
genady12lapwhy adding/editing wifi connection don't ask for password but editing eth asks?14:08
spawn57flash videos are always playing sound on the headset.  I'm using kde, is there anyway I can configure this?14:12
dtchenspawn57: install pavucontrol and migrate the stream, or use pactl14:16
coz_hey guys... I have a couple issues..I have a sound card that requires alsa drivers and does not work with pulseaudio..what I normally do is completely disable pulseaudio..compile the alsadriver..reboot and things are fine..  now each time I reboot I get this    http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Information_available.png   even after runnin asoundconf set-default-card Layla24   ..next boot brings this up again..the second issue is that each time I cli14:16
coz_ck "Reload" in synaptic  I have to remove the /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin..any solutions to that?  I have gone so far is set a keybinding to remove them it happens so frequently :)14:16
spawn57dtchen: thanks14:16
dtchencoz_: you have some odd state fubarness14:17
coz_dtchen,  apparenlty14:18
dtchencoz_: you can kill the update-notifier hint with rm -f /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/user-must-execute-asoundconf-set-default-card14:18
dtchencoz_: we only display that hint if pulseaudio isn't being used and if you're using GNOME14:18
dtchenyou're *not*14:19
coz_dtchen,  ok this must be new then I will try that thanks   what about the  synaptic issue?14:19
dtchenat least that was the intent ...14:19
dtchencoz_: known issue with apt*; see launchpad14:19
dtchencoz_: could be caused by a transparent proxy doing nefarious things14:19
coz_dtchen,  ok at least I know its a known issue14:19
dtchencoz_: or monkeys that haven't eaten lunch  *shrug*14:19
coz_dtchen,  yeah I though elephants at first though14:20
coz_dtchen,  good thing I came here or I would still think it was elephants instead of monkeys :)14:21
dtchenyeah, poor elephants get such a bad rep14:21
coz_dtchen,  apologies to elephants the world around14:21
coz_dtchen,  I can just edit the user-must-execute-asoundconf-set-default-card from  dontshouwafterreboot= false  to true?14:26
lirxisHi have anybody successfully installed ATI Catalyst drivers for a Radeon X600 card?14:27
lirxisI have tried installing Catalyst 9.3 but Xorg wont start14:28
coz_lirxis,  if you are using compiz you may want to go to #compiz and talk with  either adamk  or soreau14:28
lirxiscoz_ this has nothing to do with compiz14:28
coz_lirxis,  I understand  but they would know pretty quickly what is going on14:29
coz_I only deal with nvidia there14:29
lirxiscoz_ okay... i will give it a try14:29
BUGabundo1cwillu are you around?14:29
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panaggioafter my last apt-get upgrade yesterday, I'm getting a busybox =(14:39
BUGabundo1panaggio: there are few users getting like that14:40
BUGabundo1I have no idea what I causing it14:40
panaggioand I could not solve it by "classic" means, like creating a node pointing to /dev/my-root-drive14:40
panaggioBUGabundo1: I have an idea of waht caused it14:41
BUGabundo1then you are better then me14:41
panaggioBUGabundo1: system get broken on an erroneous update-initramfs14:42
BUGabundo1yeah I see at least one of those every day here14:43
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eagles0513875does anyone else have the issue where certain updates lock one out of kde and the way to fix that is to delete the .ICEauthority14:53
JMFTheVCIBit the bullet and upgraded to jaunty today. All is well.15:04
BUGabundo1it doesn't seem so... lol he just got a closed connection15:04
JMFTheVCIexcept for pidgin which crashes when you try to enable the xchat plugin!15:05
BUGabundo1JMFTheVCI: hay... nice to know15:05
BUGabundo1there's a xchat plugin?15:05
eagles0513875anyone expierence the issue i have experienced 2 times15:06
eagles0513875does anyone else have the issue where certain updates lock one out of kde and the way to fix that is to delete the .ICEauthority15:06
JMFTheVCII have one listed in pidgin.15:06
The_Rebelwhat version of PulseAudio is Juanty going to include?15:06
BUGabundo1The_Rebel: 9.14.x15:07
The_Rebelversion 0.9.15 was just released and it has a lot of improvements15:07
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BUGabundo1too close to rellease15:07
BUGabundo1themuso has PPA with 9.15 for those that want to use it15:07
self_slaughterhey guys, anyone know if theres a way to make banshee 1.4 use xine? or a faster way of using gstreamer to show the videos properly? (setting the gstreamer-properties to X window system (No Xv) is way to slow even at 2.3ghz !15:10
thiebaudeself_slaughter: are you using totem-xine?15:12
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self_slaughterno, i dont use totem at all15:13
FlynsarmyThe final release of jaunty comes out 4 days after beta 1? :|15:14
FlynsarmyNevermind, read the wiki wrong :)15:14
Bert_2Hi, I downloaded ubuntu-9.04-beta-netbook-remix-i386.img, FAFAIK I'm supposed to put it on a USB device, what is the best way to do that ? (I'm on hardy so perhaps the USB creator thing from intrepid is supposed to do that)15:14
thiebaudeself_slaughter: i know, but when i use totem-xine my video are real good15:14
self_slaughteryeah i have vlc, and that works great15:14
self_slaughterjust trying to see if i can get banshee to run videos smoothly as well15:15
JMFTheVCIVolume control bug is still there as of today's upgrade. Enable capture device to enable recording. Close Volume Contol and then re-open. Capture has been muted.15:15
BUGabundo1Bert_2: dd15:16
BUGabundo1theres is a link on the page on how to do it15:16
Bert_2BUGabundo1: is that the only way (I knew dd was an options but I was hoping there was an easier way)15:16
BUGabundo1usb-creator is for ISO to usb, not img15:16
Bert_2BUGabundo1: okey15:17
* Bert_2 checks that page again15:17
BUGabundo1Bert_2: there's a tool that does dd from an user point of view15:17
BUGabundo1let me find it  for you15:17
Bert_2BUGabundo1: I don't see any useful links on the download page: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/beta/15:18
Bert_2BUGabundo1: ow yes, it's in between the text and the list15:18
BUGabundo1Bert_2: don't use BETA15:18
BUGabundo1its too old15:18
BUGabundo1get a daily15:18
Bert_2BUGabundo1: I don't know the links to daily15:18
BUGabundo1either $ sudo dd if=/path/to/your/downloaded.img of=/dev/device/you/saw/in/dmesg bs=102415:18
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo1: I take it that a update-manager -d would pick up the latest daily?15:19
Bert_2JMFTheVCI: it gets the latest deb packages15:19
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo1: After the distribution upgrade there were still a fair few upgradable packages as well. I hope that these are all to get the RC as "fixed" as possible, yes?15:20
Bert_2Can anyone give me the links to the daily builds ?15:21
BUGabundo1or image writer http://ppa.launchpad.net/ogra/ubuntu/pool/main/u/usb-imagewriter/usb-imagewriter_0.1-1~ppa1_all.deb15:21
BUGabundo1JMFTheVCI: yes, UM takes you to current packages15:22
BUGabundo1Bert_2: just a sec.. server is slow., I'll get you daily in a sec15:22
BUGabundo1somewhere inside that15:22
Bert_2BUGabundo1: okey, awesome, thx15:23
Bert_2BUGabundo1: it's slow indd15:23
BUGabundo1I'm rsyncing it, and I'm nothing it too15:23
Bert_2BUGabundo1: alright15:23
aapzakcwillu: the UXA fix has been patched on xorg! yeah!15:24
Bert_2BUGabundo1: also, in which channel can I discuss things concerning the netbook launcher app ?15:24
BUGabundo1Bert_2: try #ubuntu-mobile15:24
JMFTheVCIJust noticed the pop-up notification tool allows you to set the position of the pop-up but regardless of what you set the pop-up appears top-right.15:24
BUGabundo1let me join you15:24
HalowJMFTheVCI: That tool is for the old popups. The new ones are fixed.15:25
JMFTheVCIHalow: How do you configure the position? Or don't we configure that any more?15:26
BUGabundo1JMFTheVCI: what is that tool???15:26
BUGabundo1I don't know anything other then a key in gconf to do that15:26
HalowThere was something or other to mess with the old notifications. Heck if I can remember the name. =/15:27
HalowJMFTheVCI: Nope. The new ones only come in one place. No configurations at all. =(15:27
