
CarlFKdid these boot params change?  (they seem to be ignored) append initrd=ubuntu/jaunty/initrd.gz root=/dev/rd/0 rw locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=en01:08
CarlFKer, not all of them, just locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=en01:09
cjwatsonCarlFK: console-setup/layoutcode=en has never been valid. Where did you get it?01:11
cjwatsonlocale=en_US should still be valid01:11
cjwatsonCarlFK: there's no "en" keyboard layout name. I think what you probably wanted was console-setup/layoutcode=us01:19
CIA-28casper: cjwatson * r610 trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs):01:35
CIA-28casper: [ -w /cdrom ] turns out not to be a sufficient test for files under01:35
CIA-28casper: /cdrom being writable; with busybox, it always returns true even for01:35
CIA-28casper: read-only filesystems. Explicitly check for the read-only flag in mount01:35
CIA-28casper: output to work around this.01:35
CIA-28casper: cjwatson * r611 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-helpers):01:42
CIA-28casper: Fix where_is_mounted helper function to actually produce output (thanks,01:42
CIA-28casper: Steve Dodd; LP: #346941).01:42
CIA-28casper: cjwatson * r612 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-helpers):01:47
CIA-28casper: Add a comment to find_cow_device explaining why the choice of01:47
CIA-28casper: filesystems is restricted (I asked for this comment in LP #230703 but it01:47
CIA-28casper: apparently never got written).01:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 230703 in casper "Casper only scans vfat filesystems for cow files" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23070301:47
CIA-28casper: cjwatson * r613 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.16901:49
Mirvcjwatson: don't know if you noticed (or have time), but I noticed problems with three more strings in debian-installer even after the latest template update. or one string actually missing, two not somehow showing up trasnlated even though they should. bug #35633308:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356333 in ubiquity "Untranslatable string in ubiquity (even after 20090406 template update)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35633308:56
Mirvthe two strings not showing up is a bit strange, though I think there once was a similar issue.08:59
mvodid we at some point installed without devpts in fstab? I got a bunch of reports that its misisng and that causes trouble with vte09:15
cjwatsonMirv: it'd really make my life easier if you filed separate bugs for problems that seem to be separate :-/09:41
cjwatsonMirv: the first string has a 'TODO i18n' comment in the source09:41
Mirvcjwatson: ok, I can do that. sorry about that, I just thought about them as the "last bunch of I18N problems".09:42
cjwatsonMirv: "Use weak password?" was marked fuzzy in Finnish last time I synced that translation; I'm not sure what's up with the extended description of that template09:42
cjwatsonI'll have a look once my net connection has freed up from my daily mirror sync so that I can rsync an updated CD image, thanks09:43
Mirvsplit the bug reports into two09:46
Mirvand ok09:46
cjwatsonmvo: I don't think we've *ever* installed with devpts in fstab. It's supposed to be mounted by mountdevsubfs.sh09:51
mvocjwatson: oh, right. sorry09:53
evandcjwatson: regarding https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/325958/comments/35 the warning being broken is new to me.  How is it broken for you?09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 325958 in ubiquity "Ubiquity window does not fit on 640x480 screen" [Medium,Won't fix]09:55
cjwatsonevand: I see the triangle warning icon, but no text09:56
cjwatsonevand: a test run yesterday with MID was the first time I've ever seen text there, so I guess it isn't always missing09:56
evandhrm, ok.  I'll look into that today after I've finished the m-a fix.09:57
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3189 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): merge from lp:~robert-ancell/ubiquity/trunk10:03
