
* james_w waves10:32
davidbarthjames_w: hi!11:24
james_whi davidbarth 11:24
* MacSlow -> lunch12:03
* Ienorand -> Brownie cake dessert12:04
RainCTUhm.. How are we supposed to join the ML?13:12
* kenvandine_wk thinks we should have a topic14:56
jens-25621Hm.. when i start pidgin a email icon appears in the panel. I guess that's gonna change?14:59
hyperairit's a "message" icon14:59
hyperairit's not gonna change.14:59
kenvandine_wkjens-25621: that is the message indicator15:00
jens-25621This is intended to replace the pidgin pannel applet, gmail notification, evolution notification, etc. Right?15:01
kenvandine_wkeventually yes15:02
kenvandine_wkalready replaces pidgin and evolution notification icons15:02
=== davidbarth_ is now known as davidbarth
=== davidbarth changed the topic of #ayatana to: 9.04 bug hunt
davidbarthkenvandine_wk: ah, now that its created i can also change it with konversation; previoulsy it did not work15:15
njpatelmaybe we should stop using #dx now15:15
kenvandine_wkset the topic there directing folks over here15:16
jens-25621Is there any documents available that explains the idea? I don't quite get the point, except saving panel space.15:22
kenvandine_wkone sec15:25
kenvandine_wki guess that isn't a great discription15:25
kenvandine_wkbut it is a central point for human to human interaction15:25
kenvandine_wkso things that might need your attention15:25
jens-25621Ok, thanks15:27
tedgjens-25621: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu/15:40
kenvandine_wktedg: thanks... that is better than i came up with15:41
kenvandine_wkperhaps we should post a link to a wiki page that talks more about the projects ayatana is working on15:41
tedgProbably should link that from the page you sent.15:41
kenvandine_wkin the topic that is15:41
tedgdavidbarth: Perhaps you could make the Ayatana project in LP a "project group" (I don't know how to do that) and then we can make the other projects part of it.  Kinda like how Bazaar and LP itself work.15:45
james_wI believe you ask an admin to do that by filing a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad15:48
davidbarthjames_w: i had the lists.canonical.com list setup initially, but it seems that a launchpad list is better16:00
davidbarthjames_w: especially for people with multiple emails16:00
james_wdid I put the wrong link in the email?16:00
davidbarthjames_w: i've opened the team to remove the restrictions16:01
davidbarthjames_w: yes ;) but that's my fault16:01
davidbarthjames_w: i had the first list setup before16:01
davidbarthjames_w: i would just like to make sure i have the right launchpad setting, ie16:01
davidbarthjames_w: the list should be moderated like ubuntu-devel, but apart from that, everybody should be free to join16:02
davidbarthjames_w: is there some after-post moderation feature in LP16:02
davidbarthjames_w: or do i need to reapply the "moderated team" setting in LP16:02
james_wI'm not sure I'm afraid16:02
davidbarthhmm, i need a launchpad guy then ;)16:03
james_wI'll follow up on the mailing list16:03
davidbarthjames_w: hold on, i will post more information once i'm sure the lp setup is ok16:06
* tedg really wants "debuild" to show an animation of a fairy loosing it's wings if I forget to do an ./autogen.sh first! So much time lost by forgetting that.16:09
tedgSo when I use g_dgettext do I still need to have the string with a _() around it?16:20
nealmcbhttps://launchpad.net/ayatana and perhaps that MessagingMenu link or the like should probably go in the topic here.  Or something more general, with faqs etc.16:34
nealmcbWill the launchpad tabs for code, bugs, translations, answers for ayatana be used, or will the specific code project be used for that stuff e.g. notify-osd?  If the former, you might want to delete them for now to avoid confusing folks16:39
nealmcboops - I mean "if the latter"16:39
doctormohey tedg, what's with the new name?16:41
tedgdoctormo: We're trying to change it quickly to hide from the community ;)16:42
doctormotedg: heh16:42