JMFTheVCIThere was an app listed that could be added to the System > Preferences called pop-up notifications.  I spotted it whilst looking at the System>Preferences>Main Menu app.15:28
JMFTheVCIIt was not enabled. I enabled it and it functioned. But did not do what it said on the tin. Must be defunct/redundant.15:28
Novalgina2Fastfilo1234: niente da fare15:44
atlefi run seperate x screens and can not get more then 2 workspaces on the second screen. any input? oh it is a nvidia 7950gx2 gfxcard15:56
BUGabundo1for archive freeze we are getting lots of upgrades!16:06
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xerox1hi, i am facing trouble with my asus vw222u screen: i goes periodically black16:14
mcnesiumhi everyone, i just tried to upgrade via "sudo update-manager -d" but suddenly the update process window disappeared16:23
mcnesiumwhen i tried to start over in the terminal, it only said this16:24
BUGabundo1mcnesium: no need for sudo16:24
BUGabundo1 !paste | mcnesium16:24
mcnesiumTraceback (most recent call last):16:24
mcnesium  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 26, in <module>16:24
mcnesium    import pygtk16:24
mcnesiumImportError: No module named pygtk16:24
ubottumcnesium: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:24
BUGabundo1bah not fast enough16:24
BUGabundo1mcnesium: are you using ibex?16:24
wirechiefgood morning BUGabundo116:25
BUGabundo1wirechief: hay16:25
bjsniderwow, pulse 9.15 is awesome16:25
BUGabundo1tell me something, doest your crash relate to disk IO ?16:25
BUGabundo1bjsnider: what changed?16:25
* wirechief scratchs and poors a cup of coffee16:25
bjsniderthey're almost there, if they can just implement the right volume control app16:25
BUGabundo1mcnesium: can you pastebin your sources?16:25
mcnesiumno i didnt do anything. i surfed the web while waiting for the upgrade16:25
BUGabundo1bjsnider: vaupcontrol?16:25
bjsniderBUGabundo1, http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/oh-nine-fifteen.html16:26
bjsniderpulseaudio can now send sound to the airport express router like itunes can16:26
mcnesiumBUGabundo1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/150886/16:26
BUGabundo1mcnesium: why did you change your sources for jaunty??16:27
mcnesiumi did not, BUGabundo1, all i did was entering "sudo update-manager -d" in the terminal16:27
BUGabundo1mcnesium: pastebin: $ cat /etc/lsb-release16:27
bjsniderthey're also incorporating more of vista's volume control ideas, which is the right step16:28
mcnesiumBUGabundo1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/150887/16:28
* BUGabundo1 rsync and updates combined make PC slowwwwwwwww16:30
BUGabundo1mcnesium: strange... everything points for you to be in jaunty16:31
BUGabundo1just run UM, without sudo again16:31
BUGabundo1mcnesium: $ update-manager16:31
mcnesiumBUGabundo1 http://paste.ubuntu.com/150888/16:31
mcnesiumsame there16:31
BUGabundo1lets do it manually16:32
mcnesiumhow is that?16:32
BUGabundo1$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:32
BUGabundo1mcnesium: calm.. let me write down ehehe16:32
mcnesiumit wants me to run dpkg --configure -a16:33
mcnesiumok its going16:35
BUGabundo1mcnesium: ahhhh it got stuck16:35
BUGabundo1forgot about that16:35
BUGabundo1mcnesium: sudo dpg...... bla16:35
mcnesiumi am thinking whether that was my fault or its a bug in the update process16:36
mcnesiumas i said i did not really do anything special while the update, i surfed the web and stuff16:37
mysticdarkhackhey all16:39
mysticdarkhackAnyone here use lasfm?16:39
ellarseems to be #352317 but there's apparently no solution16:39
ellar!bug #35231716:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352317 in b43-fwcutter "upgrade is aborted (from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35231716:39
dthmnkhey guys, I'm having a strange issue in Firefox with Ubuntu 9.04, when I type in a website, and hit enter... and before the page actually loads (still a white screen) hit CTRL+T16:44
dthmnkit'll open about 20 new tabs16:44
dthmnkinstead of one16:44
dthmnkanyone else having this issue?16:44
JMFTheVCINot for me.16:45
JMFTheVCIFF 3.0.816:45
ellardthmnk, cannot confirm this16:45
dthmnkman this is the strangest thing ever.16:45
dthmnkI can't replicate the problem on any other machine16:45
WhitorHowdy. Has Jaunty been frozen yet? Are we in final beta atm?16:46
Ienoranddthmnk: No, works here... tried with a fresh profile?16:47
JMFTheVCIWhitor: I think we are frozen. RC is on 16th.16:47
IenorandWhitor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule16:47
dthmnkon another machine I did16:47
dthmnknot this one though16:47
JMFTheVCIOnly exceptions will be critical fixes.16:47
Milos_SDHow can I convert my root and home partitions from ext3 to ext4?16:49
WhitorJMFTheVCI, Ienorand Thanks for the info !16:49
dthmnkI'll give it a shot on a fresh profile16:49
Ienoranddthmnk: just run firefox -P and create a new one, see if the same error is there... otherwise blame extensionsd16:49
JMFTheVCIdthmnk or try safe mode... firefox --safe (i think)16:50
IenorandHe left16:50
deanyim very impressed with jaunty.. very quick boot time16:50
JMFTheVCIdeany: Boot time for me is good but from login to ready the screen stays blank a bit longer than intrepid.16:51
hackelSince upgrading to jaunty, my  /dev/kvm is now owned by root, which means I can't run kvm as a non-root user.  I don't see any bug report for this yet, has anyone else seen this behaviour?16:52
deanyim also glad to see the dust theme included is slightly better with certain apps..  the dark theme issue was still a problem with tbird  etc.. not now :)16:53
BUGabundo1Whitor: no16:53
BUGabundo1still fixing bugs16:53
mint3virtual manager16:53
sagredohi friends16:53
mint3ola sagredo16:53
sagredoI just performed my morning update16:53
Milos_SDHow can I convert my root and home partitions from ext3 to ext4 so my old files can use extents? :)16:53
deanyaint no hardware drivers detected tho..16:53
sagredoand I have the Tracker: There was an error while performing indexing Index corrupted16:54
deanywas expecting the usual fglrx available.16:54
sagredois a fix out yet?16:54
BUGabundo1sagredo: out what?16:54
mint3i am not sure if i am on the right channel but I am looking for an application that will allow me to view rss feeds on my desktop...does anyone know of any?16:54
sagredoBUGabundo1: a fix for this Tracker Applet bug16:55
BUGabundo1sagredo: what's the bug id?16:55
sagredoI can here before google'ng16:55
sagredoBUGabundo1: I'm not sure one is submitted. I'll google brb16:55
IenorandCould I check a thing here, is more people (everyone?) seeing bug 354563 ?16:55
BUGabundo1eeh if no bug, how can devs fix it?16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456316:55
IenorandIf this is the case, I'd like to request putting it to high priority, since it's a very fundmental bit not working...16:57
BUGabundo1Ienorand: let me test16:58
BUGabundo1Ienorand: works for me16:58
IenorandBUGabundo1: Ok... so switching around the filters doesn't produce odd behaviour on your side?16:59
BUGabundo1Ienorand: ahhhh need to make a bad search17:00
BUGabundo1yes, I can reproduce it17:00
BUGabundo1why isn't this filed on ubuntu?17:00
BUGabundo1and just upstream??17:00
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hilmint3: you can try conky. google for sample configs, there are a lot.17:01
IenorandBUGabundo1: Oh, so ubuntu should be added?17:01
BUGabundo1of course17:01
deanyquick question, do i need winbind service?  even tho im not using active directory.  its just warning me about data loss17:01
BUGabundo1its a ubuntu package17:01
IenorandBUGabundo1: just add ubuntu as also aff. package?17:02
VeovisJust wanted to let you guys know as soon as possible, yesterday I updated my system through kpackagemanager, and everything broke.  I can boot, but it barely even runs and I can't get online...17:02
hggdhIenorand, yes17:02
VeovisI would boot into vista and file a bug report, but I have school in a few minutes17:03
ellarIenorand, by "the repair" you mean that i erase the ese and make ese so its cheese?17:03
hggdhIenorand, if upstream has a bug opened on it, you might also add the bug# on the upstream task17:03
BUGabundo1Ienorand: gnome-app something... looking at my ps17:03
BUGabundo1Ienorand: gnome-app-install17:03
