
* wgrant likes the new picker widget.00:04
kikowgrant, where did you see it? neat!00:11
intellectronicakiko: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+edit-people00:19
intellectronicaho ho ho, it's quite buggy, though00:20
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wgrantintellectronica: I never tried a second search, it seems. Now I see the problem.00:26
wgrantAh, it's just for big searches.00:26
intellectronicawgrant: yes. filed bug #35881500:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358815 in lazr-js "Person picker paginator overflows when there are too many results" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35881500:26
wgrantIt feels like it should automatically search.00:26
intellectronicabut otherwise it's really gorgeous00:27
wgrantMaybe after a little timeout without typing.00:27
intellectronicawgrant: i think that will happen too at some point. the problem with doing that is that you need to plan carefully in order to not hammer the server00:27
wgrantBut I guess the request is a bit slow.00:27
intellectronicabut that's definitely coming00:27
wgrantWhen does the bug page get AJAXed?00:28
intellectronicawgrant: most of it will happen next week00:29
intellectronicait got slightly delayed because of performance week, but that and +filebug are what we're going to be doing for the rest of the cycle00:29
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superm1hi guys.  for a universe package, is my translation .pot pulled out of my package automatically during build? https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/mythbuntu-control-centre I don't see anywhere to upload the pot manually06:40
wgrantsuperm1: No - only main (and possibly restricted) can be translated through Launchpad.06:56
superm1wgrant, somehow some exception was made for this package, because translation templates were uploaded at some point07:00
superm1the resultant translations need to be manually exported from LP and imported into the package07:01
persiasuperm1, Were the translations perhaps part of a project other than Ubuntu?07:01
superm1take a look at that URL i posted07:02
superm1"Template "mythbuntu-control-centre" in Ubuntu Jaunty package "mythbuntu-control-centre""07:02
persiaRight: I was more wondering if they lived somewhere else once, and got manually moved.07:05
superm1not that i'm aware07:06
wgrantIt doesn't look like it was ever imported.07:09
wgrantWhich seems impossible.07:09
persiaIt's certainly outside of common experience07:10
lifelesswhy don't we translate universe ?07:10
wgrantlifeless: Because langpacks are a hard problem.07:10
wgrantlifeless: Each language is currently distributed in just a couple of binary packages, and if universe was to be included in those they would be very big.07:11
wgrantIt remains to be seen whether Debian's tdebs will solve this problem well.07:11
persiaAnd if we split it into lots of packages, it gets very confusing.07:11
superm1i'd personally be fine with keeping translations for individual packages in those packages for universe07:12
superm1that's what we do with mythbuntu-control-centre (well when it works right...)07:12
persiasuperm1, The problem there is that users end up with extra translations on-disk for languages they don't use.  In well-translated packages, this can become large.07:12
* wgrant snoops at build logs.07:12
lifelesspersia: then they shouldn't install languages they don't use :)07:14
wgrantlifeless: Then you need a package for every package-language, which is... insane.07:15
wgrantBut that would be the ideal solution.07:15
persialifeless, See, that's the balance: either translation data comes with binaries, in which case users end up with extra languages, or translations are split by language, which makes the translations data large for any given language, and the number of useful strings small.07:15
persiawgrant, Isn't tdebs a variant on that line of thought?07:15
wgrantpersia: IIRC tdebs is all languages in one.07:15
wgrantBut one per package.07:15
wgrantAnd updateable without a source upload.07:16
wgrantSo it's not much better than the current situation in Debian and universe.07:16
wgrantJust a little more easily and cheaply updateable.07:16
persiaHuh?  Based on http://www.emdebian.org/emdebian/langupdate.html I thought it was one tdeb per package/language combination.07:16
