
macorecovery mode, you mean00:00
bretcolintimo yes00:01
sofi1Hello ...00:10
sofi1I am trying to get mouse reversal to work on Jaunty.00:11
sofi1For some reason my mouse reversal doesnt work on Jaunty. However it used to work perfectly on my hardy.00:11
sofi1Does any1 know about this bug yet?00:11
sofi1Is this is a known issue?00:12
timogrub worked00:12
timobut it wont boot into any thing, every thing freezes00:12
Halowsofil: Are you trying to switch the buttons, or...?00:16
amon__hi, why can't i install lame00:36
brad_is there a way to move my bar from the top to the left side and change the text so that it's going left to right and not up and down (after moving the bar to the left)?  I have a wide screen laptop and would like to take advantage of the extra width.00:37
Halowbrad_: Font size and panel size adjustments will help with that. If there's enough room, it will display horizontally instead of vertically.00:38
brad_halow: i just changed the pixel width to 250 and the text is still going vertically00:39
HalowD: Let me see if I have the same problem.00:40
Halowbrad_: Hm. I set mine to 100px and the clock displays horizontally.00:42
brad_yes, the clock does, but I'm trying to get the applications places and system to go that way too.. along with user name00:43
HalowHm... Yeah, mine come out sideways, even at the apparent maximum size, 384px.00:44
HalowI tend to use the "main menu" instead of the "custom main menu" that can be added to the panel. It only shows a small logo until clicked on, so I hadn't noticed.00:45
HalowAnd since I'm only one user, the FUSA is a little useless for me.00:46
lunie2ns-linuxHello all..still new to this.. I was updating some files to fix another program but now my libqt4-dev is broken, i try to update it in Synaptic and it just gives me an error, any suggestions?00:49
brad_so I wonder if there is a theme or something in compiz that would allow it?  having 768 H for display you really want to take advantage of the real estate.  Is there a way to get it to look like linux mint?00:52
lunie2ns-linuxAnyone, possibly?00:52
Halowbrad_: Seems there's a bug about the window list behaving oddly in vertical, not for text. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/4306600:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 43066 in gnome-panel "Window list behaves bad when panel is vertical." [Unknown,Confirmed]00:53
brad_oh, thanks.  so I should maybe make it emulate the start button style of linux mint (xp)?00:54
brad_at least then just would have one bar00:54
BluesKajlunie2ns-linux, open synaptic again , choose edit , fix broken packages , then choose apply00:55
Halowbrad_: If you look in Add to Panel, there's Main Menu, which just displays the Ubuntu logo until clicked.00:55
lunie2ns-linuxBluesKaj: Goes in to preparign packages, then E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-webkit_4.5.0-0ubuntu4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4', which is also in package webkit-qt00:56
BluesKajlunie2ns-linux, install webkit-qt if listed , it may generate some other apps that are required , but that's to be expected00:58
mxboy15ucan someone pm with me and tell me how to do something?01:00
mxboy15ui need to create a file in the etc folder01:00
lunie2ns-linuxBluesKaj:  It was already installed, and then I tried to remove it so I could re-install, and got same error E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libqt4-webkit_4.5.0-0ubuntu4_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libQtWebKit.so.4', which is also in package webkit-qt01:01
BluesKajlunie2ns-linux, what exactly are you trying to install ?01:02
BluesKajwhich app01:02
lunie2ns-linuxBluesKaj: earlier I was following a walk-through to add MP3 and OGG support to Sox for SMILE to run correctly ... never succeeded there... and now got a red box up top by the date, and this error and broken file01:04
BluesKajuhoh  lunie2ns-linux , that's beyond my scope ..synching mp3 players in linux isn't my forte :P01:07
brad_Halow:  Thanks, this will work until they fix the side bar stuff.  I appreciate the help.01:07
Halowbrad_: Sorry I couldn't be of more help.01:07
BluesKaj<--- audio snob, I don't even own an mp3 player .01:08
brad_you were plenty of help.  I'm getting to the point where I don't switch over to win7 at all.01:08
lunie2ns-linuxits not syncing..SMILE is to make 3d slideshows...and it utilizes Sox, which needs to have mp3 and ogg support added so i can have music in the slideshows, i believe01:08
BluesKajlunie2ns-linux, well it's till not my area of knowledge..sorry :(01:09
lunie2ns-linuxBluesKaj: ok well thanks, maybe someone else has some knowledge in the area :-)01:10
BluesKajlet's hope so ;)01:10
oOarthurOoHi.. I've enabled the uxa accel method ... how do I confirm that I'm currently using it?01:21
BluesKajglxgears ?01:22
ShakaGoldSaintoOarthurOo, just a shot in the dark, check the X log files :P01:22
BluesKajor glxinfo in the terminal01:22
_Whipperoh, lucky me, i readthe topic :P01:24
BluesKajoOarthurOo, try,  glxinfo | grep direct01:24
ShakaGoldSaintoOarthurOo, try: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep UXA01:25
_Whipperubuntu was.. back then.. a stable and liabele, now more like win, "lets release it. and see what happens"...01:26
jeiworthanyone taken a look at koffice 2.0rc1 yet?01:26
dyfi don't use anything with k at the beginning of the name01:28
oOarthurOoFound it in the logs01:28
oOarthurOo(**) intel(0): Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"01:28
oOarthurOothanks guys01:28
ShakaGoldSaint_Whipper, it's called LTS and call me crazy but I believe that's where the stable-long-release-cycle stuff is01:28
ShakaGoldSaintdyf, +101:29
_WhipperShakaGoldSaint: whatevr..01:29
jeiworthkde 4.2.2 rulez :P01:29
_Whipperkde hasnt been worth a s**t since 3.5 ...01:30
dyfi heard kde 4.x is full of aids01:30
jeiworthwell, then dont use it :P01:31
_Whipperdyf: u heard, i felt01:31
DuckthisHey guys.01:31
ShakaGoldSaintDuckthis, sup butters01:32
_Whipperjeiworth: you bet. and soon the word is spread..01:32
DuckthisNothing more01:32
unkosup guys01:34
jeiworthwhazzaaaaaaaaaaaa unko01:35
SwissChseon x64 hdparm reports that my sda/sdb (soft raid) devs are using 16bit mode. is this normal?01:35
unkook i have a question????? is jaunty stable enough to use yet as my default? im downloading it now and i wanna use it but i wanna make sure it's stable.... i mean it's coming out in like 14 days so it should be fine right01:35
_WhipperSwissChse: yes01:35
dyfunko: why do you wanna use jaunty?01:36
SwissChseok, thanks01:36
_Whipperunko: no01:36
unkoalot of people say its better01:36
jeiworthunko: it still has some glitches here and there which are wrokaroundable if you're not shy changing config files and using console01:37
unkohmm ok01:37
_Whipperunko: right now im looking at a pretty expensive pile of shit, partly becose of f*cked up OS, partly my stupidity to use it..01:38
sebsebseb!langauge |  _Whipper01:38
ubottu_Whipper: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:38
_Whippers**t, sorry01:39
sebsebseb_Whipper: and again heh01:39
unko_Whipper, really? is jaunty that bad?01:39
_Whipperunko: yes01:40
_Whipperits not finnished, released too early01:40
unko_Whipper, alot of people said it the shit01:40
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:41
cetanhota9.04 is still in beta, if your using it now you should be testing it, not using on a machine you count on for day to day use.01:41
_Whippercetanhota: tell it to my clients, who have read the news, its as stable as it gets :P01:42
cetanhotaThe release date is on the 23rd of this month.01:42
_Whipper"just a few klits".. yeah..01:43
=== rww is now known as robertwall
cetanhotaTell you clients to go out and read what Beta means. They are patching every day. Anyone that wants a beta, better be aware of what they are getting into01:43
_Whippercetanhota: are you really that stupid, that you think like MS? let the customers test it? cos i know ubuntu has "alot" of testers...01:45
unkoubutu > MS01:45
jeiworthgeez _Whipper, take it to offtopic  :P01:46
cetanhotaI did not say they should test it. And dont call me stupid. I said they should read what beta means.01:46
cetanhotaThe release date is the 23rd, if they are your clients then you should advice them to wait.01:46
_WhipperI asked you a questinon, cetanh:01:46
cetanhotaWhere did I say let the customer test it?01:47
_WhipperI didnt call you stupid, I asked, Are you?01:47
cetanhotaI dont feel I need to answer that question. Have a good one, and good luck with your clients.01:48
=== stooj is now known as StooJ
_Whipperlearning to read while im writing.. :)01:48
unko_Whipper, so what your said this is how it works..this diagram :: Ubuntu 8.10 > ubuntu 9.0401:49
=== robertwall is now known as rww
_Whippergood luck with ever01:49
unkois that how it wokrs01:49
_Whipperunko: even 6.10 is better01:49
VeinorI'm seeing occasonal black screen flickers on my HP Pavilion, with an nvidia graphics card.01:50
unko9.04 is just another "problem" to fix....01:51
_WhipperVeinor: nothing to worry about, its suppose to do that, like 12 flat panels looked like they where melting :)01:51
charlie-tca_Whipper: not helpful at all01:52
Veinor_Whipper: what01:52
charlie-tcaVeinor: ignore him please. He's giving bad advice01:52
_Whippercharlie-tca: and you are helping ?-)01:52
charlie-tcaIf it stops non-sense, yes01:52
cetanhotaVeinor: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=Nvidia+Driver+bugs see if any of those bugs match what your seeing.01:53
VeinorThat's what I figured.01:53
Veinorcetanhota: It just started happening after an upgrade, though.01:53
drmrhorsei think they changed my ati driver with jaunty, is that possible?01:53
cetanhotaVeinor: 9.04 is still in beta, they are fixing issues every day. It may be worth a look.01:54
x4dI'm getting frequent system freezes on jaunty, I think it might be related to samba as it's acting weird and the system seems to freeze when I try to mount a volume in another computer, anyone having similar problems ?01:54
Veinorhmm. I might try going back to the old nvidia drivers, see if that fixes it01:55
x4dnope... not samba... now it just froze as soon as I moved my mouse in vnc01:55
charlie-tcadrmrhorse: yes, since the old drivers were not compatible with another update01:55
Veinortry the old 9601:56
drmrhorsethe usual propriety driver thing didnt happen, does that mean that propriety alternatives may exist?01:56
XVampireXIf anyone can help me explain how can I install ext4 over ext3 without deleting my ext3 partition content?01:56
VeinorXVampireX: As far as I know this isn't possible01:57
XVampireXso  I need to backup my stuff?01:57
Veinoryep, pretty much01:57
VeinorI dno't think ext4 would be worth it unless you really need something from it01:57
_WhipperVampyre: why not use Resiser?01:58
XVampireXCause I want to see just how good is ext4, but anyhow I am installing it over my root partition then01:58
Veinor*insert murder joke*01:58
XVampireXby the way, kubuntu jaunty jackalope = ROCKS01:58
Veinorreiserfs is a real... KILLER fs choice! dohohohoho01:58
XVampireXeven on live CD right now is just SO fast01:59
NTFSNTFS is the true filesystem01:59
unkoXVampireX, how the hell do computer emit co2?01:59
Jenova_skillANyone fimiliar with encodingvid files?01:59
NTFSumm think about it they use electricty01:59
unkoNTFS, oh...01:59
XVampireXunko, 42 ?01:59
charlie-tcaXVampireX: try this: http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext402:00
unkowell not all electricity comes from fossil fuels02:00
unkoXVampireX, 42 ?02:00
XVampireXQuassel is even showing me snippets from links02:00
drmrhorsehow much CO2 does trolling create?02:00
jeiworthyeah, that is actually pretty neat02:00
NTFSid say 0*0 equals 002:01
NTFSi dont troll so no c02 emissions02:01
XVampireXunko, 42 is the answer... look it up02:01
NTFSext4 sucks02:01
_Whipper42? two mice..?02:01
unkoXVampireX, uh...02:02
XVampireXCome on give me a break, you never read/saw "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" ?02:02
unkoXVampireX, nope... haha02:02
jeiworthread it! the movie is rubbish02:02
_Whipper"good by and thanks for the fish" and stuff ?-)02:02
_Whipperand Adams has written Alot of other stuff too, good as it gets :)02:03
XVampireXI actually didn't read it I just saw the movie I thought the part where the answer to everything was 42!02:04
_Whipperbut.. still i thinkl Ed Bunker takes the lead.. :)02:04
_Whipperxwam: XXX02:05
jeiworthhmm was that the name of the holographic detective?02:05
_Whipperjeiworth: nope02:06
_WhipperEdward Bunker is another writer.. was..02:06
XVampireXSo we've got the linux desktop, when do we get the linux audio workstation?02:06
_WhipperEB went to SntQuentin when he was 17 :)02:07
jeiworthaaah the running man, habisch gelesen D:02:09
jeiworthops, wrong language :P running man i've read02:09
drmrhorsei found a driver package that says it supports my ati radeon X1350 video card in jaunty, but it was not installed. should i give it a go? and if so, do i need to reboot to test it?02:11
jeiworthah exactly, the book was by stephen king02:11
jeiworthwell, since you¿re betatesting anyway, i say go for it ;)02:12
drmrhorseweee. i guess i should do the dbg package too02:12
* drmrhorse tries to break his computer02:13
XVampireXbe right back :D02:13
drmrhorseand should i reboot?02:13
HalowYou'll likely need to restart X at the least.02:13
jeiworthafaik yes, at least log off and restart the xserver02:13
drmrhorsecool, bbl02:14
* drmrhorse still has a display02:16
jeiworthdrmrhorse: so, how is it?02:17
brad_the bit torrent client that ships with jaunty has problems with resuming after hibernating... is there one that others recommend?02:17
drmrhorselooks the same, going to try out a game and see if my problem is fixed02:18
hili use deluge02:19
drmrhorsebah, problem not fixed. oh well02:19
amon__i use azureus02:19
hilbut dont use hiberna5tion, so i cant give info on that ;)02:20
drmrhorsei got a whole bunch of this: [driAllocateTexture:635] unable to allocate texture02:20
brad_i've used azureus on the windows side... it's nice but a resource hog.02:20
_WhipperEB was not fiction by Stphn.King, mighty as he is.. :)02:21
macvrhi all... my PrtSc key which usually activates screenshot isnt working? even though i have selected it in the keyboard shortcuts!!! am i missing something?02:22
_WhipperHe was in the hmm.. "resrvoir of the.." as i recall correctly..02:22
macvrbrad_: vuze4[azureus] works fine in ubuntu... no hogging02:23
drmrhorsei noticed ktorrent wasnt working so well, but that may be my setup with gnome and kde apps02:24
drmrhorsealso amarok wasnt working02:25
amon__why is lame still not installable02:26
eseven73anyone have issues with getting USB devices to work in SUN's Vbox? They show up if I right click on the usb icon but they're greyed out and say NO USB Devices Attached, I have them all set up in the options too02:26
Halowamon__: I had no problems installing it. What error were you getting?02:28
drmrhorseamarok fixed. had to install xine-ffmpeg02:29
amon__E: Package lame has no installation candidate02:29
Halowamon__: It's in multiverse. Have that enabled?02:30
amon__just fixed it thanks Halow02:32
Halowamon__: Welcome!02:32
nandemonaiAnyone had any luck with a work around for bug 357949?02:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in libxml2 "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794902:37
nandemonaiOoo fixed eh?02:37
macvr hi all... my PrtSc key which usually activates screenshot isnt working? even though i have selected it in the keyboard shortcuts!!! am i missing something? does it work for anyone else?02:38
nandemonaiWorking here.02:38
macvrnandemonai: why isnt it working for me? am i missing something?02:39
nandemonaiNot sure, mine worked off the bat. I did have problems with other shortcuts but updates seem to have fixed that.02:40
macvrnandemonai: k...02:40
macvri just realized that if i change the window manager to metacity rather than compiz it works!!! but not with compiz??? how do i solve this?02:46
eseven73for anyone that was wondering, I had to make myself in same group as vboxusers to use the usb devices on Sun's VBox :D02:46
brad_I will ask in case anyone knows (I've went through synaptics and can't find what I'm looking for)  I have about 150 accounts telnet/ssh on different devices that I have to change my  passwords every 60-90 days and was wondering if there was an app that could assist me with this?02:46
nandemonaimacvr: Conflicting shortcut in compiz?02:47
macvrnandemonai: yeah02:48
macvrnandemonai: oops nooo..02:48
macvrnandemonai: i dont use that shortcut for anything else!02:48
nandemonaiNot sure then sorry.02:49
macvrnandemonai: k... np02:50
macvrnandemonai: ok... figured it out... they have a new compiz option gnome compatibility, had to enable it... :) now works :)02:53
nandemonaiAh nice one.02:56
timoguinI can't get jockey to activate the nvidia driver. This is the error in jockey.log: 2009-04-08 21:07:51,406 WARNING: modinfo for module nvidia failed: modinfo: could not find module nvidia03:12
coz_timoguin,  did you just install the nvidia driver?03:20
timoguincoz_: I tried to install it manually and edit xorg.conf with nvidia-xconfig, but x fails to start with a "nvidia module not found" error.03:22
coz_timoguin,  ok hold on03:22
timoguinI also tried installing it via jockey, which gives the afore mentioned error.03:22
coz_timoguin,  what procedure did you use to install manually?03:23
timoguincoz_: I tried installing nvidia-glx-180 with apt.03:24
coz_timoguin,  ah ok you mean through the hardware dirvers03:24
coz_timoguin,  did you reboot the system03:24
timoguinI also uninstalled all the old drivers with synaptic.03:25
timoguincoz_: Yes, x fails to start after installation, saying it can't find the nvidia module.03:25
coz_timoguin,  ok go back into system/administration hardware drivers  to see if the nvidia driver is activated03:26
timoguincoz_: It's not. That's the problem.03:26
timoguinI activate it using jockey, and it doesn't actually activate it.03:26
timoguinAnd the only evidence of any error is in jockey.log.03:26
timoguin"Could not find module nvidia"03:27
coz_timoguin,  and if you activate it under hardware drivers it does nothing?03:27
timoguincoz_: Jockey == hardware drivers03:27
coz_sorry right03:27
sanzkyhello. Does anyone knows howto get brasero tu burn mp3s to an audio cd? What packages do I need?03:27
coz_lame maybe?03:28
crdlbsanzky: ubuntu-restricted-extras should be enough03:28
sanzkythanks crdlb03:28
coz_timoguin,  I am not sure then03:31
Turlpidgin is crashing when connecting to GTalk03:32
nandemonaiTurl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35794903:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 357949 in libxml2 "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Fix released]03:33
nandemonaiSays fixed but still crashing for me.03:33
Turlnandemonai: same here03:33
Turlnandemonai: changed it to "confirmed", hope it's fixed soon03:34
nandemonaiYeah likewise.03:35
Joker_-_My computer (Q6600 4gb - running mythbuntu Jaunty) crashed twice today. I'd like to know if anyone else has suffered from simillar problems?03:48
Joker_-_It never crashed before... Could it be somehow related to updates?03:48
Joker_-_I update all the time, bout twice a day.03:48
Joker_-_it's updating as we speek...03:49
timoguinJoker_-_: Running jaunty?03:49
Joker_-_well, beta or whatever state it is by now03:49
jtholmesnot a good idea for your prime machine03:50
Joker_-_thats not my prime machine03:51
Joker_-_but my prime machine is also on jaunty ;) My desktop that is ;)03:51
jtholmesnot good, yet03:51
Joker_-_my servers are on hardy or something liek that03:52
Joker_-_an old one... way too old I think. I'mma make the switch to 9.10 when it's stable03:52
jtholmesyou can expect problems with jaunty we are not even to a RC yet03:52
Joker_-_anyway, no idea about that crashes?03:52
jtholmesdid you look on launchpad and search03:52
Joker_-_I understand, but it's been pretty stable03:52
Joker_-_thats the first time it crashes, and it did twice the same day so I'm suspicious03:53
Joker_-_no, I prefer talking to people and see if anyone is having the same problem as we speak before searching on forums and the like ;)03:53
Joker_-_call me old school but I like people :)03:53
jtholmesdont fault that at all, however not everyone has a g6600 so a cursory search on launch pad might show some info03:54
Joker_-_usually, if the problem affects a relase, lost of people would be here whining bout that and I'd know what its all about03:55
timoguinJoker_-_: Well, I installed jaunty last night. I can't get the nvidia drivers to work, but it's not crashing or anything.03:55
Joker_-_yeah, I'll check it out... Someone pointed me that Drivers could be a problem (nvidia in my case - I downgraded yesterday for tests)03:55
Joker_-_and maybe memory03:55
Joker_-_someone told me, has or hans or something liek that, someone here told me that maybe nvidia 173 had overscan feature enabled03:56
jtholmesi have see some problems with nvidia drivers03:56
Joker_-_well, dont downgrade just yet: it doesnt03:56
Joker_-_jtholmes: I've been running 2 boxes with nvidia drivers and havent had much problems with em03:57
Joker_-_jtholmes: you can have some problems with driver installers and config, but the driver itself looks fine to em03:57
jtholmesJoker_-_, look on #ubuntu-bugs channel also03:57
Joker_-_jtholmes: try the 180, or the lastests from nvidia03:57
Joker_-_I personally use the lastests, but that might not be the recommanded route03:58
Joker_-_I switched back to 173 yesterday but will re-install the lastests as soon as I understand what's happening03:58
jtholmesi am running stock nvidia drivers that come with the daily-live iso's and have had zero video problems03:58
Joker_-_thats nv driver, the generic opensource driver03:59
Joker_-_it'll run fine but you might miss some fancy features03:59
jtholmesdont run those03:59
Joker_-_say, tv-out functions, 3d accel, etc.03:59
jtholmesi am involved with testing kubuntu and ubuntu daily-live iso's so dont have time to mix things up04:00
timoguinJoker_-_: The 180 driver is working fine for you on jaunty?04:00
Joker_-_timoguin: IIRC it was, but I was using the lastest from nvidia website for the past few weeks04:00
jtholmesi dont have jaunty up at the moment so i cant tell you what one is loading04:00
Joker_-_timoguin: 173 might not be the source of my problem btw. Untill I have proof of that, 172 is fine by me.04:01
Joker_-_could be some myth-tv related bugs aswell...04:02
Joker_-_I had problems with opengl in myth-tv yesterday, thats why I fooled with the drivers.04:02
timoguinJoker_-_: My issue is that when I install the nvidia driver, everything appears to work fine, except the module doesn't actually get install.04:02
timoguinI've tried 180 and 173. Working my way down.04:03
Joker_-_timoguin: I personally uninstalled every drivers from ubuntu installed automagically and installed the lastests from nvidia with their installer04:03
Joker_-_wich ran flawlessly04:03
timoguinI'll try that if I don't get this working within the next few minutes.04:04
Joker_-_timoguin: I can tell it's defenitly not the route ubuntu guys would recommand tho04:04
