
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
ScottKslangasek: Since usplash is no longer built on ia64, what would you think of removing all the binaries on ia64.  Then I can do a new kubuntu kubuntu-meta update and germinate won't try to put usplash on ia64?01:40
slangasekScottK: acceptable01:45
ScottKslangasek: Do you want a bug for the usplach binary removal?01:45
slangasekI don't think so01:45
ScottKslangasek: OK.  Just let me know when it's done and I'll give it a couple of publisher cycles.01:46
slangasekwill do01:46
slangasekScottK: done01:50
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.01:50
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slangasekArneGoetje: translation full export for RC starts tomorrow(today), right?02:32
ArneGoetjeslangasek: Friday 22:00 UTC03:00
ArneGoetjeslangasek: export will take about 24 hours, the langpack prep another 5 hours or so.03:02
ice-nineIs there a website / bug tracker listing current bugs in 9.04, and possibly status of bugs?  Reason being, I'd like to take a look at what requires fixing, and may be lend a helping hand....03:22
slangasekArneGoetje: ok03:25
slangasekice-nine: the list of bugs that are known targets for Ubuntu 9.04 are found at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+bugs03:28
ice-ninethanks slangasek.  I'll check out that url.  Is it possible for just anyone getting involved in committing bug fixes in common apps?03:29
slangasekice-nine: to commit fixes, you generally have to be a member of ubuntu-dev already; but we happily accept patches via Launchpad03:30
persiaice-nine, You might find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess useful03:30
ice-nineThanks.  I'll look into this.03:32
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gopogoubuntu jaunty jackass is  not detecting windows during installation03:46
gopogoit says no windows instaled03:46
Hobbseegopogo: and again, #ubuntu+103:49
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persiaapt-cache show virtualbox-ose ?04:34
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gopogoJaunty -> its saying connected to wifi netework but not pigging default gateway06:08
slangasekgopogo: this is not a support channel.  I gather that you've already been directed to #ubuntu+1 several times already.06:10
YokoZarA user submitted a bug report with this failure on Wine's --configure step: Error: contents of '/etc/mailcap.new' do not match what was written -- abort06:13
YokoZarCould this possibly be the package's fault, or is something else going on here?06:13
gopogoslangasek: no body is answering ubuntu +106:21
Hobbseegopogo: then perhaps you shouldn't ask when it's the European & US night, and a public holiday in a lot of countries.06:23
Hobbseechannels are always quieter then ;)06:23
gopogois there any issue in wep in jaunty jackass ?06:24
gopogoopps jackolope06:24
Hobbsee...but the bit about support not being here still applies, i'm afraid...06:25
infinitygopogo: Rephrasing the question doesn't make it any less a support question.06:25
gopogoits was working in 8.0406:26
infinitygopogo: If you need answers RIGHT NOW, Canonical (among other companies) offer paid support.  Otherwise, please respect the (rather small set of) rules that our community support runs by, and ask in the proper channel, browse bugs to see if you find something similar, check forums, etc.06:26
gopogoi cant pay connanical06:27
gopogoi am a student06:27
infinitygopogo: Then feel free to make use of the free support that the community offers.  Just keep in mind that said free support doesn't happen here.  Please.06:28
gopogowhere should i report this bug06:46
YokoZarubuntu-bug (packagename) on a terminal is best06:47
slangaseksuperm1: is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-mythbuntu not a conffile?  you shouldn't need to rm -f it in the maintainer script, should you?07:09
superm1slangasek, it's not a conffile, it's generated by the postinst07:09
dschulzanyone bitten by #358915  "init crashed with SIGSEGV in event_poll()"   ?07:26
dschulzrunning jaunty/amd6407:26
dschulzi'm looking for clues on this07:27
slangaseknot that I'm aware of07:42
slangasekI'm way impressed with apport now, though07:42
dschulzslangasek: i thought the same when I first saw the bug report finished07:51
deepspringI found a bug in Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 9.04... do I discuss it here?09:46
