
dooglusI downloaded the 8.10 desktop ISO and mounted it00:11
dooglusnow there are 2 .exes in the top level: umenu.exe and wubi.exe00:11
doogluswhich do I need?00:11
Mulder8.10 support in #ubuntu00:12
Mulderbut i imagine you want wubi if you want to do wubi install00:12
mrksbrddooglus: i just came in what are u trying to do?00:13
dooglusmrksbrd: I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.10 inside an NTFS partition00:13
dooglusI read that I could do that, to obviate the need to repartition00:13
mrksbrdwubi is kinda like a shortcut to allow you to run linux under a windows environment00:14
mrksbrdkinda like user switching in windows00:14
mrksbrdfrom what i read you shouldn't have to repartion00:15
rwwmrksbrd: considering that it involves restarting your computer, it isn't much like user switching.00:15
dooglusmrksbrd: I heard it was something you boot into - ie. it doesn't run inside windows at all00:15
dooglusI have a dialog with 7 boxes to be filled in00:16
doogluscan someone tell me what they're for?00:16
rwwdooglus: correct, and no, you don't need to partition for it. Wubi creates a virtual "loopback" partition in C:\wubi\.00:16
dooglusrww: the first seems to be the drive to install to - C: is an ok default.  then the size (5GB), then what?00:16
rwwdooglus: They're all the questions the installer would usually ask you. Any particular one you don't understand?00:16
dooglusthe default is 'ubuntu'00:16
dooglusrww: the 3rd one00:17
dooglusit's a drop-down menu with 'ubuntu' in it00:17
dooglusthe icon is two windows inside a window00:17
rwwdooglus: leave that as default. If you download wubi separately (not on a disc), there's options like Xubuntu and Kubuntu on there. You likely want Ubuntu.00:17
dooglusok thanks00:18
dooglushttp://wubi-installer.org/faq.php shows an englsih version :)00:18
dooglusI tried with the 9.04 beta first, but wubi.exe just doesn't work there00:19
dooglusso I went to 8.10 and that is now installing00:19
rwwI think Wubi needs updating every time a new release comes out to work with that release. They likely haven't gotten around to it yet.00:20
dooglusit's "creating image" and has done 40% of 732.8MB00:20
BluesKajyes wubi only installs stable releases00:20
doogluswhat image is that?  I'd expect it to be creating a 5GB image, not a 732.8MB one?00:20
rwwdooglus: it's a copy of the installation CD that it uses when it restarts into Ubuntu setup.00:21
dooglusrww: it's copying it inside the 5GB is has set aside?00:21
dooglusor is that extra?  ('cos I don't have extra free)00:22
rwwdooglus: that's extra00:22
dooglusit's asking to restart, and giving 2 options00:22
dooglusany idea what they are?00:22
rwwdooglus: restart right now or restart later, i'd guess.00:23
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:27
thiebaudehey your everywhere00:28
ActionParsniphell yeah00:29
ActionParsnip+1, ubuntu and kubuntu00:30
kindofabuzzdon't really know if this a jaunty issue but just installed Google Earth 5, it closes after the tip comes up. any ideas?00:30
thiebaudeno #ubuntu-devel00:30
Mulderkindofabuzz, better than a hard crash00:31
Mulderwhich is what happens to me when i open googleearth00:31
Mulderpossibly a graphics driver problem00:31
kindofabuzzso you think it may be jaunty and not earth itself?00:31
kindofabuzzlemme try without compiz on00:31
kindofabuzznope, still closes with compiz off00:32
kindofabuzz./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference00:34
kindofabuzzwhatever that means00:34
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: did you tyry install it from repos?00:35
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, no, downloaded the .bin00:35
kindofabuzzGE isn't even in the repos00:36
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: its worth a try00:36
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: its in the medibuntu repo00:36
kindofabuzzhow would i uninstall this GE from the bin to install the repo version?00:41
kindofabuzzor just overwrite it?00:41
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: i think yuo need the bin file to uninstall it00:41
ActionParsnipits not something i use00:42
kindofabuzzoh just run it again probably00:42
ActionParsnipi think its kinda pointless00:42
Shishireooh! jaunty is no long "WILL break your system, now its just "may"!00:42
ActionParsnipdidnt break mine :)00:42
kindofabuzzit did mine when it was alpha 6, but the beta rocks00:43
thiebaudeit broke mine with newer kernel, i can only use 2.6.24-24 generic00:43
kindofabuzzthat sux00:43
thiebaudeyea x crashes00:43
kindofabuzzprobably your vid card then00:43
Shishireare there still nVidia issues?00:43
thiebaudeintel 8181500:43
Mulderbut yes00:43
thiebaudeyea those intel issues00:44
MulderShishire, nvidia has come out relatively unscathed00:44
kindofabuzzShishire, my old school ti 4400 works fine in jaunty00:44
Mulderintel and ati mostly00:44
thiebaudeintel been working since 6.0600:44
Shishiresweet!  I'll upgrade my desktop to beta soon!00:44
Mulderis python preventing an upgrade still?00:45
Mulderapparently not.00:45
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:45
kindofabuzzMulder, i got GE working, you have to rename libcrypto.so.0.9.8 in the GE folder then symlink the system libcrypto.so to libcrypto.so.0.9.800:49
kindofabuzzor del the libcrypto.so.0.9.800:50
Mulderyeah, that's not my problem00:50
Mulderbut good to know00:50
Mulderi just used the googleearth-package package00:50
AmyRoseWhy does startkde in Jaunty remove all the GTK config files just to replace them with the defaults?00:51
VolkodavI have small fonts in GE though00:51
VolkodavI fixed it in previous versions but the fix does not work in 5 version00:51
crdlbAmyRose: what gtk config files? ~/.gtkrc-2.0?00:51
AmyRosecrdlb: .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 (lines 147-154)00:53
crdlbhmm, I wonder how they use that file ...00:53
crdlbkde should be using an XSettings manager to set the theme and such00:53
crdlbno DE should ever touch ~/.gtkrc00:54
Shishirehmm, what's up with ubottu's sudo /etc/init.d/?dm  why the ?00:54
AmyRosecrdlb: It deletes the file and replaces it with the one in kubuntu-default-settings00:54
crdlbthat's dumb :/00:54
AmyRosecrdlb: I prefer to use the gtk-qt engine's KCM panel to set my GTK theme00:54
ActionParsnipcrdlb: mines a text file too ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde400:54
crdlbso changing the gtk theme in kde doesn't take effect unless you restart the app?00:54
dooglusthanks for the wubi help earlier guys00:55
AmyRosecrdlb: Yeah, and it gets reset back to the default when I restart KDE.00:55
dooglusI'm typing from a wubi-installed ubuntu 8.10 now00:55
ActionParsnipcrdlb: says: include "/usr/share/themes/QtCurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc"   in the fiel00:55
AmyRosecrdlb: It's bad practice to have a default forced upon the user like this just to switch the default GTK theme.00:55
dooglus"I can install 283 updates" - grrr :)00:55
crdlbfail :(00:55
* ActionParsnip hates wubi00:56
crdlbActionParsnip: that's terrible, they should at the very least be using gtk-theme-name = "QtCurve"00:56
EagleScreenroot account in not set to QtCurve theme for gtk, so running synaptic it is ugly00:56
doogluswhy ActionParsnip?00:56
crdlbXSettings works for root apps too, afaik00:57
crdlbwhereas ~/.gtkrc obviously doesn't, since it's in the wrong homedir00:57
ActionParsnipdooglus: its still running in windows and its just a bad job like the gentoo live cd. if you wanna try it then the live cd is decent. no need for all this half windows stuff. plus its a pain when you wanna transfer to a full install00:58
ActionParsnipEagleScreen: shouldnt be using the root account anyway00:58
AmyRoseI filed a bug about this and they closed it as a duplicate of a bug that they marked "fix released". >_>00:59
EagleScreenwhen using it with sudo; I think yes, ActionParsnip00:59
ActionParsnipEagleScreen: sudo uses the users profile, not roots00:59
dooglusActionParsnip: you think Windows is running at the same time?01:00
ActionParsnipdooglus: well it sat on an ntfs partition, its just a whole bunch of mess01:00
EagleScreenActionParsnip: on Intrepid, you had to set a copy of  .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 file in /root to do gtk applications be themed01:01
dooglusI just ran pidgin - it tells me "Accept certificate for contacts.msn.com?" and "The root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin."01:01
dooglushow can I validate that the cert is valud?01:01
EagleScreenI mean gtk applications run with sudo01:01
ActionParsnipEagleScreen: just sudo or sudo su?01:01
ActionParsnipdooglus: if you are connecting to msn using the default server settings then its fine01:02
EagleScreenActionParsnip: kdesudo01:02
kindofabuzzEagleScreen, you can just symlink users themes to /root themes01:02
ActionParsnipEagleScreen: weird01:02
crdlboh, is this a user-installed theme?01:03
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:03
crdlbI thought we were talking about one in /usr/share/themes01:03
ActionParsnipEagleScreen: i dont use gtk so i wouldnty have seen that sort of thing. i have learned today01:03
EagleScreensudo keep user profiles as you say, but kdesudo not, stranger01:04
dooglusActionParsnip: I'm connecting to the standard MSN servers, but pidgin is telling me the cert isn't fine.  That could indicate a MitM attack, right?01:06
unkosup guys01:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344118 in kdebase-workspace "GTK theme in KDE4 is always reset to QtCurve" [Undecided,New]01:08
ActionParsnipdooglus: its fine, dont sweat it01:09
unkois jaunty stable enough fo rme to use? i want to switch to 64 but i want the latest version. and since 9.04 is coming out in 16 days should i just use that insteat of 8.10???01:09
kindofabuzzi need to actually try KDE, =) sounds like a project.01:09
ActionParsnipunko: try both01:09
unkoActionParsnip: not enough disk space to try both.. until i get my new system01:10
rwwunko: Get 8.10 and upgrade to 9.04 in a month or so.01:10
unkorww: ok sounds fine to me01:11
ActionParsnipunko: install one, try it, remove, install the other, try it01:11
pixelmonkey I was in the midst of an Intrepid update-manager -d upgrade and the updater crashed while configuring a package.  Is there any way to resume?  When I launch update-manager -d again, it detects a Jaunty release rather than Intrepid01:11
rwwunko: and I mean a month or so, not right after release. The download servers will be slow as treacle around the 23rd.01:11
Ampelbeinpixelmonkey: try sudo apt-get -f install01:12
unkorww: yea i understand01:12
unkorww: but last time i up'd from... 8.04 to 8.10 alot of problems happend01:13
pixelmonkeyAmpelbein, the updater binary doesn't exist anywhere?01:13
rww!upgrade | unko01:13
ubottuunko: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:13
unkorww: i know how to im just saying01:14
rwwunko: Those pages will have official upgrade instructions on them when Jaunty comes out. Use those.01:14
Ampelbeinpixelmonkey: i don't understand. what do you mean?01:14
Ampelbeinupdate-manager is a python-script01:15
unkoi would use kubuntu i like it alot it's just that it's package manager sux and so dose some other key componited01:15
pixelmonkeyAmpelbein, forget it, I found it in the /tmp directory01:15
pixelmonkeyAmpelbein, when you run update-manager -d it seems to download a "distro upgrade script" into /tmp and then run that01:15
pixelmonkeythat's the program that crashed01:15
pixelmonkeyso I'm re-running that (it happens to be /tmp/tmpfoobar/intrepid)01:16
* kindofabuzz eats another lortab01:17
unkowait guys why don't i just download and use jaunty if it's gonna be stable in 16 days? i mean if its not stable now than forget it01:20
kindofabuzzit's in beta01:20
crdlb16 days is a long time01:21
kindofabuzzstable for me now01:21
crdlbwhen the whole cycle is only 6 months01:21
nibsa1242bunko: its in Beta, and this isn't a "google style ( 5+ years ) beta"01:21
crdlband if something really terrible turns up, they have the option to delay it01:21
unkonibsa1242b: SO..WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY?01:22
kindofabuzzhe's saying it's beta, what else would that mean?01:22
unkowel should i use it or not?01:22
kindofabuzzup to you01:22
ActionParsnipunko: i'd suggest trying 9.04 but it may be a bit glitchy, if you are new to linux get 8.1001:22
nibsa1242bunko: I'm saying its a real beta, expect to find bugs; get it if you want to help test01:22
kindofabuzzoh yeah if you're new, stick with 8.1001:23
Shishireunko: you can use it. BUT its not necessarily either finished or stable.  it could cause all your data to dissapear.  or not.  the thing is, you don't know01:23
unkoyea...hmmm im not new to linux at all but.. hmm i gues ill just use 8.10 i hate glitches01:23
kindofabuzzwith computers you will always have glitches somewhere01:23
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naresh76Hello I am a new user need some help with audio issues01:27
naresh76I am using ubuntu 9.0401:27
Mike_lifeguardSo, 9.04 uses a new filesystem (or something like that)?01:29
naresh76hello can anybody please help me01:29
Mike_lifeguardnaresh76: Please be patient; if someone can help you they will.01:30
bruce89Mike_lifeguard: no01:32
Mike_lifeguardI'm referring to Ext4 - my words may be wrong...?01:33
Shishirequestion: is ext4 backwards compatible with ext2 like ext3 is?01:34
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funkyHatShishire: no. You can mount an ext3 (and therfore I assume ext2 also) volume as ext4 though, but then you can't mount it as ext3 again after that01:34
Lint01Shishire: yes, of course01:34
Spirits-Sightwhen I try and save to X configuration file using NVIDIA X Server Settings I get "Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'." why do I get this and what can I do?01:35
Mike_lifeguardSo that sounds like it complicates upgrade from anything using ext3, no?01:37
HalowSpirits-Sight: I was getting that same error. Running the Nvidia Settings as sudo seems to do the trick, at least for me.01:37
Mike_lifeguardI'm just wondering if it's worth using 9.04 to have 4...or instead use 8.04 which is a long term release or whatever it's called01:37
nemoubuntu janitor just told me a bug I cared about had a "fix released" 35 minutes ago01:37
nemois it worth syncing to see if it rolled out, or should I wait?01:37
Shishireapparently.  since I need access from windows via one of the ext2 drivers, I guess I'm not going to be using ext401:38
Spirits-Sightwhat is the cmd for Nvidia settings please?01:38
nemoMike_lifeguard: to have 4?01:38
nemohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/354889 - this bug to be specific01:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354889 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[jaunty] i845 xorg crashes upon playing video" [High,Fix released]01:38
Mike_lifeguardnemo: ext4, sorry01:39
nemoI was wondering01:39
HalowSpirits-Sight:  /usr/bin/nvidia-settings I went in to edit the menu setting to run it with gksu in front, so it prompts me for password (graphically) and then runs it.01:39
nemo'cause the reason *I* would get the heck off 8.04 is that it is still on Qt 3 :-p01:40
nemowhich means running hedgewars is a pain :)01:40
ShishireMike_lifeguard: I'll be using 9.04 with ext301:40
bytor4232Anyone know what this means:  Error org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.PermissionDeniedByPolicy: org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.suspend no <-- (action, result)01:40
bytor4232This happens when I try to suspend01:40
bytor4232I can suspend by:  sudo pmi action suspend01:41
Mike_lifeguardI guess I will stick with the more stable 8.x01:41
Shishirebytor4232: apparently you don't have permission to suspend01:41
nemoMike_lifeguard: the ".x" part is key01:41
bytor4232Shishire, Exactly, but where do I set permission to suspend01:41
grodiusHey can anyone help me out? i'm using an intel integrated chip on juanty and i cant get my compiz to work. In appearences it just says "Desktop effects could not be enabled." I've had this problem before, and i had to add something to my xorg. But i cant seem to find a bug fix anywhere on the net. can someoen help me out?01:42
Mike_lifeguardnemo: whatever came before 8.10 :)01:42
nemoMike_lifeguard: 8.10 has Qt4 :)01:42
ShishireI'm not running 9.04, but if its in the same place as 8.10, System->Administration->Authorizations01:42
Mike_lifeguardI dunno what Qt4 is :D01:42
nemoMike_lifeguard: ...01:43
nemoMike_lifeguard: major gui library used by a ton of apps01:43
nemo(including hedgewars ;) )01:43
Spirits-SightHalow: thanks that worked01:43
HalowSpirits-Sight:  Welcome!01:44
Mike_lifeguardsorry, kinda distracted right now, my project is being attacked :O01:45
Shishire:D lsusb and lspci are your friends! treat them well and you will be happy :D01:58
jtholmescan anyone tell me how i can download the partman files that are part of the ubiquity installer02:05
foxbuntujtholmes, apt-get source ubiquity02:23
jtholmesfoxbuntu, thanks02:29
alabamahitHi just installed 9.04. has anyone else had trouble with transmission. I cant figure out how to get it to minimize t the tray....The option used to be in the View Option but don't see that now.03:02
jwormywhen upgrading to 9.04 beta support i get "Can't Install 'ubuntu-desktop'.  It was imposible to install a required package.  Please report this as a bug.'  anyone know anything more about this than the obvious?03:04
grodiushey, can someone help me with compiz on juanty? when i run compiz in term it says i dont have xgl among other things.03:09
Halowjwormy:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/335885 Seen that bug?03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335885 in ubuntu-meta "Can't install ubuntu-desktop - Jaunty partial-upgrade (dup-of: 335623)" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335623 in update-manager "Intrepid -> Jaunty Alpha5 : can not mark 'ubuntu-desktp' for upgrade" [Undecided,Fix released]03:09
jwormyHalow: was just getting to it... will try it now03:10
j5098is there a way to roll back (at least the video driver part of) a jaunty upgrade?03:18
brmassaguys, how can i enable the middle mouse button on konqueror like older versions?03:19
alanbshepard70I had to upgrade to 9.04 earlier today and I just wanted to tell you guys thanks. It's very snappy and quick, I love it!03:21
pixelmonkeywill Jaunty include packages for tuxonice?03:32
Halowpixelmonkey: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/tuxonice-userui03:45
pixelmonkeyHalow, I mean the kernel binary, not the userui03:46
Halowpixelmonkey: That was the only hit in the ubuntu packages list that I could find.03:46
phuzionHi guys, I upgraded to 9.04 (64 bit), and I need to install flash player into Firefox.  I downloaded the flash 10 alpha prerelease and would like to try it.  Anyone know how to install it into Firefox?03:48
duckthisJust go on a page that have a Flash object and click on he button will appear in the top.03:49
EagleScreenpixelmonkey: there is only a kernel patch in Debian Unstable, (source code patch I think)03:50
pixelmonkeyEagleScreen, the maintainer of tuxonice maintains a git tree with the patched Ubuntu kernels03:50
pixelmonkeyon kernel.ubuntu.com.  I'm basically wondering if anyone is turning these into debs for the actual Ubuntu release.03:51
duckthisHey guys, I'm under 9.04 Beta and I have a problem. My internet is VERY slow.03:51
duckthisCan someone help me to disable IPv6 under 9.04?03:51
EagleScreenduckthis: use wifi?03:52
duckthisEagleScreen: Yes03:52
duckthisEagleScreen: Does it matter?03:52
