
virtxi try with noapic and acpi off00:00
erossquick question, synaptic is saying i have 3 updates for kernel headers but I'm using latest, Can I uninstall the and not screw my system up, so I don't get those upgrade messages? Is that the way to do it?00:00
QaDeShow can i uninstall a package without removing its dependencies?00:00
IenorandGeoffrey2: You could use a sermon from Stallman  :)00:00
sebsebsebvirtx: yes later versions of Ubuntu, may not work well on your machine00:00
virtxthat is why i'm downloading 8.04.200:00
GodfatherofEir1Jordan_U_, you there?00:01
sebsebsebIenorand:  maybe we can arrange a Richard Stallman visit for that guy :)00:01
Jordan_U_GodfatherofEir1, Yes00:01
[4-tea-2]eross: you can, but you lose the option to start with that older kernel from grub in case something with your default kernel goes awry.00:01
scunizivirtx: is this an older motherboard or newer ... in the last couple years.. does it have the gforce 8200 chipset?00:01
erossanother note on top of little to no antivirus required for basic desktop install, the linux filesystem does not need to be defragged.00:01
GodfatherofEir1Any ideas as to how to fix that?00:01
Geoffrey2sebsebseb, trust me, I understand the philosophy behind open source.....but if the open source option is simply too "alpha" to be usable, I'm not going to keep fighting with it til it's actually ready for widespread use00:02
erossi haven't gone backwards in two years :P00:02
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: oh my you called it open source, Richard Stallman would not be happy00:02
histoGodfatherofEir1: how to fix what?00:02
hwildeGodfatherofEir1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:02
[4-tea-2]eross: according to Murphy, the first time you will have to, will be when you can't.00:02
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: in fact,  in the article the bot says,  it even has the bit on Open source00:02
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: open source and free software are not the same thing00:02
meshuggahsebsebseb, i am waiting your answer00:02
GodfatherofEir1histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146524/00:02
scunizivirtx: you might try to add msi=nopci on the kernel line when booting.00:02
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: similar, but not the same thing00:02
GodfatherofEir1hwilde, tried that00:02
histoGodfatherofEir1: when are you getting that?00:02
erossguess i'll just upgrade, thanks for the sensibility lesson 4-tea-200:03
GodfatherofEir1histo: on login00:03
scunizivirtx: sorry.. pci=nomsi00:03
histoGodfatherofEir1: there permissions of /tmp changed00:03
Burntresistorwhats the best way to set up my slave drive with unbuntu  i tired installing unbuntu on it so it can serve as a backup and i can use it as a slave, but its coming up always as primary when i boot00:04
GodfatherofEir1histo: so how should I fix that?00:04
virtxscunizi, msi?00:04
Jordan_U_GodfatherofEir1, Just as a test try to run "touch /tmp/test"( to see if for instance / is being mounted read only )00:04
histoGodfatherofEir1: let me check something real quick00:04
IenorandAlthough Ubuntu is probably not the most un-hypocritical distro when it comes to *true* freedom00:04
histoGodfatherofEir1: sudo chmod 777 /tmp00:04
erUSULBurntresistor: that is something that is controlled by bios/hardware nothing any OS can controll00:04
shavinderwhere can i check information about processor and ram etc. like in windows we right click my computer> properties.00:04
Geoffrey2sebsebseb, the word "free" generally gets tossed around here too much, with entirely too many differing meanings....00:05
GodfatherofEir1histo: thanks a million00:05
histoGodfatherofEir1: np00:05
Burntresistorjumper settings are right  can i got into unbuntu bios and change  settings00:05
histoBurntresistor: ubuntu doens't have a bios00:05
Mr_OrangeI put a script in rcS.d that doesn't end. How can I use my machine now?00:05
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
GodfatherofEir1 And now to get the driver for my wireless workin, then aircrack runnin....00:05
scunizivirtx: yep.. pci=nomsi.. not sure why it works but it does on my machine..00:05
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: indeed and that's half the  problem with the word.  ,but free software as in libre software,  and so  as in freedom00:06
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: not free as in price00:06
GodfatherofEir1The work never ends does it00:06
histoBurntresistor: you need to set one drive as master and one as slave.00:06
histoBurntresistor: or you can use cable select and put both drives on the same cable.00:06
Burntresistorthe one i want to be the slave is ide the master is a sata00:06
meshuggahBurntresistor, ubuntu bios?00:06
sebsebsebGeoffrey2: check out the articles on http://www.gnu.org  philopshey in about free software and that.  good reads :)00:07
meshuggahBurntresistor, ubuntu dony have bios, winshit doesnt have too, only your motherboard has00:07
gui-loveri cant find the installed wine applications in the gnome main menu. when i dir to home,00:07
kevin009anyone know how to unban yourself from denyhosts? i removed the entry from /etc/hosts.deny, but denyhosts just re-insers it when I restart the service00:07
Jordan_UGodfatherofEir1, WHat chipset?00:07
GodfatherofEir1Jordan_U, RTL8185L00:08
Geoffrey2sebsebseb, I think my point was missed though....however you want to define free, if the software doesn't work, it doesn't work....00:08
kevin009and of course I stop the service before I remove the ip from /etc/hosts.deny00:08
virtxscunizi, ok i'll try it's an nvidia with 8mb of memory00:08
sebsebseb!work |  Geoffrey200:08
GodfatherofEir1Well, working with the linux drivers for it anyway, as opposed to ndiswrapper, which aircrack cant work with00:08
ubottuGeoffrey2: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:08
Burntresistori know i misspoke i know where my bios is located i just want to know if its still accessible to change settings or im going about this wrong00:08
meshuggahBurntresistor, it is always accesible00:09
meshuggahBurntresistor, unless you screw up things00:09
robert__can some one help me turn on my wirless network addapter00:09
hajmolai was given an ipod touch... if I connect it to rhythmbox, will it sync and erase all the music on the ipod?00:11
ryan__I was looking at putting the GRUB boot loader on a floppy... is there any reason that it shouldn't work on a usb key?00:11
robert__can some one help me turn on my wirless network addapter00:11
rndmalsamixer won't take my volume above db gain=0.00 with master at 100%. (which means i can only turn sound down, not up). help!?00:11
rndmi have snd-hda-intel00:12
Burntresistorwill it just work as a formated slave as storage nstead  of having its own copy of linux on it  so it can boot , would that be a better solution00:12
=== Nooster is now known as hippos
hipposhi all00:13
meshuggahhippos, hi00:13
ryan__Burn, was that to me?00:13
hipposi'm trying to fix sound output on a friend's LG laptop00:13
hipposhey meshuggah00:13
hipposmetal fan eh?00:13
meshuggahBurntresistor, what are you trying to do?00:13
ryan__I think it was =P00:14
hipposwhen they updated from 8.10 to a higher version, it broke sound output00:14
Burntresistormy goal is to have this 120gb drive as a slave to my master so i can more storage00:14
hipposi followed a tutorial where i manually reinstalled all the sound libs and so on00:14
rndmnvm. problem was a modestly set front channel00:14
Burntresistorlike i did on windows00:14
ryan__Oh, nope, not to me =P00:14
hipposon the ubuntu forums00:14
meshuggahBurntresistor, put the damn jumper00:14
ryan__Sounded like it though rofl, it was a good idea ;)00:14
hipposdoes anyone here have any ideas?00:14
Burntresistori took out the jumper cause thats what the settings required00:14
Burntresistorall off means no jumper00:15
meshuggahBurntresistor, slave on 120gb00:15
meshuggahmaster on the other00:15
meshuggahand after, mount the slave00:15
erosshe has sata on one, and wants the ide as a slave00:15
ryan__Burn, are they sata? pata? what?00:15
Burntresistorone is sata the other is ide00:16
hajmolai was given an ipod touch... if I connect it to rhythmbox, will it sync and erase all the music on the ipod?00:16
ryan__Which is sata? master or slave?00:16
jdsbluedevlhello, I'm updating everything, and during the updating I get a message saying I have an obsolete driver.  However, it says to install the same driver I already have installed.  I put it in a pastebin here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146537/00:16
GodfatherofEir1Anybody have experience with installing the RTL8185L linux drivers00:16
freemanHm, does anyone know much about modifying inputs with xorg.conf?00:16
jdsbluedevlcan someone help me get rid of this annoying message that always pops up00:16
deanyhajmola, doubtful00:16
ryan__Have you tried making the sata boot first in BIOS?00:16
hajmoladeany, thanks00:17
deanyhajmola, things just aint that developed yet.  just use virtualbox and an xp install...best be safe.00:17
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
deanyi know ipod phones aint supported yet..00:17
Burntresistorboot first then add the second ?00:17
hipposso basically my question is, sound broke after update, what should i do?00:17
erossi guess iphones aren't supported yet either :/  funny thing, i sent them several emails and not heard one reply back about it00:18
dimedois it secure to trust that after activating "allow only encrypted connection" in my remote desktop setting, connections to my vnc server are always encrypted? how is this done?00:18
ryan__Ok, maybe I didn't understand your question... what isn't working Burn00:18
freemanDoes anyone here use Blender?00:18
Burntresistorwhat isnt working for some reason my computer has the slave set as master and it isnt the jumper settings00:18
erossfreeman - I do, they have a #blender channel if it's application related00:18
freemanWell, it's not necessarily related00:19
erossBurnt - you try the #hardware channel yet?00:19
GuiriHow can I pipe directory files to a script? cat * - | script00:19
ajrFlash wont work in firefox after upgrading to jaunty, even with plugins installed, is tehre a fix yet00:19
freemanI use a wireless mouse that has a mousewheel tilt function00:19
ryan__Look in your BIOS and make sure to set it so it checks your sata before ide, most are set up to check sata first00:19
ryan__Look in your BIOS and make sure to set it so it checks your sata before ide, most are set up to check ide first00:20
leagrisGuiri man xargs00:20
freemanAnd it breaks the rotation in it, and I was wondering how to disable the mouse buttons 6 and 700:20
Singeris it possible to specify a default port to ssh to in the ~/.ssh/config file?00:20
Burntresistorno but i will, im going to try to look in bios like it has been suggested ty for the help00:20
flipwheres the dude i was helping00:20
sententiousI'm thinking of buying a Netbook and putting a text-only Ubuntu or Debian on it. I understand that  on a 7-inch screen, the tty sessions would be super-small. Is there a way to increase the text size, or am I screwed?00:20
jdsbluedevlhello, I'm updating everything, and during the updating I get a message saying I have an obsolete driver.  However, it says to install the same driver I already have installed.  I put it in a pastebin here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146537/  Does anyone know how to keep this annoying message from popping up?00:20
Singersententious: magnifying glass? ;p00:21
filo1234Singer: you can set your port on /etc/ssh/sshd_config00:21
ryan__jds: Did you just try running it to see what happens?00:21
Titan8990jdsbluedevl, did you try running the command it says?00:21
Singerfilo1234: you missed my question00:21
jdsbluedevlyes.  I have it installed already00:21
Singerfilo1234: I want to ssh to this box to port XXX (XXX <=> 22)00:22
ryan__But even though it says that, did you still try to reinstall it?00:22
Titan8990jdsbluedevl, using that exact command after you recieved the error message?00:22
Singerso everything I go ssh blah@blah.com -pXXX00:22
jdsbluedevlthere really is no error in the system, just really annoying00:22
ryan__Did you try just running that command?00:22
Singeris it possible to put something in my local ~/.ssh/config so that it goes by default to port XXX when I ssh to host blah?00:22
filo1234Singer: oh ok i understand now ;)00:22
jdsbluedevlwell, I used aptitude instead00:22
sententiousSinger: funny, funny. I'm told there is something I can edit in the grub menu.lst file or something, but i'm not sure. Perhaps a vga setting? Do you know?00:22
dumdumzAnyone know how to get audacious player info to show in conky? I read somewhere I have to compile it but don't know how to do that.00:22
Droopsta915I have some hidden files on my desktop. How can I unhide the file so that it's visible?00:22
erossfreeman - dont know about your mouse buttons00:22
dumdumzctrl + h Droopsta91500:23
ryan__Woah? dum, you serious?00:23
dumdumzryan__, yes00:23
ryan__Are you meaning just on the desktop you can do that?00:23
tbird02 lolz00:23
ryan__Or in file browser?00:23
dumdumzin the file browser00:23
ezzieyguywuffor some reason any time I scroll anything, xorg freaks out and uses an inordinate amount of  cpu. top shows it going up to 101% if i scroll up and down fast enough. I'm runnin a T60p with an ati V5200. I get the same symptoms with and without compiz and with both the open and proprietary drivers. Help!!!00:23
ryan__Oh, ok, I knew that part =P I thought you were saying on the desktop =P I was like awesome00:24
GodfatherofEireSo, anybody got any experience with the RTL8185L chipset?00:24
tbird02hey i got a couple questions for my headless server00:24
Droopsta915dumbumz: thanks, I learn something new everyday with Ubuntu.00:24
BigMoopiesHello, I am wondering if it is possible to auto start a terminal program each time I login and for it not to close.  Would I want to put that in .bash_profile or .bashrc ?  Or would that just open it up each terminal tab and create an issue ?00:24
tbird02hey i got a couple questions for my headless server00:25
carpii__it should be ok in bash_profile, but you might want to add & to make it go into the background00:25
Titan8990!anyone | tbird0200:25
ubottutbird02: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:25
Guirileagris: Thanks. I'm using find /media/ExternalHD/Movies | xargs /bin/riff currently. Any tips? Seems to find everything instead of just the .avis00:25
dumdumzAnyone know how to get audacious player info to show in conky? I read somewhere I have to compile it but don't know how to do that.00:25
jdsbluedevlTitan8990: only difference between message and what I did was I used aptitude rather than apt-get00:25
Singerubottu: habit..00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about habit..00:26
tbird02do i need to install anything but a SSH server and VNC server on my headless server?00:26
Titan8990jdsbluedevl, that shouldn't matter since aptitude calls apt-get00:26
Singertbird02: why VNC?00:26
Titan8990tbird02, VNC???00:26
tbird02a gui backup...i'm a noob00:26
ezzieyguywufBigMoopies: system>>Preferences>>Session. Just add you're program/script00:26
Titan8990tbird02, it should have no GUI00:26
jdsbluedevlright, so yeah, I did what it said00:26
Singerno, that's all you need00:26
tbird02why not?00:26
bunjeeis there a linux program resembling quickbooks with Ubuntu?00:27
Singerfor me, its SSH + Puppet00:27
BigMoopiesezzieyguywuf, would I be able to actually see it and it stay open ?00:27
SingerI <3 Puppet00:27
carpii__bunjee, not really. theres homebank which is ok, but theyre all pretty primitive really00:27
Titan8990tbird02, because its absolutely worthless to a server and takes away from your valuable server resources00:27
RedMushroomwhat can i use for boot options from the live cd? is there a way to boot into a terminal from the live cd?00:27
tbird02what if i dont use the GUI and just stick with the CLI?00:28
SingerTitan8990: VNC Server (unused) is pretty light00:28
Titan8990tbird02, not to mention insecurities in VNC00:28
ezzieyguywufgMoopies: if it has a GUI then you will see it, and it will stay open until the program terminates or you exit it00:28
Titan8990Singer, but xserver-xorg, in general, is not00:28
SingerTitan8990: true..00:28
bunjeehomebank in add/remove programs?00:28
galvanizeHi all.00:28
Singerthere are some cases where I install xserver..00:28
galvanizeI was wondering how I would view all processes running in top? For instance scrolling down?00:29
carpii__get htop00:29
Titan8990tbird02, as far GUI administration, you should use web tools such as webmin, phpmyadmin, and phpsysinfo00:29
Singerwhere I work, all backend servers get xserver + vnc but its not enabled by default00:29
galvanizecarpii__: ok. thanks.00:29
Titan8990tbird02, but then again, I have no idea what you plan to use this server for00:29
ezzieyguywuffor some reason any time I scroll anything, xorg freaks out and uses an inordinate amount of  cpu. top shows it going up to 101% if i scroll up and down fast enough. I'm runnin a T60p with an ati V5200. I get the same symptoms with and without compiz and with both the open and proprietary drivers. Help!!!00:29
Singertbird02: oracle?00:29
tbird02just a backup fileserver, maybe some torrents00:30
stealth-whats the gnome file browser? im messing around with it, and i need to start it from cli00:30
RedMushroomhow can i use the live cd to boot into a terminal?00:30
carpii__stealth-, try nautilus00:30
Titan8990tbird02, you don't need a server for that00:30
ezzieyguywufstealth-: I believe its metacity00:30
bunjeecarpii__ how does this install again?00:30
Titan8990tbird02, unless its a fileserver for a large number of clients00:31
ezzieyguywufstealth-: ah no its nautilus00:31
erosshow do i turn off the sticky keys00:31
carpii__sudo apt-get install htop00:31
Titan8990tbird02, if its your home personal file server, might as well just use one of your desktops00:31
stealth-RedMushroom: you can boot the cd normally, then press ctrl+alt+F1, or you could get into one by running the terminal app00:31
leagrisGuiri find /media/ExternalHD/Movies -type f -iname "*.avi" | xargs /bin/riff00:31
stealth-carpii__: thanks00:31
tbird02well whats wrong with using SSH for the fileserver?00:31
Titan8990tbird02, but, if its also to learn how to manage a headless linux server, stick with it00:31
Matsonwhat is "hardy" mean00:32
stealth-!hardy | matson00:32
ubottumatson: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.00:32
Titan8990tbird02, ssh is secure but slow, you just need to weigh speed vs encyption00:32
MatsonIm running Hardy...00:32
Titan8990tbird02, I used webdav for my home file sharing, scp when I need something in a hurry00:32
RedMushroomstealth-: ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing00:32
Titan8990tbird02, ftp and NFS are also good choices00:32
=== linxeh_ is now known as linxeh
Singerits a proven fact that SCP/SSH is slow00:33
stealth-RedMushroom: in the live cd? try other ctrl+alt+Fsomethings00:33
Titan8990tbird02, but again, if you are going accross the internet, ssh security ftw00:33
Matsonthe Ubuntu installer should tell the person what the name of the install they are installing00:33
RedMushroomand i have to boot into a terminal. my desktop is fubar and not working00:33
Matsonif it did, it was not obvious enough, I just did it 6 times in a row00:33
leagristbird02, rsync does wonders00:33
RedMushroomstealth-: yeah, live cd. ok, trying00:33
tbird02well i set up ftp already.  thats what i use to transfer files but trying to learn ssh00:33
Titan8990Singer, yeah, encyption adds quite a overhead00:33
galvanizeanyone looking forward to jaunty?00:33
Titan8990tbird02, imo ssh is easier than ftp, but learning is always good :)00:33
Guirileagris: Thanks. That's pretty close to what I was using. /bin/riff is actually vlc transcoding, set to us $1. I think that's where my error's coming from right? The $1?00:33
ActionParsnipgalvanize: already got ;)00:33
galvanizeActionParsnip: not final release correct?00:34
RedMushroomstealth-: tried it, nothing for ctrl+alt+f1 - f1200:34
ActionParsnipgalvanize: correct00:34
bytor4232galvanize, I've got it installed on a desktop and my two lappies.  Thinking about hacking it onto my daughter's Eee00:34
leagrisNFS should be avoided on the wide internet00:34
Titan8990tbird02, ftp servers require configuration but ssh only requires sudo apt-get install ssh-server00:34
ianm_galvanize: using it!00:34
Titan8990tbird02, unless you want public key auth00:34
galvanizeActionParsnip: Had it too. Then decided to revert back to Intrepid. Found it to be little buggy.00:34
dumdumzAnyone know how to get audacious player info to show in conky? I read somewhere I have to compile it but don't know how to do that.00:34
SingerTitan8990: SSH/SCP isn't orptimized for large file transfers..00:34
Matsonwhat is the default MTA for ubuntu?00:35
MatsonI was using exim4 on debian00:35
tbird02let me take that back. i'm using the ssh server, using winscp on my windows box to transfer files.00:35
ActionParsnipgalvanize: runs perfect here, not had an issue personally00:35
tbird02how do i set up ftp?00:35
Titan8990Matson, exim4 for debian postfix for ubuntu00:35
Matsonbut looks like postfix and exim4 are available on ubuntu00:35
stealth-RedMushroom: hm... well i suppose you might be able to stop the X server, which should drop you to a terminal, but it would be easier to do whatever you need to do from a GUI terminal...00:35
Titan8990Matson, either will work00:35
galvanizeActionParsnip: Good to hear. I had minor bugs with wine in jaunty.00:35
Titan8990Matson, if you already know exim4, i recommend sticking to it00:35
MatsonTitan8990: sure, but I want to go with whatever most people are using00:35
leagrisGuiri you could debug using a vanilla script that just dump its parameter00:35
galvanizeWill be downloading final release though :)00:35
MatsonTitan8990: I've done all of em00:35
Titan8990Matson, why is that even a factor?00:35
RedMushroomstealth-: how might i try that?00:35
GuiriDang. I was following along until there.00:36
stealth-RedMushroom: killing the X server? Or using a GUI terminal?00:36
Matsonmore support, other people working to solve current issues00:36
ActionParsnipgalvanize: did you use the wine off the wine repos?00:36
bytor4232galvanize, I'm mostly using just the base system, with xfce4 installed (not xubuntu).  The For the ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop machines, I'm waiting for stable.00:36
bytor4232galvanize, But I had to have XFCE 4.6, so I upgraded early!00:36
ActionParsniptbird02: sudo apt-get install proftpd00:36
RedMushroomanything that'll let me boot to a "terminal" or text based interface off the ubuntu live cd00:36
Titan8990Matson, I have add good experience with the exim4 mailing list....00:36
galvanizeActionParsnip: Yes, I was.00:36
ActionParsniptbird02: default settings will default users to their home dir00:36
ActionParsnipgalvanize: ok cool00:37
galvanizeActionParsnip: Besides that minor bug, I was loving Jaunty.00:37
Titan8990Matson, but anyways... postfix would be more popular in ubuntu because it is easier... many to most ubuntu users are new to linux00:37
git__is there a software to break captcha?00:37
tbird02k what do i use to connect to it00:37
Titan8990tbird02, ?00:37
galvanizeActionParsnip: Actually can't wait for Koala, rumors of a new colour is very good!@00:38
stealth-RedMushroom: well there is a program that comes on all installs, and should definately be in on the live cd. Basically its a terminal that runs as a window. In gnome, its located at: Applications --> Accessories --> terminal00:38
tbird02will winscp  work?00:38
ActionParsniptbird02: any ftp client, windows you can use filezilla or command line, linux has a vast array of clients00:38
Titan8990tbird02, if you are using fail windows00:38
tbird02fail windows?00:38
RedMushroomcan anyone tell me how to boot to a text based interface from the ubuntu live cd?00:38
Titan8990tbird02, yes, windows = fail00:38
Titan8990tbird02, the two words are synonymous00:38
tbird02haha i see00:39
* RedMushroom facepalms at Titan899000:39
stealth-RedMushroom: I still dont understand why you need to...00:39
tbird02so i can transfer files using winscp. is that ftp or ssh00:39
Preplexedcan some one please help me with session00:39
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any experience with the RTL8185L chipset?00:39
Titan8990tbird02, ssh (scp, sftp)00:39
ubuntuif my HD is encrypted i am guessing i can't update my /boot bootloader through livecd?00:40
Titan8990tbird02, you will likely not see transfer speeds greater than 3mb/s over ssh00:40
ubuntuso i can boot windows00:40
tbird02i dont mind that. its wireless anyway00:40
dumdumzAnyone know how to get audacious player info to show in conky? I read somewhere I have to compile it but don't know how to do that.00:40
tony2009will Ubuntu auto detect a Nvidia 9800GTX+ 512MB?00:40
ActionParsniptbird02: grab filezilla and it can connect to the ftp server00:40
Titan8990tbird02, I have pulled 15mb/s on the same network using http....00:40
tony2009dumdumz: no idea sorry mate00:40
tbird02hmm ok. is that faster?00:40
RedMushroomstealth-: because i need to run the dd command on the hdd to reformat the bugger because it's got something messed up on it that won't allow the computer to boot properly from the hdd. it's an issue w/ a config file00:40
RedMushroomand i need to wipe and reinstall00:40
tbird02is it as secure?00:40
tony2009will Ubuntu auto detect a Nvidia 9800GTX+ 512MB?00:41
leagristony it should. I had a 7800GTX 250Mb00:41
Titan8990tbird02, if you run it over ssl, but that will likely slow the speed00:41
Matsonis there a tool to sort human-readable disk sizes like output by du -h?00:41
tony2009leagris: ok thans.. then what do I do to test it?00:41
stealth-RedMushroom: that  can be done from the GUI terminal... The GUI terminal is the same as the normal terminal just inside a GUI window00:41
Titan8990Matson, like how?00:41
ubuntutony go to system>administration>hardware drives to check00:41
RedMushroomstealth-: i can't get to the GUI because the GUI is the part that's messed up00:42
filo1234RedMushroom: you can delete splash quiet option on kernel line and add single00:42
stealth-RedMushroom: the gui on the live cd00:42
tbird02hmm. okay let me get filezilla00:42
Titan8990filo1234, it will still auto-start gdm00:42
tbird02whats puppet btw?00:42
filo1234Titan8990: no i have tryed now00:42
stealth-RedMushroom: but you should be able to kill the xserver in the live cd with this command: gksudo "/etc/init.d/gdm stop"00:42
RedMushroomstealth-: when i try to load that it pulls info off the hdd and presents the same issu00:42
traskbtAfter trying to modify the E17 menu, my system-wide xdg menu got messed up, is there a way to regenerate the default XDG menu?00:42
traskbt(I'm sitting in GNOME at the moment)00:43
ubuntutony2009, boot with livecd then system>administration>hardware drives to check00:43
RedMushroomstealth-: how can i input that command?00:43
MatsonTitan8990: sort them by size00:43
stealth-RedMushroom: ah! I see your issue now, if you cant even get into the livecd, try filo1234's method00:43
Matson4.0K, 48K 3M 3.5G  etc00:43
filo1234RedMushroom: you can delete splash quiet option on kernel line and add single00:43
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Titan8990Matson, you could use a bash script, not sure if someone has already released a utility to do it00:43
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tony2009ubuntu what will "hardware drives to check" do?00:43
RedMushroomwhat's kernel line?00:43
filo1234and you can choice root00:44
tbird02whats puppet btw?00:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puppet00:44
filo1234RedMushroom: f6 for more option00:44
Titan8990tbird02, never heard of it00:44
Matson"sort" support numerical00:44
tony2009tbird02: a stick man on a strong :)00:44
Matsonyes, ooking at writing it, hoping not to duplicate effort00:44
=== GodfatherofEire1 is now known as GodfatherofEire
RedMushroomnow you say delete the splash quite line. for me, when i press f6 i get "00:45
tony2009ubuntu what will "hardware drives to check" do?00:45
scuniziIs there a way to grep the kernel to see if it has code/driver for an Intel 537epg pci soft modem?00:45
filo1234RedMushroom: when you boot live cd and choice try or install ubuntu, press f6, delete splash and quiet and add single00:46
RedMushroom"file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.gz quiet splash --00:46
lavagolemkingHow would one bring up the dialog to update the grub menu after a kernel update?00:46
stealth-um... im in nautilis as root, and i just deleted something i needed, how can i get it back?00:46
jduWhat is ubuntu's support like for 5 1/4 inch floppies?00:46
jribstealth-: your backups00:46
filo1234RedMushroom: yes00:46
jrib!recover | stealth-00:46
ubottustealth-: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:46
stealth-jrib: its not that important, its only been on the harddrive for a couple minutes00:47
RedMushroomfilo1234: you mean make it "file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.gz single"00:47
stealth-jrib: there is no other way?00:47
filo1234RedMushroom: yes00:47
tbird02does filezilla do network transfers? I cant see a networked comptuer.00:47
jribstealth-: is the file open still?00:48
traskbtHow can I get the default GNOME menu back?00:48
stealth-jrib: file manager? yes00:48
jribstealth-: no.  The file00:48
Guirileagris: I settled on find /media/ExternalHD/Movies -type f -iname "*.avi" -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/riff . One last question: Any way to make the script repeat after the movie finishes and also randomize the find so it doesn't find the same thing each time?00:48
stealth-jrib: it was actually a directory, so no00:48
Jordan_Utraskbt, Do you want to set your panels completely back to defaults or do you just want to re-add "Applications" ?00:49
GodfatherofEireAnybody have any experience with the RTL8185L chipset?00:49
traskbtJordan_U, just re-add applications (and get them set up structurally like they are in a fresh install), resetting panels is okay too if that has to be done00:49
Matsonis there an equivalent of rcconf on ubuntu?00:49
jribstealth-: then no, there's no other way00:50
filo1234RedMushroom: with this option you boot on recovery mode00:50
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stealth-jrib: that sucks, okay, thanks anyways00:50
Matsonrcconf lists all the rc.d init scripts and manages the symlinks to start and stop services at bootup00:50
Geoffrey2sebsebseb, is there a utility out there that can locate any files/programs on your computer that is not "Free Software"?00:50
Jordan_UGodfatherofEire, It *should* work out of the box on intrepid00:50
jribstealth-: it's not in the trash right?00:50
Mene-MeneTried out 8.10.00:50
GodfatherofEireJordan_U, yeah, it does, partly, but with poor signal quality00:50
Mene-MeneStill not seeing the wire.00:50
tbird02does filezilla do network transfers? I cant see a networked comptuer.00:51
stealth-jrib: no00:51
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Jordan_UGodfatherofEire, Reported signal quality or noticeably poor performance / dropped connections?00:51
stealth-jrib: its all good, it was just a screensaver file. If I like the look of the other colors, ill go find the one i deleted again, thanks00:52
GodfatherofEireJordan_U, Have I? No, but I have noticed em00:52
leagrisGuiri I can"t find a program like sort but to randomize the order. You could try to generate a m3u playlist and asks vlc to play it randomly00:52
Matsoninitclt, rcconf, chkconfig - which is ubuntu standard?00:52
Jordan_Utraskbt, To get the main menu pack just right click the pannel > Add to pannel > main menu00:52
Mene-MeneI think it's a motherboard thing.00:53
Guirileagris: excellent idea. Can use find to create and output to a text file?00:53
Guirifrom what I understand, that's all an m3u is, right?00:53
traskbtJordan_U, I have the menu icon, I mean I want to regenerate the xdg MENU itself (the applications and sub-menus of the main GNOME menu)00:53
leagrisGuiri any shell command can output to whatever if you gives a redirector >file00:53
traskbtJordan_U, the file is /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu and mine isn't what I would like it to be.00:53
leagrisGuiri you can reformat the output using awk to match a playlist00:55
Guirileagris: Thanks much for your patience. Trying that now00:55
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Guirileagris: Output doesn't seem to have line breaks, oddly enough00:55
tbird02why are there red lines that cross my chat window??00:56
Matsonin 8.04 - is it using upstart or init?00:56
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ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.00:57
traskbttbird02, lots of GUI IRC clients show lines across showing you where you moved the mouse away from the window, so it's easier to see what you have read and haven't read00:57
Jordan_Utraskbt, Have you tried running sudo update-menus or renaming the old configuration file then running update-menus ?00:57
traskbtJordan_U, both00:57
WindmillObsessed@traskbt: wow, that's cool, thanks for the tip. It would've bugged me too until I figured it out00:58
traskbtWindmillObsessed, you're welcome? What did I do?00:58
Jordan_Utraskbt, Are you sure that the problem is with the system wide config file and not your user's ?00:59
johann__hi !!!00:59
tbird02what's the best torrent solution for a headless server00:59
WindmillObsessed@ traskbt: explained the red lines00:59
linxehtbird02: rtorrent00:59
traskbtJordan_U, yes, I am, the system-wide is the one I have changed00:59
linxehassuming you mean a bt client00:59
TheDracleHm, I have something strange happening. When I use jockey-gtk, and select to 'Activate' the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver, the 'Downloading and installing' bar pops up for a moment, then immediately disappears- with no effect.00:59
traskbtWindmillObsessed, oh, okay01:00
TheDracleThis is for Ubuntu 8.1001:00
Mene-MeneI don't know what else I can do.01:00
tbird02what about torrentflux01:00
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Mene-MeneIt doesn't work in 9.04, and not in 8.1001:00
flipflip can i get some help with an out of range error01:00
poseidonwhere is the jdk put during installation from apt-get?01:00
linxehtbird02: it sounds evil01:00
Mene-MeneThe driver won't install even if I follow the instructions to the letter.01:01
traskbtI wish I could Alt-Tab between Windows and Ubuntu..01:02
stealth-I cant set my resolution any higher than 1024x768 in either gnome or kde. I want it higher, any ideas?01:02
Mene-Menetraskbt: That's called a VM01:02
stealth-also, my moniter is registered as "unknown"01:03
linxehtbird02: personally I'd prefer to use ssh to access everything, but it doesnt look that bad if you want that kind of thing01:03
traskbtMene-Mene, but I'd prefer "real" installs of each, never been a fan of virtual OSs.01:03
Giotraderhelp install? I have a RAID 0 and 2 IDE drives, Ubuntu alternate CD only see 1 IDE drives and gives me an error message when trying to partition the RAID 001:03
Jordan_Utraskbt, Get two computers and a KVM switch :)01:03
filo1234Giotrader: raid 0 see only one drive01:04
flipCan someone help me with a out of range error please i have more details i just cant post them here01:04
linxehtraskbt: with proper hypervisors each OS is a proper install...01:04
Giotraderi have 4 drive 2 of them or SATA in a raid 001:04
Giotraderso the OS should see 3 drives01:04
solexious|netbkI have just started my ubuntu server with a new pci network card in it. I have got a connection light on it but its not showing up when I do a ifconfig. What do I have to do to install it or enable it?01:04
traskbtJordan_U, I have multiple computers, but I do need Windows and Ubuntu on one machine (it's my best one, and the only one that will play LOTRO on Windows ;])01:05
mib_bnhyqdhi, how do i expand a partition in gparted?01:05
Mene-MeneI'm out of things to try, any ideas?01:05
Mene-MeneI'm still pretty new.01:05
filo1234Giotrader: is right, raid 0 = 2 drive like one01:05
Jordan_Utraskbt, So is the problem with the file that you made a modification that you now don't want? If the problem is with a modification you made then update-menus should fix it.01:05
traskbtJordan_U, it should, but it doesn't01:06
traskbtJordan_U, it doesn't actually change the file at all.01:06
ussertraskbt, give andLinux a shot. it works pretty good01:06
robert__need help instaling ndiswrapper01:06
hyp0cracihey i was wondering if someone could help me out with my sound issue, i just got ubuntu 9.04 up, am real new to linux at this point, I have read all the stuff i could find on goodle/ubuntu site and still have no sound01:06
Jordan_Utraskbt, OK, try running "update-menus --stdout > /tmp/freshmenu.menu" and then replace the file manually01:07
robert__need help instaling ndiswrapper01:07
Jordan_Uhyp0craci, 9.04 is not released yet, questions should be asked in #ubuntu+101:08
Jordan_Urobert__, Are you sure that ndiswrapper is needed for your card?01:08
flipCan someone help me with a out of range error please i have more details i just cant post them here01:08
traskbtJordan_U, that leaves me with a blank menu01:08
robert__i thank so well im positive01:08
SohmaHey everyone question. I just downloaded and installed Unbuntu as another OS. I never used a linex program before and am looking on how to install and where to install drivers for my Linksys Wireless B PCI card01:08
hyp0craciok ty, not sure if its release related or just a linux thing with my sound chip :oP ill try there first01:09
Jordan_Utraskbt, Did it create a file /tmp/freshmenu.menu ?01:09
RedMushroomabout how long does it take the dd command to finish erasing a drive?01:10
poseidonwhere is the jdk put during installation from apt-get?01:11
traskbtJordan_U, yeah, it's populated with stuff, but it doesn't look like an xdg menu01:11
Jordan_USohma, Look for software in Applications > Add / Remove and check System > Administration > Hardware Drivers for your card ( you may need to do some work if there is nothing there and your card still does not show up in network-manager )01:11
Paco_Pacowhat is the bot called?01:12
Mene-MeneAny suggestions for getting a driver to work?01:13
Mene-MeneIts designed for RedHat I believe, and well... yeah.01:13
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usserRedMushroom, depends on the size of the drive and if you're overwriting it with /dev/zero or /dev/random01:14
Lint01how the Add/Remove Programs applet is actually called?01:14
RedMushroomusser: 20gb drive, using /dev/zero01:14
usserRedMushroom, shouldn't be more than an hour01:15
Jordan_Utraskbt, In what way does it not look like an xgd menu? If you move it to /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu does it work?01:15
usserRedMushroom, half hour i'd say01:15
usserRedMushroom, maybe less01:15
RedMushroomcool. thanks01:15
TheFunkbombCould someone help me set up file sharing between Ubuntu 8.10 and Win XP?01:15
Jordan_UMene-Mene, What driver?01:15
Mene-MeneGetting a link for you...01:15
Mene-MeneHmm... That won't get you what you want will it?01:17
gvsa123hi i'm having problems installing googleearth on ubuntu. i get the error: /home/girard/.googleearth'. File exists.01:17
gvsa123./googleearth-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libssl.so.0.9.8: symbol BIO_test_flags, version OPENSSL_0.9.8 not defined in file libcrypto.so.0.9.8 with link time reference01:17
flipCan someone help me with a out of range error please i have more details i just cant post them here01:18
Matsonflip: use http://pastie.org/01:18
Shhhi need help01:18
Shhhi istalled ubuntu via Wubi, and i was having problems with it and so i ran the uninstaller.01:19
Shhhnow how do i reinstall?01:19
Shhhi didnt delete any of the files01:19
solexious|netbkI have just started my ubuntu server with a new pci network card in it. I have got a connection light on it but its not showing up when I do a ifconfig. What do I have to do to install or enable it?01:20
LewisSharpHi, I installed a working mail server that can receive mail. Though I can't send without being block for multiple reason (one being a missing reverse DNS). So, I'd like to use a SMTP server with Auth and force postfix to send mail through that smtp server. I've look on google and on the wiki but doesn't looks like I have what I need there. :(01:20
tonyyarussosolexious|netbk: does it show up in ifconfig -a?01:20
AntiochWhats the channel for the Jaunty channel? It used to be in the topic but its not there now.01:21
tonyyarussoLewisSharp: For instance, relaying through GMail?01:21
tonyyarussoAntioch: #ubuntu+101:21
LewisSharptonyyarusso: Actually Yahoo01:21
tonyyarussoLewisSharp: Hmm, okay.  I'm guessing it's relatively similar, but you'll have to do a little bit of legwork.  The config for GMail is in http://files.tonyyarusso.com/postfix_config_gmail.tar.gz01:22
solexious|netbktonyyarusso, yes as eth201:23
FlynsarmyNvidia just released new drivers for ubuntu that appeared in my update list. How do i find out information on what the changes are? Been waiting for twinview without x restart for ages01:23
tonyyarussosolexious|netbk: You'll need to assign it an IP address and netmask then.  The ifconfig man page will tell you how.01:23
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LewisSharptonyyarusso: Thanks, this might take me a while to apply though :)01:24
solexious|netbktonyyarusso, do you know how to set it up to look for a dhcp server?01:24
zozobraI've installed 8.10 and in my xorg.conf, there's no section for input device for my touchpad. My touchpad is really slow. How can I get a proper xorg.conf?01:24
tonyyarussosolexious|netbk: yes.  'sudo dhclient eth2'.01:25
filo1234zozobra: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:25
Jordan_UMene-Mene, What hardware do you need drivers for? ( specific chipset if you know it )01:25
zozobrafilo1234: I did that, and the new xorg.conf looks the exact same as the last one01:25
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solexious|netbktonyyarusso, Many thinks01:26
Mike_lifeguardHow much time should I allot to re-partition my HD and install intrepid?01:26
UbnutHello, Is there a way i can get a new fstab01:26
krammer_how can i change the downloads to a certain distination besides the folder downloads01:27
filo1234krammer_: with firefox?01:28
Jordan_UMene-Mene, Do you see any drivers available in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?01:28
romanhey guys, i've got a question. i'm currently fiddling with a separate x-screen for an emulation setup (fullscreen emulation on one screen while having the normal desktop on the other), and wanted to know if it would be possible to somehow "lock" my gamepad to one of both x-sessions. at the moment, the time i focus the "desktop" session with the mouse (e.g. do something in it), the gamepad ceases to work on the other screen, which of course is no01:28
romant desirable in my kind of setup. is there any way to change this behaviour? thanks in advance :)01:28
xooxHow do I determine why update-manager wants me to restart?01:28
unopkrammer_, edit -> preferences01:29
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krammer_unop, i was thinking the preferences were under ubuntu lol01:29
filo1234krammer_: modify > preference> download-------save on01:29
krammer_Thanks stupid me01:29
Mene-MeneJordan_U wouldn't that require internet access?01:30
Mene-MeneBut I'll go check, the comp's just down the hall.01:31
FlynsarmyAnyone know if the nvidia 180 drivers support twinview without x restart?01:31
UbnutI deleted my fstab what do i do?01:31
SaturnDriveri'm having trouble getting the jack sink module installed for pulse audio, can anyone help?01:32
Mene-MeneNo drivers for lan anyway Jordan_U01:32
dumb_dumbany one here try to used xen with ubuntu hardy server edition01:33
dumb_dumbhow to enabled the serial port on guest os?01:33
xeroI've already tried #pulseaudio and #bluez (and #bluez-users) so i'll ask you guys:01:34
crazypoultrysorry for what may seem a little silly, but hopefully a easily solved question.  I have an older desktop sitting beside my desk that i would like to use as a media server(ubuntu 8.10) and would like to know if it is possible to connect to it using vnc over an ethernet cable from my win xp desktop01:34
bsharittHaving an odd problem with Ubuntu 8.04 that I haven't seen before. The main hard drive(the 4 hard drives in the raid are fine), is showing as 74GB total(which is correct), 74GB in use(should not be this) and 30GB free(sounds right, though conflicts with used space). This is causing me to be unable to install updates or run some services(intermitent X issues and MySQL won't start.) I've already run a full fsck it completed 01:34
botux1anyone good wiht samba?01:34
xeroWhen I try to use my Moto S9 with PulseAudio (0.9.15-test7 compiled from source) I get the following from BlueZ(yes I have version 4.34 also compiled from source)01:35
xerobluetoothd[27192]: Accepted new client connection on unix socket (fd=15)01:35
Jordan_Ucrazypoultry, It is01:35
xerobluetoothd[27192]: Audio API: BT_REQUEST <- BT_GET_CAPABILITIES01:35
xerobluetoothd[27192]: Audio API: BT_ERROR -> BT_GET_CAPABILITIES01:35
xerobluetoothd[27192]: Unix client disconnected (fd=15)01:35
xerobluetoothd[27192]: No known services for device01:35
FloodBot1xero: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:35
Mene-MeneIt doesn't work in Ubuntu either.01:35
Mene-MeneSorry, windows.01:35
crazypoultryjordan_u: anyway you could be so kind as to point me in the right direction to get started01:35
xeroPastebin for 5 lines is great. Anyway i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/146579/ when pairing my moto S901:36
scuniziok.. the latest Cups update changed the way to restart cups.. it use to be /etc/init.d/cupsys restart and NOW it's /etc/init.d/cups restart .. these niggly changes without notification drive me nuts.01:36
botux1i need help with samba01:36
xeroscunizi, i hate it too. DontZap by default has annoyed me to no end.01:36
xerobotux1, ask the question. Don't keep saying you need help.01:37
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xeroi get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/146579/ when pairing my moto S9. BlueZ version is 4.34 and Pulse is
xerobotux1, don't apologize to me. I have no authority, lol.01:37
zionpsyferI'm having trouble getting pictures off of my Canon Rebel XT, it worked prior to the upgrade to intrepid.  I suspect it has to do with the changes with udev to hal and consolekit.  As consolekit has no man page and I've no idea what I'm doing in there, anyone with experience that can help?01:38
botux1i can see my windows pc froim ubuntu but cant get into it when i click it it says unable to mount01:38
Jordan_Ucrazypoultry, Install ubuntu, connect the two pc's, give them both static ip addresses on the same network ( but not on the same network as your connection to the modem you use to connect to the internet, different interfaces can't have overlapping networks ). Then go to System > Preferences > Remote Desktop and allow remote access via vnc01:38
xeroi get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/146579/ when pairing my moto S9. BlueZ version is 4.34 and Pulse is 0.9.15-test7. Anyone able to help at all? I'm using the Jaunty beta by the way.01:39
crazypoultryjordan_u:  tyvm, will try it out and see what happens :)01:39
Jordan_Ucrazypoultry, np, good luck :)01:39
showersi just moved over to ubuntu and everything is nice... except in Thunbderbird where all my message listing are in bold, which makes it impossible to pick out the read messages from the unread messages. anybody else ever have this problem01:39
droneI just upgraded to jaunty amd64 yesterday and now my apps, places, and system menus have no icons in them at all01:40
dronenot sure how to fix it. I already deleted my gnome config files and started over but that didn't help01:40
xerodrone, install alacarte and run it01:40
xerosudo apt-get install alacarte && alacarte01:40
Jordan_U!jaunty | xero, drone01:40
ubottuxero, drone: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:40
xeroJordan_U, my BlueZ and Pulse aren't from Jaunty.01:41
dronethanks, I wasn't sure if there was a different area for that01:41
xero"Lots of breakage" does not apply here because...well... it isn't from the distro.01:41
Jordan_Uxero, That may be the problem then, either way we don't support jaunty here until it is released01:41
jtgirihi guys, I am trying to use snmpwalk and i get command not find, how can I install it ? i did snmpd already01:41
carpii__did you apt-get snmp too ?01:42
carpii__client tools as opposed to server01:42
droneI realize you guys aren't support the 9.04 beta, but I just wanted to note that alacarte is already installed and even though I can see icons in there, they are still not present when the menus are dropped down01:43
dronejust in case someone else asks01:43
jtgirithat was it, thanks01:44
xerodrone, check the boxes near them01:44
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU01:45
solexious|netbkHow can I tell dhclient to allways look on my eth2 as I have to run it at boot01:45
zionpsyferI've got a number of questions on udev, hal and consolekit related to getting a camera to be recognized.01:45
minimike150Does anybody know how to get a second generation Ipod Touch to mount or to be able to sync etc ?01:47
ahornerI recently installed 8.10 and all the updates. I restarted for the first time and now I have incompatable resolutions for both my monitors (1920x1080, 1440x900) and can't see a thing.01:48
m1dn1ghtHey guys - I'm getting some weird feedback through my speakers when I do various things on the screen (e.g move a window around) - has anyone ever heard of this or know any way to troubleshoot it?01:49
sYskkwhere can I find startup services in ubuntu ?01:49
carpii__m1dn1ght, on board sound card ?01:50
m1dn1ghtcarpii__: nods01:50
carpii__i doubt theres much you can do unless you can filter it out using yur amp settings01:50
carpii__get a basic soundblaster pci, theyre like £1 these days01:50
dronexero, I tried all manner of things with alacarte and nothing fixed the issue01:50
m1dn1ghtcarpii__: just a really bizarre situation.  Brand new motherboard.01:50
carpii__its quite common with onboard sound01:51
ahornerwhat's the xorg reconfigure command?01:51
m1dn1ghtsYskk: preferences > sessions01:51
SaturnDriversudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i believe01:51
carpii__check your cabling too i guess, make sure its not too close to the puter01:51
Jsonhey guys, which method do you use to access files on a VPS?01:51
mint3hey guys01:51
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SaturnDriverahorner: np01:52
m1dn1ghtcarpii__: thanks for the hints01:52
mint3am trying to access my laptop from my pc (both running ubuntu) . how can i manage it? Via samba?01:52
socerboyhey guys01:52
yvaHi, I've installed gedit-latex and it has added a toolbar. How can I remove it?01:52
carpii__mint3, id probably go for nfs01:52
gojedaHow can I setup an Air card Sprint Wireless modem01:52
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carpii__samba is not great, and mostly used in a windows or mixed env01:52
sYskkm1dn1ght: I dont have a GUI01:52
gojedaUbuntu is not picking it up for some reason although is connected through USB01:53
mint3carpii__,  - i got windows on both and would want to access my files over irrespective of the o,s01:53
mint3as in from ubuntu, access windows and windows accessin ubuntu01:53
mint3that possible ?01:53
carpii__ok then samba is really your only option01:53
socerboyi could kill u at soccer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:53
SaturnDrivermint3 - i'm not sure what you mean01:53
mint3SaturnDriver,  - i got 1 pc (2 partitions, 1 ubuntu 1 vista) and 1 laptop (2 partitions, 1 ubuntu, 1 vista)01:54
gojedaHow can I setup an Air card Sprint Wireless modem?01:54
SaturnDrivermint3 - what are you trying to do01:54
mint3accessing documents01:54
SaturnDriverwhich OS to which OS01:55
mint3from my pc, accessing my laptop documents and vice versa01:55
mint3ubuntu - ubuntu01:55
yvaIs there a way to remove plugin toolbar in gedit?01:55
mint3and if possible ubuntu - vista01:55
thewrathhow do i move my private key and public key for ssh to a different machine01:56
mib_flsm76socerboy: do you have anything ubuntu related01:56
FloodBot1socerboy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
SaturnDrivermint3 - you should probably just use samba01:57
socerboyshut up man01:57
gojedaSo no one has ever used an Air Card before01:57
SaturnDriversocerboy - who are you talking to01:57
mint3ok SaturnDriver . i just did. i downloaded it via terminal, dont know where its gone now. how do i start it up, SaturnDriver  ?01:57
socerboyhi fag01:58
unop!ot | socerboy01:58
ubottusocerboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:58
eseven73!ops | socerboy01:58
ubottusocerboy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!01:58
socerboyOK SMARTPENS01:58
* unop waits for a penny to drop01:59
mint3anyone ?01:59
kevin009what is the name of the app that allows you to click on nm-applet and choose a wi-fi network?01:59
yvaIs there a way to remove plugin toolbar in gedit?02:00
unopkevin009, nm-applet ??02:00
unop!info nm-applet02:00
ubottuPackage nm-applet does not exist in intrepid02:00
Fujisan!info windows xp02:00
ubottu'xp' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']02:00
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Fujisanubuntulog is broke i think02:01
Fujisani men the bots02:01
minimike150Is there a way to disable a network card on the network manager? Im using a USB for my wireless but my wireless network card inside my computer keeps trying to connect02:01
durtkevin009, unop, the package name is network-manager02:01
Fujisanubottu> 'xp' is not a valid distribution  <-- huh???02:01
kevin009well, i did a base install and then added gnome to slim the system. I don't have that friendly wi-fi manager, even though I installed nm-applet02:01
user22Not gonna switch to Linux if I can't use Firefox or Opera to access secure pages, how do I do that?02:02
jp_sfhello, when I create a user I got the infamous "Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator" how to enable this account created ?02:02
kevin009perhaps i'm missing a lib for wi-fi network discovery02:03
FujisanHey, you should check out this cool IM program I use, Trillian.  It allows me to talk to people on all the major IM networks.  You can find out more about it at http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/02:03
mint3i just did sudo apt-get install samba4  . installed everything. but how do i start it02:03
ron2010help with usb mouse working in virtual box02:03
thewrathhow do i move my private key and public key for ssh to a different machine02:03
ron2010anybody know how?02:03
jribthewrath: ssh-copy-id is one way02:03
unop!info network-manager-gnome | kevin00902:04
ubottukevin009: network-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.7~~svn20081020t000444-0ubuntu1.8.10.2 (intrepid), package size 291 kB, installed size 2724 kB02:04
jribthewrath: well that copies your public key anyway02:04
thewrathi have them on two different computer02:04
kevin009i've got network-manager-gnome installed02:04
thewrathi do have the putt private key file on my ubuntu machine02:04
thewrathi need private key jrib02:05
kevin009i'm going to run it from the terminal and see if it prints useful info02:05
unopkevin009, you should then be able to launch nm-applet02:05
jp_sfhello, when I create a user I got the infamous "Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator" how to enable this account created ?02:05
jribthewrath: it's in ~/.ssh/, go ahead and copy it02:05
thewrathjrib: not in windows02:05
user22How do I get Opera or Firefox to access pages like MSIE?02:05
jribthewrath: ##windows for windows help02:05
thewrathi created hte file in putty in windows and want to bring it over to my ubuntu02:05
kevin009it launches, it just doesn't show available networks02:06
jp_sfuser22: what are you trying to do ?02:06
geniiuser22: Firefox has an addon called User Agent which can be useful for sites which claim only viewable with IE, etc etc02:06
RxDxplease, anyone here has an iphone or ipod touch and is running it on linux?02:06
minimike150same problem RxDx02:06
yvaRxDx: minimike150 +102:06
RxDxminimike150, i need to find a way to jailbreak it and install apps02:06
minimike150i have an ipod touch and looking for a way to mount02:06
RxDxme too02:07
kevin009the option "wireless networks" is greyed out, even though I am connected to one :)02:07
jribthewrath: you want puttygen: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html02:07
unopkevin009, how did you connect to this wireless net?02:07
thewraththat is to create one though isn tit02:07
AnnonyMouse3hey guys. trying to fault-find a voip system on my LAN, so I want to use ncat, but I see the ncat provided by the repositories (via router-audit-tool) does not correspond to the ncat detailed on the nmap.org site02:07
jribthewrath: it lets you convert it to openssh as well02:07
RxDxminimike150, ipod touch first or second gen?02:07
Ninhalemis there a specific procedure for asking help on a specific problem?02:07
minimike150most website inform me that second generator ipods cannot be jailbroken so I cant do that way02:07
minimike150mine is second02:08
user22Trying to do online secure **it, as it is the logins are whited-out or not visible with Firefox or Opera.02:08
kevin009perhaps that's the issue02:08
unopAnnonyMouse3, maybe they mean netcat or nc instead02:08
jribuser22: example?02:08
RxDxminimike150, there is already an automatic way to jailbreak ipod touch second gen ;)02:08
unopkevin009, it is .. nm-applet ignores interfaces that are manually configured (for odd reasons)02:09
minimike150RxDx, do you know how to?02:09
AnnonyMouse3unop : doh! thanks02:09
elitecoderI'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/firewall.html regarding ufw masquerading, and it doesn't specify which file the DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY line goes into. Which one is it?02:09
AnnonyMouse3silly me02:09
user22Can't do online banking02:09
jribelitecoder: umm, doesn't it say the file?02:10
elitecoderI read it a couple times02:10
elitecoderit's actually a bit confusing on that part02:10
mcpancakeshi, question, it seems recently that when I might click on a link outside of Firefox (pidgin, IRC, others), the link does not open in Firefox. anyone know any solution? It's the only browser I've got installed, so the 'default browser' is not the issue.02:10
elitecoderit says two files, but specifies them after it says to set DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY02:10
jribelitecoder: I'm staring at it right now: "in /etc/default/ufw change the DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY"02:10
user22It's like the website recognize I'm not using MSIE and react negatively.02:10
kevin009how can i delete the manual config?02:10
elitecoderjrib: that's a folder02:10
jribelitecoder: are you certain?02:10
elitecoderwell i was02:10
ron2010anybody know how to resolve usb mouse in windows using virtual box02:11
elitecoderbut not now, i see the default i'll check there -.-02:11
jribelitecoder: it's a file on my machine02:11
elitecoderi was in the ufw02:11
elitecoderthanks for that02:11
Ninhalemthanks ahead of time for any help. question: Is there someone available here to help with a boot load problem involving "Non-System disk or disk error?"02:11
elitecoderyeah was in the wrong folder.. sigh lol02:12
PhotoJimNinhalem: non-bootable flash drive plugged in, or non-bootable floppy disk in your drive?  that's the usual cause.02:12
elitecoderthx again02:12
thewrathjrib: invalid file format02:12
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m1dlghi all, I am still having issues changing owner on my drives, but not having permission to do this (even using sudo)02:12
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jribthewrath: I know nothing about putty other than it's a program on windows.  From the website, it seems like you should be able to convert it (and the existence of a menu item suggests the same)02:13
coocoloCan someone help me install SSH server on Intrepid Ibex? I used to just do sudo apt-get install ssh02:13
coocoloit says thats been replaced with openssh-server and i tried apt-get install openssh-server with no luck02:13
kevin009oh ok it's /etc/network/interfaces02:13
Lint01user22, maybe it's because of lacking ActiveX capability?02:13
thewrathi did convervations then export openSSH key02:13
tonyyarussocoocolo: "it" being?02:13
coocolowell it says package openssh-server has no installation candidate02:13
tonyyarusso!info openssh-server02:14
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 278 kB, installed size 764 kB02:14
m1dlghow to I make my Windows drive (known as Games or sdd1) my drive and not root's?02:14
tonyyarussocoocolo: Try doing an apt-get update first.02:14
geniim1dlg: Ownership of entire devices like drives is decided at boot time by the udev subsystem. No amount of changing permissions on /dev/sda for instance will stick because it is set during each boot. Make a subfolder on whatever drive which can be manipulated instead02:14
coocolothis is a fucking pain02:14
tonyyarusso!ohmy | coocolo02:15
ubottucoocolo: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:15
m1dlgHow do I change it from boot time as I need to make repetered changes, and it WAS working a couple of weeks ago02:15
coocoloused to be simpel to install SSH, why doesnt come installed by default anyway02:15
PhotoJimcoocolo: it's not installed by default for security reasons.  but it's not hard to install.02:15
m1dlggenii: How do I change it from boot time as I need to make repetered changes, and it WAS working a couple of weeks ago02:15
geniim1dlg: Mount options also play in when filesystem is ntfs or such02:15
tonyyarussocoocolo: because it would violate the no-open-ports security policy.  It installs the exact same way as before - you have something else wrong with your system right now.02:15
coocoloPhotoJim: I installed it a million times before but its not working now02:15
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coocoloits a fresh install so not sure what that could be02:16
PhotoJimcoocolo: are you sure?  ps aux | grep sshd   ... does it show the task?02:16
coocoloim tryin an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade02:16
coocolothen ill try it again02:16
coocoloya it shows sshd there alread02:16
PhotoJimcoocolo: then there you go.  it's running.02:16
PhotoJimcoocolo: so your issue isn't installation.  it's configuration, or usage.02:17
NinhalemPhotoJim: I downloaded the iso image of i386 Ubuntu 8.10 desktop and burned it to a disk using my slowest write speed (4x). I inserted the disk and got this messaged when I the disk started to boot up: "PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable. PXE-M0F: Exiting Broadcom PXE Rom." This message displays before the non-system disk error.02:17
m1dlggenii: ok, how do I use mount options as the drive is saying owner is root, and it used to be mu username in permissons tab in probertys. I can't copy or move the drive, I used to be able to copy and past.02:17
coocoloconnection refused even when I do ssh localhost02:17
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coocoloand from a remote machine, same thing02:17
PhotoJimm1dlg: sounds like a bad burn, or a bad download.02:17
coocolowhen I do /etc/init.d/sshd restart "no such file or directory"02:18
m1dlgI dont understand how it could affect all drives, yet was Ok02:18
coocolosudo /etc/init.d/sshd -- command not found02:18
coocolothis is bonkers02:18
cherwindfasdf/etc/init.d/ssh - lose the d02:18
PhotoJimcoocolo: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart02:18
coocolosame thing02:19
coocolocommand not found02:19
botux1how can i get temp root access so i dont have to log out and back in as root02:19
infomomocoocolo: whereis sshd or whereis ssh02:19
Lint01where is cron folder?02:19
iceroot!sudo | botux102:19
ubottubotux1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:19
tonyyarussoPhotoJim: in Debian-derived systems, it's 'sudo invoke-rc.d <service>' preferred over 'sudo /etc/init.d/<service>'.02:19
coocolossh: /usr/bin/ssh /etc/ssh02:19
infomomoLint01: whereis cron02:19
PhotoJimcoocolo: I dunno.  I have an /etc/init.d/ssh file.  if I run it it restarts my daemon.  and as far as I know, it's installed even if you don't have ssh installed.02:19
botux1im trying to creata directory and its failing and i used sudo02:20
infomomocoocolo: /etc/ssh restart ? have you tried ?02:20
PhotoJimtonyyarusso: yes, I'm learning that.  I've used Debian/Ubuntu for lots of years but I hadn't heard that syntax until a couple of weeks ago.  Old habits die hard. :)02:20
tonyyarussoPhotoJim: understandable :)02:20
botux1saying permission denied02:20
coocoloill try after i do the update02:20
coocoloits almost done02:20
infomomobotux1: hmm, whera re uyou trying to create >02:21
coocoloive never had such a hard time and ive done this a million times02:21
coocolothats why i was baffeled, figure it was cus of 8.10 which i havent used yet02:21
infomomobotux1:  the directory is proably WR- for root02:21
botux1a directory in /mnt for my windows share02:21
kevin009ok i cleared the wifi info from /etc/network/interfaces, but it still connects automatically and nm-applet doesn't work correctly02:21
zaccourI'm about to try out Debian 5 and Mandriva.02:22
Matsonis there a script of a dpkg-reconfigure that will walk me through the ip/netmask/gateway networking setup?02:22
zaccourI'm about to try out Debian 5 and Mandriva. Are these similar to Ubuntu?02:22
zaccourand yes, its on topic because im asking for Ubuntu comparisons02:22
tonyyarussozaccour: Debian will be pretty close, but Mandriva uses a different packaging system.  Still, since it's not support-related, this is better for #ubuntu-offtopic.02:23
m1dlgok guys, how do I give myself the permissions of root just for editing content of drives, to act like root as admin when it comes to moving files and using mount and gparted02:23
coocoloi cant belive this SSH thing, its crazy02:23
coocoloi mean i have literally done this a thousand time02:23
minimike150m1dlg, you could use nautilus02:24
infomomocoocolo: last option is log out of session let all servcies restart02:24
badpenguin86Anybody know a feed reader that is compatible with the newsgator service?02:24
coocoloinfomomo: well sshd in ps aux | grep says its on but i havent even installed it yet02:24
eqisowm1kdlg: not really a good idea, just use root/sudo for those tasks02:24
coocolokept getting errors about replaced packages and what not02:24
m1dlgI'm just trying to undo whatever it was that broke this, because I was working like this without special permissons to mount umount cut paste etc.02:25
coocoloso im doing an update now, if it doesnt work after this and a restart, not sure02:25
ahornerHow would I install the ATI restricted drivers from command line?02:25
infomomocoocolo:  WT..buntu :D02:25
ron2010anybody know how to work usb mouse in virtual box?02:25
infomomoron2010: should work automatically, if not then add USB device02:27
ahornerI installed 8.04 then immediately upgraded to 8.10. Didn't install the restricted video drivers, then rebooted. Now all I get is a black screen after the ubuntu loading screen.02:27
infomomoron2010: from your virtual image parameters02:27
Matsonin /etc/network/interfaces - do I add "network"  or "network"02:27
infomomoahorner: why didnt you install 8.10 right away !!!!02:27
coocoloupdate fixed it02:27
coocolothank god02:27
coocoloi was like wtf!02:28
PhotoJimhmm, weird glitch.  glad it's fixed, anyway.02:28
infomomocoocolo: seeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!\02:28
ahornerinfomomo: Because I didn't have a live cd of it and didn't want to download it.02:28
=== tk|away is now known as tk
infomomoahorner: that sucks :(02:28
ahornerI guess all I would need to do is install the ATI restricted drivers but I would need to be in some sort of video mode or know how to do it from command line02:29
ahornerI've already reconfigured xserver02:29
minimike150Does anybody know if its possible to disable a cirtain network card from the network manager?02:29
infomomoMatson: ooops, sorry:"network netmask"02:29
alaforestjoin #linux-meetup-quebec02:30
pahomahorner: try sudo apt-get install nevyng-gtk. after install run envyng -t02:30
ahornerpahom: ok, ill try that02:30
thewraththey are shooting me back over here02:31
thewrathubuntu uses openssh correct02:31
PhotoJimthewrath: yes02:31
thewrathgrrrr stupid putty02:32
mattI'm having a problem with my sound thats been goin on for a while now and I can't find a fix. I use a creative fx sb1090 usb out board device through usb. everything works fine EXCEPT for flash video. i get the video part, but the sound wont come out of my usb device. i chose the device through the gui. every other type of audio will work. the odd thing is is that the sound works through my integrated audio, even if is not selected as the d02:32
mattevice for playback. my last resort was to just disable on board audio in bios which i just did, and still no flash sound through my usb device. can anyone help?02:32
infomomothewrath: use minicom on ubuntu or teraterm on windows :D02:32
thewrathinfomomo: to convert?02:33
thewrathi need to convert my key infomomo02:33
infomomothewarth: what key ?02:34
infomomothewrath: ssh key ?02:35
thewrathinfomomo:  yes i am trying to convert my ssh key from windows putty to ubuntu to use it in ubuntu02:36
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juniechohi, while installing a word processor program, i got this error: ./haansoft-hwp7-installer: error while loading shared libraries: libqt-mt.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:37
juniechowhat package do i need? :)02:37
infomomothewrath: use teraterm brother, works everytime02:37
thewraththat is a client isnt it02:37
jdsandesonAnyone know how to get an older logiteck quick cam to work?02:38
thewrathinfomomo: i shutdown my windows machine what program in ubuntu02:38
marcoaahola a todos02:38
thewrathwhy use that what if i have to authentiate02:38
marcoaaquien quiere platicar avec moi en spagnol02:38
botux1anyone know how to make a folder shortcut in nautilus ont he desktop02:39
mothdragonokay so i did something stupid... i was playing with my resolution and set it to 340x200... then I oculdn't change it back... tried to follow some advice online and edited my xorg.conf file... but now when ubuntu loads it insists on going into low graphics mode... I don't know how to stop it from doing that... And I need to get my nvidia drivers working... help, please?02:40
p_Hey all! I'm wondering if I can upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 using the 9.04 live CD?02:40
tonyyarussobotux1: right-click, create launch, type: location02:40
BlackCoffeehi,i have no text in most menus of some apps(example:kmess,kvirc)anyone knows where i should look in to fix this?02:40
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.02:40
p_Thanks minimike150.02:41
thewrathany help here?02:41
space_cadetUbuntu Intrepid.  I have compiz cube and want different wallpapers for each cube face... I do not want to "disable draw desktop" in nautilus.   I have been perusing the internets, and have found this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3694361&postcount=5  anyone have any ideas?02:41
BlackCoffeethewrath:you could start by asking a question02:42
pinPointhey I just did a mail server guide and I am towards the end and getting errors using telnet02:42
mothdragondoes anyone know anything about setting the video modes in 8.10?02:42
pinPoint"root@server01:/etc/init.d# telnet localhost imap02:42
pinPointtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused"02:42
mothdragonspecifically for an unknown nvidia card?02:42
thewrathBlackCoffee:  i have02:42
botux1there is no create launch02:42
thewrathconvert putty generated ssh private key to openssh02:42
Z32KyleHello all :)02:43
thewrathi think i found a workaround have a seperate key for every computer i connect from just in case if one key gets comproised02:43
Z32KyleI'm trying to guide a friend over skype in installing ubuntu 8.10 on his lenovo t500 series laptop02:43
Z32KyleInstaller drops to a terminal02:43
botux1tonyyarusso: there is no create launch02:44
infomomothewrath: minicom02:44
DaveJansenHi Guys! I've got a (hopefully) quick question! I'm running into a problem with my Ubuntu 8.10 installation, where it states there are 810 (!) broken packages. Running repair fails on a package called 'xserver-xorg-inputz', which apparently does not exist.. Any help would me MUCH appreciated, I can't continue working until this is solved. Please ask if any more info is needed!02:44
tonyyarussobotux1: Right click on the desktop, not in nautilus.02:44
DaveJansen(pardon the somewhat long question)02:44
mothdragonhello i'm trying to get my 8.10 out of low graphics mode... is anyone here qualified to help? I've tried looking online, but i'mnot finding helpful info there...02:44
space_cadetHas anyone attained different backgrounds for each cube face while still retaining your icons and right click menu's??02:45
coocoloanyone know of a simple way to edit deb package dependencies?02:45
botux1oh lol02:45
n8tuserDaveJansen-> a new install? you may as well re-install to completion02:45
tonyyarussocoocolo: You have to edit the source package and re-build it.  Dependencies are defined in debian/control.02:45
DaveJansenn8tuser: I just installed it yesterday, is reinstallation the only option? That kinda sucks..02:45
Matsonwhat do I use to set which services start and stop on the server at boot time?02:46
Matsonon debian I used to use rcconf - is there somethin like that for ubuntu?02:46
n8tuserDaveJansen-> whatever you messed with that requires that many broken packages? or it seems you really was not able to complete the install02:46
mapreduceHow can I install Ubuntu into a directory without being root?  I know of debootstrap, and of fakechroot and fakeroot, but I could do with a pointer to step by step instructions.02:46
wooook so i put a wireless G card in my machine02:46
zloogMatson: I belive you put what you want in /etc/init.d/rc.local02:46
wooohow do it test it out02:46
