
needhelpdvdcan anyone here help me on how to play dvd on ubuntu..00:00
q_a_z_steveN E Way, thanks, I may still be back later.00:00
histoogelami: why don't you change the script that is creating the files and give your user or group permisions to the files00:00
histoneedhelpdvd: put in drive and go.00:00
sebsebsebneedhelpdvd: libdvdcss2  or  libdvdccss3    find in  Synaptic00:00
Shishireneedhelpdvd: what's your problem?00:00
needhelpdvdi cant play dvd.. i installed and dvd all the things on the ubuntu support forum still cant play dvd00:01
histo!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | needhelpdvd00:01
ubottuneedhelpdvd: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB00:01
sharperguyHow do I flish my DNS?00:01
Shishireneedhelpdvd: have you installed libdvdcss2 or libdvdcss3?00:01
histosharperguy: do you have a caching server?00:01
sharperguyhisto, no00:01
sharperguyhisto, Well I mean, not a local one00:01
histosharperguy: /etc/init.d/named restart00:02
histosharperguy: that will clear its cache00:02
sharperguyHikhvar, so ubuntu doesn't cache DNS by default?00:02
alevineanyone know how to build the Module.symvers file without rebuilding a whole kernel?00:02
sharperguyhisto, see about00:03
DevourerI'm having this same problem, can someone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58449400:03
histosharperguy: what about /etc/init.d/nscd restart00:04
trimetaWhen I hit Win+1, Win+2, and Win+3, my screen zooms in to various levels. How can I disable this? It's not listed in the main Keyboard Shortcuts applet.00:04
deuondererdoes anybody knows how to make atheros wireless card work? I manage to see wireless lan around me,but i'm not able to connect to them00:04
Devourertrimeta, I think this is a compiz-fusion thing.00:04
sharperguyhisto, don't have either of those00:04
peacewisei have an update problem in ubuntu...i tried to change the proxy but it didnt help... :help00:04
histosharperguy: well then what dns server are you talking about00:04
trimetaDevourer: It might be...do I need to install ccsm to mess with it?00:04
Devourertrimeta, I don't know. You can change the effects under appearances I guess.00:05
meow-chanhow do i restart x server?00:05
sharperguyhisto, I just assumed ubuntu would cache DNS results by default00:05
Shishiretrimeta: if you're using compiz, check the compizconfig-settings-manager00:05
peacewisei have an update problem in ubuntu...i tried to change the proxy but it didnt help... :help00:05
Botuxdont know how you guys say this is easy im reading and it seems complicated lol00:05
Devourermeow-chan, use alt + ctrl + backspace to restart the X server.00:05
trimetaShishire: I don't have ccsm installed at the moment; should I?00:05
histosharperguy: nope00:05
sharperguyhisto, hmm ok00:05
Shishiretrimeta: yes, and also try installing fusion-icon, so you can switch between compiz and metacity00:06
histosharperguy: atleast not that i know of. queries still take mroe time then a local response here.00:06
trimetaShishire: I'll try that.00:06
meow-chanDevourer, ctrl+alt+backspace is logout00:07
rparishhow do i install java on the power pc version?00:07
sierinjs_lvhas anyone installed urban terror?00:07
Shishiretrimeta: I found the settings for that combo under the Enhanced Zoom Desktop plugin00:07
Devourermeow-chan, I thought that restarts the X server also.00:07
sierinjs_lvhas anyone installed urban terror?00:07
trimetaShishire: Hmm, apparently I did have ccsm installed, it's just called "Advanced Desktop Effects Settings" in the menu.00:08
DevourerI'm having this same problem, can someone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58449400:08
ShishireDevourer: it logs you out by killing the xserver00:08
DevourerShishire, that's different than restarting it?00:08
ShishireDevourer: it doesn't start it up again.  the login screen isn't X00:09
DevourerAh. I see.00:09
TeslaI have a problem.00:09
ShishireDevourer: once you log in though, you spawn another instance00:09
ghindoask! | Tesla00:10
ghindo!ask | Tesla00:10
ubottuTesla: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
krakataoDoes anybody have any suggestions was to why my desktop wallpaper is no longer viewable in Ubuntu 8.10 and can only view solid colors?  Thank you.00:10
trimetaShishire: Thanks for your help.00:10
TeslaThere's this one smiley on 4chan, yes, this is a serious question, I'm not kidding.  I need to know, first of all, what the text is to copy and paste, and two, how to get the unicode of it.  It's the smiley with one character, a line, a circle, and a little curve, an underscore, and then the line/circle/curve thing again.00:11
meow-chanShishire, how do i restart x server00:11
unkocan someone take a lok at this for me and try to help me fix this!! http://www.lookpic.com/files/IMG000431.JPG00:11
Leeydoes anyone know how to search for a mp3song in audacious playlist? is it possible ?00:12
meow-changuess thats the only way, for some reason i thought there was a bash command for it00:12
RedMushroomcan anyone tell me why trying to use the su command the terminal would return an authentication failure error when you're typing the correct pasword?00:12
Shockunko: looks like the root filesystem cannot be mounted00:13
TeslaDo you actually have a root account set up?00:13
unkoShock, why!!!??00:13
Teslasudo bash should do the same thing, without having to actually have a root acount.00:13
ShishireRedMushroom: try sudo su00:13
unkoShock, how could this happen00:14
Shockunko: i don't know why :)00:14
Leeyah lol, "press j" problem fixed xD00:14
Shockunko: since i don't know what happened00:14
OmniRedMushroom: Well, have oyu set the root account up? or have you just set up your password? if the latter, sudo su -     #wow, everyone else here types way too fast.00:14
ShishireRedMushroom: su will ask you for the root password, and on a standard install of Ubuntu, root doesn't get a password for security reasons00:14
unkoShock, well the only thing i did recently was shut off the system take the hard drive out and put my vista one in00:14
RedMushroomsudo su worked. thank you very much00:15
TeslaIs anyone going to answer my question? =(00:15
linny3anyone here use ubuntu on an ovh dedicated serve ?00:15
lincorehi. Is there an easy way to type μ in ubuntu on a standard (qwertz keyboard)?00:15
ShockRedMushroom: try sudo -i , i think it's preferred over sudo su00:15
unkocan anyone help me fix this problem??? http://www.lookpic.com/files/IMG000431.JPG00:15
bertoloi will give all my paypal account money for the guy who beats me00:15
Shishirelinny3: I have an ubuntu server install, if that's what you mean00:15
TeslaYou have a penny.00:16
bertolonot so much00:16
Preplexedhi can some one please tell me how i make pidgin access facebook00:16
alexi5does anyone know if World of warcraft can play on ubuntu ?00:16
RedMushroomi'm going to have to read the help file for the sudo command. linux still has embedded help files, right? :-P00:16
linny3Shishire: no not really ovh the hosing company use a custon static kernel im having trouble with on thier installs00:16
ShockRedMushroom: yes00:16
jamnzhello. I downloaded a "theme" for my ubuntu. its in a folder called theme. when i right click desktop, select install theme i cannot install it. how do i install themes on ubuntu?00:16
Shishirelinny3: ah, sorry then00:17
histoPreplexed: I believe you need a plugin00:17
OmniPreplexed: Err, the pidgin/facebook thing is only for the facebook CHAT. You can't actually /view/ facebook on it00:17
RedMushroomhow do i exit sudo?00:17
TeslaI accidentally my whole /etc/passwd, the whole thing.00:17
TeslaIs this bad?00:17
noodlesgcjamnz it has to be in a tar.gz file00:17
Preplexedhisto i got one from synamptics but any idea what to do next?#00:17
ShockTesla: kinda :)00:17
Shishiresince when has libpurple supported Facebook?00:17
histoPreplexed: just configure it.00:17
jamnzah... ok noodlesgc00:18
TeslaThere's this one smiley on 4chan, yes, this is a serious question, I'm not kidding.  I need to know, first of all, what the text is to copy and paste, and two, how to get the unicode of it.  It's the smiley with one character, a line, a circle, and a little curve, an underscore, and then the line/circle/curve thing again.00:18
boasladtry typing "man sudo" into your terminal to find out the uses for sudo00:18
histoPreplexed: just add an account in pidgin00:18
TeslaOr just quit bash/sh/whatever.00:18
Preplexedok will try not sure wat theat means00:18
unkodoes anyone have any knoledge to fix this???? http://www.lookpic.com/files/IMG000431.JPG00:18
histoPreplexed: just like you add other chat systems00:18
boaslad"man" is a short for "manual"00:18
Preplexedhisto niothing happens when i do that00:18
DevourerI'm having this same problem, can someone help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58449400:18
Shishireunko: you might have the wrong UUID00:19
`Borg`i've installed mod_python for apache, enabled the module and then tried a test.py and it python does not parse the test script. I looked in mods-available and mods-enabled and it exists in both locations. I've also checked the httpd.conf to make sure it's looking in the right location & it is in fact correct. any suggestions?00:19
histoPreplexed: accounts > maanage accoutns00:19
* Tesla totally isn't going to get any help, is she. T_T00:19
`Borg`apache 2 that is.00:19
histoPreplexed: ont he protocal drop down select the plugin00:19
jamnzNoodlesgc, these themes i have are *.tar.gz files and i extracted them. but do not see a *.sh or make file to install them.00:19
ghindoTesla: If you have trouble finding help here, you may also want to try the Ubuntu forums.00:19
Preplexedmothing to displat00:20
histoPreplexed: hold up i'm installign the plugin let me see if I get it working.00:20
Shishirejamnz: try drag-and-dropping the theme into the Appearance window System->Preferences->Appearence00:20
Preplexedhisto ok00:20
noodlesgcjamnz you are not supposed to extract them. When you click the Install button in Appearances  it will install them.00:20
Shishirejamnz: er, the tar.gz theme00:20
noodlesgcunko it looks like it cant mount your hard drive. Is it plugged in?00:21
unkonoodlesgc, yes it is im on a laptop so... it has to be haha00:21
TeslaThe smiley I'm looking for looks like o_o, if the o had a _ over it, and a little curl, and a dot in the center.00:21
histoPreplexed: if you instnalled the plugin it works. Just restart pidgin then go in and add a new account. facebook is one of the options00:21
linny3could someone  ping linny-razz.no-ip.org to soo if my servers down or its my local network pls00:22
Preplexed? oh i dont that a hangfull of times let me try it again from scratch00:22
`Borg`strange... the module even shows loaded even..00:22
noodlesgclinny3 http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/00:23
linny3noodlesgc: cheers00:23
histoPreplexed: well its there for me. Make sure the plugin is installed. sudo aptitude install pidgin-facebookchat00:23
ghindoTesla: So wait - I haven't been paying attention to the channel for a while - your question is how to type a specific emoticon?00:23
noodlesgcunko thats odd. could you boot off a livecd and see if your system still exists?00:23
unkonoodlesgc, yea i did and all my shit is still there?00:23
Shishireunko: what changed with the hard drive?  what have you done? (i.e., changed partitions, changed the hard drive)?00:23
histo!language > unko00:23
ubottuunko, please see my private message00:23
TeslaGhindo, it's how to make a specific emoticon, and then fine the unicode for the hindi character.00:24
unkoShishire, no i mean i swap my hdd's when i use vista and ubuntu aka not on one drive00:24
ghindoTesla: Okay.  Give me a second and I'll look around00:24
Shishireunko: did you physically remove the drive?00:25
jamnzi selected install within appearance, i selected folder but it would not install theme...00:25
trinidadfloreshow do i clear the cache for wine i uninstalled wine but all of the installs are still there what do i do00:25
TeslaSpecifically, you see it a lot around 4chan.00:25
Preplexedhisto command not found?00:25
Shishiretrinidadflores: rm -rf ~/.wine00:25
Preplexednot done it properly00:25
Shishiretrinidadflores: just be careful, make sure you only remove the .wine folder00:26
unkoShishire, yep00:26
ghindoTesla: ಠ_ಠ?00:26
unkoShishire, dude it all startd when i turned off vista and it went into sleep mode and i thought it was off... so i took out the hard drive and hit the power button... the login screen for vista came up and i was like WTF? so i turned my computer off t00:26
histoPreplexed: sudo aptitude install pidgin-facebookchat00:26
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Shishireunko: O.o hmm...00:27
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TeslaThank you, ghindo.00:27
TeslaNow, how do I grab unicode?00:27
ghindoTesla: No problem.  What do you mean "grab unicode"?00:27
thahaussI just migrated to Ubuntu from windows, I added medibuntu to my sources list + its GPG key, then typed in console "sudo apt-get install googleearth" Whats the next step?  Excuse my nubness please :)00:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo00:27
ghindo!hi | ActionParsnip00:28
ubottuActionParsnip: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:28
Mike_lifeguardheh, most useless command evar00:28
TeslaWell, actually, that's close, the one I'm looking for has a little curl at the end of the bar, but that works too.00:28
TeslaHow do I take a copied and pasted letter, and see what it's number is so I can remote into a mac and paste?00:28
judget__there is no package googleearth00:29
Shishireunko: are you in linux now on that computer?  (live cd?)00:29
ghindoTesla: I have no clue.  Sorry!00:29
ActionParsnipTesla: paste to a file and copy the file to a shared folder00:29
ActionParsnipjudget__: did you run sudo apt-get update00:29
TeslaThat works too.00:29
unkoShishire, no vista00:29
ruben23hi do have ubuntu support for this hardware... NVIDIA® GeForce® 7050 graphics00:29
bytor4232In the firefox profile, which files contain the passwords?00:29
thahaussjudget can you please elaborate "there is no package in google earth"00:30
ghindo!nvidia | ruben2300:30
ubotturuben23: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:30
judget__you can get google earth here :http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html00:30
thahaussI'm @ help.ubuntu.com and going thru the tutorial to install google earth, it says to type into console "sudo apt-get install googleearth", I dont know what to do after this step00:30
ActionParsnipbytor4232: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/backup-and-restore-firefox-passwords-list/00:30
unkoShishire, be right back ill get on my kubuntu live cd00:30
ActionParsnipthahauss: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install googleearth00:31
thahaussTY very much judget_, TY action00:31
ghindothahauss: I don't think that Google Earth is in the Ubuntu repositories - you'll probably have to grab it off of the Google Earth website00:31
wilhartis ubuntu jaunty released yet?00:32
thahaussthe documentation says it is00:32
Shishirethahauss: try the medibuntu repositories00:32
ghindo!jaunty | wilhart00:32
ubottuwilhart: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:32
elitecoderI'm setting up a VPN using openvpn. Does anyone know of a good tutorial to follow for this by chance?00:32
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD00:32
Shishire!medibuntu | thahauss00:32
ubottuthahauss: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:32
Preplexedh no face book?00:32
ghindothahauss: Have you tried "sudo apt-get install googleearth-package"?00:33
thahaussI did that w/ the repositories, and followed all of the commands in the guide, after it "installs" I'm lost what 2 do next, I just started running Linux for the first time yesterday I'm pretty clueless as of now :)00:33
Shishirethahauss: did it finish installing?00:33
ghindothahauss: Ah, okay.00:33
thahaussit did yes00:33
ActionParsnipthahauss: in terminal type googl and press tab00:33
ruben23ubottu: including the nvidia NVIDIA® Digital Vibrance Control 3.000:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:34
=== pitbull is now known as Guest60168
thahaussok Action I did and it autocompleted to "googleearth"00:34
ActionParsnipthahauss: it will tab complete, then press enter00:34
judget__what repository is googleearth in?00:34
ActionParsnipjudget__: medibuntu00:34
thahaussahhh I see00:34
thahaussTY all for the help00:34
=== cs_student is now known as poseidon
Shishirethahauss: you're welcome.  enjoy!00:35
judget__what is the url to add for medibuntu please00:35
Shishire!medibuntu | judget__00:36
ubottujudget__: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:36
elitecoderthanks ActionParsnip checking the link now...00:36
mrwesActionJackson! :)00:36
H_M-UbuntuDear god, it's silent in here00:38
H_M-UbuntuThat's.... amazing00:38
thiebaudei know00:38
thiebaude1352 in here00:39
mrwesI like it00:39
H_M-UbuntuPeople must have brains now!00:39
Mike_lifeguardI don't00:39
DG19075or gotten lost in a netsplit00:39
Mike_lifeguardno, no netsplit00:39
thiebaudeor got scared00:39
mattgyver83My laptop runs Feisty, when i upgrade it tells me I can only do a partial upgrade.  What does this mean?00:39
cpudan80Hey guys00:40
H_M-UbuntuBelieve me dude.. if there was a netsplit on freenode, we would all know about it by now00:40
ShishireI'm not scared, I'm just biding my time :P00:40
Mike_lifeguardor they don't have a CD to burn the .iso onto so we can get this party started :D00:40
cpudan80so Im having some trouble with the sound on my laptop00:40
`Borg`so is anyone going to answer my question I asked or at least try?00:40
thiebaudeShishire: haha00:40
Burntresistor_i may be new to unbuntu but why are Dependant programs of aps not packaged with the ap you need some of the time00:40
* Mike_lifeguard puts up his hand for that option XD00:40
ActionParsnip!upgrade | mattgyver8300:40
ubottumattgyver83: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:40
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.00:40
cpudan80Its a Dell Studio XPS 16 with Ubuntu 8.10 --- the internal speakers work OK - but the headphone jacks don't work as expected. The music still plays on the internal speakers with the headphones plugged in00:40
Mike_lifeguardBTW, is there any particular reason you don't use MediaWiki for that wiki?00:40
cpudan80Any idea how I could fix it?00:40
ShishireBurntresistor_: usually because other apps can depend upon them too.  that way you don't waste space00:40
Burntresistor_ah ok00:41
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest36144
`Borg`my question was: why is the apache module not working for mod_python. I looked in all paths & locations & all are correct. is there something wrong with the module or compatibility at this point in time?00:41
Burntresistor_but in a world of terabyte hard drives do we really care about 10mb files we dont use00:42
Excedioi know i dont00:42
RoastedDoes Ubuntu Server have a form of active directory built in? Or do you have to install it spearately?00:42
Burntresistor_hence it should be optional00:42
ShishireBurntresistor_: almost every single program, if not every one uses libc6.  Do you really want several hundred copies of that sitting on your comp?00:43
Burntresistor_how big is libc600:43
ActionParsnip!info libc600:44
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu9 (intrepid), package size 4262 kB, installed size 10552 kB00:44
mattwj2002o_O 1359 users in this room00:44
Burntresistor_10mb doesnt that fit my example00:44
Shishire10M, times several hundred packages...00:44
ActionParsnipBurntresistor_: not everone has terabyte hard drives00:44
mercutio22Hi there. I am getting some suspicious error messages in Xorg.0.log. Should I worry? http://paste.ubuntu.com/145818/00:44
H_M-UbuntuI have a question, what is ubottu coded in?00:44
H_M-Ubuntu!info ubottu00:45
ubottuPackage ubottu does not exist in intrepid00:45
mercutio22The process is Xorg itself00:45
thahauss!info ubottu00:45
ubottuPackage ubottu does not exist in intrepid00:45
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:45
ActionParsnipthahauss: info gives info on a package00:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puppy00:45
=== bonerz is now known as jerknextdoor
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:45
thahaussAction: hehe u read my blank mind00:45
Shishireheh, I wish I could download ubottu :P00:45
`Borg`bleh...I'll go ask in #apache. even a simple yes or no would be better than just ignoring the question.00:46
bonhofferdoes anyone know of mysql gui tools in apt?00:46
bonhofferi can't find it in apt-cache, but i don't know what they might be called and google didn't help either00:46
mattwj2002Shishire what is ubottu?00:47
Shishirebonhoffer: mysql-gui-tools-common?00:47
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=== Calvin87 is now known as Cpudan80
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:47
bonhofferShishire, exactly it -- thanks00:47
Burntresistor_does electronic workbench work with wine?00:49
Pici!appdb | Burntresistor_00:50
ubottuBurntresistor_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:50
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:50
=== Guest90437 is now known as rowbot
Mike_lifeguardthat's boring00:50
=== rowbot is now known as rowbob
Mike_lifeguardI expected it to make fun of me or something XD00:50
arooni-mobilehey folks!  my silly business partner messed up ubuntu ibex;  now when i boot up i see "checking drive /dev/sda1: 18%; /dev/sda1: Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found;  /dev/sda1: Unexpected inconsistency: Run fsck manually (i..e without -a or -p options);  fsck died with exit status 4;  * an automatic file system check of the root file system failed, a manual fsck must be performed, then the system restarte00:51
arooni-mobiled, the fsck should be performed in maintenance mode with the root filesystem mounted in read only mode; the root file system is currently mounted in read-only mode;00:51
arooni-mobilehow should i fix?00:51
Shishirearooni-mobile: boot recovery mode00:51
kindofabuzzrun a manual fsck like it says to?00:51
arooni-mobileShishire, from which cd?00:51
Shishirearooni-mobile: then run the specified command00:51
Shishireno, from grub00:51
Shishirehit esc as the computer boots00:52
arooni-mobileShishire, and what is the specified command00:52
Shishiretry fsck /dev/sda100:52
Lint01arooni-mobile: mount rw /00:52
arooni-mobileShishire, so i dont need to boot it up off a cd?00:52
Lint01arooni-mobile: sudo mount rw /00:52
arooni-mobileLint01, huh?  i thought the message said to mount root file system in read-only mode00:53
judget__for what it is worth that googleearth package kept vcrashing on my Ubuntu Intrepid00:53
Shishirearooni-mobile: no, you don't.  booting off of a cd may feel nicer, but its not necessary00:53
Lint01arooni-mobile: it was mounted in RO because it's corrupted00:53
Lint01arooni-mobile: to run fsck you need to make it writeable00:53
arooni-mobileShishire, does it change anything if im running ubuntu 8.04 LTS and not ubuntu ibex?  (i had version # wrong)00:53
arooni-mobileLint01, but error message said not to mount it rw00:54
arooni-mobile"the fsck should be performed in maintenance mode with the root filesystem fmounted in read only mode"00:54
Shishirearooni-mobile: no00:54
arooni-mobileShishire, huh?00:54
arooni-mobileand also; i'm curious why this happened?00:54
Shishirearooni-mobile: it makes no difference between 8.10 and 8.0400:54
arooni-mobileShishire, ok so the only command i type is: sudo fsck /dev/sda100:55
Lint01fsck: read-only filesystem :)00:55
tj83_what would be the correct package to use for itunes syncing?00:55
scunizi!ipod | tj83_00:56
ubottutj83_: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:56
tj83_scunizi, ty00:56
scunizitj83_: np.. it can be a mine field with newer units like the touch00:56
natan-are there any good guides on how big to make partitions on install?00:56
natan-i have a 1tb drive and trying to figure out how to partition it00:56
arooni-mobileShishire, so i booted into recovery mode;   now all i type is sudo fsck /dev/sda1 ?00:57
Shishirearooni-mobile: if you're using recovery mode, and you're using the root terminal, you don't need the sudo, but yes00:57
scunizinatan-: general purpose sizes.... root "/" = 8-12gigs ... /swap 1 gig unless you're using hybernate or something like that then it's 1.5x your ram.. the rest for /home00:57
Lint01arooni-mobile: just sudo fsck / should work00:57
tj83_scunizi, it reads "itunes" are not currently supported by linux, only playlist/file sync...00:57
metalfan__could somebody please create a package for mac (ape sound format) for ubuntu intrepid?00:58
bonhofferwhen i ssh and hold down ctl+ arrow key i get 5C;5C;00:58
arooni-mobilehow do i batch up fsck so it just fixes everything without prompting me00:58
scunizitj83_: ah.. you wanted access to itunes?  sorry .. no can do.. it has DRM which linux doesn't really support00:58
SvenZanyone familiar with configuring Soundblaster Audigy 2 soundcards with ubuntu?00:58
SvenZi tried one tutorial, but it was not a success00:58
scunizitj83_: you could run windows in a VM like virtual box or VMWare and access it that way00:58
Lint01arooni-mobile: fsck shouldn't be batched, you must make conscious decisions about it00:59
tj83_scunizi, shame.... i was going to recruit a friend from windows.... only condition was itunes.00:59
tj83_scunizi, so resources for VM00:59
Shishirearooni-mobile: use -y.  but be careful. that tells it to auto-answer yes to ALL questions00:59
SvenZalso, i just installed ubuntu after practice running with the live cd, and it says it has 283 updates available for me00:59
SvenZshould i install them all?00:59
Lint01tj83_: RAF here doesn't pay ;)00:59
arooni-mobileShishire, so that's not recommended?00:59
scunizitj83_: you mean a low power machine?00:59
RedMushroomhow can i setup a static internal IP address for my computer?00:59
tj83_scunizi, yes... no ram, no spare hdd space.00:59
scunizitj83_: too bad..01:00
clintarno ram? that is pretty low power01:00
arooni-mobilealso;  can i learn WHY this happened?  is it a dead drive (its < 1 year old and makes no noise);  but we did power off by holding down power button a few times01:00
clintarrunning on virtual memory? :)01:00
tj83_scunizi, i know... i try to convert everyone i know... but it usually fails.... thing is.... i dont understand why its so hard for the people to take linux... if more did, problems would get solved.01:00
clintarbecause people are afraid of their computers01:01
Shishirearooni-mobile: if the computer is turned off while its still being used, it can corrupt the hard drive01:01
SvenZok, someone just stole my password01:01
* tj83_ is happy.... they just dont know.01:01
Guest_522im having a problem any help01:01
SvenZthis is my 3rd username in 3 days on here01:01
RedMushroomhow can i setup a static ip address for use with apache making use of port forewarding?01:01
rwwSvenZ: If you're talking about Nickserv passwords, ask in #freenode01:02
scunizitj83_: show them how to sync the ipods then introduce them to Amazon's service.. they have a lot of DRM free music..01:02
SvenZanyone familiar with Soundblaster Audigy 2 driver setup on ubuntu? i tried a tutorial yesterday with no success01:03
=== ipclone is now known as ubotouou
lucaxwhats the command that ubuntu executes when we click on turnoff comptuer??01:03
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kindofabuzzlucax, shutdown -P now probably01:03
ubotououi'm new to ubuntu and wondering about what's the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu01:03
Shishireshutdown -P now01:03
lucaxk ill try01:03
rww!flavorts | ubotouou01:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flavorts01:03
Martyr2k6I am trying to dual boot and cant find asnything online01:04
rww!flavors | ubotouou01:04
ubottuubotouou: !GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "!desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu01:04
* rww can't spell01:04
rwwMisterSandMan: /join #channelname01:04
SvenZfirst time on ubuntu, there are 283 updates available, do i install them all?01:04
rwwSvenZ: yes01:04
Martyr2k6trying to dual boot vista and ubuntu ontwo hard drives01:04
kindofabuzzlucax, are you asking how to shutdown command line? then yeah, sudo shutdown -P now. do a man shutdown and you will see all options01:04
SvenZanyone familiar with Soundblaster Audigy 2 driver setup on ubuntu? i tried a tutorial yesterday with no success01:04
ShishireSvenZ: unless you have a good reason not to...01:04
* SvenZ nods01:04
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: install vista but leave unpartitioned space, then install linux to the empty space01:05
lucaxyeah but i want to turnoff computer as regular user not as root... since i can do it in gnome as regular user i want to do it from the command line so i can create a shortcut for it01:05
unkohey guys im switching to x64 should i use 8.10 or just download 9.04 since it's coming out in what.. 16 days?01:05
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: if you are using 2 drives, even easier01:05
Mike_lifeguard!desktop environments01:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:05
kindofabuzzjust overwrite vista =)01:05
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors01:05
ActionParsnipunko: its been pushed back to august01:06
Martyr2k6sorry, I love vista over any other windows01:06
ariqsI want to burn a .rm video to dvd format. What tools do I need to convert .rm over to something useful?01:06
unkoActionParsnip: hmm so i should just downlad 8.10?01:06
Martyr2k6and I want to use vista and ubuntu01:06
ActionParsnipunko: try both is my suggestion01:06
lucaxhalt shutdown -h or -P now doesnt work for regular users--- whats the command that gnome executes?01:06
unkoActionParsnip: but i want a stable one... like is 9.04 stable yet?01:06
kindofabuzzlucax, use sudo01:07
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: then install to the second drive and the dual boot will be managed, you will need to point your bios at the linux drive01:07
ShishireActionParsnip: wasn't that a april fools joke?01:07
lucaxi dont want to use sudo for it... i dont have to do it with sudo if i do it from the gnome menu....01:07
Martyr2k6action, I tried to do that yesterday... formatted both hard drives using vista disc, installed vista on one drive then ubuntu on the other, and now can't boot into vista01:07
rwwunko: 9.04 is currently under development, so no, it's not stable. It'll be released around the 23rd of this month.01:07
duhongbofor help01:07
FloodBot1duhongbo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
Roastedlucax - when you run from the gnome menu, you get a password prompt, right?01:07
unkorww: well... it shoul dbe pretty stable than ?01:08
Raylzwhat do i need to do to make ctrl alt backspace kill X01:08
lucaxRoasted, nope...01:08
Shishireunko: 9.04 is currently in beta.  join #ubuntu+1 for more information01:08
Roastedlucax - what is it you're running? I wasn't paying attention.01:08
rwwRaylz: what version of Ubuntu are you using?01:08
lucaxRoasted, this is an admin account01:08
Raylzrww: jaunty01:08
rww!dontzap | Raylz01:08
ubottuRaylz: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable »01:08
duhongboI did not said anything01:08
Roastedlucax - shouldn't matter. For exampl,e if I run anything with sudo in terminal, it prompts me for password. When I try to open gparted from the gnome menu, it prompts me for password.01:08
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ActionParsnipunko: is for me, is for many others, isnt for a lot of others01:09
rwwRaylz: for future reference, #ubuntu+1 is the Jaunty questions/support channel, not here.01:09
lucaxRoasted, i tried shutdown -h and -P now, and halt, but i can do it normaly from the gnome menu not from command line... i want to create a shortcut for it01:09
duhongbofor help01:09
Roastedlucax - you're just trying to create a shortcut for shutting down the pc?01:09
Martyr2k6Action, you are saying install vista first, delete both drives, install vista on first hdd, then install ubuntu on the second unpartitioned hdd?01:09
lucaxRoasted, right01:09
Shishirelucax try "gksudo shutdown -P now"01:09
duhongboA Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK)01:09
duhongbomust be available in order to run Myeclipse. No Java virtual machine01:09
duhongbowas found after searching the following locations:01:09
lucaxShishire, will ask for a password01:09
duhongbowhat's wrong01:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:10
lucaxdoesnt work for what i want to do01:10
ariqsI want to burn a .rm video to dvd format. What tools do I need to convert .rm over to something useful?01:10
lucaxthe pc doesnt ask for a password for regular users when they want to turnoff the pc01:10
poseidonWhats a good macro expander for linux?  like re -> regular expression01:10
kindofabuzzlucax, what are you trying to do? just poweroff a machine?01:10
Raylzrww: btw, that new "feature" or bug is rly annoying01:10
Shishirelucax: look at System->Administration->Authorizations01:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fireflier01:10
scuniziMartyr2k6: ActionParsnip won't get a highlighted post from you if you don't use his full nick.. type the first part and hit TAB to auto complete01:10
lucaxkindofabuzz, yes, but as a regular user, like if anyone of my regular users do it from gnome01:11
Shishirelucax: why don't you use the panel applet which does that?01:11
Raylzrww: is that supposed to work after i used sudo dontzap --disable?01:11
ActionParsnipscunizi: i know about tab complete ;)01:11
Raylzcause it does not :)01:11
kindofabuzzlucax, why not just drag the power panal button to a panel?01:11
ActionParsnipscunizi: o its for Martyr2k601:11
ActionParsnipariqs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35904201:11
rwwRaylz: I think you need to restart X before it'll work.01:11
lucaxkindofabuzz, trying01:12
Raylzrww: ah ok01:12
Martyr2k6ActionParsnip: , you are saying install vista first, delete both drives, install vista on first hdd, then install ubuntu on the second unpartitioned hdd?01:12
ubotououis there any ubuntu flavors that come with enlightenment by default?01:12
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: you can install linux easier if you have unpartitioned drive space, you wont get into the partition reallocation mess that folks get into if yuo plan your partitions01:12
kindofabuzzubotouou, , OpenGEU01:13
ariqsActionParsnip, thanks, but I already tried that. the command he says to use doesn't work01:13
kindofabuzzand it rocks01:13
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: install vista on one drive and linux on the other or install vista on one drive but leave unpartitioned space and install linux to the same drive01:13
ariqsActionParsnip, Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: drvc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drvc, /usr/lib/win32/drvc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drvc, /usr/local/lib/win32/drvc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/drvc01:13
Lint01why ubuntu doesn't supply more kernels?01:13
punktalkquestion about the transmission bittorent client/dl'ing torrents? if anyone can help01:14
ubotououkindofabuzz: does it have everything like ubuntu besides the desktop manager?01:14
kindofabuzzubotouou, http://opengeu.intilinux.com/Home.html01:14
kindofabuzzubotouou, yup01:14
ActionParsnipLint01: how do you mean?01:14
Martyr2k6ActionParsnip: so step one would be pop in my vista disc, delete both drives, install vista on one drive, then ubuntu on the next?01:14
ShishireLint01: ? more kernels? like, the bsd kernel as well?01:14
kindofabuzzubotouou, but there 8.10 version is kind of beta, they are waiting on jaunty to release01:14
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: if you have some space already (or fancy a crack at resizing) you can do that01:14
Lint01ActionParsnip: I mean there's just generic, server and virtual builds.01:15
Martyr2k6ActionParsnip: nah, I am good to just start clean on both drives01:15
Lint01ActionParsnip: I waould like to see something more specific01:15
ShishireLint01: what are you expecting?01:15
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: you could ahve a linux drive and a vista drive, another option is have both OSes on the same drive then use the other purely  for data01:15
ShishireLint01: you can also install kernel modules using aptitude01:15
ActionParsnipLint01: ubuntu isnt designed for that01:15
kindofabuzzLint01, roll your own kernel if you need specific things01:15
Martyr2k6ActionParsnip: well, my goal is to have one vista drive and one ubuntu drive, so I will try what you said and leave this window open while doing it01:16
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: thats fine01:16
Martyr2k6ActionParsnip: but this has been proven to work?01:16
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: install vista first, instal linux and dual boot will be managed01:16
ShishireI guess the powers that be feel that if you need something more complicated than the standard three kernels, you'll know how to build your own :P01:16
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: then set bios to boot the linux drive01:17
ActionParsnipMartyr2k6: lots proven to lots work01:17
SvenZanyone want to help a new guy out with configuring audio?01:18
SvenZsoundblaster audigy 201:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:18
phenomAny one have or heard of a bug that when you run a java app even a flash video that uses sound,, it will take sound over prevention you from playing a movie etc?01:18
Burntresistori didnt see gdk-pixbuf-loaders in packet manager so i downloaded what i found and it ended up to be a rpm file im coverting it with alien and it says Must run as root to convert to deb format01:18
nibsa1242bSvenZ: what is your audio issue?01:19
ActionParsnipSvenZ: creative cards can be painful, plus they suck01:19
Burntresistorwhat does that mean01:19
SvenZoh thanks for being helpful ActionParsnip01:19
kindofabuzzBurntresistor, use sudo then01:19
eseven73phenom, try sudo alsa force-reload01:19
syntax\any suggestions on what to choose when downloading ubuntu installation files from the philippines?01:19
Burntresistori did use sdo $sudo alien -k gdk-pixbuf-loaders-0.22.0-alt9.1.i586.rpm01:20
* kindofabuzz shrugs01:20
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: if you can, and you think that it will be quick, you should grab the .torrent file (assuming you are familiar with torrents), that would be the quickest01:21
SvenZnibsa1242b, going through sound prefs, and check testing every option until i can find a configuration that works, no luck thus far01:21
phenomeseven73, Would that be a workaround when it happens to your knowledge? Or have you known that to solve the problem?01:21
phenomThe research I've done shows this to be a ppopular bug, with no fix01:21
eseven73phenom, it's a common "fix"01:21
nibsa1242bSvenZ: are you using pulse? alsa? something else?01:21
phenomok, thanks eseven73 I'll try it.01:21
syntax\musikgoat|main im doing a minimal install01:21
eseven73yep it's more like a bandaid phenom01:22
syntax\i need some suggestions on getting a good mirror :D01:22
SvenZnibsa1242b, let me check this first...01:22
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: sorry, guess i jumped in too late :-)01:22
quentusrex_How do I remove the event handler from an imput device?01:22
quentusrex_I want my script to handle the events.01:23
quentusrex_I have a barcode scanner on /dev/input/event401:23
quentusrex_but there is a kbd event handler that steals all of the events...01:23
jfortejoin #zandardnd01:23
SirMarth01For some reason, I'm sort of regretting switching from XP to Ubuntu...and I thought I'd never say that. xD01:23
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kindofabuzzSirMarth01, what's your regrets?01:24
nibsa1242bSirMarth01: why?01:24
eseven73phenom, also if that don't work try setting everything in sound options to Alsa and then re run that command again01:24
SirMarth01Simple: XP was easy to understand. xD01:24
kindofabuzzi switched from xp to linux 2 years ago, no regrets at all01:24
=== Guest12087 is now known as _ionstorm
musikgoat|mainSirMarth01: this is a support channel, do you have specific troubles people can assist with?01:24
kindofabuzzSirMarth01, Linux != windows, totally different01:25
eseven73kindofabuzz, me too, although I do use Illustrator in win xp VirtualBox :D01:25
histoSirMarth01: after using linux for a while I find windows hard to understand now.01:25
naresh76I am a new user, i am having audio issues with ubuntu 9.0401:25
skyravenhi there, anyone know if there's any way of controlling the computer LEDs from software ?(I'd like to turn off  the power led while my computer is on during the night..it is shinning very brightly blue:) .don't tell me to place something in front of it..I'm already doing it:D )01:25
kindofabuzzeseven73, not tried inkscape?01:25
ubotououanybody here uses opengue?01:25
histonaresh76: well 9.04 is beta and support is in #ubuntu+101:25
SirMarth01Okay. So, I'm confused about GTK theme? Beryl theme? Google search gives me more nonsense.01:25
histo!jaunty > naresh7601:25
ubottunaresh76, please see my private message01:25
eqisow1naresh76: 9.04 is the dvelopment version, support is in #ubuntu+101:25
ActionParsnipskyraven: you got an asus pundit?01:26
eseven73LOL inkscape can not compare to Adobe Illustrator, although its not bad01:26
kindofabuzzhisto, yeah i don't get windows at all now01:26
naresh76I'll check there01:26
histoSirMarth01: well back int eh day ther was beryl and compiz they've since merged in to the same project.01:26
phenomeseven73, I will, thanks.01:26
histoSirMarth01: basically you can use gtk themes or metacity themes with gnome.01:26
skyravenActionParsnip, no01:26
histoSirMarth01: beryl themes would be used with emerald.01:26
SirMarth01I don't even know what those are.01:27
histoSirMarth01: well then just stick with gtk or metacity themes01:27
ActionParsnipskyraven: i have 1 and its HD access light is blinding. i opened the case and disconnected all the stupid LED connectors from the motherboard01:27
syntax\what mirror is best suitable if i was to download ubuntu here in the philippines? any one?01:27
KelenHow to remove the depends packages automatically. but the package is not installed from source. just a deb packag downlaods from web.01:27
Cpudan80whats that utility to use jaunty packages in Ubuntu ?01:27
Cpudan80err in ubuntu 8.1001:27
ActionParsnipKelen: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove01:28
Burntresistorwhoever told me to use sudo i tried again ty01:28
ActionParsnipCpudan80: you dont, if you do you will get a big mess01:28
skyravenActionParsnip, I'd like to have the power led on during the day..disconnecting it totally wouldn't be a problem for me (done that before)..that's why I was looking for a soft method01:28
Cpudan80ActionParsnip: no -- there is a utility to do it01:28
james000___how can i invert the colors in gnome?01:28
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: there is a mirror listed for thailand (th.archive.ubuntu.com)01:28
ActionParsnipskyraven: i dont think its possible01:28
Cpudan80We've talked about it in here before01:28
skyravenActionParsnip, damn..then back to the classic ways of removing the plug for the led from the MB:)01:29
ActionParsnipCpudan80: jaunty debs are for jaunty, intrepid debs are for intrepid. if you mix them yuo WILL get a big mess01:29
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: Considering that I'm in the US, I cannot speak from experience as to whether that is the best :-)01:29
KelenActionParsnip: but i install the depends with command " sudo aptitude install libqt3-mt". is that possible to remove it automatically?01:29
james000___i don't have internt access on the machine and i just need the colors inverted i can't install programs easyly is there a simple way to do it01:29
ActionParsnipCpudan80: thats why the sources file is not univrsal and specifies the release you have01:29
mrwesI put duck tape over the lights on my 1TB eSATA drive..heh01:29
SirMarth01Basically, I'm trying to follow a guide to make Ubuntu look like Vista. I'm not certain if it's outdated, though it probably is. =|01:29
Cpudan80ActionParsnip: If you do it correctly - you wont get a big mess, I know what I am doing - there is a tool to pull jaunty sources for specific packages you mark01:29
syntax\thanks musikgoat|main :) ill try to do a speed test to thailand01:29
ActionParsnipKelen: if you use deborphan you can remove the package if it is not depended on by anything01:30
stealth-is it alsa or oss that allows multiple channels?01:30
SwdeI try to reinstall Linpus Lite from USB flash drive by using a Linpus flash drive boot. The problem is that when I have got into the usb flash drive on boot and choosen Linpus, then a lot of BB BB BB... turns up on screen and then Ubuntu boot from hard drive. What's the problem?01:30
Cpudan80ActionParsnip: Unless you happen to know why the heck wpa-supplicant remains broken even after several hundred bug reports01:30
Cpudan80And a fix from the author01:30
ActionParsnipCpudan80: its your system, all i can do is advise01:30
n2diy I'm trying to archive my home directory, and I'm getting "Bad descriptor at beginning of tape" errors?01:30
ActionParsnipCpudan80: i dont use wpa, too much faffing around01:31
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: is there any countries near you that tend to have better bandwidth?  i can give you the mirrors that ubuntu associates with those countries01:31
ActionParsnip!backup | n2diy01:31
ubottun2diy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:31
syntax\sg gives me a decent download speed01:31
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: better yet,  this is the complete list: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors01:31
musikgoat|mainok, cool01:32
syntax\but upon checkin the mirrors i can't get a mirror form sg01:32
syntax\im downloading from thailand right now01:32
SirMarth01http://gnomestyle.blogspot.com/2007/05/make-ubuntu-look-like-vista.html I'm trying to follow this guide. The first part's simple. Not certain how to do the second part. xD01:32
SwdeWhy is Ubuntu booting from hard drive when I have choosen to boot Linpus from a usb flash drive. Why does the boot jumps to hard drive instead of continuing using the usb flash drive?01:32
syntax\btw, musikgoat|main do you happen to know how can i install a gnome desktop?01:32
SirMarth01Well, actually, third part...01:32
syntax\is it sudo apt-get ubuntu desktop?01:33
syntax\is it sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop?01:33
musikgoat|mainthe second01:33
syntax\this is my 2nd dilemma,01:33
=== fusa_ is now known as fusa
L3dPlatedLinuxis there a easy way to mount nfs instead of using the term all the time like make a icon or something01:34
syntax\i need to install ubuntu on 40++ workstations that only has gnome (gui), firefox and open office. im trying out the minimal install cd.01:34
ericindc_Can someone tell me where the pid files are stored in Ubuntu?01:34
syntax\do you think what im trying to do would work ok?01:34
Burntresistordoes anyone know good  website with the most common used terminal commands i need to lean them01:34
Shishireericindc_: try /var/run/ although it may be anywhere in /var, depending on the app01:34
ActionParsnipL3dPlatedLinux: make a script01:34
samrosehmmm...clicking shutdown or restart on intrepid ibex gnode desktop just logs me out, but won't shut me down properly. Any clues?01:34
ericindc_shishire: thanks01:35
SirMarth01I probably should ask elsewhere, for I've got the feeling I'm not wanted here. xD01:35
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: if they are the exact same, you could install everything you want,  and mirror the drives (dd)  or if not,  you could look up installing apt cacher01:35
arooni-mobile how to fix:  "svn: XML parser failed in '.';  svn: Malformed XML: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 1".  please note we recently had to fsck the filesystem, so i worry that the .svn files are corrupted;  i already tried reinstalling svn;  ideas?01:35
syntax\could you walk me through that..01:35
syntax\im a bit confuzed..01:35
ActionParsnipBurntresistor: i'd think "how can i achieve x" rather than "what can i do"  it'll be less daunting01:35
musikgoat|maini may not be around that long, but you could look at this and ask questions if you have trouble: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server01:36
syntax\each machine has a hard disk with 2 partitions. its from windows now to ubuntu. the partitions are drive c and d. note that drive d has the back up01:36
syntax\ok ok thanks.01:36
ShishireBurntresistor: google for a bash tutorial01:36
naresh76i am a new user01:36
mogul218Burntresistor check out http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/01:36
naresh76I need help with sudio01:36
L3dPlatedLinuxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990636    a list of cmd pages01:37
naresh76 I have no sound after installing ubuntu01:37
samroseanyone have any suggestions for me. My machine will reboot with sudo reboot, but not by clicking restart up in the right hand corner01:37
matkixOn ubuntu server what repo do you need to install ebox? I attempted an apt-get install ebox and it could not find the package.01:37
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: so you intend to replace all 40+ machines with a clean install of ubuntu?01:37
samrosegoogle does not seem to have much related to my problem01:37
kindofabuzzsyntax\, use PXE01:37
musikgoat|mainkindofabuzz: thats another method :-)01:37
naresh76how do i get details about my soundcard01:37
vikrantnaresh76:  lspci01:38
SirMarth01Google always fails when you need it most, doesn't it?01:38
ShishireSirMarth01: no, you only notice it when it fails you01:38
vikrantnaresh76: shld b listed as 00:1b.0 Audio device ....01:39
naresh76Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)01:40
naresh76this is the audio device , how do i figure out what driver or vendor shoul i look for01:40
SirMarth01...Well, dang, you're right!01:40
ariqswhy do things have to get all complicated about GPG keyring nonsense? I don't want to deal with the horse pucky! ;P01:40
Excelldogpile ftw01:40
matkixOn ubuntu server what repo do you need to install ebox? I attempted an apt-get install ebox and it could not find the package.01:41
ariqsI don't know what it is, I don't know why I want to know what it is, and I want it to go away01:41
naresh76vikrant : Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), how shall i decide what driver to look for01:41
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox01:41
KelenHow to remove the depends packages automatically, that depends installed by command "apt-get install".01:41
vikrantnot sure naresh7601:42
musikgoat|mainapt-get autoremove Kelen01:42
vikranti use google01:42
naresh76vikrant: thanks for the help, i am having problem with audio.. and am new to ubuntu01:42
ruben23how do i network ubuntu desktop with existing windows workgroup...?01:43
Kelenmusikgoat|main: usually it's remove the depends that installed automatically. not manually...01:43
Shishire!smb | ruben2301:44
ubotturuben23: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:44
musikgoat|mainKelen: maybe i misunderstood01:44
XcellKelen-- also you might want to install (gtkOrphan).. gets rid of the residue01:45
TheBashShellif i install openssh-server, do i have to worry about ubuntu generating a blacklisted key?01:45
syntax\[08:37am] [musikgoat|main] syntax\: so you intend to replace all 40+ machines with a clean install of ubuntu? -- yes. but those 40+ machine came from windows xp. and each machine has a separate ntfs partition for their back ups.01:45
syntax\which as i see it cloning wont be possible01:45
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: eh, you could still,  you would have to be careful to only dd the first partition01:46
ShishireTheBashShell: you shouldn't, one of the deps of openssh is openssl, which deps upon openssl-blacklist01:46
KelenXcell: it's a packages or something?01:46
ruben23ubottu: do i ahve to install a samba server...?01:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:47
syntax\well im lost.. how can i do it?01:47
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: you would just build one machine to suit, keeping the recovery partition separate from ubuntu,  then if all the other machines are the same, you could dd if=/dev/sdx1 of=/dev/sdy101:47
XcellKelen--  yes.. it gets rid of leftover parts of deleted pgms01:47
matkixWhen I run apt-get update I get the following error "Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock and E: Unable to lock the list dir  How can i fix this?01:47
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: where x = the source and y = the destination01:47
syntax\[08:47am] [musikgoat|main] syntax\: you would just build one machine to suit, keeping the recovery partition separate from ubuntu, then if all the other machines are the same, you could dd if=/dev/sdx1 of=/dev/sdy1 -- ok im trying to build the one machine right now.. but they also differ in hdd's size.01:48
syntax\some are 10 gb some are 20 - 40 - 80 gbs..01:48
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: oh01:48
Nasrahow do i bring the icons to the both upper & lower panels....ex: trash cans, logout icon, desk 1,2, etc ?01:49
syntax\i have so much for constraints.. i get ur point, the "cloning thing" but im afraid i have a lot to consider.01:49
syntax\from the hdd sizes to the specs of the computer..01:49
matkixw00ps... add a sudo :P01:49
XcellNasra--  rirht click on panel01:50
KelenXcell: okay, maybe it's not residue, i think it's complete lib of depends..01:50
Xcellok Kelen01:50
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: sure, makes sense,  go for apt-cacher  and then you can minimal install each machine and set each repository to your apt-cacher server locally,  that should speed installs01:50
Nasrahello have a question:    how do I bring the icons to the both upper & lower panels....ex: trash cans, logout icon, desk 1,2, etc ?01:50
ShishireNasra: you mean move the ones that are already on there?01:51
NasraShishire: ...no they are gone....need them back....01:51
syntax\musikgoat|main: ok im trying to digest the apt-cacher..01:51
ShishireNasra: ouch, I've had that happen before.  Easiest way is to right click and "Add to Panel"01:52
NasraShishire: do  you if there is a command or anything?01:52
SvenZwhat is the Kill Command to give me a special mouse pointer to select the program open that i want to kill?01:52
syntax\musikgoat|main: how does this apt-cacher do its thing anyway?01:52
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: think of it as a populating mirror,  everything you download to that "server" will store the packages in its cache, and your other machines can point to that as their download location01:53
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.01:53
RoyallIf I drop a file/folder in a Shared folder that I set up on a different computer, will the file/folder be copied to that machine?01:53
syntax\ok ok.. so i have to setup a cacher server and just point each newly installed machine to the server right?01:53
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81001:53
syntax\musikgoat|main: btw, i need to change the host. dL from thailand is slow hehe01:54
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: yes, you've got the idea01:55
musikgoat|mainchekc out that link I suggested01:55
Martyr2k6alright guys and girls, advice followed thus far01:56
Martyr2k6I just got through installing vista on my primary drive01:56
Martyr2k6where do I go from here if I want to dual boot vista and linux on two separate hdds01:57
syntax\how can i use the singapre mirror? can i just use sg.archive.ubuntu.com for singapore?01:57
Martyr2k6any help?01:58
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: yes, if thats the url given on that link i suggested01:58
SvenZhouston we have a problem01:59
kievowhi i need a proxy de Afganistan02:00
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:00
syntax\musikgoat|main: Complete Download Mirror List - Asia - Singapore Nanyang Technological University Open Source Society (Asia) this is the one02:00
syntax\its not written in sg.archive.ubuntu.com.02:00
SvenZmy graphics card is flickering the image on and off like an old CRT television02:00
ajrHey Im a noob who could use a bit of help please02:01
ajrinstalled ibex on my 2nd machine02:01
syntax\SvenZ: do you have the correct gfx driver?02:01
ajrdell laptop m121002:01
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: look at the url for that link, thats what you add, instead of th.archive.ubuntu.com02:01
SvenZim not sure! i am noob!02:01
ajri think im having a problem with the harddrive clicking02:01
ajri have seen some similar issues others have had02:01
ajrwhat is the fix02:01
ajrits not a huge loud noise02:01
tgr_hi can someone tell me how to automount my external usb hard drive to a specific directory? everytime i plug it in it automounts to something different.  sometimes /media/Iomega HDD sometimes /media/Iomega HDD_02:01
ajrmore a intermittent quiet clicking02:01
kievowi i need a proxy socks 5 or 4 FROM AFGANISTAN02:02
syntax\musikgoat|main: if i was to click Singapore Nanyang Technological University Open Source Society (Asia) id be pointed to http://ntuoss1.uni.cx/ubuntu-releases/02:02
kievowIt'S IS A UNIX OR MINIX02:02
ubotououwhere can i get the latest stable version of ultimate ubuntu?02:03
tgr_i asked this before yesterday but got no answer02:03
vikranti am looking for a cli download manager, for my linux with support for multiple simultaneous connections02:03
Omniohmygod: problems? :P02:03
ubotououmaybe somebody has an answer today02:03
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: so your sources should look like http://ntuoss1.uni.cx/ubuntu-releases/ intrepid xxxxxx02:04
ohmygodOmni, no problem. :-)02:04
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: (deb or deb-src at the beginning of course)02:04
Shishireubotouou: Ultimate Ubuntu?02:05
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: but i'm looking and they don't seem to have a pool02:06
Piciubotouou: Not here. We do not support Ubuntu Ultimate.02:06
NasraShishire: by accident I removed the system, application,  to the left of panel, how I fix that?02:06
ubotououShishire: yes it's a highly modified flavor of ubuntu02:06
syntax\i was about to say that.02:06
syntax\sheesh i get a decent speed if i was to download from sg :(02:06
ubotououPici: why not?02:06
tvonIs there a way to specify that a particular package sho0uldn't be installed, but that newer versions shoudl?02:06
Piciubotouou: Because its highly modified, like you just said.02:06
=== GoodFella_ is now known as ExPLoiTe
Martyr2k6can anyone help me?02:06
ShishireNasra: Add to Panel -> Main Menu02:06
ubotououPici: but it's still ubuntu whatsoever02:07
zenohi is it possible to dist-upgrade to 64 bit?02:07
NasraShishire: okay02:07
Martyr2k6I am trying to dual boot with two hard drives02:07
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: my "software sources" indicates this mirror for singapore: ftp.science.nus.edu.sg02:07
=== eddie is now known as Guest37608
Martyr2k6I just installed vista on the main drive, and I wish to install ubuntu on the secondary drive02:07
mheath_tvon: I believe the easiest way to do that is in synaptic, though theres more complicated ways of blacklisting something on the command line. Give me a second to take a look and refresh my memory.02:07
tvonmheath_: thanks02:07
Piciubotouou: We do not support unofficial derivatives of Ubuntu here.02:08
tvonIt's called pinning or something? Can't find it via google02:08
vikrantMartyr2k6: whats holding you back?//02:08
Pici!ultimate | ubotouou02:08
ubottuubotouou: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition02:08
ajrCan anyone help me with my hd clicking02:08
ajrabout every 10 seconds or so02:08
Martyr2k6vikrant: lack of knowledge as to what I am doing?02:08
=== default is now known as xcaat
syntax\musikgoat|main: so i can use ftp.science.nus.edu.sg instead of sg.archive.ubuntu.com on the next install right?02:08
bruce89tvon: see /etc/apt/preferences02:08
mheath_tvon: yeah. Its been a while since I've done it. You may have better luck looking through Debian package management docs.02:08
vikrantwell slip in your ubuntu cd in ur cd rom02:08
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: yes02:09
tvonbruce89, mheath_ thanks02:09
vikrantand boot from it02:09
musikgoat|mainor your apt-cacher  ;-)02:09
Martyr2k6vikrant: from within windows, or reboot and boot from disc02:09
vikrantonce you starte the installer it wld ask u which hdd you would like to install ubuntu onto02:09
bartekHas anyone experienced the /usr/X11R6/bin/X process constantly taking up about 10-20% CPU after running Ubuntu for a whole day? It is ok just after boot but becomes sluggish after after 10+ hours02:09
vikrantreboot and then ...02:09
FrozenFireIs there a GUI application for shredding disks/partitions? I know how to do it from the command-line, but I'd like a GUI application with which I can track multiple disk shreddings with progress bars and such.02:09
syntax\can i use that aswell if i was to do another single install without the apt-cacher?02:09
UbubeginI was halfway installing ubuntu 8.10 and realised that the installor didnt prompt me to create a swap partition... Is swap partition no longer neccesary for ubuntu..02:09
Martyr2k6vikrant:  when installing from the cd it gives me three options, do I choose the manual option?02:10
vikrantUbubegin: u cn create one even later02:10
vikranta swap partition i.e02:10
vikrantMartyr2k6: yes02:10
syntax\musikgoat|main: i think im almost done with the installation. i also added to install the the ubuntu desktop..02:11
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: the way i've used it in the past was that I made a particular machine "the server", and any .deb packages that aren't already on "the server" will be proxied through it and saved to it at the same time02:11
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: cool02:11
SvenZ!help with sound blaster audigy 202:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:11
Martyr2k6vikrant: ok, disc booted, chose install from cd rather than try ubuntu02:11
ruben23hi how do i installed linux headers...02:12
Martyr2k6vikrant:  good so far right?02:12
Martyr2k6vikrant:  sorry I am teh uber noob02:12
Shishire!soundblaster | SvenZ02:12
vikrantits alrite02:12
ubottuSvenZ: soundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth02:12
mheath_tvon: Theres a "force version" in synaptic now, but it doesn't do quite what you're thinking. You'll have to go with the other persons suggetison and use the apt files to edit preferences. Theres thorough documentation on the Debian site about those files.02:12
Ububeginvikrant: so the installer would not prompt you to setup a swap-partition...02:12
tvonmheath_:  thanks02:12
Mike_lifeguardSo, it is possible to install from USB, right?02:12
ShishireMike_lifeguard: yes, I've done it many times02:13
Huxleyi just did02:13
Martyr2k6Mike_lifeguard yes it is02:13
vikrantu shld have set it up when u installed...but you can do it now too02:13
Mike_lifeguardSo, do I just load the .iso onto it... or something tricky? :)02:13
Ububeginvikrant: so is the swap partition even important then..... I am 4Gb Ram..so I would need arnd 6 Gb Swap parition...02:13
vikranti have 1gb ram at office02:13
vikrant2gb at home02:13
vikrantnever use swap02:13
ShishireMike_lifeguard: System->Administration->Create a USB Startup Disk02:14
vikrantstil no harm in keeping a 1gb swap02:14
Anon0168hello everyone!02:14
ShishireHi Anon016802:14
Mike_lifeguardShishire: I'm using windows :\02:14
Mike_lifeguardfor now02:14
Martyr2k6vikrant: , ok I am met with three choices... "guided resize" guided use entire, or manual... choos manual right?02:14
Anon0168I have a serious issue concerning archive organization on my computer02:14
Shishire!usb | Mike_lifeguard02:14
ubottuMike_lifeguard: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:14
kievowyou will be hacked .We will see already if you are a bot02:15
JakeTwoZeroI can't get my resolution to work02:15
UbubeginMartyr2k6: use guided manual...02:15
Martyr2k6vikrant: ok now I have some options here, I see both drives, one I know to have vista installed n it02:15
Anon0168so I was thinking that maybe u can help me out, wich "methods" do u use?02:15
kievowyou will be hacked .We will see already if you are a bot :)02:15
mattDoes anyone have a idea why Gparted shows a partition as being about 50GB bigger than what dolphin/nautlus says it is?02:15
UbubeginMartyr2k6: choose the unallocated space to put ubuntu into02:15
Picikievow: Are you done?02:15
matt^^Not bigger, but about 50GB more freespace.02:15
Martyr2k6Ububegin, there isnt an unallocate space02:16
ajrcan anyone help me w this clicking noise on my hd02:16
Anon0168I have a serious issue concerning archive organization on my computer...02:16
Martyr2k6ajr, if your hdd is clicking, its failing02:16
mheath_matt: Have you recently deleted files while logged in? The deletion might not have synced to disk.02:16
vikrantajr time to replace ur hdd02:16
Anon0168so I was thinking that maybe u can help me out, wich "methods" do u use? :)02:16
JakeTwoZeroI can't get my nvidia drivers to work on my ubuntu02:16
ajris that def it02:16
UbubeginMartyr2k6: http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm ... this website has screenshots detailing step by step installation procedure... You cant go wrong02:16
arulmozhiI hv installed audacity, how can i record a sound02:16
Martyr2k6ok, so both of my drives are setup as ntfs02:16
ajrive read up about it on the forums02:16
mattmheath_: I just got the disk today, and formatted it. This has been this way ever since I've mounted it. what if I umount it and remount it?02:17
ajrand it seems to be maybe a kernel issue02:17
Huxleyjaketwo, what version of ubuntu02:17
Martyr2k6ububegin, went wrong with that tutorial, yes I am that dumb02:17
vikrantdrive clicking is not a kernel issue02:17
kievowsuerce code 001 --h su ejjs >02:17
vikrantits ur hdd dying02:17
mheath_matt: you could try that..or just run "sync"02:17
Shishireajr: drive clicking is a hardware issue.  back up your data and buy a new one02:17
Martyr2k6vikrant: both of my drives are showing up as ntfs02:17
Picikievow: This is the official Ubuntu support channel, do you have a question?02:18
Anon0168can someone help me out?02:18
Martyr2k6vikrant: it gives me two checkboxes for option to format one or the other02:18
vikrantMartyr2k6: on the drive u want to install ubuntu , go ahead and delete all partitions (i am assuming you have nthing imp on it)02:18
kievowmy question is ... one moment :)02:18
JakeTwoZeroI have a question02:18
Martyr2k6vikrant: nope its all on the external drive02:18
mattmheath_: Still, gparted=844.9GB unused, nautilus=798.3Gb free.02:18
ajrdoes not do under windows02:18
UbubeginMartyr2k6: if u have no unallocated space, then resize one of ntfs parition.... I am not sure whether Ubuntu LiveCD  can do it... But gparted def can...02:18
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:18
ajrno click in windows02:19
JakeTwoZeroHow do I get my ubuntu 8.04 to display the right resolution02:19
ajronly in ubuntu02:19
mheath_matt: hmm. What does df -h say?02:19
Martyr2k6vikrant: ok I checked the soon to be linux drive and deleted the partition, am I good so far?02:19
HuxleyJakeTwo, I downloaded 8.10 and my resolution is fixed02:19
Shishirematt: nautilus and gparted calculate size differently02:19
vikrantJakeTwoZero: what driver do you have02:19
KelenJakeTwoZero: Custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:19
mattmheath_: /dev/sdb1             917G   72G  799G   9% /home/matt/Data02:19
JakeTwoZerorun that in a terminal?02:19
vikrantMartyr2k6: yes02:19
mattShishire: in what way?02:19
Martyr2k6vikrant: so do I hit new partition or choose to go forward02:20
Shishirematt: 1000 vs 102402:20
Huxleyjaketwo, do you want to upgrade to 8.1002:20
vikrantMartyr2k6:  new part02:20
mattShishire: Oh, gotcha. :(02:20
UbubeginHei guys, for 4Gb ram system... you require 1.5 x Ram = 6 Gb swap partition... this is general ground rule02:20
Martyr2k6vikrant: thanks for holding my hand through this, it was killing me02:20
vikrantnp :)02:20
mattShishire: so really, the drive has as much free as much free?02:20
JakeTwoZerothe terminal isn't working02:20
JakeTwoZeroit displays nothing02:20
Huxleyjaketwo, go to software sources in the system menu02:20
Martyr2k6vikrant:  ok new dialogue window popped up, anything in here I should change02:21
Shishirematt: since most programs calculate in terms of 1024, use that value to determine your space left02:21
Huxleyjaketwo, are you in gnome?02:21
vikrantthe first partition shld b /boot 150mb in size and shld b a primary partition02:21
mattShishire: Indeed, because nautlius and dolphin also show my other drive as being "stipped of space". But really it's good, right? I mean, I can store as much data as my gparted tells me?02:21
Shishirematt: nautilus is reporting what most people will think of as the more correct value02:22
JakeTwoZeroHold on, I'll brb.02:22
=== xtmnx_ is now known as xtmnx
Anon0168can someone tell me a good way to organize projects, files, and folders efficiently?02:22
UbubeginHei guys, for 4Gb ram system... you require 1.5 x Ram = 6 Gb swap partition... Qn : Is this the  general ground rule ?02:22
Martyr2k6vikrant:  type of partion is currently primary, new part size is 122942, location is beginning, use as is ext3 journaling file system and mount point is blank02:22
vikrantUbubegin: tht ws for u02:23
eqisow1Ububegin: Not at all, 2x, 1.5x, whatever rules are fairly outdated02:23
Martyr2k6vik, these are the default settings to chose02:23
vikrantmake size 150mb02:23
ShishireUbubegin: usually yes, although if you have a smaller hard drive you may want to size it down.  the general rule of thumb is to have a least 1x your physical ram, so you can hibernate02:23
eqisow1Ububegin: With 4GB of ram it's pretty safe to not even use swap, or 1-2GB at most02:23
vikrantmount point shld b /boot02:23
eqisow1Ububegin: assuming we're talking about a desktop, of course02:23
Martyr2k6vikrant: im a bit froggy right now on file to numbers, 150 mb is what in bytes02:24
Anon0168can someone tell me a good way to organize projects, files, and folders efficiently... anyone?02:24
Martyr2k6vikrant:  keep in mind I am wanting to use this whole drive for linux02:24
Ububeginvikrant, eqisow1 : Can I create the swap partition under the Extended Partition.... Currently, my extended partition, has 2 ntfs logical drives...02:24
ShishireMartyr2k6: 15728640002:24
eqisow1Ububegin: aye, extended partitions are fine02:25
eqisow1Ububegin: You can even use a file, Windows style, if you prefer02:25
Ububegineqisow1: roger that..... think, I will read up a bit .... thanks02:25
vikrantMartyr2k6:  1024x150 = 153600bytes02:25
Shishirevikrant: that'd be KB02:26
eqisow1Ububegin: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/ <-- on using files for swap02:26
Martyr2k6vikrant: so far this is what I have - type of new part is primary, new part size 15786400, location is beginning, use as ext3 journaling, mount point is /boot02:27
Martyr2k6vikrant:  good sofar, do I hit ok then hit forward?02:27
vikrant* ul have to double check on the size02:27
vikrantMartyr2k6:  how big is ur drive?02:28
Martyr2k6vikrant: 120 gb02:28
vikrantreally dsnt make sense using 120gb for ubuntu02:29
vikranti use just 20gb for mine02:29
Martyr2k6vikrant: well I am wanting to real limitations02:29
JakeTwoZeroHow do I upgrade to Ubuntu 8.1002:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:29
Martyr2k6vikrant: to = no, no real limitations02:30
tkanyone here familiar with Ntop by any chance?02:30
=== Don_Miguel is now known as BlinkyToon
vikrant/boot 150mb swap 2gb /-20gb /home -remaining free space shld b good02:30
Martyr2k6vikrant: and now you lost me02:30
BlinkyToonHELP, please !02:31
BlinkyToonMy Ubuntu boxes ( 8.04, & 8.10 )02:31
BlinkyToonboth have the problem described in02:31
FloodBot1BlinkyToon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
BlinkyToon 'dpkg' package Bug #108189:02:31
vikrantwel lets create ur /bot first02:31
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Martyr2k6vikrant:  so am I good sofar with that number we mentioned02:32
vikrantit shld b 150mb02:32
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lyyhey guys, any of you guys own a portable media device that you brought on borad a plane before?02:32
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Martyr2k6vikrant:  it says new part size in megabytes, so should I just type 15002:32
mxboy15ui have brought plenty why lyy?02:32
lyyI'm just wondering if the people there check what's on it02:33
tklyy:  iphone? sony MD player/recorder...02:33
mxboy15uthey mostly as you to take it out and turn it on02:33
mxboy15uthats about it02:33
lyyI have some movies I've put on there02:33
lyytk: archos 60502:33
mxboy15unow if you are going international they can check the contents02:33
Martyr2k6vikrant:  ok set to 150, here we go forward02:33
lyyI can put 30 gigs of movies on there02:33
vikrantselected primary partiton right02:33
mxboy15uthey dont care about that02:34
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mxboy15uits your business how you backup/transport your media02:34
Martyr2k6vikrant:  looks like it was good, it says 148 mb and its checked now, yeah it was primary02:34
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tkmxboy15u: unless the contents of it violate some law in that country regarding "contrabrand"02:34
mxboy15uthat is why I mentioned customs02:35
vikrantMartyr2k6:  how much ram do u have02:35
mxboy15uyou could definately get busted then02:35
NasraHello: need help , The three menus at the top of the screen (Applications, Places, System) they are gone, how do I restore them?02:35
Martyr2k6vikrant: I have 2 gigs02:35
tklyy:  where are you going?02:35
lyyI do have some movies that aren't legal02:35
Martyr2k6vikrant: quadcore system with geforce 8800 gt oc02:35
vikrantcreate a swap partition of 2048MB02:35
lyyI'm just going from seattle to New York02:35
tklyy:  ohh lol dont worry about it then02:36
vikrantnew partiton-swap-20480MB02:36
Martyr2k6vikrant:  how or where do I do that02:36
vikrantclick on the remaining free space02:36
PreplexedHi - just want to tell ya i just installed Awn it brill02:36
lyythe flight is so long, I just wanted to bring some movies02:36
vikrantthen say new02:36
tklyy:  like Middle East (Qatar and Saudi Arabia) are extremely particular on "ponargraphy" thats where my statement came from..... FHM's swimsuit edition is "illegal" there02:36
tkif I could spell...02:37
regexpertHow can i setup an svn repository in ubuntu?02:37
lyyholy cow02:37
lyythat's extreme02:37
Martyr2k6vikrant: ok its default is set to logical, part size is 122786, location is beginning, use as ext3 journaling, and mount point empty02:37
tklyy:  illegal to bring into the country.... but can be purchased there.... (go figure)02:37
SvenZhow do i decompress a sfark file in a linux system? i've dl'ed the decompression tool from melodymachine.com...02:37
lyythat's nuts02:38
lyyit's all about money I guess02:38
tkcan anyone help me with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/145860/ --- no matter how I attempt this I cannot get liblua to work with make for NTOP 3.3.1002:38
tklyy:  something like that ya02:38
vikrantMartyr2k6: holdon02:38
Martyr2k6vikrant: ok02:39
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lyytk: you just need to pass in the build arg -fPIC is what the compiler is complaining about i think02:40
tklyy:  tried everywhich way I could, i ncluding ways found via google of passing that in02:41
alok_hey i need some help on gtk vnv viewer02:41
Anorionis there any way to set up something that mimics Asus' Super Hybrid Engine in Ubuntu? I'm getting pitiful battery life...02:42
lyydid you try recompiling lapi.o with the flag -fPIC?02:42
WhoNeedszzzHey guys. So there are updates available, but the kde aren't working. It's asking to do a partial upgrade. Why is this happening?02:42
SvenZcan someone explain to me what a sound font is used for?02:42
alok_hey i need some help on gtk vnv viewer02:42
WhoNeedszzzthe kde updates*02:42
lyymaybe we aren't reading it right?02:42
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WhoNeedszzzalok_: I would personally suggest freenx02:43
vikrantMartyr2k6:  i have to go :(02:43
vikranttime to go hoem02:43
Martyr2k6vikrant: crap02:43
vikrantim sure smeone cn help u out hre:)02:44
Martyr2k6so close,02:44
Don_MiguelHELP, please !  My Ubuntu boxes ( 8.04, & 8.10 ) both have the problem described in   'dpkg' package Bug #108189:    "files list file for package '*' is missing final newline"   -   The problem has persisted for 3+months !  - The problem and the short form of a suggested work-around are given here in more detail:02:44
Don_Miguelhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/144749/       Thank you !02:44
Don_Miguel -02:44
FloodBot1Don_Miguel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:44
Martyr2k6vikrant: thanks man02:44
bobgQUESTION:  Can I use the GUI to permanently "Mount" a hard drive.02:44
Martyr2k6ok all vikratn was an awesome person in helping me, can anyone pickup with me where he left off?02:44
regexpertHow can i setup an svn repository in ubuntu?02:44
nirivenam i bad for loving gentoo but wanting to run ubuntu? bah!02:45
eseven73bobg, no, you'll need to use fstab for that02:45
eseven73!fstab | bobg02:45
ubottubobg: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:45
Martyr2k6he was walking me through setting up a 2gig swap filein the ubuntu install02:45
eqisow1what? gedit is a GUI :/02:45
SvenZi have no idea what i am doing02:45
Martyr2k6I am trying to dualboot vista on one hdd and ubuntu on another02:46
clearscreengedit has* a GUI :P02:46
boscoanyone know how to create an iso file with a folder i have like windows folders?????02:46
eqisow1Martyr2k6: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/ <-- something like that?02:46
Martyr2k6sorry to ask for someone to hold my hand, but otherwise I wont get finished with this tonight and I really wish I could02:46
noodlesgcbosco mkisofs02:46
SvenZanyone want to hold my hand too?02:46
clearscreenMartyr2k6: what exactly is the problem?02:46
bosconoodlesgc, thanks02:46
SvenZim a lost little boy in the wilderness of linux02:47
SvenZi mean, little girl*02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkisofs02:47
Martyr2k6clearscreen: nope, in the gui02:47
Martyr2k6command line kills me02:47
Goldfisch!ubottu mkisofs is a command-line tool for generate ISO image files based on a file system.02:47
lyyanyone know if planes have power outlets to recharge laptops? I never thought to check before02:47
jgijantoI have xorg running on ubuntu server w/ the latest nvidia package...I'm trying to raise the resolution in my xorg.conf beyond 1024x768 but its defaulting back and in the log i'm warned the mode is not supported...anyone have experience configuring xorg for lcd tv's or know of a good resource online I can refer to?02:48
eqisow1Martyr2k6: You might want to stick with Windows. Some of these fellows may disagree, but the occasional CLI command is the reality of Linux02:48
eqisow1Martyr2k6: except for very basic desktop usage, if you're lucky02:48
Martyr2k6well I wont learn unless I try, and I am willing to do so, but in baby steps02:48
ghindoSvenZ: What's your problem?02:48
ghindoSvenZ: I will try to guide you through the wilderness!02:49
Goldfischlyy: I haven't noticed any yet. It is only in the last few years, that they are putting power plugs at convenient locations in the terminals.02:49
Dreamglideris there a way i can free up memory used by Firefox ?02:49
clearscreenDreamglider: close firefox02:49
cchaosHi Im having problems with two nvidia cards :(02:50
lyyGoldfisch: ok, thanks!02:50
ryan_Does anyone have any ideas why my GRUB never auto loads the default? it just sits there until I press esc and select one02:51
santiagohow do i install the adobe flash platyer?02:51
santiagoi just installed ubuntu02:51
clearscreensantiago: I recommend you install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:51
Mr_Orangecan someone help me getting WPA2 to work with Ubuntu? (No NetworkManager)02:52
santiagowhats that clearscreen?02:52
clearscreenit contains flash, several fonts, java... all pretty useful stuff basically :P02:52
santiagooh k02:52
ryan_One sec santiago02:52
Anorionis there any way to set up something that mimics Asus' Super Hybrid Engine in Ubuntu? I'm getting pitiful battery life in my eee0pc 901...02:52
ryan_I'm trying to find the right app02:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:52
santiagothe correct app?02:52
cchaosI have a silly resolution of 640x480 and I cant change it to 1024x76802:52
bruce89santiago: don't bother, just install flashplugin-nonfree02:53
ryan_Santiago, in terminal type sudo -get install flashplugin-nonfree02:53
scienteshow do i build nvidia via CLU02:53
santiagoisnt it easier to install what clearscreen told me?02:53
clearscreensantiago: same difficulty02:53
ryan_sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:53
scientesyour crummy ui doesnt work, and you broke debian m-a02:53
ryan_I swear I typed apt >.> lol02:53
clearscreensantiago: ubuntu-restricted-extras just contains more stuff (such as java, fonts, some codecs, etc)02:53
santiagoisnt it more usefull to install java and all that02:53
clearscreenif you want them, then yes02:54
scientesand dkms says nothing useful02:54
Don_Miguelrepeating after 10 minutes:  -  HELP, please !  My Ubuntu boxes ( 8.04, & 8.10 ) both have the problem described in   'dpkg' package Bug #108189:    "files list file for package '*' is missing final newline"   -   The problem has persisted for 3+months !  - The problem and the short form of a suggested work-around are given here in more detail:       http://paste.ubuntu.com/144749/       Thank you !02:54
Don_Miguel  -02:54
ryan_Anyone know why my GRUB never auto boots? It just sits saying Loading default in 2 (or however it says it) I have to press esc and select the kernal02:55
clearscreenryan_: it doesnt actually count down?02:55
santiagoi typed the sudo apt get install flashplugin etc etc... and it tell me02:55
santiagoafter a lot of stuff: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:55
ryan_just sits there02:55
ryan_Then I guess you already had it?02:56
clearscreensantiago: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'02:56
santiagobut i cant play videos on youtube for example02:56
ryan_type what he said02:56
ryan_I didn't think about update02:56
Goldfischsantiago: Open firefox, and enter "about:plugins" in the address bar. It should list of you have the flash plugin already loaded.02:56
mdmkolbeWhat is a good replacement for MSPaint on Ubuntu?  (I need to edit bitmaps, pixel by pixel.  And I want something simple.  GIMP sounds a little overkill for what I need, but I don't know having never used it.)02:56
santiagoit loaded a bunch of stuff and then said02:56
cchaosInstalling flash is easy for me: I just click on add plugins and select the three it suggests, then restart firefox02:57
ryan_So... any ideas about the GRUB clear?02:57
santiago0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:57
clearscreenwhat does it say above that, santiago?02:57
darkside_simmonsDon_Miguel you may be able to copy over status-old in /var/lib/dpkg but make sure to keep a copy status possibly copy it to your home directory02:57
clearscreendoes it say: 'flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.'?02:57
FlannelDon_Miguel: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-January/104520.html02:57
santiagoyes it does say that02:57
FlannelDon_Miguel: That post (#2) walks you through a fix.02:57
clearscreensantiago: then you already have it.. make sure it is loaded in firefox02:57
santiagohow do i know if it is loaded?02:57
clearscreensantiago: tools -> addons -> plugins02:57
cchaosRestart firefox santiago02:58
crankharderis there any way I can make gnome-terminal auto-copy anything i highlight w/ the mouse?02:58
cchaosHow about some help on my prob? lol02:58
Don_Migueltyfoo, Flannel ... I hope that one is baby-step-by-baby-step02:58
clearscreencchaos, santiago: well, yes.. I kind of assumed he already restarted firefox :P02:58
santiagonow i can see videos02:58
alabamahitHigh. Using 9.04 has anyone else had trouble with transmission. I cant figure out how to get it to minimize t the tray....The option used to be in the View Option but don't see that now.02:58
santiagothanks guys!02:58
ryan_Clear: Any ideas about my GRUB problem?02:58
cchaoslol clear I dont think he did after that :P02:58
clearscreenryan_: that's really weird, no idea actually02:59
cchaosNo worries santiago02:59
FlannelDon_Miguel: It is pretty much.  If you have questions about the steps, this channel can help.02:59
musikgoat|mainalabamahit: its a checkbox in one of the menus now02:59
jgijantoryan, you can change the amount of time it gives you before you have to hit esc if you go into /boot/grub/menu.lst02:59
clearscreenryan_: can you pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst ?02:59
rbilryan_ why don't you post your menu.lst in a pastebin?02:59
Don_Migueltyfoo, again, Flannel02:59
jgijantochange the timeout to 10 or whatever you want02:59
clearscreenjgijanto: his problem is that it actually doesnt even count down02:59
darkside_simmonscchaos this may help edit xorg.conf file http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397302:59
santiagoone more question02:59
Don_MiguelThanks, Flannel02:59
Mr_Orangecan anyone help me with WPA2 on Ubuntu (command line only)?02:59
santiagoare there any basic stuff i should install.... i just got ubuntu today02:59
musikgoat|mainalabamahit: check tray icon in view, then close to tray works02:59
santiagoi'm trying to get used to it03:00
alabamahitmusikgoat|main, ...its not their...03:00
musikgoat|mainalabamahit: what version?03:00
clearscreensantiago: basic stuff is already installed.. if you feel you need more functionality (missing something), use add/remove applications in your start menu03:00
Goldfischsantiago: It helps if you describe what you want to do. Sound editing? Create music CDs? Load your iPod?03:00
alabamahitmusikgoat|main, ubuntu 9.04/ transmission is 1.5103:00
santiagooh yes i've seen that add/remove section03:00
darkside_simmonsi believe cchaos it is because you don't have a monitor defined or your default monitor only supports 640x48003:00
musikgoat|mainalabamahit: oh, jaunty related questions should be asked in #ubuntu+03:01
santiagodo you recomend me to install compiz? i installed the 64 bit version of ubuntu 8.1003:01
musikgoat|main#ubuntu+1    sorry03:01
ryan_GRUB = http://pastebin.com/m85be94403:01
ryan_santiago: I love compiz03:01
ryan_But it's all personal preference03:01
ryan_it's just eye candy03:02
santiagoryan_ : is it hard to install?03:02
jgijantonot with apt :)03:02
jwormywhen upgrading to 9.04 beta support i get "Can't Install 'ubuntu-desktop'.  It was imposible to install a required package.  Please report this as a bug.'  anyone know anything more about this than the obvious?03:02
santiagoi've been told that i had to do some stuff with my graphics before installing it03:02
ryan_santiago: You can go to Synaptic Package Manager and find it or...03:02
clearscreensantiago: I believe compiz is installed by default (if not, it will automatically install if you change t he following settings:), you can change the level of eye-candy through System -> Preferences -> Apperance -> Visual Effects03:03
musikgoat|main!jaunty > jwormy03:03
ubottujwormy, please see my private message03:03
ryan_sudo apt-get install synaptic-settings-manager - pretty sure that's the one you need Santiago03:03
ryan_sudo apt-get install compiz-settings-manager - pretty sure that's the one you need Santiago03:04
ryan_effing a it is too late >.>03:04
ariqs...Get:47 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
clearscreenryan_: what if you dont use hiddenmenu?03:04
ariqsGet:48 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
ariqsGet:49 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
ariqsGet:50 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
ariqsGet:51 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
ariqsGet:52 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
ariqsGet:53 http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy/non-free w32codecs 20071007-0medibuntu2.1 [14.3MB]03:04
musikgoat|mainryan_: santiago: ccsm i think is the package name03:04
FloodBot1ariqs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:04
jwormyariqs: good work03:04
GoldfischI need to track down the device file associated with my sound card. Can anybody point me in the right direction?03:04
ryan_Misukgoat: Oh, ok I didn't apt-get it when I installed03:04
santiagoon visual effects y chose extra and now it is installing some drivers :S03:04
ryan_clearscreen: Um... do what? -D03:04
ariqswhy is it just restarting over and over and over again!03:05
clearscreenryan_: put a # in front of 'hiddenmenu' :P03:05
clearscreenand save03:05
jwormyubottu: on it, thanks03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about on it, thanks03:05
jwormyheh.. eh hem!03:05
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santiagoclearscreen: on visual effects i pressed on extra... and its installing some drivers.... and not loading anything.... stucked at 0%03:06
santiagonvm... it is not stuck03:06
zenohi is it possible to dist-upgrade to 64 bit?03:06
ryan_clearscreen: Do I need to like... sudo gedit menu.lst?03:06
clearscreenryan_: yes03:06
Goldfischzeno: I don't think so. You are talking a whole different set of packages, not just versions.03:06
ariqswhy does my apt-get keep restarting? it has restarted 64 times now03:06
clearscreensantiago: running compiz requires hardware acceleration, which means for nvidia cards you will need to run a closed-source proprietary graphics driver, thats probably what it's doing03:07
santiagoi'll restart my computer03:07
musikgoat|main!paste | ariqs, Paste the errors you have -03:07
ubottuariqs, Paste the errors you have -: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:07
ryan_clearscreen: If I put a # in front of that, won't it just get rid of the countdown all together?03:07
clearscreenryan_: nah, the countdown will stick, it just wont hide the boot menu03:08
ryan_clearscreen: Alright, rebooting, brb03:08
clearscreenim curious if it has anything to do with hiding the boot list03:08
lacrymologyhello. I'm running xubuntu in a quite old, quite shitty machine, and for some reason audacious won't play. I dont even know how to diagnose this..03:09
musikgoat|mainclearscreen: did he just change boot options?  he'll need to run update-grub afterwards03:09
clearscreenmusikgoat|main: just menu.lst03:09
musikgoat|mainbut i read that too late03:09
ariqshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/145874/ why is this happening?03:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:10
musikgoat|mainariqs: past your /etc/apt/sources.list  file03:10
lacrymologyadful123: who was that for?03:11
adful123for me03:11
lacrymologyoh. Well, bad boy! (??)03:12
SvenZmy sound does not work, i am a virgin to linux03:12
SvenZsomeone help me pop my cherry?03:12
ubotououSvenZ: look at alsamixer03:13
ariqsare you hot?03:13
lacrymologySvenZ: disgusting metaphor03:13
SvenZyes, i am hot03:13
SvenZubotouou, i looked at alsamixer03:13
musikgoat|mainariqs: run sudo apt-get update03:13
