
pwnguinsure, it peaks at 72 MB, but it spends a lot of time at very poorly00:00
pwnguini guess technically, readahead may be fine, but the fs is fragmented or otherwise problematic. 5 seconds spinning your wheels is junk00:01
GAZRAHello, I just installed Kubuntu Jaunty beta, and it is great, the only problem so far is that when I start Kontact, I get a window with some errors about the akonadi server.00:02
GAZRACan someone please tell me what is that, and if it' really needed by kontact?00:02
BUGabundopwnguin: low disk space! it's a 10GiBs partition for /00:02
pwnguinBUGabundo: i almost think there should be a cutoff for small file sizes00:03
pwnguinif you're gonna seek for just one block, you may as well do that during the relatively more cpu intensive boot phase00:04
pwnguinBUGabundo: if you actually care about speeding things up, jdong had a neat tar trick to rewrite the readahead files00:05
pwnguinalso, you're running encryption on xfs?00:06
BUGabundoor better yes... encfs for a single folder00:07
BUGabundonot the entire FS00:07
pwnguinsilly progress00:07
BUGabundohow did you know?00:07
pwnguincryptomgr probe00:07
pwnguinand later, xfs starts up00:08
funkyHatI'm getting pidgin crashing when it tries to sign in to MSN, but apport isn't starting up to collect the crash data anymore :/ anyone know why that might be?00:13
funkyHat(sorry for repeating my question from earlier, but it looks a little more alive in here now)00:13
wirechieffunkyHat: somelse reported a similar issue today.00:16
wirechieftheir might be a launchpad bug for it.00:17
BUGabundofunkyHat: you mean bug bug 357949 ?00:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357949 in pidgin "Pidgin crashes when trying to connect to jabber" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35794900:17
Barridushi guys, any idea what's up with update notifications?  i've gotten 0 since installing the beta.00:17
BUGabundoBarridus: what apps are you using, that actually use it ?00:17
Barridusnor do i get the "gray arrow synaptic is working on something" notifier either00:17
BUGabundopidgin, evolution? volume ?00:17
Barridusi have everything included in the beta, including those00:18
Barridusi'm used to hardy (and intrepid) where you'd get a notice about security (kernels, etc) and bugfixes.  in jaunty, nothing.00:18
funkyHatBUGabundo: no, I think it's still bug 35460500:18
ubottuBug 354605 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/354605 is private00:18
funkyHatswitched it to public00:19
BUGabundoyou mean bug bug 33294500:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Update Notifier icon would provide useful status information" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294500:19
BarridusBUGabundo, any idea what "high, won't fix" means?  does that just mean it's a hotspot of debate?00:21
Barridus"high interest, don't do anything yet" or something basically?00:21
BUGabundoit means that Canonical/DX/Mark and Users don't agree00:22
BarridusBUGabundo, no chance of offering both options?  i haven't followed an ubuntu beta debate before00:23
MinusSevenI have two hard drives, when I install Kubuntu 9.04 Beta, and use the entire slave drive, it only gives me the option of installing GRUB on the slave hard drive, therefore when I reboot, it just boots into Windows.00:23
DuckthisHey guys, I am in tropuble00:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:24
BarridusBUGabundo, and ironically, i never got this supposed "popup window" that was discussed.00:24
BUGabundoMinusSeven: sudo grub-install /dev/sdaX where X is the windows disk?00:24
BUGabundoBarridus: I run UM so many times a day, it doesn't get the change too00:24
MinusSevenhow do I get into Kubuntu to do that?00:24
DuckthisIt says that "libc6-dev" package is broken. So I can not install updates!00:24
BUGabundoMinusSeven: no need. you just need a CLI or TTY00:25
BUGabundoor use a liveCD/USB00:25
MinusSeveni'll try that00:25
BUGabundoor change BIOS boot order too00:25
BarridusBUGabundo, oh well it's a minor issue for me (but my only one so far with jaunty), i'll live either way.  just wanted to make sure i wasn't doing it wrong somehow or missing a toolbar applet00:25
FoxBlitzzfrogonwheels: It's actually turning out to be an ALSA issue, it seems00:26
DuckthisWho can help me with my broken package?00:26
BarridusBUGabundo, well speaking for myself as i know enough to do it manually.  don't really want to enter the debate fully (i do have my opinion on what's best for the average user)00:26
BarridusBUGabundo, i am of the opinion ubuntu gets a wide demographic including novice and expert, if that's a hint of what i prefer00:27
DuckthisWho can help me with my broken package? (libc6-dev) I can not install updates!00:27
FoxBlitzzUgh, I must have screwed up editing alsa-base?00:27
BUGabundoDuckthis: you got a libc6 broken?00:28
BUGabundodamn... hope its just you00:28
FoxBlitzzNow I don't have any sound devices. :S00:28
DuckthisBUGabundo: Only libc6-dev00:28
BUGabundoI still remember gutsy libc6 breakage00:28
BUGabundoahhh better00:28
BUGabundoDuckthis: pastebin versinon00:28
BUGabundoDuckthis: $ apt-cache policy libc6-dev | pastebinit00:29
DuckthisBUGabundo: Sorry but I'm Linux since a week. Can you explain?00:29
Barridusand too many popups leads to ... desensitivity to potentially important ones, training people to just accept everything.  also see:  Vista UAC ;)00:30
BUGabundoDuckthis: sorry...00:30
BUGabundowe never know who is on that side00:30
DuckthisBUGabundo: Do not be sorry, I have to. ;)00:31
BUGabundoDuckthis: run on a console: apt-cache policy libc6-dev00:31
BUGabundothen copy it, and paste it to a pastebin00:31
BUGabundo !paste00:31
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:31
BUGabundothen give us the link00:31
Duckthisduckthis@duckthis-laptop:~$ apt-cache policy libc6-dev00:31
Duckthis  Installé : 2.9-4ubuntu600:31
Duckthis  Candidat : 2.9-4ubuntu600:31
Duckthis Table de version :00:31
Duckthis *** 2.9-4ubuntu6 000:31
Duckthis        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages00:31
Duckthis        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status00:31
BarridusBUGabundo, you mentioned a "DX" faction earlier in the disagreement.  What is that exactly?00:34
BUGabundoDesktop Experience00:34
Barridusah, thanks00:34
DuckthisBUGabundo: So did http://paste.ubuntu.com/147972/ is ok?00:34
BUGabundoits a (canonical)Team that is providing the work for the new design00:34
Barridusi do hope a resolution is reached where two options or applets are offered00:35
BUGabundoDuckthis: you have the same version as me00:35
BUGabundodon't see what could be wrong with it00:35
Barridusas i can see the merits of both methods depending on which side of the poweruser spectrum the user is on00:35
BUGabundoDuckthis: can you pastebin this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:35
DuckthisI paste it in console and paste report at paste.ubuntu.com?00:36
BUGabundoBarridus: no "resolution" will be tehre. Mark already set it TWICE as WontFix00:36
BUGabundoDuckthis: yes.. just if errors occur00:36
BUGabundohey Hew. welcome00:36
BarridusBUGabundo, ok then i'll can it on the subject XD00:36
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147980/00:37
Barridusi guess i was just utilizing the linux skill of being overly opinionated XD00:37
BUGabundoE: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Ressource temporairement non disponible)00:37
BUGabundoahh there's the culprid00:37
BUGabundoDuckthis: is Update Manager and Synaptic closed?00:38
BUGabundopastebin $ ps waux | grep apt00:38
DuckthisBUGabundo: Hmm00:39
DuckthisBUGabundo: I exited Synaptic and I did redo the previous commant.00:39
DuckthisBUGabundo: And I get it00:40
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147982/00:40
BarridusDuckthis, for reference, i think "software sources" can also lock it.  since it's just an alternate way into part of synaptic00:41
BUGabundodon't worry00:41
BUGabundoits still building00:41
BUGabundoor your Mirror is slow syncing00:41
BUGabundochange *temporarily* to MAIN00:41
BUGabundoand run $ update-manager -d00:41
Barridus-d is distro updates, right?00:42
BUGabundowon't do much here00:42
Barriduslike hardy -> intrepid00:42
BUGabundojust force any old update00:42
bruce89checks for devel "releases", not final ones00:42
Barridusi've never done that, do you think i should?  (everything seems to work)00:43
Barridusnm, it says nothing00:43
BUGabundoBarridus: nope... no need00:44
DuckthisBUGabundo: How do I refresh my update list?00:44
HewBUGabundo: Hi00:44
Barridusok, i just like learning stuff from other people's questions and the pro's solutions :)00:44
BUGabundoDuckthis: apt-get update, or update-manager button Check00:45
Barridusthis is exciting for me00:45
* BUGabundo hopes the "pro" was not at him00:45
DuckthisBUGabundo: Hmm. I'm still gettin' a Broken package error00:46
BarridusBUGabundo, anyone that answers something i don't know yet is "pro".  it's all relative, friend :D00:46
kaptenguhow can I turn off ipv6 in jaunty? seems like /etc/modprobe.d/aliases is not there anymore...00:46
BUGabundokaptengu: you can't... its complied into the kernel00:47
BUGabundoDuckthis: give it a few hours00:47
BUGabundoif it still fails tomorrow, then you need to fix it00:47
BUGabundoby the way00:47
BUGabundowhat says synaptic for it, when you select the fix broken package?00:47
kaptenguBUGabundo: ok, thanks for the answer00:48
BUGabundokaptengu: I know... not the one you wanted00:48
DuckthisBUGabundo: I try to update libc6 from Synaptic. (dependency)00:48
bruce89Duckthis: see what aptitude says, it may be useful00:49
DuckthisBUGabundo: I receive «E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.9-4ubuntu6_i386.deb: le sous-processus pre-installation script a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1»00:49
BUGabundothat's new00:50
BUGabundoI HOPE its not a new bug00:50
BUGabundoI'm sick and tired of bad packages this cycle00:50
BUGabundoDuckthis: sudo apt-get clean00:50
* BUGabundo runs UM just to be sure00:51
bruce89BUGabundo: Ubuntu's no Debian00:51
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147986/00:52
BUGabundoDuckthis: you MUST have some other app using apt00:53
spaceBARbarianwould this partition setup be good in terms of space ? 4GB for '/' ; 4GB for '/var' ;  10GB for '/usr' ; 20GB for '/home'00:53
BUGabundoare you sure synaptic is closed?00:53
DuckthisBUGabundo: How do I know that?00:53
BUGabundospaceBARbarian: do you *really* need to separate it?00:53
bruce89Duckthis: ps -A00:53
BUGabundosince hardy that you can reinstall without the need to format, so no need for /home on diff partition00:53
BUGabundoDuckthis: pastebin $ ps waux | grep apt00:54
zashseparate /home is a good thing00:54
BUGabundozash: is it? why?00:54
BarridusspaceBARbarian, i usually just make a seperate /boot of like 100MB and everything else on / (unless i have a lot of drive space then i do /home too)00:54
BUGabundoI would like to hear a convincing argumenton current Ubuntu00:54
BUGabundoBarridus: 100MiBs is too small00:54
BarridusBUGabundo, holds 3 kernels00:55
zashBUGabundo: my /boot is 13M00:55
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147988/00:55
bruce89what's the advantage of a seperate /boot partition?00:55
zashBUGabundo: separation of concern at least00:55
bruce89Duckthis: remove the grep bit, and paste again00:56
funkyHatbruce89: needed for encrypted /, and possibly for lvm (although I think newer grubs can handle lvm /boot)00:56
Barridusbruce89, i've read booting from ext3 and ext4 boot partition is complicated, and i've found it can be easier to get a handle on your kernels in case of recovery00:56
Barridusso i do a 100M ext2 for boot00:56
BUGabundobruce89: historicly diff FS for GRUB00:56
bruce89BUGabundo: ah00:57
bruce89I'm lazy, only having a seperate /home00:57
BUGabundobut GRUB(2) is capable of booting just about anything, incluing ext4 and XFS00:57
BUGabundoLVM is a bit trickier00:57
BUGabundoDuckthis: can you reboot and try again?00:57
* bruce89 uses grub200:57
BarridusBUGabundo, that's what i've heard about Grub2.  but i prefer keeping it simple atm00:58
BUGabundosomething is wrong and I can't put my finger on it00:58
BUGabundobruce89: we ALL do... its what jaunty has00:58
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147989/00:58
bruce89BUGabundo: really?00:58
spaceBARbariancrdlb: i do seem to know what00:58
bjsniderbruce89, you use grub2?00:58
BUGabundobjsnider: we *all* do00:58
crdlbspaceBARbarian: that you're supposed to be in here00:58
spaceBARbariancrdlb: i am already in here :)00:58
Barriduswait i've been using grub2 this whole time?00:59
bjsnideryou all have tremendous gonads00:59
godrikhello guys00:59
Barridusi'm lost.  i appear to have package "grub".  grub2 is not installed00:59
Barridusor grub2 is a dummy package?00:59
DuckthisBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/147989/01:00
bruce89Duckthis: anything going insane on top?01:01
BUGabundoDuckthis: I can't see anything there01:01
BUGabundoI guess the lock get left behing01:01
DuckthisBUGabundo: What?!?01:01
BUGabundotry removing it by force01:01
bjsnideris it easy to use at this point?01:01
bruce89Duckthis: it appears as if debconf is doing something odd01:02
bruce89/usr/bin/perl -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /usr/sbin/update-grub01:02
BUGabundomissed that01:02
Barriduswhat's the command to check a package's version?01:02
BUGabundotoo sleppy01:02
Duckthisbruce89: So what do I do?01:02
BUGabundoBarridus: apt-cache policy PACKAGENAME01:02
pwnguinBUGabundo: apt-cache policy pkg-name01:02
* BUGabundo types 26 WPM01:03
* pwnguin types 90WPM01:03
bruce89Duckthis: you could try killing the process01:03
pwnguinwith massive autocomplete errors ;)01:03
funkyHatpwnguin: autocomplete doesn't count ;P01:04
Duckthisbruce89: Which process?01:04
bruce89Duckthis: sudo kill 1027701:04
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:04
Barridusok i'm confused about my grub.  grubfused?  congrubbed?  this make any sense to someone smarter than myself? http://paste.ubuntu.com/147994/01:05
BUGabundopwnguin: LOL01:05
pwnguinfunkyHat: well, i do test around 80, but wanted to point out that autocomplete hit the wrong guy ;)01:06
bruce89Barridus: you're using grub-legacy01:06
pwnguinwell, its time to go do taxes or something productive01:06
Barridusbruce89, should i change that?  other than more bootable FS, is there a point if my computer works fine?01:07
Barridusand if i tried to switch, would that herald the end of all things?01:07
bruce89Barridus: not unless you want a nice grub menu screen01:07
Barridusmaybe i'll give it a shot if i ever reistall.  thanks for the info.01:07
Barriduswildcards do not work with apt-cache policy?01:09
BarridusW: Unable to locate package grub*01:09
Barridusok another question that popped into my head.  apt-get deals with online sources, and apt-cache just deals with what you have installed or whatever package data you got with apt-get update?01:12
BUGabundonot exactly01:13
BUGabundoapt-get is a front end to fetch packages and throw them at dpkg01:14
BUGabundoapt-cache is a front end to the APT DB01:14
frogonwheelsapt-cache more deals with viewing/manipulating the cache01:14
Barridusok, gotcha on that01:14
BUGabundovery very OT, but here it is http://bugabundo.jaiku.com/presence/5208807401:14
Barridusok, i figured that, but i don't know what's exactly cached01:14
BUGabundoBarridus: ls -l /var/cache/apt/archive01:15
=== bruce89_ is now known as bruce89
Barridusls: cannot access /var/cache/apt/archive: No such file or directory01:16
Barridus(even sudo'ed)01:16
HalowIt's archives.01:16
Barridusok that's useful knowledge, thanks01:17
BUGabundoFri Apr 10 00:17:16 UTC 200901:17
Barridusboth of you01:17
thiebaudeBUGabundo: i have a question01:17
HalowI do it all the time. ;P I was just helpin him see. :)01:18
Barridusnice apt diagram as well, bookmarked.01:18
thiebaudeon the options>sessions before login how do i add an menu item not already there01:18
Barridusbrb, testing something01:19
BUGabundothiebaude: /me is confused... make a picture01:19
thiebaudebefore i login on the options menu01:20
thiebaudethen sessions, i need to add an item01:20
thiebaudei installed aewm and evilwm and they are the only ones that dont appear on the sessions menu01:21
BUGabundonow I see it01:23
BUGabundothiebaude: sorry can't help you out.... never messed with that01:23
BUGabundoask on #ubuntu01:23
thiebaudeok thanks anyway01:23
