
=== Brownout_ is now known as Brownout
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: i tell ya, that update notifier bug list is vicious04:13
YoBoYgood morning07:02
deepspringI found a bug in Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 9.04... do I discuss it here?09:50
deepspringpersia, cut and paste09:51
persiaBut it's best practice to file the bugs in launchpad, rather than as forums articles :)09:51
deepspringwas trying to find a way around the problem09:52
geserwhat's the exact problem? /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages is listed in sys.path for python2.609:54
geserif you want to install to /usr then that's should be done through a package, so it seems to be sane to force /usr/local09:56
geserpackages use "setup.py install --install-layout=deb" to get it installed to /usr09:57
deepspringforcing that /usr/local results in packages being installed to /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages  which is ignored by python 2.609:57
geserso the problem only exists when --prefix=/usr/local is used?09:59
persiaAnd it's only looking at dist-packages09:59
deepspringpretty much09:59
deepspringwant me to paste sys.path10:00
andoldeepspring: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.6/+bug/350016/comments/110:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/350016/+text)10:00
geserIIRC /usr/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages is used by a locally installed python2.610:01
deepspringwell this is the python package that came with 9.0410:01
geserso I don't know what's the correct behaviour with --prefix=/usr/local10:02
geserdoko: any comment on this? ^^10:02
deepspringI've been trying to work around it.. but nothing I've tried works10:02
persiaandol, Thanks: that's exactly the most relevant comment :)10:03
deepspringother than testing for 'Ubuntu' and '9.04' and adjusting prefixes to suit10:03
geserdeepspring: does the application work when installed with --prefix=/usr and Ubuntu's python2.6?10:03
persiadeepspring, geser Read andol's link.10:03
andoldeepspring: Which problem are you trying to work around? When installing thru a package or as a upstream source package?10:03
deepspringwhen installing a package locally (the package is still being developed, no debs made yet)10:04
deepspringpython setup.py install10:05
andoldeepspring: Yes, then the link I gave you earlier is relevant :)10:05
savvas"python setup.py -n install --prefix=/usr" shows the same thing10:06
savvascopying build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/supybot/plugins/Web/test.py -> /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/supybot/plugins/Web10:06
savvasI guess it needs that install-layout :)10:07
savvasbut that's local for debian, isn't it?10:07
deepspringno idea10:07
savvasI mean a local parameter10:08
savvas"python setup.py -n install --prefix=/usr/local --install-layout=deb"10:08
savvascopying build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/supybot/plugins/Web/test.py -> /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/supybot/plugins/Web10:08
deepspringnot very backwards compatible10:08
andolsavvas: Actually, --prefix & --install-deb are mutually exclusive in 9.04. You might want to use --root instead.10:11
andolsavvas: See bug #345086 as an example10:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345086 in rdiff-backup "rdiff-backup installed in /usr/local/" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34508610:12
savvasandol: thanks :)10:13
deepspringok... so I'm going to need to test for the existence of dist-packages and make a symlink to site-packages when forcing a prefix of /usr/local10:16
deepspringthis is going to be fun10:16
* deepspring scratches head10:16
gesersite-packages is only for local python installations and dist-packages for the system python10:19
deepspringsite-packages gets ignored in 2.610:19
geseronly for the system python2.610:19
geserif somebody installs python 2.6 manually (from the tar.gz) it will use site-packages10:20
deepspringI'm not installing python, only an application, using the default python installed with Ubuntu 9.0410:20
geserthen you app should get installed to dist-packages so it can be used with python2.6 (from 9.04)10:21
deepspringyes.. but I also want it to be backwards compatible10:21
deepspringwith 2.510:22
andoldeepspring: Well, I'm not really a Python person, but shouldn't it be possible to do some kind of version checking in the install script?10:22
