on installation process..21:35
Botuxi keep getting an error during install that says Buffer I/O error on device sr021:35
ruben23error: Buffer I/O error on device sr021:35
ActionParsnipruben23: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the burned cd was good on the first boot screen?21:35
vigoWaldir: Exactly. Terminal is the command line , that is the /root of Linux, or something like that, after 20 years of windows blobbing in front of me is a task to make a transition. That is also why I posted the FSF site for stuff to look at.21:36
ljsoftnethow many months will ubuntu 8.10 be supported?21:36
Botuxthats what im getting ruben21:36
Botuxcan someone helpo ruben and i with tthat issue21:36
ruben23Botux:me also....getting that error..21:36
Bsims{fs}Ok this is annoying my desktop widgets move on their own to try to allign themselves, any idea how to get it to STFU and stay where I put them21:37
ActionParsnipBotux: didyou md5 and verify the burned cd?21:37
Gunslinger2i had similar errors when installing 8.10, thought it was my cd drive....guess not21:38
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NobleAnyone got a link or some info on how I can intercept or reroute stuff that gets sent to my servers NIC on spesific ports?21:39
jbwivare they any windows managers+themes out there that mimic a windows desktop as much as possible? please don't shoot me...this is for a very specific need ;)21:39
Botuxhey action what do you mean md5?21:39
ljsoftnethow many months will ubuntu 8.10 be supported?21:39
ruben23ActionParsnip:how do i do md5 check and verify the burned cd21:40
frog_hi, i have a stick with vfat, but cant mount it. i get this error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0. i have dd_rescu , is there any possibility to recover it=?21:40
ActionParsnip!md5 | ruben2321:40
ubotturuben23: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:40
Gunslinger2gnome-look.com has a lot of themes21:40
scuniziljsoftnet: 1821:40
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
ActionParsnipruben23: to verify the cd, boot to the cd and select verify cd21:40
ActionParsnipruben23: md5 check is CRITICAL to a good install21:40
ActionParsnipruben23: the data yuo have in the iso may have become garbaged in transmission21:40
gohmifunethere was a FF extension in the repos that enabled ubuntu commands, does anyone know what it was called?21:41
ljsoftnetscunizi thanks21:42
mrwesHey if I'm sending email vi smtp with username and password in my /etc/denyhosts.conf should that file have 644 perms?21:42
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mrwesI'm thinking 600 only21:42
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Arkenklooops, wrong window21:42
WatchBotArkenklo: Please keep your links on topic and work safe.21:42
LjLArkenklo: wrong window yester4day, wrong window today...?21:43
LjL*is* it the wrong window?!21:43
joe__in my face21:43
mrweso/ LjL21:44
Gunslinger2anyone know how i could, if possible, make my terminal window scroll text up by default instead of down?21:44
ikoniaGunslinger2: not really21:44
BotuxActionParsnip when i run the cd check itgoes to ubuntu screen and then i get those errors again21:45
Gunslinger2my terminals embedded into my desktop and it would make it easier for me to read that way21:45
Botuxit doenst even get to the check it acts as if its loading then those errors come up21:45
cl0sArkenklo, really should be kicked for that. If I had a slower comp it would have froze me up or it could be 3.1/5 firefox that saved me.21:45
ZtaActionParsnip, Ah... I've been looking at the source to see what qualifies a device as becoming a potential target, and it seems my CF card doesn't have the HAL property volume.is_disc = "True".  It's false.21:46
ZtaI wonder why..21:47
ActionParsnipBotux: does the md5 of the iso pass?21:47
Botuxhow do i tell21:47
ActionParsnip!md5 | Botux21:47
ubottuBotux: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:47
Arkenklocl0s: dude, it was the wrong window21:48
Arkenkloalso, never click irc-links21:49
cl0si knew it was malicious but i also knew it couldnt really do anything to my pc by just me clicking a link..21:50
cl0stheres alot of people in here who would really get confused or turned off ubuntu by it, thats all.. doesnt bother me much, just ended the task21:50
cl0sanyways im outta here.. its 5.. peace21:51
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ugliefrogpermission on a file. it has locks on it and i need to delete it21:52
ugliefrogit says root and everything is greyed out21:52
jimi_hendrixhi, i am trying to open a .pdf from school but it isnt working.  in document viewer it says invalid MIME type...any insight21:52
Botuxi dont know where to do !md5 at21:53
mrwesBotux, Applicattions | Accessories | Terminal21:53
mrwestype md5sum nameoftheisofile.iso21:53
Botuxlol mrwes if i had it installed id beable to do that21:53
mrwesBotux, did you read the link that was posted?21:54
virushey! im testing dual monitor on ubuntu :D21:54
virusand works great21:54
anxiolyticmplayer/VLC cannot play the audio for a lot of videos I have (Xvid/AC3) but Totem can. What am I missing?21:54
mrwesBotux, you can download the windows version here http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:55
mrwesanxiolytic, you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?21:55
Gunslinger2anyone know how i could, if possible, make my terminal window scroll text up by default instead of down?21:55
|WolF|1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/145723/ i don't know what is wrong now :(21:56
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide21:56
decodoes opera run slower on ubuntu? time it takes to change sites etc..?21:56
tyler_dgeneral question -- how do I commit a zip file in cvs? -kb is producing errors21:56
MyWayhi, how do i install java 6 and make it working with firefox?21:57
jimi_hendrixwhats a good .pdf viewer?21:57
virusjimi_hendrix, foxit21:57
dschulzMyWay: it worked for me, but I had to install sun-java6-jre21:57
MyWayand it works on firefox also?21:58
|WolF|1MyWay: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre21:58
dschulzMyWay: yes21:58
|WolF|1works like hell :)21:58
dschulzMyWay: but i'd suggest you to uninstall any other java stack21:58
anxiolyticmrwes: nope. thanks!21:58
jaek_so what package should i get to get 'ant' when using openjdk?21:58
MyWaythanks dschulz, done21:59
MyWayi'll try now21:59
mrwesanxiolytic, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:59
FloodBot1kucciolo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
theweeksi installed ubuntu  3.04.2 LTS Alternate on my toshiba satellite L305-S51 into a partition, but when i try to boot into it from grub partway through startup it gives me a screen of multicolored lines21:59
jdutheweeks, what video driver are you using?  does x start?22:00
theweeksusing the default video driver - im not sure what you mean by 'does x start'?22:01
MyWayok, now it's working, but for some reason firefox is crashing only in one applet :O22:01
dschulzjaek_: the same should work for all java implementations ... sudo aptitude install ant ant-optional  ant-doc22:01
MyWayhow can i find the reason?22:01
jdutheweeks,  X is the graphical server, more specifically X.org      The default driver for your video card will depend on what it is.22:02
jaek_dschulz, ah thanks... thought it might be in a sub package of sun-java6-jdk because that automatically installs it22:02
mrwesMyWay, open a terminal and start firefox from there -- might be able to see error messages that way22:02
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
jdutheweeks,  have you tried accessing the virtual terminal with ctrl-alt-f1 or similar?22:02
rellikhow can I test that my MCE remote is working?  it used to work (with XBMC) but then it just stopped...  the receiver still blinks, but nothing happens..  (irw shows nothing, but I'm not sure if that's a reasonable test)22:03
theweeksno what is that?22:03
mrwesI heard ctrl alt backspace is gone in Jaunty -- correct? or is that temporary on the beta version only?22:03
georgy_28mrwes, : is gone and is not temporary22:04
oCean_mrwes: it's disabled, read here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta22:04