Joker_-_timoguin: if it doesnt, be on the safe side and remove the nvidia driver before doing anything else, just in case...04:04
Joker_-_"nvidia-uninstall" or something like that04:05
timoguinJoker_-_: Will do.04:05
DanaGNice changelog for networkmanager-dbgsym:04:06
VeinorWoohoo, got the screen flicker to stop.04:06
DanaG  * debian/init: Set sane level for 'Speaker' and 'Headphone', too. Needed for Dell Mini 9 and Dell E series.04:06
DanaG... wtf?  Shows changelog from a completely different package, if you scroll too fast.04:06
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as error404notfound
VeinorHaha, did you copy-paste the wrong thing?04:07
VeinorI mean, everybody knows sound functionality is being integrated to networkmanager-dbgsym. It's only logical.04:07
Joker_-_Veinor: Have you eard about Xorg integrating vbox?04:08
coz_any problems with the current big update today?04:09
Joker_-_coz_: 2 crashes so far?04:09
Joker_-_coz_: could be related or not.04:10
coz_Joker_-_  system crashes?04:10
Joker_-_coz_: yeah, total locks04:10
coz_oh yikes04:10
Joker_-_coz_: on a pretty decent system, that never crashed before04:11
DanaGVeinor: nope, try selecting the updates list, and then scrolling with keyboard.04:11
DanaGIt'll get stuck showing the wrong changelogs.04:11
coz_Joker_-_,  ok04:11
Joker_-_coz_: might be nvidia driver, ram, or well, "something"04:11
coz_guys has anyone had the same issue I am having.. every three or 4 times I try to update withing sysanptic I get   E: The package cache file is corrupted04:11
coz_E: _cache->open() failed, please report.04:11
coz_I always have to remove those files and restart synaptic04:12
Joker_-_coz_: dunno bout the gui thing but in console it works fine for me here.04:12
Joker_-_coz_: I update bout twice a day04:13
coz_Joker_-_,  same here and via terminal it works fine but via synatpic I get corrup pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin04:14
dooghey #u+1 - can someone help me please?04:29
doogi installed u8.10 yesterday (Wubi) & updated to 9.0404:29
doogtoday I couldn't boot into ubuntu at all - but eventually realised that if I picked the previous kernel from the grub menu, I can04:30
doogbut when I do, the network doesn't come up04:30
doogI'm using a dhcp wired connection, so it should be quite straightforward to get working, but I can't work it out04:30
DuckthisCan I reduce my Ubuntu partition to install another distrobution?04:31
doogyeah - something like gparted or qtparted can do it04:32
DuckthisYeah ok04:32
doogyou don't want to be resizing the partition you booted from though - so boot from a live cd and run *parted from there04:32
AK_Daveyes, but not while the partition is mounted04:32
frybyedoog - did you get all updates for the 8.10 before doing the    update-manager -d to get 9.04?? (and - why didn't you just install 9.04 directly?)04:33
doog*note: my advice is a year old - i've not run linux for ages04:33
DuckthisYeah actually already knew that04:33
doogfrybye: I did04:33
doogfrybye: 274 or so of them i think04:33
doogfrybye: i tried, but wubi wouldn't work.  someone later told me that wubi won't install betas04:33
DuckthisI've run linux... a week more or less04:33
AK_Davedepending on what FS the partition is formatted with you may not even need to play with gparted. ext2/3 partitions have tools that allow them to be played with on-the-fly04:33
coz_Duckthis,  multiple boots is really something you should plan before the first install  just my opinion04:34
frybyei c.. downloading/burning the iso and doing a real install is the way to go - anyhows...04:34
AK_Daveonly my netbook doesn't have multiple bootables, and the netbook is capable of it because I planned ahead with a seperate /boot partition04:34
DuckthisI wanted to try openSolaris and reinstall Windows XP as a "gaming platform".04:34
doogfrybye: it's not my pc, i didn't have time to back up all the data and foolishly thought wubi would be 'safe'04:34
doogturns out it's trashed some part of the ntfs filesystem04:34
frybyedoog: gottcha - perhaps someone else can help with the network probs.  I was just a little curious...04:35
doogfrybye: you're the only one awake :)04:35
AK_Daveits possible for wubi and ntfs to bicker, but it usually requires performing some "unusual" shutdowns along the way. unusual = hard reboots04:35
doog\it worked fine up until i noticed that some random windows files were corrupted04:36
DuckthisWell thanks for your opinion guys! Have to go. Take care of Ubuntu!04:36
* AK_Dave is not a fan of wubi04:36
frybyenot really .. would help if I could but not that knowledgable.. did the jaunty find the network card...04:36
doogmy accounts.xml (pidgin account file) contains 65536 apparently random characters followed by the rest of the (XML) data it originally contained04:36
doogseems like the ntfs driver has been randomly overwriting stuff with junk04:36
doogjaunty was working fine with the network card, yes04:37
doogand so was 8.1004:37
frybyedoog you might have to check a point with "use system settings" or similar in the networkmanager...04:37
doogi did have to edit /etc/network/interfaces by hand - i couldn't figure out what the magic incantation for the network manager applet was to get it to write what i wanted in that file04:37
doogi now have 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' and 'auto eth0' in there04:38
doog(along with the pre-existing 2 lines for 'lo')04:38
frybyelike I say pal - I am basically a bit too much newbie myself in this area...04:38
doogwhen i run 'sudo ifup eth0' i see: 'execve (/sbin/dhclient-script. ...): Permission denied04:39
doogwhich is weird - /sbin/dhclient-script has 755 perms04:39
frybyeu in gnome - perhaps you need gksudo ...?04:39
doogit's much the same - the distinction is only for X stuff, which none of this is04:40
frybyedoog - you are much more knowledgable than me - hang in there a bit and there will be a few more european gurus crawling out of the feathers within an hour or two I guess...04:40
doogi just tried the gksudo version, and got the same message04:41
frybyewas just a thought...04:41
doogsure - appreciated04:41
doog(enough to try it :) )04:41
frybyedoog talke to AK_Dave about this stuff - perhaps he has some suggestions...04:43
Ienorandfrybye: Might take awhile... in the uk it's 4am :)04:43
doogAK_Dave: did you see any of that?04:44
frybyelenorand - I am in Germany and the time is only slightly more civilised.. ;=)04:44
doogi'm in  prague, and the time here is exactly as civilised as in germany :)04:45
frybyelenorand 4.44h in uk - anyhows.. comes back to the same situation...04:45
doogie. not at all04:45
frybyewell I am outa here for a bit - hope you get sorted soon... bye04:46
* AK_Dave doesn't use pidgin or yahoo!04:46
danbhfive_jauntyanyone know how to make the restricted driver icon show up?04:49
AK_Daveits in System > Administration04:50
doog¨AK_Dave: trying to get my networking working again - i found that using a static ip address works04:50
doogdhcp doesn't04:50
Exposure101has anyone had any authentication problems when upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04b04:50
doogso the network card is detected fine, and works - but dhcp is failing for some reason04:50
danbhfive_jauntyAK_Dave: no, Im looking for the notification icon04:51
doogExposure101: none here - i ran 'update-manager -d' or some such, and it all went swimmingly04:52
Exposure101i upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04b and I did have it set to autologin and now it is saying "Authentication Failed" on the login screen and it keeps popping up and I can't do anything04:52
doog(for a day or so - then fell apart)04:52
danbhfive_jauntynvm, I got it!04:52
Exposure101I sshed into it and reset my password and reinstalled gnome04:52
Exposure101still nothing04:52
doogi didn't use autologin04:53
doogmy 8.10 password still works with 9.0404:53
Exposure101on this desktop im on the autologin worked fine04:53
Exposure101my other desktop didnt04:53
Exposure101its very strange they almost have the exact same setup just different hardware04:54
dooganything in the auth.log?04:54
Exposure101this desktop is much slower though, so it is kind of a bummer that my fast desktop is a brick04:54
Exposure101yeah "Authentication Failed" over and over04:54
Exposure101im rebooting it right now and its doing "Routine disk checks" oh the fun04:55
doogi'm sure you can set it not to use auto-login04:55
Exposure101i just don't know where to do that04:55
doogmaybe in the gdm.conf?04:55
doogi don't know either04:55
evilaim_Howdy all.04:55
Exposure101yeah when it boots back up ill check04:56
Exposure101this kinda sucks though04:56
Exposure101found it04:57
evilaim_I'm bored04:58
evilaim_been bitchin' at the #ubuntu on efnet04:58
evilaim_very ignorant admins over there:)04:59
=== evilaim_ is now known as evilaim
doogis reinstalling the latest kernel likely to fix anything?05:00
evilaimUmm, what?05:00
evilaimDepends if the issues like with a corrupt kernel.05:00
dooghuh?  "fetched 35.6MB in 11s (3172kB/s)" - really?  in windows I get 300kB/s max05:01
evilaimbut usually no05:01
hiland if dont reinstall the same kernel, maybe... ;)05:01
doogI can't boot the newest 9.04 kernel (2.6.28) but 2.6.27 boots fine05:01
doogis 2.6.27 from ubuntu 8.10?  or is it from 9.04?05:01
evilaimumm, could it possibly your Grub setup is incorrect?05:02
doogi've not touched it05:02
evilaimare you sure that you have that set to the right hdd?05:02
evilaimI would look into that before you start reinstalling kernels and all that.05:02
doogwhen i try to boot it, i see 'error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format'05:03
evilaimyou see, that's a grub erro..05:03
doogright after '/disks/root.disk ro BOOTFLAGS=synclo quiet slash'05:03
doogi'm using wubi05:03
a1fawhat is the netbook remix package called?05:04
a1faI have one of the original netbooks :) dell latitude ls P3 500Mhz05:04
AK_Daveits a tough one to remember05:04
evilaimalfa... for future refrence: apt-cache search netbook05:04
a1fahi dave05:04
evilaimand change netbook to what package you want to find...05:05
evilaimusually more useful;)05:05
a1faevilaim: sure05:05
evilaimdoog: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110482205:05
AK_Davea1fa: what netbook?05:05
evilaimlooks to be about the same issue you're having05:05
a1faAK_Dave: Dell Latitude LS05:05
doogi just checked the grub menu.lst and the lines for 2.6.27 and 2.6.28 are pretty much identical05:06
doog(other than one has 8's where the other has 7's)05:06
evilaimdoog, paste it to: www.pastebin.com05:06
evilaimthen paste me the link please.05:06
dtchenanyone using an HP Mini on jaunty?05:06
* AK_Dave does05:06
dtchenAK_Dave: which model? what stuff is broken?05:07
* AK_Dave uses mini-9 w/ jaunty05:07
dtchenerr, that's a Dell, though, not an HP05:07
evilaimanyone else using 9.04 64bit with ext4?05:07
AK_Davenothing broken, but aircraft-manager is unavailable05:07
evilaimit's... interesting.05:07
AK_Davesee www.ubuntumini.com and join the google group05:07
dtcheni bought an HP Mini tonight to fix some audio issues05:07
* AK_Dave uses jaunty-64 w/ ext4 on his big laptop05:07
evilaimak, you get any freezing?05:08
* AK_Dave uses jaunty-386 w/ ext4 & encrypted /home on his mini905:08
AK_Daveno freezing. Under what conditions should I look for freezing?05:08
Exposure101how is ext4?05:08
Exposure101any faster?05:08
evilaimI had audacious and did sudo apt-get upgrade05:09
evilaimExposure101: it's 30% faster05:09
evilaimyou can find big info online about it05:09
Exposure101really? maybe i should switch05:09
Exposure101is it worth the effort?05:09
evilaimWell, I'm just beta testing it05:09
Exposure101o ok05:09
AK_Davedon't know if it is jaunty, the kernel, or ext4, but my Gateway laptop boots in the time my Mini-9 used to boot (20sec grub-to-GDM) and my Mini9 boots in 2/3 the time it used to boot.05:09
evilaimI got it on my amd 64x2 box05:09
doogevilaim: paste the menu.lst?05:09
Exposure101i can't even log into jaunty this sux05:10
evilaimdoog, yes please05:10
evilaimak, I'm the same05:10
evilaimI have about a 20s boot time05:10
evilaimI used to have about 40s05:10
Exposure101holly crap05:10
Exposure101mines about 4005:10
Exposure101i don't mind to much05:10
Exposure101its a server05:10
Exposure101so i can't complain05:10
evilaimya, I get full gui login in about 25-30s fully ready to use05:11
evilaimloaded with AWN...05:11
evilaimfull compiz and all05:11
dooglusevilaim: http://pastebin.com/m12f82e8e05:11
dooglus(for it is me, on the broken machine)05:11
Exposure101how do i reinstall GDM from ssh05:11
Exposure101sudo apt-get ? gdm05:11
* AK_Dave thinks that sometimes the easiest way to reinstall a package of an unknown name is to use Synaptic's GUI05:12
Exposure101yeah...im not able to use a GUI right now05:12
Exposure101and it sux05:12
DanaGAK_Dave: check out aptitude.05:13
evilaimNot sure, I think it might be your root05:13
evilaimthey're the same...05:13
DanaGRun it with no parameters -- it gives a nifty text ui.05:13
evilaimusually those are different.05:13
Exposure101whats the apt-get command to completely remove something05:13
Exposure101sudo apt-get remove is just the regular remove right?05:14
Exposure101sweet thanks05:14
doogi've reinstalled the kernel packages, and am rebooting05:14
AK_Daveyes, aptitude offers all the functionality of synaptic05:14
evilaimsudo -purge remove package05:14
evilaimsudo apt-get -purge remove package05:14
DanaGsudo aptitude purge05:14
doog--purge isn't it?05:14
doog(two -'s)05:15
DanaGno redundant --purge remove05:15
Exposure101yea sudo aptitude purge gdm worked05:15
doogwell, whadaya know - reinstalling the kernel fixed it!05:15
doogI think the ntfs driver went screwy and failed a bunch of writes last time05:15
doogit's damaged all manner of stuff05:15
evilaimI would never have thought it05:16
doogi'm using wubi, so all writes go via the ntfs-3g driver05:16
Exposure101yea thats pretty obscure05:16
evilaimWell, good beans05:16
Exposure101i think i might have fixed my problem05:16
Exposure101just reinstall gdm and gnome 3 times05:16
doogit's left me with a really bad feeling though05:16
doogi can't trust wubi any more05:16
evilaimsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:17
doogmaybe it's a one-off freak occurrance05:17
doogor maybe it'll keep trashing my files one by one05:17
DanaGodd... I did sudo aptitude --download-only..... and it went right on and said "forget that..." and just started installing.05:17
doogany idea how good it is?05:17
evilaimHow good what is?05:17
doogsudo aptitude --download-only --ignore-me-do-what-you-think-is-best ...05:17
dooghow good is the ntfs driver these days, for writing to ntfs05:17
evilaimit's great05:18
evilaimworks really good05:18
evilaimI've never had issues.05:18
dooghere's what happened to me:05:18
doogI installed pidgin in windows05:18
doogi have a czech laptop, with czech windows.  i don't speak czech05:18
evilaim*blank stare*05:18
doogpidgin, when i set my status to 'away', was setting my status message to something ugly in czech05:19
a1fadoog: where u from?05:19
* AK_Dave laughs05:19
a1fahow is Czech land?05:19
a1fachicks gorgeus as always?05:19
evilaimWhy don't you just install the english settings for windows?05:19
doogso i edited the accounts.xml file, and removed all the czech <message>...</message> lines to stop it doing that05:19
AK_Dave"something ugly in Czech"05:19
Exposure101yeah really, how did u get a czech version and why did you install it...why didn't you change the language05:19
evilaimisn't it in the control panel under language?05:19
doogI edited it in emacs, so it created a backup in accounts.xml~05:19
doogthat file is pretty big - 66k or so - and all plain text (xml actually)05:19
a1fajust install crapbuntu ontop of windows05:20
a1fayou be good to go05:20
AK_Davehindsight: should have installed ubuntu to a usb stick and used that instead of wubi05:20
evilaimever heard of vmware?05:21
evilaimSkip the middle man, and just virtualize your life!05:21
bretcolinvirtualbox works better05:23
evilaimonly cause it's free...05:23
evilaimif VMware was free you'd be all over it like... something... thats... over vmware...05:23
bretcolinit is free if you download it from rapidshare05:24
evilaim*disregards that comment*05:24
bretcolinor something like that05:24
a1fa9.04 will run lilo?05:24
* AK_Dave loves vbox05:24
a1faeww is right05:25
a1fait said lilo is being installed05:25
bretcolineww who05:25
a1faupdate-manager -d05:25
evilaimI'm good05:25
evilaimI've done my apt-get upgrade for the day05:27
Mulderi have discovered an ext4 bug. but i have no idea what technical conditions trigger it05:41
evilaimMulder, error?05:41
a1faupdate-manager fail05:41
a1fatwo different laptops05:41
a1fait downloads all files05:41
a1fathen it dies05:42
a1fai had to rerun update-manager for it to finally install05:42
Mulder27gb home partition for /home, ext4.  about 1.6gb in my home dir. i unpacked linux kernel source in my home dir, and compiled modules. [using apt-get source linux-image-something...].  then when i go to rm -rf ~/linux-2.6.28 it crashes during the deletion05:42
Mulderreproducable every time now05:43
Mulderbooted up ubuntu in recovery mode, and during the hang the terminal reports that it has detected a softcrash cause cpu has been locked up for 61 seconds05:43
Mulderand continues to report thta every once in a while til i reboot05:43
Mulderso now i have a directory i cant delete heh05:44
a1faboot into linux single05:44
a1faand try from there05:44
Mulderisnt that what the recovery mode is?05:44
a1famv to /dev/null05:45
Mulderthat's not how files work? :P05:45
Mulderthat's like replacing the special character file /dev/null with what you intend to move05:47
Mulderby the same account i may as well just mv it to a regular file05:47
DanaGhow about 'touch /forcefsck' ?05:48
DanaGthen reboot to ... force... fsck.05:48
Muldermy last reboot triggered a routine fsck check05:49
Mulderit didnt report any errors that i could see05:49
=== lacqui_ is now known as lacqui
Tefad9.04 beta: display rotation on my laptop left me with a blank screen. rebooted, get gdm, selected gnome failsafe session (or whatever the name is) still get blank screen after sign on05:53
charles1does somebody have the ubuntu 904 with compiz? cause i have both and i cannot use compiz features05:53
ubottuBug 904 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/904 is private05:53
Tefadcharles1: it was working on my decrepit laptop until i tried rotating the screen05:54
Tefadradeon mobility 7500 for the.. win?05:54
* crdlb looks up05:55
crdlbTefad: remove ~/.gnome2/monitors.xml05:56
DanaGalt-f2, xrandr -o 005:56
DanaGletter o, number zero.05:56
Tefadi guess i need to reboot again05:57
charles1Tefad i cant have any feature, do u want a printsreen of my compiz?05:57
bjsnidermobility 7500. that's a really old chip05:57
Tefadbjsnider: i said decrepit05:57
* crdlb loves his M705:57
DanaG0 is "normal"05:57
Tefadwhat's the key sequence for logging off in gnome05:57
Muldersomeone's already filed a bug report05:57
Tefadi can hit the power button to get the menu, but i'm blind05:57
MulderSoft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.2805:58
Mulderthat's me!05:58
Mulderyay. glad i dont have to file anything05:58
TefadMulder: uh oh. my rootfs is ext405:58
Tefadi created and deleted a 1G file upon installation..05:58
Tefadwhy doesn't failsafe mode ignore monitor config05:59
doktoreashello folks05:59
doktoreasa really great work this new ubuntu06:00
evilaimThanks, I did it all myself...06:00
* evilaim runs away*06:00
evilaimshit I'm bored.06:00
MulderTefad, it only affects file deletion. i imagine you dont need to do that often on you rootfs06:01
bjsniderevilaim, what's this other ubuntu channel you were in?06:01
evilaimthe one on efnet06:01
charles1does somebody have the ubuntu 904 with compiz? cause i have both and i cannot use compiz features06:01
evilaimops there are highly ignorant.06:01
ubottuBug 904 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/904 is private06:01
evilaimevery question ends with a "google it"06:01
bjsniderwhy is there one on efnet06:02
evilaimthen they treat users like crap06:02
evilaimIt doesn't do much good to be honest.06:02
TefadMulder: who wouldn't delete files on their rootfs?06:02
MulderTefad, the only thing i can think of requiring significant writes are the logs and most of those would be append or move or create operations no?06:03
Tefadwhat about my home directory?06:03
Mulderi suppose if you didnt have a separate /tmp you might do a lot of deletes06:03
Tefadi have only boot and root06:03
Mulderok then06:03
Tefadso far so good06:03
Mulderin that case... i'd be a little nervous06:04
Mulderhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/330824 is the bug report in question if you're curious06:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 330824 in linux "Soft lockups (freezes) when deleting files from ext4 partitions on 2.6.28" [Medium,In progress]06:04
evilaimWell, I'm gunna get going on my date.06:05
evilaimI might be back, but prolly not;)06:05
evilaimhave a good night all06:05
Tefadcrdlb: that file does not exist06:05
Tefadany other ideas?06:05
VeinorIs there a way to close a notification quickly?06:08
VeinorLike, in case I'm done reading it and want it to disappear or to move on to the next notification?06:08
HalowThey're not interactive. Unless you count the "hovering to fade" interaction.06:09
VeinorMkay. Also, are pidgin notifications supposed to be non-merging?06:10
Veinorhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#merging says that notify OSD should have the ability to merge notifications.06:10
HalowIf you have the same buddy with the same alias signing on to two protocols, yes, they merge.06:11
DanaGOh, try notify-osd when skipping tracks in quodlibet.06:11
HalowOther than that, I really don't see how they would merge.06:12
VeinorHalow: If one person sends you repeated messages.06:12
HalowOf the same exact text?06:12
VeinorNo no no.06:12
VeinorLike, I have one buddy who hits enter after every fifth word.06:12
Tefadcrdlb: i think it's ~/.config/monitors.xml06:13
HalowVeinor: Nope. One notification per send.06:13
crdlbTefad: oops06:13
VeinorThere's apparently suppoesd to be a spec for merging those notifications though even if they're not sent at the same time.06:13
HalowIt's obnoxious. I have a few of those buddies. =/06:13
Tefadblind leading the blind?06:13
Tefadnow, how do i go about disabling rotation/reflection et al06:14
HalowVeinor: It says that, but I've never seen it ACTUALLY merge them.06:14
VeinorRight. Maybe that's just a feature to be implemented.06:14
Veinoreither that, or pidgin isn't saying that the notifications are mergeable. Either way, there's a bug/feature request here.06:15
opticalmousei'm currently using jaunty06:39
Chr|sopticalmouse» cool, me too06:41
Chr|sopticalmouse» what do you need help with?06:41
prohnawell i upgraded to jaunty and lost sound, the error i get with aplay -l is aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found..., everything worked fine with ibex06:41
Chr|sprohna» after you upgraded to jaunty, did you go to System > Administration > Update Manger and check for updates?06:42
prohnayea ive been doing updates every night since then06:42
prohnabeen about 4 days or so06:42
