
* Ng tries to keep up with the slowmotion compiz bug10:45
Ngbryce: should I open a new bug about the problems I see?10:45
bryceI guess10:46
brycethere seems to be several different issues causing performance regressions10:47
Ngyeah, it sucks when various vague issues get conflated :/10:47
bryceperformance issues are the worst, they're not measurable and not differentiable since they're summation effects10:54
brycefreeze issues are nearly as bad since you can't tell one from the next, but at least it's pretty definite when you have the issue10:55
tjaaltonNg: so the problem you are seeing is with many windows open?10:56
Ngtjaalton: I have three maximised windows on separate workspaces (terminator, then thunderbird, then firefox) and flipping workspaces stutters. possibly an easier symptom to work with is the background changer - instead of being a smooth fade it's 2 or 3 frames10:58
tjaaltonright, I get that too10:58
tjaaltonbut it's snappy when there aren't much to draw10:59
Ngyeah, and often the first workspace flip or two will be ok, but the performance degrades if I keep flipping10:59
tjaaltonprobably the reason why they invented UXA11:00
Ngit feels like it's being overly affected by the system working harder, and CPU usage is higher than with UXA, which stays smooth no matter how aggressively I flip workspaces11:00
Ngperhaps, but EXA in Intrepid didn't do this11:00
tjaaltonintrepid didn't have gem11:00
* Ng nods11:00
Ngwhat was there before gem? is there an easy way to disable gem?11:00
NgI'm a bit lost in intel acronym soup ;)11:01
tjaaltondunno if it can be disabled easily11:01
brycethere is a kernel patch to add a flag you can use to disable it11:01
tjaaltonthere was no proper memory management before, I guess :)11:01
brycethere's also a patch that forcefully disables it in the driver, without requiring kernel changes11:02
bryceI can dig either up if anyone's interested.11:02
brycethey're on -intel bugs11:03
bryceI'm too chicken to try ripping out GEM at this late stage, at least, not without more testing11:03
tjaaltonNg might want to try, I'm a bit busy with packing etc :P11:04
NgI'll have a go at the -intel level one. I'm not up for even thinking about kernel changes at this point ;)11:05
bryceNg, bug 349992 has an A17 swizzling patch for -intel11:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349992 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[945 tiling] Low performance due to no A17 workaround" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34999211:08
brycethe kernel patch is also attached to that bug11:08
brycethere is another patch, hang on11:08
bryceall this stuff, plus the MCHBAR patch, is documented at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance11:11
Nghmm that second patch looks familiar, I think I read it after reading that IntelPerformance page and dismissed it because it was talking about 94511:12
Ngbut I didn't think to check if 965 matches IS_945* or if there's an IS_965 I could use11:13
bryceabout to pass out... bedtime... night11:22
Ngcya :)11:24
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alex-weej_anybody heard of any bugs involving the screen flickering black a few times then staying black19:35
alex-weej_my music pauses momentarily, then sometimes resumes after a few seconds or others just stays dead19:35
alex-weej_and keyboard does not respond19:35
alex-weej_compiz + nvidia 18019:36
alex-weej_only recently started happening in jaunty :(19:36
alex-weej_and with nvidia 177 compiz refuses to start so i can't rule it out19:37
HammerHead66alex-weej_: I had the same problem but it was 8.04 64 bit Gnome it was because I hadn't installed the drivers right19:51
alex-weej_i've reinstalled using Jockey like 3 times19:51
alex-weej_64-bit also, though19:51
BUGabundocan any X guru help out on #ubuntu+1 ?22:07
