
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
miki4242hi all, i'm trying to fix a bug (LP: #354522) "espeak sound doesn't play correctly", which kills ubuntu speech accessibility. help is very welcome because this can be a show-stopper for people with vision problems installing Ubuntu.01:03
stgraberpochu: yes, I'll be at UDS. What about you ?01:05
miki4242i believe the problem is with portaudio v19, but i'm having problems with building a package from newer svn snapshot.01:05
pochustgraber: me too!01:20
stgraberpochu: oh, finally :)01:21
pochuindeed :)01:22
* pochu waves good night01:25
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
ZarelHey, guys.02:32
ZarelHow locked down is Jaunty right now?02:32
JontheEchidnaNo UI changes, string changes or new features02:35
ZarelCan we update minor (bugfix) versions of packages?02:35
ZarelWarzone 2100 has version 2.1.1 in the Ubuntu repos. -> http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/warzone210002:36
ZarelBut the latest stable release is
ZarelIs it too late to update?02:36
s0nixAnyone could explain to me the "advantage/goal" of using this king of version number in a ubuntu package: 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa1 ...... especially the "hardy1" if ubuntu1 is already in it02:37
JontheEchidnaZarel: nah, not too late02:38
ZarelJontheEchidna: Oh, good. How would I go about doing that?02:38
ZarelIt's fortunately already in the Debian repos.02:38
s0nixthen, it should be synched, no?02:39
JontheEchidnaCome the 9th it will be too late, though02:39
ZarelYeah. How do I request for it to be synced?02:40
JontheEchidnaFile a bug requesting the sync from the appropriate debian repo (unstable, etc)02:42
JontheEchidnathen an MOTU will look over it and subscribe the archive admins, who will sync it02:43
ZarelJontheEchidna: I don't deal with Ubuntu's bugtacker very much. Is there a guide for doing this kind of request somewhere?02:48
JontheEchidnanope, that's how it's done02:48
* JontheEchidna misread02:48
JontheEchidnajust search for "please sync" in the bugs02:49
ZarelJontheEchidna: It still confuses me. "main", "universe", "multiverse"... How do I ask for it to be in Jaunty?03:01
JontheEchidnawarzone2100 is in universe03:02
ZarelSo if I ask "Please sync warzone2100_2.1.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)", it will go into Jaunty?03:04
StevenK2.1.3 is a new upstream release, it will require an FFe.03:15
ZarelStevenK: FFe?03:24
SnovaZarel: Feature Freeze Exception03:25
ZarelSnova: But it doesn't add any new features; it's just a bugfix release.03:25
ZarelMaybe that explains all my problems. In Ubuntu, bugfixes count as features!03:26
SnovaI wouldn't know...03:26
StevenKZarel: No, you just need to explain in the sync request that 2.1.3 only fixes bugs, and doesn't introduce new features.03:29
ZarelOkay, I've submitted the report.03:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356753 in warzone2100 "Please sync warzone2100_2.1.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]03:44
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StevenKScottK: Any plans to fix havp and dansguardian with the new clamav?06:48
Juli_Hi MOTUs. Could you please explain how things go after Final Freeze? I've fixed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netbeans/+bug/345562 and attached debdiff several days ago but still don't have sponsor. Will it be possible to upload the changes after April, 10 or FException is required? Thanks!08:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345562 in netbeans "Add important patches for NetBeans 6.5 in Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:21
siretart_sladen: should make no problems08:30
ttxJuli_: I'll have a look.08:49
Juli_ttx: Thanks!08:49
toabctlhi all09:29
toabctli create a debian package (python script with setup.py) with cdbs and have a MANIFEST.in file, but in the debian package, the files from MANIFEST.in are not included. why?09:30
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=== andol_ is now known as andol
Toadstoolhi all09:51
giskardhi *10:23
giskardi'm a OLD ubuntu-motu10:23
giskardbut it's a lot of time that i don't do an upload10:24
giskardor something usefull for ubuntu10:24
giskardi don't know if there is a policy for retirment10:24
giskarddo we have something similar10:24
giskardwhere i have to look?10:24
gaspabdmurray, there has been a pending change in harvest-data for sime time. please, could you take a look? ( I don't see dholbach ATM..)10:27
wintellectAs everything is gpg signed - is there any suggestions as to how long a current key should be used? Eg. should you have keys that expire every 3 years? 5 years? never? or does it not matter?10:33
