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* SamB wonders if it's worth trying to ask for a DJGPP meta-project to be created ...03:06
jameshSamB: If you've got multiple projects you want to group together, then go for it.03:12
SamBI guess not here03:23
SamBI don't know that I want to import more than a single djgpp component ;-)03:23
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jameshSamB: probably asking for the project group to be created at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad would be the quickest.04:32
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MTecknologykiko: ping06:41
MTecknologykiko: I was wondering if you ever did the membership interview06:45
wgrantShould the merge proposal +index still be showing me the status of a bug<->branch link?07:47
wgrantNone of the other views have shown me that for ages.07:48
speakmanHi! Could anyone point me to any documentation how to setup and use PQM with Launchpad?08:45
wgrantspeakman: I don't know about PQM, but there is the Tarmac project which integrates with Launchpad's merge proposals to do something not unlike PQM.08:46
wgrantcprov: Can I get the files for the SPR from an SPPH through the API? Or the changes file? Even the Librarian IDs would be fine.08:56
speakmanwgrant: very interesting! I'll take a look right way.08:57
cprovwgrant: probably not yet, let me check the API08:57
cprovwgrant: I've reverted the API for source_publishing.changes_file_text last cycle.08:58
wgrantcprov: So I saw.08:58
cprovwgrant: yes, not possible atm.08:59
wgrantAren't there already librarian files exported?08:59
wgrantFor productreleases and the like?08:59
cprovwgrant: the fix I've implemented for the build-files (build_log, upload_log) will solve the problem in spph08:59
wgrantcprov: That it will.09:00
cprovwgrant: it's not exactly the same, sourcefiles can be 'private'09:00
wgrantSo it links to a view in the webapp that steals it from the (restricted) librarian.09:01
cprovwgrant: hit LP with $ppa_url/+files/<filename>09:01
cprovwgrant: you can build the filename by the source name & version09:01
wgrantcprov: Right.09:01
cprovwgrant: as a immediate hack ;)09:02
wgrantcprov: Thanks.09:02
wgrantForgot about that.09:02
speakmanwgrant: Is it possible to trigger Tarmac automatically when a branch has been approved for merge?09:19
wgrantspeakman: You would get cron to run it regularly, I expect.09:20
wgrantYou could get it to watch the emails that Launchpad generates, but I'd call that overcomplicated.09:20
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: mrevell | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
primes2hbdmurray: Hello, I have a problem with desktop-bugs renew.09:30
primes2hlaunchpad tells me it's about to expire and I have to contact you to prevent it from expiring, but the access is open so It shouldn't need your intervention.09:32
primes2hso I can't renew it by myself :-(09:33
mrevellprimes2h: Bug expiry is disabled at the moment, so you probably don't have to do anything. gmb could you confirm?09:36
primes2hmrevell: I meant desktop-bugs team, not a bug itself.09:37
wgrantmrevell: I think primes2h is talking about his membership is ~desktop-bugs expiring.09:37
primes2hwgrant: yes09:37
mrevellwgrant: Ach, I see. Sorry primes2h...09:37
primes2hwgrant: mrevell: it seems a bug in Launchpad itself...09:37
wgrantSort of. It doesn't make complete sense to have a restrictive renewal policy on an open team.09:38
wgrantAt first glance it doesn't even make sense to have an expiry date on an open team, but it is useful. So it's probably more a bug in how the team is configured.09:38
primes2hwgrant: BTW, could you renew it?09:39
primes2hseb128 is busy now to do it...09:40
primes2hThere are 24 hours left...09:40
wgrantprimes2h: I have no such privilege.09:41
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RachedTNhello, could any one help me with this : https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/67337  , please ?10:19
speakmanwgrant: I'm thinking it might subscribe the branch's mailinglist and then get triggered by a local /etc/aliases script.10:20
wgrantspeakman: You could do that, or you could just run it every so often with cron.10:22
wgrantRachedTN: That question was in the wrong place (on Ubuntu, rather than Launchpad) - I just corrected that.10:24
RachedTNwgrant: thanks a lot :)10:24
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mptbarry, who designed Mailman's admin interface?10:35
geserwhile looking at my old open bugs I wonder why bug 147857 is still in "New" without a comment (I hope it just got overlooked and not that's that hard to add some links)11:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 147857 in soyuz "Add link to source page for each release on the new +source page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14785711:14
bigjoolsgeser: yes, overlooked, sorry.  I will triage it now.11:29
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barrympt: what, in launchpad or vanilla mailman?12:54