njpateltedg: devhelp seems to indicate that _() should be used instead of g_dgettext 16:42
doctormoWay to go, someone announced it on the ubuntu-devel mailing list. :-P16:42
tedgdoctormo: No, the goal is to have something "bigger" for everything that we're doing.  Makes it so that the individual projects can have sensible names :)16:42
tedgnjpatel: We're on #ubuntu-desktop with the question now :)16:43
* njpatel hops to #ubuntu-desktop16:43
doctormotedg: sounds good, I'll hang around just to read, there's bound to be interesting stuff.16:44
tedgdoctormo: Oh, no, now we're going to have to call in the black helicopters to erase the memories of everyone that reads that list!  What a pain. :)16:44
doctormotedg: So apart from the osd-notif, what are the other projects?16:47
nealmcbdoctormo: more hints at https://launchpad.net/ayatana 16:50
doctormoTa lov16:50
doctormonealmcb: Do you guys need some branding? or are you going in house?16:51
nealmcbI'm not one of "you guys" - just curious bystander16:52
nealmcbdoctormo: "ta lov"?16:52
james_wI know Ubuntu is known for brown, but "outhouse" graphics might be going a bit far16:52
nealmcbjames_w: The proper term is "organic" :)16:53
doctormonealmcb: I thought that was what we all were, curious bystanders... 16:54
tedgdoctormo: The only other one is http://launchpad.net/indicator-applet16:54
tedgdoctormo: Lots of patches for apps right now though.  We should find a place to centralize them.16:55
njpatelwe need desktop-wide text-entry completion16:56
njpatelsomething that effects every gtk-entry16:56
njpatelthen my keyboard would survive another couple of years16:56
doctormonjpatel: that needs hinting, or some form of text box typing... otherwise you'd get a mess16:56
njpatelmaybe so, but someone should do it :)16:57
doctormonjpatel: someone? hang on my cat's trying to jump out of the window...16:58
* tedg will miss doctormo's cat, but is glad that he's working on text entry completion.17:00
doctormotedg: I'm working on user data systems, "someone" can work on text entry completion ;-)17:02
tedgHmm, I liked your cat more than I like user data systems...  ;)17:03
doctormotedg: The doctor's cat is not an centralised advanced technoledgy.17:04
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
* tedg laughs knowingly as that's exactly what doctormo's cat wants him to believe.17:12
doctormoWe projected a 1929 cartoon on the wall the other day, that cat kept on trying to bat boe-peep's school teacher. silly cat.17:17
doctormoI hope he doesn't do that when we show the chaplin.17:18
doctormotedg: Re the messaging indicator applet, I think it's a usability problem to lump messages to you with messages to others that you got because of some other reason (bcc, mailing list etc)17:21
doctormoIt'd be better to seperate those out, and I'm hoping it'll be thread aware.17:22
tedgdoctormo: Well, that depends largely on the evolution plugin.  In Evo it's actually surprisingly hard to get that information.  The goal is to make it "mailbox" aware so that you can filter it that way.  That's talked about in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu17:23
doctormoOh I'm going to be so happy to put EDS out to pasture. damn that thing. :-)17:24
tedgEDS doesn't do mail.17:25
doctormoIsn't that the backend store?17:27
doctormoOr is EDS just for calendars and contacts?17:27
tedgEDS is just for calendars, contacts and I believe notes.17:27
tedgCamel is a library, but it does the mail stuff.17:28
tedgI don't think EDS will go away, but I'm excited about the DBus merge.17:28
mptdavidbarth, maybe you could ask the LP admins to change it17:28
doctormotedg: yes me too, at last I'll be able to use it as a data source for compatability :-)17:30
* MacSlow -> capoeira17:43
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
njpatelhttp://johnnyjacob.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/makespace-plugin-for-gnome-evolution/ is nice18:49
njpatelcould use it for netbooks18:50