jdutheweeks, if you type ctrl-alt-f1,  you will be presented with a command line terminal.  you might use it fix the graphical system which is obviously not working.22:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nozap22:04
mrwesgeorgy_28, ok...hrmm...that sucks :(22:04
theweeksok i will try that22:04
theweeksi can get to command line through recovery mode also22:05
oCean_ActionParsnip: it's the !dontzap22:05
georgy_28i dontzap22:05
jdutheweeks, there is a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf which is generated automatically.  You can define different video drivers with it.22:05
UKGentj/ #xubuntu22:05
georgy_28! dontzap22:05
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »22:05
ActionParsniphttp://albertomilone.com/wordpress/?p=335  for re-enabling CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE22:05
mrwesActionParsnip, thanks22:06
theweeksokay ctrl-alt-f1 got me to a login prompt22:06
mrwesActionParsnip, what's the reason they took it out?22:07
jdutheweeks,  so you can login and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.     or otherwise try to fix things.22:07
ActionParsnipmrwes: no idea, i think its mega useful22:07
mrwesActionParsnip, definitely!22:07
micheActionParsnip: me too22:07
oCean_mrwes: this is in the link I send earlier: "o reduce issues experienced by users who accidentally trigger the key combo"22:08
michejust today told a friend to use it!22:08
redrebelhow can you kick out a user that is logged in??22:08
redrebelassuming your are root22:08
theweeksok im looking at xorg.conf22:08
Botuxim confused there is no md5 to donwload when you download the iso the iso download automatically starts22:08
georgy_28mrwes Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is now disabled, to reduce issues experienced by users who accidentally trigger the key combo. Users who do want this function can enable it in their xorg.conf, or via the command dontzap --disables22:08
theweeksim not really sure what i should be changing though22:09
mrwesActionParsnip and oCean_  maybe the should be an option on the shutdown/restart menu "Restart Window Manager Only"22:09
jdutheweeks, might let me see it in pastebin   as well as the output of the command:  sudo lshw22:09
Leeyhey again! i solved the problem wuth the slow insterface and laggy windows when i drag them around!! ho did i do it: click the update button, update all things and pew pew, no problems anymore!22:09
mrwesgeorgy_28, well you only make that mistake once :)22:10
Retkiesa69ubuntu is shit, linux is shit... im change to windows..22:10
jdutheweeks,  lshw would show the type of graphics card you have.22:10
Retkiesa69ubuntu is shit, linux is shit... im change to windows..22:10
Retkiesa69ubuntu is shit, linux is shit... im change to windows..22:10
FloodBot1Retkiesa69: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
georgy_28mrwes, : right ;)22:10
Retkiesa69ubuntu is shit, linux is shit... im change to windows..22:10
tsimpson!ops | Retkiesa69 trolling22:10
ubottuRetkiesa69 trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:10
jduRetkiesa69, why?22:10
theweeksthere a specific section you need to see or all of it?22:10
FloodBot1Retkiesa69: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:10
jdutheweeks, part about the graphics card.22:11
ugliefrog!libpng 1.2.2722:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libpng 1.2.2722:11
Botuxthe instructions are very confusing22:11
Leeyhey, could anyone help me and tell a program that is like winamp but for ubuntu, i ahve installed xmms2 but i dont want to play by command line, i want some "interface" a GNI.. anyone ?22:12
LjLLeey: audacious22:13
jaek_Leey, try mpd... very flexible22:13
jaek_multiple frontends22:13
theweeksor maybe this http://paste.ubuntu.com/145731/22:14
Leeythanx, how do i get it? is there any apt-get install for it or can i just download it from somewere?22:14
jaek_sudo apt-get install mpd22:14
jaek_and install gmpc22:14
jaek_which is a gnome client22:14
jdutheweeks,  interesting.  You said you are using 8.04?22:14
theweeksyes. LTS Alternate22:15
Leeythank you, and how do i start it up after, or does it mace a shortcut into my top menu ?22:15
Gunslinger2anyone know how i could, if possible, make my terminal window scroll text up by default instead of down?22:15
Gunslinger2google just isnt coming up with anything....22:16
jdutheweeks, Xorg is handling most of the configurating automatically.  First try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:16
LordDragonhi all22:16
LordDragonanyone install amarok2 under ubuntu 8.10 ?22:16
LordDragonim getting errors when i try to apt-get install amarok-kde422:17
jdutheweeks, that will probably just restore it to how it is though.22:17
mrwesjdu, what does the -phigh flag mean?22:17
drukenmonkeyi am getting errors with updates22:17
theweeksyeah that didn't change anything22:18
LeeyJaek_: how do i start up the mpd program afetr install it?22:18
dschulzmrwes, it means the priority of questions to be displayed22:18
jdumrwes, it sets priority high, like dschulz just said22:19
mrwesdschulz, ahh... to completely reconfigure I take it22:20
drukenmonkeyupdate hotkey-setup error22:20
Botux To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows is totally useless to me22:20
jdutheweeks,  under InputDevice, you should put Driver "yourdriver"  First try vesa.22:20
mrwesBotux, why?22:21
MarTuxI wanna install ubuntu 9.04. My question is: when it become stable will my ubuntu 9.04 testing become stable doing aptitude update and then upgrade?22:21
Botuxbecause it s like an american tryinjg to read japanese22:21
mrwesMarTux, yes22:21
Botuxnothing is explained with simplicity22:21
grkblood13does any1 here have any experience with pan?22:21
drukenmonkeyerrors in updates fatal22:21
mrwesBotux, how is this hard?22:21
mrwesDownload it here: http://www.etree.org/cgi-bin/counter...are/md5sum.exe22:21
mrwesPut it in your windows/system32 or /windows/command folder. (In XP it's C:/Windows/system32)22:21
FloodBot1mrwes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
theweekswhich inputdevice? there are 222:21
MarTuxmrwes: or my distro will be testing untill I do a new installation?22:21
Botuxwhen you donw load the iso you can only down load the iso there is no md5 file22:21
theweeksi mean 322:22
jdutheweeks,  now run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm" restart  to restart x22:22
grkblood13are there any other usenet leechers out there besides pan?22:22
oCean_Botux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:22
grkblood13something gui based22:22
mrwesBotux, you have to look up the md5sum number at ubuntu.com22:22
mrwesoCean_, thanks :)22:22
Botuxthat wasnt explained there and i have no idea where to look on ubuntu.com22:22
theweeksalso what do you mean by 'first try vesa'?22:23
jdutheweeks,  it would be useful to have the whole file,  but under the one related to the graphics/screen22:23
jdutheweeks, as the driver22:23
Gunslinger2anyone know how i could, if possible, make my terminal window scroll the text up by default instead of down?22:23
jduso add the line   Driver "vesa"22:23
theweeksthe 'InputDriver' sections are related to 2 mice and the keyboard22:23
SlartGunslinger2: never seen anything like that.. not saying it's impossible.. I just haven't seen it22:23
Patric3dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg only finds "Default Screen" and "Configured Video Device".  How do I get the OS to find more specific video hardware22:23
drukenmonkey/var/cache/apt/archives/hotkey-setup_0.1-23ubuntu11_amd64.deb:  script pre-removal error 222:23
mrwesBotux, I googled ubuntu md5sum and this was the first hit - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM22:24
SlartGunslinger2: any special reason you want it to go "backwards"? or it's just a matter of preference?22:24
mrwesBotux, from there, there is a link to the hashes page22:24
drukenmonkeyi think is peroblem of server22:24
Gunslinger2preference really,  customizing my desktop and it would be easier for me to read that way22:25
jdutheweeks, back in moment22:25
mrwesGunslinger2, what are  you reading?22:25
Gunslinger2the terminal22:25
