[06:54] * NCommander is trying to bisect the problem [07:00] can't sleep [07:01] I've got the BeagleBoard working (the root password reset issue did _not_ show up, btw) [07:01] I cannot replicate the issue on the Beagle. [07:01] so it -must- be babbage specific [11:17] ogra: Any idea why the initramfs takes so much time to mount the SD when booting the install SD? [11:17] Hmm I wonder whether it tries to mount the SATA disk and times out [11:17] likely [11:17] casper iterates over all devices [11:18] the SATA->USB bridge always creates a device even if nothing is attached [11:18] Yes :-/ [11:18] next HW version will have PATA [11:18] for now we have to live with that [11:19] ogra: So we should drop that LIVEMEDIA thing, it doesn't help [11:19] i think it timed out without it [11:19] Ah [11:19] let me finish the script parser, i'll check the livemedia thing afterwards [11:19] * ogra curses shell for being bad with multiline strings [11:20] We should also try splash [11:20] breaks [11:20] What breaks? [11:20] usplash [11:20] try it [11:21] it totally wasnt on my list for jaunty so i didnt pay any extra attention but to disable it [11:21] i have it on the TODO for KK [11:21] Is there a bug for it? [11:21] nope [17:46] ogra : I couldn't reproduce the keyring daemon taking up 100% cpu on the Beagle board [17:46] ogra : I can, however, reproduce it on the Babbage, and will continue looking at it as soon as I get a mini to standard USB cable [19:43] afternoon === rbelem is now known as rbelem-afk === rbelem-afk is now known as rbelem === strk is now known as strk_off