
shtylmanRiddell: any futher improvements you want me to make on the installer? Or just basically do a few last runthroughs to make sure it is still on par with the gtk side?00:14
Riddellhmm, ubiquity doesn't seem to run just now00:24
Riddellshtylman: does it show only one disk at a time with the paritition bars?00:24
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joshjtlhey folks, trying to build something from source, need to find out what my kde installation directory is00:43
joshjtlis the raptor menu meant for the panel? or for desktop?00:53
Riddellour packages are in /usr00:54
joshjtlRiddell: talking to me?01:00
Riddellmm hmm01:12
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joshjtlcan anyone help me out here... Im trying to apply this patch to a plasmoid01:48
seeleapachelogger: what is the most recent amarok-nightly? i did all my updates and it says march 1803:22
shtylmanRiddell: yep03:26
Riddellshtylman: I don't suppose you managed tooltips on mouse over the map?03:32
shtylmanRiddell: unfortunately its not all the way yet (started it but then school got in the way) ... I will finish it this weekend, depending on how it goes though...my biggest concern is the cpu usage on low end machines...03:33
shtylmanRiddell: I might try point caching or something, cause otherwise every time...the location in lat/long has to be converted to screen coords03:34
shtylmanand that is done for every item in the list03:34
shtylmancause they are unsorted03:34
* seele pokes Riddell and reminds him about akademy submission information :P03:39
Riddelloh you always do that late at night03:43
Riddellseele: this is my usual stock photo http://jriddell.org/me4.jpg03:45
Riddellseele: how long should the bio be?03:46
Riddellseele: how's this?  http://pastebin.com/m60dcb0f503:58
* Riddell snoozes03:59
a|wenRiddell: the kickoff focus problem: kde svn rev 951367 ... looks like we either have to have missing focus for kickoff or have pop-ups shown above screensaver; do we have any preferences (i would vote focus as most important=09:45
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=951367&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 95136709:45
Riddella|wen: hmm, bummer10:50
Riddella|wen: the widgets over screensaver was a security issue though, that generally takes precedence10:50
a|wenRiddell: hmm, good point ... upstream has ended up reverting it in any case10:53
jtholmesRiddell, just woke up, but will try live cd with mem=512 within the next hour11:06
agateauRiddell: I will work on a better fix for the security issue this afternoon11:09
Riddellagateau: seems different window flags may be required for different popups?11:09
agateauRiddell: yes, but the popup has a passive mode, so the idea is to only set the Qt::tool flag in passive mode11:10
agateauRiddell: I discussed this with aaron on #plasma this morning11:10
* a|wen hugs agateau11:18
agateaua|wen: better wait until the patch actually exists :)11:18
a|wenagateau: you can have a second one then ... you know, i'm the constant optimist :)11:19
seeleRiddell: late at night is reletive11:33
seeleargh.. more messages from nay myo11:33
seeleRiddell: that bio is quite long, i think it is longer than your abstract! ;)11:33
Riddellit's because I'm such a cool person, hard to miss out anything11:34
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's your backtrace on the scpk New Printer button?  It works here11:38
LureRiddell: widgets over screensaver does not work for me - at least notifications get through screensaver stilll11:51
a|wenLure: you can amuse yourself about, that what was supposed to fix it killed the kickoff focus11:52
Lurea|wen: I know11:52
* Lure hates focus issue too ;-)11:53
LureRiddell: but I use plasma on screensaver, so that may be the reason why I still get notifications through11:53
Lureagateau: ^^^11:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ^12:47
JontheEchidnaClicked "New Local Printer"12:47
RiddellI wonder whyever don't I get that12:48
agateauLure: I just start to work on this12:50
mgraesslinagateau: you might want to have a look at kde bug 188408 as well, especially comment #912:56
ubottuKDE bug 188408 in general "Don't show OSD when screensaver is active" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18840812:56
seeleRiddell: do you know if mustapha is on irc?12:56
agateaumgraesslin: reading report12:56