BUGabundocwillu isn't in today22:07
SnoFoxHey, how to I start X in failsafe mode?22:08
SnoFoxI bet I broke my driver.22:08
BUGabundoSnoFox: not here, please22:08
BUGabundothis is not a support channel22:09
HammerHead66when grub screen comes up hit the Esc key on your keyboard22:09
DBObryce, sorry about pinging in the wrong channel, do you mind talking about intel and xorg for a couple minutes?22:11
BUGabundohey guys, guud evening22:12
bryceheya BUGabundo22:12
DBOwhy is it eating my CPU alive when I scroll?22:12
DBOI have an intel GMA 4500... its a decent card at least in intrepid22:12
BUGabundoI got that a few times too22:12
BUGabundoeats 100% of one core22:13
DBOcauses my sound to start skipping22:13
bryceDBO, check lp, think there's a bug open on that22:13
DBOcan you help me find it?22:13
brycefreezes are higher prio for me atm but if you have a patch I can look22:13
DBOI do not, I just want to understand why intel is regressing like its its job22:13
brycesee the IntelPerformance page I put in the X wiki to explain that22:14
* DBO goes to look22:14
DBObryce, one last question, is this going to be fixed or are intel users out to drift for a release?22:15
DBObryce, http://wiki.x.org/wiki/FindPage?action=fullsearch&titlesearch=1&value=Intel am I missing something, I dont see an IntelPerformance page?22:16
DBOoh, its on the dri wiki =)22:17
brycethe Ubuntu-X wiki22:17
DBOoh, okay22:17
bryceas to your last question, is that just sarcasm or are you literally asking?22:19
DBOI am literally asking. Is it going to be fixed for jaunty22:19
DBOI am not trying to be insulting22:19
BUGabundomake me +122:19
bryceheh, that question is sort of on par with "are we there yet??"  ;-)22:20
BUGabundoI always knew intel drivers a *good* place22:20
BUGabundothis cycle it looks like a big washout22:20
bryceIF a fix is found, it will be fixed22:20
BUGabundoso it's a bad bug, not drop of support?22:20
bryceIF no fix is found, it won't22:20
DBOI guess part of the frustration here is, why did we upgrade the X stack with all these regressions then?22:20
bryceDBO, read the IntelPerformance page22:21
DBOI am reading22:21
DBOoh I see, you addressed it22:22
bryceit is true the -intel drivers we've gotten have had rather poor QA.  We're fixing up what we can in the distro, but there's only so much we can do at this level22:23
BUGabundoof course22:23
* jbarnes hides22:23
brycejbarnes has been helping tons.  :-)22:24
pwnguin"I just want to understand why intel is regressing like its its job"22:24
DBOit's its22:25
DBOsorry =)22:25
jbarnesI'm adding regressions as fast as I can22:25
pwnguina more sinister explaination would be that intel sells hardware ;)22:25
jcristaujbarnes: damn cworth is trying to spoil all your good work22:25
jbarnesGEM is a big source of regressions22:25
jbarnessince it hasn't seen much development on 8xx systems22:26
jbarneswe're hoping to fix a lot of those issues after the 2.7.0 release (i.e. for 2.7.1)22:26
bryceI think the movement of code into the kernel has also either caused regressions or at least made them a bit harder to get fixes for22:26
jbarnes(though one of the biggest issues was fixed recently in the kernel)22:26
bryces/get fixes for/get fixes into Ubuntu for/22:27
DBOis there any clear picture about whats causing the scrolling performance issues on the 4500 series?22:27
jbarnesGEM was insidious because now we have a few code paths to deal with in the 2D driver22:27
jbarnespre-GEM, GEM, GEM+GTT, GEM+KMS22:27
jbarnesand then of course XAA, EXA and UXA on all of those22:27
jbarnesso we've been making our job a lot harder recently to add the features people want22:27
bryceDBO, EXA would be my guess, but hard to say22:27
DBOit exhibits the behavior on EXA and UXA22:28
brycetry XAA22:28
DBOI will do that22:28
jbarnesalso if the memory map dump in the X log doesn't show "X tiled" for your front buffer, perf will be really bad22:29