tonyyarussoMatson: you can do the same thing.  I like the sysv-rc-conf tool myself (ncurses-type pseudo-GUI).02:46
clearscreenMatson, gnome has an option to configure that.. check your administration menu02:47
mattI'm having a problem with my sound thats been goin on for a while now and I can't find a fix. I use a creative fx sb1090 usb out board device through usb. everything works fine EXCEPT for flash video. i get the video part, but the sound wont come out of my usb device. i chose the device through the gui. every other type of audio will work. the odd thing is is that the sound works through my integrated audio, even if is not selected as the d02:47
mattevice for playback. my last resort was to just disable on board audio in bios which i just did, and still no flash sound through my usb device. can anyone help?02:47
n8tuserMatson-> update-rc.d02:47
Matsonclearscreen: not using a gui02:47
space_cadetHas anyone attained different backgrounds for each cube face while still retaining your icons and right click menu's??02:47
space_cadetUbuntu Intrepid.  I have compiz cube and want different wallpapers for each cube face... I do not want to "disable draw desktop" in nautilus.   I have been perusing the internets, and have found this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3694361&postcount=5  anyone have any ideas?02:47
Matsontonyyarusso: will check out sysv-rc-conf02:47
thewrathminicom will convert my key for me infomomo ?02:47
Z32KyleHas anyone had issues before installing ubuntu 8.10 on a lenovo t500 series laptop?02:47
DaveJansenn8tuser: It worked fine until I tried to get compiz to work using this guide: http://tr.im/ipGq. I have removed the changes but I'm guessing it happened after running the first command02:47
Matsonzloog: for boot yes - was thinking more on "does apache2 boot at startup" and such02:48
infomomothewrath: it will let you login02:48
n8tuserDaveJansen-> to reconstruct what you have done or undo will take as much time as a fresh install (40 mins)02:48
DaveJansenn8tuser: Great.. guess I'll have to reinstall then. Thanks for the help though!02:49
infomomois v2.6.29.1/ the latest kernel for ubuntu ? reference: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/02:49
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages02:49
n8tuserDaveJansen-> if you have a separate /home, its should not be overly difficult02:50
thewrathwhere is the sources.list file at02:50
minimike150unrelated to the question but it could have helped :)02:50
infomomothewrath:  /etc/apt/02:50
pacolis anyone here?02:50
pacolyeah! :D02:51
psywipedpacol,nope sorry02:51
infomomopacol: come on man !!! 1340 users !!!!02:51
* psywiped »» Music: (Stopped) «» Battles - Race: Out «» 00:00/03:29 ««02:51
brunnerHey folks02:51
coocolodoes anyone know how to edit the dependencies of a deb package?02:51
kitchepsywiped: your script is against the channel rules just so you know02:51
coocoloi just need to edit nvidia-glx-new to nvidia-glx-18002:51
psywipedops sorry wrong channel02:51
pacoli've just configured ubu...02:52
pacolso happy :D02:52
lewenchI am having a problem with a script. with an echo I ask a question ex. "Your name" then I proceed by doing a read to set the variable ex read lewench linx  my question is when i want to recall this in a program, there is an error with the space. because it uses a "\" it keeps telling me its invalid, even after I set the "\" accordingly. Im I missing something?02:52
space_cadetcommand to figure out gnome version?02:52
space_cadetcommand to figure out gnome version?02:52
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why a fresh install of ubuntu would start in low-graphics mode?02:52
fus10nx-wPlease help ha ha02:52
fus10nx-wdoes anyone know how to edit the dependencies of a deb package? I need the package to look for nvidia-glx-180 instead of nvidia-glx-new02:52
infomomoeverytime i want to install new kernel it keeps asking me for  wireless-crda :(02:52
pacolredMushroom u don't have drivers02:52
brunnerI just installed ubuntu server (amd64) on a dell server, and when it starts up, eth0 doesn't come up by default.  Here's my /etc/network/interfaces file: http://pastebin.com/m17c08a6702:53
kitchefus10nx-w: there is a howto for that on ubuntu's site02:53
RedMushroompacol: funny, i had them two days ago when i first installed on this box02:53
n8tuserRedMushroom-> common denominator..every  video is supposed to support vga02:53
pacolRedMushroom: check forums02:54
coocoloya been googling for a while on how to fix this02:54
tonyyarussobrunner: I think you want 'inet static' rather than 'net static'.02:54
coocolothought this would be an easy task02:54
usserbrunner, i dont think half of it is valid, try with something simpler like that http://pastebin.com/f5f365c9202:55
kitchecoocolo: it is use the ubuntu site instead of jsut random googl esites02:55
phucãin chào02:56
phucco ai nhan ko02:56
DoitleIs there a way to reset my paths file in ubuntu?02:56
brunnertonyyarusso: sure enough.  Thanks alot.02:57
elitecoderbleh what's the command to edit the run levels?02:57
elitecoderI wanna add something02:57
elitecoderliek rc0, default, etc.02:58
lewenchI am creating a small basic script for some commands. I am having a problem with this piece. Its very baisc, Im  learning as I go (never made a script before). http://pastebin.com/d696b8249 I don't know why when I set the BSSID that has a space I add "\" due to the special character i.e the space, but It seems as the exec is not inputting this correctly. This works with BSSID's that have no space. Can anyone tell me what I might be02:58
tonyyarussolewench: you might try to just enclose it in quotes instead of trying to escape spaces.03:00
tonyyarussolewench: (but #bash would know better)03:00
bonnyrcanyone use compiz fusion with default settings? if so could you export the settings in .profile and upload03:00
bonnyrcthx :)03:00
Z32KyleWhat would cause the ubuntu installer to drop to the command prompt rather than go to the gnome desktop, without any errors printed to the terminal?03:01
l3iohazardHi I am a noob with ubuntu and can't figure out how to get the desktop cube to work.03:02
bonnyrcl3iohazard, install compiz fusion03:02
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering how to go about making a script that would mount a nfs share??03:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compuiz03:02
l3iohazardIts already installed03:02
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion03:02
PhotoJiml3iohazard: do you need a script?  you could jsut have it in your /etc/fstab file and it would mount at boot.03:02
minimike150try that IRC channel or the howto03:02
Z32Kylebiohazard you need to install the compiz settings manager03:03
l3iohazardI have03:03
bonnyrcl3iohazard, if it works with you export the default settings for me03:03
clearscreenl3iohazard: install compizconfig-settings-manager and enable the cube.. or you could just set stuff to High in your gnome appearance config03:03
bonnyrcjust install settings manager03:03
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:03
l3iohazardI dont know if my GPU is supported.03:03
minimike150Have you installed the correct drivers?03:04
l3iohazardI think03:04
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minimike150check if your driver has been enabled03:05
Z32Kylenobody can offer a suggestion to my issue?03:05
l3iohazardIt says its enabled03:05
minimike150Have you ran the compiz setting manager?03:05
Iceman_B^Ltophow can I see what version of irssi is in the repo's ?03:05
minimike150ok well can you check if the desktop cube is enabled03:06
jribIceman_B^Ltop: apt-cache policy irssi03:06
l3iohazardWhen enable the desktop cube and hold Ctrl + Alt it only show one window instead of the cube.03:07
Comradehow do i send an email with the command prompt?03:07
minimike150I think I know03:07
bonnyrcl3iohazard, make 4 desktops03:07
minimike150on the bottom right of your screen - you need to have 4 or more03:07
bonnyrcin 1 row03:07
psywipedl3iohazard you only realy see the cube if you grab it on the desktop03:07
psywipedand yea you need at least 3 desktops for it to work03:07
minimike1503+ Workspaces in a column for it to have the 'Cube' or 'Triangluar' effect03:08
bonnyrcno one can export .profile of default settings for me ?03:08
l3iohazardOne second03:08
psywipedstill cant figure out how to accessthe next row03:08
jribbonnyrc: /etc/skel/.profile03:08
l3iohazardI have the columns set to 2 and rows set to 2.03:09
psywipedi want a tessrat03:09
bonnyrcjrib, no I wanted .profile from ccsm03:09
minimike150make 1 column and then how ever many sides you want03:09
jribComrade: you probably just want to use something like esmtp...03:09
minimike150more than 303:09
jribbonnyrc: why?03:09
Comradejrib, I have to use mail03:09
minimike150and then the cube will desplay the workspaces you have set03:09
bonnyrcjrib, something is missed with default settings here03:09
psywipedminimike150 YEA thats what i ended up doing03:09
l3iohazardThx for the help03:09
minimike150ok :)03:10
jribComrade: congratulations, but you should probably at least look at what esmtp is03:10
psywipedjrib 3 sides or more give it voulme03:10
Comradejrib, ive used emtp before, but i have this PHP script that needs to interface with mail and it doesnt seem to work... so i figure the program is configured wrong03:11
jribbonnyrc: so just delete your default settings and let ccsm repopulate them03:11
bonnyrcjrib, ok03:11
jribComrade: you mean the "mail" function in php?03:12
elitecoderI made a script called ipnotify in /etc/init.d/ipnotify to send the current ip to my box when it reboots. I did this: http://pastebin.com/m1686333503:12
elitecoderdid I .. mess something up?03:12
Comradejrib, yes.03:12
psywipedi tend to have 6 vd's03:12
jribComrade: meh, try the php channel03:12
Comradejrib, i can try03:13
HammerHead66what if it says this in Xorg.0.log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/146611/  is there a problem with my drivers?03:14
ruben231hi anyone have tried to install x lite on ubuntu 8.1003:16
psywipedwhat like xfce4?03:17
psywipedor e1703:17
ynkhey guys.03:18
bobgQuestion regarding mounting of "extra" drives.  This machine used to run Windoze w/2 HD.  The second drive is split into four partitions.  Ubuntu/File Browser "sees" them and when I click on them they appear on the desktop....When I reboot they are gone.      How can I make them stay on the desktop03:18
tranchao a phu03:18
ynki'm trying to log into my hardy heron, and all i get is the "grub" prompt. what could be going wrong?03:18
psywipedadd them to fstab03:18
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HammerHead66 ynk: start grub in safe mode03:19
unop!fstab > bobg03:19
ubottubobg, please see my private message03:19
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ynkHammerHead66, how do i do that? whenever i go into my ubuntu side of the global, i automatically see the "grub" terminal.  i don't know what to do from there..03:20
psywipedcool when did ubottu get the upgrade?03:20
HammerHead66 ynk: when it says grub loading hit the Esc buttton on the keyboard03:20
elitecoderCan crontab run something once when it boots?03:21
bobgunop:  I looked at that last night and cannot make sense of it.........I'm not a command line guy03:21
ynkHammerHead66, that'll fix my problem, huh? ok, i'll give it a try. thanks, pal. ;D03:21
ndaninteresting question...  i've noticed since installing ubuntu 8.10 on this laptop i have to "hold a key" any key while loading... ne ideas?03:21
ndanit hangs twice if i don't press a key at those points. :-\03:21
psywipedtry reinstalling03:22
unopbobg, the /etc/fstab is just a text file - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab .. if you don't understand anything there, ask about it.03:22
HammerHead66ndan: you should only have to do that once. Hit you Num Lock key til the light comes on if it goes off hit it til it comes on again it should fix it03:22
juandan i remember about two years ago happened the same to me, don't remember why or how it fixed tho :P maybe disable usplash03:22
juaand check messages03:22
JaiHoFriends i installed ubuntu in my Internal HDD  and debian linux in my ext hard disk. if my ext hdd is not turned at the time of rebooting, grub is not loadin and i m not able to use ubuntu.. Some suggestions pls03:23
psywipedcan anyone help with GPG?03:23
ndancool thanks HammerHead66 and jua i'll try the prior then the latter03:23
psywipedJaiHo use the live cd to install grub on your main hdd03:24
HammerHead66JaiHo: go into grub by pressing the Esc button when you see the grub screen03:24
psywipedJaiHo or get system commander03:24
JaiHopsywiped,   when my Ext hdd is powered i have not doubt, but if it s turned off, i  mnot able to use buntu03:24
HammerHead66ndan: np03:24
DonDoitleAny way to kill ftp when using no GUI mode in ubuntu?03:25
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:25
juaDonDoitle: terminal?03:26
DonDoitleshell prompt03:26
unopDonDoitle, the ftp server?03:26
DonDoitleyeah just ftp from teh shell03:26
=== sadahj is now known as rjian
JaiHoThanks for tips psywiped and Hammer head6603:26
gabriel_Hi everyone03:26
unopDonDoitle,  sudo /etc/init.d/*ftpd* stop03:26
juakillit with kill -9 pid03:26
juaor pkill ftp03:26
DonDoitleI have only one terminal03:26
gabriel_I have a question: is it possible to password protect a folder in ubuntu?03:26
juaor killall ftp03:26
unopjua, err no .. you never kill -9 anything, especially not an ftpd03:26
HammerHead66gabriel_: yes right click and go into pref's03:27
HammerHead66gabriel_: click on encryption03:27
ruben231hi anyone have tried to install x lite on ubuntu 8.1003:27
juawell, thats a "rude" way i guess, you always can be polit and use -3 or -1503:27
psywipedHammerHead66 does that just add somthing to prefrences or does it make it so you cant acces it without a password03:28
juaits the same almost always unless you run a mega server03:28
gabriel_where do I rght click?03:28
HammerHead66psywiped: can access without password03:28
psywipedon the folder03:28
DonDoitleSo what should I do? I just have an ftp prompt and exit does nothing03:28
HammerHead66psywiped: sorry Can't access without passwaor03:28
unopjua, that's not it tho .. when you send a SIGKILL to a process, you don't give it the chance to clean up, tell it's children its going away, clean up temp files, memory, sockets, etc03:28
gabriel_when I right click a see encrypt03:29
psywipedHammerHead66 so like truecript?03:29
juais it the client youre tryiing to kill?03:29
DonDoitleI was sending files to an FTP server03:29
DonDoitleand when I typed exit nothing happened03:29
unopDonDoitle, try.  quit03:29
psywipedDonDoitle or ctrl+c03:29
juai dont worry that much about it, thats all03:29
DonDoitlectrl C just takes me back to FTP>03:30
juais nothing to be so terrified about03:30
HammerHead66psywiped: Unsure but you can read up on it. Also see in package install search for encryption for more stuff03:30
unopjua, .. sure, but don't suggest that to other people eh ..03:30
juaoohh, alright03:31
gabriel_ok, i see 2 options when I right click the folder and click on encrypt, I see create a new key, and when I click it says Secure Shell Key and PGP Key, which one should I choose?03:31
DonDoitlequit does nothing as well : / Is there a way to sort of tab to a second terminal window that I can kill the first from?03:31
Shortguy109can anyone help me? lol im trying to install adobe03:31
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kitcheDonDoitle: try quit instead of exit03:32
Shortguy109it says: Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey, or Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): <-- /usr/lib/mozilla03:32
unopDonDoitle, where are you now tho?  at a virtual terminal?03:32
Shortguy109i have no idea where to direct it or whatever03:32
HammerHead66gabriel_: witch ever you would like. If you want to make a better encryption create a new key or go for the other one03:32
gabriel_ok thanks03:33
Shortguy109anyone help me install adobe flash player?? im confuzzzzzzzzzzled :P03:33
Chr|s!flash | Shortguy10903:34
ubottuShortguy109: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:34
Shortguy109yea it says tho: Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, SeaMonkey, or Firefox browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): <-- /usr/lib/mozilla03:34
Shortguy109im pretty sure im nearly done03:34
Shortguy109but i've no idea what to type into console now lol03:34
[T]ankhow can I make it so that when I plug in my iphone it does not mount it?03:36
minimike150Does anybody know about debdiff ?03:37
Mike_lifeguardI'm trying to install Hardy, but I'm not finding the option to resize existing partitions.03:38
Mike_lifeguardIf that something that only appears if there is contiguous free space?03:38
Mike_lifeguarderr, is that...03:38
HammerHead66[T]ank: go to text upper left side  /System/Pref's/Removeable Media and change it there03:38
[T]ankchecking.... thanks03:38
psywipedMike_lifeguard were past hardy03:39
nerudahas anyone tried the portable version of ubuntu? the one that loads on top of XP/Vista?03:39
[T]ankHammerHead66: I do not have a removable media in system/prefs03:39
Mike_lifeguardpsywiped: ok, so would I find that option if I installed intrepid?03:39
psywipedMike_lifeguard thats 8.4 9.4 comes out nere the end of the month03:39
Shortguy109anyone know what i type into konsole? Please enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,or Opera browser (i.e., /usr/lib/mozilla): for adobe flash player03:39
Mike_lifeguardSure - I only chose Hardy because it's a long term release03:39
Im_ToastDoes anyone know... I was trying to put a picture at the top and bottom of my desktop cube instead of just a color... I can get one to go to the top, but not the bottom. Any suggestions?03:39
Iceman_B^Ltopjrib: thanks!</late>03:39
Mike_lifeguardI also burned the iso for Intrepid03:40
HammerHead66[T]ank: Removeable Drives and Media you don't have that03:40
psywipedMike_lifeguard are you instaling it at a busness?03:40
Mike_lifeguardno, my laptop03:40
Im_ToastShortguy109: That is exactly right, usr/lib/mozilla03:40
[T]ankHammerHead66: I dont...03:40
jgijantoanyone here run into any issues getting ubuntu to display properly on large monitors / lcd tvs?03:40
psywipedMike_lifeguard install intrepid and its in there03:40
Mike_lifeguardok, great03:40
* Mike_lifeguard swaps CDs and trys again :)03:41
bobgUnop:  Page for fstab gave me "blkid: and here is one line (/dev/sdb1: UUID="DE68C21768C1EDF9" LABEL="Country" TYPE="ntfs) so where do I put the "auto" command?03:41
HammerHead66[T]ank: sorry man I don't know how to help you then.03:41
Shortguy109whenever i type in /usr/lib/mozilla it says WARNING: Please enter a valid installation path.03:41
nerudaanyone tried ubuntu portable (http://lifehacker.com/5195999/portable-ubuntu-runs-ubuntu-inside-windows)? Is it just Cygwin on a usb stick? what makes it Ubuntu/03:41
[T]ankHammerHead66: Im on intrepid... are you also?03:41
HammerHead66[T]ank: on 8.0403:43
unopbobg,  your fstab line would become something like this.   UUID="DE68C21768C1EDF9"  /media/mydisk  ntfs-3g  user,auto,defaults,rw  0  003:43
psywipedMike_lifeguard make sure to back up your data first03:43
HammerHead66[T]ank: Gnome03:43
rhousand_homeShortguy109, try sudo fine / -iname mozilla to get the path03:43
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ashvalaMy ubuntu 8.04 refuses to boot03:43
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ashvalaany solutions?03:44
HammerHead66 ashvala: just black screen then reboots over and over again?03:44
psywipedashvala upgrade03:44
judgetI got a WinTV working on my USB using xawtv but no sound03:44
ashvalapsywiped: not upgraded, Cant upgrade either03:44
judgetany idea how to get the sound from the USB to my sound card03:45
[T]ankHammerHead66: you are talking about the system menu, right? The one right next to places and applications?03:45
ashvalaHammerHead66: Goes up to the last step,(ie, VirtualBox Kernel Module Starting), and stops right there03:45
HammerHead66 [T]ank: yes the text03:45
HammerHead66 [T]ank: drop down menu03:45
psywipedashvala what does it do when you try to boot?03:46
coldboot|home$Is anyone in here in Sweden?03:46
bobgUnop:  fstab didn't work..........your htttp page said to use blkid  How do I edit blkid?03:46
ashvalapsywiped: It boots up to the last box, The last box apparently does the /etc/rc2.d start. That is not working03:46
[T]ankHammerHead66: yeah... thats where Im at.. its a vanilla install. Cant imagine why I wouldnt have it.03:46
psywipedashvala can you get the recovery mode to boot?03:47
unopbobg,  blkid is the app you use to get the UUID or label of your device .. but haven't you already done that?  where did this value come from? UUID="DE68C21768C1EDF9"03:47
HammerHead66[T]ank: you my not have the package for it installed03:47
[T]ankany idea what package it is?03:47
ashvalapsywiped:how do I land up there?03:47
Im_ToastDoes anyone know... I was trying to put a picture at the top and bottom of my desktop cube instead of just a color... I can get one to go to the top, but not the bottom. Any suggestions?03:47
psywipedashvala its in the grub menu when you start the computer03:48
mothdragonhi guys! I'm trying to get the video to work on my system... when i was running 8.04 it defaulted to 1024x768 res... now it won't go above 800x600.... trying to fix it i got it so that it loads in low graphics mode now... I have an old e-TNT2 vanta card... anyone know how to get this running? I'm a relative noob03:48
ashvalapsywiped: Yes I was able to, I did the e2fsck yest on all my partitions03:48
ashvalatoday, no03:48
bobgunop: when I typed in blkid in a terminal window that is part of what came up.  I just chose one line as an example03:48
mothdragonhi guys! I'm trying to get the video to work on my system... when i was running 8.04 it defaulted to 1024x768 res... now it won't go above 800x600.... trying to fix it i got it so that it loads in low graphics mode now... I have an old e-TNT2 vanta card... anyone know how to get this running? I'm a relative noob and i'm now running 8.1003:49
psywipedmothdragon try reinstalling03:50
unopbobg, ok, in that output you should find the UUID for the device you want to mount automatically, you then use that UUID to create a line you put into /etc/fstab .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab  shows you how to create the lines (see towards the bottom)03:50
zetheroojust updated Ubuntu Hardy and my wireless is no longer working with the new kernel version03:50
ashvalapsywiped: anything that can be done?03:51
mothdragonpsywiped I'd really rather avoid that... especially since it was working only 5 hours ago before i tried to change the resolution... I was playing around and set it to 340x200 for fun.. then whoops, I couldn't get it back...03:51
psywipedashvala i havent encountered that issue so im not sure whats up with it the forums tend to have some good info03:51
bobgunop:  OK, Ill give it a try..........Thanks03:51
psywipedmothdragon do you have a backup of your xorg file?03:51
copproIs there some program like 'uname' that includes distribution information or the like?03:52
skorzencoppro, lsb_release.03:52
mothdragonpsywiped.. i personally didn't make one... but when I tried to use one on the computer from the original install, it didn't seem to fix it... it still wants to boot into low graphics mode03:52
copproskorzen: Is that on most/all Linux systems?03:52
zetheroojust updated Ubuntu Hardy and my wireless is no longer working with the new kernel version03:53
copprozetheroo: define 'not working'03:53
skorzencoppro, I think so. If you do type 'lsb_release -a' you can get all the info about the distro itself.03:53
copprookay thanks03:53
zetheroocoppro: like not at all active03:53
copprozetheroo: Can you type 'iwconfig' on a terminal and see if your wireless card is detected?03:54
zetheroocoppro: in Ubuntu Hardy 8.04.1 it was working fine ...03:54
zetheroocoppro: it is detected as I can see it in the Hardware Drivers panel ... but it will not activate03:54
copprozetheroo: Just run it; the hardware may be detected but the wireless not, or the like03:55
CheesyWeaselHey, is there an app out there that can display the mouse coordinates next to the pointer or elsewhere on the screen?03:55
Im_ToastWhat can you do if ubuntu doesn't find hardware? like it's not in the hardware drivers program03:55
zetheroocoppro: well Iam now booted into the kernel that wireless works in  ... so its not going to help any .. hehe03:55
copproIm_Toast: hardware drivers doesn't list all your hardware03:56
Im_ToastI mean like propriatary that doesn't show up there03:56
Im_Toastwhat do you do?03:56
zetheroocoppro : \2.6.24-22-generic Atheros wifi works fine --- 2.6.24-23-generic Atheros wifi no go!03:56
copprozetheroo: well, there could be any number of reasons why not - it's important to diagnose why exactl03:57
zetheroocoppro: give me one reason? ...03:57
copprozetheroo: because it could be a driver problem or a userland software problem, for starters03:58
zetheroocoppro: why all of a sudden with this particular kernal update?03:58
copprozetheroo: it would tend to suggest a driver issue03:59
zetheroohere is someone else having the exact same issue03:59
copprobut it could be a problem with networkmanager03:59
copproit generally doesn't work03:59
coppro(for instance, my card refuses to work under networkmanager, but will do fine manually)03:59
grodiusHey does anyone know how to piggyback ubuntu off an iphone3g?04:00
CheesyWeaselHey, is there an app out there that can display the mouse coordinates next to the pointer or elsewhere on the screen?04:01
yosoy nuevo04:01
coppronot that I'm aware of04:01
unopCheesyWeasel, xev  perhaps04:02
Mike_lifeguardok, so I switched to my Intrepid CD and got the initial screen, but then choosing anything made it hang - even trying to check the CD's integrity :\04:04
Mike_lifeguardI guess that means it's a coaster?04:04
copprogot another computer to try on?04:04
Joker_-_any idea how to force overscan with nvidia driver (I eard 173 can do overscan as opposed to newer versions, but theres nothing bout that in the GUI)04:04
Mike_lifeguardno... but my Hardy CD worked fine, so I doubt it's hardware04:04
android6011what in your opinion is the best aim client that supports webcam for linux?04:05
copprodoes pidgin support webcam04:05
somenoob93I don't know about AIM, but I've heard Skype is working on webcam support for x64 linux systems, but I haven't checked to see if they have it yet04:06
Iceman_B^Ltopwhats a good CLI hex viewer editor ?04:06
zionpsyferI'm having trouble getting pictures off of my Canon Rebel XT, it worked prior to the upgrade to intrepid.  I suspect it has to do with the changes with udev to hal and consolekit.  Anyone with experience in the udev/hal/ck-list that can help?04:06
Nephilusdoes anyone know how  to make an app launcher in cairo dock? i know how to make a launcher i just dont know the command. is it <alt> F1?04:06
Nephilusbecause that didn't work for me04:07
Joker_-__any_ idea how to force overscan with nvidia driver (I eard 173 can do overscan as opposed to newer versions, but theres nothing bout that in the GUI)04:07
qcjnhi, anyone knows how to watch tc, using mplayer , from a pvr 150 card ??04:07
Nephilusno sorry04:08
Mike_lifeguardOK, so if I have a working Hardy CD, then I can just upgrade after install right?04:08
qcjnNephilus: thanks anyway04:08
Mike_lifeguardexcept that installer didn't have an option to resize the partition04:08
mib_296vplhi, how can I browse files on my ntfs partition?04:08
Stepan1Kompozer, an html editor, keeps shutting down when i scroll through some menus.  Why?04:09
skorzenmib_296vpl, ntfs-3g.04:09
Mike_lifeguardCan that be done manually somehow from within the Hardy installer?04:09
bonhofferhow do i install my scanner hp scanjet 460004:09
mib_296vplskorzen: i type that in terminal?04:09
crazypoultrynot sure if this is a linux or windows issue here, but, i just finished connecting my xp desktop and my ubuntu8.10 desktop using an ethernet cable(using vnc to control the ubuntu box) how can i get ubuntu to see the files on the xp comp?04:09
skorzenmib_296vpl, just type 'sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g' to see what happens.04:09
tonyyarussoStepan1: Because of an incompatibility with the version of gtk in Ubuntu 8.10 and onward.  Sorry...04:09
mib_296vplok thanks skorzen04:09
skorzenmib_296vpl, no problem.04:10
mib_296vplhttp://mibbit.com/pb/4XuIOW skorzen04:10
Stepan1tonyyarusso: is it a Kompozer issue (as far as them updating their code) or a ubuntu issue?04:10
skorzencrazypoultry, using samba.04:10
somenoob93I have trouble booting a linux distro from my flash drive. If anyone knows something about it, private message me please04:11
ron2010anybody have any success getting usb mouse to work on virtual box windows xp?04:11
tonyyarussoStepan1: KompoZer issue.  It's being worked on upstream, but I haven't had time to re-build the Ubuntu package yet.  You should still be able to install from upstream directly as a ZIP file.04:11
qcjnor how to dual monitor with nvidia setting, it's plugged but it doesn't see it ?04:11
skorzenbonhoffer, if it isn't auto-detected, try this: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html04:11
bonhofferskorzen, how do i tell if it is autodetected -- sane doesn't pick it up04:12
crazypoultryskorzen: still pretty new to linux, samba installed by default or no?(the ubuntu box is not connected to the internet.04:12
skorzenmib_296vpl, that means you have the program installed.04:12
Stepan1tonyyarusso: thanks04:12
bonhofferskoef, hplip is in the distro, no?04:12
skorzencrazypoultry, samba isn't installed by default on ubuntu.04:12
skorzenbonhoffer, did you tried those drivers I told you?04:13
mib_296vplskorzen: how can i get the porgram to let me communicate with the partition?04:13
L3dPlatedLinuxwhere are the icon located ?04:13
crazypoultryskorzen: tyvm04:13
bonhofferskorzen, sorry, it looks like those drivers are default in 8.1004:13
mib_296vplnevermind skorzen thanks anyway04:13
ricardohello how can i set the JAVA_HOME?04:14
skorzenmib_296vpl, ubuntu doesn't mount it automatically for you?04:14
AcierOh boy04:15
vietquestion how do i get on whatnet.org?04:15
AcierI need some help here04:15
somenoob93Anyone know something about booting a linux distro from a pen drive? The pen drive is setup right, I just don't know how to boot the thing up... I plug the pen drive in, turn the computer on, and nothing happens. Most of the normal commands like getting into bios won't work as long as the pen drive is plugged in.04:15
mib_296vplskorzen: nope04:15
AcierI'm a new linux yser04:15
mib_296vplwell there is nothing on my desktop skorzen04:15
Acierand I installed linux04:15
somenoob93viet, if it's an irc server, something like /server irc.whatnet.org  ?04:15
DonDoitle wow my RTC is way off04:15
Acierproblem is, when I shutdown my laptop, it acts funny04:15
DonDoitleit thinks it is 12:35PM04:15
=== DonDoitle is now known as Doitle
ricardoi tried to start tomcat and it ask me for JAVA_HOME04:15
AcierIt wouldn't load ubuntu04:15
Acierso I had to reboot with the CD and install it again04:16
skorzenmib_296vpl, try forcing it: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdx /mountpoint -o force04:16
skorzenYou must replace sdx with the correct syntax, and 'mountpoint' also.04:16
Aciermy settings were (wireless network, etc.) save04:16
mib_296vplwill do skorzen04:16
Acieralso, I couldn't log in my profile04:17
Acierunless the thing you make on installition isn't one O_o04:17
mib_296vplskorzen: except i want to mount the partition with the smaller size: /dev/sda3           16179       18674    20047111+   7  HPFS/NTFS or /dev/sda2             616       16064   124085248    7  HPFS/NTFS04:17
SearlesI'm installing Ubuntu on a 15 GB HDD, but I'm somewhat confused.04:17
SearlesIt's asking me for the installation size.04:18
SearlesShould I select 8 GB as the installation size?04:18
yabbermanThis is probably a dumb question, but got me stumped. I added a new hardrive and mounted the new drive as /var/ after I copied the var data into it. I then rebooted and all is working well, I want to now delete the old "/var" data sitting on the / in the first hard drive....How do I get to this data to delete it as the new mount is masking it?04:18
mogul218if you are using Wubi it does that04:18
mogul218are you trying to install inside of windows Searles?04:18
SearlesShould I use the entire 15 GB for the installation size?04:18
skorzenmib_296vpl, a smaller size? I would recommend you to resize it first, before mounting.04:18
Lint01Searles, why not?04:18
SearlesWell, would it leave any extra space for me to save files on?04:19
SearlesWhile using Ubuntu?04:19
afallenhopehey I'm having an issue with ufw. I can't delete the rules. Logs can be found at: http://pastebin.com/m145c700b04:19
Lint01Searles, you cannot set install size more than presen on your CD :)04:19
mib_296vplskorzen: i have 2 windows paritions. one of them is smaller than the other. how do I find out which on that is?04:19
SearlesThe highest amount it'll let me select is 10 GB04:19
SearlesIt's only a 15 GB HDD04:19
skorzenmib_296vpl, if they're already mounted, go to the terminal and type 'df'.04:19
mogul218is your 15 gig hard drive a separate drive, partition or just free space in windows?04:20
afallenhopecan I just remove it from /etc/ufw/applications?04:20
SearlesBut does that mean that I'll only have 3 GB left to download files from the internet to?04:20
SearlesIt's a Separate drive04:20
crazypoultrydoes anyone know where i can download what i need to setup samba for an offline comp? the samba site as debian packages will they work?04:20
mib_296vplhttp://mibbit.com/pb/3DvOHI skorzen04:20
mogul218wubi installs a virtual drive and it is maxxed out at whatever you set it at04:20
Lint01Searles, usually you download _everything_ from internet04:20
AcierUhm, excuse me04:21
Mike_lifeguardSo, if the option to resize partitions is not available on Hardy, then is it safe to use a third-party tool to setup partitions beforehand?04:21
mogul218so if you say 10 gigs, your ubuntu install will take up about 3 gigs at the start and then you have 7 gigs left04:21
AcierBut, I'm seriously stumped here04:21
Mike_lifeguardIn the Hardy installer, I mean.04:21
SearlesOk, I got it now.04:21
mogul218if you have a separate drive tho you should do a clean install by booting up from your cd rom04:21
SearlesThanks mogul21804:21
SearlesI don't have a CD-R04:21
SearlesSo I'm using Wubi04:21
mogul218oh ok04:21
mogul218well choose the highest install size04:22
skorzenmib_296vpl, it seems like they aren't mounted yet.04:22
Lint01"installation size" is the size of virtual disk the system will be installed into04:22
mogul218you can always get LVPM and resize your virtual disk to a larger one04:22
AcierAlso, this is strange04:22
AcierAm I running Linux off the CD?04:22
mib_296vplskorzen: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mountpoint -o force ?04:23
SearlesIf in install Ubuntu on my 15 GB HDD inside of my PC now, can I remove the HDD from this PC later and put it in a different PC and use it there?04:24
skorzenmib_296vpl, it's an option. Just change 'mountpoint' to something that makes you remember Windows. :-)04:24
mogul218i suppose you could...depends on what version of windows your are using tho04:24
mib_296vplhow about skorzen: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /home/jordan/Desktop -o force ?04:24
SearlesI don't have another PC right now04:25
botuxi have ubuntu and am tryingto see my ubuntu shares on my vista pc how do i find them04:25
SearlesBut I'm thinking about buying an old one04:25
SearlesAnd just using Ubuntu on it04:25
mib_296vplhow about skorzen: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /home/jordan/Desktop/windows -o force ? do i need to create the dir or will it do it for me?04:25
SearlesI wanna' take out the 15 GB HDD I'm installing Ubuntu on right now04:25
SearlesAnd use it on an older PC that I'll get later on04:25
skorzenmib_296vpl, try that one.04:25
skorzenThe last you wrote.04:25
SearlesWhen I tried that with Windows, It didn't work04:26
SearlesI guess you can only use Windows on the PC that it was originally installed on04:26
AcierHelp me out here? X_x04:26
mib_296vplskorzen: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:27
afallenhopehey I'm having an issue with ufw. I can't delete the rules. Logs can be found at: http://pastebin.com/m145c700b04:27
afallenhopecan I just remove it from /etc/ufw/applications?04:27
mib_296vpli got it!04:27
skorzenSearles, different hardware, different kernel modules to load. ;-)04:27
skorzenmib_296vpl, did it work? :-)04:27
mib_296vplthank you so much04:27
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:27
skorzenGood luck, then. ;-)04:27
mib_296vplthanks a ton04:28
skorzenNo problem.04:28
botuxi have set up samba but i cant find my samba shares on my windows pc04:28
SearlesSo after installing Ubuntu on my 15 GB HDD using this PC, I won't be able to take out the 15 GB HDD and use it/Ubuntu on a different PC later?04:28
SearlesI'll have to keep it in this PC?04:29
skorzenSearles, you will, but you probably have to recompile the kernel.04:29
mogul218that's a lot of trouble to go thru04:29
mogul218you would be better off just reinstalling fresh04:29
SearlesThat sucks04:29
AcierI just installed Ubuntu04:29
mogul218by then you will have your copy of ubuntu on bootable CD04:29
SearlesIt's easier to get the OS now and modify it how you want it and then get the PC later than the latter04:30
Acierand there were a couple of errors when I installed it with the CD04:30
mogul218i install ubuntu 2 or 3 times a week lately04:30
mralexandrowill i loose anything more than hibernation by disabling swap. and also if i do not loose anything more. how do i disable swap in 8.0404:30
mogul218cause i'm playing around with partition sizes and stuff04:30
mogul218i used to wubi but i don't any more04:30
asdf_n00bHi.  Does anyone have an idea for a way to organise my music collection using tags instead of directories, sort of like what Picasa does for pictures?04:30
grodiushow can i modprobe to see what my wireless interface is using?04:31
skorzenmralexandro, just don't create a swap partition.04:31
mralexandrobut i have already made it. but i was thinkin about disabling it. so i can use that partition for xp:/04:31
skorzenAcier, what kind of errors?04:31
mralexandroi have vista, ubuntu slackware and swap now, want to disable swap to install xp. cause of some applications i have to use for school04:31
asdf_n00bmralexandro, why don't you just shrink a partition to install XP?04:32
skorzenmralexandro, I think you must edit /etc/fstab file then.04:33
Titan8990mralexandro: VM or install visa, no need for two instances of windows04:33
mralexandro<asdf_n00b> partition one sda1 vista, partition 2 sda2 ubuntu, partition 3 sda3 slackware, partition 4 sda4 logical containing swap. i have used all the partitions04:33
skorzenBtw, disabling swap is not a good idea.04:33
Titan8990mralexandro: thats like double fail04:33
abhrai've my hdd divided in four partitions,one of them contains intrepid.now while booting the other three partitions are not mounted automatically.i've to mount them manually.is there any way to mount them automatically on boot up?04:33
Mike_lifeguardasdf_n00b: I'd like to do that too... but the hardy installer won't do that I guess. Can I resize the windows partition and create new ones for ubuntu with a third-party tool?04:33
somenoob93Anyone here know anything about booting from a USB drive? I configured the drive right, it's just for some reason it won't boot when the computer starts up.04:33
somenoob93Idk if I have to do something with bios04:33
Titan8990somenoob93: did you select usb device from your boot menu?04:33
Mike_lifeguardyou have to make sure you're booting from USB... hit F12 or something right at the start of boot04:33
=== victorneves is now known as victorneves_
Mike_lifeguardit'll say what button right at the start04:34
HammerHead66somenoob93: go into the grub at startup04:34
mralexandro<Titan8990>: i do agree with you, but the only flighstim working stable on my laptop, that i can feel will always work stable is fs2004, it does not come with a glass cockpit but there is a addon that gives me an up to date current glasscockpit, which is currently only supported in xp.04:34
somenoob93I don't know how to get into grub :s I installed my ubuntu via wubi ("inside" of Windows). The options I have are: Press Esc to enable startup message, F1 to enter System Info, F9 to change boot device order, F2 to startup check, F10 to enter SETUP, F11 to system recovery, and F12 to network boot04:35
=== victorneves_ is now known as victorneves
mralexandroso i have think i have to go with either deleting swap or deleting slackware. only problem is i really like the lilo bootloader so much!!04:35
botuxim trying to see my ubuntu shares on my windows machine anyone ahve any ideas?04:36
=== bonhoffer is now known as bonhoffer|away
Mike_lifeguardbotux: I think you have to mount it from within ubuntu04:36
Titan8990mralexandro: you could install lilo on ubuntu04:36
Titan8990mralexandro: couldn't tell you how much "hacking" it would require04:36
Mike_lifeguardon the other hand, I should be ignored because I've never even successfully installed ubuntu :D04:36
Titan8990mralexandro: check the package manager and see if lilo is there04:36
Nephilusdoes anyone know how to get a main menu in cairo dock04:36
mralexandro<Titan8990> yeah i think it would be above my head04:37
mralexandrooh ok04:37
Nephilusalt f1 doesn't work for me04:37
Barridusanyone know what the unicode keystroke is in jaunty?  iirc, it used to be alt-ctrl-u or something like that, i can't seem to re-guess what it is04:37
Titan8990!jaunty | Barridus04:37
ubottuBarridus: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.04:37
Titan8990Barridus: wrong channel04:37
asdf_n00bDoes anyone know if it would be possible to have some type of database system for my too huge movie collection, where I could tag each movie with certain descriptions, something like Picasa does for pictures, Gmail for E-mail, or even similar to Libraries in Windows 7?04:37
Barridus:O sorry04:37
aaronator< I want to verify that my kernel config includes certain options, where do i find it04:38
Nephiluspicasa works in wine04:38
asdf_n00bPicasa doesn't do Videos though04:38
ron2010help with usb mouse with virtual box04:38
Nephilushmm idk04:39
Titan8990aaronator: you could apt-get the kernel sources and look at the config04:39
asdf_n00bthanks anyways04:39
DreamgliderHow do i share a folder/harddisk from one ubuntu machine to another ubuntu machine (LAN)04:39
asdf_n00bI'll try to see what I can find online.  The problem arises where you can't just fit one movie in one distinct category04:39
mralexandroTitan8990 ok i found lilo in package manager. but listen, i did not install grub to the mbr. i installed it to sda2(ubuntu partition) if i choose to install lilo now. will it be able to install it in the mbr04:39
aaronatortitan8990: this will allow me to view my current kernel config?04:39
kinectionsI'm having problems with pulse audio, it seems like it is using up lots of CPU, and hitting it's soft limit and killing itself.04:40
kinectionshow do i get it to take less CPU time?04:40
ApOgEE--hi, i have two ip segment connected to my ubuntu box and . my question is how can i allow those from to connect to the other segments via my ubuntu box?04:40
voodoonixi'm having a lil trouble with intrepid, i can't seem to get my sound card to work, i can play music from my windows drive but i can't play sound else where i have a soundblaster live 5.1 on a dell computer04:40
Titan8990Dreamglider: many choices, for easy and secure ssh/scp; for faster transfers http or ftp04:40
somenoob93Hammerhead66 / Titan8990 , may I PM either of you? I wrote down the startup choices last time I restarted.. wondering if you could tell me which I need to pick04:41
Titan8990mralexandro: you will probably need to manually remove grub04:41
DreamgliderTitan8990, im currently sshing to the machine form wich i want the file04:41
HammerHead66voodoonix: what graphic card do you have?04:41
voodoonixradeon 960004:41
=== victorneves is now known as victorneves_
Titan8990mralexandro: and install lilo with the lilo command, might also need to write your own lilo.conf04:41
HammerHead66somenoob93: sure04:41
voodoonixgraphics work wonderful04:41
voodoonixgot compiz to work and everything04:41
arvind_khadrimralexandro, install grub to the mbr04:41
HammerHead66voodoonix: im me I'll give you the info04:42
Titan8990somenoob93: what problem were you having?04:42
mralexandro<Titan8990> i do not think i need to. cause grub is only on the ubuntu partition. lilo is the mbr right now. the only problem is everythime i configure it i have to do that trough slackware04:42
Barridusok pretend i'm not running jaunty.  this is intrepid i swear ;)  *coughnobodyknowsinubuntu+1cough*  what's the intrepid unicode trigger to enter characters pls :)04:42
badfish69do i have to do if vara == "1" and if varb == "2"04:42
badfish69or just one 'if'?04:42
botuxMike_lifeguard: how do i mount samba shares04:42
Mike_lifeguardno idea04:42
twois10what is the kde3/konquerorsu kde4/dolphin equivalence?04:42
Mike_lifeguardI'm a total noob :)04:42
Mike_lifeguardbotux: any advice I give is dangerous XD04:43
Titan8990Dreamglider: alright if you are already sshed into a host and want to pull a file from it, the syntax is: scp foobar.txt your_username@IPADDRESS:/some/remote/directory04:43
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
itai_hi, i got a ati radeon hd 2400 the live CD doesn't boot on it- it does boot on other computers- what can id o? (live cd -8.10)04:43
=== victorneves_ is now known as victorneves
somenoob93Titan8990, when I turn my computer on with the pen drive in, the computer doesn't get past the first screen. It doesn't respond to most commands, like f9 etc04:44
Titan8990Dreamglider: but you can also mount scp locations with nautalus04:44
somenoob93I have to literally pull out the pen drive then restart without the drive in if I'm to do anything04:44
DreamgliderTitan8990, i do this on the local or remove ?04:44
Titan8990somenoob93: are you saying you don't get passed the POST?04:44
mib_5orq9dhow do i get my sound to work in ubuntu?04:45
eternal_There  is a big difference from 8.04 to 8.1004:45
twois10what is the konquerorsu kde4/dolphin equivalence? to browse directory as root04:45
Dreamglidercant i mount the entire disk on the remote machine on this machine ?04:45
somenoob93yeah. I can't pass it, and I can't even push F9 (to change boot device order) while the pen drive is plugged in. I wonder if there's something to change in bios?04:45
mralexandrois it possible to disable the swap disk, and if i do. what will i miss of features?04:45
Titan8990Dreamglider: if you give permissions for your user to access it04:45
botuxMike_lifeguard: lol ill take my chances04:46
Mike_lifeguardwell, I guess you'd have to mount it just like any other drive04:46
botuxlol ya how04:46
Titan8990Dreamglider: go to: places -> connect to server     choose ssh04:46
Mike_lifeguardwhen I did the "try ubuntu" thing from the installation CD it detected my Windows files just fine04:47
Mike_lifeguardso... *shrug*04:47
somenoob93May be back later. Trying to boot from the pen drive again04:47
Dreamglideron what end. remote or local ?04:47
Titan8990Dreamglider: is the drive you want to share already mounted?04:47
DreamgliderTitan8990, yes it's mounted, it's the Ubuntu drive04:47
Titan8990Dreamglider: the client04:47
botuxim trying to be sure im mounting right im not sure i know how04:48
aaronatori am need to verify that my current kernel configuration includes certain options, i do not think apt-get will show me this will it?04:48
Titan8990Dreamglider: you want to share the root filesystem?04:48
AndyMLdoes anyone know how to manage an LSI MegaRAID SATA 150-6 from inside ubuntu booted up? (vs the bios utility)04:48
SerialNohi all04:49
SerialNohow can i make04:49
SerialNotransparent main many04:49
itai_hi, any tips for live cd not booting on ati radeon hd 2400 , it only gets to the "try without change" part04:49
DreamgliderTitan8990, yea04:50
twois10wrong place lol04:50
Titan8990Dreamglider: have to ask why04:50
mib_5orq9dhow can I get sound to work with linux? I have a monitor with speakers in it. my monitor is this: http://america.hannsg.net/onweb.jsp?prod_no=3333333375&webno=3333333375 the drivers are only for vista04:50
DreamgliderTitan8990, i just want access to it to transfeer files04:50
SerialNoi want  Applications|Places|System to be transparent04:50
Titan8990Dreamglider: /home should be more than enough04:50
SerialNoany help04:50
DreamgliderTitan8990, it could be a directory on the desktop aswell04:50
Titan8990Dreamglider: /var if it was a web server04:51
Titan8990Dreamglider: /home includes your desktop04:51
SerialNoany heeeeeeeelp04:51
DreamgliderTitan8990, then that's what i want04:51
botuxwhats the default ip for samba or how do i find out wht ip mines suing04:51
DreamgliderTitan8990, Now im on the remote and  at places > connect to server > SSH now what04:51
Titan8990Dreamglider: put the ipaddress your connecting to in the server box04:52
=== L3dPlatedLinux is now known as Digital_AFK
Titan8990Dreamglider: type: /home   for the folder04:52
bguptaGuessing you guys have seen this?: http://divajutta.com/doctormo/ubunchu/ubunchu-episode-01.pdf04:52
Titan8990Dreamglider: and then put in the username you use on the machine your connecting to04:52
DreamgliderTitan8990, Ok04:52
Titan8990Dreamglider: then you can connect04:53
mib_5orq9dhow can I get sound to work with linux? I have a monitor with speakers in it. my monitor is this: http://america.hannsg.net/onweb.jsp?prod_no=3333333375&webno=3333333375 the drivers are only for vista. are there different drivers for sound and video?04:53
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: alsa drivers are for sound04:54
Titan8990!alsa | mib_5orq9d04:54
ubottumib_5orq9d: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:54
DreamgliderTitan8990, Thanks alot :)04:54
Titan8990Dreamglider: np04:54
aaronatoris the kernel config just a text file?04:55
twois10my kdesu command does not work?04:56
twois10anyone have an ideal why kdesu does not work?04:57
ApOgEE--i'm trying to bridge two ip segments .. let say, and to let both segments be able to see each other via my ubuntu box. can anyone point me to the right direction?04:58
mib_5orq9dTitan8990: there are like 10 options with ALSA in it04:58
herlimenezesI have installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a Acer AspireOne, runnin aton processor, but wireless connection is missing04:59
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: did I point you to the alsa factiod? thats really all I know05:00
aaronatori am following directions on setting up a program and it tells me to ensure my "kernel configuration includes" some options.  how can i do that? is it just a text file i can look in?  where is it?05:00
mib_5orq9dTitan8990: what command can i run to check to see what sound card i have?05:00
arvind_khadri!cn | qingbing05:00
ubottuqingbing: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:00
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: lspci   or ls lshw -v05:01
ron20101can anybody help with work out my usb mouse in virtual box?05:01
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: sorry both with sudo and corrected:   sudo lspci or sudo lshw -v05:01
mib_5orq9dTitan8990: http://mibbit.com/pb/HntL7X05:02
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: looks like you have a soundcard and onboard sound05:02
mib_5orq9dTitan8990: I do05:03
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: which are you using?05:03
mib_5orq9dthe soundcard Titan899005:03
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: don't know much about them but they do their own factoid05:03
Titan8990!soundblaster | mib_5orq9d05:04
ubottumib_5orq9d: soundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth05:04
mib_5orq9dno no05:04
mib_5orq9di got it05:04
mib_5orq9dthanks a lot!05:04
mib_5orq9dthe cord was in the wrong hole05:04
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mib_5orq9don the sound card05:04
mib_5orq9dthanks a lot Titan8990 !!05:04
Titan8990mib_5orq9d: np :)05:04
aaronatorTitan, any more info on this please?05:05
Titan8990aaronator: sorry, yes its a text file but there is a TUI to search, document, and change it05:05
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Titan8990aaronator: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_User_Interface05:06
zionpsyferI'm having a heck of a time trying to get pictures off of my camera, neither of my external card readers work.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146662/05:06
stealth-while messing with themes in gnome "The current controls theme does not support color schemes". Why is this? It would really look better with color schemes if i could use one.05:06
Titan8990aaronator: will require build-essentails and ncurses05:06
botuxcould someoen tell me how to find out that ip my samba server is usinfg on my ubuntu machine05:07
aaronatorjust to look at it?05:07
aaronatortitan, thanks a ton, I will read up on what you gave me05:07
stealth-botux: ifconfig?05:07
Iceman_B^Ltophow do I unrar files from the commandline?05:07
Lint01unrar x -r archive file-mask05:07
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages05:07
zionpsyferIceman_B^Ltop: install unrar, command is:  unrar e <filename>05:08
edogzillahello. does anyone know how to get my epson stylus cx4800 printer/scanner to work in 8.04? xsane seems to be of no help at all cuz it doesnt recognize my printer05:08
ynkwell, not sure if this is a down side to installing ubuntu inside windows, but.. i tried to access one of my internal hard drives from Hardy Heron when i was learning how to mount and unmount drives. next thing i know, the drive is WIPED CLEAN! i'm like wtf!! is that supposed to happen?05:08
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Lint01ynk, can you boot into Windows and verify the damage?05:09
Titan8990aaronator: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile  look at "the old fashioned debian way"05:09
ynkLint01, i am currently in windows.. unfortunately.05:09
Titan8990aaronator: make menuconfig   is the tui I am referring to05:09
Titan8990aaronator: you can use / to search in it05:09
ynkLint01, it seems the only thing that didn't delete itself was ubuntu. -sigh-05:09
botuxstealth: it doesnt show samba or does samba use the same ip as the machine?05:10
aaronatortitan8990: thank you very much for the info, it is appreciated05:10
Titan8990aaronator: np05:10
edogzilla does anyone know how to get my epson stylus cx4800 printer/scanner to work in 8.04? xsane seems to be of no help at all cuz it doesnt recognize my printer05:10
Lint01ynk, google some undeleting tools05:10
stealth-botux: i belive it should use the same ip as the machine05:10
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ynkLint01, i've learned my lesson. i'm going to install Hardy Heron or w/e else i decide along side Windows instead of inside of it.. and just not try to access my windows files while in another operating system.05:10
mothdragonHi guys... i'm having trouble getting through to #c++ anybody here familiar enough with c++ programming and vectors to lend a hand?05:11
stealth-botux: i gave up on samba a while ago, so i might not be right, but i cant see any reason for samba to use a different ip05:11
icerootmothdragon: wrong channel05:11
mothdragoni know... sorry05:11
aaronatori figured it would be as easy as finding a text file and looking in it05:11
mothdragonjust hoping is all05:11
ynkLint01, i think it'll be more trouble than it's worth to try recovering 30+ GBs of datas.05:11
icerootmothdragon: you cant join #c++?05:11
fliphey guys is madwifi dead or somthing?05:12
mothdragoniceroot: no i keep getting booted saying overflow05:12
crankharderwhere are my pidgin config files stored so I can blow them all away?05:12
bopractivating proprietary nvidia drivers in my ubuntu causes it to start up 10% of the time without locking up. Any ideas why?05:12
icerootmothdragon: hm ok05:12
Titan8990flip, kinda its now ath5k05:12
Titan8990flip, and ath9k (beta)05:12
wahnfriedeni need to run an ubuntu server virtualized instance on this windows machine05:12
flipTitan8990,  can you help me install an atheros using that?05:12
wahnfriedenhow many GB do I need, approximately?05:13
wahnfriedenof hd space05:13
Titan8990flip, I still use madwifi05:13
Titan8990flip, for injection patch05:13
icerootwahnfrieden: depending on what you need on ubuntu05:13
flipthe download link to my driver is dead Titan8990  and i cant find it anywhere05:13
Im_Toast!help gksudo05:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help gksudo05:13
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:13
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:13
wahnfriedeniceroot not much. just to run a web server, with python/django etc05:13
icerootwahnfrieden: normally virtualbox is using a dynamic size for hdd05:13
Im_Toastah graphical sudo05:13
wahnfriedeniceroot I ask because I don't have much space free05:14
mbrushOk, I've spent the last 2 hours scouring google with many many hits but no fixes, I cannot get audio in Flash.  It took several hours of playing around to get any sound in anything (vlc).  I'm using jaunty that i downloaded a two or three days ago to see how it's coming.  I'm running XFCE.  Anyone have any hints?05:14
icerootwahnfrieden: 5gb should be the absolut maximum that will need05:14
zionpsyferLooking for some help pictures off of a camera or external reader. neither of my external card readers work, camera(rebel xt) isn't recognized.  Suspect udev/hal   /var/log/messages-> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146662/05:14
wahnfriedenoh, great05:14
icerootwahnfrieden: ubunru + apache and so on05:14
ynkLint01, would you recommend simply going to Intrepid or sticky with Hardy Heron a while longer?05:14
wahnfriedenshould i use normal ubuntu, or ubuntu server?05:14
icerootynk: never touch a running system, also 8.04 is LTS05:14
botuxim trying to mount a samba share so i can see it on my windows box can someone assist05:15
Titan8990flip, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros05:15
wahnfriedenalso - does it run reasonably well in virtualbox? this is just a 1.8GHz Atom CPU, 2gb ram. not that great05:15
flipyes im already there05:15
icerootwahnfrieden: you need a gui?05:15
Im_ToastIs Hardy Heron 8.04?05:15
icerootIm_Toast: yes05:15
stealth-_!hardy | Im_Toast05:15
ubottuIm_Toast: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.05:15
ynkiceroot, thanks for the tip, buddy.05:15
flipalthough it'd prob be easier if you just explained it >.,05:16
stealth-_Im_Toast: for future reference, you can msg ubottu with factoids and he can answer you in a private message, so your not messaging in the channel05:16
wahnfriedeniceroot I'm newish to linux so it would probably help. Maybe just something minimal - xfce or something05:16
botuxstealth: im having issues mounting a share do you know how05:16
ynkiceroot, that doesn't really answer my question though.. LTS means it'll be around a while longer, but what does that make of Intrepid? do the releases become LTS after a while..? i'm not even quite sure how that works.05:16
icerootwahnfrieden: try xubuntu05:16
Titan8990flip, I told you, i haven't set up ath5/9k drivers, i still use madwifi05:17
iceroot!lts | ynk05:17
ubottuynk: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.05:17
wahnfriedenoh, awesome. thanks05:17
stealth-_botux: sorry, i gave up on samba a while ago, to much trouble, this might help you, though, one sec05:17
icerootynk: so 8.10 will never get lts05:17
stealth-_!samba | botux05:17
dumb_dumbguys how to install serial port on xen with ubuntu server05:17
ubottubotux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.05:17
icerootwahnfrieden: its ubuntu with xfce405:17
twois10 I get the following boot error, i need help understanding this: http://paste.linuxassist.net/21419705:17
botuxi have my windows shares mounted i need help mounting my ubuntu shares05:18
ynkiceroot, ah very interesting. so Intrepid will be outdated before Hardy Heron..? (can you tell i love using their nicknames? lol)05:18
Titan8990twois10: did you enable kernel debugging?05:18
asdf_n00bDoes anyone know whats up with those two weird characters that come after the path when you drag a file into the command line?05:18
icerootynk: yes, 8.10 will be outdated before 8.0405:18
twois10Titan8990, no05:18
icerootynk: so if 8.04 is running for you, why change to 8.10?05:19
Im_ToastI just got 8.10 because that's what unetbootin automatically downloaded for me =P05:19
cj_szeguys... where can i find the inittab file of ubuntu? thanks05:19
ynkiceroot, i like your logical. makes sense. 'if it ain't broke..'05:19
asdf_n00bI can't copy them here they show up blank, but they're like squares with some weird writing in them..  It's annoying cause I'm building this database and have to delete the two characters at the end of each path05:19
icerootynk: yes :) never touch a running system05:19
ynkiceroot, yes sir. never again!05:20
Iceman_B^Ltopthe sole reason I'm running 8.10 is because it's awesome codename ^_^05:20
icerootIceman_B^Ltop: i cant pronounce it :(05:20
Iceman_B^Ltop(well, and I left the 8.04 discs at my parents, so why not burn the latest)05:20
Iceman_B^Ltopiceroot: the intrepid part or the ibex part?05:20
icerootIceman_B^Ltop: intrepid05:21
Iceman_B^Ltophaha, tell me thats a joke05:21
icerootIceman_B^Ltop: sounds strange for me (german)05:21
Iceman_B^Ltop...im dutch05:21
Iceman_B^Ltopits not hard :)05:21
icerootIceman_B^Ltop: but also not nice :)05:21
lacquiis there an easy way to fix dependencies on about 300 packages?05:21
stealth-_asdf_n00b: im not getting that effect...05:21
Iceman_B^Ltopgerman makes everything sound sinister, and therefore awesome =)05:21
ynki wonder if i can unallocate space from one of my HDDs to be used by Hardy Heron for dual booting (..as opposed to an installation inside windows)..05:21
boscohow do i change a {.dbi} to iso and make it bootable???????05:21
aaronatori am just trying to patch iwlagn and am on the preparing the kernel step05:22
stealth-_!hi | mike_S05:22
ubottumike_S: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:22
asdf_n00bstealth..  really?  what version are you using. not that I'd see it making a difference but you never know05:22
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icerootIceman_B^Ltop: also its easier for say the version like 8.04 instead of the name. e.g. i dont know the version of dapper drake and all the other names05:23
asdf_n00boh stealth nvm..  It actually doesnt happen in terminal.. happens in like..  paths in other Software05:23
stealth-_asdf_n00b: well, if i understand you right, what your doing is grabbing a file and dragging it into the terminal, and when I did that i got the file location with ' around it.05:23
stealth-_asdf_n00b: ah, file a bug report maybe?05:23
icerootstealth-_: its normal05:23
stealth-_iceroot: why does it happen?05:24
asdf_n00bWhat's its purpose though?05:24
icerootstealth-_: because of whitespace and so on05:24
mike_Sif there are spaces in the filepath05:24
asdf_n00bhunh..  but the path doesn't work with those extra 2 characters though05:24
icerootstealth-_: your file.jpg or 'your file.jpg'05:24
Iceman_B^Ltopiceroot: pm05:24
stealth-_iceroot: what about them?05:25
stealth-_iceroot: your refering to the spaces?05:25
stealth-_iceroot: never mind i ask quests before i think about them....05:25
stealth-_iceroot: lol05:26
mattgyver83Is it possible to map a USB storage device as a network drive and still unmount it?05:28
stealth-_does anyone have any questions???05:28
botuxwhen mounting samba shares im getting mount error 112 = Host is down05:28
botux any ideas why05:28
stealth-_there we go05:28
stealth-_botux: can you ping the host to actually confirm its up and has a samba port open?05:29
ron20101help me resolve usb mouse issue in virtualbox05:29
botuxstealth: just ping localhost?05:29
stealth-_ron20101: explain your question, if someone knows the answer, they will answer you05:29
stealth-_botux: your trying to mount a samba share on your own machine?05:30
ron20101ok... in virtualbox 2.1.4 i cant get usb mouse to detect in windows05:30
botuxstealth: dont i have to to get it to show up on my windows box05:30
ron20101i have ubuntu ibex as my host05:30
aaronator_I am trying to patch iwlagn and am on the step of preparing the kernel, how can i see if my kernel config contains the listed options?05:30
stealth-_botux: um... Im either way more unfamiliar with samba than i thought, or your doing something wrong..05:31
thahaussCan someone please advise the best program that will allow me to format a slaved drive in ubuntu 9.04?05:31
stealth-_botux: your trying to mount a samba share on the same machine its hosted so you can access it from another machine?05:31
botuxstealth: right05:32
icerootthahauss: there is no best, but try gparted05:32
botuxstealth: am i goofy05:32
stealth-_botux: is this involving any VM's?05:32
MocsDoes anyone know anything about Ultima Online free shard servers?05:32
botuxstealth: whats vm05:32
stealth-_botux: i dont know, im not very familiar with samba, but it sounds wierd to me05:32
thahaussIceman_B^Ltop, TY ice will do05:32
stealth-_botux: virtual machine. it lets you run a computer inside a computer... kinda05:32
botuxstealth: no vm's05:33
botuxStealth separate machine05:33
MocsReason I ask, I am thinking of setting one up, don't know which one will run best on Ubuntu 8.1005:33
stealth-_botux: are you following a tutorial or something?05:33
botuxstealth: no05:33
stealth-_botux: i would probably advise that, cause past that i cant really help much. Sorry :(05:34
botuxstealth: i tried reading the howtos but they are like greek to me i dont understand them05:34
stealth-_botux: maybe someone else here has more experience with samba, but i gave up in frustration with it.....05:34
stealth-_botux: did you try the ones i gave you earlier?05:34
pr0t0c0ni have a question , is it possible to run multiple programs while in console mode05:35
Mocssamba is a strange animal... I got it to work once, but not without much struggle...05:35
stealth-_pr0t0c0n: console mode? you mean no GUI?05:35
Mocspr0t: yeah, use different terminals... <alt>1 <alt>205:35
Mocspr0t: or run them in background05:35
stealth-_pr0t0c0n: then yes, just move over to a different terminal or use screen. ctrl+alt+F# where # is a terminal number05:36
stealth-_!screen | pr0t0c0n05:36
ubottupr0t0c0n: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen05:36
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pr0t0c0nok thnx ok thnx05:36
stealth-_pr0t0c0n: id advise using different terminals though, screen is a bit harder to figure out05:36
Mocspr0t: don't be sorry... asking is the only way to learn05:37
botuxstealth: i used the ones you gave me05:37
pr0t0c0nso i just type alt#1 while in the console ?05:37
gauravkittzi have to type modprobe ath5k on startup every time to get my wifi on05:37
stealth-pr0t0c0n: no05:37
gauravkittzis ther any other way05:38
Mocspr0t: alt f1... alt f205:38
stealth-pr0t0c0n: press the buttons: ctrl+alt+F# where # is a number of a terminal05:38
stealth-Mocs: you dont need to press ctrl?05:38
Mocsstealth: nope05:38
juanefrenHOw do I share a folder using command line ? (ubuntu server)05:38
stealth-Mocs: huh. good to know.05:38
pr0t0c0nok let me try brb05:38
Mocsstealth: just did it... ubuntu box is next to this one...05:38
stealth-Mocs: yeah, ctrl is only nessesary if leaving GUI. Thanks for the tip05:39
sombirhelp on ubuntu ??05:39
stealth-sombir: this is the ubuntu support channel, yes.05:39
Mocsnow... back to UO... anyone ever set one up?  I looked at SunUO, but that hasn't been updated since 2005...05:39
aaronator_there are like 500 kconfig files, what is the location of the one with the wireless settings?05:39
ruben231hi i installed a tarball program how do i uninstall it..05:40
Madpilotsombir, just ask your question, someone will help if they can05:41
Mocsoops... sorry, that's a dreamweaver key if anyone needs it...05:42
sombiri need help un port scanner05:42
Mocsok, no UO fans here... oh well...05:42
Mocsl8r all05:42
botuxi think i may have gotten the server to work just not sure how to test it05:44
botuxanybody know how to see samba shares on windows machine05:44
thahaussI'm running ubuntu 9.04 and am using Gparted to format a slave drive, my question lies in the format of the partition table, the default is MSDOS do i need to change this for any reason?05:45
dijikulif I wanted to write a script that called a certain URL and then add it to cron to run at certain intervals, what would be the command I'd use to call the http request from the cli?05:45
clearscreen!jaunty | thahauss05:45
ubottuthahauss: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:45
clearscreendijikul: wget05:46
iterdijikul: either wget or curl05:46
TheShahFactorhello kimerop05:50
kimerophello theshahfactor05:50
dumb_dumbguys need help with xen & ubuntu server05:50
dumb_dumbany one could help me?05:50
dumb_dumbthanks before05:50
flipdumb_dumb,  what you need help with05:51
kimeropsome watch movie matrix I,II,III05:51
dumb_dumbflip: i need to enabled the serial port (/dev/ttyS0) so that the guess OS can used that port05:51
flipOkay guys i have a major problem its not really that big of deal just rather annoying when i open a window then try to click to another window it wont let me i have to actually minimize the other window for example im on xchat now and i have a terminal open when i switch to terminal then try to click the xchat window it wont let me click the it05:51
flipguest os dumb_dumb05:51
flipcant really help ya there05:52
meoblast001does ClamAV check for Windows viruses too?05:52
dumb_dumbthats ok flip05:52
dumb_dumbi`m trying to install sms gateway server on xen05:52
jomo2010any recommendation to running itunes in ubuntu?05:52
meoblast001jomo2010: don't do it?05:53
meoblast001jomo2010: doesn't run that well05:53
TheShahFactorflip : have u enabled the option "always on top05:53
jomo2010so wine itunes?05:53
meoblast001jomo2010: yes.. but why would you want to run it?05:53
jomo2010or is there better substitued that will do podcast?05:53
flipTheShahFactor,  i dont think so where would i go to check05:53
kimeropmpeg to mp4 ?05:53
jomo2010and sync my itouch05:54
thurstonHi, I am new to IRC and to Ubuntu. Can anyone guide me where I need to go to report a bug?05:54
meoblast001jomo2010: i can't get it to detct my iPod so i'm not sure if you'll get better luck05:54
aaronator_i do not have an ipod, but i dont see why it woudlnt work05:54
leoXsysthurston: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu, But better you joined the #ubuntu-bugs Channel to get the more info.05:54
Lartza_Assuming that I need to run some server behind my ubuntu gateway, I need to forward the port to the computer behind with iptables?05:54
majortoolwhat's the best program for viewing my web cam05:55
majortooljust locally05:55
leoXsysmajnoon: Cheese05:55
leoXsysmajortool: sudo apt-get install cheese05:55
jomo2010i just need to sync with my itouch and download podcast stuff05:56
meoblast001majortool: if you ever want to try flash with your webcam.... WebCamStudio is nice05:56
cj_szewhere can i find the inittab file of ubuntu 8.04 desktop ?05:56
meoblast001jomo2010: Rhythmbox works with podcasts05:56
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meoblast001jomo2010: iTouch... i think we all have to play the waiting game with that05:56
flipTheShahFactor,  ??? please its really annoying05:56
jomo2010and it will sycn05:56
botuxcan anyone help with samba05:57
sombiris ubuntu 9.04 out ???05:58
botuxno april 23rd05:58
=== qhlym203 is now known as liyanming
leoXsyscj_sze: Check http://nixcraft.com/linux-software/2654-ubuntu-set-default-runlevel-etc-inittab.html05:59
leoXsysbotux: What is the problem?05:59
flipOkay guys i have a major problem its not really that big of deal just rather annoying when i open a window then try to click to another window it wont let me i have to actually minimize the other window for example im on xchat now and i have a terminal open when i switch to terminal then try to click the xchat window it wont let me click the it05:59
cj_szeleoXsys: thanks i will check that05:59
leoXsyssombir: Ubuntu 9.04 final would be out on 23rd April, 2009, But you can enjoy the BETA Version05:59
botuxleoXsys: im trying to see my shares from my ubuntu machine on my vista box05:59
Im_ToastWhat is the next lts version?06:00
aaronator_in reference to the kernel config, what does [M] mean?06:00
aaronator_[M] and [*]06:00
leoXsysIm_Toast: Every two yer, So 8.04 was in 2008/4, so next would be in 2010/4 i guess :)06:01
leoXsysaaronator_: [M] means module, Kernel will build the module for that one which you can insert later after booting the kernel :)06:01
borgista"           A central wisdom peers within a doubtless sunshine.  "06:01
botuxleoXsys: im having all kinds of trouble06:02
leoXsysbotux: How you are trying?06:02
CompCrashanyone one else have issues with the update manager?06:03
leoXsysbotux: On Desktop, Go-to -> Places -> Netwrok06:03
aaronator_leoxsys: thanks, i am trying to patch iwlagn and part of the process is ensuring my kernel config contains certain options, how can i do this?06:03
CompCrashthe password confirmation doesnt come up06:04
leoXsysCommo-work: I think, it will not come up, It will only come while you will do any up gradation...06:04
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sYskkwhat is a good tool for visualizing disk usage ? ps: I don't have a GUI on my ubuntu box, so Id like something that would work remotely06:05
leoXsysaaronator_: Yes, you can do it as [M], then maker sure it get loaded while booting.06:05
lstarnesCompCrash: unless it is updating something or checking for new updates it won't need administrative permissions06:05
flipOkay guys i have a major problem its not really that big of deal just rather annoying when i open a window then try to click to another window it wont let me i have to actually minimize the other window for example im on xchat now and i have a terminal open when i switch to terminal then try to click the xchat window it wont let me click the it  no i donot have always ontop option set06:05
CompCrashit always asks06:05