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3190 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py: typo10:04
cjwatsonMirv: are you by any chance testing on amd64?10:28
cjwatsonMirv: I noticed that yesterday's amd64 daily build was actually using a live filesystem that was somewhat out of date due to build failures, and specifically it predated the upload in which I incorporated some new user-setup strings into ubiquity; today's amd64 CD looks better10:29
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r170 ubuntu/debian/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad.10:32
cjwatsonhmm, there is something wrong with my translation update script though10:33
cjwatsonrequires coffee before investigation10:36
Mirvcjwatson: just i386 under virtualbox10:50
cjwatsonok, odder still then10:59
ogracjwatson, any objections to merge lool's code as is (with the hardcoded paths to fis and fconfig) so i can start building testimages ? reverting the path should only be a one line change later11:06
davmor2evand: can you have a quick look at ubiquity-kde-frontend.  Step 4 of 6 displays no bars for install side-by-side and if I click on use entire disk I get bars black for current and grey for after11:51
davmor2evand: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/kde4of6.png11:57
evanddavmor2: will do12:01
davmor2evand: it's 20090407's iso I just confirmed it and ubiquity is 1.12.4 as is the kde-frontend12:13
davmor2evand: also on step 5 I got /!\ next to every text box12:24
MirvI suggested a gettext usage method for the "removes [stuff] and replaces them with [Ubuntu]" case. ngettext should be able to cope with it.12:28
MirvI just haven't checked the python side of things, but probably quite similar12:29
cjwatsonyeesh, automatically removing fuzzy messages is unreasonably painful12:32
cjwatsontmp="$(mktemp)"; for x in *.po; do msggrep -K -F -f ../../../new-strings "$x" | msgattrib --only-fuzzy --no-wrap - | grep ^msgid | tail -n +2 | sed 's/^msgid "//; s/"$//' > "$tmp"; msggrep -v -K -F -f "$tmp" "$x" | sponge "$x"; msgmerge --backup=none --previous -q -N -U "$x" templates.pot; done; rm -f "$tmp"12:32
cjwatsonMirv: unfortunately debconf templates don't support anything like ngettext12:33
Mirvcjwatson: ouch. well, then it would be two separate strings emulating ngettext for most languages, maybe12:34
Mirv(some could need more than two)12:34
Mirvor could it be "This will delete %s and install %s." (no it/them)12:34
Mirvmentioned the possibilities in the bug report12:37
ogracjwatson, did you see my above question ?13:08
cjwatsonogra: I thought lool was going to be ready with redboot-tools today, though, and lool recommended waiting until that was in place13:09
cjwatsonas I read it, anyway13:09
cjwatsonlool: ^-13:09
ograright, we dont have any test images yet though13:09
ograwould be helpful to be able to start building even without redboot-tools in place13:09
cjwatsonI'm not going to merge lool's patch over lool's recommendation not to do so, so please discuss this with him13:11
ograwe discussed it on the phone13:13
ograbut he seems to be afk atm13:13
ograi cant build test images as the cdimage user from his home is the point here and would like to see the scripts in interaction with the whole cdimage stuff to track down probs13:14
ograbut lets wait until he returns13:15
loologra: As I said, I'd love if we could get a manual run, but would prefer not merging the current version as it has hardcoded pathnames; the version will work, but it's going to use these hardcoded pathnames in the history13:28
loologra: Can't you run it from a /src/cdimage-testing or something?13:28
cjwatsonlool: do you have the necessary redboot-tools package now?13:28
loolcjwatson: No, I'm afraid I've spent the morning on UNR issues as prompted by this morning's email13:29
loolI'll start working on that now13:29
ograits currently only the missing binary blob thats the prob13:29
loologra: And installing the package on antimonu13:29
ograi was referring to the package :)13:29
cjwatsonthe missing binary blob is not a problem. Just commit it to data/jaunty/ in debian-cd13:30