Commo-workI have 2 interfaces, an outside and an inside,  I want the inside to get its IP via DHCP but I dont want it to get a default gw set, as the default gw is set staticly on the outside interface.  any ideas?22:25
mrwesGunslinger2, maybe the | less and/or | more would help out some22:25
Gunslinger2well i have my terminal embedded into my desktop22:26
jdutheweeks, im back22:26
mrwesGunslinger2, transparent you mean?22:26
Gunslinger2yes, transparent22:26
drukenmonkeythe cuestion is important  but i am looking what  this error ignored22:27
theweeksim having trouble exiting vi22:27
jdutheweeks,  :wq22:27
mrwestheweeks, hit the esc key then :wq22:27
jduthat too22:27
mrwesgotta get the esc key first :)22:28
qcjnhi, i'm using ubuntu 8.04, gnome, compiz, what's the shortcut keys to change desktop ??22:28
qcjnmrwes: hi22:28
mrwesto go into command mode22:28
mrweshey j00 lameR qcjn22:28
theDigitalAngelqcjn: Try Alt + Ctrl + ->22:28
jduqcjn:  to different desktop?22:28
mrwesAlt + 1 or 222:28
theDigitalAngelqcjn: You can sue compiz-settings to change it if you want.22:29
theweeks'can't open file for saving'22:29
mrwesoh..w/ compiz aye?22:29
Botuxmrwes i fllowed the instructions and it says they are the same22:29
jduqcjn:  ctrl-alt-arrow keyes22:29
mrwesBotux, then install it22:29
Botuxi tried22:29
theweeksprobably because i accidently stopped another vi job and can't kill it22:29
Botuxkeep getting the same error22:29
mrwesqcjn, dunno if the alt + 1 or +2 works in compiz22:29
qcjnok, i want the one like mrwes says, but for me it changes room in xchat22:29
jdutheweeks,  did you start it with sudo     :sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:29
jdu: unrelated to vi22:30
drukenmonkeyi am the most inteligent but sometimes i need help22:30
theweeksno i can't save the xorg file22:30
Botuxits driving me crazy i cant even use the check cd option in the menu it keeps going back to that error22:30
mrwesqcjn, hrmm...I'm using xchat and it doesn't do that. Take a look at System | preferences | keyboard shortcuts22:30
wobbleyheI know how you feel drunkenmonkey22:30
theweeksit gives me an error probably because of the stopped vi process22:30
qcjnmrwes: ok, i ll check that22:31
jdutheweeks,  hmm.  saddly, probably exit and try nano22:31
wobbleyhethe weeks dido you try to edit it as root?22:31
mrwestheweeks, try running     sudo update-alternatives –config editor22:32
mrwes from a terminal to change your default editor to nano22:32
theweeksim editing as the account i created22:32
SlartGunslinger2: have you seen/used any kind of terminal that worked the way you described?22:32
poseidonAnyone know of a good macro expander (ie I type gifl and it does the google I'm Feeling Lucky search=)22:32
kohlraklet's say i'm looking up the pipe(7) function, how do i use man to look up pipe(7) instead of pipe(2)?22:32
jdutheweeks,  to edit xorg.conf  you must be root,  sorry I didn't mention that.22:32
Slartkohlrak: man 7 pipe22:32
theweekshow do i edit as root?22:32
peacewisei tried to play a radio through lan...entered the radio ip on vlc but ubuntu doesnt allow to play it.....windows on the contrary allows it...what shud i do22:32
wobbleyhethe weeks to save changes to the xorg. conf you will need to append sudovto the front of the command22:33
kohlrakslart: thanks =)22:33
Slartkohlrak: but of course you've already read that in man man ;)22:33
mrwestheweeks sudo vi or sudo nano22:33
jdutheweeks,  to not loose work,  you can do  :w /home/yourusername/xorg.conf22:33
kohlrakSlart: there's a man man?22:33
Gunslinger2no still fairly new to ubuntu/linux.  messed around with it a few times but just getting into it as im using it as a server/desktop22:33
atera9does overclocking a router really improve performance at all?22:33
atera9or is that just a waste of time22:33
jdutheweeks,  then          sudo cp ~/xorg.conf /etc/X1122:33
peacewisei tried to play a radio through lan...entered the radio ip on vlc but ubuntu doesnt allow to play it.....windows on the contrary allows it...what shud i do22:33
nachhi ! what 's the difference between "cat /dev/random" and "cat < /dev/random" ?22:33
qcjnmrwes: thanks, thats what the bst thing to check in preferences, cause i use alt +tab....didn't remember,22:34
Botuxwhat else can i try if i passes22:34
DieseL`hi, anyone know of a way of setting monochrome fonts for gnome terminal22:34
wobbleyheatera9 you can improve the tx power but that could do more harm than good22:34
DieseL`irssi looks teribble with all these horrid smooth fonts22:34
Leeyis there any good stable "msn messenger" for ubuntu ?22:34
Slartkohlrak: of course.. how else are you supposed to learn how to use it.. recursion or not =)22:34
lyyhi everyone22:34
frostburnLeey, pidgin22:34
Flare183hi lyy22:34
mrwesqcjn, sure...glad to help a puppy user :)22:34
armsjobshello am armsjobs any lady for chat22:34
peacewisei tried to play a radio through lan...entered the radio ip on vlc but ubuntu doesnt allow to play it.....windows on the contrary allows it...what shud i do22:34
qcjnmrwes: not true22:34
SlartLeey: I use pidgin.. no video chat but it works for the basic stuff22:34
atera9i did increase the tx power, from 70 to 251mW. what harm could that do?22:34
qcjnmrwes: lol22:34
lyyanyone use use voip?22:34
peacewisestreaming not working on vlc :help22:34
Leeyfrostburn: is it apt-get install pidgin ??22:34
mrwesqcjn, not true?22:34
Slart!info pidgin | Leey22:35
ubottuLeey: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB22:35
qcjnmrwes: ctrl + alt + tab22:35
Leey!info pidgin22:35
SlartLeey: seems it is..22:35
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB22:35
frostburnLeey, it should be installed already22:35
peacewiseanyone there22:35
Flare183peacewise: Yes22:35
qcjnmrwes: thanks, anyway, it refreshed my memopry22:35
Gunslinger2been googling and searching forums to see if anyone has done it for a while now22:35
Leeyok thanx22:35
atera9wobbleyhe what harm can increasing tx power do?22:35
lyyanyone use use voip? I am playing with skype and wanna use it to call people, possible cell/home phone numbers in other countries. are there services that allow me to use voip for free?22:35
mrwesqcjn, that switches among the desktop and panels I believe22:36
recon69Leey: you might want to try amsn22:36
Leeyoh, i had it xD thank you ! ! =D22:36
pgreptomHey, does anyone have a separate /boot partition?  If so, could you share your fstab entry?  I'm trying to dualboot fedora, and ubuntu.. and trying to convert to a totally separate /boot partition without having to re-install22:36
theweeksokay i copied it22:36
Slartlyy: I use skype.. but so far just for talking to other skype users.. haven't tried skype->phone stuff yet22:36
qcjnmrwes: yes , alt + tab = panels, ctrl + alt + tab = desktop22:36
peacewisei tried to play a radio through lan...entered the radio ip on vlc but ubuntu doesnt allow to play it.....windows on the contrary allows it...what shud i do22:36
DieseL`anyone know of a way of setting monochrome fonts for gnome terminal22:36
DieseL`no hinting etc.22:36
frostburnlyy, i'm not aware of any services that give free voip -> pots, but there's plenty of voip clients out there like teamspeak or ventrilo or other sip applications like asterisk22:36
wobbleyheif you didn't put in anew antenna you could "burn out" ie old one although those are still *fairly low* power values it should be ok22:36
Botuxhey  mrwes i have an older version of ubuntu on cd its 7.04 if install it can i gupgrade to 8.10?22:36
humbolt1I read somewhere, that we can have vanilla kernels in Ubuntu now? How?22:37
SlartDieseL`: try changing the font.. or not using the gnome-terminal22:37
humbolt1I mean, that there are packages in the repo now22:37
qcjnmrwes: it's been to long since i returned to Ubuntu, was only in puppy :)22:37
lyySlart and frostburn : thanks22:37
humbolt1However, I don't find anything22:37
mrwesBotux, I would do a fresh install22:37
DieseL`Slart: there must be a way of setting it?22:37
=== makis is now known as apollo
SlartDieseL`: try starting xterm22:37
mrwesqcjn, glad you are moving up :P22:37
lyySlart: I guess I have to get the party I'm calling to get a computer and install skype22:37
alex_hey all, i got a little question with wine22:37
Leeywoohoo ubuntu FTW ! =D22:37