DBOI didn't know XAA was viable for the 4500 series22:29
bryceheh, I'd doubt it could be called "viable"22:29
brycebut on other hw I've seen scrolling issues go away when EXA->XAA22:29
bryceXAA is pretty buggy on -intel (which is why we moved to EXA in the first place)22:30
brycebut some like it22:30
brycejbarnes: btw, it seems we still have a scattering of freeze issues.  I don't know if they're different bugs, or instances of the same one.  At least some seem to have cropped up recently (perhaps due to patches added or reverted), but others have been going on a while22:31
DBOi wonder if the community could come up with a ppa with the intrepid xorg stack...22:31
brycejbarnes: I'm going to try to get bug reports on freezes organized and tabulated, to see if I can categorize them better22:31
jbarnesbryce: I think cworth is hot on the trail of the biggest one, affecting 94522:31
brycejbarnes: meanwhile if you have tips...22:32
jcristauDBO: xaa with compositing is fail, so it's not really viable given nobody's willing to fix it22:32
DBOjcristau, fair enough22:33
DBOwhen is 2.7.0 due?22:33
jbarnesDBO: can I see your X log from when it's slow?22:33
jbarnesDBO: supposedly tomorrow, but I'm not sure if we'll make it (still have a couple of blockers open)22:33
DBOjbarnes, yeah, I have to boot back over to jaunty to do it first (can't well develop GNOME Do without working X)22:34
bryceheya RAOF!22:36
brycejbarnes: side question...  I've noticed with newer intel chips, lspci just says "Integrated Graphics Controller" - is there a better way to get the card's name?  (GMA X4500HD, etc.)22:38
DBOI forgot who it was that wanted my xorg log, but thats it22:38
DBOhey RAOF 22:38
DBOshhh, I am pretending to be a clueless user like always22:38
jbarnesbryce: not sure... lspci gets the name info from the pci ids database22:38
jbarnesdunno if a newer one is available with friendlier names22:39
jbarnesDBO: hm looks reasonable... you're even getting uxa + dri222:40
jbarnesfirefox scrolling is slow?22:40
DBOlike if I flick my finger on the trackpad it will scroll for 3 or 4 seconds22:40
bryceDBO, do you see this only in firefox, or any other apps?22:40
DBOthings that have pure text in the scroll box seem to be okay22:41
DBOit looks to be related to "complex" content or pixmaps22:41
brycehow about inkscape ?22:41
DBOa treeview scrolls mostly okay22:41
DBOwill install22:41
jbarnesDBO: can you post dmesg too?22:42
DBOone second22:42
DBOyou want since boot?22:42
jbarnesyeah something capturing the boot process22:43
jbarneswe've seen badness in the kernel's PAT/mtrr tracking recently22:43
jbarnesthat definitely slows things down if it's wrong22:43
DBOoh the width of the window being scroll has a very definite impact on the performance22:44
DBOperhaps its more a function of the overall area22:44
DBOjbarnes, http://paste2.org/p/18110022:45
DBOsorry for the delay again22:45
jbarnesthat one doesn't have the early boot stuff22:46
* jbarnes checks whether that's important22:46
DBOerm, I will double check22:47
DBObut I think thats all of it22:47
jbarnesyou could try booting with the 'nopat' option22:47
DBOyou are right22:47
jbarnesalso /proc/mtrr22:48
DBOjbarnes, /proc/mtrr http://paste2.org/p/18110822:48
jbarnesthat's with X running?22:48
DBOjbarnes, http://paste2.org/p/181109 thats a better kernel log22:49
DBOjbarnes, still wanting nopat?22:52
jbarnesit *might* help22:53
DBOi think debian disables PAT by default22:54
jbarnesif that's the case I don't think you're getting write combining anywhere22:55
jbarnessince your /proc/mtrr was missing a WC entry for the framebuffer22:55
jbarnesand PAT isn't enabled so the kernel may not have done it for you22:55
DBOcan you restate that in english? :D22:56
jbarnesX really wants write combined mappings of the framebuffer or everything gets really slow22:56
