
rickspencer3you can thank pitti I suppose :)00:00
robert_ancell"thank" ;)00:00
robert_ancellI don't know if I've ever actually run ubiquity - always dist upgraded...00:00
rickspencer3well, I suppose you'll be running it today :)00:00
seb128what bug did you win today? ;-)00:01
rickspencer3353090,(jaunty) Text hidden on Who are you? step,robert-ancell,Triaged,High,ubiquity (Ubuntu Jaunty),jaunty,,canonical-desktop-team,2009-04-01 12:39:21.873648+00:0000:02
rickspencer3bug 35309000:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353090 in guadalinex "(jaunty) Text hidden on "Who are you?" step" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35309000:02
Ampelbeinseb128: ok, bug 356614 updated00:03
seb128Ampelbein: thanks00:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356614 in glade-3 "Please sponsor version 3.6.1 in Jaunty" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35661400:03
Ampelbeinbtw: seems that launchpad finally can connect to gnome-bugtracker again ;-)00:04
seb128Ampelbein: they did run a forced update on all watches and looked at it today on my request, let's see if that works regularly from now00:05
Ampelbeinseb128: cool, thanks for the nagging there.00:06
Ampelbeinthat's a great help for updating packages.00:07
seb128you're welcome ;-)00:07
seb128and to know where there is some changes we might want to backport too00:07
seb128Ampelbein: the update is corret now thanks, I've uploaded it00:12
Ampelbeinseb128: thanks for sponsoring. it was a good learning experience for me.00:13
seb128what I said the other day, library updates are something to play with too ;-)00:13
Ampelbeinyeah. and it seemed so simple at first glance...00:15
* calc back, and looking at the g-s-d bug again00:32
robert_ancellseb128: thanks for the debdiff hint - I knew there was something I'd missed in the release process00:32
seb128robert_ancell: you're welcome, that should make things easier for you and for the reviewer ;-)00:33
calcasac: i updated the upstream bug report00:49
calci wonder if this is an issue of xrdb being called for the old and new values and it just happening to overwrite the new value with the old00:51
calcit seems to be calling xrdb with both values at least, i can't tell which one completed first though00:51
calcsince its async it seems that i wouldn't really know00:52
james_wthanks seb12800:55
seb128james_w: you're welcome, thank you for the good work ;-)00:55
calcseb128: can the async call cause the xrdb calls to be done out of original issue order?00:57
seb128calc: what do you call "issue order"?00:58
seb128it's building the description and doing one call00:58
seb128there is no real order there00:58
calcseb128: every time you change the setting it first calls xrdb with the old value, then calls it again (apparently sometimes multiple times?) with the new value00:59
seb128the calls are async they could arrive in the wrong order I guess00:59
seb128but having it called several time seems to be a bug00:59
calcseb128: i just changed from medium to full and saw it call xrdb twice for medium and then once for full01:00
calcfor a single radio button change01:00
seb128that is a valid bug to report upstream and seems a better explanation than the one you had before01:00
calcstill a race condition just not the way i originally thought it was caused01:02
calcso probably two bugs in that it shouldn't be able to execute out of order... but shouldn't be calling it with the old values to begin with01:04
calcand shouldn't be calling it multiple times either, so maybe three bugs01:04
seb128the order would not be an issue if there was one call as expected01:06
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YokoZarRegarding newer iPods: it's sort of a race to see whether Wine + iTunes or Rhythmbox/Banshee will work with them first01:33
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didrockshi seb12808:18
seb128lut didrocks08:19
didrocksseb128: I repackaged nautilus-actions from svn finally (cherry picking the patch was awful as there were a lot of changes in the files). After having striked with "make distcheck" to create a tarball, it seems to works well. I will upload it tonight08:20
seb128didrocks: excellent, thanks!08:20
didrocksseb128: y/w08:20
didrocksseb128: bugs #355370 if you didn't see it08:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355370 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver does not respect screensaver selection" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35537008:21
didrocksthey just want a menu in XFCE08:21
didrocks(but the debdiff is wrong as they took my Vcs-Bzr tag and didn't update it in Bzr :))08:21
seb128we have 2.26 in bzr already though?08:23
didrocksyes, you know, the "non-working on update"08:23
didrocksbut we can overwrite it, if needed08:23
seb128didrocks: right08:27
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:27
didrockshi chrisccoulson08:27
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 & didrocks08:30
asaccalc: ok .. i will look after reading mails et al09:04
seb128hey asac09:06
asachey seb12809:06
gesertseliot: Hi, I've seen that your last upload of screen-resolution-extra FTBFS because of a missing --install-layout=deb in the setup.py install arguments. Either add it to your debian/rules or use the default from cdbs (the difference would be an extra -O0). Here is a patch for the second option: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146042/09:10
tseliotgeser: ah, right, I didn't check that. Thanks a lot :-)09:11
tseliotgeser: ok, I have updated my bzr branch and set the source to bryce for the upload09:24
seb128bah, those "this desktop file should be shown or not in xfce" bugs start being annoying09:36
asacseb128: yeah.09:46
asacseb128: please use NotShowIn=XFCE09:46
asacand dont exclude all other DE like the xcfe guys usually suggest09:46
seb128in this case the desktop has OnlyShowIn=GNOME09:47
seb128they want XFCE to be added there09:47
seb128bryce, tseliot: do you know what code in the xrandr capplet, gnome-desktop lib get the monitor names?09:48
asacseb128: yeah. mabe check whether its supposed to be NotShowIn=KDE09:48
asaci think a bunch of KDE folks suggest to use OnlyShowIN=GNOME if its actually something not Qt09:48
seb128asac: right09:48
seb128well, then you have xfce people who disagree on whether the application should be displayed or not when installed09:48
asacseb128: most gnome apps should be shown in xfve09:49
seb128that's ridiculous, we should display everything and let users clean ;-)09:49
asacits gtk09:49
asacxfce is gtk too09:49
seb128well they claim they have tools for those functions already09:49
asacthey share almost everything from gnome from what i know09:49