njpatelI can imagine it would be a bit annoying in the long run, through18:50
james_whaving something like the KDE 4 menu for that might save some of the annoyance18:53
james_wso you have faster access to the directories that are closer to the one you are in18:53
james_whave you seen the proposed new netbook interface for evolution?18:54
james_wI can't remember the name now18:55
james_wah, anjal18:56
kenvandine_wki started to package anjal :)18:58
kenvandine_wkbut got busy18:58
james_wcool, next cycle :-)18:58
kenvandine_wkyeah :)18:58
kenvandine_wkit requires patches to evolution18:58
njpateli tried to build it but couldn't get it working19:06
njpatelpretty nice though19:06
james_wanyone familiar with dbus-glib?19:06
njpateljames_w: what part exactly :)19:07
james_wI'm trying to chain two calls together19:07
james_wand I want to pass user_data that is used when the second call completes19:08
james_w(using the async functions)19:08
james_wbut the first call seems to free the user_data on completion19:08
james_whmm, maybe NULL for the first free_func will prevent that19:08
njpatelhmm, it shouldn't touch user_data19:08
njpateljames_w: yes :)19:08
james_wlet me try19:09
doctormoThat sounds like a scary thought, this is in C right?19:09
tedgjames_w: I think that you need to annotate the XML file to note that the data shouldn't be free'd.19:23
james_wit's not going over the bus though19:23
james_wI wouldn't have thought that the XML would matter19:23
tedgjames_w: Yes, you're annotating how the dbus-glib bindings are built for you.19:24
james_wplus it appears to work with NULL as the free_func :-)19:24
njpatelif you don't add the free_func, then the user_data should remain allocated19:24
tedgOh, this is using it directly, not with generate API functions?19:24
njpatelnot sure, james_w want to pastebin if it doesn't work?19:25
james_wwell, the segfault has now gone, and I get the second call, so I'm happy for now, thanks :-)19:25
njpatelsegfaults not happening is always good :)19:26
doctormojames_w: How do you do that? upload data to your person?19:29
james_wdoctormo: sorry?19:29
doctormoNo wait, my mistake, thought that was launchpad19:30
hyperairsay.. when will libindicate develop a libindicate-bin?22:00
* hyperair thinks libindicate in an irssi script would be a good idea22:00
james_wit's tougher than libnotify22:04
james_wyou have to persist for as long as the indicator22:04
tedgI guess you could build one that took unix signals...  that's be a little convoluted, but possible.22:05
james_wyou could have one that just read commands from stdin22:06
james_weasy to get wrong22:06
tedgHeh, probably a better question would be, when is irssi going to get DBus support? ;)22:06
james_wthey want it remote as well22:06
james_wand idea I had was write a dbus service that took a well known name on the session bus, and had methods like "CreateServer", "CreateIndicator" and the like22:07
james_wand did them for you22:07
tedgHeh, well, you *could* tunnel dbus... okay, I'm going to take my medicine and get off the crazy train ;)22:07
james_wthey claim they are going to make it work over tcp or something one day :-)22:07
tedgjames_w: You could really do that with DBus introspection.  It'd be interesting.22:08
james_wone day...22:08
james_wI don't need it for the apps I use luckily22:08
james_wurgh, indicators in xchat is going to be hard22:44
james_wwell, good ones at least22:44
ScottKSo how does one subscribe to the mailing list?22:46
james_wScottK: it's moved to launchpad22:48
james_wyou join ~ayatana and opt to subscribe22:49
ScottKSo I have to join a team to talk on a list?22:49
ScottKI guess it's so.22:50
ScottKThat's sufficiently non-intuitive that it might be useful for someone to let people know.22:52
ScottKjames_w: Thanks for letting me know.22:55
james_wDavid said he was checking everything and would then reply to the list22:55
james_wit may be in the moderation queue22:55
* ScottK nods22:55
james_w(the list being ubuntu-devel@)22:55

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