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mrooneyHello folks, anyone know why http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/latest-bugs.atom seems to be broken? It hasn't updated in 7 or so hours01:17
mrooneyand as such, neither has the bot in #ubuntu-bugs-announce01:17
thumperhmm... I wonder if it is being overly eagerly cached in squid01:18
mrooneythumper: it has never seemed to be a problem before, any ideas?01:23
thumpermrooney: perhaps a timeout on the server that isn't being transferred down01:23
thumpermrooney: I'll take a look01:23
spmthumper: I don't believe so. I can see several cache releases in the past hour.01:24
thumperspm: as it it isn't squid?01:25
spmthumper: yeah, that's how I read it01:26
thewrathhey all!01:29
hggdhmrooney, I updated the status page with a notice that we are down due to a problem with the feed01:31
mrooneyhggdh: thanks01:31
mrooneythumper: someone had filed bug 356671 so I opened an LP task01:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356671 in launchpad "launchpad bug atom feed is not updating" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35667101:34
thumpermrooney: I retargetted the launchpad task to the launchpad bugs project :)01:37
mrooneythumper: okay, I figured there was perhaps a more appropriate one01:38
mrooneylaunchpad has many components indeed01:38
thumpermrooney: that's fine, we're here to help :)01:38
hggdhmrooney, it might be a good idea for both of us to subscribe to eeebotu bug email... I just did it01:39
thewrathneed to talk to an admin asap01:39
mrooneyhggdh: I think I already am, that is what pointed me to the issue01:39
thumperthewrath: what about?01:40
thewrathabout how long something takes to get a project name changed01:41
thewrathi need it changed asap for a presentation i have to give01:41
thumperspm: ^^01:41
thewrathalso thumper maybe u know maybe you dont but i ahve changed code in bzr i have to do a commit then push it out right?01:42
thumperthewrath: it depends kinda, is it a checkout from LP or a branch?01:43
thumperthewrath: in which case you need to commit locally, then push01:43
thewrathk that is what i did01:43
thewrathas in commit locally01:43
thumperthewrath: spm is running erands, but should be back in 20 minutes or so01:44
thumperthewrath: when is your presentation?01:44
thewrathi am not sure but want to finalize everything here shortly01:44
thewrathi have the final presentation needs to be in by April ...../01:44
thewrathAPril 2001:44
* thumper nods01:44
thewrathI mean i have some time but i have it there for almost a week01:44
thumperthewrath: do you have a question open>01:45
thewrathyes sir01:45
thumperthewrath: what is your lp id?01:45
thewrathme personally or my project01:45
thumperboth would help01:46
thewrathproject: wasdats me: michaelbrown200901:46
thewraththumper: it says SSH michaelbrwon2009@bazaar.launchpad.net password:01:46
thewraththe password is which one the one i use to log into launchpad correct?01:46
thumperthewrath: found you01:47
thewrathi get an error that says unable to auth to ssh host as michaelbrwon..... bad auth type <allowed_tyupes....01:47
thumperthewrath: do a `bzr lp-login michaelbrown2009`01:48
thumperthewrath: you had a typo in your ssh username01:48
* thumper back shortly01:49
thewrathsame thign01:49
thewrathi think i know what the issue is01:50
thewrathdid not have pageant running01:53
spmthewrath: I can do your rename now. do you have a logged question open?02:13
thumperspm: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6618002:25
thumperspm: what is the LOSA team name?02:25
spmthumper: canonical-losas02:25
thumperspm: ta02:25
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* spm is tempted to get that changed to "team-of-haz-rubber-ducky_fear-us"02:26
spmthewrath: is done: https://edge.launchpad.net/mikesats02:29
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=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
bjsnideri just got a rejection message, because i changed the contents of the tarball i was uploading to the ppa. but the instructions on what to do about it don't fit witht eh email i got05:41
bjsnideri cannot: downloading the pristine original tarball from the location pointed in the rejection message05:41
bjsniderthere is no location in the email05:41
wgrantbjsnider: Perhaps you should pastebin that email.05:44
bjsniderwould it fix the problem if i give the tarball a new name?05:45
bjsniderok, that seems to have fixed it05:46
bjsniderbut i had to change the tarball's contents. the makefile was wrong05:46
wgrantbjsnider: Then change it in the .diff.gz.05:49
wgrantbjsnider: YOu cannot modify the .orig.tar.gz, both for technical and semantic reasons.05:50
