
* kb9vqf is hungry...will be back later :)00:01
daskreechrickspencer3: some things might not make it?00:05
rickspencer3daskreech: At this point in the cycle I worry about the things that won't get done, and of course ...00:34
rickspencer3they huge face melting bug that hasn't been discovered yet :)00:34
daskreechrickspencer3: That's what the final release is for :) To get out the big bugs for the next heavy dev cycle ;-)00:35
rickspencer3also ... all the things I think that I could have done better, but for lacking the benefit of hindsite :)00:36
daskreechI think You probably have a hindsite00:36
daskreechhindsight s well00:36
daskreechweird my a dissappeared00:37
daskreechJackalope looks to be a nice release though00:37
daskreechprobably not quite enough to shift hardy users00:37
daskreechBut then we do have Luscious Lemming coming up00:37
rickspencer3For Ubuntu anyway, I think Jaunty will be tempting to upgrade too00:38
rickspencer3not sure about Kubuntu, I don't have a great feel for the users, but it seems like if you want an update to date KDE distro, Jaunty may be the way to go00:39
EagleScreenwhy install by default gdebi-kde in Kubuntu if Kpackagekit opens .deb packages by default?00:39
daskreechrickspencer3: better than Ibex It's out of the weird stage00:39
daskreechat this point it's basically KDE3 vs KDE400:39
daskreechHardy is a very good solid KDE3 release00:39
rickspencer3yeah, it's like KDE is emerging from the chrysalis00:40
daskreechJackalope is a very good solid KDE4 release00:40
EagleScreenKDE4 is not very good solid00:40
daskreechIf you like KDE4 Jackalope is where you want to be if you don't it's probably hardy00:40
EagleScreenit is almost very good solid00:40
daskreechEagleScreen: Shhhh rickspencer3 is afraid ig Bugs come freeze time :)00:41
daskreechhow did of become ig ?00:41
daskreechEagleScreen: Yeah some strange artifiacts but over all I think it's pretty nice out of the box00:42
EagleScreenI mean about pure KDE4 or Qt4 bugs, Kubuntu Team has nothing or few to do with them00:42
EagleScreenbut Jaunty is very usable00:42
daskreechI still want the system to recognize which file you are downloading and put it in the right XDG directory00:44
EagleScreendaskreech: can't you di it with Kget?00:45
tsimpsondepends on the server supplying that information too00:45
tsimpsonI've seen servers supplying everything as text/plain or application/octet-stream00:46
Gonafter last upgrade today... when I close my KDE session, kdm doesn't show the X, I need to restart kdm throw the shell01:35
Sho_Moin. Quick question: Is it normal not to get KDE crash dialogs in Jaunty right now?01:46
Riddelltsimpson: uploaded your kdebindings patch01:50
tsimpsonthanks :)01:51
Riddella|wen: what's up with .desktop translations?02:07
jtholmescan anyone tell me how i can download the partman files that are part of the ubiquity installer02:08
JontheEchidnaRiddell: pkgmangler or somesuch was edited to strip translations from .desktop files02:11
JontheEchidnasince most languages still have several thousand untranslated .desktop files this is bad news...02:12
JontheEchidnaa workaround is to not put in the ubuntu-gettext-domain entry by not doing it in kde4.mk.in02:14
jjessewhat file do i edit to specify the default background for all users?  it used to be kdesktoprc now in kde 4 what file is it?02:14
jjessein what directory02:15
JontheEchidnaI guess /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/02:16
jjessenot much in that file02:16
RiddellJontheEchidna: oh crap02:17
JontheEchidnayeah :(02:18
jjesseso i would have to add soemthing there then?02:18
JontheEchidnayou could use the local plasma-appletsrc from ~/.kde/share/config I guess02:18
JontheEchidnaas a model02:19
Riddellhrm, it was pitti who added the .desktop stripping, would have been nice if he'd told me02:26
seeleRiddell: ping03:14
Riddellseele: if you're quick03:14
seeleoh, this might take you a few minutes03:15
seeleRiddell: need pic and bio for akademy presentation03:15
Riddellseele: can I do this tomorrow?03:15
seeleRiddell: sure03:15
seelei just happened to be in the presentation system03:15
Riddellbed calls, I think it'll have to wait until tomorrow03:16
* seele waves03:16
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davmor2Riddell: has notes been removed from the desktop?09:54
Mamarokdavmor2: still here for me at least09:56
davmor2Mamarok: not on today's live cd it isn't09:56
* Mamarok didn't even know there was a live CD today...09:57
Mamarokdavmor2: but it's in the universe repos, so you can get it easily if you install09:58
davmor2Mamarok: this is the sticky notes plasmoid that sits on the desktop I'm on about09:59
