
jduMeat, manually?00:00
Meatno, it automatically did it.00:00
stealth-botux: if you downloaded the right file, you should only need to double click on it (or maybe single click, not sure)00:00
techsupporthow do i extract file.tar ?00:01
linxehtechsupport: tar xf file.tar00:01
voice5sur5how can i activate a swap partition ?00:01
craigbass1976So I've been on this roller coaster of a screen capture ride today.  Had to do windows capture, but wanted to mix down stuff in Ubuntu...  I have 4:29 video that is 975 megs.  Is that a bit ridiculous?  There's no audio.  Can I mix out to something other (smaller?) than quick time movie from open movie editor?00:01
jduIf I were to guess, I would suggest that you require modules that are now broken with your current kernel.  What happens if you boot from the older kernel?00:01
stealth-techsupport: if you double click (or maybe single) it should do it for you, for terminal, follow linxeh00:01
Huufartedvoice5sur5: if you have a partition formatted as swap space, Ubuntu will use it automatically00:01
stealth-techsupport: 's method00:01
MeatI haven't tried it, nor do I know how.00:02
voice5sur5Huufarted, he didnt :(00:02
majnoonhow speed up ide drives ?/00:02
voice5sur5i have an extended partition00:02
jduMeat, in grub, you can choose an older kernel on boot.00:02
Huufartedmajnoon: speed up IDE drives?  What do you mean?00:02
RobotCowstealth-, one good thing i found about combining them that way is that the it can get rid of the security/encryption of a pdf that prevents the user from copying text00:02
voice5sur5i can use swapon but in reboot it vanish00:02
Meatah, ok. so I guess I should try that then?00:02
majnoonit slow reading THOUGHT problem was with my usb driveit was with ide drive00:03
stealth-RobotCow: i didn't know they had security :O00:03
majnoonhdparm no work i think00:03
Mike_lifeguardI'm trying to resize my Windows partition to install Ubuntu on the rest, but Gparted says there are bad sectors, and I should try to fix that with 'chkdsk /f /r' & 2x reboot.... "Then you can resize NTFS safely by additionally using the --bad-sectors option of ntfsresize. So I've done chkdsk; how do I get Gparted to use --bad-sectors option on that partition to resize it?00:03
jduMeat, its worth trying.  You can also make it permanent by editing /boot/grub/menu.list00:03
majnoontrying to move mp3's off a small HD00:03
Meatok thanks jdu00:03
Barridustyler_brb, it appears there is an automagic wizard in intrepid.  i haven't used it, but it looks to do the job.00:03
Meati'll be back00:03
jduI'll probably be gone,  good luck!00:04
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.00:04
botuxstealth: ok thank you00:05
mrwesWhere in Xubuntu is qsynaptics ? I've installed it under Ubuntu00:06
sofi1Hi Ubuntu00:06
frenchcan someoen please help me with my wireless broadcom ?00:06
stealth-botux: you welcome :)00:06
frenchi have installed the drivers for hardy but it still doesn twork00:06
sofi1I am trying to inverse my axis on jaunty. Does any1 know how to do this?00:07
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pulsaudio00:07
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ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:08
sofi1I mean the mouse axis reversal00:08
kazaLitehi all... anyone using O2 router?00:08
sofi1My mouse reversal used to work perfectly on hardy but not anymore...on Jaunty00:08
kazaLitehow can i unblock port 25 on it?00:09
sofi1Did any1 come across such a bug on Jaunty00:09
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:09
blueyedsofi1: try #ubuntu+100:09
infomomokazaLite:  for SMTP ?00:10
infomomokazaLite: it's most likely blocked by your ISP00:10
fultonh1sorry to spam, but the problem with my nonexisting proxy is really bothering me.  Does anyone know why apt-get is trying to connect through when my universal proxy settings are direct connection, and there don't seem to be routing rules in iptables?00:11
Huufartedfultonh1: give me a min, looking something up for you00:12
kazaLiteyes for smtp00:12
kazaLiteits realy weired that i cannot configure my router probably00:13
kazaLiteso whats the work around?00:13
Huufartedfultonh1: look at the file:  /etc/apt/apt.conf00:13
donavan01any one know what program I can use to strip the audio from a flv file and make it into an mp3 ?00:13
masterkernelKernelCheck problems/questions on #kernelcheck00:14
magnetrondonavan01→ ffmpeg00:14
donavan01magnetron ... thanks00:14
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Huufartedfultonh1: see anything in that apt.conf file?00:15
tyler_brbBarridus, how do i look for a login screen00:15
fultonh1huufarted: looking, but i remember it being empty00:15
botuxhow can you tell if the smba server is running in gnome?00:16
fultonh1huufarted: it is definitely empty00:16
donavan01magnetron ... ok, any idea how I go about using this ... I have the plugin installed ... do I need a frontend or is it command line driven or what ?00:17
Huufartedfultonh1: in the terminal, please type this:  echo $http_proxy00:17
Huufartedbotux: gnome is just a graphic front-end for an end user to use Linux.  It is independant of Samba00:17
botuxhuufarted: lol00:17
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.00:17
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botuxright i was wondering if there was an easy way to see if my samba is running00:18
tyler_brbbotux, ps x?00:18
wahnfriedenhow do i erase a line i've typed in terminal?00:18
wahnfriedenwithout just backspacing00:18
Ramessescongrats ubuntu rel-team! your 9.04 beta is not beta-quality but much better [i'd say final/stable-quality] !00:18
botuxtyler_brb: whats ps x00:18
tyler_brbwahnfrieden, after hitting enter?00:18
=== tyler_brb is now known as tyler
fultonh1huufarted: it is right there, so maybe the gui wizard is not modifying my gconf correctly? ""00:19
wahnfriedentyler before hitting enter00:19
wahnfriedenif i decide i dont want to execute that line00:19
tylerwhat else...00:19
wahnfriedenisnt there a shortcut00:19
wahnfriedeni have to hold down backspace for 10 seconds?00:19
Huufartedfultonh1: you need to find out where the environment variable is being set.  Please see this page:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting%20up%20apt-get%20to%20use%20a%20http-proxy00:19
tylerbotux, is it something running on your computer00:20
craigbass1976Huufarted, I just saw your username.  hilarious...  Can I borrow that for facebook or something?00:20
infomomowahnfrieden: Ctrl+h or Ctrl+U for the whole line00:20
Huufartedwahnfrieden: you can try pressing the down arrow00:20
Huufartedcraigbass1976: I'd prefer if you didn't.  I use it in many places and so far as I know is fairly unique to me.  :(00:20
infomomowahnfrieden: ??? ok ???00:20
botuxtyler: yes samba00:21
wahnfriedendown arrow didnt work00:21
wahnfriedenctrl U does00:21
infomomowahnfrieden: duh!00:21
IRiX_yo can anyone tell me how i would got about getting a network driver for my acer aspire 8930G. The wireless is supposed to work out of the box http://www.linlap.com/wiki/acer+aspire+8930g but it dont00:21
craigbass1976Huufarted, I was kidding.  Wicked name though00:21
Huufartedthanks, craigbass1976 :)  It's there just to make people laugh.00:21
craigbass1976So I've been on this roller coaster of a screen capture ride today.  Had to do windows capture, but wanted to mix down stuff in Ubuntu...  I have 4:29 video that is 975 megs.  Is that a bit ridiculous?  There's no audio.  Can I mix out to something other (smaller?) than quick time movie from open movie editor?00:21
Huufartedcraigbass1976: that question is probably a question better suited for #ffmpeg00:22
craigbass1976Didn't know there was sucha  room.  I'm off.00:22
HuufartedIRiX_: do you know what wireless chipset it is?00:22
botuxim just curious if theres way to find out whats running in the background particularly to see if samba is running00:22
HuufartedIRiX_: Atheros, broadcom, or other?00:22
Huufartedbotux:  ps -ef | grep samba00:23
IRiX_yeah its Intel00:23
botuxHuufarted: ok cool00:23
IRiX_and according to that page its supposed to work00:23
HuufartedIRiX_: the wireless chipset, not the processor00:23
macman_i forgot00:23
macman_us dvd players are ntsc not pal right ?00:23
botuxHuufarted: i got this7416  6943  0 18:23 pts/0    00:00:00 grep samba00:24
botuxHuufarted: what does it mean?00:24
Huufartedbotux, I gave you bad advice.  lol00:24
Huufartedhang on, Botux00:24
Huufartedcat /etc/services00:24
Huufartedbah, ignore that line00:24
botuxHuufarted: was that bad lol00:24
HuufartedI'm using Samba, but can't for the life of me remember what port it's on....00:25
botuxim rying to get it wokring00:25
Huufartedbotux, hang on.00:25
craigbass1976Huufarted, 445?00:25
botuxHuufarted: ok00:26
Huufartedcraigbass1976: I thought the same, but it looks like 13700:26
Huufartedbotux, run this command and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com   netstat -an | grep 13700:26
craigbass1976Huufarted, I'm seeing 139 too...  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/how-to-open-port-for-linux-samba-for-windows-users-152405/00:26
fusaports 135-139 + 44500:26
fusa135-138 udp00:27
fusa135 139 445 tcp00:27
linxehI hear that a google query for "what port does samba run on" gives good results00:27
IRiX_Atheros AR8121 LAN Ethernet Driver is one of them and from acers website Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5150/535000:27
nomikegood evning!00:28
linxeheg http://www.grc.com/port_445.htm00:28
botuxHuufarted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147283/00:28
nomikeI have an Ubuntu desktop pc. I installed ubuntustudio-desktop to see what it's like. But now my default settings are all changed (gdm-greeter, mouse cursor, GTK-Theme, Wallpaper, etc.)00:29
nomikeI think it's because of the "ubuntustudio-default-settings" package. I was thinking of "dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-default-settings" but the package does not exist...00:30
macman_hey all .. anyone using devde .. if so how do i get some kind of Picture into the preview menu thing so i can see it there ?00:30
nomikeAny recommendations on how I could revert the old default settings?00:30
Huufartedbotux: I'd have to guess that you are set up with Samba.  What exactly is the issue you're seeing?00:30
mike12Hey i have to post this in several messages so i dont get kicked. What should i do if my update manager says this when i try to update00:30
mike12Could not download all repository indexes00:30
mike12The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.00:30
FloodBot1mike12: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
`Borg`so I figured out why the lib-apache-mod_python didn't work. the package misses installing a fille which needs to be present in the mods_available directory.00:30
botuxHufarted: iam trying to set it up and cant see my windows shares00:31
Huufarted!paste | mike1200:31
ubottumike12: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:31
botuxHuufarted: and id like to be able to see my linux shares on my vista box in the other room00:31
mike12ok i will thanks00:31
Huufartedbotux: Oh, gotcha...  to be honest I'm not going to be much help to you. :(  I've only ever connected my WIndows PC to Linux using Samba00:32
Huufartedbotux: I can help you get Vista seeing the shares, though.00:32
botuxHufarted: that would be cool00:32
clearscreenis it possible to uninstall a package without removing all packages that depend on it? I want to REINSTALL something but it wants to remove everything that depends on it00:32
Huufartedbotux: paste the contents of /etc/samba/smb.conf using paste.ubuntu.com00:33
fusabotux: read this post by iowan, helped me a lot http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99808400:33
fusaalso be sure ports 135 137 138 139 and 445 are open on your firewall to your network00:33
Huufartedbotux: You can feel free to use my smb.conf file as a guide on how to make yours.  It's very easy to set up.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147287/00:34
neurobuntuI'm building a computer should I get a INTEL or AMD cpu?00:34
fultonh1Huufarted: thanks for your help00:35
Huufartedfultonh1: did you get it straightened out?00:35
Huufartedmike12: are you able to connect to the internet with Firefox or anything like that?00:35
linuxguymarshallCan someone help set up my Windows Mobile phone so I can file transfer with Bluetooth?00:35
botuxHuufarted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147290/00:36
Huufartedmike12: type this command at the terminal and paste the results into the pastebin for us:  sudo apt-get update00:36
Huufartedbotux: you're using the default file.  Back it up, replace it with mine, and modify the [video] section to suit your own needs00:37
fultonh1huufarted: nearly fixed.  i just manually unloaded the driver and I'm still looking for where it is set.  I might just put "unset $http_proxy" in one of my init scripts and see if that works.00:37
botuxHuufarted: was thinking the same thing lol00:37
Huufartedfultonh1: it MIGHT work, but please see this link and check the locations they specify for it:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting%20up%20apt-get%20to%20use%20a%20http-proxy00:38
jfortejoin #zandardnd00:38
Huufartedbotux: samba can be very powerful, but it is very very functional as well with only minimal settings00:38
Huufartedmike12: please paste the contents of /etc/resolv.conf00:38
ttuttleI currently run Gentoo, but I'm thinking about switching to Ubuntu.  Is there an easy way to take all the files currently on my root partition and put them in a subdirectory, then install Ubuntu on that partition without reformatting.00:39
botuxHuufarted: will all the subdirectories show up automatically in like in your video folder00:39
lasivianhow can I pull up a previous version of a package?00:39
Huufartedmike12: nevermind ignore that last line from me00:39
Huufartedbotux, yessir00:39
botuxHuufarted: cool00:39
lasivianI need a different version of Firefox but I don;t see any version numbers except 3.0.8 anywhere00:39
mike12ok Huufarted00:39
IRiX_Huufarted: i take it that last bit of info i give you dont help00:39
ttuttle(I don't mind dropping into a terminal -- I just need to make sure the installer *won't* reformat that partition.)00:39
Huufartedbotux lol, go put that in there, restart samba with:  /etc/init.d/samba restart    and try it out, see hwo it looks00:39
HuufartedIRiX_: I apologize, but I didn't see the info.  :(  Please resend?00:40
infomomoHow to remove unwanted kernels from Ubuntu00:40
sliverchairany help setting up subclipse? "Unable to load default SVN Client", I already tried following solutions from google00:40
IRiX_ Atheros AR8121 LAN Ethernet Driver is one of them and from acers website Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5150/535000:40
botuxHuufarted: ok00:40
IRiX_like it says it should work00:40
botuxHuufarted do i have to mount the windows share each time i boot linux?00:41
IRiX_ahhhhhhhhhhhh i had so much problems trying to install ubuntu00:41
HuufartedIRiX_: I have a potential fix for you.  ath5k drivers worked wonders for me with a similar Atheros chipset.  http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz200:41
zealiod_can any one tell me why port 5555 isn't forwarding - as per line 59 and 60... what am i missing? thanks http://pastebin.com/d1f07e84c00:42
HuufartedIRiX_: download that file, extract it all, change into the directory and type this:  make && sudo make install && sudo make unload && sudo make load00:42
MariachiACHello eveyrone. I have a friend who is trying ot get an Atheros AR5007 working in Ubuntu. How can he accomplish this? He is accepting phone calls who ever can help him. He is blind.00:42
Huufartedbotux: mounting the windows share, I don't know.  My smb.conf file will only help you view your Linux shares from Windows00:42
IRiX_right give me a sec00:43
Huufartedbotux: I believe you'll have to mount the smb:// shares to access them00:43
botuxHuufarted: my bad i had a brain fart00:43
HuufartedIRiX_: it will take awhile to compile them (the first 'make' command)00:43
Huufartedbotux: no worries.  :)00:43
=== bamboo is now known as bamboo606
IRiX_that link aint working for me00:45
IRiX_downloading on a windows pc00:45
IRiX_got it now i thin00:45
HuufartedIRiX_: then you downloaded it wrong.  :)  From the terminal in Linux:  wget http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz200:46
IRiX_errrrr i dont have internet in the linux installation00:47
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IRiX_currently downloading in windows then transfer00:47
HuufartedIRiX_: ah, gotcha.00:47
Huufartedok, sounds good Irix.00:47
IRiX_even the ethernet isnt working00:47
IRiX_its weird00:47
=== joey is now known as Guest64223
fusabotux: you can mount windows shres on boot in /etc/fstab One of my entries is: //main/c/    /media/MainC        cifs    guest,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 000:47
HuufartedIRiX_: I'm almost off of work and out of here because of that.  Please see this to help you get the drivers installed fully.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147299/00:49
botuxHuufarted: i got an error http://paste.ubuntu.com/147298/ when restarting samba00:49
Huufartedbotux, restart it with sudo00:50
botuxoh ok00:50
fusayou might want to check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba00:50
HuufartedIRiX_: Again, retarded move on my part.  Use this link:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147300/00:50
botuxi jeep forgetting about sudo lol00:52
insomniaI'm reading this doc for the WUSB54GC wireless adapter on Ubuntu 8.10 and we get to the part of bringing up the interface, but it says:  ifconfig wlan0 up ; wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device00:52
IRiX_ah ok thanks00:52
botuxHuufarted: now i should be able to see them in windows right?00:52
plagerismAnyone know how I would force bluetooth encryption on a connection?00:52
Huufartedbotux, I should think so, yes.00:52
insomniaI'm following this doc:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=923387&page=400:52
Huufartedbotux, that second section in that smb.conf file I gave you sets up all of your users in Linux to also have a share for themselves that should also show up00:53
insomniaDownloaded the rt73 driver, compiled successfully, installed successfully, modprobe'd successfully00:53
Barriduswhat's the console command to load the search program (not the tracker one, the regular)00:53
Huufartedbotux: it loads them dynamically so you don't have to set up a share for each user manually (but you can still do taht if you want)00:53
=== RedMushroom-AFK is now known as RedMushroom
MariachiACDid anyone see my post. I'm blind so its hard to go through all the chat messaes.00:53
Barridusnm that, i was dumb00:53
HuufartedBarridus: search for what?  A file on your hard drive?00:53
daftykinsinsomnia, type "ifconfig -a" , the interface may be called 'wifi0' or something other than 'wlan0'00:53
HuufartedMariachiAC: what post?00:53
insomniadaftykins: it isn't.  I have lo, eth0, pan000:54
insomniapan0 doesn't get an ip.00:54
Huufartedinsomnia, does the wifi adapter show up when you type:  lsusb00:54
RedMushroomwhat is the terminal command that'll install apache web server? i think it's "sudo apt-get apache2" but i'm looking to confirm this00:54
insomniaHuufarted: I see linksys, but no specific information00:54
HuufartedRedMushroom: sudo apt-get install apache200:54
RedMushroomHuufarted: thank you00:54
MariachiACHuufarted: the post about a friend wanting to get an atheros AR5007 card working with ubuntu.00:54
insomniaWhen I pull the adapter, I see it drop out in the message log.  When I plug it in, its detected00:55
daftykinsit is RedMushroom00:55
HuufartedMariachiAC: I have the same card and I used ath5k drivers.  They can be found http://wireless.kernel.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/compat-wireless-2.6.tar.bz200:55
IRiX_Huufarted: apparently the kernel is old, have to user the older version00:55
daftykinsRedMushroom, for reference, "apt-cache search x" searches all available packages for "x"00:55
HuufartedIRiX_: no worries.  :)  You should find them on http://linuxwireless.org00:55
insomniadmesg shows [  922.513767] rt73: init ; [  922.513807] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt7300:55
HuufartedMariachiAC: what version of Ubuntu?00:55
IRiX_ah getting it from the same location00:55
RedMushroomdaftykins: ah, ty. is there any way to specify a search parameter for specific kinds of software?00:56
daftykinsnot that i know of off hand i'm afraid00:56
MariachiACHuufarted: he currently has Ubuntu hardy installed.00:56
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sirjoebobhello all. anyone know if it is possible to make adobe air play nice without Gnome/KDE? I love open box but miss tweetdeck...00:56
HuufartedMariachiAC: please see this page:  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download#DownloadlatestLinuxwirelessdrivers00:56
IRiX_would you have any ideas on why mines doesnt work out of the box, as i said according to that page it should00:56
MariachiACHuugarted: thank you. I'll look at it.00:57
IRiX_plus i cant find anything on the internet to do with this problem00:57
HuufartedMariachiAC: once you download the appropriate version for that kernel, see this page:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147300/00:57
HuufartedIRiX_: you're not using Intrepid?00:57
mimiloonhi everybody, i'm trying to make a software (VirtualBox) load automatically when the system boots up in ubuntu 8.1; i added the command to make it start in the session (sudo VirtualBox) but when i rebooted the system, it didn't load; any suggestions what i might be doing wrong?00:57
botuxHuufarted: i wnet and looked in the netwokrign on my vist machine and i cant see the lunx shares00:58
magnetronmimiloon→ starting it with sudo will break it00:58
Huufartedbotux, try going to this server at the run command:  \\ip_address00:59
pfordWhat's better, GNOME or KDE?00:59
IRiX_Huufarted: sorry for asking Intrepid? currently a noob but i hoping thats going to change01:00
MariachiACHuufarted: thank you. I'll look at both of these pages.01:00
IRiX_ah its the latest version01:00
insomniaroot@greg-desktop:/usr/src/rt73-cvs-2009040817/Module# modprobe -v rt73 ; insmod /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/extra/rt73.ko01:00
crdlb!better > pford01:00
ubottupford, please see my private message01:00
ljsoftnetpford i'm used to GNOME, i've been using it for quite a while its been useful01:00
insomnia17/Module# ifconfig wlan0 up ; wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device01:01
insomniadoes the same damn thing no matter what01:01
mimiloonmagnetron: if i start the VirtualBox as a regular user, i can't add any USBs to the guest OS; is there a way to overcoming this?01:01
tylerok my bluetooth just worked a min ago now it doesnt show up...01:01
lokeI am facing a problem with Hibernate. My system fails to resume from hibernate. In fact I donot even see the message during the boot, which I used to : trying to resume ...01:02
=== loke is now known as uloke
IRiX_Huufarted: ah no using version 8.0401:03
IRiX_time for an update01:03
Sh3r1ffIRiX_: or it could be a personal choice to stick with an lts ;)01:04
nhuismandoes anyone know where the configuration data from the ati config control center is located?01:04
nhuismani would have thought /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:04
nhuismanbut I don't see anything in there about my multi-monitor setup.01:04
tylerok my bluetooth just worked a min ago now it doesnt show up as having an adapter01:04
edersonBoa noite01:04
bonhofferi installed all the xorg stuff and my wacom bamboo still is not working01:04
bonhofferit was working before i set it up with my vbox01:04
edersonAlguem do brasil???01:05
ulokeDo we still see the message trying to resume from image, if hibernated, or has this been disabled in hardy?01:05
tylerok my bluetooth just worked a min ago now it doesnt show up as having an adapter someoen help this was why i left linux last time...01:06
bonhofferdo i have any troubleshooting options?01:06
mimiloonmagnetron: thanks for your help in the right direction01:07
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IRiX_errrr i thot i had the latest version burned, obviously not lol01:07
Brainhey, i got a question, i just install ubuntu amd64-server and I installed kde w/kdm however... i can't cut n paste into terminal any ideas how to correct this?01:07
nhuismandoes anyone know where the config settings for the ati control center are located?01:08
nhuismanthey aren't in xorg.conf01:08
nhuismanwhich is f'ing weird01:08
ulokeDoes anyone know which packages should be installed for the default ubuntu Hibernate to work.01:08
eseven73!ohmy | nhuisman01:08
ubottunhuisman: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.01:08
ulokeAny clue would be appreciated.01:08
Sh3r1ffnhuisman: use aticonfig to configure ati 3d card01:09
usser_nhuisman, nothing is in xorg.conf nowadays, its in the process of being abandoned01:09
* usser_ sighs01:09
Brainuloke i think it depends on chipset but i believe it is a kernel option...01:09
insomniabtw, is there a way to hide joins/parts/quits in pidgin in Ubuntu?01:10
bonhofferwhat is crazy is that my wacom bamboo was working great -- now it doesn't pick up at all01:10
Dreamglideri have a laptop here where the f and g keys are dead, can i tell ubuntu to use some other keys to act as  f and g key instead ? I was thinking about using the one ctrl key and one Windows key (there are two of each).01:12
khapljawhere is the sound volume control in ubuntu?01:13
khapljaxubuntu that is01:13
botuxHuufarted: i keep getting an error01:14
RedMushroomwhat's the terminal command to uninstall a program?01:14
DreamgliderRedMushroom, remove01:14
DreamgliderRedMushroom, sudo apt-get remove package01:14
BePhantomRedMushroom sudo apt-get remove01:14
BePhantomalso purge01:15
IRiX_Huufarted thanks for the help, hopefully i'l get this sorted, i need to wait to 8.10 to download, only on a 512Kb connection so its going to take a bit of time01:16
insomniaIs there a wireless adapter that WORKS with Ubuntu 8.10?01:16
botuxHuufarted: still there?01:16
tylermy bluetooth worked a few mins ago and now it wont show up as a device anything i can do?01:16
botuxinsomnia: im using abelkin01:17
botuxinsomnia: it installed automatically01:17
kejavainsomnia: what hardware?  usb, pci, mini-pci, or cardbus?01:17
insomniakejava: I dont' care, anything that works.01:18
RedMushroomi just installed GADMIN-PROFTPD w/ the add/remove applications program, and when i try to start it i'm getting an error saying "Failed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory)". does anyone know how to fix this?01:18
insomniaWe got the Linksys WUSB54GC USB thing because ubuntu.com said it worked "out of the box"01:19
insomniabut, um.  Their concept of "out of the box" is apparently different from mine.01:19
LordZakcHi, im having difficulty installing ubuntu 8.10 on my pc. I boot up to the cd and click install ubuntu. Then after I chose my timezone, the screen turns blue and skips the partition then goes straight to the log in. Anyone know what is going on?01:19
insomniaI went and got a driver rt73 and compiled it, inserted the module, try to bring up the interface, doesn't work.01:19
salmondoes anyone out there know if there is a program like after effects for ubuntu?01:19
insomniasays no such interface01:19
botuxmy belki n usb adapter works fabulous it installed automatically during ubuntu 8.10 install01:20
insomniaso at this point, I'm thinking Red Hat might be a better option.01:20
ndangrr ok i've been using mpd... love it. restarted today and it works for a bit then suddenly the first song in the playlist starts another mpd is listed in ps -A and then sonata isn't working restart mpd and it fails... ne idea?01:20
insomniaand this join/part/quit stuff is making me insane.  The default IRC client pidgin is apparently not even configurable01:20
ndani use Xchat for ic01:21
jribinsomnia: check your plugins.  Also, have you read the wireless documentation on the wiki?01:21
insomniandan: yea, it's not installed in Ubuntu apparently.01:21
insomniajrib: of course I have.01:21
insomniaI'm reading it right now.01:21
insomniaI followed it step-by-step01:21
jribinsomnia: and?01:21
omniterhas anybody noticed that you can't select files by typing their name when running nautilus without SU access?01:21
insomniaroot@greg-desktop:/usr/src/rt73-cvs-2009040817/Module# ifconfig wlan0 up01:21
insomniawlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device01:21
jribomniter: no01:22
ndaninsomnia sudo apt-get install xchat  much better then pidgin01:22
omniterjrib, that's how it is for me :S01:22
jribinsomnia: more context...01:22
ndanfor irc that is01:22
insomniajrib: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=923387&page=401:22
insomniathat's the context01:22
omniterit's very strange... i can only type filenames when i run nautilus as root01:22
insomniafollowed the doc step-by-step01:22
RedMushroomdoes anyone know why GADMIN-PROFTPD would return an error saying "Failed to execute child process 'su-to-root' (No such file or directory)?01:22
insomniago down to the part where it says bring up the interface, and it doesn't go up.01:22
omniterand the Scripts context menu item is only visible when i run as root as well01:22
jribinsomnia: can you link me to the docs you are following?01:22
Sh3r1ffinsomnia: do you have a wlan0 in /etc/networking/interfaces?01:22
omniterit doesn't make any sense01:23
insomniaI just did.01:23
insomniaSh3r1ff: I don't see one, no.01:23
jribinsomnia: I don't see a link to the wiki there01:23
Sh3r1ffinsomnia: you can't bring it up if it doesn't exist01:24
kejavainsomnia: you sure you have the rt73.bin file?  you can check this way:01:24
kejavals /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/rt73.bin01:24
insomniaroot@greg-desktop:/etc/network# ls /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/rt73.bin01:24
kejavainsomnia: may also give some good info aobut the firmware in dmesg when you load the module01:24
insomniakejava: It doesn't.  [ 1706.262167] rt73: init01:25
insomnia[ 1706.262209] usbcore: registered new interface driver rt7301:25
kejavainsomnia: damn :(01:25
insomniaas far as not having a link to the wiki, I don't see this particular USB adapter in a wiki01:25
insomniaits in that thread01:25
Shivamanyone know anything about mysql and php?01:26
insomniaI started at the wiki for wireless networking and got linked off to that page01:26
jribinsomnia: well you're confusing me now, because we started this conversation with "have you read the docs on the wiki"01:26
insomniajrib: I start at the beginning.  At the wiki.  I got linked off to this thread from the wiki01:26
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jribinsomnia: hope you sort it out01:27
insomniajrib: well thanks for the help?01:28
rdumasis anyone having internet issues01:28
vitaliy_hey guy i am new to linux and i am running ubuntu 8.10 can anyone please help me install the drivers i need like a driver for my video card which is ATI Radeon x1650 pro01:28
insomniardumas: yea.  wireless issues.01:28
rdumassometimes it works and sometimes it dont01:29
rdumasinsomnia: what is yours doing01:30
vitaliy_anyone help01:30
usr13vitaliy_: With what?01:30
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: instal the proprietary ati driver and run aticonfig to configure the card01:30
sebsebseb!lamp |  Shivam01:31
ubottuShivam: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:31
otaniis there no longer a linux-amd64-k8-smp kernel for 8.04?01:31
sebsebseb!php |  Shivam01:31
sebsebseb!mysql |  Shivam01:31
vitaliy_install WHAT?01:31
sebsebsebvitaliy_: help with what?01:31
rdumashas anybody seen the new ubuntu 9.4 yet01:31
sebsebsebrdumas: of course been using it01:31
sebsebseb!jaunty > rdumas01:32
ubotturdumas, please see my private message01:32
vitaliy_i need help installing my drivers im a windows user this is my first time running linux i have ubuntu 8.1001:32
usr13!64bit | otani01:32
ubottuotani: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.01:32
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ?01:32
rdumassebsebseb: how do I do that01:32
sebsebsebrdumas: don't get it yet01:32
vitaliy_ya last time i did that my whole screen went black01:32
_Brun0_How can I auto-login into IceWM without gdm? I don't want to use GDM at all.01:32
vitaliy_and i had to reinstall ubuntu01:32
sebsebsebrdumas: wait for the release, well a bit after the April 23rd release date,  some good reviews,  and do clean install with Ext401:33
SwissChseon x64 hdparm reports that my sda/sdb (soft raid) devs are using 16bit mode. is this normal?01:33
rdumassebsebseb: yea but how is it, when it is released will it be worth it01:33
sebsebsebrdumas: probably not,  except for Ext401:33
sebsebsebrdumas: ,but Ext4 still has some issues I think, and may not be worth it in your case01:33
rdumaswhat do you mean Ext401:34
Sh3r1ffbtw, does anybody know when the package flasplugin-nonfree will be fixed? or if not?01:34
sebsebsebrdumas: new file system01:34
LasBuntuhow can I find out what version numbers are available for old packages>01:34
unkowhats the channel for jaunty?01:34
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:34
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sebsebsebunko: #ubuntu+101:34
rdumasmine is running good so I think I will wait01:34
sebsebsebrdumas: your new to Ubuntu?01:35
rdumassebsebseb: yes fairly new01:35
Sh3r1ffusr13: i know all that, but the package still points to flash 9 while the current version is now flash 10, package needs to be fixed (registered bug), but there is no update on it, so just wondering if anybody had some news01:35
sebsebsebrdumas: you can upgrade and do 9.04 on Ext3, but then you won't get the  faster file system,  and can only get partial Ext4 suppourt in  Ext301:35
vitaliy_is ATI fglrx a good driver for radeon x1650 pro cuz this is what my ubuntu came with01:35
LasBuntuI need to install an old version of Firefox but I don;t know what to try and download01:35
sebsebsebrdumas: to be honest 9.10 does not seem worth it,  except for Ext401:36
sebsebsebrdumas: 8.10 and 8.04 are good enough really01:36
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: i use fglrx and have ati radeon 9800 pro, don't know for your exact card though01:36
edersonAlgum brasileiro01:36
usr13Sh3r1ff: Hey, I'm just curious.  I don't know either.01:36
rdumassebsebseb: well I have 8.10 and it is working well, so I think I will hold off01:36
sebsebsebrdumas: 9.04 I meant01:36
coreymanwhats a good video editor for .ogv .... i just want to crop the video and add music01:36
usr13Sh3r1ff: What we just saw was probably the latest news on the issue.01:36
guruhi eine frage wenn ich fraen wegen meiner instll mit ubuntu hab im welchen chat bin ich da richitg01:37
usr13Sh3r1ff: Or else someone would / will correct as needed.01:37
coreymanwhats a good video editor for .ogv .... i just want to crop the video and add music01:37
BiosElementCould someone tell me where the Software Sources file is located? I forget. >.>01:37
arrrghhhis there a way to configure touchpad sensitivity?  my gf is freakin out cuz her touchpad "wasn't this sensitive in windows" and she keeps farkin up her typing...01:37
arrrghhhBiosElement, you talking about /etc/apt/sources.list?01:38
LasBuntuI gues i'm just asking a silly question01:38
BiosElementarrrghhh, Yeah, Thanks. :)01:38
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rdumassebsebseb: the only problem I have is intermittent Internet01:38
tylerany way i can reset my bluetooth with a terminal command?01:38
Sh3r1ffusr13: hopefully with the new release it will be fixed, although i'm still on the 8.04 lts01:39
usr13Sh3r1ff: You are in a good place for now.01:39
Guest41235hey guys.......I have finally installed compiz fusion and am in need of assistance in figuring out how to make the "cube" work properly?   Anyone know the keys to make the cube work?01:39
usr13Sh3r1ff: So you play some game with flash player that does not work?01:39
sebsebsebrdumas: what you mean  intermittent internet?01:40
Dreamglideri have a laptop here where the f and g keys are dead, can i tell ubuntu to use some other keys to act as  f and g key instead ? I was thinking about using the one ctrl key and one Windows key (there are two of each).01:40
Sh3r1ffusr13: what doesn't use flash on the web? ;)01:40
jtajiLasBuntu: you could just download the linux package from here, unpack it to your home directory and run it right from there http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html01:40
rdumassebsebseb: sometimes it will work for a long time, and sometimes it take 4 or 5 times to get it to work01:41
Guest41235hey guys.......I have finally installed compiz fusion and am in need of assistance in figuring out how to make the "cube" work properly?   Anyone know the keys to make the cube work?01:41
sebsebsebrdumas: wireless?01:41
homanjcurious, why does the update manager tell me i have a update waiting, but using apt-get it says "1 not upgraded"01:41
rdumassebsebseb: yes wireless, but my mail and pidgin keep working all the time01:41
homanjpackage is nvidia-common01:41
sebsebseb!wireless |  rdumas01:42
ubotturdumas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:42
rdumassebsebseb: yes wireless01:42
Sh3r1ffGuest41235: install compizconfig-settings-manager and fiddle with the settings01:42
LasBuntujtaji: thanks! :D01:43
tylerany way i can reset my bluetooth with a terminal command?01:43
Sh3r1ffGuest41235: it will add an entry in System > Preferences where you can change all the setings for compiz01:43
aprilharehello: I have a problem. after running openoffice.org 3 and firefox for a while and quitting both, i find my system sluggish. i run system monitor and discover the process ld-linux.so.2 using 1.3 GB of memory. can i kill ld-linux.so.2 safely? why does it form, and how can i stop it?01:43
rdumasubottu: yes i have tried all the documentation and examined everything I have even got my IP involved01:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:43
=== rww is now known as robertwall
vitaliy_why when i enable desktop effects it says desktop effects could not be enabledÉ01:43
Guest41235Sh3rlff:  I have done that.....and have checked the "cube" and "rotating cube"........but still unsure how to make it do its thing........lol01:43
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: ati and compiz don't go to well together01:43
vitaliy_but i installed the driver already01:44
frenchhey i am tryign to install drivers for ubuntu hardy 8.04 i have bcm 4318, i installed b43-fwcutter and confused on waht to do next01:44
vitaliy_there is no way to get compizÉ01:44
Sh3r1ffGuest41235: ctrl + alt + right or left arrow01:44
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jtajihomanj: probably because it wants to remove a package, but it won't do that by default, try 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade' in a terminal and see what it wants to do01:44
Guest41235Sh3rlff:  Only thing that does is move from one window to another.........I have set it up to have four windows instead of two.01:45
vitaliy_Sh3r1ff: there is no way to get compiz and ati working togetherÉ01:45
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: you could try to follow a dodgy how to you find on google, but i don't advise that01:46
vitaliy_Sh3r1ff why01:46
Guest41235vitaliy:  I have an ATI card and mine is working......."all i need now is to know the right keys to make it work"........you must enable 3d accelaration.......install fglrx01:46
zedanyone feel like helping me to get kismet working in ubuntu using a d-link card01:47
Sh3r1ffvitaliy_: now your 3d cards works, you just don't have compiz, if you do that, you could end up with both not working01:47
stoojCan anyone tell me why upgrade manager is trying to install nvidia-common & nvidia-180-modaliases on my ATI machine?01:47
vitaliy_guest41235: i did enable fglrx how do i enable 3d exelerationÉ01:47
bonhofferwhoo -- control + r zoomed me way in, cool, but how do i zoom out?01:47
Sh3r1ffGuest41235: it's when you install the proprietary driver to have 3d acceleration that compiz stops working01:47
bonhofferhelp i am seeing a huge screen!01:48
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bonhofferwords are 4 inches tall!01:48
Guest41235are there any settings in ccsm that will enable to rotating cube?01:49
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homanjjtaji: thanks. that seems to have worked.01:49
StooJGuest41235, Yes.01:49
bonhofferi can't click on anything01:49
StooJGuest41235, In the desktop section is an option called "Rotate Cube"01:50
bonhofferis that what i did -- how do i zoom out?01:50
Guest41235Stooj:  I have that checked........what do I do next?01:50
upgrdmani had a hard drive with a damaged partition table or file table, it was one hdd with a single ntfs partition. i archived the hdd with dd if=/dev/sda of=file ... any ideas on how to attempt file recovery?01:51
rdumasIn the synaptic manager, when you look under uninstalled.  If you find a game in there that you think you would like can you or should I say how do you install it and when you do install will it show up in applications under games?  any help01:51
StooJGuest41235, then assuming you have compiz working, you should be able to get the cube01:51
bonhofferseriously, is this a gnome issue  -- i can't google this because i am stuck -- i hit something by accident and i zoomed in too far01:52
StooJGuest41235, try mousewheeling on the desktop01:52
bonhoffermousewhell doesn't help01:52
Guest41235Stooj:  mousewheeling?01:52
StooJGuest41235, alternatively, hold CTRL + ALT + Mouse button 1 to drag the cube around01:52
StooJGuest41235, do you have a scrollwheel on your mouse?01:52
Guest41235Stooj:  not using a mouse.....am on laptop01:52
bonhofferStooJ, does nothing01:53
StooJGuest41235, Try using the arrow keys then. CTRL + ALT + Right arrow key01:53
Guest41235Stooj:  I do not know how actually "create" the cube........how do you get the cube there???? and then tinker with it01:53
cypher1bonhoffer: which ubuntu are you using ?01:54
Guest41235Stooj:  I do that and I just move from one screen to the other01:54
bonhoffercypher1, 8.1001:54
bonhofferi am freaking zoomed in like a mad man01:54
=== jay is now known as jayb
StooJGuest41235, easy on the punctuation, please. Multiple question marks won't get your question answered any quicker.01:55
StooJGuest41235, first of all, is compiz working?01:55
Guest41235Stooj:  I apologize.01:55
bonhoffercypher1, can you help -- i am dead in the water, all zoomed in like this01:56
Guest41235Stooj:  As far as I know........I can load ccsm01:56
Green1Can i put windows 7 in virtualbox on ubuntu?01:56
StooJGuest41235, Check that effects are enabled. Go to System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects01:56
cetanhotaHello all, whats the ubuntu off topic channel?01:56
StooJGuest41235, sorry01:57
StooJGuest41235, Check that effects are enabled. Go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance01:57
usr13!ot | cetanhota01:57
ubottucetanhota: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:57
cypher1bonhoffer: i can try.. can you tell what the output of "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" is ?01:58
bonhofferresolution:    82x82 dots per inch01:59
Guest41235Stooj:    Under Visual Effects?01:59
bonhofferand : resolution:    89x87 dots per inch01:59
StooJGuest41235, Yes. What is it set to?01:59
bonhoffercypher1, this is really odd -- i just zoomed in like crazy -- maybe this is  an nvidia thing01:59
Guest41235Stooj:  Extra01:59
StooJGuest41235, OK, grand.02:00
StooJGuest41235, close this down and open up ccsm02:00
Guest41235Stooj:  ok done.02:00
StooJGuest41235, go into general options in ccsm02:00
arrrghhhanyone know if GPointingDeviceSettings is in the repos?02:01
arrrghhhi can't find it.02:01
StooJGuest41235, click the Desktop size tab and give yourself 4 horizontal virtual desks02:01
Guest41235Stooj:  ok done.02:01
sliverchairmy svn client (installed via aptitude) is 1.5.1, what subclipse will I install?02:01
bonhoffercypher1, any idea?02:01
Guest41235Stooj:  ok done.02:01
StooJGuest41235, Set horizontal to 4, vertical t 1, number of desktops to 102:02
Guest41235Stooj:  is done02:02
StooJGuest41235, come back out of there then and go to Desktop Cube in the Desktop section02:02
_Brun0_How can I auto-login without using a login GUI mananger?02:02
StooJGuest41235, it has sensible defaults so just make sure it's ticked02:02
ramontayaghi everyone. installed xubuntu on an old compaq presario 1200. seems to work fine until i get to the login screen - it's blank. knowing the LCD is fine, I plugged in an external monitor then restarted the gdm (ctrl+alt+backspace), then the login screen appeared on the laptop fine! I've tried toggling the external monitor (fn+f3) but nothing happens.02:03
bonhofferahh . .  . win + 1 fixed the problem!!!02:03
Guest41235Stooj:  it asks me to disable desktop wall02:03
StooJGuest41235, Perfect02:03
bonhofferlooks like i have Compiz <-- what is that?02:03
hjghcan anyone help me get opengl working?02:03
StooJGuest41235, Desktop wall is disabled if you ahve the cube02:03
hjghi used aticonfig but it gave me an error about driver section missing in zorg02:03
_infidelhello apt crashed during an install and now keeps me from installing something else. It keeps on tryin setting up the first application whereafter it crashes. I tried apt-get autoremove, clean, autoclean. Any suggestions02:03
hjghxorg conf02:03
Guest41235Stooj:  ok done02:04
StooJGuest41235, So, let it disable Desktop wall, make sure Rotate Desktop is ticked and then try spinning the cube (default keys are CTRL + ALT + LEFT/RIGHT arrows)02:04
eseven73!fixapt | _infidel02:04
ubottu_infidel: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »02:04
hjghoh wait nm im a retard, i dont have ati driver installed02:04
EdgEyanyone know if there's a way to set up hotkeys for rhythmbox? or if not a recommendation of some media player with hotkeys, volume up/down etc02:04
Guest41235Stooj:  I can move to all four different screens02:05
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StooJGuest41235, Good. That sounds like your cube02:05
StooJGuest41235, there's a spinning animation, right?02:05
Guest41235Stooj:  Great.  that is what I would like to be able to accomplish02:06
mrwesUbuntu user here, using Xubuntu for the first time; I noticed the desktop icons for Network and Computer run Nautilus, but Places | Home run thunar -- why is that?02:06
* Sh3r1ff is looking at his cube go round and round and round and ...02:06
Guest41235Stooj:  it does not "spin" around.......it just kinda flips from one to another02:06
Lint01mrwes: those dialogs are from gnome02:06
Lint01mrwes: nautilus is hard-coded02:07
Guest41235Stooj:  I did not know if I needed windows open on all four screens......02:07
EdgEymrwes both run thunar for me02:07
mib_qf4g7fhi is anyone familiar with quirks? http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/quirk/quirk-suspend-index.html02:07
thor^^I got a 1600x1200 screen, ubuntu don't seem to register that, how do i force it into 1600x1200 resolution?02:07
StooJGuest41235, nope02:07
mrwesLint01, Ok..got it, anyway to make Places | Home run Nautilus too?02:07
Mike_lifeguardWill the ubuntu installer offer to resize your windows partition if there's enough contiguous free space on the disc?02:07
nofrakcan somebody point me to a good set of instructions on packaging a python library as a .deb?02:07
mib_qf4g7fyes Mike_lifeguard02:07
mrwesNautilus runs on my cifs shares icon too02:08
StooJGuest41235, you have the cube, if you're wanting to manually spin it yourself your best bet is to use a mouse :p - But, try CTRL + ALT + Mouse button 1 and move your finger about on your trackpad02:08
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: OK, so if it's not showing up for me, what should I do to create more contiguous space? defrag, remove Windows' pagefile... anything else?02:08
psychici need ubuntu tech assistance02:08
KelenIs that possible to downgrade version 9.04 to 8.04 or 8.10? any one got idea?02:08
mib_qf4g7fMike_lifeguard: if what's not showing up for you? the option in the installer?02:08
Mike_lifeguard!ask | psychic02:08
mattHow well does virtualbox work on 64bit?02:08
ubottupsychic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:08
Guest41235Stooj:  that is it02:09
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: yeah, exactly... I get guided - use the whole drive and manual (which cannot resize anything)02:09
Guest41235Stooj:  How about transparency?02:09
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psychicok  how come my application button dissapeared from the toolbar02:09
Guest41235Stooj:  Is there a way to make the cube smaller?02:09
mib_qf4g7fMike_lifeguard: you are aware that will formatt your hard drive, right? try the first of last option as they won't delete any data.02:10
hjghcan anyone tell me what driver i download from ati for this chipset 10:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc ES1000 (rev 02)02:10
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: I thought the whole point of resizing the windows partition was to save that data & use the resultant space for ubuntu02:10
mattHow well does virtualbox work on 64bit?02:10
thor^^matt: it's not bad, just remember to get 64 bit version02:11
mib_qf4g7fMike_lifeguard: exactly, but you said you used "guided - use whole drive" which won't resize the windows partition.02:11
mattthor^^: Of virtualbox or the "guest os"?02:11
Xeronguys i realy need help here i plug in my mp3 player into a usb slot and it comes up as perl and i get htis mesage when i try to acess it :(02:11
sebsebsebmatt: pretty good, but  you may have to  enable hardware virtualization in your bios, before 64bit vm's will even work02:11
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: Oh, I didn't actually use it. I couldn't find the resize option so I quit the installation until I could figure it out.02:12
thor^^the guest can be anything02:12
mib_qf4g7fMike_lifeguard: if you DO want it to resize windows and use the extra space for ubuntu, that would go with the first option.02:12
mattsebsebseb: well, if i've used 32bit virtualzation before....02:12
EdgEyis there any way to remove the base apps installed with ubuntu? for example gedit, nautilus, pidgin and other gtk apps02:12
sebsebsebmatt: yeah 32bit no problem02:12
EdgEyremoving ubuntu-desktop does nothing it seems02:12
sebsebsebEdgEy: of course just remove them normalely02:12
Xeronanyone know how to coppy mustic to mp3 player using linux?02:12
sebsebsebEdgEy: ,but why would you want to?02:13
sebsebsebsalvadorfl: hi02:13
mattsebsebseb: Well, what I mean, if I've used 32bit virtualbox before, then 64bit should work without having to do anything different, right? other than use a 64bit host os and install the 64bit version of virtualbox?02:13
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: but... the first option is "use the whole drive" or whatever... ie erase everything and replace Windows w/ ubuntu O.O02:13
EdgEysebsebseb i am running xfce (by installing xubuntu-desktop)02:13
EdgEyso there are replacements for a lot of them02:13
sebsebsebmatt: I just told you,   install  64bit host OS,  install 64bit  virtualbox, but before your vm  will even work,  you may have to enable hadware virtulization in your bios02:13
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: there /is/ no 'resize' option... probably because I don't have enough contiguous space and/or I have bad sectors?02:14
salvadorflhello i need help with vncviewer02:14
sebsebsebmatt: otherwise when you try to run a 64bit vm, it will be like your running on the wrong archectecture02:14
StooJGuest54828, transparency is in the Desktop Cube options02:14
salvadorflcan some body help me?02:14
sebsebsebsalvadorfl: why who is vncing you or who are you vncing?02:14
mattsebsebseb: do most bios's support this?02:14
mib_qf4g7fMike_lifeguard: that's the first option?! well then the last option should be "use the most continuous free space" which should also be alright. if you have more than 1 drive then it may not install on the drive with windows and thus won't show up on the installer02:14
sebsebsebmatt: if your computer is 64bit, well then yeah I guess02:14
sebsebsebmatt: vt whatever it's called.  in the settings for the vm, you will see what I mean,  if you get the error message02:15
salvadorfli want to connect to my brothers computher02:15
greencookieI just installed checkstyle from CLI (apt-get install checkstyle). can anyone tell me how I could run it? Thanks.02:15
mattsebsebseb: THanks, I'll take a look and hope it works. would it be something along the lines of being titled "hardware virtualization"?02:15
Mike_lifeguardmib_qf4g7f: no, I only get 2 options... the other one is 'manual' - which cannot resize the partitions02:15
sebsebseb!vnc | salvadorfl:02:15
ubottusalvadorfl:: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:15
salvadorfli put vncviewer ip-adress:590002:15
kiwiianyone offers me help~~02:15
SuikwanCan anyone help with configuring wpa supplicant?02:16
sebsebsebmatt: when you got a vm set up,  you can access it's settings, and  you got to enable the feature there I think, as well as your bios possibily02:16
salvadorflit gives me a error could't convert to host02:16
kiwiimy GPU nvidia GeForce4 MX440 3D AGP does not work well..02:16
sebsebsebmatt: I am going to assume that you want to virtual machine Windows, but why?02:16
kiwiiwhat driver should i choose~~02:16
Mike_lifeguardSo, I guess additional options for partitioning appear in the installer based on what disc space is available - is that so?02:16
sebsebseb!wpa |  Suikwan02:16
ubottuSuikwan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:16
sebsebsebMike_lifeguard: yeah I guess02:17
sebsebsebkimws1901: hi02:17
mattsebsebseb: Cool, should work well. Actually, I'm going to use opensuse 11.1, but install an ubuntu in it so I can use the amazon mp3 downloader, I couldn't figure out how to install amazonmp3 onto 11.1, amazon only realeased a version for opensuse 11.0. I tried and tried and tried, but no luck.02:17
Mike_lifeguardsebsebseb: ok, thanks. I guess I'll fiddle w/ defrag etc etc until I get the resize option02:17
sebsebsebmatt: ah ok02:17
Sh3r1ffsebsebseb: i have a virtual windows just so i can access one site, once a month, that just isn't ff compatible ;)02:17
kimws1901ubuntu is difficult for me02:17
mattsebsebseb: Best option I know...for now....:(02:17
sebsebsebSh3r1ff: ok sounds like a stupid reason to  have a vm, because of something I know about02:18
sebsebsebSh3r1ff: don't want noobs to just know about it though :)  so  pm me for more details02:18
kimws1901you like ubuntu than windows?02:18
AceroneIm wondering if it is possible to build a wireless 802.11g repeater. I have an ubuntu box with an Atheros card running the madwifi drivers. Is it possible to use wlanconfig to create two VAPs, one that acts as an Ap, and the second that forwards (bridges) packets to the actual ap. ????????02:19
sebsebsebkimws1901: ok02:19
sebsebsebkimws1901: what do you want help with?02:19
sebsebsebkimws1901: and yes their is a little learning curve with Ubuntu02:19
mrwessalvadorfl, did you enable remote desktop on your brother's computer?02:19
salvadorfli dis02:20
salvadorfli did02:20
orange11hi is anyone familiar with quirks? http://people.freedesktop.org/~hughsient/quirk/quirk-suspend-index.html02:20
salvadorflelse i disabled the firewall02:20
mrwessalvadorfl, can you ping him?02:21
salvadorflyou mean msn?02:21
kimws1901i don't know what i do first during use ubuntu02:21
sebsebsebkimws1901: have you installed?02:21
mrwessalvadorfl, are you both on the same LAN, or is this via the internet?02:22
sebsebsebkimws1901: have you put Ubuntu on your computer?02:22
usr13salvadorfl: ping, - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts02:22
kimws1901how to whisper to someone?02:22
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensative. How can I change this?02:23
usr13kimws1901: You're doing it.02:23
sebsebsebkimws1901: you mean private message?02:23
sebsebsebkimws1901: find my name in the list and click on it02:23
kimws1901list is too many hu02:24
eseven73kimws1901, type /msg sebsebseb hi!02:24
sebsebsebkimws1901: I have found you so i'll pm you02:25
MocsDoes anyone know anything about setting up a Free Shard of Ultima Online on Ubuntu 8.10?02:25
AceroneIm wondering if it is possible to build a wireless 802.11g repeater. I have an ubuntu box with an Atheros card running the madwifi drivers. Is it possible to use wlanconfig to create two VAPs, one that acts as an Ap, and the second that forwards (bridges) packets to the actual ap. ????????02:26
MocsAcerone: yes02:27
=== nevle is now known as nevle_
jduAcerone, sure it must be possible if the chipset supports it.  I have only used dd-wrt02:27
usr13Acerone: I have a slackware box that is an AP,  and has Atheros Card02:27
usr13Acerone: Works fine02:27
MocsAcerone: as long as you bridge the connections, it should work02:27
Aceroneso I can create two Vaps on one card?02:27
usr13Acerone: I just use NAT02:27
Sh3r1ffAcerone: you'll have to split the interface02:27
AceroneMocs: Do both vaps need to be on the same channel?02:28
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:28
MocsAcerone: That I can't say... there is a utility that configs it automatically... lemme see if I can find it02:28
MocsWhile I do... UO Server?  Anyone?  Bueller?02:29
Sh3r1ffAcerone: try first on the same channel, if it works, a different, if not, you know the answer ;)02:29
Aceroneusr13: how do you setup NAT? will brctl take care of that for me?02:29
AceroneSh3r1ff: k02:29
Aceroneim working on a shell script to handle all the commands for me right now. . .02:29
Sh3r1ffAcerone: my guess would be they can have different channels, but i never tried something like that02:30
=== julius_ is now known as Berserkur
AceroneSh3r1ff: well, ill give it a try02:30
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:31
BerserkurI'm constantly getting disconnected using the ath5k driver for AR521202:31
BerserkurIs there any fix for that?02:32
AceroneBerserkur: use the madwifi drivers :P02:33
AceroneBerserkur: ath5k have been known to be buggy02:33
patrickhey guys......02:33
BerserkurAcerone: Alright. Thanks02:33
zaccouri installed a xp look script and realize i hate it. how do i restore defaults?02:34
=== patrick is now known as Guest50694
zaccouri have the ubuntu iso downloading just in case i cant02:34
OverandI'm trying to use sshfs to mount .purple from a remote machine to mine - but it fails02:34
OverandIs SSHFS unabe to mount "dot" directories?02:34
Guest50694I am a Sirius Satellite Radio user and am unable to listen  to their music using Ubuntu browser.......can anyone suggest a browser to use that allows users to listen to Sirius Sat Radio?02:34
Guest50694Browser I am using is Firefox02:35
jduzaccour, If you can't go through the script and reverse the changes or tell it to uninstall,  make a new user account.02:35
Guest50694and also tried Konqueror02:35
OverandHuh - maybe that's not the issue.02:35
zaccourjdu i dont want 2 user accounts02:35
jduzaccour, move everything to the new one, delete the old one.02:35
jduzaccour, it is probably possible to undo the changes though, I am just unfamiliar to all that it changed.02:36
zaccourjdo, ok thanks02:36
zaccourhow do i delete this user account?02:36
jtajiGuest50694: I have used Sipie to listen in Linux02:36
jtajiGuest50694: http://sipie.sourceforge.net/02:36
jdozaccour: ?02:36
usr13zaccour: userdel02:36
zaccourjdu,  ok thanks02:36
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:37
jdooh jdu :-)02:37
zaccourjdo, how do i delete this user account?02:37
cleocinwhere am i?02:37
jdozaccour: i think you mean jdu02:37
AceroneIs it possible to use iwconfig to connect an interface to an AP, instead of using NetworkManager. Ex:[ iwconfig ath1 essid "mynetwork"  ] ?02:37
jduzaccour, with the command userdel02:37
usr13Acerone: yes02:37
usr13Acerone: iwlist ; iwconfig etc...02:37
jduzaccour, or rather deluser  for ubuntu02:37
jduyou can also just not login to it02:38
usr13Acerone: iwlist ; dhclient eth102:38
usr13Acerone: iwlist eth1 ; dhclient eth1  (where eth1 is wireless interface)02:39
Aceroneusr13: how do I create a NAT bridge between my two interfaces? ath0 ath1? Is using brctl and creating a bridge enough? Or will I have to provide dhcp and other services on the Ap interface??02:39
Sh3r1ffAcerone: in your case, it think it would be best to put it manually in /etc/network/interfaces02:39
usr13Acerone: iwlist eth1 scanning ; dhclient eth1  (where eth1 is wireless interface)02:39
charles1hello, im planning to start a business about rent pc but i need special license to use ubuntu on them?02:39
mrwesAcerone, try here....good howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118802:40
arrrghhhis the GPointingDeviceSettings package available in the repo's?  I couldn't find it.02:40
usr13Acerone: You can use NAT02:40
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:40
zaccourjdu, desktop user or administrator?02:40
Aceroneusr13: how do i setup NAT?02:41
daliang i can't hear anything in my system! who can help me?02:41
jduzaccour, you need to run it as root, if that is what you are asking?02:41
zaccourjdu, im doin it the gui way02:41
eseven73daliang, try setting everything in sound properties to ALSA and typing this in terminal: sudo alsa force-reload02:41
zaccourjdu do i need to do it as desktop user or administrator account?02:42
usr13echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward02:42
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:42
usr13/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -o eth0 -s
jduzaccour, sorry,  administrator,  basically the same thing, but you can run commands with sudo and update system etc.02:42
daliangeseven73: i will try02:43
zaccourok thanks02:43
Neroshey all02:43
* Sh3r1ff is going to bed now, have fun ya'all02:43
=== solexious is now known as solexious|netbk
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:43
Nerosquick question... I had software in windows that allowed me to login to my session using my laptops built in webcam.... is there a pam module that does this?02:43
NerosI checked around on google and only found SDK's and I'm not proficient enough to make my own login module (yet.....)02:44
charles1i have a zip file can someone helpme pls02:45
erbidoes anybody here have t-mobile as their wireless carrier?02:45
usr13charles1: unzip02:45
sebsebseb!zip |  charles102:45
ubottucharles1: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:45
usr13charles1: unzip file.zip02:45
RopechoborraSomeone who can recommend me a nice terminal?02:47
masterzyzalguien puede contestar en español?02:47
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:47
Ropechoborra!es masterzyz02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es masterzyz02:47
ACiD1my ubuntu installation is infected with a trojan =\02:47
Ropechoborra!es | masterzyz02:47
ubottumasterzyz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:47
usr13Ropechoborra: Nice terminal?  gnome-terminal02:47
masterzyzok thanks02:47
Ropechoborrausr13, something colorful i ment02:47
usr13Ropechoborra: tty02:48
Ropechoborraapt-get install tty ?02:48
ACiD1is there anyway of knowing where a trojan is installed on ubuntu?02:48
usr13Ropechoborra: Ctrl-Alt-F602:48
charles1ok thanks and now what friends http://pastebin.com/d4a37d30e02:48
musikgoat|mainACiD1: you don't install trojans in ubuntu02:48
NerosHow about a usb pam module? I know I've seen one02:48
usr13Ropechoborra: Ctrl-Alt-F6  will put you in terminal mode.  Full screen.02:48
ACiD1musikgoat|main:  apparently i have one.02:48
NerosYeah linux dosent get trojans... it gets rootkits :P02:49
musikgoat|mainACiD1: says who?02:49
ACiD1well, QuakeNet is under the impression i have a trojan02:49
Aceroneusr13: ok so I have to if: ath0 (the repeater access point) and ath1 (connected to the real ap), what is the easiest way to bridge them? Using iptables NAT? Dont I have to bridge them?02:49
ACiD1I am running off livecd right nwo and i can connect no problem02:49
kelitoMy goodness...I think I found the chat.02:49
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:49
Ropechoborrausr13, thanks02:49
ACiD1on the hd installation, it says i have a trojan and ive been g-lined02:49
musikgoat|mainACiD1: so quakenet says your ubuntu OS has a trojan?02:49
usr13/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE -o ath1 -s
kelitoI thought unbuntu was somewhat free of trojans?02:50
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:50
ACiD1well i have one apparently and clamav couldnt find it02:50
eseven73!virus | kelito02:50
ubottukelito: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:50
wolteris there an official soundpack that includes new email sounds?02:50
_CounterspellIs there a CLI Bit Torrent client I can have running in the background?02:51
=== _Counterspell is now known as Counterspell
kelitoOkay...will do...thanx!02:51
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:51
jdu_Counterspell, irssi, you can then use screen02:51
hjghkelito what trojans?02:51
ACiD1i apparently have a trojan02:52
sebsebsebACiD1: what makes you think that?02:52
musikgoat|mainACiD1: i've never heard of that,  this post says you can check the length of your ban:  A G-Line can be anything from 1 minute to Infinite. Best to goto GameSurge >> G-line Query and it will scan your IP and give you an answer as to the length of the ban.02:52
ACiD1scroll up sebsebseb02:52
Neros_ohm what applications are you trying to use it with?02:52
musikgoat|mainACiD1: http://gamesurge.net/utils/gline/02:52
sebsebsebACiD1: lol probably not02:53
ACiD1musikgoat|main: ill explain this to you. Yesterday I tried connecting, i got g-lined for the trojan. i tried again today, same thing, 4 hours later to now, i just tried connecting and yeah02:53
_ohmNeros, currently just mupen64plus, i ran jscalibrator and joystick and got the same results. For some reason only one joystick is pressure sensative02:53
NerosACiD just out of curiosity... does quakenet run natively on linux or do you have it ran through wine?02:53
ACiD1im using pidgin, native.02:53
sebsebsebACiD1: or maybe if you done something totally newbie such as running Ubuntu with no hardware firewall, and  a password such as 123 for the user account02:53
ACiD1my password isnt somehting as 123 its complicated.02:53
RedMushroomwhat's the default port that pure-ftpd runs on?02:53
sebsebsebACiD1: and then someone cracked you,  which is also pretty unlikely02:53
usr13Ropechoborra: 2102:54
RedMushroomisn't it 21?02:54
RedMushroomusr13: ty02:54
ACiD1ok well, lets just say i have a trojan or some kinda virus, how can i tell where it is and how to remove it?02:54
CounterspellIs there a command-line Bit Torrent client I can use to download torrents in the background?02:54
NerosACiD: WTF does pidgin have to do with my question?02:54
musikgoat|mainACiD1: clean install02:54
ACiD1pidgin is native02:54
Ropechoborrausr13, wrong tab? :P02:54
ACiD1dont be a jerk02:54
sebsebsebACiD1: well it applys to any OS, if you  have malicious programs, only way to make sure it is completly gone, is to clean install02:54
musikgoat|mainpidgin connects to quakenet Neros02:54
