
Ampelbeinseb128: added debdiff to bug 33896300:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338963 in totem "Totem: loading "Coherence DLNA/UPnP Client" results in: "ImportError: No module named coherence.ui.av_widgets" " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33896300:46
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seb128Ampelbein: thank you, uploaded01:03
doctormobryce: I'm trying to tell the computer to use a higher resolution on an external monitor, but xrandr doesn't list higher modes. Is 800x600 likely to be a limitation in the video card (intel) or is it that it can't find more useful information about available modes (for instance it knows it's a Dell monitor so i2c must work)02:36
brycedoctormo: cloned or extended?02:41
brycedoctormo: if extended, is your Virtual set correctly in your xorg.conf?02:41
doctormobryce: I'd rather have it only on the external, but cloned seems to limit the resolution to that of the Asus Eeeps 800x480, and the virtual set was set automatically by the new jaunty screen resolution tool (to 800x1080)02:45
brycethat's your problem02:45
bryceyou are getting 800x600 because that's the max that fits into 800x108002:45
brycewhat's the max resolution of your external monitor?02:46
brycedoctormo: if you only care about cloned mode, set Virtual to 2048x2048, that should suffice02:47
bryceif you want extended, you may need more02:47
bryceand report your bug to 'screen-resolution-extra'02:47
doctormoI'll try it,02:49
doctormohttp://www0.dealtime.com/xPF-Dell-E173FPB-Charcoal-Gray FYI02:52
doctormoThat worked for extended mode, but not for cloned, interesting02:58
doctormoAnd it broke the gnome bar (at the top and bottom) heh02:59
doctormoBummer "Screen Resolution Extra does not use Launchpad as its bug tracker. "03:02
brycesure it does03:03
bryce(was just looking at its bugs this morning)03:04
brycehere you go - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/screen-resolution-extra/03:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 358147 in screen-resolution-extra "Wrong virtual desktop size setting set in xorg.conf" [Undecided,New]03:11
doctormoYes I was looking at the none ubuntu package, hmm03:12
doctormoThanks for your help bryce, I owe you another03:13
tedgHey bryce, is there time for sponsorships left before freeze?03:24
tedgIf so, can I bug you for one?  bug 35613203:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356132 in fast-user-switch-applet "Shutdown, Restart and Log Out confirmation dialogs should not have "minimize" button" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35613203:25
brycetedg: negotiating with wife (she's hankering for going out to dinner)03:27
bryceok, you owe her a $beverage ;-)03:29
doctormoOh god, those confirmations dialogs have been driving me insane, I hope I figure out how to switch them off. I don't expect my computer to question me.03:30
tedgdoctormo: There's a preference for it, open the preference dialog :)03:30
tedgbryce, sounds good to me.  But she'll have to sing kareoke for me ;)03:30
doctormotedg: Performous?03:31
* tedg needs to go to Portland sometime bryce is actually in town.03:31
brycetedg: hmmm, the GUI string change breaks string freeze03:32
tedgbryce, yes.  I know.  I wouldn't have changed it had the requester been anyone else :)03:32
brycefair enough03:32
tedgdavidbarth is going to work with the translation teams next week to try and get all of the last minute strings figured out.  :-/03:33
tedgbryce, thanks for sponsoring.  Send my apologies to the hungry wife.03:36
brycewill do :-)03:36
brycejust verifying it builds first...03:37
* tedg hugs bryce, and his wife :)03:38
asachmm ... not yet frozen?07:23
asacNafallo: gajim somewhat doesnt work right with  latest indicate-python08:20
asacNafallo: well. at least it doesnt indicate new messages08:20
asacjust appears in the indicator applet (as an app) ... but no special bells and whistles when new messages arrive08:21
seb128bryce_, ted: are you joking with this fusa string change now? string freeze was over a month ago and that breaks translations08:34
* seb128 reverts the fusa change08:34
seb128asac: hey, already awake? ;-)08:37
asacseb128: yeah ;) ... new approach is: wake up early and wake long :)08:37
asacwork long08:37
seb128asac: "lol" ... sort of, we should force everybody to use a non english locale08:37
asacright. i completely agree08:38
asacwas that uploaded? or just proposed for sponsorship?08:38
seb128asac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25091153/fast-user-switch-applet_2.24.0-0ubuntu10_2.24.0-0ubuntu11.diff.gz08:39
seb128-+  <property name="label" translatable="yes">Show _confirm dialogs for logout, restart and shutdown</property>08:39
seb128++  <property name="label" translatable="yes">_Confirm logout, restart and shutdown</property>08:39
seb128"+    * Changing GUI string to make shorter to make dialog a better08:40
seb128+      size.08:40
seb128good that I'm watching -changes08:40
asacso its not that this slipped in by accident08:40
