
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
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jefferaiapachelogger: poke15:16
Tonio_Riddell: true that qtcurve releases very often.... but I prefer this to an unmaintain component like gtk-qt ;)15:20
RiddellTonio_: jcastro was saying you haven't replied about UDS15:20
Tonio_Riddell: hu ? I did to claire, has suggested15:21
Tonio_he wasn't in copy15:21
Riddellcheck with him then15:21
Tonio_should I forward maybe ?15:21
Tonio_Riddell: kk15:21
Tonio_Riddell: when did he say you that ?15:24
Tonio_I think I responded on 04/11.... a bit late though... I needed confirmation from my company that I'll be available since I announced I wanted to leave...15:24
davmor2Riddell: kubuntu alternates are up for testing15:25
Riddelldavmor2: can you try a non english install?15:39
davmor2I'm doing upgrades15:40
davmor2have a word with jtholmes :)15:40
* JontheEchidna has got to try this out15:43
JontheEchidna/ \15:43
claydohJontheEchidna: heh nice15:45
claydohsaturday night fever dance?15:45
JontheEchidnaeh, I thought it was just someone waving hi15:46
* claydoh has dancing on the brain15:47
* claydoh is happy-dancing due to new Red Dwarf episodes, and is a little giddy,15:48
claydohand OT15:48
MamarokJontheEchidna: is this a script?15:51
Riddellclaydoh: going to watch that later15:51
JontheEchidnaMamarok: nah, just saw someone post that on Digg15:51
claydohRiddell: I have all the seasons, on vhs tape lol15:52
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davmor2Riddell: what am I looking for in the foreign install16:27
Riddelldavmor2: if text strings are translated, notably File Edit Quit etc16:28
davmor2Riddell: I have a cunning plan16:29
Quintasanoh my, meeting's today16:30
davmor2Riddell: I've asked ara if she can do it.  She said she can but not till tomorrow16:33
slangasekdavmor2: fairly important to get this tested sooner rather than later, since we don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes for this translations bug and it may require changes to langpacks or to other packages that feed /into/ the langpacks16:37
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping16:37
davmor2slangasek: I can look at it but I won't know if the translation is correct or not:)16:38
slangasekwe're not looking to check the quality of the translation16:38
slangasekwe're looking to check whether things are in English, which Should Not Be16:38
davmor2no probs I'll look at it and ara: can confirm it with correctness then hows that?16:38
Riddellit's pretty obvious when strings aren't translated16:42
slangasekthe correctness really is completely irrelevant for this - wrong translations aren't getting fixed before release anyway16:43
slangasekbut systemic bugs preventing translations from showing up need to get fixed16:43
davmor2slangasek: Riddell: rsyncing now16:45
QuintasanRiddell: If you have some time, please check this debdiff: http://wklej.org/id/77338/txt16:45
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong16:49
QuintasanJontheEchidna: I still notice wrong permission (still no +x) on pykdeuic416:51
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davmor2Riddell:  Le CD d'installation ne contient pas le support complet pour votre langue.  Voulez-vous telecharger maintenant les paquets requis depuis l'Internet?  I'm guessing this says the cd doesn't have full language support for your language.  Would you like to install the required packages from the internet?17:14
davmor2slangasek:  ^17:15
slangasekdavmor2: say "oui"17:16
slangasek(though it shouldn't matter for this part)17:16
davmor2slangasek: I going to17:16
slangasekand yes, that's what it says17:16
davmor2slangasek: Yay high school french has a use after all :)17:19
slangasekso do apps look translated?17:20
davmor2604 of 64117:21
davmor2let you know soon :)17:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: might be related to qtscriptbindings17:38
davmor2slangasek, Riddell: some things aren't copy/cut but paste=coller17:38
