
cprovWhoopie, wgrant:  email lookup issue fixed.00:04
Whoopiecprov: so I can re-upload?00:05
Whoopiecprov: and btw, wow, fixed very fast.00:05
cprovWhoopie: yes, you can re-upload.00:06
wgrantcprov: Nice quick fix.00:06
cprovWhoopie: it was a known problem.00:06
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Whoopiecprov: aha, so I just prodded you to fix it? :)00:07
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mwhudsonthe thing is, it was fixed already, the fix just wasn't on all the machines it needed to be00:08
Whoopiemwhudson: thanks to you, too.00:08
mwhudsonWhoopie: i'm just another grateful beneficiary of cprov's sleuthing :)00:09
mwhudsonmaxb: ssh-ing in to bazaar.launchpad.net should be faster now, btw00:09
cprovWhoopie: gstm accepted!00:11
wgrantIs it useful to update the last modified date on a branch just for attribute changes?00:16
maxbmwhudson: Woot! That's a tenfold improvement! :-)00:16
maxbVery many thanks indeed!00:17
wgrantI care about when the branch changed, not when somebody set its status.00:17
Whoopiecprov: package was accepted. ;)00:18
cprovWhoopie: cool00:19
spivwgrant: ISTR a bug report about that...00:22
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wgrantWhy is Launchpad Answers sending emails with my name and some email address which isn't mine?03:46
wgrantIt decides that my email address is the question's email address, it seems.03:46
spmwgrant: whee. that sounds like a fun trick. which Q in particular?03:49
wgrantspm: The one you fixed for me.03:49
wgrantBut it happens for all.03:49
wgrantFrom: Some User <question1234@answers.launchpad.net>03:50
cody-somervillewgrant, Is it possible that maybe its your mail client doing it?03:50
cody-somervillewgrant, What mail client do you use?03:50
wgrantcody-somerville: Evolution.03:50
wgrantcody-somerville: But no, the RFC2822 has that header in it.03:51
spmthat sounds like a nasty bug - I know there is a fix around that area that was supposed to go out yesterday/today. So...03:51
wgrantIt is definitely Launchpad.03:51
* wgrant looks for a bug.03:51
spmwgrant: so., with my update to that Q I see: From: Steve McInerney <question66189@answers.launchpad.net>  & then yours has: From: William Grant <question66189@answers.launchpad.net>03:52
spmis that what you're referring to?03:52
wgrantspm: Yes.03:52
wgrantThat is going to break anything that autocreates contacts.03:52
spmah. I call feature.03:52
wgrantWhich is lots of things.03:52
wgrantHow is it a feature?03:53
wgrantMalone doesn't do it.03:53
wgrantAnd I tend to think Malone is right about most things with regard to email.03:53
spmwell - it's been doing it for a while - fwiw - I have a similar one from late March.03:54
spmso my 2c guess at feature? 1. it comes from the person who responded - imho a good thing - ie their name. But from their email address would be... bad.03:54
spm2. the actual address is the question; which can be parsed/responded to and the right thing will happen03:55
wgrantMalone sends it from the right person.03:55
spmif it comes from their email address? that will break with some anti-spam solutions.03:55
wgrantThose antispam solutions are broken.03:55
wgrantYou cannot filter on From.03:55
wgrantSender, yes.03:55
wgrantIf you filter on From, you should be blasted off the Internet.03:56
wgrantMalone does it properly.03:57
spmFrom filter: eg SPF03:57
wgrantSPF is Sender, not From.03:57
wgrantOr most Launchpad bugmail would get nowhere.03:58
spmI suspect we're disagreeing on terminolgy?03:58
wgrantI speak of real RFC2822 header fields names.03:59
wgrantSPF doesn't care about From, just Sender.03:59
wgrantMalone uses the Person's display name and primary email address to construct From. It uses bounces@canonical.com as Sender. It sets Reply-To to the bug address.03:59
spmso. to rephrase your concern: it's around the diff between the use of the Sender vs From header fields? is that it in a nutshell?04:03
wgrantspm: My objection is that it's reporting my email address as something it is not.04:04
spmbtw. SPF is (should!) be based on (E)SMTP headers, not email body text headers - very different beasties those.04:05
wgrantBlah, yes, Return-Path, not sender, though those should usually be the same.04:05