usr13Ropechoborra: Yes, sorry.02:54
NerosO I C :P02:55
clearscreenCounterspell: any can.. use 'screen' :P02:55
sebsebsebACiD1: also md5sum the ISO for the CD, to make sure your using a good Ubuntu CD02:55
sebsebseb!md5sum |  ACiD102:55
ubottuACiD1: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more02:55
ACiD1yes this ubuntu cd is good.02:55
Counterspellclearscreen: which cli clients are out there?02:55
ACiD1something bad must've gotten installed somewhere along the lines.02:55
musikgoat|mainACiD1: i think you are just making too many connections to the irc server,  like if you are wireless or have a spotty nic or network connection02:55
sebsebsebACiD1: maybe your trolling02:55
sinthCounterspell: try transmissioncli02:55
Counterspellsinth: thanks02:56
clearscreenCounterspell: what sinth said :P02:56
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:56
usr13ACiD1: is a troll yes..02:56
ACiD1ill just uninstall02:56
musikgoat|mainACiD1: thats all that error is indicating, that you have made too many connections to the irc server in too short of time02:56
ACiD1the first time it happened it said trojan02:56
ACiD1simple as that02:56
usr13ACiD1: Good idea.02:57
porobohi people im new to this but i think its cool02:57
LjLACiD1: g-lined from freenode doesn't necessarily mean YOU have a trojan. it might simply mean the IP address you were using is listed on some blacklists. what did the message actually *say*?02:57
ACiD1it had some error ID number along with it but pidgin cleared it quick02:58
sebsebsebporobo: ok good, but is there anything you want help with02:58
ACiD1if my ip was on a black list, i wouldnt be able to connect via live cd to quakenet02:58
rootiwant you help02:58
sebsebsebroot: hi02:58
musikgoat|mainACiD1: have you considered attempting to pull a new IP (if you have a dynamic from your ISP) and connecting with a different user/pass?02:58
rooti want crack wep02:58
=== root is now known as Guest41999
ACiD1but i am connnected now.02:58
porobonothin yet02:58
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:58
_ohmI'm using the Logitech Dual Action game pad and ubuntu only makes one of the two joysticks pressure sensitive. How can I change this?02:59
Neros_ohm I suggest you make a forum post about it in great detail02:59
sebsebseb_-RED-_: hi03:00
ACiD1well is there any reputable Anti-Virus you'd reccomend i use from now on?03:00
_-RED-_so how hard is it to get svideo working in ubuntu 9.04 lol03:00
musikgoat|main!av | ACiD103:00
ubottuACiD1: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:00
Neros_-RED-_ Depends... what kind of card do you have?03:01
sebsebsebACiD1: the  Linux anti virus programs, as far as I know only really pick up on Windows virsues, which don't effect Ubuntu anyway03:01
mdgI'm having trouble getting my Microsoft Comfort Curve 2000 keyboard working - computer does not recognize it.03:01
_-RED-_umm let me look03:01
ACiD1well then, i am the first to ever have a ubuntu virus.03:01
sebsebseb!keyboard |  mdg03:01
ubottumdg: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts03:01
musikgoat|mainACiD1: you said you can connect03:01
josephnexushello everyone03:01
usr13ACiD1: Do you not understand?03:01
sebsebsebjosephnexus: hi03:01
ACiD1what do i not understand?03:01
knucklebrawleri want to put the totem-xine desktop icon on the toolbar, but i dont know where to find it or what it looks like. can someone help please?03:02
randalhey i just installed screenlets but how do you enable differnt ones nothing happons when i click on it03:02
usr13ACiD1: You have miss-diagnosed the problem.03:02
josephnexusI'm trying to help a friend out, he upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now flash wont' play, it starts to load, but hangs and causes firefox to hang03:02
josephnexusanyone have any idea?03:02
NerosACiD did you read the av link that ubottu keeps giving you? It explains about viruses and their non-role in the linux desktop03:02
musikgoat|mainACiD1: just because quakenet refers to your error as the same one that could happen when a trojan infects a pc, doesn't mean you have a trojan03:02
mdgMy USB Microsoft Comfort Curve keyboard is not recognized by computer at all.  Any suggestions to fix this?03:02
Mike_lifeguardAre the mailing lists indexed anywhere? specifically ubuntu-users03:02
ACiD1alright well ill do this.03:02
ACiD1ill log off livecd03:02
Nerosjosephnexus: 64 or 32bit ubuntu and which flash?03:02
ACiD1reconnect through hd installation and see if it happens again03:02
josephnexus32 bit03:02
knucklebrawlerwhere can i find the totem-xine icon?03:03
ACiD1as i am connected now, same ip same username03:03
josephnexusand the latest version in the repos03:03
ljsoftnetjosephnexus upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 messes up a lot of things, one of them is that03:03
ACiD1so wouldnt that make sense, it should work now via hd installation?03:03
josephnexusany ideas how to resolve it?03:03
musikgoat|mainACiD1: you should ask for help from quakenet ops03:03
usr13ACiD1: If you have a network problem just restarting will not solve the problem.03:03
randal hey i just installed screenlets but how do you enable differnt ones nothing happons when i click on it03:03
josephnexusi've been able to resolve any other issues03:03
_-RED-_01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)03:04
ljsoftnetjosephnexus i recommend back up all your files and start a clean install of 8.1003:04
denizdo ubuntu version upgrades break often?03:04
musikgoat|mainACiD1: if you can keep a connection now, go to their support and explain the problem, and try to investigate it03:04
knucklebrawleris there an icon look for totem-xine?03:04
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ACiD1alright musikgoat|main, ill try and ask them.03:04
Nerosjosephnexus have you tried reinstalling flash?03:04
usr13ACiD1: Check what  you have not and duplicate it when you reboot and run from HD.  ifconfig etc.03:05
josephnexusi'm suspecting it is something to do with flash and pulseaudio03:05
maodunhow can i print information about a package03:05
maodunin apt-get03:05
GuiriHi. I remember an Ubuntu Community page that gave a "find and chmod" command to set files to 644 and directories to 755 in a web directory03:06
Guirianybody know what I'm talking about?03:06
sebsebsebGuiri: no03:06
josephnexusguiri, i wish I did03:06
josephnexussounds cool03:06
bretcolini just got here what03:06
maodunsorry, how can i print version information and further descriptive info about a package using apt-get03:06
josephnexusbacking up and reinstalling would really be difficult in this case, especially to fix flash03:06
maodunoh, apt-cache show03:07
matthewg42in KDE, how can I browse for bluetooth devices?  I used to be able to put bluetooth:/ in the location bar a long time ago, but now it doesn't work.03:07
=== OnEx|TO is now known as OnER
OnERaños sin entrar aqui03:09
OnERdesde que era... un helper03:09
josephnexusanyone have any ideas why my flash would be having problems?03:09
timoguinI just updated to Jaunty, and I can't get jockey to activate the Nvidia 180 driver, or any other for that matter. When I click activate, it appears to download and install without error, but it doesn't actually activate it.03:09
linny2josephnexus: what are the symtoms ?03:10
sebsebseb!jaunty |  timoguin03:10
ubottutimoguin: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:10
timoguinsebsebseb: Thanks. I just found the jockey log file too.03:11
sebsebsebtimoguin: ok03:11
josephnexuslinny2: when I go to a site like pandora.com or youtube.com, flash starts, begins to load, and then hangs near the end of the loading03:11
josephnexusin pandoras case, when it is about half way loaded03:12
josephnexusand in youtube's case, when the video is about to start03:12
southKoreajoin off-topic <- is this right ?03:12
southKoreajoin #offtopic03:12
sebsebsebjosephnexus: you can get  one diretly from Adobe.  and try alternatives such as Gnash and Swfdec03:12
sebsebsebsouthKorea: no  #ubuntu-offtopic03:12
josephnexus /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:12
linny2josephnexus: you on 32 bit or 64 ? and how did you install flash ?03:12
chetnickHello everybody03:13
josephnexuswe had everything working great in 8.0403:13
josephnexusupgraded to 8.1003:13
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josephnexusand now it is doing what I mentioned03:13
josephnexusso I've tried reinstalling it03:13
josephnexusand such03:13
sebsebsebjosephnexus: well 8.04 has certain advantages over 8.10,  and  9.04 is out soon03:13
josephnexusbut still no luck, does the same thing03:13
linny2josephnexus: did you manually delete the .so file before you reinstalled once i had a few in there and had probs03:14
josephnexusso you think i need to delete the .so files?03:14
josephnexuswhere would they be located by default03:14
linny2you can only try  het :)03:15
thinkl1Hi all. I'm trying to rescue a dell-mini-12 with a usb external hard drive (I have no CD or big enough flash drive). I have a bootable .img file, but the ImageWriter tool only writes to usb flash drives. Can I use my hard drive as a rescue disk instead?03:15
josephnexuslet me try that really quick03:15
josephnexushang on03:15
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kelitoHello Dreamglider!03:17
josephnexushi there03:17
kelitoI am new here....you?03:17
Dreamglideryes me. :P03:17
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Dreamglideri have been here a little while i guess03:18
kelitoWell, it is new to get used to.03:18
Dreamgliderkelito, it is indeed03:18
kelitoI am trying to find out how to rotate my cube...on Ubuntu.03:19
bazi use ubuntu desktop and I have a vmware machine running ubuntu server (no gui). What is an elegant/easy way to share a folder so that I could deploy some test files to it? Security is not a priority since its in a local VM...03:19
kelitoWell, it will take time and practice for these things.03:19
Dreamgliderkelito, i dont use compiz, but if i remember correct you hold down Ctrl-middle mouse button or somthing like that03:20
clearscreenbaz: VMWare supports sharing folders03:20
kelitoNo, I am sorry those keystrokes do not work.03:20
Dreamglidermaybe Ctrl-alt-leftklick try some of those combos, you have to enable the cube in compiz as-well03:21
twbWhat is apt-spy called on Ubuntu?03:21
kelitoI have enabled in compiz however03:21
kelitoI still have problems there..03:21
bonhofferdoes anyone know how to make my wacom dedicated to one screen only03:22
nebbesSo when I try to launch a game in wine it wont launch because I dont have permission to use nvidia (ACCESS VIOLATION), any help?03:22
bonhofferi just add another screen and it transitions when halfway on one screen03:23
DreamgliderI finally figured you how to change the key's lay out, got my the 1, f and g keys mapped to Atl_L, Super_L and Control_L but when i reboot the keys are back at their default place so i need to make these commands to run everytime i start ubuntu > http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147369/03:23
Dreamglideri meant  R not L :P03:24
kelitoI have not used those keystrokes yet.03:24
sanzkyhello. does anyone knows which package do I need to burn mp3 to an audio cd in brasero?. It says gstreamer cannot handle the mp303:24
sanzkybtw, using jaunty03:25
clearscreen!jaunty | sanzky03:25
ubottusanzky: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:25
kelitoOk Dreamglider...going to go read my Umbunt manual.03:25
nebbesSo why do I get an access violation from nvidia every time I try to launch a game03:26
Dreamgliderkelito, try ctrl+alt+left click03:26
kelitoI did to no avail.03:26
nebbes" NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)."03:27
Dreamgliderkelito, /j #compiz03:27
kelitoI seem to have a conflict with my settings.03:27
kelitoThat was a bad command Dreamglider.03:28
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:28
mimilooni have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i installed the drivers using ndiswrapper03:29
mimiloonit doesn't show up in the wifi section03:30
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mimilooni also have another card built in the laptop (abg)03:30
nebbesCould I get some help.... " NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)."03:31
kelitoWell, Dreamglider....I am going to read my book on Unbuntu....talk with you later and thank you for your help.03:31
marcelo_anyone using ubuntu 9.10?03:31
timoguinmarcelo_: I'm trying to.03:31
Chr|subuntu 9.10 isn't out03:32
Chr|syou mean 8.10? or 9.04?03:32
marcelo_and how are you doing timoguin?03:32
timoguinErr... yea, I'm using 9.04.03:32
Dreamgliderkelito, join #compiz i bet there is someone there that can help you, it is THE compiz support channel :)03:32
chetnickAm i there?03:33
timoguinmarcelo_: Can't get the nvidia drivers to work.03:33
zetherooI am trying to do this command here: sudo ./AlsaUpgrade-1.0.x-rev-1.16.sh -d03:33
zetheroobut all I get is a "command not found" error03:33
marcelo_i`m sure it`s just a matter of time timoguin!03:34
elvedin!forgot root password03:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:34
nebbesHow do I find out the groupID for the group video?03:34
syahrulhey guys03:34
timoguinnebbes: cat /etc/group | grep video03:35
Chr|smarcelo_ and timoguin please join #ubuntu+1 its for ubuntu jaunty 9.04 :)03:35
elvedinnebbes: groups03:35
timoguinChr|s: I've been there for the past half hour.03:36
Denmeisteranybody know how to edit touchpad sensitivity in Intrepid?  all the links I'm finding via google tell me to edit the section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but that seems to have been deprecated03:36
Chr|stim__b you have to be patient03:36
marcelo_ok chris!03:36
elvedinnebbes: /etc/groups may have it03:36
nebbesStill getting "NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)."03:37
timoguinChr|s: I know. I wasn't bitching to anyone. marcelo_ asked me how 9.04 was going for me, and I told him.03:37
Chr|s!language | timoguin03:37
ubottutimoguin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:37
infomomohey guys what happened here: http://shlashdot.org/ ???03:37
Chr|stimoguin» I understand, just letting you know and marcelo_ if you needed support03:38
timoguinChr|s: s/bitching/complaining/03:38
Chr|stimoguin» please stop, you've been warned03:38
HobzI plugged in a USB mouse to my laptop with 8.10, then when I rebooted it the touchpad doesn't work anymore!  Can anybody tell me where to look for a fix?03:38
mimilooncan anyone help me plz? i have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i installed the drivers using ndiswrapper (GUI), it say the hardware is present but i can't activate it. also, i have another wifi card built in the laptop (ABG)03:39
arkanabarIs Jaunty going to be LTS?03:40
* arkanabar sighs.03:40
arkanabarAny idea when the next LTS release will be?03:40
nebbesStill getting "NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied)." Help please03:41
eseven73yea 10.04 sounds about right03:41
crdlbarkanabar: if they made every other release LTS, LTS wouldn't mean much03:41
grendal_primeanyone have a screen reader type app?03:41
grendal_primei need something that will read the conversation window of an im client...like pidgin03:42
DreamgliderI finally figured you how to change the key's lay out, got my the 1, f and g keys mapped to Atl_L, Super_L and Control_L but when i reboot the keys are back at their default place so. i need to make these commands to run everytime i start ubuntu -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147369/03:42
grendal_primeput them in a bash script03:43
grendal_primethen run it rc.local  you could put each of the commands into the rc.local file as well.03:43
elvedinCan I boot into single user mode with 8.10 without being asked for a root password?03:44
Dreamglidergrendal_prime, so i just paste the lines in rc.local and reboot ?03:44
mcantorCan anyone help me get my sound working in Ibex?03:44
grendal_primeDreamglider: ya.03:44
grendal_primethat should do it.03:44
Dreamglidergrendal_prime, alright giving it a try03:45
eseven73mcantor, try setting all your sound settings to ALSA then run sudo alsa force-reload03:45
zetherooI am trying to do this command here: sudo ./AlsaUpgrade-1.0.x-rev-1.16.sh -d03:45
zetheroobut all I get is a "command not found" error03:45
zetherooplease help03:45
=== Bloodstar is now known as Mewtwo
mcantoreseven73: http://pastebin.com/md08659a03:46
Hobzzetheroo, have you tried putting bash or sh in front of it?03:46
eseven73zetheroo, don't put the -d at the end, just take it out03:46
elvedinzetheroo: sudo sh Alsa....03:46
zetherooeseven73: makes no diff ...03:46
Joker_-_My computer (Q6600 4gb - running mythbuntu Jaunty) crashed twice today. I'd like to know if anyone else has suffered from simillar problems?03:46
elvedinMaybe you need to do a chmod u+x on it first03:46
zetherooelvedin: ok will try03:46
mcantoreseven73: Hmm.  Progress, though.  mpg123 plays now.03:46
elvedinJoker_-_: What sort of crash?03:47
mcantoreseven73: Thank you. How did you know to do that...? Is there a setting I can change that will fix it permanently?03:47
eseven73it's an old trick, not sure of a permanent solution03:48
Joker_-_elvedin: can't really tell, it was crashed when I tryed to moove the mouse. Nothing happend from keyboard or mouse input aswell as ssh connection or ping reply.03:48
aspoorhow do i speed up Samba to NTFS file transfers?03:48
zetheroosudo sh ./AlsaUpgrade-1.0.x-rev-1.16.sh -d works03:48
zetherooelvedin: thanks03:48
mcantoreseven73: The thing is, my sound settings were all already set to alsa.03:48
`brandon`How do i make the screen water03:48
Hobzzetheroo, Didn't I tell you to do that way back?03:48
eseven73mcantor, yeaqh but pulse screws things up03:48
`brandon`you know ccsm or what ever?03:48
elvedinJoker_-_: dmesg might have something, but do a memtest03:49
Denmeisteranybody know how to edit touchpad sensitivity in 8.10?  all the links I'm finding via google tell me to edit the section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but that seems to have been deprecated03:49
mcantoreseven73: It used to be that "sudo kill -9 `pgrep pulse`" would fix things.03:49
Joker_-_elvedin: will do... thx for the inputs03:49
mcantoreseven73: I still don't fully understand why my laptop needs alsa AND oss AND pulse.03:49
elvedinIf you haven't upgraded your drivers recently or overclocked, your RAM is usually the cause03:50
eseven73mcantor, well Im no audio guru, I just know of some of the fixes :)03:50
zetherooHobz: thank you too03:50
mcantoreseven73: You got me running, man.  Thanks a million!03:50
eseven73anytime :D03:50
Hobzzetheroo, you're welcome03:50
Joker_-_elvedin: I downgraded nvidia drivers yesterday as someone told me the overlay function was working in 173... I was using the lastest from nvidia.03:51
eTiger13_i am running ubuntu as a web server. my box has 2 ethernet ports. the server is connected to a fiber-connected switch. can i somehow bridge the 2 ethernet ports to increase my server's connection speed to the switch?03:54
Dreamglidergrendal_prime, nothing happend at login the keys were not reassigned03:55
HobzeTiger13_, you could limit one port to upload and one to download, depends on what kind of traffic you are expecting03:56
mimilooncan anyone help me plz? i have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i installed the drivers using ndiswrapper (GUI), it say the hardware is present but i can't activate it. also, i have another wifi card built in the laptop (ABG)03:56
eTiger13_Hobz, how would i go about that?03:56
coreymanhow do i use mencode03:56
HobzeTiger13_, there are a lot of variables03:57
HobzeTiger13_, how much experience do you have?03:57
bazhas anyone used ANT in eclipse?03:57
waanI'm trying to upgrade to Jaunty but there is no upgrade showing in the update manager, and dist-upgrade says there are no updates03:57
eTiger13_Hobz, ive setup and run servers before, but only using 1 ethernet port03:58
sebsebseb!jaunty |  waan03:58
ubottuwaan: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.03:58
waansebsebseb, that would of course be why :P03:58
waanI thought it was already released03:59
HobzeTiger13_, you'd probably have to tweak the router settings as well03:59
cchapmananyone here have experience with haproxy?04:00
waansebsebseb, Thanks04:00
sebsebsebwaan: which release were you trying to upgrade from?04:00
sebsebsebwaan: also instead of an upgrade, give it a bit of time after release, and some good Ext4 reviews,  but then do a clean install with that04:00
Kewldudehello i need some help to understand this os i just converted from the lousy vista to ubuntu04:00
=== ttuttle is now known as ttuttle|fsck
mranostayis anyone else having issues with 2.6.29 custom kernel and update-initramfs in Intrepid04:01
sebsebsebKewldude: ok  you installed it?04:01
waansebsebseb, I'm using 8.1004:01
Kewldudeyes using it now04:01
sebsebsebKewldude: yeah  need to know how to install stuff, and what to install, I can help with both04:02
nebbesI have to do "sudo killall pulseaudio" "sudo alsa force-reload" every time I restart, how could I do that automatically?04:02
=== Bloodstar is now known as Mewtwo
cchapmanKewldude: you are using haproxy?04:02
waansebsebseb, I might try Xubuntu instead with a fresh install04:02
sebsebsebKewldude: and this site  covers  a lot of the basics, but not everything http://www.ubuntuguide.org04:03
sebsebsebwaan: right, but I mean clean install for the Ext4 file system04:03
Kewldudeok basically I want to install a wireless router to it and make it secure but my whole idea is for a good wifi setup but i know nothing about this system04:03
sebsebsebwaan: Ext3  can only get  partial Ext4 supourt04:03
sebsebsebKewldude: oh right, and wireless's can be an issue on Ubuntu as well04:03
sebsebseb!wireless |  Kewldude04:03
ubottuKewldude: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:03
vieqhi all, how do I make sure kqemu module is loaded with the kernel04:04
vieqor it loads when I run qemu?04:04
waansebsebseb, yep thanks for that04:05
sebsebsebbotux: what?04:05
nebbesI have to do "sudo killall pulseaudio" "sudo alsa force-reload" every time I restart, how could I do that automatically?04:05
Kewldudeok thanks seb is this software ubuntu really secure or do i have to add stuff to make it safe04:05
botuxsebsebseb: good news i got samba configured04:05
`brandon`how do i install Net::IRC04:05
sebsebsebKewldude: all you need is a  enabled hardware firewall, and  good Ubuntu password that isn't say 123, and you should be fine04:06
sebsebsebbotux: ok good04:06
botuxsebsebseb: only thing is i still cant see my linux shares on my vista computer and vice versa04:06
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as error404notfound
Kewldudeok where do i access that in here04:06
Im_ToastThe only difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is Kubuntu uses KDE and Ubuntu uses GNOME right?04:06
sebsebsebbotux: have you made shared folders in Vista?04:06
HobzI'm having trouble with my touchpad, can anybody help me?04:06
botuxsebsebseb: yes04:07
Joker_-_what should I grep from dmesg to see errors (error doesnt return anything)04:07
sebsebsebIm_Toast: yeah basically, and  KDE apps can run in Gnome, just as Gnome apps can run in KDE04:07
sebsebsebKewldude: if you got a router you probably got a hardware firewall, whatever the OS it is recommended to have one of those04:08
sebsebsebKewldude: hardware firewalls are better than software firewalls04:08
sebsebsebKewldude: and Linux has software firewall stuff to, but that's differnet from Windows04:08
Kewldudeyeah the ubuntu version 8.10lts is what i have on this computer04:08
sebsebsebKewldude: 8.04 is the LTS not 8.1004:09
Kewldudesorry yes thats what i meant lol04:09
Joker_-_I was like: whaa? 8.10 was lts?04:09
sebsebsebKewldude: the desktop version?04:09
infomomoJoker_-_: LTS?04:10
sebsebsebKewldude:  since you got 8.04  KDE3 is also an option in the repo/ubuntudownloadservers :)04:10
assmongerif df is showing 0 free space, but i can only account for a small amount of space used by sudo du -h where should i look for the used space?04:10
Joker_-_infomomo: Long Term Support04:10
Kewldudeno joker i screwed that up was thinking of something else04:10
infomomoJoker_-_: thanks04:10
Joker_-_Kewldude: yeah I know ;)04:10
sebsebsebKewldude: instead of just KDE4 which is  the case iwth 8.10 and 9.04,  like Xubuntu/XFCE they are desktoip environments.  differnet desktops and such04:10
Im_ToastLong Term Support04:10
Kewldudewell i want to fully understand this system altogether like i know dos and windows products in and out but this one is weird to me so trying to figure out alot of stuff on here04:12
sebsebsebKewldude: ok  well04:12
sebsebsebKewldude: loads of good stuff to install :)  you just need to know what to install04:12
hinkleyKewldude: i tell ya man its GOLD04:13
sebsebsebKewldude: and how04:13
sebsebsebKewldude: I just told a guy  on  instant messenger,  about quite a few  good things to install into 8.04 :)04:13
hinkleyi am contemplating unistalling Vista... and making this my Perminant OP - i am running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine ATM in VMWare...04:14
Kewldudewell i want to make it secure, setup as a server for my laptops to have access to the internet, and the other project is to use nocat software to setup a wireless wifi04:14
botuxsebsebseb: i did make some shared folders in vista04:14
LargePrimegreetings all!  i went to www.asciisector.net and downloaded the game.  unpacked it.  i double clicked on the "executable." No fun ensued.  what did i do wrong?04:14
sebsebsebKewldude: well it is pretty secure  by default,  with a hardware firewall and no stupid Ubuntu passwords such as 12304:15
hinkleyubuntu doesnt use .exe u need Wine to use windows Software.04:15
mimilooncan anyone help me plz? i have a small problem with my wifi card; it works but not to it's full potential. it's atheros N series (AR5008 (AR5416)). it doesn't use the N protocol in ubuntu 8.1, any thought of getting this to improve? i have the drivers from windows but when i installed the drivers using ndiswrapper (GUI), it say the hardware is present but i can't activate it. also, i have another wifi card built in the laptop (ABG)04:15
Sketch_i'm having an issue with my screen resolution.  my monitor's native resolution is 1920x1080, yet ubuntu insists on stretching half of the screen area beyond the visible edge of my screen.04:15
sebsebsebhinkley: Windows software ha ha04:15
sebsebsebhinkley: most of it is rubbish anyway04:16
hinkleyyeah Ns...04:16
Kewldudeok the router i have is a linksys but when i use it i have problems connecting through the laptops04:16
sebsebsebhinkley: ,but yes Wine,  or  you can run Windows inside a virtual machine inside Ubuntu, fine for everything excpet 3D games and such04:16
hinkleyLargePrime: Wanted to know...04:16
=== dave_ is now known as AK_Dave
sebsebsebKewldude: I am not really the person to get wireless help from, but  stick around and their wiil be others04:16
arkanabarI will not talk smack about Vista.  I will not talk smack about XP.  I will not talk smack about Win2k.04:17
LargePrimehinkley: I downloaded the linux package04:17
Kewldudeok what other kewl stuff should i get on here, not to worried bout this desktop as it is a project lol04:17
sebsebsebso if I am correct their are at least two guys here right now, that would like to know what to intall in a clean Ubuntu install?04:18
arkanabarKewldude:  What do you want to do?04:18
AK_Davewhat kind of wifi help?04:18
arkanabarHeck, I'd like a list for a minimal install.04:18
sebsebsebKewldude: how can I explan this, there are loads of differnet desktops to choose from with Desktop Linux, to name a few,   Gnome, KDE,  and XFCE04:18
sebsebsebKewldude: at the moment your using Gnome04:18
Kewldudemake it a server for my other 2 laptops running windows04:19
botuxthose are te best 304:19
AK_Daveminimum server, desktop, netbook ... ???04:19
* arkanabar is a minimalist, and plans to start from the minimal CD, and use LXDE.04:19
Kewldudeusing gnome yes04:19
AK_DaveAhh... THAT sort of minimal. Have you considered fvwm?04:19
sebsebsebKewldude: and since your on 8.04 you can get the  older and very stable, because it's been around for years,  KDE3,  which sadly is no longer developed.  as well as the newer KDE4 which is only  in the download servers for later ubuntu's04:19
* AK_Dave suggests openbox04:20
arkanabarKewldude:  You have options.  Your server need not even have a monitor or keyboard; you could use your laptops & ssh to log into and control it.04:20
hinkleyPuTTY :D04:20
ossudi'm interested in compiling software packages (not just my own) for the ubuntu repository! how can i put my debs in the universe repo?04:20
Sketch_has anyone here ever had to correct a screen resolution issue?04:20
sebsebsebKewldude: and  KDE will give you nice apps such as  K3B for CD and DVD burning.   Konqueror as a file manager and browser,  Konversation I think is part of it to, a good IRC client.  the Amarok music player  which is ok, but I would use Banshee and VLC  for video.  and to play music in Banshee.04:21
Kewldudeok well i tried to use a wireless router to it arkana but when i hook it up i have problems connecting to it with the laptop for internet04:21
arkanabarAK_Dave:  I hadn't; I like Openbox b/c it's supposed to be code-compliant first.04:21
AK_DaveKewldude: It is convenient, though not strictly necessary, to temporarily attach a keyboard and monitor to a server while you get things set up. But this, again, can be done remotely.04:21
sebsebsebKewldude: Open Office is default in Ubuntu, but KOffice, Abiword, and Gnumeric are also nice.  and you will need to install MP3 suppourt and AVI suppourt if you want such things04:22
sebsebsebKewldude: and you probably need to install Flash as well04:22
JEEBczsebsebseb, why not go for smplayer for video? You get better ASS support and overall less borking files on the .mp4 / .mkv sector04:22
ossudcan someone point me in the right direction?04:23
* AK_Dave points right04:23
sebsebsebKewldude: and their are games and  thousands of packages you can get just like that, using the command line with  sudo apt-get install programname  or  the graphical Synaptic package manager     system > administaration > syanptic package manager04:23
disappearedngHey everyone I have a pdf that is in image format, is there anything good that can help me convert this to text pdf?04:23
sebsebsebJEEBcz: well mplayer is good as well I know04:23
narothepharohwhats a good app for ipod syncing04:23
sebsebsebnarothepharoh: Banshee04:23
Kewldudeya not into games just wireless usage04:23
Kewldudewifi mostly04:24
AK_Davenarothepharoah: depends on the ipod generation and what it was formatted on04:24
LargePrimeI went to www.asciisector.net and downloaded the linux package.  unpacked it.  i double clicked on the "executable." No fun ensued.  what did i do wrong?04:24
botuxPlayOnLinux for games04:24
AK_Davenarothepharoah: banshee is usually good with windows-formatted ipods, but unless you have THE NEWEST banshee and libs the newest ipods can be problematic04:24
botuxlets you play windows games04:25
ossudAK_Dave: do you know where i can put my .debs?04:25
JEEBczsebsebseb, I just can't understand why people keep referring to VLC as if it's one of the best players *nix has :/ It's OK for a streaming platform, but the fact that the decoding on some files is much more broken than on mplayer kind of is... meh - also the fact that zgreg is doing patches for ASS subtitle rendering is always a good thing, since VLC seems to never render those right.04:25
arkanabarossud:  have you looked at http://www.canonical.com/partners04:25
Burntresistorim setting up wine for direct x and the site setup says the autodetect  only will recognize 256mb of video memory04:25
Sketch_my screen resolution is all jacked up, can anyone offer some advice?04:25
Burntresistorthats the guide im using04:25
FloodBot1Burntresistor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
sebsebsebJEEBcz: I guess since people are used to it from Windows, and it looks rather nice under Desktop GNU/Linux04:25
Burntresistorim not im asking a question04:25
JEEBczsebsebseb, doesn't smplayer frontend for the mplayer look that good?04:26
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Kewldudeok guys thanks for the tips i will check out a few things04:26
LargePrimesebsebseb: JEEBcz also VLC only implements open codecs04:26
sebsebsebJEEBcz: did I use smplyaer maybe at some stage,  I use Banshee04:26
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gwennnsebsebseb : mplayer is the best!04:27
ossudarkanabar: i don't know what to look for on this site04:27
sebsebseb!best |  gwennn04:27
ubottugwennn: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:27
Sketch_anybody know how to fix a screen resolution issue?04:27
JEEBczLargePrime, unfortunately most of the stuff is packed and the stuff I encode is packed with non-free stuff... Theora is no way going to beat H.264 at the moment04:27
AK_DaveSketch: boot text, no X, and sudo dpkg-reconfigure your xorg04:27
narothepharohAK_Dave: what do you reccomend?04:27
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JEEBcz(especially with the open source x264 encoder :3)04:27
Sketch_AK_Dave:  how do i do that?04:27
Burntresistorim trying to setup direct x  im new this is the only guide i could find04:28
botuxsebsebseb: i created shared folders in vista04:28
gwennnthere is a good how to install on the jaunty forum04:28
sebsebsebLargePrime: JEEBcz  not even heard of that one it seems04:28
arkanabarossud:  It was just a guess as to where you could start, as you're looking for upload access to the repos.04:28
sebsebsebbotux: not done enough with Samba,  and it's late here, bed soon as a result,   these other guys should be able to help you04:28
botuxsebebseb: its cool04:29
ossudthis would be a long way to the repo don't you think?04:29
botuxcan anyone assist me with samba04:29
sebsebsebbotux: good luck04:29
LargePrimequestion.  I went to www.asciisector.net and downloaded the linux package.  unpacked it.  i double clicked on the "executable." No fun ensued.  what did i do wrong?04:29
JEEBczsebsebseb, too bad debian/ubuntu kind of always have old revisions of x264 / mplayer even though there are definite changes done on both and feature growth is pretty good.04:29
sebsebsebJEEBcz: yeah well they do security updates only, and PPA's for later stuff, or find a DEB, or compile from source04:30
botuxsebsebseb: thanks i appreciate all the help you have given me04:30
JEEBczhaha, the x264 package for ubuntu 8.10 was the one that killed me, though :/ Wasn't updated at all from April 200804:30
JEEBcz(and the build-dep never got fixed before jaunty)04:31
arkanabarossud:  can only suggest you google Ubuntu community repository and see what you find.04:31
infomomohow to make sure nobody can edit my grub at start up ?04:31
sebsebsebJEEBcz: well I want to  go to bed soon, and I am not quite following all of this anyway, as in understanding, plus it's off topic, so  I guess  convo over, unless you want to conclude it with something04:32
ossudarkanabar: i found out that i could try to become a motu but my programs are too crappy ...04:32
XPS_M1330what's the command to install a public key?04:32
XPS_M1330Reading package lists... Done04:32
XPS_M1330W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9423A34CCA96763404:32
JEEBczsebastien, I agree it's a bit offtopic :) I just wanted to point out why VLC gets so much attention although it has so many bugs when people ask for a media player :)04:32
_Brun0_does ubuntu alternate install comes with nano?04:32
JEEBczTherefore I guess I'll end the offtopic here ;)04:33
sebsebsebJEEBcz: now I remember  VLC is  already outdated for jaunty,   I was in +1  and the maintainer for the PPA was saying about something04:33
disappearedngHey everyone i have a .deb file that I want to install but then it says that I have dependency not satisfiable libglib1.2 whereas i have installed libglib2.0 what do I do ?04:33
LargePrimeheh freed my jews04:34
crdlbdisappearedng: what is it?04:34
ossud@ some expert: do i have to contribute my own program to do motuy stuff??04:34
JEEBczsebsebseb, that's probably just the top of the iceberg. And IIRC even the newest versions don't fix some stuff that's really weirdly broken on some files. But anyways, offtopic and I don't want you to have a sleeping pattern like I just had ;)04:34
sebsebsebJEEBcz: ah yes bad sleeping patterns,  I had that for ages, but been changing things more  the last two weeks04:35
disappearedngcrdlb: it's pcmanx04:35
sebsebsebJEEBcz: partern like you just had?04:35
disappearedngcrdlb: I can't install it either through apt-get why?04:35
arkanabardisappearedng:  there were many many changes b/n those two versions.  I don't know if you can have both libglib1.2 & 2.0.04:35
crdlbdisappearedng: pcmanx-gtk2 ?04:36
ossud... because i would rather keep the ubuntu repos up to date04:36
Dreamgliderhow can i auto run these three commands when Ubuntu starts > http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147369/04:37
disappearedngcrdlb: yeah04:37
disappearedngcrdlb: but when I use apt-get i can't see it why?04:38
crdlbdisappearedng: "yeah"? what happens if you install that?04:38
crdlbdisappearedng: it's in universe, do you have universe enabled?04:38
psychicanyone in here a pidgin nerd? lo04:39
psychici need some guiance04:39
psychicwith pidgin/ yahoo im04:39
arkanabarpsychic: I managed to connect to yahoo! via pidgin....04:40
disappearedngcrdlb: I do04:40
Im_ToastGuys, I use a laptop with an external monitor. I just installed the KDE desktop to try it out, now my external monitor keeps flashing on and off, and it keeps saying my laptop is charging then running on battery then charging over and over. Any ideas what I can do to fix it?04:40
psychicyea i am to but i want to find a program that would spam the spammers i guess flood porn bots with ims so as to crash their systems04:41
psychicit all annoyes me04:41
XPS_M1330is there a search engine for the missing public keys for the repository?04:41
crdlbdisappearedng: what happens if you 'sudo apt-get install pcmanx-gtk2'04:41
AK_DaveXPS: which repository?04:41
Code_BleuI have done a lot of googling and found that my issue with booting on LVM2 partitions is a bug.  Does anyone know a work around or would know when this is going to be fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/14721604:42
arkanabarpsychic:  no clue, don't have that problem myself.  And I suspect their resources are far beyond your ability to strain.04:42
psychicmaybe but if i dedicate a computer to it i might just be able to start some motion04:43
Im_Toastpsychic was planning on hacking everyones computer here and using them as zombies to help him spam.04:43
disappearedngcrdlb: I realize that my computer's server was one of canada's server which didn't contain it04:43
disappearedngnow when I switch to the main server I see it thex04:43
psychicexcuse me?04:43
Im_ToastLol, I was jk with you04:43
psychicok lol04:43
AK_Davepsychic: you would need one HECK of a botnet to make a dent in that.04:43
Im_ToastGuys, I use a laptop with an external monitor. I just installed the KDE desktop to try it out, now my external monitor keeps flashing on and off, and it keeps saying my laptop is charging then running on battery then charging over and over. Any ideas what I can do to fix it?04:44
AK_Davepsychic: make a botnet out of google, and you might make a dent04:44
psychicprobably i might just build it tho04:44
psywipedgood evening everyone i was wondering how in ubuntu server when having a file downloaded thru http to get the download manager to see the total file size and how to enable the ability to restart a download04:44
psychicproblem is i dont know a thing about a bot net lol04:44
AK_Davepsychic: and thats a good thing04:44
psywipedi just kind of need to know how to frase the question04:45
AK_DaveIm_Toast: 1) sounds like you're loading the wrong kernel module, 2) sounds like an acpi problem04:45
psywipedcant find what im looking for in the forums with the search string04:45
psychicits no better than bot net designers knowing how to build them to ruin a fine chat utility04:46
Im_ToastAK_Dave: How would I go about trying to A. see if that's the problem B. fix it lol04:46
psychicso if i could get a guess what would i need to start $12-15000 into a computer system server type setup or somthing04:47
TheFunkbombQuick question.  I installed the KDE desktop but didn't like it so I removed the files.  Now when I log off or start up, it shows the Kubuntu splash screen.  How do I change it back to the default Ubuntu screen?04:47
psywipedthe kubuntu splash screen is nicer04:48
psywipedgood evening everyone i was wondering how in ubuntu server when having a file downloaded thru http to get the download manager to see the total file size and how to enable the ability to restart a download04:49
TheFunkbombI solved it.  Nevermind!04:49
vitaliy_hey guys does anyone have any problems with youtube cuz when i make the screen bigger the video is bad04:50
arkanabarpsychic:  I don't know if that'd be enough.  You'd need an internet backbone for your ISP.04:51
psychicso whats that require how much bandwith04:51
arkanabarand if you *did* hit the porn spammers that hard in Yahoo!, it would probably count as a DOS attack.04:51
psychict1 plus?04:51
napzterHi guys how can I mount or see my external hardisk (seagate)...... I cant access it when Im looking in media folder04:52
h1234hi folks, I just got an Optus 3G wireless broadband kit, can anyone help me with setting this up in ubuntu =)04:52
psywipedsome times vitaliy_ just hit f5 till it works04:52
omnomnOMINOUSHelp, I can't write to my external hard drive (unless I use sudo)! The permissions seem to be correct (drwxr-xr-x). What's going on?04:52
vitaliy_ok ill try04:52
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napzterHi guys how can I mount or see my external hardisk (seagate)...... I cant access it when Im looking in media folder?04:52
botuxcan anyone assist me with samba04:52
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vitaliy_the video works04:53
psywipedomnomnOMINOUS, just make it all 7's04:53
vitaliy_its just that when i put the video on large screen everything is fine exept there is like stoppings04:54
psywipedhey when you go and download somthing and you can see the total file size and % done how do i get my server to do that?04:54
psywipedvitaliy_, some times i have that issue with hulu04:55
MewtwoI'm trying to get folders shared in virtualbox (running Ubuntu in a VM for now, hopefully) but I can't figure out how to actually access the shared folders04:55
psywipedvitaliy_, i just reboot when that happens04:55
psychicso these spammers are dedicated servers with industrial computer?04:56
Mike_lifeguardnormally botnets04:56
arkanabareither that, or a few thousand zombified home desktops.04:56
arkanabarusually, it's thousands of zombified home desktops.04:57
oh_noesHi, How do I determine via CLI if my eth0 is 100 or 1000 full duplex?04:57
muller4does 8.04 work with wireless usb04:57
psychiccan u educate me some on it i know its not normal ubuntu help but i use ubuntu so ... how bout for conversations sake04:57
psywipedis there a channel for ubuntu server questions?04:57
AK_DaveMewtwo: very easy, and good documentation for Virtualbox. Short answer: open Virtualbox, select guest, select Shared Folders, find the folder, set up the share. From the guest, depends on the guest OS. But its the same as adding a samba drive.04:57
arkanabarpsychic:  search wikipedia for botnet04:58
arkanabarit'll give you some theory on how that sort of thing works.04:58
arkanabarit's way OT for this channel.04:58
AK_DaveMewtwo: windows guest, go to My Computer, open Folders sidebar, select Network, and open [+] until you see the share you created04:58
AK_DaveMewtwo: then R-click to "map network drive"04:58
Mewtwoit's an Ubuntu guest04:58
AK_DaveMewtwo: then use Nautilus to "map network drive"04:59
a1fahello..; i am trying to go to 9.04 by using update-manager -d04:59
MewtwoI read that, but P couldn't get it to work (probably because I'm an idiot)04:59
Mewtwo...I have to be, to mix up P and I04:59
AK_DaveMewtwo: Nautilus -> Network04:59
a1fabut it tells me i am up do date lsb_release says i am at 8.1004:59
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napzterhow can I access my external hardisk guys?04:59
muller4i been working on this for 3 days now04:59
psywipeda1fa, please go to #ubuntu+1 for any questions about 9.0405:00
napzterhow can I access my external hardisk guys???05:00
evilaimwho needs help? sry, I was out05:00
arkanabaralfa:  9.04 final is released on 23 April.05:00
muller4dont seem like ubuntu can connect through usb adaper05:00
napzterhow can I access my external hardisk guys???05:00
evilaimnapz, did you plug it in?05:00
psywipednapzter, try a screwdriver05:00
evilaimand it didn't automount?05:00
napzterhahahhahah nice one psywiped05:00
omnomnOMINOUSpsywiped: Thanks, changing permissions to 777 worked. I didn't realize that external hard drives are owned by root. Is that usually the case?05:00
a1fais there a netbook version of ubuntu available?05:00
psywipedomnomnOMINOUS, no but sometimes it happens05:01
napzterhow can I access my external harddisk... or how can i mount it05:01
omnomnOMINOUSpsywiped: would a better solution be to "chown" the drive?05:01
jtajia1fa: there is Ubuntu Netbook Remix which will be officially supported with 9.0405:02
arkanabaralfa:  http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr05:02
psywipednapzter, screwdrivers and screws?05:02
a1faappreciate it05:02
AK_Daveunr rocks05:02
psywipedwoot fat bottomed girls05:03
AK_Daveomonomnom: not always, depends on your mtab05:03
napzterno.... waahhhhahahha.... psywiped I mean  access it.... It seems not to be automatically detected by ubuntu05:03
psywipednapzter, usb 2.0?05:03
napzterit is external hardisk... seagater.. psywiped05:04
psywipednapzter, and it works with another system05:04
psywipednever herd of a segater before05:04
h1234guys, has anyone gotten Optus 3G Mobile Broadband (E169 modem) to work with Ubuntu?05:05
psywipedhey when you go and download somthing and you can see the total file size and % done how do i get my server to do that?05:05
napzterpsywiped: Yup absolutely in windows05:05
psywipednapzter, do you have a usb flash drive liying around that works?\05:06
trancefatHi all. i m getting  a system message whenever i boot - 'battery power is only 47% which means its either old or broken'. This is a 18 month old laptop. What I want to know is, how long can i manage with this battery at 47%. I cant afford to buy anything right now05:06
psychici have one ubuntu question05:06
psywipedplug it into that usb port and see if its working05:06
psychicis it vulnerable to common viruses?05:06
Kesmanpsychic: no05:07
psywipedhell no psychic05:07
psychicdidnt think so its about as sturdy as mac os isn't it?05:07
psywipedi want to ride my bicycle05:07
psywipedpsychic, more05:07
arkanabarpsychic:  yes, esp. once you enable the firewall.05:07
evilaimpsywiped: with no handle bars?05:07
psychicah ok05:07
psywipednope bicycle race05:08
psywipedring ring05:08
napzterpsywiped: ohhh men,,,,,, my other flash drive doesn't work too05:08
psywipednapzter, or the usb port is no good05:08
napzterno.... its working when I boot in windows05:08
napzterpsywiped: its working when im in windows05:09
ltggubuntu newbie ... want to do a very simple thing  ...copy a directory to a blank DVD ...how?05:09
arkanabarnapzter:  sounds like you don't have the proper USB drivers in linux.05:09
psychicwhy is that that its so immune is it because of the popularity of windows or just windows is realy very much popular because05:10
Kesmanltgg: insert dvd, wait for brasero to start, figure out05:10
arkanabarltgg:  start up brasero.  interface is very simple and nice.05:10
napzteryah i think so..... arkanabar ... Im using Interpid Ibex .....05:10
mahiti-ircHi All05:10
Kesmanpsychic: what is vulnerable? windows? it's because it allows non-administrators to install software05:10
mahiti-ircfor QuadCore server which ubuntu distro is preferred?05:10
trancefati can come later if everyone s busy05:10
ltggthanks .. tried Brasero .. seems to work , but fails at write stage05:10
indian_munndahi, can anyone tell me how to run *.wmv files????????05:11
napzterso then guys how can I update my USB driver?05:11
psychicthats a big design flaw lol05:11
psywipedmahiti-irc, the amd64 version05:11
Kesmanindian_munnda: install vlc player from add/reove programs, start it and then open the file05:11
Kesmanpsychic: among many others..05:11
psywipednapzter, was it working with the live cd?05:11
indian_munndaKesman: it not working in VLC05:12
Kesmanindian_munnda: does it give you errors or what?05:12
napzterhmmmmmmmmm..... I haven't try it yet... psywiped05:12
tgeekhi all.  Do you know of a GUI based Linux app that can burn multiple CD's at once?05:12
arkanabarindian_munnda:  Have you enabled the nonfree repos and gotten the nonfree codecs?05:12
MewtwoNautilus cannot handle "network" locations.05:12
indian_munndaKesman: it doesn't shows anything.05:13
indian_munndaKesman: actually it doesn't starts05:13
Kesmanindian_munnda: enable non-free repositories and install extra codecs05:13
indian_munndaarkanabar: i think i have.05:13
Kesmanindian_munnda: id you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?05:14
indian_munndaKesman: when i rtun this file in windows it demands DRM identifier when i click ok nothing happens05:14
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arkanabarindian_munnda:  linux in general does not support drm of any sort.05:14
indian_munndaarkanabar: so the file won't run in ubuntu?05:15
WickedBallistixI recently moved my windows partition to another hard drive.  Does anyone know how to get GRUB to recognize the move?05:15
AK_Davedigital rights mutilation05:15
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indian_munndaKesman: i think i haven't install that05:16
Kesmanindian_munnda: well try to install it first, but I don't think ubuntu supports drm very well...05:16
arkanabarindian_munnda:  probably not.  DRM is the antithesis of the freedom that is built into all GNU software.05:16
Kesmanindian_munnda: if it's an audio file, get an mp3 version of it from somewhere else..05:16
psywipedWickedBallistix, read the gentoo instal info it tells how grub works05:16
thrillERboyhi guys.... I've installed ubuntu using wubi. I've just 10 GBs allotted to it. Now I want to download something from ubuntu, but there is not enough space in the home folder. Can I download this to windows partition from ubuntu without any problems?05:16
psywipedthrillERboy, yea look in the root folder should be one that says host thats your windows drive05:17
WickedBallistixpsywiped: thanks, I'll look =)05:17
indian_munndaKesman: is there any converter, from which i can convert this file into another format05:17
indian_munndaKesman: its a video file05:17
thrillERboypsywiped, lemme check :)05:18
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psywipedindian_munnda, what format to what format05:18
arkanabarindian_munnda:  DRM is meant to absolutely prevent that sort of behavior.05:18
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indian_munndapsywiped: wmv to any05:18
psywipedis the wmv drm?05:18
indian_munndaarkanabar: u mean i even can't convert it05:18
indian_munndapsywiped: ya05:18
arkanabarindian_munnda:  that's the whole point of DRM, to prevent you from doing what you want.05:19
indian_munndaarkanabar: ooooo05:19
arkanabarno copying, and all too often, no playing.05:19
indian_munndaarkanabar: so is there anyother solution05:19
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psywipedindian_munnda, read this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1080099.html and this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-214910.html05:20
arkanabarindian_munnda, also read http://defectivebydesign.org/05:20
psywipedhaha  http://defectivebydesign.org/05:21
thrillERboypsywiped, thanks there is the drive which I installed ubuntu :) so can i download things using ktorrent and resume it according to my needs without any probs now. also can I download to other window partitions without any trouble?05:21
psywipedyea thrillERboy but if there a truly other partition you need to look for other dirves in the computer folder05:23
mint_usr_i have an issue with my linux installed on an external disk05:24
evilaimmint, what OS?05:24
thrillERboyAlso I read somewhere that users are not encouraged to save files outside home folder. Is it okey if I save these files outside the home folder?05:24
mint_usr_bassically ubuntu05:24
psywipedwell mint_usr_ i have a problem with you trying to install linux on an external disk05:24
evilaimbasically, but not...05:24
arkanabarmint_usr_ connect to irc.spotchat.org channel #linuxmint05:24
mint_usr_i-m currently there05:25
thrillERboythanks psywiped :)05:25
mint_usr_but there is nobody chatting05:25
KesmanthrillERboy: it doesn't matter where you put files05:25
psywipedKesman, yes it does05:25
mint_usr_psywiped: why? i need a portable os05:25
AK_DaveIts true. mint_usr_ is there05:25
Kesmanpsywiped: well of course not in /etc or stuff, but it's ok to put stuff elsewhere than /home05:26
mint_usr_it works without local disk plugged05:26
thrillERboythanks Kesman :)05:26
mint_usr_but when i put my laptop disk again05:26
cemcI've just upgraded from 2gb to 4gb RAM in my laptop, using ubuntu 8.10, 64bits, and I'm missinig some RAM (around ~200MB). Any ideas?05:26
psywipedKesman, he installed with wubi and only has 10gb05:26
mint_usr_the external one is renamed sdb05:26
mint_usr_grub points to sda05:26
=== thelordmortis is now known as thelordmortis|aw
lucaxhow can i see a webcam besides usin cheese?05:27
indian_munndapsywiped: arkanabar Kesman: thanks to all 3 of you. for your kind help. :)05:27
psywipedPink_Floyd_Flac_discography.torrent is 7.32gb try downloading that into his wubi install05:27
mint_usr_and therefore don't find partition to boot05:27
evilaimlucax: amsn has webcam capabilities05:27
psychicso all of that stuff on wiki about botnets means is that they phish out peoples chat acounts and use them to send out pre programed messages05:27
lucaxevilaim, just want a window of the webcam...05:27
Kesmanpsywiped: what? I have read your conversation, I know what the situation is :D05:27
psychiclol sorry my bad i wont interupt technical chat anymore05:28
napzterso guys how can I update my USB driver?05:28
Kesman07:24:21 < thrillERboy> Also I read somewhere that users are not encouraged to  save files outside home folder. Is it okey if I save  these files outside the home folder?05:28
Kesmanpsywiped: I was just answering that question, don't get mad05:28
evilaimsure you can05:28
evilaimjust make sure your settings are correct05:28
* AK_Dave laughs05:29
evilaimsuch as permissions for one;)05:29
psywipedim not mad i was just making sure you had all the info05:29
tvince1My computer sometimes reads an inserted DVD, most of the time can't find the media. Any ideas?05:29
evilaimtvince1: could it be that your dvd drive can only read one type of media, but at -r or +r...?05:30
evilaimbut at == be it...05:30
thrillERboyOkie guys now I'm dowloading to the host folder (windows folder) thanks Kesman psywiped05:30
evilaimman, I have a date in an hour and I can barely keep my eyes open, sheebus05:30
tvince1does that matter when the DVD is formatted though?05:30
evilaimtv, if your drive can't read the media then it can't read the media...05:31
evilaimsquare in a round hole ya know?05:31
_Brun0_Does ubuntu alternate install comes with nano?05:31
tvince1but it reads fine in Vista05:31
evilaim_Brun0_: yes05:31
evilaimtv, there you go, you just answered the question;)05:31
_Brun0_evilaim, ty.. just being precaucious.05:31
evilaim_Brun0_: why?05:31
evilaimsudo apt-get install nano05:32
_Brun0_evilaim, cause i like it and i'm planning to install ubuntu + icewm (http://easierbuntu.blogspot.com/2008/04/building-lightweight-ubuntu-install.html) from scratch and i'm useless with vi.05:32
evilaimI'm pretty sure most... if not all Linux distros come with nano, as it replaced pico...05:32
ds_Ubuntu is awesome.05:33
evilaimds, please talk your slander elsewhere.05:33
psywipedubuntu is a good intro distro05:33
evilaimpsy, not just for intro.05:34
evilaimit has a lot of expansion capabilities.05:34
psywipedevilaim, just wait till you get brave and go to gentoo05:34
caeroei have kernel 2.6.27-14, but i keep getting an important security update for 2.6.27-11.  should i install or ignore it?05:34
evilaimbeen there05:34
evilaimI think gentoo is over rated.05:34
evilaimMostly just an elitest's OS.  No REAL point.05:35
evilaimUbuntu for Desktop, FBSD for server, and you're set.05:35
psywipedgood luck finding somthing more configurable evilaim05:35
evilaimpsy, windows?05:35
HeXiLeDpsywiped  yup :)05:35
psywipedjust no05:35
evilaimhaha, *waits for someone to give him a high five*05:35
ingcomrbrhi there05:36
LdyMarkspardon me, but I have a question05:36
psywipedjust ask05:36
Chr|sLdyMarks» just ask the question05:36
evilaimjust ask! GAWD!05:36
Chr|s!ask | LdyMarks05:36
psywipedask or gtfo05:36
ubottuLdyMarks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:36
ingcomrbrhi .. how can I enter in a Python channel?05:36
LdyMarkshow does one change the port on a IRC server in xchat?05:37
Chr|spsywiped» please be nice05:37
evilaim./join #python hisssssssthsssss05:37
evilaimI dunno...05:37
evilaimhaha, I'm really tired.05:37
LdyMarksI've tried to edit it, but it seems like I can only changed the name, but not the port...05:37
psywipedingcomrbr, /join #python05:37
ingcomrbr./join #python05:37
evilaimldy: /server irc.blah.net:666705:37
psywipedldy irc.freenode.com:port05:37
evilaimchange irc.blah.net to the server and :6667 to the port05:37
* _Brun0_ /join #ubuntu_with_icewm_pwns05:37
lstarnespsywiped: freenode uses .net, not .com05:37
psywipednet com info biz gov whatever05:38
* psywiped »» Music: (Playing) «» Queen - Flash «» 00:17/02:48 ««05:38
caeroeshould i downgrade from 2.6.27-14 to 2.6.27-11, because of the "important security updates"  or does it just not detect what i'm running05:38
psywipedcaeroe, just install them05:38
=== thelordmortis|aw is now known as thelordmortis
caeroemight as well, the process is easier on my notebook...  on my desktop i have to reinstall nvidia every time05:40
evilaimugh, I'm getting really tired and I have to go out for a date in like, 45 minutes...05:41
usser_caeroe, install dkms, you wont have any problems with nvidia and kernel upgrade05:42
psywipedwell go get a shower and wash your mouth evilaim05:42
evilaimpsy, already did05:42
=== emily is now known as Guest71740
napzterguys..... any clue with my USB ? it can't detect a flashdisk? what should I do?05:42
evilaimI need redbull, I like redbull...05:42
evilaimya... redbull..05:42
* unop doesn't see how this is on-topic05:43
napzterguys..... any clue with my USB ? it can't detect a flashdisk? what should I do??05:43
unopnapzter,  does  fdisk -l  list it?05:43
psywipedwell go do it again you still seem dirty to me evilaim05:43
lucaxhow can i use gstreamer to view a webcam?05:43
napzterunop: cannot open said the terminal05:44
sysdocWow the new 180 nvidia driver does not play well...05:44
sinthnapzter, sudo it =)05:44
napztermy usb is blinking... but still no detection unop05:44
unopnapzter, what exactly did you type at the terminal?05:45
caeroeusser_: i'll check that on my desktop, thanks.  i'm guessing it rebuilds the driver automatically?  (whatever it's called)05:45
psywipednapzter, sudo fdisk -l05:45
napztersudo fdisk -l05:45
psywipeddam whats that clipboard site?05:46
usser_caeroe, yep, dell kernel management system, does just that rebuilds the kernel modules for you05:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clipboard05:46
unoppsywiped, the pastebin?05:46
=== dave_ is now known as AK_Dave
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:46
husaynhow to change screen resolution in Kubuntu ?05:46
psywipednapzter, post the output there05:46
caeroecool.  i'm always doing that manually because my desktop in 9.04 and i'm grabbing the latest stuff from nvidia's ftp05:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
* AK_Dave hasn't used KDE in 6 months and is pleasantly pleased with jaunty kubuntu05:47
XiaolinDraconisEllo box05:48
XiaolinDraconisActionParsnip: thnx for the help yesterday05:48
XiaolinDraconisended up starting over05:49
napzterguys here it is.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/147420/05:49
napzteractually it detected my 160 G.. external hardisk05:49
randalwhat program do i use to use gtk2 themes05:49
=== lacqui_ is now known as lacqui
psywipedyep it did05:49
omniterhey guys, any idea why some nautilus extensions only work when i run nautilus as root?05:49
psywipedits just not automounting it05:49
omniterall my extra context menu items... they only work in gksu-nautilus05:50
napzterpsywiped: How can I access or open its folder?05:50
randalwhat program do i use to use gtk2 themes or how do i use the theme05:50
psywipedgive me a min05:50
napzterhow can I mount it?05:50
omniterResize Image, Scripts, all that... they only show up when i run nautilus as root :S05:50
napzterokay psywiped05:50
psywipedsudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/externalA05:51
psywipedor somthing like that05:52
charles1does somebody have the ubuntu 904 with compiz? cause i have both and i cannot use compiz features05:52
unop/mnt/externalA  would have to exist first05:52
Tefad9.04 beta: display rotation on my laptop left me with a blank screen. rebooted, get gdm, selected gnome failsafe session (or whatever the name is) still get blank screen after sign on05:52
psywipedcharles1 go to #ubuntu+105:52
psywipedsame for you Tefad05:52
evilaimpsy, you forget -t ext3 or whatever the file system is...05:52
Tefadsomeone should update https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2009-March/000119.html05:53
Tefadthough i guess that's an archive eh05:53
Tefad; )05:53
psywipedyea im using the gentoo stuff05:53
unopomniter,  maybe the extensions were placed in root's ~/.nautilus directory ?05:53
omniterunop, ohhhhh... let me see :)05:53
evilaimcharles, and what you want is in "system" - "Preferences" - "Appereance"05:53
psywipedbut were not trying to add it to fstab05:53
unopomniter,  that, or the extensions are not readable by you.05:53
evilaimthen go to the tab "Visual Effects"05:53
omniterwhy wouldn't they be?05:53
evilaimif that doesn't work, then your video card isn't installed.05:54
unopomniter, dunno, maybe you saved them when logged on as the superuser ..05:54
napzterpsywiped: mount: mount point /mnt/externalA does not exist05:54
evilaimnapz, sudo mkdir /mnt/externalA05:54
commander_can i sync my blackberry w/ubuntu 9.04?05:54
omniterunop, but the Scripts extension itself doesn't show up05:54
evilaimthen try it again05:54
cdavisone of my my boxes I am missing the /etc/printcap file. How do I cause cups to recreate this file?05:54
napzterpsywiped: mount: mount point /mnt/externalA does not exist05:54
psywipednapzter, sudo mkdir /mnt/ExternalA05:54
omniteri haven't made any scripts yet05:54
evilaimnapz, and I don't suggest you put a capital letter in it...05:55
evilaimI usually just use /media/disk05:55
evilaimeasy to navigate to and all that...05:55
psywipedoooo that is better05:55
unopomniter,  i'm hazarding a guess here .. if there are no extensions to use, then maybe the option doesn't either.05:55
psywipedsudo mkdir /media/ntfsdisk05:55
psywipedsudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ntfsdisk05:56
omniterunop, but it does show up in gksu05:56
omniteranyway, what would cause something to be installed for root only?05:56
omniteri mean... i install everything the same way05:56
unopomniter, like i already said .. that might be because the extensions are not in your home dir, but in root's  .. or the extensions are not readable by you05:56
omniterwhy would it end up under root and not my profile?05:56
napzterpsywiped: I looked under mnt folder and externalA and see nothing05:56
psywipednapzter, you have to mount it05:57
unopomniter, find out.   look in /root/.gnome2/nautilus  or /root/.nautilus05:57
omniterah you were right05:59
psywipedalmost time for woot!05:59
omniterthe extension's not there05:59
psywipedone min05:59
omniteri mean the script05:59
omniterit's only in root05:59
omniterbut how did it end up there in the first place? =\05:59
unopthat's a million dollar question05:59
psywipedApple 8GB 4th Generation iPod Nano @ woot.com06:00
psywipedeveryone go and spam the forum not to buy because of it being so full of drm06:00
omniteri always install things with synaptic or apt... and i'm always logged on to the same user... why would it put some things under root and not others?06:01
fbc-mxHi hi! Could someone tell me why might be a reason that my full screen games are going back to windowed after a while even after I have the power inhibit applet on NO DOZE?06:01
evilaimpsy, I'm anti-apple anyways.06:01
=== mike is now known as Guest67046
Guest67046\server irc.efnet.ch06:01
fbc-mxevilaim,  anti apple? how? it has a linux base.06:01
lstarnesomniter: are those things under /root or /sbin and /usr/sbin?06:01
psywipedf no it has a unix base06:01
fbc-mxpsywiped, close enough.06:02
unopfbc-mx, erm?  linux base?06:02
psywipedanyways the ipod cant play ogg or flac06:02
psywipedand you have to use a program to manage it06:02
omniterlstarnes, i think usr/bin06:02
evilaimapple isn't linux based..06:02
psywipedand unix is not open source06:02
evilaimit's based off the fbsd kernel...06:02
AK_Davesome ipods can run linux06:02
lstarnesomniter: in that case all users should be able to see it06:02
fbc-mxunop, yeah there'sa linux subsystem that the osx is built around. have you brough up a command line in osx lately?06:02
lstarnespsywiped: some variants are, like freebsd and opensolaris06:02
psywipedi think apple went to BSD in X06:03
commander_can i sync a BB to here?06:03
evilaimapple sucks.06:03
omniterlstarnes, but some of them are obviously being installed to root, but hte question is why06:03
unopfbc-mx, that's darwin, nothing to do with linux .. it's a nextOS/freebsd derivative06:03
evilaimI'll give them cred for hardware, but everything else is brutal.06:03
psywipednot the g4 nano it was encripted to prevent just that06:03
commander_e u got tht right06:03
napzterpsywiped: check this out psy, this is the output of mounting my hardisk = http://paste.ubuntu.com/147427/06:03
fbc-mxunop, its a *nix.. close enough... sure, there are some structural differences, but the premise is the same.06:04
evilaimI can't believe I have a date at 11:30 PM...06:04
Omar87I have a problem with upgrades, every time I try to start upgrading my system, first it tells me that Not all updates can be installed for some reason, so I can only do a partial upgrade, and then it tells me there's a problem authenticating the list of upgrades, which aborts the upgrade. What can I do about that?06:04
evilaimI better be gettin' some action for this...06:04
evilaimI have to work at 6 am...06:04
unopfbc-mx, not really .. the darwin/BSD kernel is nothing like the linux kernel06:04
psywipednapzter, connect it to your windows computer and before disconnecting right click the drive and hit safe remove or eject or somthing like that06:04
evilaimOmar, it's saying some updates/upgrades aren't for you setup.06:04