asacseb128: then users shouldnt install it09:49
seb128so they don't want the xfce and the GNOME tools to be listed09:49
asacxubuntu should drop it from seed09:49
asacif users install it they want it to be shown09:50
seb128or they want to be able to start GNOME09:50
bryceseb128: see libgnome-desktop/display-name.c09:51
bryceseb128: vendors[] is a map of EDID vendor ID's to human readable names.09:52
tseliotseb128: yes, sure it involves decoding the EDID09:52
tseliotoh, ^^09:52
tseliotseb128: what's the problem?09:52
tseliot(just curious)09:52
seb128bug #35683409:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356834 in gnome-control-center "Show screens as "unknown" instead of displaying the monitor names" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35683409:52
seb128"$ grep "Monitor name" /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:52
seb128(II) fglrx(0): Monitor name: DELL 1907FP09:52
seb128(II) fglrx(0): Monitor name: ASUS MK241"09:52
seb128but those are displayed as "unknow"09:52
tseliotseb128: that's because the driver doesn't support RandR 1.209:53
tseliotthe same happens with nvidia09:53
seb128the capplet should not start in this case no?09:53
tseliotseb128: it still supports RandR 1.1 though09:54
seb128I though the capplet was 1.2 specific?09:54
brycetseliot: fglrx *partially* supports xrandr 1.2.09:54
seb128and is there any reason why xrandr 1.1 couldn't get monitors names?09:54
tseliotbut superm1 wrote a patch which suggests users to launch either ATI's panel or nvidia-settings when you open the capplet09:55
seb128the grep there seems to indicate that the xorg log has decent names09:55
tseliotbryce: partially?09:55
brycetseliot: yep09:55
tseliotseb128: can I see the log09:55
seb128tseliot: I gave the bug number just before09:56
seb128tseliot: there is no log just the grep I copied09:56
seb128tseliot: but feel free to comment on the bug and ask details09:56
tseliotseb128: aah, my guess is that the driver doesn't support RandR properties such as EDID09:56
seb128'nigh bryce09:56
tseliotnight bryce09:56
seb128tseliot: can you add a comment asking for that on the bug?09:56
seb128vuntz: hey10:04
seb128vuntz: still working on the gnome-session changes and aiming at 2.26.1 next week?10:04
vuntzseb128: yes. But please don't run away after asking a question :-)10:07
seb128_ok, there is something buggy there10:08
* seb128_ kicks gnome-keyring10:08
vuntz11:07 < vuntz> seb128: yes. But please don't run away after asking a question :-)10:08
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128vuntz: sorry got some gnome-keyring issues and session restarts10:09
seb128should be stable again now10:09
seb128I got 3 gnome-keyring-daemon process running though, not sure that's right10:09
seb128ok, it crashed again, back in 5 minutes rather than doing a lot of IRC restarts ;-)10:10
asacseb128: could you look at the patch i attached to openoffice font bug 27128310:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271283 in openoffice "[ooo-build] OpenOffice.org subpixel font rendering broken with new cairo" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27128310:45
asacif you say its ok to try that still for a few days, i can upload10:46
asace.g. i think we still do the .1 upload round?10:46
asacso we could back it out while doing that if we see regressions10:46
seb128asac: that's fine with me yes10:47
seb128we should get 2.26.110:47
asacok i will upload that now then10:47
asaclet me check if there i sbzr10:47
seb128there is!10:48
asacseb128: heh. you forgot to push your last commit ;)10:50
asacididnt get ubuntu310:50
seb128I'm not on my laptop right now, will fix that in 15 minutes or so just let me finish something there10:51
asacits ok10:51
seb128feel free to upload without pushing to bzr for now10:51
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hyperairhas anyone noticed that after returning from suspend/hibernate, the window icons are messed up in compiz's scale plugin?11:30
hyperairrestarting compiz fixes the issue =\11:31
mptYokoZar, hi, did you register a blueprint about the autorun stuff?12:19
YokoZarmpt: not on blueprint specifically, though there is an autorun section on the better integrated wine blueprint12:20
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YokoZarmpt: do you think a blueprint would help?12:22
mptYokoZar, I have no idea, but I'm guessing the window that comes up wouldn't be powered by Wine12:22
mpt(the combined window, I mean)12:22
mptso, your call :-)12:22
YokoZarWell the Ubuntu CD Dialog certainly wouldn't, yeah.  It does seem like it could benefit from further discussion (eg what it should say when you put a cd in for a running Ubuntu version)12:23
YokoZaror, for that matter, a non-official CD12:23
seb128what about autorun?12:23
seb128I disabled autorun in nautilus in jaunty12:23
mptOk, so is there any example where autorun ever *should* work in Ubuntu?12:24
YokoZarseb128: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2009-April/002059.html12:24
mpt(in a future version)12:24
YokoZarYeah, when you put in a Windows Application CD with autorun on it12:25
YokoZarThen you should get the prompt (and the prompt should work)12:25
seb128or you should get no prompt which is what we have now12:25
YokoZarseb128: what about when I double click the CD12:26
seb128it browse it12:27
YokoZarRight.  But a user might expect autorun there, especially if that's the same CD they took from Windows.  So we should at least offer it12:27
seb128those autorun don't work under linux12:28
YokoZarseb128: they can if Wine is installed though, which is why "fixing the prompt" means "making it call Wine in a way that isn't broken"12:38
YokoZareg with winepath12:38
seb128YokoZar: I'm probably not the best person to talk with about wine, I'm not for giving the false impression that running microsoft code under linux works correctly12:39
seb128my experience is that things are slow, ugly and buggy12:39
YokoZarMicrosoft API. 100% non-microsoft code ;)12:40
seb128but I will not stop you if you want to work on that, we don't install wine by default anyway so as long as it's not showing in the default install12:40
seb128right, same difference ;-)12:40
YokoZarseb128: your experience is very common.  And one reason why I want to work on that ;)12:40
seb128nautilus will have proper code next cycle12:41
YokoZarOne of the things I'll be demoing at UDS are the various ways we can lower the user expectation about Wine while still making it easy to try and use it12:41
seb128there is a shared-mime-info pending patch to detect unix and w32 autoruns12:41
seb128once they have different mimetype we can have different handlers12:41
YokoZargood good.  After that it's just a matter of using winepath to point at the cd drive (something like wine `winepath /media/cdrom/foo.exe`)12:42
