
=== mike is now known as Guest82523
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:27
=== mike is now known as Guest24126
ForgeAusis there any good dock apps for KDE4?00:31
ActionParsnipdepends what you need00:31
ForgeAussomething similar to AWN00:33
ForgeAus(without having to install half of Gnome to get it to work00:33
ActionParsnipcairodock, kooldock, kibadock00:34
ForgeAuskiba? havn't heard of it00:34
=== ubuntu is now known as unko
=== unko is now known as unkounko
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unkohey guys00:35
ActionParsnip!find kiba00:35
ubottuFile kiba found in python-moinmoin00:35
unkoim on kubuntu now..00:35
ForgeAusuh the wiki only shows up to feisty?...00:38
=== ubuntu is now known as unko
cuznt!find furthurnet01:04
ubottuPackage/file furthurnet does not exist in intrepid01:04
RonzOwhat is the name of the plasmoid for mounting a USB drive?01:21
picketfenceI am trying to use wget to authorize the public key for cafuego, but it says it is empty. I think I'm typing something wrong. How do I get the key?01:23
ActionParsnipRonzO: device notifier maybe, you could just munt in konsole01:24
RonzOActionParsnip: i got it. I install K for a person, and I'm not completely familiar with it. ;) thanks though\01:25
ActionParsnipnp man01:25
cuzntwget http://easyubuntu.cafuego.net/969F3F57.gpg -O - | sudo apt-key add -01:25
picketfence:cuznt: Thank you.01:26
picketfenceAnother question: I once had options to put my laptop to sleep or standby, but one day they were gone, and I don't know how to get them back.01:27
picketfenceAnother question: I once had options to put my laptop to sleep or standby, but one day they were gone, and I don't know how to get them back.01:30
picketfence:cuznt: Forgive me, but what was that Key again? I'll write it down this time.02:03
p_quarlespicketfence: yay for logs and grep: wget http://easyubuntu.cafuego.net/969F3F57.gpg -O - | sudo apt-key add -02:08
p_quarlesand boo for people leaving before anyone can answer their question02:09
tsimpsonwhy does that give me shivers?02:09
p_quarlestsimpson: I dunno; just found the reference in my logs; I take no responsibility for the content02:09
tsimpsonwasn't that the name of that automatix-like evil scripty thing that kills baby animals?02:10
p_quarlestsimpson: I think that was just easybuntu; no "u" between "y" and "b"02:10
p_quarlesbut you might be right02:10
tsimpson"The aim of this project is to make your (K/X/Ed)Ubuntu machine (Running02:11
tsimpsonon PPC, x86 or x86_64) equipped with commonly requested software, such as02:11
tsimpsoncodecs to play MP3's, DVDs, programs for talking over the Internet (VoIP02:11
tsimpsonsoftware), and a selection of other useful programs and applications,02:11
tsimpsonespecially those that are otherwise demanding to install and/or obtain."02:11
tsimpsonlooks evil to me02:11
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cuzntpicketfence all i did was googled it02:13
psycohey, not related to ubuntu but you guys are helpful. If I install SME Server, does that let me access my hosted files anywhere over the internet?02:17
riffkoit works like logmein////02:18
=== user_ is now known as pendos
riffkou cant access over the internet, just a intranet02:21
bielefubenclaydoh, (or anyone) do you know when kubuntuforums.net will be back up???02:23
rgarciadoes anybodu know the best win emulator for Linux, because i work w/ autocad, and linux doesn't have..02:27
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Dragnslcrrgarcia- you can use Wine to run some Windows programs. Otherwise you'd probably have to install Windows in a virtual machine02:32
rgarciahunpf..i don't like win anymore02:34
bielefubenAutocad doesn't get great ratings with Wine... depends on the version02:34
rgarciaso i have to run  it from win02:36
DragnslcrIf you have a valid license for Windows, you can run it in a VM. It's gotten pretty easy to do lately02:37
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rgarciawhat is this?02:44
jessi have no idea02:44
jtholmeswhat is the file/command that will list the cpu serial number on a machine?02:47
jpsnl1VM --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine02:55
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eliboggshello all!03:41
eliboggshow is it going>04:00
JP-sNLthings are pretty slow around here   ;-)04:04
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eliboggsyah, there are. but i was just curious if you guys could answer a question for me?04:11
p_quarles!ask | eliboggs04:14
ubottueliboggs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:14
eliboggs:)  well i am trying to install nvclock0.8b2 through terminal, i believe i installed it correctly[could be wrong] but when i type in the run command, it does not launch.] im unsure of my next step.04:18
albertohola  a todos04:18
albertono puedo ver nada  tengo 2  cds04:18
albertoosea  las  lectoras  no me  cargan   caso   raro04:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:20
mrksbrdI forget....where is the setting to allow only 2 options during dual boot menu?04:23
mrksbrdeliboggs: that wasn't for u04:23
JP-sNLeliboggs, i guess you'll have to find your error logs04:24
mrksbrdeliboggs: is this what ur looking for??.... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-175436.html04:25
eliboggsmrksbrd, thats what i was using. and when i use "nvclock_qt"04:30
eliboggsi get a failed segmentation fault[sorry, i hit the enter key accidentally]04:30
mogul218good evening all04:30
mogul218is there a way for me to choose between kde and gnome at login?  Currenly plain old Ubuntu Jaunty04:31
p_quarlesmogul218: the "session" menu in either KDM or GDM will include both options04:34
p_quarlesmogul218: also, support for Jaunty, until official release, is in #ubuntu+104:35
mogul218okey dokey ty for your help04:35
mrksbrdeliboggs: i never used that so i don't know much about it.  google the exact error your getting see if it comes back with anything04:37
eliboggsalrighty then. and thanks for your time :) i'll let you know what i come up with.04:38
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Korlishey all04:54
Korlisguess no one is home?04:55
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lrpfariaestou testando o linux... desculpem se atrapalho alguma coisa05:23
lrpfariahi... i'm testing linux... i apologize if i am troubleshing anyone05:25
thismamacooks200opengl is not longer working on my system. most apps say: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".05:27
jebatamanduatem alguem ai05:46
jebatamanduatem alguem ai05:47
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:47
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BlendiacIt's quiet in here... too quiet!06:06
p_quarlesBlendiac: it's a support channel; ask away if you have a question; not for general chat though06:06
=== cornelious1 is now known as cornelius1
=== cornelius1 is now known as cornelius13
cornelius13i'm having trouble installing flash 10 on 64 bit firefox. i'm thinking it has something to do with the fact i force installed flash 9 beta for firefox3206:14
cornelius13everytime I do an apt-get install firefox-3 (or -2) i get ugly error messages that say the packages are broken06:14
cornelius13i'm using the install script from here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html06:15
cornelius13but it seems irrelevant until i can get the 64 bit version reinstalled06:15
dwidmanncornelius13: try this: sudo dpkg --purge firefox-3.0 firefox206:27
cornelius13tried it, then i got this: E: Couldn't find package firefox-306:28
cornelius13when i tried to apt-get install it again06:29
dwidmanncornelius13: did you do it to firefox-3 or firefox-3.0?06:29
cornelius13never installed it06:29
cornelius13that i recall anyways06:29
dwidmanncornelius13: and it said that E.... line after you tried to purge it?06:29
cornelius13i've been using firefox32 with flash 9 beta06:30
cornelius13no, it purged fine06:30
dwidmanncornelius13: and after purging did dpkg --configure -a succeed? :D06:30
dwidmanncornelius13: of course installing firefox-3 would fail, the package name is firefox-3.006:31
cornelius13ah ha06:31
cornelius13well then clearly i'm a turd06:32
cornelius13that failed too06:32
dwidmannreally? It shouldn't :\06:32
cornelius13something screwy with /var/cache/apt/archives/xulrunner-1.9_1.9.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1_amd64.deb06:33
dwidmanncornelius13: maybe it's conflicting with firefox32? It's possible06:33
cornelius13dwidmann: i agree, but i don't know how to fix that06:34
cornelius13if i uninstall firefox32 will i lose my bookmarks?06:34
dwidmanncornelius13: bookmarks should be safe06:34
dwidmanncornelius13: they're in a config folder in your home dir06:34
cornelius13apt-get remove firefox32 isn't working either06:35
dwidmanncornelius13: and the error for it?06:36
dwidmannSmall note ... a 32-bit browser shouldn't be required for Flash anymore (which is now version 10, not 9beta) ... java plugin is another story though06:37
cornelius13i know06:37
cornelius13i did it a long long time ago06:38
dwidmannThought I'd point that out just in case (I've been along for the ride for years too)06:38
cornelius13ya i just heard of flash 10 like a few days ago06:39
cornelius13and firefox has been crashing so much due to flash lately that i can't wait to upgrade06:39
dwidmanntry this: sudo dpkg --remove firefox-3.0 xulrunner-1.906:39
dwidmannI wish you luck on that (I'm not sure how stable it is ... Opera is treating me fairly okay though)06:40
cornelius13well i removed firefox3206:41
dwidmannwithout errors this time I hope?06:41
cornelius13yeah that worked06:41
cornelius13but installing 3.0 didn't06:41
dwidmannThere might be more things that you need to remove for it to happen06:42
dwidmannRemove the package(s) that it's conflicting with, then attempt the install again, if it errors again then repeat06:44
cornelius13it's xulrunner06:44
cornelius13maybe i got the package name wrong06:45
dwidmannremove j2re1.406:45
dwidmann(it's kind of ancient anyway ... what with java 1.6 being the current, and 1.7 hopefully not too far off)06:46
cornelius13ever since my troubles with my nvidia drivers i've tried to avoid updates unless absolutely necessary06:47
cornelius13i think that did it06:47
neptunepinkcoi prenu, I've apt-get source'd a program, how do I apply the patch? Or do I not need to?06:48
neptunepinkoh, lovely, it even says it applied it....06:51
cornelius13goody, that flash install script worked fine06:54
