
CIA-4wubi: superm1 * r121 trunk/ (data/preseed.mythbuntu debian/changelog):03:41
CIA-4wubi: Update mythbuntu.preseed to use the latest strings available in03:41
CIA-4wubi: ubiquity-frontend-mythbuntu.03:41
CIA-4wubi: superm1 * r122 trunk/ (debian/changelog src/wubi/backends/common/backend.py):04:07
CIA-4wubi: Check for preseed.$(distro) in the data directory before assuming that04:07
CIA-4wubi: preseed.lupin should be used. (LP: #359834)04:07
cjwatsonMirv: you're in luck ...16:16
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r3212 ubiquity/debian/ (80 files in 2 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.16:16

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