
xivuloncjwatson, I am seeing a few reports about problems creating swap file00:39
xivulonmight be some regression in 222546, I tried to contact lamont, could you maybe remind him to have a quick look?00:41
Mirvdid you plan to get new debian-installer to Rosetta still with the "removes / installs" string translatable still?08:32
Mirv(not seeing anything in the import queue)08:32
cjwatsonMirv: I'm on holiday, but I'll see what I can do; I think it's ... optimistic to hope for new translations of that to be imported for jaunty mind you11:45
* cjwatson runs 'installer-po-update jaunty'11:46
loolHmm I see a warning during install that isn't translated, should I be worried?11:48
loolIt's the "The installer currently runs from partition foobar" warning above the partitioning screen in ubiquity11:48
cjwatsonlool: French?11:48
cjwatsonlool: exact string?11:49
cjwatsonis it "Your installation medium is on ..."?11:49
loolSomething like that11:49
loolI need to reproduce to tell you, will take me some time to reach that screen11:49
cjwatsonlool: it just wasn't translated into French when I last did an import11:50
cjwatsonit's in the .po file with an empty msgstr11:50
loolOh ok11:50
loolWell so is life then11:50
loolI can go and translate it I guess11:50
cjwatsonit was a late string addition11:51
loolcjwatson: FYI I filed a bug on broken window icon in ubiquity11:52
loolI couldn't blame it on a recent ubiquity change though11:52
loolBut I think we want to fix this for release11:52
loolcjwatson: Yes, it was the Your installation medium string11:53
loolAnyway, enjoy your deserved long week end  :)11:55
cjwatsonbroken window icon> *blink* didn't think we'd changed anything there, indeed ...11:57
cjwatsonbut yeah, unlikely to look at it today :)11:58
davmor2cjwatson: password weak buttons make a lot more sense now :)12:27
cjwatsongood, thanks12:27
cjwatsonMirv: should be in the import queue or imported now12:28
cjwatsonlool: debian-installer failed to build on armel13:01
loolcjwatson: Shall we revert that change immediately or do I have time to look into it?13:04
cjwatsonI think you have time to look into it13:04
cjwatsonlool: I think the problem may be that KERNELNAME is not set correctly for imx5113:10
cjwatsonoh, and that was what you changed13:11
cjwatsonKERNELNAME must match what's in the kernel .deb13:11
cjwatsonso you can't unilaterally change this in d-i - if you want to change the filename, that has to be done in the kernel13:12
loolcjwatson: I copied KERNELNAME = vmlinuz from lpia, and thought it was ok13:12
cjwatson(which will mean it'll conflict with other kernels doing the same thing, etc.)13:12
loolI think it's KERNELVERSION being incorrect13:12
loolOh I see13:12
cjwatsonhm, that's odd, lpia has a versioned vmlinuz in its .deb too13:13
cjwatsonhave you read the documentation?13:13
cjwatson  The version of the kernel .udeb package, like "2.4.26-r4k-ip22"13:13
loolI'm reading it13:13
cjwatson  The full name of the kernel image. If you build an EXTRA target (e.g.13:13
cjwatson  for a driver floppy), this variable has to be empty.13:13
loolI'd rather stick to what lpia and i386 do, even if that seems to contradict the recommendations of the docs13:14
cjwatsonyou might be right that KERNELVERSION is wrong13:14
cjwatson... except it isn't13:14
cjwatsonarmel/imx51.cfg sets it correctly13:14
loolarmel has SUBARCH, but not lpia13:15
cjwatsonyou can't easily compare across architectures unfortunately13:15
cjwatsonthe different variables interact in subtle ways13:15
cjwatsonoh, I have an idea13:16
loolDid you find where lpia was being renamed?  I didn't so far13:17
cjwatsonit isn't being renamed, in d-i13:17
cjwatsonyou need to look at the kernel-image udeb, not at the linux-image deb13:17
cjwatsonlp_archive@cocoplum:/tmp/cjwatson$ dpkg -c /home/lp_archive/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/kernel-image-2.6.28-11-lpia-di_2.6.28-11.41_lpia.udeb | grep /boot/13:17
cjwatsondrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2009-04-08 06:20 ./boot/13:17
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- root/root   2810416 2009-04-08 06:20 ./boot/vmlinuz13:17