thiebaudeyea i did no one responded01:23
BUGabundotuff luck01:24
BUGabundotry the ML01:24
bruce89thiebaude: you need to add something somewhere which I'd have found if you hadn't just left as I typed this01:25
BUGabundobruce89: memoserv him01:26
bruce89BUGabundo: um?01:26
DuckthisBUGabundo you still there?01:27
BUGabundoDuckthis: I'm always somewhere01:27
DuckthisBUGabundo Ok. Many times i'm getting "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)01:27
BUGabundonot good01:27
BUGabundo$ sudo dpkg --configure -a01:28
BUGabundotry that01:28
Duckthissame result01:28
DuckthisMaybe a process is still blocking that folder?01:28
BUGabundoafter reboot? it shouldn't01:30
Barridusbhmmm.  why would pidgin autostart, when it's not set to in Startup Applications, and "Remember Running Apps" is unchecked there as well.  Maybe UNR (which i am running?)01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about UNR01:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about facepalm01:31
BUGabundoBarridus: stop please01:31
BUGabundodon't abuse the bot01:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:31
luoexcuse me, I use Ubuntu9.10. When I and a new user, it's unluky the Tab auto-completion is not working, and then i find the .bashrc not working too. so someone give me some help?01:32
Barridusnot trying to, is there a way to see his knowledge command list?01:32
BUGabundoluo: LOL you can't. it aint out yet01:33
BUGabundoluo: we are still trying to get 9.04 out the doot01:33
BUGabundoluo: Joking. you said 9.1001:33
bjsnider9.10 would be october of 2009. that hasn't happened yet01:33
luosorry, it's 8.1001:34
BUGabundobjsnider: it will. in one month time. see you all there01:34
bjsniderunless i'm the victim of a planet-wide joke01:34
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:34
BUGabundoluo: ibex support is in #ubuntu01:34
TylorI'm having a bit of a problem with 9.04. My CPU usage seems to be stuck at around 70% on both cores. I can't fine any reason as to why this is happening. Can anyone help?01:35
BUGabundoTylor: what CPU is it?01:35
bjsnidertry running top in a terminal01:35
Tyloruseing Ubuntu01:35
BUGabundoand install and run atop01:35
TylorBUGabundo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 TK-5701:35
* BUGabundo finds atop much more powerful then top01:35
BUGabundoTylor: good stuff no reason for hogging01:36
BUGabundoplease run atop, and press 'c'01:36
BUGabundoto see top CPU usage01:36
chrisccoulsonnice system tray BUGabundo ;)01:36
BUGabundochrisccoulson: already got it?01:36
BUGabundoyou guys are email freaks01:37
Tylor3728  13% /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp01:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, i just got the e-mail01:37
BUGabundoI still have an HUGE backlog01:37
chrisccoulsonthat's quite funny;)01:37
BUGabundochrisccoulson: do you think I made my point ?01:37
chrisccoulsonquite possibly!01:37
BUGabundoTylor: that's just X01:37
BUGabundowhat GPU do you have? INTEL?01:37
BUGabundochrisccoulson: I had to remove the App menu... no longer fited01:38
BUGabundocwillu: kiss kiss01:38
chrisccoulsondo you not use 2 bars?01:38
* BUGabundo ducks01:38
BUGabundochrisccoulson: not enough room for it01:38
BUGabundo13.3" at 1280x80001:38
TylorBUGabundo, its using the most cpu power. Like I said, I cant find a reason for the usage. I've watched top for the last 10 min. The problem has been happening for an hour and a half.01:38
BUGabundoTylor: but your atop line only showed 13%01:39
chrisccoulsonthat's quite limited for vertical space really.01:39
chrisccoulsonPC monitors should be orientated in portrait mode;)01:39
BUGabundochrisccoulson: yeah01:39
chrisccoulsoni always need more vertical space than horizontal01:39
Barriduschrisccoulson, try enabling the show/hide arrows on your panel(s).  i get by quite nicely on a 1024x600 netbook with those and alt-draging stuff up.01:41
chrisccoulsonthanks for the tip01:41
TylorBUGabundo, this is what my cpu shows. CPU | sys     34% | user     76% | irq       0% | idle     89% | wait      0% |. with the top user being X at only 5% right now.01:42
Barridus(alt-drag let's you drag beyond the upper Y barrier if you are afflicted by it)01:42
bjsniderTylor, why do you think your cpu is contantly at 70%01:43
BarridusTylor, are you still running the graphical system monitor?  it uses a relatively high amount of cpu in and of itself01:44
Tylorbjsnider, after watching the system monitor tray icon, and top for the last 20 min, i came to that conclusion. It dropped to 50% once that i caught in that time.01:44
Barridusif you are using atop, can the graphical monitor01:44
TylorBarridus, No, I havent been using the graphical monitor. And the tray icon hasent caused a problem, even since I upgraded. This started happening after the latest apt-get upgrade.01:45
Barridushave you tried closing the tray icon?  it uses the same libraries as the graphical.  just try closing anything that monitors cpu and is not atop01:46
TylorBarridus, No change. Only thing open is this and a terminal with atop.01:47
Barridusno sense to really have one monitor monitoring another, at least until you eliminate the possibility that one of them is partly to blame for the cpu hogging01:47
Barridusok worth a thought.  sorry :)01:47
Barridusthe gnome monitor uses like 30%-40% cpu on my current machine with the latest builds, thought you might also be afflicted01:48
TylorWith all the processes that atop is listing that are taking any % of CPU, it should only be running at around 25% for user, yet it is averaging 80% right now.01:49
bjsniderTylor, in system monitor, what happens if you select all process, not just your own, and then reorder the list by cpu usage?01:49
Tylorbjsnider, top one is the system monitor at 7%01:50
Tylorbjsnider, next is xorg at 3%01:50
TylorI've also got my CPU scaling set on performance.01:51
romanHey guys... somehow i can't access the kde style controls with the command "kcmshell style" like in earlier versions of ubuntu, though the kdelibs are installed properly, any ideas on how to fix this?01:52
bjsniderTylor, what graphics card?01:54
Tylorbjsnider, Nvidia Geforce 7000M01:55
Tylorbjsnider, Using the 180 propriatary drivers01:55
Tylorbjsnider, It just started happening after the last reboot.02:00
bjsniderTylor, tried rebooting again, have you?02:01
Tylorbjsnider, I did updates, shutdown when work was done, came home and it was still doing it.02:01
Tylorbjsnider, I'll try now. BRB.02:02
ccookeFun. update-manager bombs out when trying a partial upgrade :-)02:03
romanjust a general question: if jaunty gets released, is it possible to upgrade from the beta with no drawbacks afterwards?02:04
romanor do i have to reinstall02:04
romanno to the first question? ;)02:05
Tylorbjsnider, No change.02:07
kaptenguseems like the chains in ufw have been messed up...02:08
TylorIt very frustrating. Nothing I kill seems to have any affect.02:10
Ienorandre: !topic: Is hotkey-setup still mirroring? Wasn't that fixed some time ago now?02:11
makarioHey. How stable is the beta? (I know, I know. It's a beta.) Is it usable for day-to-day use until the 23?02:32
makarioSomeone lent me an external drive for the night, and I was thinking about going ahead and backing up my stuff and formating to ext4 while I had the chance.02:32
bruce89makario: as long as you know how to break breakage, it's fine02:33
makariobruce89: Heh. How often do things break?02:34
bruce89makario: not very, gdm went funny for me today02:34
bjsniderTylor, try this. go to a vitual terminal, run killall gdm, then tun top. see if there's any change02:35
rustlerharvanyone have the tracker-indexer thing taking up 100% cpu02:37
bruce89rustlerharv: yes, some bug02:37
rustlerharvi have yet to find a use for that thing02:37
Ienorandmakario: There was a few things initially, quite serious but easily configured. Since then no major things, and I'm on ext4.02:39
makarioHm. Intrepid won't work at all on ext4, right?02:39
unixdawgok having a major issue with audio not working02:45
J-_Is anyone else having a problem with their wireless/ wired internet?02:45
unixdawgit was working now audious and dragon and mplayer have no audio02:45
J-_I can't ping my router with a wired connection. Go to try and ping my router with wireless, and I get 100% packet loss, and 6 errors.02:46
J-_Though my internet is working02:47
J-_I'm on wireless right now.02:47
J-_Hopefully my card didn't crap out.02:48
J-_Wow, I have 174mb of upgrades. Hopefully something fixes the problems I'm having02:49
IenorandJ-_: What does "sudo ifconfig eth0" give you?02:49
J-_Ienorand: Nothing.02:49
dtchenunixdawg: are you running *current* jaunty?02:49
J-_Err. Wait a minute. I'm on wireless. Ienorand02:50
dtchenmakario: not the default kernels, no.02:50
dtchenunixdawg: use alsamixer to check your volumes02:50
unixdawgkubuntu jaunty jackalope02:50
IenorandJ-_: Is this a recent thing or has it been throguhout jaunty?02:50
J-_Ienorand: Let me upgrade the packages that need upgrading. Once the upgrades are done, I'll try it. It's very recent.02:51
J-_Hopefully my card isn't fried.02:52
unixdawgit shows all fine02:52
unixdawgbut none of my apps are getting audio02:52
Tylorbjsnider, cpu utilization was at 1% with gdm killed.02:53
bjsniderTylor, try turning off desktop effects if you were using compiz. go back to metacity and check02:53
Tylorbjsnider, I am using no visual effects.02:54
IenorandJ-_: Hmm, could be you are seeng the same thing as one popeye here before... he was getting messages: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address when doing that...02:54
J-_Ienorand: I've had Jaunty since alpha 5. Once Beta 6 hit, I wanted to try Debian. I tried debian for a bit, it worked well; I used firmware-iwlwifi from their repos, everything worked well. After that, I told myself I'd go back to Jaunty because I couldn't configure the config files in Debian. Finally, came back to Jaunty. Connected to my router fine after installation. Now for some reason, I can't ping, or go to my router via it's IP with w02:56
IenorandJ-_: So what does "sudo dhclient eth0" do for you?02:57
J-_Ienorand: It also says in nm-applet below wired network, "Device not Managed"02:57
J-_I'm still downloading updated. Hold on.02:58
J-_3 minutes left.02:58
bjsniderdtchen, can you look at a build log failure for me?02:58
dtchenbjsnider: in a sec02:58
IenorandJ-_: Ok... regarding the nm, do you use some manual config? ( I am currently using a manual config which bypasses nm and I get the same thing...)03:00
unixdawgok it bitches about the audio driver and says falling back to pulseaudio03:00
bjsniderTylor, you could try wiping out your ~/.gconf directory. it will return your gnome desktop settings to defaults. that might solve it.03:01
J-_Ienorand: No.03:02
dtchenunixdawg: ah, so you're using pulseaudio03:02
Tylorbjsnider, BRB03:02
dtchenunixdawg: please install pavucontrol and check the sink that the playing stream is using03:03
unixdawgok it seems the ati ixp driver is screwed again03:03
unixdawgnot it fails over to pulse03:03
unixdawgI did not set it for pules03:03
unixdawgit seems the ati ixp driver is not working03:03
macothat's because pulse is automatically used if you have it03:03
unixdawgit should not over ride alsa03:04
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J-_That was a massive upgrade.03:04
Tylorbjsnider, That seemed to fix it.03:04
bjsnideri'm really not unglad03:05
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Tylorbjsnider, lol Thanks for the help.03:05
zj3t3mjumy jaunty auto mute volume after reboot, is there a way to fix?03:05
bjsniderthat happened to me too03:06
J-_Ienorand: Brb, need to restart.03:06
bjsnidermaster channel muted after reboot03:06
unixdawgok how to make it load the ati driver again03:07
dtchenunixdawg: just disable autospawn, then killall pulseaudio03:07
dtchenunixdawg: see /etc/pulse/client.conf03:07
unixdawgok why did it just break03:08
unixdawgit was woorking until i upgraded today03:08
dtchenunixdawg: because you installed pulseaudio03:08
unixdawgit was already installed03:08
dtchenso what precisely is broken?03:08
zj3t3mjuis safe to remove pulse?03:08
dtchenyou haven't provided any debugging output for me03:08
dtchenzj3t3mju: sure03:08
bjsniderthis never happens at microsoft. customers never get to complain directly to the guys who maintina the software03:09
unixdawgok audio awas working fine I upgraded 1 hour ago and then my ati ixp sound card stopped working03:09
unixdawgwhat is there to show03:09
dtchenunixdawg: everything.03:09
dtchenunixdawg: ubuntu-bug pulseaudio03:10
dtchenunixdawg: what you've done is the equivalent of "doctor, my leg hurts, tell me why."03:10
unixdawgI did not set it to use pulse audiop03:10
dtchenunixdawg: phonon is configured by default to fall back to pulseaudio if it's running when the raw ALSA device is busy03:11
unixdawgit was installed when the system was installed but never used I always used alsa03:11
unixdawgI am using kubuntu jaunty03:11
unixdawgand it was working fine until today03:11
dtchenunixdawg: and things have changed. welcome to jaunty.03:11
dtchenseriously, please run `ubuntu-bug pulseaudio'03:12
dtcheni don't want to waste any time guessing what's broken03:12
J-_Now, trying to upgrade again, flashplugin-nonfree gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad indicator-applet indicator-messages are held back. And, I still can't ping my router. Time to connect to my wired connection.03:13
dtchenJ-_: you likely need to purge flashplugin-nonfree and reinstall it after the rest of the distribution upgrade completes03:13
bjsniderdtchen, can you look at the build log now?03:14
unixdawgit wont let me setup a account on the lauchpad site03:14
zj3t3mjuindicator-applet upgrade solve the bug :)03:14
unixdawg]what do you want out of it03:14
dtchenunixdawg: what error message do you receive from LP?03:14
IenorandJ-_: Btw if you need to upgrade those you can do it explicitly though synaptics...03:15
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dtchenbjsnider: pastebin url?03:15
macounixdawg: so make a lp account before you run ubuntu-bug03:15
bjsniderdtchen, this is just the relevant part, not the cruft: http://pastebin.com/d840975203:15
unixdawgit crashes everytime I get to try to setup the account.03:16
unixdawgthis is killing me I need the audio now as I have to be on a call03:16
macowhat crashes?03:16
macouninstall whatever plugin sucks?03:16
macoor use konqueror03:16
macoyou're on kubuntu afterall!03:17
unixdawgback in a bit I have to go call in to this meeting call03:17
dtchenbjsnider: lines 16-2003:17
unixdawgI said I was on kubuntu 5 times03:17
J-_Ienorand: http://pastebin.ca/138765303:17
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore03:17
macoyes, you did, so use kubuntu's default browser if firefox is being its crashy self03:17
dtchenunixdawg: just disable autospawn and killall pulseaudio, then03:17
dtchenunixdawg: i've told you how to do so03:18
bjsniderdtchen, it's failing because it can't apply a patch03:18
dtchenbjsnider: yes, and quilt gives you a clue03:18
dtchenbjsnider: not sure what you want me to get out of that.03:18
unixdawgyour all not grepping be back in a bit I have to make this conf call or loose my job03:18
macohi amber03:18
bjsniderdtchen, i removed the entire patches directory and tried again and it still failed with a similar message03:18
J-_Ienorand: http://pastebin.ca/1387653 Not sure if you got that URL, I was timed out.03:18
macounixdawg: ok so do what dtchen said and just turn off autospawn and killall pulseaudio03:18
dtchenbjsnider: removed the entire patches directory from what?03:19
unixdawgI am still getting a hand on linux I am a bsd person and not use to all these diff apps you install on these systems03:19
bjsniderdtchen, from the debian directory03:19
unixdawgback in a bit03:19
macounixdawg: he told you what file to edit too. /etc/pulse/client.conf just turn off autospawn.  and are you telling me bsd doesn't have killall?03:20
IenorandJ-_: Got it... that looks healthy to me, but you can not ping ??03:20
dtchenbjsnider: how are you building it? dpkg-buildpackage manually? debuild? pbuilder? debian/rules build (as at the top of the paste)?03:21
dtchenbjsnider: it's probably easiest if you start by telling me what you intend to do with what source package03:22
J-_Ienorand: No, still unreachable03:22
bjsniderdtchen, i took the latest mplayer out of debain unstable, used my own svn tarball, and tried building it in ppa03:22
