
jbarneson the tiled rendering section it should probably refer to pre-965 platforms not just 94500:00
jbarnesthe other section looks good00:00
cwillui.e., into the 800's?00:01
cwilluor just 910+?00:01
jbarnesyeah would have affected 8xx as well00:01
brycegot it00:01
albert23bryce: the part on /dev/dri/card0 permissions doesn't seem correct. We use hal+acl to set the permissions, not udev.00:03
albert23note the + in crw-rw----+00:04
brycealbert23: ok, was just copying hearsay off one of the performance bugs00:10
brycealbert23: I've s/udev/hal+acl/ but could you update that section of the page if it's still not correct?00:11
albert23bryce: I can take a look tomorrow. It's getting late here00:11
brycetjaalton: heh, I just got ready to upload the fix for 337926 and see you've beaten me01:32
bryce...or maybe not.  Looks like you've gone to bed.  I'll go ahead and put it in.  Hopefully I am not stepping on toes too hard here...01:38
cwillubryce, disabled it by default just in time.  I figure we got another 18 months before alt-sysrq-k becomes well known enough to be the butt of bad webcomic jokes :p02:11
brycecwillu: hehe02:11
brycecwillu: hey, I want to help sort out why you're not able to set Triaged; you're still having that problem?02:11
cwilluno, triaged still doesn't show up on the list02:17
cwillu(looking at bug #174427, which is on xserver-xorg-video-ati)02:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174427 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[RV280 9250] [AGP] Tremulous causes X server crash (signal 11) at depth 16" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17442702:18
cwillu(and invalid, because I've been ignoring it for years now :p)02:18
jbarnesbryce: so looks like lp 348428 is fixed but the fdo bug hasn't been updated?02:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348428 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Switching to another user and then to anything else causes freeze in drm_intel_bo_unreference ()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34842802:20
brycehmm, you're definitely on the team02:20
cwilluthere was some launchpad trouble around when you confirmed me though, do things ever get out of sync like that?02:21
brycejbarnes: well, we "fixed" it by dropping patches we think caused the regression02:22
brycethose are upstream patches so the issue still needs solved there afaik02:22
jbarnesah ok02:22
bryceactually I just dropped one of the two patches, the other seemed less suspicious02:23
bryceweirdly, the issue that the patch was supposed to fix did not reappear on dropping it02:23
bryce-intel is like magic to me02:24
jbarnesit's a twisty maze02:24
cwillufilled with cavernous bugs, all alike02:24
jbarnessomething like that02:24
brycejbarnes: btw dunno if you saw but I've switched off DRI for i865 and i810 due to freeze problems.02:28
jbarnesyeah I saw that...02:28
brycesome day it would be nice to fix that02:28
jbarnesyeah 8xx has rotted a bit, we hope to fix a bunch of 8xx bugs after 2.7.0 comes out but nothing solid yet02:28
brycethat would be sweet; roughly a quarter to a third of our -intel bugs are for 8xx chips02:29
jbarnesyeah there are a ton of centrino platforms out there02:30
jcristaubryce: intel wants people to buy new laptops, so they break the old ones ;)02:31
brycejcristau: sometimes I wonder ;-)02:32
bryceI really lost it on one guy that complained about support for SVideo on his i845, that he'd never buy intel graphics, yada yada02:33
bryceI've heard the same complaint from nvidia and fglrx users about hardware support dropping02:33
bryceat least with -intel, users *can* contribute the effort to help maintain the old stuff02:33
brycethey just *don't*02:34
* cwillu pokes bryce with a "hey, I'm a user" stick02:34
cwilludefinitely can't mark bugs as triaged though02:34
brycea rare gem you are!02:34
* cwillu beams02:34
bryceyeah I'm trying to figure this out...  I wonder if you have to be an Administer for the project02:35
jcristauevery once in a while a non-intel and non-redhat patch makes it upstream :)02:35
cwillucan't set importance either, which isn't terribly surprising02:35
brycehowever I don't seem to be able to bless people into Adminship (I can demote people though...)02:35
cwilluI tried logging out and back in yesterday, on the off chance that it was something in my session02:35