jbarnesnot everything is rendered by the GPU; if X doesn't have write combining for what it does in software (includes a lot of the composite stuff that ff uses) it'll be super slow, every write will be uncached to memory22:57
DBOso how do I get WC?22:57
jbarnespre-PAT you need to set up the MTRR regs to cover your graphics aperture22:58
jbarneshowever if you have PAT, you can do it on a page by page basis22:58
jbarnes(when PAT isn't broken that is)22:58
jbarnesgimme a few minutes22:58
* DBO waits patiently =)22:59
jbarneschecking libpciaccess & X for the mtrr setting bits23:03
brycehttp://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/DRM_I915.html - huh, seems 2e02, 2e12, and 2e22 have the same generic name.23:03
* bryce needs a decoder ring. 2e22 I think may be G45?23:04
bryceG43 and G41 the others maybe?23:04
jbarnesheh I'd have to look at the header files23:04
bryceah good call23:05
jcristauyeah 2e22 seems to be g4523:06
brycecommon.h:#define PCI_CHIP_IGD_E_G0x2E0223:06
brycecommon.h:#define PCI_CHIP_G45_G0x2E2223:06
brycecommon.h:#define PCI_CHIP_Q45_G0x2E1223:06
brycecommon.h:#define PCI_CHIP_G41_G0x2E3223:06
DBOjbarnes, any luck?23:14
jbarnesDBO: well it looks like the kernel lies about having being able to write combine resources in sysfs w/o PAT23:14
jbarnesat least it doesn't go out of its way to make it happen23:14
jbarnesI've got a patch to libpciaccess which might help23:15
jbarnesbut only on systems with non-crappy mtrr layouts23:15
DBOis mine crappy?23:15
jbarnesno looks like it might work on yours23:15
jbarnessome systems ship these days assuming XP, which uses PAT23:15
* DBO starts downloading the libpciaccess source23:16
jbarnesso they use all the MTRRs in weird ways23:16
jbarnesso PAT really is the right solution for many machines23:16
jbarnesbut if it's disabled... :)23:16
DBOim not sure if it is, I just said that I read debian does that...23:16
jbarnesit looks like it's disabled23:16
DBOis there a boot option to enable it?23:17
brycebug 35790823:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357908 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X hang with EXA while scrolling in firefox" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35790823:17
DBOthank you bryce, your launchpad fu is superior to mine23:17
jcristauDBO: heh. i didn't know that.23:17
jcristau$ grep X86_PAT /boot/config-2.6.29-1-amd64 23:18
jcristau# CONFIG_X86_PAT is not set23:18
jcristauindeed seems disabled on debian.23:18
jbarnesDBO: not if it's not built in to your kernel23:18
bryceDBO: nah just came across that randomly working on other stuff23:18
DBOjbarnes / jcristau I am willing to try a patch or a kernel rebuild or both or whatever you think will help23:19
DBOI'll sell me soul on ebay and donate the proceeds to the FSF if need be23:19
jbarnesDBO: ooh looks like my simple patch might help23:20
jbarnesready to try it?23:20
DBOgot the source downloaded, the coolers are cool, the hot dogs are hot, its hammer time23:20
jbarnesmail addr for the patch?23:20
DBOerm, or just paste2.org23:21
jbarnesDBO: sent23:22
DBOgot it, applying23:22
jbarneshttp://paste2.org:80/p/181137 for the curious23:23
DBObuilding package now23:25
DBOhad to install some depends23:25
DBOdo I need to reboot?23:26
DBOor just restart X?23:26
jbarnesfor platforms with crappy mtrr layouts (kernel complains about "no more mtrrs") there's an enable_mtrr_cleanup boot option23:26
=== jbarnes is now known as j
jDBO: just X23:26
=== j is now known as jbarnes
DBOthank you23:26
DBOI will be right back23:26
* jbarnes types in the wrong text widget23:26
DBOneed to unload driver modules?23:27
jbarnesshouldn't need to23:27
DBOmeh, I'll do it just in case23:27
DBOjbarnes, reg05: base=0x0d0000000 ( 3328MB), size=  256MB, count=1: write-combining23:28
jbarnesso far so good23:28
DBOi dont see any really improvement though23:29