Im_ToastI wouldn't know if my sound works or not =P no speakers =D06:43
Chr|sI think your best bet is go to #alsa they probably could help you better than I can, unless someone else in here can help06:43
Im_ToastNot me lolz, sorry06:43
prohnathx for the advice06:43
Im_ToastI use 8.10... I just like reading people helping =P06:44
Im_ToastI learn a lot doing it lol06:44
Chr|sIm_Toast» same :)06:44
Im_ToastI started with Linux 3 days ago lol06:44
Chr|sIm_Toast» stick with it, it may be bumpy for the first week or 2, but you will learn and grow with it06:45
Chr|subuntu is very promising06:45
Im_ToastRight now I've got both Gnome and Kde on so I can play with them and decide which I like better06:45
Im_ToastI don't really see much difference between ubuntu, mint, fedora etc.06:46
prohnaoh yea just wait till something breaks06:46
Chr|sIm_Toast» good thing to do, I like gnome better :)06:46
prohnaand yer FORCED to learn06:46
prohnathats the besst06:46
Im_ToastI had a problem with something the first day where my screen was just fuzzy whenever I logged in06:46
Im_Toastthe only way I could log in is with failsafe terminal06:47
Im_ToastAnd then I was just trying to diagnose the problem... and one time I rebooted and it worked o.O06:47
Chr|sTrial and Error :)06:48
Im_ToastAnd I had this wierd problem that my Synaptic didn't have several programs that people were saying I needed to install06:48
Im_Toastthen with the updates I guess it was yesterday... they randomly appeared06:49
Im_ToastBut I had to manually download compiz-switch and adobe-flashplugin lol06:49
Im_ToastI just found an awesome shortcut06:51
Im_Toastin the alt-f2 run dialog06:51
dooglusif I use gqview and click 'edit in ... the gimp', nothing happens, other than the console shows 'sh: gimp-remote: not found'06:51
Im_Toastif you press down arrow, it automatically pulls up gnome-terminal06:52
dooglusIm_Toast: how so?  if I press the down arrow it just moves the focus down - doesn't select or do anything else06:52
dooglusso I press alt-f2, type 'ls' or something, hit the down arrow - then?06:53
Im_ToastI just pressed alt-f2 and pressed down and it filled in "Gnome-terminal"06:54
dooglusIm_Toast: I think the box you type the command into keeps a history of things you've typed06:55
dooglusthe down arrow is scrolling through the history06:55
macvrCopyright(c) 2006 USMLE WORLD, Please do not save, print, cut, copy or paste anything while USMLE WORLD is running. Thanks!!06:55
dooglusI never use alt-f2, so my history is empty, and so down does nothing06:55
Im_Toastup pulled up synaptic06:55
Im_Toastmaybe it's just in 8.10 lol... I'm in here just to see what people are saying06:55
dooglusIm_Toast: these are things you've run from alt-F2 before, right?06:55
Im_ToastOnly gnome-terminal06:56
Im_Toastnever done synaptic06:56
macvr hi all... is there a way to play/pause streaming divX videos? the totem firefox plugin once paused doesnt load the video and doesnt have a position seaker...06:56
dooglusmacvr: I like mplayer-nogui06:59
dooglusmacvr: what's an example of a divx stream I can try it on?06:59
macvrdooglus:http://missedashow.net/ try this site for any show...07:00
dooglusoh, you need a browser plugin?07:01
dooglusmacvr: try "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer" maybe?07:03
macvrdooglus: does it play for u?07:03
dooglusmacvr: i only just installed the plugin - restart Fx now07:04
macvrdooglus: k...07:04
dooglusit still used the totem player, so I'm "sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla" and restarting again07:06
macvrdooglus:  i'v installed vlc plugin too, but firefox seems to use only the totem plugin... tried disabling the plugin to use the vlc plugin but then the video wouldnt load!!!07:07
dooglusit's not loading for me either with the mplayer plugin07:08
dooglusoh, seems i picked a bad episode07:09
dooglushttp://missedashow.net/media/2330/South_Park_Season_13_Episode_3/ is playing ok with mplayer plugin07:09
macvrdooglus: are u able to pause?07:09
dooglusi can pause and resume, yes07:10
dooglusit's not a great interface in the plugin07:10
dooglusbut it does work07:10
macvrdooglus: k.. still downloading the plugin, my connection seems a bit slow... will get back after install07:10
dooglusi"m getting 10 times faster downloads in ubuntu than in windows07:11
gwhipdo i 'need' a swap partition or is there a way to have a swap file, not partition07:11
dooglus3000kB/s compared to 300kB/s in windows07:11
dooglusyou don't need either if you have enough RAM not to run out - but you can use a swap file instead of a partition if you want to07:12
macvrdooglus: mine is 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so stop bragging ;P07:12
gwhiphow do i setup a swap file - i'd like to use the hibernate function07:12
dooglusmake a file of the size you want - using dd is typically how (dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile count=1000 bs=1M) then use swapon to use it07:14
dooglusthat dd command is rough, from memory - check the man page for detaisl07:14
dooglusthat spelling of detaisl is also rough07:14
gwhipdooglus: thanks, i'll use that instead of partition07:15
macvrdooglus: wooohooooooo ... works... this thing was bugging me for so long...stupid totem! thanx man07:18
dooglusgwhip: i'm not sure if you need to add an entry to /etc/fstab to enable the swap file at boot time - I guess so07:23
gwhipi checked fstab i'ts not in there, what's the entry?07:24
dooglusI have:07:24
dooglus/host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk none            swap    loop,sw         0       007:24
dooglusI guess you want the same, but replace the first field with the full path to the swap file07:24
gwhiphold on i'm checking it07:25
dooglusgwhip: "sudo swapoff -a" to disable all swap files07:26
dooglusgwhip: "swapon -s" to list currently active swap files07:27
dooglusgwhip: "sudo swapon -a" to enable all swap files listed in the /etc/fstab07:27
dooglusthat will let you test your fstab without rebooting07:27
gwhipswapon -s shows nothing so far but i haven't added it to fstab yet07:27
macvranother video problem... ever since i'v upgraded to 9.04 video in vlc player plays in a separate window? but in the settings i have it set to overlay video output, and to embed video... whats wrong?07:27
gwhipis "/dev/zero" the path to the swap file07:28
dooglusgwhip: /dev/zero is a device which returns zero bytes forever07:28
dooglusit's what we use as the 'input file' to dd to copy from when making the swap file07:29
dooglushere's a real dd command that works:07:30
dooglusdd if=/dev/zero of=/home/chris/swapfile bs=1M count=1007:30
dooglusthen: $ ls -l swapfile07:30
dooglus-rw-r--r-- 1 chris chris 10485760 2009-04-09 08:29 swapfile07:30
dooglusit's saying copy from the infinite zero file to a new 'swapfile' file 10 blocks of 1 meg07:31
macvranother video problem... ever since i'v upgraded to 9.04 video in vlc player plays in a separate window? but in the settings i have it set to overlay video output, and to embed video... whats wrong?07:52
AK_Davemcvr: you have compiz enabled?07:52
macvrAK_Dave: s07:53
macvrAK but compiz and vlc was workin in 8.10 too.. do i have to change any settings?07:53
AK_Daveregression. turn it off and then try it again.07:54
AK_Daveit#1=compiz it#2=vlc07:54
macvrAK_Dave: ^^ i didnt understand what u said above?07:54
crdlbthere's no reason why compiz should prevent embedded XVideo07:55
AK_Davemacvr: do you know what a regression is? Doesn't matter. Just please humor me. Disable compiz, and then restart vlc. Or don't believe me.07:55
macvrAK_Dave: i tried to change the window manager to metacity... but still separate windows..07:56
macvrAK_Dave: i do get what regression means but> it#1=compiz it#2=vlc< thats what had me confused... did u mean either vlc/compiz ... since u added the # i was wondering irc!07:59
crdlbdid you restart vlc after switching to metacity?08:00
AK_Davefirst "it", second "it". Never mind. Just clarifying that the suggestion was to disable compiz and then restart vlc.08:00
macvrcrdlb: i tired X11 output let me try Xvideo08:01
macvrAK_Dave: crdlb : no go with either.. still seperate windows...08:02
AK_DaveHmm... I know vlc has been funky in jaunty, not quite 100%, but most of that is tied to some goofy issue with compositing. So now I'm stumped.08:04
macvrAK_Dave: crdlb: previously in the hardware devices i had to use the propreitary driver for ATI graphics card but no propreitary drvivers are being used ?does this matter?08:04
AK_DaveYeah, that'd kinda matter.08:05
macvrAK_Dave: but compiz works... and no drivers are being detected! i just thought that it was using so open source driver for the graphics card which works fine for compiz!08:06
crdlbwhat card?08:06
macvrcrdlb: ATI raedon mobility X140008:06
AK_Davewould it be an ati radeon mobility card, and now you're using the radeonfb kernel module?08:06
crdlbyeah, the radeon driver is the only choice for r500 now08:07
AK_Davethere you go08:07
AK_DaveI hate the radeonfb module08:07
crdlbit's not enabled by default08:07
macvrAK_Dave: so no fix till the main release? or problem will exist even later?08:07
macvrcrdlb: whats not enabled by default?08:08
AK_DaveI am hoping that I can go back to fglrx soon.08:08
macvrAK_Dave: u have ATI too?08:08
macvrso vlc not working for u either?08:09
AK_DaveI haven't installed it yet.08:09
macvrAK_Dave: oh..ok..08:09
AK_DaveI usually stick with mplayer08:10
macvrAK_Dave: but i just like the vlc interface!08:10
macvrcrdlb: u were saying something about not being enabled by default?08:10
Blademoongood time of the day. To to whom possible address on cause ubuntu-server 9.04 AMD64?08:11
AK_Daveradeonfb installed by default for me. At least according to 'lspci -vnn' thats what is supporting my ati video08:16
crdlbhmm, that's broken08:17
BlademoonAnyone can help with pair by problem. Installation Ubuntu Server AMD64 9.04?08:17
crdlbas you may have discovered, it doesn't really work wit hX08:17
crdlbwith X*08:17
* AK_Dave thinks radeonfb is a wee bit quirky, but about 95% there.08:19
bretcolinwere is totems display manager08:20
crdlbAK_Dave: it's dead and/or deprecated08:20
bretcolinor display properties brightness etc...08:20
crdlbin its preferences?08:20
AK_Davecrdlb: Then I don't know why Jaunty Beta was installing it.08:20
BlademoonThe Problem to program of the installation Ubuntu 9.04 to nobody not interesting?08:21
bretcolinoh its not just me08:21
crdlbit's intalled here, but not loaded08:21
crdlbbretcolin: what's not just you?08:21
bretcolinthat totems display settings are gone08:22
bretcolinin jaunty08:22
crdlbBlademoon: not that I can help, but you haven't actually specified a problem08:22
bretcolinim sorry i was wondering if anyone knew how to set brightness and contrast in the new totem08:23
bretcolinwas that feature terminated08:24
macvr1:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 [1002:7145]08:24
macvrSubsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0094]08:24
macvrFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1608:24
macvrMemory at d0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]08:24
macvrI/O ports at 2000 [size=256]08:24
macvrMemory at c8100000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]08:24
macvr[virtual] Expansion ROM at c8120000 [disabled] [size=128K]08:24
macvrCapabilities: <access denied>08:24
macvr03:00.0 Network08:24
macvrAK_Dave: i dont think that mine is using any drivers!08:25
crdlb!paste > macvr08:25
ubottumacvr, please see my private message08:25
macvrcrdlb: i just thought a few lines so i pasted here! but i dont think any driver is in use or am i wrong?08:26
crdlba few is defined as 308:26
crdlblspci has no idea what driver you're using08:27
macvrbut for the rest of drivers are being specified, so i thought so... how do i check?08:28
crdlblspci just lists hardware, it doesn't care about drivers, period.08:28
crdlbif compiz works, you're using the radeon driver08:29
macvroh.. ok.. so i think i better leave it at that...08:29
td123mmm, 400mb worth of downloads after fresh install :D08:29
AK_Davelspci -vnn will show modules in use08:29
Blademooncrdlb: Athlon 3600+ maternal charge Asus A8N-E. The Distribution program accordingly too AMD64. In process of the installation we choose the type of the spreading of the keyboard "ru". Installing the base system goes orderly, but afterwards appears the window with request to insert the disk Ubuntu 9.04. Though disk in CD spindle and with it right before all are embelished was read...08:29
td123downloads = updates08:29
macvrAK_Dave: crdlb i did lspci-vnn08:29
crdlbah, interesting08:30
crdlbthat's not exactly the same thing as a "driver" though08:30
crdlband certainly not in the X driver sense08:30
macvrcrdlb: ok... since the rest had a kernel driver and module entry but ATI didnt08:31
macvrcrdlb: AK_Dave : anyway thanx guys..08:32
crdlbwell, there is a 'radeon' module, but lspci apparently doesn't know to look for that08:32
macvrcrdlb: k...08:33
Blademooncrdlb: again mount the disk in catalogue /cdrom. IDE CD-ROM. The Result - too message.08:35
macvrcrdlb: i just noticed this in the known issues >>> Upgrading a desktop system using an ATI video chipset with the fglrx binary-only driver may result in a warning that the driver needs to be replaced. There is a bug in the driver replacement logic, so if you see this prompt, please cancel the upgrade until this is fixed, which will happen immediately after the beta release. <<< but i selected upgrade, i dint canel it!, how do i revert?08:36
ActionParsnipgood ol ati08:36
macvrActionParsnip: any way i could get the old driver installed again?08:37
td123anyone familiar with processing xml with sax?08:37
td123sorry, wrong channel.08:38
ActionParsnipmacvr: you could head to ATi's site for the driver. I steer clear of ATI personally so I'm not the best dude to ask08:40
macvrAce|Work: should i just install the xorg-driver-fglrx? since i remember it was there previously?08:41
macvrActionParsnip: ^08:41
ActionParsnipmacvr: worth a shot08:42
macvrActionParsnip: ok... thanx08:42
aceat64has anyone else run into issues with 9.04, sata_nv and it not detecting some drives (but detecting others)?08:44
aceat64everything works fine under 8.10 (using kernel 2.6.27-11-generic)08:45
aceat64but my intel ssd just won't show up with any of the newer kernels08:45
crdlbmacvr: if you have compiz working, don't do anything08:46
crdlbfglrx does not support your GPU anymore08:46
ActionParsnipaceat64: i see the controller detected but I'm not using them right now, I'm using my PATA controller instead08:47
ActionParsnipaceat64: try some bootoptions08:48
ActionParsnip!bootoptions > aceat6408:48
ubottuaceat64, please see my private message08:48
aceat64any bootoptions in particular, or just the usual suspects like acpi=off noapic etc?08:49
ActionParsnipaceat64: try different ones, it may make stuff work08:51
ActionParsnipaceat64: you could also search the bugs to see if one matches yuor situation08:52
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aceat64so far I haven't had any luck with my searches, I'll try out some bootoptions in a sec08:53
ActionParsnipis it possible to have many swap partitions?08:54
ActionParsnipand have them all used08:54
macvrcrdlb: oh ok... sorry for late response... i was about to install fglrx!08:55
aceat64I don't remember how they are handled with regards to priority, but the kernel can use more then one at a time08:56
ActionParsnipjust curious08:59
hmwi didnt update for over a week, and when I now click "Install Updates" nothing happens. How can I find out, what's wrong?09:01
ActionParsniphmw: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-uprade09:01
ActionParsniphmw: works for me :)09:01
aceat64brb, time to try out some bootoptions09:01
hmwthanks, ActionParsnip, i'll try and hope, it works again. Probably some beta version problem?09:02
ActionParsniphmw: never seen it personally, but i dont use silly gui apps to upgrade09:03
hmwhmm... i dont want my system to break and force me to use the command line. Personally, I dont have a big problem with using the shell, but its not good for "normal" users09:03
ActionParsniphmw: i just find gui slow, plus I use scripts for it so i can run a single command and go make a brew09:04
ActionParsniphmw: it wont break and force you to use command line, you can execute the commands in terminal/konsole/xterm/whatever09:04
hmwi dont feel good with programs suddenly stopping to work, i need to find out, what happened09:04
ActionParsniphmw: its exactly the same as the gui app but you can actually see the outputs instead of the app hiding all the useful stuff taht can help you diagnose issues09:05
ActionParsniphmw: plus you can pastebin the output from terminal/konsole for others to see09:07
hmwthats not my point, i dont accept key programs to crash. there might be a worse problem, my firefox is doing stange things, too... i will look into it09:08
ActionParsniphmw: programs do crash, open source OS = no warranty09:08
hmwthats a hard case of sudden death09:09
ActionParsniphmw: you could rename your ~/.mozilla folder so you get a fresh one to see if the profile is at fault09:09
ActionParsniphmw: you are also running beta software so key program crashing is more probable as the OS itself is officially unreleased09:11
hmwof course09:11
hmwbut i wonder, why it stopped working WITHOUT me touching it nor having updates...09:12
ActionParsniphmw: log a bug09:12
J-_If my xorg.conf is empty, what is xorg using for configuration? What's the file I can look at to see what video driver I'm using?09:15
MinusSeveni tried 9.04 beta, but it didn't give me the choice to put the boot loader on the master drive09:15
ActionParsnipJ-_: very little these days09:15
robin0800J-_: Xorg log file09:15
ActionParsnipJ-_: they are trying to phase it out despite their being nothing wrong with it09:16
hmwit must be the cache... had the webcam thingy running and my fs is full09:16
ActionParsniphmw: i'd suggest a reboot09:16
hmwi just booted up?09:16
J-_robin0800: And if it's using the wrong driver, what config file do I fix?09:17
ActionParsniphmw: read    dmesg | less09:17
J-_Kind of a pain in the ass because I know my GM965 chipset isn't detected proper. In Debian I was getting well over 100FPS in TORCS. Now in Jaunty, I'm getting 20FPS.09:18
J-_robin0800: Where's the log file?09:22
robin0800in sytem log files09:24
MinusSevenany ideas?09:25
fyl0nVideothumbs in Dolphin? How possible?09:26
ActionParsnipJ-_: you could re-establish your video driver09:29
MinusSevenhas anyone else had trouble selecting the correct drive for the boot loader during installation?09:30
robin0800MinusSeven: No09:31
robin0800MinusSeven: Did you try to do it manualy at the correct time?09:32
MinusSevenyep, I clicked on the advanced button09:33
MinusSevenit had a tick box, i ticked it, and clicked on the drop down menu, but it only had the slave drive09:33
MinusSevennot sda09:33
robin0800MinusSeven: Sounds like sda not detected or mounted09:34
MinusSevenmaybe I need to put the cd in, shut my pc down09:35
MinusSeventhen start it up09:35
MinusSevensoft boot might not have released the drive or something09:35
MinusSevenbrb, will try it09:35
robin0800MinusSeven: Is it a live cd?09:36
J-_I'm happier. I enabled uxa, it's MUCH better.09:41
ActionParsnipJ-_: sweet wtg :)09:46
SiDiI'm having big trouble with grub + jaunty ext410:11
SiDiactually, i now have grub2 on my mbr, but i just dont know how to add a menu entry for jaunty :/10:12
SiDi*going back to grub 1* T_T10:14
BUGabundoSiDi: just keep the official one, unless you really need something specific10:15
SiDiWell, it wont boot my ext4 partition, that's why i tried the other one10:15
ActionParsnipSiDi: could try lilo10:16
BUGabundoActionParsnip: current jaunty grub has full support of ext4.10:19
BUGabundoif it doesn't for some reason then some bug lurked in10:19
IntuitiveNippleSounds like a grub-install config issue10:19
BUGabundoit may very well be10:19
ActionParsnipBUGabundo: never said it didnt, just saying lilo is an alternative ootloader10:20
IntuitiveNippleI've come to the conclusion that OpenJDK is a mess!10:23
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: did it took you all this long ? eheh10:25
IntuitiveNipple:) No wonder Java lost the desktop/web-app space... amazing own-goal10:26
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rconancan anyone running irssi check what version of the nickserv script is available in the jaunty irssi-scripts package?10:27
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: or was it because of the terrible security fail, that allowed a system to be ROOTed from user space?10:28
IntuitiveNipplenah, users generally weren't even aware of that. The biggest issue was the failure to integrate the media extensions10:30
IntuitiveNippleNow they're trying to 'catch up' with jfx10:30
SiDiDoes anyone mind sending me his menu.lst via pastebin ? :p10:33
Chr|sSiDi» why? you can re-add it to the panel10:33
BUGabundoSiDi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147528/10:33
DreadKnightfoxbuntu: hi10:34
DreadKnightum, im having troubles in jaunty with the video card10:34
DreadKnightintel gma 95010:34
SiDiBUGabundo: any idea how i can find the correct UUID for me ?10:35
IntuitiveNippleSiDi: usually running grub-install and update-grub should do that automatically10:36
SiDiOk thanks10:36
IntuitiveNippleSiDi: read the man-pages first to make sure you use the correct options and the correct settings for your boot harware10:36
SiDiIntuitiveNipple: i'm on a liveCD atm :) so it will update the livecd's menu.lst :(10:37
IntuitiveNippleno it won't10:37
IntuitiveNippleIt doesn't have one10:37
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IntuitiveNippleall you should need, from what you described earlier, is to fix the grub menu using update-grub10:38
SiDiwell, i rewrote a menu.lst that *should* boot10:39
DreadKnightthe video drivers for intel card is acting shitty10:39
SiDibtw, is the grub1 located on jaunty's liveCD *really* meant to can boot ext4 ?10:39
IntuitiveNippleit either *does* or doesn't, there's no 'should' :)10:39
DreadKnightcan't use blender right, even crashes x when using artrage210:39
DreadKnightblender doesn't shows up right, don't see text on buttons10:40
IntuitiveNipplebut, if you've got the grub2 MBR you will need to use grub-install to replace that10:40
ExilantIs there any reason why /dev/rfcomm[0-9] is now non-userreadable/writable in jaunty?10:40
IntuitiveNippleSiDi: yes, jaunty's grub supports ext410:40
Exilantit was in hardy, but i'm not that familiar with all that bluetooth stuff10:40
SiDiAlright, thanks everyone10:41
SiDitrying to boot, see you soon if it doesnt work :p10:41
IntuitiveNippleExilant: I'd presume it was seen as a security issue10:41
Exilanthm, ok10:41
Exilantso i have to add some udev rules, or is there some other way?10:42
IntuitiveNippleCheck the existing rules - one of them is probably the reason :)10:42
IntuitiveNipplethen you can figure out what needs to change without upsetting anything else10:42
imachineanyone having issues with IBM buttons?10:42
imachinecool, cheers :)10:43
imachineoh, actually not really. hotkey-setup update broke them and the topic seems to be from 6th of April.10:43
edgyHi, my wifi previously used the wl driver and now it stopped working. it seems wl is removed now?!!10:44
