
ActionParsnip1jaggz: you should have MD5d before burning, saves wasted CDs14:05
ActionParsnip1jaggz: if the burn completed, you can then boot to it and run the disk verifier on the first sceen14:05
jaggzit's different than that which is listed here..that's weird14:06
lokaithen the download messed up ;)14:06
jaggzaction, apparently I should!14:06
jaggz$ md5sum - < kubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso                  53dbbc96a39ff647a2d925e5b35b510f              686140271 2009-04-14 02:56 kubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso14:06
jaggzI ran it in virtualbox too, and it completely locked up X .. had to kill virtualbox with a -9 from a text console14:07
ActionParsnip1yep looks like a garbaged file to me14:07
jaggzyeah.. site says:    4ec82b1ac846ab0823cfee02b581f959 *kubuntu-9.04-beta-desktop-i386.iso14:08
ActionParsnip1another way to check is to paste the genrated md5 in a websearch and ou should get results if its correct as they will match what people have put in forums and such ;)14:09
jaggzcan't see the size on the site though.. how would I do a HEAD request with, say, wget?14:09
jaggzaction, that's interesting :)14:09
jaggzContent-Length: 72004608014:11
jaggzlooks like I didn't get the full thing..14:11
jaggzwget -c time :)14:12
ActionParsnip1looks like a bad'un. Torrents hep with successful downloads due to the torrent protocol14:12
jaggzthe thing is, I have a feeling normal error correction would prevent actual corruption of the file14:13
jaggzearly termination is another issue14:14
jaggzso this wget with an md5 test afterwards will confirm14:14
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jaggzbut the cd itself is dead, definitely :)14:15
ActionParsnip1thats what md5 is for14:15
ActionParsnip1well its not a dead cup coaster14:15
ActionParsnip1or frisbe14:15
jaggzyessir... haven't needed it in a long time.. now I know to bother each time.  :)14:15
ActionParsnip1or wire a 9v battery to it and watch the prettyness14:15
jaggzthere it is..14:17
jaggzthat's also what k3b's "uh.. your image file is an invalid size" should have clued me into examining more closely14:18
ActionParsnip1jaggz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBTDT9Nuio14:18
jaggzbut I have a stack of 50 coasters over here14:19
jaggzI mean, it's a stack of 75 fresh unburnt cd's... but...14:19
jaggzyoutube's stopped functioning with my iceweasel for some reason14:20
ActionParsnip1its how to make a usb lamp out of 2 cds14:20
ActionParsnip1and some other bits14:20
jaggzyt's flash broke itself14:21
RizRcan't get kde to work. using ATI card with open source driver on kubuntu. Used gnome's utility to setup dual-head previously. kde's system->system settigns->display doesn't give any appropriate settings.14:21
RizRany ideas?14:21
RizRxorg.conf file: http://pastebin.com/m2be2f4e214:21
jaggzis that kde related?14:22
ActionParsnip1RizR: all i can personally suggest is th !dualhead factoid which i'm guessing you have read14:22
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:23
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead14:23
RizRActionParsnip1, I'm puzzled 'cuz it's working fine on gnome :-)14:23
jaggzrizr, can you get it to work at all with a single display?14:23
RizRjaggz, it's working fine with single. with two monitors it just clones the display.14:23
jaggzcd verifies after burn.. off we go to the other room to my lappy14:24
jaggzrizr, ahh14:24
jaggzno experience in it.. sorry bud.. rtfm :/14:24
gaokaiOH, I just installed the kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu. then I restart my laptop,when shutting down and logging in,the logos has already changed into KUBUNTU,but at last in still enters in GNOME,why?14:25
ActionParsnip1RizR: ive seen this kind of issue said before but i dont use dual monitors, hell i only have 1 monitor for 3 systems14:25
RizRActionParsnip1, do you use some home grown SplitDisplay X-extension that displays screen from all systems on one monitor? ;-)14:26
RizRthanks anyway14:26
ActionParsnip1RizR: nope, ssh and some web interfaces14:27
gaokaiand I use /etc/gdm stop ,then /etc/kdm start .But it says "the kdm is already running".why?14:27
ActionParsnip1gaokai: its default in kubuntu14:28
ActionParsnip1gaokai: unless you have installed gdm it wont be there14:28
ActionParsnip1and certainly wont be running unless you switched from kdm to gdm14:28
gaokaioh, the current desktop is gnome,I want to run KDE now14:29
ActionParsnip1gaokai: you can boot into kde with gdm14:31
ActionParsnip1gaokai: just change your default session to kde and you will lo into it each time14:32
gaokai<ActionParsnip1>:really?how to do that?14:32
ActionParsnip1gaokai: like i said, on the login screen, look around and you will see where to change the session type14:33
gaokai<ActionParsnip1>thank you,Let me try14:35
RizRActionParsnip1, xrandr does the trick.14:37
RizRxrandr --output <secondary-output> --off14:38
ActionParsnip1nice one14:38
RizRxrandr --output <secondary> --right-of <primary>14:38
RizRany idea how does gnome handle this? if it uses xrandr as well then it's all good. I just put this in a script in Xsession.d14:39
RizRotherwise will have to find a way so my existing setup doesn't get screwed14:39
elwoodhi all, i'm looking for a list of the features of kubuntu 9.04 for a press comunicate, anyone can help me about?14:42
Mamarokelwood: you should check that with the Kubuntu developers IMHO14:46
Mamarokelwood: write a mail to jriddell@canonical.com14:47
JontheEchidnaelwood: The wiki page that we link to in the Beta announcement should give a pretty good overview14:47
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MamarokJontheEchidna: thx :) didn't think of that one14:48
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gaokai<ActionParsnip1> Thank you. I entered KDE now15:00
ActionParsnip1gaokai: cool15:00
Novalgina2Fasti have a problem, i have upgrade to jaunty(from intrepid) but knetwork.manager now doesn't start(but it is installed)15:07