aaronator_leoxsys: i havent a clue as to how to do that.  can you give me a link to somewhere that explains this?06:05
lstarnesCompCrash: if you used something else that required administrative permissions within a few minutes of running the update manager, it might not ask for a password06:06
CompCrashand the window doesnt come and then there is no updates06:06
unkohey guys. i have a simple question. my monitor can go up too 100 hz but it won't let me go past 60 hz how can i override it so i can get it to 75 hz??????06:06
botuxleoXsys: ok im there06:06
leoXsysaaronator_: Wait a minute...06:06
flipOkay guys i have a major problem its not really that big of deal just rather annoying when i open a window then try to click to another window it wont let me i have to actually minimize the other window for example im on xchat now and i have a terminal open when i switch to terminal then try to click the xchat window it wont let me click the it  no i donot have always ontop option set06:06
aaronator_leoxsys: also i believe the kconfig i need to alter is located at /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-11-generic/net/wireless . is this the correct kconfig to alter?06:07
leoXsysbotux: So, it has detected the the machine, which is part of the network?06:07
leoXsysaaronator_: Yes, I think so, where is the source located?06:07
leoXsysbotux: Can you see your Visa machine?06:08
aaronator_leoxsys: source?06:08
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botuxleoXsys: yes its there and when i click on it it says unable to mount06:08
leoXsysaaronator_: Source of the Kernel?06:09
leoXsysbotux: Or driver?06:09
leoXsysbotux: Ok...Hmm...06:09
aaronator_leoxsys: i dont know..... sorry i am a noob06:09
botuxleoXsys whats Or driver?06:09
leoXsysaaronator_: ok...06:09
leoXsysbotux: Are you on intrepid?06:10
botuxleoXsys: im on 8.1006:10
leoXsysbotux: I think vista must be using NTFS?06:11
botuxleoXsys: yes it id06:11
unkohey guys. i have a simple question. my monitor can go up too 100 hz but it won't let me go past 60 hz how can i override it so i can get it to 75 hz??????06:11
leoXsysbotux: Can you install / check NTFS support with 8.10, or just do sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g on CLI06:12
pan__mc(midnight commander) do not work well in the screen session,anyone can help me ?06:12
sombirhelp ????????????/06:13
leoXsysaaronator_: Can you try this link for more information http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu06:13
leoXsysaaronator_: Also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile06:13
spaceBARbarianwhats a good .rar extractor for ubuntu ?06:13
botuxleoXsys: its downloading now06:13
pan__mc work well,but do not work well in a screen session06:14
aaronator_leoxsys: ok thank you. just to be sure - I have to actually modifiy the kernel to get tthis driver patched??06:14
pan__the table line is not aligned06:14
leoXsysaaronator_: Yes, I can understand, it will help.06:14
aaronator_leoxsys: thanks a lot sir.  you are a gret help06:15
leoXsysspaceBARbarian: By default Ubuntu is supporting, You want something with high compression ratio?06:15
pan__mc(midnight commander) work well,but it do not work well in a screen session:the table line is not aligned06:15
spaceBARbarianleoXsys: no i am just trying to extract a .rar and i get unsupported archive06:16
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botuxleoXsys: it says its already on here where is it normally?06:16
ruben231hi does ekiga support g729 codec..?06:17
leoXsysbotux: Hmm....06:18
leoXsysbotux: Means, it's already installed.06:18
botuxleoXsys: right but idunno how to access it06:18
k1enhi, live cd will not boot on my pc (8.10) after the "try without changes to your computer" it just goes black06:21
KetrelI installed Ubuntu on a laptop and I can get wireless to work at all06:21
Ketrelfrom the GUI06:21
KetrelI can do it with iwconfig and dhclient06:21
rayluKetrel: did you just install the wireless drivers? or did you never do that yourself?06:22
KetrelFresh install06:22
Ketrelinstalled nothing yet06:22
rayluKetrel: try restarting network manager. sudo invoke-rc.d NetworkManger restart06:22
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Ketrelraylu: ok, from there, what do I do to add a wireless network to it?06:23
rayluKetrel: m... when you connect to one, i think it automatically creates one.06:23
Ketrelconnect to one HOW06:23
rayluKetrel: you can also right-click for a different menu than the left-click one06:23
rayluKetrel: left-click on ti06:23
rayluKetrel: *it06:24
Ketrelso it won't detect networks?06:24
KetrelI'd always have to manually enter the ssid?06:24
rayluKetrel: oh, sometimes right after it starts it takes a bit to get the network list06:24
rayluKetrel: you can prod it with "sudo iwlist scan"06:24
botuxleoXsys: any ideas?06:24
Ketrelraylu I'm trying to give this to someone who has no idea how to use command line06:25
leoXsysbotux: I am thinking...06:25
botuxleoXsys: sorry06:25
leoXsysbotux: It's ok.06:25
Ketrelraylu anyways: 'wlan0 interface doesn't support scanning : network is down'06:25
rayluKetrel: oh fun. i never did figure out what that error meant06:26
rayluKetrel: perhaps your wireless card isn't switched on?06:26
Ketrelraylu: then using iwconfig and dhclient wouldn't work would it06:26
rayluKetrel: dhclient connects to the network properly?06:26
Ketrelyes, I said that at the beginning, GUI isn't working, but command line is06:27
thedarkonemy menu.lst went blank any way to fix it06:27
leoXsysbotux: I have not tried using SAMBA, But i am checking support...06:27
rayluthedarkone: update-grub06:27
zionpsyferKetrel:  wicd? seems to fix those issues, not sure if we're allowed to recommend though.06:27
thedarkonehow raylu06:28
botuxleoXsys: ok just so you know i mapped the vist shares on my desktop so that part is good i juts cant see the samba shares on my vista machine06:28
Ketrelok, it just stopped working >.<06:28
xim_is there an easy way in ubuntu to print a large image that is multiple pages, like a banner, in chunks on seperate pages that you could tape together?  without manually cutting up the image in gimp06:28
Ketrelsince there is no manual switch on it, is there any way to enable the card if it was off?06:28
leoXsysbotux: Ohhh!!!!06:28
leoXsysbotux: My bad time :(06:29
botuxleoXsys: sorry i didnt think i explained that right the first time06:29
rayluthedarkone: that's the name of a command. run it06:29
leoXsysbotux: It's ok, Mistake makes the man perfect :)06:30
rayluKetrel: is it like a fn+[random key] switch?06:30
botuxleoXsys: lol right06:30
rayluapropos makes man perfect06:30
thedarkonei hit c and put that in i get error 2706:30
rayluthedarkone: who are you talking to?06:30
thedarkoneunrecognized command06:30
thedarkoneu raylu06:30
rayluthedarkone: oh. please put my name in front. why'd you hit c?06:31
ubuntu__anyone in here using 9.04 beta? I having some issues being able to log into X after install ati drivers06:31
raylu!jaunty | ubuntu__06:31
ubottuubuntu__: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.06:31
thedarkoneraylu when i boot only thing that comes up in grub is memtest86+06:31
Ketrelraylu: yes, but I haven't added anything for keyboard so I'd assume it'd have no effect06:32
thedarkoneraylu i hit c for command line06:32
leoXsysbotux: Check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91281406:32
rayluthedarkone: oh. i thought you had already booted. is the problem you can't boot?06:32
dye_bcpojifojfoiqw wefoijqw ohfvgq06:32
thedarkoneraylu yes06:32
dye_bcnak mna    ?"06:32
rayluKetrel: actually, on most laptops, that's handled by hardware06:32
thedarkoneraylu can not boot06:32
rayluKetrel: fn+[random key for touchpad] is like that too. try pressing it and running "sudo dmesg | tail"06:32
rayluthedarkone: do you have a livecd/liveusb/etc. available?06:33
Ketrelraylu: nope, it's not on this, I just tried enabling scroll lock which is a fn+key but no effect06:33
thedarkonenot here06:33
rayluthedarkone: that's going to be kinda difficult then.06:33
thedarkoneraylu when i get a live cd what should i do06:34
rwparris2is there a good small image editor for ubuntu?  not gimp, I want something more like the online app picnik, except for the desktop06:34
rayluthedarkone: i would just re-install grub using one of the various guides. personally, that means mount the linux install and use "grub-install /dev/sd[whatever] --root-directory=[mount point]"06:34
raylurwparris2: by small, you mean like mspaint?06:35
rayluKetrel: but that's not handled by hardware. or rather, it is but it's passed as a key to software06:35
raylurwparris2: tuxpaint. also a few others. aptitude search paint06:35
CompCrashwhat do i use in the terminal to install updates06:36
botuxleoXsys: that all you found?06:36
lstarnesCompCrash: sudo apt-get upgrade06:36
rayluthedarkone: on the other hand, do you know when you last upgraded your kernel?06:36
leoXsysbotux: Yes :(06:36
lstarnesCompCrash: prior to doing that, you may need to do sudo apt-get update06:36
rayluthedarkone: or the kernel version :D06:36
rayluCompCrash: apt-get or aptitude?06:36
Ketrelraylu I've tried it with no luck, is there anything else I could try? (It's a Dell Latitude D600 and I already tried modprobing ndiswrapper)06:37
botuxleoXsys: thanks for helping ill chekc that out06:37
CompCrashwrong chat06:37
leoXsysbotux: Sorry, I am also newbie...06:37
rayluKetrel: er, what wireless card? latitudes use intel chipsets which are well support by iwl, i thought06:37
CompCrashi did aptitude and it only found them but not install06:38
rayluCompCrash: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade06:38
botuxleoXsys: its ok lol i think with linux everyone is a newbie theres always something to learn06:38
rayluCompCrash: or safe-upgrade, if you prefer06:38
Ketrelraylu: I'm not sure how to check06:38
rayluKetrel: lspci06:39
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CompCrashi'm sick of the update manager or synaptic package manager not working right06:39
Ketrelfrak, it's a broadcom06:39
CompCrashsince 8.10 they dont always work06:39
rayluKetrel: lspci -v will show the modules its using06:40
rayluKetrel: which would be useful :D06:40
KetrelBroadcom Corporation BCM4309 802.11a/b/g (rev 03)06:41
spaceBARbarianis there any program i can use to install microsoft office in ubuntu ?06:41
jomo2010anybody know how to change background color to workspace switcher area?06:41
raylubotux, leoXsys: there's no need for ntfs support06:41
FiReSTaRTdoes anyone know a way to open pdf 1.7 documents in ubuntu?06:41
raylubotux: but samba is basically a pain. try "smbclient -L"06:41
scunizispaceBARbarian: what do you need there that openoffice doesn't do?06:41
FiReSTaRTother than downloading the acrobat binary06:42
coolmadmaxspaceBARbarian use openoffice 3.006:42
rayluFiReSTaRT: can you give me a pdf 1.7 document?06:42
rayluKetrel: and the module06:42
FiReSTaRTraylu: sure.. ill give u a link06:42
spaceBARbarianscunizi: i am too used to msoffice, dont feel like switching06:42
dffsdanyone good with c++ here?06:42
rayluspaceBARbarian: but you feel like switching your entire OS?06:43
rayludffsd: wrong channel for that06:43
dffsd#ubuntu-programming is of no help06:43
brunnerwhat's the command for that curses kernel configuration tool?06:43
Ketrelraylu: I think it's ssb06:43
rayludffsd: there's probably #c++. what do you need?06:43
_motti__hi guys. where can I ask/suggest a feature for the next ubuntu release?06:43
dffsdi need help wiith run-time type identification06:43
botuxraylu: its asking for parameters06:43
raylubotux: do you know the hostname/ip of the machine that has the files shared?06:44
FiReSTaRTraylu : link sent via pm06:44
raylu_motti__: file a bugreport and mark it as feature06:44
rayluFiReSTaRT: as far as i can tell, that's a pdf telling you you need a newer pdf reader06:44
scunizispaceBARbarian: I've used both for years and don't find many things that oo won't do.. menu's are close and unless you're using a lot of the higher functions it's hardly worth running office in wine... if the version you have will work06:44
botuxraylu: its my ubuntu machine which im on06:44
raylubotux: oh. then why do you need samba? smbclient -L localhost06:45
Ketrelraylu: kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge (if that's what you wanted)06:45
rayluKetrel: yeah...06:45
rayluKetrel: things starting with b43 usually involve pain06:45
_motti__raylu, is it for real? there is no "formal" way for the community to toss around ideas?06:45
raylu_motti__: #ubuntu-dev06:45
FiReSTaRTraylu: that's because document viewer/OOo can only open pdf 1.4... pdf 1.7 is relatively new06:45
scunizispaceBARbarian: actually abiword is a breath of fresh air.. fast, lean and very functional..06:45
raylu_motti__: and yes, for real. there are thousands of bugs and feature requests. dealing with them all at once in the form of chat is not productive06:46
Ketrelraylu is there anything I could do in that case06:46
botuxraylu: because i wanna see my ubuntu shares on my vvista box06:46
rayluFiReSTaRT: there is no reason evince or whatever linux pdf reader you are using would tell you to go visit the adobe website06:46
FiReSTaRTraylu: i could install the acrobat but i'd like to see if OOo or Document Viewer can be patched to open that format06:46
raylubotux: who uses the vista box? to avoid pain, i'd recommend getting an sftp/scp client on the vista box06:46
botuxraylu: i just got Connection to localhost failed (Error NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)06:47
rayluKetrel: i've never gotten a broadcom car fully working06:47
spaceBARbarianscunizi: i do use a lot of higher functions, including visio and equations etc06:47
FiReSTaRTraylu: there is if the document contains some embedded binary crap that they can't open06:47
rayluKetrel: *card. i've gotten bits and pieces of connectivity at best06:47
botuxraylu when i used the command you sent me06:47
Ketreldamn, that's not good :(06:47
rayluFiReSTaRT: not... really. what are you trying to view ont hat website06:47
spaceBARbarianscunizi: is there anything other than crossover that is known to run office ?06:47
Sir_Brizzdoes anyone know how to get audio working properly on a laptop? I have muted the sound from the ubuntu menu but it still plays the boot sound and sounds for pidgin06:47
Sir_Brizz\it's really annoying06:47
scuniziFiReSTaRT: Doc Viewer should (which is evince) .. also scribus will, and possibly xpdf06:47
raylubotux: i have no idea, sorry. can you answer my earlier question?06:47
_motti__raylu, I'm sure of that. But filing a bug is like entering through the next door. Isn't there an equivalent for bug report in the features field?06:48
botuxraylu: which one lol06:48
raylu_motti__: yes... technically, the 'bug tracker' is an issue tracker06:48
raylu_motti__: and issues include feature requests06:48
FiReSTaRTscunizi: it doesn't though.. i downloaded the file tried to open it both with evince and OOo, same crap06:48
raylubotux:  1:46:56       raylu> botux: who uses the vista box? to avoid pain, i'd recommend getting an sftp/scp client on the vista box06:48
scunizispaceBARbarian: just straight wine should depending on the version.. if you really use a lot of visio stuff maybe running office in a VM of windows06:48
syntax\lo, how can i add a network printer in ubuntu? same goes with a dot matrix printer?06:49
scuniziFiReSTaRT: have you tried xpdf?06:49
FiReSTaRTscunizi: http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/aps/tps664.pdf06:49
FiReSTaRTill give it a shot06:49
botuxraylu: lol oh i do and i want to be able to share my music and video files between the 206:49
Ketrelraylu: is there any way to get it to work? This kinda throws a wrench in my plans for a bday gift06:49
mudithi, i am trying to convert a file in ffmpeg, i get this error >> Unknown codec libmp3lame06:49
botuxwhats an sftp/scp client06:49
Sir_Brizzbotux: can't you use samba?06:49
raylubotux: then, to avoid pain, i'd recommend getting an sftp/scp client for vista. filezilla and winscp are good choices06:50
raylubotux: then, simply set up openssh-server (read: install and you're done)06:50
botuxSir_Brizz: if it would work06:50
rayluSir_Brizz: he can, but he's having trouble setting it up. and i've never gotten that working faster than scp06:50
FiReSTaRTscunizi: same problem with xpdf06:50
Sir_Brizzyeah but it sounds like he wants to mount it on Vista, not just copy files around06:51
_motti__raylu, I went to the bug tracker website and they don't mention the feature asking as an option06:51
rayluscunizi: as far as i can tell, it's actually a pdf that tells you to go get adobe acrobat, not an app-generated error message06:51
botuxSir_Brizz: i cant see the samba shares on my vista box06:51
rayluscunizi: http://www.torontopolice.on.ca/aps/tps664.pdf06:51
botuxSiir_Brizz: Bingo sir06:51
rayluSir_Brizz: have you ever gotten samba working?06:51
Sir_BrizzI haven't tried to set it up dfor a while06:52
rayluKetrel: i'm sure it's _possible_06:52
scuniziraylu: yea.. strange. I've downloaded it and I'm trying scribus...06:52
scuniziFiReSTaRT: yea.. just found that out06:52
scuniziFiReSTaRT: installing scribus now.06:52
Ketrelraylu: is there anywhere with a tutorial?06:52
pace_t_zuluhey guys i'm looking for someone who can help me with the community documentation06:53
botuxSir_Brizz: all of the howtos are like greek to me'06:53
DoitleAnyone here ever read from hardware RTC in Linux?06:53
FiReSTaRTim installing libgnupdf0 it should have pdf 1.7 support06:53
pace_t_zuluanyone here involved in community documentation?06:53
bobgill_how do I copy the file that a symbolic link is pointing to??06:53
raylu!wifi | Ketrel06:54
ubottuKetrel: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:54
_motti__ok, thanks06:55
Sir_Brizzbotux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba06:55
scuniziFiReSTaRT: raylu got it.. Adobereader 8 from the medibuntu repo's opens it fine.06:56
rayluscunizi: strange... perhaps that's a feature of pdfs - to show that message06:56
scuniziraylu: first time I've even seen that.06:56
FiReSTaRTscunizi: i know.. i was hoping to avoid installing it.. always found it to be a resource-hog06:57
rayluadobe reader is software i avoid even in windows =\06:57
FiReSTaRTscunizi: thanks.. i guess ill be forced to install it and then remove it :)06:57
raylubobgill_: it happens transparently, that's the point06:57
KoolDhow do i remove an application previously installed with 'make-install'06:57
rayluKoolD: you mean 'make install'?06:57
scuniziFiReSTaRT: yea.. I hate doing that too06:57
rayluKoolD: some makefiles have uninstall, so "make uninstall"06:58
muditrelaxed: there is no package as lame-dev !06:58
rrowellso FloodBot is aking over it looks like?06:58
Doitleif I have a directory too big to see the entire ls in a terminal window is there any way I can set it to feed a page at a time like less06:58
DoitleI tried less ls -l and it didnt work06:58
rayluDoitle: shift+pageup06:58
FiReSTaRTscunizi: ah well.. in any case i'll be doing a clean install of jaunty in case there's any left-over crap :P06:58
rayluDoitle: ls | less06:58
KoolDraylu: so there is no way if they dont have uninstall06:58
rayluKoolD: correct. you could rm them... manually...06:59
bobgill_raylu: what do you mean? I have filenames that are all numbers (date/times) with symbolic links in another folder where they are named and identifiable.. I want to be in this folder, seeing the names and copying the files..06:59
scuniziFiReSTaRT: me too.. my last upgrade didn't go so smooth.. still ironing out weirdness.06:59
botuxSir_Bizz: how do i figure out what ip address my samba server is using?06:59
KoolDraylu: eh.. thanks06:59
FiReSTaRTscunizi: mine went to crap half-way through the life of hardy.. lost the ability to suspend06:59
raylubobgill_: you have symlinks that are human-readable pointing to a bunch of numerical filenames06:59
scunizibotux: it's the same as your machine running it.06:59
Ketrelraylu: of course the links that mention b43 are not working >.<06:59
Sir_Brizzbotux: it is your computer's ip address, you can see it in ifconfig06:59
bobgill_raylu: yup06:59
AK_DaveJaunty is pissing me off. The WorkplaceSwitcherApplet won't appear. According to gconf_editor I have ~20 instances of it on the top panel but none of them show.07:00
FiReSTaRTscunizi: i'm hoping jaunty will fix that and the nvidia hdmi sound streaming issue07:00
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raylubobgill_: and you want to copy some of the files, identifying by their human readable names, but with the original numeric file names?07:00
botuxSir_Brizz: should it be listed there when i run that command07:00
DoitleAlso how do I add to my paths file and not overwrite it?07:01
Sir_Brizzthere is some way to look inside gnome, but I'm completely inept at it :)07:01
scuniziFiReSTaRT: that would be nice.. I put a new motherboard in my machine in Dec with hdmi and haven't tried it yet.. however to install and to continue to boot  I have to have pci=nomsi on the kernel line07:01
XiaolinDraconishello room07:01
rayluDoitle: paths... file? you mean $PATH variable?07:01
bobgill_raylu: I want to copy some, yes, but they don't have to be the original numeric file name.. I just want to be able to copy them by looking at the symlinks, rather than seeing where they point to, memorizing, cd'ing back and copying that way07:01
DoitleI modified it before but accidentally overwrote it instead of adding to it07:01
rayluDoitle: export PATH=$PATH:/asdf/jkl/07:01
Doitleand so could not use any shell functionality07:01
raylubobgill_: well.. you can already do that07:02
botuxSir_Brizz its not there heres what i get (http://rafb.net/p/BELC5t34.html)07:02
XiaolinDraconis<--- is linux virgin07:02
raylubobgill_: touch a && ln -s a b && cp b c07:02
raylubobgill_: will make a copy of a called c07:02
raylu!hi | XiaolinDraconis07:02
ubottuXiaolinDraconis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:02
XiaolinDraconisty ty07:03
Ketrelok better question, how do I enable ubuntu universe?07:03
* scunizi wonders why everyone has such long nicks.. they all get truncated anyway07:03
raylubotux: inet addr:
Ketrel(or is it enabled by default)07:03
XiaolinDraconisim having a little trouble with permissions07:03
rayluKetrel: /etc/apt/sources.list07:03
rayluKetrel: or system > admin > software sources, i think07:03
botuxraylu: i tried i cant see samba at that address07:03
XiaolinDraconisi try to use the same username everywhere i go07:03
raylubotux: m, no idea. talk to Sir_Brizz :P07:04
Sir_Brizzcan you ping that ip from your windows box?07:04
scuniziXiaolinDraconis: anything beyond 9 characters get truncated on my machine.07:04
botuxum lemme try07:04
raylu!permissions | XiaolinDraconis07:04
ubottuXiaolinDraconis: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions07:04
raylui thought you were talking about username in linux =\07:04
XiaolinDraconisheh most names under 9 chars are taken anyways07:05
Sir_BrizzXiaolinDraconis: I bet a56g09r5rb is not taken07:05
botuxSir_Brizz: yes it was  successful07:05
XiaolinDraconiscan anyone help me with editing /etc/sudoers and/or /etc/passwd files?07:05
rayluSir_Brizz: that's not under 9 chars. that's not even 9 chars.07:06
rayluXiaolinDraconis: don't do the latter manually07:06
Sir_Brizzwhoops I bumped the b key07:06
=== freaky_t_ is now known as freaky_t
rayluXiaolinDraconis: also, it looks like you're trying to do something the wrong way. what's the high-level goal you want to accomplish07:06
* raylu feels like the paperclip07:06
XiaolinDraconisi want root access on my user account07:06
FiReSTaRTscunizi: im still having trouble opening it.. doing an update...07:06
Sir_Brizzbotux, how are you trying to access the share?07:06
FiReSTaRTscunizi, nope nothing for acro07:06
rayluXiaolinDraconis: and "sudo ls" doesn't cut it?07:07
lstarnesXiaolinDraconis: then add your user to the admin group07:07
scuniziFiReSTaRT: I'm on Hardy and it works.07:07
XiaolinDraconisi believe i am in the admin group07:07
botuxSir_Brizz: well with vista im not even sure how lol07:07
FiReSTaRTscunizi, would you mind printing it to pdf and kicking it my way?07:07
lstarnesXiaolinDraconis: if your account can use sudo, it is in the admin group and effectively has root rights07:07
* D3f0 is away: Ausente por el momento07:07
scuniziFiReSTaRT: sure07:07
XiaolinDraconisbut i still wasnt allowed to edit grub menu.lst07:07
FiReSTaRTthanks :)07:07
lstarnesXiaolinDraconis: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:08
rayluXiaolinDraconis: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:08
streenzhow do I change the default window manager without completely uninstalling the ones I dont want?  right now I'm constantly booting into LXDE by default and I want just GNOME.. I'm using GDM07:08
Sir_Brizzbotux, well for startes try going to start, and typing run in the search box07:08
XiaolinDraconisas an admin user i wasnt allowed to edit grub menu file07:08
raylustreenz: gdm has a sessions button, doesn't it?07:08
XiaolinDraconisoops i scrolled up07:08
Sir_Brizzbotux: then type \\
raylustreenz: also, gnome itself has a WM option... somewhere. i'm using gnome and xmonad07:08
FiReSTaRTscunizi, btw great news.. we finally have the nvidia 180 driver.. ill have to see if it'll solve the suspend issue on intrepid :)07:08
streenzraylu, yes I can go through and manually change it to GNOME, but theres no option to change what the default is, so from a reboot it will always go into LXDE unless i specify right now07:09
XiaolinDraconisi just dont want to have to use the terminal to do things all the time07:09
lstarnesXiaolinDraconis: there's also alt+f207:09
* FiReSTaRT brb rebooting :)07:09
raylustreenz: er, if you choose one that's not the default, it asks if you want to make it the default07:09
rayluXiaolinDraconis: why not?07:09
streenzraylu, where does it ask? I see no option, and upon entering into GNOME it doesnt bring up a prompt or anything...07:10
botuxSir_Brizz: vista doesnt have run07:10
Sir_Brizzbotux, yes it does07:10
botuxoh lol07:10
XiaolinDraconiscause im a spoiled windows refugee07:10
raylustreenz: before logging in at the gdm screen, there should be a Sessions option07:10
ryanCHcan you install 3ddesktop via apt-get?07:10
rayluXiaolinDraconis: well, you'll need to become a proper citizen or your stay here will be unpleasant07:10
rayluryanCH: what's 3ddesktop?07:11
streenzraylu, yes it has Options --- Select Session...  upon clicking that I have the different options.. I choose GNOME, and click Change Session and log in... nowhere is there an option to make this the default07:11
XiaolinDraconiswell if it makes anyone happy im proud to say i have no ntfs partitions on my machine anymore07:11
ryanCHraylu: it's a way to swtich between desktops in a 3d rotation07:11
rayluryanCH: sounds like you want compiz07:12
crdlbstreenz: with gdm, you will get a dialog that says [Make default] [Cancel] [Just for this session]07:12
botuxSirBrizz: says cannot access and is asking me if i want it to diagnose a problem07:12
rayluryanCH: try installing compizconfig-settings-manager07:12
Sir_Brizzbotux: cannot acces what?07:12
raylustreenz: strange... perhaps that is the default? upon restart, it still puts you into lxde?07:13
ron20101how can i get the latest driver for my dell studio 1535 for ubuntu ibex?07:13
streenzraylu, yes there is no option to make default, and on a restart it goes into LXDE07:13
rayluXiaolinDraconis: cool. i actually still keep it around :(07:13
rayluron20101: for what device?07:13
botuxSir_Brizz: the ip address and when i click on details it says network path not found07:13
XiaolinDraconisraylu: is therre a difference in compize-settings-manager and simple-csm07:13
raylustreenz: no idea, sorry07:13
streenzcrdlb, I dont see that dialog at all07:13
ron20101raylu video07:13
csabawhich command should I use to monitor a directory with gamin?07:13
streenzraylu, okay thanks anyways.. thanks for your time07:14
crdlbcsaba: "command"?07:14
raylustreenz: poke /etc/gdm/gdm.conf07:14
csabawhat should I type to monitor a directory?07:14
rayluXiaolinDraconis: i have no idea; i don't use either07:14
XiaolinDraconisi did have an ntfs partition until i discovered qemu07:15
raylucsaba: as in you want a line displayed on your terminal when someone creates or removes a file?07:15
rayluron20101: what video card?07:15
ron20101raylu: any direction for finding latest video drivers07:15
ron20101hold on07:15
rayluron20101: lspci07:15
scuniziron20101: what card?07:15
KetrelI can't figure this out07:16
csabawell no, I want another script to be executed... and I was told to use gamin, so I've tried to install it with apt-get install and was told that it's already installed... then in the end I found /usr/lib/gamin/gam_server but there's no help or anything on how to use it07:16
rayluKetrel: welcome to my world07:16
KetrelI installed b43-fwcutter but I can't find any info on what to do nextr07:16
rayluKetrel: try blacklisting the current driver in /etc/modprobe.d07:17
crdlbcsaba: what programming language are you using?07:17
csabathis isn't programming, I'm trying to execute the command from the shell07:17
XiaolinDraconisok can someone help me fix my /etc/passwd file?07:17
crdlbcsaba: that is a form of programming, but I doubt it can be done at that level07:18
XiaolinDraconisi googled how to get root privies and was show how to do this07:18
rayluKetrel: then, modprobe -r [current driver]07:18
XiaolinDraconisand it didnt work out the way i thought07:18
rayluKetrel: modprobe b43-fwcutter or whatever07:18
rayluXiaolinDraconis: 'able to use sudo' isn't the same as 'having root privelages'07:18
XiaolinDraconisyeah i understand this now07:19
rayluXiaolinDraconis: you execute commands as root by prepending 'sudo'07:19
rayluXiaolinDraconis: there is nothing wrong with your passwd (hopefully)07:19
XiaolinDraconisyeah i changed it to read g:x:0:0:,,,,,07:19
XiaolinDraconiswhich made my account root07:19
rayluXiaolinDraconis: ..................07:19
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo07:20
XiaolinDraconisyeah i got that far07:20
* FiReSTaRT rebooted too soon.. didnt have the actual 180 driver installed .lol07:20
rayluron20101: your'e probably using it already if its intel07:20
XiaolinDraconiswhat i attempted was making my account not need the terminal for root access07:21
FiReSTaRTscunizi, thanks for the file btw :)07:21
Ketrelraylu I don't think it's working07:21
bullgard4Why prints 'sudo netstat -tulpen' (http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394711) in the first line for port 2628=Dictionary Server as  program name=0,  and is not more specific as the rest lines?  'ps 5380' prints yet 'dictd 1.10.10: 0/0'.07:21
XiaolinDraconisnow i AM root07:21
XiaolinDraconisand i dont wanna be root07:21
rayluKetrel: lsmod | grep b4307:21
XiaolinDraconisi tried changing the entry back07:21
scuniziFiReSTaRT: np..180.44 works well by the way07:21
ron20101thanks raylu for the help07:21
XiaolinDraconisbut then my profile failed to load07:21
raylu!de | bullgard407:21
ubottubullgard4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:21
botuxSir_Brizz:  you still there07:22
FiReSTaRTscunizi: time to reboot again and try again lol07:22
* FiReSTaRT brb07:22
rayluXiaolinDraconis: so uh, how hard would it be to reinstall?07:22
Ketrelraylu: a bunch show up, but I can't unload it07:22
scuniziFiReSTaRT: why you rebooting07:22
bullgard4raylu: Are you able to differntiate between English and German at all?07:22
FiReSTaRTit tells me i need to reboot for the driver to be activated07:22
rayluKetrel: what was the name of the driver that lspci -v said it was using? and what did you modprobe -r?07:22
XiaolinDraconisnot hard at all... how hard would this be to fix?07:22
XiaolinDraconiswithout reinstall07:23
rayluKetrel: also, did you blacklist the old driver? if so, what was the name of the thing you added to the blacklist file?07:23
scuniziFiReSTaRT: k07:23
FiReSTaRTscunizi: and while i should have crashed like 2hrs ago i NEED to know whether it works :P07:23
rayluXiaolinDraconis: i have no idea, since i've never done something that disastrous07:23
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you could boot to root recovery console and rename your profile folder and then delete your current user, then create a user with the same name, rename back, then chown the profile to the new user (even though it has the same name)07:23
Ketrelraylu: I think I missed those steps (not that I know how to do them)07:23
ActionParsnipraylu: does ^ sound good?07:24
raylubullgard4: yes, but i can also differentiate between english and good english and was trying to help you by possibly providing you with an easier means of communication07:24
XiaolinDraconisAction has a plan07:24
rayluActionParsnip: yes, but other changes could have been made07:24
XiaolinDraconisnow i gotta find out how to backup my settings07:24
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: just wait to see if anyone says its a bad call07:24
raylui suppose its worth a try07:24
ActionParsnipraylu: ah, dang07:24
raylusince nothing can really get worse :P07:24
Aloehi everybody07:24
gujaIf I use 9.04 beta, will it be updated and upgraded to official version after I preform this operations in 15 days when it'll be official?07:25
rayluKetrel: er... ok, you said that you couldn't unload it. by that, i took it to mean you were modprobe -r -ing something?07:25
lstarnesXiaolinDraconis: or you could try using uid 1000 and gid 1000, assuming your account was the account made during installation07:25
XiaolinDraconisi wouldnt need to go to recovery console since i still have the real root account to login to07:25
ActionParsnipguja: yes, yuo will upgrade into the full release when it finally arrives07:25
XiaolinDraconislstarness i tried doing that07:25
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: yes as you will then be a different user and any files will not be locked07:26
XiaolinDraconisit gave me a bunch of errors at login such as couldnt create HOME/g07:26
AloeI tried to write a if condition where one string is compared to two other string with the operator "eq" and "and" but it doesnt seem to work. Does anybody knows another way of writting it?07:26
gujaActionParsnip, thanks for the answer.07:26
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: wll root wont give you that grief07:26
XiaolinDraconisnope root account is fine07:27
XiaolinDraconisi have two root accounts now07:27
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: those files are massively system sensitive dude, stuff like xorg.conf and smb.conf are quite disposable, user authentication and permissions messing about I would steer VERY clear of07:27
rayluAloe: show us the actual script?07:27
Aloeif ($geneID eq $geneIDl and $interactant eq $geneIDl )07:28
Aloeprint OUTFILE"gene1 exist";07:28
FloodBot3Aloe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: as the account you have is screwed but I'm guessing you want to keep your user data I would do it in recovery mode with a fully functioning account07:28
ActionParsnipAloe: use pastebin, imagine if all 1300 of us did that, the channel would be pointless. think next time07:28
XiaolinDraconismy root account is fully funstional07:28
XiaolinDraconisactually all accounts are fine07:29
Aloesorry guys07:29
rayluAloe: i think you want [ instead of ( and -eq instead of eq and "&&" instead of "and"07:29
XiaolinDraconisi just cant revert to being a normal user07:29
Aloewont happen again07:29
XiaolinDraconisor it gets crazy07:29
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: its my suggestion, you are the implementor07:29
XiaolinDraconisoh yes i am listening07:29
jurismCan You tell me please how to list all local disks (not partitions) in terminal? Thank You!07:29
XiaolinDraconisand your idea sounds good to me07:29
VE2EBPHi guys, I have an old laptop I can't find the way to change the brightness of the built-in LCD monitor. Is there somewhere in Ubuntu 8.10 that I can go ahead and change the settings? Thanks in advance.07:30
raylujurism: mount shows all mount points, sudo fdisk -l shows all disks (and patitions), and df -h may help you07:30
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: so go make your move07:30
jurismThank You!07:30
Aloehere goes the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/146717/07:30
VE2EBPHi ActionParsnip07:30
ActionParsniphi VE2EBP07:30
Aloethanks raylu07:30
rayluAloe: wait, that seriously worked?07:30
XiaolinDraconisyeah i gotta go do some googling to see how to backup profile settings ... such as custom panels and wallpapers07:31
AloeI am goin to check07:31
brunnerIs there any reason I shouldn't turn off "Kernel Debugging" when compiling a kernel for a production server?07:31
ActionParsnipAloe: what language is this in?07:31
raylubrunner: is there any reason you're not using linux-image-server?07:31
rayluActionParsnip: bash07:31
brunnerraylu: I'm adjusting my timing to 1000Hz for Asterisk07:31
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: it will be in you home folder07:32
rayluActionParsnip: (i think)07:32
brunnerraylu: that way, zap-dummy doesn't abuse my USB controller for timing07:32
raylubrunner: what does the help for that option say?07:32
ActionParsnipraylu: I thought bash used brackets for if statements, ot parenthesis07:32
psypher246ActionParsnip: hey thanks for the help yesterday. my pc is half sorted, can at least watch videos now.07:32
raylubrunner: oh wait, it's a whole category07:32
brunnerraylu: yeah07:33
XiaolinDraconisthnx guys07:33
ActionParsnipAloe: you'll need fi at the end of the pastebin to close the if statement07:33
ActionParsnippsypher246: awesome07:33
VE2EBPYeah.. thanks for me too ActionParsnip... I installed the CWIRC07:33
VE2EBPwith your help07:33
XiaolinDraconisso just back it up from a seperate account and then delete it and recreate it07:33
XiaolinDraconisand copy back over07:33
XiaolinDraconissound right>?07:33
ActionParsnipVE2EBP: np bro, it makes the world go round, help folks where you can07:33
Ketrelraylu: I was doing modprobe -r b4307:34
VE2EBPThere should be more like you around07:34
Ketrel(and getting denied messages)07:34
booooguys what is the shortcut of "go back back" in Firefox in ubuntu? in windows it is backspace... how about in Ubuntu?07:34
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: if you simply rename it so the home folder no longer matches the user name you have a winner07:34
raylubrunner: magic sysrq is fun :D. but i guess not. then again, i'm not sure07:34
Aloethis is perl07:34
VE2EBPOur world might be turning more round07:34
rayluAloe: oh.............07:34
XiaolinDraconisgot ya07:34
rayluKetrel: er, there's actually a b43 module?07:34
ActionParsnipVE2EBP: as long as it doesnt accellerate the end of the world right ;)07:34
booooguys what is the shortcut of "go back back" in Firefox in ubuntu? in windows it is backspace... how about in Ubuntu?07:35
rayluKetrel: you'll need to be root to do that. i also recommend invoke-rc.d networking stop07:35
rayluKetrel: before doing that07:35
VE2EBP3 more years to go07:35
VE2EBPWhat do you think about planet x07:35
XiaolinDraconisbooo: its alt+left arrow07:35
lstarnesboooo: maybe alt+left07:35
boooowow thanks...07:35
rayluboooo: about:config > backspace_action07:35
VE2EBPOh cool, alt left arrow07:35
Ketrelraylu: I have no idea what I'm doing at this point, I dunno what to do here. I always avoid broadcom for that reason.07:36
sombirany help on downloading vlc media player ??07:36
FiReSTaRTit's official 180.11 still doesn't suspend my machine07:36
FiReSTaRTsombir: sudo apt-get install vlc07:36
Ketrel(setting up this laptop with a simple layout for someone as a bday present)07:36
ActionParsnipsombir: sudo apt-get install vlc07:36
rayluKetrel: so, lsmod lists kernel modules that are loaded. lspci -v shows what devices are using what modules. modprobe [module] loads [module] and -r does the reverse07:36
XiaolinDraconiscya guys later i gotta go log into the other root07:36
XiaolinDraconisthnx again07:36
rayluKetrel: to modprobe, you'll need to be root07:36
FiReSTaRTsombir, just make sure you have mediubuntu07:36
Ketrelraylu, I was root07:37
AloeActionParsnip:here goes the file http://paste.ubuntu.com/146719/07:37
Ketrelit wouldn't let me unload07:37
KetrelI used sudo07:37
rayluKetrel: oh. can you show me the actual message?07:37
showersAnybody know if there are any repositories on the web which one might be able to add to ubuntu package manager07:37
raylusombir: why vlc?07:37
Aloeraylu: it doesn't work :(07:37
raylushowers: none that are recommended07:37
rayluAloe: yeah. i gave you the bash version07:37
Aloeraylu: ah! ok07:38
Ketrelraylu: nevermind, it worked after reboot, but more importantly now that I unloaded it, what DO I load?07:38
ActionParsnipshowers: depends what app you need to what repo you need to add07:38
abhishekiitdhey people, how can i set the rotating sphere in compiz, as my screensaver?07:38
ActionParsnipAloe: what language is this in?07:38
AloeActionParsnip: Perl07:39
krammer_i am trying to install a tar.bz2 but geting this err tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now07:39
krammer_tar: Child returned status 207:39
krammer_tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors07:39
ActionParsnipAloe: i'd ask in #perl  much more specialized07:39
rayluAloe: http://rafb.net/p/uUTmyl54.html07:40
ActionParsnipkrammer_: whats the file for? It's rare to use tar.bz2 files to install stuff. Is the app not in repos?07:40
showersI would like a calculator which will keep a running total and has a hisory which could be used as memory. ESBcalc in windows type of calculator.07:40
grawitykrammer_: what parameters are you using? try tar xf yourfile, or tar xjf yourfile07:40
rayluKetrel: it worked _after_ reboot?07:40
abhishekiitdhey people, how can i set the rotating sphere in compiz, as my screensaver?07:40
abhishekiitdhey people, how can i set the rotating sphere in compiz, as my screensaver?07:40
rayluKetrel: did you blacklist anything? lspci -v again, see what's loaded for it07:40
Aloeraylu: I tried that too but it also doesnt work07:41
ActionParsnipshowers: bc can do that, you can see your old computations as it scrolls up the screen07:41
raylu!patience | abhishekiitd07:41
ubottuabhishekiitd: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:41
=== nysosym is now known as nysosym|away
abhishekiitdraylu:I am really sorry!07:41
ActionParsnip!find tight07:41
raylushowers: sounds like you want an rpn calculator. if you're familiar with that, dc does that07:41
AloeActionParsnip: Is there a forum like this specialized in perl?07:41
ubottuFound: tightvncserver, xtightvncviewer, tightvnc-java07:41
rayluAloe: try == instead of eq07:41
ActionParsnipAloe: there are 528 people in #perl07:41
rayluAloe: also, you need a space between OUTFILE and "07:41
showersActionParsnip: Do you know the command to get that from the command line. I i think it's sudo apt-get?07:42
ActionParsnipkrammer_: tightvnc is in the repo07:42
ActionParsnip!info tightvnc07:42
ubottuPackage tightvnc does not exist in intrepid07:42
Ketrelraylu: I'm missing something then, it says kernel driver in use is b43-pci-bridge but attempting to unload says it's not found07:42
raylushowers: both bc and dc are installed already, i think07:42
ActionParsnipkrammer_: or do you want a viewer?07:42
rayluKetrel: lsmod | grep b4307:42
ActionParsnip!nvc | krammer_07:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvc07:43
ActionParsnip!vcn | krammer_07:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vcn07:43
Ketrelhowever, just unloading b43 worked at which point it stopped showing up as a device in the network manager07:43
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:43
Aloeraylu: == only works for numbers07:43
* ActionParsnip crys07:43
krammer_ActionParsnip, ive been trying for hours with this tightvnc07:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:43
AloeActionParsnip: how do I enter in #perl, iḿ new here07:43
rayluAloe: are you sure? have you tried it?07:43
showersNo, I deleted all the calculators. (just learning, you see) the only one I have right now that i know of is kcalc. good but no history07:43
ActionParsnipAloe: use /join #perl07:43
ndanmmkay... well i feel i worked on it sufficiently to ask.07:44
jurismGrawity, hi! I was asking about hard drive, soft lockup, ata_aux 100% usage etc. Today my server was restarted and now I can not see my second hard disk (was mounted on /home). Is it because of disk failure or SATA connector/controller?07:44
rayluAloe: http://rafb.net/p/DNJcbP77.html07:44
krammer_i downloaded  tightvnc-1.3.10_unixsrc.tar.gz  now what do i do07:44
ActionParsnipkrammer_: its usually tar zxjf <bz2 file> will extract it, you can then read the INSTALL file to see how it is installed. I suggest you use one of the vnc clients in the repo07:44
ndanwebcam ubuntu.  a pain nevertheless.  quickcam (cheese) works.  installed fine kopete and gyachi however show a messed up image... grey jacked up.  ekiga works.07:44
XiaolinDraconisok i have one problem with ur idea action07:44
raylushowers: oh, you have qt stuff installed. install qalculate then07:44
jurismtar xvfz tightvnc-1.3.10_unixsrc.tar.gz07:44
Ketrelraylu: after unloading b43, it's blank07:45
raylujurism: um, he probably should be installing from repos07:45
ndangspca is the driver it uses and apparently registers it as flexcam 100 (its not but it works.. somewhat) ne ideas how to finish the fixin it.07:45
XiaolinDraconissince the files read that they are owned by root.. when i copy them back over my newly created account wont they be unusable?07:45
krammer_jurism, i did that scroll back and see the error07:45
rayluKetrel: hm... ok. what was the module you wanted to replace it with?07:45
grawityjurism: Sorry, I don't know anything about those storage things :) (I can destroy then, that's about it.)07:45
Ketrelraylu: that's what I've been asking07:45
raylujurism: what do you mean you cannot 'see' it? fdisk -l?07:45
=== ndan is now known as nadan
rayluKetrel: o.0...07:46
jurismyes it shows only system disk07:46
abhishekiitdwill someone tell mem that can u set beryl sphere as screensaver?07:46
rayluKetrel: oh yeah, fwcutter. b43-fwcutter, i thought07:46
AloeActionParsnip: this may sound stupid but where do I write that?07:46
Ketrelraylu: that's a program not a module07:46
nadanbtw if neone does respond about the webcam thing please refer to nadan... (my screen flashes n it made me change my nick)07:46
rayluKetrel: it should have unpacked a module, right?07:46
Nom-Hey guys.  Is there any simple way to fix the behaviour of 'su' in hardy?  It doesn't seem to load the user environment as it does in older versions07:47
ActionParsnipAloe: where you type the text you type to me07:47
rayluNom-: su -, maybe07:47
hecklingfexti have an issue where my external hdd will not mount with any write access, no matter what options i put into my fstab07:47
Nom-raylu: Yeah, it doesn't work... it doesn't load the user environment07:47
Ketrelraylu: I have no idea, the wiki pretty much is mute after telling you to download it07:47
rayluNom-: even with the -?07:47
AK_Daveray: fwcutter means firmware cutter. b43-fwcutter is a program to cut your firmware out of the loop so that your kernel module will work.07:47
ActionParsnipAloe: it's only a stupid question if you already know and are just bustin my chops to waste my time :)07:47
Nom-Yes, even with the -07:47
rayluKetrel: have you run it?07:47
rayluNom-: strange; no idea07:47
Ketrelraylu: ¯\(°_o)/¯07:47
KetrelI don't have a clue what to do with it07:48
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: i have a possible problem with your idea07:48
showersI did download one from opensource.net the name says 'JavaScientificCalculator-2-0.3-Linux-x86-Install which I dragged onto the termial but it was rejected07:48
hecklingfextbefore mounting, /media/drive is drwxrwxrwx  after it changes to drwxr-xr-x07:48
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: sup07:48
Aloejoin #perl07:48
Im_ToastIs there any way to make a program get rid of it's hidden files when I uninstall it?07:48
Nom-I was going to suggest using sudo -i -u, but that complains when you try to run standard commands like 'perl'07:48
rayluKetrel: so you installed a package b43-fwcutter, right? is there an app by that name?07:48
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: the profile is owned by root07:48
ActionParsniphecklingfext: modify its mount options07:48
rayluKetrel: if not, dpkg -L b43-fwcutter07:48
Aloeuse /join #perl07:48
styolregarding wifi and networkmanager, if you enter the wireless key for a router on one user account, how can you make that key for that router work the same when a different user account logs in? (so that it auto-connects)07:48
hecklingfextActionParsnip: i have in fstab to all possibilities i can think of07:49
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then you will need to be root, use root recovery conole and you will be the owner (root)07:49
Ketrelraylu: yes, but I see no guide on what to do WITH the app07:49
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: so when i paste it overtop the newly created profile wont it be in-accessible07:49
ActionParsniphecklingfext: you could add uid=1000 as an extra option07:49
rayluKetrel: if you simply run it, it will extract the module07:49
hecklingfextActionParsnip: it worked formatted in fat32 with umask=0000, but once i formatted into ext3 no cigar07:49
Ketrelraylu: no, it prints a menu07:49
Ketrelwhich tells me switches to extract the firmware07:50
Ketrel(from WHAT)07:50
AloeActionParsnip: do i type: join #perl (??)07:50
rayluKetrel: hm... sorry, no idea07:50
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: well thats why you chown -R <username> /home/<username>   when you copy it back (you will need to replace <username> with the username you are playing with007:50
rayluKetrel: though this sounds vaguely familiar07:50
ActionParsnipAloe: you type         /join #perl07:50
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: thats a lot of files to chown07:51
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then its gonna take a while07:51
XiaolinDraconisis there a way to batch chown a folder07:51
AloeActionParsnip: Thanks07:51
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: thats what -R does07:51
XiaolinDraconisooh kool07:51
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: why were you playing with hugely system sensitive files when you are CLEARLY a linux novice?07:51
hecklingfextActionParsnip: same issue07:51
raylumy friend installed fedora over debian with a separate /home. debian, like ubuntu, uses uid=1000. fedora uses 500. it had to chown a few hundred files...07:51
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: just curious07:52
raylubut instead of using chown, it used a python script07:52
rayluto do it. one. by. one.07:52
ActionParsnipraylu: haha nice07:52
brunnercan anyone take a quick look at the end of this to tell me why I'm having trouble getting this kernel to compile? http://pastebin.com/mffa9e1307:52
hecklingfextActionParsnip: mount shows /dev/sdc1 on /media/backups type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,relatime)07:52
brunnerI only changed two options, and the issue seems to be related to the parameters I'm passing when I try to compile, not the source of the kernel itself.07:53
raylubrunner: isn't there a config option to do the '-7-1-brunner' thing?07:53
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: hmm i tried to delete it but it tells me adminstrator account cant be deleted07:53
ActionParsniphecklingfext: ket me websearch07:53
_motti_hi all.07:53
brunnerraylu: perhaps, could there be one that I'm not aware of?07:53
raylu_motti_: it seems i was wrong about earlier07:53
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you dont need to delete it, just rename it, rename /home/<whatever name>07:53
Aloeraylu:  it also didnt go.But thanks anyway07:54
hecklingfextActionParsnip: more info, im running jaunty 64bit.  Dont know if that helps07:54
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: or cp the folder to a new name, then delete the user07:54
raylubrunner: i'm pretty sure there was one in 2.6.27... but i'm not sure entirely07:54
Ketrelraylu: I think the card is completely unsupported07:54
ActionParsnip!jaunty | hecklingfext07:54
_motti_raylu, it's funny, it looks like you were right. I have noticed there are other bug report titled as a feature request07:54
rayluKetrel: then ndiswrapper07:54
_motti_never mind that I got a new question07:54
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: i renamed the accounts folder07:54
Ketrelwhich I have no idea how to use >.<07:54
raylu_motti_: heh, ok :D07:54
Aloeraylu: Iĺl have to go now,Iĺl think about it later.07:54
raylu!ndiswrapper | Ketrel07:54
ubottuKetrel: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:54
rayluKetrel: simply put, ndiswrapper -i [windows install .inf], modprobe, done07:55
rayluKetrel: the hard part is getting the correct windows installer07:55
_motti_any way, I'm trying to use my home computer (linux mint, soon to be ubuntu 9.04) into a small ftp server so I could access files from other machines07:55
hecklingfextActionParsnip: was that factoid supposed to do something?07:55
Ketrelespecially without net access on that machine07:55
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.07:56
rayluhecklingfext: ^07:56
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then cp it to a new name. you may have to play with the account some so its deleteable, you've really messed this up dude. it's gonna take a lot of diggin07:56
_motti_and I'm not sure how to do it. I have listed my machine in dyndns servers but I can't see any files. ftp://yotam1.myphotos.cc07:56
ActionParsniphecklingfext: jaunty isnt supported here07:56
rayluKetrel: oh... heh. that's always fun07:56
ActionParsniphecklingfext: so yes it issupposed to and DOES do something07:56
jurismCan someone tell me please what's wrong with my hard drive if after restart it not showing up in system (fdisk -l)? Some debug from syslog: Apr  8 09:07:54 ubuntu kernel: [   17.245836] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300) Apr  8 09:07:54 ubuntu kernel: [   17.745014] ata4: SATA link up 1.5 Gbps (SStatus 113 SControl 300) . ata4 is my system disk and it's working fine07:56
ActionParsniphecklingfext: you should read it07:56
raylu_motti_: are you behind a router?07:56
eternal_Is there a application to edit psd files ?07:57
ActionParsnipjurism: dont paste like that it scrolls the channel07:57
hecklingfextActionParsnip: i did, i was just mentioning that it didnt show anything w/ the pipe there07:57
ActionParsniphecklingfext: my bad07:57
drmrhorsescared off the bot lol07:57
_motti_yes. I was searching how to by pass it but I have seen it should turn ok07:57
ActionParsnipi can get him back07:57
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java07:57
hecklingfextActionParsnip: its ok,  thanks for your help07:57
ActionParsniphe lurrrrves coffee07:58
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:58
telenAny one there07:58
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: ok so i deleted the entry from passwd file now the account is "gone"07:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about psd07:58
drmrhorsewhat is jfgi?07:58
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: anything else i should delete ?07:58
eternal_who knows07:58
Ketreldrmrhorse: it'll be finnier if you look it up on google07:59
DJJeffwhere is there a laptops tested page for ubuntu?07:59
* drmrhorse dies07:59
DJJeffhave a gateway 7330GZ laptop and wont install 8.1007:59
Mr_Jfrsnhey guys does anyone know how to fix flash .. it seems to lag really bad07:59
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems!07:59
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: not sure, have a websearch, see what you can find. You could recreate the account as a user, then delete that gracefully so that the last bits of the account are removed08:00
brunnerMakefile:528: /root/src/linux-source-2.6.27/arch/xen/Makefile: No such file or directory08:00
brunnerany idea what's up with that?08:00
eternal_!find psd08:00
ubottuFound: cupsddk, cupsddk-drivers, apcupsd, apcupsd-cgi, apcupsd-doc (and 8 others)08:00
eternal_Do i have to load windows up just to veiw psd?08:00
raylubrunner: why are you building it for xen?08:00
bn43hi I've just installed intrepid from an old disk and on update I am getting errors - GPG error at the end - how do I fix?08:00
XiaolinDraconispasswords are wierd in ubuntu08:00
Don_MiguelHelp please ... I was trying to install (LOTS) of package upgrades and got the warning that   three of them are "Broken" and I should use that  "Broken" as a filter  to locate them.   I have no real idea how to DO that, nor what to do next... maybe delete them ? Flannel, are you available to help ??08:00
grawityXiaolinDraconis: Why do you think so?08:00
XiaolinDraconiswhen i installed it allowed me to use a 1 character password08:00
brunnerraylu: I don't want to.  I just want AMD6408:01
XiaolinDraconisbut after install no accounts can have anythingless than 608:01
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: that is discouraged in jaunty08:01
raylubrunner: pretty sure there's a config...somewhere... for that...08:01
_motti_raylu. so should I give up08:01
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: th next release, weak passwords are pointless08:01
raylu_motti_: is the ftpd running?08:01
XiaolinDraconistrue i would rather have no password08:01
AK_Daveif you don't want a password, use autologin08:02
telendo any one know how to back the default setting?08:02
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then your system is massively vulnerable to attacks and poisoning08:02
AK_Daveyou can void your sudo password with NOPASSWD in the sudoers file08:02
_motti_raylu, I'm bot sure. I think so. I'm using vsftpd08:02
dandreI am searching for a tool that can display all dns information for a domain. which one do you suggest?08:02
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raylu_motti_: pgrep -l ftp08:02
XiaolinDraconistoday is the first day i google about security08:02
raylu_motti_: also, netstat -lt08:02
XiaolinDraconissounds quite difficult in linux08:03
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: what is difficult?08:03
rayludandre: host is the short and simple one. nslookup is a bit more complicated. dig goes all the way. also, whois08:03
AK_Davesecurity in linux is EASY. It comes by default. Getting rid of it takes work and knowing what you're doing08:03
_motti_30664 vsftpd08:03
XiaolinDraconislol apparently getting rid of it is easier08:03
rayluAK_Dave: you missed the conversation earlier :D08:04
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: its really not, just have a half decent password and use sudo. Security done08:04
XiaolinDraconiscause i managed to do it without any knowledge08:04
raylu_motti_: can you connect to it locally?08:04
HassanakevazirXiaolinDraconis, just pick a good root password and yer set08:04
XiaolinDraconisi have a good password08:04
XiaolinDraconisseems hard to me anyways08:04
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: the fact that you wre sudo gives you full reign over yur system so you are free to screw it up (as you have done now)08:04
XiaolinDraconisand every website says its strong when i choose it08:04
_motti_in both cases I see a white screen (both when ftping my local ip and when I'm ftping my url)08:05
Baskt_Casehello all... my machine is in the DMZ, iptables has been disabled, yet my ports still appear stealthed to the internet, what gives?\08:05
dandreraylu: I haven't found how to use dig, host or nslookup for that. I have only been able to get the top level A record (for instance domain.com)08:05
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: when you use sudo, linux will not save your own bad actions from yourself08:05
XiaolinDraconisso if i can use sudo couldnt the attacker as well?08:05
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ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: only if they have your password08:05
rayludandre: "dig domain.com" gives me 3 ns records and 2 A records08:05
XiaolinDraconisi should prolly change roots password then08:05
rayludandre: host gave me domain.com's mailserver08:05
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: no dont08:05
dandreyes but I want all A, CNAME, ... feilds08:06
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: root account is disabled so any attack on that account wiill have 0% chance of success08:06
XiaolinDraconiswhy not?08:06
_motti_raylu. in both cases I see a white screen (both when ftping my local ip and when I'm ftping my url)08:06
MadpilotXiaolinDraconis, unless you've assigned root a password, there is no pw08:06
Hassanakevazir_motti_, I don't know what you are using but gproftp has been the easiest for me to setup and configure08:06
Madpilotthe account is just locked, as ActionParsnip said08:06
XiaolinDraconisoh yeah i gave root a one char password08:06
XiaolinDraconiswhich i just now changed08:06
* ActionParsnip facepalms08:06
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raylu_motti_: um... what ftp client are you using?08:06
MadpilotXiaolinDraconis, you can disable root again. I'd recommend it08:06
XiaolinDraconishow do i disable it?08:07
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: i STRONGLY reccomend it08:07
MadpilotXiaolinDraconis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:07
ActionParsnipMadpilot: do you know the command?08:07
Madpilotor ask the bot08:07
_motti_raylu: firefox08:07
ActionParsniproot account with a 1 char pass, thats classic08:07
Madpilotubottu, root | ActionParsnip08:07
ubottuActionParsnip: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:07
raylu_motti_: uh... try using 'ftp localhost' in the terminal08:07
Xcelllol 1 char pass08:07
thahaussCan someone please help me out I'm new to Linux/Ubuntu and I'm trying to mount a slave drive I formatted in ext4 through gparted but it doesn't show up in Filemaster>Places any help is appreciated08:08
XiaolinDraconisopen terminal08:08
rayludandre: "dig domain.com CNAME" seems to have worked08:08
XiaolinDraconistype mount -a08:08
XiaolinDraconisthat will mount all available media08:08
drmrhorsei couldnt access my ext4 partition from my hardy login08:08
rayluXiaolinDraconis: that applies only to entries in /etc/fstab08:08
rayludrmrhorse: i don't believe hardy has ext4 support. nor does intrepid08:09
drmrhorsesure doesnt08:09
drmrhorsei was just talking like08:09
Don_MiguelHelp please ... I was trying to install (LOTS) of package upgrades and got the warning that   three of them are "Broken" and I should use that  "Broken" as a filter  to locate them.   I have no real idea how to DO that, nor what to do next... maybe delete them ?08:09
AK_Davethahauss: You just now formatted it. okay, so unplug it and plug it back in fresh.08:09
rayluDon_Miguel: didn't you have this issue like... months earlier?08:09
Don_Miguelsimilar, yep !08:09
Baskt_CaseHello all... My machine is in the DMZ and I have iptables disabled, yet my ports still appear closed when I test them.... what gives???08:09
thahaussAK_Dave, its a Sata drive08:09
roymanlol 1 char root password...08:09
XcellDon_Miguel--  open up synaptic package manager and click...fix broken08:09
lstarnesBaskt_Case: the ports won't open until something starts listening on them08:10
XiaolinDraconisi am happy to have given all a good laugh08:10
thahaussXiaolinDraconis, I tried what you told me but its still not showing in places any ides?08:10
Baskt_Caselike my torrent client08:10
XiaolinDraconisyeah action said i was wrong08:10
XiaolinDraconisit only applies to entries in fstab file08:10
Baskt_Casei kno... and when i check the port while the client is running, it still appears closed08:10
Baskt_Caseso i killed iptables08:10
Baskt_Caseand still no go08:10
Don_Miguelraylu, this FIX has something we missed MONTHS ago !    https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-January/104520.html08:11
XiaolinDraconismaybe he can go to /dev ?08:11
Don_MiguelXcell, thanks !08:11
Nom-gah worked it out08:11
XiaolinDraconisthahauss: right click a panel08:11
XiaolinDraconisand then select "add to panel"08:11
Baskt_Caselstarnes, any ideas?08:11
Nom-Someone had the bright idea of aliasing su to "su -m" as part of our production auto install CD08:11
error404notfoundI had a ubuntu-server install, i installed xserver-xorg, configured it, now when i run startx screen goes black, and i endup on the same terminal with "Fatal server error, no screens found, XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server ":).0" after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 vents remaining." Any ideas?08:12
Nom-So behaviour was broken08:12
XiaolinDraconisand then find the disk mounter08:12
ActionParsniperror404notfound: why install server if you are going to put an xserver on it?08:12
rayluDon_Miguel: ah... we should have moved /var/lib/dpkg/info instead of all of /var/lib/dpkg. strange error08:12
thahaussXiaolinDraconis, ok I added disk mounter08:12
error404notfoundActionParsnip, just doing a test, whats wrong with it? i will remove it once i get it running and do a little work..08:13
XiaolinDraconisnow you "should" have little icons to click08:13
rayluNom-: interesting08:13
AK_DaveXiaolinDraconis: If his drive isn't showing up in Nautilus, it won't show up on that little panel applet.08:13
eternal_Anyone ever setup ircd-hybrid before? i can't connect past motd08:13
Don_Miguelraylu, we tried LOTS of variations .. but missed the part that fixed it ...08:13
ActionParsniperror404notfound: ok, just seems pointless installing server to put x on it, thats one of the features of the server install08:13
XiaolinDraconisi google this one08:14
thahaussGparted shows it as formatted but unmounted08:14
error404notfoundmy issue isn't that i shouldnt be installing it, coz believe me i know, but it gives this error..08:14
* Don_Miguel switching computers for a bit to try Xcell's suggestion with synaptic08:14
AK_Davethahaus: sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart08:15
thahaussAK_Dave, ok done08:15
dandreraylu: what domaine have you tested?08:15
Nom-raylu: Not really, but thanks for saying so :)08:15
ActionParsniperror404notfound: let me websearch08:15
error404notfoundActionParsnip, /me is also on google :D08:16
grokenwhat is the restricted component for in an ubuntu repository?08:16
AK_Davethahaus: Okay, so now it should show up in Places08:17
ActionParsniperror404notfound: try: sudo apt-get -f install08:17
_motti_raylu. Ok, ftp localhost works now.08:17
thahaussAK_Dave, I still dont see it :(08:17
thahaussAK_Dave, this is a fresh install of 9.04 also08:17
raylu_motti_: and does it work from another machine inside the network?08:17
ActionParsniperror404notfound: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=139908:17
raylu_motti_: it's possible that it's ocnfigured to only listen on
hardaezanyone know why when i install google earth 5... the window screen at google earth become blurr and noisy08:18
_motti_raylu, I have no othe machine inside the network08:18
rayludandre: domain.com08:18
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: ok so the command is chown -R <usr> /home/<usr>08:18
hardaezi just install on my laptop acer aspire08:18
ActionParsniperror404notfound: you need an xorg.conf run: sudo dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:18
jurismI have problems with my SATA disk, where should I add pci=nomsi in menu.lst? thank You! Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Server08:18
raylu_motti_: oh. well, i'd poke the vsftpd config to see if it was only listening on localhost08:18
AK_Davethahauss: hit that web link I sent you to. Redo the partition manually, from the command line.08:18
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: yes to give the user (who is now a USER) it's data08:18
_motti_raylu, I'll search there and be back.08:18
XiaolinDraconisok gonna try logging back in08:19
_motti_raylu, bu before I go, is there a simple way in xchat to auto-complete user-names?08:19
raylu!tab | _motti_08:19
ubottu_motti_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:19
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Hassanakevazirgroken, it is packages with non-free licenses.08:20
_motti_raylu: thanks. I don't know why but I can swear that It didn't work on the first few times I tried it.08:20
dandreraylu: http://pastebin.fr/401308:20
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rayludandre: is that not the cname entry?08:21
dandreI have tried ANY too08:22
rayludandre: see, i actually don't know anything about DNS besides the basic concept :P08:22
rayludandre: but i'm fairly confident "dig --help" will help you08:23
brunnerhow long does it take to compile the kernel on desktop?08:23
kaushalanyone using google desktop on ubuntu 8.04 ?08:23
brunnermust take ages08:23
raylubrunner: on my laptop it took ~10 mins08:23
ActionParsnipbrunner: depends on cpu, ram and hard drive speed08:23
brunnerActionParsnip: 8 64-bit Opteron cores, 16GB of RAM, two RAID 1 15K SAS drives08:24
raylubrunner: with make -j9, like 60 seconds08:24
ActionParsnipbrunner: i'd call about 10 mins tops08:24
ActionParsnip8 x cpu, damn, yeah abou 2 mins08:25
brunnerI set the CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to 808:25
error404notfoundActionParsnip, i have a xorg.conf using vesa08:25
error404notfoundeven tried with vmware08:26
brunnerI need a faster server =/08:26
_motti_raylu: could it be relevant to inetd?08:27
_motti_Hassanakevazir: I tried your app but I couldn't find any man for it, or a gui08:27
ActionParsniperror404notfound: you could try: sudo apt-get install fluxbox08:29
Burntresistorim trying to install my nvidia driver using given command sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-180.44-pkg2.run   and the error im getting says install as root08:29
ActionParsniperror404notfound: that will give you a low footprint DE too08:29
error404notfoundi just needed X :(08:29
AK_DaveBurntresistor: sudo08:30
raylu_motti_: if vsftpd is running as an inetd daemon, yes08:30
raylu_motti_: but unless you're using inetd for at least 1 other daemon, i'd recommend you try and run it as a normal daemon08:30
yubinjiehello everyone08:31
ActionParsniperror404notfound: you could run the command and read what other packages will be installed, see what looks good08:31
ActionParsniperror404notfound: then cancel the install and install individual packages08:32
raylu(that's what aptitude -s is for)08:32
raylu(and you don't even need to be root :D)08:32
_motti_raylu: could it be that I have inetd running and I don't know of?08:35
raylu_motti_: it would only matter if vsftpd was set to run as an inetd daemon or if inetd was listening on 22. in either case, netstat -tl will help you08:36
_motti_raylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146747/08:37
raylu_motti_: try netstat -tlp08:38
raylu_motti_: also, it looks like whatever's listening on ftp is listening for all addresses, so it's not a localhost-only issue but a port-forwarding issue08:38
_motti_it looks the same08:39
raylu_motti_: shouldn't there be a pid/program name column?08:39
_motti_raylu: you are right of course.08:40
_motti_raylu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146749/08:40
_motti_raylu: I have played around with configuration las night, could it be that I have blocked outside ip's?08:41
raylu_motti_: again, it looks like it's listening for all addresses08:41
raylu_motti_: pgrep -l inetd08:41
_motti_no result08:42
XiaolinDraconiswell that didnt work08:42
rayluok, not definitive that it's not an inetd, but i'd say that it's a port forwarding issue now08:42
_motti_raylu: so I need to configure my router?08:42
raylu_motti_: yep. wait, you have tried to do that already, right?08:43
Machtinhey guys.. i got a few 100 files which have a .htm-extension - however, i want that extension to be removed.. how do i do that? i thought of something like mv *.htm /bla/*-htm08:43
Machtini'm fine with a tool, too08:43
rayluMachtin: for $file in .08:44
_motti_raylu: As I wrote at the beginning, I thought I should but I didn't find any reference for it on the web08:44
rayluer, wait...08:45
Machtinraylu: mind giving me a complete command? i don't want to mess it up08:45
_motti_raylu: What should I configure, the port forwarding or the virtual server?08:46
rayluMachtin: http://rafb.net/p/dy7VKd46.html08:46
rayluMachtin: echo will show you what that script is doing. if it works, take out the echo08:46
raylu_motti_: er, those are normally terms for the same thing, right?08:46
Machtinraylu: save as bash-script-file?08:47
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: should i have used chmod on it as well?08:47
_motti_raylu: If I knew, I wouldn't ask you. I'm searching the web for router configuration.08:47
rayluMachtin: yes. but i think i screwed that up; one sec08:48
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you could use: sudo chmod -R 750 /home/<user name>08:48
Machtinraylu: take your time :) i think "file" should be something like $file, %file, no?08:48
Machtinand noext next.. i think08:49
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: i believe i need 64408:49
rayluMachtin: no and no. noext is a variable08:49
rayluMachtin: and ${file%.htm} strips the last ".htm" http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/refcards.html#AEN2181108:49
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: 6 = read + write, surely you want execute priveledges on your own data?08:50
rayluMachtin: do these filenames have spaces in them?08:50
_motti_raylu: here is first line from a documentation about virtual server of some router company "Virtual Server, also referred to as Port forwarding or port mapping can be setup with the router."08:50
Machtinraylu: nope08:50
raylu_motti_: ^^. try portforward.com08:50
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: ooh i dont know what the numbers do i just read 644 at login08:50
rayluMachtin: http://rafb.net/p/EiSvTq90.html08:50
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: and why does anyone outside your own group need access?08:50
rayluActionParsnip: 4 = read, isn't that standard?08:51
Machtinraylu: thanks :)08:51
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: i have no idea what the numbers mean08:51
rayluMachtin: it didn't blow anything up?08:51
ActionParsnipraylu: on his home folder with his ssh keys and emails and stored firefox passwords, not in my book08:51
Machtinraylu: didn't test yet08:52