mptbarry, vanilla12:54
barrympt: probably mostly john viega, with touches from ken manhiemer and other devs from the late '90's12:55
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lizardohi all, does anyone know who should I contact to reclaim a launchpad account name? The account in question seems to have never been used (and maybe generated automatically?)13:31
* apw is noting huge delays on the beta launchpad system, is it just me or a general issue13:38
wgrantIt's being fairly quick for me.13:43
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salgadolizardo, have you tried contacting the user?  usually, that's enough13:46
apwwgrant, bah ... thanks for checking13:46
salgadolizardo, if you don't get a response from the user you can add a question at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and we'll take care of it13:47
lizardosalgado: I was just doing that (forgot to make the obvious and read the FAQ) :) thanks anyway13:49
lizardosalgado: I mean, I tried contacting the user , but no answer (account looks really inactive); now I created a ticket on the answer system13:50
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popeyhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libv4l/+bug/260918 (Error ID: OOPS-1200EB145)15:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260918 in amsn "needed: libv4l and associated application patches (or "gspca stopped working in 2.6.27")" [Undecided,In progress]15:12
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mrevellpopey: you go the oops while viewing that bug page?15:47
mrevellpopey: Thanks. Ursinha will almost certainly take a look at that later today15:49
UrsinhaI will15:52
Ursinhathat oops is an amsn one?15:53
Ursinhalibv4l package in ubuntu15:53
Ursinhamrevell, that's not a launchpad bug :)15:54
Ursinhabut an ubuntu's15:54
mrevellUrsinha: But if the page is oopsing when viewing that bug then it's a Launchpad problem, no?15:55
Ursinhamrevell, hmm, I see the problem15:56
* Ursinha realizes she's unable of doing more than one thing at once15:56
mrevellheh, it's early for you :)15:57
Ursinhamrevell, :) I'll take a look yes15:59
mrevellthanks Ursinha15:59
Ursinhamrevell, np :)16:00
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aWak3Nhello, i get this error using dput: "No signature on /home/..../...source.changes". How can I fix this?16:18
gesercprov or bigjools: is it correct that every published binary package should have the corresponding source package also published?16:48
bigjoolsgeser: yes16:48
geserthan I've found a package where that isn't the case: plasmoid-playwolf in jaunty16:49
bigjoolslet me check16:49
geserplasmoid-playwolf | 0.7-0ubuntu2 | http://de.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages16:49
geserplasmoid-playwolf | 0.7-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Sources16:49
SpadsSource: plasma-widget-playwolf16:50
Spadsapt-get source plasma-widget-playwolf WFM16:50
bigjoolslooks like the source name changed16:50
geseryes, the source package name got changed, it produced for a transitional package in the new source package but got dropped it again16:51
geserwe have now a binary package produced once from the new source package (but not anymore) and a older source package with the same name16:52
geserI stumbled about it because of http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23138577/upload_861473_log.txt16:53
geserbigjools: if you follow that to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/plasma-widget-playwolf you will see that plasmoid-playwolf isn't listed below the binary packages16:54
geserI guess the transitional package build from plasma-wigdet-playwolf in the past got assigned back to "plasmoid-playwolf" source package16:55
geserhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/plasmoid-playwolf lists it at binary packages but that's not true16:56
RachedTNhello, could anyone help me with this : https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6733716:59
bigjoolsgeser, I think this is a packaging issue, right?17:01
mrevellRachedTN: It's assigned to our sysadmins, so they'll get to it soon.17:01
RachedTNmrevell: I have simplified the issue, and now I am asking just to delete : https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tn-drafting   :)17:04
geserbigjools: I don't think so: should plasmoid-playwolf 0.7-0ubuntu2 (a transitional package build in the past from plasma-widget-playwolf but dropped again) be published as it isn't build anymore from that source package and the old source package (plasmoid-playwolf) is older (0.7-0ubuntu1)?17:04
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mrevellRachedTN: Okay, great, the sysadmins will see that note. Thanks for the update :)17:05
geserbigjools: I'm planning to get the old source (plasmoid-playwolf) removed so it will get fixed, but wondered if soyuz did here the right thing17:05
bigjoolsgeser: I see17:06
