
PovAddictif I add my own upstart job, the command under "exec" will be run when the job starts; what does upstart do when the job is stopped?02:30
sadmacPovAddict: kills the process that resulted from the exec02:31
sadmacI believe so02:32
PovAddictcan it be made to call a custom command on stop?02:33
sadmacPovAddict: not sure if the current version can. You can make pre-stop do it, but I'm not sure if upstart will read it as a failure.02:33
PovAddictare there hooks to make 'status' give service-specific information?02:34
sadmacnot at present02:34
PovAddictto run a service as a different user do I just use 'su' in the exec, or is there specific support for that?02:35
sadmacjust use su02:35
PovAddictwhat about cwd?02:35
sadmacI want to say there's a stanza for that....02:36
PovAddictheh, undocumented-dont-rely-on-it stanza?02:36
sadmacsame as all of them02:36
PovAddictall of them? I'm sure you don't consider 'exec' undocumented and shouldn't be relied on! :)02:37
sadmacPovAddict: chdir02:37
PovAddictI don't want to use things that may break later; I guess I'll just use a 'script' with cd and su02:37
sadmacPovAddict: upstream's philosophy (and by upstream I mean Keybuk) is that until 1.0, anything is subject to change02:37
sadmacreally. AN-E-THING02:38
* PovAddict >:o's at the lack of upstream config syntax highlighting in vim02:38
sadmacwhy? 0.10 is going to have a different syntax anyway02:39
PovAddictthe current sysv scripts are set so it's killed on runlevels 0 1 6 and started on 2 3 4 502:43
PovAddictthat's mapped to "stop on runlevel 0" etc, right?02:43
sadmacstop on runlevel [016]02:43
PovAddictnote I have a relatively old version, 0.3.9 :$02:44
sadmacthat's what ships in ubuntu/fedora02:45
PovAddictbut since topic mentioned 0.5.1 *points*02:45
PovAddictand I have an old Ubuntu, I thought maybe newer Ubuntu versions had newer upstart02:45
sadmacI don't think any distro is planning to ship a 0.5 at any point. everyone's skipping to 0.1002:47
PovAddictdocs mention /etc/init/jobs.d02:54
PovAddict/etc/init doesn't exist here, but I have stuff in /etc/event.d; should I put my job in there?02:55
PovAddictis the code in the script supposed to fork and return? initctl start mythingy seems to be blocked, as if it was waiting for the script to terminate02:59
sadmacno forking03:02
sadmacand /etc/init/jobs.d is the 0.5 location03:02
PovAddictI see03:02
PovAddictany idea why my 'start' blocked?03:02
sadmacdo you have a 'service' or 'respawn' stanza?03:03
PovAddictneither is mentioned in the documentation I'm reading :] so, no03:05
* PovAddict goes to the wiki03:05
PovAddicthttp://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas ok, so chdir *is* documented03:08
PovAddictsort of :)03:08
PovAddictadding 'service' worked \o/ thanks03:08
PovAddicti love the fact that it reloads config instantly using inotify03:09

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