ryan_clearscreen: Now it just shows the kernal selector, along the bottom it says the highlited option will be booted in 3 seconds, but never counts down03:13
musikgoat|mainariqs: and see if you still get the errors when installing that03:13
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ubotououwhy can't i rename my .device.desktop to make it visible?03:13
santiagohey guys03:14
santiagoi got the effects03:14
santiagobut the basic ones03:14
ariqsW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FC66403D8670A03503:14
ariqsW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems03:14
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santiagoi still havent got compiz03:14
clearscreenryan_: that's.... weird03:14
SvenZwhere is rainman when you need him?03:14
eqisow1ubotouou: because that changes the file name and gnome expects .device.desktop03:14
ariqsthat's what I get running apt-get update and it tells me to run it to correct its own problem ;p03:14
* SvenZ any autistic savants out there willing to assist me?03:15
clearscreenryan_: there is a bug submission for this on launchpad though: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/28836503:15
musikgoat|main!gpgppa | ariqs03:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpgppa03:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpgkey03:15
ubotououeqisow1: it was device.desktop and i hid it by putting a dot but can't get it back to what it used to be03:15
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ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts03:16
clearscreenryan_: apparently, someone fixed it by replacing the battery on their motherboard... it could be the cause of your problem, I am not certain03:16
Cpudan80Is it just me or is the ubuntu update server going *really* slow tonight?03:16
rujinHELLO  quick question.. i just downloaded a flash component but the playback speed on youtube lags any advice03:16
ariqsI don't even want to know the details of gpg. It's just an annoying feature I'll tune out and complain about03:16
jribCpudan80: use a local mirror03:17
musikgoat|mainariqs: https://launchpad.net/~spring/+archive/ppa  read how to install03:17
Cpudan80jrib: is the main server having some kind of problem?03:17
jribCpudan80: I have no idea03:17
clearscreenrujin: installing the non-free flash plugin might help03:17
clearscreenrujin: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree      and then make sure the new plugin is enabled in firefox under Tools -> Addons -> Plugins03:18
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rujinthx clear03:18
musikgoat|mainariqs: so on to the problem, apt is trying to grab from medibuntu, but your sources.list doesn't indicate that repository03:18
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ariqsso I can just add it there?03:19
musikgoat|mainso either you left something out, or apt is acting all sorts of weird03:19
musikgoat|mainariqs: yes, you can try that03:19
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digitalexploit hello room03:19
Mr_OrangeAnyone have experience with WPA2? I need some guidance(command line only)03:20
davidstriI'm new to ubuntu, and I have some questions about IRC03:20
space_cadetany way to make a screensaver the background of a GDM theme?03:20
clearscreen!ask davidstri03:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask davidstri03:21
clearscreen!ask | davidstri03:21
ubottudavidstri: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xwinwrap03:21
davidstriI downloaded xchat, and I want to know how to use written commands03:21
musikgoat|mainariqs: do you have any output from cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*    if so, paste that03:21
code_zombieAny recommendations on virtualization software?  Something to set up a development environment with.03:22
space_cadetvbox +203:22
eqisow1code_zombie: +303:23
musikgoat|mainvmware -1 :-)03:23
davidstriCan anyone give me a good tutorial for commands in xchat?03:23
digitalexploitdavidstri xchat is the same as any IRC client, so all the IRC commads will work, what did you want to know?03:23
Stepan1I would like to have all my desktop icons equal size, like in windows for example, i do not want to manually shrink each icon, i want all to be equal and lined up03:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:23
kitchecode_zombie: depends what you want to install virtualbox works for most things I know FreeBSD has issues in the latest stable virtualbox03:23
rujinhey clear i got - Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree03:23
space_cadetdavidstri, type /help03:23
ryan_xchat lags for me >.>03:23
strykerWhat is the best video player for ubuntu 8.10?03:23
digitalexploitdavidstri, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands03:23
davidstrithanks again,03:23
ariqsmusikgoat|main, http://paste.ubuntu.com/145880/03:23
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:23
space_cadetany way to make a screensaver the background of a GDM theme?03:24
eqisow1that said - VLC :p03:24
clearscreenstryker: just my personal preference: vlc03:24
digitalexploitstryker, VLC03:24
abhrastryker for me its vlc media player03:24
musikgoat|mainok ariqs, so you do have it... one sec...03:24
oobewhats a quick an easy program i can use to add text and arrows to a jpeg image?03:24
clearscreenalthough some people would die for totem, lol03:24
eqisow1oobe: gimp or krita should work for you03:24
strykergreat thanks  :)03:24
digitalexploitoobe, gimp03:24
clearscreenoobe: gimp is installed by default03:25
Stepan1I need to make all my desktop icons all equal size like in windows, please assist03:25
oobei know an use gimp03:25
oobebut i dont really now how to add text03:25
oobeor arrows03:25
rujinclearscreen i got - Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree03:25
eqisow1oobe: There's a button that has an "A" on it in tools...03:25
rbiloobe: just open the text tool and type in the text03:25
digitalexploitoobe, do you know photoshop?03:25
oobeeqisow1, thanks03:26
oobedigitalexploit, sort of i dont do much image editing03:26
clearscreenrujin: did you change your apt repositories?03:26
FezzlerMy PC has an older AMD Athlon processor.  So I have to use an old nVidia driver.  But Intrepid does let me load it?03:26
eqisow1oobe: gimp actually does not have a line tool, though, which is why I suggested perhaps krita. You can freehand it, though03:26
digitalexploitoobe, GIMP is like photoshop03:27
FezzlerI used to load it from terminal - build it right from file off nvidia site03:27
clearscreenFezzler: what does your amd processor have to do with an nvidia driver? what exactly is your question03:27
rujinclearscreen: i don't know what that is...where can i find it03:27
Fezzlerdon't know what to do03:27
space_cadetany way to make a screensaver the background of a GDM theme, like you can with xwinwrap.. is this possible?03:27
lacrymologyhello. I'm running xubuntu in a quite old, quite shitty machine, and for some reason audacious won't play. I dont even know how to diagnose this..03:27
rgovI just installed a CLI-only version of 9.04 beta and I am having trouble with audio. mplayer seems to be running but doesn't produce anything audible, and cvlc gives a "Failed to conect to the D-Bus session daemon: dbus-launch failed to autolunch D-Bus session: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed."03:27
digitalexploitoobe, you will need to learn how to use a photo editing tool, read some books or online help.03:28
Fezzlerdriver is NVIDIA-LINUX-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run03:28
digitalexploitoobe, thats why people pay others as graphic designers03:28
clearscreenFezzler: save yourself the trouble and use jockey-gtk03:28
oobekrita sounds good im installing it now03:28
eqisow1digitalexploits: the man wants arrows and text, wth?03:28
digitalexploitoobe, ok :)03:28
oobethank digitalexploit03:28
Fezzlerclearscreen: What is that?03:28
abhrais there any flash plug in which supports opers for ubuntu?03:29
clearscreenFezzler: it's a ubuntu gui utility that makes it easier to install hardware drivers03:29
musikgoat|mainariqs: hmm, i'm not finding much to explain a loop, but you could download this and install it: http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu2.1_i386.deb03:29
digitalexploiteqisowl, true but its like teaching soeone server side scripting all day long and there is so much to learn03:29
Fezzlerclearscreen: is it part of Intrepid install?  Do I have it?03:29
musikgoat|mainariqs: I would suggest restarting to be safe though03:29
musikgoat|mainariqs: have you seen any other problems with apt03:30
musikgoat|mainor in general?03:30
clearscreenFezzler: it's installed by default, just run 'gksu jockey-gtk'03:30
nonewmsgsi did a new install of ubuntu intrepid on my dads computer but none of its windows have no titlebars.  afaik he isnt using compiz or any restricted drivers03:30
eqisow1rgov: have you installed and configured alsa?03:30
tgr_how do i find all mounted devices?03:30
stealth-whats the command to restart cups?03:30
musikgoat|maintgr_: "mount" in terminal03:30
stealth-tgr_: mount03:31
rujinclearscreen: sry to be a bother i don't know what that is...03:31
digitalexploitnonewmsgs, what video card. also did you do a checksum on the CD/DVD before install? may have been a currpt burn or download03:31
stealth-tgr_: mount will also give some info about security systems and such, but you can ignore it03:31
tgr_and if something is automounted how do i find the command that is given to linux to mount it03:31
rgoveqisow1: no, is that simply apt-get install alsa? how do i configure it otherwise?03:31
nonewmsgsdigitalexploit, yeah i did md5.  and he's using the built in one03:31
rgoveqisow1: i should note, i had 8.04 installed yesterday and audio worked fine03:31
Fezzlerclearscreen: ok, it's running.  now what?03:32
tgr_i am trying to automount my usb external hard drive03:32
tgr_but each time it gives a different device and different extension03:32
digitalexploitnonewmsgs, is it an intel card? or SIS?03:32
tgr_how do i resolve this?03:32
jdutgr_ you mean different mount point?03:32
Fezzlerclearscreen: how do i use it to install my specific driver03:32
tgr_/dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,utf8,user=ahren2)03:32
stealth-how can I restart a dameon? such as cups?03:32
tgr_/dev/sdb1 on /media/Iomega HDD type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)03:32
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tgr_/dev/sdc1 on /media/Iomega HDD_ type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)03:33
digitalexploitstealth, sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart03:33
stealth-digitalexploit: thanks03:33
eqisow1rgov: linux-sound-base should be what you need, make sure channels are unmuted with alsamixer03:33
musikgoat|maintgr_: are you ejecting the USB disk?03:33
digitalexploittgr_ are you putting it into a diffrent usb port each time?03:33
rujinanyone know where i can find the apt reposititories03:33
tgr_no same port03:33
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tgr_no ejecting03:34
stealth-digitalexploit: um.... command not found :(03:34
tgr_i just unplug it03:34
lacrymologyoh well03:34
musikgoat|mainrujin: where on your computer?  /etc/apt/sources.list03:34
digitalexploittgr_ you need to eject it before removal03:34
TheFunkbombHey, has 9.04 been released yet?03:34
musikgoat|maintgr_: digitalexploit explains ^^03:34
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:34
tgr_how do i do that, and how do i modify my /etc/fstab to place it in a specific media folder every time it comes on03:34
TheFunkbombAh april 23rd.  I knew it was April03:34
digitalexploitstealth, sudo service cups restart03:35
stealth-!hi | duckthis03:35
ubottuduckthis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:35
nonewmsgsdigitalexploit, intel03:35
stealth-digitalexploit: service?03:35
musikgoat|maintgr_: right click on the usb disk on your desktop, and select eject03:35
digitalexploittgr_ you need to do a umount on the directory or device that it mounts03:35
musikgoat|maintgr_: or in any nautilus, on the left, click eject icon03:35
digitalexploitstealth yes to restart, start or stop the service.03:35
duckthisI'm under Ubuntu 9.04 Beta and I have some problems. Do I have to move on another channel to get support?03:35
nonewmsgsdigitalexploit, i installed xubuntu and it works alright though03:35
rujinim just trying to install flashplugin-nonfree but it says couldn't be found i was told i mightve changed it in the apt repositories03:35
rgoveqisow1: i have linux-sound-base now, rebooted, made sure the master was on full volume, etc. no audio. same error from VLC. also added myself to pulse-rt group.03:36
MHz128Anyone know how to capture RTMP streaming video ???? help! :)03:36
tgr_how do i modify fstab to correlate to the usb port so every time i turn my computer on it automounts to specific folder like /media/exthd03:36
duckthisI'm under Ubuntu 9.04 Beta and I have some problems. Do I have to move on another channel to get support?03:36
musikgoat|main!file flashplugin-nonfree03:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:36
stealth-digitalexploit: ah, found it. its called cupsys, not cups03:36
ericindc_Running into a problem that I believe can be fixed per a comment in the documentation: "Event based conditions on Linux systems require the cn (connector) kernel module loaded or compiled in to the kernel".03:36
tgr_and how do i find which usb port it is03:36
stealth-digitalexploit: thanks, though03:36
TheFunkbombah new headers.  brb03:36
tgr_thanks for help so far btw03:36
ericindc_How difficult is the former (not trying to recompile a kernel)?03:36
strykerI need your help guys. I have a Nvidia card and I have to set my screen resolution on the  NVIDIA X server settings everytime I reboot ubuntu. Maybe I need to  have nvidia x server load and the startup?03:36
digitalexploitnonewmsgs, you may have to re-install ubuntu sounds lie something was a miss03:36
dsdeiz!info flashplugin-nonfree03:36
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)03:36
jdutgr_  you add the device, then the mountpoint, then the filesystem, then options including noauto, then 0 003:37
musikgoat|mainthans dsdeiz03:37
eqisow1rgov: make sure you are in audio group as well. are you using a pcm out? optical, hdmi, etc?03:37
digitalexploitstealth, sorry im on beta and it was cups :p03:37
Fezzlerthe driver that jockey-gtk says my nvidia card should use does not work with my card03:37
duckthisCan I have some help from someone?03:37
rujinthx guys03:37
stealth-digitalexploit: ah, ill keep that in mind for the upgrade :)03:37
Mr_OrangeIf anyone can help with WPA2 PLEASE PM me!03:37
musikgoat|mainrujin:  you can add multiverse to your apt sources... easiest way is system -> admin -> software sources03:37
FezzlerI know and have the driver but can't seem to load it anymore03:37
jdutgr_:   man fstab03:37
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nonewmsgsdigitalexploit, thanks mate!03:37
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tgr_jdu but my question is how do i know which port it is?03:38
rujink ill try it out03:38
tgr_each time it loads it gives different dev file03:38
Fezzlerwill not let it build kernel03:38
duckthisEverybody: Who can help me with my internet? It's very slow.03:38
rgoveqisow1: ok, added myself to 'audio' too. its a regular 1/8th inch headphone jack.03:38
upsuperhello everyone~03:38
tgr_sdb1 sdc1 sdd103:38
musikgoat|maintgr_: if you eject, then you wont have that problem03:38
musikgoat|maintgr_: it will always attempt the first available (udev is the tool that does this)03:39
huntxuupsuper: hi03:39
tgr_ok so how do i flush and start from scratch to find default device point without restart?03:39
santiagoDudes, i wanna download skype in my ubuntu 8.10 64 bits and i get an error message, something about i386 architecture03:39
musikgoat|maintgr_: hmm, not sure03:39
jdutgr_:  It should always choose the same device under normal circumstances03:39
tgr_yes but it isn't :)03:39
musikgoat|maintgr_: you could look into restarting udev03:39
tgr_is that sudo udev restart?03:40
jdutgr_ :  sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart03:40
jdunot really necessary though03:40
RopechoborraTo update from hardy to intrepid do i have to edit sources.list and replace "hardy" with "intrepid" and then do sudo apt-get upgrade ?03:40
santiagohow can i install skype in a 64 bits ubuntu?03:41
tgr_maybe medibuntu03:41
musikgoat|main!dist-upgrade | Ropechoborra03:41
ubottuRopechoborra: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading03:41
jduRopechoborra, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:41
RopechoborraThanks :)03:41
eqisow1santiago: skype is a propriatary program and so may not have 64bit support yet03:41
tgr_i think i have to restart to see03:41
santiagooh that sux03:41
tgr_so EVERY time i unplug my ext hd i have to umount it or eject it?03:42
tgr_make a deb file from it03:42
tgr_for skype maybe03:42
rujinguys i know i sound like an idiot but once im in software sources how do i get the multiverse?03:42
santiagohow can i do that, i{m a total noob03:42
Fezzlerwhen I stop X server to do some work in shell, do I lose my wireless network connection?03:42
jdutgr_  YES,  otherwise you risk filesystem damage.03:42
musikgoat|mainrujin: there should be a checkbox under the first tab, ubuntu software03:42
musikgoat|main"software restricted by copyrights03:43
jduFezzler:  why must you stop the x server?03:43
jduFezzler, if you go to a virtual terminal, it is still running03:43
tgr_santiago http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229503:43
=== UdontKnow is now known as \0
santiagothanx tgr_03:43
rujinok right its checked off, so what do i do from here03:43
musikgoat|mainrujin: select close, then select reload03:44
tgr_ok i will do reboot to see03:44
tgr_but last question is if i forget or it gets unplugged how do i remount it to default directory?03:44
Fezzlerjdu: trying to load an older nvidia driver03:44
boscois there a program that has a gui for creating bootable iso images03:44
digitalexploittgr_ you might have to remove all the directories it created03:44
duckthisCan someone help me?03:45
musikgoat|maintgr_: don't think of /dev   mount points as being default in any way03:45
jrib!ask | duckthis03:45
ubottuduckthis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:45
Stepan1How can I make all desktop icons equal size? (not stretching each one, automatically)03:45
=== \0 is now known as UdontKnow
tgr_i need something so that when i am downloading torrents to my ext hdd it doesn't give incorrect filepaths03:45
tgr_i am getting errors because of this03:45
duckthisMy internet is slow under Ubuntu 9.04 beta. Help?03:45
jribtgr_: huh?03:45
jrib!jaunty | duckthis03:46
ubottuduckthis: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:46
jduFezzler,  as networking relies on NetworkManager, you might.  You can use ifconfig to get online without NetworkManager but you will have no dns support.03:46
musikgoat|maintgr_: what you could do is figure out the UUID of your ext hard drive, then mount that... then you don't have to worry what /dev  is selected03:46
Fezzlerjdu: every time I upgrade, Ubuntu loads a newer nvidia driver that does not work with my graphics card / CPU03:46
tgr_i need to organize the mounting so that if i unplug it or it gets turned off my torrent program will continue running normally03:46
digitalexploitbosco, I dont think there is most of the time you need to use dd after you created the distro, but follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2798303:46
tgr_and how do i do that?03:46
musikgoat|maintgr_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42928503:46
Fezzlerjdu: is it possible the old driver does not work with Intrepid kernel?03:46
masque7how can i get ALSA to be able to play 2 audio at same time?03:46
rujinok so once reloaded should i try to do sudo install free falsh thing?03:46
tgr_and how would i turn off automount for it?03:47
jduFezzler, I expect it would though03:47
boscodigitalexploit, know i had to change some files in a windows iso and now i want to make it an iso again??? how do i go about doing that03:47
tgr_because it does it automatically now03:47
jribrujin: something like that03:47
musikgoat|maintgr_: if you create a mount entry in fstab, that will take priority03:47
digitalexploitbosco, are you in windows? or linux03:47
digitalexploittgr_ /etc/fstab03:47
boscodigitalexploit, ubuntu03:47
Fezzlerjdu: well, I used to repair it by dropping to shell, running the driver and have it build the kernel - now it fails03:47
tgr_thanks a lot guys03:48
tgr_this is great03:48
thrillERboyhi guys how to extract rar files inside ubuntu?03:48
jrib!rar | thrillERboy03:48
steve_bakeri have ubuntu server 8.04 installed and would like to put the monitor to sleep when inactive03:48
ubottuthrillERboy: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:48
jduFezzler, I would have to look into it more to know, but you may be right.  You built custom kernels?03:48
digitalexploitbosco, isomaster may help you03:48
steve_bakersetterm doesn't seem to dow anything03:49
rgoveqisow1: it's just a typical dell box, shouldn't be any abnormal hardware in there. not sure where the problem is03:49
digitalexploitbosco, http://ubuntufriends.wordpress.com/2007/03/31/edit-and-create-your-bootable-iso-image-the-easy-way/03:49
Fezzlerjdu: the installer does it03:49
musikgoat|maintgr_: so there doesn't seem to be clear instructions on setting up by uuid on ubuntu forums (that i can google)  but this is a clear instruction set  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-finding-using-uuids-to-update-fstab/03:49
thrillERboythanks tgr_03:49
tgr_my fstab does not show the uuid of my external hd03:50
steve_bakeranyone know how to get ubuntu server to put monitor into sleep mode?03:50
jdutgr_ add the device instead03:50
musikgoat|maintgr_: the instructions in the link i just gave shows you how to determine your uuid (blkid command)03:51
jdusteve_baker, run it headless03:51
digitalexploittgr_ in a terminal once you plug it in and its mounted you can always do this "df -m" should show the device and the mounting point03:51
steve_bakerits a laptop03:51
blackmambacan someone help me...I can not for the life of me figure out how to burn cd-r music cds03:51
ryan_Konversation automatically logs chats?03:51
steve_bakerjdu: if that is my only option i guess i could tear the laptop apart and unplug the monitor03:52
musikgoat|maindigitalexploit: he wants to mount by uuid so that he can pull his ext HD out without ejecting and corrupt the filesystem :-P03:52
steve_bakerjust seems like there should be some way03:52
jdusteve_baker, then headless might not be the best option.  That cannot be the only option.  Close the lid?03:52
digitalexploitmusikgaot|main ic03:52
steve_bakerits an old alienware that will overheat with the lid closed03:52
steve_bakerpiece of crap03:52
musikgoat|mainj/k tgr_ :-)03:52
jduFezzler, unfortunately, I don't know.03:53
digitalexploitmusikgoat|main does ubuntu still use hotplug?03:53
tgr_so how do i turn off the automount feature then for the hard drive03:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jewbuntu03:53
musikgoat|maindunno, i thought udev controlled that stuff03:53
tgr_so that i can mount the user uuid first03:53
tgr_not first i mean instead03:53
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:53
blackmambaEverytime I try to burn a cd it puts the folder on the cd instead of the songs...03:54
riegersnis there a way to hide non-mounted devices in the places list for nautilus?03:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aircrack03:54
musikgoat|maintgr_: if you create an entry in /etc/fstab   when you plug in the drive that matches that UUID, it will be mounted with that instruction rather than automounting03:54
boscodigitalexploit, thanks that worked geting done right now03:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about backtrack03:54
tgr_ok great03:54
riegersnis there a way to hide non-mounted devices in the places list for nautilus? i have like 20 'smartmedia drive', 'compactflash drive'... and so one03:54
digitalexploitbosco, welcome03:54
=== vladhack is now known as pumasilver
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.03:54
musikgoat|main!msgthebot > masque703:54
ubottumasque7, please see my private message03:54
tgr_but for reference is there a way i can find the automounting scripts that are generated in the computer?03:54
meoblast001hi... i just download gnash and youtube videos won't play.... could someone help me?03:55
musikgoat|maintgr_: i'm not familiar, someone else may know that03:55
PCTeacher012im going back to windows :( Ubuntu cant use my programs and the programs it has arnt equivalent :( Im sad03:55
euzaodo Ubuntu write on NTFS?03:55
jribmeoblast001: you are purposefully not using adobe flash?03:55
blackmambaCan someone please help me03:55
PCTeacher012euzao: No03:55
meoblast001jrib: yes03:55
tgr_it says D27431CF7431B6D703:55
PCTeacher012euzao: ext3 and linux swap03:55
jribmeoblast001: good luck then03:55
euzaowhy not???03:55
musikgoat|maineuzao: yes it does03:55
digitalexploittgr_ its in /etc but forgot I know there is a custom script somewhere on the forums though I used ti before for usb thumbdrives03:55
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: your wrong03:55
PCTeacher012musikgoat|main: Mine had to be on ext 3 and linux-swap03:56
PCTeacher012music: So i supposed it must03:56
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/03:56
digitalexploiteuzao, yes it can but you need the NTFS tools installed03:56
xsgYes how do i unrar files or is there a program to unrar files like winrar etc ??03:56
masque7euzao: NTFS-3g03:56
nizmowit can't be installed to NTFS03:56
nizmowbut it CAN write to existing NTFS partitions03:56
digitalexploiteuzao, warning thoguh it can screw up your NTFS partition03:56
jrib!unrar | xsg03:56
ubottuxsg: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:56
euzaoI don't want to install it on NTFS03:56
tgr_looking at this website thanks for info03:56
tgr_on uuid03:56
musikgoat|maintgr_: cool03:56
SpenceKidhey, does anybody know the line of code to get into advanced Compiz fusion stuff?03:56
jrib!ccsm | SpenceKid03:57
ubottuSpenceKid: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:57
tgr_UUID=41c22818-fbad-4da6-8196-c816df0b7aa8  /disk2p2      ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:57
tgr_so this would work for an external hdd?03:57
jribtgr_: you are missing a field03:57
PCTeacher012if i resize the partition of Ubuntu, will it cause damage to ubuntu therefore not allowing me to access my files? I dont want to upload files to site, do not currently have flash drive, and no ext hard drive03:57
edogzillahi everyone. I'm having trouble running envyng in 8.10. it's installed ok and everything but when i select it in applications--system tools--envyng nothing happens...help plz?03:57
musikgoat|maintgr_: as long as /disk2p2  is an exsisting location03:57
space_cadetany way to make a screensaver the background of a GDM theme, like you can with xwinwrap.. is this possible?03:57
euzaodo Ubuntu change partition size?03:58
blackmambaCan someone please help me figure out how to burn cds in ubuntu03:58
masque7SpenceKid: what options were you looking for?03:58
digitalexploitblackmamba, wat version of ubuntu?03:58
tgr_this isn't correct? UUID={YOUR-UID}    {/path/to/mount/point}               {file-system-type}    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       103:58
musikgoat|mainjrib: whats he missing?03:58
=== pumasilver is now known as pumasilveD
PCTeacher012if i resize the partition of Ubuntu, will it cause damage to ubuntu therefore not allowing me to access my files? I dont want to upload files to site, do not currently have flash drive, and no ext hard drive03:58
SpenceKidi'm not quite sure, i seen a youtube video and this guy did a bunch of crazy shit, but i dont know how to access any of the settings03:59
tonythere was a wiki page on ubuntu regarding laptop mode03:59
SpenceKidI'm a noobie to Ubuntu03:59
jribmusikgoat|main: the last field in fstab03:59
masque7SpenceKid: got compiz fusion icon?03:59
SpenceKidi just installed it, but i do not see it03:59
jribtgr_, musikgoat|main: erm, never mind.  My eyes are tired...03:59
PCTeacher012if i resize the partition of Ubuntu, will it cause damage to ubuntu therefore not allowing me to access my files? I dont want to upload files to site, do not currently have flash drive, and no ext hard drive03:59
musikgoat|mainjrib: heh, i was confused :-P04:00
edogzillahas anyone tried to install the version 96 nvidia driver in 8.10? has it caused any problems for you?04:00
digitalexploitblackmamba do you have k3b installed?04:00
* jrib swears that 1 wasn't there before04:00
Cpudan80Hey guys04:00
masque7SpenceKid: sudo apt-get install fusion-icon04:00
Cpudan80I got a weird sound problem04:00
digitalexploitblackmamba, in a terminal try "sudo apt-get install k3b"04:00
Cpudan80I plug my headphones in - and the music still comes out the laptop speaker04:00
PCTeacher012if i resize the partition of Ubuntu, will it cause damage to ubuntu therefore not allowing me to access my files? I dont want to upload files to site, do not currently have flash drive, and no ext hard drive04:00
FloodBot1PCTeacher012: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:00
Cpudan80It's a dell Studio XPS04:00
SpenceKidi did that and this was the feed back: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:01
tgr_thanks a lot so far04:01
tgr_one last question04:01
PCTeacher012Cpudan80: Okay, that is not something i know, sorry, I thought sound went out every so often, never had that problem. Is it plugged in correct port (Correct hole)04:01
masque7SpenceKid: sudo apt-get compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common04:01
digitalexploitPCTeacher012, first off backup the hard drive with norton ghost clone drive whatever, there is always a chance it can make a mess04:01
blackmambai have k3b04:01
Cpudan80PCTeacher012: yes04:02
digitalexploitblackmamba, http://www.dragonblogger.com/2008/10/creating-music-cds-mp3-files-ubuntu-hardy-heron/04:02
PCTeacher012digitalexploit: Dont have that, i have old computer (8-10) and am going to reinstall windows, ubuntu doesnt meet my need :( so if i partition it to install windows, and it happens to damage it, can i not get in it?04:02
thrillERboyhi I've 7zip installed, how to open it, I can't see it anywhere in menus..... Also, how to extract multiple part rar files04:03
PCTeacher012cpudan80:Okay, then i dont know anything else, sorry, maybe someone else can help04:03
digitalexploitPCTeacher012, you can remove the partitons and install windows, did you want to dual boot?04:03
musikgoat|mainthrillERboy: it should work with file-roller  but i think the command is called p7zip04:03
masque7thrillERboy: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full04:03
SpenceKidE: Invalid operation, for all of them04:03
masque7then file-roller will use that04:04
tgr_so i just add this line to /etc/fstab?04:04
tgr_UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:04
masque7SpenceKid: do you actually have compiz installed?04:04
PCTeacher012only for a short amount of time because i just want to get my files off ubuntu, then remove it and make windows fill it @ digitalexploit brb04:04
jribtgr_: you realize that if you set a label for your drive, it will get mounted to /media/LABEL automatically?04:04
musikgoat|maintgr_: yes, if that happens to be the UUID,  that seems like an odd one04:04
blackmamba<digitalexploit> it tells me to convert to wave04:04
SpenceKidi'm pretty sure, i used sympatic program manager and installed everythign for it04:04
SpenceKidbut i don't see anything04:04
tgr_so jrib what wouldbe the problem?04:05
musikgoat|mainjrib: i led him down the path of uuid, didn't think about that04:05
jribtgr_: hmm?  I didn't say anything about a problem :/04:05
tgr_ahh i see04:05
digitalexploitPCTeacher012, it should work but no guarantees. do you have another hard drive?04:05
tgr_so the files would have a problem?04:05
TunnlRatDoes anyone know of a video capture program that works in linux that will allow me to record while i am playing games such as World of Warcraft?04:05
jribtgr_: there's no problem that I see...04:05
musikgoat|maintgr_: no, what you outputted is fine, test it out04:06
tgr_is there a problem with /media/iomega being the mountpoint or should it be /home/iomega?04:06
PCTeacher012digitalexploit: sadly no, cant get money (too young) and cant find my flash drive, so i guess ill take the chance. To partition Ubuntu, must i boot in live CD, or will windows auto do that when installing??04:06
masque7TunnlRat: kind of like fraps?04:06
jribtgr_: your choice04:06
musikgoat|maintgr_: whatever you want,  just make sure you sudo mkdir /media/iomega04:06
tgr_but now everytime i want to mount or umount the device what do i have to do? mount UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7?04:06
thrillERboy/usr/bin/p7zip: compressed data not written to a terminal. :/04:06
TunnlRatmasque7, yeah exactly like Fraps, I own fraps but i no longer use windows04:07
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: windows will delete ubuntu, thats as smart as it is04:07
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: a Live cd will be your best bet04:07
tgr_it is already mounted in media under many different files04:08
OvernightPRQuick question, if I may; anyone else here had problems getting unetbootin flashdrives to install to EEE PC 900 series?04:08
PCTeacher012musicgoat|main: Will it let me choose partition? My computer is very old, too old to fully trust, so i want your opionion (it is 8-10 years old)04:08
musikgoat|maintgr_: it still automounts,  it just always does to the same mount point04:08
musikgoat|main!tabcomplete | PCTeacher01204:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tabcomplete04:08
ubotououPCTeacher012: so you want to install windows while keeping ubuntu?04:08
lonejackhi, problem: upgraded 8.04 to 8.10 but the system has loose the icon to switch off the system on the bar. How can I re-put it?04:08
tgr_so next question i have is what happens if it gets unplugged or turned off without umounting it? what do i have to do04:08
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: If the liveCD works, then you can run the live environment04:08
syntax\musikgoat|main: my installation stopped.04:09
PCTeacher012is ubotouou a bot? If not, yes04:09
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: and use Partition editor04:09
PCTeacher012musikgoat|main: Yes, i have GParted as of now :)04:09
=== Sancas_ is now known as sancas
jribtgr_: you shouldn't unplug it without mounting04:09
jriberm, unmounting04:09
RopechoborraI removed mysql with apt-get remove mysql but /etc/mysql still exists. How can i delete it all from the system?04:09
ubotououPCTeacher012: windows will definitely overwrite your ubuntu mbr04:09
tgr_so if it happens on accident will there be a problem when i plug it back in?04:09
jribtgr_: possibly04:10
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: but you don't want to make changes while you are running the OS04:10
n8tuserfRopechoborra -> you can use rm to delete it04:10
tgr_ok cool thanks for everything guys!04:10
dsdeizis it possible to take a space from my second partition on transfer it to my primary partition? :S04:10
ubotououPCTeacher012: so you'll need to do a bootloader rescue from a linux cd04:10
xsgok i need an unrar program that supports 3.0 not the free unrar-free thta only supports up to 2.004:10
jribRopechoborra: use "purge"04:10
jribxsg: read the link ubottu gave you04:10
PCTeacher012ubotouou: Well, i dont want to boot into linux, i only want to copy files after i install windows, then delete it04:10
jtajixsg: try unrar-nonfree04:10
Ropechoborrajrib, purge? apt-get purge?04:10
jribRopechoborra: yes04:11
xsgyeh it gave me thow do i get unrar non free04:11
dsdeizanyone? :S04:11
jribxsg: it tells you to use "unrar", not "unrar-free"04:11
PCTeacher012musikgoat: Already tried lol, wont letme :p04:11
jrib!helpme | dsdeiz04:11
ubottudsdeiz: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience04:11
xsghow th ehell i get unrar04:11
Ropechoborrajrib, Nothing happends04:11
kandinskiI am loading the rt2500usb driver manually via modprobe, but the connection is not showing on ifconfig or iwconfig, what am I doing wrong?04:11
jribxsg: well... how did you get unrar-free?04:11
musikgoat|mainPCTeacher012: right, cause thats bad :-P04:11
xsgdo i have to pay for unrar04:11
musikgoat|mainxsg: no04:11
xsgo ok then ill get it04:12
hanasakiwhat needs to be done to tie authentication into LDAP?04:12
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing04:12
ubotououPCTeacher012: ok go ahead and install windows and there are ext2/3/4 drivers for windows which can enable you to copy stuff from your linux box, unless you format you linux partitions by mistake04:12
n8tuserfhanasaki -> authentication of ubuntu?04:12
xsgwill it unrar .rar files from torrents ??????04:12
hanasakin8tuserf:  for user login04:12
musikgoat|mainubotouou: she needs to resize ubuntu to make room for xp04:12
musikgoat|main*he or she04:12
PCTeacher012musikgoat & ubotouou: Lol, yep :p i decided this, i downloaded a uncopyrighted DVD, ill just again, my most important files i sent to a friend, this is too much of a hassle LoL04:12
hanasakiis there a program / tool that will let me setup like a VPS and admin it?04:12
jribxsg: a rar file is a rar file.  Doesn't really matter if you obtained it using a torrent04:13
xsgtrue lol04:13
n8tuserfhanasaki -> look into pam modules, those are the mainline configs for user login.. i dont know all the fine details though04:13
xsgthey should have a ubuntu meatup04:13
hanasakithanks n8tuserf04:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomebaker04:13
ubotououPCTeacher012: you can't resize it safely04:13
xsgubottu: i love oyu04:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i love oyu04:14
PCTeacher012ubotouou: okay, then i just sent my most important files to friend, he'll send back and ill just redownload that uncopyrighted DVD, thanks for help guyz04:14
xsgi wanna lick your penis04:14
ubotououPCTeacher012: do you have ubuntu installed on various paritions or only one?04:14
tgr_it says this cannot mount volume you are not priveledged to mount the volume Iomega HDD04:14
gentubuntuCan someone help me?04:15
PCTeacher012ubotouou: Linux-Swap and ext3, idk why it made Linux-Swap04:15
maxagazhow to give sudo rights to a user (using a command line) ?04:15
mabesoff topic.. but does anyone know of a good CLI tool for converting video?04:15
tgr_how do i find the autoscript that automounts the hard drive?04:15
PCTeacher012maxagaz: visudo04:15
PCTeacher012follow onscreen prompts and examples04:16
lstarnesmaxagaz: or sudo gpasswd -a username admin04:16
musikgoat|maintgr_: there is either a user or users option to allow users to mount it... checking04:16
gentubuntuFor one my computer is starting up with Kubuntu loadscreen (I never installed kubuntu and my life) and it is also deleted my theme my panels whent back to grey04:16
ubotououPCTeacher012: linux swap basically is like a paging memory that helps your rams, in other words like in windows you get that in your virtual memory from system properties then advanced04:16
kriel... ubotouou isn't talking to me via PM. =/ did that stop?04:16
nomasteryodacool tip lstarnes04:16
gentubuntuAnd there is more can I get some help real real quick04:16
musikgoat|mainkriel: ubotouou is not a bot04:16
kriel... oh, wait. ubotouou is a person. Sorry! -tries ubottu- >.<04:16
PCTeacher012ubotouou: Okay lol, thanks, ill keep that in mind if i install again, all i need is something better than Wine to keep me, because half my programs from windows dont run correctly04:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:17
ubotououPCTeacher012: you don't need windows softwares or wine at all. there are subistitues that work better under linux than windows. So what type of apps do you usually wannt use?04:17
musikgoat|maintgr_: users  is the option,  add it at the end before the numbers ( comma after ro   and no space)04:18
OvernightPRAnd another question, actually. Anyone know about a way to average read/write to solid state media in Ubuntu so as to preserve drive life?04:18
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: what do you mean by average?04:18
gentubuntuOK, this is for anyone, I am having problem adding of deleting or going using add/remove I get this message04:19
gentubuntu(/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:19
PCTeacher012ubotouou: Programs there is no replace for, photoshop, but gimp doesnt equal, not close, Audition (adobe) but Ardour isnt close, Pivot Hotkeys, nothing close, iTunes, nothing close, sorry :( lol04:19
krielOkay, I'm having trouble burning DVD+R DL's. My first issue was that my burner didn't support that format. I've since solved that, but now with the new burner, brasero is saying that it doesn't have the plugins to support it. cdrecord pukes on me. Any help?04:19
aspooryea I have restricted .deb's04:19
gentubuntuCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:19
gentubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:19
ubotououPCTeacher012: it's hard to find something excately like itunes, but gimp is pretty great for me instead of photoshop04:20
gentubuntuThis is the problem I am having anyone help me04:20
OvernightPR@ muskigoat Well, solid state media dies after about 10k read/write cycles. I thought that I had read about an app that essentially moved the swap (and possibly directories?) around during use to prevent repeated writes to the same sector.04:20
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: (i believe) every ssd manufacturer uses a layer between the physical media and the OS access,  which randomizes the actual location on the disk that the data is written to, thus preserving life on the flash chip cells04:20
PCTeacher012ubotouou: I need exact photoshop, Gimp just confuses me04:20
Dizzlecan anyone help me to get my themes working correctly?04:20
decoi just installed ctwm how do i switch to it?04:20
tgr_so UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1 should be UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults   errors=remount-ro 0       104:20
gentubuntui got photoshop04:20
gentubuntucan someone help04:20
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: ahh, well, i recommend never using swap on ssd anyways04:20
ubotououPCTeacher012: you just need to learn it, and how will you run all of these gui heavy apps under your old pc?04:20
decoi just installed ctwm how do i switch to it?04:21
OvernightPR@ muskigoat Got an Asus EEE PC, so not a whole lot of choice. :D04:21
musikgoat|maintgr_: UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults   errors=remount-ro,users 0       104:21
ubotououPCTeacher012: how much ram you have in there?04:21
gentubuntuI get this message when add/remove plus in the terminal Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:21
gentubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:21
tgr_seems like defaults is the option that is modified04:21
PCTeacher012ubotouou: Dont ask me, but it worked (amazingly) I have 512 MB Ram04:21
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: so do i, and i installed ubuntu without swap04:21
OvernightPR@ PCTeacher012 There is GimpShop, which is pretty similar to Photoshop.04:21
gentubuntuplus my loadscreen turned to kubuntu? and my theme is messed up.  Inever used kubuntu before in my life did I get hacked!!04:21
musikgoat|maintgr_: sorry,  defaults and the rest should not be separated04:21
ubotououPCTeacher012: 512 is not that bad i though 12804:21
musikgoat|maintgr_: UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:22
PCTeacher012OvernightPR: I Tried, but it is just as confusing as Gimp, Photoshop was just good04:22
musikgoat|maintgr_: with the ",users"  lol04:22
PCTeacher012it says 256 on outside, but when i go to system properties in windows, it says 512 lol, @ubotouou04:22
tgr_there was a comma04:22
tgr_that threw it off04:22
decohow does one switch window managers?04:22
OvernightPR@ Muskigoat: How would I change that after install?  Just remove "swap" with GParted?04:22
tgr_it was tgr_: defaults,errors=remount-ro,users 0       104:23
OvernightPR@PCTeacher012 What do you use PS for?04:23
musikgoat|maintgr_: yes  :-)04:23
tgr_or maybe not04:23
gentubuntuis my computer so messed up  nobody can see me type??04:23
gentubuntuIRC BROKEN??04:23
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: the other option was to set the fstab option, noatime  i think... let me check agian04:23
OvernightPR@ gentubuntu patience is a virtue.04:23
tgr_now it doesn't mount04:23
PCTeacher012OvernightPR: I take photos alot, of my sis's horse, me, so on, and edit almost every photo04:23
gentubuntui don't have patience my computer is a pile of crap and i got a project to hand in tommorow and i been fighting with it all day04:24
OvernightPR@PCTeacher012 Ever tried Paint.net? ...will that even *run* in Linux?04:24
gentubuntui hope you understand04:24
TheShahFactorWTF? Just 2 mintues back I was listening to some music and suddenly now there is no sound?04:24
=== gates is now known as ubotuouo
musikgoat|maintgr_: look at dmesg04:24
gentubuntuthere is a website that is good as photoshop04:24
gentubuntui forgot the name04:24
TheShahFactorubuntu sucks04:24
tgr_sorry i will try again04:24
PCTeacher012OvernightPR: I had Paint.NET in windows, it isnt as good as photoshop, and i dont think so04:25
gedinfoHello, Anyone know how to obtain the su password?  I do not remember assigning a different password other than the one I use for logging in and for the update manager for Ubuntu 8.10.04:25
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: Set the 'noatime' or 'relatime' mount options in the /etc/fstab file. Look for the 'defaults' section and add 'defaults,noatime'.04:25
gentubuntuubuntu is starting to suck my ubuntu turned itself into kubuntu how the heck does that happen04:25
digitalexploitTheShahFactor, ok thats fine you need to use something free, go spend $1000 on a os that bluescreens04:25
PCTeacher012I H8 Linux Launchpad!!! I *was* on bug team and it is STILL sending me Bug Reports!!! D:04:25
Cpudan80Hello all04:25
OvernightPR@gentubuntu Sure. but the guys who help out here do so because they enjoy helping people. Grating on their nerves will earn you no favors.04:25
tgr_[mntent]: line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad mount: can't find /media/iomega in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:25
Cpudan80I asked this a while ago but nobody had any ideas ... So I have a Dell Studio XPS laptop, I plug my headphones into the headphone jack and sound continues to play from the main laptop speakers04:26
gentubuntuallright my bad04:26
OvernightPR@gentubuntu Thou't draw more flies with honey than with vinegar and all that.04:26
Cpudan80Is there any solution for this?04:26
kereshow do you schedule disk integrity checks?04:26
tgr_UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults   errors=remount-ro,users 0       104:26
tgr_is what i have04:26
Rave1gentubuntu,  I would think that you are trying to run two package managers04:26
gentubuntui guess i will just take a bat and beat the heck out of my computer office space style04:26
dsdeiz!info cron04:26
ubottucron (source: cron): management of regular background processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.0pl1-104+ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 316 kB04:26
gedinfoI get an error stating 'dpkg --cofigure -a' needs to be run manually.04:26
kerestgr_: lol, dontcha just love mounting.04:26
musikgoat|maintgr_: remember to fix it to this: UUID=D27431CF7431B6D7    /media/iomega               ntfs    defaults,errors=remount-ro,users 0       104:26
TheShahFactordigitalexploit :  wont be spending 1k USD on no OS ...What are pirated versions for..But Ubuntu does behave rather randomly at times04:27
OvernightPR@gentubuntu That will probably make you feel better--briefly. Hang on. :D04:27
gentubuntuI get this message when I do anything in terminal and plus add remove04:27
gentubuntuCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:27
gentubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:27
tgr_oh ok04:27
tgr_sorry i am a bit tired04:27
musikgoat|maintgr_: i know I got confusing in explaining (i'm getting tired :-P )04:27
decohow does one swich window manager?04:27
dsdeizsudo apt-get clean?04:27
kereshow do you schedule disk integrity checks on startup? like how every once it in a while it does it automagically04:28
Rave1gentubuntu,  that is because you are trying to run two packagemanagers04:28
YixilTesiphonanybody familiar with errors installing asio?04:28
mogul218is there a way to choose between kde and gnome at login?04:28
gedinfoHello, Anyone know how to obtain the su password?  I do not remember assigning a different password other than the one I use for logging in and for the update manager for Ubuntu 8.10.04:28
ubotuouokeres: you're thinking like windows style hmmm04:28
decoi think there should be more than one channel for ubuntu04:28
decothe number of people is amazing lol04:28
Rave1gedinfo,  same password04:28
ikus060deco : There is many channel for ubuntu04:29
gentubuntuHow do I know what the two packagmanger are and how do i delete04:29
gedinfoI get an error stating 'dpkg --cofigure -a' needs to be run manually.04:29
ubotuouoketes: you don't need a check everytime you start up04:29
gentubuntuI don't really know what a package manager is04:29
keresubotuouo: no, i run linux mainly. I'm wondering how to do these, as i have always skipped them when they come up. "Routine disk checks" i guess.04:29
gedinfosu does not accept that password for some reason.04:29
tgr_it says unprivileged user can not mount ntfs block devices using the external fuse library.  either mount the volume as root, or rebuild ntfs-3g with integrated fue support and make it setuid root. please see more information at http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#unprivileged04:29
gentubuntuI did that gedinfo do you want me to give you pastebin04:29
Flannelgentubuntu: Use sudo instead of su.04:29
ubotuouogedinfo: single user04:29
Flanneler, gedinfo.04:29
PCTeacher012how do i unsubscribe from the stupid lanuchpad email list, i get 1000+ emails a day?04:30
Flannelgedinfo: Ubuntu doesn't use the root account (it's locked), so su won't work.  Use sudo instead.04:30
Rave1gentubuntu,  gui way system>admin> system monitor     >proccesses04:30
dsdeizis it possible to unlock the root account? :S04:31
kereshow do you _purposely_ start the "Routine disk check"s to check your hard drive for bad sectors and such?04:31
gedinfoThank you very much for explaining this. I guess I still was thinking about my old RedHat 6.2 days!04:31
Joker_-_anyone knows if the TV-tuner card "Vista View Saber" is supported in ubuntu / linux?04:31
Flanneldsdeiz: It is.  But there's no real reason to do so.04:31
gentubuntudpkg: status database area is locked by another process\04:31
Joker_-_it's damn cheap and has two tuners (one analog, one atsc/qam)04:31
jsh_2.6.27 kernels (Jaunty) won't run on my laptop.  2.6.24 kernels work.  Is this a place I can ask for help to get Jaunty up?04:31
Flanneljsh_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support04:31
tgr_so close04:32
musikgoat|maintgr_: darn, there is one other thing... you have to add your user to have that privilege,  go to system -> admin -> users and groups04:32
jsh_Flannel: thanks04:32
gentubuntuRavel what do I do know that I am in system monitor proccess04:33
musikgoat|maintgr_: then click unlock, input password, click on your user, then properties, then user privs, then "Mount userspace File systems"04:33
OvernightPR@PCteacher012 Modify settings or unsubscribe at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad-users04:33
musikgoat|maintgr_: all this because you don't want to just simply press the eject button to get it to remount to the same point every time :-P04:34
OvernightPR@ PCTeacher012 You already try that?04:34
Rave1gentubuntu,  look for a packagemanager proccess and end it..04:34
tgr_i don't have mount userspace file system04:34
PCTeacher012overnightPR: Thank you so much, im not sure04:34
musikgoat|maintgr_: do you have ntfs-3g installed?04:34
tgr_lets see04:34
ruben23hit got installed ubuntu intrepid....got nvidia video card...on login its ok..but after login screen blacks then not supported04:34
tgr_i have to find that in synaptic right04:34
syntax\ne one here from phils?04:34
gentubuntunot only is my theme and my loading screen kubuntu but my mouse hand is changed04:34
musikgoat|maintgr_: yes, you can check that04:35
OvernightPR@PCTeacher012 They've got a bug in to make it that replying to the email with "Unsubscribe" in the Subject line should unsubscribe you, but I don't know if it's been addressed or not yet.04:35
musikgoat|mainsyntax\: i would suggest describing your problem all on one line04:35
ubotuouogentubuntu: i've been wondering by the way about how good kubuntu runs?04:35
tgr_i have it04:36
PCTeacher012gonna saygoodbye, i got files uploaded onto a site, so ill cya l8r maybe04:36
PCTeacher012OvernightPR: Ill try that04:36
musikgoat|maintgr_: wierd, then you should have that choice04:36
tgr_i have 8.0404:36
jsh_Flannel: Sorry, I meant Intrepid.04:36
gentubuntuKubuntu look nice and has good programs but I think ubuntu is better so I add theme to ubuntu and just download kubuntu programs04:36
OvernightPRHeh. didn't honestly expect to be answering anyone *else's* questions tonight. :P04:37
tgr_do i need libntfs-gnomevfs?04:37
musikgoat|maintgr_: change the /etc/fstab to ntfs-3g04:37
tgr_or ntfs-config?04:38
gentubuntuCan I just reinstall my UBUNTU right over  top of my existing install when I first got it and did not know what I was doing I went into synaptics and downloaded 1,000 things I don't even know what they are04:38
tgr_under which part?04:38
tgr_oh i see04:38
ron2010anybody help me walk through installing virtualbox to install windows xp?04:38
DasEigentubuntu: you can..04:38
MHz128Is there a setting for the "hover" time required to draw a sub-menu from the gnome-panel Menu addon?04:38
tgr_same error04:38
gentubuntuFlannel i can find packagemanger just system manager04:39
tgr_this is what i see here04:39
gentubuntuVirtualbox you can download from SUN right go to download.com and type virtual box i used on window before and i am stupid04:39
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox04:40
OvernightPRHm. Anyone know off the top of their heads if Gparted comes with the Canonical Netbook Remix? I can't find it and am feeling quite the dweeb.04:40
michael_anyone have a quick fix on why I cant see heroes in firefox?04:40
tonyyarussoOvernightPR: I believe it does not.04:40
aroonihey folks!  my ubuntu hardy t61 laptop had a little fall today and now fsck fails.  so i booted into recovery mode and ran: fsck /dev/sda1 (root partition).  fsck finished once but i saw a bunch of "buffer i/o error on device sda1, logical block 1507572; error readingblock 150572 (attempting to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan.  ignore error<y> yes;"  and "force rewrite <y>? yes"04:40
arooni and finally "ata1: COMRESET failed (errno=-16);  what should i do now?04:40
ron2010thanks guys04:40
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: iirc, it is not included in intrepid04:40
gentubuntuIf i put jaunty over my ubuntu will i have to redo when it comes out or does it automatically update04:40
OvernightPR@michael Because I seem to recall that Hulu won't render in FF.04:41
TeslaYour hard drive is bad.04:41
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: but its easily apt-get'able04:41
DasEiOvernightPR: don't now about netbook, in regular gotta install it yourself04:41
TeslaYou need to replace it and reinstall.04:41
tonyyarussogentubuntu: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty quesstions.04:41
gentubuntuubuntu on netbook is a special version its called like ubuntu netbook remix04:41
ron2010also... can is there way to change the color background on windows selector switch?04:41
krielTrying to burn DVD+R DL's using updated 8.10. Brasero fails, citing it doesn't have enough plugins. CD/DVD recorder (Nautilus?) fails, not citing an error. wodim fails, citing that "Errno: 5 (Input/output error), reserve track scsi sendcmd: no error"04:41
michael_@overnight so im screwed?04:41
mrdedэй, бабища, блевани!04:41
gentubuntuim asking a general ubuntu question not so specifically jaunty04:41
OvernightPR@Muskigoat, DasEi Thanks. At least I don't feel bad for not finding it, then. :P04:41
tonyyarussoarooni: reboot and see if you continue to have pproblems or if it seems happier now.04:42
OvernightPR@michael Screwed is such a negative term. You could possibly install wine and run IE.04:42
mrdedпошли все на хуй!04:42
musikgoat|maintgr_: if its there, its in admin, called partition editor04:42
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: ^^04:42
DasEiOvernightPR: as musikgoat|main said, sudo apt-get install gparted04:42
aroonitonyyarusso, same issue;  should i try formatting /dev/sda1 ?04:42
ron2010how do i change color background for workspace switcher04:42
musikgoat|mainsorry tgr_heh04:42
michael_hehe sorry04:42
OvernightPR@Michael Or just watch it on TV.04:42
gentubuntuwhen you have a "beta" version of ubuntu does it update/upgrade byistelf once release of do you have to install it over again on the release date04:42
gnea!ru | mrded04:42
ubottumrded: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:42
YixilTesiphonmrded: this is not a russian channel04:42
michael_i miss one every now and then04:42
tonyyarussoarooni: it might work, although I'd be somewhat more inclined to suspect hardware failure in that case.04:43
tonyyarussoarooni: always worth a try :)04:43
mrdedsorry, ебвашумать04:43
musikgoat|maintgr_: i guess users option is not allowed04:43
gentubuntuOK i AM not asking Anymore question WHY I GET THIS min -> users and groups04:43
gentubuntu* tiw0L has quit (Client Quit)04:43
gentubuntu<jsh_> Flannel: thanks04:43
gentubuntu* error404notfound has quit (Success)04:43
gentubuntu* excess21 (n=eduardo@c-76-18-29-29.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu04:43
gentubuntu* jsh_ (n=jsh@97-122-224-41.hlrn.qwest.net) has left #ubuntu ("Leaving")04:43
FloodBot1gentubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
JakeTwoZerook, I have upgraded to 8.10. I still have a resolution problem.04:43
gentubuntuOOps i did not even copy all that04:43
YixilTesiphonJakeTwoZero: ATI?04:43
YixilTesiphonyour graphics card, is it ATI?04:44
gentubuntuI sware04:44
JakeTwoZerohow do I check04:44
tgr_so do i have to compile a new ntfs-3g tar?04:44
gneagentubuntu: gotta be careful of your mouse - it's sensitive :)04:44
JakeTwoZeroI know it is Nvidia04:44
YixilTesiphonoh, then it isn't04:44
YixilTesiphonI know 9.04 works way better for my ATI04:44
musikgoat|maintgr_: however,  if you sudo nano /etc/fstab    you can uncomment "allow_others"04:44
gentubuntuhow do you stop two packagemanger from running04:45
JakeTwoZeroIt is a nvidia geforce 6 series04:45
ron2010hey guys... is there way to change the background color for workspace switcher?04:45
TeslaSo, how do I burn dual-layer DVD's?04:45
gneagentubuntu: 2 can't run together, it's impossible04:45
tgr_i don't have allow_others04:45
gentubuntuWell that what everyone is saying I am getting myerror04:45
michael_is wine pretty easy to use?04:45
gentubuntugnea: it says my dpkg is locked everytime i use the terminal or add remove04:45
JakeTwoZeroI got it to 1400x1050 but it needs to be 1680x105004:46
tonyyarussomichael_: "it depends".  Some things work easily, others don't.04:46
gentubuntugnea: I can do nothing plus my load screen got changed to ubuntu somehow and my theme disapeared04:46
gneagentubuntu: right, that's why you can't run more than one. you need to find the original process and take care of it.04:46
Rave1gentubuntu,  I said the error was caused because you were trying to run two package managers04:46
OvernightPR@michael Sure you just open the cork and drink it.04:46
tgr_would this be helpful chown root $(which ntfs-3g)04:46
tgr_  chmod 4755 $(which ntfs-3g)04:46
gentubuntustill not sure what to do04:46
michael_i love the answers on here it it typical for linux users hehe04:46
mrdedЫ = lol04:46
musikgoat|maintgr_: ok, then i'm all out of ideas... i'm sorry,  mounting by label was jrib's suggestion but i think you will run into the same problems04:46
gentubuntuno i rebooted my cpu like 10 times still same problem04:47
musikgoat|maintgr_: sorry04:47
OvernightPR@michael Oh, the software? It isn't too bad. What are you running?04:47
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:47
michael_ubuntu 8.104:47
cajunso i have run Jaunty live the past couple of days from a usb drive and liked it and had few problems with it.  is is ok to upgrade? i'm really getting tired of iitrepid locking up frequently04:47
musikgoat|maincajun: ask in #ubuntu+104:47
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:47
cajunok.  thanks04:47
ron2010help with color change in workspace switcher04:47
DasEicajun : what will you use it for ?04:47
michael_i want to run the IE like you said04:48
tgr_chown root.ntfsuser $(which ntfs-3g)04:48
tgr_  chmod 4750 $(which ntfs-3g)04:48
tgr_do i have to upgrade to see the mount options in users?04:48
gneatgr_: stop04:48
KplusCan anyone tell me how to stream audio over xvnc4viewer as well as how to resize the resolution of the remote computer to fit my eee pc screen? Both computers are ubuntu.04:48
cajunjust as my basic OS right now.  Grad student doing school work basically04:48
musikgoat|maintgr_: listen to gnea04:48
cajuni have to do a lot of online research also.  so a working FF and a working Office Suite are essential.04:48
cajuni do like AWN and Compiz so I have those running also.04:49
tgr_any ideas then?04:49
gneatgr_: just:  sudo ntfs-3g <options>04:49
gentubuntuCould my problem because I installed a KDE termianl emulator04:49
DasEi!who | cajun04:49
ubottucajun: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:49
OvernightPRWoops. Not what I meant to do04:49
Spamiclesim trying to boot up a virtual pc running the latest version of ubuntu. it won't boot and i get all of these messages: [    0.104006]  [c04ad93d] start_kernel+0x303/0x37f and a lot of other messages that look similar and finally [0.104006] ---[ end trace 4eaa2a... ]--- . did i unknowingly break something?04:49
mrdedhello! how can i install backtrack 3 to my flashdrive?04:49
tuxFanso whats this channel for ? what topic?04:49
gnea!ubuntu | tuxFan04:49
ubottutuxFan: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:49
musikgoat|main!ot | mrded04:49
clearscreencajun: I have no problems what so ever with running 9.04, but I cant really say I had any problems with 8.10 either... If you have the time, it is worth at least TRYING the upgrade, you can always backup your home folder04:49
ubottumrded: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:49
michael_i hit accept04:49
gentubuntugnea:  Ravel:  I keep getting this message too this might be the problem but I cant get rid of it can you look at the pastebin :   http://paste2.org/p/17907904:49
gneagentubuntu: have you tried rebooting?04:50
mrdedBT founded on ubuntu/debian04:50
tonyyarussotuxFan: IRC channels all have a topic that is listed when you join, and accessible again by typing /topic04:50
musikgoat|main!bt | mrded04:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bt04:50
gentubuntuYes three hundred and 40 times04:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about backtrack04:50
OvernightPR@ michael http://paste.ubuntu.com/145922/04:50
DasEicajun : UI found no major probs with the beta/alpha  jaunty, though I#d recommend you to backup your data-files in a sepaate location location in case of probs04:50
cajun!tab clearscreen if i backup my home folder, can i replace a new install with that one with no problems?04:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:50
tgr_can i compile and install an updated ntfs-3g driver?04:50
OvernightPRThat should get you on your way.04:50
gneagentubuntu: okay, it tells you how to solve the problem04:50
musikgoat|mainmrded: they should have their own channel, check in #backtrack04:50
OvernightPR@ michael Sorry it took so long. My little keyboard can be slow to type on. :P04:51
gneagentubuntu: that's it? maybe the 341st try will do it...04:51
gentubuntui don't know if that is the only problem but when i type what it says it says wrong command or something04:51
clearscreencajun: I haven't had any problems restoring it, but there is a small chance that configuration files change in newer versions04:51
gentubuntugnea: what exactly should i tyhpe04:51
clearscreencajun: with emphasis on *small*04:51
michael_np thanks alot04:51
tuxFanwell jaunty its ubuntu rigth?04:51
jsh__When I try to run 2.6.27 kernels on my laptop, I get tossed into Busybox04:51
clearscreen!jaunty | tuxFan04:51
ubottutuxFan: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:51
musikgoat|maintgr_: i don't think thats your problem, but i'm out of ideas,  you could write up what you've done in a forum post, or someone here can help you if you paste the error into a pastebin with your /etc/fstab04:52
gneagentubuntu: well, it's telling you to open a web browser, go to that URL, download the documentation compressed file, copy it to /tmp, and try running the install again04:52
cajunclearscreen: well i would've gone back to intrepid anyway till the official release of jaunty.04:52
Burntresistorthis may sound dumb but when i install new stuff its not easy and fast to find or atleast i dunno yet  does unbuntu have a  programs folder  equilibration like windows04:52
jsh__(That's Intrepid Ibex.)04:52
tgr_if i compile a new stable version do i have to restart my computer to see if it works?04:52
StupendoussteveBurntresistor: Kind of. Most end up in /usr/bin04:52
clearscreenBurntresistor: synaptic / aptitude04:52
cajuni can't figure out why intrepid locks up like it does.  in the past hour it's probably locked up 3 or 4 times.04:52
gneagentubuntu: of course, you'll need to:  sudo chown root.root /tmp/jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip  before trying the install again04:52
gentubuntugnea: Can I just delete the stupid thing I am not that good at installing thing you dowload off the web unless i use apt=get04:52
StupendoussteveBurntresistor: But as clearscreen pointed out, a good package manager will show you what's installed04:52
musikgoat|mainBurntresistor: there is whats called the $PATH  which is where all binaries are checked04:53
OvernightPR@Burntresistor Heh. I'm hunting around for my install of Gparted, so I can sympathize.04:53
tonyyarussoBurntresistor: A) check the Applications menu, B) binaries in /usr/bin most of the time, C) 'dpkg -L packagename' will show you all installed files fro ma particular package.04:53
gneagentubuntu: you'll never learn how to do it right if you don't bother trying.04:53
gentubuntusudo chown I have no idea what that even mean04:53
DasEiBurntresistor: they store in /usr  and subfolders mostly, you can find them by find or locate ( do sudo updatedb before)04:53
musikgoat|maingentubuntu: man chown04:53
gentubuntuare u sure its chown04:53
tgr_or should i use something like mount -t ntfs-3g uuid /media/iomega04:53
gneagentubuntu: yes.04:53
=== gnea is now known as Gnea
TeslaHey, can someone make me a sandwich?04:54
musikgoat|mainoh, thats original Tesla04:54
clearscreenTesla: wont work with sudo either04:54
musikgoat|mainloads of people here read xkcd04:54
Spamiclesim running the latest version of ubuntu. it won't boot and i get all of these messages: [    0.104006]  [c04ad93d] start_kernel+0x303/0x37f and a lot of other messages that look similar and finally [0.104006] ---[ end trace 4eaa2a... ]--- . did i unknowingly break something?04:54
ChowderTesla, get a girlfriend to make your sandwiches04:54
Gneagentubuntu: are you familiar with the 'man' command?04:54
Fezzlerfirefox crashes on youtube video04:54
tgr_do i have to uninstall the previous version of ntfs-3g first?04:54
Fezzlershuts down04:55
syntax\does the minimal installation process really eats alot of time?04:55
TeslaI was gonna do #include <whatever> int main() {while(1){fork()}} if nobody made me a sandwich.04:55
brad_they should have made it the woman command instead of the man command... they're better at telling you what to do.04:55
TeslaChowder: I am female, and pretty straight thank you.04:55
FezzlerIntrepid & ff 3.0104:55
tgr_or can i just do configure make make install (as root)04:55
ubotuouoChowder: you guys are the ones who should make sandwitches for us04:55
gentubuntuGnea: this is the msg im getting in the terminal and add/remove04:55
gentubuntuE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:55
gentubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:55
Teslaubotuouo: Agreed.04:55
GneaTesla: most people don't ask for someone to make food in here :)04:55
DasEiTesla: nice, saw :04:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:55
syntax\initially i froze @ 6% in Select and Install Software. then it moved forward now I somehow freezed @ 90%04:55
musikgoat|mainTesla: thats not funny04:55
Gneagentubuntu: okay, can you pastebin the output of this command please:  ps axf04:56
tgr_shouldn't i just have to change rights to /media/iomega for user?04:56
TeslaMeh, that wouldn't compile anyway.04:56
TeslaI forgot the ; after fork().04:56
clearscreenmissed a semicolon04:56
ChowderTesla, sorry, thought you were a dude cause of the nick.04:56
TeslaNow, if I could load myself as a kernel module and write to a memory address specified by /dev/urandom, WITH the contents of /dev/urandom...04:57
Chowderalso, I can prepare much tastier things than a mere sandwich04:57
GneaTesla: that's nasty04:57
gemclipi need a better chat client lol04:58
Gneagemclip: what are you using now?04:58
Burntresistorwhat is the command to open a program with terminal04:58
StupendoussteveBurntresistor: You just type the command04:58
Gneagemclip: are you looking for a gui or non-gui client?04:59
=== __Purple__ is now known as _Purple_
gemclipgui plz im new to liniux i need the gui atm04:59
* Gnea wonders about some people's mental state sometimes04:59
Stupendousstevegemclip: xchat is a good gui client04:59
Gneagemclip: xchat is fine then04:59
gentubuntuGnea: Pastebin http://paste2.org/p/17908604:59
tgr_i see this now04:59
tgr_gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/ahren2/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=ahren2)04:59
musikgoat|mainalone: is that kanji?05:00
musikgoat|main!jp | alone05:00
ubottualone: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい05:00
brad_does anyone know of a good program that you can use to change passwords on multiple systems, some of them routers?  I have over 150 passwords that expire every 60 days and the powers that be don't use a centralized auth system.05:00
SpenceKidhey guys, how do i install/access compz fusion?05:00
* Tesla gets a better idea, decides to go grab some hotbits to overwrite the memory with.05:00
StupendoussteveSpamicles: compiz should be installed already, apt-get install ccsm for the manager05:01
gentubuntuspence kid go to add . remove05:01
omniterhey guys, if i downloaded a program that doesn't need installing, where would i put it?05:01
StupendoussteveSpenceKid: To you, instead of him, you want compizconfig-settings-manager05:01
SpamiclesStupendoussteve, when i turn on the system i get that message and cant enter anything into the console05:01
StupendoussteveSpenceKid: compiz is installed by default05:01
TeslaWherever you please, just make sure it doesn't leave messy logfiles all over the place.05:01
Gnea!compiz | SpenceKid05:01
musikgoat|mainomniter: if you are only person using it, put it in /home/<yourname/bin05:01
ubottuSpenceKid: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion05:01
ganeshfrom where can i download ubuntu 9.04 beta torrent?05:01
SpamiclesStupendoussteve, well those sets of messages05:02
Gnea!jaunty | ganesh05:02
omnitermusikgoat, otherwise?05:02
ubottuganesh: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:02
StupendoussteveSpamicles: I appologize my reply was meant for SpenceKid05:02
SpamiclesStupendoussteve, hehe ok =]05:02
musikgoat|mainomniter: in /usr/bin  or /usr/local/bin05:02
Stupendoussteveganadist: The .torrent is on the mirrors05:02
TeslaIs there a way to entirely remove compiz?05:02
TeslaIt's a waste.05:02
omnitermusikgoat|main, i can't create new folders in those directories though :S05:02
StupendoussteveTesla: See if synaptic will let you :)05:03
musikgoat|mainomniter: only binaries go in those directories, what are you trying to install?05:03
GneaTesla: i just tell the system not to use it :)05:03
StupendoussteveTesla: You can disable it through the appearance menu of course05:03
omnitermusikgoat|main, blender 2.4805:03
* Tesla is running Ubunu on an EeePC.05:04
* Tesla cries.05:04
StupendoussteveWhy cry? I run it on an MSI Wind05:04
musikgoat|mainomniter: so you don't want to install ubuntu's package?05:04
StupendoussteveSame thing, more or less05:04
* Gnea looks oddly at Tesla 05:04
TeslaBecause it can't handle Youtube without crying itself.05:04
gemclipvmware on a windoz system05:04
StupendoussteveBlame the flash05:04
gentubuntuHow come WINE does not show anywindow folder exceot a couple which ahve no files in it05:05
gentubuntuis it because im running amd6405:05
GneaTesla: are you running regular ubuntu or the eeepc version of ubuntu?05:05
musikgoat|mainyeah, the flash support is rediculously bad, blame SUn05:05
StupendoussteveSun doesn't make flash...05:05
Chowdergentubuntu, just edit the menus05:05
gentubuntuyou can get flash for linux www.adob.e.com05:05
omnitermusikgoat, that's because the ubuntu's package is 2.4605:05
TeslaBecause the EeePC version isn't actually well, legit.05:05
gentubuntui did05:05
Stupendousstevegentubuntu: flash for linux is in the repos05:05
musikgoat|mainStupendoussteve: oops05:05
Stupendousstevemaybe the medibuntu one, didn't pay attention which one05:05
Burntresistorwhats the command to see what programs are running in the background is it still control alt del05:06
musikgoat|mainone of those big faceless companies :-P05:06
gentubuntui don't think wine work on amd64 or either toshiba laptops05:06
TeslaSo, any packages I can safely kill without crippling functionality and improving performance?05:06
gentubuntuthey only thing it sees is crappy IE and it wont even load that05:06
Stupendousstevegentubuntu: What do you expect it to see? Did you install something within wine?05:06
Burntresistorwhy wont wine work on amd64 it installed fine i havnt tried it yet but to start up an ap05:07
musikgoat|mainBurntresistor: you should get that windows command out of your head, there is a process list in system -> admin -> system monitor though05:07
Burntresistorlol do you know how many years of windows commands are in my head it might take awhile05:07
musikgoat|mainBurntresistor: or i should say, the windows-butchered command...05:08
brad_I installed pocket ubuntu today... it worked pretty well.  I need a faster machine at work though (or at least more memory)05:08
gentubuntuWine will not SEE my C directory except for my window folder but even that it show it up all empty05:08
gentubuntucan i just download exe folder straight to ubuntu and use wine to install them instread05:09
Stupendousstevegentubuntu: That's how wine is meant to work...05:09
deaglehello all05:09
Burntresistorisnt there a wine room05:09
musikgoat|maingentubuntu: wine does not use the c directory that you may already have,  it creates a virtual c directory05:09
SpenceKidwhere is compiz fusion, shouldnt it be under system -> preferences?05:09
deagleis anyone else having issues viewing youtube videos right from firefox?05:09
deagleBurntresistor: #winehq05:10
OvernightPR@ Tesla Also Running Ubuntu on an EEE PC.05:10
StupendoussteveSpenceKid: By default there isn't one, you have to install ccsm if you want to use it05:10
Gneagentubuntu: interesting things you've got going on there... any results from this command?  sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:10
gentubuntuyeah, and when I got into the visual directoy there is nothing but windows folder, and nothing is in there]05:10
DasEigentubuntu:either rightclick the *.exe > opem with > wine  or in trml : (sudo) wine *.exe05:10
OvernightPR@ Tesla I wouldn't call it fast, but it's not like I can type quickly on the little keyboard anyway.05:10
SpenceKidcan you guide me to do that?05:10
Stupendousstevegentubuntu: Again, that is the wine c drive, not your windows install05:10
StupendoussteveSpenceKid: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:10
gentubuntuso, you only supposed to use it download thing to the virtual c drive it dont show yuour real c drive305:11
gentubuntuGnea: you want me to sudo fuser var/lib/dpkg/lock05:11
Stupendousstevegentubuntu: You can download installers to the ubuntu desktop and run from there, to install within wine05:11
musikgoat|maingentubuntu: no, it doesn't05:11
GneaTesla: uhm, the Ubuntu-EEEpc isn't a non-legit thing, but you can get help for it in #ubuntu-eeepc05:11
deagleso i'm the only one who can't see a flash video from youtube's site?05:11
TeslaOh god.05:11
Burntresistorso is gaming still possible on linux with a direct x work around05:11
Gneagentubuntu: yes.05:11
FloodBot1Tesla: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
StupendoussteveBurntresistor: Sometimes05:12
OvernightPR@ deagle that a fresh install.05:12
* Gnea looks oddly at Tesla again05:12
deagleOvernightPR: nope05:12
Stupendoussteve!flood | Tesla05:12
ubottuTesla: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:12
TeslaOkay, I seem to remember Canonical saber-rattling at the people who made that distro for using the Ubuntu name.05:12
StupendoussteveHmm. I could swear it used to say enter was not a punctuation key05:12
OvernightPR@Tesla Yeah. It's now Easy Peasey.05:12
SpenceKidStupendoussteve: thanks, worked great!05:12
musikgoat|mainTesla: that is the eeebuntu people05:12
StupendoussteveSpenceKid: You're welcome and congrats :)05:13
syntax\how can i minimally install gnome?05:13
ron20101anybody please help me change the background color to workspace switcher05:13
OvernightPR@Muskigoat Or I could be entirely wrong. :">05:13
musikgoat|mainTesla: or at least they also got yelled at canonical05:13
ndshackermy internet is horridly slow and i get this error: Your forward and reverse DNS don't match when joining irc... what can i do to fix this?05:13
GneaTesla: I do believe, that it's possible, that you misinterpretted something, somewhere...things like that do happen, and usually good things result from it, not bad things05:13
ndshackerits a 1400 ms ping to google05:13
musikgoat|mainOvernightPR: no, i'm sure they are not the only ones,  ubuntu is trademarked, and by law they have to fight infringement05:13
OvernightPR@deagle have you surfed on Youtube successfully before?05:13
KL87hey i cant seem to change my resolution to 1024x728 its stuck at a really low resolution05:14
Stupendousstevendshacker: Unless you own the IP address you can't really do anything to fix it, that's an ISP issue05:14
* Tesla is really confused right now, not on any particular topic, just generally confused, ಠ_ಠ05:14
KL87how do i fix that05:14
ganeshwill it resume if ubuntu download interrupted inbetween?05:14
Gnea!resolution | KL8705:14
ubottuKL87: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:14
ndshackerstupendesssteve: but it was working before >.<05:14
gentubuntuGnea: Cannot stat var/lib/dpkg/lock: No file or directory05:14
deagleOvernightPR: yep05:14
GneaTesla: did you hit your head recently?05:14
Gneagentubuntu: it's /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:14
Stupendousstevendshacker: Probably your ISP messed up their dns server, it's not really a big deal05:14
ndshackerit taked like a minute in between pages05:14
deagleOvernightPR: hell, even other sites like google video show up fine05:15
Gneagentubuntu: always need the first /05:15
TeslaGnea: Not recently...05:15
Stupendousstevendshacker: The rdns thing is, the net connection is their issue too though05:15
Stupendousstevendshacker: or most likely their issue05:15
ndshackerso um.. what do i do?05:15
nirivenwith the new 9.04, i cannot move my panels, or set my root password, why is this?05:15
Gneaniriven: you need to ask in #ubuntu+1 about that05:15
nirivenGnea, ok thanks05:15
Burntresistori understand the philosophy of what linux is trying to do but does linux ever want to replace windows witha free open source solution or will it always get second rate treatment to windows market dominance05:15
gentubuntuGnea:  Cannot stat var/lib/dpkg/lock: N05:16
vexic_Hi, I had a question about configuring LAMP, if anyone has a second.05:16
OvernightPR@deagle And you've installed nothing new recently?05:16
Gneagentubuntu: AGAIN:   sudo fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:16
gentubuntuGnea: /var/lib/dpkg/lock:   537905:16
Stupendousstevendshacker: Call your ISP and complain, they'll probably have some guy in another country answer the phone and try to run you through a script for Windows that won't fix the issue05:16
Gneagentubuntu: alright...05:16
musikgoat|mainBurntresistor: if you truly understand the philosophy, then you would know that your question is a non-question05:16
TeslaBurntresistor: Let's give Richard Stallman an RPG and find out.05:16
syntax\does anyone here have an idea on what are the packages that are included in ubuntu-desktop?05:16
Stupendousstevesyntax\: A ton of them...05:17
deagleOvernightPR: as a matter of fact, I can watch youtube videos from google videos (as embedded) but on youtube.com all I get is a black square that when I right click it says "movie not loaded..." and then "Adobe Flash Player 10" below it05:17
Gneagentubuntu: alright, you've got a terminal window open, somewhere, that is waiting for you to finish what it asked you to do.05:17
musikgoat|main!info ubuntu-desktop05:17
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.124 (intrepid), package size 26 kB, installed size 52 kB05:17
ndshackerstupendesssteve: noone lese seems to notic it05:17
syntax\Stupendoussteve: do you know how to install a minimal gnome desktop?05:17
ndshacker*notice it05:17
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Gneagentubuntu: and if not, then the process became a zombie05:17
gentubuntuGnea: finish what that is the only msg i got /var/lib/dpkg/lock:   537905:18
musikgoat|mainohh, i was hoping that gave more information05:18
Stupendousstevesyntax\: Take the ubuntu-desktop, open synaptic and view all installed packages, and start pruning05:18
Stupendousstevesyntax\: That's an easier way to do it05:18
OvernightPR@deagle Call an old priest and a young priest? ;)05:18
gentubuntuBut yeah the terminal window is open05:18
Gneagentubuntu: right, that tells you the PID of the program that's got it in use:   ps axf | grep 537905:18
deagleOvernightPR: huh? o_O?05:18
=== vexic_ is now known as vexic
Gneagentubuntu: okay, then you need to follow directions to 'quit'05:19
thismamacooks200opengl is nolonger working on my system. most ogl apps return the following: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"05:19
DasEindshacker: how do you connect ?05:19
tgrhow do i change the ntfs-3g binary permissions when compiling?05:19
OvernightPR@deagle That's a reference to"the excorcist".05:19
ndshackerdesei: thorugh a 2wire router05:19
sensaeI installed the madwifi package in hardware drivers, and restarted. It seems to have made my wifi problem worse, but when I open hardware drivers it isn't listed so I can't uninstall it.05:19
OvernightPR@deagle What version of flash player you have?05:19
ndshackerI applied the tcp things though, so that shouldnt be the issue05:19
GneaTesla: I'm sorry, I don't know how to solve your general confusion... have you considered professional counseling?05:19
DasEindshacker: that offers dhcp and acts as gateway ?05:19
OvernightPR(the answer will, of course, be 10)05:19
OvernightPR(but I like to ask)05:20
ndshackerDaesi: yes, i believe so05:20
deagleOvernightPR: lol.05:20
TeslaGnea: Let's smash some pots and pans, see if  that heps.05:20
DasEindshacker: check your /etc/resolv.conf then05:20
ndshackerum... ok?05:20
GneaTesla: that's always fun05:20
ndshackerwhat am I looking for?05:20
deagleOvernightPR: oh oh oh! I think I know what it is...05:20
thismamacooks200Gnea: hit it with a Goo05:20
DasEindshacker:domain / nameserver05:21
Gneathismamacooks200: a what?05:21
OvernightPR@Deagle Zwounds! What is it?05:21
ndshackeri see them05:21
ndshackerwhat do I do with them?05:21
gentubuntuGnea: special message for you http://paste2.org/p/17910205:21
thismamacooks200Gnea: see, World of Goo game05:21
deagleOvernightPR: hold on! lemme check the internets05:21
DasEindshacker: is there a dns server given ?05:21
ndshackerummm... no?05:21
OvernightPR@Deagle *all* of them? You'll be up all night! :P05:21
ndshackerthere is a search gateway.2wire.net05:22
ndshackerand a nameserver05:22
musikgoat|maineww, 2wire05:22
ndshackernot my fault05:22
musikgoat|mainsorry, on that note...05:22
ndshackerparents got it >.<05:22
* musikgoat|main passes out05:22
ryanCHhow do i find out what WM is being used in KDE?05:22
tyfjhow to read the /.ssh/known_host , it's encrypted.  thank you05:22
deagleOvernightPR: have no fear! Red Bull is here!05:23
maxagazhow to download this using wget: http://openoffice.bouncer.osuosl.org/?product=OpenOffice.org&os=win&lang=zh-cn&version=3.0.0 ?05:23
OvernightPRRyanCH: Look in your .xsession file?05:23
DasEindshacker: so that looks likes the router is resolving dns- requests; leave that file then and try to restart the router05:23
lstarnesmaxagaz: wget "http://openoffice.bouncer.osuosl.org/?product=OpenOffice.org&os=win&lang=zh-cn&version=3.0.0"05:23
ndshackerialready have restarted it05:23
anthony1Good morning all05:23
Stupendousstevelstarnes: No it will output some crazy filename05:24
deaglegood evening!05:24
OvernightPR@RyanCH that is more or less a blind guess, mind you.05:24
deaglewoah... morning05:24
Gneagentubuntu: okay, this is what you need to do: a) in your web browser, go to this address: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.html  b) scroll down to find the Java Documentation  c) click 'Download'  d) select your preferred language and download the file  e) let me know when you're done with that.05:24
anthony1Have a question about Ubuntu 8.04 and obtaining a DHCP IP address over a Linksys wireless bridge05:24
Stupendousstevelstarnes: Doh didn't see your quotes ;)05:24
OvernightPRGood morrow, Anthony105:24
anthony1I am able to set a static IP address and everything works just fine05:24
anthony1But I am unable to obtain a DHCP IP address05:24
anthony1Sense not, it makes to me05:25
syntax\Stupendoussteve is synaptic already added in ubuntu-desktop?05:25
anthony1I would be open to private message to lessen the clutter in the main chat05:25
Stupendousstevesyntax\: It should be in System > Administration05:25
anthony1Please advise05:25
DasEindshacker: and still a laggy rsponse from ping google ?05:25
ndshacker1400 ms05:25
=== Unreal_ is now known as Guest86585
ndshackerif you guys cant help me ill throttle my network and see if its just overlaoded05:26
deagleOvernightPR: no success :(05:26
ndshackerbut id rather not since my parents call that "abusing power"05:26
OvernightPRDeagle: what did you think it was?05:26
DasEindshacker: as you said it worked before, befor configuring an alternative dns server, try to restart the pc's network, too05:27
deaglea package called adobe-flashplugin that I had uninstalled05:27
tea_ovedosehello, I am getting the following error with mplayer "X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)05:27
ndshackerDasei: when did I say that?05:27
ndshackerI havent configured another dns server05:27
ndshackerI am considering keeping it on my pc05:27
deagleOvernightPR: the funny part is Download Helper can download the video just fine and I can see flash videos on other websites05:27
tgrmusikgoat|main when i changed the default directory to /home/user/iomega it mounts but the files don't show up05:27
ndshackerso it goes faster05:27
Em3raldMcSquizzyHi all, I am running Yakuake in Gnome ... any idea how to make the settings (such as schema) save permanently?  I can't seem to find the appropriate config file ...05:28
ndshackerlifehacker.com takes 7 seconds05:28
ndshackerto open it up05:28
OvernightPRDeagle: you are not alone!05:28
OvernightPR@Deagle: let me copy + paste into paste.ubuntu my linky goodness.05:29
deagleOvernightPR: :D05:29
DasEindshacker: (06:14:32) ndshacker: stupendesssteve: but it was working before >.<05:29
DasEindshacker: just restart the networking then05:29
OvernightPRThat's not much of a fix.05:30
OvernightPRDeagle But it's what I got.05:30
ndshackerDasei: restart it on my pc?05:30
syntax\is open office also included on the ubuntu-desktop?05:30
tea_ovedosehello, I am getting the following error with mplayer "X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)05:30
ndshackersudo sysctl -p ?05:30
DasEindshacker: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:30
ndshackeroh ok05:30
ndshackerand im back lol05:31
Em3raldMcSquizzysyntax\: yup05:31
Lartza_I have problem with ubuntu, Installed miniman virtual machine to virtualbox on windows and on boot it says I need to have "pae" not present05:31
=== z is now known as deanet
Lartza_But on virtualbox settings pae IS off05:32
Stupendousstevesyntax\: See http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ubuntu-desktop - That shows what is pulled in with ubuntu-desktop05:32
ndshackerdebai: still slow as all hell05:32
tgri can't add a root folder to the shared folders in virtualbox what do i have to do?05:32
syntax\thanks Stupendoussteve :)05:32
Lartza_Wait I NEEDED to have PAE on? :O05:33
ussertgr, eh, i dont think thats possible, huge security risk, you DONT want to do that05:33
gentubuntuGnea: Ahh I don't know if my it cause my comp is so messed up or what but i can not even click on the download button for the doc, is there anyways I can just get rid of the JSE java app I dont need it anyway I just happened to go on a download frenzie05:33
Lartza_That sounded exactly opposite05:33
ndshackerbah still slow for a ping05:33
tgrusser i have an external hard drive that automounts to /media/Iomega HDD and i need to access files in it to be read by windows vm in virtualbox05:33
OvernightPR@deagle You could also try loading YouTube with Opera.05:33
ndshackeri think tommorow ill do a makeshift QOS :p05:33
ndshackerand call my ISP05:34
ussertgr, well /media/Iomega HDD is not exactly the same as root "/"05:34
tea_ovedosehi, I am getting the following error with mplayer "X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)05:34
tgrhow do i change the automount options?05:34
ussertgr, what does it say?05:34
tgrthere is no ok option it is just greay05:34
ussertgr, add /media as a shared folder05:34
DasEindshacker: install traceroute, and do a netstat for checking if sth. is consuming bandwith05:34
ndshackerumm... what?05:35
DasEindshacker: something05:35
tgrok that worked05:35
ussertgr, might need full permissions to do that, try sudo chmod 777 -R /media05:35
ussertgr, cool05:35
deagleOvernightPR: um... I don't get it. Am I supposed to go through the list and delete youtube or something?05:35
tgrlets see if i can view files05:35
ndshackergeez 4000 b/s to install traceroute :(05:36
gentubuntuGnea: are you a dude or a girl?05:36
tgri tried to mount it with devices usb but my system failed on it05:36
ndshackerDasei: what am I looking for?05:36
tgrusser any idea on automounting my external hdd to a specific folder in case i unplug on accident when i am running torrents it looks like i may have to umount all and remount it05:37