qcjnmrwes: lol22:37
Botuxi cant get the installer to wokr thats what im trying to do22:37
peacewisei tried to play a radio through lan...entered the radio ip on vlc but ubuntu doesnt allow to play it.....windows on the contrary allows it...what shud i do22:37
=== apollo is now known as apollonios
Iceman_B^Ltopwhats's a clever way to keep the size of my irssi logfiles tiny, while still logging every channel I visit ?22:37
frostburnIceman_B^Ltop, logrotate22:38
mrwesBotux, what are you system specs? RAM, etc.22:38
SlartDieseL`: it's gnome.. the decision has been made for you =)22:38
nachhi ! what 's the difference between "cat /dev/random" and "cat < /dev/random" ?22:38
mrwesnach, never heard of redirecting to cat, only from cat22:38
DieseL`Slart: this is nice and all, but any way to reconfigure xterm?22:39
DieseL`translucent BG etc?22:39
jimi_hendrixi am trying to open a pdf from school, but document reader says Unhandled MIME type22:39
Iceman_B^Ltopfrostburn: what does that do and I how do I use it ?22:39
theweeksokay i ran the sudo command you gave me and i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/145753/  I'm assuming i want to restart?22:39
mrwestheweeks, yes restart22:39
SlartDieseL`: reconfigure? I think there is a settings file somewhere.. but I'm not really sure.. haven't used xterm in.. oh.. 10 years or so =)22:39
Botuxp4 3gb and 512 MB ram22:39
jdutheweeks, try start or restart22:40
humbolt1What is the best method to get a fully featured Ubuntu kernel with all restricted modules but compiled for a special arch?22:40
Botuxits a dell optiplex22:40
theweeksrestart gave me a new and exciting type of garbage on my screen22:40
DieseL`Slart: lol fair enough, erm how about setting xterm as the default for ubuntu22:40
theweekstan background with a white stripe down the center22:40
jdutheweeks,  what fun!22:40
DieseL`cd /etc/22:41
danbhfivehumbolt1: debian might be the answer that you are looking for.  Ive heard they support more architectures.22:41
theweeksit went by pretty fast but i think there might have been some kind of ubuntu screen beforehand22:41
Botuxwhy do you ask mrwes22:41
psychomantisi wanna use my  xmod device but i can't22:41
psychomantiscould you help me please22:41
psychomantismy os is ubuntu 8.1022:42
SlartDieseL`: I'm not sure where the default terminal is used.. you could change the one shortcut in system, accessories to use xterm instead of gnome-terminal22:42
nachmrwes: ok so what is the difference in details ?22:42
jdutheweeks,  suggestions:   try different video drivers until one works.   Google your exact video card to see which one is best.22:42
SlartDieseL`: oh.. you mean like when you double click a sh-script..22:42
psychomantisi really need it to hear best sound22:43
SherryducielThis is driving me a bit crazy: Is there any way to install ubuntu 8.10 with encrypted root (using luks) from a usb stick? The alternate installer doesn't seem to work from a usb stick and I don't have a CD-rom drive.22:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:43
=== ProN0ob is now known as ProN00b
Player18994speak russion?22:43
lesceilPlayer18994: njet22:44
alex_hey can anyone kelp me with my wine? i cant install my games on wine, and im kinda stimped...22:44
SlartDieseL`: create a script, right click on it, select "open with" might change some of the associations.. not sure if that is the best way though22:44
zash!ru | Player1899422:44
ubottuPlayer18994: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:44
simoneHi I have a big problem with update22:44
psychomantismy device can't wor22:44
simonejk and tomcat22:44
simonesomeone can help?22:44
psychomantisno russian here22:44
psychomantisplease speak english22:44
ugliefroghelp please please http://paste.ubuntu.com/145758/22:45
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:45
psychomantisdo you really need it ?22:45
Botuxim about to give up and chalk it up to ubuntu sucking22:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:46
ugliefrogbottom part of bin22:46
psychomantiswhat N22:46
psychomantisfuck xmode device it doesn't work22:46
psychomantiswith ma ubuntu os22:47
Slartpsychomantis: easy with the bad language22:47
Botuxim aggravated and thats how i feel mr wes22:47
simoneI had a good configured system with apache and tomcat that comunicate by jk on a 7.10.. now I update to 8.10 and it don't function. I received this message in error.log "22:48
Slartpsychomantis: just ask your question.. if you don't get an answer it's probably because noone knows.. you can repeat it every 20 minutes or so.. use the time to search the forums22:48
mogul218does anyone know what the best way to p2p network 3 ubuntu desktops would be?22:48
simoneNo JkShmFile defined in httpd.conf. Using default /var/log/apache2/jk-runtime-status22:48
DoitleIs there any additional include needed to use exec(); in ubuntu linux?22:48
psychomantistry $22:49
mrwesBotux, I was asking how much ram you had, because the alternate test installer might help22:49
psychomantis$sudo apt-get install22:50
Botuxon the installer menu?22:50
theweeksthe card appears to be Intel GMA 4500M Dynamic Video Memory Technology 5.0, but i can't figure out what i should be getting from the google search?22:50
Slartmogul218: you mean create a local LAN?22:50
SlartDoitle: using what language?22:50
psychomantisnoone can help my towork22:51
psychomantismy xmod device22:51
psychomantiscreative brand22:51
Slartpsychomantis: once again.. just ask your whole questions, once every 20 minutes.. stop spamming with the enter key22:51
Slartpsychomantis: if you want to scream about not getting any answers, do it in #ubuntu-offtopic22:52
jdutheweek,  google says to use:  xorg-video-intel as the driver, but I bet that is what it already using and not working22:52
=== iain is now known as ibuclaw
filosofixFlash and regular video playback has begun to slow down for 10-15 secs while the audio plays normally. After 10-15 secs the video speeds up to catch up with the audio before it starts to slow down again... anyone got a clue? I have a Nvidia 7800 gt card with Nvidiadrivers.  No differ with compiz enabled or disabled...22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zezu22:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desen22:55
Deseni wanted to thank you ZeZu for helping me out with an issue22:55
theweekswell now i have a tiled backround of x's that i can move around with the mouse, so that's progress i guess22:56
mrwesBotux, please...how much ram?22:56
jdutheweeks, tiled?22:57
theweeksit looks like the mouse graphic is an x and is tiled across the sscreen22:57
Botux512MB ram22:57
Botuxmr wes22:57
theweeksso when i move the mouse the graphic moves around on the tiles22:57
mrwesBotux, that should be plenty for the graphical installer -- BTW don't space my nickname; just mrwes -- that way xchat alerts work :)22:58
MostlyDifferenthey everyone... having some ubuntu problems... i seem to have broken sudo.22:58
Botuxlol sorry22:58
Botuxno disrespect meant22:58
jduhmm.  never saw it before .   I also have gm chipset from intel.  It has worked on freebsd but it is working on ubuntu all but once.  I understand that there are some kernel modules that are required to make it work correctly, but ubuntu has them by default so....22:58
Botuxwhen i go to the installer menu it keeps goign to that same error22:59
mrwesBotux, none taken; what is the exact error you get when you try to install?22:59
jduI mean never worked on freebsd but has on ubuntu22:59
mrwesrefresh me22:59
mrwesI'm old..heh22:59
BotuxBuffer I/O error on device sr022:59
=== ReAn` is now known as ReAn
jdutheweeks,  unfortunately,  I have to go.  Good luck!23:00
MostlyDifferentwas trying to set up openldap to authenticate against AD.  apparently sudo is indeed now using openldap to try to authenticate.  and apparently something in my ldap.conf is making it hang.  indefinitely.  such that I can't run a sudo command.  incidentally, the only way for me to fix the change in ldap.conf is to sudo23:00
Botuxlogical block 17889723:00
mattOk, what would gparted show up a different free space number than nautilus?23:01
mattabout 50GB I mean.23:01