Exilanthm, there doesn't seem to be a rule governing rfcomm in either /lib/udev/rules.d or /etc/udev/rules.d10:44
imachineedgy, I have wl over here.10:45
imachinewell, not using it, but it's there.10:45
edgyimachine: locate wl.ko shows you result?10:47
IntuitiveNippleExilant: The best way to figure out which rule is doing the permissions setting is to disconnect the bluetooth device, run "sudo udevadm monitor --environment" and then connect the device and examine what happens on the udev side10:47
imachineedgy, I'm not sure if I use locate.10:49
imachineedgy, but modinfo wl shows what I just typed.10:49
imachine(plus some other info about the module)10:49
edgy$ modinfo wl10:50
edgymodinfo: could not find module wl10:50
edgyimachine: ^10:50
edgyimachine: but you are right the /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/volatile/wl.ko is available here too10:51
[4-tea-2]Howdy. Gnome "system" folders, like Desktop/, are defined in .config/user-dirs.dirs. A tool called xdg-user-dirs-update is run whenever X starts to set those directories. According to my understanding, it's supposed to honor changes done by the user (e.g. by editing the file or by using "xdg-user-dir --set"). This seems to work on 8.10, while it seems to be broken in 9.04 - the file is always overwritten, even when chmodded read-only.10:51
IntuitiveNippleedgy: what kernel version is currently running? "uname -r"10:51
edgyIntuitiveNipple: 2.6.28-11-generic10:52
IntuitiveNippleedgy: it looks like somehow the module depends have been messed up... have you done any custom kernel or module installations?10:53
imachineedgy, then you probably have to 'sudo depmod -a'10:53
imachine(my guess)10:53
IntuitiveNippleimachine: I'd agree; wondering how it got messed up though10:53
imachinemaybe the volatile dir is not always picked up. dunno.10:53
edgyIntuitiveNipple: no but I instaalled the kernel of xen too but now I am not booting into it10:53
IntuitiveNipplemight be a symptom of a larger problem10:53
imachineso they could bite at eachother (the kernels)10:54
imachinehence the dir volatile doesn't get picked up.10:54
imachinemy first guess at least. tho try just running depmod.10:54
[4-tea-2]from .config/user-dirs.dirs:10:56
[4-tea-2]# If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line you're10:56
[4-tea-2]# interested in. All local changes will be retained on the next run10:56
[4-tea-2]I think that's a lie (at least in jaunty). ;)10:56
edgyimachine: depmod command now really showed my wifi interfacce. thanks for that10:56
imachineedgy, np10:56
imachineif the problm persits, file a bug report on launchpad.10:57
edgyimachine: yes, I will do10:58
imachineI thikn I'll have to file a bug report on hotkey-setup then.11:00
etrichi all. I'm using kubuntu live cd and have some trouble connecting with my WLAN (WPA-PSK) as well as UMTS Modem. Are there any news if there is a fix around?11:00
[4-tea-2]Since nobody complained, I reported it as a bug.11:03
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BUGabundoetric: what kind of trouble and what equipement?11:04
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imachineanother question I might want to ask would be why I haven't got bootsplash working correctly.11:07
imachineIntuitiveNipple, maybe you could answer this?11:07
imachineIntuitiveNipple, it happened on 8.10 as well tho, and it just carried on till 9.04, stopped working after a kernel updgrade.11:07
imachineIt works on shutdown (the progress bar) it works on bootup just after grub, but then it drops back to text and I miss the progress bar stage during bootup.11:08
imachineany ideas?11:08
lucahi everyone11:13
lucaafter yesterday upgrades my jaunty nm cannot manage wireless connections anymore11:13
lucaI am connected through a live cd11:14
lucaanyone else having this problem_11:14
imachinenot here.11:15
etricBUGabundo: Huawei E220 Modem, seems the problem is the PIN i need for the connection11:15
imachineworks flawless (intel ipw2100)11:15
BUGabundoetric: that dongle is known to work okay11:17
BUGabundoyou do know your PIN, right?11:18
etricyes the connections works on 8.10 withoud problems, seems something is wrong with the new NM plasma applet11:19
imachineoh, you're using KDE?11:19
lucaI also purged and reinstalled the wpasupplicant and nm packages11:19
lucaanyone has got any suggestions_11:19
imachineluca, try creating a new user and see if the problem persists11:20
lucaimachine: thank11:20
imachineluca, if not, then it's some config issue in your ~ dit.11:20
imachineif it is your local issue, then probably ~/.gnome* and ~/.gconf* need backing up and reseating. to my taste.11:21
imachinebut see for yourself.11:21
imachineI backed up mine after migrating from 8.x to 9.x and some issues got resolved (namely, qt 4.5.0 picked up correct dpi for fonts since it's now reading gconf files)11:21
imachineetric, try Kubuntu.11:21
imachine#kubuntu or smth11:22
imachinedunno. it could be plasma.11:22
imachines/plasma/the plasmoid.11:22
lucaimachine: thanks11:23
lucaI already tried to purge and reinstall the nm packages11:23
lucaso I think it is not some global config problem. I hope11:23
lucagotta disconnect11:23
lucaand again thanks11:23
Hiubuntu                                                         11:58
Hiubuntu 3083 root      20   0  727m 422m  26m S    7 24.0  52:32.85 Xorg11:58
Hiubuntushows the xorg high mem11:59
Hiubuntuanyone hlep12:00
imachinelooks fair to me12:01
imachineremember that's agp memory etc etc.12:01
imachineLinux uses memory management wisely.12:01
imachineif it's there, it uses it.12:01
imachineso don't worry.12:01
imachineif your swap is not being used up, you're okay12:01
Hiubuntunot bug?12:01
imachinetype in free -m and see if your swap's being used12:02
imachineif it's not then you're in the clear12:02
imachinefimachine@mateusz-x40:~$ free -m total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached12:02
imachineMem:          1246       1219         26          0         77        80912:02
imachinethat's how it looks for me.12:02
imachine-/+ buffers/cache:        332        91412:02
scizzo-imachine: free -mto12:02
Hiubuntuwith the time goes   the xorg is become high mem12:02
Neremori've upgraded my kubuntu to jaunty an hour ago (i think the desktop environment isn't relevant for my problem). During the upgrade, i was told that the fglrx driver for my ati card isn't supported in jaunty and that it will be uninstalled. i proceeded the installation and everything finished all right. i rebooted and, like i expected from ubuntu, everything worked perfectly. except fglrx, that was uninstalled. i was using the mesa driver as12:02
Neremordefault, and a look into my xorg.conf told me, that my very big xorg.conf i had befor the upgrade was deleted and replaced by a very simple one. So, i tried to install fglrx again with "sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver-xorg"... It installed and i replaced the "Driver "ati"" in the xorg.conf with "Driver "fglrx"", like i had to in intrepid... I rebooted the system. The system crashes when it tries to show kdm. The keyboard is unusable (no12:02
Neremorpushs accepted) and the display shows a complete mess of multi-colored lines and kubuntu-logos. The only thing i can do is using the power-button on my pc. the question is: Do i have to configure anything else to use fglrx? or at least: is it supported right now? I need the driver, because (k)ubuntu is really slow without it... thanks in advance for your help :)12:02
scizzo-Neremor: dont spam12:03
Neremorwhy spam?12:03
Neremori posted a question i didn't know that is spamming :S12:03
imachinescizzo-, okay -o is interesting.12:03
Hiubuntuimachine: here12:04
Hiubuntuimachine:  free -m12:04
Hiubuntu             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached12:04
HiubuntuMem:          1760       1553        206          0         80        73612:04
Hiubuntu-/+ buffers/cache:        737       102312:04
HiubuntuSwap:           94          0         9412:04
imachineHiubuntu, so you have plenty free.12:05
imachineabout 1GB12:05
imachinerest easy12:05
imachineno hibernation for you tho12:05
ExilantNeremor: i don't know, i'm using the free driver. kwin's compositing works with that, and suspend also12:05
imachinetoo little swap :)12:05
scizzo-Neremor: did you even check the logs for what is causing the crash?12:05
Hiubuntuxorg dont stop12:05
Neremorno because i can't access my system now12:05
scizzo-Neremor: well even though the crash occurs you can still access the Ctrl+Alt+F1-F6 consoles12:06
Hiubuntuimachine: I think 1.7G ram is enough ,so give 100M to swap12:06
scizzo-Neremor: or boot it into recovery mode12:06
imachineHiubuntu, yes, but hibernation saves your current state into swap.12:06
SiDiThanks BUGabundo , your menu.lst saved me :p12:07
imachineHiubuntu, so you'd need to use a swapfile if you wanted hibernation.12:07
Hiubuntuthe swap can add by commd12:07
imachineyea with file12:07
Neremorscizzo-: No i can't access F1 to F6 because my keyboard does not work...12:07
Exilantwh does fglrx break your keyboard outside of X?12:08
Neremori don't have the slightes idea..12:08
deanylol, there was that many updates from the last update lastnight, by time it finished there was another shed load ..12:08
Neremori've read that the fglrx driver isn't compatible with the new xserver 1.6, but why is the fglrx-driver still in the jaunty repos then?12:09
clancyi use jaunty and i get often xorg updates12:09
clancywill there still be as much xorg updates when jaunty is final?12:10
Hiubuntuxorg-server 1.612:10
deanyim hopin ati catalyst supports jaunty..12:11
clancythere are often ubuntu updates like xorg.....-ubuntu1 xorg.....-ubunutu2 etc...12:11
Hiubuntufglrx can work12:11
Hiubuntuin 9.0412:11
Hiubuntualso you can wait  ati 9.4 driver12:12
NeremorHiubuntu: Can you tell me how you got your fglrx to work, please?12:13
jarleI have a question about ext4. In 9.04 I have read that it will be supported but not the default file system. is there any reason why I should continue to use ext3? Is ext4 still a bit experimental?12:13
Hiubuntuhard deiver12:13
imachineclancy, jaunty's still in dev stage.12:14
imachineclancy, you have to expect changes, breakage, etc.12:14
clancyi know12:14
HiubuntuNeremor: systerm - hard-driver12:14
imachineclancy, I used 8.10 before and had not so many updates at all.12:14
Hiubuntujust click the mouse12:14
SiDijarle: the main reason i see is that the old grubs are not compatible with ext412:14
SiDijarle: leading into trouble. Plus, ext4 is quite new and they want to wait for user feedback before putting it as default12:14
NeremorHiubuntu: thanks :)12:15
imachinejarle, I've been using ext4 for about 1-2 months now.12:15
imachinejarle, there's been some issues with file deletion, but I heard it's fixed by now.12:15
imachinejarle, other than that, it works flawless quick, a lot better than ext3.12:15
jarleis the performance significantly better?12:16
HiubuntuNeremor: u r welcome12:16
imachinegenerally I can recommend, tho don't come back with tears in your eyes if something goes awry :]12:16
imachinejarle, bootup time a lot better, a lot better file operations.12:16
imachinejarle, naturally, it's the next level.12:16
imachineI've been running ext4dev for almost a year also.12:16
imachinehad no issues with it then.12:16
Hiubuntusomeone said ext4 case date lost12:17
imachineHiubuntu, never here.12:18
imachinebut I hadn't tried many different setups.12:18
jarleTaken from ubuntu.com: There has been extensive discussion about the reliability of applications running on ext4 in the face of sudden system outages.12:19
jarleThis made me think twice before using ext4, but it seems like you guys haven't had a lot of problems12:19
joaopintothere is a bug describing those ext4 issues, which seem to be app specific12:19
imachinejarle, I have laptops.12:20
imachinejarle, so I sort of have UPS ;)12:20
joaopintoit mostly because of the caching system, if you haven a sudden system hang and some files were recently created, they may be lost12:21
imachinewell that's in any filesystem,12:21
imachinebecause of caching.12:21
joaopintoimachine, right, but with ext3 the flush time is shorter, by default12:22
jarleso, you would recommend to switch to ext4 when 9.04 is released? I will be using it on laptops as well.12:22
joaopintoI am using ext4, no problems so far12:22
imachinejoaopinto, you can tune.12:22
IntuitiveNippleI'm finding ext4 a *lot* faster than ext3 for large source-code trees (lots of sub-dirs and small files)12:22
joaopintoimachine, sure, but a lower timing will also decrease the performance benefit :P12:23
=== ubuntu is now known as Neremor
imachinejarle, I'd recommend as soon as possible, because you need to overwrite a lot of files to benefit from ext4.12:24
imachinewell, overwrite all the files you had before.12:25
HiubuntuNeremor: Does it work12:25
jarleok, so probably a good idea to do a fresh install with 9.04 then12:26
Neremori was the one trying to get fglrx working... now i tried to undo the changes made on my xserver to use the normal ati driver again... so i resetted the xorg.conf to the one directly after upgrading (that was working perfectly but only had the normal ati driver)... Now even this config does not work. I get a black screen before kde is displayed and cannot use my keyboard... next i would try to uninstall the xorg-driver-fglrx again, but i cant12:26
Neremordo thios because i can't access my system... :/ i don't have any idea what to do next ...12:26
Neremorsorry i meant kdm is displayed12:27
Hiubuntubad luck12:30
imachinejarle, that or just do it early enough so that you rewrite most libs etc.12:31
imachinejarle, I also use preload/prelink so prelinking rewrites binaries12:31
HiubuntuNeremor: recovery mode12:32
Neremorhm ok12:32
Neremori will now try to install the ati driver downloaded on amd.de for my card in recovery mode... i hope it works...12:33
HiubuntuNeremor: 9.3cant suppurt 9.04  x 1.612:34
Neremorit's version 9.212:36
Hiubuntunew x12:36
Neremoror do you think there is a way to get back even my default ati-driver ?12:36
HiubuntuNeremor: your systerm is 9.0412:37
Hiubuntuubuntu 9.04 use xorg-xserver 1.612:37
Hiubuntuati 9.2 cant support 1.612:37
Neremorhm ok12:38
Hiubuntuwait for 9.4 ati driver12:39
Neremorbut here is an instruction for jaunty installation12:40
Hiubuntudose the writter try it?12:41
Neremori don't know12:42
HiubuntuNeremor: same as 8.1012:43
Hiubuntuthe wiki just 8.10 to 9.04  and 9.2 to 9.312:43
Neremorbut  what is much more important at the moment is to get back my normal ati driver that worked after the upgrade... it is at least better than a black screen ;)12:43
Neremorany ideas?12:44
Hiubuntusudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx12:44
Hiubuntusudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg12:45
Hiubuntuor xfix12:45
Neremorin recovery mode? ok i will try it :)12:45
Hiubuntulinus bless you :-D12:45
Neremorthanks ;) i will come back if everything works again or in the worst case, isn't working...12:46
mickepHi, (running Jaunty beta) my mouse cursor jumps randomly sometimes. Known bug or should I report (and if so, for what package?)12:56
mickepHiubuntu: it is a usb mouse. Any specific xorg-input package then? evdev?12:58
HiubuntuI ps/212:58
fireuphey where an i find developers12:58
mickepHiubuntu: what? Can you give me a whole sentence? :)12:59
atlefi can not get miro to install, gives me this error : Depends: python (<2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu9 is to be installed13:00
atlefcan i downgrade a package13:00
fireuphey i just found a very good thing in elive that ubuntu is MISSING A LOT its that when you boot for the first time it removes the necessary things like battery menager power menager and things like that this will be a good thing if you put it in the 9.04 version :)13:02
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atlefnp, i fixed it13:15
atlefdon't know how, but i did :-)13:15
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mib_xqdrndlxhi, i need help getting my wifi to scan, its been found and recognized but going thought the terminal don't work13:30
djciphey - trying to get a compiz manager  - what do i need to apt-get ?13:46
Mulderisnt compiz installed by default?13:46
djcipit is... but there's no settings manager13:46
atlefcompizconfig-settings-manager i think13:47
djcipthank you13:47
lucahi everyone14:03
lucahi >914:03
lucaI have quite a problem, my jaunty network-manager says it does not manage my wireless connections14:04
lucaI had to resort to live usb to connect14:04
nandemonailuca: Did you install via alternate disc and setup networking through that?14:04
lucaanyone here with the same problem or ideas?14:04
lucanandemonai: I updated my intrepid install weeks ago14:05
lucanandemonai: this problem is new as of this morning, previously I could connect without problems, not so much after last updates14:05
nandemonaiNot sure about wifi but my wired connection did the same thing. Had to mv my /etc/network/interfaces to a backup file before NM would manage it.14:05
nandemonaiAh that's likely something else then I think.14:05
lucawait, what did you do?14:05
lucaright now I am in the mood of trying _anything_14:06
nandemonaiWell the alternate disc wrote a /etc/network/interfaces file that was preventing NM managing my connection.14:06
nandemonaiYou could try $ sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak and reboot to see if NM let's you handle the connnection.14:07
lucagonna try that14:07
nandemonaiThat's what I had to do, though this was a wired connection.14:07
nandemonaiJust reinstate the file if it doesn't work.14:07
lucagonna reboot then :(14:08
lucaand thanks!!14:08
nandemonaigl ;)14:08
Flower_GirlHey all, have Ubuntu 9.04 installed fresh as of Alpha 5 onto a Dell Laptop (~2yrs old), and suddenly after recent upgrade it won't login, also, at tty1 it complains about not being able to access /dev/null, any ideas what's going on?14:11
Flower_GirlTo clarify, the GDM login screen comes up, but upon entering user and pass it hangs, I can switch over to tty1 though.14:11
nandemonaiThat doesn't sound good.14:12
jonaskoelkerHi all.  After upgrading to Jaunty, the mapping between keycodes and keysyms is different from what I had before.  I had the same problem with Hardy->Intrepid.  Where's the mapping defined, and how can I get the old mapping?  Is this an evdev/hal thing?14:13
jonaskoelkerAlso, I have CPU frequency issues: the frequency seems "stuck" at 800 MHz (running at 100% CPU usage, on AC), even though I can go up to 2133.  How do I make it scale up the CPU frequency when I'm on AC and using it fully?14:15
nandemonai Second sounds like a bug, not sure on the mappings myself though.14:16
jonaskoelkerwell, if I plug and unplug AC, it seems to go away (i.e. increase to 2133) temporarily14:20
jonaskoelkerAlso, when I press C-M-F[1-6], I get taken back to the x server on vt... what's it, 7?  In any case: I don't want that.  I only press C-M-F[1-6] intentionally :)  how do I make my box not go back?14:25
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XVampireXFolks where can I get skype for jaunty?14:30
IntuitiveNippleXVampireX: the medibuntu repository14:31
XVampireXthanks :)14:31
hiljonaskoelker: does vt (1-6) stay if you press it again after vt7 returned?14:32
BUGabundoanybody else having trouble with pidgin and XMPP?14:32
BUGabundosince 12h GMT updates mine aint working14:33
jonaskoelkerit's probably Normal and Correct behavior, it's just I don't want it :)14:33
mbeierlBUGabundo: not that I have noticed, but I use XMPP infrequently14:33
IntuitiveNipplejonaskoelker: I think that's beena known bug for a while now14:33
hil seems to be bug #27196214:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271962 in consolekit "VT-switching from X returns you to X the first time" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27196214:33
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo will probably know if it is14:33
mbeierlAnd here I thought the vt-switching stuff was actually designed behaviour to help along newbies that "accidentally" get themselves to a console and have no clue what happened.14:34
XVampireXUhm, another question: KPackage is great and all but is there a way I can browse all available packages?14:35
mbeierljonaskoelker: If you are logged in to the VT, it appears to switch first try from there onwards.14:35
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: me what?14:37
IntuitiveNipplenever mind :)14:37
hilBUGabundo: a lot of ppl had troubles with jabber yeah. mine works fine tho14:37
BUGabundohil: mine works 100% all the time! today stop, on pidgin14:39
BUGabundolooking at updates to see if I track something out14:39
* BUGabundo hates freezes rush! :(14:39
sebsebsebJabber has always worked much better on Pidgin, than for example MSN14:40
BUGabundoI can't start ANY of my xmpp accounts from any server14:40
BUGabundoit just segfaults14:41
hilas an 100% open thing, it should work better ;)14:41
BUGabundoI'll send it to LP14:41
Holek_is there w32codecs package for Jaunty?14:41
hilmaybe i missed last updates.. i'll check14:41
sebsebsebHolek_: that was just a suggestion might not solve your issue though,  you should ask your question here  as well14:42
Holek_when I play some movies, I have no sound: mplayer loads the file and gets stuck at one position and doesn't play audio. I can see throughout the whole video stream, but audio stream doesn't play (mplayer output: http://pastebin.ca/1387088)14:42
BUGabundoHolek_: yes14:42
BUGabundoHolek_: humm yeah I'm having several video freezes on my system too, with ALL players14:43
BUGabundofrom totem, vlc, mplayer, etc14:43
Holek_but it's the audio codec that freezes them14:43
hilyeah, there's a libpurple update.. lets see what happens ;)14:43
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Holek_BUGabundo: and still, i get freezes all the time14:45
BUGabundo  * debian/patches/71_upstream_change_fix_ssl_crasher.patch:14:45
BUGabundotrack it down!14:45
BUGabundolets ask for a revert14:45
Holek_BUGabundo: btw, where is that w32codecs package? :)14:46
Holek_apt-get says it's not in the repositories14:46
BUGabundoHolek_: medibuntu14:46
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Spezlcan anyone tell me why flashplugin-nonfree can't be updated? .. and why the kpackagekit tray icon tells me that there are 2 software updates available although it's only that single one that is blocked?14:47
Holek_BUGabundo: thanks :)14:49
BUGabundoincase any one else asks: bug 35794915:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794915:00
BUGabundobug of the day15:00
NewbeeI made a safe-upgrade and got a new kernel. Now my system does not boot anymore. It stops precenting me a ash for the initram15:04
NewbeeIt says that it cannot mount the root fs. And in /dev , there are no devices to be found. Especially the /dev/disk folder is missig. Does anyone know what I can do to make my system boot again?15:05
xixaqcan someone please confirm that Pidgin crashes when you attemt to log into a gmail.com XMPP account?15:09
kopertonNewbee: maybe if you have an older kernel .. .you could reboot , then press ESC and choose the other kernel15:09
kopertonNewbee: i have the same issue but , because i knew it's a beta, i installed before another kernel15:10
