
timClickshi all, i'm new to packaging and am currently working on bug #271260, i'm trying to get https://launchpad.net/sahana/trunk uploaded into REVU00:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271260 in ubuntu "Sahana - disaster management application - for inclusion to repos, deb uploaded" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27126000:02
timClicksi have two questions00:02
timClicks1) is there a guide on packaging programmes written in interpreted languages (PHP ideally)00:02
directhexdoes debian have a pkg-php team? they might have a guide00:03
directhexif not, look at another package & steal their packaging files00:03
timClicks2) a debian/changelog, etc. has not been used so far - is it sufficient to have *first Ubuntu package in the log?00:04
timClicksdirecthex - cheers, will look into it00:04
directhextimClicks, yes. use "dch" to edit changelogs.00:05
timClicksok - that's a relief, there's +3800 revisions already00:07
maxbtimClicks: Yes, it's perfectly normal for the first debian/changelog entry to just say "* Initial package (LP: #number of needs-packaging bug)."00:19
maxbI see pbuilder-dist has the option to create i386 chroots on amd64, but it doesn't use linux32 when invoking things in them (afaics)00:35
maxbDoes that matter?00:35
directhexmaxb, in some cases, yes00:43
directhexmaxb, exceedingly stupid cases, mind you00:43
maxbThe only one I know of is uname00:49
maxbSo far I've managed to cram all my pbuilder magic into .pbuilderrc, but it looks like there just aren't the hooks for this.00:55
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timClicksdebian/control question : is it possible to set an either/or dependency?01:53
bddebianfoo | bar01:56
nhandlerHey ossud04:38
ossudi would like to compile software packages for the ubuntu universe repo ... where can i upload my .debs?04:39
ossud(mostly not my own programs)04:39
timClicksossud: try googling REVU04:40
nhandlerossud: You can also upload them to your PPA on Launchpad04:40
ossudu shure? because i would upload programs of other people which i had compiled from source04:42
ossud(not the people)04:42
nhandlerossud: You would need to actually packagethe application before you could upload it to these locations04:42
ossudas .deb04:43
nhandlerossud: No, a .deb is a binary package. You would need to upload the source package04:44
nhandlerossud: Take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete for all the information you could ever want about creating the source package04:44
ossudthanks but i don't own the source04:44
ossudhow can i be shure that's ok with the developer of this app?04:45
nhandlerossud: Check the license the code is released under04:45
ossudwould this appear in a repo or just on the site?04:47
nhandlerossud: The license should be included in the .tar.gz that contains the source code04:47
ossudi ment: would the appilikation then be includet in a ubuntu repo where i can install it from?04:49
ossudbecause i saw that there are a lot of old versions of programs in the normal repos04:51
nhandlerossud: Your PPA is a repository. If you want it included in the official ubuntu repositories, follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages04:52
ossudthank you! you are very kind :)04:52
calcwhat is the proper Ubuntu MOTU line for maintainer field?05:53
calcUbuntu MOTU Team <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> ?05:54
StevenKUbuntu MOTU Developers05:55
jdongsee Design05:56
jdong(but in short StevenK is always right :D)05:56
calcah ok05:58
* calc is beating a package someone else created into revu clean05:58
calcwhat do i do for a package that has no original source location, eg just in a branch in lp bzr?05:59
calcgrr i can't determine how to cause make to execute a grep after bzr checkout to determine the version number, it seems to do it immediately before the bzr checkout even happens06:18
calctrying to do something like this:06:18
calc        bzr co lp:~flimm/+junk/bash-ooo-thumbnailer && \06:18
calc        UPSTREAM_VERSION=`grep version bash-ooo-thumbnailer/setup.py | cut -f 2 -d \\"` && \06:18
calc        mv bash-ooo-thumbnailer ooo-thumbnailer-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION)06:18
calcis there a way to delay evalution until execution?06:19
calcgot it working :)06:29
calcneeded $$06:29
calcgrr now its complaining about setup.py not having a copyright07:11
calcanyone have any ideas about this: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/report.py/legal?upid=544807:13
mrooneycalc: shouldn't setup.py have a copyright file? that seems like a legit complaint07:20
calcmrooney: its already listed as cc public domain in the header07:20
mrooneyah I see07:21
calcmrooney: i think maybe its a problem of the revu grepper not being good enough?07:21
mrooneythat could be, if lintian is fine with it07:21
calci fixed it up to say this and it is still complaining:07:21
calc+# Copyright 2009 - David D Lowe <DavidDLowe.flimm@gmail.com>07:21
calc+# Released into the public domain:07:21
calc+#   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/07:21
calcyea lintian was clean long before revu got close to passing it07:21
calcthe setup.py itself is what is public domain the script is licensed as gpl07:22
mrooneyI assume you aren't the owner and can't just gpl the setup.py the same way?07:22
* calc is headed to bed, maybe someone will take a look at it later today :)07:23
calconce i get it approved i am going to send it back to the original author since he also made the debian packaging but it had lots of issues07:25
* calc gone to bed now07:29