cjwatsonI'm happy for it to be there for the moment13:30
cjwatson(I've said this a couple of times already but maybe at times when nobody was paying attention)13:30
loolI heard it13:30
ograi did13:30
ograbut loic wants it in the package13:30
loolI commented that it would hence require two tickets if we go this route and two redboot-tools installs13:31
cjwatsonwell, do you want to start building CDs today or not? :)13:32
* ogra would like to :)13:32
cjwatsonif you do, then it depends on whether somebody has time to put the blob in redboot-tools13:32
loolOk; /me goes making a clean blob and adding it in the package13:35
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r171 ubuntu/debian/ (63 files in 2 dirs):13:36
CIA-28user-setup: Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad, including some strings13:36
CIA-28user-setup: previously stuck with old fuzzy translations due to a scripting error13:36
CIA-28user-setup: (LP: #356876).13:36
ogralool, the blob we use is clean13:37
ograits empty13:37
loolHow did you create it?13:37
ografconfig on an sd and doing nothing but pressing enter13:37
cjwatsonMirv: [fx: sweats]13:38
loologra: Did you start from a zeroed SD?13:38
cjwatson356876 was painful :)13:39
* lool sighs at /dev/mmcblk0p2 has gone 14341 days without being checked, check forced.13:39
CIA-28user-setup: cjwatson * r172 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.23ubuntu1713:39
ogralool, from an sd with redboot and our fis setup on it indeed13:39
ograbut beyond that, yes, i zeroed before13:39
loologra: Crap, our images wont work13:40
loolI need to unpad redboot first13:40
ograyou pad redboot ?13:40
loolI don't, it's padded in the package13:41
ograwe can add my unpadding code from the builder script to the package13:41
ograsmells like the cleaner way13:41
ogranobody ever needs the padded binary13:41
ograand while we do that we could move the bin to 7usr/lib13:41
ogra(no idea why nobody catched its in /usr/share)13:42
ogra(my script pulls the path out of the package info, so i didnt notice)13:42
ogralool, should i add these two fixes to redboot-imx ?13:43
loologra: I reported that it's in /usr/share13:44
ograi meant the reviewers13:46
Mirvcjwatson: great! the scripts look "nice", I hadn't even heard of sponge which is apparently in moreutils.14:10
cjwatsonmy approach to this kind of problem tends to be that they can all be solved given a sufficient number of invocations of msggrep and msgmerge14:11
loolcjwatson: ticket for redboot-tools filed; will ship the data in redboot14:12
loolcjwatson: happy if you can ack the ticket or whatever you usually do14:12
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3191 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py):14:36
CIA-28ubiquity: * KDE frontend:14:36
CIA-28ubiquity:  - Fix typo in installation_medium_mounted handler (LP: #354515).14:36
CIA-28ubiquity: cjwatson * r3192 ubiquity/debian/changelog: clarify Robert's changelog message14:37
loolcjwatson: fconfig.bin uploaded in redboot-imx in the archive14:54
CIA-28console-setup: cjwatson * r101 ubuntu/debian/po/ (fi.po sv.po): Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad (overriding old stuck fuzzy strings)14:54
CIA-28partman-auto: cjwatson * r286 ubuntu/debian/po/ (14 files): Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad (overriding old stuck fuzzy strings)14:56
cjwatsonlool: thanks. do you need to update the ticket for that?14:58
loolcjwatson: No, it's orthogonal14:58
cjwatsonok, you mean a separate ticket, or not involving IS at all?14:59
ograredboot-imx gets pulled in during build14:59
loolcjwatson: we need redboot-tools on antimony for the fis and fconfig commands14:59
cjwatsonoh, of course, you can extract it from the archive14:59
loolcjwatson: we're unpacking redboot-imx from the mirror14:59
loolHowever I do need to adjuste the post-boot stuff for a variety of things15:00
CIA-28partman-target: cjwatson * r758 ubuntu/debian/po/ (62 files): Update Ubuntu-specific strings from Launchpad (overriding old stuck fuzzy strings)15:14