persiadeepspring, #ubuntu-bugs is a better place for discussion of bugs.09:50
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bigonhi, is reloading dbus after installing a .service file still necessairy in the postinst script?13:11
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t325Hello, is OpenSSL considered a part of Ubuntu? If it is, where are its linkable libraries installed?13:44
t325(coming from a FreeBSD perspective -> don't know very well the "separation of powers" here)13:45
persiat325, Do you have libssl-dev installed?  dpkg -L libssl-dev would show you the relevant files in this case.13:46
persiaBut this isn't a support channel: for asking about aspects of packaging (like that), #ubutnu-motu is better.  For asking more general questions about Ubuntu, #ubuntu is better.13:47
t325it wasn't installed, thanks!13:47
loolslangasek: Bug #359049 > could you have a RM look and comment?  cjwatson mentionned consistency between subarches is desirable13:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359049 in linux "imx51 udeb hardcodes linux version in vmlinuz binary name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35904913:49
lifelesspop quiz; is there a C url library (and not 'libcurl, its an http library, not a  URL library)14:16
lifelessI want something with urljoin, urlparse etc14:16
lifelessclearly mozilla etc etc etc have to _do_ this, but I don't want to even think about linking in those monsters14:17
elmolifeless: I think the gnome folks have a library that does that, but I forget it's name14:17
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lifelessjamesh: ^14:17
elmolifeless: oh, maybe neon?14:17
elmolifeless: and libsoup is the gnome one14:18
lifelessah, blink, I remmeber that from tla; libneon changed api more often than... /me stops14:18
persiaAnd it also is an http library, rather than a URL/URI library.14:18
lifelessI don't mind that so much, but the focus leads to some odd apis14:19
elmopersia: well, i assumed a http library would have URL/URI functions14:19
lifelesselmo: libcurl has exactly one - 'escape' :P14:19
persiaelmo, It does: it's just that the form of the request disqualified something else for supporting http :)14:19
lifelesspersia: not strictly; libcurl I've already ruled out but neon may have what I want14:20
lifelessI don't want to start a liburl project for the hell of it14:20
* persia finds annoying unlicensed public code that implements URL parsing functions14:21
lifelessthe ne_uri_* functions are what I need. Thanks elmo, I really should have remembered this14:22
lifelessthough dragging in a full http library to get it - fail14:22
lifelessbah actually no14:23
* lifeless implements14:23
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jameshlifeless: there is some basic URL parsing functions in glib, but they are really basic.15:01
tedgjamesh: Is there more in gio?15:03
jameshtedg: perhaps.  I haven't explored it much.15:03
jameshmaybe in the GFile interface15:03
lifelesstedg: I saw that it uses dbus to access backends and cried while running15:04
tedgI figured there'd have to be, but I haven't played with it either.15:04
* tedg thinks bazaar should use dbus for backed support.15:04
lifelesstedg: heh. no15:07
lifelessits not that I don't like DBus, I like it fine15:07
lifelessbut its IPC/RPC.15:07
lifelessnot everything needs to be hit with that particular hammer.15:07
tedglifeless: Yes, choosing the right tool for the job.15:07
tedglifeless: BTW, were you able to get the appropriately corrupt repository downloading it from LP?15:08
lifelessnow, if you have a core implementation that allows a backend to be 'I get stuff from dbus', then you can mix and match15:08
tedglifeless: Or should I start a tarball upload for the next couple days :)15:08
lifelesstedg: To make sure I don't waste time debugging something differnet I really want a tarball of what you have on your disk15:09
tedglifeless: Okay, do you know if there is an attachment limit in LP?  Perhaps it should go on people.u.c15:09
lifelesspast midnight here, gnight15:09
lifelesswhereever is fine15:09
tedgCool, will do.  Thanks lifeless15:10
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bluefoxicyanyone know why trackerd constantly uses 100% CPU?16:54
bluefoxicyactually you know what.17:01
bluefoxicyI can find out why it uses so much CPU.17:01