J-_Ienorand: I can't even switch to wired from nm-applet03:23
bjsnidernow maybe it faioled because my mplayer was newer than tartler's by a few weeks, but i junked his patches, so i think it should have succeeded03:23
IenorandJ-_: That is very odd, indeed...03:23
J-_Ienorand: nm-applet doesn't switch from wireless to wired either.03:23
J-_once plugged in that is03:23
IenorandJ-_: So nm still thinks you are on wlan?03:24
dtchenbjsnider: it requires a bit more finesse than that03:24
J-_Ienorand: Yes03:25
dtchenbjsnider: you need to see if the patches are still necessary03:25
bjsniderdtchen, will the build system try to apply patches if there's no patches directory?03:25
J-_Ienorand: I plugged it in did that command you told me to do, it gave me an output. Unplugged it. Then, plugged it back in to ping my router.03:26
J-_let me turn off my wireless card and see what that does03:26
J-_Also, last night I was folling around with uxa. I enabled it. That might have corrupted a file or 2.03:27
IenorandJ-_: hmm, what do you mean by "plugging" here?03:29
dtchenbjsnider: no03:29
bjsniderdtchen, in that case, can you tell me what might be happening here: http://pastebin.com/d4e617ed703:30
dtchenline 1703:32
bjsniderright, but what does it mean?03:32
dtchenit means one of those commands failed03:33
IenorandJ-_: Are you plugging in and out network cable?03:35
macounixdawg: pittsburgh?03:37
unixdawgI am visitng a friend03:37
unixdawgok it flashed a screen saying issues with atiixp (unknown codec) falling back to pulseaudio03:38
dtchenthat's phonon's notification03:38
unixdawgI have edited the file like I was told03:38
hmwanyone else has x crashing with compiz' shift switcher, probably related to updates from the last week?03:38
dtchenunixdawg: and did you killall pulseaudio?03:39
dtchenunixdawg: did you register on LP and use ubuntu-bug pulseaudio?03:39
unixdawgI had a crash due to openvnc03:39
unixdawgand the laptop rebooted sound came up but then crashed03:39
unixdawgI may have just lost my job over this03:40
unixdawgwich now makes me want to trash jaunty03:40
Eloneis kubuntu 9.04 not loading knetworkmanger normal ? @.@;03:40
dtchenunixdawg: do you want to continue trolling, or do you want to actually resolve the issue?03:41
unixdawgwell I could not do the voip conf call I was suppost to be on with a client because my headset was not working03:41
frogonwheelsworked at the start for me. think it crashed.03:41
frogonwheels- I believe I ended up using /etc/network/interfaces03:41
unixdawgI am trying but I have to do 5 things at onc03:41
dtchenunixdawg: only 5? cakewalk.03:41
unixdawgtrying to save a job fix a clients server03:41
dtchenunixdawg: anyhow, since you appear to be unwilling to register on LP, please wget -O ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh03:42
unixdawgfix this audio issue.  tuck the kids into bed and then send my partner off to work03:42
unixdawgI did reg03:42
unixdawgstop assuming03:42
dtchenunixdawg: ok, and can you run ubuntu-bug pulseaudio?03:42
unixdawgit now gives a error that pkg pulse does not exist03:43
dtchenunixdawg: paste the precise error03:43
IenorandJ-_: ping03:44
dtchenunixdawg: where did you paste it?03:45
unixdawgI told it to send and then it said it would add the file to the post03:45
dtchenunixdawg: so you used a pastebin web site or the ubuntu-bug program?03:46
dtchenplease be clear03:46
* Ienorand goes off to play openarena03:46
unixdawgI ran the application I was asked to run that sends a bug report03:46
unixdawgit asked to display/send/cancle03:47
unixdawgI hit send03:47
dtchenunixdawg: did it tell you which bug report number was generated?03:48
gopogoubuntu jaunty jackass is  not detecting windows during installation03:50
gopogoit says no windows installed03:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 358871 in pulseaudio "audio fails to work on kubuntu" [Undecided,New]03:50
gopogowhat was was it jack something03:50
gopogojackolope ?03:51
unkosup guys03:51
dtchenunixdawg: ok, looking now. give me a few minutes.03:51
unkoso.............................. is the version thats available now? is it good to use?03:52
unko9.04 i mean03:52
gopogojackass is easier to remember03:52
rustlerharvworks for me03:52
unkosoo....who thinks 9.04 = fail? or not?03:53
crdlba poll isn't going to accomplish anything03:53
unkoim just asking...03:53
unkoi think its a great improvement03:53
dtchenunixdawg: first, rm ~/.asoundrc03:54
dtchenunixdawg: second, log out of kde and back into kde03:54
gopogoubuntu jaunty jackalope is  not detecting windows during installation03:54
gopogoit says no windows installed03:54
gopogowhat to do now03:55
crdlbintrepid worked fine for me, I just needed newer glib and gtk :)03:55
unixdawgno such file or dir03:55
gopogoi want to install on computer with windows also intalled as wanted to test it03:55
J-_I guess I'm gonna go find a livecd and boot into it and see if that does anything03:55
gopogobut while installing its not detecting03:55
crdlbgopogo: well, first of all, I have a feeling you don't have a full backup of that windows installation ...03:56
gopogowindows ...........maybe bcos its NTFS partition03:56
gopogocrdlb: i regret to inform i have full back but i dont want to install windows + programs if jackass installation screws it up03:57
gopogooops jackalope03:57
gopogoits not even detecting another fat partition03:58
gopogois it a know bug ?03:58
crdlbso it thinks the whole disk is blank?03:58
IenorandJ-_: So have you tried pinging immidiately after doing the dhclient? Also try pinging specifically with eth0: "ping -I eth0" (nb -I is capital i as in ibex)03:58
gopogosays to install on full disk03:58
dtchenunixdawg: third, tell me if the following command (in a Konsole) is audible: aplay -Dplughw:0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav03:59
unixdawgok back03:59
Ienorandgopogo: and same if you go into manual?03:59
unixdawgok that worked03:59
gopogoIenorand: yeah04:00
dtchenunixdawg: so your sound is fine04:00
unixdawgno it played then it flased that ati ixp (unknoncode) does not work failing to pulse udio04:01
Ienorandgopogo: That is odd indeed, what does gparted say about it?04:01
gopogowait for sec will start the installation tel you exact scenario04:02
dtchenunixdawg: but was the sound *audible*?04:02
dtchenthen sound *does* work fine.04:02
dtchenunixdawg: please pastebin the contents of /etc/pulse/client.conf04:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:03
unixdawggive me 1 min04:04
unixdawgpastebin is bing slow04:06
hmwhmm... i cant trigger the "dim unresponsive windows" feature of compiz... i want to check somehting out... any suggestions, how i can get some app to grey out? (firefox just opened 32 pages at once without getting unresponsive)04:06
dtchenunixdawg: no, you have to change line 26 to autospawn = no04:07
dtchenunixdawg: it is insufficient to simply comment out the line04:07
dtchenunixdawg: afterward, killall pulseaudio04:08
unixdawgok audio is working again04:09
dtchenunixdawg: now, the bug - the symptoms you experienced - is still present. you're just not using PA. So the bug isn't fixed.04:10
dtchenunixdawg: if you have time, i can walk you through troubleshooting it.04:10
dtchenunixdawg: you'll need a separate tty for running `pulseaudio -vv'04:10
LiMaOhmw: make extensive use of flash and java. load some sites into those 32 firefox instances04:10
dtchenunixdawg: (just allow pulseaudio to remain foregrounded)04:11
LiMaOhmw: i'm pretty sure you'll enjoy some slowdown04:11
hmwdid load sites of course. thanks for the hint, i'll load some heavy flash04:11
unixdawgits in a term window04:12
unixdawgok audious is working04:12
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unixdawgits not causing the atiixp issue04:13
dtchenunixdawg: that's probably because PA has suspended (relinquished access to) the audio device(s)04:14
unixdawgok what doyou want now04:14
unixdawgok so what do we want to do next04:14
gopogoIenorand: I tried manual  drive partitioning .........its showing me the no partition on only sda104:14
dtchenunixdawg: you can verify with `pactl list'04:14
dtchenunixdawg: look for your playing audio stream04:15
J-_Yep, definitely no broken hardware. :D Hardy's LiveCD worked good. I could definitely ping my router, log into it, and ethernet port worked.04:15
J-_That was a big relief.04:16
Ienorandgopogo: Um... so this is in the installer? Is it seing sda and one partition sda1 under that?04:16
J-_How can I reconfigure my networking to use the default settings?04:17
dtchenunixdawg: (it would be a Sink Input #foo)04:17
LiMaOhmw: did it work?04:18
hmwlol... now that i want it to slow down and dim to greyness, it refuses to do so. It just gets slower. Newer had my ubuntu working with more than one youtube video at a time, now i got 15+ youtube vids and some flash demos opened in paralel, and it still works04:18
hmwplease, cath this murphy guy and bring him to justice!04:19
unixdawgyeah its alsa its releasing to04:19
meoblast001on the 23rd will i be able to download 8.10?04:19
meoblast001i mean04:19
unixdawgso what next04:20
LiMaOhmw: load 15 instances of this website http://www.npi-news.dk/ --> it'll hang. for sure. hehe04:20
unixdawgI have 10 min before I have to shower and hit the sack04:20
hmwhah... i did it04:21
unixdawgdtchen, ? andthnaks thus far04:22
unixdawgatleast I have audio again04:22
hmwincredible, i just opened that link collection 3 times (about 45-60 pages with flash, and my sys still doesnt really die...)04:22
dtchenunixdawg: i don't know what you mean by "yeah its alsa its releasing to"04:23
dtchenunixdawg: do you mean that you found the application listed in pactl list?04:23
J-_I guess I can't reconfigure my networking04:23
unixdawg*** Sink #0 ***04:23
unixdawgName: alsa_output.usb_device_d8c_c_noserial_if0_sound_card_0_alsa_playback_004:23
dtchenunixdawg: no, that's the sound card, not the application trying to play sound04:24
LiMaOhmw: 5 instances of that site would take over 2gb ram... you can make your system crawl down with that one04:24
hmwyeah, i just did check these details out, thanks. But 50 or so web pages with flash is so much better than it was with intrepid on that computer, i really wonder, what trickery is behind that04:26
unixdawgok well will have to pick this up in the am04:26
unixdawghave to hit the shower and hit the sack and hope I have a job tomorrow04:26
J-_Will deleting ~./.gconf/system/networking bring my interfaces back to normal?04:26
hmwcouldnt barely watch one youtube vid before, and now it keeps usable with 50??04:26
unixdawgnight and thanks04:26
J-_well to default, sorry.04:26
linxuz3rwhen is 904 gonna be released04:35
LiMaOlinxuz3r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule04:37
LiMaOlinxuz3r: also, to keep your mind working, check out the schedule for Karmic Koala aswell @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule04:38
linxuz3rbut it seems my internet connection is laggy04:39
tmbHi!  I'm trying to install 9.04 on an HP DV2.  8.10 is working fine, but 9.04 fails to recognize the hard disk drive (!).  Where should I report this and what should I report?04:40
Barridushmw, i've noticed that as well with flash in jaunty04:40
Barridusone of the reasons i belive jaunty>intrepid04:40
LiMaOonly thing i've hated up to now in jaunty (and actually is not a jaunty problem) is this amarok 2 crap04:41
LiMaOanyone else having problems logging into msn with amsn?04:48
LiMaOit was working yesterday04:48
hchufenggood noon everyone ,I'm so happy today because I have installed the IBUS input method from ppa.It to hard for me installed from source.04:48
spaceBARbariancan someone help me get i8kmon to detect my custom config04:56
tmbWhere should I report Jaunty installation problems?04:56
gopogogo ahead mr tmb04:58
gopogostate ur problem in 10 secs04:58
tmbAh, sorry... 9.04 fails to install on an HP DV2; it doesn't recognize the disk.  8.10 installs fine on the same laptop.05:01
hmwcant apt-cache find v4l2ucp (a small app, that lets me set brightness for the webcam) anymore. I think, it was to be installed without any additional steps. Do you know, where it is or another similar app?05:02
tmbIt seems to be a standard (S)ATA disk drive, and the fact that 8.10 installs supports that, so the problem seems to be something specific to 9.04.05:02
Guest71675This afternoon, OO Writer began starting automatically at startup. I don't see it listed in the Startup Applications so that I can turn that off. Is this common? How can I turn it off?05:07
hmwwow thats annoying... i have a solution to an open thread on ubuntuforums.org, but i am not allowed to post a reply there... !?!?05:11
gopogohow to install remix type inter face in jackass05:15
bruce89gopogo: jackass/05:16
gopogoopps jackalope05:17
loquitus_of_borgDoes compiz work in Jaunty?05:17
gopogowanted to know if ubuntu remix type interface can be installed in jackalope05:17
loquitus_of_borgwhen I run it, it goes nuts05:17
Amaranthloquitus_of_borg: I'm using it now05:19
loquitus_of_borgamarnath... how do I get access to the compiz control panel?05:22
loquitus_of_borgit is not even listed...05:22
loquitus_of_borgmaybe it is not installed even though I am pretty sure it is?05:22
rww!ccsm | loquitus_of_borg05:28
ubottuloquitus_of_borg: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:28
ZeZuis there a default password for jaunty if you've managed to install without setting up a user ?05:29
gopogoi have starange problem in Jacko05:32
loquitus_of_borgrww: thanks!05:32
DanaGloquitus_of_borg: you misspelled it -- it's Locutus.05:33
gopogoi just a installed a new system on i am able to connect wifi but not able to default gateway05:33
gopogoi have manually given the IP05:34
loquitus_of_borgDanaG: yah I know :)05:34
gopogowhy its not pinginging the the router/defaultt gaeteway05:35
Chr|sanyone having any audio issues with todays updates?05:37
gopogoJaunty -> its saying connected to wifi netework but not pigging default gateway05:44
gopogowhen i ping the gateway -> i get destination host not reachable05:44
gopogoon router its not showing in attached devices05:45
gopogowhat to do05:46
gopogoi restarted the system also05:46
gopogowhy its showing connected on jaunty05:46
gopogoand not showing up in router connected devices05:47
gopogoanybody there05:49
gopogowhen i removed wep  security from router it worked06:07
gopogowhy does it not work with wep06:08
gopogoanybody there06:21
pwnguingopogo: i don't really know enough about wifi to help, but launchpad has a bug reporter and question tool (answers) that might help you find if anyone else already has your problem and workarounds06:34
leohi i have onboard ati hd3300 graphics, by using fglrx driver provided by ubuntu 9.04 beta, my sys is not stable.... can i use the driver provided by amd on their website ?06:39
crdlbleo: no06:40
crdlbit's essentially the same driver, except ubuntu has a beta version that works with xserver 1.606:40
leook buddy, i will then wait for the final release of 9.04!06:41
leohope if fixes by then06:41
crdlbfglrx 9.4 won't be actually released until later this month06:41
leois radeon-hd good enough for 3d accelration ?06:41
crdlbthe radeon driver will only give you 2d render acceleration (EXA) and textured XVideo06:43
crdlband the radeonhd driver isn't really worth considering unless the radeon driver doesn't work for some reason06:43
leooh, then should i try fglrx and disable desktop effects, may be it helps06:43
leomay be aiglx is causing the problem06:44
amanin the new puslse audio how do i select the headphones option ?07:02
amanif i plug in my headphones now , audio plays from both07:02
amanin 8.10 i used to mute the front channel and tick the headphones option07:03
amanhowever in the new pulse audio , i can see the various channels / switches07:03
Mulderdoes that headphone option do crossfeed?07:04
amani am sorry , i dont understand corssfeed07:04
Mulderit's when the signal for right channel is also sent to left, and vice versa (with a small delay)07:05
amani dont think so , audio simply plays from both channels07:05
Mulderfor headphones this is useful to help your brain adjust to stereo effect and minimise headaches after prolonged listening07:05
amanand its a simple headphone set - i doubt it does that07:06
BonezAUhi all, I have just created a new ext4 partition, added it to my /etc/fstab and mounted it, but it seems to be writable only by root. What do I need to do in order to have it writable by anyone who uses the system? I have an NTFS partition which allows any user on the system to read/write to it08:21