apacheloggeranyway, uploading final build to my ppa17:38
slangasekdavmor2: so you're missing translations for 'copy' and 'cut'?17:40
davmor2slangasek: there are others ->go has back forward17:41
davmor2slangasek: Usb Startup Disk Creator17:42
davmor2Hardware Drivers17:43
slangasekdavmor2: I don't think that answered the question I asked?17:43
davmor2copy ans cut are correct in OOo but not in Kate17:44
davmor2if that helps17:44
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slangasekdavmor2: ok; so it sounds like there are some stock translations missing17:48
slangasekRiddell: ^^17:48
Riddelldavmor2: got a screenshot?17:48
Riddellof the File and Edit menus in Kate say17:48
davmor2Riddell: love to how do I get the keyboard layout up so I know where :// and . is?17:49
Riddelloh you chose azerty?  that's a mistake17:49
davmor2Riddell: I choose the default option during install17:50
Riddelldavmor2: in system settings click the UN flag then the keyboard icon on the left17:51
Riddellfirst radio button17:52
Riddelland chose a sensible layout17:52
davmor2Riddell: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/french.png17:55
davmor2that's kate open17:55
davmor2now I can swap at the drop of a hat I'll get some more17:55
jussi01!info kaffeine jaunty17:56
ubottukaffeine (source: kaffeine): versatile media player for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.7-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 3228 kB, installed size 7084 kB17:56
jussi01Tonio_: your ppa upgraded kaffeine for me?17:57
davmor2Riddell: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/french1.png17:58
davmor2Riddell: although paste was in french18:00
Riddellvery strange18:00
RiddellI can't recreate that and the strings are in the language packs18:00
RiddellI'll do a fresh install and see if I can recreate it18:00
Riddelloh, do we have a meeting at some point?18:00
Riddell..in an hour18:01
davmor2Riddell: That's doing a full french install18:01
davmor2Riddell: I got the incomplete language support bubble on the task bar hang on I'll try again after that18:11
davmor2no same18:11
a|wen_davmor2: i have a user running danish, and i get some of the same translations missing ... seems to be some of the core translations shared between all kde applications18:16
Tm_Tnookie^: what is not my problem?18:22
a|wen_Riddell / slangasek: i'm seeing the same with danish: as an example the file and edit menu in kate http://imagebin.ca/view/Rl2c91.html http://imagebin.ca/view/PPPFNO.html ; red markings are definitely not translated18:24
a|wen_if you want anything tested / tried / verified ... you are more than welcome to ping me18:26
JontheEchidnaa|wen_: isn't bug 360029 about the battery plasmoid?18:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360029 in plasma-widget-network-manager "kde powermanagement does not overide power button press action properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36002918:29
a|wen_JontheEchidna: of course ... guess i should have had my coffee before moving it around18:30
a|wen_JontheEchidna: kdebase-workspace, right?18:35
JontheEchidnaa|wen_: yes18:37
a|wen_thx ... would not risk re-assigning it wrong twice18:38
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davmor2a|wen configuration is the worsed18:56
davmor2nearly all english18:56
Riddelldavmor2: where's that?18:57
davmor2Riddell: show statusbar, configure toolbars, configure kate, show toolbar, full screen mode, configure shortcuts18:59
davmor2a|wen_: what about you?18:59
davmor2Riddell: every back and forward is listed as back  and forward too19:00
Riddellyes I see it now on a fresh install19:01
Riddellthis is very strange19:01
Riddell** Kubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting19:01
RiddellNightrose: ping19:02
Riddellnixternal: ping19:02
Riddellyuriy: ping19:02
a|wen_davmor2 and Riddell: configuration is indeed bad ... every option except one is in english here19:02
davmor2a|wen_: nevermind hey it's a feature to teach everyone to speak english :)19:03