seb128no, it's just that english speaker have little considerations for translations ;-)08:40
asacyeah. but anyone should be able to remember that changing strings isnt good after string freeze ;)08:41
chrisccoulsonanyone know what time does final freeze begin today?08:42
asacseb128: is rosetta smart enough to reinstantiate the old strings if the template gets reverted?08:42
bryceasac, scroll up08:42
seb128asac: dunno08:42
asacbryce: you should be harder ;)08:43
seb128I've no scrollup, I close IRC during nights08:43
seb128but I did undo the string change now08:44
seb128chrisccoulson: no, european afternoon I would expect08:44
asac04:32 < bryce> tedg: hmmm, the GUI string change breaks string freeze08:44
asac04:32 < tedg> bryce, yes.  I know.  I wouldn't have changed it had the requester been anyone else :)08:44
asac04:32 < bryce> fair enough08:44
asacseb128: ^^08:44
asac04:33 < tedg> davidbarth is going to work with the translation teams next week to try and get all of the last minute strings figured out.  :-/08:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks08:44
asaci am quite sure that "davidbarth is going to work with the translation teams" is really a risky assumption.08:45
bryceasac: why?08:45
asacbryce: i tried that once and found that translation teams have a latency of weeks rather than day to react08:46
bryceanyway, I don't care one way or another, sounded like this was ruled from on high08:46
asacsome do it quick ... others dont do.08:46
seb128bryce: there is just no way that we get translations for next week08:46
seb128string freeze was weeks ago08:46
seb128if somebody is unhappy send him my way, I did undo the change now08:46
asacseb128: tell that dbarth. he thinks he will be able to do that for a bunch of strings :)08:47
asacok breakfast08:47
seb128it takes days for rosetta to import new templates and do exports08:47
seb128chrisccoulson: hum, they already froze jaunty apparently08:48
chrisccoulsonthanks - i was wondering. i haven't seen an e-mail yet though08:50
chrisccoulsoni was still working on some fusa changes ;)08:50
seb128chrisccoulson: I will try to get that in when you are ready08:51
chrisccoulsonthanks. it should be ready early this evening when i get back from work08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you see cody-somerville's e-mail to ubuntu-devel about the gnome-session change?08:54
seb128chrisccoulson: just did08:55
Nafalloasac: lovely08:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i sent a reply explaining the change, but i'm moderated on that list ;)08:58
seb128chrisccoulson: I did quickly reply too08:59
asacNafallo: lovely? ;)09:02
Nafalloasac: called sarcasm ;-)09:02
asacNafallo: does it work for you?09:02
Nafalloasac: I should know by now it doesn't work on IRC..09:03
Nafalloasac: is it in binary new or something?09:04
asacNafallo: python indicate? not yet. i wanted to test gajim with it and ended up wondering what its supposed to do09:05
asacNafallo: wonder if it has something to do with libindicate .1509:05
Nafalloasac: hehe. have to ask kenvandine_wk I guess. I only took the patch ;-)09:06
Nafalloasac: (and upstream did as well)09:06
asacNafallo: the patch looks ok for gajim. only thing i find a bit obscure is that the indication seems only to be done when gajim is set to "popups" for notifications09:07
asacand of course that i dont get it to work ;)09:07
davidbarthasac: i'm already in touch with Arne and David Planella09:09
davidbarthasac: i've checked that all strings introduce at the time of the UIF are in the rosetta templates09:10
davidbarthasac: however some of them are not translated in all languages09:10
seb128davidbarth: there was a string change this night, I did undo it now09:10
davidbarthasac: Arne has helped raise the priority in rosetta09:10
davidbarthseb128: which one?09:10
seb128read log09:10
seb128that was discussed on this channel less than one hour ago09:11
asacdavidbarth: ok. raising priorities should help a bit ... lets see how well that works out09:11
asacbut changing string today is really, really late09:12
asaci think final export is next week09:12
seb128there is just no way that changing a string today will work09:12
seb128jaunty will not get that translated09:13
seb128and we will make the translators community angry at us for doing such late change09:13
davidbarthseb128: ok, spotted09:13
davidbarthseb128: I already refused a change in the gnome-mount dialog09:14
davidbarthseb128: I was not aware of this one09:14
davidbarthseb128: you did well; i cannot understand that it was ever committed; apologies09:14
seb128that's alright09:14
bryce<bryce> tedg: hmmm, the GUI string change breaks string freeze09:15
bryce<tedg> bryce, yes.  I know.  I wouldn't have changed it had the requester been anyone else :)09:15
bryce<bryce> fair enough09:15
bryce<tedg> davidbarth is going to work with the translation teams next week to try and get all of the last minute strings figured out.  :-/09:15
bryce<tedg> bryce, thanks for sponsoring.09:15
seb128no need to apologies, your team is new to the ubuntu process, string freezes, etc09:15