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Riddellseele: he's mni when he is, not very often14:44
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seeleRiddell: ok thanks14:45
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Tonio__Riddell: where have you seen about debian and kdesudo ?15:06
Tonio__Riddell: I can't see anything about upcoming upload15:07
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Riddell Apr 08 Didier Raboud   (  28) rev 14320 - kde-extras/kdesudo/trunk/debian15:08
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=14320&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 14320 | CVS_SILENT: trying to put things back...15:08
Riddellkdesudo - Prepare for relase.15:08
Riddellwrong svn ubottu15:08
Tonio_Riddell: great15:11
Tonio_Riddell: also there seem to be a fix for kickoff and the focus problem15:11
Tonio_Riddell: this is pretty anoying, shouldn't we consider an upload for that (I know the freeze started....)15:11
Tonio_Riddell: see http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18865515:12
ubottuKDE bug 188655 in general "kickoff menu doesn't get keyboard focus when opened (4 2 2 regression)" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:12
Tonio_Riddell: here the patch : http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.2/kdelibs/plasma/popupapplet.cpp?r1=951367&r2=951366&pathrev=951367&view=patch15:13
RiddellTonio_: agateau is looking to see if there's a better fix15:15
Tonio_Riddell: oki15:15
Tonio_so it'll be fixed before the release in any case, good :)15:15
agateauassuming I get it to work, not done yet :/15:16
Tonio_agateau: :)15:16
Tonio_agateau: if you need an uploader, you can ping me15:16
Tonio_hi davidbarth15:16
Tonio_agateau: talking about that, will you have to go threw the all core-dev process to get upload permissions ?15:16
agateauTonio_: I have no idea15:17
agateaueventually most of my work should go upstream, not sure I will become a real packager15:17
agateaubut one never knows15:18
Tonio_it reminds me of the time I had to ping Riddell 3 times a day with debdiffs for main :) that was frustrating... we didn't use bzr at all...15:18
Tonio_agateau: sure15:18
davidbarthTonio_: hi15:23
Tonio_Riddell: I'm really frustrated we couldn't get k3b at time for jaunty15:25
Tonio_Riddell: once it gets released officially, do you think a SRU might be considered even if that's a massive change from the kde3 version ?15:26
RiddellTonio_: I don't think it'll get past as a SRU but backports should be fine15:28
Tonio_Riddell: that was my concern.... too much of a big change for SRU.... fair enough with backports then..15:29
Tonio_Riddell: I'll promote my ppa a little bit on the planet then, for people that miss it ;)15:30
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
DaskreecHTonio_: Then we start shipping OO.o with no KDE integration?15:33
Tonio_DaskreecH: hum, that's another story :)15:40
Tonio_DaskreecH: I'd like to sheep without OOo if that was possible...15:40
Tonio_DaskreecH: but I have no idea if koffice will be usable enough so that we can consider shipping with it one day....15:41
DaskreecHIt won't15:43
DaskreecHFor right now. 2.0 and 2.1 I think can easily be compared with KDE 4.0 and 4.115:43
DaskreecHWhereas we had fairly compelling reason to go with KDE 4.1 I think that those arguments will not hold for Koffice 2.115:44
DaskreecHBTW there is a new Koffice Beta out isn't there?15:44
JontheEchidnaRelease candidate, yes15:48
DaskreecHSorry RC15:49
DaskreecHWhen things calm down will that get packaged?15:49
JontheEchidnaI think it's already been packaged15:53
DaskreecHwot? Man You sleep for 5 hours and you miss everything15:53
RiddellTonio_: kdesudo lacks Messages.sh15:53
JontheEchidnaDaskreecH: Yeah, Riddell updated it April 2nd15:56
DaskreecHOK must have had my head in the sand15:57
DaskreecH I hate not having a computer :(15:57
agateauRiddell: patch for kde bug #179924 http://pastebin.com/f6765929b16:06
ubottuKDE bug 179924 in general "Notifications still show through when the screen is locked (black) - privacy issue" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17992416:06
Riddellafiestas: ooh16:23
Riddellagateau: ooh16:26
davmor2Riddell: is hitting "print screen" meant to take a screen shot?16:38
Riddelldavmor2: I don't think we have anything set up to do that16:42