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jaggzI don't like kubuntu's live cd15:10
jaggztoo showy.. trying to compete with the vista/osx gunk... I don't mind an os being pretty, but they change everything to try to make an advanced interface and I think it's really not that intuitive..15:11
jaggzanyway, we'll see.. I'll try a bit more15:11
gamerchick02hey all... i'm looking for a kde app to use my PSC 1210 all in one scanner, printer, copier. any recommendations for a kde app?15:27
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jaggzxsane used to work for my scanning but it stopped15:32
liberviscoKDE4 is much more responsive with openbox it seems15:34
liberviscoon Radeon X80015:34
gamerchick02i'm in jaunty, btw15:38
Dragnslicergamerchick02- CUPS should be able to handle the printing normally15:41
gamerchick02i'm looking for something to use the scanner15:43
DragnslicerI can't remember what program I used for the scanner last time I needed to15:43
gamerchick02i think i can get xsane or something15:43
gamerchick02i was hoping for something kde, but i guess i don't really care15:43
DragnslicerQuick Google search brings up kooka15:43
gamerchick02ah. thanks! i'll check it out15:44
geniikooka is for kde 315:44
genii!info kscan15:44
ubottuPackage kscan does not exist in intrepid15:44
Dragnslicer!info skanlite15:44
ubottuskanlite (source: skanlite): KDE 4 image scanning application. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2-kde4.1.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1185 kB, installed size 1608 kB15:44
genii!info kscan-kde415:44
ubottuPackage kscan-kde4 does not exist in intrepid15:44
* genii kicks the bot around some15:45
Dragnslicerskanlite is the first thing I found in Adept15:45
DragnslicerYeah, looks like kscan got dropped after hardy15:47
gamerchick02thanks. i'm searching right now15:48
itai_michaelsonhi -will konqueror show my smb network files in its 'places' menu ?15:49
itai_michaelsonnetwork shares...15:49
mireojak zmienieć ext3 na ext415:58
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geoff270join #mldonkey16:22
NTFSLinux is the worst piece of shit i have ever used next to the playstation 3.16:50
ubuntujoin #kubuntu-de16:54
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Gabrielkello all17:07
lorecasterhey all. i moved to upgrade from OOo 2.4 to 3.01 but it doesn't appear to have taken17:28
lorecastersudo --help17:32
lorecasterthe application says that i need to install the program as root... so i'm in the terminal, in the proper directory...17:34
lorecasteri tried SUDO SETUP and it failed, SUDO UPDATE, then i tried SUDO INSTALL SETUP, SUDO INSTALL UPDATE, etc17:35
snikkerhi, someone can help me to play a video file inside a main gui of vlc? instead of a separated window...17:35
geniiHopefully not all in uppercase like just now in your description17:36
lorecasteroh no, all lowercase :)17:36
lorecasterneeded some way of differenciation... that or brackets, quotes, etc.17:36
p_quarleslorecaster: which set of packages for OOo3 are you using?17:36
lorecasterdownloaded them this morning17:37
p_quarleslorecaster: why not the .deb.tar.gz?17:37
p_quarlesi.e., the one specifically packaged for Debian and Ubuntu?17:37
lorecasteron the site, this one downloaded... i'll investigate further and see if i can't find the deb file :D17:38
lorecasterneat! they were hiding it, but i found it!! :) thanks17:39
lorecasterbe 20 minutes to download, but i'll get it :D17:39
lorecasterthanks for being patient with me guys and gals :$ M$ to Linux is a little bit of a difficult transition17:40
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multimediahello im a newbee running 8.10 how do i edit screen size17:59
spirooTwo questions: First of all, is it possible to turn numlock on BEFORE you login on KDE desktop? Secondly, is it possible in ARK to ignore CRC fail like it is in winrar, because I hate when it does not unpack things?18:01
lorecasterhehe back again :$ now that i have the deb.tar.gz file...18:01
multimediadisplay settings can i change18:02
multimediai need help basic any one18:04
lorecasteri can try... i'm probably as green as you are :)18:05
lorecasterthis room is very quiet sometimes, i've noticed.18:05
multimediawell im using 8.19 ubuntuuu can you still help18:05
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lorecaster8.10 here... i can still try.18:05
lorecasteri have a knack or finding info on the net18:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:06
multimediai cant seamto find display settings18:06
lorecasteralright then, i'll ask mine again too :) i now have my open office 3.01 bed.taz.gz file, but the update script won't run an installer of any nature. what sudo command do i need to run in terminal?18:08
lorecaster*deb.tar.gz... sorry, dyslexic18:08
multimediahow do you find more chat links on konversation18:09
qyn123how to install w32codecs on Ubuntu?18:10
multimediahow to install adobe to watch abc cbs video18:11
spirooTwo questions: First of all, is it possible to turn numlock on BEFORE you login on KDE desktop? Secondly, is it possible in ARK to ignore CRC fail like it is in winrar, because I hate when it does not unpack things?18:12
lorecasterspiroo... numlock is a bios thing for your first question18:12
lorecasteryou can fix that in your BIOS settings18:12
geniilorecaster: First you have to uncompress with something like: tar -xzf filename.deb.tar.gz         ...which should give you: filename.deb        thn: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb18:13
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:13
spiroolorecaster: No it is a Linux problem. It is on in my BIOS.18:13
geniiqyn123 and multimedia, see bot's message above18:13
lorecasterthanks genii18:14
genii!flash | multimedia18:14
ubottumultimedia: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:14
lorecasteruhh... Genii... there's a folder with 48 DEB files in it :|18:14