* wgrant dies.04:05
cody-somervilleIs it possible to use launchpadlib to get all the source packages a team is subscribed to?04:06
wgrantcody-somerville: No.04:07
wgrantStructural subscriptions are not exported.04:07
spmwgrant: oki.I can see your concern then. I (obviously!) can't speak to the reasons why A vs B for Answers. My personal take is that what works for one group - eg bugs, probably wouldn't work for another, eg answers. despite the similarity. I guess this also falls into the Great Debate on lists and ReplyTo header usage. I'll stick with vi vs emacs for now myself. ;-)04:10
wgrantIMO Malone's use of Reply-To is wrong, but it's probably the best that exists now.04:11
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pooliehttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/286193/comments/11 <--- YHBT :-)05:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 286193 in ubuntu "Bug subscription wont accept unsubscribe command" [Undecided,Invalid]05:31
wgrantpoolie: I actually laughed when I read that.05:32
pooliei laughed at both the original post by elmo and the response05:33
wgrantI wondered if anybody would fall for it.05:33
wgrantBut I thought everybody would know who elmo was...05:33
* wgrant wishes there was some throwaway Launchpad instance that sent email.05:51
wgrantAny Code people around?06:12
cody-somervilleWaz is your question? :)06:15
jmlI'm around.06:26
wgrantjml: Blah, didn't see that message. You might have seen a bug I filed an hour or so ago.07:43
jmlwgrant: yeah I did.07:43
* jml comments.07:43
progfouhi there08:50
progfouany current known problem with bazaar.launchpad.net?08:50
intellectronicaprogfou: i'm not having any problems with it. what's going wrong for you?08:51
wgrantintellectronica: Loggerhead is unhappy.08:53
intellectronicaright, now i also can't get it to cooperate08:55
spmok. /me gets out the codebouncy restart gun08:55
progfouwhen going to my project's sources, I'm getting an error page informing I should reload the page in a few minutes and if it persists come here and inform about this problem08:56
progfouhere is my project's sources link: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~progfou/ovniconv/trunk/files08:56
spmprogfou: wgrant: is restarted. try now?08:57
progfouit works now, thanks!08:58
progfouwas it my fault?08:58
intellectronicajml: LH is occasionally unresponsive. movie at 1108:58
progfousomething I have to tune?08:58
spmprogfou: no. is very well known. hence the "codebouncy" comment :-)08:58
progfouoh... ok :-)08:58
progfouthanks spm08:59
progfouhave a nice day everybody!08:59
gesercprov: about the soyuz LP API: do I understand it correctly that build.current_source_publication only works for the most recent build and older builds (for older versions) return None there?09:12
cprovgeser: yes, that's correct.09:15
geserquestion about the LP API: what's the difference between distribution.current_series and distribution.getDevelopmentSeries()?10:13
jtv1adiroiban, hi!  do you get the "change details" option on Ubuntu templates now?10:29
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waraqaAs a translator, Lanuchpad asked me If I want put my translations under BSD license.10:43
waraqaHow can I can change my choice ?10:44
wgrantwaraqa: https://translations.launchpad.net/people/+me/+licensing10:45
waraqawgrant: Thank you.10:45
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* wgrant grimaces.13:07
wgrantApparently the 'This bug affects me to' link does in fact cause people to not post '+1' comments.13:07
wgrantInstead they post comments with the identical text 'This bug affects me too'.13:08
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radixhey guys, if we create a superproject which contains one private project and one public project, would there be any danger of information leak?15:41
mbtHello, looking into bug 358200 leads me to a forbidden page, is a dupe of a private bug... can anyone determine why bug 213573 is private and either subscribe me to it or make it public?15:41
ubottuBug 358200 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/358200 is private15:41
ubottuBug 213573 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/213573 is private15:42
