
ghindoHas anybody else had trouble accessing Gmail with Shiretoko?02:34
gnomefreakwhos awake?04:36
ghindoI'm awake04:53
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
* gnomefreak needs to find out if we patched the pango build failures05:32
reedasac / fta: ping?06:48
=== reed is now known as Guest85285
asac[reed]: ?09:07
Guest85285asac: mozilla bug 48717009:12
ubottuError: Error getting Mozilla bug #487170: NotPermitted09:12
asaclet me check09:12
Guest85285just keeping you informed :0909:13
BUGabundo_guud morning09:16
asacGuest85285: why the hell did you make the lp private?09:19
asacpedro said it was public for 5 month ;)09:19
asacor is this a new bug09:19
Guest85285same bug, but the pango bug was embargoed09:20
Guest85285(just recently)09:20
Guest85285and the mozilla bug tracking it is private, too09:20
Guest85285timeless felt it would be good to close the lp ones, too, so I pinged here first to ask what best to do, but nobody was around :)09:21
=== Guest85285 is now known as reed_
asacwell. closing up a bug that was 5 month open feels kind of wrong. but ok ;)09:22
asacjust that i probably cannot access it anymore ;)09:22
reed_why can't you access it?09:23
asacok i can see it at least09:23
reed_I would hope you would be on ubuntu's security group or whatever it's called :)09:23
asacreed_: all fine09:24
asaci can see it09:24
BUGabundo_reed_: bug control, is the team name09:26
reed_I was very surprised I was able to make the bugs private09:26
reed_didn't know I had any special rights09:26
asacreed_: heh09:26
asacreed_: i am not sure about that either09:26
asace.g. why can you make it private ;)09:26
BUGabundo_anyone can make reports private09:27
asacBUGabundo_: bug control can see all private bugs?09:27
BUGabundo_just not the other way around09:27
asaci doubt that09:27
BUGabundo_only bug control (or above) and OP can make it public09:27
BUGabundo_asac: AFAIK yes09:27
BUGabundo_I may apply to it, since i already do so much bug triage09:27
asaci thin kbug control is for crashes09:28
BUGabundo_"What sensitive data should you look for in a private Apport crash report bug before making it public? See Bugs/HowToTriage for more information. "09:28
asacyes. but thats just crashers09:29
asacnot all private bug09:29
BUGabundo_ask Daniel or some leader of the team09:29
ftaasac, if you care to fix the dailies, that would be nice. i didn't have time in the last two days, and i still don't have much time right now11:41
ftaasac, that's mozilla 42375611:42
ubottuMozilla bug 423756 in GFX: Thebes "Request: Switch for authors to turn on/off bilinear filtering when enlarging images" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42375611:42
asacfta: that one caused the regression?11:44
asacok cool11:54
BUGabundo_asac: did had an chance to review my patch?11:54
asacreed_: who would be best to ask about 480290 ?11:56
ftaoh, the colorful openoffice icons are gone11:56
asacfta: colorful?11:58
asacBUGabundo_: let me kick off a moz central clone and then look11:58
ftadesktop icons with blue, green, red, etc..11:59
asacBUGabundo_: do you have the merge url at hand?11:59
BUGabundo_nope. but since i only have that on my code.lp its wasy to find11:59
asacfta: was that  bug?11:59
asacBUGabundo_: please url ;)11:59
asacor request merge11:59
asacthats actually much beter12:00
asacbecause i can review online12:00
asacno need to pull etc.12:00
BUGabundo_asac: https://code.launchpad.net/~bugabundo/mobile-broadband-provider-info/bug-312376-353957-28049012:00
BUGabundo_i did request the merge12:00
BUGabundo_"i think". it was late in the night, and i already had failed 3 times12:00
asacBUGabundo_: please request merge into the .ubuntu package branch12:01
BUGabundo_and how do i do that?12:01
asacBUGabundo_:  i assumed you worked on the packaging branch12:01
asacand not the upstream branch12:01
BUGabundo_it was my ever lp branch12:02
BUGabundo_ok, ill start over and see if i get it better!12:03
asac BUGabundo_ in the package there is a debian/control file12:03
asacthat should reference the packaging branch12:03
BUGabundo_asac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bugabundo/mobile-broadband-provider-info/bug-312376-353957-280490/+merge/521312:03
BUGabundo_this was the merge request12:04
BUGabundo_asac: i just branched the trunk code, fixed the MBPI xml, commited and pushed to lp12:04
BUGabundo_then requested the merge12:04
BUGabundo_thought was the *way* of distrubuted coding of baazar12:05
BUGabundo_lunch! bbl12:05
asacso the idea i had in mind was that you update the package and not the upsream branch12:05
BUGabundo_did not know it was required12:05
BUGabundo_talk to u latter12:05
gnomefreakdamn it again its crashing12:13