qyn123ok!thanks! genii18:15
geniilorecaster: look for one which seems to be the main one. Like openoffice-core   or similar18:15
geniiqyn123: You're welcome18:15
geniilorecaster: If you like, use pastebin website to put the file list there and I'll see which one it could be18:16
lorecasterbegging your pardon, use what?18:16
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)18:17
spirooIs it possible in ARK to ignore CRC fail like it is in winrar, because I hate when it does not unpack things?18:17
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lorecasterwow... linux has a solution for everything. it's amazing... i've been missing out :(18:19
geniiApologies on lag, my worplace keeps needing me for stretches of a few minutes at a time here18:27
geniilorecaster: Reading the paste, 1 minute18:27
lorecasteryou're my benevelant benefactor, who would i be to complain about lag :)18:28
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geniilorecaster: Looks like the relevant file here is: openoffice.org3_3.0.1-15_amd64.deb18:28
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geniilorecaster: So to: sudo dpkg -i openoffice.org3_3.0.1-15_amd64.deb18:29
lorecasteryou're wonderful :D18:29
geniilorecaster: The password it will want is your regular one, when it asks18:29
geniilorecaster: Glad to assist18:30
lorecasteruhh... there's something else here... dependancy problems?18:30
lorecasteropenoffice .org-ure is not installed, nor core1-7... oobasis3.0images, oobasis3.0fonts   --eek18:31
geniilorecaster: Looks like, yes. But they are usually informative in finding out which one is required first18:31
lorecastergenii: other than the order of the files... lemme paste.ubuntu again18:32
geniilorecaster: The other files in the list which look to be main files would be ooobasis3.0-en-us_3.0.1-15_amd64.deb18:33
lorecasterwill try that one next18:33
geniiand ooobasis3.0-en-us-base_3.0.1-15_amd64.deb18:33
geniiWhen I copy/paste off the pastebin it seems to be wanting to put a carriage return/linefeed18:34
lorecasterthere's even more dependancy issues... each time there's another18:36
qyn123goodnight everybody!18:38
geniilorecaster: You could try to just install the entire batch of them with a wildcard in the name18:38
lorecasterdoes it work the same way as it did in DOS? *.*?18:38
p_quarleslorecaster: go to the unpacked directory and: sudo dpkg -i *.deb18:38
geniilorecaster: sudo dpkg -i *.deb18:38
geniip_quarles: :)18:38
lorecasterthanks Genii... working on that now18:39
lorecasterit's working... how glorious :D18:39
lorecasterthis group is a godsend18:39
jackcy_Sorry to put this weird question. A friend of mine using kubuntu 8.10 made all the current updates today. After rebooting his machine, he cannot log on to kde (4.1.x), he always drops back to the login screen. Any hints?18:40
lorecastergenii, my openoffice link still loads 2.4, not 3.018:40
geniilorecaster: Probably cached18:40
p_quarleslorecaster: those packages load into /opt; you can add them to menus manually18:41
lorecasteror do the ctrl+alt+bkspace?18:41
p_quarleslorecaster: alternatively, I think it includes a package for menu files in the desktop-integration sub-directory; look in there18:41
p_quarlesin any event, it does *not* install over your existing 2.4 packages18:42
cedric_french please18:42
lorecasterso i can uninstall the 2.4?18:42
Pici!fr | cedric_18:43
ubottucedric_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:43
geniiWork, afk18:44
p_quarleslorecaster: you can if you want to, but there's no reason you have to18:44
lorecasteri'd probably use the wrong one and get confused :P i'm a flake that way soemtimes. but on a 1.5tb drive, i agree that it is not necessary :P18:45
cedric_how to compil c file with heiders?18:46
jaggzkubuntu's wireless aint workin on my thinkypad18:49
tsimpsoncedric_: install the "build-essential" package18:49
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cedric_Build-essential is already installed18:54
lorecasternow that i have OOo.org 3.0 installed, how do i get the shortcuts on my menu?18:58
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Riddell** Kubuntu meeting now in #ubuntu-meeting19:01
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lorecastercan anyone help me?19:06
lorecasternevermind, i got it! :D -proud-19:09
xxx_hello people ! I have Kubuntu 8.04 and I can't play *.mov files  What player can play MOV files??? Thanks19:11
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:11
jason_froebexxx_ take a look at medibuntu19:11
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spirooHas anybody in here a tvix that is configured with GNU/Linux?19:17
|PaperTiger|I'm using 8.10 with KDE 4.2. Just installed Skype for Linux, but it hasn't shown up in my Applications menu. Where will I find it? Or how can I run it anyway?19:23
sachinhi how r u19:25
lun4ticdoes somebody know a tutorial how to integrate nvidia drivers into a kubuntu live CD/DVD?19:25
lun4tici want to show KDE around but without 3D support on mostly NVidia hardware it sucks... :)19:25
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lun4ticis there any KDE4 kubuntu with allready integrated proprietary nvidia drivers?19:26
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lun4ticor maybe remastering tutorials or sth.19:26
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stranger101080hey man please help lun4tic19:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:29
Gabrielso some girl19:30
spirooIs it possible in ARK to ignore CRC fail like it is in winrar, because I hate when it does not unpack things?19:33
spirooHas anybody in here a tvix that is configured with GNU/Linux?19:33
spirooIs it possible to turn numlock on BEFORE you login on KDE desktop?19:33
jackcy_Does anyone know how to fix the logon to kde problem? After entering user and password the screen gets blank and the logon screen is displayed again. Thx.19:34
AmyRose!pm | gabriel19:35