cornelius13thanks for the help dwidmann06:54
pteagueany idea how long until jaunty is officially out?07:41
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yannick__Google Earth doesn't start07:51
coffee|_|Dhey yannick07:52
yannick__hi cooffel07:52
coffee|_|Ddo you have the restricted drivers installed?07:52
coffee|_|Dfor your vid card?07:52
coffee|_|D173 or 17707:53
gohmifunehow do I get strigi working08:04
gohmifunedoes anyone even use strigi?08:08
pteaguehmm... i realize jaunty isn't official yet... any idea how stable the current beta is?08:20
coffee|_|Dprobabley best to ask that in #ubuntu+108:22
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:29
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noaXessis there another tool like ktranslater?09:36
noaXess!info ktranslator09:39
ubottuktranslator (source: ktranslator): Translation program for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 196 kB, installed size 920 kB09:39
MamaroknoaXess: there also is localize09:41
noaXess!info localize09:41
ubottuPackage localize does not exist in intrepid09:41
noaXessor is there a kde4 widget, to translate and selected text in any app? like babylon for $ windows09:42
MamaroknoaXess: there is the Translator widget09:43
Mamarokit uses Google translator09:43
noaXessin which package is it?09:44
=== bruno is now known as Guest93446
MamaroknoaXess: plasma-widget-translatoid09:46
noaXessMamarok: don't have that one :( is it in a spec. repo?09:46
Mamarokwiat, I'll check09:47
Mamarokfor me it's in universe, but I have Jaunty09:49
ActionParsnip!jaunty | Mamarok09:49
ubottuMamarok: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:49
MamarokActionParsnip: hey, I don't look for support :)09:49
ActionParsnipMamarok: :D09:50
MamaroknoaXess: you might check in kde-apps.org09:50
Mamarokif it's not in your repos09:50
noaXesshm.. think it's not for intrepid09:50
MamaroknoaXess: I'm checking09:51
noaXessme too :)09:51
Mamarokright, seems not to be in Intrepid actually, do you have KDE 4.1.4?09:51
Mamarok(forget the second part of my sentence, not relevant)09:52
noaXessMamarok: have 4.2.209:53
MamaroknoaXess: found it in kde-look.org09:54
noaXessMamarok: ok.. thanks..09:55
noaXessok.. i will wait for jaunty 9.04 release09:59
Mamarokonly a few days left anyway :)09:59
ActionParsnipMamarok: hasnt it been pushed to august?10:03
MamarokActionParsnip: ;)10:03
xsachaanyone know how to convert PDBs to DX files in kubuntu?10:14
ibraranybody can help me installing  BCM4315 Wlan adapter in my ubuntu10:28
naught101what is the deb package that supplies the battery monitor widget called?10:28
naught101ibrar: tried installing and running b43-fwcutter?10:29
ibrarnot availe in my apt-get10:29
naught101have you got all the repos enabled, and have you updated?10:30
ibrarOk I have done installing this10:31
ibrarWhat next10:31
naught101ibrar: did it ask you to download the drivers when it installed?10:32
ibrarit just download things and install it10:32
ibrarI think yes10:33
naught101it should work now, with networkmanager. if not, run "sudo b43-fwcutter"10:33
ibrarsudo b43-fwcutter10:36
ibrargives help10:36
ibrar> b43-fwcutter version 01110:36
ibrar> A tool to extract firmware for a Broadcom 43xx device10:36
ibrar> from a proprietary Broadcom 43xx device driver file.10:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:51
mkargar_hello!how to install latest version of vlc(0.9.9) in kubuntu 8.10 from repo?11:21
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=== CrazyShoe is now known as Mez
ActionParsnipmkargar_: kdesuo update-manager-kde -d11:23
mkargar_ActionParsnip:whats this command?11:24
ActionParsnipmkargar_: yep11:24
mkargar_ActionParsnip:whats this command?11:24
ActionParsnipmkargar_: it will upgrade you from intrepid to jaunty11:24
mkargar_ActionParsnip:i wont upgrade to jauntry!i want install vlc 0.9.9 in kubuntu 8.10!?11:25
ActionParsnipmkargar_: 64bit or 32bit linux?11:27
mkargar_ActionParsnip:64bit !11:27
ActionParsnipmkargar_: you can use the nightlies at http://nightlies.videolan.org/#debian11:28
ubuntuhey, can anyone else get OpenDX working on kubuntu? whenever i run it and try to add a component to the workspace, nothing appears11:29
mkargar_ActionParsnip:it doesnt work!!11:29
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ActionParsnipmkargar_: can you expand on "doesnt work" please11:30
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mkargar_ActionParsnip:it repo is down!11:31
ActionParsnipmkargar_: theres no need for the ! every line11:32
ActionParsnipmkargar_: try those ppa repos in this post, it looks like it has vlc 0.9.9 in11:34
fcppfHi! I just want to minimize kjots (like amarok or konversation etc), but i dont know how... (kde 3.5.1011:43
=== almox is now known as Gabrielsk8
visheshHi !! Something really weird happend. I was updating kde via adept and they were someupdates I really didn't see what they were. Once certain things got updated I got a message that kdm will need to be restarted. So would you like to do that right now - I click yes. And kdm restarted and then I got a terminal login screen I restated and then I get the gnome logic screen and it says it can't find kde.. all the kde software except for konsversation have11:50
visheshdisapeared as well !! And when I try to reinstall kubuntu it says broken dependencies .. cannot install. Any idea whats going on ? Sorry for really long message.11:50
Gabrielsk8hello, peoples11:50
shlunkhi all - i'm having some trouble with a new install of kubuntu11:51
shlunki enabled desktop effects, and now all i have is a black screen with some grey windows11:52
shlunkeven after restarting the machine11:52
shlunkis there anyway of booting into text mode and editing the settings manually?11:52
ActionParsnipshlunk: have you installed video drivers? are you fully updated11:53
shlunkfully updated, but i hadn't installed the drivers - i have a radeon 487011:53
the_dark_warrioI've done the last update for Kubuntu 9.04 Beta, and grub have striped off the windows entry. Any hints?11:53
ActionParsnipshlunk: for text mode, hit enter at grub and select recovery mode for your kernel, you can then drop to root console and repair from there, or even make a new user and boot to that11:54
ActionParsnipshlunk: d'oh11:54
amikhi, I've got a problem where desktop effects make the pc totally unusable (stuck), how do I start going about diagnosing and fixing this?11:54
ActionParsnipshlunk: i think if you rename your users ~/.kde folder and reboot it will be ok11:54
shlunkbrilliant, than you11:54
ActionParsnipshlunk: if its still bad, rename back11:55
shlunkokeydoke, just renamed and rebooting now11:56
=== virk|lunch is now known as virk
shlunkdo you know where i can get the ati drivers for my card from?11:56
shlunki have envy installed already11:57
amikany thoughts? anyone?11:58
visheshAnyone ? Come on ..11:58
ActionParsnipshlunk: what video card?11:59
ActionParsnipshlunk: envy isnt a good choice11:59
shlunkit's a radeon 487011:59
ActionParsnip!ati | shlunk11:59
ubottushlunk: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
ActionParsnipamik: can you launch a terminal and read logs like dmesg?11:59
ibrarI cannot find kscope using apt-get in 9.0412:01
ibrarWhenever I run apt-get i get error12:04
ibrar>  Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup ...12:04
ibrar>    /etc/rc1.d/K20hotkey-setup12:04
ibrar>    /etc/rc2.d/S20hotkey-setup12:04
ibrar>    /etc/rc3.d/S20hotkey-setup12:04
ibrar>    /etc/rc4.d/S20hotkey-setup12:04
ibrar>    /etc/rc5.d/S20hotkey-setup12:04
ibrar> /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup: 47: Syntax error: ";;" unexpected (expecting "fi")12:04
amikActionParsnip: what am I looking for? (I'm after a reboot without desktop effects right now - would I still see errors from previous boots?)12:05
ActionParsnipamik: the logs are cleared after reboot, install openssh-server and when it crashes, ssh in from another system to read logs to find out whats going on12:06
ActionParsnipamik: make sure you are fully up to date with: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:07
amikActionParsnip: I am - I even did the upgrade to jaunty beta hoping it is fixed in the latest nvidia drivers and/or whatever is broken. now I can't revert back to 177 drivers since they don't exist in jaunty12:08
ActionParsnipamik: you could try the ones from www.nvidia.com12:11
amikActionParsnip: it's the same version as in jaunty (180.44) - the latest.12:13
amikActionParsnip: btw, thanks for trying to help :-)12:13
ibrarHow to install kscope12:13
ActionParsnipamik: i had an issue with my nvdia in a clean jaunty install, i had to install intrepid then upgrade to get a full screen res12:14
ActionParsnip!info kscope12:14
ubottukscope (source: kscope): source editing environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (intrepid), package size 1492 kB, installed size 2360 kB12:14
ActionParsnipibrar: sudo apt-get install kscope12:14
xp-killersince i upgrade koueror telling me i dont have the proper flash to view the streaming videos.flash plugin noon free install12:14
ActionParsnipxp-killer: try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree12:16
amikActionParsnip: I've done an interpid upgrade to jaunty as well. there's no problem with resolution - the whole machine just freezes when it starts up (only hard reboot helps). occasionally it allows a tiny bit of mouse movement at a time. sometimes parts of the screen go black. sometimes the mouse moves ok but nothing responds other than that. it's quite unstable and totally unusable.12:16
ActionParsnipxp-killer: then close all konquerors and rerun it12:16
ActionParsnipamik: then i'd ssh in to see whats shakin12:17
amikActionParsnip: to be exact it freezes after the login screen when the kde desktop shows up12:17
amikActionParsnip: I'll try that. so I just do dmesg and look for something funny?12:18
ActionParsnipamik: use dmesg | less12:18
ActionParsnipamik: also read /var/log/xorg.log.0  ( ithink its that)12:18
ibrarActionparsnip: I did it for 810 and it works but not in 9.0412:18
shlunkstill having no joy with the ati drivers here..12:18
ActionParsnip!jaunty > ibrar12:19
ubottuibrar, please see my private message12:19
shlunkubottu: the link you sent me uses an executable that doesn't run on my machine12:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:19
=== fran is now known as Guest40524
