
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
Keybukdamn, no mbiebl19:27
sadmacKeybuk: are you up early or late?19:27
KeybukI'm in SF19:30
sadmacKeybuk: you only ever visit the interesting coast19:31
Keybukdamn straight19:36
Keybukion_: la la la, I can't hear you19:36
Keybukdid you read the diff? :)19:37
ion_Nope. I’ll do that. :-)19:37
sadmacKeybuk: you should come to NC sometime. We'll eat barbecue and sweet tea served by a pregnant 17 year old waitress with a wrist splint, and then we'll go to a monster truck rally.19:38
Keybuksadmac: that honestly sounds awesome!19:38
* Keybuk wants a monster truck19:38
ion_Huh. irssi says “DCC no file offered by Keybuk”, but still shows the pending request.19:38
Keybukion_: kooky19:38
sadmacKeybuk: sadly they tend to do them in the new arena, which isn't really big enough for serious monster trucking. hopefully they'll do one in carter finley soon.19:39
ion_Oh, it says that because it already began fetching the file – it just can’t connect to your machine.19:39
Keybukdamn firewalls19:39
Keybukanyway yes, update your udev19:39
Keybukno, REALLLY19:39
ion_Yeah :-)19:40
* sadmac goes fooding19:41
Keybuksadmac: I should end up somewhere on the East Coast sometime19:44
sadmacKeybuk: well, assuming I'm out of school we should run into eachother19:58
Keybukyeah, I do try and run into people19:58
ion_When you visit Tampere, i’ll buy you a beverage. :-)19:59
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk

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