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sproatyHow can I stop launchpad emailing me about all bugs in my project when I report them? If I make any priority/status changes, I'm emailed about them, which is quite silly I think17:31
intellectronicasproaty: you can't, but you can filter those emails using your mail client17:32
sproatyI've set thunderbird to mark them as read; still annoying though especially the priority updates I make myself17:32
PollywogI have a launchpad account and I want to report a but in kmail but I have some things in my dbg output that I do not want posted in a public area.  Is my dgb output posted where it can be seen by anyone?17:43
PollywogI suppose I can hunt down all the stuff I do not want there and remove it, replace it with "REMOVED"17:44
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=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
natureshadowI registered a bzr branch several hours ago: https://code.launchpad.net/~jaction-devs/jaction/maindev18:20
natureshadowBut bzr complains: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jaction-devs/jaction/maindev/".18:20
natureshadowWhy's that?18:20
natureshadow(Apparently, the directory exists on the server, but does not have a .bzr subdirectory ...)18:21
mthaddonnatureshadow: all looks okay from here - you've figured it out?18:32
natureshadowmthaddon: Yes, somehow .... but I think something wasn't right anyway18:33
natureshadowI had to push a locally created branch, overriding a bzr warning18:33
mthaddonnatureshadow: that's fine - assuming you did want what you had locally to be the same as on LP18:33
natureshadowmthaddon: There wasn't a .bzr dir in the branch dir on lp, so I had to do bzr push --use-existing-dir18:34
natureshadowThat's not what a freidn of mine had to do when he registered his branch18:35
mthaddonnatureshadow: how did you create the branch on LP?18:35
natureshadowmthaddon: Using the web interface18:36
rockstarnatureshadow, the registration of a hosted branch is unnecessary.  You can just push without registering first.18:37
rockstarnatureshadow, I'm assuming you had to `bzr push --overwrite`18:37
mthaddonrockstar: should that be more obvious in the UI?18:38
mthaddonrockstar: I'm trying to think of any case when you'd want to register a hosted branch that hadn't yet been created...18:39
rockstarmthaddon, yes, beuno and I discussed it yesterday again.  There's an open bug about it.18:39
mthaddonrockstar: could you point us to it so natureshadow can subscribe if he's interested?18:39
mthaddoner, he/she18:39
natureshadowhe :)18:40
rockstarmthaddon, natureshadow, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/28864518:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288645 in launchpad-bazaar ""Register a branch" on hosted branches is confusing" [Medium,Triaged]18:40
natureshadowWell, I didn't find it to obvious18:40
natureshadowI thought the directory for the branch is created when I register it18:40
natureshadowAnd then I can push it there18:40
rockstarnatureshadow, yeah, that's the issue.  It's not obvious.18:40
* natureshadow is coming from SVN so isn't that used to bzr ;)18:40
natureshadowSO, if I want a branch in project foo named bar owned by foobar18:43
natureshadowI simply push to lp:~foobar/foo/bar ?18:43
natureshadowAnd then it's there?18:43
natureshadowNothing to do in the web interface?18:44
rockstarnatureshadow, exactly.18:44
rockstarnatureshadow, see also: http://theironlion.net/blog/2009/01/13/using-bazaar-launchpad-making-pushing-easy/18:44
natureshadowThen, what is the "register a hosted branch" function actually for?18:44
rockstarnatureshadow, I'm on a quest to remove it.  :)18:45
natureshadowok :D18:46
natureshadowrockstar: The blog link you posted proposes a great idea18:46
natureshadowthx :)18:46
rockstarnatureshadow, thanks.  I wrote it.  :)18:47
natureshadowok :)18:47
natureshadowDo you have any proposal how to use that when I have those branches owned by different teams?18:47
BUGabundo1hey everyone19:01
BUGabundo1how is the contact?19:02
BUGabundo1mrevell doesn't seem to be here19:02
BUGabundo1user https://bugs.launchpad.net/~raul-pereira19:02
BUGabundo1changed his username somehow, and lost all his data from LP19:02
rockstarBUGabundo1, I think the "how" of how he changed his user name is probably important.19:08
BUGabundo1rockstar: ask eu_19:09
BUGabundo1eu_ was the user who changed it !19:09
BUGabundo1so eu_ "how" did you change your username?19:10
eu_I changed my name (not my Display Name) and lost track of all my bugs19:10
eu_I'm a new user, and I've reported two bugs, I think...19:10
natureshadowSounds like it can happen, but shouldn't happen ;)19:11
BUGabundo1he seems to be a even bug finder then me!19:15
natureshadowThere must be something you Launchpad guys did really right .... you got me to turn away from SF.net towards LP within only 2 days ;)19:16
natureshadowWhat I'm *really* missing is the integrated Wiki19:17