asacfta: /home/asac/Development/upstream/mozilla/mozilla-central/storage/src/mozStorageEvents.cpp:454: error: ‘PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_OWNS_LOCK’ was not declared in this scope12:19
asaci get that on trunk12:19
asacdidnt you see that too?12:19
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakgwibber is really working to piss me off this morning12:30
gnomefreakasac: any chance the pango_font errors are fixed in firefox-3.5/3.6 or seamonkey-2? for some reason the dailies are not failing for tb and ff did you patch it or it never happened?13:17
fta2asac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/oo-icons-before.png  vs http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/oo-icons.png13:24
fta2asac, ‘PR_ASSERT_CURRENT_THREAD_OWNS_LOCK’, i bumped the req for nspr already13:24
asacits nspr13:25
asacmy build tree doesnt have that magi13:25
asacnow i bumped into DFB13:25
asacinteresting that all this starts suddenly i am sure i built with the same config not that long ago13:25
asacnow i bumped into the context_subst13:25
asaccontext_substitute pango13:26
asaclets see what happend to my pango bug13:27
gnomefreakcan someone paste me my quit message13:29
* gnomefreak testing to see if it gets set13:30
gnomefreakstupid damn /save crap13:34
[reed]gnomefreak: SeaMonkey?13:54
[reed]it's Core code13:54
[reed]it affects all Mozilla projects building from that code13:54
gnomefreak[reed]: yes13:54
gnomefreakoh ok13:54
gnomefreakthan why does tb and ff build13:54
[reed]I think fta has patched it with one of the earlier patches13:55
[reed]even though that's wrong13:55
gnomefreakpatch will have to be removed once commited to hg i'm guessing within the next week or 2 it should be commited <<guessing13:57
[reed]probably less than that14:02
gnomefreakit does seem like a fairly simple patch but i can wait, this late in the bug its not worth it14:04
gnomefreakits just the way its called from what i can see I'm hoping this is a perm fix instead of changing it for each pango release14:08
gnomefreaki think i found the reason for gwibber crashes but doesnt make any sense14:16
gnomefreakits gnome-keyring by the looks of it that is causing the crash14:33
gnomefreaknoone else noticed gnome-keyring(deamon) is failing?14:42
asac[reed]: so we have to back-in the localized locale thing (which made this blocklist url so ugly)14:43
asac[reed]: we have a regression that navigator.language (for websites) is always en-US14:43
asacso its the good old problem with matchOS = true14:43
[reed]asac: so, what's the solution for this?14:44
gnomefreaktheres a few bugs on that in Lp and upstream14:44
[reed]well, Pike calls matchOS ugly code :)14:45
[reed]mozilla bug 33177914:45
ubottuMozilla bug 331779 in Internationalization "Please enable intl.locale.matchOS by default" [Enhancement,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33177914:45
asac[reed]: yes. but it doesnt help to say matchOS is broken ... distros obviously need this to make firefox work in a multi lang environment14:47
asac[reed]: so for now i will go back and we should redicuss this imo14:48
[reed]k, maybe we should get the other distros involved and work out what they need Mozilla upstream to fix14:48
[reed]since there's a problem somewhere14:49
asac[reed]: yeah. i think what it needs is a evalution where the intl.general.locale property is used in code and fix all occurences to properly deal with a localized pref14:50
asac[reed]: we use it for quite some time, but when we submit patches they alwasy get rejected like the one i provided for this blocklist url:14:50
asace.g. "matchOS isnt supported, and there are other places that would break214:51
asachowever, we - as in distros - dont see many places that break14:51
asacso it might be a red herring14:51
asacso i could conduct a code review and see where that pref is used14:52
asacbut i dont want to do that if whatever we do gets rejected with "matchOS -> not supported"14:52
asacits general.useragent.locale14:53
asaci think i will just do that  ;)14:55
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
asacfta2: what did you do against the pango API change?15:50
asacits still broken here in upstream central15:50
asacdid you pick the latest patch from bugzilla?15:50
fta2asac, i took the patch mentioned in the filename17:06
asacfta2: wow ... that looks hackish ;)17:25
fta2asac, the patch?17:26
fta2it's not mine17:26
asacyeah. didnt claim its yours ;)17:29
asacbut its tiny and serves my purpose to get further during build ;)17:29
asacso i will take it localle here17:29
jcastrofta2: asac: ok so apparently ryan didn't merge the stuff he was supposed to in the gwibber 1.0 branch17:59
jcastroI am going to get ahold of him today and make him do it17:59
