[00:06] Seeker`, thank you. [01:22] In #ubuntu, Wavesonics said: !boot is not what I'm looking for i don't think :/ [01:55] LjL: Did that o4o make any sense to you? [01:58] genii: hmm? i wasn't following -ot to begin with, until i got highlighted by !o4o getting called in the first place [01:59] LjL: I seemed to be a non-sequitur [02:00] Hm [02:00] *It [02:01] genii, err, i'm not following you [02:01] bah [02:02] try explaining it again with more coffee in your body. or less. [02:38] ogre called the ops in #ubuntu (freez3) [02:40] what was the spam for? [02:41] elky [03:39:38] Download music for free at www.freez3.blogspot.com [02:50] hes klined now, fwiw [02:50] ty === bluesmoke__ is now known as Amaranth [06:25] Mez, you're still opped in #ubuntu [06:25] @login [06:25] The operation succeeded. [06:32] /msg ChanServ op #ubuntu -Mez ;) [06:52] wonder if mopyo is zigga15 [10:37] @mark #ubuntu reid persistant attitude - could not accept not swearing [10:37] The operation succeeded. [10:38] umm [10:38] hi [10:38] uhh [10:38] hello! [10:38] high [10:39] @mark imachine ban dodging threats in pm [10:39] The operation succeeded. [10:39] @mark #ubuntu imachine ban dodging threats in pm [10:39] The operation succeeded. [10:39] ban dodging threats? [10:39] excuse me [10:39] why was I banned? [10:39] 10:38 don't worry, I have plenty more hostnames. [10:39] I do have plnty more hostnames to spare. [10:39] ofcourse I do [10:39] but I wouldn't call saying that a "threat" [10:39] this is linux, if you want me to change my IP and my MAC address I can.... [10:39] reid: you where banned as 1.) you could not stop using the wtf phrase 2.) you think that because you have helped the rules don't apply 3.) your parting comment [10:40] !staff | reid and imachine [10:40] reid and imachine: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) [10:40] since in no way have I mentioned that I plan on using it. [10:40] ikonia: where did you come from.. I have been here for 4 hours helping ubuntu users [10:40] reid: so ? [10:40] ikonia: I spend ALOT of my time here.. [10:40] reid: so ? [10:40] ikonia, so a silly wtf is more valuable than helping new people? [10:40] reid: if you spend a lot of your time here you should know that language is not needed, and you should also know you can stop [10:40] ikonia: uhh so I find it wrong that you can ban me just because I say a simple abbreviation? [10:40] like we both said, wtf is not actually using a word. [10:40] reid: how many times did I ask you to stop ? [10:41] it's an abbreviation [10:41] nota swear words. [10:41] ikonia: once? [10:41] ikonia, twice [10:41] reid: and did you keep arguing it ? [10:41] what he did was not continue saying it [10:41] but discuss it [10:41] you just went right ahead and kicked him out [10:41] that's not how a person with ops ought to behave mind you [10:41] and I have been using irc since 2001 [10:41] ikonia: I was disccusing it because I thought you were being kind of ridiculous [10:41] so I guess I know what I'm talking about [10:42] reid: I asked you to stop [10:42] and it wasn't only reid that found it ridiculous mind you. [10:42] reid: you kept going [10:42] ikonia: and I did? [10:42] imachine, if I'm banned again.. meet me in #eeepc-ot [10:42] imachine: I'm not interested if the world found it ridiculous - it's the channels policy [10:42] ... [10:42] he said what the fudge [10:42] guys - go play else where [10:42] is that keep on going? [10:42] im not playing.. [10:42] its 4:30 AM where I live [10:43] no, I don't think so. you asked me to discuss it here with a PM I didn't even request [10:43] I find enjoyment.. in helping ubuntu users [10:43] so here I am and wish to discuss it [10:43] if you kick me out of here too, that's just as ridiculous as the banning and kicking of useful users you played off in #ubuntu moments ago [10:43] imachine: ok - here is the discussion. It's the channels policy to not use phrases like "wtf" - don't use it, it's that simple [10:43] we're in no way trolls or abusive. [10:43] I used its ONCE [10:43] ikonia, and we're here to discuss it [10:43] a SINGLE time [10:43] imachine: I'm explaining the policy [10:44] ikonia, and I'm leveraging the sense behind it [10:44] ok, that is the policy, I'm a VERY helpful user, and I find it ridiculous that you BANNED