BUGabundo1just gnome-app-install17:04
PiciThat is the upstream bug. Just use the "also affects distribution" button17:04
hggdhIenorand, under "Also affects distribution"17:04
Ienorandellar: I did not write the initial desc, but that is how I interpret it "repair" is erasing an e cheesee -> cheese17:04
BUGabundo1LP is confusing some times17:05
BUGabundo1let me do it17:05
ellarIenorand, thats the way i did, too. Confirming this bug17:05
hmwhow can i share a internet connection (hsdpa) with other pcs on my lan? my usually working script (route, forwarding, iptables, dhcpd) wont work with ubuntu. Syslog reports "martian source". This is my "router" script: http://pastebin.com/f22c4176217:05
hggdh"also affects project" deals with (usually) upstream17:05
IenorandAh, there it goes, now it's on ubuntu as well...17:06
IenorandI'm going to rewrite the description I think, make it less cryptic..17:06
ellarIenorand, just found out: search is going again, if string is longer (cheese to cheeese) but not if shorter (cheeese to cheese)!17:07
BUGabundo1hmw: if you find a way to make it work (easy way) let me know! I've been haunting that for months17:07
hmwis it a jaunty problem, BUGabundo1 ?17:07
hmwor did i have wicd, perhaps, when it worked with 8.10...!?17:08
hggdhhmw, no, I doubt it. It is most probably related to setting your internet-connected PC as a router (as opposed to an end-point)17:08
hmwi dont know, what a martian source is17:08
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BUGabundo1ltes ask asac17:09
hggdha martian source is a packet that could not have appeared in the current setup17:09
BUGabundo1asac: what is "martion source" ?17:09
ellarIenorand, you said you reported it against ubuntu! in #354563?17:09
hmwhmm... well... i will reboot to 8.10... brb17:09
ellaror opened a new?17:09
hggdhellar, it is reported against the ubuntu package, but the status is still "new"17:11
WhitorBUGabundo1, thanks. I'll wait a bit then17:11
BUGabundo1Whitor: ah?17:12
ellarhggdh, which bug #?17:12
WhitorYou answer my Q about 5 minutes ago :)17:12
hggdhellar, https://launchpad.net/bugs/35456317:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 354563 in gnome-app-install "gnome-app-install has problems with searching" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:12
IenorandDoes it look alright now? Is there someone around that could put an appropriate priority on it?17:14
BUGabundo1when hwm comes back, ask him for syslog for asac17:14
hggdhIenorand, I would like to know what version is affected ;-)17:15
Ienorandhggdh: Ah, true17:15
hggdhIenorand, for example, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Description It might be good to follow it17:15
hggdhIenorand, for the upstream task: either set it to new, or add the upstream bug #, or delete it17:16
fincanany raid user?17:17
* hggdh would rather have the upstream bug #, though17:17
mgunesIenorand, I've set the priority to "High".17:19
ellaris this a jaunty-only problem?17:20
mgunesbut the description is not very clear17:21
mgunesyes, intrepid and hardy seem fine17:21
Ienorandmgunes: Added version and jaunty+kernel+arch... I'm not sure how to clarify the whole thing... since the issues themselves are quite random as it stands...17:26
deanywine (from main ubuntu repo) is causing my system to freeze completely when using any sort of file browser in wine, like in wine config, setting up drive lettters with mount points, clicking browse..17:26
mgunesIenorand, it seems there are some duplicates..17:26
hmwre. With my 8.10 setup, sharing wors with the same script. Looks like Jaunty.related to me?17:28
hmwbut in 8.10 i had to use the pon script stuff. (wicd installed)17:29
BUGabundo1hmw: please come to #ubuntu-mozilla17:31
BUGabundo1hmw: asac is saying that you shouldnt be using NM with that script17:31
hmw#ubuntu-mozilla looks quite empty17:32
hmwBUGabundo1: #ubuntu-mozilla is empty17:34
sagredowhat is the best practice for reindexing tracker-applet in the event it encounters an error17:34
Mark_MillimanHas anyone tried to load the Linuxant modem drivers in the new kernel?17:35
hmwcan I stop the network manger temporarily by unchecking "enable networking" in the context menu of the icon?17:35
sagredohmw: yes17:35
Mark_Millimanhmw, yes you can17:35
Mark_Millimanhmw, as long as you don't have any interfaces controlled by the networking daemon17:36
hmwRebooting to jaunty. Send some positive Karma waves, please... brb17:36
Mark_Millimanhmw, nm likes to take control of those interfaces17:36
BUGabundo1hmw: please come to #ubuntu-mozillateam LOL17:36
BUGabundo1hmw: that will disable the cards17:37
Mark_MillimanAfter the upgrade I had to re-enable nm and change my interfaces file17:37
Mark_Milliman\/etc\/network\/interfaces should only have an entry for l0 if you want NM to control your networking17:37
Mark_MillimanBUGaboundo1, not if you have NM active.  NM will take over configuring the interfaces17:38
Mark_MillimanBUGaboundo1, NM 0.7 is more aggressive in its operation it is more of a replacement for ifconfig.17:38
hm1it worked. thanks... i didnt think of switching NM off.17:39
hm1who wanted to know the solution 10 minutes ago?17:40
Mark_Millimanhm1, you may of missed it but NM is bucking to be a replacement for ifconfig.  You configure your interfaces in one or the other program, not both.17:40
Mark_MillimanNM will ignore any interfaces configured through ifconfig.17:41
Ienorandmgunes: Cheers for helping17:41
Mark_MillimanI only have l0 in my /etc/network/interfaces file and have NM doing everything.17:41
hm1Mark_Milliman: sounds reasonable. I was too uncertain, if this checkbox isnt completely killing all network...17:41
mgunesIenorand, you're welcome.17:41
nemoMark_Milliman: great. I sure hope jaunty has fixed the problem with NM completely screwing up static interfaces in ibex :17:42
nemoMark_Milliman: 'cause right now in ibex, I just manually set eth0:1 to a static address every time NM throws it out17:42
nemovery annoying17:42
hm1Mark_Milliman: my goal was to get a script, that takes over control (using ifconfig) for a temporary setup. Dont want to loose NM automatic DHCP client ability17:42
mgunesadded duplicates, now further refining the description. it doesn't seem to completely disregard all category filters; only some.17:42
hm1is unchecking "Enable Networking" in NM the same as /etc/init.d/networking stop?17:45
hm1or is it just Networkmanager stop17:46
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ubottuTo learn how to pronounce Ubuntu, point your movie player at /usr/share/example-content/Experience ubuntu.ogg17:47
ellarproblem is : bash: /usr/share/example-content/Experience: No such file or directory17:48
Ienorandmgunes:  The danger of that bug is that it is mainly "beginner" users which will see it.17:48
ellaram I the only one?17:48
Ienorandmgunes: Hmm, it seems to get stuck on categories, and if you do some search it will temporarily unlock, just to get stuck on another one after switching a couple of times...17:48
Piciellar: Most of ubottu's factoids have not been updated for Jaunty.17:49
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ellarPici, but where is the file then?17:50
Piciellar: It looks like it hasn't been present in example-content since Hardy.17:51
hm1who asked me to tell him my solution for sharing HSDPA connection, if i find one?17:54
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BUGabundo1hmw: me17:55
BUGabundo1but I want something that works with NM17:55
BUGabundo1I just need an easy way to share 3G over wifi or wires17:56
hmwBUGabundo1: ic. I guess one had to configure something in /etc/network... maybe i can figure it out17:56
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BUGabundo1apw: ping18:01
BUGabundo1you around?18:01
BUGabundo1apw: need a bit of help with bug 35923118:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359231 in xorg "system freeze and kernel panic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35923118:01
BUGabundo1ok I'll talk to you later18:01
mcnesiumthx for the help BUGabundo1 everything works fine now18:08
BUGabundo1mcnesium: np18:08
mcnesiumeven though i do not see any new stuff else than the boot screen and the black wifi notification18:09
BUGabundo1mcnesium: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:10
