
Lnskhismetix: www.ltsp.org - thin client setup for linux00:00
khismetixah right00:00
khismetixI must read up on that....00:00
khismetixWow,..reminds me of the old days when I worked at Sun00:00
khismetixWe were promoting something called SunRay00:00
khismetixwas a very neat little stateless device which effectively was a thin client00:01
khismetixthe skinniest client ever00:01
Lnsah, sunrays =) i've heard they work well with ltsp00:01
khismetixThe display is X-windows based sent down the network pipe to a smart frame buffer which understands the network protocol used for rendering pipeline00:02
khismetixredirects audio too00:02
khismetixhad some .. but limited USB peripheral redirection too.. and most importantly had smart card support ... so you could replicate your screen by visiting your neighbour and swapping in your smart card00:03
khismetixwas a fantastic idea.. execution was a bit iffy...00:03
khismetixhard to market00:03
khismetixAnyway.. I digress....00:03
khismetixI'm guessing Ubuntu will run firefox with flash plugins00:03
khismetixI assume I'll need to download the plugins because they aren't typically bundled00:04
Lnskhismetix: it should have all the plugins.. flashplugin-nonfree i think is the adobe one00:11
khismetixnon free>00:12
khismetixDo you mean it's not open source00:12
khismetixor it is going to cost me ?00:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss00:19
Lnsnot you, ubottu =p00:19

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