amikActionParsnip: one other thing - a couple of times I got a message that compositing is taking up too much cpu and will be disabled automatically - after which the system was sort of usable (with unrefreshed display here and there) - that's how I realized I should try turning off desktop effects, which indeed solved the problem (but with no desktop effects, of course)12:20
ibrarActionparsnip: Yes beta12:21
xp-killerActionParsnip: i still cant read see the videos it saying need to update flash player12:21
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ActionParsnipxp-killer: i'm unsure how konqueror handles flash,12:22
ActionParsnipxp-killer: 32bit or 64bit linux?12:25
amikActionParsnip: thanks again, I'll try narrowing it down some more12:25
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=== kubus is now known as kubusfr
ActionParsnipwhy does firefox have to hook in with all the gtk deps, it makes the install about 100Mb12:30
reagleBRKLNdoes this web page jam anyone else's konqie 4.2.2? http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/intelG965/12:45
=== ubuntu is now known as xsacha
Idhan_is there any faster way to transfer two files than with ssh?12:54
frogonwheelsIdhan_:  possibly - depends what services you are running I guess.  rsync might do a better job?12:55
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
frogonwheelsIdhan_:  you can always compress beforeyou send?12:55
kubusfreverythin running ok on a dell inspiron but kubuntu freezes randomly. please help!12:56
Idhan_frogonwheels: compress will not make the different, because the files are movies..12:57
shlunkfor ati gfx cards, is it better to use the drivers form the ati site, or the open source drivers?12:59
Idhan_frogonwheels: have rsync a GUI?12:59
frogonwheelsshlunk: I think it depends.  I use the open source drivers13:04
frogonwheels.. generally they work fine.13:04
frogonwheelsI'm having an issue - but I believe it'sa kubuntu packaging issue.13:04
frogonwheels(anyone help with this?:  AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Context)?13:04
MarkieMark1!listkeys *13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about listkeys *13:07
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:12
lokaiKiB = kilobytes, right? (I'm looking at the bmon graphical display)13:15
MarkieMark1Binary kilobytes = 2^10 bytes13:15
MarkieMark1as compared to KB = decimal13:15
lokaiWell. From experience, I know that my upstream bandwidth is around 20 kilobytes/sec. But, bmon is saying that I'm uploading at around 60+KiB/sec13:16
lokaiThat doesn't make sense, does it?13:16
ActionParsnipyou can use Ko if you wanna look smart, MarkieMark113:16
MarkieMark1ActionParsnip: I have to occasionally, I'm in France :)13:16
lokaiSo, it looks like bmon uses "KiB" to mean kilobits.13:18
satishi want to install realplayer i hv downloaded  .bin file13:21
satishi fet followin error13:21
satishsatish@ubuntu:~$ cd /media/2513:22
satishsatish@ubuntu:/media/25$ sh RealPlayer11GOLD.bin13:22
satishRealPlayer11GOLD.bin: 6: 4?~4: not found13:22
satishRealPlayer11GOLD.bin: 6: ELF: not found13:22
satishRealPlayer11GOLD.bin: 7: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")13:22
rafaelalguem do brasil?13:24
ActionParsnipsatish: use pastebin for large pastes like that please13:24
ActionParsnip!paste | satish13:24
ubottusatish: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:24
ActionParsnipsatish: did you run: sudo aptitude install libstdc++513:25
JampiterHow do I set different wallpapers for different desktops in KDE4.2?13:25
ActionParsnipJampiter: you can but you will not be able to have desktop icons13:26
JampiterI never use them anyway13:26
JampiterHow then?13:26
ActionParsnipJampiter: http://anuragbansal.wordpress.com/2008/05/10/how-to-get-different-wallpapers-on-each-workspace-in-ubuntu/13:28
Jason_COhi folks - -need a bit of helps sharing files on my kubuntu workstation with a windows workstation on the same network13:29
Jason_COim looking at http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html13:29
Jason_CObut am hitting a bump on step 2 under the second heading - -when i click on sharing there is not file sharing to click on13:29
JampiterThanks ActionParsnip :)13:30
tangtanghey everyone !13:30
Jason_COnor does it give me administrative mode to go into13:30
tangtangmay you help me driver for D-link DWA 120 ?13:31
norenhi all13:36
ActionParsniptangtang: is it usb or pci?13:39
ActionParsniptangtang: run lsusb in konsole and give us the INGLE line that identifies the device13:42
tangtangBus 005 Device 003: ID 07d1:3a0d D-Link System DWA-120 Wireless 108G Adapter13:44
tangtangBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub13:44
tangtangBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:44
tangtangBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:44
tangtangBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:44
tangtangBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub13:44
tangtangis that ?13:44
tangtangActionParsnip, which drivers can I use for my system?13:53
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ActionParsniptangtang: websearch for 07d1:3a0d14:01
tangtang_thanks to ActionParsnip!14:13
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
tangtang_I have another problem : when I install Ubuntu 8.10, I has created file system disk about 7GB and now I want to expand my file system to 15GB without install again . How I would do ?14:22
noren__tangtang_: get the gparted u can use that14:23
tangtang_Can you explain what's step?14:26
tangtang_I juist install gpart, is the soft you advice to me ?14:37
tangtang_How i can working with it ?14:38
=== hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain
ibrarany body using eclips for C++14:39
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BluesKaj'Morning all14:44
=== Laruft is now known as Laruft|AFK
tangtang__How to use gpart to partition disk, help me please?14:54
Le-Chuck_ITACan someone help me on this:15:02
Le-Chuck_ITAvincenzo@vincenzo-laptop:~$ amarok Desktop/jamendo-playlist.m3u -a15:02
Le-Chuck_ITAAmarok is already running!15:02
Le-Chuck_ITAIndeed it is already running: I want it to enqueue tracks!15:02
ZengolHas anyone had a problem with theyre desktop disappearing?15:02
Le-Chuck_ITAthere exists a #amarok channel :) asking there first15:03
ZengolNvm, i found it.15:05
Zengol9.04 run's kinda crummy...15:09
QuiLLo_29Anyone knows is a USB with a malware Autorun.inf can autorun when inserted on linux?15:09
doleybQuiLLo_29: maybe if you try hard you can get wine to run it15:09
QuiLLo_29so .inf files are only from win15:10
Le-Chuck_ITAI think I've seen an autorun dialog asking me to run stuff with wine from a usb stick15:10
QuiLLo_29but you double clicked it?15:11
QuiLLo_29or just by inserting the media?15:11
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Le-Chuck_ITAI think it was by inserting the media but I typically use gnome so I'm not sure these things are done in the same way in the two environments15:13
Le-Chuck_ITAhowever wine is not installed by default in ubuntu or kubuntu15:13
Le-Chuck_ITAdunno I don't have anymore autorun.infernals in my usb sticks15:14
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tangtang__i think .inf is supported by ndiswrapper15:16
tangtang__if you want to install for driver15:17
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GabrielIs there anyone here who speaks Portuguese???15:18
ante__How do I tell what kubuntu version I'm running? All intructions are for 7.10 or 8.04 or something else. Since uname -a don't say...15:18
tsimpson!pt | Gabriel15:21
ubottuGabriel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:21
tsimpsonante_: lsb_release -a15:21
ante_tsimpson: wut?15:24
ante__Many thanks tsimpson!15:24
victor__hi! how can i update ubuntu 8.11 to ubuntu 9.4?15:28
puesto16hola a todos15:29
victor__puesto16:  Hola!15:29
victor__este canal es en inglés15:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:30
ethiotech ptrace: umoven: Input/output error ptrace: umoven: Input/output error ...15:30
etfbPici: snap!15:30
ethiotechany idea why I get this when using strace to run an application15:31
etfbThis is weird.  Adept Updater is downloading kernal images for 2.6.24-23-generic, but I've already got that.  What gives?15:31
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bruno__alguem q m ajude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:33
BluesKajetfb, upgrades maybe15:34
Unksi!pt | bruno__15:35
ubottubruno__: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:35
etfbBluesKaj: Without changing the version number?15:35
etfbBluesKaj: Strange.  Well, I guess I can hope it will be a slight improvement.  I've been deeply irritated with the way my laptop handles hibernate/suspend.  Also, it crashes approx two minutes atfer resuming from hibernation, or when I use Kaffeine.  Bloody broken video drivers I guess, but maybe a kernel bump will help.15:38
ante__ok, so how do I *really* do to get java working? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats just don't work, at all. I need a Java plugin in my browser. AMD64 Kubuntu 8.0415:39
BluesKajwhich browser ?15:40
BluesKajok which kubuntu distro , must be an older version15:41
BluesKajFF 3 is available and works well, ante_15:42
ante__I don't know much, since I didn't installed it. lsb_release -a said 8.0415:42
BluesKajff3 will run on it15:42
BluesKajthat might solve your problem15:43
ante__I saw a zillion different guesses in the forums and some semed to indicate that Flash10 wont work on FF3/amd6415:43
ante__I'd prefer to have both Flash10 and java plugin15:43
BluesKajamd64 OS ?15:43
ante__Considering how easy it is to by 32 bit systems today I'm flabbergasted that it could even be an issue!15:44
BluesKajdunno for sure but if you install ia32 , it might help you run 32 bit versions of FF and java15:44
ante__You suggest reinstalling the system all 32 bit?!15:45
BluesKajno, ia32 let's you run 32 bit versions on 6415:45
ante__is that a package?15:46
ante__ok, there seems to be a 32 bit package, and a 32 bit java. Is there ar 32 bit FF as well?15:47
=== davidm is now known as Guest80342
Guest80342Hello Everbody!15:48
Guest80342Anyone else running Kubuntu 8.10 64 bit with KDE4.115:49
BluesKajante_ I could be mistaken about amd systems ia32 seems to be for Intel cpus..sorry :(15:49
Guest80342For the life of me. i cannot figure out how to auto  hide the taskbar. It's possible it's not implemented.15:49
UnksiBluesKaj: it will work with amd etc as well15:50
BluesKajUnksi, arew you sure ?15:50