brycecwillu: possibly it requires being on the ubuntu-qa team... 02:37
bryce(if my reading of 118708 is correct)02:37
cwilluShould I poke ubuntu-qa then?02:39
cwilluprobably not really a huge deal for now02:39
bryceone sec02:40
cwilluI mean, I can always add a triaged tag and poke you with a list02:40
brycehere try this - https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad/+join02:40
cwillu<waiting for launchpad>02:41
jcristaucwillu: that goes without saying :)02:41
cwilluoh, no, it needs to be said :p02:42
brycewe sync launchpad's refresh rate to the performance of your video driver02:42
cwilluoh, let me switch from my laptop (i945) to my desktop (nvidia :p)02:42
jcristaui thought it was to make sure you could finish your coffee break while it's loading a page02:43
cwilluI usually keep a coffee maker 2 feet to the left of my left-most monitor02:43
cwillumaybe moving it to the next room would improve launchpad's perceived performance :)02:43
cwillubryce, no, still can't touch importance or set triaged02:44
bryceok, I'll check with brian murray and figure out how to get you set up02:44
cwilluk, thanks02:45
cwillureally, as long as launchpadlibs works I can still be productive02:45
brycecwillu: aha brian pointed me to the guidelines - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl03:21
cwilluokay, 03:40
cwilluI'll hit the enter key instead of shift03:40
* cwillu mutters03:40
cwilluI'll get that started tomorrow.  Heading off to the coffee shop with laptop in tow right away :)03:40
* cwillu will poke again in 30 minutes or so03:41
bryceok cool; movie time03:52
tjaaltonbryce_: no problem, I noticed that my dev laptop was not here, so had to postpone it :)05:00
bryce_hidy ho05:05
bryce_tjaalton: how are your children doing?05:05
tjaaltonbryce_: sitting on the couch, watching telly ;)05:08
tjaaltonie. doing well, still coughing though05:09
tjaaltonand we finally found a place we could call "home", so it's bargaining time..05:09
tjaaltonhmm, I'm sure I heard my phone beep somewhere..05:11
cwillu_clonebryce, bug #328484 strikes me as something that could be upstreamed.  Reporter is responsive, bug is reproducible, etc05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328484 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[igc4] displayport monitors not detected in Intrepid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32848405:12
jcristaukeithp is already working on DP05:13
cwillu_cloneHe's tried the jaunty beta and a more recent jaunty daily, and confirmed that it still exists05:13
cwillu_cloneah, k, know the bug # offhand?05:13
jcristau(not offhand, had to find it first :) )05:15
cwillu_clonethat's on freedesktop?05:15
tjaaltonbryce_: could you ack bug 355340, it'd enable proper wacom hotplug and there are people confirming that, even with a serial tablet05:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355340 in wacom-tools "[FFe] Please allow a new version of wacom-tools" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35534005:34
tjaaltonor nack, whichever you prefer :)05:35
bryce_cwillu_clone: good find.  Yes, link the upstream bug to ours, and encourage the user to collaborate with upstream on the issue05:40
cwillu_clonealready done05:41
cwillu_cloneI've been talking to him in #ubuntu+1 as well, although he hasn't poked me yet today :)05:41
cwillu_clonebryce, is launchpadlib known for being broken randomly?05:42
jcristaui guess i'm going to have to coordinate somewhat with ron when i finally get the new x to unstable...05:43
cwillu_cloneLaunchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT, cache) is giving me a type error (float is required) in an egg which I _think_ was just pulled in when I installed it05:44
jcristautjaalton: is there anything in wacom/hal that's not upstream yet, for the hotplug stuff?05:45
cwillu_cloneand I was gonna get all pythonic on launchpad's api too :(05:53
cwillu_cloneah, there we go.  Never trust easy_install, even if you didn't call it yourself in the first place06:00
tjaaltonjcristau: no, it's all in 0.8.3.*06:01
jcristautjaalton: ah, nice. thanks.06:01
tjaalton0.8.3 also supports the new Intuos4 devices.. had to check what they look like and it made me drool :P'''06:02
tjaaltonbryce_: thanks06:04
bryce_cwillu_clone: yes launchpadlib has a lot of bugs in it06:09