hmwlittle question: where has the logout/shutdown button gone in the System Menu?08:47
IntuitiveNippleTo the Fast User Switch applet08:48
H|asleepcan I somehow disable Guest session?08:49
hmwso i didnt accidentially delete it... ok... do you know, how i now can disable the "suspend" option? my old version only affected that entry, but the switcher applet seems not to be impressed much08:49
hmwH|asleep: use the gconf-editor, go to /apps/fast-user-switch-applet and disable the entry08:50
H|asleepthanks :)08:51
leaphionproblem with installing ubuntu jaunty via pen drive on my hard drive. I installed it with unetbootin on my pen drive and I manage to boot it to the installer. but when in installer it says it "cannot mount the installation CD". what goes wrong?09:38
blockyanyone familiar with the hash sum mismatch error when trying to upgrade 8.10 with update-manager -d09:53
aciculablocky: yes, i hvae the same09:57
aciculablocky: new since yesterday09:57
aciculablocky: dunno yet if it's a bug or just an update problem(ie outdated mirror)09:57
blockyive tried several mirrors09:57
blockythe strange thing is that I have 2 boxes here, and one updated from 8.10  just fine09:58
aciculawell the file seems to be there09:59
blockyim also noticing that no m atter what mirror i select its trying to download from archive.canonical.com09:59
EruaranI tried a dual boot install with Kubuntu 9.04 beta 1 yesterday10:01
aciculabut where does it fetch the installer files from?10:01
Eruaranit seems to be broken10:01
aciculaEruaran: can you describe the problem?10:01
Eruaranacicula: the install appears to work normally but when it finishes the system only boots Windows, there's no grub menu so I can't select kubuntu10:04
aciculablocky: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/35889310:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 358893 in update-manager "Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 Upgrade crashes" [Undecided,New]10:04
aciculasame issue10:04
aciculaEruaran: hmm seems something went wrong with installing the bootloader then10:05
Eruarannot sure how to report it10:06
aciculalog in, klick affects me too and report from what to where you are upgradding and what error message you got10:07
EruaranIf I report it what should I call it ?10:10
Eruarangrub install fails ?10:10
Eruarangrub install fails for dual boot / partitioned system ?10:10
aciculaEruaran: that report was not for you,my bad, it was for blocky10:10
blockyya thats exactly it10:11
aciculaEruaran: Dont know why grub was not installed10:11
Eruarana regular install works fine10:11
aciculaor at least not configured on your disk10:11
Eruaranjust the dual boot isn't working10:11
aciculaEruaran: follow the dual boot wiki and try again?10:11
aciculaEruaran: well either the installer failed to properly installed the bootloader10:11
aciculaor it was installed on the wrong disk10:11
aciculalast one seems a bit more likely10:12
aciculaas in the first case the installtion should fail i think10:12
Eruarancan i have a link ?10:14
aciculahttp://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+wiki+dualboot even10:15
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socflashplugin-installer requires nspluginwrapper and ia32-libs on amd64, should i file a bug about it?10:54
GAZRAHello, I just installed Kubuntu Jaunty and I'm having problems with the Akonadi server.11:31
GAZRACan someone help me? It just doesn't start11:31
deanyare there any upto date isos of jaunty?  with all the updates in so far?11:32
GAZRAAnd every time I start kopete or kontact Akonadi server tries to start with no sucess11:32
GAZRADo I really need akonadi server for proper functionality in kontact and kopete?11:34
socdeany: cdimages.ubuntu.com11:36
deanysoc, found it. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ :)11:36
hetaumahi! I've installed 9.04 beta. I have a gfx card ati mobility radeon 9600 and in "hardware drivers" ubuntu doesn't report it so I can install the driver. Any ideas why?11:41
socflashplugin-installer requires nspluginwrapper and ia32-libs on amd64, should i file a bug about it?11:41
deanyhetauma, might be too old... i know ati stopped supporting cards that are around similar age.... check ati website...11:42
deanyhetauma, might have to install them manually.. im not sure on all this tho..11:42
sochetauma: the radeon driver should work11:43
hetaumadeany, it's about 2 years old and at ati website I can download the driver from there. but it sugest the "ubuntu way" through hardware drivers11:43
hetaumasoc, how can I check which driver I have?11:44
deanyhthats funny, cuz i have a mobillity 9800 256mb, and its 6 yrs old :)11:44
sochetauma: does the graphical interface work?11:46
socor are you on commandline?11:46
hetaumasoc, it works but I tried some 3d apps and it's really laggy11:46
hetaumacan be on command line11:46
hetaumaused to be able to check it from /etc/X11/xorg.conf but can't see it there on the new Xorg11:47
socah ok11:47
soci guess you are already using the open source driver, because fglrx doesn't support your card anymore11:48
socthe open source driver works better than the fglrx driver in almost every regard, but is not as fast as fglrx 3d-wise11:48
deanyhetauma, according to ati site, you can downloaed v9.3 of the driver, i see nothing suggesting a problem.. try the manual way.. tho i`d wait for a newer driver, probably after jaunty is final.11:49
sochetauma, deany: afaik 9.3 doesn't work with the xorg version of jaunty11:49
hetaumasoc, how do I check which driver I use now?11:49
hetaumawhen jaunty becomes final it would probably list it at the hardware drivers?11:50
deanyhetauma, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu__Installation_Guide11:50
deanyhetauma, they might.  personally for me I stay current with ATI drivers as they are faster for me.11:51
deanyseems its cards pre-9500 that dont get ATI support11:52
hetaumaacording to Xorg.0.log I use radeon driver11:54
deanyhetauma, wait for jaunty stable.   there are far too many updates, too frequently still for me to want to install "for real"11:56
hetaumathat's probably what I'll do11:57
GAZRAIs there someone who could help me with Kubuntu Jaunty?12:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:02
yoritomohello all12:03
GAZRAI just installed Kubuntu Jaunty, Akonadi server tried to start everytime I start kontact or Kopete, but it brings errors and says it's not able to start.12:04
yoritomoi am trying to update to jaunty beta from my intrepid, and i get error messages  looks like server transfert problems12:04
yoritomoit says when downloading it is due to a connection problem, but not, because each time on same place it is going down12:04
yoritomo it happens with canonical12:05
yoritomoPackages.bz2 Sources.bz2 incoherent checksum12:05
yoritomoE: some index files have be ignored or older ones have been used instead12:05
yoritomoany admins know if it has servers problems actually ?12:05
jpdsSorry, damn irssi.12:06
bazhangyoritomo, is that the partner repo?12:06
bazhangie canonical-partner yoritomo ?12:07
yoritomodon't know i just launched the command to update to jaunty beta12:07
bazhangyoritomo, want to pastebin your sources.list ?12:07
frogonwheelsGAZRA: hmm.. 'errors' is a bit vague.  specifics?  (don't forget pastebin if there are more than a couple)12:08
SkiessiI hate that the things I copy don't stay copied12:09
Skiessiis it a setting, a bug or a "feature"?12:10
bazhangyoritomo, you have updated already? those are all intrepid repos12:12
yoritomono, the update failed12:15
yoritomothat is why i request some helps12:15
bazhangyoritomo, what command did you use to upgrade12:16
GAZRAfrogonwheels: http://pastebin.com/d2c95143c that's what happens12:16
GAZRAfrogonwheels: apparently is a problem with D-BUS12:17
frogonwheelsnah - apparently your akondai server crashed.12:18
frogonwheelsGAZRA: ^^^12:18
GAZRAfrogonwheels: Yes, but always! It ahsn't been able to start not even once12:19
GAZRAI always get the same error12:19
frogonwheelsGAZRA: sure.  Have you looked at /var/log/daemon.log for any other errors/clues as to why akondai crashes?12:20
frogonwheelsGAZRA: I can't help you much further, but now at least you know the question to ask / google12:20
GAZRAfrogonwheels: There is nothing at /var/log/daemon.log12:21
GAZRAfrogonwheels: Thanks anyway12:21
kulightdoes any one manage to get a broadcom wireless card in his laptop working ?12:21
frogonwheelsnp GAZRA.  goodluck.12:21
yoritomobazhang  sudo update-manager -d12:22
frogonwheelskulight: did you run 'Hardware Drivers'??   (From openwrt I know that the 2.6 support for broadcom is not quite there)12:23
GAZRAfrogonwheels: Kubuntu Jaunty is great, the only problem is the akondai server!! Do you know if it is actually needed for proper functionality of Kontact?12:23
yoritomosorry for this slow reply i just finished to eat12:23
frogonwheelsGAZRA: no. sorry.12:23
GAZRAfrogonwheels: Thanks anyway12:24
yoritomobazhang, luckily it reinstall everything as origin12:25
yoritomoit is the reason of only intrepid luckily :)12:25
kulightfrogonwheels: what is Hardware Drivers? u mean restricted drivers manager? if yes i did the nic is not recognized even though it was fine in intrepid12:25
frogonwheelskulight: yeah, that thing.12:26
frogonwheelskulight: you got the package with the restricted drivers in it?12:26
kulightfrogonwheels: what pack ?12:27
aapzakguys, the last 24 I encountered a kswapd problem. It was so busy, I ended up resetting my laptop, is this a new known issue?12:27
yoritomoin this beta version, nouveau nvidia driver is already available ?12:27
kulightyes i think so ill check again12:27
aapzakkswapd: first I thought KDE hang on me, I uninstalled KDE and run Gnome now, same problem ...12:28
wirechief_Desktop and keyboard freeze after dist-upgrade  getting kernel error : [drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 012:38
wirechief_2.6.28-11-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 8 04:39:12:38
wirechief_to recover i had to use RSEIUB12:40
yoritomobazhang sorry i need to leave12:45
* wirechief_ chase's rabbit down a hole and it disappeared12:45
yoritomothanks for you hel12:46
yoritomoalways keeping failing to update on 9.0412:48
yoritomoso strange12:48
yoritomoi am under kubuntu, no matter ?12:49
wirechiefi think this latest dist-upgrade kernel is causing me to freeze on my laptop12:53
bazhangyoritomo, thought you were logging off, sorry12:56
eagles0513875is it too late to get a patch applied for qtscriptgenerator to make it into jaunty12:56
yoritomosudo update-manager -d12:56
yoritomoi am always highlighting you12:57
yoritomosorry i don't wanna annoye you, i will benefit the nice weather out thanks bazhang13:03
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:04
shadeslayerhi,my nvidia drivers are not activated in 9.04,how do i activate them,system > administration > hardware drivers shows nothing13:17
shadeslayeryeah sorry for that,i accidently closed pidgin,so my question still stands13:18
ZeroKewlhi i need help with 9.0413:21
shadeslayerZeroKewl: dont we all :)13:22
ZeroKewli have a i8545g/gl  chip set and the fps is bad i went into my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and theres nothing in it13:23
ZeroKewland on ubuntu website it says to add sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf", and adding Option "AccelMethod" "UXA" to the Device section of your xorg.conf13:24
ZeroKewlbut theres nothing in there to add it to13:24
shadeslayerZeroKewl: sudo gedit is the command to edit the file13:24
ZeroKewlwhat is ubuntu doing like microsoft and swtiching to nothing but high end computers13:25
ZeroKewlduh shit13:25
ZeroKewli know its to edit13:25
ZeroKewltheres nothign it it to edit13:25
shadeslayerZeroKewl: you said " u website it says to add sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf", "13:25
shadeslayerok anyways,i dont know a thing about it13:26
ZeroKewlyweah and i did that theres nothing in there to edit its a black file13:26
ZeroKewli been with ubuntu started when 5.10 came out i think i know that means edit13:26
ZeroKewlbut how to edit when theres nothing to edit13:27
shadeslayerZeroKewl: sorry,ive been here only 4 months,so still a begginer13:27
shadeslayerso anyone who can tell me what to do with the nvidia drivers??13:30
TheInfinityshadeslayer: why do you install beta software if you dont know how to install a driver manually?13:30
ZeroKewlyea get dreamlinux13:31
ZeroKewlit installs the drivers auto for u13:31
shadeslayerTheInfinity: coz i like to be on top of the development process, and ill learn only when i use beta software13:31
TheInfinityshadeslayer: then you can google for the answer if you want to learn :)13:31
shadeslayerok then,i thought it might be a glitch13:32
ZeroKewlits not a glitch ubuntu is makeing it where they control what u install and can run13:33
ZeroKewllike microsoft13:33
TheInfinityshadeslayer: some nvidia drivers are not supported in jaunty. look at compatibilty of your drivers to jaunty xorg13:34
shadeslayerok,im searching the forums too and the 180 drivers support my card btw,i.e. 8600 MGT13:35
ZeroKewlthey done that so u hav eto buy bigger graphic cards the companies paid them to do it that way13:35
dreamonI'm upgrading Jaunty every day.. There is still an bug with keyboard&mouse input after a while..  any know issues?13:35
shadeslayerTheInfinity: uh,could you point me to the jaunty development page,where all the cards are listed,i cant seem to find it13:37
dreamonMight be a problem together with virtualbox usage..13:37
ZeroKewlu all know any other better linux distro13:38
bazhangZeroKewl, #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss13:38
jussi01ZeroKewl: you are starting to troll. Please, keep on topic, if no one can help you right now, come back later.13:39
shadeslayerill be back after 3-4 hours after updating my system to see if it works or not,right now i have 400 MB of updates13:41
pantsmanhas anyone managed to use WPA2 wireless encyption on jaunty?13:42
pantsmanencryption, even13:42
Mulderpantsman, psk yes13:42
Mulderhavent tried enterprise yet13:42
pantsmanmuibe: that's odd, my network-manager continually asks for the password and never connects... I can connect if I set my router to use only WPA (not 2)13:43
pantsmansorry, wrong tab complete13:43
pantsmanMulder: see above please13:43
Mulderno idea13:43
Mulderworks for me13:43
pantsmanit used to work for me in 8.1013:44
pantsmanalso my router has an option that allows both WPA and WPA2, but when that is enabled, network-manager automatically uses WPA2 and I can't figure out how to force it to use WPA13:44
Muldercan you set it to wpa2 only?13:45
Mulderand try again13:45
pantsmanhmm I shall try that13:46
dean_ [13:47] [dean_(+i)] [4:freenode/#ubuntu+1(+cfnt)] [Act: 2]13:47
Mulderalso what wifi card do you have13:48
pantsmanah it does work with only WPA2; it is just the combined mode that it doesn't like13:50
Mulderstill, probably a bug13:50
Mulderbut to mitigate, maya s well just make it use wpa2 only13:50
Mulderaes better than tkip :P13:51
pantsmanyes, unfortunately my router only allows me to choose between WPA and WPA2 in b & g modes13:51
Mulderg only, wpa2 only13:51
Mulderpro tip :P13:51
pantsmanit has a mode that works with b, g and n wireless cards - but this mode does not let me choose a particular encryption, it always enables both13:51
pantsmanalso I can't choose g only13:52
pantsmanonly n+g+b or g+b13:54
aciculaanyone have a work around for this issue : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/358893 ?13:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 358893 in update-manager "Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 Upgrade crashes" [Undecided,New]13:57
ZeroKewlif anyone comes in here about the intel chipsets14:00
ZeroKewltell them to install the intel driver for linux on the intel website14:01
aciculaZeroKewl: why?14:01
ZeroKewlwell let me test it out and i tell u ok i have to restart ok i brb14:02
aciculaseems a horrible idea, i think they already merged a quite recent intel driver in jaunty?14:02
ZeroKewlok back14:05
ZeroKewlim running glxgears right now14:05
ZeroKewlok with the intel driver off the intel site im getting 3567 frames in 5.0 seconds = 713.343 FPS14:06
ZeroKewland before i was only getting like 10 fps14:06
ZeroKewlsee the diffrents14:06
aciculawell 10 fps is pretty poor, but glxgears is hardly a usefull metric, that score is hardly better then what i get on intrepid14:13