psywipedor copy line 1206:04
evilaimthey aren't going to install, it's a good thing.06:05
unopfbc-mx, and the BSD userland is nothing like the GNU userland too06:05
psywipedyep napzter this will work 2 mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ExternalA/ -o force06:05
Omar87evilaim: So how do I dismiss them?06:05
evilaimsudo apt-get update && upgrade06:05
psywipedbut its better to let windows clean it up first06:06
Omar87evilaim: Thanks.06:06
unopbash: upgrade: command not found06:06
evilaimone at a time champ06:06
fbc-mxunop,  really I find them both pretty much the same.. what are the differences between gnu userland and the bsd userland? I know desktopBSD is trying to mimic ubuntu's success, but that's about it.06:06
psywipedunop try sudo apt-get upgrade06:06
unoppsywiped, s/apt-get/aptitude/06:06
U-b-u-n-t-uever since I updated to ubuntu 8.04 I can't see my windows network computers06:06
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a bug?06:07
evilaimU-b-u-n-t-u: check your fstab06:07
evilaimsee if they're still listed in there.06:07
mattparryHi!  My splash screen is disapearing - any pointers to get it back?06:07
cdavisI did not add cups when I install intrepid server and I now need to print. What do I need to do to make cups work, apt-get install cups just doesn't work right? lpr failes, printcap files aren't created, etc.?06:07
evilaimcrap, I gotta bounce.06:07
evilaimTalk to you all later, since I'm no longer going to be on efnet.06:07
stealth-cdavis: i think its sudo apt-get install cupsys06:07
unopfbc-mx,  errm, i don't know where you heard this .. but that's not true .. desktopBSD uses gnome but that's the case with a lot of other *nix distros out there now06:07
evilaimyou stick up for new users and you get banned, prolly for the better.06:07
psywipedcdavis, sudo apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client06:08
evilaimsudo apt-get install cupsd06:08
evilaimI believe06:08
_Brun0_Whats the name of the sound volume slider in gnome?06:08
oh_noesHow do I get what version of a package I have installed via CLI?06:09
psywiped_Brun0_, BoB06:09
psywipedoh_noes, magic06:09
oh_noespsywiped: huh06:09
psywipedoh_noes, more magic06:10
_Brun0_psywiped, BoB?06:10
oh_noesI know the debian package name, I just want to know which version it is06:10
unopoh_noes, apt-cache policy $PACKAGE_NAME06:10
fbc-mxunop, Yeah, I installed it on a usb stick and test drove it for a while. Yeah it uses gnome, but I can't get used to the command line. I like my debian commands and having to learn somethign new was a bit frustrating. The farthest away from debina that I've ventured into is CentOS(redhat derivative).06:10
_Brun0_Whats the bin name of the sound volume slider in gnome?06:10
psywipedcentos is a big server install base06:10
psywipedits nice because it can take cpanel06:11
unop_Brun0_,  gnome-volume-control  perhaps06:11
krammer_hello, do i need to port forward to use ssh06:11
fbc-mxpsywiped, yeah which is why I set it up as a server for a rogram that required centos to run properly.06:11
psywipedkrammer_, hua?06:11
krammer_psywiped, do u use ssh06:12
mattparryHi, my splash screen is disapearing, anyone know how to get it back?06:12
psywipedyea just not sure whats with the portfwording06:12
psywipedjust change the port ssh uses06:12
fbc-mxHi hi! Could someone tell me why might be a reason that my full screen games are going back to windowed after a while even after I have the power inhibit applet on NO DOZE?06:12
U-b-u-n-t-uevilaim I sudo pico /etc/fstab and nothing is there06:12
krammer_psywiped, ok, I have a router so usually like vnc i need to port forward06:12
_Brun0_unop, gnome-volume-control fires a window, is there a way to tell it to get into tray?06:12
airtonixgnome-terminal question : how does one highlight existing text using the keyboard?06:13
unop_Brun0_, errm, not sure, I don't use gnome very much .. have a look at kmix if you want a tray based application06:13
psywipedkrammer_, sounds more like a router question06:13
psywiped_Brun0_, try e17 for somthing diffrent06:14
psywipedthat is a cool windows manager06:14
psywipedkrammer_, http://techie-buzz.com/linux-tips/change-default-ssh-port-in-linux.html06:15
krammer_ok thanks06:15
_Brun0_psywiped, i want icewm because it flies and it's not fancy LOL. ty anyway06:15
_Brun0_unop, kmix is kde?06:16
psywiped_Brun0_, e17 is uber fast06:16
unop_Brun0_, it's a KDE application, but it doesn't bring in too much06:16
psywipedand gives you nerd points06:16
_Brun0_psywiped, icewm gives me hacker points06:16
psywipedok ill give you that _Brun0_06:17
lstarnes /2306:17
JEEBczimho hacker points are overrated :306:17
JEEBczyou should just use what you are comfortable with06:17
cdavispsywiped, thanks, but how do I get lpr working/06:17
_Brun0_psywiped, ty for your attetnion nayway.06:17
psywipedbut get enough nerd points you get a job get enough hacker point you get a 8x5 room06:17
airtonixgnome-terminal question : how does one highlight existing text using the keyboard? ctrl+shift+arrow keys print out non-sensical characters instead of highlighting blocks of text06:18
_Brun0_unop, since i'll be using some gnome apps in icewm i'll try to never use kde at all. so my search for gnomes sound volume tray.06:18
psywipedcdavis, satanic riturals?06:18
Mean_Adminso I've ran smart long tests on my hdd and although the conclusion says 'no errors or no self-test ran', there still seems to be errors when I  smartctl -a /dev/sda06:19
_Brun0_anyone using gnome right now please tell me the name of the volume control tray icon.. right click it then click "about" or "help"06:19
Mean_Adminshould I be worried or will the hdd firmwawre just skips what I think are bad sectors ?06:19
psywipedcdavis, what was the origanal question again?06:19
palmjeairtonix: I dont think that there is a way (at least I don't know of any)06:19
unop_Brun0_, but I primarily choose GTK/GNOME applications but i use kmix on fluxbox .. I haven't found a suitable GTK tray based volume control ... yet06:19
cdavispsywiped, lol, thanks. I have cups installed now and can print a test page from the web:631, however lpr just won't work right. I added printcat /etc/printcap to cupsd.conf but it still won't print. in the past this has just worked out of box for me :(06:20
airtonixpalmje, so the mouse cursor is the only way so far?06:20
unop_Brun0_, like i said .. installing kmix doesn't bring in all of KDE .. just the necessary libraries to get it running and that's not too much.06:20
_Brun0_unop, hmm leme search what are its dependencies...06:20
fbc-mxcdavis, did you try the satanic rituals then?06:20
palmjeairtonix: its the only way that I know of06:21
_Brun0_OMG i'll have to boot my ubuntu live CD in virtualbox just to know the name of gnomes sound volume tray icon app name? Lol, ok06:21
psywipedcdavis, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/cups.html06:21
unop!info kmix | _Brun0_06:22
ubottu_Brun0_: kmix (source: kdemultimedia): volume control and mixer for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 273 kB, installed size 864 kB06:22
lucaxhow do i configure v4l resolution??06:23
psywipedFinal_Fantasy_Albums.torrent6.11 GB done yea torrentflux06:24
cdavisI have an lpr binary however dpkg says that lpr, lprng, and rlpr are not installed. Anyone know how to tell what package installed that lpr binary in my /usr/bin/lpr?06:26
sartanHello =) Two questions - Running the newest ubuntu desktop release. One, Where did the run application applet go in gnome? Just a white box where I can type whatever command I want into it.  Two, under network preferences, why is the "add" button greyed out under the vpn tab?06:26
psywipedcdavis, SO install them06:26
jtajicdavis: dpkg -S /usr/bin/lpr06:26
lstarnescdavis: you could try apt-file search /usr/bin/lpr06:27
psywipedOST_Twilight_Zone_The_40th_Anniversary_Colle...1.3 GB06:27
jtaji!piracy | psywiped06:27
ubottupsywiped: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:27
fdemocracyhi, why is xubuntu known as alternate? xubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso06:28
fdemocracywhat is the alternate refer to?06:28
jtajisartan: you probably need to install some vpn package for it to be enabled06:28
psywipedum no links and they shoud be out of there copyright time06:28
jtajifdemocracy: all versions have an alternate installer, it's a text based installer as oposed to a livecd06:29
unopfdemocracy, that refers to the type of installer .06:29
unop!alternate | fdemocracy06:29
ubottufdemocracy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal06:29
fdemocracyoh ok06:29
jtajifdemocracy: you can do some stuff like install on lvm and raid which you can't do with desktop cd06:29
jtajipsywiped: no discussion period, thanks :)06:29
g00gl3rwhen i download the .iso file, how do i make to a cd for installing ubuntu?06:29
jtajipsywiped: it's also offtopic06:30
g00gl3rcan anyone tell me?06:30
unop!iso > g00gl3r06:30
ubottug00gl3r, please see my private message06:30
jtajig00gl3r: use cd burning software to burn it as an image06:30
unkocan anyone make a .deb for me?06:30
opticalmousee-jat,how did u installed ubuntu 9.04 on ur lappy?06:33
psywipedopticalmouse, go to #ubuntu+106:35
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.06:35
albechwhat is a good virtual server to run in a server environment?06:36
sartanWow, that's just great that ubuntu has interface framework for vpn software, but doesn't come with anything - not even a simple pptp vpn =(06:36
taz_hi...what name of program.. for picture  ( in add/remove) .. big picture.. can change to small....06:38
albechtaz_, gimp?06:39
jeezmosHi.  I had desktop effects (compiz I think)  working on my system after originally installing linux.  I disabled it, and now when I try to re-enable it I get an error message.  It searches for drivers first, then says "Desktop effects could not be enabled".  No hardware has changed.  Can anyone help me figure out why I can't re-enable Compiz effects?06:39
maxxistI did an "update-manager -d" and went from intrepid to jaunty beta.  rock solid update.  not a single problem. i loves ubuntu.06:39
taz_i did try it06:39
taz_not work06:39
kb0odutaz_: convert (ImageMagick)?06:39
prohnais there an irc channel for jaunty troubleshooting/testing?06:39
albechprohna, #ununtu+106:40
g4lt-lappyprohna, #ubuntu+106:40
jtajitaz_: install nautilus-image-converter and you can resize right from the file manager, you need to install it through Synaptic though, not add/remove06:40
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albechprohna, what g4lt-lappy said06:40
_Brun0_Where gnome store apps that will start when I log in?06:40
WindmillObsessedjtaji: how do you get to synaptic?06:40
napzteryo thanks psywiped..... DO i need to mount anything external everytime? is there such thing as aumatically mounting?06:40
jtajiWindmillObsessed: System > Admin > Synaptic Package Manager06:41
WindmillObsessedjtaji, thanks06:41
godstarcan not see windows movie file06:43
K_O_Dis there anything I can use to stress my cpu on 8.10 i386?06:43
TheShahFactorcan I embed a pdf file in an openoffice writer document06:43
jtajiK_O_D: cpuburn06:43
hateball!info stree | K_O_D06:43
ubottuK_O_D: Package stree does not exist in intrepid06:43
hateball!info stress | K_O_D06:43
ubottuK_O_D: stress (source: stress): A tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18.9-1 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 92 kB06:43
hateballToo early for spelling...06:44
napzteryo thanks psywiped..... DO i need to mount anything external everytime? is there such thing as automatically mounting for external disk?06:44
K_O_Dthank you06:45
pys8302good ubuntu06:46
hateball!fstab | napzter06:46
ubottunapzter: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:46
thrillERboyhow to kill a process? I get this error songbird is already running06:47
thrillERboyI tried sudo kill songbird06:48
kb0oduthrillERboy:  kill -p pid06:48
kb0oduthrillERboy: kill -9 pid06:48
thrillERboynp :)06:48
beawesomeinsteadI have a relatively big music collection (~200CDs) in .wav disk image+cue format. Does anyone know if there any iTunes-like automatic organizers that support this format?06:48
kb0odubeawesomeinstead: Doesn't Audacious support that?06:49
prohnai have no sound, aplay -l says aplay: device_list:217: no soundcards found...06:49
thrillERboykb0odu, that didn't work06:50
kb0odubeawesomeinstead: That's just a guess.06:50
sysdocbeawesomeinstead, have you looked at Amaaarok?06:50
_Brun0_unop, I guess i'll skip volume controll in tray icon because I got it working from the keyboard. My laptop have volume control keys. I got it working for icewm by adding this to my ~/.icewm/keys: http://pastebin.com/m13950b8206:51
beawesomeinsteadsysdoc, kb0odu: not yet. i'll check it out, thanks!06:51
_Brun0_unop, might be usefull to you.06:51
kb0odubeawesomeinstead: I want to say there's a plug-in...not part of the normal install.  But, I'm not positive that it supports WAV other than that.06:51
sysdocbeardedninja, see Audacity to tweak the tunage06:51
unop_Brun0_, yea, i've got similar keybindings in fluxbox for my desktop .. but my netbook doesn't have seperate volume keys - that's why i went for kmix on it.06:52
sysdocbeawesomeinstead, Don't let yea ears bleed06:52
_Brun0_unop, i wish I could have the volume status drawn on to the screen when I change it as it happens in gnome. =(06:53
beawesomeinsteadthere's an option to install foobak2k using wine06:53
unop_Brun0_, you can get osd_cat to draw text on the screen .. you'll have to whip up a script that gets the current volume level and pipe that to it.06:54
sysdocBTW new group called Chickenfoot with Sammy Hagar, Micheal Anthony and Joe Satriani. See Chickenfoot.us...:)06:54
macvrhi all... is there a way to play/pause streaming divX videos? the totem firefox plugin once paused doesnt load the video and doesnt have a position seaker...06:55
_Brun0_unop, ty alot for the info! I'll try that! And, as you said this confirmed kmix is somewhat light: sudo apt-cache depends kmix06:55
hateballmacvr: You could try installing the mozilla vlc plugin06:57
macvrhateball: i'v installed that but firefox seems to use only the totem plugin... tried disabling the plugin to use the vlc plugin but then the video wouldnt load!!!06:57
hateballmacvr: Have you tried playing the url directly in VLC?06:58
macvrhateball: ?? didnt try that but how do i do it?06:58
hateballmacvr: Well either you find out the URL for the video by looking at the page source, or you could use a firefox extension called MediaPlayerConnectivity06:59
macvrhateball: ok... i'll try tht06:59
hateballmacvr: The latter one lets you click all media on a page, and choose which external player to view it in07:00
hateballmacvr: effectively also stops stuff from autoplaying, much like flashblock07:00
jigpusing ftp, how to get the file like "File Blah Blah Name" ? when I do "mirror File Blah Blah Name" I get an error "1 error detected"07:02
jigplftp that is07:02
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:03
jigpI tried mirror mirror File Blah Blah Name\  ..with \ still not working. when I do "ls" the file was there "File Blah Blah Name"07:04
anthonyhow do i get my secondary monitor to show07:05
anthonyi've downloaded all the drivers for my video card07:05
mfhgi got a problem with a program, slashed in my shell something like ./hmmscan | more or ./ more | hmmscan or instead of the | a > and now my programm hmmscan does not work what means that i cant see the output07:05
mfhgas someone an idea how to correct this?07:05
sysdocanthony,  twin view07:06
anthonythats not the same as clone07:06
anthonyi take it07:06
hateballanthony: nvidia, ati, intel ?07:06
anthonyjust got xubuntu today, i must admit07:06
anthonyits pretty smooth07:07
unopmfhg, you might need to use tee.     command | tee > file07:07
enlightenedhi there07:07
enlightenedhows everything going on07:07
sysdocanthony, I suggest 2 X sessions07:07
JumboJellyfishi have a question about connecting to wifi router through bash (by mistake uninstalled kdm)07:07
anthonywhen i hit the twin view option ... it give me this message07:08
anthonyUnable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.07:08
mfhgunop: yes maybe, but the problem now is that the output of my program hmmscan is now lost and i want it back07:08
sysdocanthony, you have to run it as root07:08
unopmfhg,  tee will display the output...07:08
anthonyroot is ./ correct?07:09
JumboJellyfishanthony, try getting enVy07:09
JumboJellyfishthat worked for me07:09
macvrhateball: i tried to paste the url in the open network option of vlc... but doesnt work... how does divX work for u?07:09
Chr|senVy is last resort tho07:09
sysdocanthony, no "sudo"07:09
anthonyi dont see a sudo07:09
hateballmacvr: Unsure, cant remember using it much. I prefer ogg/theora :)07:10
sysdocanthony,  sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-settings07:10
sysdocanthony, put that into the terminal07:10
mfhgunop i tried ./hmmscan -E 0.1 adrade-repeats.hmm set.fa | tee > test.out but i got no output07:10
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macvrhateball: ok...07:10
anthonywhat does sudo represent07:11
jigpwhen I do "ls" using lftp I saw the file "South Park S13E05 DSR TV" ..when I do "mirror South Park S13E05 DSR TV" it says :mirror: Access failed: 550 Failed to change directory. (/home/kali/files/done.*) 1 error detected ... but other files I can download it. files like one word..im not sure with spaces file names..how to download or mirror the file?07:11
JumboJellyfishsuper user do07:11
lstarnesanthony: sudo is sudo, the utility used for running things as another user, usually as root07:11
anthonyFailed to open existing X config file '/sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-settings'!07:11
lstarnesanthony: in ubuntu, users in the admin group are the only ones with access to it07:11
anthonyim admin07:12
lstarnesanthony: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings is a command, NOT an X config file07:12
lstarnesanthony: look around /etc/X11 for xorg.conf07:12
JumboJellyfishdoes anone know how i go about connecting to wifi router through bash? (by mistake uninstalled kdm)07:13
anthonyhmm... to be honest i dont even know how to open the command line07:14
anthonyheh... quite noob to linux07:14
JumboJellyfishctrl+alt+f7 to get back to desktop i bbelieve07:14
K_O_Dhow accurate is sensors?07:15
sysdocanthony, have you installed nvida-settings?07:15
anthonyis there a way to take it out of full screen07:15
farnsworth_hey.. i am looking for a email-client, that exists for linux and windows, and is able to use the same stored data. i tried thunderbird portable and stuff, but thats quite ugly. i have ubuntu and windows installed and i want to access the same stored mail-data from both systems. (no webbased solutions, please)07:15
anthonyor what07:15
sysdocapt-get install nvidia-settings07:16
K_O_Dmy apologies07:16
anthonyyeah it says Nvidia X Server Settings07:16
unopmfhg, hmm. try    ./hmmscan -E 0.1 adrade-repeats.hmm set.fa | tee test.out07:16
anthonyi have that window open07:16
K_O_Dhow accurate is the CPU sensor for intel Core2duo CPU's in sensors?07:16
sysdocanthony, you need to open it as root07:16
MTec007hey guys07:17
zirodayK_O_D: as accurate as the actual hardware sensor is07:17
sysdocanthony, see pm07:17
K_O_Dso im getting the actual temp reading from the CPU temp sensor?07:17
neetoI dunno if this is the right place to ask this, but I am trying to use ushare with my xbox 360. My xbox doesn't find ushare running on my computer. The xbox and my computer have the same subnet. UPnP is enabled on my router however no leases are being taken out by the xbox or ushare. I'm stuck because there's no way to actually troubleshoot a problem on the xbox, it works or it doesn't. Does anyone have experience with this?07:17
K_O_Dsame as I would in windoze?07:17
K_O_D(possibly better)07:17
MTec007i have a question about iptables do they work as a software firewall?07:18
K_O_DI put a new cooling setup in and it appears to work far better than stock07:18
knoxvilleneeto, yes I have a post on my forum www.crazysmarts.com07:18
neetoknoxville: could you give me a direct link?07:18
knoxvillehold on07:19
K_O_DI installed that stress package and lm-sensors/sensors-applet, im at 100% cpu stress and 44/43 on two overclocked cores07:19
knoxvilleneeto, http://crazysmarts.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3907:19
macvrhateball: i got it working by removing the totem plugin and installing the mplayer plugin...07:19
neetoknoxville: thanks07:19
NoisiaMtec007: in a nutshell, yes.07:19
knoxvilleneeto, let me know if it helps07:20
JumboJellyfishi by mistake uninstalled kdm, and i need to connect to a WEP encrypted wifi network through bash... how do i do this???07:20
MTec007ok i am not new to using linux but i am not very experienced with it. how would i set up the iptables to work as a firewall. no servers on my laptop, no reason for any one to connect to me07:21
K_O_Danyhow if temp sensors are working properly in ubuntu 8.10, im doing very well temp-wise, far better than I would have expected07:21
JumboJellyfishi've tried iwconfig07:22
lstarnes(bad analogy?07:22
gemclipanyone take the LPI cert tests?07:22
NoisiaMTec007: That's a lot to answer. Give this a look: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Simple_stateful_firewall_HOWTO07:24
k1enhi- i cant connect to google but can connect to all otehr websites, other PCs on the network can access googel well. /etc/hosts is standard.what can i do?07:24
MTec007thats ok i just wanted a good reference for this topic and i thought this would be the best place to find it07:24
neetoknoxville: doesn't seem to be working immediately, should the subnet matter when you're adding the route, or is it arbitrary?07:24
Dridhasi have a question regarding webcam in skype/amsn07:25
MTec007thank you Noisia07:25
unopk1en,  can you get to (google.com)07:25
Noisiano problem.07:25
Dridhasi get a green static image, any chance you can help me out?07:25
JumboJellyfishi by mistake uninstalled kdm, and i need to connect to a WEP encrypted wifi network through bash... how do i do this???07:25
k1enunop, no07:25
K_O_Dwow - if this cpu cooler works like ubuntu is reading, im going to give it crazy good feedback on newegg07:26
jigphello how to download a file with spaces e.g file blah blah ? (lftp)07:26
k1enunop, i get connected after about 10 minutes, i tried with other google IPs07:26
dronixdoes anyone have a link to a guide on settin up Ubuntu as a web server. I'm trying to host my dyndns using ubuntu, I have a local server. just need to access the server with the domain07:26
knoxvilleneeto, yeah I think you'll need to add your route correctly, -net will be your IP address of the xbox I believe and netmask will be most likely07:26
jigpmirror file blah blah is not working07:26
neetoknoxville: ah lol no wonder07:26
unopjigp,  mirror file "blah blah blah"07:26
K_O_Di managed a 3.02 overclock on a core2duo 2.33, and ubuntu helped me test it without touching my existing os - great job devs07:26
k1enunop, i can ping google no problem, i tried opera and links -both cant access google as well!07:27
K_O_DI never thought i'd be able to do that, much less on a fully functional livecd07:27
Dridhascan anyone help me on an issue with webcam in skype/amsn?07:28
unopk1en, strange ..07:28
k1enunop, very,,,,,,07:28
dlozariehi guys07:29
unopk1en, how does  wget fare?    wget http://google.com07:29
jigpunop : still not working.. when I do "ls" the file name have spaces. e.g "jigp jigp jigp -j"07:29
Dridhascan anyone help me on an issue with webcam in skype/amsn? pls msg me07:29
unopjigp, that shouldn't matter .. as long as you quote the filenames properly07:29
k1enunop resolved well but stuck on the "("07:29
k1enunop stuck on the Connecting to www.google.com||:80...07:30
dlozarieI've got 4GB of unallocated space and I want to give it to /dev/sda5 (my Ubuntu partition). however Qparted won't let me resize the drive. help?07:30
jigpunop : mirror file "jigp jigp jigp -j" is not working..1 error detected07:30
unopk1en, any firewall/traffic shaping rules in place that you're aware of?07:30
sketchykidCan anybody plz help me figure out why i can't play any of my dvd's with my built-in dvd-rom??07:30
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sketchykidit's driving me crazy07:30
=== dave_ is now known as AK_Dave
k1enunop, actually i didnt set up this system, the company is on holiday (easter) but i have sudo rights. how do i check iptables?07:31
Hassanakevazirsketchykid, what program are you using to play your dvds07:31
sketchykidall i have is totem right now07:31
unopk1en,  sudo iptables -L07:32
dayoklasu_: iptables -L07:32
sketchykidoh and i'm running Xubuntu as well07:32
k1enunop, nothing special...07:32
sketchykidif that makes a difference07:32
raclehello, got server problems, i have zyxel lan box, and i cant get ports open, so i could get my apache/ssh server run right. any suggestions? :P07:33
jigpunop : I tried mirror "jig jig jig -j" still error07:33
unopjigp, what's the lftp script like?07:33
dayosketchykid: sudo aptitude install kaffeine;sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras07:33
Dridhascan anyone help me on an issue with webcam in skype/amsn? pls msg me07:33
racleand i use nat (sue)07:33
neetoknoxville: route is giving me nasty errors about the subnet not matching the address.07:33
Hassanakevazirsketchykid, sudo apt-get install vlc , then use vlc to play your dvd07:33
neetoknoxville: which is frustrating, since that is indeed the netmask my xbox is using07:33
jigpunop : I just type lftp host -u user.pass07:34
_Brun0_unop, do you know if there is a way to not use a gdm at all?07:34
dayosketchykid: after that:  sudo aptitude install libdvdcss207:34
sketchykidHassanakevazir your a SAINT!:) thank you07:34
XiaolinDraconisok simple stuff like this is why i ruined my first install07:34
jigpunop : then cd /home/jigp/file07:34
jigpunop : I can download files without spaces...07:34
XiaolinDraconishow do i install icons?07:34
knoxvilleneeto, I'm really not sure what to tell you, I'm not a route guru07:34
* AK_Dave ruined about a dozen installs until he learned enough to not ruin an install07:34
XiaolinDraconisi tried extracting them to /usr/icons07:34
unopjigp, it might be a server issue then -- apparently a few FTP servers have the problem http://www.mail-archive.com/lftp@uniyar.ac.ru/msg03343.html07:34
neetoknoxville: alright thanks for the help with ushare though, I'm one step closer to fixing this finally07:35
sketchykidsweet thank you Dayo!07:35
Ecnerifedhi everyone07:35
unopk1en, i'm not sure what is up here .. can you get pages using telnet?07:35
sketchykidI love linux...:)07:35
Hassanakevazirsketchykid, lol np, also do install ubuntu-restricted-extras too, but don't install kaffeine if you got vlc07:35
jigpunop : yah but I can download other files without spaces07:35
omnomnOMINOUShi all! how do i NOT start x automatically?07:35
_Brun0_unop, what login mananger you use for your fluxbox?07:35
k1enunop telnet www.google.com/80 ?07:35
dayosketchykid: u're welcome. i use kaffeine, it's much better than totem.07:35
JumboJellyfishsketchykid, i love linux too :)07:35
knoxvilleneeto, I would google it looking for some tutorials07:35
unop_Brun0_, yea, sure .. you can log in at the command line07:35
unop_Brun0_, i don't have a login manager .. I login at login(1)07:36
XiaolinDraconishow do i install icons?07:36
sketchykidawesome brb07:36
_Brun0_unop, then you start your wm with?07:36
Hassanakevazirdayo, is kaffeine KDE?07:36
unopk1en,   telnet www.google.com 80    then you have to type   GET index.html07:36
unopk1en, or  GET /07:36
k1enunop stuck on trying
_Brun0_unop, like i would do: login then icewm-session ?07:36
dlozarieI've got 4GB of unallocated space and I want to give it to /dev/sda5 (my Ubuntu partition). however Qparted won't let me resize the drive. help?07:37
dayoHassanakevazir: i think so, but i got it on gnome here07:37
Ecnerifedi need to set up a few workstations with nothing but firefox and the abilty to lock and login screen that authenticates with an ms active directory server, what would be the best way to go about this?07:37
unop_Brun0_, you can use startx(1)  .. you might have to setup your ~/.xinitrc for icewm tho07:37
k1enunop, i need to go,thank you for your help, i will try again later07:37
AK_Davedlozarie: just partition it as /dev/sda6 and mount it seperately. No prob.07:37
unopk1en, very strange indeed07:37
dayoHassanakevazir: u know how when u're halfway thru a movie, u pause and maybe want to scroll back 10-20minutes. totem freezes. kaffeine doesn't do that. i love it.07:37
Hassanakevazirdayo, yeah you can do that too, but you have to do this huge KDE download which07:38
k1enunop, i saw similar problems on the forum but no solutions yet07:38
dayoHassanakevazir: kaffeine is way more stable in it's performance than totem07:38
k1enunop, thanks anyway07:38
dayoHassanakevazir: yeah, but i'm willing to put up with that. rather than going full kde. it's gnome for this ubuntunista here :-)07:39
Hassanakevazirdayo, try mplayer or vlc, totem is awful no mistake about that. but kaffeine is not gtk, so it might be slower or not integrate well into gnome07:39
dayoi love you, gnome.07:39
dlozarieAK_Dave: the 4GB space isn't formatted yet, and Qparted won't let me format :-/07:39
* dayo hugs his gnome07:39
unop_Brun0_, http://www.icewm.org/FAQ/IceWM-FAQ-3.html  shows how to create your xinitrc07:39
_Brun0_unop, would this work? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100731907:39
J-_How do I figure out my UUID of my swap partition? I'm dual booting, and Jaunty isn't using my SWAP partition.07:40
AK_Davedlozarie: lemme guess: the 4gb unallocated space is wedged between /sda3 and the start of the extended partitions.07:40
unop_Brun0_, you want to autologin without GDM ?07:40
dayoHassanakevazir: it's worked brilliantly so far, but i'll try vlc and mplayer for comparison07:40
_Brun0_unop, =P yep07:40
unop_Brun0_, yea, you'll need rungetty - as per the howto there07:40
dlozarieAK_Dave: not really sure, LOL. doesn't look like it though. should I upload a screencap?07:41
_Brun0_unop, is that a good practice?07:41
dayotime to get ready for work. later, guys07:41
AK_Davedlozarie: that'd help07:41
livingdaylightAnyone can tell me why i get recurring sound issues with Ubuntu?07:41
Ecnerifedi get them...07:42
sauvinlivingdaylight, which version?07:42
unop_Brun0_, well, any autologin is relatively insecure .. but that depends on how accessible your machine is or perhaps who it is accessible to. it depends really ...07:42
livingdaylightAll too often when i launch Last.fm for eg (i did just now) i get Alsa soundsystem either busy or something07:42
Ecnerifedhave to close all applications that could use sound and then open the one i want to use and most of the time that works07:42
sauvinlivingdaylight, which version of ubuntu?07:42
livingdaylightsauvin, 8.1007:42
unop_Brun0_, I don't use it .. but then again, I very rarely log on manually07:42
* sauvin had Issues with 8.1007:43
dlozarieAK_Dave: here it is http://i39.tinypic.com/2exaiwy.png :)07:43
EcnerifedI need to set up a few workstations with nothing but firefox and the abilty to lock with a login screen that authenticates with an ms active directory server, what would be the best way to go about this?07:43
livingdaylightsaulus_, means everytime i need to reboot, then ikt works but later on i 'll geet error message again and will have to reboot yet again - its very annoying07:43
_Brun0_unop, i don't care about security at all. i don't need thta level of security. but, i'd liek to know if it can cause some instability or unpredicted behavior.07:44
unop_Brun0_, i don't see any negative consequences arising from this07:44
livingdaylightsaulus_, " The ALSA soundsystem is either busy or not present. "07:44
AK_Davedlozarie: you can only add the free space to an adjacent partition07:44
livingdaylightwhat is it busy with or where did it go?07:45
antifathello, i was wondering if i could get some help for a wireless card troubleshooting, it connects, but its rediculously slow07:45
dlozarieAK_Dave: oh, i see. hmm.07:45
_Brun0_unop, ty. right now i'm installing ubuntu alternative and i'll set up icewm in it. i'm documenting the whole process into an abiword doc. =P07:46
_Brun0_unop, i forgot to say, i'm doing it in virtualbox =P07:46
napzterguys how can i be a root... without entering in the terminal "sudo su -"07:46
napzterguys how can i be a root... without entering in the terminal "sudo su -"?07:46
livingdaylightsauvin, are you thinking of me or are you having breakfast? :)07:46
AK_Davedlozarie: what you COULD do, if you have lots of time to wait for this to happen, in theory, is add the 4gb to an adjacent partition and then shift the space in 4gb increments until you get it to the partition you want it. Like a giant shell game.07:47
c0mp13371331337napzter: Alt+F2, then type 'gksu gnome-terminal'07:47
c0mp13371331337napzter: Or create a desktop icon/menu shortcut with that command in it.07:47
dlozarieAK_Dave: Ah. I think I get what you mean.. lemme see.07:47
Flannelnapzter: sudo -i07:48
Flannelnapzter: but, why do you want to be root?07:48
livingdaylightFlannel, its fun being root07:48
livingdaylightyou can do all kinds of things07:48
airtonix-50 dkp07:48
napzterno i mean without entering any command in the terminal... I think the second suggestion shoul do it...... any shortcut again?07:48
Flannelnapzter: What are you trying to do?07:49
sauvinlivingdaylight, I don't think it'd be particularly politic of me to answer directly or candidly what I think of 8.10 and the problems I had with its sound system. I reverted to 8.04.07:49
dlozarieAK_Dave: the 4GB portion's at the bottom of the list, right? so I'd move the 4gibs into /dev/sda2, but Qparted won't let me resize /dev/sda2 either07:49
EcnerifedI need to set up a few workstations with nothing but firefox and the abilty to lock with a login screen that authenticates with an ms active directory server, what would be the best way to go about this?07:49
Noisialivingday: http://www.last.fm/forum/34905/_/36949107:49
_Brun0_napzter, root is the shortest path to chaos07:49
napzternothing just want to create a folder in my external drive automatically07:49
livingdaylightsauvin, ahh... nuff said. Its as loud and clear as direct and candid can get ^^07:49
AK_Davedlozarie: probably because it is ntfs07:50
napzter_Brun0_: shortest path u mean... hmmmmmm ruin my linux07:50
J-_How do I figure out a UUID of my swap partition?07:50
dlozarieAK_Dave: yeah, it is.. wonder why QParted won't let me format that 4GiB of unallocated space07:50
sauvinWithout getting myself klined for truly Stygian display of Anglo-Saxon type of language, hee hee.07:50
livingdaylightsauvin, i'll grin it out and hope 9.04 is better- really sux though07:50
mawanyone have some suggestions to resolve "Grub Error 13: "Invalid or unsupported executable format""07:50
mawI am dual booting XP and Ubuntu 8.1007:51
sauvinAs I understand it, PulseAudio uses Alsa as a backend. 8.10's implementation of PulseAudio wasn't thoroughly vetted.07:51
unopJ-_, sudo blkid /dev/sdXX07:51
J-_unop: Thanks, I'll give a go.07:51
livingdaylightsauvin, the wall of morbid silence at the question of a sound issue is very revealing... best not to mention any more07:52
=== tien is now known as jove
traskbtI have to manually download and install Sun JDK/JRE and NetBeans if I want the latest, correct?07:52
sauvinOh, I can talk about it - just not candidly :D07:52
jovehello, does anyone know how to extract .rar file ?07:52
J-_unop: Is there usually a UUID of a swap partition? That just gives me, "/dev/sda1: TYPE="swap""07:52
HassanakevazirEcnerifed, try asking in the forums if no one responds here07:52
Boohbahjove: unrar07:52
traskbtjove, unrar07:52
sauvinunrar x whatever.rar07:53
marlunIs it possible with aptitude to update a specific package if there are updates for it without getting all available updates for every package (aptitude safe-upgrade)?07:53
EcnerifedHassanakevazir, i dont really have the time to register, post and wait for replies, i need to go do this soon...07:53
TheNanoEcnerifed: removing panels, would be the first step, and maybe a user with limitied rights , it is not this easy i guess , forum could be a better place07:53
jovethx Boohbah / traskbt07:54
EcnerifedI was thinking, ubuntu base with xubuntu x server and firefox...07:54
Ecnerifedsince that would have nothing else installed07:54
traskbtEcnerifed, what's your question? I just got here07:54
lvlefistoJ-_: if you open /etc/fstab it will list your partitions. And The one with the type swap it is.07:54
homeskillhow can i make firefox in linux not recreate the xpti.dat file when firefox restarts? i need to keep it deleted because i'm running the debugger version of flash player but everytime i restart firefox it recreates the file which disables the debugging07:54
EcnerifedI need to set up a few workstations with nothing but firefox and the abilty to lock with a login screen that authenticates with an ms active directory server, what would be the best way to go about this?07:54
Ecnerifedtraskbt :)07:54
BoohbahNoisia: love your tunes :)07:55
fdemocracysometimes i tart apps and they disappear rom the taskbar07:55
fdemocracythat is weird.07:55
J-_lvlefisto: I'm dual booting. /etc/fstab doesn't show my swap. It's not in use at the moment. This is why I'm trying to find out the UUID.07:55
TheNanoEcnerifed: make a new user should be the first , make sure it can't sudo ( remove him from sodo grupp )  , make hin auto login , some how remove panelmanager , and remove all packages not needen , there is Ubuntu light version i think07:55
HassanakevazirEcnerifed, I there is probably a distro or a variant of a popular distro that is preset to what you are asking. minus the windows directory exchange part which I'v never hear of07:55
J-_There's no UUID for my swap partition. Weird.07:56
lvlefistoJ-_: the disk mounter panel applet will show you the not mounted available partition, if you mount one of them you can see in its propierties the UUID07:56
traskbtEcnerifed, Ubuntu base (if you do need Ubuntu, I assume since you're asking in here) and a very minimal WM (Fluxbox or something if you want to go lighter than Xfce) and Firefox and whatever you need for the screen lock/login (screen saver, though I don't know anything about authenticating it with an MS active directory server)07:56
Ecnerifedyeah Hassanakevazir, but i dont know where to find the distro, thats why im asking here while i search around...07:56
TheNanoEcnerifed: you maybe need Samba too , What you are going to do take some time and testing , more google07:57
airtonixEcnerifed, part of your solution is the 'authorisation policy system'07:57
airtonixEcnerifed, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/11490/07:57
sauvinI'm running Debian Lenny atm, j-_, and my swap partition DOES have a UUID. UUID=0-0-0-0-00.07:57
Ecnerifedok thanks a lot07:57
fdemocracyas i was asking; sometimes i start apps and while i watch them boot in the taskbar they will suddenly disappear for no reason. what on earth is caysing this ?07:58
J-_In my /etc/fstab it shows, "/dev/sda1       none            swap    sw              0       0"07:58
UbuntnoobletHi, anyone available to help out with a display issue?07:59
TheNanoEcnerifed: I found it07:59
fdemocracywonder if anybody else has this problem ;)07:59
airtonixEcnerifed, the next step is to then create policy defenitions for the software on your system07:59
EcnerifedTheNano: oh?07:59
Ecnerifedwell airtonix, the idea is to not have any other software other then firefox...08:00
airtonixEcnerifed, i understand, but there is software that by default is available to all users that you can't remove without borking the system08:00
TheNanoEcnerifed:  here http://reconstructor.aperantis.com/index.php and http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Other/Firefox-LiveCD-4686.shtml and08:01
Ecnerifedairtonix: isnt there a distro that does not have that software?08:01
TheNanoEcnerifed: you can try to find out how they did it08:02
Ecnerifedah that looks awesome TheNano, ill do more reading now :)08:02
xsteadfastxwhere can i put my clock on summertime?08:02
methodsidk what happened but after one of these updates my sound has stopped working ... all i hear is really low crackling08:03
illmortalCan someone assist me with a couple issues 1. wireless connectivity and 2. I used this command: sudo chown -R USERNAME /FILEPATH    and now when I use kdesudo or sudo or sudo su I get an error that uid 1000 is using sudo and it should be uid 008:03
TheNanoEcnerifed: you welcome08:03
jeremy_is there visualizations available for download for rhythmbox  ?08:03
Titan8990illmortal, what filepath did you run that command on exactly?08:04
illmortalTitan8990 /etc08:05
Titan8990illmortal, those files need to all be owned by root08:05
illmortalI needed to put my wireless network card driver in the etc/init.d and now I can use sudo nor does my wireless work -.-08:05
Titan8990illmortal, you have to fix the perms for sudo from recovery mode08:06
illmortalcant use sudo*08:06
Titan8990illmortal, select drop root shell -> chown -R root /etc08:06
illmortalwait... what?08:07
oscaritocubitaEscriba el texto aquí....hola aqui el cubano sabrosito08:07
Titan8990illmortal, from the grub menu, select Ubuntu (recovery mode)08:07
Titan8990illmortal, you will be prompted if you want to drop a root shell08:07
durt!es | oscaritocubita08:07
lvlefisto!es| oscaritocubita08:07
ubottuoscaritocubita: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:07
Titan8990illmortal, select it and give the command:  chown -R root /etc08:07
abolethi have a somewhat minor reoccuring problem08:07
illmortalah ok... then use the command chown -R root /etc ?08:07
jeremy_Titan cant he press ctrl alt f5 ?08:08
oscaritocubitasi soy cubano08:08
Titan8990illmortal, yes08:08
illmortalok, thanks Titan8990 going to do that right now!08:08
abolethwhenever i have desktop effects enabled, tremulous will occasionally resize while fullscreen08:08
Titan8990jeremy_, no... he has no root access08:08
jeremy_o ok08:08
Titan8990illmortal, gl08:08
abolethcausing me to be unable to do anything except turn off the computer08:08
Titan8990jeremy_, he borked perms on /etc/sudoers08:08
abolethsince input almost seems to be lost08:08
abolethdoes anyone know why this happens?08:09
illmortalthanks Titan8990. brb08:09
aboleththis ONLY happens with desktop effects08:09
abolethnever any other time08:09
Titan8990aboleth, turn off legacy fullscreen support08:09
Titan8990aboleth, it fixes a lot of issues with full screen apps08:09
abolethTitan8990: how would i do that?08:09
Titan8990aboleth, compiz config settings manager08:10
oscaritocubitaninguna cubana en linea08:11
abolethwhere do i find it?08:11
beawesomeinsteadHere's another MacOS/Ubuntu migration question: Does anyone know if there's a way to convert Aperture Vault to anything accessible?08:11
Titan8990!en | oscaritocubita08:11
ubottuoscaritocubita: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat08:11
abolethi'm looking in the manager08:11
abolethbut i don't know where to find that option08:11
Titan8990aboleth, yeah I was just looking myself08:11
abolethwell, i'll wait until you find it08:11
Titan8990aboleth, workarounds options08:12
Titan8990aboleth, you can type workarounds into the search box08:12
sleepy_catI had locked a file in a winrar extract and now forgot its password.. is there anyway to get the file ?08:12
sleepy_catmeans to crack the winrar or something08:12
abolethi disabled it08:13
carpii__no, you cant retrieve it other than brute force08:13
abolethwhat exactly does it do08:13
abolethbesides the obviosu08:13
FloodBot1aboleth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:13
roadmapsleepy_cat:  im not aware of any open source brute forcers for RAR archives (im sure they exist) but they do have some proprietary ones on Windows that may do the trick. However they require a small fee.08:13
xisle_tx4hello...........i need some help with this abuntu .....newbie to all this how do i install a file downloaded /?08:13
Titan8990aboleth, idk, occasionally glitches out fullscreen games and messes up firefox08:13
anthonyhey im back dog08:13
anthonypm me08:13
sleepy_catOhh I am not on Windows08:13
Titan8990aboleth, I was told about the fix in #compiz-fusion08:13
carpii__xisle_tx4, typically you only ever install software from the repositories08:14
sleepy_catWindows and I have issues :P08:14
abolethyou were very helpful08:14
abolethi wasn't expecting to get help so fast08:14
xisle_tx4yeh ive figured that much..08:14
roadmapsleepy_cat:  Windows and everyone has issues :)08:14
Psywipedhow do i get a download status on ubuntu server?08:14
Blademoongood time of the day. To to whom possible address on cause ubuntu-server 9.04 AMD64?08:14
abolethwell, i guess i'll be going now08:14
Titan8990aboleth, cya08:14
sleepy_catroadmap: lol08:14
xisle_tx4but when i open it it jus brings up files and folders08:14
sleepy_catanything there for Ubuntu08:14
carpii__what are you opening ?08:14
xisle_tx4the file i donloaded?08:14
Titan8990xisle_tx4, your going about it wrong08:15
AK_Davexisle: the only software you download and then attempt to install, and expect to be successful, is source code and .deb archives. For all else, its apt-get.08:15
roadmapsleepy_cat:  are you familiar with how to use shell scripts?08:15
xisle_tx4i figure that08:15
xisle_tx4tht why im here08:15
anthonypc doc guy08:15
anthonywhere u at08:15
durtxisle_tx4, what do you want to install?08:15
Titan8990xisle_tx4, in windows you download a file from the internet and install it.... in linux there are package management systems that do all that for you08:15
carpii__so whats the name of the file you downloaded?08:15
xisle_tx4umm vuze08:15
AK_Davefull filename please08:15
Titan8990xisle_tx4, in ubuntu, there is a GUI for the package manager and its located in the Systems -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager   menu08:16
sleepy_catnot really why ?08:16
roadmapbecause this may work for you if you have familiarity with them: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rarbrute/08:16
durtxisle_tx4, there's an equivalent in the repos08:16
roadmapIts a shell script that brute forces RAR archives.08:16
roadmapI cant testify how well it works, but it may be the only shot you have.08:16
Titan8990xisle_tx4, I believe elisa media center is the linux equivalent your looking for08:17
Titan8990xisle_tx4, oh, nvm, that is a linux app08:17
AK_DaveElisa is very good, although I recommend adding the fluendo ppa to your sources.list and picking up the latest.08:17
k1enunop, you still here? i'm the guy with no google08:18
Psywipedk1en, can you ping there servers?08:18
k1enPsywiped, yes08:19
Titan8990xisle_tx4, azureus is the name of the vuze package in synaptic08:19
Psywipedk1en, then try a diffrent browser08:19
anthonyso do i have to save my NVIDIA Settings to keep dual monitors up08:19
anthonyupon restart08:19
_Brun0_unop, what is the name of the app used to display nice stats of the cpu/mem/disks on desktop?08:19
k1enPsywiped, tried opera and links08:19
Psywipeddid you reboot yet k1en?08:19
Titan8990_Brun0_, conky08:19
k1enPsywiped, unop i traced a packet with wireshark -i get this :59026.37778872.14.235.99192.168.0.110TCPhttp > 35394 [SYN, ACK] Seq=5999988 Ack=1 Win=5672 [TCP CHECKSUM INCORRECT] Len=0 MSS=1430 TSV=2065919478 TSER=49743276 WS=608:19
k1enPsywiped, should i? its a server08:20
Psywipedk1en, production or home?08:20
ohletmeinnowjesuhi guys08:20
sleepy_catroadmap: can u help me with this08:20
k1enPsywiped, pro08:20
roadmapsleepy_cat:  let me grab my laptop (it runs Ubuntu) :), sadly my desktop is a windows machine08:20
illmortalTitan8990, that worked perfectly! Would you happen to know anything about wireless cards?... Itś being recognized but i can't get it to work =\08:21
sleepy_catroadmap: ok08:21
k1enPsywiped, the company that supports it is on holiday,,,,08:21
MTec007how do i edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf   it cannot be saved as it is in use08:21
Psywipedk1en, why are you trying to get to google with a production server?08:21
sleepy_catroadmap: Buzz me when u r back08:21
Titan8990illmortal, a bit, what kind of card is it?08:21
ohletmeinnowjesui have a question bout running a program in bash; ii wanna run a program from the cli and then be able to close the cli without closing the program that i just launched, how do i do this?08:21
_Brun0_unop, tyvm08:21
k1enPsywiped, all clients cant access google as well08:21
Psywipedk1en, do you have socks tunneling setup thru the server?08:21
illmortalhold on I have the details. Titan899008:22
k1enPsywiped, i have many thin clients08:22
anthonyhow do i save my NVIDA X Server Settings08:22
anthonyit wont let me08:22
Titan8990illmortal, paste the line from lspci08:22
=== anthony is now known as anthony_noob
Psywipedk1en, ssh -D 1080 user@server08:22
illmortalThis is LSPCI on my network card: 04:01.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)08:22
illmortalTitan8990 ^08:22
k1enPsywiped, from server or from client?08:22
Psywipedthen in your browser set up the socks proxy and hit up any site i could be a firewall08:23
Psywipedthen in your browser set up the socks proxy and hit up any site *it could be a firewall08:23
dronixwhat is the command to reinstall ubuntu?08:23
Titan8990illmortal, don't know much about broadcom, I think you have to use fwcutter to extract the firmware from windows drivers08:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wirless08:23
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:23
k1enPsywiped, "the authenticity of the server cant be established..." should i continue?08:24
Psywipedk1en, have you connected to it before?08:24
illmortalThatś part of the problem Titan8990, I dont have any access to the internet once I log in. So I cant apt-get install  it =\08:24
k1enPsywiped, nope08:24
Psywipedyour good08:24
k1enPsywiped, i'm talking from the server08:24
k1enPsywiped, the clients are thin08:24
Titan8990illmortal, you can't plug it in?08:25
borgistaHi, what should one do to get GoogleEarth running after having install 'googleearth-package'?08:25
illmortalNegative Titan8990.08:25
roadmapsleepy_cat:  it seems you just need to run ./rarbrute.sh <rar file> -d <wordlist>08:25
Psywipedyou need to see if its just the server behind a firewall08:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tracert08:25
anthony_noobCan anybody help me save my x configuration file ????????08:25
roadmapsleepy_cat:  im not quite sure what -n <number> does. Maybe it auto brute forces up to that many characters. I dont have a password protected RAR to check.08:25
anthony_noobplease PM me if u can assist with this08:25
k1enPsywiped, i cant access google from server and clients, but i can aces all other sites. other PCs onb the network can access google no pro. iptables is default08:25
roadmapsleepy_cat:  so say, put your RAR file in the same directory (or a copy of the RAR) as rar brute, and open up a terminal08:26
sleepy_catroadmap: if i give u the rar file can u get my file inside it for me08:26
roadmapsleepy_cat:  i can try but if its a really long password that could take hours if not days.08:26
Psywipedk1en, try tcptraceroute google.com08:26
sleepy_cathmm i am not so sure of the password cause i dont remember it08:27
roadmapsleepy_cat:  any idea how long it is?08:27
sleepy_cat:) no08:27
sleepy_catshould be 6 character max i think08:27
k1enPsywiped, cant do that, i'm in china and they block the traceroute protocol  :-(08:27
roadmapsleepy_cat:  would you say you're a paranoia/security nut and have extremely ridiculously long passwords?08:27
Titan8990illmortal, it appears that specific card is not natively supported08:27
Titan8990illmortal, the only guide on the wiki for it is ndiswrapper08:27
sleepy_cati dont like hugh passwords firstly08:27
Titan8990illmortal, you can check it out here: http://sampbar.com/2009/01/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid/08:27
sleepy_catits max 6 characters long08:27
k1enPsywiped, i just get  1  * * * 2  * * *08:27
Boohbahk1en: hence the TCP traceroute...08:28
Boohbahk1en: as standard traceroute uses ICMP08:28
sleepy_catroadmap: guide me how should i go about this08:28
noumaanwe have two computers at our home using Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 how do we share files between them08:28
Psywipedk1en, yea it sounds like a firewall issue08:28
Titan8990noumaan, easiest and secure way is scp (ssh)08:28
illmortalTitan8990, right... which is the same exact guide Iḿ using but for some reason itś still not working.08:29
k1enBoohbah, no i get the *** with tcptraceroute as well08:29
noumaanwhat is scp and how do i install it?08:29
Titan8990noumaan, takes a little bit more time to configure but you can get better speed with ftp or http08:29
k1enPsywiped, ok, how do i procede? i have admin right but not sure what to do08:29
Titan8990noumaan, install openssh-server from apt-get or synaptic08:29
Titan8990illmortal, you can see the interface?08:29
noumaanTitan8990:  i am looking for something like windows in windows when we are using the same workgroup we can share files by right clicking and sharing08:30
bogeyhi, I'm trying to post to ubuntu forums08:30
Psywipedk1en, im a truckdriver im not sure this is a hoby for me08:30
bogeyJukka76, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:08:30
bogeyI have activated my account08:30
k1enPsywiped, ok, thanks for help08:30
Titan8990noumaan, you can install samba for the windows way of doing it08:30
Flannelbogey: Try #ubuntuforums, they'll be able to help you08:30
illmortalTitan8990, Yes. Normally when I left click on the network adapter (on the taskbar near the time) I would get a list of wireless networks then I can just click on mine and itĺl connect.08:31
Titan8990noumaan, but SMB/CIFs is slow and it doesn't offer the security of scp08:31
xukunI really badly need your help. I have a new system with  Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP73 High Definition Audio sound card, I have no sound when play audio files(flac,wav) sound play ok with movies. I,m using pulseaudio08:31
Titan8990illmortal, does: iwlist wlan0 scanning   return nothing?08:31
Psywipedim still trying to get my server to tell computers how big the downloads are off it08:31
illmortalhm... writing that down. Ill test it out08:31
noumaanbut users at our home pc dont know ftp ssh and comand line tools didn't i promise them gui for everything when i installed ubuntu08:32
k1enTitan8990, whats an alternative for smb/cif?08:32
Boohbahk1en: NFS08:32
Flannelnoumaan: You can use any GUI ftp client (try filezilla)08:32
Titan8990noumaan, there are guis for all those, and they are integrated into the file browser08:32
k1enBobSapp, can windows access it ? (/osx?)08:32
Titan8990noumaan, you can even keep a folder on the desktop that is the remote pcs08:32
Psywipedk1en, try tcptraceroute kjplatt.doesntexist.org08:32
Psywipedk1en, or to any site that you know is working08:33
xukunanyone please any idea?08:33
Psywipedxukun, try alas insted08:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alas08:34
k1enPsywiped, no,,,i don't think you can traceroute in china. i tried on a windows machine as well,,,even chinese websites08:34
Titan8990Psywiped, alsa08:34
Psywipedk1en, just try if it doesnt work then it ruels out somthing08:34
Psywipedxukun, alsa08:35
Titan8990Psywiped, advanced linux sound architecture08:35
pqbHello, I have problems with sound out (eg using Skype) in 8.10, and wonder if a reinstallation of 8.04 wdould be a better idea, especially as 8.04 is supported for a year longer.08:35
k1enPsywiped, doesnt work, i tried tcptraceroute to baidu.com got ***, firefox connects to it a split second08:35
Psywipedk1en, ok that tells us somthing08:35
k1enPsywiped, what ?08:35
Psywipedk1en, and what does traceroute do for the same site08:35
Ruutwhen I try to install ubuntu (8.04), right after seecting the language of the installation, the monitor becomes black and nothing happens..08:36
zhangleiwho are you?08:36
k1enPsywiped, ****08:36
RuutI suspect I have some problem with the "graphical" installation, how can I use a text-base instalation?08:36
FlannelRuut: Get the alternate CD08:37
RuutI have the alternate CD08:37
KelenIs that a LTS for jaunty 9.04?08:37
Psywipedbut you can ping both of them?08:37
FlannelKelen: No.  8.0408:37
k1enPsywiped, yes08:37
ActionParsnipRuut: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify te disk you burned once booted to08:37
Psywipedk1en, can you get tor on there?08:37
ActionParsnipRuut: did you urn at the slowest speed possible?08:37
FlannelRuut: then you have the textbased installer.  Desktop is a GUI installer, Alternate is debian-installer.08:37
RuutThe CD works perfectly, I used it on a diffferent machine08:37
k1enPsywiped, i mean i can install it....08:38
Psywipedk1en, are you at the location?08:38
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Ruut08:38
KelenFlannel: Okay, what's the next LTS version?08:38
ubottuRuut: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions08:38
k1enPsywiped, yes08:38
marcelohow do I add a new folder to the Home folder in Ubuntu?08:38
FlannelKelen: 10.04 is scheduled (and will likely be)08:38
Psywipedyea put tor on and configure it if you can get to google with tor runing its a firewall issue08:38
Ruutso I don't know what's wrong.. but the monitor is black..08:38
ActionParsnipmarcelo: mkdir ~/<folder name>08:38
Psywipedand if you cant im stumped08:39
k1enPsywiped, but i cant access the tor website, there was something you needed to add to the privoxy conf i recall08:39
ActionParsnipmarcelo: or right click in your favorite file manager (nautilus, pcman, dolphin, konqueror) and select new -> folder08:39
illmortalTitan8990, when I do a iwlist wlan0 scanning command I get: No Scan Results. Also I did a ndiswrapper -l and it shows that I currently do not have a driver installed.08:39
ActionParsnipRuut: try some boot options08:39
illmortalEven after following those same exact instructions08:39
RuutI see.. I'll try that vga=771...08:39
Ruutthanks for helping, all of you08:39
Psywipeddam k1en i just use my own server and ssh thru it now a days08:40
k1enPsywiped, would you be so kind as to copy paste the ubuntu instructions to tor on ubuntu pastebin? its blocked in china,,08:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:40
Titan8990illmortal, do lscpi -k and see what driver its using08:40
Titan8990illmortal, sorry... lspci -k08:40
illmortalk brb again08:41
TechHeadcan anyone tell me how to delay channel join in irc?08:41
lstarnesTechHead: in which client?08:41
ActionParsnipTechHead: can you expand please08:41
marcelo<ActionParsnip>:  Home folder is right protected and I need to in as root08:41
k1enPsywiped, i mean i can apt-get install tor but i cant follow the other set up instructions cause the tor website is blocked here, can you paste the rest of the instructions for me08:41
jeremy_can someone tell me how to install the sis 315pro AGP/PCI drivers?08:41
ActionParsnipmarcelo: is this your users home folder?08:41
TechHeadI need to auth with q which grants me access to pwd protectet channels08:42
marcelojust the home folder08:42
lstarnesTechHead: try /set irc_join_delay08:42
TechHeaddid so, no effect08:42
TechHeadwell I run  a py script which does the join and authing at startup08:42
ActionParsnipmarcelo: not good dude, the user needs to have write access to its own home or you're gonna get issues08:42
ActionParsnipmarcelo: try this08:42
TechHeadlstarnes: I set it to 10 secs08:43
aceat64has anyone else run into issues with 9.04, sata_nv and it not detecting some drives (but detecting others)?08:43
ActionParsnipmarcelo: sudo chown -R $USER ~/; sudo chmod 750 ~/08:43
Flannelaceat64: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks.08:43
TechHeadyet channels get joined right away08:43
ActionParsnipmarcelo: that will make your user the owner of its own folder and give it full access to its own data08:43
aceat64ahh, I forgot jaunty hasn't been released from beta yet :)08:44
lstarnesTechHead: someone in #xchat might have an idea.  I personally don't use xchat anymore as my main client08:44
J-_what can I do to see if my swap is working?08:44
ActionParsnipmarcelo: sudo chmod -R 750 ~/08:44
jeremy_can anyone here help me with the sis 315 pro driver problem ?08:44
TechHeadI use Irssi on my main08:44
Psywipedi like hydrairc08:44
pqbAnyone here used 8.04?08:44
TechHeadbut on this comp I got x-chat08:44
livingdaylightpqb, i used that once08:44
livingdaylightpqb, a year ago it was08:45
Psywipedhydrairc has a great interface for large screens08:45
TechHeadlstarnes: thx for the help08:45
Psywipedits crowed on small ones08:45
ActionParsnipJ-_: run the   free    command08:45
TechHeadPsywiped: I got a 16" lappy here08:45
ActionParsnipPsywiped: ive used it, not bad at all08:45
ActionParsnipJ-_: you will see a line relating to swap08:46
J-_ActionParsnip: Thanks08:46
Psywipedthe channel monitor is nice08:46
pqblivingdaylight: Did microphone work? I cannot get 8.10 to work with Sykpe & wonder if installing 8.04 wd be the answer.08:46
ActionParsnipPsywiped: its got an autorun function too when you connect to certain servers too08:46
Psywipedvery usefull when you have 6 or more chats up ath the same time08:46
illmortalTitan8990, pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m12e6c51308:46
TechHeadonly 3 usually08:46
ActionParsnip!skype | pqb08:46
ubottupqb: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:47
livingdaylightpqb, i don't remember if mike worked in 8.04 or not08:47
k1enPsywiped, I have google with tor!08:47
Psywipedk1en, yep a firewall is keeping you from geting to google08:47
jeremy_can anyone here help me with the sis 315 pro driver problem ?08:47
Titan8990illmortal, you have to A) blacklist both of those module B) install the windows driver in ndiswrapper08:47
TechHeaderm: the irc_delay cmd ist this is milliseconds or in seconds?08:47
illmortalTitan8990, I also want to add that when I start my computer and shutdown my computer I get a warning that something modprobe/blacklist has a couple lines blacklisted.08:47
k1enPsywiped, ok - what do i do next?08:47
livingdaylightpqb, right click on sound in your top panel "open volume control08:47
pqblivingdaylight: Does it work in your present set up?08:48
Psywipedfigure out where the firewall is and put it out08:48
livingdaylightpqb, yes, but i had to tinker08:48
Titan8990illmortal, what?08:48
Psywipedor put tor on every computer08:48
livingdaylightpqb, 8.10 is frought with sound issues which i hope will be ironed out in 9.0408:48
pqblivingdaylight: I've been tinkering for a while, with no results :-(08:48
Psywipedbut google doesnt like tor very much08:48
livingdaylightpqb, have you gone into Open Volume Control ?08:49
pqblivingdaylight: I've read that.. which are you running just now?08:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:49
pqblivingdaylight: Yes08:49
livingdaylightpqb, have you got mike enabled there in preferences?08:49
Psywipedwhos ot?08:49
illmortalTitan8990, when I shut my computer off.. I get a warning right before it shuts down that reads something about line 46 and 48 being ignored because it is on a black list...  Also to black list the modules, I just need to add their names onto the list without the '#'?08:49
k1enPsywiped, nah tor is too slow , i need to find that firewall, should i just google all different firewalls for linux and see if any of them installed?>08:49
linduxedPsywiped: i needed to know channel name08:49
livingdaylightpqb, i'm still running 8.10 - 9.04 wont be ready till end of April08:49
Titan8990illmortal, right, its done in step 3 of that guide08:50
livingdaylightpqb, go to "Open Volume Control" (right click on your sound botton at the top of the panel)08:50
Psywipedyea sometimes i spam the channel to get pastebin to come up so i dont have to type it08:50
ActionParsnipillmortal: get the exact error if you can, to blacklist a module it needs adding to the blacklist file (if thats what is needed)08:50
illmortalhm... ok maybe that .sh files are not working. I just doubleclick them.08:50
pqblivingdaylight: which mike: there are a few to choose from !08:50
Psywipedk1en, yea i guess that could work unless its a hdware firewall betwee the server and the net08:50
livingdaylightfind the Microphone and make sure its not on mute and put the volume up on it08:51
illmortalActionParsnip.. Ill log back onto linux and copy my blacklist then pastebin it here.08:51
jeremy_Titan8990 can you help me with a sis 315 pro driiver? my install of ubuntu doesnt have the drivers loaded08:51
ActionParsnipPsywiped: imagine if we ALL did that, the channel would be useless. Please be more thoughtful08:51
illmortalGonna add those two names onto the blacklist brb.08:51
livingdaylightpqb, if in doubt put 'em all 'on' and 'up' ^^08:51
pqblivingdaylight: OK....08:51
Titan8990jeremy_, are you sure its supported?08:51
Psywipedwell i now know what its called08:51
ActionParsnipPsywiped: you can also use the pastebinit program08:51
k1enPsywiped, ok something weird just happened , after more than 10 minutes one of the browsers (no tor) suddenly connected to google08:51
livingdaylightpqb, including 'Mike Boost' have you got that one?08:51
Psywipedk1en, guess tor is faster08:52
livingdaylightpqb, there's Front Mike, Microphone, Mike Boost, yea?08:52
k1enPsywiped, ok - thanks for help ...08:52
Psywipedi do what i can08:52
=== jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz
pqblivingdaylight: yes, but I cannot get any of them to do anything. I get a list , then clicking on any of the items does nothing08:53
jeremy_Titan8990 not really ive only had ubuntu for like a week but ive seen some articles about it being supported but its not in the list when i go to screens and graphics08:53
PsywipedOK SLEEPY TIME08:53
livingdaylightpqb, clicking on the icon doesnt mute or un-mute 'em?08:54
pqblivingdaylight: now I've got it . A window with volume sliders08:54
livingdaylightpqb, exactly08:54
BlueParrotwhat channel should I use for questions about hardy and networking ?08:54
livingdaylightpqb, unmute and slide the volume UP08:54
ActionParsnipBlueParrot: you are here, ask the room08:54
pqblivingdaylight: could be that. they're unmuted now.08:55
livingdaylightpqb, you'll find that should help tremendously ^^08:55
pqblivingdaylight: I'm sure ti will ;-)08:55
BlueParrotright, I have a stupid ISP that hijacks failed dns requests tor edirect me to its own search site. I want to use opendns instead but I can't figure out how to override the dns and still use the nm-applet for wireless.08:55
Titan8990jeremy_, from the terminal: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak08:55
pqbI'll just give it a go with Sykpe...08:55
BlueParrotbasically I'm on hardy and I need both wireless with WPA2 support and the ability to override DNS settings08:56
Titan8990jeremy_, then try adding this to xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/da72d5e908:56
livingdaylightpqb, also once in Skype go to options and the sound tab(it may be under general) and do some test calls to make sure its working.08:56
Titan8990jeremy_, if it doesn't work, restore from that backup08:56
lstarnesBlueParrot: I think there's something in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf08:56
pqblivingdaylight, just trying that now.08:57