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- root/root   1225020 2009-04-08 06:20 ./boot/System.map13:17
cjwatsonlp_archive@cocoplum:/tmp/cjwatson$ dpkg -c /home/lp_archive/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/kernel-image-2.6.28-11-imx51-di_2.6.28-11.41_armel.udeb | grep /boot/13:17
loolBut we're past kernel freeze13:17
cjwatsondrwxr-xr-x root/root         0 2009-04-08 12:13 ./boot/13:17
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- root/root   1005417 2009-04-08 12:13 ./boot/System.map-2.6.28-11-imx5113:17
cjwatson-rw-r--r-- root/root   1949080 2009-04-08 12:13 ./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-imx5113:17
cjwatsonI *think* there's going to be one last upload13:17
loolIt's my impression as well, but that's quite a bet :)13:18
cjwatsonthe place where this is controlled is in debian/d-i/kernel-versions.in13:18
loolI'll find out in the release meeting13:18
cjwatsonthe last field13:18
cjwatsonsee kernel-wedge/REAMDE13:20
cjwatsonin the meantime, I'll revert that d-i change so that it can build13:20
CIA-28debian-installer: cjwatson * r1085 ubuntu/ (build/config/arm.cfg build/config/armel.cfg debian/changelog):13:22
CIA-28debian-installer: Revert arm KERNELVERSION change for now; this needs to be done in sync13:22
CIA-28debian-installer: with a change in debian/d-i/kernel-versions.in in the kernel.13:22
loolSo -.+ has a special meaning in this file, but "-" alone doesn't mean anything13:23
loolHowever an empty value like on lpia doesn't seem to be a good idea13:23
CIA-28debian-installer: cjwatson * r1086 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu3313:23
cjwatsonwhat would be wrong with "-"?13:23
cjwatsonthat makes it impossible to build multi-subarchitecture images - but we never try to do that anyway13:24
cjwatsonindeed, "-" would be my recommendation13:24
cjwatsonunless you're seeing something I'm missing13:24
loolI didn't say there's anything wrong with -, it's what we should use (or n or anything really)13:24
loolJust not y or -something13:24
loolI'm saying the lpia line doesn't look good13:25
cjwatsonoh, I see what you mean, lpia actually leaves out the field13:25
loolBecause it doesn't even have the -13:25
cjwatsonas it happens, that's harmless13:25
loolHmm I wonder why tabs work13:25
cjwatsonthe reason "-" is there is that there's space for a build-dependency field after that, which is used when udebs are being built outside the kernel packaging13:26
loolI think it would cause a perl warning in kernel-wedge if it were to use these13:26
cjwatsonwhy so?13:26
lool(Hmm it does, perhaps in strict mode then :)13:26
loolcjwatson: Because $suffix would be undef and it's used in tests13:27
loolAh the split with 6 probably avoids that; damn I'm at bad perl13:27
loolAnyway, will recommend moving from y to -13:28
loolcjwatson: Only imx51?13:28
cjwatsonno, split(,,6) doesn't avoid that. In fact it probably will generate a warning, but will continue successfully anyway13:28
cjwatsonwe should do it consistently for all subarchitectures, for minimum confusion13:29
cjwatsonwell, the only concern is whether booting will still work13:29
cjwatsonif you want to minimise retesting time, then just imx5113:29
loolWe need to test all anyway13:29
lool(Why wouldn't booting work?)13:30
cjwatsonbootloader configuration would need to point to the right kernel ...13:30
cjwatsonanyway, off to do housework13:30
loolcjwatson: What about -imx51?13:31
loolSorry, that was stupid13:31
loolActually it wasn't13:36
loolcjwatson: Using -imx51, -ixp4xx etc. would allow us to do multi-flavours images in the future if we ever needed to (which was actually an idea we had for a single armel livefs)13:37
loolSo there's the same risk of regressions, but we only lose the possibility of having different kernel versions for the same arch13:37
loolor subarch13:38
persialool, The trick is that one needs to mangle the image to make the multi-flavour image bootable on the target flavour.13:42
persiaProbably saves space over pushing images for each flavour to cdimage, but still.13:43