OvernightPR@deagle That's what I'm supposing, yeah. If it all goes to pot, you can always uninstall the player and try again.05:37
Burntresistorwould it be a total waste of money to get one of those unbuntu desk references for 8.1005:37
OvernightPRDeagle: I'm guessing something might be hang around in the settings file, so remove it and hope for the best.05:37
Street_Physicistdoes anyone in here know anything about gnuplot?  I just got it and managed to make a polynomial trend line, is there a way that I can find the x-intercept of my trend line ?05:37
DasEindshacker: a circumstance slowing your network speed05:38
syntax-could i still see an ntfs partition even if its not mounted on df?05:38
ndshackerwell I saw nothing that made sense to me05:38
=== syntax- is now known as syntax\
AerodynamicJust gathering opinion: what is your browser of choice?05:38
OvernightPR@Street_Physicist I imagine you want a more specialized forum than the general #ubuntu for a question like that.05:38
AerodynamicFireFox runs dreadfully slow on my Ubuntu.05:38
OvernightPRDeagle: and, as mentioned, run Opera if you must.05:39
tgrwhat do you guys recommend i do before i upgrade to 9.04? are there any file organizers that you guys use? i have loads of info05:39
anthony1Anyone available for a networking question?05:39
xenosynn한글로 대화 하실분은 안계신가요..05:39
clearscreen!ask | anthony105:40
ubottuanthony1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:40
clearscreen!cn | xenosynn05:40
ubottuxenosynn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:40
anthony1Thank you05:40
Stupendousstevetgr: Make a backup first, maybe a list of your installed apps too in case something blows up05:40
syntax\should i be able to see an ntfs partition via "df -h" even if the partition is not mounted? if yes, i can't to see the other ntfs partition.05:40
ndshackeranyone know how I cna monitor whos taking what of my bandwith?05:40
tgrhow do i copy and reinstall a virtualbox vm img?05:40
ndshackeri have a dad who likes to torrent05:40
ndshackerand i fear tha tthat is why my internet is horrid05:41
clearscreenhave a talk with him :)05:41
ndshackeri have05:41
syntax\clearscreen yoohoo :D05:41
ndshackerhe pays for the internet though05:41
OvernightPRAnthony1: Try #ubuntu-server ?05:41
syntax\ndshacker lol bear with it :P05:41
anthony1Overnight, this is for Ubuntu Desktop 8.04.205:42
syntax\he's the one paying :)05:42
clearscreenndshacker: have him limit his upload, it wont hurt his download speed and will likely improve your connection05:42
ndshackerum... its his download im worried aout05:42
dr-riceare there programs for ubuntu kid friendly05:42
ndshackerunless upload matters to?05:42
syntax\anyone? be able to attend to my concern?05:42
Aerodynamicor4n, does anyone know any methods to make FF faster on Ubuntu?05:43
Aerodynamic.. sorry or4n05:43
AerodynamicXChat seemed to just tab05:43
OvernightPRanthony1: they may have a trick or two to share anyway. :D05:43
OvernightPRdr-rice: look into edubuntu.05:43
ndshackerbecause we only have 100 upload05:43
dr-ricei was thinking build my nahbors kid a computer05:43
ndshackerand considering its an isp, that means like 8005:43
ndshackerim gonna kill his torrents when he goes to sleep >.<05:44
clearscreenndshacker: usually connectivity problems arise when the full capacity of upload speed is being utilized05:44
Gneagentubuntu: it says to click on 'no' and press enter to stop it05:45
ndshackerclearscreen: so i can just sneak in and apply a upload limit?05:45
Gneagentubuntu: pardon?05:45
usserAerodynamic, compile it from source05:45
ndshackerand hell never knw since im the one who showed him how to do it05:45
clearscreenndshacker: I would discuss it with your father, but yes, that would likely solve your problem05:45
syntax\should i be able to see an ntfs partition via "df -h" even if the partition is not mounted? if yes, i can't to see the ntfs partition.05:45
DasEindshacker: check speedmeter at 2 wire for that possib.05:45
AerodynamicI'm extremely new, what would that specifically mean.05:45
clearscreensyntax\: no, you shouldnt05:46
OvernightPROne last question before I go to bed here; if I delete my linux swap partition with Gparted, there any chance of me borking my install? It took something like 6 hours to install it, and I am leery of going through it again.05:46
syntax\i should mount it 1st then id be able to see it right?05:46
Gneagentubuntu: er, type 'no' and press enter05:46
clearscreensyntax\: if you just want to see it, run sudo fdisk -l05:46
RORgasmhey guys i'm using xchat in ubuntu05:46
RORgasmanyone know how to export chats with a person (private chats) and save them to your disk?05:47
tgrhow do i create a basic firewall that automatically starts when my computer boots05:47
jebatamanduaalguem ai05:47
clearscreen!es | jebatamandua05:47
ubottujebatamandua: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:47
clearscreen!pt jebatamandua05:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pt jebatamandua05:47
vladimir_So I installed Xubuntu, and I'm having a sound problem... I'm not getting any.  I do however have the little volume controll icon on the panel, so it seems like it would have gotten the sound driver installed.  I don't hear any startup noises when I boot up either, so it doesn't seem like it'd be a program specific thing either...05:48
jebatamanduawhere are you from?05:48
tgrand how do i install a compiz or beryl theme for gnome from gnome-look i haven't found a guide on it05:48
clearscreen!pt | jebatamandua05:48
ubottujebatamandua: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:48
DasEindshacker: http://www.2wire.com/bandwith05:48
ndshackerim checking lol05:48
AerodynamicRORgasm, right click the person in the tree or tab bar and select log to disk05:48
OvernightPRvladmir: my install of Linux came with all of the sound turned off. Have you opened volume control proper?05:48
jebatamanduaUbottu, its a portuguese, not spanish05:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:48
ndshackerNo way im getting that much05:48
clearscreen!pt | jebatamandua05:48
ubottujebatamandua: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:48
Aerodynamicopen up preferences and -> Chatting -> Logging -> Open Data Folder05:49
Aerodynamicshould allow you to view your logs05:49
RORgasmAerodynamic, ok so that is a checkbox...where does it get saved then05:49
ndshacker142.80kbps <---- so why is ubuntu refusing to use this much?05:49
RORgasmwill check it out05:49
FloodBot1RORgasm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:49
jebatamanduai from brasil, and my official languague its a portuguese05:49
DasEindshacker: sure it was 1400 and not 1.4 from google ?05:49
jebatamanduanot a spanish05:49
ndshackerit was 140005:49
usserAerodynamic, sudo apt-get build-dep firefox05:49
jebatamanduaEu vou é embora daqui.05:49
tgrif i have firefox running and start virtualbox i don't hear any sound anyone else have this issue?05:49
ndshackerand my firefox is lsow as :@05:49
clearscreen!pt | jebatamandua05:49
AerodynamicSame here ndshacker05:49
AerodynamicAlright usser, will try it out05:50
clearscreenjebatamandua: just join #ubuntu-br05:50
usserAerodynamic, get the source from mozilla.org05:50
usserAerodynamic, sudo apt-get install checkinstall05:50
ndshackermy network meeter shows me using like 0% of my network, why wont it use 100%?05:50
Botuxhi all05:50
BigMoopiesdoes anyone know anything like Sizeme in windows? It will allow you to drag folders/files to it and it will make an ISO for you for however many DVDs or CDs it will take to burn them to a CD/DVD.05:50
usserAerodynamic, untar the source, go through usual ./configure &&  make install only instead of make install use checkinstall05:50
vladimir_OvernightPR : Well, the master isn't muted, I also unmuted the pc speaker option.  Still no sound.  Maybe I should restart a program to try again though?05:51
AerodynamicHmm, okay.05:51
kristian42I accidentally bought and ATI graphics card and installed the restricted drivers. 1 hour later I took it back to the shop and got an nvidia instead. I tried running dpkg-reconfigure of xserver-xorg, but it seems like it's trying to start X in a wacky screen mode. Any tips ?05:51
RORgasmAerodynamic, ok so that will enable future cahts with that person to be logged...but the thing is when i open the private dialog box with that person....there is a history of everything we've talked about thus far...how do i log that stuff in the past?05:51
usserAerodynamic, that will compile firefox and create a package that will install just like any other package. name it something else when checkinstall prompts you, like firefox-manual-build. otherwise ubuntu will try to upgrade it05:51
Botuxi am trying to install ubuntu 8.10 and am out of cds so i can either use netboot or install 7.04 and upgrade which do you think im better off trying?05:51
jebatamanduaBrazil has some of the person there to help me?05:51
usserBotux, usb-boot05:51
OvernightPRVladmir: My install had something called "Front" speakers with the volume all the way down, althought not muted, but the end result was no sound. You got somethiing like that?05:52
Botuxi dont have a usb drive05:52
clearscreenjebatamandua: maybe.05:52
jebatamanduais because my ubuntu is in Portuguese.05:52
tgrwell thanks for help before got to go05:52
OvernightPRBotux netboot is excruciatingly slow.05:52
usserBotux, netinstall may be a bit harder to do, but it'll be a clean install. 7.04 -> 8.10 upgrade may be easier but theres a chance it blows up in your face05:52
uberg00nndshacker your network is probably 54mpbs or 100mbps depending on wireless, or wired... highspeed internet is only like 1/10 of those now adays.. unless you're maxing out your connection you're not going to see huge %'s05:53
Stupendoussteve!pt | jebatamandua05:53
ubottujebatamandua: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:53
OvernightPRUsser so it's six of one and a half dozen of the other :P05:53
usserOvernightPR, eh? care to substantiate your claim, netboot is fast05:53
ndshackerok, but why is my computer still slow as &53605:53
Botuxi have a 7.04 retailcd ubuntu sent me thats why i was thinking that route05:53
vladimir_OvernightPR : I unmuted everything for the sake of argument.  Still no sound.  To add to the strangeness, when I installed regular Ubuntu, I got sound just fine.05:53
Stupendousstevejebatamandua: You don't have to go there, of course, but if English is difficult it may be easier for you05:53
usserOvernightPR, over local network, it goes faster than cd install :)05:53
jebatamanduatanks ubottu05:54
AerodynamicRORgasm, can you elaborate a bit.05:54
Botuxi tried reading the netinstall stuff and got confused05:54
AerodynamicI'm not quite understanding what you mean.05:54
MrPocketzis there a mem-delete or memory delete tool for Ubuntu?05:54
DasEindshacker: I'm now star poking around; from your replies I assume you're in us on 2wire, so the internet-speedmeter shall be suitable, I don't know the config of your local network or if the router itself offers shaping05:54
Botuxis there a site that has it simplified?05:54
AerodynamicDo you mean you want to log all future conversations as well?05:54
jebatamanduaTANKS UBOTTU05:54
OvernightPRUsser My EEE PC took just over 6 hours to netboot install.05:54
Botuxlike netinstall for sdummies lol05:54
OvernightPRUsser: But maybe I05:54
OvernightPRm just lucky05:54
ndshackerDasEU: im usin 2wire with sasktel as my isp05:54
usserOvernightPR, wow05:55
ndshackerI am on wired, and its a 1.5 mbps line05:55
RORgasmAerodynamic, ok so in xchat when i clcik on this person that i've talked to before...there our conversations form the past are in the PM window....enabling loggin a conversation with that person will log future chats with that person...but now the history that is currently showing up in the PM window05:55
DasEindshacker: has the router a (web-) surface you can access ?05:55
AerodynamicAnd you don't want the history there?05:55
Botuxif anyone could point me in a direction to make netinstall easier that would be great05:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netinst05:56
clearscreenubottu: you suck05:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you suck05:56
FloodBot1clearscreen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
ndshackerDaesi: i set up a dns cahce now05:56
OvernightPRUsser: so I guess I should have said Netboot *can be* excruciatingly slow. If you're lucky like me. :D05:56
DasEindshacker: is there an option to shape the separate ports (the different rj45's going to pc's ?)05:56
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Botuxhow can 7.04 install and then uopgrade to 8.10 blow up in my face05:56
usserOvernightPR, well by default i downloads packages from ubuntu servers, if you create your own repository like i did locally. it'll be faster05:57
ndshackerDasei: port forwarding?05:57
OvernightPRvladmir: Well, in addition to not being terribly Linux-savvy, I am also up WAAYY past my bed time, so I'm sorry to say but that I am out of ideas for you.05:57
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usserBotux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QuickNetboot seen that already?05:57
emoXodussry bout that05:57
DasEindshacker: nope, traffic shaping05:57
OvernightPRUsser: That would likely have been a better idea, yeah. :)05:58
ndshackerDasei: QOS?05:58
miyakocould anyone tell me how to add a trusted SSL certificate? I'm using dreamhost for email and their ssl cert doesn't seem to work (I added it to /etc/ssl/certs but I still get an error that the certificate is not trusted)05:58
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vladimirtzuOvernightPR  Haha, well thanks my man.  Guess I'll make a forum post about it and do a little more experimenting.  Since I already know it /should/ work since it has before, I'm sure its something silly and obvious05:58
DasEindshacker: not sure, what does that offer ?05:58
OvernightPRMiyako Isn't that better addressed to #ubuntu-server ?05:58
ndshackerto slow down or speed up indivutal conenctions: but i dont have it :p05:58
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ndshackerI can close his torrent port :p05:59
dsnydersHi all.  I'd like to sweep through a directory tree and move all the avi files to the root of the tree.  How do I do this?05:59
miyakoOvernightPR: I wasn't aware that there was an ubuntu-server05:59
Botuxyes my thing is the pc im on right now is vista ultimate and tthe pc i want to install ubuntu on will be the second and only other pc on the network for now05:59
OvernightPRAll right. I'm out of here, kids. I've done all the damage I can to this popsicle stand.06:00
deagleOvernightPR: whats the flag for launching firefox's user admin thing again?06:00
boscohow many linux distros can i install and boot seperatly to before there is to many partitions06:00
usserdsnyders, find . -name *.avi -exec mv {} /path/to/where/to/move/them \;06:00
deaglewaaaiiittt nooooo06:00
DasEindshacker: so another (poke,poke) guess out; is yor nic smaller then the one of the other pc's (100/1000)  ?06:00
uberg00nndshacker, again, on the internet the MAX you'd ever see is 1.5% usage unless youare transfering to another pc in yoru house.06:00
dr-riceyou found me06:00
OvernightPR@deagle about:config I think.06:00
ariqsdoes this work for anyone? http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu2.1_i386.deb06:00
Stupendousstevebosco: Unlimited. Don't put them on primacy partitions06:00
deagleOvernightPR: no, like, from CLI06:00
deagleOvernightPR: --user-sessions?06:00
ndshackerDasei: im # 406:00
boscoStupendoussteve, do you have a website on how to do that06:00
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ndshackeras in my dads tw get top share06:00
dsnydersusser, Thanks.  I thought it might be a find command, but I only know the -print option.06:01
ndshackerthen our home server (which I manage)06:01
deagleOvernightPR: --list-manager?06:01
usserdsnyders, err if your files have spaces in them that might not work06:01
ndshackerthen me06:01
RORgasmAerodynamic, i want to log past conversations...06:01
DasEindshacker: ifconfig       in trml, dhcp assigned ? speed of connection ?06:01
dr-ricehow to run a web site on linux06:01
usserdsnyders, find . -name *.avi -exec mv "{}" /path \; in this case06:01
Stupendousstevebosco: Just choose logical instead of primacy, most any partitioning program has the option06:01
Aerodynamicyou can't log past conversations06:01
Aerodynamiclogging starts from when you activate it06:01
RORgasmAerodynamic, i thought that i would be able to log the past conversations because they are appearing in the PM window when i click on the person06:01
Botuxusser having only a vist machine on my network trying to install ubuntu on another machine is confusing06:01
usserdsnyders, back up your dir first you never know with find command06:01
boscoStupendoussteve, now i can have windows with those as well right and that wont change anything06:01
OvernightPRdeagle: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Command_line_arguments06:02
dsnydersusser, I shall.  Thanks.06:02
RORgasmAerodynamic, right but where does xchat store this previous conversation history then?06:02
ariqsthat download stops on me before I hardly get anything06:02
AerodynamicWhen you initiate logging, everything the user says from that point on is logged06:02
Stupendousstevebosco: Of course, it makes an extended partition (which is primary) and unlimited logical partitions inside of it06:02
OvernightPR@deagle pick one you like. :D06:02
deagleOvernightPR: lol thx!06:02
usserBotux, oooh... you need to figure out how to setup tftp server in vista, which i've never done06:02
Aerodynamicand then the log is stored in a log folder06:02
ndshackerdareis: dhcp is assigned06:02
Stupendousstevebosco: At least, I believe unlimited. Still more than you should be running into with multibooting06:02
ndshackerand it seems to be the nameserver06:02
usserBotux, you're better off going the upgrade way06:02
DasEi!tab | ndshacker06:02
ubottundshacker: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:02
RORgasmAerodynamic, ok understood....but where is the chat history with this person located...its gotta be somewhere coz it appears when i open the persons PM window06:02
Aerodynamicwhen you talk to that person again, the logs are reloaded06:02
ndshackersince i set up a local nameserver, and i digged google06:02
* OvernightPR poofs away!06:03
Botuxusser now that you know that i have vusta machine do you think it would be easier to install 7.04 and then upgrade?06:03
ndshackerand got a 0 ms response lol :p06:03
usserBotux, yep :)06:03
boscoStupendoussteve, and with that i can still boot what ever one i want at that time right have a boot screen come up????06:03
AerodynamicTry out Preferences -> Chatting -> Logging -> "Open data folder"06:03
Botuxok some of the lts versions wont let you upgrade though will they?06:03
ndshackerbut its still 1300 ms ping >.<06:03
Stupendousstevendshacker: ping is separate from dns06:04
ndshackerstupendesssteve: is it possible my isp throttles icmp?06:04
Stupendousstevendshacker: If you use traceroute you can attempt to see where delay might be coming from06:04
dr-ricewhats trace route06:04
DasEindshacker: I have no further ideas on that, as the d/l connection seems properly, and I don't think a multiport router causes this behaviour06:05
dr-riceis it sudo command06:05
Botuxthe other question i have is for the new ubuntu machine i have a belkin wireless entet adapter do you think itlll be hard to find a driver for it?06:05
Stupendousstevedr-rice: It is a program that shows most of the routers as well as pings to them in the hops between you and the destination06:05
ndshackerDasei: will call ISP in morning06:05
gogetabotux madwifi  driver06:05
Botuxmeant to say wireless enet adapter sorry06:05
Stupendousstevedr-rice: I believe a normal user can run it06:05
pteaguewould it be possible to dd particular partitions & still get them to boot or do i need to dd the entire disk?06:05
dsnydersdr-rice, it's like a series of pings that are each one hop longer than the next.06:05
ndshackerand will also speak to dad about torrents or vpn over and throttle them myself >.<06:05
gogetabotux ubungtu has it in the extras packages06:06
Botuxgogeta madwifi driver a website?06:06
lanoxxcan i install db2 on intrepid?06:06
gogetamadwifi is the driver for beklins06:06
Botuxoh ok lol06:06
usserpteague, its possible, you might need to reinstall boot manager(grub in linux) or windows one, whatever its name is06:06
ndshackerok its defintily my isp06:06
ariqshttp://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20071007-0medibuntu2.1_i386.deb can someone please download that and send it ot me06:06
ndshackergoes from 3 ms to 1300 at my isp06:06
dr-ricecan you turn up the power with that driver06:06
ndshackerskips my router without a hitch06:06
gogetaariqs qhy06:06
dr-ricethe belkin06:07
DasEindshacker: if not, try that QOS 8-)06:07
ariqsbecause the download stops on me at like, 40k06:07
hemanthuse /nick hemanth.hm06:07
pteagueusser: heh, going to dd my windows & 32bit ubuntu to a larger drive, then install 64bit on a different partition06:07
ndshackeryep :)06:07
gogetaariqs you can apt that06:08
gogetaits in the reps06:08
ariqsit stops on me there too06:08
lanoxxpteague, i once dd'ed my windows and linux to a bigger driver06:08
lanoxxit works good06:08
DasEidr-rice: shows the route from remote source to your host06:08
lanoxxjust need to reinstall grub06:08
pteaguelanoxx: dd just the partitions or the entire drive?06:08
gogetaariqs use the package manger and change yor repo mirror06:08
gogetaatoped on me to wtf06:09
ariqsgogeta: easier if someone just sends it to me06:09
lanoxxpteague, i dd'ed the partitions one by one, for the ntfs one i mad sure that was an entry of exact same type and size etc in the partition table (do with fdisk), do ext3 you can simply create any size (same or bigger) but if its bigger you have to use fs2resize ofter you dd'ed it06:10
thearthurhow can i extract 503 tar files to the current directory?06:10
ariqsI'm sick to death of the package manager nonsense06:10
ariqsit's ridiculous06:10
Stupendoussteveariqs: Sure it's not your isp?06:10
pteaguelanoxx: k, ty06:10
StupendoussteveIf you can't download it manually it's not the manager's fault06:10
ariqsStupendoussteve, I seem to be staying here alright06:10
gogetaits doin it to me to06:10
lanoxxpteague, welcome :)06:11
Stupendoussteveariqs: Different protocol, large difference in the amount of data being transfered06:11
ariqsok, thanks for trying, gogeta.06:11
DigitalKiwiwhat's wrong with package managers? D:06:11
lanoxxpteague, its resize2fs not fs2resize, just made a mistake up there06:11
pteaguenp, used it before... just been a while06:12
lanoxxpteague, and make you u use a bs=2M or something like that otherwise it will take ages06:12
ariqsStupendoussteve, it doesn't work for gogeta either. Chances are, we don't share the same isp :)06:12
lanoxxgotta go, bye06:12
hemanthMSG hemanth hi06:12
ariqsa central deb website with mirrors would be too easy, naturally06:13
Stupendoussteveariqs: medibuntu is unofficial...06:13
Stupendoussteveariqs: Ubuntu repos are set up as you described ;)06:13
thearthurhow do you tell tar to extract a bunch of files?06:13
Stupendoussteveariqs: Downloaded fine for me, btw. 14 seconds06:13
Don_MiguelFlannel, Thanks muchly .. I think that fix **  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-January/104520.html  ***took care of most of the problem ... it seems I may need to reboot a few more times to get everything ( all those 216upgrades programs )  properly installed ... but I am now WAY ahead of where I was a few hours ago !!  Thanks, Again !!06:13
ariqsyou got all... ~14.7 megs?06:14
fenhmm, im having trouble enabling DMA via hdparm on a server im building, i have 4 ST3400xxxx's (40GB yeah thier old meh) im putting in a raid 1+0, i can't see or change DMA on any of the drives, nor can i set 32bit IO. any ideas?06:14
ariqsinteresting. maybe it's a time thing. it seems to do it at around 20 seconds each time for me06:14
gogetaariqs grabin it off apt06:15
fenoh and thier /dev/sdX , not /dev/hdX (ie they have scsi emu).06:15
heatmzzrhow go you make the switch to ext4 in jaunty????06:15
ariqsapt did the same thing to me06:15
gogetaariqs probly a wifi issue06:16
ariqsI'm not wireless06:16
gogetamy wireless does that crap06:17
ariqsI'm downloading the source code from mplayer's website and compiling it myself at this point06:18
syntax\after install ubuntu-desktop, what should i do to start the gui?06:19
gogetaariqs sendin it if you whant it06:20
ariqssend again, please06:20
gogetabaa lemmie switch to xchat06:21
ariqsworking this time, thanks06:23
unkocan someone please help me? im trying to add the deluge sources to my list but i keep getting this error??? =======> Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  deb-src/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)06:24
unkoSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:24
unkoFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/deluge-team/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  deb-src/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)06:24
unkoSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:24
xsgYes i program in c++ and was wondering can i do that in ubuntu ?? what program i cant find any06:24
unkothats the error i get06:24
=== _Kwitschibo is now known as Kwitschibo
cornelius13xsg: gcc06:25
usserxsg, g++06:26
DasEifen: I'am no prof on that, but wan to suggest first set up the single (bestway identical drives) in bios as in hdparm, then setup the md06:26
xsgill look those up thanks :)06:26
Tophuok is this idea doable... I want to run an FTP ok my ubuntu box and forward the ports but when my modem reboot (power outage and such) my external ip addy changes. can I run a script that occasionally checks to see if my external ip has change and if it has changed have it email me the new ip addy?06:27
xsgand can i run blitz max 2d/3d in linux ??06:28
DasEiTophu: google dyndns.org06:28
Tophuthanks will do06:28
ramontayaghey everyone. i accidentally chose to autolaunch a certain program everytime i plug in my ipod - how do i edit this?06:29
gogetalol im a noob06:30
gogetanetwork cord fell out06:30
xsgwhat do i write c++ in linux ?? just text editor i'm guessing no program that builds and compliles for you ??06:30
ariqsxsg: I like code::blocks06:30
thecommutistxsg: in case you are looking for an ide, check out anjuta06:31
gogetaariqs lol i knoecked my cord out06:31
crdlb!ide | xsg06:31
ubottuxsg: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans06:31
ariqshuh, i've never heard of anjuta06:31
xsgi have that can't figure the program out will dev c++ work with wine ??06:31
ariqsit's all good, gogeta. I have a friend sending it to me now06:31
DasEixsg:for just the cript, yes, for debugging there are tools n suites06:31
ariqsxsg: there should be a linux version of dev c++06:31
dooglusis there a yahoo messenger client that supports audio and video?06:33
Willoi would like to report a problem with ubuntu 8.1006:34
Willoto do with ubquity06:34
thecommutistdooglus: check out empathy06:35
popeydooglus: take a look at gyachi, http://gyachi.sourceforge.net/06:35
ariqsGYaCHe too06:35
eepromhey everyone06:36
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dooglusthanks thecommutist and popey06:38
k1eni want to start nautilus in another language , when i run 'bash -c 'LANG=zh_CN.utf8 nautilus'   it still apears in english06:39
dooglus!info GYachI06:39
ubottuPackage GYachI does not exist in intrepid06:39
k1enwhat am i doing wrong?06:39
dooglus!info GYachI jaunty06:40
ubottuPackage GYachI does not exist in jaunty06:40
dooglus!info empathy06:40
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 732 kB06:40
dooglus!info telepathy06:40
ubottuPackage telepathy does not exist in intrepid06:40
eeprom!info nautilus06:40
ubottunautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.24.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 874 kB, installed size 2364 kB06:40
eeprom!info top06:40
ubottuPackage top does not exist in intrepid06:40
hateballI have a machine whose dmesg keeps flooding with this stuff http://paste.ubuntu.com/145978/ and I've no real idea why this might happen...06:41
deanethi ..06:43
rwwhateball: what version of Ubuntu is it running? Is it updated fully?06:44
deaneti've command line like this06:44
deanetecho 'h$ll^' | sed -e 's/\$/e/g' -e 's/\^/o/g'06:44
dfcnvtapt-get upgrade sshd06:44
deanetcan i combination of option on sed ?06:44
popeyhateball: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-ssh@lists.debian.org/msg04611.html06:44
hateballrww╶ fully updated hardy. I've got two identical machines, and only one of them exhibits this behaviour06:44
popeylooks samba related06:44
usserdeanet, just pipe it into another sed06:45
usserdeanet, ie echo 'h$ll^' | sed -e 's/\$/e/g' | sed -e 's/\^/o/g'06:45
deanetusser, i means there is double -e ,06:45
deaneti want one option -e06:45
usserdeanet, oh06:45
deanethow ?06:46
TokenekieHi, how do I compare the "name" of two files in shell script?06:46
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GumOnMShuok i would like to be able to use lynx/elinks to go to a site, save its html, refresh, save it again, but under another name, how do i do that?06:48
hateballpopey╶ I'm not using pam_smbpass tho. I am however using pam_ldap, but it's not hinting about that in the log06:48
deanetTokenekie, i think use diff ...06:48
GumOnMShui can get it to open the page and then i just run it again and it will refresh but how do i get it to save it to a different file name each time, like page1, page2, page3, etc06:49
Tokenekiedeanet: No, diff compares what is contained in the files. I tried using [ foo > bar ] which is true, but if I do [ bar > foo ] I also get true06:49
Tokenekiedeanet: By the way i created a file called foo then copied it to the same directory under the name bar, so they are essentially the same06:49
xsgHow can i get LiVES ?? i realy want it06:49
hateballrww: it keeps segfaulting every 5 seconds, yet everything seemingly works...06:50
aroonihey folks;  how do i format /dev/sda1 from the command line to ext3?06:50
popeyxsg: http://lives.sf.net/06:50
DShepherdis there a dedicated room for ubuntu netbook?06:51
popeyxsg: it's far from finished, I'd recommend you look at blender for video editing, it's very powerful06:51
MrPocketzI want to use Secure-delet's sswap command to wipe my SWAP space,  although i have to disable swap first.06:51
MrPocketzcan this be done by just unmounting the swpa partition?06:52
enzotibarooni: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda106:52
xsgblender is for 3d ??06:52
Tokenekiedeanet: Oh I figured it out, you need to use double square brackets for some reason I dont know06:52
popeyxsg: blender also has a video editor built in06:52
dooglusarooni: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda106:52
xsgo ok ill get blender and try it out any others06:52
Tokenekiedeanet:  [[ foo > bar ]]  #0,  [[ bar > foo ]]  #106:52
popeyxsg: thats the best one06:52
xsgok thanks a bunch i still cant find any good c++ editors like visual c+ or dev c++06:53
deanetok thanls Tokenikie06:53
ariqsxsg: I'm almost positive dev c++ is for linux too. I'm going to check now.06:54
aroonitonyyarusso, same issue;  should i try formatting /dev/sda1 ?06:54
sparranyone else use a nvidia chipset and have your NIC get a random MAC every reboot?06:54
ariqssparr: lol, that's funny06:55
xsgif dev c++ is for linux point me to an installer06:55
almark1Hello, I can hear a clicking sound in hardy, the left channel, when I play a sound like lmms or any program, I get a click on sound start and sound stop, I'm using alsa only, pulse audio is not installed, what could be the problem?06:55
ariqsxsg: if you're a programmer, why can't you compile it yourself anyway?06:55
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ZiggiZahhello everyone. need printer setup help06:56
xsgcause i'm a new programmer only been 1-2 months06:56
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dr-riceis there ubuntu flight semulator06:57
ariqsxsg: try codeblocks. It's in the synaptic package manager and a lot like dev c++. I like it better06:57
Kartagishello good morning06:57
dr-ricei need a program to learn to fly06:57
thecommutistdr-rice: flightgear06:57
Kartagisis there a program which allows me to watch my shares and accesses to them graphically?06:57
ariqsthrow your laptop running ubuntu out the window. that'll simulate flight06:57
xsgok thanks06:57
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thecommutistariqs: lol06:57
dr-ricethey had 2001-etc for microsoft06:57
dr-riceubuntu 2009 fight semulater is what i,m lookin for06:58
thecommutistKartagis: if you are running gnome, there's an applet you can add called stockwatch06:58
syntax\any suggestions on how to mass install ubuntu? constraints: migrating from windows xp to ubuntu 8.10. the used to be windows machines have 2 partitions c drive and d drive. the d drive needs to as ease because backups are stored there. any suggestions to have this done in 2 to 3 days?06:58
dr-ricewhats wine all about06:58
`brandon`how do i run a perl irc bot?06:59
eqisowsyntax: the d partition needs to what? stay where it is? be backed up? Are you getting rid of XP 100%?06:59
`brandon`dr-rice: wine is so you can use windows on Ubuntu or anyother Linux OS06:59
lstarnesdr-rice: it is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux.  it works very well but still lacks some support for more advanced things06:59
dooglusb: perl filename.pl06:59
thecommutistKartagis: right click panel > add to panel06:59
evilGUICan lm-sensors harm a system?06:59
Kartagisthecommutist, thanks07:00
eqisowsyntax: also, how many machines are we talking?07:00
popeyevilGUI: unlikely07:00
evilGUII did sensors-detect07:00
evilGUIalright good =)07:00
thecommutistKartagis: actually, it's called Invest not stockwatch, sorry!07:00
syntax\eqisow: exactly.07:01
Kartagisthecommutist, lol I meant samba shares07:01
`brandon`brandon@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ perl hello_nick.pl Can't locate Net/IRC.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at hello_nick.pl line 3.07:01
`brandon`BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at hello_nick.pl line 3.07:01
eqisowsyntax\: exactly what? I asked like 4 questions o.O07:01
thecommutistKartagis: shit! lol!07:01
lstarnes`brandon`: sudo cpan Net::IRC07:01
gentubuntuYo what up did anyone message me?07:01
syntax\eqisow: the other ntfs partition should stay as ease. because there are back ups that are stored there. i need to figure out a solution to be able to surpass the issue. I have no idea if cloning would work because of the ntfs partition that needs to be saved.07:02
evilGUIpopey: I guess speedfan does the same thing on the Windows side?07:02
SwedeWhat does GRUB Error 22 mean?07:02
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popeyevilGUI: never used it, sorry07:02
gentubuntuGENA" ARE YOU THERE07:02
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thecommutistKartagis: i think you can use nautilus for accessing your samba shares07:02
=== Zaraphrax|Deskto is now known as Zaraphrax
SwedeI try to reinstall Linpus on my netbook, but Ubuntu have somehow messed up my computer. I have removed Ubuntu and all partitions, but when I try to boot Linpus I get GRUB Error 22. WHy?07:03
dooglusI just installed 'emacs-snapshot'.  i can't see it in the 'applications' menu anywhere.  should it be?07:03
homerhomerHey Ubuntu channel, what is the best way to share files between Ubuntu 8.10 and Mac 10.4?07:03
lstarnesSwede: your configuration for grub has a module line before a kernel line07:03
gentubuntuHomrhomer DROBOX07:03
Kartagisthecommutist, I don't want to watch them. i want to watch them graphically07:04
gentubuntuyou can find it at getdropbox.com07:04
syntax\eqisow: the d partition needs to what? stay where it is? be backed up? Are you getting rid of XP 100%? the d partition needs to be saved not over written or deleted; its already a backup; yes im getting rid of xp 100%07:04
Swedelstarnes: Uhm? What does that mean?07:04
homerhomerwell that cool, but the free one only support up to 2 gigs07:04
dooglushomerhomer: http://tr.im/getdrop - it gets you an extra 250MB of storage (and me too :) )07:04
thecommutistgentubuntu needs to see an opthalmologist!07:04
eqisowsyntax: OK, I follow, I think. If you have enough storage, the easiest thing may be to backup all the D partitions (which, really, should be backed up already), image the computers, then put the data back07:04
gentubuntuYes but it is awesome07:04
eqisowsyntax\: because a second partition on the same disk isn't a real backup07:04
lstarnesSwede: it means you need to take a look at /boot/grub/menu.lst07:04
eqisowsyntax\: there's also no need to leave anything as ntfs is a 100% linux environment07:05
Swedelstarnes: Ok, using a Live CD then, because I haven't got any operating system installed yet.07:05
evilGUIcore0 and core1 should be CPU correct?07:05
gentubuntudooglus: i am already signed up can I get an extrea 25007:05
NineTeen67CometHi all. I've got an onboard mic issue with this Aspire One (8.10 inside). It just screeches and I've gone through all the choices. Is there a tool (CLI or otherwise) I can use to see what the interfierance issue is?07:05
dawsonHi I need help with GRUB, I set the timeout to 0 accidentally, and now I cannot boot back to Linux because the default OS is Windows07:05
gentubuntudoes anyone know if Gnea is a guy or girl07:05
ndshackerdawson: live  cd07:06
lyyis there a linux tool to rescale a pic?07:06
homerhomerdooglus:  sorry I already have a drop box account07:06
Swedelstarnes: I thought /boot/grub/menu.lst was a part of Ubuntu.07:06
dawsonI'm actually in there right now07:06
popeygentubuntu: inappropriate07:06
eqisow!offtopic | getubuntu07:06
ubottugetubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:06
NineTeen67Cometdawson: if you still have your live cd you can boot off it, mount the /boot partition and re-edit /boot/grub/menu.list ..07:06
dawsonbut I cannot mount my / partition07:06
lstarnesSwede: it's the config for grub07:06
thecommutistNineTeen67Comet: alsamixer07:06
dawsonit is a reiserfs partition07:06
ndshackerdawson: then mount it and edit he file07:06
gentubuntuI installed this program I dont know it is but it mounts my drive and I can accesss anything from my windows drive it is awesome07:06
lyyis there a linux tool to rescale a pics? I have about 500 5meg pics to rescale07:06
gentubuntuwho are you?07:06
popeylyy: imagemagick has a tool called "convert"07:07
NineTeen67Cometthecommutist: thanks .. I'll peek at it, but I think it is more than just settings (think I checked alsamixer a few weeks ago, I'll check it again real quick)07:07
doogluslyy: use imagemagick's 'convert' utility07:07
Swedelstarnes: Yes, I understand that. I think the best would be to reinstall GRUB, I haven't got any partitions on my computer, I haven't got the Ubuntu installation on the hard drive. Maybe it's better to reinstall grub?07:07
ndshackerdawson: there are some live cds tyhat work with reiserfs i believe07:07
lyydooglus: thanks!07:07
lyypopey: thanks!07:07
dawsonahh so the ubuntu live cd wont?07:07
dawsonmount -t reiserfs /dev/sda2/ /media/FU07:07
ndshackeri think it can07:07
gentubuntuDoes anyone know what i downloaded that let me mount my C:] drive so I can access all my files, what ever it is it is awsome07:07
ndshackerwhat error do you get?07:07
gentubuntui can listen to all my mp3's and read all my ebooks through calibre07:08
ndshackergentubuntu: its called a terminal07:08
dawsonmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda2,        missing codepage or helper program, or other error07:08
thecommutistndshacker: lol!07:08
gentubuntuthere is something else07:08
popey!ntfs > gentubuntu07:08
ubottugentubuntu, please see my private message07:08
lstarnesSwede: you could either reinstall grub or reconfigure it.  If you're going to be installing a new os over everything else, you might as well reinstall grub07:08
gentubuntuUsuallly ubuntu wont let you access ntfs07:08
popeygentubuntu: yes it does07:08
dooglushow safe it is to write to an the /host/... directory when running a wubi-installed ubuntu?07:08
dawsongentubuntu: Ubuntu let's you access NTFS07:08
popeygentubuntu: I'm not going to argue with you, but you're wrong :)07:09
gentubuntuthen how come i had to get a program07:09
gentubuntunot out of the box07:09
ndshackeryou didnt07:09
dawsonntfs-3g is out of the box07:09
popeygentubuntu: yes, out of the box07:09
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE07:09
dfcnvtmount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/window-drive;echo "yay it work"07:09
Swedelstarnes: Yes, but the problem is that when I installed GRUB it did something with my computer and when I try to boot fron Linpus recovery usb then the computer answers GRUB Error 22.07:09
thecommutistgentubuntu: what version of ubuntu are you using?07:09
lstarnesSwede: it may be an error on the usb stick07:09
gentubuntuit lets you mounts your drive and access everything07:09
Swedelstarnes: When I installed Ubuntu, I meant.07:09
gentubuntui was using 8.10 now im using suck 9.1007:10
Swedelstarnes: No, no, I have used it several times before on other computers without problems.07:10
popeygentubuntu: 9.10 hasn't been started, perhaps you mean jaunty 9.04?07:10
lstarnesSwede: make sure your BIOS checks USB and CD before hard disks07:10
thecommutistgentubuntu: 8.10 supports it out of the box07:10
ndshackeri thin you mean 9.0407:10
gentubuntuoh yes07:10
dawsonoh wait07:10
Swedelstarnes: Ubuntu did something that makes it impossible for me to reinstall Linpus on my netbook.07:10
dawsondamn it im so stupid07:10
FloodBot1dawson: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:11
dawsoni was mounting sd2, it was sda307:11
dawsonthanks anyways, have a nice evening07:11
gentubuntuwelll you do itg through the terminal i got a program that mounted my cd drive write on the desktop07:11
Swedelstarnes: Even if I choose usb on boot, then suddenly I get an GRUB Error 22.07:11
ndshackergeez man07:11
ndshackerits called07:11
ndshackeranyone here use dns cache by any chance?07:12
Gneagentubuntu: did you fix it?07:12
ndshackersince it seems to help me a lot :)07:12
gentubuntugnea: no07:12
Gneagentubuntu: did you follow the directions i gave you?07:12
austin987I've recently started getting errors in my shell scripts when using '||'  in combination with #/bin/sh (bash works fine)07:12
gentubuntugnea: it wont let me download it i think my computer is broke07:12
austin987anyone know why? and/or a more portable way to do so?07:13
Gneagentubuntu: eh? works fine here..07:13
gentubuntuTime to throw it and smash it with a baseball bat07:13
Gneajust type 'no' and press enter then07:13
gentubuntuGnea: are you a guy or girl07:13
Gneashould be fine07:13
Gneagentubuntu: that's offtopic07:13
dfcnvt|| or, && and, ! not07:13
SwedeHow do I repair/reinstall GRUB using gParted?07:13
nxnn14Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem with my graphics. The screen appears fragmented randomly all over the screen07:14
n2diyis installing from a flash drive as simple as putting an .iso on it?07:14
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:14
popey!usb | n2diy07:14
ubottun2diy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:14
gentubuntuGnea: sorry for asking question my bad for being intrested and wanted to have a conversation07:14
SlartSwede: I don't think you can.. type !grub for grub help07:14
austin987dfcnvt, what do you mean exactly?07:14
thecommutistn2diy: check out unetbootin07:14
gateswhere's the logoff file located?07:14
gentubuntuGnea: can I just get rid of the sucky program I dont need JSE anyways07:14
popeygentubuntu: not here, this is a support channel not a chat channel07:14
lstarnesn2diy: you have to actually copy/burn the contents of the .iso to the drive, not just put the .iso on it as a file07:14
Gneagentubuntu: yeah, that sort of talk is reserved for #ubuntu-offtopic. but, i am a guy.07:14
n2diyok, thanks all.07:15
popeyn2diy: unetbootin is good for making bootable usb sticks07:15
gatesor can init + # can log off?07:15
Gneagentubuntu: you should be able to just type 'no' and press enter, as I've suggested at least several times in the past couple of hours07:15
gentubuntuGnea: ok i'm sorry your name sounds kind of like a girl as in Gina, I was going to says you know a lot for a girl but never mind07:15
SwedeSlart: Ok, I think I have to use the Terminal in Ubuntu LiveCD07:15
popeygentubuntu: dude, enough07:15
SlartSwede: correct07:15
gentubuntuGnea: I will try I don't know how to get back to it07:15
thecommutistmcp alert!07:16
austin987my script has, e.g., "OS=`uname -o` || OS=`uname -s`" to determine the OS it's on07:16
austin987the script is used on Ubuntu/*BSD/Solaris07:16
Gneagentubuntu: well, I have to go now, so perhaps someone else can help you.  BTW, you shouldn't be such a sexist, it'll get you hurt or worse. bye.07:16
austin987but the '||' confuses Ubuntu (but only recently?)07:17
gentubuntuGnea: one minute07:17
popeyaustin987: sh uses dash now, not bash, perhaps thats why?07:17
dfcnvtif the first command fail then it run afterward07:17
Slartaustin987: are you sure it's the || that is causing trouble? I thought that was pretty basic07:17
nxnn14I was wondering if anyone could help me with a graphics problem I am having07:17
austin987it's been dash for a while I thought..07:17
dfcnvtecho "work fine?" || echo "fail"07:17
gentubuntuGnea: no I was just going to complete meant if you were a girl that not being sexist more girls need to get into technology in my opinion there is not enough07:17
austin987Slart, "daily.sh: 1: Syntax error: "||" unexpected"07:17
Slartaustin987: can you pastebin the 10 or so lines around that line?07:18
dfcnvtechowhoops "work fine?" || echo "fail"07:18
dfcnvtit will take turn to second command when fail07:18
thecommutistnxnn14: what's the problem you are facing?07:18
austin987Slart, http://winezeug.googlecode.com/svn-history/r424/trunk/build_script/daily.sh07:19
austin987err: http://winezeug.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/build_script/daily.sh07:19
gentubuntuGnea: I cant do nothing im still getting this message Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:19
nxnn14communist: so recently when I started my computer the graphics are fragmented, like blacks dots randomly on the screen hard to describe, I tried to remove the graphics card and use the on board graphics and the problem is better but still exists07:20
Slartaustin987: I just tried a small test here using dash and || works fine as far as I can tell07:20
austin987Slart, hmm. thanks. Not sure what the problem is then...07:20
gentubuntudash as in dash phone?07:20
thecommutistnxnn14: are you using the proprietary drivers for your graphics card? what's the make of your card?07:21
Slartaustin987: you wrote this script yourself?07:21
gentubuntuI want to hook my phone up to ubuntu any one know a program tat will support windows mobile07:21
austin987Slart, yes07:21
=== dr-rice is now known as Fire
gentubuntuhow do you change you name07:22
Slartaustin987: one thing to check would be if the assignment really returns some kind of error code07:22
gentubuntuwhy do i get this message07:22
nxnn14the communist: its an nvidia, ya I had the drivers installed, but just did a fresh install and haven't gotten the internet up again yet so don't have the drivers installed again, but the problem was still there even with the drivers. I had it all working well for a while and out of nowhere it just stopped working.07:22
bobbie4I love the ubuntu07:23
gentubuntuUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?07:23
austin987Slart, good idea, sec07:23
gentubuntuWhy do i get this message?07:23
thecommutistnxnn14: are you using 8.10?07:23
popeygentubuntu: you have a package manager running, synaptic, apt, update-manager etc07:23
gentubuntuAnd why does ubuntu start with a kubuntu logo?07:23
nxnn14the communist: yes07:23
Slartaustin987: I just ran a small script with the offending line and the one after that.. works nicely here.. no errors07:24
gentubuntugo to synaptic07:24
ActionParsnipgentubuntu: you probably install kubuntu-desktop after installing ubuntu07:24
Slartaustin987: it works no matter if I run it as "bash test.sh" "dash test.sh" or "sh test.sh"07:24
gentubuntuI installed some kde programs but did not install kubuntu07:24
gentubuntupopey: this is what i get when open synaptic Unable to lock something something:  This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first.07:25
nxnn14thecommutist: just was curious if anyone had any idea what the problem could be as I have not been able to find anything yet07:26
=== gates is now known as gentrox
cosoalchecking for wx-config... no07:26
cosoalconfigure: error:07:26
cosoalwxWidgets must be installed on your system but wx-config07:26
cosoalscript couldn't be found. Please check that wx-config is07:26
cosoalin path or specified by --with-wx-config=path flag, the07:26
cosoaldirectory where wxWidgets libraries are installed (returned07:26
FloodBot1cosoal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:26
wolterhow do i change my email in my pgp key07:26
Slartwolter: don't you have to create a new key for that?07:27
cosoalwhat's wrong?07:27
wolterSlart, i don't know, do i have to?07:27
cosoalwho can help me?07:27
Slartwolter: I'm not really sure but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case07:27
cosoalequivalent variable and wxWidgets version is 2.8.0 or above.07:28
cosoalchecking for wx-config... no07:28
cosoalconfigure: error:07:28
cosoalchecking for wx-config... no07:28
cosoal configure: error:07:28
wolterdoes anybody know if I have to?07:28
popey!paste | cosoal07:28
ubottucosoal: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:28
popeydont paste huge gobs of text here07:29
austin987Slart, you were right07:30
austin987it was that 'get' at the beginning07:30
austin987but the error pointed me in the wrong direction07:30
cosoalwho can help me?my english is pool07:30
Slartaustin987: ahh... tricky07:30
glickwow most tv is pure trash07:31
glickwrong channel07:31
FloodBot1glick: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:31
austin987thanks for the help :-)07:31
cosoalwho can help me?my english is pool07:31
nxnn14anyone able to me with a graphics problem?07:31
lstarnescosoal: poor, not pool.  Which language do you speak?07:31
popeycosoal: you havent told us what the problem is07:32
Slartaustin987: you're welcome07:32
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:32
Geoffrey2anything I can look at to try and figure out why I no longer have any audio from my laptop?07:33
cosoal wxWidgets must be installed on your system but wx-config07:34
cosoal   script couldn't be found. Please check that wx-config is07:34
cosoal   in path or specified by --with-wx-config=path flag, the07:34
cosoal   directory where wxWidgets libraries are installed (returned07:34
FloodBot1cosoal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:34
arooniis there a way of wiping/deleting the partition table prior to doing the ubuntu install?  when i try to do the ubuntu install i'm getting failure messages with formatting the drive  (the drive may be suspect i fear)07:34
cosoal wxWidgets must be installed on your system but wx-config07:34
cosoal    script couldn't be found. Please check that wx-config is07:34
cosoal    in path or specified by --with-wx-config=path flag, the07:34
aroonior deleting all partitions on a drive07:34
cosoaldirectory where wxWidgets libraries are installed (returned07:34
cosoalby 'wx-config --libs' command) is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or07:34
cosoalequivalent variable and wxWidgets version is 2.8.0 or above.07:34
cosoalwhat is wrong?07:35
Slartarooni: you could boot from a live cd and use "dd" or "wipe" to clear it all07:35
cosoalwhat is wrong?07:35
arooniSlart, i'm at the livecde;  how do i do that07:35
Slartarooni: I'm not sure what those low level formatting utilities from the manufacturers actually do besides that..07:36
dfcnvtCosoal ,请检查您的/ etc /配置目录wxWidgets程序07:36
Slartarooni: I've never managed to remember the syntax for dd.. man dd in a terminal will probably tell you more..07:36
eqisowarooni: dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda bs=1M (use hda for an ata drive, sdb for the second drive, etc)07:37
iulianpojararoono: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=51207:37
=== Belial` is now known as Belial-
Slartsee.. there's the reason I've never learned it... there's always a ton of people that knows =)07:38
Belial-anyone notice pidigin is displaying in all workspaces on the taskbar now for some reason? (9.04)07:38
eqisowarooni: You could also use a boot disk to test your HD, if you think it's suspect07:39
aroonihow can i test the hard drive?07:39
iulianpojararooni: ifi you want to delete partitions table than you must do : dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1 count=1M07:39
iulianpojararooni: hdpam -tT07:39
=== Guest36144 is now known as trucMuche
eqisowarooni: The hard drive manuf's utilities are usually beest for that, many are included in hiren's (google it). I personally use a multiboot I rolled myself /shameless plug07:40
aroonihow do i know which hard drive i have07:40
Slartnot sure if we should recommend boot cd's that use pirated software here07:40
eqisowSlart: maybe not, I recommend the best tool though /shrug07:41
Belial-does anyone know if there is a way to keep pidgin from displaying in all workspaces in the taskbar? seems like it started doing it after an update. using 9.04. i'm sure it might be a gnome problem, but i'd figure i'd give it a shot in here.07:41
Belial-checked google, seemed to be an old bug for some people. i've never had the problem before though.07:41
magnetronBelial-→ i've experienced the same since 7.04 at least07:42
Belial-no work around, eh?07:42
aroonihow do i list all the hard drive devices connected07:42
Belial-the post i found seemed to be getting to it...and then they closed it.07:42
eqisowarooni: fdisk -l07:42
aroonieqisow, i see: "cannot open /dev/sda"  is that bad?07:43
=== SPFhome is now known as SPF
git_2rtfm to u too smurf07:44
ariqsI hate reading07:44
aroonieqisow, ? ;p07:44
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:44
eqisowacronyms aren't welcome? o.O07:45
ariqsnoob, jfgi, stfu and RTFM!07:45
eqisowarooni: It would certainly explain why the partitioner's not working07:45
ariqsacronyms like07:45
aroonieqisow, anything i can do?  or is the drive toast?07:45
Slartarooni: you did run the command as root, right?07:45
arooniSlart, yes sir07:45
Slartarooni: hmm.. odd07:46
arooniSlart, actually when i do : "sudo fdisk -l" i see nothing.07:47
eqisowarooni: You can always run a real tester, to be sure, but very possible. You can also try hdparm -Tt /dev/sda for a rudimentary test (it will still pass this if it's just flakey and not bricked)07:47
mib_028dg3hello, I tried DISPLAY= gedit from my pc but i can't see any thing in this remote host though I put xhost + there07:48
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por el momento07:49
thecommutistpeople, what's the command to reconfigure X?07:49
eqisowarooni: if it didn't come with your computer and is less than 5 years old, it may be under warranty from the drive manuf. If it came with the computer, you may be able to check with the computer manuf.07:50
Titan8990thecommutist, in debian: sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg07:51
quibblerthecommutist-> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:52
carreracan anyone tell me why Ubuntu is trying to update my kernel 2.6.27-14 with 2.6.27-11?07:52
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aroonieqisow, is there any way to know who the drive manufacturer is so i can run the correct diagnostics from the ultimate boot cd?07:54
thecommutistthanks Titan8990, quibbler07:54
thecommutistarooni: lshw07:55
dumb_dumbguys i need help07:55
carreracan anyone tell me why Update Manager is trying to update my kernel 2.6.27-14 with 2.6.27-11?07:55
aroonieqisow, i ran the hdparm command and i got:  "read() failed: input/output error:  timing buffered disk reads: read() failed: input/output error"07:55
aroonidoes that sounds like the drive is dead?\07:55
eqisowarooni: don't bother with the other test then, she's a brick07:55
aroonioh noes;  i blew it up!07:55
aroonithats what i get for dropping my laptop07:56
thecommutistarooni: try connecting the drive to a different power connector07:56
eqisowarooni: lol, you could have mentioned that to begin with fella :p07:56
arooniits a laptop drive07:56
dfcnvtI have no idea, maybe they found out it's no good version & decided to switch back to orginal07:56
aroonii dont have a lot of options07:56
thecommutistarooni: oops! didn't knew it's a laptop07:56
aroonieqisow, i've dropped it before ;p07:56
eqisowarooni: like I said, if it's not old check with the manuf and don't mention dropping it.. otherwise, time to visit newegg :p07:56
dumb_dumbwhen i try to install libc6-dev I got these error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/146013/07:57
aroonii wonder how much a good 3.5" drive is07:57
dumb_dumbhow can i fix those?07:57
aroonialthough my 100gb is under warranty07:57
ariqsI want to burn .avi to dvd video format07:57
thecommutistariqs: use mandvd or devede07:57
eqisowariqs: or get a divx player ;)07:58
dfcnvtdumb_dumb, apt-get install libc607:58
almark1Hello  I am using just alsa for my sound needs, and recently I get this click sound in my left channel speaker everytime I start or stop a sound, what could this be, does anyone know of this? I am using Ubuntu Hardy.07:58
psypher246hey all, has anyone else's totem not been able to play ANY formats since the last update? is it just me? thnx07:58
ariqsis mandvd or devede smaller?07:58
dfcnvtfirst then the next07:58
ndshackerhi there, speed test says I have a 149 kb/s download, but i see no poof of this :(07:58
dumb_dumbso what that error mean07:58
thecommutistariqs: smaller as in?07:58
ariqsfile size07:59
psypher246even vlc is broken????07:59
eqisowdumb_dumb: it means the package is broken, more or less, because it depends on a lower version of libc6 than is installed07:59
almark1I have googled many places, I am using a Audigy SE creative soundblaste07:59
ndshackeras in my max download it seems is 17 kb/s07:59
ariqsI'll just go for mandvd since I'm a MAN07:59
thecommutistariqs: no idea, check with the package manager07:59
dfcnvtit just mean you need to get something first..07:59
eqisowdumb_dumb: You can probably force it safely. Are you running a development version (jaunty) by chance? or did you do some manual installation of stuff?08:00
thecommutistariqs: lol!08:00
almark1I have googled many places, but I can not find my exact problem.08:00
dfcnvtI think you need to update your kernel.. not sure if that what it means..08:00
carreracan anyone tell me why Update Manager is trying to update my kernel 2.6.27-14 with 2.6.27-11?08:00
dfcnvtapt-get install 2.7-10ubuntu408:00
carreraWhy is Update Manager trying to update my kernel with an older release (2.6.27-14 with 2.6.27-11)?08:02
dumb_dumbno i just install the 8.04 fresh08:02
dumb_dumbbut when i try to install those i got that error08:02
eqisowcarrera: did you install a custom kernel at some point?08:02
arooniis there a practical limit to how big my hard drive can be using ibex?08:03
carreraeqisow, I've a standard 64 bit system08:03
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aroonifor my laptop08:03
azharcsHi, I am having problems with configuring openssh, It shows me this message when i type ssh localhost "ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused08:03
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eqisowarooni: nosir08:03
dumb_dumbis that some thing wrong with my installation?08:03
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filefreakhey all08:06
filefreakhow do i define groups in my smb.conf file?08:06
filefreakI know i need to use the @ symbol to refer to a group08:06
filefreakbut how do i define the users in that group08:06
thecommutistwhat does the presence of "UseFBDev" in the Device section of xorg.conf indicate?08:07
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zashthecommutist: "use framebuffer device"08:07
dfcnvtman fbdevhw08:08
thecommutistzash: thanks! is there a way for X to avoid using that?08:09
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filefreakanyone have an answer for my question?08:10
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ccambrahace hambre y no hay nada q comer08:13
Myrtti!es | ccambra08:13
ubottuccambra: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:13
Junior`algum brasileiro?08:14
orontohello everyone08:14
Myrtti!pt | Junior`08:15
ubottuJunior`: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:15
Junior`ubottu obrigado.08:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about obrigado.08:15
Gnea!english | Junior`08:15
Firemath said watson08:15
ubottuJunior`: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat08:15
orontopls can somebody help me correct my skype audio08:16
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:16
Firei like skype08:16
Firecan i take this one08:17
Gneathere is no asking, just do it08:17
yellabshello all08:17
Firebend over and kiss ypur ----- anyways08:17
orontoi have skpe well installed but the problem is that i cant hear anyone when i call, but they hear me... i dont know how to correct this08:18
Firedo you have the updated skype installed08:18
orontoany help?08:18
Firedid you install the patch08:18
scuserhi all, does anyone know which package should I install to have stdbool.h that conforms to C99 ?08:19
orontowhats the patch08:19
palmjeoronto: check the preferences and see what sound device its set up to use08:19
Fireoh nothing08:19
yellabsi have ubuntu with apache installed, i do get the website when i type localhost, however when i type the ip adres i cant get the website, where should i edit the config files to get local host to direct to the ip adres ( lan )...? any tips are more then welcome!08:19
orontoive check all the prefrences all is ok08:19
grendal_primecan anyone help me out with setting up exim.08:20
grendal_primeits making me nuts08:21
MyrttiFire: huh?08:21
grendal_primei just need the server to be able to send an email.08:21
orontofire, do u have anymore idea?08:21
grendal_primei keep getting nothing though08:21
grendal_primethe exim error log is somewhat..well vague i guess is the best way to descripbe it08:21
dfcnvtyellabs, http://www.ip-adress.com/what_is_my_ip/08:21
pteaguei realize jaunty isn't official yet... any idea how stable the current beta is?08:22
dfcnvtfind out if those ip would get you on your website08:22
Firetake compuer trow it off the roof and wish it lands on your lords ugo08:22
quibbleroronto-> have you tried the test call?08:22
hateballpteague: Find out over in #ubuntu+1 :)08:22
MyrttiFire: did you have some constructive advice to give?08:22
orontoyes many times but still de same08:22
pteaguehateball: ah, ty :)08:22
Firetake compuer throw it off the roof and wish it lands on your lords ugo08:22
rettyhello , i want to change my resulution but there is jus one option (800,600) i want to make 1024 -768 can i do that?08:23
Firetake compuer throw it off the roof and wish it lands on your landlords ugo08:23
Firesorry my bad08:23
Firei need a better08:23
MyrttiFire: that's not constructive, if you don't have anything that would actually help people, just let it be?08:23
Firesorry about that08:24
Firewe need to help better08:24
quibbleroronto -> have you played with your audio devices?08:24
Firewhat would help evetry one08:24
azharcsretty yes you can if your video card supports it08:24
yellabsyes i know my ip adres, thats not whats wrong, i get , on this ubuntu setup with apache on this machine the localhost, but cannot acces it with lan ip connection, ..08:24
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:24
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:25
rettyazharcs : how ? i m googling it but i couldn't something good it s complicated08:25
orontoquibbler, theres no way i havent tried to correct this but to no avail...i just wanna no if there is any other thing i have to install to make it work08:26
azharcsretty which video card do you have?08:26
Myrttioronto: have you checked your mixer settings?08:26
orontoi have alsamixer...08:26
orontoyes i have08:26
livingdaylightHallo Maedels!08:26
quibbleroronto -> what are you using to talk?  i'm using the mic in my webcan08:27
livingdaylighteine Frage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound is this the way to get oss4 installed?08:27
abchirklivingdaylight thats a english channel! ;)08:27
rettyazharcs ATI Mobility Radeon X130008:27
azharcsretty: I had the same problem too, I just had to go System->Administration->Hardware Devices and enable Nvidea driver.08:27
livingdaylightare peoples switching to oss4?08:28
orontojust the computer mic08:28
rettyazharcs , really =) it s just so simple?08:28
orontoor how do i use the webcam mic08:28
livingdaylightand should i follow this how to to meke it happen? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound08:28
livingdaylightabchirk: was denkst Du?08:28
quibbleroronto -> you on a laptop?08:28
abchirklivingdaylight write english or join #ubuntu-de08:28
livingdaylightquibbler, i'm on an armchair08:29
livingdaylightabchirk, i wrote in English!08:29
azharcsretty: I actually don't know about ATI, but try it or ask other people who have configured ATI card to work with Ubuntu.08:29
ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:29
Fireprizm chipset08:29
livingdaylightabchirk, can you also answer quesations or are you here just to make sure people write english?08:29
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abchirklivingdaylight what you want to make happen there? Your sound isn't working?08:30
Firelets get to brass tacs08:30
livingdaylightabchirk, too many sound issues. Then someone told me oss4 is gut08:30
Firei,m here becuase you let me08:30
Myrtti!offtopic | Fire08:30
ubottuFire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:30
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Myrttiubottu: tell arakthor about away08:31
rettyazharcs , ok i ll try. thank you very much.08:31
ubottuarakthor, please see my private message08:31
livingdaylightabchirk, gave me this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound but i don't know if it is current and/or the best way to implement oss408:31
Firei,m here to help thats my part08:31
abchirklivingdaylight hm here its all fine without oss4 :P08:31
MyrttiFire: all I've seen from you so far is random chatting08:31
livingdaylightabchirk, i am so happy for you :/08:31
quibbleroronto -> then i don't know..i'm using a desktop with a usb webcam and as long as under audio devices i use usb audio i'm fine ...how your buildin mic is defined i don't know.08:31
racecar56why is my linux still at 2.6.27-11? isn't 2.6.27-14 out?08:31
Firenow if acutwill you let me help08:31
grendal_primeim trying to send email to a gmail account and exim is just getting this....08:31
grendal_prime gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com [] Connection timed out08:31
orontoquibler, i notice that at the volume control, the recoding is always off, each time i enable it, it will later go back to disabled mode08:32
abchirklivingdaylight I want to say that you normally don't need oss4 :)08:32
dfcnvtretty, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide08:32
Myrttiracecar56: are you on hardy or intrepid?08:32
orontoanytime i open it its off08:32
racecar56Myrtti intrepid08:32
ActionParsnipracecar56: does make all your hardware work ok?08:32
abchirklivingdaylight but you're rare with errors. Why it isn't working and else08:32
grawityFire: Please stop.08:32
hateball!ot > Fire08:32
ubottuFire, please see my private message08:32
racecar56ActionParsnip it's ok, nothin' wrong, i have another pc that runs 2.6.27-14 and it works k too08:33
MyrttiFire: if you don't know how to behave on this channel, you will be removed08:33
Firei,ll stop08:33
Firemy bad08:33
rettydfcnvt , thank you08:33
grendal_primeexim anyone?08:33
ActionParsnipracecar56: if the kernel on the system is working fine, you have no need to update it08:33
Fireno wories08:33
racecar56ActionParsnip ok08:33
juancmo estan08:33
ccambrajuancho eres tu08:33
FloodBot1juan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:33
ActionParsnipracecar56: why fix something that isnt broken?08:33
orontoquibler, i notice that at the volume control, the recoding is always off, each time i enable it, it will later go back to disabled mode08:33
ccambraayudame con mi problema08:34
Firelets teach these peolple sudo command08:34
juande que?08:34
livingdaylighthola ccambra08:34
ccambraeres de argentina verdad juancho08:34
Myrtti!es | juan, ccambra08:35
ubottujuan, ccambra: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:35
livingdaylighthola paco!08:35
quibbleroronto -> as i told you...i don't have a inbuild mic so i don't know how to configure it08:35
rettyazharcs , i found the driver i m writing the adress if somebody needs for ATI . for all of it http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx08:35
Firedonesta la money exxchange now08:35
dfcnvtI'm not sure which version is your... http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu08:35
livingdaylightabchirk, "youre rare with errors"08:35
orontook thanks08:35
ActionParsnip!es > ccambra08:35
ubottuccambra, please see my private message08:35
juanel español08:35
juanes lo mas bello del muindo08:35
juanque ingles ni qu nada08:35
livingdaylightabchirk, you didn't answer my question; but thanks for trying08:35
FloodBot1juan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:35
MyrttiFire: final warning, if you can't help people, then please be quiet08:35
ariqs!es > ariqs08:35
ubottuariqs, please see my private message08:35
ActionParsnip!es > juan08:36
livingdaylightjuan, no es verdad. Megusta mucho mas l'Italiano08:36
Fireok i,l shut the f-ck up08:36
rettyi m using Babylon on windows could you suggest any application for ubuntu like Babylon?08:36
Myrtti!ohmy | Fire08:37
ubottuFire: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.08:37
ActionParsnipretty: what does it do?08:37
ariqs!es > ubottu08:37
ubottuariqs, please see my private message08:37
rettyActionParsnip it s a dictionary. but it has a great ocr support08:37
grodiusHey does anyone know how to get facebook messenger running in pidgeon08:37
rettyActionParsnip http://www.babylon.com/08:38
ActionParsnip!info gnome-dictionary08:38
ubottuPackage gnome-dictionary does not exist in intrepid08:38
dfcnvt!info gnome-terminal08:39
ubottugnome-terminal (source: gnome-terminal): The GNOME 2 terminal emulator application. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 90 kB, installed size 316 kB08:39
ActionParsnip!info openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us08:40
ubottuopenoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us (source: openoffice.org-dictionaries (1:2.4.0~m240-2ubuntu4)): English Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.0-2ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 5021 kB, installed size 21228 kB08:40
ActionParsnipretty: how about that ^08:40
ActionParsnipretty: babylon doesnt run well in wine unfortunately08:40
ariqsalmost anything I want to run in wine doesn't run in wine08:40
ActionParsnipariqs: welcome to probability08:40
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ActionParsnipariqs: make sure you are using the wine version on the wine repos08:41
psypher246please could someone help ,e, my intrepid install cannot play multimedia files at all and i have serious depency issues: why am i getting this: libvorbis-dev: Depends: libvorbis0a (= 1.2.0.dfsg-3.1) but 1.2.0.dfsg-4~jaunty1 is to be installed08:41
rettyActionParsnip yes i know , also i don't want to use wine. if i m using linux why would i use wine.it s my opinion.08:41
ActionParsnipretty: some apps run awesomely in wine, like doom308:42
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rettyActionParsnip , is it slow?08:42
ActionParsnip!jaunty | psypher24608:42
ubottupsypher246: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.08:42
ariqsI thought there was a linux version of doom3?08:43
ActionParsnipretty: no it runs amazingly, it varys from app to app and version to version too08:43
ActionParsnipariqs: theres that too08:43
magnetronretty→ Wine doesn't emulate anything, some apps runs faster in Wine than in windows08:43
ariqsthe lack of good games in ubuntu makes me far more productive anyway ;P08:43
psypher246ActionParsnip: ok what does that mean?08:44
ActionParsnipariqs: penumbra ;)08:44
ActionParsnippsypher246: if you are using jaunty, you are in the wrong place, you need to be in #ubuntu+108:44
psypher246ActionParsnip: i'm not runnig jaunty08:44
psypher246i told you intrepid08:44
psypher246my intrepid install cannot play multimedia08:44
rettymagnetron, how is it possible . how any application that developed for windows run faster on linux?08:44
ActionParsnippsypher246: that is the only reason your system would ask for jaunty dependancies08:44
aprilharequestion: I just purchased a Sony memory stick. it comes with compression software - "Virtual Expander". Is there a way to compress/decompress these files using Ubuntu, or should I steer clear?08:45
ActionParsnippsypher246: Depends: libvorbis0a (= 1.2.0.dfsg-3.1) but 1.2.0.dfsg-4~jaunty1 is to be installed08:45
magnetronretty→ because Wine/Linux does some things more efficient than Windows08:45
psypher246ONLY jaunty repo i had was to update proposed packages for libmtp as it was broken in intrepid, those repos have been removed08:45
lstarnesretty: certain elements of the windows api may have a faster implementation in wine than in windows08:45
ActionParsnippsypher246: you should NEvER mix repos, you will end up with a big mess08:46
psypher246when i try remove  libvorbis0a it want's to uninstall half my machine08:46
ActionParsnippsypher246: jaunty repos are for jaunty, intrepid repos are for intrepid08:46
psypher246this was the only solution to the problem08:46
lstarnespsypher246: libvorbis0a is used by a lot of stuff08:46
phuzionI have a bunch of files in .r00-.r99 format?08:46
ActionParsnip!rar | phuzion08:46
ubottuphuzion: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:46
psypher246banshee was breaking my ceative zen, launchpad suggeted this08:46
ActionParsnippsypher246: you will have to upgrade, you cant mix repos up and expect a working system08:47
psypher246so what do i do now?08:47
psypher246thats al;l i added:08:47
psypher246 deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/next-media/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main]\08:47
ActionParsnippsypher246: or remove the stuff you have installed recently using the hostory command, remove the jaunty repos then run: sudo apt-get -f install08:47
illumin8does sudo apt-get dist-upgrade move you to 9.04 beta from intrepid?08:48
ActionParsnip!upgrade | illumin808:48
ubottuillumin8: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:48
illumin8I was just curious if it was a legitimate upgrade from intrepid :)08:48
psypher246ActionParsnip: u meqan history?08:48
ActionParsnipillumin8: gksudo update-manager -d08:49
illumin8Ahh thank you08:49
illumin8ActionParsnip, Appreciated :)08:49
ActionParsnippsypher246: yes, the deps of an app in jaunty will be different to intrepid, thats why the repo is markd with the release name.08:49
=== harhaugl is now known as harald
SomeoneV4ioQuestion: what would the reason be for me to be able to browse directories on a windows share but not access any files... I used to be able to play files but now I can't and I have no idea what I did08:49
=== harald is now known as hhau
psypher246i understandf all that, only way to make libmtp work was to add that repo08:50
psypher246how do i use the history commmabnd?08:50
ActionParsnippsypher246: you needed a different solution08:50
rettygoogle has  sent to wine team thousand patches : http://code.google.com/opensource/wine.html =))08:50
ActionParsnippsypher246: try: history | grep install08:50
illumin8erm i ran gksudo update-manager -d and got this response.brute force GNOME_SUDO_PASS ended...08:51
illumin8Yeah, we're in...08:51
illumin8 08:51
thahausscan someone please help me get skydome working?  its enabled thru compizconfig, I'm using a 4096×1024 .png file from a beryl skydome site, adn when I zoom out the cube, the background is black08:51
ActionParsnippsypher246: you now need to remove all the stuff you installed recently08:51
paoloHI guys! Anyone could tell me if it's easy to sync windows mobile 6 with evolution?08:51
ActionParsnipthahauss: i'd ask in #compiz08:51
thahaussaction: ok will do TY08:51
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ActionParsnipthahauss: tab complete names too08:52
psypher246ActionParsnip: how far does this history go?\08:53
ActionParsnippsypher246:default is the last 1000 commands typed08:53
Skaparewhere can I install more codecs for the music player?08:53
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
oliversauvanhi I need some help to configure my USB WIFI Adapter D-Link DWA-14008:53
ActionParsnipoliversauvan: run lsusb in terminal, one line will identify the device, can you paste (or type) it here and I will websearch08:54
psypher246ActionParsnip: didn't work :(08:54
quibblerthahauss -> /join #compiz08:55
thahaussquibbler:  ok quibbler :) ty08:55
psypher246removed everything up to libmtp, which is where i added the jaunty repo08:55
filefreakHi all. Basic question: How do I define groups in my smb.conf file? I know i need to use the @ symbol, but then where do the usernames go? Is it like this? @groupName = user1, user2, usern  ?08:55
oliversauvanoliver@oliver-laptop:~$ lsusb08:55
oliversauvanBus 002 Device 005: ID 07d1:3c09 D-Link System DWA-140 802.11n Adapter [ralink rt2870]08:55
oliversauvanBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub08:55
oliversauvanBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub08:55
FloodBot1oliversauvan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:55
TetsuoooI get this error:  "The upgrade needs a total of 75.5M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 74.9M of disk space on '/boot'. "     Every tutorial I ever read told me that 100mb is more than enough for boot, now I cant update anymore!!!08:55
ActionParsnippsypher246: if you havent ran apt-get clean, you could look in /var/cache/apt for clues08:55
ActionParsnipoliversauvan: use pastebin in future, i only wanted the 1 line that identified it, not ALL08:56
aprilharequestion: I just purchased a Sony memory stick. it comes with compression software - "Virtual Expander". Is there a way to compress/decompress these .vem files using Ubuntu?08:56
SkapareActionParsnip: any info on how to "install" them into the DVD (the ISO, and burn a new one)08:56
SkapareActionParsnip: e.g. for use as live DVD08:56
ActionParsnipSkapare: not sure personally, you could use aptoncd08:56
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:56
ActionParsnipoliversauvan: ok its a rt2870 chip08:57
psypher246ActionParsnip: tons of packages, impossible08:57
Geoffrey2can anyone help me figure out why Adobe Flash is no longer working on my computer?  Ubuntu 8.10/Firefox....08:57
psypher246surely if i've remove evetything up to libmtp is should work08:57
ActionParsnippsypher246: worth a try08:57
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: 64bit linux or 32bit linux?08:58
noizhi i have a problem, when i turn my compwiz off and i try to use ` mark while playing cs it will not work because linux thinks im still on my desktop and it will open this wierd box where i can type, small box and it dissapears when i click on something but it opens when i press ` and ` is console in counter strike so i cant play08:58
ActionParsnipoliversauvan: what is the output of    lsb_release -c  please08:58
noizI turn my compwiz on and it then lets me use ` and wont open some wierd box on my desktop where i can type08:58
oliversauvanI already have the last driver for rt2870 but I don't know how to install it08:58
psypher246ActionParsnip: even tried removeing them all with aptitude08:59
psypher246no luck08:59
noizis there any way to unbind ` or sumth?08:59
oliversauvanthe AMD 64 version08:59
Tetsuooohow can I delete old kernels from /boot?08:59
Geoffrey2ActionParsnip, 32bit linux09:00
ActionParsnipoliversauvan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101610809:00
Geoffrey2it's worked fine, until just recently09:00
oliversauvanThanks a lot Action Parsnip !09:00
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree09:01
ActionParsnippsypher246: you need to get the jaunty stuff off your system as its borking your rig09:01
ActionParsnippsypher246: or upgrade or reinstall inrepid09:01
SkapareActionParsnip: is there a tool in Ubuntu to convert non-free format files to a free format?  for example mp3->vorbis09:02
ActionParsnippsypher246: you could run: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop AFTER removing the jaunty repo09:02
ActionParsnipSkapare: i wouldnt recommend that09:02
rww!info mp32ogg | Skapare09:02
ubottuSkapare: mp32ogg (source: mp32ogg): Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-12 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB09:02
BromaxSuxin man pages, each man page name has also a number (in parenthesis) what's that number mean.. for instance: e2label(8), updatedb.conf(5) ?09:02
ActionParsnipSkapare: converting from one lossy format to another will impact quality. I suggest reripping the cd to vorbis09:03
lorenzosuOn ubuntu 8.10 after update this morning all system (dual boot) is unbootable: I get Error 11: Unrecognized device string Press any key to continue... when I switch on09:03
SkapareActionParsnip: yeah I realize that it means using something non-free (decoding mp3) ... but the files are already in mp309:03
rwwBromaxSux: It's the section number. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manpage#Manual_sections09:03
Geoffrey2ActionParsnip, reinstalled...video remains fine, no sound09:03
trertthat rww09:03
BromaxSuxrww: thank you09:03
filefreakHow do I define groups in my smb.conf file? I know i need to use the @ symbol, but then where do the usernames go? Is it like this? @groupName = user1, user2, etc?09:03
SkapareActionParsnip: and these are fair use, not downloaded09:04
psypher246ActionParsnip: jaunty repo removed ages ago09:04
lorenzosuOn ubuntu 8.10 after update this morning all system (dual boot) is unbootable: I get Error 11: Unrecognized device string Press any key to continue... when I switch on09:04
ActionParsnipGeoffrey2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204022       http://www.arsgeek.com/2007/11/27/how-to-fix-no-sound-with-flashfirefox-in-ubuntu-710-gutsy/09:04
rwwlorenzosu: Try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub09:05
ActionParsnippsypher246: you've got a big struggle ahead dude09:05
Skaparerww: that's the name of the package?  mp32ogg?09:05
psypher246ActionParsnip: and no, doesn't make a difference09:05
rwwSkapare: yes09:05
ActionParsnip!info mp32ogg09:05
ubottump32ogg (source: mp32ogg): Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-12 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB09:05
psypher246last time i listen to peolpe on launchpad09:05
ActionParsnippsypher246: its common sense.09:05
ActionParsnippsypher246: jaunty repo for jaunty, intrepid repo for intrepid09:06
ActionParsnipI'd go tell them theyve borked your setup so no one else follows the guide09:06
psypher246yeah but when they refer to a specific ppa repo just for one ap cos they couldn't be bother to have one for intrepid then what do you do09:06
ActionParsnippsypher246: find a different ppa09:06
lorenzosurww: I have not installed Windows. I just got a system update in ubuntu.09:06
MACscrim not familiar with ubuntu at all, most of my experience is with centos. Anyway, I have a new install running with a xen hvm, but its not showing the network interfaces, only the loop. When I run dmesg though, it seems to show them. I tried configuring one of them in /etc/network/interfaces, but when I restart the network, it can't find the interface. Any ideas on what I should do? BTW. this isn't really a new install, it's a vmware image09:07
eth01do ignore. sorry.09:07
psypher246ActionParsnip:  so must i just remove the libvorbis0a and the million apps with it and start again?09:07
ActionParsnippsypher246: if you uninstall it then reinstall ubuntu-desktop it may help, if you copy the package names it wants to remove, you can reinstall them once they uninstall09:08
AlinnHello Frinds :)09:09
ActionParsnippsypher246: might work09:09
marcel_hello frind09:09
ActionParsnip!hi | Alinn09:09
ubottuAlinn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:09
AlinnActionParsnip: i have a question about installing grub09:09
ActionParsnipAlinn: ask the room09:10
alexander_when i start my console09:10
alexander_i can`t go in09:10
changei got this error everytime i start firefox09:10
alexander_but i write my password and username09:10
AlinnActionParsnip: what does occur if i don't install grub in the end of installing levels?09:10
changefirefox restart required09:10
marcel_firefox-3.5 is really fast09:11
marcel_its also in the repos09:11
Geoffrey2ActionParsnip, the file listed does not work, as it's for Flash 9, and I'm using Flash 1009:11
lorenzosuOn ubuntu 8.10 after update this morning all system (dual boot) is unbootable: I get Error 11: Unrecognized device string Press any key to continue... I also noticed the boot menu is all changed (I get many "Debian" entries.09:11
changemarcel_ \: how can i update to firefox 3.509:11
psypher246ActionParsnip: do i aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop or apt-get remove?09:11
ActionParsnipAlinn: then you wont have a boot loader to boot the system09:11
ikonialorenzosu: dual boot with that ?09:11
ActionParsnippsypher246: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage so doing that wont do anything09:12
marcel_change, you dont have to update, it can be used next to the old firefox09:12
marcel_change, apt-get install firefox-3.509:12
MACscrwhy is resolving needed in order to run sudo?09:12
rwwmarcel_: firefox-3.5 isn't in intrepid, just jaunty.09:12
ikoniaMACscr: hostname of the machine it's authenticating09:12
marcel_rww, true, sorry09:12
ActionParsnipMACscr: resolving?09:12
marcel_brb, nature calls09:12
lorenzosuikonia: windows Vista.09:12
MACscrikonia: well, how do I change the hostname if I have already changed the /etc/hosts file?09:12
changemarcel_: means i cannot use in ubuntu 8.1009:12
ikoniaMACscr: /etc/hostname09:13
MACscrit won't let me anymore, says it can't resolve the old hostname09:13
ikonialorenzosu: when you must have the wrong sources.list to get debian entries inthe menu.lst09:13
ActionParsnippsypher246: you need to remove whatever is breaking your system, then reinstall ubuntu-desktop. i'd also run apt-get -f install to check all is well09:13
ikoniaMACscr: boot into single user09:13
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab09:13
lorenzosuikonia: I added some launchpad stuff: might that be the problem?09:13
MACscrikonia: I guess I will google that as I don't know what that means09:13
ikonialorenzosu: probably yes09:13
ikoniaMACscr: from the grub boot menu, use the recovery mode09:14
ShleeDoes Ubuntu have a usb pendrive based installer? I've run out of CD-Rs09:14
respectinghello please help me when i make apt-get install linux-generic i get this error E:Couldnot find package linux generic i'm using ubuntu server 8.10 ? :( :(09:14
ikoniaShlee: no you but you can make one09:14
MACscrwow, that's pretty lame, but ok. thanks09:14
ikonia!install > Shlee09:14
ubottuShlee, please see my private message09:14
ikoniaMACscr: no - it's not lame09:14
respectingi'm behind a proxy but i can ping on the router09:14
respectinghello please help me when i make apt-get install linux-generic i get this error E:Couldnot find package linux generic i'm using ubuntu server 8.10 ? :( :(09:14
ikoniaMACscr: it's very sensible, if anything the user is lame for making changes he didn't know what he was doing09:14
marcel_change, sorry you need to have jaunty09:15
ikoniarespecting: apt-cache search linux-kernel09:15
rwwrespecting: do you have the restricted repository enabled? have you done sudo apt-get update recently?09:15
AlinnActionParsnip: then Windown will normaly boot.correct?09:15
MACscrikonia: I guess I just don't like systems taking control away from me. but I guess that's the centos mentality09:15
marcel_respecting, start synaptic and select all options in the repos prefs09:15
ikoniaMACscr: nothing to do with centos - if you change the host file and not the hostname on centos sudo won't work either09:15
ikoniaMACscr: it's user error09:15
respectingi have no GUI09:15
respecting:( :(09:15
ActionParsnipAlinn: grub will most likely detect the other OS and add an entry for it, if not then it will need to be manually entered09:15
respectinghow can i start synaptic without GUI :( :(09:16
MACscrikonia: right, but at least with centos I can be in root at any time and not worry about the sudo stuff09:16
ikoniarespecting: you don't need a gui, apt-cache search linux-image09:16
marcel_respecting, sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list09:16
MACscrikonia: but your right, I did screw up09:16
ActionParsnipMACscr: use   sudo -i09:16
AlinnActionParsnip: thanks a lot :)09:16
ikoniaMACscr: you can be root with ubuntu - again user error09:16
changefirefox restart required this is the error i got i start firefox how to correct it09:16
ActionParsnipMACscr: root is disabled for a great many reasons09:16
ikoniachange: restart firefox then ?09:17
psypher246ActionParsnip: i think thats doing it dude09:17
kenzuada yg bisa bhs indo09:17
ActionParsnipchange: ive sen this before, gmme a sec09:17
marcel_respecting, maybe try aptitude09:17
changeikonia: i got this error everytime i start firefox09:17
ikoniachange: where did you install firefox from ?09:18
MACscrikonia: why did you suggest recovery mode versus just recommending that I just do: su -, then go to root and edit the hostname?09:18
Geoffrey2just a day or so ago it worked fine, now it doesn't.....sigh.....09:18
ikoniaMACscr: because you don't know the root password09:18
changeikonia: it come with ubuntu 8.1009:18
MACscrsorry, I thought I was told before that I couldn't su to root, my fault for not trying it first09:18
MACscranyway, it worked, thanks09:18
ActionParsnipchange: try: ps -ef | grep -i fire09:18
marcel_respecting, do you have this line in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted09:18
young001apache2: Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory09:18
ActionParsnipchange: does it output any firefoxes running?09:18
marcel_respecting, or similar09:18
young001how to solve it09:19
ActionParsnipyoung001: what is the output of: file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default09:19
young001young001@young001-laptop:~$ ls /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default09:20
young001this is what under09:20
ActionParsnipyoung001: ok so the file exists (please use pastebin for multilined outputs)09:20
ActionParsnipchange: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/28936509:21
MACscrsorry for another lame question, but why would eth1 be renamed to eth2 if eth1 didn't exist?09:21
ActionParsnipyoung001: can you do the same command but use ls -la   instead of just ls09:21
ikoniaMACscr: depends if it ever existed09:21
MACscrwell, I mean, what was the point of renaming the interfaces09:21
ActionParsnipMACscr: check dmesg  you will see the device being renamed09:22
ActionParsnipyoung001: i only need the output line, the rest we already know09:22