lstarnesBlueParrot: try appending this to the end of that file: prepend domain-name-servers,;08:57
livingdaylightpqb, if you get error with one then use the drop-down menu to select a different sound08:57
snakedoghi is there a command for checking how long the pc has been running?08:57
BlueParrotlstarnes, isn't that overrideen by the applet that connects to the wireless network ?08:57
lstarnessnakedog: uptime08:57
ActionParsnipBlueParrot: to override DNS you can put other DNS in /etc/resolv.conf  or add name resolutions in /etc/hosts to make names resolve to the IPs you wish08:57
lstarnesBlueParrot: networkmanager also uses DHCP afaik08:58
BlueParrotlstarnes, you mean dhclient ...08:58
snakedoglstarnes: thx much appreciated08:58
ShackTiDeHi all. Does anyone have a motherboard with Intel P43 Chipset running?08:58
lstarnesBlueParrot: dhcp is the protocol used by dhclient08:58
pqblivingdaylight, now Skype won't load08:58
livingdaylightpqb, arrffff.... why not?08:58
BlueParrotlstarnes, yes, but the conf file is for dhclient so if networkmanager doesn't use it changing it won't help ...08:58
linduxedhey guys i just tried doing a drive-to-drive clone of my ubuntu install with clonezilla, and i think most things went ok, except for one thing, grub didnt install08:58
linduxedclonezilla started spitting out all kinds of errors about files in /lib/modules/2.6.blablabla/kernel/fs and then reported that the grub directory couldnt be found08:58
pqblivingdaylight, Is the Linux version a bit broken?08:58
livingdaylightpqb, tinkering with the volume prefernces shouldn't have had nothing to do with Skype08:59
pqblivingdaylight, no idea08:59
livingdaylightpqb, it did before?08:59
ActionParsnip!grub | linduxed08:59
ubottulinduxed: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:59
linduxedim still in the clonezilla shell, how do i install grub manually?08:59
pqblivingdaylight, it says other Skype process active..08:59
pqblivingdaylight, don't think so08:59
livingdaylightpqb, means its still running somehow08:59
BlueParrotlstarnes, what I want to do is stop network manager from using the dhcp server supplied by my ISP and make it use opendns instead. I'l try the resolv.conf as Parsnip suggested08:59
linduxedActionParsnip: hmmm, will have a look at that09:00
livingdaylightpqb, go to System>Prefernce>System Monitor09:00
lstarnesBlueParrot: you will need to use your ISP's dhcp servers to get a working connection, but you can use different DNS servers09:00
livingdaylightpqb, in System Monitor see if Skype is running and right-click if it is and 'kill'09:00
BlueParrotlstarnes, ah yes, sorry I'm reading dhcp and thinking dns ...09:01
BlueParrotok, dhclient seems to use opendns now, lets see what network manager decides to do09:01
BlueParrotwish me luck09:01
dyllanhi guys09:02
pqblivingdaylight, what does the icon for System Monitor look like (I'm using this in another lang and cannot make out which one it is)09:02
Guest92569hi guys....i would like to know which is the best "command line editor" for programming in c language?????09:02
DarKnesS_WolFguys any idea why when i am using a RSA auth. with SSH in the system user " like tomcat6 " it is not working correctly ?09:02
BlueParrotlstarnes, yea that worked, thanks09:02
dyllanthe new login screen for ubuntu 9, is it possible to use it as ur desktop wallpaper, its awesome?09:02
livingdaylightpqb, icon is monitor with green wallpaper and a yellow graph09:02
livingdaylightpqb, what language?09:03
livingdaylightpqb, you can also just relog in by 'cont.+Alt+Backspace'09:03
pqblivingdaylight, ah yes, it's in system admin.. got it.09:03
livingdaylightpqb, that's what i said: livingdaylight> pqb, go to System>Prefernce>System Monitor :D09:05
livingdaylightpqb, Ugh :x09:05
pqblivingdaylight, right Skype's running & I'll test...09:05
jeremy_titan8990 do i need to restart or anything ?09:05
livingdaylightpqb, that's why. It is still running in background which is why you couldn't launch it again. So, right-click and kill09:05
ActionParsnip!best | Guest9256909:06
ubottuGuest92569: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:06
Titan8990jeremy_, ctrl+alt+backspace09:06
illmortalTitan8990, after adding the two modules onto the blacklist: b43-pci-bridge & ssb I tried installing the driver again but failed.09:06
jeremy_in the terminal?09:06
ActionParsnipGuest92569: nano is easy to use. I dont know of any app being best. or for that matter, anything at all. Try a few, see which you prefer09:06
pqblivingdaylight, no difference09:06
Titan8990illmortal, ndiswrapper -l show the driver installed?09:06
livingdaylightpqb, you killed it?09:07
illmortalTitan8990, No. : http://pastebin.com/m69f10c4e09:07
_Brun0_where can I manually see/edit my wireless configuration? i'll need that when installing command-line ubuntu desktop.09:07
dyllanthe new login screen for ubuntu 9, is it possible to use it as ur desktop wallpaper, its awesome?09:07
pqblivingdaylight, everything elsse works well in this OS, but the sound out is a disaster :-(   Yes, I killed it ans started it again.09:07
linduxedActionParsnip: that didnt help much, now when i tried mounting the drive it says the same things about files in /lib/modules/2.6.blabla/kernel/fs .... and it ends with "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext3'"09:07
Guest92569i'm searching an editor that has c programming features like indentation etc etc....for example kdevelop is awesome but is gui editor...i'm searching for command line one09:07
Titan8990illmortal, is that file on your desktop?09:07
illmortalTitan8990, yes sir.09:08
pqblivingdaylight, Porblem is I need Skype on this computer...09:08
livingdaylightpqb, ok, you successfully re-launched Skype, but mike doesn't work?09:08
Titan8990Guest92569, vim09:08
pqblivingdaylight, that's right.09:08
ActionParsniplinduxed: then thats nothing to do with grub, thats fstab mounting stuff bad09:08
Titan8990illmortal, unsure really09:08
livingdaylightpqb, double check your mike setting are still switched 'on' and slider is 'up' in Volume Control09:08
landgreetings earthlings09:09
livingdaylightpqb, then tinker with the test calls in Skype under Options09:09
jeremy_titan8990 when i press ctrl alt backspace will it tell me its been restarted?09:09
Guest92569ok thank you..... Titan899009:09
linduxedActionParsnip: ok... any solution?09:09
Titan8990illmortal, fan of illmatic im guessing?09:09
Titan8990jeremy_, no it just restarts the GUI and sends you back to the log in09:09
illmortalNah... as in NAS? Not realy.09:09
linduxedActionParsnip: would booting up ubuntu live, and try installing grub from there help?09:09
ActionParsniplinduxed: read /etc/fstab and then compare it to   sudo fdisk -l09:09
jeremy_ok it didnt do that09:09
livingdaylightpqb, you should have options: there is the 'default'setting Skype is set to but you should be able to choose from the drop-down menu other options09:09
pqblivingdaylight, I've been using Pulse to handle sound. It even worked once on a tst call, not not since...09:09
Titan8990jeremy_, in terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:10
illmortalCrap.... Iḿ gonna have to stick to windows =\09:10
livingdaylightpqb, use alsa09:10
linduxedActionParsnip: its empty09:10
Titan8990illmortal, but you prefix everything with ill....09:10
marcelpulseaudio doesnt work with skype, is my experience09:10
pqblivingdaylight, OK09:10
ActionParsniplinduxed: /etc/fstab tells the system how to mount stuff at bootup, this may be your issue, make sure you have opened the right file09:10
pqblivingdaylight, don't have that choice.09:11
livingdaylightpqb, Skype - Options09:11
linduxedActionParsnip: i know what it does... but the clonezilla live environment seems to have an empty /etc/fstab file09:11
ActionParsniplinduxed: i'd look into that09:12
linduxedActionParsnip: sudo fdisk -l gives a lot of output though09:12
pqblivingdaylight, yes, I'm there. There are HDA Invidia, hdmi, USB device..09:12
Titan8990linduxed, you can chroot into your new install but it shouldn't be necessary to install grub09:12
livingdaylightpqb, Skype>Options>Sound Devices09:12
livingdaylightpqb, exactly! try each one09:12
livingdaylightpqb, what headset have you got?09:12
illmortalDoes anyone here have experience with Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) and can assist me on installing the driver?09:12
ActionParsniplinduxed: yep, its all the partitions and disks in your system, you can compare it to /etc/fdisk to make sure that the system drives are mounted as you expect09:13
pqblivingdaylight, using speakers and the mke on webcam09:13
ActionParsnip!broadcom | illmortal09:13
ubottuillmortal: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:13
WindmillObsesse1testing pidgin, no reply needed09:14
illmortalbeen there done that.09:14
linduxedActionParsnip: Titan8990: well judging by the "sudo fdisk -l" output the disk was clone well... so i guess the data's there....09:14
pqblivingdaylight, have also got Logitech headset09:14
livingdaylightpqb, if its one where the mike and headphone jacks go into a usb then try usb. You can also vary where you put the headphone and mike jacks in your computer. But when i tinkerd with these options i eventually got it to work. I know - it a pain!09:14
illmortalI cant install the driver.09:14
illmortalthatś my only problem here.09:14
pqblivingdaylight, as long as it wokrs eventually it'll be OK.09:14
pqblivingdaylight, but you think it should work on 8.10?09:14
livingdaylightpqb, that's all i can offer amigo :(09:14
linduxedActionParsnip: as said, the /etc/fstab is an empty file, no content09:14
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions09:14
livingdaylightpqb, its how i eventually got it to work for me, yes, but you i don't know09:15
illmortalmeh... i give up. Iĺl stick to windows until Linux has their drivers issue straightened out.09:15
illmortalThanks anyways Titan899009:15
pqblivingdaylight, thanks for you help. I wonder if installing 8.04 wd be better, and it is supported for longer...?09:15
ActionParsniplinduxed: then your image must be bad as that file needs to be populated (as I'm sure you are aware)09:15
Diabl0somebody know which simulator is best for ubuntu 9.0409:15
pqblivingdaylight, I read s/where the sound has chaged in 8.10 causinf prob for many people09:16
marcelsimulating what?09:16
livingdaylightpqb, well, you've got this far, try what i told you first. The next release is due in a couple weeks! Try 9.04 then. But yes, you can always go back too :)09:16
lstarnesDiabl0: simulator of what?09:16
Diabl0windows programs09:16
livingdaylightpqb, yes, sound in 8.10 is a pain in the backside09:16
lstarnesDiabl0: try wine09:16
illmortalDevs have gotta stop coming out with new distros and just work on the ones they currently have =\09:16
Diabl0wine is not doing well09:16
lstarnesDiabl0: I think the term you're looking for is "emulator", not "simulator"09:16
marcelDiabl0, why use windows programs on linux, use windows on windows, linux on linux09:17
Titan8990illmortal, i buy my hardware base on linux compatibilty09:17
Titan8990illmortal, without issue09:17
Diabl0vmware something like that09:17
linduxedActionParsnip: actually this is the second time this stuff happens, and it was a different version of clonezilla back then so i think (however this is possible) that the CZ guys somehow make it without an /etc/fstab09:17
pqblivingdaylight, OK I'll sign of and play around with sound. Many thanks again.09:17
marcelDiabl0, virtualbox is very good09:17
livingdaylightpqb, i have 'sound in' and 'sound out' set to hdmi and Ringing set to HDA09:17
illmortalunfortunately I dont have it that easy Titan8990.09:17
dyllanfound it09:17
pqblivingdaylight, I'll try those first... Thanks.09:17
livingdaylightpqb, you're welcome09:17
lstarnesDiabl0: there's also qemu/kvm09:18
UbuntuBoyI Have A 256 RAM can Run Ubuntu Or No09:18
HassanakevazirDiabl0, try downloading it from its website, it has usb support too09:18
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: sure09:18
Diabl0marcel i dont want windows :DDDD i need some autodata programs and i dont want to have dualboot09:18
marcelUbuntuBoy, Y e s09:18
UbuntuBoyOk Thank's09:18
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: if it runs poorly, install something like XFCE or LXDE09:18
marcelDiabl0, virtualbox09:18
UbuntuBoyNo But i Like Gnome09:18
miki4242Diabl0: you could try virtualbox09:18
marcelUbuntuBoy, xubuntu for instance09:18
Titan8990UbuntuBoy, I would say no for gnome09:18
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: metacity may run poorly but XFCE and LXDE are lighter so the UI will be snappier09:19
aimnanoI use XFCE even on my desktop.09:19
* marcel loves xubuntu, fast and clean09:19
miki4242marcel: doubled up :(09:19
Diabl0i downloading virtualbox  now ,its 1 giga09:19
aimnanoxubuntu ftw09:19
ActionParsnipaimnano: fluxbox ftw09:19
kepiis xfce that good?09:19
lstarnesDiabl0: you will need to install windows in virtualbox, kvm/qemu, or whatever emulator you use09:19
aimnanoyeah i used to run a gentoo box w/fluxbox09:19
UbuntuBoyOk Im Very Happy for Join The Ubuntu Users Commonutie09:19
aimnanoit was pretty snappy as well09:19
marcelkepi, 4.6 is really good09:19
lstarnesDiabl0: wine doesn't require windows to work09:20
aimnanoxubuntu is a quicker install, less hassle09:20
Diabl0but autodata dont work in wine09:20
kepimarcel, is that the latest?09:20
marcelkepi, 4.6, but thats in jaunty09:20
UbuntuBoyBut Xubuntu Is Not Very Pretty09:20
aimnanoMine is09:20
ActionParsnipaimnano: emerge fluxbox   go to bed, wake up and its all good to go :)09:20
aimnanoi have awn (dock) and compiz fusion installed09:20
marcelUbuntuBoy, thats subjective, change the wallpaper09:20
aimnanoit looks amazing09:20
[HU]gnanetHi, i have a weird problem with cron.daily, on Hardy: http://pastebin.com/m3ada9f5609:21
kepiok, i'll try itt when jaunty is out09:21
aimnanoActionParsnip, yeah lmao.09:21
Diabl0i have jaunty09:21
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: youo do not have RAM to turn on full prettys, LXDE is fairly glossy09:21
paul68what is then the benifit of xubuntu over ubuntu for example, me is very happy with ubuntu09:21
Diabl0its work fine09:21
[HU]gnanetMy cron.daily sleeps after logrotate is DONE, not zombie09:21
[HU]gnanetit sleeps about a day09:21
marcelpaul68, is has xfce, which is fast09:21
aimnanoMy computer is older, so my resources are precious.09:21
Ranakahwith 3d acceleration support :)09:21
Ranakahin windows09:21
aimnanoI run light so I can do what I want to do without a gorilla of an OS on my shoulders09:21
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: http://www.bolivarlug.org.ve/site/files/pantallazos/lxde.png09:22
UbuntuBoyIm Runing Now Ubuntu he run faster whit some changes09:22
ActionParsnipUbuntuBoy: pretty enough for you? :D09:22
paul68marcel: sorry for this noob question but what is xfce?09:22
marcelpaul68, a desktop manager, like gnome/kde09:22
ActionParsnippaul68: its a lightweight desktop environment09:22
marlunIf I've got a laptop with a generic bluetooth chip which should work but is not detected by ubuntu what can I do to try to search for it?09:22
aimnanoI hope google releases chrome for linux soon :\09:22
marcelpaul68, see http://www.xfce.org09:22
Titan8990!bluetooth | marlun09:22
ubottumarlun: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup09:22
c0mp13371331337aimnano: Huzzuh!09:23
ActionParsnippaul68: you run it instead of gnome / metacity but if you have gnome apps installed you can still run them09:23
UbuntuBoyNow the Google Chrome Is Not avaliable09:23
UbuntuBoyBut Chromium Is Avaliable09:23
aimnanoYeah I have Chromium...09:23
aimnanono tabs lmao09:23
ActionParsnipaimnano: its available, just runs badly09:23
aimnanoVery fast though.09:23
aimnanoI am liking it so far.09:23
marcelfirefox-3.5 is fast09:23
ActionParsnipaimnano: grab opera. its decent09:23
aimnanoI shall action.09:24
UbuntuBoyYou can Ru google chrome whit wine09:24
aimnanoHow's it's plugin setup?09:24
paul68marcel: Actionparsnip:ok but is there a huge difference to ubuntu since I'm running ubuntu for a 1 1/2 year now and happy with it09:24
aimnanoI think VLC probably works with it...09:24
marcelpaul68, no, you can just install xfce-desktop and choose it from gdm as session09:24
ActionParsnippaul68: yes, its designed to use less ram, you can install xfce4, log off, switch session to xfce and log on09:24
marcelpaul68, but its small, clean and fast09:25
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aimnanoIf you're using Ubuntu and you're satisfied with it...don't switch.09:25
paul68marcel: Actionparsnip: so it should be better to run on a laptop for example09:25
ActionParsnippaul68: you can also install lxde and select that too, its another light DE09:25
kepianybody using swiftweasel?09:25
ActionParsnippaul68: if the laptop isnt big and whizzy, sure09:25
UbuntuBoyOk Im going now bye all09:25
swayedWill it be possible to do an Internet upgrade from Hardy (skip Intrepid) to Jaunty after Final release of Jaunty ? ?09:25
marcelpaul68, i use it on laptops, and my desktop (amd64), i dont want to waste resources09:26
aimnanoIs there a default screenshot implementation for XFCE?09:26
ActionParsnipswayed: you will have to upgrade to intrepid first afaik09:26
marcelaimnano, there is one, i dont remmeber te name09:26
sliverchair1how do I list every resource this url has? http://img05.nj.us.mangafox.com/store/manga/4105/03-000.0/compressed/09:26
aimnanoIf there is I'd feel newbish...I'm using scrot atm.09:26
aimnanoOh wait09:26
aimnanoI remember finding it as a panel add-on.09:26
swayedActionParsnip, Thanks - Was afraid of that being the case - kinda figured that but wanted to make sure.09:27
ActionParsnipaimnano: import -w root picture.png09:27
paul68marcel: does it have the same functionalities like I have on ubuntu or is there to much difference between the 209:27
marcelpaul68, you have gnome, and xfce has the same, just try it out09:27
aimnanopaul68: less programs installed initially09:27
swayedActionParsnip, Probably just start over with a new bigger Hard Drive anyways - be best in long run.......09:28
ActionParsnippaul68: if you have ubuntu installed and install xfce, you can still use the ubuntu config apps but the UI will be slicker09:28
jeremy_whats the command to restart xorg again ?09:28
Diabl0when to turn all on in xfce is like gnome same speed09:28
ActionParsnipjeremy_: why lol?   hit ctrl+alt+backspace09:28
monckyjeremy_: ctrl alt and backspace should do it09:29
aimnanoctrl + alt + backspace09:29
jeremy_that doesnt work on my version09:29
paul68marcel: Actionparsnip: ok thanks09:29
ActionParsnipjeremy_: why the lol?09:29
ndanhrmm i have a security question.... when your forwarding say a udp/tcp port for torrents etc... are you making ur computer completely open to attack?  if so is there a way to circumvent this?09:30
ndancause i know i can't really get virus' can get rootkits tho, and peeps can still hack my computer...  dunno if there is any protection... cause watchdog will just need it opened neways09:30
aimnanoi wouldn't think so, unless you're using an insecure torrent client09:30
clarenceI'm chinese, but I don't know how to install language files09:31
kepiby the way, when do we start using UDP? i heard it is fast09:31
lili_I am chinese too09:31
ndanlol clarence... that's my real name09:31
ActionParsnipndan: the router by default drops packets that are unexpected (no rules defined). by opening ports you tell the router to push the traffic through to your pc if a connection on the right port with the right protocol is made09:31
Boohbahndan: attackers would be able to make incoming connections to those forwarded ports and potentially exploit a vulnerability in your torrent client listening on a port09:31
clarenceI tried use language Support but it was no reponse09:31
swayedOpen a .pdf file earlier and it took over my whole screen - could not see applications tray or anything and no "X" in top right corner to close - I used < ctrl + alt + backspace > Is that the only thing I could have done when this happened ? - Had to log off....  ?09:32
lili_clarence ,you should update you source pool09:32
jeremy_i keep forgetting that some of the shortcuts doesnt work when i use synergy09:32
monckykepi: udp isnt any faster, it just spews the packes out regardless of whether there is anything listening at the otherend09:32
Boohbahndan: but i'd say it's very low risk09:32
jeremy_direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)09:32
jeremy_whats that mean ?09:32
aimnanoswayed: try alt + f4 next time09:32
aimnanoswayed: it closes windows09:32
Boohbahkepi: what do you mean?09:32
ActionParsnipndan: the router forwards the traffic to the socket on your system where the torrent client runs. Then what Boohbah said09:32
clarenceI'm  updating09:32
ndanwell i know there are port sniffers n such and peeps that randomly connect to places ie my ip is listed right here.... so there's no protection?09:32
ActionParsnipjeremy_: your video driver is not installed09:32
lstarneskepi: udp is fast but for many applications it is too unreliable.  tcp is slightly slower due to overhead used partly by features used to increase its reliability09:32
kepibooh, for transfering files09:32
swayedaimnano, Thanks - that's one for the notebook - appreciate it....09:33
ActionParsnipndan: its the problem with port forwards09:33
Boohbahkepi: because it's unreliable. UDP is better for things like VoIP which require low latency rather than guaranteed delivery09:33
ndancool thank ya'll.  just thought i'd ask09:33
ne2k__swayed: did alt-tab not work?09:33
kepidamn, i like fast, heard bittorent are working on it09:33
ActionParsnipndan: the port on your system is available to the world and his dog09:33
Ultraputzhaving followed these instructions http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-to-fix-usplash-in-ubuntu-810.html to install this usplash theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/SimplyLine+for+Intrepid?content=95555 -- i am now getting a blank screen at boot. system comes up fine using 'normal boot' in recovery mode (sidestepping usplash)09:33
jeremy_i have a SiS 315 PRO AGP/PCI ... but its not listed in the screens and grpahis gui09:33
kepiok, booh09:34
lili_clarence , which source are you slected09:34
ne2k__swayed: or you could alt-f2 and run xkill09:34
Ultraputzquestion is: how to get back to default09:34
swayedaimnano, I know of alt + f2 - brings up Run window - so another tricky little alt - f key combo - great!09:34
jeremy_graphics even*09:34
ndansee that's why i was thinking bsd might be sweet... one can create a sandboxed which is exposed to the net and theoretically your core system is completely seperate --- so i read09:34
clarencendan, really?09:34
ActionParsnipndan: personally ive never had to open ports for torrents09:34
aimnanoswayed: and like ne2k mentioned...alt + tab cycles through your open windows09:34
ndanclarence: aye twas the name of my father n his father before me09:34
ne2k__ActionParsnip: nor I09:35
jeremy_you have to forward your ports from your router09:35
ActionParsnipndan: it can be done that way, its fun to try09:35
jeremy_or thats what ive al;ways had to do09:35
swayedaimnano, Cool Cool - good stuff   :o)09:35
MatBoyis there a way to restart the soundcard after a suspend ? I don't get any sound after a suspend :S09:35
ActionParsnipMatBoy: restart hal maybe09:35
MatBoyrestarting also doesn't work09:35
MatBoyActionParsnip: good one09:35
swayedne2k_, thank you09:36
reidMy windows friend was trying to be a jackass, and wasw like look at how awesome ubuntu is, and fsck'ed his mounted drive09:36
reidand fucked grub up09:36
ndanone last q n i'll leave ya'll be... i try not to bug ya'll much.  know of any sandboxing features addable to ubuntu that are similar to bsd?09:36
reidand couldn't get back into windows09:36
FloodBot1reid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
=== odder_ is now known as odder
ActionParsnipjeremy_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86999109:36
reidoh, cool, a spam bot that spams when people use Enter once or twice =P09:36
durt!language | reid09:37
ubottureid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:37
MatBoyActionParsnip: nope, doesn' work09:37
WindmillObsesse1I like the spam bot09:37
Ultraputznotice there's also bots to cue the bots to cue the users :-)09:37
ActionParsnipMatBoy: or restart pulse or alsa09:37
lstarnesndan: there is user-mode linux and several virtulization/emulation programs like kvm, xen, qemu, and virtualbox09:37
ActionParsnipMatBoy: hibernate and such is a real PITA to get nice09:37
MatBoyActionParsnip: I only have alsa-utils to restart09:37
ne2k__is fsck a banned word now?09:37
reidfsck is a utility09:38
ActionParsnipMatBoy: thats the one (if you use alsa)09:38
reidfile system check09:38
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:38
MatBoyActionParsnip: ok09:38
WindmillObsesse1no, reid actually cussed in the next entry09:38
clarencelili_, just use sudo apt-get update09:38
aimnanoNow that's a cool feature.09:38
ActionParsnipaimnano: what is?09:38
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:38
ne2k__WindmillObsesse1: oh, I didn't see that ;-) hehe09:38
ActionParsnipaimnano: grep has been around for ages and rocks09:38
ActionParsnipaimnano: remember to grep -i ;)09:39
MatBoyActionParsnip: don't het any reaction on start/stop/ restart from pulse :S09:39
reidI want to see what else the bot knows haha09:39
ndan* goes to do research for a new project ;)  thank ya'll again09:39
aimnanono i'm saying the bot that responds with definitions to commands ( !xterm)09:39
ActionParsnipMatBoy: then alsa-util isnt for you if you use pulse09:39
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java09:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nm-applet09:39
aimnanorofl action09:39
ActionParsnipaimnano: you can suggest factoids too09:39
ActionParsnipaimnano: type /msg ubottu hi     so you are talking to her, then type !<factoid trigger> is <some text to output>09:40
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:40
lyhana8hi, how could I do a grep which exclude some result ?09:40
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:40
carpii__grep -v i think09:41
Boohbahlyhana8: grep -v something09:41
ubottugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html09:41
ActionParsnipyeah grep -v  was just asking jeeves to verify09:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about binary09:41
ndanah see i want a irc bot like that just with a program d/aiml based ai :-\   almost done with that project workin on the program d part now09:41
lyhana8Boohbah: ?09:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:41
ActionParsnipndan: pretty much but he can be fun09:41
Boohbahlyhana8: ?09:41
ne2k__ActionParsnip: coffee is not only made by filtering09:42
ne2k__ActionParsnip: it can be made by infusing or by expressing as well09:42
aimnanoCan you edit other peoples' factoids?09:42
lyhana8Boohbah: grep -v show the version09:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nothing_at_all09:42
lyhana8Boohbah: case sensitive... ok09:42
ndanaye.  i have an grandeur idea of incorporating a bot into my computer -- capable of opening applications n doing menial tasks n being able to connect via aim etc... with aiml and converse and be controlled with credentials via it09:42
Boohbahlyhana8: you must have a different version of grep than i do...09:42
ActionParsnipne2k__: go suggest the new factoid to ubottu and it will be reviewed09:43
lyhana8Boohbah: -V = version, -v = invert match09:43
ne2k__ActionParsnip: I'm not that bothered ;-)09:43
Boohbahlyhana8: yup, case is important :)09:43
ActionParsnipne2k__: thought not ;)09:43
ActionParsniplyhana8: all of linux is MASSIVELY case sensitive09:44
chriscohenhello - i have a cron job being run hourly at 39 minutes past the hour, but i can't find where the cron job is being run from - anyone have any ideas on how to locate it please?09:44
ndanlyhana8: tab completion is one's friend09:44
ActionParsnip!cron | chriscohen09:44
ubottuchriscohen: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm09:44
lyhana8ActionParsnip: yep but when I search the man page with /-v the first result was -V09:44
WindmillObsesse1sorry for all the logging in and out, trying to get pidgin to log me in as MY NICKNAME09:44
chriscohenubottu thanks but i know how to use cron just fine - i can't find this cron job though09:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:45
chriscohener that was to ActionParsnip, sorry09:45
Boohbahchriscohen: crontab -l09:45
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: edit the account and put your desired username in the username bit09:45
Boohbahchriscohen: or sudo crontab -k09:45
chriscohenBoohbah yes that lists the crontab for the current user, but doesn't help me find this cron job =(09:46
ActionParsnipchriscohen: you can make cron output its scheduled tasks if you ask it nicely09:46
crimsif I have already installed ububtu09:46
crimsand I want to repartition my hard drive so that I can have windows as well09:46
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip : check09:46
crimssi that possible without losing all my data and starting from scratch?09:46
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip: got that09:46
maxagazwhen I try this command => ssh me@myclient "export DISPLAY=:0 ; nohup firefox &", I have to Ctrl+C to leave ssh, how to avoid this ?09:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boobuntu09:47
Boohbahreid: :)09:47
monckycrims: you can try somthing like gparted to resize09:47
monckycrims: but there are no garuntees09:47
phimichi all09:47
Boohbahchriscohen: does sudo change the result?09:47
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)09:47
phimici have a problem with cron daemon09:47
Boohbahchriscohen: if not, check /etc/crontab and the /etc/cron.* directories09:47
phimicall scripts in /etc/cron.d/ will not be executed09:48
chriscohenBoohbah no unfortunately not - i have run crontab -l on all users on the system including root09:48
durt!dualboot | crims09:48
ubottucrims: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot09:48
chriscohenBoohbah i'll search those dirs09:48
phimicif i execute them manually then it works09:48
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: can you not type exit in the ssh box?09:48
hazrpgHey guys09:49
hazrpg(and gals)09:49
ActionParsnip!hi | hazrpg09:49
ubottuhazrpg: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:49
WindmillObsesse1wait a second, ActionParsnip, if I am logged in on another server as this username, will this server still recognize that username as logged in?09:49
maxagazActionParsnip, what do you mean ?09:50
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hazrpgCan someone help me? I'd like to know the best way to backup ubuntu (I've managed to rid myself of windows fully, but I now want to format the HDD to have just linux)09:50
hazrpgI've seen many different ways, both CLI and GUI, but which would you consider the best way?09:51
ikoniahazrpg: backup your personal data - then re-install, the backup technique is the same as any OS at a high level09:51
ikoniahazrpg: cli/gui makes no difference it's what applications YOU like to use09:51
hazrpgI'm fine using either lol. And as for personal data, most of that is already done... I just want to tar/zip/compress the whole linux partition and then unpack after the format keeping all settings and installs09:53
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: do you not have the terminal control?09:53
aimnanohazrpg: Why not just delete your windows partition, then extend your linux partition to fill the space.  It wouldn't require you to backup/reinstall and can be done with a simple GParted LiveCD?09:53
ikoniahazrpg: that's not really a sound idea09:53
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: can you not type in the remote terminal while firefox runs?09:53
ikoniahazrpg: if you must do it, use tar with the local file systems only and preserve permissions options,09:54
maxagazActionParsnip, yes i can09:54
chriscohenActionParsnip, Boohbah - i found it, thanks for the help09:54
hazrpgikonia: How do ya mean?09:54
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: then type logoff or exit and it will die. does that not work?09:55
ikoniahazrpg: I mean use the follow local file systems only and preserve permisisons options09:55
Boohbahhazrpg: an alternative may be to reformat the old windows partition and mount it as a new partition in ubuntu09:55
pascal__in #ubuntu-de09:55
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip, if I am logged in on another server as this username, will this server still recognize that username as logged in?09:55
ikoniaas you are still logged into the local server09:56
WindmillObsesse1Does anybody know how to log into two servers as the same username on pidgin?09:56
hazrpgaimnano: I did think about that, but I need to change a few things in the partition table (currently 4 primary partitions, 1 winXP, 1 winVistaRecovery (already removed), 1 ubuntu (which i really need to make into 2 or 3 partitions alone /home / and swap), etc09:56
zirodayWindmillObsesse1: why?09:57
ikoniaWindmillObsesse1: you can't09:57
ikoniaWindmillObsesse1: an account maybe logged in from one place only09:57
thechiefhey guys09:58
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: add a new account with the different server name but use the same username09:58
hazrpgI tried to remove vista slowly, so what i did was kept the recovery just in case, and then put winXP... at which point over time I thought to myself "wait, i haven't gone into windows for like a month, do i need it?"09:58
ActionParsnipikonia: its a different server, not a different cannel09:58
WindmillObsesse1Actionparsnip: did that; Ikonia: thanks09:58
maxagazActionParsnip, this doesn't work => ssh user@client "export DISPLAY=:0 ; nohup firefox ; logoff"09:58
ikoniaActionParsnip: you can't login to the same pidgin accounts from two places no matter if it's on 200 different servers09:58
Ethan 09:58
thechiefwhats happening tonight?09:59
Boohbahthechief: people are chatting on the internet09:59
ActionParsnipikonia: if you logon with the same account to the same server it will change the name. I thought he wanted to connect to many servers using the same name which is totally doable09:59
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: you misunderstood09:59
linduxedActionParsnip: haha, turns out it works10:00
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: one you close firefox do you get control of the remote terminal back and can type into it10:00
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip, "she" does10:00
WindmillObsesse1*it's just not working...10:00
hazrpgerm, would it be best if i backed up /home and just reinstalled everything? (fresh install always seems to be best)10:01
linduxedActionParsnip: the problem was that clonezilla wanted to reinstall grub, couldt (still have no idea why), but since it succesfully made a clone, a functioning grub was already there, making the reinstall of grub unneccessary10:01
linduxedActionParsnip: thx for the help anyway10:01
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip, Ikonia, does the ip have anything to do with anything?10:02
ActionParsniplinduxed: niceone duder10:02
WindmillObsesse1*relative to nicknames.... -.-"10:02
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: so to clarify, you want to connect to irc server A as foo  and then connect to irc server B as foo   also10:03
maxagazActionParsnip, yes10:03
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip: yes10:03
clearscreen11:03 AM, no sleep last night... work in an hour... im about to die10:03
clearscreenwrong channel too10:04
geboyhow can i run a program at startup?10:04
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: you need to add a new account then and use a different server address10:04
ActionParsnip!startup | geboy10:04
ubottugeboy: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:04
geboythanks ActionParsnip10:05
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: you will need a seperate account for all the irc servers yu wish to connect to10:05
ActionParsnipWindmillObsesse1: when you join a room you will need to say which account it uses so pidgin knows what server it is on10:06
maxagazActionParsnip, actually the '&' doesn't work when it's in my ssh command line10:06
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip, okay:10:06
WindmillObsesse1act1: un:WindmillObsessed srvr: irc.ubuntu.com ;10:06
WindmillObsesse1act2 un: WindmillObsessed srvr: irc.lessthan3.net10:06
hazrpghow do you keep the timestamps on files using "tar" command?10:06
WindmillObsesse1*whoops, didn't know it would do that, sorry10:06
Bhavesh2177time; tar10:07
diazepamanyone here tried using heartbeat, DRBD, iSCSI  to make a two node cluster - so if one dies the other can kick in ?10:07
diazepammy understanding is that such a system requires a minimum of three nodes10:07
[1]Jigghttp://gfg04.mybrute.com ... coolest game ever lmao10:09
WindmillObsesse1ActionParsnip, never mind, it doesn't really matter anyway, I'll just have to stay on one server at a time if I want my real username used10:09
hazrpgthanks Bhavesh217710:09
=== brainac0cult is now known as brainac0cultlol
=== WindmillObsesse1 is now known as WindmillObsessed
WindmillObsessedActionParsnip, and I can just do that10:09
WindmillObsessedActionParsnip; thanks for the help, have a good night10:12
ActionParsnipnp man, peace10:13
ross_Looking for network help (newbie)10:13
ikoniaross_: ##networking10:14
ross_I'm an IRC newbie also, are you suhggesting another channel (my question is an Ubuntu/Linux Mint one)10:15
ikoniaross_: yes, #networking10:15
clearscreen#ubuntu is for Ubuntu support, I'm sure linux mint has it's own support channel10:15
ross_No one is on the Mint one just now.10:16
clearscreenthen i guess you're gonna have to be patient :P10:16
ross_MINT *is* Ubuntu underneath.10:17
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce)10:17
DesenI have installed LinuxDC and i cannot download nor upload anything, using ACTIVE connection within DC option. Must i set it for Passive ? i am using UFW firewall. Or should i set ACTIVE and manually assign ports, and add those ports as an exceptions in UFW ?10:18
AlfredE_Neumannhi all10:18
AlfredE_NeumannI have a samll question directed towards Open source developers..10:19
ActionParsnip!ot | AlfredE_Neumann10:19
ubottuAlfredE_Neumann: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:19
dwarderis it possible to not turn off notebook speakers when i plug jack in.10:20
Xcellis ufw better than firestarter?10:23
ActionParsnipXcell: its all a matter of personal taste10:23
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ActionParsnipXcell: if one was superior it would not be implemented as both are free of charge so we would ALL use the better one.10:24
DesenI have installed LinuxDC and i cannot download nor upload anything, using ACTIVE connection within DC option. Must i set it for Passive ? i am using UFW firewall. Or should i set ACTIVE and manually assign ports, and add those ports as an exceptions in UFW ?10:24
solid_liqjove: you may have to  aptitude install unrar  first10:24
ActionParsnipXcell: but one ISNT better than the other so both exist equally10:24
POPEYEwhere can i find mounted drives in ubuntu 8.10? mnt is empty10:24
jaypete1does anyone know a simple way i could monitor my network connection, and to run a script if it disconnects/reconnects?10:24
blackdemonPOPEYE: /media10:25
wlodiPOPEYE: in /media10:25
XcellI have not used ufw as yet.. ill google reviews...thanks.10:25
jaggyhey, is there a linux/ubuntu alternative for windows publisher???10:28
POPEYEAnd where is information about the mounting is stored - fstab is empty10:28
irmandosHow can i get emerald to load as default instead of running emerald --force10:28
blackdemonPOPEYE: some info is in /proc/mounts, but it is in a more readable form if you just type "mount" ;)10:30
MewtwoNasty issue: libstdc++6-4.0-dev requires g++, g++ requires libstdc++6-4.0-dev10:30
irmandosAn anyone help please?10:30
MewtwoI can't install either, they require each other.10:30
irmandosTry just downloading them first10:31
Xcelljaggy--  scribus10:31
POPEYEas there is no info in fstab i can't just type mount10:31
Mewtwoirmandos: I did - I have to install them manually through debs, as I can't yet get online under Ubuntu10:31
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irmandosCopy them to your apt cache and then try installing them10:32
Mewtwoapt cache?10:32
Mewtwonot... sure where that is.10:33
SiDiHello, does anyone mind pastebin'ing his menu.lst, please ? i lost mine10:33
brEz-question: I run a program on linux, that was built for windows initially, but now also has linux support - the default beahviour of the perogram is to go to the "notification area" when minimized on windows; however when I do this on on ubuntu, it acts the same, but I can't see the icon. I have to kill the process and restart the program again10:34
ikoniabrEz-: what program10:35
brEz-It's a 2-D game I play.10:35
ikoniabrEz-: what program10:35
axsd9ddid u check on the upper right coener of your panel10:35
brEz-Yup, it wasn't there.10:35
ikoniabrEz-: what program10:35
brEz-ikonia: I said, it's a 2D game I play.10:35
ikoniabrEz-: what program10:36
SiDibrEz-: check appdb.winehq.org for your program, to see if it's known to work well10:36
wlodihow can I ignore join and quit messages on this channel?10:36
ikoniabrEz-: what is the name of the program / where did you get it10:36
edgex-_wlodi, client?10:36
irmandosMewtwo /var/cache/apt/archives10:36
Mewtwoirmandos: and just try to apt-get one?10:36
brEz-ikonia: it's called spark, a clone of Siera's game A.R.C10:36
brEz-I got it from spark-hq.net10:36
edgex-_wlodi, right click on this channel in the pane/list you have with all the channels/networks you are connected to10:37
Mewtwoalright, brb then10:37
brEz-played it for about 5 years.10:37
edgex-_Then Settings -> Hide join/part messages10:37
TheShahFactorWhich is the nicest Linux distro in your opinion?10:37
ikoniabrEz-: where did you get it ?10:37
edgex-_TheShahFactor, what's better..coke or pepsi10:37
ikoniaTheShahFactor: our opinion doesn't matter - yours does, you make your own mind up10:37
brEz-ikonia: spark-hq.net10:37
magnetronTheShahFactor→ Ubuntu.10:37
edgex-_It's really a matter of personal preference10:37
thhtTheShahFactor: Ubuntu10:37
wlodiedex-_: thx, god I'm dumb:)10:38
TheShahFactormagnetron thht : what difference10:38
sejolibgomp.so.1: shared object cannot be dlopen()ed - /opt/ruby-enterprise/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rmagick-2.9.1/lib/RMagick2.so ubuntu hardy install10:38
sejosomeone knows how to fix it?10:38
magnetronTheShahFactor→ we both said ubuntu, there's no difference10:38
TheShahFactormagnetron : from other distros obv :)10:38
Xcellwlodi   you could also google lemmings script for linux... it has good features10:38
ikoniabrEz-: looking at the contents of the zip file for the linux version, it doesn't appear to be "desktop" aware, which is why you're not seeing it in your desktop when minimised10:39
wlodiXcell: thx, I'll do that10:39
ikoniabrEz-: I'd ask the spark support process10:39
Xcellwlodi--  works great.. lemmings xchst script for linux10:39
brEz-ikonia: thanks for looking into it, I've tried - there response is "it works"10:39
thhtTheShahFactor: Ubuntu is easy to use(esp for beginners), it's fast and has superior support10:40
brEz-ikonia: the whole community runs windows, there is only few who have linux.10:40
ikoniabrEz-: maybe explain it a little more detail, eg: the desktop your using, the distro, the versions, even to the point of the theme you're using10:40
TheShahFactorthht: yes you are right , i have tried fedora and suse but ubuntu seems much better10:40
brEz-I'm using Ubuntu Intrepid / GUI desktop / No theme10:41
ikoniabrEz-: no, I mean explain to them10:41
brEz-they wouldn't know10:41
ikoniabrEz-: if you log the bug they can investigate10:41
brEz-I've known these guys for along time :)10:41
brEz-they're windows ppl :)10:41
ikoniasomeone must make the linux port10:42
TheShahFactorany vis-a-vis comparison between various linux distros10:42
thhtTheShahFactor: if you're looking for Ubuntu with long-time support, consider using Ubuntu LTS server edition(5 years of support)10:42
brEz-one of there friends made it linux friendly, who doesn't even play the game10:42
ikoniaTheShahFactor: distrowatch.com10:42
brEz-it's a tight community10:42
ikoniabrEz-: game over then10:42
brEz-that's why I've come on here :P10:42
ikoniaTheShahFactor: please try to keep in mind this channel is for ubuntu discussion only10:42
brEz-It's funny though, cause other users of the game that use Ubuntu say they dont have the problem10:42
ikoniait doesn't appear desktop aware to me10:43
brEz-well, is there anyway to make the process "appear" again, after I minimize it?10:43
ikonianot if it's not desktop aware10:43
MewtwoDidn't work.10:45
sejohow to find the package file X belongs to?10:46
SaoukaCan someone help me with a bootable iso using mkisofs?10:46
Mewtwoirmandos, didn't work (just repeating for highlight, in case...)10:46
Sirus1984does ubuntu support integrated camera in laptops?10:47
jaggyyes sirex`10:47
jaggyyes Sirus1984 *10:47
irmandosMewtwo do u have all other depandancies satisfied?10:47
MewtwoYeah, I do10:47
Sirus1984automatically detect?10:48
ikoniaSirus1984: if it's a supported device, yes10:48
wlodiSirus1984: depends on a web cam10:48
Sirus1984whats the siftware app called for it?10:48
irmandosThen I'm not sure how to help u mewtwo sorry10:48
ne2k__there's doesn't appear to be a ubuntu package for Net::SSH::Perl. How can I make one?10:49
Mewtwoargh... the stupid part is10:49
MewtwoI got Peng working just perfectly in DSL10:49
peppe__Hallo alle zusammen10:49
IntuitiveNippleSirus1984: some (legacy) camera drivers only support Video 4 Linux v1, some V4L v2, and some applications can only use one of those APIs. Also, some applications can't support the image formats output by some cameras.10:49
irmandosMewtwo sorry man10:50
Mewtwomeh, XP's good enough :/10:50
peppe__würde gerne mit einem gamepad meine mouse steuern aber geht irgendwie nicht also bekomm das mit dem js2mouse nicht hin kann mir da jemand vll weiterhelfen???10:50
irmandosKinda only starting on my Ubuntu quest10:50
Omeilhi All, I bought one of those cheap infrared remotes, and the receiver shows its self as 2 devices a Holtek keyboard and a holtek mouse just wondering how to set up with lirc10:50
oCean_!de | peppe__10:50
ubottupeppe__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:50
* Omeil gets uncapped tonight :D10:51
Chr|show do Lock the system by keyboard shortcut?10:52
ikoniaChr|s: ctrl+alt+l10:52
Chr|sikonia» thanks10:53
ne2k__is this the approved way to install a perl module for which there is no ubuntu package? dh-make-perl --install --cpan Net::SSH::Perl10:59
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tea_ovedosehi, How to completely remove deluge ?11:06
xiUi have just a small question :P11:07
basileusxiU: go ahead11:08
xiUis it possible to connect to an exchange 2007 server with evolution mail ? I'm a newbie in Ubuntu and google didn't help me11:09
bredotoI have few questions about configuring pptpd ? does anybody know how what iptables rules i must setup on my vpn server for corect redirecting traffic between eth0 (outbound) and ppp* (internal network)11:09
iceroottea_ovedose: installed with apt-get?11:10
oCean_xiU: I think so, at least there is the servertype option "MS Exchange" when setting up a new account11:11
xiUthat's right11:11
tea_ovedoseiceroot: via .deb I'd unisntalled it via S.P.M but there's still alot of trash left behind11:12
xiUbut this option only supports ms exchange 2000 to 200311:12
xiUnot 200711:12
xiUthat's my problem :\11:12
oCean_xiU: it definitely supports IMAP, in case the exchangeserver has enabled IMAP, you can use that as well11:12
iceroottea_ovedose: sudo apt-get purge paketae will remove the program and all of its config11:12
xiUimap isn't enabled, I think11:12
iceroottea_ovedose: sudo apt-get purge programname will remove the program and all of its config11:12
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.11:12
tea_ovedoseiceroot: k imma gonna try11:13
oCean_xiU: which version (evo) ?11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lirc11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remote11:13
micahfhello, is there a way to upgrade dependencies for a specific package?11:13
tea_ovedoseiceroot: what's the exact command to do it ? sudo apt-get remove deluge --purge ?11:14
xiUjust wait a sec please11:14
tibortudna vki segíteni?11:14
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xiUI have the version 2.24.311:14
iceroottea_ovedose: sudo apt-get purge programname11:14
odder!it > tibor11:14
ubottutibor, please see my private message11:14
iceroottea_ovedose: sudo apt-get purge deluge (if deluge is the programname)11:15
OmeilAnyone know what the command is to run lirc config?11:15
micahficeroot: is there a function like the opposite of purge which will reinstall an application and all of its dependencies?11:15
oCean_xiU: see this link on Evolution site: http://www.go-evolution.org/FAQ#Why_can.27t_I_connect_to_Exchange.3F11:15
oCean_xiU: claims it is possible using a plugin (no experience on that, i'm using IMAP to fetch my mail)11:16
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xiUi downloaded brutus11:17
xiUhow to install it ? :x11:17
tea_ovedoseiceroot: "couldn't find the package"11:17
oCean_xiU: sorry, no clue. Must be some docu on that site?11:18
rishihi all11:18
xiUI'll look11:18
tea_ovedoseiceroot: nvm I'd deleted it but there's still alot of junks left behind in /usr/bin, lib, etc etc..11:19
rishican someone help me in sole my problem in installation of ubuntu11:19
Shhhhrishi:  maybe..11:20
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rishishhhh:i have a hp laptop model dv5 1102tu11:21
Shhhhgo on11:21
ohletmeinnowjesuhey guys11:21
rishishhhh:i am trying to install ubutnu 8.04 in it11:21
ohletmeinnowjesui have an iso and i wanna burn it onto a dvd via CLI, what cpmmand should i use>11:22
rishibut it give me abnormal exit error and doesnt install11:22
Shhhhi think you need to burn to a Cd11:22
grawityohletmeinnowjesu: I think cdrecord might work11:22
Shhhhrishi:  are you burning from windows or ubuntu11:22
rishishhh:i am installing it from a ubuntu cd11:22
Shhhhoh lol11:23
rishishhh:i have a original ubuntu cd11:23
tea_ovedoseiceroot: thanks anyways... I must go now ...cya11:23
Shhhhi was reading ohletmeinnowjesu  text11:23
ohletmeinnowjesurishi: is there a fake ubuntu cd?11:23
hacker_112It seems like I have to few colors (256 or something), where do I fix that?11:24
Boohbahohletmeinnowjesu: yes, it is called 'mint linux'11:24
Shhhhrishi: whats wrong with the latest version?11:24
ShhhhBoohbah:  lol :)11:24
ramontayaghi everyone. installed xubuntu on an old compaq presario 1200. seems to work fine until i get to the login screen - it's blank. knowing the LCD is fine, I plugged in an external monitor then restarted the gdm (ctrl+alt+backspace), then the login screen appeared on the laptop fine! I've tried toggling the external monitor (fn+f3) but nothing happens.11:24
mopoyohow do i get alsa on ubuntu11:24
grawityohletmeinnowjesu: I think by "original" he means the one received from ShipIt11:24
rishishhh:i dont know but ihave searched ubuntu forum there lot of guys have installed ubutnu in the same model as mine11:25
Shhhhi just download and installed from wubi11:25
Shhhhim bad i know :)11:25
rishishhh:i tries with wubi as well but it gave same error11:25
Shhhhrishi:  do you have acces to a fast internet connection?11:25
mopoyocan someone please help me get ALSA on my ubuntu11:25
Shhhhwhat eror?11:26
xamoxanyone recommend a way I can share my aircard through my wireless in 8.10?11:26
antigoalmopoyo: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html11:26
rishiudevd-event[1559]: run_program: '/sbin/modprobe'11:26
rishi[26.514655] SGI XFS with ACLS,security attributes,realtime,large block numbers, no debug enabled.11:26
Shhhhi cant get the 3d effects :(11:26
rishi[26.514652]SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem11:26
rishi[26.520598]JFS: nTxBlock = 8192, nTxLock = 6553611:27
FloodBot1rishi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:27
rishishhh:got the errors ?11:27
rishishhh:plz help me11:28
mopoyoantigoal: i'm using kubuntu11:28
Shhhhwow i googled a line of it and came up with your post on ubuntu forums11:28
gynterkhello, any ideas why network-manager gives me Could not obtain required privileges: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.AuthenticationAgent was not provided by any .service files. when I try to delete "Auto eth0" ?11:29
rishishhh:but is there a solution of this problem?11:29
fearphagei'm trying to install to usb but i don't understand one option "Stored in reserved extra space". does this refer to the extra space that ubuntu will reserve for its documents or am i setting the amount of space that ubuntu should leave free on the disk for using it as a usb key?11:29
mopoyohow do i install ALSA on ubuntu!!!!11:30
mopoyoi tried to install OSS but it screwed up11:30
mopoyoso i want to uninstall OSS and get ALSA back11:30
gynterkapt-get install alsa11:30
micahfyou uninstalled alsa?11:30
Shhhhmopoyo: I just you google it like the rest of us11:31
micahfif you go to the sound panel you might find that alsa is still installed and that you just need to select it11:31
mopoyoi didn't uninstall alsa... but now it doesn't work11:31
micahfmopoyo: ^^^11:31
gynterkAny ideas why I can't set a static ip using NetworkManager ?11:31
ShhhhNever have i run across a problem thay Google hasnt been able to fix :)11:31
mopoyoi'm in "sound system configuration" and i can't see alsa anywhere11:31
micahfShhhh: maybe you can ask google why libwebkit keeps crashing when I try to visit facebook11:31
Boohbahmicahf: what do google, facebook, libwebkit, and ubuntu have in common?11:33
mopoyowhen i load a video file this error comes up: [AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:33
ShhhhI suggest you try to install on your C: drive instead of D:11:33
micahfBoohbah, I don't know, what?11:33
Shhhhuse Wubi to install inside windows11:33
Shhhhwhat file sytem is your D: drive?11:34
Boohbahmicahf: i don't know either11:34
rishishhh:butits not the problem of installtion it doesnt even run fron live cd give same error after some time11:34
mopoyowhen i load a video file this error comes up: [AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:34
mopoyoand the video doesn't play11:34
micahfthat was an ironic punchline because it wasn't a punchline11:34
micahfand somehow because of that, I actually laughed11:34
mopoyoand i can't hear any sound!!11:35
rishishhh:i tried wubi same error11:35
Shhhhrishi: try using wubi and instaling the latest version on your C: drive11:36
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:37
Shhhhmopoyo: explain to me exaclty what your problem is?11:37
rishishhh:ok ill try that tonight11:37
mopoyoi open a video in mplayer and that error comes up11:37
mopoyothe video doesn't start11:37
rishishhh:thanx for ur help11:38
mopoyohelp me11:38
Omeilhi all im getting this error when starting lirc error in configfile line 5, line 5 is RemoteModule="" and im using the eventX as the remote control as i have a cheapy remote/receiver11:38
SliderManhmm does someone know any app that i can load songs into my ipod?11:38
Boohbah!it | pimpa11:38
ubottupimpa: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:38
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:39
gynterkany ideas why i get "/var/run/wicd/wicd.pid" as output if i call sudo wicd ?11:39
Shhhhmopoyo:  can you play any video E.I youtube and any sound?11:39
mopoyonope no sound11:40
mopoyobtw i typed this into terminal sudo apt-get remove oss11:41
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:43
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
Pingviller26I edited /etc/network/interfaces on my ubuntu machine (8.10) to fix static IP-adress instead of DHCP, and now it doesn't seem to matter what I put in the config file, it always complains about missing values and stuff, even though I copied an example from the web for static, and changed the values to match my network.. anyone got any idea why it behaves like this? the GUI networking tool...11:44
Pingviller26...doesn't help either11:44
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:44
carpii__pingviler, what missing values, paste your config and the exact error message11:44
gujaAny decent tutorial how to install flash 10 on Ubuntu amd64?11:44
Shhhhguja: try this http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+install+flash+10+on+Ubuntu+amd64&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a11:46
Pingviller26carpii__: the error message when doing sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart reads... "* Reconfiguring network interfaces... Don't seem to be have all the variables for eth0/inet. Failed to bring up eth0"11:46
Shhhh@ guja  http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/05/install-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ubuntu-using-nspluginwrapper.html11:47
Pingviller26the exact config I had when doing this is now lost, but http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/129265-siocsifnetmask-invalid-argument-failed-bring-up-eth0.html#post620331 is the setup I tried11:47
clau30hi. how can I reconfigure my keyboard layout, i.e. which packages do I have to reinstall? (I messed with the files..)11:49
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:49
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:49
mopoyo[AO_ALSA] Playback open error: No such file or directory11:49
FloodBot1mopoyo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:49
SliderManno flooding!11:49
mopoyoi just want to listen to sound again plz11:49
ActionParsnipclau30: my guess is  xserver-xorg-input-kbd11:50
ActionParsnip!info  xserver-xorg-input-kbd11:50
SliderManwow ppl come to ask for help and actually feel like someone owe  em something.11:50
azlonhow can I install a bootable copy of 8.10 to an external HDD?11:50
ActionParsnip!usb | azlon11:50
ubottuazlon: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:50
SliderManget the mini CD, azlon11:50
Shhhhwhats the Best irc client for Ubuntu?11:50
clau30ActionParsnip: I dpkg-reconfigured it, didn't help11:50
Pingviller26chatzilla :P11:50
clau30Shhhh: koversation ;)11:51
Shhhhi tried Mirc thru Wine11:51
BOZGShhhh: IRC clients are a personal choice.11:51
ActionParsnipclau30: sudo apt-get --reinstall install  xserver-xorg-input-kbd11:51
BOZGBut go with Konversation :P11:51
Shhhhbut i could minimize or maximize it11:51
Shhhhit would dissapear :(11:51
Shhhhi have that11:51
clau30ActionParsnip: ok, I'll try that. any other ideas in case that doesn't do it?11:51
Pingviller26darn mobile broadband >_<11:52
Pingviller26did I miss a response?11:52
ShhhhBtw  it says Cannot enabloe desktop effects :(11:52
TuxMan1how to remove all the files in a specific directory???11:52
dalfzany snmp mib browsers in the hardy repos?11:52
TuxMan1with tm11:52
mopoyocan someone please help me?11:52
ActionParsnipdalfz: apt-cache search snmp11:52
ActionParsnip!sound | mopoyo11:52
ubottumopoyo: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:52
blackdemonTuxman: rm -Rf directory/*11:53
mopoyoi'm using kubuntu11:53
Pingviller26ok, lets do this another way then. anyone got a functioning configuration file for /etc/network/interfaces with static IP I could have pasted in paste.ubuntu.com?11:53
ActionParsnipmopoyo: it'll be in systemsettings somewhere then11:53
TuxMan1how do I remove all the files in a specific directory (not including subdirs) with rm command???? (most of the files arent in the form of *.* coz they dont have an extension)11:53
ActionParsnipPingviller26: sure, 2 ticks11:54
Shhhhok now i need to ad servers to Konversation11:54
blackdemonrm -f directory/*11:54
clau30Pingviller26: what do you need? I got some old config in that file :)11:54
Pingviller26ActionParsnip: thanks :) will try now ;)11:54
TuxMan1and if im in the current dir its : rm -f *             ??11:54
ActionParsnipPingviller26: thats my fileserver11:54
TuxMan1ok got it11:54
mopoyowhat's better ALSA or OSS?11:55
blackdemonTuxman: yeah, or rm -f ./*11:55
ActionParsnipmopoyo: there is no better or best, only what suits your needs11:55
SliderManhow can i setup RDP service under ubuntu?11:55
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mopoyoActionParsnip: i went into system settings  -> sound but i don't see what i can do here?11:56
Shhhhhzok so im on Konversation now11:56
Shhhhhzi hate it :(11:56
Shhhhhzi like Mirc11:56
clau30Shhhhhz: konversation rocks!11:57
Pingviller26ActionParsnip: ok, the restart command now works :) thanks dude :) got another problem though, it seems the DNS's can't be resovled, can't find google.se11:57
ariqsXchat ftw11:57
ActionParsnipPingviller26: you need to manually populate /etc/resolv.conf11:57
BOZGShhhhhz: KVirc is another option11:57
Shhhhhzyea id get on windows just to use Mirc if it didnt take so long to reboot :)11:57
Shhhhhzi want something that feels like Mirc11:58
ActionParsnipPingviller26: add a handful of these to the fiile: http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.shtml11:58
grawityShhhhhz: Try irssi or Xchat.11:58
grawityShhhhhz: Or just mIRC on Wine.11:58
=== nysosym is now known as nysosym|away
clau30Pingviller26: lines should look like: "nameserver"11:58
ActionParsnipShhhhhz: pidgin11:58
Pingviller26ActionParsnip: will do! :)11:58
Shhhhhzgrawity: i did try it with wine11:58
Pingviller26clau30: thanks :) my ubuntu skills ain't what they need be :(11:58
grawityActionParsnip: Pidgin for IRC? NOES11:58
ActionParsnipgrawity: mirc is garbage, plus running it in wine is a MASSIVE bloat11:58
Shhhhhzit worked cept could minimize11:58
mopoyoShhhhhz: i'm on konversation too11:59
ActionParsnipgrawity: works fine (as you can see)11:59
mopoyoActionParsnip: can you please help me?11:59
clau30Pingviller26: no prob.. it applies for linux in general11:59
ShhhhhzSomeone needs to hax itunes11:59
ActionParsnipmopoyo: you could reinstall alsa12:00
ShhhhShh :)12:00
mopoyohow do i do that?12:00
ActionParsnipmopoyo: *sigh*12:00
=== icar[0] is now known as icar0
Shhhhhzwhy did i have a ban exception?12:01
grawityActionParsnip: Pidgin: 1) is annoying when someone CTCPs you. 2) Can't ignore NickServ "LOGIN NAO" notices. 3) Has an ugly logfile format. 4) Doesn't support /stats, /oper, /map, /links, and many other commands.12:01
mopoyoActionParsnip: please...12:01
Bram_Phello, is ubuntu also very user friendly for people that are new to computers (family of mine) or is there a more user friendly OS?12:01
grawityShhhhhz: You were connected through Mibbit, I guess.12:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Neremor
Pingviller26clau30: do I need the "search example.com" line or is it ok with just "nameserver ip.#.#.#" one after another on a new line?12:02
ShhhhhzBram_P: No ubuntu is for geeks :)12:02
Neremori've upgraded my kubuntu to jaunty an hour ago (i think the desktop environment isn't relevant for my problem). During the upgrade, i was told that the fglrx driver for my ati card isn't supported in jaunty and that it will be uninstalled. i proceeded the installation and everything finished all right. i rebooted and, like i expected from ubuntu, everything worked perfectly. except fglrx, that was uninstalled. i was using the mesa driver as12:02
Neremordefault, and a look into my xorg.conf told me, that my very big xorg.conf i had befor the upgrade was deleted and replaced by a very simple one. So, i tried to install fglrx again with "sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver-xorg"... It installed and i replaced the "Driver "ati"" in the xorg.conf with "Driver "fglrx"", like i had to in intrepid... I rebooted the system. The system crashes when it tries to show kdm. The keyboard is unusable (no12:02
Neremorpushs accepted) and the display shows a complete mess of multi-colored lines and kubuntu-logos. The only thing i can do is using the power-button on my pc. the question is: Do i have to configure anything else to use fglrx? or at least: is it supported right now? I need the driver, because (k)ubuntu is really slow without it... thanks in advance for your help :)12:02
Pingviller26geeks are good12:02
blackdemonjust nameserver ip12:02
FloodBot1Neremor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:02
grawityBram_P: I think Ubuntu is the easiest one.12:02
Pingviller26blackdemon: thank you :)12:02
bazhangNeremor, #ubuntu+1 for that12:02
mopoyohow do i reinstall ALSA12:02
Shhhhhzgrawity: and yet it is STILL uber geeky ;)12:02
Bram_Pgrawity: ok, thank you12:02
Shhhhhzmopoyo: GIYF12:03
ActionParsnipmopoyo: you should have websearched this yourself but you can do: sudo apt-get --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils12:03
icar0somebody had problems with keyboard distribution in java?12:03
bazhangShhhhhz, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic12:03
Pingviller26sweetness, I can now ping google ^^ back to configuring my asterisk :P thank you everyone :) most appreciated! :)12:03
grawityShhhhhz: try http://lmgtfy.com12:03
bazhanggrawity, dont suggest that here please12:03
POPEYEso where from I can get rules which uses gnome to mount volumies?12:03
blackdemonPingviller: the search line is when you are in a domain where the hostname can't be resolved, then it will try the hostname and at the example.com ...12:03
ShhhhhzGIYF = google is your friend...12:03
ActionParsnipgrawity: i have nickserv login mesages ignore, i dont read the log files, i dont use those commands12:03
grawitybazhang: he was already pointing people to Google.12:03
ActionParsnipgrawity: keep trying12:03
jribPOPEYE: don't know, but why?12:04
ActionParsnipgrawity: i log in, and type text, and recieve text. Thats what irc is12:04
grawityActionParsnip: Well, I do use those commands, and I do need to chat with NickServ occassionally.12:04
mopoyoActionParsnip: it still doesn't work!12:04
Pingviller26blackdemon: roger :)12:04
Shhhhhzsweet http://lmgtfy.com is Awesome :)12:04
bazhang!ot > Shhhhhz12:04
ubottuShhhhhz, please see my private message12:04
ActionParsnipgrawity: then its no good to you, to me its perfect, it also supports samtime, yahoo, icq, jabber all of which i use so its a one stop shop for chat12:04
POPEYEjep I would like to use not only gnome, but gnome rules work only in gnome12:04
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ActionParsnipgrawity: so i save space and I can have all my chats in the same place12:05
Shhhhhzubottu: i did :/12:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about i did :/12:05
WERDER|icerootActionParsnip: sounds like bitlbee12:05
mopoyoActionParsnip: i reinstalled ALSA but sound still doesn't work12:06
ActionParsnipgrawity: and for looks, pidgin obeys gtk themes so its down to your desktop to draw it and skin it, so it integrates nicely with the rest of the desktop12:06
ActionParsnipmopoyo: then i have no idea12:06
ActionParsnipmopoyo: if you run  lspci you will see what your soundcard is, websearch from that]12:06
POPEYEof cource I can edit fstab by myself but I am not very good in it's rules12:06
POPEYEso i would like to import mount settings from gnome to fstab but can't find them12:07