bryce_cwillu_clone: I've been accumulating workarounds in a utility library for stuff06:09
cwillu_clonewas a 2.6 bug in httplib2 that's fixed in our repository, but not on pipy06:09
* cwillu_clone 's coffee is wearing off, time to sleep06:14
cwilluwell, time to leave denny's at least :p06:29
cwilluwow, it took that long to time out?06:32
Unggnuhi all07:49
UnggnuI wanted to add a passage at the top of the Backtracing wiki for apport. Is that Ok?07:49
UnggnuAfaik Apport can only track Xorg crashes in INtrepid oder later07:50
UnggnuBut it is much more easier since no second computer is needed, no extra packages and so on07:51
Unggnuand all the needed information is posted07:51
bryce_heya Unggnu08:01
Unggnuhi bryce_08:01
bryce_Unggnu: yep apport usage is a good idea08:01
UnggnuI wanted a short passage at the top.08:02
bryce_in fact mdz had suggested doing it a while back, so he'll be happy to see your work08:02
Unggnubryce_: btw. bug #345796 has a patch from upstream which works for me and a Gentoo guy :)08:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345796 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855 i915] Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in drm_intel_bo_unpin()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34579608:02
* bryce_ looks08:04
bryce_Unggnu: ok thanks, I put it on my todo list.  I'll try to get it in tomorrow08:07
Unggnuhm, jumping to an anchor with spaces doesn't seem to work in the Wiki08:19
Unggnuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing - I hope it is alright08:38
UnggnuBtw. the anchor space problem should be fixed. Makes much more work.08:38
Unggnuif you can't to a specific part of a wiki page08:38
UnggnuApport works fine with X in Jaunty and according to pitti with Intrepid also08:39
bryce_probably can do it with &32; or whatever the space html symbol is08:52
bryce_looks good08:53
Unggnuno, %20 doesn't work09:01
UnggnuI guess that's the reason why Wikipedia converts them to _09:02
bryceyay, wacom-tools updated.  congrats timo09:17
tjaaltonbryce_: yeah :)09:39
bryceok, enough bug damage for one day.  bedtime.  night.09:56
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sbeattiehrm, is there a reason /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc is not executable?20:20
brycesbeattie: maybe it is sourced rather than executed?20:22
bryceheya albert2320:22
albert23hi bryce20:23
brycesweet, finally a debugging method for GPU hangs on -intel:  http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17638#c2820:23
ubottuFreedesktop bug 17638 in Driver/intel "[945GM] intermittent crashes (Ring of Death) if ExaNoComposite unset" [Critical,New]20:23
sbeattiebryce: the reason I ask is that the vnc4server's default .vnc/xstartup script does "exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc" by default which fails; so I'm curious whether that should be fixed in in X or vnc4server.20:24
brycehmm, that's such a common file that I would guess if it is not executable, it's for a very good reason (security perhaps?)20:24
bryceif its non-executable state were a problem, I'd have expected to see more widespread bug reports on it20:25
brycemaybe jcristau has better wisdom on this20:25
brycebtw I've written up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze for helping in triage freeze / gpu lockup bugs20:26
sbeattiebryce: one thing to note is that in all the hangs I've seen, the mouse still would move, but otherwise X was frozen. You may wish to incorporate that into the Narrowing Class section.20:33
bryceI mention that in the symptoms section, but I could mention that there too20:36
cwillusbeattie, should be sourced, xinitrc can set environment vars to configure things, which doesn't work if you exec it afaik20:46
cwilluat least, so says redhat, gentoo and debian :p20:48
sbeattiecwillu: on a fork/exec, the parent won't get the env variables, true; but a direct exec() replaces the calling processes memory with the exec()ed one.20:53
sbeattiecwillu: amusingly, bug 257724 claims its executable on fedora.20:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257724 in vnc4 "vnc4server startup script error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25772420:53
sbeattieanyway, sourcing in vnc4server should be fine.20:56