tuxxy__guys theres an effect I like where the screen blinks as a warning like if you attempt to delete some text that wasnt there the screen would blink, anyone know where to set it23:01
Leeyhi, i have a folder with my old .url favorites from wintows, were do i place them to import them to firefox?23:02
Botuxmrwes dont feel bad im 32 and i feel old sometimes lol23:02
Slarttuxxy__: sounds like something in the Assistive technologies department23:02
psychomantisxmod device23:02
Mike_lifeguardIs it possible to install from a downloaded .iso directly?23:03
soluxioneelwood: per la chat ita? Grazie!23:03
mrwesBotux, did you check integrity of the CD from the installer?23:03
Slarttuxxy__: check in system, preferences, sound.. on the sounds tab there is a setting for "visual alert", I think that's what you're looking for23:03
Botuxi couldnt it would load to that23:03
tuxxy__thanks Slart23:03
Botuxi clciked that option and it just kept going back to those aerrors23:03
tuxxy__i rememebr now23:03
SlartMike_lifeguard: no.. you can install from a usb stick if you don't have a cd and the motherboard supports booting from it23:03
mrwesBotux, hrmm23:03
Botuxim thinking it may be the cd23:03
mrwesgotta be brutha23:04
Leeyhi, i have a folder with my old .url webpage favorites from wintows, were do i place them to import them into bookmark's in firefox in ubuntu ?23:04
Mike_lifeguardSlart: Any idea how to tell if that's supported?23:04
sebsebsebLeey: is it bookmarks .html in Windohs?23:04
Leeyno, its .url in windows..23:05
sebsebsebLeey: or is it a SQL lite  database?23:05
SlartMike_lifeguard: check the bios perhaps.. you might see it in the boot order settings.. or look in the motherboard documentation23:05
sebsebsebLeey: .url files don't exist.  you mean .html?23:05
Leeyits .url (links to webpages on internet)23:05
Mike_lifeguardboot order settings it is... :)23:05
mrwesBotux, what speed did you burn the CD at?23:05
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Botuxeither 2 or 4 i know lower speed is best23:06
mrwesBotux, that's good....23:06
mrwesBotux, do you have another computer you can try the CD on?23:06
mrwesBotux, just to see if it's the CD or the dirve, or whatever :)23:07
Botuxyea the one im talking to you on but dont wanna install it here though23:07
Botuxoh so run the integrity check23:07
mrwesBotux, jsut to check the Live CD, it won't install anything23:07
mrwesright :)23:07
mrwesBotux, root cause :)23:07
Botuxwell i have a reatil ubunut cd of 7.04 was thinking i t could be easier to intsall from it and then uograde?23:08
mrwesBotux, try your CD on this computer first, you can run the LIve CD without installing anything23:08
Botuxok i will23:08
Leeyyou know when you use explorer, and you are on a webpage, you click add to favorites, then you get the name.url shourtcut from favorites folder (c:\documents and settings\name\favorites\).. and how do i put them into firefox?23:08
mrwesCiao amigo mio23:08
SliderMandoes anyone know packet sniffing app for ubuntu?23:09
maurizioCiao a tutti23:09
SlartSliderMan: etherman.. tcpdump... there are several23:09
sebsebsebLeey: you can  copy in the bookmarks file and put in the Firefox profile, and that may work23:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:09
sebsebsebLeey: and you can probably open those so called .url files  in Ubuntu23:09
SliderMani think i heard about etherman23:09
mauriziook, scusate23:09
Leeybut were do i find firefor profile ? =D23:09
sebsebsebSliderMan: not sure if we are meant to give you help for such apps here23:10
SlartSliderMan: it might be called wireshark these days23:10
sebsebsebLeey: noobs humm ok23:10
SliderMani dont do anything ilegeal =)23:10
sebsebsebLeey: open the home folder23:10
sebsebsebLeey: view show hidden files and folders23:10
SliderManits for my own dev23:10
sebsebsebLeey: and it's .mozilla23:10
Leeyoh ok23:10
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:10
sebsebsebLeey: list it first even and put by type and it will do it alaphabetical order by type23:10
SlartSliderMan: just search for "packet sniffer" in synaptic.. it's a long list.. I think wireshark is one of the more popular choices23:11
Andry_sleepshey guys, how do I set the permission to write to a folder in Ubuntu?23:11
sebsebsebSliderMan: go look in Synaptic for one or something23:11
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: which folder?23:11
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions23:11
SliderManslart ok thanks =) its tehre.23:12
Andry_sleepssebsebse: /var/lib/tftpboot   keeps me saying error while trying to write to it, but I can read files inside23:12
Andry_sleepsfirst time using tftp on Ubuntu23:12
Andry_sleepson linux actuallt23:12
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: hummm  FTP program?23:12
Leey1 more queston, will more ram boost up the speed of my computer, i think its a bit slow to open up folders with many files in, or am i locked cuaz of the cpu ?23:13
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: yeah what's that?23:13
gufyEscriba el texto aquí....hola23:13
Andry_sleepsmaybe it requires to set permissions to everybody23:13
sebsebseb!es | gufy23:13
ubottugufy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:13
SlartLeey: I don't think that's memory starvation that does that23:13
SherryducielIs there any way to install ubuntu 8.10 with encrypted root and swap (using luks) from a usb stick? The alternate installer doesn't seem to work from a usb stick and I don't have a CD-rom drive.23:13
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: ok  gksudo nautilius and you can change the permissions  after right clicking on the folder or file23:13
SlartLeey: I think a faster hard drive might be a better solution23:14
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: and if your in the terminal.  you can get into stuff as root.   gksudo   /whatever/whatever/example.txt23:14
Leeyok, so only speedup is to get faster cpu (more ghz) ?23:14
Leeyah ok23:14
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: gksudo   gedit  /whatever/whatever/example.txt23:14
Andry_sleepssebsebseb: I'd like to set permission to every file in that folder though23:14
Andry_sleepsis this possible?23:14
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: yep23:14
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: either find out how to do file permissions via the command line with chmod or whatever, or do the graphicail way I just said with  nautilius23:15
Andry_sleepsthanks, I'll try chmod23:15
sebsebsebAndry_sleeps: ,be careful not to delete part of the system if  doing nautilius way23:15
mrwesAndry_sleeps, good choice :)23:15
Andry_sleepsI should get used to cli23:16
mrwessebsebseb, how do you delete files by changing the perms?23:16
sebsebsebmrwes: which files??23:16
Desenpeeps, like everybody else i have a problem. it regards switching between 2 languages (keyboard input): English which is set as default and Romanian which is activated by pressing left CTRL + left SHIFT (shortcut set by me). Problem is that after startup, this shortcut isn't working no more, althou in the Options panel it appears to be selected. I am using Ubuntu 8.04. Is it a known bug ?23:16
* G69 Prós e Contras: Mário Lino diz: "As pessoas estão intoxicadas com determinadas afirmações, pois uma viagem de TGV de Lisboa porto está previsto demorar 1h e 15m"23:16
qcjnhi, i'd like to move, all .mp3 from a repertory to another one. What would be the command ? mv /home/*.mp3 /home/movedmp3  ?23:16
sebsebseb!English |  G6923:17
ubottuG69: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:17
HodappDo cron jobs run as sudo?23:17
mrwesHodapp, no, each user has a cron too23:17
Slartqcjn: looks good to me.. try it on a small test folder first if you're unsire23:17
Hodapp/etc/cron.daily/* for instance23:17
mrwesthat's root23:17
qcjnSlart: ok, good idea23:17
ugliefroganyone here know where i can get cinepaint...23:17
SlartHodapp: cronjobs that belong to root run as root afaik23:17
mrwesHodapp, daily.cron is run from the system wide cron /etc/crontab23:18
HodappEither way, this cron job is not running for some reason23:18
Slartugliefrog: you have googled for it? I'm pretty sure they have a site23:18