MACscrActionParsnip: right, that's where I just saw it, just trying to figure out why it did it09:22
young001young001@young001-laptop:~$ ls -la /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default09:22
young001lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2009-04-03 09:23 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default -> ../sites-available/default09:22
ikoniaMACscr: check the udev rules also09:23
filefreakHow do I define groups in my smb.conf file? I know i need to use the @ symbol, but then where do the usernames go? Is it like this? @groupName = user1, user2, etc?09:23
ActionParsnipyoung001: ok well everyone has full access to the file and its owned by root which is right09:23
ActionParsnipyoung001: its a symlink afaics09:24
respectinghello pleeas i have a problem i have ubuntu 7.10 can i update it to 8.10?09:24
marcel_respecting, you can09:24
young001how to ressolve09:24
ActionParsnipyoung001: what is the output of: file  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default09:24
marcel_respecting, can you edit /etc/apt/sources.list?09:24
respectingmarcel_:and how?09:24
respectingmarcel:yes of course09:25
respectingmarcel:i can edit it09:25
ActionParsnipyoung001: you just need to find out where all these symlinks go09:25
marcel_respecting, replace all dapper with intrepid or jaunty09:25
marcel_respecting, i believe it was dapper09:25
marcel_respecting, i'm very happy with jaunty, but thats beta09:25
AnAnt_Hello, is there a config file to add iptables rules ? I want to add this rule: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE09:25
changeActionParnsnip: sorry my connection was disconnected i have pasted the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com/146049/09:26
young001so i copy the it back09:26
rww!upgrade | respecting09:26
ubotturespecting: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:26
Geoffrey2ok, when playing flash videos online, I'm getting video only...no audio...today is the first day I noticed this problem....09:26
respectingmarcel:i don't have the DVD of ubuntu 8.10 but my freind give me ubutntu 7.10 so can i install it and then i make an update to 8.10?09:26
young001this will be solved?09:26
ziroday`Geoffrey2: what version of ubuntu?09:26
marcel_respecting, you dont need the dvd, just network09:26
Geoffrey2ziroday, Intrepid (8.10)09:26
ActionParsnipchange: sudo kill 5612; firefox &09:27
marcel_respecting, cant you download intrepid or jaunty cd if you want to use cds?09:27
ActionParsnipyoung001: will you quit saying "this will be soved" it achieves nothing09:27
MACscrikonia: can I delete the content of the persistent-net.rules and so it will be regenerated on boot? Would kind of like it to start from scratch for the network connections09:27
ziroday`Geoffrey2: hmm, it shouldn't do that. Does pulseaudio -k make sound reappear? Or does logging off and logging back in or restarting help?09:27
lorenzosuOk I managed to get hold of a backup I had of menu.lst... but how come an update screwed up mu manu.lst?09:27
ActionParsnipyoung001: what is the output of the file command I gave?09:27
young001there is nothing09:28
ziroday`lorenzosu: because a new version of grub was shipped with the maintainers menu.lst and you said "yep replace menu.lst?"09:28
jamieleshawHello, i try to mount a hard drive and i get this message You do not have previalges to mount media & software09:28
ActionParsnipwhat is the output of: file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default09:28
Geoffrey2ziroday, pulseaudio -k returned the following....W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.09:29
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: you need sudo if its a cli command or gksudo if its graphical (kdesudo if you use kde)09:29
ziroday`Geoffrey2: thats fine, does audio play on flash videos?09:29
lorenzosuziroday: No I never said yes, because no prompt was issued during update. I remember sometimes a prompt with do you wnat to keep the old, the new or merge (or somethng similar) but not this timwe09:29
jamieleshawHere Is My exaact messageYou are not privileged to mount the volume 'Media & Software'.09:29
young001young001@young001-laptop:~$ file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default09:29
young001/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default: ERROR: cannot open `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default' (No such file or directory)09:29
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: no regular user can mount, only root. as root is disabled for security, use sudo09:30
ziroday`lorenzosu: is there a /boot/grub/menu.lst.dpkg or something similar?09:30
jamieleshawhow do i do that?09:30
ActionParsnipyoung001: there is your problem, you have a symlink to a symlink to a file that doesnt exist09:30
ActionParsnipyoung001: you need to get that file again09:30
young001o  i try to find it back09:31
carreraUpdate Manager trying to update my kernel with an older release (2.6.27-14 with 2.6.27-11). Is that because I still have 2.6.27-11 in /boot?09:31
backgenhey does anyone know a good Alarm clock App for Gibbon?09:31
young001i know where the problem happened   think you09:31
ActionParsnipyoung001: np man09:31
crabhi. under ubuntu 8.04 (and earlier versions), if i leave my X session unattended for a while, then come back and start typing something (in an xterm, or into firefox, or another program), it behaves as though i had pressed compose before the first two keystrokes (so most of the time they get eaten up). does this problem sound familiar to anyone?09:31
oCean_ActionParsnip: young001 is there really a symlink to "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sites-available/default" ?09:32
oCean_ActionParsnip: young001 since that does not make any sense09:32
jamieleshawwhen i use super user do on file browser that drive is not listed.09:32
ActionParsnipoCean_: i can only tell you what I'm told. i dont use apache but i can diagnose missing files ;)09:33
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: sudo you mean right?09:33
oCean_ActionParsnip: ok!09:33
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: good lad09:33
oCean_young001: do you want to check on this one more time?09:33
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: you could manually mount it at cli09:33
jamieleshawWhat do i type in?09:34
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: ok run: sudo fdisk -l   what is the name of the partition to mount?09:34
oCean_young001: I did not get your complete issue, but at certain point I tought the link is ok09:35
jamieleshawThe name is dev/sda1.09:35
jamieleshawOr path09:35
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: and what mount point do you wish to use, and what file system does it use?09:35
young001maybe my symlink has broken09:36
oCean_young001: If you want to check: do "ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default"  <-- that should be pointing (linked) to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default"09:36
young001i just ready to fix it09:36
jamieleshawthe filesystem is ext309:36
young001young001@young001-laptop:~$ ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default09:37
young001lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2009-04-03 09:23 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default -> ../sites-available/default09:37
young001it show like that09:37
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: great, where do you want it mounting09:37
oCean_young001: fine, no problem there09:37
oCean_young001: so, what *is* your actual issue? What is wrong?09:37
jamieleshawJust so it mounts by itself on start-up.09:37
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: ok then you will need an entry in /etc/fstab09:38
young001young001@young001-laptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart09:38
young001 * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory09:38
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:38
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: you will need to create an empty folder to mount it to09:39
young001/etc/init.d/apache2 restart  it appear wrong09:39
young001000-default is just a symlink09:39
oCean_young001: I see. And this "ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-available/default" <-- what does that output?09:40
grodius_Hello can anyone help me, i'm tring to use gsynaptics and it says i have to set SHMConfig to true in xorg but i've done that...09:40
jamieleshawWhere do i create the empty folder.09:40
young001ls -al /etc/apache2/sites-available/default09:41
young001ls: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default: no files09:41
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: anywhere you like as long as its not in /proc09:41
DinkyDoggHey, have any of you ever used gpart to recover a partition table? My partition table got busted, and I'm wondering what my chances are. I'm running it now, and it's found my swap space (at the start of the disk) but nothing else yet. That indicate anything? It should have scanned the beginning of the next partition at least by now.09:41
young001/etc/apache2/sites-available/default             there is no files there09:42
oCean_young001: no, it should be a file itself, the "default"09:43
jamieleshawDo I Need To Rename It?09:43
oCean_young001: do you mean "no such file or directory?"09:43
dalfzi'm trying to have two keyboard layouts to change between, and in keyboard preferences it's configured with two layouts and both alt-keys together change current layout.. but it doesn't work! layout is not changed with this trigger. any tips?09:43
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: rename what?09:43
jamieleshawThe Folder.09:43
hateballgrodius: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad see the section about HAL09:43
ActionParsnipjamieleshaw: no, just have a folder somewhere with no spaces in the name (makes life easier)09:44
oCean_young001: hm, the link is broken, but I don't see how.09:44
MACscrActionParsnip: what do I need to do after editing the udev networking rules?09:44
vistausah im fofllowing this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 but can't get it fully working... i get just a grey screen with an X if i use Xvnc and absolutely nothing (no log, no process) if i use vnc4server09:44
jamieleshawDone Npw What?09:44
young001let me check it09:44
MACscrI tried restarting /etc/init.d/networking, but didn't seem to make a difference09:45
=== Zaraphrax is now known as Zaraphrax_dsktp
=== Zaraphrax_ is now known as Zaraphrax
vistausah my Xvnc file in /etc/xinetd.dl looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/146058/plain/09:46
ActionParsnipMACscr: no idea, you should ask the whole room rather than me, you are more likely to get an answer09:46
vistausah could someone please help me get this working09:46
oCean_young001: I pasted you a default /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146059/09:47
oCean_young001: open that file in an editor, and paste this. This is the file from right after fresh install09:47
young001think you very much09:48
oCean_young001: then it should work again, I assume09:48
ysisHi. I currently have Intrepid installed on a quite old machine and I'm not satisfied with both Gnome and KDE 4 so I want to reinstall Hardy. I have my home on a separate partition so I thought of just reinstalling without formatting the /home partition. Is there anything to be aware of other than not repartition?09:49
young001 /etc/apache2/sites-available/default  is exit09:49
young001/etc/apache2/sites-enabled  broken09:49
young001can you paste /etc/apache2/sites-enabled09:49
dalfznever mind, another key combiation than both alt-keys did it, now i can change between my keyboard layouts09:49
oCean_young001: that is a directory09:50
young001i mean the file under it09:50
vistausahysis its always a good idea to backup to be sure but other than that no09:50
oCean_young001: the 000-default file is a link to the /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file09:51
edogzillahello. can someone plz tell me why the nvidia drivers provided in 8.10 dont work and totally crash my graphics and then plz explain how this can be fixed. I would greatly appreciate it cuz i've been trying for days and i'm about to go buy windows...help plz?09:51
ActionParsnipedogzilla: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga09:51
jonaskoelkerHi all.  My 2.1 GHz box runs at 800 MHz (according to conky), yet I'm using 100% CPU --- and would thus expect cpufreqd to scale up the CPU speed.  How do I run at max speed (i.e. 2.1 GHz)?  How do I find out what's wrong?09:51
oCean_young001: so, if you pasted my example in the sites-available/default file, the link from sites-enabled/000-default should be valid09:51
young001when i click on  000-default               it appear wrong09:51
edogzillaactionparsnip: i am sorry but i dont know what that means or how to find that out09:51
ysisvistausah: Thanks. I have a backup so I'll get started now. See you later. ;-)09:52
ActionParsnipedogzilla: its a terminal command09:52
young001hm  i will try right now09:52
edogzillaactionparsnip: oh. ok one sec09:52
edogzillaactionparsnip: here ya go...00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (rev a2)09:53
edogzilla02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 9500 GT (rev a1)09:53
young001i really appreciate it09:53
artwhat app can open uif in ubu?09:53
ActionParsnipedogzilla: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180; sudo nvidia-xconfig09:53
edogzillaactionparsnip: is that gonna kill my graphics?09:54
ActionParsnipedogzilla: i have the 6150 card myself09:54
edogzillaactionparsnip: oh...cool09:54
ActionParsnipedogzilla: once thats ran, hit ctrl+alt+backspace and log back in, then run: gksudo nvidia-settings09:54
Tondarhi all , anyone can help me  to install ubuntu from Network09:55
edogzillaactionparsnip: is that all i do?09:55
edogzillathen i'm all good?09:55
ActionParsnipedogzilla: yep, your cards are new enough to like the 180 driver09:55
TondarI want to install ubuntu from PXE network boot and install packet from CD-ROM accessable from ftp or http address on local lan09:55
ActionParsnipTondar: get the minimal.iso  (~10Mb in size) and boot to it09:56
edogzillaactionparsnip:you are awsome!!09:56
edogzillaactionparsnip: i'll be back if it doesnt work tho09:56
Tondarmy box dont have CD-ROM09:56
=== serenity_ is now known as s3r3n1t7
TondarI can install using PXE boot and i can boot it now09:56
ActionParsnip!usb | Tondar09:56
ubottuTondar: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:56
TondarI want to install all package from local CDROM09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pxe09:56
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Tondarmy usb in too slow to install :( any better solution to install from local http address ?09:58
arthow could i open uif cd image?09:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetboot09:58
gabz^netbookTodar it's harder to do than a usb install09:58
psypher246ActionParsnip: i'm so close, only pkg not playing along is libavcodec51. but i think it's a lost cause. if i upgrade to jaunty can i downgrade again properly?09:59
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:59
ActionParsnip!downgrade | psypher24609:59
ubottupsypher246: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:59
notregistered111Hello, is anyone here used to pam being completely stuffed after an upgrade from gutsy to hardy?09:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pam09:59
psypher246ActionParsnip: k so rather just upgrade and hope for the best09:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uif09:59
=== htrejh is now known as htrejh_afk
notregistered111"Module is unknown" after every login attempt10:00
MrSunshinegah how the HELL do i get the keyboard to work as it should in the terminal in ubuntu ?10:00
MrSunshinekeys not woring, cant edit vim as i should, cant use minicom ...10:00
MrSunshineetc etc etc10:00
notregistered111I'm looking in auth.log for modules that are problematic, but it's got everything in there10:00
mogul218Can someone tell me how I can increase the font size on my log in screen?  It is really tiny for some reason10:00
notregistered111so every time I remove one, the next one is in there - I mean I'm at pam_unix not working now10:01
notregistered111so how in the name of all that's holy do I fix this machine that I am, at this moment, being paid to write code on, if it won't let me log in?10:01
notregistered111any ideas anyone?10:01
okey666MrSunshine: what type of keyboard is this10:01
MrSunshineswedish .. standard10:02
okey666MrSunshine: is it usb, bluetooth or good old PS/210:02
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notregistered111OK, well does anybody know what is the "proper" ubuntu/debian way to manipulate what pam modules are installed?10:03
achadwicknotregistered111: reboot into single-user mode. Fix it as root.10:03
notregistered111should I be using update-alternatives or dpkg-reconfigure or something?10:03
okey666MrSunshine: when you say in the terminal, is this in a gui, or are you not using one10:03
notregistered111achadwick: yeah, that's what I'm trying to do :)10:03
MrSunshineokey666, gnome-terminal10:03
notregistered111it's the fix0ring itself I'm now looking at.10:04
dumb_dumbguys need help10:04
achadwicknotregistered111: install the appropriate packages, add or change lines in /etc/pam.d/dommon-* , most typically10:04
noelferreirahow can i install html validater in my firefox version 8.0.310:04
dumb_dumbafter installing xen i reboot my ubuntu hardy10:04
okey666MrSunshine: please go system>>prefs>>keyboard>>layout tab and check it is on Swedish10:04
dumb_dumbthen it stuck on the Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)10:05
arthow could i open uif cd image?10:05
lo127how do I change the name of my gnome workspaces?10:05
dumb_dumbbut i still can ssh the server10:05
dumb_dumbplisss what should i do?10:05
noelferreirahow can i install html validator in my firefox version 8.0.8?10:06
MrSunshineokey666, it is10:06
MACscrwith centos, I normally could restart a service by doing something like: service sshd restart. Does ubuntu have anything like that or do I just have to type out the full path?10:06
notregistered111achadwick: so I'm OK to just go ahead and edit the config myself? I have been severely reprimanded before for not doing things the proper debianistic way with config files, hehe ;)10:09
pinPointcan phpmyadmin be installed in server?10:09
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JosefAssadI'm trying out cdargs, but when I select a bookmark in the list and hit enter, it doesn't change directory. Does anyone know what might be the trouble?10:09
pinPointor is it a manual install by downloading the .tar.gz file?10:09
notregistered111achadwick: I've already taken that as a "yes" and fixed it - thanks for the help :)10:11
achadwicknotregistered111: up to you. I'm not sure what you're trying to fix or do here; however, I've never had any had any problems with PAM being stuffed on Ubuntu upgrades before.10:11
notregistered111pinPoint: I've installed it for one of our developers before from the repos10:12
notregistered111pinPoint: that was on an internal server mind you, so the world and her husband's repos were enabled on it :)10:12
pinPointnotregistered111: will it still have a configuration page via browser when you do it that way?10:13
notregistered111achadwick: the upgrade seems to deeply dislike a vanilla pam_chroot installation10:13
notregistered111achadwick: actually, I say "vanilla", I'm assuming there that the admin I let touch it followed my instructions10:14
notregistered111a very silly thing to do :)10:14
notregistered111pinPoint: The finer points of phpmyadmin are lost on me as I don't use it, but the guy who does has no problems afaik10:15
JosefAssadlooks like no one uses cdargs10:15
notregistered111anyway, thanks for nudging me into action, achadwick - now I must go and do some bloody work. Bysey-bye.10:16
epifaniohi All10:18
VALVESOFTwe are currently porting a number of games from our 2010 lineup to both linux and osx and we need programmers.10:19
VALVESOFTplease submit resume's to jobs@valvesoftware.com10:19
epifanioi'm tring to make a live-dvd based un ubuntu-8.10,  on it i've installed some application, one of these application needs opengl stuff10:20
VALVESOFTmore information can be found @ http://www.valvesoftware.com/job-SenSoftEngineer.html10:20
VALVESOFTthank you10:20
s3r3n1t7VALVESOFT, very funny, but please don't do that in here.10:20
DJones!spam | VALVESOFT10:20
ubottuVALVESOFT: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...10:20
epifaniounlucky tring the live dvd on a computer descktop, running the application that need a 3d suport ... i've these message :10:21
epifanioXlib: extension "GLX"" missing on display ":0.0".10:21
VALVESOFTsorry for any inconvenience caused we just think this may be a great place to recruit new staff10:21
notitolow der!10:21
VALVESOFTgoodbye and enjoy you're day10:21
psychomantishi! could we help me to configure ma xmod device ?10:21
unitedpotsmokershey guys, if it said gpg error : not available it means we just ignore it because the key is not available right?10:21
epifaniocan i solve or i can't run such kind of application on a live ?10:21
epifanioi remember in the past i tried a live-cd with the same application i'm tring to use :-(10:22
seektherapyI am dual booting my computer using Ubuntu and Windows XP .. but now i am getting  "13: Invalid or Unsupported Executable Format" when i try booting into windows XP10:22
MACscrs3r3n1t7: why I agree it might have seemed a bit spammy, he was definitely someone we should have been embracing instead of turning away10:22
s3r3n1t7MACscr, this is not the right place to be putting these kind of messages. If he really was from Valve he wouldn't have used mibbit and would have adhered to the rules set for the channel.10:23
MACscrs3r3n1t7: why? sales and hr people are dumb as hell10:23
Geoffrey2ziroday, I'm back...still no audio on flash videos....any local flash videos play fine, but online (like Youtube), video is fine but zero audio10:24
sinelawHow can I tell which version of a pacakge is installed?10:24
s3r3n1t7MACscr, watch the language. They know how to use IRC, i've spoken with some of them before. And the mailing list is still a much better option. Getting offtopic here, so lets move to #Ubuntu-offtopic or drop the topic.10:24
drh__I just installed the new beta of ubuntu , But for some reason when i use KDE as opposed to gnome , i dont auto connect to my wifi ;/10:24
cemcdoes hibernate work with a swapfile, or do I need a swap partition?10:25
MACscrmy bad, Im knew to this channel. Didn't realize it was so strict and touchy10:25
drh__Gnome shows the network bars and gives me the option to connect , i dont see anything like that in ubuntu10:25
drh__err kde. heh10:25
Ubersoldatcemc, you _always_ need a swap partition10:27
sinelawthere's some dpkg option to see which version of a package is installed - can someone remind me?10:27
Ubersoldatsinelaw, show10:27
Ubersoldatsinelaw, showpkg10:28
sinelawUbersoldat, that gives me a list of versions10:28
cemcUbersoldat: I have a swapfile right now. the question was, do I need a swap partition for hibernation to work, or does it work with a swapfile too ?10:29
dimedoi installed apache2 with php5 and phpmyadmin in my intrepid machine10:29
notitoepifanio: try system -> admin -> hardware drivers, shd detect ur 3D caird like nvidia10:29
drh__So - can anyone tell me how to connect to the internet in KDE?10:29
dimedowhen i try to access localhost/phpmyadmin now, i get a download dialog for a phtml file, any idea?10:29
mib_8lvss5CEMC: it will work10:29
Ubersoldatsinelaw, dpkg -l | grep foo10:29
sinelawUbersoldat, that's right10:29
sinelawdpkg -l packagename10:29
fabrice_can anybody help me with getting java to play runescape10:30
mib_8lvss5SUDO RM /BIN /FUCKED10:30
Ubersoldatfabrice_, what's the problem?10:30
psychomantisopen konsole and do that10:30
psychomantissudo apt-get install java10:30
psychomantisit will be donwload and install in your computer10:31
FloodBot1mib_8lvss5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:31
epifanionotito:  it detect the presence of driver, ask me to activate .. but after prerss ok it give me a error window (like - access-denied signal) .. maybe beacouse i'm on a live :-/10:31
fabrice_it says could not find package for java10:32
psychomantisgo to sun web site10:33
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:33
psychomantisand dl the latest version of java for your system10:33
fabrice_ok thanks10:33
psychomantisplease i wanna use my xmod device10:34
psychomantisbut i can't use it10:34
psychomantisin windows it work10:34
psychomantisbut in ubuntu not yet10:34
Geoffrey2hey folks, I've developed an issue where Flash videos played through Firefox are giving me video, but no sound...10:34
psychomantisno sound, ubuntu detect him...i really no understand why it doesnt work10:35
Macoolsomebody alive here?10:35
MacoolI need some help with my Ubuntu's boot..10:35
psychomantisplease answer ma proble10:36
jacewhat ar eyou trying to do10:36
psychomantiswhat ?10:36
jaceyour having sound issues10:36
MacoolSomebody can halp me please?10:37
MacoolI need some help with the boot...10:38
zigga15booting ubuntu?10:38
wlodiwhats wrong with boot?10:38
psychomantisi need some help to install ma xmod device10:38
zigga15whats the problem?10:38
MacoolI think i lost grub, because i tried to install Mac OS X in my PC...10:38
psychomantisthis is ma xmod device10:39
Macooland I reinstalled grub a lot of times, but doesn't work10:39
oCean_psychomantis: stop flooding this channel by repeating your question. Describe your issue detailed in 1 line, and when no answer received, repeat after 20 minutes10:39
beliMacool: download supergrub10:39
zigga15you have to install mac first and then ubuntu10:39
beliMacool: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/10:39
zigga15so you can use ur partition tables properly10:39
BigMoopiescan anyone tell me where Sun xVM Virtual Machine installs to ? it isn't /usr/bin/virtualmachine like the old one.10:40
arusselto run selenium test I need to have a firefox-bin file. On my ubuntu I can't find the firefox-2 package anymore. Is there a way with firefox 3 ?10:40
MacoolOK, but Mac OS X didn't run effectively on my PC, so I gave up... And Ubuntu doesn't boot... Before loading grub, it says something like "Please insert any bootable disk and press any key"10:40
icerootBigMoopies: whereis programname10:41
zigga15you need to download a bootable disk image10:41
BigMoopiesiceroot, I tried "whereis virtualbox , virtualbox2, virtualbox2.1" but nothing10:41
zigga15the ubuntu disk should boot up straight away10:42
beliMacool: thats because of lost mbr......use supergrub...10:42
ohzie_BigMoopies, it's because you didn't read synaptic10:42
ohzie_BigMoopies, VirtualBox10:42
icerootBigMoopies: VirtualBox10:42
MacoolI don't know how to use SuperGrub.. :S10:42
ohzie_BigMoopies, the capitols are very important.10:42
=== ohzie_ is now known as Ohzir
BigMoopiesohzie, OK10:42
Macooli'm already on the page10:42
beliMacool: you even dont know howto install multiple os on your box...so read....10:42
OhzirWow ohzie is still online10:43
Kimihow to transform wubi to real ubuntu ?? do i need  to uninstall  or just can directly move wuubi to real ubuntu ?10:43
=== Ohzir is now known as ohzie
Macoolbeli: i know, but i have never been in a problem like this... I don't know where is the fail10:43
jaceI am unable to get sound in firefox. I have sound in everything else. Just when i try youtube videos etc through firefox i get no sound10:43
epifanioi tried an other app. that use open-gl ... it do not works10:43
epifaniohow to enable opengl on a live ?10:43
beliMacool: the failure is you not reading documentation ;) start doing it10:44
Macoolzigga15: could u explain me please?10:44
icerootepifanio: install correct vga-drivers10:44
wlodiMacool: did you check if grubs menu.lst file is ok?10:44
Macoolyes, its ok!10:44
zigga15i still dont really know what you are talking about10:44
gordonjcpcan someone confirm some bizarre behaviour in 8.10 network manager?  I can't set a manual wired connection without a gateway10:44
zigga15ifgrub does not come up when you boot then you only have one OS installed10:44
zigga15i dont know about super grub I dont use it10:44
epifanioiceroot: how to select the right package for a generic-live cd ?10:45
zigga15I just know that you should install mac first and the ubuntu10:45
Kimihow do i make wubi to partittion itself from drive C ?10:45
icerootepifanio: depending on the card of course10:45
zigga15because ubuntu has a clever install capability10:45
zigga15are you installing ubuntu 810:45
epifanioso it can be "generic" right ?10:45
Macoolziiga15: But Mac gave me a lot of failures, so i gave up with Ubuntu.. yes, Ubuntu 8.0410:45
epifanioor i can install multiple drivers on the same cd ?10:46
Macool*sorry, i gave up with mac...10:46
Macooland i erased the partition where Mac was installed, and don't know how to boot Ubuntu10:46
zigga15Kimi: you need to get rid of your windows to do that -> then install ubuntu, make sure you do the partition correclt and then you can install windows on your other parition10:47
beliMacool: last time: you dont want to read documentation...so use supergrub...its ment for grub/linux/boot newbies10:47
Macoolbeli: so, could u explain me how to use supergrub?10:47
Kimizigga15,  no NOT.. i want windows and ubuntu both together10:47
Kimizigga15, i just want to move this wubi into real ubuntu10:48
Kimiby making a partition to ubuntu10:48
zigga15just put the ubuntu cd in so that you can sort it out10:48
zigga15put the cd in reset your computer it shoud say: "press any key to boot from cd"10:48
zigga15bootfrom theCD10:48
Kimizigga15,  NO..  am not getting "guided resize and used freed space" option.....10:49
zigga15otherwise you will have to enter your bios10:49
Kimizigga15,  thats why i need to move wubi to its real ubuntu partition10:49
zigga15you should if you have a bootable Ubuntu8.2 disk10:49
Kimizigga15,  ?10:49
Macoolbeli: so, could u explain me how to use supergrub?10:49
zigga15wubi isn't ubuntu10:49
Kimizigga15,  i WANT to move that wubi to its own paritition10:50
Scorchinanyone else having the latest linux kernel update fail?10:50
zigga15Kimi: try download "Norton partition manager" and doing it from windows10:50
psychomantiswubi is a sofware to install 'ubuntu" in your windows10:50
zigga15you cant move wubi10:50
zigga15thank you psychomantis10:50
Kimipsychomantis, i want a thing to move wubi to its own partition10:50
zigga15this channel is way too stressful im out ha ha10:50
Macoolbeli: r u there?10:51
psychomantisactually i use wubi i wanna install properly ubuntu into my coputer w<ithout use wubi again10:51
psychomantislike you kimi10:51
psychomantisbooting from ma live cd10:51
Kimipsychomantis,  then i am not getting "resize and use freed space" option why ? i have xp sp210:52
technologicleeafter looking at the list of rooms http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/04/07/     i would like a suggestion - where to ask questions about third party software installation? #ubuntu-devel? #ubuntu-desktop? #ubuntu+1?10:52
dreamcoderjoin #ubuntu+110:53
psychomantisyou should boot your live cd abd do the installation10:53
psychomantisyou can resize10:53
psychomantisuse the cursor to resize properly10:53
MacoolSomebody here can help me how to use supergrub?10:54
Jimi_NeutralHi all, anyone know a channel that is for gaming? I wanna get hold of some old school games like Skool Daze and such.10:54
ActionParsnip!ot | Jimi_Neutral10:54
ubottuJimi_Neutral: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:54
psychomantisexit that channel10:54
iwdwhow to change the vim cursor shape in different modes in gnome-terminal?10:54
zashiwdw: that is a property of the terminal10:55
psychomantiskimi are you here again ,10:55
psychomantisi have the same problem10:56
iwdwdoes gnome-terminal have the property to change the cursor?10:56
StepNjumpHi guys10:56
RizRIF I share my home across more than one distros running same DE (let's say gnome), will it screw things up?10:56
StepNjumpI love the latest Ubuntu version10:56
psychomantisi wanna install ubuntu without wubi and use freed space and resize a new partition,10:56
gordonjcpokay, obviously no-one knows10:56
StepNjumpIt's amazing10:56
MacoolSomebody here can help me how to use supergrub?10:56
psychomantis9.04 stepnjump ??10:56
gordonjcpStepNjump: it's not as good as 8.0410:56
gordonjcpI preferred Ubuntu when sound worked10:56
psychomantismacool waht is supergrub ?10:56
StepNjumpLet me check10:57
StepNjumpNo 8.1010:57
StepNjumpLooks awfully stable10:57
gordonjcpStepNjump: yes, but audio is crippled in it10:57
Macoolpsychomantis: i don't know!10:57
dumb_dumbany one here have try to used xen on the hardy?10:57
gordonjcpit's got that pulseaudio nonsense10:57
StepNjumpI run this on a Mini Acer Aspire @ 1GB10:57
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: works fine here :)10:57
psychomantisthe latest version released is 9.04 in few days10:57
gordonjcpActionParsnip: doesn't work here, pulseaudio gets in the way10:57
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: i'm guessing creative audigy ?10:57
StepNjumpIs 9.04 a beta?10:57
ActionParsnipStepNjump: yes its beta10:58
gordonjcpActionParsnip: no, M-Audio Delta 1010LT10:58
StepNjumpAh yes, I stay away from those10:58
StepNjumpI'm not a developper10:58
psychomantisno in few days full version will release10:58
gordonjcpActionParsnip: pulseaudio keeps getting in jackd's way10:58
psychomantisgo out10:58
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: could compile alsa10:58
ariqswhy release so many new versions all the time?10:58
psychomantisevery 6months10:58
age6racerHey all, Does anybody here use vmplayer? I'm finding that it uses loads of my swap file even though there is over a gigabyte of ram left empty (and I have vmswappiness set to 0)10:58
StepNjumpActionParsnip, I might sound very green to all of you but I am sort of new to bash shell commands10:58
psychomantisa new version release10:58
ActionParsnipariqs: its the release mpa of ubuntu10:58
ariqsi'm still at 8.04, and the only reason I'd upgrade is because I have to because there is no longer support for it10:59
StepNjumpHow can I install a tar.gz compressed application?10:59
DuzchipHi, i'm using ubuntu 8.10 and i'm having some trouble. Yesterday the visual effects worked fine on my laptop. Today (now using an external screen aswell) they refuse to work. If i try to run compiz in the terminal the entire Xserver crashes10:59
ActionParsnipStepNjump: many dont use it, it offers huge power10:59
oCean_ariqs: read here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases10:59
psychomantiswhy? jus to secure your systeme against hackers virus etc and10:59
ActionParsnipStepNjump: tar zxvf <tar.gz filename here>10:59
DuzchipProblem number two is that my Atheros (ar242x) refuses to connect to WPA/WPA2 wireless networks10:59
ariqsseems quite uppity!10:59
gordonjcpActionParsnip: even then, there's no usable -rt support in 8.1010:59
StepNjumpoh that's it10:59
ActionParsnipariqs: 8.04 is supported for a good while yet11:00
ariqsActionParsnip, I have to compile my stuff quite often ):11:00
StepNjumpAre those usually source files or are they usually already compiled?11:00
psychomantisjust to protect your systeme and make11:00
psychomantisfor your new os11:00
ActionParsnipDuzchip: have you installed and configured WPA supplicant?11:00
DuzchipActionParsnip: i probably have not11:01
StepNjumpI guess what I am trying to ask is: how do I install afterwards? Does that tar.gz command install the app automatically after decompressing also?11:01
DuzchipActionParsnip: no wait, its installed11:01
Kimipsychomantis, i am NOT getting "guided resize and use freed space" option11:01
ActionParsnipDuzchip: is it configured?11:01
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
DuzchipActionParsnip: Probably not11:02
gordonjcpright, anyway, seems no-one knows much about network manager11:02
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:02
gordonjcpActionParsnip: is that aimed at me?11:02
ActionParsnipwas for Duzchip11:03
gordonjcpis there something similar for the wired network?11:03
ariqsI noticed evolution has an annoying feature where it won't show you any of your mail until it downloads it all. Don't suppose there is a bypass for this?11:03
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: whats your issue?11:03
gordonjcpActionParsnip: using network manager, I can't set up a wired network manually without a gateway IP addy11:03
gordonjcpunless it's got *something* in the gateway box, OK is deactivated11:03
LollipopLandanyone know where the restricted-manager is?11:04
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: make it
hateballLollipopLand: are you talking about jockey-gtk ?11:04
age6racerSo any ideas anyone? vmplayer using swap instead of ram?11:04
LollipopLandim trying to load drivers for an ATI Radeon X1550 which ati doesnt have any linux drivers for11:04
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: yuo SHOULD make it your routers internal IP11:04
gordonjcpActionParsnip: no, I shouldn't11:04
psychomantiskimi waht you wanna do ?11:04
gordonjcpActionParsnip: I don't want a gateway configured for the wired interface11:04
g4lt-lappygordonjcp, with ANY wired network, you can't set it up without a gateway....11:05
gordonjcpg4lt-lappy: yes you can11:05
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: ahh so the wired connection has  a gateway, but the wireless is to not have 1?11:05
Kimipsychomantis, I am NOT getting the resize option itself... asked in forums and also here many times.... no help11:05
gordonjcpActionParsnip: yes, sorry, I mentioned that earlier I thought11:05
Kimipsychomantis, atleast , hope you can help me11:05
g4lt-lappygordonjcp, really, and how are the packets supposed to route to without one?11:05
gordonjcpmaybe I didn't11:05
LollipopLandso im just trying to load the regular ati drivers so i can at least get the correct resolution for my monitor even if i cant get the visual effects to be extra11:05
gordonjcpg4lt-lappy: they're not11:05
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: if you are using static IP you can set it in /etc/network/interfaces and uninstall that stupid network manager rubbish11:06
gordonjcpActionParsnip: sounds like a better idea11:06
gordonjcpthe network manager thing is handy for wifi11:06
g4lt-lappyof course, if you aren't using it to route, why are you using networkmangler anyways, use ifconfig11:06
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: true, if the system is static IP use that, it'll make it boot faster too as the devices will come up faster11:06
=== alexander_ is now known as Lauta_Army
g4lt-lappynetworkmangler's primary purpose in life is to ensure you ALWAYS have a default route that works11:07
g4lt-lappynot to ensure that non-routed interfaces are up11:07
ActionParsnipg4lt-lappy: sure you can.11:08
gordonjcpg4lt-lappy: because network mangler spots the interface come up and then tries to grab a DHCP lease11:08
gordonjcpg4lt-lappy: network mangler works perfectly for wifi, and I want to keep it for that because it makes life much easier there.  I just want it to stay off my wired interface11:09
DuzchipActionParsnip: Still cant get it to work11:09
gordonjcpg4lt-lappy: it's one of the deeply frustrating things I find about Ubuntu - if you want to use something as supplied like nm for one part but not another, it becomes needlessly complex11:10
zash!pm > iwdw11:10
ubottuiwdw, please see my private message11:10
LollipopLandanyone help with that?11:10
=== alexander_ is now known as Lauta_Army
=== Yoda is now known as Ghost
StepNjumpActionParsnip are you still here?11:11
=== Ghost is now known as Guest2568
g4lt-lappygordonjcp, not really, just uncheck the wired interface in question from the preferences, it never looks for it agein.  then use good old linux commands to do the lifitng you want11:12
g4lt-lappyActionParsnip, what are you talking about, I darn near quoted the manpage.11:12
Guest2568hi all out there, when i click on my wifi-radar then it ask for my password and after that nothing happends, why would it not open ? i have installed the windows driver to my wireless.11:12
=== Guest2568 is now known as HansHansHans
HansHansHanshi all out there, when i click on my wifi-radar then it ask for my password and after that nothing happends, why would it not open ? i have installed the windows driver to my wireless.11:12
g4lt-lappyGuest61080, look in /var/log/daemon.log11:12
g4lt-lappywait, windows?  yeah, right.  ##windows is ----------------> that way11:13
ActionParsnipStepNjump: sup11:14
ActionParsnipg4lt-lappy: well an interface sharing out a connection in the case of !ics will not have a default gateway but will still be up11:15
zilleplus_i got ubuntu server 8.10 how can i see my ip address11:15
ActionParsnipzilleplus_: ifconfig11:16
zilleplus_parsnip no taths my local address11:16
zilleplus_i want address to ping to11:16
landgreetings earthlings11:16
ActionParsnipzilleplus_: so your wan ip?11:17
g4lt-lappyActionParsnip, that may or may not e, but its PURPOSE is to ensure you have a working default GW as much as possible.  the rest is gravy11:17
tehbautHow do I change the default boot OS in grub11:17
tehbautFrom grub*11:18
ActionParsniptehbaut: edit /boot/grub/menu.list and chage default to whichever OS you wish11:18
tehbautUsing grub> even11:18
ActionParsnipzilleplus_: wget -qO - http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp | egrep -m1 -o '\''[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}'\''11:19
ActionParsnipzilleplus_: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1646/shows-your-wan-ip-when-youre-sitting-behind-a-router11:19
DASPRiDAnyone got an idea? http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=1977480#post197748011:19
ActionParsnipzilleplus_: curl -s http://amit-agarwal.co.in/mystuff/getip_txt.php    works well for me11:20
Pupeno-GAny ideas how to record an mp3 stream?11:20
hemanthsilent authentication is ssh ?11:20
hemanthhow to do it ?11:20
tehbautActionParsnip: Any idea on how to do it from grub's cmd line utility?11:20
ActionParsniptehbaut: no idea man, i edit the file, personally11:20
Ned__I'm on Ubuntu 8.10 and I'm trying to adjust the Monitor Resolution Settings. For some reason, the resolution is stuck on 800 x 600 and I can't change it.11:21
sidcleyserver irc.virtualife.com.br11:21
sidcleyserv irc.virtualife.com.br11:21
=== Mez is now known as CrazyShoe
wloditehbaut: vi /boot/grub/menu.lst11:21
Boohbahhemanth: http://sial.org/howto/openssh/publickey-auth/11:21
=== CrazyShoe is now known as Mez
hemanthBoohbah, i m using a praser11:22
sidcleynao estou conseguindo entrar no irc.virtualife.com.br11:22
sidcleyalguem pode me ajudar?11:22
tehbautwlodi: Nope, unrecognized command11:22
Boohbah!br | sidcley11:22
ubottusidcley: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.11:22
wloditehbaut: try vim or gvim instead of vi11:22
Boohbahhemanth: what does that mean?11:22
hemanthBoohbah, passphrase11:23
hemanthBoohbah,  i m writting a script11:23
Jerusalem420is the flv format protected/copywrited11:23
tehbautwlodi: I take it you haven't used grub's cmd line utility?11:23
Ned__can anyone help me change the Monitor Resolution Settings on 8.10?11:23
hemanthBoohbah, where i read the password11:23
Jerusalem420is there a legal way to change my avi to flv?11:23
hemanthBoohbah, i want silent auth11:23
Boohbahhemanth: you can setup ssh-agent to take your passphrase once at login11:23
=== qs_ is now known as qs
=== adacole is now known as adac
wloditehbaut: but you only want to change the default boot right?11:25
KartagisNed__, System > Preferences > Monitor Resolution11:25
hemanthBoohbah, pm?11:25
tehbautwlodi: Yes, but this isn't your average cmd line. There are only about 20 commands11:25
hemanthBoohbah, i'm not the admin11:25
hemanthBoohbah, :(11:26
* chilli0 yawns11:26
chilli0Thats contagouse ur all fked11:26
ikoniachilli0: ?11:26
hemanthBoohbah, 1. we login to one jump off server 2. jump off to another server 3. sudo as tomcat copy one file from location a to b11:26
hemanthBoohbah, i'm doing it11:27
Boohbahhemanth: ssh-agent will forward your sessions too11:27
Ned__thanks Kartagis , but I was asking how to change Monitor Resolution Settings...not where it is11:27
boflitajuniorhy all11:27
hemanthBoohbah, it's passphrase based authentication only11:27
Boohbahhemanth: then i suggest getting your administrator to enable publickey authentication... it's much easier11:28
adacCan i get the mythbuntu theme somewhere? Mean not to install it over apt-get?11:28
hemanthBoohbah,  it fwds to cuba11:28
Ned__Kartagis , my resolution is stuck on 800 x 60011:28
hemanthBoohbah,  as of u know , cuba is a huge server can't get auth easily11:28
hemanthBoohbah, :(11:28
KartagisNed__, I have the page for you, wait11:29
Boohbahhemanth: i didn't know cuba was a huge server, but i learn something new every day!11:29
=== virk is now known as virk|lunch
hemanthBoohbah, ok :) , now the olny solution is a ssh-agent ha ?11:30
Jerusalem420is there a legal way to change my avi files to flv format?11:30
BoohbahJerusalem420: http://www.jeremychapman.info/cms/mencoder-avi-to-flv-conversion11:31
Jerusalem420thank you boohbah11:31
boflitajuniorsalut all11:32
Ned__hey everyone do you think its a good idea for a newbie to install Ubuntu 9.04?11:32
hemanthBoohbah, wht to do ?11:32
Ned__I'm on 8.10 right now11:33
arthurL_Ned__: Unless you're feeling brave about beta sofware, I wouldn't ;)11:33
boflitajunioram si eu o intrebare11:33
Boohbahhemanth: pubkey auth and ssh-agent11:33
wloditechbaut: i think you can only change it in menu.lst, but I will take a closer look in a moment11:33
boflitajuniorsunt destul de nou in linux..11:33
qcjnhi, i'm trying to watch tv, from my pvr -150, i did once , but i don't remember, and i could do it from a simple line. Something like "mplayer /dev/video0 someoption" if i remember well ??11:33
Ned__arthurL_ I'm not feeling brave so I guess I better not lol11:33
hemanthBoohbah,  i want a way to send the password silently, without been prompted11:33
andrew[andrboot]YES SAMBA4 REPO"S FTW11:34
boflitajuniormicrofon in yahoo ..cu ubuntu e posibil '?11:34
andrew[andrboot]comon gigabyte speeds11:34
arthurL_Ned__: If you have an extra computer you wouldn't mind experimenting with, I'd suggest it.11:34
Boohbah!ro | boflitajunior11:34
ubottuboflitajunior: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro11:34
Ned__arthurL_  yeah that's a good idea I might want to try that11:35
wloditehbaut: i think you can only change it in menu.lst, but I will take a closer look in a moment11:35
ljsoftnethow do i uninstall jdk 6 update 3?, i can see the folder location11:35
Armag3ddonhello all11:37
Armag3ddoni need to know how to install the ATI 3650 HD Raedon driver on my 64bit Ubuntu11:38
wloditehbaut: the command is: grub-set-default11:39
Deseni cannot see the header nor the footer of my desktop. is there i command to "call them back". i havent set them to Autohide or anything, just happned suddenly11:40
Desena *11:40
Desenwhere can i type the command ?11:41
sheoranany girl for chat11:41
Ubersoldatpress Alt-F211:42
sheoranany buddy11:42
jussi01sheoran: wrong place11:42
DJones!ot | sheoran11:42
ubottusheoran: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:42
sheoranhiiiiiiii jussi11:42
sheoranh r u ???????11:42
sheoranhows ur life going on ????????11:42
Armag3ddoni need to know how to install the ATI 3650 HD Raedon driver on my 64bit Ubuntu ?11:42
=== alexander_ is now known as Lauta-Army
DesenUbersoldat, i dont know where to type the command. how can i invoke Terminal ?11:43
tazhow i can change password.. u know login and password..11:43
him89Desen, press Ctrl+F2 and type in gnome-terminal11:43
Ubersoldatpress Alt+F211:43
sheoran_i have a problem11:43
Armag3ddontaz you need it as a command or through ubuntu ?11:44
sheoran_i need to install rpm package on ubuntu11:44
sheoran_please help me out11:44
him89taz, System->Administration->Users and Groups11:44
Armag3ddontaz you need it as a command or through ubuntu ? <--- anyone heard me ?11:44
tazhim89: thanks  i will11:44
jussi01sheoran_: you need to?11:44
Armag3ddoni need to know how to install the ATI 3650 HD Raedon driver on my 64bit Ubuntu ? <--- anyone heard me* sorry11:44
Ubersoldat!alien > sheoran_11:44
ubottusheoran_, please see my private message11:44
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)11:44
sheoran_hello jussi11:45
wlodisheoran: #alien --to-deb [package]11:45
wallyhi, before I try I thought I'll ask... Is it possible to share sshfs mounted drive via samba to another box?11:45
him89Armag3ddon, read this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:45
ikoniawally: sshfs is userspace11:45
Ubersoldatwally, you're mixing stuff11:45
andrew[andrboot]comon gigabyte speeds11:45
wallyok so then answer is not (:11:45
andrew[andrboot]YES SAMBA4 REPO"S FTW11:46
sheoran_help me out jussi11:46
tazthanks i got it11:46
Armag3ddonhim89: thanks11:46
him89taz,  no problem :)11:46
him89Armag3ddon, let me know if it works11:46
andrew[andrboot]@ wally should wokr in theory.. if ur gonna use nfs then u have problems.11:46
sheoran_jussi what can do for instaling rpm ????11:47
sheoran_in ubuntu11:47
him89sheoran_, install alien11:47
ljsoftnethow do i uninstall jdk 6 update 3?, i can see the folder location how do i uninstall it?11:47
sheoran_him   how???11:47
him89sheoran_, what version of ubuntu?11:47
quibblersheoran_, sudo install alien11:47
quibblersheoran_, sudo apt-get install alien11:48
KartagisNed__, are you still there?11:48
him89sheoran_, read this : http://www.debianadmin.com/install-rpm-files-in-debian-and-ubuntu.html11:48
Ned__Kartagis  yes11:49
ursushello. I have a 160 Gb HDD partitioned like this: [1. Primary 20Gb WinXP] [2. Extended 30Gb <logical1> <logical2>] [3. Primary 10 Gb Xubuntu] [4. Unallocated 90Gb] I want to use the unallocated 90 Gb as logical partition(s) on the extended partition. How can I do this?11:49
KartagisNed__, put the lines on http://pastebin.com/f2afd7ef7 in the Screen section of xorg.conf11:49
unitedpotsmokershello guys.. how to remove GYache Improved 1.1.59? because i want update to new version11:50
ActionParsnipursus: gksudo gparted11:50
ActionParsnipursus: you can then create a partition (or multiple partitions) in the unallocated space11:50
dbuHi, If I wish to download a file (from http) using netcat, how would I do that?11:50
Kartagiswhy does xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot or restart X?11:50
sheoran_<him 89>  this is safe for ubuntu 8.1011:51
him89sheoran_, yes it is11:51
ursusActionParsnip: I tried it, but I can't move the unallocated space to the extended partition...11:51
Ned__Kartagis  I'm not sure how I would do that because it's a menu of list you click on?11:51
doleybdbu: can't you use wget instead?11:51
Ubersoldatdhq_, why netcat and not wget?11:51
Kartagisdo I need to dpkg-reconfigure xorg?11:51
ActionParsnipursus: can'y you create another primary partition?11:51
Ubersoldatsorry, dhq_ , it was for dbu11:51
KartagisNed__, eh?11:51
ursusActionParsnip: Yes, I can11:51
hateball!rpm | him89 and sheoran_11:51
ubottuhim89 and sheoran_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)11:51
sheoran_<him 89> but ubottu implies that this is not safe for ubuntu 8.1011:51
dbudoleyb: I want to try with nc - can't make life too easy.11:52
Ned__Kartagis  do I use the screenshot or something? Or is that something I can copy and paste?11:52
him89ubottu, i know that but he wanted a way and i just pointed to it11:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:52
KartagisNed__, copy and paste?11:52
Ubersoldatdbu, you would have to open the connectio and send a GET11:52
ActionParsnipursus: i'm not sure about resizing extended partitions to encompass more space but i get what you mean. If a primary partition works then i'd run with it11:52
dbuUbersoldat: ty.11:53
stuffzhow do I access the session menu with the keyboard in gdm?11:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubersoldat11:53
ursusActionParsnip: So it is easier to use it as a Primary partition, and forget to move it?11:53
stuffzit's set to some mental resolution, so I can't see whether there are underlines letters and suchlike11:53
Ubersoldatthat's the second time that happens today11:54
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:54
stuffz( the desktop is fine )11:54
sheoran_<him 89> hello tell me yaar11:54
Ned__Kartagis  sorry I'm new...trying to figure out how I'm supposed to do this11:54
him89sheoran_, i told you, you can use the link i gave11:54
him89its safe11:54
DesenUbersoldat, i used sudo apt-get gnome-panel, it worked but after restart, it still doesnt display the header and footer11:54
ursusActionParsnip: It's ok, I formatted the unallocated space as a primary partition, ext3. But now it is unmounted. How can I mount it?11:54
KartagisNed__, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:54
sheoran_<him 89> is it safe na really ....11:54
ActionParsnipursus: if it works then sure11:54
him89sheoran_, its safe11:55
Ned__Kartagis  ok11:55
ActionParsnipursus: i'd add an extra line in /etc/fstab for it11:55
ActionParsnip!fstab | ursus11:55
ubottuursus: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:55
sheoran_<him 89> thanks11:55
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:55
ursusOk then, thank you for your help.11:55
arthurL_stuffz: try this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397311:55
DesenUbersoldat ?11:55
UbersoldatDesen, then you've got a configuration issue11:55
Kartagiswhy does xorg.conf get re-written everytime I reboot or restart X?11:56
stuffzah, a web forum11:56
DesenUbersoldat, should i use sudo apt-get install gnome-panel ?11:56
stuffzof course.11:56
Ubersoldattry creating a new user, with a new home, log in with that user, if it's alright, copy the configuration files from that user to you user11:56
=== virk|lunch is now known as virk
Oli``Is there an easy way to do e-acute on an english keyboard? In Windows I remember I could do alt+e (perhaps control+alt+e) and that would work... but it doesn't in Ubuntu. Any ideas?11:56
ActionParsnipKartagis: can you give the output of: ls -la /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:56
stuffzI really wish I wasn't lumbered with this system, every time I do a dist-upgrade it fails horrendously in some way11:57
arthurL_Oli``: ALT Gr + e11:57
KartagisActionParsnip, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1197 2009-04-04 19:09 /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:57
arthurL_Oh wait11:57
Oli``arthurL_: gives me a plain e =\11:57
* stuffz is still waiting for the web forum to display or time out11:57
ActionParsnipKartagis: looks fine11:57
arthurL_Oli``: For Gnome, Applications-> Accessories -> Character Map11:58
Ned__Kartagis I got a problem...the 'copy' option isn't highlighted in Terminal11:58
stuffzah, that shows how to change the resolution in xorg11:58
arthurL_It's there somewhere and there is a way to make the shortcut to it11:58
ActionParsnipKartagis: i'd try a : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and then restart x11:58
ActionParsnipKartagis: strange how its getting rewritten11:58
DesenUbersoldat, how do i create a new user ? i cannot acces Terminal11:58
stuffzthe resolution is fine, the mode it's using is fine, but gdm insists on displaying everything except half the logo and the lgin box, off-screen11:58
him89Desen, are you using GNome?11:59
KartagisActionParsnip, and I have to put in the same lines over again11:59
stuffzI could spend my day learning the intricacies of gdm, which I will never run again, or I could find out how to sail through it to the desktop I want by changing the session11:59
quibblerOli``, add to panel character set11:59
Ubersoldatpress Alt-F2 then type "xterm"11:59
stuffzdamn, I don't think it has any - I can't find any mention of them online12:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm12:00
unitedpotsmokersguys, when i type to request key i got these errors...12:00
unitedpotsmokersroot@virubuntudevilcom:~/Desktop# gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 2C392DFEEFD1796912:00
unitedpotsmokersgpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/potsmokers/.gnupg/gpg.conf'12:00
unitedpotsmokersgpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions12:00
unitedpotsmokersgpg: keyserver communications error: general error12:00
unitedpotsmokersgpg: keyserver receive failed: general error12:00
FloodBot1unitedpotsmokers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:00
stuffzIf this *HEAP* would allow me to switch runlevels, I would run the x session I want myself12:01
stuffzgood god!12:01
Ned__ok so now I got a new problem...I can't copy output from the terminal because the 'copy' option isn't highlighted12:01
unitedpotsmokersi'm sorry i dont want to make flood12:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brokeninit12:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsessions12:01
unitedpotsmokers!gpg error12:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg error12:01
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: sudo chown -R potsmokers /home/potsmokers/.gnupg; sudo chmod -R 750 /home/potsmokers/.gnupg12:01
=== justanothercoder is now known as random_coder99
Ned__I don't know what happened...I didn't have this copy problem in terminal previously12:02
iwdwhow to redirect the content of a file to another location?12:02
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, ok i will try12:02
him89iwdw, what exactly do you want to do?12:02
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:02
stuffzah well, I guess I will hunt down the gdm configuration files and change it in there12:02
stuffzI'm surprised there is no way to do it via the GUI in an exclusively GUI app though12:03
jace!gpg pot12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg pot12:03
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, thanks it is working now!12:03
ljsoftnethow do i uninstall jdk 6?12:03
jace!gpg firefox12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg firefox12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jdk12:03
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: you lost ownership, probably due to you running sudo nautilus at some point12:03
jace!gpg holocaust12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg holocaust12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about removegdm12:03
DesenUbersoldat, yes i am using GNOME12:03
stuffzI suppose I dpk-reconfigure gdm12:03
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: am i right?12:03
iwdwredirect the file content to /dev/ptsN12:03
Ubersoldatljsoftnet, sudo aptitude purge sun-6-java12:03
KartagisNed__, using GNOME or KDE?12:03
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:03
him89stuffz, i think google will be a better option :)12:03
jace!firefox sound12:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox sound12:03
HansHansHanshi all out there, when i click on my wifi-radar then it ask for my password and after that nothing happends, why would it not open ? i have installed the windows driver to my wireless.12:04
jaceI hate when i have sound in everything but firefox12:04
jace /wrists12:04
Wawaidoes anyone run wow under ubuntu here ?12:04
ActionParsnipjace: if you are going to beat the bot up can you do it in a pm, you are scrolling the channel like crazy12:04
him89Desen, System->Administration->User and Groups12:04
jacei tried12:04
him89Wawai,  i used to12:04
jaceIt worked but I constantly had to repair the install12:04
ActionParsnipjace: try /msg ubottu hi12:04
Ned__Kartagis I'm using GNOME12:04
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : yes... thanks for helping me.. problem solve my friend.. :)12:04
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: word of warning12:04
KartagisNed__, use gedit then12:05
Desenhim89, i cannot acces the footer nor the header. both are missing12:05
Wawaihmm,, so it wont work well ?12:05
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: use GKSUDO for gui apps, sudo is for CLI aps only12:05
Kartagissudy gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:05
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: otherwise it will reoccur12:05
ljsoftnetUbersoldat i don't think that package exist12:05
him89Desen, press alt+f2 and enter in gnome-terminal12:05
Ned__Kartagis  ok I'll try that12:05
SandGorgonhow do i check the dpi of a jpg image ?12:05
him89!xterm | Desen12:05
ubottuDesen: If with all the cute terminals that are around you're still using xterm, then you deserve any problem you're experiencing with it. Go away.12:05
stuffzhim89: be my guest, if you can find it in google, I will be astounded12:05
Ubersoldatljsoftnet, you really expect me to exactly remember the name of all the packages12:05
stuffzyou think I didn't google, like I'm some kind of cretin. Well cheers for that :)12:06
him89stuffz, you wanna remove gdm?12:06
Ubersoldathim89, I told him to open up xterm12:06
ljsoftnethow do i uninstall jdk 6 update 3?12:06
him89Ubersoldat, i told him and he said yes :)12:06
LollipopLandCan someone help me find and load the drivers for a Radeon X1550?12:06
stuffzhim89: nah, not at this point12:07
stuffzI don't have time to "play" with this computer12:07
him89stuffz, CTRL+ALT+F1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, sudo apt-get remove gdm ;)12:07
jaceso do any of you have any idea why i wouldnt have sound on pandora or youtube? its playing through the wrong sound output instead of my headphones12:07
him89Desen, did xterm come up?12:07
stuffzI think that's a really terrible solution, actually12:07
stuffzsurely one would want to replace it with another DM before doing so?12:07
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : i don't understand what u mean, but my problem solved.. except this one.. : W: GPG error: http://apt.debianchile.org unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2C392DFEEFD1796912:07
unitedpotsmokersW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/googlegadgets/ppa/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found12:07
him89stuffz, that how you uninstall gdm12:07
Ned__Kartagis  ok, you want me to paste the output from that gedit command in pastebin?12:07
him89stuffz, then sudo apt-get install kdm :)12:07
stuffzotherwise that sage advice would leave a user unable to get at his GUI12:08
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: ok you are aware of sudo, yes12:08
stuffzwhich may be very upsetting for some people12:08
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : potsmokers@virubuntudevilcom:~$ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv [public.key.number]12:08
unitedpotsmokersgpg: "gpg" not a key ID: skipping12:08
unitedpotsmokersgpg: "--keyserver" not a key ID: skipping12:08
unitedpotsmokersgpg: "keyserver.ubuntu.com" not a key ID: skipping12:08
unitedpotsmokersgpg: "--recv" not a key ID: skipping12:08
FloodBot1unitedpotsmokers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:08
him89stuffz, not that would not u can login via the console12:08
unitedpotsmokersgpg: "[public.key.number]" not a key ID: skipping12:08
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: sudo is to be used in the terminal for terminal based commands like apt-get, cp, mv etc etc12:08
him89stuffz, and then startx :)12:08
stuffzthe problem is, it's not just me using it12:08
him89stuffz, install kdm then :)12:09
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: if you want to run a gui app like nautilus or gnomebaker or whatever you must use gksudo otherwise your files will get mangles as you just resolved12:09
stuffzthe moron who chose the os distribution for this machine will have a nervous breakdown if there is no DM12:09
KartagisNed__, no, I want you to put in the lines I pasted, in xorg.conf12:09
stuffzanyway, thanks for your attempt at help12:09
KartagisNed__, in the Screen section12:09
wastedboyhi, guys I've tried to ask a question before but may be I didn't phrase it correctly, I've disabled sshing using root account on one of my machines, and I'm trying to use rsync on the same machine12:10
ljsoftnetsorry guys, i typed the wrong version, i was referring to how to uninstall jdk 6 update 1312:10
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: you need to replace the bit in [public.key.number] with the code in your key error12:10
jribwastedboy: no question there :)12:10
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: and you flooded AGAIN12:10
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : if i type sudo -s ... so we need to add "sudo" also?12:10
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: use pastebin so yo dont scroll the channel12:10
wastedboyjrib: the idea is I'm having permissions problem12:10
jribwastedboy: ok, but tell us what it is...12:10
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: dont use sudo -s, use sudo -i12:10
wastedboyjrib: I couldn't rsync the whole / dir12:10
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: after that you dont need to retype sudo12:10
jribwastedboy: how did you try?12:11
wastedboyjrib: it requires root access, but since I've disabled sshing using that, I'm not sure what am I missing kinda dizzy with lake of sleep and such12:11
ChousukeActionParsnip: -s and -i both give a root shell12:11
jribwastedboy: use sudo, no?12:11
ActionParsnipChousuke: -i uses the users environment12:11
quizmehow do i install glib 2 ?12:11
ChousukeActionParsnip: yeah12:11
ActionParsnipChousuke: so you can use ~/ and it wont go to /root as well as using the users ~/.bashrc12:12
jribquizme: why?  You most likely already have it12:12
wastedboyjrib: I can't rsync from the machine with root ssh disabled to my other machines12:12
ActionParsnipChousuke: so users familiar with ~/ will see their data go to the wrong place then worry when its not where they expect12:12
Ned__Kartagis sorry I'm confused...I'm trying to find the lines you pasted?12:13
ActionParsnipChousuke: just saves heartache12:13
wastedboyjrib: it's not possible, the only way is to rsync from another machine to the machine with root ssh disabled12:13
icerootquizme: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-012:13
ljsoftnethow do u uninstall jdk 6 update 13?12:13
icerootljsoftnet: sudo apt-get remove paketname12:13
jribljsoftnet: how did you install it?12:13
him89ljsoftnet, how did you install it?12:13
KartagisNed__, put the lines on http://pastebin.com/f2afd7ef7 in the Screen section of xorg.conf12:14
ljsoftnetjrib him89 install it with netbeans12:14
ljsoftnetjrib him89 it was a package of jdk 6 and netbeans12:14
him89ljsoftnet, any reasons to remove it?12:14
HansHansHanshi all out there, when i click on my wifi-radar then it ask for my password and after that nothing happends, why would it not open ? i have installed the windows driver to my wireless.12:15
wastedboyI tried " rsync -rvHP USER@HOST:/ . "12:15
Ned__Kartagis oh ok I think I see what you mean now12:15
jribwastedboy: random google site that probably tells you what you want: http://www.pplux.com/2009/02/07/rsync-root-and-sudo/12:15
ljsoftnethim89 i just wanted to know how to uninstall it, thats it12:15
gujaHello. I have 8.10 i686. Is it anyhow possible that I "upgrade" it to x86_64??12:16
ljsoftnethim89 i like to clean this PC12:16
wastedboyjrib: thanks :-)12:16
him89ljsoftnet, you mostly installed it via .bin file12:16
jribguja: only by reinstalling12:16
him89that was with netbeans12:16
ljsoftnethim89 no, this was the name jdk-6u13-nb-6_5_1-linux-ml.sh12:17
gujajrib, thanks. And is it at any point harmful that I use 32bit Ubuntu on 64bit processor considering I am using Linux just for fun and still not some serious programming stuff?12:17
Ned__Kartagis http://pastebin.com/m5b34e1a912:17
jribguja: no12:18
him89ljsoftnet, i never did that before12:18
KartagisNed__, yes12:18
him89ljsoftnet, hold a few mins google will reveal something12:18
jurismI have Ubuntu 8.04 I have ata_aux process 100% CPU and I can not make reboot command what do you suggest me? thank You!12:19
jurismcan I pkill -9 ata_aux?12:19
ljsoftnethim89 ok12:19
him89ljsoftnet, read this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83252012:19
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : thanks for help... last question for you.. W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/googlegadgets/ppa/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found     <--- what we can so with this error? just ignore it?12:20
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: let me check12:21
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: there is no hardy folder on that server12:21
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: http://ppa.launchpad.net/googlegadgets/ppa/ubuntu/dists/12:21
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: only has hardy12:21
santiagohey guys12:22
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: you may as well remove the repo from your sources12:22
santiagowhats the use of a program called emerald?12:22
him89santiago, Hey12:22
him89santiago, it is a theming component12:22
him89!emerald | samtiago12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald12:22
ljsoftnethim89 i think deleting the jdk folder would uninstall it12:22
santiagois it better than the default?12:22
him89ljsoftnet, yes that is it12:23
him89santiago, yes it12:23
santiagooh ok him12:23
ljsoftnethim89 ok thanks12:23
him89ljsoftnet, no problem, remember Google is you friend :)12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald12:23
him89santiago, install it... gives many great themes :)12:23
santiagoi'm still not used to use linux12:24
ljsoftnethim89 ok12:24
him89santiago, http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Decorators/Emerald12:24
santiagohow do i join anotehr channel in this irc.... without leaving this one?12:24
santiagooh i'll check that out12:24
him89santiago, /join <channel-name>12:24
santiagothanks :D12:25
quizmejrib: cuz I tried to install a font browser called gucharmap and it said that i needed it12:25
quizmeiceroot thanks12:25
santiagoerr :S not working him8912:25
jribquizme: gucharmap is in the repositories.  Use APT12:25
him89santiago, what software are you using?12:26
ActionParsnipsantiago: e.g.   /j 3kubuntu12:26
ActionParsnipsantiago:    /j #kubuntu12:26
him89and did you specify a # before channel name?12:26
santiagoi'm using xchat gnome irc12:26
santiagosomething like that12:26
ActionParsnipsantiago: same command12:26
santiagooh :D i forgot, sorry him8912:26
santiagothanks action12:27
ActionParsnipnp man12:27
him89santiago, no problem12:27
santiagoerr no one at emerald :S12:27
ActionParsnipsantiago: try #compiz12:27
quizmejrib which repo?  cuz it's not working for me12:28
jribquizme: pastebin what is not working for you12:28
jrib!info gucharmap | quizme12:28
ubottuquizme: gucharmap (source: gucharmap): Unicode character picker and font browser. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 835 kB, installed size 4560 kB12:29
dumb_dumbwhy every rebooting then it stuck on the Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)12:30
dumb_dumbany idea? where i should check the error?12:30
mib_3y3dl51wHi, Can i ask for some ubuntu help, im sure the problem is simple12:30
santiagono 1 is answering at compiz fusion channel.... to install emerald should i just go to add/remove programs?12:30
Boohbahdumb_dumb: is there anything in that file?12:31
him89dumb_dumb, please paste the output of cat /etc/rc.local to paste.ubuntu.com and give me a link12:31
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : thanks. my problem solved12:31
him89!info emerald | santiago12:31
ubottusantiago: emerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB12:31
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: awesome12:31
jurismWhat should I do if reboot command not working and I have only remote access? Thank You!12:32
him89jurism, what error is it?12:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot12:32
santiago!info emerald12:32
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 255 kB, installed size 1380 kB12:32
mib_3y3dl51wWhen i switched from XP to ubuntu, i made two partitions, both NTFS. One was empty, and one contained over 80gb of stuff(i did this so i wouldnt lose my massive collection of music). When i installed ubuntu it installed to the first partition and converted it to EXT3. Great.12:32
jurismI don't have any error in terminal. Server doesnt restart. I have 100% CPU usage foe ata_aux process12:33
mib_3y3dl51wThen when it booted, worked fine for a few days, but then I realised i still had two partitions, so i transfer all my files all over to the ext3 partition, and boot up in the partition editor live cd i got off the net. Yeah great, deleted the NTFS partition, and then resized the EXT3 partition to the full HDD and made sure i didnt touch the swap partition.12:33
marcel_i have my custom kernel, can i install the nvidia packages so that is uses my kernel? is there a way to configure, i am now using nvidia binairy drivers12:33
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, many people like to help people here. i'm new in linux but now i'm happy with it12:33
mib_3y3dl51wThis has worked, as in live CD i see a 250gb partition, which is what i wanted. The problem is GRUB is refusing to load from the new partition for some reason. It just errors out. I don't know what to do. Any ideas?12:33
ziroday`sombir: no, we can't see you12:33
grawityjurism: trythis, as root: sync; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger12:33
sombirwould any one help me out how to install vlc player on ubuntu????12:34
mib_3y3dl51wsombir i might be able to help12:34
him89sombir, sudo apt-get install vlc12:34
ActionParsnipunitedpotsmokers: you will learn, maybe you will help someday. help when you can12:34
ziroday`sombir: its the same way you install all the other apps12:34
ziroday`!install | sombir12:34
ubottusombir: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate12:34
ubottusombir: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:34
him89!info vlc | sombir12:34
ubottusombir: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3.1 (intrepid), package size 1628 kB, installed size 3616 kB12:34
mib_3y3dl51wsombir: sudo apt-get install vlc12:34
unitedpotsmokersActionParsnip, : sure :)12:34
mib_3y3dl51w(open terminal)12:34
Boohbahsombir: sudo apt-get install vlc12:34
sarmisakhi all12:34
him89dumb_dumb, remove the exit 0 line12:35
dumb_dumbow is that the problem?12:35
sombirthanx all buddies....12:35
him89sombir, no ptoblem12:35
him89for all the n00bs out here : http://justfuckinggoogleit.com/12:36
jurismgrawity: not working, I have no output for this command in putty (I think it still executes...)12:36
dumb_dumbhim89: i got that after installing xen on my hardy box12:36
him89dumb_dumb, if its the error in this line file it has to be that only everthing else is commented out12:37
grawityhim89: huw about http://lmgtfy.com/?q=calm+down12:37
quizmei just discovered that gucharmap is already installed12:37
dumb_dumbnow /etc/rc.local status is OK -> but still stuck there12:37
sombirexcuse me...12:37
him89grawity, :)12:38
sombirwhat is alian???12:38
sombirsorry alien??12:38
jurismgrawity: can I try reboot -f or it is useless?12:38
him89dumb_dumb, its says OK and still stays there odd12:38
grawityjurism: try it, I guess12:38
him89nothing else further?12:38
darrenhi all12:38
julianoastry shutdown -r12:38
wlodisombir: alien converts .rpm packages to .deb12:38
him89dumb_dumb, are you booting the xen kernel?12:38
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)12:39
darrenAnyone know a good place to find programmers for an open source project I'm working on.12:39
him89!alien | sombir12:39
ubottusombir: please see above12:39
him89darren, tell me12:39
sombirwlodi!!!!!!!!!!!how that is possible??12:39
Deseni cannot acces the GNOME Panel. The header and footer are missing. the ALT+F2 command isnt working. By using CTRL+ALT+F1 i managed to check gnome-panel and it says that it exists already12:39
him89darren, i would love to help12:39
mib_3y3dl51whey, my problem is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1118629 (too big to explain here). any ideas?12:39
pascal__join #ubuntu-de12:39
pascal__sorry ^12:40
julianoashey! anyone has used SIS3D package to enable dri on xorg? my xorg stops with this12:40
wlodisombir: I guess it's magic :)12:40
darrenhim89 - I'm not sure what lang to use at the moment - but this I've put it here: https://launchpad.net/opendistro12:40
mib_3y3dl51whelp? problem shown here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1118629 solutions?12:40
sombirwlodi:: where can i download from that??12:41
=== ubuLOCO_ is now known as ubuLOCO
wlodisombir: sudo apt-get install alien12:41
unitedpotsmokershello guys. i'm using ubuntu ultimate 2.1 (intrepid ibex). it is safe if i want to upgrade to Jaunty soon?12:41
DesenUbersoldat, i cannot acces the GNOME Panel. The header and footer are missing. the ALT+F2 command isnt working. By using CTRL+ALT+F1 i managed to check gnome-panel and it says that it exists already. if i use "xterm" i receive: cant open display / DISPLAY is not set12:41
sombirhello sir12:42
mib_3y3dl51wWell utdpotsmokers if you have an intel 865g chipset motherboard don't upgrade, as there will be no X, and if you dont upgrade! Im on jaunty and its AWESOME12:42
Ubersoldatso you just figured out how to go to a system console12:42
julianoasnext version 9.04 will be able to use compiz in SIS 3D Card? will use SIS3D?12:42
him89darren, i would recomment using python and perl and joing the #python / #perl channels12:42
him89you ll find more people there12:42
Ubersoldatnow, execute this: export DISPLAY=0:0.12:43
darrenhim89: no experience with python, but I'll have to learn.12:43
Ubersoldatno dot12:43
him89darren, people on the channel will help :)12:43
Ubersoldatand then: gnome-panel12:43
mib_3y3dl51wso any help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111862912:43
darrenI needs to work on Ubuntu, commandline as well as GUI - python good for that?12:43
him89more over python is runtime compiling :)12:44
mib_3y3dl51w:P so any help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111862912:44
him89no need to keep building binaries12:44
jurismgrawity: reboot -f not working too. how can I forece pkill -9 apache2 if I have still some apache2 processes left? Thank You!12:44
DesenUbersoldat, CANNOT OPEN DISPLAY. Run gnome-panel --help to list available commands etc12:45
darrenhim89, did you check out the link?12:45
DesenUbersoldat, that is the error i receive12:45
Ubersoldatdid you export your display?12:46
him89yes i did12:46
belijurism: killall -9 apache212:46
darrenwhat do you think, does it make sense?12:46
DesenUbersoldat, yes, i have ran export DISPLAY=0:012:46
paul68mib_3y3dl51w: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70485712:46
him89darren, out of my skillset12:46
him89good idea but12:46
russ5811hi all. i have an ubuntu laptop and an ubuntu desktop. both connect to the internet via a wireless router. is it possible to network these together to share files?12:47
jurismkillall -9 apache2 not working too, I have still apache2 processes running! On syslog I have soft lockup detected on CPU#0!12:47
erUSUL!samba | russ581112:47
ubotturuss5811: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:47
mib_3y3dl51w??? any help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1118629 please?12:47
russ5811no windows12:47
DesenUbersoldat, is there a way to run Synaptic Package Manager ? While trying to uninstall a bittorrent client, i think i have unchecked something containing "server"12:48
mib_3y3dl51wpaul68 thanks will try it now12:48
russ5811do i have to use samba since i have no windows machine?12:48
darrenruss5811: places>conntect to server12:48
DesenUbersoldat, i think i can found it, IF i can run Synaptic Package Manager12:48
orochiHello :> Can anyone recommend a good mp3 player that will work in Ubuntu other than the iPod line? I used to love the iPod but now you have to jailbreak it just to get songs on :<12:48
sombirhow to connect to a LAN in ubuntu??????????????????12:49
grawityjurism: eh, then I guess the only way is to physically boot the server12:49
DesenUbersoldat, althou that CTRL+ALT+F1 shows that gnome-panel is installed12:49
russ5811darren, i'm there...then what?12:49
darrensombir - plug it in?12:49
darrenruss5811: service type SSH12:50
mib_3y3dl51worochi any mp3 player that supports mass storage will work in ubuntu. I love the chipods from ebay12:50
GibbaTheHuttorochi, I have a sansa fuze, but really depends what features you need12:50
darrenruss5811: the ip on your network you want to connect to12:50
darrenruss5811: then the username - it'll prompt for a password12:50
russ5811would that be the router's ip?12:50
orochiGibbaTheHut: The sansa fuze was one I was looking at actually :>12:50
sidhrti have a 5 channel speakers and i get sound from only front speakers.. others not working.. can anyone help , please?12:50
mib_3y3dl51whey you know the numbers that your hdd has like hd1,4? how do i find what my hdd is12:50
darrennope, the machine you want to connect to12:50
russ5811and that goes in the "server" box?12:50
orochithe only features i need from an mp3 player are that it plays music and the interface isn't too horrifying ;P12:51
russ5811ok. what about folder and port?12:51
mib_3y3dl51whey you know the numbers that your hdd has like hd1,4? how do i find what my hdd is?12:51
orochi(that and it supports mass storage properly)12:51
darrenruss5811: leave them blank, and I normally tick the bookmark box12:51
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: hda1, hdb, hdc you get the naming idea ?12:51
mib_3y3dl51wso my partition would be hda1? awesome12:51
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: or depending your system they may be also sda, sdb,sdc12:51
mib_3y3dl51wnah mines ata12:51
mib_3y3dl51wso probably sda12:52
russ5811ok. what does the user name do. is that my login user id for the ubuntu profile?12:52
RoyKwtf does ubuntu store disaplay settings? I want to reset monitor orientation, but I can't see anything on the display, so I need to do it in the config files from a terminal12:52
GibbaTheHuttorochi, depends if you mean the mp3 interface its fine, one possible downside is it has an sdcard slot (so I have 8+4Gig), but it sort of combines them into one, which some find messy12:52
darrenruss5811: yea, the username on the machine you're try to connect to12:52
grawityruss5811: yes, the login user ID is called "username"12:52
mib_3y3dl51wRoyK, what gfx card do you have12:52
russ5811thatnks darren! i'll give it a shot.12:52
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: probably sda, but ubuntu dosnt not guarantee tahat ide0 master is sda or hda and so on , you can only trust UUIDs to be same in every boot, check /dev/disk/by-????/12:53
orochiGibbaTheHut: Hmm, that's a weird way of doing it...on the other hand having an expansion slot is great IMO, that's why I liked the PSP :>12:53
RoyKmib_3y3dl51w: ati12:53
erUSULRoyK: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
darrenwow, that's the firsts time I've help someone on ubuntu :)12:53
RoyKerUSUL: I couldn't find anything there12:53
GibbaTheHuttorochi, its nice to use though, I use it plugged into soundcard on pc, and use it to play music on pc (which goes into stereo)12:53
mib_3y3dl51wRoyK sorry, never used ati, nvidia has its own linux drivers XD12:53
erUSULRoyK: then maybe it is on gconf... try gconf-editor12:53
GibbaTheHuttheadphones nice too, all good, but read the forums first maybe just to see12:54
jrib!cookie | darren12:54
ubottudarren: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:54
RoyKerUSUL: I just tried moving the gconf files away from my homedir without much help12:54
darrenAm I being a n00b, asking about cookies?12:55
orochiGibbaTheHut: Ahh, now that's nice too...I like being able to hook the player up to a stereo and play it through the room that way12:55
orochi(I currently do the same thing with the 360 but that requires leaving the TV on the whole time :P)12:55
mib_3y3dl51win this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=704857 i don't understand the first line, ''root (hd2,5)'' it just says error while parsing number, any ideas?12:56
mib_3y3dl51win this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=704857 i don't understand the first line, ''root (hd2,5)'' it just says error while parsing number, any ideas?12:57
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: is the partition you want to boot hd2 partition 5?12:57
mib_3y3dl51wahh i see my mistake lol12:57
mib_3y3dl51wsorry im a ubuntu newbie, but at least i have NO microsoft on my pc XD12:57
* ActionParsnip hands mib_3y3dl51wa facepalm12:57
simplexio4miyou configuring grub?12:57
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: you using grub ?12:58
mib_3y3dl51wtrying to yes12:58
mib_3y3dl51wmy problem is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111862912:58
santiagoguys how do i apply a theme i downloaded and loaded into emerald theme manager...12:58
Ubersoldatsantiago, you have to install emerald12:58
mib_3y3dl51wsantiago cant you just double click it12:58
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: are you using '' front of that command.. its just root (hd0,0) .. or similiar12:59
sidhrti have a 5 channel speakers and i get sound from only front speakers.. others not working.. can anyone help , please?12:59
santiagoi cant double click it12:59
mib_3y3dl51wsimplexio i dont understand, im trying to get this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1118629 fixed. Im trying to restore it12:59
proteusguyHow do I get a 64bit capable g++ under ubuntu? It keeps "skipping incompatible libstdc++ which I presume are strictly 32bit.12:59
santiagoi installed emerald i think12:59
GibbaTheHuttmib_3y3dl51w, so you can't boot at all from hd ?12:59
sarmisaksantiago: how did you install emerald?12:59
sombiris there any female to have chat on ubuntu question????12:59
mib_3y3dl51wi get error 1712:59
santiago"sudo apt-get install emerald" i typed it into terminal12:59
mib_3y3dl51wLOL at sombir?13:00
sarmisakit should have installed just fine, maybe there is some other configuration problem13:00
orochimib_3y3dl51w: somehow i doubt it's an "ubuntu question" :P13:00
GibbaTheHuttmib, guessing its as partition numbers changed or something...13:00
santiagosermisak: what does that mean?????13:00
sarmisakhave you tried loading the theme from System > Preferences > Emerald Theme Manager?13:01
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mib_3y3dl51wim guessing they did, but i honestly dont understand how to find out what my partition number is13:01
mib_3y3dl51worochi ?13:01
usuariok pasa??13:01
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: no idea what is problem, but you could do grub-install13:01
Guest40455i tried to setup ubuntu from CD then i ve disk space but couldnt saw from disc this free zone. What should i do ?13:01
proteusguysudo apt-get install lib64stdc++6 libc6-dev-amd64 gdb64 lib64stdc++6-4.3-dbg does not get me a working 64bit g++. :(13:01
russ5811i'm trying to file share between two ubuntu boxes connected via the same wireless router. there is no windows environment. i have gone to places > connect to server as instructed and changed the service type to ssh. i then ran /sbin/ifconfig and put in the ip address. it says connection refused. am i doing something wrong?13:02
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: attleast it should try boot grub, and fail to error. if not, you dont have grub on mbr, so grub-install should ficx it then13:02
darren__can someone tell me about !cookies13:02
simplexioruss5811: did you start open-ssh server on target machine13:03
adacHow are the passwords saved in ubuntu? are they somehow encrypted?13:03
simplexioadac: /etc/shadow13:03
russ5811simplexio. no how is that done?13:03
sarmisakadac: of course13:03
grawityruss5811: sudo apt-get install openssh-server13:03
Lartza_What is kernel build files package called?13:03
mib_3y3dl51wI need to know what my HDD number is (like hd1,1 hd2,5) how do i find this or work it out?13:04
sarmisakLartza_: do you mean headers?13:04
russ5811gravity: on both machines i take it?13:04
simplexioadac: and yes, they are. but best defense is that users cant read it13:04
adacsimplexio, oh i see! so noone is able read them out if he gets my hard drive?13:04
lanoxxis the new adobe reader available for x64?13:04
lanoxxversion 9.113:04
sarmisakmib_3y3dl51w: type this; mount13:04
darren__russ5811: yep, both of them13:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adobe13:04
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: how many physical hard drives do you have?13:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reader13:04
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)13:04
Lartza_I installed headers, but it's complaining13:05
simplexioi remeber times when it was pretty easy to get all under 5 char pssswords if you got passwd file13:05
dandreI have a file (in fact a Maildir "encoded" message). Haw can I extract the attachement encoded in that message?13:05
sarmisakmib_3y3dl51w: it should print a list of mounted partitions, you can see it there such as /dev/sda1 or /dev/hda113:05
Lartza_Oh I might need to reboot huh? :D13:05
mib_3y3dl51wthank you sarmisak13:05
ActionParsnipsarmisak: wont tell him the drive number though13:05
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: how many physical drives do you have?13:05
dumb_dumbguys i read some of virtual server ( Xen, KVM, VirtualBox) which one is good for ubuntu server?13:05
mib_3y3dl51wnope i just see a load of code13:05
ActionParsnipdumb_dumb: all are fine13:05
sarmisakActionParsnip: I know, but at least it would give an idea ;)13:06
mib_3y3dl51whow can i paste a lot of code here?13:06
ActionParsnipsarmisak: it gives us the partition number ;)13:06
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: use pastebin13:06
simplexiodumb_dumb: what ever you like.. vbox is good to run windows desktop. i think kvm is more to servers13:06
mib_3y3dl51wthere we go13:06
mib_3y3dl51wthis is what i get when mount is typed13:06
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: can you pastebin the outrput of sudo fdisk -l  as well please13:07
russ5811darren, simplexio: thanks. it's working. one more question: how can i make this link permanent or do i have to log in every time13:07
mib_3y3dl51wi have 1 ATA hdd, and one ATA cd drive, the hdd as master, cd as slave13:07
Lartza_Naah I get error saying Please install the build and header files for your current Linux kernel.13:07
darren__russ5811, if you've added a bookmark, it'll save it to places13:07
dumb_dumbso xen and kvm not support windows?13:07
Makdaamhello, do you know any active jackd related irc channels/mailing lists/forums?13:07
russ5811fantastic!! thanks so much guys.13:07
Lartza_I am running on Virtualbox13:07
simplexiomib_3y3dl51w: sda6, could be hd0,3 too.. btw grub prompt has autofill if you hit tab13:07
Lartza_Server disc, minimal virtual machine install13:08
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: if you only have 1 HDD the drive number will always be ZERO13:08
hateballLartza_: have you installed build-essentials ?13:08
mib_3y3dl51wthanks, that did it actionparsnip13:08
darren__russ5811, no problem. A pleasure finally knowing something that I can help someone with haha13:08
mib_3y3dl51wok i will keep that in mind, thanks for all your help13:08
darren__russ5811, only just learnt that myself the other day - I've had ubuntu for about a week as my main machine.13:08
mib_3y3dl51wand you samisak13:08
=== xi_ is now known as meow-chan
sarmisakmib_3y3dl51w:  n.p.13:09