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slytheringiskard: I believe there is but I don't have any link. You better mail to MOTU Council10:36
slytherinwintellect: it is personal preference.10:41
wintellectslytherin: k, thanks for clarifying :)10:41
giskardslytherin,  thank you.10:43
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=== CrazyShoe is now known as Mez
sladensiretart: in the, I had jpds copy the tarball back into incoming/11:21
sladensiretart: I might investigate the exact squence when the .orig is less than 10MB :)11:22
sladensiretart: and see if I can replicate it again11:22
wintellectlintian gives me errors about hyphens in the manpage needing backslashing - is it customary to fix this with a patch file in debian/patches/ ?11:46
hyperairwintellect: i should think so11:47
hyperairwintellect: but you should also submit the patch upstream.11:47
wintellectI thought that anything in debian/ was included in the diff.gz?11:50
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savvaswintellect: it is, also any direct changes in the root folder of the source packages are also included :)11:54
savvashyperair meant checking if the package is in Debian, and submitting your changes there as well11:54
hyperairsavvas: no, i meant to the upstream authors of the said package. or basically whoever wrote the manpage11:57
hyperairwintellect: if it's in debian/ then fix it in debian/ directly. if it's not, then use a patch.11:58
hyperairwintellect: that's the general rule.11:58
wintellecthyperair: gotcha11:59
savvasmy mistake :P12:00
hyperairsavvas: ;)12:00
savvasand excusable, I12:02
savvasI'm recovering from a 5-day cold-a-thon :)12:02
hyperairhahaha get well soon12:02
savvasthank you :)12:02
slytherinwintellect: if the man page is in debian/ directory then it is created by the packager/maintainer in Debian. In that case you need to modify it directly. The patches in debian/patches directory are for the source provided by upstream not for the files in debian/ directory.12:04
wintellectslytherin: yeah. It's in the main source so I'll need to use debian/patches12:05
wintellectany suggestions for a good patchfile name - it's backslashing hyphens in the manpage12:06
wintellectthat too long?12:06
slytherinwintellect: fix_man_page.patch and with appropriate number prefix.12:07
savvaswintellect: which package is it?12:07
slytherinwintellect: then explain it in changelog what you actually fixed. Also if the patch system is dpatch then the patch header should contain some description.12:08
wintellectjust using plain old "patch"12:10
wintellectslytherin: if it's the first patch, should it be: 0_fix_man_page.patch or 1_fix_man_page.patch ?12:11
savvasI like to use 10-fix_man_page.patch :)12:11
wintellectsavvas: tmux. It's not a complicated pkg but saw a needs-packaging bug and wanted to give it a go12:12
wintellectthe pkg itself already builds and works - just tidying up for lintian, etc12:12
slytherinwintellect: which patch system does it use? dpatch reserves prefix 00 for the file that contains patches to be applied. apart from that starting with 01 is better (note 2 digits).12:12
savvaswintellect: even if it's the first patch, using a higher number gives other people more options if say it needs to be patched later on12:13
wintellectsavvas: gotcha12:13
wintellectslytherin: none as far as I can tell. It's never had a patch applied. Is it ok to use plain old "patch -u" ?12:14
slytherinsavvas: I don't understand your comment.12:14
slytherinwintellect: I am not sure how that would work. You canread about patch systems here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems12:16
wintellectslytherin: I took savvas to mean if you start at "10" then people can apply earlier patches later by giving them a number lower, eg "05"12:16
savvasslytherin: maybe a patch in the future needs to be done before another patch, so if it's 10-fix_manpage the current, and they add 05-some_patch, 05 would be taken before 10, isn't that right?12:16
savvaswoops, I just realised we use series for patching systems :)12:17
hyperairyou mean quilt.12:17
slytherinsavvas: but why would be a patch in future need to be done before this patch. And even if it did, you can always use alphabetical order.12:17
slytherinsavvas: and if you are using dpatch or quilt you can define any order you want.12:18
savvasI think that's my queue to stop giving advice to people until I get better :P12:19
technologiclee#ubuntu+1 suggested this channel - and that i file a request at launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/66717    any further suggestions?12:20
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
wintellectslytherin: If I were to use dpatch, how do I generate the patch file with the differences in it? Do I need to use dpatch for this? Or just generate a standard "diff -u"?12:24