persiaOr are emdebian tdebs different?07:17
* wgrant is looking at emails.07:17
wgrantDEP-4 is the spec.07:18
persiaAh, I found a chart.  emdebian is per locale, but the big spec is per-source.07:18
wgrantAnd I can't get to DEP-4 at the moment...07:18
wgrantThat does make sense, though.07:18
persiahttp://people.debian.org/~codehelp/tdeb/ is a draft, I think.07:18
wgrantLooks like it.07:19
persiaAnyway, I like the emdebian solution better, but it's a huge pain to manage that many little packages.07:19
wgrantI wonder how much overhead there is in the Emdebian solution.07:19
wgrantSpace-wise, I mean.07:19
lifelessPackages is not geared to handle it I suspect07:20
wgranttdebs presumably don't have changelogs or things like that duplicated.07:20
lifelessway tooooooo much redundancy07:20
wgrantOoh yes.07:20
lifelessbut the debs themselves should be able to be a nonissue07:20
persiaWell, if there's no changelog for tdebs, how do you track independent tdeb upload changes?07:20
lifelesspersia: same as porter NMU's07:20
persialifeless, I suppose, but I'm becoming convinced I'm the last person left who still reads changelogs.07:21
wgrantI guess you should know that +tN means translation changes only.07:21
persiawgrant, For source or binary upload?07:22
wgrantpersia: Binary. +tN is invalid for source uploads.07:23
wgrantlifeless: It looks like tdebs aren't in Packages (or similar) files at all.07:23
wgrant"A tdeb needs usr/share/doc/copyright and changelog.Debian and dpkg will create the necessary files, just as with a normal .deb. "07:24
lifelesswgrant: if its not in Packages, how does apt find it07:24
persiaThat's just ugly.07:24
wgrantlifeless: It generates the filename by looking at the binary's Translations-Version field.07:25
persiawgrant, Doesn't that imply a binary upload for each translations update?07:25
wgrantpersia: Overrides, I suppose.07:25
persiaI suppose.07:25
wgrantAlthough this is only the draft, and dep.debian.net seems to be missing.07:26
lifelesswgrant: ah thats why there is only one tdeb per package07:26
lifelessbecause its broken by design :P07:26
wgrantlifeless: I think that one tdeb per package per language would be fine with that setup, as long as the changelog doesn't have to be duplicated.07:27
lifelesswgrant: oh? how would 'current za translation tdeb be found' be satisfied07:28
wgrantlifeless: That's true.07:29
wgrantlifeless: Maybe it could be in the DDTP files.07:29
lifelesswgrant: it needs to be mirrored07:30
wgrantlifeless: Aren't the DDTP files mirrored?07:30
lifelessoh, could be07:30
wgrantThey certainly should be.07:31
wgrantThey are.07:31
persiaIn that case, perhaps it isn't so hard to manage several million tdebs, assuming one allows tdebs to contain *only* the .mo files and minimal overhead in /var/lib/dpkg/07:37
wgrantpersia: Do you know how Emdebian does it?07:40
persiaI don't, other than from the document I linked above.07:40
persiaIt's just that about half the email I've seen about tdebs seems to come from Neil.07:40
savvasany progress about bug 128324 ?09:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 128324 in rosetta/2.2 "translator-credits remains "untranslated", so the percentage is < 100%" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12832409:41
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technopaganHi! I had to change a project's name in LP and now the checkout on my computer isn't accepted as a branch of that project anymore... I made a new checkout already, but just out of curiosity: Is it possible to tell Bazaar that the other branch is the correct branch to use?13:47
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wgranttechnopagan: You could unbind and bind to the new one.13:51
technopaganwgrant: Thanks! But how will bzr know that the path is now "/foo/" instead of the old "/foobar/"?13:54
wgranttechnopagan: because you told it in the bind command.13:56
technopaganwgrant: I apologize for this possibly dumb question beforehand, but I only tell bzr the local paths on my machine - How will it know that the path on LP has changed? It changed when I had to rename the project...14:03
wgranttechnopagan: You need to tell 'bzr bind' the URL to bind to.14:05