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mcnesiumubuntu-desktop is the latest version18:11
panaggiois there any chance this http://paste.ubuntu.com/150937/ can mess my mbr more then it already is messed?18:12
panaggio:s:it already is:it is already18:14
BUGabundo1panaggio: don't see why18:18
antoranzguys! Do you know how to set up a zeroconf service in kubuntu?18:20
shadeslayerhi,can someone help me with notify-osd ?18:24
Ienorandshadeslayer: If you do _state the problem_ someone might jump to your rescue :)18:26
shadeslayeri have a straight bar,in increasing brightness,whereas in the wiki it shows multiple bars18:26
JMFTheVCIshadeslayer: I have a single bar for both sound and brightness.18:29
JMFTheVCIPerhaps the WIKI is just a guide to developers?18:29
Ienorandshadeslayer: I think that is just a mockup, my brightness behaves the same and I guess this is how it's supposed to be on jaunty....18:30
shadeslayerJMFTheVCI: its the same thing on youtube as well18:30
Ienorandi.e. i have a straight horizontal bar18:30
JMFTheVCIshadeslayer: my wireless connection indicator is the same as 8.10. definitely not like the wiki entry.18:30
shadeslayerok,so will it be incorporated in the end?18:31
AlanHmm... my firefox performance sucks after the most recent set of updates... any reason why?18:31
shadeslayerworks fine here18:32
BUGabundo1Alan: because you don't use ff 3.518:33
atlef_ /nick atlef18:33
AlanBUGabundo1: right, but 3.5 isn't going to be in the Jaunty release, right?18:33
shadeslayerwell i have to go,hopefully all the gauges will get incorporated :)18:33
BUGabundo1Alan: its supposed to be in universe18:33
BUGabundo1if not, just get the mozilla team PPA18:34
AlanBUGabundo1: i use 3.5 at work, i'd agree that it beats 3.0 into the ground...18:34
AlanBUGabundo1: ooh, i see it18:34
BUGabundo1Alan: after you try that (or even better 3.6) there's no way back18:34
JMFTheVCIAlan: I am on ff 3.0.8 and performance is fine.18:35
JMFTheVCIEven on my 1.6 Atom processor!18:36
BUGabundo1JMFTheVCI: try 3.5 or 3.6 eheh18:38
BUGabundo1Alan: 3.5 is on universe18:38
JMFTheVCIIs there a deb or source for 3.5?18:39
JMFTheVCIBug: just seen your response to alan.18:40
shanixcan I use Jaunty desktop CD to upgrade my Intrepid system? If so, how??18:40
mbeierlshanix: I believe you can add the software source for the CD to apt sources and then just do the dist-upgrade that way18:41
IenorandBUGabundo1: To try ff 3.5 is it as simple as installing firefox-3.5 package from universe?18:42
BUGabundo1JMFTheVCI: of course there is18:42
shanixmbeierl, even just using the Desktop CD ?18:42
JMFTheVCIBug: Just updating my package lists.18:42
BUGabundo1Ienorand: yes! but to start it you need to mention the version.18:42
BUGabundo1ie. $ firefox-3.518:42
mbeierlNot sure about that - I think you need the alt cd18:42
BUGabundo1or $ firefox-3.618:42
BUGabundo1and  $ firefox-3.018:43
IenorandBUGabundo1: ok, nice.18:43
mbeierlsorry - anyone else know if the desktop live cd can be used as a software source for upgrades?18:44
JMFTheVCIBUGabundo1: Ffox 3.5 is not showing up in package manager18:44
JMFTheVCIBug: ignore me. yes it is.18:46
AlanAlso, a newer version of alexandria should be in the repo....18:46
Alanbecause 0.6.3 is riddled with bugs18:46
Alanin fact, it's almost unusable...18:46
panaggioif I don't use pci=nomsi as option on live cd, it just don't run. but if I use it, I can't access my hd. so what I have to do?18:47
m0RrEdoes anyone it it's possible to upgrade to jaunty when i've got my system running on a raid0 setup?18:47
panaggio( I'll be kicked off this channel in a few days, as I have a lot of big problems here =/ )18:48
m0RrEpanaggio: try the forums?18:48
topylipanaggio: have you tried the alternate installer already?18:49
panaggiotopyli: I don't need to install, I want to recover my MBR only =)18:50
panaggiocan't access my hd from live cd18:51
panaggioso I can't update grub =/18:51
BUGabundo1Alan: now you have to wait for karmic and ask to sync and then backport it. also you can put it on a PPA18:51
JMFTheVCIalan & bugabundo: ffox 3.5 *does* render faster.18:51
panaggiom0RrE: I'm also trying the foruns (for some purposes)18:51
BUGabundo1m0RrE: sure the system can be upgrade, but you will lose network at some point and need to reboot18:52
m0RrEBUGabundo1: i've tried to upgrade twice but i can't access my 800gb partition after the upgrade18:53
m0RrEthe system can't find the partition18:53
BUGabundo1m0RrE: have you filed a bug?18:53
AlanBUGabundo1: hmm?18:53
BUGabundo1what FS does it have?18:53
m0RrEno i haven't.. ext3.. 2x500gb in raid018:53
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BUGabundo1m0RrE: if you don't, devs don't know about it, so they can't fix it18:54
BUGabundo1m0RrE: is it softraid?18:55
m0RrEwell.. i've got an onboard raid-controller.. so it isn't softraid18:55
m0RrEthe motherboard is Asus P6T Deluxe18:56
m0RrE00:1f.2 RAID bus controller: Intel Corporation 82801 SATA RAID Controller18:56
hm1BUGabundo1: i might have a solution: install firestarter18:57
m0RrEwell, maybe i've got to take one for the team and do it one more time.. :P then file a bug if it won't work18:57
hm1BUGabundo1: without firestarter, the hsdpa conn didnt work at all with NM. After installing firestarter, it configures my LAN IF, and enables sharing - totally easy and "user proof"18:58
hm1BUGabundo1: i also had several situations, where the HSDPA conn would only work, if i disabled the local IF.18:58
BUGabundo1m0RrE: most of those "onboard" are soft raids!18:59
hm1BUGabundo1: looks like that was related to DNS though18:59
BUGabundo1hm1 firestarter didn't work last time I tried18:59
hm1ic. Well, I am happy now :) hope you will have success soon, too.18:59
hm1BUGabundo1: might it be related to my hand written chatscript and stuff?18:59
BUGabundo1hm1 prob is NM prefers wired over any other link19:00
hm1i wonder, why it is working now... i didnt enter DNS nor a gateway for the static IP of the wired IF19:00
coz_ok guys I went and did something stupid here and installed lxde  and removed it and find I have no right click on the desktop anymore in gnome19:04
coz_any solutions?19:04
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BUGabundo1coz_: humm install it again?19:07
AlanOk, the firefox-3.5 package is junk :(19:07
coz_BUGabundo1,  I uninstalled lxde already19:08
BUGabundo1but if you need it , install it back ehehe19:08
coz_BUGabundo1,  i can access desktop backgrounds through system/preferences/appearance  but it is real slow in changing backgrounds now19:08
BUGabundo1coz_: just try to reinstall ubuntu-desktop or nautilus19:08
AlanLots of backtraces etc. in the terminal (so internal breakage), and completely ignoring font rendering settings19:08
coz_BUGabundo1,  ok I will do that now19:08
Alan(which isn't unusual for firefox, except for when it's been properly whipped into shape by a distro release team)19:08
BUGabundo1Alan: check LP for bugs and file new ones19:08
AlanBUGabundo1: I would, but it seems that I can't actually connect to anything over HTTP right now....19:09
Alannot at any reasonable speed anyway19:09
coz_BUGabundo1,  darn that didnt help19:10
Alanunfortunately, i'm stuck with firefox right now because of xmarks19:10
Alanas in, i can't live without it19:10
JackWinterhi, is there a torrent for kubuntu 9.04 beta ?19:11
BUGabundo1JackWinter: yes19:11
AlanNo epiphany-webkit any more? :(19:11
BUGabundo1but you should be getting the daily19:12
BUGabundo1JackWinter: why torrent and not direct download?19:12
JackWinterBUGabundo1: how do i get that ?19:12
BUGabundo1JackWinter: torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:12
BUGabundo1JackWinter: get what? daily?19:12
BUGabundo1 !daily19:12
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/19:12
JackWinterBUGabundo1: thanks, just for speed and to save bandwidth19:12
BUGabundo1in your case you need to change to kubuntu19:12
JackWinterwhat is the difference between daily and daily-live ?19:13
Alanis bugs.launchpad.net just slow right now?19:14
BUGabundo1Alan: looks like it19:14
BUGabundo1everything is19:14
JMFTheVCIjackwinter\; live has more friendly bacteria?19:14
BUGabundo1guess someone is DoD canonical servers?19:14
Alanuh-oh, the internet is broken again19:14
LordKowBUGabundo1, it's called GNOME 2.26.1 :)19:14
BUGabundo1JackWinter: daily is alternate, daily-live is desktop19:14
