[00:00] Ok [00:00] I'll try it [00:00] I hope it works with apt-get [00:00] you need to install linux-generic or linux-image-generic [00:00] Oh. ok [00:01] those will always depend on the latest -generic kernel [00:01] Oh [00:01] Ah, interesting to explore how it's organized. [00:02] But i think I must download it here on desktop, because server can't connect to Internet :D [00:03] Whoops [00:03] Thanks, JanC [00:04] Penguino: in that case you probably best download the latest kernel version directly, and install the linux-generic meta-package once you have an internet connection [00:05] Ok [00:53] Evening All [00:53] I have a ubuntu server x64 install [00:53] and i just put in a adaptec PCI RAID Card, 16 port [00:54] I have setup 6x 500gb RAID 5 on the card, however, fdisk -l does not show the drive(s) [00:54] How would I go about setting that up ? [00:58] Bullterd: did you prepare the RAID array using the Adaptec utility? [00:58] prepare? [00:58] I set it up as a logical drive e.t.c [00:59] That's what I meant :) [00:59] Same as I did when it was a *shudder* M$ Server [00:59] OK [00:59] but that was all in the adaptec BIOS config :) [00:59] Exactly [00:59] I think it may be driver related :( [01:00] I would guess maybe a kernel module issue, yeah [01:00] Whats the exact model? [01:00] Adaptec AAR 21610SA [01:03] Looks like it's aacraid you need, but not sure if it's enabled as standard or not [01:03] Hah [01:03] Which swiftly brings me along to [01:03] modrobe it? [01:03] Why do I keep getting "aacraid host adapter abort request" [01:04] modprobe even [01:05] Um, How would I do that? [01:05] sudo modprobe aacraid [01:15] what is the best way to block server access to a certain IP? [01:16] OscarTgrouch: iptables? [01:17] Or ufw which is a front end fow ufw [01:17] for ufw [01:18] Oscar, this should help: http://www.higherpass.com/linux/Tutorials/Iptables-Primer/4/ [01:18] third line down [01:20] ropetin: modprobe aacraid returns nothing [01:20] Bullterd: I'm out of ideas then, sorry === lamont` is now known as lamont [01:35] So - deploying dovecot-postfix - how quickly can I setup a brand new email server? [01:38] depends on how you define "email server" [01:38] and how familiar you are with dovecot and postfix [01:39] by the 3rd one, I'd expect the answer to be on the order of minutes, most of which is waiting for hte computer to finish what it's doing [01:41] klogd is/was going nuts on my system using almost 100% cpu usage, it is unacceptable [01:41] lamont: I've done courier/postfix from scratch a couple times in a vm - never dovecort [01:42] I have since restarted the machine, but to prevent this from happening again, I am left with only two options, investigate the cause of the high cpu usage, and correct it. Or failing that, format the machine and install the antithesis of Ubuntu, debian. [01:43] SJr|Work: well, if it were me, I'd do the first [01:43] probably a whole lot easier [01:43] Any suspects? [01:44] lamont: is dovecot easier to figure out? [01:44] SJr|Work: why didn't you kill it to see what else was running? [01:44] I did [01:44] MTecknology: dovecot pretty much "just works" for most simple configurations. [01:45] MTecknology: So, yeah, I'd call it easy. [01:45] infinity: cool :) [01:45] infinity: anything special for multiple domains? [01:46] Depends on what you mean by "mutliple domains". [01:46] Multiple domains being delivered to real local users, or virtual users? [01:46] MTecknology: dovecot is on my list of things to figure out [01:46] virtual [01:46] I don't do virtual users, so couldn't say. [01:47] I do "virtual domain" in my MTA, in the sense that they all have their own aliases and such, but back-end delivery still ultimately lands in the mailboxes of real UNIX users. [01:47] I would like to keep all mail in /var/spool/mail/virtual/user stored in maildir format - I prefer not having real users [01:49] MTecknology: Combining it with something like vpopmail might make the virtual user thing easier. [01:50] MTecknology: But yeah. Not my bag, so I can't be incredibly helful on that score. [01:58] thanks for the info - I'm excited to use it [02:05] Fuck Sakes [02:06] * Bullterd starts thinking M$ might be easier [02:11] Does this help Bullterd? [02:11] http://linux.adaptec.com/?p=22 [02:13] yeah i checked that o8ut [02:13] Didnt make any sense, dell have changed the page he links too [02:13] atleast, I think they did [02:13] k [02:13] I love linux [02:14] I fucking hate hardware incompatibility [02:14] Hello [02:14] ello [02:14] !cc [02:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about cc [02:14] Doh! [02:14] :D [02:15] !boobs [02:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about boobs [02:15] * Bullterd chuckles [02:15] I'm having a bit of an issue trying to install Ubuntu Server 8.10 :( [02:15] Trying to boot the Ubuntu Server 8.10 Server CD and it loads as far as "Loading...boot" and goes no further. Any ideas? :( [02:15] Checked the media ? [02:15] DVD / CD Drive OK? (as in, not an old shitey one) [02:16] Tried a couple of different brands of CD. I did put a memtest86+ ISO on one and that booted up no idea [02:16] Dunno [02:16] It's a VIA Epia 5000. [02:16] not trying to fun 64-bit on 32, right? [02:16] fun/run [02:16] Nope :) [02:17] Dang, theres a concept [02:17] XP picks up everything first