ubottugabriel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:35
geniijackcy_: If you can obtain a terminal console I would try to ensure permissions of that user's home directory are correct. ls -la /home/username|less for instance and check that all the files belong to that user. Especially anything in /home/username/.kde directory. If not owned by them to chown the bad ones19:39
bluesteaksis there a plasmoid or something else to get krunner into the panel?19:41
AmyRosePlease stop PMing me, Gabriel19:43
jason_froebeAmyRose - you should be able to block Gabriel using your irc client19:45
jocke__kinda new to this linux thing19:46
jocke__anyone able to give a noob some advices ? :)19:46
genii!ask | jocke__19:46
ubottujocke__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:46
jocke__is there a channel for Ubuntu 8.04 users ?19:47
jackcy_genii: I'm sorry. This did not help. I even chowned the full home directory without success. Moving the .kde directory did not help either.19:47
geniijocke__: This channel you are in is the support channel. For more idle talk not support related, #kubuntu-offtopic is better19:48
devilsadvocatejocke__, #ubuntu ?19:48
jason_froebejocke__ - try #ubuntu19:48
landon_can someone help me install my ati drivers im a newbie??19:49
lun4ticlandon_: yes, buy some nvidia card... ;)19:49
landon_I just want to know how to install19:50
geniijackcy_: Did the upgrade include a kernel upgrade? If previously you were using nvidia or ati proprietary drivers for instance, this also could explain19:51
lun4ticwhich version of kubuntu do you use,  which card do you have, have you allready corrupted the system with failed trys?19:51
landon_8.4 old crappy radeon 950019:52
genii!ati | landon_19:52
ubottulandon_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:52
lun4ticforget it... :D19:52
lun4ticproprietary is not worth it i think19:52
lun4ticmaybe x.org supports it allready19:53
lun4ticbut i've had some very bad experience with 9500-9700 cards19:53
landon_I have it installed in the 3rd party im wanting to enable the 3d19:53
lun4ticif the driver is installed correctly and the card was recocnized 3d should allready work if you have rebootet19:54
geniiWork, I will be laggy for a while19:54
desuTEAM PlanB19:54
spirooIs it possible to turn numlock on BEFORE you login on KDE desktop?19:55
landon_well a friend of mine has the ati catylist installed and it works alot better and his card is way older than mine19:55
jackcy_genii: nvidia-180 drivers were activated for sure. I'll use a backup of my xorg.conf then. But I'm wondering why I get the login screen - this should fail if the driver cannot be loaded. Reporting back in a few minutes.19:56
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spirooIs it possible in ARK to ignore CRC fail like it is in winrar, because I hate when it does not unpack things?20:01
spirooI want to unpack even if broken, because it works 90% of the time anyway :P20:01
jackcy_spiroo: You can try it via the command prompt and the unrar command. There is the option -av- which "Disable Authenticity Verification check." I did not find a corresponding setting in ark.20:05
spiroojackcy_: Not to sound negative but I know :D But I want to use the fabulous service menu only. Quite annoying to use temrinal all the time20:05
robinrin 99.99999 of the cases youwon'20:06
robinrin 99.99999 of the cases you won't need to bypass the check20:06
cheezhatcan anyone in here help me, I got a small problem with kubuntu......20:08
geniicheezhat: Best to just describe the problem first20:09
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cheezhatalright, first off I'm using konversation to talk to you, as an example; all the nicks at the right of the window aren't there until I click on them....20:10
cheezhatany tool tip popups or whatever are blank, if I can click on the "window" or whatever it will then display the text20:11
jason_froebecheezhat - may want to ask on #konversation20:11
spirooHas anybody in here a tvix that is configured with GNU/Linux? I need to fix permissions for the NFS-server, so I can autostart it on login?20:12
cheezhatit was just my example not a problem with konversation20:12
genii!ru | smiges20:13
ubottusmiges: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:13
smigesпервый раз в ирке20:14
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geniismiges:   /join #ubuntu-ru   это принесет вас там20:16
smiges /join #ubuntu-ru20:18
bdizzlewhat chan works with open office?20:26
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.20:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about koffice220:27
genii!info koffice20:28
ubottukoffice (source: koffice): KDE Office Suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-6ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 60 kB20:28
bdizzleokay, this is probably dumb, but would anyone be willling to help me with matching colors and such on presentations for powerpoint?20:30
bdizzleI want it looking professional, and my creative skills aren't quite working today (shockingly)20:31
devilsadvocatebdizzle, openoffice themes/20:31
bdizzleyeah, thinking of it20:31
bdizzleI hate doing it, but where can I find the themes at?20:32
devilsadvocatebdizzle, google :P20:33
bdizzlegee, thanks20:33
devilsadvocatethere are some pretty nice ones out there in various licenses20:33
bdizzleduh where do you load the themes from in impress?20:33
smigesкогда на мыло письмо придёт20:34
desuTEAM PlanB20:40
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:40
ubuntu_anybody speak enlish or spanish?20:41
xevixenglish here20:42
xevixprobably #ubuntu-es for spanish20:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:42
bdizzleokay, now that they are downloaded, how do I use them in my documents?20:43
AdoroCan anyone tell me why I can run music in Dragon Player but not in Amarok or VLC Player ?20:45
AdoroNo sound that is20:45
pippo2c'è qualcuno?20:48
p_quarles!it | pippo220:48