davidbarthbryce: ah... that's different kind of problem, thanks for the pointer09:16
brycedavidbarth: from that exchange I gathered you had directed this particular change be done, and figured I could help your team in a pinch09:16
davidbarthbryce: i was not that requester; that's why i'm concerned09:17
seb128davidbarth: anyway sort that with ted when he's aorund and  I ping me back if there is an issue09:18
davidbarthseb128: will do09:18
didrockshi there o/09:19
seb128lut didrocks09:19
didrocksseb128: I hope you crashed gracefully in your bed :)09:19
seb128didrocks: yeah, I'm looking forward to have a weekend and some extra sleep too though ;-)09:20
dpmhi all, regarding the string changes, yes, davidbarth talked to me, but I directed him to ArneGoetje, since I'm still settling in. What I think we should do at some point is to better document the string freeze process and find a good way to let translators know about string freeze breaks.09:20
davidbarthdpm: yeah, but this one (fusa) was a rogue last minute change, nothing we had discussed previously09:21
brycedavidbarth: there is confirmation from you on the bug itself - bug 35613209:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356132 in fast-user-switch-applet "Shutdown, Restart and Log Out confirmation dialogs should not have "minimize" button" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35613209:23
davidbarthbryce: er?!09:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 356132 in fast-user-switch-applet "Shutdown, Restart and Log Out confirmation dialogs should not have "minimize" button" [Medium,Fix released]09:24
davidbarthbryce: right, on the minimize button issue, not about the string change09:24
loolseb128: GNOME #57524709:25
ubottuGnome bug 575247 in general "ssh agent hangs, then aborts when ctrl-c'ing ssh process" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57524709:25
loolseb128: I've just pushed a gnome-keyring workarounding seemingly the same bug on armel09:25
seb128lool: yes?09:25
seb128lool: should be fixed in 0ubuntu6 I uploaded yesterday09:25
loolseb128: Ok; thanks, we should try it out09:25
seb128lool: see bug #32816709:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328167 in gnome-keyring "[arm] gnome-keyring-daemon eating 100% CPU at login in Jaunty" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32816709:25
seb128lool: http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gnome-keyring/trunk/egg/egg-secure-memory.c?r1=1706&r2=1705&pathrev=170609:26
seb128lool: ups, bug #338158 I meant09:26
loolseb128: Just too bad I didn't notice you included the patch before adding the -O1 myself09:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338158 in gnome-keyring "g-k-d hangs, consumes CPU then segfaults" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33815809:26
seb128Ng: ^ did you try the keyring update?09:26
loolseb128: Ah, that was your bug; thanks09:26
bryce<davidbarth> bryce: i was not that requester; that's why i'm concerned   <-- according to bug 356132 you were indeed the requester, so if not you, who was the requester ted referred to above?09:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356132 in fast-user-switch-applet "Shutdown, Restart and Log Out confirmation dialogs should not have "minimize" button" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35613209:27
loolDidn't see it in the GNOME one09:27
seb128lool: you know about https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/gnome-bugs/nnnnnn?09:27
seb128lool: reverse mapping, give you the launchpad bugs which point on GNOME nnnnnn09:27
loolseb128: No09:27
loolseb128: Thanks for telling me about it!09:27
seb128that can be handy ;-)09:27
seb128I've a smart bookmark on that09:28
seb128and a script which get all the ChangeLog #nnnnn so I can know what bugs to close with an update09:28
loolEh I'm creating a smart bookmark as we speak :)09:28
seb128I just open a tab for each bugs and see which ones have matchin launchpad entries09:28
didrockslool: I have done the same when seb128 told me about this :)09:29
seb128I should clean that and put it online09:29
davidbarthbryce: read the bug report09:29
davidbarthbryce: the bug was about the minimize button, *not* about making a string change09:29
loolseb128: Turns out we still the gkd issue with your patch09:52
loolSo I'll keep the -O109:52
seb128there is some other svn changes apparently so I'm not sure this one is enough09:53
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
Ngseb128: just checked that I'm up to date, will reboot and give it a go10:01
seb128Ng: ok thanks10:02
loolseb128: coherence > I've not been following the specifics and don't think I'll look into it, feel free to push a patch if you have one10:22
seb128lool: some motus are on it apparently so I will let them handle that one10:23
Ngseb128: well I just did a loop of 153 ssh's and it seems fine :)10:24
seb128Ng: excellent!10:24
Ngindeed :)10:24
seb128Ng: thanks for testing10:24
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Ampelbeinseb128: sorry about breaking totem update.11:21