BUGabundo1LordKow: ahh??19:15
BUGabundo1JackWinter: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/19:15
LordKowin effect, lots of stuff for jaunty users to download. i had 104 updates from this morning alone19:15
JackWinterBUGabundo1: thanks19:15
BUGabundo1LordKow: I already had that 2x today19:16
coz_BUGabundo1,  figured it out.. apparenlty somewhere between install and uninstall lxde  nauilus   show_desktop was disabled19:16
coz_thanks anyway19:16
JackWinterdo you guys have a working -rt patched kernel working with nvidia closed drivers ?19:17
learnerwhere can i get help with backtrack?19:18
hmwthanks for your help. bye!19:18
odlai am using the 'new wave' theme and i have black fonts in firefox and oo.org3. how can i fix this so that it's consistent with the rest of gnome? i know that oo.org3 and firefox are not native GTK apps.19:20
BUGabundo1learner: not here19:21
learnerthat's y i was asking19:22
BUGabundo1learner: humm try google? or their site for a link for support?19:22
learnerlater dudes19:24
deanyanyone else having trouble with Wine (stable and latest dev) where it locks your pc up when you do anything with a a browser, a windows apps file browser, not gnome19:24
AmyRoseI have my "Recovery mode" GRUB options password-protected, but the P key doesn't work anymore for me. Anyone else have this problem with GRUB on Jaunty?19:45
CareThi! i use jaunty netbook-remix. i added the weather applet to the panel but it doesn't show a local file that is specified with 'file:///path/to/file/filename.gif' in the preferences as rain radar picture. it shows it only if i specify it as 'http://mydomain/filename.gif'. any ideas what's wrong? it worked with ubuntu 7.10.19:47
juliuxany idea what i can do if i x is not starting and dmesg shows this? http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/394770/20:03
imachinecan Ubuntu mount FFS2?20:03
imachineI've read somewhere it can, just want to make sure20:03
imachineor, actually FFS1 I think it was.20:03
imachineFreeBSD 4.11 anyway :-)20:03
mphillimachine: according to wikipedia it can20:09
imachinemphill, spot on20:11
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VeinorFor some reason all of my upgrades are failing.20:15
VeinorIt's not getting them from the server.20:17
[4-tea-2]Howdy. When I put large files (e.g. videos, DVD images) via NFS or a HTTP upload from a Samsung M50 laptop to somewhere else, I often lose all connectivity.20:18
[4-tea-2]Preliminary tests with a stock kernel seem to show that this only happens with Ubuntu kernels (on 8.10 and jaunty).20:19
[4-tea-2]NIC is a 06:05.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 03)20:19
deanyanyone else having trouble with Wine (stable and latest dev) where it locks your pc up when you do anything with a a browser, a windows apps file browser, not gnome20:19
safruhaniwhat is the differance between here and #ubuntu?20:21
[4-tea-2]safruhani: this channel is only for jaunty users.20:21
efuI haven't got a single update notification since I installed jaunty. (Clean install.) Update Manager shows lots of upgrades available. Why am I not getting notified of this automatically ? Is something wrong?20:21
safruhaniok thanx20:21
blueyedCan somebody confirm bug 361275, before I report this upstream, please?20:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361275 in kdepim "KMail composer: Ctrl-Del does not delete next word anymore, if prefixed by whitespace" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36127520:24
mphilldeany: not me20:28
CareThi! i use jaunty netbook-remix. i added the weather applet to the panel but it doesn't show a local file that is specified with 'file:///path/to/file/filename.gif' in the preferences as rain radar picture. it shows it only if i specify it as 'http://mydomain/filename.gif'. any ideas what's wrong? it worked with ubuntu 7.10.20:29
mphillefu: update-manager is configured to run once a week now20:29
efumphill, aha, thank you20:29
elvirolohi everyone20:30
mphillefu: its in gconf-editor/app/update-mangager I think20:30
deanymphill, odd, its fine in 8.10, always has been, never had such trouble before.20:30
elviroloi'm using kubuntu jaunty, and it seems the  network manager (plasmoid) is a bit dodgy - every time i try to use it, plasma dies and starts again20:31
mphilli'm running 1.1.1920:31
mphilli use wine daily20:31
deanyive tried bith20:32
mphillyou are trying to run IE in wine or something?20:32
deanya browser like you get when you click "browse" in the drives tab to set location for drive letter20:32
deanysoon as that comes up, boom20:32
mphilldeany: do you use network drives?20:33
deanyive installed an app like acdsee that has a folder tree in main window, does same thing soon as i run the prog..  No.20:33
deanyim using same drive config i used on 8.1020:33
mphillsometimes if you have mounted drives that have a severed network connection you can get interestin result20:33
deanyall local partitions20:34
deanyit doesnt even show the folders etc, it locks as soon as the window appears...20:34
mphillmaybe run strace wine <application> and see if the system trace tells you anything20:34
mphillmake sure its visible when you run since are getting hard lockups20:34
mphillthat browse dialog might be choking on an fopen or something20:35
mphilli've had that happen before20:35
deanyive since restored my backup of 8.10 :)  I I`ll wait till a week after final, cuz I want proper 3D drivers installed (none there in hardware drivers) and apps like vbox.. maybe it`ll be fixed by then20:36
deanyWhats fopen ?  it something I can fix?20:37
mphillits a posix system call20:37
mphilli would ignore me if you aren't sure what am talking about20:37
deanywhen it locks,  I can move mouse but its very very slow and nothing else responds, not even keyboard and hence, not even REISUB20:37
mphilli'm sure your CPU goes to 100% too and your system load is like 9.0020:38
deanyshame really, i was impressed with jaunty speed.20:38
efuThe click-through notifications are awesome! they don't get in the way like the old ones20:38
nztalanyone know how i might accomplish a pop up reminder window in gnome, say, everyday at 5pm?20:38
mphillnztal: evolution20:39
mphillrecurring calendar item20:39
mphillshould utlize your system tray and popups20:39
nztalthank you20:39
deanyfrom the sound of the fans its being used some, but not as much as a system lock ive had before..  The fans didnt go full blast on this wine lockup..20:39
mphillotherwise write an application that uses libnotify maybe20:40
phoenixzWhenever I do apt-get upgrade, I get this message: The following packages have been kept back, and then a list of packages.. I suppose this means that these packages are not upgraded, but why is this?20:40
mphillphoenixz: are you using 3rd party repos?20:41
deanyphoenixz, usin the standard old beta iso and not a daily?  Ekiga by any chance?20:41
phoenixzmphill: correct20:41
mphillphoenixz: try apt-get dist-upgrade20:41
phoenixzdeany: too, but various packages are held back (wesnoth, amsn-data, ekiga,etc)20:42
deanyEkiga wont upgrade beacuse it wants to install more packages and remove others.. remove ekiga and install it again, it`ll be fine.. do the same for the others i guess.  thats what I did20:42
phoenixzmphill: Im actually running 9.04 alpha (shoud I do dist-upgrade to go to beta too?)20:42
deanyeven dist-upgrade wouldnt do it fo rme.20:42
phoenixzdeany: can I run dist-upgrade multiple times without causing problems?20:42
mphillphoenixz: the dist-upgrade will happen with in the context of the jaunty repos, give it a shot, it won't harm anything (no warranty)20:43
deanyif i were to install jaunty id use a daily iso myself.. saves on the updates.20:43
phoenixzWell then.. Here goes warranty until the doorstep..20:43
deanymphill, which is what I did btw...if that makes any difference, which i doubt.20:44
efuWill my jaunty beta become a clean 9.04 through the regular updates? Or should I reinstall when it's released?20:44
* phoenixz is dist-upgrading..20:44
deanyefu, once updated it`ll be final20:44
phoenixzdeany: mphill: hah! Exactly those packages are being upgraded now! sweet, thanks!20:44
mphillthen run apt-get moo20:45
deanyI think I had the problem when it was a problem, i think they knew about the packages not able to upgrade.. i just fixed em myself.20:45