Mamarokso am I :)10:00
davmor2Mamarok: in that case it should be in main and not universe as it is on the cd :)10:02
Mamarokdavmor2: I don't talk about the CD, never did, read what I said10:03
Nightrosedavmor2: imho it is a good idea to remove adding it by default as it overwrote people's existing notes10:04
Nightrosedon't know if that has been fixed10:05
a|wendavmor2: and we didn't have any means of translating the text on the default note; that was one of the reasons for removing it from the default desktop IIRC10:20
davmor2a|wen: I wanted to know if it had been since it had issues before where it would disappear and I didn't want it being that :)10:21
a|wendavmor2: i created a new user a few days ago; and it didn't have it on the default desktop10:22
davmor2cool :)10:22
Riddelldavmor2: yes10:28
davmor2Riddell: Ta10:28
apacheloggerkb9vqf: technically speaking KDE 3 is kind of unmaintained, so first of all you should consult the archive admins IMHO10:49
seaLneok i'm feeling stupid but for months i keep looking every so often in system settings t find how to turn off the startup/shutdown music and have never found it, where is it controlled?10:50
apacheloggerI don't think it is a good idea though, at the point where KDE 3 gets removed again we will have to provide yet-another-set-of-transition-paths and do yet-another-bunch-of-upgrade-testing10:50
apacheloggerseaLne: notifications10:51
apacheloggeryou could also use krunner and search for notification10:51
apacheloggerjust in case you want to do it that way ;-)10:51
apacheloggerin addition to that you could also use the systemsettings search and look for "sound"10:52
seaLneapachelogger: ah i hadn't noticed before when i looked there that i needed to select the different sources of the notifications, thanks :)10:53
apacheloggeryou're very welcome :)10:53
apacheloggerseaLne: you could also just turn off the whole audio output for notifications, btw10:53
Riddellreza: you had pykde questions?11:14
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rezai have tried your sample11:29
rezait worked perfectly11:29
rezaRiddell: but when i make it as plasmoid, it didn't work11:30
rezaRiddle: I do not know if the plasma can send notification or not by design11:31
jussi01have we any dell mini owners around?11:32
a|wenRiddell: some more integratin for k3b: http://awen.dk/packages/11:41
Riddellreza: don't see why they shouldn't11:43
Riddellreza: but you probably need to move the notifyrc file to /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/ (and killall knotify4)11:43
Riddella|wen: now there's a version number11:44
a|wenRiddell: shh, I don't think Tonio_ want's to hear any more about that version number ;)11:45
Tonio_a|wen: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!11:45
rezaRiddell: based on the doc, notifyrc should be inside for example appletname directory. For your sample it worked.11:50
rezaRiddell: applet like powerdevil,networkmanagement also keep notifyrc at appletname directory, but those are developed in C++11:51
Riddellpowerdevil is a kded module so that'll be different11:53
Riddellmergedwireless.cpp:        KNotification::event(Event::NetworkDisappeared, i18nc("Notification text when a wireless network interface disappeared","Wireless network %1 disappeared", m_disappearedNetworks[0]), QPixmap(), 0, KNotification::CloseOnTimeout, KComponentData("networkmanagement", "networkmanagement", KComponentData::SkipMainComponentRegistration));11:55
davmor2Riddell: why do screenshots go to documents folder by default wouldn't pictures be better?11:55
Riddellreza: network managment seems to have that extra KComponentData to tell it where to find the file11:55
Riddelldavmor2: documents is the default folder when another isn't specified.  pictures would be better11:56
rezaRiddell:also it is PopupApplet11:56
rezaRiddell: thank you for the clue12:00
rezaRiddell: KNotification.event("Updates", "hello", KIcon("konqueror").pixmap(QSize(22,22)),None,KNotification.CloseOnTimeout,KComponentData("notplasma","notplasma",KComponentData.SkipMainComponentRegistration))12:00
rezait can display the notification12:01
Riddellreza: that works?12:01
rezaRiddell: yes12:01
rezaRiddell: now my next problem is how to put notifyrc automatically, when i do plasmapkg -i12:02
Riddellreza: that I'm afraid I don't know12:06
Riddellmaybe #plasma can help12:06
rezano problem, ok thanks alot.12:07
quassel208guys I am wondering why you dont see the estimanted time to download a file when you do with konqueror12:21
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apacheloggernixternal: yes ...re:OBS mail12:28