seb128Ampelbein: that's ok, I fixed it, that's what you get for doing review after 1oclock ;-)11:24
davidbarthseb128: ping? i've spotted two regressions, and one is a pidgin crasher12:08
seb128davidbarth: hello, which ones?12:08
davidbarthseb128: sabdfl's pidgin session keeps crashing12:08
davidbarthseb128: it's ok on my desktop but mirco sees that too12:08
seb128davidbarth: that's bug #35794912:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794912:09
davidbarthseb128: second, the volume notifications are not sent anymore (nothing in n-osd debug log), so there must be something wrong with the patch not being applied anymore, or so?12:09
seb128davidbarth: they can unset their buddy custom icon as workaround12:09
seb128davidbarth: g-s-d didn't change for several days, are you sure it's not on your side?12:09
davidbarthseb128: will double check and report in a few minutes12:10
loolseb128: The vfp stuff is merged in gtk+ as well in Debian; like pango, it will be 3 lines to uncomment or so until the change is merged in debian glibc12:59
seb128lool: ok thanks12:59
seb128lool: you uploaded the change to jaunty?12:59
loolseb128: I'm about to13:00
loolseb128: I was about to ask you whether it was ok to upload pango and gtk13:00
seb128lool: I update gtk this morning be sure to get the current version13:00
seb128lool: yes13:00
loolOk, thanks13:00
loolseb128: 2.16.0-1ubuntu3?13:06
* lool goes checking unapproved13:06
seb128lool: no 1ubuntu413:06
seb128lool: it has been approved an hour ago13:06
seb128we need to put everything under bzr ;-)13:07
* didrocks logs this :-)13:07
seb128didrocks: hey13:07
seb128didrocks: there is still a pidgin crash btw13:08
didrocksseb128: oh, really? It didn't crashed yesterday with the updated libxml package13:08
didrocksseb128: do you have a bug number with a procedure explaining how to crash it?13:08
seb128didrocks: it crashes when you have a custom buddy image for your jabber account or try to add one13:08
seb128didrocks: still the same bug number, it has been updated13:09
didrocksseb128: ok, if nothing changes, I will try to give a look tonight (but surely not before 8-9 PM). I can't access to jabber in my company13:09
didrocksseb128: I just don't understand exactly why pidgin interacts with gstreamer-plugins-bad (I can understand for usual gstreamer plugins, but why bad ones can be used too?)13:12
seb128didrocks: did you read the debian bug I pointed yesterday?13:14
seb128didrocks: sorry I was distracted again13:17
seb128didrocks: gstreamer installs a libxml error handler or something which conflicts with the libxml one13:17
loolseb128: I don't think you want the latest changes in gtk+2.0 in Debian as some seem intrusive (symbols and icon-cache changes)13:17
loolseb128: However you could sync the next experimental uploads if you wanted13:17
seb128lool: jaunty is frozen now, I'm in favor of not touched anything until karmic now13:18
seb128lool: but thanks for the notice13:18
loolseb128: Yup, we agree13:18
seb128touched -> touching13:19
seb128lool: thanks for syncing the ubuntu changes, I've been worked with kov to get in sync again but he missed some of the changes13:19
loolkov does a lot of typos / simple mistakes etc.13:21
loolI prefer checking what he changes too13:21
didrocksseb128: ok, so the error comes from the gstreamer way of handling libxml errors. Hum, not sure to be awaken when you provided the debian bug reference :)13:21
seb128didrocks: you replied after I gave the number13:22
seb128didrocks: there is a bug watch to the debian and gnome bug on launchpad too13:22
seb128didrocks: bug #35794913:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794913:22
seb128didrocks: no, the issue is a libxml one apparently, it doesn't let other software do things they should be able to do13:23
seb128didrocks: but I might be wrong, I will try to sort that with upstream when they are around13:23
didrocksseb128: ok, let me read the debian bug13:23
loolseb128: I'm preparing ubuntu6 with the VFP pass and an autotools-dev bdep; will push to our ARM ppa first to try it on armel.13:27
loolErr ubuntu513:27
seb128lool: what about ubuntu5?13:27
seb128ok ;-)13:27
seb128didrocks: one course of action would be to disable the new error handle in gstreamer13:28
didrocksseb128: so, libxml triggers on errors any registered application and gstreamer is one of this, but the previous version of libxml was erasing schannel value even if it was not NULL, which is no more the case and make pigdin crashes, right?13:29
loolseb128: (and pango1.0 1.24.0-3ubuntu1)13:29
seb128didrocks: dunno about the previous libxml version, the bug is there for a while but nothing else was setting conflict hanlders before13:30
seb128lool: ok thanks13:30
didrocksseb128: ok, right, keep me in touch if I can be helpful (or if we use something like --gst-disable-segtrap)13:30
didrocksas a workaround13:30
seb128didrocks: if you have some time with it I would appreciate if you can give a try to the gst workaround13:31
seb128it try setting a custom icon for jabber13:31