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: the partition numbe is the output from fdisk -l. if you look at the partition number you want to boot in the output and minuus 1 you will get the partition number to grub (grub numbers start at 0, not 1)13:09
Lartza_My error propably13:09
Lartza_Didn't install headers for server...13:09
sarmisakLartza_: try this; sudo apt-get install linux-headers13:09
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: so to boot /dev/sda1  the grub line is (hd0,0)   for /dev/sda2  (hd0,1)  etc13:09
darren__right then, who here knows a lot about, and is keen on torrents?13:09
Lartza_I needed linux-headers-x.x-server13:09
lanoxxoh nvm13:10
Pupeno-GAny ideas how to record an mp3 stream?13:10
sarmisakLartza_: try this then; sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`13:10
CoinWhen I try to install some themes on Ubuntu 8.10, i got errors. Can anyone help-me ? (sorry for bad english)13:10
Lartza_It works already13:10
Pupeno-GCoin: what language do you speak?13:10
Lartza_Well not...13:10
simplexioCoin: paste eroor into pastebin13:10
CoinPortuguês - Brazil13:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:10
adacActionParsnip, Do you know if passwords in /etc/shadow are save. I mean if someone is able to get my hard drive, can he read them out and decrypt them easily?13:10
Lartza_How do I install base for graphics on server edition?13:10
DesenPROBLEM: is there a way of starting Synaptic Package Manager using CTRL+ALT+F1 ? ALT+F2 isnt working and my GNOME panels (header and footer) have dissapeard.13:11
CoinThanks Man =D13:11
zigga15ubottu, startx13:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about startx13:11
mib_3y3dl51wapparently hd0,6 doesnt exist13:11
Lartza_X.org or XFree86 I think, then enlightment13:11
zigga15otherwise sudo apt-get gnome13:11
Pupeno-GCoin: You can continue here in English, it's not a problem, but you can try #ubuntu-pt if that's easier for you.13:11
zigga15type in startX13:11
mib_3y3dl51wahh 0.513:11
zigga15from terminal13:11
mib_3y3dl51wjust saw that13:11
CoinOk man =D thanks for your advise, i'll try on ubuntu-br13:11
ActionParsnipadac: they are hashed in /etc/shadow13:11
Lartza_Unknown job X13:12
simplexioadac: yes.. game is lost every time if someone get physical access to your computer, offcourse you can use long 8+ char long password to increase time to bruteforce your password13:12
Lartza_zigga15: You don't even know what I am doing? If I have server it's all terminal...13:12
zigga15fuck you13:12
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:12
Lartza_What was that for zigga15?13:13
meow-chanthis place has always been helpfull to me :)13:13
zigga15your a wanker13:13
ActionParsnipzigga15: apt-get gnome wont't work13:13
darren__zigga15, easy now guys - settle down.13:13
bazhangzigga15, stop that13:13
aarHi, anyone know why webmin is not in the ubuntu repositories? Is it because there is a better alternative?13:13
ActionParsnip!webmin | aar13:13
ubottuaar: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.13:13
adacsimplexio, ActionParsnip ok i see. Is the hash algortim that is used for the account passwords md5?13:13
simplexioadac: if you feel paranoid, goog about dmcrypt and root crypt :). its pretty hard to crack those open13:13
michael33tdoes anyone here know simple C++13:13
sarmisakLartza_: you should install xubuntu-desktop maybe, it's a lightweight desktop13:13
aarActionParsnip, thanks13:13
mib_3y3dl51wactionparsnip http://www.mibbit.com/pb/XMvo3U thats the output from the command its still not working13:14
ActionParsnipadac: yep13:14
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox13:14
Pupeno-Gmichael33t: you can try #c++13:14
Lartza_sarmisak: I am installing enligtenment13:14
aarBoohbah, thanks13:14
michael33tPupeno-G, there is no such room.13:14
Lartza_Now I am installing xorg, then prerequisities for compiling enlightenment13:14
meow-chani've got a few questions for the people here13:14
meow-chanis anyone here familiar with winki?13:15
Pupeno-Gmichael33t: well, it redirects to ##c++13:15
darren__I want to discuss programing lang suggestions - anyone have any?13:15
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ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: mark /dev/sda6 as bootable then use: (hd0,5)13:15
adacsimplexio, ActionParsnip  I'm currently thinking of encrypting the whole partition. But I think if those passwords are md5 hashs and pretty long it should be enough to encrypt only the home partition. What do you think?13:15
michael33tdarren__, wat language13:15
mib_3y3dl51whow do i mark it as bootable? i am very new to this but am not going to give up13:15
ActionParsnipadac: i've never done it as I dont wear a tinfoil hat13:15
mib_3y3dl51wLOL at actionparsnip13:16
darren__Well, I want to start an Open Source project that works on Ubuntu - I'm looking for people to get involved, but I don't know what lang to start in.13:16
meow-chanis anyone here familiar with winki the ripper (its dvd rip/encode program)13:16
michael33tdarren__, do you know c++?13:16
meow-chanits download has some pre packages already source, debian etch, ubuntu dapper and feisty13:16
sarmisakmichael33t: what do you need with c++?13:16
simplexioadac: actually if you feel paranoid you want crypt /home/ /var /tmp and swap partition. if you odnt feel so paranoid just crypt /home/ and /var13:16
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: its a function in fdisk / cfdisk13:16
darren__Nope, I know PHP, Javascript, web stuff etc13:16
Lartza_Can ubuntu or any linux take internet from windows?13:16
meow-chani currenty use ubuntu hardy13:16
michael33tsarmisak, problem with my code13:17
michael33tand i need help with it13:17
meow-chanwould it be wise for me to download oen of the pre configed packages?13:17
Boohbahadac: http://eprint.iacr.org/2004/19913:17
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: sudo cfdisk /dev/sda13:17
darren__Lartza_, how do you mean?13:17
Boohbahadac: if you feel paranoid, don't use MD513:17
temporarytaoLartza_, could you explain what you're trying to do?13:17
sarmisakLartza_: with virtualbox?13:17
simplexioadac: oretty much all other dirs like /usr /boot etc.. have only stuff form distro, so no personal stuff13:17
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Lartza_sarmisak: No13:17
adacBoohbah, ActionParsnip  hehe :P13:17
michael33tsarmisak, can u help me with my code?13:17
Lartza_One computer with 2 NIC, one connected to internet, one to ubuntu computer13:18
sarmisak!pastebin | michael33t13:18
ubottumichael33t: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:18
adacsimplexio, yes that is the point13:18
Lartza_Could the ubuntu computer use internet and how to configure that?13:18
temporarytaoLartza_, you want to make a gateway?13:18
bullgard4Why prints 'sudo netstat -tulpen' (http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394711) in the first line for port 2628=Dictionary Server as  program name=0,  and is not more specific as the rest lines?  'ps 5380' prints yet 'dictd 1.10.10: 0/0'.13:18
sarmisakmichael33t: paste the code, I can try at least13:18
ActionParsnipbullgard4: why does netstat need sudo?13:18
michael33tsarmisak, can i pm u13:18
sarmisakmichael33t: yeah, sure13:18
mib_3y3dl51wactionparsnip i cant seem to work this out13:19
simplexioadac: google  dmcrypt. im currently running 4xhd on software raid5+dmcrypt 256bit-sha crypt  i think. dont recall anymore what was the default crypt13:19
Lartza_Temporarytao: No, I want easy solution for server and only way I can get internet to it is through my computer or maybe from it to my computer13:19
adacBoohbah, ActionParsnip, simplexio we just have some internal projects saved on home which noone should get access that easily...so I just ask about what is saver to do13:19
mib_3y3dl51wi tried fdisk /dev/sda1/ and it just says unable to open /dev/sda113:19
bullgard4ActionParsnip: netstat without sudo does not list entries under the 'PID/Program name' column.13:19
mib_3y3dl51wmy mistake, its hda1, but still same error13:19
adacsimplexio, actually we want to use truecrypt which seems fine for just encrypt home partition13:19
simplexioadac: its not that hard, just crypt /home/ and use long password for user and use long password for crypted partition. and long as 20 chars or like13:19
sarmisakadac: have you checked truecrypt?13:20
Lartza_So could I either get internet to 2 computers that other hooks to the other?13:20
temporarytaoLartza_, like an internet sharing server?13:20
simplexioadac: that cool too. not sure how fast it is. dmcrypt has bonus that its in vanilla kernels13:20
mib_3y3dl51whow would i go about setting a drive as bootable?13:20
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: move cursor down with down arrow to the big linux partition, use lete and right arows to select the word bootable and press enter, I'm unsure if you can do this on a booted system like this so you may want to look at using a live cd of some kind13:20
sarmisaksimplexio, adac: yes, it might be faster with dmcrypt13:20
Lartza_temporarytao: Propably, I want to run http server and stuff on the linux one13:20
Lartza_But should I hook the linux to net and windows or windows to net and linux?13:21
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: select the partition with up and down, left and right cursor to choose the bottom option, enter to select, remember to write your changes to the disk13:21
temporarytaoLartza_, it's prolly better for you to make your ubuntu the computer that connects to internet13:21
adacI see! thx for your hel and suggestions guys sarmisak, simplexio and ActionParsnip !13:21
temporarytaoLartza_, its safer and the configuration is a bit easier13:21
mib_3y3dl51wactionparsnip, i give up can i rebuild ubuntu without losing my huge music collection and not having seperate partitions13:22
Lartza_temporarytao: So how is it made?13:22
temporarytaoLartza_, but if you still want to proceed with your setup, you only really have to bridge your two ethernet connections from windows13:22
darren__Any tips on what lang to use to make a program that runs both comline and desktop?13:22
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: you just need to mark the different partition as bootable, thats all it is13:23
Lartza_Well I can use linux as the gateway13:23
orochidarren__: Practically all of them can do that, you'd have to be more specific13:23
temporarytaoLartza_, yeah. how are you connecting to the net by the way?13:23
darren__orochi, I'm looking to write a torrent mesh program.13:24
Lartza_Router > AC/DC Ethernet x2 > Windows13:24
orochidarren__: A torrent "mesh?"13:24
darren__orochi, the program would be installed on lots of machines - and would be used to seed torrent for open source projects - bit like mirroring but for torrents.13:24
temporarytaoLartza_, if you have a router already, why do you need to pass through your windows machine to get internet to your linux machine?13:25
mib_3y3dl51wactionparsnip yeah but i dont get how to do it, im on a livecd at the moment using terminal13:25
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: cool, ok so you can see cfdisk with the partitions visible, yes?13:25
darren__orochi, universities etc would install the program to host torrents automatically13:26
ChotaZIs there a way to run something that requirest root password on session startup?13:26
aarI'm thinking of using an old 486 box as a linux firewall at home (between the router and three laptops with wireless connections at home). I've never tried something like this before. Does anyone have some pointers to get me going?13:26
sarmisaktemporarytao: I agree, for a that small setup it might be a great waste of time13:26
Lartza_Because I need to :D13:26
mib_3y3dl51wi was using fdisk but ok13:26
Lartza_Router is in different room13:26
ActionParsnipmib_3y3dl51w: pm?13:26
orochidarren__: I think I sort of see what you mean, but most of the clients I've used make it pretty easy to seed torrents on your own?13:26
darren__orochi, each uni would have a dedicated machine running 24/7 to support the "mesh" - if that's even the right way of saying it.13:26
sarmisakLartza_: ok then, you should set it up like this; modem (or ethernet connection) > ubuntu > switch > other pcs13:26
temporarytaosarmisak, he probably just wants to play around13:26
mib_3y3dl51wactionparsnip openned cfdisk, it says fatal error cant open hdd13:26
temporarytaoLartza_, you can make an http server by installing lamp and then forwarding the http port to your linux machine from your router13:27
sarmisakLartza_: you should have two ethernets on the ubuntu machine, and one should be connected to your internet connection, other to the switch that you are going to distribute13:27
Lartza_I don't have a switch13:27
Lartza_And I can't touch Router or the Adapters13:28
Lartza_I have setup like this13:28
sarmisakLartza_: ok, how many machines do you have?13:28
sarmisakLartza_: that you are going to serve13:28
WebuWhy does "./executable" return just "-bash: ./executable: No such file or directory" even it exists in the directory? I don't quite get this.13:28
Lartza_Router> Computer and AC/DC adapter > AC/DC adapter x2(now 1 since other broke down) > 1 COmputer per Adapter13:29
=== temporarytao is now known as temporarytao_afk
__8472Hi. I have a problem in the samba, with "Group Mapping" and using it from the active directory. my smb.conf contains these relevant lines= (workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME ; realm = DOMAIN.COM ; security = ADS ; winbind enum users/groups = yes ; winbind use default domain = yes ; winbind nested groups = yes ; password server = 192.168.*.*).13:29
__8472Then, i executed this command: 'groupadd domusers ; net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=domusers type=d' , thus creating a local linux group domusers, and mapping it to our domain\"Domain Users".13:29
__8472And my share configurations contains the 'valid users' line, and i already tried hell lot of things, like (@domusers , +domusers , and few more), but i still cant access the share. And i can't find why :(.13:29
__8472Can somebody give me some help? Thanks in advance.13:29
FloodBot1__8472: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
orochiWell that was informative13:29
sipiorWebu: what does "ls -l ./executable" return?13:29
temporarytao_afkafk for a bit...13:30
santiagois there a way to change the style and color of the upper and lower bars?13:30
CoinI got error when i try to install a new theme, and my country's support can't help-me.13:30
__8472Hi. I have a problem in the samba, with "Group Mapping" and using it from the active directory. my smb.conf contains these relevant lines= (workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME ; realm = DOMAIN.COM ; security = ADS ; winbind enum users/groups = yes ; winbind use default domain = yes ; winbind nested groups = yes ; password server = 192.168.*.*).13:30
__8472Then, i executed this command: 'groupadd domusers ; net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=domusers type=d' , thus creating a local linux group domusers, and mapping it to our domain\"Domain Users".13:30
__8472And my share configurations contains the 'valid users' line, and i already tried hell lot of things, like (@domusers , +domusers , and few more), but i still cant access the share. And i can't find why :(.13:30
__8472Can somebody give me some help? Thanks in advance.13:30
FloodBot1__8472: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:30
sipiorhe'll learn eventually...13:30
Webusipior: "-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1697828 2008-11-16 17:25 ./executable"13:30
CoinI'm trying to install this theme: http://www5.xpg.com.br/page.php?u=www.coinbr.xpg.com.br/Captura_de_tela.png on Ubuntu 8.1013:30
sarmisakLartza_: so are you getting your internet through a wall socket adaptor from a router that's far away from you, right?13:30
Webusipior: I'm logged in as root and I just don't get what's wrong with this :-S13:30
__8472Hi. I have a problem in the samba, with "Group Mapping" and using it from the active directory. my smb.conf contains these relevant lines= (workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME ; realm = DOMAIN.COM ; security = ADS ; winbind enum users/groups = yes ; winbind use default domain = yes ; winbind nested groups = yes ; password server = 192.168.*.*). Then, i executed this command: 'groupadd domusers ; net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=domusers type=d' , thus13:30
__8472creating a local linux group domusers, and mapping it to our domain\"Domain Users". And my share configurations contains the 'valid users' line, and i already tried hell lot of things, like (@domusers , +domusers , and few more), but i still cant access the share. And i can't find why :(. Can somebody give me some help? Thanks in advance.13:30
Coinbut, when i do it, i got this error: : http://www5.xpg.com.br/page.php?u=www.coinbr.xpg.com.br/Captura_de_tela.png and the oly thing that changes is a black bar...13:31
sipiorWebu: does it work as a normal user? is it a shell script?13:31
Webusipior, file says "ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped"13:31
Lartza_So I can only work with one adapter and ubuntu+windows13:31
sipiorWebu: ah no, checked the size, won't be a shell script :-)13:31
orochi__8472: Do yourself a favour and stop flooding the channel before someone loses their patience :>13:31
Myrtti__8472: you're flooding the channel :-( baby kittens cry13:31
unitedpotsmokershey guys,  i just want know. i plan to buy a laser color printer. which printer (brand) is good & compatible with linux (especially ubuntu)13:32
Webusipior, hmm, maybe I should try moving that to an user directory.13:32
Lartza_So I need to make Adapter > Ubuntu > Windows or vice versa and that both have internet and that linux runs most of servers13:32
sarmisakunitedpotsmokers: try samsung clp-510, have been using it with ubuntu for a long time13:32
eternal_hi i am trying to mount a windows vista harddrive so i can interchange files between each and it says to do "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/disk -o force" But that just spits out alot of "info" to use mount13:32
__8472orochi: sorry, wasn't my intention. i've tried to paste it normally, but the floodbot1 "banned" that, or at least he wrote that.13:32
__8472Myrtti: sorry, wasn't my intention. i've tried to paste it normally, but the floodbot1 "banned" that, or at least he wrote that.13:32
darren__I'm using LostIRC - can anyone make some recommendations as to whether to use this, or something else?13:32
Myrttieternal_: what's your mount point?13:32
=== temporarytao_afk is now known as temporarytao
Myrtti__8472: doesn't that tell you something?13:33
eternal_Myrtii: what you mean?13:33
Myrtti__8472: it tells you "don't paste"!13:33
sipiorWebu: was this built on your system?13:33
aarunitedpotsmokers, have a look at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting/Database/DatabaseIntro13:33
sarmisakLartza_: ok, the thing is ubuntu won't solve your problems with the router, you will have to direct some traffic to it from the router anyway, have you considered buying a simple 8 port switch?13:33
Myrttieternal_: "/dev/sdb1/media/disk" what's that?13:33
unitedpotsmokerssarmisak, : is that printer is good for home user, and good printing?13:33
Webusipior, it's not, although the error is "No such file or directory" :-S13:34
orochidarren__: Anyway, as for a language, depending on what your experience level is use Python or Ruby IMO...they're scripting languages but they can do all the things that a bittorrent client would need to do and more13:34
disappearedngHey any1 here got wine to work with starUML?13:34
__8472Myrtti: well, but i prepared my question elsewhere, so i simply have to use paste.13:34
Lartza_sarmisak: No13:34
Lartza_Now in one thing windows is better ;)13:34
sarmisakunitedpotsmokers: we are using it in the office, its refillable so cost per page is rather cheap for us ;)13:34
darren__orochi, thanks. Want to join my project?13:34
Lartza_(Internet connection sharing is basic in windows)13:34
sipiorWebu: i wonder. is your system 64-bit, by any chance? also, can you run it with strace: "strace ./executable"13:34
orochi__8472: No, what you have to use is pastebin :> Assuming that you want to remain in the channel, the bot will just kick you out the more you try that13:34
eternal_Myrtti i just followed the path on the error when clicking the hd link in places13:34
orochiFeel free to test it out if you'd like :P13:35
CoinI trying to install this theme on Ubuntu 8.10: http://customize.org/gtk/themes/52293   but i got a error like 'This theme will not work properly because the theme GTK+ "GAIA" is not installed' but Gaia is the theme that I have just installed o.O13:35
zxxdI have ubuntu and pam_gnome_keyring.so fails to unlock my keyring , it dosen't even create it when I first login the keyring13:35
temporarytaoLartza_, actually, it's not13:35
zxxdI use gdm13:35
temporarytaohere's what you do...13:35
unitedpotsmokerssarmisak, sound good.. ok i will search that printer is available in my country13:35
iceroothow to get the name of the vga-driver?13:35
Myrttieternal_: it's hardly "/dev/sdb1/media/disk" though13:35
Lartza_Well how am I feeling like that now? Since I hear it's not possible with ubuntu and windows13:35
temporarytaoif you want windows to be the gateway, select the two ethernet connections found in your network connectinos folder13:35
unitedpotsmokersaar, thanks 4 url13:35
temporarytaoright click13:35
sarmisakunitedpotsmokers: if someone recommends xerox, stay away from it, yes samsung makes it, but it's not always compatible ;)13:35
temporarytaothen select bridge connections13:35
orochidarren__: I would have to consider it before committing as I've already got a lot of PHP garbage on my plate from work :> email prower2000@yahoo.com and i'll get back to you on it13:35
erUSUL!inetsharing | Lartza_13:35
ubottuLartza_: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:35
Myrttieternal_: replace /dev/sdb1/media/disk with /dev/sdb1 /media/disk13:36
temporarytaoLartza_, start from there13:36
nikitisi need help with setting up rfcomm0 on jaunty13:36
Webusipior, actually I'm on AMD64, let's see.13:36
Myrttieternal_: if you're certain that the disk you try to mount is in /dev/sdb1, that is13:36
temporarytaoLartza_, you'll prolly have a bit of trouble with the ip addressing (static/dhcp) but i can't remember anymore13:36
darren__orochi, cheers13:36
temporarytaoLartza_, if you want to make ubuntu as your gateway, install firestarter13:36
Lartza_So it is really possible?13:36
darren__anyone else in here want a bit?13:36
temporarytaoLartza_, yes it is13:36
Lartza_For sure?13:36
Lartza_Router > Adapter to adapter > Ubuntu > Windows that is?13:37
__8472Hi. I have a problem in the samba, with "Group Mapping" and using it from the active directory. my smb.conf contains these relevant lines= (workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME ; realm = DOMAIN.COM ; security = ADS ; winbind enum users/groups = yes ; winbind use default domain = yes ; winbind nested groups = yes ; password server = 192.168.*.*). Then, i executed this command: 'groupadd domusers ; net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=domusers type=d' , thus13:37
__8472creating a local linux group domusers, and mapping it to our domain\"Domain Users". And my share configurations contains the 'valid users' line, and i already tried hell lot of things, like (@domusers , +domusers , and few more), but i still cant access the share. And i can't find why :(. Can somebody give me some help? Thanks in advance.13:37
sipiorWebu: also, check library resolution with "ldd ./executable". i'm guessing there will be quite a few missing.13:37
temporarytaoa lot of people are going to hit me for that "firestarter" thing but it's the quickest and most gui friendly way to do it13:37
temporarytaoLartza_, yes13:37
sarmisakLartza_: yes it is possible, and it's rather simple13:37
unitedpotsmokerssarmisak, i found your printer at : http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Samsung-CLP-51013:37
eternal_Myrtii: $LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/disk: No such file or directory13:37
erUSULLartza_: i do not see whay not13:37
nikitisI'm trying to get my phone to connect via bluetooth to bitpim.  i'm having trouble with setting up my bluetooth serial port (rfcomm0).  Can anyone tell me why I cannot create this?13:37
orochiAre there any active ops in the channel?13:37
CoinCould anyone help-me with themes on Ubuntu 8.10?13:38
Lartza_And if I install firestarter to ubuntu, I don't need software firewall to the computer that is connected to the ubuntu box?13:38
sarmisakLartza_: I distribute internet to almost 20 pcs here with a 15$ adsl modem13:38
Lartza_My modem is free :)13:38
Webusipior, strace returns quite a few lines of stuff, but if I'm not wrong, it looks like it's complaining about the same "No such file or directory".13:38
temporarytaoLartza_, whuh???13:38
sarmisakLartza_: you got the point I believe :D13:38
temporarytaoLartza_, in any case, this is the link you want: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:38
Lartza_Well my last modem was free, came from the ISP13:38
Lartza_And this is form wippies project13:39
temporarytaoLartza_, ah, i thot free = available. you meant free = no charge. :D13:39
sarmisakLartza_: you might want to keep the personal firewall for your windows pc, it usually prevents not just network attacks but internal virus actions also13:39
Coini give up :(13:39
Webusipior, simple "not a dynamic executable" from ldd, hmm..13:39
temporarytaoLartza_, i second sarmisak13:39
Lartza_But I have firewall + antivirus + antispyware now as software...13:39
Lartza_Since windows is windows...13:40
derphilipp9.04 creates tons of "File Manager" processes on logging in (via gui). Hardware Spec: VMware Fusion13:40
sarmisakLartza_: just keep it on the windows machine, no need -at least for now- on your ubuntu pc13:40
scuniziCoin what's up13:40
temporarytaoLartza_, you want ubuntu to do the connection filtering for you? to act as a hardware firewall?13:40
sarmisakscunizi: he got mad & left :)13:40
sipiorWebu: yeah, you'll need to build this using the libraries on your machine, or install the libraries it wants (look for the 32-bit compatibility libraries)13:40
lanoxxderphilipp, go to #ubuntu+113:40
Lartza_WEll not necessarily, just came to my mind now I wouldn't need to run the software for windows13:40
scunizisarmisak: wow..13:41
Lartza_But I keep it simple for now13:41
Lartza_Just intall ubuntu and try to get the nternet for windows from it13:41
QaDeShow do i get qsynth and qtractor work stable on my ubuntu intrepid box?13:41
unitedpotsmokerssarmisak, if it said driver donwload : Driver packages: x86 32 bit: 1.1.1 (RPM for LSB 3.2), 1.1.1 (DEB for LSB 3.2), 1.0.1 (RPM for LSB 3.1), 1.0.1 (DEB for LSB 3.1), so i must download them all, or choose another one?13:41
temporarytaoLartza_, well, you can learn to do ip filtering later on13:41
temporarytaoLartza_, however, it's not really THAT fool-proof13:41
sarmisakunitedpotsmokers: you might want to download it from samsung's own website ;) they provide the drivers13:42
temporarytaoyou still need some security at the windows end.13:42
BoohbahQaDeS: well you need jackd, among other things, probably also want qjackctl13:42
scuniziunitedpotsmokers: this for a samsung printer?13:42
bullgard4Why does 'sudo netstat -tulpen' (http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394711) print in the first line for port 2628=Dictionary Server as  program name=0,  and is not more specific as in the rest lines?  'ps 5380' prints yet 'dictd 1.10.10: 0/0'.13:42
Lartza_Well nwo I jsut install ubunut(graphical desktop -.-) luckily my "server" is good13:42
sarmisakLartza_: temporarytao is right, windows is something else with networking ;)13:42
temporarytaosarmisak, you got that right13:42
sarmisaknikitis: ?13:43
unitedpotsmokersscunizi, yes13:43
scuniziunitedpotsmokers: if it's for a printer the drivers samsung has on their site work fine.. I've got a clp-600n working like a champ13:43
unitedpotsmokerssarmisak, : good.. they provide driver for linux..13:43
darren__is there a social network for open source programmers?13:43
Webusipior, hmm I see it might be that. Shouldn't Ubuntu understand that the executable is located at /root/executable when trying ./executable?13:44
BoohbahQaDeS: see full requirements at http://qtractor.sourceforge.net/qtractor-index.html13:44
Lartza_Now to merge 2 useless computers to one server :D13:44
sarmisakunitedpotsmokers: yes, samsung is very collaborative about linux ;)13:44
sarmisakdarren__: sourceforge?13:44
nikitissarmisak, I'm trying to get my phone to connect via bluetooth to bitpim.  i'm having trouble with setting up my bluetooth serial port (rfcomm0).  Can anyone tell me why I cannot create this?13:44
nikitissarmisak, in jaunty13:44
sipiorWebu: the problem isn't that it doesn't see the file. the problem is that the system can find no executable code *in* the file.13:45
Lartza_So is gnome easy to replace? I don't remember13:45
Lartza_WEll I might not have to, It's propably fine on my server13:45
unitedpotsmokershmm.. i see samsung very popular at your place.. here, the most popular printer is HP... the goverment use it too13:45
eternal_Myrtii: i fixed it :) sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 i had to define it all13:45
BlastuRhello. i suspect that my hard drive is broken, because during install of jaunty (dev branch, netboot), i get errors that packages are corrupt .. anyone know of a tool that is easy to boot (preferably over network) which will diagnose my hdd?13:45
darren__sarmisak, I was thinking more of a FB equivilant - I'll try and work out sourceforge and hook up with people there.13:45
sarmisaknikitis: hmm, that's a tough one, sorry, don't know anything about bluetooth stuff13:46
scuniziLartza_: a gui on your server?  blasphimious!13:46
nikitisanyone else?13:46
nikitissarmisak, i13:46
Lartza_But it can run it, I have live cd burned so...13:46
gentubuntuhello, I have a major problem13:46
Lartza_And the comp has like amazing 64MB nvidia gfx card13:46
dbuhi, is there any easy way to measure the network output in KB/s for any linux dist?13:46
gentubuntuI installed Kubuntu system setting and its locking up my computer and I can not purge remove it13:46
sarmisakscunizi: ahhaahaa it's really helpful for beginners ;)13:46
nikitissarmisak, im supposed to be able to take the device and click create serial, but its not doing so13:46
Lartza_So graphical server it is :)13:46
aldinhow can i get to init 3 in ubuntu, and after reboot to stay in "server" mode?13:46
hakimsome Software In Ubuntu close13:47
QaDeSBoohbah: well, i technically got it running, but sometimes the midi input lags about 1-2 seconds and sometimes jack merely crashes13:47
Webusipior, oh yeah, got it now :-) Thank you for pointing me out!13:47
Lartza_Is there some way to get simple info about comp that has no OS fast?13:47
sipiorWebu: yep, no trouble13:47
Lartza_Like only amount of ram, hd sizes13:47
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus
Lartza_Some floppy linux propably?13:47
scunizisarmisak: yep.. been there . I had fun learning the cli.. still don't know it real well but I'm much more confident .. screen irssi mutt elinks etc..  :)13:48
nikitisi need help creating rfcomm0 (bluetooth serial) in jaunty.  Doesnt seem to be working13:48
sarmisakLartza_: have you tried the bios settings?13:48
Lartza_Oh wait that's :D13:48
Picinikitis: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.13:48
daredevilthereHey can i install gos using wubi ?13:48
scuniziLartza_: boot to the live cd and sudo lshw in terminal13:48
hakimSome software like firefox close probably in ubuntu13:48
gentubuntuAnybody body know how to get rid of kubuntu setting I accidentaly dl-ded it locks var/dgpk/lock13:48
sarmisakhakim: what do yo mean by 'close'?13:48
hakimin don't closed the firefox but he close probably13:49
hakimI want to restaure the original source.list13:50
scunizithomas_: ? doing that in xchat or irssi?13:50
gentubuntuI guess im screwed i been working on this problemn wfor a week]13:50
thomas_irssi, sorry13:50
jurismhttp://pastebin.com/m37cc52feNo I have soft lockup problem ata_aux process usage is 100%, I can login into ssh but I can not even restart server. Thank You for answers!13:51
meow-chanwould it be wise for me to download oen of the pre configed packages?13:51
meow-chanits download has some pre packages already source, debian etch, ubuntu dapper and feisty13:51
scunizithomas_: np :)  irssi will understand the commands in lower case too.. I do /ignore #ubuntu joins parts quits13:51
hakimhow to restaure the original source.list13:51
thomas_thanks scunizi13:52
sipiorjurism: i get a 404 from the url13:52
gentubuntui downloaded kubuntu system setting and now it taking over my computer showing a kubuntu load screen and not letting me use terminal13:52
scunizithomas_: np.. you figure out windows yet? for irssi that is13:52
gentubuntui cant downloaded it and i get a message in the terminal want to see13:53
sipiorjurism: better, thanks13:53
heatmzzrhow do you switch to the ext4 file system in jaunty???????????13:53
meow-chani'm trying to get the program winki the ripper (dvd ripper) for 8.04, there are some pre-configed packages already one for Debian Etch, Ubuntu feisty and dapper (would it be save to use any of those pre-configs)13:53
thomas_scunizi:no just using a terminal13:53
Piciheatmzzr: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.13:53
scunizithomas_: I mean windows in irssi so you can see more than one channel at a time on the screen13:53
gentubuntuhow do you install flash on a amd64 system there is a auto loader but it installs i38613:54
thomas_scunizi: ah no, havent tried that yet13:54
fosco_gentoorax: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:54
gentubuntuTHIS IS THE MESSAGE I GET :  Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?13:54
gentubuntuCan anyone help me13:54
Boohbahgentubuntu: you have some other package manager running. kill it first13:55
gentubuntuI cant install or uninstall files13:55
scunizithomas_: are you currently logged into more than one channel? if no /j ##linux then alt left arrow to get back here.13:55
gentubuntuis it because i downloaded kubuntu system setting ??? i been working on this for a week13:55
gentubuntuBoohbah, how do I kill it13:55
thomas_scunizi: done13:56
gentubuntuBoohbah, I dont know where to find it im not sure of the name13:56
__8472Hi. I have a problem in the samba, with "Group Mapping" and using it from the active directory. my smb.conf contains these relevant lines= (workgroup = DOMAIN-NAME ; realm = DOMAIN.COM ; security = ADS ; winbind enum users/groups = yes ; winbind use default domain = yes ; winbind nested groups = yes ; password server = 192.168.*.*). Then, i executed this command: 'groupadd domusers ; net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users" unixgroup=domusers type=d' , thus13:56
__8472creating a local linux group domusers, and mapping it to our domain\"Domain Users". And my share configurations contains the 'valid users' line, and i already tried hell lot of things, like (@domusers , +domusers , and few more), but i still cant access the share. And i can't find why :(. Can somebody give me some help? Thanks in advance.13:56
sarmisakgentubuntu: ps aux | grep dpkg13:56
UbuntuBoyhow to restaure the source.list in ubuntu13:56
sarmisakgentubuntu: it should print running processes with the name 'dpkg'13:56
scunizithomas_: ok now try /window show 3 .. and if it returns an error because "the windows are sticky" then /window stick off and then the first command again.13:57
alexander_hy, guys13:57
UbuntuBoysomeone help me13:57
meow-chanits download has some pre packages already source, debian etch, ubuntu dapper and feisty13:57
alexander_I have a problem packing a software13:57
fosco_UbuntuBoy: system - admin - software origins13:57
UbuntuBoyi have a problem whit the source.list13:57
meow-chani'm trying to get the program winki the ripper (dvd ripper) for 8.04, there are some pre-configed packages already one for Debian Etch, Ubuntu feisty and dapper (would it be save to use any of those pre-configs)13:57
Webusipior, sorry, you mentioned 32bit libaries for amd64 - does that practically mean installing ia32-libs package? Just thought I've got a deb package I might want to try install, probably forced.13:57
meow-chanthere we go13:57
gentubuntuBoohbah,  sarmisak this is what I get justin   23920  0.0  0.0   7524   908 pts/1    S+   08:57   0:00 grep dpkg13:58
JD_how can I make the freenx-server start every time the system starts up?13:58
alexander_I'm using pbuil to packing a software13:58
JD_like what script do I edit13:58
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:58
sarmisakgentubuntu: maybe you are not root? are you trying to install like this right; sudo apt-get install ...13:58
alexander_And I have a error with users creation13:58
sebsebsebJD_: see above13:58
alexander_someone can help me?13:58
JD_thanks sebsebseb13:58
gentubuntusometimes I install sudo apt-get install yes....... I also use add/remove and synaptic13:59
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:59
blue112Hello everyone13:59
blue112How can I make ubuntu detect my usb webcam if I plug-in after while the computer is running ?13:59
gentubuntuIt was screaming at me everytime about something root that i need to download j2se java documents at root Boohbah, Sarmisak14:00
SwedeI try to boot my netbook using usb flash drive but I always end up in seeing a lot of BB BB BB BB and so on, then GRUB Error 22. Why is my computer trying to use some old GRUB when I try to boot from Ubuntu LiveCD, Linpus Recovery USB?14:00
thomas_scuzini: thanks :)14:00
ashvalaMy system running ubuntu 8.04 wont boot!14:00
UbuntuBoyi want to restaure the original source.list14:00
sebsebsebJD_: yeah no problem, and nice bot trigger guessing from me, I didn't even know that one existed14:00
jribUbuntuBoy: system -> administration -> software sources14:00
ashvalaIt says some problem with rc2.d14:00
gentubuntuBut I think I deleted JS2e java anyways becaue it 5.0 and I already haved 6.0 Java dev kit14:00
sarmisakgentubuntu: how did you delete it?14:00
scunizithomas_: np ).. it makes it much more fun.. you played with screen yet?14:01
pahomblue112: sudo apt-get install gspca-source14:01
gentubuntuI think I found it in Synaptic Add/remove it totallly not working14:01
ashvalaAny help PLEASE!14:01
ashvalaMy system running ubuntu 8.04 wont boot!14:01
sarmisakgentubuntu: ok, have you tried this; sudo apt-get install -f14:01
meow-chanashvala, is this a fresh install?14:01
gentubuntuI have kubuntu system setting installed it changed my boot screen could that have anything to do14:01
sipiorWebu: try the package "ia32-libs", for starters. and lib32gcc1, libc6-i386 and lib32stdc++614:01
sebsebseb!boot |  ashvala14:01
ubottuashvala: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:01
ashvalameow-chan: Nope, Old one14:01
thomas_scuzini: nope14:01
blue112pahom: Done.14:01
UbuntuBoybut the restaure button is disabled14:02
SwedeWhy isn't the computer using just the OS on the USB when it boots. Why does the computer always complain about GRUB Error 22? It doesn't matter what kind of USB-stick and OS I use to boot?14:02
sarmisakgentubuntu: I don't think so, but there is a problem for sure14:02
gentubuntusame message as always14:02
gentubuntuE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:02
gentubuntuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:02
sipiorWebu: no need to force a debian package, ubuntu has what's required14:02
meow-chandid you install/update anything recently?14:02
blue112gentubuntu: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/* ?14:02
Webusipior, alright, it's a package not available on repositories.14:03
meow-chanalso when you say wont boot, when you click on ubuntu what happen?14:03
gentubuntusamitheberber, yeah i cant use apt-get at all termianl always give me message14:03
gentubuntublue112, with the question marks?14:03
sipiorWebu: which package?14:03
meow-chandoes its just have the scrolling bar and not reach the login page14:03
meow-chanor what14:03
ashvalaIt goes up to the last block, it says VirtualBox error or something @meow-chan14:03
blue112gentubuntu: No ^^14:03
Webusipior, MySecureShell.14:03
scunizithomas_: that's for another day.. but it's cool.. when at terminal before starting anything.. you type screen and you'll get a disclaimer. hit enter past it and you'll be back a the terminal prompt.with everything looking normal.. but there's really magic lurking behind the scenes.. read up on it..14:04
MyTh88hi there! will i have problems with my skystar2 installing 64 bit ubuntu?14:04
kn100whos that parsnip dude who was here earlier14:04
meow-chanSo your running ubuntu under vbox???14:04
blue112pahom: What should I do now ?14:04
gentubuntuBlue112 message lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/justin/.gvfs14:04
gentubuntu      Output information may be incomplete.14:04
Webusipior, they've got their own small Ubuntu repositories, but there's no amd64 package available at the moment so I just thought I might try to work on the i386 one soon.14:04
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blue112gentubuntu: That's all ?14:04
sarmisakgentubuntu: have you tried this; sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock14:04
ashvala@meow-chan:Ofcourse Not, I installed Virtualbox, and there goes the computer14:04
MyTh88will i have problems with my skystar2 installing 64 bit ubuntu?14:04
blue112Then try : sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock14:05
frankS2Hello all, I am running ubuntu intrepid , and I just ran the apt-get dist-upgrade (It installed some patches for the kernel etc) Now i cant use my wlan any more (iwl3945)14:05
meow-chan(i had that same problem 2 days ago)14:05
kn100frankS2, is it a laptop or a desktop14:05
ashvalameow-chan: Whatcha do?14:05
* scunizi takes his first sip of moring coffee14:05
frankS2kn100: laptop lenovo 3000 n10014:05
sipiorWebu: or just grab it and build from source if there's no 64-bit package. or yell at them to make a proper package for it.14:06
meow-chani ended up re-installing b/c i didn't feel like going through any more trouble14:06
MyTh88will i have problems with my skystar2 installing 64 bit ubuntu?14:06
Webusipior, hehe yep :-D Thank you again!14:06
gentubuntusarmisak, that doesnothing14:06
blue112How can I make ubuntu detect my usb webcam if I plug-in it after while the computer is running ?14:06
ashvala@meoe-chan: b/c ?14:06
kn100frankS2 I don't have any experience with wlan on laptops but ive heared good things about ndiswrapper14:06
meow-chanmy error was on a diffrent distro though, (i did the configs the kernals didn't match, nor did my drivers)14:06
scuniziMyTh88: it's quite possible nobody here knows what a skystar2 is..14:06
thomas_scuzini: sounds fun will do14:06
fosco_!webcam | bku14:06
ubottubku: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:06
ashvalaoh isee14:06
fosco_!webcam | blue11214:06
ubottublue112: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:06
meow-chanashvala, do you use amd64?14:06
MyTh88ok scunizi....has x64 kernel same drivers build-in as x86 kernel?14:07
ashvalameow-chan: Intel Core 2 duo WolfDale14:07
kn100AMD sempron here14:07
frankS2kn100: no use for ndiswrapper when its already linux driver out for it14:07
scunizithomas_: also TAB will auto complete nicks if you type just the first few characters.. :)14:07
sipiorjurism: do you just have one disk in this machine?14:07
scuniziMyTh88: some yes .. some no..14:07
frankS2New question14:07
frankS2i am running "intrepid" can i upgrade to something newer?14:08
frankS2(not beta914:08
sebsebsebfrankS2: no14:08
scuniziMyTh88: they should be 64 bit versions..14:08
ashvalaAnyway to reinstall ubuntu without losing data?14:08
MyTh88scunizi can i find info about it on kernel-page?14:08
sebsebsebfrankS2: 8.10 is the current latest stable14:08
kn100frankS2 newest is intrepid is latest stable, but im on 9.04 and its GREAT14:08
scunizifrankS2: you don't want to right now.. wait until the official release on Jaunty14:08
sebsebsebkn100: great heh, maybe with a clean install and Ext4,  but  otherwise probably not14:08
gentubuntusarmisak, http://paste.debian.net/3271514:08
scuniziMyTh88: I have no idea.. I've never run 64 bit and played in that sandbox14:09
kn100sebsebseb nope upgrade ext314:09
frankS2scunizi: Ok, when is it going to be rlsed?14:09
ashvalaNew Question...14:09
MyTh88scunizi: ok14:09
scunizifrankS2: this month14:09
meow-chanashvala, if your willing to wait one of of the people here might be albe to help you better then me(i took the lazy way out)14:09
ashvalaAny possible way to reinstall ubuntu without losing data14:09
sipiorashvala: if you've left your home directories on a separate partition, you can install ubuntu, ensuring that this partition is left untouched.14:09
sebsebsebkn100: yeah as did I 8.10 to alpha6, to beta, and I still got some issues.  ,but I will put a nice clean install on with Ext4, around the same time the final comes out14:09
MyTh88another question: how big will be the upgrade from 9.04 beta to final?14:09
frankS2scunizi: nice14:09
meow-chanashvala, you can try the option to recover a damaged system from the cd14:09
ashvalasipior: Yes, My home partition is diff from the rest14:09
blue112fosco_: My camera is "working", but it seems like it can't decode it (it's 'encoded')14:09
ashvalameow-chan: Howw?14:10
sebsebsebMyTh88: it will upgrade like all packages in 8.10 as well as add some14:10
sipiorashvala: well, there you go14:10
pahomblue112: try sudo apt-get install cheese and run then14:10
sebsebsebMyTh88: really 9.04 should be a clean install, because of Ext414:10
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:10
gunny_17good morning all. I also have a question about wireless. I usually start the wireles connection on the gnome desktop after logging in and it shows up on nm-applet. However I would like to know if I can use the cli to log into wlan0 when I log-into another desktop directly, like wm or blackbox. Now I am having to log-in to the gnome desktop and then log-out again to stay connected to wlan0. I have tried nm-tool and NetworkManag14:10
kn100MyTh88:  its like 1gb to upgrade from clean unupdated 8.10 to 9.0414:10
blue112pahom: Cheese does work.14:10
MyTh88sebsebseb i meant how big will be the upgrade from beta 9.04 to final 9.0414:10
pahomshow me14:10
kn100oh MyTh88 it will be very little14:11
sebsebsebMyTh88: it will install a 100 or so packages14:11
kn100probably 200-300mb14:11
blue112pahom: Bus 002 Device 007: ID 046d:08a2 Logitech, Inc. Labtec WebCam Pro14:11
meow-chansebsebseb, correct me if i'm wrong on this but on ubuntu 8.04 install disk there is a way to recover(maybe its just upgrade) a system without losing data14:11
ashvalasipior: How do I not touch my home partition and do the reinstall?14:11
scuniziashvala: go throughh the regular install process.. on the partitioning section choose manual and name the partition for what they are.  Make sure you DON't tell it to format your current /home14:11
fosco_gunny_17: run nm-applet on your preferred desktop14:11
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:11
MyTh88ah, very fine....cause if tomorrow my nvidia vga-ad. arrives i'ld like to install the beta....can't anymore of win :P14:11
frankS2fosco_: ok14:11
ashvalascuzini: eh?14:11
sebsebsebmeow-chan: no don't think so14:11
pahomtry LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so cheese14:11
kn100MyTh88, what gfx card you getting?14:11
MyTh88geforce 9600 gt14:12
sipiorashvala: make sure that the "erase partition" box is not checked for that partition when you perform the installation14:12
gunny_17fosco: you mean on the "default"?14:12
Lartza_If IDe hd has had the one cable with really thin wires can i use the little more bigger?14:12
kn100Nice 7600gt xxx edition here14:12
blue112pahom: Cheese already work with my webcam. But mplayer does not.14:12
scuniziashvala: you want to know how to reinsall without loosing data? that's how.14:12
meow-chan9700 gts14:12
Lartza_Which is better by the way?14:12
fosco_gunny_17: on the desktop you use14:12
sebsebsebLartza_: your after hardware help?14:12
MyTh88kn100  atm i have an ati in here....x1300pro...not really so good...i have always problems....now a nice nvidia and it should be good, i hope14:13
Lartza_#hardware i know...14:13
alexander_someone can help me with packing software ?14:13
morice-TrainingHi all, I have a problem here... I'm in trouble with the sound : when I plug my headset, the sounds outs both on the laptop and the headset... what can I do to put it only on the headset! First time I have this problem14:13
wavishas anyone here heard of installing ubuntu on an Archos 7?14:13
kn100MyTh88, well if experience is anything to go by my old 6150gs and my new 7600gt run in linux flawlessly14:13
sebsebsebhummm it's like the weekend in here right now,   I guess since loads of people are on Easter Holiday?14:13
meow-chanMyTh88, i have a nice nividia card however i'm waiting for the correct drivers to come out for it14:13
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
morice-TrainingBut first time I use this computer14:13
MyTh88kn100 thanks 4 info!14:13
kn100myth88 is ok14:14
scunizisebsebseb: probably14:14
MyTh88i google a bit around to find out some more for my skystar2 :)14:14
morice-Training Hi all, I have a problem here... I'm in trouble with the sound : when I plug my headset, the sounds outs both on the laptop and the headset... what can I do to put it only on the headset! First time I have this problem but first time i use this laptop14:14
scunizi!repeat | morice-Training14:14
ubottumorice-Training: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:14
gunny_17fosco: I use gnome as the Xclient script (gnome) as the default desktop. But when I don't start there I can't open wlano on another desktop. So I have to use the default?.14:14
santiagohow do i apply a theme i just downloaded?14:14
kn100morice-training, ubuntu yeah? click the volume twice and mute the speakers14:15
blue112pahom: So ?14:15
morice-Trainingscunizi: ubottu ok ok don't worry14:15
scunizisantiago: drag it to the theme box..you have to open that first.14:15
gentubuntublue112, http://paste.debian.net/3271514:15
kn100morice-training turn PCM down14:15
JD_is there a "normal" place in the filesystem to put a chroot jail? /jail? /usr/jail? /var/jail?14:15
morice-Trainingkn100 ok I try14:15
santiagoscunizi: the whole folder i downloaded?14:16
kn100double click volume icon14:16
blue112gentubuntu: What happend if you try again your apt command ?14:16
scunizisantiago: yep.. should be  a type of compressed file14:16
pahomblue112: seraching... moment14:16
gentubuntuapt what14:16
morice-Trainingkn100: no sounds at all now !14:16
santiagoscunizi: it worked thanks!14:16
gentubuntui think it alowing me to install now i deleted system settings and all my kde applicatoin14:16
blue112gentubuntu: Don't know, what were you want to do when you've got error.14:16
kn100morice-training do you know what drivers you used in windows?14:17
gentubuntuim going to rebbot peaec14:17
kn100were they ac97 or hd audio or something other than those14:17
morice-Trainingkn100: non that was auto... in the install of the laptop before my format14:17
gunny_17fosco: I will stick with using the default gnome and then re-logging into the desktop I want to use for that session, thanks.14:17
=== adam7_ is now known as adam7
scunizisantiago: np.. keep in mind that some theme's will mess with your menu's in some programs.. typically openoffice but others too.. if the theme does then you have three choices ..live with it, learn to fix it (not easy) and change theme's :)14:18
GodfatherofEir1How exactly would I determine the ESSID of a network?14:18
kn100morice-Training: ahh no idea then, except maybe click preferences in mixer and mess around14:18
blue112GodfatherofEir1: ESSID is the name of the network. Try "iwlist scan"14:18
ashvala@scunizi I am in Manual Install14:18
morice-Trainingkn100: ever try14:18
ashvalawhat do I do next?14:18
him89GodfatherofEir1, ESSID is the name of the network14:18
ashvala(manual [partition]_14:18
him89Hey meck14:18
kn100hi meck14:18
GodfatherofEir1Thanks, him8914:19
morice-Training Hi all, I have a problem here... I'm in trouble with the sound : when I plug my headset, the sounds outs both on the laptop and the headset... what can I do to put it only on the headset!14:19
=== dvda is now known as admin1
scuniziashvala: ok.. your old install had 3 partitions.. / /swap and /home.. can you identify them ?14:19
=== admin1 is now known as dvda2
ashvala5 actually14:19
ashvala /usr14:19
ashvala /home14:19
ashvala /swap14:19
gunny_17fosco: could I run the nm-applet successfully if I made another window manager my default desktop selection?14:19
ashvala /14:19
alexander_Someone can help me with paking software ?14:19
him89alexander_, what exactly is it?14:20
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alexander_I need create a package .deb14:20
amgarchingwhat is the consensus on how to upgrade upgradable packages with aptitude from cmdline? Need to install security patches on more than one machine. New to ubuntu.14:20
ashvalascunizi: Identified them14:20
jrib!apt | amgarching14:21
ubottuamgarching: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)14:21
* cpd is away: Estou ocupado14:21
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys i have a quick question: i am on a laptop and utilize the "suspend" option quite alot, i was wondering is changing the "swappiness" value in the sysctl file would affect my suspend/resume activity?14:21
him89alexander_, you need to use dpkg-tools to get it done there are lots of tutorials flooting around the net14:21
scuniziashvala: what you want to do is tag them for what they are.. so find your old / and with the manual partitioner make sure you tag it as / .. then do the same for /swap .. /home and the other partitions you have.. if you're using the graphical install you should be presented with the next screen showing if the partitions will be formatted or not.. make sure /home is not formatted.14:21
alexander_I know14:21
him89ohletmeinnowjesu, no it would not14:21
* cpd is back (gone 00:00:24)14:21
jrib!away > cpd14:21
ubottucpd, please see my private message14:21
alexander_I tell my problem14:22
ohletmeinnowjesuhim89: well i reduced it to 20, and now i cant "wake up" from suspend!14:22
scunizijrib: you beat me too it :)14:22
alexander_creating a package e have problem to create a system user14:22
ashvalascunizi: I tagged /14:22
GodfatherofEir1Anybody in here familiar with aircrack?14:22
him89how big is the swap? and how much is the ram?14:22
him89GodfatherofEir1, yes tell me14:22
scuniziashvala: do the same for the other partitions14:22
panaggioafter updating to jaunty beta and installing ati opensource drivers, my X broke, and I can't get it back14:23
ohletmeinnowjesuhim89: i guess i have to reset it back to 100 just to make sure it isnt something else, but I havent changed anything since i changed the swappiness value14:23
Picipanaggio: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.14:23
alexander_I edit debian/control e created my package14:23
ashvalascunizi: Done14:23
alexander_but without system user14:23
panaggioPici, thanks14:23
GodfatherofEir1him89, so, how would I go about having it brute force the key for an AP that I have the ESSID for?14:23
him89ohletmeinnowjesu, give it a try14:23
scunizipanaggio: /join #ubuntu+114:23
alexander_if I try to create system user14:23
scuniziashvala: k.. continue on14:23
alexander_so I have an error14:23
him89GodfatherofEir1, what kind of encryption on the AP?14:23
maaadddCan someone tell me how I can automount a volume with truecrypt on the ubuntu login screen? So I mean the password for the login and the truecrypt password are the same and then when i login truecrypt volume should be mounted14:23
GodfatherofEir1him89, WEP14:23
him89GodfatherofEir1, that is direct cracking14:24
him89you need to collect IVS and crack them14:24
alexander_do you understand?14:24
zilleplus_ubuntu server 8.10 got local address and want to set up html index page can some help me can't get it   /var/www/index.html14:24
him89alexander_, yes i understand14:24
GodfatherofEir1him89, would it be a problem that I'm using ndiswrapper to get my wireless working?14:24
blue112How can I make my webcam works fine with flash ?14:24
Picialexander_: Help with packaging can be found in #ubuntu-motu, but be patient, that channel is not nearly as busy as this one.14:24
him89GodfatherofEir1, what chipset is it?14:24
him89on the wireless device14:24
zilleplus_ ubuntu server 8.10 got local address and want to set up html index page can some help me can't get it   /var/www/index.html14:25
GodfatherofEir1him89, the linux drivers for it dont seem to want to dl at the moment14:25
alexander_Pici, oh thanks14:25
morice-Training Hi all, I have a problem here... I'm in trouble with the sound : when I plug my headset, the sounds outs both on the laptop and the headset... what can I do to put it only on the headset!14:25
him89GodfatherofEir1, you will need the linux drivers14:25
alexander_I'll try14:25
fr__chat italiana14:25
him89check the aircrack site if it is compatible14:25
scunizizilleplus_: can't get it copied to the right location?14:25
scunizi!it | fr__14:26
ubottufr__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:26
Lartza_Could anyone think of any use for a hard drive of 6GB to a server machine 20GB?14:26
Lartza_6GB swap :P14:26
scuniziLartza_: ftp drive?14:26
nocleader_Doorstop to server room14:26
radovicit can be many things14:26
nikitisi need help setting up rfcomm bluetooth serial.  it doesnt seem to be working for me14:26
him89GodfatherofEir1, try reading this : http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg835248.html14:26
Lartza_well maybe, but propably not... for both :D14:27
blue112How can I make my webcam works fine with Flash ?14:27
scuniziLartza_: I just donated a 4 giger to recycling14:27
radovicftp, swap, some server or something14:27
sebsebsebblue112: it won't14:27
blue112sebsebseb: Why ?14:27
sebsebsebblue112: Flash and web cam who does that anyway?14:27
Lartza_I just think 20GB is enough for everything14:27
GodfatherofEir1Bloody websense filter14:27
blue112I do have an image, but really bad.14:27
sebsebsebblue112: Flash is bad14:27
Lartza_As advanced multi-server, but with not much hd need14:27
doleybLartza_: your 20gb drive may spontaneously fail someday, you can have important files backed up on smaller14:27
sebsebsebblue112: Flash should be avoided when possible14:28
scuniziLartza_: as long as you're not dealing with music, video, pics14:28
blue112sebsebseb: Flash isn't that bad.14:28
Lartza_doleyb: That's good!14:28
blue112Why it is bad ?14:28
julian__do i have to remove my php installation if i want to add new packages?14:28
sebsebsebblue112: closed source, locsk people into Adobe.14:28
radovic@Lartza_ you can use it as backup! :)14:28
blue112sebsebseb: Only for the player...14:28
sebsebsebblue112: closed source, locks people into Ubuntu,   used for video on websites, when other stuff could be used :)14:28
kn100i think i speak for all of us when i say this. Open source FTW14:28
sebsebsebblue112: uh into Adobe above not Ubuntu heh14:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OSS14:29
Lartza_How about, what is the biggest swap that is not ridiculous and has some improvement on performance etc. if physical ram is 128 + 128 = 256 + 65? = 284?14:29
sebsebsebblue112: Flash  has had some  pretty bad security issues in the past to14:29
smurf_What are good disk-encryption tools, other than Truecrypt?14:29
blue112sebsebseb: Yes, but only for the player.14:29
kn100i never see the point in swap14:29
sebsebsebblue112: and the Flash making software is for Window and Mac, not Desktop Linux14:29
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing14:29
kn100i do have it, but with 2gb of ram, what is it used for14:29
blue112sebsebseb: Flash IDE is bad14:29
blue112The fact is that I want my webcam to work with Flash. But how can I do ?14:30
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:30
sebsebsebblue112: what's this about using Flash for a web cam???14:30
Lartza_yea but with 2gb what should it be?14:30
Lartza_adn think BIG14:30
smurf_I want to use it without modifying the kernel.14:30
Lartza_the most i can get use of14:30
him89!foss kn10014:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about foss kn10014:30
blue112sebsebseb: Video-conference ?14:30
him89!foss | kn10014:30
ubottukn100: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing14:30
sebsebsebblue112: work with Flash, so you can put a flash web applet on your site, and people can see it?14:30
sebsebsebblue112: so you can have a web cam Flash on a website, and people can view it?14:30
kn100well with my 2gb system that does a lot of video encoding i use around 20% of a 100mb swap14:30
Yanick_hi. how "stable" is Ubuntu with a Dell Studio 16? I'm asking because I did try Ubuntu 7/8.x on my Dell Inspiron 5150 and it sometimes hanged (video, or sound, or wi-fi problem) and I wondered if any issue was reported for a Studio 16?14:31
him89Yanick_, you can never say until you try14:31
blue112sebsebseb: That may be an idea, but right now I just want to make some tests with webcam on flash, and it doesn't work as well.14:31
him89or use google14:31
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux14:31
Lartza_So a 284Mb server with hard server use could 2GB swap be it?14:31
sebsebsebblue112: I am sure there must be better ways,  for people to see  your web cam online, than Flash14:31
Yanick_him89: of course, but I was wondering of someone already tried14:31
scuniziYanick_: you might get better references on www.ubuntuforums.org14:31
Lartza_bigger or smaller?14:31
blue112sebsebseb: I don't know other ways.14:31
him89!google | Yanick_14:31
ubottuYanick_: please see above14:31
sebsebsebblue112: since Flash is closed source and all, and so Ubuntu developers can't work on it etc14:31
sebsebsebblue112: and your issue isn't to do with Ubuntu by the sounds of it14:32
Yanick_I see you guys are real helpers14:32
sebsebsebblue112: try #ubuntu-offtopic14:32
blue112sebsebseb: I know that, but it works pretty well. Except for the webcam, that's what I want to fix it.14:32
Lartza_But WAIT :S Now I see a problem on the gateway thing14:32
blue112Why sebsebseb ?14:32
Lartza_Is it possible with a bridging router14:32
Lartza_THat doesn't assign 191 addresses(for example) but 9114:33
blue112sebsebseb: The issue is totaly with ubuntu, it's a problem with making my webcam work with flash on Ubuntu.14:33
scuniziYanick_: you've got 1300+ peoplein here. and 10's of thousands of users on ubuntuforums.. just because we can't answer your question right now doesn't mean we're sniping you14:33
gunny_17fosco: I tried nm-applet and it worked on another window manager. Thanks your a lifesaver!14:33
nameless`i've got a question about english :]14:34
kn100and Yanick_  its worth a try, get 8.1014:34
Lartza_Someone? Internet sharing with external ip's on computers?14:34
nameless`how can i conclude a letter ?14:34
nameless`like best regards14:34
sebsebsebblue112: heh well stick around, and you will find  other people will  tell you Flash is bad etc as well, and hopefully tell you something else you can use for web cam14:34
Yanick_kn100: sure, it's the time I don't have (to "try")14:34
GodfatherofEir1him89, cant get the drivers from the main site14:34
kn100nameless`: What type of letter is it?14:35
blue112sebsebseb: I already know that, I just want to know how make it work -_-14:35
sebsebsebblue112: your issue is probably more a  Linux issue if anything14:35
him89GodfatherofEir1, what is the problem?14:35
nameless`kn100, to a friend14:35
sebsebsebblue112: as a result you can try this general Linux channel as well  #linux14:35
Yanick_kn100: to install Ubuntu, find out it's not stable and revert to XP or Vista is a time killer14:35
pontuslphey guys, i just installed grub 2 since reinstalling ubuntu made windows not boot, and i remember something about a command to do the full transition if it work, well it doesn't, nothing works now, is there some command to revert back to the old grub which came with ubuntu?14:35
blue112sebsebseb: Aren't we on a linux channel ?14:35
Yanick_kn100: I was merely asking if someone had a positive experience14:35
Yanick_since Google doesn't say much14:35
sebsebsebblue112: your on the offical Ubuntu channel, which is specific to Ubuntu14:35
sebsebsebblue112: for more general stuff #linux14:35
blue112sebsebseb: Many question doesn't related exactly with ubuntu...14:36
pahomblue112: r u here?14:36
scuniziYanick_: ubuntuforums has a specfic area for dell...14:36
blue112pahom: I am :)14:36
pahomi do it! %)14:36
sebsebsebblue112: yeah well Linux/Ubuntu basics go here to :)  and Ubuntu specific questions, and some of the more advanced stuff, that could also be done in #linux14:36
kn100nameless`: you could try ''Take care,''14:36
pahomblue112: apt-get install libpt-1.11.2-plugins-v4l214:36
blue112I'm trying.14:37
fevelhow can I rename the ethernet interfaces?14:37
pahomblue112: then run this: mplayer -v tv:// -tv device=/dev/video1:driver=v4l2:outfmt=yuy2  -fps 3014:37
feveleth0 skipped to eth214:37
nameless`kn100, ok, thanks14:37
kn100try unplugging eth0 and plugging it back in14:37
blue112pahom: Doesn't work14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past14:37
pahomvmaybe u webcam -> video014:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:37
morice-TrainingI have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution ?14:38
blue112phaedra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146217/14:38
blue112phaedra: No, my webcam is on video1.14:38
fevelkn100: cant I do it on a file? I know the mac and all14:38
fevel+ I dont have phisicall access14:38
morice-Training I have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution to have it only on the laptop ?14:38
sebsebsebblue112: cheese is a web cam program, never used it, but maybe that will be useful14:38
fevelsorry this keyboard is sticking14:39
sebsebsebblue112: that  wil test your web cam and such14:39
kn100fevel sorry cant really help you14:39
pahomsebsebseb: cheese is WORK! %)14:39
lyhana8hi, does anyone here install choqok on a Kubuntu hardy/8.04 ?14:39
fevelthats ok thanks14:39
sebsebsebpahom: what?14:39
morice-TrainingI have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution to have it only on the laptop ?14:39
=== hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain
carpii__take your headset off?14:39
kn100fevel maybe i can14:40
blue112sebsebseb: cheese is working well with my webcam. xawtv too. But some software (like flash or mplayer) doesn't works.14:40
morice-TrainingI have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution to have it only on the headset I wanted to say14:40
pahomblue112: work?14:40
sebsebsebblue112:  I think you would have more luck with Winblows, for what you want to do14:40
morice-Trainingcarpii__: on my headset i wanted to say14:40
potiohi ubuntu,i wanna setup ubuntu but cd at book couldnt see the freespace for create new partition so i tried to make this in XP With PartitionManager i get an error in that both at create, what should i do ?14:40
aldinfound how to boot to "init 3", solution is rcconf and to disable gdm http://www.goitexpert.com/entry.cfm?entry=Manage-Linux-INIT-or-Startup-Scripts14:40
kn100fevel http://www.mibbit.com/pb/Hji7rT14:40
blue112sebsebseb: For using a flash application with a webcam, I have to pay a Windows licence ? Nice.14:41
kn100fevel good luck!14:41
morice-TrainingI have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution to have it only on the headset ?14:41
mercutio22Hi there, I am using texmaker and other KDE apps in gnome to write a latex text and these programs suddenly and very frequently alternate imput methods and I can no longer type accented characters. I then have to go into SCIM input method and activate my keyboard layout again. This is very annoying.14:41
fevelkn100: thanks!14:41
lyhana8hi, does anyone here install choqok on a Kubuntu hardy/8.04 ?14:41
blue112pahom: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146217/14:41
adacCan I modify the gdm login?14:41
kn100fevel glad i could help :D14:41
morice-Training I have sound both on my headset and my laptop ! Is there a solution to have it only on the headset ?14:42
Pici!anyone | lyhana814:42
ubottulyhana8: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:42
Lartza_Can linux gateway work with dynamic ip?14:42
kn100morice i dont think anyone knows14:42
kn100post it on ubuntu forums14:42
arthurL_adac: http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=150&PHPSESSID=5e2a5597a2582ec58904901065d9345414:42
morice-Trainingkn100: Grr...14:42
* morice-Training would like to have simple things and can't...14:44
romaالسلام عليكم14:44
adacarthurL_, yeah! but I meant in terms of the behaviour like: execute a command first before every other commands are executed when i click on the login button14:44
Pici!sa | roma14:44
ubotturoma: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية14:44
arthurL_adac: Ah, I see. I'm sorry I can't help with that since I'm pretty much a newbee myself.14:45
UbersoldatI can see arabian characters... cool... now I have to read them14:45
romahow to make terminal in panell14:45
adacarthurL_, ok no problem!14:45
kn100roma you want a link to terminal in your panel?14:45
=== Laruft is now known as Laruft|AFK
lyhana8how do i correct this kind of error : W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY E6B580301A37B98F14:46
lyhana8`apt-get update` doesn't work14:46
Ubersoldatnot that many people on ubuntu-sa... must be sabbath14:46
Pici!ppagpg | lyhana814:46
ubottulyhana8: Getting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system14:46
aari, I once read about an application that allowed you to filter / substitute specific words in a web page, or even reverse the image of a web page through a set of rule on iptables. Anyone remember what this might be?14:46
bullgard4Why does 'sudo netstat -tulpen' (http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394711) print in the first line for port 2628=Dictionary Server as  program name=0,  and is not more specific as in the rest lines?  'ps 5380' prints yet 'dictd 1.10.10: 0/0'.14:46
Dan_Pauleat a dick14:47
scunizi!language | Dan_Paul14:47
ubottuDan_Paul: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:47
=== Dan_Paul is now known as urubunutu
kn100urubunutu is that language alowed14:48
scunizi!language | urubunutu14:48
ubottuurubunutu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
urubunutuSomeone already told me that14:48
pottionhi ubuntu,i wanna setup ubuntu but cd at book couldnt see the freespace for create new partition so i tried to make this in XP With PartitionManager i get an error in that both at create, what should i do ?14:48
sebsebsebpottion: ok14:48
sebsebsebpottion: you can use Gparted/partition editor on the Ubuntu CD to sort out your partitions14:49
pottionhmm i should start with live cd i think right?14:50
sebsebsebpottion: pm me14:50
=== saurabh1403 is now known as saurabh1403|away
LollipopLandYAYYY! got my video card and monitor working fine with visual effects on and correct resolution.14:54
Botuxhello all14:55
aarHi, I once read about an application that allowed you to filter / substitute specific words in a web page, or even reverse the image of a web page through a set of rules on iptables. Anyone remember what this might be?14:55
Botuxi got ubunut 7.04 installed as i was out of disks and couldnt do netboot and now that 7.04 is installed i plan to upgrade to 8.1014:55
Botuxmy question is its taking a LONG time for it load and its sitting on a orangeish screen any way to find out whats taking so long14:56
romahow to make terminal in lower panell on ubuntu14:56
deetah_hi, i've got a strange issue with sound...14:57
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:57
deetah_alsa-lib: confmisc.c:1286:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'defaults.pcm.dmix.device'14:57
=== Zaraphrax is now known as Zaraphrax[Away]
Botuxnow theres an ubuntu boc in the middle of the screen and a white box in the upper left corner its been this way for 10 mins plus beofre it was blank for several hours14:58
Botuxcould it be that x is having issues14:58
=== sourcode[0]_ is now known as sourcode[0]
lyhana8how do you install choqok on haryd ?14:59
aarre my own question: a bit of googling has finally paid off. mogrify + squid + iptables is qhat i was looking for.15:00
steveccci also have a poblem with sound - it was working before running the standard update son my 8.04 box and I think that this may be due to it changing over to pulse audio my sound output is 0 and geting into the sound setup area any trying numerous tests it comes up with an error - can anyone help please - maybe switching off pulso audio is the answer:15:00
LollipopLandWhat hot key will take me to my other desktop?15:02
=== saurabh1403|away is now known as saurabh1403
PiciLollipopLand: ctrl-alt-arrow left or right15:02
LollipopLandI removed it off my panel and would rather not have it on my panel at all, hot-keys are better. :D15:03
nvstp<LollipopLand> Ctrl+Alt+right15:03
nvstp<Pici> you are so fast ^^15:04
xargonhey, im wondering if anyone knows any good stock market monitoring software for linux15:04
behanwxargon: smtm does an ok of tracking a series of stocks.  I used it for years, though not anymore.15:04
AWizzArdI have mysql running on Ubuntu Server 8.10. When I am connected to that machine via ssh I can do a  telnet localhost 3306 and get a reply. But from other machines in the network I can not telnet to that (or any other port except ssh). Is that some firewall setting? I did   ufw disable, but that also didn't help.15:04
linduxedi got a usb-stick from a guy at work that we use for rescue procedures (its bootable). i need to copy/image the stick, but theres a feature it has i havent managed to reproduce the times i tried.15:06
doleybAWizzArd: look at /etc/hosts.* , also run nmap on it ?15:06
linduxedwhen the usb stick is inserted at startup and i go into bios, the stick is shown as a harddrive, as in not listed as a USB device. apparently something has been done so its recognized as a ext-HDD. is there a way to copy the stick, preserving this functionality?15:06
LollipopLandIf I just create another user account on my machine and than used putty on my Windows box could i ssh into the account on my nix box?15:06
JD_I'm having trouble getting freenx working in a chroot jail.15:06
xargonbehanw: yeah im using smtm at the moment, i was hoping there was something that mixed smtm grism and qtstalker into one software15:06
doleybLollipopLand: yes thats how it works15:06
LollipopLandAwesome, thanks. :D15:07
AWizzArddoleyb: I don't seem to have nmap installed. Is that somehow needed?15:07
QuiLLo_29Anyone knows is a USB with a malware Autorun.inf can autorun when inserted on linux?15:08
doleybAWizzArd: its not needed, but its a helpful test for when network progs don't connect15:08
jhamboany one want to help me how to join15:08
doleybLollipopLand: plus you can get putty on your ubuntu if you feel like15:08
Picijhambo: How to join what?15:08
AWizzArddoleyb: in hosts.allow I added a  ALL: my-ip   Do I now have to restart something to make ubuntu load this file again?15:09
macman_is that the right public key15:10
LollipopLanddoleyb: okay, cool, thanks, or i could just ssh in from my ubuntu terminal from my laptop too into my linux box right?15:10
macman_sorry nvm15:10
=== Hasnain is now known as hasnain[dead]
QuiLLo_29Anyone knows is a USB with a malware Autorun.inf can autorun when inserted on linux?15:11
TotalEklipseI need help, is there a way to expand my home folder, I am having problems trying to store anything there even though i have got 50GB free space on partition?15:11
erUSULQuiLLo_29: no; it can't15:11
lyhana8where are the mysql log ?15:12
doleybAWizzArd: you might need to restart your telnet server or inetd or whatever.  I don't know which you're using.15:12
nunojpgIn Mac I used quicktime to crop and join several videos, what tool can I use at Ubuntu?15:12
nvstp<TotalEklipse> You may add a partition15:12
LollipopLandi did a ifconfig to find out the IP address for my nix box so I could ssh into it. am i looking for the inet address, im behind a router btw.15:12
lyhana8cause my mysql server failed to start but the og in /var/log are empty15:12
usr13TotalEklipse Show us the output of df15:12
sebsebsebnunojpg: video editing software  kino comes to mind15:12
usr13TotalEklipse: df15:12
IHS_InternNot so sure this is an ubuntu question, probably my router/DHCP server... But this box's name is xubuntu-test02, yet the DHCP server seems to think it is using a name it had a couple of HD's and OSs ago, that another machine currently has, any idea how to fix this without resetting whichever bit of hardware is the DHCP server?15:13
santiagohey guys i just installed a theme and i can barely see some letters15:13
usr13TotalEklipse: The line  with /home15:13
pahomhave a nice day. bye15:13
santiagoany idea how to fix this?15:13
TotalEklipsethe output is: Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on15:13
TotalEklipse                      13457172  12536700    236880  99% /15:13
TotalEklipsetmpfs                  1281784         0   1281784   0% /lib/init/rw15:13
TotalEklipsevarrun                 1281784       208   1281576   1% /var/run15:13
FloodBot1TotalEklipse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
TotalEklipsevarlock                1281784         0   1281784   0% /var/lock15:13
santiagoi just can see some letters, in other programs15:13
sebsebsebIHS_Intern: yeah not really an Ubuntu question  try  #networking15:13
santiagolike this one15:13
UbersoldatIHS_Intern, I don't what the big deal with this is15:13
nvstp<TotalEklipse> you can mount the new partition in a folder in your Home folder15:13
santiagoi have to select them15:13
calwigHi guys, is there a GUI like sendmail application that I can use to relay SMTP?15:14
UbersoldatIHS_Intern, I don't know what the big deal is15:14
usr13TotalEklipse: Should have use pastegin15:14
Botuxi have ubunut installed and am having trouble getting it to boot up15:14
IHS_InternThis is a school, it's nice to identify machines by their name...2 machines or more with the same name might be an issue15:14
sebsebseb!bootup |  Botux15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootup15:14
sebsebseb!boot |  Botux15:14
ubottuBotux: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:14
usr13!pastebin | TotalEklipse15:14
ubottuTotalEklipse: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:14
UbersoldatIHS_Intern, it's probably a problem with your router, try resetting it15:14
sebsebsebBotux: what kind of problem?15:15
TotalEklipseSorry if I break any rules, i haven't been on an IRC channel before, I am also a NOOB with linux.15:15
=== pottion is now known as potio
calwigwhat is a simple SMTP relay application with a GUI?15:15
IHS_InternImpossible to reset the router.15:15
usr13TotalEklipse: Partition is full15:15
lyhana8how do i start mysql without using init script ?15:15
usr13TotalEklipse: /  also contains /home and it's full15:15
SPFlyhana8: check /etc/mysql/my.cnf for the log dir location15:15
BehappyHello I would like to move from windows to ubuto I am looking for advices and how do I beginning ubunto ??15:16
sebsebsebBehappy: ok pm me15:16
UbersoldatBehappy, well, the first thing is to learn how to type Ubuntu15:17
JD_can't get freenx to authenticate in a chroot jail.  can someone give some guidance please?15:18
Botuxwhen it boots up it goes to the login screen and i enter my username and password but then it goes to a orangeish screen and sits ther like its locked up and some times a ubuntu box comes up which i think is loading gnome or kde whichever is default but it stays like that and nothing happens15:18
Ubersoldatthat way you can type www.ubuntu.com and download a LiveCD15:18
ne2k__I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now all my PPTP tunnels (network-manager-pptp and pptp-linux are installed) have vanished from the network manager menu. Any idea how I can get them back?15:18
nunojpgsebsebseb: don't you think I'll have to reencode the video?15:18
usr13Behappy: Download ubuntu, burn to disk and boot to it. http://www.ubuntu.com/15:18
sebsebsebnunojpg: not sure15:19
Botuxits like somehting is hanging it up15:19
may0anyone know any good irc programs with cool looking skins?15:20
Botuxnow its just an orangeish screen with a white box in the upper left corner15:20
usr13may0: irssi15:20
ne2k__may0: cool skins do not make a good irc program. xchat is good15:20
nvstp<ne2k__> I think so15:21
gbrethen?  How can I get rid of the shadowing on the window title font ?15:21
kazaLitehay...to mount a windows directory, format of command is: smbmount //ip_addr_of_windows/Shared_folder_name -o username=users_login_name15:21
camel_is there an ubuntu x86 ISO installer (suitable for a netbook) with a kernel 2.6.28 (after july 2008) or later?15:21
santiagoi downloaded a theme and when i apply it i cant see some letters, any way to fix this?15:21
lyhana8where do I change the group owner of mysql server ?15:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:22
erUSUL!jaunty | camel_ uses 2.6.2815:22
ubottucamel_ uses 2.6.28: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:22
Botuxi still cant get it to boot its just sitting there on the same screen15:22
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams15:22
usr13Botux And what screen is that?15:23
darrenCan someone link me a good set of c or c++ tutorials?15:23
Botuxorangeish screen after i login15:23
elmarcerQuestion: My gnome-panels started disappearing (all out of sudden). It has something to do with my favorite iconset. How can I trouble shoot this?15:24
Botuxhas a white box in upper left corner now15:24
TotalEklipseHow do I solve the problem with my home folder?15:24
elmarcerwhere's the gnome-panel log? :)15:24
usr13Botux: Is that a terminal?15:24
gbrethen? any ideas how to remove window title font shadowing ?15:25
Botuxno itsduring the boot rocess when i first turn on the computer15:25
etfbQuick dumb question: I've already got 2.6.24-23-generic in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, so why is the automatic update thingy downloading it again?15:25
usr13Botux: Do you have Xwindows running but no window manager?15:25
usr13Botux: Say again?15:25
Botuxit goes to an orangeish screen after i login15:25
Botuxto the gui15:26
usr13Botux: What did you install?15:26
Botuxi installed from cd so i assume it has a window manager since i installed it from cd15:27
Botuxubunut 7.0415:27
usr13Botux: Why did you install such an old version?15:27
usr13Botux: I do not think 7.04 is still supported.15:27
etfbBotux: I had some issues with 8.10, but 8.04 is pretty stable.15:27
usr13Botux: you should install 8.0415:27
Botuxbecuase im out of cds lol and im on a vista machine so netboot would have been a pian so i figured i install 7.04 from a retail cd and upgrade to 8.1015:28
usr13Botux: 8.10 is the current version of Ubuntu.15:28
TotalEklipseIs there any way to extend the space restrictions on home folder?15:28
arthurL_No CDs needed15:28
=== tk|away is now known as tk
usr13Botux: But  you might be able to do Dist-Upgrade, but that is a tedious process15:28
Botuxthing is i wnat tyo install to another pc other than  my vist pc15:29
usr13Botux: Best to just install from 8.04 or 8.10 install CD15:29
ne2k__Botux: why not install wubi then convert it to a real partition?15:29
erUSULTotalEklipse: what space restrictions?15:29
Barniclehow can i make my administrator account the same as root?15:29
etfbBotux: I never recommend upgrading, personally.  Better to do a fresh install each time.  I don't trust even Microsoft to manage upgrades and they have considerably more of a budget for testing (we'll ignore for a second the question of where it gets spent)15:29
Botuxright but i dont have 8.04 or 8.1015:29
usr13Botux: vist? You mean MS Vista?15:29
erUSUL!root | Barnicle15:29
ubottuBarnicle: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:29
sebsebsebBotux: or just wait untill 9.04 and do a clean install  and  put Ext4 as your file system.  9.04 is released on April 23rd15:29
Botuxyes vista ultimate15:29
elmarcerQuestion: where can I find the gnome-panel error logs files? Gnome panels are misbehaving.15:30
TotalEklipseWell, its restricting me from placing any more files in there!15:30
usr13Botux: Is your native language English?  Or not?15:30
Botuxenglish yes15:30
chechnyais Ubuntu a cake?15:30
geirhaBotux: are you able to log in with failsafe GNOME session?15:30
sebsebsebchechnya: yes a very nice cake15:30
linny2ive added a user to my ubuntu install using adduser -g group user now im logged in via ssh with my new user but i dont have a home dir how do i create one ?15:30
mib_qd9731oui need help  after updating the kernel my wifi stop15:30
thhtchechnya: strawberry taste15:30
sebsebsebchechnya: it tastes very nice15:30
usr13Botux: Ok.  Well, I would suggest downloading and installing latest version.  (For best Ubuntu experinece.)15:30
usr13Botux: I don't  even think updates are available for 7.0415:31
Botuxusr13 right but im looking for an alternativce to installing via cd and i dont wanna dual boot15:31
geirhaBotux: Do you have a usb drive?15:31
geirhaBotux: USB-stick even15:32
usr13Botux: You might try netinstall of Debain.15:32
sebsebsebfrederik: hi15:32
Botuxi dont have a usb drive15:32
usr13Botux: Do you have broadband internet?15:32
thebloggucan anyone help me compile firefox with all optimizations and cairo for the font smoothing ?15:32
etfbBotux: Are you sure you can't find a blank CD from somewhere?15:32
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, i cant resume from suspend after upgrading to nvidia's 180 driver; IM on a dell 1400 vostro running on ubuntu 8.1015:32
darrenhow do you exit a "man"?15:33
mib_qd9731ou can someone help my wireless now does not work due to the update of the kernel my computer is amilo 171815:33
ohletmeinnowjesucan some1 help me?15:33
etfbohletmeinnowjesu: I share your pain, only in my case it's an ATI driver.  Ubuntu sucks when it comes to driver support.  Sadly, the rest of Linux sucks even more.15:33
etfbdarren: q15:33
masque7i've been using metacity instead of compiz. desktop effects therefore are @none. is there anyway to get basic ones? the minimise effect is very annoying.15:33
usr13Botux: This looks interesting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot15:33
Botuxim out of cds15:33
darrenetfb: cheers :D15:33
Botuxusr13 i read that already and dont understand it15:34
etfbBotux: I have spares.  I'll email you a couple...15:34
vigodarren: Type exit15:34
darrenetfb: what's this !cookie business all about then?15:34
ohletmeinnowjesuetfb: well, i dont know about that, i LOVE what im sseing so far...ive been using it for about 6 months now..everything was fine untill i "upgraded" to nvidias 180 driver15:34
usr13Botux: But you'd still have to have another CD15:34
ohletmeinnowjesuetfb: problem is the nvidia drivers arent open source, ie ppl cant work on them to fix them...15:34
etfbohletmeinnowjesu: Yeah, everything else is glorious.  But video drivers?  Verily they are arse pudding on toast.15:34
mib_qd9731oucan someone help my wireless now does not work due to the update of the kernel my computer is amilo 171815:34
geirhaBotux: I think I remember getting the same problem as you once. With 7.04. I believe a process called something like bonoboo was hanging. Killing it made the session start.15:35
epaphushi, can I get putty for ubuntu? i have a .ppk file i need to read with putty........15:35
usr13Botux: Ok,  how about this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76128715:35
etfbdarren: There's a robot on this channel that responds to !commands.  Watch:15:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:35
masque7epaphus: yes, you can15:35
vigo!putty | epaphus15:35
TotalEklipseCould someone please help me?15:35
ubottuepaphus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/15:35
ohletmeinnowjesuetfb: yeah well thats again to do with the whole "lets not make public the source to our code"15:35
mib_qd9731oucan someone help my wireless now does not work due to the update of the kernel my computer is amilo 171815:36
masque7TotalEklipse: just state your problem :)15:36
zuozhen_shaohi all15:36
ohletmeinnowjesudoes anyone have a woraround other than downgrading my nvidia driver>15:36
etfbohletmeinnowjesu: Indeed. Closed source; we hates it, my precious.15:36
darren!cooke etfb15:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cooke etfb15:36
iQxer0err, im having a prob .. having dual desktop, but i cant drag a window to the other desktop..15:36
TotalEklipseI need to be able to extend my home folder so that I can use the rest of the harddrive space that ubuntu is installed in15:37
iQxer0am using aticonfig15:37
usr13!upgrade | Botux15:37
ubottuBotux: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:37
Botuxyea but i cant get into 7.0415:37
Botuxit wont boot15:37
sebsebsebBotux:  you can get your data from 7.04 on a  Live CD15:37
iQxer0having dual desktop, but i cant drag a window to the other desktop.. any idea ?15:38
usr13Botux: You say you see an orange looking screen with white box in upper left corner? Right?15:38
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys, i cant resume from suspend after upgrading to nvidia's 180 driver; IM on a dell 1400 vostro running on ubuntu 8.10...anyone know any workarounds other than downgrading back to 177?15:38
usr13Botux: Do you also have a mouse cursor ?15:38
erUSULTotalEklipse: is your home folder in its own partition?15:38
Botuxyes and it moves slow15:38
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: how did you do that drug?15:38
TotalEklipseno, its in the default ubuntu install partition15:39
usr13Botux: What is your hardware?  e.g Processor speed, memory, HD etc..15:39
iQxer0i cant move the window to the other desktop.. but the mouse cursor can move..15:39
erUSULTotalEklipse: there are no restriction on the size of the home folder by default. Your home folder can grow till fill up the partition15:39
iQxer0and it shows two mouse cursors in two desktops :S15:39
Botuxintel p4 3.99 gb cpu/512mb ram/8gb had15:39
iQxer0its like am having two ubuntu's running. :S15:40
Botux80 gb rather15:40
iQxer0zuozhen_shao, any idea ?15:40
graingertiQxer0-> what are you trying to do?15:40
usr13like am having two ubuntu's  ?15:40
graingertiQxer0-> two seperate x's on two monitors?15:40
usr13Botux: Dual boot?15:40
iQxer0yes :D15:40
TotalEklipsei hoped that was the case with mine, but when I try to put any more files in there, I am not allowed15:40
iQxer0thats the right term for it graingert15:40
TotalEklipseby the OS15:40
graingertiQxer0-> hmm15:40
iQxer0am not a pro.. just a beginner15:40
graingertiQxer0-> sure you don't wan't twinview?15:41
erUSULTotalEklipse: what's the error?15:41
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: Do you have desktop-table in below taskbar in right hand?15:41
iQxer0graingert, what i want is one big desktop..15:41
usr13Botux: What is in that white window?15:41
iQxer0yes i have it15:41
usr13Botux: Anything?15:41
graingertiQxer0-> yeah that's easy, what card do you have?15:41
Botuxnothing its blank15:41
iQxer0ati card15:41
graingertokie, you want to....15:41
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: can't you click it to change the desktop show?15:42
usr13Botux: What happens when you hold down Ctrl-Alt and hit F6  ?15:42
usr13Botux: Ctrl-Alt-F615:42
ne2k__I tried to install damn small linux inside a VirtualBox running on XP running inside a VirtualBox running on Ubuntu, but it didn't work...15:42
