
techsupporthow do I extract file.tar ?00:00
cjwatsontechsupport: tar xf file.tar00:07
techsupportcjwatson, thanx00:07
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cjwatsonpetia: it'll extract to the current directory, so you might want to do this in a new directory just in case00:07
renatokrauseGood night01:25
renatokrausei wrote a code and i like to sugests to incorporate. how can i do this?01:25
renatokrause*sugests to add in Ubuntu and Debian01:27
jtaji!packaging | renatokrause01:28
ubotturenatokrause: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:28
renatokrauseis a daemon for the mrtg. the mrtg exists but in Ubuntu it run in crontab and dont explore a daemon resource of MRTG. I wrote a daemon based in /etc/skeleton.01:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mrtg01:32
jtajirenatokrause: I suppose you can file a bug and attach your patch https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mrtg01:33
renatokrausejtaji: very thanks. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mrtg/+bug/35812301:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 358123 in mrtg "MRTG DAEMON" [Undecided,New]01:39
jtajirenatokrause: you are welcome01:41
renatokrausejtaji: thanks man, very thanks really01:41
renatokrausejtaji: im writing a bot configurator of swith for mrtg, i dont know if its can be added too.01:44
renatokrausei write this in python and bash01:44
jtajirenatokrause: I'm sure your contributions will be welcome... here's some info on submitting patches https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Patches01:54
renatokrausejtaji: thanks i will read01:55
renatokrausebye all, i will play with my son02:06
renatokrausethanks all02:07
twbHow do I discover what my nearest primary mirror is?  Apparently "apt-get install apt-spy" is wrong.02:53
brad_I will ask in case anyone knows (I've went through synaptics and can't find what I'm looking for)  I have about 150 accounts telnet/ssh on different devices that I have to change my  passwords every 60-90 days and was wondering if there was an app that could assist me with this?02:58
twbbrad_: the Right Thing would be to stop using passwords.  Instead, use key-based authentication.  Then you only need to change the passphrase on one ssh key.03:13
twbIf you just want a tool to generate randomized passwords, I can recommend apg(1).03:13
brad_I agree, but they can't force passwords on the ssh key03:13
brad_the right thing to do would be to use radius03:14
twbbrad_: possibly so.03:14
brad_twb: nah, I need something to go change all those passwords.03:14
twbThat would basically mean that you had all the passwords written down where the script could get to them anyway.03:15
twbIMO that pretty much defeats the purpose of having passwords.03:15
brad_I would have the passwords consistent across the devices and would just be changed.  I keep everything in an encrypted app on my blackberry03:17
twbbrad_: wait a minute.  You're saying that you have 50 different telnet and ssh targets, and they all have the SAME password?03:19
brad_yes, but I'm not an administrator on those boxes... for example, the cisco routers are read only.03:22
brad_the one's I admin I use securid on :)03:22
twbbrad_: you mean an RSA token?03:22
brad_if they're going to use telnet and not ssh then it doesn't deserve a special password for each one since they don't care about security to behin with.03:23
twbI hate the new USB ones, though03:23
brad_yep, RSA securid token.03:23
twbbrad_: IMO it doesn't deserve a password in the first place -- just make it the null password.03:23
brad_I just have the standard keyfob03:23
brad_i've already installed the sshaskpass app so if a site requires a password for your ssh key it fakes it out.03:24
twbYou mean a passphrase?03:24
brad_but then again I'm the type of person who locks my machine every time I walk away from it.03:24
twbI'd have said that's ssh-agent's job, not ssh-askpass's03:25
sebblucasi've installed a 'Perfect Server' setup for ISPConfig (2) on 8.04 LTS03:50
sebblucasi need some assistance as to where are some guides or PDFs on hosting own site.03:51
sebblucasi just registered a domain name today03:51
sebblucasand i would like to set it up, though i have no clue what to lookup in google.03:51
sebblucasany help out there?03:51
