
BUGabundo1{"remaining_hits":0,"hourly_limit":100,"reset_time":"Tue Apr 14 13:10:34 +0000 2009","reset_time_in_seconds":1239714634}14:07
gnomefreakat install helps :)14:07
BUGabundo1hum ?14:08
gnomefreakBUGabundo1: had to install curl i was using apt-get curl :(14:08
gnomefreaki get same output14:08
gnomefreak i get this feeling im forgetting something14:12
asachjmf: cu14:14
gnomefreakoh crap14:18
gnomefreakim using 0.814:18
asacthats a solid release14:19
gnomefreakforgot to enable the gwibber repos solid but still twitter is broken ;)14:19
gnomefreakok updating to daily now. I will screw with it more when i get home this afternoon. I still have to figure out where i went wrong in SM14:20
asacgnomefreak: use the gwibber team ppa14:21
gnomefreaki am14:21
gnomefreaki think14:21
asacwell that has 0.9.214:21
asacand not 0.814:21
gnomefreaknope daily im using i dont have team repos i dont think14:22
gnomefreakBUGabundo1: what version do you have installed14:23
gnomefreakfrom your april 12th comment you are not current14:24
gnomefreak1.0.2~bzr294-0ubuntu1~daily1 is up to date daily14:24
gnomefreakdch -r14:24
gnomefreakok im gone i have to leave in a gfew minutes and havent started to get ready yet14:27
BUGabundo1gnomefreak: 1.0.2~bzr294-0ubuntu1~daily114:28
fta2asac, saw your merge request, good i didn't push that 0.9.2 to universe ;)14:29
asacfta2: hehe ;)14:33
asaci dont think we want to bump for jaunty14:33
asacthats karmic. gwibber folks were just too late14:34
fta2asac, hmm, does twitter work in jaunty? (0.8.*)14:42
BUGabundo1fta define work!14:42
fta2donno, i'm not using twitter at all but people seem too be complaining about broken twibber with gwibber from universe14:43
BUGabundo1daily ppa is working me, other then the 400 errors due to throtelling14:44
BUGabundo1some users are getting caught on GKD, but I didn't, don't know why14:44
jcastrofta2: twitter changed something, there is a patch in trunk that fixes it15:06
asacnot sure what is supposed to be broken, but 0.9.2 works here with twitter15:22
asacand 0.8 as well iirc15:22
asaclet me downgrade again15:22
BUGabundo1can I just copy my urlclassifier3.sqlite from one profile to the other?15:33
BUGabundo1I created a new 3.6 profile, but miss my 3.5 history15:33
asacBUGabundo1: given that the new profile is new and risk of losing things is low, just copy it15:48
BUGabundo1will do, when I close both15:49
BUGabundo1anything else? places.sqlite, maybe?15:49
BUGabundo1I used xmarks (ex-foxmarks) to import bookmarks and pass15:49
BUGabundo1but history didn't came15:49
asacBUGabundo1: places.sqlite15:50
asacthats where the bookmarks and history are15:50
BUGabundo1isn't it urlclass?15:51
asacBUGabundo1: is there a bug for twitter/gwibber open?16:49
BUGabundo1which one?16:51
BUGabundo1there are so many16:51
asacBUGabundo1: nevermind16:53
BUGabundo1asac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/360468 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35988516:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360468 in gwibber "Gwibber 1.0.2: HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized" [Undecided,Triaged]16:54
BUGabundo1this are the most active right now16:54
BUGabundo1asac: what is "martion source" ?17:09
BUGabundo1on #ubuntu+117:11
BUGabundo1user is getting that on the syslogs17:11
asacBUGabundo1: if you say something comes from martian source it means (afaik) that something happens magically without knowing the source17:12
asacBUGabundo1: for PCI events?17:12
BUGabundo1NM I think17:12
asacBUGabundo1: please paste syslog. cannot find it on the other channel that quick17:12
BUGabundo1he rebooted to 8.10 to check17:12
asaconly place i think to remember that message was interrupts17:13
asacmartian means that there are interrupts the kernel cannot associate with anything (e.g. buggy bios)17:13
BUGabundo1asac: read "hwm" comments on +117:14
BUGabundo1 hmw: how can i share a internet connection (hsdpa) with other pcs on my lan? my usually working script (route, forwarding, iptables, dhcpd) wont work with ubuntu. Syslog reports "martian source". This is my "router" script: http://pastebin.com/f22c4176217:15