deanythe upgrading ekiga etc that is.20:46
mphillwhat feature do you need in ekiga tht is not in the repo version20:46
deanymphill, when I had the upgrade problem, even dist-upgrade didnt work, they knew about it.. I just removed it, and reinstalled it. not a problem now it seems. im talkin a week or so ago20:48
mphillif you are looking for a sip client you should investigate empathy20:49
deanyonly problem i have is wine.. think ill try it in a vm.20:49
yoritomohello all20:50
yoritomoi just installed the beta version of jaunty now, and i wanna tell about a bug i experience already, the printer configuration GUI does not starts, i got an error message20:51
nztalmphill, thanks again for that help20:52
yoritomoThe service 'Printer Configuration' does not provide an interface 'KCModule' with keyword 'system-config-printer-kde/kcm-scpk.pyThe factory does not support creating components of the specified type20:53
yoritomoit is the error message i got20:53
mbeierlyoritomo: ubuntu jaunty here, and I can get into printer configuration without that message.  Are you running a variant (ie: kubuntu, xubuntu)?20:57
yoritomokubuntu, sorry i forgot to tell20:58
odinsbaneWill it be convenient to upgrade from jaunty beta to the released version?20:58
mbeierlOk, sorry can't help :(20:58
odinsbaneMy computer makes a stange noise, which I couldn't begin to explain, but it doesn't make it with windows.  Maybe upgrading to jaunty will help.20:59
mbeierlodinsbane: yes it will be convenient.20:59
mbeierlodinsbane: as far as the noise goes... I have no idea ?!?21:00
hggdhodinsbane, if you are on Jaunty beta, just running update-manager will get you up-to-date, including to the released version21:00
yoritomowhere does comes that noise ? dvd player cpu fan ??21:00
odinsbaneyoritomo, its intermittant it sounds a bit like the hard drive.21:01
yoritomomaybe your motherboard cpu-fan is controled by the driver on your XP ?21:01
yoritomoha :o21:01
odinsbaneyoritomo: It sounds similar to when the hard drive runs.21:01
yoritomothat is strange then21:02
yoritomoi have no solutions to that21:02
odinsbaneI was going to wait for jaunty to be released, but if there is a possiblity  this fixes it, I should probably try.21:02
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yoritomowith hardy you had the problem too ?21:03
odinsbaneI don't think so.21:03
odinsbanewait, I'm on hardy.21:03
odinsbaneI am considering upgrading now.21:03
mbeierlit wouldn't be something like a difference in filesystem and syncing causing the hard drive simply to "sound" different than expected on ntfs, would it?21:04
ScribbleJHello fellow UBuntuers!  Can anyone tell me whether 9.04 includes xrandr 1.3?  You can tell if you are running it already, just "xrandr -v"21:04
mbeierlxrandr -v21:04
mbeierlServer reports RandR version 1.321:04
odinsbanembeierl: dunno could be.21:05
ScribbleJRock.  On.21:05
yoritomowho can receive the informations about the bug i got on kubuntu jaunty beta ?21:05
ScribbleJThanks, mbeierl you just made my day.21:05
yoritomoi think that may interrest you21:05
mbeierlScribbleJ: you're welcome!  glad it was so easy :)21:05
jshewey I am using jaunty and I think I am having trouble with ipv6 DNS lookups slowing my internet connection. IPv6 is built into the kernel in jaunty, so blacklisting the module has no effect. Anyone know how I might turn IPv6 off?21:07
deanyno long now http://www.duffydack.karoo.net/ubuntu/21:08
Turlwill Transmission 1.52 get into jaunty?21:09
yoritomothe message i got with the printing utility in kde :21:10
yoritomoThe service 'Printer Configuration' does not provide an interface 'KCModule' with keyword 'system-config-printer-kde/kcm-scpk.pyThe factory does not support creating components of the specified type21:10
IenorandTurl: if it's not there already, probably not since only proper bugs would change things at this point...21:11
ActionParsnip!info transmission21:11
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.51-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB21:11
yoritomowhat do you mean lenorand ?21:12
ActionParsnipTurl: whats differnet in th new version?21:12
yoritomoho sorry i did not see it was not for me21:12
yoritomoyou have a page to report bugs in the beta version ?21:13
yoritomoi know, that is not for bugzilla21:13
TurlActionParsnip: bugfixes I guess. As I read on some bug report, .2 were no-brainer21:13
ActionParsnipTurl: does transmission 1.51 work ok for you?21:14
Pici!bugs | yoritomo21:14
ubottuyoritomo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:14
TurlActionParsnip: I dont use transmission that much21:14
TurlActionParsnip: it's all bug fixes http://www.transmissionbt.com/21:15
Turlthey have the changelog there21:15
ActionParsnipTurl: then i wouldnt sweat it, you could always find a PPA but as you say i dont think it will be masively different due to the small increase in version number21:16
TurlActionParsnip: yeah, I can get packages for it @ getdeb, but having it in the main repos would be better, don't you think?21:18
IenorandTurl: The reason they arent upgraded is because of the possibility of introducing new bugs...21:19
ActionParsnipTurl: if you install from getdeb you will need to uninstall it when the version comes onto the repos21:19
phoenixzThe SVK package in ubuntu+1 seems to have a problem, I've uninstalled it, reinstalled it, etc.. install with apt-get all goes fine, but using the command gives the error that the perl package Time::Progress is missing..21:22
phoenixzJust manually installed that same package, and now SVK seems to work ok21:22
phoenixzLooks like SVK now indeed uses a progress bar for certain actions, something it didnt do before, so the Perl package is missing from the SVK package..21:23
yoritomothen now i checked if any broken packages, no result , so i plan to fix the kde printing configurator , but i am not really sure what i am doing21:27
yoritomois it system-config-printer-kde ?21:27
ScribbleJIf I want to upgrade to Jaunty now, is there something trickier I need to do than just replacing the string in my apt sources and running a dist-upgrade?21:28
ScribbleJn/m I went to the docs, sorry for the premature question.21:29
deanyupdate-manager -d21:30
ScribbleJYeah, I'm on the right train now.21:30
yoritomoi reinstalled system-config-printer-kde and system-config-printer common, but no succes21:33
yoritomodon't know what to do, surely a failed update21:35
ActionParsnipScribbleJ: kdesudo update-manager-kde -d21:35
ScribbleJActionParsnip, your action is firing a bit slow.21:35
ActionParsnipScribbleJ: give it time21:36
Raylzim trying to upgrade my kubuntu hardy to jaunty21:36
Raylzdo i have to upgrade to ibex first?21:36
Raylzis a do-release-upgrade available in hardy?21:36
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:37
philsfJaunty looking good so far, people! I have some spare time now, if any devel wants to test something.21:41
RaylzActionParsnip: sry that doesnt anwer my question21:43
chronicwhen im searching repos with aptitude search, what switch will return version number?21:43
RaylzActionParsnip: can i directly upgrade from hardy to jaunty?21:43
chronici already tried v V -v -V and neither returns version number21:44
philsfRaylz: I just did21:44
ActionParsnipRaylz: i'm unsure, ive always kept up with stuff so i couldnt say. you could backup your data and try it, if not do a clean install21:45
RaylzActionParsnip: its a clean isntall21:45
ActionParsnipRaylz: you will need the alternative cd if you want to upgrade and install with the same cd21:45
RaylzActionParsnip: hm i install, boot to hardy, update the system, and edit the sources list21:45
philsfdon't recommend, though, unless you really want to fix lots of things afterwards21:46
Raylzphilsf: how did you do it?21:46
Raylzchanging the sources.list?21:46
Raylzand aptitude dist-upgrade?21:46
philsfRaylz: I loosely followed Debian's release notes. It's a little more than just dist-upgrade21:46
QPrimeActionParsnip: I was under the impression that LTS -> LTS was good, but any non-LTS to any other version required a progressive upgrade (you needed to install all versions in series)21:47
ActionParsnipQPrime: thats what i thought but ive always clean installed21:47