duckthisEagleScreen. Cannot help?03:54
duckthisEagleScreen: I tried to disable IPv6, like I saw on many forums, but the technique doesn't work. Have an idea?03:58
EagleScreenI dont know nothing about ipv6 and I didnt know that jaunty use it by default04:00
duckthisEagleScreen: I did a connection test, my internet ratio is 10 times lower then Vista.04:00
=== duckthis is now known as Duckthis
EagleScreenis it only in jaunty?04:01
DuckthisYes. Tried under 8.10 and 8.04, works perfectly.04:01
DuckthisSo, should I come back tomorrow so people could help me more?04:03
befr0dwhat's your problem Duckthis?04:03
DuckthisHey guys, I'm under 9.04 Beta and I have a problem. My internet is VERY slow.04:04
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befr0dThat sounds weird, how are you measuring the internet?04:05
EagleScreenany driver change in your wifi card?04:05
DuckthisAlso, I use Wifi & a laptop Compaq Presario CQ-50 106CA04:05
DuckthisShould I use Madwifi?04:06
DuckthisShould I use Madwifi?04:08
EagleScreenDuckthis: tell us your card model04:09
DuckthisMy Wifi card?04:09
Duckthisns. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)04:11
DuckthisAtheros Communication inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)04:12
bjsniderDuckthis, there's a newer and better version of the ath5k driver for that card in the linux-backports-modules package04:13
Duckthisbjsnider, thanks but I'm under Linux until yesterday so... I'm a little bit "Newbie". How do I install it?%04:14
bjsniderDuckthis, at the terminal, sudo apt-get isntall linux-backports-modules-jaunty04:15
bjsniderthat should be install04:15
Duckthisdo i have to reboot or something?04:17
DuckthisIs that the only thing I should do?04:19
DuckthisOk i'll try it04:22
befr0dHey, I'm trying to find the volume control, but I can't add the applet04:22
DuckthisBe right back ;)04:22
DuckthisSystem->Preferences->Here it is:D04:23
DuckthisI'm back04:26
DuckthisThank you bjsnider it works a high way better.04:27
DuckthisWell, I'm going to bed.04:28
dooglusI installed ubuntu 8.10 using wubi.  Is it possible to update it to the 9.04 beta?04:29
dooglussomeone said that wubi won't work with betas for installing - but what about for upgrading?04:29
mrdedесть живой кто?04:48
mrdedэй, бабища, блевани!04:51
tuxFanSo, whats cooking?04:53
cajunso i have run Jaunty live the past couple of days from a usb drive and liked it and had few problems with it.  is it ok to upgrade? i'm really getting tired of iitrepid locking up frequently04:54
tuxFanIm running the beta , and so far so good04:54
cajuni run awn-trunk and compiz.  any clue how it works with those?04:55
calccajun: do you know what is causing your intrepid lockups?04:55
cajuni have no idea calc04:55
calccajun: its possible it could be hardware problems, but you can try out jaunty if it locks up to its probably something wrong with your system04:56
cajuni had intrepid for a while and it stopped locking up.  after i attempted to use the proprietary ATI driver, my system just screwed up in other ways so I did a fresh install. It's been locking up again.04:56
cajunjaunty hasn't locked up yet.04:56
cajuni've been running it all evening from my usb drive and had few problems.04:57
cajuna couple things crashed but nothing crucial for me.04:57
cajuni used to think the lockups were related to firefox but they have occured without firefox running at all.04:57
cajunthe trigger for the lockup could be anything, literally.  even startup.04:59
cajunwhois cajun04:59
frybyehi - after a while with very frequent updates - there dosen't seem to have been anything much for some 48 hours or?04:59
ganesh from where can i download ubuntu 9.04 beta torrent?05:03
brad_does anyone know of a good program that you can use to change passwords on multiple systems, some of them routers?  I have over 150 passwords that expire every 60 days and the powers that be don't use a centralized auth system.05:05
brad_using a combo of ssh and telnet05:06
frybyeganesh - what about trying .. http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/beta05:07
frybyeand a bit down the page are the links for d-loads and amongst them also torrents...05:07
frybyemake sure you get the right d-load for your archetecture etc..05:08
frybyeganesh - eh on the other hand perhaps someone here knows where to get a daily release..?05:09
ganeshfrybye: oh..ok..so from where can i get recent release?05:10
frybyeganesh: I am not really an expert.. so dont know - but bare in mind that the beta is not -that- old and you will get the updates to date as soon as you install practically.. so no big deal...05:12
DasEiganesh: google download jaunty for recent release05:13
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate05:14
nirivenWith the latest beta, i cannto move my gnome panels (or unlock them), or set my root password, why is this?05:16
frybyeganesh: you could take a look at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ - not sure if this is the best way to go - perhaps sbdy else can advise..?05:17
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brad_where do if find a list of known problems to see if one of the issues I'm having with jaunty has already been reported?05:18
lamalexHey guys, does anyone know if theres a channel for inidcator applet development questions?05:19
frybyebrad_: here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs  <--- you will need to register once...05:20
frybyethere is a short list of known issues on the main beta page at ubuntu.com - some of this may have been resolved since release of beta.. the launchpad resources is dynamic and so pretty much up too date.. if not - your bug reports will help to make it so...05:21
brad_frybye : Thanks.. found the problem here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/32698805:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326988 in usplash "Jaunty & Interpid: won't power off on shutdown or reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:24
Amaranthbrad_: I doubt it, there are probably 1000 bugs with that end-result05:25
Amaranthwhy did I put a dash in there?05:25
brad_one of the other people in the comments had the same laptop as me.05:26
Amaranththey may have a different bug too :P05:26
brad_but everything else has been working great so far.05:26
Amaranthbrad_: does your system shutdown fine if you boot without splash?05:27
macosuch bugs are highly hardware-specific. and commenters don't really count for "is it the same bug" as 3/4 of the time, they're just guessing too05:27
brad_haven't tried it since I just found that page... when I have the issue I hit ctrl-c and it gives me a couple of messages and then finishes shutting down.05:28
brad_let me go check my log files and see what they say05:28
nirivenBah, i am tired of ubuntu assuming that i am a complete idiot, back to gentoo it is05:29
StupendousstevePoor niriven, probably just needed to delete his gnome profile and let it start up again...05:34
crdlbthe panel thing is an upstream gnome change too ...05:36
afallenhopehey when I go to open an image it opens up in thunderbird.. how do I default it back to image viewer (xubuntu)05:37
macocrdlb: the locking is upstream. the "cannot unlock" sounds like a bug05:43
macoafallenhope: right click an image and go to properties, open with tab, and choose the one you want apps to default to...i think05:43
macodunno if xfce does that different though05:44
crdlbmaco: I didn't understand unlock in that context05:44
macocrdlb: you can unlock and lock the panel. right click one and look05:44
crdlbI realize panel applets can be (un)locked, but that's not what he said05:44
anthony1Anyone available for a networking question on Ubuntu Desktop 8.04.2 ?05:44
crdlbI thought he meant the requirement to use alt+drag to move the panels05:44
anthony1I am looking for some assistance on obtaining a DHCP IP address on Ubuntu 8.04.2 over a Linksys wireless bridge 802.11g, model number WET54G ver 3.105:44
afallenhopemaco thanks05:44
anthony1I am able to assign a static IP address and DNS server information and connect just fine05:45
anthony1WEP is enabled on both the Verizon FIOS wireless router and Linksys wireless bridge05:45
macocrdlb: no, the entire panel can be locked to one edge05:45
crdlbmaco: are you on jaunty?05:45
macoanthony1: um, this channel is for 9.04. 8.04 goes in #ubuntu05:45
macocrdlb: yes05:46
crdlbI'm not seeing that05:46
macohey where'd it go...05:46
macoit was there in hardy and intrepid...05:46
nellmathewumm...  anyone experience an unexpected soft-reset of sorts?.. (i think it said "reloading cups.." and "reloading printing..) and then went back to login (all my previously opened programs were closed, along with an unsaved project i was working on..)05:46
crdlbmaco: I'm pretty sure _that_ was a patch05:46
brad_brad_ |!pastebin05:46
macocrdlb: no, i have hte upstream source. locked panels are definitely an upstream thing05:47
nellmathewactually reloading cups and the log daemon i think it was..05:47
macoor were05:47
brad_I think this is where I'm failing to shutdown on my new dell laptop.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/145952/05:48
calcnellmathew: reloading cups should not throw you back to the gdm login promprt05:48
calcnellmathew: X must have crashed05:48
nellmathewah, alright that makes sense.. i was in the middle of watching a movie (had stuff open in the back too) went to a black screen with 2 reloads (cups and log daemon.. had some other text i can't recall) and then went back to login after a second or two.. where do i report bugs? launchpad?05:49
crdlbmaco: are you sure you didn't use apt-get source? :)05:50
macocrdlb: i checked it out of gnome's bzr playground05:50
macocrdlb: it may have been removed since i did the checkout, but the first thing i was playing with was the gnome-panel-properties-dialog.c which includes a label whose sole purpose is to warn the user that their panel is locked05:51
calcnellmathew: yea05:51
maconellmathew: ubuntu-bug xorg05:52
maconellmathew: on the command line05:52
macoor xserver-xorg-video-whatever if you know the driver in use05:52
crdlbmaco: that's a different kind of locking05:53
macocrdlb: O_o how many ways of locking does it have?05:53
crdlbthe only lock warning I see in that dialog is the one for lockdown05:53
crdlbie the sysadmin preventing the panel from being modified05:54
macooh ok05:54
kristian42I accidentally bought and ATI graphics card and installed the restricted drivers. 1 hour later I took it back to the shop and got an nvidia instead. I tried running dpkg-reconfigure of xserver-xorg, but it seems like it's trying to start X in a wacky screen mode. Any suggestions ?05:58
macothe dpkg-reconfigure thing hasnt touched graphics drivers since gutsy ;)06:00
macowait...isnt the notify-osd stuff supposed to be located by "distance from panel" not "distance from screen edge"?06:01
crdlbmaco: yep06:01
kristian42maco: Nice to hear, probably that long since I had any issues with it. I also removed the linux-resrtricted-drivers module.06:01
macokristian42: you probably need that06:02
crdlbkristian42: that would be the wrong approach06:02
crdlbuninstall xorg-driver-fglrx instead06:02
crdlbthen use the hardware drivers manager06:02
macoim guessing the reason notify-osd is showing up on top of my panel is because im not using the window manager it expects. it's a silly silly reason, but notify-osd seems to freak out if you use xmonad06:03
kristian42crdlb: Thanks, I'll give that a try once I get back to the disaster box ;)06:04
dtchenmaco: no, that's correct behaviour06:04
crdlbmaco: hmm, it's not really a WM issue unless the WM is totally broken06:04
dtchenit's not a WM issue06:04
crdlbI recall a bug about a race condition with the panel struts06:05
crdlbwhich would imply that notify-osd is supposed to avoid the panel06:05
dtchenyes, it's her usage of avoidStruts06:05
dtchene.g., in mine: , layoutHook = smartBorders $ avoidStruts (myLayout ||| Mirror myLayout)06:05
crdlbso it is a wm issue :>06:07
dtchenmaco: you can work around that by defining your own manageHook, grabbing the className for notify-osd (which is, unsurprisingly, notify-osd), and shifting it down beyond the panel06:07
dtchencrdlb: no, it's correct behaviour on all sides06:07
macodtchen: you're right, they only define the bubble's bottom limit, not the top limit06:07
crdlbissue != bug06:07
macojust all the screenshots show the bubbles not overlapping the panel06:08
crdlbso your wm is deleting the STRUT properties from the panel window?06:08
macoso what you're saying is: go learn haskell06:08
dtchendeleting? um, no. it's placing the windows non-overlapping with the panel.06:08
crdlbit shouldn't place an override_redirect window at all06:09
macolayoutHook = ewmhDesktopsLayout $ avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig     <--- that's what i have06:09
dtchenactually, it looks like you can just extend .Hooks.ManageDocks directly06:15
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keanudtchen, it was you and a few others I was talking to last night about flash issues in firefox - just as a heads up, it seems to be fixed now.  firefox had multiple flash plugins enabled for some reason, which seemed to have been conflicting06:18
macoer..that's confusing. ill just ignore that its on top of the panel rather than figure out haskell06:18
dtchenkeanu: right, it's normally not a backend (PA/ALSA) issue06:18
crdlbmaco: lol06:18
macowill look at haskell eventually, but for now.....ugh.....i need to go back to this compiler crap06:18
dtchenmaco: eh, it's pretty straightforward; i can show you the six-line diff this weekend06:19
macodtchen: ok06:19
jw5098i upgraded to jaunty, but kept my same menu.lst. how can i boot with the latest kernel i have?06:19
keanudtchen, yeah. just thought i'd mention in here that it was fixed, so that nobody is wondering06:19
macojw5098: run sudo update-grub06:20
dtchenkeanu: thanks. not that i had any doubt that the backend wasn't to blame ;-)06:20
jw5098maco: thanks!06:20
keanudtchen, yeah, I realized it probably wasn't the backend since PA wasn't actually crashing06:21
jw5098maco: does /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-8-generic sound right?06:22
dtchenthat's an old intrepid kernel06:22
macotoo old06:22
maco2.6.28-11-generic it should be06:22
macois that in your /boot?06:22
maco(still on -11 right? not -12?)06:23
jw5098(sorry about all those lines) i guess i can just update that line in grub then, right?06:24
macoyou can manually add a stanza to your menu.lst for that kernel06:24
macowell "update-grub" is *supposed* to add it to the menu.lst for you06:24
jw5098yeah, it didn't06:25
jw5098and do i have to change root= or anything else on the kernel line?06:25
macojw5098: no06:27
tsukasacan anyone help me get compiz working again? i dist-upgraded, and it appears to be trying to start via Xgl06:55
crdlbit's just checking for Xgl06:56
tsukasaoh, well it doesnt replace06:57
tsukasait just dies06:57
crdlbhaven't you ever seen how ./configure often checks for the fortran compiler? :P06:57
crdlbyour video driver is broken06:57
crdlbpastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:58
tsukasaits probably broken, glxgears just failed06:59
tsukasait doesnt seem broken though06:59
crdlbyou have the wrong GLX module, as that EE block says07:00
crdlbthat's usually caused by using the nvidia installer, then getting an xserver-xorg-core update07:00
tsukasashould i reinstall the drivers or just edit something in the config07:01
tsukasaokay then, time to do that, thanks crdlb07:01
marshallwhenever there is a compiz animation or im scrolling down a page or watcing a video in fullscreen, my power supply makes this ticking noise. I tried to do 'sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop' as suggested in this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3676966&postcount=25 but powernowd doesnt seem to exist anymore07:09
yeasonI have a computer with an asus board in it, the onboard nic no longer seems to get an ip address... I'm at a loss as to what the problem could be and am hoping someone can lend some assistance07:11
yeasonI've tried dhclient, it sends out requests but doesn't seem to receive a response, I've watched it using wireshark and compared it to another nic that is working. The DHCP Discover is being sent but not the DHCP Request07:12
yeasonso does anybody have any suggestions/ideas/questions regarding my issue getting an ip address...?07:21
error404notfoundyeason: is your eth been detected?07:23
error404notfoundcheck dmesg for any errors regarding that interface..07:23
error404notfoundis the cable okay? and connected both ways?07:23
error404notfoundtry setting up an ip manually..07:23
yannick__hello channel08:24
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:29
BUGabundo_guud morning09:16
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tpfennigummm apport takes more than 15 minutes to gather data? seriously?09:24
tpfennigor is it scannng my whole disk? ;-)09:25
BUGabundo_tpfennig: i report so many bugs, and never took me that much!09:26
BUGabundo_tpfennig: ao big is the crash file on /var/crash ?09:26
BUGabundo_$ ls -lah /var/crash/09:26
tpfennig-rw-------  1 vinci     vinci      51K 2009-04-07 10:17 _usr_bin_jokosher.1000.crash09:27
tpfennignot so much09:27
tpfennigshall i press Cacnel?09:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:28
tpfennigI do09:29
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Andy80hi all09:45
BUGabundo_Andy80: hi09:46
Andy80I've installed Jaunty, and I think there's a strange behaviour of Gnome Applets. In particular, even deselecting the "Lock to panel" option in all of the, I cannot move some of them.. for example the calendar. But... I think a screenshot is better than 1000 words :) http://img26.imageshack.us/my.php?image=panelgnome.png09:47
Andy80I really cannot move the calendar applet to the upper right corner...09:47
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My 2.1 GHz box runs at 800 MHz (according to conky), yet I'm using 100% CPU --- and would thus expect cpufreqd to scale up the CPU speed.  How do I run at max speed (i.e. 2.1 GHz)?  How do I find out what's wrong?09:48
BUGabundo_Andy80: have u tried moving it, pressing your mouse scroll?09:48
jonaskoelker"cpufreq-selector -f 2133000" seems to hang for a while (~minute), then die09:49
BUGabundo_jonaskoelker: prob the task is running with ionice09:49
jonaskoelkerBUGabundo_: which task?09:49
jonaskoelkerand how do I tell?09:49
BUGabundo_the one that is using 100% cpu09:49
BUGabundo_see the NICE value of it09:49
jonaskoelkeris that firefox at 50% or Xorg at 40% that's using 100%? ;-)09:49
Andy80BUGabundo_: if I select the "Move" option, I can drag it to the left direction, moving mouse to left, but I cannot move it to right09:50
BUGabundo_either on taskman or $ top09:50
jonaskoelkerbuncha zeroes, them NICEs :)09:50
BUGabundo_Andy80: because all theother applets to the right of it, are LOCKed...09:50
BUGabundo_Andy80: so u cant "move" those to the left!09:50
BUGabundo_Andy80: unlock them, and then u can move that one to the place u want09:51
* BUGabundo_ thinks applets should be positioned by NUMBERs... i did that viagconf09:51
Andy80BUGabundo_: look at the picture... they're not applet. They're emesene icon, skype icon, and NetworkManager Applet that DOESN'T have the "unlock" option09:51
Andy80BUGabundo_: sorry sorry!!! There was the "Notification Area" applet.09:52
BUGabundo_Andy80: those are inside an applet... search for it09:53
Andy80BUGabundo_: anyway too bad how it's designed...09:53
BUGabundo_yes , thats it09:53