seb128it will crash for pretty sure13:31
asacNafallo: does gajim work for you at all? it doesnt open any chat for me anymore :(13:31
seb128and then try the gst change, if it fixes it upload13:31
didrocksseb128: I will try, but I can't before 8 PM13:32
seb128didrocks: that's ok, no hurry13:34
didrocksseb128: you will thank me if I can do something for it :)13:34
asacNafallo: gajim.py:3386: Warning: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.20.0/gobject/gsignal.c:3075: signal name `selection_changed' is invalid for instance `0x27bd690'13:37
asacthose look suspicious13:37
asacNafallo: hmm. seems like the "single window for everything" is broken. detaching window helps13:38
Nafalloasac: are you talking about WITH python-indicate now14:16
asacNafallo: no. with and without14:22
asacsingle-window mode is broken ;)14:23
Nafalloasac: JID?14:23
Nafalloasac: works for me.14:24
Nafalloup to date jaunty14:24
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
asacNafallo: single window mode?14:30
Nafalloasac: that's all I'm ever using.14:31
asactoo bad ;)14:38
asacso no jabber for me until i figure14:38
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
waltersdoes ubuntu use the "console" auth concept?14:46
james_wwe're trying to move away from "at_console" though as I understand it14:47
waltersok thanks, i was really confused about this bug14:47
waltersjames_w: is root also at console?14:48
james_wthat I'm not sure about14:48
james_wcan I take a look at the bug?14:49
walters(it's not on fedora, but is on suse)14:49
waltersjames_w: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57712214:49
ubottuGnome bug 577122 in VPN: pptp "New DBus defaults cause pptp to fail" [Major,Needinfo]14:49
jcastrohey seb128, james_w was linking me to this: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57844414:52
ubottuGnome bug 578444 in plugins "touchpad support" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:52
jcastrois that related to this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/20778114:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 207781 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-control-center and gnome-settings-daemon hardcode "Synaptics Touchpad", which breaks without xorg.conf" [Low,Fix released]14:53
seb128jcastro: that's basically http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15402914:54
ubottuGnome bug 154029 in mouse "Add configuration support for touchpads (synaptics)" [Enhancement,New]14:54
jcastroseb128: so we fixed it sometime between comment 33 and 34?14:54
seb128jcastro: the patch has been written by matthew garrett14:54
seb128jcastro: dunno, who did incremental changes14:55
seb128jcastro: what is the issue?14:55
jcastroseb128: I am trying to figure out what happened here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=154029#c3414:56
ubottuGnome bug 154029 in mouse "Add configuration support for touchpads (synaptics)" [Enhancement,New]14:56
seb128jcastro: it happened that they never bothered commenting on the patches so we didn't bother updating them either14:57
mclasenjcastro: I told peter to look at porting the ubuntu patch to device properties14:58
mclasenbut he came back and told me that it was already using properties...14:58
seb128jcastro: I'm not sure who did the patch update, that's somebody from #ubuntu-x not #ubuntu-desktop I think14:58
james_wwalters: so, we have the root section as well14:58
jcastroseb128: I think it was wgrant and reviewed by bryce?14:59
mclasenthe patch that we ended up using is a bit different from yours, though. peter added 'disable while typing' support14:59
jcastromclasen: ok I am just trying to figure out why no one raised their hand when they felt the patch was ready for upstreaming14:59
seb128jcastro: right14:59
mclasenjcastro: its time to finally get this all upstream14:59
jcastroif it ever got to that point14:59
james_wwalters: kees's suggestion just duplicates the root parts to an at_console. Is there something running as the user when it should be root?15:00
jcastromclasen: nod15:00
mclasenjcastro: I'm not blaming anyone, really. I'm just happy that peter got this working for us very quickly...15:00
waltersjames_w: doesn't look like it, both the send and recieve side are uid=0 in the log15:00
seb128jcastro: I think that one is a case where different people touched the thing, the original author (matthew) didn't upstream it and nobody cared to update the upstream bug when fixing issues15:01
jcastromclasen: yeah that's ok, we used to get alot of flak about this kind of thing and we've made alot of progress to fix it so I just wanted to make sure15:01
* jcastro isn't looking to assign blame or anything like that15:01
jcastroseb128: ok so we can all agree to blame garrett, sounds fine to me. :p15:01
seb128jcastro: ;-)15:02
mclasenpeter also fixed the dontzap fiasco, good guy...15:05
jcastromclasen: I "collect" bugs about patch issues, so feel free to ping me when things like this happen15:06
myrandomstuffhello all15:18