slytherinwintellect: have you read the page I pointed you? It has decent explaination about all three patch systems.12:24
slytherintechnologiclee: if there is no source available how do you expect anyone to add it to repositories?12:25
wintellectslytherin: I did, and the entry about dpatches only shows how to apply patches12:25
andolcjwatson: Ok if I ask a question regarding you comment on bug #355800:12:26
andolThis report is public12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355800 in nagios3 "*** WARNING: ucf was run from a maintainer script that uses debconf, but the script did not pass --debconf-ok to ucf." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35580012:26
technologicleethe source is available from Nanorex - with an account request - does listing in Sourceforge mean that anyone can develop it further? - it is supposed to be 'open source'12:26
slytherintechnologiclee: if it is open source why does it require an account to download?12:26
technologicleei don't know that is the way they do it but it claims GPL liscence - i believe12:27
wintellecthyperair: thanks. The man page told me all I needed to know :D12:28
hyperairwintellect: =)12:28
wintellectI didn't know dpatch created a copy of the directory too :D12:28
hyperairi prefer quilt12:28
slytherinwintellect: Ok. Here is a short note. When you do dpatch-edit-patch name.patch it will create a temporary copy of the source where you can edit file you want. when you type 'exit' and enter you have the patch created. Then add the patch name to debian/patches/00list. You will also need to do some changes to your debian/rules file for patching/unpatching.12:28
slytherinhyperair: quilt is confusing for new developers.12:29
wintellectDo you have to be in the root of the src directory when you call dpatch-edit-patch?12:29
slytherinwintellect: yes12:29
hyperairslytherin: what's so confusing?12:29
wintellectslytherin: Thanks! Makes perfect sense now :D12:29
slytherinhyperair: did you try it when you were new to packaging? :-)12:30
hyperairslytherin: no, i used cdbs-edit-patch.12:30
hyperairslytherin: after that i switched to quilt.12:30
hyperairslytherin: i think dpatch is redundant.12:30
slytherinhyperair: I tried all three and the packages that used quilt were last on my list. :-)12:31
hyperairslytherin: i use quilt on all of the packages i maintain =)12:31
slytherinnow it doesn't matter to me what system the package is already uses. But if I am adding a new system then cdbs, dpatch, quilt is my order of preference.12:31
hyperairslytherin: i liked being able to quilt refresh12:32
slytherintechnologiclee: tell them to make it available without account and then file a bug with tag 'needs-packaging'.12:32
technologicleeawesome - thanks12:32
cjwatsonandol: yes, what about it?12:36
andolcjwatson: Regarding marking version depency. From what I can see the --debconf-ok option depends on >= 0.28, while even dapper hade ucf 2.0. Is it really neccesary to mark such a trivial/old dependency.12:47
andolcjwatson: Not that I mind, since there is already the patch. I'm more curious on a general level.12:47
directhexthe GPL doesn't prevent you from putting your code behind a passworded page - it also doesn't prevent other people redistributing it without said impediment12:48
cjwatsonandol: it's probably not all that important but since I feel you ought to remove the incorrect --debconf-ok from the postrm anyway, and edit the changelog, syncing up with the rest of the Debian change does no harm12:52
cjwatsonandol: I wouldn't have asked you to go back round just for that12:53
ttxJuli_: libnb-platform-java sponsored/uploaded, i'll do netbeans when libnb-platform-java will be published.12:53
andolcjwatson: I agree. Just wanted to know for future cases. Thanks for explaing. I'll try to do my homework better next time.12:55
slytherindirecthex: right, how many packagers will be willing to download a source which requires registering?13:09
=== Sikon is now known as LucidFox
alexander_hy, I'm needing help to packing a software14:26
alexander_someone could help me?14:26
alexander_someone could help me?14:27
alexander_I have a problem to create a package .deb14:28
alexander_could someone help me with pbuild ?14:30
mok0DktrKranz: ping14:30
alexander_<mok0> pong14:32
alexander_could you help me with a pbuild ?14:32
mok0!ask | alexander_14:32
ubottualexander_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:32
alexander_<ubottu> Sorry14:33
hyperairlol ubottu's a bot.14:33
mok0hi hyperair14:34
hyperairhi mok014:34
hyperairlong time no see =p14:34
mok0hyperair: yeah, I've been busy doing other stuff14:34
hyperairmok0: hahah same here =p14:34
hyperairmok0: also i'm waiting out feature freeze =p14:34
mok0hyperair: yep14:34
