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_Groo_hi/2 all.. any motu alive?01:46
_Groo_im having trouble with webkit and java in kubuntu01:49
_Groo_aparently the java plugin (sun) doesnt work with both libwebkit and qt 4.5. both midori and arora cant run the plugin, midori says is misses a symbol01:56
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_Groo_eya all02:40
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_Groo_any motu alive?02:43
cypher1is there anyway i can help to get the fix for bug 188468 in intrepid ? there is a debdiff already attached by someone else in the bug, but i am not not seeing it in the ubuntu packages02:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188468 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany icon missing" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18846802:45
SnovaHow would one go about requesting something be packaged?03:00
cypher1Snova: just curious to know is that a new package or a fix to an existing package ?03:03
SnovaNew package.03:05
jdongSnova: generally wave-the-wand package christmas lists don't produce much effect; would you be interested in packaging it? :)03:06
SnovaI don't even know how. :) Somebody else asked if something could get packaged, I was going to tell him after finding out here. :P03:06
cypher1maybe raise a bug with the url of the package homepage may get it to the next release ?03:07
persiaWell, only if someone happens to find the bug and want to package it.03:08
persiaThe general rule is that the person who wants to package something decides what will be packaged.03:08
persiaThis rule is sometimes called doocracy03:08
cypher1persia: how about bug 188468.. someone has uploaded a debdiff too.. how can i help to get that into intrepid ?03:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188468 in epiphany-browser "Epiphany icon missing" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18846803:10
persiacypher1, The patch provided actually makes the file violate the specification.03:11
persiaI'm certain that isn't the correct fix.03:11
persiaIt's probably a missing call to dh_icons or something.  As I never encountered that issue in Intrepid, and used it for about 9 months, I doubt anyone would consider it important enough for SRU.03:12
persia(and I use epiphany-browser by preference, so I ought be affected)03:13
cypher1persia: but wouldnt these kind of bugs gets fixed and made available on intrepid-updates ? or is it as you say because of not being very important ?03:14
persiaWell, the provided patches actually violate the spec, so they'd likely get ignored or rejected.03:14
persiaBut, yes, I don't think this is important enough for -updates (because I never saw it, and used epiphany every day in intrepid for many months).03:15
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persiaBut I'm not one of the people who decides whether something is important enough, so I may be mistaken.03:15
cypher1persia: ok thanks.. i have this problem and i think i say some others reporting too03:15
jdongSnova: I guess technically the process is to open a bug against Ubuntu wishing for the package to be made, but it probably is like throwing a penny down the well (minus the dead mollusks)03:15
persiaThe problem is that it isn't in the menu at all, or that the icon is ugly until you restart the session?03:15
jdongSnova: Better to find someone interested in learning packaging to take up the job03:16
Snovajdong: More or less what I said. Thanks.03:16
cypher1persia: for me it is not there in menu.. i have restarted many times after that03:16
persiacypher1, OK.  Do you see it as disabled if you edit the menu?03:17
cypher1persia: ah.. i do see multiple entries for it in menu editor. epiphany browser and epiphany browser (gecko) and one of them has the show enabled03:19
persiaAnd it doesn't show?03:19
cypher1no.. i tried checking the other also and now it has shown up03:20
cypher1let me deselect what i have just done and see whether it goes away03:20
persiahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/epiphany-browser/+bug/201224/comments/6 could probably use some more investigation.03:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 201224 in epiphany-browser "epiphany has no menue entry in Hardy" [Low,Invalid]03:20
persiaPerhaps there's some way to change the menu handling infrastructure, but that's too much change for -updates: it would be for some future release.03:20
cypher1persia: i deselected the one i selected but the menu changed but the earlier one epiphany browser still shows03:21
cypher1so it seems my problem is solved03:21
cypher1persia: thank you very much03:21
persiacypher1, I didn't do anything, and the problem isn't fixed.  Check the comment link above: there's a race condition, and it ought be soluable.03:22
persiaJust needs someone to dig into it.  I suspect your dpkg log has useful information to help understand it, so you're in a better position than most of us to track down the bug.03:23
cypher1persia: sorry i was away.. sure i will try to find the root cause..03:53
persiacypher1, Good luck: there's a lot of reasons it's nice to have .desktop files in different packages than binaries: right now most people simply duplicate the .desktop file in lots of places, which is wasteful.03:55