Shishiretry as I might, I can't seem to find the package I need to install to run a bluetooth PAN.  Does anyone know what it is?23:18
Hodappbut if I start it manually as sudo, it works just fine23:18
ugliefrogslart:Yah they have a site but not a deb package23:18
mrwesHodapp, did you make the script in daily.cron +x ?23:18
SlartHodapp: cronjobs can be tricky for other reasons that permissions23:18
Hodappmrwes: Yes.23:18
Hodapppermissions and owner match all other files in the directory23:19
mrwesHodapp, are there spaces in the script name?23:19
Mike_lifeguardSo, I'm told that one should use a Windows partition tool instead of a linux one because Windows is anal. Does that not apply to Wubi?23:19
Slartugliefrog: oh.. so you were looking for a deb package for cinepaint? .. tried getdeb?23:19
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: Wubi don't use that23:19
Hodapp#!/bin/sh is good as the first line, right?23:19
mrwesHodapp, does the script run with ./ ?23:19
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: well maybe temporaily, but not for long term Ubuntu usage23:19
ugliefrogslart:not there either i was surprised23:19
Hodappmrwes: Yes.23:19
Mike_lifeguardoh, it even says it doesn't create a partition :D23:19
Mike_lifeguardI guess I should read the whole page before piping up23:20
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: what you on about Wubi? and Wubi puts  Ubuntu in a part of Windows23:20
mrwesHodapp, sorry to ask so many questions..heh.. it's owned by root and rwx by root?23:20
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: and gives you boot loaders, and then you can't run them both at same time, unlike a virtual machine23:20
Hodappmrwes: Yes. Permissions and owner match everything else in the directory.23:20
Slartugliefrog: hmm... then I don't really know where to look.. you could use checkinstall to create your own little package I think.. I've never used it myself though so I can't really say if it's easy or not23:20
Mike_lifeguardRight, which is not what I want.23:20
Mike_lifeguardso it's irrelevant... but I guess I should still get a partition tool...23:20
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: and many reasons not to do wubi for long term usage23:21
ugliefrogslart:ok thanks ill look into it23:21
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: and for partitning Gparted  :)23:21
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: ,but it's  generally best to let Vista do it's own partition instead of Gparted23:21
Mike_lifeguardI have XP23:21
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard:  thats' fine then, Gparted is fine23:21
Mike_lifeguardok, I'll use that; thanks23:21
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: however23:22
HodappDoes cron maintain any logs?23:22
mrwesHodapp, pastebin your /etc/crontab23:22
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: however  I want to tell you something in private, regarding next Ubuntu, because otherwise  get people going on about it here probably, and  that's not the idea of this channel23:22
syntax\can i install "only" the following with the Minimal Install cd? 1. Gnome, 2. Firefox 3. OpenOffice?23:22
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: so pm me yeah23:22
sdfsdfi wanted to know if anyone could help with installing dsl on ubuntu23:23
Hodappmrwes: Alright, I will, but I don't see why I'd need to when all else in /etc/cron.daily runs...23:23
syntax\sdfsdf: dsl?23:23
sdfsdfyeah, i want to set a dsl connection23:23
Shishireargh, disconnects... in case my previous message didn't come through: try as I might, I can't seem to find the package I need to install to run a bluetooth PAN.  Does anyone know what it is?23:23
sdfsdfset up*23:23
qcjnSlart: worked great, thanks23:23
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.23:24
syntax\well that should be easy if ur dsl is on dhcp. just plug it in and ur good to go.23:24
Slartqcjn: nice =)23:24
syntax\or u wanna know how to set it up with pppoe or something?23:24
sdfsdfi did that but it's not automaticllay recognizing it23:24
sdfsdfi also did the sudo pppoeconf command23:24
syntax\do you have to dial from ur pc? or ur dsl model is set to dial automatically?23:24
mrwesHodapp, what's the script's name?23:25
meow-changraphics not working correctly for me (can not play videos using mplayer)23:25
pyraksomeone point me to a good vim tutorial?23:25
meow-chanany idea's?23:25
sdfsdfi'm pretty sure my dsl model is meant to dial automatically23:25
mrwesahh...take out the - in the name, call it backuplevel123:25
mrwesbetcha it runs23:25
mrwescron tends to be picky23:26
Hodappwhy? exim4-base, archive-sync, beagle-crawl-system, man-db all run23:26
benlapHello! anyone to help sorting out Google Earth? I'm new to Ubuntu23:26
judget__what is there to sort out for google earth if youdownload and run the install script as sudo it should work just fine23:26
mrwesHodapp, that's the only thing I can think of23:26
mrwesHodapp, everything else looks perfect23:27
syntax\sdfsdf: try this, it might help. http://www.clububuntu.com/2009/01/how-to-configure-pppoe-connection-in.html23:27
meow-changraphics not working correctly for me (can not play videos using mplayer) also i'm not sure what to do for my graphics card nvidia 9700 gts23:27
syntax\can anyone help me out with my dilemma?23:27
mrwesHodapp, check /var/log/cron too23:27
jacob5Can anyone tell me the best way to add more space to my Windows XP partition?23:28
judget__meow-chan did u enable the proprietary nvidia driver?23:28
friedmeatGuys, what nice CD burning utilities does Ubuntu have?23:28
Hodappmrwes: no such file exists.23:28
syntax\friedmeat: bracero seems ok :)23:28
warcaptaincan someone please help me with gparted?23:28
judget__friedmeat try DeVeDe23:28
Hodappmrwes: Do you suppose it's because my binaries don't have full paths given in the script? I notice most of the other scripts have full paths.23:28
meow-chanjudget__, there was no proprietary nvidia driver to enable23:28
benlapjudget_, It's all installed, but when I start it, there's a message telling me something about graphic accelerator... Anyway, I can't see the Earth, only a black window!23:28
meow-chani looked23:28
friedmeatsyntax\: what's the most sophisticated?23:29
judget__benlap: it sounds like your graphics are not asupporting google earth23:29
benlapHow can I sort the graphic then?23:29
syntax\Would i be able to install Only the following Gnome, Firefox and Open Office with Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" Minimal CD 9.9MB23:29
judget__meow chan look in system...administration...hardware drivers23:30
syntax\friedmeat: Haven't tried other burning app yet.23:30
JarG0nWhere do I go to see a list of programs that startup in Ubuntu?23:30
friedmeatsyntax\: I've only used Nero so far. I would be interesting in any sophisticated alternatives.23:30
Botuxmrwes im back23:30
meow-chanjudget__, no properity drivers are in use on this system23:30
judget__friedmeat use Brasiero disk burner or Gnome disk burner23:31
Desenpeeps, like everybody else i have a problem. it regards switching between 2 languages (keyboard input): English which is set as default and Romanian which is activated by pressing left CTRL + left SHIFT (shortcut set by me). Problem is that after startup, this shortcut isn't working no more, althou in the Options panel it appears to be selected. I am using Ubuntu 8.04. Is it a known bug ?23:31
judget__meow-chan do you see a driver listed to enable in that dialog?23:31
Botuxintegrity chek found 1 error and failed23:31
mrwesHodapp, edit /etc/syslog.conf  and uncomment cron for loggin23:31
meow-chanjudget__, no23:31
JarG0nWhere do I go to see a list of programs that startup in Ubuntu, on system startup?23:32
mrwesBotux, back burn /CD23:32
Hodappmrwes: I think it's that I failed to put the full binary path. I just chmodded everything in /etc/cron.daily to a-x, then a+x on just my script, and ran run-parts /etc/cron.daily, and it worked.23:32
Botuxmrwes huh?23:32
mrwesHodapp, ahh!23:32
LordDragonhey guys, how can i search for a particular package in my repos ?23:32
AlabamaHitJust installed 9.04...ran all updates now there is an update setting there..Its shaded I can't insatll it just wondering why its showing if i cant install it...the update is ekiga23:32