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: 7 = 4 + 2 + 1 == read, write and execute,08:52
=== serenity is now known as s3r3n1t7
Machtinraylu: just wondering how to use it..08:52
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: 5 = 4 + 1 = read and execute08:52
rayluMachtin: put it in a text file and either chmod +x it or run "sh filename"08:52
Machtinah, and it just needs to be in that folder?08:53
Machtini don't have to give * as argument or sth?08:53
rayluMachtin: nope. that's what the *.htm is for08:53
rayluMachtin: you could make it foo/bar/*.htm08:53
Machtinwonderful, thanks08:53
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: so the owner will have full access, the members of the group owner will have read and execute access, the rest has zero access08:53
dawidcan you tell me where Linux keeps shortcuts and paths to programs in the terminal ?08:54
rayludawid: what shortcuts? paths are in $PATH08:54
ActionParsnipdawid: echo $PATH08:54
Machtinwonderful.. worked :) thanks raylu08:54
rayluMachtin: nice08:54
lyhana8hi, how could I change the mysql user ID correctly ?08:54
lyhana8actually I change it manually in /etc/passwd and /etc/group and now the server refuse to start08:54
rayluthis sounds familiar...08:54
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: now its a little clearer08:54
ActionParsnipraylu: doesnt it just :(08:55
AdvoWorkeach day i have to open a terminal, do ssh user@ip then put in a password, then once connected have todo su user, then another command and then another command. Is there any way to automate this at all?08:55
dawid<ActionParsnip> if i write "mc" it will search for mc in $PATH ?08:55
Boohbahlyhana8: why would you want to do that?08:55
rayluAdvoWork: yes, but are you prepared for the security risk?08:55
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: if you are ssh-ing to an ubuntu box I would use sudo -i08:55
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: so why not 700?08:55
lyhana8Boohbah: to share DB among my gentoo and my kubuntu. Work fine with gentoo but not on ubuntu08:56
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, su <user> is only to switch from user to user, no need for the sudo pass on that08:56
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: sure if yuo want nobody but the owner to have access (and sudo of course)08:56
rayluAdvoWork: edit your ~/.ssh/config by adding the following two lines:08:56
bj0dawid, yes08:56
rayluAdvoWork: Host
rayluAdvoWork: User asdf08:56
ActionParsnips3r3n1t7: true, just used to people thinking sudo su is good08:56
rayluAdvoWork: that's the not-a-security-risk part.08:56
Boohbahlyhana8: if you change the uid then any files will still be owned by the old uid. you will have to chown them08:57
ragedracersorry to intrude..  is any one here a expert with gnucash?08:57
raylulyhana8: um... the other OSs can connect to the mysqld... that's... the point...08:57
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, got the same thoughts ... then read it again and didn't see the sudo there (then again, todo made me read sudo first)08:57
ActionParsnips3r3n1t7: yeah same. oh well08:57
lyhana8raylu: yep i want to work on the same DB on both OS08:58
raylulyhana8: right...08:58
raylulyhana8: so apps on the other OS open tcp connection the mysqld on the first OS and it gets access to the exact same data08:58
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: im going to try it again but is there a way to get back to login screen if it fails?08:59
ActionParsnipraylu: i think we need to find these guides telling users to edit the passwd file, seems quite prevelent08:59
lyhana8raylu: both OS are on the same laptop08:59
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raylulyhana8: oh...08:59
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: startx once logged in at terminal, or sudo gdm start08:59
raylulyhana8: i have no idea what to tell you then.08:59
XiaolinDraconisx will already be started08:59
=== Hell_Kaiser is now known as Avada
XiaolinDraconisif i login it kinda works09:00
_motti_raylu: from portforward.com This router has two different sections that allow you to forward ports. One section allows you to forward a range of ports, and the other allows you to forward a single port. To forward a range of ports, click Port Forwarding. To forward a single port, click Virtual Server.09:00
rayluActionParsnip: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start might better09:00
XiaolinDraconisbut i get no panel09:00
XiaolinDraconisor right click09:00
ActionParsnipraylu: that too ;)09:00
raylu_motti_: you'll want to forward 22 for now. eventually, you might want to configure passive ftp on a range of ports09:00
lyhana8where I can find guys working on the mysql's ubuntu version ?09:00
XiaolinDraconisctrl+alt+backspace will get me a terminal right?09:00
raylulyhana8: #ubuntu-dev, maybe09:01
MachtinXiaolinDraconis: it will restart your x-server09:01
rayluXiaolinDraconis: maybe.09:01
Machtinfor a tty try ctrl+alt+f<1-6>09:01
XiaolinDraconisi couldnt do anything in tty09:01
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: sure if its already running09:01
XiaolinDraconissince user was still logged in and using x09:01
rayluXiaolinDraconis: ctrl+z will stop a job without killing it09:02
MachtinXiaolinDraconis: you might need /etc/init.d/kdm stop09:02
s3r3n1t7raylu, it will pause a job09:02
belilyhana8: mysql ubuntu version?09:02
raylus3r3n1t7: technically, it becomes a 'stopped' job. sometimes.09:02
raylus3r3n1t7: and it's sigstop anyway.09:02
lyhana8beli: yep09:02
s3r3n1t7raylu, yeah true .. but it's confusing, since most people associate stop with kill09:03
raylus3r3n1t7: by the way, which is more powerful, kill or term?09:03
XiaolinDraconisok ill go give this a try09:03
belilyhana8: mysql devels have their own ubuntu release?09:03
Machtini'd say kill!09:03
raylubeli: no, but ubuntu devels do09:03
s3r3n1t7raylu, kill can't be blocked, term can09:03
raylus3r3n1t7: ok. i can never remember which is which09:03
s3r3n1t7raylu, assuming you mean kill as in kill -909:04
beliraylu: i can't follow you.....any webinformation about that?09:04
raylui mean kill as in SIGKILL. i can remember kill -9, but i forget which it sent09:04
AdvoWorkActionParsnip, why sudo -i?09:04
raylubeli: almost every single ubuntu package has been at least slightly modified by ubuntu devs09:04
AdvoWorkraylu, i dont want any security risks really, so will editing .ssh/config and doing what you suggested fix that?09:04
raylubeli: even if it's just adding 'ubuntu' somewhere to the version string09:04
s3r3n1t7raylu, yeah, -9 sends kill signal, ==>  KILL       9   exit      cannot be blocked09:04
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: i misread your question, my bad09:04
sarmisaks3r3n1t7: -9 is SIGKILL09:05
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: thought you were using sudo su which isnt advised09:05
rayluAdvoWork: it will make it so that ssh equivalent to ssh asdf@
lyhana8beli: what do you mean ?09:05
s3r3n1t7sarmisak, i know09:05
ActionParsnips3r3n1t7: -9 is the biggest hammer, no foolin09:05
rayluAdvoWork: if you want to avoid typing the ip all the time, you could then make an alias for 'ssh' or make an environment variable for
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, yup09:05
sarmisaks3r3n1t7: and with -1 it kills everything09:06
beliraylu: he was speaking of an ubuntu version done my mysql folks...09:06
s3r3n1t7sarmisak, i know ....09:06
belimaybe it was just a language problem then...09:06
raylubeli: i'm pretty sure that's not what he meant09:06
beliraylu: thats what i was wondering about09:06
scuserhi all, could anyone give me a link to download a ubuntu iso image distribution that was shipped with gcc-2.95 ?09:06
belilyhana8: what about ubuntus mysql package? any problems?09:07
Boohbahraylu, AdvoWork: actually i heard of this thing called the Domain Name System which among other things, translates names to ip addresses so you don't have to remember the number. great idea huh?09:07
raylu...by 2.95, did you mean 3.3?09:07
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excowho knows an out-of-the-box working draft n (300mbit) wlan usb-stick?09:07
rayluscuser: as far as i know, not even debian supports that gcc anymore09:07
* beli detex: man 7 signal for more information about signals09:07
_motti__raylu: Now, when I try to access my machine using my url I get an empty line09:08
sarmisakexco: tough one, have you googled for linux compatible hardware lists?09:08
ActionParsnip!hcl | exco09:08
ubottuexco: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:08
raylu_motti__: by access, you don't mean 'open the url in firefox,' do you?09:08
lyhana8beli: yep it seem to have different config than the gentoo one as on gentoo changing: mysql user ID+files permissions was enough09:08
sarmisakActionParsnip: that was what I was looking for ;)09:08
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: all good09:08
scuserraylu: could I find some distribution with gcc less than 3.3, may be 3.2 or even less09:08
XiaolinDraconisty ty09:08
_motti__raylu no. I mean ftp url09:08
XiaolinDraconisso far all is good09:08
_motti__raylu: command line09:08
rayluscuser: why?09:08
XiaolinDraconissept my main menu icon is gone for some reason09:08
belilyhana8: enough todo what? what are you going to do?09:09
raylu_motti__: what do you mean 'your url'?09:09
_motti__I have listed it on dyndns09:09
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: ok well from now on. DO NOT mess with that file. EVER09:09
rayluXiaolinDraconis: unless it's for fun09:09
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: ive used linux for years now and never once had to09:10
_motti__raylu: yotam1.myphotos.cc09:10
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: can you link me to the page you used as a guide please09:10
XiaolinDraconisi just didnt like the idea of not being the user who had total control over the system09:10
raylu_motti__: i see that. are you sure the dns entry points to the right place and the port forwarding is to the right ip?09:10
XiaolinDraconislemme check my history09:10
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you do, with sudo09:10
rayluXiaolinDraconis: if you wanted that, you  could run windows xp09:10
AdvoWorkBoohbah, not really, i could use that but it goes on ip, typing ssh name is no easier than typing ssh ip but i want to just click it and automate every step09:10
scuserraylu: I have a source code that was compiled with an old compiler which should be less than 3.3, when I try to use any higher compiler the compiler produces errors, so I installed 2.95.deb and its deps and tried recompilation but things went worse as I received gcc internal error09:10
lyhana8beli: i'm trying to share DB among gentoo and kubuntu. So i need to have the same user ID for mysql on both system. I change it on both system then i need to change the file permission to the new user ID, i did it. It work fine on gentoo, but not on kubuntu where the server refuse to start09:11
rayluscuser: you can probably build gcc-2.95 from source... with a higher gcc... maybe...09:11
XiaolinDraconisraylu: why would you speak such inappropriate words09:11
XiaolinDraconischildren might be present09:11
scuserraylu: well I tried but the build failed :(09:11
_motti__raylu: the router is ok. (I'm repeating messages I didn't place your name in them)09:12
rayluXiaolinDraconis: the point being, part of linux's security is in keeping users users and not giving the permission to muck with system files09:12
simplexiolyhana8: what error it gives09:12
rayluscuser: the build of gcc-2.95?09:12
scuserraylu: yes09:12
simplexiolyhana8: and are these mysql instances on difffrend computers ?09:12
belilyhana8: dont mix things....permissions != uid/gid ....09:13
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: linux uses proper access and restritedness where it is appropriate, windows default user model is admin which isnt appropriate and why they get so many issues09:13
raylu_motti__: then i'm not sure. either the dns entry is bad (check with the 'host' command) or your port forwarding isn't set up properly09:13
_motti__raylu, and nslookup my url give the internal ip of the router09:13
raylu_motti__: internal ip?09:13
belilyhana8: you dont touch the permissions, but switch uid and gid09:13
kaushalhow can i set ignore case while searching for any string uppercase or lowercase in man pages ?09:13
_motti__raylu: yeah, the ip I use to access my router09:13
rayluActionParsnip: well, they fixed that in vista. except it asks you _after_ you try and do something and, consequently, makes people very frustrated09:13
lyhana8simplexio: the only error is the init script one: 'fail', and I don't understand why I'haven't any log09:14
belilyhana8: use chown for that.....did you create a completly new group and user for mysql?09:14
raylu_motti__: yotam1.myphotos.cc has address
raylu_motti__: that seems correct to me. is that your router's WAN ip?09:14
lyhana8beli: yeah sorry mix the terms09:14
ActionParsnipraylu: windows security in that way is garbage, and whats worse is that some apps actually need write access to the %WINDIR% so you have to have some form of admin power, its preposterous09:14
rayluActionParsnip: yep.09:14
lyhana8beli: nop just change the uid of the current mysql09:15
simplexiolyhana8: cat /etc/init.d/mysql and see what command it uses to start mysql, then use it command to start it and see error, or see /var/log/mysql log file if it exists, or syslog09:15
XiaolinDraconishere is the one that said to edit sudoers file09:15
belilyhana8: the init scripts are as the name says: scripts.... less /etc/init.d/mysql  and see how mysql is started...do it manually on the command line and you will get some errors09:15
ActionParsnipraylu: classic example is organizational charts in office 2003, needs access to the windows dir to run. MS fix says "oh make them power users"09:15
belilyhana8: the uid or the username?09:15
simplexiolyhana8: and probably ubuntu tries to start mysql as mysql user, so mysql user gid must be same as gentoo mysql user09:15
XiaolinDraconisnow im looking for the one about editing passwd09:15
lyhana8beli: the UID was 122 i put 888609:16
cheshairhi! i'm having problems with brother mfc680cn printer drivers under ubuntu. i get ps documents printed as row text instead of postscript. do you happen to have any hints?09:16
raylulyhana8, beli: most likely because the user it's running as doesn't have permissions to create logs :P09:16
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: can you give me us thelink if you find it, you may also want to contact them yourself to tell him / er of your experience09:16
XiaolinDraconiswill do09:16
simplexiolyhana8: thought i dont know about mysql, but postgresql uses that configuration. its allways run as postgresql user for better security09:16
lyhana8raylu: I check that too, and the mysql user was the owner of the log09:17
belilyhana8: so lemme explain....what is hardcoded to a file on linux to verify permissions is the uid and the gid....username and group are just parsed from /etc/passwd and /etc/group09:17
s3r3n1t7XiaolinDraconis, uhm a note about that one, you can probably use the nopasswd function in the visudo file which is a lot safer.09:17
belilyhana8: so you have to adjust file/dir permissions to the new uid09:18
lyhana8beli: I do exactly the same process on gentoo and ubuntu, gentoo work, ubuntu doesn't09:18
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belilyhana8: and? maybe gentoo isnt verifying stuff on mysqld startup09:18
souzaalguem fala portugue09:19
_motti__raylu: no, the ip has changed,I still need to configure ez-ipupdate properly. I have update my ip in the dyndns server but I still get connection refused. are you sure that 22 is the ftp port?09:19
belilyhana8: gentoo gives the user more control....thats not always good09:19
lyhana8beli: stuff like what ? the UID ?09:19
Ubersoldat!pr | souze09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr09:19
Ubersoldat!ubuntu-pr | souza09:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-pr09:19
raylu_motti__: er, it's 2109:19
belilyhana8: ownership and permissions09:19
raylu_motti__: if i said 22, sorry. that's sftp :P09:19
belilyhana8: just start as root: /usr/sbin/mysqld09:19
_motti__yeah, I just wiki it.09:19
ActionParsnip21 is FTP, 20 is ftp data (wasteful protocol)09:20
_motti__so sftp my url should work?09:20
ActionParsnipsouza: what?09:20
lyhana8beli: they do, i got error that make me realise that I should update the file UID09:20
souzaaluguem fala portuges09:20
ActionParsnip!pt | souza09:20
ubottusouza: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:20
_motti__ActionParsnip: she is Portuguese09:20
raylu_motti__: no, you don't have an sftp daemon running09:20
mimiloonhi everybody, i'm new to linux and i have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i try to use the ndiswrapper, i'm unable to get it working09:20
belilyhana8: just start it manually now and give me errors09:20
ActionParsnip_motti__: thats what !pt outputs in ;)09:21
_motti__raylu: ok, router time09:21
Don_MiguelXcell, see my PM, please09:21
_motti__ActionParsnip: ok, sorry09:21
belilyhana8: btw....did you alter the username too?09:21
souzanao sei como fazer isso09:21
souzaso novo aqui09:21
lyhana8beli: the mysql user name ? no09:22
belilyhana8: ok09:22
souzaalguem fala minha libgua ai09:23
Don_Miguelraylu, got a moment free ?09:23
rayluDon_Miguel: yes09:23
ActionParsnipsouza: Eu não falo o português09:24
lyhana8beli: I'm doing the process for the 2nd time (updating UID)09:24
souzavc fala sim09:24
souzacx usa um tradutor?09:24
belilyhana8: why not just start mysqld from console yourself as i told you?09:24
Don_Miguelraylu, thanks ... I tried Xcell's suggestion about using synaptic   'fix broken' and got ---- when synaptic goes to   fix broken packages/dependencies I get the error message      dpkg  unable to fill with padding .. no space left on device      /var/lib/dpkg/updates/tmp.1           but ...     the Ubuntu 'Wubi partition' shows 14.6 GB  ...   there should be LOTS of space ...09:24
mimilooni have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i try to use the ndiswrapper, i'm unable to get it working09:24
ActionParsnipDon_Miguel: sudo apt-get clean09:25
lyhana8beli: did it : http://pastebin.com/d440580a309:25
raylumimiloon: describe what yo mean by 'unable to get it working'09:25
lyhana8beli: but the `find ./ -uid 122 -exec chown mysql {} \;` is not finish09:25
MewtwoI have to find out the error I got while trying to compile Peng09:25
souzaalguem ai pode me tira uma duvida ..nao sei cmo entra na rede com ubuntu esto na maquina virtual  meu comando operacional e xp com ele eu entro na rede09:26
belilyhana8: kill all mysql instances first09:26
lenux_anyone here09:26
grawitylenux_: um, yes.09:26
souzaalguem ai pode me ajudar09:27
lenux_where is here09:27
_motti___raylu: Ok. I can accees my machine using ftp from the outside world09:27
raylu_motti___: congrats09:27
sliverchairi'm gonna start an Ubuntu user's group at my university. UST Ubuntu User's Group (UUUg) :D09:28
belilyhana8: you have sth. running on 3306 already....i guess its a previously started mysqld...check ps -ef | grep mysqld    and kill these jobs before you retry to start manually09:28
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip i must have been logged as root when i googled it09:28
lenux_that's cool09:28
raylusliverchair: ust = ?09:28
_motti___how exiting is that(!!!) now, do you have any idea how do I configure my machine to update dyndns? I have tried to use ez-ipupdate but I can't find how to auto run it or how to tell it to use my router ip address09:28
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: oh well, no matter, stay off root, its unnecessary09:29
sliverchairraylu: University of Santo Tomas, it's in PH09:29
raylu_motti___: i used no-ip for a while and their update tool ran. it was a bit confusing, but it worked09:29
sliverchairActionParsnip: gnome is much better, everything in KDE4 it big,shining and crowded, IMO09:29
raylusliverchair: i got the PH part :D how large is the campus population and how many *nix users are there? what OS's does the computing services support?09:29
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ActionParsnipsliverchair: i prefer lxde or fluxbox09:30
Don_Miguelraylu, and why the heck does    dpkg or ANYTHING  try to fill that space with padding ??09:30
lyhana8beli: currently nothing, but the uid update hasn't finish09:30
rayluDon_Miguel: i have no idea.09:30
belilyhana8: did you start it as the root user?09:30
Nom-Anyone know of a way to make an automated installer CD create partitions starting at block 128 instead of 1 ?09:31
Nom-This is to align with raid09:31
Don_Miguelraylu, Thanks  :-)09:31
sliverchairraylu: nah, i just got 5 of my clasmates use ubuntu, :D09:31
BoohbahNom-: you should be able to select manual partition configuration09:31
rayluBoohbah: automated :P09:32
beliNom-: sfdisk has many command line options...check its manual09:32
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mimiloonraylu: sorry about the delay; i typed this: ndiswrapper -i [the .inf file, then sudo modprobe ndiswrapper, then sudo ndiswrapper -l, but i don't know what to do after09:33
raylumimiloon: generally, you want to remove the module that your card is currently using first. "lsmod -v" will show you that09:34
lyhana8beli: `/usr/sbin/mysqld` did it as root09:34
raylumimiloon: also, modprobe -l shows you the currently installed ndiswrapper cards, so doing that after modprobing is sort of pointless09:34
souzacomo entra numa sala no brasil?09:34
ActionParsnipraylu: or lsmod09:34
raylumimiloon: finally, you need to do "sudo ndiswrapper -a" before modprobing... i think09:34
ActionParsnipraylu: ndiswrapper -l09:35
rayluActionParsnip: lsmod will show you all the modules, but you have to guess which is for your card09:35
rayluActionParsnip: and i'm not thinking -l, i'm thinking the one that writes the module deps09:35
rayluActionParsnip: which, iirc, is -a09:35
lyhana8beli: http://pastebin.com/d1f5d0f5109:35
belilyhana8: fix permissions to the data dir09:36
starenkahi i've just switched to jaunty, but i got grub 22 error BEFORE i even get to menu (clean install over hardy partition), how to solve it?09:36
ActionParsnipraylu: lsmod shows each module + its deps on the right if thats what you mean?09:36
belilyhana8: did you manually mount that stuff? maybe you did mount it read-only...what filesystem is it using?09:37
imyousufI am trying out the Jaunty and I had a generic question09:37
imyousufI have ext3 partitions which when moundted are writeable by 'root' only. But I wanted to be writeable by any user belonging to 'plugdev' group. Any idea how I can do that from fstab? I want to avoid the chmod command everytime I start my laptop.09:37
raylumimiloon: oops, i meant "sudo ndiswrapper -m"09:37
rayluActionParsnip: it shows the deps, but it doesn't show which one is the wireless module09:37
ActionParsnipraylu: ahhh09:37
rayluActionParsnip: and ndiswrapper -m informs modprobe about the deps it's going to have... i think09:37
ActionParsnipimyousuf: http://pastebin.com/f32b51c7a09:38
movedxCan anyone suggest a really light-weight web browser that supports basic CSS AND JavaScript? I'm using Opera at present but I'm on an old Pentium-4 machine with 512MB of RAM so I want to make switches between multiple pages a bit quicker.09:38
mimiloonraylu: how to i remove it, if the current module is ath9k09:38
lyhana8beli: it's mounted at boot, it'ß a reiserfs09:38
=== _choc is now known as choc
raylumimiloon: for now, "sudo invoke-rc.d networking stop", "sudo modprobe -r ath9k"09:38
psychicanyone have a suggestion on what version of would be best on a toshiba satelite with 2.66 ghz processor and 512 megs of ram with on board graphics either xubuntu or ubuntu intrepid latest release or other suggestions ?09:39
belilyhana8: make sure mysql user/group has write rights for /mnt/data/system/share/mysqldb/09:39
raylumimiloon: in the long term, add it to the blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d09:39
ActionParsnipimyousuf: i have a seperate partition on that system. formatted ext3 for /home, it is user writable, if you duplicate the mount options in your /etc/fstab then it will be mounted as user writable09:39
raylumimiloon: also, is french your native language?09:39
imyousufActionParsnip: trying it out09:39
lyhana8beli: drwxr-xr-x 12 mysql mysql 896 2009-04-07 18:07 mysqldb09:39
Shiningggok i recently did a cli install from a usb stick and now i get grub error 17 whenever i boot without the usb stick inserted09:39
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mimiloonraylu: english, why you ask?09:40
raylumimiloon: from your hostname; nevermind.09:40
imyousufActionParsnip: the relatime option is set by default but that makes the partition writeable by root only :(09:40
mimiloonraylu: oh ok09:40
belilyhana8: id mysql    --> show me result09:40
psychicand also when i boot up with xubuntu my computer works fine it runs and all.. but i think it could run better  when it goes through the boot up process it says chipset not compatible or recognized or somthing an one got some pointers?09:40
lyhana8beli: cat /etc/passwd | grep mysql mysql:x:8886:8886:MySQL Server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false09:41
lyhana8beli: cat /etc/group | grep mysql mysql:x:8886:lyhana809:41
mimiloonraylu: thanks for your help, i'll try the instructions you've given me and get back to u09:41
eusu_kefuinHi Ho!09:41
eusu_kefuinAnyone here familiar with NTP configuration?09:41
belilyhana8: useless use of cat award ;)09:42
raylulyhana8: grep takes a file as the 3rd argument :D09:42
belilyhana8: "id mysql" was a command09:42
lyhana8beli: oh~ don't know that, thanks09:42
raylueusu_kefuin: server or client?09:42
lyhana8beli uid=8886(mysql) gid=8886(mysql) groups=8886(mysql)09:42
eusu_kefuinraylu: server09:43
raylueusu_kefuin: woah. good luck.09:43
psychichas anyone seen my questions?09:43
belilyhana8: mount |grep share09:43
casper_Any one know how to get java??09:44
lyhana8beli: I mount /mnt/data09:44
eusu_kefuinraylu: Well, basically I have a machine that is connected to the Internet to which all other machines in the local subnet will sync to.09:44
raylupsychic: ubuntu should run fine. /var/log/dmesg should allow you to review bootup logs09:44
imyousufI have ext3 partitions which when moundted are writeable by 'root' only. But I wanted to be writeable by any user belonging to 'plugdev' group. Any idea how I can do that from fstab? I want to avoid the chmod command everytime I start my laptop. (re-run)09:44
belilyhana8: ok... mount |grep data then ;)09:44
raylu!java | casper_09:44
ubottucasper_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:44
lyhana8beli: /dev/sda6 on /mnt/data type reiserfs (rw,relatime)09:44
psychici ubuntu as compared to xubuntu?09:44
belilyhana8: ok, its mounted fine...so it still has to be a permission problem09:45
casper_have no clue wat u just said09:45
eusu_kefuinraylu: I have googled for this matter but I encounter a hard wall.09:45
rayluimyousuf: man mount. there's some option for gid, i think09:45
belilyhana8: ls -alsF /mnt/ |grep data09:45
imyousufraylu: cldnt find one for ext :(09:45
eusu_kefuinraylu: Basically, in this machine, I set up: server ntp.ubuntu.com and server
lyhana8beli: 0 drwxr-xr-x 14 lyhana8 users 400 2009-04-05 20:10 data/09:45
psychicubuntu intrepid "latest release" as compared to the way it runs with xubuntu on it?09:46
belilyhana8: ok walk the dirs and check that each dir has at least r-w for the rest of the world09:46
eusu_kefuinraylu: The problem is that in this setting, the machine does not sync its clock to ntp.ubuntu.com successfully.09:46
rayluimyousuf: i think the 'user' fstab option is what you want. it allows users to mount09:46
Shockanyone here who can help me build the kernel packages with PAE enabled?09:47
lyhana8beli: you mean all parent dir should've u+rw right ?09:47
eusu_kefuinraylu: But, if I remove `server', it works.09:47
psychichow do i use the terminal to upgrade to ubuntu intrepid09:47
imyousufraylu: hmm, giving it a try09:47
belilyhana8: or if you dont mind do: chmod -R 755 /mnt/data09:47
raylupsychic: sorry, i don't usually catch messages without my name in them09:47
raylu!upgrade | psychic09:47
eusu_kefuinraylu: Hmmm.... okay, I have to find out it myself, I guess.09:47
ubottupsychic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:47
psychico sorry09:47
raylueusu_kefuin: yeah, i have no idea09:47
ActionParsnipraylu: damn you fast09:47
psychicthank u09:47
eusu_kefuinraylu: That's okay.09:48
belilyhana8: no u+rw is user read write.....o+rw is others read write09:48
Shiningggrecently did a cli install via sub, now when i boot without usb inserted i get grub error 17. If i boot with the usb inserted, i see all my booting partition?? any idea?09:48
imyousufraylu: no use, same outcome :(09:48
MewtwoWhoo, I feel dumb. I can't figure out how to install a GNOME theme.09:48
okey666hello, I have upgraded to 9.04. I also have another partition which has 9.04 on it too, but with ext4. I wanted to get a file from that partition, but when I try to use it in my upgraded 9.04, it tells me that ext is not supported. Anyone have any ideas?09:48
rayluActionParsnip: :D09:48
eusu_kefuinHi Ho! Anyone here is familiar with NTP server configuration?09:48
belilyhana8: or use the mask 755 to set rwx  rx  rx09:48
rayluimyousuf: even when it's mounted by a user?09:48
belilyhana8: take care to use chmod -R  correctly....it can fuxxor a lot :)09:49
raylueusu_kefuin: there is #ntp09:49
imyousufraylu: a normal user can not execute mount -a :(09:49
imyousufraylu: can they?09:49
okey666Mewtwo: Download the file to your desktop, go system>>prefs>>apperance>>install09:49
rayluimyousuf: m...i thought that's what the 'user' option was for. i'm not entirely clear on it myself09:49
lyhana8beli: they all have the read and write acces for tjhe user (lyhana8)09:49
rayluimyousuf: but maybe an explicit 'mount /dev/asdf' is enough09:49
=== luciano is now known as luciano_dj
khuntI have drive errors and when i run fsck it complains about the superblock09:49
eusu_kefuinraylu: Oh, thank you for your info! I didn't know that before ;-)09:49
eusu_kefuinraylu: Really, I mean it :-)09:49
eusu_kefuinraylu: So, thanks.09:50
ActionParsnipimyousuf: you could just reboot to check all is well from a cold boot09:50
raylueusu_kefuin: i actually just guessed and found the channel existed and had an appropriate topic :P09:50
belilyhana8: again....they need rw for the mysql group and/or for the rest of the world...why dont you listen?09:50
eusu_kefuinraylu: Hahaha.... thanks! :-)09:50
raylui also found out about /msg asis today :D09:50
luciano_djwuat is the best bluetooth software for ubuntu x64 ??09:50
belias mysql != lyhana it doesnt matter what the user permissions are09:50
okey666anyone know why I can't mount ext4 in my 9.04?09:51
lyhana8beli: you mean all parent folder should be own by mysql o.O09:51
belilyhana8: NO...not owned...accessible09:51
belilyhana8: run: chmod -R 755 /mnt/data09:51
imyousufActionParsnip: tried that as well :(09:51
sarmisakbeli: apparmor may be causing some trouble also09:52
ActionParsnipbeli: i'd add a sudo to it just incase09:52
belisarmisak: hmm right...but first i will make sure the permissions fit09:53
ActionParsnipimyousuf: can we see your fstab please09:53
beliActionParsnip: i will kill him if he doesnt do it with privs ;)09:53
BlackDalekAnyone know how to get sound out of all 6 channels of an external USB 5.1 sound card instead of just the default 2 channels?09:54
rayluBlackDalek: no, but speaker-test is fun to play with09:54
ActionParsnipbeli: if its not his file, the permissions will not be updated09:54
Bragex9Why does not the NVIDIA driver allow me to set the correct screen resolution? All that happens when I set the correct resolution is that the screen gets bigger and I have to scroll sideways and upways to see all of the desktop...09:55
beliActionParsnip: i know ;) its his file and hes doing it as superuser...but you are right....i have to think on everything atm09:55
okey666anyone know why my 9.04 wont mount ext4?09:55
ActionParsnipBlackDalek: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/09:55
ActionParsnipbeli: np :D09:55
BlackDalekI managed to get all 6 channels working on the internal 5.1 PCI audio card by modifying the /etc/pulse/daemon.conf but that does not seem to work for the external USB card....09:56
okey666it gives, mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'09:56
lyhana8beli: same09:56
luciano_djanyone know how to connect to my home theather and listen mp3 via bluettoth ??09:56
belilyhana8: same errors?09:56
lyhana8beli: yep09:57
ActionParsnipokey666: are you running jaunty?09:57
belilyhana8: touch /mnt/data/system/share/mysqldb/lyhana8.lower-test09:57
okey666ActionParsnip: yes09:57
ActionParsnip!jaunty | okey66609:57
ubottuokey666: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.09:57
imyousufActionParsnip, raylu: http://pastebin.com/m4e3eb9df my fstab file09:57
okey666ActionParsnip: thanks09:58
lyhana8beli: same error o_O09:58
ActionParsnipimyousuf: and what partition are we concentrating on?09:58
lyhana8beli: i chown the file09:58
imyousufsda6 and sda7 ActionParsnip09:58
belilyhana8: no i just wanted to know if you can create it09:58
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: so heres my first error09:59
XiaolinDraconisguess all is not well09:59
XiaolinDraconisi got that after attempting to update09:59
belilyhana8: so it has to be an apparmor issue09:59
benjamin__hi all10:00
belilyhana8: sudo vi /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld10:00
XiaolinDraconisanyone have a clue on what that error means?10:00
sarmisakbeli, lyhana8: if this is not a production box just remove apparmor, it's much faster10:00
sarmisakbeli, lyhana8: and simpler ;)10:00
ActionParsnipimyousuf: does realtime on its own not work instead of all those options?10:01
eldenzwhere does apt store its .deb files?10:01
rayluXiaolinDraconis: that you need to paste your sudoers10:01
ActionParsnipimyousuf: backup the fstab file too, so you can play to your hearts content10:01
ActionParsnipeldenz: /var/cace/apt10:01
belisarmisak, lyhana8: i would use apparmor if its not a big load box...just adjust the acl10:01
eldenzthx ActionParsnip10:01
benjamin__I just bought a usb tv box10:01
raylueldenz: in the future, locate will help10:01
imyousufActionParsnip: I already have it backed up and as u can c sda6 uses relatime and that is accessible by root only :(10:01
ActionParsnipits /var/cache/apt  sorry10:01
benjamin__and was wondering if anyone could help me getting it to work on ubuntu10:01
lyhana8beli: the acl ?10:02
eldenzfigured :)10:02
rayluimyousuf: i see you went all the way :D10:02
belilyhana8: access control list10:02
imyousufraylu: you bet ya ;) :-D10:03
belilyhana8: add two lines to the apparmor config:10:03
Shockanyone here who can help me build the kernel packages with PAE enabled?10:03
lyhana8beli:  /mnt/data/system/share/mysqldb, w ?10:04
imyousufActionParsnip: any suggestion?10:04
belilyhana8: rw10:04
lyhana8and what'is the other line ?10:05
belilyhana8:  /mnt/data/system/share/mysqldb rw,10:05
belilyhana8: and:  /mnt/data/system/share/mysqldb/** rwk10:05
belilyhana8: then restart apparmor and start mysqld10:05
rayluimyousuf: so, technically, the 'correct linux kosher way'10:05
XiaolinDraconisi cant sudo10:06
imyousufraylu: guess so10:06
rayluimyousuf: is to create a directory inside that partition and give that to the user10:06
rayluXiaolinDraconis: but you can su because you set that 1 char password, right?10:06
BusMasteri need to install some i386 debs on my amd64 intrepid setup. I have installed ia32-libs. Now do I just need to do a dpkg --force-install on hte i386 debs or do I need to extract them someplace using dpkg -X ?10:06
XiaolinDraconisno i changed the password now10:06
rayluXiaolinDraconis: but you can su, right?10:07
XiaolinDraconisbut g is not in the sudoers list was the error i got trying to sudo10:07
XiaolinDraconisill try10:07
* raylu crosses fingers10:07
lyhana8beli: the default config are :10:07
lyhana8  /var/lib/mysql/ r,  /var/lib/mysql/** rwk,10:07
XiaolinDraconisif i cant i can always login as root10:07
lyhana8beli: so r and not rw10:07
imyousufraylu: but the dir itself is created by the root and then he has to assign chmod/chown :(10:07
belilyhana8: ok try it with just r10:07
imyousufthats the thing I wanted to avoid raylu :(10:07
rayluimyousuf: but you only have to do that once10:07
ActionParsnipimyousuf: i'd have thought the sda6 equiv line would be fine, its identical to mine10:08
belilyhana8: but it doesnt really matter...think of what a directory +w does10:08
ActionParsnipimyousuf: hove you tried chmod and chown to give the files to the user10:08
ActionParsnipimyousuf: make it the owner10:08
benjamin__I bought the "Super Digital Video" Glaring series and I can't find appropriate drivers10:08
benjamin__any ideas?10:08
imyousufrayly, ActionParsnip, let me try it once and then coming back10:09
ActionParsnipbenjamin__: never heard of it, what is it10:09
belisarmisak: how much is apparmor slowing down things?10:09
XiaolinDraconis /su root visudo10:09
XiaolinDraconiscannot execute binary file10:09
benjamin__it's USb tv box10:09
benjamin__so I can output to my TV10:09
_motti__raylu: I have found out that some router(including mine) support the dyndns website. I have configured it but I don't know how to test it. any idea?10:10
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: use gksudo <command>   or sudo <command> (sudo is for command line apps only, gksudo is for graphical apps)10:10
raylu_motti__: keep unplugging the router until you get a new ip :P10:10
lyhana8beli: start well, fail to stop...10:11
SlartXiaolinDraconis: su isn't really recommended in ubuntu.. tried sudo visudo?10:11
lyhana8beli: http://pastebin.com/d3f1ea9d310:11
XiaolinDraconisim not authorized10:11
XiaolinDraconisthats why i tried su10:11
dawid have any idea why linux sometimes doesnt load laptop keyboard and touchpad? Keys are working in Grub menu, but they are not working during and after booting...10:11
BoohbahXiaolinDraconis: sudo10:11
mimiloonraylu: i forgot to mention: i have 2 wifi cards hooked up to the computer; one is built in (abg) and the other is pmcia card (N); i was able to remove the ath9k driver from the pcmcia card but the built-in card it still active (wlan0). when i type the command 'sudo ndiswrapper, it wrote info about wlan010:11
XiaolinDraconisi cant10:12
XiaolinDraconisim not authorized10:12
SlartXiaolinDraconis: if you get an error message please just give us the verbatim error message10:12
SlartXiaolinDraconis: include what you tried running too10:12
XiaolinDraconisill have to login on root account to fix this10:12
professor_is it safe to leave remote desktop running (VNC) via port forward to the Internet?10:12
raylumimiloon: pcmcia... i haven't heard that in a looong time10:12
SlartXiaolinDraconis: the root account doesn't have a password by default so you can't login to it10:12
imyousufraylu, ActionParsnip10:12
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then boot back to root console and add you user to the admin group10:12
XiaolinDraconisi am admin10:12
raylumimiloon: anyway, you might want to ask someone for help; i'm going to leave soon10:13
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: if you arent in the admin group, you arent10:13
belilyhana8: google for that issue, i am afk now10:13
XiaolinDraconisill have to edit the sudoers file from root account i think10:13
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: run   groups   it will tell you10:13
XiaolinDraconisi know im in the admin group10:13
imyousufsorry ActionParsnip, raylu - executing chown did it :)10:13
rayluimyousuf: ^^10:13
mimiloonraylu: thanks for your help10:13
rayluimyousuf: but now you have an extra directory in your path10:13
marko-_--is ext4 working ok on the 2.6.27-14 kernel ?10:13
XiaolinDraconisbrb im ill be back aas root10:14
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: run groups to check10:14
imyousufwith the same mount options as in pastebin and no extra dir - raylu, ActionParsnip. I set the chown to the mounted points directly :)10:14
lyhana8beli: great thanks :D10:14
ActionParsnipimyousuf: great :D10:14
badfish69Active Triggers: !duke !nukem !quote !addquote10:14
XiaolinDraconisg adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev scanner fuse lpadmin admin sambashare10:14
imyousufbut the chmod/chown is required after mounting the disks ActionParsnip, raylu10:14
ActionParsnipimyousuf: every time?10:15
ikoniaprofessor_: anyone what ?10:15
_motti__raylu: I think it  worked thanks. more to come10:15
ActionParsnipimyousuf: should be ok now, try a cold boot to test10:15
XiaolinDraconisthe link i gave you guys about editing sudoers file10:15
imyousufActionParsnip: I already did that and its not required after cold reboot :)10:15
XiaolinDraconisi must have messed something up10:15
professor_is it safe to leave VNC running (remote desktop) via port forward to the Internet10:15
innocivHow do I check what is running on port 80?10:15
ActionParsnipimyousuf: sweet, you reached the gold10:15
professor_so I can remote desktop in when I'm away10:16
ActionParsnipinnociv: netstat -a10:16
ikoniabadfish69: what active triggers for what are you talking about ?10:16
ikoniainnociv: it's a webserver10:16
imyousufActionParsnip: hehe, thanks a lot, thanks to raylu too :)10:16
Slartprofessor_: if you can remote desktop what keeps the rest of the world from doing the same?10:16
raylu_motti__: ok, good luck. it looks like you're setting up approximately what i did when i first really got into linux10:16
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: if you run groups when you are your user you will see what groups it is in. the admin group gives the use of sudo10:16
XiaolinDraconisg adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev scanner fuse lpadmin admin sambashare10:16
professor_I thought the password protection and encryption was sufficient but I presume port scanners could find it and hack in?10:17
XiaolinDraconisthats from groups10:17
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: is that as you are logged in now or as your normal user?10:17
innocivikonia, i know..10:17
innocivbut i use both lighttpd and apache10:17
Slartprofessor_: the password would protect a little bit.. not sure about the encryption part..10:17
XiaolinDraconisthis is me now my normal account10:17
innocivand an error message returned apache on port 8010:17
ikoniainnociv: then look at which one is running10:17
innocivlighttpd should be port 80 and apache on 808010:17
ikoniainnociv: telnet to it10:17
ikoniainnociv: check the config files10:18
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: then something is seriously wrong10:18
Slartprofessor_: make sure you choose a secure password.10:18
innocivgahhh netstat -a returned a ton10:18
professor_from the wiki "ou should set an SSH server up as discussed in the SSH guide and configure a VNC server that you can start in so-called once mode, as described below. When you have set up your SSH and VNC servers, you can use SSH to log in to your computer over the Internet, start your VNC server, and use port-forwarding to securely access the VNC server. "10:18
XiaolinDraconisi have 4 accounts .... 1 is root 2 are admins and 1 is unprivied10:18
professor_random password is no problem..10:18
* badfish69 sucks cock10:18
ikoniainnociv: netstat -a | grep LIST shows all listening thinks, but that won't help you identify10:18
Slartbye bye badfish10:18
professor_I guess that means I should configure a SSH server and log in via terminal to start VNC when I need it or something10:19
professor_seems complicated10:19
innocivhm yeah that isn't good10:19
ikoniacyrylm: can I help you ? any reason your requesting ctcp info from me ?10:19
ActionParsnipXiaolinDraconis: you have seriously borked your system if members of admin cannot use sudo10:19
scuserhi all, any help with this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146797/ ?10:19
XiaolinDraconisi just need to return sudoers file to original10:20
XiaolinDraconis.... i think10:20
professor_the Ubuntu Wiki advises against running VNC over the Internet10:20
cyrylmikonia: just checking  :)10:20
ikoniacyrylm: checking what ?10:20
cyrylmYour local time ;)10:20
grawityActionParsnip: that isn't borking yet - other distros don't even have an 'admin' group.10:20
dawid have any idea why linux sometimes doesn't load laptop keyboard and touchpad ? Keys are working in Grub menu, but they are not working during booting and after boot in KDE10:21
ActionParsnipgrawity: true, but thats differnt distros, so is different10:21
Ubersoldatprofessor_: that because VNC is not encrypted, you can always use a SSH tunnel and get over it10:21
ActionParsnipscuser: have you installed build-essential10:22
macvrhi all... need some help editing this file>>> /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd its a executable (application/x-executable) file , how do i open it to edit the file?10:22
XiaolinDraconispuppylinux default account is root/no passwd10:22
Ubersoldatmacvr: why do you want to do that?10:22
scuserActionParsnip: yes10:22
grawityikonia: reminder, CTCPs are for your IRC client, not for the user (you). If your client shows them annoyingly, it isn't cyrylm's fault.10:22
ActionParsnipmacvr: gksudo gedit /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osdm  if you want to use a text editor. If its just a script this is fine, if its a binary, it wont work10:23
XiaolinDraconisill brb im loggin out and coming back as root then ill get this turned around10:23
ikoniagrawity: reminder - I'm not asking you a question, I'm asking a user why he is ASKING my client for information10:23
ActionParsnipscuser: and do you have all the -dev dependancies of the app?10:23
macvrActionParsnip: i had tried that but its a binary... !10:23
scuserActionParsnip: well I don't know that I have nothing to say which -dev dependencies that the app needs10:24
macvrUbersoldat:  i thought that that was the file for the notification settings...  to edit it!10:24
ikoniagrawity: and FYI: if I'm displaying displeasure at it - it's best for you to not do it too10:24
ActionParsnipscuser: to compile apps you need all the dependancies it needs in dev format so its functinality can be compiled in, the outputs saying that certain things are undefined highlights this10:25
ActionParsnipscuser: you need to find out what gives the functionality for each error and install that app and its -dev file10:25
scuserActionParsnip: is there a way to know so or just try and error ?10:25
professor_VNC supports encryption, not sure if that is sufficient though10:25
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ActionParsnipscuser: websearch an error, see what pops up10:26
s3r3n1t7ActionParsnip, apt-get build-dep doesn't work? (just dropped in, not sure what the initial error was10:26
axyjohi all, can some bash wizard help me out? i want to recursively remove all files, except for the .svn folder, and except for one particular subfolder. someone did this for me before using find, but i don't remember how to do it now. thanks.10:26
scuserActionParsnip: ok, thank you for your time :)10:26
ActionParsnipaxyjo: could just cp it out, empty the folder, then copy it back10:27
axyjoActionParsnip: there are many subfolders, so i'd prefer a script. + the .svn folder is hidden10:28
Boohbahaxyjo: find . -prune .svn | xargs rm -f10:28
innocivin apache2 on ubuntu, where would Listen go?..10:28
thahaussI recently formatted a slave drive and I can create folders using terminal on it, but I cannot using the File Browser, when I right click the options "create folder", "create document", "clean up by name", and "paste" are all greyed out. Any Ideas?10:28
axyjoBoohbah: thanks, i'll try it out10:28
s3r3n1t7Boohbah, doesn't that remove all the .svn folders?10:28
Boohbahs3r3n1t7: no10:28
ActionParsnipaxyjo: doesnt matter if its hidden or not, all folders starting with . are hidden10:28
Ubersoldatmacvr: well, it's a binary file, so you can't edit it10:30
axyjoBoohbah: I get an error. "find: .svn: unknown option"10:31
lyhana8hi, is there any identi.ca client avaible on kubuntu ?10:32
stethoHi. Have a PC (P4) that was running another distro. I'm trying to install Server 8.10 on it. Power on, boot from CD, choose language, choose "Install Ubuntu Server" - at this point the machine reboots. I'm guessing it's a hardware problem or incompatibility but thought I'd ask if anyone has seen this before I start stripping bits out to find the culprit.10:33
ikoniastetho: sounds like a hadware issue10:34
stethoikonia: I agree but I've never seen Ubuntu (or other distro) die before it's even started the install.10:35
ikoniastetho: I've seen it many times - as to install you need a running OS to run the installers, and if the installer makes a call the hardware doesn't like, it restarts10:35
stethoOK. I'll have to check it by elimination then. Dull :-)10:37
Ubersoldatstetho: did you try booting to the live system?10:37
stethoThat's the problem. Actually - I didn't say it explicitly, I apologise :-) I can boot the CentOS that was on there and I can boot from Kubuntu Live CD. Server dies as soon as I choose Install.10:39
innocivis apache2.conf the same as httpd.conf?..10:39
zirodayinnociv: yes10:39
Ubersoldatstetho: well, you could try installing from the LiveCD then get rid of X and install the server packages10:40
mundoes anyone know how to merge two directories together using shell?10:40
Ubersoldatinnociv: it depends10:40
innocivDo i need Listen 8080 in apache2.conf when i have <VirtualHost *:8080>?10:40
Ubersoldatinnociv: no10:40
eMaX_anoyne knows how to, with ppp/wvdial, choose a network provider for umts?10:41
sannnnI'm looking for a way to change directory rights (recursive). Only the directories, not the files. Using commandline tools. Anyone got some bash magic?10:42
stethoUbersoldat: I could but it that doesn't guarantee that whatever is wrong now won't come back and bite me later. I'd rather establish the cause now so I can fix it, upgrade it or get rid of it.10:43
thahaussI'm brand new to ubuntu, I just installed / formated a slave drive which I I dont have write permission to (I know this is default) I intend to keep all my data on this drive, would it be better practice to make my account have root permission or to change the permissions on the slave drive?10:47
lyhana8thahauss: change the permission to the disk10:47
lyhana8you should look at /etc/fstab10:47
Ubersoldatstetho: yeah, good call10:47
lyhana8thahauss: try in console: `sudo gedit /etc/fstab`10:48
mib_guff98abcan someone help me get my wifi to pick up Access point10:48
lyhana8thahauss: here is mine : http://pastebin.com/de2b688e10:48
lyhana8thahauss: i'm using reiserFS as filesystem so you will have some change to do if you use ext310:49
belilyhana8: got it working?10:49
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thahausslyhana8, thank you very much I was just googling trying to figure out what in the world the command is10:49
lyhana8beli: yep10:49
belilyhana8: fine :)10:50
lyhana8beli: got some problem with debian-sys-main account but find solution. I really thank you10:50
mib_guff98abdoes anyone have a amilo 1718 laptop ? or a atheros wireless card ?10:51
belilyhana8: np10:51
thahausslyhana8, should I change myself as the owner or just change the individual permissions? please excuse my nubness10:52
lyhana8thahauss: you can try to change the ownership, if it's come back to root after a reboot you should change your fstab10:54
Guest61605how to make filer option of taxonomy as a check-box in the views10:54
GRuB hi!10:55
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oCean_!away > eyhiga[away]10:56
ubottueyhiga[away], please see my private message10:56
mib_guff98abi need help trying to get my wireless card to find networks10:57
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JC33mib_guff98ab what network card are you using?10:57
lyhana8mib_guff98ab: `iwlist eth1 scan`10:58
mib_guff98abJC33: it is Atheros10:58
mib_guff98ablyhana8: i just tried that says "wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning."10:59
JC33mib_guff98ab try type this in console $ iwconfig10:59
doleybmib_guff98ab: I suspected it would be atheros.  Did you download a driver?10:59
lyhana8mib_guff98ab: is your card switch ON ? is it the wlan0 ?11:00
mib_guff98abJC33:do you want me to paste the result?11:00
JC33www.pastebin.com, paste your result here11:00
JimiHi does anyone know much about cloning? I have got 46 laptops i need to clone. All of them will be coming with windows XP installed on them and one of them will be having a program put on, then im going ot take the image form that one and put it onto the other 45....the thing is liscensing....does clonezilla have a tool that lets the other 45 machines keep thier liscenses even tho they having an image of another machine slapped on them?11:00
mib_guff98abdoleyb: it seemed to work find, and the only thing i need is for it to scan11:00
thahausslyhana8, Thank you for your assistance I got it working11:00
lyhana8thahauss: :)11:01
mib_guff98abJC33: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/AlpEO411:01
beliJimi: you can exchange the license key afterwards11:01
nordcJimi, I don't have a clue about cloning but could you tell me what is it for?11:01
Jimibeli: how? would you e able to point me in the direction of a tutorial on that?11:01
Jiminordc, its so i dont have to install that program and set it up on 45 othr machines lol11:02
oCean_Jimi: how is this ubuntu related?11:02
JC33mib_guff98ab $ iwlist ath0 scanning11:03
JimioCean_: cause im using clonezilla on ubuntu? I had no bother asking in here the other day about clonzilla and i got help.11:03
beliJimi: howto exchenge license key for windows xp can be found at support.microsoft.com.....search their database11:03
nordcJimi, but we're not talking about virtualization, don't we?11:03
Jiminordc, pardon?11:03
nordcJimi, you're not talking about virutal machines?11:04
mizipzorwhen i try to browse or checkout my repository, i get "no such revision 3422", is my repository corrupt?11:04
eusu_kefuinHi Ho! I have a gateway machine in a LAN that is synchronized to an NTP server in the Internet. All other machines in the LAN are synchronized to this gateway machine. In the /etc/ntp.conf of the gateway machine, I have `server ntp.ubuntu.com' and `server'. Next, I tried to see whether or not the gateway machine still synchronizes itself with ntp.ubuntu.com by changing its system clock a bit. It turned out that it cannot. But, if I remove `se11:04
mib_guff98abJC33: in my network manager it shows "wlan0" not "ath0"11:04
eusu_kefuinrver' from its /etc/ntp.conf, it can. Any suggestion as how I should attack this problem?11:04
nordcJimi, I thought cloning is for mac number or something alike; anyone, thanks for the info11:05
JC33try $ iwlist wlan0 scanning11:05
Jiminordc, no this cloning is to clone the whole operating system onto x number of machines11:05
ActionParsnip!adduser > XiaolinDraconis11:05
ubottuXiaolinDraconis, please see my private message11:05
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WoloHiya.  How can I find out the DNS server addresses a machine is using?  Cheers :>11:06
pecohow to set ident on xcha11:07
eldenzWolo, cat /etc/resolv.conf11:07
tarelerulzI have this problem,  I try to get the latest stable version of Banshee and when I add the repositorys  to my list .  It did not update . it still showed the same version I had before .  The install seem to work ,but the version I see is not different version.  How might I fix that11:07
mib_guff98abJC33: nevermind actually thanks for trying to help, but im going to just install Vista again ,Ubuntu is to much trouble and seems more unreliable, may look nice but to get something that is "yours" it takes more hassle than its worth, took me 4 days to get wifi on but then a update caused it to stop11:08
ActionParsnipWolo: nslookup www.google.com11:08
pecoWolo ident xchat11:08
eldenzWolo, but I assume you shouldn't change it manually but use the network manager of your WM11:08
pecoWolo, ident xchat11:08
leoXsysWolo: Click on the Network Icon on gnome-applet and you will find "Connection Information" That will give you details look about network :)11:08
JC33mib_guff98ab you got pm11:08
doseryderI've always enjoyed Rhythmbox b/c it helps me build my music library (with the option of organizing them into playlist).11:08
doseryderis there a video playback program that has features which resemble those found in Rhythmbox?11:09
ActionParsniptarelerulz: find a repo with a later version (if 1 exists)11:09
doseryderCurrently using totem to play everything11:09
henry_good morning all11:10
_motti___raylu: Well, as I promised I have more.11:10
wookienzim issuing shutdonw -h now as root, but the machine aint shutting down! ideas/11:10
eldenzdoseryder, amaroK maybe?11:10
ActionParsnip+1 amarok (will require Qt libs)11:11
nordcmib, had the same experience with Ubuntu on my laptop11:11
_motti___raylu: one of the reasons I wanted to set up my ftp server is to be able to load files from my home machine to a mac server behind a university firewall. I log into the mac server using ssh11:11
JC33wookienz what's the result of input of $ sudo shutdown -h now11:11
_motti___raylu: and I can ftp my url from there but then I can't issue commands11:12
WoloThanks all! :>11:13
wookienzJC33: i get the usual " the system is going down..." but it doesnt11:13
ActionParsnipwookienz: open another terminal and run: dmesg | tail11:13
ljsoftnethow do create a server in open arena?11:13
wookienzActionParsnip: same broadcast message about going down in dmesg...but just sits there and does nothing11:14
XiaolinDraconisg is not in the sudoers this incident will be reported11:15
wookienzim slowly shutting down different processes and seeing which ine it is..might be xen playing silly buggers11:16
doserydereldenz: Will amarok make use of ALL the codecs on my system (like how totem does) or do I have to recompile and link them in?11:16
wookienzfinally killed it! bloody xen.11:18
zirodayXiaolinDraconis: is there something we can help you with?11:18
XiaolinDraconisyes sorry i was googling11:19
EugenMayerhello. I have a 2,5' SATA by USB drive attached trough a power-suplied usb-share-box ( and tried a dircet connect ). when i plug in the hdd, it gots detected, but when i try to access it : http://pastebin.com/m395e829211:20
XiaolinDraconisi messed something up11:20
XiaolinDraconisnot sure what exactly11:20
EugenMayerThe same hdd with the same usb-share-box is working for my desktop PC, but the laptop fails with it ( T60 )11:20
ben_crisfordcan anyone help me with my internet?11:20
ben_crisfordi have tried pretty much everything11:20
XiaolinDraconisbut i just made a new admin account and it cant sudo11:20
XiaolinDraconisi made a new admin account because i edited passwd file anc changed the UID11:21
XiaolinDraconisi changed it back and the profile was broken11:21
XiaolinDraconisi checked sudoers file and all is well11:22
pascal__join #ubuntu-de11:23
ben_crisfordCan anyboday help my with my internet?  It isn't working in Ubuntu...11:24
zvaigzdziushi there11:25
zvaigzdziushave a problem with apt-get11:25
zvaigzdziuscould anyone help?11:25
ben_crisfordoh yes?11:26
ben_crisfordwhat is the problem?11:26
zvaigzdziusapt-get is very slow11:26
ben_crisfordChecked your connection speed?11:26
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ben_crisfordalso, it will be slower depending on what your "apt-get"ing11:26
Guest28781how many thousands systems have you ended ?11:26
ben_crisfordtry apt-geting something small11:26
ben_crisfordto see if its just the file or not11:27
zvaigzdziustransfer rate is very fast, if I connect with ftp client to same server, but apt-get receives about 500 kb and stops receiving11:27
ben_crisfordoh.. :S11:27
Guest28781why ?11:27
doserydereldenz, hi11:27
zvaigzdziuswhen i restart apt-get it receives about 500 kb and stops receiving again11:27
ben_crisfordI don't know sorry....11:28
ben_crisfordI'm sure someone else can help though ;)11:28
zvaigzdziusthnx anyway11:28
ben_crisfordNo problem11:28
zvaigzdziustried to google but no help11:28
lexrexis there a way to see all connected ip's on my home networked11:29
sarmisaklexrex: try arp11:30
kleftisxhello i have Ubuntu 8.10 on amd64 and i have problem when trying to open flash videos on youtube i get no sound in firefox and opera too. any solution?11:30
lexrexsarmisak, is that the app? or the technique11:30
sarmisaksarmisak: its the app ;) just type; arp11:30
ben_crisfordkleftisx: you get sound everywhere esle yes?11:31
sarmisaklexrex: : its the app ;) just type; arp11:31
kleftisxben_crisford : yes11:31
lexrexsarmisak, is there a way to get ip's11:31
sarmisaklexrex: and also if you just need the ips, type; arp -n11:31
ben_crisfordhmm...  You see the video but no sound?11:31
lexrexsarmisak, thanks11:31
kleftisxben_crisford : yeap, watch the video but no sound11:31
Jimianyone here use clonezilla?11:32
ben_crisfordTry re-installing the flash plugin11:32
ljsoftnet_how do i start a openarena dedicated server?11:32
kleftisxben_crisford :  i have try it, i have also install shockwave flash 10 and still the same11:33
trenanderHi, running beta 9.04 and had some trouble getting my ar5007 wlancard up and running, solved it with madwifi. I tried some other methods prior and now when it kicked off, I have two working drivers, competing. I'm a bit lost,  need to get rid of one, but don't know where to look...11:34
ben_crisfordkleftix: and its only youtube?  or all flash videos?11:34
kleftisxben_crisford :  all videos11:35
kleftisxben_crisford :  flash videos11:35
ben_crisfordkleftisx:  i wish i could help you more, but ive never heard of this problem before11:36
ben_crisfordsorry :(11:36
oCean_trenander: all 9.04 issues/discussion go in channel #ubuntu+1 (since it's still beta)11:37
doleybkleftisx: Maybe you should try flash10 beta11:38
kleftisxdoleyb: can i have some info on howto?11:38
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doleybkleftisx: uninstall your current flashplugin, then download http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-, extract, and place in ~/.mozilla/plugins11:39
kleftisxdoleyb : in firefox about:plugins i have that one http://rafb.net/p/mCXmm367.html11:40
Rods_TigerI've installed Unbuntu 9.04 netbook version onto my Acer Aspire One. There's no internet - the wifi doesn't work.11:40
doleybkleftisx: the link I gave is 64-bit linux code, so maybe it works better.11:40
BoohbahRods_Tiger: /j #ubuntu+111:40
oCean_Rods_Tiger: all 9.04 issues/discussion go in channel #ubuntu+1 (since it's still beta11:40
kleftisxdoleyb : when removing i must delete only the file /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so  ?11:42
beliChiliblue: my chilis are yellow, green and red......not blue ;)11:42
Chiliblueblue is a great colour for a chili11:43
beliChiliblue: there are violett ones too....like hungarian black11:43
beliChiliblue: but never seen a real blue one11:43
oCean_!ot | beli11:43
ubottubeli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:43
belioCean_: :-P :)11:43
doleybkleftisx: Well probably you can just leave the old one in place, but to uninstall it you'd reverse the steps you did to install (which hopefully means apt-get remove)11:43
telenwhere you?11:44
c_kornwhere can I get information about my installed memory?11:44
belic_korn: dmesg11:44
oCean_c_korn: use "sudo lshw -C memory"11:44
unitedpotsmokersguy, i need help. one file in Trash cannot empty... how to delete manually?11:45
unitedpotsmokersguys, i need help. one file in Trash cannot empty... how to delete manually?11:45
Kan3_<unitedpotsmokers> : very simple, format the computer11:46
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oCean_Kan3_: don't suggest that.11:46
c_kornbeli: I should have been more precise. I was looking for the vendor information. thanks11:47
c_kornoCean_: vendor: AD00000000000000 is this the string for some no-name vendor?11:48
belic_korn: ah ok :) if lshw didnt give you enough info you could use aida32 from ultimate bootcd maybe...11:48
oCean_c_korn: well, I have vendor "American Megatrends"11:49
oCean_c_korn: and I don't know what the AD000... is.. might be no-name indeed11:49
c_kornoCean_: it is a Dell Latitude D830 notebook. no idea what memory they install11:49
raphaIs there something like ncftpput only for *deleting* files?11:50
oCean_c_korn: the 'description','width' and 'clock' are relevant if you wish to buy more.11:51
stromi07hallo leute11:51
belirapha: man ncftp ..........i guess there are options to execute commands from the console...otherwise check out lftp11:52
se7enif i start cups i get  /etc/init.d/cups start11:52
se7en * Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                 cupsd: Child exited with status 1!11:52
se7en                                                        [fail]11:52
professor_a friend asked me to download open office for them for their ubuntu system11:52
professor_I can't just download it off the OO site can I11:52
c_kornoCean_: problem is. the notebook has two banks. both have a 1GB module atm. I want to buy two 2GB modules. but I wanted it from the same vendor to prevent problems11:52
professor_I need to download a Ubuntu package and tell them how to install it manually?11:53
professor_I have always just used Synaptic11:53
professor_so no idea how to give someone OO on a disk11:53
temporarytaoprofessor_, i think you can use a deb package11:53
se7ensomeone know why cups exit with 1?11:53
temporarytaosee if it's available in getdeb.net11:53
beliprofessor_: download the ubuntu package and use dpkg11:53
professor_ok so I go to my local mirror (Internode) get the package and then use dpkg11:54
koshar1professor_ you will likely have the best luch with aptoncd and you will need all the dependencys11:54
oCean_c_korn: as far as I can see, the vendor does not really matter, it's the other specs.11:54
beliprofessor_: right....read man dpkg11:54
sarmisakprofessor_: yes, but koshar1 is right an aptoncd would be a much better choice11:54
se7encups someone11:55
yinlongwho knows whether ubuntu8.10 64 bit for amd can install on intel or not ?11:55
Guest28781yes you cn11:56
Guest28781install it11:56
c_kornyinlong: amd64 can be installed on intel11:56
professor_aptoncd eh11:56
professor_it's for a total newb11:56
professor_so I'll check that out11:56
Guest28781check it11:56
yinlongc korr,yes?11:56
oCean_professor_: openoffice is in the repositories isn't it?11:56
oCean_!find openoffice11:56
ubottuFound: dictionaries-common, hunspell-de-at, hunspell-de-ch, hunspell-de-de, hunspell-eu-es (and 204 others)11:56
yinlongoh,it's so good for me.11:56
belioCean_: he needs to burn it on cd11:57
professor_it is in the repositories but a friend needs it who doesn't have internet access atm or something11:57
ljsoftnet__can anyone help me with openarena?11:57
sarmisakyinlong: you should check that you intel CPU is 64 bit capable11:57
oCean_beli: professor_ ok11:57
Guest28781wahts your problem ljsoftnet11:57
yinlongsarmisak,i am sure that.11:57
koshar1professor_ you need to be running the same distro as your friend, and you install the package first and then you make the cd repo,  so if you have the oo files in your apt cache your laughing11:57
c_kornoCean_: googling for the product ID also turned out the vendor: http://www.memoryten.com/002819.htm11:57
yinlongsarmisak,i want to install it in my disc G,is it variable?11:58
sarmisakno its not important, just be careful and dont blow away your other disks ;)11:58
professor_not sure what distro they have apart from ubuntu11:58
yinlongsarmisak,and i have a windows xp in the disc C.11:59
Guest28781i wanna use ma xmod device anyone could help me plz ?11:59
koshar1professor your friend simply adds the aptoncd disk you made to his repository in synaptic, and then installs through synaptic as though he had an internet connection,11:59
yinlongsarmisak,need i burn it into a CD?11:59
sarmisakyinlong: you can boot it from a usb disk also but a CD is always a better choice.12:00
koshar1professor_ which prompts me to ask whick ubuntu they have as most have OO by default?12:00
GRuBneed help plz12:00
FreeFullHow do I remap the caps-lock key as a second tab key?12:00
GRuBnone could help me12:00
=== GRuB is now known as Guest4126
kleftisxdoleyb : i have install the link you gave me but the same again no sound.12:01
professor_I think the issue is they need the latest version to open .docx files - its for their school children12:01
yinlongsarmisak,i want to know if i install windows xp as well as ubuntu ,is there some conflicts between them?12:01
professor_family that saved money by not getting Vista12:01
professor_no conflicts yinlong12:01
professor_not for me, ever12:01
FreeFullyinlong: If you install XP first and ubuntu second, there should be no problem12:01
sarmisakyinlong: no, they are completely different things12:02
sarmisakyinlong: I mean, they have nothing to do with each other12:02
antiiIm trying to set up postfix on ubuntu, but I dont got a clue what my System mail name shall be and im following the guide for ubuntu12:03
professor_open office is not showing up in it, just a few other packages to install - I guess it picks a few from my system it can 'see'12:04
yinlongdear friends,i did this,i mean i install xp in disc C,and then install ubuntu in the disc G,then will my system be steady?12:04
professor_should do12:04
professor_any ideas how to get OO to show up in the aptoncd list?12:05
yinlongFreeFull,are you there?12:05
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lucaciao, ho bisogno di un aiuto perchè il mio pc dopo poco che è acceso si impalla e non si riesce a fare più niente?12:07
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Blue112Hello everyone12:07
movedxluca: Sorry, I believe this to be an English only channel.12:07
koshar1professor_ you may need to a little homework first, you will likely need to know the ubunto version your friend is running.  then you will need to see if the latest version of OO is available in its repos or backports.12:07
movedxBlue112: Hello.12:07
ikonia!it | luca12:07
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:07
Blue112I have trouble with my HDD12:07
movedxluca: It's not a problem.12:08
movedxluca: And there's your answer: #unbuntu-it :)12:08
Blue112On the boot, it says that it's faulty, and checked it.12:08
Blue112But it says "bad block currently in use..."12:08
Blue112And now it's seems like it stick there12:08
Blue112Hum, i'm gonna but all that on one line.12:09
Blue112I have trouble with my HDD, on the boot, it says that it's faulty, and checked it : But it says "bad block currently in use...", and stops de % counter. And now it's seems like it stick there. What should I do ?12:09
ohzie_Blue112, Unfortunately, your best option is to buy a new hard drive, because any failure in a drive is bad.12:10
carpii__i normally throw it against the wall in disgust12:10
Blue112ohzie_: I have about 500gb data on that drive :/12:10
ohzie_Blue112, That's really rather unfortunate. :[12:10
Blue112ohzie_: What kind of hdd should I buy :/ ?12:12
walrus17can i ask non-ubuntu question? i asked in #nvidia but noone helps12:12
walrus17i have vga card mx440. and these days it's starting to get very hot12:13
walrus17it supports 4x/2x speed's. it is for now 4x.12:13
walrus17If i set speed to 2x via BIOS. Will my vga card will got lower temperature?12:13
FormicAcidHi, I would like to update my computer via console but my source.list give : Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  404 Not Found12:14
FormicAcidAny idea if the http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ changed something?12:14
walrus17formicAcid could you hep me12:14
koshar1walrus17 i would be looking at placing a better fan/heatsink on it instead, gpus run hot at any rate, mines at 93 deg c now.12:14
Blue112FormicAcid: This fr.archive is a really bad repository and it's randomly available. I sugguest you to change it.12:15
BodsdaHi, I have a crossover cable, a laptop and a desktop machine. I have connected the two machines together, and now i need to transfer some files. How would i go about doing it?12:15
walrus1793c :OOOO12:15
FormicAcidwalrus17: Not sure about it12:15
Blue112Bodsda: Both on linux ?12:15
FormicAcidBleu112: ok, any good repo in europe?12:15
BodsdaBlue112: yes12:15
Blue112FormicAcid: proxad is a good one.12:15
Blue112Bodsda: you can use scp12:16
walrus17i dont have temperature indicator, except my hands ;D12:16
oudhsaudhhow can I make a full image backup of a harddrive with luks encryption and then restore it if something goes wrong?12:16
walrus17i touch it and i think it's hot enaugght ;12:16
BodsdaBlue112: got a link to some docs?12:16
Blue112Bodsda: you'll need to have a ssh-server on the receiver machine (sudo apt-get install open-ssh server)12:16
FormicAcidBlue112: ftp://ftp.proxad.fr/mirrors/ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ?12:16
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koshar1walrus17 doctor it hurts when i do this, DR - dont do that then12:16
FormicAcidshould be fast I'm with free :D12:16
Blue112FormicAcid: I don't really remember the exact adress, but it's looking like that.12:17
FormicAcidBlue112: ok thx i'll try12:17
bensteconnecting to remote ftp I get the following error, what did I wrong? 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection12:17
walrus17Thanks. I will look for it, when i will have some money ;D12:18
Blue112Bodsda: Then its works just like the cp command. scp ip_machine1:/path/to/file /path/for/recept12:18
arwould the same applications that run with apt-get under gnome run the same if i used xfce?12:19
koshar1walrus17 sensors generally is the package yu install for temp indications12:19
BodsdaBlue112: ok, openssh-server is installed on the laptop, i suppose i need ssh client and scp?12:19
Blue112ar: Yes.12:19
koshar1ar if you installed the dependencys it most likely would12:19
ikoniaBodsda: ssh-server will install the client and scp for you12:20
Blue112ar: Except the gnome-specific application (task bar...)12:20
Bodsdaikonia: ok, cheers12:20
arso which desktop env. is the best for good looks and usability?12:20
Blue112ar: Everyone is good, it rely on what's on want.12:20
erebeif you want a good look like mac, try KDE one12:21
Number7ar: enlightment =)12:21