QuintasanAnyone noticed that Yakuake crashes when setting height by drop down menu?17:09
Quintasanbug 35841517:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358415 in yakuake "Yakuake crashes when changing height in the Yakuake menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35841517:09
davmor2Riddell: that would explain why it did nothing then :)17:16
a|wendavmor2: normally works here to press print screen17:21
davmor2a|wen: it doesn't on the livecd :(17:21
a|wenhmm ... here ksnapshot comes up and says "hi" to me :)17:22
Quintasanhere it doesn't :<17:23
davmor2a|wen: I hit print screen 4 times gave up and clicked on the menu entry instead17:24
a|wenmaybe it's because my computer was upgraded from intrepifd17:25
a|wen(no f there)17:25
NightroseRiddell: umbrello email on kde-deevel17:34
Nightrose(in case you want to reply)17:34
Riddella volunteer17:37
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RiddellJontheEchidna: check out bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/system-config-printer/kcm-scpk/ and see if it fixes your crash17:45
Riddellcheckout; sudo cp *py *ui /usr/share/kde4/apps/system-config-printer-kde/; kcmshell4 kcm-scpk17:46
blizzzooh, flash works :)17:55
apacheloggerjjesse-mini9: how fast is konqueror starting on the mini?17:56
a|wenapachelogger: on an eeePC (same processor) konqueror starts in 1-2 seconds or so ... around 4-5 times faster than firefox18:00
apacheloggerthat is still tooooo slow18:00
apacheloggera|wen: how fast is arora?18:00
a|wenapachelogger: it is on intrepid (and i386) though; so might be better in jaunty with lpia ... haven't testet arora18:01
apacheloggera|wen, jjesse-mini9: if you get a chance, I'd be interested how fast arora and konqueror (with preloading) start ... and if the latter noticable decreases startup time18:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: works18:07
JontheEchidnathough now the button says "New network printer" rather than "new local printer"18:07
JontheEchidnaand I can't figure out how to configure my printer, which is plugged in to one of those old, wide-ish printer ports18:09
JontheEchidnaI don't think it's giving the wizard it used to use18:11
jussi01JontheEchidna: you have a parralell printer? rofl!18:14
JontheEchidnaParallel! That's it18:15
JontheEchidnaI think it's almost as old or possibly even older than me18:15
JontheEchidnabut it still works great (LaserJet 4L)18:15
JontheEchidnaUnlike today's printers, it had to actually go and physically break a gear before it stopped working18:16
JontheEchidna(we fixed it)18:16
jussi01JontheEchidna: yeah, I had one of those previously18:22
JontheEchidnaWow, koffice2 is down to 3 bugs in LP18:25
apacheloggerkoffice \o/18:25
JontheEchidnaupstream is a bugfixing machine18:25
apacheloggerkubuntu-netbook-remix _needs_ to ship with koffice18:25
apacheloggeropenoffice is just too big and too far off the usecase IMHO18:25
jussi01koffice has one major thing that stops me from using it... and thats the lack of ms format support...18:30
kb9vqfIs there any way we can keep opeoffice.org KDE3.5 integration?18:49
kb9vqfI really, *really* don't want to get into maintaining openoffice.org as well18:50
a|wenapachelogger: on intrepid i386: arora ~3s; konqueror ~3s; konqueror no preload ~4,5s; firefox ~5,5s18:52
a|wenapachelogger: be aware that is on power save mode when18:52
a|wenapachelogger: no dynamic mode ... when running on battery18:53
a|wenkb9vqf: openoffice.org is still built against the old kde3.5 kdelibs ... it hasn't been ported to kde3 yet18:54
* kb9vqf breathes a large sigh of relief18:54
a|wenkb9vqf: but don't know how the integration is ... the kdelibs it is built against is kind of limbing18:55
kb9vqfa|wen: It seems to work fine for me...let me check again...18:56
kb9vqfa|wen: Yeah, from what I can see it is working perfectly fine18:57
a|wenkb9vqf: good for you ... bad for us getting rid of kde3 from the cd ;)18:58
kb9vqfa|wen: So why not just not have that package on the CD?  AFAIK the integration is a separate package, just built along with oo.org18:59
* kb9vqf thinks he is missing something19:00
a|wenkb9vqf: we have k3b kde3 version in any case so wouldn't give us any significant space19:00
kb9vqfa|wen: that explains it.19:00
a|wenkb9vqf: and in any case; the no integration option is just ugly IIRC from last i tried19:00
kb9vqfa|wen: ugly is a huge understatement19:01