kyledri forgot the good latex programs. what should i use for viewing and compiling latex files?23:33
Botuxwhat do you mena back burn23:33
mrwesHodapp, you can enable cron logging by editing the syslog.conf23:33
mrwesBotux, BAD*23:33
Hodappmrwes: yeah23:33
unpersonHi.  I want to upload photos on facebook using the Java applet they provide.  It runs but when I try to upload a photo it gives me the error "No valid license key for current DNS/IP address specified."23:33
mrwesHodapp, think I'll do that too :)23:33
jacob5anyone know how I can edit my partitions?23:34
unpersonThe forums are a mix of a lot of different problems, and I think some solutions to similar problems are out of date.  Can anyone point me to a good current solution?23:34
Botuxproblem is i think that was my last blank cd23:34
Botuxi have bland dvds but the computer im installing it on doesnt have a dvd rom drive23:35
fr500Botux: what you trying to do?23:35
mrwesHodapp, did root get an email that it ran?23:35
Botuxmrwes can i install from a reatil 7.04 dc and upgrade to 8.10?23:35
Hodappmrwes: dunno.23:36
killabeezis urxvt in the repos?23:36
mrwesHodapp, set /etc/aliases to root:yourusername to get root email23:36
Arkenklonejni faggots, tänkardags nu23:37
Andrilwe are all here :)23:37
Botuxfr500 trying i install ubuntu 8.1023:37
Andrilthat's 1,400 more users than Win23:37
ChotaZHow to open ports for P2P in Ubuntu?23:38
Botuxmy media is abd23:38
wolterChotaZ, you have firewall or something?23:38
MarabonI can't seem to install Ubuntu 8.0423:38
MHz128Using the Show Desktop plugin and an inverse filter !(title=Conky), I am not able to prevent the plugin from hiding Conky... is there any other way to do this?23:38
wolterChotaZ, are you behind a router?23:38
MarabonAnyone got time to help?23:38
ChotaZwolter: no firewall and in my router I already opened ports.23:39
wolterMarabon, this channel is for helping..23:39
Botuxis it possible to install using the retail 7.04 cd i have and upgrade to 8.10?23:39
ChotaZwolter: but my torrent downloads wont go highter than 60kb/s =\23:39
wolterChotaZ, then they should be opened.23:39
MarabonWell, I select Install, and the boot screen starts23:39
wolterChotaZ, how many seeds do you have?23:39
mrwesBotux, what does abd mean? heh23:39
wolteror peers?23:39
Botuxlol bad sorry23:39
fr500Botux: try unetbootin, can work with a usb drive, or maybe PXE i have used both23:39
histoChotaZ: then the ports are opened. If they are showing as blocked check that your dsl modem or cable modem doens't have firewall23:39
wolterMarabon, what about that?23:39
syntax\Would i be able to install Only the following Gnome, Firefox and Open Office with Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" Minimal CD 9.9MB -- anyone? :)23:39
Botuxfr500 dont have a usb drive23:39
wolterChotaZ, well, hm..23:39
fr500Botux: have a LAN and another computer?23:40
ChotaZI know my router is setup properly, but 80kb/s isnt normal for torrentleech ?\23:40
wolterChotaZ, did you select the open port in the bittorrent client ?23:40
MarabonThen the text thingy, I can see something about I/O before it continues, but then I get to a background with a "bird"? and then after 10-15 minutes there a popup that says Install, then it gets black and I get the session failed error23:40
wolterwell yes23:40
wolterit is23:40
wolterat least for me23:40
wolteri always get like 120kb max, but the most of the time just 50kb or 20kb23:40
Botuxyes the computer im on is a wvista ultimate pc and is on a network23:40
ChotaZI'm being paranoic, nvm, I just wanted to see DBKai faster xD23:40
Botuxproblem is the the other pc uses a wireless usb adapter23:41
fr500Botux: then go to the ubuntu wiki and search for netinstall23:41
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ChotaZi'm usually at 1,5mb/s =\23:41
ChotaZwell, I'll just wait.23:41
fr500Botux: oh.....no media, no ethernet and no usb you're screwerd23:41
histo!install > Botux23:41
ubottuBotux, please see my private message23:41
q_a_z_stevecan anyone help me install ispconfig? I'm going through the guide and want to make sure whether I can ignore an error I saw or not.23:41
histofr500: not really23:41
kyledrwhat programs do i need to view, compile, and convert latex documents (to pdf or ps)?23:41
fr500Botux: you could move the hdd to the other pc and install just fine23:42
histoq_a_z_steve: what was the error?23:42
histo!info ispconfig23:42
ubottuPackage ispconfig does not exist in intrepid23:42
fr500!install > fr50023:42
ubottufr500, please see my private message23:42
MarabonDid anyone answer me? Might have missed it if so23:42
Botuxwell it has ether net i guess i could bring it in here in the room where this pc is but can it be installed via lan without an os already being on it?23:43
mrwesfr500, nod23:43
Botuxthanks ubottu23:43
ghindoMarabon: What was your question?23:43
ghindo!ubottu | Botux23:43
ubottuBotux: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:43
MarabonI can't install23:43
fr500mrwes: nod where?23:43
histoBotux: you could do a netboot23:43
MarabonSays something about I/O error23:43
fr500mrwes: or why23:43
mrwesfr500: he's screwed :)23:43
histoBotux: pxe booting just read the message from ubuntu23:43
ghindoMarabon: What can't you install, and why not?  Please be as specific as you can.23:43
fr500mrwes: hehe23:43
Botuxlol mrwes very funny23:44
MarabonUbuntu 8.0423:44
MarabonI already said it23:44
fr500Botux: yes netboot is way to go for you, and it's easy23:44
ogelamiif i want a specific folder to have no write/read/append restrictions how do i do that, every time a program make a config file i cannot edit it, because i have to use sudo/root.23:44
histoBotux: you can order free cds to be shipped to you23:44
MarabonIt gets to a background with a "bird" then it stays there for 10 min23:44
histo!shipit | Botux23:44
ubottuBotux: shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Intrepid (8.10) CDs23:44
MarabonThen I get a popup that says Install23:44
MarabonThen error23:44
Botuxfr500 is there a dummies website for it cause im a noob lol23:44
niko_hey guys, im having some error when i try to install the proprietary drivers for my HD486023:44
q_a_z_stevehisto: http://qazsteve.pastebin.com/d2d702dfa23:44
histoMarabon: are you trying to install?23:45
niko_can anyone help?23:45
ogelamiif i want a specific folder to have no write/read/append restrictions how do i do that, every time a program make a config file i cannot edit it, because i have to use sudo/root.23:45
orontohello everyone23:45
MarabonWindows is installed atm but I wanna format and install ubuntu23:45
ghindo!hi | oronto23:45
ubottuoronto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:45
Shockhi, I have changed a config option, built source package with "debuild -S" and uploaded the package to launchpad. the build fails with "EE: Previous or current ABI file missing!". how can I fix this?23:45
fr500Botux: a lot, it's all centered around www.google.com :p23:45
q_a_z_steve!ask niko_23:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask niko_23:45
histoq_a_z_steve: I have no idea what htscanner.so does23:45
q_a_z_steve!ask > niko_23:45
ubottuniko_, please see my private message23:45
ogelamiif i want a specific folder to have no write/read/append restrictions how do i do that, every time a program make a config file i cannot edit it, because i have to use sudo/root.23:46
fr500Botux: let me see for the wiki entry23:46
histoq_a_z_steve: you might want to ask the ispconfig people23:46
MarabonI've tried everything for 4 hours now, it's starting to get annoying23:46
orontopls can somebody help me resolve my skype audio problem?23:46
q_a_z_stevehisto: where? I tried #ispconfig and it's invite only...23:46
histoMarabon: try safe graphics mode23:46
MarabonHow do I do that?23:46
MarabonI'm a complete newb on Linux23:46
fr500Botux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation23:46
histoMarabon: you can also try burning the cd at a slower speed. May be an issue with your media. Kind of hard to troubleshoot with out the error23:46
orontoi cant hear anybody i call on skype23:47
MarabonCannot read file data; I/O error23:47