arerebe: i want good looks but not like mac,12:21
carpii__kde 3.5 is nice enough12:21
carpii__none of them are really awesome12:21
Dinamichi All12:21
koshar1ar purely down to personal pref12:21
Dinamicêòî íèòü ïî ðóññêè øïàðèò?12:22
erebesearch image in google  with KDE or Gnome and you will see wht them look like12:22
Dinamic :D12:22
Blue112I can't read Dinamic (or he says question marks)12:22
echo_miragei manipulated grub/menu.lst and now it does not update anymore. new kernels are not added as entries. how can i restore that?12:22
Dinamicdo you speak Russian language?12:23
erebeUse live cd of ubuntu to restore Grub12:23
echo_mirageah ok12:23
Blue112Dinamic: There's a channel (ubuntu-) where they speak russian...12:23
Blue112You may try #ubuntu-ru I think.12:23
Dinamic :(12:23
koshar1ar see my desktop,12:24
koshar1ar http://tinyurl.com/devptp12:24
TE1How do I expose port 8765 (lircd) to my LAN on Hardy (firewall rule somewhere I guess) ?12:24
Blue112TE1: I think that there's no firewall by default on Hardy.12:24
TE1Restriction to localhost compiled into LIRC then?12:25
ubuntu_Hello! I have got a dmraid and since the kernel update yesterday I am just getting the grub error console when booting from the harddisk. I tried to repair grub using grub-install --recheck12:25
ubuntu_But it does not work12:26
Blue112TE1: Maybe. Try sudo netstat -autepn | grep 876512:26
TE1Not that could find that documented anywhere...12:26
ubuntu_Probing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.12:26
ubuntu_Unknown partition table signature12:26
ubuntu_/dev/mapper/pdc_bhhchfbea1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.12:26
TE1Well the port is open and I can telnet to it locally12:26
Blue112ubuntu_: Could you boot on an older kernel ?12:27
lyhana8does a identi.ca client is avaible on hardy ? (gwibber won't install)12:27
ubuntu_Blue112, no. I am just getting the grub error console12:27
Blue112So I don't know. Sorry.12:27
Blue112I have problems with my hdd too.12:27
TE1Blue112: But from another system on the same switch, telnet mybox 8765 just times out, so something's eatin' that traffic...12:28
BodsdaBlue112: ok so i have the ssh software installed on both machines, how do i make a connection?12:28
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Blue112Bodsda: Just like the cp command. On the recepter, try : scp -r ip_adress_of_the_laptop:/path/to/file /path/for/recepting12:29
Blue112Bodsda: It should ask you the password, then transfer.12:29
Blue112If you prefer, you can do an "sshfs", which allows you to transfer file with graphical interface (nautilus).12:30
BodsdaBlue112: ok, sorry im a little confused, we are both connected to a wireless connection and are also wired together, is an 'ifconfig' command suitable for finding the correct ip address?12:31
x4dHello, I'm trying out Jaunty and I noticed that remote desktop does not work properly, I've seen this happen in mint kde and kubuntu 8.10, after the connection is established the first frame is drawn and no more. I can see the mouse moving around but no other actions like menus or windows. Is there a fix for this ?12:31
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Blue112Bodsda: Yes, you can find out the ip address with ifconfig.12:31
arkoshar1: this is compiz on kde right?12:31
Blue112x4d: Join #ubuntu+112:31
kksdkjdjshI use 8.10, and I want to create some simple music. Any ideas what software I might use?12:33
coz_kkathman,  ardour?12:33
Knirghkksdk: Audacity12:33
Blue112Is there a way to install flashplayer on livecd ?12:33
koshar1ar gnome actualy with emerald window manager12:34
BodsdaBlue112: as in    flashplugin-nonfree?12:34
erebegnome is with Metacity now12:35
Blue112Bodsda: It seams like firefox do it itself, thanks.12:35
livingdaylightcan someone tell me the name of the manager for the cube?12:35
koshar1livingdaylight compiz12:35
livingdaylightkoshar1, yes12:35
Extendthere is no pae kernel in ubuntu ?12:35
Extendif some one has 4Gb of ram he can't use them all ?12:36
livingdaylightkoshar1, but i want the cube manager12:36
koshar1livingdaylight have you got the advances setting manager installed?12:36
maverick340i got a problem with the auto ethernet connection12:36
livingdaylightkoshar1, no12:36
BodsdaBlue112: no probs :) when i try to connect i get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/    should i continue?12:36
koshar1livingdaylight you will need it12:36
arkoshar1: which distro?12:36
maverick340i specefied a DNS address to it which gets reset to auto everything at boot12:36
livingdaylightkoshar1, why is this not installed by default?12:36
livingdaylightkoshar1, how is a noob supposed to know this?12:36
koshar1ar that was 7.04 ubuntu ,12:36
Blue112Bodsda: Hum, that's the link for making a fresh post, i can't see you're paste then ^^'12:36
livingdaylightkoshar1, sudo apt-get install advanced settings manager?12:37
maverick340therfore i set up a new connection and specified the settings, but now everytime i log in the autoeth0 is connected12:37
koshar1livingdaylight its not installe by default because not all graphics hardware supports it12:37
maverick340deleting it doesnt help either12:37
Blue112Is he says you to answer (yes/no), say yes, Bodsda12:37
BodsdaBlue112: oops, forgot to put my name, sorry -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/146890/12:37
Blue112unknow host blahblah12:37
arkoshar1: take a look at that   http://media.photobucket.com/image/best%20hacker%20desktop%20screenshot/ferrous_cranus/desktop.jpg12:37
Blue112Yes, that's it, say yes Bodsda12:37
BodsdaBlue112: i tried that, i got this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/146891/12:38
pikusjest tu ktos z polski ?12:38
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:38
Blue112Bodsda: That means that he can't connect to the remote computer12:38
pikusladnei nas ten microsoft skrzywdzil12:38
Blue112Bodsda: try ping
pikusmicrosoft is shit12:39
BodsdaBlue112: ok, will do12:39
BodsdaBlue112: i get a response from ping12:39
koshar1livingdaylight apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:39
livingdaylightkoshar1, thx... that would be really hard for a noob to know12:39
koshar1ar thats fluxbox12:40
kazaLitewhich meida player is the best one for ubuntu? to run all sorts of audio/video files....12:40
koshar1kazaLite prolly vlc12:40
Bodsda!best | kazaLite12:40
ubottukazaLite: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:40
Blue112Bodsda: Try ssh
Bhavesh2177try aviplay12:40
kazaLitetotem is broken.....so need to find something else12:40
Blue112kazaLite: You can try mplayer, vlc, kaffeine...12:40
BodsdaBlue112: its asking for a password12:40
Blue112Bodsda: Enter the password for connecting to your laptop.12:41
koshar1livingdaylight 3d cube isnt exactly aimed at newbs12:41
Blue112(if the user is the same that you're desktop)12:41
BodsdaBlue112: what password would that be? the laptop users sudo password?12:41
Blue112Bodsda: That's it.12:41
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:42
erebekoshar1 : once you installed the paquet go to System > preferences >  Compizconfig ...12:42
Blue112yo ActionParsnip12:42
BodsdaBlue112: nope, keep getting permission denied12:42
Blue112Bodsda: Is the user on your laptop is the same as your desktop ?12:42
BodsdaBlue112: no12:42
Blue112Bodsda: Then try ssh user_laptop@ (replace user_laptop, of course)12:43
livingdaylightkoshar1, i don't know if you said something to me. Xchat froze after i installed compiz settings manager12:43
BodsdaBlue, ok cheers12:43
lantjiehey guys12:43
lantjiehow are you12:44
BodsdaBlue112: wicked im in, now should i use that scp command?12:44
Bodsda!hi | lantjie12:44
ubottulantjie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:44
zoraelI have a kernel patch I need applied, and I have the source and everything ready, but how do I actually apply it? http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20997#c112:44
lantjiethanx guys12:44
zoraelpatch -p0 < filename?12:44
Blue112Bodsda: Yes, it ctrl D for disconnect, and then use scp command. Don't forget the user@ before the laptop ip.12:44
Strangelovehello, a quick question. Is there any option that displays me with what options a .deb was compiled?12:44
Nirkushey! i cant get my ubuntu 8.10 to automatically assemble the md-array (raid1) with my root filesystem on it within the initramfs12:45
Blue112Strangelove: You should look into dpkg's man.12:45
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StrangeloveI try to use Magick++, but it does not open .tif files. but it should :(12:45
koshar1 livingdaylight no erebe jut mentiond the path to the settings manager via the menu,  System > preferences >  Compizconfig ...12:45
s4m0uhi , what is sed12:45
BodsdaBlue112: so its   scp -r <username>@laptop_ip:/path/to/film /new/path/on/desktop    after i connect to the laptop frm my desktop, yes?12:45
jribStrangelove: read debian/rules12:45
lantjieubottu: and other guys i have a question. and i need your advices. which is the best study i can do now? is it java or ccna?12:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:46
jrib!source > Strangelove12:46
ubottuStrangelove, please see my private message12:46
livingdaylightkoshar1, no erebe?12:46
ActionParsnip!ot | lantjie12:46
ubottulantjie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:46
Strangelovethank you Blue11212:46
kazaLiteevery player fails to play video file on my computer.....totem....mplayer...... though i can watch videos on youtube:( how to find the reason?12:46
Blue112Bodsda: No, you have to disconnect from your laptop (hit ctrl+D), then enter this command on you're desktop command-line12:46
zirodaykazaLite: what type of videos are they?12:46
livingdaylightkoshar1, yup, i found it... i now have a cube. Now what? :p12:46
Blue112kazaLite: Codecs ?12:46
BodsdaBlue112: oh, i see, cheers12:46
ActionParsnipkazaLite: youtube uses flash + javascript, mplayer t al use plugins12:46
Bodsdathanks alot12:46
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:47
livingdaylightkoshar1, i don't know if it s worth it12:47
kazaLiteand totem even fails to run audio files like mp3 files12:47
Blue112Bodsda: No problem, I'm waiting for the fsck finished so I can quit livecd ^^'12:47
lantjieany way thanks ubottu12:47
ziroday!codecs > kazaLite12:47
ubottukazaLite, please see my private message12:47
zirodaykazaLite: follow the information ubottu gives you12:47
Blue112Bodsda: I've got nothing else to do, so helping people is a great time-eater ^^'12:47
koshar1livingdaylight what do you mean now what? its just a plugin, looks like this while you rotate it, http://s330.photobucket.com/albums/l416/koshar1/?action=view&current=beryl.jpg12:47
koshar1 kazaLite have you got the corecs installed for mp3?12:48
kazaLiteziroday: ok12:48
kazaLitenopes...never installed codecs.....12:48
zoraelHow do I apply the source patch at http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20997#c1 ?12:49
kazaLiteso far, anything i use on ubuntu, if something is missing, ubuntu asks me to download and install it, and i accept it:)12:49
mizipzori recently bought a laptop, now my desktop ubuntu is turned into a server, ive heard there is "server edition" of ubuntu, but how much does it actually differ? is there any point in "switching" (whatever that means, something short of reinstalling i guess) to the server edition?12:49
livingdaylightkoshar1, i meant, what is the big fuss? But your cube looks nicer. I can see through it, Mine doesn't12:49
schone__hi all, whats the best way to allow all incoming connections from all ips for a certain ip address?12:49
Blue112mizipzor: You have no graphical interface on the server edition12:49
livingdaylightkoshar1, do all the effects not work on all computers? I have nvidia 6500gt card12:49
Blue112mizipzor: So you can't use it as a normal desktop computer. Be awared.12:50
zirodaymizipzor: well it depends, what does your desktop do currently? The server edition has no GUI, and you can get all the packages the server version has on the desktop version of ubuntu12:50
mizipzorBlue112: so, uninstalling X, gnome, and such, ive pretty much got the server edition? there are no fancy changes to the kernel or anything?12:50
zirodaymizipzor: there is a special server kernel, which you can install if you want to12:50
koshar1livingdaylight should be enough if you have the restricted drivers working, you may get black windows if your res is to big, and your using all the gpu memory12:50
Blue112mizipzor: It's a -server kernel, so I think there's some changed...12:50
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Blue112-d +s12:51
doleybHi is there a webpage to list hardware ubuntu can use?12:52
mizipzorziroday: Blue112: ok, se there seems to be a few fundamental changes, how do i "switch"? is the easiest way just to nuke the system and reinstall? although that takes away the hacker challenge ;)12:52
koshar1livingdaylight seeing through the cube is the transparency on rotate bindidng12:52
kazaLiteim also facing an issue with evolution.....earlier i was in oxfordshire and installed ubuntu and configured evoultion for my gmail account and it worked12:52
zirodaymizipzor: simple, remove xorg and then install the server kernel. After that you are all done.12:52
Chilibluedoleyb, if it can be used in linux generally it can be used in ubuntu12:52
livingdaylightkoshar1, i can't get the cube at an angle like you have12:52
kazaLiteas soon as i have came to london and using iwreless connection, i can receive emails, but cannot send from evolution12:52
Chiliblueso just look for linux compatible hardware12:53
kazaLiteany idea?12:53
mizipzorziroday: are there special server-packages? must i tell apt-get something?12:53
zirodaymizipzor: what do you want this "server" to actually do?12:53
koshar1livingdaylight cont alt /left mouse button then pan12:53
* sav happy12:53
ChilibluekazaLite, is this using pop mail or imap12:53
livingdaylightkoshar1, i have that ticked but ...12:53
livingdaylightkoshar1, cool12:53
Blue112kazaLite: Smtp blocked ?12:53
Chiliblueand are you using sendmail to 'send mail'12:54
sam_could someone tell me a bit about arch12:54
koshar1livingdaylight for the transparency you need to adjust the slider12:54
kazaLitebut i get error message that smtp fails to connect12:54
Chiliblueits blocked by the isp12:54
Blue112So that's the point.12:54
zirodaysam_: sure, in #archlinux12:54
kazaLiteit says connecting to smtp.google.com timed out12:54
mizipzorziroday: uhm, nothing really, it has always hosted some svn servers and similiar... i usually just ssh into it anyway since i feel more comfortable with that than the X gui... now Ive even unhooked the monitor so i thought its time to look into what a server edition actually means :p but no, i have no clear objective with the server beyond "fun"12:54
Extendany one answer yes or12:54
Chilibluea lot of isps will block people connecting to the smtp server from outside their network12:54
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering what are ~nameoffile    are they backups?12:54
kazaLiteis my isp blocking it?12:54
Extendno 4Gb support in desktop edition for now ?12:54
kazaLiteor router?12:54
koshar1livingdaylight anyway IMHO scale is the best thing in compiz,12:54
Chilibluenot the one you are connected via but your normal mail provider isp12:54
kazaLiteits O2 connection here in london12:55
Chilibluecheck with who you use at home12:55
livingdaylightkoshar1, are you in London too?12:55
zirodaymizipzor: all right then. Sure feel free to install the server kernel but you won't see really any speed improvements. Best thing to do is just remove xorg and friends if you're not going to use it and then install server stuffs as you need it12:55
Chiliblueits ok, you just need to find a smtp server you can access12:55
Blue112Ok, I'm gonna reboot, see you all.12:56
zirodaymizipzor: the repos for the server and deskop version of ubuntu are exactly the same12:56
L3dPlatedLinuxis there a way to turn off making off the backups?12:56
livingdaylightkoshar1, what is scale?12:57
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.12:57
mizipzorziroday: they are the same, okey, so by "install server stuff" you just mean general server software? apache for example. not special server packages of said software? hope i didnt confuse you now :p12:57
doleybChiliblue: I'd prefer a list of things ubuntu supports, rather than "can use".  What I mean is, no installing things except from official repository.12:57
Chilibluedoleyb, it doesn't sort of work like that12:58
zirodaymizipzor: not at all. The server and desktop version get there software from the exact same source. So if you were to install apache now its the same apache you would get on a server install12:58
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Strangeloveok, that is strange. I have tiff supprt, but Magick++ does not process .tiff. But convert does. Does this make eny sense?12:58
zirodayL3dPlatedLinux: can you rephrase your question please12:58
doleybChiliblue: How's it sort of work?12:58
koshar1livingdaylight no iam a long way from sheppards bush, scale is a binding that lets all the open windows scale to one screen and you can swith between apps with it, you could call it task manager on steroids12:58
Chilibluewell if you just install stuff from the respository then you shouldn't have a problem12:59
quibblerL3dPlatedLinux-> yes they are backup copies from gedit....go to edit-preferences-editor and uncheck backups12:59
ChiliblueI guess if there is a list it is there12:59
SlartExtend: I don't think so.. unless you compile your own kernel, which isn't really the recommended way to go12:59
marlunSometimes when I run aptitude install it installs without asking me if it's ok and sometimes it asks me if what it is going to install is ok. Can I force the question? Or is it that it always asks when there are dependencies that will be isntalled to and not when it's only one package?12:59
livingdaylightkoshar1, i'd like to try that. Where?12:59
L3dPlatedLinuxin nautilus when I make a file it auto makes a backup is there a way to stop and clean them out as I dont see a need for them12:59
ExtendSlart, i know how to compile the problem is not my problem it is a user's problem, he asked in launchpad13:00
SlartExtend: of course.. 64 bit ubuntu can do it.. but for 32-bit you need the PAE extension.. which afaik only the server kernel uses13:00
zirodaymarlun: it only asks you if there is dependencies and/or downgrade/removals13:00
livingdaylightkoshar1, i can't even find slider for transparency :/13:00
quibblerL3dPlatedLinux -> yes they are backup copies from gedit....go to edit-preferences-editor and uncheck backups13:00
shahost1hm I got a question kinda related to ubuntu, on my laptop running ubuntu 8.10 wine firefox the machine reboots, when I try to watch a live stream my guess is that this is related to the ATI Graphics drivers, so is there any info about this issiue?13:00
Extendi know about pae i searched the desktop edition packages for it but no luck only the linux image for server13:00
marlunziroday: ok :) thanks13:00
zirodaymarlun: have fun13:00
livingdaylightkoshar1, transparency is 'opacify' right? and then 2nd tab misc.13:01
SlartExtend: mm.. I'm not really sure why it isn't an option on the desktop kernel.. performance problems perhaps.. or something else13:01
zirodayhow do you tell nautilus not put anything on the desktop?13:01
ExtendSlart, thanks for your help13:01
s4m0uhow to write a script shell13:01
ubuntu_is_dabesthow to make an event script as mentioned on http://securityvulns.com/docs5992.html ? i quote it: "start events with your own script parsing the clamd´s log file manual"13:01
Slartziroday: not sure you can.. you can tell nautilus to not draw the icons though.. or you could set suitable permissions on the desktop folder13:02
SlartExtend: you're welcome13:02
Slartziroday: depends on what you mean by "put anything on the desktop"13:02
shahost1hmm guess is normale behavor that ubunto reboots while watching webpages then :)13:02
koshar1livingdaylight *tick*13:03
minimike150Not normal behaviour13:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about script13:04
Slartshahost1: check your logs for error messages.. a machine rebooting by itself is not normal in any way13:04
sam_how do I set up an irc channel13:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:04
zirodaySlart: what you just said was perfect, asking nautilus not to draw anything on the desktop :)13:04
Slartsam_: ask in #freenode13:04
Slartziroday: ah.. open gconf-editor, go to .. hmm.. I think it's .. Apps, Nautilus.. I think there's a setting in there somewhere13:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:05
Slartziroday: don't run gconf-editor with sudo.. (that will change the settings for the root user).. just regular "gconf-editor13:05
sam_I see13:05
koshar1ziroday theres a switch you can launch nautilus from fluxbox, xfce ect that does what you want13:05
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shadowclashomg what a big channel13:06
shahost1Apr  5 11:17:19 sha-laptop pulseaudio[6568]: protocol-native.c: Failed to push data into queue13:06
shahost1Apr  5 11:17:32 sha-laptop last message repeated 44441 times13:06
sam_what should I have for lunch13:06
Slartshadowclash: oh.. just try asking a question you really need an answer to and watch it go silent.. ;)13:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:06
koshar1ziroday nautilus --no-desktop13:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot?13:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu!13:07
shadowclashSlart: i didnt get that o.o13:07
Picisam_: This is the UBUNTU support channel, if you just want to chat (about lunch for example), check out #ubuntu-offtopic13:07
insigne vai te cata13:07
jwendellhi, folks, can someone point me out some material about something like 'ubuntu is ready for the desktop, or for the workstation'13:07
jwendellI've tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Presentations with no luck13:07
Slartshadowclash: nevermind.. I'm just being silly.. Did you have a question about ubuntu ?13:07
doleybjwendell: I wish it was ready :(13:08
jwendellah, don't say that13:08
Ben-CrisfordI need help with my internet.  It stopped working the other day, and after my very best efforts (and the help of people on the forums) it is still not working...13:08
mizipzorziroday: oh, thank you :) forgot to say13:09
linny2is there a command i can use tu turn a symlink ito a normal file ?13:10
minimike150Ben-Crisford, could you expand on your problem. 'My Internet' is very vague13:10
mizipzorlinny2: cp? or how do you mean?13:10
koshar1linny2: no symlinks arnt normal files13:10
ardoes anybody know how to make frameless windows?13:10
ActionParsniplinny2: you can create a hard link but ive never used one13:10
s4m0uwhat is the difference between open source and free thanks13:10
koshar1ar fluxbox lets you get pretty close,13:11
minimike150open source is when the source code is available to anybody who wants to look at it13:11
ActionParsnips4m0u: open source has the source code available for modification and allows you to compile the app providing you have its dependancies13:11
minimike150!open source13:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about open source13:11
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: Ah yes sorry, I was just waiting for someone to reply first...   Basically, I boot ubuntu and it says i am connected to the netowrk, but I cannot ping IPs or visit webpages, or download, connect to pidgin, basicaly it says im connected, but im not...13:11
arkoshar1: http://www.gentoo.org/images/shots/desktop-cadaver138.png13:11
koshar1ar you could prolly kill metacity and it would acheive windowless apps, but you woulnt be able to minimise ect13:12
ActionParsnips4m0u: something may be "free" but not open source. Like Acrobat Reader is free (no money) but is closed source13:12
Slarts4m0u: open source is when you can get the source code for something.. free means.. different things depending on what kind of free.. free as in speach or beer13:12
linny2i know they arnt normal files , but ive read this fix for a bug i have http://www.mail-archive.com/bug-grub@gnu.org/msg11061.html and the fix was 'to remove the /etc/mtab symlink and make it an ordinary file.' how would i achive this13:12
minimike150Ben-Crisford, are you connected though wireless or ethernet?13:12
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: wireless13:12
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: it isnt the card as internet still didnt work when I used a different one13:13
minimike150Ben-Crisford, Can you connect to the wireless network on any other computers/laptops13:13
ActionParsnips4m0u: another example is flashplugin, its free to downlaod and use but adobe will not release the source (even though they should)13:13
koshar1ar i suspect your looking at widgets on the left and the right windows have blinds minimised13:13
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: every other computer is fine on the netowrk13:13
ActionParsnips4m0u: all clear?13:13
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: i am connected through vista, it works in windows13:13
s4m0uok ActionParsnip thank you13:14
minimike150Ben-Crisford: I am no expert on this kidn of thing but I'm guessing it could be a network configuration problem on the network manager but you will have to speak to somebody else as I dont actually know :)13:15
ActionParsnips4m0u: np bro13:15
Ben-Crisfordminimike150: ok thanks for your help, im pretty sure its not network config, but ill look into it again...  cheers again13:15
koshar1ar and this rest is no doubt done in the wallpaper13:15
minimike150Ben-Crisford, ok thanks13:16
mattycoze_hey anyone know how to stream webcam footage over a network from /dev/video013:16
Iceman_B|SSHdo ARP requests over the LAN get logged by default? if so, where ?13:17
Slartmattycoze_: I think there are several webcam daemons in the repos.. have you searched for webcam in synaptic?13:18
mattycoze_Slart yeah I tried a program called motion but it's all command line stuff i'm not familiar with; I thought VLC had something that along these lines13:18
mattycoze_I'm trying to run multiple webcams at different locations and stream them over a network to one central monitoring station13:19
bovewhat can cause permission denied for all but su on a particular directory which is 777?13:19
jribbove: pastebin13:19
Slartmattycoze_: oh.. you're looking for something with a gui?.. that's harder.. not sure where to look then13:19
ActionParsnipmattycoze_: thees vlc-nox13:19
=== maha is now known as kashkari
ActionParsnip!info vlc-nox13:20
ubottuvlc-nox (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer (without X support). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.4-1ubuntu3.1 (intrepid), package size 2651 kB, installed size 7268 kB13:20
marcel!info xtraceroute13:20
ubottuPackage xtraceroute does not exist in intrepid13:20
marcel!info xt13:20
ubottuxt (source: xt): A graphical traceroute. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-8.1 (intrepid), package size 918 kB, installed size 1144 kB13:20
ActionParsnip!info traceroutre13:20
ubottuPackage traceroutre does not exist in intrepid13:20
Slart!info xt13:21
ubottuxt (source: xt): A graphical traceroute. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-8.1 (intrepid), package size 918 kB, installed size 1144 kB13:21
bovejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146922/13:21
jribbove: ls -ld ~/apps13:21
jribbove: erm, fix the path13:22
linny2what is the easyest terminal based text editor ?13:22
jriblinny2: nano13:22
linny2thanks :)13:22
bovejrib: ?13:22
kosharilinny2 i like nano13:22
jribbove: ls -ld /FTP/hocus13:22
sliverchairhi, how do I make a loop that will download images file names image_001, image002 and so on13:23
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sliverchairin the commandline13:23
jribsliverchair: wget image_{001..100}13:24
Slartsliverchair: I think curl does that automagically.. something like curl http://www.host.com/image[01-99].jpg13:24
kosharisliverchair do you know the exact location? i guess you would use wget in a script13:24
sliverchairSlart, koshari, thanks i'll try13:25
arnasnick /thama13:25
sliverchairkoshari: actually this one13:25
ActionParsniplinny2: +1 for nano13:25
bovejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146926/13:26
hypn0on 8.10, i want to install java 6u13 (or newest version), are there debs? or a how to?13:26
ActionParsnip!java | hypn013:26
linny2yea thanks nano seems managable :)13:26
ubottuhypn0: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:26
ActionParsniplinny2: run it with sudo to edit files that arent yours13:26
sliverchairkoshari: wow it worked13:27
=== arnas is now known as cow_
jribbove: pastebin the output of « mount »13:28
jribbove: and: ls -ld /FTP/hocus/hei.txt13:28
kosharisliverchair if you wanted a series of imaged from a website i would use, webhttrack web copier13:28
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bovejrib: Trying a reboot now, but I know it's on the same file system as folders working fine13:29
marcelhypn0, why do you need the latest jvm?13:29
unipexhi, can someone help me?13:30
aaronatorcan someone look at this page and talk me through a part of it13:30
jrib!wireless > aaronator13:31
ubottuaaronator, please see my private message13:31
jrib!ask | unipex13:31
ubottuunipex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:31
hypn0marcel, new versions fix bugs dont they13:31
aaronatorit has to do with the kernel config specifically13:31
jribaaronator: did you read the docs on ubuntu's wiki?13:32
bl4ckcombdoes someone know what package ubuntu uses for display settings (the one that auto-detects other screens)? I'm looking for it to use it in debian13:32
bovejrib: /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro)13:32
marcelhypn0, what bug is of interest of you? you dont have to keep up for just the version number13:32
marcelhypn0, newer versions also introduce new bugs13:32
jribaaronator: then you need to be more specific as to what your question is13:32
jribbove: did you see my last request?13:32
aaronatorbut if you go to the webpage i poseted, i can lead you to exactly what i have an issue with13:32
jribaaronator: just ask your question13:32
marcelbl4ckcomb, gnome? xserver?13:33
dn4what is a program I can get for ubuntu to manage my usb webcam ?13:33
bl4ckcombmarcel, it's gnome13:33
marceldn4, cheese is a good one13:33
aaronatorjrib: it says i must first enable mac80211, and then in the code box it says 'Networking  --->"13:33
hypn0marcel, in 8.04 it was buggy, in 8.10 it worked better, so i expect u13 to be a bit faster too13:33
aaronator"Wireless --->"13:33
unipexwhy I can't print web page using firefox? I tray use other browser and I found no problem13:33
aaronatorI am not familiar with what it is trying to tell me13:33
dn4marcel, know of any programs with special efx?13:34
marcelhypn0, download it from sun, use tar files, and skip the packages then13:34
marceldn4, cheese13:34
marceldn4, it can record movies too13:34
dotchHi all, im running ubuntu intrepid on a thinkpad z61m with all the updates but i am unable to shutdown using the icon in the notification area, it only restarts the x-server any help fixing this would be greatly appreciated13:35
bovejrib: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-04-08 14:19 /FTP/hocus/hei.txt13:35
jribaaronator: why are you rebuilding this?  What is wrong with the instructions that ubottu gave you on the wiki?13:35
jribbove: so there you go...13:35
jribbove: your user can't write to /FTP/hocus/hei.txt since it is owned by root13:35
aaronatorjrib: i am trying to patch my driver for aircrack13:35
unipex_why I can't print web page using firefox? I tray use other browser and I found no problem13:35
Elrond1hello together13:36
muditi need to switch off my X, I want to work with command prompt ! how to do that ?13:36
Iceman_B|SSHis there a place where I can track the progress of new packages being added to the repo's? im waiting anxiously for the latest irssi, im having trouble compiling it13:36
bovejrib: that file was created after I frist tried with the other user13:36
jribbove: show me on pastebin13:36
jribbove: ls -ld /FTP/hocus; ls -ld /FTP/hocus/jrib; touch /FTP/hocus/jrib13:37
atiehi have problem13:37
marcelwe all have problems13:37
atiehi installed kvirc13:38
atiehbut cannot find the location13:38
jribaaronator: I would just patch the driver in ubuntu already and use that13:38
atiehi search in internet under application13:38
atiehbut no luck13:38
muditi need to switch off my X, I want to work with command prompt ! how to do that ?13:38
bovejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/146936/13:38
doleybmudit: control-alt-f113:38
marcelmudit, kill the process gdm and x13:38
atiehwhere does kvirc located13:39
atiehi installed but cannot find it13:39
jribbove: recreate the directory, does it still happen?13:39
muditmarcel:  how to enable x then ?13:39
jribbove: erm, actually, what is: ls -ld /FTP13:40
marcelmudit, startx13:40
aaronatorjrib: I am following a walk through on the aircrack-ng site and it say i need to ensure my kernel configuration includes some options.  I do not understand the syntax in the code box though and can find nothing concerning it. Namely, the syntax "Networking ---> Wireless --->"  and [M] Improved wireless configuration api"13:40
bovejrib: it was 700. I switched to 755, and now it works. I didn't think that had anything to say?13:40
jribbove: apparently it does :)13:41
jribbove: you need execute on parent directories13:41
lukeWi've a question about bash scripting - i've made an 'll' alias script, which includes my most common switches.. only problem is that color is no longer output - does anyone know a work around for this?13:41
arvind_khadrimudit, login to the tty and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop and then do your work, for starting x just replace stop with start/restart13:41
marcelaaronator, you need to build your custom kernel, use make menuconfig to configure the kernel13:41
marcelaaronator, let me give you a link on building a custom kernel on ubuntu, hold on13:42
bovejrib: thanks for your help. I can now get on with the real work =)13:42
marcelaaronator, http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu13:42
aaronatormarcel: thanks, will this explain what [M] means and help me decypher what this tut it telling me?13:42
jribwhat a terrible link13:42
marcelaaronator, M means module13:43
anil_lukeW : --color=auto13:43
aaronatormarcel: thanks13:43
jribI see nothing but stupid advice at the top of that link marcel13:43
unipexhi all, how I fix this bug? (firefox:5640): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown paper size ppd_w162h3613:43
jrib!kernel > aaronator13:43
ubottuaaronator, please see my private message13:43
lukeWanil_, do i put that as a parameter of #!/bin/bash ?13:43
lukeWanil_, i get color from ls.. but because i'm running ls from a script - the color is being stripped..13:44
dn4marcel, cheese won't detect my cam :(13:45
grawitylukeW: ...you made a bash script for only one command?13:45
lukeWgrawity, it saves me entering ls -lstra every time13:45
sam_I think I have a hacker trying to get into my computer13:45
jribsam_: be more specific...13:45
ikoniasam_: no you don't13:45
grawitylukeW: Er. How about this command instead? alias ll="ls -lstra"13:45
benjamin__I am trying to get my tv output on my aspire 5630 laptop to work.  I have a  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME graphics card.  I am using xrandr13:45
ikoniasam_: stop messing around13:46
benjamin__but it's not detecting the TV connection13:46
benjamin__any ideas?13:46
sam_everynow and again,13:46
sam_I get this message13:46
lukeWgrawity, i didn't know about that... how do i add that?13:46
sam_saying that a user on such a computer is trying to acsess my computer13:46
grawitylukeW: just add that alias command to your ~/.bashrc, and it'll start working next time you open the terminal.13:46
Shocki'm looking for a program that listens on a socket and executes the commands given. anyone know such a program?13:46
lukeWgrawity, thanks13:46
jribaaronator: you shouldn't follow the advice at the begginning of that howtoforge link (actually most of it).  ubottu sent you sane instructions on compiling a custom kernel13:46
funginhi, I have a problem to solve - I have to find a way to restart computer when firefox gets stuck/stops/does not respond etc or is minimalised13:47
edgexsam_, why do you have vnc server on13:47
grawitylukeW: for more information, open the manpage for bash, and search for aliases (press / and type Aliases)13:47
edgexand are there any other boxes on your lan13:47
sam_a user on the computer xxx.xxx.xxx is trying to view or control my desktop13:47
sam_whats a vnc server13:47
lukeWgrawity, nice, thx13:47
ikoniasam_: as long as you say "no" it's not a problem13:47
ikoniasam_: no-one has hacked you, some one is trying to access your machine13:48
edgexSystem > Preferences > Remote Desktop13:48
Knirghsam_: it's  a program to take control over a remote computer13:48
sam_I wonder who it is13:48
funginanyone know how to do it, so that I could make a cron entry with the script/program that would check firefox status periodically13:48
edgexsam_, most chances are its on your LAN13:48
ikoniasam_: random person on the internet13:48
edgexunless you have ports open13:48
ikoniafungin: what status ?13:48
edgexwhich is kind of stupid unless you know why they're open I guess13:48
sam_its remote desktop13:49
marceldn4, if you plug in your webcam, what does /var/log/messages contain?13:49
funginI need to know wheather or not firefox is visible (not minimalized) and it it is responding/working. I have a multimedia stand flash application running on ubuntu in firefox in fullscreen mode13:49
marceldn4, tail -f /var/log/messages13:49
marceldn4, then plugin the webcam13:49
lukeWaliases saved me.. that's great13:50
funginand sometimes flash application gets stuck/hangs/does not respodn and firefox too. I have to find out such situation and restart system if necessary13:50
lukeWdoes anyone know a command to take a pic with a webcam from the cmd line?  i'd like to set up a cron job to capture and upload to a server, incase my laptop is ever stolen..13:51
chazcoHi... Firefox is giving me an error on direct.gov - sec_error_unknown_issuer - is it safe to add an exception?13:51
lukeWhey i googled - http://www.linux.com/base/ldp/howto/Webcam-HOWTO/framegrabbers.html13:52
gartraldoes anyone know how to make xmms2 play out of a specified sound card?13:52
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unipex_ hi all, how I fix this bug? (firefox:5640): Gtk-WARNING **: Unknown paper size ppd_w162h3613:53
ActionParsnipunipex_: let me websearch13:54
ActionParsnipunipex_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-cups-manager/+bug/948913:55
kleftisxhello, i have ubuntu 8.10 and currently when browsing webpages (firefox or opera) in youtube or other flash video there is no sound. but video is playing perfect. any solutions ?13:56
gartralkleftisx: do you have 2 or more sound cards?13:56
kleftisxgartal : i have 1 onboard sound card.13:57
okey666kleftisx: do you have flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound installed?13:57
kleftisxgartral : i have 1 onboard sound card.13:57
platiusLukemob`;  I think http://adeona.cs.washington.edu/ is working on adding a camera to their tracking13:57
kazaLite1figured it out.... my router has blocked the port number on which smtp.gmail.com works....how can i change port number?13:57
ActionParsnipkleftisx: failing that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402213:57
platiusLukeW;  I think http://adeona.cs.washington.edu/ is working on adding a camera to their tracking13:57
gartralkleftisx: ah, ok, i have 2, and hit verymuch the same proble,13:57
kazaLite1since port 25 is open, so thinking if i could direct it to use poort 2513:57
kleftisxokey666: in the first i didnt have video also and follow this guide and now i watch video perfect. but without sound. this is the guide i follow13:58
ActionParsnipkazaLite1: google dont use"normal" ports, they use different ones13:58
lobuzhey, im trying again with linux after few years and i have problems with configuring my dual screens with xwindows... i would like my 1280x1024 crt and 1920:1200 lcd to run at same time but not as clones but seperate workspaces with system localised on the crt13:58
lobuzi got this generated by nvidia driver13:58
lobuzbut it is not working, the 1920 screen displays only around 1280 , but not interpolated, its being displayed on half of screen :13:59
okey666kleftisx: have you tried sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nofree-extrasound ?13:59
kazaLite1so cannot change port number.....then need to mess with router13:59
daftykinslobuz use "nvidia-settings" to reconfigure your displays13:59
gartralokey666: check your speeling13:59
kleftisxokey666 : i have not try that one13:59
lobuzthe xorg.conf is being actually generated by nvidia driver settings  tool :)14:00
okey666ah, sorry, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound14:00
Lartza_I am new to ubuntu as server/gateway14:00
okey666kleftisx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound14:00
Lartza_If I install Ubuntu server edition, can I install graphical GUI on top?14:00
icqnumbersomething is wrong with my firefox java plug-in from icedtea14:00
PiciLartza_: Sure.14:01
ikoniaLartza_: may as well use the desktop version14:01
ikoniaLartza_: the desktop version makes a very good server platform14:01
kleftisxokey666 : E: Package flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound has no installation candidate14:01
lobuzcan someone help me out with this? http://pastebin.com/m325357714:01
Lartza_ikonia: Thing is I have server cd downloaded and gnome is too powerful anyways14:01
lobuzany idea why the second screen does not start as 1920x1200?14:01
Lartza_ikonia: So it should even be xubuntu, but I do bare enligthenment, icewm or some other14:02
ikonialobuz: not enough grunt on the card to drive two screens at hi res ?14:02
lobuzit's 8600gt, runs fair on windows14:02
ActionParsniplobuz: try: gksudo nvidia-settings to set the resolution14:02
lobuzActionParsnip: i did! and it's set properly there :P14:03
ActionParsniplobuz: bizarre14:04
lobuzbut let me give it another try, need relog :)14:04
okey666kleftisx: do you have multiverse enabled?14:04
Lartza_So will I need the regular kernel for something?14:04
kleftisxokey666 : yes  multiverse enabled14:04
ramontayaghey everyone. i installed xubuntu on an old compaq presario 1200. when i booted it, i got a blank screen. i know the monitor of the laptop's fine, so I plugged in an external monitor and restarted it. without doing anything more, the laptop screen showed something. how do I made the laptop screen activate itself without having to plug in an external monitor?14:04
=== nox_ is now known as lobuz
lobuzmission failed14:05
ActionParsnipramontayag: on the keyboard is there a button combo to enabel crt etc, something like Fn F814:05
ikoniaExploWare: what ?14:05
ExploWareI have a question...14:06
ikoniaExploWare: that's not funny - if you have a problem, ask a question14:06
ExploWaresorry ikonia14:06
okey666kleftisx: are you 32 or 64 bit?14:06
ActionParsnip!ask| ExploWare14:06
ubottuExploWare: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:06
kleftisxokey666 : 6414:06
ExploWareI've just downloaded Ubuntu Server 32-bits ISO, booted from, selected the Install option, but it just starts a commandline.. Is there a command to start the instalation manual?14:08
kleftisxActionParsnip : i have try the link and test a solution bu still the same problem.14:08
lobuzhttp://pastebin.com/m3253577 - there must be something wrong in those settings. when ubuntu started with default driver it was working all fine(the screen was split, and 1920x1200 was working as its native resolution as separate screen)... now with the recommended driver it covers around half of its native res, and it displays gnome iccons on it (while it should be displayed only on main-screen 1280x... crt)14:08
ikoniaExploWare: dies the command line say "busybox" ?14:08
ramontayagActionParsnip: yup, i did that but nothing happened.14:08
Lartza_I got some motherboard dropped14:09
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:09
Lartza_Wait... #hardware...14:09
demmoncan i get my support here for Geubuntu14:09
ExploWareikonia, no, it seems to be bash, and gives an ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ line14:09
ikoniademmon: not here14:09
lobuzit looks like if it was trying to clone my lowres crt to 1920 lcd14:10
ikoniaExploWare: are you sure your not using the install, eg: the OS on the disk, rather than the CD14:10
bamballdoes anyone know why multi-threaded mplayer is still not in the main branch..?14:10
ikoniabamball: a good question, I believe it is in jaunty but not %10014:10
benjamin__anyone here have any ideas how I can get my SVideo output working?14:10
mattycozehey back again; the net cut out before; i'm having a go with motion atm, has anyone had any luck getting it to work on ubuntu?14:11
mattycozeI can't configure it correctly :(14:11
dawidanyone got a problem with laptop keyboard that sometimes doesnt work ?14:11
ramontayagActionParsnip: it must be some script that's started if it sees a cable is connected.14:11
resnoI am trying to do ipconfig, some of the information is outside the screen. How do I get it scroll or display it slower?14:12
ikoniaresno: ifconfig |more14:12
resnoikonia: thanks14:12
bamball<ikonia>: I tried to compile my own mplayer from the multi-threaded branch.. unable to get the vo drivers14:12
ikoniabamball: I ended up building my own also,14:13
ExploWareikonia, the HD has windows, so it's the only option... Could it be there is a Live session started, but then for the Server edition? (btw: downloaded 8.10, server 32bit)14:13
benjamin__anyone have nay ideas here, i have tried setting up my graphics card manually14:13
benjamin__didn't help14:13
ikoniaExploWare: there isn't a live session server CD14:13
ikoniaExploWare: when you boot - do you get a bit ubuntu logo and a menu with options ?14:14
jmap82any ideas on how to capture terminal output when '>' redirect can't do it?14:14
NickUK`Hello, Can anyone help me with my graphics drivers they have been working fine until earlier today now i cannot watch TV nor play games.14:14
bamball<ikonia> did you end up getting it to work with xv and smplayer?14:14
ExploWareikonia, that's what I guessed.. Yes, and there I selected install, but it also offered a live session...14:14
ikoniabamball: I don't use either of those products14:14
ikoniaExploWare: there is a live session option on the server CD - I can't see one14:14
NickUK`Can anyone help me with my graphics drivers they have been working fine until earlier today now i cannot watch TV nor play games.14:14
bamballikonia: so what vo do u use?14:14
sipiorjmap82: you probably just need to redirect standard error as well as output. so try "2>&1 >" instead14:14
ikoniabamball: mplayer14:15
ikoniathe xv component does work though14:15
fevelNick__: see if they uninstalled the proprietary graphics for some reason14:15
sipiorjmap82: also, have a look at "tee". lovely program, might be useful to you.14:15
ExploWareikonia, I guess it must be a desktop installer... I'll try a redownload from another server... thanks for now...14:15
jmap82sipior: thanks14:15
bamballikonia: you didn't need to specify -vo [driver] and it works?14:15
mattycozehey has anyone tried motion for camera surveilance?14:15
mattycozei'm having problems getting the program to work;14:16
evantanderseni tried installing a different usplash, but when i boot it just prints a lot of text like this : Random Computer Part            [OK]14:16
okey666mattycoze: I used to have motion, what exactly is the problem?14:16
evantandersenit doesn't even show the normal splash at all!14:16
mattycozeokey666 well i *think* i got the config file right, except for when i get the daemon working it works for about 10 seconds then cuts out14:17
mattycozebut during that 10 seconds i get enough time to go into firefox and go 'localhost:8000'14:17
ExploWareikonia, I've found the bug, I pressed back once in firefox where the 'desktop' version gets selected again, even though the version, mirror and arch. stay as chosen... sorry14:17
ikoniaExploWare: no apologies needed, well spotted14:18
DJonesDoes anybody use a removable drive bay with ubuntu? I've just been given a pc with one fitted and I'm wondering whether to leave it in place and use it, or just remove it and use teh space for a second cd/dvd, I'm more interested in whether there are any issues and if changing the drive in the slot would cause mount problems, it looks like a novatech model14:18
sliverchairis the repos down? I can't install anything from ph.archive.ubuntu.com14:18
mattycozethen it comes up with a username & password thing "Motion Security Access" but i don't remember specifying a password... it';s not in the config file14:18
mattycozeokey666 I'm using 8.10 btw14:18
okey666mattycoze: 32 bit?14:18
evantandersendoes anyone know about usplash failing14:18
mattycozeokey666 yeah 32 but.14:19
ramontayagany ideas? :)14:19
mattycozeokay666 it's actually a laptop i'm testing this program on first not a server.14:19
okey666mattycoze: it seems to create a user group "motion" are you in the group?14:20
mattycozeokey666 umm not that I'm aware of how do i do that?14:20
okey666mattycoze: go system>>admin>>users and groups>> unlock>> manage groups>> find motion>> properties>> members and tick the box by your name14:21
danwagonhey i'm looking for a server related to the website bit gamer?14:22
aRahimupgraded intrepid to jaunty today and found that my eth0 is down14:22
danwagonhow do i find it?14:22
aRahimcommand ifconfig -a doesnt list eth0 interface14:22
matamoudanwagon: ask for an invite in irc?14:22
mattycozeoh wow; okay so i've done that okey666 (how come this isn't in any of the manuals i';ve read?)14:22
mattycoze(mind you i'm no IT boff)14:22
aRahimi have to do 'ifconfig eth0 up' to bring the link and then connect all the time14:23
mattycozeokey666 shall i try again?14:23
aRahimgartral: ok14:23
okey666mattycoze: yes14:23
gartralaRahim: sorry bout caps14:23
aRahim#join #ubuntu=114:23
danwagonyou know of it?14:23
matamouHello, how come my wireless card gets disabled after a reboot?14:23
matamouBitgamer, you mean?14:23
jribdanwagon: I don't really see what that has to do with ubuntu14:23
aRahimbit ubuntu=1 doesnt exist14:23
danwagonand nice observation rib14:24
PiciaRahim: /join #ubuntu+114:24
mattycozeokey666 nah same deal14:24
jribdanwagon: this channel is just for ubuntu support.  To discuss other matters, you can use #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
happyhessiani'm trying to get a checkpoint vpn client working on my amd64 box and i'm making some progress but i'm stuck now--maybe you could help me understand this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3406306#post340630614:24
aRahimPici: thanks14:24
okey666mattycoze: does it crash with any information?14:24
danwagonmatamou: you a member14:25
happyhessianspecifically, what does "# LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 snx" mean?14:25
wamtyi still cant get wifi working14:25
matamouyep i am14:25
mattycozeokey666 well i can send you a pastebin of the terminal command if you want...14:25
BDisWhats the best channel to connect to to get help getting dual monitor Docking/undocking in 8.10 working?14:25
mattycozeokey666 http://pastebin.com/me1021f814:26
okey666mattycoze: if you run it out of daemon mode can we see whats going on?14:27
wamtyi still cant get wifi working14:27
wamtycan someone help me please?14:27
danwagonmy ass is a little sore, can ubuntu make it nice14:27
mattycozeyou mean with a debug report?14:27
metusis burning an ISO at 10x speed safe?14:27
BDisWhats the best channel to connect to to get help getting dual monitor Docking/undocking in 8.10 working?14:27
thaednevolwamty, I use knetworkmanager....14:28
wamtyikonia ?14:28
ikoniawamty: yes ?14:28
wamtycan you help me please?14:28
scuserhi all, any help with this error http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146956/14:28
ikoniawamty: if you ask a question I can try14:28
gartralmetus: ISOs *should* be burned a 4x, but i get away as high as 2014:28
gartralaway with*14:28
metusgartal: my friend only have x10 the lowest14:29
sipiormetus: generally it is. buffer underruns are rather rare these days on modern hardware.14:29
gartralmetus: you should be ok14:29
metusthanks a lot14:29
thiebaudemetus: cd's should be burned at the lowest speed14:29
wamtywell i was installing ubuntu for the first time ...14:29
mattycozeokey666 nah i have no idea :(14:29
mattycozesucks to be me.14:29
sipiorthiebaude: respectfully, i must say that that is simply not true.14:29
thaednevolwamty, do you have wired connection?14:30
BDisDoes Ubuntu 8.10 work with laptops that have docking stations.  Specifiaclly I have a dockking station with a keyboard monitor mouse, and want to be able to dock/undock it without Ubuntu locking up?14:30
okey666mattycoze: add a -n to the end of the motion command14:30
wamtyikonia: i tried live session my wifi didnt work so i was told not to trust live session14:30
wamtyso i installed it14:30
ikoniaBDis: shouldn't lock up - but it can mess up your Xorg14:30
thiebaudesipior: burning at the highest speed there is a possiblity of data lost14:30
wamtywell everything was fine but my wifi didnt work still14:30
RizRhow do I receive system mail in my root account? examples: cron status emails etc14:30
wamtyikonia, so i wrapped it  and still it didnt work14:30
ikoniawamty: what wirless card do you have ?14:30
sipiorthiebaude: there are many options between the lowest speed and the highest.14:31
wamtyikonia: funnything is if i go to hardware drivers it sys its installed an working?14:31
thiebaudesipior: true14:31
ikoniawamty: what wirless card do you have ?14:31
wamtyikonia: broadcaom14:31
kFjhi. im running arch on one machine and ubuntu on the other, and im trying to get x11forwarding to work,but i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m526d4716 arch is the machine im on, ubuntu is the remote machine..14:31
sipiorthiebaude: on modern hardware, with decent drivers, you're wasting your time burning at x1 or x4.14:31
BDisI can deal with manually switching the monitors, ie turning the secondary display off and on, but it locks up when I place the laptop back in the dock.  I don't know wher to start to find out where the problem is.  I'm running a Dell Latitude D2014:31
mattycozeokey666 oh that works; see pastebin --> http://pastebin.com/m6eef86b514:31
ikoniakFj: arc problem if thats youru localhost14:32
kFjhmm ok14:32
wamtyikonia: broadcaom14:32
mattycozeokey666 (from line 32 onwards...)14:32
okey666mattycoze: ok, where you have told it to save the pictures in a directory which it cannot write to14:32
ikoniawamty: open a terminal and do "ifconifg -a" please put the output in a pastebin please.14:32
mattycozeyeah :)14:32
mattycozehow do i give it permissions?14:33
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okey666mattycoze: did you create the directory?14:33
mattycozehang on i'll check; I was just blindly following a tutorial at the time14:33
rafa_hi! im spanish, ok? well... i have a notebook that hdmi out sound not work...  any idea?14:33
Lartza_How do I easily see some basic hardware info?14:34
ikoniaLartza_: what sort of info ?14:34
mattycozeokey666 actually I never created one by the looks of things - by default it was /Security ??14:34
jmap82sipior: thanks again for you help... I tried "2>&1>" and tee and I think we're in the right direction, but the program I'm trying to capture output from seems to be output-ing to a place that can't be read by those means...14:34
mattycozebut i don't have that folder...14:34
mattycozei'll change it to a folder in my user directory or something14:35
rafa_any one can help me?14:35
jmap82I'm trying to capture the output of HandBrakeCLI to use its title info in a script...14:35
Lartza_Thinking of replacing my 800Mhz server cpu with 3Ghz one(I know, better than my gaming cpu) but I need to know motherboard type and cpu type14:35
okey666mattycoze: yes, that should fix it14:35
erUSUL!es | rafa_14:35
ubotturafa_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:35
Gorjamh.... can a Ubuntu-Professional please /query me?14:35
Lartza_So simply, motherboard and cpu type14:35
isiahmy wireless card randomly died. I typed in ifconfig wlan0 in the terminal. I am using alpha 3 jaunty is that what fixed the problem?14:35
swearengenIf I installed intrepid -> vista -> fresh install jaunty beta, is the controlling GRUB installed in the second or first partition with ubuntu?14:35
erUSUL!ask | Gorja14:35
ubottuGorja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:35
ikoniaLartza_: cat /proc/cpuinfo will show you the cpu details14:35
sipiorjmap82: the output is being dumped to the terminal, yes?14:35
Gorjathx erUSUL14:35
erUSULLartza_: sudo lshw | less14:36
ikoniaLartza_: your motherboard is harder to display, lshw is your best bet14:36
jmap82yeah, I can read it, but I can't seem to capture it14:36
swearengenIf I installed intrepid -> vista -> fresh install jaunty beta, is the controlling GRUB installed in the second or first partition with ubuntu? (What I want to do is format and delete the intrepid)14:36
crankharderwhy is f.label :uploaded_data and f.field_form :uploaded_data translating to   for="uploaded_file_uploaded_data" and name="uploaded_file[uploaded_data]" ?14:36
jmap82I've tried pipes and redirects and now tee...14:36
thiebaudehi ActionParsnip14:36
mattycozeokey666 woah it's creating pics alright :p I checked the directory14:36
sipiorjmap82: can you show the precise command that you used?14:37
jmap82the only thing that seems to capture it is 'script' but I can't use that in a script...14:37
Gorjai thinking of upgrade to Ibex... last time i clicked "update" there was this warning saying something about my graphics... i clicked "update" 3 Mins ago and it wasn't saying something like that... can i upgrade to Ibex now or do i have to fear my Laptop Graphics won't work????14:37
=== joker_ is now known as synack
okey666mattycoze: you may want to tell it only to take 1 per 10 secs or what ever, I am having loads of fun with mine now!14:37
Lartza_So my Pentium 4 won't fit to the Socket 370 :D14:37
GorjaP4 is SOcket 77514:38
mattycozeokey666 yeah actually i'm wondering whether this motion can take streaming video?14:38
jmap82"./HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom0/VIDEO_TS/ -t 0 | tee titles.txt" which then runs HandBrake as expected, but the file is blank14:38
Gorjaas ALL new Pentiums ;)14:38
timcHello! Will Jaunty 9.04 include Okular 0.8.2? Intrepid 8.10 has Okular
erUSULGorja: your hardware should continue working after an upgrade14:38
erUSUL!jaunty | timc14:38
ubottutimc: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.14:38
mattycozeokey666 this is mainly for the purposes of my lab work @ uni14:38
mattycoze(tracking mice around a cage hehe)14:38
okey666mattycoze: I think it film, streaming may be another matter14:38
Gorjai thinking of upgrade to Ibex... last time i clicked "update" there was this warning saying something about my graphics... i clicked "update" 3 Mins ago and it wasn't saying something like that... can i upgrade to Ibex now or do i have to fear my Laptop Graphics won't work????14:39
timcthanks erUSUL14:39
erUSULjmap82: maybe HandBrake is using stderr instead of stdout ?14:39
ubottuNouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive14:39
mattycozeokey666 fair enough14:39
sipiorjmap82: can you try "./HandBrakeCLI -i /media/cdrom0/VIDEO_TS/ -t 0 2>&1 | tee titles.txt"?14:39
mattycozefor the mean time this is cool :)14:39
okey666mattycoze: good14:39
mattycozeokey666 how do you get it to work within firefox by going 'localhost:8000' i still can't access it through that method14:39
okey666mattycoze: default is http://localhost:8081/14:40
mattycozeoh okay14:40
happyhessiandoes anyone know how to get a checkpoint vpn client running on amd64?14:40
Gorjai thinking of upgrade to Ibex... last time i clicked "update" there was this warning saying something about my graphics... i clicked "update" 3 Mins ago and it wasn't saying something like that... can i upgrade to Ibex now or do i have to fear my Laptop Graphics won't work????14:40
Slart!repeat | Gorja14:40
ubottuGorja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:40
swearengenhappyhessian: ive never had any success getting vpns connected with linux14:41
wamtyikonia: im new to linux14:41
Gorja-.- Slart14:41
wamtyikonia: im trying for the first time14:41
happyhessiani see14:41
mattycozeokey666 nah that didn't work i'll check the config file brb14:41
jmap82sipior: Alright! That did it!  Thank you so much!  it's been bugging me for about 5 hours now!  hahah I can finally go to sleep :)14:41
Lartza_Now I need to determine what integrated GPU motherboard has by just looking at the motherboard :S14:41
matamouHello! Anyone have an idea why does my wireless  connection always get disabled after a reboot?14:41
swearengenhappyhessian: people can though, that's just my experience lol14:41
rafa_i have a notebook with hdmi out, but the sound not work... any one can i help me?14:41
GorjaSlart, i just wanna now if NVidia driver are proper for Ibex now14:41
dawidcan be "noapic" and "nolapic" a cure for laptop kayboard problems, or its not connected to ?14:41
okey666mattycoze: I have to go, but you can probably work that one out yourself, or someone else will help you14:41
sipiorjmap82: yep, glad you have it working.14:42
mattycozekk thanks for your help okey66614:42
rafa_(the spanish channel can't help me...)14:42
|f|what do I need to press at boot to do a manual boot (select which services to start)?14:42
doogluswhen I double-click on a flash applet inside firefox it loses keyboard focus14:42
dooglusis there some way to stop that happening?14:42
evantandersenmy custom usplash does not work. I'm on a macbook dual booting. It just says like RAM     [OK] when its booting then doesn't show any splash at all.14:42
SlartGorja: doesn't really justify spamming your question every 2 minutes..14:42
GRuB_onedual boot14:42
Bhavesh2177you will have to press "I" for interactive boot14:42
GorjaSlart, i know... sry :)14:42
SlartGorja: you might want to include what graphics card you're using, what version of ubuntu you're running etc14:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:43
GorjaSlart, i am using a GeForce 448Go on 8.0414:43
SlartGorja: 32 bit or 64 bit?14:43
GorjaSlart,  3214:43
happyhessianswearengen: perhaps you could help me figure out a lesser problem.  i've installed snx after having to force some i386 old libs but when i run it, i get: snx: error while loading shared libraries: libcpc++-libc6.1-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.  it seems that this is what is supposed to be fixed by forcing the right libs with LD_PRELOAD but that doesn't work either.14:44
GorjaSlart, its just a workstation ^^14:44
rafa_any people have a notebook with hdmi?14:44
SlartGorja: now put all that into one question, repeat every 20 minutes or so, use the time you might spend waiting googling or searching the forums14:44
ne2k__I have some pptp connections in ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections/*/vpn/%gconf.xml and ~/.gconf/system/networking/vpn_connections/*/%gconf.xml which were created with 8.04. Since updating to 8.10 I cannot use them any more, although the files are still there. How can I convert these for use with the new network-manager?14:44
doogluswhen I double-click on a flash applet inside firefox it loses keyboard focus; is there some way to stop that happening?14:44
happyhessiani have that file in /usr/lib--i don't know why it can't find it14:44
GorjaSlart, i just wanna now if Nvidia driver for Ibex are now proper enough to upgrade to ;)14:45
yinlongwho can help me?14:45
rafa_and me????14:46
bjsniderGorja, the nvidia driver in jaunty is fine.14:46
jribrafa_, yinlong: we can only find out after you ask your question14:46
Lartza_Can ubuntu shoew me my powersource watt amount?14:46
SlartLartza_: try powertop.. not sure if it gives you an actual value or not14:46
Gorjabjsnider, so i can upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 and my graphics will work?14:47
rafa_i have a notebook with hdmi out, but the sound not work...14:47
isiahLartza_: try typing into the console     apropos power         you will get a list of cool programs that might help14:47
bjsniderGorja, pardon me? this is the jaunty channel,not intrepid, and intrepid is about to be surpassed by jaunty14:47
Slart!details | rafa_14:48
ubotturafa_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:48
Gorjabjsnider, okay... i didn't know ^^14:48
BDisjaunty is the 9.04 and intrepid is 8.10??14:48
Slartcorrect BDis14:48
GorjaBDis correct14:48
BDisCool.  I get the names mixed up!14:48
bjsniderthey're based on the date14:48
|f|ubuntu doesn't support interactive booting?14:48
bjsniderin other words,  the forth month of 2009. 0904, 9.0414:49
rafa_Slart, .... with intrepid and jaunty i have the problem ok?14:49
BDisOH cool.14:49
Gorjabjsnider, are the nvidia_alternate_driver proper enough to upgrade to 9?14:49
rafa_all works except hdmi sound out14:49
platiusGorja;  I am running 32 bit Ibex with nvidia 96xx driver runing fine. The liveCD may not have had the driver but the updates do.14:49
BDisDidn't know that.  I''m a Windows Engineer trying to augment my skills with Linux knowledge!14:49
bjsniderGorja, what alternate driver?14:49
Slartrafa_: sorry, can't help you14:49
Gorjaplatius, i am running a GeForce 448 Go...14:49
rafa_ok thanks Slart14:50
Gorjabjsnider, those that will be loaded after install thru internet14:50
Gorjaplatius, so its a ooooooolder one :D14:50
bjsniderGorja, i'm sure the old drivers are ok.14:50
BDisis the 9.04 version stable enough to load?  IE ia there still a large amount of issues?14:50
Gorjabjsnider, thx14:51
Gorjabjsnider, thats what i want to know14:51
platiusGorja;  nvida claims that the 96xx supports your card14:51
yinlongi installed a ubuntu,but when i boot ,the reply is:Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist.14:51
bjsniderBDis, that dpeends on your hardware and what you need the system to do. it's definitely stable enough for me14:51
jribBDis: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion please14:51
yinlongwho knows why?14:51
isiahBDis: I am using it now. Seems to work fine14:51
* Gorja says: Kay Guys and Gals. THX 4 help! Gorja is out14:51
BDisanyone using it on a laptop?14:51
BDisK moving channels14:52
isiahBdis: I am using jaunty on a laptop14:52
Piciisiah: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.14:52
happyhessianwell thanks anyway :-/14:52
yinlongwho can help me ?14:52
=== LjL is now known as LjL2
Dreamglideri have an old laptop connected to lan with a USB to Eth adapter, what's the real speed i can get of a usb 1.1 or 1.0 port ?14:53
Dreamglidercopying a file now and getting 580Kb/s14:54
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
gartraldaftykins: you can puse 2 mb, but it requires NOTHING else be on the same bus, hub or otherwise14:54
icerootDreamglider: 12MBit/s14:55
SlartDreamglider: usb 1 is pretty slow.. 12 MB/s if wikipedia is correct14:55
daftykinswrong person gartral14:55
daftykinswhy does everyone always do that with me =|14:55
gartralim hit with it too, dont worry :)14:55
Dreamgliderthere is only the usb to eth adapter/interface on the port (the laptop only has one usb port)14:55
Slartdaftykins: it's a conspiracy, we've got this little club and pretty soo... oh.. neverming14:56
daftykins;) Slart14:56
gartralSlart: wha..?14:56
* lenin on gdm weather not appearing on time/date what to do?14:58
Slartlenin: you've configured the weather applet with your country, city and so on?14:59
=== r2mx is now known as rdosmx
leninit used to work before14:59
leninbut after I did a panel reset14:59
Slartlenin: what city, country are you using?15:00
leninI added those again15:00
IHS_Internwhat's the command to force-kill a frozen app?15:00
leninits Dhaka, Bangladesh15:00
IHS_InternI know kill and killall..but that isn't working.15:00
SlartIHS_Intern: kill, pkill or xkill all works, in differnt ways15:00
SlartIHS_Intern: you can often add a -9 after these commands to be a bit more stern about it15:00
lenin@Slart before I used to get an option to set  the  local  satellite Earth station maintaining the time15:01
IHS_Internthank you, Slart, that is what I was looking for.15:01
leninnow that option dont come15:01
eldenzhttp://rafb.net/p/9PCYOs25.html any idea why it cannot execute the java binary with debug symbols?15:01
Slartlenin: hmm.. I get weather for Dhaka, Bangladesh.. is it foggy outside?15:01
leninnope not foggy15:01
leninits evening now15:01
Slartlenin: sorry.. Haze, clear sky, 32 degrees celsius.. sound about right?15:02
leninthe extra weather applete dont work well either15:02
leninyes Slart its exact15:02
Slartlenin: hmm.. you are using intrepid?15:03
carlfanyone know why after doing the latest update in 8.04 why flash player will not play vids from places like you tube?  I tried to reinstall flash player and made no difference15:03
lenini upgraded from Hardy though15:03
mahiti-ircdoes the ubuntu server i386 os have support for 64-bit?15:03
mahiti-ircdoes the ubuntu server i386 os have support for 64-bit kernel?15:03
Slartlenin: try right clicking the clock/weather thingy and remove it from the panel.. then try adding it back again.. see if it kicks in15:03
lenincarlf try to get medibuntu   and ubuntu-restricted-extras15:03
nikonoelmahiti-irc: I guess making the question once is sufficient ;)15:03
leninSlart : i tried them lots of times15:04
Slartmahiti-irc: I think you'll need 64 bit libraries and such for that 64 bit kernel.. so afaik No15:04
leninits not like ubuntu defaultly had15:04
eldenznikonoel, as he forgot a valuable information.... well nvm ;)15:04
mahiti-ircnikonoel, sorry had a typo, tahts y15:04
Slartmahiti-irc: you can install a full 64 bit ubuntu though, if you want15:04
BDisanone notice with dual monitors the bar at the top cuts off the Minimize, Maximize, close strip of the application window?15:04
lenin@Slart do you see location as  Dhaka > Kurmitola. Dia ?15:04
knk0hi, does curent fglrx works on 9.04? I have ati X230015:04
wamtyikonia: are you still here?15:05
mahiti-irci think we have only a amd64 os only15:05
BDisI figure I have something set wrong somewhere...........15:05
wamtyi still cant get wifi working15:06
mahiti-ircbut i want a 64-bit os for intel?15:06
MusicGeniousanyone know if you can rockbox or rock chip a digital camera?15:06
wamtyi have broadcom15:06
Slartlenin: hang on.. I'll send you a screenshot15:06
mahiti-irca i686 os?15:06
wamtyikonia told me to paste ipconfig -a15:06
wamtyplease check it out15:06
FloodBot2wamty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
mahiti-irca i686 server os?15:06
Slartmahiti-irc: amd64 is for intel too15:06
wamtyifconifg -a15:06
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.15:06
gartralMusicGenious: this isnt the place, bot if its a canon camera, you can use the CHDK15:06
leninif I add the weather applete separately it shows the option to select  Dhaka. Kurmitola. Dia .. but it doesnt work like the default one @Slart15:07
MusicGeniousi know it isnt the place but theres alot of people here and it was just a general linux question15:07
gartralMusicGenious: no, that was firmware/device related15:08
Slartlenin: here's what it looks like http://imagebin.org/4477315:08
MusicGeniouswhere do i ask about that stuff?15:08
gartralMusicGenious: gooooood question, im not sure... :|15:08
wamtyikonia: help please?15:09
botux  lvvvvvv_______+ _I*+ **+V15:10
chiliblueMusicGenious: /join #rockbox15:11
rezaTrying to get an IBM thinkcentre installed with ubuntu but all I get is two green lights and the fan tearing away like a jet. Anyone have idea what might be wrong with starting the computer??15:11
Slartlenin: I just tried the standalone weather applet and I get the same result.. 32 degrees, haze etc.. for location it is Asia->Bangladesh->Dhaka->Kurmitola, Dia15:11
leninSlart .. the standalone one keeps updating it dont always update.. the default one is better15:11
=== valvoja is now known as N00bba
leninAfter selecting  Dhaka, Bangladesh I got those   latitude and logitude.. but  its still blank there @Slart15:12
gartralchiliblue MusicGenious: please dont go to rockbox asking about cameras, as a rockboxer, i know we only word on Digital Audio Players!15:12
N00bbaDo you guys know what would cause multiple ubuntus to drop network simultaneously?15:13
chilibluegartral: seems to be a better place to ask about rockbox than in #unbuntu15:13
=== anii is now known as jennicide
talto1hey, i got a video stream on a url and  i want to make a screenshot of a frame of it... how can i do it?15:13
mib_w7a54quci need help, im willing to try anythign now as im getting fed up with this15:14
gartralmib_w7a54quc: whats your problem?15:15
gartralflood bot was rude :|15:15
chilibluewhoosh and he was gone15:15
* lenin After I upgraded to Intrepid Ibex.. I lost two things 1. I dont have the onlinestatus+shutdown-button 2. Update Notifier... those appletes crashed and doesnt work ... any suggestions?15:16
tomkirbydoes anyone know how to get programs built from source and installed in ~/local/ to show up in the main menu? is there a search path that has to be changed somewhere?15:16
lenintomkirby: you can use menu manager  alacarte to add programs15:16
jovaroI need some help with lirc and my remote control...15:18
tomkirbylenin: but if I install something in /usr/local it shows up in the menu automatically. how can I replicate this behaviour with ~/local/ ?15:18
upc2salut qui peut me dire comment installer un serveur slis sur ubuntu svp15:18
jovaroI installed lirc and there is a configuration file in /etc/lircd.conf, but nothing happens when I use irw and press buttons on the remote15:18
jovarohow can I find the problem?15:18
N00bbaWhat would cause this: I have 6 computers in a network 3 linux (2x xubuntu, 1 ubuntu) + 2 WinXP + Vista, and suddenly all linux computers dropped network to outside (internet)... the "home" network was fine, and they could talk to each other but not one ubuntu could connect to outside... this was weird, and i am bit concerned. Some DNS thinggys perhaps?15:19
* skorzen says Hello.15:19