kb9vqfa|wen: looks like Linux from 199519:01
a|wenkb9vqf: then it hasn't changed, he ... i'm pretty sure it will be kept till a working+stable kde4 integration is ready19:02
kb9vqfa|wen: OK, then I probably have 6 months or so to find a way to build the integration separately.  Sounds good to me!19:03
kb9vqfriddell: any news on the kde3.5 livecds yet?  I'd kind of like to have them out for beta testing in a larger test pool than my vmware machines here ;)19:03
a|wenkb9vqf: depends on how fast the kde4 development gets to the point where you switch :)19:05
kb9vqfa|wen: Well, when I can make it look, act, configure, and smell like my heavily customized KDE3.5 install, then I'll switch19:06
kb9vqfa|wen: I personally think that may be a long way off or never ;)19:06
a|wenkb9vqf: mine starts coming very very close ... just looks better19:07
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apacheloggera|wen: limbo limbing?20:15
apacheloggera|wen: also, I guess konqueror with preload is the way to go for kubuntu-netbook then20:16
apacheloggerespecially once that webkit stuff is $usable or khtml is $uberfast20:16
a|wenapachelogger: generally konqueror feels pretty snappy on it ... at least compared to firefox20:16
apacheloggeractually, I would be interested how fast firefox is on ubuntu20:17
* a|wen haven't tried ubuntu on it yet20:17
blizzzRiddell: when can the next meeting be envisaged? we got a potential member20:18
apacheloggeralso ... since netbooks ship with SSD it might make sense to do random file touching in order to speed-up app starting20:18
apacheloggerpossibly with an init script, IIRC most of the boot time on SSD is spent in the CPU rather than reading the files, so we could do some kdelibs touching to speed-up kdm/login and sutff20:18
a|wenapachelogger: it gets from grub to kdm in 35 seconds on battery20:20
apacheloggerthat is darn slow TBH20:21
apacheloggermy inspiron boots in ~30 seconds20:21
* a|wen goes to fetch a bootchart20:22
apachelogger27.45 here ... with stuff like dkms, exim and icecc20:24
a|wenhow was it on intrepid?20:25
apacheloggerno clue20:25
* apachelogger just came to think of ... would touching actually make sense on SSD ... there is no diskseeking anyway20:27
LureRiddell: are you in release team and can comment if kipi-plugins bug fix upload would be ok?20:27
LureRiddell: it fixes PicasaWeb for apachelogger ;-)20:28
a|wenapachelogger: as long as you read complete blocks there is no gain by moving around stuff20:28
LureRiddell: one concern is that crash fix has new message (warning), which breaks freeze20:29
apacheloggerwe need to do profiling then :P20:29
apacheloggerwhy does starting a web browser take 3 seconds?20:29
apacheloggerIMHO the system should start that fast :P20:29
a|wenapachelogger: http://awen.dk/temp/bootchart.tgz booting eeePC 901 (atom N270 1.6 ghz; 1 gb ram; reiserfs) with intrepid i38620:31
LureRiddell, apachelogger: proposed debdiff is in your mailbox20:32
apacheloggera|wen: yeah, the poor CPU is at fault20:34
* Lure confirms that both Riddell and Hobbsee are on ubuntu-release team20:35
apacheloggera|wen: I am wondering if it is possible to create a static list of drivers to load and just run a new detection if the hardware changed20:35
a|wenapachelogger: i've heard talking about doing stuff like that; don't know if there is any working framework for it though20:36
apacheloggerneed to poke foundations people I suppose20:37
a|wenapachelogger: but in any case ... how much juice can you expect from a cpu using 5W peak20:37
apacheloggerwould make a lot of sense, if I read that chart correctly most of the CPU time is spent in dealing with hardware20:37
apacheloggera|wen: ah well, all the foundations fault anyway :P20:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: I doubt parallel printers are implemented yet in s-c-p-k20:39
JontheEchidnaIt used to work just fine20:39
Riddellkb9vqf: mm, you picked a bad week for CD testing, bug fixing in jaunty is distracting me more.  I guess I could just put it on the website anyway, has anyone else tested them?20:40
apacheloggerLure: where is that error string?20:41
Riddellblizzz: meetings tend to be when someone gets round to organising them :)  set up a list of times on that site which lets us mark when we're free20:41
kb9vqfriddell: That's quite understandable.  No one else has tested them, although Daskreech had expressed some interest in doing so20:42