seb128https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20562 is the corresponding shared-mime-info bug12:44
ubottuFreedesktop bug 20562 in freedesktop.org.xml "Need more fine-grained control over x-content/software" [Normal,New]12:44
mptmvo, yesterday I came across the report of bug 356152, which would be Critical if it was confirmed13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356152 in update-notifier "update-manager doesn't show updates, even after 1 week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35615213:38
mptmvo, can you suggest a way to reproduce that? For example, would (1) installing the beta, then (2) setting the clock forward more than a week, and (3) restarting, be a good test?13:38
mvompt: let me check the report13:40
mvompt: the method of setting the clock forward should work13:44
mptok, I'll try that, thanks13:44
seb128what is the issue there?13:45
seb128mvo: btw I tried to trigger the "update-manager starts after using synaptic" for a week without luck, it's probably fixed in the current version13:46
mvompt: I followed up in the report13:46
mvoseb128: thanks13:47
mptthanks mvo13:47
mvompt: I'm running u-m with a 1 day setting and it frequently auto-opens for me (e.g. after the weekend). this does not mean that there might be bugs hidding of cours13:48
seb128I'm running it with 1 day too now for debug purpose and it opens regularly13:49
mvothanks seb12813:49
mvogood to hear :)13:49
mvotoo many fires currently to put out, I really hope its something else in janes case (like elmo sneakily applying some updates or something)13:49
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seb128hey tedg14:35
seb128tedg: apparently your evolution-indicator translation change breaks evolution's translations14:36
tedgseb128: Hmm, that's no good.14:36
seb128tedg: it probably overwritte the translation domain for evolution code or something14:36
tedgseb128: It must change the default... yeah.14:36
seb128tedg: bug #352657 has some details14:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352657 in evolution-indicator "All the strings from evolution-indicator shows untranslated" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35265714:37
tedgOkay, so I guess every message needs to have the domain explicitly set on it then.14:37
tedgKinda funny, the second screenshot is much more readable to me! ;)14:39
calcasac: there appears to be a bug in firefox that if you kill it (using kill) and restart it after an upgrade it still thinks you need to restart15:05
asaccalc: kill -KILL or normal kill?15:05
asaccalc: we have a bug about that15:06
asaccalc: its even in the milestoned section of our weekly meetings ;)15:06
asacbug 27030315:06
seb128hey rickspencer315:07
rickspencer3hey seb12815:07
seb128did we sort the weekly meeting time for this week btw? ;-)15:07
calcasac: ah ok sorry :)15:07
seb128still 16:30utc?15:07
calcasac: yea normal kill pid, i got used to having to do that so my tabs wouldn't go away15:08
asaccalc: no prob15:08
calcasac: i imagine the restart button that is now there will probably work as well :)15:08
asaccalc: interesting that you use that as a workaround15:08
asacfor me hitting ctrl+Q works ;)15:08
calcasac: in the past (hardy/intrepid timeframe i think) quiting caused me to lose my tabs from what i recall15:08
asaccalc: yes. verifying that restart button keeps tabs would be nice ... so if you next get that suggestion give it a try ;)15:09
calcheh ok15:09
calci do recall what i did in the past was attempt to just quit (not restart) which did not work back then15:10
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eeejayhey mvo15:13
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seb128pedro_: do you think that bug #356989 is an important issue?15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356989 in f-spot "Version submenu contains too short ellipsized text" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35698915:34
pedro_seb128: well not "important" as if we don't ship that the application doesn't work but worth to fix before the release on the default photo app15:39
pittiGood morning15:39
pedro_i wonder why that wasn't included on the 0.5.3 release btw...15:39
seb128pedro_: ok, the font in the screenshot didn't seem to be normal use one ;-)15:39
seb128hey pitti15:39
* seb128 hugs pitti15:39
* pitti hugs the team15:39
pedro_hello pitti15:39
kenvandine_wkhey pitti!15:40
seb128pitti: how are you?15:40
kenvandine_wkhaving fun in SF I hope?15:40
pittiI'm pretty good, just got up15:40
pittithe collab summit didn't start yet, had some hacking sessions with Jon and some informal discussions15:41
pittiand on the weekend I enjoyed SF a lot15:41
pittihey rickspencer3!15:41
dobeyoh you are in SF?15:41
seb128good ;-)15:41
dobeyi was going to say15:41
rickspencer3pitti: how is the weather?15:42
kenvandine_wki heard it was rainy last night15:42
pittiwas splendid on the weekend and yesterday, today it's cloudy15:42
rickspencer3(the weather in conference centers is always the same I suppose ;) )15:43
* pitti curses at those retracers, what do they have now...15:43
seb128pitti: cf #distro15:43
pittirickspencer3: yeah, same artificial light and high geek concentration :)15:43
mvoeeejay: hi (sorry, missed your earlier hello)16:12
tedgSo when I use g_dgettext do I still need to have the string with a _() around it?16:26
seb128tedg: what string?16:29
seb128asac: g-s-d changes pushed btw16:29
tedgseb128:  Basically are these the same:  _("foo") and g_dgettext(domain, "foo")  or should it be g_dgettext(domain, _("foo")) ?16:30
mclasenthey are not the same, but the last one makes no sense16:30
tedgNot the same with regards to the domain, but if the domain was the default domain they'd be the same.16:31
tedgmclasen: right?16:31
mclaseng_dgettext has some difference in behaviour to dgettext, but in first order, yes, they are equivalent16:32
mclasenyou need to fix your xgettext invocation to extract those strings, of course16:32
tedgmclasen: I'm not sure what you're saying there.16:33
mclasenif you call xgettext you tell it what patterns to look for in the source16:35
mclasenand it won't look for g_dgettext() unless you tell it to16:35
tedgI guess I'm using intltool -- do you know if that configures it to look fro g_dgettext?16:35
mclasenno I don't16:36
mclasenbut you have the right experts onboard for that question...16:36
tedgHmm, seems that it doesn't :(16:37
tedgdobey: ^  Do you know this one?16:38
calctedg: ArneGoetje may know if you can't find anyone else around that does16:38
* calc doesn't know himself16:38
* dobey reads backlog16:38
dobeytedg: why wouldn't you just be doing _("foo")?16:40