kopertonNewbee: so i have selected and i got my computer on line15:10
xixaqI think this bug is rather serious, because as Pidgin starts, it will connect to all your accounts, including the gmail account, which will crash Pidgin. It makes it difficult to disable the account. I had to use the FUSA very quickly, before it had the time to enable the gmail account, to set Pidgin as offline.15:11
Spezlxixaq: [16:00:52] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794915:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed]15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794915:11
Newbeekoperton: I have looked into the grub menu and unfortunately I have no other kernles to choose15:11
xixaqSpezl: ah, thanks :)15:11
kopertonNewbee: mmm i think you are fucked then15:12
Spezlno problem .. and sorry for spamming with the bot, didn't know how to use it ;)15:12
kopertonNewbee: remember , you wanna try a beta or an alpha , install at least 2 different kernel15:12
BUGabundoxixaq: it can be fixed around by renaming ~/.purple/icons/15:12
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Does the system have multiple hard disks?15:13
xixaqBUGabundo: what's the side effect of doing that?15:14
BUGabundoyou loose all your avatar cace15:14
BUGabundo*cache, and from your contacts too15:14
BUGabundoI like to keep mine... you may not...15:14
Newbeekoperton: I thought about using a live CD, chroot environment and installing a kernel. But it would be goot, if the kernel in the repos would be already fixed.15:14
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: no15:14
xixaqI think I can live with that for now :)15:14
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Do you have any USB mass-storage devices connected during boot?15:14
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: no15:15
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I don't have any15:15
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: good - those are the two complications that usually cause it. Now, are you using the affected PC now on IRC (from a LiveCD maybe?) or is it a separate PC?15:15
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: seperate pc15:18
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: OK... I would like to be able to see/read the /boot/grub/menu.lst - have you a way to transfer it to the PC you're using so you can pastebin it?15:19
eagles0513875question guys im guessing konversation is no longer default with jaunty for irc15:20
sebsebsebeagles0513875: in kubuntu I guess it is15:22
eagles0513875sebsebseb: i just did a clean install of jaunty and there was no konversation15:23
RizRany known issue where upon logout (not shudown just logout)  computer hangs with nvidia splash screen visible with no keyboard/mouse activity. using nvidia 180, nvidia 7800 gtx, dual-head.15:23
eagles0513875only quassel15:23
Exilanteagles0513875: no, it's not ported yet15:23
eagles0513875im using kvirc instead15:23
eagles0513875Exilant: ahh so its in the process of getting ported right now15:23
sebsebsebeagles0513875: you can instal it into kubuntu, it's still got KDE3 version in Ubuntu, KDE4 version in the making or whatever15:24
eagles0513875thats fine i really like kvirc to be honest15:24
eagles0513875just wondering what happened to it15:24
trulliserious bug in jaunty? Today jaunty seamd to kick my initrd file in /boot and now I can't boot anymore in the system! Is a bug like this knowen?15:24
IntuitiveNippleRizR: I see it occassionally but I didn't feel it is related to the nivdia drivers - doing Ctrl+Alt+Del or Alt+SysRq+B would usually cause a restart15:24
hchufengany body who can help me ?15:24
Exilantkonversation had a lot of bugs15:24
eagles0513875Exilant: like what i never had issues15:25
RizRIntuitiveNipple, thanks. hopefully gets sorted when release comes out :-) I downgraded my driver to 173 just now. lets see if it happens.15:25
Exilantwhen it was setup for tls encryption, for example, and the server had an invalid cert, while connecting it stopped, and needed 100 % cpu power15:26
IntuitiveNippleRizR: I noticed it seems to be a md/lvm device remaining mounted/busy15:26
Exilanti found that rather annoying15:26
hchufenghelp help!15:26
eagles0513875!ask | hchufeng15:27
ubottuhchufeng: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:27
Exilanthchufeng: what is your question?15:27
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I can use a live CD. But It'll take a few minutes15:27
hchufengI want to install the IBUS input methon,but it is the source ,i try to make it.15:27
hchufengubottu: thank you!it's my first use IRC15:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:28
RizRIntuitiveNipple, not using lvm. i've got a bluetooth adaptor on a usb :-) and few samba shares. and justthe one hard drive.15:28
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I suspect it could be changed UUID(s) on the file-systems, which you can investigate using /lib/udev/vol_id whilst in the busybox initrd shell15:28
IntuitiveNippleRizR: I noticed it doesn't happen if the PC logs into X and out again quite soon, but if the X session has been running for some time (user doing 'stuff'), when trying to restart/shutdown it will get 'stuck'15:30
trulliWhat could I do now with my grub? It doesn't responde anymore (error 15). And it looks to me that initrd is missing.15:30
thompai945GM is still poor graphics, anyone? If I switch the card to nvidia it is fine though15:30
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I have started booting the live-CD. But the are the UUIDs it will give me the same the jaunty kernel finds?15:30
RizRIntuitiveNipple, is this a reported issue?15:30
RizRIntuitiveNipple, reported as a bug i mean15:30
thompai945GM and compiz at least15:30
hchufengubottu: Do you know hte IBUS input  method?15:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:31
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: The file-system UUIDs are constant if the f-s isn't re-written, I'd want to ensure that they match what is in GRUB's menu.lst15:31
edgyHi, lastb in jaunty shows no bad results though I tried some bad loins15:31
thompaI don't want to use the nvidia switch on notebook cause of battery15:31
trulliNewbee: do you have problems with your grub too since today?15:32
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I will check it form my live system as soon as it is botted15:32
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: OK15:32
Newbeetrulli: I have problems with the kernel not being able to load the root file system anymore15:32
thompaNewbee: me too just a while ago15:33
trulliNewbee: error 15 in grub?15:33
dergringoHi. I'm trying to use the "always up to date" feature in conduit on a folder <-> folder sync group. But it does not work. I talked to a dev who promised that should work with this version.15:33
hchufengdisappointed !15:34
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: the /boot/ folder seems to be empty. Not good I think15:36
XVampireXCan anyone help me with firefox in KDE?15:36
Newbeethompa: I have the problem since todays safe-upgrade15:36
IntuitiveNipplethompa: trulli: NewBee: it looks like you *might* be sharing the same issue.15:36
XVampireXFor some reason it's thinking that opening the file vs opening the location of the file is the same...15:36
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: were you looking on the hard disk mount?15:37
Newbeetrulli: no, grub says nothing. Just initram, because no root file system15:37
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: yes, from the live system (an Arch based system)15:37
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: what is the mount-point of the hard disk (e.g. /media/disk ) ?15:39
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: /mnt/sda815:39
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: on the live system of course. On jaunty the mount point of / is /15:40
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok, so the hard disk itself has primary and an extended partition with several logical partitions within it15:41
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IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Just to be sure, does the hard-disk installation use a separate /boot partition ?15:41
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: That'd explain the empty /boot/ in the root file-system15:41
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I think so, but I don't know for sure. I was before years, when I partitioned it15:42
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: /boot/ must have been found since the PC started the kernel and initrd15:42
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: OK, well, check out the other partitions on that disk and look for the /boot/15:42
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: oh, yes I think I made a seperate boot partition. Sorry, that I forgot this important issue.15:43
djcipanyone know how to get skype working with 64bit jaunty ?15:43
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: or you could use "grub" and the command "find /boot/stage1" or "find /boot/grub/stage1"15:43
djcipi downloaded the .deb package from skype, and forced the install with --force-architecture.. but now when i click on skype - it says it doesn't exist lol15:44
IntuitiveNippledjcip: install it from the medibunti repository15:44
djcipIntuitiveNipple, gonna need a little more help15:44
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:44
djcipIntuitiveNipple, thank ytou15:45
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: in the menu.lst the UUID of the /boot/ partition is right15:46
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: how about for the root=15:47
thompaNewbee: I just had a blank screen with curser, did hard shut down and now its ok. I have another issue with intel graphics so going back to nvidia. just fan was too fast15:49
thompano prob in alpha though15:50
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: seems to be ok15:50
thompaxubuntu is working better actually15:51
djcipok - how do i get skype to install...15:51
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: in the initram I have found no devices except from the ttys. So I think the kernel cannot handle the devices anymore.15:51
Newbeethompa: I only get an ash in the initram15:52
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Depending on what caused the init script to break, that can be entirely expected... it simply hasn't got around to doing that as yet15:52
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: whilst you're in the live-CD can you pastebin that menu.lst ?15:54
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: and also the results of a few commands I need to see the results of15:54
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean?  I am not a native English speaker, so this was too much for me, sry15:54
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: of course15:54
djcipIntuitiveNipple, how do i fix this15:55
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: When the kernel starts, and loads the initrd image, it runs the 'init' script which populates the read-only temporary root with devices and so on. If something breaks before all that is done /dev/ and /sys/ and others won't have all the expected entries15:55
IntuitiveNippledjcip: You're installing it the wrong way. You should add the medibuntu repository to the apt sources list, then do "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get skype"15:56
IntuitiveNippledjcip: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding%20the%20Repositories15:57
djciphopefully i haven't messed things up too bad already15:57
djcipyup i did add it - i forgot to update15:57
IntuitiveNippledjcip: ahhh, that'd not help :)15:57
djciphahaha yah lol15:58
djcipIntuitiveNipple, help help -15:58
djcipinfinite loop for the loose15:59
djcipi run keep getting stuck there15:59
IntuitiveNippledjcip: Did you do the step: "Then, add the GPG Key: ..." ?16:00
thompaOK turning off compiz solved all my fan issues16:00
* djcip looks at feed16:00
* XVampireX is enjoying this thing called kubuntu jaunty jackalope16:01
edgywhy lastb is not working?16:01
djcipholy crap - its working... but do i have mic support16:02
djcipthat is the question16:02
=== quassel215 is now known as Newbee_
Newbee_so: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/147700/16:04
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/147700/16:05
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: that's the menu.lst16:05
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: thanks16:06
djcipflash for firefox for x64 ?16:07
djcipis there an easy way without wrappers ?16:08
crdlbthe adobe-flashplugin package will install the native amd64 version16:08
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Can you pastebin the output of "blkid" too?16:08
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: It outupts nothing16:09
IntuitiveNippleahhh, that's an Arch live-CD isn't it?16:09
IntuitiveNipplemaybe they don't have it16:09
IntuitiveNippledoes "vol_id /dev/sda8" report something? if so I'll give you a little shell script to run16:10
IntuitiveNippleNewbee_: try this: for vol in /dev/sda?; do echo $vol; sudo vol_id $vol; done16:12
eagles0513875hey guys where can i change the themes of the desktop :( seems like the thing in system settings to do that isnt there no more :(16:13
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: vol_id command not found16:14
calceagles0513875: system->preferences->appearance16:14
IntuitiveNippleSystem > Preferences > Appearance > Theme16:14
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: Is this a Debian tool?16:14
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Debian/Ubuntu yes16:14
eagles0513875heheh thanks calc pulled a noobie lol16:14
Newbee_Newbee: this live system is not Debian based. So this will be the reason16:15
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: this live system is not Debian based. So this will be the reason16:15
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: yeah, I keep forgetting it's Arch16:15
IntuitiveNippleNewbee_: Does this report all the /dev/sda? volumes and UUIDs? "ls -l  /dev/disk/by-uuid"16:18
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: I think so. This is how I got the UUIDs to check16:18
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: I mean to compare with those from the menu.lst16:19
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: Shall I paste the output?16:19
mbeierlDoh!  Just restarted after updates and got hit by the Pidgin XMPP bug :(16:20
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Yes please16:23
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/147717/16:25
djcipugg i have audio issues :(16:27
IntuitiveNippleNewbee_: thanks, that checks out. Now, I would like to see a listing of what's in the /boot/ partition.16:29
ConicAny chance of this being an option in Jaunty? http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04/Issues/USB-SATA_race_condition_causes_hang16:29
IntuitiveNippleNewbee_: So, I think the /boot/ will be mounted at /mnt/sda9 ? If so, can you show me "ls -l /mnt/sda9/"16:29
Conicmy computer needs it to boot Ubuntu.16:29
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Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: I have to thank you. Here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/147720/16:30
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: those sizes look good... that initrd image is slightly smaller than the one here, but that is to be expected.16:33
FFEMTcJI just applied the most recient updates and now my computer seems like its lagging alot.. anyone else have an issue like that?16:33
IntuitiveNippleNewbee_: I think now what we need is for you to restart the PC and go into its GRUB menu at boot and select the recovery option. That'll prevent the splash screen and show the kernel messages as it start and *should* give us some clues, if the messages don't scroll off the screen!  You'll need to press Escape as GRUB loads.16:35
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: I just rebooted after updates about 20 minutes ago and do not notice any lags16:35
FFEMTcJnormally not a good idea to ask a quesi adleave the room.. heh16:35
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: can you describe the "lag" feeling?16:36
Newbee_IntuitiveNipple: ok. I'll try it. Going off, now16:36
FFEMTcJmouse is not responsive like its supposed to be... keyboard too.. have to wait sometimes up to 10 seconds for the mouse/keyboard to respond16:37
Eruaranreporting lots of bugs tonight after latest updates16:37
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: "waiting for root file system"16:38
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: hard disk activity during that time?16:38
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok, so I know where it is in the init script16:38
FFEMTcJshouldnt be.. i have one terminal and one FF open.. and awn running16:39
uffohow to check that wireless card is present, i cannot get intel 9345abg card to work on 9.0416:39
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: and then "dev/disk/by-uuid/$root_UUID not found"16:39
FFEMTcJits immediatly after i reboot the computer with nothing running other than the session apps16:39
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Nice! that should help narrow this down alot... that suggests a udev issue16:39
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: what do you mean? Do you think I sould look in the init script?16:40
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: so, mouse lags behind actual movement, keyboard type takes time to show up... did you try with plain old metacity or some other lightweight (?!?) window manager just in case?16:40
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I'm checking it now to work back from the failure point to where it ought to have found and populated the devices16:40
FFEMTcJno.. how do i do that?16:40
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: do you use gnome or kde?16:41
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: start a new terminal, then enter "metacity --replace &"16:42
FFEMTcJand this is on both my desktop and laptop... so it atleast doesnt sound like a my computer problem16:42
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: The best thing for us would be if you could connect the two PCs with a null-modem serial cable so we could capture the kernel boot messages on the good PC to inspect... do the PCs both have serial ports? do you have access to a null-modem cable?16:42
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: that should cause awn to terminate and metacity to take over16:42
mbeierlany better?16:43
FFEMTcJi guess its an awn problem16:43
mbeierltoo bad, I quite enjoy awn16:43
djcipok - i have a Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller audio card - and i cannot seem to capture any audio from the built-in microphones that are in my laptop - help!16:43
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FFEMTcJso do i16:43
mbeierlFFEMTcJ: I was wary of mixing beta OS with beta window manager... probably some change in X needs to be propagated to awn.  Suggest contacting the developers and letting them know your experience16:44
ricochethey guys i am running Xubuntu 9.04 on my dell mini 9 and I was wondering how the heck i disable touchpad clicking and scrolling16:44
FFEMTcJalready on it... hehe16:45
FFEMTcJmbeierl: how do I go back?16:45
mbeierlback to awn?16:45
mbeierlbecause you have it in your session startup, just log out + in should do it16:45
FFEMTcJok.. wasnt sure if the metacity command thing did anything perminate16:46
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I don't think that I have such a calble, but I'll have a look at the small collection of calbles I own.16:46
mbeierlNope, it's just taken over temporarily16:46
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok, one thing we forgot to check whilst you had the live-CD going! We should have looked at /mnt/sda8/etc/fstab to check the root (/) mount had the correct UUID / reference too... next time, remember to look at that :)16:46
mbeierlricochet: In gnome, using the gconf-editor I was able to "disable" the touchpad permanently16:46
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I don't think that is it, but we should have checked :)16:47
nemombeierl: can also do it in xorg.conf :)16:47
mbeierlricochet: is it a synaptics touchpad?  Does the syndaemon thing work for you?16:47
nemombeierl: I turned off the touchpad by just only using the external mouse input device.16:47
mbeierlnemo: How?  That is how, without also losing the "nipple of wisdom" little blue thing in the centre of the keyboard?16:47
mbeierlnemo: oh!16:47
nemombeierl: well. you can use that too of course16:48
nemosecondary mouse16:48
nemombeierl: xorg.conf allows for multiple pointing devices16:48
mbeierlnemo: I don't have a mouse input section in my xorg anymore, so I didn't think to go editing it... the gconf thing worked perfectly for me as it disables the touchpad for my userid only16:49
mbeierlricochet: did this answer your question?16:49
nemombeierl: good enough :)16:49
nemombeierl: personally, I'd love it if someone could recommend a netbook without a !@#$ touchpad16:50
mbeierlnemo: TELL ME ABOUT IT!16:50
nemowaste of space. if I want a pointing device, I'll plug one in, or use a lil' nipple16:50
nemoand gets in the way of course16:50
mbeierlI guess the nipples are more expensive than the touchpad?16:50
nemombeierl: I think they assume people only know how to use the touchpad16:50
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, but do I have any chance to do something in this mode? Or shall I return to the Live-CD and check, what won't be the problem?16:50
nemombeierl: pretty sure the touchpads are more expensive16:51
nemombeierl: there was a lovely subnotebook - a myvaio I think, years ago that was like that16:51
nemobut. it is horribly out of date these days16:51
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Hold it there for a few minutes, I'm working through the init scripts figuring out what might be happening and how to prove it16:51
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I think that the kernel itself is the problem and so I maybe should install a new in a chroot environment.16:51
mbeierlSo, speaking of xorg.conf, anyone else here using a 7000-series nvidia and has the problem with display not refreshing properly?16:51
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok16:51
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: It looks like the initrd might be missing something, but there's some things we can check first16:52
mbeierlnemo: my only experience with netbooks these days are my daughter's asus which is amazing now that easypeasy is on it16:52
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: You say there is nothing but tty entries in /dev/ ?16:52
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: try doing "ls -al /dev/" - that should show up some hidden entries for udev16:53