philsfRaylz: I got into all sorts of problems because perl and python never got auto upgraded in time, and most python dependent packages didn't work. This includes a lot of Ubuntu's magic, so I suggest you to re-install, since it will probably be faster21:48
Raylzphilsf: reinstall what :)?21:48
QPrimeActionParsnip: yeah, same here.21:48
philsfRaylz: you have Hardy and want Jaunty, right?21:48
ActionParsnipQPrime: although to get video ok in jaunty i had to upgrade from a clean install of intrepid21:48
Raylzphilsf: ill try unetbootin21:49
Raylzgod dammit21:50
Raylzno unetbootin in arch21:50
yoritomoActionParsnip how to erase the trace of a USB printer which has been already connected, the proprietary driver from Lexmark require it, when asking to connect the printer, he does not detects anything21:50
ActionParsnipyoritomo: find where the settings are held. i couldnt tell you personally21:53
philsfRaylz: if you really want to try this, I recommend to learn from my mistakes, and make sure python and python-minimal is upgraded ASAP21:54
Raylzphilsf: ty, ill keep this in mind21:54
yoritomoActionParsnip is it not a kind of USB information reset possible ?21:54
yoritomosomething general i mean ?21:55
yoritomobecause if it does not detect it, i guess it means it has been already installed with a generic driver on anything similar21:56
ActionParsnipyoritomo: well not that i know of21:57
yoritomook thanks21:57
ActionParsnipyoritomo: you could access the localhost cups server and remove it there as well as the PPD21:57
ActionParsnipgksudo firefox http://localhost:63121:57
ActionParsnipor kdesudo depending on your DE21:58
deanymphill, installed latest wine in a vm, ran winecfg and its as slow as hell using it, not a vm issue either.. odd.21:58
mphillmaybe there was a regression bug you found21:59
mphillconsidering submitting a ticket21:59
deanyinstalled using todays iso21:59
deanyit does display the tree tho21:59
deanyand not make the vm hang.21:59
deanybut xorg uses 50% cpu while running winecfg, for a few about 10 seconds afterwards too.22:00
ActionParsnipdeany: did you md5 test the iso?22:00
deanyActionParsnip, yeah, this is all an earlier discussion.22:01
ActionParsnipive slept since ;)22:01
ActionParsnipdeany: are you using wine off the wine repos?22:01
deanyive never had a bad iso, ever, not since testin md5sius22:01
ActionParsnipit takes seconds to test md5 and is totally worth it22:02
deanyboth stable wine and winhq repo22:02
ActionParsniphmm, fully updated system?22:02
deanyit locked my system up completely using jaunty (real install) when using a browser in wine.. like in drives tab, "browse"22:03
deanydisplays the window like it should but before it even gets to show any folder tree, it locks..22:03
deanyREISUB dont work neither. but then again  hittin Caps lock dont turn it on so im guessin keyboard is even locked.22:03
deanyits all fine in 8.10 tho22:04
imachinehey what's going on, is there an ubuntu jaunty cd available?22:04
imachineor is it dvd-only?22:04
yoritomoActionParsnip when i config my printer by that web interface i just got a "unable to copy the PPD file"22:08
yoritomohow comes ?22:08
ActionParsnipyou need the ppd for your printer driver22:09
yoritomodo you know a website providing it ?22:10
ActionParsnipyoritomo: lexmark website, or try websearching22:11
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philsfyoritomo: have you tried the openprinting ppds package?22:13
td123isn't the rc supposed to be released today?22:14
td123sorry if this is a question everyone gets on this channel :D22:14
yoritomoi am on the yellow page to install printer now, the link action gave to me, but this one told ppd is missing22:14
philsftd123: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule22:15
mphilli think tomorrow is rc22:15
imachineis there cd images available?22:15
imachineor is it just dvd for januty?22:15
yoritomobuit even on intrepid i could not install this printer even with the prorietary driver22:15
mphillimachine: there is a cd for everything22:15
mphilli think even armel arch22:16
imachinemphill, can't find it.22:16
ActionParsnipmphill: for daily build: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:16
td123imachine: you're looking in the wrong place22:16
imachinemphill, could you help me?22:16
ActionParsnipmphill: for beta: http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/9.04/22:16
mphillActionParsnip: I know this, i was talking to imachine, but thanks22:16
imachineI was looking here22:16
ActionParsnipmphill: remember to md5 check any iso you download22:16
imachineoooh cd22:17
td123because distrowatch.com has a different22:19
td123schedule, I guess they pushed the rc back but distrowatch.com didn't update their ubuntu schedule :d22:19
bjsniderthey pushed the rc back?22:20
ActionParsnipits not been updated then, just keep an eye on the ubuntu sites22:20
ActionParsnipbjsnider: i heard that but everyone seems to say its soon22:20
td123bjsnider: uhhh, look at distrowatch.com's ubuntu release schedule and the official release schedule22:20
td123stop being so frantic, they probably changed the date by 2 days a while back22:20
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bjsnideri'm not being frantic22:21
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chronicdoes anyone know if there is any shell that has a setting which places the cli command prompt on the bottom of the window?22:24
ActionParsnipchronic: yakuake tells you the name of the folder, but not the full path22:24
chronicActionParsnip, i dont think you understand me22:25
ActionParsnipchronic: ahhh, you mean so the prompt input is at the bottom rather than the top22:26
ikoniachronic: please show me the output of uname -a22:26
ActionParsnipchronic: like irc chat22:26
chronicActionParsnip, right22:27
ActionParsnipchronic: yakuake (kde) does it, as does tilda if you use gnome22:27
ikoniachronic: please show me the output of uname -a22:27
chronicActionParsnip, im using yakauke, dont see setting for it22:28
ActionParsnipchronic: the text eventually hits the bottom of the window and then the text appears above the command input line22:28
ikoniachronic: please show me the output of uname -a if you wish to get support in this channel22:28
ActionParsnipchronic: just fill the yakuake box, it will get to the bottom then it will act as you wish22:28
ikoniaActionParsnip: please hold for a moment22:28
chronicikonia, you are braking up22:28
ActionParsnipchronic: entertain ikonia will you ;)22:29
ActionParsnipikonia: why?22:29
LjLActionParsnip: because chronic isn't really using 9.04, he's banned from other channels and trying to get support here instead22:30
ikoniaActionParsnip: becuase a.) he wasn't using 9.04 and that "breaking up" rubbish is what got him banned for other channels22:30
ActionParsnipi see22:30
ActionParsnipnot heard "breaking up" before22:30
LjLActionParsnip: anyway, one of those "graphical CLIs" for GNOME does what chronic was asking - don't remember which, but one of...'22:30
ikoniaActionParsnip: it's his way of saying "no"22:30
LjLActionParsnip: hotwire, cui, blueterm22:30
bjsniderhas anybody that uses intel graphcis tried this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/342923/comments/2022:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342923 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "(Needs UXA) Kubuntu Jaunty Intel 945 GM - Poor sluggish graphics performance in Kate text, etc." [Undecided,Confirmed]22:30
LjLprobably hotwire22:30
ActionParsnipikonia: gotcha, weird22:31
philsfcan anyone confirm the following weird behaviour: put firefox in fullscreen (F11 key), hover pointer over any link, and when the balloon appears, the screen flickers. This happens everytime with me, and only in Jaunty22:32
philsfand only in fullscreen mode22:32
wirechiefphilsf what version of mesa do you have ?22:33
ActionParsnipphilsf: i dont get a baloon when i hover over hyperlinks22:33
philsfwirechief: mesa-utils     7.4-0ubuntu122:33
philsfActionParsnip: you should wait a few seconds for that to appear22:34
philsfActionParsnip: or maybe it only appears for links/images that have an alt-text22:35
virtualdi don't want a balloon, i want candy!22:35
histoDid we really need the aptitude safe-upgrade option?  What was wrong with upgrade vs. dist-upgrade?22:35
ActionParsnipphilsf: waited 20 seconds, i run LXDE btw whyich i dont think has it22:35