wgrantWhen you create a checkout, it will automatically bind to the URL that you check out from.14:05
wgrantIf that URL changes, you need to 'bzr unbind' and 'bzr bind lp:~user/project/branch'14:06
FlimmWhere is the 'register a release' button?14:12
FlimmI can't seem to find it for some reason.14:12
FlimmWhy do you need a milestone to register a release?14:22
persiaFlimm, It's a convention: one presumably has a set of milestones, some of which are releases.14:25
persiaAs a benefit, one can target certain bugs to be fixed in a given release this way.14:25
wgrantAs of 2.2.3, a release is a special milestone.14:26
wgrantIn 2.2.4, I hear the UI will suck less.14:26
persiaOf course, for those not using that sort of development method, it's a bit of overhead.14:26
FlimmOK, thank you, it makes sense now.14:26
wgrant(for example, you should be able to create a release and a milestone at the same time)14:26
FlimmI see all my old releases have been linked to completed milestones14:27
persiawgrant, Except that if one follows the method that practices having milestones, one creates the milestones in advance, and then makes some subset of them into releases later.14:27
persia(not that this makes sense for other development models)14:27
wgrantpersia: In that case one doesn't use the integrated button, but creates a release from an existing milestone like one must now.14:28
persiawgrant, Right.  I should stop being an apologist.  I taught development methodology too much in the past, and some things stuck in odd ways.14:29
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FlimmWhere can I set a codename for a release?14:35
wgrantI can't find UI for that anywhere.14:37
wgrantsinzui: ^^14:38
sinzuiFlimm: Edit the milestone, the release only contains the release notes, changelog, and files14:41
wgrantI can't see a codename field on the milestone page.14:41
sinzuiwgrant: Flimm: right, I intend to change the label on the form14:42
* sinzui looks for real code_name on bloody milestone14:43
ovnicrafthi i trying to set my project part of project_B and this is part of project_A but when i search project_B just appears project_A, how i can resolve this issue?14:46
* sinzui files big fat bug that code_name is hidden on milestone!14:46
sinzuiFlimm: you are the victim of a lapse of reason. I will get a fix landed for next week. It will not be available on launchpad.net until the next big release at the end of the month.14:47
FlimmThat's alright, I'll just have to release my project without a funky codename14:48
FlimmShould I file a bug?14:48
sinzuiThere seems to be confusion in the code as to the use of milestone name and code_name...there should probably be only one14:48
sinzuiFlimm: I'm doing that noe14:48
sinzuiFlimm: I reported bug 35907814:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359078 in launchpad-registry "milestone code_name is not editable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35907814:56
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gnomefreakdid anyone see bug 358755 :)15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358755 in firefox-3.0 "follows" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35875515:32
gnomefreaki seem to get all the losers15:32
intellectronicagnomefreak: oh well, what can you do. this is more a 'mistake' than spam15:39
intellectronicapeople make mistakes15:39
gnomefreakintellectronica: mistake is not asking for illegal info mistake == typo or filing a bug instead of a question15:40
intellectronicasometimes people make really bad mistakes :)15:42
intellectronicagnomefreak: the user will be banned, and we're conducting a traditional goat flogging ritual to purify the bugtracker from his presence15:45
gnomefreakintellectronica: thanks i was just thinking about removing bugs like that so others don't see it while i hav eoutside smoking15:46
intellectronicai always need a cigarette after seeing a bug like that15:47
intellectronicait's very bad for my health15:47
gnomefreakmine too but sometime im going to die. Might as well enjoy life but that is my twisted brain at work15:48
* intellectronica realises he's out of cigarettes. runs, shaking, to the store15:49
gnomefreakoff to gym see you later :)15:50
savvaswhat happens if the connection drops and I'm uploading a package to PPA?16:20
savvasstart again? :)16:20