Teknosomething wrong then14:14
aciculamind you i get ~500 FPS on intrepid with the intel driver, but to my knowledge anything remotely inolving 3D will just crash and burn ;)14:16
bazhangpmitros, well if you keep upgrading, in two weeks or so will be full and final jaunty14:24
pmitrosYeah. That was the plan. I just didn't want to break my system in the interrim, and occasionally, there are known serious bugs in betas, so I figured I'd ask first.14:25
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bazhangpmitros, well no guarantees with ubuntu or any OS of course14:26
pmitrosDebian has been going for over a decade with periodic dist-upgrades... It's not a guarantee, but it's pretty good.14:27
bazhangpmitros, this is server or desktop14:28
pmitrosNothing serious broke in that time. A few minor things. LILO stopped working at some point, and I had to downgrade to GRUB, but overall, smooth sailing.14:28
pmitrosbazhang: The Ubuntu is desktop (installed on a laptop). The Debian was a hybrid. It's running my main machine at home, which acts as both, but there you don't have seperate distros.14:29
bazhangpmitros, judgement call imo, many have upgraded early, though some will wait for a few weeks/months after14:30
pmitrosI'll try it. So long as there haven't been reports of substantial numbers of failures.14:30
bazhangthe topic here is less alarming then before though :)14:30
pmitrosOkay. Gotta run to work. Thanks14:31
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EruaranMy Update Notifier is always in my system tray... it always says there are 39 software updates available even though when I check, there aren't any updates.14:34
deanynot so many updates today...14:55
deanymay grab a daily iso and go "real" this weekend.14:56
deanystill no way to stop "recent documents" doing its thing yet?14:58
deanyI just want a off button14:59
pantsmanodd... I was just using jaunty and looked away for a second, when I looked back the screen was just all green and ctrl+alt+backspace did nothing15:01
* deany deletes his daily iso then :(15:02
deanywell ctrl alt backspace is disabled in jaunty for one thing....15:02
Halowctrl+alt+bcksp does nothing. Try alt+sys rq+k .15:02
bazhang!info dontzap15:03
ubottudontzap (source: dontzap): Command line tool to set the DontZap option in xorg.conf. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.2 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 124 kB15:03
zirodaybazhang: you know you're going to have to make a factoid for that eventually15:03
pantsmanwell it's nice that I didn't know about that until I was faced with an unresponsive bright green screen15:03
pantsmanthanks bazhang, disabled that now.15:06
VeinorThere should be an alert about dontzap upon upgrading.15:10
jpdsdeany: We're in Final Freeze now.15:11
VeinorThe way you capitalized that made me think of a Final Fantasy parody.15:11
VeinorFinal Freeze IX.IV: Jaunty Jackalope15:12
jpdsHeh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FinalFreeze15:12
VeinorOh, I know what it is.15:14
drew_any ideas on getting flash working in firefox? (it's installed)15:14
mariafranca_hi, I've a problem. I installed 9.04 beta. After six hours reached to obtain something... My last problem is internet connection. I need to cofigure by pppeo protocol so, as I did in 8.04, I launched 'sudo pppoeconf'. After that the connection over internet is running.... But I've to repeat that operation 'pppoeconfig' each time also if I requested to set it at boot. Please, can somebody help me?15:15
deanyi`ll do a fresh install and finally remove my xp partition this weekend then :)15:18
eagles0513875hey guys should the new package manager on jaunty should that ask for root password when u load it cuz for me it isnt15:21
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macomy pidgin notifications reverted to the kind with buttons. anyone else?15:22
macoeagles0513875: on kubuntu or ubuntu?15:22
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eagles0513875maco: kubuntu15:25
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eagles0513875right now the way i am in it as root is via konsole15:25
macoeagles0513875: itll ask for your sudo passwod (root password? no root passwords in *buntu) when you tell it to do something that actually requires root priveleges. viewing package lists doesn't require root, so it doesnt do that as root15:26
eagles0513875maco: it only did it once for me and hasnt done it since15:26
macoit should only ask when you tell it to install, remove, or upgrade something. anything else, it doesnt ask. and if you've already done one of those, you get like 15 minutes before sudo times out15:27
diana_anyone here that can help me? have 9.04 on my HP dv6111 laptop. battery just says 0% charge.15:29
diana_so if i unplug AC power, my laptop will hibernate15:29
* nemo looks up HP DV611115:29
drostieubuntu or kubuntu?15:30
eagles0513875maco: still same issue when i try to do anything its nto asking me for a password :(15:30
macoeagles0513875: is it still doing it?15:31
eagles0513875ya it is Machtin15:31
eagles0513875bah mt15:31
eagles0513875ya it is maco15:31
drostieWell, you can at least fix the auto-hibernate problem in K > System Settings > Advanced > Power Management, until you manage something better.15:31
nemodarn. can't find any info on that one15:31
macoeagles0513875: so its probably just the sudo timeout15:31
nemowas hoping to see if it had any ACPI issues15:31
wirechiefis their a prefered chat client for 9.04 ? konversation on my lappy  seems to freeze15:31
nemodiana_: could try a bios update maybe?15:32
eagles0513875should i file a bug report maco15:32
macois the default15:32
wirechiefmaco thanks15:32
eagles0513875i use kvirc which is in repos15:32
macoeagles0513875: id say wait a half ahour without doing any sudo stuff, then try launching it and see what happens15:32
diana_nemo, gonna check if ther is any  =)15:32
macoeagles0513875: if it really is escalating to root without you needing to enter your sudo password, then yes15:33
eagles0513875maco its not15:33
nemodiana_: and maybe dmesg has some clues...15:33
nemodiana_: complaints on startup about power management and such15:33
macoeagles0513875: you just said its still able to do what you tell it to without it asking for your password15:34
diana_drostie, lol, im noob, don't have such item as advenced, or even system setting under my K lol15:34
diana_just have system and setting15:34
eagles0513875maco: unless i do sudo  kpackagekit in konsole it works15:34
eagles0513875if i just click the package kit in the menus it doesnt ask me for sudo if it needs sudo to install or remove15:35
drostienemo: interestingly, other HP Pavilion DV61** models are listed as  auto-detecting the battery on the Ubuntu LaptopTestingTeam site.15:35
macoeagles0513875: which is the wrong way to do it anyway. it should be "kdesu" not "sudo"15:35
eagles0513875ahhh well with sudo it works15:35
eagles0513875what is the issue in regards to me using whats in the k menus15:36
eagles0513875its doesnt assk for a super user password to install or uninstall programs15:36
drostiediana: I mean in the "Favorites" part of your K menu, which should be the first that pops up.15:36
drostieIt's also under the "Computer" tab on the K-menu, if you de-favorited it at some point.15:36
macoeagles0513875: the reason im saying kdesu not sudo is that kdesu is for graphical apps and sudo on a graphical app can screw up file permissions sometimes15:38
drostieIf neither of those work, press Alt-F2 and then type "systemsettings" into that box.15:39
macoeagles0513875: it seems im within a sudo timeout because kpackagekit just removed epiphany w/o needing to ask15:39
eagles0513875maco did you do an upgrade from intrepid or clean install15:39
eagles0513875this is on a clean insta15:40
macoupgrade, back during alpha 215:40
diana_rofl, dmeg says like this -->15:40
macoive ignored kpackagekit the whole time because it just throws errors when i use it15:40
diana_[    1.457549] ACPI: AC Adapter [ACAD] (on-line)15:40
diana_[    1.724829] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT0] (battery present)15:40
macobut it did prompt for passwords with policykit just fine15:40
eagles0513875maco might need to reboot to see if i have the same issue15:41
eagles0513875maco: ill brb15:42
macoeagles0513875: i was getting timeout errors. devs went "i thought i fixed...hmm...ok....have to make the timeout longer, i guess"15:42
diana_drosite, ok found the advanced settings, funnily though there isn't anything related to power management =)15:42
eagles0513875but for some reason though when i just go into the package manager15:43
eagles0513875and i want to install something it says that it doesnt have root privs or something like tha t15:43
minusHi.. When I boot 9.04 (I had the same problem with 8.10 though.), I have to press the keyboard for it to actually boot. When the ubuntu loading logo comes up, and I press any key on the keyboard, the loader starts to load. But when I stop pressing the key, ubuntu stops loading.15:43
minusIs this any of you guys are familiar with?15:43
macoeagles0513875: are you missing policykit-kde?15:44
eagles0513875maco: this is what i keep getting You don't have the necessary privileges to perform this action15:44
macominus: is a bios update available?15:44
eagles0513875maco: already have that15:45
macoeagles0513875: and you're in /etc/sudoers?15:45
eagles0513875let me reboot outa curiosity15:45
eagles0513875what do you mean15:45
minusmaco, I don't know. But this is only an issue in ubuntu. Debian boots just fine.15:45
macoyou're an "admin" user not a "desktop" user?15:45
eagles0513875maco:  let me check15:45
macominus: oh odd...15:45
minusmaco, Yes..15:45
eagles0513875maco:  you mean in the admin group right15:45
macominus: did you file a bug?15:46
macoeagles0513875: yes15:46
eagles0513875let me check15:46
macominus: if you file a bug, your "sudo lshw" output and acpidump are both needed15:46
minusWill do that then15:46
eagles0513875maco:  i cant find where the user groups are in system settings15:47
macoeagles0513875: just type "groups" into the terminal15:47
eagles0513875maco im admin15:48
eagles0513875let me reboot i think there was a kernel update earlier today15:48
eagles0513875havent restarted yet15:49
hanasakianyone been able to connect to exchange via owa on evolution?  it doesn't seem to use my http squid proxy at all.....15:50
nemodiana_: could it be your battery is just dead? :)15:51
nemodiana_: or badly seated?15:51
nemoor disconnected?15:51
melikwill ubuntu also have a freebsd kernel port like debian as well?15:52
acicula i was wondering that too, mind you the bsd kernel supports a lot less hardware then the linux kernel will15:53
diana_nemo, don't think so, as it worked fine under windows15:53
diana_before switched to linux15:53
eagles0513875maco: i restarted and its asking for password now but its still saying the same issue that i dont have permissions15:53
melikyes im aware of that acicula15:53
eagles0513875afte rtyping the password15:53
eagles0513875maco: now i hit install again and now its installing no problem15:54
macomelik: i doubt it. debian also supports HURD and about a dozen architectures, but Ubuntu doesn't15:54
diana_nemo, it just acts strange, like if i unplug and then replug AC it starts to charge the battery but stops quite soon15:55
Creative1412want your systm easy &modern? use ubuntu or Fedora   want a damn stable system use Debian15:55
* lupine_85 hides from f15:56
eagles0513875strange now its not asking for a password15:56
Creative1412lolz :) don15:57
* eagles0513875 points to the door :P15:57
Creative1412don't remine me15:57
eagles0513875lupine_85: j/k bout the door btw15:57
lupine_85fedora is 'orrible15:57
* eagles0513875 away15:57
Creative1412fed10 was as stable as  a paper house15:57
lupine_85mind you, ubuntu does some stuff that's just as crazy15:57
Creative1412but ubuntu is a rock:) like father like son :)15:58
* lupine_85 misses inittab15:58
drostieUgh. How could I grab a list of "recommended" packages that haven't yet been installed?15:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:01
darthanubis E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.16:02
eagles0513875darthanubis: dont worry about it16:04
eagles0513875i just ignore it16:04
macoheh i actuallyhad one laptop that crashed all the time with debian stable but was fine with ubuntu16:04
darthanubiseagles0513875, I figured as much, just checking ;)16:05
eagles0513875ok darthanubis :)16:07
deanyso, if its final freeze whatever, that mean there wont be any more daily iso`s?16:22
Ienoranddeany: There will still be updates, but more QA on them... I think there'll still be daily's but I'm not sure...16:24
aapzakguys, I have a semi freezing system atm, hd light keeps burning, how do I find out whats going on?16:24
lfaraoneHi, after a recent update to jaunty the quality of my wifi has decreased radically, to the point where I'm unable to load pages. (intermittent network issue, it's not a problem on my other machines)16:27
YixilTesiphon1updating alsa and pulseaudio broke my sound16:27
* aapzak ah, mem usage is not high, I see no heavy processes in the process list, but my load is 12, 10, 6 now, on a 2 cpu system16:27
YixilTesiphon1how do I get rid of pulseaudio so alsa controlls my input/output again?16:27
shadeslayerhttp://www.markshuttleworth.com/ has a brightness meter in the screenshot,the latest post,right??16:30
* aapzak I'm pretty sure it's X related .. after 5 minutes X crashed and now load is dropping again16:30
shadeslayeri cant trigger it16:30
aapzakshadeslayer: I have a brightness meter, although it looks slightly different16:31
shadeslayeraapzak: line thingy??16:31
macoYixilTesiphon1: if you want to turn off autospawn, thats in /etc/pulse/client.conf16:32
shadeslayeraapzak: me too16:32
YixilTesiphon1maco: thanks16:32
macoYixilTesiphon1: though itd be more helpful if you filed a bug explaining what pulseaudio did to break your sound16:32
YixilTesiphon1well, I have no idea16:32
YixilTesiphon1just now as options for sound profile I have Capture: Monitor of Null Output (PulseAudio)16:33
macosound profile?16:33
YixilTesiphon1and I can't remember what I did to get ALSA to be in those options16:33
macognome-sound-properties or pavucontrol?16:33
YixilTesiphon1er, default mixer tracks16:33
YixilTesiphon1in preferences->sound16:34
macook so gnome-sound-properties16:34
macoYixilTesiphon1: i need to go run an errand. will be back in like a half hour. in the meantime, can you run the script found at http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh16:35
YixilTesiphon1maco: will do, thanks16:35
shadeslayerso can no one trigger it?16:35
ceckohello everybody, I beg you, could anybody disclose the Kubuntu Jaunty Beta default password to me?16:37
shadeslayercecko: live cd/16:37
ceckoyes live cd16:37
ikoniacecko: there isn't a default password16:37
ceckoso how do I use su?16:37
ikoniacecko: it will log you in by default16:37
ikoniacecko: you don't16:37
ikonia!sudo > cecko16:37
ubottucecko, please see my private message16:37
ceckoso I am root already, lol, thank you16:38
ceckostupid me16:38
aapzakback to EXA, I think UXA is freezing my system (not really freezing, but at least overload it)16:40
lfaraonemaco: aren't you supposed to be working or something?16:42
lfaraonemaco: :)16:42
bazhangcecko, is this ubuntu ultimate/ ubuntu super or some ubuntu-based distro you are using?16:43
ceckobazhang i am in live cd of kubuntu jaunty beta16:44
bazhangcecko, yes the livecd16:44
macolfaraone: yes16:44
Creative1412guys what is the problem16:44
ceckocan anybody help me: how do get gzipped output from dd? my disk is smaller than the partition I wish to backup16:45
coz_Creative1412, are you compiling something?16:46
Creative1412yes Aegisub16:46
coz_Creative1412,  sudo apt-get install -f16:46
SwedeMikececko: output to of=- then pipe via gzip and > to the output file16:46
coz_Creative1412,  if that doesnt putll it in    sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev16:46
ceckohow do i pipe it, please? something like this? dd if=/dev/sda1 of=sda.img > gzip sda1.img.gz16:48
SwedeMikeand no16:48
SwedeMikedd if=/dev/sda1 of=- | gzip > sda1.img.gz16:48
coz_cecko,  pipe is   |  which is generall on the right side of the keyboard above  the \16:48
Creative1412coz_: thanks16:48
ceckoSwedeMike  thank you16:49
coz_Creative1412, no problem16:49