* bluefoxicy bash script.17:01
jdongbluefoxicy: for me right after the upgrade it required a complete rebuild of the DB which was pretty thrashy and spinny at times, after that initial chug things settled down for the most part....17:03
bluefoxicyjdong this has been happening since I upgraded, 3 days before beta.17:03
bluefoxicyand it's not playing with my hard disk a lot.17:03
bluefoxicy% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls      function17:03
bluefoxicy------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------------------17:03
bluefoxicy 60.34   80.164781         672    119149 g_main_context_iteration17:03
bluefoxicy 24.21   32.168548         269    119150 g_main_context_pending17:03
jdongodd; sounds like an indexer is getting stuck on some sort of file type then17:03
bluefoxicythis is where most of the work is occurring but this is pretty useless17:04
jdonglol that sounds like a main event loop or something17:04
jdonghmm a profiler, then?17:04
bluefoxicywhat I need is an encapsulated graph17:05
bluefoxicylike, g_main_context_iteration() takes 60%.  45% of its time is in function call to some_other_function(), which spend 80% of its time in yet_another_function()...17:05
bluefoxicyand draw pretty, space-filling boxes17:06
jdonglol is it technically feasible for strace to do that?17:06
bluefoxicy(actually ltrace could be modified to do this)17:06
jdongwell it probably can17:06
bluefoxicyyes, because it can say "You are in function X" "function call to Y... we were in function X.  X called Y."17:06
bluefoxicyand trace the return path.17:06
jdongwell when A() waits 1s, calls B() which takes 1s, what does strace report as the time for A(), 1s or 2s?17:07
bluefoxicyit's also feasible to output a trace to a log and write a parser to process it17:07
bluefoxicythat's a good question17:07
bluefoxicyas main() doesn't encapsulate the entire life of the program, and all times add up to 100%, I'd say it counts only the time literally spent in the function body and not in sub-calls17:08
sbeattiestrace is strictly syscalls, ltrace might do it, oprofile might be useful here as well.17:08
jdongyeah it makes more sense from a "useful output" point of view if it does not double-count time in encapsulated calls17:08
bluefoxicywell, regardless17:09
bluefoxicythis is a lot of useless.17:09
cjwatsonrobbiew,slangasek: 339898 is actually fixed, evand just forgot to close the bug17:23
cjwatsonI'll close it out17:23
robbiewcjwatson: ah, ok17:23
davmor2robbiew: I can confirm it is fixed :)17:30
davmor2robbiew: infact only outstanding obvious bug is bug 35851917:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358519 in ubiquity "Jaunty: Ubiquity-frontend-kde step 4 should display bars for partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35851917:31
robbiewdavmor2: ok, thanks17:32
cjwatsonI'll target that, but I'm not sure we have time to fix it for jaunty17:32
davmor2cjwatson: weird thing is it was working and now isn't17:33
cjwatsondavmor2: in that case, it might help a bit if you could give a rough estimate of when it last worked17:35
cjwatsonbut I'm not working until Tuesday, so it's a bit of a stretch17:35
cjwatson(nor, I think, is Evan)17:35
davmor2cjwatson: It didn't appear in beta so after that I think I check on Monday and it was in so maybe the week before17:36
davmor2I really should learn to use grammar17:37
cjwatsonpunctuation too17:37
davmor2cjwatson: I am dyslexic it's hard enough to spell with out remembering other things :)17:38
cjwatsonhmm, so we're talking somewhere between 26th and 30th March?17:38
cjwatsonif you could put that in the bug that'd be good17:38
cjwatsondavmor2: ah, fair enough :)17:38
davmor2cjwatson: will do17:38
* cjwatson eyes the enormous changelog for 1.12.0, uploaded on Mon 30th Mar17:39
cjwatsoncould lose a goat in there, no trouble17:39
davmor2cjwatson: it would of happened before monday as it was on monday's cd17:39
davmor2ah sorry 30th17:40
cjwatsondavmor2: but there were no changes between 26th and 30th17:40
davmor2just saw mon and not the 30th17:41
cjwatsonI think 1.12.0 is a good guess for the version that introduced this, as that included a merge of a branch that made reasonably non-trivial changes to the KDE partitioning page17:41