Botuxgoes to a command prompt15:42
sebsebsebne2k__: yes you can't run a vm inside a vm15:42
TotalEklipsewell, its happened before in another install of ubuntu. Currently i was downloading videos to the home folder when I was told that there was no moe disk space by the miro application15:42
ne2k__sebsebseb: perhaps I could run an emulator like qemu inside a VM, though15:43
iQxer0zul, , what do u mean by clicking it ?15:43
ne2k__they're different things, innit15:43
sebsebsebne2k__: probably not15:43
graingertne2k__-> sebsebseb yes you can15:43
iQxer0i mean zuozhen_shao15:43
sarmisakTotalEklipse: in which directory are you trying to write?15:43
sebsebsebgraingert: qemu works in a vm?15:43
erUSULTotalEklipse: but there is space aviable? do "df -h"15:43
graingertsebsebseb-> yep15:43
iQxer001:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]15:43
iQxer0thats my graphics card.15:43
sarmisakTotalEklipse: linux filesystem does not work as windows does, so you cannot write to any directory as you wish15:43
graingertsebsebseb-> the vm is turing complete, why not?15:44
Ddordawhat is ubuntu 9.04 size after installation?15:44
usr13Botux: I'm afraid  you are going to need to get another CD15:44
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: the table shows the desktops you have,click on it and it will be changed from current one to another15:44
Botuxany idea whats going on with it15:44
iQxer0zuozhen_shao, yes, it changes.15:44
geirha!jaunty | Ddorda15:44
ubottuDdorda: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:44
usr13Botux: Log into the system on the terminal15:45
iQxer0i had been trying to get this thing work the whole day, but no luck.. so came here.. to meet the pro's :D15:45
TotalEklipse                       13G   12G  232M  99% /15:45
TotalEklipsetmpfs                 1.3G     0  1.3G   0% /lib/init/rw15:45
TotalEklipsevarrun                1.3G  208K  1.3G   1% /var/run15:45
TotalEklipsevarlock               1.3G     0  1.3G   0% /var/lock15:45
TotalEklipseudev                  1.3G  2.8M  1.3G   1% /dev15:45
FloodBot1TotalEklipse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:45
erUSULTotalEklipse: do not bother i see it here 16:13 < TotalEklipse>                       13457172  12536700    236880  99% /15:45
sebsebsebDdorda: find out in #ubuntu+115:45
erUSULTotalEklipse: your partition is filled up. you do not have enough space for more info15:45
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: what do you mean? Does that work?15:46
erUSULTotalEklipse: 99% used15:46
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: you said "it changed"...15:46
Botuxim in15:46
seradinhi, I get an error regarding python 2.6 update when I try to update my intrepid system to jaunty. What can I do?15:46
iQxer0zuozhen_shao, am having dual monitors. i want dual monitor to have one big screen15:46
iQxer0zuozhen_shao, but now, i have two screens , have seperate desktops15:47
mib_qd9731ouhi i need help, i updated to the latest kernel on ubuntu 8.10 and now my wireless does not work15:47
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graingertiQxer0-> this is easy15:47
usr13Botux: You can try to update, but I think 7.04 reached end-of-life last year.15:47
erUSULseradin: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty help15:47
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: sorry to help you.But don't worry,try to think what you did to cause this15:47
iQxer0graingert, could you guide me..15:48
usr13Botux: Try this:  sudo apt-get  upgrade15:48
seradinerUSUL: thanks15:48
Botuxbut idunno how ot update from command prompt15:48
graingertiQxer0-> googling....15:48
usr13Botux: Try this:  sudo apt-get update15:48
iQxer0graingert, i had been following lots of tutorials.15:48
Duddlehello! is there a different way to suppress errors from commands than the 2>/dev/null thing?15:48
graingertiQxer0-> you want mergedFB15:48
graingertiQxer0-> restore your xsettings to default please15:48
usr13Botux: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade15:48
SlartDuddle: if the errors are already out there, that's it I think15:49
iQxer0graingert, how to do that ?15:49
arthurL_'update-manager -d' gives you the option to upgrade15:49
TotalEklipseI don't get it though, when I use the disk usage analyser it shows the total filesystem capacity as 100GB with 45.6% used!15:49
SlartDuddle: depending on the app itself you might be able to tell it to "shut up" a bit.. usually a -quiet switch or similar15:49
kanyukukHello, I need a torrent file to download all ftp of Ubuntu. Is it available?15:49
iQxer0graingert: how to restore my xsettings15:50
graingertiQxer0-> you take your backup you made, before you buggerd it up and paste it over15:50
IHS_InternAre there anyways to change the MAC address besides changing the NIC on ubuntu? I've heard of "spoofing" the MAC, but was never really interested in networking before so I didn't learn most this stuff...now I need to. Only purpose for it is to get a new DHCP lease on a router not even my supervisor has the password for.15:50
Slartkanyukuk: there's not torrent file to download the entire ftp server on ubuntu.com15:50
usr13kanyukuk: Do you want to build your own repository on your lan?15:50
graingertiQxer0-> if you didn't make a backup, you are baked15:50
usr13kanyukuk: If so, there is an application for that.15:50
* IHS_Intern thinks this would be a more local-to-the-os thing and therefore an ubuntu question.15:50
therobotI'm trying to uninstall all ubuntu desktop packages  in a machine that is working as a production server, can anybody provide me an approximate list of packages to uninstall?15:50
iQxer0graingert: i have backup :)15:50
graingertiQxer0-> pasty pasty15:50
iQxer0i did : cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.working15:51
iQxer0so i have xorg.conf.working15:51
Slarttherobot: try uninstalling gnome and see what gets pulled with it.. never tried it myself.. just a suggestion.. do it in a vm first or similar15:51
Fatsasserver irc.xirc.gr15:51
graingertiQxer0-> which ati drivers do you use?15:51
graingertiQxer0-> open source, or binary?15:51
DuddleSlart: well, I basically have setup a custom theme and now every time I start a gnome app, I get some errors about gtkrc not supporting something, but the apps work nonetheless... at least until now. now these errors break a command that I cannot fully edit (I cannot _append_ something)15:51
iQxer0how do i find that ?15:51
iQxer0graingert, sorry if am annoying. am just learning15:52
erUSULtherobot: try purgin the xserver and core xlibs  for a start that is bound to remove many things realying on GUI15:52
SlartDuddle: oh.. not sure how to prevent that, sorry15:52
Impydoes anyone have any idea how to get gtk2hack working?15:52
graingertiQxer0->     *  MergedFB: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177371015:52
graingert    * BigDesktop: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=177354415:52
FloodBot1graingert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:52
graingertFloodBot1-> STFU15:53
iQxer0graingert, which link shud i follow ?15:53
theroboterUSUL:  for now i'm doing apt-get remove xserver-xorg libgnome2-0 gdm but I think  someone had to deal with something like this previously and had it documented somewhere15:53
graingertiQxer0-> mergedFB is for Open Source15:53
graingertiQxer0-> BigDesktop for binary15:53
graingertiQxer0-> good luck, bye xxxxxx15:53
iQxer0graingert, one more question ..15:53
erUSULtherobot: purging only the xserver will not sufice becouse apps still can run and display on a remote machine15:54
iQxer0which one do u suggest i follow ?15:54
zuozhen_shaograingert: FloodBot1 is a robot......15:54
theroboterUSUL:  what do you suggest?15:54
=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
erUSULtherobot: purge libxcb-xlib015:54
iQxer0graingert, binary or Open Source is better ?15:54
IHS_InternBinary has more features. Open Source is..open source.15:55
IHS_InternBut getting better, and catching up in features.15:55
theroboterUSUL: thanks, we'll see15:55
IHS_InternIf you're talking about Nvidia, I think that's a slow catch-up, while ATI's open source is getting there much faster.15:56
iQxer0graingert,  which guide would be easy  ? BigDesktop or mergedFB ?15:56
macsimhi, my mouse wheel works for the scroll but not for the clic any idea ?15:56
IHS_Internand via.. well, I have no idea where via is at :D15:56
iQxer0IHS_Intern: which guide would be best for dual desktop, BigDesktop or mergedFB ?15:57
IHS_InternI only have 1 monitor. So I havn't messed with it to know15:57
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Guest2780hi word15:58
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: I think the page tell you how to enable dual-monitor...15:58
Guest2780wath happend with microsoft webcam life in ubuntu, i can conect that15:58
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zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: so I think you should backup your conf file and then use the default one instead15:59
zuozhen_shaoiQxer0: OK,that's what I think,good luck,hope to help you.15:59
iQxer0thanks guys..16:00
iQxer0let me try on those :D16:00
mib_gs0sybI upgraded to Jaunty. My Netbook touch screen is working! Now, how do I configure it?16:00
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Picimib_gs0syb: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:01
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[4-tea-2]Can I tell nautilus which folder to display as "Desktop"? I tried symlinking the folder I want, but I now get $HOME as Desktop instead of the symlink's target.16:02
nivenayagentlemen, i have a stupid problem that is all my fault.  is there any way to enter the runlevel 1/root environment at boot if you've disabled the show of the grub screen?16:02
homehello everyone16:03
[4-tea-2]nivenaya: wasn't there a magical modifier key, like "hold shift" to make the menu appear?16:03
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home_hello everyone16:04
eternal_ziroday: You on slavehack?16:04
[4-tea-2]nivenaya: if I understand correctly, any key will work.16:04
eternal_^ /16:05
nivenaya[4-tea-2], i am not sure -i- understand.16:05
ycyhi there.16:06
[4-tea-2]nivenaya: make sure that you're holding a key, e.g. the shift key, when grub is starting. It should bring up the menu.16:06
nivenayaah.  brilliant.16:06
nivenayai appreciate it.16:06
[4-tea-2]nivenaya: I hope it works. ;)16:06
ycyI have a server with ubuntu. Is there a way to send a mail (from the server) whenever "apt-get upgrade" have something to upgrade?16:06
arthurdent42hello everyone16:07
nivenaya[4-tea-2], if it doesn't there's a pretty decent chance my mother in law will kill me as she misinterpreted my instructions and somehow disabled her root account entirely instead of re-enabling sudo for her own account.16:07
erUSULnivenaya: pressing scc when grub loads should let you enter the menu16:07
erUSULnivenaya: scape16:08
nivenayaerUSUL, i will try this as well.16:08
nivenayathank you, fellows.16:09
sarmisakycy: yes, you can use mutt to send data to yourself.16:09
erUSULnivenaya: if you enter in some kind of edit mode you can boot any entry by highlighting it and pressing "b"16:09
sarmisakycy: or mailx, you just need to write a bash script for that16:09
LjLycy left this channel, sarmisak16:09
sarmisakLjL: didn't see that ;)16:10
[4-tea-2]If nivenaya comes back and complains, someone should explain that the Ubuntu CD can be used as a rescue system. ;)16:10
Guest37942are there free tools for create custom kivio stencil tools????16:11
erUSUL!pt | joao Ola!16:12
christian_somebody know about mysql with postfix and dovecot please...16:12
Ubotwojoao Ola!: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:12
ubottujoao Ola!: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:13
LjLUbotwo: part16:13
buzulmy problem is with envyng?????????16:14
usr13buzul: What is envyng?16:14
Extreme_bhi, would like to know where and how ubuntu keeps its password .. does anyone have sources for information16:14
erUSUL!envyng > usr1316:15
ubottuusr13, please see my private message16:15
buzuliwant to use double screen on ubuntu16:15
erUSULExtreme_b: /etc/shadow16:15
erUSULExtreme_b: also man shadow and man crypt16:15
buzulso i find a programme named envyng16:15
Extreme_berUSUL: does it keep its password as hashes ?16:16
erUSULExtreme_b: yep16:16
usr13Extreme_b: /etc/shadow16:16
grawityExtreme_b: yes, Linux always hashes user passwords before storing.16:16
JD_sooo... noone around has run freenx in a chroot jail, huh?16:17
erUSULJD_: nope :|16:17
Extreme_bwhat kinna method /algorithm does it used for test to hashes ?16:17
JD_but thanks for the "nope".  I feel heard now16:18
erUSULExtreme_b: see the man page i said "man crypt"16:18
Extreme_b<erUSUL> <usr13> <grawity>: thanks man16:18
netsurf3can someone help me i have got corrupt tty terminals... gma 4500M16:19
Extreme_balright alright.. thanks16:19
ron2010i've installed virtualbox, can anybody recommend the settings for windows xp setup?16:19
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Kesmanron2010: the default16:20
ron2010base memory size?16:20
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ron2010i have 4 gigs of ram16:20
black9iceshould I just use the Ubuntu 177 driver for an Nvidia card?  or use the latest from Nvidia?16:21
icarus-cron2010: it depends on your need16:21
ron2010i'll be using virtual xp alot16:21
ron2010hopefully i can  use exclusively linux but i'm still relying xp16:21
icarus-cron2010: 1GB maybe16:21
ron2010so i'll probably run both at the same time16:21
erhardhiya, looking for some help on wlan issue16:21
usr13erhard: What is your problem?16:22
Extreme_berhard : about?16:22
ron2010next setup is virtual hard disk16:22
erhardjust installed 8.10 and it cant see my wlanit sees the neighbours though16:22
buzulhow can i configure xorg.conf file to use double monitor??any idea?16:22
usr13erhard: wlanit?16:23
landrecently i visited a site, i saw a banner w/ my IP, ISP, OS & Browser posted on it.. is there any way to conceal those infos?16:23
Ienoranderhard: Is your wireless broadcasting?16:23
erhardcant see my wlan, it sees my neighbours though16:23
usr13erhard: You mean it does not connect to your wireless AP?16:23
erhardyes it is broadcasting16:23
blarchi all.. im new to ubuntu.. im currently doing my final year project. im working on a simple client-server system involving voip.. any ideas? thanks in advance16:24
usr13erhard: is it wlan0 or eth0 or what?16:24
usr13erhard: Did you try to refresh?16:24
black9iceerhard: sure the card is configured for the same type IE: A,B,G,N?16:24
TunnlRatCan anyone tell me where i could find the program Xwinwrap?16:24
usr13erhard: What is the essid of YOUR AP?16:24
erhardits a dlink g usb adapter16:24
Picassotamusis there a command i could use to determine what version of pulseaudio is installed w/ jaunty ( or any version for that matter )?16:25
usr13erhard: wiconfig16:26
usr13erhard: iwconfig16:26
erhardim new to this you see---16:26
santiagois there a way to have ubuntu and windows vista at the same time if i already installed ubuntu on my entire hard disk?16:26
GoldfischI need to be able to find my sound card's oss device file, even though I have pulseaudio configured successfully for playback.16:27
buzultry to virtual box <santiago>16:27
GoldfischI need the device file as a recordable input source for an app.16:27
black9icePicassotamus:  here you go, please read...  http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/CLI16:27
Aethelredland: your question is off-topic for this channel. In general, you can conceal the first two by using a proxy to browse, and you can conceal the last by spoofing your user agent.16:27
rickestsantiago: yes. but if you do Windows second, you'll have to use a LiveCD to reinstall grub before you can boot back in Linux again16:27
erhardwlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"Pinocchio"16:28
erhard          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: 00:1C:F0:7F:0B:9A16:28
erhard          Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=23 dBm16:28
erhard          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B16:28
erhard          Power Management:off16:28
FloodBot1erhard: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
erhard          Link Quality=47/100  Signal level:-62 dBm16:28
santiagobuzul: is it going to be the same?16:28
buzulif u have already a ubuntu installled  yes16:29
usr13Goldfisch: pulseaudio --version16:29
usr13erhard: is Pinocchio the essid of your neighbor's AP?16:30
GoldfischW: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.16:30
Goldfischpulseaudio 0.9.1016:30
erhardyes it is16:30
Picassotamusblack9ice: ty but that is not what i meant... the current version in HH has a known issue w/ surround sound... i'm looking for more of a repository query, to see what version would be installed w/ II, or JJ16:30
santiagobuzul: i mean... is it going to be the same as having a normal windows.... i dont get how can u install stuff and that on the virtualbox16:30
usr13erhard: What is the essid of YOUR AP?16:31
erhardit is Radio Rebelde16:31
Goldfischusr13: That was my output.16:31
buzuli am planing to a virtual windows too just i installed virtual box..16:32
usr13erhard: sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 Radio Rebelde ; sudo /sbin/dhclient wlan016:32
usr13erhard: You might need to use quotes around a two word essid tho.  I don't know.  Anyone else know?16:32
usr13erhard: But first we should ask if you have your AP broadcasting it's essid.  Is it?16:33
gujaAnyone knows good application for .mp3 (any kind of music files) evidention?16:33
usr13guja: To play mp3s  or what?16:33
erUSULusr13: iwconfig essid "Whatever"16:34
gujausr13, to make lists of songs I have.16:34
gujausr13, also movies, for example.16:34
usr13guja: amork maybe????16:34
gujausr13, not playing. Just lists.16:34
usr13guja: mplayer16:34
gujaLike archive of names.16:34
ron2010what is recommendation of virtual drive in vmbox?16:34
usr13guja: O16:34
usr13guja: ls16:34
deanylike movie collector , for windows, but its not free... runs in wine ok tho.....16:35
fosco__ron2010, no recommended options, just try16:35
usr13erhard: sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 "Radio Rebelde"16:35
gujadeany, which application is like movie collector?16:35
deanythe same people made music collector too (collectorz.com)16:36
erhardi really dont understand this16:36
PerryArmstrongikonia; there??16:36
usr13erhard: Open a terminal and type:  sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 "Radio Rebelde"16:36
usr13erhard: .. and hit enter16:36
deanyvery good program.. catalogued all my movies with all sorts of info, and output to a html file.. with imdb links for each title.16:36
gujadeany, which program?16:37
dumb_dumbguys need help here16:37
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me at this grave problem that i am facing.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=116:37
PerryArmstrongikonia; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=1   can you help me in here16:37
deanyguja, http://www.collectorz.com/movie/16:37
\shamanon my ubunut 8.10 and i815 chipset, i get the following in dmesg: [drm:drm_fill_in_dev] *ERROR* Cannot initialize the agpgart module.16:37
usr13erhard: (where "Radio Rebelde" is truly the essid of your Wireless AP.)16:38
\shamanwhat's that?16:38
dumb_dumbhow to disable the root access like the ubuntu default16:38
gujadeany, there isn't any for Linux?16:38
dumb_dumbso that user cannot login using root16:38
deanyguja, not that i know of.16:38
dumb_dumbthe have to make sudo to used root16:38
gujadeany, any similar program that works same thing in Linux?16:38
deanyif there were, it wouldnt be nearly as advanced..16:39
\shamandumb_dumb,  sudo passwd -d root16:39
deanyguja, use it in wine..works16:39
Goldfisch\shaman: That would be related to your AGP-based graphics card.16:39
mihahello guys i try to use pdfnup to print 2 pages on one... however i dont know how to send to printer then, lpr doesnt have landscape option16:39
deanynot the best solution, but its the only one for now afaik16:39
mihaany idea?16:39
\shamanGoldfisch, it's embedded card16:40
nikitisquestion, i have a dell mini 9 and whenever i load up a window of any kind, it is auto maximizing it.  How do I prevent that?16:40
\shamanGoldfisch, and it works without acceleration16:40
Goldfisch\shaman: On the motherboard?16:40
\shamanGoldfisch, yes, onboard16:40
deanynikitis, stop maximus loading16:40
Goldfisch\shaman: nVidia or ATI?16:40
samrosecannot shut down or restart ubuntu 8.10, it just returns the login screen, but can sudo reboot anyone else ever have this problem?16:40
\shamanGoldfisch, intel16:40
nikitisdeany, where is that setting?16:40
deanynikitis, usual place.. session settings.16:41
\shamansamrose, sudo shutdown -h now16:41
dumb_dumbhow to disable the root access like the ubuntu default16:41
\shamandumb_dumb, didn't "sudo passwd -d root" help?16:41
nikitisdeany, is that all that program does?  if not, how do i configure it?16:42
samrose\shaman thanks that also works, but when ubuntu starts back up, I still cannot shut down via gnome button up in the left upper corner16:42
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me at this grave problem that i am facing.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=116:42
deanynikitis, thats what its for..  no idea what else it does..16:42
Goldfisch\shaman: I found traces of your situation at http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/linux/kernel/94930216:43
alanbshepard70Anyone know of a good way to archive file metadata? I have a few directories with loads of files in them and I need to archive a list of filenames (I'm using ls -r for that) and all associated metadata. What tool can read the metadata of pdfs, mp4s, jpgs and so on? Do I need a tool per filetype? I hope not.16:43
AizawaHow do I start a Bash session, i.e, not Gnome or anything, just bash?16:43
dbudoes cat /proc/net/dev give readings that are completely unbiased?16:43
acegikmo1OK so what are the steps for troubleshooting dns?16:43
Doblehi acegikmo116:44
GoldfischI wouldn't set the password on root. If you need a root shell for some period of time, just do "sudo su -".16:44
acegikmo1hi doble?16:44
\shamanGoldfisch, I can't understand that topic.. it's too kernel developers specific16:44
usr13PerryArmstrong: Switch to open-source driver.16:44
Dobleare you hosting DNS or are you trying to access DNS ?16:44
acegikmo1ugh, what's up with my typing today16:44
nocleader_Aizawa point to Xterm and then type bash16:44
PerryArmstrongusr13; how do i...can you tell me clearly16:44
Goldfisch\shaman: Did you build a custom kernel or are you using a vanilla one from the distribution?16:44
acegikmo1doble, can't ping google from the server I'm sshed into16:44
usr13PerryArmstrong: dpkg-reconfigure xorg  or  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  something like that..16:44
darrenok - so I'm using uShare to serve files to my xbox. I'd like to be able to be able to open a terminal, and just type in "xbox" to have it perform the uShare reload command.16:45
Aizawanocleader_: Hm, you sure what I mean? I mean the full fledged, just text on black background style bash.16:45
dbudarren: aliases..16:45
acegikmo1doble, resolv.conf is just  alist of three good nameservers16:45
Aizawanocleader_: I tried the xterm thing, but it seemingly started twm16:45
hemanthbest guide for nautilus coding ?16:45
Dobleacegikmo1: can you ping the nameservers in your resolv.conf from your server ?16:45
nocleader_Aizawa I suppose you could drop out of X?16:45
PerryArmstrongusr13; when i ran that command..my desktop size shrinked...atleast now my desktop has fit the screen correctly....16:45
usr13PerryArmstrong: xorg configure16:46
usr13PerryArmstrong: What monitor16:46
darrendbu: can you give me a little more - I'm looking it up now.16:46
nocleader_Aizawa can16:46
acegikmo1doble, /facepalm no16:46
Goldfisch\shaman: Check this out. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21170516:46
dbudarren putting lines into .bashrc -> you will see examples in that file (it is in your home folder)16:46
acegikmo1doble, that would be a routing issue wouldn't it?16:47
Dobleacegikmo1: then i would suggest the problem is somewhere between your server and your DNS servers :) maybe check firewall rules, routing, proxy etc?16:47
usr13PerryArmstrong: xorg -configure16:47
dbudarren: what is the command to do the reload?16:47
\shamanGoldfisch, thanks.16:47
dbudoes cat /proc/net/dev give readings that are completely unbiased?16:47
\shamanGoldfisch, I use kernel from distribution16:47
nocleader_Aizawa I think you can change the properties of xterm via GUI to look pretty much like bash ... ( black background color text)16:47
gbrethenquestion:  How can I get rid of the font shadow in the window title ?16:47
nocleader_Aizawa Isn16:47
acegikmo1doble, other computers on the lan, including this one have no problem getting to those nameservers and the outside world16:47
acegikmo1doble, I'm checking my default path16:48
usr13acctflow: host google.com16:48
nocleader_Aizawa Isn't "terminal" in the menu of Ubuntu?16:48
darkside_simmonsto change the terminal gui its under profiles and there is the classic green and black setup plus transparency16:48
usr13acctflow: route -n16:48
ShappieHi all, i have a little problem with my kubuntu 9.04 beta install. The fglrx driver wont work. As soon as i enable the driver my pc boots into recovery mode and as i reset the xorg.conf to the radeon driver everything works. (the radeonhd drivers dont work even. I have a HD3850 ATi card. Anybody an idea?16:48
PerryArmstrongusr13; that command does not work.... and my monitor is LG studioworks 552V...dont exactly remember any other configuration...16:48
Goldfisch\shaman: Did the intel-agp module work?16:48
Dobleacegikmo1: has anything changed recently on this server or network, or is it a new server ?16:49
usr13PerryArmstrong: dpkg-reconfigure xorg  or  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  something like that..16:49
\shamanGoldfisch, don't know, need to reboot16:49
Aizawanocleader_: Um, I suppose. But I'm on a ps3, which only has 256 mb ram, so I'm going to run without a DE to save RAM. You get a huge speedup, especially on old systems. (or in this case, weird systems : P)16:50
PerryArmstrongusr13; yes i did run that before and my screen has gone to the worst condition16:50
darrendbu: "sudo /etc/init.d/ushare reload"16:50
Shhhhi need help16:50
Goldfisch\shaman: You don't need to do that much. Open a terminal, then type "sudo modprobe intel-agp". If the module loads with no issues, you can restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace.16:50
acegikmo1doble, that's the odd thing, my laptop had some poblems this morning but is now fine, I can't work out what has changed16:50
AizawaAh, I think I got it.16:50
* Aizawa waves16:51
nocleader_Aizawa I never did "linux" my modified Xbox so I can't exactly relate too well; Good Luck16:51
commander_anyone got timevault16:51
Shhhhi installed ubuntu with wubi16:51
Shhhhand my pc is to old.. so i have had a bunch of problems with it..16:51
ShhhhSo.. anyone know how i uninstall it?16:51
haytham-med7hi all, how to restart the sound16:51
QPidHi there, I just upgraded to Jaunty but the sound issue I had before is back (can't watch Youtube and listen to music at the same time) how do I fix thiS?16:52
vexicWould anybody be able to help me with a quick LAMP quesiton?16:52
usr13PerryArmstrong:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:52
haytham-med7without restarting the system16:52
Picassotamus!jaunty | QPid16:52
ubottuQPid: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:52
QPidThanks Picassotamus16:52
PerryArmstrongusr13; can you check my thread...i have given outputs for all those commands..here's my thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111568416:53
usr13PerryArmstrong:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:53
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Shhhhthis channel is useless..16:55
scuniziWhat's the command to find out which kernel is running?16:55
erhard1usr13:thanks for trying, seems im not the only one http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-430864.html16:55
ljsoftnethow do i automatically mount a hard drive?16:55
scunizi!mount | ljsoftnet16:56
ubottuljsoftnet: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:56
usr13PerryArmstrong:  Did you try    Xorg -configure16:56
AethelredShhhh: how about formatting the drive?16:56
santiago_can linux ubuntu 8.10 open .rar archives?16:56
scunizisantiago_: you have to install unrar16:56
PerryArmstrongusr13; roshan@roshan:~$  Xorg -configure16:56
PerryArmstrongFatal server error:16:56
PerryArmstrongServer is already active for display 016:56
PerryArmstrongIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock16:56
PerryArmstrongand start again.16:56
FloodBot1PerryArmstrong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
PiciShhhh: stop16:56
ljsoftnetscunizi i'm not partitioning a hard drive, just auto mount evertime i login16:57
usr13erhard1: Did you try setting the essid manually?16:57
darkside_simmonsljsoftnet normally you need to add the drive or mount to the fstab file so its mounted on bootup16:57
erUSUL!ops | Shhhh16:57
ubottuShhhh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!16:57
scunizi!fstab | ljsoftnet16:57
ubottuljsoftnet: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:57
rhousandI am running 8.04 and need to upgrade to 8.10 what is the best way of doing that?16:57
Goldfischscunizi: uname -a16:57
scuniziGoldfisch: thanks16:57
erUSULscunizi: uname -a16:57
darrenwhat IRC client are people using here?16:58
erUSULdarren: many.16:58
erhard1usr13: no, how do i do this?16:58
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:58
dbudarren: then add the line alias xbox="sudo /etc/init.d/ushare reload" to the end of .bashrc, and start a new terminal. typing xbox in the terminal will run that command.16:58
Shhhhalle sprechen Deutsch?16:58
scunizierUSUL: do you know the grep command to see if the nvidia module is loaded?16:58
usr13erhard: Open a terminal and type:  sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 "Radio Rebelde"16:58
Goldfischdarren: sirc <- considering I have ssh'd into my computer from work, I don't really have a GUI. Otherwise, I would be using xchat.16:58
Pici!de | Shhhh16:58
ubottuShhhh: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:58
darkside_simmonswhat kinda of partition are you trying to mount ntfs ext3 fat16:58
erUSULscunizi: the nvidia kernel module? "dmesg | grep -i nvidia"16:58
darkside_simmonsusing bitchx irc client16:59
darrenthanks dbu - I'll give that a try - where is .bashrc located?16:59
dbudarren: /home/<your-username>16:59
erhard1usr13: usr13: results in "iwconfig: unknown command "Radio Rebelde"16:59
excoIs bug reporting on launchpad not working atm?16:59
erUSULscunizi: you should see something like [   10.726476] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  180.44  Tue Mar 24 05:46:32 PST 200916:59
dbudarren: ^ /home/<your-username>/.bashrc16:59
Goldfischscunizi: lsmod | grep nvidia16:59
ShhhhDies ist wertlos17:00
usr13erhard: Open a terminal and type:  sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid "Radio Rebelde"17:00
scunizierUSUL: thanks.. I just had and update with a new kernel so I wanted to make sure that my "hand installed" nvidia driver was still working and hadn't been replaced..17:00
erhard1its like my router isnt broadcasting, it does though...my laptop sees it17:00
PerryArmstrongusr13; so any idea??17:00
Goldfischerhard: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Radio Rebelde"17:00
AethelredShhh: what's the problem?17:00
darrendbu - and do I just put it in anywhere in the file?17:00
scunizierUSUL: in fact it WAS the 180.44 driver.. :)17:00
erhard1i have tried that now, it results in "iwconfig: unknown command "RadioRebelde"17:01
Tausaplay -l returns 1 device with 7 subdevices. how do i test each subdevice?17:01
Shhhhidk.. guees my pc is to old for ubuntu17:01
erUSUL!nl | scunizi17:01
ubottuscunizi: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:01
usr13erhard: sudo /sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid "Radio Rebelde"17:01
regeyaoo old?17:01
Shhhhhad alot of graphic problems17:01
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erUSUL!nl | Shhhh17:01
ubottuShhhh: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:01
gamla_kossanhey everybody. I've just installed xubuntu on my shuttle, but sound doesn't seem to work. it was working fine with fedora 9 however. anyone have a clue of what I could do to fix this?17:01
usr13erhard: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Radio Rebelde"17:02
AethelredShhhh: if you used Wubi in Windows to install Ubuntu, you can ALSO use Wubi to UNINSTALL it.17:02
erhard1usr13: i wonder if there could be an issue with linksys, tomato firmware and ubuntu?17:02
ShhhhAethelred:  yea when i run the uninstaller it takes like 2 seconds17:03
erhard1usr13: the command results in iwconfig: unknown command "RadioRebelde"17:03
Shhhhthen says its been uninstalled?17:03
Shhhhand C:/ubuntu still is full17:03
AethelredShhh: did you want it to take longer?17:03
santiago_hey guys, i wanna be able to have windows and linux at the same time in my computer17:03
dbudarren: put it next to the other alias lines...17:04
santiago_how do i do it without using virtualbox17:04
Shhhhand it is still in the add / remove programs list17:04
Shhhhdownload wibu17:04
dbudarren: there are some aliases (possibly commented out) in there right?17:04
santiago_Shhhh: whats that?17:04
c0r3hi everybody17:04
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:04
darrendbu: yep, got it... :)17:04
Ubersoldatit's not that hard17:05
santiago_but i have linux already installed17:05
santiago_and i want to get windows17:05
AethelredShhh:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation17:05
santiago_should i delete ubuntu and install window and then re install butunu?17:05
Ubersoldatsantiago_: via virtualization or via dual boot?17:05
santiago_dual boot17:05
Ubersoldatsantiago_: then yes, because of windows way of fu***ing things17:06
santiago_oh ok... yah i know17:06
AethelredShhhh: you can use the Add/Remove facility in Windows to uninstall it.17:06
Ubersoldatsantiago_: you can install windows and then try wubi17:06
Shappiesantiago: You can just install XP and than restore Grub17:06
santiago_well thanks for your help17:06
santiago_yes i'll try that17:06
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=== StepNjump is now known as stepnjump
santiago_i prefer doing it the easy way as ubersoldat is saying... i always get messed up17:07
darrenIRC Rocks!! I love learning, and it's great for that!17:07
santiago_i'll install windows and then use wubi :D17:07
PicassotamusShappie: Not necessarily, windows will not install if it sees another os on the disk afaik17:07
AethelredShhhh: you can ALSO remove it manually by deleting C:\ubuntu and ALSO editing boot.ini (for XP, it's different for other versions)17:07
ShhhhSooo even tho i ran the uninstaller can i still boot into ubuntu?17:07
UbersoldatShhhh: what do you think?17:08
Shhhhbtw cant edit boot.ini17:08
Shhhhid didnt appear to do anything17:08
AethelredShhhh: the link I posted gives VERY specific instructions on how to do what you're asking. Go read it.17:08
sebsebseb  17:08
SenderaPCan anyone point me to something that tells me how to get my Atheros WIFi 5007 working.  This is the last piece of the puzzle for me making my total conversion to linux.  Any searches turned up dead links etc.17:09
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
sebsebseb!atheros |  SenderaP17:09
ubottuSenderaP: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:09
AethelredShhhh: gah?  What is the problem? What you want to do should be very very simple. What isn't working for you?17:11
Pici!id | daNz_ajaCWE_MOET17:12
ubottudaNz_ajaCWE_MOET: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia17:12
Shhhhi just decided not to uninstall :/17:12
SenderaPThat WiFi page may just have the answer for me.  I wonder why I didn't find it om my own.17:12
Picistepnjump: Please stop.17:13
sipiorwhat, did school let out, all of a sudden?17:13
Shhhhdesktop effects or w/e they are called didnt work.. any clues?17:14
ron2010i'm installing winxp in virtual and i'm stuck with not able to move my mouse17:14
Botuxhey all17:14
may0hey guys what the primary reason you all use ubuntu over windows technicially17:15
spaceBARbarianis it possible to make a program that will log me into ubuntu if i simply plug in a usb drive ?17:15
darkside_simmonsron2010: are you using virtual box because they took out usb support17:15
Picimay0: Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, as this isn't directly related to support.17:15
Ubersoldatany idea why bitchx is not on Ubuntu repos?17:15
Botuxgood news i got ubuntu 8.10 installed and was palying with the resolution and now i cant see the gui its just a black screen and my monitor is asleep can you help me fix this17:15
PiciUbersoldat: Its no longer supported upstream.17:16
Pici!bitchx | Ubersoldat17:16
ubottuUbersoldat: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi instead.17:16
ron2010i'm in the middle of windows xp installation, the part where i chose region and location17:16
UbersoldatPici: for any particular reason?17:16
ron2010i'm unable to move my mouse to choose or click17:16
PiciUbersoldat: See the link on that factoid.17:16
Shhhhron2010 use tab key?17:16
spaceBARbarianron2010: try #windows17:16
RizRhow to set hostname through dhcp? have to set it in /etc/hostname file manually.17:16
Piciron2010: If you are using vbox, try asking in their channel: #vbox17:16
darkside_simmonsron2010: yea i believe its because you have a usb mouse virtual box removed usb support17:17
ron2010thanks shhh17:17
Aethelredron2010: I had a similar problem in VirtualBox. I was able to solve it with GuestAdditions.17:17
darkside_simmonsneed a ps2 mouse17:17
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Botuxi was playing with the res and now i cant get the ui to work and my monitor is asleep  can someone help me17:18
linduxedis there a way to have dd show progress?17:18
Shhhhwhen you select ubuntu in the boot menu hit esc17:19
Botuxit was soo hi everything was tiny so i tried to put it down to 1024x768 lol17:19
Shhhhthen go on the one that says recovery17:19
Botuxso do i need to reboot my system?17:19
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:19
Shhhhbut write this down17:19
Botuxthere isnt a boot nmeu ubuntu is the only os on the system and it boots up automatically17:20
Shhhhdoes it give you a count down?17:20
Botuxi hit esc and then went to recovery mode17:21
Shhhhwhere it says hit escape?17:21
Botuxits booting into recovery mode17:21
Botuxthats what you wanted me to do right?17:22
Shhhhyou are looking for umm ifix i think17:22
Shhhhit has fix in the name17:22
n2diy! usb17:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:22
Shhhhrun that17:22
Shhhhit will give you a working screen size (but probably not the right one)17:23
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me at this grave problem that i am facing.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=117:23
Botuxit ran something then went back to the menu17:23
Shhhhnow log in17:24
Botuxso boot as normal and login?17:24
ocletso i was installing UNR17:25
ocletand once its done copying the files17:25
ocletit says "errno 5" which is an i/o error17:25
ocletbasically im furious17:25
Botuxok so do i have to keep tinkering with the res and then if it dont do that again til i find one that works?17:25
ocletusb drive is fine ssd drive is brand new17:25
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me at this grave problem that i am facing.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=117:25
ocletshit is WACK DAWG17:26
oclethelp me out17:26
Dykamnot a problem I can't deal with, but watch the restricted drivers window, http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4651/schermafdruk21.png can't make it smaller17:26
ocletmy brand new netbook is fucked17:26
ocletand im FURIOUS17:26
Picioclet: That language is not necessary here.17:26
zxxd 17:26
ocletyeah but its humorous17:26
zxxd 17:26
zxxd 17:26
FloodBot1zxxd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:26
ocletso deal w/ it17:26
oclethelp me with my problem instead of complaining about my language17:26
Pici!patience | oclet17:27
ubottuoclet: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:27
sipioroclet: oh yes, we're dying to help a person with such a lovely attitude. sign me up...17:27
Botuxshhh h: do i have to keep changing the res and if it doesnt work do i gotta keep going back to xfix til i find one that does?17:27
ocletwhatever i was joking17:27
ocletbut seriously it doesnt make sense17:27
sebsebsebsipior: ha ha17:27
ocletand i rly dont know what to do17:27
Shhhhyea basicly..17:28
Picioclet: Calm down, put your question on line and be patient.17:28
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me at this grave problem that i am facing.....http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1115684&page=117:28
ocletim not upset17:28
Shhhhsucks i know17:28
ocletur starting to make me upset17:28
ocletbut i wasnt before17:28
Shhhhyou kinda sounded like you were upset.. :/17:28
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sebsebseboclet: what's UNR?17:29
ocletubuntu netbook remix17:29
ocletpretty slick17:29
sebsebseboclet: oh that ok17:29
marcel_what tool can i use to view a map of traceroute?17:29
Botuxshhhh: awesome thank you when i botted up and logged back in it gave me the res settings i wanted17:29
Botuxnow im a hppy camper17:29
sebsebseboclet: well there's easypeasy and such as well, but that one is not suppourted here apparantly17:29
Shhhhto bad i cant get mine to work :(17:29
Botuxaww man that sux17:29
Dykamcould someone take a look: not a problem I can't deal with, but watch the restricted drivers window, http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/4651/schermafdruk21.png can't make it smaller17:29
Shhhhno desktop effects.. bad res17:29
ocleti mean really tho what would cause it to get an i/o error AFTER the files finish copying17:30
Botuxwow man thats boresville isnt it17:30
ocletits kind of annoying17:30
HavocXphereHi. How do I exclude a directory from the CLI find command. i.e. I don't want it to search /media/ but I want it to search the rest of /17:30
marcel_xtraceroute is not in the ubuntu repos?17:30
sebsebseboclet:  did you md5sum your installation  CD?  or however your installing it17:30
Botuxdo you know anything about avant window navigator17:30
sebsebseb!md5sum |  oclet17:30
ubottuoclet: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more17:30
PiciShhhh: You may need to ask your question again with details.17:30
Shhhhnope :/17:30
nunojpgtar adapts the compression algorithm to the name of the file?17:30
Botuxdoes anyone know anything about avant window navigator?17:31
sebsebseb!avant |  Botux17:31
ubottuBotux: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy17:31
PiciBotux: Just ask your real question.17:31
nunojpgtar -cz -f destiny.Z stmp0920.09M and  tar -cz -f destiny.tar.gz stmp0920.09M give different results17:31
Shhhhbasicly... it wont give me the right Res. and no desktop effects17:31
PiciShhhh: What video card do you have?17:31
sebsebsebShhhh: ok  xorg issue17:31
ocleti checked it it was fine17:31
ocleti downloaded 3 diff versions of it17:31
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:31
Botuxwell i want to set up avant17:31
ocletall 3 failed at exactly the same spot17:31
marcel_anyone have ideas about a visual trace route application?17:32
sebsebseboclet: 3 differnet versions of what? and which Ubuntu?  and how old is your graphics card?17:32
ShhhhPici umm idk17:32
Botuxand iheard it comes woth ubunut by default but idunno where to find it17:32
Picimarcel_: mtr is pretty handy, but its not exactly visual.17:32
sipiormarcel_: does looking at a terminal count as visual?17:32
Botuxman i cant type today lol17:32
tkHavocXphere: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=find+exclude+dir17:32
marcel_sipior, i was looking for something like xtraceroute, which was opengl17:32
oclet3 diff releases of netbook remix, its a brand new netbook17:32
PiciBotux: It doesn't come by default, but its in the repositories.17:32
ocletwindows worked fine17:32
HavocXpheremarcel_: One needs a database to make it visual...you can't derive geo data from the output itself.17:32
Pici!enter | oclet17:32
ubottuoclet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:32
Botuxoh meaning i need to install the package?17:33
ocletPici: ur obnoxious17:33
Picioclet: If you'd follow the channel guidelines as you've been asked, I wouldnt be obnoxious.17:33
sebsebseboclet: be careful what you say, or Pici will boot you17:33
ocletnot like anyone is helpful anyways everyones just aspergering out17:33
BotuxPici: i will have to install the package then?17:34
sebsebseboclet: interesting comment17:34
PiciBotux: Yes.17:34
Botuxpici: same with kde?17:34
PiciBotux: I think so, doesn't hurt to try.17:34
sebsebseboclet: and no,  a lot of guys with Aspergers, and rather good at computers, and  can be pretty helpful,  and so your comment their could be offensive even17:34
ShhhhPici how do i tell what graphics card i have thru windows :/17:34
Botuxok cool thank you bunches17:34
HavocXpheretk: Ouch. I did ggl it. Apparently not well enough....17:34
Picisebsebseb: No need to feed them.17:34
Botuxshhhh lol17:34
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ocletso anyways its kind of a bummer17:35
JhonnyDephthello, can someone tell which is the name of the cd burner for ubuntu that can be found on repositories?17:35
ocleti was up til 4am trying to get this piece to work17:35
tkHavocXphere: sometimes we try too hard when googling ;)17:35
ocletbtw ubuntu netbook remix is pretty slick when running off the usb17:35
GiantTalkingCowAnyone currently using the latest Jaunty beta on a Macbook?17:36
ocletis there a channel for it somewhere? anybody know?17:36
PiciShhhh: I don't recall exactly where it is in Windows, but I'd guess somewhere in System under the control panel.17:36
PiciGiantTalkingCow: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:36
sebsebsebGiantTalkingCow: wrong channel #ubuntu+117:36
GiantTalkingCowPici: Thanks, will do.17:36
HavocXpheretk: Yeah. The man page confused me too. Thanks for the help.17:36
=== [GuS] is now known as Me
tkHavocXphere: np17:36
sebsebseboclet: yeah there are netbook channels17:37
sebsebseboclet: #easypeasy for the similar version to Ubuntu's thingey17:37
ocletnot a netbook channel an ubuntu netbook remix channel17:37
Shhhhwell i went to hardware maneger but the only info it gives is that its intel(R) extreme graphics controler?17:37
sebsebseboclet: easypeasy is pretty much the same thing as the thing Ubuntu has  for netbooks,   also I am not even sure  if Ubuntu's version is suppourted  anymore, or suppourted properly17:37
oclettheyre releasing new versions every day17:38
ocletso they have to be chatting about it somewhere17:38
carpii__why would adept tell me i need to reboot to complete an update? Its like being back on windows :(17:38
ocleti'll check this out tho17:38
sebsebseboclet:   type  /list in your client and that should list  all the channels on freenode17:38
ocletsebsebseb: stop talking to me17:39
ocletyouve already proved how useless you are17:39
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sebsebsebPici: indeed :)  I think it was about time for that guy to go, as well17:39
Picicarpii__: It may ask if you installed an xorg or kernel update.17:39
rampage73anyone in here a sed or grep expert?17:40
PiciShhhh: Are there any options to install drivers from System>administration>Hardware Drivers?17:40
sipiorrampage73: best just to ask your question directly17:40
Picirampage73: You may be able to find "experts" in #bash, but you can ask here too,17:40
Shhhhnope :(17:40
carpii__pici, ah right. yeah i think there might nhave been a kernel update now you mention it17:40
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rampage73ok it is a long one17:40
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JhonnyDephthello, can someone tell which is the name of the cd burner for ubuntu that can be found on repositories?17:41
Pici!burning | jackviers17:41
ubottujackviers: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:41
Picijackviers: sorry, mistab17:41
PiciJhonnyDepht: See ubottu above17:41
DarrenL_all: what's this identify think about?17:41
rampage73i need to find a pattern match in the beginning of a text file lines and replace not that but the last 50 characters of that line that the pattern matched at the beginning17:41
rampage73and of course this is a huge text file and doing this by hand 1 at a time is out of the question17:42
ron2010not getting much resposne from #vbox so i'll ask here17:42
mheath_rampage73: You won't be able to do that with Bash; you need a text parsing language like Sed or Perl that has what are called "regular expressions" for text17:42
ron2010how do i get my mouse to work in windows xp via vbox17:43
ron2010successfully install windows in vbox17:43
ron2010cant get mouse to work17:43
rampage73right i figured it would have to be sed i am not familiar at all with perl17:43
krychekhi, im trying to upgrade gutsy to hardy.. but the upgrade button is missing in the update-manager, could anyone help me?17:43
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rampage73but i am still not sure after looking around on how to accomplish this task17:43
allquixoticron2010: That's a #vbox question; but, real quick, did you try clicking in the Windows XP window to get it to capture your mouse?17:43
Piciron2010: Just because you didn't get an answer in #vbox doesn't mean that its now on-topic for this channel.17:43
erhard1usr13: all i needed to do was to change the channel in the router...so simple! thx for the help anyways17:44
Shhhhron2010:  as said before are you using a usb mouse?17:44
ron2010allq: i see the capture indicator for keyboard but not for mouse17:44
thiebaudekrychek, did you open update manager in a terminal?17:44
mheath_rampage73: What you're asking to do is actually rather complicated, using a pure Sed expression.....Way beyond my experience. The only way I would know how to do it is programatically, using a more sophisticated programming language (perl would work well, but anything from C to java would work too)17:44
ron2010im using usb bluetooth dongle and bluetooth mouse17:45
sipiorrampage73: so, you want to match a line, and then replace the last 50 characters? what are you matching on, and what are you replacing it with?17:45
krychekthiebaude: i tried to open it from both the terminal and from the menu17:45
rampage73matching on a # that varies in the beginning of the line and the last 50 characters are being replaced with all 0's17:45
Shhhhpeople are saying they droped usb17:45
thiebaudekrychek: strange problem17:45
sebsebseba  guy wants me to help him install Ubuntu onto a external hard disk, and I been thinking,  each computer will want a differnet graphics card driver for example, but otherwise,  everything should be ok?17:45
gamla_kossanhi guys. I've managed to get ubuntu to set the wrong resolution, now my picture is really weird. where can I reset it from the command line?17:45
gamla_kossananyone have a clue?17:45
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rampage73thanks mheath_17:46
allquixoticron2010: vbox mouse with Windows Server 2008 guest works for me, so I can't reproduce your problem. Then again my mouse is using PS/2. I would think any valid X core pointer would be picked up by vbox, though...17:46
usr13gamla_kossan: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:46
allquixoticron2010: Make sure VBox isn't taking control over your USB dongle though17:46
Shhhhwhen you are booting ubuntu it should give you a count down17:46
rampage73mheath_, i thought sed would do it but i do not "know that it will"17:46
Shhhhhit <esc> while its doing that17:46
gamla_kossanusr13: my bad, this v 8.10, so these settings aren't stored in xorg.conf17:46
rampage73sipior, matching on a # that varies in the beginning of the line and the last 50 characters are being replaced with all 0's17:47
usr13gamla_kossan: Actually the easiest way is just:   sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:47
Shhhhthen boot recovery console17:47
mheath_sebsebseb: yes, for the most part. THere are a few quirks that make that hard to deal with...17:47
amgarchinggamla_kossan: "man xrandr", or try "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output LVDS --auto" (not testted)17:47
rampage73sipior, and i have the pattern file that i used with grep to find all of these for the #'s at the front of each line17:47
gamla_kossanamgarching: thanks17:47
sipiorrampage73: something like "sed -e 's/^\(1234567890\).*/\1000000000/'17:47
gamla_kossanamgarching: trying that right away17:47
usr13gamla_kossan: Try:   sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:47
sebsebsebmheath_: so you have done it, any suggestions?   I think it is just  put it on as if it was an internal and  then  what I said already17:48
rampage73sipior, thanks i will work with it17:48
sebsebsebmheath_: what are the quirks?  how to solve them?17:48
Shhhhi utterly am sick of windows17:49
sipiorrampage73: the info pages for sed provide literally hours of amusement. depending on how you define amusement. lots of examples, and a good place for you to start "info sed"17:49
Shhhhbut forced to deal with it :(17:49
mheath_sebsebseb: well, yes, that should work, but there are some annoyances with that process. First, Ubuntu doesn't automatically mount other physical hard drives if you didn't add them during instal,so you'll have to manually mount the drives on the machine itself to get access to them from Ubuntu...17:49
rampage73sipior, thanks been there and will go back or learn perl17:49
usr13gamla_kossan: Did you try:   sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ?17:50
hbullenHey has anyone tried using a version broardband 3G card with ubuntu?17:50
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mheath_sebsebseb: and Ubuntu's video stuff is going to be optomized for the graphics card and display of the machine you install it on. While its pretty forgiving and should fallback on something supported, you might eventually encounter a machine where those viodeo settings don't allow x.org to start.17:50
krychekwhy cant i upgrade from gutsy to hardy? damn17:50
gamla_kossanusr13: yeah, trying it now17:50
mheath_sebsebseb: theres no very good workaround for that, unfortunately. The one thing would be to customize the x.org config file to be very simple and generic, but that severely limits things like the available resolution and prohibits you from doing any 3d stuff.17:51
Aethelredron2010: I was having a similar problem in VirtualBox running WinXP. I solved it with Guest Additions. I don't recall the exact details, but it still doesn't "capture" my mouse (like vmware would).17:51
sebsebsebmheath_: yeah I know about that17:51
usr13krychek: Why not?17:51
sebsebsebmheath_: ,but this particular guy may not even need the propritary driver anyway17:51
gamla_kossanusr13: sweet, it worked :)  (didn't think it would - I thought ubuntu handled reoslutions elsewhere since 8.10?)17:52
usr13krychek: Need instructions?:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-to-ubuntu-804-lts-hardy-heron-beta.html17:52
mheath_sebsebseb: well, yeah, but even if you don't need the ATI or Nvidia propreitary driver's, its still cutomized.17:52
usr13gamla_kossan: It does IF there is not xorg.conf file.17:52
sebsebsebmheath_: xorg you mean?17:52
krychekusr13: the upgrade button is missing17:52
mheath_sebsebseb: your video card, if its new, has a specific driver even if the driver is open source or free. X.org will be set to use this driver.17:53
mheath_sebsebseb: it will also autodetect your monitor settings, and configure the resolutions supported by the monitor you're using during the install.17:53
krychekusr13: these instructions are for hardy beta17:53
onthefence928does ubuntu automatically keep a log of all the text you see when you boot the system?17:53
sebsebsebmheath_: xorg could be rested in recovery mode or whatever, before using on each computer?  then get a new xorg config every time17:53
ShhhhAnyone want to give/buy me a new pc ?17:53
usr13krychek: What do you mean, it is missing?  Grayed out...?17:53
onthefence928Shhhh: sure, how about a system witha  4" display and 2 kb of ram?17:53
mheath_sebsebseb: well, yes, you can regenerate each time.17:54
amgarchingonthefence928: dmesg17:54
sebsebsebmheath_: as for detecting drives???17:54
krychekusr13: no, its just not there in the update-manager17:54
mheath_sebsebseb: you'll have to manually mount the hard drives on the host computer, if you want access to them.17:54
usr13krychek: Does it say anthying about 8.04 ?17:54
sebsebsebShhhh: not a good idea to buy second hand PC's usaully, because you won't know what quality the hardware really is in, and other reasons, plus that's off topic here17:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:55
krychekusr13: and when i run update-manager --dist-upgrade it says that my system is up-to-date17:55
usr13krychek: ... at top?17:55
ron2010allq: what do u mean vbox take control of my usb dongle17:55
krychekusr13: no17:55
Shhhhyea i bought this pc im using here now used for like 20 bucks..17:55
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ActionParsnipShhhh: what spec?17:56
usr13krychek: did you do update-manager --devel-release  >17:56
RedMushroomdoes anyone know of a simple FTP server i can use with ubuntu?17:56
usr13krychek: > was supposed to be ?17:56
usr13RedMushroom: vsftp17:56
SpecActionParsnip: This one.17:57
krychekusr13: devel-release doesnt help either17:57
usr13RedMushroom: vsftpd   sorry, quit too soon.17:57
ActionParsnipSpec: cpu / ram ?17:57
onthefence928ok well i've been getting wierd error messages whenever i boot y system (which otherwise seems to run fine, but i'm a linux newb so maybe i just don't notice the problem during normal use) http://paste.ubuntu.com/146321/ <- is the output of dmesg, which looks nothing like the errors i see at boot, but regardless maybe someone here can help17:57
onthefence928on a side note apparently pidgin doesn't recognize the word linux and wants to mark it as misspelled >.>17:58
onthefence928and i'm running ubuntu 8.1017:58
Shhhhcomputer: Inter(R) Celeron(R) CPU 1.80GHz 1.79 GHz 512mn Ram17:58
ActionParsniponthefence928: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/apic-error-on-cpu1-0040-613162/17:58
sebsebsebmheath_: I thought if Ubuntu get's put on a external hard disk,  that the computer gets told to boot from it?   and then Ubuntu should detect the drives17:58
onthefence928which i got by upgrading automatically from 8.04 (as opposed to a fresh install17:59
Shhhhsory i was busy17:59
axsd9dkrychek: Did u check if your disrto was already upgraded automatically??17:59
ActionParsnipShhhh: not bad, similar to all of my systems17:59
mheath_sebsebseb: yes, the drive itself is detected and auto configured. The rest of the drives are not.17:59
krychekaxsd9d: my system is updated17:59
ss4vegeta4ssanyone know a good Torrent Prog like Rtorrent, command line Base, and auto Download torrent,, cause ,my rtorrrent dl speed is realy poor :S:S17:59
Shhhhi need more cpu :(17:59
thiebaudehi ActionParsnip17:59
ActionParsniphi thiebaude18:00
krychekaxsd9d: you mean it was automatically upgraded to hardy?18:00
ActionParsnipShhhh: it depends on your needs18:00
sebsebsebmheath_: what about setting up two differnet hardware configs?18:00
krychekits still gutsy18:00
zchis there a way to set partition active from command line18:00
Shhhhand my needs are WAY more cpu :)18:00
mheath_sebsebseb: THe way that ubuntu keeps track of what drives to mount is in a simple text file. While auto generated at install, this just has a list of the device ("/dev/sda1") and where to mount ("/media/harddrive"). If it isn't in the list, it won't be mounted.18:00
proudfootis there a way to permanently change mac address in ubuntu?18:01
mheath_sebsebseb: you could write a script to do that, but theres no builtin support.18:01
usr13krychek: what does lsb_release -a  say?18:01
zchi am trying to make bootable usb stick, and windows isn't letting me set active partition unless it's first drive18:01
usr13proudfoot: Yes18:01
axsd9dwell does gutsy support dist-upgrade??18:01
proudfootusr13:  how?18:01
sebsebsebmheath_: hardware configs no built in suppourt on Ubuntu, but can write a script to do it ah ok18:01
zchnow to avoid messing with drive order in bios, is there a way to do it from ubuntu?18:01
krychekusr13: 7.10 gutsy18:01
onthefence928ActionParsnip: i don't know if that is exactly my problem. and the posted solution seems to do nothing but ignore error messages18:01
zchi just want to set flag active on usb flash drive18:01
proudfooti found a page off google, but my interfaces file is empty18:01
onthefence928ss4vegeta4ss: i use deluge18:02
sebsebsebmheath_: any idea how to do the script? or should I ask someone else who suggested the hardware config idea18:02
proudfootand if i add something to that page, the network manager fails18:02
krychekaxsd9d: all release should support dist upgrade18:02
proudfootso i'm not sure how to change the mac address perm18:02
ActionParsnipproudfoot: you can edit /etc/network/interfaces and add a line     hwaddress ether 00:11:22:33:44:55:66  or whatever you wanna use18:02
ChotaZWhat download manager to use with Ubuntu and Firefox?18:02
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:02
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ss4vegeta4ssonthefence928 oh yah you can use it in command line ???18:03
proudfootits empty, ActionParsnip18:03
usr13proudfoot: just edit  /etc/network/interfaces   and add line:  hwaddress ether 01:02:03:04:05:0618:03
ActionParsniponthefence928: you need to disable apic basically18:03
graynavigation I'm new to Ubuntu - running Jaunty 9.04 64bit - Sony z540 notebook with Nvidia 9300M GS switchable GPU- After I activated the recommended Restricted Drivers I restarted Ubuntu and now I do not get a GUI. Instead I just have what I think is called terminal. I found various help threads with commands but none of them worked, also after researching my notebook/GPU It appears to not be supported. Looking for direction, on how t18:03
proudfootit only has l018:03
proudfootand nothing else18:03
onthefence928ss4vegeta4ss: oh i wouldn't know i'm a GUI guy18:03
Shhhhim gettin off18:03
proudfootif i add wlan0 or eth0 to /etc/network/interfaces18:03
usr13ActionParsnip: Sorry, didn't see you ....18:03
Shhhhbye guys :)18:03
proudfootthe network manager fails to detect18:03
proudfootthe interface18:03
Shhhhthnx for the unhelpful help :P18:03
ActionParsnipproudfoot: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/18:03
WinterWeaverhow can I revert back to older intel graphics drivers? the update broke blender.18:04
bbeecherHey my sound just stopped working - can someone help me diagnose whats going wrong?18:04
sebsebsebgraynavigation: new users shoudn't be using jaunty already and go here for help with it #ubuntu+118:04
proudfootin my /etc/network/interfaces file18:04
proudfootthere is no eth018:04
proudfootor wlan018:04
proudfootonly lo18:04
Pici!enter | proudfoot18:04
ubottuproudfoot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:04
FloodBot1proudfoot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:04
zchthere is no spoon18:05
sebsebsebmheath_: thanks for your help18:05
zchguys, any idea? make usb flash drive partition active?18:05
JR_zch: there is no spoon18:05
proudfooti think intrepid network manager does not like it when you change /etc/network/interface18:05
onthefence928ActionParsnip: before i hunt it down on google what exactly is apic? i thought it just displayed messages from teh cpu?18:06
g4lt-lappyProunot on interfaces you haven't told it to ignore, no18:06
usr13proudfoot: Just use /etc/rc.local   and do:  ifconfig eth0 down ; ifconfig eth0 hw ether 01:02:03:04:05 ; ifconfig eth0 up ; dhclient eth0   etc...18:06
Burntresistorif everything is dependant on different programs are those programs updated automatically with  a linux update  or manually  and linux only updates what deals with the os automatically?18:06
usr13proudfoot: Most be something wrong if the interfaces file is empty.18:07
proudfootit works fine18:07
ss4vegeta4ssanyone know a good Torrent Prog like Rtorrent, command line Base, and auto Download torrent,, cause ,my rtorrrent dl speed is realy poor :S:S    ?????18:07
seb_hi all18:08
sebsebsebseb_: hello a fellower Seb18:08
sebsebseba fellow Seb :D18:08
usr13proudfoot: if it's wireless you'll have to also reset essid, i.e.  iwconfig eth1 essid linksys ; dhclient eth1  etc.18:08
sebsebsebseb_: a fellow Seb :)18:08
danny1How do i get ubuntu to install on iscsi, i have tried to pass the options "install iscsi=true" to the kernel when booting up from the server edition install cd (8.04), but it just comes up with a window saying "No disk drive was detected blah blah" just like it would when doing a normal server install.18:09
proudfootso rc.local is run at startup?18:09
seb_i have no more sound on my ubuntu laptop..do you know any simple way to check whether it's a hardware problem ?18:09
sebsebsebseb_: not exactly ,but the bot18:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:09
kravlin_hey, whenever i try to sudo cd into a directory i get sudo: cd command not found, and now vpnc is doing the same thing. help?18:09
Picikravlin_: cd is a builtin command.  If you need an interactive sudo session, use sudo -i then cd18:10
ActionParsnipkravlin_: yuo dont need sudo to cd18:10
seb_thx ;)18:10
thejames2003is anyone around?18:10
phisher1there are 1501 nicks in here18:10
ActionParsnipthejames2003: nobody but us chickens18:10
thejames2003ahh good.18:11
kravlin_ActionParsnip: i'm trying to cd into a different directory that's owned by root so i can then sudo gedit. The sudo: vpnc: vnc not found is new today.18:11
sebsebsebthejames2003: no all the people are away from the computers,  all the messages you are getting now is from very  well  proggrammed bots18:11
thejames2003anyhow im new to ubuntu and need some slight assistance editing my GRUB boot menu18:11
=== tien is now known as jove
sebsebseb!grub |  thejames200318:12
ubottuthejames2003: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:12
thejames2003i did see that18:12
kravlin_come to think of it, i've never seen the ubuntu channel quiet.18:12
ActionParsnipkravlin_: do NOT sudo gedit18:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi18:12
aaldamahow can i config remote access for windows and mac om my xubuntu18:12
ActionParsnipkravlin_: use gksudo gedit18:12
sebsebsebkravlin_:  I have seen this channel rarther quite18:12
danny1worth a try heh18:12
kravlin_ActionParsnip: why not?18:12
thejames2003i can fairly clearly explain my situation18:12
Picidanny1: You may want to try asking in #ubuntu-server as well, they might have more experience with iscsi to help you out.18:13
ActionParsnipkravlin_: sudo gedit is not right and will damage file ownerships and file access18:13
jovehello all: does anyone know what best application of Ubuntu to draw a Network/Server ?18:13
kravlin_ActionParsnip: that's fine, but i've still lost the ability to vpnc using sudo.18:13
danny1Pici > thanks ill try that18:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:13
Picijove: I don't know about best, but you could try using dia18:13
thejames2003i've done what it says here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:13
ActionParsnipkravlin_: sudo does not configure the environment for gui apps like gedit, sudo is for commands that stay in the terminal like cp, mv, apt-get etc18:13
RedMushroomdoes anyone know if vsftpd comes preinstalled with ubuntu/18:13
Nod51I have a Sheevaplug and trying to access the serial console through /dev/ttyUSB* but the device is being detected when plugged in, but does not seem to make it show up under /dev/ttyUSB*. I have usbserial modules loaded.18:13
thejames2003and editing the menu.lst so that it has the title windows line etc... in it18:14
PiciRedMushroom: it doesn't.18:14
thejames2003but when i got to the boot menu to select windows it does nothing18:14
RedMushroompici: thanks18:14
thejames2003i assume i have the wrong location entered as to boot windows18:14
sebsebsebfaria: hi18:14
kravlin_ActionParsnip: understood, i'll do that, regardless, sudo vpnc has stopped working. i run vpnc as me and it tells me that i don't have the privlages.18:14
sebsebsebthejames2003: loads of us can help with Grub, but really we need to see your menu.lst first18:14
sebsebseb!pastebin |  thejames200318:15
ubottuthejames2003: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:15
fariai am new in ubuntu18:15
ChotaZWhen I installed Ubuntu, I left 100GB free to install another OS with it. I was thinking of installing WindowsXP, but as I'm doing it over Ubuntu(which I have never done before) I was seeking some guidance of what to expect and to do next.18:15
macman_there a way to backup all packages / dependicens .. so if i have to rm my hd i can get them all back18:15
sebsebsebfaria: ok welcome,  what do you want help with?18:15
fariai want to play youtube on ubuntu18:15
icanhascheezburghello everyone18:15
icanhascheezburgI need advice18:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:15
sebsebsebfaria: ok no problem, you need to install Flash18:15
thejames2003is there anyway i can find out what it is i should have in there aka tell my computer where xp actually is?18:15
fariai did18:15
icanhascheezburgdoes the amd/ati linux driver still suck as bad as it did18:15
ActionParsnipkravlin_: try reinstalling it18:15
sebsebsebaaldama: hi18:15
sebsebsebfaria: ok what's the problem?18:15
fariabut still cant play youtube18:15
thejames2003and how do i find out exactly where it is.  i tried the boot line fdsik -l   but that didnt work18:15
icanhascheezburgI want to build a new computer and don't know if I should go with nvidia18:15
zchicanhascheezburg: thats what i wonder too18:15
aaldamai need a help with remote access18:15
sebsebsebfaria: does FLash work on any other sites in Firefox?18:16
joveHi, I setup the sound notification for this ubuntu channel chat, but I don't get any sound notification to me at all, does anyone has this experience ?18:16
AethelredChotaZ: My experience has been that if you're going to dual-boot Windows with anything else, the best way is to install Windows FIRST.18:16
fariai didnt try that18:16
zchicanhascheezburg: last time i checked it sucked bigtime but it's been a while18:16
icanhascheezburganyone here using the new ati drivers do they still suck?18:16
sebsebsebicanhascheezburg: ATI have rather good Linux suppourt now, since open drivers18:16
icanhascheezburgdo you use them personally for 3D games/?18:16
ChotaZAethelred: Is there a way to do it with ubuntu first, I need XP on this asap.18:16
thejames2003come on18:17
sebsebsebicanhascheezburg: no I got Nividia18:17
fariaok let me chek sebsebseb18:17
thejames2003pleaseee help18:17
icanhascheezburgthey used to suck18:17
icanhascheezburglike a few months ago18:17
thejames2003i dont want to reinstall everything.  im so close18:17
zchi heard about ati open sourcing their drivers18:17
Pici!patience | thejames200318:17
ubottuthejames2003: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:17
thejames2003all apologies18:17
ubottuthejames2003: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:17
zchbut didn't tested, last time i messed with kubuntu and ati it was a major pita18:17
thejames2003man this mac irc client sucks18:17
AethelredChotaZ: I won't say it isn't possible, but I don't know how. If you need XP that quickly, I'd install a VM. I've had good luck with both VMware and VirtualBox.18:17
sebsebsebthejames2003: pastebin your grub menu.list or no one will help you18:17
icanhascheezburganyone here use the newest arti drivers?  are they still horrible for 3D games18:17
thejames2003ok hold on thanks.  sebsebseb18:18
AethelredChotaZ: WinXP runs very well, I run Windows Apps natively. I can do it all in a window in Linux. For me, it's even better than a dual boot. I don't have to reboot to use Windows.18:18
sebsebsebjust confiring here,   I assume two Ubuntu installs can share the same home folder, no problem?18:19
sebsebsebconfirming above18:19
ChotaZAethelRed: I'm soo going to do that, something I never thought off.18:19
icanhascheezburgsurely there is someone here who runs ubuntu using the latest ati drivers18:19
ChotaZAethelRed: I'll get VirtualBox18:19
AethelredChoatZ: the exception is with Games and anything else that wants directX18:19
AethelredChoatZ: but I run Adobe's creative suite with no issues.18:19
ChotaZAethelRed: It was mainly for ACS(great!) and also some games.18:20
Pici!ftpd | RedMushroom18:20
ubottuRedMushroom: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:20
zilleplusca't get html page on ubuntu server 8.10 can some hepl me with this ???18:20
wal3When I connected my usb harddisk gnome asked me for password and I selected "save forever" - now the pw was wrong, how can I remove it?18:20
AethelredChoatZ: I found that when I used VMware, the Windows install went more smoothly.18:20
macman_to easy18:21
cmv583hello! i am using ubuntu 8.10 and I updated and have not min, mx, restore, controls on individual windows only through AWN. I also cannot click on windows to manually resize them or move them. Anyone know what the problem may be?18:21
AethelredChoatZ: I moved my VMs over the VirtualBox, and had to noodle some things around to get the Mouse and Networking to work properly. It might have been easier if I'd done a fresh XP install for VirtualBox.18:21
m0RrEis it possible to build a kernel for a different architecture than the one you're building on?18:21
sebsebsebm0RrE: maybe, but why would you want to?18:21
m0RrEi have 64bit on my workstation, but i386 on my eee pc.. and it's so slow to build on.. :D18:22
m0RrEgot an I7 on my workstation so i thought i'd speed up the building18:22
cmv583when i tried launchpad i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/146349/18:22
kravlin_ActionParsnip: seemed to fix it... i was kinda hoping there was something i could learn to fix it.18:22
DawnLighthello. totem doesn't reckognize subtitles in a vob file. what can be done18:23
wal3When I connected my usb harddisk gnome asked me for password and I selected "save forever" - now the pw was wrong, how can I remove it?18:23
ActionParsnipkravlin_: maybe it'll be resolved in Jaunty.....18:23
ChotaZDawnLight: Vlc Player, give it a try.18:23
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
m0RrEsebsebseb: oh i googled it and found the solution :P18:23
pezdssdfsewei need help migrating from suse18:23
sebsebsebm0RrE: ok good18:23
DawnLightChotaZ: i have. it doesn't play it well. it ends playback after about a second18:23
pezdssdfseweis it easy?18:24
ChotaZDawnlight: Never had problems with it, and I don't know Totem well, sorry.18:24
icanhascheezburgdoes anyone here run the newest ati drivers18:24
krychekanyone has an idea why doesnt gutsy offer me an option to upgrade to hardy?18:25
icanhascheezburgdo a clean install never upgrade18:25
DawnLightwhat's the easiest way to get a remote desktop session gong?18:25
sebsebsebDawnLight: with who?18:25
paul68icanhascheezburg: I use version 8.54.318:25
DawnLightwith a friend18:25
Chancer1hello everyone. I'm trying to install Ubuntu with Wubi, but it's not working. Can you help me?18:25
sebsebseb!vnc |  DrawnLight18:25
ubottuDrawnLight: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:25
icanhascheezburgpaul68, do they still suck for 3D ???18:25
paul68icanhascheezburg: I don't have any problem but I am not into gaming either sorry18:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notacommand18:26
Mike_lifeguardargh, you're supposed to point me to your braiiiin18:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:26
usr13krychek: What does lsb_release -a  say?18:27
krychekusr13: i cant copy paste now, but it says 7.10 gutsy18:27
grawityMike_lifeguard: btw, you can /query ubottu, and send commands there.18:27
Mike_lifeguardfound it :)18:27
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
Chancer1guys, I installed Wubi, it copied Ubuntu files to "D:\ubuntu", but when I restart there's no boot option.18:27
Chancer1it loads windows withou options18:28
krycheki dont wanna do a clean install18:28
sebsebsebChancer1: ok  for various reasons Wubi isn't recommend by a lot of more experiened Ubuntu users18:28
tlm2024how do you upgrade python 2.5.2 to 2.6 ?18:28
RebekahI have a question about pcmcia support in ubuntu?18:28
Chancer1but I just wanna try ubuntu18:28
sebsebsebChancer1: understood18:28
thejames2003hey sebesebseb18:28
thejames2003ive got my thing now18:29
sebsebsebChancer1: ok pm me18:29
Chancer1and using live cd kinda suck18:29
ChotaZIs there a way to completly backup my Ubuntu instalation (packages,dependancies,etc) so I can recover it after installing XP?18:29
sebsebsebChancer1: yeah I know18:29
thejames2003umm you wanna private message me first18:29
thejames2003i dont know how to use this crappy irc client18:29
ActionParsnipChancer1: install to a usb stick is my advice18:29
thejames2003did that work?18:29
ActionParsnipthejames2003: /msg <person> hi18:29
thejames2003#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),18:29
thejames2003#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub18:29
thejames2003#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.18:29
thejames2003## default num18:29
FloodBot1thejames2003: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:29
ActionParsnipthejames2003: its the same in most clients18:30
Mike_lifeguardre-partitioning the disc will always erase everything right?18:30
Rebekahi was wondering if ubuntu supported the D-Link DWA-652 pcmcia wireless net adapter18:30
ActionParsnipRebekah: run lspci to identify the chip inside18:30
Mike_lifeguardie the stuff in my windows partition will be gone18:30
BodsdaHi, i had a iso file in my home folder, i deleted it then i deleted the file out of the trash. is there anyway of recovering the file?18:30
ChotaZAethelRed: How can I backup my uubntu instalation? (Dependancies and packages)?18:31
tlm2024hi all, how do you upgrade python 2.5.2 to 2.6 ?18:31
stuckeyHello, I'm trying to run Quake4 and I get this error: ./quake4.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:31
Rebekahi dont have it yet ... im trying to determine whether or not to buy it18:31
thejames2003sorry bout that18:31
Rebekahbecause my laptops internal card died18:31
usr13krychek: Did you try CLI?  e.g. sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?18:31
Mike_lifeguardRebekah: I imagine you'll have to look that up in the docs18:32
usr13krychek: If so, what error do you get?  If not... try it and see.18:32
g4lt-lappyRebekah, grey tihg, chunky end?  I think that's a atheros.  if it is, you're golden18:32
ActionParsnipstuckey: sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; apt-file search libSDL-1.2.so.018:32
ActionParsnip!hcl | Rebekah18:33
ubottuRebekah: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:33
g4lt-lappycareful, the one I had had some issues with suspend18:33
camelreefgood evening from Scotland18:33
g4lt-lappyof course, theis was some years ago, so YMMV18:33
DreamgliderGood evening folks.18:34
=== emma_ is now known as Bodsda
NemomnisHi everybody, I'm trying to install Opera with its packet, but Packet Installator says that I already have another application opened! How can I close it?18:34
zloogHello nerds18:34
camelreefwill 9.04 not be able to support iPhone/iPod Touch outside of GTKpod because of the move from Amarok 1.4 to 2.0?18:34
BodsdaHi, i had a .iso file which i deleted and then deleted again from trash, now i realise i need that file -- is there anyway of recovering it?18:34
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paul68!attitude |zloog18:34
ubottuzloog: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:34
krychekusr13: dist-upgrade just says 0 updated, 0 installed, 0 removed, 0 not updated18:34
zloogcamelreef: Is amarok dropping ipod support ???18:35
usr13krychek: Try:  sudo aptitude update ; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade18:35
ActionParsnipzloog: hopefully18:35
TokenekieIs there a way to compare STRINGS "less than or equal to" in bash script?18:35
camelreefzloog, not really, but the iPhone/iPod Touch is a special case18:35
Acer_ExtensaIs this a good forum for asking for help with problems with Ubuntu?18:36
zloogBodsda: I think it is really hard to do18:36
PiciAcer_Extensa: This is the official Ubuntu support channel... so yes.18:36
krychekusr13: 0 packages to be updated18:36
paul68Acer_Extensa: ask away18:36
TokenekieIs there a way to compare STRINGS "less than or equal to" in bash script?18:36
* camelreef find that rate quite frantic here....18:36
usr13krychek: Try:  sudo aptitude dist-upgrade18:36
Bodsdazloog, think? what are your thoughts based upon?18:36
zloogBodsda: http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html18:36
NemomnisHi everybody, I'm trying to install Opera with its packet, but Packet Installator says that I already have another application opened! How can I close it?18:37
krychekusr13: thats what i tried18:37
usr13krychek: Try:  sudo apt-get install -f18:37
botux1hey all18:37
TokenekieIs there a way to compare STRINGS "less than or equal to" in bash script?18:37
camelreefoh well, too much too fast, too m any repeats18:37
usr13krychek: This machine is connected to the internet, right?18:37
krychekusr13: yes, of course18:38
ubottutokenekie: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:38
botux1hey usr13 thanks for your help last night18:38
Guest7154I have a problem that I hope you can help me solve. I've got a computer without screen or keyboard, I want to see what's on the HDD's from my laptop. What can I do?18:38
zloogTokenekie: What kind of ordering do you want?18:38
botux1and this mornign18:38
krychekusr13: install -f doesnt help either, there are no updates18:38
zchi am kinda baffled here18:38
g4lt-lappyGuest7154, ssh in, look around.  scp files you need off18:38
=== allquixotic_ is now known as allquixotic
Acer_ExtensaUsing the "dir" command within smbclient, I can only see the first 500 files in a folder containing many files. Any ideas on how I could fix that?18:39
ShockTokenekie: string1 < string2 True if string1 sorts before string2 lexicographically in the current locale.18:39
ActionParsnipkrychek: sudo apt-get upate; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:39
zchi can ping normaly, i can resolve hostnames normaly, i can ftp normaly, but if i try to ssh to any domain it says name or service not known18:39
julian__hi how can i set the /dev/ttyUSB0 so that i can read out data with cat?18:39
zchany idea?18:39
botux1have everything running great now on ubuntu 8.10 but cant install kde18:39
botux1keeps saying kde isnt avail for my system18:39
macman_install gnome18:39
ShockAcer_Extensa: how about if you use "ls"?18:39
ActionParsnipzch: can you ssh to ip addresses?18:39
zchyes i can18:40
Rebekahthank u18:40
allquixoticHey, is there any way I can run *every* interactive shell command inside an instance of screen and immediately attach to it, without using any added syntax? I have flaky wifi that keeps dropping me and I need to run commands over ssh that won't just die if I get knocked off.18:40
Acer_Extensasame thing, shock. If I use firefox smb:// to try to view the files, it still only shows the first 500, too.18:40
zchif i for example first resolve then ssh to ip it works normally18:40
ActionParsnipzch: you could try adding some public DNSes to /etc/resolv.conf18:40
grawityzch: do you have a file 'config' in your ~/.ssh/ directory?18:40
krychekActionParsnip: it just says there are no packages to be updated18:40
zchActionParsnip: already did, i can resolve everything normally, i just do nslookup and resolve everything18:41
zchgrawity: let me check18:41
Acer_ExtensaI am using easy peasy (based on Ubuntu UNR) and I am not sure if the problem is being caused by the operating system or by smbclient. Can you think of a way to isolate it to one or the other?18:41
Guest7154g4lt-lappy: How do I "ssh in"? I'm not at all experienced with networks.18:41
Tokenekiezloog: The files are listed alphabetically so I have a loop comparing each file to see if it is less than or equal to itself in ascii18:41
Tokenekiezloog: But what I have found so far is that comparing strings like [[ "$file1" <= "$file2 ]] will not work since <= is not an operator in double brackets?18:41
Tokenekie+ "18:41
ActionParsnipkrychek: then you have the latest apps on the set of repos ni /etc/apt/sources.list18:41
zchgrawity: no there is no config file only known_hosts18:41
ActionParsnipzch: have you configured a firewall18:41
TokenekieShock: I keep running into commands that compare the contents of the file instead of the file name when I use some kinds of comparisons in script18:42
krychekActionParsnip: my gutsy is up to date18:42
zchActionParsnip: nope18:42
TokenekieShock: I'm unsure as to your complete syntax for string1 < string218:42
grawityzch: hmm. What command do you use for connections -- simply 'ssh some.host'?18:42
leafs911hey i have a question about webcam drivers...i am new to linix, just switched from xp yesterday to ubuntu 8.10....my problem is with my webcam driver...i have obtained the driver from the internet but i have no clue how to install it....the instruction which came with the driver dont make sense to me....so if some cane please point me to the right direction it would be great....thanks18:42
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour18:42
zchgrawity: yeah18:42
Tokenekiezloog: It lagged a little, did you recieve my last 3 responses?18:42
ShockTokenekie: the syntax is exactly that: string1 < string218:42
zchgrawity: i used that normally for years now, everything worked, no idea what could have happened18:43
Mike_lifeguardleafs911: what documentation? It might make sense to someone else18:43
zloogTokenekie: < and > should work i think, but #bash is a better place to get bash support18:43
botux1i have gnome installed but i wanted to be able to try out kde18:43
ActionParsnipkrychek: gutsy is NEARLY dead18:43
grawityzch: And ftp, ping, telnet - they all work?18:43
TokenekieShock: so:   if $file1 <= $file2  ?18:43
zloogTokenekie: Can I ask what you want to do with those filenames?18:43
zchgrawity: that machine is accessible from web, i run several services on it, i can ssh to it normally, and yeah ftp ping telnet everything works18:43
zchoh wait18:43
krychekActionParsnip: i know..18:43
zchtelnet doesnt work18:43
zchbut ping and ftp do18:43
krychekbut upgrade should be possible18:43
Tokenekiezloog: Im comparing them to see if file2 is less than or equal to file 1. I have two FOR loops comparing every single file in a directory18:44
Acer_ExtensaBut I know it can access all of the files in the share. "dir" shows the files with filenames through d, but "dir e*" will show all of the files with filenames beginning with e, not included in the first 500.18:44
zchtelnet gives me could not resolve domain.com name or service not known18:44
RedMushroomwhat's the command that i need to use to get rid of a .gz on the end of a d/l?18:44
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
leafs911Mike_lifeguard: its txt file it says: "to install18:44
leafs911you need libjpeg libsdl  SDL_image18:44
leafs911if you use rpm packages don't forget the devel one :)"18:44
Tokenekiezloog: Im trying to prevent doubling my efforts in comparing files18:44
ActionParsnipzch: ftp and telnet both use tcp so its not that18:44
digitalexploitzch do you have a valid gateway and dns?18:44
Mike_lifeguardleafs911: ok, maybe that makes sense to someone, but not to me either XD18:45
zchdigitalexploit: yes18:45
leafs911oh all right thanks anyways18:45
digitalexploitzch have you flushed iptables? "iptables --flush"18:45
botux1when i go to add/remove and try to install kde it says kde cannot be installed on your computer type i38618:45
grawityRedMushroom: if it's a .tar.gz, simply use:   tar xf somefile.tar.gz   (this will remove .tar too)18:45
Mike_lifeguardgauravkittz: You should simply ask your question. If someone can answer it they will do so.18:45
zchdigitalexploit: just did, still same18:45
RedMushroomgrawity: thanks!18:46
grawityRedMushroom: Otherwise (if it's not a .tar), try:   gunzip somefile.gz18:46
botux1either the vendor requires special hardware orvendor decided not to support your computer type18:46
orontopls can someone help me here, my volume control recorder is always disabled, even when i enable it, it will switch back to disabled thereby preventing me from hearing any voice on skype...i will appreciate your help please.18:46
usr13krychek: update-manager --dist-upgrade     should fource the update manager to check for new distro release.18:46
zchdigitalexploit: trying to add some more pub dns servers to resolv.conf, should i restart networking after adding more servers?18:46
digitalexploitzch so you cant resolv anything?18:46
ActionParsnipbotux: KDE 4.2.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.218:46
digitalexploitzch yes18:46
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zloogTokenekie: Hrm, I'd ask #bash really18:46
zchdigitalexploit: i resolve everything normaly when i do nslookup18:46
jess3my computer doesn't load any graphical interfaces18:46
botux1ActionParsnip: how do i get ti18:47
zchthats whats confusing me18:47
Tokenekiezloog: Okay, Ill ask there, thanks18:47
digitalexploitzch thats ip not hostname most of the time18:47
botux1ive been on that site18:47
krychekusr13: it says that my system is uptodate18:47
ActionParsnipbotux1: are you running intrepid?18:47
grawitydigitalexploit: but DNS is working - nslookup works.18:47
botux1how do i tell18:47
krychekand no updates are available18:47
ActionParsnipbotux1: lsb_release -c18:47
anon__hey all18:47
botux1running 8.10 not sure what yopu mean18:47
digitalexploitzch can you ping
digitalexploitthats google.com18:47
ActionParsnipbotux1: 8.10 == intrepid18:48
botux1ok is that a bad thing?18:48
zchyes its google18:48
ActionParsnipbotux1: click that link and follow the guide18:48
pascaljoin #ubuntu-de18:48
ActionParsnipbotux1: no its great18:48
zchi can ping google by hostname too18:48
digitalexploitzch have you tried DNS <- public dns18:48
regjavaI am unable to connect to wifi networks from ubuntu live18:48
botux1ok cool ill read it18:48
regjavait detects all the network but cant connect to any18:48
fariaplz guide i cant play youtube18:48
gaurav_kittzim new to irc and wanna know smthing about ubuntu. Can sm1 help me please?18:49
orontopls can someone help me here, my volume control recorder is always disabled, even when i enable it, it will switch back to disabled thereby preventing me from hearing any voice on skype...i will appreciate your help please.18:49
zchdigitalexploit: let me try18:49
hemanthAny MOTU here , plz  help me packing this : http://nsl10.csie.nctu.edu.tw/download/NCTUns-allinone-linux-
ActionParsnipbotux1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98272618:49
CrawfordComeauxHow can I mount a 1TB external drive in 8.10 liveCD?18:49
botux1actionparsnip: says its avail for kubuntu whats that?18:49
usr13 regjava Are any of them open networks?18:49
CrawfordComeauxIt doesn't seem to be formatted using ntfs.18:49
g4lt-lappywell, yeah, NTFS has issues with TB drives IIRC18:50
digitalexploitzch, is the NIC onboard or a card or USB? wired or wireless?18:50
ActionParsnipbotux1: kubuntu = (ubuntu - gnome - metacity) + (kde + kwin)18:50
anon__hey guys, is anyone in here using a mini laptop?18:50