tedgdobey: Because this is a plugin for Evolution, so I can't change the default domain, or it seems I change the domain for all of evolution.16:40
dobeyor you are wanting to use a different domain?16:40
* tedg is happy with it all being in English, but it seems others are not :)16:41
dobeythough intltool itself doesn't do anything with C files, other than check for strings marked with the _,Q_,etc... macros, and complain if the files aren't in POTFILES.in16:42
dobeyit just relies on the standard gettext bits to extract strings from C16:42
tedgSo then how do I configure my intltoolized setup to pull from the glib functions vs. the standard GNU ones?16:43
asacseb128: ok. i will forward the patch upstream tomorrow morning if nobody shouted ;)16:46
asacnot sure they will want it though. but we should try ;)16:46
dobeytedg: i think you need to add --keyword=g_dgettext to XGETTEXT_OPTIONS in po/Makevars16:46
njpateltedg: have you looked at glib/gi18n-lib.h?16:47
dobeytedg: or alternatively, simply redefine _ to pass in your domain instead16:48
njpateltedg: it seems to rely on #define-ing GETTEXT_PACKAGE to do the right thing16:48
dobeythough i don't see how simply using _ in a plug-in would screw up the rest of evolution16:48
njpateltedg: basically what dobey said (defining _), but done in glib instead16:48
* tedg is looking16:50
tedgSo I guess I don't understand the difference between gi18n.h and gi18n-lib.h16:52
tedgIs that the difference?16:52
njpateltedg: -lib is meant for libraries, hence passes in the domain, where gi18n.h just uses gettext normally16:53
njpatel(and inherits the application domain)16:53
tedgAh, okay.  That sounds like it's for us then!16:53
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james_whmm, that's a bit silly, I just got a pinentry window for my GPG key, but I wasn't able to interact with anything else, so I couldn't find out what triggereed it17:13
pittijames_w: that was an intermediate bug in libgpgsm; you should just purge gnupg2, gnupg-agent, and pinentry17:20
seb128vuntz: what is the recommend way to test if a session is a GNOME one?17:22
Riddellseb128: there's no great way to do it but see detectDE in /usr/bin/xdg-open17:25
seb128ok, that's what I though17:25
seb128those are mostly hacks but that should work17:25
rickspencer3desktop team meeting in 4 minutes17:26
seb128bryce: user switching works again on my laptop, good work!17:26
rickspencer3I updated this morning, and the cover flow effect seems much faster!17:27
bryceseb128: yep, good to hear17:28
* calc found that two single serve tea bags aren't quite enough for 2L of tea17:28
rickspencer3pitti: are  you here for the team meeting?17:28
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: asac bryce calc kenvandine_wk pitti Riddell seb128 pedro_17:29
pittirickspencer3: doing some firefighting with the retracers, and I'm doing some conf stuff, but I'm lurking17:30
rickspencer3pitti: ack17:30
rickspencer3let's go then17:30
rickspencer3actions from last meeting:17:31
rickspencer3ACTION: All - If you've got a blog, blog about X Hug day ACTION: Contact pitti if there are people at Linux Foundations that you want him to meet on your behalf17:31
rickspencer3both moot points now17:31
kenvandine_wkdone though :)17:31
rickspencer3however, it seems that the bug day went very very well17:31
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: thanks17:31
pedro_yep that's true ;-)17:31
pedro_thanks everybody17:31
rickspencer3so great work all (esp. pedro_ and bryce)17:32
rickspencer3thanks pedro_17:32
rickspencer3Desktop Summit: Deadline to submit is this Friday17:32
rickspencer3if you want to go, please submit17:32
rickspencer3if anyone has any questions or concerns, please follow up with me directly17:33
pittirickspencer3: do you want many people from desktop team to go, or just e. g. Seb, Robert, and Jonathan?17:33
rickspencer3pitti: I want everyone who wants to go to go17:33
rickspencer3as I mentioned last week, it will be easier to get sponsorship, etc... if you have a talk17:34
rickspencer3however, if you submit, and don't get accepted, please talk to me17:34
rickspencer3or if you don't want to submit, but want to go, please talk to me17:34
rickspencer3I understand that the timing of the deadline is unfortunate17:34
rickspencer3make sense?17:34
Riddelldo we know if people from other teams are submitting talks?17:34
Riddellmobile team or OEM team probably have stuff that would be interesting for the conference17:35
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tedgI will be :)17:35
Riddelloh aye, DX too17:35
seb128and dxteam and online team too17:35
rickspencer3the dx team is submitting ... a lot of interesting stuff17:35
tedgAssuming of course, you people stop assigning me bugs ;)17:35
rickspencer3OLS team has the contacts store stuff17:36
pROCKrammeris there Desktop team?17:36
kenvandine_wki would love the mobile guys to present stuff17:36
seb128tedg: start writting bug-free code? ;-)17:36
Riddellagateau: you going to submit a talk?17:36
kenvandine_wktedg: there are no bugs... just undocumented features17:36
RiddellpROCKrammer: we're in a meeting just now17:36
pROCKrammercooolllll ))17:36
pROCKrammerRiddell: can other users participate ?17:36
rickspencer3so I'll be expecting to hear from each person individual if they are interested17:37
rickspencer3certain people may be hearing from me :)17:37
RiddellpROCKrammer: yes, stay around a watch, but don't disturb unless you are on topic17:38
rickspencer3moving on ...17:38
rickspencer3Meeting time: Everyone has updated MeetingTime wiki17:38
rickspencer3no single slot came out as good for everyone17:38
rickspencer3I propose that we discuss how to set up team meetings in emails17:38
rickspencer3If we're agreeable, I'll kick it off with an email17:38
rickspencer3sounds okay, or would folks rather discuss on irc?17:39
ArneGoetjefine for me17:39
kenvandine_wk+1 for email17:39
rickspencer3moving on17:39
rickspencer3we have some release critical bugs17:39
rickspencer3I'd like to check in on those briefly now17:39
rickspencer3 353924     Offline home page always English (browser language hard-coded to en-US)17:40
asacdiscuss with community and investigate regression LP: #353924; thinking17:40
asac* about solutions better than "just" backing out the fix that triggered this.17:40
asac(from activity)17:40
rickspencer3asac: is it really importance = High?17:40
seb128bug #35392417:40
asaci am on it. most likely will be the "backing" out17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353924 in ubufox "Offline home page always English (browser language hard-coded to en-US)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35392417:40
asacrickspencer3: i would think its high. it basically means that websites always see en-US as language17:41