loolpersia: It's already useful if we can do a single buildlive and host a single livefs for all flavours13:43
persia/lib/modules/* aside, yes.13:44
persianevermind: seems we already have cooperative kernels.13:44
loolI had the /vmlinuz link in mind personally13:47
loolBug #35904913:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359049 in linux "imx51 udeb hardcodes linux version in vmlinuz binary name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35904913:48
persiaUm, images for *every* arch are built on cdimage.ubuntu.com.  MInd you, the live images for some arches fail so miserably that they are commented out (I think).13:49
persiaBut anyway, I think vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-imx51 maps nicely to vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic, and that it's just the target of the symlink that needs changing.13:50
persiaAlthough your option D sounds interesting.13:50
persiaIt might be interesting to check the ports kernel udebs, and see what happens there as well.13:52
persiaI'd think powerpc would be the most interesting, as we do two flavours of powerpc images.13:52
loolpersia: There's no vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic currently13:53
loolPPC doesn't change anything, because the two flavours are in two images13:54
loolIt's only of interest when we want to build a single image with a single livefs, but booting two kernels13:54
loolps3 has a different livefs13:54
* persia blesses d-i for supporting emacs keybindings13:55
loolFull images for every arch are built on cdimage, but d-i images are built by debian-installer13:55
persialool, I see the issue now.  I agree that it's a bug.  I'm not sure which of option B or option D is correct, although I still prefer option D.14:09
loolI fear that changing linux + d-i + cdimage is too much before release14:11
persiaI share your fear.  The risk of having d-i not work during this time of greatest testing is too high.14:13
cjwatsonlool: up to you14:39
cjwatsonI'm about to go out to church so don't really have time to think about it now14:39
cjwatson"-imx51" as the suffix sounds pretty reasonable to me14:40
cjwatsonlivefses are not directly relevant here since we're talking about the udebs14:40
loolI think I'm going to recommend only renaming imx51 to -imx51 or not doing anything this cycle14:50
loolBased on the fact that probably all flavours except imx51 and perhaps versatile will be dropped next cycle14:51
loolcjwatson: So we don't touch anything and we keep the names with the version for jaunty16:06
xivuloncjwatson I will be away next week, I am not aware of any annoying bug left (there are a couple of ui glitches only), feel free to send me an email if anything turns up16:08
xivulonr120 is the one that should be used16:08
cjwatsonlool: ok17:16
davmor2cjwatson: wubi-r120.exe works very well infact :)17:26
shtylmancjwatson: while fixing the bug, I think I have found another (not cause by me). .. I run ubiquity (kde or gtk one...doesn't matter) and even though I select "No" to unmount my current disk, that disk still shows up as both the resize choice and the use entire disk choice...I am thinking that is not the desired behavior..??18:57
shtylmancjwatson: lp:~shtylman/ubiquity/autopartition <-- fix for the partition bug, I want to do some more cleanup to make the kde side match the gtk side a bit more, but I went ahead and pushed that branch for the bugfix19:13
davmor2shtylman: did you make a change to the colour of the default kubuntu partition?19:23
shtylmandavmor2: not exactly sure what you mean...but no...not that I am aware of... (change from what version?)19:23
davmor2shtylman: the grey that is currently displayed makes it look like an empty drive.19:23
shtylmanDaviey: I see...what would you recommend? I can change it very easily...19:25
shtylmandavmor2: ^ my bad19:26
davmor2shtylman: ubuntu got changed to orange so the obvious would be blue19:26
shtylmandavmor2: ok...you don't happen to know the rgb? for that blue do you :)19:27
davmor2shtylman: rgb or html code?19:29