tseliotmclasen: when will those patches be included in Gnome? In which version of Gnome?15:20
mclasentseliot: not my call, but I hope to see them in 2.2815:21
tseliotmclasen: ok15:21
myrandomstuffwould this be a good place to get some assistance with Audacity?15:35
kenvandine_wkasac: i have an update to indicate-python... bug 358483, can you give it an ack?15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358483 in indicator-applet "Update indicate-python to 0.0.3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35848315:38
kenvandine_wkasac: it includes better fixes than we had yesterday :)15:38
kenvandine_wkjames_w: can you do the same please?15:38
asackenvandine_wk: did they fix the licensing?15:39
asacsorry if i sound like a broken record15:39
kenvandine_wkthey merged my branch :)15:39
asacok looking ;)15:39
asackenvandine_wk: err. the tests/15:39
asacthose i care most about ;)15:39
kenvandine_wkwell... i know15:39
kenvandine_wki told them15:40
asackenvandine_wk: you could hav esuggested a similar merge15:40
kenvandine_wkbut it is better than yesterda :)15:40
james_wthey are done15:40
kenvandine_wki need 2 ubuntu-dev acks right?15:41
james_wnope, that's just for new packages15:42
kenvandine_wkgood :)15:42
james_wyou now need motu-release ACK, and one dev to upload15:42
james_wlooks fine to me15:43
james_whow does this stand with 0.1.5 compatibility15:43
james_wanything to be aware of?15:43
kenvandine_wkbetter than yesterday15:44
kenvandine_wkthere is one bug15:44
kenvandine_wkbut doesn't affect anything yet15:44
kenvandine_wkbut that bug existed yesterday as well15:44
kenvandine_wkthis is basically a better fix than what tedg had yesterday15:44
asackenvandine_wk: they are fixed ;)15:44
asackenvandine_wk: how about shipping them in examples?15:45
kenvandine_wkfrom eeejay15:45
kenvandine_wkasac: i would rather have the makefile do that in make install15:45
kenvandine_wkbut i guess i could just do that in the packaging15:45
asacjust a suggestion15:45
asacdefinitly nothing essential15:45
kenvandine_wkjust feels ugly to me... :)15:46
james_wkenvandine_wk: so you can't write a listener in python currently?15:46
kenvandine_wkjames_w: right15:46
james_wI don't think that's an issue really15:46
kenvandine_wkasac: so /usr/share/doc/python-indicate/tests15:47
kenvandine_wkjames_w: right... not urgent atm15:47
asackenvandine_wk: yeah. thats a possibility15:48
james_wkenvandine_wk: make it /usr/share/doc/python-indicate/examples I guess15:49
eeejaykenvandine_wk: oops, i forgot to include the tests in the dist15:49
asac+                                     (guint) indicator,15:49
asacisnt that a pointer? ;)15:49
asacGPOINTER_TO_UINT (indicator) ;)15:49
dobeyjames_w: btw, any luck with a bzr 1.13.2 release including that patch?15:49
kenvandine_wkeeejay: can you respin the tarball?15:49
eeejayasac: it isn't in 0.1.5 anymore15:49
james_wdobey: I enquired about it yet, but I imagine 1.13.2 will be after 1.1415:49
asaceeejay: what isnt in 0.1.5?15:50
james_wdobey: also there is another bug they are chasing that will be fixed in 1.13.2 as well, and I'm not sure they've nailed it yet15:50
asaceeejay: you mean:15:50
asac-                                     (guint) *indicator,15:50
asac+                                     (guint) indicator,15:50
eeejayasac: IndicateListenerIndicator is not an int/pointer anymore15:50
eeejayasac: yup15:50
dobeyjames_w: ah15:51
asaceeejay: stilly you cast the pointer to guint ;)15:51
eeejayasac where are you pulling those lines from?15:51
kenvandine_wkasac: ok, i pushed the packaging branch again... installs the examples15:51
asaceeejay: bzr diff15:51
asackenvandine_wk: greawt15:51
eeejayasac: exactly, that is why it is broken ;)15:52
asaceeejay: hmm. so its even broken in 0.0.3?15:54
eeejayasac: yes15:54
asaceeejay: is there a fix somewhere?15:54
eeejayasac: i have a branch for libindicate and indicate-python that fixes this15:55
eeejayasac: but we are running late, and it requires libindicate  changes too15:55
eeejayasac: here is my conversation with tedg regarding it:15:56
tedgasac: This is in the listener interface that does not work in the python bindings.15:56
asactedg: ok.15:56
eeejayasac: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted-gould/indicator-applet/python-bindings-dont-know-what-im-doing/+merge/536615:56
tedgasac: So in 0.0.3 it doesn't work differently :)15:56
asactedg: so do you have any clue why gajim doesnt work? it doesnt change state of the indicator when message notify happens15:56
asackenvandine_wk: may i suggest to use dh_install -p... ? instead of move?15:57
Nafalloasac: so the binary passed binary new now?15:57
tedgasac: No, I do not.  kenvandine_wk thought it was something to do with them modifying his patch.15:57
asacNafallo: not sure ;)15:57
asacNafallo: havent checked15:57
Nafalloasac: wouldn't it be hard for me to reproduce something without having all the parts you reckon?15:58
asactedg: hmm. its odd .. the code is the same as the example im client15:58
asactedg: and i added print and it definitly gets to indicator.show15:58