rickspencer3asac: ack17:41
brycehrm, do release critical bugs keep being added?  seems this list never shortens...17:41
asacwhich is bad given that a bunch of websites do localization using javascript navigator.language17:41
rickspencer3"on it" sounds like a good response :)17:41
rickspencer3bryce: yes, as far as I can tell17:41
rickspencer3furthermore, I'm not sure how some of them get there17:41
calcbryce: bugs everywhere, as soon as you squash one, another comes out of the woodwork ;-)17:41
asacbryce: release critical bugs often get discovered after beta ;)17:42
rickspencer3so bryce, you have three 945 bugs on the list17:42
rickspencer3are you working on these? because I know you're working on others17:42
pittiQA keeps tossing them, but feel free to ct-rev if you think that they aren't really critical17:42
rickspencer3bug 33760817:42
brycecalc, indeed17:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337608 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] X crashes in fbBlt() when using Sun Java Plugin 6 + firefox3.0 on Asus EEEPC 1000" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33760817:42
pittiQA errs on the safe side, so it is absolutely appropriate to reject some17:42
brycerickspencer3: yes all three I've looked at recently17:42
rickspencer3pitti: does qa target them as well?17:42
brycerickspencer3: they're all new to the list though so not resolved yet17:43
pittirickspencer3: no, just assigns to us17:43
rickspencer3I ask about this last one, because pitti comments: Taking off the Jaunty RC radar, this looks more like a corner case.17:43
brycerickspencer3: the a17 one might help with performance17:43
rickspencer3but it's still targeted, and it doesn't say why in the bug17:43
calcpitti: i think the fact we keep seeing so many bugs isn't necessarily a bad thing, just perhaps bugs are just better triaged now than in the past17:43
brycerickspencer3: yeah dunno17:44
asacis the eeepc bug reproducible?17:44
pittirickspencer3, bryce: I re-targetted to Jaunty because mdz said that it wasn't a corner case after all17:44
pittibut happens on certified laptops, and is quite important for customers as well17:44
rickspencer3in any case, I wanted to ensure that bryce was aware that he had these RC bugs17:44
rickspencer3and to see if there was anything we should be doing to help17:45
rickspencer3it looks like bryce would need the actual hardware to work on that one, no?17:45
brycerickspencer3: these three don't feel like ones that will be especially easy to solve, but who knows.  Personally I think we have a number of crasher bugs that are probably more problematic for people, and easier to solve17:46
rickspencer3bryce: ok17:46
brycerickspencer3: so I'll be balancing my time between these rc bugs and the crashers17:46
rickspencer3I think that needs to be made explicit17:46
pittibryce: if we get them upstream and triaged, that's fine17:46
pittibryce: part of mdz's request was to get a feeling how much hw is affected17:46
calci have access to a 945 if you need help with debugging, i can see if the systme is affected by the issue17:46
rickspencer3if these aren't truly blockers, they shouldn't be tagged as such17:46
brycepitti: that's done already17:46
rickspencer3bryce: should any of these three be targeted, in your opinion?17:47
pittibryce: if you think that it's not affecting many people, then we can still do an SRU later, or just shrug at it as "too hard"17:47
brycerickspencer3: no17:47
rickspencer3bryce:do you have other bugs that should be?17:48
bryce356264 - VERY widely reported, but maybe not X's fault.  needs sorted in any case17:48
Riddellbug 35626417:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356264 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in InitOutput() - VirtualBox with Guest Additions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35626417:49
asacbug 34953517:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349535 in xorg-server "dri_bufmgr_fake_contended_lock_take: Assertion `_fence_test(bufmgr_fake, block->fence)' failed."" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34953517:49
rickspencer3I'll talk to steve about how to get the right bugs tracked17:49
rickspencer3move on?17:49
bryceprobably others but don't know offhand17:49
rickspencer3bug #35309017:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353090 in guadalinex "(jaunty) Text hidden on "Who are you?" step" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35309017:50
agateauRiddell: don't think so17:50
rickspencer3Fix Committed, so "yeah Robert"17:50
rickspencer3asac: this one is Importance = Medium17:50
rickspencer3bug 14571617:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 145716 in thunderbird "panel launchers break on upgrade" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14571617:50
asacrickspencer3: easy fix. not critical imo, because its an old upgrade issue17:51
asace.g. not new in jaunty17:51
asacbut i will fix it for release17:51
asaceither keep it on targetted list or add milestone only17:51
rickspencer3asac: would be good to fix, since it's a bit old, but I understand if there are more important bugs to fix on the destkop17:52
rickspencer3or even the desktop17:52
rickspencer3there are also some un-targeted highs that have been milestoned for Jaunty17:52
rickspencer3but those are bugs that you all put there yourselves as personally goals17:52
rickspencer3I put them on the wiki as a reminder, but no need to discuss here17:52
rickspencer3everyone submitted an activity report, so thanks for that17:53
rickspencer3any other business?17:53
seb128rickspencer3: do you prefer to get the activity reports by emails on directly on the wiki btw?17:53
kenvandine_wki have a few bugs that need sponsoring17:53
rickspencer3seb128: thanks for asking17:53
kenvandine_wkall listed in my activity report17:54
rickspencer3I would say, do what is easiest for you17:54
rickspencer3however, if you have NDA stuff, I would ask that you send it separately, as I've tended to copy and paste to the wiki before reading17:54
asackenvandine_wk: was indicate python sponsored? with or without my comments?17:54
kenvandine_wkalmost ready17:55
* rickspencer3 tick tick tick17:55
seb128kenvandine_wk: did you subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to those bugs?17:55
pittiI reviewed it again on sunday or so17:55
kenvandine_wkpitti had some feedback, it is done except the python versions thing17:55
kenvandine_wkseb128: i did17:55
seb128kenvandine_wk: I've been watching the sponsoring list daily and I don't think I've seen waiting things there17:55
kenvandine_wkpitti: i am converting it to setuptools17:55
kenvandine_wkshould be done soon17:55