shtylmandavmor2: either or...they are the same19:29
davmor2try 1125e7 see what you think19:29
davmor2shtylman: it might be a bit dark19:30
shtylmandavmor2: seems a bit off...I will ask in the kubuntu-devel channel for the official color...I am sure someone knows...19:35
davmor2shtylman: probably a better move :)19:36
kwwiifor those interested, here is the latest design of the time zone map http://sinecera.de/time_zones.png  ...not signed off yet though20:42
shtylmankwwii: nice21:06
charlie-tcaI like that, kwwii21:13
kwwiithnx, hopefully that will be accepted and included in jaunty :-)21:19
cjwatsonshtylman: mm, it's sort of questionable because if the mounted filesystem is something other than the installation medium (which it must be, I think, otherwise you wouldn't see this behaviour) then the user might well choose to unmount it21:26
cjwatsonshtylman: I don't think I'll risk changing this for jaunty, but do file a bug on partman-base with more details if it bothers you21:26
shtylmancjwatson: will do...my only concern was that even though I said no to unmount, it seems like the installer will install onto my main disk. This was not how it behaved before and would never use the main disk that currently has root on it21:28
cjwatsonwell, it doesn't do anything unless you tell it that it can21:29
cjwatsonthis was a response to a number of other bugs and the balance is rather delicate, which is why I don't just want to go ahead and fix it21:30
cjwatsonhappy to review it for karmic21:30
shtylmancjwatson: I understand...so what will happen if I proceeed with the install even though I didn't unmount? will it install over or error out?21:30
cjwatsonit'll change the partition table and then error (unfortunately)21:31
cjwatsonyou should use manual partitioning if you don't like the available automatic choices21:31
cjwatsonshtylman: the resize choice is known to only offer one disk, but surely the "use entire disk" choice should have a drop-down or radio button or something that lets you pick a disk21:32
cjwatsonthanks for the branch; I'll merge that now21:33
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r3210 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py): merge from lp:~shtylman/ubiquity/autopartition21:33
shtylmancjwatson: right...ok, cool, I guess it will be something to think about for karmic21:34
cjwatsonshtylman: assuming that you have more than one disk in your test setup, does the "use entire disk" option let you select a disk in Kubuntu?21:34
shtylmancjwatson: yes21:35
cjwatsonok, phew21:35
cjwatsonthat's something, at least21:35
shtylmancjwatson: currently it uses radio buttons like we did before, but I think I might change it to drop down like in the gtk one, thoughts?21:35
shtylmancjwatson: yea...I make sure to test in virtual machines with many disks to try and catch weird outlying behaviors21:35
cjwatsonthe change to drop-down was to work better with smaller screen sizes21:36
shtylmanas I figured21:36
cjwatsonso up to you but generally consistency between the frontends seems like a good idea, unless local HIGs say otherwise21:36
cjwatsonI wouldn't change it for jaunty though21:36
shtylmanthats why I asked...probly a bit late in the game for such a change21:37
cjwatsonkwwii: so is this purely colour changes?21:37
cjwatsonkwwii: any chance I could have a branch with updates to the images in pixmaps/timezone/ in lp:~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk ?21:38
cjwatsonI've not touched this before and Evan is away ...21:38
kwwiicjwatson: yes, these are color changes and some slight tweaks to the local time overlay (the placement of the dot in respect to the box and the exact color of the box as well as, if it is not hard to do a slight shadow behind the box21:39
kwwiicjwatson: sorry to bug you on a holiday but this was important to me21:39
kwwiithis version is my design so I want to wait until mark signs off on it. I sent him an email earlier this evening21:40
cjwatsonkwwii: I haven't touched this code *at all* and really have no clue how to do so - I'm happy to merge a branch but can't realistically do it myself21:40
