
=== Martyn is now known as Guest61543
=== Martyn_ is now known as Martyn
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Martynogra : I have an alpha-quality u-boot now17:30
Martynogra : Should I commit a bug and patch?17:30
ograsure, but that wont enter jaunty anymore17:30
Martynwe're locked on Redboot for now then, eh?17:30
ograyes, and it works just fine, is configurable from the running system etc17:31
Martynthanks to a -lot- of work by lool, you, etc...17:31
ograhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/babbage/ has todays image17:31
MartynIt's just a pity we have to do all those contortions :)17:31
ogralool is nearly done integrating the build script into the autobuilders, so std images will show up this week on cdimage.u.c17:32
Martynogra : Are you experiencing any board lockups or instability surrounding using the USB bus?17:32
Martynogra : I keep getting hard lockups when using a network USB adapter17:32
ograwe were told to not use the normal USB ports but  the mini17:32
ograat least for devices with some payload17:33
loolMartyn: Same here, but we moved to the builtin ethernet again now17:33
loolMartyn: It's better with the latest 2.6.28 we ahve17:33
ograi have kbd and mouse in normal USB ... HDD on mini with powered HUB17:33
Martynlool : Someone found the slow performance issue for the built in ethernet?17:33
ograwe got patches17:33
Martynogra : using one of those weird usb A-B cables?17:33
Martynmini a/ minib17:34
ograthey are in the current kernels but cause other probs17:34
* ogra points to bug 356517 and bug 35697517:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 356517 in network-manager "udev does not detect eth0 on armel" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35651717:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 356975 in linux "imx51 oops after watchdog call" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35697517:34
MartynSo many issues to solve, and Pegatron is already starting tooling up for ARM based netbooks with the i.mx515 in them17:35
MartynYeah, I just saw 35697517:35
ograit doesnt stop the NIC from working17:35
* Martyn lets the 3 hour download from ogra's image repo start17:35
ograbut i dont see any plug events anymore for the cable17:36
MartynIs redboot entirely frozen for jaunty?17:39
MartynOr is it possible that I might be able to get a usb-boot patch in?17:40
ograi dont think we can add new features at this point17:40
MartynOh well.17:44
ograwe're close to RC17:45
ograbugfixing is the main focus now17:45
* ogra would be very very thankful for any idea or help on bug 328167 btw17:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 328167 in gnome-keyring "[arm] gnome-keyring-daemon eating 100% CPU at login in Jaunty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32816717:45
ograits our biggest blocker atm17:46
Martynogra : I'll take a look at it18:00
ograthat would be cool, we need as many eyes as possible on it18:00
ogra(i know NCommander planned to look as well and i'll donate the the rest of my week to it too)18:01
NCommanderogra, as far as I can tell its a Babbage specific issue18:03
NCommanderogra, I was unable to reproduce it on anything else :-/18:03
ograit is18:03
NCommanderogra, oh, I didn't see that in the bug report :-/18:03
ograbut we still need to solve it18:03
MartynTo debug the issue, I'm going to have to do a debug build18:04
Martynthere's not trace information18:04
ograthere is the upstream bug18:05
MartynNCommander : it happens on the EVM as well as babbage18:05
NCommanderogra, the upstream bug doesn't have a full backtrace18:05
ograbut what i added there is apparently not enough18:05
* NCommander is going to have to trace it through the entire GNOME stack until it calls into libc18:05
NCommanderddebs are your friend for this18:05
ograMartyn, you have an EVM that survives gnome ?18:05
Martynbut I cheat :)18:05
Martynusb->video adapter18:06
ograsoldered RAM on it youreself ?18:06
Martynno, I just live with an extremely swappy system18:06
Martynit's slow as tar18:06
Martynno, slower18:06
NCommanderWell, we do know its a regression, we didn't start seeing it until about February18:06
NCommanderMartyn, sounds like my Babbage running with the pendisk18:06
Martynslow as pure glass flowing down a window18:06
* NCommander is setting up the other one with the USB HDD18:06
Martynhey, I have a BeagleBoard tucked away in the drawer18:07
Martynthis might be a good time to drag it out, and see if I can get the gnome-keyring issue to show up there18:07
NCommanderMartyn, +118:07
NCommanderI couldn't reproduce on something running a 2.6.25 kernel, but I can't upgrade to the latest kernel either18:08