kenvandine_wkasac: you looked at gajim?15:58
asacNafallo: you know how to build a package, right ;)?15:58
tedgasac: Hmm, can you run "/usr/lib/indicator-applet/listen-and-print" in a terminal and see what gajim is sending?15:58
Nafalloasac: I'm at work. if it's not quick I can't prioritise it.15:58
asackenvandine_wk: i wanted to look at gajim, but then i found that my single-window-mode is completely borked and stopped looking further on top of a flaky base ;)15:59
asace.g. my single-chat window doesnt even open here15:59
asackenvandine_wk: do you see the same behaviour that i described above in gajim (e.g. no change of status in indicator)?15:59
asacNafallo: that package is tiny ;)15:59
Nafalloasac: I haven't got a build environment except PPAs...16:00
asacNafallo: dget https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/indicate-python/0.0.2-0ubuntu1/+files/indicate-python_0.0.2-0ubuntu1.dsc; dpkg-source -x *.dsc; cd indicate-pyth*/; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot ;)16:00
asacNafallo: ok16:00
kenvandine_wkasac: yeah... which is weird16:00
kenvandine_wkit worked before16:00
kenvandine_wkthe im-client example still works16:01
kenvandine_wkgwibber still work16:01
eeejaykenvandine_wk: re-uploading tarball now16:03
asacreuploading tarball?16:15
asacis there a new release?16:15
kenvandine_wkasac: no... just added the tests dir to the dist target16:15
kenvandine_wkthey weren't included16:15
kenvandine_wkasac: i pushed a change to use dh_install16:18
asackenvandine_wk: ok. through a new tarball?16:19
asace.g. do i need to update the tarball?=16:20
kenvandine_wkyeah :/16:20
kenvandine_wkthe tests were missing in the tarball16:20
asackenvandine_wk: err. you also need to do a new merge in bzr i guess16:21
asacotherwise it will show up in diff.gz as a negative diff i would think16:21
kenvandine_wkoh right... damn16:21
* kenvandine_wk does that16:21
kenvandine_wkasac: done... thx!16:22
eeejayok, i am off for a while16:22
kenvandine_wklater eeejay16:22
eeejaykenvandine_wk: no, thank you :)16:22
kenvandine_wkso i appear to have been hit by the pidgin crashes when connecting to jabber bug :)16:56
seb128yeah, it's a popular one today16:59
kenvandine_wkasac: i got an ack for indicate-python, can you upload it?17:02
asackenvandine_wk: yeah17:04
kenvandine_wkasac: thx17:05
asacargh. so i managed to upload the previous tarball. too bad. but well. at least the diff is in the right direction17:07
asacgot struck by new bzr bd behaviour (preferring builds/ tarball over tarballs)17:09
pittiGood morning17:18
pittihow's things?17:18
* pitti hugs the channel17:19
asacpitti: all good. i am in easter mode, but still working :)17:19
kenvandine_wkpitti: got a few minutes to look at something?17:20
seb128hey hey pitti17:20
asackenvandine_wk: ok i reuploded it with a new tarball version17:21
seb128pitti: I'm looking forwarding the weekend and getting some sleep but otherwise good17:21
pittikenvandine_wk: hey, what's up?17:21
kenvandine_wkbug 35376817:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353768 in ekiga "Upgrade from 3.0.1-1ubuntu2 to 3.2.0-0ubuntu1 held back" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35376817:21
asackenvandine_wk: you can bzr merge lp:~asac/indicator-applet/0.0.3+117:21
kenvandine_wkmvo uploaded a fix to his ppa for testing17:21
kenvandine_wkasac: will do17:21
seb128pitti: I did the notify-osd update btw17:21
kenvandine_wkpitti: but... ekiga is still held back in update-manager17:22
kenvandine_wkpitti: but not with dist-upgrade17:22
kenvandine_wkpitti: does that make any sense?17:22
asackenvandine_wk: does dist-upgrade install NEW packages?17:23
asacor remove packages?17:23
asacif so, its expected17:23
asacoh update-manager17:23
kenvandine_wki would expect the same behavior17:23
asacthought it would install NEW packages17:23
seb128update-manager doesn't do that if you don't use the dist-upgrade mode17:24
asacseb128: update-manager doesnt install NEW packages?17:24
asacok then it explains my confusion ;)17:24
seb128asac: not the standard mode, when there is new packages to install it displays an extra dialog which runs the dist-upgrade mode if required17:24
pittikenvandine_wk: hang on, talking to sb, back in 517:25
seb128ie it ask you on startup if you want to open the dist-upgrader17:25
asachmm. maybe is should use update manager more17:25
seb128is = you?17:25
asacI ;)17:25
* kenvandine_wk grabs a bite to eat... back soon17:25
pitti_seb128: I saw, thanks17:33
asac[ubuntu/jaunty] indicate-python 0.0.3+1-0ubuntu1 (Waiting for approval)17:34
pitti_kenvandine_wk: ah, that looks like an apt quirk17:37
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pitti_kenvandine_wk: if the number of dependencies to the old package is not significantly smaller than the number of dependencies to the new one, it prefers to hold it back17:40
pitti_kenvandine_wk: can you please talk to mvo about it? seems he solved it already in his ppa17:40
* pitti_ is just too busy here, hard to find a quiet spot17:40
pitti_but then again, that's the point of the conf :)17:40