blizzzRiddell: ok! i pass this to mcas, he organizes all of our meetings :)20:43
kb9vqfriddell: They are only beta anyway, so maybe someone from the larger community will have more time to test if they are put up on the website now20:44
apacheloggerLure: ah :D ... that is actually worth thinking about ... is it more userfriendly to just do nothing or to output an error message in english20:45
Lureapachelogger: I could also do the - just silently ignore clicking Start Upload for now...20:45
Lureit may confuse user though20:46
apacheloggeryeah ... not sure if that is better though20:46
apacheloggerLure: so may english error messages20:46
apacheloggerLure: actually ... I would think that the upload button is not enabled unless an album is selected20:48
Lureapachelogger: could be, but still confusing - we might want to auto select first album then20:48
apacheloggerwell, if no album has been created?20:49
Lureapachelogger: I am not sure I want to do such changes w/o maintainer review20:49
apacheloggerbig warning message above the album selector?20:49
apacheloggerLure: yeah, just thinking long-term20:49
apacheloggerLure: leave the messages in20:49
Lurelong term I want to merge all import/export plugins to common base20:50
* Lure now knows internals of 4 of them already20:50
apacheloggerthe no pics selected is confusing as hell without error message, so could be the english error20:50
apachelogger_but_ the error exposes a small fraction of users to at least find out what the problem is20:50
Lureapachelogger: picasa is confusing, as it does not show images, like other plugins20:50
apacheloggerso in general the error is more useful as it exposes information to at least a fraction of users20:51
apacheloggerLure: picasa is weird in general ;-)20:51
* kb9vqf thinks about putting a KDE3.5 under Jaunty wiki page up20:51
kb9vqfIs there a specific path structure that is followed on the Kubuntu wiki?20:51
apacheloggerclaydoh: pling20:51
apacheloggerkb9vqf: not really20:52
apacheloggerjust make sure you use Kubuntu/FooBar20:52
kb9vqfapachelogger: so Kubuntu/JauntyKDE3.5 would work?20:52
apacheloggerkb9vqf: how about Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty20:53
kb9vqfapachelogger: I lke that better :)20:53
* apachelogger too :P20:53
* Lure notices I did not sent right debdiff - needs quilt do to kde4.mk :-(((20:59
* Lure really hates kde4.mk assuming quilt is the way to go... :-(20:59
Lureapachelogger: quit ;-)21:00
* apachelogger needs to visit Riddell at some point and get himself a kilt21:00
Lureapachelogger: cdbs simple patch system is enough to drop a simple patch in21:00
apacheloggerwe don't do simple patches, do we? :P21:01
* a|wen has started liking quilt a lot after actually using it21:02
Riddellapachelogger: I believe the Sitter tartan is especially pretty21:06
apacheloggerarrr :D21:07
apacheloggervorian: one still gets karma for l10n uploads21:07
apacheloggerI am right there :P21:07
kb9vqfRiddell: If you feel like putting the KDE3.5 CD images on the main page, here is a Wiki article to go along with them: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty21:09
RiddellI wonder how I get karma for Translations in Rosetta21:09
Riddellkb9vqf: got a screenshot?21:10
kb9vqfRiddell: I can grab one....21:10
* kb9vqf starts booting the VM21:10
apacheloggerRiddell: uploading them21:11
apacheloggerkb9vqf: btw, canonical likes to read remix instead of respin AFAIK21:12
kb9vqfRiddell: OK, fixed :)21:13
apacheloggeroh, late it is21:13
* apachelogger => going bedish21:13
JontheEchidnaand here I am stuck with a pretty much entirely legit 200,000 :P21:15
* JontheEchidna thinks he has 8k translation karma21:15
apacheloggerkb9vqf: btw, I like where the KDE 3 stuff is heading21:18
apacheloggergreat work21:18
apacheloggerbut now really bed ;-)21:18
kb9vqfapachelogger: Thanks! :)21:18
kb9vqfhmm....how do I send an image over IRC?21:19
blizzzkb9vqf: dcc file transfer. in konversation drop the file on the person you want to sent it to. the partner's client needs to support dcc, too.21:20
tsimpsonyou'd use DCC and prey no one has a firewall/router21:20
a|wenkb9vqf: upload to ftp somewhere ... or use an imagebin21:20
kb9vqfimagebin...that's what I'm looking for!21:21
* kb9vqf only rembered pastebin21:21
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.21:21