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mopoyowow this is stupid12:07
mopoyowindows is way better than linux12:08
Pingviller26lol no12:08
Shhhhhzwindows is easier to use yes12:08
ActionParsnipmopoyo: no, you just havent put any efort in12:08
Shhhhhzbetter no not by a long shot12:08
ActionParsnipmopoyo: do a clean install of windows on most systems and half the hardware wont run out of the box, it takes a little effort12:08
grawityShhhhhz: It also depends on what you mean by "better". --> #ubuntu-offtopic12:08
Shhhhhzdo you have to post that about just about everything i say?12:09
POPEYEand what temporary files  (dublicates cache ie) I can delete to get more free space12:09
bazhangShhhhhz, please stop.12:09
ActionParsnipmopoyo: plus you have tried a single distribution. Linux has many distributions like gentoo, slackware, open suse, mandriva which will all be different12:10
POPEYEis there somebody who uses ubuntu 8.10?12:10
OmeilOmg gentoo just deleted my 500gb ntfs partition :(12:10
ActionParsnipmopoyo: so your statement is unfounded. as you have only tried a single distribution12:10
Omeilstupid recommendation button :(12:10
OmeilPOPEYE: yup12:10
blackdemonPOPEYE: present :D12:10
=== ddffwrt is now known as sarah_r
POPEYEcan somebody reply me?12:11
ShhhhhzPOPEYE:  thats what im on right now12:11
BOZGShhhhhz: This is officially an Ubuntu support channel.  It's not really meant for discussing the benefits of Ubuntu or Windows. :P12:11
SliderManhow can i setup RDP service under ubuntu?12:11
* popey grrrs at someone having a slightly similar nick causing lots of notifications for me12:11
foreanyidea what would cause background effects to no be able to be enabled?12:11
Shhhhhz<--- See my name? Do that.. like ight now :)12:11
forevisual effects i mean12:11
Omeilfore: could be that the visual effects are not install or your video drivers are not installed12:12
Shhhhhzfore i have the same problem12:12
jarleI have a question about ext4. In 9.04 I have read that it will be supported but not the default file system. is there any reason why I should continue to use ext3? Is ext4 still a bit experimental?12:12
forehow do i find out if the effects are installed?12:12
blackdemonPOPEYE: what do you try to do that doesn't work ...12:13
bazhangjarle, #ubuntu+1 for that12:13
BOZGfore: sudo apt-get install compiz12:13
Omeilfore: there u go :)12:13
BOZGIf it wasks you to install packages, it's not installed.12:13
Shhhhhzfore:  first got to System> Admininstartion> hardware drivers12:13
foresays no proprietary driversare in use on this system12:14
BOZGfore: Does it give you an option to enable any?12:14
foreno theres not any listed12:15
ValentineXhello, When I connect my wireless lan card My ubuntu does not show up login screen12:15
BOZGWhat graphics card do you use?12:15
Shhhhhzwell do sudo apt-get install compiz12:15
foresis 315 pro agp/pci12:15
POPEYE<blackdemon> First of all I whant that mounting rules work not only in grub, but in console and other shells... And I whnt to know which temporary files (trash backups downloaded packages ie) i can delete12:15
icar0sorry ...... somebody could help with a java configuration problem12:15
BOZGfore: Try installing compiz. and then try sudo apt-get install ccsm.12:16
BOZGccsm is a settings manager for compiz12:16
temp01can anyone help me with gfx grub12:16
zilleplusi installed virtual box on ubuntu 8.10 and want to install windows xp in of it but i always get No bootable medium found system halted12:16
POPEYE*not only in gnome12:16
blackdemonPOPEYE: have you added the mounting rules in /etc/fstab?12:16
zillepluswath di i do12:16
ActionParsnipzilleplus: check the enabled boot devices for the vbox12:16
forein installed compiz already12:17
foreccsm wasnt found12:17
bazhang!ccsm > fore12:17
ubottufore, please see my private message12:17
temp01i want to boot gfx-grub from windows boot manager12:17
ActionParsnipfore: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:17
zilleplusCD/DVD is unable12:17
zilleplusCd from xp is working i installed something 2 day's ago12:18
ValentineXWhy my ubuntu does not start when I connect PCI wireless lan card?12:18
BOZGfore:  Sorry, gave you the wrong package name.  ActionParnsnip gave you the right one.12:18
mike12does anybody know if a cure to conficker has been made12:18
POPEYEblackdemon: no, I am not very good in it, in previous versions of ubuntu it was allready configured, but in 8.10 not... But gnome somehow knows how to mount, so I would like to import gnome rules to fstab... Is it possible?12:18
BOZGActionParsnip:  Was the package called ccsm at some point?12:19
forecompizconfig-settings-manager is already the newest version.12:19
blackdemonPOPEYE, I don't have anu experience with import from gnome mounts, but /etc/fstab isn't that hard12:20
blackdemonyou can base yourself on the rules that are already in there12:20
foreimports?like from a network ?12:20
BOZGfore: Go to System->Preferences->CCSM12:20
BOZGOr whatever it's called.12:20
BOZGTry looking through the options.12:20
ActionParsnipBOZG: no, the package provides the ccsm app12:20
blackdemonPOPEYE, and for more diskspace, you can try "apt-get clean"12:21
BOZGAnd testing out some of the options.  The keys for enabling should be under each option.12:21
Dillizarhow can i enter my grub settings if my grub is 0sec??12:21
blackdemonit will remove the .deb files of the packages you installed ...12:21
BOZGActionParnsip: Fair enough.  I thought I just normally installed ccsm, rather than compiz-settings....12:21
OmeilJust a question iin ubuntu 9.04 with ext4 i will have to format my whole partition?12:21
BOZGMaybe I'm thinking that it's CCSM in Add/Remove12:22
mopoyosomeone pleaseeeeeee12:22
Dillizarmopoyo what??12:22
foreCCSM isnt in the preferences menu12:22
mopoyowhen i open a video file it doesn't play12:22
Dillizarmopoyo ok version player format12:22
Omeilprobably just have to download codecs12:23
Dillizaranswer this wuestions12:23
mopoyoi'm using kubuntu12:23
BOZGfore: Is there anything to do with Compiz there?12:23
mopoyoand avi12:23
Omeilmopoyo: id get VLC12:23
bazhangfore, its in system-->preferences12:24
trainerI'm trying to create a bootable usb drive. Why does usb-creator insist on formatting it as fat32?12:26
silv3r_m00nhi there12:26
silv3r_m00nI have windows and ubuntu .... if I reinstall windows... then how shall I get back the grub ?12:26
BOZGfore: Go to a terminal and try gksudo ccsm12:26
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, read the grub factoid12:27
forei found it12:27
roxan!grub | silv3r_m00n12:27
ubottusilv3r_m00n: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:27
forei guess its my display driver thats the prob12:28
forecos it still doesnt work12:28
silv3r_m00nroxan: fine... thanks12:28
forecrappy sis carp12:28
bazhangfore, which one did you install12:28
BOZGbazhang: He has a sis 315 pro agp/pci12:29
bazhangxserver-xorg-video-sis this one fore ?12:29
Omeiltrainer: Fat32 is accessable read/write through windowsXP and linux12:30
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:30
bazhangBOZG, thanks12:30
asdf1hi to every one12:30
foreyes bazhang12:30
bazhangfore, go into appearances and try to set there12:31
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forethats where i tried to start it from to begin with12:32
cristikleinHello, I am using gnome-display-properties, to set up and external, left rotated monitor, left-of a laptop PANEL. The problem is that the PANEL won't snap correctly to the external monitor. Is this a known issue?12:32
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bazhangfore, you could ask in #compiz-fusion if that card supports it12:32
foreim guessing it doesnt12:32
forei havent found any thing to enable direct rendering on it12:33
bazhangfore, never know, it might be blacklisted worth asking them at least12:33
asdf1how can i play mp3 songs?12:34
asdf1how can i play mp3 songs in ubuntu12:35
al14sdoes anybody know how the smart package manager work?12:35
bazhangasdf1, install the proper codecs ( ubuntu-restricted-extras )12:35
bazhangal14s, that is for suse12:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss12:35
asdf1bazhang: How12:35
bazhangasdf1, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:35
stuckeyI just installed quake4 but it isn't displaying any multiplayer servers.12:37
schoppenhauerhello. I am thinking of maybe trying to install wubi instead of re-partitioning. but can I use cryptsetup LUKS with Wubi?12:38
foreman i am SO glad i found the Synergy app12:39
sKeithhi, i have two ubuntu machines, both with samba on them. i am looking to copy all the accounts on one machine to the other and was looking for best way to do this. need to copy both main users and smbusers. any ideas?12:41
forecan you not just share the root folder and transfer all the files like that ?12:42
sKeithits the accounts i want to transfer, what files should i be interested in? all home directories etc are empty12:43
forelol if the home dirs are empty12:44
forewhy not just addusers12:44
sKeithi want to script a account syncing between machines. so I dont have to adduser to both machines12:44
foreenable network sharing12:45
Shhhhhzfore: did you find out how to get desktop effects?12:45
forei have two computers right beside each other and i share the folders i want from that pcwith this one12:46
foreits not supported12:46
foremy gfx card12:46
fore i mean12:46
LargePrimestrange newb question here.  why cant i download and play the game at asciisector.net?  i dlded the linux package, but cannot run it.12:46
* Shhhhhz is away: Gone away for now12:46
* Shhhhhz is back.12:46
forespeaking of away12:46
forebrb food12:46
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Shhhhhzi want some :(12:47
grawityShhhhhz: Can you _please_ turn those messages off in #ubuntu?12:47
Shhhhhzgrawity:  lol srry just testing12:47
sKeithi have a simple script to sync the smb.conf already, so the mechanism to sync is not a problem, just what files are concerned for account usenames and password, and smp passwords.12:47
=== g_steinert is now known as gsteinert
LargePrimewhy cant i download and play the game at asciisector.net?  i dlded the linux package, unpacked it, but cannot run it.12:49
helperhelo i add this ip addr add fe80::40/64 dev eth112:49
helper on my ethernet ipv6 when i try to ping6 fe80::40 don't work while ping6 ::1 work any issue12:49
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LargePrimeyou know you want to help me, i'm so cute12:51
ActionParsnipLargePrime: can you pastebin the output in terminal when you run it12:52
LargePrimeit's early and we want to get the day started right...12:52
ActionParsnip!paste | LargePrime12:52
ubottuLargePrime: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:52
LargePrimeheh. terminal run it.  that might be the problem12:52
helperhelo i add this ip addr add fe80::40/64 dev eth112:53
helper on my ethernet ipv6 when i try to ping6 fe80::40 don't work while ping6 ::1 work any issue12:53
Shhhhhzyea (noob question) how do i install a tar.gz package12:53
ActionParsnipShhhhhz: tar zxvf <tar file>   then read the install instructions12:54
Bhavesh2177apt-get install xarchiver12:54
LargePrimeok how do i chage directories in terminal12:54
Bhavesh2177for tar on gui12:54
ActionParsnipShhhhhz: you may find the app is on the repos (or find a repo with it pre compiled)12:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about developers12:54
ActionParsnipLargePrime: same as in windows12:54
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment12:54
ActionParsnipLargePrime: just that cd.. is cd .. i linux, needs a space12:55
fireupActionParsnip you have been here adound for a long time where can i find developers12:55
LargePrimeok guess it is case sensitive and that thru me.  got it to the directory and terminal says "Bash" asciisec: command not found"12:59
brutusHow do I set the default terminal size to 80*25?12:59
LargePrimeis there a command to run a executable in terminal?13:01
fosco_LargePrime: sh ./executable_name13:01
hossanhi someone there ?13:03
ActionParsnipfireup: check #ubuntu-dev13:03
LargePrime./asciisec: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected13:03
ActionParsnipLargePrime: just type its name prefixed with ./13:03
hossani'm a new guy, on irc13:03
ActionParsnip!info asciisec13:04
ubottuPackage asciisec does not exist in intrepid13:04
sKeithhi new guy13:04
hossancan some one point me to how I can joi13:04
wookienzhi, i running a mount command fine but my equiv. fstab line is "bad". fstab entry "//server/dir /mnt/dir cifs auto,credentials=blah,rw,exec   0 0" ideas why it woundt mount?13:04
hossann a perl chat room13:04
LargePrime./asciisec: error while loading shared libraries: libsmpeg-0.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:04
ActionParsniphossan: use /join #<channel name>13:04
ActionParsnipLargePrime: then you need the package that gives that file13:04
=== r_ is now known as Guest22612
anybodyI have a question regarding Ubuntu 9.04 beta - If I install 9.04 beta now and 9.04 final comes out in ~2 weeks, will I need to change anything to make the beta a final, or will it be automatically updated with final packages from the update source ?13:05
anybodyi.e.: will I need to manually change repositories or manually need to upgrade it to "9.04 final" ?13:05
hossanyes I tried connecting to irc.netsplit.ne13:05
ActionParsnipLargePrime: sudo apt-get install apt-file; sudo apt-file update; sudo apt-file search libsmpeg-0.4.so.013:05
hossanbut i;m not getting connected to the server13:05
ActiveFrost How to make Python ( py ) file executable ( double-click) ?13:05
D4Thi chaps, how much faster (CPU and I/O wise) is a 64bit build vs 32bit ? Is there a rough percentage?13:05
LargePrimeActionParsnip: i can search synaptic right?13:05
ActionParsnipActiveFrost: chmod +x <script>13:06
ActionParsnipLargePrime: no, that searches for packages only, you need that library so apt-file is needed so you know which package to install13:06
psychomantishey guys13:06
sKeithnever knew about apt-file before. very handy AP13:07
ActiveFrostActionParsnip: tried it - on doubleclick it just opens OpenOffice and shows the source code !13:07
ActionParsnipActiveFrost: is the top line: #!/bin/python13:08
Titan8990ActionParsnip, /usr/bin/python13:08
grawityActionParsnip: I think it should be /usr/bin/python13:08
Titan8990ActionParsnip, or in some places more accepted: /usr/bin/env python13:08
LargePrimeActionParsnip: should i pastebin the output?13:08
ActionParsnipTitan8990: ah, ok13:08
ActiveFrostActionParsnip: #!/usr/bin/env python ( that's the same ? ).13:09
ActionParsnipActiveFrost: #!/usr/bin/python13:09
Titan8990ActiveFrost, yes, that is the same13:09
LargePrimeActionParsnip: more generically, should i have to do this with every 'nix package i wish to run?13:10
kaptengucan anyone tell me how to get network-manager to work with my bridged connection so I can use it to set up vpn-connections easily?13:11
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:11
ActionParsnipLargePrime: no, just that you are using an unzipped app instead of a properly installed package so you will get this if you dont find a proper repository13:11
ActionParsnipLargePrime: its very rare to do what you are doing13:11
LargePrimeActionParsnip: i am kind of a rare fellow... should i pastebin the output?13:12
ActionParsnipActiveFrost: you could end the file with .py then associate that file type with the python binary13:12
ActionParsnipLargePrime: sure13:13
=== saurabh1403|away is now known as saurabh1403
nosyI'm ussing checkinstall but I get an error: chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/bin/#INST@25958#':13:13
aarHi, what's the most efficient way of moving a very large file to a windows box that's connected to my home network (I'm using Ubuntu)?13:14
Otanachtwindows network in networking?13:15
ActionParsnipaar: share a folder in windows, smb://<server name>/<share name>13:15
ActionParsnipaar: then copy and paste13:15
grawityActionParsnip: You must have meant "drag and drop".13:15
wookienzhi, i have managed to share a folder on my nix box to my windows box. however any dir under the initial share is empty - there are files in there - i just can see them from the windows machine.13:16
ActionParsnipgrawity: right click -> copy; rigt click -> paste works too13:16
aarActionParsnip, there is no real server though, it's just a couple of boxes connected to the router13:16
Otanachtyou could plug the HD into the windows machine13:16
Otanachtbut thats complicated13:16
LargePrimeActionParsnip:  i think it failed13:17
aarOtanacht, yea, that sounds like a hassle13:17
ActionParsnipaar: if it has a netbios name you are ok, the folder must be shared (or if its windows, the drives are shared with $ (hidden shares) and can be accessed with local admin password)13:17
aarActionParsnip, ok thanks13:17
Otanachthold on13:17
Otanachtgonna load up another box13:17
Otanachtsee if I can share files easily13:17
aarOtanacht, ok13:17
ActionParsnipLargePrime: sudo apt-file update; sudo apt-file search libsmpeg-0.4.so.013:18
helperwhy in ipv6 fe80::/64 won't work when i ping while other if i add to eth1 fec0::/64 ping work ?13:18
kaptenguwhere to go for more advanced ubuntu questions?13:18
rockx0zoneI'm having some problems getting the nvidia-180 drivers working.  I was using 9.04 and it worked fine after I installed them from symantec but i had to downgrade to 8.10 for various reasons and i am not abl eto get the drivers to load correctly.13:18
=== _Purple_ is now known as _Purple_away
ActionParsnipLargePrime: you can copy and paste to the terminal13:19
LargePrimei fat fingered it then?  reruning13:19
LargePrimeActionParsnip: did that13:19
LargePrimeterminal seems hung13:19
ActionParsnipLargePrime: its searching13:19
ActionParsnipLargePrime: it will output package names that contain the file yuo asked for13:20
LargePrimeGreat!  ok afk for food.13:20
Otanachtdunno aar13:20
aarOtanacht, ok np13:21
Otanachtgo into places network then double click the windows network13:21
forespeaking of network, i was trying to create a new menu to go beside system called net share13:23
forei never could get it to cooperate tho13:23
aarOtanacht, I'll play with it for a while, thanks13:23
silv3r_m00nhi there13:23
silv3r_m00nI installed kde 4 from synaptic in ubuntu 8.10  .... but during the installation dolphin and konqueror were not installed13:24
silv3r_m00nwhy ?13:24
ShhhhSweet im installing Frest on fire :)13:24
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: install them manually, maybe you have unmet deps13:24
ActionParsnipShhhh: great game13:24
Shhhhyea i cant get it to run on this pc on Xp13:24
ActionParsnipShhhh: the new version has issues on xp, the version before is fine13:25
Shhhhwell it runs but it freezes and ends when i try to play a song13:25
ShhhhActionParsnip: i teied like 5 versions lol13:25
Shhhhsweet its installed13:26
silv3r_m00nActionParsnip: how do I add icons to this kde 4.1 desktop13:27
ActionParsnipsilv3r_m00n: i'd ask in kubuntu. I dont use desktop icons13:28
Shhhhah man no sounds :(13:28
Shhhhtheres sound in the menu but not while playing a song13:28
ActionParsnipShhhh: maybe you need codecs13:29
mopoyosomeone please help me!13:29
Shhhhnah it using .ogg13:29
mopoyosound doesn't work on my kubuntu 8.10!!!!!!113:29
Shhhhanyway.. where is the instal folder?13:29
cetanhotawhat key combo can you use to logout of Gnome?13:30
forectrl alt backspace13:31
forewill work13:31
cetanhotathat will kill X11, I dont want that13:31
mopoyosound doesn't work on my kubuntu 8.10!!!!!!113:31
LargePrimeback ActionParsnip it is still thining13:32
psychomantiskill -9 -1 or sudo shutdown13:32
psychomantiskill -9 -1 kill all process13:32
LargePrimemopoyo use 8.0413:33
ActionParsnipLargePrime: you are updating every file from every package that you can possibly install13:33
psychomantisread the fuckiN manuel13:33
dazjorzHey all - A package crashed on my system and it created a coredump, but apport didn't pick up the crash - is there some way to open the file with apport ?13:34
LargePrimeActionParsnip: I did what?  before breakfast?  wow i am amazing!  seriously how long does this take tho?13:34
dazjorzi.e. report it on Launchpad with the need-amd64-retrace or so... :)13:34
mopoyosound doesn't work on my kubuntu 8.10!!!!!!113:34
ActionParsnipLargePrime: depends how many repos you have13:34
Shhhhmopoyo:  WE KNOW13:34
mopoyocan you please help me!?!?!13:34
psychomantismopoyo alsamixer config13:34
psychomantisuse alsamixer settup13:35
Shhhh<--- See me name? Do it. Now!13:35
mopoyoalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory13:35
psychomantisopen konsole alsamixer13:35
ActionParsnipmopoyo: did you websearch how to setup your card after running lspci to find out what your soundcard is13:35
Haskearpsychomantis thats the 1st time Ive heard anyone say RTFM in here13:35
LargePrimeActionParsnip: all of them?  kidding, ok i will be back in a few hours.  thanks for your help.13:35
ActionParsnipLargePrime: np man, you could websearch to see what provides it instead13:36
ActionParsnipLargePrime: you know, the manual way13:36
c0cac00l_hi people13:36
fearphagei'm trying to install to usb but i don't understand one option "Stored in reserved extra space". does this refer to the extra space that ubuntu will reserve for its documents or am i setting the amount of space that ubuntu should leave free on the disk for using it as a usb key?13:36
mopoyoCouldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console13:36
mopoyopsychomantis: Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console13:37
l4mRh4X0rthe first one, fearphage13:37
kaimanjakdo you know how can i connect to a Checkpoint Firewall-1 using vpnc (user/password authentication) ?13:37
psychomantishave you done what i said13:37
psychomantismopoyo just open alsamixer and configur13:37
LargePrimeActionParsnip: i really dont know.  i can wait.  your saying i could search and see what provides "libsmpeg-0.4.so.0" right, then update that package?13:38
JPSmanwhere can I find an off topic chat room?  got a general computer science question13:38
mopoyopsychomantis: i can't open alsamixer!!13:38
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LargePrimejpsman do a chan search?13:39
JPSmanheh, ok thanks largeprime13:39
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psychomantismpoyo click twice in sound icon13:39
psychomantisalsamixer will opens13:39
mopoyoi don't have a sound icon13:40
Bram_Pcan anyone tell me where that list was where is shown which companies did donate the most to linux?13:40
l4mRh4X0rI have a problem with my installation, when i try to run a program such as rhythmbox or pidgin, it crashes13:40
psychomantiswahts your os ?13:40
psychomantisubuntu 8.10?13:40
mopoyokubuntu 8.1013:40
ActionParsnipLargePrime: you got it, go see if you can beat the app13:40
LargePrimeActionParsnip: tests!  ok i go13:40
psychomantisiam sorry i use ubuntu 8.10 and don't know kubuntu13:40
psychomantisgnome ?13:41
Shhhhscrewed up my screen res and no mouse :(13:41
psychomantisor kde probably gnome13:41
psychomantisits the same place13:41
SirStanI am running Ubuntu 8.10 on a laptop -- and the drive sounds like it is clicking alot (spinning down, parking heads).  Do you still need to do something in Ubuntu to make it from killing your harddrive?13:41
obynhas anyone here gotten di.fm premium to work in any media player for linux/ubuntu ?13:42
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goki-_-1How come I get nothing for "man request_irq()"? I've installed manpages-dev13:42
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LargePrimebah actionparsnip is gone13:42
Bram_Pcan anyone tell me where that list was where is shown which companies did donate the most to linux?13:44
willemmastercan anyone help me with my problem? i cant start rhythmbox or pidgin, i think it has to do with gstreamer...13:44
willemmasterhello UbuntuBoy13:45
psychomantiswillemmaster have you installed properly these packages$???$$13:45
janedoe_having some networking troubles: (1) my network icon on desktop is gone and (2) I can't seem to get PC to accept fixed IP from my routers DHCP13:45
psychomantisi use pidgin it running nice13:45
UbuntuBoyI Want A Programe Like Adobe Premiere In Ubuntu13:45
psychomantiswhats your problem13:45
psychomantisyou cant run in with13:45
psychomantisthe shell13:45
Bram_Pcan anyone tell me where that list was where is shown which companies did donate the most to linux?13:46
willemmasterit says it caught a segmentation fault13:46
willemmasterin one of the gstreamer plugins13:46
psychomantisdo that sudo apt-get autoremove pidgin then do that sudo apt-get install pidgin in the shell13:46
dewwUbuntuBoy: maybe cinepaint13:46
willemmasterbut its not only pidgin...13:46
psychomantisto blow your problem13:46
kaptenguI have set up br0 to be used by my kvm-guests, and the network-manager stop working because it obviously can't handle bridged networking. But can I configure network-manager to use br0 instead of eth0 for my vpn-connections?13:47
psychomantispidgin and ...13:47
willemmasterits rythmbox too, and my look and feel screwed up too.13:47
UbuntuBoyOk I Try Cinepaint but i have a Work For My School And I want to edit some videos13:47
psychomantiswhats your os ?13:47
psychomantisubuntu 8.10?13:47
willemmasterubuntu 8.1013:47
janedoe_anyone on how to get network icon back into panel?13:47
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zirodayUbuntuBoy: gimp for photo editing. kdenlive for video editing13:47
zirodayjanedoe_: is nm-applet running?13:48
psychomantisyou cannot start another package annother softwares13:48
UbuntuBoyOK Thats a Solution Mr Ziroday thanks13:48
psychomantisor just these programm13:48
goki-_-1Does anyone know which package has man page for request_irq in ubuntu?13:48
psychomantiswillmmaster ,13:48
willemmasteri can just start firefox, xchat, gnome-terminal, and others well...13:49
UbuntuBoyHow To Save my Linux distubution from Brokendown13:49
psychomantistry this in a session shell13:49
psychomantissudo apt-get upgrade13:49
janedoe_ziroday: will check13:49
Bragex9Microsoft windows place installed programs in the program files folder....How is this done in ubuntu?13:50
psychomantispurhaps some bugs13:50
willemmasterit's a fresh install from yesterday.13:50
psychomantisi know13:50
zirodayBragex9: very differently. What are you looking for?13:50
janedoe_ziroday: nm-system-settings but not -applet13:51
zirodayjanedoe_: nm-applet needs to run for the network icon :). Try start it and see if it connects to the network-manager service13:51
willemmasterok, ill try that...13:51
Bragex9Ziroday: looking for read-edid program. I just installed it, but can't find it...13:51
zirodayBragex9: one sec13:52
janedoe_ziroday: though I also see it under session, start up programs13:52
zirodayjanedoe_: well just try run nm-applet for now13:52
willemmasterbtw, this is the output it produces: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147637/13:52
psychomantistry remove these packages and install it again13:53
psychomantisit will be fine purhaps13:53
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zirodayBragex9: running read-edid in the terminal shows anything?13:53
janedoe_ziroday: could not acquire NetwokManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken13:54
Bragex9ziroday: running read-edit gives "command not found"13:54
zirodayjanedoe_: hmm, it sounds like network-manager and co failed to startup correctly. Logging out and in should fix it13:54
zirodayBragex9: what you want is get-edid and parse-edid13:55
janedoe_ziroday: err, but I've done nothing since logging back in13:55
POPEYEhm after I've installed video drivers I can't see the whole login screen... if I delete subsection display it puts the biggest resolution it can... Why it changes resolution but doesnt change picture sizes?13:55
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janedoe_ziroday: though I see something odd in my Network Connections: under wired I don't have plain eth0. I have ifupdown(eth0)13:56
zirodayjanedoe_: yeah, on logging network manager failed to startup correctly. Logging out will kill all those nm stuffs and logging in will start them up again13:56
janedoe_ziroday: should I not have any entry for my wired eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces?13:56
janedoe_I had added one in to try to make IP static13:56
zirodayWhen using NFS I'll get 20 seconds of huge tranfer and then a 2 minute timeout when nothing will transfer13:56
zirodayjanedoe_: you shouldn't need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces. Just log out and log back in13:57
psychomantisfree world13:57
psychomantisagain and again13:57
janedoe_ziroday: will give it a shot13:57
Bragex9ziroday: I tried get-edid. And then there was an error message saying I need full superuser (root) permission.... How do I do that?13:57
zirodayBragex9: sudo read-edid13:58
psychomantissudo -s13:59
modderxsudo su13:59
psychomantisfor full superuser13:59
psychomantissudo -s13:59
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zirodaymodderx: don't do sudo su.14:00
psychomantisdo sudo -s14:00
psychomantisi said14:00
zirodaypsychomantis: prepending sudo to the apps you want to run as root is safer.14:00
zirodaypsychomantis: then running a root shell.14:00
Ruuthallo! I just installed 8.04 and I have problems with the net: I can surf the web, but the speed is terribly slow.. my other PC can surf fast..14:00
Holek_hey there14:00
janedoe_ziroday: nope, no difference.  gonna try commenting out the interfaces stuff14:01
Holek_how can i disable systemic beep?14:01
Ruutany idea?14:01
zirodayjanedoe_: wait, so does the nm-applet icon just not appear?14:01
psychomantisi screwed up14:01
andrey-goпо русски кто нибудь говорит ?14:01
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janedoe_yes, no icon14:01
Bragex9ziroday: it worked as you first told me...but I get this message from get-edid log: Monitor and video card combination does not support DDC1 transfers. What does that mean?14:01
Pici!ru | andrey-go14:01
ubottuandrey-go: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:01
zirodayHolek_: add blacklist pcspkr to /etc/modules.d/blacklist14:01
psychomantisno russian words english please14:01
Holek_ziroday: thanks :)14:02
psychomantisi dont understand anymore14:02
zirodayBragex9: its sounds like it cant read the EDID information from your monitor14:02
zirodayjanedoe_: okay, can you pastebin the output of nm-applet please14:02
janedoe_ziroday: ya. 1sec,. gotta ssh instead of nx14:03
wookienzQ: i have proftpd set up on one machine and i ant the exact sme setup on another machine. Can i just copy the conf file from /etc and likewise the accounts users from .etc/passwd tonew machine?14:03
Ruuthallo! I just installed 8.04 and I have problems with the net: I can surf the web, but the speed is terribly slow.. my other PC can surf fast though. I can visit google.com, but it is so slow that the name "google" cannot be loaded competely.. could sombody help me?14:03
Bram_Pwhat language is best so that I can make games that work for linux? (without needing to use wine) And can I use the same language to make the installer?14:04
willemmasterruut, what network card do you have?14:04
hacker_112How do get colors in Ubuntu to work properly? I have a SiS M760GX14:04
psychomantisuse wireless or etho14:04
psychomantisruut ??14:04
Ruuthow could I read it?14:04
RuutI'm here14:04
Bragex9ziroday: I have problems with my nvidia driver. It will not accept a higher screen resolution than 640-480. I have tried to edit the xorg.conf file, but it will not work. Check this from x-org logfile: http://paste.debian.net/32905/14:04
psychomantiswifi or ethernet interface ,,???14:04
psychomantisyeah thats right14:05
willemmasterhmm, thats odd...14:05
janedoe_ziroday: actually, icon reappears when I comment out the etc/network/interfaces stuff for eth014:05
psychomantisdid  you config your settup14:05
Ruutwel I set IP and DNS14:05
psychomantisyou box purhaps or your connexion failed ?14:05
ianh99Ruut, try http://en.opensuse.org/Disable_IPv6_for_Firefox14:05
Ruutsorry psychomantis?14:05
RuutI don't understand14:06
janedoe_ziroday: which brings me back to my orig problem.  getting PC to accept static IP from router's DHCP14:06
Bram_Pwhat language is best so that I can make games that work for linux? (without needing to use wine) And can I use the same language to make the installer?14:06
zirodayjanedoe_: you should be able to configure that in network manager14:06
psychomantisnexuiz is the greatest14:06
psychomantisfps for linux try it it really cool14:07
Minor723I just updated to nvidia-glx-180 and now i failed boot. Whats is the nvidia command to reconfigure x14:07
janedoe_ziroday: but I shouldn't have to tell PC its IP, should I?  shouldn't it just accept what its given?14:07
mopoyopsychomantis: i don't like fps14:07
zirodayBragex9: I hate these issues :(. What monitor, what size and what is the wanted resolution14:07
zirodayjanedoe_: yes14:07
forehey is it possible to make a menu show up beside of the system menu >?14:07
zirodayBragex9: what version of ubuntu?14:07
psychomantisunfortunately for you14:07
psychomantisits great so you've use wine14:08
zirodaypsychomantis: could you please stop babbling, try keep your responses on one line and address people :)14:08
=== hasnain[dead] is now known as Hasnain
Minor723What is the command to reconfigure xorg.conf after update of nvidia drivers?14:08
foreziroday: is it possible to make a menu show up beside of the system menu >?14:08
zirodayjanedoe_: take a screenie of your network manager config and I'll review it14:08
zirodayfore: don't address people out of the blue. And AFAIK unless you want to hack around with the gnome-panel no.14:09
mopoyoyes psychomantis, you're on the internet, we mean business.14:09
forei know you can edit existing menus but can you create a completely new one14:09
Bragex9Ziroday: wanted resolution is 1360x768 60hz. The monitor is a siemens LCD- TV. 40 inches. Ubuntu version is 8.0414:09
zirodayMinor723: you shouldn't have to14:09
mopoyopsychomantis: please behave14:09
zirodayBragex9: ah okay, what version of the nvidia drivers?14:09
Minor723ziroday, i need to. my xorg.conf has like nothing in it. Please tell me the command14:09
willemmasterMinor723: nvidia-xconfig14:10
zirodayfore: you can create a new menu in Applications, but not a new menu next to Places or System or whatever. Unless you want to hack around with the source code its not going to happen14:10
willemmasterperhaps, i dont know14:10
zirodayMinor723: but I doubt that is going to do anything. How did you install the -180 driver?14:10
zirodayMinor723: you probably have a conflicting driver install, due to an incorrect -180 install14:11
Minor723ziroday apt-get install nvidia-glx-18014:11
foreyeah i knew you could  with the other menus, but wasnt sure if it was possible to make a 4th menu appear14:11
Bragex9ziroday: nvidia driver version is 173.14.1214:11
kinnaz|wtool to generate random passwords?14:11
zirodayBragex9: what card?14:11
Shish_hi, i just installed ubuntu to get rid of windows... my sound doesnt work now.. im using a sound blaster audigy zs card...all the settings are fine, changed everythign to pulse audio, etc.. still not working.. nothing on mute... etc... help please!  and im very basic with ubuntu as well (Sorry)14:11
sipiorkinnaz|w: "pwgen"14:11
Spasysheepwhat's the file with the automount on startup config in it?14:11
Minor723ziroday, what do you reccomend i do to fix my problem14:11
kinnaz|wsipior,  tnx14:11
zirodaySpasysheep: /etc/fstab?14:11
forebasiclly i just wanted a menu beside of the system one for Net Shares14:12
Bragex9ziroday: how do I find out which card I have?14:12
zirodayBragex9: lspci | grep VGA14:12
Spasysheep<ziroday> ty14:12
zirodayMinor723: err, one sec :)14:12
Minor723ziroday thanks take ur time14:12
zirodayMinor723: also, please pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf /var/Xorg.0.log the output of nvidia-settings14:13
willemmasterRuut are you still here? i dont think psychomantics is gonna help you14:13
zirodayfore: and as explained to you twice. Unless you make your own gnome panel applet its not going to happen.14:13
Bragex9ziroday: the card is: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV37GL [Quadro PCI-E Series] (rev a2)14:13
zirodayBragex9: hmm14:14
zirodayBragex9: the issue is that the drivers don't know what to output your resolution at as it doesn't know your monitor frequencies and what it accepts. This may be fixed in later version of the nvidia driver14:14
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zirodayBragex9: err you sure you're using hardy?14:15
Bragex9ziroday: what is hardy?14:15
zirodayBragex9: 8.0414:15
Bragex9let me check...14:16
ezGood Morning Team14:16
POPEYEhow can i change login screen resolution14:16
zirodayez: Howdy, is there something we can help you with?14:16
psychomantisckeck it14:16
Shish_anyone available to help out? :D14:16
willemmasterpschychomantis, are you still willing to help me?14:16
Bragex9ziroday: I was wrong. This is the correct info: Ubuntu 8.1014:17
Bragex9                - the Intrepid Ibex14:17
ezCan I someone suggest a good webcam that will work with Skype? I'm looking into clip-ons for laptop14:17
zirodayBragex9: okay, try install the -180 driver14:17
Minor723ziroday How can i start up ssh14:17
zirodayez: anything that uses the UVC driver should work great14:17
linduxedhow do i mount a samba share to a certain directory like with sambafs?14:17
zirodayMinor723: ssh?14:17
willemmasterMinor723: ssh maybe?14:17
psychomantisya if you want14:17
linduxedno i meant sshfs14:17
Minor723sshd connect from other computer14:17
willemmasterwell, i reinstalled, and i still get the same error14:18
Bragex9ziroday: how do I find and install the 180 driver?14:18
mr_boois there a way to determine if the LPT port works in ubuntu?14:18
zirodayBragex9: enable the backports repo and it should automatically upgrade14:18
ezZiroday: Would this be written on the packaging?14:18
Shish_just need my sound to work, help please!14:19
zirodayez: probably not. Take a look at http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/#devices, however your best bet is to google the product name and ubuntu as keywords and see what it turns up14:19
mopoyoshut up14:19
deanywhen a program displays a file/folder browser, to save something somewhere or load a file from somewhere, how can i stop it showing hidden files/folders.14:19
Shish_not sure how to highlight ur name, but im here14:19
zirodaydeany: ctrl+h14:19
willemmasterdeany: right-click -> uncheck "show hidden files"14:19
deanyno, i dont mean viewing nautilus.14:19
deanyi mean, like gimp for example, load a file, the window it shows to load a file always shows hidden stuff, i dont wanna see it.14:20
zirodaydeany: press ctrl+h when in that window.14:20
Shish_wait, mopoyo, u tellin me to shuttup?14:20
xamoxanyone recommend a way I can share my aircard through my wireless in 8.10?14:20
deanyyes, but is that the only solution...14:20
willemmasterdeany: nah, you can also right-click14:21
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Bragex9ziroday: I am not sure if I am doing things right. But in the systems menu when I enter hardware drivers, then version 173 is the reccomended one. How do I find the 180 driver? btw.. I am a total newbee to linux14:21
deanyno way to by default?14:21
willemmasterit should become the default...14:21
Zelicioushey, can someone hlep with grub settings? I installed windows after the ubuntu, changed the boot using the live CD as explained online and edited menu.lst to have windows in it, and grub doesn't recognize a OS to run from the win partition... so how do I make sure I pointed it at the right partition?14:21
willemmasterit does atleast for me14:21
ianh99deany, Places->Home then in file browser, Edit->Prefs and uncheck show hidden...14:21
ianh99deany, setting then applies to gimp etc.14:22
mr_boowhat's the name of the LPT port in ubuntu?14:22
deanyah...  think thats done it.. dam why didnt i just try that to begin with (14:22
zirodayBragex9: no worries. Basically the short story is that there is no way to solve this, at all :). A hopefully quick fix will be to install the -180 driver by enabling backports and then upgrading to it. Do you know how to enable backports?14:22
mr_booZelicious: you must restore grub from the ubuntu live cd14:22
sipiormr_boo: /dev/parport[0-9]14:22
Zelicioushow do I do that?14:22
rafa_hi! I have a problem with hdmi out sound, never work...14:23
ziroday!grub | Zelicious14:23
ubottuZelicious: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:23
Minor723ziroday xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m339b614514:23
ubuntu-newbieWhy does ubuntu goes blank for a long time when I do a reboot after the installation?14:23
Bragex9ziroday: I do not know how to enable bacports...14:23
Shish_i hope this isnt considered spam, repeating my question... but need help with getting my sound to work on ubuntu intrepid...please!14:24
mr_booZelicious: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435114:24
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frg54join #ubuntu-it.14:24
zirodayBragex9: no worries. Go to System > Admin > Software Sources > Updates > Check the pre-released upgrades and unsupported updates boxes14:24
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zirodayMinor723: sorry, what is your issue again?14:25
wookienzwhat are backports?14:25
Zeliciousjust making sure... grub exsists, I'm on through ubuntu right now, what I'm lacking is the option to load windows again (everyone who answered earlier)14:25
frg54ciao primo giorno su ubuntu... ho rimosso la barra in basso dove si riducano i programmi!! come faccio a metterla di nuovo?14:25
sipiorShish_: if people don't answer your question, it's likely because you haven't provided much information for us. for example, what steps have you taken to get sound working? what was the result?14:25
ziroday!it | frg5414:25
ubottufrg54: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:25
mr_boosipior: O_o14:26
ianh99Shish_, Have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544914:26
zirodayZelicious: sorry, what is not working. You want to windows to appear as an option in grub or does grub not appear?14:26
Minor723ziroday I updated to nvidia-glx-180 and cant boot properly14:26
mr_boosipior: cant find  it14:26
ubuntu-newbieWhy does ubuntu goes blank for a long time when I do a reboot after the installation? -video problem?14:26
zirodayMinor723: okay, what is the output of nvidia-settings?14:26
linduxedhow do i mount a samba share to a certain directory like with sshfs?14:27
Zeliciousziroday I added windows to the menu.lst so it appears as an option but doesn't load.14:27
Minor723cant run nvidia-settings i can only be on terminal14:27
carpii__use smbfs14:27
sipiormr_boo: not even /dev/parport0? driver must not be loaded. is the port enabled in your bios?14:27
zirodayZelicious: ah okay, what is the error?14:27
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zirodayMinor723: okay, then nvidia-xconfig14:27
mr_boosipior: it's enabled in bios14:27
Shish_thanks sipior...  ive checked alsa mixer, made sure all levels were up, i checked that forum that ianh99 suggested, and everything ended with "success"... i went to another forum that suggested me download a bunch of these files, and change everythign to pulse audio, and get something called pulseaudio applet.. still no sound14:27
willemmasteranother question; how do i find out by which package a file is installed?14:27
Holek_when I play some movies, I have no sound: mplayer loads the file and gets stuck at one position, cannot play audio (I  walk throughout the whole video stream) (mplayer output: http://pastebin.ca/1387088) What can I do?14:28
jribwillemmaster: dpkg -S14:28
Zeliciousziroday: I don't have the exact text but it says it can't find a kernel or operating system, I can give a quick restart and come back with the messege if that helps.14:28
willemmasterjrib: thanks, that makes sense14:28
AllEarsHi guys, how secure are Ubuntu LiveCd for online banking?14:28
mr_boosipior: got plenty of /dev/ptyxx14:28
Minor723ziroday Done let me reboot14:28
psychomantiswhy totem and mplayer screwed up when iam trying watchin some movies ?14:28
zirodayZelicious: nope its fine. can you pastebin me the output of sudo fdisk -l and your /boot/grub/menu.lst please14:28
zirodayAllEars: very14:28
jribwillemmaster: not sure why it makes sense, but no problem :)14:28
jrib!details | psychomantis14:29
ubottupsychomantis: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:29
sipiormr_boo: make sure that the parport and partport_pc modules are loaded. i need to run to a talk, apologies for not being able to assist you further.14:29
Bragex9ziroday: the pre-released upgrades and unsupported updates boxes was already selected14:29
willemmasterjrib: well, i think it was pretty stupid i havent thought of that14:29
zirodayBragex9: err okay. I'm sorry I have no idea then14:29
paul68little question if I start xfc4 I don't have any menu bars is this normal or did I miss out on something?14:29
willemmasterthats what i meant14:29
Zeliciousziroday: sure.. I'll query it to you not to flood here. second.14:29
mr_boosipior: many thanks so far, i'm multitasking myself14:29
ziroday!pastebin | Zelicious would be better14:29
jribwillemmaster: ah, fair enough14:29
ubottuZelicious would be better: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:29
Bragex9ziroday: ok, thanks anyways14:29
zirodaypaul68: is xfce4-panel running?14:30
psychomantisi m runnin 8.10ubuntu version when i wanna watch some movies with mplayer or totem, these apps screwed up14:30
Zeliciousa nice.14:30
frg54italian? aiuto!14:30
sebsebsebpsychomantis: how so?14:31
Zeliciousziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147656/14:31
sebsebseb!it |  frg5414:31
ubottufrg54: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:31
paul68ziroday: I have no idea since I couldn't do anything with it I changed back to gnome14:31
psychomantisthe screen freeze14:31
zirodaypaul68: well that is the program that gives you the panels14:31
psychomantisi dont know why ?14:31
ianh99Shish_, Stupid question, but are your speakers plugged in/switched on/volume up ?14:31
zirodayZelicious: and your /boot/grub/menu.lst14:31
psychomantisi installed the latest driver card14:31
psychomantisati card14:31
psychomantisan ATI14:31
paul68ziroday: ok how do I check this when i boot into xfce14:31
sebsebsebpsychomantis: ok well  playing video, has nothing to do with the graphics card usually14:32
Holek_when I play some movies, I have no sound: mplayer loads the file and gets stuck at one position and doesn't play audio. I can see throughout the whole video stream, but audio stream doesn't play (mplayer output: http://pastebin.ca/1387088) What can I do?14:32
ezZiroday: I stepped away for a bit, but i ddi want to say thanks.14:32
zirodaypaul68: open a terminal and make sure xfce4-panel is running14:32
sebsebsebpsychomantis: have you got the codecs installed so you can play propritary video formats?14:32
Zeliciousziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147659/14:32
zirodayez: no problem, have fun14:32
Holek_sebsebseb: i guess the question's the same as this guy's :P14:32
zirodayZelicious: thanks14:32
Holek_sebsebseb: just better sophisticated :P14:32
paul68ziroday: understood but what would the command in the terminal be sorry to ask noob questions14:32
zirodaypaul68: ps aux | grep xfce4-panel14:32
sebsebsebHolek_  and  psyhomantis    the standard AVI suppourt and such will probably help, but w32codecs may as well14:33
zirodayZelicious: err there are a few partitions. Which one is your windows install in sudo fdisk -l?14:33
Rubysthello everybody14:33
sebsebsebRubyst: hi14:33
Zeliciousziroday: the second line14:33
sKeithhi, how can I edit this command to suppy the password inline (ssh user@ cat /etc/passwd14:33
Zeliciousziroday as in sda214:34
paul68ziroday: ok will check brb14:34
zirodayZelicious: okay, thats all correct. Try change rootnoverify to root14:34
sebsebsebpsychomantis: better to chat here rather than pm, since I many not be exactly sure how to solve your problem.     the screen freezes when you try to play video?14:34
Zeliciousziroday I'll try that again. hope it works14:34
Rubystmy notebook falled me down and get now bad sector on the s-ata HD, any propositions how to fix this?14:34
Holek_sebsebseb: and is there w32codecs for 9.04?14:34
zirodayZelicious: and seperate the (hd0,1) from root14:34
zirodayRubyst: boot into recovery mode, run fdisk14:35
zirodayRubyst: err fsck sorry14:35
sebsebsebHolek_:  should be yeah, and  this is no the channel for 9.04 suppourt, but #ubuntu+1 is14:35
mr_booRubyst: do you have information that need to be saved?14:35
Zeliciousziroday: hehe... if what I was missing was that [space] I'll have a good laugh about this :)14:35
ActiveFrosthow often server shuts down ( irc ) ? that was funny to see hundreds of peoples being kicked :D14:35
Holek_sebsebseb: thanks :)14:35
Rubystmr_boo, yes my whole home-partition!14:35
sebsebsebpsychomantis: have you go the correct graphics card installed?14:35
magnetron!netsplit > ActiveFrost14:35
ubottuActiveFrost, please see my private message14:35
sebsebsebpsychomantis: I mean the driver for14:36
mr_booRubyst: that will be the tricky part14:36
zirodayRubyst: run fsck. it is a non-destructive process14:36
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Rubystziroday, I'll do, thanks14:36
ActiveFrostubottu: thanks ( I hope you are not a bot ? ).14:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
ActiveFrost lol14:37
paul68ziroday: back how do I adapt my screen settings back to what it used to be14:37
zirodaypaul68: I have no idea what you mean sorry14:38
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paul68ziroday: my screen resolution changed and I would like to change that14:39
Rorgowhy is it, in a 'netstat -ln' output, that UDP ports don't show up in a LISTEN state even if they are accepting inbound connections? Just because it's not really a connection oriented protocol?14:39
willemmasterokay, i get an error everytime i try to start a gstreamer-based application (http://paste.ubuntu.com/147637/), reinstalling gstreamer0.10-plugins-base won work...14:39
willemmasterwhat do i have to do14:39
zirodaypaul68: when changing DE?14:39
paul68ziroday: changed to xfce and now my screen resolution changed14:40
zirodaypaul68: no idea why it would do that.14:41
jcapincis anyone else haveing nvidia graphics update problems?14:41
paul68ziroday: that makes 2 of us then14:41
jcapincI had the master setup, a screen with huge resolution and a moderately normal screen, and all of a sudden I cannot get the huge resolution screen to go huge resolution, just lo-res14:42
jcapinccan anyone point me in the right direction to fix this?14:42
sebsebsebjscinoz_: what kind of update problems?14:43
willemmastercan anyone help me out with my problem?14:44
JPSmanWhat is X ?  how do i search for information about it on google?14:44
sebsebsebjcapinc: I messaged wrong guy,    what kind of update problems?14:45
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WERDER|iceroot!xorg | JPSman14:45
ubottuJPSman: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:45
Gothfunchi.  anyone used dmx lighting software on linux before?  is the software good enough on linux or is it way better on windows?14:45
mr_boowhat's the counterpart for the file /etc/rc.d/rc.modules in ubuntu?14:46
MaT-dgMy whole data-partition is read only for all users. I download stuff with torrents and then access them trough samba share and this works fine. Now when I download things with xchat, the files are not accessible for everyone. How can I make every (new) file read only for everyone?14:46
jcapincsebsebseb, Now that I have updated I cannot set the resolution of my 1900x1080 moniter to the right resolution, also it would appear to think both my lcd moniters are crt moniters14:46
gajanHi All, In my laptop i am using Ubuntu 8.04 . I am having some problems with hibernating. This is some how insonsistent. Some time it does not hibernate. worse sometime it can not restore after hibernating, i have to hard reboot, eventually loosing all data. Did anybody face the same issue? if yes how u guys rectify this ?14:46
jcapincI am running a GeForce 7300 LE on a vostro 20014:46
sebsebsebjcapinc: ok don't know14:47
nickushorsall all14:47
gbrethen?  having trouble changing usplash theme ?14:48
gbrethenubuntu 8.1014:48
sebsebsebgajan: yeah Linux tends to get issues with that, because of lack of  hardware suppourt for such features for Linux from manufactures, and no I can't really help you, but  I think  swap space is also used to hibernate14:48
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:48
gajansebsebseb : i am having 2 GB of memory and 2 GB of swap. do u think i should try increasing swap space from here ?14:49
JPSmanthank you WERDER|iceroot|14:49
sebsebsebgajan:  probably not14:49
JPSmanthank you WERDER|iceroot14:49
sketchykidhey everyone!, quick question...i installed Kaffeine and it told me that i need a library file or .bin or something, does anybody know where i can find that?.-thx14:49
gajansebsebseb : Ok Thanks14:50
sebsebsebgajan: 2GB is already  maybe a dab to much for swap14:50
sebsebsebgajan: nomalley I would do 1GB for swap14:50
meghrajany solution for playing cs in ubuntu14:50
Barnicle_i have a script that needs to run everyday at 8am. i've specified it in crontab -e and in /etc/crontab, but it never runs! what do i have to do??14:50
ActiveFrost who's using Konversation ( irc client ) ?14:50
sebsebsebmeghraj: I think there is a counterstrike version for Desktop Linux, or  it works well in Wine14:50
sebsebsebActiveFrost: I am14:50
Barnicle_0 8 * * * administrator /home/administrator/autoback.sh14:50
gajansebsebseb : yeah14:51
Marton用上了xchat 果然不错14:51
ActiveFrostsebsebseb: any chances to use 2 servers at once ?14:51
jcapincalright the nvidia configureation tool only allows for certain resolutions and I know my moniter can go highter, how can I over-ride nvidia's configuration tool?14:51
sebsebsebActiveFrost: yep just set up another  IRC network in the settings14:52
ActiveFrostsebsebseb: ok, one moment .. will give it a try :)14:52
gajan! more doubt : Today i installed xvidcap on my system, but as soon as i press the record button, the frame disappears. Does anybody has a solution for that ?14:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:52
Barnicle_if i want a script to run at 8am. does it matter which crontab i specify it in?14:52
Barnicle_8am everyday14:52
psychomantisubottu lol14:52
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.14:52
willemmasterBernicle_: depends on wich account you want to run the program14:53
psychomantissudo ,14:53
jcapincalright the nvidia configureation tool only allows for certain resolutions and I know my moniter can go highter, how can I over-ride nvidia's configuration tool?14:53
willemmasterthen sudo crontab -e14:53
Barnicle_i already have it in there14:54
willemmasterand then add 0 8 * * * /path/to/script14:54
gajancan anybody help me with xvidcap ?14:54
Barnicle_0 8 * * * /home/administrator/autoback.sh14:54
gbrethenanyone able to get mac4lin usplashes to work on ubuntu 8.10 ?14:54
willemmasterit should work then14:54
Barnicle_i have it in there, it's not running14:54
ActiveFrostsebsebseb: thank you - got what I wanted.14:54
sebsebsebActiveFrost: ok14:54
psychomantisanyone knows an ati tool program  ?14:54
psychomantisplease for help14:54
Jeruvy!ati | psychomantis14:55
ubottupsychomantis: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:55
=== Nitrox2 is now known as Nitrox22
meghrajcan anyone tell me making free website on iniernet14:56
sebsebsebsome guys grandma wants to make birthday cards,  can anyone recommend something?  that either is native to Linux or works well in Wine14:57
mr_boohow do i enable my parallel port in ubuntu?14:57
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magnetronmr_boo→ ubuntu doesn't enable or disable paralell ports, that's a task for BIOS14:58
v0lksmanI'm setting up an encrypted directory in my home dir.  I read that I can move my .ssh directory to ~/Private and symlink them back to ~/ is that the right way to protect my keys?14:58
magnetronv0lksman→ yes, it's a good way14:59
v0lksmanmagnetron: cool..just wanted to make sure I didn't mis-read.. ;)14:59
mr_boomagnetron: intresting because my parport stopped working after an update long ago15:00
mr_booi typed lsmod | grep parport and got the following15:02
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mr_booparport                38600  2 ppdev,lp15:02
mr_boobut i haven't /dev/lp or /dev/parport15:03
Nielsenmr_boo, looks like the driver is loaded, but no ports detected15:04
mr_booNielsen: is there any approach?15:04
=== sejo is now known as masterhumper
nadanmagnetron, curious how do you hide ur ip on irc?15:04
magnetron!cloak | nadan, follow instructions in this link15:05
ubottunadan, follow instructions in this link: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks15:05
Nielsenmr_boo, could the printer port be disabled in bios?15:05
nadanmagnetron, thank you15:05
mr_booNielsen: nope, i use the same parport in microsoft15:05
mr_booNielsen: i'm on a dual boot15:05
Nielseni dunno then15:06
mr_boomy parport in ubuntu has been screwed for a couple of months15:06
Omega_hi there15:06
zealiodcan any one tell me why lines 59 and 60 dont seem to port forward as expected... http://pastebin.com/d4dbbc21515:06
Omega_I am new at ubuntu15:06
Omega_oh never mind, dont have time now15:06
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casper_can sum one help me 1v1 how to install tar gz files15:09
jribcasper_: you avoid doing so.  What do you want to install?15:09
casper_tar gz file15:09
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jribcasper_: no, what software exactly?15:09
mr_boocasper_: can't they be double-clicked in a file browser?15:09
mstanybody know a sane way to get postgres 8.2+ on 6.06?15:09
casper_like its fps15:10
jribcasper_: huh?15:10
casper_first person shooter15:10
mstI don't see anything suitable in backports15:10
jribcasper_: first person shooter is the name of the program?15:10
armenceHey all, I have the following problem: when I log on, I need to restart my wireless network card before ubuntu will connect to any network. It won't even connect at all if I don't log on the GUI.... Can anyone help me with that or at least help use my wireless network card in the CLI?15:10
jribcasper_: ok... so why not answer the question?15:10
casper_blood frontier15:10
mr_boois there a way of checking wether the modules parport_pc and parport are properly loaded?15:11
zealiodshould this port foward?15:12
zealiod# Port Forwarder15:12
zealiodiptables -I PREROUTING -t nat -i $WAN_OUT -p tcp --dport 5555 -j DNAT --to
zealiodiptables -I INPUT -i $WAN_OUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 5555 -j ACCEPT15:12
FloodBot3zealiod: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:12
casper_w/e ill just run it with wine15:12
jribcasper_: have to go, but blood frontier is not in the repositories, so you have to read its documentation.  There is no uniform way to "install tar.gz", it depends on the software15:12
zealiodsorry guys....15:13
armenceOK, my mouse just disappeared...15:14
armencescratch that...15:14
mr_booi don't wanna reboot to windows everytime i wanna print a document15:15
mr_boois there a way to check wether the modules parport_pc and parport are loaded properly?15:15
mr_boothis gotta be a bug15:16
=== nadan is now known as nadn
mr_booi can't remember that i would've done anything to turn of my parport in ubuntu15:16
scapinmarcobuon giorno a tutti15:16
hackeronhey, how do I start applications as say nice -5 without sudoing to root? - do I have to be in a specific group? - can specific processes be allowed to be niced to -5?15:16
Pici!it | scapinmarco15:17
ubottuscapinmarco: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:17
yokobrhey guys15:18
visheshHI ... Has anyone ever had direct rendering enabled and still it won't work ? I have an Intel G35 graphic card.15:18
yokobrmy ubuntu doesn't give me the option to upgrade to 8.1015:18
yokobri'm on 8.0415:18
leoI LOVE LINUX15:22
leojust had to say that lol15:22
leowheres a good resource to look up perfomance tweaks and other things15:23
bencrisfordleo: Lol, dont we all15:23
oCean_yokobr: have you tried: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades15:23
bencrisfordleo: for what?  ubuntu?15:23
doseryderI'm reading up on PPA, what is a "Ubuntu source package"?15:23
leoi just started using it15:23
trulliserious bug in jaunty? Today jaunty seamd to kick my initrd file in /boot and now I can't boot anymore in the system! Is a bug like this knowen?15:23
leobut i want to know more15:23
bencrisfordleo: for appearance gnome-look.org15:23
Vaporizei've just installed debian next to my ubuntu and... what's the exact difference?15:23
bencrisfordleo: it has all sorts of themes and stuff :D15:23
leoyeah :>15:23
oCean_trulli: since it is still beta, all jaunty issues/discussions go in channel #ubuntu+1 please15:23
Vaporizethat's the only difference..15:23
leothats what i wanted to change15:24
=== nadn is now known as nadan
leothe theme15:24
tea_ovedoseHow to disable/turn off/mute backspace from beeping?15:24
trullioCean_: didn't knwo that thx15:24
bencrisfordleo: www.gnome-loog.org15:24
bencrisfordleo: you might like AWN as well15:24
J_Pwhy my system don't have mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-br in apt-cache search ?15:24
kudidoes anyone know a good program or website where i can make a timed multiple choice test for free?15:24
VaporizeIs the only difference between ubuntu and debian the theme?15:25
bencrisfordVaporize: there is many differences :D15:25
Vaporizewell like what :P15:25
Vaporizedon't see them on first sight15:25
bencrisfordvaporize: i wish I knew15:25
atmospherianbencrisford: i think you mean gnome-look.org15:25
bencrisfordvaporize: but they'll be there someone15:25
Vaporizelol then how you know there are15:26
bencrisfordatmospherian: s'what I said right?15:26
bencrisfordoops typo15:26
taevHello all: is the a correct place to get help with ubuntu?15:26
bencrisfordvaporize: i just know these things15:26
atmospherianbencrisford: "gnome-loog.org" :)15:26
bencrisfordatmospherian: typo, sorry15:26
Vaporize lol anyone else who DOES know the differences :P15:26
bencrisfordvaporize: i never claimed i did, i just said they were ther ;)15:26
atmospherianbencrisford: no worries15:27
Vaporizecause if ubuntu is just some hyped debian it would be kinda lame15:27
Vaporizeand i'm pretty sure it isn't due it's popularity15:27
bencrisfordvaporize: debian is oldchool ubuntu is the new kid on the block :D15:27
taevI'll assume it is. I'm trying to forward an X session from a remote machine to my 8.10 system. I've fixed the TCPnoListen in gdm.conf and I've ssh'ed into the remote machine with the -X option, but it still doesn't work15:27
taevAny idea what I'm doing wrong?15:27
alanbshepard70I'm trying to copy files from a CD I burned under windows and a lot of the files are locked to where I can't copy them. Since I can't change permissions on a finialized disc how do I copy the files?15:27
Vaporizedoes anyone but bencrisford know the differences between debian and ubuntu :P15:28
taevalanbshepard70: try using sudo to copy them from the command line?15:28
J_Phow I change language of my firefox if don't have mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-br ?15:28
thiebaudeVaporize: i heard debian is more stable15:28
taevdebian is the upstream distro that ubuntu is based on15:28
bencrisfordvaporize: Meh, ubuntu logo looks cooler :D15:28
taevwhich means that ubuntu is a customized and improved (for various meanings of "improve") version of debian15:29
atmospheriananyone else using wmii?15:29
bencrisfordvaporize: The cooler looks in ubuntu are good enough reason for me to use it :D:D:D15:30
J_Panyone know why 8.10 don't have mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-br ? apt-cache search mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-br  show nothing!15:30
Vaporizei'm using ion3 go for that :P15:30
grawityJ_P: maybe just 'firefox-locale-pt-br' ?15:30
sketchykiddoes anyone know how i get my dvd's to play through Kaffiene?15:31
atmospherianVaporize: i looked at ion3, but i found wmii to be easier to use, IMO15:31
atmospherianVaporize: plus i've read that the author of ion3 is a real dick15:31
Vaporizei think it's a matter of what your used to15:31
alanbshepard70taev: Thanks for the suggestion but still doesn't work :-\15:31
Vaporizei've been using ion3 for half a year or so and then started to try out some other tiling window managers15:32
J_Pgrawity: this is strange too. becouse firefox has any locale. A  apt-cache search firefox | grep -i locale  show nothing!15:32
Vaporizei'm just used to the keybinds and stuff of ion315:32
bencrisfordatmospherian: i'm the author of ion3....15:32
atmospherianbencrisford: i doubt that15:33
bencrisfordatmospherian:  why am i not a dick :P?15:33
Vaporizeand i'm not sure if it was wmii but of some i didn't like the fact that they are tiling but also support some floating windows15:33
atmospherianVaporize: yeah wmii does support floating windows, which does go against the whole idea of tiling15:33
moukahi all15:33
atmospherianVaporize: but to support apps like gimp it is a necessary evil15:34
moukaanybody can show me how to make cron output some text on the screen?15:34
Vaporizeyeah well that's the only thing i don't like in ion315:34
=== ubuntu is now known as nose
moukaby default, cron mails the output to the user15:34
bytor4232I couldn't get used to tiling window managers.  My screens are less than 17 inches, and most are only 1024x768.  Its nice on my wife's 20" Acer monitor.15:34
Vaporizethat i've to scale and order the tiles to get gimp to work fine15:34
moukabut what I want is have cron display some text on the console15:34
thiebaudebytor4232: i love the blackbox15:34
Vaporizestill don't get why they use that layout anyway15:34
stealth-whats the command to take away all permissions from others to a large folder and all the files/folders inside?15:34
atmospherianVaporize: i mostly use a tiling manager for working on my rails projects15:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:35
nooblinuxalguem ae15:35
Pici!br | nooblinux15:35
ubottunooblinux: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:35
MionVaporize: just float gimp15:36
dvdanooblinux? lol15:36
moukaanybody knows how to make cron output some text on the console when it's running a command?15:36
Vaporizein ion3?15:36
stealth-mouka: echo?15:36
ianh99stealth-, chmod -R o-rwx15:36
Picistealth-: chmod o-rwx directory -R15:36
ActiveFrostmouka: use echo :)15:36
hchufengany body can help me that I want to install the IBUS input method,bu there are some problem.15:36
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stealth-ianh99, Pici: thanks guys15:36
* bytor4232 is a cli ubuntu user with straight xfce4 now15:37
IRiX_can anyone help me with ubuntu / vista dual boot.  i had a laptop with vista and a crappy boot partition that took up 15GB of space.  I while installing ubuntu i deleted the recovery partition and extended and moved the windows to the left.  The repair partition was initially the most left partition.  I now have 100GB partition for vista, 80GB partition for ubuntu, 8GB Swap and another partition for data.  Problem is since d15:37