me [10:44] based on previous events [10:44] if you do not want people contributing to #ubuntu [10:44] reid: I don't care if your Mark Shuttleworth helpful - that doesn't make it ok to keep saying it [10:44] that is fine [10:44] what's the point of laws if they do more damage than good? [10:44] oh, I must've said it recently? [10:45] scroll up? [10:45] the channel policy is to keep family friendly [10:45] imachine: most people can respect it, it would be a problem - just don't use "wtf" - it's that simple [10:45] yes.. ok fine it is that simple [10:45] unban me [10:45] so I can help people [10:45] ? [10:45] I dont care if I can't say "wtf" [10:45] exactly [10:46] how about gtfo [10:46] I want to be able to go into #ubuntu [10:46] that's besides the point [10:46] reid: if you don't care - stop using it [10:46] what did I just say? [10:46] reid: calm down first of all [10:46] I find this ridiculous [10:46] reid, I think he wants you to put stars instead of wtf even if you talk about using the abbreviation itself ;-) [10:46] reid: please understand it's not just "wtf" - the abreviations of any language isn't called for [10:46] find [10:47] I will put stars [10:47] reid: please ignore imachine he's making it worse [10:47] ikonia, sorry, I'm having a laugh ;p [10:47] the abbreviations of any language = *** ********** ** *** ******** [10:47] reid: no - stars are not acceptable, I understand you're using it in here to explain yourself so don't worry [10:47] lol ok [10:47] ok - mess around else where [10:47] ikonia, I think you're being a bit too serious mate [10:47] this conversation is over [10:47] so I'm banned [10:47] ? [10:47] yes [10:48] why? [10:48] I'm not discussing this futher while you both want to mess around [10:48] I said "wtf" once, and "gtfo" once [10:48] look, just unban the man, he hasn't done anything wrong. [10:48] imachine: this is not your concern [10:48] imachine, go to eeepc-ot [10:48] ikonia, just as much as anybody elses, you made it my concern [10:48] ikonia, may I speak with you in the absence of imachine then? [10:48] I'm an eye witness [10:49] I think reid's being a bit more serious than me tho [10:49] I can part if you guys want to discuss privately [10:49] reid: the pair of you are just messing around - I'm not dicussing it while you're both just messing around [10:49] imachine, please part the channel if you have no more business here [10:49] bazhang, I have, but I can take it further, after reid's done talking. [10:49] imachine, this channel is logged and there are plenty of eyewitnesses [10:49] bazhang, right, sorry [10:50] forgot about that [10:50] ikonia: I am not messing around.. I want back in #ubuntu, because I was in the middle of helping people with ati drivers.. [10:50] ikonia: those people will just go back to windows because of poor ati support [10:50] reid: then consider how you talk to people when they are trying to resolve an issue [10:50] bazhang, so I'd like to be unbanned as well, but that's a different story. namely on the same grounds as reid. the only reason I got kicked off is because I disagreed with ikonia's way of solving the issue he had with reid. [10:50] I have considered [10:51] it could have very easily been solved civilly [10:51] however I was banned instantly [10:51] I said "wtf" once [10:51] reid: you where not [10:51] and "gtfo" once [10:51] reid: you still haven't grasped it [10:51] so have I. I think I speak for both reid and myself when I say we're mature people, just a bit on the edge (me more like it), but we do provide helpful advice. [10:51] these are VERY common phrases [10:51] and that's what its' all about. [10:51] reid: you said it multiples times, I asked you to stop, you kept going and then started with more rude abreviations [10:52] I will say it again-- I said "wtf" once [10:52] imachine: I strongly advise you to speak for yourself [10:52] and "gtfo" once [10:52] reid: don't make me pull up logs [10:52] ikonia, and I do [10:52] reid, that is not the point. the channel policies are clear on that point (ie keeping it family friendly) [10:52] reid: I'm TELLING you you said it more than one [10:52] once [10:52] I did not read the policies, I apologize [10:52] reid: ok - so lets take some time to read the policies [10:52] !coc > reid [10:52] reid, please see my