wgrantIt is the original upstream tarball - if you have to modify it, it isn't the original upstream tarball, so it isn't the original upstream tarball.05:50
bjsniderbut the source version i installed did have a modified makefile05:51
bjsniderand it built that time, so i guess changing themakefile was necessary05:52
wgrantbjsnider: You can change the makefile in the .diff.gz.05:52
wgrantNo need to modify the .orig.tar.gz. That's the point of the .diff.gz.05:53
bjsniderwgrant, cool. that's good to know05:53
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wgrantWhat's the maximum slave lag that the webapp will tolerate before switching to the master?13:31
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NgBjornT: how much would you like to fix bug 286193 ? :)14:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286193 in ubuntu "Bug subscription wont accept unsubscribe command" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28619314:03
BjornTNg: not enough to push some other goal post 3.0 ;)14:08
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NgBjornT: could there not even be a really small change to the footer text to say there is an unsubscribe link on the URL given?14:12
BjornTNg: unfortunately no, because there isn't always a place where you could unsubscribe (at least not a single place). that's why it's a bit more complicated, you can be subscribe to the bug, to a duplicate, to a package, to ubuntu, etc. each case is different14:14
NgBjornT: ah right. that's quite a lot of hoop jumping for people who are likely to have virtually no familiarity with the subtleties of a bug tracker :/14:16
vadi2why did dput.cf login field change from your id to anonymous?14:17
wgrantBjornT: Can't you fairly simply alter +subscribe to say something along the lines of "You're not actually subscribed... but I do see this indirect subscription for you. Go over _here_ instead."?14:18
BjornTwgrant: no, not fairly simply. it will be quite a lot of work getting it right.14:19
Ngit does sound like a pretty complex situation. could there be a general look at issues like this which affect lay users, post 3.0?14:20
Ng(the other thing I'd love to see reduced is the "me too!"ing on popular bugs. The "This also affects me" link doesn't seem to be prominent enough ;)14:20
dnwehi, can anyone help with this error?14:21
dnwewas attempting to build a patched kernel in PPA14:21
wgrantdnwe: It means just what it says - the base section no longer exists.14:22
wgrantdnwe: In debian/control, change the 'base' sections to 'admin'14:22
dnwebut why did apt-get source in jaunty give me debian/control with base instead of admin :)14:22
wgrantBecause it's overridden in Ubuntu.14:22
wgrantIt doesn't really care what's in the control file.14:22
wgrantBut PPAs don't have overrides.14:22
dnwedebian/scripts/misc/prepare-personal-ppa-source should probably be updated to do that I guess14:23
wgrantdnwe: Filing a bug against linux in Ubuntu would be a good idea.14:24
elmois there a bug about relaxing that check for PPAs?14:24
elmo(rejecting on section is insane)14:24
BjornTNg: yeah. i'll definitely put it on my list for possible post 3.0 goals14:24
wgrantelmo: That would more than likely require data model changes.14:25
intellectronicaBjornT, Ng: note that if and when we do "ignore" subscriptions, it will be much easier to implement what Ng is suggesting14:25
wgrantI suppose the best fix for now is to just readd base.14:25
cprovelmo: do you think we should allow diverging sets of sections in PPAs ?14:25
elmowgrant: fiffle14:26
elmowgrant: just override it in the PPA to 'misc'14:26
elmoif it's an unrecognised section14:26
wgrantelmo: Good idea!14:26
NgBjornT: thanks :)14:26
elmocprov: I think we shouldn't reject uploads for such an unimportant thing.  if you don't want to diverting sections (which is reasonable), just override unknown sections to 'misc' or something14:27
cprovelmo: it makes sense, I will file a bug14:27
vadi2I build a package locally on intrepid, and it worked. Then sent it to the ppa and it failed with this:14:32
vadi2checking for intltool >= 0.35.0... ./configure: line 18723: intltool-update: command not found14:32
vadi2 found14:32
vadi2configure: error: Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool 0.35.0 or later.14:32
hyperairvadi2: bad dependencies.14:32
hyperairvadi2: your build-dep isn't right.14:33
hyperairvadi2: you'll need to test it locally with pbuilder to make sure that your build-dependencies are complete.14:33
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sidneihey folks, is it possible to create a release straight without having to go through create a milestone -> publish a release?15:47