Andy80a normal user will never understand how to do it09:53
jonaskoelkeroh well, let me try the windows solution :D09:53
BUGabundo_it wont last long.. "we" are killing it09:53
* BUGabundo_ tries ubuntuportable09:54
Andy80BUGabundo_: replacing with another applet?09:54
dreamcoderany networking liux experts in here? lol09:55
dreamcoderneed help with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1117994&highlight=ipv6+speed+usenet09:55
saxinAint there Hardware Drivers in Jaunty?09:55
saxinRestricted Drivers maybe it was called09:56
fyl0ncan someone here confirm that wpa and wifi of a 1000H asus is bugged?09:56
dreamcoderyes ther is09:56
dreamcoderis for nvidia anyway not sure about ati09:56
jonaskoelkeryeah, there is... they may have gone away from the -restricted package naming scheme, though09:56
jonaskoelkerI get compiz @ ati09:56
saxindreamcoder: I'm on an upgrade from 8.10 and after the upgrade finished I cant find it anymore09:57
jonaskoelker(flash runs like crap, though)09:57
saxinMy problems is that the nvidia driver may be broken09:57
saxinI use nv-driver now09:57
dreamcoderinstall flash 9 there is an install guide on softpedia.com for it if you are using x6409:57
jonaskoelkeryay, the windows solution worked09:57
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: theres the 64bit adobe flash plugin .so file09:58
dreamcodermy nvidia works fine on mine, have you tried uninstaling nvidia drivers and nvidia-settings etc then reinstallin the new drivers?09:58
saxinI tried to complete remove all nvidia packages myself, and then try to reinstall them.. but it dont help... any suggestions?09:58
dreamcoderAce|Work, yeah thats what i mean09:58
Andy80just a curiosity... at the moment I'm testing Jaunty on a secondary partition... my main system still has Intrepid. On the main system (that is on sdb and sdc) I've divided each disk in two partition (/ and /home) and they're in RAID mirror. Jaunty is on /dev/sda2 and it's not using any RAID disk at the moment. How can I mount my regular /home partition that is on /dev/sdb2 and /dev/sdc2 (I mean /dev/md1) so I can see09:58
Andy80 it from Jaunty?09:58
dreamcoderhave you tried installing the nvidia drivers from there website?09:58
jonaskoelkerdreamcoder: flash 9, that's flashplugin-nonfree, right?09:58
dreamcoderi didnt use the non-free i opted to install flash manually09:59
saxindreamcoder: no I have not.. but why should I have to do that? it worked great in intrepid09:59
jonaskoelkerdreamcoder: but it's the same code, right?  fp-nf just grabs it offa' adobe's web site, yes?09:59
BUGabundo_Andy80: maybe! read Mark's blog10:00
dreamcoderi only know from what i have done myself i aint no expert by a long shot10:00
Andy80BUGabundo_: what is the address?10:01
dreamcoderi had flashing problems with flash using non-free10:01
dreamcoderi dont know why :S10:01
dreamcoderso i installed manually and have no problems now10:01
Andy80oh sorry :)10:01
* BUGabundo_ uses flash64bits10:01
Andy80THAT Mark :)10:01
BUGabundo_Andy80: ROFL!10:01
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Andy80BUGabundo_: uhm... I searched for "RAID" but there isn't any post about RAID...10:03
Andy80BUGabundo_: ohhh sorry...10:03
Andy80BUGabundo_: you were talking about another subject :P10:03
Andy80BUGabundo_: I was already talking about RAID, not the new applet ;)10:04
Andy80LOL :)10:04
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jonaskoelkerI can't help but think that the release betas are horribly unstable and break a lot of things; debian testing and unstable seem more stable, which is surprising given that ubuntu takes debian unstable and stabilizes it... does anyone else see this the same way?10:05
dreamcoderanyone else noticed a speed decrease with downloads using jaunty>? i have gone from a 20mbit/s to 510:05
EldDoes any one have trouble with plasma eating 100% of one cpu core ? I don't see anything about that on the feedback page.10:05
dreamcoderi have had no problem ELd have you reported a bug10:05
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: all's well here, what app doing the downloading?10:05
dreamcoderi have tried SABnzbd and also alt.binz10:06
EldI should check if it is caused by a particular widget first10:06
BUGabundo_dreamcoder: i've seen some users mentiong that !10:06
BUGabundo_jonaskoelker: we will get there... eventually10:06
BUGabundo_around mid koala cycle10:06
dreamcoderalso when i am downloading on main pc now it eats all the bandwidth so my laptop is so slow its not worth using10:06
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: what app are ou using to download with?10:06
ryan8403_laptopHi, trying to install 64-bit and i'm getting grub error 15  on reboot10:07
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: if you configure QoS in your router you can alleiviate that10:07
dreamcoderActionParsnip, i have tried sabnzbd and also alt.binz both do the same10:07
dreamcoderi had no problems with intrepid and windows though only jaunty :S10:07
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: all i can suggest is try a different app, or review configs10:08
ryan8403_laptopi am able to boot to the live cd without any issues10:08
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: different OS = different quirks10:08
jonaskoelkerBUGabundo_: right... so one should always be half a release behind the schedule?10:08
dreamcoderther is someone else with the same problem as me on ubuntu forums but no replies to either of us yet10:08
ryan8403_laptopi've also updated by chrooting into the installed system and running apt-get update & upgrade to no affect10:09
BUGabundo_jonaskoelker: i always find alpha1-alpha5 more stable! LOL10:09
jonaskoelkerbut if a stabilized unstable is *less* stable than the raw unstable, why not just stick a brown logo on unstable and call it a release?  ;-)10:09
dreamcoderwow jonaskoelker baffling lol10:10
Eldweird, I removed the widgets in my background, plasma cpu usage went normal10:10
Eldthen I add them again10:10
Eldand it remains ok10:10
dreamcodertheres your problem Eld10:10
Elddoesn't explain though10:11
Eldthere still was something broken10:11
jonaskoelkerI think the *real* fix is to wink-wink-nudge-nudge-encourage more people to use the unstable code in production environments (i.e. their home desktop workstation), and get more debugging time...10:12
dreamcoderlike me have both jaunty on my laptop and main pc10:13
dreamcoderand now suffering because my downloads are acting as if i am on 5mb instead of 20mb lol10:14
pitwalkerI think DVD playback in totem is not fixed yet, I cannot play a film from Tom Cruise.10:14
jonaskoelkerdreamcoder: aww :(10:14
jonaskoelkerdreamcoder: does /proc/sys/internet_speed_reduction_factor say "4"? ;-)10:15
fyl0ncan someone here confirm that wpa and wifi of a 1000H asus is bugged?10:16
Eldplasma is back to 100% cpu -_-10:17
dreamcoderno it says there is no such file or command :S10:17
dreamcoderstrange lol10:17
jonaskoelkerthere's a hidden microphone in your 802.11 card? ;-)10:17
ActionParsnipfyl0n: depends on the chip of your wifi card10:18
LinuxRevolutionhi all10:18
tpfennigbtw. I found that all gnome games with network option do crash when i use that.10:18
LinuxRevolutionI cant see any update notify on my panel do you know why?10:18
Eldremoved all in the background, back to normal (the taskbar and all the widgets in it are still there though)10:19
TychoQuadLinuxRevolution, have you got an app open that uses it? (like pidgin?)10:19
mnemoLinuxRevolution: update-notifier will only notify you every 2 days on the pre-release branch and every 2 weeks on stable10:19
fyl0nActionParsnip: RT286010:19
LinuxRevolutionmnemo: I've set it on daily10:19
rconanmnemo: 2 weeks seems like a long time10:19
timinghey, i just booted the live disk and i was able to chose the ati binary driver from the hardware drivers application10:20
ryan8403_laptopI'm unable to boot and get a grub 15 error after install10:20
LinuxRevolutionTychoQuad: yes pidgin is there10:20
timingbut now i installed ubuntu and the ati drivre is not listed anymore10:20
ActionParsnipfyl0n: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21072510:20
mnemothis issue has been discussed in-depth on the ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing lists, check there if you want to read all the pro/con arguments of not popping up the notifier more often than 2 weeks10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210725 in linux "Please include RaLink RT2860 driver" [Medium,Fix released]10:21
TychoQuadLinuxRevolution, sorry, got confused with the indicator applet10:21
ActionParsnipfyl0n: could disable wpa for now and use WEP + other secuity measures, or use wired10:21
ActionParsnipfyl0n: could try the .29 kernel10:21
LinuxRevolutionTychoQuad: now there are some packs for updating but I cant see notifier10:23
timingdid someone read my messages 20 lines up :-) ?10:23
aapzakhi all, any intel X3100 users here?10:23
TychoQuadLinuxRevolution, sorry, you mentioned an applet, i thought you were talking about the indicator one. i don't know anything about the changes made to system update10:24
jonaskoelkeraapzak: maybe, let's *all* say whether we use it or not, at the same time :P10:24
mnemoaapzak: what's the issue?10:24
LinuxRevolutionTychoQuad: thank u mate10:24
aapzakjonaskoelker: :)10:25
ryan8403_laptoptiming, seems we have difficult questions10:25
aapzakmnemo: I have performance issues10:25
mnemoaapzak: its not just 965, its almost all of the intel chipsets10:25
mnemoaapzak: UXA runs fast but is not stable enough to ship as the default yet10:25
aapzakmnemo: yesterday I installed kde4.2.2 on my very old T41 with MobRadeon7200, it ran so much better than kubuntu 9.04 that I just could not believe it10:26
aapzakmnemo: that was what I wanted to know :)10:26
mnemoyes, it's a known issue for sure10:26
mnemoaapzak: if you'10:27
mnemo're into hacking on the kernel you might want to try modifying it to spoof as a non-GEM kernel10:27
aapzakmnemo: its keeping me from installing KDE. I was convinced KDE was not good enough, it turns out my x3100 is the one10:27
timingryan8403_laptop: yeah gues so?10:27
aapzakmnemo: hmmm, I don't think I will do that, I choose (k)ubuntu mainly because I don't feel like hacking my system anymore10:28
aapzakmnemo: I used to run gentoo but got tired of the maintanance10:28
mnemoaapzak: one easy workaround to try is to see if UXA is stable enough on your chipset10:28
mnemojust add "Option          "AccelMethod"           "UXA"10:29
mnemoto the Device section of xorg.conf10:29
mnemobut ofc you might not want to do that either, its nice to be on default config10:29
aapzakmnemo: thanks, I might try that tonight, after work :)10:29
ryan8403_laptoptiming, well thats what it seems anyway.10:30
aapzakmnemo: I'm willing to do a little configging for the sake of performance :)10:31
ryan8403_laptopagain, anyone, i'm getting a grub 15 boot error on jaunty 64bit i can boot the livecd without issue and its 64bit capable system10:31
ryan8403_laptopat least according to 'cat /proc/cpuinfo/10:31
rconanryan8403_laptop: have you tried booting the livecd and reinstalling grub? also check that the device.map is right10:33
ryan8403_laptoprconan, yes am actually in the process of doing that right now10:35
ryan8403_laptophaven't had any luck10:35
rconanryan8403_laptop: are you getting the error before the menu comes up or once you select an item (or it goes to default)10:36
ryan8403_laptoprconan before the menu comes up10:36
ryan8403_laptopgets to 1.5 loading then errors out10:37
rconanok... what format is your partition? does the appropriate stage 1.5 file exist?10:37
aapzakerror 15 is a file not found error, so partition is not readable or you're not pointing at the right partition/file10:38
fyl0nActionParsnip: wHERE can I find .29 kernel?10:38
ryan8403_laptopright. it is formatted as ext410:39
sevenhmm the applications in X don't want to play any sound anymore, though when I start a console in X, and use the mpg123 program to play something, it goes flawlessly, suggestions?10:39
ActionParsnipfyl0n: i had it a while back10:40
aapzakryan8403_laptop: is grub compatible with ext4?10:40
rconanthe current versions in the repo are... it might be that the stage1_5 at install time wasn't10:41
fyl0nActionParsnip: from a repositoiry?10:41
ryan8403_laptopaapzak, i would assume so if 9.04 supports it out of box.10:41
ryan8403_laptopcd was just downloaded and burnt10:41
rconanryan8403_laptop: the beta?10:41
ryan8403_laptoprconan yes10:41
rconanthat should support it10:42
fyl0nActionParsnip: I gotta go.. my cat is in labour :)10:42
rconanryan8403_laptop: did you say you were trying reinstalling grub from livecd/chroot?10:42
ryan8403_laptoppossibly creating separate boot partition formatted with something like ext2 as a possible workaround to what ever problem?10:42
ryan8403_laptopyes, had installed fresh 9.04 system w/ ext4 file system for root10:43
ryan8403_laptopkept getting grub 15, googled for a bit and came up with chrooting from live cd10:43
ryan8403_laptopand updateing /grub updating10:44
rconanryan8403_laptop: if you're in chroot you could also try upgrading grub to see if there have been any updates10:44
ryan8403_laptopie update-grub or apt-get update & upgrade10:44
|ns|nR89.04 beta coming along nicely10:45
|ns|nR8seems fairly bug free now10:45
rconan|ns|nR8: alright for some...10:46
|ns|nR8the updates are essential10:46
|ns|nR8beta from the cd is pretty crap10:46
rconan|ns|nR8: I have loads of issues even after updates...10:48
|ns|nR8oh really10:48
|ns|nR8i was having issues up till updates from a couple days ago10:48
|ns|nR8fixed all my issues10:49
rconan|ns|nR8: looking much better than it was a week ago actually... https://bugs.launchpad.net/~richard-connon/10:49
|ns|nR8im using it as my main os now, i cant fault it10:50
rconanjust some fairly major bugs left... notably 38131 (sometimes makes firefox unusuable) and 353098 (makes half of the logons unusuable)10:50
kholerabbiis there a Jaunty update to the DarkRoom theme?10:51
dreamcoderthe topic doesnt make sense, it says  Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED. | Upgrades from Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid are supported again. :S10:54
ikoniadreamcoder: it does10:54
dreamcoderso it either is supported or isnt lol10:55
ikoniadreamcoder: the OS is not released, nor is it supported, however the upgrade processes is again supported10:55
dreamcoderi see the meaning now10:55
dreamcoderhad to re-read it a few times10:55
DrMrHorsehow can it break your system?10:55
rconanDrMrHorse: every possible way :p10:55
ikoniaDrMrHorse: unstable updates etc etc10:56
ActionParsnipDrMrHorse: in any way software can, no boot, weird app behavior, bad drivers not making hard ware work10:56
technologicleedreamcoder from #ubuntu suggested I ask my questions about third party software installation here, would that be appropriate?10:56
rconanDrMrHorse: the point is there are issues that we don't know about yet10:56
DrMrHorseso if its on its own partition it should be ok10:56
ActionParsnipdreamcoder: in a nutshell, we can get you to jaunty but once there yuo are on your own10:56
DrMrHorselike, it wont fry the other partitions or mess with their config unless i do it10:56
rconanDrMrHorse: yeah... it's not gonna destroy any hardware10:56
ikoniatechnologiclee: what version of ubuntu are you using ?10:56
dreamcoderyeah i get it lol10:56
DrMrHorseit will only destroy the hardware if it frustrates me enough to physically break it10:57
technologicleeupgraded to 9.0410:57
dreamcoderwhat software10:57
dreamcodertechnologiclee, what software are you trying to install?10:58
technologicleeNanoengineer-1  Open Source, listed at sourceforge http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7027960#post702796010:58
DrMrHorseso far jaunty boots awesome, runs well, so far so good with ext410:58
technologicleehttps://sourceforge.net/projects/nanoengineer-1/     http://nanoengineer-1.com/content/10:59
technologicleethere are a host of dependencies, including obsolete packages,  i've been on this for months10:59
ikoniatechnologiclee: I suggest you log a request to have this made into a package11:00
ikoniatechnologiclee: your macking a real mess of things in that ubuntu thread and your likley to get into a real mess unless you %101 understand what you're doing11:00
technologicleeat Ubuntu forums?    if so how?11:00
ikoniatechnologiclee: no, on launchpad.net11:01
technologicleei don't understand - i'm just learing terminal!    i have asked anyone i could find in charge11:01
technologicleeok thanks11:01
ikoniatechnologiclee: ubuntuforums is a forum, not a bug tracking/feature/request tool so launchpad.net is the official site to log a request on11:01
ikoniatechnologiclee: if you are just learning - do not continue down your current path,11:01
technologicleei have to make progress  - i need this for my career11:02
ikoniatechnologiclee: then use a platform it runs on if it's that important11:02
technologicleewindows would never recognize my 8Gb RAM - i got this machine to crunch models11:03
ikoniatechnologiclee: I suggest you speak to an IT support vendor about setting this up for you on a supported platform as windows WILL see 8GB of ram11:04
rconantechnologiclee: windows has a 64-bit version too11:04
|ns|nR864bit windows will11:04
BUGabundo_if it is 64 bits11:04
|ns|nR8just like you would need 64bit linux11:04
BUGabundo_or use PAE11:04
dreamcoderthat software he is talking about only uses windows 32 it says :S11:04
BUGabundo_bad software then11:04
ikoniadreamcoder: as I said - contact an IT support vendor to get it setup properly11:05
BUGabundo_make a virtual box to run it11:05
technologicleeback to windows???    i just need some packages installed - other people can do it - i will follow the launchpad suggestion   thank you   i appreciate your help11:05
ikoniatechnologiclee: the launchpad response will not be a quick one11:05
technologicleewhat kind of IT support vendor?11:06
ikoniatechnologiclee: you don't "just need some packages"11:06
rconantechnologiclee: we could probably help you if we could actually see any information about the software11:06
ikoniatechnologiclee: there is more to it than just "some packages"11:06
ikoniatechnologiclee: I STRONGLY suggest you run it on a supported platform if it is important to you / your work11:06
technologicleeanyone can request an account at support@nanorex.com and download the source - it i knew what i was doing,  i could ask support better questions than i have11:07
ikoniatechnologiclee: no - as I said, this is a development OS - using it for work/important use is NOT a good idea11:08
ikoniabuilding software you have no idea about is even less of a good idea11:08
rconantechnologiclee: not worth the hassle for someone who's not trying to use it11:08
technologicleewas the comment about a virtual box to me? how would i do that - also i have tried the .exe in wine - it crashes11:08
ikoniatechnologiclee: forget it, use a supported/stable platform11:09
BUGabundo_technologiclee: maybe u can get better support with some one on #ubuntu-motu11:10
ikoniausing it on an ustable development OS is still not a good idea11:10
technologicleethanks people  ...   i have learned a great deal to get me this far !!   ok thanks   #ubuntu-motu11:10
rconanif you want to use ubuntu you should be using the stable release...11:10
technologicleeright - i tried it on mandriva 2008 - then mandriva stopped working11:11
ikoniatechnologiclee: ok - so a supported platform stopped working - does that not tell you something11:11