cypher1ok! can i contact you if i need to have some help on this bug ?03:56
persiaI don't know much about it: I'd recommend asking for help in #ubuntu-desktop once you understand the race condition.03:57
cypher1ok sure.. thanks!03:57
artfwoHi! After a sponsored package upload I've got a lot of e-mails with subjects like "Import problem - Galician (gl) - inkscape in Ubuntu Jaunty package "inkscape"" - what can I do with those?04:00
artfwoIs it safe to ignore them, or can something be done?04:01
dtchenthose look like translation issues04:01
dtchengenerally you'd want to fix those04:05
artfwowell, here's what launchpad said: "To fix this problem, please upload the file again, but with the 'PO-04:06
artfwoRevision-Date' field updated."04:06
artfwobut PO-revision-date field is normally updated when a translation is revised04:06
artfwoso, if a translation is unchanged, there is no sense in bumping revision-date?04:07
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geserimbrandon: are you there for the MC meeting in #ubuntu-meeting?08:44
savvasisn't there a lintian rule check about .desktop that have to be in the same binary package with the binary they represent?08:57
persiasavvas, Yes, but like any lintian rule, it's not always correct (just usually correct, for most packages, most of the time).08:57
persiaIn the case where a given .desktop file has a very large number of translations, and long strings, it's nice to have it be in a -common package, to save archive space.08:58
savvasah so it's not based on a debian policy :)08:58
persiaBut that means that it's subject to the race condition that causes the previously described bug.08:58
persiaUm, well, policy follows practice, so it's somewhat murky.08:59
savvasis there anything someone could do about bug 201224?08:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201224 in epiphany-browser "epiphany has no menue entry in Hardy" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20122408:59
savvaslogging out and back in leaves the user misguided08:59
persiaAs I explained earlier, all the patches presented actually break things more.08:59
persiaPlus, it's probably not important enough for an SRU.09:00
savvasit's not just hardy unfortunately, it's in jaunty as well09:00
savvasit's that "race condition" between packages sebastian bacher explained09:01
persiaRight, but adding the deprecated "Application" to Categories doesn't address that.09:01
persiaThe two ways to address it are 1) put the .desktop file in the package with the binaries, or 2) fix the menu system to not be broken.09:02
persiaAnd 2) can be done in several different ways, of which I think processing through triggers is the least broken.09:02
savvas2 sounds like a good way of fixing it09:03
persiaThat's what I thought :)  Mind you, it probably needs to be for Karmic, as it's invasive.09:04
savvasdo you happen to know what handles the registration of desktop files? update-desktop-database ?09:04
savvassure, I don't mind, as long as in the near future (my) users have the package available the minute it's installed :)09:05
persiaI think that only processes the MIME entries.09:06
savvasok I'll look into it a bit more09:06
savvasthanks for the tip!09:06
persiaGood luck.09:06
savvassomething tells me I'll need it :P09:07
iulianIs there any configuration tool for notifications?09:56
jpdsiulian: The configuration for notifications for each app are in the apps options themselves.09:59
iulianAh-ha, thanks.10:00
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quadrisprohi guys, anyone release manager here?10:56
persiaquadrispro, You might try #ubuntu-release10:56
quadrisprothanks persia10:57
zoraelHow long does it take for a "fixed" package to hit jaunty repositories? OpenJDK has a bug that makes the IcedTea plugin not work at all (just maxes cpu), supposedly fixed in a newer version (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu5) as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-6/+bug/344705, but it doesn't seem to be in the repos11:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 344705 in openjdk-6 "IcedTea Plugin Doesnt Work" [High,Fix released]11:20
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mok0zorael: that depends how often the mirror updates the repo11:31
mok0zorael: it hit's Ubuntu's main archive within an hour or so11:33
zoraelmok0: okay, thanks, launchpad post was ~19h ago so should pop up soon then11:40
socflashplugin-installer requires nspluginwrapper and ia32-libs on amd64, should i file a bug about it?11:42
persiasoc, Well, does the flashplugin it installs require those?11:45
persiaThen it's probably worth a bug.  I thought we were recommending people install adobe-flashplugin anyway.11:46
socflashplugin.installer installs the newest alpha refresh which runs native on 64bit11:46
socpersia: adobe-flashplugin doesn't ecist, but flashplugin-installer uses the binary from adobe11:47
persiasoc, It's a free/non-free thing.  adobe-flashplugin pulls a binary from adobe.  http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/ contains packaging of adobe's player under license.11:49
socah ... ok weird ...11:50