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
xivuloncjwatson, was reading the discussion on portable ubuntu15:25
xivulonit is something I evaluated long time ago' (was andlinux to be precise)15:25
xivulonit could be integrated with wubi, either using wubi as downloader/installer or, if hardware profiles were available, even using both at the same time15:26
xivulondo you think that hardware profiles are possible at all?15:26
cjwatsonwhat are hardware profiles?15:27
xivulonlike booting the same root partition with different hardware configurations (xorg.con for instance)15:27
xivulonlike laptop/desktop mode15:28
xivulonin the case above I could have a configuration for colinux and one for real-hardware15:28
xivulonwould also be a neat feature for usb-creator15:29
cjwatsonbest done by appropriate handling of boot parameters in userspace15:29
xivulonI guess I could use boot parameters and have an init script to swap configuration files appropriately15:30
xivulonbut that is only part of the solution15:30
xivulonwe would need also to generate hardware configurations15:31
cjwatsonwe try very hard to make Ubuntu detect things at run-time, not have hardware configurations wired into its filesystem15:31
xivulonit might be interesting for instance to boot into "generic mode" (=live cd) and "specialize"15:31
cjwatsonit's a design goal that the root filesystem should be portable between computers15:32
cjwatsonthe live CD is anything but generic15:32
cjwatsonwell, generic among computers I suppose, but no more than the installed system is15:32
cjwatsonI think you're overestimating how much is hardwired in an installed system; it's really not very much15:32
xivulonah that's interesting15:33
cjwatsonit should be really easy for the system to detect colinux at boot time if anything needs to be customised for it, for instance15:35
cjwatsonhardware profiles are unnecessary complexity here, and therefore should be eliminated from consideration15:35
xivulonyes if things are fully dynamic it is obviously much better15:36
xivulonI do not see much issues then in merging wubi and portable ubuntu, in fact that would even allow us to install completely in windows via colinux15:37
xivulonthen either use dual boot, or have a the gnome panel in windows, or, better, as a windows menu15:37
xivulondo you think the above would be reasonable?15:38
cjwatsonin principle, though I'd have to see the patches :-)15:39
xivulonbasically on top of the ISO I would need to download a colinux runtime package, containing colinux, xming, pulse audio and so on15:40
xivulonthen generating a disk images and launching ubiquity from colinux   preseed15:41
xivulonI'd assume that this approach would be better (but longer) than using a pre-made image or the ISO   unionfs15:42
xivulonI would then install both grub4dos/grub2 and appropriate windows-side colinux shortcuts15:43
cjwatsonan squashfs overlay (with aufs) might in principle be doable but we've never yet attempted to actually deploy a multiple-squashfs approach, so I suspect we would run into an amusing array of bugs15:43
cjwatsonbtw, grub2 now appears to work in jaunty installations if you have any reasonable way to give it a try15:43
cjwatsond-i grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy boolean true15:43
cjwatsongod knows what it'll do with wubi :-)15:44
xivulonI did try grub2 it and it was successful on my setup15:44
loolcjwatson: I think people in cdimage can trigger an update of the ports mirror from an internal archive; would you mind running an update to grab the latest redboot-imx on that mirror?  it's not on the public ports.u.c though, it finished building 30 minutes ago15:44
xivulonat the end I dropped the idea to deploy it because we already have enough issues with the rewrite15:44
loolThe one I'd like to have is redboot-imx51-babbage_200910-0ubuntu2_armel.deb15:45
xivulonnever used aufs yet, but I used overlays in early prototype of wubi (to modify debian-installer)15:47
cjwatsonlool: the easiest way to do it with proper locking is to trigger a ports build, really15:47
cjwatsonI've kicked off one for ubuntu-server15:48
