
Ampelbeinwoohoo. i won $50.000.000 in a lottery. i'm just sending the $1500 the lottery-administration needs for processing my winnings ;-)00:47
Ampelbein(first spam to my 4 week-old new launchpad-emailadress)00:48
hggdhall: eeebotu is inactive due to an (unknown) issue with the LP feed01:26
xtknightdebdiff for Bug 212493 has been posted.  would be grateful if it could be uploaded.  annoying mplayer pause bug :)03:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212493 in pulseaudio "mplayer pulseaudio freeze" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21249303:53
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anderskWhose bug is it that the volume control hotkeys don't work while a popup menu is open in any application?05:49
anderskGuessing gnome-settings-daemon for now (bug 356787).05:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356787 in gnome-settings-daemon "Volume control hotkeys don’t work while a popup menu is open in any application" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35678705:58
YoBoYandersk: could be a gtk problem... :]06:47
YoBoYor a shortcut's problem (not only volume control is déactivated, try alt+F2 for exemple)06:51
bullgard4https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-utils/+bug/275535 gets me a message: "the bug has been fixed to svn now" and another one: "gnome-utils (Ubuntu) status:   Triaged → Fix Committed". How can I make good use of these two messages? I am using Ubuntu
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275535 in gnome-utils "gnome-search-tool does not find a file in a path containing a hidden directory despite option 'Show hidden and backup files'" [Low,Fix committed]07:23
YoBoYbullgard4: you can't, this issue should be fixed in the next release of gnome, but no backport for the release. if you need this patch you can try to apply yourself the patch (complicated) or you can explain in the bug report why this should be backported ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports ) but i don't it's far more complicated ... :]07:32
YoBoY(sorry for my english) ¬_¬"07:34
YoBoYbug 356787 << confirmed, importance is Low i think07:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356787 in gnome-settings-daemon "Volume control hotkeys don’t work while a popup menu is open in any application" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35678707:47
BUGabundo_guud morning09:16
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savvasdoes someone know why bug 331306 is linked to "predrag" upstream?10:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331306 in gimp "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_object_get()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33130610:33
savvasI mean.. what, or better yet who is predrag since it's a name? :P nothing in the explanation overview of the project10:35
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Armag3ddonhello all11:39
BUGabundo_Armag3ddon: hi11:42
Armag3ddonanyone i can report a bug to ?11:43
BUGabundo_Armag3ddon: whats up?11:43
Armag3ddonim cool, listen i have ubuntu 9.04 the beta version is works fine but sometimes the shutdown button works as a restart11:45
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jurismhttp://pastebin.com/m37cc52feNo I have soft lockup problem ata_aux process usage is 100%, I can login into ssh but I can not even restart server. Thank You for answers!13:50
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bdmurraymvo: could you check out the log in 331280?16:40
mvobdmurray: sure, give me a sec16:40
mvobdmurray: the log looks like magaio is already on jaunty, I will ask him16:41
mvobdmurray: hm, maybe not16:41
mvobdmurray: very inconclusive :/16:44
mvobdmurray: I added a followup comment16:44
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Ampelbeinping bdmurray: shouldn't bughelper find also private bugs if the user is in the apport-crash-bug-triagers group and a valid launchpad-cookie file is given to it?17:50
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bdmurrayAmpelbein: doesn't it?18:00
Ampelbeinbdmurray: at least for me, no it doesn't.18:01
bdmurrayAmpelbein: can you give a test case?18:01
Ampelbeinsure. i'll pastebin the clue-file.18:02
Ampelbeinbdmurray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146332/18:05
Ampelbeinthis only finds me public bugs18:05
Ampelbeinbdmurray: this is cookie: .launchpad.net  TRUE    /       TRUE    1268712041      lp      BqdK[...]lYD3rSjEk18:06
Ampelbeinbdmurray: i invoke with bughelper -p pidgin --cookie=/home/andreas/.lpcookie --format=html --file=/home/andreas/Desktop/pidgin-bughelper.html -m 30000018:09
bdmurrayAmpelbein: on a call at the moment will look at it soono18:23
thekornAmpelbein, not sure, but maybe I can help you, which bug should match this clue-file and is not in your result?18:33
Ampelbeinthekorn: bug 356373 for example.18:41
ubottuBug 356373 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/356373 is private18:41
thekornok, what's the result of:18:44
Ampelbeinif it's important: i extracted the cookie using "Export Cookies"-plugin in firefox, then copy the launchpad-line.18:44
thekornbugnumbers -p pidgin -m 300000 --format numbers --cookie <COOKIE>|grep 35637318:45
Ampelbeindoesn't get shown there either.18:47
Ampelbeincould there be something wrong with the exported cookie?18:48
thekornAmpelbein, it works for me, so maybe your cookie you extracted is outdated18:48
thekornAmpelbein, you can use your FF cookie directly18:48
thekornno need to extract it18:48
Ampelbeinthekorn: how that? they are stored in a sqlite database, as far as i can tell.18:49
thekornAmpelbein, bughelper supports such cookies18:50
Ampelbeinthekorn: woohoo. that works. tyvm!18:51
thekornboth types of mozilla cookies are supported: the "old" txt ones and the sqlite ones from FF318:51
Ampelbeinthekorn: consider yourself hugged!18:51