ceckocoz_ i can type, didn't know it's the symbol, though16:49
ceckothank you both16:49
coz_cecko,  no offense meant :)16:49
ceckocoz_ sorry I meant I can type *it .)16:49
kusanagi_sound works with vlc but not in flash... im using 9.04 (it didnt work either using 8.10, i upgraded hoping somehow it work it out :S) im reading the forum but im still the same16:52
kusanagi_any idea :S  im quite frustrated already16:53
coz_cecko, oh :)16:54
ceckoSwedeMike i used the command, now i have one file called "-" (30 MB - proper size) and one "sda.img.gz" (only 20 B)16:57
ceckoSwedeMike that does not seem right16:58
SwedeMikeI agree.16:58
SwedeMikethat's weird.16:58
ceckoit's on fat fs i think16:58
SwedeMikedo it like this instead: cat /dev/sda1 | gzip > sda.img.gz16:58
ceckoSwedeMike that works, thank you!17:00
IenorandSwedeMike: Can you use cat instead of dd in that manner?17:02
Creative1412guys where can i find that :  wxWidgets17:03
SwedeMikeIenorand: yes.17:04
coz_                         Creative1412 http://www.wxwidgets.org/                                                                                                                                                                             guys17:04
coz_sorry  how did that happen:)17:04
coz_Creative1412,  http://www.wxwidgets.org/17:04
ceckodon't you know, can I backup ntfs partitions using dd as well?17:05
IenorandSwedeMike: Yea ,just checked it, I had the idea that dd was more low level... apparently not...17:05
Creative1412lol 4 line paste :P kick :P17:05
SwedeMikeIenorand: well, cat will treat it as a bunch of bits, dd will read in blocks... nothing inherently different apart from that.17:06
kusanagi_i have no sound in flash, it works in vlc... i created a new user and flahs works fine... any idea what do i have to delete to make it work in my user?17:06
Creative1412The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:10
Creative1412  python-wxgtk2.8: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu9 is to be installed17:10
Creative1412wtf i can do !17:11
Creative14123 hours  to comple that aegisub17:11
pzitekHallo here17:13
pzitekPlease, is here someone whou could help me with odbc? Thank you17:13
pzitekI have one windows application, I can start in wine, but it can not connect to server with mysql database17:15
pzitekI can connect through MySql Administrator, but application does not work17:16
sahakI am using Ubuntu 9.04, and the search option in gnome-app-install does not seem to work. Can anybody get gnome-app-install search working under Ubuntu 9.04?17:49
Ienorandsahak: Works on this side17:56
sahakok, it works. but not as expected17:57
sahaki was searching for 'bash'17:57
sahakand it was not finding anything17:57
sahakbut it looks like this is the expected behavior17:57
Ienorandsahak: Hmm, seems it bugs out for me if I chose something else than all available and then switch back to it... then I have to restart the app for search to work at all....18:00
=== joetheodd_ is now known as joetheodd
Ienorandsahak: And it doesn't seem to reset the category filters correctly when clicking all either...18:03
Ienorandsahak: This seems bad...18:03
IenorandCould anyone else try this out, mess about with add/remove applications and see if it's filtering behaviour is sreiously messed up?18:05
Ienorandsahak: If I search immidiately after startup I find Data disp. debug. and BleachBit...18:06
Ienorand...This is just a complete random mess... I don't even know where to start on a bug report...18:08
sahakIenorand: I think I found a way to reproduce this bug reliably. 1. start gnome-app-install. 2. search for non-existing package (e.g. 'asdfg') 3. Now try to search for something that exists. gnome-app-install is totally screwed up.18:09
thiebaudeIenorand: launchpad is where you report bigs18:09
Ienorandthiebaude: I know and I found a buf for that... But I tested switching around with the categories filter, and the origin menu... And the behaviour is just a total mess. Completely random!18:12
Ienorandbtw: Bug #354563 is the one just for searching.18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456318:13
usservirtualbox 2.2 deb depends on python2.5 is there any way to make it think python2.6=python2.518:13
YixilTesiphonis there a way to reverse upgrades with Synaptic?18:20
YixilTesiphonalso, maco, are you back?18:22
macoYixilTesiphon: yeah18:25
YixilTesiphonmaco: you get my PM with the results of that script?18:25
macolemme look18:25
YixilTesiphonlooks like alsa can't find my sound card at all now18:25
krebsenhey, im starting a new x server at :1 but there is no sound, do I need yet another parameter for X?18:31
IenorandCould more people confirm Bug #354563 so whe can see if it affect everyone on Ibex, and if so, we should really add some importance to it.18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456318:39
naknomik On the Jaunty beta page http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/beta/ there is a i.MX51 Babbage board mentioned, anyone has any idea where I could buy that?18:59
imachinenaknomik, did you try googling for the product?18:59
imachineendgadget seems to provide some links19:01
imachinebut I think it's still early on and most of these systems are reference boards.19:02
imachinei.e. just a board, not a ready made system.19:02
BUGabundohey everyone19:03
IenorandBUGabundo: Hia19:03
BUGabundoIenorand: hey19:04
BUGabundothis is calm today19:07
janakaclkyes it is!!19:08
IenorandRather, pity since I wanted to check if everyone is seeing Bug #354563  If so it should be at least of high importance...19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456319:09
djcipso i have an atheros928xx card - lspci shows it - but when i disconnect my wired internet - i have no wireless card to configure - it worked until i ran apt-get install ndisgtk... because the linux driver is pretty terrible and i was hoping to get a windows driver to work,. but that failed19:12
djcipso i figured i'd like some wireless internet, rather than no internet at all19:12
djcipso how do i get my card working again?19:13
mib_p0ul5tsvhi, i have a problem, i edited the xorg.conf file and now my display is messed up,19:14
mib_p0ul5tsvi dont have a back up and access to the live CD were  i am19:14
magciusIs there a reason why git package refers to gnuit?19:15
BUGabundomib_p0ul5tsv: boot into recovery mode, on grub, and run XFIX19:16
BUGabundomagcius: I think you want git-core19:16
magciusBUGabundo, yeah, I know, I'm just confused about the package naming.19:16
BUGabundogit is not the versoning package19:16
magciusgit-core is the scm19:17
BUGabundomagcius: it already existed19:17
magciusgit is gnuit19:17
magciusUbuntu was around longer than git?19:17
rconanare there any CLI torrent making programs in the repos?19:17
mib_p0ul5tsvBUGabundo: i did, but it still happens,19:17
rconanI run rtorrent on my server for torrenting but have no way of making the torrents...19:17
BUGabundomagcius: not ubuntu, the gnu package19:18
BUGabundorconan: yep 2 or 319:18
magciusBUGabundo, but Ubuntu decides the package naming?19:18
BUGabundomib_p0ul5tsv: it can't19:18
janakaclk1does anyone noticed a new winodw opening when playing a video in jaunty.19:18
rconanBUGabundo: which are...19:18
BUGabundomagcius: I think it came from debian19:18
magciusBUGabundo, ah, okay.19:18
janakaclk1I mean video outside the player19:19
mib_p0ul5tsvBUGabundo: what do you mean it cant,19:19
=== MaT-dg1 is now known as MaT-dg
magciusjanakaclk1, does it say XVideo output somewhere in it?19:20
mib_p0ul5tsvBUGabundo: is there a button other than the obvious power button that i can press to restart19:20
janakaclk1magcius: yes it does19:20
magciusjanakaclk1, and you're running VLC?19:20
mib_p0ul5tsvBUGabundo: im on PCat the moment and laptop next to me.19:20
magciusjanakaclk1, that's a result of VLC going to Qt19:20
janakaclk1magcius: Yes its vlc19:21
janakaclk1magcius: Ok thanks :)19:21
magciusjanakaclk1, normal behavior.19:21
magciusjanakaclk1, it happened because of a VLC upgrade.19:21
magcius(tl;dr it's not a bug it's a feature)19:21
janakaclk1magcius: ok.. I just tried with the rest of the players and they works okey19:23
djciplspci -nn shows my wifi card - why dont i have gui options to configure it?19:26
PhotoJimdjcip: lspci means it's present and working... doesn't mean there's a driver installed to run it19:27
djcipok - well it worked19:28
djcipthen i ran apt-get ndisgtk19:29
djcipno its broken19:29
djcip*now its broken19:29
djcipand i've removed ndisgtk19:29
PhotoJimI've never used ndiswrapper, so I can't be of specific help.  but you have a driver issue.19:29
djcipwell i removed ndiswrapper19:29
djcipand yet the driver is still "poof gone"19:29
shadeslayerwhats the command to download and install the nvidia restricted drivers?19:30
djcip i think i'm just going to do a fresh install19:31
djcipcuz it works on the live cd19:31
yoritomohello, as i see not yet possible to upgrade to jaunty beta by the command  sudo update-manager -d19:31
LiMaOshadeslayer: just access 'hardware drivers' icon, on your menu19:31
yoritomoonly installable by the iso then ?19:31
LiMaOshadeslayer: it'll present you with all available restricted drivers for your system's hardware19:32
shadeslayerLiMaO: thats taking forever,i waited 3 min and nothing happens19:32
djcipyoritomo, probably that's true19:32
djcipyoritomo, and its probably a fresh install with user migration19:32
yoritomowhat do you le ?19:32
Turms_LiMaO: co not be so sure! maybe it depends from the graphic hw but it doesn't always work19:32
BUGabundo1sorry guys...19:32
LiMaOshadeslayer: what takes forever? downloading and installing the drivers (it's normal to take quite a long time) or to open the application's window?19:32
BUGabundo1got the 2nd system crash in under 24h.19:32
BUGabundo1this is looking bad.19:33
shadeslayerLiMaO: download and installing,the bar is stuck at 0pc19:33
LiMaOshadeslayer: sometimes it takes sooo long... unfortunately, that's just the way it is19:33
BUGabundo1one of them, kernel panic... this system never had a kernel panic in the past 14 months19:33
Turms_LiMaO: in may case i had to download the driver and install it with m-a19:33
djcipyoritomo, there's probably no "upgrade" install - its probably going to have you wipe your machine, but allows you to move ur user data from the old OS to the new one - i believe it just moves ur user profile into ram/swap and then moves it over after the fresh install19:33
LiMaOshadeslayer: but don't worry, it'll work. if you really think the application has hung up, just try again19:34
shadeslayerLiMaO: :( ,so no command for me?19:34
Turms_LiMaO: there was no way to use the applet19:34
djcipshadeslayer, yah - they want  you to use the gui19:34
LiMaOshadeslayer: maybe Turms_ can help you with the module-assistant thing19:34
djcipwhich of course has a cli... but we can't help you because no in here is really all the helpful lol19:34
shadeslayerand one more thing,my eject button wont work19:34
LiMaOTurms_: guide him19:34
djcipshadeslayer, u on a mac?19:34
Turms_LiMaO: ok19:35
shadeslayerdjcip: i dont think so,and no19:35
yoritomoyes but it does not works, stoping always with the same files, from canonical19:35
shadeslayerdjcip: Dell XPS M153019:35
Turms_shadeslayer: you can either download the driver from nvidia site19:35
djcipoh - so its an eject button on ur keyboard?19:35
shadeslayerdjcip: a multimedia button on top19:35
* djcip doesn't understand why he's having a driver issue... GD it19:36
shadeslayerTurms_: and? just run it?19:36
Turms_shadeslayer: and install it by ./NVIDIA*.run19:36
djcipshadeslayer, huh... so keyboard mapping is probably not going to work?19:36
LiMaOshadeslayer: remember that by installing the driver from the nvidia site it won't get updated automatically when a new one is available19:36
shadeslayerdjcip: well,xev shows all the other buttons19:36
Turms_shadeslayer: obviously you should download the proper driver for your graphic card and kernel headers or kernel source19:36
shadeslayerLiMaO: ill remeber that19:37
shadeslayerTurms_: ok19:37
djcipshadeslayer, huh... i dont really know19:37
LiMaOshadeslayer: and also whenever a new kernel update is available you'll have to rebuild the modules for the nvidia driver (reinstall it)19:37
shadeslayerthats alot of work19:37
Turms_shadeslayer: the other way is to use the repository and down load the nvidia source for the module19:37
* shadeslayer uses the GUI19:38
wirechief_shadeslayer: thats why people use scripts...19:38
shadeslayerhehe,well i dont know how to make one,im just a beginner19:38
Turms_shadeslayer: it will download automatically the kernel headers as well19:38
shadeslayertesting a beta release since i liked the new look19:39
Turms_shadeslayer: if you are a beginner why are you using jaunty19:39
shadeslayerTurms_: testing a beta release since i liked the new look19:39
Turms_shadeslayer: stick with intrepid till the end of april and upgrade afterwards19:39
shadeslayerTurms_: too late for that :)19:40
rconanI think the topic should say something like "If you can't tell us *why* you're using jaunty over intrepid please don't ask for help"19:40
djcipfm wifi card19:40
Turms_shadeslayer: ok, i read that, but you must know what are you doing if you use a beta release, for doing that you need some experience, which obviously you do not have19:40
rconansince some people seem to end up on it by accident19:40
djcipall i wanted to do was use a better driver..19:40
djcipthat's all i wanted19:40
djcipthen it breaks everything19:41
IenorandHey, we need beginner input on development as well, they are able to break things in new and interesting ways :)19:41
shadeslayerTurms_: i have a *bit* of experience,not much,about 1.5 months of it19:41
LiMaOTurms_: oh c'mon, jaunty is pretty stable and reliable already19:41
Turms_rconan: because i like the bleeding edge .... but i'm using squeeze right now :-D19:41
BUGabundo1rconan: its cwillu bug #219:41
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found19:41
Turms_LiMaO: well, the problem with hw drivers is important19:42
LiMaOTurms_: been using it for a long time now, never had a single problem. the hotkey thing was fixed with a patch.. that was the only erratic thing up to now19:42
shadeslayerill brb19:42
askandIm trying to install Jaunty from daily image but get busybox19:42
rconanall fair answers... but some people do actually say "I don't know" at which point they really should be using intrepid19:42
askandsame with all images a week back19:43
Turms_LiMaO: as i told you previously, maybe the problem is due to the fact that my nvidia is quite old, an mx 40019:43
LiMaOthe only thing i miss is amarok 1.4... this amarok 2 thing is really crappy =P19:43
rconanI like amarok219:43
firephotoso why was the guy told to go download the nvidia driver when the latest is already in the jaunty repos?19:43
BUGabundo1askand: disabling ACPI helps?19:44
BUGabundo1firephoto: those who do that are stupid19:44
BUGabundo1and won't get any bit of help, from us19:44
askandBUGabundo1: dont know, will try19:44
Turms_firephoto: i've told it, the reason is that you can do the same thing in several ways, not always the repository one is the most workable19:44
firephotowell the guy got told he didn't know enough after he was told to go download it. lol...19:45
BUGabundo1firephoto: than that person was an even worse helper19:45
shadeslayerok i just need help with my eject button19:45
DanaG"      ALSA: hda - Map 3stack-hp model (ALC888) for HP Educ.ar "19:45
BUGabundo1generaly *we* recommend ppl to run the repos version19:45
rconanthe repo version of nvidia drivers is much better in general since it can be removed again...19:45
DanaGEduc.ar?  Never heard of such a machine!19:45
firephotoinstalling nvidia-glx-... does work. always does infact unless someone has helped the person of let themselves screw something up.19:46
askandBUGabundo1: nope didnt help19:47
BUGabundo1askand: please tell me about your prob19:48
shadeslayeris there any special multimedia key package for jaunty as well,like intrepid19:48
shadeslayerLiMaO: it worked,it worked :)19:48
shadeslayerSandGorgon: Airtel user?19:49
naknomikimachine: yes, I googled on imx51 and don't find anything anywhere... my guess is this is not yet available publicly19:49
askandBUGabundo1: the problems is that when trying to install Jaunty from daily image I get busybox, I dont even reach install19:50
imachinenaknomik, indeed19:50
kepihey guys, just curious, can i use btrfs in jaunty?19:50