evandcjwatson: are you able to make this call?16:02
cjwatsonevand: call?16:03
evandUbuntu One in the install16:03
cjwatsonoh, crap. how come it wasn't in my calendar?16:03
cjwatsonyes, I can make it. what number?16:03
xivuloncjwatson, I think it would be interesting to use squashfs   aufs on a sparse file, quite some fireworks, but would be very interesting if it worked16:16
xivulonis it possible to do an OEM-installation and do the first boot with a preseed file to initialize the system?16:20
davmor2xivulon: afternon16:25
davmor2evand: any joy with kubuntu?16:26
evanddavmor2: I can reconfirm it and have been working on a fix.16:38
davmor2evand: sorry must of missed the confirm and cool :)16:39
evanderr reproduce*16:39
davmor2evand: phew thought I must of missed it :)16:40
loolcjwatson: It seems the ubuntu-server run didn't pick up ubuntu2; probably it was too early16:47
cjwatsonlool: oh, I failed to read properly, you said it wasn't on ports.ubuntu.com yet16:48
cjwatsonit's still not16:49
cjwatsonit's probably publishing right now and will be available in ~10 minutes16:49
cjwatsonand then I can kick off another random build after that16:50
cjwatsonaha, and lamont resolved your ticket16:51
ograwell, you could do a ports-live one directly :)16:51
loolcjwatson: yup, only waiting for that .deb now :)16:51
ogracjwatson, what does eth ubiquity reboot dialog use ? just gnome-session ?16:52
ogra*gnome-session-save i meant16:53
ograor does it call reboot directly16:53
lool            execute("sudo", "-u", user, "-H",16:55
lool                    "gnome-session-save", "--kill", "--silent")16:55
loolactually it does:             execute("gdm-signal", "--reboot")16:55
loolI wonder why the two are required16:56
ogragnome-session-save --kill --silent is the one the menu item does as well16:56
ogragdm-signal comes from powermanagement-interface which we dropped in jaunty iirc16:58
ogragdm-signal only tells gdm what to do if the session has ended ... beyond that its a no-op17:00
cjwatsonwhile you're right that gdm-signal is no longer present, it's interesting that it appears to work anyway :-17:00
cjwatsonI assume gdm DTRT anyway ...17:00
ograwell, we appear to have some users seeing hands on the babbage17:00
cjwatsonis there a better modern approach?17:00
ograi dont think so, seb would know17:01
* lool had it here17:01
ograbut your system is weird :P17:01
loolcjwatson: I think gnome-session should do the right thing17:01
ograno fresh jaunty17:01
xivulongot disconnected, last q was if there is a way to initialize an oem-config on first boot with a preseed file or boot args17:01
ogralool, it doesnt here17:01
ograon the installed system it simply kills my session17:02
loolWhen I looked, gnome-panel was calling gnome-session for such stuff17:02
ograbut drops me to gdm17:02
loolthe args might be incorrect17:02
ograthere is no arg for reboot17:02
ograneither for shutdown17:03
ogragnome-session-save really only applies to the session17:03
loolI know for sure that the power button calls gnome-session --something (via GPM I guess)17:04
ograbut gpm cares for the reboot being queued in gdm17:04
cjwatsonxivulon: you can try to preseed the debconf database before oem-config starts, although it isn't necessarily very good at honouring this in all cases17:04
ograor shutdown17:04
loologra: No; it can trigger a reboot right now17:05
* ogra wonders how17:06
ograthe actual shutdown/reboot is done by gdm17:06
loolrequest_reboot() in gnome-session/gsm-manager.c17:06
loolYes, it will be done by gdm17:06
loolIt's not queued until you logout though17:06
ograby setting a variable in gdm actually17:06
lool        if (! gsm_manager_is_logout_inhibited (manager)) {17:06
lool                manager_attempt_reboot (manager);17:06
loolThat's inhibit in case there's an update in progress17:07
loolcjwatson: Nowadays it's via consolekit17:07
lool        consolekit = gsm_get_consolekit ();17:07
lool        do_attempt_reboot (consolekit);17:07
loolNot GDM anymore17:07
xivuloncjwatson, thx, I think we can play with that!17:07