lo1270I need to install the package: libxerces27, but I get "E: Package libxerces27 has no installation candidate" with apt-get15:19
ne2k__is it possible to create a pptp connection from the command line?15:19
ne2k__I don't mean just to set up one as a one-off, I mean to add it to network manager persistent settings with gconf15:20
timonHmm, I'm having a weird issue with alsa. My audigy2 gives me static when the sound is off/non-active, any ideas?15:20
timonI fiddled around with the mixer some, but no luck15:20
SlartN00bba: try pinging, that's google.com from me15:20
SlartN00bba: if that works and ping www.google.com doesn't work, it's probably dns related15:20
N00bbaSlart, it went away after restart..15:20
lo1270Anyone know how I can install the package libxerces27??15:20
N00bbai cannot replicate it anymore15:20
SlartN00bba: oh.. then the electronic trolls had a coffee break or something =)15:21
* lenin After I upgraded to Intrepid Ibex.. I lost two things 1. I dont have the onlinestatus+shutdown-button 2. Update Notifier... those appletes crashed and doesnt work ... any suggestions?15:21
N00bbaSlart: so no tinfoil yet? =)15:21
SlartN00bba: nah.. I live in sweden.. tinfoil doesn't help against our new ipred law ;)15:21
timonAnyone any clues why I get static when sound is non-active with my audigy 2?15:22
SlartN00bba: but that's offtopic here..nevermind15:22
kitchenrangeSo, ive been trying to burn some dvds off of avi files I have downloaded and all works well until i get to the finall step.  when i type in the final step and press enter, a segmentation fault error comes up.  Any ideas?15:22
N00bbaSlart: Ok, thanks. I was bit worried. It was so weird. Ty15:22
Slarttimon: interference from other components in your computer perhaps?15:22
Slarttimon: I have the same issue with my internal sound card.. in windows I get a low volume static.. in linux it's quiet15:23
=== JohnAli is now known as UbuntuMe
resnoI feel rather dumb, while following a tutorial, i chown my directory and no icant scp to it. What do I issue to get it back?15:23
wtvmy PC is a low performing one. GNOME works slow, and KDE slower. can anyone tell me what can i use as a faster alternative?15:23
resnowtv: have you tried xbunutu?15:24
IHS_InternXFCE is always an option15:24
wtvresno: is it faster?15:24
IHS_InternI use XFCE on the 600mhz+256MB RAM dells we're putting back up15:24
resnowtv: what are you specs?15:24
wtvresno: 512 mb ram and P 4 HT processor15:24
=== NickUK is now known as NickUK`
IHS_Internnot going to say it flys, but it is far better than with gnome or KDE.15:25
kitchenrangeFor the past couple of days, I have been trying to burn some .avi files to a dvd.  Im using videotrans and everything works completely fine until the very last step.  When i get to the very last step, it comes up with a segmentation fault.  Does anyone know why that would be?15:25
IHS_InternXFCE would fly on that, wtv15:25
NickUK`Hello, Can anyone help me with my ubuntu graphics drivers, They were working fine earlier now they are not working correctly15:25
UbuntuMeI have used gpartition and I have allocated 20Gb of unformatted free space for ubuntu... When installing via the CD, in the partitioning step... which option shld I use.. Cos Guided - use the largest continous free space seems to taking up the whole HD also...15:25
UbuntuMeShould I use *Manual*15:25
wtvIHS_Intern: k. how do i get it from repos?15:25
skorzenUbuntuMe, yes, do it manually.15:25
resnoi chown my directory and no icant scp to it. What do I issue to get it back?15:26
skorzenkitchenrange, have you tried devede?15:26
IHS_InternWell, xubuntu is a full ubuntu sub-distro, and you can probably just go to the add-remove programs thing and search for it15:26
NickUK`Hello, Can anyone help me with my ubuntu graphics drivers, They were working fine earlier now they are not working correctly15:26
skorzenNickUK`, what's the problem now?15:26
kitchenrangeskorzen no I havent15:26
NickUK`Well my graphics just does not seem to work correctly15:26
NickUK`my games don't wor15:26
NickUK`effects won't turn on15:26
UbuntuMeskorzen: I have gone through online tutorials.. but none of them seem to explain the *Manual* part... Is there anywhere or docs, which will explain about the *Manual*15:26
FloodBot2NickUK`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
skorzenkitchenrange, you should. ;-)15:27
kitchenrangealready brought the homepage up skorzen15:27
kitchenrangeim headed to chick fil a real quick and ill try it out15:27
kitchenrangethx alot man15:27
adacolehow can I set up an init script so that it runs as one of the first scripts exectued?15:27
kitchenrangei like terminals and all, but every now and then its nice go have a gui15:27
skorzenUbuntuMe, just set 256MB for swap, something like 10GB for root partition, and a separated home.15:28
skorzenkitchenrange, good luck then.15:28
scuniziUbuntuMe: how much space to you have overall?15:28
scuniziUbuntuMe: laptop or desktop?15:28
steveccchi all - when is the next ubuntu out - is it a couple of weeks?15:29
IHS_Intern16 days, I think15:29
scunizi!jaunty | steveccc15:29
ubottusteveccc: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:29
UbuntuMescunizi: laptop.. I have formatted the 300 Gb as ntfs and have created the partitions...  But however, i didnt partition as ext3 for the remaining space and just left it as free unformatted..15:30
micheadacole: see /etc/init.d/skeleton for creating a script, and man update-rc.d for setting the right links in the boot process15:30
steveccclooking forward to it.  Has anyone else had the problem on 8.04 where after installing updates the sound seemed to break.  I presume its linked to pulse audio but am unsure how to resolve the issue - can anyone help15:30
scuniziUbuntuMe: so you're going to use that for an ubuntu install.. the unformatted space?  how big is that?15:30
UbuntuMescunizi: if I format the free space as ext3 using gparted, would it easier to install ubuntu.. w/o going thru this *manual* step15:30
UbuntuMescunizi: 20Gb unformatted spcae15:31
scuserhi all, this file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/146992/ generates error "parse error before `false'" any help please :?15:31
scuniziUbuntuMe: depends.. it would certainly be easier to let the installer do all the work.. but since I came in late on the conversation I missed some key factors.. is windows installed? do you want dual boot? how large is the unformatted space?15:32
Lartza_What would I need the regular kernel for on server ubuntu?15:32
Lartza_Compiling programs would be one?15:32
Lartza_Or wiat forget that15:32
Lartza_But is there anything I can't do with the server edition?15:33
scuniziUbuntuMe: I was busy typing and missed the 20Gb part.. what about the rest?15:33
PiciLartza_: Some restricted drivers may not be available for the -server kernel.15:33
zirodayLartza_: the -server kernel also has PAE enabled15:33
Lartza_ziroday: THat's bad?15:33
UbuntuMescunizi: yeah.. dual boot... my laptop came with vista.. I used to gparted to free up 20Gb free space .... to install ubuntu... the Rest 300Gb is vista (OS) and data.... :)15:33
chuckh1958Is there a way to see who else is viewing your desktop via remote desktop viewer?15:34
zirodayLartza_: it means you can run 32bit kernel but still address over 4GB of ram15:34
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCLIENT ? thx15:34
Lartza_Pici: It porpably doesn't matter, I would need nvidia, but since server can propabl run with nv there is no real need15:34
Lartza_ziroday: And is that BAD?15:34
zirodayLartza_: are you running 32bit?15:35
Lartza_I am really looking for bad stuff on server kernel15:35
zirodayLartza_: do you want to use more then 3GB or ram?15:35
Lartza_ziroday: No15:35
Lartza_I am not planning to upgrade my 284Mb15:35
zirodayLartza_: then don't worry about it.15:35
scuniziUbuntuMe: ok.. ubuntu will certianly fit in 20Gb so you could certainly let the installer do its thing by itself.  Afterward you may want to carve out 100Gb of space to move your /home to.  I say this be cause you're going to fall in love and will need more space for your pics, audio etc.. :)  but that can be done post-facto15:35
thewrathwho sent me am essage15:35
Lartza_Second thing, what is different from the minimal and regular server install?15:36
Lartza_It doesn't let me choose what servers to install on regular?15:36
a_co#j *irc.racrew.us15:36
a_co#j #rc.racrew.us15:37
quaalhow do i turn off this auto fsck check you must run fsck manually before i'll stop failing the boot sequence garbage15:37
a_co#j #irc.racrew.us15:37
quaalthis is absolutely unacceptable15:37
quaali cant e ven ssh15:37
Dreamglidera_co, it's /server irc.racrew.us15:37
Dreamglidera_co, and /j #channel15:37
UbuntuMescunizi: lets say.. i want to use gparted to create a partition.... must it be primary or logical.. and it should be ext3 format.... Am i right on this.15:37
Lartza_So difference of ubuntu server and minimal? from the same cd15:38
may0Ubuntume, do you have windows installed and are wanting to dual boot?15:39
scuniziUbuntuMe: primary or logical doesn't matter.. if you find a need for more than 4 primary partitions then you have to go with 3 primary and make the 4th logical with more partitions below that.  ext3 is the default file system but it doesn't really matter if you used gparted to make partitions and didn't assign a file system to them.. the installer will allow you to do that.15:40
sh_can anyone help me to install google earth from medibuntu?15:40
sh_when i try to install it sais only one software management tool can be open at one time...but i dont have anything else open15:41
scunizish_: if you have the medibuntu repo's installed then use System/Admin/Synaptic and "refresh" the database of available programs.. then search for google earth and install.. simple :)15:41
scunizish_:  do you have add/remove and synaptic open at the same time?15:42
pROCKrammerhello people15:42
pROCKrammerO need help)15:42
sh_scunizi: no15:42
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCLIENT ? thx15:42
pROCKrammerI want download Video From YouTube and COnvert it into AVI or some other format )) is there any applications???15:42
sh_scunizi: : when i try to start synaptec i get "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:43
sh_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.15:43
quaalhow do i make ubuntu not fail boot before ssh starts just because of htis stupid fsck failure telling me to run fsck manually on an external drive that is completely unimportant.15:43
=== ar is now known as gurutruxy
armenceHi all, I am having a problem... I just updated my video drivers and now, when I log on, I crash. Specifically, my computer works perfectly fine except for the fact that the screen is covered by vertical and horizontal lines instead of icons and images that are useful. I tried every mode I could find and the only thing that works is Xterm... I am now on the LiveCD... Can anyone help me setup my computer to use the old driver instead o15:43
pROCKrammerI want download Video From YouTube and COnvert it into AVI or some other format )) is there any applications???  :)15:43
scunizish_: so open Applications/Accessories/Terminal and type what it suggests to fix the problem.15:43
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCLIENT ? thx15:44
sh_scunizi:  when i type it sais "need an action option"15:44
resnoi chown my directory and now when i try to scp to it, it says permission denied. how do i regain ownership?15:45
kristian1whenever i burn a data dvd with brasero, and then copy content from data dvd to hdd later, i always have to sudo to do things, is there any reason why everything i cp from disc has too "locked"?15:45
scunizish_: did you type .... sudo dpkg --configure -a  ... just like that?.... without the ' at the front or back?15:45
sh_scunizi: yes15:45
cherodney\msg resno15:46
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.15:46
catoxhello everybody~~~15:46
lollerhi , why i received updates for kernel 2.6.27-11 after i`ve already running in this kernel , i`m asking because i configure grub menu.lst manually when when new kernel is released?15:46
MethodMarvelhey guys - are the apt-get servers being slow today do we know?15:46
telenhello catox15:46
cherodney\msg resno chatt me out15:46
scunizikristian1: it's a permissions thing.. you probably burned the data as "user bob" and now your system logs you in as "user bobby" the difference being user names.15:47
armenceCan anyone help me?15:47
MethodMarvelit's taking forever for my updates to download :S15:47
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCLIENT ? thx15:47
arvind_khadri!anyone | armence15:47
ubottuarmence: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:47
scunizish_: hopefully someone will stepup to help.. I'm not overly good at this issue.15:47
pROCKrammerI want download Video From YouTube and COnvert it into AVI or some other format )) is there any applications???   :'(  people PLESASE15:47
=== r2mx is now known as r2mxr
mib_g59svfpfcan someone help please, im getting so stressed now, i have a amilo 1718 laptop with a athero wireless card, the problem is its not reconized on ubuntu15:48
sh_scunizi: : ok thanks... it just seems to be one error after another... now this one is appearing  W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278315:48
scunizikristian1: after copying the files to your computer you can use chown and chmod to fix the permissions.15:48
arvind_khadripROCKrammer, to download from youtube yse youtube-dl15:48
armencearvind_khadri: I updated my NVIDIA driver and now I get a partial kind of snow crash shortly after I log on...15:48
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCLIENT ? thx15:48
* lenin After I upgraded to Intrepid Ibex.. I lost two things 1. I dont have the onlinestatus+shutdown-button 2. Update Notifier... those appletes crashed and doesnt work ... any suggestions?15:48
pROCKrammerarvind_khadri: thanx )15:48
arvind_khadriarmence, check with compiz effects15:48
kristian1scunizi : actually i burnt the disc and cp the disc with the same account.15:49
scunizish_: ok.. adding the medibuntu repository is a two step process.. one is listing the location line the second is adding the key.. there are instructions on the medibuntu for how to do this15:49
pROCKrammerarvind_khadri: by the way is there any web site of this application?15:49
IrfyIs there a way to tell evince which font size to use when typing into pdf forms?15:49
IrfyWhen i type something into a pdf form in evince, the font used is much larger than it should be.15:49
arvind_khadripROCKrammer, no its there in the repo's15:49
kristian1scunizi : oh yes. that should work. :-) thanks! too bad it happens by default though.15:49
scunizikristian1: weird.. well something changed from one to the next to the next.. it's fixable though15:49
arvind_khadri!find youtube-dl > pROCKrammer15:49
arvind_khadri!find youtube-dl | pROCKrammer15:49
ubottupROCKrammer: Found: youtube-dl15:49
sh_scunizi: : so..how many steps are actually involved? :)15:49
Machtinhm.. how to mux an audio channel into a .mkv file? :o15:50
pROCKrammerarvind_khadri: thanx15:50
sh_scunizi:  i managed to run it now..the package manager...and i installed google earth....and...it crashes when i start it15:50
=== r2mxr is now known as yz250
armencearving_khadri: What should I look for? I can't get anything except an Xterm. (I'm on the LiveCD right now)15:50
kristian1scunizi : yep! thanks for your sollution. :-)15:50
mib_g59svfpfcan someone help please, im getting so stressed now, i have a amilo 1718 laptop with a athero wireless card, the problem is its not reconized on ubuntu15:50
quaalnautilus needs CTRL-Z.15:51
arvind_khadriarmence, no login into the machine normal way and see if the snow effect in compiz is enabled15:51
scunizish_: two.. adding the location line to sources.list or through synaptic.. the second is adding the key...... if you added the wrong repository that might be why.. if you're on Jaunty and added the Intrepid repo that would be a no-no.. or the Intrepid repo for Hardy.. etc.15:51
scunizikristian1: np :)15:51
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCACLS ? thx15:51
hinkleyAnyone got Poker Stars to work on Ubuntu?15:51
landgreetings earthlings15:52
hinkleyAnyone got Poker Stars to work on Ubuntu?15:52
armencearving_khadri: When I log on, all I get is a bunch of vertical and horizontal lines that seem to be affected by my mouse moving around but I can't see any icons...15:52
scunizi!repeat | hinkley15:52
ubottuhinkley: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:52
sh_scunizi: i added the right one...but ive just discovered theres a problem with google earth on ubuntu...so..onto the next error15:52
scunizish_: :)15:52
hinkleylmfao i got TOLD ahaaha...15:53
sproatyuh what the hell my firefox just crashed now everything's wiped15:53
__8472hi, does anybody know for what precisely is the FILENAME refering in the SMBCACLS ? thx15:53
arvind_khadriarmence, ok, did you try running nvidia-xconfig ?15:53
sproatybookmarks and stuff gone15:53
armencearvind_khadri: Nope, I'm not sure what I would do with it...15:54
scunizi__8472: check in ##linux.. so to get there type /join ##linux15:54
__8472scunizi: why there, this is partly a linux,15:55
chuckh1958Is there a way to see who else is viewing your desktop via remote desktop viewer?15:55
arvind_khadriarmence, just run it, in the terminal, when you boot, and get the screen press ctrl+alt+f1 and then login and do nvidia-xconfig and then do startx15:55
scunizi__8472: sounds like a samba issue.. you're question doesn't make a lot of sense15:55
scunizi__8472: and nobody here seem to know the answer.. they might15:56
HammerHead66chuckh1958: there is I forget the name of the app 1sec15:56
majnoontrying to speed up a usb hard drive15:57
dooglustry this: watch a youtube video.  see how you can skip through it with the left and right arrow keys.  then double-click the video while it's playing, and see how you now can't skip.  can you reproduce it?  it doesn't happen in windows.  seems like a bug?15:57
scunizimajnoon: good luck15:57
chuckh1958HammerHead66:  Thanks. I just found it. there's an option to display an icon on the panel.15:57
majnoonin mc i'm getting like 20 KB transfers15:58
sh_scunizi:  the next error is it wont let me uninstall the google earth which doesnt work "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/googleearth_5.0.11337.1968-0medibuntu7_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1"15:58
armencearving_khadri: OK, I'll give that a shot15:58
napzterWhats is Turbo C equivalent here in Ubuntu? ( I want to code C language)15:58
UbuntuMescunizi: can i put the mount point as just */*15:59
scunizish_: you may have to just manually delete the files for it..15:59
natschilnapzter: well, for a simple c compiler use gcc15:59
natschil!package build-essential15:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:59
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:59
scuniziUbuntuMe: if you're manually doing the partitions.. */* is the representation for "root" .. /home and /swap are self explainatory16:00
sh_scunizi: im sure id get an error with that too... i just tried to use the "Janitor clean up" option to remove old stuff...got an other error "could not clean up properly..wasnt able to locate googlearth"16:00
scuniziUbuntuMe: / can be 7-8 gigs on your system16:00
UbuntuMescunizi: i only got the option for the Mount point...  whats this /home and /swap ... will it appear later in the set up16:01
natschilnapzter: gcc is what is used to compile linux16:01
natschilnaptzer: and most other open-source applications (and closed source)16:02
scuniziUbuntuMe: remember everything it pretty much a text file so you can search and destroy files belonging to a program.. there is nothing like the windows registry that you have to worry about.16:02
napzternatschil: how can i download gcc? i can't see it in Add/Remove Aplli.16:02
majnooni THINK my puter reading usb 2 as usb 116:02
UbuntuMescunizi: :) ... k, dude.. think, i will just whack and have a go... Anyways, I have the recovery disks, should something go wrong...16:03
Picinapzter: Most cli-only applications aren't in add/remove.  Install the build-essential package from synaptic or apt-get it16:03
sh_what is a "missing arch"?16:03
scuniziUbuntuMe: at minimum an install needs 2 partitions.. / and /swap.. if you're using the auto partitioner then this is what it will do.  the /swap will be automatic16:03
HammerHead66chuckh1958: the app that I use is "ettercap" it's vary easy to use16:03
natschilnapzter: if it isn't installed already, install build-essential16:04
natschil!build-essential | napzter16:04
ubottunapzter: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:04
chuckh1958HammerHead66: I actually found a checkbox in system/preferences/remotedesktop on the advanced tab. It lets you display an icon in the panel showing who is connected.16:04
Machtinhm.. how to mux an audio channel into a .mkv file?16:04
mib_39gj3xnlhi, i have installed ubuntu 9.04 and 8.10 but i cannot get wifi on both, can someone please help ??16:04
Picimib_39gj3xnl: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:05
napzternatschil: okay in the terminal? what should i type? install apt-get build essential?16:05
HammerHead66chuckh1958: ok yea i see you can do it that way too16:06
natschilnapzter: that would do the job, yup16:06
sh_scunizi: : what is the easiest way to to a clean install? can i just reinstall my 8.10 over jaunty? id like to go back a version16:06
scunizish_: yep..16:06
UbuntuMescunizi: when i click on the Device : free space in manual partition.. I Only have the option to do *New partition* and not *New partition table*.. .so i chose *New Partition*... thus I am unable to create a swap partition..16:07
sh_scunizi: i have windows on the other partition...so i can just ask the installer to install over the jaunty partition?16:07
scunizish_: yes16:07
UbuntuMescunizi: so I could just stick with swap file instead... I was reading just now..and it seems that the swap file is as good as swap parition...16:07
HammerHead66chuckh1958: thanks for the info16:08
sh_ok thanks ill try that.. thx for your help16:08
scuniziUbuntuMe: when you create the new partition you'll have an option to size it.. if you reduce the size by .. say.. 512mb then that extra space can be used for /swap16:08
scuniziUbuntuMe: maybe.. I've never used a swap file..16:08
HammerHead66what does it mean if you are getting attacked by your own ip address?16:09
exodus_msI'm using amarok ver 1.4.10 on ubuntu 8.10. I was wondering if there was a way to create a borderless visualization window (tools > visualizations > infinite). Maybe use devilspie to create a config file 'infinate.ds' to handle the display of the borderless window?16:09
onthefence9282is there software in the ubuntu respository that allows me to record video from a webcam? if so, what's it called (can't find any looking through add/remove now)16:09
scuniziUbuntuMe: just a hint for post install.. don't try to use hybernate or sleep while in ubuntu.. one of those uses swap space and you won't have nearly enough.16:09
ariqsis there a command line program like growisofs that burns .bin files?16:10
srdjohi all16:10
ariqswhat is it?16:10
* srdjo Can anyone help me with connecting two sites via vpn or something similar ?16:11
scunizionthefence9282: cheese maybe.. camorama might.. VLC might be able to as well.. mencoder if you can figure it out etc etc..16:11
chuckh1958HammerHead66: It's pretty handy. I only wish the rd app had the same built in web server that vncserver has. If I want to share my desktop with someone, they wouldn'thave to install a vnc viewer app. They could just connect to the http:/server:580016:11
mphillariqs: have you checked out cdrecord?16:11
UbuntuMescunizi: Oh... K.. I am left with 1Gb free space now...  so I use this space and create new partition and set mount point as /swap... Am i good now ?16:13
scuniziUbuntuMe: yep.. you doing this with the install cd or the gparted live cd?16:13
UbuntuMescunizi: ubuntu CD16:13
HammerHead66chuckh1958: sorry man I'm a newbie to Linux. I don't know of anything to help you out.16:13
scuniziUbuntuMe: ok.. same program.. let-her-rip!16:14
UbuntuMescunizi: thanks, dude... Oooooooooh Yeah16:14
scuniziUbuntuMe: you be rockin!16:15
* srdjo Can anyone help me with connecting two sites via vpn or something similar ?16:15
armenceSo, I updated my NVIDIA driver this morning and now shortly after I log on, my screen displays a whole bunch of vertical and horizontal lines and no icons or anything. Can anyone help?16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vmix16:15
mphillsrdjo: have you looked at openvpn?16:15
scunizi!vpn | srdjo16:15
ubottusrdjo: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD16:15
UbuntuMescunizi: How come I clicked forward... and I got this dialog box... "You have not selected any paritions for use as swap space..Enabling swap space is recommended blah blah"... :S16:16
scuniziUbuntuMe: when you're manually partitoning you still have to take that 1gig of space and tag it as /swap16:16
Tapoutis there a 'pc wizard' type app that takes inventory of the hardware/reports everything found... like pc wizard does in xp16:17
scuniziTapout: type sudo lshw in a terminal window16:17
mphillTapout: System / Administration / Hardware testing16:17
MaRkO_dou you speak turkish?16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quake416:18
ubottuQuake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details16:18
stuckeyDoes anyone know where one can buy quake4?16:18
UbuntuMescunizi: Ok.. I choose the type as *swap* and not *ext3*... but the option for the mount point was blanked out...16:19
calwighi, does anyone have any recommendations on mini-PCI cards that support WPA2+ encryption and are reliable.. like intel 2200bg or so?16:19
LjL!tr | MaRkO_16:19
ubottuMaRkO_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.16:19
iglekelkun parle francais16:19
Pici!fr | igle16:19
mike\server irc.effnet.net16:19
ubottuigle: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:19
armenceIui, mais je ne peu probablement pas vous aider16:19
scuniziUbuntuMe: yes..16:19
HammerHead66stuckey:   http://www.google.com/products?q=quake4&hl=en16:19
armenceCan anyone help me with my video card problem?16:20
erUSULstuckey: ask in offtopic16:20
stuckeyerUSUL: which channel is that?16:21
stuckeyHammerHead66: do you know a place that just lets you download?16:21
erUSUL!ot | stuckey16:21
scunizi!ask | armence everyone needs more specifics to make that determination16:21
ubottuarmence everyone needs more specifics to make that determination: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:21
ubottustuckey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:21
stuckeyubottu: oh okay16:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oh okay16:21
UbuntuMescunizi: k, i can proceed now... I am letting her rip now...16:21
MaRkO_sizin amýnýza koyim ya16:21
scuniziUbuntuMe: yeeee ha!16:22
c-ronmy newly compiled kernel is giving up waiting for the root device, /dev/sda5 .. anyone know which module i left out?16:22
el_barto_anyone here using ubuntu under virtualbox with 3D acceleration ????16:22
armenceI just updated my NVIDIA driver and now shortly after I log on, my screen basically snowcrashes. I just get meaningless vertical and horizontal lines...16:22
scuniziel_barto_: far as I know it won't work16:22
exodus_msI'm using amarok ver 1.4.10 on ubuntu 8.10. I was wondering if there was a way to create a borderless visualization window (tools > visualizations > infinite). Maybe use devilspie to create a config file 'infinate.ds' to handle the display of the borderless window?16:22
scuniziel_barto_: if you want to find out for sure log into #vbox16:23
=== adam7__ is now known as adam7
c-ronanyone know which module i b0rked?16:24
c-roni think it's libata that sees drives as /dev/sd* instead of /dev/hd* ?16:24
calwighi, does anyone have any recommendations on mini-PCI cards that support WPA2+ encryption and are reliable.. like intel 2200bg or so?16:25
armenceIs there a way to setup the default video driver from the command line?16:25
scuniziarmence: why?16:26
scuniziarmence: ah.. missed your previous post.. did you install the driver from nvidia or use the one in the hardware driver menu?16:27
armencescunizi: I think the later16:27
scuniziarmence: try typing nvidia-xconfig16:27
scuniziarmence: or sudo nvidia-xconfig16:27
armencescunizi: I did, I get a whole bunch of errors...16:27
meltdownHey, I'm having an issue with libapache2-mod-auth-mysql. I'm pretty sure I have it all configured correctly, but for some reason when I try to access my protected directory (served by mod_dav_svn) mod_auth_mysql segfaults. Any ideas on why this could be happening?16:28
=== Jimi is now known as Jimi_Neutral
scuniziarmence: which driver? did you go from the 173 to the 177?16:28
armencescunizi: You should know I am running from the LiveCD at the moment16:28
armencescunizi: I believe so16:28
UbuntuMescunizi: i am at the last step... Ready to install... Should i click Advanced and change the boot loader.. Or just leave it as the default..16:29
scuniziok.. you really need to be booted into the system to get help fixing it.. I'll introduce you to a couple concepts that will help..16:29
HammerHead66stuckey:here is were you can download all game from to your hard drive I don't know if they have it but look around16:29
scuniziUbuntuMe: if it means default grub leave it.. I'd choose whatever the default is.16:29
scuniziarmence: click applications/accessories/terminal16:30
armenceok, I have an Xterm16:30
c-ron_when trying to boot up a newly compile kernel, i'm getting an error message: gave up waiting for root device16:30
UbuntuMescunizi: k, roger that16:30
c-ron_it's looking for /dev/sda5  and can't find it16:30
scuniziarmence: you may want to take notes so you can do this in your booted system.. type sudo apt-get install irssi16:31
c-ron_anyone know why?16:31
sebsebseb 16:32
dratnercan I ask a samba question here or is there a different channel for that?16:32
sebsebseb!samba |  dratner16:32
ubottudratner: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:32
sebsebseb!ask |  dratner16:32
ubottudratner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:32
armencescunizi: done16:32
japanfreddratner, shoot :) someone may know16:32
scuniziarmence: ok.. now type irssi and you'll load a cli based irc client16:32
scuniziarmence: once loaded in the text entry line type .. /connect irc.freenode.net ... when it's done doing it's thing type .. /join #ubuntu ..16:33
DobleI need to limit the traffic which rsnapshot uses when doing backups on my ubuntu server to 100kb/sec - whats the best way of going about this ?16:33
scuniziarmence: got it?16:34
dratnerI am trying to share a windows NTFS drive. But I keep getting errors about I don't have permission. I think its because the drive is being mounted as 'root'. I am sure there is a way around this in Samba or maybe a way not to mount the drive as 'root' but as a user16:34
rhousandI upgraded my workstation from 8.04 to 8.10 yesterday and know my pipe key does not work. any ideas where i should start?16:35
c-ron_my new kernel's looking for the root device at /dev/sda5  and can't find it16:35
armence2I am here16:35
japanfreddratner, are you mounting the NTFS drive in fstab?16:35
dratnerjapanfred: no nautilus16:35
japanfreddratner, try running nautilus as root16:36
scuniziarmence2: remember to use nicks when responding. type the first few characters and hit TAB for autocompletion..16:36
japanfreddratner, alt+f2, then type in gksudo nautilus then try again...16:36
dratnerjapan: will try16:36
japanfreddratner, i have all my shares setup manually in my smb.conf, sorry...16:36
armence2scunizi: thanks for the tab tip... Will I have internet when I'm in CLI though? Should I perhaps not use the wireless?16:36
scuniziarmence2 ok.. looking pretty nice so far?  Yes you should have internet.. just because the gui isn't working doesn't mean the rest of the system isn't.. linux is cool that way..:)16:37
armence2scunizi: Good...16:37
armence2scunizi: OK, so I guess I'll log on to the system in CLI and get back to you, see you shortly...16:38
racleHello, i was wondering is this right place to ask openssh-server thing? so i need that work over nat :P my apache is running fine, but cant get that work :/16:38
scuniziarmence2: ok.. when you boot into your system you'll either have a blank screen or one with a terminal prompt. If the screen is blank (most likely) you type .. ctrl+alt+F2 to get to a full screen terminal.. log in and do the irssi thing.. then when you're getting advice and need to issue commands you simply ctrl+alt+F3 to get to a different full screen terminal..16:39
ne2k__scunizi: armence2: drop the ctrl in that. Ctrl is only needed if you are already in X. otherwise it's just Alt+F1, Alt+F2, etc.16:40
dratnerjapan: I did a gksudo nautilus but it looks different then my usual nautilus in that now I don't' see any icons representing my drive.16:40
ogelamiif my webserver's php creates a file it doesn't get chmod 777'ed how do i make all files in /etc/www/ to become chmod 777 and every file whom gets created in that folder will have chmod 777?16:40
pradeephow to update ubuntu 8.4 to 916:41
scunizine2k__: Alt+F<number> will bring up a box in the gui for entering commands.. armence2 doesn't have a gui at this point.. it's stuck and needs a full TTY screen..16:41
sebsebseb!upgrade |  pradeep16:41
ubottupradeep: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:41
pradeepthank you sir16:41
Xcellgood morning sebsebseb16:42
Mean_AdminI've a script within which there is a command that needs to be run by root (port forward 139). I've set the file 6755  and myself as group and yet I still can't execute it...what is up ?16:42
vigoracle: Sort of, depends on the people that are logged in and that are familiar with that app or package, I know nothing about that stuff,but look at the forums and check back when someone responds to the Q?.16:42
ogelamiwhen php writes a file i get "permission denied" in response, how do i fix this?16:42
scuniziogelami: you probably don't want all files at 777 otherwise you reduce your security a lot..16:42
armencescunizi: I am now in CLI on my system16:43
scuniziarmence: cool!!16:43
armencescunizi: I must agree that this makes linux AMAZING16:43
Greenlynxhi all16:43
wamtylsusb shows my webcam "Creative Technology, Ltd ORITE CCD Webcam(PC370R)" ; however, none of my X apps (ie: skype, Cheese Webcam Booth) can see it.  Anyone have any idea what may be happening?16:43
o0splitpaw0oYo, got a Powerbook g4 here, wanting to install ubuntu, but run into a problem of it not finding the CDROM on book. Anyone have success with the install, or suggested work around?16:43
japanfreddratner, really? you should be able to at least navigate to the folder?16:43
Greenlynxi look for a guys living in the US with his own server16:43
wamtylsusb shows my webcam "Creative Technology, Ltd ORITE CCD Webcam(PC370R)" ; however, none of my X apps (ie: skype, Cheese Webcam Booth) can see it.  Anyone have any idea what may be happening?16:43
japanfreddratner, it will look different, root has different user preferences to you :)16:44
dratnerjapan: since its not yet mounted I don't have a folder16:44
scuniziarmence: it is..16:44
ogelamiscunizi: how would you solve this problem then?16:44
japanfreddratner, ah, you can't share nothing... you'll need to create the folder/mount it16:44
armencescunizi: OK, down to buisness, what should I do? (Don't take me wrong, I love this and I am learning VIM but GUIs can be useful)16:44
scuniziogelami: sorry I'll leave that for someone that knows the answer.. check in #ubuntu-server or ##linux if you don't get an answer here..16:44
wamtylsusb shows my webcam "Creative Technology, Ltd ORITE CCD Webcam(PC370R)" ; however, none of my X apps (ie: skype, Cheese Webcam Booth) can see it.  Anyone have any idea what may be happening?16:45
dratnerjapan: this might be easier from the command line...something like mount --shared /dev/hdb1 /media/Windows ntfs-3g  or something like that...I can't  remember exactly16:45
japanfreddratner, do you want me to take you through setting up your fstab to do it at boot?16:46
scuniziarmence: VIM? arg.. never had the inclination.. try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. caps and lower case make a difference.. ctrl+alt+F3 to get to the next tty and ctrl+alt+F2 to get back here..16:46
dratnerjapanfred: I don't want to make the drive available to everyone. just want to mount it temporarily and then samba share  so I can copy some stuff over16:47
c-ron_when trying to boot up a newly compiled kernel, i'm getting an error message: gave up waiting for root device which is looking for /dev/sda5 .. my other kernels use root=/dev/sda5 in menu.lst and boot fine. which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?16:47
japanfreddratner, ah ok, so when your gksudo'd into nautilus, you can't see that mountable drive?16:47
dratnerjapan: yep but I see it and some another windows partition in my regular nautilus16:48
armencescunizi: Sorry, I lost power briefly here...16:49
wamty I guess I need to "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so"  What libs are these?16:49
japanfreddratner, ok, but the one you are after, you can see?16:49
c-ron_if i can't figure this out i'm leaving ubuntu for gentoo :P16:49
wamtyikonia:  I guess I need to "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so"  What libs are these?16:49
scuniziarmence: ouch16:49
scuniziarmence: did you get my last post?16:49
dratnerjapan: not under the gksudo naut16:49
armencescunizi: I don't think so...16:49
scuniziarmence: VIM? arg.. never had the inclination.. try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf .. caps and lower case make a difference.. ctrl+alt+F3 to get to the next tty and ctrl+alt+F2 to get back here..16:49
japanfreddratner, weird! ok let's mount it at command line then16:49
dratnerjapan: k16:49
wamtyikonia:  I guess I need to "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so"  What libs are these?16:50
japanfreddratner, make a folder, i.e. mkdir /media/mydrive16:50
wamtyI guess I need to "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so"  What libs are these?16:50
armencescunizi: ok16:50
Nom-Hey guys.  Should be an easy question I hope.  I've got a network card in my machine which seems to be defaulting back to 100Mbps/Full/NoNegotiate, despite my multiple attempts to force it to 1000Mbps/Full/AutoNeg.  Is there anywhere common I should be looking at?  I've tried init scripts, post-up in /etc/network/interfaces and neither have made it stick, but it works fine from the command line (so it's not a problem with the port / card)16:50
japanfreddratner, now, do you know what /dev/hdXX the partition is?16:50
wamtyanyone around?16:51
japanfreddratner, ok great, let's do...16:51
japanfreddratner, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /media/mydrive16:51
scuniziarmence: look in that file for a line that begins with "Driver".  if it's there and the referenece is nvidia change it to nv.16:51
o0splitpaw0oSo I got this powerbook g4 (PPC) attempted the PPC install CD. I find it doesn't detect the CDROM after loading into memory. Suggestions?16:52
wamtyI guess I need to "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so"  What libs are these?16:52
armencescunizi: Ctrl+O to save?16:52
mib_yw5bpthi when i wake my computer after sleep, my monior does not turn back on.16:52
c-ron_error message: gave up waiting for root device which is looking for /dev/sda5 .. my other kernels use root=/dev/sda5 in menu.lst and boot fine. which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?16:53
Nom-never mind, i found it... some of our in-house scripts are so stupid :(16:53
scuniziarmence: yes and ctrl+x to exit16:53
scuniziarmence: don't reboot16:53
dratnerjapan: sorry for the delay I wrote hdb1 should have been sdb1 ..haha anyway16:53
vigowamty: USB Camera ?16:53
armencescunizi: ok, not rebooting as we speak16:53
japanfreddratner, haha no worries :) is it now mounted? check by doing a ls /media/mydrive16:53
scuniziarmence: :).. to see if the gui will start.. try this.. if it loads then you can ctrl+alt+F2 to get back here.. type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start16:54
dratnerjapan: its working and showing up on my gksudo nautilus16:54
japanfreddratner, so, now under you gksudo nautilus, try and share it, you know how to do that?16:54
dratnerjapan: yep16:54
japanfredGive it a go :)#16:54
dratnerlooks like it worked16:55
japanfreddratner, now try and browse it16:55
armencescunizi: I actually am in F1 here... Is that going to be a problem? I mean, unless I am being silly and try to return here using F2?16:55
dratnerjapan: let me go into the other room and see16:55
=== khisanth_ is now known as Khisanth
scuniziarmence: don't think so.. but not sure.. issue the command and see what happens16:55
mib_yw5bptif i install GsTreamer in the USA, is that iilegal?16:56
armencescunizi: Starting GNOME manager [fail]16:56
sebsebsebmib_yw5bpt: probably16:56
scuniziarmence: when you made the driver change did you type NV or nv?16:56
babanaboyHallo zusammen :)16:56
armencescunizi: nv16:57
dratnerjapan: poop...still not seeing it on my other computer.16:57
sebsebsebmib_yw5bpt: it's the encrypted dvd program that may not be fully legal, but gstreamer should be fine16:57
babanaboydo you speak german or english here ?16:57
japanfreddratner, ok well what can you see from the other computer?16:57
mib_yw5bptok thanks sebsebseb16:57
scuniziarmence: thinking....16:57
armencescunizi: no problem16:57
armencescunizi: I'll brb, I need to hit the thinking chair briefly16:58
dratnerjapan: nevermind...I see it...should it be under the windows share?16:58
sebsebsebmib_yw5bpt: ok no problem16:58
japanfredif thats what it's called, yep16:58
scuniziarmence: k16:58
AJC_Z0How to I add an app to the list in the pop-up window when removable media (CD, DVD, etc.) is inserted?16:58
dratnerjapan: hmm, its a NTFS based drive but its not a full OS ...just a storage drive16:58
c-ron_error message: gave up waiting for root device which is looking for /dev/sda5 .. my other kernels use root=/dev/sda5 in menu.lst and boot fine. which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?16:59
japanfredjapanfred, i think there is a severe generalisation that NTFS = windows16:59
* scunizi sees japanfred talking to himself and wonders if he's fishing for responses16:59
dratnerjapan: well whatever..as long as I can see and browse...thats all I need for now. Thanks for the help17:00
japanfredlmao.... thats scunizi17:00
japanfredomg, my head... thanks scunizi17:00
japanfreddratner, no worries :)17:00
linduxedlets say ive got a server that has an empty drive that isnt mounted, and a filled up drive that is mounted and contains / with all of its subdirectories (some split onto partitions). would there be any problems if i wanted to do a "dd if=/dev/sd<old drive> of=/dev/sd<empty drive>" if the old drive is being used?17:00
J_Phi all17:00
dratnerjapan: I guess if I need it regularly I will mount it in fstab17:00
futekiAnyone here familiar with data recovery?17:00
armencescunizi: back17:00
J_Ppeple, I install ubuntu 8.10 server, and after I need Grafical interface only to use firefox. So I install apt-get install xorg icewm. But after I did startx command, mouse not works. I try ps2 and usb mouse. what file I can change to try solve that ?17:01
graingerthey guys, what does: dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to17:01
graingert  when removing `diversion of /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib32/nvidia/libGL.so.1.2.xserver-xorg-core by nvidia-glx-180'17:01
graingert  found `diversion of /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib32/nvidia/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-180'17:01
FloodBot2graingert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
zoraelCan anyone tell me how to apply the patch at http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20997#c1 ? I have the source and everything ready, but since it's not a .patch file I don't know how to apply it properly17:01
japanfreddratner, yep, either that or store what i've told you so far into a script that you can run when you need it17:01
ravenis it possible to split files with AUDACITY at NEAR SILENCE automatically (for example in batch-process?) tnx...17:01
dratnerjapan: script...yeah. Isn't linux cool17:01
japanfreddratner, that's one thing it certainly is :) can really bite you in the ass though17:02
dratneryes, thanks again.17:02
scuniziraven: you might search google for audacity how to's .. sounds like you're recording LP's and need to split the files.. there is a way for audacity to do that.17:02
c-ron_hi Syntacs17:02
joaopintolinduxed, yes you would get an inconsistent  filesystem17:02
Syntacshey c-ron17:02
joaopintolinduxed, if you need to clone a live system, you can use rsync17:02
mib_yw5bptsebsebseb: when i wake my computer after sleep, my monior does not turn back on.17:02
FloodBot2achenheim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
ravenscunizi i know and you're nearly right - i am recording tapes ;)17:03
scuniziraven: 'bout time! :)17:04
linduxedjoaopinto: two questions then. 1) would i get a byte by byte copy like dd? 2) how do i use rsync for that?17:04
scuniziraven: do you need a DBX128 processor to increase the dynamic range?  I've got one from the late 70's early 80's :)17:04
ravenscunizi but the problem i have is that i cannot adjust the "silence" so when there is a little noise (i cannot completely remove with the plugin) nothing get's split17:04
jtgirihi i am trying to use screen command, my friend logged in as root and i logged as root also, we both type screen and hit enter, but we can't see each other typing any suggestions ?17:05
armencescunizi: Does NVIDIA effectively manage its own drivers and did not see fit to provide a manager from the cli?17:05
joaopintolinduxed, 1) no you don't get a byte by byte copy, explaining myself better, you can't do a reliably byte by byte copy from a filesystem being changed17:05
scuniziraven: you can manually insert a silence portion17:05
joaopinto2) You can only use rsync for FS structure/data replication17:05
futekiAnyone here have good experience with virtualbox and linux data recovery?17:06
ravenof course - in 20 houres music i'd prefer the tool to do it for itself ;)17:06
scuniziarmence: well... it's not really nvidia.. it's how the video system now works.. we still have a couple options..17:06
linduxedjoaopinto: so i should do it in some live environment?17:06
mib_yw5bptwhen i wake my computer after sleep, my monior does not turn back on. anyone have any ideas?17:06
scuniziarmence: did you tell me you tried sudo nvidia-xconfig?17:06
joaopintolinduxed, what do you expect to gain from a byte by byte copy over an file based copy ?17:06
armencescunizi: Yeap, I just got a ton or warnings17:07
scuniziarmence: ok.. try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:07
armencescunizi: Do you want me to try again? And should I restore xorg.conf first?17:07
ravenscunizi of course - in 20 houres music i'd prefer the tool to do it for itself ;)17:07
daejones1when transferring music to an ipod touch using ssh is there anyway to make it go faster?17:07
clearscreen armence: what are they? I haven't evolved my brains to telepathically read minds over the internet17:07
WhitorCan anyone reccomend a good SNMP monitoring tool for ubuntu ?17:08
scuniziraven: oh yea.. I know the pain.. I have 500 LP's that I've been trying to find the time to convert for several years.17:08
demontagerWho know any Proxy finder utility for Linux_Ubuntu?17:09
ravenscunizi i simply need the ability to adjust a treshhold or something else but there is no dialogue for the splitting-tool isn't it?17:09
linduxedjoaopinto: tbh, i only feel safer having it go through the entire drive byte by byte including mbr and stuff like that17:09
linduxedjoaopinto: im basically swapping a small drive for a larger one17:10
c-ron_error message: gave up waiting for root device which is looking for /dev/sda5 .. my other kernels use root=/dev/sda5 in menu.lst and boot fine. which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?17:10
scuniziraven: it's been a while.. the audacity site has lots of info and there might even be a channel for it.17:10
armencescunizi: done17:11
lartza_I just installed ubuntu server, the computer has 2 PCI NIC and only one of them, the one to internet is working(showing on ifconfig)17:11
ravenscunizi yes i tried both but i did not found a really solution - because of that i'm here ;)17:11
scuniziarmence: when you booted into your system did you get in using the "recover" kernel?17:11
joaopintolinduxed, with rsync you can do it with a live system, but you will need to reinstall the MBR17:11
ravenbut no matter thanks for your response17:11
armencescunizi: nope17:11
joaopintowith dd, you will need to boot from a livecd17:12
scuniziarmence: ok.. try this again.. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start17:12
lartza_The lights on both pci cards are on17:12
J_Pwhere are thre the xorg configuration file ?17:12
armencescunizi: same problem as before17:12
scuniziJ_P: /etc/init.d/xorg.conf17:12
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armencescunizi: Should I maybe try to reboot?17:13
dainishow to uninstall app's using terminal ?17:13
scuniziJ_P: oops.. not there. /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:13
lartza_So how do I fix my pci nic?17:13
joaopintodainis, sudo apt-get remove package17:13
scuniziarmence: yes17:13
linduxedjoaopinto: i think ill go with booting up a live environment17:13
armencescunizi: see you soon17:13
sebsebsebdainis: sudo apt-get purge programname that will also get rid of the config files and so the best way17:13
lartza_And how do I change channels in irssi?17:13
J_Pscunizi: administrator@olhovivo:/etc/X11$ ls -la xorg.conf17:14
J_P-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-04-08 11:39 xorg.conf17:14
Picilartza_: /win windownumber  OR alt+windownumber17:14
mib_yw5bptwhen i wake my computer after sleep, my monior does not turn back on. anyone have any ideas?17:14
J_Pscunizi: file is empty17:14
dainissebsebseb: thank you - will try it in a few seconds.17:14
graingertmib_yw5bpt-> what graphic card do you have?17:14
lartza_So now how do I get my pci network card to life?17:14
graingertlartza_-> what flavour is it?17:14
lartza_wait a sec17:14
minimike150mib_yw5bpt: i also have problems with sleep mode on my computer.. it becomes totally unresponsive when trying to wake back up17:15
PiciJ_P: The most recent xorg versions use HAL to determine video settings.17:15
mib_yw5bptgreen-ant: gforce 860017:15
wamtyHi could someone tell me a good package that will run on ubuntu to recover data following a harddrive format. I have wine running but am unable to run any windows applications as the wine system uses virtualdrives and so does not have access to the physically drives that are mounted.17:15
PiciJ_P: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution if you need to troubleshoot a problem17:15
J_PPici: so, how I configure mouse with xorg for example?17:15
lartza_fixed I guess...17:15
graingertmib_yw5bpt-> this is likely to be the new nvidia-180 driver17:15
wamtyAny ideas?17:15
lartza_Had to run sudo ifconfig eth0 for it to show17:15
PiciJ_P: If you put things into xorg.conf it will respect them, but they don't need to be there for it to work.17:15
mib_yw5bptminimike150: does hybernate work?17:15
=== lartza_ is now known as Lartza_busy
J_PPici: ok17:16
armencescunizi: Hey, it worked!17:16
wamtyPici ?17:16
minimike150mib_yw5bpt: nope, i cannot waks my computer once on standby17:16
wamtycould someone tell me a good package that will run on ubuntu to recover data following a harddrive format. I have wine running but am unable to run any windows applications as the wine system uses virtualdrives and so does not have access to the physically drives that are mounted.17:16
armencescunizi: Though I still am using the CLI just for "cool" value...17:16
scuniziarmence: yeee ha17:16
dainissebsebseb > uninstalled - thanks for your help !17:16
Piciwamty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery17:17
z00mhi, i need some help with a game im trying to play on ubuntu its called battleforge and im trying to run it with wine17:17
J_PPici: But where are there xorg.cong examples, because default is distro is of couse empty.. understand ?17:17
sebsebsebdainis: np17:17
scuniziarmence: wanna learn another cool cli thing?17:17
armencescunizi: definitly17:17
Piciz00m: Specific application help for wine can be found in #winehq17:17
wamtyPici: however can you suggest something?17:17
scuniziarmence: ok.. you in cli in the gui or tty?17:17
z00mthe setup runs fine it just when the hame goes to download updates it failes :S17:17
Piciwamty: I cannot, sorry.17:17
armencescunizi: tty17:17
wamtyPici: i use ubuntu 9.04 distro17:17
z00mok Pica17:17
scuniziarmence: ok.. go to the F2 or F3 tty and .. sudo apt-get install screen17:18
Piciwamty: 9.04 support is in #ubuntu+1, but like I said, I don't have any suggestions because I haven't had to do much data recovery.17:18
sebsebsebwamty: wrong channel then you want #ubuntu+117:18
PiciJ_P: If you need to modify xorg.conf you can enter the sections yourself.17:19
armencescunizi: done17:19
pascal__join ubuntu-de17:19
kimeropsome manual for bash ?17:19
Picikimerop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal is a good start17:19
c-ron_error message: gave up waiting for root device which is looking for /dev/sda5 .. my other kernels use root=/dev/sda5 in menu.lst and boot fine. which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?17:19
scuniziarmence: ok.. back to that tty and type ... screen .. then hit enter after the text that pops up.. then.. type irssi for a second occurance of irssi and log in as armence217:20
Picikimerop: Or google for ABS guide if you are looking to start doing scripting.17:20
kimeropok, thanks17:20
Lartza_busyHow do I exit irssi? :D17:20
PiciLartza_busy: /quit17:20
scuniziLartza_busy: /exit17:20
scuniziLartza_busy: then /quit17:20
=== Lartza_busy is now known as Lartza_
armence2scunizi: Done17:20
scuniziarmence2: looks normal right?17:21
armence2scunizi: yeap17:21
fluxdudeanyone know if ubuntu has a kickstart like automated install procedure?17:21
armence2scunizi: So, what's the trick?17:21
scuniziarmence2: ah-HA!  type ctrl+a shift+s (that makes a capital S)17:21
c-ron_which module is responsible for seeing ide drives as scsi /dev/sd* drives?17:22
scuniziarmence2: ctrl+a <release> then shift+s17:22
fluxdudeubuntu is trying to tell us that ubuntu server is ready to come to business like rhel, but until i have an automated installer... i ain't wasting time on it.17:22
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fluxdudeperhaps fai can do ubuntu as well?17:23
Picifluxdude: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Server%20and%20network%20installations17:23
armence2How do I switch between the windows?17:23
Number7armence2, what windows ?17:23
scuniziarmence2: :) ok.. now ctrl+a TAB to shift to the bottom half and then CTRL+a then c to get a terminal prompt17:23
kennehoHi all. I'm having trouble getting my touchpad to work. Is there any hope getting it to work, even if /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't show sign of any touchpad devices?17:23
scuniziarmence2: now you're in the bottom half and to get back to the top ctrl+a TAB17:23
armence2scunizi: Cool...17:24
armence2scunizi: What's the command to close a window?17:24
scuniziarmence2: to close make sure you're in the window and ctrl+a shift+x but don't do it yet..17:25
scuniziarmence2: do a ctrl+a d and everything will dissappear.. now go back to the gui and open a terminal and type screen -ls to identify the screen session number.. once you see the 4-5 digit number type .. screen -r <number> and everything will return17:26
sebsebsebchiky: hi17:26
lartza_I am trying to forward internet connection17:26
lartza_I am using the community doc17:26
lartza_but after I do the commands and use iptables -VL I jusst get vesion info17:27
Pici!enter | lartza_17:27
ubottulartza_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:27
armencescunizi: It froze17:27
scuniziarmence: what froze?17:27
petafileIt seems that after upgrading to the latest nVidia drivers, part of my opengl install has broken, standard ./configure scripts say that opengl is not installed and linking with -lGL option no longer works.  Anyone know how to fix this?17:28
armencescunizi: I am in the second window and it froze, I think I mistyped something17:28
armencescunizi: I am now in tty117:28
scuniziarmence: k.. did it all disappear?17:28
armencescunizi: Nope, it looks normal, but when I use the keyboard, nothing happens17:29
scuniziarmence: ah  you did the ctrl+a d and it looks like it froze but you'll see a terminal prompt at the bottom of the screen17:29
scuniziarmence: if the terminal prompt is there you're fine..17:30
armencescunizi: No... (I might have done Ctrl+a d, my finger slipped and I'm not sure what key I hit) Well, the second window has a terminal and a blinking cursor but it's not doing anything17:31
scuniziarmence: try ctrl+c or q to exit that mode17:31
scuniziarmence2  you're back!17:32
armence2scunizi: OK, I am now in full screen with the irssi window...17:32
nikitisAre there any good Linux GPS programs that have detailed street maps that you can download the whole USA and not just where you are going?17:32
lartza_How do I flush all modifications for iptables?17:32
armence2scunizi: It's all very confusing, but I am full of wonder17:32
scuniziarmence2: do a ctrl+a d and everything will dissappear.. now go back to the gui and open a terminal and type screen -ls to identify the screen session number.. once you see the 4-5 digit number type .. screen -r <number> and everything will return  -- to get back to the gui ctrl+alt+F717:32
philni can't boot latest jaunty kernel (could not boot latest interpid kernel either), i get a bunch of ATA errors17:33
nikitisphiln, ram upgrade?17:33
xy|oxlartza_, man iptables17:33
philni only manage to boot on 2.6.27-12-generic17:33
philnnikitis: i recently switched the harddrive to a new machine17:33
nikitisphiln, yeah, kernels don17:34
beeftubehi all, I am thinking of offering Ubuntu desktop installs, anyone know how I can get training and certification?17:34
nikitisphiln, dont like new hardware17:34
mattgyver83On my second HDD when trying to create a link it receive the error: 'Error making symbolic link: Operation not permitted' how can i fix this?17:34
hanasakiwhere do I find the network manager applet to put in gnome?17:34
philnnikitis: is there something i need to regenerate?17:34
CAP9324hi here17:34
lartza_Doesn't help much and I am sick of reading man right now17:34
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lartza_It says -t table but i haven't specified one17:35
nikitisphiln, dont know exactly.  but your probably on the right track, ask someone in here that question17:35
armence2scunizi: I am again filled with wonderment...17:35
thecommutistnikitis: openstreetmaps17:35
nikitisAre there any good Linux GPS programs that have detailed street maps that you can download the whole USA and not just where you are going?17:35
scuniziarmence2: you back in the gui?17:35
armence2scunizi: There is no sarcasm here, this is amazing... Yes17:35
nikitisthecommutist, i used roadnav to download openstreetmaps but it says non-us only17:36
philnanyone knows what to do in kernel config when hardware changes?17:36
lartza_And why iptables -XF FORWARD gives bad argument FORWARD?17:36
remsSshi everybody17:36
armence2scunizi: OK, so those are real windows that can be moved around between terminals and hidden and minimized and stuff, this is really good stuff17:37
armence2scunizi: thanks17:37
scuniziarmence2: screen is an amazing tool. read up on it.. I was really confused reading about it until I tried it and experienced the power.. there's many more features.. great for diagnosing your system when the gui doesn't work.. your next mission is to install elinks and try surfing the web at the cli..17:37
matotthi, I have a problem17:38
armence2scunizi: elinks... I'll give it a shot. I really like the CLI and surfing the web is the primary reason why I don't use it more...17:38
philnmatott: me too!17:38
matottmy alt+arrow keys don't work17:38
scuniziarmence2: have fun!  the more you learn the more you want to learn on this OS.. it's aggravation and smiles all at the same time.17:38
julian_hi im searching for posibilities were the wlan settings could be done on ubuntu. im having a roboter which runs with ubuntu and connects to a wlan. but i just cant find the file or the startup program which connects to an WLAN ap! can somebody help me?17:38
matottI get ;3C17:38
scuniziarmence2: oh.. mutt is pretty neat for imap access of your gmail account or others at the cli17:38
lartza_How do I clear iptables to start fresh?17:38
scuniziarmence2: mutt does pop as well.17:39
armence2scunizi: Thanks, I'll give both of those programs a shot17:39
julian_what else could be used for connection an AP wpa_supplicant file is not used so im hanging17:39
n8tuserlartza_-> to clear the rules  iptables -F17:39
scuniziarmence2: see ya.  coffee time17:39
matottMy problem seems similar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/9667617:39
armence2scunizi: cya17:40
s0101my login screen goes black after updating nividia driver how do i turn on low graph mode with xorg?17:40
s0101I am at another computer now17:40
lartza_n8tuser: Thanks, I have been given -XF which doesn't work17:41
s0101i would really apriciate a answer i done this before but i forgot what comand to use in terminal to reset xorg17:41
n8tuserlartza_-> however i think that does not clear the policy, so you may have to set it to your liking17:42
thecommutists0101: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:42
s0101cheers matte17:42
lartza_well that doesn't matter since it gets overwritten, entries get multiplied so i needed those cleared17:43
dainisin which language most of ubuntu app's are written ( java, c#, c++ .. ) ?17:43
thecommutistdainis: python17:44
p0lar69anyone with RAID install experiance?17:44
p0lar69I have a dell with ICH8 raid drives and want to install ubuntu17:44
p0lar69any ideas?17:44
dainisthecommutist > thnx17:45
thecommutistdainis: welcome!17:45
sebsebsebdainis: Ubuntu has a lot of Python stuff in it17:45
sebsebsebdainis: and in the repo  it seems as well yes17:45
thewrathi am interested in building my own computer. i would like to run ubuntu on it17:45
p0lar69the install wont see the raid even if I use the DMraid options17:45
sebsebsebdainis: Ubuntu uses quite a lot of Python17:45
thewrathwhere can i find specs that are supported by ubuntu?17:46
thecommutistthewrath: check the hardware compatibility list at www.ubuntu.com17:46
sebsebsebthewrath: more like,  where can you find specs that are suppourted by Linux,  well you can try here #linux  and also I expect a lot of people in #hardware use Linux17:46
cjonescan some one help find out why things keep disapearing from my desktop?17:46
p0lar69any ideas for me??17:46
dainissebsebseb > ok ,thank you ! Last time when I found some Python tuts, it looked like .. I don't know .. kind a old ! Will take a look at it again :)17:46
Testudothewrath:  With a little bit of work of installing drivers, almost anything oyu find will be compatible, at least in my experience. Usually this hasnn't been a problem with me. If www.ubuntu.com doesn't work, I'd suggset googling it to see if anyone else has had trouble with that piece of hardware17:47
sebsebsebdainis: Python is a rather good first proggramming language17:47
thecommutistdainis: www.diveintopython.org17:47
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sebsebsebthecommutist: ok that could be useful for me as well, since I gave up on Python before,  since other things etc17:47
sebsebsebthecommutist: I am in no rush to learn any proggramming17:48
ariqsthecommutist, most of ubuntu's apps are written in python? seriously?17:48
dainissebsebseb > I'm not saying that it's not .. that was just my first impression ! +1 for the link.17:48
rampageoberonhi, any idea what the security feature is that can cause ifconfig to not work unless sudo is used and top to only show processes running under your user?17:48
thecommutistsebsebseb: diveintopython is a bit more technical from the beginner's perspective. there's a "how to think like a computer scientist" book based on python. google for that. it's very helpful for beginner and much more easier to understand17:49
otmi'm having a problem with an installation, when I do ./configure there is an error with "libevent" :S17:50
graingertrampageoberon-> this is default behaviour17:50
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?17:50
sebsebsebthecommutist: a free ebook?17:50
thecommutistariqs: are you into programming?17:50
player1uphello i installed gstreamer but video sites like youtube dont work... can anyone help17:50
thecommutistsebsebseb: yes it's free for download17:50
graingertrampageoberon-> ifconfig read only is required for normal operation of the computer, normal users cannot write the ifconfig settings17:50
dainisthecommutist > I myself am a PHP/MySQL programmer and know a bit from C++, VB, so .. I think I'll be able to handle this book :)17:50
graingertplayer1up-> you need flash, LOLOLOL!17:50
ariqsthecommutist, sort of17:50
rampageoberongraingert: in the older distro's such as hardy this was not the case, could you please explain what has changed.17:51
player1upgraingert: i have flash17:51
otmi'm having a problem with an installation, when I do ./configure there is an error with "libevent" :S. Can anybody help?17:51
sebsebsebthecommutist: I got somenoe that would like me to learn  Python, but I got other things that  should be my priority first17:51
graingertrampageoberon-> nothing, please do not attempt to restrict users from reading ifconfig information17:51
graingertrampageoberon-> why would you even wan't this?17:51
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?17:51
TheDracleHow can I configure my laptop CPU scaling to always be set to max performance in Ubuntu?17:51
thecommutistariqs: do you find it doubtful/unlikely most ubuntu apps being based on python?17:51
sebsebsebthecommutist: ,but for the future, thanks for the link and that17:51
rampageoberongraingert: running ifconfig i get "Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev ..."17:51
graingertrampageoberon-> if you are worried about people stealing your IP, then you should be firewalled properly17:52
thecommutistsebsebseb: you are welcome!17:52
rampageoberongraingert: i don't want to restrict users from reading ifconfig, i'm not able to do it on my machine without root which is a bit strange17:52
graingertrampageoberon-> ah, you mean you didn't want it to happen17:52
graingertrampageoberon-> sorry :-p17:52
ariqsthecommutist, It would surprise me, but I have no idea. Python is a very easy language to program in, but is slow due to its interpreted nature17:52
rampageoberongraingert: yes thats what i meant, and no problem17:52
rampageoberongraingert: i asked about the security feature as then i could check if its enabled on my machine17:53
otm"checking whether we need extra options to link libevent... configure: error: Found linkable libevent in (system), but it doesn't run, even with -R.  Maybe specify another using --with-libevent-dir?" that's my problem :(17:53
thecommutistariqs: ok i'll try to put this up to one of the ubuntu devs. let's see what comes out!17:53
player1upcan anyone help with video problems? i have ubuntu 8.10 and cannot play embedded videos on any sites17:53
graingertrampageoberon-> I think you may have permissions on that device set wrong, what is it's uri?17:53
graingertplayer1up-> install flashplugin-nonfree17:54
dainisplayer1up > install flash player ?17:54
player1updainis:  i already installed it17:54
thecommutistplayer1up: installed ubunut-restricted-extras?17:54
graingertplayer1up-> In that case you install is foomed17:54
thecommutistplayer1up: *ubuntu-restricted-extras?17:54
mizipzorto start my svn server, i login with my regular user and run "svnserve -d --foreground -r /home/svn", is there a way to make that a deamon? and then (is it with rc-update?) add it to autostartup when the computer boots?17:55
player1upthecommutist:  sorry can you explain what that is?17:55
dainisplayer1up > install restricted extras from Add/Remove programms - you'll get all codecs + players :)17:55
zilleplusdo i need ot install something to do remote controle on my ubuntu desktop to controle my ubuntu server with ubuntu terminal client17:55
rampageoberongraingert: permisions on /proc/net/dev are 444 and /sbin/ifconfig is 755, thats what you wanted?17:55
player1updainis:  ok thanks ill try that17:55
nikitisare there any better gps programs than roadnav?  roadnav keeps crashing when i go to import openstreetmaps.  getting core dumps17:55
graingertrampageoberon-> what is the output of ifconfig?17:56
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?17:56
otmwhat's the command to remove all the contents of a directory?17:56
graingertrampageoberon-> they should be -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-04-08 17:56 /proc/net/dev17:56
ne2k__U-b-u-n-t-u: YOU BEE YOU EN TEE YOU!17:56
dainisplayer1up > np - let me know if it solves your problem.17:56
rampageoberongraingert: "Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output."17:56
graingertrampageoberon-> and -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 72560 2008-07-17 10:12 /sbin/ifconfig17:56
zilleplusdo i need ot install something to do remote controle on my ubuntu desktop to controle my ubuntu server with ubuntu terminal client?????????????????????????????,17:57
graingertrampageoberon-> those are mine, are the permissions set ok?17:57
graingert!retard | zilleplus17:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about retard17:57
zillepluswath do you mean17:57
graingertBilokShem-> typo17:57
player1updainis: where is this thing in add/remove progs?17:57
BilokShemwho's a retard?17:58
rampageoberongraingert: yes those are the permissions i have too17:58
graingertrampageoberon-> hmm crazy beans17:58
ne2k__zilleplus: wath od you mena ot install sotheming to do remote controle on my ubuntu dekstop to controle my ubuntu server with ubuntu terminal client?????????????????????????????17:58
dainisplayer1up > top menu / Applications / Add/Remove17:58
player1updainis: : ye i found that..but where is this restriced extras thing?17:58
graingertzilleplus-> doo u meen u want tuu uze vnccccccc?????????????????/17:58
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?17:59
graingertzilleplus-> ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111117:59
ne2k__graingert: !!!!!!!!1111oneonetwo17:59
dainisplayer1up > use search ( ubuntu restricted )17:59
graingertne2k__-> xD17:59
zilleplusi just wat to remote controle my ubuntu server 8.1017:59
ne2k__graingert: you have a wonky face17:59
graingert!grammer | zilleplus17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grammer17:59
dainisplayer1up > and don't forget to select "Show All Available Applications" ( or you'll not find this pack )17:59
ariqs!grammar | graingert18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grammar18:00
player1updainis: tried that..nothing there18:00
ne2k__graingert: try system->preferences->remote desktop18:00
graingert!spelling | grainger18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spelling18:00
graingert!spelling | graingert18:00
dainisplayer1up > even if "Show All Available" is selected ?18:00
graingertneither do I, ubottu...18:00
zillepluscan't find it in daatabase18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps318:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps/218:00
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.18:01
ne2k__ariqs: I kinda assumed that the grammer typo was deliberate18:01
sebsebseb!botabuse |  graingert  cjones18:01
ubottugraingert  cjones: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:01
cjones! cjones's computer18:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
grawitygraingert: If you want to play with ubottu, PM it. /msg ubottu !help18:01
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which often turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Please discuss these rules themselves only in #ubuntu-ops. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)18:01
sebsebseb!botabuse |  ariqs18:01
ubottuariqs: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:01
player1updainis: : ah!18:01
dbuHi, I was running an update here, and now it has frozen on "processing triggers for man-db" (after nvidia-common 0.2.4 <- I have an ati card) what should I do?18:01
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?18:01
=== Claudia is now known as Claudi
rampageoberongraingert: hmm, think i figured it out, /proc/net is a symlink to /proc/self. Thats where the permissions are wrong18:02
dainisplayer1up > found ?18:02
graingertrampageoberon-> neat18:02
ne2k__cjones: what do you mean by "look at my desktop on a terminal"?18:02
player1updainis: : sais "cannot install" as it conflicts with installed software18:02
ne2k__cjones: "in a terminal" even18:02
edwin1hello. I have ubuntu server in my PC and I have two ISP. Besides I have a web server running under this Linux. When i connect the PC to one of them, people can connect to my PC using the IP address, but when I diconeect and connect to internet with the other ISP, nobody can see what i have in my web server......what could it be???????????18:02
cjonesusing the ls command18:02
kl87hey i need some help pairing my sixaxis via bluetooth i have the sixaxis gui install but it keeps saying to check my bluethooth device and its drivers18:02
c-ronjust in case anybody else asks.. my 'gave up on waiting for root device' error while passing root=/dev/sda5 was fixed with root=UUID=18:02
cjonesne2k__ using the ls comand18:02
dbuHi, I was running an update here, and now it has frozen on "processing triggers for man-db" (after nvidia-common 0.2.4 <- I have an ati card) what should I do?18:03
dainisplayer1up > hh .. I had the same problem a week ago ( tried to install Ubuntu on my laptop ) but I don't remember where exactly was the problem !18:03
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal using the ls command  i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?18:04