private message [10:52] !guidelines > reid [10:53] ok, I understand, i cannot use any abbreviations that imply profanity [10:53] reid: they will give you an overview on what the #ubuntu channels generial idea of how to behave is [10:53] reid: please read the guidlines [10:54] im using irssi, I don't think I got them [10:54] !guidlines [10:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about guidlines [10:54] !guidelines [10:54] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [10:54] !coc [10:54] The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [10:54] there you go [10:54] ok, they are saved as a pdf [10:55] reid: great, have a read [10:55] can I please be unbanned? [10:55] its not like I'm vulgar [10:55] reid: no, read through the guidelines so you know how to behave in the channel and we dont arrive here again [10:55] I am trying to HELP people be a part of the community [10:55] reid: behaving is being part of the communtiy [10:56] and I am agreeing to behave.. I will not use abbreviations that imply profanity, and I will not explicity use profanity [10:56] and I will not insult other users [10:56] reid: please read the guidlines so you know the other rules [10:56] reid: you'll get an idea of what's acceptable and what's not [10:56] do I need to recite them to you? [10:56] reid: no - take a few hours to absorb them please. [10:56] a few hours.. [10:56] pleae. [10:56] its 4:30 AM my time [10:56] please [10:56] reid: ok - come back tommorow then [10:57] the 2 or 3 people I was helping at the tiem [10:57] time [10:57] just got shot down [10:57] reid: there are others, who can help them [10:57] ati drivers are not exactly rocket science [10:57] but they wont.. because I use the same graphics chipset as them [10:57] reid: no problem, I'll pick it up with them [10:58] I do not see how "wtf" and "gtfo" deserve banning. seriously [10:58] these abbreviations have been on usenet for 20 years [10:58] reid: it's the channels policy [10:58] I understand, and I didn't understand before [10:58] reid: and you where banned because you refused to stop - not becuased you use them [10:58] and I apologized [10:58] reid: yup, so read the rules and take them in so you don't end up in this situation again [10:59] so... how do I get unbanned? I call you on your cell phone when I have absorbed the rules? [10:59] or is there a timer.. [10:59] no, just pop in here tommorow [10:59] reid, come back tomorrow please [11:00] ikonia, so I've read the policys now, and under which one was I banned? disagreeing with you? I disagreed with channel policys. you invited me here. here I am, more or less happy to discuss the reasons. [11:00] what do I have to do to get unbanned now. [11:00] reid, it will prolly just automatically drop. [11:00] its not like I am going to go in there and shout wtf omg wtf gtfo [11:00] imachine: - please don't advise reid [11:00] reid, you wont be unbanned on demand. [11:00] reid, you can time-ban on freenode afaik. [11:00] reid: I suggest you ignore imachine - he is not giving you sound advice [11:00] reid: pop in tommorow and we'll talk it through [11:01] do you honestly think I care THAT much about helping other people? I was doing it out of generosity [11:01] I've been treated like a communisty in the 70's [11:01] communist that is [11:01] I can just as well help ati consumers in the #ati channel [11:01] I'm not going to come back tomorrow to beg to be unbanned [11:01] nor am I going to read pages and pages of rules just to get spammed by a bot [11:02] I was trying to help people [11:02] and that is the nature of ubuntu [11:02] you are obviously a very poor admin if you don't even understand the nature of ubuntu [11:02] imachine: join #eeepc-ot [11:02] just do it [11:02] reid, you are not making a case here. [11:02] =P [11:02] reid: you are making things worse [11:02] for who? [11:02] reid: yourself [11:02] I'm not the one who needs help [11:02] they are.. [11:02] reid: ok - then please leave the channel [11:03] reid, this is the channel policy. [11:03] and you obviously aren't helping them [11:03] what is the channel policy [11:03] reid: if there is nothing else to discuss please leave the channel [11:03] ikonia, right, can I get my story sorted then now please? [11:03] reid: the channels policy are the links you've