philsfwirechief: is this the package you were asking?22:35
histoSomethings devs do bothers me22:35
ActionParsnipphilsf: can you give me a link to a page that does it22:36
wirechiefphilsf yes, i had to downgrade to 7.3 because of freezes, i have intel94522:36
philsfwirechief: I have intel945 also. is there a bug report about this?22:36
philsfActionParsnip: sure, xkcd.com, it's a comic strip. the strip itself has an alt text22:36
philsfActionParsnip: 2 or 3 secs should be enough22:37
ActionParsnipphilsf: yeah i get the alt text on mouse over, no flicker22:37
philsfActionParsnip: what's your video driver?22:37
ActionParsnipphilsf: jaunty 64bit kubuntu + lxde + nvidia 6150 + 180.44 driver22:38
* philsf googles lxde...22:38
ActionParsniplxde ftw22:38
ActionParsnip!info lxde22:38
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB22:38
wirechiefphilsf https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/359392  check to see if that has similar issue22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359392 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i965] X freezes starting on April 3rd" [Critical,Triaged]22:40
philsfwirechief: do you see the flicker with your 7.3 mesa?22:41
wirechiefphilsf no22:41
philsfwirechief: how can I  get it to test?22:41
ActionParsnipphilsf: try a different DE, see if its DE related22:41
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wirechiefphilsf i think though if you had that bug you would be freezing and not have these other symptoms.22:43
philsfwirechief: just seen the links, thanks for the pointer22:43
philsfas in, links for mesa 7.322:44
wirechiefphilsf well it seems they have run down the road pretty fast with that mesa stuff and could be a runaway garbage truck22:44
philsfwirechief: but aren't we late for a roll back?22:45
wirechiefphilsf well i dunno, it bit me around april 10th22:46
wirechiefphilsf i downloaded from distrowatch and it was fine with the livecd22:46
philsfhm, havent downgraded mesa yet, but disabling compiz makes the flicker go away, which makes sense22:46
wirechiefphilsf but bit hard when i du'd22:46
wirechiefand thats when i got 7.422:47
Raylzzu geil22:47
Raylzoh wrong chan22:47
wirechiefphilsf also you can check your /var/log/dpkg.log to see if you got updated and when22:47
philsfwirechief: I upgraded to Jaunty after beta release, thus after apr 322:48
wirechiefmaybe cat /var/log/dpkg.log  |grep mesa   and see if you went from 7.3 to 7.4 and when.22:49
Logiwirechief: 359392 could well be what's causing me to go insane here22:49
* wirechief takes a swig of crazy juice22:50
* Logi takes two steps back22:50
Logisimilar freeze here, except I've not seen a distorted kubuntu logo, but I suppose that can depend on the memory layout for the exact video mode.22:52
wirechiefwell you really know if you got the bug if you freeze and there is info in the report on how to detect it.22:52
* Logi is going to register and add his 2 pesos22:55
wirechiefanyone haveing problems with usb-creator (usb startup disk ) ? with dropping to a intramfs shell..22:55
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RaylzActionParsnip: i used unetbootin to get the beta on my usb stick :)22:58
Raylzi discovered a broken ram too :)22:58
Raylznow it runs perfectly22:58
ActionParsnipRaylz: nice22:59
wirechiefRaylz what version of unetbootin ?22:59
Raylzwirechief: the windows one, i guess arch linux has it in AUR, where i dont install stuff from23:00
Raylzthe newest23:00
wirechiefRaylz well there are lots of newest. the current i have seen is unetbooten-linux-319 but i know there is a 323 too23:01
Raylzwirechief: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html23:02
Raylzi guess thats the newest one from sourceforge23:03
yoritomoActionParsnip, i found it in my syslog for the printer : [ 9026.457388] type=1503 audit(1239746537.207:29): operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="::r" denied_mask="::r" fsuid=7 name="/usr/local/lexmark/lxk08/etc/lxZ2300.ppd" pid=16434 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd"23:03
ActionParsnipyoritomo: ok then you found your ppd, you can move it out or point the cups web browser to that ppd23:04
yoritomoin fact i just selected my printer on the list23:05
yoritomobut i don't know where is the ppd file23:05
Raylz10 days to go23:05
Raylzoh 823:06
Raylznice :)23:06
Raylzwill there be any rc isos?23:06
wirechiefyoritomo have you tried locate ?23:06
yoritomohow to use it ? on the web page ? find new printer yes23:07
wirechiefRaylz the daily build would be very close to the rc at this moment in time.23:07
ActionParsnipyoritomo: then point it to the ppd which you now know the location of23:07
yoritomoi don't know where is that ppd file23:08
yoritomowhere is it stored ?23:08
ActionParsnipyoritomo: if you'd read what YOU pasted, you would have seen it23:11
yoritomothe printer has been added23:13
yoritomonow i will try it23:13
philsfwirechief, downgrading mesa to 7.3 doesn't solve for me23:14
wirechiefphilsf ;(23:14
wirechiefoh well23:15
wirechiefare you only clear when you disable the compiz /23:15
philsfso far, it seems so23:15
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.23:16
yoritomoActionParsnip  wirechief nothing happens when i launch the test page23:17
wirechiefyoritomo: is that a USB printer or network ?23:20
wirechiefhmm. does it show up in lsusb ?23:20
yoritomo"Unable to start filter "/usr/local/lexmark/lxk08/bin/printdriver" -  i see that when trying to print the test page23:23
yoritomothe result of lsusb Bus 005 Device 005: ID 043d:00bb Lexmark International, Inc. 2300 Series23:24
yoritomowirechief ActionParsnip i checked that file is present23:25
Barridusdoes gnome/gtk have any nice "keystone" packages that can be removed, triggering apt-get autoremove to get the most of it.  i'm switching to KDE and don't need the bloat of two toolkits/WM's23:27
Barridusor is there any other way to do it without having to verify a zillion packages and whether or not i need/want them?23:29
ActionParsnipyoritomo: then ive no idea personally23:29
thopiekargerman users: please join #ubuntu.de+1, thanks :P23:30
wirechiefyoritomo: you can check this thread out for maybe a solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51680423:30
wirechiefyoritomo: no guareentees though ;)23:30
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wirechiefyoritomo: is that a Lexmark 2300  ? or what model ?23:34
yoritomoE [15/Apr/2009:00:23:22 +0200] PID 17401 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf) stopped with status 1! il error log of cups23:42
yoritomoLexmark 2300 series yes23:42
yoritomoa proprietary driver exists but on time to connect, not detected23:43
yoritomothey tell to be sure to don't plug before to install23:43
yoritomowirechief, that is why i am trying to find a way to delete definitely the previous detections of this printer on the computer23:46
wirechiefyoritomo: yes there are issues with installing drivers and the printer being on, not sure when you turn it off. that how to gets pretty deep in code unfortunately23:46
wirechiefi would use locate    do updatedb in a terminal first to update the database it uses23:46
yoritomoi tryed to check the script, but i could not find any relevant lines about the detection23:46
wirechiefand then do locate on everything lexmark23:46
yoritomowhat to type for locate ?23:47
wirechiefbut you want to keep track of where the .ppd file is for future trys23:47
wirechieflocate Lexmark23:47
wirechiefyou may have to install locate   with apt-get install locate23:48
wirechiefits really handy for finding stuff but you have to updatedb  when new stuff is added.23:48
yoritomoit gave a big list23:49
wirechiefi am sure23:49
yoritomoi got the ppd already23:50
wirechiefi have a brother MCNxxxx and had several steps to do before i could install it, i went to the brother web site and got my drivers  i had to install lpr drivers first then cuppswrapper23:50
wirechiefI would think that Lexmark has the proper drivers for your printer.23:52
yoritomohorrible to install drivers23:52
yoritomoi think i will go to sleep now23:54
yoritomoalmost 1am already23:54
wirechiefyoritomo: well ive done some searching for you and it doesnt look very promising with Lexmark 2300 and linux from what ive seen so far.23:58

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