technologicleeoh - i've been using the nice audio features for recording  - i could dual boot ....    oh i don't know that 2008 was supported anyway - the last post was 2006 - but mandriva quit before i ever figured out root permissions and the %wheel    - there are more poeple like me out there that want to run nanoengineer in linux - i find them when i post11:13
ikoniatechnologiclee: pay a vendor - or even canonical11:15
rconantechnologiclee: encourage the software developers to not require registration would be a good start too...11:15
technologicleeit said no #ubuntu-motu channel - is that correct?              what do you think canonical would charge?11:15
ikoniatechnologiclee: contact them and ask11:16
ikoniatechnologiclee: also contact the source code maintainers, they may offer comercial support11:16
technologicleehere are my notes if anyone is interested or missed it  - i will follow your suggestions   http://sites.google.com/site/nanoengineers/installing-nanoengineer1-v111-for-ubuntu-linux-804-hardy-heron11:19
MartyMcFlywill i be able to update from 9.04BETA to 9.04FINAL easily?11:29
BUGabundo_MartyMcFly: of course. just run update-manager11:29
=== virk is now known as virk|lunch
IenorandMartyMcFly: If everything works as it should it will be done automaticallywith updates.11:30
ubuntuhi.. im having trouble getting OpenDX working in 9.04. It loads up fine but i cant add a component to the workspace. anyone else get this problem?11:30
MartyMcFlyso my girlfriend will get 9.04 installed11:30
ubuntui believe it works in 8.1011:30
ubuntuMartyMcFly: does she have a choice? :P11:30
MartyMcFlyubuntu: yes...between getting ubuntu or buying windows ;)11:31
ubuntuwhat if she downloads windows or gets it from her nerdy friend?11:32
rconanthen she is quite silly?11:32
rconanalthough for your girlfriend you might want to consider the supported release? (ie. 8.10)11:33
ubuntuwhy give her old tech to show off an emergent desktop distro11:33
ubuntufor example the KDE4 in 9.04 rocks compared to the unusable one in 8.1011:33
rconanbecause she's probably more bothered about it just working that being flashy11:33
ubuntuyou don't know girls rconan11:34
ubuntulooks over functionality11:34
rconanthe ones I know are more bothered about their computer working11:34
Ienorandrconan: Why would she be less tech savvy? Aren't we being a bit predjudice here...11:34
rconanIenorand: I was making the assumption because he is installing it for her...11:34
rconanIenorand: I'll admit it was a possibly unfair assumption11:35
* rconan has learned not to dig that hole too deep...11:35
IenorandI was kinda half-joking but anyway :(11:36
Ienorandoo, :)11:36
ubuntuanyway in my experience it's always the guys who dont care what they are looking at, as long as it works. the girls want pretty stuff and don't need many features. tho, i guess there's a lot of in between and it depends on your environment (if you're an IT student, most the girls will be like you)11:36
rconanI'm a CS student but I don't know many girls who study CS11:37
rconanmost of the girls I know are the ones who ask me for computer help :p11:37
rconan!ot | rconan11:37
ubotturconan, please see my private message11:37
ActionParsnipubuntu: i use it because I like an easy life11:38
MartyMcFlyi'm thining more about the wine-Version....she want's to play Need for Speed Underground2....if this doesn't work, it would be a big mallus for her ;)11:38
ActionParsnipubuntu: i work with computers so if i can make my own computer simple then I'm gold11:38
ActionParsnip!appdb | MartyMcFly11:38
ubottuMartyMcFly: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:38
rconanMartyMcFly: isn't the wine version in intrepid and jaunty the same?11:38
BUGabundo_rconan: CS ?11:39
BUGabundo_ah comuter cience11:39
ActionParsnipMartyMcFly: also depends which NFS, there are many11:39
ubuntui have played NFS on wine before but don't know which version it was11:39
* BUGabundo_ needs to harm up fingers11:39
rconanMartyMcFly: if you need a version more recent than their stable release then you should use the winehq ubuntu repos11:39
ActionParsnipMartyMcFly: make sure you use the wine off the wine repos11:39
rconanBUGabundo_: Computer Science...11:39
BUGabundo_!info wine11:39
rconanBUGabundo_: nice typo...11:39
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 7329 kB, installed size 54508 kB11:39
ubuntui think it was underground #1 i played on wine, not #211:39
BUGabundo_!info hardy wine11:40
ubottu'wine' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']11:40
rconan!info wine hardy11:40
BUGabundo_!package !hardy wine11:40
ikoniawhat are you doing ?11:40
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1ubuntu4~hardy1 (hardy), package size 7227 kB, installed size 53680 kB11:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:40
ubuntuwine: Installed: 1.0.1-0ubuntu611:40
BUGabundo_ikonia: was that me ?11:40
BUGabundo_what did i do wrong?11:41
* |ns|nR8 blinks11:41
ikoniahow many times - this is a 9.04 discussion channel, not play with the bot flood the channel11:41
BUGabundo_just trying to reply to ActionParsnip11:41
Ienorandikonia: Theikonia y were helping out...11:41
ikoniawhat with 3 massive bots11:41
ikoniause the pm system11:41
ikoniaredirect !botabuse > BUGabundo_11:42
BUGabundo_need to learn that11:42
ActionParsnipikonia: the bots not much fun tbh, tuxracer is lots more fun11:42
ikoniagents please11:43
ikoniaI'm not trying to be a jerk - but this channel needs a little more self control11:43
ActionParsnipikonia: i'll lend a hand with my riot horse11:43
ikoniaActionParsnip: you're not helping....11:43
ubuntucan anyone sudo apt-get install dx on 9.04 and tell me if it works?11:44
ikoniaplease, I %100 understand how a topic can get dragged offtopic when helping someone out, try to bring it back11:44
ActionParsnipubuntu: you dont, wine is an abstraction later for dx11:45
ubuntuby works i mean: can you add stuff to the worksheet11:45
ubuntuActionParsnip: say what?!11:45
ActionParsnipubuntu: you dont have to install it explicitly11:45
ubuntuim talking about OpenDX, a software package originally by IBM11:45
ubuntufor visualising data11:45
ActionParsnip!info opendx11:45
ubottuPackage opendx does not exist in jaunty11:45
ubuntuit's just called dx11:46
rconanhe just said... it's called dx11:46
rconantoo late...11:46
mnemoubuntu: install the "dx" package seems to work fine on jaunty --> http://pastebin.com/m328c460111:46
ActionParsnipits been a long day11:46
ubuntuinstalling it works, but when you create a new project, i cant add any compoennts to a worksheet?11:46
ubuntutry clicking on a component on the left and then clicking on worksheet on right11:46
rconanbug 11040411:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 110404 in lesstif2 "Anomalous visual program editor of openDX in 64bit ubuntu/kubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11040411:47
rconanubuntu: ^11:47
ubuntuoo thx11:47
ActionParsnipnice one rconan11:47
rconanubuntu: search launchpad for "dx" quick scan through results...11:47
rconanalways a good plan11:47
ActionParsnipapt-cache search dx11:48
ubuntuoh gosh this bug is from last year!11:48
ActionParsnipmaybe theres some extra tool that can help11:48
mnemoubuntu: this program seems to be from the stoneage... i dont even understand how to use it... maybe you should use something more modern?11:49
ubuntulol stoneage11:49
ubuntui have to use it for my university subject11:49
mnemoahh ;/11:49
ubuntuthe bug is that you cant use it11:49
ubuntuand it looks like stoneage because of its toolkit: Motif11:50
mnemoi think im seeing the same thing as you... i mean I cant drag stuff into the canvas and nothing happens when I double click one of the tools etc11:50
ubuntuyeah :( i dont know how to fix it either11:50
* rconan hates being forced to use old tools for university work11:50
ubuntuapparently if you edit the source code a bit, change a symbolic link and compile it with different optimisations it works. bug is a year old, would hope it is fixed by now11:51
mnemoubuntu: submit a debdiff then?11:51
ubuntuim too lazy to perform that solution, let alone submit a debdiff.. gonna use a different distro11:52
rconanubuntu: different distro is easier?!11:52
rconanubuntu: people like you are the reason things never get fixed...11:53
ubuntuwell im just using a live dvd. i run live dvd, change source list mirror to university (for all updates), and then install dx11:53
ubuntutakes like a minute11:53
ubuntuim not allowed to install linux here at uni11:53
mnemohaha I would change uni :)11:54
rconanfair I guess... I'm surprised you're allowed to run a live session on a computer which isn't yours...11:54
Ienorandubuntu: install to usb stick, or liveusb, definitely snappier...11:54
ubuntuyeah i just reboot computer and choose boot from dvd :P11:54
ubuntui tried usb and it ran slow as a dog cause my usb drive only goes at 4MB/s11:54
rconanubuntu: that's a fairly large security vulnerability I'm sure11:55
Ienorandubuntu: ah11:55
rconansince you could modify whatever OS installation is on there as root in the live session11:55
ubuntuyeah, technically i can install linux if i wanted11:55
rconanexactly :p11:56
IenorandTechnically you could wipe the whole computer o_O11:56
* rconan would do it11:56
=== virk|lunch is now known as virk
ubuntubut when i come to uni the next day, they'd have had a IT guy around to see why the computer wasnt responding to their commands and find linux and then stick windows back on it and i'd lose all my work11:56
ubuntudoes ubuntu 9.04 have live usb method where you can remove the usb after booting? like slax?11:57
BUGabundo_ubuntu AFAIK no11:58
ubuntucould turn all the machines here in to linux (without installing) n see the chaos ensue11:58
BUGabundo_i miss TORAM option at boot11:58
ubuntuno plans for that?11:59
BUGabundo_not when i asked on the devel mL11:59
rconanI'm sure if someone made it work it wouldn't be rejected...11:59
rconanhmm... any build systems people would recommend for a java project?12:02
rconanpossible offtopic sorry...12:03
popeytake it to -offtopic then?12:05
BUGabundo_lunch bbl12:06
ibrarHow to install kscope in 9.0412:21
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakibrar: we dont suppot that app uyou might want to try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or look for a .deb on another site or compile it yourself12:26
ActionParsnip!info kscope jaunty12:28
ubottuPackage kscope does not exist in jaunty12:28
ibrarOk compiling12:28
gnomefreakActionParsnip: we dont have it, try searching for it :)12:28
ActionParsnipis there a way to get firefox witout all this gnome rubbish?12:33
ziroday`ActionParsnip: eh?12:35
ActionParsnipinstall firefox on a kde system and you need 100Mb of stuff inluding a slew of gtk rubbish12:36
ziroday`ActionParsnip: oh, well in that case12:36
ziroday`ActionParsnip: try removing ubufox?12:36
kopertonActionParsnip: mmm i think no12:37
ziroday`firefox is designed for gnome12:37
kopertonActionParsnip: you can use opera 1012:37
kopertonActionParsnip: or opera 9.**12:37
kopertonbut i don't like close stuff12:38
ziroday`or arora12:38
pitwalkerziroday: firefox is designed for xfce12:38
ubuntuActionParsnip: KDE4? rekonq12:38
kopertonyes arora12:38
ziroday`pitwalker: err what?12:38
ubunturekonq or arora12:38
kopertonrekonq webbie arora konqueror12:38
ActionParsnipkoperton: i do, i'm just trying to get a slim system and ive been asked for a system with kde + firefox but i deplore this gnome dependancy, its ludicrous12:38
ubuntuwhy did someone ask for firefox?12:39
ziroday`pitwalker: I'm pretty certain that xfce lightweight ideals don't get on well with firefox12:39
ziroday`ActionParsnip: what gnome dependencies are they?12:39
ubuntuare you sure they really want firefox or just think they want it?12:39
ziroday`ActionParsnip: I would guess they were there for XUL to be able to accurately pretend to follow your GTK theme settings12:39
kopertonActionParsnip: actually you have to sucks with firefox xD and gnome stuff but with arora and rekonq and konqueror maybe a day....12:40
pitwalkerziroday: the openbox is the lightweight and w3m12:41
ActionParsnipziroday`: i found a link: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/09/manually-installing-the-latest-firefox-in-kubuntu-a-cleaner-installation/12:41
ziroday`pitwalker: you are making no sense12:42
ziroday`ActionParsnip: oh sweet12:42
=== ubuntu is now known as xsacha
frogonwheelsI'm running kubuntu 8.10 + kde 4.2 - am getting this in xorg.0.log: AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: undefined symbol: _glapi_tls_Context)12:51
frogonwheelsI've tried reinstalling all the xorg packages (first clearing thepackage cache)12:52
frogonwheelsI believe it's a packaging issue (that one part is compilewith TLS, and another part without TLS).12:53
kopertonfrogonwheels: Here is for 9.0412:53
frogonwheelsah. my mistake.12:54
frogonwheelsI'll stay on here for my mythbuntu 9.04 then :)12:54
kopertonfrogonwheels: mm i think it's bettere kubuntu 9.04 for my computer then12:54
kopertonfor me intrepid it wad ther worse release of ever12:54
frogonwheelskoperton:  apart from no glx, I'm actually enjoying playing with kde4.212:56
kopertonfrogonwheels: kde4.2.2 it's the best release , for me is the first kde for end user12:56
kopertonactually kubuntu 9.04 for me it's nice just run that if you wanna play with kde412:57
ActionParsnipkoperton: works fine here too, although I have super compatible hardwrae for linux :)12:58
kopertoni am a little sucking for this fucking atheros xD12:58
kopertonevery 2 days it goes12:59
kopertonthen no xD12:59
ActionParsnipkoperton: Atheros AR5001X+ works perfectly out of the box since gutsy :)12:59
kopertonActionParsnip: you have luck !12:59
ActionParsnipkoperton: no, i have intelligence to buy what is mega compatible13:00
maxbAR5007EG is really only just getting into good shape in Jaunty13:00
kopertoni have atheros 5006 something13:00
kopertonActionParsnip: well i have bought this laptop 2 year ago...13:00
kopertonwhen i was a vista fucked user13:01
ActionParsnipkoperton: i bought mine for a reseller selling linux preinstalled systems www.efficientpc.co.uk13:01
maxbWhy do you keep saying "xD" ?13:01
kopertonmaxb:  it's like :D13:02
kopertonActionParsnip: well i am in italy man :)13:02
ActionParsnipkoperton: but you can use it as a source of compatible H/W13:03
kopertonyea that of course13:03
kopertonbut now i am too busy programmin kdenlive script13:03
kopertonand fixing recordmydesktop13:03
kopertoni will see after that website it could be usefull13:04
lanoxxi just got this message when i tried to upgrade13:10
Ienorandlanoxx: bad link13:12
gnomefreaklenios: try update and dist-upgrade again13:12
leniosoh thanks13:12
gnomefreakIenorand: it was right one Unknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted is the error13:12
gnomefreaklenios: or better yet use update-manager13:12
leniosi use aptitude13:13
leniosand i have no idea what you're talking about13:13
gnomefreakbut when you say upgrade do you mean release or normal updates?13:13
leniosdid i ask something?13:13
gnomefreaklenios: sorry wrong nick13:14
gnomefreaklanoxx how are you upgrading and is it release or normal updates13:14
leniosi got so much issues with jackalope though13:14
lanoxxgnomefreak, normal aptitude upgrade13:15
leniosthe netbook remix, that is13:15
gnomefreaklenios: depending what they are im here for a few if you need a hand13:15
lanoxxwait i poste another link when the vm has rebootet13:15
gnomefreaklenios: good luck with that13:15
gnomefreaklanoxx ok13:16
lanoxxnot sure if this can be ignored, just saw it while doing the update13:17
Raylzpulseaudio is a plague13:18
gnomefreaklanoxx did you try what it says to try?13:18
lanoxxgnomefreak, no, the upgrade continued and now its not even there so im not even sure if it actually failed but i found the warning kind of distracting so i wanted to ask13:20
lanoxxwith not even there i mean that when i run upgrade again it doesnt show, does that mean it worked?13:21
gnomefreaklanoxx: oo.o-common is not installed?13:22
gnomefreaklanoxx: yes its all good at least it should be13:22
lanoxxgnomefreak, oo-common is installed but not oo-java-common13:25
lanoxxdoes that matter?13:25
gnomefreaklanoxx: run OO.o and see if it helps13:26
lanoxxyeah works13:27
lanoxxstrange though13:27
lanoxxanyway i have one more question does anyone here use skype? are there any complications with jaunty known?13:28
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:33
lanoxxdoes nobody use skype here?13:34
ActionParsniplanoxx: skype is evil13:35
deanyim far too antisocial13:36
lanoxxActionParsnip, if skype does not work it would be a no go to switch to jaunty13:36
lanoxxi need it everyday to contact a lot of people13:36
ActionParsniplanoxx: it does run, its just evil, its 32bit only afaik so you will need ia32libs installing too13:36
lanoxxActionParsnip, well as long as it works and there are not so many issues with pulseaudio then its ok13:37
lanoxxright now with intrepid there are frequent troubles13:37
ActionParsniplanoxx: you could install to a usb stick to test13:38
lanoxxhmm, i guess i could try that13:38
Jason_COhi folks running a jaunty machine -- with kubuntu -- looking to share some files to a windows xp box on the home network -- i installed samba, however when i go to system settings and click sharing there is nothing there for file sharing -- please help13:38
lanoxxJason_CO, in nautilus you can simply right click on a folder and click share, not sure about dolphin though13:39
Jason_COwhen i right click and choose properties there is a sharing tab which i click configure sharing and give my password but nothing happens13:40
ActionParsnipJason_CO: have you ran: sudo apt-get install samba13:41
ActionParsnipJason_CO: just to check13:41
derphilipp9.04 creates tons of "File Manager" processes on logging in (via gui). Hardware Spec: VMware Fusion13:41
deanywhen ive enabled sharing, its installed 2 files, one was libpam something13:41
Jason_COActionParsnip: yes -- also sudo smbpasswd -a13:41
ActionParsnipJason_CO: you need to do: sudo smbpasswd -a <your user name here>13:42
Jason_COyup did that --13:42
ActionParsnipJason_CO: good13:42
ActionParsnipJason_CO: i can give you my smb.conf if you like, the format is childishly simple13:43
ActionParsnipJason_CO: http://pastebin.com/f40b261c13:43
ActionParsnipJason_CO: the bottom is all you need13:43
Jason_COthank you13:44
ActionParsnipJason_CO: the bit in brackets is the share name, the rest is self explanatory13:44
ActionParsnipJason_CO: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add an entry like that at the bottom, then run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart13:44
ActionParsnipJason_CO: job done13:44
Jason_COall i need is the [Downloads] section?13:45
ActionParsnipJason_CO: correct13:45
ActionParsnipJason_CO: also search the file for socket options = TCP_NODELAY   and uncomment it, makes things faster13:46
nikitisI need help setting up rfcomm0 (bluetooth serial).  It doesnt seem to be working properly13:49
webwolf_27Hi guys. I just noticed that Opensync doesn't sync evolution with GPE completly. Data is always missing, and the todo list doesn't sync at all13:51
nikitisnobody on knows how to add rfcomm0?13:52
shadeslayerhi if i upgrade to beta all my settings will be lost right?13:53
shadeslayerkeybindings etc, through the update-manager -d method13:54
fosco_shadeslayer: an upgrade will keep all your current settings13:54
heatmzzrhow do you switch to the ext4 in jaunty????13:54
shadeslayerfosco_: keybindings too?? what if i want a clean install without a format?13:54
fosco_clean install without format? this is useless13:55