asacjcastro: yes. whip whip ;)18:00
jcastroI want to kill him18:00
jcastrobut no worries18:00
asacjcastro: but rmember that i never committed to get 1.0 into jaunty still18:00
jcastroI would like to try18:00
jcastrothe thing is sabdfl was mailing him convincing him to do all this m-i stuff18:01
asactrying like: "throw in and see" is kind of late now18:01
asacwe need to thoroughly review the code18:01
jcastrowe have been testing 1.0 this whole time.18:01
asacso tell me what i need to review ;)18:01
jcastroI have been anyway18:01
jcastroyes, the messaging-indicator stuff would be it18:01
jcastrothe rest has been pure bugfixes18:01
asacyeah. i would have to look at the code changes for uploading anyway18:02
asacif someone else uploads "just" on the ppa basis thats fine ;)18:02
james_wI've been running the m-i branch for a few days now18:10
asacfta2: where is gwibber packagin branch that was released to jaunty?18:10
james_wthere's one issue I know about18:10
asacok i found i18:10
asacso the mi is already in the packaging branch?18:17
jcastroit shouldn't be18:17
asacerr in the 1.0 branch i mean ;)18:17
jcastrono, it isn't18:17
asac[Merge] sync with lp:gwibber (but retain VERSION_NUMBER 0.9.118:17
asacthat comes with a bunch of indicate stuff18:17
asacits 25218:17
jcastroso there's a bunch of indicator stuff in 1.0?18:19
asac    revno: 237.3.3618:19
asac    committer: Ryan Paul <segphault@arstechnica.com>18:20
asac    branch nick: main18:20
asac    timestamp: Sat 2009-03-21 09:59:11 -070018:20
asac    message:18:20
asac      Merged in support for the messaging indicator18:20
asacso they landed it18:20
asacjcastro: yes. they made a huge "sync from trunk commit, but keep version low thing"18:20
asacthats bad18:20
asacmeaning 1.0 is now trunk18:20
jcastrowhen did they do that, march 21?18:20
asacon trunk they landed it on timestamp: Sat 2009-03-21 09:59:11 -070018:21
asactrunk was synched to 1.0 on timestamp: Thu 2009-03-26 12:20:25 +000018:21
jcastroman, that was like 3 weeks ago, why didn't they just tell us to put it in jaunty then?18:22
asacdont ask me18:22
asacwell it didnt land until 26 march18:22
asacthats two weeks ;)18:22
* jcastro head-desks18:22
asacquestion is why they merge in full trunk and pretend to be stable ;)18:22
jcastrofeeping creatureism18:23
asacbut well.18:23
asaccould be tha ti look at wrong branch18:24
asacits bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Egwibber-committers/gwibber/gwibber-1.0/18:24
jcastrowell, if 1.0 doesn't make it then they won't want .8 either18:24
asacwe have 0.8 in the archive18:25
jcastrothey don't want .8 as it is in jaunty18:25
jcastroright, they don't want people reporting bugs on it, etc.18:25
asacwho doesnt want that?18:25
jcastroryan, he wants people using 1.0 because .8 is too old.18:25
asacupstream always wants the latest crack18:26
asacthey have no real say what we distribute. they failed here18:26
jcastrohe's just going to end up telling people to use the PPA18:26
asacthey can come up with clean bug fixes ... not the whole trunk18:26
asacthats ok. dont see why thats bad ;)18:26
jcastroso what's the point of shipping .8 then?18:27
asacso users get something by default18:27
asacto install18:27
asacwithout knowing the ppa18:27
jcastroyeah but upstream won't fix their bugs and all that18:27
asacthe world is much larger than those that file bug reports18:27
asacupstream never fixes bugs for old releases18:27
asacquestion is if there are release critical bugs right now18:28
asacif so we have to look if we can cherry pick the fixes18:28
asacif not then there is no real problem. we distribute software like that all the time18:28
asaci want the latest stuff in there, but they just were too late18:28
asacwe already put lots of work into getting their stuff into jaunty18:28
jcastroIf we could  just get 1.0 without the m-i stuff18:28
jcastrothat would be ideal18:28
jcastrobut there's no way to do that is there?18:29
asaci dont care about the mi stuff18:29
jcastroright, me either18:29
asacits just not promissing to look in the stable branch and see that its the trunk now  ... just with version lower :)18:29
jcastroyeah so I don't know why they did that18:29
asacthey should join the community or accept that we just dont take whatever they relesae in whatever form ;)18:29
asacjcastro: anyway, i dont want to be really picky here18:30
asacif folks really run this for a while ites probably ok18:30
jcastroI've been running it18:30
asacjcastro: but i want at least a bug that is kind of release critical to justify that18:31
jcastrobut I was not aware that trunk was synced back into 1.018:31
jcastroI was under the impression that 1.0 was basically .8 that we had already with just fixes cherry picked18:31