mbtAnd ubottu has it wrong, 358200 is public15:42
james_wmbt: it's private due to Ubuntu policies15:44
james_wit needs an initial triage to make it public, which I can do now for you15:45
mbtjames_w: Thanks :)15:46
james_wmbt: have at it15:47
mbtjames_w: Thank you very much!15:48
james_wthat step is just a safety check in case it crashes while trying to do something with your password, say15:48
james_wwe just check there's no sensitive information in the bug and then open it up15:48
mbtjames_w: Understandable; I figured there had to be a reason being it was old.  Still, hard to fix software if the bug isn't viewable. :-P15:49
barryradix: unclear.  i can check around for you though15:54
radixbarry: I assume nothing bad would happen, I guess I'd just like to know if this is being done already15:54
barryradix: i'm not aware of any such existing arrangement15:55
barryradix: and i can't *think* of any problems15:55
radixbarry: okay, I think I'll just try it15:57
radixbarry: and if something goes wrong I'll yell at a LP dev :)15:57
barrysounds good! :)15:58
radixI guess there's still no UI for creating new superprojects. barry: should I register a Question?15:59
barryradix: yes, i think only lp admins can do that.  possibly lp devs, but then aren't you an lp dev?15:59
radixbarry: no, I'm landscape :-)15:59
barryradix: it's all the same, right? :)  but no, it's an lp admin thing.  give me the q# and i'll assign it to a losa16:00
radixOkay cool16:00
radixbarry: q #6696116:01
barryradix: assigned to losas16:02
radixbarry: thanks very much!16:03
geserquestion about the LP API: what's the difference between distribution.current_series and distribution.getDevelopmentSeries()?16:09
barrygeser: it's a bit subtle.  current_series returns one series, getDevelopmentSeries() can return many16:12
barrygeser: it's made confusing because 'series' is its own plural16:12
barrygeser: internally, the method is called getDevelopmentSerieses() which isn't a word :)16:12
geserbarry: and which one is preferred if I want the distro_series object for jaunty? I currently use current_series for it16:13
barrygeser: that's a good question.  i think current_series should do it16:15
geserand btw: doesn't "Pre-release Freeze" count as development version? I looked at the return value for ubuntu.getDevelopmentSeries() and wondered that it was empty16:16
barrygeser: i don't know.  i could try to track down a distro guy to ask.16:19
barrygeser: actually, it will only return series that strictly have a status of 'Active Development', so 'Pre-release Freeze' doesn't count16:21
geserbarry: thanks. So I will continue to use current_series in my script to always get the current ubuntu development version.16:23
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AgafonovHi. Can you help me with some "team contact e-mail" magic?18:00
kikoAgafonov, sure?18:03
Agafonovyes. forgive the noob :)18:05
kikoAgafonov, what's your question?18:09
AgafonovWe are organizing https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ru and I set temporarly my e-mail as team contact to not disturb whole team hierarchy. Now we have list for group and I set it as team contact.18:10
AgafonovPrevious temp email remains...18:10
kikoI think you can adjust it using +editemails18:11
kikosinzui, barry: is that right?18:11
barry+contactaddress i think18:12
barryAgafonov: yep.  go to ~ubuntu-ru/+contactaddress18:12
* sinzui waits for the next request that will highlight a bug where the team cannot remove a temporary email address.18:13
AgafonovThere is no my previous email in шею Only new list.18:14
AgafonovThere is no my previous email in it. Only new list.18:14
Agafonovbarry: ?18:16
barryAgafonov: sorry.  hang on just a sec...18:16
AgafonovIs screenshot needed?18:16
barryAgafonov: nope, sorry, i just had to clear my plate of something else18:17
barrylooking now18:17
barryAgafonov: you have two contact addresses for your team?18:17
barryAgafonov: is that the problem?18:17
* barry wonders how that's even possible18:18
Agafonovyes. Things must be in order :)18:18
barryAgafonov: okay, let's try this: go to your +contactaddress page and click on "Each member individually"18:18