apacheloggerjust got one though :D12:29
apacheloggernow I also got mail from ubuntu-es-l10n-owner@lists.ubuntu.com because I triaged that broken desktop file bug and am not allowed to post that list12:29
apacheloggermost awesome is that the message is in spanish :S12:30
apacheloggervorian: .!!!~~~~>Bat l10n WARNING: sk not yet in the archives - please package manually!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:30
apachelogger.!!!~~~~>Bat l10n WARNING: bnin not yet in the archives - please package manually!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping12:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you poke pitti yet?12:35
JontheEchidnanope, but I informed Riddell.12:35
apacheloggerdid Riddell poke pitti yet? :P12:36
* apachelogger notes that kde-l10n-* is fixed and ready for upload12:36
JontheEchidnabtw, any reason kubuntu-desktop doesn't recommend kdenetwork-sharing?12:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'm starting off by seeing if I can get the .desktop translations patch working12:38
apacheloggerRiddell: what does that patch do?12:39
RiddellJontheEchidna: kdenetwork-filesharing is buggy12:39
apacheloggerquite much so :D12:39
Riddellapachelogger: make .desktop files get translated with .po files12:40
apacheloggerthey wouldn't?12:40
JontheEchidnashould we remove the button from the dialog you get when you select the properties of a folder then?12:40
* apachelogger thinks reverting the pkgbinarymangler change would be quite an option here12:40
apacheloggerdoing stuff that is not even supported on the KDE side of $ubuntu ... pretty good reason for reverting everything from my point of view12:41
Riddellit should be supported, I just havn't had time/reason enough to look at getting the patch working12:42
apacheloggerRiddell: it is an issue on multiple levels anyway, since our l10n don't import the correct desktop files, thus lp spits out the wrong ones, thus the lang-packs are mostly useless12:43
apacheloggerand since the patch is not yet working KDE probably doesn't even care that it got no translations ;-)12:43
apacheloggerNightrose: ping12:44
Nightroseapachelogger: pong12:45
apacheloggerNightrose: poke jeff really hard with that12:45
* apachelogger can't upload until that is $fixed12:45
Nightroseapachelogger: hehe ok12:46
davmor2tester_: see if that works12:46
davmor2quassel works then :)12:47
davmor2Riddell: I thought jockey was using policykit-kde12:49
Riddelldavmor2: what does it do?12:53
Riddellapachelogger: can't upload what?12:54
apacheloggerRiddell: new amarok-nightly-kdesupport12:54
davmor2Riddell: it's asking for the password before the app start which would indicate that kdesudo was being used rather than asking for the password after you select a driver to install12:54
JontheEchidnaCould I get sponsorship for bug 356230 please?12:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356230 in ktorrent "New upstream bugfix release (KTorrent 3.2.1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35623012:55
Riddelldavmor2: there's nothing in the .desktop file asking for sudo12:57
RiddellJontheEchidna: oh I knew there was something else I ment to upload yesterday12:58
JontheEchidnahehe :)12:58
JontheEchidnakdebase-workspace could also use uploading, lots of changes in bzr12:58
davmor2Riddell: weird12:58
* apachelogger starts batl10n-upload12:59
RiddellJontheEchidna: .orig has wrong filename12:59
JontheEchidnaoh, I uploaded the wrong one13:00
apacheloggersabdfl1: it would appear that you have a bit of a connection problem ;-)13:00
quassel208That ktorrent bug isnt important13:01
quassel208thing thats important is to fix the regressions and bad drivers, new users will think, whats this for bad os13:02
JontheEchidnathere's really nothing we can do about that, none of us are driver programmers13:02
JontheEchidnamost of the developemnt for that stuff goes on in #ubuntu-devel13:03
davmor2Riddell: could it be the plasmoid that appear on the panel that causes it.  I'm running from menu and not seeing it now13:03
apachelogger_the_ regressions?13:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: re-upped the ktorrent orig13:03
quassel208yes apachelogger, as normall user, thats the thing where I say, kubuntu isnt ready to be label stable, and I dont believe that it will in less than 20 days13:04
davmor2Riddell: I'm just going to remove the nvidia driver and see if it happens again from the panel plasmoid13:06
quassel208But from my opion the regressions possible can come from qt4.513:06
apacheloggerquassel208: please declare variables before you use them13:07
apacheloggerI have no clue what you are talking about13:07