time [02:17] :'( [02:17] I did have a look around and I did notice some people did have issues with the Epia, but they all seemed to be at least able to install it! [02:18] have you tried any other linux distros? [02:18] like... debian lenny, or ubuntu 9.04 beta? [02:18] It has debian on it but I thought I'd give Ubuntu a try [02:18] Not tried 9.04 [02:19] I did notice there was 8.04 LTS, but I'm not sure if a) thats a wise choice to use b) what the difference is between that and 8.10 [02:19] it has extended support... thats all [02:19] Hello all [02:20] I don't think I'm doing anything daft :) [02:20] LonelyGirl545454: Pics else liez! :D [02:20] LonelyGirl545454: That aside, can I help ? [02:21] Im having trouble setting up Jinzora on Ubuntu 8.10 server. Im following this wiki http://en.jinzorahelp.com/wiki/Linux_Installation_with_shell_access I've gotten to the part where i set up the permissions. Then when i direct my browser to the folder i get a "403 forbidden Error" . Any ideas? [02:21] ropetin: Haha, guess what color my screen just turned [02:21] your permissions are wrong :) [02:21] =) Hi Sam. [02:22] Should i be using something different then "chmod 744 configure.sh" [02:22] Im new....SHHHH. =) [02:22] thats just the script... the 403 is from what the web browser probably doesnt have permission to read [02:22] What Sam-I-Am said basically [02:23] chmod the folder [02:23] LonelyGirl545454: Did the shell script execute OK ? [02:24] Is that when i set the permissions. Im sorry. Im extremely new to this. [02:24] It said it was ready to install and to direct the browser to http://ip/jinzora2 after i set the permissions [02:25] Bull should i cd to /var/www and then type chmod 744 jinzora2? [02:25] erm [02:25] LonelyGirl545454: It says you've gotta execute the shell script [02:25] did you do that [02:29] @bull. i sent you a private message dont know if you received it or not. [02:29] Im not sure exactly what part of the wiki has me Executing the shell script. in all honesty i dont even know what that means. Please feel free to enlighten me. =). I've done everything down to the setting permissions part. [02:30] There any guides to deploying dovecot-courier? [02:30] I selected it on installatiopn [02:30] anything in the server guide? [02:31] not that i saw [02:31] gotta be something out there... [02:32] i'm familiar with cyrus, but not dovecot/courier [02:32] i'm sure there is, idk where it's at - that's why I'm asking :P [02:32] Sam-I-Am: in 9.04 there's a dovecot-courier package [02:32] how do i list all the servers that are running on my machine>? [02:33] MTecknology: You mean using dovecot with courier-mta? [02:33] first created user in 9.04 isn't automatically in the sudoers file.... [02:33] wtf [02:33] MTecknology: it was for me [02:33] i tried sudo -s and it said differently [02:34] is that the user you installed with? [02:34] when it asked for a user [02:34] just installed it - ya [02:35] only user that exists [02:35] i ran id and it only shows uid=1000(michael) gid=1000(michael) groups=1000(michael) [02:36] weird... [02:36] extremely - fresh install [02:37] I can't fight with figuring it out though... i have no mail server right now :P [02:39] hurray for recovery boot [02:39] MTecknology: Did you do an "expert" install? [02:39] MTecknology: If you do an expert install and set a root password, it bypassed the usual adding-the-first-user-to-admin-groups and such. [02:39] (at least, it used to) [02:40] nope, just standard server install [02:40] oh well - all better [02:41] only 80 updates [02:42] I love this. [02:42] Linux's main issue: Hardware compatibility [02:42] What do I get? Thats right, Hardware compatibility [02:42] Windows's Main Issue: BSOD's [02:42] What do I get? Thats right, a BSOD [02:43] and wheres my Official ubuntu stress relief ball I bought last week? [02:43] perhaps you have bad hardware... [02:43] Yep, Cant find it [02:43] MTecknology: Nah, Its not bad [02:43] Linux didnt like my adaptec controller, thats fair doo's [02:43] Windows didnt like not having drivers for my onboard SATA [02:44] still nothing found for dovecot-courier... [02:45] MTecknology: dovecot-courier wouldn't make much sense, since they both fulfil the same role. [02:45] s/courier/postfix/ [02:46] Well, there's nothing to configure to make them work together, really. [02:46] By default, they Just Work. [02:46] !info dovecot-postfix [02:46] Package dovecot-postfix does not exist in intrepid [02:46] !info dovecot-postfix jaunty [02:46] dovecot-postfix (source: dovecot): full mail server stack provided by Ubuntu server team. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 112 kB [02:46] For things like virtual users, you configure postfix to deliver to said virtual users, you configure dovecot to read from them. [02:46] Just install dovecot and postfix. :P [02:46] I know, one handles delivery and one handles reading [02:47] infinity: I installed that package... idk how to configure it - I've never dealt w/ dovecot before [02:47] Or, if you're happier with courier, postfix and courier, or exim4 and courier, or, or, or... [02:47] MTecknology: Well, for basic use, it's already configured. [02:47] MTecknology: For deeper and crazier configs, the dovecot wiki is good. [02:48] how? it automatically knows everything about everything? [02:48] MTecknology: Well, a default setup doesn't have virtual users or anything, so yeah, a default postfix and default dovecot just DTRT. [02:49] that makes very little sense that it knows everything about the server environment [02:49] MTecknology: What's there to know? [02:49] MTecknology: We have filesystem hierarchy standards and such for a reason. Every MTA and MDA we ship knows where things happen by default. [02:50] MTecknology: Until you decide to do something slightly more fun/funky, they all "Just Work". [02:50] i never expected anything to be able to happen like that [02:51] authentication is handled by pam? [02:51] Yup. [02:51] and maildir automatically exists for the user? [02:52] Don't recall if the default setup is mbox or maildir, to be honest. [02:52] what about multiple domains? [02:52] I have 5 of them [02:53] Multiple domains to local users is just a question of what domains you ask postfic to accept mail for. Multiple domains to aliased users would start requiring lookup maps in postfix, I assume, which is out of my scope as an exim user. [02:53] Multiple domains to virtual users starts looking at tying something like vpopmail into postfix and dovecot for lookup tables. [02:54] alrighty - I'll enjoy knowing that the package exists for smaller setups or single domains - i think I'll resort to my whole massive setup :P [02:54] thanks :) [02:58] infinity: the setup I was looking at originally uses courier/postfix/mysql/postgrey/sasl/amavis/spamassassin/clamav [02:58] Whatever works for you. :) [02:58] infinity: how does the default setup do w/ tls - or is that an extra config? [02:59] Mine's exim4/dovecot/spamassasin and some other bits. [02:59] TLS should be pretty much an out-of-the-box (maybe changing one option?) thing for most of the mail software in the distro. [02:59] We auto-generate snakeoil certs for the lazy, even. [03:00] ya - I'm going to need to figure out how to get my cert to be used [03:00] that'll be fun - I can use the exact same cert for imaps/pops/smtps/https right? [03:01] Yup. [03:01] As long as they all use the same hostname. [03:01] awesome [03:03] I figure I have an hour left before email messages start bouncing and not coming back [03:35] almost have postfix configured :D [03:39] almost? :) [03:39] postfix is a 10 minute from 0 to 100 config [03:41] depending on how you set it up [03:42] all done [03:43] it was about a 45min setup for me - I have a crap load of security options and other crap setup [03:46] I lied, forgot about setting up tls [03:47] /etc/postfix/master.cf isn't so much fun to muck around in === nitsedy is now known as nitsedy_ === nitsedy_ is now known as nitsedy [04:23] almost have my mail server redone except for smtp... biggest part right now [04:24] postfix requires a bit of reading docs, but it's not illogical once you understand... ;) [04:25] JanC: It should be working right now - but I can't connect on that port [04:25] not open at all [04:25] that's better than it being open for everybody ;) [04:25] ya - but I know I have email bouncing :P [04:27] MTecknology: the logs should have info [04:27] BTW: what are you trying to do? [04:27] lol - had three files owned by root instead of postfix [04:27] JanC: setup a mail server [04:28] "a mail server" can be a lot of things... [04:28] email [04:28] courier/postfix/mysql/postgrey/sasl/amavis/spamassassin/clamav [04:28] my server does IMAP (using dovecot) and SMTP (using postfix) [04:29] incoming mail on the default SMTP port [04:29] yup [04:29] mails I send on the "submission" port [04:29] yup [04:29] (meaning SMTP over TLS/SSL) [04:29] yup ;) [04:29] + authentication [04:29] The submission port need not be SSL, I think [04:30] twb: need not be, but if you want security... :P [04:30] Right, so they are orthogonal. [04:30] And both good, of course. [04:30] I use this with my laptop everywhere [04:31] and it's easy enough to require TLS/SSL on it [04:33] MTecknology: so, what doesn't work? [04:34] MTecknology: and why use courier ? ツ [04:34] it's working now [04:35] forgot to restart a daemon? ;) [04:35] because I know courier, never used dovecot [04:35] permissions [04:35] /etc/init.d/postfix check let me know what was wrong [04:35] right [04:35] This is why postfix took so long to configure - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/148082/ [04:36] hm, I don't use amavis anymore [04:36] why not? [04:37] I had to restart it too often... :P [04:37] (manually, that is) [04:37] I hope I won't have to [04:37] I set it up to notify on updates, so it should be good [04:38] wtf...... [04:38] I just accidentally ran sudo reboot instead of sudo aptitude update [04:39] lol [04:39] JanC: why does your nick seem so familiar? [04:39] but amavis just kept eating memory on my server, so I removed it ;) [04:40] MTecknology: #ubuntu-locoteams ? [04:40] oh - thanks [04:40] and ubuntu-be.org ;) [04:41] that would be it :) [04:41] IIRC you made our site theme [04:41] yup - you like it? [04:41] yeah, it's good [04:42] now we just need to make the site better ;) [04:42] I'm in that boat too - feel free to stick around in -drupal :) [04:43] -drupal ? [04:44] ubuntu-drupal ? [04:44] #ubuntu-drupal [04:44] ya [04:44] it's mostly Pierre who does the site admin tasks though [04:45] well - after an update I'll need to reboot my server - I always reboot