RiddellNightrose: meeting?19:03
a|wen_davmor2: ahh, nice way to loog at it :P19:03
davmor2a|wen_: as you can tell which bit's aren't right in which app can I leave a bug write up to you?19:19
a|wen_davmor2: didn't we already have a bug report to add to?19:20
davmor2a|wen_:  pass I just got asked to test it so did :)19:20
Riddellbug https://launchpad.net/bugs/355814 has been hijacked for that translations issue19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 355814 in kde-l10n-es "[Kubuntu 9.04] Many items are in English while language is set to Spanish" [Critical,Confirmed]19:22
nixternalRiddell: pong?19:27
Riddellnixternal: meeting in #u-m19:28
Riddellnixternal: we need a final vote on comm_a_nder's membership19:28
Riddelland we're currently quizzing Quintasa19:28
davmor2Riddell: I just got the incomplete language support for an English install19:30
hungerWill quanta become available in jaunty? I guess it is too late for that...19:30
hungerMaybe the old uninstallable debs could still get removed from the repos?19:30
a|wen_!info quanta jaunty19:32
ubottuquanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2435 kB, installed size 5900 kB19:32
hungera|wen_: That is not installable since it depends on kfilereplace and klinkstatus, both of which conflict with the -kde4 versions which get installed by the kdewebdev package.19:33
a|wen_hunger: isn't there an replacement for quanta in the kdewebdev-kde4 source?19:34
hungera|wen_: So there is no kde4 quanta?19:35
Riddellhi seele, we're in a meeting in #u-m quizzing mcas on membership19:36
a|wen_hunger: they have changed an awful lot of names while switching to kde4 ... so might be something similar19:36
Riddellquanta is waiting on kdevelop419:36
hungerRiddell: Ah, that explains things.19:37
seeleRiddell: yeah, couldnt help being late19:37
hungerAny chance of seeing it in jaunty or will it miss the deadline?19:37
Riddellhunger: it doesn't really exist as far as I know19:37
hungerRiddell: It is build as part of kdewebdev when I run kdesvn-build, so I always assumed it existed:-)19:38
Riddellhunger: mm ok, it's not included in the tars given to packagers, and I guess they have good reason for that19:40
hungerRiddell: Well then better leave it out:-)19:45
* kb9vqf wonders if he just missed the meeting19:53
* kb9vqf has been having Internet problems all day and just got his connection restored19:53
claydohkb9vqf: not yet, still going on in #ubuntu-meeting19:53
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ghostcube___hi folks :)20:11
davmor2kb9vqf: on now20:11
ghostcube___i noticed a very cool function of kde3 isnt gone into 4, the possibility to change the runlevel services like in kcontol20:12
ghostcube___is there anything planned to get this done in kde4 again20:12
kb9vqfdavmor2: ??20:12
kb9vqfdavmor2: Yes, the meeting is over in #ubuntu-meeting20:13
kb9vqfdavmor2: sorry if I'm not understanding your question :-)20:14
kb9vqfghostcube: AFAIK most of the backend modules like that are still under heavy development upstream20:14
* seele waves to e-jat20:15
ghostcube___kb9vqf: hmm ok cause this is one of the missing ones which was pretty useful :)20:17
a|wen_ghostcube___: you are not looking for someting like the "service manager" under advanced settings?20:18
ghostcube___a|wen_: i seen this one but no i mean the rc controlling possibility from kcontrol :)20:18
ghostcube___#sysv-rc-conf as gui20:18
tsimpsona|wen_: service manager is for KDE services, not system services20:19
JontheEchidnabtw, what's the status of konversation in 9.04? Should it be demoted to universe since we aren't including it by default anymore?20:20
a|wen_ghostcube___: okay, system services ... you need to get back to konsole for that20:20
ghostcube___a|wen_: i am hehe20:20
ghostcube___a|wen_: but only want to mention i miss this very much20:20
tsimpsonthere is "bum", but that's GTK20:20
ghostcube___and i think it would be cool if it come back :)20:21
ghostcube___bum ?20:21