kb9vqfRiddell: Here's a screenshot: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=kde3_5_jaunty_livecd.png21:22
a|wendrag and drop to the pastebin plasmoid takes care of everything :)21:22
kb9vqfWould it be OK to put a few screenshots in the Wiki page?21:22
* kb9vqf remembers that he has to update the artwork before rc121:23
Riddellkb9vqf: yes please do21:23
kb9vqfOK :-)21:23
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* kb9vqf has to run...will finish uploading screenshots later today21:28
=== a|wen changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Final freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo​ | Vote for next Kubuntu meeting: http://www.doodle.com/participation.html?pollId=3p9baxnqea2unxgg | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
LureRiddell: do we have space to get kipi-plugins on CD?21:38
Riddellnope, CDs are full up21:39
Lureoh, yes, we did not get rid of kde3...21:39
JontheEchidnaplus kipi-plugins brings in libgtk...21:39
LureJontheEchidna: really?21:40
JontheEchidnayeah, it uses libgpod instead of libgpod-nogtk21:40
JontheEchidnathought it may actually require libgpod if it's doing image transfers :(21:40
LureJontheEchidna: are these two replacable?21:40
* Lure does not have ipod, so no clue?21:41
JontheEchidnaalmost, unless you need support for artwork transferral21:41
JontheEchidnawhich -nogtk can't do at the moment21:41
* smarter waves21:41
* a|wen waves to smarter21:42
JontheEchidnaLure: ouch, it most definitely requires the gtk version for the thing to work at all21:43
JontheEchidna(It needs GdkPixbuf)21:44
LureJontheEchidna: :(21:44
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JontheEchidnamaybe for karmic we could split the package up a bit?21:45
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* smarter really thinks that KPackageKit needs to indicate the connection speed, just to be sure that something is actually going on21:53
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JontheEchidnaholy *shit*. I almost had a heart attack22:57
JontheEchidnaI log on, and /home is entirely empty22:57
JontheEchidnaluckily I remembered that /home was on a separate partition22:57
jussi01you have home on a separate partition?22:57
JontheEchidnabut that begs the question, why wasn't it mounted by default?22:58
tsimpsonjussi01: you *don't*?! ;)22:58
jussi01JontheEchidna: I dont know, but I have had that before22:58
jussi01tsimpson: shush now22:58
* tsimpson needs to clean his $HOME22:59
tsimpson/dev/sda6              25G   23G  829M  97% /home22:59
tsimpsonI (stupidly) though 25GB would be enough23:00
jussi0125G for home? no way...23:00
JontheEchidnaI did a cleaning the other day. I decided my 80 GB windows HDD could be greatly reduced in size after some cleanup, then I moved all of my, ahem, videos over to the new partition23:00
JontheEchidnanow windows takes up <30 GB on that drive23:01
jussi01see, I have this policy, dont clean, things get lost...23:02
JontheEchidnaThis was my first reboot after doing those partitioning changes. I wonder if that's related...23:02
tsimpsonJontheEchidna: probably UUID changed23:02
* kb9vqf finished adding some KDE3.5 screenshots to the Wiki23:02
JontheEchidnareally? I didn't really touch sdb at all?23:02
JontheEchidnaer, minus that last ?23:03
tsimpsonhmm, well then it shouldn't23:03
tsimpsonunless strangeness happened23:03
JontheEchidnahow would I check, just to make sure?23:03
* kb9vqf finished adding some KDE3.5 screenshots to the Wiki23:03
tsimpsonrun blkid23:03
kb9vqfRiddell: I think I'm ready to go live with the beta, if you agree...23:04
JontheEchidnaThat's weird, /etc/fstab is completely and utterly empty23:05
Riddellkb9vqf: let me put something on the site23:05
kb9vqfRiddell: Sounds good :)23:05
tsimpsonwell, that'd be a reason...23:05
* JontheEchidna wonders how the heck that happened23:05
JontheEchidnaI also now know the wisdom of backing up /etc23:05
JontheEchidnatoo bad I didn't :(23:06
Riddellkb9vqf: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-jauntu-kde3-remix-beta23:10
jussi01is there a reason thats misspelt?23:11
kb9vqfRiddell: The content looks good, but the link is misspelled23:12
kb9vqfRiddell: Do we want to put a link on the beta info page as well, or just on the front page?23:13
RiddellI'd keep it separate23:14

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