jess3how do i reinstall standard drivers after deleting them ?18:50
botux1oh ok18:50
zchit's PCI NIC18:50
regjavano , not open18:50
regjavathey are wep one's18:50
digitalexploitzch you might try to put it in another pci slot to have ubuntu reset it18:50
zchdigitalexploit: but this worked for ages, first time i have problem with this all of a sudden18:50
krychekis it possible to do a dist upgrade with an ubuntu cd in the drive?18:51
santiago_i cant open rar files18:51
deanyanon__, me18:51
g4lt-lappykrychek, through apt-cd, yes18:51
grawityzch: have you tried rebooting? (I know that's a very windows-ey suggestion, but it does help.)18:51
hemanthbest way to test a package after building is ?18:51
fosco__!rar | santiago_18:51
santiago_in add/remove programs i cant get the rar manager18:51
ubottusantiago_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:51
usr13krychek: Look at /etc/lsb-release   and see if it gives your current Release #18:51
digitalexploitzch try turning off iptables service18:51
zchgrawity: lol i didnt, rebooting never occurs to me18:51
lejameshow do i figure out which partition or the location of XP is on my computer18:51
digitalexploitzch, or any firewall services even if you arent using them18:52
lejamesive edited my grub menu,  but the location of (hd0,0) is incorrect18:52
krychekusr13: 7.1018:52
digitalexploitlejames, IDE or SATA  hard drive?18:52
zchdigitalexploit: all firewalls and similar disabled18:52
santiago_!info unrar-free18:52
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB18:52
digitalexploitzch ok, still cant get out?18:52
usr13krychek: Look at /etc/apt/sources.list and see if you see a problem there...18:53
zchdigitalexploit: no, but there is this weird thing18:53
usr13krychek: Post it on pastebin for us to look at.18:53
zchafter i restarted network, i noticed that resolv.conf was reverted18:53
digitalexploitzch, love to get my hands on that machune :)18:53
zchto point to my router only18:53
zchif you want i can give you access18:53
usr13krychek: Can you pastebin your sources.list for us to see?18:54
sequethinif i right click a file on my desktop and add notes in the notes tab... where is that metadata stored? does it become part of the file?18:54
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:54
botux1actionparsnip: that guiode assumes you have older vers of kde installed18:54
krychekusr13: yes, one minute18:54
usr13krychek: sudo apt-get install pastebinit   If you don't have it already...18:54
santiago_!info unrar-free18:55
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB18:55
digitalexploitzch imcoming ssh works?18:55
zchdigitalexploit: yes18:55
digitalexploitzch interesting18:55
usr13krychek: apt-get is working for  you, right?18:55
digitalexploitzch I can take a look18:55
Mike_lifeguardWhy do you need to defrag before re-partitioning your HD (to do a dual boot) if it's all getting erased anyways?18:55
zchpmed you18:55
krychekusr13: apt-get is working, i just had a linux kernel upgrade18:55
Mike_lifeguardand... if it's all getting erased by re-partitioning, then won't Windows disappear into oblivion too?18:56
edsmaffsMike: Repartitioning doesn't eliminate Windows18:56
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usr13krychek: What do you mean?  Did you install a custom kernel from outside the package tree?18:56
Mike_lifeguardedsmaffs: but it will eliminate all my files?18:56
ActionParsnipbotux1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=982726  doesnt, it tells you to add a repo then install the kde18:56
edsmaffsShouldn't do18:56
mar2hi there, during start up when ubuntu is checking the file systems i am getting an error after which it requests that the file system needs to be repaired manually. Could anyone help me out in solving this issue? It would be much appreciated.18:57
santiago_where do i get unrar-free from?18:57
edsmaffsBut if you haven't defragged, any files at the end of the primary partition will be deleted18:57
krychekusr13: no, not custom kernel18:57
usr13krychek: or was that a kernel upgrad from the  normal pcakage manager upgrade function?18:57
Mike_lifeguardok... well all the docs about re-partitioning say "omg, you'll lose everything so make sure to backup your files"18:57
Mike_lifeguardwhich is... "misleading"18:57
krychekusr13: yes, normal upgrade, i had kernel upgrade on my intrepid system today as well18:57
botux1Actionparsnip: thnaks i saw the the other link you sent the one you just gave me is better18:57
edsmaffsjust make sure you don't use up all the space18:58
edsmaffsand if you're on Vista, only repartition from within Vista18:58
krychekusr13: http://pastebin.com/d594fea25 here is the sources.list18:58
Mike_lifeguardno, XP, which I guess can live with partitions made by the installer18:58
ActionParsnipbotux1: np bro18:58
edsmaffsyeah, should be fine18:58
botux1actionparsnip: it says to add but doesnt tell me where to add it atlol18:58
krycheki made it minimal18:58
santiago_can some1 tell me how to unrar files!?18:59
ActionParsnipbotux1: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list18:59
ActionParsnip!rar | santiago_18:59
ubottusantiago_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free18:59
tulexxcan anyone give me a clue what could i do with:18:59
tulexx WARNING **: AT_SPI_REGISTRY was not started at session startup.18:59
edsmaffssantiago_: you need unrar-free, use package manager to get it18:59
santiago_i dont see it on the package manager18:59
botux1Actionparsnip: is there a way to add it using the gui not very good with command prompt18:59
santiago_i've searched for it18:59
botux1im ok but slow lol18:59
Mike_lifeguardActionParsnip: what's the free alternative to rar anyways?18:59
edsmaffsyou have got all sources enabled? check unrar18:59
bhendanyone know how to get out of a "screen inside of a screen"19:00
sequethinMike_lifeguard: tar.bz2 ?:)19:00
ActionParsnip!info unrar-free19:00
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB19:00
lejameshello.  i did this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto    got to step 6.  and where it says (hd0,0) is the most common but you may need to adjust19:00
krychekusr13: im burning hardy right now, do you know how can i do a dist-upgrade from a cd?19:01
lejameshow do i figure out what I need to adjust it to?19:01
Mike_lifeguardsequethin: what about gzip?19:01
RedMushroomwhen running the command ./configure on an extracted .tar.gz directory, i'm getting an error saying "C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sainity check" and it won't let me run the make command. anyone know how to fix this?19:01
mar2hi, would someone mind helping me to repair my file system manually? I am having an issue on startup that is asking for me to do this. thanks in advance19:01
santiago_i dont see "unrar"19:01
Mike_lifeguardwhich may or may not be something totally unrelated :P19:01
santiago_i search for it19:01
CrawfordComeauxso anyone know how to mount a 1TB external Western Digital HD?19:01
sequethinMike_lifeguard: tar+gzip or tar+bzip2 are both alternatives to rar19:01
botux1ActionParsnip: is there a way to add it in gui im slow with the command prompt19:01
Mike_lifeguardok, cool19:01
mib_tpyh5kjhi need help, i updated to the latest kernel and now my wifi dont work19:01
sequethinMike_lifeguard: but gzip and bzip2 are only compressors, you still need tar to keep the directory structure19:01
usr13krychek: I think you may be missing some repos19:01
ActionParsnipbotux1: well i gave you the command, you  can copy / paste the command19:02
usr13krychek: Don't see gutsy-security main19:02
usr13krychek: Is that the whole file?19:02
Mike_lifeguardsequethin: /me lies: "Yes, I knew that" >_>19:02
usr13krychek: Are you restricted to CLI on this machine?19:02
krychekusr13: i tried to remove all repos but one19:02
krychekusr13: no i have full access19:02
sequethinMike_lifeguard: haha another alternative would be to create a loopback disk image with whatever file system you wanted, and the compress that :)19:02
jess3how do i reinstall standard drivers after deleting them ?19:03
botux1actionparsnip: lol copy and paste it where?19:03
RedMushroomwhen running the command ./configure on an extracted .tar.gz directory, i'm getting an error saying "C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sainity check" and it won't let me run the make command. anyone know how to fix this?19:03
Mike_lifeguardsequethin: maybe, but that sounds scary XD19:03
ActionParsnipbotux1: into a terminal, its a terminal command19:03
usr13krychek: Ok you may need to add some.... Let me look around just a bit.19:03
Mike_lifeguardI don't really need to know, was just curious19:03
usr13krychek: Do you have GUI on it?19:03
sequethinMike_lifeguard: that's pretty extreme but if you're making an iso image it's basically the same thing19:03
botux1oh ok19:03
mib_tpyh5kjhi need help, i updated to the latest kernel and now my wifi dont work19:03
krychekusr13: yes, i have GUI19:03
CrawfordComeauxI'm not sure what the fs is on the external 1TB hd and don't really want to load it up in windows because I suspect it may have a virus on it.  Any suggestions on how to get it mount under 8.10 livecd?19:03
sequethinMike_lifeguard: i'll shut up about it now :)19:03
botux1AtionParsnip: how do you open a terminal19:04
usr13krychek: krychek Do you know how to add repositories?19:04
botux1Actionparsnip: lol just teasing19:04
krychekusr13: im readding all repos now, but it wont work..19:04
Mike_lifeguardsequethin: or you could remind me what I'll have to do after installing intrepid to get mp3 and other similarly-evil file formats to work :)19:04
mib_tpyh5kjhbotux1: goto application>Accesories>terminal or if in one File>open tab19:05
sequethinhahah that information is easily available. actually i use amarok because i love it and when i try to open an mp3 file with amarok the first tiem it says "omg u have no mp3 support, wanna get it?" and i say yes, and it gets it :)19:05
botux1was just teasing lol19:05
ActionParsnipbotux1: next time, don't19:05
botux1lol ok sorry19:06
usr13krychek: http://pastebin.ca/138507719:06
jess3how do i reinstall standard drivers after deleting them ?19:06
Mike_lifeguardsequethin: thanks - sounds good to me... I guess something similar will happen for video codecs?19:06
usr13krychek: You may need those ^^19:06
botux1ActionParsnip: add to the bottom of the file19:06
mib_tpyh5kjhi need help on getting my wifi back up after updating last night it stop working19:06
Mike_lifeguardnow to figure out if my mp3 player can become an ogg vorbis player :P19:06
Mike_lifeguardwhich would be ... fucking awesome19:07
sequethinMike_lifeguard: hopefully :)19:07
mib_tpyh5kjhsomeone help plz :(19:07
mib_tpyh5kjhdoes anyone have a madwifi file as the site is not working19:08
deanythat was the strangest thing just happend..  my system has no problems, then just out of the blue i had a few progs open, normal day to day stuff, i was using a vbox machine, and i shut it down, while it shut down i wanted to make another one so I ran the vbox frontend program, (i close it when using a vm) and my screen went black and the gdm login screen loaded up waitin for me to login.19:08
RedMushroomwhat does the command "sudo apt-get install" do?19:08
ActionParsnipbotux1: cool, run: sudo apt-get update before installing whatever it says19:08
usr13krychek: And then you have to do: sudo apt-get update19:08
botux1ActionParsnip: whichsection do i add the line to19:09
pjacksonHow do I find out which package provided a file?19:09
botux1Actionparsnip there are a few sections to add to19:09
deanyi went thru all the Ctrl alt F1-F7,  nothing, so its wasnt using an extra tty, and all the programs i had loaded arent loaded (looked in system monitor).  very odd.19:09
usr13krychek: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade19:09
ActionParsnipbotux1: add the repo address to the bottom of the file, save and exit it19:09
botux1ok cool19:09
botux1thought so but wasnt sure19:09
krychekusr13: no luck.. still no upgrade button19:11
mib_tpyh5kjhdoes anyone have a madwifi file as the site is not working19:11
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ActionParsnipbotux1: doesnt matter where it is in that file as long as its on its own line19:11
botux1ActionParsnip: im getting GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 778978B00F7992B019:13
botux1 when i run that command19:13
usr13krychek: Heck I don't know...19:13
krychekusr13: im trying to upgrade from cd now..19:13
botux1then it says ActionParsnip: the it says You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems19:14
asdf_n00bI can't get the flash plug-in to work in Firefox..  installed from synaptic but nothing.19:14
bkkis it correct that KDE is prettier than GNOME?19:14
barfI have install ubuntu 8.10 with bluez-sixaxis the ps3, it worked one time, but after reboot, I am not able to control the keyboard or mouse after the point of putting in the password in gdm19:14
barfii  bluez-sixaxis                        0,98-falktx1                            Bluetooth tools and daemons - sixaxis module19:14
barfii  bluez-sixaxis-bin                    0.1-falktx0                             Bluetooth tools and daemons - sixaxis module19:14
botux1errr my typing is horrible today lol19:14
ActionParsnipbotux1: its because you havent got a gpg key for the new server, its ok though19:14
barfIt appears to me like there is a timeout of some sort?19:14
botux1oh ok do i need to do anything else then19:14
usr13bkk: No. Just different not better.  It's mostly just a matter of taste.19:15
RedMushroomisn't proftpd supposed to have a GUI?19:15
bkkty usr1319:15
usr13RedMushroom: No19:15
RedMushroomusr13: shoot. anyone know of a FTP server that has a GUI for ubunto?19:15
usr13RedMushroom: proftpd is an ftp server19:15
Mike_lifeguardAre any of MP3, WMA, non-protected AAC, WAV and Audible 2,3 and 4 free file formats that intrepid will support without adding anything19:15
RedMushroomusr13: yeah, i'm looking for one that has a gui19:15
usr13RedMushroom: No19:15
Mike_lifeguard(ie, I know you can add mp3 support if you want... but what if I don't want?)19:15
RedMushroomso none of them have a gui?19:15
karsten_hello, i' ve got a problem. how can i see, which device in /dev/ my USB-Stick is?19:16
usr13RedMushroom: That is correct.  But not sure what a GUI would do for you...???19:16
mar2hi all. I need to repair a file system manually...can someone please help19:16
PhotoJimis there a known bug with Intrepid about USB?  there is a kernel warning about ehci_hcd and uhci_hcd driver loading order, but the stock kernel loads the 1.1 driver before 2.0.  that seems to force the 2.0 controller to run at 1.1 speeds.  the 1.1 is integrated on my server so removing it is not really an option, nor desirable.19:16
RedMushroomjust make it easier to use.19:16
mgolischkarsten_: maybe check dmesg or run sudo fdisk -l and compare sizes19:16
karsten_ok thanks, i try it19:16
usr13RedMushroom: From the client you mean?19:16
RedMushroomno, for the ftp server admin19:17
usr13RedMushroom: To use???     Or do you mean to configure?19:17
RedMushroombasically, think rapache for an ftp server19:17
deanyRedMushroom, proftpd has a gui.19:17
usr13RedMushroom: ? rapache ?19:17
usr13deany: Really>?19:17
RedMushroomdeany: got proftp installed, not sure how to find the gui19:17
botux1im trying to install kde 4.2 and i added a source per the link ActionParsnip gave me can some one help me with the next step?19:18
asdf_n00bso no one's had problems with Flash in firefox??19:18
santiagohey guys, i downloaded a 4 files, all of them .rar containing parts of an .iso file.... now i want to get this iso into a cd... but i cant extract and manage to save it, any idea how to do it?19:18
RedMushroomusr13: yeah, it's a simple little gui program that'll just do things like start and stop apache, and allow you to specify which dir to serv out of19:18
mib_tpyh5kjhdoes anyone have this version madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz saved on there computer that they could pass to me ???19:19
botux1can someone help me with kde 4.219:19
Shockmib_tpyh5kjh: have you tried to search through archive.org?19:19
sebsebsebbotux1: get the ppa for it and install19:19
sebsebsebbotux1: add the ppa repo and yeah19:19
botux1sebsebseb: ppa?19:20
sebsebsebbotux1: instructions on the kubuntu site19:20
mib_tpyh5kjhShock: no i will try now19:20
sebsebsebbotux1: your trying to install kde4.2 in 8.10?19:20
botux1i added a source but dont know what to do next19:20
antiican I get my ATI HD4870 working with ubuntu?19:20
sebsebsebbotux1: 8.10  only has  kde4.1 by default19:20
botux1sebsebseb: yes19:20
mib_tpyh5kjhshock: nope dont have it19:20
botux1right but it wont work19:20
usr13deany: deany RedMushroom Well, proftp does not HAVE a gui.  There is a GUI application that someone has created to use on proftpd19:20
sebsebsebbotux1: it's kind of pointless bothering to put kde4.2  into 8.10 now, with 9.04 just round the corner with kde4.2 in the repo by default19:21
RedMushroomusr13: yeah, i'm wanting to install that i guess19:21
deanyhe asked for a gui, i gave him one.19:21
botux1when i go to add/remove it gives me an error whe i tryu to install kde19:21
antiianyone knows?19:21
deanythe origin of it is not my concern :)19:21
usr13deany: RedMushroom I suppose all it does is start and stop proftpd right?19:21
botux1actionparsnip told me to install kde 4.219:21
sebsebsebbotux1: why?19:21
deanyive never actually used it ).. its easy enough without19:22
usr13deany: RedMushroom Because, that's all there would be to do is start or stop it.  Right?19:22
Xcellwhy not just install kubuntu...way less headaches19:22
botux1caus ei couldnt get kde 4.1 to install19:22
barfI have installed ubuntu 8.10 with bluez-sixaxis the ps3, it worked one time, but after reboot, I am not able to control the keyboard or mouse after the point of putting in the password in gdm19:22
barf$ dpkg -l |grep six19:22
barfii  bluez-sixaxis                        0,98-falktx1                            Bluetooth tools and daemons - sixaxis module19:22
barfii  bluez-sixaxis-bin                    0.1-falktx0                             Bluetooth tools and daemons - sixaxis module19:22
barfWhat could be the problem?19:22
FloodBot1barf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:22
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sebsebsebXcell: why not just  install 9.04 when it's released and have KDE 4.2 in the repo by default, less head aches :D19:22
botux1sebsebseb: i keep getting an error19:22
TeslaHow do I shot web?19:22
Aethelredbarf: you chose the correct nick.19:22
deanyusr13, its a gui to setup the server19:22
sebsebseboh and people should clean install for 9.04 really,  well if they want Ext419:22
=== tower is now known as Guest53913
Xcellgood point.. i have not tried 9.04 yet... maybe this weekend.19:23
barfAethelred: Is it a problem that I chose the right nick?19:23
sebsebsebXcell: not yet19:23
antiidoes hd4870 work with ubuntu?19:23
sebsebsebXcell: April 23rd is the release date19:23
Aethelredbarf: no, it's a problem that you're barfing stuff onto the channel  :)19:23
usr13deany: RedMushroom Ok19:23
sebsebsebXcell: and for the main feature Ext4 suppourt, you need to clean install really, since Ext3 can only be upgraded to partial suppourt19:23
barfAethelred: But social pornography is OK?19:23
Xcellim still on my (flawless) 7.10 with all the goodies operating @ a 100% rating..lol19:24
sebsebsebXcell: yeah Gutsy was nice, no longer supourted though19:24
Xcellya... 2 bad..19:24
Aethelredbarf: I'm pretty sure that this discussion is already too existential to be on-topic. Cheers.19:24
sebsebsebbotux1: KDE 4.2  no point bothering now, you see why19:24
botux1sebsebseb: if i could get kde 4.1 to install that would be fine but it keeps giving me an error19:24
imachine_hey, is there any way to make NetworkManager connect automatically to VPN once I start a network connection?19:24
Xcellback to work i go..bbiab19:25
barfAethelred: I apologize for following your derail19:25
sebsebsebbotux1: clean install  in a few weeks do 9.04 with Ext4, and have KDE 4.2 in the repo by default19:25
fariai cant play youtube19:25
fariaplz guide19:25
botux1sebsebseb: didnt really wann wait 3 weeks for it19:25
sebsebsebbotux1: what's wrong with Gnome?19:25
TeslaHow do I shot web?19:25
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:25
usr13deany: RedMushroom Interesting: http://gadmintools.flippedweb.com/19:26
botux1sebsebseb: nothing just wanted to be able to play with kde as well19:26
sebsebsebbotux1: how new are you to Ubuntu?19:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shotweb19:26
usr13deany: Thanks for correcting me.19:26
sebsebsebbotux1: and what people don't tell you is, with 8.10 and 9.04  they miss out on KDE3 :(  which was really nice indeed19:26
spaceBARbarianhow do i configure ubuntu to use the updates mirror located at my college ?19:26
botux1sebsebseb: pretty new i usually use fedora, slackware or mandriva but was told to try ubunut because its awesome so wanted to check it out19:26
tulexxdoes anyone know how to resolve problems with dasher?19:26
sebsebsebbotux1: KDE3 is nicer than KDE4,  and if you want to play with KDE3, you should do both versions :)  ,but yes not in the repo for 8.10 and 9.04,   KDE3 is in the repo for 8.04 however.  and  after all those years of development, it's ashame that good software has to stop being developed19:27
elmarcerQuestion: What linux distrubiton do you guys recommend to play around with in Virtualbox? (besides puppy)19:27
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usr13spaceBARbarian: Open System -> Administration -> Update Manager19:28
* BamHI_ is trying to connect to a VPN that requires a shared key but doesn't know where to put the shared key19:28
botux1sebsebseb: lol i justr wanna get a version of kde to work lol19:28
Lartza_How do I see what eth m pci cards are?19:28
botux1sebsebseb: always a shame when stellar software is stopped19:28
spaceBARbarianusr13: i looked at that but my school's mirror is not listed and it won't let me define one19:28
elmarcerLartza: lspci doesnt work?19:28
Guest15485hey guys.........I have just installed Ubuntu and I am trying my best to get the Beryl installed and I am getting repository issues with unmet dependencies......is there anyone here that can suggest a repository that I can use in the source.list file that would solve my problems?19:29
Lartza_I don't remember commands that good, thaks :)19:29
usr13spaceBARbarian: To add additional repositories, click the "Add" button, and enter the location of the repository in the window19:29
botux1sebsebseb: keeps saying kde4 cannot be installed on your computer type19:29
elmarcer"lspci". works (just learned that hehe :) )19:29
sebsebsebbotux1: what is your computer type?19:29
Lartza_BUt it won't tell eth numbers19:29
eqisowGuest15485: Beryl is now compiz fusion and is part of Ubuntu by default. Just turn on effects under appearance19:30
spaceBARbarianusr13: do i add deb http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-updates/19:30
botux1p4 3.99 ghz with 512mb ram19:30
usr13Lartza_: ifconfig19:30
sebsebsebbotux1: how old is your computer?19:30
botux1mmm not very old19:30
sebsebsebbotux1: 512MB RAM that could be the problem,  KDE4 is probably a lot more of a RAM hog than KDE319:30
Guest15485eqisow:  Could you please assist?  Under appearance?19:30
usr13spaceBARbarian: Yes, if that is correct path.19:30
Lartza_Thanks that worked19:31
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sebsebsebbotux1: and installing kbuuntu-desktop from the repo should have just worked19:31
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eqisowguest15485: System --> Preferences --> Appearance --> Visual Effects tab19:31
Guest15485eqisow:   It tells me that desktop effects could not be enabled.......19:31
botux1sebsebseb: couldnt find kbuntu-dekstop19:32
spaceBARbarianusr13: i added that location but how do i select it under the ubuntu software tab ?19:32
eseven73only 512 ram? ram is so cheap these days, why not upgrade? A movie and popcorn costs more :)19:32
usr13spaceBARbarian: deb http://xxx.xxxx/xxx/xx.xx hardy main19:32
eqisowGuest15485: Then the problem is lack of 3D acceleration. What card do you have?19:32
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usr13spaceBARbarian: Sorry.... but a little more to it.19:33
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spaceBARbarianright i added "deb http://carroll.aset.psu.edu/pub/linux/distributions/ubuntu/ jaunty main"19:33
=== Marius_ is now known as Marius__
Guest15485eqisow:  ATI Radeon Mobility X140019:33
spaceBARbarianusr13: right so how do i select it as my updates server ?19:33
sebsebsebbotux1: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop19:33
eqisowGuest15485: See here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI19:34
Lartza_3com vs. ADMtek?19:34
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Lartza_What should iI use to connect gateway to router and what gateway to computer19:34
=== Tenebrae is now known as Sibtenebrae
jadohi, i'm trying to install this package :  http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/dist/lablgtk-1.2.7.tar.gz but i get "/bin/sh: gtk-config: not found" when i try to make19:34
Lartza_bot 10/10019:34
Lartza_I want that gateway has faster or more reliable19:34
botux1sebsebseb: whoa its wokring19:34
sebsebsebbotux1: well I don't know what you did, but that's the  standard way to install KDE 4.119:35
SandGorgonguys.. how do I recover a file that I accidentally rm -rf ed ?19:35
groutHey guys im running jaunty beta and have enabled the default gnome vnc server.  I am able to log into the box and see the desktop but i cannot control anything, any ideas?19:35
sebsebsebbotux1: I mean don't know what your error was about before etc19:35
botux1sebsebseb: i clikced on add/remove on the bar then tried to select it19:35
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usr13spaceBARbarian: They will probably show up under the Third-Party Software Tab19:35
sebsebsebbotux1: don't use add/remove  that's for right newbies,  you want commands  or  synaptic package manager19:36
botux1yes command s would be good19:36
botux1trying to get used to command propt again been a bit since i used it19:36
spaceBARbarianusr13: right it shows up there, and i selected it, does that mean it will be also used for updates now ?19:36
TeslaTHE GAME19:37
botux1sebsebseb: kubunut=kde 4 for ubunut?19:37
sebsebsebbotux1: yeah19:37
usr13spaceBARbarian: I don't know.  I suppose it will if you un-slect the other.19:37
sebsebsebbotux1: theres Xubuntu as well which is XFCE19:37
sebsebsebbotux1: can install the other two in an Ubuntu install, just as for example,  Ubuntu could be installed into a Kubuntu install19:38
sebsebsebbotux1: under the hood and that, it's all Ubuntu19:38
barfHow can I enable XDMCP without access to the GUI?19:38
Lartza_Oh no19:38
Lartza_I pasted command and it runned it right away19:39
Lartza_How do I undo this: sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT19:39
usr13spaceBARbarian: probably should have been: deb http://xxx.xxxx/xxx/xx.xx hardy-security main19:39
mar2Hi, I have read the following thread about repairing a file system manually but i feel i'm a bit new to try this as i don't want to do anything stupid. could someone pls help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1067879&highlight=repair+file+system+manually19:39
kl87hey i have an issue every time i enable my nvidia driver i am unable to get a resolution of 1024x72819:39
barfMake a script19:39
barfsudo iptables -XF19:39
kl87i tried using ibex and now i have jaunty and still no fix19:39
Lartza_And htat does what19:39
botux1sebsebseb: awesome now i know didnt know that before19:40
barfclears the IPtable19:40
TokenekieHi, how do I sort the files in a directory such that all hidden files are listed first?19:40
barfor you could run sudo /etc/init.d/iptables19:40
usr13spaceBARbarian: And you may need to do   apt-get update   afterward.19:40
barfto set the default19:40
sebsebsebbotux1: may as well do this one as well:  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:40
Lartza_I get No chan or marker that name19:40
botux1sebsebseb: its installing openoffice and stuff too thats normal right?19:40
usr13user123: But not sure...19:40
mib_0gzlxvnki need help. my wireless is not working now, is there a way i can get the old kernel back ?19:40
Lartza_with the suod iptables -XF19:40
sebsebsebbotux1: open office comes as part of ubuntu19:40
Mike_lifeguardon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows#Planning I see "#19:40
Mike_lifeguardInstall Ubuntu. Use the Ubuntu Migration Assistant to import My Documents, Pictures, and Favorites into Ubuntu." - does that imply I can access files on my Windows partition from Ubuntu?19:40
Lartza_what is the chain?19:41
botux1sebsebseb: cool i like to swithc between all of them sometimes just to see which i like better and see the differences19:41
barfLartza_: BTW this is how to do the iptables IMO19:41
TokenekieHi, how do I sort the files in a directory such that all hidden files are listed first?19:41
barfecho "iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT" > /etc/init.d/myiptable19:41
barfsudo /etc/init.d/myiptable19:41
sebsebsebbotux1: your lacking KDE3 though :(19:41
usr13Lartza_: Yes, X is for chain19:41
botux1sebsebseb: right but it installed in the beginning when i first setup ubuntu and its uinstalling with ked19:41
unopTokenekie, within nautilus? or at the shell (bash)?19:41
Tokenekieunop: shell19:42
=== Brucee is now known as Bruceee
Tokenekieunop: bash19:42
botux1sebsebseb: i thought kde 4 was prettier19:42
Lartza_usr13: <But what is name of the "chain"19:42
barfHow can I enable XDMCP without access to the GUI?19:42
kl87anyone there used to be a command gksu display-config where i was able to fix the issue but that command does not work any more for some reason19:42
Lartza_I need to undo sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT19:42
sebsebsebbotux1: I don't like KDE4 except for some of  it's apps that I run in Gnome/Ubuntu19:42
usr13Lartza_: What chane are you trying to flush.19:42
Lartza_barf: the init.d gives command not found19:42
snakedogis there no easy way to automount harddrive?19:42
mar2Hi, I have read the following thread about repairing a file system manually but i'm new to linux and a bit nervous to try this as i don't want to do anything stupid. could someone pls help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1067879&highlight=repair+file+system+manually19:42
mib_0gzlxvnkis there a way to downgrade to the old kernel ?19:43
barfinit.d is a folder and not a command19:43
tonyyarussosnakedog: a) define the type of hard drive, b) define "automount" for your purposes.19:43
sebsebsebmib_0gzlxvnk: why would you want to?19:43
khuntI have mounted my gmail account as a free online drive its 7.2gb19:43
barfDo you type what I write or copy paste it?19:43
Lartza_barf: Both19:43
Lartza_sudo: /etc/init.d/iptables: command not found19:43
botux1sebsebseb: if you dont mind me asking which apps?19:43
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mib_0gzlxvnksebsebseb: because upgrading to the new one lastnight cause my wireless to stop working19:44
tonyyarussokhunt: which tool didy ou end up using?19:44
khuntit was dead simple19:44
barfThat’s not what I wrote...19:44
khuntin the end...19:44
barfI recommend copy/paste19:44
macman_ackup like 10 directories and leave the other rest there .. i want to make some kind of image .. how can i do this ?19:44
TokenekieHi, how do I sort the files in a directory such that all hidden files are listed first? (I do not want to ignore the "." character for files)19:44
tonyyarussokhunt: Nifty.  I tried it a long time ago, but at that stage it wasn't really usable.19:44
Lartza_"barf: or you could run sudo /etc/init.d/iptables"19:44
barfas the default iptables19:45
Lartza_doesn't work19:45
ryan__I've got two questions... One, does anyone have any ideas why my GRUB never counts down? It just sits there saying it will auto boot in 3 and never counts down.19:45
barfAre you telling me that you did not install iptables?19:45
barfDid you compile it?19:45
snakedogtonyyarusso: its a internal sata harddrive that i have backups on, i want it to mount so that windows machines can upload through samba backups to the harddrive without me having to click on the disk19:45
sebsebsebbotux1: Konversation altough that's still a KDE3 app, but they are working on a KDE4 version.   I  like Ktorrent,  and uhmmmm   I guess that's about it for KDE apps actsaully19:45
macman_i want to backup like 10 directories of a windows machine using a linux live cd .. is there anyway i can make the backup into images ?19:45
sebsebsebbotux1: KOffice is nice to, but don't have that installed19:45
Lartza_iptables command returns try -h or --help for help19:45
tonyyarussosnakedog: Mount when, just on boot?19:45
avfguyTrying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on laptop from CD, liveCD boots, install runs and quits with error to check CD, clean lens, check HD, move to cooler environment at 54%, let it cool off and it goes further (to 70+%). Can I load liveCD in one drive, then put another copy in another drive and install from there?19:45
khunttonyyarusso I just installed gmailfs from the repos edited a config file with my gmail details and used a gmail python script to mount it you can do it in fstab too but i preferr to do it manually on demand19:45
Lartza_for more information that is19:45
snakedogtonyyarusso yes19:45
sebsebsebbotux1: ah yes K3B great app19:46
mar2hi i need some help repairing a file system manually please19:46
Lartza_DAmn I really need to go19:46
tonyyarussosnakedog: Add it to the /etc/fstab file then.19:46
barfThere is a difference between the command /sbin/iptables and the script /etc/init.d/iptables19:46
mib_0gzlxvnkwould updating to ubuntu 9.4 solve my wireless problem ?19:46
Lartza_I just need fast way to undo sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT19:46
TokenekieHi, how do I sort the files in a directory such that all hidden files are listed first? (I do not want to ignore the "." character for files)19:46
sebsebsebbotux1: Konqueror is alright for web browsing19:46
FloodBot1Lartza_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:46
barf /sbin/iptables -vL19:47
danbhfivemib_0gzlxvnk: whats your problem?19:47
tonyyarussomar2: Not sure what you mean by manually, but the easiest way is to do 'sudo touch /forcefsck' and reboot, and hope the system can figure it out.19:47
barfshould give you a list of what iptables has in "minde"19:47
unopTokenekie,  perl -le 'print for sort <*>,<.*>'19:47
Lartza_So I got the chain names19:47
ryan__Does anyone have any ideas why my GRUB never counts down? It just sits there saying it will auto boot in 3 and never counts down.19:47
botux1sebsebseb: ktorrent the ebst torrent program out there for linux?19:47
mib_0gzlxvnkdanbhfive: last night there was a update for the kernels, i installed them and after restarting my wireless stop working19:47
Lartza_now -xf?19:48
julian__quick question somebody here can code c++ im in the need of a coder for some money ON a ubuntu OS ?! pls contact me by my company mail adress its about serial reading in and changing some open source project to fit my needs19:48
Tokenekieunop: thanks, Ill take a look at man perl really quick. Havnt used that yet19:48
Lartza_-XF with all the chains?19:48
khunttonyyarusso, you can follow what i did in th kuki forum http://www.kuki.me19:48
barf -XF removes everything19:48
barfman iptables19:48
Lartza_i need to specify chain19:48
sebsebsebbotux1:   Ktorrent is great,  and they really have improved the KDE4 version over the KDE3 version, same thing applys for Dolphin the new default file manager in KDE19:48
Lartza_lartza@ubuntu:~$ sudo iptables -XF19:49
Lartza_iptables: No chain/target/match by that name19:49
sebsebseb!best |  botux119:49
ubottubotux1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:49
Lartza_Woops sorry, I am real hurry(multiline paste)19:49
barfsudo iptables -vL19:49
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Lartza_barf: And it lists the chains again19:49
botux1sebsebseb: lol now if i can juts find a program to talk on google talk ill be fine19:49
usr13Lartza_: You have to specifiy the chain you want to flush.  If  you want to flush all just use -F19:49
barfHow do you set the chains usually?19:49
mib_0gzlxvnkdanbhfive: have you got any ideas on how to get it to work again ?19:50
Lartza_I only flush forward right?19:50
barfDon’t you have a script?19:50
jimdunniganim trying to install ubuntu 8.1019:50
Lartza_I haven't use iptables more than this:19:50
Lartza_sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT19:50
barfWhere did you set the rules from?19:50
jimdunniganand it takes me to a login screen when i boot to the cd!19:50
barfThen there is only19:50
barfsudo iptables -F19:50
barfsudo iptables -X19:50
jimdunniganwhy would it take me to a login screen anybody know?19:50
barfand you should be back to the beginning19:50
usr13Lartza_: Do you want to delete that rule?19:50
Syntuxany chance to load hfs (journaling is on) with rw access19:51
Lartza_usr13: I wanted to undo that command completely19:51
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mar2tonyyarusso: hey :) i read this thread which tries to explain what i should do but i'm a bit unnerved by what it could do as i'm very new to ubuntu/linux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1067879&highlight=repair+file+system+manually19:51
usr13Lartza_: iptables -D FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT19:51
Lartza_Since it had eth0 and eth1 wrong way aorund19:51
RockClimberhello, are there any ways of tricks for minimizing the effect of "traffic shaping" on broadband when using bittorrent to download isos. I leave a distro to download during the day and get back to find only 100mb downloaded, but middle of the night I get 800mb in about 20 mins.19:51
sebsebsebbotux1: Pidgin19:51
sebsebsebbotux1: for the im part of it19:51
vegombreiwhats the best dvd burning software?19:51
sebsebseb!best |  vegombrei19:52
barfSyntux: I think it’s better to mount ext3 through MacFUSE19:52
ubottuvegombrei: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:52
Lartza_usr13: thank you19:52
sebsebsebvegombrei: K3B is rather nice19:52
botux1sebsebseb: just for im part what about the other parts lol19:52
vegombreisebsebseb: sudo apt get it ?19:52
sebsebsebvegombrei: Brasero the default in Ubuntu, is pretty good as well19:52
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jimdunnigananybody ? :(19:52
sebsebsebvegombrei: yeah and it's a KDE app, so will put KDE stuff on if you don't have already19:52
epifaniohi ,  do you know the path to the log-in window image in ubuntu ?19:52
Syntuxbarf, the thing is, I have a mac hdd that I need to mount and modify and I don't have access to mac machine to turn off the journaling, so I'm looking for a way19:53
sebsebsebvegombrei: sudo apt-get install k3b19:53
tonyyarussomar2: if you're dealing with your root partition you may need to use a Live CD to accomplish this.19:53
RedMushroomhow do you uninstall a program through the command line?19:53
vegombreisebsebseb: dude im using gnome19:53
jess3sudo apt-get remove19:53
sebsebsebbotux1: the actasul  Google Talk for Windows has some other features as well19:53
usr13jimdunnigan: You are where?  At a login screen?19:53
sebsebsebvegombrei: yes and you can run KDE apps in Gnome19:53
RedMushroomjess3: any other modifiers that need to go w/ that?19:53
barfSyntux: I assume turning off the journaling is not a simple thing in HFS+, it’s not ext3 by any means19:53
RedMushroomlike, suto apt-get remove <program name>?19:54
mar2tonyyarusso: how do i check which partion it is refering to when it says /dev/sda2?19:54
jess3RedMushroom just the app name which u used to install it with19:54
botux1sebsebseb: right i just use it for chat pretty much but was thinking about using the video chat option in the future19:54
sebsebsebbotux1: sadly no suppourt for that under Linux19:54
barfWhich config file does line 3 of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3559043&postcount=2 make a change to?19:54
tonyyarussomar2: Well, once things are mounted the 'mount' or 'df' commands will show you the pairings.  Otherwise they'll probably be listed in /etc/fstab.19:54
Syntuxbarf, I understand but with their disk utility it's just a click. now I'm in a situation where i need to access it and rename some files, do you think that would be earthly possible?19:55
sebsebsebRedMushroom: sudo apt-get purge  programname  that will delete the config files as well19:55
vegombreisebsebseb: thanks dude19:55
sebsebsebvegombrei: no problem19:55
ryan__Does anyone have any ideas why my GRUB never counts down? It just sits there saying it will auto boot in 3 and never counts down.19:55
barfSyntux: I think the simplest way to do it is to make script full of mv and ask whoever needs the new names to run that script19:55
barfor maybe cp19:55
sebsebsebryan__: a bad Grub install maybe19:56
tonyyarussoryan__: does your hardware clock work outside of grub?19:56
sebsebsebryan__: maybe you should attempt to re install Grub19:56
ryan__tony: It seems to19:56
Syntuxbarf, oh that would be disaster hehe19:56
barfThen I do not know19:56
ryan__sebsebseb: Can that be done without reinstalling the entire OS?19:56
sebsebsebryan__: of course19:56
BCampbellNot real keen on Amarok, anyone have suggestion for a music player?  have 35K+ in collection, many playlists19:57
barfI only know that HFS+ is readonly from linux, unless somebody made a discovery19:57
sebsebseb!Grub | ryan__:19:57
ubotturyan__:: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:57
mar2tonyyarusso: the mount command generates this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1067879&highlight=repair+file+system+manually19:57
ryan__sebsebseb: Thanks19:57
barfMaybe run Tiger in VMWare?19:57
mar2tonyyarusso: oops19:57
jess3sebsebseb if i screwed up my video driver whats the fastest way to repair it ?19:57
mar2tonyyarusso: no it doesn't...it generates this:mark@mark-desktop:~$ mount19:57
mar2/dev/sda5 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)19:57
mar2proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)19:57
mar2/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)19:57
mar2varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)19:57
mar2varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)19:57
sebsebseb!xorg |  jess319:57
FloodBot1mar2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
ubottujess3: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:57
flacoI'm trying to get video feed in totem.. but I get this... http://dpaste.com/25748/ any ideas?19:57
=== Poseidon is now known as David1991
sebsebsebjess3: you can try restarting xorg, as well as  doing a recovery of it.  from recovery mode in the bootloader19:58
tonyyarussomar2: and you were looking for sda2?  It's not mounted right now then, so you should be able to run fsck on it without a live cd.19:58
Syntuxbarf, that would be an idea that I should dig further19:58
sebsebsebjess3: yeah recovery mode sort xorg out liket hat, and  things will work again19:58
jess3sebsebseb i mean screwed as in removed by a dumb mistake19:58
barfSyntux: That’s how I do it when I have to19:58
Lartza_I've got ubuntu gateway! :)19:58
jess3sebsebseb i mean screwed as in removed by a dumb mistake, overwritten with the driver for a wrong vid card19:58
sebsebsebjess3: well  sort out xorg in recovery mode again,and you will then have the option to put the driver back on19:59
barfBut usually I just attach the HFS+ disks to a Mac and mount them over the LAN19:59
barfor WAN if need be19:59
erUSULbarf: hfsa and hfs+ are read-write drivers in linux19:59
jess3sweet thx19:59
barferUSUL: but stable?19:59
Lartza_THank you all for helping me set it up19:59
sebsebsebjess3: yeah so good luck,  and  you need to re boot  and go into that mode19:59
barfand for production use?19:59
Lartza_Bye now19:59
=== Lartza_ is now known as Lartza_away
bo7amnyhow can i run a python script in vim ?19:59
=== gaurav is now known as gauravkittz
Syntuxbarf, Steve Jobs should invent the iLiveMac Cd hehe20:00
mar2tonyyarusso: this was amongst what was pasted: /dev/sda2 on /home type ext3 (rw,relatime). Is this refering to my linux home partition and is it unmounted?20:00
barfI can make 1 .-p20:00
barfI can make a LiveTigerDVD...20:00
tonyyarussomar2: correct20:00
erUSULbarf: dunno but this 20:57 < barf> I only know that HFS+ is readonly from linux, unless somebody made a discovery20:00
erUSULbarf: is not true as you worded it20:00
barfIt has write, but last time I checked it was strongly recommended not to do so.20:01
Syntuxbarf, make one only with their terminal and disk utilities, that would save lives20:01
barfDarwin you mean?20:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:01
mar2tonyyarusso: but if i can access files in my home folder does it not mean it is mounted?20:01
tonyyarussomar2: it would, yes.  Seems like you're giving inconsisten info.20:02
Geoffrey2hiya folks, I've recently encountered a problem where I am getting no audio when watching flash videos through Firefox (Ubuntu 8.10 / Firefox 3.0.8)20:02
tonyyarussomar2: oh, the sda2 line must have been muted by the bot.20:02
apol_hi, I am trying to configure an laptop that has an iwlagn-based wifi card and it doesn't have an interruptor for wifi but I can see in "dmesg" that the rfkill module is saying all the time that it is disabled20:02
barfHmm, one more person with the same question as me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64931420:02
apol_any clue?20:02
mar2tonyyarusso: by the way i am running xp as my primary os as i'm not quite confident enough in linux yet :)20:02
tonyyarussomar2: unmount it first, then run fsck on it.  Since it's just /home you can do it with the system up.20:03
gauravkittzcan sm1 tell me any good desktop client for identi.ca20:03
mar2tonyyarusso: oh yeah i pasted in what the mount command returned in the terminal and it sort of flooded the channel20:03
botux1sebsebseb: know a good program for pdf creation and viewing20:03
erUSULbarf: the kernel docs (kconfig help and bits under Documentation/filesystem/ do not make any warnings20:03
mar2tonyyarusso: i thought everyone could see that hence my apology20:03
sebsebseb!pdf |  botux`20:04
ubottubotux`: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)20:04
sebsebsebbotux1: above20:04
barfSyntux: erUSUL points out that the hfs_plus issue might be fixed20:04
mar2tonyyarusso: cool sounds good. how do i unmount it?20:04
botux1oh ok20:04
tonyyarussomar2: sudo umount /home20:04
adnchello, i've installed python 3 but when i start python it runs version 2.5 . how can i get python 3 to be run?20:04
* RedMushroom throws a fit and starts smashing his head on his desk20:04
tonyyarussoadnc: the command will probably be python3 or python3.020:04
tonyyarussoadnc: possibly with a hyphen - use tab-complete to se20:05
Syntuxbarf, erUSUL oh, really?20:05
mar2tonyyarusso: so the home folder definitely refers to a linux partition? I'm just worried that i do something that kills one of my xp partitions20:05
RedMushroomI HATE EVERYTHING!!!20:05
moller_How do I see if my Ubuntu is 32 bit or 64 bit?20:05
barfSyntux: you can probably compile it as a module then20:05
tonyyarussomar2: you'll be fine :)20:05
sebsebseb!release |  moller_20:05
ubottumoller_: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:05
sebsebseb!version |  moller_20:05
ubottumoller_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:05
dchernivmoller_: uname -a20:05
adnctonyyarusso: thank you, i know, but i've library that i would like to compile and the configure script is looking for python > 2.5 so it doesnt find20:05
sebsebsebdcherniv: that's only the kernel20:06
* RedMushroom has to reinstall20:06
mar2tonyyarusso: thanks :) ok it says unmount command not found20:06
erUSULSyntux: barf the only warning i see is about fs that are journaled20:06
tonyyarussoadnc: See if there's a variable you can pass to configure for the path.20:06
coz_lsb_release -a doesnt show  32 or 64 bit20:06
tonyyarussomar2: umount, not unmount - no N.20:06
ikoniacoz_: uname -a will20:06
adnctonyyarusso: thank you20:06
dchernivsebsebseb: if your kernel is 64 bit then your system is 64 bit20:06
barferUSUL: That’s the one :-)20:06
barfTold ya!20:06
moller_sebsebseb: How do I run that=?20:06
sebsebsebdcherniv: I don't think uname -r  usaully says about that, but then I am on 32bit20:07
mar2tonyyarusso: hehe sorry...ok it says home device is busy20:07
ikoniauname -m shows the arch20:07
dchernivsebsebseb: uname -a20:07
sebsebsebmoller_: in the terminal    applications > assesories > terminal20:07
ShappieCan somebody help me make a dualscreen setup with fglrx drivers? (ATi HD3850 and kubuntu 9.04)20:07
Syntuxlife sucks20:07
ikoniaShappie: 9.04 discussion in #ubuntu+1 please20:07
Shappieikonia: ok20:07
moller_Okay, so I seem to have 64 bit, as uname -m returns: 1686, right?20:07
ikoniamoller_: no20:07
Burntresistorsbackup created files i cannot move nor delete they just want to sit on my desktop  is there anything i can do about it i dont like the clutter20:07
ikoniamoller_: tell us what you have20:07
dchernivmoller_: nope thats 32bit20:07
szajbusi have problem with deskopot20:08
coz_moller_, no that is 32 bit20:08
erUSULSyntux: to mount the filesystem read writte you have to pass the "force" option to mount20:08
coz_moller_,  actually uname -m  would do it20:08
sebsebsebikonia: ok good to know20:09
coz_moller_,  and i686 is 32 bit20:09
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tonyyarussomar2: You'll need to quit the things that are using your login.  You should be able to accomplish that by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 to drop to a terminal, running 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop' to kill your X session, and then doing 'sudo -i' to become root for a while, which I think will then free up your user.20:09
erUSULSyntux: force Used to force write access to volumes that are marked as journalled or locked.  Use at your own risk.20:09
moller_Oh that's bad. When I was using Ubuntu for fun, I used Wubi and it installed 64 bit, but then I installed Ubuntu completely, and now I have 32 bit. Would I have to get a new iso for 64 bit?20:09
tonyyarussomar2: If that doesn't work you can reboot into single-user mode instead.20:09
coz_moller_,  yes20:09
moller_Wubi 64 bit worked fine.20:09
SyntuxerUSUL, what's the worse thing that would happen ?20:09
sebsebsebmoller_: apparnatlly your on 32bit, and so you do 32bit Ubuntu not 64bit20:09
coz_moller_,  you would have to donwload the 64 bit  iso20:10
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erUSULSyntux: dunno; never used it. just exposing the options you have20:10
sebsebsebmoller_: also for various reasons I woudn't normalley recommend wubi20:10
tonyyarussomar2: or, it may still let you do a remount as read-only instead of unmounting entirely.  (check the mount/umount man pages for details on the syntax for that)20:10
moller_sebsebseb: Wubi 64 bit worked fine, so would you recommend me to use 64 bit?20:10
sebsebsebmoller_: how much RAM?20:10
erUSULSyntux: do a little googling about it20:10
SyntuxerUSUL, I have nothing to lose other than that client ;) I'm gonna do it if I fail with what virtualbox.20:10
thewrathhey how do i move a wubi install to native and how do i redo my partitions?20:10
SyntuxerUSUL, Sure. Thank you man20:10
Syntuxbarf, Thanks :-)20:11
coz_moller_,   go here   http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download  scroll down and tick the 64 bit version20:11
sebsebsebthewrath: may I suggest just waiting to 9.04 and clean installing that with  Ext4 partitions, and getting rid of Wubi before doing so20:11
thewrathsebsebseb: but how do i redo my partitions20:11
thewrathi haev the beta20:11
moller_sebsebseb: This is kinda embarrasing, but how do I check it?20:11
woodefechi, what is the clipboard manager (like klipper) for GNMOME?20:12
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_walk
sebsebsebmoller_: there is a command, but it gives geekey output, and I am not sure what the command is heh20:12
moller_sebsebseb: Would it be memory? Then it's 2gb20:12
ikoniamoller_: what do you want to check ?20:12
sebsebsebikonia: he wants to know how much RAM he has now20:12
moller_ikonia: Ram, but I think I've found it, if it's memory20:12
ikoniafree -h or top, or cat /proc/meminfo20:13
ikoniasorry free -m20:13
coz_woodefec,  do you mean what it is named?20:13
moller_sebsebseb: Would I be able to use 64 bit with only 2GiB ram?20:14
GodfatherofEireHow would I go about loading a driver module to the kernel?20:14
sebsebsebmoller_: if you have a 64bit compatible proccessor, but  people say  not worth bothering with 64bit unless you have 4GB or more RAM20:14
ikoniamoller_: the ram is not a factor to if you "can" use 64bit - why do you "want" to use 64bit ix the key factor20:15
CrawfordComeauxI'm not sure what the fs is on my external 1TB hd and don't really want to load it up in windows because I suspect it may have a virus on it.  Any suggestions on how to get it mount under 8.10 livecd?20:15
ikoniamoller_: and does your processor "support" 64bit is the limiting factor20:16
moller_sebsebseb: Ahh okay. Well the main reason for this is that I just tried to install the nVidia driver 180.44, but it kinda messed it all up (I did download the 32bit driver)20:16
ikoniaCrawfordComeaux: just mount it - ubuntu should detect it for you20:16
thewrathhow do i redo my partitions wehn i allready have windows?20:16
CrawfordComeauxikonia: it isn't20:16
ikoniamoller_: you're using 32bit ubuntu - so thats not a problem20:16
barfI am trying to run XDMCP or whatever it’s called from Mac to Ubuntu20:16
sebsebsebmoller_: yeah 32bit drivers won't work with 64bit kernels, as far as I know20:16
ikoniaCrawfordComeaux: what command did you do20:16
barfbut keyboard is on the wrong planet20:16
gauravkittzany one on identi.ca... need to know a good desktop client for it20:16
moller_sebsebseb: Oh crap.20:16
moller_sebsebseb: How do I check what kernal I have lol?20:17
sebsebsebmoller_: uname - r20:17
sebsebsebmoller_: uname -r20:17
moller_sebsebseb: Returns:
=== marius_ is now known as Tenebrus
moller_sebsebseb: Could you translate that? :P20:17
ikoniamoller_: no it doesn't20:17
sebsebsebmoller_: sounds like 32bit to me20:17
ikoniamoller_: uname -m is correct20:18
CrawfordComeauxsudo mount /dev/sdc /external/media (sdc1 not available). also tried -t autofs, xfs, ntfs, hfsplus, vfat.  also tried disabling ehci_hcd before connecting.20:18
ikoniasebsebseb: how can you tell if thats 32bit  ?20:18
ikoniasebsebseb: that's just a kernel name - how can you tell it's 32bit20:18
moller_ikonia: Well im trying to check my kernal20:18
sebsebsebikonia: that's what I thought to, but someone earlier said it would say if it was 64bit20:18
ikoniasebsebseb: I said the command is "uname -m"20:18
coz_moller_,  yes   uname -r is kernel version and uname -m is architeture type20:18
GodfatherofEireHow would I go about loading a driver module to the kernel?20:19
botux1sebsebseb: if ubunut recommends fresh install each time a new version comes out then that would be a lot of backing up of documnets and stuff20:19
coz_GodfatherofEire,  which driver for which hardware?20:19
ikoniasebsebseb: don't lie - if you thought that was the wrong command you wouldn't make a comment like "looks like 32bit" there is no way you can tell it's 32bit from that line20:19
bovecan someone recommend a ProFTPD interface running on apache?20:19
vegombreihey can i install intrepid on my new fujitsu lifebook 871120:19
moller_ikonia: How would I check it then?20:19
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sebsebsebbotux1: sometimes there is a proper reason to clean install, and other times an upgrade is just fine20:19
GodfatherofEirecoz_ RTL8185L20:19
ikoniamoller_: uname -m shows you the architechture20:19
botux1oh ok20:19
coz_vegombrei,  did you download the live cd?20:19
botux1most people have been telling me clean install is bets way20:20
vegombreicoz_: i could20:20
coz_GodfatherofEire,   mm  what is that?20:20
sebsebsebbotux1: when 9.04 is released and for those that want the Ext4 file system, well yes  getting rid of 8.10 and putting 9.04 on with Ext4 partitions, would be a proper reason for a clean install,   ,but for those that don't care about it,  an upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 would be ok20:20
moller_ikonia: Well it returns i686 which is 32 bit, but doesnt that change depending on if I use 32 bit ubuntu or 64 bit?20:20
coz_vegombrei,  that would be the best way of checking   just stick it in reboot and see if things work well20:20
sebsebsebbotux1: it's just meant to be a lot faster and such20:20
ikoniamoller_: that shows you are using ubuntu 32bit20:20
vegombreicoz_: you think i'd face a driver problem or anything coz i really prefer ubuntu to vista20:20
GodfatherofEirecoz_ its a wireless card20:20
coz_moller_,  yes  so you have 32 bit installed20:20
mar2tonyyarusso: sorry tony i disappeared for a while20:20
ikoniamoller_: it won't change unless you install the ubuntu 64bit distribution20:20
coz_GodfatherofEire, `oh  ok   darn I am not up on wireless cards at all    I am sure someone here can helpt though20:21
spaceBARbariani am getting an error when trying to load gsynaptics, it says set "SHMconfig" to 1 in xorg.conf, but doesnt ubuntu use HAL or something now ?20:21
moller_coz_: If i then installed 64 bit, it would return something else, aye?20:21
botux1ok got ya20:21
ikoniamoller_: correct20:21
coz_moller_,  indeed it it would:020:21
GodfatherofEireNo problem20:21
gauravkittzikonia how r 32 bit and 64 bit are different??20:21
coz_GodfatherofEire,  do you have a link for the dirver?20:21
botux1Ext4 better a lot better?20:21
mar2tonyyarusso: i accidentily pressed that shortcut before reading what you said not realising it took me completely away from the desktop..had no idea how to get back :-!20:21
ikoniagauravkittz: different hardware platforms20:21
ikoniabotux1: no - it's still very early20:21
sebsebsebbotux1: and I have a proper reason to clean install my setup,  which is not 8.10 anymore, and that's been a while.   never get a development version when your new by the way20:21
moller_Well, how would I then figure out if my cpu was able to handle 64 bit?20:21
coz_GodfatherofEire,  there should be a README  file inside the driver directory that you downloaded20:22
ikoniamoller_: let me ask you this why do you "want" to use 64bit ?20:22
eqisowguaravkittz: the difference, essentially, is address space. a 32bit register vs a 64bit register20:22
GodfatherofEirecoz_ there is, but it just says to load the module to the kernel20:22
ikoniaeqisow: super one line summary20:22
eqisowguaravkittz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64bit20:22
coz_GodfatherofEire, o0   mm  do you have a link for that driver   let me take a look at it20:22
CrawfordComeauxikonia: sudo mount /dev/sdc /external/media (sdc1 not available). also tried -t autofs, xfs, ntfs, hfsplus, vfat.  also tried disabling ehci_hcd before connecting.20:23
botux1big difference btw ext3 and ext4?20:23
GodfatherofEirecoz_ http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=1&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8185L20:23
ikoniaCrawfordComeaux: you mount a partition - not a disk20:23
sebsebsebikonia: he probably does not know the difference between  32bit and 64bit Linux,  to be honest I am not 100% sure myself20:23
coz_you can look at 32 and 64 bit  like a milshake with 32 straws or 64  straws:)20:23
moller_ikonia: Because I used it with Wubi, so therefore I was more used to that, and because my graphic driver seems to be messed up, so I thought it might be because of 32 bit, but I must be wrong.20:23
_pisecx_Hi. I have a question to english-speaking people. Does word "ubuntology" makes any sense to you?20:23
ikoniasebsebseb: then let him answer20:23
CrawfordComeauxok...so no partition is detected on the disk.  what now?20:23
eth01coz_: that's a terrible idiom20:23
decois  opera  better than firefox?20:23
ikoniaCrawfordComeaux: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc put it in a pastebin20:23
ikoniadeco: try it see what you like20:24
ikoniamoller_: there is no different in how you manage a 32bit/64bit desktop so you won't be used to one more than the other20:24
eqisow!best | deco20:24
ubottudeco: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:24
coz_eth01,  I know  but it gets part of the message across :)20:24
coz_GodfatherofEire,  I believe the readme file states   (2)Load the driver module to kernel and start up nic20:25
coz_    ./wlan0up20:25
GodfatherofEirecoz_ i know20:26
GodfatherofEireI need to know HOW to load it to the kernel20:26
moller_Well thanks all. Im off to restarting my computer20:26
coz_GodfatherofEire,   in terminal   ./wlan0up20:26
botux1anyone know of any programs for blackberries and linux20:27
berriopI was used dd to erase a hard drive, I make a mistake and I used dd with with /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda, now I have a new hard drive as hda with 250MB, How can I remove/merge that hda dev ??20:27
ikoniabotux1: there is a sync program called "john" but it's quite beta and breaks a lot20:27
ikoniabotux1: nothing official as blackberry is closed source from rim20:27
sebsebsebikonia: if someone put 32bit  Ubuntu on  a  64bit compatible  computer, would uname -m  say that their computer can handle 64bit?20:27
ikoniasebsebseb: no20:27
botux1ikonia: wow right i have a curve and would love to synch and update it through ubuntu20:28
sebsebsebikonia: it's only for the version that is installed?20:28
ikoniasebsebseb: correct20:28
sebsebsebikonia: ok that's what I thought, thanks20:28
berriop I have used dd to erase a hard drive, I made a mistake and I have used dd with /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda, now I have a new hard drive as hda with 250MB, How can I remove/merge that hda dev ??20:28
mar2tonyyarusso: would you mind explaining again how to unmount/remount that folder/partition?20:28
sebsebsebikonia: what's the difference between i386 and i686?20:29
ikoniasebsebseb: one is optimised for new x86 platform, but in reality nothing20:30
sebsebsebikonia: ah I see,  i386 for older x86  and  i686 for newer20:31
erUSULberriop: hda did not existed before?20:31
CrawfordComeauxikonia: http://pastebin.com/d6d8951f920:31
ikoniapretty much, but in reality it meants nothing20:31
sebsebsebikonia: ok thanks again20:31
ikoniaCrawfordComeaux: that disk has no partition table20:31
berrioperusul: yes it didnt exist, just sda20:32
CrawfordComeauxthen how was windows able to store any files on it?20:32
erUSULberriop: what does ls -l /dev/hda says ?20:32
=== anonymous is now known as Guest90105
sebsebsebCrawfordComeaux: that's a Wubi install?20:32
mib_wbho696ican someone help, if i dont get this sorted then i have lost out on a job opportunity i need wifi on my laptop so i can connect wireless instead of trying to get a wired connection !!!??20:33
CrawfordComeauxsebsebseb: running on livecd20:33
=== Guest90105 is now known as Testudo
sebsebseb!wireless | mib_wbho696i:20:33
ubottumib_wbho696i:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:33
berrioperusul: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 262930432 2009-04-07 19:51 /dev/hda20:33
sebsebsebCrawfordComeaux: well be careful or you will delete Windows,  assuming your in the partition editor20:33
oblenobhow does one get DV input?20:33
erUSULberriop: you can just remove it... "sudo rm /dev/hda"20:33
mib_wbho696iubuttu:dont dont help,after updating to the new kernel my wireless stop working20:34
berrioperusul: ok i ll try that, thanks20:34
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> post the results of  sudo lshw -C network;   iwconfig; ifconfig; cat /etc/network/interfaces20:34
CrawfordComeauxsebsebseb: I'm not.  the drive's partitions aren't even detected from the livecd.  I'm going to see if coworker has that data anywhere else to see if I can reformat the drive...20:35
sebsebsebCrawfordComeaux: ok20:35
berrioperusul: done!! thanks, have a nice day :)20:35
erUSULberriop: no problem20:36
berriopquit :)20:36
dominiqueCan someone tell me where Nautilus saves/manages passwords from the "connect to server"-tool?20:37
sebsebseb!troll | emoXodus20:37
ubottuemoXodus: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel20:37
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> your driver for your wifi is not loaded,  also do not attempt to have both the wifi and your eth0 connected on same subnet and router20:37
sebsebsebemoXodus: heh at that20:37
dominiqueor where i can edit/delete them?20:37
bluphello i have downloaded the beta 9.04 and dureing the installation the mouse pointer was invisible and is invisible too after installation. Now i'm useing the "ctrl" key to see where the pointer is. Any subbestion about fixing this issue?20:38
emoXodushow do you join other channels?20:38
sebsebsebemoXodus: click the link you gave us20:38
emoXodusother than that20:38
lstarnesemoXodus: /join #channel20:38
dominiqueemoXodus: /quit #channel20:38
lstarnesdominique: no20:38
emoXodusoh okay ty i wont do that anymore20:38
FeziaIt there any difference between a Ubuntu LiveCd created by using Brasero and turned into a ubuntu.iso or a downloaded Ubuntu LiveCD as iso file?20:39
antiihow come my xorg.conf is empty? just installed 8.1020:39
sebsebsebemoXodus: that channel  is not that good, that you want to jion anyway20:39
uyf747This may not be the right channel for this but... I've remotely reset my dedicated server and it claims "device not accepting address 2, error -7120:39
mib_wbho696in8tuser: how to get it i loaded  again because the kernel stopped it, also i dont, i am connected and on ubuntu now, trying to get this problem sorted20:39
sebsebsebFezia: the md5sum will tell you20:39
thiebaudeantii: thats done automatically20:39
emoXoduswhats a good one to hang out in?20:39
sebsebseb!md5sum |  Fezia20:39
ubottuFezia: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more20:39
antiithiebaude: its empty??20:39
sebsebsebemoXodus: #ubuntu-offtopic is alright20:39
n8tuser!wifi | mib_wbho696i20:39
ubottumib_wbho696i: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:39
thiebaudemine is too,antii20:40
emoXodusokay ty20:40
dominiqueWhere can I manage saved passwords from Nautilus' "Connect to server"?20:40
sebsebsebemoXodus: the one you wanted to join is ok20:40
eseven73emoXodus, #ubuntu+1 is more chatty than here as well as #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
blupI would like to report a bug in ubuntu 9.04 beta: Mouse pointer Invisible. Do you have an idea about how to solve it or have I to downgrade to 8.04 ?20:40
Feziaubottu: Ok, thanks.20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Ok, thanks.20:40
antiithiebaude: think I need one for my ATI HD4870 :S20:40
Picieseven73: #ubuntu+1 is still a support channel.20:40
sebsebsebblup: wrong channel go to #ubuntu+1  and  #ubuntu-bugs20:40
eseven73yes of course20:40
eseven73but it's still more "CHATTY"20:41
blupok thanx sebsebseb20:41
mib_wbho696in8tuser: i tried it done nothing || ubottu: as  stated i have looked at that page and it has not helped20:41
ubuntunewbbI need some help!20:41
hatter243mib_wbho696i, ubottu is a bot20:41
sebsebsebubuntunewbb: welcome and just ask the question20:41
dominiqueubuntunewbb: Ask.20:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:42
sebsebsebdominique: !ask  I think you may have wanted20:42
ubuntunewbbI have a AMD 64bit processor and I need to install flash player but the package i downloaded only supports i38620:42
barfHow can I add stuff to the games menu?20:42
mib_wbho696ihatter243: oh right, so me saying that is really me speaking to a wall20:42
frostburnbarf, right click edit menu20:42
hatter243mib_wbho696i,  :P What's your question?20:42
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> read again, there may be instructions there how to load your driver20:42
simplexioubuntunewbb: is your system x86_64 or 32bit ?20:42
sebsebsebbarf: browse Synaptic20:42
dominiqueubuntunewbb: Maybe adobe's site provides the right package or source20:42
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:43
barffrostburn: Can it be done from command line?20:43
frostburnubuntunewbb, there is a 64bit package that uses a 32bit wrapper20:43
frostburnbarf, no?20:43
totimkopfhmm, I am unable to get wireless working with ubuntu 8.04 hardy, but for some weird reason i am able to get it to work with kubuntu 8.04? what's the deal here?20:43
botux1sebsebseb: now to try kde4  hehe brb20:43
ubuntunewbbsimplexio how do I find out? I'm pretty sure its 32 bit though20:43
shubbarmouse pointer movementtttt is jerky20:43
mib_wbho696ihatter243: my question is how can i get my amilo 1718 laptop working with wifi again20:43
sebsebsebubuntunewbb: yes you can  get directly from Adobe20:43
barfln -s /usr/local/vice/x64 /somewhere/applications/Games/VICE 6420:43
Geoffrey2if I'm getting audio from some flash movies, but not others (even though they DO have an audio track), any ideas where I start looking to fix the problem?20:43
barfsomething along those line?20:43
shubbara process is hogging up my cpu power20:43
dominiquetotimkopf: Where you stuck exactly? Getting no connection to access point?20:43
=== Mr is now known as Guest34032
simplexioubuntunewbb: uname -ar in console20:43
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> or you may google for how to load AR242 drivers20:43
ubuntunewbbsebsebseb when firefox took me to the site there was no 64 bit one to download20:44
frostburnubuntunewbb, apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:44
simplexioubuntunewbb: dosent apt-get install flash work ?20:44
sebsebsebubuntunewbb: you can get one from  synaptic or using apt-get20:44
totimkopfdominique, well, it supposedly connects but the bloody thing only gets "30%" AND it keeps prompting me for my password, when it is correct20:44
barfln -s usr/local/euae/uae /somewhere/applications/Games/E-UAE20:44
simplexioubuntunewbb: if i recall right i installed system that way..20:44
ubuntunewbbubuntunewbb: dosent apt-get install flash work ?20:45
ubuntunewbbno, it says invalid operation flash20:45
shubbarmy pc shouldn't be this slow, i am just runing firefox and transmiiiission20:45
mib_wbho696in8tuser: i will try google again, the problem is i already have the tutorial for it to work again but the site is down so when i go "wget {url of download}" the site is not avaliable20:45
hatter243ubuntunewbb, apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:45
dominiquetotimkopf: connecting with networkmanager does not work? (gnome)20:45
juanefrenis there a way to print using Lexmark X5070 ?20:45
totimkopfdominque, no, it does not...20:45
frostburnmib_wbho696i, can you reach the site in question, is dns working?  dig $URL20:45
hatter243ubuntunewbb, this package contains flash along with java and other restricted programs20:45
totimkopfdominique, it does not work20:45
simplexioubuntunewbb: ??... apt-get install  flashplugin or flash-plugin20:46
eseven73ubuntunewbb, you'll need to add a sudo to that20:46
gauravkittzis there a better way to reply than always typing /msg name20:46
mib_wbho696ifrostburn:the main page of madwifi i can but anything else is a no go20:46
dominiquegauravkittz: Yes, leave out /msg name.20:46
frostburngauravkittz, it depends on your irc client, xchat enables you to have separate messages in different windows20:46
ikus060Hi, Is there any people having an Apple keyboard here ??20:46
dominiquetotimkopf: Do you get any error message...?20:46
=== joey_ is now known as joeyjones
ubuntunewbbAHHH! this room is nuts. who ever thinks they can help me with my flash plugin problem please start a PC wit me20:47
frostburnmib_ifzzhkyx, what's the exact command you're trying20:47
totimkopf kernel: [  706.626341] rtl8187: EE:Error TX URB 0, error -220:47
totimkopf <-- i get those in /var/log/messages20:47
thiebaudeubuntunewbb: goto adobe.com and grab the flash .deb20:47
ikoniaubuntunewbb: just install the package "flashplugin-nonfree"20:47
ubuntunewbbthiebaude: tried that20:47
ikoniaubuntunewbb: it's in the package manager and one click away20:47
dominiquetotimkopf: But how do you remark that you're wireless internet does not work?20:47
safetynetWhere can I change bootup to automatic login without password ?20:48
ubuntunewbb) ikonia no it is not20:48
ubuntunewbbI wouldn't be asking if it was that easy LOL20:48
ikoniaubuntunewbb: why is it no?20:48
totimkopfdominique, well, the connection is weak at 30% and the keyring thing keeps prompting me for my password. In essence, I cannot connect to anything on the internet20:48
resnoI need some using grep. I want to search a group of folders for documents that contain certain text.20:48
player1upi just upgraded to 9.04 and now Amarok doesnt play sounds..  all system sounds are ok... any ideas?20:48
gauravkittzgo to login manager20:48
ikoniaubuntunewbb: have you installed "flashplugin-nonfree" package ?20:48
thiebaudeubuntunewbb: in synaptic20:48
ikonia!jaunty > player1up20:48
ubottuplayer1up, please see my private message20:48
ubuntunewbbikonia: its retuning an error20:49
dominiquetotimkopf: Your w-lan is encrypted? WEP?20:49
ikoniaubuntunewbb: what error ?20:49
totimkopfdominique, yes20:49
cchaosIve a problem with a Nvidia GeForce 5600 FX: it only likes displaying 640x48020:49
thiebaudeplayer1up: #ubuntu+1 might have an answer20:49
totimkopfdominique, I use WPA Personal20:49
player1upthank you20:49
dominiquetotimkopf: Ubuntu has several problems with encrypted networks, did you check the wiki (there are guides to solve the problem)?20:49
mib_wbho696ifrostburn: this is the command to try and get the file "wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz"20:49
totimkopfdominique, no, i  did not know...could i see the wiki for this?20:50
jcolehow do i enable vnc-java http access in vino?20:50
frostburnmib_wbho696i, that's a redirect to a file20:50
ikonia!pm  > ubuntunewbb20:50
ubottuubuntunewbb, please see my private message20:50
dominiquetotimkopf: Is it right you're german?20:50
resnoI need help using grep. I want to search a group of folders for documents that contain certain text. Right now, it just stalls.20:50
mib_wbho696ifrostburn: even access to the homepage is not working20:51
ikoniaresno: grep -R $string *20:51
totimkopfdominique, no, english is my first language20:52
resnoikonia: Sweet. Thanks.20:52
dominiquetotimkopf: Sorry, was because of your nickname.20:52
cchaosHelp? lol20:52
gauravkittzgwibber alternatives neone???20:52
lukaviai need help with ALSA in 8.10 PLS20:52
dominiquetotimkopf: I got here the german version, ahm...20:52
frostburnmib_wbho696i, it resolves, but i can't curl it20:52
dominique!wpa | totimkopf20:52
ubottutotimkopf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:52
mib_wbho696ifrostburn: my wireless card is a "Atheros Chipsets " and the site i need to file from "http://madwifi.org/" but after clicking on the link the site seems down or dead20:53
frostburnmib_wbho696i, http://madwifi.org is up, but i don't see the subdomain snapshots working20:53
whileimhereHi. I have about 500 files in a directory and I need each one to be zipped up in its own zip file with the same name as the file. Is there a way to do this automated?20:53
Mike_lifeguardEarlier I was told "<edsmaffs>But if you haven't defragged, any files at the end of the primary partition will be deleted"20:54
Mike_lifeguardSo, defrag just finished, but it really doesn't look all that defragmented20:54
Mike_lifeguardShould I worry about losing files like that?20:54
=== imachine_ is now known as imachine
Picassotamuswhileimhere: learn to write a bash script file :), probably not the answer you were looking for i know20:54
mib_wbho696ifrostburn: im aware that it is up, but as you said the snapshots part is not working , do you no if there is another way to download?20:54
frostburnwhileimhere, yes it's possible, let me see if i can hash something out.   you want zip or tar.gz?20:54
FeziaI don't find any md5sum for Ubuntu 8.04, only for Ubuntu 8.04.1. Where is the md5sum for 8.04 original LiveCD?20:55
=== Libertine1 is now known as Schlomo
frostburnmib_wbho696i, nope, sorry =(20:55
whileimherePicassotamus yeah I figured that was the only way probably.20:55
kazaLitewhenever i start totem movie player it appears and then disappears.....how can i investigate the cause of crash?20:55
lukaviasomebody help please with ALSA, i am browsing forums for three days now and no success..................20:55
whileimhereI need .zip files20:55
whileimherefrostburn: I need to zip compress them as much as I can just to save some space.20:55
cchaosNvidia Geforce 5600 FX who wants to help me?20:56
mib_wbho696ifrostburn: its ok, guess ill just have to go back to my orginal OS if i can :(20:56
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> which ubuntu version you have? dont you have ath5k or ath9k ?20:56
cchaosHey clearscreen sorry about disappearing last night but my internet died20:56
Mike_lifeguardsebsebseb: do you have a few moments?20:57
marcoaaholaaaaaa, soy nuevo en linux, alguién puede ayudarme con algunos consejos?????????20:57
clearscreencchaos: that's ok, I have a really short memory span :P20:57
Feziaubottu: I don't find a md5sum for the Ubuntu 8.04 original LiveCD that was the first one to come out. I only find the md5sum for 8.04.2?20:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
mib_wbho696in8tuser: how can i tell , i no i have 8.10 thats about it atm20:57
dominiquemarcoaa: ubuntu-es20:57
jpds!es | marcoaa20:57
ubottumarcoaa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:57
clearscreencchaos: I remember your nickname, but dont remember about anything we talked about or if you disappeared or whatever :P20:57
VE2EBPHi guys, I would have a question. Yesterday I installed Ubuntu 8.10 and I was so amazed how fast my 1.6GHz mini-Acer AspireOne with 1 GB of RAM was running so smoothly. I downloaded all the updates, security patches, etc that it suggested I do and now it seems like it's slower. What did I do wrong? Thanks in advance Pierce20:57
Feziaubottu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes#8.04%20LTS20:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:57
michael_hey guys i have a problem i can't get my synaptic package manager to launch at all? im using ubuntu 8.10 x6420:57
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> look for your ath9k or ath5k driver to see if those will work instead of madwifi20:58
ultratekhow do i get nmbd running in swat..it wont start20:58
Feziaubottu: On that link. It only shows 8.04.2. Where can I check the md5sum of a Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD shipped fron Cannonical?20:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
Ienorandmichael_: What does launching it from terminal give you?20:58
PiciFezia: ubottu is a bot, what are you teying to do or look for?20:58
cchaosLol clearscreen nvidia geforce 5600 FX: probs with screen res (always displaying 640x480 and cant change to more senseible ones)20:58
jcolei want to enable the http java viewer in ubuntu remote desktop (vino) so window users can access my desktop for conferences... do i need to recompile vino or is there a hidden option somewhere?20:58
clearscreenVE2EBP: you could reduce the amount of services / session applications started up (system -> preferences / administration)20:58
michael_Ienorand, hold on i forgot to change my nick ha20:58
VE2EBPoh thaks clearscreen20:59
=== michael_ is now known as unko
clearscreencchaos: using nvidia drivers or what?20:59
VE2EBPlet me see if I can try that20:59
unkoIenorand, whats the command to launch from terminal?20:59
VE2EBPHow do I know what I should stop20:59
FeziaPici: Never mind. I do it anothe rway.20:59
Ienorandunko: synaptic20:59
jcolerdp access would be fine also21:00
cchaosYeah clearscreen I have the drivers installed but its still not helping with the prob21:00
unkoIenorand, ook21:00
clearscreenVE2EBP: well, it's best that you look up what's what before  you do so... but for example if you don't use bluetooth, you can disable the bluez service.. or cups if you dont use printing devices.. etc21:00
dudettewhat does it mean again if the file permissions are given like this 0700? i mean why 4 digits and not 3?21:00
VE2EBPI don't understand because I still have 500 MB of memory available21:00
lukaviaALSA problem, please help21:00
VE2EBPOk ok...21:00
wathekhrllo all21:00
unkoIenorand, wow? it launched what the hell?21:01
n8tuserdudette -> the 1st digit is the file type21:01
aliaseshello every121:01
VE2EBPWould you have a webpage I could go to in order to find what's what?21:01
Picassotamuslukavia: You will need to be more specific then that, unless you just need the factoid21:01
wathekI got an Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 I'd like to know if it's better to install Ubuntu 64 bits or 32 bits ?21:01
unkoIenorand, now it won't let me apply my changes?21:01
Ienorandunko: And it doesn't work from menu?21:01
dudetten8tuser: the file type? then what is 0?21:01
unkoIenorand, no...21:02
mib_wbho696in8tuser: mine is ath5k21:02
GodfatherofEir1I could really use some help here, cause I accidentally just locked myself out of my bootloader21:02
lukaviaPicassotamus: for three days i am trying to install ALSA, compile after compile and no success21:02
sn00p-How do I make my external monitor work on my laptop which has ubuntu installed? its a 6150 nvidia go video card21:02
Ienorandunko: That is probably because you have launched it with limited priviliges, try using: "gksu synaptic" instead.21:02
n8tuserdudette -> man ls;    0 is type regular text file21:02
PROMOHi, how can I find out what version of libpcap do I have on my Ubuntu machine ?21:02
Picassotamuslukavia: ok, what version of ubuntu?21:03
unkoIenorand, i did su than launced it21:03
GodfatherofEir1Anybody know how to un-password the GRUB from a root terminal?21:03
lukaviaPicassotamus: so i ended up with aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found... Ibex 8.1021:03
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> then try to use that ath5k21:03
VE2EBPClearscreen: Thank you very much21:03
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> or you may even google for why ath5k may replace ath9k or vice versa21:03
lukaviaPicassotamus: but i have sound in win xp ...... so what do u think21:03
cchaosClearscreen: heres a list of what Ive tried so far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=0d20d39e4dfc9bdcc64d5ed7c8e5e7ce&p=7019395#post701939521:04
unkoIenorand, but i still can't launch it from the menu21:04
PROMOplease let me know what command will return the version of ubuntu ?21:04
wathekcould you please help me ?21:04
wathekI got an Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 I'd like to know if it's better to install Ubuntu 64 bits or 32 bits ?21:04
Slartwathek: how much memory do you have?21:04
n8tuserGodfatherofEir1 -> you know the current password right? edit the menu.lst file21:04
GodfatherofEir1I really need to know how to un-password the GRUB, because I need to access recovery mode21:05
wathekSlart: 2Go21:05
unkoIenorand, can i pm you?21:05
dudetten8tuser: where did you get that info from? "man ls" doesn't mention this anywhere21:05
Ienorandunko: Sure.21:05
Picassotamuslukavia: Alsa is default, did you uninstall it, or trying new version?21:05
GodfatherofEir1n8tuser, but its been put in an MD5 hash, and no, I could have sworn I typed in the password correctly, but I guess I didnt21:05
Slartwathek: the difference between the 32 and 64 bit is mainly that 64 bit can address more than 4GB of memory.. speedwise it's almost the same21:05
n8tuserdudette -> do you like to argue or follow what i suggested?21:05
GodfatherofEir1I've tried several alterations, but I guess I made an error putting it in initially21:06
lukaviaPicassotamus: i tried alsa-driver-1.0.1921:06
wathekSlart: so no difference if I install 32 or 64 bits21:06
* jcole discovers xrdp21:06
mib_wbho696in8tuser: would trying 9.4 make a diffrence ?21:06
GodfatherofEir1n8tuser, /boot/grub/menu.lst right?21:06
wathekthanx Slart21:06
n8tuserGodfatherofEir1 -> no other way i know of other than re-installing21:06
Slartwathek: some proprietary stuff is still 32 bit only.. I can't use the firefox plugin for my e-security thingy since it's 32bit only..21:06
dudetten8tuser: what did you suggest? i am looking at the man ls page and can not find that section where it says that 0 mean regular text file21:06
Picassotamuslukavia: Is you card listed as supported by ALSA?21:06
n8tuserGodfatherofEir1 -> yes its that file21:06
wathekSlart: I see21:07
GodfatherofEir1Ok, i'll try again21:07
n8tusermib_wbho696i -> i dont know, its not released yet21:07
aliasesI need to use strstr() in a bash script, but I get a "syntax error near unexpected token `$out, '"21:07
Slartwathek: but java, flash etc is available for 64 bit these days21:07
juanefrenIs possible to print with windows dirvers using  WINE ?21:07
grumbelIs there a way to upgrade Ubuntu from the console? i.e. I am searching for the  effects of "update-manager -d" without manually editing the apt/sources files21:07
hendrixskiI want to bid on a laptop on ebay without a hard-drive, because I have one and can just install Ubuntu...21:07
mib_wbho696in8tuser: the beta is,21:07
haytham-med1hi all, how to record the sound?21:07
hendrixskibut the post says it's only tested to see if it boots to Bios21:07
Slart!upgrade | grumbel21:07
ubottugrumbel: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:07
lukaviaPicassotamus: hmmm, i didn't check that, in 8.04 worked ....21:07
hendrixskiif a computer boots to bios, will it also boot to hard-drive?21:07
Slartgrumbel: check how to upgrade the server version of ubuntu.. that doesn't come with X/Gnome21:07
Picassotamuslukavia: It should still be supported then... i still don't understand why you are trying to compile ALSA21:08
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: here now21:08
mib_wbho696iis there a way to get stuff i have removed from the trash bin ?21:08
hendrixskior is there a significant risk that a computer won't recognize any hard-drives?21:08
Slartmib_wbho696i: there are a few tools.. testdisk is one21:08
GodfatherofEir1thanks n8tuser, must have not saved the changes21:08
Mike_lifeguardsebsebseb: Can I just PM you? It's noisy in here :)21:08
lukaviaPicassotamus: what am i suppose to do ?21:08
haytham-med1directly from computer, not through a mike21:09
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: yep of course21:09
Slartmib_wbho696i: take a look at "photorec" or "foremost"21:09
cchaosIs there anyone that can help me? :s21:09
lukaviaPicassotamus: i install fresh copy of 8.10 via Wubi and i have no sound21:09
grumbelSlart: ok, do-release-upgrade seems to do the trick21:09
hendrixskiIf I want to install Ubuntu should I buy an HP Compaq Tablet PC?21:10
PROMOHi, I have  Ubuntu 8.04.2 , how can I find the version of   libpcap   on my machine ?21:10
antiiare there a ati control panel in ubuntu??21:10
hendrixskior rather... if I buy an HP Compaq tablet will I be able to install Ubuntu without a hitch?21:11
FrozenFireIs there a guide on how to rebuild a Ubuntu system where the drive is partitioned into / and /home?21:11
WaldirHi all. Has anyone here used Pinky Tagger?21:11
johnI seen you java guides21:11
lukaviaantii: yes, install envyng-gtk and use it21:11
Picassotamuslukavia: Wubi? That's something I'm really not familiary with.... so ubuntu is running as an app on windows?21:11
johnbut my Ubuntu server is having issues with java21:11
johnhow do I install java21:12
=== john is now known as Guest60320
dudetten8tuser: could it be that 0700 means no sticky bit?21:12
Guest60320I read all your guides and it won't work21:12
Matsonhow do I decied noatime vs relatime on ext3 fs install?21:12
n8tuserdudette -> is a regular text file, try this   file  filename21:12
Matsonnot finding much on google21:12
krammer_hello, I am trying to remove a folder but its showing error mesg dont have permissions21:12
Guest60320Errors were encountered while processing:21:12
lukaviaPicassotamus: :) Wubi is installer under windows, at boot it asks which OS to start, so ubuntu is completely separate21:12
FloodBot1Guest60320: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
FrozenFirePicassotamus: Wubi installs itself within the Windows file system, adds itself as a Windows "program," then adds a boot loader entry. It runs as Ubuntu itself, but does not require modification of your Windows installation.21:13
gafirhello, does anyone have a subscription to O'Reilly Safari here, i'm experiencing an annoying problem with this: http://getsatisfaction.com/oreilly/topics/oreilly_safari_videos_downloads_and_ubuntu_incompatibility ---- I thought someone else MUST experience the same thing!21:13
dudetten8tuser: check out http://tldp.org/LDP/GNU-Linux-Tools-Summary/html/file-permissions.html and search for 0700 on the page with browser search function21:13
Picassotamuslukavia: ok.  Is your card listed via lspci, or lsusb?21:14
daftykinsrelatime is good for faster fsck'ing and also if you use mutt - Matson21:14
daftykinsthere is a discussion here Matson : http://kerneltrap.org/node/1414821:14
n8tuserdudette -> what are you trying to argue about?21:15
Guest60320Error in installtion of VM21:15
Guest60320please help me21:15
Picassotamuslukavia: afk for a min21:15
frostburnanyone know how to have bash automatically escape spaces parens and other things?  really don't want to write this in perl,php,etc  http://rafb.net/p/9FysuG86.html21:15
sn00p-are the nvidia-glx the binary drivers21:15
Guest60320Error in Installtion of VM21:15
Guest60320please help21:15
lukaviaPicassotamus: via lspci - no, via lsusb i only have Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub21:15
s0101hi just a quick beginner question21:16
s0101is it bad to install pre-released intrepid proposed updated or third party updates?21:16
krammer_hello, I am trying to remove a folder but its showing error mesg dont have permissions21:17
sebsebsebs0101: no not at all21:17
Guest60320 Error in installtion of VM of java21:17
Guest60320PLEASE HELP21:17
sn00p-are the nvidia-glx the binary drivers21:17
s0101i thought they had bugs somtimes21:17
Picassotamuslukavia: well, assuming your card is on the pci, that is your problem... your soundcard isn't detected, so ALSA can't find it21:17
Guest60320install sun-java6-jre21:18
Guest60320and then choose it in the list proposed after the command:21:18
Guest60320sudo update-alternatives --config java21:18
FloodBot1Guest60320: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:18
=== EvaStrmpebuk is now known as japangals
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk
lukaviaPicassotamus: i have old desktop machine with integrated sound card21:18
excowhat do I need to install to make fat/fat32/ntfs known to gparted?21:18
s0101why are they not ticked after installing ubuntu if they are good?21:18
frostburnkrammer_, ls -lah dirname   do you have permissions to move that directory?21:19
epictetu1exco: You want to nondestructively reside them?21:19
lukaviaPicassotamus: so when sound card is not listed in lspci maybe there is nothing we can do ?21:19
=== Ben is now known as Guest2623
excoepictetu1: just want to format a SD card to fat32 but gparted has it greyed out21:19
matamouHi, how come my system doesn't recognize usb-devices, ie. my usb hdd? :|21:20
krammer_frostburyn, I dont know where to start, i tried rm -r dir but then it ask for each file separtely before deleting21:20
Picassotamuslukavia: oh nvm then... well, if its integrated to mobo, its probably not PCI so wouldn't show up in lspci21:20
frostburnmatamou, do a             lsusb       doyou see it there?21:20
excomatamou: do they show in lsusb?21:20