cjwatsonshtylman: ^- don't suppose you could look into this, as it was your branch? see bug 35851917:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358519 in ubiquity "Jaunty: Ubiquity-frontend-kde step 4 should display bars for partitioning" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35851917:42
davmor2cjwatson: can you set a status on the bug so it doesn't get missed,  because currently you can't change the partition size in side by side install.17:43
cjwatsonit's targeted, it won't get forgotten17:44
davmor2ah cool :)17:44
ion_All udev’s changelog entry says is “New upstream release.  LP: #358013”. It would be interesting to see that bug report, since it appears to be closed. :-)17:47
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jdonghaha magic words of doom :)17:48
davmor2cjwatson: I'm going to grab a copy of beta just to confirm that it wasn't in then.  I'm pretty certain I would of logged it though. But that will at least mean that you can definitely rule out pre-beta17:53
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shtylmancjwatson: will do18:14
cjwatsonshtylman: thanks, give me a shout if/when you have a branch for us to merge18:16
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jcoledidrocks: as you already may know, calendar still doesnt work in evolution-mapi and the Authentication button still crashes evo even after your latest patch...18:20
jcoledidrocks: i compiled the latest openchange, samba4 and evolution-mapi from svn and everything works :)18:21
didrocksjcole: I tried to contact you18:21
didrocksjcole: evolution-mapi is the last version, contrary to what you told previously18:21
jcoledidrocks: oh, im sorry, i get busy here at work sometimes18:21
didrocksI followed upstream who told me to package the last version :)18:22
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jcoledidrocks: you have an old libmapi0 in jaunty18:22
didrocksjcole: yes, comming from openchange18:23
didrocksnot evolution-mapi :)18:23
jcoledidrocks: the libmapi0 in jaunty doesnt work with the calendar18:23
didrocksjcole: as I said in the bug report, we are waiting for debian upstream packager who is working on the update and then sync18:23
didrocksjcole: I already know that ^^18:23
jcoledidrocks: oh ok18:24
didrocksjcole: that's why we wait for openchange ^^18:24
jcoledidrocks: do you think it will be ready before jaunty release?18:24
didrocksjcole: if it's not packaged Tuesday, can you ping me please ?18:24
jcoledidrocks: you bet :)18:24
didrocksjcole: Tuesday is the deadline seb128 and I convinced to wait for debian :)18:25
didrocks(I didn't check today if they have the new version)18:25
jcoledidrocks: remind you, it takes the latest samba4 to compile the latest openchange.. the samba4 currently in jaunty wont work18:26
didrocksjcole: do you have the version for the 2 packages?18:27
jcoledidrocks: thanks alot for all the hard work on this, its very appreciated18:27
didrocksit will be quicker for me to check on debian ^^18:27
didrocksjcole: I know it's a waited feature, try to have it for jaunty :)18:27
* jcole looks18:27
jcoledidrocks: for openchange -> http://websvn.openchange.org/filedetails.php?repname=openchange&path=%2Ftrunk%2FChangeLog18:29
jcoledidrocks: yesterday was last update18:29
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didrocksjcole: ok, I just wondered about last official released18:29
jcoledidrocks: i think they are planning to have an official release very soon18:30
* jcole pings the evo devs18:30
didrocksjcole: openchange and evolution dev are the same people?18:31
davmor2cjwatson: definitely not happening in beta18:31
jcoledidrocks: the openchange devs hang out in #evolution on irc gnome18:32
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didrocksjcole: ok, and if you downgrade to last samba4 version, it doesn't work. Did you test it?18:33
didrocksjcole: just give a look there18:40
jcoledidrocks: ill try to downgrade and see what happens18:41
didrocksjcole: thanks a lot :)18:41
* didrocks hopes that jcole used /usr/local so that it will not be an headake :)18:41
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jcoledidrocks: /usr/local/samba18:42
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didrocksjcole: perfect :)18:43
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lamontgah.  how in the hell do I get firefox to STOP stealing focus when it thinks it's a good idea?18:50
ion_A window manager shouldn’t permit such behavior.18:51