quassel208variables? dont use hard words, englisch is not my main lauguge13:07
apacheloggerah well13:07
apacheloggerquassel208: write a mail to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com13:08
quassel208But can I downgrade Qt to 4.4 ?13:08
quassel208Then I could test it for real13:08
apacheloggerNightrose: please hold me, I am lagging away13:09
* Nightrose holds apachelogger13:09
quassel208isnt Qt 4.4 in intrepid ?13:09
a|wenquassel208: you need to explain what you think is wrong ... just saying regressions doesn't help; we need to know what13:09
* a|wen takes a firm grip on apachelogger's arm13:10
quassel208I think the regressions can be caused because kubuntu used Qt 4.513:10
quassel208Qt 4.5 is for kde4.3 and 4.2 used Qt 4.413:10
a|wenquassel208: which regressions?13:11
apacheloggera|wen, Nightrose: I kinda imagine this like skydiving ;-)13:11
quassel208in Kde13:11
a|wenquassel208: you need to be specific13:11
a|wenJontheEchidna: have we got any break-through regarding the kickoff focus issue; saw you changed it to triaged13:12
JontheEchidnaa|wen: nah, I just do that when the upstream bug is confirmed13:12
a|wenJontheEchidna: oh okay ... just hoped :)13:12
JontheEchidnasince supposedly that means upstream has enough info needed to fix the bug13:12
apacheloggerwhat do you think about using tar.lzma?13:13
* apachelogger is obviously biased, but thinks that he would have to lag a lot less if he had to upload less than 315 MiB13:13
a|wenapachelogger: no objections if the tools support it ... though i'd rate smaller .deb sizes higher13:14
apacheloggera|wen: you'd just need to do testing for the .debs13:14
apacheloggerI would assume kde-l10n-* could decrease in size with lzma13:15
apacheloggeranyway, the dpkg tools all support lzma AFAIK, soyuz just doesn't yet13:15
apacheloggerbut the latter is nothing we couldn't fix with some lobbying13:15
quassel208Anyway I going run pcbsd any of those days to see if its not that messed up. like ubuntu will fix those regressions ( And I bet they are reported )13:16
JontheEchidnaI thought we were already using orig.lzma with amarok, so what doesn't soyuz support?13:16
JontheEchidna(iirc they got rid of the dpkg-predepends requirement for publishing a few days ago)13:17
a|wenlzma for karmic +1 ... some more room on the cd is always needed13:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no, we can only do that because the origs are within another tar, since the amarok tarball includes 2 tarballs nowadays13:17
jefferaiapachelogger: what's the issue?13:17
JontheEchidnaoh, right tar.lzma13:17
jefferaiwhy can't you upload taglib-extras?13:17
apacheloggerjefferai: because I'd like to have the long-term solution of having it inside the kdesupport package ... which by the way is also a lot less work13:18
jefferaiapachelogger: ok...go fix it13:19
jefferaicause, I don't know how  :-)13:19
apacheloggermeeeeeh :P13:19
jefferaiI can *try* to fix it13:19
apacheloggerI haz to fix the kubuntu l10n first13:19
jefferaiActually, I know how13:20
jefferaiI know the theory of it13:20
jefferaiBut I wasn't aware it actually caused an issue for anyone13:20
jefferaiRiddell said taglib-extras was already packaged13:20
jefferaifor jaunty users13:20
apacheloggerneon is only available on $current-stable ... i.e. intrepid right now13:21
apacheloggeranyway, I'll give fixing the compile a try ... I am dead in the water due to massive kde-l10n uploads anyway ;-)13:21
jefferaiyeah, but isn't it pretty easy to take riddell's package and just recompile it for intrepid?13:22
apacheloggerjefferai: for neon it still comes down to more work than having it within kdesupport13:22
jefferaiI'll try to fix it today13:23
apacheloggerjefferai: k, thx :)13:25
JontheEchidnayay, ktorrent uploaded13:46
gnomefreakis there a reason why kde-l10n-* packaged in a single package?13:51
apacheloggerjefferai: if(taglib_SOURCE_DIR)13:51
apachelogger   set(TAGLIB_INCLUDES ${taglib_SOURCE_DIR}/taglib)13:51
apachelogger   set(TAGLIB_LIBRARIES tag)13:51
jefferaiapachelogger: what about it?13:52
apacheloggerjefferai: that ought to be enough13:52
jefferaifeel free to commit if you've got it working :-)13:52
apacheloggerwell, the includes are wrong13:52
voriangnomefreak: it's not ....13:52
jefferaiit'll actually be more like, the top-level CMakeLists.txt defines a variable13:52
gnomefreakvorian: not from the looks of it in the *-changes mailing list13:52
jefferaiif it's defined, use the taglib stuffe13:52
gnomefreakit lists each locale13:53
apacheloggerthat is flawed IMHO13:53
vorian04/07/09|05:59 < gnomefreak> is there a reason why kde-l10n-* packaged in a single package?13:53