barryAgafonov: then click on Change and let me know when you've done that18:19
Agafonovswitch back to the list?18:19
Agafonov(noted no team contact email)18:20
barryAgafonov: yes.  looks like that cleared both18:20
barryAgafonov: let's see if switching it back to the mailing list does the right thing18:20
Agafonovha. nope...18:20
Agafonovboth returned18:21
barryAgafonov: weird!  let me poke at this with one of my teams and i'll get right back to you18:21
barryAgafonov: okay, i can't reproduce this with one of my teams.  i'm going to click on contact this team, can you tell me if you receive a copy and if the list also receives a copy?18:25
barryAgafonov: email sent18:26
Agafonovfirst received (second may delay, so I'll wait ~5 minutes)18:28
barryAgafonov: which have you received?  the personal copy or the list copy?18:28
barryAgafonov: cool18:29
mdzI noticed I'm getting email from rosetta for each upload I've made to jaunty.  is this normal?18:30
barryAgafonov: you may not get a second copy.  i'm checking things, but that might just be a page display glitch18:33
Agafonovam i need to report a bug?18:36
barryAgafonov: yes, i think it's a good time to report a bug18:37
barryAgafonov: please do mention that i sent a Contact This Team email and which copies you do or don't get18:38
barryAgafonov: let me know the bug number when you've submitted it18:44
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kwahhi all18:56
kwahwere one may find a documentation on what kind of e-mails may be used as a team contact?18:56
sinzuikwah: you may use any email address. That email address may be the address of a mailing list. You can create a mailing list on launchpad and use that list for the team members19:05
rbelemhello all19:06
rbelemis there any way to build package in ppa for multiple ubuntu versions without edit changelog?19:08
cody-somervillerbelem, yes, by changing the Distribution field in the changes file19:08
rbelemcody-somerville, hum...19:08
cprovrbelem: so, cody-somerville means 'no' ;)19:09
rbelemi'm building a ppa to host enlightenment foundation libraries19:10
cprovrbelem: there are plans to support multiple distribution targets in the changelog entry like "foo-bar (1.0) hardy intrepid jaunty; urgency=normal"19:10
rbelemcprov, cool19:10
rbelemcprov, when will this feature be ready?19:11
cprovrbelem: and it would imply in one build per target with a implicit and distinct rebuild index19:11
cprovrbelem: unfortunately, not soon, maybe by May.19:12
kwahsinzui, yep, right, but I could not do it with my existing e-mail19:13
cprovrbelem: sabdfl has *special* interests on it, so we better get it done ;)19:13
rbelemcprov, next month?19:13
kwahand lp mailing-list of other group could not be used either19:13
sinzuikwah: not if the email is already registered with you. Actually I recommend not using an email that is associate with you. we cannot transfer email addresses between users and between teams :(19:14
rbelemcprov, it's not so far away19:14
sinzuikwah: there is a bug filed about that19:14
sinzuikwah: by setting up a mailing list, you get an email address for free19:14
kwahsinzui, :(19:14
kwahwhat about structure like that19:15
cprovrbelem: we will be planning it soon, I will ping you when I have an ETA.19:15
kwahgroup > subgroup19:15
kwahI tried to use group's list address as a contact for subgroup - no luck19:15
cprovrbelem: meanwhile you can use auto-ppa for automating the source generation for multiple distroseries.19:15
rbelemcool!!! thanks a lot cprov19:16
sinzuikwah: right, because addresses cannot be shared, and the cannot be transfered19:16
cprovrbelem: you are welcome.19:16
rbelemcprov, is this feature available right now?19:17
cprovrbelem: auto-ppa ?  yes19:17
sinzuikwah: and in truth, they cannot be deleted. Removing an address just means you do not intend to use it, but there is no sensible result that allows someone else to use ti19:17
cprovlet me find the LP project for you.19:17
cprovrbelem: https://edge.launchpad.net/autoppa19:17
kwahsinzui, so, sensible use-case group > subgroup1, subgroup2 etc can not be really implemented in terms easy contacting subgroups19:18
rbelemcprov, that's awesome19:19