been sent [11:03] reid, and no unbanning on demand. come back tomorrow to discuss please [11:03] !guidelines [11:03] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [11:03] imachine: two minutes please. [11:04] hmm, do you have a superior I can speak to? [11:04] possibly via e-mail? [11:04] she's in the channel [11:04] reid, just guideline'd [11:04] I understand the rules... [11:04] they are not hard to grasp [11:05] did you seriously expect me to read them before I /joined the channel? [11:05] then why did you not comply with them? [11:05] reid: ok - so come back tommorow and we'll finish this up [11:05] I don't want to come back tomorrow, I don't feel like contributing to a community that bans me for simply misunderstanding the rules [11:05] reid: ok - that's your choice [11:06] ok [11:06] so i'm banned forever? [11:06] reid, if there is nothing further then [11:06] reid: no, not at all you're welcome back to discuss it any time [11:06] imachine: join eeepc-ot [11:06] imachine: just do it =/ [11:06] reid: stop saying that [11:06] reid: leave the channel [11:06] I am going to leave the channel [11:06] thank you [11:07] but if I leave before he joins that channel [11:07] no [11:07] leave now [11:07] then its not like I can call him on his cell phone [11:07] that's not what this channel is for [11:07] please leave now [11:07] imachine: go for it [11:09] ikonia, well, I understand I leveraged authority here, but not necesarily the channel rules. I leveraged your request of not supporting what I thought was incorrect. You asked me to come here (via PM, the necessity of which is to be discussed, but that is another story, and I will to pass on it if we sort everything out with positive outcome), so here I am. no need to ban. [11:09] I take it fully in that you people have a big channel and need to keep it in order. [11:10] imachine: you where banned because I asked you to stop discussing it in channel, you carried on, I muted you, asked you in pm to stop and come in here to discuss it, I unmuted you and you carried on, so that's why you got banned [11:10] so authority is good to have. just as long as it's not abusive and allowing personal calls to trample the ideals of the organisation the channel stands for, in this case, Ubuntu [11:10] well I wasn't really discussing it. I just said it was uncalled for to ban me. [11:11] imachine: I asked you to stop - and you had to make another comment [11:11] I asked you privatley to come here, there was no need for another comment in the channel [11:11] so you where banned and forwarded here [11:11] ok [11:11] there was no abuse of authority. [11:11] bazhang, well, I questioned ikonia [11:11] bazhang, figured that's the abuse of authority I spoke of above [11:11] imachine: which you're welcome to do [11:11] so what happens now? [11:12] imachine: well you don't seem able to a.) follow peoples requests b.) respect the rules - so you can sit it out for a while [11:12] I'm not going to be as flexbile with you as you made it clear you didn't care about the ban as you had multiple hosts [11:12] bah, I have respect for rules if I find them understandable. [11:12] and reasonable. [11:12] and don't mess me around - you knew what you where saying with the "multiple hosts" comment [11:12] ikonia, everyone does, really. [11:13] ikonia, I respect bans tho, despite the ability of avoiding them. [11:13] ok - I'm not discussing symantics with you, you knew what you where saying to me [11:13] certainly, but ban evasion is not a wise choice. [11:13] I tkae a ban as a request to leave, kind one or not ;] [11:13] imachine, we're entitled to have rules that suit us, and our rules do suit us. if you disagree with our rules, you're welcome to leave. [11:13] I can respect that. [11:14] I do admit sitting in #ubuntu makes me feel warm and cozy inside at times. [11:14] and I wouldn't mind keeping that ability [11:14] with your consent. [11:14] so? sit it out? like, how long ? ;] don't make me beg now or anything. [11:15] no intention of making you beg at all, [11:15] I still stand by my ideas and so forth, but I do know that a channel is not just ops and policy [11:15] come back tommorow and have a 5 minute chat and we'll take if from there ? how does that sound [11:15] so I think we can coexist peacefully [11:15] come