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:21
QuintasanRiddell: debdiff is ready for semantik :320:21
tsimpsonI think it stands for Boot-Up-Manager20:21
ghostcube___ah yeah20:21
Riddellkb9vqf: I don't think I have access to any machines with large amounts of bandwidth to spare20:21
Riddellmight be worth asking seaLne, he sometimes does20:22
kb9vqfRiddell: thanks, will do :)20:22
nixternaldang, I had other business...but I have totally gone brain dead just now20:22
a|wen_!info sysv-rc-conf jaunty20:22
* nixternal tries to remember20:22
ubottusysv-rc-conf (source: sysv-rc-conf): SysV init runlevel configuration tool for the terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99-6 (jaunty), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB20:22
a|wen_ghostcube___: ^^20:22
kb9vqfI got something to the tune of 11000 hits today alone20:22
ghostcube___i use sysv-rc now :)20:22
davmor2Riddell: why oh why am I getting incomplete language support on a default English install.  Is it the OOo issue from before?20:22
Riddelldavmor2: I've no idea, does it install anything?20:23
nixternalRiddell: with Karmic we will be dealing with the new Archive layout, and with that we will need figure out how we go forward by approving people and providing commit access to the repos for *Kubuntu Only Packages*20:23
a|wen_ghostcube___: half-way GUI in any case ;) ... but let's hope some new kde configuration emerges in time for karmic20:23
davmor2if it does it does it that quick you don't see it20:23
QuintasanRiddell: http://wklej.org/id/78274/txt20:24
ghostcube___a|wen_: :) yeah20:24
* nixternal thinks that the KC will do the approvals of course, but maybe we should have a KTB :p20:24
RiddellI'd worry about too many committees20:24
nixternalRiddell: ya, that was kind of a little joke there with the KTB :P20:24
JontheEchidnaDoes anybody know the answer to my above question about konversation?20:25
RiddellJontheEchidna: paste it again20:26
tsimpson[20:20]<JontheEchidna> btw, what's the status of konversation in 9.04? Should it be demoted to universe since we aren't including it by default anymore?20:26
JontheEchidnaIs there a reason it's still in main?20:26
nixternalRiddell: a new team for Kubuntu Developers or something though that will have upload access? We will need to confirm with the TB though as we will still have to do a MOTU/Core Dev like application process20:26
davmor2Riddell: I'm assuming it installed nothing being as it took mircoseconds to disappear but I don't get why it's appearing at all20:27
RiddellJontheEchidna: I think we moved it to the dvd seed in the expection that quassel wouldn't be for everyone20:27
Riddellthat may not be the case now20:28
JontheEchidnathe reason I ask is bug 36096520:28
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/360965/+text)20:28
JontheEchidnathe last comment there20:28
nixternalshoot, I need to upload docs like right now before freeze20:29
nixternaldang, missed the freeze deadline..that sucks20:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: I can demote it20:30
* nixternal has to do an exception now :(20:30
Riddellnixternal: I grant thee an exception20:30
Riddellif you're quick20:30
nixternalRiddell: it is incorporating the translations...it is a very slow and tedious process...not quick by any means...couple of hours of work at least20:31
Riddellnixternal: well any time today should be ok20:31
nixternalRiddell: groovy, probably int he next few hours I will have it uploaded20:31
tsimpsonsound should work without aRts20:31
davmor2Riddell: nice to see that print screen is linked to ksnapshot now :)20:33
QuintasanOkay, I'm going to get bed, night everyone. Riddell, if you have some free time here is debdiff for new semantik: http://wklej.org/id/78274/20:34
tsimpsonJontheEchidna: afaik, arts is not essential, and apps can be compiled without arts support20:34
JontheEchidnayeah, konversation is20:34
JontheEchidnabut wouldn't the aRts functionality still not be there?20:34
