
verb3kThere is a bug in Jaunty with unclear title, can someome help find a better one?  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/35981800:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 359818 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] Unusable with Intel 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML [8086:27a2] (rev 03)" [High,Confirmed]00:51
wnorrixi keep getting a connection refused on ppa.launchpad.net when i try to upload my package00:54
dtchen220 Canonical FTP server ready.00:54
dtchenseems fine from my route00:54
NCommanderDO we have hardening wrapper installed by default on any architecture, or have all of its changes been merged into GCC spec files?01:20
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keesslangasek: do you want me to upload the fix for linux86 (bug 360096)?03:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360096 in linux86 "FTBFS (fortify failure during compile)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36009603:02
slangasekkees: yes, please03:45
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poseidonI found what I think might be a bug (could be handy in some situations).  When I have a browser open and it's playing music my music player (banshee, rythmbox etc) doesn't work.  I've tested this with opera, firefox, banshee, amarok, and rythmbox.  So I think that the problem is independent of the applications.04:56
pwnguinthis is almost certainly flash's fault04:56
poseidonWell I am using the adobe version so I guess there isnt' anything we can do :(04:57
pwnguinyes / no04:57
dtchenit depends what audio backends are in use04:57
pwnguintheres stuff out there to sorta shim between flash and the newer audio stack04:57
dtchenas of intrepid, there is no need for flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound/libflashsupport04:58
poseidonI believe I just installed the flashplugin-nonfree package.  I don't know what kind of dependencies it uses04:59
dtchenif you're attempting to troubleshoot in jaunty, we should migrate to #ubuntu+1, otherwise (for a supported, stable Ubuntu release), #ubuntu04:59
poseidonI don't need any help.  Just wanted to let you guys know.05:00
dtchenwe're aware (well, at least the audio team), and it's most likely a misconfiguration at the user end05:01
dtchenas of intrepid, installing Flash through adobe-flashplugin or flashplugin-nonfree does the right thing WRT pulse05:01
dtchen(obviously for Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, etc., that don't seed PulseAudio, it's moot)05:02
poseidonI'm using a pretty default ubuntu interpid.05:02
dtchendefault meaning with or without updates?05:03
poseidonwith latest updates05:03
dtchenthen it's already a resolved issue for jaunty05:03
poseidonk, cool :)05:04
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slangasekasac: does ubufox need an update yet in order to point to the jaunty repo for plugins?  there's no pfs/db/sources.list.9.04, for instance10:43
seb128hey slangasek10:45
* slangasek waves10:45
seb128slangasek: when do you expect we will be frozen frozen frozen for jaunty?10:45
slangasekseb128: next Monday, I hope10:46
seb128ok good, so still time to fix some bugs and send some GNOME 2.26.1 update your way ;-)10:46
ograseb128, any idea why we have to use -O1 with the keyring daemon on ARM (thanks for including the fix though)10:50
seb128ogra: no10:53
geserdoko: is there a common solution for FTBFS because the configure script sets the python script dir to "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages"?10:53
slangasekthe solution is to revert the latest python2.6 change10:55
geserthis site-/dist-packages change seems to make much patching needed to get everything build correctly again10:57
slangasekgenerally, yes; but the specific problem you mention is a regression in python that's due to be reverted10:58
slangasekinfinity: can you take care of a manual bootstrap of cup (bug #359743)?11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359743 in cup "ftbfs, needs manual build for jaunty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35974311:59
infinityslangasek: When I'm "at work" on Tuesday.12:00
infinityslangasek: Bonus points if you can remind me?12:01
slangasekinfinity: ok. :) also, do we have a solution for P-a-s in place? (bg #301445)12:01
infinityslangasek: There's a branch that core-dev can commit to.12:01
infinityslangasek: (ie: feel free)12:02
lamontinfinity: good to see  you're getting your sleep. :-p12:02
infinitylamont: Was at my parents' place all night upgrading a woody machine to hardy.  Shh.12:02
infinity"upgrading"... It was a rather violent affair.12:02
lamontwoody?  zomg12:02