apacheloggerjefferai: if /taglib is available it will have the appropriate variable in cmakecaceh13:53
gnomefreakvorian: only  happens with kubuntu13:53
vorianyou asked why it was in a single package13:53
voriani said it was not13:53
apacheloggerjefferai: so taglib_SOURCE_DIR ought to be the more precise check13:53
gnomefreakvorian: why its not in a meta package13:53
vorianif you already knew this, why ask the question>13:53
gnomefreakvorian: forgot the not13:54
voriangnomefreak: because that's how upstream ships it13:54
Riddellgnomefreak: there's something about 400MB source packages I find off putting13:54
gnomefreakRiddell: makes sence13:54
vorianthat would take 12 hours to upload13:54
Riddellgnomefreak: that very first kubuntu release was almost delayed because of a bug in the 400MB kde-i18n package, each compile takes many hours13:55
* gnomefreak didnt know upstream shipped it that way :)13:55
apacheloggerjefferai: anyway, about the actual includes ... maybe taglib's cmakelists should export the value as TAGLIB_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, then findtaglib just needs to loop through the entries and make sure the prefix is correct13:55
jefferaiI'll play with it13:55
apacheloggeraye aye :)13:55
Riddellso I decided to ship it split up after that.  upstream followed with KDE 4.  Debian still puts it into a single massive tar poor souls13:55
apacheloggerwell, it makes sense to a certain degree13:56
apacheloggeralmost everything is the same (read: everything but name), so except the name is wrong, you will probably have to upload all of them anyway13:57
apacheloggerand then you have to consider that uploading one big file is faster than uploading loads of smaller files ... same applies for building13:57
gnomefreakthats true but uploading one big one im not sure it is faster than single13:58
* gnomefreak dreams of small packages to build and upload13:59
apacheloggergnomefreak: connection establishing and closing takes quite some time for 3*50 files13:59
gnomefreakapachelogger: true13:59
apacheloggernot to mention the gpg check :P13:59
seeleapachelogger: regarding amarok-nightly http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146211/14:28
apacheloggerthat looks broken, doesn't it ;-)14:29
apacheloggerseele: dpkg --force-overwrite $DEBFILE14:29
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rickspencer3apachelogger: wow14:41
rickspencer3I've got like two screens of change mail from you!14:41
seeleapachelogger: thanks, looks like that worked14:41
apacheloggerrickspencer3: beware my allmighty script powas ;-)14:43
apacheloggerseele: I also triggered a kdebase rebuild, ultimately that should resolve the issue for others as well14:43
vorianapachelogger: what was the re-upload of l10n about?15:00
* vorian is kinda lost as of late15:00
apacheloggervorian: we were fetching the kde3 translations of the desktop files, rather than the kde4 ones15:00
vorianoh, ouch15:01
voriandid ye fixor the scripts?15:01
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Quintasanquassel really should eat 150mbs of RAM?15:13
jussi01Quintasan: always :P15:17
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Quintasanoh god, I don't like this15:18
Quintasanit takes 15 seconds for window to show up15:19
QuintasanI wonder why KDE start's lagging like hell when I leave my computer running15:19
QuintasanI think it's wrong for irc client to use ~150mbs of RAM :/15:25
claydohApparently kubuntuforums is hosted on http://www.smfforfree.com/15:38
* claydoh still hasn't gotten hold of the owner15:38
claydohat least now i know who to contact if it goes down again15:39
apacheloggervorian: the scripts don't due that, the debian/rules was wrong15:41
* apachelogger ponders moving get-desktop to kde4.mk15:42
apacheloggershould be just as invokable as if it was inside rules15:42
apacheloggerjust that it is central controlled15:42
apacheloggervorian: but I noticed another issue, get_prev doesn't like it when launchpad got a package page but no actual package to dget15:43
apacheloggernot sure what is best to fix that, since he unavilabliliy needs to get passed down the whole stream15:43
apacheloggeror eventually I could just throw an exception and catch it in get_prev itself15:44
apacheloggerwe'll see15:44
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Riddellok, got the .desktop translate from .po files patch working16:07
a|wenyay ... that's half the way16:09
Riddella|wen: it's about 1/4 of the way16:29
Riddellapachelogger did another 1/4 with changing to kde 4 files for the desktop .po files16:29
* a|wen packs the optimism away again16:30
Riddella|wen: take it out, we're still 1/2 way there :)16:30