for kernel updates - that's a good idea, right? [04:45] without a reboot kernel upgrades have no effect [04:46] but on my server I wait a day to see if it will cause no major breakage [04:46] at least for most kernel updates [04:47] you mean like waiting for bug reports? [04:47] bug reports or people complaining in blogs or whatever [04:47] oh [04:48] if something is really wrong with a kernel, it will be published widely in no time ;) [04:48] depends on what was fixed [04:48] I suppose - I can wait till after release before rebooting again [04:48] any eta on ubuntu supporting ext4 defrag? [04:49] preferably online - but I don't care how it's done [04:49] I'm the only one with access to this server, so local privilege escalations are not as urgent as they would be for a shared hosting provider [04:50] eh, I hope you don't use ext4 yet? ;) [04:50] lol - what you said reminded me about how I upgraded to 9.04 and Ext4 remotely - ext4 on /, /home, and others [04:51] would been fine if other tutorials didn't leave out a vital step - but that wouldn't even have been an issue if my motherboard wasn't crapping out [04:51] why not? [04:51] because it's new? [04:51] lol - that's how I run [04:52] all my servers are now 9.04, my laptop is, my servers are one defrag away from being all ext4 [04:52] I'm that guy you guys like that reports huge issues where a system dies because they tried the newest stuff :P [04:53] I have noticed issues w/ it - but they've been incredibly minor [04:53] found existing bug reports and called it good enough :P [04:53] ext4 is new & largely untested, so I don't use it for a server that has serious tasks (like providing my e-mail & some websites) [04:54] email, samba, websites, backups, irc, bots, etc :P [04:54] I know, not safe - and I don't advise people doing it - but I did write a blog in case people do - so they don't have the same issues I did [04:55] I still need to reconfigure samba, restore data, etc on this (primary) server [04:56] I host websites that aren't just for personal use ;) [04:56] I do a few of those - but business websites are on 1&1 [04:56] the bandwidth here proved to be too low to use [04:57] 2.9MB/s over wireless - not bad [04:57] I'm not talking about business, but I take open source projects seriously... [04:57] my loco site is on there, that's about it [04:57] for important stuff [04:57] I host the gparted forum ;) [04:58] ya, would stick w/ stable for that [04:58] and if I hosted my loco team site, I won't be playing with bleedign edge shit either [04:59] actually, this server is still running debian [04:59] well, VPS [04:59] well - for a while, that site was the bleeding edge version of that package - but now dev is at staging.profarius.com [05:03] You shoulda seen it when I decided it was time to clean up the code [05:04] that was over 100k lines of diff [05:08] and great - things seem to work except I can log into webmail - I wonder if telnet shows me messages [05:09] ITYM nc. [05:09] ? [05:10] Using telnet to connect a network socket to stdio is rather... old-fashioned. [05:10] it's good for testing things though - see an exact error [05:10] netcat or socat at least lack telnets stigma. [05:10] MTecknology: no, I mean using telnet to do it, instead of a tool specifically FOR that purpose. [05:10] what should I use to test? [05:11] a LOGIN michael@profarius.com password ; * BYE Temporary problem, please try again later [05:11] wtf... [05:12] nice - Apr 9 23:11:34 vindico imapd: authentication error: No such file or directory [05:13] the bright side is... email is coming in right now [05:16] I wish I knew how to track that down [05:18] MTecknology: telnet does some things that most servers ignore, but it's better not to do them (so that's why you want to use netcat instead) [05:19] use it the same way? [05:19] yes, you can use them for the same things that you use telnet now [05:19] ok [05:19] telnet is for those poor souls still left on Windows ;) [05:20] they don't have decent tools available ;) [05:20] ok [05:20] Haha, cygwin [05:21] netcat is probably also available as 'nc' BTW [05:22] I wonder if this is killing it... MYSQL_MAILDIR_FIELD concat(home,'/',maildir) [05:22] twb: yeah, and maybe even in a mingw version [05:22] I don't know offhand how that's built [05:28] there we go - screwed up a default value in mysql so mail was pointing at the wrong spot [05:31] JanC: How do I make directories automatically and not allow users to delete them? [05:34] I have no clue about how you implemented your server [05:34] :( [05:35] dovecot can make directories automaticly [05:37] I know courier can too - it's probably because of my funky setup [05:40] I made it so I can't delete certain folders... but not so it created the whole profile automatically [05:49] I am so unbelievably happy I don't need to do this on a large scale === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [08:41] I installed courier-webadmin but I don't know how to get to it - any pointers? [08:41] tried http? [08:41] :) [08:42] !info courier-webadmin [08:42] courier-webadmin (source: courier): Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 256 kB [08:42] Kamping_Kaiser: I tried getting to it but I don't see any apache files for it [08:42] MTecknology, i'd suggest looking in /usr/share/doc/courier-webadmin/ for doco [08:42] MTecknology, probably drops a file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ [08:43] there isn't [08:43] I checked there which is why I;m confised [08:43] odd. try the doco dir, i might have a readme.debian [08:43] there is [08:43] http://localhost/cgi-bin/courierwebadmin [08:44] s/i /it [08:44] \o/ [08:44] but I go there and get nothing [08:44] check your logs for info. [08:45] nothing to really look for though - there's no apache config [08:50] Kamping_Kaiser: this sucks :( [08:51] MTecknology, sorry, i cant really help with specifics, and i didnt know the utility existed until you told me about it. [08:51] from what I'm seeing - it should "just work" [08:51] MTecknology, i can only suggest things like check you have cgi setup in apache properly - with niche apps dependencies can go astray without people noticing at times. [08:51] * Kamping_Kaiser shrugs. :9 [08:51] * :( [08:53] thanks for trying :) [08:53] it sounds like it could be a really awesome tool [08:54] good luck with it, let me know if you win [08:55] yup [08:56] I've won on most everything else so far today - jsut want to alter the way it works a little bit and I'm tired of massive configsd [08:56] I might be about to have a win as well. [08:57] win what? [08:57] building a custom install cd [08:58] fun [08:58] not really :p [08:58] anyhow, brb [08:58] what purpose? [09:04] !info courier-webadmin [09:04] courier-webadmin (source: courier): Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 47 kB, installed size 256 kB [09:04] !info courier-webadmin jaunty [09:04] courier-webadmin (source: courier): Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60.0-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 48 kB, installed size 260 kB [09:06] I wonder how long it'll take to run updatedb on 1.5TB [09:29] MTecknology: probably the file count is more important than how much it occupies [09:34] cemc: hm? [09:36] AFAIK updatedb creates a list, an index of all the filenames and directories [09:37] someone experience with python-pgsql on ubuntu hardy? can't get it installed [09:38] so it doesn't really matter how mach data you have, if you have 1 large 1.5TB file, it won't take a second to run updatedb. if you however have lots of files and directories, it can take a while [09:38] python-psycopg2: Depends: python-egenix-mxdatetime but it is not installable [09:38] same for python-pgsql [09:38] sejo: oh.. whole lotta files [09:38] figure < 50MB each [09:38] MTecknology: ? [09:39] this is on an ubuntu hardy (server) [09:39] cemc: ** [09:40] on my laptop with 160k files it takes about 30 seconds to run [09:41] How can I see how many files it scanned? [09:41] I know the first time takes longer [09:45] How do I run perl code in apache? [09:46] :'( - I want to get these two things done before sleep [09:49] MTecknology: Tried libapache2-mod-perl2? [09:50] ya, didn't help [09:50] jpds: wanna peak at my config? [09:51] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/148223/ [09:51] it's short [10:00] that's not with mod-perl? [10:00] but you still dont get perl code execution with that snippet? [10:05] acicula: nope [10:05] anything helpfull in the logs? [10:06] i think it should work exactly the same as using php 4 in cgi mode [10:07] maybe that helps with finding config examples [10:09] my coputer just freaked [10:09] [Fri Apr 10 04:02:14 2009] [notice] Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 configured -- resuming normal operations [10:09] only thing resemnling an error [10:09] did you threatn it to install windows again? [10:10] it's in error.log [10:10] nope [10:10] that is remarkebly unhelpfull [10:10] heh [10:10] the error? [10:11] I know it is :P [10:12] yeh, heh [10:12] so if you request the perl cgi through apache, what happens [10:13] wants me to dload file [10:15] I wanna be sleeping by 5am [10:16] ah [10:16] so it doesnt know it's supposed to execute it\ [10:17] doesn't seem like it [10:17] makes no dang sense... [10:17] so your configuration is not faulty, it's just doesnt do what you want [10:17] sure [10:17] I usually assume I just screwed up [10:18] though dunno whats missing, have a look at how to conf the php4 bin with cgibin, this works in the same way, just swap php for pl [10:18] or use modperl :)? [10:19] ya - i did that alreyad [10:19] damned courier-webadmin - thought life was going to get easier [10:19] hehe [10:21] regenerating this ssl cert is a pain too [10:22] heu why [10:23] Distinguished Name does not match existing certs Distinguished Name [10:23] no idea what that means [10:26] New bug: #357569 in samba (main) "please set usershare path" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/357569 [10:26] The Distinguished Name information should be entered accurately to reflect your registered organization name [10:28] heh... I don't even get asked to enter that info [10:28] DN [10:34] hurray, I think I have this thing re-keyed [10:38] great - now I'm too tired to remember how to impliment these :P === asac_ is now known as asac [10:41] screw it - it's 04:41 [10:41] I'll ttyal [10:41] nn [10:51] moin [13:11] New bug: #358652 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "Error during mysql slave replication" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/358652 [13:21] New bug: #358801 