slangasekinfinity: code.lp.net only lists one in cjwatson's namespace?12:02
* lamont stabs at udev. I hate trying to write new rules12:03
slangasekinfinity: so where's the branch I can commit to? :/12:05
infinityslangasek: Remind me how to make bzr tell me where it's pulling a bound branch from? :P12:06
slangasekbzr info12:06
slangasek'Checkout of...' or somethin12:06
infinity  checkout of branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/packages-arch-specific/ubuntu/12:06
slangasekcurious; code.lp.net doesn't list that at all12:06
infinityslangasek: Anyhow, if you do commit changes that you expect to do anything useful, you'll want to poke cprov to run the queue-builder to pick up said changes.12:07
infinityslangasek: (Normally, I'd say any one of us could run queue-builder, but it's half-broken right now, and fails miserably without some handholding...)12:07
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maxbSpeaking of manual bootstrapping, cmucl (universe) is in more-or-less the same situation except it's been like that since warty or thereabouts. Is there some guideline on what should happen to packages like that?13:04
persiamaxb, Ideally, make them not need manual bootstrapping :)13:06
persiaOr find a way to bootstrap remotely through "limited" build, or similar.13:06
IntuitiveNippleWhen debugging multi-threaded apps, using gdb, is it possible to deduce which thread a function pointer is in by comparing its address to the gdb "info threads" list and looking at the Linux thread systags (which show addresses as far as I can tell) ?13:07
maxband if no-one's got round to that since warty, who makes a call on when to kick the old binaries out of the archive?13:08
broonieIntuitiveNipple: A function pointer isn't in a thread.13:08
persiamaxb, Anyone can file a removal bug, and any developer can approve it, although generally it's left for someone to fix later, especially if it's maintained in Debian.13:09
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: Indeed, but I'm dealing with a structure with a request_handler * and the thread that was running the request_handler seems to be closing prematurely, so I'm trying to figure out how to get gdb to confirm that13:13
broonieIntuitiveNipple: Breakpoint in the function and step through it (or trace in the function)?13:16
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: Hmmm, not sure that'll work since I can't identify (whilst the suspect thread is still active) which one it is, since I can only check the reference to it *after* it has gone AWOL!13:18
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: It's a really convoluted AT-SPI >libORBit2 > atk-bridge  > java > eclipse issue13:20
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: What I was hoping to trust is the gdb 'info threads' lists. I take one whilst the thread is alive, tell the app (eclipse) to close, it gets stuck, I take another thread list and find several have shutdown and one is stuck in a loop that surrounds a g_cond_timed)wait(), drill down into the data structures and try to figure out what is expected to be on the other end of the libORBit2 connection - the suspicion being the closed th13:24
IntuitiveNippleread that has yet to be finalized or GCed13:24
slangasekcalc: if you're now waiting for revu for ooo-thumbnailer, should I be rejecting the package that's currently in the new queue?13:25
IntuitiveNipplebroonie: If the thread systags represent the thread's base virtual address (which it appears to since each thread is a regular distance apart), I could maybe deduce which thread the request_handler was in13:26
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calcslangasek: yea go ahead and reject it16:09
calcslangasek: i have a better packaged version now but not sure if anyone is going to look at it :\16:10
* calc kicks ooo packaging hard16:35
calcooo-java-common managed to no longer pull in jre once we dropped the external saxon library :\16:37
* calc has to upload a new OOo package now :\16:38
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gionnicoSomeone stole me 80MB ! Help me finding him!17:20
gionnicoLet's start with a dev question: does free -m show , under "used", also the memory used by the kernel itself?17:21
directhexcalc, pfft, java casusing issues17:22
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calcgionnico: i think that the kernel steals it off the top17:31
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gionnicocalc: ah, so ..17:32
gionnicois this ubuntu peculiarity?17:33
gionnicobecause in gentoo free -m and the sum of all processes matches exactly..17:33
calcgionnico: no17:34
calcgionnico: oh no i didn't explain properly17:34