kl87Bus 004 Device 004: ID 1131:1001 Integrated System Solution Corp. KY-BT100 Bluetooth Adapter18:04
player1updainis:  ok..thx anyway...ive had one error after another with this ubuntu :)18:04
MyTh88hi, another time me....does anybody know if my skystar2 dvb-s would work under x64?18:04
felipe__Hi guys, I uninstaled tor and privoxy but something is not right, when I try to install somethig from the repos It says it cannot connect to localhost:9050 (
kl87thats the lsub output18:04
malibuHi, please don't boot me for this but I'd like you to vote for my daughter as being a cool kid.  Explained in the description.  http://winnipegscoolestkid.com/kids?search=chiara&commit=GO18:04
dainisplayer1up > http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-restricted-extras18:04
BilokShemwhat do I do when someone tries to cyber18:05
MyTh88hi, another time me....does anybody know if my skystar2 dvb-s would work under x64?18:05
cjonesbilokshem have fun18:05
dainisplayer1up > check this link and be sure that you don't have any of these app's already installed or you'll receive the same error ..18:05
graingertBilokShem-> if they say they are a girl, make sure they are18:05
graingertBilokShem-> if they are, then go for it Romeo18:05
player1updainis:  i have gstreamer..because the system asked me to install it :)18:05
BilokShemsaid he's a girl18:05
player1upnow i should delete it again?18:05
graingertplayer1up-> no, gstreamer comes by default18:06
dainisplayer1up > remove it and try to install this pack again.18:06
zilleplushow do i delete a file in ubuntu server 8.1018:06
MyTh88rm command?18:06
Lartza_I just installed ubuntu server, but there is propably many unneeded packages18:06
graingertzilleplus-> rm -rf /18:06
Lartza_How do I know what it has installed since it's terminal only?18:06
graingertzilleplus-> will deleate them all18:06
graingertzilleplus-> everylast one of them file thingymagigies18:07
MyTh88zilleplus typ man rm ;)18:07
Lartza_dpkg -l...18:07
MyTh88does anybody know if my skystar2 dvb-s would work under x64?18:07
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal using the ls command  i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?18:07
graingert!rm | zilleplus18:07
ubottuzilleplus: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:07
dainisplayer1up > restricted extras should be the thing Nr.1 - install Ubuntu, install restricted pack, make an update ( that's what I do and it works great ) :)18:07
Lartza_does dpkg search from descriptions+18:07
player1updainis: it sais it has to remove ubuntu-desktop to remove gstreamer18:07
graingertLartza_-> apt-cache search does18:07
graingertplayer1up-> don't remove gstreamer, you spanner18:08
Lartza_Thank you18:08
HammerHead66where do I look up if i want to see why my desktop crashed?18:08
Lartza_Oh and there is aptitude18:08
dainisplayer1up > don't worry, uninstall it !18:08
graingertplayer1up-> no don't uninstall it!18:08
player1upgraingert: i came here for help...not to be insulted by you..if you cant help people without calling them retards or spanners...try another channel,,like #grade1?18:08
player1updainis: : are you sure?18:08
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal using the ls command  i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?18:09
graingertplayer1up-> well don't uninstall gstreamer18:09
dainisgraingert > by uninstalling gedit, ubuntu desktop goes down automatically .. do I see any problems/changes ? NO ! :)18:09
x1101cjones: have you turned the show desktop icons off ?18:09
lanoxx-/usr/share/wordpress/wp-config.php referes to some README.Debian file but i can not find it, can anyone tell me where it is18:09
dainisgraingert > he'll install it back lol18:09
graingertdainis, yes but gstreamer is neccesary :-(18:10
cjonesx1101 notthat i know of where do i check that18:10
player1updainis: : this all started after i visited a website with an embedded video..it said i needed additional plug ins and i added them...then nothing worked...18:10
graingertdainis-> telling someone to uninstall gstreamer is not clever18:10
HammerHead66where do I look up if i want to see why my desktop crashed?18:10
dainisgraingert > it comes with restricted extras - that's why he needs to remove it ..18:10
albackerhow to see which ubuntu version i have (i always forget it -_- )18:10
edwin2hello. I have ubuntu server in my PC and I have two ISP. Besides I have a web server running under this Linux. When i connect the PC to one of them, people can connect to my PC using the IP address, but when I diconeect and connect to internet with the other ISP, nobody can see what i have in my web server......what could it be???????????18:10
Lartza_How do I see the clock from terminal?18:10
graingertdainis-> and, restricted extras will still install with gstreamer on the system18:11
player1upshall i toss a coin? :)18:11
Lartza_To ensure it's right time because it's important for a server18:11
PicassotamusLartza_: I believe you can use the 'time' command18:11
player1upi cant install restricted extras..it wont let me! sais it conflicts with other sw..which i presume is gstreamer?18:11
dainisgraingert > that's the problem - he can't install restricted pack if he have gstreamer installed on his sys ! that should be clear ?18:11
Burntresistorim installing my nviida driver it says exit x server im not sure what it means18:11
graingertplayer1up-> what happens if you go sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:11
codeshahh3y guys, I am not sure why but in ubuntu my fan starts running quiet frequently ... it doesnt in windows18:11
graingertdainis-> gstreamer is installed by default18:12
Lartza_No I can't18:12
dainisplayer1up > do as I said - your pc will not blow up anyway18:12
Lartza_real 0m0.000s18:12
graingertdainis-> I am pretty sure totem depends on it18:12
rwparris2I wrote a bash script that requires sudo in 3 places, how can I run it without typing in my password 3 times?18:12
Lartza_user and sys same18:12
player1upE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)18:12
graingertrwparris2-> sudo should cache it automatically18:12
Lartza_clock wants some xnview18:12
rwparris2graingert, it doesn't18:12
codeshahand it just seems in general my ubuntu is very laggged compared to windows... what could be doing this?18:12
graingertrwparris2-> or you could sudo su18:12
player1updainis: ye ill try it..nothing else is working anyway!! :)18:13
julian_hi can somebody help me with wpa_supplicant ? and tell me if this: http://pastebin.com/m37e536ef should connect to an AP and if i could set there some ip settings cause theres no dhcp18:13
Burntresistorim trying to follow the nviida guide to install my driver but it says exit the x server im not sure what that means i just switch to linux18:13
graingertBurntresistor-> oh dear, you didn't want to do that18:13
Burntresistori didnt do anythign yet18:13
Lartza_Picassotamus: Close, it was date18:13
cjonesx1101 notthat i know of where do i check that18:14
graingertBurntresistor-> should have installed through.... restricted hardware18:14
cjonesif i look at my desktop in a terminal using the ls command  i can find files there but the is no icons on my desktop and i am missing the settings button on the top panel any ideas ?18:14
PicassotamusLartza_: ok18:14
wilhartwhat was jaunty ubuntu channel18:14
Burntresistoroh ok ill do that18:14
graingertcjones-> terminal don't do icons just text18:14
Burntresistori havnt dont anything yet18:14
graingertBurntresistor-> ah cool18:14
Xyc0How do I change what the default main monitor is in intrepid?18:14
hanasakihow do I manually from the command line tell ubuntu to connect to a vpn pptp that was configured with nm-applet?18:15
graingertBurntresistor-> /usr/bin/jockey-gtk is what you want18:15
rampageoberongraingert: i'm not able to fix the ifconfig issue, not sure why its doing that. any ideas18:15
graingertrampageoberon-> not a clue, I am just guessing18:15
=== tuxlinux_ is now known as tuxlinux
rampageoberongraingert: okay thanks for your help, i'll try dig around for more info18:15
graingertrampageoberon-> cool18:16
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support18:16
graingertBurntresistor-> does it work for you?18:16
dainislol, I just found that my irc client is saving all conversations in .doc files.18:16
player1updainis: ok..removed it and installed the extras....still nothing works18:16
Xyc0How do I change what the default main monitor is in intrepid?  xorg reconfigure doesn't do it anymore18:16
dainisplayer1up > restarted your system ?18:17
clearscreenXyc0: if you're using an nvidia card, nvidia-settings can do it.. in case of ATI: i dont have a clue18:17
player1updainis:  i restarted my browser18:17
cjonesgrainger i can see the file in terminal but not on the desk top18:17
dainisplayer1up > restart your system, not browser :)18:17
player1upbah! ok :)18:17
slerderHey guys for some reason when I open gparted and select any hard drive they all show as if the entire drive was "unallocated". Any idea on how to solve this, i need to make a new partition in the free space i know i have on a certain drive. thanks18:18
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
rhousanddoes anyone know what a server shard is?18:18
Burntresistori dont see anything close to labeled ubuntu restricted hardware in packet manager18:19
zleap1have you spelt it correctly18:19
zleap1if shard is anything like a shard of glass it would mean a tiny part of your server that is now in many pieces, :)18:20
sh_dainis: still nothing18:21
zillepluswath do i need to install on my serverr to remote controle my ubuntu server 8.10 on my ubuntu dekstop 8.1018:21
sebsebseb!vnc | zilleplus18:21
ubottuzilleplus: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:21
sebsebseb!ssh |  zilleplus18:22
ubottuzilleplus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/18:22
sebsebsebzilleplus: you can run commands on it and such with SSH,  and to control a GUI with VNC18:22
Xyc0clearscreen: what about intel?18:22
godstarWhen does Jaunty release?18:23
godstarahhh Ty18:23
slerderHey guys it looks like some partitions are overlapping using the sudo fdisk -lu command, and thats why gparted shows entire drives as unallocated. What can i do to fix this? thanks18:23
zilleplusno no i need to know wath i have to install on my server to controle it on my desktop with terminal server client18:24
=== dainis is now known as ActiveFrost
Lartza_How do I resolve error with apt that says some package needs libapache-authcookie-perl which is not valid installable18:24
rampageoberonhow comes i can only see mu processes when running top, (i remember being able to view all processes before)18:24
dionisiociao a tutti18:25
resnowhen i type :scp filename ip:~ i get permission denied.18:25
zilleplusdoes anny one knows wath i have to install on my subuntu server 8.10 to controle it on my desktop with terminal server client18:26
dgeroma come funziona questo programma, siamo ristretti agli utilizzatori di ubuntu?18:26
Blue-Winstonhey chat - apt-get update seems really slow - anyone else having problemns?18:26
dgeroa parte in questa chat room18:26
zilleplusdoes anny one knows wath i have to install on my subuntu server 8.10 to controle it on my desktop with terminal server client18:26
albechcan anyone recommend a good serial terminal client? GtkTerm doesn't support simple things like copy paste18:26
pixelmonkeyI just upgraded from Hardy -> Intrepid, and Evolution is full of regressions.  Is there a way I can install evolution from the hardy repository into my Intrepid system, but keep the rest of my system the same?18:26
lukeqseeis it possible for you to not have gnome-panel load on start up?18:26
albechpixelmonkey, #ubuntu+118:27
ActiveFrostdoes anybody have experience with Beryl ( whatever .. ) ? Just wanted to know if it's a good idea to install it ?18:27
albechpixelmonkey, sorry miss tell18:27
pixelmonkeyalbech, I thought +1 is for Jaunty?18:27
resnowhen i type :scp filename ip:~ i get permission denied on the remote machine. i think the permission are set wrong.18:27
albechpixelmonkey, my bad misread your message18:27
=== mafsi is now known as mafsi`away
SoyoI have a network setup with Samba, and although I have my shared folder's permissions set to 777 (read write and execute for all) it still says permission denied when I try to save something from the Windows (and DOS) computers... Is there something else I am missing here?18:28
pixelmonkeyalbech, ah, ok18:28
Lethalmanhi, anybody with gedit-plugins 2.26?18:28
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview18:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:28
Burntresistorjockey gtk says i have nvidia driver 180 already installed but for some reason i cant set appearance effects it wont let me18:29
dudettedoes anybody know whether there is a channel to about irc itself (for IRC newbies)?18:29
julian_ive got a problem with wlan. it connects but doesnt has a ip i guess. the AP has no DHCP build in so cant use that. can somebody help me how can i see which ip my second pc has?18:30
andriiI downloaded Ubuntu Mini and mounted it to the VMWare Workstation, as a result I get command line only Ubuntu, how can I install as much minimalistic as possible Gnome desktop environment?18:30
Manado_boyshai guys.... how are u?18:30
Chr|s!hi Manado_boys18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi Manado_boys18:31
dudettewhat is the difference between a job and a process?18:31
julian_tgunr where is that located sbin or bin folder?18:31
Chr|s!hi | Manado_boys18:31
ubottuManado_boys: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:31
blackdemonjulian_: try to set manualy an ip to your wlan network interface and start tcpdump ...18:31
Manado_boyshi chris...18:31
Manado_boyshi ubottu18:31
tgunrif your in unbuntu type ifcong18:31
tgunrif on windows ipconfig18:31
tgunrifconfig for ubuntu18:32
Burntresistordo i install both nvidia 180 kernel source which is already installed and the dev package18:32
blackdemonif you control the other computer, idd type ipconfig or ifconfig :p18:32
julian_blackdemon problem is this theres no tcpdump18:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OpenGeu18:32
Dillizardoes any body know more about opengeu18:32
julian_blackdemon:  ifconfi gives me no ipadress back i tried that18:32
axsd9dopengeu = ubuntu+enlightenment as wm18:33
blackdemonon the second computer?18:33
julian_blackdemon: yeah18:33
blackdemonwindows or linux?18:34
julian_linux of course its a ubuntu machine18:34
julian_ both18:34
dekkong_how do I get the scrolling wheel to work in ubuntu? I have a razer lachesis mouse18:35
Dillizaraxsd9d i know i am installing it now :) but can i have support here or on #e18:35
Lethalmananybody with gedit-plugins 2.26?18:35
DefunctProcessCan anyone recommend a really good cheap webcam?18:35
julian_blackdemon:  i just can see through my AP that itis connected with ID 1 but thats all no ip18:35
Blue-Winstonis it me or is apt-get update and upgrade really slow - anyone know anything?18:35
datamaxciao a tutti18:35
axsd9dohhh sorry can't help18:36
orthodocguys anyone installed bonddb on their systems?18:36
datamaxhelp su ubuntu 8.1018:36
datamaxhelp help18:36
ActiveFrostdatamax > what's the problem ?18:36
julian_blackdemon:  and my ip is connected with ID 2 :) and i got ip so the ids arent related to any ip18:36
datamaxil problema e' gnome18:36
HammerHead66anyone know how to fix this?    http://paste.ubuntu.com/147124/18:36
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:37
eseven73Blue-Winston, try system> preferences> software sources, then click the drop down that says download from, choose "Other" then choose select best server18:38
orthodocok last time: anyone has installed bonddb on thier ubuntu machines?18:38
ActiveFrostAh, time to go and get some Cola ..18:38
* srdjo I need help setting internet connection sharing. If anyone can help please see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111991918:39
blackdemonjulian_: if you know the range,  have you tried to set the ip adress manually?18:39
dekkong_how do I get the scrolling wheel to work in ubuntu? I have a razer lachesis mouse18:39
tktnhow would I go about upgrading 8.04 to 9.04? will I need to upgrade to 8.10?18:39
julian_i tried through interfaces.conf but that didnt help18:40
lenintktn you would use  sudo apt-get update -d18:40
ActiveFrosttktn: I suggest you to not to upgrade to 9.04 ( at least, not now ).18:40
leninwhen 9.04 would release18:40
sebsebsebtktn: don't go 9.04 yet it's still in Beta, and you need to clean install anyway for full Ext4 suppourt18:40
sebsebsebtktn: and 8.04 has certain advantages over both 8.10 and 9.0418:41
leninand even after release its better to take at least one week time to let it stable18:41
buzulneeed help to use double monitor on ubuntu ??18:41
tktnwell, I am already running 9.04 on my Laptop without issues18:41
buzulanybody know how to18:41
resnowhen i type :scp filename ip:~ i get permission denied on the remote machine. i think the permission are set wrong.18:41
tktnaside from the MythTV one18:41
sebsebseblenin: maybe this time, to be sure that Ext4 is  good enough for proper usage, before clean installing and doing Ext4 partitions18:41
blackdemonand have you restarted your network interfaces afer the changes :p18:41
leninsebsebseb then I'd need a good backup to do! I'd like to convert ot ext418:42
julian_blackdemon:  i need to restart the whole computer after changes cause its a read only file system. so i have to shutdown make changes on my pc switch hard drives and start so the answer is yes :)18:42
sebsebseblenin: same here, once it's  well,   once I am sure all the issues that there were with it,  have been fixed properly18:42
tgunrresno man scp18:43
sebsebseblenin: well i'll wait a week or two or so and then put 9.04 on with Ext4 anyway,   plus this  upgraded  8.10 to alpha6, to beta  instal has gone bad here and there anyway.  so yes clean install when time is right18:43
sebsebsebcarsten: hello18:43
mattgyver83If i format a storage device for my ubuntu machine as Ext2, will windows machines on the network not have access to it?18:43
sebsebsebmattgyver83: there's a driver for Windows,and then you can read and write to Ext3 and Ext218:44
mattgyver83Great, thanks seb18:44
resnotgunr: i think the persmisions on the remote machine are incorrect.18:44
sebsebsebmattgyver83: not sure if it works over networks or whatever your doing though18:44
cjones_i have files on my desktop but no icons how do i get my icons back18:44
sebsebsebmattgyver83: ,but  in a dual boot set up it would work nicely18:44
tgunrssh remote ls -la /path18:45
sebsebsebmattgyver83: I would  only use  such a driver on something that is only a data partition, not  the home partition18:45
sebsebsebmattgyver83: after all  bad things can happen to Windows, that then wipes data18:45
Lartza_Why is ubuntu sucking all the internet from my windows computer?18:45
albechmattgyver83, are you sharing your device by manually connecting it to other machines or over the network?18:45
sebsebsebmattgyver83: http://www.fs-driver.org18:45
Lethalmananybody with gedit-plugins 2.26?18:45
Lartza_Or one of our windows computers18:46
Lartza_One chat doesn't work at all18:46
mattgyver83albech, a little bit of both, mostly over the network though18:46
albechmattgyver83, in that case you should look at samba instead18:46
mattgyver83I just want to make sure that in the event that i need to hook the device up to a windows machine to transfer data that way its not unreadable.18:46
=== Peter3 is now known as iPeter-
ActiveFrostare there any way to align desktop icons vertically ( I mean, they are aligned but I wan to add some fixed space between them ) ?18:46
CLIdiothey all - quick questions. I can SSH into my homeserver, but is there a way to launch GUI apps via command line?18:46
rampageoberonhi, I'm not able to execute ifconfig without using sudo. i get an error along the lines of /proc/net/dev doesn't exist. any ideas hwo to solve this18:47
CLIdiotI want to issue a command via SSH that will launch azureus (vuze)18:47
LethalmanCLIdiot: DISPLAY=:0 yourcommand &18:47
blackdemonjulian_: and did you set the ip-address static? Can you verify that the ipaddress is asigned with ifconfig (mayby ifconfig -a)18:47
mattgyver83the biggy is if i want to create symlinks.  I know that wont work in windows, thats the only reason i am thinking ext218:47
Lartza_Why is ubuntu using network all the time?18:47
Blue-Winstonis it lartza? :S18:48
julian_blackdemon:  ip adress is set to static in interfaces but at boot theres a dhcp discover thing. i dont know where that comes from.18:48
Lartza_SOme internet sites don't work at all without disconnecting the linux box18:49
Blue-Winston:S - how many times have you reproduced this issue?18:49
Blue-Winstonis it always the same sites?18:49
Lartza_It's always the one site18:49
cjones__i have lost my icons on my desktop and the files are still there and i cant right click on my desktop please help18:49
Blue-Winstondo you mind if I ask which site it is?18:50
Lartza_Works always when I deplug linux network wire18:50
Lartza_It's a chat in http://suomi24.fi18:50
Lartza_THat's where I noticed the issue18:50
Lethalmancjones__: run nautilus18:50
Lartza_or http//chat.suomi24.fi18:50
blackdemoncan you change the ip address with ifconfig? like "ifconfig eth0 up" ...18:51
Blue-Winstonare both computers pluged into your router with wires or are they wireless?18:51
Lartza_Works on the computer that is connected to internet thourgh the linux bow18:51
blackdemonstrange the setings in interfaces or overwritten ... :s18:51
Lartza_I have like this:18:51
crackintoshcan someone recommend a pcmcia wireless card that works out the box with ubuntu?18:52
zillepluscan't get ftp server online i only can see waths on my ftp but i can'trweate wath do i doo   (ubuntu server 8.10)18:52
Lartza_Router > Problematic computer | AC/DC Adapter to another one > Ubuntu Server/Gateway > WOrking windows18:52
cjones__lethalman will that also bring back the stuff i lost on my top panel?18:52
tktncrackintosh, I have a DWL-G650 which works great, not sure if I would reccommend it though18:53
julian_blackdemon: no i cant i have no root priviliges but im currently on the way to there. im tying to add a user to the suoders list. can you tell me where that is?18:53
albechworking windows?? is there such a thing?18:53
Blue-Winstonso the computers are connected through each other or each directly to the router?18:53
qcjnhi, anyone know how to change the channel with mplayer via pvr 150 ?? opened "mplayer /dev/video0" , but can't change channel ??18:53
grawityalbech: If you have never seen working Windows, take a look at this PC. -->18:53
Lartza_One is not connected to linux18:53
Lartza_One(the one that doesn't work) is direct router18:54
blackdemonroot permissions will idd be something usefull :p18:54
julian_blackdemon: i think so :D18:54
Lartza_This one I am writing on is Router > Adapters > Ubuntu Server > Me :)18:54
mamayrheh ... i was just reading bash.org ... and somehow felt the urge to start xchat ^^18:55
=== mamayr is now known as madmayr
Xyc0How do I change the main monitor on an intel videocard?18:55
iQxer0hi ppl..18:56
p73I just upgraded from OpenOffice 2.x to 3.0, and now it seems that my file assocations have been lost. ODT files now open in Okular. How can I restore the correct file association permanently?18:56
iQxer0i need help on dual monitor..18:56
sebsebseb!default |  p7318:56
ubottup73: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.18:56
iQxer0i had been trying to fix it the last two days..18:56
julian_blackdemon is that correct: user ALL=NOPASSWD: (ALL) ALL18:57
iQxer0who could help me out with my issue ?18:57
grawityjulian_: I think it should be ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL18:57
sebsebsebiQxer0: no one as of right now it seems18:57
sebsebseb!patience |  iQxer018:57
ubottuiQxer0: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:58
albechiQxer0, !ask18:58
sebsebsebalbech: he already did18:58
julian_thanks grawity i try that18:58
ZeedediQxer0, you need help setting up dual screen?18:58
sebsebsebiQxer0: the channel was rather busy yesterday, but for some reason not today18:58
blackdemonI think so18:58
iQxer0i was here yesterday too..18:58
iQxer0it was pretty busy..18:58
ZeedediQxer0, what is your exact problem18:58
godstariQxer0: have you tried envyng driver??18:59
Xyc0I didn't think this was a complicated request, xorg reconfig doesn't work anymore--it seems to be drive based.  I know why we moved away from xorg.conf, but there isn't a strait forward way of finding this information.18:59
blackdemonsudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL    -> all users of group sudo can get persmissions18:59
iQxer0i have two 18.5 monitors, and i am using a ati Radeon HD 435018:59
sebsebsebXyc0: you want to reconfigure xorg?18:59
iQxer0i want to have one big desktop for both monitors..18:59
Xyc0sebsebseb: I am trying to change the default display monitor and xorg reconfigure doesn't do it anymore19:00
sebsebsebXyc0: you can access recovery mode from the bootloader,  and do it there19:00
sebsebsebXyc0: then you got a clean xorg again, and you can try things again19:00
iQxer0now am getting a clone on both monitors..19:00
Geboyanyone can help me setup my ubuntu 8.10 to become the print server for windows client?19:00
sebsebsebGeboy: not sure if Samba does print servers as well, but19:01
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:01
Xyc0sebsebseb: I didn't break xorg, it just won't load the changes I make when I reconfigure19:01
sebsebsebXyc0: ok19:01
Geboysebsebseb: i tried samba, but windows client wont print19:02
iQxer0graingert gave me a tutorial link, but i couldnt solve my issue..19:02
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:02
iQxer0i have two 18.5 monitors, and i am using a ati Radeon HD 4350 ,  i want to have big desktop..19:02
albechGeboy, which printer are you trying to print to?19:02
julian_blackdemon he alwys try to find a dhcp19:02
albechGeboy, can you print to it from your Ubuntu box?19:02
=== Lartza_ is now known as Lartza_away
Geboyalbech: yes i can19:02
Geboythe windows client can't see the network printer19:03
sebsebsebGeboy: I think, without going on it, the last link the bot gave maybe?  w19:03
Seven_Six_TwoI've ssh'd in to another ubuntu box on my lan, and I'm trying to pause a movie through totem's cli (allows currently running to be affected from cli) and all I keep getting is "Cannot open display 0" or "Cannot open display :0"19:03
albechGeboy, is it a network printer?19:03
Seven_Six_TwoI'm typing    totem --display=:0 --play-pause19:03
Geboyalbech: it was a network printer when in windows19:03
albechGeboy, well how is it connected?? USB, RJ45, parallel??19:04
Seven_Six_TwoI've ssh'd in to the box using the same username as the the one logged in local19:04
VagueI have a bunch of separated unallocated spaces on my HD, I'm trying to consolidate them, and was told a gparted live CD, unfortunately it kernel panics every time I try and start it. Is this because I burnt the ISO to a CD-RW? I don't want to waste a CD-ROM if it's going to fail.19:04
Geboysebsebseb: the last link was pointing about printing from ubuntu to windows19:04
blackdemonjulian_: I had that problem to, I copied the /etc/init.d/networking file to another file (networking_copy) and created a script that calls the copied version but in background. It doesn't change the dhcp call, but made booting a lot faster ...19:04
Geboyalbech: USB, its a Canon MP15019:04
Seven_Six_TwoVague, did you do an md5sum on the image?19:05
VagueSeven_Six_Two, No, should I have?19:05
tsimpsonSeven_Six_Two: it's a security restriction, you have to give yourself access to the display, see man xhost19:05
babanaboysomebody here speak german ?19:05
Seven_Six_TwoVague, yeah. to make sure it's not corrupt19:05
sebsebseb!de |  babanaboy19:05
ubottubabanaboy: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:05
Seven_Six_Twotsimpson, perfect. thanks19:05
albechGeboy, are you using CUPS?19:06
VagueSeven_Six_Two, is that feature on the boot menu of the gparted liveCD?19:06
mizipzorhow must i chmod a file to get -rwxr-xr-x?19:06
sebsebsebbabanaboy: ok no problem19:06
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Or is that something I need to do on here?19:06
Geboyalbech: the test print page from ubuntu says its cups19:06
tgunrchmod 755 file19:06
albechand when you type the IP number of the Ubuntu box in a browser on your Windows bow it doesnt show?19:06
Geboyalbech: sorry before, i'm really new at ubuntu19:06
BehappyHello ,19:07
albechGeboy, np19:07
mizipzortgunr: thank you19:07
Vague!hi | Behappy19:07
ubottuBehappy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:07
pixelmonkeytrying to build evolution from scratch, but when I run apt-get build-dep evolution, it says, "E: Build-dependencies for evolution could not be satisfied."  How do I debug that problem with apt?19:07
Geboyits there19:07
julian_blackdemon: anywhere in the system /init.d script or somewhere else seems to be a script which creates a new interfaces file19:08
Geboyi can ping the ip of the ubuntu box from windows box19:08
clearscreenIs there something similar to fruity loops for linux? or even something more simplistic (like .mod tracker software)19:08
Seven_Six_TwoVague, you would get the md5sum from where you downloaded it, then compare it to the output of md5sum19:08
julian_blackdemon:  if i booted up its there if i put that into my pc here its gone. so it seems to be dynamic19:08
albackerhow to change keyboard layout under ubuntu ?19:08
albechGeboy, If you want to print directly to CUPS, you'll want to select http://YOUR.IP.ADDY.HERE:631/printers/PRINTER_NAME as the printer on the network to print to.19:08
blackdemonjulian_: maybe the NetworkManager ;)19:08
julian_blackdemon: thats why my changes to the interfaces.tpl and interfaces_dyn.tpl didnt make any changes19:08
julian_theres no network manager cause theres no WM19:09
Ienorandalbacker: system - prefs - keyboard19:09
Seven_Six_TwoVague, you would run it from the command line. see    man md5sum          Some burning software (k3b) will show you the md5sum when you select it as the image to burn19:09
resnoI cant make changes in my own directory.19:09
Jobpixelmonkey, check the build log and you will find the missing dependencies that you need to install first, allow me to ask you why install from source?19:09
albackerIenorand, oh.. thanks :D19:09
mizipzorjust getting into init.d scripts, i get the error "rc_exit: command not found", how do i fix that? im kinda new to bashscripting but i guess it needs something like c's #include?19:09
albackerIenorand, isn't there a CL way ?19:09
pixelmonkeyJob, there are major regressions in Evolution in Intrepid, and I'm trying to help the developers find solutions for these serious bugs.19:09
Geboyalbech: so everytime i want to print something from a windows client in my network, i have to typed it manually?19:09
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Alright, thanks19:09
Piciclearscreen: If you have the free space, check out the ubuntustudio-audio package, or specifically in there perhaps ardour.  (Note, I'm not into music production so I may not be getting the program features right)19:09
nethans_Hi guys..19:10
pixelmonkeyJob, what build log?19:10
Geboyalbech: coz i can't add printer in windows that point to the ubuntu box19:10
Seven_Six_Twopixelmonkey, like not being able to tray without alltray? lol.19:10
Ienorandalbacker: probably, but I don't know it.19:10
nethans_do you know if there is a lkl keylogger for ubuntu .. usually it runs under debian.. but it sseems not to work with ubuntu19:10
clearscreenPici: cool, I'll have a look19:10
albackeror maybe changing layouts : Ienorand . i use fluxbox and i'd like to change keyboard layouts wwith key shortcuts :/19:10
albechGeboy, you should be able to add a printer URL somewhere in the Add Printer wizard19:10
pixelmonkeySeven_Six_Two, vfolders of vfolders don't work, unread message counts are incorrect, searches are inaccurate, among others...19:10
albechGeboy, let me launch a windows rq..19:11
Seven_Six_Twopixelmonkey, I can't get the spam folder to stop showing that there are unread messages.19:11
BehappyI have installed Ubunto 8.04 on my external 2.5? HDD , but unfortunatelly won't to boot from other computer is there some thisg shoud be resolve before booting in other computer ??19:11
resnoi changed the permissions on my directory and cant get the syntax right to change it back19:11
pixelmonkeySeven_Six_Two, unread message count is altogether inaccurate, it's a logged bug on bugzilla and lots of folks complaining about it on evolution-list19:11
blackdemonI can't directly imagine the script that changes it back, but maybe you can create a modified version and create a script that overwrite the 2 files ...19:11
Geboyalbech: thats the wierd part, everytime i run the add printer wizzard giving the syntax you've mentioned, the wizard always said no printer19:11
blackdemonnot realy a nice way to fix it, but it may work :p19:12
Geboyi mean something like can't find printer19:12
pixelmonkeySeven_Six_Two, I have no idea why Ubuntu included Evolution 2.24 in Intrepid.  Only reason I can guess is because GNOME included it and no one bothered to test it before declaring it "stable"19:12
julian_blackdemon: i try to do a readonly file as interface there19:12
Seven_Six_Twopixelmonkey, oh ok. I figured. It's not that bad for me. I liked kontact, but I don't like kde4 yet.19:12
albechGeboy, and if you just type that in a browser what will it display?19:12
blackdemonoh, forgotten :s19:12
Ienorandalbacker: There's "setxkbmap" from terminal, dunno if that helps.19:12
Seven_Six_Twopixelmonkey, that's why I migrated. The only thing I hate is the lack of tray.19:12
Geboyalbech, nothing...40119:13
Jobpixelmonkey, okay, every time you build a file config.log is created with all the configuration settings met or even unmet, just check whether there's one it might give you a hint19:13
albackerIenorand, i'll have a look. thanks.19:13
albechGeboy, http://YOUR.IP.ADDY.HERE:63119:14
Geboyalbech, can it be for the 64bit version of ubuntu i used?19:14
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Brasero is creating an image checksum >.> Kind of stuck at 27% for some reason though?19:14
albechGeboy, doubt it19:14
QaDeS hiyas. can i hook up ekiga to jack, or is there another program i can use for that?19:14
Behappywhat I should to doing to boot ubunto installed on external  usb 2.5" hdd in deffirent PC ????19:14
pixelmonkeyJob, you mean when I try to build the package?  But shouldn't I run apt-get build-dep *before* I build a package?19:14
Geboyalbech, nothing19:15
Geboywierd isn't it19:15
albechGeboy, then the problem is not at your windows machine19:15
ActiveFrostI have a small problem with LAMP - where I should add php_curl.dll extension ( nothing happens if I add it to php.ini ) ?19:15
julian_blackdemon: that maybe gives me an error but then i know the file which writes that interface file ;)19:15
blackdemonjulian_: sometimes the files that are generated by a script have a line with the name of that script , is that the case?19:15
albechGeboy, your CUPS isnt installed correctly19:15
mib_wx6k28hi after i wake my computer from suspend mode, my computer wakes up, but my monitor doesn't change; it is just a black screen. also, when my computer is working normally, the light on my monitor is green, when it is off it is orange. when I put my computer to sleep and wake it up my monitor light stays orange.19:15
Geboyalbech, how can i fixed it?19:16
icerootlooking for a mail-client which has write-support to ldap and support imap19:16
julian_blackdemon: there was a symbolic link which i havent seen to a writeable folder19:16
albechGeboy, been a while since I played with CUPS19:16
julian_blackdemon:  lets see what he is doing now19:16
albechGeboy, let me check a few things19:16
julian_no error no dhcp waiting19:16
Geboyalbech, don't bother, its past midnite here....i might try to search bout cups later in the morning19:17
Behappyis it possible to install ubunto 2.04 on external usb drive .???19:17
Geboyalbech, atleast i found out the main cause of the problem19:17
albechGeboy, ok gl19:17
Geboyalbech, thanks alot. i'll come back here tomorrow if i reach a dead end19:18
evilkillerfigginanyone here got an intuos4 working with ubuntu?19:18
macman_anyone use k9copy ?19:18
Jobpixelmonkey, exactly, but remember it must be able to see those dependecies you are told are not satisfied, it's like when you are compiling a program source code, one must define where the library and other dependent files are located19:18
julian_blackdemon: ill post my interfaces maybe something is wrong with that19:18
pixelmonkeyJob, ok, I think I see the deps that are broken19:18
pixelmonkeyJob:  libsqlite3-dev: Depends: libsqlite3-0 (= 3.5.9-3ubuntu1) but 3.6.10-1 is to be installed19:19
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.19:19
pixelmonkeyJob: it can't install libsqlite3-dev... how do I resolve that?19:19
julian_blackdemon: thats my interfaces: http://pastebin.com/m18d5144219:19
yoshimitHi all! I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and need some software to capture screen as video. Someone can suggest some app ?? thank you.19:19
julian_blackdemon: he tells me that he has not all settings/variables19:19
Jobpixelmonkey, which error msg do you get?19:19
mib_wx6k28hi after i wake my computer from suspend mode, my computer wakes up, but my monitor doesn't change; it is just a black screen. also, when my computer is working normally, the light on my monitor is green, when it is off it is orange. when I put my computer to sleep and wake it up my monitor light stays orange.19:19
pixelmonkeyJob: E: Broken packages19:20
mib_wx6k28yoshimit: iatabul19:20
mib_wx6k28yoshimit: *istabul19:20
Ienorandyoshimit: gtk-recordmydesktop19:20
julian_blackdemon: found the error myself i always type adress not address19:20
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Would the fact that the disc check hangs at 27% indicate a problem? Because I can't seem to motivate it past that.19:20
tlm2024is there a way to get python 2.6 on ubuntu 8.10 without compiling it yourself /19:20
=== max is now known as Guest59176
Seven_Six_TwoVague, that's a distinct possibility.19:21
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Alright, I'll blank and reburn at a lower speed.19:21
Guest59176Hi!, are there any rss readers for gnome with newsgator support?19:21
yoshimitmib_wx6k28: istanbul19:21
yoshimitmib_wx6k28: I'll check... thank you.19:21
yoshimitIenorand: thank you. I'll check it too.19:22
p73ubottu: thanks19:22
blackdemonjulian_: idd, i looked over it ... :D19:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:22
Seven_Six_TwoVague, I would download it again without deleting the first download just in case it's a hd problem. the md5sum checks the image. that has to succeed before you should burn19:22
Jobpixelmonkey, try apt-get -f install19:22
julian_blackdemon: what means idd?19:22
p73sebsebseb: thanks19:22
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Alright, thanks19:22
SimoneBis there a jaunty-specific help channel?19:22
PiciSimoneB: #ubuntu+119:22
julian_blackdemon: thank you so much you helped me alot19:22
blackdemonjulian_: idd = indeed -> i use it in dutch :p19:23
pixelmonkeyJob: nope, still broken packages19:23
SimoneBPici: thanks!19:23
julian_blackdemon: im german :)19:23
sebsebsebp73: ok no problem19:23
Jobtlm2024, my good advice is that you install from source, that way you will be able to control how python works19:24
blackdemonjulian_: I hope my help was usefull. So we are neighbours (the country), I'm from Belgium19:24
VagueSeven_Six_Two, Wow, I was at a way outdated site, that's probably the problem...I had .3.6 =P There's a .4.3 already19:24
Jobpixelmonkey, try removing the broken packages, type apt-get update and then re-install them19:25
julian_blackdemon: great help. you lead me into right directions. and also there was a big learning effect for me19:25
pixelmonkeyJob: a little tricky, libsqlite3-0 has like a gazillion dependencies19:25
wuffi600how can i remove compcache? ... or at least disable it for all time?19:25
julian_k now ive to start windows for my matlab connection to that machine have a great day blackdemon19:25
dbuHi, after putting my computer to sleep my sound has stopped functioning, tried restarting, but with no help...19:25
sebsebsebdbu: ok first of all19:26
Jobpixelmonkey, you will have to do it, coz the error means there's some conflicts within those packages19:26
sebsebseb!sound | dbu19:26
ubottudbu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:26
alecis this the correct channel for asking help with FETCHMAIL on Ubuntu Ibex'?19:26
sebsebsebAmo: hi19:26
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wahnfriedenwhat's the circle button in the top left of every window in xfce?19:27
alecCould someone please point me in the right direction to fix this problem? "fetchmail: no mailservers have been specified"19:27
mib_wx6k28hi after i wake my computer from suspend mode, my computer wakes up, but my monitor doesn't change; it is just a black screen. also, when my computer is working normally, the light on my monitor is green, when it is off it is orange. when I put my computer to sleep and wake it up my monitor light stays orange.19:28
Jobalec, what is the problem?19:28
joshjtlanyone know how to install skype on x86-64 ?19:28
igogikowhat is the finnish ubuntu irc?19:28
Piciigogiko: #ubuntu-fi19:28
igogikoOh thnx19:29
alecim trying to use MUTT.  I had to apt-get fetchmail and sendmail.  When I try to set up a pop acct thru fetchmail i get that error.19:29
alecI can't do a POLL cmd for fetchmail,.19:29
=== Guest59176 is now known as anmaxp
pixelmonkeyJob: found a solution19:30
Jobjoshjtl, download a debian package from the debian website19:30
jcapasso10hey guys19:30
Jobpixelmonkey, That's good19:30
pixelmonkeyJob: ran  sudo aptitude remove -f libsqlite3-0 -- this caused a package downgrade19:30
alecJob: Did you see my response?19:31
jcapasso10I have a quick question, I'm new to this whole linux thing19:31
joshjtlJob: didnt know there were any, where exactly?19:31
pixelmonkeyJob: now everything is working beautifully.  I didn't know aptitude could be so clever!19:31
jcapasso10what drive format should my hdd be to install linux?19:31
mib_wx6k28jcapasso10: you don't need to format your drive manually, ubuntu will do that for you19:31
jcapasso10its asking for a file system type19:32
jcapasso10should I just leave it as ext2?19:32
sfuenteshow do i get a list of the files (with their paths) from the aptitude cli?19:32
iktthought ext3 was default19:32
jcapasso10awesome thanks!19:32
jcapasso10mine defaulted to ext219:32
sfuentesfor example, i want to know what files where installed when i did aptitude install foo-something19:33
Picisfuentes: dpkg -L packagename19:33
sebsebseb!fr | NimaG`:19:34
ubottuNimaG`:: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:34
alecJob: Nevermind.  I think I found a good tute here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147155/19:34
NimaG`Alors pourquoi vous envoyez des anglais sur #ubuntu-fr si vous voulez pas l'inverse ??19:34
NimaG`Ok je sors19:34
sfuentesThanks Pic19:34
sfuenteserr Pici19:35
igogikoHow can i set interval less than 200 ms on KAutoClick?19:36
Jobjoshjtl, go here http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/19:36
wahnfriedenIs there a lighter window manager than Xfce that is still easy to use/doesn't require tons of manual tweaking?19:36
wahnfriedenI'm running vbox so xfce is a little slow19:37
igogikoHow can i set interval less than 200 ms on KAutoClick? Anyone?19:37
jcapasso10another question:  I'm going through the installer for Ubuntu, I want to install it on a dive that is not being used yet and then once it is installed make that the boot drive19:38
jcapasso10but it only gives me the option to install it to my primary drive right now.  how do I fix this19:38
malik_how do i install the smbmount command i cant find it in ubuntu 9.0419:39
reisihas anyone had any luck with getting 2 screens on ati hardware and latest jaunty beta to work?19:39
malik_ATI 3200 two screens but clone.19:40
malik_no xinerama19:40
malik_how do i install the smbmount command i cant find it in ubuntu 9.0419:41
reisimalik_: it could be samba-utils or smb-utils19:41
jcapasso10i need to install ubuntu to a secondary drive but it wont give me the option to install it there19:42
jcapasso10any suggestions?19:42
malik_reisi: i cant find any of the packages using sudo apt-get install  command19:43
dbuHi, earlier today I put my lenovo pc to sleep, I then started it up, and the sound was only a crackle (whether I was listening to headphones or my speakers) restarted and I have the same problem. I've searched around a bit but can not find any useful help...19:43
reisimalik_: samba-tools?19:43
clearscreendaniel@ubuntu:~$ apt-file search smbmount19:43
clearscreensmbfs: /usr/bin/smbmount19:43
Geboyhi again, now i'm having trouble activating my webcam in intrepid. can someone help me?19:43
malik_lets try19:43
clearscreensmbfs :)19:43
reisimalik_: its like clearscreen says19:44
clancyis it possible thatz ubuntu will be faster when i install it on reiserfs instead of ext3?19:44
reisiclancy: marginally faster yes19:44
dbuHi, earlier today I put my lenovo pc to sleep, I then started it up, and the sound was only a crackle (whether I was listening to headphones or my speakers) restarted and I have the same problem. I've searched around a bit but can not find any useful help...19:45
Dr_DrozdHi Guru! could you help me please!? I am trying to install vmware-server I downloaded the distrib from vmware site unpacked it and in terminal I run sudo /home/artem/Downloads/vmware-server-distrib/vmware-install.pl .... but I get an error: Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file19:45
reisidbu: pls don't repeat yourself, it wont do your problem solving any good19:45
clancyi'll reinstall ubuntu and i don't know if i should take ext3 or reiserfs19:45
fosco__clancy, i'd choose ext319:46
reisiclancy: i've never used reiserfs but i'd still recommend ext319:46
malik_apt-get file search smbmount shows this result: http://pastebin.com/m64a8949419:46
reisidbu: have you checked that your mixer settings are about what they should be?19:46
macman_what are you guys using to rip movies ?19:47
clearscreenmalik_: I just told you it's smbfs :P19:47
fosco__macman_, ogmrip19:47
reisimacman_: mencoder19:47
Dr_DrozdGuru please I need your help with the installation vmware!!!!!!!!!!!!19:47
macman_reisi- for all dvd's ?19:47
reisimacman_: what do you mean by that?19:48
reisiDr_Drozd: here's no one by that nick, Guru19:48
macman_reisi- do you burn most of your dvd movies with mencoder ?19:48
Dr_Drozdsomeone Could me help?19:48
macman_Dr_Disk- apt-get install virtualbox19:49
IenorandDr_Drozd: Does vmware supply a .bundle -file for that?19:49
macman_Dr_Drozd- sudo apt-get install virtualbox19:49
dbureisi: my alsamixer says pulseaudio, but I want to have alsa... I go into preferences -> sound change to alsa, but it still says pulseaudio...19:49
malik_i dont know then how to use this , i have to mount  my home folder from  main-server.appolo.net to my local /mnt/appolo please tell me how to use the command19:49
sfuentesanyone know how to enable a postgres module?19:50
clancyso you also recommand ext3 over jfs and xfs?19:50
Dr_Drozdsorry what is .bundle file?19:50
sfuentessorry wrong channel19:50
mattlhey, how can i remove the ubuntu branding in GNOME, so instead of an Ubuntu logo, I'd see the GNOME 'foot' icon?19:50
ectospasmis there a quick way to determine mp3 bitrate?  file doesn't do it, and amarok seems not to either...19:52
sebsebsebmattl: lol19:52
sebsebseb!icons |  mattl19:52
ubottumattl: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)19:52
sebsebseb!branding | matll19:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about branding19:52
sebsebsebmattl: look around Ubuntu and you can probably figure out how to change the icon19:52
sebsebsebmattl: maybe  you should check out Gnewsense to  :d  since it's a 100% free software version of Ubuntu,   I was half joking their by the way19:53
=== lacqui_ is now known as lacqui
mattlsebsebseb: yeah, i am using it on another machine, actually. i am using a real mishmash of things on this machine.19:54
sebsebsebmattl:  oh you got gnewsense?19:54
mattlsebsebseb: yeah :)19:54
sebsebsebmattl: what's wrong with the  Ubuntu logo, except for it not being 100% open?19:54
=== Tom` is now known as eth01
mattlsebsebseb: i'm making screenshots, and i want them to be generic gnome screenshots19:55
sebsebsebmattl: just like the Firefox  logo isn't 100% open hence  Iceweasel in Debian instead of Firefox19:55
austinI can't get my mic to work :(19:55
austinI've tryed the diff. audio settings, and nothing will pick up19:55
clancywhat about XFS for a desktop?19:55
mattlsebsebseb: yes, i mean nonfree things like that bother me in a different way19:55
sebsebsebmattl: by the way Ubuntu is not real Gnome, it's based on Gnome,  hence why for example Firefox is the default browser, instead of one of Gnome's19:55
ubuntu_Anyone have an idea why wireless would work perfectly when running a live session of the ubuntu cd, but have freq disconnects and low speeds when logged into the actual installed ubuntu?19:55
sebsebsebmattl: find out what non free stuff you got instaled by installing  vrms19:56
mattlsebsebseb: vrms doesn't really work terribly well.19:56
sebsebsebmattl: nice little  virtual  richard stallman app that runs in the terminal and tells you.  of course it woudn't pick up on non free Wine apps19:56
jcapasso10how do you choose i different hard disk to install ubuntu too when going through the install set up?19:56
Ienorandmattl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20845719:56
austinHow can i get my Mic to work?19:56
sebsebseb!wireless |  ubuntu_19:56
ubottuubuntu_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:56
axzGuys i need drivers for ATI Radeon HD whats best suggestion?19:57
mattlIenorand: thank you19:57
Ienorandjcapasso10: manual partitioning19:57
madsjhi; I have some trouble listening to http://www.dr.dk/radio/?t <- eg. opening "DR New Jazz" just opens a window and no audio comes out ...19:57
SpeedyGHi, i'm having some trouble getting my wlan pcmcia card to work.. its a ralink 2500 chip, but somehow the wlan interface is not added when I plug the card in the pcmcia slot... lspci shows the card, lshw shows everything as well.. it says network UNCLAIMED19:57
jcapasso10i thought I did that19:57
mattlsebsebseb, Ienorand.. thanks for your help.19:57
jcapasso10i used Gparted19:57
austinDoes anyone have a work microphone???? I can't get my install to pick up sound19:58
madsj(the problem applies to more pages, and also with net-tv from the same webpage)19:58
=== [1]psywiped is now known as psywiped
VagueOkay...So my problem is: I need to consolidate unallocated space on my hard drive, gparted seems unable to move the unallocated (even if I format the pieces) together...I have a few 3gig partitions broken up, and I need to put them together, to make one solid space that is usable.19:58
joshjtlanyone know of a free way to send and receive sms online?19:59
ubuseraustin: I use a logitech cam with mic that is usb19:59
Dr_Drozdwhat most suitable for home use vmware or virtualbox?19:59
jetienneq. what is the default application to look at pictures on gnome ?19:59
GlowballCould somebody tell me if the wireless bug is fixed, before I update my system?19:59
magnetronjetienne→ eog   "eye of gnome"19:59
eth01joshjtl: er - US to US ?19:59
=== sigurd is now known as Guest47706
puremichaelhi... i'm using epiphany as my primary webbrowser, but i'vo got problems with downloads... mostly they reach 100% and nothing happens, i can't locate them20:00
magnetron!jaunty | Glowball20:00
ubottuGlowball: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:00
joshjtleth01: yeah20:00
blunderdoes the term type "linux" support color?20:00
eth01joshctl: you might find that number@provider.tld works ?20:00
jetiennemagnetron: ok thanks20:00
Vaguejetienne, but, in ubuntu, it's listed as "Image Viewer" just so you know =)20:00
joshjtleth01: with what app?20:00
Ienorandjcapasso10: I think you will have to step into manual partitioning anyhow, unless the options do show up with the correct drives, take note of the names of the drives/partitions in gparted and use that in manual partitioning.20:00
GlowballWith 'update', I didn't meant an update to Jaunty20:00
GlowballJust a normal system update20:00
eth01(e.g. 07986459200@vodafone.co.uk)20:00
eth01joshjtl: as an email.20:00
SpeedyGHi, i'm having some trouble getting my wlan pcmcia card to work.. its a ralink 2500 chip, but somehow the wlan interface is not added when I plug the card in the pcmcia slot... lspci shows the card, lshw shows everything as well.. it says network UNCLAIMED20:01
joshjtleth01: ah and to receive?20:01
eth01joshjtl: might work, otherwise i really don't know.20:01
eth01joshjtl: blackberry has a mass-message feature which you could consider20:01
mike12hey i just got this Could not download all repository indexes20:01
mike12The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.=20:01
VagueAnyone have any ideas on how to consolidate unallocated space on a hard drive?20:01
mike12what do i do20:01
eth01!ask | Vague20:02
ubottuVague: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
mike12 hey i just got this Could not download all repository indexes20:03
mike12 The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct. when i tried to update20:03
Vagueeth01, how am I asking to ask a question? My question is there: Anyone have any ideas on how to consolidate unallocated space on a hard drive O_o I've tried gparted, and gparted liveCDs, which were previously recommended, I'm looking for other ideas, because gparted can't consolidate the space.20:03
eth01Vague: you have asked three times to my knowledge.20:03
eth01!ask | Vague20:03
Vagueeth01, once previously, let's relax with the bot spam =P20:04
eth01Vague: don't troll. :-)20:04
magnetronVague→ you can't format unallocated partitions... how did you make the space unallocated?20:04
mike12 hey i just got this Could not download all repository indexes20:04
mike12  The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct. when i tried to update20:04
eth01!topic | mirk20:04
ubottumirk: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:04
magnetronmike12→ what version of ubuntu are you using?20:05
Vagueeth01, Seriously?20:05
eth01Vague: stop.20:05
mike12magnetron im not sure, i just got the laptop for xmas20:05
magnetronVague→ i am trying to help you here, could you provide the details i asked for?20:05
mike12magnetron it also says Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-security/main/binary-lpia/Packages.gz  404 Not Found20:06
mike12Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/binary-lpia/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:06
mike12Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/main/binary-lpia/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]20:06
mike12Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:06
FloodBot2mike12: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:06
Vaguemagnetron, I was answering you before I was being insulted =) Anyway, I have attempted to partition them in many different formats, all for the purpose of consolidation, none work.20:06
IenorandDr_Drozd: Depends, virtualbox is free as in freedom, vmware player comboed with http://easyvmx.com/ will probably be pretty good as well...20:07
n8tuserVague-> consolidating discontinous spaces will be difficult, if you have an lvm setup, that would be easier20:07
sebsebsebDr_Drozd: no there are two versions of virtual box, one that is closed source, and the other is open source20:07
z00mnoob question but how do i give a .sh file execute permissions ?20:07
magnetronVague→ you didn't tell me in what sense they were unallocated. you mentioned formatting them, but unallocated space cannot be formatted. what exactly do you refer to when you call it "unallocated"?20:07
bytor4232Dr_Drozd: I use virtualbox for hosting servers.  It works great.20:08
n8tuserz00m-> chmod to u+x20:08
Vaguen8tuser, I don't =( That's the problem, it's quite annoying, I have random bits of 3gs of space all over the place.20:08
sebsebsebPeg_^: hi20:08
Vaguemagnetron, they are unallocated space now, I have partitioned and formatted them, 4 times over...I'm attempting to get them into a single, large, partition. It's broken into 3 pieces of 3gigs each right now, thanks to Dell MediaDirect (garr!)20:09
bytor4232Dr_Drozd: I've run up to 12 Ubuntu JeOS servers on it, all doing really intensive stuff, and the host server just kept plugging away.  Vmware gets a lot of press, but VirtualBox is pretty underrated.20:09
n8tuserVague-> these are 3g's left over from a partition? or unused spaces?20:09
SkyLeachhey all20:09
skyravenhello guys, did anyone experience problems with DVD burning with Linux ? I'm getting with virtually any application WRITE@LBA=220h failed with SK=0h/ASC=00h/ACQ=02h]: Input/output error20:09
ravenAUDACITY: is it possible to import several files into ONE SINGLE track automatically20:09
SkyLeachI've inherited some neglected ubuntu servers that are still on feisty-dawn20:09
skyravenIf I let k3b for example on auto it damages the disc write after attempting to start writing to it20:09
skyravenIf I set k3b to 12x it writes the DVD it ends up ok..and at the end all files are corrupted or unreadable20:09
SkyLeachcan anyone recommend some apt mirrors that still have feisty?  I need to upgrade these things20:09
skyravenI updated the firmware to the latest on the writer in an attempt to solve this20:09
skyravenof course ..if I use windows xp it works20:10
ravenAUDACITY: is it possible to import several files into ONE SINGLE track automatically20:10
Vaguemagnetron, basically, I'm upset that 9 gigs of my hard drive isn't being used because It's broken up in a way I'd have to have 3 different partitions of 3 gigs each, which is silly...I should be able to make them into a contiguous, single, partition, but I can't find a way...20:10
magnetronSkyLeach→ i recommend getting the gutsy and hardy alternate cd, it's the most reliable method of upgrading end-of-life'd installs20:11
SkyLeachmagnetron, cds aren't an option20:11
SkyLeachand if I go that route, I'll just rebuild the servers with gentoo anyhow20:11
SkyLeachthese machines are at a co-lo center20:11
z00m"wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string" any idea why the hell this is happening with winetricks ?#20:11
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=== visage is now known as Guest16289
clearscreenVague: assuming you have something like this: [big ext3] [ ntfs ] [small unused space], you can expand [ ntfs ] to use the unused space, then resize it on the left, and then resize your ext3 partition to take that space.. easily done through gparted20:13
=== thatguy_ is now known as pick
ravenAUDACITY: is it possible to import several files into ONE SINGLE track automatically20:13
magnetronraven→ how do you mean "automatically"?20:14
clearscreenVague: http://pastebin.com/d45280fc4 < apply/adjust to your personal situation :) just a general approach20:15
Vagueclearscreen, Well, currently, it's like this: (3gig Unallocated) (Big NTFS Windows Install) Then! /dev/sda2 (which is 33g) is setup like (4g swap) (25g linux) (3g unallocated)20:15
ravenmagnetron when i import 100 files at the same time i need them to be placed automatically horizontal in one track - otherwise i'd have to do it manually ;)20:16
VagueOh, and there's an unallocated bit right after the windows, and before the linux sda2 bits.20:16
ziarkaenCan packages in the repos recommend other uninstalled packages for install, because adept is suggesting I install a "not installed" pkg.  What is the mechanism by which this can happen?20:16
Vagueclearscreen, to extend a partition, wouldn't it have to be extended into unallocated space? or would it have to be partitioned and empty?20:17
clearscreenVague: empty space20:17
=== hooey is now known as coldboot
clearscreenunallocated space*20:17
Vagueclearscreen, hmm, so theoretically, I could just...add it to windows, and linux, and give them a few extra gigs, by extended left and right on gparted?20:18
VagueThus ending the problem altogether?20:18
clearscreenVague: yes, if they're next to eachother you can just resize and gparted will expand into unallocated space20:18
clearscreenyou probably have to boot into live cd though20:19
Vagueclearscreen, yeah, I'll use the live CD and try that then, thanks =)20:19
mattgyver83I just moved a folder containing several symlinks to a different HD.  Is there a way to mass rename the link target folder so that I do not have to recreate these links again?20:21
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nikitisQuestion:  How would I rephrase "mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb/" into my fstab?20:23
=== [1]psywiped is now known as psywiped
sebsebseb!patience |  nikitis20:27
ubottunikitis: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:27
nikitissebsebseb, i waited 3 mins20:28
nikitissebsebseb, people lose focus after that long, i have to remind them20:28
sebsebsebnikitis: yes well haven't you noticed, loads of people here, but hardly anyone chatting20:28
MrspryHello,anyone knows why?MY computer just froze on the spot I was using Firefox and chatting using Pidgin,after it froze my speakers made a weird sound.20:29
sebsebsebnikitis: seems loads of people auto join this channel or something, and  leave their clients connected to it for ages, hence why it says 1483  nicks20:29
=== [1]psywiped is now known as psywiped
sebsebsebnikitis: for actsaul chatter,  this channel is not that active today20:29
ariqspeople yell at you for repeating, but it does get results ;)20:29
nikitissebsebseb, at least you know the uwserbase is growing20:29
sebsebsebnikitis: it is questionable how many  people in here,  actsaully use Ubuntu though20:29
nikitisariqs, i repeated nothing20:30
ariqsno doubt most of them20:30
sebsebsebariqs: if  you repate every so often with the question sure,  anyone?  is not going to help you much20:30
nikitissebsebseb, in fact it20:30
sebsebsebnikitis: yes you put anyone?  instead which is a  bit silly,  wait a bit and then put the whole question again20:30
nikitissebsebseb, its helped me numorous times20:30
MrspryHello,anyone knows why?MY computer just froze on the spot I was using Firefox and chatting using Pidgin,after it froze my speakers made a weird sound.20:30
ariqseasy way to test is that most windows users will be using mIRC so just version everyone and see if they are in mIRC. If not, chances are good they are in linux, and if they're here, chances are it's ubuntu :)20:31
nikitissebsebseb, people do look up20:31
clearscreenthere's no point in arguing, there are channel rules about repeating your question / having patience20:31
sebsebsebnikitis: as for the userbase well,  there are bound to be people in here right now, that aren't using Ubuntu, because they are using another Linux distro instead20:31
nikitissebsebseb, yeah thats just wierd20:31
sebsebsebclearscreen: indeed, however when the channel is dead arguing as you called it, well made it at least more active :D20:31
mack431i would like to use this opportunity20:31
ariqsrules are meant to be followed? *grins*20:32
mack431to thank the inventors of ubuntu20:32
sebsebsebmack431: ok what do you want help with?20:32
sebsebsebmack431: oh right well,  not many of them are giong to be in here right now etc20:32
mack431for such a great system with a lot of free tools20:32
sebsebsebmack431: also most/all of Ubuntu's programs are found in other distros as well20:32
mack431LOVE YOU20:32
nikitisSo....  anyone know how to convert mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb  into fstab readable?20:32
sebsebsebmack431: and developers need a community to create for20:33
joshjtlhmm where is smssend? I dont have it in intrepid repos...20:33
insomniaHi folks, I'm having a bit of trouble with getting a wifi connection to work with 9.04.  I'm using a Linksys WUSB54GC USB Wireless Adapter and it doesn't seem to see the router.20:33
sebsebsebinsomnia: wrong channel #ubuntu+1 for 9.04 help20:33
teknikalAnyone know what cli will give me info on what device ata2 is? I don't know what drive this maps too. I've tried using dmesg but it didn't give me any distinguishing info.20:33
insomniasebsebseb: Okay, thanks.20:33
tmehlhornneed some help20:34
sebsebsebinsomnia: good luck in there, and I am in there to20:34
sebsebsebtmehlhorn: with what?20:34
tmehlhornTy to install..20:34
insomniasebsebseb: :)  Thanks.20:34
tmehlhornsplash screen fine..20:34
tmehlhornthe gui showing install fine...20:34
tmehlhornwhen it gets to the actual ubuntu screen...20:35
stousignant1hi, i'd like to know how i could make a package, say python-django, supported by my installation of python2.4 on jaunty20:35
blunderon my notebook running 8.10 the tty console is black and white... is that the way it is suppsed to be20:35
CyberAngelAnyone a DNS expert?20:35
tmehlhorn the cursur is blurry and the background looks like a bacgammon board20:35
sebsebseb!dns |  CyberAngel20:36
ubottuCyberAngel: DNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.20:36
sebsebsebCyberAngel: looks like  ubottu isn't even :)20:36
ariqs<clearscreen> there's no point in arguing, there are channel rules about repeating your question / having patience <-- I bet this guy doesn't take the tags off his bed sheets ;P20:36
CyberAngelUm.. thanks ubotto.. guess we need to up the tech level of that bot20:37
sebsebsebCyberAngel: asking for an expert is one thing, but asking your actsaul question is another20:37
CyberAngelok, I'll give it a go20:37
thedarkonehey all i have a problem with nvidia graphic card it some reason my screen goes nutz then locks up after 23mins20:37
ariqshalf the dialogue in this channel is telling people what not to do20:37
sebsebsebthedarkone: which version of Ubuntu? how old is your card?20:37
sebsebsebariqs: why do you say that?20:38
thedarkone8.04 and brand new card20:38
CyberAngelQuestion:  I have a web hosting company I purchsed.  It has DNS on (ick) Windows.  I want to import all of the DNS zones from that server, turn it off and mkae them all master on teh new server20:38
thedarkoneit a nvidia gs6200st20:38
ariqsthedarkone, the card may be overheating or malfunctioning itself20:38
thedarkonejust started it when i did update20:39
CyberAngelquestion (cont): is there is way to simply make teh zone a slave, suck it all in, then convert to a master zone?20:39
sebsebsebCyberAngel: your issue is not  distro specfic, you can try #linux a more general channel and I guess #networking may even be useful20:39
thedarkonefrom to
mark_any one now how to rip dvd in ubuntu20:39
IWannaBeTheGuyHello, sup? Do someone know if I can request an IP on startup, probably in the "/etc/conf.d/net" file. manually i do "dhcpcd -r". Thanks in advanced20:39
fosco_mark_: use ogmrip20:39
thedarkonei put a fan on the card20:39
joshjtlanyone know where to get an account to be able to use smssend with kopete?20:39
mark_fosco is it click and point20:40
stousignant1mark_: thoggen is also an option20:40
fosco_mark_: very easy to use20:40
sebsebsebIWannaBeTheGuy: no, but clever using both channels20:42
tmehlhornI cant install ubuntu- graphics are fine on splash screen and through the gui showing the components being installed. then i comes up with an orange and black blurry screen looks like a backgammon board. cant see or do anything. Running ati hd video card, amd athlon 64  and 3 gig ram20:42
IWannaBeTheGuysebsebseb, Thanks :)20:42
mark_thanx peaple downloading now20:42
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
mark_when i down load it it says wrong arciteture20:43
Zopiacis it possible to soft force a cd player to eject?20:43
magnetronZopiac→ there's the "eject" command20:44
Zopiacer cd drive20:44
bytor4232Zopiac: a paperclip into the little tiny hole on the front always works for me20:44
Zopiacbytor4232: didn't work for some reason :/20:44
bytor4232Zopiac: your probably not shoving it in far enough.  Thats what she said.20:44
mark_fosco any help please20:44
magnetronZopiac→ what you usually want to do is to unmount/umount the CD20:44
Zopiacbytor4232: when I shoved it in first, nothing happened. tried harder, and there was a whirring noise, it stopped spinning, but still not ejectable :/20:45
Zopiacmagnetron: how? clicking the unmount button in Nautilus isn't doing anything20:45
blackdemonopen a command prompt and type "umount /dev/cdrom"20:46
deanyZopiac, looks like a reboot is only option left20:46
blackdemonif it don't work, try as root20:46
Zopiacblackdemon: says its not mounted20:46
blackdemonand "eject" don't work?20:47
deanyive had a drive do that before... no amount of umounts and ejects made a difference.. just had to power down20:47
tmehlhornSorry guys but i really need some help hear :) I cant install ubuntu- graphics are fine on splash screen and through the gui showing the components being installed. then i comes up with an orange and black blurry screen looks like a backgammon board. cant see or do anything. Running ati hd video card, amd athlon 64  and 3 gig ram20:47
Zopiacdeany: that's what im about to do, but I need this disk out and have stuff running that id rather not kill (3D rendering, mainly) but oh wellz20:48
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deanyZopiac, just take a screwdriver to it lol20:49
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Barnicleanyone here use SAMBA and have successfully gotten it to autheticate against active directory?20:50
LordZackI am having problems when im trying to install ubuntu but when i put the disk in and boot from it after I select my timezone it turns blue and then skips and goes straight to a boot up of the live disk. Anyone know whats wrong?20:50
Barnicleany samba users here?20:51
FernandoLBHello. How do we call that boot scren, before GD20:51
tmehlhornI cant install ubuntu- graphics are fine on splash screen and through the gui showing the components being installed. then i comes up with an orange and black blurry screen looks like a backgammon board. cant see or do anything. Running ati hd video card, amd athlon 64  and 3 gig ram20:51
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sebsebseb!samba |  Barnicle20:51
ubottuBarnicle: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:51
austinHas anyone gotten audacity to function correctly?20:51
BarnicleI just have a question about authetication, would you be able to answer it sebsebseb?20:51
stevr1ithello under /media/ in my pc I have a disk mounted, that i use like backup. When i start a backup it fills up the root directory and partition. How can i avoid it?20:51
austinHas anyone gotten audacity to work right20:52
LordZackFernandoLB are you talking t me?20:52
Barniclesebsebseb: I have successfully authenticated against Active Directory when mapping to my samba share. My only issue is that it is initially prompting me for a password. Shouldn't samba recognize me from already logging into my domain when logging into windows? Why is it prompting me?20:52
ActiveFrostaustin: I'm used it for a while .. what's not working ?20:52
ActiveFrost*I've not I'm :P20:52
Phil_Ewert_hi together, when I put my ubuntu in hibernation, it shows the small window in the middle asking for a password to re-enter. But mouse and keybord are not working and the machine is still running. How can I get that right ?20:52
austinActiveFrost: Well, the recording and playback pretty much..  I can hear sound from my speakers, and i can hear my Mic from my speakers20:53
FernandoLBLordZack: I'm talking about the part that shows up while the system is loading.20:53
m1dlgUSB keyboard in hybonation or sleep mode still?20:53
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sebsebsebBarnicle: in my personal opinion anyone that uses  Windows  Server, as a server is a fool,  Linux  and Unix servers for the win :)   well  even Linux users hang out in #windows where you could also get help I expect20:53
ActiveFrostaustin: play around with it's options and sound settings - sometimes it's buggy ( that's why I switched to Amarok ).20:54
Barnicleok, i will ask there thanks20:54
LordZackoh I press F11 while it boots up. It loads the CD then i pressed "install ubuntu" option20:54
austinActiveFrost: Amarok does sound edditing?20:54
austinActiveFrost: And i've done all the options..to no avail20:55
orudiei would swtich to ubuntu desktop if i didnt play games20:55
sebsebsebBarnicle: there's also #networking and #linux a more general Linux channel20:55
ActiveFrostaustin: hm, I don't think so .. thus, it's easy to use and the best opt is that I can minimize it to tray :)20:55
orudietoo bad ubuntu doesnt support windows games20:55
TechHead_run wine mate20:55
TechHead_wine even runs WoW ;D20:55
austinActiveFrost: <.> but i need sound editing20:55
sebsebseborudie: depends on the game, but can get a lot working20:55
ActiveFrostorudie: who said that ?20:55
Burntresistorim trying to change my splash screen the file i downloaded is a .so file  do i need to open it if so what with20:55
Phil_Ewert_anybody ?20:55
tmehlhornthanks for nuttin guys20:55
orudiei tried running games in wine, its really lame20:56
orudietmehlhorn, bye20:56
ActiveFrostorudie: but you can run them :P20:56
lasivianhow can I remove a package update and go back to the previous version?20:56
TechHead_world of warcraft runs okay20:56
m1dlgtheres crossover for games20:56
Hassanakevazirwhat IRC client is everyone using that does "<username>:" instead of" <username>," when using Tab20:56
LordZackFernandoLB: I press F11 while it boots up. It loads the CD then i pressed "install ubuntu" option20:56
deanyi was once at a company that had a windows server setup, with a few "mcse`s" , then one day the boss had the idea of using SCO for email server to save on license... watching these fools tryin to install it was a joy ive not felt since20:56
sebsebseborudie: well  Linx distros were never meant to be a replacement for  Windows, they are  meant to be a replacement for Unix.  Unix  has been around longer than Windows20:57
austinActiveFrost: I'm on aMsn right now, and i can't send voice clips eaher.   can you help me with my mic?20:57
austinActiveFrost:  An error occured when trying to record the sound : Could not gain access to /dev/dsp for writing.20:57