ricochetmbeierl: how do i tell?16:53
mbeierlricochet: sorry, tell what?  if it's synaptics?16:53
ricochetits a dell mini 9..16:53
ricochetsorry i am a noob16:54
mbeierlI thought I knew, but... can't seem to find it16:54
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: and /dev/null and /dev/console16:54
roman@ mbeierl - 7600 here and no problems so far16:54
nemombeierl: I ended up screwing around with the pointing devices due to an annoying xorg bug that worked in conjunction with opengl (or was it SDL? I forget) and synaptic to cause a nasty X lockup16:54
nemombeierl: fortunately has been fixed now - but I had quite a few pointer configurations16:55
mbeierlricochet: go to a terminal, and run "syndaemon -i 2" and tell me, what's the output?16:55
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: so no /dev/.initramfs ?16:55
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: "." ; ".." ; ".initramfs" ; ".initramfs-tools"16:55
mbeierlroman: what do you have for options in xorg.conf for nvidia - and do you use compiz?16:56
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: these are the hidden entries16:56
deanyjust tried out jaunty UNR on a stick on my mothers mini, very nice.. v nice indeed.16:56
ricochetmbeierl: nothing happened16:56
mbeierlricochet: ok, so it's still "running" then...16:56
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: okay, no /dev/.udev/16:56
romanmbeierl: no, i don't use compiz. i haven't touched my xorg conf at all by myself, just through nvidia-settings16:56
murlidharok i have download the alternative iso file ... now i want to mount it and upgrade my system...how do i do it ?16:57
ricochetmbeierl: it says Enable Disable16:57
mbeierlricochet: now go to another terminal, and then start typing...16:57
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: give me a couple of minutes, I'm going to reproduce this in a virtual machine16:57
mbeierlricochet: Excellent!16:57
mbeierlricochet: what that means is you DO have a synaptics touchpad and the "syndaemon" is a program that can automatically disable your touchpad when you type16:57
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, if you can do something like that, I will wait of course.16:58
murlidharmount: /home/murlidhar/Downloads/ubuntu-9.04-beta-alternate-i386.iso is not a block device (maybe try `-o loop'?)16:58
mbeierlricochet: it disables it for the "-i " amount of time.  In this case 2 seconds after you type a key16:58
murlidharthis is the error i get16:58
ricochetmbeierl: thats cool! is there a way to stop this thing from scrolling or clicking?16:58
murlidharmurlidhar@linux-desktop:~$ sudo mount /home/murlidhar/Downloads/ubuntu-9.04-beta-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom0/16:58
murlidhari did this16:58
mbeierlricochet: I thought that while it says "disable" scrolling and clicking are stopped...16:59
ricochetwell i dont want it to touchpad click or scroll at all17:00
murlidhargot it !!!!!17:00
mbeierlricochet: but you do want it to move mouse?17:00
mbeierlricochet: control-c in the syndaemon window, and try this instead: "synclient TouchpadOff=1"17:01
ricochetmbeierl: yes, i dont want touchpad clicking or scrolling17:01
ricocheti want my buttons to do the clicking and such.. i am tired of accidentily clicking it17:02
IntuitiveNipplemurlidhar: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/murlidhar/Downloads/ubuntu-9.04-beta-alternate-i386.iso /media/cdrom017:02
deanyricochet, theres no option in mouse properties? there is in 8.1017:02
ricochetno, not in Xubuntu17:02
deanyoh...i see17:02
murlidharIntuitiveNipple: thanks i got anyways17:03
ricochetmbeierl: when i do that it says Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?17:03
mbeierlricochet: ok.  Just came across this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad ... maybe it'll help?17:04
mbeierlit says of Xubu to use qsynaptics17:04
ricochetnot gsynaptics?17:05
mbeierlricochet: gsynaptics would be gnome, no?17:05
ricochethaha crap17:05
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: right, I've now got a virtual machine (VM) broken at roughly the same place and I have the busybox prompt. So, we can at least compare what should be there against what your system sees17:06
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: How have you broken it? By a safe-upgrade? Or did you some tricks to make it fail there?17:08
IntuitiveNippleNo, it is possible to force a break by adding "break=XXXXX" to the kernel's command-line (in GRUB menu)17:09
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: where XXXX is some word like "top" or "modules" or  "pre-mount" or "mount" and so on17:09
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, interesting.17:13
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok, I can recreate your scenario by using break=premount. This means that the udev daemon hasn't been started, so it looks as if the problem for your PC is before that point (or udev is failing) so let's find out if udev is running17:13
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: how can I do that?17:15
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: do "ps | grep udev"   - you should see something like "816 0         8232 S <  /sbin/udevd --daemon --resolve-names=never"17:15
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: if you don't see the udevd process listed it means it either failed or never started17:15
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, I see that17:16
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Really!? wow, I'd have betted it wasn't running. That makes this issue much more interesting :D17:16
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, I would be nice if I could share a little understandig for this "interesting" issue.17:18
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: the thing that springs immediately to my mind is that the hard disk driver modules aren't loaded, which implies the system has some unusual type of hard disk controller17:18
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: *but* the fact the /dev/ hasn't been populated with entries for other devices suggests there's a udev issue17:19
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: extremely hard to figure out remotely, this kind of thing :)17:19
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: You're sure there is no /dev/.udv/ directory? ("ls -al /dev/.udev/") ?17:20
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: oops17:20
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: You're sure there is no /dev/.udev/ directory? ("ls -al /dev/.udev/") ?17:20
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: oh, there is one. I must have overseen it, sry17:21
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ahhh! ok17:22
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: let's drill down into it.17:23
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: does that mean, that udev is a virtual divice?17:23
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: check with this: "ls -al /dev/.udev/db/"17:23
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: you should see entries similar to this format "\x2fdevices\x2fvirtual\x2fblock\x2floop0 -> loop0 block/7:0"17:23
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: the db folder does not exist. Only rules.d and uevent_sequnum are in /dev/.udev/17:24
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Here's what the VM shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147750/17:24
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: haha! ok, that should narrow the window down for where the problem is17:25
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, good. What do you think?17:26
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I'm Googling it :017:26
Spezlwhy is flashplugin-nonfree shown as being blocked in kpackagekit? apt-get upgrade won't install it too .. can i do anything about it?17:26
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok. But I have no idea what this db means at all.17:27
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: the one person I'd ask about this isn't around at present, unfortunately17:27
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: "db" is short for "database" and it is where the udev (userspace device manager) keeps a record of every device the kernel tells it about17:27
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I may have found an Ubuntu bug report for your issue. Take a look, tell me if you see the udevd error reports "unable to create db file..." as reported here: bug #33361417:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333614 in udev "unable to boot: udevd unable to create db file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33361417:29
djcipok - why is the sound louder in my left ear than my right ear17:33
djcipand how do i correct this?17:33
djcipi presume it has to do with the channels... left and right channels17:34
djcipbut how do i equal them out again17:34
IenorandHello, regarding Bug 284377, do you know exactly when the kernel was updated from 2.6.26 to 2.6.27, was that in connection with Hardy->Ibex?17:34
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: we're covered so much I've forgotten what originally caused this. Did the PC have a version of Jaunty already installed and you did a package upgrade and it broke, or was the upgrade from an earlier release (Intrepid, Hardy, etc.) ?17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284377 in network-manager "No NET with 2.6.27: No buffer space available" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28437717:34
Ienoranddjcip: You have looked through volume controls?17:35
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: no, it was when Intrepid changed kernel versions during development17:35
djcipIenorand, i think so.. is there somewhere to control specifically left and right channel17:35
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I had Jaunty and a safe-upgrade caused this17:36
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: that upgrade ran today?17:36
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: when was the last time that system did an upgrade?17:36
NewbeeIt says: Running /scripts/init-premount... ; udevram trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured ; done "17:36
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: yes, today.17:37
djcipIenorand, they show that all my bars are equal to eachother anywhere there are 2 bars17:37
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: haha!17:37
=== Ampelbein is now known as Ampelbein_
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: it must have been between 12:00 and 14:00 that the system did this upgrade17:37
Ienoranddjcip: There is usually more than one volume control which affects overall volume, take a look at all of them (perferences and tick all options) and see if any of them are off balance...17:37
=== Ampelbein_ is now known as Ampelbein
djcipyup did that17:38
djcipIenorand, all of them are checked - every channel has equal settings17:38
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: normaly I do at least once in 24h a safe-upgrade. When the system in running of course17:38
djcipIenorand, the disproportion is also audible on my laptop speakers - so its not my headphones17:38
Ienoranddjcip: Then I really don't know... Something in the sound application?17:39
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok... that error message, is that the 'exact' text (with no spelling mistakes) or your best memory of it? (I'm trying to find it in the scripts)17:39
djcipits skype but i imagine its idenpendent of the application..17:40
djcipi'll check17:40
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: a mixture. I took notes, but cause I' am not a native speaker and I did them fast, I'll have another look.17:40
HalowSkype has some setting to auto adjust your sound settings.17:41
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: thanks... if you can catch that one I can find out where it is generated17:41
Newbeeudevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured17:41
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: this is what I have found17:42
Ienoranddjcip: Test out just playing some test audio with another app17:44
LogicalDashIs it just me, or has Pidgin started crashing on login to google talk?17:46
IntuitiveNippleLogicalDash:  bug #35794917:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794917:48
djcipnow i'm not getting sound in firefox :(17:49
IenorandIntuitiveNipple: I've been wondering about the "no net" bug mentioned (I've got it right that you are TJ?): If disabling network-manager does resolve the issue, can one rule out kernel issues with certainty?17:49
Ienoranddjcip: Are you on KDE?17:49
djcipIenorand,  gnome17:50
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: I don't think so since the error in that ifconfig test clearly comes from the kernel. It looks as if - somehow - NM causes it though17:50
IenorandIntuitiveNipple: Okay... then should I put back a non-invalid tag on the kernel in that bug then?17:51
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: for now yes... set it to 'in progress' since I'm still considering it but not seen anything to give me inspiration so far :)17:52
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: did you find it? By the way, where can I find the init script so that I can have a little look at it?17:52
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: If I had the hardware to reproduce it a solution would be much easier17:52
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: no, I can't find it in the initrd scripts, binaries, or the udev source-code itself.17:53
Ienoranddjcip: hmm... I am probably at just as much a loss as you... sorry17:53
djcipIenorand, needed to apt-get install alsa-oss17:54
IntuitiveNippleNewbeeL /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init17:54
djcipand now i have both right and left at equal volumes17:54
IenorandIntuitiveNipple: If you want anything tested I'll gladly try it out.17:54
IntuitiveNippleIenorand: its more a case of being able to actively debug it with tools17:55
djcipIenorand, the volume is soo low though17:55
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: but, when the system can output it, the programmers must have written it somewhere.17:55
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: Could you reboot the PC and possibly take a digital photograph that captures the error message?17:56
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: yes... i've tried searching on various shorter versions and fragments of the message you reportef but can't find anything that even remotely matches it17:56
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: in forum in my native language some could fix the problem by booting an old kernel and then doing a dkkg --configure -a. So it might be an upgrade failure. But I have no other kernel installed.17:58
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: @picture: I have to begg my brother for his cam first. Will take a few minutes. I do not one one for myself ;-(17:59
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: haha! that error messages - it doesn't occur when the PC boots, is that right? It occurs when the udev package was being upgraded?17:59
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: don't worry about the photo !17:59
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: here's someone else with the same report. not sure if it is also your issue but it is a clue to helping me understand it.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108534618:00
djcipIenorand, that fixed everything now18:00
djcipof course i get a buzz sometimes18:01
djcipbut w/e18:01
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: what I found was in a German forum. And I understand German much better than English, so I was happy about that ;-) .18:01
djcipIenorand, i just turned down my overall levels - now no more buzz18:02
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: OK, let me clear since I've reread what you reported and compared it against that forum report.18:02
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: You see the "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" when the PC is booting, just before it leaves you at the initrd busybox prompt?18:02
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: but the guy on that forum reported the message as coming up during the boot process. And what he pasted was what I see18:02
sparrFATAL: Error inserting usb_storage (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko): Cannot allocate memory18:03
sparrsame error trying to insert any additional modules18:03
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: you mean on the German languahe forum? can you give me the link?18:03
Ienoranddjcip: Glad to hear, sorry I wasn't much of help though.18:03
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/nach-update-bootet-laptop-nicht-mehr/ . There is what I see18:03
sparris anyone else encountering this in jaunty?18:03
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I think this is the cause then: "Der Updatevorgang hatte (warum auch immer) automatisch einen Neustart veranlasst obwohl die neuen Pakete zwar installiert aber eben noch nicht konfiguriert waren"18:05
amon__he Newbee did you try " sudo dpkg --configure -a " ?18:05
IntuitiveNippleamon__ He can't, not directly, the PC fails in the initrd.18:05
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I think the best solution is to use the live-CD to chroot the hard disk installation and fix the upgrades18:06
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I'm not sure how successful doing that from Arch might be, though18:07
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: in *theory* it should be okay18:07
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: Than I would need a jaunty live CD I think. And then chroot to / and /boot and dpkg --configure -a ?18:07
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: You *ought* to be able to use arch to create the chroot jail... something like what I'm about to pastebin for you...18:08
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I have the jaunty iso still available. So I think about burning it to a CD-RW. So I can make use of all the Debian tools if I need to.18:10
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147783/18:11
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: just make sure I've used the correct /dev/sda? for / and /boot18:12
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I will check this by the contents of the filesystems18:13
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: I'm pretty sure if the live-CD maintains the same mapping as earlier18:15
declanpwalshHello! Anyone having USB issues?18:21
BUGabundodeclanpwalsh: what kind?18:21
BUGabundoode: hi, welcome18:21
ode'set completion-ignore-case on' is not working for me in jaunty18:22
declanpwalshNot recognising usb flashdrive at all18:22
odeanyone else experiencing this?18:22
BUGabundodeclanpwalsh: humm does it work on another PC?18:22
declanpwalshI'm sure it was ok yesterday. Tried two devices and updated and restarted. Im on Kubuntu jaunty18:23
declanpwalshWorks fine on windows18:23
declanpwalshwell, windows on another machine.18:23
IntuitiveNippleode bug #24348918:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243489 in bash "completion-ignore-case do not work with ~ (if there are no command)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24348918:23
declanpwalshworked fine until yesterday18:23
HalowWoah. Netsplit.18:25
BUGabundodeclanpwalsh: stuff breaks18:25
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: how are you getting on?18:25
XVampireXFolks is flash working fine for everyone on 64bit?18:25
=== nandemon1i is now known as nandemonai
Ienoranddeclanpwalsh: sparr was having just the same issue here before18:26
fosco__XVampireX, yes for me18:26
declanpwalshTrue. I'll try again on another machine and see. I'll try other device again.18:26
IenorandXVampireX: for me yes18:26
XVampireXAnd you're using flash from the repos right?18:26
odeah, thanks18:26
fosco__XVampireX, yes18:26
Ienorand[QUOTE:] sparrFATAL: Error inserting usb_storage (/lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko): Cannot allocate memory18:26
declanpwalshIenorand: Thanks. I'll check launchpad18:27
fosco__32bits flash + nspluginwrapper18:27
Ienoranddeclanpwalsh: I did look around briefly and saw nothing18:27
Spezlcan anyone tell me why flashplugin-nonfree is shown as being blocked in kpackagekit? apt-get upgrade won't install it too .. can i do anything about it?18:28
fosco__Spezl, try sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree18:29
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: burned CD18:29
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: will reboot now18:29
IenorandSpezl: Hmm, it was blocked in apt-get for me as well, but it updated fine using update-manager18:29
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ahh ok, thought you were going to try with Arch :)18:30
Holek_and I got no sound in flash ;o18:30
BUGabundoSpezl: building depencies, maybe?18:30
SpezlBUGabundo: how can i check?18:31
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I am more familiar with kubuntu. I am using this since 3 years. I ony have Arch to have a look at.18:31
BUGabundoSpezl: it should be the symptoms you have18:31
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok :)18:32
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: let's hope this does it!18:32
SpezlBUGabundo: so what am i going to do? :)18:33
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: I too. But at least I have learned a little bit about my system.18:33
XVampireXWell can anyone help me with flash on linux? >_<18:33
BUGabundoSpezl: wait for it to build?18:33
bmungeris there some special way to submit a bug report.. i submitted one a while ago but it hasnt been touched18:34
IntuitiveNippleYou can get some clues as to why packages are held-back with apt-get by adding the option "-o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true" to the command-line18:34
BUGabundobmunger: what was it?18:34
bmungerhold on getting the link18:35
SpezlBUGabundo: ah, now i got it .. sorry, quite new to linux and no native english speaker :)18:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 356287 in ubuntu "Network Manager fails to apply static IP address" [Undecided,New]18:35
BUGabundoSpezl: no prob18:35
bmungerneat it responds with the bug18:35
bmungerit won't let me select the package affected either because it says its not in ubuntu even though its on the list18:36
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: yeah, you just need to put bug #118:36
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)18:36
bmungerso i think there's a bug in the bug reporter18:36
IntuitiveNipplewhat package are you trying to select?18:37
BUGabundobmunger: unfortunatelly NM plasmoid is very broken18:38