asacunlikely to be martian source17:15
asacanyway. that script looks not-compatible with anything NM wants17:15
asacnm automatically sets up the iptables rules17:15
asacso better not do anything manually17:15
BUGabundo1can't wait to see if nm0.8 has an easy way to share wireless networks via other connections17:16
BUGabundo1and not default to wired as 0.7 does17:16
BUGabundo1"echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians          # Log packets with impossible addresses"17:16
asacBUGabundo1: heh right17:21
asacthats a firewall rule17:21
asacyeah. i would think its his router script17:22
asache should dump that in the river17:22
asacor not use NM17:22
bdmurrayasac: Is there any chance of getting bug 359382 fixed?17:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359382 in firefox-3.0 ""Ubuntu Wiki" default bookmark does not point to the wiki home page" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35938217:37
asacbdmurray: kind of late18:03
asacbdmurray: let me check18:04
bdmurrayasac: so maybe talking to somone about a redirect is best?18:04
asacbdmurray: redirect would also cure all the old releases18:05
asacso i think its a good idea to do that in anycase18:05
fta2asac, is it still possible to send fixes to universe? i introduced a regression in ia32-libs :( bug 36087018:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 360870 in ia32-libs "libstdc++.so link in amd64 ia32-libs is wrong" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36087018:09
asacfta2: keep the change minimal, attach planned debdiff and subscribe motu-release to get an ack18:10
asacfta2: also set bug to in progress, assign to you and bump importance to something != undecided ;)18:11
BUGabundo1fta isn't 3.5 be in universe??18:35
asacBUGabundo1: it is18:37
BUGabundo1        500 ftp://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages18:37
BUGabundo1there it is18:37
BUGabundo1the other day I didn't find it :(18:37
BUGabundo1fta just got a bunch of new user for 3.5 on +1 eheh18:43
BUGabundo1I still wonder where you got those stats of users for ff and chrome18:43
asacBUGabundo1: popcon18:45
asacfta2: fyi: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.1.jaunty + https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.1.jaunty18:47
hjmfI'm back18:54
hjmf<asac> hjmf: can you also port the patch for the other branches we have?18:54
hjmfasac: I'm going to do it right now.18:54
hjmfIf I do remember right first I have to branch those branches18:54
hjmfchange things18:54
hjmfand finally push?18:55
hjmf? right18:55
asachjmf: 1. pull branch; 2. change and edit changelog; 3. debcommit; bzr push lp:~USERID/project/lpBUGID18:56
hjmfhmmm, things changed a bit...18:56
asacthen you request a merge by going to that branch on LP and clicking "request merge"18:56
asachjmf: hehe. yeah. debcommit is quite nice ;)18:56
hjmfany manual? never mind I'll search for it :-)18:57
asachjmf: its just debcommit18:57
asachjmf: or debcommit -e if you want to edit the suggested commit msg18:57
asachjmf: if you commit it in two steps (e.g. first, just change the pluginreg.dat fix) and second: cleanup), we can cherry pick the change to the stable branches18:58
asac(only relevant for firefox-3.0.head and maybe firefox-3.1.head)18:58
hjmfno problem, I'll do in two steps18:59
asachjmf: look in changelog how to give you credits in an existing changelog18:59
asacif you dont know ;)18:59
asaclike [ ... ]18:59
hjmfMaybe that's the only thing that seems to be as I remember19:00
asacfta2: didnt you say you had daily bzr branches somewhere?19:05
asace.g. so one can just branch and work on build failures19:06
asacgetting right orig and stuff from ppa19:06
asacah cool. found them19:06
asacfta2: hmm. maybe we can keep only one commit on top of what we have in .head on that branch?19:08
asacthat would make it easy to just pull that, fix it and push to .head19:08
asacwithout getting many commits19:08
* hjmf is off for a while19:10
BUGabundo1fta or asac when will 3.6 be renamed Namoroka ?19:28