BUGabundo1natureshadow: its coming19:17
natureshadowBut that's only a little price for getting the blueprints stuff and that :)19:17
natureshadowBUGabundo1: Uh, great! Any idea when we can expect it ;) ?19:17
BUGabundo1read the road map19:17
BUGabundo1there's a bug for that19:17
natureshadowBUGabundo1: Gah, I knew I'd missed something :D19:18
BUGabundo1so noone can help eu_ debug it?19:18
BUGabundo1kiko: ping19:18
eu_Well, filling a bug of Launchpad in Launchpad! :D19:19
BUGabundo1humm sure19:19
rockstareu_, how did you change your username?19:19
BUGabundo1just not sure launchpad or malone19:19
matsubaraBUGabundo1: eu_: bug 361143 and bug 357750 are the reported bugs by raul pereira. name changing won't delete anything under that person. raul pereira was affected by bug 597719:19
BUGabundo1eu_: where did you go to make the change?19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361143 in netbook-remix "Gnome main menus disappear after changing GUI to "Desktop Classic" (dup-of: 349519)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36114319:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349519 in desktop-switcher "Switch Desktop Mode corrupted settings (ASUS Eee PC 701SD)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34951919:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357750 in deluge "Deluge reported a crash, but it stills running OK. (dup-of: 333256)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35775019:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333256 in deluge "deluge crashed with TypeError in _on_get_torrent_status()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33325619:19
BUGabundo1matsubara: thanks19:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5977 in malone "Person Bugs pages seem to be incomplete" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/597719:19
kikoBUGabundo1, mm?19:20
eu_way to go!19:20
BUGabundo1kiko: sorry for the noise... matsubara already replied19:20
natureshadowBUGabundo1: This: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/306378 ?19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306378 in launchpad "Wishlist: "Knowledge Base" feature" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:20
BUGabundo1natureshadow: I guess19:21
natureshadowBUGabundo1: Would this also be a place to collaborate on blueprints?19:21
BUGabundo1natureshadow: don't ask me! im just a LP user19:22
natureshadowoh ok :)19:22
natureshadowAnyway, this knowledge bays seems to be a moderated place for docs19:22
natureshadowNot necessarily like a WIki19:22
eu_ubottu: so, how can I access that info, in advanced search?19:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
natureshadoweu_: :)19:24
natureshadowubottu: You could just be a bit more helpful *shame on you* :D19:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:25
BUGabundo1eu_: you want matsubara or rockstar19:27
eu_oh, that's ok, I found the LP bug19:28
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Joeb454Ok, where would be an appropriate place to report inappropriate content, here, the mailing list, or the feedback email address?21:10
tsimpsoninappropriate content?21:10
beunoJoeb454, point me at it21:11
Joeb454beuno: https://edge.launchpad.net/~abhinaba-moulik21:11
beunoJoeb454, thanks for letting us know, I'll ask a sysadmin to remove it21:12
Joeb454beuno: no worries :) and thanks21:12
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HammerHead66I'm having a problem with viewing bugs and I am logged in can someone help?22:51
beunoHammerHead66, sure, what's the problem?22:55
HammerHead66I can't view bugs for some reason22:56
HammerHead66beuno: I'm at this site https://launchpad.net/ I click on the bugs tab and the page just keeps loading22:57
UrsinhaHammerHead66, are you using opera?22:57
HammerHead66what is that?22:58
UrsinhaHammerHead66, a browser :) so you're not22:58
HammerHead66fire fox is my browser22:58
beunoHammerHead66, do you have another browser handy to test?22:58
HammerHead66I'll try to restart my pc23:02
hggdhhi folks. It seems http://feeds.launchpad.net/ubuntu/latest-bugs.atom is again stopped/unresponsive/extremely delayed23:14
hggdhwhich also causes #ubuntu-bugs-announce to stall23:17
hggdhcharlie-tca, looking again at the xchat BT I had, it might have been a pulseaudio update that solved it23:20
charlie-tcaThat would be strange... I don't use pulseaudio myself23:20
dtchenhggdh: where's the BT?23:21
hggdhdtchen, let's go back to #ubuntu-bugs -- I raised it on the wrong channel23:22
kikohggdh, the issue is with the replication, which again is lagging23:24
hggdhkiko, I guessed so, but someone said that it would automagically flip to another server on bad lagging23:27
hggdhkiko, I do not know if you did anything at all, but it seems we are back in business, so... thank you, just in case ;-)23:38
kikomthaddon, just told me. we were freaked out about it, am now figuring out what happened23:39

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