jbarnesbryce: so on lp #344740 it sounds like you've definitely narrowed things down to the Xv patch?20:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344740 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i855] xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.6.3 : Only green window when playing movies with XV extension" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34474020:56
jbarnes(upstream fdo #20956)20:57
albert23bryce:  I have updated the /dev/dri/card0 permissions part on IntelPerformance20:57
tseliotfederico1: did you review my patch? http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56816021:25
ubottuGnome bug 568160 in libgnome-desktop "Gnome Settings daemon causes high CPU usage with an expensive call" [Major,Unconfirmed]21:25
brycejbarnes: yeah once that was reverted, people experiencing the crash said the problems suddenly went away21:33
brycethe only thing I'm scratching my head over is why the green window issue when playing Xv did not come back21:33
brycealbert23: excellent :-)21:34
jbarneswhat was the patch you reverted exactly?21:34
mnemothere was a fix for green video included in the mesa7.4 upload21:34
mnemoa mesa fix21:34
mnemofor people seeing green video in elisa21:34
brycemnemo: aha21:35
bryce  * Disable 114_fix_xv_with_non_gem.patch: At the time we accepted it, it21:35
bryce    sounded a little risky, so I took it on the condition that it didn't21:35
bryce    cause regressions, which apparently we have proof that it does.21:35
bryce    (LP: #348428) (Reopen 344740)21:35
mnemobryce: this is the bug I was thinking about --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/34912721:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 349127 in mesa "Elisa displays video with greenish/purplish colors" [High,Fix released]21:37
mnemoi was able to repro that bug on my intel G45 before the mesa7.4 upload21:37
brycejbarnes: Eric's comment "...hopefully not anger tiny-aperture systems too much" made me uncertain about the patch to begin with.21:38
brycemnemo: kewl, so that's one less loose end, that probably explains it.21:38
brycejbarnes: btw I wrote up a page on troubleshooting freezes - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Freeze - if you know any tricks worth listing there, I'd love to add more21:41
brycejbarnes: cworth told me about the new batchbuffer dump technique, which sounds pretty cool for the future21:42
jbarnesyeah that can be helpful21:42
jbarnesbryce: the biggest thing with freezes (and most bugs but especially freezes) is figuring out a way to reliably reproduce it21:43
jbarnesmight be good to add that to the page... create a series of steps that causes the freeze reliably21:44
jbarnesif you can do that we'll probably be able to fix it21:44
jbarnesif not, it'll take awhile (like the 945 hang)21:44
jbarnesbryce: so reverting the one line change to i830_video.c allows fast user switching to work?21:44
bryceok will add21:45
brycejbarnes: correct21:45
seb128is xvfb-run known to be broken?22:51
seb128 $ xvfb-run ls22:51
seb128 [: 182: Illegal number: 22:51
seb128 xvfb-run: error: display :99 already in use22:51
seb128it seems to works fine using bash22:55
seb128ok, bryce broke it with his upload a week ago23:01
seb128+    if [ "$XVFBPID" -eq "$(</tmp/.X${SERVERNUM}-lock)" ]; then23:01
seb128the $() is "" using dash23:02
* seb128 opens bug23:02
seb128bug #35733823:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357338 in xorg-server "xvfb-run broken in jaunty using dash" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35733823:17
seb128the change also breaks multiple runs, ie pygtk call it for python 2.5 and 2.6, it detects a running instance and breaks23:18
jbarnesbryce: just updated fdo #20956 (the fast user switching thing) in case you want to notify anyone23:38
brycejbarnes: btw a kernel fix is going in tonight for some of the freezes on -intel that have been reported recently.  dunno if those reports made it up to the upstream tracker23:41
jbarnesthe pat related stuff?23:41
brycethe BCHBAR patch23:46
jbarnesah ok23:46
bryceit's being discussed on #ubuntu-kernel presently if you'd like to listen in23:46
jbarnesI need to respin that one for licensing reasons... I unintentionally relicensed that code as GPL :p23:46
jbarnesbryce: I guess they must be done talking about it now :)23:48

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