ogralool, well, gnome-session-save doesnt reboot here no matter which arg combo i use17:08
ograso i wonder why it does that on the live image17:08
ograor how17:09
cjwatsonlool: do you think we need to change the current code for jaunty?17:09
loolcjwatson: gnome-session/gsm-consolekit.c is how you'd implement it with consolekit nowadays17:09
loolcjwatson: it would be best I guess17:09
loolcjwatson: Perhaps seb128 has better advice17:09
* ogra hasnt seen the hang ever here though 17:09
ograi just heard it from two people now17:10
loolcjwatson: FYI this made shutdown/reboot/login sound and a bunch of things work for me this cycle since I'm using startx and not gdm :)17:10
loologra: I don't think the gnome-session-save cmdline can do it directly, it can only show you a GUI to do it17:11
ograso why does the system reboot properly ?17:11
loolBut almighty dbus can tell CK to reboot now muahaha17:11
cjwatsonlool: well, it'd need to be in python, but yes17:11
loolcjwatson: Sure, just wanted to hint at the implementation with inhibit and all17:12
cjwatsonat least python-dbus is already in desktop17:12
loologra: perhaps that fails and it falls back to reboot?17:12
loolI mean /sbin/reboot17:12
ogralool, how does the system even know it should reboot ?17:12
ograubiquity only calls gnome-session-save --kill --silent17:12
lool/sbin/reboot is quite convincing17:13
ogragdm-signal isnt there17:13
loolcjwatson: still no ubuntu2, gmrpf17:13
ograso nothing in the system knows that a reboot should follow the session killing17:13
ogra*why* does the system reboot17:13
cjwatsonI don't think it would be good for ubiquity to call reboot directly if it has a more graceful alternative17:14
ograno, indeed17:14
loologra:         if (os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gdm-signal") and17:14
ograi'm just trying to find out why its working at all17:14
loologra: So it goes to else which does "reboot"17:14
ograoh !17:14
loolcjwatson: Agreed17:14
ograwhich in our case sometimes doesnt end the session properly17:15
ogranow it starts to make sense17:15
cjwatsonoh, haha17:15
cjwatsonso it's doing exactly what I said would be bad17:15
ograand likely depends on the speed of your rootfs device17:15
ograwhich is why i dont see it but others do17:16
loolpoked seb17:16
ograits a race17:16
cjwatsonI'll work on converting ubiquity to consolekit17:17
ograthere is code in update-notifier already17:17
ogralikely just a copy paste job17:17
loolcjwatson: seb seems to say we might have to use the old GDM interface directly17:18
cjwatsonlet's stick to one channel, I'm reading #ubuntu-devel17:20
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
loolcjwatson: redboot ubuntu2 is here!  Packages.gz still lists ubuntu1 though, waiting a little longer17:30
loolcjwatson: This time it's in; could you please kick a build?17:42
loolPackage: redboot-imx51-babbage17:42
loolVersion: 200910-0ubuntu217:42
loolcjwatson: Also the Priority: extra seems wrong in the overrides, I've fixed it in the package17:43
lool(set to optional)17:43
loolcjwatson: Could you please close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/357101 when uploading the new shutdown mechanism?17:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 357101 in ubiquity "GUI does not exit on reboot after install on armel" [Undecided,New]17:45
ogralool, is the debian-cd code merged ? i can trigger a ports-live build17:49
loologra: I need a ftp-ports update, so could you please launch any build if cjwatson didn't do so already?17:50
cjwatsonI'll do it17:50
cjwatsonlool: am I good to merge your branch now?17:50
cjwatsonlool: or are you still working on it?17:50
loolcjwatson: No, I'd like to run it once and add a couple of changes17:51
loolcjwatson: It will take 5 minutes after the next ftp-ports run17:51
cjwatsonrunning now17:51
loolcjwatson: Basically the new clean fconfig.bin requires setting a couple of vars17:51
cjwatsonlool: why is Priority: extra wrong? if this isn't "specialised hardware" I don't know what is :)17:51
cjwatsonI think I set that intentionally17:51
loolOh ok; I thought extra was for -dbg or conflicting stuff, but missed the special hardware argument, thanks17:52