shadeslayerfosco_: hehe,well i just want new keybindings,the present ones detect my stop multimedia key as volume down13:56
shadeslayerheatmzzr: i think its under manual partition13:56
Jason_COaction -- its gotten to where i can see the folder but when i click on it in windows -- it says im not authorized to see it13:57
webwolf_27nikitis did you see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19063913:58
shadeslayerand how fast is ext4 compared to ext3? just a general boot comparision etc13:59
fosco_shadeslayer: it depends on the operation you test, some operations have similar timings14:00
fosco_other operations don't14:00
shadeslayerfosco_: i mean whats the general consensus,like,whether to wait it out or to upgrade? like i would definitely like a faster boot time14:01
nikitiswebwolf_27, i did that to rfcomm.conf but its not working still14:01
fosco_shadeslayer: ext4 offers faster boot time14:01
fosco_in my system (just my system) from 45secs with ext3 to 33secs with ext414:02
shadeslayerfosco_: and your opinions about those keybindings..... ?14:02
fosco_not sure about keybindings14:02
* shadeslayer oogles at fosco_ 's system14:02
nikitiswebwolf brb14:03
shadeslayerhmm ok,ill give 4 a spin then,back up all my data14:03
fosco_good luck14:03
mxboy15uwhat is the latest out there?14:03
fosco_latest what14:03
deanygonna wait for a vbox repo before i switch.14:11
nikitisyeah i need help setting up a bluetooth serial.  I think the fuction is broken.  but i could be doing it wrong.  I set up /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf to have the mac address and channel of the device.  But it still doesnt show up14:12
TychoQuadis there an easy way to convert ext3 to ext4?14:14
sirderigo_TychoQuad, could you please send me your sources.list?14:15
sebsebsebTychoQuad: there is a way, but you only get limited Ext4 suppourt14:16
JanCTychoQuad: you can mount your ext3 partition as ext4  ;)14:16
sebsebsebTychoQuad: so your better off clean installing with real Ext4 partiitons14:16
nikitishmm so nobody knows...14:17
TychoQuadso I can't upgrade to ext4 then?14:17
sebsebsebTychoQuad: not to full Ext4 no14:17
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sebsebsebTychoQuad: well can Fat32 be upgraded to NTFS?  I think not?14:18
TychoQuadummm, yes14:18
deanysebsebseb, actually it can14:18
sebsebsebwell both of htose file systemes aren't that good really14:18
sebsebsebso  not suprised Fat32 can be upgraded to NTFS :d14:18
TychoQuadnot to mention ext2 could be upgraded to ext314:19
nikitisNeed expert help. Setting up a bluetooth serial.  I think the fuction is broken.  but i could be doing it wrong.  I set up /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf to have the mac address and channel of the device.  But it still doesnt show up14:19
deanythere is little difference with ext2-ext3 tho..  journal...14:19
sebsebsebwell some people would be like, no Ext's are good,  ReiserFS for the win,  and some would be like XFS for the win14:19
nikitisdeany ext2 saves disk space14:19
deanyi know, by not having a journal14:20
sebsebsebapparnatly there's already an upgrade in the making for Ext4.   BTFS  I think it was called yeah14:20
nikitisdeany, a must for netbooks with 8gb ssd14:20
dooglushey sebsebseb14:21
deanynikitis, i have such a netbook :) and its ext3..  the savings are not that big to justify, for me14:21
sebsebsebdooglus: oh look who it is :D14:21
nikitisdeany, 400 MB14:21
sebsebsebdooglus: :)14:21
dooglusI recently upgraded to the jaunty stuff14:21
deany, like i said..14:21
sebsebsebdooglus: clean install with Ext4?14:22
nikitisthats a ton on 8GB14:22
dooglusand now every time someone talks to me on pidgin their message appears on the screen on top of everything else14:22
sebsebsebdooglus: I guess not since you said upgrade14:22
dooglussometimes it's embarrassing, and I'd rather that didn't happen14:22
deanythe words, "for me" ring a bell14:22
dooglusis it turn-off-able?14:22
sebsebsebdooglus: is what turn off able?14:22
nikitisdeany, 1/16 of your drive14:22
deanytheres 4gig free space... for what its being used for, thats fine14:23
dooglussebsebseb: the black box in the top right when running pidgin - it keeps popping up, like "bigtitmamma signed in", etc.14:23
dooglusI've tried explaining to the gf that that's my mum's handle, but she won't believe me14:23
sebsebsebdooglus: ha ha14:23
nikitisdeany, know how to set up rfcomm0 in jaunty?14:23
dooglusso i'd rather it didn't do that14:23
panaggioafter updating to jaunty beta and installing ati opensource drivers, my X broke, and I can't get it back14:23
deanynikitis, dont have any bluetooth device, never needed or used BT..  not using jaunty yet either, still not quite there for me14:24
sebsebsebdooglus: Pidgin works well for me14:24
dooglusmaybe I need to ask in #pidgin or something14:24
sebsebsebdooglus: resoanblly well for Pidgin heh14:24
dooglussebsebseb: it works for me too - I just don't want the 'toasts' or whatever you'd call them14:24
sebsebsebdooglus: not sure what your on about14:24
nikitisAnyone know how to set up a serial bluetooth connection in jaunty?  It doesnt seem to be working for me, even following instructions14:24
TychoQuaddooglus, try disabling the libnotify popups plugin14:25
sebsebsebdooglus: I thought you were forced to use Vista for now lol14:25
deanyor disable the indicator applet14:26
nikitiswhere are all the jaunty experts?14:27
TychoQuadright here... y'see? noone knows!14:27
nikitisthen they arent experts14:28
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:28
TychoQuadnikitis, you are quite possibly the only person on the planet who has a serial bluetooth adapter. noone present has any idea.14:28
aciculanikitis: guessing something with hcitool and linking it somehow to a serial device?14:29
nikitisTychoQuad, ya'll dont connect your cell phones to your pc's?14:29
aciculawhat are you trying to do anyway14:29
TychoQuadnot using a serial adapter. we have these modern things called usb14:29
deanyi have a cable, cuz it, works14:29
nikitisacicula, i'm trying to hook my cell phone to bitpim, but bitpim requires a rfcomm port14:29
aciculaTychoQuad: different thing14:30
TychoQuadugh, yeah, your right14:30
TychoQuadi'm tired14:30
aciculaTychoQuad: bluetooth sports a profile which involves that, has nothing to do with a physical null cable14:30
nikitisacicula, but in jauny, i have paired my device, and edited /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf and added the bind to yes, set the mac address and the channel14:30
TychoQuadI think it's bed time for me14:30
dooglussebsebseb: I installed 8.10 using wubi (ie. inside windows) and then upgraded to jaunty14:31
nikitisrestarted bluetooth, but i cant figure out how to set the serial.  in the guide i read it said the next step was to check the serial connection box for the device, but i dont see one.14:31
aciculaso what does rfcomm -a say?14:31
dooglusTychoQuad: I didn't enable any plugins, so ass-u-me'd there were none enabled.  Guess the installer enables them automatically14:32
nikitisacicula, nothing14:32
aciculais the phone paired properly, can you browse files on it etc?14:32
nikitisacicula, it said it found the device and i paired it with a 4 digit key14:32
TychoQuaddooglus, so that was it?14:32
dooglusTychoQuad: yup14:32
nikitisbut i cannot browse it14:32
dooglusany idea what the nautilus integration plugin does exactly?14:32
sebsebsebdooglus: heh you done wubi lol14:32
TychoQuadgood, that was just a wild guess, because I already had the thing installed before i upgraded to jaunty14:33
sebsebsebdooglus: Wubi is not really recommended for various reasons, and  I would have thought as the lead Synfig proggrammer and all, that you would know Wubi is a bit of a bad idea14:33
dooglussebsebseb: there's nothing funny about wubi14:33
dooglussebsebseb: it seemed the safest option.  I risk castration if I repartition and lose the contents of the hdd14:33
deanydooglus, sent to (pidgin user)14:33
sebsebsebdooglus: how about a virtual machine?14:33
aciculanikitis: dunno havent seen the guide, do you need to assign a com port on the phone too?14:33
nikitisacicula do not think so14:34
imachine_after recent hotkey-setup update, ThinkPad X40 stops working properly14:34
dooglussebsebseb: I have very little RAM.  I don't think running 2 operating systems at once would be good14:34
imachine_no keys like brightness and volume generate acpi events14:34
aciculanikitis: tried rfcomm connect ? ( see man rfcomm)14:35
imachine_also I've been having problems with gnome keyring14:35
imachine_no passwords get remembered14:35
imachine_it blows14:35
sirderigocwillu, hi :D14:35
schierbeckit seems gnome-keyring-daemon fails to start on my jaunty beta box14:35
aciculanikitis: how do you know what serial should be assigned?14:36
nikitisacicula, hmm says RFCOMM Socket isdown14:36
nikitisacicula, i set the serial in rfcomm don14:37
nikitisacicula, dont i?14:37
gnomefreakschierbeck: i just filed a bug on that since its cauing gwibber to crash and gajim to report it not being set right14:37
schierbeckgnomefreak: i have a custom gtk app that's fooked as well14:38
schierbeckis there a workaround?14:38
aciculanikitis: duno :/14:38
gnomefreakschierbeck: not yet14:38
gnomefreakschierbeck: bug 35649414:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356494 in gnome-keyring "gwibber keeps crashing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35649414:38
gnomefreakits running here but its broke so yours might be different14:40
gnomefreakschierbeck: run this ps aux | grep gnome-keyring-deamon14:40
gnomefreakschierbeck: does it show up?14:40
Picignomefreak: I'm getting a similar problem.  It seems to take a while to crash, so I left it running from a terminal earlier.  I subscribed myself, I'll confirm when I see the output when I get back to my computer.14:41
gnomefreakPici: yeah its a big issue but i couldnt find anything already filed agianst it but i'm going to see if i can find a work around14:42
imachine_schierbeck, the same here14:42
imachine_no gnome-keyring-daemon14:42
imachine_also, the keys are messed up now.14:42
gnomefreakits sad when it takes me to find it out :( since i dont nomrally find it first :)14:43
nikitisacicula, i'm such a retard......   my whole /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf file was commented out......  Going to try it now.14:43
BluesKaj'Morning all14:43
aciculanikitis: awesome :)14:44
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sirderigowhat do you think guys, should i build texlive?14:46
aciculalol no14:47
gnomefreakPici: schierbeck whast version of gnome-settings-daemon do you have?14:47
aciculafull texlive is +1gb or so?14:47
mickepI have an upgraded jaunty beta. My usb mouse does not work (worked for an hour or so). If I reconnect it, dmesg gives http://hurf.mine.nu/dmesg.txt . Any ideas?14:48
schierbeckgnomefreak: 2.26.0-0ubuntu214:48
Picignomefreak: 2.26.0-0ubuntu314:48
schierbecki can see there's an update14:48
gnomefreakschierbeck: ubuntu4 was just pushed14:48
gnomefreaknot just but it hit archives14:48
gnomefreaklets see if it help :)14:48
schierbecki hope it does :)14:49
* gnomefreak doubts it14:49
nikitisacicula, ok, rfcomm -a shows it.  But now in bitpim it sees the rfcomm port however, it says its inoperable and that permission of use is denied14:49
aciculanikitis: check the device permissions14:50
nikitisacicula, crw-rw---- 1 root root 216, 0 2009-04-07 09:44 /dev/rfcomm014:50
aciculanikitis: either the permissions are to restrictive or you need to add yourself to whatever group is allowed to use the dev14:50
nikitisacicula, ah so run bitpim as root14:51
ikoniachange the udev rules ?14:52
ikoniaroot:root seems quite restricted for a userspace device14:52
sirderigowell i have a very bad problem whit tex live, and i cant find another way to fix it14:52
aciculanot sure where you can set the permissions so that they persist when they are recreated, but you can just use chmod to make it world readable/writable14:52
aciculaikonia: yeh14:52
ikoniachange the udev rule that creates it to have a better group permissions, then put your user in that group, root:root does not seem a sensible option14:52
nikitisikonia, not sure how to do that14:53
ikonianikitis: /etc/udev/rules.d14:53
ikoniaalthough, I'd query if the default group should be root - I suspect not, I wonder if it's worth discussing that with the udev maintainer14:53
aciculadunno, making the rfcomm0 device user read/write is the only way to use it though, dont think there are any programs that use it that are build to run as root14:56
aciculanikitis: look in /etc/udev/rules.d/40-basic-permissions.rules14:56
aciculaKERNEL="rfcomm0" GROUP="users" ?14:58
nikitisacicula, i only have 70-persistent-cd.rules  70-persistent-net.rules  README files15:00
mickepsirderigo: just curious, what problems do you have with texlive?15:00
sirderigolast week it tryed to update, and it cant, because have a broken dependence, them the gnome-menu only shows places and system but no one application...15:01
sirderigoand this is very cool, because i learn the name of all the applications i use.. but i am a little tired of using alt-f2 all day15:03
aciculaerr sec nikitis15:04
mickepsirderigo: what if you uninstall all texlive packages and reinstall them?15:04
sirderigomickep i already do it, but it didnt work15:05
aciculanikitis: says it's part of the udev package, dunno if it changed for jaunty15:06
mickepsirderigo: and when you uninstall, did you "remove completely" (purge)?15:06
mickepsirderigo: I just upgraded to jaunty, and it seems that texlive did upgrade ok (no errors). Know that does not help you, but...15:08
nikitisacicula, maybe it did15:08
nikitisacicula, or forgot to be added15:08
canenare the fglrx drivers available in any form for 9.04?15:08
aciculanikitis: well you can at least use chmod as root so you can get it to work15:08
sirderigoi am doing it again15:08
nikitisacicula, ok, bitpim now sees the port and can use it, however, now i15:08
nikitisacicula, now i cannot retrieve any info.  but it says its connected15:09
aciculato the rfcomm device yes, but i dont know anything about bitpim15:10
aciculahavent even tried hooking up my phone15:10
BluesKajhotkey setup fixed eh ...then why am i getting this error ?  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:11
BluesKajpreceded by this: hotkey-setup15:12
BluesKaji guess aptitude isn't quite up to date , apt-get upgrade solved the prob15:15
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zeltak2Hi Guys15:18
zeltak2anyone else having video playback issues with jaunty (kubuntu)?15:18
sirderigothats the fmutil log http://pastebin.com/m60b3710015:18
antoranzis there a way to know what ubuntu/debian release is on a box from a file?15:29
antoranzI saw /etc/debian_release but it only says "5.0"15:29
Piciantoranz: /etc/issue or /etc/lsb-release15:29
antoranzlsb-release looks cool!15:30
antoranzthat works on "normal" distributions?15:30
antoranzok, thanks!15:31
Piciantoranz: It works on all distros that aim to be lsb compliant.15:31
* sirderigo are getting insane!!!! 15:36
* Ienorand runs and hides, "madmen about!"15:37
cjaehow do I find my bug reports @ launchpad? cause they seem to not be there15:41
Ienorandhello, are you looking at the my bugs page?15:41
Ienorandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~ienorand for example is my page...15:42
cjaeI am not sure, because I thought you could just log in and then see all your bug reports15:43
Ienorandcjae: You log in then go to your profile, then click the bugs tab and they should be there15:44
cjaethere are some from a short while ago and some from just recently, and some from as long back as a don't remember putting them up15:44
cjaebut not the one of great importance15:45
Ddordawhat is ubuntu 9.04 size after installation?15:45
Ienorandcjae: Of great importance as in what? prority?15:45
VeinorNotify-osd isn't automagically starting whenever something tries to send a notification15:47
IenorandDdorda: I have installed quite a lot of programs and such so I'm running on roundabout 6GB15:47
cjaeIenorand: ok you know if you want to dual boot and you install win first, and then you install ubuntu second it should be win = /dev/sda/ and lin = /dev/sdb right?15:47
VeinorEr, ok. Apparently it is starting, but not displaying notifications.15:47
seradinhi, I get an error regarding python 2.6 update when I try to update my intrepid system to jaunty. What can I do?15:48
Ienorandcjae: No, sda is the WHOLE harddisk, and sda1 sda2 etc. is the partitions, sdb may be your second harddisk or a usb drive15:48
cjaeIenorand: no I mean if you have two disks15:49
* cjae sorry for not clearifying15:49
Ddordaand withou many programs installed?15:49
Ienorandcjae: Well that depands on what harddisk you are setting to boot from15:50
seradinthis is the error I get when updating my intrepid -> jaunty: http://nopaste.org/p/aGATM0SCn  What can I do?15:50
IenorandDdorda: 4GB according to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements and I think jaunty is about the same...15:51
cjaeIenorand: I could better explain this if I could find my bug report15:51
panaggioati opensource driver broke my X. Xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146231/15:52
seradinIs this intrepid->jaunty update bug not know? should I fill a bug report?15:52
Ienorandseradin: Do a search on launchpad, I know there was some things about python... but that was some time ago and should probably be fixed by now...15:53
panaggiowhen I installed fglrx back, X didn't run15:53
seradinIenorand: okay15:54
panaggioand it isn't runnig since then15:54
panaggioeven vesa isn't runnig15:55
Ienorandpanaggio: have you tried uninstalling the open driver?15:55
panaggioIenorand, yes, i've purged it15:56
DdordaIenorand: thanks15:56
cjaeIenorand: I found it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/341601 please read it, cause this is still happening in jaunty and switching what boots in my bios is not a solution as it no longer gives you the grub loader for both oses and severely changes win 715:56
Ienorandcjae: Like the dust proof-of-no-poking comment :) Anyhow, have you tried just installing the grub mbr to the "right" HD using manual partitioning settings?16:00
mib_gs0sybI upgraded to Jaunty. My Netbook touch screen is working! Now, how do I configure it?16:01
cjaeIenorand: it will take me a long time to respond due to me trying to word right so have patience please16:02
Ienorandcjae: No problem16:02
mib_gs0sybThe x/y coordinates are not set up properly.16:02
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cjaeIenorand: I just installed win 7 and kubuntu 9.04 with the desktop beta with my bios setup as optimzied defaults which is pata primary m/s then pata secondary m/s and then sata 0 and sata 1 I installed win 7 to /dev/sda/ and then kubuntu to /dev/sdb but in the graphical installer it will only let me install grub to (hd1) no matter what which make alot of things bad16:06
cjaeIenorand: win is on = pata (primary master)16:07
cjaeIenorand: and ubuntu is on = sata 016:07
cjaeand the only why to switch oses is to make sata 0 = ide (pata primary master and then you cannot boot window without switching back)16:09
cjaeI weas going to try the alternate installer16:09
panaggiofglrx is installed right now (the log I've posted was the last one)16:10
cjaeso I could manually install grub to (hd0)16:10
YixilTesiphonI cannot get jack server to start up16:10
YixilTesiphoneverything is installed without apparent errors16:10
Ienorandcjae: If you want to you could try installing grub manaully using just the livecd, you should be able to start it using "sudo grub"16:11