thekornjuhu :)18:52
thekornAmpelbein, hmm, I don't see how your clue should match this bug 35637318:53
ubottuBug 356373 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/356373 is private18:53
thekornnon of the strings you are searching for are in the bugreport + comments18:54
thekornor maybe I'm blind and need new glasses18:54
Ampelbeinthekorn: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/24908012/Stacktrace.txt there is gmarkup.c:2251 (line 3) and purple_core_quit on #1118:55
Ampelbeinah, forgot -A18:55
Ampelbeinso it wouldn't have a chance to find it even if the cookie was valid...18:56
thekornAmpelbein, yes, you forgot -A18:56
Ampelbeinthekorn: thanks again18:57
thekornno problemo18:58
railkin jaunty, /etc/init.d/pulseaudio contains a bug that just made an update fail (for me): it contains the line "start-stop-daemon -p $PIDFILE --stop --retry TERM/3 --oknodo || status=$? " ... the || results in status only begin set when its non-0 -> log_end_msg exists with status 1 -> script "fails" -> update "fails". the correct version is simply to move "status=$?" onto a new line or use ";" instead of "||".19:15
mrooneyhooray, #ubuntu-bugs-announce is back19:18
mrooneybdmurray: is there any room for that channel in the topic?19:18
james_wrailk: is there a bug report open for this?19:23
railki couldn't see one...19:23
james_wplease file one19:24
james_wwhile raising it here is appreciated comments on IRC are easily lost if they are not seen by the right people at the right time19:24
railki'm getting timeout errors from launchpad ... i got one before when apport tried to automatically file the bug19:26
railk(when the update failed)19:26
railkjames_w: theres bug #336925, but thats been closed wontfix, but the reasoning for closing it is unrelated to my case...19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336925 in pulseaudio "package pulseaudio 0.9.14-0ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33692519:34
james_wrailk: I'd open a new bug, that one seems sufficiently different19:37
mnemorailk: did you open a new bug? if so, what was the bug number?19:42
railki'm doing it now... :P19:42
railki checked https://launchpadlibrarian.net/24923521/pulseaudio_0.9.14-0ubuntu17.diff.gz and it still contains the line i believe to be causint the problem19:46
mnemorailk: thanks19:47
james_wrailk: it's good if you can also give the symptoms in the bug report, as well as what you believe is the cause19:48
james_wit means that others can follow your reasoning, and have to spend less time thinking it through19:48
james_wobviously providing a fix is very much appreciated :-)19:48
railkwell the failed upgrade is kinda the only symptom i have :P19:49
james_wthe log from that would be useful19:50
railki tried to find it19:50
james_w/var/log/dist-upgrade if it was update-manager dist-upgrade19:50
james_w/var/log/apt/term.log if not19:51
james_w(I think)19:51
mvojames_w: right19:51
james_wpresumably if you are correct then "/etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop && /etc/init.d/pulseaudio start" would exhibit the behaviour19:51
railkwell it wasn't a dist-upgrade... just found it term.log19:51
railkamong all the otehr stuff like the previously failed dist-upgrade :P19:52
* james_w -> dinner19:52
railkwell you'd have to check the result too19:52
blupHello i have just installed ubuntu 9.04 beta and dureing installation the mouse pointer was invisible. After installation the mouse pointer is still invisible and i have to enable the "ctrl" key in order to see where it is. The mouse works great but the pointer is invisible. Any idea about how to fix this?20:43
mnemoblup: what graphics card do you have?20:44
blupsapphire/ati radeon hd 2600 pro pci-e20:44
blupnot installed the driver yet anyway20:45
mnemoblup: never heard of that issue before... please file a bug on it20:46
mnemoand use the "ubuntu-bug" script to file the bug if possible20:46
mnemothat way information about your graphics card gets attached to the bug automatically20:46
blupi did it useing the "system testing" anyway without the mouse worlking it's so stressing useing the computer20:46
blupubuntu-bug is a gui interface? or have i to open a terminal?20:47
mnemoand run "ubuntu-bug xorg"20:47
blupwith this report i can't write a message to the developers saying "my mouse pointer is invisible"20:49
mnemoblup: you can add stuff to the report20:49
blupit just goes in auto and then just let me see the content before send it20:50
mnemoblup: you can always edit the bug20:50
hggdhand ubuntu-bug <package> is the best option -- all necessary data is usually collected20:50
blupi have to register...ok thanx i hope that the ubutnu team will fix it :)20:51
blupThank you all. bye20:52
lacquiis there a way to find out what 'configure' command was used to build a package?21:25
bdmurraylacqui: look at the build log - what package is it?21:26
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lacqui(sorry, computer was taken over by wife)22:00
lacquithe package is file-roller, for bug #35725722:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357257 in nautilus "nautilus crash showing long filename (dup-of: 280484)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35725722:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280484 in pango1.0 "gnome-panel crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__BOXED()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28048422:00
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lacquiwhich is apparently invalid now anyway :P22:01
pedro_it's a duplicate of an already known one, which is going to be fixed shortly22:02
lacquibut for future reference, how do i get the build log of an installed package?22:02
maxbYou go to its source package page in launchpad, choose a version, choose a build, and then choose to see the buildlog22:04

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