twbI'm not aware of any rigorous, comprehensive documentation on the subject.03:54
twbGenerally I'd be inclined to recommend a VPS solution rather than hosting your own hardware in a back room.03:55
twbFor ispconfig specifically I found upstream documentation at http://www.ispconfig.org/documentation.htm03:56
oh_noesIs this command meant to work?  "scp /local/* user@server:/foo/bar/" meant to work?  I get "/local/* No such file or directory"04:41
oh_noesls -l /local/* works (it exists)04:41
Kamping_Kaisertry scp -r /local/ instead of scp /local/*04:43
oh_noesoh nice, thanks04:45
Kamping_Kaiser( i assume you want a recursive copy ... :))04:47
oh_noesYep.   I found * works in some systems, but i'll stick to recursive, cheers04:47
twbAfter making an LVM volume and a filesystem on it, how do I make the filesystem appear in /dev/disk/by-uuid?06:12
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uvirtbotNew bug: #358261 in samba (main) "net rpc command potentially dangerous on Windows 2003 Server " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35826109:28
HigH5Anybody out there with LDAP experience?10:04
HigH5I'm trying to add an ldif file with slapadd (followed the official help for Ubuntu Server), but the slapadd keeps telling me I have an error: "Error, entries missing! entry 1: dc=example,dc=com"10:06
incorrectand your dn is dc=example?10:07
HigH5No, is something different, but I have that sorted out.10:07
incorrectso why are you trying to add to example?10:08
HigH5Actually, the dn is dc=kas,dc=lan10:09
incorrectso change your add command to reflect that10:09
HigH5No, that's fine: slapadd -l kas.lan.ldif10:10
incorrectand the ldif file looks like?10:12
HigH5Just like this one here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html10:14
HigH5It's in the middle of the page.10:14
incorrectlet me guess, ou=people should be ou=People10:15
incorrectou=groups = ou=Groups10:15
HigH5Well, I just figured it out. The template from the official guide seems to be incomplete.10:19
incorrectthe docs are pretty poor for ldap10:20
HigH5The community guide template solved my problem. I had to add dn at the beginning.10:20
incorrecti've packaged 2.4.15 of openldap for hardy as .11 is pants10:21
HigH5It works now, thanks anyway.10:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #358314 in apache2 (main) "Invalid e-tag when using mod_deflate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35831410:26
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olyhi, can anyone tell me how you netinstall ubuntu 64bit are there seperate linux and and initrd.gz files ??11:38
olyor do you use some sort of parameter at boot ?11:39
olyI am already netinstalling 32bit ubuntu just want to add 64 bit versions11:39
cjwatsonseparate files11:41
cjwatsonunder installer-amd6411:41
olyokay cheers :)11:43
davmor2Guys I had a query last night off a guy who runs a small hosting company.  He uses centos at the moment but would like to use ubuntu server but needs compatibility with something call cpanel iirc.  (the hosting config panel you get)  Are there any plans to get this certified for ubuntu or not do you know?11:50
ttxdavmor2: it's apparently not a question of certification. cPanel apparently only supports RHEL (or centos). Since it's closed-source afaict, they would need to port it somehow12:27
davmor2ttx: cool thanks I'll pass the message on12:28
ttxdavmor2: I don't know cpanel, was just looking at their website12:28
davmor2ttx: No Probs12:28
uvirtbotNew bug: #358382 in sysstat (universe) "iostat -N doesn't report device mapper names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35838212:41
Knightwisehey guyz14:34
Knightwisedo you know if imagewriter supports ubuntu server ?14:34
Knightwisei want to boot my machine of a stick14:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #358468 in samba (main) "Samba crashes on install...." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35846815:11
Sam-I-Amanyone here use dhcpd with in failover peer mode?15:30
Sam-I-Amgetting a fun segfault occasionally with the jaunty packages15:30
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hackeronhey, I put "fusecctv         hard    nice           -10" into /etc/security/limits.conf - logged out and back in, but I get "nice: cannot set niceness: Permission denied" when I run say nice -n -5 echo -- any ideas?15:41
