
JanCTakyoji: they are most likely correct (IE8 is largely standards-compliant ;) )00:04
JanCso what they mean is: "Your browser is standards compliant, our site is not, so we both are incompatible"00:05
TakyojiBecause I'm a web developer/designer, and it's not really all that hard to make a website standard compliant. Myself, 17 years of age, self-taught.00:19
TakyojiXHTML 1.0 Strict valid websites00:19
TakyojiYet companies out there fail to even pass HTML 4 Transitional and claim to be "professional" (just like everyone else)00:20
TakyojiI think I'm eventually going to write my own web crawler in PHP to check over my websites for errors (spelling, syntax error, missing pages, etc). xP00:21
* Takyoji curiously wonders what the browser usage statistics of this group of individuals would be.00:22
TakyojiOtherwise I actually guess the browser he was using was Internet Explorer 7.00:23
JanCTakyoji: writing a website that XHTML 1.0 Strict *and* works in all browsers isn't so easy though...00:48
JanCat least, if you want to do fancy things00:49
TakyojiYea, it was quite tricky to deal with the shadow part of the Aqua Eden website without things like PNG and so forth.01:01
TakyojiBut luckily it's completely valid and renders almost the exact same in all top browsers: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Faquaeden.com&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=001:01
TakyojiJust wish I could just redo it with something simpler since the part of adding shadows to each box takes like 3 or 4 <div> tags for one box.01:02
TakyojiIt's probably people that make IE-only websites are "trained professionals" that just learned "web design" from high school. :P01:03
TakyojiIt's pathetic, at my high school, the teacher just has them do only HTML, no CSS, <font> tags, just copy/pasting JS without knowing what it does, using proprietary tags like <spacer>, and a list of other things. Luckily I'll be making the materials that will be used next year.01:04
TakyojiAnd when I told him that <spacer> tag isn't a real tag in the definition, he just had everyone use the <dd> tag instead (and without closing it of course, and not within a <ul> or <ol>)01:05
TakyojiBut, that's just typical high school "web design" I suppose.01:09
TakyojiI'm wondering if my verbosity is irritating at all in this channel to anyone.01:50
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bencrisfordHey everyone, did you get my email on the mailing list?21:20
bencrisfordDid anyone get my email?21:21
Ben-CrisfordHi everyone22:04
Ben-Crisforddid anyone get my email?22:06
TakyojiYes, it was received (I'm subscribed to the mailing list)22:07
Ben-CrisfordFeedback on the idea?  Suggestions for projects?22:08
Ben-CrisfordI am still here by the way22:08
Ben-Crisfordfeedback on the idea though?22:09
TakyojiI'll see if I can generate any ideas22:09
Ben-CrisfordI think that if we put our minds to it, joining up with the students could get loads more users22:10
Ben-Crisfordwe just need a good campaign behind it22:12

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