seb128hum, ok, so maybe those didn't strike me as changed for jaunty ;-)17:55
pittikenvandine_wk: I hope upstream will take that :)17:55
kenvandine_wkeasier than figuring out how to make it build right17:55
* seb128 looks on the wiki17:55
kenvandine_wkpitti: i think i can convince them17:55
rickspencer3before we break, I'd like to call out bryce17:56
rickspencer3he's been working his a** off on X, and made some really ...17:56
brycerickspencer3: btw 349535 seems to be an Intrepid-only bug, mnemo pointed out.  Sounded familiar, perhaps one fixed earlier in jaunty.  so not a blocker after all17:56
rickspencer3noticible improvements over the last week or so17:56
seb128bryce: good work, thanks again for fixing user switching on my d630 ;-)17:57
brycehopefully noticeable in the good way ;-)17:57
rickspencer3our users will really benefit from the dedication17:57
* calc hugs bryce :-)17:57
rickspencer3as I said, cover flow works, that's all I care about :)17:57
brycewhat's cover flow?17:57
brycecompiz effect?17:57
* pitti hugs bryce; that was an awesome work!17:57
kenvandine_wkbryce: great work!17:57
rickspencer3home key (or windows key) and tab17:58
brycedon't worry, in a few weeks we'll be breaking X all over again I'm sure ;-)17:58
rickspencer3we should sell little ubuntu stickers for the home key17:58
kenvandine_wkX is hard to fix... and easy to break17:58
rickspencer3once again, thanks bryce!17:58
rickspencer3any other business?17:58
bryceno prob, glad everything's coming together.17:58
rickspencer3Sounds good17:58
rickspencer3Final Freeze is Thursday ... so time is running out on your changes17:59
rickspencer3please contact me if you see something risky or concerning so we can get it settled by then17:59
brycefor anyone curious about the remaining performance problems, I've documented at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Performance17:59
seb128bryce: incorrect page name?18:00
seb128https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance you mean?18:00
Riddellrickspencer3: I have something risky and concerning18:01
Riddellsomeone decided to remove all translations from .desktop files18:01
RiddellKubuntu wasn't ready for this to happen18:01
RiddellI'm working on fixing that now so it should be ok18:01
Riddellbut I'd really rather have been told about this when it happened, and it really shouldn't have happened post-beta18:02
seb128the somebody is pitti there18:02
bryceseb128: thanks yes that's right18:02
seb128well he did when we noticed that we still had issue on ubuntu packages18:02
Riddellchances are it'll introduce regressions, launchpad translations usually do18:02
pittiI just moved it from cdbs to pkgstriptranslations18:02
seb128if translations are not stripped on ubuntu the language packs are not used18:02
pittiRiddell: urgh, sorry; I thought kdelibs has used x-ubuntu-gettext-domain for ages?18:03
seb128pitti: it was in gnome.mk only before though? ie not touching non GNOME packages?18:03
pittithat LangpacksDesktopKDE spec was in edgy or so?18:03
Riddellpitti: I never got it working with KDE 4 (until today)18:03
pittiseb128: no, langpack.mk18:03
seb128oh ok18:03
Riddelllangpack.mk doesn't touch KDE packages18:04
pittiRiddell: if it causes problems, I'll revert the stripping for kde packages18:04
Riddellpitti: it should be ok but it'll be hard to test it properly in time, dunno when launchpad will give us new langpacks etc18:04
pittiRiddell: the current ones don't work?18:04
seb128new langpacks should not be required to test that18:04
Riddellpitti: no they're not set up for it, they don't have translations from KDE 418:06
pittiwhat, the langpacks don't have KDE 4 translations??18:06
ArneGoetjenew langpacks are exported right now. The next export will happen on Friday 22:00 UTC, the again on Monday 22:00 UTC and the final one next week Friday 22:00 UTC.18:06
Riddellpitti: not for the desktop files18:06
pittiRiddell: also, if you aren't using the cdbs langpacks.mk, how come that the .desktop files have X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain?18:06
Riddellpitti: we have our own thing in kde4.mk18:06
pittiif they shouldn't use gettext, they should't add that field18:07
Riddellindeed, I never completed it for KDE 4 due to lack of time or need, so being kicked into doing it is fair enough, I'd just rather it was a month ago18:08
pittiI apologize, that was a misunderstanding then18:08
pittiif you want me to revert or clean up anything, I'll do that18:08
pitti(easiest probably being to stop adding the gettext field to .desktop files)18:09
RiddellArneGoetje: I'll be pinging you with a list of the .pot files to make sure they're associated correctly sometime tomorrow18:09
Riddellpitti: I'm almost done implementing it now :)18:09
ArneGoetjeRiddell: ok, thanks.18:09
* pitti hugs Riddell18:09
pROCKrammerthat is end of discussion?18:14
rickspencer3meeting adjourned?18:15
rickspencer3thanks all!18:16
ArneGoetjethanks and  good night18:16
rickspencer3Jaunty! Jaunty! Jaunty!18:16
pittithanks all18:16
rickspencer3have fun pitti18:16
* pitti goes offline again, ring my mobile on urgencies18:16
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: thanx18:16
rickspencer3pROCKrammer: seemed you had a question?18:17
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: yeap, can i be member of Uzbek Language translation teem? :D18:17
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: ^^^^^18:18
rickspencer3jono: ^^^^^^^^^18:18
rickspencer3pROCKrammer: I think you just start contributing18:18
rickspencer3however, I'm not the best person to ask how to get started18:18
chrisccoulsonanyone here know if the mail-notification plugin in evolution is meant to be disabled by default?18:19
rickspencer3also, wondering if #ubuntu might be slightly better channel for that?18:19
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: 10x ))18:19
rickspencer3chrisccoulson: I'm 99% sure it is not supposed to be disabled by default18:19
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: it isn't supposed to be18:19
jonopROCKrammer, you sure can :)18:19
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3 - thanks18:19
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: it should be enabled... just not the notification icon18:20
pROCKrammerjono: the question is HOW ?)))18:20
jonopROCKrammer, you should email david.planella@canonical.com and he can advise18:20
pROCKrammerjono: 10x18:20
chrisccoulsonkenvandine_wk - thanks, that makes sense now:)18:20
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: i patched it to disable the icon stuff unless you are running with gnome-stracella... however you spell that :)18:20
kenvandine_wkbut the plugin stays enabled, cause it does the dbus events... etc18:21