mthaddonsavvas: I think that's a fair assumption17:00
RachedTN-awayhello, I wanna to delete : https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-editorial17:27
RachedTN-awaycan somebody desactivate or delete, please ?17:28
RachedTN-awayHow to add a project to a team17:42
RachedTN-awayI recently create a new team, than a new project, but I can't find how to add this project to the team ?17:42
joeyhi RachedTN-away17:45
RachedTN-awayhi joey17:45
joeyRachedTN-away, let me see if I can help you.17:45
RachedTN-awayok :)17:46
joeyRachedTN-away, you want to delete https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-editorial?17:46
joeyRachedTN-away, ok I'll get that done.  Did you have another question?17:47
RachedTN-awayjoey: I recently create a new team, than a new project, but I can't find how to add this project to the team ?17:47
joeyRachedTN-away, ok, can you paste in the link to the project?17:47
RachedTN-awayjoey: https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project17:48
RachedTN-awayand this is the link of the team : https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-drafting17:48
joeyRachedTN-away, for the editorial team, it appears that I'll need you to fill out an Question so we can verify you are the owner, even though I can see you are. Please ask for that team to be deleted here:  https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad17:50
joeyRachedTN-away, https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project/+edit-people17:52
RachedTN-awayjoey: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6707017:52
joeyRachedTN-away, you go to "change details" and then click on the black "people" mini-bar17:52
RachedTN-awayjoey:  sorry, but I can't see "change details" in this page : https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project/+edit-people17:54
joeyRachedTN-away, from this page, https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project/  or use the +edit-people to add the teams17:54
RachedTN-awayjoey: ok17:56
RachedTN-awayI see :P17:56
RachedTN-awaythanks a lot joey : it's OK now :)17:58
joeyRachedTN-away, you bet! Enjoy17:58
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natureshadowhi there!20:31
natureshadowI cannot seem to find any link like "Register a Release" on the series overview page of the trunk series in twittare ...20:34
natureshadowIt should be there according to the docs ,)20:34
DawnLight1hello. i'm looking for help with https://launchpad.net/rain8net which i've never developed, only created in sf and asked people for help. the development seems to be done now and it's now about packaging it for distros. will anyone want to help?20:58
DawnLight1otherwise, where would be a good place to ask for such help?21:03
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DawnLighthow to i mark a bug as being blocked by another?21:19
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RachedTNI wonder why : https://staging.launchpad.net22:32
RachedTNisn't working correctly22:32
RachedTNI often get this error : Timeout error22:32
joeyreally RachedTN22:32
joeymthaddon, ^^22:33
RachedTNit doesn't happen I work on https://edge.launchpad.net22:33
mthaddonjoey: yes?22:33
mthaddonRachedTN: it's a staging server, not a production server, so the hardware isn't as beefy, and it's often down without warning for maintenance or other reasons22:34
RachedTNmthaddon: ok, I see, but I don't bother you by creating and discativating teams and projects ^^22:35
RachedTNI don't want to bother you by creating and discativating teams and projects ^^22:35
RachedTNI am the owner of a team, and I wanna to delete a reltaed project from the team, how should I do ?22:36
mthaddonRachedTN: you want to delete the project, or just remove it from "related projects"?22:36
RachedTNmthaddon: just remove it from "related projects"22:37
mthaddonRachedTN: I don't believe there's a way to do that - I think that list is auto-populated based on inferences from usage22:37
mthaddonRachedTN: it will update over time and if it's no longer related it'll be removed22:37
mthaddonjoey: is that correct? ^22:38
joeydepending on which panel you are looking at, it's autopopulated22:39
joeyso mthaddon, you are correct22:39
joeythe front page though with Featured projects, is set by an admin22:39