IRiX_oing all this vista no longer boots. Any tips??15:37
moukaActiveFrost: I used it, all it does is mail me the output15:37
MionVaporize: don't know if ion3 can float, I don't use it since the dev is a santorum15:37
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ActiveFrostIRiX: only 1 tip - don't use Vista :P15:37
thiebaudewow 8gb swap15:38
taevIRiX: did you redo grub, so that it knows where the partitions are?15:38
hchufengwow 8G15:38
thiebaudethats too much15:38
ActiveFrostmouka: when you open terminal and type in echo, what it does ?15:38
IRiX_hmmmm not sure, how would you do about that?15:38
_Brun0_How can I create a bash script to insert multiple lines of text into a file?15:39
VaporizeMion: well it doesn't seem to be very "ion3" to be able to do that :P15:39
stealth-can I not give a use access to a directory inside a directory he doesn't have access to?15:39
taevIRiX: google for "repair grub" and you'll find instructions on how to use the Live CD to fix your grub install15:39
grawity_Brun0_: echo "This is a line of text" >> somefile15:39
grawity_Brun0_: Would that work?15:39
atmospherian_Brun0_: insert lines are the end of a file/15:39
hchufengany body help me install the IBUS15:39
MionVaporize: almost every other tiling vm out there can float spesific apps15:39
rafaweboramahey guys15:39
_Brun0_grawity, yes, but multiple lines15:40
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sebsebsebIRiX_: yep get rid of Vista entirely and go Ubuntu only :)   The moral of the story: Make sure you always get the Windows CD/DVD, if you ever buy a computer again  with  Windows.      by the sounds of it you messed up things quite a bit, and so would be much easier to put Vista back on first, from it's DVD, or not bother with it15:40
QpSmileyhello Ubuntu!15:40
bytor4232Greetings QpSmiley15:40
QpSmileycan someone help me with an NVIDIA driver?15:40
bytor4232QpSmiley: What distro?15:40
QpSmileyIntrepid i think ...15:40
mthomps_hey guys, so I woke up today and booted up my machine. ubuntu started running a disk check. after the disk check all of a sudden i have no sound. none of the device options work15:40
sebsebsebIRiX_: if you got enough RAM, and  a VistaDVD/ISO  you could even run it inside Ubuntu, fine for everything except 3D apps and such15:41
QpSmileyw/e 8.10 is15:41
mthomps_some say "device is in use"15:41
thiebaudesebsebseb: i was about to say shrink to windows partition to zero15:41
mthomps_any suggestions?15:41
QpSmileylemme go grab the topic i made15:41
VaporizeMion: but i believe ion3 is still from the dark ages, ion actualy inspired most new window managers acording to wikipedia15:41
Vaporizebut i like it anyhow :P15:41
Pici!zh | hchufeng15:41
MionVaporize: whoever wrote that page must have been drunk15:41
ubottuhchufeng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:42
sebsebsebIRiX_: by the way when dealing with Vista, you should let Vista resize it's own partition, or you can end up with problems, data loss and what not15:42
movedxHow do I check how much RAM Ubuntu has discovered from my system? I've bought a new computer with 4GB of RAM and I think I was installing a 32-bit edition. I've installed a 64-bit version but I want to check it has discovered the full 4GB.15:42
IRiX_taev - thanks i'l give that a try, sebsebseb - i would only for the fact i kinda want to play some new games just got an Acer Aspire 8930G its dam sweet15:42
thiebaudemovedx: system monitor15:42
thiebaudeor top15:42
Mionmovedx: there is no reason to run a 32bit ubuntu if you have 64bit capable hardware15:42
taevIRiX: welcome15:42
movedxMion: Indeed. It was a mistake :)15:42
hchufengubottu: thank you!15:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you!15:42
movedxthiebaude: AH yes. It states I'm using 469MB of 3.9GiB - thank you :)15:43
Mionmovedx: free -m will tell you your ram usage15:43
movedxwow it installed a 9.5GB swap partition? lol15:43
thiebaudemovedx: yea thats too much15:43
sebsebsebmovedx: your swap should only be like 1GB15:44
Mionmovedx: use uname -m to see what version you installed15:44
movedxya think?15:44
VaporizeMion: lol well they're not talking about ion3 but the oldest one, plain ion15:44
MionVaporize: same15:44
calcsebsebseb: unless you want to hibernate...15:44
movedxMion: The absolute lastest. I burnt the ISO like, 30 minutes ago right fro the ubuntu site.15:44
sebsebsebcalc: how much for hibernate?15:44
calcsebsebseb: then it needs to be roughly the size of your ram15:44
sebsebsebcalc: oh ok15:44
Mionmovedx: uname -m will tell you if you installed a 32bit or 64bit15:44
hchufengubottu: may be you don't how hard to install an input method to input chinese15:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:44
calcsebsebseb: it dumps the contents of ram to the swap partition15:44
thiebaude1.5 times the size of ram15:44
calcyea 1.5 is probably fine as well, 2.5x ram is overkill though, heh15:45
movedxMion: I know it's 64-bit. I'm not stupid. I burnt the 64-bit ISO.15:45
sebsebsebcalc: wel sleep and hibernate won't really work properly or at all with Ubuntu anyway for me,  and I think if I put 2GB swap same thing15:45
movedxMion: And yes, 'uname -a' confirms this :)15:45
IRiX_sebsebseb: btw if you dont mind me asking what irc client do you use? can you just click on my name to reply?15:45
Mionalso, unless you are planning to suspend to disc, or run a lot of vm's, then just drop the swap partion15:45
Mionwhen you got 4gb of ram15:45
sebsebsebIRiX_: why?15:45
movedxMion: Actually I will run a VM, but only one.15:45
calcsebsebseb: probably due to buggy bios on your system, its worked fine on all the systems i have tried it on15:45
sketchykiddoes anyone know how i get my dvd's to play through Kaffiene?15:46
sebsebsebIRiX_: no, but that's how I can start a private convo15:46
sebsebsebIRiX_: Konversation :)15:46
calcsebsebseb: and there was a call for testing sleep/hibernate support a few weeks ago to get those remaining issues fixed15:46
* movedx &15:46
sebsebsebIRiX_: heh  thanks :)  you helped me with something.  why didn't I ever try that clicking on someones name,  so much easier than going through the name list to find someone15:46
sebsebsebIRiX_: when I want to pm15:47
QpSmileywhere do i find  the output of lspci15:47
sebsebsebIRiX_: why did you want to know my IRC client?15:47
QpSmileyubuntu 8.1015:47
mart1can any 1 help me W/ my sound?15:48
MionQpSmiley: $(lspci)15:48
cumulus007Hi guys, what's wrong with the package mirrors?15:48
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=== whalberg is now known as mengu
IRiX_im using X-Chat every i want to type "sebsebseb:" i have to manually copy and paste, just thot either im not using a shortcut or not as good client15:49
IRiX_or anyones name for that matter15:49
MionIRiX_: use the tab key?15:49
sebsebsebIRiX_: Xchat is popular, but Konversation :)15:49
pahom1hi all15:49
hchufengpanda is very sweet15:49
sebsebsebpahom1: hi15:49
calcirssi is the best :)15:50
MionIRiX_: xchat does autocompleting of names with the tab key...15:50
QpSmileyIs pidgin good?15:50
sebsebsebmany  noobs use Xchat, so it's nice to use something diffenret15:50
sebsebsebQpSmiley: Pidgin for IRC not that good15:50
taevif you desire "geek cred", I suggest using BitchX15:50
mart1i need help W/ my audio cauz it dose not have any sound at all15:50
calctaev: ircII in that case ;-)15:50
grawitytaev: Why not irssi? Or even ircII.15:50
hchufengsebsebseb: do you know how to install an source soft?15:50
IRiX_Mion: ah thanks, sorted15:51
calcirssi is much better than BitchX, but for geek cred you would need raw telnet irc or maybe ircII ;-)15:51
sebsebsebtaev: didn't know about that one15:51
taevgeek cred, not mesozoic cred15:51
sebsebsebhchufeng: I could install from source if I  have a reason to, but it's been a while etc15:51
* calc has irc'd via telnet to port 6667 many years ago15:51
sebsebsebhchufeng: so a little rusty15:51
mart1it is the default for ubuntu hardy15:51
grawitytaev: irssi isn't old. Also, BitchX doesn't support UTF-8.15:51
calcirssi was a rewrite of ircII/BitchX to make it decent, its newer than BitchX15:52
hchufengsebsebseb: but I cant't install the IBUS which is a new input method15:52
Mionand weechat is even nicer than irssi15:52
stodorovicUbuntu 8.10 installed. uname -r shows 2.6.27-11, but http://boskastrona.ovh.org/ shows 8.10 kernel to be 2.6.27-13. apt-get -s upgrade shows nothing to upgrade. How can I get 2.6.27-13 on here?15:52
djtoastHi all,  I have a quick question on Shell scripting.  I know this is not 100% ubuntu related but figured since i cant find anwser with google id ask here.  Can you in a shell script do a CASE under another CASE.  Like you can do IF then, IF then Else, Else.  but cases seems to be reconising my ending esac for the second case for my first one.15:52
calcfirst version of irssi didn't even come up until 199915:52
mart1can any 1 help through remote assistance?15:52
sebsebsebmart1: I could15:53
sebsebsebmart1: you should be careful who you let into your computer15:53
Ruuthttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147674/   --This is the output of "ifconfig -a". The problem is that I can surf the net VERY SLOWLY. I have no problem when surfing with other PCs, but when I try with my laptop (ubuntu 8.04, via ethernet) it is extremely slow (e.g. when loading google, it only loads half of the "google" logo..15:53
djtoastNevermind i found my error its working now. :)15:53
mart1o i know that is y im waching15:53
=== pahom1 is now known as pahom
MionRuut: wired or wifi?15:54
sebsebsebmart1: what do you want help with?15:54
mart1i cant get any sound & i did all i can15:54
taevRuut: does your laptop have issues in other operating systems? Have you tried anything else in the past?15:54
stodorovicdjtoast: have you tried it? have you read the man page for bash - it might have errata there about nested esac15:54
hacker07when I was using ubuntu with my pci wifi it messed up my router15:54
RuutI don't remember, I've been using WinXP since 3 years ago15:55
hacker07but that is all good since I use wired15:55
sebsebsebmart1: ok did sound ever work?15:55
IRiX_taev: just tried that, root (hd0,              gave an output of 3 partitions 1 ext2fs and the other 2 unknown15:55
hacker07is there any good msn clients other than aMSN15:55
mart1yes it did W/ win 98 &xp15:55
grawityhacker07: Pidgin.15:55
sebsebsebhacker07: yes Kmess15:55
stodorovichacker07: go to google15:55
hchufengsebsebseb: Do you know the IBUS?15:55
foeyquick question - Im currently running Ubuntu 64 beta and half the programs I wish to install such as Skype, Filezilla e.t.c do not run/install due to there being no 64bit builds. Revert back to 32bit? Running a X6800 with 6Gb of RAM15:55
hacker07pidgin sucks15:55
IRiX_taev: i take it windows is either one of the other 215:55
ktulu77hacker07, pidgin15:55
grawityhacker07: Reasons?15:56
djtoaststodorovid: Im testing now.. i got past my issue ... was missing a ; ...  you know how it goes one little error gives wierd resutls :)  But i will definatly look into bash (Using ksh for my script)15:56
hacker07dose kmess support voice conference15:56
sebsebsebhacker07: and  if you got Java installed you can get  Mercury Messenger, only one guy made it, closed source,  may be a bit buggy at times, but it can suppourt like all MSN features and it's own stuff15:56
grawity... Okay, so I am trying to run Ubuntu inside Micros~1 Virtual PC 2007. (No, please don't suggest VirtualBox.) Anyway, it seems to crash immediately after the boot menu, and the "trace" scrolls by so fast I don't see what happened. It does show something about paravirtualization.15:56
ktulu77foey, I have skype on 64bit15:56
calcfoey: there are 32bit compat libs that you can install15:56
sebsebsebgrawity: lol please don't suggest Virtualbox?  ha ha15:56
rujinis anyone familiar with a website where you can put in commands to terminal that would auto install programs/plug-ins?15:56
sebsebsebgrawity: I have an idea why you may be saying that, but I  want to know, so why?15:56
stodorovicdjtoast: oh right. I foolishly assumed you were using bash. The ksh man page might have more info, but as you say, you fixed it :)15:57
calcfoey: and uh filezilla is packaged for ubuntu 64bit15:57
foeycalc: is this ok to use for 32bit apps and do they run without a problem?15:57
calcfoey: yea, but generally its better to use 64bit version when available, it uses less ram that way15:57
stodoroviccalc: how so15:57
hacker07thanks I just got mercury15:58
amikropIt's uBUNtu or UBuntu?15:58
sebsebsebgrawity: I got a feeling that Virtualpc  wasn't really made to run Linux15:58
calcfoey: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229515:58
sebsebsebamikrop: neither it's  Ubuntu15:58
Piciamikrop: ooboontoo15:58
rujincuz on scale of 1-10 im bout a 3 when it comes to using this xubuntu on ps3 so if i can leasen the time needed to install things with pre done commands it would simplify my life15:58
grawitysebsebseb: Eh, three reasons: 1) I want to make it work with VPC. 2) I'm not in the mood of downloading 50 MB over a 256 kbps line. 3) I just...don't like VBox for some weird reason.15:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about accent15:58
Ruuthttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147674/   --This is the output of "ifconfig -a". The problem is that I can surf the net VERY SLOWLY. I have no problem when surfing with other PCs, but when I try with my laptop (ubuntu 8.04, wired ethernet) it is extremely slow (e.g. when loading google, it only loads half of the "google" logo) could somebody help me figuring out what's wrong with the configuratin of my eth0? or maybe if it's a d15:58
Ruutriver issue..15:58
amikropPici: I mean where the accent goes.15:58
grawitysebsebseb: And yes, VPC is perfect for Windows, but sucks at anything else. (Well, OS/2 runs nice too.)15:58
calcstodorovic: you have to load the 32bit libraries which may already have 64bit copies loaded, same goes for eg Vista 64bit with its WOW emulator15:58
amikropsebastien: I mean how it is said.15:58
RipzerskinsHi guys.15:59
foeycalc : great thanks. I'll check it out. What about these 32bit additions. These easy to setup?15:59
sebsebsebamikrop: Uh  bun  two   I think15:59
calcstodorovic: well WOW isn't really an emulator just another copy of windows libraries runing for 32bit mode (i think)15:59
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stodoroviccalc: ok true15:59
taevRuut: how does a ping to google.com or yahoo.com look?15:59
sebsebsebamikrop: in fact  trying to put how it is said, in text can go wrong15:59
Ruutit looks normal15:59
=== no is now known as Guest80651
amikropsebastien: I need to know which syllabe is highlighted.15:59
Ruutit pings and it surf VERY sowly16:00
sebsebsebamikrop: maybe you should find a video on the net of  Mark Shuttleworth  and how  he says Ubuntu16:00
calcfoey: yea just install the needed ones for what you use eg lib32foo16:00
amikropsebsebseb:  I need to know which syllabe is highlighted.16:00
Piciamikrop: Try #ubuntu-offtopic, this isnt really support related.16:00
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem with my computer, maybe a driver malfunction. Extremely slow graphically16:00
taevRuut: what is your average ping like?16:00
RipzerskinsCould anyone help me?16:00
ricochethey guys i am running Xubuntu 9.04 on my Dell mini 9 and i need some help with some stuff16:00
Ruutand it's the same as in my other PC (which is working flawlessly)16:00
calcfoey: that link i pasted earlier tells you how to setup skype on ubuntu 64bit16:00
ricochetand no one is talking in the Xubuntu IRC chat16:00
sebsebseb!jaunty >  ricochet16:01
taevRuut: how much ram on your laptop?16:01
Piciricochet: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.16:01
ubotturicochet, please see my private message16:01
foeycalc : I'm just going through it now. thanks :)16:01
* calc gone back to work16:01
Ruutcome on... it's a eth0 problem, not a ram proble,16:01
stodorovicUbuntu 8.10 installed. uname -r shows 2.6.27-11, but http://boskastrona.ovh.org/ shows 8.10 kernel to be 2.6.27-13. apt-get -s upgrade shows nothing to upgrade. How can I get 2.6.27-13 on here?16:01
taevRuut: if you know what the problem is, perhaps you would like to solve it yourself?16:01
foeycalc : Great, thats installed and working. Thanks.16:01
Rubysthas anybody exprerience with Harddrives with bad sectors?16:01
Ruutdo you know how I can check if the driver is working, or how I can change te driver?16:01
Picistodorovic: -13 is oly in the proposed repository. i.e: its not fully tested yet.16:02
Picistodorovic: Actually, its -14 now.16:02
taevRuut: your ifconfig listing shows no obvious issues. If you can ping websites at 60ms, your drivers are probably ok. Is this a desktop or a laptop?16:02
Ruuttaev I didnt mean to be rude..16:02
calcRubyst: use smartmontools to do a smart test, or the vendors test utility16:02
Ruutit's a laptop16:02
Ruutacer travelmate 29016:03
stodorovicPici: hmm. Thanks. Not sure if the kernel can use drivers for a newer kernel. I'll have a go but expect to get loads of kernel OOPS :/16:03
maynoth12345678if anyone here is using the latest ATI linux drivers can you please tell me if they still suck for gaming like eve and vendeta online etc16:03
=== JayFo is now known as JFo
calcRubyst: if you can backup the drive you can then overwrite the whole drive with random data which should also help cause the drive to remap any other bad sectors16:03
calcRubyst: drives have extra unused sectors that they use to remap bad sectors with16:03
taevRuut: which model? TM290xx? Also, how much ram?16:04
IRiX_if anyone has any ideas please shout16:04
Rubystthanks calc16:05
Ruutgood question.. I think it is a CL51.. is it possible? I have 512MB16:05
stodorovicnot sure i can dpkg install a .deb with a kernel module for a slightly newer kernel :/16:05
taevruut: here's the listing I found, trying to figure out which one you might have: http://www.acersupport.com/notebook/html/tm290.html16:05
gAlsItYyhiii :)16:05
calcRubyst: this page also has some useful information: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/badblockhowto.html16:05
unitedpotsmokershello, good evening guys... i had a problem since im using gyache and ubuntu. the problem is when i sent msg to my friends, they not receive my msg. is this problem from gyache or ubuntu?16:06
hchufenggood night everyone!16:06
unitedpotsmokersgood nite hchufeng16:06
calcRubyst: your best bet though if you think you have bad sectors, but not a totally dead drive would be to back it up and overwrite the whole drive and then run a smartctl -t long  (long test)16:06
maynoth12345678<maynoth12345678> if anyone here is using the latest ATI linux drivers can you please tell me if they still suck for gaming like eve and vendeta online etc16:07
mweichertif I set a kernel parameter using sysctl, will it persist after a reboot?16:07
exosystHello roomies, Can anyone else verify that Add/Remove Applications has stopped working after the last update?16:07
calcRubyst: you can overwrite your whole drive using dd, i think it might be an autoban for telling how though16:07
exosystIt'd be helpful as I can file a bug if it is16:08
Ruutthat should be it..16:08
Picassotamusexosyst: I doubt it.  What problem are u having?16:09
Ruuttaev.. still there?16:10
taevruut: yeah, was looking around16:10
RipzerskinsHey, I run on ubuntu 8.10, and when I run update manager (or sudo apt-get update either one) I get this error message that says 'Not all updates can be installed-Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.' So I press okay. It starts to update, when it just disappears, doesn't make any error message or update. I get the same error box next time I run the update manager. Anyone know how to fix this?16:10
exosystPicassotamus: After the last update, I thought i'd install some codecs via Add/Remove in Applications menu. It just, uhm, doesnt have anything :S16:10
taevseems like wired ought to work fine. Did you say your wireless wasn't working?16:10
calcRubyst: i private messaged you how to do it, but make sure not to try it unless you have backed up all the data on the drive from all partitions as it will erase it completely16:10
Picassotamusexosyst: It doesn't have anything?  or no codecs?16:12
exosystPicassotamus: On the left I have 'All' no other categories, the lower right and upper left are blank/greyed out and the search yields nothing16:12
monostonehi, I'm looking for a way to rename via commandline a whole directory of files, maintaining partially the name like the following example: image_123_l.jpg -> image_123_m.jpg basically i need to maintain everything except the last letter, how could I apply a regex to the mv or cp commands?16:12
Picassotamusexosyst: If you run sudo apt-get update do you get the same error msg as Ripzerskins?16:13
exosystPicassotamus:  Nope. No problems there16:13
foeyI'm running 9.04 Beta. When it is release later in the month can I just upgrade my current installation?16:13
RipzerskinsPicassotamus: I love being an example. haha16:13
stodorovicerm what? sudo dpkg -i --simulate package.deb, does not print errors; removing --simulate, and it errors out16:13
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exosystfoey: Yes.16:14
exosystmonostone: Write a simple bashscript16:14
foeyexosyst : thanks. Do most people upgrade? Are there any differences from a clean install e.t.c?16:14
exosystmonostone: that way you can reuse it16:14
Picimonostone: use the rename command.16:14
monostonePici: Ill look into the man, thanx for the tip16:15
exosystfoey: My plan always goes: Backup files/Configs, check against liveCD that nothing is broken on hardware, install clean.16:15
Picassotamusexosyst: Could be a bug... or the packages site is down... or update manager(aptitude?) is bugging16:15
exosystfoey: standard upgrade of distro should work fine though16:15
monostonePici: excellent, that's just what I was looking for16:15
rbddoes rm -rf always recurse acorss symlinks?16:15
rbdor does it just delete the symlink itself?16:16
foeyexosyst : Many thanks. Big help.16:16
RopechoborraI installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras but still cant listen to mp3 files :(16:16
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RipzerskinsPicassotamus: Do you have an idea what's wrong with my system?16:16
exosystPicassotamus: I have no idea, It seems odd though. So you're not getting the same thing?16:16
Picassotamusexosyst: heh, im on windows at work : /16:16
exosystPicassotamus: Ah nuts.16:16
exosystlol, Anyone running Ubuntu able to test something out for me?16:17
mweichertwhat's the most popular linux ipsec server?16:17
Ripzerskinsexosyst: What's that?16:17
DG19075Ropechoborra; you may need to install lame16:17
rashed2020_mweichert: Probably Poptop16:17
PicassotamusRipzerskins: Not really, sorry16:17
mweichertrashed2020_, that's a PPTP server16:18
exosystRipzerskins: My Add/Remove Programs is broken after the last update (not a dpkg problem, nor a synaptic/aptitude problem)16:18
RipzerskinsPicassotamus: No problem.16:18
rashed2020_Oh, woops.16:18
MionDG19075: lame is an encoder, not a decoder16:18
Ripzerskinsexosyst: Okay. I can't really help I don't think, my update manager is broken for some weird reason.16:18
joseThis is test16:19
Mionjose: your test failed16:19
joseis any one there16:19
RopechoborraDG19075, installing16:19
zomborcan anyone help me out? i just ran a system update and now my system won't boot, it sits there and says "GRUB " but never shows the boot menu16:19
cumulus007it failed epicly16:19
HuufartedJose, there is a #test channel for testing stuff16:19
exosystRipzerskins: have you tried update from command line?16:19
RopechoborraDG19075, nothing :(16:20
Ripzerskinsexosyst: Yes. it gives me 'Try running sudo apt-get update to fix these problems' The command sudo apt-get update gives me that message.16:20
exosystso you run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade And then what? You say 'it dissapeared' - you mean the terminal?16:21
taevzombor, check out http://microdotsagamedev.wordpress.com/2007/06/08/repair-your-grub-loader/16:21
taevIt'll explain how to fix grub16:21
gatienafter adding fonts, and refreshing the cache, openoffice still doesnt list them, what gives?16:21
aaronatorhow do I determine whether or not the following options are in my kernel configuration?  "Networking -> Wireless :16:21
aaronator [M] Improved wireless configuration API16:21
aaronator [*]   nl80211 new netlink interface support16:21
aaronator [*] Wireless extensions16:21
aaronator [M] Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (mac80211)16:21
FloodBot3aaronator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
aaronator [M] Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (DEPRECATED)16:21
taevif grub is your issue16:21
zombortaev: thanks, ill check it out16:22
taevzombor: welcome. If that doesn't fix it, you may have issues with your kernel. I think you can do a repair install from the CD as well?16:22
zomborthis is exactly why i never updated my kernel ;)16:22
vigoHow do I make a custom installation for my Dr.. He is not really computer or linux savvy and I would like to /make/? a pre-packaged install for him.16:23
zombori let it sit there for a while, cause i always have problems after a kernel update16:23
Ripzerskinsexosyst: I haven't tried that. Hold on.16:23
gatienafter adding fonts, and refreshing the cache, openoffice still doesnt reflect them. what gives??16:24
Ripzerskinsexosyst: Seems to be working, thanks bud.16:24
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aaronatorI need some help with these options:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/147716/16:24
exosystRipzerskins: oh ok. Glad to have helped16:24
ianh99Ruut, Have you tried ethtool eth0 to check your speed/negotiation16:24
Ripzerskinsexosyst: I can help you once this is done. What do you need me to do?16:24
exosystJust goto Applications and run Add/Remove, see if it's working (i.e. you get options to install things rather than it being blank with no categories on the left hand side)16:25
RipzerskinsIt's working fine16:25
exosystyeah? Bugger - something must've broken it my end then. You're running 8.10 I assume with latest updates?16:26
RipzerskinsInstalls fine too.16:26
gatienafter adding fonts, and refreshing the cache, openoffice still doesnt reflect them. what gives??16:27
ConicAny chance this could be in 9.04 by default? http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_7.04/Issues/USB-SATA_race_condition_causes_hang16:28
exosystOk cheers Ripzerskins16:28
fred_This is my first room16:28
ConicOr at least an option to select?16:28
ConicMy computer needs it.16:28
Ripzerskinsexosyst: no problem, thanks for helping.16:28
Picassotamus!jaunty | Conic16:28
ubottuConic: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:28
ogelamihow do i format an harddrive?16:28
=== no is now known as Guest49631
cumulus007ogelami: install GParted16:29
ogelamiand how do i choose what filesystem i want to have on it16:29
aaronatorogelami: is it the hdd you have your OS on?16:29
cumulus007then, System -> Administration -> Partition editor16:29
cumulus007note that Linux' disk administration is totlally different from the Windows system16:29
aaronatorogelami: cumulus hit it on the head16:29
ogelamii don't have partition editor in my administration panel16:30
ConicHe just said to install GParted first.16:30
ogelamisudo apt-get install gparted?16:30
ConicThat should work.16:31
aaronatorogelami: go system->administration->synaptic and search for gparted will also work16:31
ogelaminice, now i have the partition editor16:31
aaronatornow can someone answer my question lol http://paste.ubuntu.com/147716/16:32
lukasvermeerHello :)16:32
lukasvermeerI'm having a little packagemanager problem and was hoping one of you might be able to help me16:33
dreamydoes anyone knows whats this error " no monitor supporting ddc/ci available " ?16:33
gatienafter adding fonts, and refreshing the cache, openoffice still doesnt reflect them. what gives??16:33
dreamyis "ddc/Ci" something that is installed ?16:33
QpSmileymy internet is back!16:33
daftykinsdreamy it means that your graphics card is unable to find a monitor/display which is able to tell it its' configuration settings over the cable - it's a hardware support thing, not software16:34
aaronatorcongrats smiley16:34
ogelamiwhat should i pick ext2 or ext3?16:34
daftykinsdreamy: DDC = display data channel, google for more.16:34
ogelamiwhat's the difference, and witch one is the best for what16:34
aaronatorogelami what do you want to do with the drive16:34
dreamydaftykins: is there something i can do to make it work ?16:34
ogelamistore files, and have applications installed on it16:35
daftykinsdepends what your graphics card and monitor(s) are, make and model wise, dreamy16:35
dreamyits one way .. i have to increase brigthness , my fn key is not working16:35
daftykinsmost probably not.16:35
daftykinsoh you're on a laptop?16:35
dreamydaftyskins: its a ati radeon mobility m6 ly16:35
doserydercan someone tell me whether playing flash videos (youtube)  will interfere with playing other media files in a media player of some type?16:35
dreamydaftykins: after the luminosity went down. i had no way to increase it16:36
daftykinsoh i see dreamy, and when did it get turned down?16:36
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dreamycurisously when xp setup crashed ..  courisously .. :S16:37
aaronatorogelami: http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/pipermail/yellowdog-newbie/2003-August/004188.html16:37
dreamydaftykins : im not shure .. it was a big confusion16:37
lukasvermeerI have a problem with the "libgnomekbd3" package. apt-get -f install proposes to remove a list of programs to fix it, including gnome-applets gnome-control-center gnome-panel gnome-screensaver gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon and ubuntu-desktop .... is that as bad as it sounds?16:37
QpSmileyAnyone wanna help me on my NVIDIA problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7041432#post704143216:38
daftykinsdreamy have you tried shutting down safely, removing the battery and disconnecting the mains power? it may reset it16:38
dreamydaftykins: ok ill try16:38
ogelamithank you, just what i was looking for.16:39
dreamydaftykins: Cant i use virtual keyboards ?16:39
daftykinsi have no idea what you mean. but if you have an idea, feel free to pursue it16:39
dreamyan applications with keys on the screen16:40
dreamypressed with a mouse16:40
ogelamihow do i mount my newly formated hdd?16:40
JampiterHow do I make MIDIs play on Ubuntu? They will not play.16:40
cumulus007double-click on it16:40
thhtlukasvermeer: looks bad. gnome-panel is essential for your GNOME-Desktop16:40
ricochetmatt_sworn: hey are you there?16:42
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=== Guest25048 is now known as xterra_
xterra_tou com problems16:44
ogelamimy hdd doesn't show up16:44
xterra_alguem me dá uma dica?16:44
dreamydaftykins: is the luminosity level saved in the bios ? :S .. i wonder  ..16:44
ogelamiand there fore i can't double click and mount it16:44
ogelamiit's formated and do show up in the GParted16:45
z00mhi, this is abit off topic but does anyone know if there is a tool that after a fresh windows install it will scan your computer and find all the drivers in needs for the hardware then download them off the net ?16:45
daftykinsnone that i would trust or allow z00m, no16:45
daftykinsare you having trouble identifying hardware?16:45
QpSmileyif i try to install the NVIDIA drivers my computer goes into low gfx mode16:46
z00mdaftykins, no m8. Im just about to format an old pc i have but i dont have all the drivers for the hardware so i was thinking there must be something online that would ident all the hardware and supply links to the drivers or even download them for me.16:46
ianh99ogelami, try mkdir /tmp/newdisk  then sudo mount /dev/sdnn /tmp/newdisk  where nn is the device letter and number16:47
z00mso if anyone is a coder in here, if you want to be rich make one spyware free :)16:47
daftykinsz00m just read device manager and write down all the important stuff, i sometimes use an Ubuntu LiveCD to identify hardware after that point too - very useful. but no, it's easy to find 99% of stuff from manufacturer websites.16:47
jtgirihi guys I am trying to add one user to www-data group but it's not working it's keep adding it to new group , here is the output http://pastebin.com/m28f2b42016:47
z00mdaftykins, yeah i know its possible just takes time :P16:48
z00mwould be nice if there was a tool that did all the hard work16:48
daftykinsthere is, it's called the IT guy ;)16:48
sachaelhi guys, can anyone recommend me a good linux anti-virus?16:48
grawitysachael: How about none?16:48
z00mtrue they wouldnt have a job if there was something for noobs like that16:49
daftykinsi personally wouldn't recommend running anti-virus on Linux at all - there is really no justifiable need16:49
Tomi-87Hi all! I installed the 9.04b and have problems with the notification system. It notifies me when I get a message (pidgin) or when the internet connection is established but does not do anything when I adjust the volume or the brightness. Also it does not work with thunderbird. Is it a known bug or can I do  anything to make it work? (Anyway there was not this problem when it was running from live-CD.) Thanks for your help16:49
daftykins!jaunty | Tomi-8716:49
ubottuTomi-87: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.16:49
ZeddeHello how od I install java on ubuntu 8.10 ?16:49
z00msachael, wouldnt worry about anti virus on linux16:49
daftykins!java | Zedde16:49
ubottuZedde: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository16:49
sachaelgrawity, daftykins, the IT center of my university thinks that my computer is infected (i live in a dorm). To unlock my internet access, i need to scan my system16:49
grawitysachael: hmm. Try ClamAV16:49
ianh99jtgiri, I think it's sudo adduser sandboxdev www-data16:50
daftykinssachael, phone them up and say you run Linux - so you can't have a virus - then ask exactly what they think your computer is doing that's nefarious activity16:50
z00msachael, did you tell them its linux and linux doesnt have viruses :D16:50
QpSmileymy driver is forcing my graphics card to load in low graphics mode anyone wanna look into it?16:50
ascarterZedde: sudo apt-get install sun-java-6-jre or sudo apt-get install openjdk-jre16:50
dreamydaftykins: i tryed but no luck :S16:51
daftykinsQpSmiley, have you tried every single driver from the 'hardware drivers' section after a clean install?16:51
QpSmiley... ill try it again i guess =/16:51
Tomi-87oh so a problem with jaunty = #ubuntu+1... sorry i did not know that16:51
daftykinsno problem Tomi-8716:51
Zeddeascarter: allready on it16:52
Tomi-87ok, so bye16:52
z00mdaftykins, im turning an old pc into an FTP server for friends and family. Is there anything available on Linux for an FTP with a GUI HTTP front end for them to connect to it ?16:53
daftykinsnothing that i'm aware of i'm afraid, i don't know of any ftp servers - though i'd run "apt-cache search ftp" to find out16:53
daftykinsok silly results to that z00m XD maybe "apt-cache search ftp server" is a bit more feasible16:54
z00msee there is software for windows called serv-U ftp its an FTP server and sets up an HTTP front end for logins also and access16:54
daftykinsyeah, i've come across that in the past16:54
daftykinsthough these days i run Gene6 FTP server from a windows file server16:54
daftykinswere i able to convert that to Linux, i wouldn't really need to run an FTP anymore as i would use SCP over SSH instead16:55
grawityz00m: All browsers support FTP, why would you need a "HTTP front-end" for that?16:55
daftykinshe means to configure i'd expect, grawity16:55
z00mgrawity, yeah i know you can use browser for access but serv-u ftp give them a nice login screen via HTTP:// and also the tools to upload / download.  they would have to use and FTP:// url otherwise16:56
z00mi just wanted it to be easy for them, they dont know that much about computers or the net16:56
z00mgrawity, like this ive got it up atm16:57
ogelamiI'm having problems detecting my audio driver i think16:57
deanyz00m, sounds to me you/they`d be better of using share16:57
ogelamiRealtek AC'97 audio is what i think im looking for, but is it available in linux?16:57
z00mdeany, whats share?16:58
deanyz00m, oh so you want it with outside access16:58
deanytry dropbox or something ..16:58
deanyas for what you are looking for, cant say ive heard of one.16:59
z00mok :/16:59
deanybut a dropbox sounds like a good idea to me.16:59
judaswhat should i do if python says "no module pygtk"? and yeah it's deffenitley there16:59
ogelamimy sound is not working!17:01
ogelamican some one help me and tell how to get it working?17:01
doserydercan someone tell me whether playing flash videos (youtube)  will interfere with playing other media files in a media player of some type?17:01
z00mdeany, dropbox looks good just googled it17:02
ogelamihow do i see if i have any conflicts between my hardware and drivers?17:03
deanyyeah.. i like the delta idea17:03
deanytho, for free you only get a gig to use.. if thats enough17:03
Picijudas: Perhaps the location of the module isn't in your PYTHONPATH17:03
z00mis there a file size limit ?17:04
judasalready found the problem17:04
deanydont know, wihtout looking17:04
judaspocketsphinx needs libgstreamer-plugins-base-0.10-devel to compile the gstpocketsphynx modules .... grrrrr17:04
z00mdeany, dont ill take a look now17:04
z00mdont worry^17:05
jurismwhat's wrong if I can not reboot system? (only reboot works by pressing reset button on PC case). shutdown command works fine but reboot stops processes and freezes computer. I can not find anything in /ar/log/syslog dmesg...17:05
ogelamihttp://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/asd.txt <- can anyone tell me why my sound driver isnt working?17:06
=== solexious_ is now known as solexious
=== fran is now known as Guest68003
Guest68003hello skolem17:11
user1what package has all the codecs i need to run any video audio file ?17:11
vesselphey all17:11
Piciuser1: ubuntu-restricted-extras17:11
Guest68003ubuntu is't a shit17:12
user1Pici:  done that. still cant play mp317:12
vesselpdoes any one here know why 8.10 and open office dictionaries is screwed and how to fix it?17:12
LjL!language | Guest6800317:12
ubottuGuest68003: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:12
Guest68003ubuntuuuuu is't a shitttt17:12
ibarhi all17:13
Piciuser1: That should allow it.  What player are you using?17:13
user1Pic amarok17:13
Piciuser1: Ah. You may need kubuntu-restricted-extras as well then.17:13
user1Pic i already have kubu res ac17:14
Piciuser1: What?17:14
user1Pici:  i already have installed kubuntu-restricted-extras17:15
tlm2024hi, anyone got the 3 mobile ZTE MF622 modem working in 8.10 ??17:16
Piciuser1: Are the files not recognized, or does sound just not come out?17:17
mthompshey guys, i have a huge problem. my sound fucked up and i started to mess around..i accidently uninstalled x windows...i think. i can only boot from command prompt17:17
mthompscan anyone tell me the commands to re install x?17:17
Picimthomps: Please watch your language here.17:17
=== PaulL_ is now known as PaulL
Picimthomps: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:18
mthompsthanks, now after i nstall it how do i load it up?17:19
mthompsits installing now17:19
Picimthomps: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start17:19
mthompsthank you so freakin much Pici17:19
mthompsim sitting here thinking im going to have to reinstall ubuntu17:19
mthompsPici: how would I go about reinstalling alsa completely, ubuntu was checking my disks this morning at start up. and when it loaded i didnt have sound anymore. thats how this whole thing started17:20
Picimthomps: The command I gave you should install everything that comes default with Ubuntu.  Reinstalling an already installed package rarely fixes issues.17:21
silv3r_m00nhi there17:22
mthompsPici: i had sound before this morning. it said "ubuntu will check your disks" and after i had no sound17:22
silv3r_m00nwhen will the repository of ubuntu 8.10 have kde 4.217:22
KelenSomebody said the version jaunty 9.04 is LTS, is that true?17:22
mthompshalf of my audio device options said it they were in use, and none would work through my integrated audio17:22
sackerUsally the .10 is LTS not .0417:23
BigMoopiesWhat day will Jaunty be released ?17:23
Dreamglider9.o4 is not LTS17:23
Picikzorg: No17:23
Picikzorg: sorry, mistab.17:23
user1Pici: got the issue resolved with amarok mp3 support download. i installed mplayer too17:23
Dreamglidernor is 9.10 LTS17:24
jtajionly LTS so far are 6.06 and 8.04, sounds like next one is 10.0417:24
DreamgliderLTS is every two years17:25
KelenDreamglider: but it's has letter "l" in issue /etc/issue17:26
Kelensome one told me that..17:26
DreamgliderKelen, according to wikipedia LTS is every two yeats17:27
Dreamglideryears* sry17:27
Dreamgliderso fare 6.06 and 8.04 are LTS17:28
Nukkerperchè mi si blocca sempre il pc è la scheda video?17:28
Nukkerprontoo ?17:29
silv3r_m00nhow can I install kde 4.2 in ubuntu 8.10 ( in the repository 4.1 is there)17:29
KelenOkay, i really expect to try Xserve
Nukkerhow can i mount my usb in fluxbuntu?17:29
tufteeverytime i start firefox (by clicking on the icon at the top) the gnome bar reloads and no firefox starts17:30
Pici!kde4 | silv3r_m00n17:31
ubottusilv3r_m00n: KDE 4.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2 - Support in #kubuntu17:31
=== russo_ is now known as russo
majnoonsome one told me to unmount drive before you fsck is that a good idea ? (i did unmount it)17:33
MrObvious_Hello. I'm on 7.10 and wish to update to a newer version. Can I do so without having to burn a CD to whatever?17:33
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:34
Xcellenjoy the ride.17:35
proqI'm trying to find a package that contains the file libsoftokn3.so, but apt-cache search is not giving any results for "softokn".  how can I find this file?17:35
MrObvious_Right now I have 7.10 which is a year and a half old.17:35
majnoonsome one told me to unmount drive before you fsck is that a good idea ? (i did unmount it)17:35
Xcellim on 7.10 also..17:35
Picimajnoon: Yes, you have to unmount before you fsck17:35
Xcelland i aint switchin either.17:36
majnooni unmounted17:36
MrObvious_I wanna switch though!17:36
majnoonjustmaking sure17:36
schmichaelsomehow an acer utility managed to mess up my linux partitions which have an encrypted /home and swap.  gparted in only reporting 2 partitions where linux should be: one is "unallocated", the other is "unknown"17:36
SchmittyDoesIthow do I find the process with the highlest load?17:36
schmichaelis my data lost?17:36
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.17:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:36
majnoonis there a -v type flag for it (for verbose ?)17:37
thhtMrObvious: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-7.10-eol17:37
SchmittyDoesIthow do I find the process with the highlest load?17:37
schmichaeli'm trying to use cryptsetup to access the "unallocated" partition but it just says the key isn't found (and i know the password is correct)17:37
MrObvious_Thanks thht.17:38
KiRiLoSHello,i am having some trouble setting up my microphone.Any1 willing to help me out ?17:38
SchmittyDoesIthow do I find the process with the highlest load?17:38
proqSchmittyDoesIt: run top in your terminal17:38
sipiorschmichael: probably not, but what was the acer utility supposed to do? one thing you should probably do from the start is to image the partition with your data on it. once that data is secure, check out the "testdisk" utility, and see if it can restore a sensible partition table.17:39
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SchmittyDoesItthanx proq17:39
jmcdowellhello all..17:40
schmichaelsipior: i exited the utility without doing anything but now get a grub 15 error on boot (no menu displayed, SGD can't find anything)17:40
mthompscan anyone tell me what the default sound programs are that i need so that i can reinstall them. i fucked up my system bad and im trying to figure out how to fix it without clean install17:40
sipiorschmichael: well, guess it must have done something, yeah? :-)17:40
jmcdowellanyone in here familiar with klibc?17:40
sipiorschmichael: but what was the purpose in running the program?17:40
schmichaelsipior: ha, exactly.  no clue what though!  does test disk support encrypted volumes?17:40
schmichaelsipior: it was an accident, i tried to boot vista (for the first time) but it booted that utility instead17:41
chrisdonepulseaudio kind of dies after a while and doesn't appear in my volume control device list. it comes back when I reboot ubuntu. how can I manually start pulseaudio again?17:41
schmichaelsipior: grub had 2 vista options, i chose the first17:41
sipiorschmichael: it should be able to restore the partition table, so that you can then mount the volume from the live cd, and access your encrypted data in the normal fashion.17:41
jmcdowellanyone in here familiar with klibc? ;}17:42
schmichaelsipior: trying test disk now, thanks17:42
mthompshalf of my audio device options said it they were in use, and none would work through my integrated audio17:42
mthompscan anyone tell me what the default sound programs are that i need so that i can reinstall them. i fucked up my system bad and im trying to figure out how to fix it without clean install17:42
J_PPeople, why 8.10 don't have package mozilla-firefox-locale-pt-br ?17:42
=== PieWai is now known as iaWeiP
jmcdowellmthomps : you may not get ignored if you stopped "fing up" the channel..17:43
ActiveFrostWho've ever worked with VSFTPD ( ftp server ) ?17:43
tufteso i installed paperclip, but my attachments are overwritten on deployments . . .i would like to make a symlink to the capistrano-created system directory from inside my app‘s public directory, but don't want this to be overwritten -- do i have to do this in capistrano?17:44
jmcdowellmthomps : How did you "F" it up, and what programs are missing?  Did you check your var/log/messages or dmesg or anything like that?  Are your sounds related apps core dumping?17:44
chrisdoneI tried `service pulseaudio restart`, but it doesn't seem to work; no pulseaudio in my gnome-volume-control17:45
emma!info paperclip17:47
mthompsjmcdowell:  basicly this is what happened17:47
ubottuPackage paperclip does not exist in intrepid17:47
chrisdonehi emma17:47
mrb__hey everybody.....17:47
mthompswhen i woke up today and started my system ubuntu did a disk check after the check i did not have sound so i started messing around17:47
chrisdoneemma: I know a schemer when I see it17:47
mrb__i have a problem with triple boot i was wondering who can help me out.... ?17:47
emmahehe hey you!17:47
mthompsi uninstalled everything having to do with alsa and pulse17:47
mthompsand somehow lossed x windows, a nice fella here showed me how to reinstall my ubuntu desktop17:47
mthompsbut now im trying to figure out how to get my sound working again17:48
Jeruvychrisdone: service ... why not /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart?17:48
jmcdowellSo re-install ALSA17:48
jmcdowelland pulse17:48
mthompsi did sudo apt-get install alsa-source17:48
mthompsthat didnt work17:48
jmcdowellanyone in here familiar with klibc? ;}17:48
chrisdoneJeruvy: I tried that, too. as I understand it, these are the same command?17:48
eseven73mthomps, try setting everything to ALSA in sound options, then do sudo alsa force-reload17:48
jmcdowellmthomps : hang on..17:48
sipiormthomps: a record of all the packages you deleted can probably be found in /var/log/apt/term.log. you can work through that, adding packages back as you find them.17:49
jmcdowellmthomps : You have to install the alsa mixer and all that sort of stuff..  I don't think you need to install the source unless you intend to build it.17:49
Jeruvychrisdone: I haven't used 'service' on ubuntu (and it doesn't exist for me), I was curious.17:49
mrb__Triple boot help UBUNTU, OS X and VISTA plz ?!!!17:49
chrisdoneJeruvy: I think it comes with Intrepid and over. are you on something older?17:49
mthompsi just tried the force-reload command17:49
mthompslet me try it now17:49
jmcdowellmthomps : alsa-mixer alsa-utils17:50
eseven73mthomps, that force command won't work until you get all the alsa stuff installed17:50
jmcdowellmthomps : everything related SHOULD follow the mixer, just let ubuntu select what it thinks it needs.17:50
mthompsok so i need the mixer17:50
jmcdowellanyone in here familiar with klibc? ;}17:50
mthompsi did the force command17:51
mthompsand the test in the gui works17:51
mthompsbut youtube and other sounds dont still17:51
sipiorjmcdowell: best just to ask your question directly :-)17:51
Xcellif i install 8.10...can i just make alsa the master?17:51
mthompsso i need to install alsa-mixer and alsa-utils correct?17:51
eseven73oh that's a flash issue17:51
jmcdowellmthomps : sounds like you are using the OSS compat module17:51
Jeruvychrisdone: I am only using LTS, I have jaunty but I didn't check there.17:51
jmcdowellmthomps : only one device at a time..17:51
eseven73mthomps, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras should work, then restart firefox, and set everything in sound options to ALSA17:51
mthompshang on guys, now ther eis a repeated bleep through my headphones17:51
jmcdowellanyone in here familiar with klibc? ;} - I am trying to wrap my head about KLIBC in general..  I can't get it to build at all, although I am working on that.17:52
mrb__I have Installed all 3 OS's but i have problems booting Ubuntu and Vista as i can only boot OS X17:53
mrb__i have rFIEt installed alright and it shows an Image of each OS but only OS X boots correctly17:53
mthompswhat is the package name for the alsa mixer17:54
mthompssudo apt-get install alsa-mixer17:54
mthompsdoesnt work17:54
IHS_InternI have some of the ubuntu repos mirrored, but have an issue with it not having a signature of some sort, how do I fix that?17:55
zubuntuhello.how to install TV card kowrld in ubuntu?17:55
mthompsoh ok guys, i have sound for my mp3 files which means my mp3 and dvd codecs are still intact17:56
mthompsseems that i just have to install flash stuff again, which i think i can do on my own17:56
mthompsthanks for the help fellas17:56
eseven73mthomps, you get that youtube sound working too?17:56
mthompsim installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras now17:57
mthompswell see in a second17:57
mthompsi might have to install the flash from adobes website, thats what got it to work when i did this install17:57
eseven73that should work, as it installs all the flash/java and whatnot, then just restart firefox17:57
Xcellyou mean to tell me, you cant play 2 audio devices in 8.10 still?17:57
MaT-dgmthomps: the graphical alsamixer is named 'alsamixergui '17:58
mthompsyoutube works, only one thing now17:58
eseven73nice :D17:58
mrb__So guyz no one knows anything about a triple boot right ?17:58
mthompsthe sound is very quite even though the gui control is all the way up17:59
mthompsso is youtube17:59
MaT-dgmrb__: same as duall boot but with 3 OS'es instead of 2?17:59
eseven73mthomps, type alsamixer in a terminal17:59
charlesatlasIs there a way to run a newly created filter in Evolution on my inbox?  To sort mail that has already been download and read before the filter was created?17:59
mrb__thats not what i meant due17:59
mrb__i have probems with the triple boot17:59
mthompseseven73: this is cool!18:00
=== Fraeon^ is now known as Fraeon
eseven73did that work?18:00
mthompsstill, this should be blasting in my ears at this volume18:00
mthompsit helped eseven7318:01
Xcellcheck all volumes and make sure they are (checked)18:01
mattgyver83I just installed a second HDD on my machine, is there a way to setup ubuntu to auto mount this device at boot?18:02
eseven73ok not sure why it's not blasting for you,,,, I think the gui mixer has more levers you could try messing around in there a bit...18:02
eseven73!fstab | mattgyver83,18:02
ubottumattgyver83,: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:02
eseven73that will auto mount ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^18:02
IRiX_does anyone know of a quick fix for 8.10 to enable ctrl alt del to display suspend, shutdown, restart, hibernate?  i had this feature when i first installed ubuntu but its gone since, i think it might be to do with compiz, anyone know?18:03
mthompswell thank you guys so far. i now have an x windows server and sound, but the sound is deffinetly too quite18:04
tlxhi how can you list the available wireless networks <?18:05
Xcellmthomps--  did you right click your little spkr icon and make sure all volume controls were turned on?18:05
blackdemonlook in shortcuts ...18:05
IRiX_blackdemon: i did, didnt work18:06
charlesatlastlx: does clicking on the network monitor not show them?18:06
mthompsXcell: yes18:06
godstarI created a username called ^fours_com and I cant access it or delete it. I read this is a Gnome problem. Any suggestions removing it?18:06
mthompswhat is IEC05818:07
mthompscould that have something to do with it?18:07
tlxcharlesatlas: but i want it in cl18:07
tlxmuch preferred18:07
blackdemongodstar, remove it manualy from /etc/passwd18:07
eseven73I have a question of my own now, it's a vbox, win xp/Ubuntu, wacom problem so not sure where to ask but, has anyone had issues of wacom not working in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop? It paints but without a icon18:07
schmichaelsipior: testdisk is doing a deepsearch on my system but i don't know... i just have my 2 vista partitions, 1 extended partition which should contain /, /home (encrypted), and swap (encrypted) ... but its only showing the extended partition and the swap partition inside it :(18:07
godstarblackdemon: Let me try real quick18:08
godstarblackdemon: I feel dumb :( .... that worked like a charm. Ty!18:08
charlesatlastlx: isn't is iwlist?18:08
s4m0uhi how to use gpg ??18:08
mrb__Guyz... i need help booting into ubuntu and Vista after a triple boot in MacBook Pro18:09
sipiorschmichael: it finished and couldn't locate the partition boundary for the other two?18:09
charlesatlastlx: iwlist scan18:09
charlesatlastlx: I think.18:09
IRiX_blackdemon: any other ideas?18:09
s4m0uis there in good website for Linux ?18:10
IHS_InternI've setup an ubuntu mirror for the high-school, and I'm seeing an issue with no public gpg signature18:10
KharecTry Linuxpedia18:10
eseven73mrb__, triple booting is a bit complex, I doubt anyone here will help you, you're probably going to have to try the forums http://ubuntuforums.org18:10
mrb__i am in forum trying to get help thanks alot anyway...18:10
sipiorschmichael: is the swap partition between the root and home partitions?18:10
mthompseseven73: i reloaded alsa again and the volume levels seem to be back to normal :)18:11
Xcellye ha!18:11
sipiorschmichael: in other words, can you just read off the beginning and ending cylinder numbers that way?18:11
|REM|Hi.  I had Nagios setup and running on Ubuntu for a few months and all was fine.  Now it isnt sending mail and I am not sure where to begin...=/18:11
mthompswhile we are on the subject can anyone explain to me why there are so many different options in the sound preferences menu18:11
blackdemonIRix, I'm thinking ...18:12
eseven73mthomps, that reloading alsa trick works great too when pulseaudio decides to get evil18:12
mthompsthanks ill keep that in mind18:12
=== htrejh is now known as htrejh_afk
sipiorschmichael: you could use fdisk to explicitly set the partition begin and end points. if these *precisely match* with what's really on disk, you should then be able to mount the partitions normally.18:12
eseven73!away > htrejh_afk18:12
ubottuhtrejh_afk, please see my private message18:12
QpSmileyso now I tried reinstalling ubuntu and then updating and then trying all the NVIDIA drivers 96,173,177,18018:12
QpSmileynothing worked18:13
mthompsso why are there so many options on the prefernces menu, for example there is HDA Intell ALC888 anolog(alsa) and then the same thing but (oss) and then there are three identical HDA Intell ALC888 (oss) options18:13
mthompsbut they are all identical18:13
eseven73mthomps, because linux is about choice :)18:13
eseven73so a lot of options18:13
QpSmileyso speaking of choice who can make my video card work?18:14
mthompslol, oh yeah i know that. im just curiuos about the technical reasons. im trying to "really" learn linux18:14
mthompsim just using ubuntu as my stepping stone18:14
IRiX_blackdemon: like it was working yester or the day before so i think its an update been trying to get ubuntu to run on me laptop18:14
sipioreseven73: out of curiosity, if that guy had changed his nick to something without the letters "afk" in them, would you have still sent the factoid? if not, why not?18:14
mthompswhat im thinking is that its so different sources can play back audio at the same time?18:14
jurism>I restart full system with command reboot but system hangs up with this command and do not restart. if I enter in safe mode (choosen from GRUB menu), "reboot" command works fine. when I start PC in safe mode between apache2 start and running local boot scripts I have: setting advenced power managment level to0xfe (254). I found http://www.mail-archive.com/clug-talk@clug.ca/msg18471.html...18:15
jurism...but I use Ubuntu 8.04 LTS not 8.10. Can I upgrade kernel to Ubuntu 8.10 newest kernel?18:15
FloodBot1jurism: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
mib_ieh8l4shalom and happy pasech to everybody18:15
IHS_InternSo... anyone know about how to create a gpg signature for my Ubuntu mirror?18:15
=== marcos__ is now known as w525aa
ketzuHow does one check if they are on wireless N or G? :/18:16
eseven73sipior, no only away type nicks, it's the channels policy :)18:16
sipioreseven73: glad to see you put so much thought into it.18:16
mthompsso guys, to install a distro like gentoo or slackware does one need to really know alot about doing everything witht he command line  before they can do it18:17
ketzuit helps18:17
lucaxhow can i configure gstream-properties to read  v4l2src device=/dev/video0 with 640x480 resolution??18:17
kimecHi guys I have this awful problem when Ubuntu installer does not recognize your partition table18:18
mthompscan anyone reccomend to me some good information on learning how to configure for a network through the cli?18:18
Jeruvyjurism: you could, but you probably would be better served doing a dist-upgrade.18:18
ottomatikjurism, you can use apt-get dist-upgrade18:18
mthompskimec: are you dual booting?18:18
xr78hello all18:18
mthompsok, i had a problem similar to this, i might be able to help you18:18
mthompsis the problem happening when you go to make the ubuntu partition?18:18
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?18:18
jurismI use webmin/virtualmin and it supports only 804LTS version I dont want to upgrade to ibex...18:18
QpSmileycan anyone help me w/ this fiasco? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112032618:19
mthompstry this18:19
mthompsboot up windows18:19
mthompsand open up the command line18:19
odei just installed jaunty18:19
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:19
mthompskimec: are you dual booting windows and ubuntu or adifferent operating system?18:20
kimecwindows xp18:20
odethe bot answered my question18:20
xr78I'm a musician who, unfortunately, must depend on myspace... the problem is that when I visit my artist page to view if my songs are playing correctly, firefox freezes and I have to Force Quit... I have Flashblock, but I have tried disabling and restarting, all to no avail. Any workarounds?18:20
mthompsgo to run and type cmd to get the command line up18:20
odewas going to ask if there was a jaunty specific channel18:20
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest18746
kimecand then?18:20
mthompshang on i need to make sure i have the right command18:20
mthompsill be back in one second18:20
IHS_InternI need to make a gpg signature for the local ubuntu mirror, how do I do this?18:21
mthompsok kimec18:21
jurismIs it possilbe to use 8.10 newest kernel to 8.04LTS without upgrading to newer Ubuntu? Thank You!18:21
charlesatlastlx: was iwlist what you were looking for?18:21
mthompsyou n eed to run 'chkdsk -f' without the quotes18:21
mthompsthis will fix any errors on your partition18:22
mthompsit will tell you it will run when it restarts18:22
ottomatikjurism, you can download the newest linux kernel on kernel.org18:22
mthompsim sorry kimec: the command is chkdsk /f18:22
sphenxes01I have bought a 1TB external hard drive with Fat32 format. I would like to repartition with Gparted into 2 partitions. Gparted recognize the 1TB drive, but can't change size or even reformat. What can i do to repartition my hard drive?18:22
haytham-medvirtualbox 2.2.0 has been released18:22
kimecyeah windows command line options18:22
haytham-medi hope the ose version could be availbale as deb package18:23
jurismthank You! I will try it, ottomatik :)18:23
kimecI ll check it out right away18:23
mthompsi hope that helps18:23
IHS_InternI've setup an ubuntu mirror for the high-school, and I'm seeing an issue with no public gpg signature18:23
mthompsit worked for me18:23
Mionsphenxes01: delete the partion, and then create 2 news18:23
QpSmileyso none of the proprietary drivers are working for my nvidia card18:23
mthompslet me know what happens ill be here18:23
Mionnew partions*18:23
mthompspm me18:23
xr78firefox myspace musician page crash, any help?18:23
kimecuntil then18:23
SearlesI can't seem to find out how to install Ubuntu using Wubi18:23
SearlesMy HDD says "Partition Not Found"18:24
SearlesEven though Ubuntu was installed18:24
=== _eternally is now known as eternally
IHS_InternI need to make a gpg signature for the local ubuntu mirror, how do I do this?18:25
ketzuHow does one get Wireless N working >_>;18:25
Mionketzu: by reading the wiki18:25
ketzuGoogling a lot but not having much luck >_>18:26
Mionketzu: the ubuntu wiki, obviously, since this is #ubunty18:26
lucaxhow do i configure gstreamer to use v4l2src with 640 480 resolution?18:27
ketzuMion: Is there one specifically for upgrading/testing WirelessN?18:27
IHS_InternSo... anyone know about how to create a gpg signature for my Ubuntu mirror?18:27
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?18:28
Mionketzu: the N doesn't really change anything, the card itself does18:28
ketzuis the driver18:28
ketzucard is an intel 510018:29
ketzuTried switching the router to Wireless-N only and I couldn't reconnect so I'm guessing it's not working >_>;18:29
schmichaelsipior: it finished and i accidentally hit enter, so now i have to rescan >.<18:29
IHS_Internbesides getting an error everytime I do updates, will it stop anything from working?18:30
mobi-sheepIs there a ubottu command for aptitude guide to use older version?18:30
IHS_InternNot having a GPG signature on my Ubuntu mirror that is18:30
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. If I assign a static IP, the machine takes approx. 12 minutes to boot. If I let it boot via dhcp, it takes less than 2 minutes. Any thoughts?18:32
QpSmiley NV driver is running, however it can't initialize the GLX18:32
ketzuhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel%20WiFi%20Link%205100 lol least helpful doc I could of found >_>18:32
brandonban6hi, anyone use an online backup service with linux?18:32
QpSmileyhow do i initialize the GLX18:32
jeansebanyone to help me setting up a joystick on ps3 ?18:33
Im_ToastAnyone have any ideas why the KDE window manager won't let me add more virtual desktops? I change it to 4, select apply, ok, then it goes back to 218:33
bobsomebodyi need some help with ssh tunnels, i cant seem to make heads or tails of any tutorials ive found18:34
cemchi folks. I have a dual-head setup, one videocard with two monitors. can I use two separate window/desktop managers, like kde on one and gnome on the other monitor?18:34
jeansebBobSapp, ask what u need in private18:35
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:35
bobsomebodyive got localbox -> publicserver -> firewall -> remotecomputer, how can I tunnel from localbox to remotecomputer?18:35
jeansebsorry not BobSapp bobsomebody18:35
kimecdoh chkdsk /f did not help18:35
jeansebbobsomebody, was having that somewhere18:35
IHS_InternMy local ubuntu repo mirror has no gpg signature, besides a warning that it has no GPG signature?18:36
IHS_InternMy local ubuntu repo mirror has no gpg signature, besides a warning that it has no GPG signature would this cause any problems?*18:36
Krine11how come my ubuntu is really becomeing slow now18:39
jelly12genKrine11: because of installing and deleting of packakakges, cache that 's full18:40
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?18:40
Krine11jelly, how can i delete all this cache than18:40
jelly12genKrine11: no idea but there is a gui for the last version18:40
Krine11ok. I also recive this error message when i load my computer which is  : cannot display this cideo mode optimum resolution 1280 x 1024 60 hz18:41
IHS_InternI just want to either make a gpg signature for my local mirror of the ubuntu repos...or know that it isn't stopping anything from working18:42
mobi-sheepKrine11: I doubt it's the caches, but if you would like to try.  Use "sudo aptitude clean && sudo aptitude autoclean"18:44
convertlifesoftware convert flv to mp3? any ideas?18:44
Krine11mobi sheep18:44
Krine11than what else can i do?18:44
Ienorandconvertlife: vlc can do that18:44
mobi-sheepKrine11: I don't know.  I never experienced any slowdown in my system.18:44
DrHalanhow can i write things like sums in open office?18:45
AJC_Z0How to I add an app to the list in the pop-up window when removable media (CD, DVD, etc.) is inserted?18:45
IHS_Interndoes no one know about gpg signatures for an ubuntu repo mirror?18:45
RabbitbunnyIHS_Intern: It's not stopping anything from working, it's reducing your security. Talk to the repo manager about getting a working key.18:45
QpSmiley:  (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)18:46
QpSmileywhat do i do18:46
RabbitbunnyYou google.18:46
mobi-sheepUsing VLC -- FLV to MP3 --> http://tinyurl.com/cdj26518:46
QpSmileybecause i didnt?18:46
Ienorandconvertlife: http://en.gibney.org/convert_flv_files_to_mp3/ or just ffmpeg apparently18:46
dalfzi installed vlc-mozilla plugin, and disabled totem under firefox, but now i can't get totem back, no player is shown in browser. any tips?18:46
IHS_InternThe mirror of the repo is about 20 feet away from me, and I'm sshing into it18:47
Soyo_So my shared folder permissions are set to 777, and smb.conf has read only = no in the [global] section but yet for some reason it still says access denied when I try to write to the directory from another computer...18:47
tsLightis there a way to upgrade from 32 bits to 64 bits without losing my settings and list of applications?18:47
IHS_Internso I have to talk to the archive.ubuntu.com repo manager?18:47
lukjad007Hi all!18:47
RabbitbunnyIHS_Intern: you created the mirror?18:47
mobi-sheeptsLight: No.  You'd have to back up your settings + preferences + configs.  Then go amd64.18:47
IHS_InternRabbitbunny: yeah18:47
eseven73tsLight, I think for that to work you'd need a separate /home partition18:47
tsLightand how can I enable PAE on the kernel then? Ubuntu detects just 3.2 GB out of 418:48