cjwatsonactually policy nowadays says "specialized requirements"; the hardware bit was from memory17:55
cjwatsonnot that priorities below standard make a big difference nowadays17:56
loolcjwatson: Good to merge now!18:00
loolcjwatson: note that I uncommitted the last rev you might have reviewed last time; the new rev has the same commit message but doesn't use stuff in my ~/, has proper double quoting, and I think I addressed other comments18:01
cjwatsonlool: cool. just debian-cd?18:02
loolI think so18:02
loolcjwatson: Then it would be cool to actually kick a run  :)  ARCHES=armel for-project ubuntu cron.ports_daily-live18:03
cjwatsonlool: ok, merged, deployed, and running18:06
loologra: I did a fis list and fconfig -l on the generated image, as well as xxd at the redboot offset; everything seems in palce18:06
loolcjwatson: thanks \o/18:06
loolThe partition seems good as well  1      16.8MB  666MB  649MB  primary  fat32        lba18:07
ogra649 ?18:07
ograthats huge18:07
loolThat's the size of what's on the Ubuntu CD?18:07
ogramy whole image is 65018:07
ograno, the iso is 606MB18:07
cjwatsonlool: did you consider doing the dd I suggested to set a non-fs data partition type?18:08
loologra: We can inspect whether there's any free space later on18:08
ograthough you have some higher efficiency on iso18:08
loolcjwatson: No, I did not create the partition at all yet18:08
loolcjwatson: This is still in the TODO, just like alternate installer support (or testing thereof)18:08
loolcjwatson: I intent to shrink the TODO for at least this, I really care about having this safety net in place, but it wasn't blocking image creation18:09
* cjwatson nods18:09
loolWee it seems it built18:10
loolOh there's an ISO as well18:11
loolFrom a previous run I guess18:11
cjwatsonyes, that doesn't look too bad18:12
loolcjwatson: It's the only image in MD5SUMS, and someone mentionned that the UNR .img wasn't in MD5SUMS18:12
loolI think vfat images clobber the MD5SUMS file18:12
ograjaunty-desktop-armel.img geez !18:12
* ogra rsyncs18:12
cjwatsonyes, the iso was carried over. I've deleted it and it won't recur18:12
cjwatsonlool: more likely, single-arch rebuilds clobber MD5SUMS18:12
loolcjwatson: Ah good point, I'll check that thing about UNR then18:13
cjwatsonI'll just regenerate it18:13
ograwe'll need the html changes18:13
loolIt's true, the .img isn't in MD5SUMS18:13
loologra: Hmm look at the size of the UNR ISO versus VFAT18:16
loolBut you're doing VFAT as well, not sure why yours would be smaller18:16
ograwow, the rsync only took 1min18:17
ogra   675282944 100%   10.58MB/s    0:01:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)18:17
loolI hope it's not empty18:17
ogra-rw-rw-r-- 1 ogra ogra 644M 2009-04-07 19:10 jaunty-desktop-armel.img18:17
ogramd5 matches too :)18:18
* ogra dd's18:18
ograooooh thats so exciting :)18:19
cjwatsonI've hand-hacked the HEADER.html and MD5SUMS so that at least it's downloadable. The script that generates HEADER.html needs to be fixed properly though.18:23
cjwatsonI can probably do that tomorrow18:23
* ogra wants dd++ .... its so slow18:25
ogralool, ^^^ ...18:29
ograif oit now doesnt jump into initramfs we have won18:29
ograand it does18:29
ogralool, awww ... you didnt use the same cmdline18:29
loologra: I didn't?18:30
ograboot=casper LIVEMEDIA=/dev/mmcblk0p1 -- is missing18:30
loologra: It should be there18:30
ogra(not sure we still need LIVEMEDIA but surely boot=casdper)18:30
lool    EXTRA_ARGS="boot=casper LIVEMEDIA=/dev/mmcblk0p1 --"18:30
ograi see both consoles and the preseed18:30
ograbut there it stops18:31
ograquoting issue ?18:31
loologra: I know it's only set if CDIMAGE_LIVE = 1, but I don't see why it wouldn't18:32
loologra: Ok, code moved around, EXTRA_ARGS is set after being used18:33
ograthere is another ports-live run going on atm18:34
loolcjwatson: I committed an update to fix this; would you mind18:34
ograso we likely have to wait until thats finished18:34
cjwatsonno you don't, it's for a different project18:34
cjwatsoncdimage supports parallel builds in most cases18:35