JontheEchidnasince it's not being compiled20:35
tsimpsonI mean there is usually a -no-arts flag for ./configure20:35
JontheEchidnayeah, and if it's compiled without arts shouldn't sound not work?20:36
a|wen_isn't the problem that konversation relies on the kde3 notification system ... maybe that has problem with sound in general20:36
tsimpsonJontheEchidna: it should be able to use alsa I think20:36
* tsimpson is not sure anymore :s20:37
JontheEchidnaa|wen_: knotify is part of kdelibs, iirc20:37
a|wen_JontheEchidna: and kdelibs (kde3) is compiled without arts ... but the question is if knotify+sound works then20:38
tsimpson<Sho_> The ones from "Configure Notifications" do, if you set KNotify to use a player other than aRts in KControl20:39
tsimpson<Sho_> The ones in "Configure Konversation" (i.e. the sounds for individual highlights) require aRts20:39
tsimpsonso I guess it's a config issue20:39
tsimpsonbut some sound won't work20:39
blueyedCan somebody confirm bug 361275, before I report this upstream, please?20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361275 in kdepim "KMail composer: Ctrl-Del does not delete next word anymore, if prefixed by whitespace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36127520:40
a|wen_JontheEchidna: in any case konversation should go to universe, at least until we have a kde4 version in place IMO20:42
JontheEchidnaI've been using the KDE4 version for a while, it should be ready for Karmic20:43
e-jatagreed with JontheEchidna20:43
e-jati need to confirm about session in kde4 ..20:45
e-jatbefore i report it as a bugs ..20:45
a|wen_sounds good ... and basket kde4 version seems to be good for karmic as well20:45
e-jatseems like .. if i want to restore my previous session .. the application will crash ..20:45
e-jatam im the only one? i dont know to search for which bugs20:46
JontheEchidnawhich application?20:49
e-jata few application if i left it in tray .. before i shutdown ..20:50
e-jatto summarize : it wont restore my previous session20:51
e-jatis it a bug ?20:51
e-jatwhere / how am i going to trace it ..20:51
a|wen_works fine here ... at least for kde4 applications20:53
e-jata|wen_: u mean restoring the previous session ?20:54
e-jatu having problem to restore kde4 application?20:54
e-jatbrb .. trying it ..20:54
a|wen_e-jat: restoring works fine here ... all my kde4 applications gets restored when logging in21:04
e-jata|wen_: only 121:04
e-jatim uploading the screenshot21:04
e-jatother application look fine .. accept kopete21:05
blizzzJontheEchidna: have you a ppa with kde4-version of konversation (or do you know one)?21:06
JontheEchidnaI don't know of any, I compile from source21:06
blizzzwell enough, do you have the link to svn at hand?21:07
e-jata|wen_: http://yfrog.com/5sapplicationcrashattrayp21:08
tsimpsonblizzz: I think tonio has it in his PPA21:08
e-jatim uploading 1 more screenshot21:08
tsimpsonblizzz: https://launchpad.net/~tonio/+archive/ppa21:09
JontheEchidnasvn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/konvi-kde421:09
blizzzthank you both tsimpson and JontheEchidna21:09
blizzzJontheEchidna: will it interfere with old konvi (if only compiled, but not make-installed)?21:10
e-jata|wen_: http://yfrog.com/5vapplicationcrashattray1p <--21:10
JontheEchidnablizzz: I'd worry for your settings, I don't know what would happen21:11
JontheEchidnamight be best to try with a different user21:11
a|wen_e-jat: does that happen everytime you log in?21:11
blizzzthat's an idea21:11
e-jata|wen_: sometimes i dont have session to restore ..21:12
e-jati think yes .. maybe 1 or 2 ..21:13
e-jatmaybe i need to test it out first .. is it occurs everytime or not21:13
a|wen_e-jat: doesn't happen for me ... i have kopete running at it is being restored fine every time i log in21:13
=== a|wen_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Beta out! | Final freeze in effect - Fix bugs! | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo​ | Congratulations to rgreening and a|wen - Kubuntu's newest MOTUs!!!