Ienorandcjae: There is some info here which might be related: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44964316:12
YixilTesiphonare there any known issues with jaunty and jack, or has anybody else had this problem?16:13
IenorandYixilTesiphon: I've had troubles with it as well, no clue how to go about fixing it though...16:13
mib_gs0sybI upgraded to Jaunty. My Netbook touch screen is working! Now, how do I configure it?16:13
cjaeIenorand: ok thanks, can anyone bring this to someones attention as most dual booters are not going to know how to do this or will this just be looked at as switch you bios settings?16:15
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funkyHatI've just run a backtrace for a pidgin crasher but I'm not sure about uploading it because it might contain passwords, is there an easy way to check?16:20
funkyHat(apart from searching the file for my password:P)16:21
VeinorI keep getting occasional screen flicker on my HP Pavilion laptop.16:27
mib_gs0sybMy Netbook touch screen is working after upgrading! Now, how do I configure it?16:27
Ienorandmib_gs0syb: I don't know sorry... If you get no answers here try the forums, or report a bug is something is clearly wrong.16:30
mib_gs0sybNo there's nothing wrong. The x/y coordinates are a little off.16:30
mib_gs0sybIt's usable but not perfect.16:30
mib_gs0sybI'll try on the forum.16:31
excojust a quick question: Is bug reporting on launchpad not working atm?16:44
Milos_SDhow can I enable RGBA support in Dust theme that is in Jaunty?16:45
exco2nd: does savedefault (grub) work for anybody?16:46
bardyrHey, i have a problem with jaunty alternative, i just downloaded the daily cd iso and used unetbootin to install it on a usb stick, but when i insert the usb stick and start the installation it says it cant mount the cdrom drive and i cant install jaunty, is this a known problem and is there any workarounds?16:46
mbeierlexco: savedefault works for me16:48
Ienorandbardyr: Don't you have to use the livecd for it to work with unetbootin?16:49
bardyrIenorand, usually not16:50
ShappieHi all, i have a little problem with my kubuntu 9.04 beta install. The fglrx driver wont work. As soon as i enable the driver my pc boots into recovery mode and as i reset the xorg.conf to the radeon driver everything works. (the radeonhd drivers dont work even. I have a HD3850 ATi card. Anybody an idea?16:50
excothanks, mbeierl - must be my config then16:51
Machtincan i somehow log sftp-access of an user?16:51
ShappieNobody works with kubuntu and fglrx driver?16:52
QPidHi there, I just upgraded to Jaunty but the sound issue I had before is back (can't watch Youtube and listen to music at the same time) how do I fix thiS?16:53
QPidI'm not sure if it's because it reverted my pulseaudio files or not16:53
YixilTesiphonanybody know how to install just a winxp bottle on crossover?16:53
YixilTesiphonneed to install something within it16:53
topyliwhat is an xp bottle?16:54
YixilTesiphontopyli: something crossover uses to convince programs they're running in windows16:54
deanyanyone know why ekiga is being kept back during upgrades?16:55
YixilTesiphonI installed office xp, so it made a win98 bottle, but I need to install sibelius 5, which requires an xp bottle16:55
ShappieI also got a problem with the package hotkey-setup amd64. Is that just me or a problem in the beta?16:55
topylideany: because it wants to remove packages and install others instead. use dist-upgrade16:55
IenorandShappie: which version were you trying to install?16:56
deanyhave,  ekiga is still kept back... its upgrading other files ok. just wanted to know about ekiga16:56
ShappieIenorand: I have kubuntu 9.04 beta installed fully up to date16:56
topylihmmm ekiga did upgrade for me16:56
Ienoranddeany: You could start synaptics and upgrade it from there that removed and upgraded some packages for me which worked...16:57
ShappieUsing the radeon opensource driver atm. Coz thats the only working driver for me (vesa does works either but that isnt a real driver...)16:57
ShappieThe problem is i cant enable the fglrx driver in the Hardware Drivers program in the menu16:58
ShappieCoz if i do after a reboot it cant load the graphical stuff so i get in a terminal.16:58
IenorandShappie: I mean the hotkey-setup, tha latest is *ubuntu12, if it's trying to install *10 or *11 you will get errors.16:58
topylideany: oh yes like Ienorand says, the update-manager doesn't do it. use sypnaptic or aptitude16:58
deanyive just removed ekiga, and done apt-get install ekiga, and its sayin its gonna install some new pkgs, and REMOVE some others.. maybe thats why16:58
Ienoranddeany: Yea, there was something odd with that.16:59
topylideany: yes that *is* why17:00
topylideany: apt-get upgrade will not remove packages. only dist-upgrade does that17:00
topyliand install of course :)17:00
deanydist-upgrade never...17:01
QPidAnyone? I can't watch a Youtube video unless I close all sound applications then restart Firefox17:01
cjae_why is my harddrive access light always on?17:01
cjae_I am not paging/swapping17:02
IenorandShappie: if you try running sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx does it give any particular errors?17:02
cjae_rconan: how is your beta install doing?17:03
IenorandQPid: I think pulseaudio is supposed to enable multiple sound sources, look for ways to restart/reinstall it?17:03
Milos_SDHow can I enable RGBA support in Dust theme that is in Jaunty?17:03
Machtincan i somehow log sftp-access of an user?17:04
ShappieIenorand: I will try ;)17:04
QPidRight, I will have to reboot then17:06
Milos_SDHow can I enable RGBA support in Dust theme that is in Jaunty?17:07
ShappieIenorand: No errors occured while installing xorg-driver-fglrx17:07
ShappieI will try a reboot to see what happens17:07
IenorandShappie: Look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log log for errors17:08
LordKowgar videolan just bumped the schroedinger plugin min version to 1.0.6, therefore jaunty is already outdated before release.17:10
eagles0513875i ahve a question i have a .docx document that has graphs what can i use to open the document with the graph17:11
sebsebsebLordKow: ah well to bad17:11
eagles0513875open office doesnt show all the graphs17:11
sebsebsebLordKow: new versions of Ubuntu are always behind some package or the other anyway17:11
LordKow"contrib: bump schroedinger and liboil versions" but WHY!17:11
sebsebsebLordKow: probably be a ppa for the thing you want anyway if it's so important17:11
LordKowif they bumped the min versions for no reasons i will go ahead and create a debian/patch to undo that.17:11
LordKowsebsebseb, vlc 1.0. i am the only ppa maintainer for it right now.17:12
eagles0513875anyone have any idea17:12
sebsebsebLordKow: oh right you are the PPA mainter17:12
sebsebsebLordKow: well in that case a PPA if you want to make one for the thing your on about :D17:12
sebsebsebmaintainer above17:12
LordKowtime to see the regression potential of upgrading schroedinger to 1.0.617:12
sebsebsebLordKow: I like Banshee, but VLC is nice and popular as well, so  yeah good to have  recant PPA's of latest VLC, very latest17:13
sebsebsebI have a few players installed here,  nothing is perfect17:13
sebsebsebnothing is near perfect I should say17:13
QPidOk I tried it to no avail17:15
LordKowhm there an option in launchpad of looking at all of the reverse deps for a particular package?17:15
LordKowi want to know how many and what packages depend on one17:16
rconancjae: not too bad...17:16
mvodeany: the ekiga issue is being worked on, a fix should become available soonish17:16
mvo(that its not held-back anymore)17:17
rconanmain thing which still annoys me is firefox eating all my CPU while on launchpad.net17:17
LordKowugh! gstreamer does... EUW17:17
LordKowthat already implies a potentially significant regression17:17
LordKowmaybe not. it's a plugin for gstreamer. whatever we'll see how this goes.17:18
cjaerconan: is your hard disk access light always on17:24
eagles0513875that was weird17:29
eagles0513875has anyone else had it where they come to install koffice and it uninstalls kubuntu-desktop and some other packages17:29
rconancjae: haven't looked... hard disk light is a long way away17:35
rconanand I'm not sure if it's attached17:35
rconando you mean when firefox is playing up or generally?17:35
eagles0513875im having a weird issue17:36
eagles0513875im trying to install koffice and it isnt finding kformula as a dependency so koffice wont install17:36
LordKowheh to upgrade schroedinger to 1.0.6 i need to upgrade liboil to 0.3.16 this could go on a while17:36
Picassotamuscan someone tell me what the version of pulseaudio in jaunty is/will be?17:37
Tumiei can't install the updates for amsn, amsn-data, ekiga ....17:37
GiantTalkingCowQuick question: are any of you using Jaunty on an aluminium Macbook Pro? (the unibody ones)17:38
TumiePicassotamus: 0.9.14 i think17:38
PicassotamusTumie: thank you17:38
TumiePicassotamus: that is the version they used in the beta...17:39
LordKowpulseaudio: Installed: 1:0.9.14-0ubuntu1717:39
LordKowthat will be the version of jaunty final17:39
LordKow(not the ubuntu variant, but the upstream -- yes)17:39
GiantTalkingCowWhen is Jaunty due, by the way? April 26th or something?17:40
sirderigoim back, i killed my system and now its working!17:40
PiciGiantTalkingCow: 23rd17:42
PicassotamusLordKow: thanks, just hoping the version was > 0.9.11 :)17:42
eagles0513875hey Pici17:42
eagles0513875Picassotamus: i think i just ran into a rather interesting issue17:42
eagles0513875koffice is complaining about kformula dependency17:42
eagles0513875when i try to install it it instead remove kde adept etc17:43
LordKowPicassotamus, your hopes have been fulfilled ;)17:44
AizawaToday when I logged in, my resolution couldn't be set higher than 1280*1024. Before I logged on I could set it to over 2000*xxxx. Just a few days ago, before I switched to jaunty (fresh install) I had the same problem in Intrepid. Can someone help me?17:46
Machtincan i somehow log sftp-access of an user?17:49
kn1tt1hi! any devs here? :D or anybody experiencing audioframes dropping in vlc?18:08
kn1tt1i think i found the solution to it, i wonder why nobody has thought of that18:09
ActionParsnipkn1tt1: send it to the vlc team and/or log a bug with solution18:09
kn1tt1no sorry, false positive … sad :(18:10
ActionParsnipkn1tt1: keep punching18:10
kn1tt1hm … but it seems like it's working a bit bettert18:11
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: question for ya18:14
ActionParsnipsup eagles051387518:14
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: have you tried to install koffice and it complain about kformula nas dependency and then when you try to install kformula it insteads remove adept jockey kdm etc basically the desktop18:14
eagles0513875that is what it is doing for me for some reason18:15
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: its not something i use18:15
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: you use oo318:16
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: i use Abiword and thats it in that sort of way18:16
* eagles0513875 thinks he will stick to latex18:16
ActionParsnipi have no need for a full oo install as I dont use hardly any of its functionality18:16
eagles0513875if i can get koffice installed i woudl dump oo18:17
eagles0513875slows down kubuntu18:17
eagles0513875that would be one major recommendation for the next release18:17
eagles0513875have koffice installed by default and who ever wants oo they can install it from repos18:17
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: doesnt slowe it if its not running18:19
eagles0513875for me i find that loading kde with open office installed its slower then without having oo installed18:20
pteaguei realize jaunty isn't official yet... any idea how stable the current beta is? i'm getting ready to build a software raid5 & i've had issues upgrading major versions in the past & wanted to avoid that18:20
ActionParsnippteague: runs great here, my hardware is super linux friendly though18:21
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: im suprised the same at how friendly mine has gotten since intrepid18:22
eagles0513875when i got it in gutsy days i couldnt install it only thing i could install on it was icky resouce hungyr open suse 1018:22
pteaguek, i've not had any issues installing in the past, just the upgrading major versions seemed to change the drive UUIDs which caused problems with mdadm18:23
porter1Anyone else have the strange problem where application windows won't let go of control?18:23
porter1Like, everything crashes technically, but a certain element in an application still does18:24
ActionParsnipporter1: use ps -ef | grep <something> to find the remnants, you can then kill off whatever it is. I would then run: dmesg | tail   to help diagnose the issue18:28
ActionParsnipporter1: and log a bug with the app18:29
porter1ActionParsnip, but the problem is it doesn't seem to happen to a certain. It will happen to Firefox, Gedit, Evolution, etc.18:30
porter1And keystrokes fail, so I can't restart X, get to a console, etc.18:30
ActionParsnipporter1: i would ssh in from an external system to read logs18:31
porter1Ok, I'll look at the logs the next time it happens18:32
ActionParsnipporter1:  /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:34
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porter1ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/146357/18:36
ActionParsnipporter1: wait for it to crash, then read it18:37
porter1Ok. I'll see what I can do. It usually happens randomly18:37
Drachenbluti'm trying to modify settings in gstreamer-settings on kubuntu 904 but it doesn't seem to maintain the setting after I close the window.  anyone know of a workaround?18:42
yannick__i have a problem, i don't have a bar by all windows18:43
yannick__can someone help me???18:44
mnemoyannick__: press ALT-F2 and open a terminal?18:44
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yannick__i have a problem, i don't have a bar by all windows18:51
yannick__i have a problem, i don't have a bar by all windows18:51
yannick__can someone help me???18:51
ActionParsnipyannick__: do you mean with close, min, max etc18:51
lilacyannick__: that's not a real problem ;-) X segfaults on startup for me :-/18:52
ActionParsnipyannick__: you using an nvidia gfx card?18:53
shadeslayerhi,my ubunti install has gotten pretty messed up with my notebook having no OS,is it possible to do a 9.04 install over the internet?18:53
mnemolilac: what graphics card do you have?18:53
yannick__a geforce 6600 GT18:53
ActionParsnipyannick__: geforce is an nvidia card18:53
lilacmnemo: ATi Mobility X140018:54
shadeslayerim on a alpha CD i burned a few weeks ago18:54
lilacmnemo: bug 34855318:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348553 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in xf86RandR12CreateScreenResources()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34855318:54
jamalfanaianshadeslayer, you could install the alpha, but i would recommend downloading the daily-live build18:54
ActionParsnipyannick__: if you PM me nce more I will block you18:55
ActionParsnipyannick__: read this: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10252818:55
shadeslayerjamalfanaian: well the alpha is giving problems too,it doesnt install,it fails at a IO error18:55
ActionParsnipyannick__: if you read the xorg.conf you will see Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"   you need that in your xorg.conf18:55
shadeslayerjamalfanaian: so is there a way/installer for a net install?18:57
jamalfanaianshadeslayer, there is a way to install using TFTP, check the Ubuntu documentations for installation methods regarding that18:58
shadeslayerok ill google that18:58
yannick__actionparsnip: i cant find this file18:59
ActionParsnipyannick__: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:59
imachine_it seems the gnome-keyring is fixed19:01
imachine_anyone else however having problems with X40 ThinkPad's sound keys and brightness keys?19:01
imachine_sound keys make no difference for sound mixer, whilst the brightness do change brightness, yet not show any system notification..19:01
yannick__he cant find the phrase19:02
ActionParsnipyannick__: if you run that file it will open and be editable19:03
ActionParsnipyannick__: run the command sorry19:03
yannick__i have do it19:04
panaggiothis is my latest xorg.conf, the simplest xorg.conf one can have on ubuntu (I think) http://paste.ubuntu.com/146374/19:04
panaggioand my x is still broken with it19:04
lilacpanaggio: broken how? also what graphics card?19:05
panaggiomy xorg.0.log19:05
panaggiolilac, I have a Radeon Xpress 200M19:06
panaggioit's supported by fglrx19:06
lilacpanaggio: you're not using fglrx.19:06
lilacalso, in what way is it broken?19:06
ActionParsnipyannick__: after adding the line, save the file and close the editor, then hit ctrl+alt+backspace19:06
panaggiolilac, yes, now I'm trying to see some graphics19:07
panaggiolilac, whenever I run startx, I just see noise and the computer stops reponding (and I reboot =/)19:07
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yannick__actionparsnip, can i write with you with pm??19:08
lilacpanaggio: i suspect you have the same problem as me (or at least one of my problems)19:08
lilacpanaggio: you're on kernel 2.6.28, right?19:08
panaggiolilac, yes19:08
ActionParsnipyannick__: sure19:08
lilacpanaggio: try 2.6.27; it fixed some of my X woes19:08
panaggioi've tested it recently, but I don't remember if I was using this xorg.conf19:09
lilacpanaggio: also, you need to explicitly say 'Driver "fglrx"' if you want to use that; it's using the radeon driver at the moment19:10
panaggiolilac,  rebooting now19:10
panaggiolilac, ok. I'll do that19:10
lilacalthough for me the fglrx driver didn't work /at all/ ("No screens found")19:10
lilacpanaggio: sadly i didn't write down the steps i went through to get to a semi-working X, but I think i needed to remove all traces of fglrx (including fglrx-kernel-source so DKMS didn't pick it up) and use the radeon driver19:13
panaggiolilac, same problem: No screens found19:13
lilacpanaggio: right, well it sounds like your symptoms exactly match mine at least19:13
panaggiolilac, yes19:14
lilacpanaggio: as i recall, the X black screen hang (with some corruption near the top) was caused by having the fglrx kernel module loaded and using the radeon driver19:14
ActionParsnip!paste > yannick__19:15
ubottuyannick__, please see my private message19:15
panaggiomy xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/146384/19:15
yannick__ubottu ive seen it19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ive seen it19:15
panaggiolilac, I have purged -ati and -radeon drivers19:15
yannick__what must i do there19:15
EruaranIs anyone else getting system f19:16
lilacpanaggio: any luck with that? i didn't try that option.19:16
EruaranIs anyone else getting random system freezes ?19:16
panaggiomy Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/146385/19:16
lilacEruaran: in X? with compositing? on an ATI graphics card? with 2.6.28 kernel? yes :)19:16
porter1Eruaran, I guess technically I am19:16
EruaranI don't know19:17
lilacpanaggio: yep, exactly what i got19:17
lilacpanaggio: try: sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-kernel-source fglrx-modalias19:17
EruaranMy desktop freezes sometimes and I have to hard reboot19:17
porter1But I'm using gname compositing rather than compiz19:17
lilacpanaggio: then reinstall the radeon driver and reboot19:17
EruaranI'm using nvidia19:17