jcastrobut now I am looking through the commit log ...18:31
jcastroasac: ok stepping out for lunch, bbiab18:35
asacjcastro: they also changed translatable resources, aka strings ;)18:35
asacwe have to talk to them about cherry picking a few things so they are still happy ;)18:35
asachmm i think string is not that important as its not translated in rosetta18:36
asacnot sure if they have translations at all18:36
=== rZr is now known as RzR
RzRasac: hi , i was busy18:43
asacRzR: hehe. me too ;) .. so not an issue at all19:03
bdmurrayasac: what is the status of bug 187313?  I noticed there is an upstream patch now.19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 187313 in iceweasel "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18731319:32
asacbdmurray: we would get it through upstream if they agree that this should land19:33
[reed]yeah, mozilla bug 40664620:16
ubottuMozilla bug 406646 in XP Toolkit/Widgets: Menus "Clicking to open slow menu (e.g. Bookmarks) invokes first item in menu (e.g. "Bookmark This Page")" [Normal,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40664620:16
[reed]it's waiting on approval for the branch20:16
RzRasac: will you need me this evening ? or before freeze ?20:17
[reed]which is waiting on 3.0.9 to finish20:17
asacRzR: yes.  iwill look now.20:20
RzRok here i am20:20
* asac branches20:21
asac[reed]: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/pango/commit/?id=dd6ce709db5872132335fef9f75aa16a33d6e5aa20:24
[reed]I know20:25
[reed]hopefully, behdad can do a release of pango soon that distros can take20:25
asache has a few days left for jaunty20:26
asacRzR:   * debian/watch:20:29
asac    - Renamed to watch.ex since it wont work on .xpi / cvs tree20:29
asacyou should have just removed it ;)20:29
asacnot an issue20:29
asacdo that next time20:29
RzRk will not next time20:29
RzRi wish i could track the version in the xpi20:30
asacRzR: why "prefer ff 3.5"?20:30
RzRthat gnomefreak recommandations20:30
RzRhe told this here20:30
RzRi am clues20:30
RzRi have ...20:30
asacRzR: we can track version of xpi ... but for that it has to be a non-native extensoin that ships a proper license file in top level dir20:30
asaci think he ment to use 3.5 and not 3.120:31
asacbut ok20:31
asacfirefox is still preferred which currently points to 3.020:31
asacso its good20:31
RzRi dont log this channel20:32
RzRbut if someone does, maybe he explained about ff3.5 i dont remember20:32
asacRzR: uploaded20:40
asacRzR: please trash your branch then20:40
RzRgreat work asac you're the best20:40
asacand next teim start from the ubuntu-dev again20:40
asacRzR: sorry for delay20:41
RzRsure i will20:41
RzRnow lets watch a german documentary20:41
RzRwe feed the world20:41
RzRmaybe it's from austria20:41
RzRon arte.tv20:41
=== RzR is now known as rZr
Jazzvaasac: just checking... what has happened with nspluginwrapper we finished few days ago? it didn't make it to jaunty?20:48
asacJazzva: still on my list ;)20:50
asacJazzva: i need to do the flashplugin-nonfree rename and do the auto upgrade stuff in that same turn20:50
ftaasac, so.. i see xul failed once again, you didn't fix it, right?20:51
asacfta: i did20:51
Jazzvaasac: ok. we should document the option in the manpage for the next upload. do you think it's the patch to be worthy enough to send it upstream?20:51
Jazzvaumm. let me rephrase that20:51
Jazzvaasac: do you think the patsh is worthy enough to send it upstream?20:52
Jazzvas/patsh/patch/ (argh)20:52
asacJazzva: this patch only makes sense with the other NSPLUGIN env part20:52
asaci think for upstream we would need to make proper options out of that20:52
asacinstead of the env approach20:52
asacfta: its Committed revision 438.20:53
asacfta: my commit got stuck because i had no ssh agent running ;)20:53
Jazzvaasac: mhm. ok. we can see to work on that. I think it would be a nice addition. anyway, I'm back to painting the room.20:53
asacJazzva: have fun20:53
Jazzvathanks, you too20:54
ftaasac, let me know when it's in. 3 or 4 days without a green 3.6, i can respin it manually20:56
asacfta: its in20:57
asaci can also upload the current orig20:57
ftano need, the bot will take care of that21:02
=== Jazzva_ is now known as Jazzva
ftaasac, any news about your gtk patch?22:29
asacfta: i found out that i need a runtime abi check to finish this in a way that doesnt break in no-biarch case22:37
asacat least i think that the issuse i saw here need that22:37
ftacould you please grab bug 190227?22:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190227 in ia32-libs "ia32 apps look for libs on the wrong place" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19022722:38

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