e-jatits ok .. not an issue for me .. hopefully its only me :)21:15
e-jatcongrates to rgreening n a|wen_ :)21:16
a|wen_e-jat: normally a good way to confirm is to try with a new user21:16
* a|wen_ jsut cleaned the topic for todays meeting21:17
e-jata|wen_: ok i will ..21:18
e-jatthats the right way to see new user with fresh session rite ?21:18
a|wen_e-jat: exactly21:18
davmor2Riddell: kdm is having issues on oem installs21:19
* a|wen_ goes to sleep ...21:19
* e-jat guys .. i think .. i need to offline .. since it already 4.20 am in MY :) .... c u guys later ..21:21
e-jatk guys .. c u later ..21:22
tsimpsone-jat: did you just /amsg that ?21:22
davmor2Riddell: bug 36132421:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361324 in kdebase-workspace "Jaunty: Kubutnu Oem install crashes on completion of end user setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36132421:23
Blizzz_konvikde4looks nice21:59
jefferaiapachelogger: see my email to amarok-packagers...Nightrose said you had changes to the release script you hadn't checked in22:01
jefferaialso, any news on a package for the script generator?22:02
Nightrosejefferai: one is in his ppa currently going through QA afaik22:02
Blizzz_konvikde4JontheEchidna: did you have any issues with konvi-kde4?22:04
Blizzz_konvikde4cause at first sight i'd replace old konvi22:05
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
* Blizzz_konvikde4 goes to test old config on new konvi22:12
JontheEchidnablizzz: only very minor ones, like the window seems to sometimes move down a bit when restored from systray/when you move to the desktop is on22:18
JontheEchidnaplus moving tabs up/down don't work22:18
JontheEchidnaOtherwise I'm quite satisfied22:19
blizzzit seems not to run with the old config :( but this is not a major problem i think.22:21
blizzzthe things you say are okay i think22:22
blizzzbrb, moving to konvi-lkde422:30
blizzzso :)22:41
seaLnekb9vqf: what were you looking for? btw is that a ham handle?23:00
kb9vqfseaLne: Yep, it is my ham callsign23:00
kb9vqfseaLne: I was looking for a mirror for the KDE3.5 LiveCD23:01
seaLneah, i'm mm3zun soon to sit my intermediate uk license23:01
* kb9vqf is glad to see another ham radio operator using Linux23:02
kb9vqfseaLne: I'm completely overloaded here with downloads of the CDs to the point where I had to shut them down23:02
seaLnewas away tonight, when you were talking earlier, at the sort of practical group we have for radio in glasgow23:03
kb9vqfseaLne: What bands do you work usually?23:03
seaLneonly got 2m antenna atm planning to build a multiband trap dipole in the next few weeks23:04
seaLnekb9vqf: what sort of bandwidth are you talking about and how often does the image change?23:04
kb9vqfseaLne: Well, before I shut it down earlier I had transferred 320.97 GB in about 6 hours23:05
kb9vqfseaLne: 14467 hits!23:05
seaLnethats a fair amount :)23:05
kb9vqfseaLne: The image will change usually a few days to a week after the Kubuntu releases (I think RC1, RC2, and final if I am remembering correctly)23:05
seaLneah ok so not a few times a day, that should be fine23:06
seaLnei'm willing to give it a go but i don't promise anything about the stability of the machine,bw shouldn't be that much of an issue23:06
kb9vqfseaLne: I can do load balancing on this end, if you just want to stick the two ISOs up somewhere and send me the link23:07
seaLnek, where can i grab them?23:07
kb9vqfseaLne: Try http://apt4.pearsoncomputing.net/cd_images23:07
* kb9vqf is not sure if that's the right link23:07
kb9vqfseaLne: Whoops....forgot that I deactivated that site.  Try it again...23:09
kb9vqfseaLne: I've been balancing between two servers, and had to shut both down23:09
seaLnestill not getting anything23:09
kb9vqfseaLne: Try http://apt4.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages23:09
kb9vqfseaLne: Forgot to remove the underscore23:09