youngmusicJust installed jaunty. Everything went well, except for grub did not install. Had to do it manually from a rescue disk. Is that a known problem?19:50
janakaclk1youngmusic: not for me19:51
BUGabundo1youngmusic: some ppl have been reporting that19:51
BUGabundo1please look in LP, and file a new bug, if it doesn't exist yet19:52
youngmusicoh, never used LP before, but iĺl try19:52
BUGabundo1 !launchpad19:52
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:52
youngmusicok ok, i'll do it :-)19:53
BUGabundo1youngmusic: first look for a similar19:54
BUGabundo1if there is none, and you need to file a new one, ask here first19:55
BUGabundo1and I'll help you out, ok?19:55
LiMaOshadeslayer: that's great =) see, patience is a virtue =P19:56
shadeslayerheh,my notebook boots faster than i get signed out of yahoo19:56
shadeslayerLiMaO: now its just the issue of the eject key19:56
LiMaOshadeslayer: let me explain you something, it IS working19:56
LiMaOshadeslayer: but sometimes the system won't let you hard-eject a disc if it's mounted19:57
shadeslayerLiMaO: ill try to unmount and eject19:57
LiMaOshadeslayer: that way, you have to soft-eject the drive. right click on your disc icon and select eject, or unmount it and hard-eject it19:57
=== usser is now known as usser-away
BUGabundo1shadeslayer: or run $ eject19:58
shadeslayerLiMaO: ok your advice worked again :) , but i want it to unmount and eject as and when i press the eject button20:00
shadeslayerand shouldmt notify osd display a notification?20:00
LiMaOshadeslayer: that's something i never tried.. i usually right click the disc and choose 'eject'...20:01
shadeslayerLiMaO: Intrepid did all that by itself20:01
LiMaOshadeslayer: wait a second, let me check something20:02
LiMaOshadeslayer: seems some more dell users ask the same thing @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101774020:03
BUGabundo1kernel: [ 1818.576309] general protection fault: 0000 [#4] SMP20:05
darrendhi.  The new notifications widget (black translucent boxes in the top right of the screen) .. where is that configured?20:05
BUGabundo1this can't be good20:05
shadeslayerLiMaO: exact same problem :)20:06
BUGabundo1darrend: it isn't!20:06
BUGabundo1darrend: that's all you get20:06
darrendBUGabundo1: ah..20:06
darrendso I can't change location or switch them on/off even?20:06
shadeslayerdo those boxes play spoilsport in KDE as well?20:06
youngmusicBUGabundo1: the exact bug seems not reported for jaunty, but some people were complaining about it in 8.10. Still, i do not have much information. Just one installation, no install log, with a manual partioning scheme. You think a bug report with only this could be useful?20:06
BUGabundo1darrend: there's a gconf key to change places, but that's all, and you have to manually create it20:07
BUGabundo1youngmusic: yes20:07
darrendBUGabundo1: I can cope with that - is it documented somewhere?#20:07
BUGabundo1youngmusic: do it like this. create a LP account if you still don't have one20:08
BUGabundo1then run $ ubuntu-bug grub20:08
BUGabundo1let it collect all the data, and upload to LP, when the page opens descrive your problem, and let us know about the bug id20:08
BUGabundo1darrend: AFAIK, no... I just read about in on a bug report, about multi monitor, placement20:09
LiMaOshadeslayer: do dells have an eject button on the keyboard? that's cool =P20:09
=== usser-away is now known as usser
darrendBUGabundo1: which bug report?  Still have the number/url?20:09
shadeslayerLiMaO: actually a multimedia eject button,on top of the keyboard,since mine has a slot load drive20:10
BUGabundo1darrend: I'll have to grep my archive, can you hold?20:10
LiMaOshadeslayer: some of my multimedia buttons don't work either. but i never tried listening for keypress codes and assigning commands to it though... that's something you should tyr20:11
shadeslayerLiMaO: hmm,well i dont want to 9.04 to end up like what i did to 8.1020:12
shadeslayerxev doesnt detect the button tho20:13
youngmusicBUGabundo1: reported as Bug #35922720:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359227 in grub "grub did not install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35922720:13
youngmusicsome fast bot...20:14
BUGabundo1darrend: Bug 33684820:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336848 in notify-osd "Notifications show up on the wrong screen (dup-of: 331369)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33684820:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331369 in notify-osd "regression vs. notification-daemon: positioning when multiple screens are available" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33136920:15
shadeslayergah.... notify osd broken,play multi media key not detected20:15
BUGabundo1youngmusic: thanks20:15
shadeslayerok guys\20:16
shadeslayerbye all20:16
shadeslayerthanks btw20:16
lupine_85oooooooooooh, power history20:18
youngmusicsorry, X restarted20:19
gopogojaunty jackass is amazing20:19
* bruce89 wonders why so many call it "jackass"20:19
HalowPerhaps they refuse to believe in jackalopes? ;)20:21
BUGabundo1Halow: lol20:22
darrendBUGabundo1: thanks20:37
BUGabundo1darrend: np20:43
unixdawgwhat tool will let me look in a rpm ?20:48
BUGabundo1unixdawg: alien allows you to create a deb20:49
bruce89unixdawg: less?20:49
unixdawgco alien will convert from rpm to deb ?20:50
unixdawgco /so20:50
unixdawgI need the files in the rpm but dont want to install it20:51
BUGabundo1not my departement, and very off topic for this #20:51
BUGabundo1 ! ot | unixdawg20:52
ubottuunixdawg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:52
bruce89unixdawg: perhaps good old file-roller can manage it20:52
deanyyou could make deb and use dpkg to extract20:56
unixdawgthe pkg is a rpmcurrently20:57
GAZRAIs someone using Kubuntu Jaunty Here?20:57
aciculai keep bumping into  W:Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/partner/source/Sources.bz2 Hash Sum mismatch when running update-manager -d20:57
aciculaanyone else having this problem?20:58
BUGabundo1acicula: that's not a public server20:58
BUGabundo1try archive.ubuntu.com20:58
aciculaBUGabundo1: it's what the update manager uses, i cant change it ?20:59
GAZRAunixdawg: If you are using Kubuntu Jaunty, have you started Kontact or Kopete? I'm getting a big problem with akondai Server: http://pastebin.com/d2c95143c20:59
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:59
unixdawgkopete is working here20:59
BUGabundo1acicula: sure you can! just open Software Sources, in the Administration menu20:59
GAZRAunixdawg: #20:59
GAZRAAkonadi control process not registered at D-Bus.20:59
GAZRADetails: The Akonadi control process is not registered at D-Bus which typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during startup.20:59
BUGabundo1GAZRA: pastebin dude21:00
BUGabundo1 !paste | GAZRA21:00
ubottuGAZRA: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:00
unixdawgtry updating21:00
aciculaBUGabundo1: yes, been there ,but that does not affect where update-manager fetches it's initial files from appearantly21:00
unixdawgand dist upgrading21:00
BUGabundo1acicula: yes it does21:00
unixdawgthe only issue I have is pulseaudio wich is now disabled21:00
GAZRABUGabundo1: I did, I just wanted to paste 2 lines, saddly two "#" got in between, it was not on purpose21:01
aciculaBUGabundo1: no it doesnt, it changes where the package sources are fetched from, but not where the update manager fetches the source list descriptor files appearantly?21:01
GAZRAunixdawg: I'm up to date!21:02
BUGabundo1acicula: it can't be...21:02
BUGabundo1you need to find someone that confirms it21:02
aciculaBUGabundo1: i got the message when i set it to a local mirror, i set it to the main mirror and i got the same issue21:02
BUGabundo1acicula: pastebin your sources.list21:02
GAZRAAnother problem I have with Kubuntu Jaunty is that skype is not recieving the sound from my Microphone. But the microphone works21:03
BUGabundo1acicula: $ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list21:03
BUGabundo1GAZRA: known prob! look in launchpad21:03
GAZRABUGabundo1: Which one? The Skyoe one with the Microphone? Or the one with Akonadi server?21:04
BUGabundo1dtchen: ping. is there a way to use an EQ with pulse? my speakers suck if I don't improve it. VLC and some others media apps allow me to do that, and sound improves a lot.21:04
BUGabundo1GAZRA: skype with PA21:05
aciculaBUGabundo1: dont think the sources are involved, i get the same wethere i set it to main or to a local mirror21:05
BUGabundo1acicula: please paste it21:05
BUGabundo1we need to debug that21:05
aciculaBUGabundo1: also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/35889321:05
aciculaBUGabundo1: http://pastebin.com/f5fe2e7ac21:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 358893 in update-manager "Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 Upgrade crashes" [Undecided,New]21:05
aciculait doesnt crash, the report is poor, it just stops on account of a mismatch hash21:06
aciculahmm i could disable the archive.ubuntu.com and see what happens21:06
BUGabundo1deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu intrepid partner21:07
unixdawggot what I was looking for rpm2cpio21:07
BUGabundo1comment the parter repo acicula21:07
aciculayeah already trying that21:07
BUGabundo1acicula: that's interpid!!!!!! we are here for jaunty21:07
unixdawgGAZRA, you have to install the also-oss pkg21:07
BUGabundo1for ibex please refer to #ubuntu21:07
aciculaBUGabundo1: i'm trying to use the updater to get to jaunty21:08
GAZRAalsa-oss pkg?21:08
BUGabundo1acicula: $ update-manager -d21:09
BUGabundo1or $ do-release-upgrade -d and paste the errors to a bug on LP21:09
unixdawgyes there is a alsa-oss pkg21:09
unixdawgthat then fixes the mic issue21:09
unixdawgoff to shower21:09
aciculaBUGabundo1: it works when commenting out the offending lines21:10
aciculaBUGabundo1: i didnt had it before, but i aborted the upgrade run21:10
BUGabundo1now come up to Jaunty! the Future awaits you21:10
aciculabugs await me, but oh well :)21:10
GAZRAunixdawg: And then what?21:10
aciculaso guessing the update script messed with it21:10
BUGabundo1should nt21:11
BUGabundo1if it did, file a bug, so mvo can fix it21:11
aciculaBUGabundo1: i started update and aborted, restart a day later without modifying the sources.list it fails, after i remove the lines it works again. hardly concrete proof it's the installer but still21:14
unixdawgthen run yous skype21:16
unixdawgit will work21:16
unixdawgbbl shower21:16
OldGuestwine application launched in second workspace disappears if workspace is switched21:28
OldGuestsystem monitor shows application is running, but cannot get back to application window21:28
ActionParsnipOldGuest: can you alt+tab to it?21:29
OldGuestit usually happens when compiz is enabled21:29
OldGuestif i disable compiz, things get to normal21:30
WAR-JCcant install cedega21:30
WAR-JCsays python2.4-dbus is not installed21:30
WAR-JCbut it is21:30
KerrMDHow could I go about getting the left side tree and top folder path views back in nautilus?21:31
deanyView/Side pane and Location bar?21:32
OldGuesti am not sure whether its due to compiz or not, but one thing for sure if right click on desktop >> change background >> effects >> select Normal or Extra. this event happens.21:32
OldGuestbut it doesn't happen with None option being checked21:32
KerrMDdeany, those options are not visible.21:33
ActionParsnipKerrMD: F9 maybe?21:33
KerrMDF9 doesn't do a thing21:33
HammerHead66can somehelp with this bug?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/148576/  here is the Xorg.0.log http://launchpadlibrarian.net/25215394/Xorg.0.log thank you.21:33
ActionParsnipKerrMD: look in the view folder maybe. I dont use nautilus personally21:33
KerrMDActionParsnip,  view folder?21:34
alex_mayorgahow to locally test a small change to mobile-broadband-provider-info ?21:34
KerrMDActionParsnip, I've been out of linux for a good 10 years and do not remember much21:34
deanypersonally id backup the .nautilus folder and remove it.... just to try.21:34
ActionParsnipKerrMD: view menu, sorry21:34
ActionParsnipHammerHead66: are you fully updated?21:35
KerrMDWell, what I would love to do is completely replace nautilus with something line gnomecommander but have no clue how to do so.21:35
KerrMDActionParsnip, the view menu has a "reset to default" option but that does not do a thing21:35
deanytry pcmanfm21:35
HammerHead66ActionParsnip: I'm bug triage right now for someone else21:36
KerrMDdeany, How would I make that the devault FM?21:36
HammerHead66ActionParsnip: that's all the info I have right now21:36
deanythere is a way, if you google it21:37
deanyive seen it, once.21:37
deanywhile passing by21:37
deanytry it out before you decide you want it.21:38
ActionParsnipKerrMD: try: killall nautilus; mv ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus_old21:38
ActionParsnipKerrMD: then rerun nautilus, it will reset the settings to defaults21:38
deanydoh..  more than 1 place..21:38
deanygettin more like windows everyday , jk21:38
OldGuestActionParsnip: also alt+tab doesn't work properly. i can only see other window as long as alt+tab is being pressed, secondly mouse cursor never leaves wine app screen, but if mouse cursor does leave, the wine window disappears21:39
deanygood work Ace|Work21:39
deanyi mean ActionParsnip21:39
WAR-JCanyone installed cedega successfully in jaunty?21:39
ActionParsnipHammerHead66: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:39
KerrMDno dice ActionParsnip21:40
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: jaunty isnt supported here, join #ubuntu+121:40
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: oops, sorry21:40
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: you could contact the cedega guys with your issue as well, see what they say21:41
hilKerrMD: what do you see now? what you wanna change?21:41
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: you could force install it to see if it flys21:41
HammerHead66ActionParsnip: I will have them try that thank you for your time.21:41
KerrMDhil, the same thing I did before. I'm checking on replacing nautilus since I have never been a huge fan of it21:42
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: sudo dpkg --force-all -i <deb file>21:42
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: i'd let them know about the dep error though. As you have paid for support you should use it21:42
WAR-JCthat worked thanks21:44
ActionParsnipWAR-JC: i'm unsure if it will work fully due to the error but it might be ok21:44
hilKerrMD: try edit /usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop  and  /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop to exec your chosen FM21:48
KerrMDhil, thank you but I am replacing nautilus21:49
hilKerrMD: replace the exec path in these files to for example Exec=pcmanfm /   this will launch this app instead21:50
hilKerrMD: wasnt that what u asked for?21:51
KerrMDhil, I have  a guide that I am following. ALthough first I have to compile pcman21:51
hilKerrMD: alright ;)21:52
ActionParsnipKerrMD: I'd suggest pcman :)21:52
BUGabundo1can any one else reproduce bug 321862 ?21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321862 in linux "Intrepid: Ubuntu has severe problems when using two USB HDDs at the same time" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32186221:53
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: is it still present in jaunty?21:54
BUGabundo1ActionParsnip: read the last comment. its mine, and I just reproduce it21:55
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: are the drives usb powered?21:57
BUGabundo1the disk is, the usb pendrive isn't (of course)21:57
BUGabundo1I mean.. powered by AC plug21:58
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: chillout man21:58
BUGabundo1I'm calm, thanks! LOL21:58
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: how big is your PSU?21:58
BUGabundo1PSU ?!?21:58
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: power supply?21:58
BUGabundo1from what? laptop or disc?21:59
BUGabundo1laptop has a conventional PSU plus battery21:59
BUGabundo1external disc has the factory FSU21:59
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: no, the psu in the system will be like 60W or some other figure, if there is insufficient power to power the usb then it could affect22:00
KerrMDBah, I can't find this library. libstartup-notification-1.022:00