giovani3are you root?15:42
hackerongiovani3: no15:43
giovani3well uh ... why do you think you'd be getting a "permission denied" then?15:43
giovani3only root can set a negative nice value15:43
hackerongiovani3: that's the question - the line I added to limits.conf should allow user fusecctv to set nice level up to -1015:43
giovani3unless the process has been specifically allowed beyond that in limits.conf15:43
giovani3yes, but you just said you ran nice on echo15:44
giovani3not fusecctv15:44
hackerongiovani3: huh?15:44
giovani3"when I run say nice -n -5 echo"15:44
hackeronoh wait, I had to log out of the original shell15:44
hackeronworks now15:44
hackeron$ whoami15:44
hackeronfusecctv@fusetech-dev:~$ nice -n -5 echo15:44
hackeronworks fine :)15:44
hackeronexcept why on earth are limits disabled in /etc/pam.d/su by default!??!?15:45
jpdshackeron: Because root is not enabled by default?16:15
jpdsAnd thus, sudo is used instead?16:15
hackeronjpds: what?16:18
hackeronjpds: limits allow you not to use root16:18
hackeronjpds: so here you're forced to use root unless you edit /etc/pam.d/su and enable limits which enabled /etc/security processing -- you may as well delete /etc/security in the default setup :)16:19
jdstrandScottK: fyi-- between the delayed 0.95.1 release and some security work that popped up yesterday, I was not able to get 0.95.1 before archive freeze16:33
* Sam-I-Am files a bug report on dhcp3-server16:33
Sam-I-Amyay segfaults!16:33
Sam-I-Amand theres no debugging symbols compiled in either...16:34
cjwatsonuse ubuntu-bug and it will fetch the necessary symbols16:34
cjwatsonif you've already filed the bug, and you're running jaunty, you can use apport-collect to add information to an existing bug16:35
Sam-I-Amwell, i have some output from gdb16:35
cjwatsonsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReportingBugs and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures16:35
Sam-I-Amit'll tell me which function it borked in, but no debugging symbols16:35
Sam-I-Amer, dhcpd was not compiled with -g i guess and theres no -dbg package16:35
cjwatsondebugging symbols are in separate packages16:35
cjwatsonthe tools I just pointed you to know how to fetch them on demand16:35
cjwatsonSam-I-Am: if for some reason you need to do it by hand, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash16:36
Sam-I-Amthats what i've been reading16:37
Sam-I-Amgetting the gdb output from that documentation16:37
cjwatsonif you've already been reading that, you should already have debugging symbols ...16:38
cjwatson(from ddebs.ubuntu.com)16:38
Sam-I-Amah, thats where they're hiding...16:39
cjwatsonvery first section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash16:40
Sam-I-Amyeah, i apparently managed to jump into DebuggingProcedures first16:41
Sam-I-Amgot it now... installing debug packages16:41
Sam-I-Amcjwatson: interesting how i cant get it to crash under valgrind :)17:18
jcastrokirkland: slots are filling up quickly now, you might want to stake a claim rsn.17:30
kirklandjcastro: url17:31
jcastroanyone else on the server team want to do a session?17:32
jcastroyeesh, not everyone jump up at once.17:37
mralphabetAnybody familiar with some knowledge base software?  Any recommendations?17:49
giovani3mralphabet: I've used docuwiki a bit17:51
giovani3twiki is also a common choice17:51
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Sam-I-Amyay, bug filed17:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 358589 in dhcp3 "Segmentation fault during peer startup in failover configuration" [Undecided,New]17:57
Sam-I-Amcjwatson: thanks for the tip on finding the right debug package17:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #358589 in dhcp3 (main) "Segmentation fault during peer startup in failover configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35858918:00
Sam-I-Amhey look...18:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #358612 in openssh (main) "X11 forwarding fails (Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35861218:31
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J_Phi all19:35
J_Phi all19:36
J_Ppeople, ubuntu server 8.10 don't have more webmin package?19:36