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savvas │ The configuration file /etc/default/console-setup specifies a keyboard    │08:54
savvas │ layout and variant that are not supported by the configuration program.   │08:54
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LaneyWhat's the exception process for bugfix uploads now?10:50
LaneyThe mail that slangasek linked to implies that only one ack is needed. Is that right?10:51
mok0Laney: what mail are you referring to?10:55
james_wthe freeze mail10:55
mok0Ha, just got it this second10:58
james_wthere's also https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2008-October/004845.html10:59
james_wwhich confuses matters a bit more10:59
james_wperhaps motu-release would like to comment on whether that policy will be used again11:00
Toadstoolhi all11:17
* Laney mails the list11:19
Laneyhi Toadstool11:19
Toadstoolhi Laney11:20
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radixhi guys, is there a good place to put instructions for future maintainers? i.e., for procedures on making updates to the package, version number conventions, and so on?15:05
james_wradix: debian/README.Source is the preferred place for that I think15:06
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james_wdebian/README.source sorry15:07
radixokay, cool15:07
bddebianHeya gang15:11
mehdidgeneral question: if a bug is found in a package (in a supported version of ubuntu, not current), what can I do to get it updated (if possible)? Can I make an updated package and send a link to the .dsc?15:28
cjwatsonmehdid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess15:29
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:31
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mehdidubottu: thanks, that's what I was looking for15:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:32
CarlFK1why does pbuilder depend on postfix?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/pbuilder16:03
PiciCarlFK1: I don't see that listed there.16:04
CarlFK1Pici: it must be in the tree somewhere16:04
CarlFK1what's the d-foo command that shows the tree?16:06
geserI guess it's because pbuilder recommends devscripts which recommends bsd-mailx which depends on postfix | mta16:07
CarlFK1oh yeah...  something about now recommendeds get installed by default16:12
CarlFK1is there a way to not prompt "Hit <enter> to confirm:"  dh_make --single -f ../sphinx3-3.7.tar.bz16:15
calcanyone have time to revu a package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/ooo-thumbnailer16:16
calcits still complaining about a file but i think its just a bad test afaict16:17
RainCTcalc: nevermind the legal thing, that's just the output of license-check16:17
calcRainCT: ok16:17
RainCTcalc: is that for Jaunty?16:18
calcRainCT: yea16:18
calcRainCT: trying to get it in for jaunty to universe16:18
RainCTcalc: No need to install the README as it doesn't say anything useful; e-mail of upstream is missing in the manpage (and it is a bit poor anyway, at least adding an example would be good); debian/copyright doesn't mention from where the source is; drop all changelog entries except for one with version -0ubuntu1.16:23
RainCTThat's all I can find from looking at the diff16:24
* calc didn't do the original packaging but is trying to beat it into shape16:25
calcRainCT: will dropping back to 0ubuntu1 work uploading to revu?16:26
RainCTcalc: Yep, REVU doesn't mind about the version number16:26
RainCTIt takes whatever you give it and achieves it labeled with the upload date16:27
fatal_would be nice if someone would do the necessary massaging to get iproute synced from debian.... see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iproute/+bug/33555416:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 335554 in iproute "iproute in Jaunty is out of date" [Undecided,New]16:45
fatal_^-- filed by upstream himself.16:46
cjwatsonfatal_: needs a freeze exception, and is far from guaranteed to get one at this point; "out of date with respect to upstream" isn't in itself enough16:55
cjwatsonI understand it's missing some things but we also have to consider our fallback position if things break16:56
cjwatsonjames_w: ^- reminder for that bug, since you were looking at it earlier16:57
cjwatsonfatal_: sorry we apparently forgot about this, I think it may have to wait for karmic at this point16:57
james_wah, damn16:57
james_wthanks for the ping16:57
cjwatson(but will let james_w decide if he wants to go for a freeze exception)16:57
directhexi wonder if a pretty MOTU could tickle https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/358558 before the next level of freeziness begins17:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 358558 in monodevelop-boo "Sync monodevelop-boo 2.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New]17:09
fatal_cjwatson: no need to say sorry. I'm just suggesting that it's a possibility to update it. I haven't seen any possible regressions and there has been no new issues reported since the lenny version = what you have....17:09
fatal_(personally I'm mostly here to poke around and see if there are any possibilities to hook up some nice ubuntu/debian collaboration contacts w.r.t. iproute. Don't really care if you update or not. :P)17:15
fatal_anyway, feel free to send me an email if there's anything I can help out with.... I'd be happy to.... ah-iproute@debian.org17:16
bdmurrayIs there a MOTU release person around?17:30
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LaserJockany MOTU Release people about?18:26
iulianLaserJock: A bit busy at the moment but I'm here.18:36