jonopROCKrammer, 10x?18:21
pROCKrammerjono: 10x = thanx)18:21
jonooh, haha :)18:21
jonothanks pROCKrammer ! :)18:21
davmor2jono: live and learn18:21
jonodavmor2, heh18:22
pROCKrammerwhat about support of Atheros Wifi on laptops?18:22
chrisccoulsonkenvandine_wk - thanks for the info18:22
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: anytime18:22
rickspencer3pROCKrammer: that is definetly a great question for #ubuntu (if you are looking for support)18:22
rickspencer3if you want to contribute to it #ubuntu-devel might be a good place18:23
rickspencer3pROCKrammer: what are you thinking?18:23
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: no no ) not support) it is for U ) will be it supported in new version18:23
rickspencer3your asking if Ubuntu will support atheros in Jaunty?18:23
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: aha)18:24
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: cuz on 8.10 i had some problems18:24
pROCKrammerrickspencer3: i installed back-ports for that18:24
rickspencer3so atheros is typically supported by madwifi driver18:25
rickspencer3not sure if there is a change there18:25
rickspencer3I think the best place to ask about that would be #ubuntu18:26
pROCKrammerrickspencer3) thanx)18:26
rickspencer3this room is more where we discuss the progress of developing the desktop18:26
rickspencer3while #ubuntu people talk more about how to support certain things18:26
rickspencer3of course, you are more than welcome to hang out in #ubuntu-desktop :)18:27
rickspencer3just might not get some of your questions answered quickly18:27
pROCKrammerI C ))18:27
kenvandine_wkasac: ping18:37
kenvandine_wkasac: i was just talking to jorge about gwibber... and i hear ryan did whacky crap in the 1.0 branch18:38
kenvandine_wkasac: is there bug fixes we need to pull into what we have now?18:38
asackenvandine_wk: not saying crap. but they synched trunk to 1.0 branch ;)18:38
asacwhich is kind of unexpected18:38
kenvandine_wkwild wild west :)18:38
kenvandine_wki think what is there now is pretty good :)18:38
asacnot sure. its a huge amount of changes18:38
kenvandine_wkasac: basically i am wondering if we need to merge anything18:39
kenvandine_wkthe package just needs a Recommends: python-indicate added imho18:39
asacthats hard to say as the 1.0 branch only has a few clean commits. rest is synchs from trunk18:39
asackenvandine_wk: for that we need indicate in the branch at all18:39
asacbut thats completely lumped together with other chnages18:40
kenvandine_wkasac: the indicator stuff is there already18:40
asacso we probably cannot pick just that18:40
asackenvandine_wk: yes. but not in 0.818:40
kenvandine_wki think we have it already...18:40
kenvandine_wkoh... humm18:40
* kenvandine_wk was wrong18:40
asacthey wanted to give us a topic patch for that18:40
asacat least i hoped18:40
asacbut they just synched it from trunk ;)18:40
* kenvandine_wk will mock ryan about that later :)18:41
asacjames_w: can you checkout  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Egwibber-committers/gwibber/gwibber-1.0/ and run a18:41
asacbzr log -p -r 239..18:42
asacthat gives a bad exception with encoding somehow18:42
asacbzr: ERROR: exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd8 in position 9: ordinal not in range(128)18:42
asacam i misuing bzr again ;)?18:42
* asac has to run to get some food18:43
james_wI think that's fixed18:43
james_wthere was a bug with log -p, and it works for me on bzr.dev18:43
nhainesI have a (procedural) question about the decision to remove the update notification in jaunty.18:44
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
nhainesSpecifically, I was wondering what would be the best way to keep informed about these sorts of decisions.18:44
james_wrunning the development release (in a VM if you are not comfortable recovering from not being able to boot) is the most reliable way18:46
nhainesI do that with my laptop, but the icon simply disappeared around the same time notifications got an overhaul.  I didn't know it had been planned back in December.18:46
james_wwell, that's a different question18:47
nhainesThe question is "how do I keep informed of these decisions?"18:47
james_wwell, you were informed18:48
james_wthere are hundreds of decisions made every day about Ubuntu, I'm sure you don't want to be involved in them all18:48
james_wif you are particularly interested in update-notifier then following that package and talking to the developers would work18:48
mnemonhaines: join mailing lists, stay online at IRC, subscribe to logs of bugmail and read the planet blogs?18:49
nhainesjames_w: I was informed yesterday, once people started denting about it.18:50
nhainesmnemo: I do follow planet but don't recall hearing about it.18:50
james_wheh, I'm sure people have been denting for longer than that18:50
james_wI'd suggest you subscribe to ubuntu-devel-discuss@18:50
james_wthere was a large thread about it on that list18:51
nhainesNow that I haven't followed for a while, since a few months after it was split from ubuntu-devel.  So that's a really good idea.18:51
nhainesIt was really dead for a long time.  Excellent.  Thank you very much for reminding me about that list.18:51
rickspencer3bug #33792619:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337926 in xorg-server "vino: mouse cursor stays in upper left corner" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33792619:02
asacjames_w:  ok thanks. is there a more recent snapshot of bzr.dev available as a package?19:03
james_wthere are dailies19:03
james_wwhat version are you using?19:03
asacjames_w: ii  bzr                       1.13.1-119:05
james_whmm, I thought it was fixed in that19:05
asaclet me check if its really the -p19:06
james_wbut, as I said, there are dailies19:06
asacok seems its the -p inded19:06
* asac branches bzr.dev19:07
johanbrjames_w: I tried your indicator patch for Empathy. Very nice!19:07
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johanbrI just have a question... is clicking on an event in the applet supposed to do anything?19:08
johanbrBecause it doesn't seem to...19:08
asacusually it should open the app/window that focusses the conversation19:08
asacat least that the behaviour we have for other apps19:08
rickspencer3asac: who would be a good person to look at bug 35531719:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355317 in linux "Sansa E280 MP3 mplayer not detected (regression)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35531719:08
asacrickspencer3: i would think seb128 might give some initial input if something changed in how gnome deals with new storage devices19:10
asacfrom there we can see if its desktop or lower level issue19:11