kwahonly by arranging a list for every group and CC-ing all over the place?19:19
rbelemthanks again cprov19:19
sinzuikwah: launchpad will contact each member individually if the team or subteam does not have a contact address19:20
rbelemcprov, i will find out how to use19:20
cprovrbelem: no worries, it will make your life easier until we support source uploads with multiple targets.19:20
sinzuikwah: by giving a team a contact address you are saying there is some mechanism to will forward the message to some or all of the team members19:21
kwahsinzui, yep, we noticed that already... that's why we are trying to figure out what would be more reasonable setup in terms of contacts etc.19:21
sinzuikwah: Launchpad's hosted mailing lists is such a mechanism19:21
kwahwhen we have umbrella team19:21
rbelemcprov, nice! :-)19:22
barrykwah: we don't currently support hierarchical mailing lists19:22
Shockhi. what does launchpad invoke when I upload a source package to my PPA in order to build it?19:23
kwahbarry, hm. Is it hierarchical?19:23
kwahsubteams are treated as memebers of umbrella team19:23
cprovShock: `sbuild`19:24
barrykwah: team structure can be, but not (directly) mailing lists.  each team can have a separate mailing list and any member of a subteam can join the superteam's list19:24
kwahwhy tema contacts are treated differently?19:24
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barrykwah: i'm not sure what you're asking. mailing lists are related to teams, but are different19:25
barrycontact addresses are basically just the address to send messages to19:25
cprovShock: it does pretty much the same as `debuild` but within a pristine chroot (pbuilder) with extra security paranoia. Are you having any problems with your sources ?19:25
Agafonovbarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/35866119:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 358661 in launchpad "Cannot remove temporary team contact email" [Undecided,New]19:27
Shockcprov: i'm trying to learn how to make it build just for a specific arch19:27
cprovShock: adjust the 'Architecture:' field in debian/control file.19:27
kwahbarry, yep, I got it.19:27
Shockcprov: i'm trying to build the kernel, there's lots of "Architecture:" fields :)19:28
kwahbarry, but still it is a kind of not logical for me ;)19:28
cprovShock: oh, an existing source.19:29
barryAgafonov: thanks.  i've added an update.  i think this is a shallow-ish bug tho no eta for fixing yet.  it should not affect your team's contact address.  such mails should go to your team properly without a copy to you19:29
barrykwah: ;)19:29
Shockyeah :)19:29
kwahbarry, so, one conact e-mail for different teams is ALSO not possible if I got it correctly19:29
cprovShock: the kernel binaries (except the docs) are architecture 'any', so they will build in any supported architecture in the build env19:29
cprovShock: why do you want to change it ? aren't you uploading it to a PPA ?19:30
cprovShock: let it build where it is supposed to.19:30
barrykwah: you could try this (i'm actually not sure if it will allow you to do it).  create your superteam and give it a mailing list.  then in your subteams, use "explicit address" and point them at your superteam's mailng list19:30
Shockcprov: so it only builds the kernel packages on only one arch19:30
Agafonovbarry: kwah is talking about our ~ubuntu-ru group :)19:30
kwahbarry, yep, tried it already19:31
barrykwah: subteam members can subscribe to super team mailing lists, but all subscriptions must be explicit19:31
barryAgafonov: ah :)19:31
kwahconfirmation e-mail got lost somewhere19:31
cprovShock: no, 'any' means build on each available arch.19:31
Shockcprov: i've created a different flavor, so if people use my ppa i don't want to duplicate the packages that are already in the ubuntu repos19:31
barrykwah: yes, that's the tricky part.  look on the team's home page and see if you see a "moderate mailing list"19:31
kwahnothing is there19:31
Shockcprov: i understand that :)19:31
barrykwah: pick the confirmation url out of that message, then discard the conformation so it doesn't go to your list19:32
kwahI checked a couple of times19:32
barrykwah: ok.  so that's probably because the confirmation is not sent from a registered lp address19:32