geser"python2.5 setup.py install" will install it to python2.5/site-packages10:22
deepspringadol, yes its pretty easy10:23
deepspringgeser, its the path to the ui data (glade files) I'm more concerned about... in that thread I linked, I gave an example of the install script I'm using10:25
deepspringI have to have static paths for Glade files10:25
geserah, I slowly begin to understand where your problem exactly is10:26
deepspringthe only fix I have for it at the moment, is using platform.dist() to get the OS details and adjusting the prefixes to suit10:28
geserwhat I don't understand is why you want to install to /usr and not /usr/local as the later one is for locally installed apps10:28
deepspringyeah I know10:28
andolWell, I think I'll leave this discussion to those of you who actually know and use Python :) Myself I only happend to have a couple of related bug report in myself head.10:29
deepspringUbuntu 8.10 and earlier though default to /usr10:29
deepspringI'll reinstall 8.10 under VirtualBox and try to find a common ground I guess10:30
geserwhat about checking both locations? as it should be possible to install to /usr/local with python2.5 too10:32
deepspringshould be... I'll have to reinstall 8.10 under a VM to find out (I have only one machine)10:33
deepspringI'm trying to adjust for forward compatibility as well as backward10:33
deepspringso far I'm failing10:33
thekornsoory, did not read the complete log yet, but what about using   pkg_resources.resource_filename() to find the glade file in your script10:35
deepspringglade file is located outside of the python search path10:35
deepspringI guess I'll have to merge it back in10:36
deepspringok I think I have solution around it... thanks thekorn search for that brought up a possibility10:38
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deepspringit means adjusting the package layout a bit though, and I will have to rethink the automatic desktop file creation :/10:40
deepspringok that aint working11:35
deepspringI give up... I'm guessing there is no way to have a backwards compatible program with 2.611:44
deepspringfound a solution12:29
deepspringits a hack of a solution, but a solution12:29
deepspringend of problem12:29
deepspringif it breaks it breaks12:30
=== Sikon is now known as LucidFox
miki4242hi all, just found this: http://patch-tracking.debian.net/13:04
miki4242not yet in any wiki, only one changelog13:04
miki4242wiki = Ubuntu wiki13:04
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=== Sikon is now known as LucidFox
cowbellemooHyia, I'm new to bug work and I just got started improving reports on launchpad.  A few of the ones I've subscribed to don't show up for me on my profile page.  Does anyone know why that might be?16:28
cowbellemoo(one's status is invalid, the other is a dupe...does LP only show 'valid' bugs on your profile page?)16:29
savvascowbellemoo: probably16:31
savvasI think yes :)16:31
savvasif a bug is invalid or a dupe it's hidden from bug searching as well16:32
savvas(unless you're in advanced search, I think there's an option for dupes and such)16:32
cowbellemooAh, I guess that makes sense to keep things free of clutter16:33
savvasstill, you got your karma points :)16:35
savvasthank you for helping out!!16:35
cowbellemooha, yeah I'm saving up to buy the fake moustache behind the counter.  :D16:39
savvascowbellemoo: if you make that a brainstorm idea, I'll support you :P16:43
andresmujicaping dtchen18:35
bdmurrayogasawara: is there a module for an SAA7130?  I've no pci id19:43
* bdmurray hits head19:44
bdmurrayKernel driver in use: saa713419:44
bdmurrayI guess that answers that19:44
BUGabundo1do you guys have any recent reports of system crashs and kernel panics??19:47
BUGabundo1I got 2 in under 24h, when this system never even had one in over 14 months19:47
BUGabundo1using ext3 and NV, not stuff like ext4 or intel card, that are known to be a bit more buggy19:47
BUGabundo1ogasawara: any thing ?19:49
hggdher... any matches in LP?19:50
bdmurraysbeattie: Do you an easy way to do a dist upgrade?  bug 35889319:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358893 in update-manager "Kubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 Upgrade crashes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35889319:50
bdmurrayThat's the 2nd one I've seen regarding partner and mismatches19:51
sbeattiebdmurray: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/9.04-upgrade/kubuntu-8.04-to-9.04-beta-upgrade19:51