back in a day, without breaking Freenode rules in the mean time. [11:15] imachine: I am more than happy to chat about policy with you - as I explained before you where banned, [11:16] ikonia, how's tonight sound? [11:16] imachine: I respect everyone's opinion even those that disagree with the current policy [11:16] around 8pm UTC [11:16] imachine: nwah, 24 hours would be appeciated [11:16] i think debate should be left until after the current ban situation is resolved. [11:16] ikonia, yea, ban+forward is good. [11:16] imachine: that's why I ban forwarded you [11:17] ikonia, haven't noticed the forward, to be honest ;] [11:17] imachine: wasnt trying to block you - but just explain the situation [11:17] ikonia, that's why it prolly got a bit more heated. [11:17] ? [11:17] it got heated at your end because of your behaviour - [11:17] I haven't seen irssi making a new window [11:17] no other reason [11:17] yes [11:18] what irssi new window ? [11:18] but it's a different story when you just get kicked off and when you ge kicked off and invited to somewhere else. [11:18] I wasn't even aware you can ban and forward, tbh. [11:18] haven't used all those gizmodos freenode offers. [11:18] imachine: you got kicked off, and I sent you a PM to ask you to join here to discuss it - you then explained you can ban dodge and that your not 16 so I can do what I want [11:19] anyway [11:19] I'll see what I can do. I'm on vacation now, so I have some more free time catching up with IRC. [11:19] pop back in 24 hours and we can discuss it futher [11:19] amongst other things. [11:19] it's a holiday feast ahead tho, so don't loose your knickers if it takes me more than 24h ;-P [11:20] have a good one, [11:20] see you soon [11:20] bye [11:20] heads up in -ot [11:20] noted [11:20] windowsxp troll [11:20] @mark #ubuntu-ops imachine pain - soon changed his attitude [11:20] The operation succeeded. [11:21] those two where really odd as their attitude was like a light switch on/off [11:21] yep [11:27] egads, i thought aprilhare was a brit... [11:35] yay, 10 minute lag. so fun [11:36] n=a@c122-106-184-177.belrs3.nsw.optusnet.com.au <-- i wonder.... [11:37] it's thefeds [11:39] @mark #ubuntu-offtopic windowsxp_pro is likely thefeds [11:39] The operation succeeded. [12:31] mopoyo is giving all kinds of conflicting answers [12:32] kde logged him out into gnome, kde is not installed, and lots more random weirdness [12:33] heh. mopoyo is very l33t, found my realname when i warned him about language on -ot [12:33] ugh, i wish aprilhare would stop clinging [12:33] haha [12:33] i should be scared i guess! [12:34] I always thought aprilhare was a she [12:34] hehe topyli [12:34] hmm i also thought so bazhang [12:34] * Nafallo blames the Turtles [12:34] oof [12:36] i dont care which gender they are. every time i talk in there while they're paying attention, they direct a million questions at me about what i'm doing [12:37] thrue, the interest is borderline unhealthy [12:38] even i don't ask you questions all the time, and you know how much i love you! [12:39] speaking of australia, 70s ac/dc should be the dictionary definition of "rock" [12:40] +1 [12:45] hmm i seem to like it two much though. i have two copies of powerage and rhythmbox plays every song twice [12:46] "too much", although "two much" was't such a bad typo in this case [12:46] rhythmbox did that to my ipod when syncing it [12:46] oh maybe it has something to do with my phone sync then [13:33] ZeroKewl> yea get dreamlinux ZeroKewl> it installs the drivers auto for u [13:35] yeah, I saw that. the guy is getting frustrated... [13:36] seems to be trolling imo; claiming that ubuntu is like microsoft [13:37] bazhang: Im watching/dealing with him ;) [13:37] jussi01, noted :) [14:06] ikanobori> so I've had norwegian girls, swedish girls and danish girls [14:12] he is persistant with making that channel hostile to women, isnt he [14:13] well if by that you mean overtly and grossly sexist, then yes [14:13] yes, overtly and grossly sexist environments are hostile territory for women. if we feel the need to hide, then it's hostile [14:14] yep [14:14] approaching if not passing into open misogyny [14:14] no, it's not hatred he's displaying. it's just utter disregard [14:15] worse even [14:15] blatent utter disregard as a