kwahor at least was not19:32
barrykwah: yay!  you're stuck :(19:32
kwahwill check again19:32
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cprovShock: I don't see why would you be bothered with it, it's more work for you and if someone using 'lpia', for instance, tries to use your PPA it won't be possible.19:33
kwahbarry, nope, naothing19:33
barrykwah: this is an interesting use case that we do not handle.  you might report a bug on it.  let me know what the bug number is and i'll triage it as a 'wish list' item19:33
barrykwah: yep.  if you haven't gotten it by now, you won't.  and my previous explanation makes sense19:33
Shockcprov: my kernel is only useful on i386. i'm concerned that if some packages are also in my ppa as well as ubuntu repos my packages might get installed19:35
RachedTNHello, I have create a project on lauchpad, and now I want to delete it, does anybody know how ?19:40
cprovShock: independently of the arch-issue, your ppa packages should have a different (lower) version than the ones in ubuntu repo19:43
RachedTNcprov: ??19:44
barryRachedTN: we can mark the project disabled for you19:44
barryRachedTN: what is the project name?19:45
Shockcprov: unfortunately if I do that the build fails with ABI errors and i haven't found the help to fix it in the #ubuntu-kernel channel :(19:45
RachedTNbarry : fine , so here is the link : https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tn-redaction19:45
Shockcprov: so I've created a new flavor19:45
cprovShock: oh, I see19:47
cprovShock: the kernel is *special*19:47
kwahbarry, it looks like the same policy... if some e-mail used once, you can not use it anymore19:48
kwahas a team contact at least19:48
kwahand it does not matter, whether the team you try to assign it to is a subteam of the team with the contact e-mail in question19:50
Shockcprov: and so is the kernel team ;)19:51
cprovShock: is it hard to define a new kernel version for a specific flavor  ?19:54
Shockcprov: the documentation is lacking i think19:54
cprovShock: anyway, if you have it overridden for i386, I don't see the problem in propagating it to the other PPA archs19:55
Shockcprov: i'm now trying to understand it by looking at the build system scripts19:55
cprovShock: unless your kernel explodes on them, is that the case ?19:55
Shockcprov: my only changes affect the i386 arch19:55
Shockcprov: i'v managed to generate a debian/control file with just the packages i need, will see how that goes19:56
cprovShock: that's fine, let the kernel build where it wants and avoid a bigger diff with the ubuntu  source.19:56
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Shockcprov: thanks for taking an interest19:58
barryRachedTN: okay, your project should be disabled now.  please check your email for confirmation19:58
cprovShock: np19:58
barrykwah: i think you're stuck.  please do open a bug on this19:59
kwahbarry, I will20:00
verterokcprov: hi! statik pointed you as the one that might have some answers about this https://pastebin.canonical.com/16135/ ;)20:10
RachedTNbarry: thanks a lot, it's desactivated now :)20:13
cprovverterok: let me see it.20:13
verterokcprov: thanks20:14
cprovverterok:  I can download the file.20:14
verterokcprov: me too, but I keep getting that error when using "apt-get install"20:16
cprovverterok: which error ?20:17
verterokcprov: the http 501 response20:17
verterokcprov: hmm, it seems to be working now20:18
verterokcprov: thanks for fixing it so quicky! ;)20:19
cprovverterok: I haven't changed anything ...20:20
verterokcprov: I know :) maybe my isp turned off their proxy...or fixed it :/20:22
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barrywell, unfortunately it's a short day for me folks.  i'm off now.20:27
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RachedTNthanks anyway, and keep the good work :)20:27
mbtDoes the apport retracing service delete stack traces if it determines that a bug is a duplicate?20:51
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rbelemcprov, autoppa is not available yet for jaunty, right? but i built the package for me21:01
cprovrbelem: yes, checkout the branch, I'm not sure if it's packaged.21:01
rbelemcprov, ok ;-)21:02