mok0hyperair: how are your apps doing in jaunty?14:35
hyperairmok0: fine fine14:36
hyperairmok0: just that there's a new version of codelite, geanyvc, and geanyproj, all of which appeared after FF14:36
hyperairi mean after FF started.14:36
mok0ah. They can go in karmic14:36
hyperairi'm trying to get codelite into debian, but after a looong while, a sponsor appeared, and i think he's busy, so he'll take some time to look at it14:37
slytherinalexander_: no one can help you unless you state the question14:37
directhexSubject: Your Oxford Bus the Airline Booking Confirmation14:37
mok0hyperair: it does take extremely long to get something into Debian14:37
mok0hyperair: best bet is to become part of a team14:38
alexander_I'm packing a software. And I'm having problem to create system user14:38
hyperairmok0: yeah, but there isn't really any team for c++ apps/libs right?14:38
mok0hyperair: hmm, I don't know...14:38
hyperairmok0: also, regarding sigx's FTBFS, it magically fixed itself after i got the upstream author to fix his code, but without me attempting to get another upload in14:39
directhexalexander_, you want your package to create a new user on installation?14:39
slytherinMy best experience is when one Debian developer asked my what was stopping me from porting a package updated in Ubuntu to Debian. He helped me all the way through clearing the NEW queue. :-)14:39
hyperairmok0: sigx ftbfs'd on everything non i386,amd64,lpia that time14:39
slytherinalexander_: how are you doing it?14:39
alexander_I need my package create a system user14:39
mok0hyperair: heh. Perhaps it was due to a missing dep?14:39
hyperairmok0: no, there was some weird compilation error.14:39
hyperairmok0: i think the dep was there, but something changed in one of the deps14:40
alexander_I'm adding in the debian/rules the commands to create user14:40
directhexalexander_, wrong.14:40
directhexalexander_, debian/rules is a makefile, executed at package compile time14:40
mok0alexander_: take a look at some other package that creates a a user14:40
directhexalexander_, debian/rules is never installed or executed on an end-user's system14:40
hyperairmok0: something regarding g_atomic_pointer_set.14:41
alexander_<directhex> hmm14:41
mok0hyperair: perhaps the compiler chain was updated?14:41
alexander_<directhex> So How can I do it ?14:41
hyperairmok0: perhaps.14:41
directhexalexander_, postinst.14:41
slytherinalexander_: I believe you will need to do it in postinst file. You can take a look at how apache package does it.14:41
directhexalexander_, download the ntp source package, look in debian/ntp.postinst14:41
directhexalexander_, ntp is a very simple example package for you14:42
alexander_<directhex> oh thanks14:42
alexander_<directhex> hmm , thanks14:42
alexander_<directhex> I'll download the source ntp code14:43
mok0alexander_: alternatively, go into /var/lib/dpkg/info and do a grep grep adduser *postinst14:43
directhexthat works14:43
alexander_<mok0> thanks14:44
mok0alexander_: np. Good luck14:44
alexander_thanks to all14:45
wintellectwhat goes in the "XSBC-Original-Maintainer" field in the control file - the maintainer of the source? Ie. who wrote the app?14:53
hyperairwintellect: no, the original maintainer of the debian package14:55
hyperairwintellect: i.e. the maintainer in debian, or you.'14:55
hyperairwintellect: for stuff entering ubuntu through revu, Maintainer says MOTU, and XSBC blah blah says you14:55
maxbwintellect: The Debian maintainer, for a source synced from Debian. You can, and probably should, omit the field entirely if its not a packaging synced from elsewhere.14:55
hyperairmaxb: don't you mean merged?14:56
maxbuh, yes, yes I do :-)14:56
wintellecthyperair: maxb: it's not from Debian, it's my own work. So, do I omit the field or put my name?!?14:57
maxbwintellect: You're allowed to do either14:57
hyperairwintellect: generally for stuff entering through revu i put my own name.14:57
DktrKranzmok0: timeout error :)15:05
hyperairmaybe he set his TTL really high you know? =p15:07
DktrKranzhyperair: yeah. my T1 is still experimental :)15:09
hyperairDktrKranz: hahah =p15:09
DktrKranzI've a videoconference call next thursday to fix it15:10
DktrKranzso I can go 2Mbyte/sec :)15:10
DktrKranzmy bad I can only dowload intercompany files, no P2P or packages ;)15:10
hyperairmeh lucky you15:11
hyperairi can go... at around 1Mbye/sec for some streaming sites, but i think that's some transparent proxy cache thing going on15:12
hyperairon the other hand, the ubuntu mirror here goes at 10MB/s15:13
hyperairthe one maintained by me on the campus of course15:13
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DktrKranzhyperair: heh, my DSL at home goes at 30Kb/sec :/15:19
directhexmy bus to heathrow is booked15:21
hyperairDktrKranz: mine goes at 50kB/s at home.15:22