kwwiiI think I will go ahead and make the 30 or so pics in case he does21:40
cjwatson(plus this is the main religious holiday of the year, I'm definitely not doing any serious work even if it is a Mark request)21:40
kwwiiwell, I made the last pics and I assume that just updating them would be enough...I can look at the stuff in bzr and figure that out pretty easy21:41
kwwiicjwatson: right, that has been quite hard for me to explain to my wife as well21:41
cjwatsonjust updating the pictures should be fine for the colours; the box stuff requires code21:41
kwwiiI might look into the cairo code to see how he is offsetting the dot...it is probably not rocket science and I've seen this stuff before...maybe I can be of help in that respect as well21:42
cjwatsonit's in either ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py or ubiquity/segmented_bar.py, probably spread across both21:42
kwwiior offsetting the box, as the case may be21:43
cjwatsonoh, or else ubiquity/timezone_map.py21:43
cjwatsonright, look for "def do_expose_event" in the latter21:43
cjwatsonand "def rounded_rectangle" in ubiquity/segmented_bar.py, would be my guess21:44
kwwiiexcellent, thanks for the help21:44
kwwiiis there some easy way to build this and test it?21:44
cjwatsonTBH the easiest way by far is to boot a live CD and make the changes on the fly (in /usr/lib/ubiquity/) before starting the installer21:45
kwwiiI can do a lot of stuff, but it has been a while since I built a whole distribution :p21:45
cjwatsonsince it's all Python that's a lot easier than building yourself a custom live CD21:45
cjwatsonI think Evan actually makes most of his code changes that way and then copies them out, which does occasionally mean he loses stuff when his live CD crashes ;-)21:46
kwwiiso if I boot into it and make the necessary changes before starting the install process it will apply without any extra effort?21:46
kwwiilol, I can imagine21:46
superm1that's the same way i make changes too, but i've learned to scp it out regularly when possible21:46
kwwiiin this case, it is the perfect way to test these changes without bogging down in extra work21:47
cjwatsonI make the changes outside and then copy them in, largely21:54
cjwatsonkwwii: without any extra effort> right21:54
cjwatsonkwwii: if you need to test how it looks in "Install Ubuntu" mode as well, running 'ubiquity --only' from the command line is a not entirely terrible approximation21:55
kwwiicjwatson: excellent, thanks for the info and sorry again for interupting good friday...it would be a really good friday if mark replied and said he liked it :p21:55
cjwatsonshould at least deal with fullscreening it, anyway21:55
cjwatsonkwwii: but that would be convenient ;-)21:56
cjwatsonit's not your fault, I know21:56
cjwatsonkwwii: fortunately (from your POV) there are a couple of other changes we need to make to ubiquity anyway before release, so there is an opportunity for piggybacking21:57
kwwiigreat. I will work on making the pixmaps tonight and then on the other bits tomorrow21:57
kwwiicjwatson: that is the best news all day :)21:57
shtylmanI have found that mounting my non-virtual drive in ssh in the live environment and the making symlinks works great to prevent data loss :)21:58
kwwiiI assumed I could make a backup, then change things, see if it worked, do a diff if it does, copy that to a USB stick, apply it to my bzr branch21:59
kwwiierm, well, pixmaps don't diff well22:00
kwwiibut you get the point22:00
kwwiiare the pixmaps UU encoded or such?22:00
kwwiiguess not22:01
cjwatsonno, just plain png files22:03
cjwatsonI assumed you'd want to change the pixmaps outside the live environment anyway, to save you having to install your favourite image editor inside the live CD22:03
cjwatsonit'd probably be a lot faster22:03
kwwiicjwatson: right, that was a stupid question and I would have figured it out myself anyway...thanks for the all the info and help. I will be in touch :-)22:06
shtylmancjwatson: you going to UDS?22:24
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