a|wenbut we're getting in the right direction16:30
a|wenyay :)16:30
Riddellnext I need to update the list of desktop .po files we care about and update the kde-l10n-xx packages to include those16:30
a|wenwe really need to manually specify all the .desktop files we care about?16:31
Riddellthen we need to made sure launchpad does the right thing and poke Arne when it doesn't16:31
a|wenthat seems kind of stupid; shouldn't it just import translations from the desktop file while stripping ... and then apply them later16:32
Riddelloh and we need to make sure all the KDE packages actually produce desktop_xxx.pot files which match what upstream uses16:32
Riddella|wen: it's mostly that launchpad needs to be told when new templates arrive which packages they belong to16:33
nixternalhey, OpenWeek is coming up. I added an Intro to KDE 4 session per request, if you are interested in running a session, add it to ->  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep16:33
a|wenRiddell: oh ... still seems like a lot of work doing all that for little benefit16:34
Riddellit is, that's why I havn't done it before, but our hand has been forced16:35
RiddellI just wish it had been forced more than three weeks before release16:35
a|wenthose things should have been done in the beginning when there was lots of time to find problems16:38
a|weni wonder how many other packages that might end up suffer from missing translations in jaunty due to this16:38
apacheloggerRiddell: as I stated yesterday, that change, at this point in development process would completely qualify for revert16:48
apacheloggera|wen got a point there16:49
apacheloggerwe need to change kde-l10n-* to fetch deskto_$foo.po files for every non-core KDE part16:50
apacheloggerthat is all of extragear (amarok, k3b, possibly digikam..) as well as everything else (e.g. knetworkmanager)16:51
apachelogger+ in case Quassel carries translations of it's desktop file, which is probably the case, those also get removed (and we don't even have an easy way to make po files from)16:52
apacheloggerso someone really wants to look into that16:52
a|wenapachelogger: if that is true, this change should have broken each and every application with a desktop file which is just imported from debian16:52
apacheloggerand all that thinking made me eve stronger belive in a revert16:52
Riddellapachelogger: I'm looking into that now16:52
apacheloggera|wen: this only applies to main16:52
apacheloggerthe mangler doesn't mangle universe AFAIK16:52
a|wenokay ... that is still a LOT of packages16:53
* apachelogger moves out for coffee16:53
apacheloggera|wen: as I said, this kind of change at this point in the development process is simply invalid16:53
a|wenapachelogger: i agree completely16:54
davmor2Riddell: I got the kdeSudo from the plasmoid17:04
davmor2for jockey17:05
Riddelloh, panel applet17:06
Riddellthat needs removed from the code then17:06
Riddelldavmor2: file a bug17:06
davmor2Riddell: no probs17:07
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davmor2Riddell: what's the applet going to be called?17:29
Riddelldavmor2: applet?17:30
Riddelljockey is called jockey17:30
davmor2fair enough17:30
davmor2Riddell: pitti is dealing with it :)17:35
DaskreecHkb9vqf: How goes?17:36
DaskreecHhi sabdfl17:41
kishoreI recall there being a goal for jaunty to get rid of all of kde318:07
kishorewhat about openoffice-kde?18:07
davmor2Riddell: what happens if you go to ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/ogg/  and select a video and try and play it in dragon player18:08
DaskreecHkishore: If you can get OO.o to work with KDE4 we will ship it18:08
davmor2Riddell: Also why does dragon player tell me it needs loads of codecs to play ogg?18:08
kishoreDaskreecH: :)18:09
DaskreecHFar as I know there is a single person who works on KDE-OO.o and they are employed by Novell with quite a few other things on their plaete so that's not likely to happen for a while18:09
kishoreDaskreecH: So are kde3 libs gonna be shipped with jaunty? or is the integration not ging to be shipped by default?18:10
DaskreecHkishore: Last I heard yes n behalf of K3b and OO.o18:10
Riddelldavmor2: doesn't seem to play from the ftp server18:11
Riddelldavmor2: it just does that regardless of what you're playing, it's not got any intelligence about it18:11
davmor2Riddell: ah okay18:12
davmor2Riddell: It does play on gnome and xubuntu just to let you know :)18:12
DaskreecHdavmor2: Works in the Dragon Kpart for Konqui :)18:12
Riddellupstream bug I guess18:13
davmor2Riddell: as long as it is not just me can I leave that one with you then please :)18:13