Eruarancompositing is kwin19:17
lilacEruaran: i got freezes whenever kwallet would ask for my passphrase19:18
porter1It might be affecting all compositors19:18
Eruaranlilac: hmm I haven't had that particular issue19:18
lilacEruaran: i think it's ati specific, but i'm not sure19:18
Eruarancant be19:19
EruaranI'm not using ati19:19
lilacEruaran: it was 100% reproducible on 2.6.28 kernels and went away on 2.6.27 also19:19
lilacEruaran: your problem and mine might well be different :)19:19
Eruaranso it might be a kernel issue ?19:19
porter1It's benn affecting every kernal I'v used so far19:20
yannick__ubottu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146387/19:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
porter1Can't spell today :/19:20
lilacEruaran: all i know is, using the 2.6.27 kernel that worked in intrepid fixed that issue for me19:20
panaggiolilac, purged fglrx19:20
_unknownI've got small question.. I want to remove ubuntu x64 and install standard version 32bit... if I'll leave /home partition the settings for programs will be working after reintsall?19:20
Petengyhi to all19:20
ActionParsnipyannick__: paste the line I PMd you in your xorg.conf in the screen section19:21
nemo_unknown: why on earth would you want to do that?19:21
* nemo wishes he had a 64 bit system19:21
lilacpanaggio: ok, you need to unload the fglrx module which DKMS added (or just reboot) -- or at least i had to :)19:21
_unknownnemo: I'm experiencing too many problems with that version :/ flash, movies etc :/19:21
nemo_unknown: um.19:22
ActionParsnip_unknown: if /home is on a seperate partition, your settings will be preserved as they are stored there19:22
_unknownnemo: also java in firefox doesn't work19:22
nemo_unknown: 32 bit flash in 64 bit systems was solved long ago - or you could just have a 32 bit firefox if you wanted to handle it yourself. but of course there is a 64 bit flash native in linux these days19:22
nemo_unknown: 64 bit java in firefox also works - you must have your plugins linked wrong19:22
nemo_unknown: and 64 bit windows codecs also exist in medibuntu19:23
panaggiopurged -radeon and -ati again (just to make sure I havenit installed them back =) )19:23
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nemo_unknown: linux was one of the first platforms to *get* native 64 bit flash :-p19:23
ActionParsnip_unknown: java can be a pain, you can use icedtea19:23
_unknownnemo: java working ok for opera, in firefox processor utilization is over 50% and doesn't work19:23
lilacpanaggio: you'll need -radeon and -ati :)19:24
nemo_unknown: I strongly suspect you are linking to wrong plugin19:24
nemo_unknown: esp if it works in opera19:24
PolitikerNEUHello - does any body know how to install grub-gfxboot in jaunty? I read that the installation for intrepid was different form the one of hardy and earlier - so I wanted to know whether I can just keep to the howto for intrepid or have to regard something else19:25
panaggiolilac, installed -radeon and -ati back. just to make sure everything is done in the proper order19:25
ActionParsnip_unknown: opera rock...probably why19:25
nemo_unknown: unless you are using 32 bit opera too19:25
nemoActionParsnip: opera fails at some very basic stuff :-/19:25
nemobut. it is still better than IE19:25
panaggiolilac, rebooting19:25
ActionParsnipnemo: never had an issue with it19:25
nemoActionParsnip: do you do complex web page layout?19:25
ActionParsnipnemo: IE aint bad19:25
nemoor complex javascript?19:25
_unknownnemo: I've installed those ubuntu-restricted-extras there was java included if I good remember19:25
nemoIE is an absolute nightmare for a web developer19:25
ActionParsnipnemo: basicweb browsing19:25
ActionParsnipnemo: flash, pics and text19:26
nemoActionParsnip: typically working around IE failures are like half the design time19:26
nemoActionParsnip: then you wouldn't know :-p19:26
JMFTheVCIActionParsnin: "IE ain't bad" what heresy is this?19:26
nemo_unknown: Java doesn't require restricted extra19:26
ActionParsnipnemo: well, i know what works for me19:26
panaggiolilac, I have done this before. My former fglrx driver worked for 2d graphics, and -ati drivers were the cause of the break here19:26
nemoActionParsnip: only because web developers 1) limit the stuff they use to stuff IE supports 2) add a ton of IE workarounds19:26
imachine_ActionParsnip, IE can work. but it sucks anyway.19:26
ActionParsnipnemo:  JMFTheVCI: http://www.firefoxmyths.com/19:27
nemoActionParsnip: but, you still get slower rendering if using workarounds, sometimes flickers, and increasingly nowdays, slight visual quirks19:27
ActionParsnipimachine_: see that ^19:27
panaggiolilac, when I installed -ati and purged fglrx X broke =/19:27
nemoActionParsnip: dude. I do this stuff for a living. I know exactly how many ways IE fails19:27
imachine_it's like saying I don't need a car, I have a circle and a stick and that works for me.19:27
nemoActionParsnip: and the gigantic hack that is their layout engine19:27
bruce89nemo: default-jre19:27
ActionParsnipnemo: as i say, opera works killer for me19:27
nemoActionParsnip: http://haslayout.net/19:27
JMFTheVCII get big static on startup of Ffox on 8.1019:27
nemoActionParsnip: and of course http://haslayout.net/haslayout for the hack of all stupid hacks19:28
the_dark_warrioAm I wrong or Ubuntu 9.04 has a native Samsung SCX 4200 driver?19:28
nemoActionParsnip: and lets not forget the jscript leaks 'cause IE doesn't integrate the jscript engine with the DOM in any sane fashion19:28
panaggiolilac, after reboot, I've got another X fail =/19:28
lilacpanaggio: what style of fail this type?19:28
nemoActionParsnip: http://javascript.crockford.com/memory/leak.html19:28
nemoActionParsnip: trust me. in order for you to get IE working nicely, there are countless thousands of wasted web developer hours and much cursing19:29
nemohalf my support time in #css is fixing IE stupid !@#$ bugs19:29
nemojust learned a lovely new one the other day, that I didn't find documented anywhere19:29
ActionParsnipnemo: as a very casual web browser, i dont care. all i see is what i use19:30
nemowell. will change more and more in future19:30
nemomore websites are just giving up on IE6, degrading it19:30
nemoand same is happening for IE719:30
nemoActionParsnip: http://www.thecssninja.com/css/dont-kill-ie6-degrade-it19:30
deanynemo, i had a little countdown flash timer thing goin once, looked fine in FF and Opera, but took me ages (not being a web designer) to make it look right in IE19:30
nemoActionParsnip: the nice thing about this approach, is the IE users are unaware of it19:30
the_dark_warrioie7 should never have existed19:30
deanyand it wasnt that complex a page either..19:31
nemodeany: I could go on for hours about the enormous fail that is Trident19:31
nemodeany: sad thing is, it was quite a nice engine... in 199419:31
ActionParsnipnemo: i dont use IE on any of my systems, all opera19:31
nemodeany: I don't understand why MS didn't use Webkit for IE8 :(19:31
nemoI don't hate MS or IE really, just the utter made-of-fail that is their engine19:31
imachine_ms makes standards.19:32
imachine_not uses the existing ones.19:32
bruce89nemo: same reason as Mozilla19:32
nemoActionParsnip: say, do you have Opera 10 by any chance?19:32
ActionParsnip9 right now19:32
sebsebsebnemo: indeed  Trident is a horrible enginge19:32
nemobruce89: well, Gecko has quite a few redeeming features. XUL/XBL is sheer genius19:32
nemobruce89: and unlike Trident, they actually are doing major refactors19:32
nemoSFX/V8/TM are all neck and neck on javascript for example19:32
sebsebsebnemo: Steve Ballmer did say though in Aussieland that  one day  IE might use Webkit or have it as an option with their crappy enginge19:32
nemosebsebseb: yeah. one can dream19:33
panaggiolilac, Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/146402/19:33
sebsebsebnemo: it would be funny if IE  suddenly had suppourt for Gecko, since they destroyed Netscape and all19:33
nemosebsebseb: they could have done that in IE8 easy. just failover to MSHTML for "IE7 compatibility mode"19:33
bruce89WebKit vs. Gecko seems to be where it's going now19:33
panaggioXorg.0.log.old http://paste.ubuntu.com/146404/19:33
nemosebsebseb: or just allow for arbitrary swappable backends19:33
lilacpanaggio: change Driver "fglrx" to Driver "ati"19:33
bruce89thanks to Gecko being horrible to embed, WebKit for the win19:33
panaggiolilac, /me dumb =/19:34
nemobruce89: erm. not sure what you mean by embed. I mean, XULRunner allows for easy packaging if you are doing XUL/XBL based apps19:34
Drachenbluti'm trying to modify settings in gstreamer-settings on kubuntu 904 but it doesn't seem to maintain the setting after I close the window.  anyone know of a workaround?19:35
nemobruce89: and of course there is Fennec19:35
nemowhich runs great on the Nokia N81019:35
bruce89nemo: look at Epiphany for instance19:35
nemobruce89: I used epiphany for years. your point?19:35
bruce89nemo: a few rude words in the code19:35
nemotheir switch to webkit was not related to embedding issues really19:35
nemoanyway. we can all agree Trident sucks at least :)19:35
panaggiolilac, *thanks a lot!*19:35
bruce89nemo: one of the reasons19:35
lilacpanaggio: it's working?19:36
panaggiolilac, X is up19:36
nemoActionParsnip: shame, I wanted to see how quickly Opera 10 could render a test page like http://m8y.org/js/primes.xhtml19:36
panaggiolilac, 2d graphics are ok19:36
nemoI don't have it handy, myself19:36
ActionParsnipnemo: install it and give it a go, could use a chroot19:37
nemoActionParsnip: curious how their DOM/JS is doing against the big 3.19:37
nemoActionParsnip: too lazy. only if you had it handy19:37
panaggiolilac, and 3d graphics breaks the hole system =(19:37
panaggiolilac, at least I have a "working" X again =)19:37
lilachow broken are we talking?19:37
nemoActionParsnip: (by the big 3 I mean Chrome/Webkit/Gecko and V8/SFX/TM ;) )19:38
panaggiolilac, nothing responds19:38
nemoIE of course grinds to a halt on that page19:38
panaggiolilac, I had to reboot19:38
lilacpanaggio: you on 2.6.28 or 2.6.27 kernel?19:38
panaggiolilac, on 2.6.2719:38
ActionParsnipnemo: means nothing to me dude19:38
lilacpanaggio: then you've left the area of my knowledge, sorry :-/19:38
panaggiolilac, don't worry19:39
panaggiolilac, at least, I have X back19:39
lilacglxgears works here. on the down side, if i turn on Xinerama, i get an X segfault :-/19:39
lilacpanaggio: oh, actually..19:39
lilacpanaggio: i read somewhere that removing fglrx it sometimes leaves behind its libGL19:39
panaggiolilac, and now I can work again. thanks a lot again!19:39
lilacpanaggio: try a reinstall of libglu1-mesa and associated things19:40
lilacpanaggio: no problem :)19:40
panaggiolilac, by reinstall you mean purge and install?19:40
lilacpanaggio: apt-get install --reinstall should be enough19:40
panaggiolilac, ok. I'll try it now19:40
coz_hey guys is bugs.launchpad.net   down?19:41
coz_I keep getting timeout error19:41
lilaccoz_: i got that earlier, seemed intermittent19:41
ActionParsnipcoz_: works ok here19:41
bruce89nemo: look at the number of #ifdefs in Epiphany's 2.26 branch19:41
spaceBARbarianhow do i configure the update manager to use a custom added mirror for downloading updates ?19:42
coz_lilac, ok thanks   ActionParsnip  thanks19:42
PhoulHey all, How does jaunty compare to arch linux for speed (Boot, App launch, Etc etc)19:42
nemobruce89: um. wasn't that branch after they started moving to webkit?19:43
bruce89nemo: it's been pushed back to 2.2819:43
panaggiolilac, reinstalled libglu1-mesa19:44
coz_Phoul,  I cant answer that because I have never used arch but it is faster than previous versions of ubuntu19:44
coz_In some respects anyway19:45
panaggiolilac, do you think 3d graphics will be ok?19:45
PhoulWhats the kernal version19:45
coz_Phoul,   2.6.28-11-generic19:46
panaggiolilac, better question: do you think 3d graphics would have to be ok? they aren't19:46
nemobruce89: my point is, comparing after shift to a new engine is a bit silly - that is guaranteed to generate ifdefs19:48
nemobruce89: I remember discussions on #epiphany back when they were on gecko, there were issues, but they were never that major19:48
LiMaO71 updates.. hope nothing is broken this time...19:49
nemoheh. decided to test my sieve page with 1,000,000 cells instead of 100,000 - that was a bad idea, IE did not like that at all :)19:49
nemoanyway, at 100,000 it renders table in 12½ seconds, and does the filter in ¼ second.  That's 5x slower DOM rendering and 3x slower JS19:50
nemothey do worse on JS in some other tests I've done19:50
=== panaggio is now known as panaggio_
Assiderr whens the release date?20:02
ShappieHi all. I have a problem with fglrx and dual screen setup (1680x1050 dualscreen so virtual resolution of 3360x1050). I run kubuntu 9.04 beta fully updated.20:02
ShappieAs soon as i configure a dual screen setup with aticonfig i dont get a normal graphical environment when i boot up my pc. With single cloned screen mode everything is fine. I got fglrx working and glxgears runs nice. Anybody an idea how to make a dualscreen setup?20:03
xanguaHello, when i try to install CD/DVD creator thru Apps> Add & quit it gives me an error of a software conflict20:05
xanguai think i have to unninstall brasero first but i would like to keep both, Brasero and Gnome/Nautilus CD/DVD creator20:05
xanguaDoes someone know what could i do ¿?20:06
ShappieWhat is the error exactly?20:06
xanguawaith phone*20:06
bruce89xangua: nautilus-cd-burner has been replaced by brasero20:08
ShappieThe AMD Catalyst Control Center (amdcccle) doesnt know what my setup is. At the dialog to make a big desktop he says: unknown. So he dont see it is cloned atm. But he does recognize my 2 panels.20:11
bruce89xangua: in other words, remove nautilus-cd-burner20:13
coz_ok its been about 2 hours since I have been getting timed out of trying to report several bugs... should I just state them here?20:16
spaceBARbariani am getting an error when trying to load gsynaptics, it says set "SHMconfig" to 1 in xorg.conf, but doesnt ubuntu use HAL or something now20:21
elvirolohi everyone20:22
slhawkinshey there20:23
elviroloi just updated to 2.6.28-11, and this seems that the rtl8187 module doesn't want to load20:23
rwwspaceBARbarian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsynaptics/+bug/13262720:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 132627 in gsynaptics "GSynaptics couldn't initialize." [Undecided,Confirmed]20:23
rwwelvirolo: it's working fine here.20:23
elvirolorww: hmm... here it says "error inserting symbol" something20:24
slhawkinsI've got a question, a problem, and it's probably something I missed..20:24
slhawkinstrying to upgrade to Jaunty - I apt-get install update-man............20:25
slhawkinsnano /etc/up..... already had prompt=normal20:25
slhawkinsroot@mail:/home/steve# do-release-upgrade20:26
slhawkinsChecking for a new ubuntu release20:26
slhawkinsNo new release found20:26
slhawkinsany idea?20:26
rwwslhawkins: do-release-upgrade -d20:26
elvirolomaybe it's because i install the module backports to try and get a better driver20:26
slhawkinsrww like I said, I missed something :P Thanks a lot!20:27
rwwelvirolo: possibly, i don't have it installed20:27
ultratekwhat is nmbd?20:29
rwwultratek: samba's NetBIOS server20:30
ultratekhow do i install it?20:30
rwwultratek: it's part of the samba package20:30
ultratekbut it is not running20:31
ultratekrww. i need to install it actually. i removed sambayesterday20:31
rwwultratek: "sudo apt-get install samba"...20:32
ultrateki believe i have to do it seperately because i broke somemany packages20:32
ultratekand that is the last thing i have yet to get working20:33
ultratekrww, can you tell me the package name?20:33
rwwultratek: "samba"20:33
rww!info samba jaunty | ultratek20:33
ubottuultratek: samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 4421 kB, installed size 12400 kB20:34
ultratekrww i mean just for nmbd20:34
rwwultratek: there isn't a separate package for it. it's part of the samba package.20:34
ultratekor what is it listed as in synaptic?20:34
ultratekwhat is nmap, do i need that? i norder to see my network?20:36
rwwultratek: It's a network scanner for security auditing.20:37
ultratekcan you help me get nmbd running in swat?20:38
Lint01will jaunty release include new xfce?20:40
jpdsLint01: Try asking that in #xubuntu-devel.20:40
gauravkittzhello everyone20:41
ultratekcan someone help me get my nmbd running in swat?20:46
player1upi just upgraded to 9.04 and now Amarok doesnt play sounds..  all system sounds are ok... any ideas?20:50
aciculanmbd is started along with the other deamon in the samba start script?20:50
ultratekacicula it wont start when i press the start button in swat20:50
aciculaultratek: best place to start is syslog/messages/daemon and the likes20:51
aciculaor maybe swat has it's own log20:51
ultratekcan i just reinstall nmbd?20:51
aciculano it comes with the samba package20:52
aciculadont think they are packaged differently either20:52
ultratekhow do i do a reinstall of samba?20:52
Q-FUNKhowdy!  am I the only one for whom adding Google calendars to Evolution fails?20:53
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jpdsQ-FUNK: How are you adding it?20:54
Q-FUNKjpds: add new, Google20:54
jpdsQ-FUNK: I ad that problem two days ago, see: http://clarkbw.net/blog/2006/12/08/mashing-google-calendar-and-gnome/20:55
Q-FUNKerm... 2006 ?  there wasn't a separate type to support google, back then?20:56
aciculaultratek: you can reinstall, but the configuration will remain the same, you have to remove samba with --purge and reinstall to put it back to the defaults.Mind you this __nukes__ all your current samba configurations20:56
jpdsQ-FUNK: Yeah, but it's broken or doesn't work. I used this and it worked for me :)20:57
Q-FUNKit was working fine in intrepid20:57
ultratekacicula is it possible to get the nmbd running without doing this?20:57
Q-FUNKthat's why I'm asking20:57
aciculaultratek: look at your logs20:58
aciculaultratek: if it fails to start it will say so there, or in the swat logs if those exist20:58
ultratekwhere are the logs again?20:58
Q-FUNKjpds: also since intrepid, I was able to modify calendar events from evo.  not since some time during jaunty dev21:01
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jpdsQ-FUNK: Very odd, have you checked if there's a bug on it somewhere?21:02
Q-FUNKjpds: couldn't find any, but then the bug only surfaced when my gconf preferences were trashed and I had to re-create my prefs from an older backup.  before that, it was working fine using the preferences from intrepid21:03
player1upi just upgraded to 9.04 and now Amarok doesnt play sounds..  all system sounds are ok... any ideas?21:04
porter1Gah. The OpenOffice file open takes an inordinate amount of time now...21:07
jeiworthplayer1up: iirc there is a thread about that problem in ubuntuforums.org21:13
wvmac__is kubuntu 9.04 using pulseaudio because I don't see a running process listed for any sound backend that I am familiar with, alsa gstreamer, pulse, esound.  amarok plays sound but flash and other audio apps do not produce sound21:15
nemoso. anyone else here run GNOME on a machine with 1024x768 display? :)21:16
aciculaused to, but upgraded to a whopping 1280x80021:17
aciculanow i can click the ok and apply buttons too, t00t21:17
nemowas going to share what I'd done to make it more useable21:18
nemoless relevant in your case21:18
nemowell. in case anyone else is interested... 1) ditched bottom panel, moved it all top panel. 2) shrank fonts in custom personal gtkrc 3) scaled down ubuntu Applications menu icon21:19