lamontion_: yeah, and then there is metacity.18:52
lamontand compiz18:52
davmor2lamont: use epiphany18:52
lamontdavmor2: and this will help me how?18:52
davmor2firefox won't steal anything any more :D18:53
jcolelamont: compiz has a "Utility" called "Windows Rules" that lets you manage annoyances like that... look in compiz settings manager and scroll to the bottom18:53
lamontjcole: true.  OTOH, metacity has focus-policy == strict, which I'd really like to migrate into compiz but haven't managed to locate where, in the 10 minutes I've spent researching it over the last year18:55
jcolelamont: looks like its called "No focus"18:55
lamontbecause upstream was completely against == strict... which has been there since I, um, coaxed.  yeah lets use that word, seb128 into adding it for me18:56
jcolelamont: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/WindowMatching#Window_Rules18:57
jcolelamont: heh, looks like a firefox example there18:57
lamonthuh.  what do you know.  this machine actually does have an nVidia display18:58
lamont01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0640 (rev a1)18:58
lamontthough it'd be nicer if it knew what it had18:58
jcolelamont: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers18:58
jcolelamont: ubuntu auto installs the nvidia driver :)18:59
lamontbut only if you let it19:01
lamont"no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"19:01
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jcolelamont: i think your modaliases might be out of date19:20
jcole$ apt-cache show nvidia-180-modaliases | grep -E '^D|^ '19:20
jcoleDescription: Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver19:20
jcole The modaliases provide a list of pci id's which makes it possible to19:20
jcole detect the model of a graphic card.19:20
lamontW: Unable to locate package nvidia-180-modaliases19:23
lamontso that'd be a "yes"19:23
lamontthough to be fair, the machine is stuck on hardy for other reasons19:24
jcolelamont: install envy and get the latest then19:25
jcolelamont: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EnvyNG19:27
lamontjcole: I'm still working on figuring out why I even care if I have the latest restricted driver19:30
lamontsince I'm, you know, not using it.19:30
ion_keybuk: Since you wrote the udev changelog entry “New upstream release.  LP: #358013”, perhaps you could consider making LP: #358013 open for the curious public (since the bug appears to be fixed). :-)19:30
jdstrandslangasek: fyi-- uploaded new vm-builder to fix bug #342359 and bug #35484919:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342359 in vm-builder "[jaunty] ubuntu-vm-builder crashed with ioctl in create()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34235919:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354849 in vm-builder "vm-builder FTBFS under python2.6" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35484919:44
calcanyone know what happened to the coreutils info pages?20:12
calceg info cut just gives me the manpage that has no information and tells me to use info cut for more information20:13
calchmm info coreutils works but not info cut20:14
* calc was just made aware the dictionary issue was much bigger than he thought :\20:44
calcevery dictionary package has to be manually checked and updated if out of date for new OOo (gag)20:45
* calc kicks OOo hard20:45
calci thought it was a short list of ~ 5 packages i had already fixed from reading the debian bug report20:46
calci guess i know what i will be doing this weekend :\20:47
Miloszhey people, I am packaging an application that I want to submit and I have a question regarding the control file21:26
Miloszfor libcurl, there exist 2 different -dev packages, one with openssl and one with gnutls21:26
Miloszhow can I specify in the control file that either is fine?21:26
geofftput a | between them21:27
geofftbut it looks like both of those Provide: libcurl-dev21:28
slangasekjdstrand: "to give the loopback a devices a chance to settle down" - why is this not a call to udevadm settle?21:49
jdstrandslangasek: I was not aware of that command21:51
slangasekah; I don't have enough context from the diff to know if it's appropriate here, but the comment suggests it might be the Right Thing21:51
ScottK-palmslangasek: I just read the release team meeting logs. AFAIK, all the Python 2.6 bugs from last week's list are still open.21:52