ubottupippo2: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:48
p_quarlesAdoro: are they attempting to use different backends?20:49
ubuntu_how can i see someone-s cam in kopete?20:49
Adoronot sure, ive tried several 'outputs'20:49
Adoroif thats what you mean p_20:50
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p_quarlesAdoro: I just wonder if, say, Dragon is using Phonon, and the others are attempting to use Pulse; or vice versa20:51
Adorois there a way i can check? :)20:51
p_quarlesAdoro: kcmshell4 kcm_phonon20:52
kusanagidoes kubuntu has a guest session?20:54
Adorobackend only has xine20:55
Adoroby the looks of it20:55
p_quarlesAdoro: which device is most preferred?20:55
Adoroive set it to my audiocard20:56
AdoroCreative ALSA Driver X-Fi (WaveOut/WaveIn)20:56
p_quarlesAdoro: which amarok are you running?20:56
p_quarles1.4? 2.0? 2.1?20:56
jackcy_genii: reinstalling the nvidia-glx-180 did not help. I reconfigured the xserver files too - without success. After installing gdm and setting it as default the user could log on kde. That indicated me that the kdm package was defect after installing. But removing and reinstalling kdm (and kubuntu-deskptop) did not help. So I'm using gdm as standard for now.20:57
p_quarlesAdoro: well, that explains it; KDE4's system settings won't affect Amarok 1.4; not sure what to tell you after that20:57
Adoro...yeah ill update :P20:57
kusanagidoes kubuntu have a guest session like ubuntu does?20:59
xxx_hi all again21:00
afeijohow can I control what my crontab will email me? it email a lot, lol21:00
xxx_after instalation this codecs : sudo apt-get install w32codecs ; sudo apt-get install w64codecs; sudo apt-get install ppc-codecs a can't play MOV files21:00
jsheweyI am using jaunty and I think I am having trouble with ipv6 DNS lookups slowing my internet connection. IPv6 is built into the kernel in jaunty, so blacklisting the module has no effect. Anyone know how I might turn IPv6 off?21:01
ActionParsnipxxx_: you only need the arch you use, you dont need 32 and 6421:02
xxx_who can halp me , with MOV files ?21:02
ActionParsnipxxx_: install kubuntu-restriced-extras and you'll get pretty much everything you'll need21:02
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lorecasteri'm hoping someone can help... ideally, i want Autocad to work, which it does not... but i've got Vectorworks 2008 here, and i cannot figure out how to install it with Wine... there doesn't even appear to be an installer in the ISO file21:02
xxx_ActionParsnip thanks , i'll try21:03
agajshewey:  you might want to ask in #ubuntu+1 for jaunty issues21:03
kusanagilorecaster, if there is not an installer in the ISO you cant install it, neither wine, nor windows21:04
kusanagilorecaster, look for a README.txt or sumthing like that21:04
ActionParsnip!info kubuntu-restricted-extras21:04
ubottukubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB21:04
lorecasteri'm a computer tech for microsoft products... 2 years college 5 years experience... it's just linux i've never used before. :P21:05
lorecastercouldn't find much of a readme either... was hoping it was something careless i'm missing21:05
lorecasteri'm just having such a hard time finding an industry-grade CAD program to work in my ubuntu21:06
jcpratherany idea why ls is not implemented in nslookup, and how one might go about gettign that functionality, since someone decided to take it out of the nslookup tool?21:07
alidIs it unsecure to change the permissions of $HOME/.ssh to 777?21:07
jcpratherdriving me crazy, and googling turns up idiots saying "there is no ls in nslookup"21:07
jcpratheralid: no!21:08
jcprathergiving everybody write permissions to that dir would let people delete files iwthin21:08
jcpratherand create new files within21:08
Dragnsliceralid- yeah, especially if you have any private keys saved there21:08
jason_froebejcprather - what are you trying to do?21:08
ActionParsnipalid: yes as all users on your system will have full access to it21:08
jcpratherjason_froebe: check if the nameserver is configured to allow zone transfers, and grab a list of hostnames on a specific domain/subdomain to test21:09
Dragnsliceralid- it would also someone to add their own public key to your authorized_keys file21:09
jcpratheralid: when i said no! i meant yes! as indicated by what i said afterward ;)21:09
jason_froebejcprather - I believe "dig" will do it21:09
jcpratherjason_froebe: aha! dig is a nifty tool, i'll look through its man for that feature21:10
alidI am going to ssh to a remote host without password. I added my host id_rsa.pub to the authorized_keys file on the remote server, and set its permission to 600, it doesn't work though.21:10
alidI thought it might be because that the username on my local machine varries from mine on the server.21:11
jason_froebealid - try:  ssh-copy-id username@hostname21:11
ActionParsnipalid: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~arun/misc/ssh.html21:11
jason_froebealid - it'll work for most unix-type systems21:11
jason_froebeassuming the remote system's admin didn't disable it21:12
alidjason_froebe: I did it, it's still asking me for password though.21:13
drax2gmahi all21:14
drax2gmaAnybody here also got font garbage problem with kde+jaunty?21:14
jason_froebealid - run ssh with the verbose "-v" option - look for where the key is offered to the server21:15
jason_froebemultiple "-v" will increase the verbosity21:15
alidjason_froebe: I am not that expert to understand these debugging info.21:17
alidjason_froebe: Could you please take a look at the trace please? http://pastebin.ca/139207721:18
jason_froebealid - taking a look21:18
jason_froebealid - your key is being rejected21:19
alidjason_froebe: Why?21:20
* e-jat guys .. i think .. i need to offline .. since it already 4.20 am in MY :) .... c u guys later ..21:21
brano_cya ;-)21:21
jason_froebealid - a quick google pulls up http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=794765  -21:22