asacas soon as there is a branch for it upstream19:29
BUGabundo1nice to know19:31
ftaBUGabundo1, it's unlikely to happen before 3.5 final gets released. minefield means trunk and will always means trunk19:35
BUGabundo1so its not like debian sid19:38
BUGabundo1or jaunty19:38
BUGabundo1stupid question: why not just call it TRUNK?19:38
asacsounds too harmless19:40
asacminefield describes it best ;)19:40
BUGabundo1time to go19:40
ftaasac, what about gwibber & rev50?19:43
ftalack of context19:43
asacfta: cutting a stable branch for jaunty19:44
asacfta: kenvadine backported two patches ... he landed them now on top of revision 5019:44
asacso we can get it in (either directly or as SRU)19:45
asacfta: he will probably request a merge soon. i wanted to poke it a bit more19:45
asac_the_bumber!info sqlite jaunty19:45
ubottusqlite (source: sqlite): command line interface for SQLite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.17-4build1 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB19:45
asac_the_bumber!info sqlite3 jaunty19:45
ubottusqlite3 (source: sqlite3): A command line interface for SQLite 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 20 kB, installed size 88 kB19:45
asac_the_bumber!info sqlite3 koala19:45
ubottu'koala' is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kde4-ppa-intrepid', 'kubuntu-experimental', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']19:45
asacfta: will you create that "stable maintenance" branch ?19:45
asac(so he has a merge target)19:45
asaclike gwibber.jaunty19:45
asac_the_bumberMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux sparc64; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090414 Gentoo Firefox/3.6a1pre19:46
asacasac_the_bumber: jackalope is also not a known branch  ;)19:46
asacasac_the_bumber: it will be "karmic"19:46
asac_the_bumberasac: update sqlite to 3.6.13!19:46
asacfta: so similar to what i did to all mozillateam branches (all i remembered ;))19:46
asacall main branches19:47
asacasac_the_bumber: not for jaunty19:47
asac_the_bumberwhy not?19:47
asac3.6.10 is rocking the boat here ;)19:47
asacasac_the_bumber: we are in deep freeze19:47
asac_the_bumberthat version has unaligned acceses19:47
asacalto, alto ;)19:47
asac_the_bumberbumb quick19:48
asacasac_the_bumber: hppa doesnt justify a deep freeze breach combinined with new upstream exception ;)19:48
asac_the_bumberits not hppa :P19:48
asaceven sparc and hppa combined ;)19:48
asacasac_the_bumber: does it fix arm?19:48
asacthats the only supported arch ;)19:48
asac(but first we need a crash report i guess ;))19:48
asac_the_bumberwell, i'm just trying now with 3.6.13, which should be fixed19:49
asacasac_the_bumber: so is sqlite also compiled with no-align-error?19:50
asac_the_bumberi'll find out if there's something that needs to be done on trunk19:50
asac_the_bumberasac: i have no clue19:51
ftaasac, if you do a new 3.0, please remember the build-system...20:12
asacfta: yeah. i hope i have time to get that in this round :(20:13
asaci have a huge backport backlog :(20:13
ftait's in ff3.head already, just cherry pick it20:14
asacbut i saw the build failure20:14
asacfta: its not a single commit, but more spread over like 6 commits20:15
asacrevno: 28520:15
asacrevno: 28620:15
asacrevno: 32320:15
asacrevno: 32520:15
asacrevno: 32620:15
asacthink thats all20:15
asaclets check ;)20:15
ftareally? i don't remember20:16
asaci will see how far i get ;)20:18
asacfta: you want to be subscribed to the jaunty 1.9.1 and 3.1 branches?20:22
asacshould be pretty low traffic ;)20:22
asac(otherwise we are doing something wrong)20:22
ftado you mean for bugs? or commits?20:45
asacfta: commits20:46
ftaok for commits20:46
hjmfasac: are you around22:36
hjmfasac: ?22:36
hjmfasac: how can I check which is the current version of a package22:36
hjmfI'm going to edit the changelog to reflect the changes made in the apport hook22:37
hjmfasac: I mean: firefox-3.0 (3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low22:37