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "sal all" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/358801 [13:29] Hello, I'm trying to build mysql-5.1.33 from a modified generic source code on an Ubuntu box (not sure of the version, it's an Amazon EC2 box set up by another guy working on the project) with OpenSSL; cannot figure out which value I have to pass to --with-ssl= in the configure statement (--with-openssl doesn't exist anymore in the last MySQL 5.1 releases, you have to specify the path where to find the OpenSSL libs). Have the openssl package installed. It [13:32] Google led me to an outdated tutorial for MySQL 5.0 on Ubuntu with OpenSSL and a Debian Etch-specific tutorial (http://talkingcode.co.uk/2007/11/12/error-2026-hy000-ssl-connection-error-the-joy-of-mysql-ssl-on-debian/) === tuxice is now known as AdamDV [13:59] t325: they are probably in /usr/bin ? try locate libssl [14:00] err /usr/lib [14:01] In fact libssl-dev has to be installed (didn't have it); then dpkg -L libssl-dev (got the reply on ubuntu-devel..) [14:02] then configure mysql -with-ssl=/usr/include/openssl/ [14:03] now will it build that's another question.. [14:03] arent there packages with prebuilt ssl support? [14:04] I modified the source code; adding SSL support to the Federated storage engine [14:04] but I think that they aren't [14:05] MySQL doesn't care much about SSL [14:06] (and the packagers seem to follow this trend) [14:09] i suppose most mysql servers are not attached to public interfaces much [14:13] might be, but anyways I think that SSL should be given more support since the wide adoption of MySQL by very different businesses with very different needs.. [14:14] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/secure-using-ssl.html [14:14] seems it supports ssl already? [14:15] and you dont need to specify the =path either it seems as long as your dev headers are in the default location [14:15] as far as being build with ssl support, you'd have to take that up with the maintainer, or modify the deb package file? [14:18] talking about 5.1; it does support SSL, but badly - you have to investigate if you want to build against OpenSSL which is way more feature complete than built-in yaSSL but non-GPL -> legal bs [14:20] ..it built successfuly! [14:21] I only test it on Ubuntu, it will not be the production platform, but yes I could get in touch with the maintainer.. [14:26] New bug: #359062 in php5 (main) "bad symlink or missing package in php5-dev with libtool.m4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/359062 === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing [15:57] kees: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep [15:57] kees: I was thinking, could someone on the security team do something like "Introduction to Apparmor" or something? [16:54] could anyone help me set up spamc to filter my mail through a provider's spamd service? [17:14] madmartian: spamc -d ip_address [17:14] madmartian: Of course, the spamd at ip_address needs to be able to listen [17:14] bytor4232: is there a way I can integrate that into postfix [17:14] hi, I just noticed that trying to execute things in my cwd fails: -bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory [17:14] even though hldsupdatetool.bin exists and has 755 permissions [17:19] ah, got it, I don't have 32 bit libs installed [17:44] madmartian: I'm not sure. I've always used spamc in procmail [17:45] bytor4232: how does that work? [17:46] that's slow and bad for CPU [18:05] Having a problem logging in (on ubuntu). I'm currently connected to my headless server because I got an error logging in with putty. I try to log in with my normal user and I get this: setuid: Resource Temporarily Unavailable. However, I can log in as root (which is why I'm logged in as root). Any ideas on what I need to do to fix this? Google didn't provide much help [18:06] might be lots of things [18:06] did you check dmesg? [18:06] for filesystem errors [18:06] ivoks: dmesg is flooded with firewall messages. err, I need to fix that. [18:07] have you changed anything for your user? [18:11] that sounds like the system is under exceptionally heavy load, to me [18:11] check top [18:11] firewall message flooding might not be helping [18:12] setuid(2) says: [18:12] EAGAIN The uid does not match the current uid and uid brings process [18:12] over its RLIMIT_NPROC resource limit. [18:12] good one [18:12] which is the error you're seeing - so, in English, your normal user has too many processes running [18:13] (or else resource limits are misconfigured, I suppose) [18:14] anyone has experience with four quad core cpus? i've heard opteron is better for that amount of cpus, cause xeon is limited by fb-dimm === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [18:24] how do I set up a filter in Postfix? I want to do spam filtering with spamc using my hosting provider's spamd daemon, and I can't work out how to put spamc in the pipeline? [18:27] madmartian: did you read the postfix documentation? === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing [18:29] giovani: yes, but I can't seem to make head nor tail of it and there has to be an easier way of integrating spamc than a shell script [18:30] it's pretty clear, I think [18:30] http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html [18:30] the content inspection section [18:30] ïðèâåò âñåì [18:31] giovani: i'm looking at http://www.postfix.org/FILTER_README.html [18:31] åñòü êòî íèáóäü?