cprovrbelem: apparently it is -> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=auto-ppa21:02
rbelemcprov, the last version in ppa is for gutsy21:05
cprovrbelem: look from the bright side, you can re-package it using trunk in your PPA :)21:06
rbelemcprov, eheheheh ;-)21:06
rbelemcprov, i will do this21:07
cprovrbelem: cool21:07
gnomefreaka LP admin around? i would like to discuss removing someones LP account21:18
kikognomefreak, we don't usually do that sort of thing..21:24
kikognomefreak, what's the issue?21:24
gnomefreakkiko: one sec21:24
gnomefreakkiko: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/192888/comments/342  not sure if this was only time he did it21:25
gnomefreakim betting its not but dont know21:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 192888 in ia32-libs "firefox crashes on flash contents when using libflashsupport" [High,Fix released]21:25
kikognomefreak, heh, that is absolutely spam. hang on.21:25
gnomefreakkiko: thanks21:25
kikognomefreak, can you contact the user for us meanwhile? i think he's a valid user, so either it's a spambot using his from: address, or a responder he's got set up21:27
gnomefreakill try to email him but im not even sure if the hotmail address is valid ill look at his LP page to see what address he gives21:28
kikognomefreak, he's commented on bugs before, I think it is21:28
kikognomefreak, he's french btw.21:29
* intellectronica thinks that free software and nudism mix quite well, actually, doesn't understand what the fuss is about21:32
gnomefreakintellectronica: other than the 130+ comments? takes a while to load but still should never be on a bug report IMHO21:33
kikointellectronica, it's really irrelevant to the bug report at least, and nobody should get nudist invitation spam redirected from us21:34
gnomefreakkiko: https://edge.launchpad.net/~zobbychris21:34
gnomefreakits blank21:34
kikognomefreak, bugs.edge21:34
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radixI can't find the button for adding a release any more (on edge). does anyone know where it is?21:59
radixI really can't find it. this is strange.22:01
kikosinzui, ^^22:02
radixoops, okay, someone pointed me to where it is22:04
radixon the Milestone page now22:04
sinzuiradix for this month only, you need to create the milestone, then create the release22:04
radixokay, that's fine, we were already using version-milestones22:04
radixI just didn't think to look there22:04
sinzuiradix, If you can wait until monday, you can see EdwinGrubbs's very nice create a release and select/create milestone UI.22:05
radixI'll have to make the release today, I'm afraid ;-) but I do look forward to it!22:05
mbtradix: This new interface, will that let arbitrary releases be made again?  I'd like to make "snapshot" releases that do not belong to a milestone, for example... I don't see a way to do that ATM22:55
radixmbt: you've got the wrong guy. I don't know anything about it, I was just trying to use it :-)22:56
mbtOh, lol.  I need to learn how to read my scrollback buffer, lol22:56
mbtsinzui: Can you answer that last question?  :-D22:56
sinzuimbt: for this month *only* you must create a milestone first22:59
sinzuimbt Next week on on edge, we will begin testing the new create a release ui that will create a milestone on demand22:59
mbtOh, so a milestone is still always required, it will just be automatic soon?23:00
sinzuimbt: when you create a release, you will select a milestone (which prives the series and code name, etc.). If the milestone does not exit, you can create it at that moment, then continue to add your release notes23:01
mbtAhh, alright23:01
sinzuimbt a release is really just a milestone with release notes and files23:01
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RachedTNI have create a team on launchpad, and now, I wanna to add some blueprints, but I can't find the add bouton like when I  create a project ?23:11
kwahbarry-away, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/35878823:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 358788 in launchpad "Make the sub-team contact the same as team contact" [Undecided,New]23:19
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