alidjason_froebe: Does my username on the local machine have to be the same as the one I use to access the remote machine?21:23
jason_froebealid - meaning the problem is probably on the server side.  you may want to send the link to the box's admin21:23
jason_froebealid - nope21:23
alidjason_froebe: Alright. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it :)21:24
jason_froebealid - no prob21:24
alidIs there any command to figure out the distribution of the linux installed on a remote machine?21:27
jason_froebecat /etc/lsb-release21:29
robinrthat's the local machine21:29
jason_froebenot if you ssh to the other machine ;-)21:30
Adorowell p_quarles, ive updated my amarok...still no sound :S mind you, i do have sound from dragon player21:30
ActionParsnipAdoro: change your sound output device in amarok may help21:38
Adorolooking for the option ActionParsnip, did find it in the old amarok -_-21:39
Adoroodd is, it doesnt work in vlc either21:39
ActionParsnipAdoro: i dont use the new one, i use 1.4 as it supports xul remote which is essential21:41
Adorohm just found something by accident21:42
Adorowas looking at wine21:42
Adoroand when i went to sound it said21:42
Adoro"There is no audio driver registered in the registry"21:42
Adorospecified even21:43
jason_froebewine's winecfg is like that normally...21:45
ActionParsnipAdoro: do you have the wine from the wine repo?21:46
Adorodefault package that came with kubuntu21:46
Adorothere is clearly something wrong with my driver21:47
Adoromind blowing is that it works in 1 program21:47
Adorobut not in any other program21:47
Adoroi use Creative Sound Blaster ExtremeMusic21:47
jason_froebeAdoro - thinking that the audio daemon is messed up, have you tried restarting?21:48
Adoroill do that again21:48
ActionParsnipgood ol creative :(21:49
chronicwhen im searching repos with aptitude search, what switch will return version number?21:49
chronici already tried v ,V ,-v ,-V and none return version number21:49
jason_froebemaybe...  wonder which version of kubuntu and kde Adoro is using21:49
Adorothats didnt do much good21:52
Kealperi was just wondering how i would go about switching my logon screen back to the kubuntu default screen, from the ubuntu screen. i installed the ubuntu-desktop package for gnome, but it turns out this comp sucks too much lol21:52
jason_froebeAdoro - which version of kubuntu and kde are you using?21:52
Adorowill it do any good if I say latest? :)21:53
Adorootherwise tell me how to check21:53
jason_froebeAdoro - cat /etc/lsb-release21:53
ActionParsnipAdoro: lsb_release -c will give the codename21:54
Adorois there a common problem with creative cards?21:57
Adoroor am i just being special? :P21:57
ActionParsnipAdoro: creative can't even support windows at the best of time21:59
jason_froebeI don't use Dragon Player but I think it is a front end to xine.  if we can determine where the it is sending the sound output .....22:00
Adorohm looks like i broke it totally now -_-22:00
Adoroeven dragon player wont work no more22:00
ActionParsnipAdoro: restart hal22:03
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ActionParsnipAdoro: any help22:09
Adoroi just noticed this though:22:09
Adoroat system settings and then multimedia22:09
Adoroi go to backend22:09
Adoroit says:22:09
AdoroThe shared library was not found.Library "kcm_phononxine" not found22:10
jason_froebethat would do it22:10
jason_froebei think22:10
ActionParsnipAdoro: could be a clue22:10
Kealpersorry to interupt, but is there a subversion client that comes preinstalled on kubuntu or ubuntu?22:11
jason_froebeAdoro - sudo aptitude reinstall phonon-backend-xine22:11
jason_froebeKealper - preinstalled? no.. kdesvn works fine though22:11
Kealperok, thanks22:11
Adoroi reboot i reckon?22:12
jason_froebeAdoro - shouldn't have to but it wouldn't hurt22:13
bafmanhi guys22:14
Kealperalso, its not really a problem, but its just a question, is there a way to change logon screens? i recently installed the ubuntu-desktop trying to get a easy gnome install but gnome is too epic for this computer, im using kde again but its still got the ubuntu logon...how do i switch back to the kubuntu logon screen?22:15
jason_froebeKealper - sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop  <-- will do it :)22:16
bafmananyone experienced issue with gtkqt theming during restoring session in kde? Precisely when I change color scheme in KDE and start ie ffox, it has correct colors. When logged out without quitting ffox and again relogin, ffox has default white color scheme22:16
bafmanafter quiting ffox and restarting it everything is ok22:16
Kealperi tried that, but it doesnt do anything, since ive already got the most recent kde installed22:17
Adoroyeah i rly broke something this time22:17
ActionParsnipbafman: bit hacky but you could add a killall firefox to your logoff script22:17
bafmanActionParsnip: well, I would rather fix the issue ;-)22:18
ActionParsnipbafman: have you tried creating a new profile to see if its the profile22:18
bafmanActionParsnip: will try22:18
Adorowhat do i set my master channel to for my audio card?22:19
ActionParsnip!sound | Adoro22:20
ubottuAdoro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:20
* jcprather chuckles at bot's clever use of "| Nick|22:24
ActionParsnipjcprather: good aint it22:24
jcpratheryeah pretty awesome22:25
Kealperwow kdesvn is simple to use, i thought it was gonna be all command-line and such lol22:25
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jason_froebeKealper - it's quite handy :)22:28
skarnI have made a mess with my shortcuts22:30
skarnnow I can't find where to change some of them22:30
skarnlike crtl + esc for task manager22:30
skarnor maiusc + alt + f12 to disable composite effetcs22:31
devilsadvocateskarn, global shortcuts22:31
Dragnslicerskarn- System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse22:31
devilsadvocatesomewhere in system settings22:31
skarnI know that22:31
skarnit's there I made the mess :)22:32