kb9vqfDaskreech: How goes what?18:17
DaskreecHkb9vqf: Stuff?18:22
kb9vqfDaskreech: Ahh...stuff :)  Quite busy with work at the moment....18:23
freinhardconnected my laptop to a wired network (in addition to a running wlan connection), looks like the network widget causes a plasma crash? http://dpaste.com/25688/18:23
DaskreecHOk :-)18:24
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apacheloggerfreinhard: does indeed look like it, poke sebas19:06
* apachelogger find it still weird that widgets can make plasma go down19:06
sebasIt's not weird at all19:07
sebasOnly C++ widgets can19:08
sebasfreinhard: if it's current trunk, a backtrace would be useful19:08
apacheloggersebas: well, I still think that it shouldn't happen ... much like the whole one-process-per-tab thing in browsers19:11
freinhardsebas: damn, i knew it ;)19:12
* freinhard installs tons of dbg packages19:12
sebasWe can also just fix those crashers19:13
* sebas notes that the networkmanager plasmoid is only a random snapshot of an unreleased alpha19:13
sebasfreinhard: if it's not very a very recent snapshot, the bt is probably not useful19:14
apacheloggerjjesse: is the dell mini 9 worth its money?19:14
freinhardmaybe it's because i installed Riddell's evil networkmanager plasmoid ;)19:14
freinhardsebas: nope, jaunty, 4.2.219:14
apacheloggersebas: well, the problem is with 3rd party c++ widgets that do that ... especially if they are poorly maintained ;-)19:14
sebasfreinhard: there is no networkmanager plasmoid in 4.2.2, so it's gotta be a snapshot from KDE's playground19:15
sebasapachelogger: that's why third parties should write them in javascript or python or ruby19:15
apacheloggerhehe, hopefully they do :)19:15
freinhardsebas: r94859619:16
freinhardsebas: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jr/+archive/ppa19:16
sebasgood, that's the latest rev19:16
sebasIt doesn't crash here in that case btw19:17
freinhardbut it does here, and it's reproduceable. plug the cable=> crash. plasma won't start until i unplug it.19:17
sebasreproducable is good :)19:18
freinhardis there a dbg metapackage?19:18
freinhardapachelogger: that one didn't pull in kdelib5-dbg ?19:20
jjesseapachelogger: sorry was afk19:22
jjesseapachelogger: yes i love my dell min, i use it all the time especially when i travel (which i do a ton for my job) and i take notes in conferences and other mtgs on it19:22
jjesseit is very solid and very stable19:22
apacheloggerfreinhard: maybe it the dependency was lifted ... please report a bug though, in case it was accidental19:22
apacheloggerjjesse: I am wondering if we get a discount for working on the OS ;-)19:23
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* apachelogger just realized that he doesn't have much of a usecase for the mini 9 right now :S19:23
apacheloggeroh well, lets ask the universal decision maker19:24
apacheloggerjjesse: thanks for the info :)19:24
jjesseapachelogger: would have been nice if we got a discount19:25
jjesseapachelogger: i wouldn't code on it, or write a lot of docbook stuff19:25
jjesseapachelogger: but i watch a lot of movies, take notes in confrences/meettings19:25
* apachelogger would be most interested in creating kubuntu-mobile or whatever the correct naming would be nowadays19:26
freinhardapachelogger: should kdebase-workspace-dbg depend on kdelibs-dbg? i've no idea.19:26
apacheloggerfreinhard: it did at some point19:27
apacheloggerand it makes sense IMHO19:27
JontheEchidnaheh, cmake stayed at 2% for an entire kdelibs build19:28
JontheEchidnabug maybe?19:29
DaskreecHhi kubotu19:29
kubotuevening DaskreecH19:29
JontheEchidna~order pepsi19:29
* kubotu slides pepsi down the bar to JontheEchidna19:29
DaskreecHIS there a kteatimer or something of the sort in KDE4?19:31
MamarokDaskreecH: Tea Cooker?19:38
Mamarokactually plasma-widget-teacooker19:39
freinhardsebas: i guess that one isn't usefull yet? http://dpaste.com/25739/19:42
* freinhard needs dbg symbols for plasma_applet_networkmanagement.so19:45
DaskreecHAh neat ok :) Thanks Mamarok19:47
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* apachelogger pokes Nightrose20:16
* Nightrose pokes apachelogger20:17
apacheloggerNightrose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9dWMhSJq0c20:17
apacheloggerNightrose: next time we meet we will so go out skaning :P20:18
apachelogger+k somehwere20:18
apacheloggerRiddell: are you going to create a list of additional desktop file pos we need to download from KDE SVN?20:27
apacheloggerI suppose at least plasma-widget-network-manager, amarok and k3b20:28
apacheloggerRiddell: really, we should revert the pkgbinarymangler change, all this feels way to dangerous of missing something20:29