frostburnmatamou, alternatively do a, ls /dev/disk/by-id/           do you see it there?21:21
Picassotamuslukavia: you could try lshw, see if its in there21:21
matamounope, they dont21:21
lukaviaPicassotamus: i will really appreciate any further help21:21
excokrammer if you run it with sudo it won't ask for each file but be careful with that command21:21
krammer_i was logged in a root21:21
QaDeShiays. how come i got a 1-2 seconds midi delay when using alsa/jack?21:22
matamouI cant see the devices even using the command frostburn told21:22
Picassotamuslukavia: also, you wouldn't have been messing around w/ BIOS and disabled it would you have?21:22
frostburnmatamou, use a different usb port, perhaps it died on the mobo21:22
sequethinif i right click a file on my desktop, there's properties, and there's a notes tab. is text that i put there available by any other means? is it file metadata? or is it strictly some gnome/nautilus sort of thing ?21:22
RobHi I am new to xubuntu and have a tech question21:23
mar2hi i have a few broadband isp accounts and i want to set them up in ubuntu so that i can switch between them. could anyone assist please?21:23
sebsebsebRob: yes go ahead21:23
krammer_frostburn, I input this rm -r nacl and get this rm: descend into directory `nacl'?21:23
excokrammer_:  if you make a dir with stuff inside e.g. mkdir blah/blah -p you can remove it with  the r option "mr blah/ -r" without further confirmations21:23
matamoufrostburn: still nothing :| well, i'll continue brainstorming21:23
RobI just switched from ubuntu to xubuntu and am trying to send files from another pc (windows) to my xubuntu machine21:24
krammer_exco so i should create a dir then send nacl to the new one then remove it?21:24
excokrammer_: no21:24
SenchCavisty^gerber, HALP21:24
Cavisty^gerberSench i cant help you lol, but im sure people in here can =)21:24
frostburnkrammer_, one of the directories in that directory you do not have permissions to delete21:24
excokrammer_: nacl is the dir you want to get rid of?21:24
lukaviaPicassotamus: i am not 100% sure for the last, but if i had i would not get sound in windows neither, would i ?21:24
Senchanyone here who knows how to add .rar support in file roller21:24
Senchim using ubuntu desktop21:25
exco"sudo rm nacl -r"21:25
matthello all21:25
Picassotamuslukavia: I wouldn't think so, good point21:25
dudettecould anybody explain the answer of linux6 question 14 to me? it absolutely doesn't make sense to me. http://www.ph-home.de/linux-test/lpi-1/index.php why is the 2nd answer correct but not the first one?21:25
lukaviaPicassotamus: i must go for few minutes, is it problem if i PM you and continue later ?21:25
matti searched around and couldnt find any fixes so i was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem i'm having21:25
Senchanyone here who knows how to add .rar support in file roller21:25
excowho can tell me what package makes fat32 available in gparted?21:26
Picassotamussure, i'm not an expert, but ill help if i can :)21:26
mattevery time i try to burn a cd in brasero or gnomebaker21:26
mattthe app crashes21:26
mattit either freezes and i have to force quit21:26
mattor it just dissapears21:26
mattthing is21:26
FloodBot1matt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:26
krammer_exco, well done thanks for your time21:26
excokrammer_:  anytime21:26
Picassotamus!rar | sench21:27
ubottusench: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:27
Senchthx i guess21:27
Picassotamussench: Also it is generally considered rude to pm someone w/o asking them first21:27
RedMushroomwhen setting up a new partition for a fresh install what should i set the moint point as?21:27
Senchi was being nice and all21:27
Senchhow come its rude all of a sudden21:27
excoRedMushroom: root partition: /21:27
RedMushroomexco: ty21:27
brintalhello, is it under 8.10 somehow possible to change the wireless-network priority?21:28
deanyRedMushroom, you dont need to remake em, just tell it format21:28
PicassotamusSench: I'm not mad... thats just etiquette, didn't make it, just letting you oknow21:28
=== luis_lopez_walk is now known as luis_lopez
mattcan anyone explain to me why brasero freezes up every time i try to add an mp3 file while trying to create an audio cd21:29
_Brun0_can I have gnome and xfce in my Ubuntu 8.10 installation? Does this use to mess up with anything in gnome or xfce? Also, If most of programs I use are gnome is it worth using xfce interface for better performance?21:29
sebsebseb_Brun0_: yes you can sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:30
Guest60320no help at all21:30
Guest60320I been asking for help this whole time21:30
Guest60320u just ignore me21:30
Guest60320u little fucks21:30
FloodBot1Guest60320: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
PicassotamusGuest60320: lol, u feel entitled21:30
_Brun0_sebsebseb, for the rest of the questions?21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zune21:30
lantay77ubuntu & zunes?21:31
Guest60320I had a server admin of mine21:31
Guest60320trying to install jav21:31
Guest60320I needed it for my game server21:31
Senchthat guide is kinda useless Picassotamus21:31
Guest60320and I had a opening date21:31
brintalhello, is it under 8.10 somehow possible to change the wireless-network priority?21:31
Guest60320he had to go21:31
LjL!enter | Guest6032021:31
Guest60320u took to long21:31
FloodBot1Guest60320: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
ubottuGuest60320: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:31
_Brun0_If most of programs I use are gnome, is it worth using xfce interface for better performance?21:31
sebsebseb_Brun0_: they work nicely together, and most of your programs will be for Gnome,  since XFCE is just a WM21:31
FloodBot1Guest60320: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
deanynot much of an admin then21:31
_Brun0_sebsebseb, ty alot21:32
PROMOHi, I have Ubuntu 8.04.2 , how can I find the version of libpcap on my machine ?21:32
sebsebseb_Brun0_: and yes you can run those apps in both21:32
vistausahcan sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start21:33
sebsebseb!vnc |  vistausash21:33
ubottuvistausash: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:33
_Brun0_sebastien, i know i can. I'm ocncerned if there will be a performance gain with xfce. My laptop is not slow, 2GB DD2 and NVidia 8400 video. But I'm always seeking for the better.21:33
mattcan anyone explain to me why brasero freezes up every time i try to add an mp3 file while trying to create an audio cd21:34
sebsebseb_Brun0_: maybe a slight gain with XFCE21:34
_Brun0_matt, can you play mp3 files?21:34
* kon <3's blender :)21:34
vistausahty sebsebeseb but i know how to get VNC working... im specifically trying to get it working using xinetd21:34
iamstupidhi guys21:34
BuzZzhi  good afternoon21:34
matti searched around, i cannot find any answeres to why this happens21:34
dudettewhat exactly does this mean? "The symbols \< and \> respectively match the empty string at the beginning and end of  a  word"?21:34
mattit just simply wont burn cd's21:35
deanymatt,  k3b21:35
sebsebseb_Brun0_: for real performance gains maybe you should look into PuppyLinux and Damn Small Linux, ideal for older hardware with hardly any RAM.   Xubuntu is  also recommended for hardly any RAM21:35
iamstupidvery wet behind the ears woman (yes woman) needs help updating her system...21:35
mattthat is a burning app correct?21:35
iamstupidcan anyone help me please????21:35
deanybrasero is just too immature for me21:35
mattfor what its worth, the same thing happens in gnomebaker21:35
mattexcept instead of freezing, it simply crashes and goes away21:35
koniamstupid: but , your nick makes me not want to21:35
kon:) jk m821:35
BuzZzkon  can u give me some  support ?21:35
konwhats the prob ?21:35
rickest_Brun0_: in my experience XFCE4 is much, much faster than either KDE or Gnome, yes21:35
_Brun0_matt, interesting... try this: orth,21:36
iamstupiderm... well i can't you there kon21:36
sebsebsebiamstupid: the thing about the ears, makes me wonder what you meant exactly, and your knick is also a bit of a put off from help21:36
rickestXubuntu = XFCE21:36
Dreadediamstupid: your nick is a bit self deprecating, no?21:36
_Brun0_rickest, ty alot. i'll test it.21:36
zilleplusanny guy's know if this is a good book for beginners http://www.comcol.nl/detail/66055.htm21:36
_Brun0_matt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/24959221:36
wamtycan sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start21:36
* kon supports BuzZz21:36
Dreadedkon: do you watch Bleach?21:36
rickest_Brun0_: Nowadays when I get a new computer, I simply install ubuntu-server, then xfce4.  screams21:36
iamstupidwell i'm feeling frustrated and feel incredibly silly even though i know i have some intelligence21:36
mattBruno, may i pm you, too much going on?21:36
konDreaded: yes. lol.21:36
* Dreaded dies laughing21:36
rickeston even older machines, IceWM is even smaller/faster (but simpler) than XFCE21:37
Dreadedi love Kon tho21:37
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?21:37
BuzZzthnks  kon  i want  to know  if  ubuntu  LIVE CD  have  can write on ntfs  partition21:37
_Brun0_rickest, does it have any gui?21:37
sebsebsebiamstupid: maybe do a  /knick newnamegoeshere   then  people will want to help you more maybe21:37
deanymatt,  just use k3b and be done with it21:37
Dreadediamstupid: well, I'm sure you aren't stupid21:37
PROMOHi,   how can I find the version of    libpcap   on Ubuntu 8.04.2 ?21:37
sebsebsebDreaded: I think the whole thing of him calling himself, stupid is for attention21:37
iamstupidlisten please just stop commenting on my name!!21:37
BuzZzonly i need  erase a couple of  file's from  instalacion of ms21:37
Dreadediamstupid: what do you need help with, specifically? I'm at work, can't help for long, but I'll give it a try21:37
mattdeany: the thing is is that it does a similar crash in gnomebaker, but ill try k3b21:37
rickest_Brun0_: yes, IceWM is basic but is basically laid out similar to Windows.  With XFCE4, I disabled panel and run avant-window-navigator with compiz.  it's closer to mac than win21:37
wamtycan sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start21:38
koniamstupid: i've yet to see your question21:38
iamstupidthanks dreaded : i haven't updated my ubuntu for ages so still on 7.0421:38
deanyi had probs with brasero too, so i went back to k3b which never failed21:38
rickest_Brun0_: I think XFCE is the best compromise between small footprint but still completely usable as a full-time GUI if that's your preference21:38
mattalright, I'll install it and get back to you guys21:38
mattthank you :)21:38
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?21:38
sebsebsebiamstupid: you have to upgrade to 7.10 first, and then  you can upgrade to 8.0421:38
iamstupidbut can't upgrade - i seem to have solved the problem with my sources list21:38
iamstupidyeah that 's what i'm trying to do sebsebseb21:39
wamtycan anyone plz help mee?21:39
Dreadediamstupid: try running 'sudo update-manager -d'21:39
sebsebsebiamstupid: 8.04 being the current latest stable. and if your not going to upgrade release by release, you shoud probably stay with LTS's21:39
sebsebseb!upgrade |  iamstupid21:39
ubottuiamstupid: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:39
iamstupidubottu: been there done that21:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
konBuzZz: it makes its own file system. you cannot install on a ntfs m8.21:39
sebsebsebwamty: with?21:40
wamtycan sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start21:40
konsorry for the delay, im eating some fruit :)21:40
rickestwamty: from your description it sounds like you haven't started a window manager in ~/.vnc/xstartup21:40
iamstupiddoes anyone pls have time to discuss fully through a pm please??21:40
_Brun0_rickest, IceWM rocks i've used it some years ago! Does it messes my system to have xfce or IceWM with gnome?21:40
|ntegra|<it's my first time using lilo> I can't edit lilo by lilo.conf.goblinx or #lilo -v -v ,, so how else might I conficker my lilo proper??21:40
sebsebsebwamty: make sure VNC is done over SSH, if your doing it  using  the net, or you won't be secure21:40
rickest_Brun0_: not at all21:40
FreeaqingmeI'm getting no sound when playing any kind of media file (with sound(track) enabled) when I use VLC, all other players work fine. Any clue what that could be?21:40
rickestwamty: I use TightVNC, however, so there may be differences in how yours is configured compared to mine21:40
|ntegra|I like grub so much better >familiarity21:41
_Brun0_rickest, I might dump xfce to use IceWM now that you remembered me about it. 2 extremes lol.21:41
konwamty: do you have a amd64 cpu ?21:41
BuzZzkon  i dont want  install ubuntu  over NTFS the only  thing i need  is  erase 2 files...  that's all, its  possible  do that from live cd ?21:41
sebsebsebFreeaqingme: have you got all the codecs installed?21:41
konBuzZz: yes its possible m8 :)21:41
sebsebseb!sound | Freeaqingme21:41
ubottuFreeaqingme: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:41
rickest_Brun0_: yeah, IceWM is another magnitude smaaller than XFCE  :).  I do like compiz, however, and you cannot replaced Ice's WM so that's why I stuck with XFCE21:41
xjamI cant install Ubuntu 8.1021:41
eliaswhat is the gid of admin group?21:42
konBuzZz: The live cd will display any and every hdd in your systems ide or sata21:42
rickest_Brun0_: later, you can even get rid of Gnome with: apt-get purge gnome-desktop21:42
sebsebsebxjam: why not? how have you tried to install it?21:42
xjamProbably disc error?21:42
BuzZzKon:  a last question, what is   "m8" sorry my english sucks21:42
sebsebseb!md5sum |  xjam21:42
ubottuxjam: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more21:42
konxjam: did you do a disck check first ?21:42
_Brun0_BuzZz, should be possible. Google for: ubuntu mount ntfs. You need to mount it.21:42
QaDeShiays. how come i got a 1-2 seconds midi latency when using alsa/jack?21:42
konxjam: to see if the cd is intact21:42
BuzZzthnks _Brun0_   :)21:42
xjamyes I did. I've checked disc first.21:42
BuzZzi will try it..!21:42
sebsebsebxjam: can you boot from the CD at all21:43
rickest_Brun0_: I'm not necessarily recommending that, just that most folks don't realize ALL the *buntus are the same thing except for what they install by default, and that CAN be changed later w/o having to switch *buntu21:43
xjamyes I can.21:43
sebsebsebxjam: why can't you install then?  you can boot up a live session on the cd? or the installer?21:43
xjamI'm in live session now.21:43
konok im out of here before i get 1,000 pm's for help.21:43
sebsebsebxjam: you meant, you don't know how to install?21:43
konpeace :)21:43
xjamI know how to install but I get error message21:43
sebsebsebxjam: what's the error message21:44
_Brun0_rickest, yea they are all the same lion with different clothes =P21:44
xjamhm, the system is telling me that CD or disc might have some errors and then quits froom installing.21:44
sebsebsebreid_: !hi |  reid21:44
sebsebseb!hi | reid21:44
ubottureid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:44
rickest_Brun0_: yep.  the various *buntu packages are ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop (XFCE), etc.  Or as I said earlier, you can just install ubuntu-server and then only install the exact packages you want.  less cruft21:45
xjamHey you're very quick with answers...21:45
lukaviaPicassotamus: lshw gives a long list and no sound devices21:45
sebsebsebxjam: ok you md5sumed the ISO before burning to CD?21:45
iamstupidhi everyone - am having issues updating ubuntu because i've left it so long. I managed to sort out the fact that it couldn't download all repository indexes by changing my sources list. I have now done this and when I try to upgrade, I get an error message saying "No valid mirror found" - please can anyone help me?21:45
sebsebsebxjam: me?21:45
xjamNo, I guess I have to.21:45
reid_so if I want to install just the KDE environment I can do kubuntu-server and not get all the worthless crap?21:45
xjamYes you too.21:45
sebsebsebxjam: ok it's in Windows on there?21:45
sebsebsebxjam: the ISO21:45
blipwhy doesnt ubuntu boot instantly?21:45
xjamYes on my laptop with Win XP.21:46
sebsebsebblip: why dosan't Windows boot instantly?  why dosan't Mac OS X boot instantly?  they don't boot instantly for exactly the same reason21:46
bliplike 5 sec from pusing power and be inside Ubuntu, that'd be neat21:46
xjamI've created CD/RW with it.21:46
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?21:46
eliasplease somebody, simple task: sudo getent group admin   .... I need the gid, have 2 admin groups on my system21:46
* howell__ thinks reid_ is dumb :p21:46
eliasneed to know which one to scrap21:46
blipyes but what needs to be improved?21:46
* reid_ KNOWS howell__ is dumb at life21:46
sebsebsebblip: PC's  haven't been designed for instant on stuff,  but  in newer comes there is  instant on  basic Linux installs on the  chips.   well they take like 30 seconds to boot up or whatever21:46
Picassotamuslukavia: well... it doesn't make sense that ubuntu wouldn't detect your sound card... and yet that seems to be the case, which explains why ALSA can't find it... when was the last time you booted up to windows and had sound work?21:46
sebsebsebblip: in newer computers above21:47
iamstupidhi everyone - am having issues updating ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 and beyond (!) because i've left it so long. I managed to sort out the fact that it couldn't download all repository indexes by changing my sources list. I have now done this and when I try to upgrade, I get an error message saying "No valid mirror found" - please can anyone help me?21:47
iamstupidps i really am not stupid21:47
iamstupidnot always21:47
howell__anyone get a2dp working with motorola s9-HD headphones?21:47
lukaviaPicassotamus: about an hour ago21:47
_Brun0_rickest, ty alot for your tip on the ubuntu server. i'll do that next time: ubuntu server + http://www.masclat.com/cimasclat/Icewm.html21:47
sebsebsebblip: find out about Linux instant on21:47
sebsebsebblip: on newer computers21:47
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?  changes made to the appearance within the guest account don't seem to stick between guest sessions.21:47
howell__i can't get my pulseaudio sink to work with it21:48
kl87hey all i need soem help everytime i install my graphics drivers i am unable to get 1024x728 resolution????? what can i do?21:48
iamstupidhi everyone - am having issues updating ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 and beyond (!) because i've left it so long. I managed to sort out the fact that it couldn't download all repository indexes by changing my sources list. I have now done this and when I try to upgrade, I get an error message saying "No valid mirror found" - please can anyone help me?21:48
Picassotamuslukavia: There is a gui app to look at all your hardware, might make it easier then looking at output from lshw.... in add/remove programs try searching for "hardware"... i think its called Device Manager or something21:48
rickest_Brun0_: you don't even have to do it as manual as that web page.  just install ubuntu-server, then 'apt-get install icewm'.  voila21:48
elitecoderI'm setting up openvpn, and I'm editing the server.conf file. It says: key server.key  # This file should be kept secret21:49
BuzZzthnks  all for your help...21:49
elitecoderbut where am I suppose to put it to keep it "secret"?21:49
iamstupidhi there all you lovely lovely people21:50
elitecoderI suppose I could make the permissions +r for only the user that needs it...21:50
elitecoderi guess i'll do that21:50
iamstupidi realise flattery may get me nowhere21:50
ikus060Does anyone have experience with xkb ? I need some help to modify an existing layout21:50
iamstupidbut please can someone spare a few mins to help a girl in need?21:50
zaiusi'm trying to install php5-gd package without all the x11 dependencies. I think i need to link it against the libgd2-noxpm instead of the regular libgd2. Is there a way i can redifine the dependencies of a package?21:50
Ienorandiamstupid: tried changing to main mirror, are you connected to the internet?21:51
Picassotamusiamstupid: Did you read the links from !upgrade?21:51
iamstupidi am connected21:51
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?  changes made to the appearance within the guest account don't seem to stick between guest sessions.21:51
iamstupidPicassotamus: ?21:51
Picassotamus!upgrade | iamstupid21:52
ubottuiamstupid: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:52
ChotaZWhat is the reinstall option for apt-get?21:52
Geoffrey2ok, one last shot at this...anyone have any suggestions on why audio would be working on some flash movies I try to view, but not others?  in particular, I am getting no audio from anything on Youtube...this all started just a day or so ago...before then I had no problems at all\21:52
DuckthisChotaZ: You can uninstall and purge a package then reinstall it.21:53
Geoffrey2I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid, and Firefox 3.0.821:53
ChotaZduckthis what are the comands and options to use?21:53
ChotaZapt-get uninstall and apt-get purge?21:53
DuckthisChotaZ: Like "sudo apt-get remove «appname» purge" then "sudo apt-get install «appname"21:53
spaceBARbariani just ran updates and for some reason all my graphics driver was deactivated and compiz settings got reverted to default, anyone know how to fix this ?21:53
DuckthisChotaZ: Like "sudo apt-get remove «appname» purge" then "sudo apt-get install «appname"21:53
eliasI am in the admin group, but the unlock button is not active in user-admin21:54
DuckthisWhat's your appname ChotaZ?21:54
kplusdoes anyone know if it is possible to stream audio using xvncviewer?21:55
iamstupidthat doesn't really mean anything to me Picassotamus21:55
safetynetIs there a way to setup a shortcut on my desktop to one of my folders in "Places" ? ?21:55
bovewhat is a "world writable directory"?21:55
spaceBARbariani just ran updates and for some reason all my graphics driver was deactivated and compiz settings got reverted to default, anyone know how to fix this ?21:55
lukaviaPicassotamus: in BIOS i disabled "boot from network card" so i will reboot, undo those changes and come back, maybe there is mismatch with the bridges of integrated hardware or something21:55
Slartsafetynet: can't you create a shortcut to "nautilus /path/to/the/folder"21:56
MTecknology!info drupal6 jaunty21:56
ubottudrupal6 (source: drupal6): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1055 kB, installed size 4852 kB21:56
mrocsafetynet: you can just right click on the folder name and choose "make link"   then drag the link to the desktop.21:56
Picassotamusiamstupid: Doesn't mean anything to you? /sigh What problem are you having specfically? Is upgrading to 8.04 not an option from Update Manager?21:56
safetynetSlart, Not sure how to do that - newb here.21:56
Slartsafetynet: oh.. or you want to add a folder in the "places" menu... no, I don't think you can do that21:56
cjaeok my friend cant connect to his ISP but cant connect to other ISP's isn't this to do with something with the MAC address no being spoffed or something, I have never run into the situation so I am not sure about it, but I remember it from various router setups21:56
ChotaZDuckthis: How can I check the currentversion of an app?21:56
cjaebut cant*21:57
safetynetmroc, That works for me - Thanks much!21:57
cjaebut can*21:57
mrocsafetynet: no problem.21:57
IngsocCan anyone help with a error I get when I attempt to update? "Reading package lists... Done21:57
IngsocW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9423A34CCA96763421:57
IngsocW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"21:57
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
FloodBot1Ingsoc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
steffenhey, im looking for a software to extract my .rar files,, anybody know one?21:57
Slart!rar | steffen21:57
ubottusteffen: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:57
DuckthisChotaZ: do you want to change channel to do not disturb other peoples? Follow me in #duckthis21:57
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:57
wamtyno i have started a window manager21:57
howell_hey, can i change the resolution of a terminal session?21:58
wamtymy innitial question was: can sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start21:58
wamty<@ardya> what processes21:58
wamtycan anyone suggest?21:58
wamty http://paste.ubuntu.com/146480/plain/21:58
FeziaI try to reinstall GRUB on an empty hard drive formatted using xt2, but when I use Ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD to get inteo grub and fins /boot/grub/stage1, then grub can't find the file. What is the problem?21:58
wamtythats ts a copy of my xstartup21:58
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?  changes made to the appearance within the guest account don't seem to stick between guest sessions.21:58
jollyrogerhey guys21:59
kl87i need something like screen and graphics that used to be in hardy so i can force ubuntu to detect my monitor and get the correct resolution how wwould i go about doing this?? im running jaunty21:59
safetynetmroc, I was trying to do this from the wrong place - Once I went to Home folder and did it from there I was able to do it ....21:59
FeziaI try to reinstall GRU, bur grub can't find boot/grub/stage1 file.21:59
spaceBARbariani just ran updates and for some reason all my graphics driver was deactivated and compiz settings got reverted to default, anyone know how to fix this ?21:59
iamstupidPicassotamus: no because i need to update to 7.10 first21:59
macman_sudo rm -rf / * works21:59
WatchBot!danger | macman_21:59
ubottumacman_: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!21:59
Ingsoccan anyone help with this error I get from apt? http://paste.ubuntu.com/146481/21:59
* macman_ loves vitual box21:59
steffenhey how do you hightlight the one you are sending you message to ?21:59
jollyrogeri am desperately trying to find a command line which takes a mp3-file as input and creates a wave-form file........any ideas on this issue?21:59
QaDeSanyone using midi on ubuntu? got major problems there21:59
Picassotamuslukavia: That is a good idea22:00
iamstupidi'm trying to sort it out from the software sources menu and that seems to get me a tiny bit further every time22:00
iamstupidbut still having massive issues22:00
wamtyHELP PLEASE http://paste.ubuntu.com/146483/plain/22:00
cjones_so on my top panel i used to have app's and settings and 2 icons for firefox and thunderbird but my settings is gone how do i fix this ?>22:00
poseidonhow do I change premissions on a directory?22:00
kplusdoes anyone know if it is possible to listen to audio using xvncviewer?22:00
Ingsocposeidon: chmod -R22:00
wamtythatsa copy of my xinetd script22:00
hackeronhey, I put an ftplugin in /root/.vim/ftplugin but it's not being auto loaded? - do I need to do something special to load it?22:00
xjamsebsebseb: I've md5sumed thes iso file - hashes are the same.22:01
ChotaZHow can I have the latest version of wine?22:01
sainghttp://crazytuga.mybrute.com  <-- BE A BRUTE AND CHALLENGE ME IN THIS FUNNY GAME :P22:01
Picassotamusiamstupid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UpgradeFromOldVersion22:01
wamtythatsa copy of my xinetd script22:01
rrowelli've got a script I got from a vendor for cranking up tomcat instances, but I wan't the instances to start as the "tomcat" user... What do I add to the script to make the rest of the script run as "tomcat" rather then whoever ran it?22:01
iGuelphanyone know a good sftp gui ?22:01
ChotaZsaing, nés nada crazy xD22:01
SlartChotaZ: check the wine main site.. they have repositories you can use22:01
wamtyplease have a look22:01
Slart!wine | ChotaZ22:02
ubottuChotaZ: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:02
iamstupidPicassotamus: is that seriously the only way?22:02
Picassotamusiamstupid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades <- how to get to 7.1 these are all from the links i sent you22:02
Slartrrowell: sudo ? or su?22:02
spaceBARbariani just ran updates in jaunty and when i rebooted i was pushed into "low  graphics" mode, when i restarted all my compiz and graphic driver settings were gone ( graphics driver disabled as well)22:02
cjones_so on my top panel i used to have app's and settings and 2 icons for firefox and thunderbird but my settings is gone how do i fix this ?>22:02
rrowellsudo /bin/su tomcat works but instead of running the script it just dumped me at a shell as the tomcat user...22:02
sebsebsebxjam: ok22:02
goyishekopI'm looking for help with a booting problem22:02
iamstupidPicassotamus: i've already tried everything on that instruction page22:03
Ingsoccan anyone help with this error I get from apt? http://paste.ubuntu.com/146481/22:03
iamstupidwhich is why i'm here!22:03
sebsebsebxjam: the CD itself may be dirty or scracthed or something22:03
sebsebsebxjam: you can burn a new one, and burn it slower at say  4x speed22:03
xjamSo CD must be okay.22:03
SlartspaceBARbarian: and then you realised you should ask for help in the jaunty channel.. but you forgot to add +1 to the channel name.. quite understandable22:03
sebsebsebxjam: no the ISO is ok22:03
xjamAha, good idea!!22:03
sebsebsebxjam: that does not mean the CD is ok22:03
sebsebsebxjam: wait22:03
xjamYes the ISO is OK.22:03
sebsebsebxjam: you were going to put on 8.10?22:03
Picassotamusiamstupid: I can't help you further unless there is a error message... I mean if you followed the instuctions w/o errors than it worked, right?22:03
spaceBARbarianSlart: yeah i asked there first but no one seems to be replying :P22:03
sebsebsebxjam: you can put 8.10 on, but 8.04 has  a few advantages over it22:04
xjamI'll be using linux-like system for the first time.22:04
SlartspaceBARbarian: well.. it is still the channel for jaunty questions.. =)22:04
iamstupidPicassotamus: yes there were error messages - no valid mirror22:04
sebsebsebxjam: pm me22:04
xjamI have tried with 8.04 - the same error I've got.22:04
wamtycan sonome help me with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448 I am using the VNC4server variant as this is a remote installation. I get a grey screen with Xvnc and with vnc4server it looks like I can't connect at all and the processs doesn't even seem to start22:04
sebsebsebxjam: oh22:05
sainghttp://crazytuga.mybrute.com  <-- BE A BRUTE AND CHALLENGE ME IN THIS FUNNY GAME :P22:05
wamtyi have started a window manager22:05
Slartsaing: go away22:05
sebsebsebxjam: what is wrong with your computer hummm22:05
wamtythatsa copy of my xinetd script22:05
sebsebseb!install |  xjam22:05
ubottuxjam: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:05
Slartsaing: go spam about your site somewhere else..22:05
xjamsebsebseb: Anyway thank you for your advices...22:05
epaphushi guys, how do I specify that eth0 should pick up thorugh DHCP.. but i need to configure this through the command prompt22:05
Slartepaphus: try looking at the file.. /etc/interfaces or something like that22:06
xjamsebsebseb: Yes I wonder what's wrong with it.22:06
Slartepaphus: or perhaps /etc/network/interfaces..22:06
mrocam i asking a difficult question?  how do i change the default appearance for the "guest account" feature?  it's been ignored/lost several times now.  (not trying to be too impatient)22:06
sebsebsebxjam: well there are ways to install Ubuntut without a CD as well22:06
Ienorandepaphus: you could to it completely manually by sudo dhclient eth022:06
Slartepaphus: I even think it has a man page.. "man interfaces"22:06
xjamsebsebseb: Aha.22:06
IngsocCan anyone help with this apt problem or am I in the wrong room? http://paste.ubuntu.com/146481/22:06
=== k is now known as Guest98824
=== FriHed is now known as chronosgod
iamstupidPicassotamus: thanks very much for all your help - i'm logging off but i'm going to keep trying. Am sure I'll be ok.22:07
happyhessiani am so confused about java.22:07
sebsebsebhappyhessian: hi22:07
xjamsebsebseb: Should I try to install from live session first before doing anything else?22:07
sebsebsebhappyhessian: why?22:07
Slartwamty: just asking "anyone?" will only make people annoyed.. repeat the whole question every 20 minutes or so.. if someone knows they will probably answer22:08
sebsebsebxjam: oh you just done install on the CD?  yeah boot up the Live session and  then you can run the installer22:08
Ienorandwamty: Probably no one knows, try forums maybe?22:08
=== Guest98824 is now known as Anj
mrocIngsoc: i'm pretty sure that's telling you that you don't have the key for the repository installed properly.22:08
pinPointhey i was just reading the postfix document, Next edit /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf and add the following lines:22:08
goyishekopIngsoc: Did you try the apt-get update?22:08
happyhessianwell, i think i have the packages and plugins installed and it seems that a lot of java scripts work but a lot of things don't work22:08
pinPointthere is not such file on that location ^^^ what should I do?22:08
xjamsebsebseb: I am already in live session -22:08
happyhessianincluding sun's test http://java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml22:08
Slartwamty: it's also helpful to try and include the relevant info in the question.. version numbers etc are always good22:08
sebsebsebxjam: ok try the installer then22:09
happyhessianand some sites that are sort of critical for me to access22:09
sebsebsebhappyhessian: have you installed Java?22:09
xjamsebsebseb: I'm typing this in XChat GNOME.22:09
=== steven is now known as The-Lord-Loves
sebsebsebxjam: run the insatller from the desktop then22:09
xjamsebsebseb: Okay then I'll try...22:09
happyhessiansun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre, yes22:09
AnjDudes, let's imagine that I hypothetically ran sudo passwd -l root after removing my account from the sudoers file, and that I have also rebooted since then.  In this hypothetical scenario in which i am a complete tool, how would I get root access back?22:09
happyhessianwhich packages should i have installed?22:10
Ingsocgoyishekop: Yes, that is whenI get the error. mroc: Ok, so what do I do?22:10
goyishekopI can boot 2.6.24 but not 2.6.27 on my laptop -- it complains that it can't find the root filesystem, tosses me into Busybox22:10
onthefence928there's no reason that Kdevelop won't work on my ubuntu 8.10 with gnome right?22:10
Slarthappyhessian: that site seems to work for me.. with the little moving java guy22:10
sebsebsebonthefence928: you can run KDE apps in Gnome22:10
Slartonthefence928: KDE programs usually work in gnome too22:10
onthefence928k awesome22:10
onthefence928cuz eclipse pisses me off22:10
happyhessianSlart: i just see the little white cow in the big white snowstorm :-(22:10
FeziaIf I download and install ms-sys on a usb flash drive containing Ubuntu 8.10 LiveCd that I boot from. Does the installed files be there if I boot the usb on anothe rcomputer?22:10
freeatlastHi - I get the following error when I do updates < http://imagebin.org/44698 > When I right click on a windows app to install It does not give option to install with Wine like it used to - What best way to fix ? ?22:10
mrocIngsoc: have you read this page?  https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA22:11
Slarthappyhessian: you have installed java?22:11
xjamsebsebseb: Hm, "Installing without a CD drive over a network." sounds interesting.22:11
Slart!java | happyhessian22:11
ubottuhappyhessian: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:11
happyhessiani feel like i'm missing something here--are those the packages that i need?22:11
happyhessiani have that installed22:11
sebsebsebxjam: yep that's one way,  a tiny bit more advanced than installing form a USB I think though22:11
sebsebsebxjam: ,but I haven't done either22:11
xjamsebsebseb: :-)22:11
happyhessiani'll read the guide meanwhile22:11
=== steven is now known as The-Lord-Loves
Slarthappyhessian: hmm.. not really sure what else could be wrong..sorry22:12
hans-rudolfsudo apt-get install circuslinux22:12
sebsebsebxjam: a guy did give me a descripton on how to do the network boot a while ago though22:12
Ingsocmroc: Thank you but that does not help22:12
mrocIngsoc: which part of that did you get stuck on?22:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about geubuntu22:12
Picassotamuslukavia: u there? :)22:12
xjamsebsebseb: Hm, but you need floppy - I do not have it :-)22:12
sebsebsebxjam: no you don't for the network boot.  you just need two computers22:13
demmonwhat is a Geubuntu22:13
Mene-MeneI've been running Ubuntu for several months now, and recently got an upgrade PC. 9.02 installed fine, but it failed to recognize my wired connection. It saw it as a pan0. I tried to install some drivers for my motherboard in case it would work, but it failed to install due to a lack of a, "config.h"22:13
Ingsocmroc: see this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1047353.html                 But I can't figure out which repo is giving me problems22:13
sebsebsebxjam: one computer sends the kernel or wahtever, and  then yeah22:13
xjamsebsebseb: Can one have Win XP?22:13
Slartdemmon: http://opengeuwiki-en.intilinux.com/index.php?title=Main_Page22:13
samuraiwat do u think about linux?22:13
samuraiam new , please22:13
sebsebsebxjam: not sure I think so,  I can't quite remember, it's quite a procedure to do the network boot22:14
freeatlastHow do I tell which version ubuntu I'm running?22:14
xjamsebsebseb: Then I guess it's not for me linux rukie.22:14
sebsebsebxjam: for trying Ubuntu for a first time well,  another option is to run it inside XP in a virtual machine, as long as your computer has enough RAM22:14
Slartsamurai: in here you'll probably mostly find people who think it's great.. but ask in #ubuntu-offtopic for other oppinions22:14
sebsebseb!release |  freeatlast22:14
ubottufreeatlast: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:14
xjamsebsebseb: Life session is all right for me for now.22:15
sebsebseb!version | freeatlast22:15
ubottufreeatlast: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »22:15
Slartfreeatlast: run "lsb_release -a" in a terminal22:15
xjamsebsebseb: *live22:15
demmonSlart: whats the min cpu for it22:15
sebsebsebxjam: ok, but you can't install loads of stuff on there, without losing it one  the CD is no longer running22:15
stanza_hi guys22:15
sebsebsebxjam: and I don't normally recommend it for various reasons, but Wubi22:15
sebsebseb!wubi > xjam22:15
ubottuxjam, please see my private message22:15
freeatlastsebsebseb, thanks22:15
stanza_i have a problem in configuring/using mysql with apache and php22:16
freeatlastSlart, thank you!22:16
svbi got my sound card to work finally22:16
Slartdemmon: no idea.. never tried it22:16
sebsebsebsvb: there you are :d22:16
stanza_i have a fresh installation of ubuntu and i am quite a newbie22:16
sebsebsebsvb: how you do that?22:16
xjamsebsebseb: Yes you're right. I can use memeory key.22:16
svbjust had to disable the mobo soundcard in the bios22:16
sebsebsebsvb: oh right ok cool22:16
mrbullanyone knows how to find out your keyboard layout on X (without gnome, i'm on xmonad)22:16
Mene-MeneCompletely fresh installation, I wiped everything else.22:16
svbi didnt have to add any code or nothing22:16
sebsebsebsvb: maybe that's what other people have to do to, that get sound issues22:16
stanza_the issue is that the php script connects as usual to the database, but any query returns an empty resultset22:16
sebsebsebsvb: some of them anyway22:16
svbi was ready to throw this computer out the window yesterday22:17
sebsebsebsvb: lol22:17
happyhessianSlart: I get this when i try and follow the guide http://pastebin.com/m54a61741.  Is that normal?22:17
excohow do I copy everything inside a dir to another dir in terminal?22:17
sebsebsebsvb: ok Pidgin then,  or pm on here, and i'll tell you about good stuff to install22:18
Slarthappyhessian: eh.. no... it's never done that for me22:18
Slarthappyhessian: are you really really sure you've installed suns java runtime?22:18
sebsebseb[22:18] <sebsebseb> svb: ok Pidgin then,  or pm on here, and i'll tell you about good stuff to install22:18
happyhessianyes but it seems i have openjdk alongside it, which may mess things up22:19
Slarthappyhessian: hmm.. if I were in your situation I would uninstall all the java packages and start over.. installing according to the guide and so on22:19
mrocIngsoc: to try and figure it out, have you compared the listed third party sources with the listed keys under the authentication tab in the software sources?22:19
matisseI've got an puzzling problem: I have okular (package okular-kde4 and more) installed, but I can't start it, because there seems to be no executable with such name. (I'm running Kde3) Anyone got an idea?22:20
lastentHi i have a problem I installed ubuntu with the usb headset plugged, I plugged them out, when I plugged them in again the sound still outs by the integrated speakers, for some applications it outs for the headset, totem by the headsets and rhythmbox by the integrated speakers, what can I do?22:20
happyhessianSlart: right, i'll give it a shot22:20
Ingsocmroc: I found the answer.   http://paste.ubuntu.com/146494/22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about geu22:20
Picassotamusmatisse: you can use apt-get to answer that, see !apt-get and read the page linked22:20
mgolischmatisse: look at the packages files? using dpkg -L packagename22:20
xjamsebsebseb: What shoul I choose in partitioner? Guided resize or entire disc?22:20
mrocIngsoc: did that solve your problem?22:20
Ingsoci think so. Thanks for the help22:21
sebsebsebxjam: normalley I would  get people set up with a seperate home22:21
mrocIngsoc: great.  no problem.22:21
sebsebsebxjam: ,but  apparnatly  those aren't needed as much anymore22:21
sebsebsebxjam: guided will be ok22:21
mrochow do i change the default appearance for the "guest account"?  changes made to the appearance within the guest account don't seem to stick between guest sessions.22:21
sebsebsebxjam: and no point setting up some  fancyish partition set up, and then find you can't install22:22
xjamsebsebseb: Guided resize or guided use entire disc?22:22
sebsebsebxjam: guided  use entire disk will get rid of Windows22:22
ruben23i get un supported input when login in with ubuntu intrepid...my card is nvidia..22:22
xjamI have just one disc installed on PC.22:22
sebsebsebxjam: so I guess you want guided resize22:22
xjamNo Windows for now.22:22
RedMushroomdoes anyone know how to fix "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode"?22:23
sebsebsebxjam: hummmm maybe  we should set you up with a partiiton set up22:23
ajrI needed to reformat the partition where I had grub installed, how do I reinstall grub22:23
ajr, and make sure it knows where to boot from22:23
sebsebsebxjam: your not going to dual boot?  it's going Ubuntu only?22:23
xjamsebsebseb: Yes for shure.22:23
RedMushroomi can't get it to go away >:-(22:24
ruben23have ideas on it..?22:24
RedMushroomit keeps saying it needs to reconfigure my graphics settings and rebooting linux22:24
sebsebsebxjam: a little pointless putting 8.10 on now, except as a tempory  install, because 9.04  is released on April 23rd,  and  has Ext4 as an option for the file system.  and the default Ext3  upgrades are only partial Ext4 suppourt22:24
matissemgolisch, Picassotamus:  found the reason: the directory you mentioned is not in the PATH... thx for the hints!22:24
RedMushroomi've even tried reformating and reinstalling but it won't go away >:-(22:25
sebsebsebxjam: I mean Ext3 can only get partial suppourt22:25
Slartis ext4 recommended now? has everyone agreed that it's not as bad as the reports said?22:25
sebsebsebSlart: by the sounds of it most of the Ext4 issues are fixed or pretty much fixed22:26
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.22:26
sebsebsebSlart: however Ext3 will remian the default for 9.0422:26
botux1im trying to find out is there a way to find out what your ips a sucha re similar to ipconfig in windows22:26
deany"pretty much" isnt good when talkin filesystems22:26
Slartsebsebseb: sounds nice.. I've got to go read up on it then.. see what new stuff there is to play with22:26
_Brun0_Wow IceWM is that MUCH faster! Lol. Ridiculously faster. In trade for super simplicity =(22:26
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why i'm being told that linux couldn't detect the graphics card settings on startup?22:27
sebsebsebdeany: indeed,  but it's  good enough for usage I think once 9.04 is out22:27
mrocbotux1: ifconfig command?  is that what you're looking for?22:27
yowshihow do i install a i386 .deb onto an amd_64 arch?22:27
botux1mroc: yes thank you22:27
sebsebsebxjam: ok  yeah use guided, or I can tell you how to set up with a seperate home22:27
botux1oops lol22:27
mrocbotux1: or right click on NetworkManager and choose connection information if you want it graphically22:28
sebsebseb!home |  xjam22:28
ubottuxjam: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:28
ajrCan anyone let me know how to reinstall just grub, and to make sure that the right partiion is marked for boot22:28
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why i'd be having touble with the display configuration, and how to fix it?22:28
Slartyowshi: first you think twice if you really have to..22:28
=== toti is now known as Guest96470
sebsebseb!grub |  ajr22:28
ubottuajr: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:28
ajrbut not after reinstalling windows22:28
ajrubuntu only boot22:29
botux1mrco: cool thnaks22:29
sebsebsebajr: yes, but one of those links will still be valid22:29
Slartyowshi: when you've done that you use dkpg.. there are options to force install regardless of architecture22:29
mrocbotux1: welcome.22:29
sebsebsebajr: and  when you install Ubuntu,  it should take care of Grub automatically22:29
deanyHow can i install games from debs or repo`s  to my home or somewhere else other than the / partition.....22:29
sebsebsebdeany: you woudn't normalely22:29
yowshiSlart: thanks i managed to find an amd64 arch for the file i wanted22:29
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why reformating and reinstalling wouldn't fix an issue w/ the graphics configuration?22:29
Slartyowshi: much better =)22:29
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:29
deanysebastien, i dont wanna allocate a ton of space for / for it22:29
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ajryah it did22:30
deanyi want the option.22:30
Slartdeany: install it, then move it somewhere else and create a symlink?22:30
ajrwhat happend was i had a dual install22:30
sebsebsebdeany: you only need a pretty small /22:30
sebsebsebdeany: Linux programs and such go on /22:30
mrocRedMushroom: that makes it sound like something isn't being correctly detected, or isn't supported.22:30
sebsebsebdeany:  /home for data22:30
yowshiSlart: i hate doing that myself but sometimes you just cant find the programme you want on the arch you have22:30
ajri just ate my windows partition to give to linux, but i think the windows partition was where grub was22:30
deanysome pretty big games out there...22:30
sebsebsebdeany:  what type of games?  Linux games or not?22:30
deanyI dont want em on /22:30
sebsebsebdeany: Wine  puts it's stuff in home by default22:30
deanylinux games22:31
RedMushroommroc: yeah, but wouldn't reformating/reinstalling fix it if it's not detecting correctly?22:31
sebsebsebdeany: and Linux programs hardly take up any space22:31
Slartyowshi: yup.. we just don't want to recommend people do it without really checking if it's available for the right architecture first22:31
mrocRedMushroom: probably not...if it didn't get detected properly the first time, why would it be different the second time?22:31
Slartsebsebseb: huh? what games are you playing?22:31
deanyI havent allocated much more than i need for /, programs no, they dont take much.. games however, do22:31
RedMushroommroc: because i'm probably doing it wrong :)22:31
SlartQuake Wars certainly used up a lot of space..22:32
Lint01what can I do to make Ubuntu more slim?22:32
mrocRedMushroom: what graphics card do you have?22:32
deanyquake based games, etc22:32
RedMushroommroc: generic integrated card on the system board22:32
goyishekopI'm having trouble booting my laptop under Intrepid Ibex.  Anyone able to help?22:32
deanyI want the option to install them where i want..22:32
greggeIs there a quick combo to the system monitor, such as ctrl-alt del in win?22:32
Slartdeany: doesn't most games offer you that choice when installing?22:32
deanynot debs or repo ones22:32
deanyonly one i play that does is UT2k422:33
Slartdeany: ahh.. true22:33
Nytrixwhen i install ubuntu will i have the option to have /boot and bootloader on my usb key or do i have to do this manually?22:33
mint3goyishekop,  - whats the problem ?22:33
deanybit of a failing really22:33
SlartLint01: I think it's pretty much the same as for any operating system.. identify stuff you don't need and uninstall them22:33
eitreachWhere are the 700mb-images of Jaunty?22:33
uhf7647.join #ssh22:33
Lint01it has almost no software installed, but it takes 5,3 GB22:33
Slart!jaunty | eitreach22:33
ubottueitreach: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:33
sebsebsebSlart: put like 16GB for / and I expect you will be fine22:33
deanywhen thinkin about partitions, i never put games in the equation, for /22:33
sebsebsebSlart: how about 20GB instead if your still not sure22:34
philipphow do i make a network called eth122:34
=== kingcub is now known as bjackman
freeatlastIs the internet upgrade install from Hardy to Intrepid a fairly big update install ? ?22:34
GoldfischNytrix: I haven't seen that yet. So far, that has required manual configuration. However, I have been using the alternate install iso's, due to root+raid+lvm setups. Don't know about intrepid.22:34
=== tk|away is now known as tk
mrocRedMushroom: ok.  run the command "lspci -nn" (without quotes) in a terminal.  read the output.  what does it list for graphics related items?22:34
sebsebsebSlart: oh let's have a seperate games partition heh,  Ubuntu is not Windows22:34
deanywell, guess when i install jaunty i`ll rethink it.22:34
botux1mroc: i can see my windows shares on my linux pc is it easy to setup ability to see my linux shares on my vista box22:34
philipphow do i make a network called eth122:34
wuffi600i can not hibernate anymore because there is this compcache swap using /dev/ramzswap0. How do i disable/remove this kind of swap? if i do a "swapoff /dev/ramzswap0" hibernation works but how do i remove this kind of swap for ever?22:35
Goldfischphilipp: eth1 isn't a network. It could be the name the kernel assigns to a network card in your system.22:35
sebsebsebbotux1: yes, but you woudn't normalely want Windows to have access to the Linux partitions, after all,  you get a virus on Windows let's say, and it could delete Linux's stuff22:35
philippgoldfish and how do i set such a name?22:35
botux1sebsebseb: ahhh makes sense22:35
deanysebsebseb, huh?22:35
botux1but just in case i may need it wanted to know lol22:35
Slartsebsebseb: I actually have a 1TB disk where I put big stuff.. Google Earth, quake wars, quake 4 and such.. symlinks work great for that22:35
sebsebsebSlart: ok22:36
sebsebsebdeany: what?22:36
ajris there a way from terminal or gparted to move grub22:36
ajrso i know wehre it is22:36
ajrand how can i just reinstall grub22:36
NytrixGoldfisch, what if i install everything on my internal HD then i use the "Creat a usb start up disk" option? will that work? will this move my /boot and bootloader to usb?22:36
sebsebsebbotux1: and you can read and write no problem to the Windows partitions from Ubuntu, as long as they were shut down properly when Windows was running last time22:36
=== tomaw is now known as meanie
deanya windows virus deleting stuff from a linux partition?22:36
philippgoldfish and how do i set such a name?22:36
ajri dont want any dualboot22:36
ajrstraight to linux22:36
sebsebsebdeany: yes if the driver for Windows was put on, that reads and writes to Ext322:36
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mrocbotux1: i don't think there's a nice easy way to do it.  there are some tutorials out there but i have no idea what results you'd get.  i agree with other opinions here...probably not a good idea.22:37
safetynetWill it be possible to by pass Intrepid and upgrade from Hardy to Jaunty ? ?22:37
greggeIs there a quick combo to the system monitor, such as ctrl-alt del in win?22:37
yowshidifferent question this time. anyone know how to get a wine game to se hamachi?22:37
Slartgregge: not that I know of.. you could always create one if you want to though22:37
GoldfischNytrix: Hmm...haven't used the option myself. However, I usually test new installations a few times using vmware, to shake out the procedure. I wonder how to tie that into using a usb boot loading partition.22:37
deanymost would concentrate on c: mostly tho22:37
eseven73safetynet, no you cannot jump releases unless its LTS22:37
greggeSlart: ok, how would I do that?22:37
sebsebsebsafetynet: no22:37
eseven73!LTS > safetynet22:38
ubottusafetynet, please see my private message22:38
Slartgregge: I think compiz has some shortcut key stuff you can use.. there are probably other ways too22:38
philippi wanna set wlan1 as my railing wireless controler22:38
SliderManis there a way to give bootable flag to hd without formating it?22:38
sebsebsebsafetynet: you can upgrade from one LTS to  another LTS,  but you can't  upgrade to whatever version of Ubuntu you feel like, from whatever version of Ubuntu you felt like upgrading from22:38
Goldfischphilipp: When the kernel boots, it usually finds all network devices. You can see what it found using "ifconfig -a". It gives a listing of known network devices. Check this against your existing hardware. You typically don't pick the names, instead the kernel modules do that. If any card is missing, you may need to figure out the right kernel module and have it loaded as well.22:38
flipSliderMan:  you can do that in gparted22:39
greggeSlart: Ok, I don't have compiz activated particularly often though :/22:39
sebsebsebsafetynet: and so as a result with non LTS releases you have to upgrade in order22:39
BehappyI have installed ubunto , unfortunately I forget the password it possible to recovery the password without reinstall th system ??22:39
=== KingArthur is now known as Guest55230
Guest55230once you have compiz installed where is it lol22:39
sebsebsebsafetynet: and a LTS release can also be part of your upgrade process22:39
botux1k thnaks22:39
SliderManflip, does it work for usb too?22:39
sebsebsebmhilinski: hi22:39
sebsebsebbotux1: thanks for what?  :)22:39
tonyyarussoBehappy: yes.  Reboot into single-user mode and do 'passwd yourusername'.22:39
Goldfischphilipp: I good example was the fact that in the past, motherboards with nVidia ethernet support weren't standard in the kernel, and required loading the forcedeth module to activate them.22:39
flipSliderMan:  unless your bios permits you to boot from usb you need a program to put onto a cd to boot it22:40
GodfatherofEir1Halp, I think I just borked the GDM22:40
flipSliderMan:  for further help on the subject join #flip22:40
eseven73Guest55230, its in system > Preferences > Appearances, and you'll see extra effects setting22:40
philippgoldfish i have checked my lspci... one is missing22:40
happyhessiani just removed all my java and reinstalled22:40
eseven73Guest55230, or you could install fusion-icon22:40
Nytrixwill "Create a usb start up disk" move my /boot and bootloader to usb key?22:40
WhitorHi... program question... in Eye of Gnome, I see there is a plugin to expand image to full screen when double left clicked... I would like to close the image with a double right click... anyone know of a way to do this ?22:40
Guest55230thank  you eseven73!22:40
Slartgregge: hmm.. there has to be a way of doing keyboard shortcuts without compiz.. there's nothing in the system, keyboard menu thingy?22:41
happyhessianSlart: for sun java what is the package for the firefox plugin22:41
mrochow can i change the default appearance of the "Guest account"???  nobody seems to have an answer for this.22:41
mrwesI just plugged a 40GB external usb drive into my Ubuntu server and it shows the following22:41
mrwesbrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 1 2009-04-07 17:22 /dev/scd122:41
GodfatherofEir1Seriously, I think I just borked the GDM on this thing.22:41
Whitornot programming* ... application would have been a more appropriate word22:41
Slarthappyhessian: might be icedtea.. not sure22:41
mrweswhy does it think it's a CDROM?22:41
mrwesand I can't mount it -- 'no medium found' error22:41
greggeSlart: Thanks, didn't know it was that easy :)22:41
lastentHi i have a problem I installed ubuntu with the usb headset plugged, I plugged them out, when I plugged them in again the sound still outs by the integrated speakers, for some applications it outs for the headset, totem by the headsets and rhythmbox by the integrated speakers, what can I do?22:41
Slartmrwes: scd is usually a cdrom22:41
philipp04:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2760 Wireless 802.11n 1T/2R Cardbus22:42
Slartgregge: =)22:42
philippjust say me how i mount that on wlan122:42
mrwesSlart, yah I know, but sudo fdisk -l doesn't show that22:42
Goldfischphilipp: You mean that you see another ethernet device listed on lspci, but it doesn't show up on ifconfig? I suggest googling the description along with "kernel module".22:42
Ingsocmroc I think the Guest account is cleared after each logout but I guess you could write a script or something to change it at login.22:42
mrwesSlart, fdisk -l shows it's a 'Disk'22:42
philippgoldfish you got it22:42
Slartmrwes: nope.. fdisk -l doesn't show the cd for me neither22:43
Slartmrwes: are you sure that's not sdc? not scd22:43
philippgoldfish do you know how i make a allias?22:43
happyhessianicedtea was the one that jdk used but i don't know if sun has its own, i'll see what i can find22:43
mrocIngsoc: yeah, it appears to exist only as a temporary thing, but it must draw on something to get the default settings, right?22:43
=== flip is now known as psudo
eseven73mrwes, if you man fdisk it says how buggy it is at the bottom, maybe its a bug? :)22:43
mrwesSlart, duh! no doubt brother!22:43
Goldfischphilipp: Alias for what?22:44
mrwesjezzz. I'm stupid22:44
StevenTylersudo grep "secret" /media/External/I/Work Documents/web/* <-- how do I do that? the space between Work and Documents is causing a problem22:44
philippthe missing network card22:44
philippits an external card22:44
Slartmrwes: no worries.. it's easy to miss =)22:44
GoldfischStevenTyler: Use a backslash to escape the space.22:44
StevenTyleroh yeah!22:44
mrwesSlart, I haven't even been drinkin' -- yet22:44
mrwesSlart, now it mounted22:45
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Slarthmm.. apparently scd is short for SCSI audio oriented optical disk drive22:45
GodfatherofEir1Alo? could somebody please help? I kind of need the system up and running again ASAP22:45
mrocStevenTyler: use a \ after Work.   also, tab completion is your friend.22:45
Slartaccording to wikipedia at least =)22:45
novatohelp in c22:45
novatoun canal de spanish22:46
Slart!es | novato22:46
ubottunovato: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:46
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Guest75397\server localhost22:47
lukaviaPicassotamus: i am here again, undo the changes in BIOS, should i do the ALSA compilation again if only i changed BIOS settings ?22:47
Goldfischphilipp: I don't understand what you need to do. What make/model is this network card? P.S. lspci -v can show you this info. You just have to google to find the kernel module it may need to work.22:47
mrocwhere are the default appearance settings defined?  i.e. when the guest account is used, new user created, etc.22:47
PreplexedI am sorry to ask but I have installed awn that rawks but when i re boot my box it not load automaticaly so is there a way i can make this happen?22:47
botux1sebsebseb: i can see mywindows network and pc but when i click on the icon after a few seconds it says unable to mount cant figure out why its doing that22:48
lukaviahi ppl, will be stupid of me if i have both ALSA and OSS drivers on my PC ?22:48
GodfatherofEir1Oh, come on, will somebody help me fix GDM?22:48
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xunHello, my system has problem to resume from suspend, where should I start trouble shooting it?22:48
sebsebseb!samba | botux122:48
ubottubotux1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:48
mrocPreplexed: System->Preferences->Sessions    you can add it to start on login.22:48
StevenTylerhow do I do a recursive grep?22:48
Picassotamuslukavia: I don't think you should have to compile ALSA at all... is your sound card showing up now? :)22:49
botux1hmmm smaba is included by default with ubuntu right?22:49
sebsebsebbotux1: no it is not, you have to install it22:49
Picassotamus!info samba22:49
ubottusamba (source: samba): a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 4266 kB, installed size 11904 kB22:49
philippgoldfish i have already installed that moduled22:49
lukaviaGodfatherofEir1: google "install ubuntu desktop on server" something like that - on the first page there are commands for rebuild GNOME22:49
botux1sebsebseb: lol ok thats why i thought it was cause it already found my network lol22:49
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Nassodoes anyone know if it is possible t run a scrip one ubuntu has finnished starting up?22:50
philippgoldfish i have compiled it on my own22:50
sebsebsebbotux1: ok22:50
lukaviaPicassotamus: sure not :) Ubuntu is hard :)22:50
sebsebseb!start |  Nasso22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about start22:50
sebsebseb!startup | Nasoo22:50
ubottuNasoo: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:50
sebsebsebNasso: see above22:50
tonyyarussoI've been pondering whether there's a way to do an sshfs mount in a similar fashion to reverse ssh connections, so I could use a large hard drive on a PC at home (behind a NAT) as storage for my server (which has a static public IP).  Sound plausible?22:50
sebsebseb!boot  |  Nasso22:50
ubottuNasso: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:50
Nassosebsebseb, i gont use gnome, or gdm, or xorg. ubunutu-server22:51
GodfatherofEir1lukavia, anything in particularly I ought to look for?22:51
philippgoldfish i have already installed that module22:51
Nassosebsebseb, is there any way to let your script in /etc/init.d start after ALL other scripts have started?22:51
philippgoldfish it was madwifi22:51
Preplexedthank-you mroc22:52
meoblast001where do Firefox plugins go?22:53
meoblast001i guess i'll have to drop Gnash in manually22:53
sebsebsebNasso: probably, but not sure how22:53
|Dreams|ok i am trying to change my mtu to 4352 with the command ifconfig eth0 mtu 4352 but keep getting the error SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument help22:53
sebsebsebmeoblast001: in .mozilla  a hidden folder in home22:53
BehappyI have rest my password but still say username or password incorrect22:54
meoblast001sebsebseb: i'm in there... now where22:54
sebsebsebmeoblast001: plugins or some such?22:54
meoblast001sebsebseb: i don't have that folder22:54
sebsebsebmeoblast001: Gnash is nice, but  Adobe Flash is still better with Flash22:54
sebsebsebmeoblast001: you can't have both installed22:54
sebsebsebmeoblast001: they won't work nicely together I mean22:54
Matsonis there a maximum partition size for scsi 3.0 GB drives using ext3 ?22:55
meoblast001sebsebseb: i uninstall Proprieflash22:55
carpii__im guessing 3.0 G22:55
sebsebsebMatson: no maxium partition size,  as long as you got space on your hard disk22:55
Matsonsebsebseb: thanks22:55
meoblast001sebsebseb: i'm compiling because Gnash from Ubuntu's repos isn't working well22:55
Diabl0someone know which plugin for x-chat for show music playing in audacious ?22:55
drostiewhy are Ubuntu's openssl packages still back at 0.9.8 g/h?22:55
Matsonon the "partition" section of the installer, some partifitions have a capital "F" other have a small "f"  anyone know the difference?22:56
sebsebsebmeoblast001: yeah you can install  Flash directly from Mozilla, but the one in the repo is pretty up to date22:56
meoblast001sebsebseb: Gnash22:56
sebsebsebmeoblast001: try Swfdec as well if you want alternative to Adobe's22:56
lewenchAnyone know how to execute a command in bash to display results in another terminal?22:56
meoblast001sebsebseb: you can't compile Flash.. it's proprietary22:56
sebsebsebmeoblast001: yes I know that, and Swfdec is nice as well22:56
Preplexedsorry to ask wen i am adding something in session prefrences wat i put in the command line22:56
philippgoldfish come on i just need this command22:56
meoblast001sebsebseb: i heard it's dead... last i tried it it wouldnt work22:56
watyes Preplexed?22:56
watyou said my name22:57
sebsebsebmeoblast001: the Flash format is propritary, and so these players  well they are for a propritary format and so hum22:57
Picassotamuslewench: yes pipe them.... ls -la | tty1 maybe?22:57
meoblast001sebsebseb: uh huh22:57
lukaviaPicassotamus: will be a problem if i install OSS drivers now ?22:57
Picassotamuslewench: or /dev/tty1 perhaps22:57
Matsonif there are bad blocks on a drive - will the format and filesystem create handle them?22:57
Matsonor do I need to do something to check and flag them on install?22:58
DuckthisIs there someone under 8.10 or previous who can give me an info about TrueCrypt?22:58
Preplexedin the name i guess i put awn manager as that what application i want but what i put under command22:58
otmwhen you join a channel and it says "no messages from outside", what have I done wrong when joining it?22:58
lewenchPicassotamus, Ah, pipe. Ok, I will read up on that. Im creating a script, but when I execute a command it kinda closes the script, so I have to restart the script again. Is there a way around this? My alternative was to open the command in another terminal.22:58
Picassotamuslukavia: Is your soundcard showing up now?22:58
|Dreams|is there a problem with the new kernels that dont allow me to change the mtu above 1500? if so what good is that if i am using fiber that supports larger than 150022:59
BehappyPowered by vBulletin® Version 3.7.4. Copyright ©2000 - 2009, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd23:00
sebsebseb!ot Behappy23:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot Behappy23:00
Picassotamuslewench: I'm not sure what your mean.... you have to close your script file to run a command for testing... or?23:00
sebsebseb!ot |  Behappy23:00
ubottuBehappy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:00
matti just wanted to say thanks to those that helped me with my cd burning issue. i installed k3b then had to install a package to allow it to work with mp3's and everything works great, already burned 5 discs :)23:00
DuckthisIs there someone under 8.10 or previous who can give me an info about TrueCrypt?23:00
sebsebsebmatt: yep  thank you, me23:00
lukaviaPicassotamus: no it is not23:01
mbent_hi all, I would like to connect to a Cisco vpn. I have installed all the relevant things for network manager but, how can I restrict only traffic that goes over it, to a particular Class B range?23:01
sebsebsebmatt: and yeah the codecs so you can play MP323:01
BehappyI have change my password from single-user mode 'passwd yourusername' put still incorrect23:01
philippokey can anyone else say me how i can make an name like wlan1 for a controller?23:01
Picassotamuslukavia: If your soundcard isn't detected, then it won't matter what driver you  have : /23:01
mbent_there used to be an option in network manager plugin, but it seems to have disappeared in the latest version23:01
lewenchPicassotamus, Once I exec the script, it asks you a question to setup the variable. then it executes the command with the variable. But when it executes the command the script finishes. I want it to go back to the menu.23:01
sebsebsebBehappy: you can do it in the recovery console as well.  in the root prompt.   sudo passwd  username23:01
sebsebsebBehappy: password changing may even work better there23:02
Behappysebsebseb: Ok let me try23:02
tonyyarussosebsebseb: you don't need sudo when you're already root.23:02
lewenchPicassotamus, In other words once the script executes, to go back to the first line "echo "What would you like to do? \n""23:02
matthey guys...i just installed grabcd-rip to rip cd's to mp3 tracks, it didnt show up in apps so i used locate grabcd-rip to find it and it returned nothing. how do i locate the app so i can add it to apps list?23:02
philippokey can anyone else say me how i can make an name like wlan1 for a controller?23:02
sebsebsebBehappy: yeah  recovery console,  from the bootloader, and yes no sudo in the root prompt as that guy pointed out23:02
lukaviaPicassotamus: your thinking is logicall, so any other ideas ? :/23:02
tonyyarussoit should work, but is a bit silly :P23:02
sebsebsebBehappy: you can also get a root prompt in Ubuntu install and try there23:03
sebsebsebBehappy: and graphically you can set a password for a user even it seems23:03
Picassotamuslewench: I'm not an experienced BASH scripter... but you would probably need to setup some kind of loop, where it checks if the persion types quit, or again, then repeats code23:05
sebsebsebBehappy: sudo -i  for a root prompt23:05
Picassotamuslukavia: not really... i might try to reinstall 8.04, not a real good answer though i know23:06
matthey guys...i just installed grabcd-rip to rip cd's to mp3 tracks, it didnt show up in apps so i used locate grabcd-rip to find it and it returned nothing. how do i locate the app so i can add it to apps list?23:06
sebsebsebmatt: not sure, but you can use it's name and open it via the terminal23:07
Picassotamuslukavia: Was sound broken, right after 8.1 upgrade?23:07
=== Mud|afk is now known as Mud|bnc
lukaviaPicassotamus: thank you for cooperation :) i apreciate it :)23:07
mattwhats teh command to open apps via terminal? i've tried typing in just the apps name and it doesnt work23:07
lewenchPicassotamus, How would I pipe a command to xterm?  ex. ls -l | xter     ?23:07
deanymatt, rubyripper is the linux equiv of  EAC  for windows23:07
jribmatt: be more specific23:07
sebsebsebmatt: also if you got it from the Ubuntu repo.   logging out and back into your account may add it to the menu23:07
lukaviaPicassotamus: i did not attend upgrade, i put clean 8.1023:08
robert__need help with wireless23:08
deanypreferably, use it23:08
mattjrib: more specific about what?23:08
sebsebseb!wireless | robert__:23:08
ubotturobert__:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:08
Picassotamuslewench: I can't really say, i was just trying to point you in the right direction based on your question... now that i know more, i don't think piping is what you need, you need a loop23:08
eseven73Pica, Picassotamus same person?23:09
Behappysebsebseb: the password still incorrect on graphic mode23:10
Picassotamuslukavia: Yeah... i would either try 8.04 since it worked before, or 8.1 again... i don't know what else to say really...23:10
sebsebsebBehappy: re set in a root prompt then23:10
lukaviaPicassotamus: lspnp lists that 01:01.00 CSC0100 (unknown) i will continue fighting :)23:10
Picassotamuseseven73: no23:10
Behappyebsebseb: I did that23:10
sebsebsebBehappy: make a new account and delete that user?23:11
mattsebsebseb: you said to open grabcd-rip through the terminal. i cannot figure out how to open apps in the terminal. can you give me the proper command syntax?23:11
deanymatt, there are better apps.. use em23:11
sebsebsebmatt: name of program and hit enter23:11
Picassotamuslukavia: I doubt that is your sound card, since lspvp is for plug and play, imo23:11
sebsebsebdeany: such as?23:11
mattthat did not work23:11
Behappysebsebseb: also I can't login by root to mode graphic23:11
lukaviaPicassotamus: now i remember that in 8.04 i heard only the login sound, which is "bum-bum" if u know :) and after that in X i did not have sound23:11
sebsebsebdeany: telling him that there are better apps, but not which, is not that helpful really23:11
deanylike, brasero you used.. use k3b..   use rubyripper23:11
deanyive just tried a few apps already.. and givin my opinion.23:12
=== calwig_ is now known as calwig
sebsebsebmatt: you want to copy MP3's?23:12
mattdeany: the reason i asked is for the sake of knowing why so i can apply it to other things. my goal is to learn linux, not just use it23:12
Picassotamuslukavia: Have  you tested to see if you hear the login sound in 8.1?23:12
matti wanted to install the program to rip wav audio from cds to mp323:12
deanysebsebseb, i already told him before hand the name... btw..23:12
sebsebsebmatt: OGG would be better I guess23:12
sebsebseb!ogg |  matt23:13
ubottumatt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:13
matti realize other apps do it, i guess i just wanted to know for the sake of it23:13
eseven73yea I was gonna say use ogg if possible23:13
sebsebsebmatt: converting to OGG format is better :)23:13
matti can't use ogg :( too many componets i use do not support it23:13
sebsebsebmatt: MP3 is closed source propritary format.   to many components don't suppourt it?23:13
eseven73ogg is more linux-like :)23:13
lukaviaPicassotamus: there is possibility that the sound card is PnP, because i have memories of that showed in windows23:13
mattno, ogg23:13
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
deanywe all try to give out help from experience dont we.. well mine says rubyripper is what i prefer, as its goal is to be like EAC.. and you cant get much better than EAC.23:14
Picassotamuslukavia: For a built in sound card? Thats wierd, but possible i suppose23:14
=== tk|away is now known as tk
sebsebsebdeany: I haven't used either of htose programs, so no idea what they are really heh23:14
deanyand it makes MP3...23:14
eseven73tk away nicks are lame ;)23:14
sebsebsebeseven73: indeed, but most of us still have MP3's and not OGG's23:14
mattdeany: i will try ruby ripper. but im still purplexed as to why i couldn't find the app with the locate command hehe23:15
deanyOGG is ok but in real world, not really, until all mobiles and mobile music players support it23:15
Lint01can I use WMA files with MPD?23:15
sebsebsebmatt: you can find stuff in Synaptic as well23:15
eseven73sebsebseb, yep im well aware of that23:15
sebsebseb!synaptic | matt23:15
ubottumatt: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto23:15
mattyeah i know, but i feel REALLY cool using the terminal for everything :) lol23:15
deanyim all for OGG.. but i also live in the real licensed world23:15
sebsebsebdeany: yeah  indeed23:15
matti hail from windows after all23:15
sebsebsebdeany: once manufactures suppourt OGG and FLAC properly :)  untill then MP3 has most of that market23:16
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
mattcome from windows23:16
mattwhere no one uses a terminal23:16
deanyrubyripper rips the track twice, and compares mdsum...23:16
deanyand then encodes it to whatever you want23:16
mattguys, will ogg ever be as widely used as mp3?23:16
sebsebsebmatt: indeed and the comand prompt in Windows is rather limiting23:16
eseven73no way23:16
eseven73I don't see it happening23:16
mattsebsebseb: yes it is23:17
deanyto make sure you get an "Exact Audio Copy" (EAC )23:17
sebsebsebit will  once enough people stop being so freaking ignorant at computers and other such technology, untill then no23:17
lukaviaPicassotamus: yeah, the PC is 10 years old :D IBM http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=JBAR-3U3KQG23:17
sebsebsebmatt: that was a bit like asking will Ubuntu ever become as popular as Windows?   well  same answer as the OGG  vs MP3 thing23:18
ianm_anyone know if xsetwacom can make a Bamboo [Fun] tablet report mouse button 4,5,6,7,8,9 presses for the 4 tablet buttons and wheel up/down movements?23:18
eseven73you got two very dominant and controlling computer companies, like one wouldn't be bad enough, Microsoft and Apple, until they go belly up, nothing will change23:18
sebsebsebeseven73: Apple aren't as bad as Microsoft though23:18
mattis the ubuntu developments team goal to compete with windows in the mainstream market?23:18
eseven73you're blind sebastien23:18
sebsebsebmatt: of course23:19
Geoffrey2eseven73, well, Microsoft gives us another OS like Vista, and you never know.....23:19
eseven73but getting off topic ;)23:19
sebsebsebeseven73: not at all, I know Apple lock people in big time as well, and hardare as well, not just software23:19
matta few things need to change before that happens. this is coming from an average user23:19
deanyall it`ll take is for apple/ipod to support OGG.. and make an itunes for linux.. dont they know they will open up their market that way23:19
botux1sebsebseb: i cant figure this out it keeps asking me for  a user name and password my network doesnt use authentication for sharing23:19
matti've been enjoying my linux adventure a lot. but there are a lot of problems that people who aren't as willing to read, learn, and try things won't tolerate23:20
sebsebsebdeany: Apple like to pretend that Desktop Linux does not exist,  after all if more people knew Desktop Linux existed, well who would need a Mac?  other then  some  multimedia pros,  but even the movie industry have gone Linux23:20
m1dn1ghtHi guys.  I've just installed Ubuntu and have enabled the restricted driver for my card (On board Nvidia Geforce 7100) - however I cannot make screen resolution bigger than 800x600.  Can anyone give some advise please?23:20
botux1sebsebseb: i figured it might be my firewall so changed some settings in  their but still wont lemme see windows shares23:20
deanysebsebseb, the people who dont know how to use it23:20
deanyjust enable ogg and itunes even capable in wine..  that`d be enough...for a while23:21
mattm1dn1ght is your monitor big enough?23:21
sebsebsebbotux1: you installed samba-common or whatever it is,  been a while since I did samba23:21
deanylike, help wine make itunes work23:21
m1dn1ghtmatt:  Definitely.23:21
sebsebsebdeany: itunes won't work in wine yet, but there is a good enough  alternatieve out htere23:21
botux1sebsebseb: yeah me too23:21
sebsebsebbotux1: ha ha no, since your new to Linux23:22
deanysebsebseb, not good enough for newer ipods and iphone23:22
meshuggahhow can i install linux vista?23:22
sebsebsebbotux1: places  >  network you tried that to get into  Windows stuff, once Samba is installed?23:22
sebsebsebdeany: indeed23:22
Titan8990meshuggah, its not recommended23:22
Titan8990!wubi | meshuggah23:22
ubottumeshuggah: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.23:22
botux1sebsebseb: actaully not new to linux just ubuntu23:22
Titan8990meshuggah, I would actually recommend a VM over wubi....23:23
botux1sebsebseb: been a while since i played with linux though23:23
Titan8990!vbox | meshuggah23:23
ubottumeshuggah: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:23
jducan I record from the mic without having it play out the speakers?23:23
meshuggahi dont understand23:23
meshuggahtoo much information23:23
sebsebsebmeshuggah:  I know you23:23
* meshuggah slaps sebastien 23:23
otmhow can i use a proxy with ubuntu?23:23
* meshuggah slaps sebsebseb 23:23
FloodBot1meshuggah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:23
meshuggahsorry sebastien23:23
Titan8990meshuggah, get used to the "too much information" becuase you will be relearning how to use a computer23:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:23
matti mean no disrespect when i say this but, i really feel part of the problem with making ubuntu a front running contender to windows boils down to the philosphy23:23
sebsebsebmeshuggah: you could actsaully help people and such I know you can23:23
fosco_otm: system - preferences - proxy23:23
botux1sebsebseb: yes i went there and still no dice23:24
meshuggahsebsebseb, ok sorry23:24
sebsebsebmeshuggah: seems the ops are gone and all right now, but stil no  good reason to troll this channel for fun23:24
meshuggahyou are funny23:24
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
meshuggahanyone needs help?23:24
eseven73you only think they're gone23:24
sebsebsebeseven73: yeah unless your one?23:24
=== matt is now known as matt-afk
m1dn1ghtHi guys.  I've just installed Ubuntu and have enabled the restricted driver for my card (On board Nvidia Geforce 7100) - however I cannot make screen resolution bigger than 800x600.  Can anyone give some advise please?23:25
jribmeshuggah: please stay on-topic23:25
botux1sebsebseb: still says unable to mount23:25
meshuggahjrib, sorry :(23:25
sebsebsebno ops are not gone, I think jrib is one23:25
sebsebsebmeshuggah: why not be useful in here, instead of trolling it a bit for fun?   I know you know stuff23:25
eseven73sebsebseb, No Im not an op silly23:25
sebblucasgood afternoon to all, i am looking for someone who can help extensively with ubuntu server setup23:25
otmfosco_: Isn't that just a network proxy though :S (i've never really understood this)23:25
CrawfordComeauxif I've got a disk with a deleted partition and I use gparted to create a partition, will that erase the data?23:25
meshuggahsebsebseb, it is what iam saying, if people need help, me will help if i can23:25
Titan8990sebblucas, join #ubuntu-server23:26
sebblucasthanks you titan899023:26
Titan8990sebblucas, but you are not going to find someone to config your server for you23:26
jdum1dn1ght, sometimes if you fiddle with the settings for a while and/or change frequencies, it will show more options.23:26
Titan8990sebblucas, if you don't know anything about UNIX CLI administration, a linux server is probably not the best choice23:26
jduhas anyone used /dev/audio or /dev/dsp to record?23:26
sebsebsebmeshuggah: ok23:26
jduCrawfordComeaux, erase the data in the deleted partition?23:27
botux1anyone else wanna take a stab at helping me with samba23:27
CrawfordComeauxsorry...crappy question.  a partition was deleted and I'm trying to recover the files in it.  if I create a partition using gparted, will that delete the files I'm trying to grab?23:27
nejodeCrawfordComeaux: you should run testdisk before creating a new partition23:27
jdubotux1, what is wrong?23:27
CrawfordComeauxnejode: ok23:27
meshuggahCrawfordComeaux, yeah23:27
CrawfordComeauxthat's installing right now23:28
Matsondoes "mount" show swap spaces?23:28
botux1jdu: well i can see my vista pc on the network but cant access it it keeps saying unable to mount23:28
fosco_Matson: no, use free to view swap23:28
CrawfordComeauxMatson: nope23:28
Matsonhow do I tell if swap is mounting correctly at startup?23:29
fosco_Matson: free -m23:29
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jdubotux1, I don't think I can help with it then.  I have only ever done accessing samba on ubuntu from windows23:29
jduMatson, swapon untility23:29
jduswapon -s23:29
Matsonso if free lists it there, then it is using it if it needs it / mounting correctly?23:30
botux1jdu: im trying to be able to access samba from my windows box as well23:30
ModNarhey guys i have a Atheros A242X and running ubuntu 8.10 I can have installed the drivers before(madwifi) and they work but they don't work all the time they only work about 1/2 the time23:30
botux1jd: i cant see my ubuntu shares on my vista box at all23:30
Jerky_is there a channel for jaunty?23:30
botux1jdu: rather23:30
fosco_Matson: yes23:31
jduJerky_, #ubuntu+123:31
ybeddyji have two files.....file1 was modified with a lot of changes to form file2 ...now i want to compare them and discard the similar areas and only keep the changes for file3...how do i do that...sdiff..diff..diff3 what should i use and what switches23:31
jdubotux1, you might need to fix something in /etc/samba/smb.conf23:32
botux1jdu: im in the gui editor now tryig to figure it out an its like greek to me lol23:32
jribybeddyj: diff -Nurp23:32
jribybeddyj: i mean there are a lot of ways...23:32
jdubotux1, personally, nfs is much better.  doesn't work with windows though23:32
ybeddyjthx jrib23:33
jdubotux1,  for information:  man smb.conf23:33
ybeddyjii'm gonna try that now23:33
otmif I want to extract a file to usr/local/bin how would i do this through terminal (since it doesn't allow me to drag and drop it)23:33
jribotm: what are you doing exactly?23:34
Titan8990otm, you have to be very careful about what you add to things that are in default $PATH23:34
jduotm,  once it is extracted:   sudo cp file  /usr/local/bin23:34
otmhmm, i'll probably not do it then23:36
ybeddyjjrib itstill list the similar areas ...how do i omit the similarities23:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:38
jribybeddyj: right, the options i gave you give context.  Read what the options do in the man page23:38
GodfatherofEir1Well, now that GDM is up and running again, I just need to be able to log in23:39
jribybeddyj: is there a reason you don't want context though?  I find diffs pretty useless without it23:41
GodfatherofEir1When I log in I get this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146524/23:42
ianm_can a Wacom send XInput events but not control the mouse cursor?23:42
a1fahey my system does not support usb boot.. but i have grub installed on the mbr.. is there anyway i can have grub load grub config from the usb stick?23:42
spaceBARbariani just tried installing lamp server using "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" and i got this error: tasksel: aptitude failed (128), it wont let me start the install again either, anyone know how to fix this ?23:43
Ienoranda1fa: Yes, I don't know *how* but there should be some howto's out there...23:44
GodfatherofEir1I tried dropping into recovery mode and fixing xserver, but no such luck23:44
botux1im confused23:44
RedMushroomcan somebody PLEASE help me w/ an issue i'm having with my graphics configuration?23:46
RedMushroomthe stupid thing keeps saying that it can't detect the configuration settings, asking me to reset them, and then rebooting and doing the same thing. i've even tried reinstalling and it still does it23:47
RedMushroomit's driving me nuts because it won't go away, and when i load the live CD I don't have the issue with isolinux23:47
GodfatherofEir1A fixed GDM doesnt do me much good unless I can actually log in, so I really need some help23:48
virtxi've a problem when i try to intall ubuntu on an old amd athlon 600mhz23:49
virtxwhat kind of boot params i've to do?23:49
tbird02sorry i have no idea, i'm new too23:50
virtxi'm not new, but always used slackware on that pc :)23:50
virtxi want to intall ubuntu23:50
sebsebsebvirtx: a really old computer?23:50
sebsebsebvirtx: how much RAM?23:50
fosco_virtx: try acpi=off and noapic23:51
sebsebsebvirtx: forget about 8.10  try 8.04 on it23:51
virtxfosco_, i've tryed that but it kernel panic too23:51
virtxi'm using 8.1023:51
fosco_you'll need more ram to complete the installation23:51
spaceBARbariani just tried installing lamp server using "sudo tasksel install lamp-server" and i got this error: tasksel: aptitude failed (128), it wont let me start the install again either, anyone know how to fix this ?23:51
virtxthen i've to use 8.04?23:51
virtxi just try to disable acpi with F6 option23:52
sebsebsebvirtx: 8.04 is better with older hardware23:52
GodfatherofEir1Could somebody help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146524/ ?23:52
sebsebsebvirtx: why Slackware to Ubuntu?  you made it sound like you were quite experienced with Slackware, so it does not make sense23:53
virtxsebsebseb, because i want a good package manager :)23:53
virtxi'm downloading 8.04.223:54
virtxit's ok with old pc?23:54
sebsebsebvirtx: you know about md5sums?23:54
virtxsebsebseb, what about?23:54
ybeddyjjrib i actually had an installation that got messed up...i had saved the install state for synaptic now i want to do a fresh install but i dont want to go through synaptic searching for all my changes. further the saved state was done fron UNR and now i'm going straight ubuntu..if i just used the saved state its gonna give me the unr stuffs which i dont want. so i installed unr and saved its default state hoping that i could diff t23:54
[4-tea-2]Can I tell nautilus which folder to display as "Desktop"? I tried symlinking the folder I want, but I now get $HOME as Desktop instead of the symlink's target.23:54
sebsebsebvirtx: well got to do a trick on 128MB RAM, before the Live CD will even boot up,  but otherwise I guess so.23:54
sebsebsebvirtx: puppylinux of course will work nicely on an old pc and damn small linux23:54
meoblast001Gnash isn't working23:55
meoblast001can someone help me?23:55
virtxthis pc will be used for streaming audio to icecast server with darkice23:55
meoblast001it won't play most videos23:55
virtxi need much sound codec libs23:55
sebsebsebvirtx: for servers 8.04 is also recommended23:55
erUSUL[4-tea-2]: See  .config/user-dirs.dirs23:55
sebsebsebvirtx: and 8.04 gets security updates longer than 8.10 and 9.04 etc23:56
erUSULmeoblast001: use flashplugin-nonfree23:56
[4-tea-2]erUSUL: tzvm23:56
[4-tea-2]erUSUL: tyvm23:56
sebsebseb!lts |  virtx23:56
ubottuvirtx: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.23:56
erUSUL[4-tea-2]: no problem23:56
GodfatherofEir1Could somebody give me  a hand with a login/xserver problems, and fixing it in recovery mode hasn't helped23:56
sebsebsebvirtx: there is also a server edition of 8.04 of course23:56
virtxyes i know23:56
virtxi'm downloading desktop23:56
Jordan_U_GodfatherofEir1, What happens when you try to login / start X?23:56
sebsebsebvirtx: ,but yes the server stuff can be installed in the desktop version23:56
tbird02i have a question. does linux need virus protection23:56
meoblast001erUSUL: but flashplugin-nonfree is nonfree23:56
meshuggahtbird02, ?23:57
sebsebsebvirtx: do you know about md5sums?   I would be a bit shocked if you didn't , since most experiened Linux users do23:57
Jordan_U_tbird02, No23:57
georgy_28! virus23:57
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:57
GodfatherofEir1Jordan_U_ I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/146524/23:57
virtx'cos it is not really a server, but a radio station23:57
erUSULmeoblast001: well if you have problem with closed source apps...23:57
hwildehello is there something censoring my xchat?  people tell me they see **** or <censored>   ?23:57
sebsebsebvirtx: which OS are you on now? Slackware?23:57
meshuggahhwilde, fuck shit damn asshole23:57
virtxsebsebseb, slackware on old pc and kubuntu and gentoo on new23:58
tbird02i have a question. does linux need virus protection23:58
hwildemeshuggah, no, when I type to other people, they see it as censored or *****23:58
hwilde!virus | tbird0223:58
ubottutbird02: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:58
erUSUL!language | meshuggah23:58
ubottumeshuggah: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:58
sebsebsebvirtx: you know about the code comparision tests for ISO's?23:58
meshuggaherUSUL, sorry :)23:58
virtxsebsebseb, md5?23:58
sebsebsebvirtx: yes23:58
scunizimeshuggah: most likely you'll get kicked if you continue.. this is a family friendly channel23:58
sebsebseb!md5sum |  virtx23:58
ubottuvirtx: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more23:58
virtxsebsebseb, then?23:59
meshuggahscunizi, iu am sorry, i only wanted to help a guy23:59
sebsebsebvirtx: yep  should do that before burning even though 99% of the time, it will have downloaded the ISO properly23:59
virtxsebsebseb, what are you trying to say?23:59
Geoffrey2personally, I'm not as wrapped up in the whole open/closed source thing as the simple question "Does it work?"23:59
virtxsebsebseb, the cd boots, but when i run "installation" it takes to me kernel panic23:59
sebsebseb!freedom |  Geoffrey223:59
ubottuGeoffrey2: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing23:59

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