persiaMInd you, some people may want the "free-ness" of having an open code download, but others may trust Canonical's packaging.11:50
socmhh, there is now package for amd64 in canonical's archive11:50
persiaWell, it's because Debian needs flashplugin-installer, because nobody (to my knowledge) has an agreement with adobe to distribute flash for Debian, so we import it.11:51
persiaOh, hrm.  Dunno.11:51
socimo, we should fix the dependencies of flashplugin-installer11:51
persiaI think both should be fixed, but fixing the Canonical archive is outside the scope of this channel :)11:51
socthat's not about canonical's archive11:52
socit's in universe11:52
persiaSo, fix the one you can fix, and let others fix the other :)11:52
socit has wrong dependencies, which results in 128 mb wasted11:53
persiaI just remembered reading somewhere that Canonical's flash packaging was recommended, as it was a normal package, rather than being a downloader (and I also remember *many* complaints about flashplugin-installer being broken because adobe changed something on their site).11:53
socyes, that might be true11:54
socbut canonical has no amd64 package!11:55
persiaRIght,  Like I said, you probably want to fix flashplugin-installer, and let someone else fix adobe-flashplugin.11:55
persiaAt least one of the two should work11:55
socyes, that's what i do11:56
persiaMind you, I'm being a bit hypocritical, as I use gnash, but still.11:56
jpdssoc: There is no amd64 package for it as it's considered 'unstable'.11:58
socyepp, so people _must_ use the package from universe ...11:59
persiajpds, That's adobe-flashplugin, or flashplugin-installer pulling the 32-bit version?11:59
jpdspersia: Both.11:59
persiasoc, Based on that, I'd say that the dependencies aren't the bug: that it's not downloading the 32-bit version in the bug.12:00
socpersia: huh?12:00
persiasoc, from the above, I have the impression that flashplugin-installer is supposed to pull the 32-bit version, because of the apparent stability of the 64-bit version.12:02
soc1afaik there is no 32bit version that 64bit alpha prerelease ...12:03
jpdssoc1: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/04/09/%23ubuntu-devel.html look 19:40 onwards.12:03
pmjdebruijnthus far the 64bit flash player has worked great over here :)12:03
* pmjdebruijn thinks it's a share it's not packaged12:03
jpdsSee log!12:03
soc1ok, let me see if i understand that:12:04
soc1a) the version we use is unstable b) so we use the 32bit binary pulling 128mb of 32bit libraries + nspluginwrapper c) we hope that's more stable than using the 64bit binary12:05
pmjdebruijnseems so12:07
soc1mhh, is there a tool to find out if a binary is a 1386 or a amd64 binary?12:09
pmjdebruijnsoc1: file?12:09
pmjdebruijntry file12:10
pmjdebruijnanyway, too bad there aren't two packages12:10
soc1"file" worked ... -> 32bit12:10
persiasoc, Which means the dependencies are correct after all.  Bug belongs to adobe: maybe they will fix it for the next cycle.12:11
soc1i wonder how that should be maintained ...12:11
soc1persia: ok12:11
soc1i guess i build me the package for personal use ...12:12
soc1manually copying things to /usr/lib/mozilla is not the way i like it ... although it works at least12:13
pmjdebruijnanyway, the current 32bit flash can't be maintained by anybody other than adobe as well, so that point is very moot12:16
soc1pmjdebruijn: i meant the whole ia32 and nspluginwrapper mess around it ...12:40
persiasoc1, That's known unmaintainable.  Various people keep talking about adjusting the relevant rules files to build an ia32 variant of the libraries on amd64, but nobody every does enough of them.12:44
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soc1mhh, how long does it take until an upload to my ppa appears in launchpad?12:57
pmjdebruijnsoc1: yeah, but the point was, because the 64bit plugin isn't official, it can be maintained, but any binary blob can't be maintained... so wether it's beta or not... the point is moot... not even considering the nspluginwrapper mess around it12:57
soc1yes ... i understand, it's hard to get something right, if people have different views on that matter12:58
soc1i just took tha package modified it to suit my needs and i'm happy with it ...12:59
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t325Hello, I'm trying to build mysql-5.1.33 from the generic source code on an Ubuntu box (not sure of the version, it's an EC2 box) with OpenSSL; cannot figure out which value I have to pass to --with-ssl= in the configure statement (--with-openssl doesn't exist anymore in the last MySQL 5.1 releases, you have to specify the path where to find the OpenSSL libs). Have the openssl package installed.13:22
t325btw is here the right place to ask?13:22
persiaProbably not :)13:22
persiaYou might try looking in the debian/rules file of the packaged mysql server to see what happens there.13:22
persiaYou might try asking in #ubuntu-server, but I don't know if they support that.13:23
persiaYou might try asking in #mysql or similar fora13:23
t325I am trying to add new functionality to MySQL and would like to test it on Ubuntu.13:24
t325the default tree builds fine with bundled yaSSL lib, but I need OpenSSL13:24