ograoh, i missed the x :)18:35
ograbut we need to commit first anyway18:35
cjwatsonmerged, deployed, running again18:36
cjwatson(it'll probably screw up MD5SUMS etc. again)18:36
cjwatsonlool: need to fix .list file generation for vfat18:41
ograhmm, md5 matches http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20090407.2/MD5SUMS#18:43
* cjwatson -> out18:53
ograyay, boots18:53
ogralool, ^^^18:54
* ogra sees an X cursor ...18:54
ograhmm, no gnome-keyring issues18:56
loolcjwatson: Argh, I'm afraid I broke Ubuntu MID and Ubuntu Netbook Remix generation since Friday: I didn't export IMAGE_FORMAT in etc/config, which is why both an ISO and a .img are showing18:56
loolcjwatson: just committed the fix to ~lool/cdimage; sorry about that18:57
loolcjwatson: Might be good to trigger a re-run of these two and remove the .isos afterwards18:58
loologra: cool18:59
loologra: Anything which needs fixing in it still?18:59
loologra: I'm curious about why LIVEMEDIA and -- are needed18:59
ograno, apart from the known bugs its fine18:59
ogra-- is for people modifying the cmdline19:00
ograstuff added after -- will end up in the installed system ...19:00
ograstuff before that is ignored19:00
loolOk; I think I've seen an image where it wasn't set19:00
ograLIVEMEDIA was what i used in the beginning to speed up casper scanning for the livefs19:00
loologra: So we could drop it?19:01
ograi dont think we need it, but i'd like to verify that first19:01
ograi'll test an image without it tomorrow19:01
loologra: Would like it if you could cause the root partition will change if I add a non-FS data part at the beginning of the image19:01
ograi'll start an inmstall of the new image now and let that run over night19:01
* ogra tries to make sense out of "if you could cause the root partition will change"19:03
loologra: if you could, because the root partition will change19:04
* lool blames the batteries of his keyboard19:04
loolOh and that bug I wrote the other day was also due to the batteries19:04
ograyeah, will test that tomorrow first thing19:04
ogralets see if the install finishes properly now19:05
ogra(beyond that i need to go and buy food soon, susie is angry already)19:05
ogracjwatson, confirming the $() vs ${} issue is fixed on the partitioning window (in german at least)19:06
ogralool, install running, see you tomorrow ... awesome work !19:09
* lool writes his image too19:17
loolcjwatson: .list generation > because this is done after the final image is built, it's not trivial: the mtools expect to work on a VFAT image, you can't tell them to read within a partition table or in the middle of a file; I could either generate the .list earlier in the build, but this is not really the way debian-cd expects this to happen, or re-extract the VFAT and then run mdir on it, but that's heavy19:27
loolHmm ubiquity hanged for me at the partition step; the partition screen never came up and I see nothing in the log20:11
loolLooks like the system is mostly idle20:11
looldebug log ends at "widget found for partman/progress/init/title" followed by an OK from debconf20:16
* lool gives up for tonight20:17
alefteriscjwatson, this string has propably changed? http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/d-i-translations/el.vars. I can't find it..22:34
superm1cjwatson, with some minor modifications to our factory install procedures, i've done a grub2 install successfully w/ today's daily :)  It appears device numbering is a little different for grub2, and matches kernel device numbering properly.23:06
cody-somervillecjwatson, Is there any reason Ubuntu uses casper instead of live-initramfs?23:55
cjwatsonsuperm1: yeah, I think they changed it to be 1-based23:56
cjwatsoncody-somerville: casper predates live-initramfs23:56
cjwatsonwe were there first, basically23:56
cjwatsoncody-somerville: there is some complex history and we should certainly do some work on merging changes that have been made in live-initramfs, but I don't think it would be appropriate to switch to it wholesale23:59

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