BUGabundo1ActionParsnip: the laptop one is a 19v 4.74 Amps output22:01
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: laptops usually give enough juice22:02
BUGabundo1yeah me too22:02
BUGabundo1and I have my battery in place and fully charged22:02
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: you could try a bios update (risky)22:03
aciculayeah, usb ports are rated to 500Ma, so at best a dual usb can draw an additional 5-6 wats?22:03
BUGabundo1I measured it a few weeks ago, and regular consume is 40W. I saw the PSU go up to 70W while chareging22:03
aciculathat's not uncommon, especially if your battery is over 80% full22:03
BUGabundo1it was depleted back then22:04
aciculai only have a 65W adapter, but i use a selfpowered hub22:04
aciculawith a disk and some sticks22:05
aciculahavent had the issues just listed with that22:05
BUGabundo1ActionParsnip: AFAIK there's no BIOS update for this laptop. it's a "white" brand22:06
BUGabundo1BluesKaj: hay22:06
BUGabundo1no brand22:06
BUGabundo1OEM amsebled22:06
BluesKajhi BUGabundo1, ActionParsnip22:06
BUGabundo1its a Asustek S37S barebone22:06
joshua24hello all22:08
ActionParsnipBUGabundo1: if yoou webseach for     Asustek S37S bios theres a fair few hits22:09
BUGabundo1ActionParsnip: most of them are ppl asking for it LOL22:10
ActionParsniphave you tried the asus website?22:10
kindofabuzzmy upgrades just fail. it says it needs to do a partial so i hit run partial, does then downloading, then nothing22:11
kindofabuzzok works from cli, gui is broken i guess22:13
BUGabundo1ActionParsnip: Asustek != ASUS22:13
BUGabundo1kindofabuzz: don't do partial upgrades, if you don't know what you are doing22:13
BUGabundo1it may remove some packages22:14
kindofabuzzBUGabundo1, well i had no choice from the gui, either partial or cancel22:14
KerrMDdeany, did you compile pcman?22:21
KerrMDI keep getting an error22:22
deanywell, im still intrepid22:22
kindofabuzzwrong channel then22:22
deanyi decided its not worth the headaches to go real on jaunty yet22:23
KerrMDWHen I ./configure I get "No package 'libstartup-notification-1.0' found" after a while22:23
deanykindofabuzz, shut up22:23
kindofabuzzdeany, eat one22:23
deanyits in repo isnt it22:23
BUGabundo1kindofabuzz: calm down, please!22:23
KerrMDI've installed every other build requirement for pcman but that one is non existant22:23
BUGabundo1deany: try no to sound so aggressive, too. thanks22:23
deanyspank ubuntu maintainers then22:23
* kindofabuzz is very calm. i love you percocets!22:24
bruce89!info libstartup-notification-dev22:24
ubottuPackage libstartup-notification-dev does not exist in jaunty22:24
bruce89!info libstartup-notification0-dev22:24
ubottulibstartup-notification0-dev (source: startup-notification): library for program launch feedback (development headers). In component main, is optional. Version 0.9-1 (jaunty), package size 23 kB, installed size 140 kB22:24
KerrMDTold ya :p22:24
dtchenwhat's the issue with pcman?22:24
BUGabundo1$ dpkg -S libstartup-notification-1.0dpkg: *libstartup-notification-1.0* not found.22:24
KerrMDdtchen, trying to compile it for amd64 to replace nautilus22:25
BUGabundo1dtchen: is there a way to use an EQ with pulse? my speakers suck if I don't improve it. VLC and some others media apps allow me to do that, and sound improves a lot.22:25
Daisuke-Idoyou could just install from the repo22:25
dtchenKerrMD: i assume you mean it's FTFBS?22:25
KerrMDIt's not in the repo22:25
KerrMDNo, PCManFS22:26
Daisuke-Idopcmanfm - an extremely fast and lightweight file manager for X22:26
Daisuke-Idofm.  file manager.22:26
dtchenerr, pcmanfm is in jaunty22:26
Daisuke-Idoit's there.  i'm using jaunty, 64-bit, and i have pcmanfm as my default22:26
dtchenwhat's the issue?22:26
KerrMDDoesn't show in mine22:26
Daisuke-Idoso again, why not install from the repo?22:26
Daisuke-Idothat's because you're looking for pcmanfs22:27
KerrMDI did a search for strictly FS and did not find it22:27
dtchen     0.5-3 022:27
dtchen        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages22:27
KerrMDer fm22:27
dtchenit's definitely there22:27
BUGabundo1$ apt-cache policy pcmanfm  Candidate: 0.5-322:27
remuHey everyone, I installed mail-notification, and the test notification uses the Jaunty notification system, however, when mail actually comes in, it gives me a popup rather than notifiying me through the jaunty notification method. anyone know how I might be able to rectify that?22:27
BUGabundo1remu: what email client?22:27
KerrMDso, what am I throwing into the apt-get line? not pcmanfm I assume22:28
HalowDo you have universe repo enabled?22:28
KerrMDYep, universe is enabled22:29
Daisuke-Idoisn't universe enabled by default in jaunty?22:29
Daisuke-IdoKerrMD: sudo apt-get install pcmanfm22:29
Daisuke-Idothat's it22:29
dtchenuniverse is enabled by default if you have an active 'net connection during install22:29
dtchenit has been that way for several releases now22:29
KerrMDOk, I KNOW I typed it correctly about 30min - an hour ago and had no love.22:30
dtchenthat's just your jaunty trying to make you really sure you want pcmanfm.22:30
KerrMDIt's gonna make me break out the rubber hose22:30
Daisuke-Idoheh...  interrogation the linux way22:33
KerrMDYou know it22:33
mirkis the release of the RC a goot time to upgrade from intrepid or is it better to wait for the release of the final version?22:33
KerrMDBOth upgrades I did went very well and smoothly.22:34
KerrMDThis one is just a fresh install of 9.0422:34
Daisuke-IdoKerrMD: same here.  i decided to go to 64-bit on my laptop, and there was no sense in sticking with intrepid when jaunty's so close22:34
mirksounds good22:34
mirki prefer an upgrade from intrepid. a fresh install means too much work for me now^^22:35
KerrMDIndeed. I had issues with my network connection with this one. Not to mention samba being a pain in the backside22:36
KerrMDhmm, I have no /usr/share/applications/nautilus-computer.desktop or /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop22:39
bootninjahowdy  is this the place to go when having issues with the Jaunty beta?22:45
bootninjaAll in all, I'm very impressed.  wireless, 3d video drivers, extra mouse buttons all work out of the box.  The only problem I'm having is that I can't get sound out of my headphone jack on my laptop.22:46
bootninjaapparently it seems to be a problem with pulseaudio and my soundcard22:46
mirkmutes at alsamixer?22:48
bootninjathat was the first thing I checked.  I think part of it might be that in switches I have no selection for headphones22:48
mirksometimes youve just to play with the buttons of your volume control..always worked for me :>22:49
BUGabundo1mirk: I did mine even before alpha 1 came out, and it is still rolling22:50
bootninjaI've unmuted and turned all the way up every slider in there and still no dice22:50
BUGabundo1bootninja: you have to talk to dtchen to help debug22:51
BUGabundo1dtchen: ping. can you help bootninja and his speakers probs?22:51
mirkalso tried "duplicate front"?22:51
darthanubisI can't run the user-admin app as regular user22:51
KerrMDWell I think I found out the initial problem that I had with nautilus. The same issue has be stonewalled in making PCMan my default.22:52
KerrMDrather, the 'cause' of the initial problem22:52
deanyKerrMD, which is what?22:52
KerrMDI am missing the files nautilus-computer.desktop and nautilus-folder-handler.desktop22:53
deanyi d say run explorer.exe in wine but it aint funny..22:53
KerrMDNo more windows on my computers. I'm sick of it22:53
dtchenBUGabundo1: / bootninja: sorry, no. i'm working furiously to fix the last of the PulseAudio & Linux performance issues.22:53
BUGabundo1dtchen: no prob. glad you can help fix those22:54
KerrMDQuestion is how would I go about getting those files?22:54
bootninjayeah, thanks anyway22:54
YixilTesiphongah. How can I find and install alsa-base 1ubuntu7 after upgrading to 1ubuntu8 this morning?22:59
KerrMDYixilTesiphon, ubuntu 8.10 or 8.04? YOu want #ubuntu22:59
YixilTesiphonKerr, I'm using 9.0423:00
YixilTesiphonand as soon as I said that there they assumed it was a jaunty problem and sent me here23:00
KerrMDoh, you mean upgrading "from" then23:00
YixilTesiphonoh yeah23:00
YixilTesiphonjust using synaptic, mark all updates, etc23:00
YixilTesiphonboom, no sound23:00
=== mirk_ is now known as mirk
remuBUGabundo1, Sorry, I didn't see your message. I have it set for Gmail.23:01
BUGabundo1remu: humm ??23:02
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: can you find that alsa-base package in your package manager?23:03
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: what is the output of aplay -l ?23:05
YixilTesiphonyasasvy: no soundcards foun d23:05
YixilTesiphonyasasvy: I can't, no, only the most updated version23:05
YixilTesiphonI have an ati rs780 azalia, which did not work on install but I found a quick fix for, but now it is not working again23:06
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: ok so that means your OS isnt recognizing your sound card23:06
YixilTesiphonyasasvy: so I need to hunt down the driver again and reinstall it?23:07
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: yes23:07
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: when you upgrade 3rd party applications may be removed23:08
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: and that includes drivers23:08
YixilTesiphonyasasvy: would that also explain why my only default mixer track options in system | preferences | sound are pulseaudio null output things?23:08
Guest40316yea i'm pretty sad cuz my ati drivers are gone23:08
Guest40316and when i try to upgrade my logon screen crashes23:09
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: yes23:09
YixilTesiphonyasasvy: that's a relief. thanks.23:09
YixilTesiphonGuest40316: ATI graphics worked fine on 9.04 install for me, is a clean install an option?23:09
yasasvyYixilTesiphon: no probs23:09
Guest40316i'm not on 9.0423:10
Guest40316im on jaunty23:10
remuBUGabundo1, I had asked the following: " Hey everyone, I installed mail-notification, and the test notification uses the Jaunty notification system, however, when mail actually comes in, it gives me a popup rather than notifiying me through the jaunty notification method. anyone know how I might be able to rectify that?"23:10
Guest40316but yea they worked fine for me in 9.0423:10
screamWhere is the startup config file stored if I want to stop a program from running on boot?23:10
remuGuest40316, 9.04 IS Jaunty23:11
Guest40316stupid me23:11
Guest40316yea they don't work23:11
Guest40316neither proprietary or open source23:11
Guest40316the drivers that come with the install are fine23:15
Guest40316its the 3d acceleration drivers that are bad23:15
Guest40316so now i can't play games23:15
crdlbGuest40316: what gpu, specifically?23:17
Guest40316ati radeon xpress 20023:20
crdlbGuest40316: unfortunately, you cannot use fglrx anymore23:20
Guest40316yea i know23:21
crdlbas ATI has dropped support for r500 and below23:21
Guest40316will there be an alternative?23:21
Exilanthow do i change bootup script order in jaunty, doing it the right way?23:21
crdlbGuest40316: the default radeon driver23:21
Guest40316oh realy? that mean i won't be able to play games anymore?  or will they update it?23:21
Exilantdo i change the required field in the header of the /etc/init.d/foobar script?23:21
dazjorzHey all23:22
crdlbGuest40316: ATI said won't do any legacy releases23:22
crdlbthe radeon driver can play some games, and it's getting better23:22
dazjorzA few days ago, a command I found on a website, 'asoundconf set-pulseaudio' fixed sound in Flash in Firefox again; now it's gone again... any ideas? I'm using the official amd64 Adobe Flash plugin, by the way.23:23
Guest40316yea?  I go addicted to sauerbraten and now i can't play it.  What do you mean by your first comment?23:23
Guest40316or more like what does that mean to me?23:24
KerrMDBah! I am going to end up pulling my hair out. I did that mod to the "nautilus-computer.desktop" file and now the "Computer" Entry in my "places menu" is gone.23:34
chrisccoulsonKerrMD - what mod?23:40
chrisccoulson(sorry, I can't be bothered to scroll up ;))23:40
chrisccoulson"KerrMD: Bah! I am going to end up pulling my hair out. I did that mod to the "nautilus-computer.desktop" file and now the "Computer" Entry in my "places menu" is gone."23:40
crdlbGuest40316: nvidia has dropped support for older cards many times, but they always maintain legacy releases that support those cards23:40
KerrMDYes but what do you mean by "what mod?23:40
crdlbATI is, instead, focusing on the open source driver for those cards23:40
chrisccoulsoni was wondering which mod you were talking about? (what did you do?)23:41
KerrMDchrisccoulson, I am trying to replace nautilus with pcmanfm since I neither line nuatiuls nor is/was it behaving properly.23:41
chrisccoulsonfair enough ;)23:41
KerrMDchrisccoulson, using this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69223823:41
chrisccoulsonnot sure why the entry would disappear from the places menu there23:42
KerrMDNor am I. I am also not sure why I have no default.session file in /usr/share/applications23:43
KerrMDoops, /usr/share/gnome23:43
crdlbthat guide sounds like it was for the old gnome-session23:44
chrisccoulsonno default.session is expected23:44
chrisccoulsonnew gnome-session uses gconf and autostart dirs23:44
crdlbyou should simply be able to change: /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/filemanager in gconf-editor23:45
chrisccoulsonbut the file manager must ship a desktop file23:45
KerrMDSo I gedit that path?23:45
chrisccoulsonthe name in the gconf key must be the name of the desktop file23:46
KerrMDI believe pcmanfm does23:46
chrisccoulsonnot the name of the binary23:46
chrisccoulsonthat's ok then23:46
crdlbthat's not a path, it's a gconf key23:46
chrisccoulsonand pcmanfm should also have a X-GNOME-Provides=filemanager in the desktop file too23:46
KerrMDchrisccoulson, you may as well be speaking chinese to me. I've not used linux since roughly '9823:47
chrisccoulsonif you look in the nautilus desktop file (/usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop), it has a line that says "X-GNOME-Provides=filemanager"23:48
chrisccoulsonthe pcmanfm desktop file should have that too if you want to autostart it as your default filemanager23:48
chrisccoulsonKerrMD - i can't speak chinese btw;)23:49
KerrMDGood thing because I cannot understand a word of it23:49
eseven73Does !anyone have the issue of vbox + winxp taking up 100% cpu in jaunty? even if nothing is running in xp it's 100% cpu like the majority of the time23:50
chrisccoulsonwho's using ext4 here on Jaunty?23:51
chrisccoulsonhow are you finding it?23:52
KerrMDchrisccoulson, What am I doing again in /usr/etc/applications/nautilus.desktop?23:52
KerrMD<== uses ext423:52
crdlbKerrMD: nothing23:52
* eseven73 uses ext4 too23:52
crdlbKerrMD: make sure that /usr/share/applications/pcmanfm.desktop contains the aforementioned X-GNOME-Provides=filemanager line23:52
chrisccoulsoni migrated to ext4 a few days ago. since then, my machine has locked up twice (this machine has never locked up before that). conincedence?23:53
YixilTesiphonVery stupid question: where do I find drivers to download from alsa?23:53
chrisccoulson**coincedence even23:53
chrisccoulsoni'll learn to spell properly 1 day23:53
eseven73ive heard ext4 has probs with locking up23:53
eseven73but im not for sure as to the details for why, only going by what ive heard in here23:54
chrisccoulsoni've never had to debug a complete freeze before, so i'm kinda stuck23:54
chrisccoulsoni could do with a second machine to attach to the serial port;)23:54
crdlbext4 is not fully baked ...23:54
BUGabundoI have had 4 lockups on ext3 (yes 3) in the last 24h :((23:54
chrisccoulsoncrdlb - i only have my root fs on ext4. all my important stuff is on ext3;)23:54
eseven73then why is it going in jaunty?23:54
eseven73if it wasnt fully stable I don't think Ubuntu would add it23:55
BUGabundoeseven73: its "available" not default23:55
crdlbbecause idiotic users would complain if it weren't an option23:55
eseven73being that Ubuntu aims for stability over bleeding edge23:55
crdlb"I'm switching to fedora!"23:55
Daisuke-Idoi think that the main goal of rock-solid stability is mostly for LTS...  the intermediate releases are stable, but a way to bring in more bleeding-edge features to get the kinks worked out for the next LTS release.23:59

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