bmungeru'Package plasmoid-networkmanager not published in Ubuntu'18:38
bmungeryea it is very broken18:38
bmungerbut im concerned why my bug hasnt been assigned, touched, or anything18:38
BUGabundobmunger: try to use gnome-networkmanager18:38
bmungerbut im using kde18:38
BUGabundoit also works18:39
bmungerits not a big deal now im just testing it in vmware but its a glaring issue thats so close to release and nobody has filed a report on it18:39
IntuitiveNippleyeah, i can confirm that doesn't like it18:39
bmungerdid i do something wrong on the bug filing?18:39
bmungerthanks IntuitiveNipple18:40
bmungerif its still broke by release i will use the gnome one i guess18:40
IntuitiveNippleI was confirming the weird launchpad behaviour - just to be clear :)18:41
bmungerthought so18:41
bmungerso did i screw up the bug report and thats why nobody has seen it or are the devs too busy18:42
BUGabundotoo busy18:42
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: sorted. there's two entries and one is incorrectly spelt18:42
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: "plasmoid-network-manager"18:42
bmungeri mean i look at the others reported.. such trivial things and they seem to get responded to much faster18:42
BUGabundonot many devs on the Kubuntu team either18:42
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: I've added it now18:42
bmungerthanks IntuitiveNipple18:42
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: hah! spoke too soon, it threw both out now!18:43
IntuitiveNipplethat *was* weird, it initally accepted it, or so I thought18:43
bmungermaybe i need to file a bug report for the bug reporter18:43
IenorandYou also getting timouts here and there in lp?18:43
IntuitiveNippleIt's definitely a luanchpad bug: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasmoid-network-manager18:44
BUGabundoits bug day, after all18:45
BUGabundoit can cause timeouts18:45
BUGabundosee you tommorrow18:46
bmungercool thats a nice bit of information.. the version number is scary low too18:47
bmungerhasn't been an update in more than a month18:48
odesince I know https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash/+bug/243489 is broken in 9.04 do I need to do anything else to mark it as effecting Jaunty specifically?18:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 243489 in bash "completion-ignore-case do not work with ~ (if there are no command)" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:51
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: Bug #35863018:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358630 in launchpad "plasmoid-network-manager not accepted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35863018:52
IntuitiveNippleode: no, the fact it is current means it affects the latest version18:53
odeah, thanks18:53
IntuitiveNippleode: you could check upstream/other distros to see if it is Ubuntu specific... if it is, it might be easier to fix since it'll be in the ubuntu patches18:54
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: it works18:54
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: YAY *party-time*18:54
NewbeeYear, that's great.18:54
IntuitiveNippleI think we needa bug report for that, but it is difficult to know where to post it18:55
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: thank you for your help18:56
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: you're welcome. I'm trying to find out where to post that configure bug now18:58
bmungerthank you IntuitiveNipple19:00
bmungeri will watch that one and see if they touch it19:00
XVampireXFlash seems to be working only without hardware acceleration19:00
maekanyone know how to disable metacity? Its not listed in the startup applications anymore as "window manager"19:01
VeinorHow on earth did I just get 130+ updates given that I checked for them yesterday?19:05
crdlbVeinor: final freeze :)19:06
crdlbI expect updates will be quite slow from now on19:07
VeinorSo this is basically final unless we find a bug that will format your hard drive or whatever?19:08
VeinorAnd by we I mean you.19:08
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: ok, that's a good idea to save some others time ;-) . I'd like to help, but I have to leave and do some karate now.19:10
IntuitiveNippleNewbee: ok, thanks for sticking with it. we're reporting it now19:11
IenorandVeinor: Just all fixes will have to be confirmed by release-team et al19:11
deanyi`ll just hold off, rather than update every file a million times :) sounds quite messy19:12
panaggioafter my last apt-get upgrade yesterday, my main partition is only getting mounted ro19:12
odei had a look at fedora and opensuse bug trackers and couldn't see anything that looked the same19:13
edgyHi, when I choose mobile broadband -> add I don't see a list of providers, how can I display the list?19:13
NewbeeIntuitiveNipple: and thanks for your attemps to explain the problem to me. I like learning something about the software I am using.19:13
bmungerIntuitiveNipple: i foudn the problem, those packages have been deleted, it was changed to plasma-widget-network-manager19:13
bmungeri hope that makes a difference19:13
Ienorandpanaggio: I think it updated fstab recently, did you have a manual config?19:14
odeupstream bash changelog is pretty extensive, but i don't think it's there either19:14
panaggiolenorand: no. I have never edited fstab on this install19:14
IntuitiveNipplebmunger: really? but there is still a package being published? strange19:15
Joker_-_Anyone here uses something similar to torrentflux (or torrentflux-b4rt)? I'm looking for a web based torrent download client.19:16
panaggiolenorand: if I remount it (mount -o remount,rw /) I can do a lot of things with root. But with other users, I cando almost nothing =/19:16
Joker_-_I'm wondering if theres anything newer than torrentflux has it hasnt been updated for almost a year19:16
bmungerIntuitiveNipple: yea someone didn't clean up apparently19:17
Ienorandpanaggio: Are they in the plugdev group? and what does "cat /etc/fstab" give you (pastebin.com)19:19
Exilantmy user wasn't in group users, while trying to fix it i accidentally took me out of all groups. can someone type "id (primaryusername)" or so and tell me the output?19:19
tech404IntuitiveNipple, Deluge is about as good as it gets. With the Jaunty update you have the client run in the background whenever you want and you can connect to it with CLI,GUI, and web19:19
Picassotamusis 8.04->9.04 going to be a supported upgrade path?19:20
tech404Joker_-_,  See my message to IntuitiveNipple. IntuitiveNipple, plz disregard19:20
IntuitiveNippletech404: ahhh! I was getting very confused there19:21
IenorandExilant: http://www.mibbit.com/pb/KD80sK19:21
janakaclkPicassotamus: didnt get what you ment by upgrade path19:21
Picassotamusjanakaclk: Just, if i can go from LTS to LTS, or if i will need to upgrade to 8.1 first19:22
ExilantIenorand: thanks a lot19:22
maxbPicassotamus: You can go from LTS to LTS, but 9.04 is not a LTS19:23
janakaclksorry Picassotamus. That I am not sure. I upgraded to 8.10 before 9.0419:23
tech404Whats the best way to get a bug noticed? I have a serious regression but it hasn't been triaged but it has been there for like 2-3 weeks.19:23
Picassotamusmaxb: I thought it was going to be... so ill need 8.1 first then i will assume19:23
IenorandPicassotamus: LTS is two years apart afaik so next is 10.04, (right?)19:24
janakaclkSorry i never bothered to find what is LTS.. what is really LTS?19:24
maxbPicassotamus: There is no such thing as 8.119:24
maxbPicassotamus: Are you using Kubuntu, btw?19:25
Picassotamusmaxb: 8.1 = 8.1019:25
Picassotamusmaxb: no19:25
maxbPicassotamus: In your head, perhaps :-)19:25
Ienorandtech404: Work to supply as much info as possible... see if you can narrow it down to a package and version etc. Even better if you can supply a patch :)19:26
Joker_-_janakaclk: Long Term Support19:26
janakaclkthanks Joker_-_19:26
aciculais there a way to prefetch packages with the update manager(when upgradeing with -d_19:26
Joker_-_tech404: deluge... I'll check it out19:26
maxbPicassotamus: the "10" relates to October, which "1" clearly doesn't19:26
Joker_-_tech404: thx19:26
maxbacicula: No, I have resorted to apt-get hackery in the past19:27
Picassotamusmaxb: Thats right, i learned that the other day... just being 'mathy' i guess19:27
maxbVersion numbers aren't decimals :-)19:28
Holek_i have no sound in flash19:31
Holek_also flash plugin crashes firefox upon closing the tab19:32
Holek_i've installed flashplugin-installer package19:32
panaggiolenorand: I had to type my fstab. Couldn't mount my pendrive on the problematic machine19:33
panaggiolenorand: http://pastebin.com/d33524cb819:33
Holek_anyone on this flash prob?19:33
panaggiolenorand: I couldn't figure out what is they in "Are they in the plugdev group?"19:35
panaggiolenorand: "they" == the users I've tested?19:35
janakaclkI had the same problem19:35
janakaclkwith flash19:35
janakaclkI upgraded the flash plugin in to r10.**19:36
janakaclkand changed the default sound device for ubuntu19:36
janakaclkand then it worked ok most of the time19:36
efefppoHas the google calendar bug in evoluition been fixed?19:37
Ienorandpanaggio: run "id" in a terminal to see which groups the current user is in, and make sure group 46(plugdev) is among them19:37
Holek_janakaclk: did you upgraded it from the repo or from adobe's website?19:37
Holek_and which package did you use?19:37
janakaclkbut sometimes when skype or pidgin use the sound card when i start the flash plugin it doesnt work19:37
janakaclkadobe's website19:37
janakaclkHolek_: did you see any bugs created for this19:38
janakaclkHolek_: for the flash problem i mean19:39
Joker_-_damn, I'm running this irssi as root, brb19:39
panaggiolenorand: my user is in plugdev19:39
Holek_janakaclk: nope, haven't19:40
Ienorandand it is the windows and/or recovery partitions that's troublesome?19:40
ExilantIenorand: hm, you also seem to be out of group users19:40
Exilantis that a jaunt bug or an oddity?19:40
Holek_janakaclk: i should have, shouldn't I? :P19:41
janakaclkHolek_: go for it :)19:41
IenorandExilant: Hmm, I haven't thought about it... don't know....19:42
janakaclkHolek_: The reason I didnt put the bug is.. We only can report it.. but do you know any logs that can be used to diagnose the problem19:42
panaggiolenorand: I can read from and write to /media/windows or /media/recovery19:43
panaggiolenorand: my / is always being mounted as ro. and that's the problemw19:43
Holek_janakaclk: oh my, changing the sound dev helped :D19:45
mbeierlefefppo: not to my knowledge19:46
mbeierlefefppo: sorry - I thought you said exchange calendar, not google19:47
janakaclkHave anyone used pulseaudio as the primary sound device?19:47
Ienorandpanaggio: Oh... right... Might be errors causing it to remount read-only then... tried running manual fsck? "touch /forcefsck"19:49
Holek_janakaclk: Amarok changes to pulseaudio at start, as it says that my default device is unavailable19:49
Holek_but it works ;o19:49
panaggiolenorand: I've checked it yesterday, after I saw the problem at the first time. everything all right19:50
IenorandBy the way, could anyone else on an ext3 root fs run "cat /etc/fstab" and see if the defaults option is set for "/", on ext4 it is not so I was wondering...19:51
janakaclkHolek_: you mean Amarok changes the OS default sound device?19:52
Holek_just falls back to pulseaudio itself19:52
janakaclkHolek_: ohh ok :)19:53
siegieIenorand: do you have a sec, i'm starting my desktop now.19:54
uffohow i can improve signal strenght with my wifi card, it is very poor compared to others on same range http://paste.ubuntu.com/147841/19:55
siegieIenorand: a beta installation only has the options relatime and errors=remount-ro19:55
siegiemy desktop is running on ext3 btw and my laptop on ext419:56
panaggiolenorand: do you think I should remove defaults from / options ?19:57
Ienorandpanaggio: So... a wild guess would be to remove the defaults option... yes... I have no idea if it may work, but, if you want to try go ahead...19:57
panaggiolenorand: I've done first, asked second =)19:58
panaggiolenorand: same problem.19:59
Chr|sIn Nautilus, how do I list what folders I want from my home folder?19:59
Chr|son the sidebar19:59
panaggiolenorand: I can read a lot o return 24 on that "login log" (don't know its "real" name)20:00
panaggioand I couldn't find anywhere what exit code 24 mean20:00
panaggiolenorand: is it a clue? Or maybe it's just a consequence20:00
Ienorandpanaggio: hmm, I'm kinda lost as well...20:01
Chr|snevermind I figured it out20:01
panaggiolenorand: do you think it would be easier to I reinstall the system? Or do you think I should keep trying to solve the problem?20:02
panaggio:s:to I reinstall:to reinstall20:03
Ienorandpanaggio: I don't know, honestly, since I have no idea what the problem might be, if it might be some configuration or if there might be a physical problem with the disk in some area...20:04
spaceBARbarianwhats the difference between the beta release vs daily live cd ?20:07
PiciThe daily cds are generated every day20:07
rconanspaceBARbarian: dailies have updates since the beta20:07
spaceBARbarianrconan so i won't have to do as many updates if i get a daily right ?20:07
PiciAnd the dailies are less tested.20:07
rconanbut are even less guaranteed to work than the beta20:07
rconanspaceBARbarian: trye20:08
panaggiolenorand: thanks a lot. I'll try some help later. I'll try to solve it here again20:08
rconanspaceBARbarian: try the daily but if it goes wrong try the beta20:08
spaceBARbarianrconan, i dont want something unstable, but i also dont want to get the beta and then get 200 updates20:08
rconanspaceBARbarian: well you'll get at least a couple of hundred megs of updates if you install the beta20:08
rconanif you don't want something unstable use the stable release20:09
uffohow i can improve signal strenght with my wifi card, it is very poor compared to others on same range http://paste.ubuntu.com/147841/ ubuntu 8.10 had same problem20:09
spaceBARbarianrconan, so the beta is the latest stable release ?20:09
spaceBARbarianstable as in most tested20:09
rconanspaceBARbarian: no... intrepid is the latest stable release20:09
rconanspaceBARbarian: the beta is the most stable jaunty release though (which is what I think you mean)20:10
Ienorandpanaggio: by the way, your /dev/hda, are you sure that is the cdrom? (device name seems a bit odd...)20:10
spaceBARbarianrconan, yeah thats what i meant20:10
spaceBARbarianbeta it is then20:10
rconanspaceBARbarian: there are, however, many many updates every day20:10
rconanspaceBARbarian: which, assuming the daily installer works, will be the same as installing a daily20:10
spaceBARbarianrconan, yeah i noticed that when i tried intrepid beta20:10
spaceBARbarianrconan, oh okay so then i might as well use a daily because i do let updates run20:11
rconanspaceBARbarian: yeah, but if you have problems with the installer, try the beta since it's a more tested isntaller20:11
spaceBARbarianokay thks20:11
Creative1412guys i got an encoding problem20:11
Creative1412please see that: http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/5462/screenshotnnl.png20:12
wirechiefThe install on my usb stick seemed to lose the xorg.conf settings, i had to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to recover, is this a bug with using the stick ?20:13
wirechiefit booted to a terminal screen and i used it, to get back. it did it first on my desktop then my laptop.20:14
panaggiolenorand: I use a sata hd. I think my cdrom is really at /dev/hda. but I'll try it out. I'm rechecking hd20:16
Creative1412guys i got an encoding problem20:16
Creative1412please see that: http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/5462/screenshotnnl.png20:16
Creative1412belive it or not i have allmost 100 files like those two20:17
panaggiolenorand: as the problem occurred on an upgrade, I was thinking that another upgrade may solve the problem20:17
Creative1412they are supposed to be written in arabic under windows20:18
panaggiolenorand: do you think it's possible?20:18
Ienorandpanaggio: As I said, I have really no clue what the problem might be... maybe yes, maybe no, all I can say unfortunately.20:19
panaggiolenorand: ok. thanks again. I'll try to find somewhere I can update it (my last try to solve the problem), as I'm using dial up here right now20:20
mbeierlCreative1412: how did you get those files to Linux?20:25
Creative1412by a rar files20:25
Creative1412and my ntfs's partions gives the same under KDE20:26
mbeierlCreative1412: ok, there goes my only theories, sorry, I'm no encoding expert :(20:26
Creative1412mbeierl: the problem that didn't happen even under dapper! :@20:27
ddastoori upgraded from intrepid to jaunty and i can't see any notifications20:34
ddastoorwhat should i do to enable them ?20:34
mib_vsuf1bh2Just used update manager to update my jaunty beta installation, last updated a day or so ago, upon rebooting (which was required), now won't boot, Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx$ does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!20:35
mib_vsuf1bh2I can get it up and running by dropping to a previous kernel, is this a known problem?20:35
ddastoori upgraded to jaunty from intrepid and my notifications are not showing.. how do i enable them ?20:35
mib_vsuf1bh2Hi, appreciate jaunty might break, and there is no support, but does anyone know why the kernel upgrade just now prevents jaunty from booting20:41
imachinemib_vsuf1bh2, works for me20:41
IntuitiveNippleoh no, not another one!20:41
IntuitiveNipplemib_vsuf1bh2: The likely issue is: bug #358654 ... take a look see if it matches your scenario20:42
mib_vsuf1bh2imachine: when did you last update, and reboot20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358654 in watershed "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35865420:42
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mib_vsuf1bh2ubottu: looks like the badger20:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:42
imachinemib_vsuf1bh2, dunno, today20:42
mib_vsuf1bh2IntuitiveNipple: that looks like its the badger20:43
lupine_85I'm attempting to get a DVB-T card working in Jaunty, but it's failing to tune the card20:43
IntuitiveNipplemib_vsuf1bh2: I spent 3 hours this afternoon with Newbee tracking that **** down! Hope you've got another install you can boot to, or a live-CD :)20:43
mib_vsuf1bh2IntuitiveNipple: it books from another kernel same install20:44
IntuitiveNipplemib_vsuf1bh2: That sounds useful!20:45
IntuitiveNipplemib_vsuf1bh2: someone else reported that didn't help them20:45
IntuitiveNipplemib_vsuf1bh2: so your damage is limited to the initrd image20:45
mib_vsuf1bh2IntuitiveNipple: is this the ext4 problem i've heard about20:46
IntuitiveNippleno, if you've got the bug I pointed you to, this is a problem with a system restart being prompted and done before all packages have finished updating20:46
mib_vsuf1bh2IntuitiveNipple: ah ok just looking at launchpad now... perhaps I can update with the other kernel and then reboot20:47
IntuitiveNippleYes, if it is the same issue, all you need do is boot from the other kernel and run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"20:48
mib_vsuf1bh2IntuitiveNipple: thanks20:49
khearis usb-creator supposed to be installed by default on kubuntu? seems like i'm getting it with the latest upgrades, along with a bunch of gnome packages20:51
faultcan somebody help me please? im experiencing dependecy problems while upgrading to jaunty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147867/20:55
faultis there a way to fix this depency problems?20:56
spaceBARbarianhey whats the best way to share a drive between windows and linux ?20:56
spaceBARbarianor a partition20:56
faulti use a ntfs partition.20:56
FoxBlitzzI'm a bit confused about audio config in Kubuntu Jaunty21:02
=== dR0g is now known as dROg
FoxBlitzzWhat's with the PulseAudio option? How can I route that to my desktop speakers and not my headset?21:03
FoxBlitzzAlso, why isn't Flash playback affected by KDE volume settings?21:03
FoxBlitzzFinally, why can't I mute volume?21:03
peter__I'm trying to get Blender to work on Ubuntu...21:04
=== peter__ is now known as Mene-Mene
Mene-MeneI can get what's in the repositories working.21:05
Mene-MeneBut I can't seem to get a 64 bit edition.21:05
Mene-MeneAre the repositories 64 bit?21:05
IntuitiveNippleMene-Mene: The repositories contain packages for both x86 and amd64 architectures, and the correct packages are installed based on the installed architecture21:06
Mene-MeneBut they aren't always made available, correct?21:07
PrebenRhi. I have turned off sound events in gnome and xfce and gconf, but still programs keep playing event sounds (gtk programs) Is this a bug?21:07
Mene-MeneSo it's possible that it could be 32 bit, and it's possible it could be 64 bit.21:07
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
PrebenRFoxBlitzz, I also cannot mute now after last upgrade21:08
PrebenRI don't use  kde though21:09
IntuitiveNippleMene-Mene: the only time packages aren't available for both architectures is when they won't work on one or the other.21:09
Mene-MeneI wasn't aware that non-canonical repositories were updated instantly.21:10
spaceBARbarianwhats a good setup of partitions with different mount points ?21:11
IntuitiveNippleMene-Mene: for example, packages that contain programs that directly call BIOS functions used to only be available on x86, but since we now use the libx86, both x86 and amd64 can do that so packages can be provided for both.21:12
PrebenRFoxBlitzz, sorry muting was my fault. it works21:12
FoxBlitzzI don't get it. I can mute the CD and headphones21:13
FoxBlitzzBut why can't I mute master?21:13
spaceBARbarianwhats a good setup of partitions with different mount points ?21:13
IntuitiveNipplespaceBARbarian: I tend to use LVM - one PV and then several LVs with some spare left in the PV for extending into later. I have separate volumes for /boot (ext3), / (LVM encrypted ext4), /var (LVM encrypted ext4), /home (LVM encrypted ext4) and several others21:13
spaceBARbarianIntuitiveNipple: holy crap,thats a little too intense21:14
IntuitiveNipplespaceBARbarian: It is sensible :)21:14
IntuitiveNipplespaceBARbarian: I've had to increase /var from 4GB to 6 and then 8GB recently21:15
spaceBARbarianIntuitiveNipple: well you know your stuff, how about a simple setup for a laptop that i am dual botting on21:15
IntuitiveNipplespaceBARbarian: This is a laptop too, dual-boot set-up.21:15
hmwdid my last message reach this channel?21:15
spaceBARbariani only have 100gb of ram21:16
hmwafter a week of not using my (quite stable) jaunty, i updated, and the machine froze. After reboot the system was damaged (not able to login in Gnome). Some time later, I decided to wipe the partition. Setup froze at a similar point in the process. I managed to make it work by using the dpkg option in the "repair boot menu", but now I have several strange things going on, and need help to track the error(s) down. [...]21:18
hmwMy current problem is with compiz/shift switcher. When I press the hot key and trigger the "next window" some times, X dies and I have to relogin. syslog says something about "gdm_slave_xioerror_handler". What could that indicate?21:19