beunosidnei, not at the moment15:47
beunoit will be fixed soon-ish-y15:47
sidneibeuno: man, hopefully very soon. it sucks for projects that are not using milestones, it's three times harder now to make a release :(15:48
mdzI'm seeing quite a few error pages on bazaar.launchpad.net15:48
mdzis it just me?15:48
mdzan example from the past few minutes: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/apport/ubuntu-bugpatterns/files15:48
beunosidnei, yes, it will land on edge this week15:48
beunomdz, loggerhead is choking and needs to be bounced15:49
beunoherb, around?15:49
beunoelmo, ^15:50
herbbeuno: yes.  just got the alarm about it from nagios.  will be up in a couple of minutes.15:50
beunoherb, thanks15:50
davidbarthbeuno: ping?16:10
beunodavidbarth, hi16:10
davidbarthi have a question concerning the mailing list feature in LP16:10
beunogive me your best shot16:10
davidbarthtrying to setup a list similar to ubuntu-devel, ie with some mild level of moderation16:11
davidbarthi created a team "ayatana" and attached a new mailing list to it16:11
davidbarthnow to enable this moderation bit, do i need to turn the associated team into a moderate team?16:11
davidbarthor is there some other moderation feature?16:12
beunodavidbarth, yes, the restriction is based on the team members16:12
beunowhat specifically do you want to moderate?16:12
davidbarthbeuno: nothing in particular, just want to have a knob to turn if someone becomes totally insane16:13
beunodavidbarth, team membership it is16:14
seb128is OOPS-1193ED258 a known issue?16:19
seb128launchpad timeout while trying to list ubuntu bugs sorted by new16:20
salgadoseb128, I have a fix that will make it not time out, but that'd still be a rather slow page to render16:22
seb128well, slow is ok16:22
seb128I would be able to see what bugs users sent us recently ;-)16:22
salgadoin fact, my fix will make that page only 1s faster, so it may not be enough to stop the time outs16:23
salgadoBjornT, ^16:23
seb128any other workaround?16:25
BjornTsalgado: i think your patch will have a greater impact than you think16:29
salgadoBjornT, I hope you're right16:29
BjornTseb128: no workaround at the moment, but we're working on making the page render quicker this week16:30
savvaslaunchpad should do the same as pidgin, $1 for every 5 lines of stripped coding, but patches not less than 100 lines in total :)16:31
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bdmurraySomebody might want to review this project's bugs for Malone bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-report-tool/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed17:05
tgm4883Using launchpad to host bzr branches and track bugs.  Is there a way to get bzr to update a bug with what revision the bug was fixed in?  I know I can link the bug and branch by doing "bzr commit --fixes=lp:bug#", but i'd like a comment in the bug that also says (Fixed in revision #)17:14
beunotgm4883, using the launchpad API17:14
beunoyou can code up a script that scans the branches and adds a comment17:14
tgm4883well I was hoping there was something already in place.  Since there was a --fixes= option17:15
tgm4883if thats the only way, I guess it has to be then17:15
beunotgm4883, what the --fixes does in Launchpad today, is link the branch to the bug17:16
beunobut not the revision17:16
tgm4883beuno, exactly.  Which is great, but then I still have to go in and leave a comment on the bug saying "fixed in revision #"17:18
tgm4883maybe I can make a quick script that does both17:18
beunotgm4883, I think there's a bug for it17:18
beunoif not17:18
beunoplease file one  :)17:18
tgm4883yea, file one17:18
tgm4883i'll look17:18
matsubaratgm4883: bug 31843917:18
beunoit's something we'd like17:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 318439 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr --fixes lp:xxxx doesn't change the status of the bug" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31843917:18
beunomatsubara, it's slightly different17:19
beunohe wants to know the revision number17:19
beunonot necesarrily change the status17:19
matsubarawell, when LP automatically changes the status it could/should leave a note saying: "fixed in rXXX"17:19
tgm4883that would be ideal17:20
davmor2Guys I keep getting timeouts trying to report the following bug  Jaunty: Kubuntu jockey applet shouldn't call kdesudo17:20
tgm4883seems to make sense to me, if you are saying --fixes=# with bzr, it should change the bug status, and it shouldn't change the status without leaving a comment17:21
beunodavidbarth, yeap, we're working on it17:21
tgm4883i'll comment the bug17:21
beunotgm4883, thanks17:21
charlie-tcaIs it known yet that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu is giving "Timeout error" ?17:22
