
markosCan someone help me change the language setting??04:45
markosIt's in Japanese now and want to change to English04:46
markosI'm looking for "control panel" like thing04:46
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
swisidahi to all, someone here knows any channell of ubuntu in brazilian portuguese?13:33
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:34
* erUSUL wins13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bd13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bn13:35
erUSULEkushey: ?13:35
erUSULEkushey: iso code of your country?13:35
EkusheyerUSUL, yeah13:35
erUSULEkushey: and you are from?13:36
Myrttido you have a channel then?13:36
EkusheyMyrtti, us?13:37
Ekusheyyes of coarse, #ubuntu-bd13:37
Myrttiany suggestions to what the bot should say if you do !bd13:38
erUSULEkushey: then create the ubottu factoid...13:38
Ekusheyhow do i do that?13:40
Myrtti"!bd is <reply> Ubuntu Bangladesh foo bar baz etc"13:41
ubottuSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi13:41
erUSULEkushey: Myrtti can do it if you say what you want the bot to store. we do not know your mother tongue13:42
Myrttithat's Finnish equivalent of "!fi is <reply> Suomenkielinen ..."13:42
Ekusheycool, thanks Myrtti and erUSUL13:43
Ekushey[18:51] <ubottu> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail13:52
Myrtti!bd is <reply>Bangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #ubuntu-bd te ashun. Dhonnobad!13:53
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti13:53
Myrtti!bn is <reply> foo13:54
Myrtti!no bn is <alias> bd13:54
ubottuI'll remember that Myrtti13:54
ubottuBangla te Ubuntu bishoyok alochonar jonno #ubuntu-bd te ashun. Dhonnobad!13:54
Myrttiit wont do it now that it's been said just before13:54
Myrttiubottu: tell Ekushey about bn13:55
ubottuEkushey, please see my private message13:55
Ekusheyoh ok, thanks Myrtti :)13:55
Ekusheyvery nice13:55
Myrttipart of the job :-P13:55
MyrttiNafallo: jag har ärtsoppa ♥ hittade burkar i Sainsbury :-D \o/14:48
Myrttiom nom nom14:48
Myrttilite för söt för mig men den är ingen problem14:52
Myrttiockså har råglimpa kvar14:57
Myrttiallt bra i Öar ;-)14:58
Myrttiusch, för mycket senap >___<14:59
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
alphaaquilaehello everybody17:46
alphaaquilaei want to have an "unaffiliated" cloak, but i don't know how to proceed17:46
dantalizingalphaaquilae: google "freednode cloak"17:49
alphaaquilaeyes i did it, in this site it(s said that i have to conatct a network staffer in order to turn the cloak on for me, how can i contact him?17:51
Picialphaaquilae: Ask in #freenode18:01
=== alphaaquilae is now known as alphaaquilae_
=== alphaaquilae_ is now known as alphaaquilae
=== nicolas_ is now known as Nik0
erUSULan user with this who should be banned  with *!*@p54A77230.dip.t-dialin.net hostmast? doesn't it?19:51
erUSUL20:49 -!- #Ubuntu-es Zookey    H   0  i=54a77230@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c087260603b490f1 [p54A77230.dip.t-dialin.net]19:51
PicierUSUL: No, that won't work, unless they try to access from outside of mibbit.19:59
PicierUSUL: Use something like: *!i=54a77230@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/*19:59
erUSULPici: ok20:01
Nik0erUSUL: use +d20:10
m4vbut you can ban by real username isn't?20:10
Nik0with mibbit real host appear on username field20:11
erUSULNik0: ok you told me that before... and i completely forgot about it.... making a tomboy note now20:16
* Basque Afaltzen20:54
=== Basque is now known as donostiarra
=== tomaw is now known as meanie
=== meanie is now known as tomaw
=== Basque is now known as donostiarra

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