BluesKajI have an amd 64 system too , but I run 32 bit , due to those very issues with flash and java15:51
EruaranDoes 32bit work ok on AMD64 ?15:51
EruaranAthlon64 ?15:52
Guest80342I considered sticking with a 32 bit distro, but I got this dual core 4200 64 bit processor for free.15:52
UnksiEruaran: yes15:52
Guest80342Yes Athlon 64 - 4200.15:52
ante__Good grief.15:52
EruaranI'm going to install kubuntu for someone and its just that if I have to download again I might blow my download limit :P15:53
Guest80342I have a deal with this junk yard guy near me. I give him tech support and he lets me go through the piles of PCs he gets.15:53
EruaranGuest80342: sweet15:53
Guest80342I am getting 3 gig systems.15:53
Guest80342a couple 256 meg video cards.15:54
ante__So even though you can't buy 32-bit systems, it's the way to get flash and java to work!? No wonder peole run Windows...15:54
Unksiflash works on 64bit straight away on ubuntu15:54
Guest80342I have been playing aroudn with this box for a while. I have almost everything to my satisfaction.15:54
Eruaranante_: I don't believe that is the case15:54
Unksijava does not15:54
BluesKajEruaran, like I just said 32bit kubuntu runs fine on 64 bit amd15:54
Guest80342Flash works in Firefox.15:55
EruaranBluesKaj: ty15:55
Guest80342Just cannot get the damn taskbar to drop outa site.15:55
Unksiante__: 32bit works well with 64bit hardware :)15:55
Unksiand on windows, most software is only 32bit anyway, even if you run 64bit version of windows15:55
Guest80342Oh, and maybe doesn't play DVD's yet.15:55
Guest80342I have been sticking with Linux mint for a long time now.15:55
Guest80342It's a breath of fresh air when right after doing a Linux mint install, a DVD plays with no probs.15:56
BluesKajUnksi , yes on gnome , but there are probs with flash on 64bit cpus running kde15:56
EruaranI had a customer today who wanted to switch his Vista system to 32bit Vista becuase his wireless ISP did not provide 64bit drivers (and neither did the manufacturer).15:56
UnksiBluesKaj: hmm? works well here15:56
BluesKajUnksi, gnome or kde ?15:57
EruaranSo its not like lack of 64bit support affects Linux only15:57
Unksihavent used gnome since breezy :p15:57
ante__So java don'15:57
Guest80342I wonder if it's not too late to go to KDE 3.5.9 or whatever it is.15:57
ante__So java don't work on 64 bit, but flash does?15:57
BluesKajwhich distro , Unksi ?15:58
Unksiante__: yes15:58
UnksiBluesKaj: sidux and kubuntu intrepid15:58
* ante__ sighs15:58
ante_ah, stop hilighting me15:58
Guest80342I might download Debian and do a install. Just to see what it's like.15:58
Guest80342I am a member of the Fort Worth Linux Users Group.15:59
ante_Debian is fukken win15:59
BluesKajwhich graphics card, Unksi ..I'm curious because I'm running nvidia geforde 7600GT15:59
UnksiBluesKaj: with intrepid, geforce 8400m15:59
Guest80342I have a 6200 Le which is working ok.16:00
BluesKajon 64bit , Guest80342 ?16:00
Guest80342But I have tons of 32 meg nvidia cards that seem to do compiz fine.16:00
EruaranWith 64-bit you can still run 32-bit programs that are unavailable in 64-bit like Skype and Google Earth, and there are 64-bit Flash/Java out now that work nicely. Personally I find there is nothing holding anyone back from going 64-bit if their computer is capable.16:00
Guest80342yes sir eee. BluesKaj16:01
Guest80342Even do the wobbly windows.16:01
Guest80342I have even passed out a few free boxes to people in the group.16:01
=== ahmed is now known as Guest37760
Guest37760I have 3 partitions fat32 i want to make them to be automounted when i start the system how i do this?16:02
Guest80342The problem with Debian, I'll have to figure out what and how to install everything you need. Like flash, and MP3 player, and DVD decryption, and what else i don't know.16:02
Guest80342I have done them all here and there. Some time ago. But with Linux mint adding all the prprietary stuff. Was alot easier.16:03
Guest80342So, anyone have an idea on how to autohide a taskbar in KDE 4.1?16:05
Guest37760 I have 3 partitions fat32 i want to make them to be automounted when i start the system how i do this?16:06
ante__Eruaran: Where do I find that 64 bit Java?16:07
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Eruaranante_: I posted that from the ubuntu forums... the 32bit one works fine on 64bit ubuntu/kubuntu aparrently16:08
EruaranGuest37760: yes, upgrade to 4.2 ;)16:09
ante__Eruaran: Do you have a link? The forum is filled with questions about java and 32/64 bit and little of it works and makes sense16:11
Eruaranante_: yes i read it here: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109870716:13
BluesKajante_, I suggest you upgrade your FF browser to the latest one16:13
LjLUbotwo: part16:13
ante__I'll take a look at that link, and see if a newer FF works better. Thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated.16:16
BentFranklinI have an 8.10 system that became unstable a few hours ago.  It dropped all NX connections and wouldn't reconnect.  I went ot it physically and was able to reconnect to NX at and save my emacs session.  Then I rebooted several times and it always hangs on "Configuring network interfaces..."  How can I get past that to check my log files and/or fix the problem?16:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:35
victor__alguien me lee?16:46
fosco__!es | victor__16:47
ubottuvictor__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:47
compilerwriterI know this is a serious mistake to make permanently, but for the sake of testing something temporarily besides sudo passwd root how does one go about allowing root to have gui login?16:48
fosco__compilerwriter, you'd better skip that, there are several alternatives to login as root16:49
Dragnslcrcompilerwriter- you should be able to become root from a shell and then start X manually16:49
compilerwriterI know.  I am currently testing a program that needs root to have a gui.  I will disable the account once the test is completely16:50
DragnslcrDunno if just doing startx will work correctly or not16:50
fosco__a "root GUI" doesn't need login as root nor starting X as root16:50
DragnslcrIf it's a single program that needs root, you can start it with kdesudo16:51
compilerwriterThat is what will be tried next.16:51
compilerwriterthanks dragnslcr16:51
compilerwriterrunning startx did not work well guys.16:53
yaa_what s the difference between ls and dir16:53
compilerwriterIs there a way to get kdm to allow such thing temporarily?16:53
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wedgeVhi, i'm trying to install kde 4.2.2 but get some unavailable package errors, i.e.: libstreams0 and libstreamanalyzer are not available16:55
compilerwriterfosco__ is there a way to get kdm to allow such a login?  Beleive me, I will reverse course later.16:56
fosco__yes, but i will not help to damage your system16:57
fosco__use sudo program or sudo -i to get a root shell16:57
fosco__do not login as root16:57
Dragnslcryaa_- ls lists all of the files and directories within a directory. dir is not a Linux command16:58
compilerwriterFosco__ I promise I will put it all back to the way it was.  I just need to do this for a few minutes.16:58
yaa_man dir16:58
ante__For those who care, FF3 vomits with 64 bit java plugin16:59
ZengolCould someone tell me the command line to check if i have DRI enabled?16:59
ante__FF2 smiles and shows an empty box16:59
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:59
Dragnslcrcompilerwriter- didn't you say it was just one program that needed root permission?16:59
yaa_dir IS a linux command in my ubuntu))16:59
DragnslcrHm, I wonder when that happened17:00
compilerwriteryes dragnslcr there is one program at moment but it wants me utilizing it as root with gui.17:00
Dragnslcrcompilerwriter- then run it with kdesudo17:00
DragnslcrYou shouldn't need to have X or KDE running as a root for a single program17:00
DragnslcrIf you do, I would avoid that program at all costs17:01
BentFranklinI have an 8.10 system that became unstable a few hours ago.  It dropped all NX connections and wouldn't reconnect.  I went to it physically and was able to reconnect to NX at and save my emacs session.  Then I rebooted several times and it always hangs on "Configuring network interfaces..."  How can I get past that to check my log files and/or fix the problem?17:01
Dragnslcryaa_- well that's a new one for me. I've always just used ls. From the man page, it doesn't look like there's a difference17:02
ZengolWhat version of Nix is everyone running here?17:03
fosco__yaa_, dir is an alias for ls17:04
yaa_which ls  / compare/ whish dir17:04
Dragnslcrfosco__- they're two different files, not a symlink17:05
DragnslcrOr a bash alias17:05
fosco__ummm it used to be an alias17:05
fosco__i must be wrong, sorry17:05
DragnslcrThe binaries are about the same size, though, so they're probably pretty much the same code17:05
=== donn is now known as donn_
DragnslcrI didn't think it was a real program, either17:06
donn_hi all17:06
fosco__yaa_, anyway, ls options are dir options, so man ls is ok for you17:07
yaa_ok thanx17:07
ZengolCould anyone recommend a program to use for editting and formatting partition's?17:08
ZengolOk, thank's.17:08
ZengolNow for my second question, haha.17:08
ZengolIs there a complete package that i could install that include's JACK audio, and a couple of it's side program's that will automatically setup for my particular system?17:09
Arminius_I got some trouble with updating kde to 4.217:13
Arminius_I had a look at the howtos and apparently you need to use adept17:13
Arminius_but when I search for KDE 4.2, I don't get any update...17:14
Arminius_there is no package that looks like it...17:14
ante__you have to add a backport repository17:14
Arminius_thanks... what's that?17:14
ante__4.2 is in the next kubundu (whatever it's called)17:14
ante__I have forgottten the url for it17:15
ante__Let me see if I can find it17:15
Arminius_I wanted to wait just a little bit with intrepid, and update the kde there17:15
Arminius_thanks a lot!17:15
Arminius_and is it normal that I didn't get any notification to update my KDE?17:16
ante__if the branch is not in your version of kubuntu, I'd say yes17:16
BentFranklinwhen is 9.4 due out?17:16
ante__ok, my sshd isn't answering at my home machine so I can't check the url. Try searching for jaunty backbort repository or something17:17
Arminius_hem how does that work? I have to add a new source or something like that?17:17
fosco__BentFranklin, april 2317:18