beunocharlie-tca, yes, we're working on fixing it17:22
charlie-tcaThank you, beuno17:23
davmor2beuno: Thanks dude17:23
davmor2Appriciate it :)17:23
charlie-tcaSorry to throw that at you when you already got it in work.17:24
beunocharlie-tca, it's fine, it's what happens when we break things  :)17:29
charlie-tcaYour hard work is appreciated by some of us, anyway17:29
thewrathhey all is there a way i can register people and have them not get an e-mail>17:33
beunothewrath, register people in Launchpad, but them not confirming their email address?17:35
beunothewrath, no. Why would you want to do that?17:35
thewrathi would like to have the people using my project registerd by me and i can email them and say use the same password taht you use for my system17:35
thewrathokay beuno17:35
thewrathotherwise they not register17:35
thewrathis there a way i could create an email address that they could e-mail and that creates new bugs on my launchpad ?17:36
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mpt"We'll be back in a few days, shipping Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) CDs."17:45
mptooh, 8.10 shininess :-)17:46
mptsalgado-lunch, is ShipIt supposed to be saying that?17:46
salgado-lunchmpt, nope, it's supposed to say 9.0418:04
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* salgado fixes it18:04
aruettenhy, I can't directly choose the CDDL as license for a new project. Should I chosse "Otherr/Open Source" or is it not possible to use launchpad with code under the CDDL?18:15
beunobac, ^18:16
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Shockhello, is there a way to specify the archs I want a package to be built for when I upload it to my ppa?18:33
cody-somervilleShock, yes, in the Architectures field in the debian control file of the package18:34
cprovShock: yes, in the source debian/control file; let me find a documentation reference for you.18:34
Shockthanks, I'll dig up from here18:35
Shocki thought it was dput related18:35
cprovShock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#control18:35
Shockthank you both18:36
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bachi aruetten19:17
bacaruetten: if you want to use CDDL please select 'Other/Open Source' and enter the full title of CDDL with an URL to the license in the 'License info' box.19:18
aruettenbac: thanks19:23
bacaruetten: ping me here with the name of the project after you create it and i'll approve the license.19:25
Ursinhahey cprov19:49
cprovUrsinha: oi19:49
Ursinhacprov, vc falou que o https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1192G2 tava corrigido19:50
Ursinhamas ainda tem ocorrencias no lpnet, é normal isso?19:50
cprovUrsinha: I will check.19:50
Ursinhacprov, thanks19:50
cprovUrsinha: there were few broken records in the DB19:53
Ursinhacprov, I see19:53
cprovUrsinha: this one, specifically, was fixed by me last night when I saw it.19:53
cprovUrsinha: I will check if there others19:54
Ursinhacprov, thanks! I'll let you know if found any other oopses in the next days19:54
cprovUrsinha: you can tell that they are not new problems by the time they were created.19:55
Ursinhacprov, yes19:55
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mrooneyahhhhhh I LOVE auto importing of translation templates20:20
bdmurraybug 88746 keeps timing out for me :-(20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88746 in linux "ehci_hcd module causes I/O errors in USB 2.0 devices" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8874620:21
beunobdmurray, yeah, we're working on the timeouts20:22
bdmurraybeuno: okay, thanks20:22
beunobdmurray, the fix should land in edge by tomorrow, and will be CPed over to production as well20:22
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maxbWhy does bzr pull take 10 seconds just to figure out that I'm already up-to-date? :-/23:03
mwhudsonmaxb: because ssh auth is taking stupidly long at the moment23:03
mwhudsonmaxb: try "time ssh bazaar.launchpad.net"23:03
maxbI don't suppose there's something like a lp+http: URL scheme?23:04
mwhudsonmaxb: the ssh thing should be fixed in a day or so, fwiw23:07
beunomaxb, but you can still put together the http URL manually23:07
maxbyes, it's just not quite as amazingly shiny as lp:projectname :-)23:10
anderskI am trying to link bug 356861 to CVE-2009-1250 and CVE-2009-1251, but I get the error "2009-1250 is not a known CVE sequence number."23:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356861 in openafs "OpenAFS Security Advisories 2009-001 and 2009-002" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35686123:11
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