skarnI just can't find some specific one22:32
Adoroi fixed it22:32
skarnso I thought some might be hidden somewhere22:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:32
jason_froebeAdoro - what was it?22:32
bafmanActionParsnip: seems to be profile's issue22:33
Adorowell, i recently updated my bios on my mobo...thus my onboard soundcard got activated again. i forget that...just now i disabled it22:33
Adoroand solved my problems22:33
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Adorotnx for help :)22:34
jason_froebeAdoro - that's good news :)22:35
Adoro:) yep22:36
ActionParsnipAdoro: best way, having 2 soundcards can confuse stuff if not confured right22:36
Adoronow i need to look into the troubles i had with eclipse and netbeans -_-22:39
PodeCoetis there any way to add an ssh 'share' to stab, for access using /mnt/sshShare or something?22:41
ActionParsnipits mounting sftp22:42
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27080622:42
skarnmmhh.. sorry, looks like I didn't look well enough22:42
skarnsome could be found, and some didn't work because krunner crashed...22:43
PodeCoetActionParsnip: thanks!22:43
lorecasterlooking for an adventurous someone to help me get autocad architectural desktop 2007 to work in linux.22:46
ActionParsniplorecaster: wine22:46
ActionParsnip!appdb | lorecaster22:46
ubottulorecaster: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:46
lorecaster@winehq on this server?22:47
lorecasteri've had no luck with wine and ADT0722:47
ActionParsniplorecaster: #winehq22:47
lorecasterperfect!! :D thanks22:47
ActionParsniplorecaster: crossover / cedega is not free as in beer22:47
ActionParsnipor speech22:48
lorecasterworking with the #wine people, thanks so much peeps22:48
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whilohi i am testing jaunty and i have had bad experiences with kde 4 and ram usage22:52
whiloi have written a blog entry about it (actually another one which also mentioned this problem) here: http://whilos.blogsite.org/?p=10222:53
whilonow people keep claiming that the high ram usage is a problem with kubuntu and i should change the distribution22:53
whilowhat is your position about it?22:53
whiloi like debian very much, but lenny comes with 3.5.10 (for good reasons) so i'd think about using kubuntu for my home-on-nfs clients here22:54
whilootherwise i could wait until 4.2.2 enters testing22:55
ActionParsnipwhilo: i use kde apps but not kde itself, i always istall a lighter WM onto my system and use that in my session22:55
ActionParsnipwhilo: ive noticed kde using a lot of ram as well which is why i dislike the desktop, as well as me not using widgets and all that graphical muck so its a waste to me22:56
gigasoftdoes anybody know shortcuts for switching between virtual desktops22:57
ActionParsnipwhilo: if i boot kde 4.2.2 and amarok 2 I have about 30Mb left in my 1Gb RAM system which i find scandelous22:57
gigasoftin kubuntu22:57
whiloActionParsnip: ok, but i generally think that much of this stuff is not bad as long as the relation of ram usage and the functionality is not that bad22:57
ActionParsnipgigasoft: system settings -> keyboard and mose settings22:58
whiloit would be ok to give 300mb for a default desktop with semantic capabilities and effects running kopete and amarok in the tray and maybe up to 500 with some apps open...22:58
ActionParsnipgigasoft: global shortcuts -> kwin22:58
gigasoftthanks again22:59
ActionParsnipwhilo: sounds ok, depends if yur system runs as you'd like22:59
whiloi generally like the idea of developping the whole DE in one project where features can be shared22:59
ActionParsnipgigasoft: np man, you have to set one22:59
whiloActionParsnip: no it doesn't22:59
whiloi have ridiculously high memory usage23:00
ActionParsnipwhilo: its not set here and i've never set one, so i called it as needing to be set23:00
winston_hello all23:00
ActionParsnipwhilo: try a different DE, like fluxbox, LXDE, XFCE23:01
ActionParsnip!hi | winston_23:01
ubottuwinston_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:01
whiloActionParsnip: Gnome is quite resource friendly for its level of integration (at least compared to KDE4 here)23:02
jason_froebekde4 does have promise though of surpassing gnome :)23:05
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ActionParsnipjason_froebe: how does one DE surpass another?23:06
geniiEvery different DE has it's advantages or disadvantages. It's like the !best factoid23:08
ActionParsnipmy point exactly23:08
jason_froebepersonally I think they leap frog over each other - borrowing ideas (good thing)23:08
ActionParsnipi think its a simple co-existance23:09
jason_froebeperhaps.. though not in isolation ;-)23:09
geniiWhat desktop environment people prefer depends on how they like to work, what they use the computer for, what sort of visual metaphors and workflow patterns, etc etc23:09
jason_froebe'tis a personal preference like genii says23:10
ActionParsnipindeed, so neither will surpass either23:10
jason_froebeI disagree.. this week desktop X will surpass desktop Y for feature ABC .. next week it will be desktop Z23:11
jason_froebetongue firmly in cheek btw23:11
ActionParsnipjason_froebe: what about if i dont use feature ABC23:12
jason_froebethen it will be desktop Q ;-)23:12
ActionParsnipi use kde out of habit as its what ive used for the last howmany years23:13
ActionParsnipkde + lxde = gold23:13
geniiI'm finding the kde3->kde4 transition painful atm. I'm actually running now the kde3 jaunty version23:14
|PaperTiger|Is there a way to change what each jack at the back of my computer does? Or do I have the have the mic and headset in the right holes? Like in Windows, you can change what each jack does when you plug something in. Does Kubuntu 8.10 have something like that?23:15
ActionParsnip|PaperTiger|: i think thats a windows driver thing23:15
|PaperTiger|ActionParsnip, it's the RealTek thing. Is there anything like that in Kubuntu?23:16