apacheloggerquassel needs haxx0ring to get it work20:30
DaskreecHjjesse: Which did you choose? gwibber or choqok ?20:31
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jjesseDaskreecH: i use choqok20:45
* DaskreecH pastes rickspencer3-afk to the floor20:46
DaskreecHjjesse: Ah yeah I kinda settled on that as well20:46
apacheloggerRiddell: do you think canonical would sponsor a netbook so I can kick-off kubuntu-netbook?20:49
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Arminius_anyone? :)21:58
blizzzhi Arminius_ (don't count on me, i have only few clues either)22:00
Arminius_ah well on the main chan they hadn't either ^^22:00
* DaskreecH missed it. What are we talking about?22:01
Arminius_well I got a big bug... and don't know if it's one...22:01
Arminius_I tried updating from KDE 4.1 to 4.2 (via konsole)22:02
Arminius_and I get that response22:02
Arminius_it asks me to remove critical packages22:02
Arminius_isn't that some huge bug?22:02
Arminius_(on the main chan, they didn't know)22:03
mpriceArminius, how did you upgrade to 4.2?22:03
mpricewhich repository did you use?22:04
Arminius_I didn't yet, but I added a source... just a sec22:04
Arminius_that one22:05
Arminius_I started the update but when it asked me to remove those critical packages, I stopped..;22:05
mpricetry sudo apt-get upgrade instead of dist-upgrade22:06
mpricesee what that does22:06
Arminius_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 67 not upgraded.22:06
Arminius_(I had done that already)22:07
Arminius_yeah, told myself the same thing ;)22:08
Arminius_so, tried to ask the experts ^^22:08
Arminius_I guess no answer means I got a big problem ;)22:16
DaskreecHWhat version is it going to?22:17
Arminius_from 4.1 to 4.222:17
DaskreecHapt-cache policy kdelibs522:18
Arminius_ok sec22:18
Arminius_Installed: 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1.122:19
Arminius_ Candidate: 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid122:19
Arminius_should I copy the rest too?22:19
rbrunhuberHi, I just tried to download the kubuntu jaunty beta over the de.archive.ubuntu.com url stated on the beta page but i get a 404.22:20
* jpds wonders 'Since when Kubuntu was a folk of Ubuntu': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Variants22:21
jpdsrbrunhuber: The ISOs should be served from de.releases.ubuntu.com22:21
jpds...which is broken. Awesome.22:22
rbrunhuberjpds: http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/9.04/ also 404s22:23
jpdsrbrunhuber: Ja, see: http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/bye/22:23
jpdsrbrunhuber: I'll try and get someone to change the DNS to point to another mirror.22:24
jpdsrbrunhuber: In the mean time, pick a mirror from https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors and go.22:25
Arminius_jpds I guess I shouldn't ask you if you got any idea how to fix my bug? :s22:26
rbrunhuberI was so daring to add the following text to the beta page: (broken!!!, please try another mirror till sorted out)22:27
jpdsArminius_: No sorry, not sure what the problem is there.22:27
jpdsrbrunhuber: Which beta page?22:28
rbrunhuberjpds : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/JauntyJackalope/Beta/Kubuntu#preview22:28
Arminius_ok jpds , maybe another day someone will know the answer22:29
Arminius_bye to all ;)22:29
jpdsrbrunhuber: Good idea.22:29
tsimpsonjpds: it doesn't say it's a fork22:29
tsimpsonoh, yes it does, in the image22:30
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jpdsrbrunhuber: http://de2.releases.ubuntu.com/22:36
rbrunhuberjpds : this url does not server kubuntu images22:39
jpdsrbrunhuber: http://de2.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ ?22:39
rbrunhuberjpds : my bad just figured it out. How official is this mirror?22:40
jpdsrbrunhuber: Very, if it has a *.releases.u.c address.22:41
rbrunhuberjpds : just changing it.22:42
rbrunhuberjpds: done22:42
rbrunhuberjpds: thanks for your help22:44
jpdsrbrunhuber: Keine Probleme.22:44
rbrunhuberjpds: is my english so bad or did you guess from the de mirror that i'm from germany? are you from germany?22:46
jpdsrbrunhuber: When you joined the channel: "rbrunhuber [n=Miranda@...einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel"22:46
rbrunhuberjpds: so where are you from?22:48
* kb9vqf is getting mad at the amd64 LiveCD23:48
kb9vqfAny ideas why the remastered CD would reboot the system just as it displays the graphical boot menu?23:48
kb9vqfThis only happens under AMD6423:49
kb9vqfI can't get any debug messages (very annoying)23:49

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