ante__edit /etc/apt/sources or use a GUI17:18
Arminius_ok thanks :)17:18
ante__It would be ironic if I manage to help someone after having spent hours not being able to help myself installing a fucking java plugin....17:19
Arminius_lol ;)17:19
Guest37760i want to know the patition sdb1 where does it mounted i have 3 partitions and it doesnt mounted automaticly i want to know where does each partition mounted in|17:19
Arminius_oh two questions left... I didn't find any wiping programm on Adept... is that normal?17:21
jayhunoldArminius_: What do you mean with "wiping" ?17:22
Arminius_well completly erase17:22
ante__erase your hd? use dd with input from /dev/zero17:22
ante__dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda17:23
jayhunoldyes. that is sufficient.17:23
ante__but adapt hda to your disk17:23
Arminius_I mean you know when you erase a file, it just dealocates the space on the disk, but you can find it back pretty easily17:23
Arminius_thanks :)17:24
ante__just zeroing the last file erased takes some more work, but I guess it can be done.17:24
Arminius_but there is no programms like in windows?17:25
Arminius_nothing like disk redactor17:25
ante__There probably are. I can't help you there. Sorry.17:25
Arminius_thanks anyways ;)17:26
donn_hello, just a question, did anyone heard about a "widget" in kde who talk about the connectivity in live on each eth ?17:27
araceliestoy probando...17:28
aracelicomo  estais17:28
donn_esta bien i tu ?17:29
donn_parla engles porfavor17:29
donn_hello Gabriel17:29
aracelifenomenal. estoy empezando en esto del konversation I d'ont speak17:30
Dragnslcr!es | araceli17:31
ubottuaraceli: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:31
aracelihow are you17:31
donn_whow that's nice ... 'cause I don't speak spanish :D17:32
Gabrielyes i do;p17:32
Gabrielwhere r u from??17:33
donn_I'm from Belgium17:34
donn_so ... Spanish isn't my cup of tea17:35
Gabrielnice....I'm Brazil!!17:35
donn_whow ! how it is there ?17:36
donn_did your ubuntu is given with Sepultura CDs ?17:36
=== alex_ is now known as alexxx
Gabrieljust a minute, please17:36
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donn_is anuone still there to read me ?17:47
donn_arf anyone17:47
compilerwriterfosco__ you still here17:54
=== christoph_ is now known as natschil
compilerwritergood Fosco__ I did the sudo passwd root thing earlier now I would like to reverse that action.  I believe I need only do an edit on the etc/passwd file if I am not mistaken.17:55
fosco__not sure if that action has a roll back17:56
fosco__maybe that will help you17:59
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compilerwriterThanks fosco__17:59
=== mike is now known as mike1312
mike1312I need help! Someone please send your /usr/share/mime/inode folder to mike1312@yandex.ru  Thanks18:01
Gabrielhi, mike....how r u??18:03
compilerwriterThanks fosco__ It was in there.  I knew there was a way to do it, but had forgotten how.18:06
tangtanghi everyone !18:07
tangtangplease help me !18:07
compilerwriter!ask > tangtang18:07
ubottutangtang, please see my private message18:07
tangtangthe numclock, capslock and scroll clock of keyboard don't light18:08
tangtangI dont' know why18:08
tangtangand what i should do ?18:08
compilerwriterDo you get the numlock, caplock and scroll lock functions when you try to use them tangtang?18:08
ActionParsniptangtang: do they do what they are supposed to do regardless of the light?18:09
tangtangwhen I shutdown I see they light18:09
tangtangwhen I restart i don't .18:09
compilerwriterThat is fine tangtang but do they work regardless of the lights?18:09
tangtangyes, it usually activity !18:10
tangtangbut the light don't activity18:10
tangtangthe numbers good18:11
tangtangbut i don't know why the light don't active18:11
ActionParsniptangtang: are you on a mac by any chance?18:11
compilerwriterwell tangtang I am afraid that I don't know how to solve the problem.  This is one I would put down as an mere annoyance and just know to check that if I were getting spurious characters in my programs.18:11
tangtangyes, according to you ! How i can solve ?18:12
ActionParsniptangtang: is the linux installed on a MAC?18:14
tangtangoh no !18:14
ActionParsniptangtang: theres a bug with Mac's and lights18:14
ActionParsniptangtang: or are you using a Mac keyboard?18:15
tangtangI'm using Mitsumi keyboard18:15
yaa_use piano keyboard18:17
ActionParsnipbug 21826318:17
Tm_Tyaa_: how useful from you18:17
yaa_im just joking)18:18
cincocan anybody help me?18:18
ActionParsnip!ask | cinco18:19
ubottucinco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:19
cincoit's just a question18:19
cincomay i run reason in ubuntu?18:19
donn_have a good night everybody18:20
cincoc ya18:20
ActionParsnipcinco: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=294018:20
ActionParsnipcinco: i'd try to find an eqivelant18:20
cincolike what?18:21
ActionParsnipcinco: no idea, its not something i do18:22
devilsadvocatehi, if i have a printer shared via bonjour, with some sort of apple wireless router, how can i connect and print to it?18:23
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: what's bonjour?18:23
cincoi can't get ubuntu studio to work proper in my lap top18:23
ActionParsnipcinco: if you have ubuntu installed you can install the studio stuff ontop of it18:24
devilsadvocateActionParsnip, Apple's name for avahi (came before avahi)18:24
tangtangMy num lock , caps lock and scoll lock don't active ! hu hu18:25
cincohow should i do it?18:25
ActionParsnipcinco: apt-cache search ubuntu studio18:26
cincoi have ubuntu 8.10 in an acer aspire 431518:26
ActionParsnipdevilsadvocate: i'd imagine if you use network to browse to the ip of the device you can connect that way, or use CUPS http://localhost:631  and add the printer that way18:27
ActionParsnipcinco: its the same in all *buntus18:27
cincoi'm a newbee18:28
Mamarokcinco: check this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_audio_software18:28
ActionParsnipcinco: i gave you the command, install what yuo want to use18:30
cincolike  - sudo apt-get.....?18:32
ActionParsnipcinco: if you run the command I gave you you would see the packages that will give you audio apps or video apps18:33
ActionParsnipcinco: apt-cache search ubuntu studio18:33
cincoyes it gave me a list.....18:35
cincobut i don't know what to do with it18:35
ActionParsnipcinco: the names on the left are package names, you can apt-get install <package name> to get them18:36
Mamarokcinco: read the wikipedia page I gave you to find the software you need18:36
compilerwriterYahoo yagmu works.18:36
Mamarokthen check with the command ActionParsnip gave you to see if it's available18:36
cincou r the best18:37
compilerwriterI can now demonstrate the usage of linux to people who are viewing from mac and XP machines.18:37
crash__someone here who speaks german?18:38
eagles0513875!de | crash__18:39
ubottucrash__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:39
Mamarokcrash__: go to #kubuntu-de18:39
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ActionParsnipcompilerwriter: you could use vnc over ssh18:41
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ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:43
compilerwriterActionParsnip vnc over ssh18:49
compilerwriterwould that work with several people at once?18:49
compilerwriter!vnc > compilerwriter18:49
ubottucompilerwriter, please see my private message18:49
ActionParsnipcompilerwriter: sure as long as your upstream is fast enough, home broadband upstream usually sucks hard18:49
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compilerwriterThat is true.  was trying to come up with a solution that xp people and mac folk could just easily download and install.  It would seem that I am the uploading to one server and then it then forwards to all the participants.18:52
ActionParsnipcompilerwriter: could get a webcam18:57
compilerwritertrue.  yugma works well for what I need it to do.19:03
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compilerwritermy upstream is only like 127k19:05
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cdaviswhat is a good serial port program for kde?19:28
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picketfenceOnce again, I have a Komputer that doesn't like a BroadCom wireless card. I need a little help getting it to work again.,19:33
homyHello! In dolphin, why are .desktop files displayed with the suffix ".desktop" while in FileView Widget They are displayed without .desktop suffix?19:39
picketfenceOnce again, I have a Komputer that doesn't like a BroadCom wireless card. I need a little help getting it to work again.,19:41
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yaa_пссссссссс псссс19:46
Mamarokyaa_: behave!19:46
picketfenceIs anybody available to help me with a small problem?19:47
Mamarokyaa_: English only please19:47
yaa_not know19:47
Mamarokpicketfence: sorry, I never used a wireless card19:47
Mamarokyaa_: what is your language?19:47
Mamarok!ru | yaa_19:48
ubottuyaa_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:48
=== a is now known as chatman
picketfenceDoes anyone know where I can go for help with BroadCom Wireless cards?19:49
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:49
picketfenceThank you.19:50
Mamarokpicketfence: but be aware that Broadcom is not exactly known for good support19:50
picketfenceYeah, I figured that out the first time I had to force Kubuntu to behave with it. :-)19:50
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picketfenceRelatively stupid question: Is it a bad thing to have more than one module loaded for the same wireless card?19:55
apol_hi, I am trying to configure an laptop that has an iwlagn-based card and it doesn't have an interruptor for wifi but "dmesg" is saying all the time that is disabled f19:59
apol_any clue?19:59
apol_I couldn't find anything related19:59
picketfenceHow do I find out what version of Kubuntu I'm using? (Fiesty, Hardy, etc...)20:00
Picipicketfence: from a terminal: lsb_release -a20:01
picketfenceOk, so which one does Intrepid work with for purposes of installing certain packages?20:03
picketfenceFor example, since I'm trying to get the BroadCom to work, which Ubuntu version do I follow? Apparently I am using Kubuntu Intrepid.20:05
DragnslcrYou'd follow the instructions for Intrepid20:05
picketfenceThe only ones I've seen are for Ubuntu Dapper, fiesty, or Hardy. Nothing for specifically Kubuntu20:05