geniiWell, it depends on your soundcard driver... you can put driver options for instance in the /etc/modules or in modprobe23:16
geniiBut the driver has to have these options in it23:16
|PaperTiger|Ah, okay23:17
ActionParsnip|PaperTiger|: not sure, tbh, once you connect the speakers you can forget about them23:18
|PaperTiger|ActionParsnip, speakers are connected fine, but it's my headset I'm wondering about.23:19
|PaperTiger|ActionParsnip, found a solution... Speakers have headset and mic output on them :)23:20
Naalulin which channel can I get help setting up dmz with firewall?23:20
ActionParsnipsweet, simple solution23:20
|PaperTiger|Sorted. Just need to plug the headset in when I NEED it, 'cos it turns the speaker output off, lol23:22
|PaperTiger|And I found a way to sort that already... Put the jack in slightly and it comes though both XD WOOP23:23
|PaperTiger|Next thing... How do I test the mic input?23:23
ActionParsnipwhy would you want it from both?23:24
ActionParsnipcould use sound-recorder23:24
|PaperTiger|True. Good point & where is sound recorder?23:25
ActionParsnip!info gnome-sound-recorder23:28
ubottuPackage gnome-sound-recorder does not exist in intrepid23:28
ActionParsnip!find record23:28
|PaperTiger|That's out the question23:28
ubottuFound: libxcb-record0, libxcb-record0-dbg, libxcb-record0-dev, wodim, x11proto-record-dev (and 19 others)23:28
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal
|PaperTiger|Just use Package Manager, yeah?23:28
ActionParsnip|PaperTiger|: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/sound-recorder23:29
Barridushi, anyone have any tips for gnome removal?  such as any package "keystones" that can be removed and cause a nice near-clean removal with a follow-up apt-get autoremove?23:39
alid I need to ssh to a remote server without a password prompt. I set up RSA keys, cated that at the end of the list of authorized_keys on .ssh directory on the server, still it doesn't work. Here is the debugging info I get when I try to connect to the server: http://pastie.org/446670 Can anybody help me please?23:40
ActionParsnip!purekde | Barridus23:41
ubottuBarridus: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:41
tsimpsonalid: use ssh-copy-id to copy the public-key over23:41
ActionParsnipBarridus: fyi, gnome has a tonne of gnome deps if you use the repo version23:42
alidtsimpson: Do I need to remove the authorized_keys file from the server side first?23:42
ActionParsnipsorry, firefox23:42
tsimpsonalid: you can, but it shouldn't make a difference23:42
Kasm279ah, another problem23:42
Barridusok thank you ActionParsnip.  brb :)23:42
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/23:44
alidtsimpson: It still asks me for password :(23:45
Kasm279wat does?23:45
alidKasm279: SSH23:46
tsimpsonit could be an issue with the ssh server then23:46
Kasm279as in be quiet?23:46
alidKasm279: I am trying to force ssh not to ask for password whenever I'm to connect to a remote server.23:46
tsimpsonalid: see if you can use ssh-copy-id to install the key on localhost, and see if "ssh localhost" asks for a password23:46
tsimpsonif it doesn't, then you know it's the remote server that has the issue23:47
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/23:47
alidtsimpson: I did it and localhost didn't ask for password.23:49
tsimpsonthen it's some configuration issue on the remote side23:49
alidtsimpson: I know the remote machine is SunOS. Could it be the source of problem?23:50
Kasm279and also, where is the background image stored?23:50
Cyclist2Hello, there! can someone tell me how to apply 'Eye of GNOME' [also known simply as 'Image Viewer' in Gnome] to become my default Image Viewer [F-Spot Photo Viewer seems to be the default one and I cannot find 'Eye of GNOME' anywhere in the options menu]? I run Krusader on Gnome23:51
tsimpsonalid: I don't know, but I would think it should work. you'd need to contact the administrator or the server and ask them23:51
alidAlright. Thank you tsimpson :)23:52
Kasm279Cyclist2: eye of gnome is located in root/usr/bin23:52
tsimpsonKasm279: user wallpapers are normally in ~/.kde/share/wallpapers/23:52
Kasm279does that mean root?23:54
Kasm279so .kde is in root?23:54
jamesjedimasterunder your home directory23:54
tsimpsonno ~/ == $HOME23:54
tsimpsonsystem wallpapers are in /usr/share/wallpapers though23:55
Kasm279ok, thats wat i was looking for23:55
Kasm279woah, kubuntu's wallpapers are much more complex than ubuntu's23:56
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Kasm279and also23:57
ActionParsnipKasm279: you dont need root and shouldnt use root fdr security reasons23:57
Kasm279i installed the synaptics touchpad driver, but i cant find it in apps or in the   system settings :/23:57
Kasm279wat,  ActionParsnip?23:58
blip-if a package is in the unsupported section of my distros repos, after a while it moved to main.  During that time do packagers potentially make fixes to the deb package ?   If I update now to an unsupported package, lets see they make a change once it reaches main, will I then be able to get that "new" package to update my unsupported version.     KDE4.2 is the concerned package23:58
ActionParsnipKasm279: the root account is disabled by default in ubuntu for security reasons23:58
Cyclist2Kasm279, I can use it normally but I would prefer to have it as the default program to handle images; the problem is in that when I open the Open With Menu 'Eye of GNOME' is nowhere to be seen...; if I knew what to type in the empty box [top of menu] that should do it but I tried typing 'Eye of GNOME' and 'Image Viewer' and neither of those names is recognized by Krusader as the right name for the program...23:59
blip-i'm running kubuntu 8.1023:59
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tsimpsonActionParsnip: he was refering to the root of the filesystem23:59
ActionParsniptsimpson: just checking23:59
Kasm279woah, blue curl looks cool as konversation's background23:59

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