J_Pany other? I would like give to user configure IP interface via web19:36
p_quarlesI remember reading somewhere that webmin was quite difficult to maintain due to design issues19:37
friartuckJ_P if you are talking about the actual package "webmin" don't use that product. It's full of security issues.19:37
giovaniJ_P: webmin isn't supported in ubuntu19:48
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:48
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:48
J_Pfriartuck: and giovani so, do you know another package for that? configure IP via web ?20:08
giovaniJ_P: read what it says20:08
giovaniit can't be more clear20:08
J_Pgiovani: ahh sorry, I see now :-)20:09
User777with proftpd how do I allow a user to access a director outside of his home?20:13
twomashiim getting 404s when I try to upgrade21:08
twomashiFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.24-23-server_2.6.24-23.48_i386.deb  404 Not Found21:08
twomashianyone got any idea..?21:08
keestwomashi: your apt cache is likely out of date.   sudo apt-get update   and try again21:09
twomashithat was it, thanks!21:10
giovanitwomashi: you have to do that regularly -- really, once every time before you install/upgrade a bunch of packages21:10
giovanii.e. if you're gonna do 3 separate apt-gets in a few minutes/hours, no need to run apt-get update 3 times, but, if they're a day or more apart -- run apt-get update first21:10
twomashiim not that well versed in ubuntu21:11
twomashibut you have the same thing in arch linux21:11
twomashihave to synchronise the package databases21:11
giovaniyeah, this is not ubuntu-specific21:11
giovaniapt is a debian creation21:11
ScottKjdstrand: slangasek says we can still get it in.21:53
jdstrandScottK: AIUI, there are 2 relevant security issues21:54
jdstrandScottK: I'm going to have a tough time getting it in before early next week (and even then will be hard)21:54
GrahznySometimes I miss ole Debian. Maybe sometime I'll set it up 5.0 as an alternative to Ubuntu-server.21:54
ScottKjdstrand: I have some time now.  Let me see what I can do.21:54
jdstrandScottK: that would be truly excellent. I can work on backporting the security fixes to intrepid (but again, it'll be early next week)21:55
saysay123hello, any one here running ubuntu on a gigabit network ? If so how fast id you large transfer speeds ?22:42
PenguinoHi everyone23:35
PenguinoI need help23:35
Penguino(sorry if i'm bothering you)23:35
PenguinoOk, this is my question23:50
PenguinoI'm trying to make it catch wireless connection with a USB adapter23:50
PenguinoExactly it uses this chipset23:50
PenguinoBus 002 Device 006: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter23:50
PenguinoDo Ubuntu Server support this chipset?23:51
PenguinoI found the driver, but i don't know if I must install it23:51
PenguinoAgain, sorry if i'm annoying :(23:52
JanCwireless in a server?23:53
PenguinoYou mean... this is not possible?23:53
PenguinoI was going to make server use wireless connection23:53
JanCit's not a very common use case23:53
PenguinoWhat about a wired connection?23:54
JanChave you tried using the desktop kernel?23:54
PenguinoI didn't try23:54
PenguinoI think it's the kernel too23:54
PenguinoBut... does desktop kernel work ok with a server?23:54
JanCPenguino: if your server is based on desktop hardware, then the desktop kernel should work23:55
PenguinoYes, it's based on desktop hardware23:56
PenguinoAnd wireless adapter worked on my desktop23:56
PenguinoSo... thank you so much23:56
PenguinoSorry for my noobness23:56
JanCno problem23:56
JanCthe -server kernel is more for real server hardware23:57
PenguinoDoes PHP, MySQL, LAMP and all that applications work on desktop server?23:57
Penguino(ok, thanks for your advice)23:57
PenguinoI didn't know that23:57
JanCyou only have to change the kernel, not install everything again  ツ23:57
PenguinoAgain, thanks23:57
PenguinoLet me google it23:58
JanCyou need the kernel images ending in -generic23:58
PenguinoI understand23:58
PenguinoMy image ends on -server23:58
PenguinoSo, shouldI remove current image and23:59
JanCyes, that's what the server CD installs by default, while the desktop CD installs -generic by default23:59
Penguino*install new one?23:59
PenguinoApt-get, i think23:59

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