venikdoes anyone know why there is an update or upgrade for Gwenview practically every day?20:06
Dragnslcrvenik- probably because you're never upgrading it (there's currently a package conflict that holds it back)20:07
venikahhhh... that makes some sense.  THanks20:07
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Arminius_I've got a problem with the KDE update20:14
Arminius_... again ...20:15
agawhat's up?20:15
Arminius_well I added the source to adept to be able to fetch the new packages20:16
Arminius_and it finally tells me I got some updates to make20:16
Arminius_but instead of "upgrade" is automatically chooses remove20:16
Arminius_for a lot of important packages...!20:16
Arminius_and I'm afraid to click ok...20:16
agahmmm have you checked which packages are going to be removed?20:17
agalike details?20:17
Arminius_yeah for example20:18
agait may be removing old kde 4.2.1 packages to install 4.2.2 cant you see any installation in between?20:18
Arminius_ksystemlog: installed -reùpve20:18
Arminius_remove sorry...20:18
Arminius_krdc: upgradable-remove20:18
agai dunno, really, never upgraded like that20:18
Arminius_kdebase-workspace-libs4+5: upgradable-remove20:19
Arminius_don't you ugrade via adept???20:19
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Arminius_via konsole?20:19
agayeap i am used to do it from konsole, is easier and faster for me20:20
Arminius_and what's the command line for there?20:20
agasudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade20:20
Arminius_only aptitude?20:21
agasame for apt-get20:21
agayou can also use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade20:21
agaanyway, if adept is telling to remove, bash will tell you to remove20:21
Arminius_ok and that will upgrade the whole kde20:21
agathe thing Arminius_ is that i also add the sources from konsole20:22
agabut the result is the same if you use aptitude20:22
Arminius_aptitude is what exactly?20:22
agaaptitude and apt are very similar if not the same20:23
agafrontends for dpkg if i am not wrong20:23
agacouldnt really tell the difference20:23
Arminius_do you think there is anyone here that could tell me with certainty if it's ok to remove all those critical packages?20:24
Arminius_I just don't want to mess up...20:24
agai know.. is hard to say... i normally prefer to use the terminal because i can use pastebin to show whats going on20:25
Arminius_ah ok20:25
Arminius_I'll try that way20:25
Arminius_you are right!20:25
Arminius_good idea :D20:25
tomb_my jaunty refuses to perform upgrades. it complains with: "kdebase-runtime: Depends: kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 (= 4:4.2.1-0ubuntu2) but 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1 is installed"20:28
tomb_is there something i can do, to make it work?20:28
agatry in #ubuntu+1 for jaunty20:28
agathey'll help you better20:28
Arminius_strange konsole apt doesn't ask me to remove anything... yet ^^20:28
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agaArminius_:  anyway, now that i notice20:33
agaadept was just telling you the options for that package20:34
agaupgradable - remove20:34
agameans you can either upgrade or remove it, because you cannot install it20:34
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Arminius_but when I switched the options, the packages came back to remove20:35
Arminius_maybe I just lagged or something ^^20:36
agahmm no no its just about how adept looks i just checked mine20:36
Arminius_so I did the right thing not removing ;)20:36
agait says in green upgradable or in red remove20:36
Arminius_yeah I had two things I could check, remove or upgrade20:37
agaanyway i just use the terminal20:37
agaits faster for me20:37
Arminius_just not used to it yet ;)20:37
Arminius_new kubuntu user :p20:38
agawelcome then Arminius_ :)20:38
Arminius_yeah about a month :D20:39
Arminius_had to battle against a big plasma bug20:39
Arminius_somehow resolved it ^^20:39
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picketfenceNow the Komputer isn't recognizing the Ethernet card at all!  :(20:42
Arminius_ok update finished, just gonna logout and login to activate it ;)20:43
SalzeHi! After updating kdeplasma-addons and kdeplasma-addons-data my krunner is quite distorted when displaying results (http://imagebin.ca/view/4-kI1Mt.html). This is after update 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu1~intrepid3. What is the best way to solve the problem?20:43
Arminius_bye ^^20:43
picketfenceNow the Komputer isn't recognizing the Ethernet card at all!  :(20:50
picketfenceWould I have to do a complete reinstall of Kubuntu to get things back on track?20:51
ubuntutry live cd20:51
AimoParruhello all!20:51
picketfence:ubuntu: Thank you, I didn't think of that.20:51
AimoParruapt-get autoremove took my all kernel images away20:51
AimoParruis there anyt way how to get the images back20:52
ubuntuhey aimo20:53
ubuntutry reinstalling it20:53
ubuntui don't see any other way20:53
AimoParruHow to reinstall just the kernel20:53
ubuntuwhole system20:53
AimoParruYou have to be kidding.20:53
ubuntutry this20:53
ubuntudo you have access to your konsole20:54
AimoParruWith live cd, yes20:54
AimoParruwithout livecd only grub loads20:54
ubuntuthen you're screwed!20:54
AimoParruthere has to be a way to just install the kernel.20:55
ubuntuthat means that your system is preaty muck dead20:55
AimoParruI've got the whole file system still running20:55
AimoParruonly kernel images are missing20:55
ubuntuyeah but you don't have the access to your systems files20:56
ubuntuand without that you can't reinstall kernel20:56
ubuntuif you have any important files use your live cd to back them up20:56
AimoParruOh deer!20:56
AimoParruIs there anyt "fix this installation" button?20:57
ubuntumy keyboard is screwed with kubuntu20:57
ubuntuno that i can think of20:57
ubuntuthe only options are a clean install and a new partition install20:58
AimoParruWhoa, I'm speechless.20:58
Arminius_I'm back20:59
DragnslcrAimoParru- there aren't any kernel images at all left? That seems like a weird thing for autoremove to do20:59
Arminius_and still in trouble with the update :s20:59
AimoParruDragnslcr: No, they are all gone.20:59
agaare you sure it did not remove the old kernel images Dragnslcr?20:59
ubuntusry man but you're really fucked cause the kernel is the linux itself (basicly linux IS kernel)21:00
agaAimoParru:  open a terminal and write uname -r21:00
agai think it was -r21:00
DragnslcrAimoParru- what do you get when you get to the grub menu?21:00
AimoParruaga: It's running on livecd21:01
ubuntuhe can only get to the console using live cd21:01
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AimoParruDragnslcr: there is only grub21:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Gushter
agaaha ok21:01
AimoParruI can load the kernel with that but there is no image21:02
Gushteryou probably ger error 15 or 1721:02
Gushterthere u go21:02
Gushterthat means that grub can't detect your system21:02
Gushterand cannot boot it21:02
DragnslcrMight be able to boot from a LiveCD and copy a new kernel image file to /boot21:03
Gushteri had a simmilar problem21:03
AimoParruIt can detect but there are no images,21:03
AimoParruDragnslcr: How?21:03
Gushterdragnslcr: no way21:03
Gushterbecause he cannot access his system files cause they are locked21:03
NoughmadGushter: why not?21:03
NoughmadAimoParru: how are they locked exactly?21:04
Gushterbecause he cannot access his system files cause they are locked21:04
GushterLinux files aren't like windows'!21:04
Gushterthey are locked and can be accessed ONLY by the system admin (A.K.A. distro)21:05
DragnslcrGushter- I'm not sure if it would work, since the kernel image might not match his system, but there's no way there could be any kind of lock21:05
Gushteror with a localy used sudo option!21:05
Gushterread above!21:05
Gushteri had a simmilar prob21:06
AimoParruAnd you had to reinstall the whole system?21:06
Gushterbasicly yes21:06
AimoParruOH BOY21:06
AimoParrusorry for yelling21:06
NoughmadAimoParru: What's preventing you from "sudo apt-get install linux" ?21:06
DragnslcrYou should be able to write to the /boot directory as root, even if you boot from a LiveCD21:06
AimoParruI'll try21:07
GushterNoughmad: thats stupid!21:07
Gushterthere is a similar option but it varies from distro to distro21:07
NoughmadGushter: thanks21:07
AimoParruis it?21:07
Noughmadwhy is it stupid if I may ask?21:07
mpriceShould be able to chroot into the borked system with a liveCD and fix it that way21:08
Gushterlook above21:08
AimoParrumprice: Can it be done?21:08
Gushtermprice: thats preaty clever21:08
Gushteri haven't tried that21:08
NoughmadGushter: I'm looking above, and all I can see is you flaming helpful people21:08
AimoParruso, how do I do that?21:08
DragnslcrNoughmad- that wouldn't work unless you can boot into the system21:08
Gushternoughmad: there is a similar option but it varies from distro to distro21:09
mpriceI have fixed mine before like that21:09
DragnslcrOr do some tricky stuff with mounting so that apt thinks that /boot on that partition is where it should put the kernel image21:09
wvmac_what sound backend is kubuntu 9.04 using.  i can't find a running process that looks like a sound backend21:09
AimoParruTell me, please. It's my wife's computer21:09
Gushtermprice: but did you use sudo or not21:09
Gushteraimoparru: calm down21:10
AimoParrui'll try21:10
mpricedon't remember its been a little while21:10
Gushterwe'll fix it21:10
mpriceis sudo broke on his system?21:10
Gushtermprice: only the kernel images21:10
AimoParruIt's running on LiveCD21:10
AimoParruyes, kernel images are missing.21:10
mpricedoes the live cd have networking that works?21:11
Dragnslcrwvmac_- I thought pulseaudio, but it might be phonon or alsa. Might want to ask in #ubuntu+121:11
Gushtermprice: that would work only if he uses the original kernel21:11
AimoParrunetwork is working21:12
Gushtermprice: if he updated the kernel (which i'm preaty sure he did) that would only mess his system more21:13
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AimoParruCan it just copy new kernel image?21:14
Gushterthat would only mess it up more21:14
Gushterdid you update the sistem21:14
Gushterat all21:14
AimoParruYes. That is the reason why it got broken.21:14
DragnslcrAimoParru- you can try copying the kernel image from somewhere else, but it's certainly not guaranteed to work21:15
Gushterthat means that you have a newer kernel that is on the cd21:15
AimoParrubut if the image is taken from the network?21:15