matter of rebellion? [14:16] complete objectification of women [14:17] well yeah. that's what i meant by disregard [14:17] ah okay [14:17] here they call it hua ping (flower vase) [14:33] anyone who knows assembly??? [14:34] *no one* knows assembly [14:34] haha [14:45] mikem will [14:46] or at least want to argue about it [14:47] i think i really does know 8086 assembly [14:47] yippeee.. [14:47] * jussi01 gets to go to ice hockey tonight :) [14:48] kärtpät vs jyp :D [15:00] #ubuntu-ot changes to #ubuntu-lion's_pit when a windows xp troll comes in [15:39] http://www.slash7.com/pages/vampires [15:44] :0 [15:46] @mark #ubuntu psychomantis!n=phobos@ trolling offtopic 'r u a bot?' [15:46] The operation succeeded. [15:50] ouch in #freenode [15:57] bazhang, the bacta comment? [15:57] elky, yep what lorez said to him [15:59] he's a known troublemaker [16:00] seems so. always craziness in that channel [16:01] heh [16:01] * Helder has quit (K-lined) [16:01] wrong channel to troll [16:23] polneu giving some very bad advice in #k [16:23] * ikonia puts eyes on #k [16:25] change feisty instances to intrepid ugh [16:25] 'of course it will work' [16:25] nah [16:26] quoting the polneu fellow [16:26] yup [17:01] Elda: Guess what else is pretty. [17:01] in -ot [17:31] 16:48:54 -!- xcdfgkjhgcv is now known as Samuel-NotAFK [17:31] 16:49:52 -!- Samuel-NotAFK is now known as xcdfgkjhgcv [17:31] aha! [17:31] that makes sense now [17:32] * popey didn't reliase these were one and the same [17:33] popey: Samuel-NotAFK is also banned from -uk? [17:34] he is [17:36] 16:48:54 -!- xcdfgkjhgcv is now known as Samuel-NotAFK [17:36] 16:49:24 < Samuel-NotAFK> FFS I'm banned from everywhere. [17:36] 16:49:52 -!- Samuel-NotAFK is now known as xcdfgkjhgcv [17:36] did make me smile [18:17] @bansearch xcdfgkjhgcv [18:17] No matches found for xcdfgkjhgcv!n=xcdfgjkh@host217-44-135-209.range217-44.btcentralplus.com in any channel [18:22] ikonia: try with Samuel-NotAFK [18:24] hello [18:24] I need to speak with someone about getting unbanned from #ubuntu [18:25] reid_: no you don't [18:26] oh [18:26] reid_: we said come back tommorow [18:26] it IS tomorrow for me [18:26] no it's not [18:26] ... yes it is [18:26] it was 4:00am your time when you last spoke to me [18:27] thats the night time, I didn't know you were so nitpicky about it actually being a different day [18:27] I went to sleep [18:27] I woke up [18:27] I ate breakfast [18:27] lol [18:27] I even went to class [18:27] when they say tomorrow they normally mean approx 24 hours later [18:28] I just still do not really see the reasoning for being banned just for saying "wtf"... how would one know you are not allowed to say that [18:28] people say it ALL the time in the channel [18:28] and I've never seen anyone get banned [18:29] reid_: a.) you where supposed to read the rules to know that, however I accept that you didn't b.) you didn't know, so I told you, you said it again, I told you again, you started off with omfg [18:29] nobody said it since you last did reid_ [18:29] reid_: do we really have to cover this again, I explained the situation [18:29] okay, one person has :) [18:29] and nobody had any socialist values once McCarthy started calling them commies and arresting them [18:29] lol [18:30] I told you before - if you can't discuss this without pointless/stupid comments, I won't take it futher forward [18:30] that wasn't a pointless comment, nor was it stupid [18:30] ok, this conversation ends [18:31] !idle | reid_ [18:31] reid_: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [18:31] wow.. [18:31] you didn't even give me like.. 30 seconds to leave [18:32] bye... I'll be back some..time tomorrow I suppose.. [18:32] I can't believe this though [18:32] @mark #ubuntu-ops reid_ unable to follow instructions, still got a smart mouth on him, I have refused to discuss it futher until he can discuss it without making smart comments [18:32] The operation succeeded. [18:33] madmartian called the ops in #ubuntu-server () [18:34] @bansearch Samuel-NotAFK [18:34] oh, I always forget to login [18:34] silly rabbit [18:34] @bansearch Samuel-NotAFK [18:34] No matches found for samuel-notafk!