
thorwilkwwii: hi! how to deal with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/logo ?15:12
thorwili had this same idea months ago, but never got to implement it. and this version is just horrible and doesn't belong there15:13
kwwiithorwil: I'm heading out to the airport, talk to you later or tomorrow15:14
thorwilkwwii: ok, good journey. what's the destination, if i may ask?15:15
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
kwwiithorwil: london, my fortnightly trip15:28
kwwiithorwil: now I have a second, let me take a look before i forget15:28
thorwilkwwii: i'm already contacting that user15:29
thorwilkwwii: with a little feedback and asking to use a better name for that page, at least15:29
kwwiithorwil: hrm, freaky, we don't really want to make a logo for each release15:29
thorwilkwwii: so nm ;)15:29
kwwiithorwil: yeah, it seems like a good idea from someone who is very new15:29
* thorwil subscribes to ayatana list15:32
savvasman I just wish we had some english words in the projects :p16:06
thorwilsavvas: a place to discuss notify-osd and the indicator applet16:07
thorwiland likely more to come16:07
savvasah ok16:08
savvasthe notification popup is great, but it would be better if I could click on it to make it disappear :p16:08
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=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
* thorwil stops pushing beziers and pushes self to sofa instead21:10

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