
=== pinkcoons is now known as nickspoon
chronicso how?01:02
LjLchronic: what's your issue?01:02
chronichow are you sure it was me u banned not someone else01:03
LjLchronic: why do you need to know that information?01:03
chronici dont know , but you say u know it01:04
LjLyes, i do know it01:04
LjLi banned you because you evaded your previous ban01:04
LjLi know it was you01:05
chronici think u have me confused with someone else01:05
LjLand you know it was you, at least i hope your long term memory is fine and you do01:05
LjLso i don't see the problem01:05
LjLi have not confused you with someone else01:05
LjLwhich is also testified by the fact that you asked me "what is the problem NOW", implying there was a problem previously.01:05
chronicu surely have01:06
chronicwhatever you might think, i'm not whoever u think i am01:06
chronicso please unban me now01:07
LjLyour ban will not be lifted.01:07
LjLany more questions for us?01:07
chronicwhy not? u just banned me without reason01:07
LjLi banned you for ban evasion.01:07
chronici dont know what that is01:08
LjLevading a ban.01:08
chronicok, i didnt do it01:08
LjLyes, you did do it01:08
LjLi am not going to believe you didn't01:08
LjLso drop this topic01:08
chronicu are mistaken01:08
LjLanything else?01:08
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.01:09
chronicwho is your supervisor?01:09
LjLchronic: nobody.01:09
chronicu work for nobody01:09
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:10
chronicwho pays u?01:10
LjLyou cannot read, can you?01:10
Seeker`he is a volunteer here01:10
Seeker`he gives up his free time to do this01:11
chronicno, he does it because he likes it01:11
LjLeither way, that's none of your business01:11
LjLif you want to appeal your ban, you'll find information about that in this channel's topic01:12
LjLif you don't have any other question, then leave01:12
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops chronic Ban evading and denying it (of course, ident and realname know much better)01:13
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:13
ubottuIn ubottu, Stupendoussteve said: Ljl is an op in #ubuntu-offtopic and an Ubuntu Member.01:20
LjLi don't THINK so01:20
LjLdepends on your definition of "think"01:21
LjLkhaplja: hi01:48
Seeker`khaplja: how can we help you?01:54
LjL!staff | maybe ntfs can spend some more time trying to k-line evade? i'm kind of sick of him01:55
ubottumaybe ntfs can spend some more time trying to k-line evade? i'm kind of sick of him: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)01:55
LjL(see #g-ops too)01:56
tsimpsonand #freenode01:56
ubottuNTFS called the ops in #xubuntu ()02:05
LjLwhat a huge idiot02:06
jussi01tsimpson: ping08:55
elkychr|s is being a tosser again i see09:36
topylibrainac0cult = sam_09:50
ikoniadidn't we ban him yesterday09:52
ikoniaoh, he got bored and left09:52
ubottuIn ubottu, ndan said: !foo is foo10:09
Garyis he muted in #ubuntu or just not talking? (brainetc....)10:14
ikonianot talking10:14
ikoniahe was a idiot as "sam_" yesterday10:14
ikonialeft before action was required10:14
GaryI remember the ip10:15
ikoniaoh really10:15
elkyif a staff remembers your ip, it's probably not because of the 'being slightly annoying' thing the previous day10:18
Garyelky: yeah, but annoyingly I have a sh..bad memory, so no idea what for10:21
elkyprobably habitual annoyingness10:25
jussi01I think the !gary factoid might come into sam_ s situation soon :P10:55
jussi01!info roundcube11:03
ubotturoundcube (source: roundcube): skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.1-7ubuntu0.1 (intrepid), package size 3 kB, installed size 80 kB11:03
jussi01has anyone used that before? ^^11:03
MyrttiI have, it had some problems so I stopped using it11:05
jussi01Myrtti: ok11:11
Myrttioooh, an office chair11:17
jussi01Myrtti: any other suggestions for a good webmail program?11:20
jussi01Myrtti: btw, when are you coming home?11:20
jussi01elky: thats what we have currently, its ok, was hoping for something a little more practical (also, something that doesnt look like from 10 myears ago)11:24