nemo(3) is needed since that's the only thing keeping me from shrinking top menu from 24px down to 20px21:19
nemo4) added localisation to replace Applications/Places/System with App/Loc/Sys21:20
nemooverrode various sizes in DarkRoom theme to make window chrome a lot thinner, and window buttons smaller.21:20
nemo6) switched to compact firefox style, moved back/forward/history buttons to left of File..., put URL bar on that same line, along with search21:22
elviroloi just uninstalled the module backports but i still can't load rtl818721:22
* drmrhorse watches as kde slowly decends into madness21:24
nemoresult of (6) is that my actual page height is 675px in firefox21:25
nemo(well, that and (5)21:25
nemowho needs chrome :-p21:25
nemohm. I think I will shrink the favicon too21:26
nemomeh. maybe not.21:26
nemo675 is good enough.21:26
svalbardhello.  I need help diagnosing a sound problem on jaunty6421:30
excowhat do I need to install to make fat32 available in gparted?21:30
=== drachenengel{LD} is now known as lord_drachenblut
excoalso on UNR I can't autocomplete e.g. apt-get install gpar"pressing tab" ... why?21:31
lord_drachenblutanyone know of a fix for gstreamer-properties not saving settings?21:31
Tumiepidgin sometimes closes,,21:39
Tumieit just disappeared..21:39
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
lfaraoneHi, my jaunty install has been randomly crashing after a recent upgrade.21:40
lfaraoneHas anything to that tune been reported recently?21:40
=== drachenengel{LD} is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
bruce89Tumie: that's because of indicator-apple21:44
Tumiebruce89: so pidgin is still on?21:44
bruce89Tumie: I don't know21:44
Tumieit is off21:45
Tumiebut, when is this fixed ?21:45
spaceBARbariani just ran updates in jaunty and for some reason my graphic driver was reverted back to the default ? anyone know what the deal is ?21:50
the_dark_warrioKubuntu menu isn't focused on openning. Where should I report this bug?21:57
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spaceBARbariani just ran updates in jaunty and when i rebooted i was pushed into "low  graphics" mode, when i restarted all my compiz and graphic driver settings were gone ( graphics driver disabled as well)22:03
BluesKajwhich graphics driver ?22:04
J-_I'm going to be reinstalling Jaunty, should I burn the latest beta CD, or will the alpha CD be alright?22:15
bruce89J-_: doesn't matter22:15
J-_bruce89: Okay.22:17
mint3yo jaunty peoples22:30
mint3anyone upgraded to the new kernel22:30
nemonew kernel?22:30
nemo2.6.28-11 ?22:31
mint3did u update to it ?22:31
frogonwheelsyep - last night.22:31
mint3so far i find jaunty fairly stable i must say22:32
mint3got it running both off of my pc and laptop22:32
eitreachWhere are the 700mb-images of Jaunty beta?22:34
IenorandYea I'm running that one as well22:34
mint3use your update manager22:34
Ienorandeitreach: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/22:35
eitreachThanks. :)22:35
Nytrixwill i be able to upgrade 8.10 to 9.04 instead of a clean install?22:37
Fitzzyes Nytrix22:38
IenorandNytrix: Yes, use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -d and the upgrade through update-manager22:39
WhitorHi... program question... in Eye of Gnome, I see there is a plugin to expand image to full screen when double left clicked... I would like to close the image with a double right click... anyone know of a way to do this ?22:39
J-_I had Jaunty installed from alpha, it was alright. Then installed debian. I like debian, but, it's a pain in the ass to set up.22:39
Nytrixwill "Creat a usb start up disk" move my /boot and bootloader to usb key?22:39
dooglusabout once a second, something is stealing my keyboard focus.  how can I stop it?  it's annoying to have to click on the window over and over to regain focus while typing22:40
Whitorwoops, wrong chan sry22:40
IenorandNytrix: It will create a new bootloader on the usb, and if you set up your bios to boot from usb you'll be able to use it just like a livecd.22:41
dooglusplease help22:41
Nytrixthe reason is because i am encrypting my ubuntu and i hear its best to have your /boot and bootloader on usb22:42
crdlbdooglus: well, where's it going?22:42
IenorandNytrix: Ah, that I don't really know about, sorry.22:43
bjsnidercrdlb, he wants you to call 911 for him22:43
Nytrixbecause people can do flash your memory and get your pass phrase22:43
doogluscrdlb: when i type, most letters don't seem to go anywhere22:43
bruce89dooglus: notify-osd?22:44
doogluscrdlb: it's ok now though - sometimes doing ctrl-alt-F1 then alt-F7 fixes it for a minute or two22:44
dooglusbruce89: I can if you tell me their contact details22:44
mint3why would you encrypt your ubuntu ?22:44
dooglusI wouldn't22:44
bruce89dooglus: Canonical, Isle of Man22:45
=== error404notfound is now known as sleeping`dragon
Nytrixcheck this out http://snuxoll.com/post/2009/03/07/why-full-disk-encryption-isnt-enough22:45
dooglusbruce89: what now?22:45
bruce89dooglus: brick time22:45
binarymutantI'm having problems with my Xorg after an upgrade to jaunty :/  it looks like this: http://i39.tinypic.com/34dljtj.jpg I have the log file, xorg.conf, and lspci information if needed22:45
Duckthisyeah about that. i tried to use TrueCrypt but everytimes it make crash my computer when I try to mount a partition22:45
dooglusbruce89: huh?22:45
crdlbbruce89: you have reason to believe notify-osd is doing it?22:45
bruce89crdlb: I heard it has issues with respect to focus22:46
mint3binarymutant,  - i had the same problem22:46
doogluscrdlb: pidgin is crashing a lot - that could be related22:46
nemobinarymutant: wow. um. that's pretty messed up. some horrible detection of vid moes?22:46
dooglusalso, it only seems to happen when i run firefox22:46
nemobinarymutant: would be interesting to see the Xorg log file22:46
mint3use an updated ubuntu, binarymutant  . something to do with drivers22:46
dooglusother than a terminal, pidgin and firefox, there's nothing much running (other than all the default background stuff)22:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 346467 in notify-osd "Notifications steal focus from Widget Layer" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:46
nemomint3: oh. yeah. he should definitely update if he can22:46
crdlbdooglus: uh, that sounds like more than an 'also' :)22:47
mint3i had  the same problem, binarymutant .22:47
nemobinarymutant: can you get to a terminal? :)22:47
doogluscrdlb: it's new.  i don't have a lot to go on22:47
mint3binarymutant,  - are you on intrepid right now ?22:47
bruce89dooglus: heh, indicator-applet this time22:47
dooglusbruce89: your lack of verbs is disturbing me22:47
mint3binarymutant,  - You trying to upgrade from intrepid to jaunty?22:47
bruce89dooglus: don't worry about it22:48
dooglusbruce89: when you just nouns, hard22:48
dooglusmeaning not22:48
binarymutantnemo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/146502/22:48
mint3binarymutant,  - mind answering me please ?22:49
binarymutantI can get to a terminal by booting into safe-mode and I'm on a laptop for irc\22:49
binarymutantmint3, ^22:49
bruce89dooglus: put verbs I will22:49
binarymutantI've tried the ati driver and the fglrx :(22:50
mint3binarymutant,  - are you on intrepid ?22:50
mint3and you trying to install the beta from the website right ?22:50
dooglusbruce89: there is no put.  now what about indicator-applet?22:50
bruce89dooglus: mind not22:50
binarymutantmint3, its jaunty22:50
mint3i had the same problem at first22:50
binarymutantwhat was the fix?22:51
mint3if you keep your drivers updated it would resolve it22:51
crdlbbinarymutant: fglrx has dropped suport for your card22:51
nemobinarymutant: I'm deferring to mint3 who seems to have more familiarity22:51
binarymutantcrdlb, is there a legacy package?22:51
bruce89dooglus: I find any excuse to moan about them, I'll not now22:51
binarymutantcrdlb, and i've tried the ati driver as well22:51
crdlbbinarymutant: no22:52
mint3nemo,  by all means, am sure you are more knowledgable than i am22:52
crdlbbinarymutant: and the radeon (aka ati) driver is broken because of fglrx22:52
|Dreams|ok i am trying to change my mtu to 4352 with the command ifconfig eth0 mtu 4352 but keep getting the error SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument22:52
binarymutantcrdlb, can I use atleast vesa?22:52
dooglusbruce89: i have a giant black and white volume control flickering in the top right corner now22:52
dooglusnever seen that before22:52
bruce89dooglus: ah, that's notify-ods22:52
crdlbbinarymutant: uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx and reboot22:53
dooglusand then my keyboard lost focus again22:53
dooglusI think that's a likely suspect22:53
dooglusnow the volume control has gone22:53
bruce89dooglus: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/34646722:53
DuckthisSo, no one tried TrueCrypt under 9.04?22:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 346467 in notify-osd "Notifications steal focus from Widget Layer" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:53
dooglusit was up for a minute or so, flickering like crazy22:53
Ienoranddooglus: Are you accidentaly hitting any keys that could be linked to volume change?22:53
dooglusit came back again22:53
dooglusIenorand: I could be.  there are a row of silver buttons where my gut rests against the edge of the laptop :)22:54
dooglusIenorand: is there some way to disable the keys where my guy rests?22:54
binarymutantcrdlb, ty22:55
Ienoranddooglus: If I keep for example the mute key it does something similar, dunno how to disable them...22:55
DuckthisNo one tried TrueCrypt under 9.04?22:55
dooglusIenorand: how frustrating.  it's a silly place to put keys, right on the front of the laptop22:56
bruce89keyboard shortcuts capplet22:56
dooglusgood work diagnosing the problem though :)22:56
dooglusbruce89: noun noun noun again?22:56
dooglustype it?  google it?  run it?  what?22:56
IenorandIenorand: (menu->) System > preferences > keyboard shortcuts?22:56
bruce89dooglus: System>Preferences>blah22:57
Ienoranddooglus: that was meant for you btw :)22:57
dooglusIenorand: I guessed :)22:57
dooglusI'm scanning the list for something that looks likely22:58
Ienoranddooglus: Top one, volume mute?22:58
dooglusI don't see anything about volume22:58
IenorandThere's too much woods...22:59
doogluspreviously it was losing focus but the huge volume control wasn't appearing22:59
dooglusi guess i was hitting 'next track' or something then instead22:59
dooglusi'll just disable all these 'XF86...' keys22:59
crdlbthis is a literal pebkac :P23:00
dooglusif there was a 'c', then the 'p' wouldn't 'e'23:00
dooglusI'm lying down, y'see, and the 'k' is lying on my stomach23:01
dooglusI've been using the same laptop with WinXP for months, and it's never been an issue.  I guess I've been hitting the keys, turning the volume up and down, and skipping tracks, but it never bothered me because I'm generally typing, not listening to music23:02
doogluswhereas in ubuntu it stopped me being able to work - or seek help effectively23:02
bruce89notification daemons stealing focus don't help23:03
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs23:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:07
dooglusI see 'trackerd' using up a fair amount of CPU.  is it the beagle replacement?  how do I use it?23:09
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
Ienoranddooglus: Are you using an upgrade? Tracker is not installed default in jaunty so it's probably remains from prev...23:16
bjsniderIenorand, what happened to tracker?23:19
bruce89bjsnider: people found it liked eating CPUs for breakfast23:19
bjsniderbruce89, sez u23:20
bruce89bjsnider: no, I found it fine actually23:20
dooglusIenorand: I installed inside windows, using wubi23:20
dtchencpu isn't the killer for tracker, it's utter i/o insanity23:20
dooglussomeone told me wubi won't install betas, so I installed 8.10 and upgraded23:20
dtcheneven with ionice, it utterly craps all over rotary disks23:20
dooglusso how do I stop it?23:24
dooglusI don't see a /etc/init.d/trackerd or similar23:24
bruce89dooglus: remove all the tracker-related packages23:25
bruce89dooglus: well, as many as possible23:25
dtchenremove it from the startup applications?23:25
bruce89dooglus: tracker-search-tool, libtracker-gtk0, tracker packages23:25
dooglusis there something like 'top' but for IO?23:27
dooglus'cause everything's crawling23:27
dooglusalso, I plugged in a USB memory card, copied some stuff from it, and now am trying to umount it.  it tells me it's busy, but lsof and fuser both find nothing23:28
dooglusI have hardly anything running - so how to I find why it's 'busy'?23:28
dtchenchecked your cwd?23:29
Ienoranddooglus: Some terminal or nautilus window browsing it?23:29
dooglusno, I closes all the terminals and nautilus windows23:29
dooglusI only have pidgin and firefox running23:30
dooglusI wonder if tracker is indexing it maybe23:30
Ienoranddooglus: possibly so23:32
dooglusit's still running the 'apt-get remove' for tracker23:32
doogluseverything's really slow at the moment23:32
dooglusit spends an eternity 'processing triggers for man-db' whenever I install or uninstall anything23:35
dooglusis there some way to stop that?23:35
dooglusI never use any man db23:35
Ienoranddooglus: That is probably best left alone, and I don't know if one could disable it... sounds like a lot of hacking to me...23:37
sebsebsebdooglus: hi23:37
dooglushey seb23:37
Ienoranddooglus: I think it is updating/removing manual entries at that...23:38
* bruce89 wonders why I keep saying "hola"23:38
dooglusmy guess is that it's updating the 'whatis' database, so you can 'man -k' to search for commands23:38
sebsebsebbruce89: ,becaue secretly you want to be Spannish23:38
sebsebsebbruce89: not Scottish23:38
dooglusI removed a slew of tracker packages, but trackerd is still thrashing the hdd23:39
bruce89kill it23:39
Ienoranddooglus: It will prolly not die untill you... yes23:40
dooglusshouldn't the postrm script have done that?23:40
dooglusbut: ls: cannot access /usr/bin/trackerd: No such file or directory23:40
dooglusit's gone23:40
crdlbdooglus: of course not23:40
* Ienorand is maybe a bit innefective at times...23:40
crdlbit's a user process23:40
bruce89unlike Windows, removing stuff doesn't kill the process23:40
bruce89killall trackerd23:40
crdlbremoving a system daemon with an init script would probably disable the service first, though ...23:41
dooglusbruce89: most packages come with scripts that kill the service when you uninstall them I think23:41
* Ienorand likes the way you have to kill processes in GNU/Linux, and first time I saw a zombie process I was hooked on the os for life :)23:42
bruce89dooglus: as crdlb points out, that's for non-user processes23:42
bruce89such as the gvfs daemons23:43
dooglusseems it wasn't tracker killing this laptop anyway23:45
jussi01 /access23:45
dooglusit's something called 'updatedb.mlocate'23:45
Chr|sbig update today I see23:45
dooglusis that from 8.10 and can be removed too?23:45
bruce89dooglus: oop23:45
crdlbjussi01: denied23:45
sebsebseblenorand: a zombie process? what's that?  one that won't just die?23:45
jussi01crdlb: rofl23:45
dooglussebsebseb: it's one that walks around in the night and eats your spicy brains23:45
bruce89dooglus: that's updating the database for "locate"23:45
* sebsebseb is slightly ashamed at dooglus, because he has known this guy online for a few years, and so is rather suprised he would be using wubi, instead of a real install23:46
sebsebsebdooglus: lol23:46
dooglussebsebseb: you can't find anything better to be ashamed of me for?23:46
Ienorandsebsebseb: I don't know exactly, think it's when it won't be terminated and has to be shotgunned using kill -923:46
sebsebsebdooglus: I think you secretly fallan in love with XP  and Microsoft,  and now think it's ok to run Ubuntu inside it using Wubi?  heh he23:47
crdlbsebsebseb: 1) tab-complete is your friend, 2) it's a process whose parent has not reaped it23:47
sebsebsebcrdlb: what is?   and I mised some of the convo I think23:47
bruce89sebsebseb: scroll up23:48
sebsebsebdooglus: heh you know me :)  and so that I was joking there23:48
bruce89it's impossible to know if someone is joking on iRC23:48
dooglusIenorand: I think zombies don't die even if you kill -9 them23:49
crdlbzombies are already dead23:49
maxbsebsebseb: A zombie process is one which has exited, but its parent hasn't picked up information about its exit yet, so the kernel can't deallocate the PID yet23:50
dooglusI'm trying to umount my memory card, I type 'sudo umount /media/Memo<TAB>' (tab complete is my friend, right?)23:50
dooglusand it completes to "sudo umount /media/Memory /"23:51
dooglusbut the directory is "/media/Memory Card/"23:51
dooglusseems tab-complete is cheating on me23:51
maxbI would not be entirely surprised is the completion had a bug concerning spaces23:51
dooglusI reported it a couple years ago23:51
sebsebsebmaxb: oh ok23:51
crdlbnormally, it escapes spaces automatically with \23:51
bruce89dooglus: you need to excape it, something like "sudo umount /media/Memory\ Card23:51
dooglusit only seems to affect some commands - like 'sudo umount'23:51
dooglusbruce89: I know that, but tab-complete doesn't...23:52
maxboh, yeah, the umount completion function has a bug23:52
bloggsieRunning X server uses between 35 and 99 percent of cpu resouce. ati mobility 7500 video card  in a ThinPad T41. Is this normal?23:52
maxbbut I thought it was fixed in Jaunty23:52
bruce89dooglus: sometimes you have to complete manually when spaces are involved23:52
crdlbbloggsie: I'm going to say no23:52
crdlbparticularly since I have the same GPU23:52
dooglusif I type: "uumount /media/Memo<TAB" I get "uumount /media/Memory\ Card/"23:52
dooglusas expected23:52
dooglusif if I just put a single 'u' in umount, it fails23:52
dooglusseems to be special-casing umount in a fail manner23:53
bloggsiecrdlb: Any idea how to fix my problem?23:53
maxbdooglus: Are you sure you're using bash-completion from Jaunty?23:53
dooglusanyway - it umounts fine now that trackerd and updatedb both died23:53
dooglusmaxb: I updated to Jaunty, yes23:54
crdlbbloggsie: nope :/23:54
maxbdooglus: run md5sum /etc/bash_completion please?23:54
dooglusif it helps:23:54
dooglus  Installed: 20080705ubuntu323:54
doogluschris@ubuntu:~$ md5sum /etc/bash_completion23:54
dooglus23282fc1f495886f1acf6bd95674af2f  /etc/bash_completion23:54
maxbsame as mine23:54
dooglustry 'mkdir /tmp/aaa b', then 'umount /tmp/aaa<TAB>'23:55
* maxb tries to find something with a space to mount23:55
doogluslol - it works!23:55
dooglusguess umount's completion is doing something magic with the output of 'mount' or some such23:55
crdlbshell scripting sucks :>23:56
maxbdooglus: gah. *one* bug with the umount completion was fixed.23:56
maxbYou've found another one23:57
dooglusmaxb: here's a test:  mkdir "/tmp/aaa b"; mount --bind / "/tmp/aaa b"; sudo umount /tmp/aaa<TAB><TAB>23:57
maxbdooglus: feel like filing the bug? :-)23:58
dooglusmaxb: make sure you umount it again - ubuntu has a habit of wiping /tmp/ and anything you've mounted into it23:58
dooglusmaxb: I think I already did23:58
bruce89dooglus: that's the point of /tmp23:58
dooglusmaxb: what usually happens is a year or two after I file a bug it gets closed due to 'lack of activity' or something23:58
maxbThe bug is *painfully* obvious. It generates the list of completions by just cutting the third whitespace separated word out of the output of "moun"23:58
dooglusmaxb: nice :)23:59
maxbdooglus: Do you have the number to hand?23:59
dooglusmaxb: I'll see if I can find it23:59

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