persiaright.  That's a great goal.  I'm just not sure of the best place for you to get your questions answered.13:25
t325What is the channel for developing apps on Ubuntu?13:25
persiaI don't think there's any channel that specifically provides support for developing on Ubuntu13:25
persiaThere's several channels that specifically don't, and many of them would send you to #ubuntu, but I'm not sure the folk there can help either, as most of them concentrate on support for using Ubuntu, rather than developing on it.13:26
persiaThat's why I suggest #ubuntu-server, as probably the closest.13:26
t325ok thanks13:26
persiaAt least it's the team that maintains mysql in Ubuntu, so you may find someone with a kindred interest.13:26
persiaOr somewhere in #mysql-* in case it's more on the development side, and less on the Ubuntu side.13:27
t325no, it is Ubuntu-specific13:27
persiaYeah, then the server channel is probably the closest.13:27
persiaIt might be worth starting a "Developing on Ubuntu" channel.  Something like #ubuntu-app-devel13:28
persiaBut I doubt you'd find that many people there today (but it would be good for next time).13:28
t325yes, that would be fine.. but in fact there must be some private canonical channel about it - they just seem to have decided not to do it in public13:30
persiaI doubt it.13:33
persiaMost of the packages in Ubuntu are pulled from somewhere else.13:33
soc1ok, if someone wants native 64bit flash, here it is: https://launchpad.net/~soc-krg-nw/+archive/ppa package was built now13:34
t325persia: I found this explanation for doing it on Debian Etch http://talkingcode.co.uk/2007/11/12/error-2026-hy000-ssl-connection-error-the-joy-of-mysql-ssl-on-debian/ ; could you provide me some hints to adapt it to Ubuntu?13:34
persiat325, I'm really not an expert with either mysql or openssl.13:35
persiaI'd expect it to be mostly the same, although intrepid is closer to lenny than etch.13:36
t325ok thanks; will try #openssl, maybe they know/care about having their stuff work with MySQL on Ubuntu..13:37
persiaGood luck.  Sorry I don't know more to help you.13:37
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Adri2000asac: what's the rationale for renaming flashplugin-nonfree two weeks before the final release?15:51
imbrandonmorning all15:52
nhandlerHi imbrandon15:52
directhexis there a package for the 64-bit plugin yet?15:52
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soc1directhex: yes16:34
soc1i made one, a few hours ago ... https://launchpad.net/~soc-krg-nw/+archive/ppa16:35
directhexi kinda meant in the real archive16:38
soc1probably for 9.1016:39
soc1i wouldn't expect, that they would change that in the middle of 9.0416:39
bdmurrayWhat should happen with something like bug 358608?17:37
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/358608/+text)17:37
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leonelscottK for the  intrepid/hardy clamav  security updates what is the plan   backport from Jaunty the packages or apply the patches to the Intrepid,Hardy clamav packages ...18:36
leonelscottK  in the debian-clamav list there are the patches for 0.94-dfsg2 version18:36
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hggdha question -- the .la files should belong to the -dev or the normal (run-time) packages?19:53
Laneydon't package them19:55
Laney(in general)19:56
chrisccoulsonbut if they are packaged, they tend to go in -dev19:57
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DawnLighthello. is this an ok place to ask for a small project to be packaged?21:38
LaneyDawnLight: not really, filing a needs-packaging bug on launchpad is21:41
DawnLightLaney: any docs on that, please?21:42
directhexand it'd better be an interesting project, or nobody's going to want to give away their time to you for free to work on it21:49
directhexoh, he ran away21:49
sebnerdirecthex: you scared him :P21:49
savvashow rude!21:59
savvasRainCT: is there any chance you might implement a backports parameter for build/create of pbuilder-dist? :)21:59
directhexRainCT is going to UDS, is he not?22:01
RainCTsavvas: Good idea, patches welcome :)22:01
RainCTdirecthex: Yep22:01
directhexRainCT, yay! you can buy me cake! :p22:01
savvashey it's python!22:02
savvasI'll see what I can do22:02
savvasRainCT: license the cake as GPL, so directhex must share it with everyone :P22:03
directhexsavvas, just don't relicense from lgpl2.1 to gpl322:04
RainCTWhy would I buy directhex a cake? o_O22:06
* hyperair wants cake too22:06
directhexRainCT, for awesomeness in the face of duty22:06
directhexRainCT, and to celebrate my being at UDS22:10
RainCTHeh. Get Mono out of Ubuntu and you have a chance... :D22:11
* RainCT runs22:11
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savvaswhat happened to epiphany-webkit?23:37
directhexit's hiding?23:39
savvasno seriously, it was in jaunty :p23:40
savvasah wait23:42
jpdssavvas: Best ask seb about that (re: 2.25.91-0ubuntu1 upload).23:42
savvas    - don't build a webkit variant the upstream tarball doesn't allow doing now,23:42
savvas      this version uses gecko and the next one will use webkit (lp: #317305)23:43
savvasfound it!23:43
savvasnow that's a tiny cute smile :)23:44

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