elkyit's the best i know of. sorry11:25
Myrttijussi01: we are currently discussing 30th... (yes I know)11:28
Myrttibut it's the only one with reasonable ticket prices before the 6th when my mum is having her hip done11:30
jussi01Myrtti: hehee... flying ryanscare?11:32
Myrttiif my destination is Tampere, that's the easiest11:33
Myrttiooh, working kvm11:34
bazhangfloryn!n=florin@ same as inspecthergadget!n=florin@ ??11:40
elkyGary, you seeing #f?12:02
Garyelky: bacta?12:02
elkyGary, i cannot scream troll loud enough12:02
Garyhehe, he left gaygeeks when I laughed at him12:03
elkybecause every time someone laughs at me, the first thing i think of is whether they're coming on to me12:03
Garyhe was being trollish, but we are a good bunch in gaygeeks and like a evil cat, like to play a bit with our prey12:05
elkyyeah. bacta's joy comes from people scrambling to get rid of him. people trolling back hurts his little feelings12:06
Garywe find it works best to troll the trolls, they don't need a ban then, as they are too scared to ever join again :p12:14
elkyyeah, when you're not upholding a social standard like ubuntu is12:20
Garyyeah, I do feel for you folks12:21
elkyanyway, im going for early sleepies since i'm restless12:21
bazhangnot many standards in -ot of late.12:24
bazhangnone that I can see, that is.12:25
Garybut I have hardly talked in there12:26
bazhang-ru used to be troll central, now is very well policed.12:26
Myrttithank gods12:26
Garyyeah, well done for that one bazhang 12:26
bazhangodd that a loco would outshine on of the official channels12:27
bazhangGary, its mostly a4tech12:27
MyrttiI just love how snappy my debian lenny is now that I run it with kvm instead of qemu12:28
bazhangwolf`wolf, how may we help you13:23
wolf`wolfbazhang:  worng place sorry :)13:24
bazhangthat was icebuntu13:24
bazhang* [wolf`wolf] (n=admin@ hynix13:24
tsimpsonjussi01: pong (21600000ms)13:55
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:42
LjL-it op is back on irc now17:36
LjLapparently sneaked inside his house and turned the wifi router back on to connect from outside :)17:36
LjLnormal people would probably give other things priority than turning on their server, but hey17:37
jussi01LjL: good to hear he is ok :D17:56
jussi01Myrtti_: what happened to Myrtti?18:04
Seeker`DAMN YOU PEER!18:08
jussi01I just removed badfish69 (n=deadbody@12-201-8-6.client.mchsi.com from #u18:59
jussi01was a bot18:59
tsimpsonmoving ubottu over now19:02
tsimpsonit's on it's way19:08
jussi01Myrtti_: I like your raspberries :D19:22
jussi01(on your blog) ;)19:46
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
ubottuIn #ubuntuforums, hfsplus said: !P is valid.. if !P then blah.21:03
FlannelHi klaz168, how can we help you today?22:03
klaz168Flannel, hi22:06
Flannelklaz168: What can we do for you?22:07
klaz168Flannel, well I'm a member of Ubuntu Egypt Team, and the channel's founder does not access IRC anymore, been six months. so i was wondering if it's possible to get transferred to another user?22:08
klaz168also the LOCO admin isnt active anymore, not on mailing list or anything.. 22:09
Myrttiyou seem to be helped at -irc which is the correct channel for these issues anyway22:13
goukiCan I ask for the presence of ububot on a loco channel?23:38
goukiThe idea was to have a bot displaying the URL for Launchpad bugs when a bug # is said in the channel. 23:40
gnomefreakisnt the default master bot still ubottu ?23:44
goukiOr that one, I don't know. 23:45
Seeker`I thought ubottu wasn't being put in locos for loading reasons23:45
goukiWe have locobot_1 there, but I believe is mainly for logging. 23:46
Seeker`we have ubot4 in -uk23:46
Seeker`i think23:46
goukiThe channel in questions is #ubuntu-pt23:46
gnomefreakmozilla team has ubottu and *log23:47
goukiShould I ask in another channel or just come back in a few hours? 23:57
Seeker`#ubuntu-irc may be better23:59
Seeker`not sure23:59

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