sebsebseborudie: and as some people would say,  use  apps that are made for the platform they were made for.  ,but yes you can try wine  and for  2d games even a windows virtual machine inside Ubuntu20:57
mib_209u07s4hey guys i messed up a lil and need to recover a partition on my harddrive any software you would suggest20:57
orudiesebsebseb, thanx for info, but i took history of computing class back in college20:57
sebsebseborudie: I meant above, some people would say to use the platform apps were made for20:57
sebsebseborudie: Microsoft even pay game developers to make for Directx,  even though OpenGL is really better20:58
sebsebseborudie: Microsoft need to lock people such as yourself in on the games20:58
j5098if i want to mount my ntfs partition upon login (mkdir then mount), how can i do that?20:58
TechHead_btw orudie, there are games like good old Enemy Territory that run MUCH better in Linux ;D20:58
sebsebseborudie: or Windows would be going bye bye a lot more on consumer desktops20:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:58
LordZackI am having problems when im trying to install ubuntu but when i put the disk in and boot from it after I select my timezone it turns blue and then skips and goes straight to a boot up of the live disk. Anyone know whats wrong?20:58
ActiveFrostaustin:  ::snack::audio selectInput /dev/dsp20:58
lasivianfirefox 3.0.8 is running slow as crfap for me and I don;t know how to go back to the previous version :(20:58
sebsebseborudie: how about a games console instead of Windows for games?  and  trying out  native Linux games?20:58
=== NeoBlaster is now known as neoblaster
blackdemonj5098: if you have the ntfs-3g driver you can mount it like any onther drive20:59
orudieI hate consoles20:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:59
Hassanakevazirsebsebseb, no they don't, DirectX simply has a better API for making games on a budget. Not everyone is carmack20:59
orudieexcept for the early once like nintendo 120:59
bretcolinfor people having trouble with nvidia cards look at this20:59
sebsebseborudie: ok well I hate how most games are made for Windows :)   you can always dual boot for your 3D Windows games, and use Ubuntu for real computing20:59
austinActiveFrost:  I'm in audio....and i chose my input device and same error21:00
j5098blackdemon, yeah, i know how to do it manually (and nautilus does it automatically too) but not until i click "88.4gb media".  i want to do this at startup though21:00
TechHead_btw, has anyone here also strange input lags in games like I do ?21:00
ActiveFrostaustin: also, be sure that you've installed libsnack221:00
orudiesebsebseb, yeah i was thinking about that since my desktop has 8 gb ram now21:00
ActiveFrostaustin: are you running amsn ?21:00
sebsebseborudie: and for 2D games you can also try a Windows virtual machine inside Ubuntu21:00
austinActiveFrost:  Yes, I am.  and libsnack2 is installed21:00
orudiewhat 2d games lol? i only play one strategy game - Company of Heroes21:01
sebsebseborudie: it's  3D Windows games where Wine and such and virtual machines,  won't be any good.   altough some 3D Windows games will even work in Wine21:01
orudiewhich is actually stopping me from converting to ubuntu21:01
lasivianhow can I remove a package upgrade?21:01
sebsebseborudie: dual boot then21:01
deanyi cant imagine runnin a game in a VM. i need all the fps i can get..21:01
orudieyeah i tried counter strike source in wine, it was really bad21:02
ActiveFrostaustin: tried to enable/disable alsa ?21:02
geboyhow can i set automount for ntfs partition in my hardrives21:02
sebsebsebwahnfrieden: hi21:02
orudiei agree it does work, but barely playable21:02
austinActiveFrost:  whats the command to enable/disable21:02
wahnfriedenhow can I install Python 2.6 in Xubuntu intrepid?21:02
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:02
deanyid rather reboot into windows for 100% performance, its not like it`d kill me to boot into windows.21:02
wahnfriedenit doesn't look like a simple process21:03
sebsebsebdeany: indeed21:03
orudiesebsebseb, can i pm you ?21:03
sebsebseborudie: yeah21:03
ActiveFrostaustin: --enable-alsa and --disable-alsa21:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automount21:03
geboycan i make ubuntu automaticaly mount all the ntfs partition in my system everytime it reboots?21:04
austinActiveFrost:  command not found.  and yes, alsa is installed21:04
LordZackI am having problems when im trying to install ubuntu but when i put the disk in and boot from it after I select my timezone it turns blue and then skips and goes straight to a boot up of the live disk. Anyone know whats wrong?21:04
lasivianhow do I remove a package that was upgraded if the3 upgrade breaks something?21:04
lasivianjust apt-get remove and install the older version?21:04
ActiveFrostaustin: in that case - I've no idea why it's not working ..21:06
m1dlgIf I want to (re)create a group called 'disk' is there a specific group ID I must use? or is it a unique number I can pick anything and it will just work OK?21:06
austinActiveFrost: :( Zero idea?21:06
iamtimis there a way to create a bootable floppy image that can mount samba shares?21:06
jean-baptistecherche aide pr probleme installation wotlk svp21:06
coz_geboy,  i  just got here what is the issue? if I can I will help21:06
austinHas anyone gotten there mic to work???21:06
coz_austin,  I have yes however I use alsa sound not pulseaudio21:07
jean-baptistepersonne ?21:07
Knirgh!french | jean-baptiste21:07
ubottujean-baptiste: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:07
austincoz_Well, i'll convert.....just tell me how cuz i'm lost right now21:07
oCean_geboy: add the filesystems you want mounted in the /etc/fstab file21:07
oCean_!fstab > geboy21:07
ubottugeboy, please see my private message21:07
geboythanks oCean_21:08
kephuHi, not sure if this is the right place, but I have a question about Wine - is there a way to make buttons (and any standard controls) less ugly than they are?21:08
coz_jean-claude__, salut  quel est le probleme?  mon francais n'est pas bon21:08
Knirghi have some problems with VirtualBox, it says vboxdrv is not running, and when i try to start it it fails21:08
kephufor instance, make them more consistent with how the rest of my ubuntu looks?21:09
deanycareful tho, ive found some apps to run really slowly afterwards..21:09
deanyyes, odd, i know.....21:09
eqisowkephu: You can add themes in wincfg, but that pretty much only let's you change the colors21:09
eqisowkephu: better than nothing, though21:09
kephuI guess21:10
deanykephu,  http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/01/04/stop-wine-from-beating-your-windows-apps-with-the-ugly-stick/21:10
m1dlgIf I want to (re)create a group called 'disk' is there a specific group ID I must use? or is it a unique number I can pick anything and it will just work OK?21:10
austinhas anyone gotten there mic to work perfeclty?21:11
geboyoCean_: what about mounting a windows share automatically?21:11
m1dlgIf I want to (re)create a group called 'disk' is there a specific group ID I must use? or is it a unique number I can pick anything and it will just work OK? AND will it be instant or will I need to reboot for permitions to be altered21:11
eseven73!repeat | m1dlg21:11
ubottum1dlg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:11
DarKnesS_WolFanyone tried to ssh to a system user like tomcat6 with RSA and did it ?21:12
blackdemonm1dlg: you have to chose a number that is not used by another group ...21:12
m1dlgI ALTHERED my request21:12
oCean_geboy: That can be in the /etc/fstab file too21:12
m1dlgOK, Thanks21:12
kephudeany, how much "slower" are we talking about?21:12
eseven73it's ALTERED and OK thanks for SHOUTING ;)21:12
=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster
deanylike some app was wating 99% cpu... try it, might have just been me, and that version of wine..21:12
deanycan always just remove it later.21:13
deanykephu, bearing in mind i use beta`s21:13
temp01this page http://grub4dos.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Grub4dos_tutorial says to boot grub4dos from vista/7 boot loader, you need grldr.mbr21:14
temp01where can i get grldr.mbr ?21:14
frenchhey can someone point me in the direction for wireless?21:14
fosco_!wifi | french21:15
ubottufrench: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:15
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frenchhow do i know fi i have hardy, fiesty, or gusty?21:15
oCean_french: tye "lsb_release -a" in terminal21:16
bytor4232french: cat /etc/lsb-release21:16
lasivianin Processes Firefox shows to be using 1% CPU, but looking at resources usage has jumped 60% since I started it, what gives?21:16
bytor4232lasivian: Probably flash content, it is very cpu intensive.21:16
plastundo anyone use DVB card? Skystar 2 or 3?21:16
cmdbbqto connect to my school's vpn, i must refuse EAP, but this is (I have been told) no longer an option with the new kernel does anyone know a workaround that will allow me to connect to a pptp vpn and explicitly refuse EAP?21:17
lasivianhrrm, all it's running is google.com21:17
cmdbbqto connect to my school's vpn, i must refuse EAP, but this is (I have been told) no longer an option with the new kernel does anyone know a workaround that will allow me to connect to a pptp vpn and explicitly refuse EAP? also i forgot to mention i am using 8.1021:18
temp01N/M my question21:18
troubledJono in here?21:19
HioBe b21:19
TofflosWhat's new in the nvidia driver that recently got updated?21:19
eseven73Tofflos, 180 I believe, at least thats what got updated on mine like 2 days ago21:21
TechHead_load -e quakenet.py21:21
bretcolinare you playing quake21:21
TechHead_lol, no only Enemy Territory21:21
Toffloseseven73: It seems to render my close,, minimize/maximize buttons a lot better now. I'm just curious to what else has been improved.21:22
TechHead_actually I wanted to load a script that auto authes me with Q21:22
oCean_TechHead_: bretcolin This channel is for ubuntu support only, stay on topic21:22
TechHead_as I said, I wanted to load a script and made a typo21:22
TechHead_talking about support21:23
bretcolinanyone having trouble with nvidia on ubuntu intrepid21:23
TechHead_why do I have massive input lag  in games such as ET ?21:23
deanyTechHead, the joys of having an ATI card and vsync enabled21:24
bretcolinet is a windows game and the server should probably be faster on wine21:24
TechHead_no I got the Linux client21:24
lasivianwhy would system monitor show 2 cpus when I only have one?21:24
vikrantu may have two cores21:25
graingertlasivian-> you have a dual core box21:25
vikrantdual core cpu21:25
TechHead_it seems that if I move the mouse too fast and press multiple buttons on the keyboard inputs simply stall21:25
lasivianI have an Acer Aspire One21:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jackd21:25
lasivianwhich I do not believe is dual core21:25
TechHead_noone else playing a game now and then experiencin this glitch?21:26
Im_ToastHey, I was using the terminal, and I accadentally put a ` in and hit enter, then the terminal just showed '>' does anyone know what that is for?21:26
jribIm_Toast: hit ctrl-c21:26
bretcolinif your in a game with a dial up user that will cause lag21:26
Im_Toastjrib: I was just wondering what it's used for21:26
gilgerDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 021:26
erUSULIm_Toast: is the secondary promt for multiline commands21:27
TechHead_hehe, nono, i t runs okay in Windows21:27
Im_ToastAh, ok, thanks21:27
jribIm_Toast: `foo` is like $(foo).  The shell replaces `foo` with the output of the command "foo"21:27
TechHead_I simply prefer Linux because it runs better , as in faster21:27
deanyTechHead, its vsync21:27
TechHead_not either21:27
bretcolini agree im using jaunty21:27
TechHead_it feels like I flood input queue somehow21:27
grkblood13is there a way to convert a pal iso to ntsc?21:27
cowboy24634hi guys. someone got little time to help me out with a problem (-> orca)21:27
jrib!ask | cowboy2463421:27
ubottucowboy24634: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:27
deanywell thats what causes it for me.. in UT2k4 i need to enable vsync to kill the tearing, but it causes mouse lag, but ive somehow fixed it by disabling vsync in the ut2004.ini file while leaving vsync for my card (catalyst control center) On..21:28
cowboy24634ok - i was setting up orca (to test for my cousin).21:28
bretcolinwhat kind of help21:28
lorencan someone tell me how to get rid of loren Computer Backup Files with a protected file in it in xubuntu21:29
cowboy24634but after enabling the window with the bigsite-view, it crashed21:29
cowboy24634and now it crashes alltimes i connect to gnome21:29
deanyoh and disabling the 2 options in "input" menu in UT,  reduce mouse lag (lol i know but....)....21:29
RedMushroomwhat's the command to start the gui from the command prompt (ubuntu@ubuntu:~$_)?21:30
cowboy24634how do i disable orca before entering?21:30
TechHead_thx, but there is not such switch in ET21:30
erUSULRedMushroom: startx21:30
RedMushroomty erUSUL21:30
deanydisable vsync for your card then21:30
VienDoes someone know what's the finnish ubuntu channel?21:30
deanyim using latest ATI drivers from ATI, so thats how i get the CCC21:31
TechHead_deany: again this is not graphics related this is input realated21:31
RedMushroomerUSUL: when i tried that command it said that it was already active for display 0 and said to remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again21:31
Mike_lifeguardI'm not seeing any way to resize my Windows partition in the Intrepid installer; can someone help me find it?21:31
RedMushroomknow how i remove that file?21:31
gujaI am running Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64. What do I need for being able to install i386 .deb pkg? When I try to install it, .deb pkg auto installer says wrong architecture. Is there any way?21:31
deanyTechHead, again, vsync makes my mouse lag.. mouse as in input.21:31
TechHead_wtf !!!21:31
TechHead_since when deany21:31
TechHead_this is the 1st time I ever heard that21:32
deanyTechHead, i dunno, ask ATI21:32
TechHead_thank you ATI ;)21:32
deanynot a problem in windows21:32
VienCan someone guide me through Nvidia display driver installation on Ubuntu 8.10?21:32
cmdbbqto connect to my school's vpn, i must refuse EAP, but this is (I have been told) no longer an option with the new kernel does anyone know a workaround that will allow me to connect to a pptp vpn and explicitly refuse EAP? also i forgot to mention i am using 8.1021:32
bretcolinguja update everything thru synaptic disable intrepid repos21:32
RedMushroomdoes anyone know how to remove /tmp/.X0-lock?21:32
HammerHead66TechHead_: do you need help with your drivers?21:32
jribVien: system -> administration -> hardware drivers21:32
deanyTechHead, just sayin, try disabling vsync, see if it helps21:33
gujabretcolin, how that? (beginner, sry)21:33
lasivianFirefox with gmail open is taking all my system resources, is there any way I can go back to the previous version?21:33
TechHead_HammerHead66: I am not sure  ... got the same issues on an ATI 3650 as on a Nvidia 8800gts21:33
mib_o56ma8hi. i have a modem named onixon dsl100u. it's supported with eciadsl driver pack. i installed it, but can't start. tried on live ubuntu 8.10. can anyone help?21:33
bretcolinits ok il try to help21:33
lorenhow do I get rid of a permission denied file in xubuntu21:33
bretcolindid you double click the deb package21:33
HammerHead66TechHead_: I have 3650 HD Radeon card it works fine21:33
gujaYeah. And it says Wrong Architecture! And won't allow me to install it.21:34
HammerHead66TechHead_: im me I'll give you all the details21:34
TechHead_HammerHead66: aha, I use 8.10 btw21:34
bretcolingo to system ,administration,synaptic21:34
temp01is it possible to create a submenu in grub21:34
gujabretcolin, there.21:34
mib_o56ma8hi. i have a modem named onixon dsl100u. it's supported with eciadsl driver pack. i installed it, but can't start. tried on live ubuntu 8.10. can anyone help?21:35
bretcolinok click on status21:35
cowboy24634does anyone know how i can disable the orca loupe before logging into ubuntu?21:35
gujabretcolin, done.21:35
bretcolinis there one that says upgradeable21:36
xtmnxis there a way to get adpcm working under wine?21:36
bretcolinyou could also click on mark all upgrades at the top21:36
grkblood13is there a way to convert a pal iso to ntsc?21:36
grkblood13or a mounted iso21:36
rampageoberonhow comes i can only see mu processes when running top, (i remember being able to view all processes before)21:36
m1dlgwhat is the consol comand to empty the trash?21:37
temp01anyone? is it possible to create a submenu in grub?21:37
gujabretcolin, upgradeable ekiga only.21:37
bretcolinok type in the search for gdebi21:37
sysdocI'm having a problem with Audacity 1.3.5 not connecting to ALSA. I have found where jackd will cause some problems, but ps -e|grep jackd doesn't return a process id. Anyone have any other possibilities?21:37
bretcolinand install it21:37
gujaIt is installed.21:37
gujaI opened .deb with it.21:38
rampageoberonm1dlg: rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*21:38
bretcolinwhat does it say when you try to install21:38
Mike_lifeguardIs there always supposed to be an option to resize partitions when installing ubuntu? I cannot find it, if so. If not, how can I get it to show up?21:38
bretcolintry running it as root21:38
gujabretcolin, Status: Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'21:39
bretcolinsudo gdebi-gtk21:39
m1dlgrampagoberon - that fixed it - i needed root to delete stuff that just wouldn't go.21:39
atera9is there any way to convert a WEP Key to Passphrase?21:39
atera9all WiFi routers seem to possess the ability to generate a hexidecimal key, four of them, according one of four indexes, to be precise21:40
gujabretcolin, same thing when running it as a root.21:40
atera9but I have not found any way to convert one of these four hexidecimal values back into a passphrase21:40
bretcolinwhat architecture are you running x86 or 6421:40
gujabretcolin, I said above. x86_6421:41
jrock2004Is there an install CD of ubuntu that install fluxbox or xfce instead of gnome?21:41
deanybretcolin, try prefixing nicks to your msgs, theres a lot goin on here..21:41
bretcolinyou could uninstall gdebi and reinstall it21:41
atera9jrock2004 yes, xubuntu for xfce21:41
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jrock2004atera9: so if I go to ubuntu site there is an iso for xubuntu21:42
bretcolinok deany21:42
atera9jrock2004 yes, if not just google xubuntu. if my internet werent so damn slow today id get the link for you21:42
susscorfahttp://benfrantzdale.livejournal.com/262354.html <- i have the same propblem as this guy anyone suggestion some keys are weirdly mapped pagedown to eh context menu but every thing seems fine in the console21:42
deanybretcolin, you get other people thinking you are answering their questions otherwise :)21:42
troubledjono bacon in here?21:42
jrock2004atera9: ok doing that now thanks21:43
susscorfai tried different keyboard layouts and reconfigureing21:43
RedMushroomwhat's the command to kill the xserver after pressing ctrl+alt+f1?21:44
KoFishsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:44
KoFishRedMushroom: ^21:44
RedMushroomKoFish: ty21:44
bretcolinguja https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/+bug/14651821:46
jrock2004atera9: yeah I want to setup an LTSP server that will run XFCE instead of gnome21:47
mib_n2ot5lhi. i have an ubuntu cd with Wubi but it downloads iso from internet again even though there's already one on cd. how can i prevent it?21:47
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gujabretcolin, thanks, I'm gonna try find some solution. Where are desktop effects or anything similar turned on/off in Ubuntu? When restoring minimized window on 9.04, it restores very slow, dunno why.21:48
bretcolingo to system preferences appearence21:49
oCean_guja: all 9.04 discussion go in channel #ubuntu+1, since it is still beta21:49
bretcolinguja at top click visual effects21:49
MOVINGYOURXCHATLim moving your xchat line too far to the right21:51
MOVINGYOURXCHATLisnt that so annoying?21:51
gujabretcolin, thanks, I have turned it off. Works a bit better.21:51
ubottuMOVINGYOURXCHATL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:52
reisican anyone remember where was a how to on compiling x drivers from for example git?21:53
lasivianhow can I install an old version of a package?21:54
sierinjs_lvcan i get more desktops?21:54
sierinjs_lv& how?21:54
frenchcan someone help me install my bcm43xx on 8.04 i am having problems, i installed the drives but they still dont work21:55
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Hassanakevazirlasivian, in synaptic choose the package, then do : Package > Force Version21:56
Guest42843anyone could help me to configure ma xmod device please21:56
wahnfriedenwhy the hell does the standard way to de-tar something require the parameters "zxvf", isn't there a simpler way?21:57
wahnfriedenlinux usability is a mess21:57
cowboy24634does anyone know how i can disable the orca loupe before logging into ubuntu? i already used the update-rc.d to delete the links to the runlevels, but orca still starts and crashes...21:57
magentarwhy, it makes perfect sense21:57
wahnfriedenwhy mag_mor21:57
blackdemonthe parameters have a functions ;)21:57
wahnfriedenof course21:57
wahnfriedenbut for such a common operation21:57
FloodBot3wahnfrieden: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:57
KoFishwahnfrieden: control vs. prettiness21:57
lasivianHassanakevazir: thanks21:57
magentarbecause if you use tar without arguments it reads from stdin, with no compression and no verbose output21:58
KoFishwahnfrieden: thats what god invented scripts for21:58
year1anyone know how i can get a music macker program for my linex21:58
magnetronwahnfrieden→ the simpler way is to just double-click the file. but i guess you didn21:58
venelinohello guys.. one simple question - is ubuntu compatible with iphone?21:58
KoFishvenelino: no!21:58
rdev_fireflyanyone here know anything about flash?21:58
wahnfriedenI'm just in the command line21:58
Noxidiouswhat was the nvidia ubuntu channel name?21:58
wahnfriedenthe WM was too slow in vbox21:58
venelinook, coould u give me an advice about a good linux workin on iphone?21:59
magentarinstall the proper drivers then wahnfrieden21:59
KoFishvenelino: it works if you run something like windows virtualized... but not in native linux21:59
wahnfriedenit's in a VM21:59
wahnfriedenwhich is why it's slow21:59
magentaryes, did you install the vm's video drivers etc.?21:59
year1windows virtualized whats that more advice on that pls22:00
magentar(guest additions if you're using virtualbox)22:00
venelinothat is shit22:00
venelinoi want a completely booted not virtualized, it gona be slow22:00
wahnfriedenI did but I'm not sure they worked - since the mouse still gets captured22:00
venelinook thank you anyway22:00
frenchcan someone help me install my bcm43xx on 8.04 i am having problems, i installed the drives but they still dont work22:01
Ametrineis installing drivers for ubuntu dependant on having ubuntu installed first ?22:01
Ametrinei just ran it over windows and it failed to install NVIDIA 8 drivers for advanced graphical settings22:02
Ametrine64 bit desktop version22:03
Ametrinethats what i said22:03
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sysdocAudacity 1.3.5 and Ub 8.10, anyone having problems with connecting to the ALSA sound sys?22:06
roadfishhow do I decode the timestamp from dmseg? For example, I want to convert [917076.634532] into something like HH:MM April 4, 200922:07
RedMushroomhow can i delete a file through the command prompt?22:07
MadRSII'm using firefox 3.0.8 on ibex and it keeps using a lot of my processor power.  When I look through the system monitor, it says both of my processors are being using up %40, while firefox is only listed as using %20.  Is there any way to take a closer look at what's using my processor in ubuntu?22:07
NoxidiousHow can I disable a nvidia GPU driver through the terminal? I installed a new driver for it and the screen goes black after logging in22:07
troubledjono bacon kickin around here?22:07
sierinjs_lvhow can i get mode virtual desktops?22:08
troubledwell, for those interested, I believe that Randal is about to interview your community manager live right now at http://live.twit.tv/22:08
masterkernelkernelcheck questions > #kernelcheck22:08
RedMushroomwhat command do i use to delete a file using the command prompt?22:09
sierinjs_lvhow can i get mode virtual desktops?22:09
masterkernelRedMushroom: rm <filename>22:09
RedMushroommasterkernel: ty22:10
troubledPici: *poke*22:11
kurumeI wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener22:11
kurumeEveryone would be in love with me22:12
sierinjs_lvkurume: how can i get mode virtual desktops?22:12
RedMushroomi'm trying to delete the file /tmp/.X0-lock but i'm being told it's write protected22:12
RedMushroomhow would i remove the write protection?22:12
robacarpCan anybody give me a reason why a sudo chown would fail silently?  I `sudo chown -Rv user:user` and nothing happens to the files.22:12
kurumeAccess the System Menu > Preferences Menu > Appearance22:13
kurumeThen go to the tab marked "Visual Effects"22:13
DreamgliderIs it posible to ssh to a webcam on a remote machine of mine ?22:14
kurumeChoose your level of Ubuntu Bling22:14
macman_so the question of the day .. say i want to install ubuntu on another computer .. i want to keep all the libs / apps / packages that i have on this computer and put them on another computer .. how can i do this ?22:14
troubledJono Bacon (ubuntu community manager) is now live at http://live.twit.tv/ he is at the Linux COllaboration Summit phoning in22:14
TechHeadHammerHead66: hey22:14
troubledcheck it out22:14
kurume#Dreamglider Yes SSH via X Session22:14
psychicthe accessories menu disappeared on my tool bar22:14
HammerHead66TechHead: fix it right22:14
RedMushroomi'm trying to rm the file /tmp/.X0-lock from the command prompt and being told that hte file is write protected. how can i change the permissions on the file to allow me to delete it?22:14
botuxhey can someone assist me with setting up samba in ubunut?22:14
psychicanyone got a suggestion22:15
kurumeBut you need an application that renders your webcam22:15
kurumeWithout passing it directly to hardware22:15
oobeRedMushroom, sudo rm -rf  /tmp/.X0-lock22:15
psychicoobe are u a tech guy22:15
oobeit most likely is in use by a process22:16
oobepsychic, no22:16
oobepsychic, your question is ambiguous22:16
ranCan someone tell me how to change the language gnome displays in?22:16
HassanakevazirDreamglider, ssh -X blah@blargh cheese maybe22:16
psychicwell the applications menu22:16
psychicis not on the tool bar22:16
RedMushroomoobe: thanks. that worked22:16
botuxI cant see the shares on my linux machine22:17
DreamgliderHassanakevazir, and what program would i use to get the picture across ?22:17
Mike94287I want to modify a theme that I have, I'm looking to change the color of the menu but I'm not sure where I would do this. Could someone tell me what I need to edit?22:17
HassanakevazirDreamglider, "cheese" is the program22:18
DreamgliderHassanakevazir, oh ok ill have a look at it thanks22:18
psychicdoes anyone know how to start the applications menu in the toolbar if it doesn't show up anymore???22:18
n1ght28you can right click on the bar and add a widget or something like that i think22:19
psychici've tried that22:20
psychicwho is a tech advisor?22:20
n1ght28i know this is off topic but does anyone know an app to boot xo from a usb, an app with a gui22:20
robacarpHelp: chown, chmod fails on all files, even with sudo!22:20
coreymanany good screen to video programs for ubuntu?22:21
mike909is there someone that can help me with a wget command, to post data to a web-form (on a linksys router)?22:21
Shish_hey how's everyone doin?  i just installed ubuntu, and my sound doestn work.. no cue what to do, bear with me, im very BASIC22:21
RedMushroom when using startx i'm getting erros saying that it can't establish any listening sockets and telling me to make sure an x server isn't already running. how would i make sure i don't have any xservers running?22:21
mike909coreyman. check http://getdeb.net ive seen some on there before22:22
coreymanthanks mike90922:22
mike909coreyman: http://www.getdeb.net/app/RecordMyDesktop22:22
ranCan someone tell me how to change the language gnome displays in please?22:22
RedMushroomhow can i check for running x servers, and kill them if i find any active?22:22
Mark_JonesHello everyone I am looking at online shops for a new mobo and cpu bundle.I am wondering does Ubuntu benefit much from 64bit CPUs as well as multi cores?22:22
digitalexploitReadMushroom, open a terminal and type sudo ps -aux | grep x22:23
Mark_JonesOr is that app depedent question?22:23
maddprofare there any "hardcore gamers" and/or people who do a lot of CAD work (think pro/engineer and solidworks) here that I can pick their brains about their experience using both while in the linux (and WINE) environment?22:23
psychichow can i repair my toolbar so it displays the applications menu22:23
Shish_i checked my sound properties, and it seems that everything is set allright, and the drivers properly installed, yet no sound coming out at all22:24
FerrenrockHi, I was wondering where I would find the configuration for special keys such as the volume wheel in ubuntu22:24
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: that didn't do it. when i press ctrl+alt+f7 a gui still comes up22:24
psychicshish try installing updates22:24
Ferrenrockit appears that the volume wheeel on my laptop works in ubuntu but not another distro, and I wanted to copy whatever relavent files that were needed22:25
HassanakevazirShish_, try system preferences > Sound. change playback options to various stuff and press the test button22:25
Shish_psychic just finished installing all updates...22:25
Ferrenrockcan anyone help?22:25
digitalexploitRedMushroom GDM is running sounds like, are you trying to run X manually without GDM?22:25
mike909anyone here familiar with wget?22:25
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: i'm just trying to kill it so i can see about doing some troubleshooting to fix this "low-graphics mode" bs that i've been dealing with22:26
botuxis there a firewall installed by default that could be keeping my windows machine from having connectivity with my ubuntu box22:26
mike909redmush: /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:26
RedMushroomi think i'm having some sort of weird driver issue22:26
psychicim probably just as basic to ubuntu as u sorry thats all i could think of  i know that little tech problems are to be expected on new installs its a confuration issue22:26
Titan8990botux, netfilter but by default it doesn't block anything22:26
digitalexploitRedMushroom, then you need to stop the GDM service. You can do this with sudo or root in a terminal/shell by "/etc/init.d/gdm stop"22:26
Titan8990!netfilter | botux22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netfilter22:26
Titan8990!iptables | botux22:26
RedMushroommike909: did that, and i still get the GUI when i use ctrl+alt+f722:26
ubottubotux: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:27
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: i've tried that, it doesnt do it22:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:27
digitalexploitredmushroom how about "service gdm stop" ?22:27
botuxTitan8990: do you know anyhting abput samba22:27
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: what's the command for that?22:27
Titan8990botux, not really, I don't use windows22:27
digitalexploitredmushroom, have you tried to kill GDM manually by "ps -aux | grep gdm" then use the kill command kill -KILL <id>22:28
HassanakevazirFerrenrock, take a look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, under the input device22:28
Kattollikisdeverytime I logout on ubuntu 8.10, I do not hear the logout sound that soppost to do the system, someone here can tell me how to enable it?22:28
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: no, hang on a sec.22:28
HomophobicFaggotBad deals, cars that break down! Big Bill Hell's is the only dealer that tells you to fuck off! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sZuN0xXWLc22:28
FerrenrockHassanakevazir: that was the first thing I did, unfortunately, ubuntu only says 'preconfigured device'22:29
Ferrenrockdo you know where I can find which one it is?22:29
l-_-_-_-_-_-_-_llol @ big bill hells22:29
tanerwhich plugin should be installed for youtube ?22:29
Hassanakevazirno idea :/ . never had any sound problems here22:29
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lasivianI want to install firefox 3.0.3, synaptic is not allowing me when I force that version22:30
lasivianany ideas?22:30
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:30
Shish_hasssanakevazir i tried all the different options, yet no sound.. left then at autodetect for now..22:30
CoinRNI have a Ubuntu-Server and Windows XP at my LAN-House (i don't know how it called in USA). and a buy 2 links of internet, and configured the Server to share 1 one link to same ips, and the other link to the rest... but now, when a PC stay ocious, it lose connection to network... why does it happens?22:30
mike909Hassanakevazir: systems-->preferencess-->sound22:30
Titan8990CoinRN, try: #ubuntu-server22:30
CoinRNthank you man22:31
HassanakevazirShish_, try asking in the forums22:31
mike909anyone here familiar with wget?22:31
mrwes#ubuntu-server isn't much help :)22:31
lasivianis there a way to force a specific version of something from apt-get or by download?22:31
Hassanakevazircrap that flash factoid is ancient history22:31
jriblasivian: yes, why?22:31
macman_macman# dpkg -get-selections > /home/macman/packages.selections22:31
macman_dpkg: unknown option -g22:31
RedMushroomdigitalexploit: it won't let me. it says sometihng about not permitted to do such and such, and then say "22:32
macman_any ideas ?22:32
RedMushroom"Reloading system log daemon22:32
* jrib hands macman_ a '-'22:32
RedMushroomfrankly, i just want the GUI to get out of that stupid low-graphics mode so i can use my computer again22:32
macman_jrib- what does that mean ?22:32
jribmacman_: you need --, not -22:32
timedroidIs there any general way to edit GNOME preferences for the whole system? Specifically, I want to change the monitor, resolution, and power settings for everyone22:33
macman_thanks it worked22:33
jribtimedroid: library.gnome.org read the admin guide22:33
lasivianjrib: the latest version of firefox has some sort of bug, it's dirt slow on my machine22:33
ethana2how do I tell apt to install all recommended packages?22:33
jriblasivian: what bug number?22:33
jribethana2: I think it does that by default now, did you test?22:33
DJJefftrying to boot ubuntu 8.10 live cd, its dropping to a "busybox shell" and not booting22:34
ethana2I thought so too, but if that's the case it's lying about what it's going to install22:34
ethana2I'll pastebinit22:34
DJJeffanything I can try?22:34
ethana2DJJeff: me?22:34
ravenhi - is it possible to record the master audio out (from alsa for example) directly? tnx22:34
mike909anyone know a good spot for asking questions related to the "wget" command?22:35
timedroidNo simple way to change all the stuff?22:35
jribtimedroid: yes, read the docs I linked you to, no?22:35
zleapmike909, what u need help with22:35
zleapwget -c web url/filename22:35
jribtimedroid: monitor resolution isn't a gnome preference afaik though, see:22:36
ethana2jrib: there's the pastebin22:36
jrib!fixres > timedroid22:36
ubottutimedroid, please see my private message22:36
mike909I'm trying to use wget to "post" to a web-form for me. ( a router's config page).22:36
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oCean_!away > htrejh_afk22:36
ubottuhtrejh_afk, please see my private message22:36
zleapnot sure if wget can go upstream, i thought it was for downloading22:36
ravenhi - is it possible to record the master audio out (from alsa for example) directly? tnx22:36
zleapmaybe someone can help22:36
botuxicant see my windows files from my ubuntu machine. can some one assist?22:37
=== htrejh_afk is now known as htrejh
Jeruvymike12: its not called wpost ;022:37
ethana2ah, --install-recommends22:37
lasivianjrib: It hasn't been assigned one yet, but #firefox confirmed there is a problem22:37
zleapbotux, have you mounted the windows partition22:37
L3dPlatedLinuxok I dont know if I did it the right way or anything but what i did was to make a mount.sh "sudo mount i.p:/path/here/ ~/mount" worked the first time but now I get trouble creating child process any ideas?22:37
blackdemonbotux: did you mount your windows partition ?22:37
lasivianjrib: And the speed change was astronomical and immediate22:37
quinthey does anyone know how i can set up an irc server from my comp running windows?22:38
dassoukii have a vista/8.04 partiton, when i upgraded to 8.10 i get a kernel sync error, i tried to go in the old kernels, my keyboard and moue don't work22:38
nickbuntuIs there any reason the live cd works better with wifi than when's it's installed?22:38
ethana2erm, --install-recommends doesn't appear to be working either22:38
onsualo all22:38
Jeruvynickbuntu: see bugs, it should improve with jaunty22:38
zleapwhy would u want to run a irc server on windows,  anyway there is software around that will do it as in windows versions of the irc server software22:38
jriblasivian: you should file one then.  apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION lets you install a different version in the repos, otherwise use dpkg to install an old deb directly.  Be warned though, firefox updates usually contain important security updates22:38
mike909man wget (wget --post-data)22:38
botuxyesterday i did is there a way to munt it perm?22:38
onsui need a help22:39
zleapprobaby fstab entry22:39
Hassanakevazirjust one?22:39
zleapbotux, im me a moment22:39
mrwesbotux, you need to edit your /etc/fstab to mount them perm22:39
quinthey zleap, do you know what some software names are for irc servers?22:39
onsucan anyone help me ?22:39
quintim gonna run them over my local net22:40
harpoon1When I click on a folder using Gnome, why does the cursor not change to an hour glass right away?  Also, how do I have gnome somehow respond right away when I start an application... just to show me that my double click worked...22:40
ravenhi - is it possible to record the master audio out (from alsa for example) directly? tnx22:40
ethana2harpoon1: use a dock22:40
harpoon1I meant: When I double click on a folder using Gnome, why does the cursor not change to an hour glass right away?  Also, how do I have gnome somehow respond right away when I start an application... just to show me that my double click worked...22:40
zleapsorryt cab't help i dont have a windows drive22:40
ethana2harpoon1: gnome-do is the best dock that currently exists22:40
onsuhow to resolve22:40
onsu"Samba's testparm returned error 1: Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf22:40
onsuparams.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":22:40
onsuPermission denied22:40
onsuError loading services." ?22:40
FloodBot3onsu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:40
harpoon1ethana2: ok, I'll check it out... but does gnome just not do this somehow??22:41
L3dPlatedLinuxThere was an error creating the child process for this terminal?22:41
blackdemononsu, change the permissions of the smb.conf file ...22:41
ethana2harpoon1: the app should load so fast it doesn't have to22:41
ethana2SSDs are on their way22:41
onsublackdemon, how?22:41
harpoon1ethana2:  I'll take it that you don't know;)22:41
ethana2you take it correctly22:41
blackdemononsu: chmod 644 /etc/samba/smb.conf22:42
ethana2jrib: any thoughts on http://paste.ubuntu.com/147239/  ?22:42
mah_boihello all22:43
mah_boii need a hand22:43
onsublackdemon, i try22:43
Doitleif I am running no GUI terminal only, is there any way to increase the amount of screen size?22:43
jribethana2: you are sure those packages are not already installed?22:43
Doitleso I can see more text on screen at a time22:43
ethana2jrib: I have no idea22:43
jrib!framebuffer | Doitle22:43
ubottuDoitle: Information about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub22:43
temotoHello. What's proper way to setuid with upstart? Writing script stanza?22:43
ethana2jrib: I didn't install them previously..22:43
jribethana2: check22:43
ethana2jrib: how?22:43
ethana2try to install them one by one and see if it says they're already there22:44
mah_boican anyone tell me why i can't get  libgtk2.0-dev?22:44
=== [GuS] is now known as Me
jribethana2: well, just apt-cache policy PACKAGE22:44
ethana2ah, k22:44
jribmah_boi: pastebin22:44
moz_i have a user i have just added that I wanted limited access to in my webserver, have made a directory in /var/www for it, and when I ftp in it works fine, and the user cant change directory, why is it that my other user account, can ftp in and browse my entire VPS server, im wondering what the difference is, is it expected behaviour but i dont know exactly why, can anyone help ?22:44
mah_boidone that22:44
jribmah_boi: well I don't the url to your pastebin...22:44
ethana2they are not installed22:44
=== tien is now known as jove
jribethana2: what is "install"?22:45
ethana2'sudo apt-get install'22:45
ethana2sane bash alias22:45
ethana2I may be a colemak typist, but I still don't see the point in wasting my time when typing22:45
jovehi all: does anyone experience with DIA (drawing) ?22:45
jribethana2: same behavior if you use sudo apt-get --install-recommends install kubuntu-desktop?22:45
ethana2I should think so, I'll try now22:45
nickbuntuIs there any way of reverting a distribution upgrade?22:46
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jribmah_boi: usually, the next question is: have you modified your sources.list or installed any packages manually?22:46
jribnickbuntu: no22:46
nickbuntuokay. thanks22:46
jribethana2: try aptitude for kicks22:46
mah_boii don't think so.22:46
ethana2jrib: k22:46
jribmah_boi: I don't understand.  You either did or didn't22:46
Ferrenrockquick lazy question: which openbox file sets single-key commands?22:46
jove does anyone experience with DIA (drawing) ?22:47
mah_boii am running ultimate edition which came with a modified sources.list so i tried to get it back to default22:47
Ferrenrockjove: apparently not22:47
ethana2jrib: with aptitude, I don't even know what I'm looking at..22:47
Ferrenrockmah_boi: you're running Arch Linux Ultimate Edition? wtf?22:48
ethana2I don't see the reccomendations anywhere22:48
mah_boino ubuntu ultimate edition 2.122:48
ethana2aptitude also does not take the --install-recommends parameter22:48
timedroidWasn't there some command to generate a xorg.conf?22:48
nickbuntuone last question; when I ping www.google.com from ubunti i get back messages saying "from (ipaddress) icmp_seq=1++ Packet Filtered". What does the packet filtered part mean?22:48
Ferrenrockmah_boi: does that come with macafee and a bunch of crappy pinball games?22:48
grkblood13hey guys, i tried creaging a torrent using transmission and when i try to add it it says "invalid passkey"22:48
timedroidDoes Ubuntu even respect that? It didn't seem to for DPI22:48
jribethana2: --with-recmmends or something22:49
Ferrenrocktimedroid: the xorg.conf command is Xorg -configure to make a new one22:49
* ethana2 tries that22:49
dwxreaperNCommander: it means an icmp administratively prohibited message was sent back22:49
mah_boino Ferrenrock22:49
blackdemonnickbuntu, that you send a packet but get nothing back, normaly of the hosts dousn't exists you receive an RST package ...22:49
dwxreapernick, someone dropped your packet22:49
Ferrenrockmah_boi: no to what?22:49
mah_boino to it dosen't22:49
Ferrenrockmah_boi: ubuntu or xorg or what are we talking about?22:50
ethana2jrib: still nothin'22:50
jrib!ultimate | mah_boi22:50
ubottumah_boi: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition22:50
nickbuntuok. cool. I wasn't familiar with how it was displaying stuff.22:50
jribethana2: don't know then22:50
mah_boioh well22:50
ethana2jrib: bug?22:50
timedroidUbuntu/Gnome/etc really needs some way to set "preferences" on a system level. Is there any push to do that?22:50
Ferrenrocktimedroid: install arch :D :D :D22:50
TechHeadguys do any of you experience input lag in games like Enemy Territory?22:51
temotoHello. What's proper way to run daemon as some user with upstart? Writing script with su?22:51
TechHeaddeany: tried the vsync option, did not help22:52
jribtemoto: probably better to try the upstart channel22:52
temotojrib: ye, i'm trying there too.22:52
temotoThough 1415 users seem more likely to respond than 21.22:53
t_hey everyone :D22:53
thatguy_how do we access the scripts or w.e that make up a program so i can tweak it?22:53
Krine11Hello i have a question22:53
Krine11Is there programs that can help me make my computer run a bit faster22:53
zleapbotux you there22:53
Krine11like for windows there is ccleaner for ubuntu are there tools for this?22:53
temotothatguy_: it depends which program you trying to tweak.22:53
botuxzleap: yup22:54
TechHeadKrine11: you are using Linux instead if Windows, this should make your comp faster right away ;)22:54
zleapi will try and help in here, and see if others can advise further22:54
zleapon so you have ubuntu and windows22:54
zleapwhat version of windows22:54
thatguy_how so?22:54
botuxvist ultimate22:54
botuxive been told im brave lol22:54
moshisushihello i have a problem with alsa... audio works in most programs (using ALSA), but some say "device unavailable" and especially  aplay -D hw:0 gives output "aplay: main:546: audio open error: Device or resource busy"22:54
zleapwould it be easier to have printer attached to GNU/Linux box22:54
zleapthen set that up as the server, and connect the windows box to it22:55
moshisushii have tried to reboot and also run /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset22:55
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botuxi havent tried that22:55
t_where are the startup log files?  my ubunut os stops booting (with a flashing caps lock key) very frequently. once i get it booted up it's fine.  i disabled the graphical boot screen, but i don't see any errors when it locks up. i'm assuming there is a log file somewhere i can look at.22:55
zleapwhat printer do you have22:55
t_any ideas?22:55
temotoKrine11: sudo apt-get autoclean  is probably last thing that is kinda cleanable in ubuntu. The other problem of slow is that you're out of space for / partition. In any other case linux box must work equally fast/slow for years w/o some kind of cleaning.22:56
temotoKrine11: oh and i forgot disk fragmentation. This is rare case too.22:56
botuxhp psc1350 all in one22:56
Hassanakevazirhow do I extract a .tar.gz using command line?22:56
res22Hassanakevazir: tar xvf file22:56
zleapok is it a network prijnter, I have a brother dcp310 cn, and that has a network port, on it, so thats connected directly to my hub22:56
* ethana2 decides to just do without reccomends22:57
res22Hassanakevazir: Also works for .tar.bz222:57
benjamin__hey all22:57
Hassanakevazirres22, thanks22:57
benjamin__I am trying to get my tv out to work on my aspire lapto22:57
botuxno its connected to my windows pc  no network port22:57
sebsebsebethana2: recommendations for what?22:57
botuxi have it setup in windows to be shared with other machines22:57
botuxdoes that make a different22:57
ethana2sebsebseb: packages22:57
sebsebsebethana2: for?22:57
ethana2sebsebseb: for kubuntu-desktop22:57
zleapso you need to perhaps point cups on GNU/Linux at the ip of the windows box then i  guess22:57
sebsebsebethana2: look in Synaptic for KDE apps?22:58
ethana2sebsebseb: nevermind22:58
zleap hp psc1350 all in one22:58
zleapaccording to that,  hp don't have GNU/Linux drivers for it22:58
benjamin__anyhow I am having no luck :(22:59
Hassanakevazircorrection to my last question, how do I extract a <name>.tar.gz file into a folder called <name> without having to mkdir <name> every time22:59
botuxhmm does that mean im sol?22:59
zleapsol ?22:59
ohcrap524sh*t out of luck22:59
botuxs*** out of luck lol22:59
zleapwell google around someone may have done a driver of some sorts, cups could support it23:00
botuxor my christian  way crP OUT OF LUCK23:00
onsuhow to resolving on client (wind*s xp)? i prompted to enter password when trying to access file sharing on ubuntu.23:00
decoanyone know of a good site to learn how to make CSS layouts?23:00
t_  "/var/log/boot" only has the text "(Nothing has been logged yet.)" in it... do i have to turn on logging somewhere?23:00
zleapbotux, will post any links to the im window thing,23:01
botuxzleap: ok23:01
decoanyone know of a good site to learn how to make CSS layouts?23:02
zleapso according to the one i just posted it apparently works in ubuntu23:02
decodreamweaver lol23:02
wahnfriedenI'm in a fullscreen tty, by pressing ctrl+alt+f2 - how can I get back into xfce, which I was in when I pressed that combination?23:03
oCean_zleap: for hp printers, use hplip: http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html23:03
danbhfive!tty | wahnfrieden23:03
ubottuwahnfrieden: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.23:03
zleapok thanks23:03
zleaphow do i share a printer attached to a box running vista ultimate23:04
t_zleap, there's probably a vista channel somewhere, no? i'd help you but all my winder's os'es are xp pro23:05
temp01is there a something like grub4dos for GFX Grub?23:05
zleapi thought it would be easier to attach the printer to the GNU/Linux box and use samba23:05
zleapbotux,  how many pc's are in the network23:05
t_zleap, that's a totally different question.23:06
botuxit rolly would be zleap but my wife would clip my ears she uses the vista box and wouldnt wanna walk to the bedroom to pick up  a documnet lol23:06
botuxzleap: 223:06
botuxzleap: and my ps323:06
zleaperm, so do you need file sharing and printing from ps323:06
temp01anyone? :|23:06
res22Hassanakevazir: I can't find the option, I think it exists though23:07
redbrowniei'm a new ubuntu user... i've installed a g++ compiler using synaptic, but the program doesn't show up anywhere... any suggestions?23:07
juduyou have to use it in command line23:08
botuxzleap: ps3 isnt o all the tim either so its not a factor23:08
t_don't want to bug you all but i'm lost:  my /var/log/boot file is basically empty. do i have to enable logging somewhere? i need to troubleshoot why iot locks up all the time. thanks  in advance :)23:08
twois10 is kde4 usable now or is kde3 still king?23:08
redbrowniei have to use g++ in the command line?23:08
BL4ckListedredbrownie, gcc <input.c>23:09
sebsebsebtwois10: KDE3 isan't even in the repo for 8.10 and 9.04.  it is in 8.04.   just like KDE4 is in the three23:09
redbrownieis there a program like dev-c++ for ubuntu?23:09
sebsebsebtwois10: KDE3 I prefer to KDE4 as GUI, but some of the apps got much better in KDE4, and I use those in Gnome anyway23:09
t_nevermind, found the instructions here to enable boot logging: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4992523:09
sebsebsebredbrownie: yeah I think  dev-c++  works on Ubuntu23:09
Pollywogwhen I login, my ssh passphrase is automatically added to the agent.  How do I stop this?23:10
twois10sebsebseb, i see23:10
Mark_JonesDoes anyone here know if Ubuntu has advantages when run on 64bit version and 64bit CPU? And also does Ubuntu run anything utilizing 2 or more CPU cores?23:10
ohcrap524Has anyone else had problems with the "lock Screen" option?  if i leave it for too long, when i come back and login, it shows No GUI, it shows the wallpaper, but does not respond to any input, including Ctrl + Alt + Backspace23:10
sebsebsebtwois10: sadly they have stopped developing KDE3 after all these years23:10
navpemhmm.. I'm trying to "cat" many files (to combine them into one).  The problem is that the beginning line of a txt file is printed after the last line in the previous file in the same sentence.  I guess I'd like a line-feed at the end of every file.  Any help?23:10
redbrownieokay... i thought dev-c++ only was for windows... i'll look at the website23:10
sebsebsebtwois10: ,but yes KDE3 is rather stable now23:10
PollywogI have tried Passwords and Encryption menu in administration but I am unable to stop this awful behavior23:10
sebsebsebtwois10: KDE4 is I really don't like it,  except some of those apps23:11
Hassanakevazirres22, thanks for the try, maybe I just write a small script lol, can't be bothered with that long manual23:11
PollywogI never purposely set it up this way23:11
zleapi am not a samba expert,  but it should be possible i will see what i can figure out23:11
BL4ckListedMark_Jones, 32bit has more packages.23:11
BL4ckListedMark_Jones, i would go with 32bit23:11
Mark_JonesI didnt realize that. thats good to keep in mind.23:11
botuxi need samba for dummies lol23:11
sebsebseb!samba |  botux23:12
ubottubotux: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:12
mib_44rswvhi how do i set my user to log on automatically?23:12
Mark_Jonesok Do you know how usage goes with multicores? Does it utilize them at all?23:12
magentarMark_Jones, it's reasonable to use 64bit editions if you have more than 3gb of ram23:12
Mark_JonesI see23:12
sebsebsebmib_44rswv: why?23:12
twois10sebsebseb, i will continue to do kde4, i was about to add kd3 but i will hold on. this is a new install23:12
botuxsebsebseb: i read those yesterday its like a second language to me im confused23:12
benjamin__for some reason when I try to use my graphics card driver so that I can use the TV out, ubuntu has a problem detectng my video card23:12
sebsebsebtwois10: of which Ubuntu?23:12
benjamin__and the picture is emssed up23:12
Mark_JonesIMO 3GB in Linux is overkill23:12
mib_44rswvsebsebseb: because it's annoying to have to logon23:12
twois10sebsebseb, i am actually a suse user23:13
magentarMark_Jones, 32bit and 64bit editions will make use of multi core processors nearly equall well23:13
magciusGah... why is gnome-panel frozen?23:13
twois10the shoot me23:13
twois10i meant to say dont shoot me23:13
benjamin__I then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:13
benjamin__it resets to default generic card23:13
benjamin__any ideas?23:13
Mark_JonesIs it ok if I post a mobo and cpu combo Im concidering to buy so that maybe someone can say if itll work or not? That ok to do here?23:13
t_Mark_Jones, there is a "bigmem" patch. (is it a patch?) that allows 32bit linux to address more memory, but from what i hear your mileage may vary23:13
Hassanakevazirbenjamin__, what graphic card are you using23:13
magciustwois10, why are you in #ubuntu if you are using SuSE?23:14
mib_44rswvhi how do i set my user to log on automatically?23:14
ohcrap524Has anyone else had problems with the "lock Screen" option?  if i leave it for too long, when i come back and login, it shows No GUI, it shows the wallpaper, but does not respond to any input, including Ctrl + Alt + Backspace :(23:14
twois10magcius, because we are cousins23:14
t_ohcrap524, i had the same issues with 8.04 until i upgraded to intrepid23:15
benjamin__hassankevazir I am using a Mobile Intel 945GM Express chipset with integrated 3D graphics23:15
Mark_Joneshttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4443927&csid=ITD&body=MAIN#detailspecs Can anyone say if this will work with Ubuntu as far as the sound and video are concerned at minimum?23:15
t_then the intrepid upgrade seems to magically fix it.23:15
t_later everyone, i'm outta here.23:16
zleapbotux, i will see what instructions i can find23:16
ohcrap524t_, yeah, i upgraded to intrepid within a few hours of getting system (preinstalled dell ubuntu system) came with hardy heron23:16
BL4ckListedMark_Jones, i wouldnt worry about CPU and mobo.  I would research more on gfx cards and wireless cards.23:16
macman_i want to image one system to another .. 1st system is fat32 and the second is ntfs .. can i use partimage to make an image of the fat drive and then extract the image onto the new ntfs machine ?23:16
mib_44rswvmy monitor won't turn on after I wake my computer after I put it in suspend mode. anyone have any ideas?23:16
Mark_JonesWell that board has onboard sound and video. So thats why I am asking.23:17
benjamin__hassankevazir the thing is my xorg file is not showing that23:17
BL4ckListedMark_Jones, ah right23:17
Mark_JonesGeForce 830023:17
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ohcrap524does anyone know what package or files manage the "Lock Screen" option?23:17
benjamin__it is showing Identifier "configured video device"23:17
grinnI just got a bunch of updates and now I'm having problems with my sounds and wireless23:18
crdlbohcrap524: gnome-screensaver ?23:18
ohcrap524crdlb, really?23:18
ohcrap524cddlb: you think reinstalling that package would help?23:19
magciusgnome-panel freezes when I right-click Properties on either a Launcher or the panel itself.23:20
Hassanakevazirbenjamin__, I don't know anything about those, try this page http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_6.06.1_on_a_ThinkPad_R60e23:20
magciusIt only happens when I have a panel on the right side.23:20
grinni have an aspireone with ubuntu and i'm trying to figure out why my sound and wireless stopped workimg23:20
crdlbohcrap524: hmm, it looks like something is freezing, and it's probably not gnome-screensaver :/23:20
jimdbhow do i, from a windows box, create files/folders, with permissions that any account on the linux box can alter in any way.23:21
Krine11How come when i load my computer i recive a error!!!!!23:21
Krine11how come?23:21
benjamin__but I am running an acer :)23:21
riegersnim trying to fix my mother-in-law's old ubuntu laptop i set up a long time ago, no one remembers the password for their account. is there a way i could somehow get into a desktop ?23:21
Hassanakevazirthe chipset is the same , do some googling with that name, you'll get a better result23:21
ohcrap524crdlb: any ideas? its kind of hard to reproduce results, i have to leave for at least an hour before it happens and becomes unresponsive23:21
benjamin__I ran the command # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:21
mib_44rswvmy monitor won't turn on after I wake my computer after I put it in suspend mode. anyone have any ideas?23:21
benjamin__it setup default valus23:22
jimdbriegersn:  there is a way and I read it on the web but I don't remember how nor where i read it from.23:22
benjamin__I tried to copy and paste the setup for xorg23:22
benjamin__so that it is custom to the intel23:22
benjamin__and it could not find my video card23:22
jimdbriegersn: i'd say search google for lost linux passwords23:22
crdlbohcrap524: I have no ideas except to look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log(.old) after it locks up23:22
Titan8990riegersn, log in to recovery mode -> drop root shell -> type: passwd USERNAME23:23
Titan8990riegersn, and then fill in the new password23:23
Titan8990riegersn, or you can just add a new user account:  adduser USERNAME23:24
jimdbhow do i, from a windows box, creating files on a linux server, create a file or folder with permissions which allow everyone to edit/alter/delete, etc?23:24
benjamin__brb trying soimething and I need to reboot23:25
mib_44rswvmy monitor won't turn on after I wake my computer after I put it in suspend mode. anyone have any ideas?23:26
stealth-jimdb: you can ssh into the linux machine through a windows program called "putty", from there, you can use the command line to create files and folders23:28
jimdbstealth:  i think you misunderstand23:28
jimdbstealth:  i'm using a windows box to create files/folders through samba on the linux box and it is creating the files and folders with inadequate persmissions to alter/delete them.23:29
stealth-jimdb: ah, okay.23:29
ech0s7i'm looking for a video editing for gnome, i would make a video with some photos and a music in backgroung...what do you suggest me?23:29
troal01Hey is there any way to get imeem.com working with Linux and libflashplayer.so 10 64 bit?23:30
stealth-jimdb: this might be able to help you: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-set-permissions-to-samba-shares.html23:30
stealth-jimdb: im not sure if thats what your looking for, though, im not very familiar with samba23:31
RobotCowhow can several pdfs be made into one?23:31
RobotCownevermind the cat command worked for that23:32
stealth-RobotCow: scribus is a program to import pdf's and export them. You might be able to push all the pdf's together in the program and export them as one23:32
stealth-RobotCow: k23:33
Krine11i asked a question23:33
stealth-!repeat | Krine1123:33
ubottuKrine11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:33
ohcrap524crdlb: thank you for the advice, ill definitely look at that the next time it locks up :)23:34
wolterKrine11, you have to be more specific also23:34
RobotCowstealth-, im checking to see if this worked: cat ch01.pdf ch02.pdf > test.pdf23:34
Zeededreally quick, what is the cmd for changing file permission to write? chmod something something?23:34
wolterKrine11, if I say here that I get an error, how will people know how to fix it, if they just know it is an error?23:35
euxnekschmod +w <file>23:35
HuufartedZeeded: be advised, that will give EVERYBODY write permissions to a file23:35
euxneksZeeded, chmod +w <file> also - man chmod23:35
Zeeded +r is read-only?23:35
euxneksZeeded, as Huufarted said, you need to make sure that you set the right permissions23:35
Huufartedcorrect Zeeded.23:35
Zeededok thank you23:36
tanerisnt jboss in ubuntu repo ?23:36
euxneksZeeded, +r adds read23:36
HuufartedZeeded, permissions are as follows...23:36
stealth-RobotCow: i would think that wouldn't work because there might be headers and footers inside the pdf, but you can try23:36
lasivianthis is beginning to annoy me.. I cannot install an old version (one version old mind you) of firefox23:36
Krine11the error i get when i boot my computer is cannot display this video mode optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz23:36
botuxanyone know how to add skype to repositories so i can donwload it?23:37
Huufartedzeeded:  rwx rwx rwx.  That's for user, group, other.  r has a value of 4.  w has a value of 2.  x has a value of 1.  To give permissions to write only to the owner, you'd use something like this:  chmod 644 <filename.txt>23:37
stealth-botux: you can download skype from the website, nothing should interfear with it23:37
ZeededHuufarted, thank you23:37
stealth-botux: skype is commercial software and wouldn't be hosted in the main respritories, anyway23:37
HuufartedZeeded: read + write = 6 + 4 = 623:37
HuufartedZeeded: correction:  4+2 because I'm retarded23:37
=== RedMushroom is now known as RedMushroom-AFK
Barridusbotux i think it's on medibuntu23:38
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:38
RipzerskinsHi guys.23:39
lasivianis there any way to download the package and the depends from the website diorectly?23:39
lasiviantrying to install the old version fails because it can;t download one of the deps23:39
euxneksZeeded, it might also be easier to remember it in terms of (g)roup, (u)ser, and (o)ther, then you can type something like this: chmod g+r <file> which will give group read permissions23:39
euxneksI thin23:39
euxneks*I think23:40
Huufartedeuxneks: to avoid confusion, please use the order of user, group, and other.  Don't change the order23:40
Barriduslasivian, if you mean skype then i think so.  i did a while back in hardy (before i ditched skype)23:40
BigMoopiesis there an actually worthy XMMS replacement ?23:40
Huufartedand yes, euxneks, that will work just fine23:40
euxneksHuufarted, good point23:40
euxneksZeeded, in any case, "man chmod" will tell you all this in more detail23:41
wahnfriedenwhy am I allowed to do sudo su and be root?23:41
wahnfriedenisn't that a security hazard23:41
lasivianBarridus: I need any version of firefox other than 3.0.823:41
BigMoopiesor is it possible to add winamp presets to a gui (client?) of xmms223:41
Huufartedwahnfrieden, no.  You can't do that unless your login is a member of the sudoers group23:41
lasivianBarridus: When I upgraded today my CPU usage went ballistic even with no add-ons23:41
euxnekswahnfrieden, also if you have the ability to sudo su then it's assumed it's not a security risk23:41
lasivianBarridus:if I run 3.0.8 I can;t do anything else with the system at all23:41
Huufartedwahnfrieden: so unless someone specifically gave you permissions to run 'sudo' then you can't do 'sudo su -'23:42
IyunkateusHey everybody23:42
Barriduslasivian, not surprising - it doesn't use the gtk toolkit like all of gnome uses, it uses some that kde uses.  so you end up iwth a bunch of extra crap running and loaded into memory.  that's why i ditched skype23:42
RipzerskinsDoes anyone here play Alien Arena in 8.10? I need a little help getting it to it's most recent update23:43
lasivianso what do I do23:43
=== bonhoffer|away is now known as bonhoffer
Barriduslasivian, not sure. see if you can pull some of the QT stuff off the pc without breaking skype?  or just switching to Kubuntu entirely?  (since it shares the QT libraries)23:45
Iceman_B^LtopI have 2 torrents that should have the exact same files, only the filenames differ between the torrents, is there any way I can rename all of them ine one go ?23:45
Barriduslasivian, have you tried sudo apt-get autoremove ?23:45
euxneksIceman_B^Ltop, that's a rather unique request23:45
euxneksIceman_B^Ltop, check out "krename" - that may be what you want if I've understood you correctly23:46
Barridusi would try that first if you have not already, it detects libraries and daemons and such that are orphaned dependencies that are loading for no reason23:46
HammerHead66Ripzerskins:here you go   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuOnSunRay23:46
cositahola, un canal ububtu en español23:46
Iceman_B^Ltopeuxneks: does that require a gui?23:46
lasivianBarridus: why do you keep talking about skype?23:46
Barridusis that not your issue?  i thought it was...23:46
tyleris this where you get help23:47
euxneksIceman_B^Ltop, yes23:47
HammerHead66cosita: !spanish23:47
tyleri tried to join #support23:47
Barridusif not, disregard the confusion23:47
tylerguess thats not it it brought me to an empty channel ##support23:47
NTFSgive me a hell yeah if you watched wreslemania 25 last sunday23:47
lasivianBarridus: no, I am trying to install any version of firefox that is NOT 3.0.823:47
IyunkateusI have a little problem with installing Ubuntu directly. I've been using Wubi for a while, but one day I decided to just install it to the disk. Well, after several minutes it didn't look like it was going anywhere, so I canceled it. Now I can't partition the disk. I think there's some incompletely partitioned space on the disk. How would I free this space?23:47
RipzerskinsHammerHead66: Thanks, I think. I don't know what sunray is though.23:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:47
Barriduslasivian,  oops XD23:47
NTFS!hell yeah23:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hell yeah23:47
Barridussomeone was asking about skype around the same time and i got my discussion  swapped ;)23:48
tyleranyone know how i can go about changing my login screen23:48
NTFSlinux sucks!23:48
Iceman_B^Ltopeuxneks: I lack one :) but no matter, I'll just start the other torrent, It'll go way faster too23:48
Barridusheh it's iceman23:48
clearscreenNTFS: we really care about your opinion in here :)23:48
troal01Hey is there any way to get imeem.com working with Linux and libflashplayer.so 10 64 bit?23:48
euxneksIceman_B^Ltop, yeah sorry23:49
NTFSwindows nt kernel is better than the linux kernel23:49
Barridus<- also known as solidus23:49
tylerNTFS, then leave23:49
clearscreenNTFS: cool story bro23:49
HuufartedIyunkateus: did you get an answer yet about your unpartitioned space?23:49
euxneksNTFS, ..?23:49
Huufarted!troll | NTFS23:49
IyunkateusHuufarted: No23:49
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubotu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel23:49
ubottuNTFS: please see above23:49
lasivianapt-get install firefox-3.0=3.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 fails because it can;t get 2 deps :S23:50
clearscreenthat was fast :)23:50
HuufartedDang you're fast, LjL.  :)  I was about to !ops23:50
euxneksthat was awesome23:50
tylergotta love the trolls23:50
IyunkateusNTFS: I believe this is a channel for asking questions. The correct format is "Is windows nt kernel better than the linux kernel?"23:50
HuufartedIyunkateus: do you need any of the data on the drive?23:50
LjL!feeding the troll23:50
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.23:50
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:51
Iyunkateustoo late23:51
HuufartedIyunkateus: lol you're wasting your breath, LjL kicked him to the curb already23:51
IyunkateusYeah, saw that right after I pressed enter23:51
Barridusi'm still amazed this place still gets trolls23:51
HuufartedIyunkateus: Do you need any data on the drive you were attempting to install Ubuntu to?23:51
euxneksBarridus, trolls are attracted to communities23:51
HuufartedBarridus, with 1400+ users, it's inevitable23:51
fultonh1i am having major problems with apt connecting to the internet, and i also have to put in a manual noproxy command to use wget.  can anyone help me?23:52
euxneksBarridus, especially with large amounts of user :)23:52
tylertrolls are attracted to anywhere there are people23:52
Barridusyou'd think after ms basically came as close as they ever have to saying "sorry about vista, give us a sec and we'll make a new os" XD23:52
Huufartedtyler: or kittens23:52
LjL!feeding the troll23:52
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.23:52
IyunkateusHuufarted: If possible, I'd prefer to retain the Windows partition23:52
Barriduswell what about us?  we haven't reached our "fun" goal.23:53
Barridusinsensitive bot D:23:53
tylerok so, i havent used linux in a while and i forget most of it hah,  im guessing if i just installed intrepid i have gnome?23:53
Barridustyler, yes23:53
fultonh1pm me if you can help me with my network issues23:53
Barridusgnome and gtk toolkit23:53
HuufartedIyunkateus: First make a backup of it just in case.  I would use G4L for that.  Well, or DD if you slave the drive.  Otherwise, I would use a gparted liveCD to handle the repartitioning23:53
tylerso if i wanted to change my login screen i need gnome specific ones?23:53
fultonh1i have tried everything i can think of and i'm at the end of my rope23:54
Huufartedfultonh1: what errors are you getting?  I'm not going to PM you.23:54
IyunkateusHuufarted: G4L standing for...23:54
HuufartedIyunkateus: G4L is the name, but it stands for Ghost4Linux23:54
fultonh1no error, but apt-get tries to connect through a proxy i previously had set up23:54
IyunkateusThere's no point in saying "PM me" in the middle of a support channel23:54
Barridustyler, yes, you'll need gnome/gtk ones.  there's a bunch in the repos.  just include gnome or gtk in the synaptic search for login screens23:54
bonhofferanyone here use knowledge tree on ubuntu?23:54
Huufartedfultonh1: so it's using a proxy you no longer use?23:54
bonhoffercurious if it works well23:54
tylerso i use synaptic package manager?23:55
Huufarted!who | tyler23:55
ubottutyler: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:55
fultonh1yes, and if i try to reestablish that proxy through a ssl connection and dynamic forwarding it just fails to connect23:55
Huufarted!who | fultonh123:55
ubottufultonh1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:55
Barridustyler, sure it's pretty easy to use as you re-learn the ropes23:55
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:55
MeatHi, can anyone here help me with some video driver issues?23:55
Huufarted!ask | Meat23:56
=== neshaug_ is now known as neshaug
ubottuMeat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
ubottuhuufarted: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:56
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...23:56
Huufartedfultonh1: please do not abuse the bot.23:56
frenchcan i get some help installing drivers for hardy bcm43xx i instaleld some drivers but its doenst work23:56
tylerBarridus, yeah when i used *nix before i had major issues with bluetooth and wifi cause i was dualbooting but now im singlebooting on the same computer and no problems, should the bluetooth auto pair my known devices?23:56
fultonh1don't use irc much23:56
=== tyler is now known as tyler_brb
ubottuhuufarted: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:57
Huufartedfultonh1: if you want to use the bot on a 1 on 1 level, send them a PM with "!help"23:57
Barridustyler, probably not.  a few "minor" edits will be required i think.  they were for me a while ago23:57
tyler_brbBarridus, any idea where i could find something to tell me what to do?23:57
LjLfultonh1: err, why did you just send Huufarted !tab after he asked not to abuve the bot since you sent him !who?23:58
Huufartedfultonh1: in regards to your proxy issue, I have no experience with proxies and Ubuntu, so I will be of no help to you.  I apologize.23:58
HuufartedLjL: I don't think he knew fully what I meant by abusing it.23:58
fultonh1huufarted: thanks anyway23:58
MeatI can't seem to get my desktop effects enabled and when I type fglrxinfo into the terminal i get a badrequest error also when I type compiz into the terminal I get a no whitelisted driver found23:58
RobotCowstealth-, i found the best way is a ghostscript command to combine pdfs23:58
Barridustyler_brb, well i still have the bookmark i used back for hardy.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=737918   dunno if it's still relevant, but may give you an idea where to start or what particular phrases to search for23:59
stealth-RobotCow: ghostscript?23:59
jduMeat: are you using fglrx?23:59
Barridustyler_brb, nm the link is 404 D:23:59
MeatYes it used to work23:59
RobotCowstealth-, yeah, you should have it in ubuntu. type gs at the terminal.23:59
Meati updated my kernal recently23:59
Barridusi'll look around to see if i have another23:59
stealth-RobotCow: ill google it. good to hear you got it working23:59
RobotCowstealth-, gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=combined.pdf ch01.pdf ch02.pdf ch03.pdf ch04.pdf ch05.pdf ch06.pdf ch07.pdf ch08.pdf ch09.pdf ch10.pdf ch11.pdf ch12.pdf23:59
botuxstealth: not sue how to install it once i donwload it23:59

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