kenvandine_wkpitti_: mvo17:45
kenvandine_wk's fix doesn't work17:45
kenvandine_wkand now he is on holiday17:45
asackenvandine_wk: whats the problem?17:45
kenvandine_wkasac: ekiga is getting held back17:46
asackenvandine_wk: what kind of transition was done with ekiga packaging?17:46
kenvandine_wkto quote mvo "it is apt being stupid"17:46
kenvandine_wkdist-upgrade gets it17:46
asacright. but what are the changes that ekiga got that lead to this?17:47
pitti_kenvandine_wk: update-manager you mean?17:47
kenvandine_wkasac that is what he tried in his ppa... but no luck17:47
kenvandine_wkhe said apt17:47
pitti_kenvandine_wk: why do the libpt2.6* packages conflict to the libpt2.4* ones in the first place? that looks like the root of the problem17:47
kenvandine_wkasac version bump17:47
pitti_kenvandine_wk: we give packages different library sonames so that we can avoid those17:47
kenvandine_wkmvo didn't think so17:47
asacyeah lib2.6 shoulnt conflict lib2.417:48
kenvandine_wkmaybe that would fix it... mvo and slangask has discussed this in detail... i'd think they would have tried that17:49
pitti_Package: libpt2.6.1-plugins-v4l217:49
pitti_Conflicts: [...17:49
seb128slangasek and cjwatson were wondering about this conflicts too yesterday I think17:49
pitti_that looks wrong17:50
kenvandine_wkok, i will try to fix that17:50
pitti_the previous version did it as well, I think, but it's still wrong17:50
kenvandine_wkpitti_: it did...17:50
pitti_seb128: do you have some time to help kenvandine_wk with that? I need to go offline again17:50
kenvandine_wkwhich is what i followed17:50
kenvandine_wki'll get it in my ppa and test17:51
asacconflicting would require a package removal and that is what update-manager doesnt do17:51
seb128pitti_: I will try having a look but I'm away for sport soon17:51
seb128asac: well, when you need a removal it opens this dialog asking if you want to dist-upgrade17:51
seb128or if you need a new package to be installed17:51
asacseb128: given that dist-upgrade works i guess its really the removal. i remember that mvo told me at some point that he never removes packages except for dist-upgrades17:52
asacpersonally i have never seen the "dist-upgrade" dialog you refer to17:53
seb128ok, so maybe the dialog is to install new packages only17:53
asacjust what you get when running update-manager -d17:53
asacseb128: yeah. i think its for new17:53
asacupdate-manager installs new, but doesnt remove packages, while apt-get upgrade does neither, and dist-upgrade does both :) ... hope thats correct now ;)17:53
seb128is the content of those libs actually conflicting?17:54
seb128why has the conflicts there been used?17:54
asacif not, just drop the conflicts17:54
seb128who did the update?17:54
asacdoesnt look like they conflict17:55
asacunless libpt2.4 shipped 2.6 files :-P17:55
asacBuild conflicts: libpt2.6.1 libpt2.4.218:01
Ngok, so either xul things (FF/TB) can't talk to gnome-vfs anymore, or I'm on crack and they never could18:14
NgI just had someone in the office say they can't attach files from an sftp share to email in TB because it's not showing up in the volume list, and they're right, and the same happens on mine, but I can't completely confirm that it ever did work because I've never done it myself18:15
seb128Ng: the fileselector is using gvfs nowadays so the sftp share is not in gnomevfs18:16
Ngsorry, my bad, I mean gvfs18:16
seb128is the share in gedit for example?18:16
seb128ok, so talk to asec18:17
seb128they might be using the fileselector in local mode18:17
seb128you can still browse .gvfs but that's not obvious18:17
seb128or use a GNOME email client ;-)18:17
Ngseb128: I'll mention the .gvfs workaround and conferr with asac asap (if he has any sense he's already enjoying his easter weekend ;)18:20
seb128the distro team people don't have any sense usually don't worry ;-)18:20
seb128or not just on freeze line for a new version ;-)18:21
seb128that being said time for sport bbl18:22
calcNg: it should be fairly easy to get FF/TB to work with gvfs fuse18:25
calcNg: if your app has gtk dialog but not gio support you can tell GFile to give you file paths instead of uris18:26
calcNg: i changed OOo to doing that for this release since its gnomevfs and gio support was broken18:26
Ngcalc: I'm fairly sure this was working18:29
didrocksseb128: every stacktraces have no function shown in #0 (I think, the call of gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad function) , people didn't install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-dbg?19:37
didrocks(it seems you said that it's fixed, but my question still exists, btw ;))19:39
didrocks(and ok, you took the proposed patch in debian BTS for pidgin)19:40
Keybuk_Too Late!19:42
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Nafalloasac: hi19:52
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seb128didrocks: the crash is not in gst but libxml20:12
kenvandine_wkseb128: i removed the Conflicts and the Replaces... still not fixing the problem20:59
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