Gushterso I wouldn't try it21:15
Gushterimage is not like a file!21:16
Gushteryou cannot just copy it21:16
NoughmadAimoParru: mount the original drive, chroot into it, and sudo apt-get install linux21:16
DragnslcrGushter- er, actually, it is just a file. Everything in Unix is just a file21:16
AimoParruwhat is that gonna do?21:16
DragnslcrWell, it might be more than one file, but you get the idea21:17
mpricereinstall your kernel21:17
Noughmadinstall the kernel if it works, otherwise nothing21:17
AimoParrucan aptitude reconfigure the kernel.21:17
Gushteryeah but it also contains the settings from the PC! Don't forgert that21:17
DragnslcrUnix is not like Windows and its registry21:17
mpriceat least backup anything important before you try it, AimoParru21:17
travailAm I the only one who can't connect to msn with Kopete?21:17
Gushteryeah but windows also has a kernel21:17
DragnslcrSure, so it might not work, but it's worth a try21:17
Gushterat least21:18
AimoParruHow to chroot to the system?21:18
Gushteryou have nothing to lose at all21:18
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)21:18
Gushterdon't ask me21:18
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mprice!chroot | AimoParru21:18
ubottuAimoParru: please see above21:18
Noughmadyou have to mount it first21:19
NoughmadAimoParru: do you know which device it's on?21:20
Gushterhd0,0 i guess21:20
brian_I have an issue with latesst Kubuntu 8.1021:20
brian_like when i add the widget for system tray,,21:20
Gushterwhat is it brian21:20
AimoParruyes, hd0,021:21
Gushtertold ya21:21
brian_It appears... ok,, when i reboot the pc,,, then login the system tray widjet  just disappears,, it gets hidden21:21
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Arminius_brian_ are you other palsmoids saved correctly?21:22
Gushteris your system shut down properly21:22
brian_the system is shut properly21:22
NoughmadAimoParru: so try "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"21:22
brian_and the plasmoids is too configured in the right manner21:23
Gushteri gotta go! bye guys21:23
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dereine_is there a vnc solution for kde? which works like the one for gnome?21:23
Arminius_so if you change your configueration it is saved correctly?21:23
Dragnslcrdereine_- server or client?21:24
dereine_someone has to connect to by pc21:24
Noughmaddereine_: krfb/krdc might be what you're looking for21:25
DragnslcrYeah, krfb is the VNC server21:25
DragnslcrIt's in K Menu -> Internet21:26
Arminius_brian_ ? are you able to open and edit those two files?21:26
Arminius_~/.kde/share/config/plasmarc and ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc21:26
brian_let me check21:27
dereine_Dragnslcr: thx!21:27
AimoParruHow to copy the home folder in safe?21:28
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AimoParruLiveCD won't let me access to network with Dolphin21:29
AimoParrufish:// and so on.21:29
SalzeYou can copy from the shell with scp.21:30
brian_i am able to open and edit the the files21:30
Arminius_well then it's not a question of acces rights :s21:30
SalzeLike "scp -r /home/whatever <remoteuser>@<remoteip>:<remotepath>21:30
Arminius_sorry can't help you then...21:30
NoughmadAimoParru: so you reinstalling after all?21:30
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brian_everywhere time i restart the laptop the system tray hides to a location  like to the top of the Desktop21:31
brian_then again i remove the system tray and add it once more21:31
AimoParruNoughmad: I think I first copy the files in safe21:31
Noughmadok, smart :)21:32
brian_By the way is there any other way to display the system tray in the desktop21:32
Arminius_dunno sorry...21:32
AimoParruI've mounted the disk, now I just have to figure out how to save the files21:32
agaright button - add widgets - system tray?21:32
brian_I also want to create a new hot key so that i can access the desktop directly21:32
brian_aga  i tried to add the system tray,, the way u told,,21:33
AimoParruLiveCD won't let use port 2221:33
brian_I want to dispppay the system tray not using widjet21:33
brian_any other innovative alternative ?21:34
NoughmadAimoParru: no USBs around?21:34
AimoParruHmm, yes might found21:35
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StormWingedhello h4x0rz :D21:35
Arminius_dunno if anyone is available for help but I got some big trouble with my update to KDE 4.2... and need help21:35
NoughmadArminius_: what?21:36
brian_Do u know the Hot key to access Desktop?21:36
Arminius_well Noughmad, I tried to update to KDE 4.2 via the konsole (apt-get upgrade and update) and there was no problem but when I check Adept for example it tells me I am still on KDE 4.1 (I rebooted)21:37
Noughmadbrian_: Ctrl+Fx switches to desktop number x, if that is of any help21:37
Arminius_and when I try doing it via adept, it wants me to deinstall vital packages21:37
Arminius_so I don't know what to do?21:37
agaArminius_:  open the help and check the kde version21:38
NoughmadThe stadndard procedure is to run "sudo dpkg --cenfigure -a" and "sudo apt-get install -f"21:38
brian_Noughmad your tips abt hotkey is really good,,21:39
brian_it works for me21:39
Noughmadbrian_: nice :)21:39
AimoParruNoughmad: It's ntfs disk21:39
AimoParruLiveCD won't read it.21:39
NoughmadAimoParru: then try the next one21:40
Arminius_any idea Noughmad ?21:40
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NoughmadArminius_: does the --configure -a help?21:40
StormWingedhere is the support for intrepid?21:40
NoughmadArminius_: The stadndard procedure is to run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and "sudo apt-get install -f"21:41
Arminius_I'll try that one...21:42
agashould be enough with adding the repo to /etc/apt/sources.list and update and upgrade tho21:42
Arminius_Noughmad tells me: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 67 not upgraded.21:43
SalzeArminius_: Did you do upgrade, or dist-upgrade?21:43
AimoParruNoughmad: It is copying now!21:44
SalzeTry dist-upgrade.21:44
Arminius_so I need to write21:44
Lord_Drachenbluti'm trying to tweak a setting in gstreamer-properties but every time I close gstreamer-properties the value resets.... anyone know of a fix for this?21:44
Arminius_sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:44
NoughmadArminius_: yes21:44
SalzeAfter sudo apt-get update.21:44
NoughmadAimoParru: cool21:44
Arminius_ok thanks I'll try :D21:45
rooter_any latin people?21:45
Noughmadrooter_: you mean like from Rome?21:46
Arminius_hem what I get is strange? can I give you the pastebin link?21:46
StormWingeddoes anyone know why i`m having problems trying to install libtorrent?21:46
Arminius_have a look at those packages he wants to remove!21:47
Arminius_thanks a lot :D21:47
StormWingedat ./configure... he dont find the way to libsigc++ packages21:47
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StormWingedand i have it installed21:48
NoughmadStormWinged: you need libsigc++-dev21:49
rooter_first date21:49
StormWingedi tryied it... but without "-" between lib and dev21:49
Noughmadusually header packages in ubuntu have -dev appended to them21:50
Noughmadalthough that look strange with stuff endeng in ++21:50
Arminius_any idea? :s21:50
NoughmadArminius_: I don't know, I had similar problems before, most of the time several rounds of updating, and configuring fixed it21:51
Arminius_you agree I shouldn't accept to remove them right?21:51
Noughmadno, you got that right :)21:52
Arminius_ok ;)21:52
Arminius_and how should configure to fix it? ^^21:52
FuriousGeorgehey all21:52
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Guest81695hola a todos21:53
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FuriousGeorgeif i install 9.04-beta, it's just one command to upgrade to the stable version when it's out later this month, right?21:53
NoughmadArminius_: I'm not sure, it's somewhat magical :)21:53
Arminius_hehe ;)21:53
NoughmadFuriousGeorge: yes, the beta updates directly to the proper release21:53
Arminius_I prefer to have certainty, wouldn't want to mess my system up ^^21:54
Arminius_I suppose you can send me the magic via IRC? :p21:54
agawhere is the kernel image stored?21:54
the_dark_warrioKubuntu menu isn't focused on openning. Where should I report this bug?21:54
=== erick_ is now known as redrebel
agai need to copy it but i wonder which one i need on /usr/src21:56
agathe generic or the other one21:56
cesar__kubuntu spañol???21:56
Arminius_gonna try to find some help but thanks for your time :)21:56
SalzeArminius_: I guess a backup would be a good idea. And then afterwards process with accepting the removal of the packages. Then re-run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. If there are still things missing, you could then try sudo apt-get install kde21:56
Dragnslcraga- usually in /boot21:57
cesar__cual es el canarl para kubuntu español?21:57
Arminius_ok :s21:57
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
Arminius_how do you backup? :s21:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:57
SalzeArminius_: I always copy the whole harddisk via dd and netcat to a server. But there are several other possiblities. But you really should TEST your backup (i.e.: the restore procedure), before you rely on it.21:59
Arminius_well then... have a good evening22:00
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AimoParruNoughmad-laptop: saving done, I think it's time to chroot22:03
AimoParruso, I go to the mounted folder22:03
Noughmad-laptopno, just "sudo chroot /<mounted folder>"22:04
Noughmad-laptopI hope that's installed on LiveCD...22:04
sainghttp://crazytuga.mybrute.com  <-- BE A BRUTE AND CHALLENGE ME IN THIS FUNNY GAME :P22:04
FuriousGeorgeif i use the alternate install cd i can specify how much swap space to use, right?22:05
AimoParruNoughmad-laptop: Done22:05
AimoParruand then: sudo apt-get install linux22:05
Noughmad-laptopAimoParru: should work :)22:06
AimoParrucross your fingers!22:06
AimoParruarggh, it cannot access network22:07
Noughmad-laptopAimoParru: oww22:07
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Noughmad-laptopAimoParru: you can access it, but apt-get can't?22:09
AimoParrufirewall or something to stop it?22:09
AimoParruOr, I can surf the web22:09
Noughmad-laptoptype dmesg22:09
Noughmad-laptopto see if he FW blocked anything22:09
AimoParrudoesn't read anything22:10
Noughmad-laptopAimoParru: if you deleted the packages recently, they might be in /var/cache/apt/archives22:12