calcgionnico: it steals it from "total" mem17:34
calcso the numbers should add up more or less i think17:35
gionnicook so i still miss 80mb17:35
gionnicobecause free -m used shows me "X" while the sum of all processes makes "X-80"17:35
calcother thing steal from total also, like addressing on 32bit mode, etc17:35
gionnicowell i don't really care if there's something i can't see17:35
gionnicobut there's something i can see is using memory but i can't know what it is17:36
gionnicoCan i?17:37
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radixmathiaz: hi mathias, thanks very much for taking over that package upload on thursday17:51
mathiazradix: you're welcome :)17:51
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radixmathiaz: unfortunately, I'm going to have to dig myself into an even bigger karma debt and point out bug #36051019:07
ubottuBug 360510 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/360510 is private19:07
calccrap i forgot to close the lp bug in my upload :\19:08
radixone sec, lemme fix that19:08
radixthere's a core file in it, that's why it's private19:08
radixmathiaz: ok, bug #36051019:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360510 in landscape-client "crash in landscape-broker" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36051019:10
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calcslangasek: can i get you to approve, ayaspell-dic, ifrench-gut, myspell-sv, and openoffice.org-dictionaries (I fixed all the remaining dictionaries)20:01
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lamont`anybody looked into why xvnc4viewer barfs with "rect too big" on startup (regularly, sadly)20:08
istaz_maybe not the right place to ask this but anybody know if there is still a feisty mirror somewhere? I need it to install php5-gd on a server that I don't want to upgrade atm20:10
lamont`istaz_: you do relize that feisty hasn't been getting security updates for a few months, yes?20:12
istaz_wow thanks you very much Laney exactl I needed20:12
istaz_lamont`: yes, I plan on upgrading it when Jaunty comes out20:13
ScottKcalc: ifrench-gut accepted (it was in Universe).20:14
calcScottK: thanks20:16
calcalso i just uploaded the much better packaging version of ooo-thumbnailer (0.1~alpha2-0ubuntu1) if someone can accept that into universe, it's NEW20:16
lamont`istaz_: the transition from feisty->gutsy will be easier if you do it before gutsy gets EOLed over to old-releases.20:19
lamont`and by easier, I mean that edgy->feisty really really really sucked when I did it recently20:19
istaz_feisty -> gutsy then gutsy -> jaunty?20:20
calcistaz_: f -> g -> h -> i -> j20:20
istaz_wow this is going to take a long time ^^20:21
calcistaz_: he mans gutsy is going to be end of lifed later this week as well20:21
calcistaz_: so better to do the upgrade before the packages get moved :)20:22
istaz_I don't really understand the point if I am going to upgrade right after upgrading to jaunty20:22
calcistaz_: you can't skip releases for upgrades20:23
calcistaz_: unless you want to just reinstall20:23
istaz_ah I didn't know that20:24
calcistaz_: meaning you can't go from f -> j directly, you have to upgrade to each state in between for it to reliably upgrade20:24
calcistaz_: between LTS it is supported but not between regular releases, eg you can go from Dapper -> Hardy20:24
jdstrandScottK: can you add the clamtk and klamav test case instructions to bug #360655, then subscribe ubuntu-sru when ready?20:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360655 in clamav "SRU for clamav on intrepid (freshclam apparmor profile updates)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36065520:27
ScottKjdstrand: Sure.20:28
jdstrandScottK: thanks20:28
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directhexif you were me, who would you file a bug against for a mouse sensitivity issue?21:18
ScottKlool: mobile-meta accpeted.21:21
jcoledoes mythbuntu jaunty have its own patched zenity that *does* steal focus? -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zenity/+bug/27208321:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 272083 in mythbuntu "Zenity windows appear underneath others" [High,Confirmed]21:23
ScottKsuperm1: ^^21:24
superm1jcole, no, but the ideal situation is to have zenity grab focus.  as of right now, mythtv-setup doesn't work right for several situations because the zenity window is not focusing21:26
superm1and the application that spawned zenity is blocking, waiting on the user to answer the zenity question21:26
pochudirecthex: xserver, but I'm not you :)21:28
jcolesuperm1: will mythbuntu have the proper glade config for zenity?21:30
* jcole doesnt understand the rationale of having zenity windows default to be behind all other windows o_O21:31