bddebianHeya gang15:29
* hyperair yawns15:29
* mok0 yawns15:30
mok0It's contageous :-)15:30
PiciI keep mistaking this channel for -bugs.15:30
* hyperair whois's bddebian15:30
hyperairooh bdefreese!15:30
hyperairremember me? =p15:31
bddebianhyperair: Sure :)15:31
tznhi there15:43
tznwhat is the best way to patch a package, that doean't ahve any patches yest15:44
slytherintzn: is the package from Debian? if yes then don't introduce the patch system. If the package is from ubuntu (i.e 0ubuntuX version) then you are free to introduce patch system.15:46
incorrectI am packaging zabbix 1.6.4 and got dpkg-buildpackage: failure: dpkg-source -b zabbix-1.6.4 gave error exit status 115:49
RainCTincorrect: look some lines above that for the real error message15:50
incorrectdpkg-buildpackage: failure: dpkg-source -b zabbix-1.6.4 gave error exit status 115:50
incorrectthat i guess15:50
incorrectdpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source15:51
RainCTincorrect: OK, so you've added/modified some binary file15:51
incorrectbasically i took the source code from zabbix.org and the diff file from the package of 1.6.115:54
incorrecti should remove the patches that have been applied too15:54
GuyFromHellBy something being assigned to me, does it suggest that I should have the ability to merge it as well? or just fix the bug?15:55
hyperairfix the bug.15:56
hyperairbasically it means you're working on it15:56
hyperairif you're not, unassign yourself15:56
GuyFromHellhyperair, alright, thanks.16:00
hyperairGuyFromHell: you're welcome16:01
incorrectthanks! sorted!16:03
james_wRainCT: I gave you wrong information earlier, sorry16:03
tznthanx slytherin16:11
ttxJuli_: netbeans sponsored/uploaded16:25
Juli_ttx: Thanks a lot!16:25
alexander_<mok0> hy, thanks for help. I made my package17:11
alexander_<directhex> Thanks for help, my package is donne :)17:12
LaneyI keep thinking you're pasting peoples lines, alexander_17:15
lfaraoneLaney: he isn't? :)17:16
Laneynope, those are replies17:16
alexander_lanay, I think too17:16
alexander_sorry , I'm new in roons like this17:17
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=== goshawk_ is now known as goshawk
goshawki'm packaging a compiler for a programming language, this compiler (call it project A) needs a runtime library (static library) which is a separate project (call it project B). To create project A i need the sources of B too and compile them all together. Project B is a static library and it's unuseful without project A. How should i package it? just packaging the project A alone?18:12
goshawkor should i package project B too, from the same sources of project A?18:12
quadrisprohi guys18:57
pochuhi quadrispro19:03
quadrisprohi pochu19:03
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habtoolHow does one go about finding someone to package a program into a deb for inclusion in ubuntu? I am a user of the program, not the developer.  Its one of the only tools that can backup and restore a ext4 partition (similar to partimage, but cli only) Partimage does not support ext4. http://www.fsarchiver.org/Main_Page21:40
jpdshabtool: File a [needs-packaging] bug for it at bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug21:41
lfaraonehabtool: you either A) find someone who knows packaging to do it for you, B) learn packaging and do it yourself, or C) hire a consultant. :)21:41
habtool<lfaraone> I can run it from the /home/bin folder, it is more for other that may want to use it, not for me as such ;)21:42
lfaraonehabtool: packaging isn't terribly difficult, if you want you could do it in a few hours.21:43
habtoolpartimage is great but no longer developed :(21:43
jpdshabtool: See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages21:43
habtool<jpds> Ok, will have a look21:44
maxbhabtool: <someone'snick> usually means you are quoting them, not replying to them21:52
habtoolmaxb: Sorry was just coping the names in xchat. Now know for future reference.21:55
maxbInstead, try typing the first few letters, then tab complete21:56
habtoolmaxb, thanks, that works great :)21:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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=== rbelem_afk is now known as rbelem
goshawki'm packaging a compiler for a programming language, this compiler (call it project A) needs a runtime library (static library) which is a separate project (call it project B). To create project A i need the sources of B too and compile them all together. Project B is a static library and it's unuseful without project A. How should i package it? just packaging the project A alone?23:02
goshawkor should i package project B too, from the same sources of project A?23:02

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