DBOi'll see if I can do a bit of informal testing23:30
jbarnesbryce: which git commit is DBO running?23:30
jbarnesof xf86-video-intel I mean23:30
DBOno, its still killing my CPU on scroll23:30
DBO2: 023:31
DBOso git as of april 223:31
jbarnesstill on UXA?23:32
DBOin fact thats pretty much the only thing of interest in my xorg.conf23:32
DBOthats the only Option23:32
jbarneslibdrm 2.4.7 has fixes, as does git after apr 223:33
DBO2.4.6~git20090403.51d6346f-0ubuntu0tormod2 <--- libdrm23:33
jbarnes6cd914ef315036ce8e91c7b6492994353e8ed2d8 in particular might help23:33
DBOI could patch that in if I knew how to get the diff23:34
jbarnesah ok that libdrm should be fine23:34
brycejbarnes: assuming he has stock ubuntu installed, that would be the 2.6.3 release (+patches)23:34
DBOi dont, I have xorg edgers ppa installed, that was the first thing I installed23:34
bryceoh, nevermind, xorg edgers23:34
DBOplus I figure its not too useful to you guys if I dont at least try to get pretty close to upstream release23:35
DBOI know I hate when I get bug reports from GNOME Do 0.6 series now23:35
jbarnesthat might make a big difference23:35
bryceDBO: yeah, right thing to do when working with jbarnes23:36
DBOmaking a package with that diff now jbarnes 23:36
jbarnesbryce: unless you're a few days behind, that's ancient history to me :)23:36
DBOjbarnes, that diff is already in my current version23:37
jbarnesok someone walk me through building a new xf86-video-intel deb23:37
DBOI guess the original package maintainer cherry picked it23:37
jbarnesDBO: arg23:38
DBOwhere can I get current source for this tree23:38
DBOI can build a deb23:38
DBOmmm git23:39
DBOgit co?23:39
jbarnesgit clone23:39
DBOthank you23:39
* jbarnes makes room on his desk for the gm4523:40
DBOjbarnes, I appreciate you debugging this with me23:40
jbarnesDBO: it's a report that keeps coming up23:41
jbarnesI'd like to nail it23:41
DBOwell I'll stay with you until I have to go give this talk tonight23:42
DBOand then I'll be back for more23:42
DBOplease excuse if the name of the package is wrong23:43
DBOi forgot to rename the date23:43
DBOi'll fix that the second time I build it23:44
DBOok let me try that again23:45
DBOah damnit23:46
DBOthe structure changed somewhere23:46
jbarnesI'm updating the gm45 to jaunty now23:46
DBOany idea what goes in there?23:47
jbarneshm no23:47
jcristaudon't bother with that.23:47
DBOif it no matter, I'll just drop it from the package23:47
jcristau(we install there a list of pci ids to help the server choose the right driver when none is configured; that's hopefully going away soon)23:47
jcristauDBO: yeah you can do that23:48
DBOtrying again23:49
DBOyou must excuse me, my packaging fu is somewhat weak23:49
DBORAOF only taught be enough to slaughter them terribly =P23:49
brycefor future reference, here are my notes for building debs of drivers (both for releases and git snapshots):  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverBuilding23:49
DBOooh, nice =)23:49
DBOit built23:50
DBOjbarnes, ok, I have a package, its terrible but it should do the trick23:51
jcristaureally all you really need is './autogen.sh; make; sudo cp --remove-destination src/.libs/intel_drv.so /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/; sudo killall X' :)23:51
jcristauwith one less really23:51
DBOrestarting X23:51
DBOhehe, somehow i killed composite23:52
jbarneswhat happened?23:53
DBOoh, whitelisted driver check fail23:53
DBOi can override that23:53
* jbarnes wishes he had a faster jaunty mirror to pull from23:56
DBOguess not...23:57
DBOits using the vesa driver now in xorg...23:58
DBOwonder why...23:58
jbarnesoh yuck23:58
* DBO tries to remember how to force intel in xorg.conf23:58
DBODriver "intel"23:58
DBOthere we go23:59
DBOnow its working :)23:59

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