jdstrandslangasek: this is a simple workaround the fact that kpartx sometimes dies. it doesn't seem to with the sleep(3), and the extra tries are just to give a sporting chance at it working21:53
jdstrandslangasek: bottom line, this was a workaround that I was told to upload until soren works out the problem and the correct solution21:53
slangasekhmm, ok21:54
Keybuksettle sounds like the right workaround21:55
Keybuk"wait for /dev to catch up"21:55
ScottK-palmjdstrand: cemc found a new apparmor issue with clamav 0.95.1. I asked him to get a hold of you. It is probably the long pole in the tent for having 0.95.1 ready to upload.21:55
jdstrandScottK-palm: yeah, already talked to him21:55
ScottK-palmjdstrand: Great. Thanks.21:55
Keybukhe eventual plan, of course, is just to have these ioctl()s block in the kernel until /dev has caught up21:55
directhexhm. /me prepares some notes on a topic he expects to hear mentioned at UDS21:57
* ScottK-palm remembers he didn't say he was going yet and goes off to write a mail ...21:57
jdstrandKeybuk: your saying 'udevadm settle' is the correct thing to do for bug #342359?22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342359 in vm-builder "[jaunty] ubuntu-vm-builder crashed with ioctl in create()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34235922:00
jdstrandKeybuk: this is the relevant errorL:22:00
jdstrandVMBuilder.exception.VMBuilderException: Process (['kpartx', '-d', '/tmp/vmbuilderID1u60/disk0.img']) returned 1. stdout: , stderr: device-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy22:00
jdstrandioctl: LOOP_CLR_FD: Device or resource busy22:02
KeybukI can't read the bug22:03
Keybukbut if you get EBUSY, that sounds like you need a settle22:04
jdstrandslangasek: honestly I'm not sure what to do wrt the bug. vm-builder is not my code and I don't know what soren wants to do long-term (ie, maybe he wants to run it on systems without udev... I have no idea)22:08
slangasekthere are no Ubuntu systems without udevz22:10
jdstrandof course, but python-vm-builder is an upstream22:10
jdstranduhhh, vm-builder22:11
slangasekfine, but the package should still be properly integrated in Ubuntu :)22:11
jdstrandI am not arguing with that :)22:11
slangasekanyway, the diff here is, I think, wrong, but it mostly addresses the symptom and shouldn't cause regressions (aside from slowing down the process), so I'll accept it22:12
slangasekplease follow up with soren about doing this with udevadm settle in the future, though22:13
jdstrandbtw, that is 3 seconds on an (at least) 5 minute long command22:14
jdstrandbut I'll follow up with him22:14
slangasekogra: if/when you're around, I think you should go ahead with an upload for bug #35876222:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358762 in initramfs-tools "update-initramfs trigger should run flash-kernel" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35876222:37
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jdstrandScottK: fyi the klamav apparmor fix is in bug #35930123:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359301 in clamav "klamav can't download virus database on jaunty" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35930123:06
jdstrandScottK: due t the pending 0.95.1 upload, I have assigned it to you23:06
aaronator_ ./fwupdate.ini: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'23:09
aaronator_ ./fwupdate.ini: line 1: `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'23:09
aaronator_what is the error?23:09
slangasekaaronator_: this isn't a support channel; please see #ubuntu23:24
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dcomxxhi! is it possible to somehow add the current date to the ping result and also print the errors on timeouts or not reachables to a different text file ?23:46
savvasdcomxx: date; ping www.example.com | grep -i 'string to match here'23:50
savvasdcomxx: but you might want to ask that or future questions at #ubuntu :)23:51
dcomxxwhat is string to match ? the error ?23:53
dcomxxand i need it to print the date for every ping not only once23:54
dcomxxor only for the errors .. so that i know when the error happened23:54
dcomxxoh yea .. grep .. but how i know what error it will be ...23:55
dcomxxcan i write like this -> ping ip | grep 'error msg' | date > file.txt23:58

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