NCommander(newest userland)18:08
MartynMy only issue there, is the crappy usbOTG on the board18:08
NCommanderand my slugs don't have enough RAM18:08
NCommanderMartyn, ow. Thats going to hurt18:08
Martynbut I think it's possible to solder two pins together on the mini USB port, and not have to deal with getting a special OTG cable18:08
MartynI should have done the mod ages ago18:09
ograon mine a plain mini->-std USB adapter works18:09
Martynogra : I need keyboard, mouse, ec..18:10
Martynso I need to connect it to a usb hub first :)18:10
Martynokay, BeagleBoard pulled out of drawer18:15
Martynogra, any reason to think the kernel that was built for your image wouldn't boot it?18:15
ograthe imx51 kernel on the beagle ?18:16
ograno, that surely wont boot18:16
Martynogra : Sorry, brain not working .. I meant "any reason your image wouldn't boot with a proper Beagle kernel..."18:16
Martynerror existed between user and keyboard18:16
ograno, should work18:17
Martyngood, that gives me a consistent platform to test18:18
MartynOf course, it helps if the clock is set18:19
MartynThere has -got- to be a way to kill that @#$@$ annoying bug18:19
NCommanderMartyn, we know its a regression, it popped up around Feb 20th18:19
MartynI mean, sure, we know it's not really 1970 ...18:19
NCommanderOh, THAT bug18:19
Martynyep, the pam bug18:19
NCommanderThat one got fixed18:20
NCommanderIts not pam, its shadow18:20
NCommanderMartyn, is that using a daily vs. a beta image?18:20
NCommander(it was fixed after beta)18:20
Martyndaily, but I'm downloading Oscar's latest one now18:22
Martyn24% complete .. it's a slow download today18:23
NCommanderMartyn, Oscar?18:23
NCommanderMartyn, if your still seeing the password bug on a fresh install thats a problem18:24
MartynWell, i've got another 30 minutes before the download is complete18:29
MartynNCommander : Then we'll see if the password bug remains18:29
Martynbut if it's reported fixed, I shouldn't see it18:30
* ogra points to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20090407.2/ look, there is a babbage image ;)19:07
loolhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/current/ is the stable URL19:09
NCommanderogra, I don't see a babbge image at that URL ...19:11
NCommanderbah, you need to mark it armel+imx51 :-P19:11
ogracjwatson didnt want to19:12
ogragiven that its the only arm live image we build anyway19:12
ograthe html text will be updated though19:12
ograanyway, out now ... bye19:13
NCommanderMartyn, how goes your install?19:24
* NCommander is currently grabbing all the ddebs19:24
NCommanderogra, you around?19:53
loolDid someone try usplash on babbage?19:57
loolThe initramfs is really slow, that surprizes me19:58
NCommanderlool, it works on PowerPC AFAIK, so it *should* work. How well, I dunno20:11
* NCommander finally is getting some useful backtraces :-)20:13
MartynNCommander : I'm recompiling the kernel for the Babbage board20:22
MartynNCommander : Turns out there wasn't one handily available for some reason20:22
Martyner, Beagle, not babbage20:22
NCommanderMartyn, there are plenty available, why are you recompiling for Babbage?20:22
MartynBrainfrarting continues20:22
NCommanderOh, Ubuntu doesn't officially support Beagle20:22
Martynso I'm compiling Beagle20:23
Martynbut >only< changing the parameters needed to get it working on Beagle, so as to hopefully see if I see the same issues20:23
Martynbecause I'll be using the Babbage userland20:23
Martyntime to compilation completion -- 1hr 8min20:24
MartynAh, the joys of native compilation20:24
pwnguinhow significant is uclib to the arm port?20:37
Martynwe use uclib?20:39
pwnguinlooks like no20:39
MartynI use uclibc to produce busybox images early on during a bring up of a new arm board...20:40
Martynbut AFIK (YMMV) the jaunty arm port is full blown glibc20:40
pwnguinyea, i was thinking it'd be part of busybox or something but i guess not20:40
pwnguinintersting. uclibc is in hardy20:42
pwnguindropped from intrepid and later i guess.20:42
pwnguinonly reason i ask is because i was revisiting a patch dump from Garmin, trying to figure out why a patch wasn't applied upstream. it seems tracked down to uclibc, but if debian / ubuntu aren't using uclibc there's probably no interest in the patch or upstreaming it.20:44
* NCommander headthunks 21:19
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pwnguinNCommander: ?21:49
=== bradf is now known as fdarb
NCommanderpwnguin, working on g-keyring-daemon22:25
=== rbelem_afk is now known as rbelem

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