RachedTNjoey : if I desactivat the admin who add this project, will the project be removed from the related projects22:40
joeyRachedTN, if you deactivate the person listed in the maintainer field?22:41
joeyRachedTN, then you have a problem and you'll need a LP admin to help you :-)22:42
RachedTNjoey: LP , what's that ?22:43
RachedTNLP : LauncPad22:43
joeyRachedTN, please paste in the url of the page you are looking at.22:43
joeyyes, lp = launchpad22:43
RachedTNjoey : if I desctivate this person : https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-drafting/+member/mawale22:45
RachedTNwho added the project to the related projects22:45
joeyRachedTN, it's related because that team is associated with those two projects22:45
joeyit's automatically added22:46
RachedTNlet's suppose that Idont wanna my tema to be associated to a project, what should I do ?22:46
joeyremove the team from the project :-)22:46
RachedTNbut it's not my project22:46
kikoRachedTN, how strange.22:48
RachedTNkiko: yep :)22:49
joeythe spec associated with that is owned by your team22:49
joeyso it seems in all three cases you are the admin22:50
joeythe tn-drafing team, https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project, and the spec https://edge.launchpad.net/tn-drafting-project/+specs22:50
RachedTNhere is the situation : I have created a team (that means I am the owner), one of the administrator has associated a project that I don't like, so I wanna to remove that project22:50
RachedTNjoey : I wanna to keep https://edge.launchpad.net/drafting-project  and remove  https://edge.launchpad.net/tn-drafting-project22:51
RachedTNbecause it's a redondancy22:51
joeyah I see22:51
joeyWajih made your team the owner22:51
joeythat's easy!22:52
RachedTNhow ?22:52
joeyRachedTN, just file an Question (same link as earlier) and ask for that project to be deactivated.  You have to do it thought since you are the owner of the team that maintains that project22:52
RachedTNok, how easy is that :P22:53
joeyThat way we know it's a valid request :-D22:53
mthaddonRachedTN: if you let me know the question URL once you've created it, I can do that for you right away22:53
joeyNow that's service! :-)22:54
RachedTNjoey: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/6709122:55
RachedTNmthaddon: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/6709122:55
RachedTNyou are really cool guys, VIVA Ubuntu and Canonical :)22:56
joeyRachedTN, thank you for speaking English. My Arabic isn't very good :-)22:57
mthaddonok, all done22:57
RachedTNmthaddon: thank you22:57
RachedTNjoey : I hope you'll leran arabic oneday, it's really amazing :)22:57
RachedTNand thanks very much :)22:58
joeyRachedTN, there are few people here who speak it.  I learned Esperanto so I could have fun. :-)22:58
RachedTNjoey: I think that Mr Taher Achour ( atunisian man who made the LPI199) work with you, isn't he ?22:59
joeyRachedTN, I don't know him personally.23:00
RachedTNjoey : If you see him, tell him that ubuntu-tn LoCo are proud of him and they wanna to see him one day :)23:01
RachedTNjoey: have a nice day and take care, sorry to bother you :)23:01
joeyno worries. Come back here if you have any more Launchpad questions23:01
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nicoInattenduHi, a question on merge. I rry to merge my dev branch on a 'trunk' branch . The merge is caaepter and apporved on trunk, but I don't see the code in the trunk . It is a matter of time ?  The branch maeged is here : https://code.launchpad.net/~nico-inattendu/luciole/nico-0.7 and try to merge here https://code.launchpad.net/~nico-inattendu/luciole/main23:51
savvasnicoInattendu: you have to merge it yourself with bzr merge23:53
savvas(I think)23:53
nicoInattenduIn which branch ? in the main ?23:53
savvasthe web interface is just to show other what's going on :)23:53
savvasyou want to merge nico-0.7 into main right?23:54
savvaswhile in main, try: bzr merge lp:~nico-inattendu/luciole/nico-0.723:55
savvasI could be wrong though, so don't trust me :)23:56
nicoInattenduNo , it was  great  :). But now I dont' understand the goal of the web interface for merge stuff.23:59
savvas00:54:13 < savvas> the web interface is just to show other what's going on :)23:59

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