IenorandQpSmiley : This your bug?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34292618:48
RabbitbunnyIHS_Intern: Create a key. I don't know how, but I think it's part of openssl, I had to do it for my server18:48
IHS_InternRabbitbunny: I figured it'd be more efficient to download the stuff once on one machine, than download it 30-50 times for 30-50 different machines :x18:48
haytham-medwill the virtualbox ose version 2.2.0 be available?18:48
RabbitbunnyIHS_Intern: You were right.18:49
CoJaBo-DellIs there a way to reduce the chance of data loss during crash when using a Wubi install?18:49
eseven73!latest | haytham-med18:49
ubottuhaytham-med: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:49
MiontsLight: you probably want a 64bit system instead of PAE18:49
Soyo_So my shared folder permissions are set to 777, and smb.conf has read only = no in the [global] section but yet for some reason it still says access denied when I try to write to the directory from another computer...18:49
QpSmiley1 second18:50
RabbitbunnySoyo_: repeating too fast, slow it down a little.18:50
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:50
IenorandQpSmiley: Or maybe not, reading that you have only 3GB ram...18:50
=== rogle_ is now known as rogle
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:50
Soyo_!smb permissions18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smb permissions18:50
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview18:50
Jeruvy!bot | Soyo_18:50
ubottuSoyo_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:50
eseven73!msgthebot > Jeruvy18:51
ubottuJeruvy, please see my private message18:51
kurratahi, any idea why my music player hotkey on keyboard dont work inside games? (  >>|   |>/||   |<< )18:51
Mionkurrata: wine?18:52
tsLightanyone here that uses gnome-commander: how can I make bookmarks accessible "globally", and by that I mean that i can list them from the little button regardless what directory I am currently browsing18:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:53
badfish69Active Triggers: !quote !addquote !duke !nukem !handey !bofh18:53
Soyo_!why does it say there is a paperjam when there is no paperjam!?18:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:53
RabbitbunnyWhy is there a quote bot running in here?18:53
badfish69We only support a 28000 bps connection.18:54
ubottuYou can find the BOFH and the PFY at http://bofh.ntk.net and http://theregister.co.uk/odds/bofh/18:54
psih0manhello people! where do I find a standard kernel config file?18:55
psih0manI want to compile a kernel using Ubuntu's default options18:56
jurisWhere could I find newer kernel .deb package for 8.04LTS server? I have bug which is fixed on newer kernel but this kernel is available only on Ubuntu 8.1018:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about duke18:56
badfish69Who want's to glow in the dark?18:56
Rabbitbunnyjussi01: backports?18:56
mobi-sheepRabbitbunny: It's not a quote bot.  It's a helpdesk bot.  You can /msg ubottu !search <something> for assistances.18:57
atmospherianpsih0man: /boot/config-$(uname -a) contains the config of the currently running kernel18:57
psih0manatmospherian: thanks18:57
Rabbitbunnymobi-sheep: I know what ubottu is. I was speaking of badfish69.18:58
ttl_expanyone recommend a WD utility for ubuntu to check SMART statistics/diagnostics?18:58
random_luserHi, I made a rsa key pair for use with SSH on a shell account. Is it possible that I take the private key with me,  so that I can use it from other computers?18:59
Burntresistorim having trouble adding extra repositories is it an extra packet?18:59
maekin 9.04 where did "gnome-session" go? how do I disable metacity?18:59
tsLightin gnome-commander, how do I copy current path to clipboard easily?18:59
mobi-sheepRabbitbunny: I don't know why.  Maybe he's a bot or not.  There shouldn't be any bots except two -- ubottu and ubuntulog. :o18:59
maekrandom_luser: yes, you can use your private key on any machine you want.18:59
Rabbitbunnymobi-sheep: Yes, he's a bot, he's already been removed, thanks for the info.19:00
mobi-sheepmaek: Replace it with emerald, I suppose.  (If you want to disable metacopy).19:00
maekmobi-sheep: im looking to run wmii instead of metacity in gnome. but gnome-session /startup applications doesnt list 'window manager" like it used it. im using 9.0419:01
rhousandwhere do i need to store keys for my openvpn client?19:01
jmcdowellI have a strange issue..  It's HPC clustering related..19:01
luistwhat can be used to read EULA file while installing something from terminal?19:01
jmcdowellBut I can't find anywhere to ask this question.19:01
jussi01maek: 9.04 support in #ubuntu+119:01
maekrhousand: you can specify in the openvpn.conf where the keys are19:01
maekjussi01: thanks19:01
rhousandmaek, ie key /etc/opvn/my.key ?19:02
jmcdowellI cracked open and initrd file, and inside of it were a few commands that I can't find.  I thought they were part of klibc, but don't appear to be so after the build is complete.19:02
jurism>Is there any place where I can get .deb package with newer linux kernel than it is available in synaptic (apt-get)? Thank You! Can I install kernel which is for Ubuntu 8.10 not Ubuntu 8.04LTS?19:02
mobi-sheepmaek: Install htop.  Use it to find your running gnome-session.19:02
Rabbitbunnyluist: nano19:02
jmcdowellata_identify <--- has anyone ever heard of that?19:02
mobi-sheep!show htop19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about show htop19:02
Rabbitbunnyjurism: backports?19:02
mobi-sheep!info htop19:02
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 51 kB, installed size 196 kB19:02
maekrhousand: sure, or in ~/.vpn/keys19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about htop19:02
random_luserok, thanks maek. And sorry for the slow reply.19:02
rhousandk thanks19:02
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:02
Treyhhey guys19:02
thiebaudehi Treyh19:03
maekmobi-sheep: finding my running gnome-session isnt the issue I think, telling it to not run metacity is my problem, or am I missing someting? thanks.19:03
Treyhwhen my laptop running intrepid turns on, it gets to the splash screen (where the bars bounce back and forth) and it freezes, it will only continue after i hold down enter for a couple of seconds, any ideas?19:03
voice5sur5histo, how can i make my buit-in microphone works on my laptop dell inspiron 142019:03
histovoice5sur5: ?19:03
RabbitbunnyTreyh: switch to tty8 and read the kernel log.19:03
Treyhhow do i switch to tty8?19:03
voice5sur5i have a laptop with a buit in microphone19:03
mobi-sheepmaek: If you know the command you can, to start switching window manager, you could add it to Startup Application.  Hmm.19:04
voice5sur5but in doen't seems to work19:04
grawityubottu is dead :O19:04
RabbitbunnyTreyh: ctrl+alt+F8, ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to video.19:04
jussi01grawity: no, just moving house ;)19:05
abhiSrihello, i want to know how to boot into single user mode, i had tried editing the boot options with single at last but not working , i forgotten the root password19:05
Treyh-/join ltsp19:06
grawityabhiSri: I think Ubuntu has a "recovery mode" in the boot menu.19:06
abhiSrigrawity, thats true but that also require a root password19:06
grawityabhiSri: hmm. You could try using init=/bin/bash as a boot option. (I only tried it on SuSE, but should work :/ )19:07
abhiSrigrawity, but i want to change the root password , which i dont know, as there is the option in open Suse and fedora19:07
grawityabhiSri: Also, wait a minute.19:08
grawityabhiSri: ... Ubuntu doesn't _have_ a root password by default ...19:08
tsLightin gnome-commander, how do I copy current path to clipboard easily?19:08
abhiSrigrawity, yes i am going to try it, also i got somethins like single init=/bin/bash19:08
grawityabhiSri: Wait.19:09
grawityabhiSri: Why don't you use 'sudo' command?19:09
MrObvious2Whee netsplit.19:09
LjLnetjoin, actually19:09
=== Richard is now known as Guest28750
abhiSrigrawity, actually problem is that a person in our mailing list had reported that he had forgotten the normal user password so he wants to reset that19:10
fiskomibin neu, hilfe19:10
LjL!de | fiskomi19:10
LjLfiskomi: /join #ubuntu-de fur hilfe auf deutsch, danke19:10
grawityabhiSri: Ah, that. In that case, either Recovery Mode or init=/bin/bash should work.19:11
OzymandiasTwo questions... 1. What is a way to exit a full screen app like how in windows you can use control esc or the windows key or control alt delete.19:11
Ozymandias2. Is there any way to use the KDE start menu in gnome?19:11
RabbitbunnyOzymandias: f11 most times. and no, not that I know of.19:11
jdwartadoes anyone know about the hp deskjet 940c printer?19:11
zilleplushow do i go away from full screen on sun virual box19:12
OzymandiasAlrighty, thanks Rabbitbunny19:12
zilleplushow to quit full screen on sun virual box ??19:12
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=== MrObvious2 is now known as MrObvious
jdwartai'm having trouble installing my printer..... HELP!!!19:12
grawityzilleplus: Try pressing RightCtrl + Enter?19:13
jurisI enabled backports repository on 8.04LTS. If I install updates, will it be my old good 8.04 or it will be 8.10. I am afraid of that word "upgrade" which is used in package update process...19:13
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: We're volunteers, settle down and describe your problem in detail.19:13
mweichertany intel i7 users here?19:13
gartralhow do i bind keyboard commands.... like say i wanr Shift+F12 to eject /media/cdrom0, and Ctrl+Shift=F12 to eject /media/cdrom1 ???19:13
jdwartai have a hp deskjet 940c19:13
histojuris: it will be 8.04 with backports unless you tell it to do a distro upgrade19:14
MrObviousHow do I check ipv6 if it's on or off again?19:14
Miongartral: in X or vc?19:14
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: Okay, and what went wrong?19:14
gartralMion: X19:14
janakaclkjuris: why are you scared to upgrade.19:14
jurisnot all updates can eb installed, run partial upgrade to install as many updates as possible. I am afraid of this sentence....19:15
Miongartral: xbindkeys, or your window manager19:15
janakaclkjuris: 8.10 is pretty stable19:15
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jurisI use virtualmin and it supports only 8.0419:15
janakaclkI am running 9.04 mow19:15
Rabbitbunnyjanakaclk: 8.10 has lots of sound problems, and it's not LTS.19:15
jdwartait is on a windows xp network, and the printer installer cant find it19:15
gartralMion: gnome has the keyboard shortcuts thing, but i cant seem too add a definition...19:15
DamisHi, I think I have a problem with Gstreamer, whenever I am using an application such as songbird or secondlife which uses gstreamer, the sound sometimes freezes up and I have to reboot to stop it. Any help would be appreciated.19:15
Picassotamusis 8.04->9.04 a supported upgrade?19:15
zillepluswath does they mean withh     "right crl" wath key is this???19:15
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: You're trying to print over a network?19:15
histojdwarta: you have to share the printer in windows19:15
grawityzilleplus: You know the Ctrl keys?19:15
janakaclk9.04 beta19:15
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:15
jdwartawhen i am in the xp pro boot, i don't have any problems19:16
histo!jaunty > janakaclk19:16
=== Sean is now known as Guest10722
grawityzilleplus: Your keyboard has two Ctrl keys - one on the left, one on the right.19:16
janakaclkyes jaunty19:16
imachinePicassotamus, I did 8.10 -> 9.0419:16
ubottujanakaclk, please see my private message19:16
Miongrawity: use xbindkeys then19:16
imachinePicassotamus, but it's beta still19:16
luistwhat can be used to read EULA file while installing something from terminal?19:16
zilleplusooh thanks but it doesn't work19:16
histojdwarta: hrm... on the ubuntu computer sudo aptitude install samba19:16
imachineso if you need support , wait till it becomes a release19:16
Rabbitbunnyluist: nano.19:16
histojdwarta: then try to add it.19:16
zilleplussun virtual box doesn't take it19:16
gartralgrawity: not always, some laptops dont have two ctrl keys19:16
histojanakaclk: jaunty chat is in #ubuntu+119:16
jdwartawhat is sumbo?19:16
Picassotamusimachine: yeah, don't worry i know, its still beta, just trying to figure out if i should move to 8.1 beofre it IS released19:17
jdwartaor rather, how do i install it?19:17
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: samba. You didn't google.19:17
jdwartayes i did19:17
histojdwarta: sudo aptitude install samba19:17
histojdwarta: do that in a temrinal19:17
jurisHow can I get only newest kernel .deb package without upgrading? After adding backports repository, I have no new linux-image versions in synaptec manager...19:17
histojuris: why would you want to do that?19:17
imachinePicassotamus, dunno. I did.19:18
histojuris: that is just begging for issues19:18
jurisI have bug which is fixed on newer kernel...19:18
imachineanyway, can someone sort me out with nvidia troubles?19:18
imachineit seems 71.x doesn't build for me.19:18
irene2007hola necesito una pequeña ayuda19:18
jurisit is not fixed on newest 8.04 kernel...19:18
histojuris: in a different version of ubuntu I don't belive the kernels get backported19:18
imachinemake CC=cc  KBUILD_VERBOSE=1 -C /lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/build SUBDIRS=/var/lib/dkms/nvidia/71.86.04/build modules19:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:18
imachine        echo "  ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.";               \19:18
imachinethis is what I get19:18
grawityjdwarta: Use your own password.19:18
histo!paste > imachine19:18
ubottuimachine, please see my private message19:18
imachinehisto, that was two lines only, man.19:18
imachinehisto, no need for pastebin.19:19
jdwartanow it is installing19:19
irene2007tengo disco duro unidad scsi y no se como montarla o formatearla tengo ubuntu 8.1019:19
grawityimachine: It was four if you count the explanation and the smiley :)19:19
gartralimachine: its common place to use pastebin for ALL pastes, because it reduces clutter19:19
Rabbitbunny!es > irene200719:19
ubottuirene2007, please see my private message19:19
imachineI know19:19
aaronatorcan someone please help me with http://paste.ubuntu.com/147716/19:19
histojuris: you may have to upgrade to 8.10 or wait for 9.04 or the next LTS to come out if you want the newer kernel.  Otherwise your stuck building the kernel yourself.19:20
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:20
ajibarrairene2007, join #ubunut-es19:20
imachineI can paste with no problems, hang on.19:20
ajibarrairene2007, join #ubuntu-es19:20
MrObviousIs 9.04 out or is it still 8.10 the latest stable?19:20
SkaperenI'm trying to add a package to enabled wireless on a laptop (HP Pavilion dv6000) ... since it isn't networked yet I need to find the appropriate package by other means ... is there a web site, or page at ubuntu, for that?19:20
Otanachtanyone used mixxx before?19:20
janakaclk8.10 is the latest stable19:20
jdwartasharing is on in the XP....  when i boot up with XP pro, there are no problems with shared printing19:20
jurisif I download http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/amd64/linux-image-2.6.28-11-server/download it will not install on 8.04LTS?19:20
SkaperenI'd be expecting to find a .deb and put it on a USB key then transport to the laptop and install there19:21
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: is the print physically connected to the dual-booting box?19:21
MrObviousThanks janakaclk19:21
imachinehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/147824/ <- here it is. any help with nvidia building then ?19:21
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: What is you network topology? What is connected where?19:21
jdwartai am connected by ethernet to the computer that is connected to the printer19:21
histojdwarta: did you install samba yet?19:22
jdwartanow it tells me to make sure that samba is allowed by the firewall19:22
jdwartayes samba is installed now19:22
histojdwarta: no add the printer19:22
histojdwarta: now add the printer19:22
fiskomican someone help me, where is a good place to chat with people from austria and germany?19:23
histo!de | fiskomi19:23
ubottufiskomi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:23
jdwartano print shares found.........make sure samba is trusted in firewall19:23
Frijolieuh oh! what did I just do? rm *.Txt *.txt all of the files are gone now! Is there a way to restore them?19:23
fiskomiich brauch keine deutsche hilfe, sondern deutsche leute^^19:23
aaronatorcan anyone help me with that problem?19:23
grawityKrine11: Please don't shout.19:23
histojdwarta: and the same machine running windows can see and use the printer over the network?19:24
Krine11how is that shouting?19:24
RabbitbunnyKrine11: who know, right click on the panel and add it back.19:24
Krine11i am not talking useing my mouth19:24
Chr|swhere does firefox keep the folder of favorites?19:24
Frijolieif you delete something from the command line, there's no going back...right?19:24
histojdwarta: thats just odd. Can you browse the network on this machine? like places > network19:24
Krine11how the heck i add it?19:24
grawityKrine11: In IRC (and all over Internet), typing in caps is considered shouting.19:24
aaronatorkrinell: what do you hope to accomplish with that response19:24
jurisCan I patch my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS kernel?19:24
imachineKrine11, RMB on panel choose add trash applet19:24
Krine11i deleted the panal now19:25
eMaXne1: is it possible with a running linux to find out whether vt was enabled in the bios?19:25
RabbitbunnyChr|s: probably in a hidden folder in your home. try right clicking and selecting 'Show Hidden"19:25
Krine11how do i recover it?19:25
imachinermb @ panel, add to panel, etc.19:25
Frijoliemeaning the cli doesn't move it to the trash, right?19:25
imachineKrine11, you're backwards.19:25
histoKrine11: rightclick and add new panel19:25
luistRabbitbunny: i already have nano, but when im installing vmware it says it cant open the EULA file and stops instalation19:25
luistRabbitbunny: stops configuration i mean19:25
grawityKrine11: Right click on the panel, choose "Add new panel", find Trash.19:25
imachineso, anyone having a clue about that nvidia issue?19:25
histoFrijolie: correct19:25
jdwartathe windows network is there.... but when i open it, it says "unable to mount location19:25
Krine11no, i deleted the intire panal19:25
imachineKrine11, so add a new one19:26
histoKrine11: well add a new one.19:26
jdwartaand obviously, i can browse the internet19:26
strelnikovdmitrihi guys..may somebody help me with dpkg returned an error code (2) ?:(19:26
Frijoliehisto, d'oh!19:26
RabbitbunnyKrine11: there are two. one at the top, and one at the bottom.19:26
histoKrine11: or delete your .gconf folder in your home directory and it will load default settings after log back in.19:26
SkaperenI'm looking for a web link/site for finding the extra packages for ubuntu for things like wireless networking, music codecs, etc19:26
Krine11yes the bottem one deleted19:26
histoKrine11: if you right click you should be able to add panel19:26
aaronatorcan anyone help me with a kernel configuration problem please19:26
imachineKrine11, click RMB on top panel choose add new panel19:26
tsLightin gnome-commander, how do I copy current path to clipboard easily?19:26
Rabbitbunnyluist: I've got no idea about vmware.19:27
imachineKrine11, then drag the panel in place and add the trash applet like grawity told you to19:27
Krine11ok than thanks so much i got it working again19:27
imachineyou'd have to add some applets to it to get the previous functionality19:27
jdwartai cant browse the network19:27
histoimachine: whats your nvidia problem?19:27
imachinehisto, http://paste.ubuntu.com/147824/19:27
histojdwarta: what kind of network do you have?19:27
imachinehisto, namely, 71.xx doesn't build on 8.1019:27
jdwartawhat kind of info do u need?19:28
imachinejdwarta, sometimes it's faster to just pass the IP address of the PC sharing the printer.19:28
imachinejdwarta, try that.19:28
jdwartathrough a router19:28
Krine11ok, how can i add the old programs that i had in that bottem panal back?19:28
histoimachine: You'll have to ask the nvidia people.19:28
jdwartait isnt connected to the internet19:28
imachineKrine11, the same way you added the trash applet.19:28
imachinehisto, who exactly you mean by that?19:29
Krine11which is?19:29
Krine11can you help me?19:29
imachinehisto, I know there's an italian guy somewhere here19:29
histoimachine: possibly check the nvidia.com support forums19:29
imachinehisto, the one who wrote envy19:29
histoimachine: why are you using envy19:29
imachinehisto, I'm not using envy, when did I say that?19:29
imachineaaronator, pipe down19:29
grawityaaronator: If you stop shouting.19:29
aaronatorgrawity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147716/19:30
jdwartathe other computer, idk it's IP address19:30
RabbitbunnyKrine11: Right click on the bottom panel, select add to panel, you need to add "Show Desktop", "Window List", "Trash", and "Workspace Switcher".19:30
histoimachine: any reason you are trying to build the 71 drivers?19:30
imachinehisto, 9x has flipped RGB channels on my card (gf3)19:30
imachinehisto, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10649619:31
imachinehisto, it's been like that for 4 years or more now.19:31
roel_Umm, hello. I haven't been using Ubuntu for quite a while, and I forgot how to close a firefox session (It says it's running when it's not) manually. Anybody?19:31
imachinehisto, nvidia doesn't care.19:31
OwnatikHi, I installed PySDM yesterday (a gui to edit fstab) and almost changed nothing (just enabling mounting by all users). Now, when I try to boot ubuntu, I get and error with mtab with lots of permission denied and it stops there. Anyone knows how to fix this?19:31
Rabbitbunnyroel_: "ps ax", "kill -9 <pid>"19:31
Majoraanyone have any problems involving peripherals (mouse, keyboard) that randomly decide to stop working? I suspect it may be due to the update as it started doing that after I updated.19:31
imachineOwnatik, thats not how you enable mounting by all users in any of recent Ubuntu distros.19:32
roel_Rabbitbunny, wasn't there an option using the GUI?19:32
histoimachine: can you still download the 71.86 drivers from nvidia and just use their installer?19:32
Rabbitbunnyroel_: Maybe, but i don't know it.19:32
QpSmileySo it looks like my graphics driver isnt initializing the GLX anyway to help that19:32
imachinehisto, aye, but I'd rather have it automated.19:32
histoimachine: their installer is automated19:32
imachineQpSmiley, dmesg, /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:32
imachinehisto, I know19:32
imachinehisto, but it's not what I want.19:32
Ienorandimachine: #nvidia maybe?19:32
histoimachine: I have no idea about the error your getting though wish I could help more.19:32
Ownatikimachine: maybe, i promise I wont do it again... now do oyou know how I can fix this and boot correctly?19:32
histoHave to reboot19:32
jdwartahow do i determine the IP address of the other computer w/o connecting to the internet?19:32
imachineIenorand, already there. it's not that case anyway.19:33
imachineOwnatik, bring it back to normal. run a livecd, mount your /, edit fstab back to how it was, reboot.19:33
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: Walk over there and look at it.19:33
IenorandQpSmiley: Did you look at the bug I linked you?19:33
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jdwartaidk where it is19:33
Ownatikimachine, ok thanks19:33
zilleplus_when i go capture in sun virtual box i only can use my keybord and not my mouse ho is this possible???19:33
QpSmileyyea i dont think thats it19:33
jdwartawhen i opened properties of the conection, it doesn't have an IP address19:34
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: You don't know where the pc on your local network is physically, or you don't know how to find your IP in XP?19:34
kimecpepole, I am totally lost. During Ubuntu 804/810/904install the partitioner does not show me any previous windows partitions. More over it says that no os is installed on the disk, which is not true. I did some googling but without answer.19:34
roel_Rabbitbunny, thanks, this works as well19:34
zilleplus_when i go capture in sun virtual box i only can use my keybord and not my mouse ho is this possible???19:34
aaronatorgrawity: any idea on that?19:34
QpSmileycheck that out19:34
jdwartaidk how to find the IP address w/o connecting it to the internet19:34
zilleplus_when i go capture in sun virtual box i only can use my keybord and not my mouse ho is this possible???19:34
jdwartashould i just go assign it an IP address19:35
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: try asking in #windows, I can't remember off the top of my head. Something like control panel > network > tcp/ip > properties.19:35
=== CoJaBo-A1tec is now known as CoJaBo-Aztec
blackdemonjdwarta, open a command prompt and type ipconfig -> windows ...19:36
kimecany suggestions? the thing is i can mount ntfs partitions write to them read them but partitioner can't see them19:36
Krine11ok thanks19:36
Krine11I also19:37
Krine11have another question19:37
jdwartait says that it obtains an IP address automaticly19:37
Krine11how can i drag the trash can all the way to the corner?19:37
grawityKrine11: Right-click, choose Move19:37
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: That's going to make your life fun. Use static IPs.19:37
Krine11thanks again19:37
Krine11thanks so much everyone19:37
odder_does anybody know how to print multiple files at once in ubuntu?19:38
blackdemonbut if you type "ipconfig" (for windows, ifconfig for linux) you can see the ip adress it has19:38
Rabbitbunnyblackdemon: that's what it was!19:38
Rabbitbunny(the command)19:38
jdwartathe ipconfig thing pops up, then disappears to fast for me to read it19:39
Rabbitbunnyjdwarta: type cmd in the run box, it'll keep that window open19:39
blackdemonI know :p19:39
jdwartawhat's a static IP19:39
blackdemonan ip adress that doesn't change19:40
blackdemonbut if you work with a dhcp-server, the computer gets the ip automaticly (your case)19:40
jdwartaso i should type      ipconfig->cmd     ?19:40
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. If I assign a static IP the machine takes approximately 12 minutes to boot. If I set it to get its IP via DHCP it boots in about 2 minutes. How can I correct this?19:40
jdwartain the run box19:40
blackdemonno, you type "cmd"19:41
blackdemona command prompt will open19:41
blackdemonthere you type "ipconfig"19:41
jdwartathen i type      ipconfig19:41
CoJaBo-DellIs there a way to reduce the chance of data loss during crash when using a Wubi install?19:41
Skaperenrogle: is the IP address you assigned a valid one for your network's IP subnet range?19:41
jdwartaok     brb19:42
Skaperenrogle: you may need to also set up the IP addresses of DNS servers ... the long boot could be from programs doing DNS queries that don't end up going to the proper DNS servers19:42
QpSmileybrb trying 2 restart19:43
Skaperenrogle: DHCP will set up the DNS references at the same time it sets up the IP assignment ... when not using DHCP you won't get the DNS server references (1 to 3 IPs for the DNS servers) either19:44
pqbHello, all sound works, but microphone input is not detected. Any ideas?19:46
Im_ToastHey, does anyone have any ideas why I can't mount a usb key after reformatting it, unless I pull it out and put it back in?19:46
SkaperenIm_Toast: did you change the partition table?19:47
Im_ToastI did it through the partition editor, that's the only place I've found to reformat19:47
rogleshaperen: ooo! good catch!...lemme go try....19:47
nightbreedthere are command line tools19:47
jdwartaok i have the IP address, and 2 other addresses19:47
jdwartanow what?19:48
nightbreedanyone here use ubuntu with WAP2, PEAP, and MSCHAPv2?19:48
SkaperenIm_Toast: it should have caused the kernel to re-read the MBR to get the new partition table ... but that would also fail if anything on that key was already mounted19:48
nightbreeder WAP-Enterprise19:48
=== JaneDoe is now known as sigger
janakaclkHave anyone used pulseaudio as the primary sound device?19:48
blackdemonjdwarta, on the same network card?19:48
Picassotamusjanakaclk: I do. Whats up?19:48
jdwartawhat is the network card?19:48
digitalfallacyWhere can i download packages for ubuntu 8.10 ??19:49
Soyo_Is anyone here experianced with Samba networking (I need help with smb.conf)19:49
QpSmileyinput (terminal): apt-get install nvidia-glx-new19:49
janakaclkPicassotamus: is never worked for me19:49
Im_ToastSkaperen: I unmounted it, then reformatted it. Now when I try to mount it, it says cannot mount volume. If I unplug the usb drive and put it back in, it will work (This is the second time I've had to reformat this drive)19:49
QpSmileyoutput: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)19:49
QpSmileyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?19:49
janakaclkPicassotamus: how do it set it up19:49
ramiro_how do I change the channel?19:49
SkaperenIm_Toast: only one partition on the key?19:49
blackdemonjdwarta, how do they look, something like ""? :D19:49
QpSmileyramiro_ type /join #whatever19:49
Im_ToastSkaperen: Yes19:49
fosco__QpSmiley, sudo apt........19:49
=== soonick is now known as soonick5
Picassotamusjanakaclk: What do you mean never worked?19:49
pqbPicassotamus: I tried pulse as well, but still could not get microphone input to work.19:49
axsd9dHow do i browse wap pages in ubuntu (firefox gives "xml parsing error",, links 2 works fine) still any full browser??19:50
=== soonick5 is now known as soonick2009
SkaperenIm_Toast: next time you do it, go into a terminal window and do:   cat /proc/mounts19:50
janakaclkPicassotamus: Never got the sound output even19:50
SkaperenIm_Toast: see if the key is still listed as mounted19:50
Rabbitbunnyopenjs: you have to be root to use apt-get, try "sudo apt-get"19:50
janakaclkPicassotamus: wondering if there are any settings i need to do in order to get it work19:50
Im_ToastSkaperen: You mean next time I reformat?19:50
* Rabbitbunny is going to stop tabbing peoples' names.19:51
nebbusI am trying to build a package for both Intrepid and Jaunty, in changelog I have "package (version) intrepid jaunty; urgency=low" (with real packagename and version). It is rejected from launchpad because it can't find distroseries. Do I have to build one package for each? The "Debian Policy Manual" states that you can use multiple dostros like this...19:51
nightbreedjana i usually have to kill -9 pulseaudio cause it makes sound stop working19:51
irene2007Hola tengo un problema, soy nuevo en Linux, pase de tener xp a Linux ubuntu 8.10, tengo dos discos duros uno de 200 y otro de 120.19:51
irene2007lo instale bien pero me pone que tengo un disco SCSI, intento montarlo pico con botón contrario en Unidad SCSI, montar volumen me sale el mensaje, en negrita no se puede montar el lugar, símbolo de prohibido no se puede montar el archivo, ¿como puedo montarlo o formatearlo y con que extensión?19:51
FloodBot2irene2007: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
SkaperenIm_Toast: yes ... nothing to see now that you have removed and reinserted the key19:51
Rabbitbunny!es > irene200719:51
ubottuirene2007, please see my private message19:51
jdwartathey are
Rabbitbunnyfourth time for that user.19:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp19:51
NinesvnsicksHello everyone I am having a problem with starting visual effects, I'm getting this error "The composite extension is not available" it works without xinerama enable but not with it?19:51
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:51
QpSmileyis this an english online channel19:51
openjsRabbitbunny,  what ? what do you mean?19:52
Im_ToastSkaperen: I haven't removed it yet, I just know it will work because I've tried it before. Is there something I can do with it still in now to check?19:52
Rabbitbunnyopenjs: fourth time I've told that user.19:52
SkaperenIm_Toast: I periodically use the "dd" program to write USB key images starting at sector 0 ... this updates partition table without telling the kernel ... I just remove and reinsert the key to make the kernel update19:52
Rabbitbunnyopenjs: oh, yeah, tabbed your name a minute ago.19:52
digitalfallacyplease help me out with packages, i want to download ubuntu packages so that i can install them without the need for an internet connection19:52
Rabbitbunnyopenjs: disregaurd.19:52
SkaperenIm_Toast: so you just did reformat, and you cannot access?19:52
=== soonick2009 is now known as sdfasfd
rogleskaperen: scratch that...can't try the dns thing just yet. I'm battling the "other fire"...the machine has an onboard nic (Intel 82567LM-3) and it won't load. lspci detects it, but 'ip addr' only shows the lo adapter. (before you ask...I previously had a dlink nic in there when I was battling the slow boot issue)19:52
=== sdfasfd is now known as soonick2009
Picassotamusjanakaclk: I'm not sure i can help you... I would make sure you have the alsa package for pulse installed, if you are using alsa too19:53
janakaclkPicassotamus: Thanks.. ill check that19:53
Im_ToastSkaperen: Yes19:53
Skaperenrogle: OK ... well keep the DNS thing in mind for later ... 90% of slow boot issues I've ever had come down to a DNS unknown, not responding, or unreachable, issue19:54
T0bbehello, can anybody help me with a problem with the bluetooth?19:54
=== kronix is now known as kirky
T0bbesomeone speak swedish?19:54
SkaperenIm_Toast: go into a terminal window19:54
=== soonick is now known as soonick2009
rogleSo....to alll....anyone know how to get 8.04 LTS to load the drivers for an Intel 82567LM-3 onboard nic?19:54
jdwartathe address are     " .  "   .  "  .1
RabbitbunnyT0bbe: #ubuntu-XX, where XX is the two letter abbreviation for swedish.19:55
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr19:55
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい19:55
Im_ToastSkaperen: Now?19:55
blackdemonjdwarta, look to private message19:55
NinesvnsicksHello everyone I am having a problem with starting visual effects, I'm getting this error "The composite extension is not available" after enabling xinerama can anyone help me?19:55
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:55
QpSmileyokay im good19:55
Rabbitbunnyblackdemon: it's better if you keep it in here, as this channel is logged and searchable via google.19:55
SkaperenIm_Toast: sure ... better than waiting until tomorrow19:56
Im_ToastSkaperen: ?19:56
CoJaBo-DellIs there a way to reduce the chance of data loss during crash when using a Wubi install?19:56
digitalfallacypackages ??19:56
SkaperenIm_Toast: go into a terminal window now ... do the command:  cat /proc/mounts19:56
roel_Am I the only one that keeps having firefox crashed?19:56
axsd9dHow do i browse wap pages in ubuntu (firefox gives "xml parsing error",, links 2 works fine) still any full browser??19:56
pqbDoes anyone here have a microphone working with Ubuntu 8?19:56
SkaperenIm_Toast: see if you see the USB key device name in there19:56
Rabbitbunnypqb: Try a google search for "ubuntu" and the model of your sound card.19:57
pqbRabbitbunny: how do I find the model out in Ubuntu? (new to this)19:57
Rabbitbunnypqb: dmesg19:58
Im_ToastSkaperen: Um... I don't think it's in there19:58
Hassanakevazirisn't it lspci ?19:59
=== patrick is now known as Guest84093
silnerWhoaah! the number of participants seems to double every time I come back. I admit it can be awhile between visits but this is amazing.20:00
RabbitbunnyHassanakevazir: Yeah, but his dmesg ought to have a blaring "omg it didnt work" he can quickly find.20:00
SkaperenIm_Toast: try to manually mount the new partition ... tell me the device name and which partition number so I can give you a literal command20:00
pqbRabbitbunny: pqb: dmesg  And then? There's a whole lot of data there.20:01
Hassanakevazirpqb, lspci | grep Audio20:01
Im_ToastSkaperen: /dev/sbd20:02
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
pqbHassanakevazir: That did it, thanks.20:02
Im_ToastSkaperen: And there is only one partition on it20:02
QpSmileywrong button20:03
SkaperenIm_Toast: sbd?  do you mean sdb?20:03
Im_ToastSkaperen: Yeah, sorry, typo lol20:04
SkaperenIm_Toast: try this:  mkdir /tmp/sdb1 ; mount -r /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdb1 ; grep sdb /proc/mounts20:04
=== nicholas is now known as Guest34200
rogledoes the e1000e.ko driver need any "helper" modules before it can run?20:05
SkaperenIm_Toast: when done, unmount with this:    umount /tmp/sdb120:06
Im_Toastmkdir: Cannot create directory, 'tmp/sdb1' already exists20:06
QpSmileyso my gfx card still isnt fixed20:06
whodevilI have ubuntu on a laptop, I can dim the screen, but as soon as I move the mouse it brings it back up to full brightness. any ideas on how to fix this?20:06
Im_ToastSkaperen: mkdir: Cannot create directory, 'tmp/sdb1' already exists20:06
SkaperenIm_Toast: OK, then the directory already exists ... see if the mount worked20:06
Im_ToastSkaperen: Still can't access it20:06
SkaperenIm_Toast: so the mount failed?  got a message for the mount failing?20:07
Im_ToastSkaperen: No20:07
Im_ToastSkaperen: all I got was the mkdir message20:07
Im_Toastit's still waiting for my password20:07
SkaperenIm_Toast: you can't access it from the GUI when you mount this way ... these commands are just a test to see what the kernel is doing20:07
=== Fraeon^ is now known as Fraeon
SkaperenIm_Toast: do this:   grep sdb /proc/mounts20:08
clancycan i disable klogd and sysklogd?20:08
Im_ToastSkaperen: I forgot to enter my password. Now it gave me the error: mount: mount point '/tmp/sdb1' does not exist20:08
Im_ToastSkaperen: Um... wtf? lol20:09
=== Guest34200 is now known as tacosarecool
Igramulclancy, You can, but why would You want to do that?20:09
clancyi don't want 1000daemons20:10
z00mhow do i see a list of running processes on my system in the terminal ?20:10
doleybz00m: ps afx20:10
z00mok thanks doleyb20:10
SkaperenSkaperen: in the terminal window, do this:    sudo /bin/bash20:10
Im_Toastz00m: I know 'top' shows you the top I think it's 1020:10
SkaperenSkaperen: then do:   mkdir /tmp/sdb120:10
g4lt-lappyclancy, syslogd is kinda important, it controls the logging of kernel events20:10
aaronatoris there any reason to have folders from old kernels in /usr/src?20:10
SkaperenIm_Toast: then do:   mkdir /tmp/sdb120:10
Im_ToastSkaperen: It tells me the file is already there again =\20:11
clancyg4lt-lappy, it just writes down what the kernel does right?20:11
* Skaperen needs a new IRC client ... irssi is really too much trouble20:11
HarkinsI've got /etc/apt/sources.list set up (http://gist.github.com/92674) but 'apt-get install mplayer' just says "Package mplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package." What am I missing?20:11
gelka /join #ubuntu-hu20:11
SkaperenIm_Toast: do:  ls -ld /tmp/sdb120:12
g4lt-lappyclancy, not just, that's the least of waht it does.  it also logs trivial things like login attempts, etc20:12
bad_cablesi am having a really hard time recording the stereo mix with ubuntu alsa20:13
clancyshould cron anacron and atd also be enabled?20:13
bad_cablesi have no option for "stereo mix" in the recording panel20:13
z00mIm_Toast, is there anyway to see what user is running each process with ps ?20:13
bad_cablesi have looked at many tutorials and they all talk about sound servers other than alsa20:13
Harkinsah, just found it, I only specified 'multiverse' on the backports. :p20:13
g4lt-lappyclancy, you know, perhaps you ought to do some reading of manpages before willy-illy killing off system processes20:13
tgunrz00m: mman ps20:14
g4lt-lappyeverything oyu mentioned has a rather extensive manpage explaining what it does20:14
Im_ToastSkaperen: drwxr-xr-x 2 ryan ryan 4096 2009-04-09 15:05 /tmp/sdb120:14
clancyi just wonder why it is so important that the system logs everything20:14
whodevilSkaperen: try weechat20:14
z00mtgunr, ok thanks20:14
SkaperenIm_Toast: you did the "sudo /bin/bash" command?20:14
tgunrz00m: er man ps shows all the options, look at -u20:14
irene_canariasHola tengo un problema, soy nuevo en Linux, pase de tener xp a Linux ubuntu 8.10, tengo dos discos duros uno de 200 y otro de 120.20:15
irene_canariaslo instale bien pero me pone que tengo un disco SCSI, intento montarlo pico con botón contrario en Unidad SCSI, montar volumen me sale el mensaje, en negrita no se puede montar el lugar, símbolo de prohibido no se puede montar el archivo, ¿como puedo montarlo o formatearlo y con que extensión?20:15
FloodBot2irene_canarias: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
Pici!es | irene_canarias20:15
Skaperenwhodevil: is it command line text console capable?20:15
ubottuirene_canarias: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:15
Im_ToastSkaperen: When was I supposed to do that20:15
SkaperenIm_Toast: some while back when my IRC client was messing up my messages20:15
whodevilSkaperen: yes, looks similar to irssi, but has different functionality20:15
klemmer19hello all - wondering if anyone might know anything about the VIA VT8237 SATA Controller - and its lack of support with 8.1020:15
tyleranyone know why my bluetooth suddenly stopped working?20:16
Skaperenwhodevil: I need explicit key binding capability20:16
Im_ToastSkaperen: So do that now?20:16
Skaperenwhodevil: I will look into that20:16
SkaperenIm_Toast: sure, go ahead:   sudo /bin/bash20:16
rogleskaperen: I'm using chatzilla...and it seems to work well.20:16
Skaperenrogle: text console client?20:16
bad_cablesis anyone good with alsa??20:17
* Skaperen runs his IRC under screen so he can move around20:17
whodevilSkaperen: I use irssi, just because I have put so much time into scripting it20:17
pitangaI can't use the ER sheet in Dia for Ubuntu 8.10, despite the .sheet file being in /usr/share/dia/sheets. Has anyone come across this situation?20:17
rogleskaperen: yup20:17
Im_ToastSkaperen: Next?20:17
Mike_lifeguardHow can I access my Windows partition from within Ubuntu? With the live CD session it worked automatically, but I cannot access it after install, and cannot mount it either.20:17
bad_cableshow do you record the stereo mix ??20:17
=== gaintsura_ is now known as gaintsura
Skaperenwhodevil: maybe you can help me make irssi work ... I need to get it to do emacs-style command line editing20:17
Skaperenwhodevil: "out of the box" it does it half way ... which is worse than not at all20:18
whodevilSkaperen: sure, but I'm a vi user, so I don't really know how the emacs does things20:18
QpSmileyi think ubuntu hates me20:18
SkaperenIm_Toast: try the mount again:   mount -r /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdb120:18
whodevilSkaperen: what specifically do you need it to do?20:18
Skaperenwhodevil: lots of different keybindings to various actions ... like ^p to do the same as an up arrow, ^n to do the same as a down arrow20:19
klemmer19how could i go about properly submitting a question for help in this room?20:19
QpSmileyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7043016 please haha im desperate20:19
PiciSkaperen: /help bind20:20
Skaperenwhodevil: ^b to do left arrow, ^f to do right arrow, then some other keys bound to change irssi subwindows20:20
Im_ToastSkaperen: It didn't give any errors20:20
SkaperenPici: BTDT ... stuff doesn't all work ... apparently some "hard coded" bindings interfere or take priority20:20
SkaperenIm_Toast: now do:   grep sdb /proc/mounts20:20
PiciSkaperen: You could try asking in #irssi too20:21
Im_ToastSkaperen: /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdb1 vfat ro,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 020:21
whodevilSkaperen: so it looks like the /bind command is what you are looking for20:21
SkaperenPici: also, I've got it all coded into the scripts/config ... so I can run multiple instances refreshed from the original state (so state saves during running do NOT, by intent, make permanent changes)20:21
sierinjs_lvwhy every time i boot in i have resolution set to 1024x800(when i turned computer off i sat it to 1248x768)20:22
Skaperenwhodevil: I know ... but making it actually work right is the issue20:22
* whodevil dinks around with /bind20:22
SkaperenIm_Toast: well, the kernel lets it be mounted ... but something changed enough so that the automatic access in the GUI applications is not recognizing it20:23
* sierinjs_lv .20:23
sierinjs_lvwhy every time i boot in i have resolution set to 1024x800(when i turned computer off i sat it to 1248x768)20:23
SkaperenIm_Toast: go ahead and unmount now:   umount /tmp/sdb120:23
Pici!it | beppe20:23
ubottubeppe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:23
GreenDelta2hey, i tried to record something with the "Audio-Recorder" from ubuntu, but it doesnt work well, i just some strange short sounds but not what i spoke. (but when i speak into my headset i normally hear myself over the headphones) is this a problem with pulse or what could it be?20:23
Im_ToastSkaperen: unmount: Command not found20:23
tyleranyone know why my bluetooth suddenly stopped working?20:23
SkaperenIm_Toast: the actual command name lacks 'n'20:23
tyleri really dont want to have to reinstall vista...20:24
SkaperenIm_Toast: a silly Unix legacy thing20:24
Im_ToastSkaperen: Oops, I just noticed that =P20:24
Ned__is there a screen recorder installed on ubuntu 8.10?20:24
Im_ToastSkaperen: kinda like password is passwd20:24
Im_ToastSkaperen: So can anything be done so it can find it? It's a little annoying having to pull it out and put it back lol20:25
SkaperenIm_Toast: you can make "unmount" work by doing:    ln -s umount /sbin/unmount20:25
SkaperenIm_Toast: maybe something can ... but it's now beyond my area ... I don't know how all those GUI apps work20:25
=== Guest64793 is now known as MK-ubuntu
SkaperenIm_Toast: I'm an embedded, bootloader, kernel hacker kind of person ... I just use GUIs, not hack them20:26
tylerhow can i find out what adapters are working inside my computer20:26
tyleri have a bluetooth adapter built in and it isnt working but i cant figure out how to diagnose20:26
SkaperenIm_Toast: and in fact prefer command line over GUI ... use is about 50/5020:26
=== odder_ is now known as odder
SkaperenIm_Toast: my development desktops run slackware (future gentoo) with 60 text consoles active20:27
andersfedercan i report an error here? or will i have to file a report in bugzilla? (in the latter case i'm not going to do it)20:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:28
Piciandersfeder: No. This is not the place to log bugs. use http://bugs.ubuntu.com  And if you don't log it, then it probably won't get fixed.20:28
SkaperenIm_Toast: for now, remove and insert USB key ... it's what I do when in doubt20:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about diagnose20:28
GreenDelta2i cant talk over skype or record anything on my ubuntu 8.10. i think that pulse is running but i dont know really. when i try to rec something it sounds extremely cut into small peaces. does anone have an idea?20:28
tylerive been trying to get support on this for the past 2 days20:29
tyleris there any other channel i may find someone?20:29
aaron_has anybody gotten ubuntu working with a Rohde and Swartz signal generator?20:29
Im_ToastSkaperen: Yeah, just kinda annoying because my hardware is in a bad place lol20:29
SkaperenIm_Toast: and I've been doing it a lot, working on making the Ubuntu ISO work on a USB key on a laptop that doesn't emulate CD on USB keys, and doesn't boot from USB CD drives20:29
MaT-dgndiswrapper let's u use windows drivers for networkcards. Is there something similar for webcamdrivers?20:29
pitangaI can't use the ER sheet in Dia for Ubuntu 8.10, despite the .sheet file being in /usr/share/dia/sheets. Has anyone come across this situation?20:30
Im_ToastSkaperen: Just get unetbootin to put it on lol20:30
Picityler: This will show you what bt adapters are present: hcitool dev20:30
SkaperenIm_Toast: which ... BTW, I now have working ... I have an 10MB file to bring up the Ubuntu ISO from a USB key ... without having to run something like unetbootin20:30
tyleri tried that20:30
tylerand it was working fine yesterday20:31
tylerthen it suddenly quit20:31
SkaperenIm_Toast: unetbootin doesn't work on all linux ... has GUI programming issues ... requires root20:31
eseven73MaT-dg, if you hhave a  winxp disk you could try Sun's VirtualBox and use your webcam that way, may or may not work but maybe worth a try...20:31
ddastoori recently upgraded from intrepid to jaunty but can't see any notifications... how do i enable it ? thanks20:31
Picityler: Is it a usb bt adapter, or built in.20:31
Piciddastoor: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.20:31
SkaperenIm_Toast: my solution only requires configuring the USB key device for user writing ... then non-root can do it20:31
tylerPici, built in20:31
SkaperenIm_Toast: and I never run a downloaded binary as root on my desktops or servers20:32
Picityler: What does   lsmod | grep bt  say?20:33
MaT-dgeseven73: my webcam works out of the box in ubuntu... only upside down, windows driver flips the image but video4linux can't do that...20:33
ddastoorsorry, how do i join #ubuntu+1 ?20:33
Piciddastoor: type: /join #ubuntu+120:33
SkaperenIm_Toast: eventually, the world will migrate away from CD/DVD and to USB/SD flash media ... and then the world will migrate from downloadable ISO images, to downloadable flash images20:33
skyboundklemmer19: what is the problem with the sata controller? doesn't work at all? i am not really familiar with this model but google shows it seems to have worked for some people...20:33
tylerPici, nothing happened20:33
Picityler: Can you pastebin the output of lsusb and lspci please?20:33
Pici!paste | tyler20:33
ubottutyler: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:33
tylerPici, ok 1 moment20:33
amgarchIn9hi, can you tell me if you have "gpg" installed, I wonder if it is availbale in defualt installation20:33
CoJaBo-DellIs there a way to reduce the chance of data loss during crash when using a Wubi install?20:34
eseven73MaT-dg, hmmm other than that Im not too sure, keep asking though, someone with more expertise on webcams might be able to help you further :)20:34
klemmer19skybound: well thats what I am trying to figure out - I am a bit of a linux novice and when I boot xubuntu 8.10 live cd it doesnt seem to be able to find the drive20:34
PiciamgarchIn9: It is.20:34
* Skaperen needs to write a blog "unetbootin considered harmful" ... right after "CD/DVD media considered harmful" :020:34
tylerPici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/147860/20:35
RovanionAfter reinstalling ubuntu, after that I put in a new graphics card into the computer Ubuntu will no longer detect my sound card. How do I get my sound card working?20:35
SkaperenRovanion: same sound card?  did you knock it loose?20:35
GreenDelta2ok i got it a little bit better, now i can record, but in skype i still dont hear anything... doesnt anybody have an idea?20:36
RovanionSkaperen: It is an onbardd sound card20:36
SkaperenRovanion: are both cards PCI? PCIe?20:36
klemmer19skybound: I found a fix on via's site for how to batch the 7.04 version to support this but I do not know enough to understand if this would work for 8.10 - could I send you the info and maybe your experience would help a bit more?20:36
Picityler: Curious... I don't see it.  Did you do a kernel upgrade or similar that might have caused something to change?20:37
RovanionSkaperen: The sound card is on the motherboard and the graphics card is PCIe with bult in HDMI sound20:37
SkaperenRovanion: oh ... hmmm ... well, maybe some kind of hardware conflict ... go into terminal window and do:   lspci20:37
tylerPici, it may have updated kernel by itself?20:37
skyboundklemmer19: i've seen that; most likely it wouldn't work for 8.1020:37
SkaperenRovanion: was there sound in the previous graphics card?20:37
RovanionWill do Skaperen, shall we open a private chat?20:37
Picityler: If you've been applying updates normally, yes, it might have.  What version of Ubuntu are you running?20:38
SkaperenRovanion: private chats don't work on my IRC client, yet (yet another issue)20:38
YmseI get no sound from my Ubuntu PC, whatsoever.....help???20:38
HassanakevazirRovanion, do lspci | grep Audio20:38
klemmer19skybound: is it actually patching the kernal? would it be best for me then to just install 7.04 if I want to use this SATA chipset?20:38
tylerPici, 8.1020:38
SkaperenRovanion: which sound device are you intending to use?  the original on-board chip?  or the new HDMI sound in the card?20:38
eseven73private chats in a help chan are kind of frowned upon anyways, see !pm for why...20:39
RovanionIt only lists the ATI card20:39
klemmer19skybound: this is the link - its at the bottom - SATA & AHCI Patch http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=420&OSID=45&CatID=3270&SubCatID=14320:39
spaceninjahow do I play my dvd movie?20:39
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:39
RovanionSkaperen: I am going to use the on board card as of that I don't have any way to connect via HDMI20:40
SkaperenRovanion: the ATI card?  that's the graphics card HDMI sound?20:40
Skaperencheck if the ATI card has a BIOS setup ... if so, maybe you can disable its sound in there20:40
RovanionSkaperen: It is the HDMI sound that is on the ATi graphics card that is listed with lspci20:40
eseven73!dvd | spaceninja20:40
ubottuspaceninja: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:40
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?20:41
RovanionSkaperen: How may I enter the BIOS of the card?20:41
GreenDelta2hello, following problem: i hear myself in the headphones when im speaking in the mic, and when i record something it works perfectly, but not in skype. the sound itself works in skype and the 3 things are on "pulse" but others cant here me20:41
SkaperenRovanion: right ... obviously it has taken over the same sound device address on the logical PCI bus protocol20:41
Picityler: What does the output of uname -r  say?20:41
SkaperenRovanion: to enter BIOS reboot and do what your computer needs to do BIOS ... watch for any messages ... read documention on the ATI card20:41
spaceninjaeseven73: thanks20:42
SkaperenRovanion: it MAY even be a hardware switch or jumper20:42
Mike_lifeguardI want to add support for many exotic languages to my new ubuntu system - not for the operating system, just for displaying web pages, in IRC and whatnot. Is that what the packages like language-pack-af and language-support-za are?20:42
YmseHassanek: Oki.....it a VIA Technologies AC97 Controller....20:42
SkaperenRovanion: and maybe it can only be disabled by using their Windows based utility20:42
RovanionSkaperen: Hmm I will poke around20:43
HassanakevazirYmse, ?20:43
skyboundklemmer19: yes, that is a binary driver for a 7.10 kernel, it doesn't work for 8.10; do you need to run the controller in RAID mode (not sure if this really makes the difference, but it seems the driver explicitly add raid support)?20:43
SkaperenRovanion: maybe the basic BIOS disabled the on-board sound when it detected a plugged in sound ... maybe it can be overridden to leave it enabled20:43
YmseYou told me to do lspci | grep audio20:44
RovanionSkaperen: Oh there you said something that might fit. I will reboot and check the bios20:44
RovanionSkaperen: Thanks for your help20:44
Picityler: Have you tried using an older kernel from the grub list to see if that supports your bt module?20:44
SkaperenRovanion: get familiar with your BIOS ... spend about 30 minutes looking it over20:44
HassanakevazirYmse, not you, what was your question anyway?20:44
SkaperenRovanion: but don't change anything you don't understand20:44
RovanionSkaperen: Well it is a20:45
tylerPici, i would do this how?20:45
klemmer19skybound: it appears there are two seperate drivers - the one at the top of the page is just for RAID support - it looks like the one at the bottom of the page is more for patching the kernal to gain support so my main drive can actually be on the SATA controller20:45
RovanionSkaperen: Dell BIOS so it's very locked up. I have probably changed around all there is there at earlier points20:45
YmseHassan: I can't get no sound from ubuntu...20:45
Picityler: When you boot, you get a short 5 second countdown for GRUB, press escape and choose the next (non-recovery) listing down from the top.20:45
SkaperenRovanion: putting in a new card in a Dell is probably a nightmare20:46
* Skaperen builds his own computers20:46
RovanionSkaperen: I got tons of instability issues in Windows. Seriously tons20:46
RovanionSkaperen: Have a good continuation of your evning/day. Hopefully you wont hear of me again20:46
whodevilSkaperen: I'm not sure I know enough about what you are trying to do with irssi, but if you  go into #irssi you can get all the help in the world for what you are trying to do20:46
faulthello! I tried to update to jaunty beta. but apt-get upgrade failed, when I try to rerun apt-get upgrade i get: The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:47
fault  openoffice.org-draw: Depends: openoffice.org-core (= 1:2.4.1-11ubuntu2.1) but it is not installed20:47
fault  openoffice.org-style-human: Depends: openoffice.org-common (= 1:3.0.1-9ubuntu1) but it is not installed20:47
faultE: Unmet dependencies.20:47
FloodBot2fault: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:47
RovanionSkaperen: Are you using irssi?20:47
SkaperenRovanion: or ... how about coming back and helping someone else ... pay it forward20:47
faultany help on that?20:47
faultsorry for flooding.20:47
SkaperenRovanion: yes, irssi ... but script generated config files20:47
RovanionSkaperen: Great idea. You know that you change inbetween tabs with alt 1,2 etc20:47
SkaperenRovanion: I don't know what you mean by that20:48
SkaperenRovanion: Alt-1 changes text console for me20:48
RovanionSkaperen: No that would be alt plus F1. Am I correct?20:48
HassanakevazirYmse, try googling that name, see what it comes up with, I did take a look and it looks rather grim :/20:49
SkaperenRovanion: no ... Alt-F1 goes to tty1 ... Alt-1 goes to tty1320:49
cow_2001i need a cheesy software to change printer settings20:49
SkaperenRovanion: I have the text consoles hack to do 60 consoles, with console keybindings to map in 60 Alt-keys20:49
RovanionSkaperen: Alt plus arrows or numbers changes inbetween different chats in irssi. But that might not20:49
Rovanionbe your problem20:50
tylerPici, i did the only other option there and it still doesnt work20:50
SkaperenRovanion: I'm a power user/developer ... 60 text consoles, 3 instances of X, 32 virtual desktops per X instance20:50
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MewtwoStill having my g++-libstdc++ circular dependency problem, arh20:50
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tylerwould you like the outputs of this kernel?20:50
SkaperenRovanion: and yes, all 60 text consoles are logged in20:50
RovanionSkaperen: Ouch, well I guess your experience is no use then xD20:50
RovanionSkaperen: That is a lot of  ttys!20:51
SkaperenRovanion: if I pasted the output of "w" to the channel I'd be banned for life20:51
Picityler: I'm not sure what to say.  Perhaps someone else has a better idea :/20:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:51
RovanionSkaperen: Best of luck then. I'm going into BIOS20:51
SkaperenRovanion: so lets stay on topic ... I'll deal with the irssi issues later20:51
SkaperenRovanion: g/l20:52
KodeWeavRhy peoples20:52
KodeWeavRjust a quick review20:52
tylerPici, its strange since it worked yesterday20:52
KodeWeavRis ubuntu better than gentoo ?20:52
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:52
SkaperenKodeWeavR: you'll find anyone to say anything to answer that20:52
RovanionKodeWeavR: They are for completely different user groups20:52
KodeWeavRwell its just that i was looking at the websites and comapring them20:52
KodeWeavRthis is what i found20:53
KodeWeavR!va www.ubuntu.org20:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:53
KodeWeavRStatus: Invalid Errors:(282) Warnings:(14) Results: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.ubuntu.org&doctype=Inline&group=0&No200=1&verbose=120:53
MewtwoWell, it depends on what you're looking for, honjestly.20:53
KodeWeavR!va www.gentoo.org20:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:53
KodeWeavRStatus: Valid Errors:(0) Warnings:(0) Results: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.gentoo.org&doctype=Inline&group=0&No200=1&verbose=120:53
faultcan somebody help me please? im experiencing dependecy problems while upgrading to jaunty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147867/20:53
RovanionKodeWeavR: Gentoo is really basic but gives you total controle of your system. Ubuntu works.20:53
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.20:53
KodeWeavRi hope it works better than the website20:53
skyboundklemmer19: i see, this looks quite scary. strange that the support for this controller never seems to have made it into the kernel20:53
klemmer19skybound: yes this looks VERY scary for a linux novice like myself - if i use 7.04 is it actually possible to do this before the installation - i plan to only have 1 SATA HD in my system and no IDE HDs - I want everything to be installed on the 1 SATA HD (which needs this patch to work)20:55
cchapmananyone here use haproxy to load balance 2 citrix Web INterface frontends20:56
QpSmileyso i found out my gfx card needs 173 ... not 180 .. same error oh and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/147870/ thats my xorg.0.log20:56
maurocampiHello. may I ask a question?20:56
QpSmileytell me what i should do next20:56
eseven73!ask | maurocampi20:56
ubottumaurocampi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:56
spaceBARbarianwhats the best way to share a partition between ubuntu and windows ? i tried just using a NTFS partition, but for some reason i always get 'corrupt' directory if i try to access directories copied over from ubuntu20:58
RogirToday I received the Ubuntu 8.10 cd-rom, at first I tried running it live, all I got was (after the loading screen) a black screen with a few white pixels and no response. Then I tried installing it, and in this case it stuck on a brown screen with a blue empty window on it. I suspect that this is caused by incompatibility with my laptop, but is there anyone with some general advice or...20:58
otmis it safe to delete all the files in /tmp ?20:58
Rogir...experienced on installing Ubuntu on laptops?20:58
usr13spaceBARbarian: FAT3220:58
skyboundklemmer19: it is still (and realm of) somewhat possible to install 8.10, but the way i see it, it won't be easy... what do you mean with "possible to do this before the installation..."?  Unless you know someone good with linux to help you (physically, not via irc) I think your best bet is to try if a 7.04/7.10 install is possible with the readme.pdf in the link you posted.20:58
TommyCorni tried using tovid's GUI application, todisc, to burn an mp4 movie to a DVD. however, when i click on the "Run todisc now" button, it asks me if i'm sure i want to burn a DVD, i click yes, and then nothing happens. i haven't found anything on the forums about this particular problem. anyone have any ideas?20:58
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spaceBARbarianusr13: why so, why doesnt ntfs work ?20:58
forecan someone tell me how to get a list of users in the terminal ?20:59
maurocampiOk. thanks ubottu. I have problemas with my passwd. I can Log in and use Sudo, but what I can not do is to Unlock options in programas like network-admin.20:59
skyboundklemmer19: then you could force the system to keep the old kernel and try to update everything else to 8.10... this *might* work20:59
usr13spaceBARbarian: Sure, NTFS works too20:59
klemmer19skybound: i guess i mean is it possible to do this during the installation - i need the installer to be able to see the drive to install the os to it20:59
spaceBARbarianusr13: but like i said i get hose weird corrupt directory errors whenever i copy files from ubuntu to my ntfs drive20:59
vitaliy_hey guys, i just installed my fglrx driver with ubuntu 8.10 but i want compiz and this driver does not work with compiz any ideas of what i am suppose to doÉ21:00
usr13spaceBARbarian: You asked "whats the best", I told you.21:00
rogleok gang...trying to 'make' a driver for the e1000e....I run 'sudo make install' while in the dir for the src and I get 'Linux kernel source not found in any of these locations'....what am I doing wrong?21:01
spasticteapotCan anyone tell me a good PDF reader?21:02
spaceBARbarianusr13: i think ill just use dropbox with a symbolic link instead21:02
vitaliy_adobe readerÉ21:02
vitaliy_hey guys, i just installed my fglrx driver with ubuntu 8.10 but i want compiz and this driver does not work with compiz any ideas of what i am suppose to doÉ21:02
spasticteapotvitaliy_: Is that in the repository?21:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:03
=== peter__ is now known as Mene-Mene
QpSmileyHey I have my proprietary driver for my video card but its bugging up when i restart and making me load in low gfx mode what should i do?21:04
usr13QpSmiley: Switch back to OS21:05
skyboundklemmer19: check the pdf in (the archive) from the link you gave me; you would need to copy the downloaded driver on an usb stick or something, so you can use it from the 7.04 live-cd. it will never be the usually quite simple ubuntu install21:06
QpSmileyuse13: what?21:06
twomashiim getting 404s when I try to upgrade21:07
=== KSoze is now known as KeyserSoze
twomashiFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.24-23-server_2.6.24-23.48_i386.deb  404 Not Found21:07
codeshahhey guys, my ubuntu slows down and I am not 100% sure what is the cause - my fan is whirring non-stop right now for example... but I only have 3 tabs on FF on and xchat21:07
twomashianyone know what I should do?21:07
vitaliy_is anyone using ATI AND COMPIZé21:07
jessidhello. I am trying to configure lamp using ubuntu server, but i haven been able to allow people to connect via http.....please help me with that.... perhaps is the firewall???21:07
codeshahI am doing a 'free -m' and it says total : 3037, used 2637!21:07
spaceBARbarianwhats the best partition setup for ubuntu ?21:08
klemmer19skybound: it seems the is really the only part that I need to use but I wonder if this is the part that might work for 8.10 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/147875/21:08
HassanakevazirQpSmiley, what graphic card are you using21:08
Mioncodeshah: top and iotop21:08
=== _Ranakah is now known as Ranakah
lianimatorcodeshah: open system monitor and see21:08
QpSmileyNVidia GeForce 6150SE nForce 43021:08
TommyCornhow do i stop pidgin from telling me every time someone enters or leaves a chat room?21:09
MaT-dgthe files I download with xchat have other privileges than the default in that folder, other programs (torrentclient) don't have this, how can I solve this?21:09
codeshahmion, thanks . i noticed some others had fan issues with ubuntu [google]... you ever had fan issues [it being on most of the time?]21:09
klemmer19skybound: so who do I need to pay to get this chipset built into future versions of the kernel :-)21:10
botuxim trying to gte samba wokring so i can see my linux shares on my vista pc and vice versa21:11