Belboz991Hey all, recent update to my 9.04-64 build has caused Gnome to lock up upon login, log of X shows it hanging on "Leaving Restore TV", any ideas?21:32
Joker_-__I installed deluge, it worked fine but once I uploaded a torrent to the torrent directory, poof, crashed and now it wont work anymore21:34
nemohmw: say, by any chance (freeze damaging system) were you using ext4?21:40
hmwnemo: now i am. Before I used ext321:40
nemohmw: and, when you "froze" did you check that it had totally frozen? (ctrl-alt-backspace, ctrl-alt-del, ssh/ping, magic sysrq ? :) )21:40
hmwin 2 of 3 occations, i could reboot usong sysrq only, in the 3rd occasion, this didnt work, too21:41
nemohmw: anyway. I had something similar to this happen with me ext4.  rather than track down mysterious errors caused by damage lord knows what, I just reinstalled all my packages21:41
hmwnemo: i had a wonderfully working version, last updated a week ago, which crashed due to a full disk...21:42
hmwi could try reinstalling on ext3, though.21:42
hmwyou think, some files are damaged, or what would be the case, if ext4 was to blame_21:43
hmwwell... I will find out... i love setup orgies21:44
Belboz991nemo, you have any idea as to what would make X hang upon login after a recent update?21:46
spaceBARbarianhow do you get to the guided method with the jaunty installer ?21:46
BUGabundoBelboz991: Intel GPU?21:48
Belboz991BUGabundo:  ATI Radeon XPress 200 IIRC21:48
BUGabundook, diff bug21:49
BUGabundoBelboz991: driver -ati or closed source?21:49
Belboz991BUGabundo: tried "radeon", "ati" and "vesa" all hang21:49
BUGabundovesa too?21:49
BUGabundothat's strange21:49
Belboz991it hangs on "Leaving Restore TV" with the first two21:50
BUGabundocan you try a recovery gnome ?21:50
Belboz991vesa it just hangs with no indication21:50
Belboz991best method for doing that?21:50
nemoBelboz991: welp. guess you'll be checking dmesg/Xorg log/xsession errors :)21:51
BUGabundoend login/session, press option, select recovery21:51
hmwi just had a problem with gnome (wouldnt let me in anymore), which seemingly was repaired with the dpkg option on the boot menu ("repair mode")21:51
Belboz991well, I see wallpaper, that's an improvement :P21:53
Belboz991BUGabundo: nope, I get the desktop background, a cursor, and that's all she wrote :(21:55
BUGabundothat looks terrivebly like the intel bug, which means it's the kernel bug21:56
BUGabundocwillu was working on that21:56
nemohmw: re: files, ext4 isn't *really* to blame21:57
nemohmw: your running it on an unstable system that crashes while it has files open is :)21:57
hmwi see21:57
BUGabundojust run $ sync more often21:57
nemohmw: so. gnome replaces a file, replacement isn't synced...21:57
nemoBUGabundo: was gonna say that :)  - put sync in a cron ;)21:58
hmwi understand... i just rebooted the live cd21:58
BUGabundolike, every second21:58
nemohmw: anyway. I just ran a dpkg -i of everything in the cache dir21:58
nemoor at least, the latest of each21:58
nemohmw: I got a mostly functional system, and did a reinstall of everything from synaptic after that21:58
nemofrom that point on I was fine21:58
nemobut, was an unpleasant 30 minutes of repair :-/21:58
hmwi tried dpkg already. At least i could log in after. But i had some strange things happening. I want my previous jaunty back *sniff*21:59
nemohmw: if you can boot the system, I wouldn't bother with live CD21:59
hmwnah, i dont trust this install.21:59
hmwit crashed while installing from the cd, and i managed to make it boot thereafter. Doesnt make me feel very confident about everthing being repairable...21:59
nemo*shrug* your call :)22:00
Belboz991BUGabundo: Xorg.failsafe.0.log shows: Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE as the last line.22:00
hmwtoo late, i already restarted the setup *g*22:00
Belboz991before that, are similar lines with COMOSITE, RANDR, and RENDER22:00
hmwMaybe it will crash again, and I can find a pattern for a bug report...22:01
SnoFoxI can't get Xorg in failsafe mode.22:01
BUGabundoBelboz991: I'm not the best person to reply there22:01
Belboz991thanks anyway BUGabundo, do you have any links that may be of use?22:01
BUGabundoSnoFox: nice way to start your way in :(22:01
Belboz991I'd really like to have access to my laptop back, and I've hit a wall :/22:01
SnoFoxBUGabundo: I know, but I'm stuck on TTY1. I'm trying to get this fixed quick. :)22:02
SnoFoxI'm right to the point. :p22:02
BUGabundoBelboz991: do it the hard way? boot into recovery mode, run XFIX, reboot, recovery again, su USER; startx22:02
BUGabundoSnoFox: try my advice to Belboz99122:02
SnoFoxBUGabundo: What about failsafe mode? With my intellect, I'm probably just doing it wrong.22:03
BUGabundoSnoFox: is that from GDM?22:04
SnoFoxGDM, yes.22:04
hmw"built in extension DAMAGE"... lol22:05
BUGabundowe really need so X guru here22:05
BUGabundoI can't help all of you guys22:05
BUGabundoI just help with basic, and repeable stuff22:05
BUGabundolike posting bug links and emails info22:05
BUGabundoI miss cwillu.... he is the expert on those nasty X vs Kernel bugs22:06
SnoFoxErm, you don't know how to start X in failsafe mode?22:06
SnoFoxI think I'm doing it wrong.22:06
BUGabundolet me fetch someone from #ubuntu-x22:06
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: the problem from earlier (with Newbee) turned out to be a major: bug #35865422:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358654 in watershed "udevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35865422:06
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: I don't recall the bug or symptons22:06
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: you may see people complaining of boot failures after update, so there's a heads-up for you22:06
BUGabundoI got that22:07
BUGabundototal system corruption22:07
BUGabundogot me to fsck 2x22:07
BUGabundothought it was HW prob on my side22:07
RizRvolume is not very high since i upgraded to jaunty.22:07
jester7RizR: i've had that problem since hardy :(22:08
RizRany way to gain the volume other than putting it to maximum on volume control? :-)22:08
IntuitiveNippleno, it seems that several packages do not correctly depend on initramfs-tools and therefore the 'your system has been updated and needs to restart' prompt isn't delayed, so some users will trigger the reboot whilst packages haven't completed configuring themselves.22:08
RizRjester7, so what did u do? get powerful speakers? :-)22:08
HalowCheck the PCM volume (you may have to click the Preferences button and check more boxes to show up in volume control).22:09
jester7RizR: in terminal type: alsamixer22:09
jester7RizR: i just deal with it22:09
BUGabundoRizR: jester7 I had that, and then it got fixed22:09
jester7BUGabundo: how did you get it fixed?22:09
RizRguess what alsamixer shows me my pcm wasn't full. gnome volume control doesnt show pcm. hmm 1 sec.22:10
jester7RizR: that'll probably do it22:10
RizRjester7, yes. did it.22:10
bicchiIs it me or Jaunty does not notify of upgrades? So far I have been using "apt-get safe-upgrade" to do my updates since I never see any notifications but through the command prompt it is always getting upgrades.22:10
RizRBUGabundo, jester7: any idea how why gnome volume control doesn't have that?22:11
BUGabundobicchi: Bug 33294522:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294522:11
jester7RizR: if you go to preferences, you should be able to add a checkmark22:11
BUGabundoRizR: try to enable it, on preferences22:11
RizRjester7, can't find that in preferences22:11
BUGabundolet see if dtchen or maco are around22:12
BUGabundomaco dtchen ping22:12
RizRBUGabundo, jester7 : that's fine. my volume control showed OSS Mixer. I selected Alsa Mixer. I've never really gotton my head around the sound system. quick 2 secs intro? :-)22:13
dtchenmy nick does not highlight on that position22:14
RizRhow come one device can work on two mixers?22:14
dtchenyou need to either preface the sentence with it and a colon/comma, e.g., dtchen:22:14
BUGabundook dtchen,22:14
jester7RizR: make that two of us.  it's pretty convoluted methinks22:14
dtchenor you can use one of the keyword highlights i have (sound, alsa, pulseaudio, ...)22:14
BUGabundoahhh keywords! why didnt I ever though on that lol22:15
RizRjester7, i like the way things work better on ubuntu and mostly Linux now but sometimes I just miss those times when everything was in front of you without GUI gimmicks :-)22:15
dtchenRizR: from what perspective?22:15
BUGabundodtchen: you can go back to rest... RizR already figured out what was wrong22:15
RizRdtchen, hmm NetworkManger for once :-)22:16
dtchenasac is the person to talk to for NM22:16
jester7BUGabundo: i dont' know if you spend a lot of time in here, but i have to imagine you're getting A LOT of questions regarding the lack of support for fglrx this time around22:17
BUGabundojester7: yes22:18
BUGabundoactually for the 1st cycle ever, NVidia is the quieter22:19
jester7the radeon drivers are struggling22:19
jester7if you have anyone come in asking about constant flickering with the radeon driver, even with compiz turned off, tell them to turn cpu scaling to something higher than 800mhz22:20
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Belboz991dang, this sucks22:27
Belboz991my laptop is entirely unusable at this point :(22:27
IenorandHmm, in my experience there is more ado about intel and nvidia actally, at least in here...22:28
Belboz991and worse, there's no error output22:28
BUGabundoIenorand: ado?22:29
Ienorand–noun; busy activity; bustle; fuss c.f. Much ado about nothing; W. Shakespeare :)22:30
hmwwhat does "not all updates can be installed" on a fresh install? it offers "partial upgrade"... simply ignore it?22:32
BUGabundohmw: ignore22:32
BUGabundoprob still building depencies22:32
hmwanother question: i install from a CDROM. Max. 700MB or so. It downloads another 300M. After finishing, i got 3G ??22:33
hmwthats quite some awesome compression22:34
Chr|show does the system testing report thats sent to launchpad help? just curious how it works22:41
myk_robinsonhey. seen a lot of people posting bootcharts on the forum.. How to I create this bootchart?22:41
nemohmw: why does a mere 3:1 seem that impressive to you? :)22:42
nemohmw: esp given any XML or similar will likely compress like 10:1 or better22:42
hmwhmm... seems i forgot, that in linux almost everything is a script...22:43
nemoI just ran bzip on a random executable and got 38%22:43
nemohmw: that's in line with 3:122:43
BUGabundomyk_robinson: install bootchart and bootchart-java22:44
BUGabundothen look in /var/log/bootchart22:44
myk_robinsonthank you22:44
nemohmw: 41942/11078522:44
BUGabundoand that reminds me to upload last week batch22:44
hmwbootchart-java wasnt nececary, when i used it last week in jaunty. It just created a png anyways (no java at all was installed)22:44
nemosay, someone linked me to a bootchart a few weeks ago - it was pretty cool, but it was truncated22:45
nemoanyone here who uses that happen to manage to generate one that isn't truncated?22:45
nemothat chart22:45
nemoterminates at 45s22:46
argesIf I turn off effects in 9.04 gnome and use a virtual desktop (dual monitors), I can't set a picture background anymore... anybody else experiencing this?22:47
BUGabundohmw: it changed along the cycle22:47
BUGabundonow we need either the java or py code to generate pngs22:47
BUGabundonemo: I've been trying to make mine go further into GDM22:48
BUGabundobut FAIL22:48
BUGabundoarges: no22:48
argesalso why does the background 'fade' when I try to set the background picture?22:49
waxeddoes 9.04 have better bluetooth support?22:49
DuckthisHello peoples|22:49
BUGabundoarges: not really22:50
graingertvirtualbox, and 3d on ubuntu 9.04 makes the cursor disappear with compiz, why is this?22:50
BUGabundohi waxed graingert Duckthis22:50
argesBUGabundo: what do you mean not really?22:51
Chr|sarges» because thats what its suppose to do22:51
waxedgraingert: you mean you cant use Vbox on 9.04?22:51
Chr|sarges» it fades to the desktop you select when your selecting a different one22:51
graingertwaxed-> no, ubuntu+1 under vbox22:51
DuckthisI just installed KDE and xfce over GNOME and now my background (before and after login screen) becomes blue even if I usr GNOME and default boot screené22:52
argesChr|s: Yes, I understand. But I'm trying to figure out why I can't set the background when I have desktop effects disabled. Also I have HW acceleration disabled.22:52
Chr|sarges» I'm not sure then22:52
hmwoops... wrong channel... sry22:53
Chr|s!ot | hmw22:53
ubottuhmw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:53
argesWell looks like I'll file a bug then.22:53
waxeddoes 9.04 have better bluetooth support anyone?22:54
BUGabundoarges: wrong person... was meant for waxed22:54
Chr|swaxed» I would imagine so since its an upgrade from 8.1022:54
Chr|swaxed» but then again, I don't use bluetooth for anything currently22:54
BUGabundoI can transfer files, sync mobiles, but audio is not working for me in BT22:55
waxedso its got a BT bug?22:55
BUGabundodon't know22:55
waxedwell if audio is not working22:56
dtchenBUGabundo: BT is a PA issue23:05
dtchenshould be fixed in luke's ppa23:05
BUGabundodtchen: is it?23:05
BUGabundofor 9.14 ?23:06
bruce89are there two new months this year?23:06
dtchenBUGabundo: 0.9.15-test7 has the fixes23:06
dtchenjaunty's 0.9.14 does not23:06
dtchenalso, jaunty does not ship with it loaded23:06
BUGabundobruce89: LOL pulse audio version... not ubuntu release name23:07
dtcheni'll SRU the fixes if i can, but i'd rather fix upstream ALSA bugs at the time.23:07
bruce89BUGabundo: I see, but the 0.* makes all the difference23:07
BUGabundodtchen: don't bother with me.... ill go to koala in one month23:07
BUGabundobruce89: actually, "in" ubuntu its 1.09.14.... themuso made a mistake.... hehe23:08
BUGabundoopps and so did I23:08
bruce89BUGabundo: heh, don't worry about it23:09
BUGabundodtchen: will inicial koala get 9.15 once the toolchains open, with kernel .29 support?23:09
dtchenBUGabundo: karmic will roll directly to 2.6.30-rc23:09
dtchenBUGabundo: and yes, 0.9.15 will be in it23:09
frogonwheelsin jaunty - is there a kde  interface for xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto  --right-of DVI-023:09
frogonwheelsum. jaunty + kde 4.223:10
BUGabundodtchen: do you expect a calm cycle for audio, or more breakage?23:11
zyberzerokbmaniac:  are you there?23:11
RAOFfrogonwheels: That _should_ be handled by the Screen resolution tool thingy.23:12
dtchenBUGabundo: i expect it to be eventful.23:12
frogonwheelsRAOF: yeah - nice theory23:12
RAOFfrogonwheels: But when I used it (a couple of months ago), mostly it wouldn't actually do anything.23:12
frogonwheelsRAOF:  it's only got resolution and orientation23:12
frogonwheelsRAOF: oh well, at least I can still do it with xrandr23:14
ubuntuIs there any way I can force apt-get to download and install a package when it's telling me I have to run "apt-get -f install" to fix other things?23:14
=== ubuntu is now known as kernco
frogonwheelskernco: I was just about to suggest a name change :)23:15
kerncolol, sorry I'm on a live CD23:15
frogonwheelskernco: any reason why youdon't what to fix other things?23:15
kerncoBecause running apt-get -f install doesn't fix them23:16
frogonwheelskernco: have you tried running aptitude ?23:16
frogonwheels--ignore-missing ?23:17
kerncoThat seems to work, but there's a new problem.  I'm connected to the internet on the Live CD, but when I try to chroot to my installation on my hard drive, it doesn't have the connection.23:17
BUGabundokernco: I will, if you copy the network conf23:18
FoxBlitzzRrgh, trying to get PulseAudio to default to my desktop speakers and not my headset23:19
FoxBlitzzAnd I'm failing miserably23:19
frogonwheelskernco:  or roll-your-own /etc/network/interfaces  (different solution from BUGabundo - since the live willbe using network-manager)23:19
* frogonwheels remembers battling with PulseAudio over default devices.23:20
nemoBUGabundo: well, if it'd just keep running until all the stuff it was tracing terminated, that'd be nice23:20
BUGabundofrogonwheels: do you know if $ ifconfig up would work?23:20
FoxBlitzzI set pavucontrol so that SoundBlaster is the default23:20
* frogonwheels doesn't uuse PulseAudio anymore.23:20
nemoBUGabundo: too many things in that chart still running.23:20
nemohm. granted, some don't terminate23:20
FoxBlitzzBut ZSNES, KDE still play sound through the headset23:20
frogonwheelsBUGabundo:  ifconfig up isn't a newtwork-manager thing - it the /etc/network/interfaces thing.23:21
BUGabundonemo: when would X end ? lOL23:21
nemoBUGabundo: the clipping is annoying too. I can't read most of the stuffspawned late in the process23:21
* BUGabundo checks bootcharts after latest attempt to make it run longer23:21
zyberzero2kbmaniac_: Do you read me?23:21
nemoBUGabundo: yeah. I guess the ones that don't terminate are dæmons - never mind23:21
nemohm. apt-file is extraordinarily stupid about downloading23:22
nemoI got to 92% when my wireless glitched23:22
BUGabundoWOOT WOOT WOOT it worked23:22
BUGabundoadded a sleep 9023:22
nemoI've left it running hoping it will realise that it had reconnected and retry, like wget.23:22
nemobut nooo23:22
BUGabundoand know I have a 120 sec bootchart23:22
nemobeen running for an hour now, with nary another byte pulled, nor a timeout23:22
nemoBUGabundo: heh. cool. link?23:23
BUGabundofor code or png?23:23
ubuntuIs there any way to chroot and have access to /proc?23:23
RAOFBy bind-mounting /proc under your chroot, yes.23:23
BUGabundocode http://paste.ubuntu.com/147944/23:23
=== ubuntu is now known as kernco
BUGabundonemo: FTPs ing now23:24
nemoBUGabundo: neat. svg output23:24
nemoeven better23:24
nemolink to that :)23:24
BUGabundowhat ever my /var/log/bootchart has23:24
RAOFNOTE: bind-mounting should performed with care - don't accidentally delete your /home by bind-mounting it under a chroot directory, then recursively deleting the chroot.23:24
nemoRAOF: heh. you did that eh? :)23:24
nemoRAOF: I once accidentally blew away /bin that way :)23:25
nemoluckily managed to recover it without having to take down the server23:25
nemoscp'd the /bin from another server, and replaced a few special tools23:25
BUGabundonemo: its going to take a while.... 58MiBs and I'm on 2/3G23:26
nemoBUGabundo: SVG might be smaller :-p23:26
nemos/might be/probably would be/23:26
FoxBlitzzfrogonwheels: Do you remember how you did it?23:27
FoxBlitzzHow you changed default sound devices on PulseAudio?23:27
gnomefreaksvg is smaller than png IIRC23:27
FoxBlitzzOr did you fail?23:28
ricochethey guys i need some help with getting compiz working in Xubuntu 9.04, i found this fix however i am a noob and i dont understand how to do it23:28
ricochethere is the fix link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3993442#post399344223:28
BUGabundonemo: still uploading but you can see a few now http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/bootchart23:29
nemognomefreak: depends on the complexity of the SVG :)23:29
nemognomefreak: but in this case probably loads tinier23:29
nemoBUGabundo: you should regenerate as SVG :-p23:29
nemoBUGabundo: we are linux users! we are not limited by IE's lack of SVG support :-p23:29
kerncoSomething messed up upgrading packages yesterday, and now my keyboard doesn't work at all when I boot.  I'm trying to fix this using a Live CD, but when I chroot to my installation, some packages try to access /proc when they get configured and it isn't there.23:30
BUGabundonemo: how do I do that?23:30
ricochetcan anyone help me out? (see above)23:30
nemo    if grep -q "bootchart=svg" /proc/cmdline; then23:30
nemoBUGabundo: from the script you posted, looks like you just do bootchart=svg on the boot params list23:31
nemoBUGabundo: well, that or just hardcode that line :)23:31
BUGabundodoing so now23:31
BUGabundohope zenphoto has no bugs with it LOL23:31
ricochethey guys i need some help with getting compiz working in Xubuntu 9.04, i found this fix however i am a noob and i dont understand how to do it?23:32
ricochethere is the fix link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3993442#post399344223:32
nemoBUGabundo: oh. no clue what zenphoto is, but it'll work on any file host. if you have a google account you could just link to google pages23:32
hmwWOHOO! Reinstall didnt crash this time23:32
hmwwindow create23:33
BUGabundonemo: me is sleepy... I don't see how to hard code the change23:33
nemoBUGabundo: put format=svg  after line 6523:34
frogonwheelsFoxBlitzz: failed iirc23:34
nemoBUGabundo: or just use a boot param :-p23:34
FoxBlitzzSucks. :(23:34
nemo bootchart -f $format -o "$CHARTS" "$TARBALL"23:34
nemoBUGabundo: just replace $format with "svg"23:35
BUGabundoohh boot parm.. right23:35
nemo bootchart -f svg -o "$CHARTS" "$TARBALL"23:35
FoxBlitzzSeriously, I swear, some update in Jaunty caused sound playback to break23:35
ricochethey guys i really need some help with this, can anyone help me out?23:36
nemoricochet: not clear what the issue is from the forum thread23:37
nemoricochet: looks like compiz is no longer in /usr/local ?23:37
frogonwheelsricochet:  What bits have you tried? what bits  have you not tried?23:37
nemoricochet: and you don't know how to edit /usr/bin/compiz?23:37
nemosudo gedit /usr/bin/compiz23:37
ricochetnemo: when i go into the terminal and type compiz it says Trying again with indirect rendering:23:38
ricochetChecking for texture_from_pixmap: present.23:38
ricochetChecking for non power of two support: present.23:38
ricochetChecking for Composite extension: present.23:38
ricochetChecking screen 1Comparing resolution (1024x600) to maximum 3D texture size (2048): Passed.23:38
ricochetChecking for Software Rasterizer: Not present.23:38
ricochetChecking for nVidia: not present.23:38
ricochetChecking for FBConfig: present.23:38
ricochetChecking for Xgl: not present.23:38
ricochet/usr/bin/compiz: 455: /usr/local/bin/compiz: not found23:38
ricochetexec: 455: /usr/bin/xfwm: not found23:38
nemothat's not cool23:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:38
frogonwheelsricochet:  are you unable to edit a file?23:38
nemoricochet: also, totally unhelpful since we all knew that was your problem from the thread, we just didn't know what you had tried23:38
funkyHatI'm getting pidgin crashing when it tries to sign in to MSN, but apport isn't starting up to collect the crash data anymore :/ anyone know why that might be?23:39
nemoricochet: heck. I even tried to guess and gave you the sudo line23:39
Chr|shmm..my sound isn't working since todays update23:39
nemoricochet: anyway. use a friggen pastebin :-p23:39
ricochetnemo: i think i have it23:39
FoxBlitzzOh, cool, I figured out how to get KMix to interface with PulseAudio's volume23:41
FoxBlitzz...Now to figure out the stupid default devices thing23:41
=== a1fa_ is now known as a1fa
frogonwheelsFoxBlitzz: have you tried padevchooser23:45
BUGabundonemo: latest http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/bootchart/jaunty-20090309-1.png.php23:48
pwnguinBUGabundo: your readahead is crap23:59
pwnguinwhen was the last time it was profiled?23:59
BUGabundohumm 2 kernel updates ago?23:59
BUGabundopwnguin: guess I REALLY should re-run it again23:59

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