hjmffor example, in the ppa repos the last build of firefox-3.1 is the version 3.5~b4~hg20090414r24561+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd122:42
hjmf... and for jaunty the last one for firefox-3.0 is 3.0.8+nobinonly-0ubuntu3...22:44
hjmfit is just that I want to be sure to put the right number.22:45
hjmfasac: I'll do the debcommit && push when I get this thing clear :)22:46
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asachjmf: so we work on .head branches only23:44
asachjmf: we bump changelog version either when we release or when the patches need to be adjusted23:45
asacso for stable products like firefox-3.0 we only commit stuff for new releases usually23:45
hjmfasac: so...23:45
hjmfasac: I've left the version number intact in the 3.0 changelog23:45
asachjmf: right. if on .head branch is UNRELEASED you dont need to change that23:46
asacjust add the new changelog entries and done23:46
hjmfasac:  I've just send the merge proposals for 3.0.head23:46
hjmfone for the bug and another for the little refactoring23:47
asachjmf: ok so you named the branch thje same as the .head branch. its better to name it like the topic23:47
asace.g. lpXXXX_apport_hooko improvements23:47
asacotherwise you need to delete your branch for the next contribution and so on23:47
asacnot a problem. just ahint for best practices23:48
hjmfasac: I see23:48
hjmfI'm trying to learn :)23:48
hjmfso this will be better: bzr push lp:~hmontoliu/firefox/firefox-3.1.apport_hook23:49
asachjmf: so when you submit a single branch you only need a single merge request. e.g. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hmontoliu/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/+merge/5545 now has both commits so the other wasnt necessary23:49
asachjmf: yeah. except that without lp bug id you can only create one branch for apport_hoook ;)23:49
asachjmf: oh the other was ment to be ffox 3.123:50
hjmfasac:  ?23:51
asachjmf: you submitted the wrong branch ;) (https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hmontoliu/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/+merge/5543 -> you requested to merge 3.0.head into that)23:51
hjmfI need a manual :-(23:51
asachjmf: so https://code.launchpad.net/~hmontoliu/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/+merge/5545 is good23:52
hjmfsomething beter than this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/devweek0809/MozillaTeam :-P23:52
asachjmf: you did your change on top of 3.0.head23:52
asacand submitted that as a merge request23:52
asacthats good23:52
hjmfyes, I thought so23:52
hjmfin both cases,23:53
asachowever, the other merge request: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~hmontoliu/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/+merge/554323:53
asacyou changed on top of firefox-3.0.head and asked to merge that branch into our firefox-3.1.head23:53
asacthe right way would have been to do the change on top of firefox-3.1.head and ask that to be merged into firefox-3.1.head23:53
asacmakes sense?23:53
asachjmf: ok merged the 5545 merge request23:54
asacerr approved ;)23:54
hjmfhmm makes sense  I select the default "Merge into:   lp:firefox" but in the second proposal I noticed that it was pointing to 3.1 so I changed to 3.023:54
hjmfI thought it was a mistake in the second proposal23:55
hjmfbut the wrong one was the first23:55
asachjmf: yeah23:55
hjmfasac: I see...23:55
asachjmf: i think we have 3.1 as current development focus for the firefox project23:55
asacso thats probably suggested by default23:55
hjmfthanks to point that23:56
hjmfasac: back to the version number, in the changelogs of 3.1 where can I check for the current version23:56
hjmfin the ppa repo?23:57
asachjmf: look how the changelog loks now in mozillateam .head branch23:57
asachjmf: thats how i ment it ;)23:57
asacCommitted revision 394.23:58
asachjmf: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.0.head/revision/394/debian/changelog23:58
asachjmf: the current version is whatever is currently on top with UNRELEASED23:59
asac(re 3.1)23:59

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