æèâîé [18:32] time to finish redoing my server :) [18:33] ìîæíî ïîñòàâèòü óáóíòó ñåðâåð ñ ãðàô îáîëî÷êîé? [18:33] !ops [18:33] Help! Channel emergency! infinity, soren, lamont, mathiaz or tom [18:34] Black_Lord: please stop that === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [18:49] thanks for your help [18:58] hello there [18:59] ivoks, early today today, we are working till 2 pm cause of the catholic easter [18:59] so i'm about to go home , yeaa !!!! [18:59] ? [19:00] ivoks, i'm just glad i'm leaving early today , and its a holiday i had to share with you since you are my friend [19:00] i am? [19:01] :) [19:01] yeah you helped me out, so i consider you my friend ! [19:01] bah.. lucky u... I have to program or learn to program with MFC VS08 here :( [19:01] petia: well, happy easter [19:01] you too guys [19:02] i'm out [19:10] oh, we don't install dovecot-postfix as a mail task? [19:15] a bit disappointing :) [19:15] ivoks: huh? is that gonna have to wait for karmic then? [19:15] i had even bigger plans for karmic, like ldap integration and stuff [19:16] i was expecting this would be in jaunty [19:25] ok... I have a .key and .crt for my server and the .crt for the issuer. I setup postfix and apache to use it - but I have no idea how to take care of this for courier since it wants a .pem file [19:26] MTecknology: you can just cat .crt .key > .pem [19:26] and give that to courier [19:26] so the .crt and the .key will be in the .pem file [19:27] oh - thanks :) [19:34] does ubuntu have somesort of a search engine that finds a package and it's repository ? [19:34] I need a repository for bittorent package [19:35] huh? [19:35] ERR: do not understand [19:35] frojnd: the "bittorrent" package is provided in the ubuntu repositories, no searching required [19:36] `sudo apt-get install bittorrent` will do it [19:37] lamont: we should also put 'ntp' as a dependecy for dovecot-postfix for next release [19:37] since dovecot doesn't like ntpdate :) [19:38] ivoks: everything likes ntpdate. just only once at boot, kthx. [19:38] :) [19:38] how does dovecot "doesn't like" it? [19:38] cause it shifts clock [19:39] and it time is shifted backwards, dovecot does a suicide [19:39] well, yeah, does it then scream about things that are older than older things? [19:39] \o/ [19:39] sounds like a dovecot bug [19:39] :-p [19:39] well, it's a feature [19:39] and yeah, we should depend on ntp [19:39] rather, dovecot could solve the bug by depending on ntp [19:40] it writes 'Time shifted backward, I'm going to kill my self now' [19:40] and dies [19:40] http://wiki.dovecot.org/TimeMovedBackwards [19:42] yeah - the package clearly depends on ntp (since we can't encode "ntp || !ntpdate" in Depends) [19:42] what do you mean dovecot should depend on ntp? how does dovecot control the ubuntu package? [19:42] we are talking about dovecot-postfix package [19:43] ohh, I see [19:43] or dovecot-common package [19:43] whatever, the point is that package depends on another pacage [19:43] ntp-server [19:43] ivoks: well.. if the dovecot package is FAIL on a machine with ntpdate and not ntp, then it depends as above... but yeah, fixing it in dovecot-postfix is prolly less politically turbulent [19:44] ntp-server only (currently) exists in dapper [19:44] ntp is the true name [19:44] well, ntp [19:44] :-D [19:45] wow. and it's completely gone from debian [19:45] which is to say that dapper is older than oldstable. how very, um, painfully strange [19:46] hehe [19:46] * lamont goes to ponder the weirdness inherent in that for a while [19:47] is that a first supported distribution with packages older than debian oldstable? [19:47] :) [19:48] i still have one 6.06 server [19:51] cjwatson: would it be impossible to change task in ubuntu-server now? if yes, then i won't even bother chasing that goal :/ [19:51] has anyone here used talk or talkd before? [19:53] great - no pidgin account will connectright now.. [19:54] how is it that not a single account is connecting.... [20:03] ok... I installed my certificate for apache and it worked fine, but courier/postfix aren't working right and I think it's because I need an intermediate bundle for them too. How do I set the intermediate crt file for them? [20:08] ivoks: I expect he's holiday today, prolly monday too [20:08] ivoks: but -release might be able to answer that [20:08] right [20:09] you ask, I'll chime in... [20:12] wrong approach or nobody is in there :) [20:51] Hello is there someone that can help me with a problem conecting an xp pc to my ubuntu server? === dantalizing_ is now known as dantalizing [21:15] GR! I can't figure out how to make courier or smtp use an intermediate crt bundle [21:19] cemc: ok - so when I create a .pem with the intermediate bundle, does it matter what order I put things in? [21:20] did you whip perl into submission yet? [21:21] nope - more worried about certs atm [21:21] I have apache working fine with it - but that's it [21:22] i'm not much help with that, all my server does is forward some local mail [21:24] great - apparently I can't sent through my smtp [21:29] hrm - smtp is throwing an authentication error too [21:29] this is very very very annoying [21:30] Apr 10 15:29:32 vindico postfix/smtpd[22433]: warning: SASL authentication problem: unable to open Berkeley db /etc/sasldb2: No such file or directory [21:31] well pastebin your SASL config [21:34] giovani: I don't recall doing any configuration to sasl [21:34] heh [21:34] well it wouldn't do SASL unless you configured it to do so [21:34] paste your main.cf then [21:34] in a pastebin [21:36] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/148580/ [21:37] master.cf - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/148581/ [21:37] permit_sasl_authenticated [21:37] why do you have SO many smtpd_recipient_restrictions? [21:37] jesus ... there are dozens [21:38] and there are duplicated lines [21:38] fix that [21:38] duplicate lines explained by a very late night :P - 5am [21:39] uh, ok? [21:39] well clearly you're including sasl there [21:39] why, I'm not sure [21:39] did you just paste those lines from a howto? [21:40] a couple of them [21:40] sigh [21:40] that's never a good idea [21:41] I was in a rush to redo my mail server [21:41] I was using zimbra prior [21:41] yep, understood -- but this just creates problems that now have to be sorted out [21:41] postfix is a 10 minute config normally [21:41] yeah, postfix is a pretty easy mta to configure. [21:43] sasl all gone [21:44] now it's saying authentication not enabled [21:46] giovani: so should I purge and try it again? [21:46] I do want to keep using mysql for authentication - but that's the only part i'm very concerned about - that and security [21:59] giovani: so i wiped the config clean [22:02] giovani: can you please help me get this working right :) [22:05] MTecknology: regarding your query yesterday, we'll support ext4 defrag only once the relevant code is actually integrated into e2fsprogs upstream [22:05] MTecknology: we have a little too much respect for our users' data to ship something that's still just floating around as miscellaneous patches :) [22:07] cjwatson: ya - I was mostly curious if anyone knew if there was an estimated time for it - I didn't realize it was that unstable [22:12] MTecknology: it's not "unstable" it's just not heavily tested [22:12] oh [22:14] I have no information on its stability; I just know that shipping code that edits ext* filesystems and isn't yet part of e2fsprogs is optimistic [22:14] I don't know anything about estimated times - that's a matter for Ted Ts'o et al, I think [22:18] -_- I want postfix/courier working so I can get homework done... grr [22:19] courier ... eww [22:19] dovecot's nice :) [22:20] postfix is what I care about right now [22:20] except that you care about courier, it seems [22:20] hm? [22:20] -_- I want postfix/courier working so I can get homework done... grr [22:21] i have a server with 2 hard drives. the second hdd seems to be completely formatted as swap. is there anyway to change this without reinstalling? [22:21] ya - but right now I have no way to receive email [22:21] mynous: sure, how would you like to have it configured? [22:22] I wiped stuff clean for postfix, added the mysql stuff back, and now it's now working [22:23] giovani: well id like to just use it as i guess the equivalent of one big hard drive [22:23] mynous: I don't know what you mean by that [22:23] it has to be mounted somewhere on your filesystem [22:24] how about you run `sudo fdisk -l` and then paste the output of that in http://www.pastebin.ca/ [22:24] yes, is it possible to have /home write to it if /dev/sda1 /home gets full? [22:24] mynous: no [22:24] figured [22:24] that's what RAID or LVM is for [22:24] thats raid and not setup [22:24] yeah [22:26] giovani : this is what fdisk -l returns http://www.pastebin.ca/1388351 [22:26] mynous: ok ... well your problem description was incorrect [22:26] is it that the second is just not formatted? [22:27] that's what it says right there, yes [22:27] does it not contain the /swap? [22:27] no, it doesn't [22:27] hmm [22:27] you can see that your swap partition is on your first drive [22:27] # [22:27] /dev/sda1 * 524 38913 308367675 83 Linux [22:27] # [22:27] /dev/sda2 1 523 4200997 82 Linux swap / Solaris [22:27] damn pastebin ... with its #s [22:28] well now i think i feel dumb [22:28] your first drive has a / partition (I presume), and a swap partition [22:28] it's a basic, and standard setup [22:28] yeah [22:28] you're welcome to partition your second drive and use it for something [22:28] i was mistaking /dev/sda1 for sdB1 [22:28] or 2 rather [22:41] New bug: #359309 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql client package has broken SSL support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/359309 [22:43] great - now it seems like postfix isn't logging anything for me [22:44] Hello. Bull if your out there i was talking with you last night. Hit me up. [22:45] this is almost making me consider going back to 8.04 and putting zimbra back on [22:48] whys that MT? [22:49] LonelyGirl545454: fighting to make everything work is driving me insane [22:49] =/ Ack. I no the pain. [22:59] #postfix isn't any help either [23:20] MTecknology: /var/log/mail.* ? [23:23] cemc: I was looking there and nothing was shoing up [23:24] MTecknology: is syslog running? ps ax |grep syslog [23:25] is postfix running? like netstat -nlp |grep postfix [23:26] ya, it's running [23:26] log is too