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AimoParruthere are something but not kernel image22:13
Noughmad-laptopno linux-generic-something?22:13
Noughmad-laptoptough luck22:14
AimoParrujust some cups, nvidia etc.22:14
=== ubuntu is now known as dex_
matisseI've got an puzzling problem: I have okular (package okular-kde4 and more) installed, but I can't start it, because there seems to be no executable with such name. (I'm running Kde3) Anyone got an idea=22:15
AimoParruNoughmad-laptop: yes.22:15
Noughmad-laptopAimoParru: I don't know, maybe try aptitude instead of apt-get if that works22:15
Noughmad-laptopIt's getting late here so I have to get some sleep, good luck to all22:15
AimoParruok. good night22:16
AimoParruCan it now be installed from cd?22:16
dex_help. I messed with the grub device map. now after today's kernel update I get only a grub prompt22:20
dwidmannmatisse: try running "sudo apt-get install --reinstall okular", by the looks of it you're running 8.04 w/KDE4, right? It should be in /usr/lib/kde4/bin/22:20
dex_I'm in the live system, anyone know how to fix it quickly?22:20
AimoParrudex_: I did the same!22:21
dwidmanndex_: well, you could just edit the device.map back to normal22:21
AimoParruDo you still have kernel images left?22:21
dex_dwidmann: well, it *is* normal as it is now, it was weird before22:21
dwidmanndex_: odd22:21
dex_I thougth of chroot and update and reinstall grub rather...22:21
dwidmanndex_: that works too, be sure to bind mount /dev, /sys, and /proc22:22
dex_bind was what i was missing22:22
dwidmannie: mount --bind /dev /media/something/dev22:22
dex_*before* the chroot, right?22:23
AimoParruMy apt-get cannot resolve hostnames to download image.22:23
dwidmannAimoParru: can you resolve hostnames at all on that box?22:24
matissedwidmann: found the reason: the directory you mentioned is not in the PATH... thx for the hint!22:24
AimoParrudwidmann: browser works22:24
dex_dwidmann: awesome - the kernels are all gone. what the...22:24
SalzeAimoParru: Do you use a proxy for connecting to the internet?22:24
AimoParrudex_: same here!22:25
AimoParruSalze: no22:25
dex_AimoParru: so today's kernel upgrade borked your system?22:25
AimoParruI've got just liveCD22:25
AimoParrudex_: Yes22:25
dex_AimoParru:  anything you've been able to do avout it so far?22:25
AimoParruI've chrooted the disk and now I'm trying to apt-get install linux22:26
AimoParruapt-get cannot resolve the addresses22:26
dwidmanndex_: wow, you might want to install one then :)22:27
dex_AimoParru: tough luck. and I mounted the debian root, not kub :P22:27
AimoParruCan I use ip-addresses instead?22:28
AimoParruOr can some kernel be loaded straight from live cd?22:28
dwidmannAimoParru: give it a try22:28
dex_ah jeez. I booted with a 32bit disc. it's a 64b install.22:29
dwidmannAimoParru: (the ip address idea, that is)22:29
dwidmanndex_: yeah, that won't work22:29
AimoParrudwidmann: Can I do my own route table? or which way is the best?22:30
dwidmannAimoParru: I don't know anything about that ... hehehe22:30
AimoParruOk, the network does not work when I'm chrooted.22:32
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dwidmannAimoParru: did you bind mount /proc, /sys, and /dev?22:33
AimoParruWhat is bind?22:33
dwidmannAimoParru: I mentinoed it above22:33
dwidmannAimoParru: mount --bind22:33
dwidmannie: mount --bind /dev /media/something/dev22:34
AimoParruWhat does it do?22:34
dwidmann"remounts pat of the filesystem heirarchy somewhere else"22:34
AimoParruDo I have to do it before mounting or how?22:35
dwidmannAimoParru: after mounting the partition, before chrooting in22:35
AimoParruok. How do I unchroot?22:36
dwidmannAimoParru: type exit22:36
AimoParruso simple, thanks.22:37
AimoParruNow I'll try binding22:37
AimoParrudwidmann: Still no network22:45
rogalHi, anybody can help with rar ?22:46
AimoParru7z works with that22:46
DexterFAimoParru: mount your root partition, mount --bind /dev, /sys and /proc, chroot into the mounted root part, run grub-install --recheck /wheregrubshouldgodisk22:47
rogalI nead to compress sobie files using rar, split to 100mb and compression = 022:47
rogalin console22:47
DexterFif thats sane run grub-update, repait menu.lst (here it fucked up) and reinstall grub22:47
AimoParrurogal: 7zip22:47
DexterF<- dex_22:47
rogalWhy can't I do it using rar ?22:48
AimoParruDexterF: Why should reinstall grub. My kernel is missing.22:48
DexterFto fix grub. it loosk in the worng disk. at least here it did22:48
rogalhow can I install 7zip ?22:48
DexterFyour kernel is installed (if you have the same issue as me) but its not listed in grub22:49
frogonwheelsrogal:  sudop aptitiude install p7zip p7zip-rar22:49
AimoParruDexterF: No, i've searched the disk22:50
frogonwheelsrogal:  *sudo22:50
AimoParruI did autoremove22:50
DexterFAimoParru: oh. ok.22:50
DexterFAimoParru: can you download the kernel file from the computer you're IRCing with now and transfer to the hosed box?22:50
rogalthis 7zip is console app ?22:50
dwidmannshould exist at /<mountpoint>/boot/vmlinuz*22:50
frogonwheelsrogal: ah. 'rar' is shareware that you should register according to the info from app22:51
AimoParrudwidmann: It is not there, but i'll check again22:51
frogonwheelsrogal: um.. windows has a gui.. not sure about linux.22:51
dwidmannfrogonwheels: (should; though, one might note that it's not nagware ;) )22:52
rogalSo how can I fast make archive, splitted to 100mb and compression=0 ?22:52
frogonwheelsrogal: you can read as good as us..  type 7z  to see the options.22:53
lixydoes anyone know why my Kubuntu crashes and hangs on the playing of the start up sound?22:53
rogalfrogonwheels: I have the options in rar but I can't understand how to use it22:53
dwidmannAimoParru: I'm still working on hunting down a fix for the network not working in the chroot, so you know22:53
frogonwheels7z a -v100m  archivename.rar22:54
AimoParrudwidmann: Thanks.22:54
AimoParruRoute says it finds gateway.22:54
AimoParruI think it's close.22:55
dwidmannAimoParru: can you ping google from inside the chroot (assuming not, just would like to check)22:57
AimoParrudwidmann: I tried, but there is not ping installed22:58
mattparryHi! Any help page for using/configuring a modem with kubuntu? is it still kppp?22:59
dwidmannAimoParru: is your system more hosed than we originally though?22:59
dwidmannAimoParru: try mounting /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts to your chroot too22:59
AimoParrugood idea!23:00
AimoParruthose are not directories23:02
rogalWhat is most popular FTP server for kde ?23:02
sykaquery axel pasp23:02
dwidmannAimoParru: won't it let you mount them? (they might not be directories ... but ...) if not, just copy or symlink them23:02
DexterFrogal: you don't let a desktop system run server processes. you'll want a linux ftp server.23:05
DexterFrogal: fire up adept, type in ftp and see what it returns23:05
dwidmannDexterF: why not? Consolidate hardware, etc, etc23:05
dwidmann(save $)23:06
AimoParrudwidmann: It's loading!23:06
rogalDexterF: found nothing23:06
DexterFdwidmann, rogal, not what I meant. there's no such thing as a ftp serv for kde. if it's a server it runs under linux, not kde. no matter what the desktop is23:06
rogalDexterF: so whait is the fastest way to share something via ftp ?23:07
dwidmann!ftp | rogal23:07
ubotturogal: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for !Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd23:07
DexterFrogal: impossible. I get... tons of fftp entries in adept23:07
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP23:07
DexterFnow that was easy :P23:07
rogalDexterF: I have kubuntu since 2 hours, don't know how it works23:08
dwidmannI recall pure-ftpd ( I think) being pretty much drop in, will work with zero configuration23:08
dwidmann(not saying it will be secure, just saying that it will work)23:08
rogalDexterF: just need to compress something (50gb) and share it via ftp23:08
dwidmann50GB!! wow23:09
rogalalready done 6gb23:10
AimoParruOk. kernel loaded.23:11
AimoParruDo I just restart the computer?23:11
DexterFrogal: ever used linux before at all?23:12
dwidmannAimoParru: is everything you can think of good to go? (it is kind of a hassle to get back into the chroot, afterall)23:12
=== erick is now known as redrebel
rogalDexterF: other distributions, never used ftp23:13
AimoParrudwidmann: I think so.23:13
AimoParruThere were no errors, grub updated etc.23:14
AimoParruCan You think of something?23:14
dwidmannnot particularly, but if it seems good to go, then give it a go AimoParru23:14
AimoParruNow it goes. Wish me luck!23:15
yoritomohello all23:16
yoritomoi used this option --prefix=/usr/ to compile23:17
AimoParrudwidmann: It's rising!23:17
yoritomobut i got this error libtool: install: error: cannot install `libdrm_intel.la' to a directory not ending in /usr/local/lib23:17
yoritomowhy did i get it ?23:18
dwidmannyoritomo: not sure, but it looks like it wants itself installed in /usr/local instead of /usr, if you read the error23:19
AimoParrudwidmann: ...and we're up...23:19
AimoParruThank You all!23:20
AimoParrudwidmann: If You ever come to Norhtern Finland, I'll buy You a cup of coffee with a dona!23:20
yoritomobut as said , and i experienced , not working in /usr/local/23:21
dwidmannAimoParru: that'd be quite the distant trip, but I always did want to tavel :)23:22
AimoParruWhere you are from? If I may ask.23:22
dwidmannAimoParru: at the moment ... Gordonsville, Virginia, USA23:23
AimoParruHmm, is that too far for a donut?23:23
AimoParruBut thank You anyway.23:23
dwidmannI think the ticket would cost more than the donut :P23:23
dwidmannanyhow, you're welcome :)23:24
AimoParruI think, I'll go to bed. It's 1.30 am.23:25
AimoParruGood Night!23:26
yoritomocan somebody help me in my compilation ?23:27
dwidmannyoritomo: I know it's not where you _want_ it, but why not try ./configure --prefix=/usr/local and see if it will take it that way23:28
yoritomono, i tryed it yesterday and that was not working, that is why somebody from here asked me to try like that23:29
dwidmannyoritomo: what error did it throw yesterday (presumably something else?)23:30
yoritomoso sorry i did not write it, i just copied in the chan yesterday23:31
yoritomoi got this error this time doing the make-install23:32
Jason_COi accidently removed the pannel at the bottom of my desktop - i added a new panel but i cant get things to place properly on the panel23:49

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