LaserJockthe sugar team is wanting an FFe for the latest bug-fix releases of Sugar and I'd personally like to get it in, but I wanted to get some broader opinion from motu-release18:37
iulianLaserJock: I was looking at those packages right now.18:38
LaserJockiulian: ah, excellent18:39
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bdmurrayiulian: Can you help explain the type of freeze we are in right now?18:47
iulianbdmurray: We are in Final Freeze, two weeks from the final release.  Please see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-April/025259.html.18:55
iulianLaserJock: I'd say go ahead.18:55
LaserJockiulian: awesome, thanks18:55
iulianLaserJock: Would you like to take care of sponsoring those packages?18:55
bdmurrayiulian: I did so "more intrusive changes" are okay now since it just started right?18:56
LaserJockiulian: I don't have to, if you'd like me to I can though18:56
bdmurrayiulian: and no motu-release approval is required now?18:56
iulianLaserJock: That would be great, I'd appreciate it.18:57
LaserJockiulian: will do18:57
iulianbdmurray: What do you mean by "intrusive changes"?  Could you upload a debdiff somewhere so I can see exactly what you're on about?18:58
iulianLaserJock: Thanks a lot.18:58
bdmurrayiulian: that's the wording in the announcement you pointed me to.  Regardless my specific question is about sponsoring the debdiff in bug 349114.  It adds a patch system which may be inappropriate based off the wording in that announcement.18:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349114 in rawstudio "Rawstudio crashes on export" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34911418:59
iulianbdmurray: By the way, all uploads to universe and multiverse will need to be acked by motu-release.19:00
* iulian looks19:00
iulianbdmurray: Yes, please go ahead and upload.19:02
bdmurrayiulian: okay, thanks!19:02
bdmurrayiulian: What's the correct process for getting an ack? asking in irc subscribing to the bug?19:03
iulianbdmurray: Subscribing motu-release is better IMHO.19:03
iulianI've just commented on that bug.19:03
iulianbdmurray: You could ask on IRC as well.  That would make things easier for us.19:04
iulianBlah, I cannot find the list of motu-release delegates. :(19:06
* iulian is always forgetting!19:07
iulianAh, got it.19:14
odelintian is giving me an message about duplicate name for source and package in control19:23
odehow do I just name it once19:24
odeand then reference when I use it the second time?19:24
gesercan you please pastebin your debian/control?19:24
hyperairode: can you give the exact lintian error?19:30
geserwhat's the exact lintian message? as the control looks ok to me19:30
bddebianIs it complaining about the duplicate section: perl?19:32
odei think it's the duplicate of the name of the package19:32
bddebianNo, you don't need Section: perl in the binary if the sourc epackage is Section: perl19:33
odeI guess there is a way to reference the name19:33
hyperairode: no you can omit Section: perl completely19:33
hyperairode: in the binary package19:33
hyperairode: just have it once in the source package section19:33
LaserJockbddebian: my favorite MOTU!19:34
bddebianHeh, your lame-ass MOTU! :)  How are you?19:34
LaserJockdoin' OK19:35
LaserJockcan't wait to get Jaunty out the door19:35
odethanks, that fixed it19:38
LaserJockanybody seen something like this before:19:38
LaserJockdh_install -psugar19:38
LaserJockdh_install: sugar missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/*), aborting19:38
geserisn't sugar written in python?19:39
LaserJockthere's a debian/tmp/usr/lib/* line in sugar.install19:39
LaserJockbut it shouldn't bail I'd think19:39
geserdoes the directory exist after running the install target?19:40
geserdh_install complains that it should install files from that location but they aren't there19:41
geseras sugar build-depends on python-dev my guess it it didn't transitioned to python 2.6 yet and installs the files to usr/local/lib (missing --install-layout=deb to setup.py install)19:42
LaserJockgeser: I missed what you said19:44
LaserJockstupid Jaunty is locking up on me19:44
geserdh_install complains that it should install files from that location but they aren't there19:46
geseras sugar build-depends on python-dev my guess it it didn't transitioned to python 2.6 yet and installs the files to usr/local/lib (missing --install-layout=deb to setup.py install)19:46
LaserJockgeser: ah, yeah, that'd make sense19:48
odewhen i package a perl app am i meant to just rename the orig tarball to the perl naming scheme e.g. orig=stockmonkey-2.9013.tar.gz package=libmath-business-stockmonkey-perl-2.13?19:50
odejust wondered since it's meant to be orig, unchanged tarball19:51
LaserJockmy goodness this is a nasty CDBS package19:54
LaserJockwhat's the point of using CDBS if you're just going to build your own .mk files anyway19:54
Laneysiretart: do you have any preview debs for screen-profiles for debian for the daring?20:18
* Laney likes it too much20:18
Laneykirkland: good work on it btw \o20:21
maxriskfactorany MOTU here who manages eric?20:49
MOKHTEINA perian ki miharfe21:03
geseranyone here using vim and bicyclerepair?21:12
bdmurrayiulian: Could you ack bug 254992?21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254992 in nicotine "Nicotine crashed because of unknown options in configuration" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25499221:22
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ScottKOther motu-release people: If there's stuff you've acked, that's been uploaded, but not accepted, please let me know and I'll accept it.21:55
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