superm1jcole, we're not going to change the zenity behavior for just mythbuntu, i'd prefer that we see it fixed in the distro21:31
superm1jcole, it's best to ask the #ubuntu-desktop folks why this is the way it is21:32
superm1I agree it sounds wrong right now21:32
directhexpochu, which source package is that?21:32
NCommanderCan a buildd admin please kill the build on rhenium?21:32
superm1jcole, but if it comes down to it that the desktop team isn't willing to change that behavior, i suppose mythbuntu can ship a glade file and divert the one in zenity, but that's definitely not what i want to do21:34
pochudirecthex: xorg21:34
pochudirecthex: package is xserver-xorg21:34
pochudirecthex: but I could be totally wrong. that's where I would fill it though :)21:34
directhexi think i might file against gnome-control-center since it's the customer-facing end of my issue21:36
directhexit can always be bounced around by a triager21:36
directhexoh. #21:37
directhexbug #2805221:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28052 in gnome-control-center "Improve mouse sensitivity and acceleration settings" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2805221:37
directhexhm, no, not quite the issue i have21:38
jcolesuperm1: the main purpose of zenity *is* to steal focus... it's been like that for years... doesnt make sense to break all zenity apps for the sake of (whatever the rationale may be)21:48
superm1jcole, yeah i agree.  so tomorrow when everyone is back from holiday, it's a good idea to stir up this discussion21:49
slangasekcalc: I'll have a look at those, sure21:54
loolScottK: Thanks!21:56
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calcslangasek: thanks22:10
calcslangasek: i also uploaded the better version of ooo-thumbnailer after going through REVU checks22:11
* slangasek nods22:11
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LaserJockbryce: regarding your email to -devel, I'm not sure what you mean by "performance problems". Do you mean "it'll make it go faster" or "it'll make it not crash as much"?23:38
superm1LaserJock, it will run more fluidly (faster)23:41
LaserJockhmm :/23:41
LaserJockI was hoping for the later23:42
LaserJockjaunty is certainly making me regret buying an Intel graphics card23:42
ajmitchLaserJock: the drivers are that bad?23:43
calcLaserJock: i think intel wanted to help prop up ati and nvidia a bit with their crappy drivers23:43
calcLaserJock: aiui their drivers on windows have been equally bad in other areas23:44
* ajmitch might hold off on upgrading from hardy then23:44
LaserJockajmitch: I get a lock-up about every day. I have to hard reboot.23:44
ajmitchthat's pretty bad23:44
lifelessLaserJock: its 'not crash as much' too23:44
calcajmitch: intrepid is probably fine, the main problem with intel drivers on jaunty are due to the 2.5/2.6 driver23:45
lifelessLaserJock: because you can stop using UXA23:45
LaserJockajmitch: it's really spotty. you might be just fine, but this is the first Ubuntu release I've had problems23:45
calcajmitch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance23:45
dtchenthere are reports in the streets that newer libdrm and xserver-xorg-driver-intel are much more stable23:45
calcdtchen: newer than what we have?23:45
LaserJockIntrepid was just fine for me23:45
dtchencalc: yes23:46
calcdtchen: ah23:46
calcbryce: ^ see what dtchen said (if you aren't already aware of it)23:46
LaserJocklifeless: does UXA currently fix problems?23:46
lifelessits the new vm for intel drivers, but AIUI its a little fragile right now23:47
ScottKLaserJock: UXA works great for me except when it falls over and dies.23:47
jdongperformance and glitchiness are fine for me in UXA23:48
jdongjust it frickin kills X on every resume23:48
LaserJockI don't care about like speed and stuff, I just want to be able to use FF without it having to hard-reboot every day23:48
jdongand EXA for me just hardlocks on compiz start.23:48
ScottKLaserJock: The 'greedy' option described in Bug #359600 works great for me.23:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359600 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Solved slow 2D performances with EXA" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35960023:49
ScottKOr in bryce's PPA....23:49
LaserJockok, I'll give it a go23:50
lifelessLaserJock: disable compositing and UXA, use bryces deps, pretty sure it will be fine :)23:50
LaserJocklifeless: I've never used UXA, and I've tried without compositing. I'll now try bryces packages23:50
ScottKsiretart was touting the newer Intel drivers yesterday or the day before.23:51

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