botuxcan someone assist?21:11
QpSmileybe right back21:11
lianimatorcodeshah: my fan roars when I play any 3D games or when I'm viewing lots of youtube21:11
QpSmileyi know ull miss me21:11
spaceBARbarianwhats a good setup of partitions with different mount points ?21:12
rodolfohi there21:12
jdwartadoes anyone play the nethernet21:12
riwaI want to move my system to a new chassi with new mobo and processor. Will there be complications if I move it right away?21:12
rogleskaperen: ok...since I can't get the box to make the e1000e driver, I put the dlink back in. I have statically assigned the ip and made sure the resolv.conf has valid dns servers in there. the boot is currently at 5 minutes and counting. any more suggestions?21:13
rodolfoanyone can tell me what's the cause of monitor blinking from time to time?I'm using ubuntu jaunty beta. intel X3100 video card and 2GB DDR2 @533Mhz21:13
mattgyver83botux, i might be able to, can you already see the computers on the network?21:13
botuxmattgyver83: using samba client yes but file browser no21:13
skyboundklemmer19: lol, dunno. i still can't believe that it is not in the kernel. you have the 8.10 live cd running?21:14
nosyhow can I uninstall a program if I didn't install it using checkinstall, and the make uninstal doesn't work?21:14
botuxmattgyver: when i go to places then click network theres a windows network icon but my pc isnt there21:14
botuxmattgyver: and when i click windows network it says unable to mount21:15
klemmer19skybound: yup - I have the xubuntu 8.10 live cd - just downloaded a few hours ago - i even emailed via asking about support for 8.1021:15
mattgyver83Did you setup the machine on the correct domain?21:15
botuxwhat do you mean?21:15
=== OO11 is now known as sejo
botuxmattgyver: you mean workgroup?21:16
mattgyver83botux, yes im sorry21:16
skyboundklemmer19: is this the same pc you are online with now? i mean can you boot the cd while still remaining in the channel?21:16
otmis it safe to delete all the files in /tmp?21:17
riwaotm: Yeah.. Some programs might depend on files there but your system won't mind21:17
botuxyes then21:17
otmriwa: ty21:17
klemmer19skybound: it is not but i have them side by side and can boot it while i am in here21:18
botuxmattgyver83: then yes21:18
skyboundklemmer19: then boot the cd, please21:19
rogleI'm running 8.04 LTS. If I assign a static IP it takes the machine over 12 minutes to boot. If I let it use dhcp, it boots in about 2 minutes. How can I resolve this?21:19
QpSmileyu guys and girls miss me?21:21
botuxawww we missed you where you been21:21
klemmer19skybound: booting now21:21
QpSmileyhaha helping my sister21:22
QpSmileyshes sick21:22
botuxaww that sux my daughters have both been sick21:22
mattgyver83botux, not too sure where to go from there honestly, if they are connected on the same w/group you should at least be able to see them.21:22
mattgyver83But it might be an issue beyond me21:22
QpSmileyso ... i feel like my xorg.conf is wrong21:22
MionPaen: [TEST FAILED]21:22
QpSmileybut im a newbie21:22
QpSmileyso idk what it shoudl look like21:22
botuxwell the workgroup for vist is WORKGROUP by default and thats what i set it to in samba so dont know whats wrong21:23
MionQpSmiley: X -configure usually does a good job at creating one21:23
QpSmileyi know i have the right driver21:23
Mionbotux: windows that don't find your linux box?21:24
mattgyver83And the machine your also on is set for WORKGROUP?21:24
QpSmileybut it loads saying stuff like (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device PCI:0:13:0. and then forces me into low gfx mode21:24
QpSmileywhich is what im in now21:24
botuxno windows doenst find my linux box neither are seeing ech other21:24
MionQpSmiley: what card and driver?21:24
QpSmileyGeforce 6150SE nForce 43021:24
QpSmileyneeds the 173 driver21:24
QpSmileywhich i have21:24
botuxMion: neither can see each other except with the samba client i can see the windows shares21:24
QpSmileyNVIDIA btw21:25
Mionbotux: make sure your hosts.allow is allowing your windows box to see samba21:25
botuxMion: but i cant see with file browser21:25
spaceBARbariancan someone link me to a thread or guide that explains mount points well ?21:25
Desen[23:17] [CTCP] Received Version request from pryda to channel #ubuntu.21:25
botuxMio,m: where do i do that at21:25
MionDesen: he ctcp spammed the whole channel21:26
DesenMion: have you banned his bottom ?21:26
klemmer19skybound: want me to pm u? I am in21:26
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:21:26
Mion1. I'm not an op here 2. ctcp version is harmless21:26
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il21:26
QpSmileyor was that not hebrew?21:26
spaceBARbariancan someone link me to a thread or guide that explains mount points well ?21:26
MionspaceBARbarian: tldp.org21:27
Paenwhat ?21:27
QpSmileysomeone was speaking in another language i didnt know which 1 xD21:27
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:27
gopogoubuntu jaunty is  not detecting windows during installation21:27
gopogowhy its nort detecting windwows during installation21:27
spaceBARbarianMion: im looking for the ubuntu installer mount points21:27
ikonia!jaunty > gopogo21:27
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:27
ubottugopogo, please see my private message21:27
QpSmileyMion: what do u think I should do btw21:28
botuxMion: where hosts.allow21:28
MrPocketzHELLO UBUNTU!21:28
QpSmileyHi Pocketz21:28
MionQpSmiley: try a newer driver21:28
Mionbotux: /etc/21:28
QpSmileyMion ive tried all older and newer ones they dont change the error21:28
mattgyver83hot pocketss21:28
botuxMion: is there a particular line i need to edit oir add?21:29
gopogohas anybody intalled Jackolope21:29
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:29
Matsondo I need to apt-get anything special to see a usb external drive and automount it?21:29
Matsonlsusb shows it, but I have no /dev for it21:29
Im_ToastIs there anyway, when viewing a text file in the CLI using less when I do a search in it, can I make the search case-insensitive?21:30
botuxMion: ot sure what t put in there21:31
botuxMion: Not*21:31
Mionbotux: man 5 hosts_access21:32
smurf__Im_Toast: 'less -i filename'21:33
Matsoncancel that - power cycle worked21:34
IenorandQpSmiley: Are you on 64 or 32bit?21:34
QpSmiley32 i think21:34
Im_Toastsmurf_ isn't that just for opening it? Does that make the internal search case-insensitive?21:35
QpSmileylemme check .. how do i check21:35
Im_Toastnvm, I just tried it lol21:36
* Skaperen is looking for a wireless driver package for an HP Pavilion dv6000 laptop21:36
vitaliy_hey guysz21:36
Mionbotux: example smbd: 10.0.0.  if your network is 10.0.0.x21:36
vitaliy_i just installed the fglrx driver and some guy from compiz channel is like man ur driver is not working properly i dont know why but here is my xorg file http://pastebin.com/m1c42a40e21:37
toastedmilkWhen I start up my computer I get a buffer I/O error, where can I find the log to specifically identify this?21:37
smurf__Im_Toast: with the '-i' argument, the internal search function will become case-insensitive.21:37
IenorandQpSmiley: uname -m  I think21:37
=== gregory is now known as Guest65931
riwaI want to move my system (ie my hard drive) to a new mobo and processor. Will there be complications if I move it right away?21:37
mattgyver83I have 150g set aside for vista dualboot and never use even 1/3 of it.  Is it safe to shrink the vista partiton and resize my ubuntu partition or could i mess up my ubuntu partition21:37
toastedmilkmattgyver83, check the ubuntu documentation21:38
vitaliy_i just installed the fglrx driver and some guy from compiz channel is like man ur driver is not working properly i dont know why but here is my xorg file http://pastebin.com/m1c42a40e21:38
skyfuryuuh that x-chat gnome gui is ugly :S21:39
QpSmileylenorand i68621:39
botuxMion: when you say is that the ip address?21:40
vitaliy_i just installed the fglrx driver and some guy from compiz channel is like man ur driver is not working properly i dont know why but here is my xorg file http://pastebin.com/m1c42a40e21:40
Ranga1hello .. anyone here able to help me about grub4dos pls21:40
Mionbotux: yes21:41
toastedmilkWhen I start up my computer I get a buffer I/O error, where can I find the log to specifically identify this?21:41
Mionbotux: 10.0.0. would allow everyone with an ip of 10.0.0.[1..255] to access samba21:41
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
Ranga1i ll try to explain whats happening maybe someone can give me a hint..21:42
Lukewhat is the java 6 mozilla plugin package called?21:43
Ranga1we had a windows 2003 server running on an hp proliant and after a reboot the system wont run anymore, all i get is a GRUB4DOS window  which i know nothing about, all my searches on grub4dos point to ubuntu and such..21:43
botuxMion: so if i use smbd: 10.0.0 will that work by itself?21:43
Mionbotux: needs the trainling dot21:44
Mionand it asumes that your network is 10.0.0.x :)21:44
PicassotamusLuke: idk, but you can use apt-get to find out, see !apt-get21:44
botuxMion: huh?21:44
Mionreplace it with what you need21:44
botuxMiom: sorry but im a noob21:44
L3dPlatedLinuxif I am not using any winblows  with in my network I dont need clamav or any other antivirus scanner do?21:44
Mionif your network is 192.168.0.x then you have to change it to smbd:
mattgyver83L3d, no.21:45
Mion(note the trailing .)21:45
botuxMion: oh ok21:45
LukePicassotamus: no luck21:45
IenorandLuke: icedtea6-plugin or sun-java6-plugin21:45
LukeIenorand: the latter doesn't exist21:46
jcapincwhere is the icon directory in ubuntu?21:46
IenorandLuke: ah sorry, must be only on jaunty...21:46
Mionjcapinc: there are several21:46
Ienorandjcapinc: usr/share/icons/* I think21:46
Mionjcapinc: depends on if you want the system wide or the user spesific21:46
jcapincIenorand, kewl thanks21:47
jcapincMion, I am pretty sure it is user-specific, I installed it through the appearence manager21:47
Mionjcapinc: ~/.icons21:47
jmcdowellHere is a stange one..21:47
botuxMion: sorry but not sure what you mean by network address21:47
jcapincalso, has anyone had trouble with the recent nvidia restricted drivers upgrade?21:47
jmcdowellI just built a vanila kernel, and everything went ok.. But it has "no appended to the back of it.21:47
Mionbotux: ifconfig, see what ip you have21:48
Mionbotux: and then just cut off the last number, and put the remaining in hosts.allow21:48
botuxMion: address under wlan?21:49
shwouchkfor some reason the kde bluetooth tray icon doesn't show an adapter available, even though hciconfig shows it. Any ideas?21:49
NichyMCWhat up people?21:49
Mionbotux: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba21:50
toastedmilkMy computer will suspend itself after being inactive, but I have the power settings set to never go on standby.  And when it suspends itself, I have to restart because I can't get it to come back awake.  Any suggestions?21:51
NichyMCGot an error when I upgraded to nvidia 180 driver, once I log in I get a black screen, work around by banging ctrl+alt +f8 then f9 then back to f721:51
NichyMCAny thoughts? didn'21:52
vitaliy_ Your firewall may be blocking access to port 9339.      WTF?21:52
NichyMCdidn't have this error with the 177 or 173 driver.21:52
botuxMion: once i put that entry in hosts.allow do i need to restart samba?21:52
Mionbotux: no21:52
vitaliy_im using ubuntu 8.10 and i get this error :  Your firewall may be blocking access to port 9339. when i try to play poker on fb21:52
botuxMion: so i should see my linux shares on my windows box then?21:52
vitaliy_any ideasÉ21:52
Mionbotux: unless you got some other  configuration problem, yes21:53
botuxMion: ok thanks21:53
vitaliy_im using ubuntu 8.10 and i get this error : Your firewall may be blocking access to port 9339. when i try to play poker on fb21:53
Mionvitaliy_: so open up the port....21:54
vitaliy_mion howÉ21:54
NichyMCubuntu 8.10 - compaq f767nr - Got an error when I upgraded to nvidia 180 driver, once I log in I get a black screen, worked around this by banging ctrl+alt +f8 then f9 then back to f7, any thoughts on the this?21:54
soreauMy tab completion has stopped working in xchat. Instead, it just tabs to the next field. Does anyone have this problem or a solution to it?21:54
usr13vitaliy_ Do you have any other PCs on your LAN?21:54
vitaliy_usr13 yes but before i installed linux i didnt habve this problem linux also fucked up my video card21:55
audifahrerI've much problems with my WLAN after the update to 8.10. It does very often not detect my router (0b:02.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05))21:55
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering is there a way to del all of gedits backups at once21:55
botuxmion: do i have to point my vista box to the samba ip or should it just show up in the network window21:55
audifahrerIs this a known problem in 8.10?21:55
usr13vitaliy_: vitaliy_ YOu are an idiot!21:55
oCean_vitaliy_: mind your language in this channel please21:55
NichyMCNever mind, I'll be back.21:55
vitaliy_usr13 why would u say thatÉ21:55
usr13vitaliy_: Because you are an idiot.21:56
LargePrimewhy cant i download and play the game at asciisector.net?  i dlded the linux package, unpacked it, but cannot run it.  when i run it it says "./asciisec: error while loading shared libraries: libsmpeg-0.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"21:56
vitaliy_usr13: why?21:56
oCean_usr13: no need for that in this channel21:56
audifahrercould someone have a look to this wpa lag and tell me the problem? http://nopaste.united-irc.eu/a607b4896a.html21:56
usr13vitaliy_: Are you interested in trying to figure out what the problem is or not?21:56
usr13oCean_: No need for HIS attitude either!21:57
amgarchIn9how do I dump the content of pubring.gpg in some readable form?21:57
vitaliy_usr13: yes but ur calling me an idiot for no reason i have researched it on google and couldnot find the answer i dont have an altitude i just always swear :)21:57
LargePrimeis there an ignore command?21:57
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering is there a way to del all of gedits backups at once21:58
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usr13vitaliy_: You can use antoher computer to see if that port is being blocked.21:59
vitaliy_usr13: anyway sorry if we started off wrong foot i wasnt trying to make u mad im just always talking like this21:59
SnoFoxHow do I start X in failsafe mode?21:59
vitaliy_usr13: its not thats the thing cuz when i had windows it worked fine21:59
LargePrimevitaliy_: since you are not always here, try changing the way you talk while you are here21:59
vitaliy_LargePrime: alright man drop it its over22:00
smurf__L3dPlatedLinux: gedit gives backup files a "~" extension, right?22:00
LargePrimevitaliy_: why not just go back to windows?22:00
SnoFoxEww, don't suggest that.22:00
vitaliy_usr13: but i did have a problem with firefox i always used ieplorer when i played it22:00
LargePrimevitaliy_: there would be less swearing in the ubuntu channel22:00
botuxerrr now im aggravated22:01
vitaliy_LargePrime: because i am sick of it deing on me :)22:01
usr13vitaliy_:  What port do you believe is being blocked?22:01
L3dPlatedLinuxsmurf,  yes22:01
vitaliy_usr13: i have no idea but it says this on :i22:01
vitaliy_usr13: 933922:01
LargePrimewhy cant i download and play the game at asciisector.net?  i dlded the linux package, unpacked it, but cannot run it.  when i run it it says "./asciisec: error while loading shared libraries: libsmpeg-0.4.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"22:02
usr13vitaliy_: I do not think it is but you can use nmap from another PC to see if it is.  use command nmap -p 9339 192.168.x.x22:02
L3dPlatedLinuxsmurf__,  yes22:02
vitaliy_usr13: my other pcs run windows22:02
MuelliLargePrime: that's because you need that file :) look for it at http://packages.ubuntu.com. i.e. look what package contains that file and install it22:02
vitaliy_usr13: and i think its just the security in linux or something22:03
smurf__Open a terminal and do 'ls *~', and then you could remove them.22:03
usr13vitaliy_: Boot to a live CD that has nmap22:03
vitaliy_usr13: whats nmapÉ22:03
smurf__If the backups are scattered around the entire disk, you could use the 'find' command.22:03
usr13vitaliy_: There is no firewall by default.  Unless you installed firestarter.22:03
oCean_LargePrime: Seems you have to install the libsmpeg library: package is called libsmpeg022:03
vitaliy_usr13: hmmm22:03
sheoranhow to convert rpm files to deb files22:04
usr13vitaliy_: But you could prove that the port is not being blocked by useing a port scanner.22:04
LargePrimeoCean_: i got you .  i am still going to confirm what you say.  learning to fish22:04
vitaliy_usr13: ill just try a different internet browser22:04
vitaliy_usr13: because when i had windows it didnt work on firefox as well it worked only on ieplorer22:05
shwouchkFor some reason the kde bluetooth tray icon doesn't show an adapter available, even though hciconfig shows it. Any ideas?22:05
usr13vitaliy_: If you do not have a port scanner on your Windows box, install one.  If you can not, boot to a live CD.22:05
vitaliy_usr13: ok thnx man ill try22:05
usr13vitaliy_: Well, then, why do you think the port is being blocked?22:05
botuxis there an op in here?22:06
LargePrimewhy would a ascii game need a mpeg lib?22:06
vitaliy_usr13: im not sure22:06
usr13vitaliy_: What game is it.. or what service...?22:06
oCean_LargePrime: the error message clearly states it is missing a file right? So you can install the package "apt-file". After an "apt-file update" you can search files in available packages, like "apt-file search libsmpeg" That'll return the package containing the file.22:06
ricochetHey guys, what is a good .mp3 player for Fedora 10?22:06
Segnale007hello guys22:06
Segnale007I have a question22:06
usr13ricochet: amarok22:06
vitaliy_usr13: facebook.com ----» taxes hold em`poker22:06
oCean_ricochet: are you aware you are in Ubuntu channel? This is for ubuntu technical support only22:07
Segnale007I have had some problems with X11 but I fix them22:07
boxer-my movie player wont exit full screen, is there a config/session file i can edit or delete to fix this or maby some other way?22:07
usr13 vitaliy_ it's Texas not taxes22:07
Segnale007but now when I launch startx gnome doesnt start22:07
ricochetoCean: yeah sorry my buddy uses Fedora and he asked.. so i thought i would22:07
Segnale007another vm does22:07
LargePrimeoCean_: dont i want to search synaptic for libsmpeg0?22:07
vitaliy_usr13: my bad :)22:07
Segnale007how I can set back to make gnome start as vm default ?22:08
vitaliy_usr13: u should be an english teacher22:08
usr13vitaliy_: Well, the YL is not here now, but she plays on Pokerroom.com and some other site.  But I don't play, so I don't know.22:08
ottertoastanyone know any good time killing cli apps?22:08
oCean_LargePrime: yes, that is actually the package name. So you can do that. But you can use "apt-file search" to discover which package has a certain file...22:08
LargePrimeoCean_: oh.  i dont need google22:08
usr13vitaliy_: Well, you must admit, your language lacks a bit to be desired.22:08
oCean_LargePrime: the part about apt-file was just my tip of the day :-)22:09
vitaliy_usr13: i came to this country 2 years ago and im 1522:09
usr13vitaliy_: What country did you come from?22:09
vitaliy_usr13: if i really tried i could do better chatting with u with proper language22:09
LargePrimeoCean_: Oh i understand.  install aptfile, then i wont need google to get the package name22:09
oCean_LargePrime: exactly!22:09
vitaliy_usr13: its complicated i was born in ukraine then moved to israel and then moved to canada22:09
usr13vitaliy_: What is your native language?22:09
LargePrimeoCean_: fishing with dynamite now22:10
Matsondoes mounting external drives read-only speed up transfer rate?22:10
vitaliy_usr13: russian and hebrew i would say more hebrew22:10
DowningHey people22:10
Matsonis there anything I can do that will speed up transfer rate for an external usb drive?22:10
usr13vitaliy_: Ok. but just remember not to use abusive language in a public place, like here.22:10
oCean_vitaliy_: usr13 please stay on topic. Use #ubuntu-offtopic for all other chatter22:10
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Matsondoing a cp now for 180G of data, looks like it will take abuot 1h 10m22:11
DowningOne question I've got... the fan of my graphics card goes mad *spins really quickly* once I log out my username on ubuntu.22:11
Downingany particular reason for that?22:11
vitaliy_usr13: i dont get it22:11
LargePrimeha works.  thanks all.  'specially oCean_22:11
BrucevdkHi, any sysadmins here that have some tips regarding monitoring server activity from a remote location? Think logins (/var/log/auth.log) etc. Should I just make a central log server and then have the clients pull from that and analyze the log files and then use libnotify for example to do a notification (libnotify)? Or should I install an XMPP server that pushes notifications to registered clients when something happens? Anything off-the-shelf? Googling22:11
Brucevdkdoesn't yet show anything interesting for me yet.22:11
Eugene_hi there22:11
Eugene_my buddy just got a Lenovo T400 and wants to come over in a few days and asked me to set up ubuntu for him22:12
nadanany idea what could be causing video lag?  it started recently on all videos.  heard audo set to pulse could do it but i have it set to ALSA...22:12
Eugene_is the hardware support decent?22:12
Eugene_my buddy just got a Lenovo T400 and wants to come over in a few days and asked me to set up ubuntu for him22:12
Mionnadan: -vo xv?22:12
nadansound does lag just picture freezes for a couple seconds... then it'll start again... then a while freeze again22:12
nadanMion, -vo xv not sure what you mean?22:13
nadansorry sound DOESN't lag22:13
Eugene_also: seeing as we are quite near to 9.04, is it produent to install the current stable version?22:13
usr13!russian | vitaliy_22:13
ubottuvitaliy_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:13
Eugene_or can I throw the RC up on there instead?22:13
vitaliy_ubottu: i only know how to speak russina not to read it i know its wiered but yeah22:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:14
usr13!hebrew | vitaliy_22:14
ubottuvitaliy_: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:22:14
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il22:14
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?22:15
usr13vitaliy_: Ok, well, just use a port scanner if you want to see if the port is blocked.22:15
nightrid3rEugene_: looks like it will work out of the box, exeption might be the built in webcam22:15
vitaliy_usr13: its not i dont know what the problem is22:15
FlannelEugene_: I'd stick with 8.10.  9.04 is still a development version.  Unless there's particular hardware on that box that makes it benefit from Jaunty22:16
peeeqhello everybody.. can anyone tell me why my mouse freezes to centre of the screen when i quit playing phun?22:16
usr13peeeq: phun?22:16
Eugene_thank you22:16
PollywogIs it no longer recommended to UPGRADE from one release to another?22:16
Eugene_nightrid3r, where did you check? is there a page for this? I couldn't find22:16
KenBW2is anyone else able to get Google reader working offline using Gears in Intrepid?22:17
peeeqi run phun from my home directory with script like this: metacity --replace &22:17
peeeqcd /home/peku/Ohjelmat/Phun22:17
peeeqcompiz --replace &22:17
FloodBot2peeeq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
nadanMion, btw i don't even use mplayer let alone mplayer -vo xv  i prefer vlc over everything else.22:17
usr13peeeq: Check /var/log/messages  for clue.22:17
Eugene_cool, thanks nightrid3r22:17
Mionnadan: try mplayer22:17
usr13peeeq: try turning off compiz22:18
Eugene_last query: I'm on a mac, and I use vmware fusion22:18
Eugene_windows sometimes is still a neccesary evil22:18
peeequsr13: doesnt that script do that22:18
PollywogI upgraded two systems and  I ended up with video problems and on one of the systems I then did a clean install and that went fairly well but on the one I upgraded to hardy I have some proprietary software problem22:18
Eugene_can something like that be setup with ubuntu? I heard parallels has a version22:18
nightrid3rEugene_: remember google is your friend22:18
Flannelnightrid3r: Please refrain from that sort of answer in this channel.22:18
FlannelEugene_: Yeah, you can set it up in a VM22:19
Eugene_and it's stable?22:19
FlannelEugene_: Why wouldn't it be?22:19
Eugene_because paralles on osx is crash-y, which is why I switched to vmware22:19
FlannelEugene_: just use vmware in Ubuntu?  We don'22:19
FlannelEugene_: we don't have "parllels"22:20
VeXun_is anyone getting this message?22:20
Pollywogtakes 3 hrs to download the packages and another 3 hrs to do the upgrade, only to end up with some kinit error22:20
KenBW2VeXun_: yep22:20
nadanMion,  well guess mplayer lovely command based -- shows more prbs... its pulse says it failed to connect to server and shm_open() failed read only22:20
VeXun_Okay thank u22:20
PollywogIs there a way to upgrade the nvidia drivers from thr command line?22:20
Pollywoghardy to intrepid22:20
ricochethey guys i need some help setting up some short cuts with Xubuntu22:21
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ricochetwhen i was using Ubuntu they had a program where i could set up my short cuts easily.. in Xubuntu.. not so much.. so if anyone can help please let me know22:22
Flannelricochet: You might try asking in #xubuntu22:22
=== IRani5251 is now known as NOKIA
Pollywogis there something called aptspy to find the fastest repos?22:22
peeeqi try if something comes to logs. propably need to restart x22:22
smurf__ricochet: applications -> keyboard -> shortcuts22:23
KenBW2is anyone else able to get Google reader working offline using Gears in Intrepid?22:23
Matsonis there anything I can do that will speed up transfer rate for an external usb drive?22:23
smurf__ricochet: applications -> settings manager -> keyboard -> shortcuts22:23
ricochetsmurf: things for xubuntu are different, it wont let me create one and they are all coded weird22:24
=== NOKIA is now known as terorist
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem in ubuntu 8.10 regarding my video card. While I'm in a game (native or not) (compiz or not) the game flickers constantly, making it extremely difficult to comfortably play. My video card is an ATI x500 which is crappy, but it doesn't flicker like this in any other os's that I've tried (namely: xp) can anyone help?22:24
smurf__ricochet: I'm using Xubuntu, and it's working fine.22:25
PollywogI think apt-spy was either in my imagination or else it no longer exists22:25
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:25
DowningSo no one knows why the cooling fan starts going insane... when I log out22:26
Downingand doesn't stop even if I log back in or whatever.22:26
PollywogDowning: did you check for dust?22:26
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RipzerskinsAnyone have an idea? I'm searching the ubuntu forums without much luck.22:26
Downingits tempereture is low22:26
Downingnever happened in the past22:26
Downingonly does that on linux22:26
pythonikkathi, i am trying to compile a code with ruby support. but the compilation error says "Unable to locate libruby-static.a". Does anyone here have any hint? thanks.22:27
Downingat the moment 65 degrees22:27
PollywogDowning: I think it might have dust in it and need cleaning and lubrication22:27
elementzi am trying to switch off my bluetooth via echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/thinkpad_acpi/bluetooth_enable22:27
Pollywoguse motor oil22:27
elementzbut i keep getting permission denied, although i am root22:27
Downingso the dust suddenly appears on the graphics card22:28
Downingwhen I log out of my username?22:28
peeeqi found nothing but this http://pastebin.com/d2073844e from /var/log/messages22:28
Downingand only on linux?22:28
PollywogDowning: oh22:28
peeeqi think that has nothin to do with phun or mouse22:28
privatochi parla italiano ?22:28
Some_PersonIs it easy to set up a PPP server connection in ubuntu to connect a really old Mac to the PC's internet connection over a null modem cable?22:28
Pollywogwell I would check it anyway22:28
elementzis there something wrong with the way i am trying to switch it off?22:29
doglinoxyzHOw i DO to disable ORCA?22:30
h4ck3rs0nlysound is not working.. need some help22:31
usr13!sound | h4ck3rs0nly22:32
ubottuh4ck3rs0nly: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:32
sirhcjwhi can anyone point me to some info about getting my 802.11n going on 9.04 beta22:32
peeeqby the way it seems that mouse freezes only if i play in full screen22:32
usr13sirhcjw: What WiFI card?22:32
usr13sirhcjw: ipconfig22:33
Mionusr13: this isn't windows22:33
KenBW2Google Reader when offline using Gears simply says "Loading" forever, and never loads. Any ideas?22:33
usr13Mion: YOur point?22:33
=== kronix` is now known as kronix
Mionusr13: we use ifconfig, not ipconfig22:34
usr13Mion: Oh... yea sorry.22:34
usr13sirhcjw: iwconfig22:34
doglinoxyzHOw i DO to disable ORCA?22:34
usr13sirhcjw: lspci22:35
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem in ubuntu 8.10 regarding my video card. While I'm in a game (native or not) (compiz or not) the game flickers constantly, making it extremely difficult to comfortably play. My video card is an ATI x500 which is crappy, but it doesn't flicker like this in any other os's that I've tried (namely: xp) can anyone help?22:35
sirhcjwIntel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 530022:35
Miondoglinoxyz: system->prefs->accesability or something like that22:35
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c420shas anyone used a verizon air card in linux before?22:36
usr13sirhcjw: lsmod22:36
h4ck3rs0nlyneed some help with my sound22:37
sirhcjwoh i forgot to mention i can connect to 802.11b with it but not n22:37
sirhcjwit is odd22:37
usr13sirhcjw:  http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=3062&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go!22:38
Some_PersonIs it easy to set up a PPP server in ubuntu?22:38
usr13sirhcjw: What does iwconfig say about it?22:38
doglinoxyzMion I did Aplications > Add/remove22:38
Im_ToastWhen you use gedit, does it make a backup of the file?22:38
trinidadfloresis there a way to back up both thunderbird and firefox so i dont loose my settins and mail?22:38
sgodsellokay in qemu the keyboard is not mapped correctly.  i.e. the cursor on the host side cursors up, but in the qemu session cursor up is a screen capture.  Is there a bug with qemu?  Is there a solution to this problem?22:38
Miondoglinoxyz: you said disable, not remobe22:39
badcloudanyone encounter that the progress bar doesn't move back and forth in the splash screen unless buttons are pressed (8.10)?22:39
otmdoes anyone know how I could set up my home computer as a proxy so I can connect through it at uni?22:39
doglinoxyzMion I wanna disable and remove ;)22:39
shcherbak /joim #gnome22:40
Im_ToastWhen you use gedit, does it make a backup of the file?22:40
shcherbak /joim #gnome22:40
usr13otm: squid22:40
sirhcjwusr13: just normal gumf22:40
sirhcjwusr13: i thought it might be a bug of some kind22:40
deanyIm_Toast, yes, unless u disable it22:40
usr13sirhcjw: Can you be more specific?22:40
otmusr13: is it graphical or through terminal?22:41
usr13!pastebin | sirhcjw22:41
ubottusirhcjw: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:41
usr13otm: terminal22:41
redrebelis there a way to enable my webam through ssh?22:41
redrebeli tried camstream, but I need X for that22:42
Im_ToastIs there any way to make gedit have the backups kept for a certain time period?22:42
usr13otm: You might consider a stand alone firewall, like IPcop.  See ipcop.org22:42
Im_ToastLike keep it for 1 day then delete22:42
waxeddoes jaunty have better bluetooth support?22:42
=== baddog_ is now known as baddog
magnetronredrebel→ you can tunnel X over ssh, if the ssh client has an X server. use ssh -X22:42
usr13sirhcjw: Show us what ifconfig and iwconfig say about your system22:43
otmusr13: okay thanks22:43
usr13otm: I use IPcop22:43
saysay123Hi, anyone here running ubuntu on a Gigabit network ?22:44
hatter243saysay123, yes22:44
waxedis it dead in here22:44
NWheelshi from spain22:45
redrebelhello spain22:45
hatter243Hello to spain22:45
x-rayhello spain from portugal22:45
saysay123hater243: what speeds are you seeing, 50 MB/s22:45
hatter243saysay123, from who?22:45
hatter243saysay123, correction: from whom?22:45
redrebelwhat webcam programs do you guys recommend with ubuntu?22:46
redrebeli've been using camstream22:46
usr13otm: YOu might look into  tinyproxy22:46
argesIf I turn off effects in 9.04 gnome and use a virtual desktop (dual monitors), I can't set a picture background anymore... anybody else experiencing this?22:46
usr13otm: and firestarter22:46
hatter243saysay123, I download at gigabit speeds when I'm downloading the ubuntu updates22:46
sirhcjwusr13 wifi works but only to my 802.11b ap and not my 802.11n or 802.11g ap22:46
hatter243!ubuntu+1 | arges22:46
ubottuarges: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 23rd, 2009 -  Schedule in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule - Lots of breakage between now and April 23rd - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:46
oCean_arges: all jaunty discussions go in channel #ubuntu+1 please22:46
saysay123hatter243: transfer speeds on your gigbit network, what speeds do you get.22:46
argesoCean_: gotcha22:46
usr13otm: Or just squid and firestarter.  I've not done it, but maybe you can (without getting your hands dirty).22:46
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Im_Toastarges: #ubuntu+1 is dedicated for help with 9.0422:47
hatter243saysay123, I typically download 1~1.5 MB/s from archive.ubuntu.com22:47
redrebelwhat? 9.04 is already out?22:47
redrebeli just installed 8.1022:47
hatter243redrebel, April 23rd22:47
Im_Toast9.04 is a beta22:47
oCean_redrebel: beta. Release is planned april 23rd22:47
saysay123hatter243: what about local transfers22:47
otmusr13: I have firestarter, it's impressive22:47
usr13sirhcjw: Did you look at http://downloadcenter.intel.com/filter_results.aspx?strTypes=all&ProductID=3062&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng&strOSs=39&submit=Go!  ?22:47
redrebelgeez, lagging behind with the releases22:47
hatter243saysay123, probably about the same, if the computer I'm downloading from can support gigabit, that's the speed I get22:47
usr13otm: In other words, I don't know.22:47
mateohow do i do to extract a winrar file wich is divided in two parts??22:47
waxeddoes 9.04 have better bluetooth support????????????????????????????????????????22:47
Im_Toastredrebel: They release a new one every six months. and a long term support every 2 years. last lts was 8. something... Hardy Heron22:48
oCean_waxed: calm down on the questionmarks please. Also, join channel #ubuntu+1 for all 9.04 discussions/issues22:48
desavelsal al all22:48
usr13otm: I'm supposing your network is mixed, right?  If so, what are you accessing with this machine?  An internet connection?22:48
dingleberryHi there.. does anyone know how to identify a drive device with the physical SATA drive?22:48
dingleberryI'm breaking my mirror and changing one of the drives and I'd rather get the failed one on first try22:49
mateoi cant extract correctly a winrar file divided in 2 parts..22:49
Gneadingleberry: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda22:49
mateohow do i do it22:49
redrebelwhats a good open source project to start with as a programmer?22:49
Gneamateo: what did you try so far?22:49
saysay123hatter243; what ?, I get 50 MB/s from ubuntu to ubuntu and 80 MB/s from ubuntu to vista .22:49
mgolischdingleberry: look through dmesg for the devicename22:50
mateoi extract the part 1 and its ok22:50
otmusr13: I'd like to be able to use irc and http i suppose22:50
sirhcjwthe drivers are already in the maintree22:50
Gneamateo: but how did you do it?22:50
mateothen extract part 2 and still ok22:50
mgolischdingleberry: it should tell on which channel the disk was detected22:50
oCean_redrebel: this is ubuntu technical support channel. For all other issues, you're welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic channel22:50
mateoright click extract22:50
hatter243saysay123, Oh, I see what you're talking about, yeah that sounds about right22:50
CoJaBo-DellIs there a way to reduce the chance of data loss during crash when using a Wubi install?22:50
desavelhowz it goin'?22:50
Gneamateo: both files are in the same directory?22:50
mateobut they extract separetly22:50
mateonot as one22:50
redrebelmy question is regarding projects that have to do with ubuntu22:50
mateoas they should22:50
saysay123hatter243; why is Vista faster than ubuntu in network performance ?22:51
dingleberryGnea: I see the disk identifier in the display.. is that physically written on the disk?22:51
Gneamateo: open a terminal, cd to the directory, and type this:  rar x file1.rar (whatever the first filename is)22:51
hatter243saysay123, that I don't know22:51
Gneadingleberry: what do you mean?22:51
usr13dingleberry:  cat /proc/ide/hda/model22:51
skyboundGnea: ahem, unrar22:52
_newbie3Hello. Does anyone have any experience with Counter Strike Source (Steam) on Ubuntu with wine22:52
Gneaskybound: ahem, man rar22:52
hatter243!anyone | _newbie322:52
ubottu_newbie3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:52
dingleberryGnea: I want to match the device to the physical drive so I can remove the right one from the machine22:52
=== _newbie3 is now known as Mathias90
saysay123hatter243; I googled my question to no avail, Im sad now :)22:52
dingleberryusr13: Both drives are the same size, same brand22:52
skyboundGnea: my bad, sorry22:53
Mal3koguys how do you fix offsync clock wtih terminal?22:53
Gneadingleberry: what you're saying, is that you want to remove one of the drives from the raid system, but you want to make sure that you're removing the correct drive?22:53
usr13otm: You don't need a proxy to use irc and http. Am I missing something?22:53
saysay123Mal3ko; utpupdate22:53
dingleberrymgolisch: My drive does not appear in dmesg.. Do I need to look back to last reboot?22:53
dingleberryGnea: yes22:53
Gneadingleberry: what's wrong with it?22:53
usr13dingleberry:  What are you trying to do?22:53
Gneaskybound: np22:54
saysay123Mal3ko: Ntpupdate22:54
Gneaskybound: that's the beauty of linux - there's more than one way to get something done :)22:54
mgolischdingleberry: what exactly is the problem? are both disks identical? and you want to see what device is mapped to which physical drive? or what?22:54
otmusr13: well my school network restricts http and probably blocks the irc ports22:55
dingleberryGnea: I have two 1 Tb drives mirrored.  they are identical.  I know how to do the mdadm stuff.  When I fail one of the drives, I need to know which drive I failed22:55
IntuitiveNippledingleberry: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/" will report disk serial numbers - you should be able to use those to ID the drives if they also have serial number stickers on them22:55
Mathias90Sorry.. Anyway. The case is. I've installed wine, Steam and have downloaded Counter Strike Source from Steam. I opened CSS, but it advised me to update my graph card driver (Nvidia 7000go series). I downloaded the latest driver, the 180.44 one, and installed it. I got an error because my Gnome couldn't run at the same time, so I switched to F2 and stopped the Gnome proces and installed the latest22:55
dingleberryIntuitiveNipple: Ok I will try that thanks22:55
skyboundGnea: i wasn't aware of the rar pkg22:55
Mathias90driver with the sh command22:56
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PollywogI upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid and I am unable to get the nvidia drivers enabled22:56
saysay123Mal3ko; ntpdate pool.ntp.org22:56
Pollywogis there a command line tool for enabling the drivers?22:56
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Pollywogalso, I want to disable the password prompt I get after I login22:57
PollywogI tried to disable it in /usr/share/gconf/schemas but that did not work22:57
Mathias90The installation runs fine, but when it's done, there seems to be something wrong. I'm advised to either run Ubuntu in low resulution or repair the driver.. I've tried both, and have rebooted my system several times since, but my CSS won't open22:58
PollywogI have the same problem as Mathias9022:58
Mathias90Did anyone understand that ;-) ?22:58
elmarcer@ pollywog. that sucks. I thought nvidia support was top notch.22:58
PollywogMathias you need to enable the driver in the System menu22:58
Pollywogthe problem is that the GUI tool to do it seems to be broken22:59
Mathias90Nvidia X server settings?22:59
hatter243Mathias90, Pollywog, okay what you need to do is run the ubuntu supported NVIDIA drivers and not whatever ones you found on their website22:59
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Im_ToastHey, is there a way to use grep to like I want everything that includes ~ but I don't want anything that has cache22:59
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Pollywoghatter243: I am not using anything not from Ubuntu22:59
PollywogI did not install the ones on their website (Nvidias)23:00
Im_Toastso I can 'locate *~* | grep' but... what would make grep show everything but cache?23:00
hatter243Mathias90, you also need to ignore that steam window telling you your video drivers are out of date. You're running steam on wine so Steam is looking for a windows video card and will almost never return the proper value23:00
Mathias90I've downloaded the driver from Nvidias site. Can you link me the right driver?23:00
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hatter243Mathias90, System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers. Select the latest version in there23:00
mgolischIm_Toast: add |grep -v cache ?23:00
PollywogMathias use the System menu at the top of Gnome23:00
Mathias90hatter243 > yeah, but now I can't seem to recover the driver.23:00
trinidadfloreswhat is the best way to back up both thunderbird and firefox? for thunderbird i need to back up my email and settings. for firefox i need to be able to backup my extension and bookmarks.23:00
Sh3r1ffIm_Toast: find . -name "*~*" -exec grep -v "cache" {} \;23:00
mgolischIm_Toast: -v reverses the match it only prints lines not matching that pattern23:01
PollywogSystem > Administration > Hardware drivers23:01
Pollywogonly for me it does not work23:01
PollywogI need a command line option23:01
ph8hi guys, i have two nvidia cards that worked before i formatted and reinstalled ubuntu today (i'm using the same xorg.conf) - i might have upgraded my kernel and/or upgraded from nvidia 177 to 180 during the process - either way the first card works but the second one doesn't appear to be detected (not seen in nvidia-settings)23:01
hatter243trinidadflores, .mozilla and .thunderbird directories in your home folder. Move them somewhere else like a thumbdrive or something23:01
Pollywogwell the Nvidia club is getting larger23:01
trinidadfloresthank you hatter24323:02
Mathias90hatter243 > I did this earlier. I'm now on the version 96 driver23:02
sn00p-How do I find out what driver my usb wifi adapter is using i have a usb dongle for wifi23:02
hatter243Mathias90, I'm running version 177, try typing sudo apt-get update in the console23:02
Mathias90k, one moment23:02
trinidadfloreshatter does that also keep my mail too?23:02
Pollywogokay it worked (I think) and now it says I need to reboot to get the drivers loaded23:03
Sh3r1ffPollywog: try sudo apt-get install nvidIa-glx23:03
hatter243trinidadflores, if your mail is set to be backed up locally and is on the default settings then yet23:03
saysay123ph8; I think you have to recomple nvidia driver.23:03
hatter243trinidadflores, then yes*23:03
DamisHi, has anyone else had a problem where when you use a gstreamer program , the sound freezes up and the only way to fix it is to reboot?23:03
sn00p-How can I find out what driver my USB Wifi dongle is using?23:03
Rythokaquick question: when is 9.04 coming out?23:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gstreamer23:03
hatter243Rythoka, April 23rd23:04
trinidadfloresif not where would the folder be at for the mail?23:04
Damis:(, The sound on my media players and secondlife is freezing up very frequently to the point I can barley use ubuntu anymore.23:04
otmusr13: i have some config files lurking around in /etc that keep messing up my installation of squid, is it safe to delete them23:04
usr13otm: Not sure.  What files?23:05
otmusr13: actually it's just 'a' config file and it's in /etc/squid23:05
hatter243trinidadflores, If you're running an IMAP client then it is located on the server, if you set the mail to be delivered locally to some folder other than the default then you would know where it is set better than I23:05
usr13otm: Has squid been installed before?23:05
eTiger13_how can i tell how many instances of a process are running?23:05
hatter243eTiger13_, ps aux | grep -c <processname>23:06
Sh3r1ffeTiger13_: ps -ef | grep process23:06
otmusr13: yep and i think i screwed it up23:06
Mathias90hatter243 > i just applied the v. 177 driver and ran an apt-get update. It didn't help. Is it nessasary to reboot the system, to test it?23:06
usr13otm: Well, might be just as easy to fix what you have.23:06
hatter243hatter243, it is necessary to reboot the system after changing the NVIDIA drivers unfortunately. You might be able to get by with just an X restart, but I am not certain of that23:07
histoMathias90: that or restart X23:07
eTiger13_hatter243: Sh3r1ff is there any way to get just a number back, not a list of them?23:07
hatter243eTiger13_, grep -c23:07
usr13otm: But you could uninstall squid and see what is left. If anything is still there, remove it and start over, install fresh.  e.g. rm -rf /etc/squid23:07
Sh3r1ffeTiger13_: ps -ef | grep process | wc -l23:07
hatter243eTiger13_, grep -c returns the count and not the matches!23:07
Mathias90histo > restart x?23:07
Segnale007guys can anybody help me with xorg ?23:08
Sh3r1ffhatter243: or pipe it to wc ;)23:08
histoMathias90: to enable the video driver you can try restarting X23:08
histoMathias90: hit ctrl+alt+backspace23:08
hatter243Mathias90, X server, the thing that makes all the pretty graphics. CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE23:08
sn00p-How can I find out what driver my USB Wifi dongle is using?23:08
histoMathias90: if that doesn't work then you may have to reboot23:08
Segnale007since I upgraded to 8.10 it doesnt longer work23:08
saysay123Mathias90; why dont you download the linux driver from nvidia.com23:08
Pollywogokay I fixed my nvidia problem23:08
Segnale007thats mt xorg.conf23:09
Pollywogbut how do I disable gnome-keyring?23:09
Guest18346hey, anyone know how to mv files from multiple destinations, i.e. within a folder with multiple files for "artist name" which contain mp3s for that artist, move all the mp3s to one folder23:09
Segnale007I am using vbox 2.223:09
Pollywogit's annoying23:09
Segnale007any help ?23:09
hatter243Pollywog, apt-get remove gnome-keyring23:09
hatter243^^ Use at your own risk23:09
Pollywoghatter243: I wanted to do that but thought something might break23:09
erUSULGuest18346: mv folder/*.mp3 destination/23:10
ricochethey guys no one is on the Xubuntu chat so can i ask my questions here?23:10
hatter243Pollywog, I think something might break too, I am not too familiar with the interconnectedness of gnome-keyring23:10
PollywogI think there is a way to disable it without removing it23:10
Guest18346ok ill try that thanks23:10
PollywogI will google for it thanks23:10
eTiger13_hatter243: Sh3r1ff is there a way to tell how much cpu/mem those proccesses are using total?23:10
hatter243Pollywog, System -> Preferences -> Sessions23:10
Sh3r1ffeTiger13_: top ;)23:11
hatter243Pollywog, disable Gnome Keyring Daemon23:11
Pollywogahh thanks23:11
hatter243Sh3r1ff, bah! Beat me to that one23:11
eTiger13_Sh3r1ff: that gives me all of them, not the combined. unless there is a command in top i dont know about23:11
JessicaParkerhi any assistance with ssl / keys am following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL but get the following error when generating a key Error opening CA private key /home/abc/myCA/private/cakey.pem23:11
JessicaParker10424:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:bss_file.c:352:fopen('/home/abc/myCA/private/cakey.pem','r')23:11
hatter243eTiger13_, CPU?23:11
hatter243eTiger13_, oh, CPU & mem23:12
Pollywoghatter243: ty I think that should fix it, I will know the next time I start the machine23:12
hatter243eTiger13_, ps aux | grep <process> | awk '{print $3}'          That'll output all the CPU lines for that process23:12
magnetronJessicaParker→ is that the literal error? is "abc" your ubuntu username?23:12
hatter243eTiger13_, ps aux | grep <process> | awk '{print $4}'          That'll output all the MEM lines for that process23:12
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JessicaParkeryes that is the user name23:13
hatter243eTiger13_, then you add em up!23:13
ricochetok first my problem in Xubuntu, some of the windows keep on going below the bottom bar and i cant get to the bottom of the page.. which sucks.. does anyone know a fix?23:13
botux  o000000023:13
botux 23:13
Guest18346erUSUL: i had to do this: mv /home/usr/Music/*/*/*.mp3 /home/usr/Music because the mp3's were contained within other folders23:14
JessicaParkermagnetron: ive followed all the steps without error until this last step23:14
xnmrphHI. I just installed Xubuntu as a server and want to run an FTP server on it.I want to force the server to use a RAID1 mount I have; how do I set it up to use only a particular directory and also which is the best FTP server to use?23:14
erUSULGuest18346: the use -r switch to mv to do a recursive move of folders23:15
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Pollywogricochet, I had that problem too.  Try setting the panel at the top to autohide23:15
eTiger13_hatter243: theres not a way to pipe those results into some type of calculator adding function?23:15
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magnetronJessicaParker→ it's implied that you replace "abc" with your ubuntu user name23:15
hatter243eTiger13_, you're killing me! Echo them into a file and do a for loop to add them up or something23:15
Pollywogthen you can move the windows up to the top of the screen to see them23:15
ricochetpollywog: how do i do that? sorry im a noob23:16
Sh3r1ffhatter243: you should start writing your own script that replaces top ;)23:16
SirStanhtop rocks23:16
hatter243Sh3r1ff, hah23:16
Pollywogricochet: xubuntu, right?23:16
JessicaParkermagnetron: abc is my user name so if i cd /home/abc/documents i end up in the correct directory23:16
ricochetpollywog: yep xubuntu 9.0423:16
Pollywogricochet: settings menu23:17
Pollywogricochet: settings menu > panel23:17
ricochetpollywog: Autohide?23:17
Pollywogricochet: check authohide23:17
randalhey i need some help with screenlets they wont turn on but when i go into guest mode the screenlets work23:18
Pollywogcheck the autohide box23:18
ricochetand this way i will be able to see it?23:18
Mathias90hatter243 > I restarted the x-server. It didn't help. I just got the same error again, about either restoring or troubleshooting the driver or running in low resuluton.. I then restarted Ubuntu. That didn't help either. My CSS still won't load23:18
dingsHi, I just connected an old xbox pad to my xbox. It's recogniced as a "M$ xbox controller" and a "M$ internet keyboard pro". The xpad module is loaded, but there seems to be no deadzone and buttons are not working. This is intrepid on 2.6.27-11. Any Idèas?23:18
JessicaParkermagnetron: see my command line abc@abc-laptop:~/myCA$23:18
Pollywogyes because you can then move windows up23:18
magnetronJessicaParker→ ok, did you create the directory /home/abc/myCA/private23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick23:18
Pollywogricochet: if you know how to modify xorg.conf to add resolutions, that might be a better solution23:18
ricochetpollywog: haha i dont know how to do that23:19
Pollywogthen you would use the ctrl-crl keys with the + key on the numeric keyblock to change the resolutions23:19
Guest18346thanks for your help erUSUL23:19
JessicaParkermagnetron: yes it is there http://pastebin.com/m77be25423:20
erUSULno problme23:20
randalhey i need some help with screenlets they wont turn on but when i go into guest mode the screenlets work can anyhelp me plz or any ideas23:20
leninhi. im getting this error in dmesg when im trying to mount a lapop disk connected over usb: http://pastebin.com/m13515bcf23:21
leninwhat does this mean ?23:21
ricochetpollywog: hey so i wanted compiz and i found a fix for the problem i am having.. however i do not understand it check it out here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3993442#post399344223:21
ricochethow do they get to that point?23:22
randalhey i need some help with screenlets they wont turn on but when i go into guest mode the screenlets work23:22
Pollywogyes if you have compiz, that would help23:22
oCean_ricochet: all jaunty (9.04) discussion/issues go in channel #ubuntu+1, since it is still beta23:22
xnmrphHI. I just installed Xubuntu as a server and want to run an FTP server on it.I want to force the server to use a RAID1 mount I have; how do I set it up to use only a particular directory (on the raid mount) and also which is the best FTP server to use?23:22
JessicaParkermagnetron: am i missing some libraries and does anyone here know which ones ?   http://pastebin.com/d2a69387523:22
Pollywogricochet: did you install compiz?23:23
ricochetpollywog: well i have it, i am just running into the same problem as them, then when someone offers the solution they just tell you to change the line in some code.. i dont know how to even get to that point23:23
megloHey does anyone know of any ppa repositories that serve the new 0.9.x versions of VideoLAN VLC for Hardy LTS? I've heard of only one by this Christopher Korn fellow, but his ppa only serves jaunty and intrepix...23:23
Pollywoglet me have another look at the page23:23
Im_ToastDoes anyone have any ideas... when I use 'locate *~* | grep -v cache23:24
Im_ToastDoes anyone have any ideas... when I use 'locate *~* | grep -v cache' it says there is a file in Documents called Car Payments.txt~ but when I change directory to there, and use ls -a there isn't one23:25
Im_Toastand if I just try rm on it, it says there isn't anything there.23:25
Pollywogricochet: did you check the setting in xorg.conf?23:25
oCean_Im_Toast: your slocate.db might be out of date. Run "sudo updatedb" before running locate23:25
ricochetpollywog: i am a super noob.. i know you need to go into the terminal but i just dont know how to do that23:25
magnetronIm_Toast→ try "ls -a"23:25
Im_ToastI said I used ls -a23:26
Pollywogricochet: do you know how to use a text editor?23:26
Mathias90Pollywog, did you have the same Steam problem as me?23:26
Im_Toastactually, I used -A... which is -a but it doesn't show the . and the .. at the beginning23:26
oCean_ricochet: if you are using 9.04, the docu in said link might not be applicable to you. Besides that ALL 9.04 discussions/issues -> join channel #ubuntu+1 please23:26
PollywogMathias90: no, not with Steam but I had the same Nvidia problem you were having23:26
PollywogI fixed it23:26
ricochetsorry oCean23:27
PollywogMathias90: are you using Cedega?23:27
PollywogMathias90: is there a Steam that is native to Linux?23:27
skyboundeTiger13_: like: ps -eo pmem,pcpu,comm ax|grep bash | awk 'BEGIN { MEM = 0; CPU = 0; } { MEM = MEM + $1; CPU = CPU + $2 } END { print "MEM: " MEM "% CPU: " CPU + "%"; }'23:27
Pollywogyou mean Staem for gaming?23:27
Mathias90I've wined Steam23:27
Im_ToastIs there any way to make it automatically update the slocate.db whenever the comp is turned on?23:28
Mathias90Steam for gaming Counter Strike Source etc.23:28
Pollywogokay that was my next question, you WINEd it23:28
PollywogMathias90: did you enable the nvidia drivers in the System menu of Gnome?23:28
PollywogSystem > Administration > Hardware drivers23:29
eTiger13_Pollywog: thats gives me 0 for both23:29
eTiger13_oops meant skybound23:30
Mathias90Pollywog > Yes I did23:30
Mathias90Driver v. 17723:30
Mathias90173, sorry23:30
PollywogMathias90: I did not know you could WINE Steam, are you certain this works?23:30
PollywogI know Cedega can do it23:31
Mathias90Pollywog > According to Google, it should!23:31
skyboundeTiger13_: you have replaced "bash" with whatever your program is?23:31
PollywogMathias90: did you run glxgears?23:32
sn00p-How do I get my mac address of my wlan0 device?23:32
megloHey does anyone know of any ppa repositories that serve the new 0.9.x versions of VideoLAN VLC for Hardy LTS? Or any way to get a hold of packages of 0.9.x releases of VLC For Hardy LTS?23:32
vitopomais there a repository for ubuntu for EDA software? I am searching something as Fedora Electronic Lab23:32
eTiger13_skybound: guess i should have looked att the line first. thanks though!23:32
Mathias90pass ;-) gixgears?23:32
UKGentj/ #xubuntu23:32
Pollywogrun glxgears in a  console23:32
raylusn00p-: ifconfig -a23:32
xnmrphHi. If I am running vsftpd, is there a way I can force the ftp server to store files from any user that logs in to a particular mount point ?23:32
Pollywogif you do not see the gears, something is wrong23:33
JessicaParkercan anyone help with the following error ? http://pastebin.com/d2a69387523:33
oCean_!info geda23:33
ubottugeda (source: geda): GPL EDA -- Electronics design software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB23:33
oCean_vitopoma: see ^^, Geda is in repo universe23:33
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vitopomathank you ubottu23:33
moonshine_i have a question :D23:33
vitopomai have it23:33
moonshine_can i ask please?23:34
POPEYEwhen I am trying to put ip i get "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address"23:34
TuxMan1I installed : mysql-doc-5.0 ,  sqlite-doc , sqlite3-doc    for docs , how do I read them??? (i dont find a manpage for them with man -k)23:34
Pollywogjust ask the question23:34
oCean_moonshine_: ask away. Try to keep the details in one line23:34
skyboundeTiger13_: if you want to do this kind of stuff look at the "ps" man-page that describes how to define the output format; the awk part just does the counting, should be easy to extend23:34
Pollywogif someone knows, they will help23:34
moonshine_can someone tell me where to download hydra-gtk?23:34
vitopomai am searching something more specific23:34
oCean_vitopoma: well, you asked for eda23:35
vitopomafor example a repository completely dedicated to eda23:35
PupenoWhat program can I use on the terminal to lower the quality of an mp3?23:35
Pollywogpopeye it appears your network card is not configured, what does 'sudo ifconfig -a' tell you?23:35
skyboundeTiger13_: you could use anything you are familiar with to calc the sums, but you have to do it yourself (write the code for it)23:36
Mathias90Pollywog > I get this error when running the glxgears cmd, Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".23:36
vitopomaor a derivative of ubuntu dedicated to eda23:36
PollywogMathias90: there is the problem23:36
nicark|When I write "sudo shutdown -H now" or try to shutdown by any other means the systeam instead reboots. Any ideas on what could be going wrong and how to fix this?23:36
PollywogMathias90:  you are missing the glx package23:36
POPEYEit shows me that card but there is no address so I want to put it23:36
moonshine_can someone tell me?23:36
vitopomageda is optimal23:36
Mathias90Ok, still something to do with the graphic drivers, then?23:36
POPEYEbut mac address is strange all zeros, but in win it works with that mac23:37
moonshine_neah,noone tells me23:37
moonshine_i habe few questions...23:37
Pollywogpopeye are you sure the card is compatible with Linux?23:37
oCean_moonshine_: have patience! People here are volunteers23:38
POPEYEI don't know, It shows it23:38
vitopomabut i am searching also alliance for vhdl, verilator for verilog, toped and magic for vlsi pcb, etc ...23:38
moonshine_thanks for information :D23:38
IenorandPOPEYE: Is this on a wired card? what does "sudo dhclinet eth0" give you?23:38
PollywogMathias90: Intrepid?23:38
vitopomaan i can't find in repositories :(23:38
POPEYEYes wired 10/100 integrated into sis motherboard23:38
Mathias90Pollywog  > Sorry, but I'm kinda new to this. What is Intrepid?23:39
PollywogMathias90: can you open a console?23:39
Mathias90Pollywog > Yes :-)23:39
IenorandPOPEYE: Sorry that command should be sudo dhclient eth023:40
PollywogMathias90: in a console, put 'dpkg -l | grep glx'  without quotes23:40
vitopomai have compiled alliance by myself. it is old code that doesn't complile well in gcc4,323:40
IenorandMathias90: Intrepid Ibex is the codename for Ubuntu 8.1023:40
Mathias90ahh. Moment23:40
moonshine_la la la nice sun...good one23:41
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vitopomaso i have changed the source because he can't find limits.h,23:41
moonshine_can i ask just this? its short...23:41
Im_ToastAnyone know, with grep, what's the option to make it only match if the leters are in that exact order?23:42
vitopomaat the end it works well ... but ... are there precompiled packages??23:42
DasEi!ask | moonshine_23:42
ubottumoonshine_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:42
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scxi have problem with gnome23:42
POPEYESIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address23:42
POPEYESIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address23:42
POPEYEListening on LPF/eth0/00:00:00:00:00:0023:42
POPEYESending on   LPF/eth0/00:00:00:00:00:0023:42
POPEYESending on   Socket/fallback23:42
FloodBot2POPEYE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:42
Im_ToastAnyone know, with grep, what's the option to make it only match if the leters are in that exact order?23:43
moonshine_ok...i found a program, but its on a ftp server, so i have to download each file...is there a program so i can download all files at once?23:43
scxhave you keys in /desktop/gnome/interface?23:43
LjLIm_Toast: that's what grep does normally.23:43
vitopomai want an ubuntu electronic lab :)23:43
scxis there any keys like text_color or selected_fg_color?23:44
Im_ToastIf I grep for rs it's returning like regular essentials... because they are both there, but they aren't together23:44
vitopomaany project .. repository?23:44
moonshine_i found a program, but its on a ftp server, so i have to download each file...is there a program so i can download all files at once?23:44
Im_Toastlike I only want it to match if "rs" is in the name23:44
ClopinCould somebody tell me if this is Ubuntu or Wine related? I would like to know where I should go for help (:23:44
Im_Toastnot if both letters are in there23:44
Mathias90Mathias90: in a console, put 'dpkg -l | grep glx'  without quotes  - > Pollywog, done23:44
PollywogMathias90: what did it say?23:44
xnmrphAnyone proficient with vsftpd ?23:44
Pollywogdo you have a nvidia-glx?23:45
DasEimoonshine_ : are they in one folder / subdir ?23:45
vitopomai ask this because i am studyinc electronics at university:)23:45
moonshine_yes, can i paste to you the url to see it?23:45
yasasvyclopin: are u using compiz?23:45
Mathias90Pollywog > Yes, for v. 173,177,180 and 9623:46
DasEi! who | moonshine_23:46
ubottumoonshine_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:46
Clopinyasavy: Yes, but I've disabled, and it didnt fix it im afraid23:46
DasEi!pm | moonshine_ :23:46
ubottumoonshine_ :: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:46
magnetronvitopoma→ it's a little hard to follow your question when you split it up like that, could you ask it on one line please?23:46
Clopinyasasvy: Could it be a problem even though it's disabled?23:46
PollywogMathias90: it is possible you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:46
yasasvyclopin: might be23:46
Clopinyasasvy: So should I try to remove it?23:47
kanziehow do I restart the network to get a new ip from DHCP23:47
PollywogMathias90: the ubuntuforums will have articles telling you how to fix the problem23:47
Mathias90I'll check them. Thanks for your help :-)23:47
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yasasvyclopin: before doing that type metacity --replace in your terminal23:48
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ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:48
Clopinyasasvy: Ill try to do that after a quick reboot.23:49
Ienorandkanzie: use dhclient?23:49
vitopomai am searching a repository completely dedicated to eda. or a derivative of ubuntu dedicated to eda, something that contains alliance, ngspice, verilator, magic, toped, perl modules for verilog, ecc . similar to Fedora Electronic lab23:51
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xnmrphI am using vsftpd on Xubuntu in a server project - is there a way I can force the ftp server to store files from any user that logs in to a particular mount point ? In other words, I am using the box as a file server. I want to be able to upload files to it via FTP. The files I want to upload will all reside on a RAID1 array mounted as /media/RAID. I want the ftp server to only use this mount and NOT the user home directories. Is this possible?23:53
eqisowxnmrph: I think you will need to use a different ftp server for that, perhaps somebody can correct me if I'm wrong. I think you can change the starting directory, but it only supports chrooting them to home23:56
solexiousHello, I want to add a line to apt.conf but ubuntu uses a apt.conf.d folder, I added the line to one of the files in it to use a proxy but it was removed after a reboot. What should I do to stop this?23:56
xnmrpheqisow, like proftpd?23:56
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete23:57
khismetixAnyone know much about the edu distros of Ubuntu ?23:57
Clopinyasasvy: No luck :(23:57
khismetixeg, Edubuntu ?23:57
Clopinyasasvy: Any other ideas?23:58
eqisowWhen using the fglrx drivers with my HD3850 I get a black screen upon starting X. Mouse and keyboard inputs don't register, so I'm forced to hard reboot. I can pastebin my Xorg.0.log, but there are no discernible error messages. I have tried the repo version as well as the newest from ATI. RadeonHD drivers work, but without 3D accel.23:58
dingleberryI'm raiding up a couple 1Tb drives.. is there any advantage to splitting them into three or four partitions?23:58
Clopinyasasvy: Im not sure if you've ever played WoW, but for some reason I cant change my refresh rate below 68 in WoW, any ideas why that is happening?23:58
RipzerskinsI'm having a problem in ubuntu 8.10 regarding my video card. While I'm in a game (native or not) (compiz or not) the game flickers constantly, making it extremely difficult to comfortably play. My video card is an ATI x500 which is crappy, but it doesn't flicker like this in any other os's that I've tried (namely: xp) can anyone help?23:59
eqisowdingleberry: not really, just add them to a LVM volume and split that if you like23:59
yasasvyclopin: unfortunately i havent played WoW23:59

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