
sayakbjohnc4510: ello!14:50
tychesayakb: johnc4510's not up yet.  It's early in the morning, here, and johnc4510's an old man.  What am I saying.  I'M an old man, and johnc4510 is younger than me.  Hee hee15:03
sayakb:D :D15:04
* sayakb should consider using a multi timezone watch on his desk15:04
tycheI've got 6 of them set up.15:05
tycheIt helps, sometimes.  :-)15:05
sayakbsure does :)15:05
tycheIt's 7:05 AM, here, right now.15:05
* sayakb just finished with his college exams15:06
sayakbI'm so tired that I literally dropped on my keyboard :/15:06
tycheAH!  How'd you do?15:06
tycheYea, the stress of tests can do that.15:06
sayakbnot bad :)15:06
tycheGood.  I took very few finals in college.  I kept getting "A's" in the courses, so they felt the finals weren't worth the bother.15:07
sayakb:) well, it ain't all A's here, so it's mostly worry worry worry! I'm bad at Physics and mechanics15:08
sayakbthey dont quite have direct relevance with cse anyway15:08
tycheI worried about physics, myself.  Then discovered that all the driving I'd done (delivery driving) gave me a "seat of the pants" understanding of physics that helped me through.15:10
tycheAnd I was a draftsman, so mechanical things began to be easy for me to understand.15:10
tycheMost of it is just vector analysis.15:10
sayakbI have no idea what I need to do to understand atomic physics in that case :)15:10
tycheNever got that far.  Just basic physics.15:11
tycheBBL.  Gotta go pick up my grandson.15:16
sayakbtyche: later15:16
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