james_wjohanbr: yeah, it's supposed to open the chat19:11
rickspencer3okay, assigned to seb12819:11
james_wjohanbr: I assume that they don't disappear when you click either?19:12
johanbrjames_w: hmm... even for "someone just came online events" ?19:12
johanbrthey do disappear19:12
asacjames_w: seems to be fixed in .dev19:12
james_wasac: thanks19:12
james_wasac: I'll add it to my list for 1.13.2 consideration19:13
james_wjohanbr: I might not have implemented that bit properly19:13
johanbrrickspencer3: That looks like a kernel problem to me. usb-storage should print "usb-storage: device scan complete" if everything works normally.19:13
james_wjohanbr: no, it works ok for me19:13
johanbrjames_w: so clicking on "foo just appeared online" is supposed to bring up a chat with foo?19:14
james_wah, you see "just appeared online"?19:14
johanbrwell, not in exactly those words19:15
johanbrI mean the notification that someone in my contact list appeared.19:15
johanbryou know what... it does appear19:16
johanbrjust behind other windows19:16
johanbrcompiz focus stealing problem, I guess19:16
james_wyeah, I'm not very good at all that stuff.19:16
james_win that case it's just empathy doing its normal thing, but I would like it if we could make it work much better19:17
james_wonce this gets more mature I'm sure one of the more experienced people at that sort of thing will help to make them all behave sensibly19:17
james_wthanks for the feedback though, good to know that it works ok for you19:18
johanbrthank you :)19:18
johanbrI also have a problem with the indicator applet sometimes becoming invisible. But that's most likely nothing to do with the empathy stuff.19:18
james_wI don't think so19:20
james_wit will become invisible if all the servers drop off the bus19:20
johanbrit disappeared when I quit empathy19:21
johanbrand didn't reappear whtn I started empathy19:21
james_wI learnt that it is quite easy to debug, use ps to get the command line for kill indicator-applet, ignore the dialog for now, run it from a terminal with the same command line, then click the "reload" button from the dialog19:21
james_wyou should get all the debugging output19:21
johanbrno output at all19:23
johanbrdo I have to set some variable?19:23
johanbroh, did something wrong19:23
johanbrlet's try again19:23
johanbrwell, now it prints IOR: <long hex string> when being started19:24
johanbrbut no reaction to quitting or starting empathy19:24
james_wdid you hit reload?19:28
johanbrno, I didn't... I can't read today, obviously19:30
johanbrnow the icon appears, after I did that... weird19:31
johanbrand killing and reloading normally also works... it seems to be intermittent19:31
johanbrthis time the icon went away... and there's no reaction to restarting empathy19:33
johanbr(although I get other debug output)19:33
james_wdo you have d-feet installed?19:34
james_wit's a dbus browser19:35
james_wyou could use it to check that the empathy process was on dbus and exporting an appropriate object19:35
johanbrinstalled now... what am I looking for?19:36
james_wfire it up19:37
james_wis there a "Session bus" tab?19:37
james_wfind the icons for empathy in the list19:37
james_wclick on each entry in turn until you find one with something in the right pane19:38
johanbrthere are two, named :1.870 and :1.87119:38
johanbrthe only thing they have on the right is the text "Object Paths"19:39
james_wso it's an empathy issue19:39
james_wit's not exporting anything over dbus19:40
james_wcan you now open empathy preferences and check that the indicator preference is enabled?19:40
johanbrrestarting empathy made more stuff appear in d-feet19:42
johanbrand also made the indicator applet appear19:42
johanbrAll my libs might not be 100% up-to-date. I'll do a complete update and see if that helps.19:43
johanbrThanks for the debugging help.19:43
james_wI doubt not being up to date will affect it, but thanks for trying19:46
james_wit's a bit hard to know what went wrong from that, but if you can reproduce I'd like to fix it19:46
johanbrit seemed like empathy sometimes fails to completely connect to dbus19:48
johanbrmight not be your fault19:48
mvompt: i followed up on #356152 and would appreciate your input19:49
james_wwell, the reason that it shows up twice in the list is that it has it's own connection (maybe libnotify?) and libindicate connects one19:49
james_wso it may be a problem in libindicate or the way I am using it, but it would be good to track down19:50
johanbrJust updated the system. I'll use it for a few days and let you know if the bug still appears.19:51
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
kenvandine_wkoh crap... my laptop is crumbling underneath me here...20:07
* kenvandine_wk cries20:07
* kenvandine_wk runs fsck and prays20:12
* hyperair needs to figure out a way to switch from RAID-0 to RAID-1 (of the root drive) via SSH.20:17
hyperairpivot_root comes to mind..20:17
hyperairbut i need a complete system that has sshd stuffed in tmpfs without the help of a swap.. hmmmm20:18
hyperairbig problem.20:18
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=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
=== Jazzva_ is now known as Jazzva
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just been speaking with martyn in #tracker, and he's looking at this issue with indexing removable media tomorrow, so we should get a fix quite soon :)22:02
seb128hey chrisccoulson, thanks22:02
chrisccoulsonno problem22:02
chrisccoulsonhas anyone noticed whether the indicator-applet works after suspend-resume cycle?22:05
chrisccoulsoni can't test here as my desktop doesn't resume22:05
kenvandine_wkchrisccoulson: it does for me22:06
chrisccoulsonsomeone reports that it doesn't work for them (bug 355667)22:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355667 in indicator-applet "Notification icon disappears after suspend/resume" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35566722:07
hyperairi think it disappears for em22:08
hyperairi know it disappears from time to time, but i never bothered to figure out why22:08
hyperairrestarting pidgin/evolution makes the icon appear again22:08
chrisccoulsonthe disappearing is already known, but that's not related to suspend/resume22:09
kenvandine_wki just commented as well22:09
chrisccoulsonthanks kenvandine_wk22:10
* kenvandine_wk -> dinner, bbiab22:10
seb128chrisccoulson: it works here22:10
chrisccoulsoni suppose it could actually be related to bug 345599 - the suspend/resume bit might just be a red herring22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345599 in indicator-applet "indicator applet disappears" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34559922:10

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