BUGabundo1hggdh: too broad search19:53
BUGabundo1hggdh: searching for kernel panic won't help me much19:53
BUGabundo1can't set a time frame for just last week jaunty19:54
BUGabundo1apt-listchanges doesn't show anything serious (kernel, nvidia driver, alsa)19:54
BUGabundo1just NM trunk19:54
ogasawaraBUGabundo1: you'll have to get me specific info of the kernel panic, otherwise it's hard to narrow down possible bug reports19:56
BUGabundo1ogasawara: I know, but I haven't any info on it... I'm using my laptop, as I always do, and it just froze... twice19:57
BUGabundo1I get Caps lock blinking19:57
BUGabundo1Linux blubug 2.6.28-11-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 8 04:39:23 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:57
BUGabundo1ogasawara: of course I'll try to help here, I'm the most interested person in debugging this, but I lack the data to help out more19:59
sbeattieBUGabundo1: anything show up in /var/log/kern.log before the reboot information?20:00
BUGabundo1I'll pastebin it20:00
BUGabundo1kern.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/148519/20:01
BUGabundo1kern.log.0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/148520/20:02
BUGabundo1Apr 10 19:18:56 blubug kernel: [ 1818.576309] general protection fault: 0000 [#4] SMP20:04
BUGabundo1could this be it ?20:04
BUGabundo1I get a few backtraces on shutdown20:05
BUGabundo1never track down the cause.20:05
BUGabundo1but a general protection fault is the 1st20:05
sbeattieBUGabundo1: the first issue is 'kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.28/mm/slub.c:2743!' (not good!)20:10
sbeattieBUGabundo1: file a bug against the kernel and attach those logs. ogasawara will want to see them.20:10
BUGabundo1apporting it now20:11
ogasawaraBUGabundo1: if you could also comment if you're doing anything in particular during the time you get this panic that would be great20:11
BUGabundo1just browsing20:11
ogasawaraBUGabundo1: I do see firefox segfaults just prior20:12
BUGabundo1that's an old one20:12
BUGabundo1fta and asac know about it20:12
BUGabundo1firefox pre branch stuff20:12
sbeattieBUGabundo1: you may wish to boot to single-user and force a fsck on sda1 (is that /?) just to make sure your fs is sane as in kern.log.0, ext3 did some journal recovery cleanup on that fs.20:15
BUGabundo1sbeattie: did that, twice now20:15
BUGabundo1I always do it, after system freezes20:16
BUGabundo1it already cause me data loss20:16
BUGabundo1filling a bug on kdepim about it20:16
BUGabundo1it suffers from that bug that Tso keeps talking about20:16
BUGabundo1another thing, can some one triage bug 359227 ?20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359227 in grub "grub did not install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35922720:18
BUGabundo1ogasawara: sbeattie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/35923120:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 359231 in linux "system freeze and kernel panic" [Undecided,New]20:24
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sbeattiebdmurray: finally regen'ed my kubuntu hardy vm and have reproduced  bug 35889321:27
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/358893/+text)21:27
sbeattiebdmurray: of course, just enabling the partner archive on jaunty reproduces the error message.21:33
bdmurraysbeattie: well, that would have been easy to check21:34
nailorais there any simple way to save a core file when an application crashes and apport intercepts? sometimes on launchpad i am asked to provide a backtrace of crash after reporting a bug with apport, but at that point i have no chance to generate one (especially true for bugs that are not easy to trigger/have unknown reason). if i had a chance to save the core at the time of crash i could easily backtrace it later with gdb...23:26
hggdhnailora, if apport intercepted the crash, you can get it23:44
hggdhit will be stored under /var/crash. Just run 'apport-retrace -g <crash file>23:44
hggdhand you get gdb on the core23:44
nailorathx, they seem to be stored there, indeed. the ones i need are no longer there, but next time i suspect i might need one, i will copy it directly after the crash.23:46
nailorais there a reason this is not better integrated into apport23:47
hggdhwell, it is23:52
hggdhapport-gtk reports on crashes; apport-retrace allows you to look at it locally, if you want23:52
hggdhI am not sure what you mean by "better integrated"23:53
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