kb9vqfseaLne: Just do the Jaunty images; the Intrepid one is broken and obsolete23:10
seaLneheh, is there a wget able url?23:10
kb9vqfYeah, just a sec while I extract them23:10
seaLnebtw the links on that url 404 aswell23:11
kb9vqfHere: http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages/kubuntu-9.04-beta-kde3-desktop-i386.iso23:11
kb9vqfNo, this: http://apt4.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages/kubuntu-9.04-beta-kde3-desktop-i386.iso23:11
kb9vqfand this here: http://apt4.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages/kubuntu-9.04-beta-kde3-desktop-amd64.iso23:11
kb9vqfapt4 is my local server, apt2 is shut down due to high traffic, and apt is used to balance the two with DNS23:12
seaLneonly getting about 50k23:13
kb9vqfseaLne: That's my lousy connection23:13
kb9vqfseaLne: I wish apt2 was still up, but I'm locked out until tomorrow23:13
kb9vqfseaLne: I was completely unprepared for this--the users really, really wanted KDE3 still! :-)23:14
seaLnehttp://www.geeksoc.org/~kd/ when they download23:14
kb9vqfseaLne: OK, thanks a lot!  Do you want a note on the page, something like "Mirror graciously provided by seaLne"?23:15
seaLneactually http://www.geeksoc.org/~kd/kde3/ is a better location23:16
kb9vqfOK, I'll look for them there.  Say, did you ever consider any PSK31 radio equipment?23:16
seaLnecurrent estimate of 4 hours for the first one :-/23:17
seaLneyeah building a connector for my ft-817 is on my todo list23:17
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
kb9vqfI have 20, 40, and 80 meter equipment, and might be able to make it over the Atlantic...23:17
seaLnewhen i have things setup i'll poke you23:18
kb9vqfSounds good!  I'd like to see how my Elecraft K2 works ;)23:18
seaLneooh :)23:19
seaLnei built the t1 atu23:19
seaLneonly really got into radio about 6 months ago23:20
kb9vqfhow's that working for ya?  I'm still on my old manual tuner23:20
kb9vqfWell, I've been off and on for about 7 years (mainly off, unfortunately)23:20
seaLneits great was impressed how much it improved the signal even on a supposedly tuned mates 40m vertical23:20
seaLnesize wise its perfect with the ft-817, i hope to do some SOTA stuff this summer but need to build a portable HF antenna aswell23:21
kb9vqfI used to have an 80M center-fed Windom, but it blew down a couple of years ago.  It had the most peculiar radiation pattern, all south and west23:21
kb9vqfThinking of putting up a standard dipole instead :)23:22
seaLnei lurk in #hamradio and reasonably active in ##amateur-radio which is mainly glasgow people23:23
kb9vqfI might look around #hamradio someday...still new to IRC--it reminds me of PSK31 to some extent23:24
seaLnekb9vqf: that server isn't great spec and its nfs home but you might get about 5Mb/s out of it23:31
kb9vqfseaLne: It's better than the 400Kb/s I'm serving now! :-)23:31
seaLnealso no guarantees about it not dieing but poke me if you notice any problems23:32
kb9vqfseaLne: Will do--I might even set up a script to check the status every few hours.  I'll give you a poke when I have RC1 ready (probably a week or so).23:33
seaLnei got baned from using the work webserver after it used to host commit-digest which generated 95% of the web traffic to the machine :)23:34
kb9vqfseaLne: What kind of Internet service do you have over there?23:34
seaLneits at a university23:34
kb9vqfseaLne: Ahh...one of the only places the Web truly thrives :)23:34
kb9vqfseaLne: Seems the universities have better connections than most others23:35
Riddellnixternal: how's that docs package?23:40
ryanakcanixternal: I'm leaving tomorrow right after school for the rest of the week, so unless we get to work on h.k.o tonight, it'll probably have to wait until Sunday morning. If you want to attack it yourself, all the themes are on lp, under the kubuntu-website project. (kubuntu-theme-v2 and kubuntu-wikitheme branches)23:47

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