*@* in any channel [18:35] thats a suprise [18:36] not matching his ip [18:38] sup/hello [18:38] hello [18:38] how you doing? [18:38] almost like you and reid are in dicussion, he's just been in asking to be unbanned [18:38] imachine: how can we help ? [18:39] oh, I'm just popping by [18:39] had a good day [18:39] ikonia, it makes sense what you said earlier about taking some time off [18:39] had a great day at the beach [18:39] ok great, well I guess if there is nothing you need from us, we'll speak to you tommorow [18:39] stuffed myself silly with thai [18:39] oh, no need to give the cold touch huh? [18:40] irc's all about getting to know people right? [18:40] imachine: no, just check the /topic of the channel [18:40] I'm not here on business [18:40] this channel isn't a chat chanel [18:40] ah [18:40] k [18:40] no cold shoulder, just not the right channel for chatting [18:40] is there an ubuntu-ops-offtopic? :) [18:40] nope [18:40] ok then [18:40] ;p [18:40] thanks [18:40] enjoy the holidays in that case, since I'll part then [18:41] speak to you tommorow [18:41] bye [18:41] where do you get the patience? [18:41] @mark #ubuntu-ops imachine tag team again with reid - both told to take 24 hours, both show up within minutes of each other [18:41] The operation succeeded. [18:41] popey: I am zen on legs ;) [18:41] hah [18:41] he has a large punchbag next to him [18:42] ikonia: you coming to the jaunty party? I'd like to buy you a $refreshing_beverage_of_your_choice [18:42] eugh, low blood sugar sucks [18:42] * Seeker` may be coming to the london release party [18:42] popey: very thoughtful, which one are you attending ? [18:42] London, 23rd [18:42] if I'm in the area I may pop in, I've seen someone mention that in -uk [18:43] would be good to put a face to the nick [18:43] you've not seen me....it wouldn't ;) [18:43] and with Seeker` it would be good to put a beer to the face [18:43] haha [18:43] :O [18:44] back shortly [18:44] keep an eye on reid_ in #ubuntu-irc - for someone so innocent he knows the channels [19:05] ikonia: too mean to your self :P [19:06] * jussi01 waves to every one [19:06] hi [19:26] i'm planning to take days off to attend the london rel party [19:29] popey, ikonia ^ [19:30] Myrtti: fine, don't tell me too :( [19:31] Seeker`: my backlog on n800 didn't reach your comment w/o scrolling, sorry [19:32] :P [19:32] * Myrtti feels bad :-( [19:33] why? [19:37] Myrtti: ^ [19:39] Myrtti: yay! [19:42] wheee, back on the big screen [19:42] yay [19:42] Seeker`: for not looking far enough in the backlog [19:42] Myrtti: why do you feel bad? [19:43] heh, i was only joking [19:43] * Seeker` went to RAF Hendon today [19:47] I went bashing at a bmx track near Orford castle today [19:47] "Bashing"? [19:47] ahh, bashing - messing about with a rc car [19:48] hmmm [19:48] Myrtti: hmmm? [19:54] oh, nothing, just checked on the map [19:54] bah. I should file few tickets on laconica, but CBA [19:54] should also hang some curtains to this home office [19:55] Myrtti: done any more touristy stuff since you've been here? [19:55] not really, I don't actually feel like a tourist [19:55] we might go easter egg hunting tomorrow, and are planning to go to Sandringham sometime this weekend [19:56] cool [19:56] where will you go easter egg hunting? [19:56] http://www.riverfordsacrewell.co.uk/visit/rivernene/events.php [19:57] we've been talking about subscribing to their vegboxes [19:57] would be nice to see where they are produced before doing so [19:57] nice [19:59] anyway, more coffee, more chocolate and then the curtain hanging [19:59] also, need to put away the new lawnmower [20:00] * Myrtti convinced D that a back garden not a lot bigger than a UK postage stamp doesn't need any better mower than a handpowered cylinder one :-D [20:00] \o/ [20:00] --> [20:00] bbl [20:01] hmm we should get the christmas curtains down. thanks for the reminder Myrtti [20:45] mmmm curtains ♥ [21:16] \o/? [21:31] we bought curtains for the home office today and they fit perfick [21:31] nice [22:59] dudes. #dx has migrated, but nobody can set the /topic to say that [22:59] who can setup a redirect or /topic access? [23:00] #dx? [23:37] sladen: any ubuntu-related channel issues we can help you with? [23:53] LjL: Seeker`: it is. "DX" is the Ubuntu bling team [23:55] sladen: still if the channel name is #dx it's not under the ubuntu namespace so there is zilch we can do about it [23:55] #ubuntu-dx?