histoMarabon: yea then your cd is borked. Try burning at slower speed.23:47
matt__Hey, how would I display what my DHCP and DNS server are in terminal?23:47
MarabonWill do23:47
Shockor use a flash disk23:48
MarabonThanks a lot I'll try that and get back if it won't work23:48
histoMarabon: there is an option in the menu that comes up when the cd boots to test the media I believe.23:48
[MindVirus]Trying to follow this.23:48
histoMarabon: but again I would just burn at a slower speed an try again.23:48
ogelamiif i want a specific folder to have no write/read/append restrictions how do i do that, every time a program make a config file i cannot edit it, because i have to use sudo/root.23:48
[MindVirus]Can anyone help?23:48
MarabonWill do23:48
[MindVirus]Doing the find command does not work.23:48
renatokrauseGood evening, I am writing a page in init.d from / etc / init.d / skeleton. I have some doubts. Anyone know this part?23:48
ghindomatt__: Open up the terminal and type "ifconfig"23:48
histoogelami: chmod it.  Or just use sudo23:49
histoogelami: config files are protected for a reason.23:49
orontocan someone help me here pls23:49
matt__ifconfig only shows my IP address, broadcast address, and Subnet, but not the DHCP server or DNS server23:49
q_a_z_stevematt__: yes?23:50
Shockoronto: can you hear music?23:50
=== K is now known as Guest95389
orontomy skype audio is bad23:50
ghindo!repeat | oronto23:50
ubottuoronto: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:50
orontoyes but i cant hear anybody23:50
histomatt__: cat /etc/resolv.conf23:50
irc2gouser93I'm wondering if anybody knows how to set the resolution (dpi) on the newer Logitech mice like the G5?23:50
resoprobhow do i play dvds on ubuntu.. now matter what i do i keep getting that encrypt error.. installed .. VLC.. MPlayer.. gxine.. and the llddwhatever3 thingo as well.. still cannot play dvd23:51
matt__thank you23:51
AndryZsorry, what does the filename in bold-green mean when you issue the ls command?23:51
orontook thanks23:51
histoAndryZ: everyone has write23:51
histoAndryZ: err should say its read write and execute for everyone23:51
q_a_z_stevehisto: what is pear?23:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pear23:51
histoq_a_z_steve: a fruit silly23:51
AndryZperfect thanks23:51
q_a_z_stevesudo pear install...23:52
ShockAndryZ: executable23:52
resoprobhow do i play dvds on ubuntu.. now matter what i do i keep getting that encrypt error.. installed .. VLC.. MPlayer.. gxine.. and the llddwhatever3 thingo as well.. still cannot play dvd does anyone know how to23:52
syntax\how do install the gnome desktop?23:52
ghindo!dvd | resoprob23:52
ubotturesoprob: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:52
syntax\sudo apt-get ubuntu-dekstop?23:52
ogelamilet's just say my php creates files in my apache2 www folder, and the file who gets created doesn't give any write permission to me, i have to use sudo, I've tried "sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/www" and "sudo chmod 777 /etc/www/*.*", and still all the files that gets created arent editable as long as i don't use sudo. -.-23:52
mrwesresoprob, did you install the ubuntu-restricted-extras ?23:52
Shockresoprob: you might need libdecss or smth like that23:52
histoq_a_z_steve: its a redistrubution system for reusable php components23:53
resoprobmrwes: yes23:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about horde23:53
histoq_a_z_steve: and framework23:53
resoprobmrwes: yep i installed them all .. whatever the ubuntu forum website had on it23:53
histo!botabuse | q_a_z_steve23:53
ubottuq_a_z_steve: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:53
irc2gouser93locomo evidently doesn't work with the newer Logitech mice and I have also tried using the evdev driver and setting resolution to 2000 as an option in xorg.conf23:53
Desenlike everybody else i have a problem. it regards switching between 2 languages (keyboard input): English which is set as default and Romanian which is activated by pressing left CTRL + left SHIFT (shortcut set by me). Problem is that after startup, this shortcut isn't working no more, althou in the Options panel it appears to be selected. I am using Ubuntu 8.04. Is it a known bug ?23:54
histoq_a_z_steve: you do realize that ispconfig has their own support community you are offtopic23:54
=== K is now known as Guest65384
q_a_z_stevehisto, okay, but I'm worried that when I changed my php.ini 's I didn't do it right. I thought they might, but WHERE DO I GO?23:54
ogelamilet's just say my php creates files in my apache2 www folder, and the file who gets created doesn't give any write permission to me, i have to use sudo, I've tried "sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/www" and "sudo chmod 777 /etc/www/*.*", and still all the files that gets created arent editable as long as i don't use sudo. -.-, lets say my php makes a file named blabla in it's default folder /etc/www/blabla, for me it's read-only since i don't use su23:54
ogelamihow can i fix my problem? please help23:55
=== TrueYomic is now known as Yomic
histoq_a_z_steve: I would look on the ispconfig page possibly the support sectioni23:55
ibuclawraylu: ?23:55
niko_hey all. I cant seem to get video running smoothly on my fresh instalation of 9.04. im guessing its the graphics driver but when i try to install, its giving me some wierd error.anyone got any ideas?23:55
histoq_a_z_steve: http://www.ispconfig.org/support.htm23:55
histo!jaunty > niko_23:55
ubottuniko_, please see my private message23:55
q_a_z_steveyeah, forums take forever, but I see that now.23:55
irc2gouser93niko_ i had errors in 8.10 as well, it just took a few tries, updates and restarts and it started working23:56
orontoghindo, i appreciate ur advice, im going off now...i will be back 2morrow, maybe i will find solution here23:56
resoprobcan anyone help me or direct me to any site .. where i can get to play the dvd.23:56
histoq_a_z_steve: maybe look for a channel on irc then that is about ispconfig rather than askign in #ubuntu23:57
=== resoprob is now known as needhelpdvd
histoq_a_z_steve: they would be able to better answer your questions than anyone here23:57
q_a_z_stevehisto: sorry, I'm installing on ubuntu, so I started here.23:57
ghindooronto: No problem, good luck!23:57
q_a_z_stevehisto: anybody know anybody in #ispconfig that can get me an invite?23:57
kyledrhow do i use latexlive to compile my .tex file? it says error: file ragged2e.sty not found23:57
=== XenoPhoenix_ is now known as XenoPhoenix
histoq_a_z_steve: No i hear you. I've been there. I'm just trying to point you in the right direction. Chances of getting help on specific stuff like that here are slim to none.23:58
Leon_Nardellahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/145792/ <-- Can anybody take a loot at this script? If I add, for instance, epiphany-webkit to list of packages to be installed, apt-get dies saying it didn't find the package. This very package really doesn't exist in Jaunty (yet?), but I just want to know a way to have apt-get ignore and proceed with installation. Any advices?23:58
q_a_z_stevehisto: especially with all this noob chatter. This chan is slammed to day23:58
irc2gouser93I'm wondering if anybody knows how to set the resolution (dpi) on the newer Logitech mice like the G5?23:58
histoq_a_z_steve: not really noob chatter but default support channel.23:59
ogelamilet's just say my php creates files in my apache2 www folder, and the file who gets created doesn't give any write permission to me, i have to use sudo, I've tried "sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/www" and "sudo chmod 777 /etc/www/*.*", and still all the files that gets created arent editable as long as i don't use sudo. -.-, lets say my php makes a file named blabla in it's default folder /etc/www/blabla, for me it's read-only since i don't use su23:59
ogelamihow can i fix my problem? please help23:59
FloodBot1ogelami: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:59
rparishhow do i install java on the powerpc version?23:59
q_a_z_stevehisto: whatever, that's why I came, you never know what you're going to find.23:59

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